Month: June 2024


Second U Turn

When Putin invaded, the Global American Empire did a U turn on Covid and the Jab. Recently the government in Kiev has started to evaporate, and their troops on the ground are beginning to disintegrate. Russian advances are still tiny, but there are a lot of them, and the Kievan regime has been creating regiments …


Julian Assange is free, after five years imprisonment for reporting government spying on its citizens

So what does this signify? It is a retreat. What made them afraid? They abruptly retreated on Covid when Putin invaded the Ukraine. Now that Putin is winning in Ukraine, they retreat on Trump and Julian Assange. Putin cured Covid, and Putin freed Julian Assange. Our enemies are starting to worry that imprisoning journalists who …


Georgia color revolution

The Ukraine is not a nation and has never been a nation. It has always been a province of empire, with its boundaries arbitrarily redrawn from time according to administrative convenience. It has always been ruled, then as now, by satraps of empire who regard themselves as imperials, and the locals as mere expendable provincials. …


Intelligence and religiosity

According to statistics that are likely out of date and obsolete there is a negative 0.2 correlation between religiosity and intelligence. A 0.2 correlation is substantial. Of course, this relies on the definition of woke and progressivism as not religions. There is apt to be a positive correlation between adherence to the state religion, and …


Current state of the scaling problem

A whole lot of shills have been posting a whole lot of mostly valid criticisms of Bitcoin, and I have been silently suppressing them, because I doubt their capability and willingness to have a genuinely informative discussion of Bitcoin, rather than randomly and unresponsively spewing fear, uncertainty, and doubt from scripts compiled by morons who …