Author: Jim


How best to buy gold?

I don’t evaluate the situation as so serious yet that one needs to buy physical gold and sit on it, but one needs to buy claims on gold that can be turned into physical gold that one can sit on should the situation deteriorate further, as it most likely will. Can anyone tell me what …


The price of silver

A lot of people are wondering why silver is not going up. It is quite simple.  Gold is money, the one and only true money.  Silver is not money, ceased to be money around 1870 or so.  People are buying gold in expectation of an increase in monetary demand.  The imminent collapse of fiat moneys …


There will be war

Brad deLong tells us: it took me only two months–two months!–to conclude that America’s best hope for sane technocratic governance required the elimination of the Republican Party from our political system as rapidly as possible. Since Republicans are supposedly terrorists, elimination is apt to mean lining them up against a wall and shooting them.