Author: Jim

party politics

Election fraud hearings

I normally do not comment on current events, because in the long run, they seldom matter. What is important is the long term direction, which can only be seen by looking backwards, usually a very long way backwards. But, today, a crisis point comes that will make a great difference. If Pence carries out his …


I am back

If you have problems viewing this site or commenting, clear your browser caches (except for passwords and such) Some browsers cached messed up data during the transition. I am feeling optimistic about my safety, because I have taken some additional precautions, and the move seems to have taken me off the radar. About America, not …


This blog is going down

This blog, and the associated email addresses are going away until it becomes apparent which way the wind blows. I am going to sell the domain name. When it becomes apparent which way the wind blows, a similar blog, with all the original content and comments, will re-open on a less valuable domain name in …


Normality bias

In the year fifty eight years before Christ in Rome it became obvious that elections were rigged. Courts and due process had ended in the sense that some political violence went unpunished, and attempting to defend oneself against political violence was the gravest of crimes, in the sense that political disagreement was a crime, as …


Time to cross the Rubicon

It becomes apparent that no court, including the supposedly conservative majority supreme court, is willing to look at the decisive and overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen. Trump is going to have to proclaim the Insurrection Act under article four of the constitution, for which he is going to need a general, perhaps General …


The fall of the Republic

Today in America it is the year in Rome fifty eight years before Christ. We are here. The mob is on the streets, which the courts decline to put down, courts and legal processes of the Republic politicized and defunct, carrying out political vengeance and refusing to enforce law, elections blatantly fraudulent and discredited. Caesar …


The Trump landslide

Tonight, the map will be red. Which the press, to the extent they cover it at all, will denounce as “The red mirage”. Much as Biden’s laptop was Russian disinfo. What happens then? The Democrats have long known there would be a Trump landslide. Their plan was to stall for time, and then run a …