Author: Jim



The flat earther sees the earth is flat. He then distorts or ignores all contrary evidence. The flat earther cannot explain why when I call my grandsons at sunrise, they are watching the sun set, nor why the stars in southern sky rotate around one point, while the stars in the northern sky rotate around …


Merry Christmas

Peace on Earth, and goodwill to all men. And, this being a reactionary blog, I remind you that peace on earth requires adherence to the Peace of Westphalia. The forever war in the middle east is a violation of the Peace of Westphalia, because it is fought to teach nine year old schoolgirls to put …


Reaction 101: Priests and warriors

We are always ruled by priests or warriors. Priests are in the business of controlling what people think, warriors in the business of controlling people by hurting them and breaking their toys. So who else matters? Merchants can control people by offering them value, hence get targeted due to envy and covetousness, but merchants have …


It is a wall

The wall begins by executive order under President Trump’s inherent authority to defend Americans from enemies foreign and domestic: Invaders flying enemy flags advance on the Great Wall of Trump, chanting “The people united will never be defeated”: Invaders storm the wall:

party politics

Election outcome

I am disappointed and surprised that we did not see a red wave. But the loss of the house changes little. Trump did not have a majority of Trump Republicans before the election and he now has a slightly larger minority of Trump Republicans. And in any case, the house has had no real power …

party politics

The right wins in Brazil

If we are lucky, this will be the last Brazilian election in a very long time. Bolsanaro is more Trump than Trump is. The White House has confirmed that US president Donald Trump called  Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday night to congratulate him on his election victory. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that Trump congratulated …


The Reichstag is burning

The fake bombs were not sent through the mail, (no postmark on the stamps and insufficient postage) therefore delivered in person by an insider. Recipients did not act as if they feared the bombs were real. Therefore, the insider was recognized by the recipients. Therefore recipients were complicit in a fake bomb threat – which …