Author: Jim

party politics

The Fisa Memo

It has long been known, long before the memo, that the Deep State engaged in illegal spying both with a false warrant, and without a warrant, on behalf of the Democratic Party Presidential Campaign. It has long been known the Deep State, three letter police and spy agencies that were effectively part of the Democratic …

global warming

The science is settled

A little while ago I saw cited yet another Harvard study supposedly proving that women CEOs are just as good as men, except better, not withstanding the fact that anyone can see that women in charge are profoundly disruptive and destructive, that women can no more run a large group than they can chop wood …


The Reichstag is on fire

If Trump had been successfully given the perp walk by social justice warriors wearing recently issued police uniforms on the basis of a court order obtained by Mueller on the basis of being an accomplice after the fact in Russian spying on Hillary from some judge no one has heard of, or if he had …


Request for research assistance

Since our existing state religion has gone rabid in an insane holiness spiral, we are in the business of designing a Gnon compliant state religion. We need to steal from the best. If all societies had the economic system of twentieth century Hong Kong, all societies would have the economic outcomes of Hong Kong. If …


Fixing Christianity.

Some argue that Christianity is irretrievably cucked, and is the cause of our current problems. And there is much truth in that. Maybe we just have to say “Let Gnon sort them out”. But, on the other hand, Europe was saved, and indeed formed, by the Roman Catholic Church under the holy Roman Emperor, and …

party politics

Trump is on the ball

I had hoped for a self coup making Trump King and erasing the constitution by now, but he is making significant progress. Maybe we will see a self coup on his third term.  He is not yet in control, but he is definitely biting the permanent government at the edges. Protecting American Workers


The vast majority of rape accusations and the vast majority of rape convictions are false.

It is perfectly obvious that few if any rape accusations against white heterosexual males are true, and the “rape on campus” case confirmed what was obvious to everyone who was not keeping his eyes tight shut.  There were thirty six rape accusations that year on Virginia University Campus, none of which led to disciplinary action, …


All women are like that

Women are attracted to arrogant violent men. They are attracted to IQ<80 criminals because criminals are allowed to be violent, while high status males are not, with the result that the status hierarchy as perceived by women winds up upside down from the status hierarchy as perceived by men. AWALT. All women are like that. …


Trump and power

I kept predicting Trump would have taken power by now. He has not. But he is getting there. Some officials issued a new list of forbidden words, not exactly on Trump’s instructions, on their own initiative, but likely on their own initiative because they got word of his displeasure.  Banned  My suggested replacement  vulnerable  living …