Author: Jim


Don’t Stop

Scott Alexander has published an essay calling on his fellow leftists to stop screaming racist-misogynist-homophobe-literally-Hitler at everyone all the time at maximum volume. And a lot of gutless ladyboy cuckservatives are so traumatized at being unkindly treated by the left that they are citing it favorably. I would unkindly interpret his essay has “Please do …

global warming

Recap on Global Warming

Some days are warmer, some are cooler. Some years are warmer, some are cooler. Some centuries are warmer, some are cooler. Not only does climate vary, but the variability itself is subject to change. Ten degree swings over decade have happened, and when that happens once, usually happens ten or twenty times over the following …


The winds of freedom already blow

Whatever Trump may do after he ascends the throne, he has already done more for freedom than every past president. Twitter shadowbanned numerous people, including Trump himself. The morning after the night that Trump’s election was called, the CEO of Twitter resigned.The COO of twitter resigned at 2PM on the 9th, about the time it …

party politics

Draining the swamp

Trump has promised to drain the swamp. Then in his acceptance speech, he promised not to drain the swamp. This is less worrying than it might seem, since when you purge powerful people, you don’t want them to see it coming. From now till the start of the purge, he is going to be playing …


Demon Worship

The Clinton circle ritually and collectively perform degenerate acts as a sacrament (Podesta’s Spirit Cooking). There are increasing grounds to suspect that they engaged in child sacrifice. I don’t suppose they would think of it as demon worship, rather they think they are worshiping themselves and their own magical powers, but the connections to child …