Author: Jim


Rolling Stone found guilty of defamation for rape hoax

The judge, unreasonably and improperly, set the very high bar of “actual malice”. Either the jury ignored the judge’s direction, or, more likely, the jury consciously or subconsciously realized that when every single person connected to this case piously agreed that there was a whole lot of rape on campus, they did not actually mean …


The trouble with Jew centric theory

We are saturated in hateful anti white propaganda. To counter this propaganda it is enormously effective to suggest that those spreading it do not internally identify as white, even though they may superficially look white, that those piously bemoaning white privilege and piously saying “white like me” do not in fact think they themselves are …


Malaysia departs the blue empire

After a wonderful speech indicting American anarcho tyranny, Duterte announced the Philippines would no longer be a vassal of the US and would henceforth be a vassal of China. And how about a bilateral trade deal between the Philippines and China? He then went to China’s ancient, traditional, and natural enemy, Japan, and said the …


Defining the alt right

According to Saboteur, the core uniting principle of the alt right is that we reject equality. Which is true. Alternative right tells us that the alt right is those that apply the scientific method to society and human affairs. Which is true, and which not only implies that humans are unequal, but also that global …

party politics


Voter turnout is massive. You don’t get massive turnout like this to vote for the status quo. If Hillary wins, it will only be by equally massive election fraud. As Stalin said: “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will …


Jobs and education make women ugly and unattractive

Women find jobs and education attractive in men, so mistakenly and foolishly think that men will find jobs and education attractive in women. They find arrogance, cruelty, sexual promiscuity, and assholery attractive in men, so mistakenly and foolishly think that men will find arrogance, cruelty, sexual promiscuity, and assholery attractive in women. What men like …


UVA Dean surrenders to PC in Rolling Stone defamation case.

Supposedly thousands of University of Virginia students are raped every month, or possibly every day, by privileged white heterosexual males. Yet strangely, Associate Dean Nicole Eramo of the University of Virginia has not punished a single privileged white male for actually raping someone. Therefore, either Dean Nicole Eramo is worse than Hitler, or rape is …


How to implement patriarchy

Implementing patriarchy is a lot harder than it looks. There are a lot of moving parts that have to work together right. The problem is that nature has given women so much power, that it is very hard for law to take it away from them. Spandrel has plenty of amusing tales of women disruptively …


Winning gamergate

A few days before the election, the feminist blogger Go make me a sandwich has thrown in the towel, despite being handed large bags of money and unenending praise for her “courage” in complaining about sexism in games. Another victory for the power of Trump, who has made every man stand a little straighter, walk …