Author: Jim


Why women get tattooed

In general female behavior is not explicable in terms of rational pursuit of goals, but as innate reactions to stimuli, at least in anything pertaining to sex and reproduction. And most things do pertain to sex and reproduction, at least until they hit menopause. Thus, to explain a female’s behavior, one does not ask “what …


The imaginary Free Syrian Army

The US is theoretically aiding the “Moderate Muslims”, the free Syrian Army, the FSA, which theoretically controls a small and rapidly shrinking patch of Aleppo. In actual practice, those that control Aleppo will murder any male non sunni Muslim on sight, regardless of age, which makes them less moderate than Islamic State. The US is, …


On the current path

If you teach your elite to hate western civilization, whites, and modern technology, you are not going to have any of them for very much longer. It looks rather as if 99% of western peoples are going to perish from this earth. The survivors will be oddball types, subscribers to reactionary and rather silly religions …


Nuclear Technological decline

The US no longer produces weapons grade plutonium. Supposedly this is a choice. It has asked other countries to not produce weapons grade plutonium, and to get rid of the weapons grade plutonium they do have. The economical way to destroy weapons grade plutonium is to burn it in nuclear reactors, to use it for …


Deus Vult

Spandrel observes that religion is our genes looking for a tribe to join, and concludes We shall drown, and nobody will save us Alfa NL observes that Spandrel is very clever, but the natural law arguments for marriage, the family, for desiring the survival of our personal descendants are kind of chilling, and it is …


Cathedral decision making

The president does not make decisions.  The presidency does not make decisions either, at least not in the sense that an individual, or a well run corporation makes decisions. Rather, it is driven entropic forces, which tend over time tend to have certain outcomes, like a river slowly changing its course.  Thus we see the …



Rebel held Aleppo is currently entirely surrounded, and is about fourteen kilometers by four kilometers, meaning every inch of it is within mortar range of Assad’s troops.  It will fall shortly unless there is a rescue mission from outside to relieve the siege.  There have been rescue missions before, each of which ever more blatantly …