Author: Jim


On successful revolution

One of those who must not be named wrote: Old Martin had a secret protector Who happened to be an Elector Wycliffe did heresy flaunt His sponsor was named John of Gaunt King quickly pulled out ahead With helpful support from the Reds Women’s Studies got a small donation From the generous Ford Foundation BLM …


Inequality is great

We should love what we are, rather than conceding that the left is morally superior for wishing reality away. It is great that women are what they are and men are what they are, otherwise I would have an absolutely terrible sex life. Vive la différence. It is good that men should lead, and women …


Against urbit

The world is moving to cloud computing – which means that the world is moving to giant megacorps that are excessively cozy with the government owning all your data. Which, as general David Petraeus discovered, can be really bad for you. Google tipped off his enemies, not by reading his email, though they did read …


The Feminine Imperative

One of my commenters had never heard of the Feminine Imperative, and it is not listed the social matters compendium, so here is a description and definition. The Feminine Imperative is that when a woman follows her pussy, it should have good results for her, and if it does not have good results for her, …

party politics

Trump for King

History does not repeat, but it rhymes. Today’s America is Wiemar Germany.  But Trump is not Hitler.  Rather, Trump is Kemal Ataturk. Kemal Ataturk abandoned most of the Turkish empire, because most of it was run against the interests of Turks.  It was the anti Turkish empire, as the American empire is the anti American …

party politics

Trump is the man

It is clear that Trump had this scandal in his pocket ready to fire at Ted Cruz for some time. Why did he not deploy it earlier? He deployed it now because Ted Cruz went after Trump’s wife. Trumps biggest political advantage is that he cares about things that are more important than political advantage. …


Jian Ghomeshi rape case

Umpteen different women accused Jian Ghomeshi of raping them. He was rightly acquitted. Reading the evidence, I interpret it as indicating that he was so besieged by hot chicks that he generally would not date the same woman twice. When he dated a woman he would rough her up to turn her on. This sometimes …


Warmists capitulate

For the last eighteen years there has been little or no global warming. Major warmists have been steadfastly denying the undeniable.  Then a paper appeared, signed by most of the big names in Anthropogenic Global Warming Alarmism, acknowledging “The Big Hiatus” The black line is what the the warmists predicted, the grey area was their …

party politics

Trump and Israel

On the one hand, Trump says, or implies, that he is going to pursue America’s interests, not Israel’s.  On the other hand, he says and implies that he does not care deeply for the poor long suffering victimized saintly Palestinians. Thus the mainstream media contradicts itself on his AIPAC speech (his speech to a bunch …