Author: Jim


What to do in a restoration

That which cannot continue must end. Thus one way or another, the movement ever leftwards, ever faster, is going to stop, going to be stopped, probably after the fashion of Stalin, if we are lucky after the fashion of conspiracy of 9 Thermidor, if really lucky after the fashion of Cromwell. That does not necessarily …


Review of Left Singularities.

The Left Singularity is  increasing leftism causing ever faster increases in leftism until something breaks short of achieving infinite leftism in finite time. Dark ages are slow, more or less continuous, economic and political decline, imperceptibly slow, typically about one percent a year on average, hard to notice against the background of random economic and …


A lost military technology

In the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, wealthy private individuals substantially supported the military, with a particular wealthy men buying stuff for a particular regiment or particular fort. Noblemen paid high prices for military commands, and these posts were no sinecure.  You got the obligation to substantially supply the logistics for your men, the duty …


The great cuckolding

Stolen from the heartiste comments: It is frequently reported that white women in Sweden have reasonable total fertility rate. What is not reported is that this largely consists of fatherless brown babies supported by white male taxpayers. At an instinctive gut level, women recognize this for what it is:  Invasion! And respond sexually to invasion …


Diversity means defection

Yet another great Steve Sailer post. Diversity, even with groups of comparable ability, leads to loss of trust and bad conduct. This is revealed by the FBIs ten most wanted white collar criminals. White collar crime requires intelligence, but the only American born white on the top ten, the only one you could not tell …

party politics

Trump and democracy

The Trump candidacy is great because: The voices of the Cathedral from time to time say he will not be allowed to win, revealing the managed nature of democracy. All the other candidates are ladyboys, revealing both the managed nature of democracy and the emasculating nature of progressivism. Also revealing that the Republican party is …


The Trumpening

Polls indicate that Trump is going to the Republican candidate, and going to win, going to be the next president. In substantial part because he gets a lot more black and hispanic votes than Republicans usually do, which is to say, a lot of votes from those who are most directly hurt by illegal immigration. …