Category: culture


Andreas Lubitz mass murder explained

Andreas Lubitz murdered one hundred and fifty innocent people by locking the pilot out of the cabin and deliberately flying the plane into a mountain. Roissy explains it all Lubitz was a nice guy, so naturally his girlfriend left him. So he converts to Islam and flies the plane into a mountain to get his six pack of virgins in the afterlife. This is part of the collateral damage we …


Ever purer Islam

Once upon a time, there was a Caliphate, and the Caliphate was hereditary. The Caliph had a thousand sons. When his grip weakened, the sons would kill or imprison each other till only one remained, who became the new Caliph. The Caliph was the supreme leader of both Church and State, and any preacher boy who claimed to be substantially holier than the Caliph was apt to wind up a …


Putin reads Roissy

Putin mysteriously disappears from the press for ten days, then upon reappearance: Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov greeted reporters Monday with sarcastic remarks: “So, have you seen the president paralysed and seized by the generals? He has just come back from Switzerland where he attended the delivery.” Asked if Putin’s condition required treatment by an osteopath, the spokesman retorted: “Yes, the osteopath was with the generals.” He treats the Cathedral as …


Nationalism, whiteness, and kin

B.S. Haldane observed “I would lay down my life for two brothers, four nephews, or eight cousins.” In otherwords, kin altruism does not go far, being pretty much limited to the nuclear family and the extended family. It can be stretched to somewhat larger groups by deliberate inbreeding, by the practice of father’s brother’s daughter marriage, but then you get moderate IQ depression due to inbreeding, and the achievable group …


Radix on Christianity

Another profound post from Radix The institutional Christianity that flourishes today is no longer the same religion as that practiced by Charlemagne and his successors, and it can no longer support the civilization they formed. Indeed, organized Christianity today is the enemy of the West and the race that created it. When the Puritans claimed to be returning to the original Christianity, that was, unfortunately, exactly what they were doing …


The weak have it coming to them

The New York Times is getting worried about the wave of persecution that it has done so much to create. They recently did a pity piece on poor little Justine Sacco Justine Sacco is a good progressive. She has no enemies to the left, no friends to the right. She had a good progressive job with a good progressive company. She had a good progressive family. One fine day she …


Female Sexuality

Promoting a great comment by “John” from my previous post “Roissy is correct” “20 yo women who were consciously expecting to spend 10 years getting laid by a variety of studs before even thinking about selecting a father for their child” This is the true market shift. Women today are allowed to do what they want, so they maximize the benefit derived from having a hot young female body. This …


Rape accusation for grades

Emma Sulkowicz gets an advanced degree in false rape accusations. I hope it comes with a mountain of student debt. Emma Sulkowicz decided that her last booty call with Paul Nungesser was rape, after several months went by with no further booty calls from him, despite her prompting on instant messaging. Or perhaps she decided when her academic advisor went fishing for rape cases.


Society is a racial construct

No amount of social change is going to change the nature of races. Egypt has had racial mixing for several thousand years and blacks have always been criminals, servants, and slaves. But change the race, as is the policy of the permanent and unelected government in every formerly white country except Iceland, and you will change the society. In a few white countries the merely elected government is resisting the …


Forget about cultural marxism

Today’s left is, in substantial part Cultural Marxism from the Frankfurt School.  Should you conclude that the Frankfurt School is really really important? If you conclude that Cultural Marxism is really really important and rules the world, it follows that Jews rule the world.  Hard to prove they don’t.  It also follows that leftism was just fine and democracy was just fine all the way up to and including the …