At my morning weigh in, eighty eight pounds below my maximum, despite having added a lot of muscle. I used to assume that this was because I no longer have to cook for my sick wife and hand feed her, thus relieved of continual food temptation, and that no doubt is part of it. I still cannot outstare a pizza and a pitcher of mountain dew. But I notice that …
Category: culture
On Punching Women
Many women deserve to be punched, and do not get punched, but punching a woman indicates loss of control and weakness. You should avoid getting into fights except where you can bring overwhelming supremacy to bear, and you should always be able to bring overwhelming supremacy to bear on a woman. If you have overwhelming supremacy, you can pin the opponent, and either put a painful submission hold on them, …
Guns, Ideas, Fashion, and Military Parades
Ideas are more powerful than guns, but fashion is more powerful than ideas. If Trump has a military parade with snappy parade uniforms, we may well win. Trouble is that our elite has been busy making soldiers dress androgynously, because they hate and fear the military. We are always ruled by warriors or priests. If soldiers continue to dress like Elon Musk’s rocket scientists, soldiers, like nerds, will remain low …
The disastrous effects of females in power
Women cannot do men’s jobs, and the pretense that they can and are is doing immense damage to men’s work and the creation of value by men. Women in men’s positions subtract value. Women in powerful male positions subtract enormous amounts of value. Men at work get paid for creating value, and are forced to pay women for destroying the value that men create. The reason for female under representation …
Fixing Christianity.
Some argue that Christianity is irretrievably cucked, and is the cause of our current problems. And there is much truth in that. Maybe we just have to say “Let Gnon sort them outâ€. But, on the other hand, Europe was saved, and indeed formed, by the Roman Catholic Church under the holy Roman Emperor, and we got World Empire, Science, and Industrialization under the officially official State Anglicanism re-established by …
The vast majority of rape accusations and the vast majority of rape convictions are false.
It is perfectly obvious that few if any rape accusations against white heterosexual males are true, and the “rape on campus†case confirmed what was obvious to everyone who was not keeping his eyes tight shut. There were thirty six rape accusations that year on Virginia University Campus, none of which led to disciplinary action, and if any of them had been the slightest bit believable, Rolling Stone would have …
All women are like that
Women are attracted to arrogant violent men. They are attracted to IQ<80 criminals because criminals are allowed to be violent, while high status males are not, with the result that the status hierarchy as perceived by women winds up upside down from the status hierarchy as perceived by men. AWALT. All women are like that. Hypergamy never sleeps, a man must always perform, can never relax, is always on stage, …
Trump and power
I kept predicting Trump would have taken power by now. He has not. But he is getting there. Some officials issued a new list of forbidden words, not exactly on Trump’s instructions, on their own initiative, but likely on their own initiative because they got word of his displeasure. Banned My suggested replacement vulnerable living on crime and welfare diversity Helicoptered into jobs they cannot perform entitlement privilege transgender pervert …
The trouble with Rotherham
The trouble with Rotherham is not that white girls were raped and beaten, but that Muslims get exemption to be manly as women understand manliness, and whites and Hindus do not. The Rotherham girls were raped, threatened, and beaten all right, but they were also complicit in the violence. For the most part, the pimp, rather than aggressively forcing his women into prostitution by the threat or actuality of violence, …
Kate’s wall
The importance of the Trayvon Martin case is that every single person realized that obviously Trayvon Martin attacked Martin Zimmerman out of racial animus, but those arguing that Zimmerman should be charged with murder were arguing that whites should just suck up being attacked and killed by blacks. Every single person that accuses Zimmerman of attacking Trayvon, adduces as evidence that Zimmerman provoked Trayvon by suspecting him of being a …