Archive for the ‘culture’ Category


Thursday, July 13th, 2017

The holocaust is real, in that midway through the war, the Nazis decided to kill every Jew, and made a good start on doing so. The holocaust is fake, in that a pile of myths have been manufactured around it to deceive people about the nature and motivation of the crime.

The point and purpose of the mythmaking is not to exaggerate the crime, but to make the crime as different as possible from the communist mass murders (which probably killed more Jews even though they did not consciously intend to target Jews) and in particular and especially to deny the role of envy and covetousness.

Jews, like kulaks, were murdered because people broke the tenth commandment, the commandment against coveting that which belongs to someone else. If Jews spent one percent as much energy on the tenth commandment as they spend on the prohibition against eating a goat boiled in its mother’s milk, it would be a fairly healthy and sane religion. But instead Jews seem stubbornly suicidal, as for example in their firm support for the Islamization of Europe even as Muslims run them out of Europe, and in their hostility to the crusades, then and now.

The death camp of which we have the most reliable knowledge is Majdanek, which was overrun early while still in operation before the Germans gave any thought to concealing their crimes. Majdanek did not have gas chambers – the alleged gas chambers are delousing chambers, for the “gas chambers” lack doors that can be locked against those inside, and have genuine baths and showers for actually washing people and getting them clean. Poster girl principle: If no gas chambers at Majdanek, no gas chambers anywhere. In this sense, the holocaust as conventionally depicted is a myth. However, it is also clear that everyone sent to Majdanek died quickly – not from gas, but from overwork, lack of food, exposure to the elements, and disease – much as in the communist democides. The only survivors were those that had not been there very long. In this sense, the holocaust is very real.

Estimates of the death toll at Majdanek have varied enormously, by a factor of fifty, which inclines me to doubt all such estimates. One lie, all lies. But it is clear that if people were sent to Majdanek, they died fairly quickly, from which we may conclude that if people were sent to any such camps, they usually died fairly quickly. From which we may conclude that when the Germans rendered an area free from Jews, those Jews were sent to their deaths. The German internal documents show that the Germans had no intention of feeding them enough to keep them alive, and expected them to be dead fairly soon, and the evidence from Majdanek shows that is indeed what happened. Irrespective of whether it was exactly six million Jews, it was every Jew that the Germans managed to get their hands on.

Initially the plan was to deport them all, preferably to Israel. When this plan was frustrated by the allies, the Germans consciously adopted a plan of killing them all.

OK, no gas chambers, but the Jews still wound up dead. Which brings me to the diary of Ann Frank, which like the gas chambers is fake but true. It is clear that the diary of Ann Frank is a forgery, in that it was not written by Ann Frank. It is clear that the story of Ann Frank is not a forgery, in that Ann Frank lived and was murdered much as depicted.

Of all the Jews murdered by the Nazis, the Jew to be specially humanized just happens to be single, female, and did not have major possessions to confiscate. So that her murder is pure discrimination, and absolutely nothing to do with envy and covetousness. The choice of Anne Frank as poster girl rather than someone more typical profoundly and dangerously misleads us about the nature and causes of mass murder.

Undue focus on the deaths of six million Jews, when communism murdered a hundred and sixty million, is unfair and is driving us insane, driving us towards the murder of billions, for it is not discrimination that kills, but covetousness, wanting what is someone else’s, and the Diary of Ann Frank is inexorably linked to a narrative justifying and endorsing envy and covetousness, a narrative that white males do not deserve their stuff but somehow grabbed it before single women and people of color could, that husbands and fathers should be expelled from their homes and separated from their children, that those who work and pay taxes are the real welfare queens whose resistance to demands that they lose their undeserved privilege is racism and sexism.

Killing Jews and taking their stuff is a really bad idea, and even ejecting them to Israel and taking their stuff is also a really bad idea, because taking their stuff means that it will be ruined rather than sold to someone competent to use it productively. A desire to take their stuff reveals a motivation of envy and covetousness. The Nazis murdered a lot of Jews, not necessarily six million, but something like six million, though probably not by means of gas chambers.

But they did so for the same reasons that the communists murdered vastly more people, and considerably more Jews. They did so out of envy and covetousness. Holocaustianity is a religion that the real sin is “racism”, from which it follows that one group having more nice things than another group is evidence of a crime. Stronger and stronger methods are then applied to correct this crime, but strangely, nothing will correct it except murdering all those wicked people whose wickedness is proven by their continued possession of nice things. The murderers do not start out intending mass murder. They expect that after correcting this regrettable injustice, everyone will happily be brothers, but they get frustrated when this terrible injustice proves strangely difficult to correct.

The same dynamic will likely play out in Israel. If progressivism rather than Judaism continues to be the state religion of Israel, Israel will likely finish doing to Ashkenazim Jews what Germany began doing. For Ashkenazim to survive, they have to re-activate the tenth commandment, and to re-activate the tenth commandment, they have to let go of Holocaustianity, which needs to recede to its proper place in history, one rather small mass murder among the many enormous mass murders of the twentieth century.

Pushing back on social justice warriors.

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

Remember how Github went social justice?

Well elections have consequences

“Coraline”, an autogynophilic male to female transexual, competent programmer, and political commissar, recently got purged from Github by the mandarinate.

Mandarins are priests, and Social Justice Warriors are priests, but social Justice Warriors are primarily into runaway extreme holier than thou holiness, while mandarins are more into politely conforming to the official religion and emitting all the right social signals. Thus the holiness spiral with mandarins tends to be <the current generation>, while the holiness spiral with social justice warriors rolls a lot faster, tending to be <the current year>

“Coraline” claims to be a good programmer by the objective standard of high lines of code contributed, high bugs fixed, high features added, low bugs caused. This is plausible because autogynophiles tend to be good programmers, combining the male propensity for strong and rigid logic, with the female propensity for conformity, obedience, and rule following. Effeminate gay male to female transexuals, on the other hand, combine the female incapacity to do logic, with an extreme form of the male propensity to break the rules and defy authority, showing up for work infrequently, late, and stoned.

But “Coraline” was not hired as a good engineer, but as a social justice warrior that other engineers could respect and take seriously, as a political commissar that could understand what the engineers were actually doing. It was hired by its female non engineer boss, to impose social justice on its fellow engineers.

In restrospect, should have stuck to engineering, for women will never perceive a male to female transexual as genuinely female, and thus, never perceive it as genuinely deserving of their own immensely high social status, thus always in their hearts perceive it as a low status male (redundant, I know, because males are always and automatically low status – observe how the guy in the corner office gets interrupted by his female staff and does not get laid) thus denying it the power and authority that a political commissar needs to be effective, needs to do its political job.

If you want to check to see whether your company’s organization chart corresponds to actual status, pay no attention to mere words, but rather watch who interrupts whom, who speaks over whom. Chances are the women speak over and interrupt their merely male boss. The words of the interruption are invariably courteous, helpful, respectful, friendly, and polite, but the fact that it is an interruption is the opposite of courteous, the opposite of helpful, is disrespectful, unfriendly, hostile, hateful, and impolite. It is a shit test. Fertile age women cannot help shit testing men, just as men cannot help looking at a woman’s boobs. And if she gets away with interrupting and speaking over your boss, he failed the shit test, no matter how superficially friendly, respectful, and polite the words of her interruption are. Conversely, if he regularly and routinely passes her shit tests, she will probably fuck him, no matter how old, bald, fat, and married he is. No action of his, no matter how gross, will ever constitute sexual harrassment.

Yes, if you are a boss who regularly and routinely passes their inevitable shit tests “you can do anything, you can grab them by the pussy.”

“Coraline” was working as an engineer, and was successful as an engineer, and appreciated for its engineering, when Github recruited it as a political commissar:

They wanted to offer me a job. They had just created a team called Community & Safety, charged with making GitHub more safe for marginalized people

Danger Will Robinson!

Its team was one normal male, two male to female transexuals, two colored women, and a normal female manager. Thus, three real engineers, all low status, and three fake engineers, all high status. And it is a real engineer, and a good one. Danger Will Robinson!

“Coraline” found itself socially isolated at Github. Danger Will Robertson!

This was the first instance of what came to be referred to as my “non-empathetic communication style”.

“Coraline” was talking about social justice issues in the direct, logical, unemotional, and factual style of a male, rather than in the socially required female style. The mandarinate found this low class, which is to say masculine, and did not like it. Danger Will Robinson!

when I joined the video call with my manager, it became clear that something was wrong. She went back to the issue of my lack of empathy in communications and collaboration.

“Coraline” was claiming status as a very holy social justice warrior that the mandarinate was reluctant to grant to a white male – and women will always see an autogynophile as a male, no matter what delusions the autogynophile harbors. So all the high status people on his team were reluctant to accept his holiness status, and incapable of perceiving his competent engineer status.
So, perceiving his attempt at female status had failed, he attempts to kill himself and is involuntarily committed to a mental hospital.

It is not people like me who keep using the wrong pronouns who drive people like “Coraline” to suicide. It is people like his manager, who no matter what pronouns they use, keep acting as if they perceive him as what he is – a man wearing a dress who has cut his dick off and grown boobs. The Opalgate incident, when lots of people piled on him calling him a man in a dress, did not make him in the least suicidal. It was the bad review by his boss, which review effectively amounted to “I can still sense the masculinity in your communication style” that caused his suicide attempt.

When the politically correct say “empathic” they actually mean feminine. If his female boss had actually been empathic, would not have driven him to suicide. They wanted someone who was a competent engineer, but who could also pass as a female social justice warrior, not just in carefully posed still photographs, but interactively. And that is not what they got. Indeed, it is never what they get.

He irreversibly mutilated himself to elevate his status to that of a woman, and his status did not in fact rise. Hence, suicide. Calling him a man in a dress did not adversely affect his perception of his own status, because he perceived those using the wrong pronoun as low status. But he perceived the women in his group as high status, they perceived him as a mere male, no matter what pronoun they used, thus, suicide.

In the past several months GitHub has fired at least three transgender engineers

He was fired for being interactively unconvincing as a woman.

and many more cisgender women.

With Trump in power, less need to pretend women are engineerettes.

Prominent people who were trying to effect positive change in the company culture have quit.

Social Justice Warriors have quit, perhaps one step ahead of being fired.

… In a return to its meritocratic roots, the company has decided to move forward with a merit-based stock option program despite criticism from employees who tried to point out its inherent unfairness.

That merit is inherently “unfair” is an implicit admission that women are inferior at activites in the male sphere and coloreds are just inferior.

And the widely publicized results of the open source survey show that the company’s platform is still not appealing to anyone but straight white guys.

The company’s platform is quite appealing to autogynophilic male to female transexuals, who are heavily overrepresented. And the rest cannot code. Ability to code is a pre-requisite for actually finding the company’s platform useful.

for family, for freedom, for country, and for God

Saturday, July 8th, 2017

Trump’s speech contains some alt right memes, but its approach is not a frontal attack on the enlightenment and enlightenment values, but rather to praise and endorse those values in ways that re-interpret them as anti enlightenment values. It is a dog whistle rather than a shout out, but it is a dog whistle not only to the alt right, but to that part of the alt right that does not want to merely roll things back to nineteen sixty (men’s rights movement) nor to nineteen thirty (ironic and unironic nazis) but back all the way to undoing the enlightenment.

Much as Pope Francis piously reinterprets Christianity as celebrating sodomy, abortion, divorce, single motherhood, transvestism, and the destruction of marriage, Trump piously reinterprets progressivism as the victory of distinctively white civilization

At 29:00 in the speech:

Our adversaries, however, are doomed because we will never forget who we are. And if we don’t forget who are, we just can’t be beaten. Americans will never forget. The nations of Europe will never forget. We are the fastest and the greatest community. There is nothing like our community of nations. The world has never known anything like our community of nations.
We write symphonies. We pursue innovation. We celebrate our ancient heroes, embrace our timeless traditions and customs, and always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers.
We reward brilliance. We strive for excellence, and cherish inspiring works of art that honor God. We treasure the rule of law and protect the right to free speech and free expression.
We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success. We put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, at the center of our lives. And we debate everything. We challenge everything. We seek to know everything so that we can better know ourselves.
And above all, we value the dignity of every human life, protect the rights of every person, and share the hope of every soul to live in freedom. That is who we are. Those are the priceless ties that bind us together as nations, as allies, and as a civilization.

Much of it sounds like boilerplate progressivism, except that he naughtily included the distinctively white art form of symphonies, the distinctively white activity of innovation and exploration, and naughtily left out that all men are created equal, and that women are equal to me.

When Trump is attacking radical Islam and somehow leaves out explicitly mentioning female equality, not an accident, but rather a significant step towards rolling back several centuries of the “moral arc of history bending towards justice”. Perhaps in the end the progressive steamroller will roll over him as it rolled over Reagan, but he is having a go.

He also said we debate everything, which was a progressive value before they were in power, but swiftly ceased to be a progressive value once they were in power. Free debate is always what the out of power belief system wants, since the out of power belief system is always forbidden from doubting, let alone contradicting, the official belief system. Everyone always wants freedom of speech, freedom of association, and the right to peaceably assemble for themselves, not for their enemies, and it is always the out of power belief system that is denied these things. In practice, you are not only forbidden from doubting that women are equal to men, you are even forbidden from doubting that saturated fats are bad for you, in that researchers who inquire into this topic lose their jobs.   Freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly is always the call of the out of power faction.

When those who theoretically believe in equality will not go into a black majority area, nor accept that when when women, like children, make bad choices those who make the choices should face the costs of those choices, we see the actual truth about equality.

At 11:00 into the speech:

For two centuries, Poland suffered constant and brutal attacks. But while Poland could be invaded and occupied, and its borders even erased from the map, it could never be erased from history or from your hearts. In those dark days, you have lost your land but you never lost your pride. (Applause.)
So it is with true admiration that I can say today, that from the farms and villages of your countryside to the cathedrals and squares of your great cities, Poland lives, Poland prospers, and Poland prevails. (Applause.)
Despite every effort to transform you, oppress you, or destroy you, you endured and overcame.


The story of Poland is the story of a people who have never lost hope, who have never been broken, and who have never, ever forgotten who they are. (Applause)
AUDIENCE: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!

15:50  precisely equal billing for commies and nazis.

In 1920, in the Miracle of Vistula, Poland stopped the Soviet army bent on European conquest. (Applause.) Then, 19 years later in 1939, you were invaded yet again, this time by Nazi Germany from the west and the Soviet Union from the east. That’s trouble. That’s tough.
Under a double occupation the Polish people endured evils beyond description: the Katyn forest massacre,

In the summer of 1944, the Nazi and Soviet armies were preparing for a terrible and bloody battle right here in Warsaw. Amid that hell on earth, the citizens of Poland rose up to defend their homeland. I am deeply honored to be joined on stage today by veterans and heroes of the Warsaw Uprising. (Applause.)
AUDIENCE: (Chanting.)

Notice the conspicuous lack of extra billing and extra star treatment for the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and that Trump accurately depicts the Warsaw uprising as directed as much to prevent Soviet occupation as to defeat German occupation, billing the Soviets as occupiers, not liberators.

The priesthood of the religion of Holocaustism were mightily pissed that he attended the Warsaw Uprising Memorial, but not the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Memorial.  That Trump is obviously philosemitic makes it possible for him to regularly and routinely piss on Holocaustianity.

Then he links the globohomo project to abolish nations, masculinity, and Christianity to defeated communism and the future defeat of Islam:


Finally, on both sides of the Atlantic, our citizens are confronted by yet another danger — one firmly within our control. This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles: the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people. The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies.
Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty. We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are. (Applause.) If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit, and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.


I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive. And our civilization will triumph. (Applause.)
AUDIENCE: Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thank you. So, together, let us all fight like the Poles — for family, for freedom, for country, and for God.
Thank you. God Bless You. God bless the Polish people. God bless our allies. And God bless the United States of America.
Thank you. God bless you. Thank you very much. (Applause.)

Roman Catholic Church cuckolded.

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

I had thought the Philippines was the last place on earth where the Roman Catholic Church was not thoroughly cucked. Now it is cucked there also.

Muslims in the Philippines have been pissed at Christians ever since the Spanish conquered the place and imposed Roman Catholicism with fire and steel. And not very long ago, the Roman Catholic priesthood in Mindanao was mighty comfortable with fire and steel.

The Muslims in Mindanao in the Philippines think the crusades happened yesterday, and are at it again, attempting to seize the traditionally Muslim city of Marawi from Christians, killing priests and Christian teachers, burning their homes, churches, the usual. In response, President Duterte declares martial law and applies heavy weapons. And the Church seems to be more worried that martial law might lead to “human rights violations” than terror directed at Christians.

I am perfectly sure President Duterte will violate “human rights” all over the place. When I was in Davao, he was always violating the human rights of small time crooks and big time corrupt officials, and everyone loved him for it. I loved him for it. I would love to see Trump similarly violating the human rights of our federal bureaucracy.

According to the Roman Catholic priesthood of Mindanao, terrorism “is totally against the tenets of any religion of peace. Especially so when terrorism is perpetrated while our Muslim brothers and sisters are preparing for the holy month of Ramadhan. Terrorism distorts and falsifies the true meaning of any religion.”

You will notice there are no Muslim clerics in Mindanao saying that this terrorism is against the tenets of their religion

because it is not.

Why female status limits fertility

Monday, June 12th, 2017

Men want to have sex with as many women as possible, and give them no support.

Women want to have sex with the highest status men available (as women perceive status, which is similar to the way a small evil child raised by cannibal head hunters perceives status), and be supported by men.

A prisoner’s dilemma problem, the war of the sexes, ensues.

If both freely pursue their interests, we get a defect/defect equilibrium, where a small minority of men have casual no strings attached sex with the large majority of women, and a these women sleep with only one man at a time, but sleep with one man after another, trading partners in an unending struggle to get a better male, or get a better position on his booty call list. This bad female behavior is exacerbated by the male tendency to give the newest woman the highest position on his boot call list. Women get the sex they want until they approach the end of their fertile years, but children don’t get fathers. Since producing fatherless children places a large burden on women, most women do not have children until used up on the cock carousel and approaching the end of their fertile years.

To enforce a cooperate cooperate equilibrium, mating choice has to restricted, denying men access to women, and women access to men. In order that men have the incentive and the power to restrict female sexual choice women have to be owned by men. Men and women have to be stuck with each other. Men need to own women, except that they cannot sell, rent out, abandon, or give away a well behaved woman that they have had sex with.

Iterated prisoner’s dilemma has a good solution if the number of iterations is large and has no definite end, but this is not the case with mating behavior, because a woman’s fertile years are short. The progressive scenario where woman sleep with one man after another until they find “the one” and then live happily ever after is prisoner’s dilemma with a large and indefinite number of iterations resulting in cooperate/cooperate, but the actual outcome is that they sleep with one man after another until they start to get desperate.

Rollo Tomassi, in his excellent book “The Rational Male”, starts out by criticizing “oneitis” – criticizing male disinclination to defect. If you defect on women harder and faster than they defect on you, women will defect on you less, not more. It is a successful and effective male adaptation to female emancipation. It works. He also criticizes mate guarding, because ineffective mate guarding is counterproductive, and effective mate guarding is illegal. Hard to do effective mate guarding without substantial social support – which certain religious communities have, but most of us do not. That effective mate guarding is difficult and illegal is extremely distressing to males.

Why feminists support Islamic Rape Jihad

Sunday, June 11th, 2017

Doubtless you have heard of the recent Idaho gang rape.

This was Islamic Rape Jihad, not just Muslim rapists, because the girl was five, because the boys put it on video, because the boys expected the support of their community, and because the boys received the support of their community.

Feminist response to this rape shows what feminists really want. Everyone reacting to this in an indignant manner is a male who is in favor of patriarchy to a greater or lesser extent, and many of them want to completely reverse female emancipation.

In the ancestral environment, and indeed today’s environment, if a woman was property the way a cow is property, she was likely to have substantially greater reproductive success than a free woman. If a man was property the way a cow is property, likely to have zero reproductive success.

In the ancestral environment, as today, male slaves don’t reproduce. Female slaves generally outreproduce free women. Thus the optimal strategy for a woman is to provoke until provocation results in enslavement.

The evolutionary optimal strategy for a female, in the ancestral environment, and in our present day environment, is to act in ways that gets the west conquered by Islamic State. If free, likely to have 1.5 children, and similarly her grandchildren, rapidly resulting in the total disappearance of her genes. If her menfolk are conquered and she is sold naked in chains on the auction block by Islamic state, likely to have six or seven children.

Optimal reproductive strategy for a woman is to be captured by a man who owns her much as he owns a cow and can do anything to her he could do to a cow. The optimal reproductive strategy for her owner is to treat her considerably better than he treats his cows, but the less he has power to do bad things to her, the more it is in his interests to do bad things to her. For a free woman, the stable strategy is defect/defect, for the woman to defect by serial monogamy, for the woman to spend her hottest and most fertile years continually trying to trade up to a higher status male or better place on some other male’s booty call list, and for a male to defect by keeping as many women as possible on his booty call list, to spin as many plates as possible, without investing in any of them. For a slave, because the slave cannot defect, because the slave is guaranteed to play cooperate, cooperate is also a good move for the male owner of a female slave, because he has a biological interest in the welfare of her children. He is free to impose cooperate/defect on her, but that is not actually all that much in his biological interest, which biological interest manifests in the tendency of men to love and care for women that they regularly have sex with, provided that they believe those women are not having sex with other men.

Feminist demands for emancipation ever escalate, no matter how extraordinary the privilege women are granted, because they are pushing for someone strong enough to master them. In the ancestral environment, free women were unsuccessful at reproducing, because prisoner’s dilemma. That she can defect on a man guarantees defect/defect, guarantees that he will try to defect before she does – giving her no care, protection, or support, keeping as many plates spinning as he can, so they look for someone powerful enough to stop them from defecting. Slave women will generally outreproduce free women, because he who owns a woman absolutely has incentive to invest in her and her children. Similarly, cows are numerous, their wild ancestors are generally extinct. If animal liberationists liberate chickens and cows, there are not going to be very many chickens or cows. If the People’s Popular Committee for Food Abundance tells the farmer he does not own his land and his crops, there is going to be crop failure.

And feminists, in supporting Rape Jihad, are unconsciously pursuing their optimal evolutionary reproductive strategy, which is to be sold by Islamic state naked in chains on the auction block. We are descended from free men and unfree women. Peoples, nations religions, cultures and groups with strong, proud, free, and independent women died out. They always die out.

Female emancipation is a shit test that we failed. Feminists support Rape Jihad because they are unconsciously looking for men who will pass their shit test.

Fake News

Monday, June 5th, 2017

mark @markantro catches CNN staging a fake Muslim protest against terror. Hat tip Heartiste. Everyone in the reactosphere has posted this already, and I am posting it last, but I will give you a text summary of the video.

CNN positions the cameras pointing at a fake memorial of to those killed by terrorism, which “memorial” was supposedly created by the “Muslim protesters”, though initially we see only CNN camera crew around the “memorial”. Then they move the “Muslim protesters” into position after the fake memorial has been set up, giving them stage directions, positioning them, and posing them, in a way that makes it perfectly obvious they are actors who can be relied upon to take direction.

First the “memorial” is positioned by CNN staff who are not dressed as Muslim mothers. Then a CNN employee, not dressed as Muslim mother, holds a sign where the “Muslim mother” with the cute child is going to stand holding her sign. Then the child actor is positioned adjacent to the supposed memorial, because all the viewers will always look at the child actor first, and then, after the child actor and his supposed mother are positioned, all the other actors are positioned by the CNN movie director relative to the “memorial” and the child actor.

And then the official news starts about this heartwarming display of solidarity by Muslim mothers.

CNN says these are real protesters, not actors, despite the fact that they seen on video taking direction like competent actors.

OK. So is the “memorial” a real memorial despite the fact we saw that it had already been set up by CNN camera crew with not a “Muslim mother” in sight? If the memorial is fake, then the heartwarming mother and child are fake. The typical British Muslim is a military age male, and he is a refugee alright – taking refuge from the draft, frequently a refugee from a draft that would have conscripted him to fight a slightly different brand of Islamic terror, which draft he is dodging because he supports that other brand and does not want to fight against it.

Fact is if you are a Muslim, and you are not murdering innocents and raping children, not necessarily with your own hands, but in the sense of actively aiding and supporting those who do murder innocents and rape children, then you are a bad Muslim. And the vast majority of Muslims are at least passably good Muslims. Poster girl principle applies: If there was a significant minority of Muslims who do not support terror then CNN would not be reduced to faking it.

Islam is a warlike political movement. It is at war with us. We must conquer or surrender. And with our current leadership, surrender is starting to look not so bad.

Repeating once again: For well over a thousand years many kingdoms, nations, peoples, cultures, religions, tribes, and armed religions, have sought to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first. In the end, we have to convert, or pogrom them, or they will pogrom us. Those are the choices. And surrender will not stop the pogroms, as each Muslim faction will complain that the other Muslim factions are insufficiently holy. Surrender, and we will become Bangladesh and Beirut. Surrender will cure our demographic death spiral, but will result in the decline of western science and technology, as it resulted in the decline of Indian science and technology. (The Damascus steel that so impressed the crusaders was Indian steel, created by the Aryan Indian castes, and soon Damascus steel swords became heirlooms, as the art of making them was lost.) A world without western science and technology cannot support the current world population, though China may well preserve our technology and economic system, and continue making minor improvements. Islam is the solution we do not want.

Our rulers plan to bring in four hundred million black male military age Muslims screaming for infidel blood and white pussy for their votes, to live on crime and welfare, and proceed to delude themselves about the long term consequences of this policy, which long term consequences are becoming apparent as we see supporters of Islamic terror elected to high office in London.

That CNN finds it necessary to fake Muslim opposition to terror tells us that there is only one solution. Islam must be expelled and/or suppressed. If Muslim states of a different faction find it necessary to expel Qataris back to Qatar, we need to similarly expel Muslims.

If Qataris are too dangerous to Muslims of a different faction to be allowed to stay in certain Muslim lands, Muslims are too dangerous to us to be allowed to stay in Christian lands. Expelling Muslims is supposedly unthinkably wicked, but Muslims are always expelling each other, usually for obvious and excellent reasons, and no one blinks an eye. When whites were expelled from Detroit, by bands of black thugs led by community organizers closely affiliated with the Democratic party, did anyone care?

The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

If a Muslim is not murdering innocents and raping children, he is a bad Muslim.

Over the last thirteen hundred years numerous Kingdoms, religions, cultures, empires, nations, tribes, and peoples have sought to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We shall not be the first.

We shall capitulate, or we will suppress and expel them.

A short while ago, some Muslims detonated some nail bombs at an English concert, targeting mostly children and young girls, killing twenty two and severely wounding many more. I guarantee that the English response will be that there is not enough affirmative action for Muslims, not enough Muslim immigration, and we are being too hard on Muslims that rape English girls, and the big important tragedy that makes this event so sad is that it undermines Muslim immigration and affirmative action for Muslims.

When the rot set in

Monday, May 15th, 2017

total fertility rate
Eighteenth century view was that women were sex crazy and needed to be kept under tight control or else in their feverish sexual lust they would destroy the family, and because state, society, and the church rested on the family, if you let women loose, everything would fall apart.

Nineteenth century view was that women were wonderful, and the marital contract only needed to be enforced against men, never against women, because naturally a woman would never break it unless a man forced her to do so.

And everything did fall apart.

The Trump Aesthetic

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Ideas are more powerful than guns, and fashion is more powerful than ideas.

Ever since Beau Brummel successfully snubbed the Regent, the Puritan aesthetic has been politically dominant. It has been the high status aesthetic, beloved by our rulers, most notoriously loved by city planners and university regents.

Trump has been challenging that aesthetic.

What is the Trump aesthetic?

The Regency aesthetic became, at the end, too much detail, too much stuff, too much obviously non functional or even dysfunctional decoration. People say that Kings lost power because of gunpowder, because of capitalism, because of the change from agricultural based sources of energy to fossil fuel based sources of energy, because of this and because of that, but if we look at King George losing power, it seems to me that the problem was in large part that he was too fat, too lazy, his taste was not good enough, and his mistresses insufficiently attractive, the reason he lost power is that Beau Brummel could snub the King and yet continue to set fashion.

Even when Beau Brummel was old, poor, broke, syphilitic, and dying, his mistress was cuter than the King’s mistress. I think if King George the Fourth had had a better tailor, a cuter mistress, and lost some weight, Kings might well still rule. It does not seem to me that gunpowder and all that had much relevance. Hence the propensity of the mainstream media to edit the color balance so as to adjust Trump’s skin tone to orange.

The Puritan aesthetic of Beau Brummel was elegant simplicity – less decoration, less stuff, and much less color. Which was good, and a proper reaction to the Regent’s propensity to excessive piles of expensive brightly colored decorations, but if simplicity is holy, more simplicity is holier, and so the puritan aesthetic became soul crushing brutalism, most glaringly evident in today’s ugly cityscapes of giant boxes.

Trump is pushing a new and distinctive aesthetic which rejects the Puritan Aesthetic.

It does not go all the way back the Regency complexity, detail and decoration, we still have Beau Brummel’s elegant simplicity and his predominantly monochrome palette, but with small splashes of much brighter, more intense colors than Beau Brummel permitted, fully saturated colors, colors that are clearly intended to invoke royalty, aristocracy, and old military dress uniforms. The Trump aesthetic somehow recalls and echoes the Regency aesthetic. It is not so much he has more details and decorations than the puritan aesthetic permits, but that the details are more ostentatious, colorful, prominent, and expensive than the Puritan aesthetic permits.

In calling back to the Regency, the last King of England who exercised real power, the Trump aesthetic is profoundly reactionary.

In deprecating the Puritan virtue of simplicity and modesty, it is mildly reactionary, and opens the door for more severe deprecation of the Puritan virtues in future.

While brutalist architecture announces its modesty with trumpets and cymbals, there is nothing humble or modest about brutalism. These unadorned boxes, because they lack small details, are larger than human scale, thus have a message, and that message is “I am mighty, I am vast, You are tiny. You are insignificant. You shall submit and I will crush you.”

Trump tower in New York, typical of Trump buildings, has a human sized entrance, which is embedded in a very similar larger than human entrance, which is embedded in a larger glass and steel box, which is part of many glass and steel boxes that make up the towers. Thus there is a hierarchy of scales connecting the human scale with the tower scale: the scale of the normal entrance, the scale of the big entrance in which it is embedded, the scale of glass and steel box in which the big entrance is embedded, and the scale of the tower in which the glass and steel box is embedded.

Brutalism is, among other things, intended to destroy the messy human street by making the roadway inhospitable – it is just a barren path beside an enormous wall. Puritanism does not want you comfortable.

Trump Tower in New York on the other hand extravagantly and ostentatiously spends a whole lot of very expensive square footage making the street adjacent to the tower comfortable for humans. The Trump aesthetic is intended to be relaxed and comfortable, hence the Trump aesthetic has a conspicuous touch of informality, without going all the way to Silicon Valley casual. Just a touch of informality, but like the touch of colorful decoration, a conspicuous and striking touch.

The Regency Aesthetic tended to extravagance and ostentation for the sake of extravagance and ostentation. The Puritan Aesthetic rejected extravagance and ostentation. The Trump Aesthetic needs some plausible excuse for extravagance and ostentation. The extravagance and ostentation has to be the outward sign of some genuine inward excellence, and be plausibly in the service of that excellence. Thus his plane has gold plated toilets, not gold plated wheel hubs. Because gold plated toilets are cleaner. Does Trump have gold plated toilets because he is germophobic, or is he germophobic to justify gold plated toilets?

Silicon valley casual is comfortable, but conspicuously egalitarian. Steve Jobs wore clothes that look very similar to the clothes that some unemployed white man purchases at Walmart using his girlfriend’s EBT card and were only subtly more expensive and better fitted than the clothes that some unemployed white man purchases at Walmart using his girlfriend’s EBT card. The Trump aesthetic is conspicuously inegalitarian.

The status markers of Silicon Valley casual are subtle and difficult to read, thus if you display them and can read them, this shows you are one of the smart people. But they are also easy to imitate. The status markers of the Trump Aesthetic are easy for masses to read, harder for the masses to imitate. Because Silicon Valley casual is so easy to imitate, it is tempting to counter signal by wearing clothes that are not merely similar, but the same as the clothes some white man bought at Walmart on his girlfriend’s EBT card. So is this silicon valley programmer subtly signaling elite, counter signaling elite, or did he actually buy clothes at Walmart with his girlfriends EBT card? It is hard to tell.

Trump’s towers are not a total break with brutalism. They still rely heavily on giant undecorated colorless boxes of glass and steel, but the giant undecorated boxes are substantially smaller, and there is decoration, the minimum necessary decoration, to connect the human scale to the giant undecorated box scale, and this colorful and ostentatious decoration is a towel snapped in the face of the Puritan Aesthetic. Trump is a status challenge to Puritanism, as Beau Brummel was a status challenge to monarchy. That is part of the reason that they are going crazy.

It is only a relatively small change to the Puritan Aesthetic. Trump’s towers are still rather brutal, relying as they do on unadorned giant boxes of glass and steel, but it is a challenge that goes right to the roots of the Puritan Aesthetic. His decoration is rather minimal, and almost conventional – but nonetheless, dramatic against the monochrome uniformity of the Puritan Aesthetic, and the unhuman scale of the Puritan Aesthetic in architecture. His decoration calls out “To hell with modesty and simplicity”, and by its immodesty, and by the saturation of its colors, calls out to the Regency Aesthetic of the last days of Kings who actually ruled.

The Trump Aesthetic sends a message that the ideas of our rulers are passé and low status. They have, like feminism, hit the wall.