Category: culture


Jewish overrepresentation among badly behaved elites.

When whites are driven out of affluent middle class areas which then become terrifying run down burned out urban jungles, it is not Jews that they are fleeing. The inner city used to be where the affluent, the rich, and the upwardly mobile lived. It is not Jews that destroyed the inner city, Detroit, Ferguson, and are now destroying Chicago. Female bad behavior comes from desire to fuck taciturn narcissistic …


Holiness and corporate performance.

Notoriously, corporations that are Social Justice converged behave in ways that are not only evil, but self destructive, leading to loss of shareholder value. It is difficult to objectively assess social justice convergence, but we can expect it to have a pretty good correlation with the company’s business model – a green energy company is going to be full of social justice warriors, and receive lots of investment from fund …


Censoring the internet

Racist sites are being taken off the internet. Expect “racist” sites to follow. The internet is built to resist censorship, and it is time for alt tech that takes advantage of this. patronize, duckduckgo, hatreon, and, assuming that they are still up by the time you read this. If they are not, namecoin and tor.


Field Report on a trans

I was with a girl in a bar, (under another identity, of course) and a friend of hers showed up who appeared to be a young man, a teenage male. If you saw a photograph of him, you would have no doubt he was male. But the movement was off, the social interaction was off, the voice, though deep for a girl was off, and after a minute or so, …



The holocaust is real, in that midway through the war, the Nazis decided to kill every Jew, and made a good start on doing so. The holocaust is fake, in that a pile of myths have been manufactured around it to deceive people about the nature and motivation of the crime. The point and purpose of the mythmaking is not to exaggerate the crime, but to make the crime as …


Pushing back on social justice warriors.

Remember how Github went social justice? Well elections have consequences “Coraline”, an autogynophilic male to female transexual, competent programmer, and political commissar, recently got purged from Github by the mandarinate. Mandarins are priests, and Social Justice Warriors are priests, but social Justice Warriors are primarily into runaway extreme holier than thou holiness, while mandarins are more into politely conforming to the official religion and emitting all the right social signals. …


for family, for freedom, for country, and for God

Trump’s speech contains some alt right memes, but its approach is not a frontal attack on the enlightenment and enlightenment values, but rather to praise and endorse those values in ways that re-interpret them as anti enlightenment values. It is a dog whistle rather than a shout out, but it is a dog whistle not only to the alt right, but to that part of the alt right that does …


Roman Catholic Church cuckolded.

I had thought the Philippines was the last place on earth where the Roman Catholic Church was not thoroughly cucked. Now it is cucked there also. Muslims in the Philippines have been pissed at Christians ever since the Spanish conquered the place and imposed Roman Catholicism with fire and steel. And not very long ago, the Roman Catholic priesthood in Mindanao was mighty comfortable with fire and steel. The Muslims …


Why female status limits fertility

Men want to have sex with as many women as possible, and give them no support. Women want to have sex with the highest status men available (as women perceive status, which is similar to the way a small evil child raised by cannibal head hunters perceives status), and be supported by men. A prisoner’s dilemma problem, the war of the sexes, ensues. If both freely pursue their interests, we …


Why feminists support Islamic Rape Jihad

Doubtless you have heard of the recent Idaho gang rape. This was Islamic Rape Jihad, not just Muslim rapists, because the girl was five, because the boys put it on video, because the boys expected the support of their community, and because the boys received the support of their community. Feminist response to this rape shows what feminists really want. Everyone reacting to this in an indignant manner is a …