Category: party politics


Winning will be another Republican disaster

Everyone on the Republican side is sucking up to the anti capitalist left – including Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnel.  None have the will to reverse the policies that are ruining the economy, making the middle class poor and insecure. So, when elected, will get the blame for the consequences of these policies.  Since the supposedly hard core capitalism of the Republicans will not work, obviously the solution must be …

party politics

More astroturf

The one nation rally was largely AstroTurf, students bussed by their teachers, unionists bussed by their unions. If it was not hundred percent AstroTurf, it was close enough to one hundred percent that it was hard to see the difference. Jon Stewart’s “March to keep fear alive” rally is looking like it will be more of the same. On the morning of October 30th, we’re loading up a fleet of …

party politics

Duelling Rallies

Verum Serum compares the rallies: Notice the mass of buses at the left of the “one nation” rally – those were unionists who were bused, government employees, rather than people who chose to turn up by their own individual decision. To judge by the number of buses, the “one nation” rally was 90% astroturf. Had they relied on voluntary unpaid attendance, the rally would have been invisibly tiny.


No democratic solution

Doctor Zero has a carefully thought out proposal to get 50% of the voters plus one behind the measures necessary to save America, behind measures that are carefully pruned to be the minimum possible measures that could save the country, measures that are as “moderate” as possible, which is not very moderate at all.

No way Jose. Democracy is doomed, or the country is doomed, or, quite likely, both.

party politics

I predict an Obama win

With these tactics, Obama should be able to win in 2012 And 2016, and … Of course, winning by such tactics may well result in a victory as useless as that which Patrice Lumumba won when the Congo became independent. Two or three weeks after independence, the government of the Congo had largely vanished from underneath Premier Patrice Lumumba, even though parliament continued to meet and vote him ever greater …

party politics

How left is Obama?

Obama was surrounded by the lunatic death-to-Americans left, his friends and social circle all come from those crazies, which led to widespread suspicion he was and is one of them – that he is a crazed commie nazi muslim who seeks to destroy America and reduce Americans to poverty and slavery.  Birds of a feather flock together.  On the other hand, a lot of people believe he is a moderate …


Obama lashes out at the innocent to protect the guilty

Immediately after losing a senate seat to a Republican populist, Obama the next day proceeded to go populist.  He, is, he tells us, going to punish those unregulated wall street fat cats who caused the crisis. He is going to tax the banks, and restrict proprietary trading by banks.  But proprietary trading had little to do with the crisis. All the things that caused the crisis are still going:  the …