Category: party politics

party politics

Dumping Flynn

Dumping Flynn looks weak and will encourage the left to go after more scalps. And the people that were after Flynn are seeking war with Russia and Syria. War is easy, peace is hard, for it is always easier to create disorder than maintain order. But, on the other hand, Flynn was expendable. On studying his career, I find he was a neocon, and an advocate of Coin (counter insurgency …


Trump denounces the press

“You are fake news” Trump is able to take on the mass media because he has is own non state power base. He is the Batman’s Bruce Wayne. But the elephant in the living room is Academia. He has small plans to take on Academia over global warming pseudo science and reluctance to subject vaccines to adequate safety testing, but the biggie is degree deflation, and we have not heard …

party politics

The Wicked Flee

The wicked flee when no man pursueth. I don’t want this blog to turn into all Trump all the time, but those liberal tears just taste so delicious. Trump asks for the names and activities of those engaged in countering “violent extremism”. And immediately government employees panic that Trump will engage in reprisals against those countering violent extremism and will undo all their good work in countering violent extremism. Now …

party politics

left becomes the movement against Global Apartheidt

The issue used to be capitalism, now it is “global apartheid”. Our enemies believe that everyone in the world has an inherent human right to move to white countries to live on crime, welfare, and voting for less law enforcement and more welfare. This will be demonstrated when Trump tries to close the borders. The Permanent Government will just flat in your face point blank defy him. If he closes …

party politics

What the alt right hopes for from Trump

Trump has promised to build a wall, deport millions of illegals, and stop people who hate us from migrating here. Well, that is pretty good, but what we really wish is for Trump to be King and high priest, and his son to be grand inquisitor. That is a mighty tall order, but it would stand a mighty good chance of curing civilizational decay. We need him to be King …

global warming

Recap on Global Warming

Some days are warmer, some are cooler. Some years are warmer, some are cooler. Some centuries are warmer, some are cooler. Not only does climate vary, but the variability itself is subject to change. Ten degree swings over decade have happened, and when that happens once, usually happens ten or twenty times over the following millenia. Fortunately we have not had anything as bad as that in recent millenia, but …

party politics

Draining the swamp

Trump has promised to drain the swamp. Then in his acceptance speech, he promised not to drain the swamp. This is less worrying than it might seem, since when you purge powerful people, you don’t want them to see it coming. From now till the start of the purge, he is going to be playing his cards very close to his chest. Any predictions made from his behavior between now …

party politics


Voter turnout is massive. You don’t get massive turnout like this to vote for the status quo. If Hillary wins, it will only be by equally massive election fraud. As Stalin said: “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.” Poll results are based on the theory that white turnout …

party politics

There will be war

Politics is about who whom.  Politics is tribalism and sectarianism.  The question is simple.  Who’s side are these guys on?  What tribe to they favor grabbing all the loot, and what tribe to they plan to destroy?  Ferguson burning is real politics, not ethanol subsidies.  Milwaukee burning is real politics. The violence that followed Trump’s cancelled Chicago rally is real politics.  Politics is the destruction of your enemies, the burning …

party politics

Hillary’s illness

The most notable symptom of her illness is the need for frequent and lengthy “naps”, often at inconvenient times that play hell with her schedule.  This sounds like alcoholism, since Parkinsons is bad all the time, while getting drunk comes and goes. Both alcoholism and Parkinsons can cause coughing fits, but by and large, when you get coughing fits in Parkinsons you are pretty far gone and cannot pass for …