Category: politics


What unites neoreaction?

Firstly, why neoreaction, rather than reaction? Because the principles and social organization that we want to restore are completely dead, available only in dusty old books whose language is a little bit strange. We are not reacting to the latest outrage, but to outrages that were a fait accompli a hundred years ago. Since what was an fait accompli a hundred years ago has led to the disastrous consequences predicted, …


Neoreaction and libertarianism

The great flaw in libertarianism is egalitarianism. People are unequal, groups are unequal, reproductive roles are unequal. Superior people need to rule inferior people or else inferior people will cause problems for each other and for their betters. Superior people need to be more free. Inferior people cannot handle freedom, need supervision, discipline, and control. Inferior people need to be substantially less free. Equality worked by consuming the social capital …


I want an SPLC listing too!

Scott Terry, famously, got listed as a hate group, for arguing at CPAC (conservative political action conference) that the slave Frederick Douglass was the recipient of a favor by his master. I have often argued that most slaves were not enslaved for profit, but because they profiled as likely to only be able to survive by hunting someone else’s cattle and gathering someone else’s crops, and so the owners of …


Why East Asians vote Democrat

It is easy to understand why Mestizos vote Democrat.  They are stupid. Observe Venezuela.  Chavez stole their food, told them the evil capitalists were starving them, and the hungry Mestizos loved him and voted for him, without wondering overmuch as to why Chavez was so strangely unsuccessful at defending them from evil capitalists.   But why East Asians? West Hunter reports on Dan Freedman’s research on babies:


Soft Power

Modern leftism is a plot by some white males to use women and non whites to destroy other white males. Obama is president, but he does not know what some white male has written on his teleprompter until he reads it. Spandrell complains about a Chinese billionairess piously saying the the politically correct things about democracy.


The latest PC

It used to be mandatory to believe that evolution was a mere creation myth, something that happened long, long ago, and far far away, but had not happened in the last hundred thousand years or so, so that it was impossible for there to be differences between races, or indeed between men and woman. But, in that case, we would still be shaped for eating meat and fat, and not …


Bloomberg speaks truth to power

When I was in Sunnyvale in 2005 November, the vast majority of people who were buying million dollar houses were no-hablo-english hispanics on foodstamps with no regular job buying houses no money down. As far as I could tell, every person buying a house for over a million dollars was an unemployed underclass non white. Earlier there had been some whites buying, but by November, anyone with a credit rating …


Blacks are stupid.

Occidentalist has updated his survey of surveys.  Despite radical social changes and a wide variety of testing regimes, American black IQ always tests out one standard deviation below American white IQ.  Similar differences in character and criminal propensities are obvious. How big is one standard deviation?