Category: politics


Where the doctrine of equalism comes from

“View from the right” is Christian rightist, and there they are arguing all men are made in the image of God, and therefore, equally entitled to rights and dignity. Of course, they can argue this without being totally insane since they believe that everyone has an immortal soul inside, regardless of physical and mental inequality and propensity to depraved acts, but when Christians ditched their Christianity, while retaining equalism, thus …


Not the cognitive elite

Government has accomplished some mighty impressive things, the most impressive being the Manhattan project (nuclear bombs and nuclear energy), and the second most impressive being the landing on the moon. After Hiroshima, and before the moon landing, people said “Why don’t we (meaning government) have a Manhattan project to do X” After the landing on the moon, people said “If we (meaning government) can put a man on the moon, …


Not the Jews

If someone thinks the Jews are behind the collapse of our civilization, he has to think the rot set in after 1950, for in the anglosphere, Jews were substantially excluded from the establishment until after 1954. Those who can see has a review of the early twentieth century showing rot several decades before that.


Cthulhu for president!

Romney and Obama are debating capitalism, freedom, and free markets. Which makes it sound as though the election matters. If American people vote for Obama, they will have voted against capitalism, freedom, and free markets, and if they vote for Romney, they will have voted for capitalism, freedom, and free markets. But no matter what they vote for it will make no difference. Vote Obama, you won’t get socialism, but …


Occupy LA performs riot theater

Michael Blaze is a black artist and art entrepreneur who is sufficiently white, middle class, and upwardly mobile that if he shot a black criminal, would promptly be declared white by Mainstream Media. He is one of those blacks that whiter people like to associate with to prove they are not prejudiced without risking getting mugged, and, like those whiter people, is a good progressive. He gives us an on …


Health care and stockholm syndrome

Observing enthusiasm for government health care around the world, it seems fairly proportional to the amount of involuntary euthanasia, the amount of murder by the state. Government healthcare has been demonstrably successful in moving the population and voters left, in large part in proportion to its propensity to murder people. Thirty percent of hospital deaths in Britain are murder by the state.  British hospitals literally stink of death, due to …


29% of British hospital deaths murder by the state

The Liverpool Care Pathway. Which consists of heavily drugging them, and giving them no food or water. This will kill a healthy person in less than a week, and kill someone with breathing difficulties, for example an elderly person with pneumonia, in a few hours. The average life expectancy on the Liverpool Care Pathway is thirty three hours, indicating most patients were pretty healthy when it was decided to murder …