When the US accepted the Karzai government it snatched defeat from jaws of victory. There is not point in continuing the war in Afghanistan unless we start by killing Karzai and everyone near him. A government that executes people for converting to Christianity is always going to be a safe place for people to organize terror against infidels.
Category: war
Egypt a test case for war with Islam
Is there a difference between “Islamic extremismâ€, and Islam? The British prime minster proposes Egypt as a test case: This highlights, I think, a significant problem when discussing the terrorist threat that we face. There is so much muddled thinking about this whole issue. On the one hand, those on the hard right ignore this distinction between Islam and Islamist extremism, and just say that Islam and the West are …
Muslim democracy is dangerous
The reason there are so few Islamic democracies is that the majority of Muslims vote for war, rape, murder, and terror, with the result that democracies with substantial Muslim populations tend to be short lived. Muslim democracy is dangerous because Muslim voters are dangerous, and should not be permitted. Egypt looks like it will produce more of the same – the winners will likely be the Muslim Brotherhood, which will …
The blood libel against Sarah Palin
So, as Sarah Palin said, keep your powder dry.
Curious cuddles between the Cathedral and Islam
If someone is a called a “moderate Muslim”, he is probably part of the establishment, part of our ruling elite, or spends much of his day in their circles. If someone is a Muslim, and part of our ruling elite or close to it, he is probably a terrorist, or spends much of the rest of his day in their circles. There is at most one degree of separation between …
The evil empire
Wikileaks Cable 10Paris58 reveals the extent of US rule over Europe. If Europe is further left than the US, broker than the US, and more $@$%# than the US, this primarily that the American ruling elite has a freer hand in ruling Europe than in ruling the US, due to the US constitution, and the American tradition of liberty. In Cable 10Paris58, the writer announces that France is insufficiently left …
The end of the road to serfdom
Hayek, in “The Road to Serfdom†predicted the welfare regulatory state must inevitably become the totalitarian terror state. Observe: We have arrived. America is now a totalitarian terror state. In 1992 I visited Cuba. Thereafter, I argued it was a totalitarian state, because when I asked certain questions some people fled, fearing that merely hearing the question would result in them being punished for the thoughts it might elicit, and …
Political correctness kills
Pajamas Media has a long list of notable and obvious terrorists, who, as moderate Muslims, were invited into the highest reaches of the US government. They only tell stories of high terrorists in the bosom of authority, simultaneously in authority in the US government, and in authority in Al Quaeda, neglecting to mention lowlier foot terrorists who actually carry out the killing, for example Hasan: the first terrorist to give …
Julian Assange is a hero
Yes, he is a leftist, but he is an enemy of the regnant left, an enemy of the state, an enemy of my enemy. Why are all these rightists complaining when Assange makes Obama look like a dangerous lunatic and the state department look like deluded religious fanatics? Are these rightists loyal to a government that is at every level composed of men who hate them and regard them as …
The war with Islam was lost on the playing fields of Sidwell Friends
Roissy reports how when the Washington school to which the elite send their children made a poor sporting performance, their response to losing was childish, unsporting, and unmanly. Pajamas Media reports how unsportsmanlike attitudes are inculcated, and masculinity treated as a mental defect caused by testosterone poisoning. If the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, America was lost on the playing fields of Sidwell Friends. …