White culture and white history is being demonized and erased. Historically, demonizing a group is usually a prelude to attempting to physically exterminate the group, to physically erase them after culturally erasing them. Progressives, or at least some progressives whose superior holiness is such that progressives, and even conservatives, are unable to criticize them, are now piously advocating the next step, in the august pages of the New York Times, …
Category: war
I support the Hong Kong police too!
Hong Kong has never been democratic. It was an island out of time, founded by British pirates and drug smugglers, keeping the early nineteenth century British political system of local rule by the local gentry, and the late eighteenth century early nineteenth century British form of capitalism, derived from Manchesterism and little changed from Manchesterism. (British impact and Hong Kong’s colorful history started well before the first Opium war, but …
War approaches
That is deaths as a proportion of population on a logarithmic scale, so the upward trend in the graph represents a doubling in the proportion of people killed in war. The next big war is due round about now. Right now we are heading into civil war. War is easy, peace is hard, in the sense that falling off a cliff is easy, climbing a cliff is hard. Unless you …
The General Flynn Affair
From the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats sincerely believed they had the goods on Trump, that he was guilty of something or other, had to be guilty of something or other, even though they were never clear in their own minds of exactly what. And from the beginning, it has been obvious that the FBI and the Democrats did not have the goods on …
The Faith
Holy war is coming, as the poz gets ever more extreme, ever faster, and our ruling elite increasingly uses state coercion and the FBI to accomplish political outcomes, coercing fellow members of the political elite for political reasons. Have to bring a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war. Deus Vult. Whites are detribalized, and contrary to the white nationalists, “white†is not a tribal identifier. …
When the rot set in
The priesthood exists to serve the army, by providing legitimacy, moral guidance, and social cohesion. When the priests undermine army officers, pretty soon you get what we have got. Priests are supposed to supply asabiyyah. That is their number one job in this world. What we have is priests destroying asabiyyah . The problem is not so much elite disloyalty to the masses, nor a Jewish plot against members of …
Trump has said the coup word. Of course, it is not really a Democrat coup until they send a bunch of guys dressed in freshly issued police uniforms and equipped with a subpoena from some judge in Hawaii and give him the perp walk without bothering with the old fashioned inconvenience of a senate supermajority impeachment. And if one coup once, chances are there will be another coup, this time …
The reactionary program.
Neoreaction plans to be the priesthood, but we think warriors should be on top and should steal sufficient to fund the army and the state, that warriors should do warrior stuff, merchants should do merchant stuff, and priests priestly stuff. Our current problems are the result of an excessively numerous priesthood overflowing and intruding on the activities more properly performed by merchants and warriors. Thus human resources disrupts the corporation, …
Deus Vult
Gnon wills it. Trump cannot get stuff done, because he is merely president, and the permanent government is full of people that hate him. But it is not just the permanent government. His political appointees are in bed with his enemies, and are subverting his agenda. Two years after Hitler was elected, Hitler had a Nazi running ever boy scout troop and every trade union chapter. Trump cannot even get …
war approaches faster.
The story of the Covington boys is that the left saw some boys wearing Maga hats, wanted to murder them, and then felt there must be something or other justifying their desire, and therefore confidently announced that something or other had happened justifying murder on every news medium – which announcements continue in spite of the fact that the entire incident is on video showing no such thing. This is …