
US inflation rising

The latest official cpi is 0.3% rise for the month of October, which, annualized, is 3.6% – higher than is desirable, high enough to cause moderate damage to investment and employment,but not high enough to be a serious problem. Actual inflation, in my doubtless biased judgment,  is probably around seven percent, high enough to be a serious problem, high enough significantly damage investment and cause substantial unemployment. The government continues …


Productivity leaps?

Since the holes are valued at cost, and filling them in also valued at cost, and since the peasants working in the Lord sector are well paid, better paid than ordinary peasants, though not quite as well paid as the lord and his retainers, and since the Lord and his retainers also took a modest pay rise for arranging all this prosperity, total value produced, total GDP is now a whopping eight hundred and fifty thousand sacks of wheat, a fourfold rise in GDP. One of the Lord’s retainers is an economist, who gets a Nobel prize for explaining that the Lord has done such a good job.


Judaism is racism, says the British Court of Appeals

A Jewish school, partially funded by the British taxpayer, has been ordered it cannot define Jews by descent, because this is “racism”.  Unfortunately, Judaism does define Jews by descent.  If the effect of the ruling was merely that Jewish institutions, being “racist” cannot receive government funding, this would not be too bad, but unfortunately, Britain prohibits “racist” association generally, so the ruling logically prohibits Jewish association generally, thus the practice …


Political correctness kills people

Section 3 of the US constitution. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Major Nidal Malik Hasan adhered to our enemies and gave our enemies aid and comfort. He then waged war against the united states, shooting 43 soldiers who were not carrying arms at the time. When he adhered to our enemies …

party politics

The lesson of NY 23 election

The election for New York’s 23rd Congressional District was a straight up and down test of Tea Party conservatism and Palin Republicanism against “moderate” Republicanism. It proved, decisively, that Palin Republicanism wins votes and that “moderate” Republicanism loses votes. It proved, decisively, that “moderate” Republicans wish the party harm. The Republican party machine (the NRCC and the RNC) gave near a million dollars to a candidate who in the end …

party politics

Fighting to lose in Afghanistan.

Hillary has just announced that it is fine by her for Karzai to steal the election. “that bestowed legitimacy from that moment forward” Details, x Democrats of the Vietnam generation long for a re-run of Vietnam. Karzai is militarily incompetent, an enemy of western civilization, and is fighting to lose, thus to allow him to steal the election is defeatism, guaranteeing the Vietnam quagmire that Democrats long for.  Next stop, …



At present prices gold has little practical use, except as money.  So if you buy gold, you are buying insurance against paper money going to hell, and people using gold as money.  When the $%@# hits the fan, you will be able to eat, and maybe buy some assets cheaply.  On the other hand, if the $%@# never hits the fan, you will probably lose money over time, because gold’s …

party politics

Sarah Palin in charge

In my previous post, I observed that when the Republican party machine says one thing, and Sarah Palin says a different thing, Republican party activists do what Sarah Palin says, and not what the party machine says.  But, of course, we next have to ask do Republican voters do what Republican party activists say, or do they do what the party machine says? The question is now answered.