If you teach your elite to hate western civilization, whites, and modern technology, you are not going to have any of them for very much longer. It looks rather as if 99% of western peoples are going to perish from this earth. The survivors will be oddball types, subscribers to reactionary and rather silly religions in barren edge regions like Alaska. Recent events in Syria suggest that the Russian capability …
Nuclear Technological decline
The US no longer produces weapons grade plutonium. Supposedly this is a choice. It has asked other countries to not produce weapons grade plutonium, and to get rid of the weapons grade plutonium they do have. The economical way to destroy weapons grade plutonium is to burn it in nuclear reactors, to use it for power, which destroys some of it and irreversibly contaminates the rest with plutonium 240, making …
Deus Vult
Spandrel observes that religion is our genes looking for a tribe to join, and concludes We shall drown, and nobody will save us Alfa NL observes that Spandrel is very clever, but the natural law arguments for marriage, the family, for desiring the survival of our personal descendants are kind of chilling, and it is a lot easier say that marriage, property, and the survival of our descendents is the …
Cathedral decision making
The president does not make decisions. The presidency does not make decisions either, at least not in the sense that an individual, or a well run corporation makes decisions. Rather, it is driven entropic forces, which tend over time tend to have certain outcomes, like a river slowly changing its course. Thus we see the presidency gradually yielding on Aleppo. If Xenophon, or Raffles, or Clive of India, or Atilla …
Women prefer men with the stones to rape them
Left wing activist hot heterosexual chick with no apparent boyfriend works as refugee aid activist. Predictably gets robbed and gang raped. Predictably continues to work as refugee aid activist and blames German racism. Why, you may ask, does a hot chick have no boyfriend? Well in my experience it is extremely common for way hot chicks to have no boyfriend because they are on booty calls to guys who are, …
Bunker busters said to be war crime
As you know “the international community” is denouncing Russia’s use of bunker buster bombs as a war crime. There is a rebel video on you tube examining the hole made by a bunker buster. Looks like the bomb blast went through two meters of concrete to blow up inside a bunker. Somehow I doubt that you will find all that many civilians under two meters of concrete inside a bunker. …
Rebel held Aleppo is currently entirely surrounded, and is about fourteen kilometers by four kilometers, meaning every inch of it is within mortar range of Assad’s troops. It will fall shortly unless there is a rescue mission from outside to relieve the siege. There have been rescue missions before, each of which ever more blatantly involves some new foreign power directly intervening in Syria ever more directly against the legitimate …
Yes, women vote for rape, conquest, and enslavement
Some of my supposedly red pilled commenters doubt my account of the nature of women. So, I am going to steal shamelessly from the great and wonderful Heartiste, Minion of Satan. Bleeding heart (and bleeding bush) Frenchwomen are lining up to fuck the rapefugee dregs of humanity….in a romantic setting that looks like this: Contrast: There are White beta males at this very moment paying for dinners and nights out …
Nitrocellulose illegalized
The government has defined nitrocellulose, a deflagrating explosive, as a high explosive. This makes anyone who creates ammunition subject to rules that are impossible to comply with. Fortunately the government has also issued an unprincipled exception, telling people not to worry about it. Just go on handling nitrocellulose as the deflagrating explosive that it actually is, and, wink, nod, we will not prosecute you. But slowly, over time, unprincipled exceptions …
Hitting your woman with a stick
No woman in love ever wanted to hear her lover say “Honey, you can hang out at my place as long as you feel like it” What she wants to hear is “I will keep you forever, and never ever let you go.” Men want to have sex with women. Women want to submit to a man’s urgent and powerful sexual demands. Sex for women is just not very interesting …