The natural tendency is for Church and Sovereign to become one (interpreting Religion and Church broadly to include progressivism as a religion and Harvard as its Church)Â If one, the question goes away. But sometimes church and sovereign are geographically different, as when the Holy Roman Empire lost power, resulting in one Roman Catholic Church and many Roman Catholic Kings. Whereupon trouble ensues, and the question becomes urgent. What tends …
If you are a conservative
You believe that a wall for the US is immoral and racist, but a wall for Israel is not. You believe deporting anchor babies is unconstitutional. You believe that free trade consists of other nations accepting US copyrights, patents, and US investment, but not US goods. You believe that the US should be the world’s policeman. You believe in gay marriage. You oppose abortion but support state funding for an …
Trump for King
This image, and this entire blog is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License This is an outline of how President Trump might well become King Trump the first, if we are sufficiently lucky and virtuous. The world is sick of anarcho tyranny, and hungers unknowingly for the power and authority of Kings. The recent election of Duterte, on a platform of his praetorians simply killing the bad …
Keeping up with PC
Me: I would not like to be incorrect, so is pedophilia still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever, or is it holy and sacred already? SJW: Relax. Still an abomination and absolutely the worst thing ever. Me: What if the pedophilia is part of an anti bullying program teaching pre pubertal children to accept gays. SJW: Never happens. Me: I seem to recall the anti bullying literature depicting …
Menstrual synchronization and cryptic ovulation
The PUA interpretation of cryptic ovulation is that it is an evolutionary adaption to make it easier for women to cuckold their husbands. Doubtless there is some truth in this, but some untruth also, since when females get their way the result is not polyandry, which is cryptic, but serial monogamy, which female behavior is far from cryptic, whereas when males get their way, the result is polygyny.  Further, females …
New Canon on Church and State
I hearby declare Citadel’s statement on Church and State to be neoreactionary canon. A lot of neoreactionaries are Christian adherents of organized religion – or wish they could be Christian – or wish they could be adherents of some organized religion or other. I suppose all of us wish that. Trouble is that today’s Roman Catholicism and the rest are heretical, satanic, and are committing institutional suicide as fast as …
All slopes are slippery
Just as overt discrimination against blacks was replaced with overt discrimination against whites with no intervening period of neutrality, when people opposed the double standard and started socially enforcing chastity on men, they abandoned social enforcement of chastity on women. In the social world, everything is a feedback loop, and all slopes are slippery. The resulting equilibria rarely involve “equality.” Either men are morally superior to women, and women’s sexuality …
Shit tests are designed to be passed
This is not a PUA blog. Not going to tell you how to recognize a shit test or how to pass it. I myself am not all that good at such things. But I will tell you that you need to know such things. Mostly the red pill is the rediscovery of stuff that back in the fifties and sixties everyone knew but no one would plainly say. Shit tests, …
Most neo reactionaries are ex libertarians, or ex anarchists. Indeed, if you are a feudalist you are not even an ex anarchist. You are an anarcho capitalist who doubts that most people should be allowed authority in the anarcho capitalist system of enforcement and justice, or are likely to receive a substantial voice. “I pencil†is a famous criticism of socialism, which shows how difficult it is to centrally plan …
Duerte Harry
If the votes are honestly counted, Duerte Harry will be the next president of the Philippines. He was previously mayor of Davao, where he solved a crime problem, in substantial part a problem of Muslim criminals predating on Christians, by killing criminals. A lot of criminals. Of all religions. When I was in Davao, some people threatened him with lawfare, and he responded in his newspaper that if they sued …