First, the Australian experience tells us that regular judges and government employees will not cooperate with the merely elected government. So the merely elected government has to rely on the military and on “civilian contractors” (mercenaries). The merely elected government has to give the “civilian contractors” sovereign immunity against the courts, which makes them not very civilian at all. Without sovereign immunity, any time a “civilian contractor” forcibly prevents an …
Minor Australian politician says out loud what everyone in the world is thinking
Josh Frydenberg, Australian minister for natural resources says: a country that loses control of its borders not only invites the tragedy of the loss of life at sea … but also the direct security threats that are incurred by not knowing exactly the backgrounds of the people that you accept into your own country It is odd that in the entire world, I cannot find any other politician saying this out …
Yes, we are at war with Islam
And always have been. For over a thousand years, a multitude of nations, states, peoples, cultures, religions, and empires have attempted to coexist with Islam. None have succeeded. We will not be the first. If you have a few percent of Muslims, you have what you can pretend is a major crime problem. If you have ten to thirty percent, you have a low level civil war, which intermittently becomes …
Bay of Pigs operation
Bay of pigs official history: “On January 1, 1959, a young Cuban nationalist named Fidel Castro (1926-) drove his guerilla army into Havana and overthrew General Fulgencio Batista (1901-1973), the nation’s American-backed president. For the next two years, officials at the U.S. State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) attempted to push Castro from power. “ But it was the state department that overthrew Batista and installed Castro. Maybe …
The cervix and rape
tl;dr: Legalize rape. Ban fornication. Old Testament got it right. It is often said, and it is largely true, that women cannot get pregnant by rape. Of course they can get pregnant as a result of someone having sex with them while holding a knife to their throat while they scream and weep and struggle and protest, but unlikely to get pregnant unless they rather enjoyed the knife and the …
The Jewish problem
Nazis are commies and commies are progressives. If you are a Nazi, you think that the rot set in around 1930-1950. If you are a progressive, you think the rot has not set in yet. So if you are a Nazi, you pretty much want the New Deal, or the New Deal on steroids. Nazis are leftists who have been left behind by the movement ever leftwards. If you are …
Watching female oriented video porn so you don’t have to
Most female sexually oriented material is books or chick flicks, which are entirely under the thumb of the social justice warriors, so it is sometimes tricky to disentangle what is a reflection of the unbridled female id, and what is social justice propaganda, what the social justice warriors wish the female id was really like. However a small minority of female sexually oriented material is porn that is clearly intended …
Putin successfully stabilizing Syria
Where you have a substantial Islamic minority, the only stable solution is for Islam to rule or to be violently and brutally crushed. Nothing in between works, despite over a thousand years of governments, peoples, cultures, and religions trying to find something in between, and endlessly failing. Where you have several different substantial Islamic factions in a single country, the only solution is a brutal dictatorship to keep the Islamics …
Republican party funds the sale of baby meat
As you may have heard: Boehner’s announcement Friday that he will step down at the end of October came just after he persuaded conservatives not to threaten to shut down the government unless Congress cut off Planned Parenthood funding. “Threaten to shut down the government” means “pass a budget forcing taxpayers to fund every single thing on the left wing wish list except funding for a particular corporation that sells …
Thermodynamics, leftism, organisms, and Chesterton’s fence
Entropy, disorder always increases. Life exists, a living creature exists, by increasing its own internal order, at the expense of consuming external order and excreting disorder. A functional society generates internal order, like a living organism. So the individual organisms of the society find safety, peace, order, and secure property rights. And from these intangible forms of order, they get more tangible, individual organism scale forms of order: food in …