Social Justice Warriors believe that all people were created equal. Kind of obviously, people are not equal. Very few video games were created by women, and those games are crap. If people are not equal, it must be due to the evil magic of thought criminals thinking thought crimes. Social Justice Warriors therefore convict the broad mass of gamers as thought criminals, whose evil thoughts are magically causing magical harm, …
Nazism and antisemitism is PC
Observe that now that 4chan has been totally taken over by social justice warriors, you can still say “nigger nigger kike kike” all day long on 4chan, you can say that Hitler did not kill the Jews but he should have, but you cannot criticize social justice warriors, feminists, trannies, and so forth on 4chan. Correction: After they purged the anti feminists etc, then they came for people saying kike …
Massive 4chan purge and censorship.
Most Chan mods have been permabanned and replaced by social justice warriors Of the 4chan old guard, only four remain. It used to be said that all organizations become left wing, except those that are explicitly right wing. We may have to amend that to “all organizations become left wing, except those that are explicitly reactionary”. Progressives long maintained the illusion of an open society by maintaining a neutered opposition. …
He-who-must-not-be named speaks
Gamergate is gamers spontaneously discovering the Cathedral. The Cathedral speaks with one voice. In the last 48 hours, 15 articles about the “death of gaming” have been published And the Cathedral sounds like Lord Voldemort. To paraphrase the conversation: feminist: you are sexist and bigoted target: I am innocent feminist: I can and will crush you target: I have said nothing offensive feminist 2: failure to be PC is offensive …
Breitbart explains gamergate
Too long, don’t read: Short of it: Gamers to press: You lie about games in return for for money, goodies, and whores. Press to Gamers: Misogynists! How can you say this when we are obviously so much holier than you are?
Gamers are a demographic interested in certain topics who buy stuff. Thus, magazines and websites staffed by professional journalists are created to carry articles that interest those people and ads selling stuff that they are likely to buy. Gamer journalists are, being journalists, extremely politically correct, and make it their mission to morally improve their audience and make them as holy as their extremely holy selves. Gamers are anonymous, therefore …
Memes and reproduction.
Progressives do not reproduce at anywhere near replacement rate. But they set things up so that conservatives have to send their children to educational institutions controlled by progressives. If memes reproduce from parent to child, then in the long run, surviving memes will be favorable to the people that hold them. If, however, memes reproduce through state pressure and state sponsored evangelism, they are going to be selected for state …
Nice guys finish last
We all know, just from looking around, that nice guys finish last, that women reliably make extremely bad sexual choices, that female sexual autonomy is a really bad idea. Now that the left have given up on socialism, except to the extent that they accidentally and unintentionally stumble into socialism through disastrously stupid laws like Sarbanes–Oxley, female sexual autonomy is the worst idea of the left. Scott has done the …
Recap on Ukraine
Bored now, which is why I have not mentioned it in a while. Democracy produced the wrong result in Ukraine, so the Cathedral staged a coup. The instrument of the coup was the Maidan movement, which is supposedly an indigenous Ukrainian movement, but its web page is in English in the distinctive dialect of the American ruling elite. Intercepted phone conversation revealed that State Department regarded the nominal leaders of …
leftism as cancer
“Leftism as Cancer” stopped being accessible through google in the course of a blog backup and restore, so reposting it. Leftism is to memes as cancer is genes. If the cells of the body mutate, cells that multiply at the expense of the body will be selected. And cells that mutate to a faster mutation rate will be selected, since they will have more fast multiplying variants. In a healthy …