We do not have a word “deskism” for someone who thinks differences between kinds of desk matter, and who has strong preferences in favor of some kinds of desks and against other kinds of desk. No one can be racist against white people, and all whites are racists. That is why it is not racism when a bunch of blacks beat up a white man who happens to be passing by. …
“the Snow Queen†and “Frozenâ€
Don’t worry.  This is not going to turn into a My Little Pony blog. A long time back I heard Disney people worrying aloud that they were having trouble making “the Snow Queen†acceptable to modern audiences.  So naturally I assumed they were making it revoltingly feminist and politically correct.  And in due course it came out, the feminists loved it, pronouncing it the first feminist Disney movie.  Also, people …
Powerline speaks truth to power
The real problem with Boko Haram
The problem is not that they are abducting women and selling them as wives, but that they are abducting Christian girls and selling them to Muslim men. Â This is not bad for Christian girls. Â It is bad for Christian men. The Cathedral, oddly, seems far more frightened of Christian Holy War than Muslim Jihad (observe their disturbing response to ethnic cleansing by Christians in the Central Africa Republic), so is …
Why women need to kept on leashes
A software company just went bust.  Happens a lot.  That a woman happened to be running this company is not significant.  Lots of men have lost lots of other people’s money too.  What is significant is that she starts off her explanation of how she pissed away all her investor’s money by talking about her sex life. She begins: Something wasn’t right, and I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what …
Ever faster movement left
Weasel zippers reports some tweets: Now, not only can free speech get you fired, supporting, people’s right to free speech behind closed doors with the blinds drawn, while piously deploring what they say, can get you fired. Observe that Josh Olin did not take the horribly extreme ultra ultra far right neo nazi position that people have a right to free speech in public. Can anyone remember a time when anyone …
ESR moves ever leftwards
Esr has to move ever leftwards, or else suffer persecution, and to prove himself sufficiently left, has to enthusiastically support the ever greater persecution of his fellow leftists. Thus each leftist has to move further left, and has to support the persecution of his fellow leftists even more than he did last year. This is the left singularity, which results in ever leftwards movement, ever faster. It is always cut …
Shooting Gennady Kernes
The Ukraine, like most of the former communist lands, experienced a five finger conversion to capitalism. State assets mysteriously wound up in the hands of some individuals. Gennady Kernes was prominent among those individuals. In the Ukraine the new plutocrats have proven less competent at utilizing assets than stealing them. Ukraine lacks law, tradition, and custom for the orderly exchange of capital assets, so, in the absence of Gennady Kernes, …
Technological decline
If we cannot build high buildings any more, progressives say we are now so sophisticated that we are now superior to status competition based on giant penis substitutes, and status competition based on having a higher corner office than the other business executives. If high art is an aids infested trannie projectile vomiting over the audience, progressives say that we philistines just don’t get high art. But the most important …
Joo talk
I regard all religions as at best useful pretenses that provide divine authority for ancient truths, sensible collective behavior, and sensible individual behavior, at worst as memetic diseases, and am apt to give advice to the religious on the basis of what would make a useful pretense. Â Such advice is not always enthusiastically received. I have long argued that Jews should actually do what everyone accuses them of doing: Â Have …