As you know, Democrats are today taking a bold principled stand for the inalienable human rights of a bunch of illegal immigrants who are on their home country’s wanted list. Including the right to free housing, generous welfare payments, free sex change operations and to remain in America until such times as a radical leftist judge agrees to deport potential Democrat party voters.
It is inherent in the nature of the leftism that the left gets ever lefter, ever faster. But it rapidly comes to pass that this can only work if they silence all their opponents. And very soon it can only work if they murder all opponents and suspected opponents. And then it swiftly comes to pass that this can only work of if they torture, then murder, all opponents, suspected opponents, potential opponents, and suspected potential opponents.
Having lost the power to silence their opponents, most of the Democrat party is right now rushing over a cliff.
California Governor Gavin Newsom, the man who presided over the mysterious disappearance of twenty billion in homeless funds, seventeen billion in fast rail funds, and turned off the water so that Hollywood would burn to the ground, the Democrat with the most stature to run as 2028 Democratic party candidate, the man who during Covid imprisoned Califonians in their own homes and forcibly injected them with an untested medication while he went out and partied as normal, is right now busy rightwashing himself. He can see where the Democrat party is headed.
The left is self imprisoned in an ever shrinking bubble of evil and insanity, and reject any information from outside the bubble as lies from a tiny toxic minority of fascist incel chuds. Entertainingly, I saw the “incel” attack on Musk, a man with a dozen children by alarmingly many different women, who seems to maintain friendly relations with most or all of those women, and paternal relations with all those children.
Recently we saw a conscious effort by the New York Times, and now Governor Gavin Newsom, to reach outside the bubble, which has horrified and outraged the left, who simply added the New York Times and Governor Gavin Newsom to their little list of a tiny toxic minority of fascist incel chuds.
The bubble in Canada, England, and most of Europe are still in power, and can and do imprison anyone who threatens their bubble of insanity, evil, and self delusion. But with power slipping away in the US, the bubble in the US is imploding.
Unfortunately madness levels outside the bubble are only moderately lower. A very large and important part of Trump’s coalition wants war with Russia, war with China, war with Iran, and Turkey and Hungary are on their radar.
However, once the radical left finishes with self destruction, madness levels outside the bubble are likely to diminish.
When Musk couped the USAID C3I, most shilling operations vanished overnight. But some are still going, probably funded by England, Europe, California, Canada, and the Ukraine. The major noticeable shilling operation that I notice is, of course the aforementioned inalienable human rights of illegal immigrants wanted by their home government, and of course, the Ukraine is winning, winning, winning, except for treasonous hostility by Trump the Putin Puppet. Plus there is a surprisingly large and vigorous operation denouncing Disney for joining the tiny toxic minority of fascist incel chuds. (Disney committed the genocidally fascist crime of producing a live action Lilo and Stitch which was faithful to the original animated IP, and thus only pumping 2002 levels of woke. The original had a nonwhite female protagonist and all nonwhite female major characters, but the remake neglected to remake the heroine into a sufficiently dark skinned Mary Sue character, and failed to adequately spit on whites and straights. Whites in the remake tend to be gross and disgusting, but I suppose not gross and disgusting enough. Also the cute animaloid alien is still merely lovably mischievous and lawless, rather than demonic. Albeit his pranks this time around are potentially murderous, but I suppose potential is not enough. It just does not vomit all over the original IP the way every other Disney live remake has.)
Raving about fascist Disney, fascist Governor Newsom, and the human rights of illegal immigrants on their home country’s wanted list, seems unlikely to get much traction if anyone is allowed to disagree.
Has this self destruction already started? Haven’t heard of a substantial number of recent deaths of leftists. Hence, I assume that this self destruction is presently only happering in the form of cancellations and desertations. Am I missing something?
The left is increasingly the radical and insane leftmost faction of what used to be the left. Some parts of the left of a few years ago have been purged, other parts have fled. Newsom ist just one example of someone who has recently fled the left. In a way, that might be called self destruction, but I’m expecting much more bloodshed until the situation is resolved.
Usually, the easiest victims for the radical and insane left are peopel slight less to the left because these people don’t want to hurt their killers and therefore can’t mount an effective defence, neither spiritually nor physically. I’m curious what will happen to Newsom. If he can get away with leaving the rabid left, anyone can or at the very least has no reason not to make an attempt to defect. Then the leftist bubble might shrink rather quickly – and I’ll be stunned that we got rid of the problem so easily.
Only because they are not in a position to liquidate each other. But what they are doing is declaring each other a tiny toxic minority of fascist incel chuds.
I wouldn’t worry too much about Newsom as California is a toxic brand even with normies. Shapiro is the one you have to worry about, no doubt Trump, Vance Elon etc have all given the okay to allow Newsom to attempt to rightwash himself in order so that he might beat Shapiro.
Probably, but you never know. Back in the day 8+ years ago many leftists rooted for “obvious clown” Trump to become the republican candidate in order to “discredit the republicans” and “ensure the first female president”. Also many of them fantasized about Musk being their sugar daddy back then. Things change, people change, collective moods change.
Running the governor of California is a step short of running Pol Pot.
Several steps short of Pol Pot, but during Covid we saw them take a substantial step in that direction.
Why was the left (bodily autonomy and all that) on board with measures that absolutist rulers have never implemented against very real and genuinely deadly plagues?
Why is everything Trump does wrong, except when he goes along with deadly left wing pseudoscience? “The Science”.
If Trump indulges a child with cancer, they hate upon Trump and hate upon the child. But if he swallows “the science”, suddenly leftists are on board.
CNN Poll: Democratic Party’s favorability drops to a record low
Favorable: 29%. Unfavorable: 54%.N
ThE eXTra N Is ParT of the SECret cOde. Shhhhhhh.
Those numbers are before the internal demonization started. Probably substantially lower now.
Also, it’s a CNN poll, so is biased in favor of Democrats. I’d love to see the real number.
The misuse of “incel” isn’t due to leftism. It’s due to women picking up the negative connotation of the word (as perceived by women) without bothering to understand the definition. To them, it means “creep” and nothing more. The real question is whether these women have sex dreams about Musk like they do about Trump.
2020 taught me that. Countries don’t go communist because people sit down and vote on something. They go communist because “progress” just keeps “progressing” until everyone’s too scared shitless to say anything.
I think I’ve figured out why the Dems are supporting crazy bullshit that puts them on the wrong side of 90%/10% voter splits.
The vast majority of the reason is that they’re fucking insane, obviously. But the small remaining part is that they’re aware of the gradualist, salami-slicing strategy. They’ve successfully used it against us for time out of mind: “Right-wingers” give in a little bit on an issue… then a while later, a little bit more… etc. Since the Left consciously uses this strategy, they naturally interpret even a small move toward sanity as the beginning of a gradualist political program that will end with gays being thrown off rooftops, or whatever it is they fear most. So they dig their heels in.
They have misunderstood the situation, because the two situations are not really symmetric. The gradualist strategy matters when the left uses it against the right because e.g. when the right gives a little bit on gun control, then a little more, etc., the vector points to total disarmament and the left would then move to genocide us. But the left giving a little on trannies in your daughter’s bathroom doesn’t hurt the left. The end stage of “common-sense gun control” is democide. But the end-stage of kicking boys out of girls’ sports is not genocide of the left. It’s just 1985. So our enemies pointlessly cling to “Moar trannies!”, thus enraging the vast majority of the voters, for no reason.
Also, as psychotic status-maximizers (as they perceive status), they feel emotional agony when they retreat even one millimeter, even if it’s a strategic retreat. “It means I’m not in power!” they wail in pain. For this emotional reason, strategic retreats are extremely difficult for leftists.
Thus they shout “Moar Trannies!”, they spew “All whites are evil” in a nation that’s majority white, they publicly refuse to give any support or comfort to a child with cancer, etc.
This is all good for us. We win either way: If the Dems refuse to budge on 90/10 issues, they’re cutting their own nuts off politically. OTOH if they give in, then our politics and the Overton Window shift toward sanity.