Tag: fat


Fat is a reactionary issue: retrospective.

The main new information in this post is that four years on from my first post in the series, “Fat is a reactionary issue” still at my healthy weight, despite all the fake science saying that all diets work short term, but no diet works long term. Supposedly no one ever loses large amounts of weight except by illness, and no one ever keeps it off for very long No …


Obesity, nutrition, and spiritual pollution

We have three massive epidemics of ill health: Obesity, low and falling testosterone in males, low and falling sperm production in males, and abnormally high, and abnormally early, very early, levels of androgens in females. It is killing vastly more people than the holy Corona Demon. Almost every older male is diabetic. (I don’t know about women because I don’t hang out or talk much to old obese women. I …


Fat is a reactionary issue

Facebook recently purged a facebook group for advocating healthy eating habits – right wing healthy eating habits – adequate protein, plenty of animal fats and less or no snacking, especially snacking of overly processed foods made from unknown ingredients, which tends to be what snacks are made of. Leftism being the party of defection, infanticide, sodomy, adultery, effeminacy, and treason, is also the party of vice.  And the most common …


Testosterone and weight loss

Exogenous testosterone can cause your testicles to shut down – and possibly shut down permanently. Hence the need to get off testosterone from time to time. I learned that my sperm production was down – not so low as to render me entirely infertile, but low enough to significantly impact my prospects of having another child.  So, I stopped taking exogenous testosterone on May 14th. By May 27th, had gained …


Losing weight is a solved problem

One frequently reads despairing reports that major weight loss is impossible. If you attempt it, supposedly your metabolism slows right down, making you weak, tired, lethargic, slow, and very very hungry. I read in far right and manosphere sources anecdotes from people who claim to have lost a great deal of weight. I followed their advice and lost a great deal of weight: The short of it is weigh yourself …


How to lose weight

When a high status person shows status insecurity, you can gain status by insulting him and by desecrating what is holy to him. Smash his icons to steal his status. Eating meat, salt and fat insults our ruling priesthood and our ruling religion, and desecrates what is holy to them. Real men eat meat and fat, and salt the hell out of it. The holy campaign against saturated fat never …


Hormones and obesity

There is an epidemic of obesity, and no one knows what is causing it. One item, however, is worthy of investigation. Females with early andrenarche, (early pubic hair) in addition to going boy crazy at a disturbingly early age, tend to become obese when they finally reach puberty and their figure finally catches up with their behavior and further enables their behavior. And these days, pretty much all girls have …