Posts Tagged ‘Pussy Riot’

Romanovs and war with Russia

Friday, April 7th, 2017

Trump is seemingly going along with plans for war with Russia, or maybe he is pretending to go along to separate the sane from the truly mad.

It is supposedly morally imperative to go to war with Russia because some bad people in the in middle east have gassed other bad people in the middle east, instead of their usual schtick, which is cutting people’s heads off. Kind of obvious that our ruling elite is looking for an excuse, any excuse.

And our ruling elite has joined the reaction and the alt right in calling Trump and his family the Romanovs.

Some time ago I remarked:

Trump may well cuck out, as the Romanovs cucked out. But if he does, the left will kill him and kill his children as they killed the Romanovs and their children.

To which Grumpus replied:

(Important people read this blog. Let’s watch and see if the Romanovs analogy grows legs out there.)

What do you know. It has grown legs.

The reason that our elite wants to kill the Trump family, and the Republicans for siding with the Trump family, and kill the Russians is Pussy Riot and European University. The continued existence of Russians, and the continued existence of Trumps, undermines their status. If Trump and the Republicans ever allow the Democrats to regain power, they will be killed.

The stakes have grown too high for democracy to continue. Maybe Trump can de-escalate the situation, but entropy is easier than order, only takes one side to escalate, two sides to de-escalate.

Trump Derangement Syndrom and Status

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

Trump’s 2017 order on Muslim immigration is not very different from Obama’s 2011 order.  But what makes it different, the reason liberals weep tears of outrage, is that during his election campaign Trump committed Lèse-majesté, blasphemy, against Muslims.

Now suppose a bunch of sluts and whores go into a Cathedral and perform obscene acts on the altar disrupting the service, and get away with it, then that lowers the status of Christians, and raises the status of sluts and whores.

Thus, when Russian cops jailed Pussy Riot for trespassing in a cathedral and committing obscene acts, the progs were outraged, because sluts and whores are high status, while Christians are low status, and obviously high status people should be able to give low status people a hard time, and low status people should just suck it up.   High status chickens peck low status chickens, and low status chickens do not peck back, they peck lower status chickens. High status chickens go where they please, and lower status chickens get out of the way.

If Putin does not let sluts and whores give Christians a hard time, he implies that sluts and whores are lower status than Christians, which of course causes progs apoplectic rage, because it casts doubt on the status of progs.  Until Trump was elected, looked very much as if progs were going to defend their status with nuclear weapons.

If Muslims are allowed to go where they please and give ordinary white people, aka racists, a hard time, that implies that Muslims are higher status.  Which implies that progs are even higher status.  If they are not allowed, that implies that progs are not higher status.

You will notice that Trump is creating safe zones in the Middle East for Muslim refugees.  Which is arguably a lot better for Muslim refugees than coming to an alien country where they cannot get wives or jobs.  The problem for progs is that not just that they want Muslims to go where they please, they want them to go where they please and give ordinary whites (racists) a hard time.  They are not worried about the welfare of Muslims refugees, but their status.  Safe zones, instead of US migration, undermines Muslim status relative to white Americans. It denies Muslims the opportunity to prove that working class white people in flyover country are low status contemptible hateful people who do not matter.

Hence the seemingly peculiar proposition that Trump is being racist.  Islam is not a race.  Banning Muslims is like banning communists. There are Muslims of all races and communists of all races. Trump is not banning Hindus. There are plenty of Muslims in Russia with better claims to Aryan ancestry than any Southern white gentleman, and there are plenty of Muslims in the countries on Trump’s ban list that are as white as any American – for example Assad’s wife, Asma al-Assad.

Trump’s ban is racist because it raises the status of white Americans, not because it lowers the status of Muslims. It is racist not because it lowers the status of nonwhites, but because it raises the status of people that progs hate and wish to destroy. Same as Putin’s police arresting Pussy Riot for vandalizing a Cathedral.

That Alawites tend to marginally whiter than some other Syrians is of course a major part of the reason why the State Department wants them genocided, but there is a very large minority of Syrians of all religions as white as Asma al-Assad. Asma was a Sunni, and Sunnis are a major part of the refugees from Syria. The ban is not racist because it lowers the status of Muslims, it is racist because it raises the status of American whites, particularly those American whites in marginal electorates in flyover country who have had large numbers of Muslims refugees dumped on them and are now suffering inner city levels of murder and Rotherham levels of rape, due partly to the fact that Muslims tend to rape infidels, indeed arguably this is a religious duty, and partly due to the fact that the refugees are generally single military age men who do not speak English. Of course they are going to rape, even if it was not their religious duty.

Progs are apoplectic with rage because the Muslim ban raises the status of the sort of people in flyover country who voted for Trump, and thus lowers the status of progs. People in flyover country are low status, so should get pecked, and Muslim refugees are dumped upon them to do the pecking. Trump grants the people in flyover country high status. Trump is acting like a King, the fount of all honors mortal and divine, hence the prog cry “Not our president”. They reject his status, and his power to grant status, because they see he is disinclined to grant them the status they deem appropriate.

Long may the God Emperor reign.

You will notice that progs are almost as much outraged by Trump’s safe zones as by his ban on Muslim immigration, for the one takes away their power to rub their enemies faces in the dirt almost as much as the other.

Seeking war with Russia

Wednesday, January 18th, 2017

I have been reading the rationales for actions and policies likely to lead to nuclear war with Russia, and they are incoherent, absurd, and make no sense. They are obviously post hoc rationalizations. The person posting wants war, and looks for justifications until he finds something that is socially acceptable and that he can pretend makes sense. They use Argumentum Ad Baculum (we need to blow up Russia or I will call you a ignoramus and a nazi and destroy your career), Argumentum ad Misericordiam (the guys we sent to destroy Aleppo and murder the Alawites are being bombed), Argumentum ad Ignorantiam (you cannot prove the Russian are not attacking our democracy), Argumentum ad Verecundiam (the CIA says so), Argumentum ad Hominem (Trump is stupid, hateful, and rapes women, therefore we need to go to war with Russia), and Non Sequitur (Hitler caused World War II by invading Poland, therefore we should go to war with Russia over the Ukraine).

Obviously, these people want war for some reason unspeakable and unthinkable even to themselves

Remember when Pussy Riot trashed a Russian Orthodox Cathedral, and the Russian government treated them like thieves and whores?

US government, professorial, and mainstream media reaction was that Pussy Riot is high status, and Christians are low status, therefore Christians should stop offending Pussy Riot, rather than that Pussy Riot should stop offending Christians – pretty much the same reaction as when left wingers riot to shut down right wingers.

Well if Russia treats people like Pussy Riot and the European University as low status, maybe they are low status, and if Pussy Riot and the European University are low status, then the people making arguments likely to lead to nuclear war with Russia are also low status, since they are the same sorts as Pussy Riot and the European University. Nuclear war with Russia would erase this threat to their status – assuming that US nuclear weapons are still mostly functional, which they believe but which I do not believe.

Freedom in Russia and the US.

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Observe that Brandaun Raub was arrested for calling for the imminent start of Civil War 2, whereas Pussy Riot committed numerous acts of subversion, desecration and obscenity in their own venues without encountering any response, before they were arrested for desecrating someone else’s altar in someone else’s venue.

So we are moving from the position that subversion in the US is likely to lose you your job, because your employer may be punished for your views, to the position that you yourself may be punished directly by the state.  We are, however, not there yet.  Brandaun Raub was predictably released.  Someone is just trying it on to test the waters, and found that the US is not yet ready for direct repression of dissidents.  But then, a couple of years ago, was not yet ready for gay marriage. (more…)

Western sponsorship of “Russian” protest

Saturday, August 18th, 2012
Hot half naked Russian chick chainsaws someone else's crucifix in Russia

Hot half naked Russian chick chainsaws someone else’s crucifix in Russia

Observe her protest is written on her in English – she is not protesting for the Russian or Ukrainian audience, but for the western audience. This a western propaganda offensive against the last major Church to stick with Christianity. (more…)

Pussy Riot attacked freedom of speech and freedom of religion

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

And the longer they stay in jail, the more secure freedom of speech and freedom of religion is in Russia.

If you desecrate your own altar in your own venue, that is freedom of speech and freedom of religion. If you desecrate someone else’s altar in someone else’s venue, you are suppressing their freedom of religion, and, in that an altar is symbolic speech, you are silencing their speech. (more…)