A state exists because its army exists. States exist because armies exist.
A state needs a faith, and an army needs a faith. There is always a state faith. And starting with Obama, the faith of woke is currently being imposed on the army — a faith incompatible with the army’s core function, which efficiently killing people and breaking things. It is also incompatible with war production, or production of anything, as recently became apparent in the Ukraine war.
And the last place where the old faith of the Republic lived was the army. Obama decided to stamp that out and enforce Woke. Pete Hegseth intends to restore the old faith of the Republic in the army..
The trouble with the old faith of the Republic is that it only worked because of unprincipled exceptions. And if you remove all the unprincipled exceptions you get woke.
If all men are created equal, blacks are equal, women are equal. If men and women are equal, they are interchangeable, and you get sodomite marriage, trannies in the army, and you have to mind your pronouns.
Pete wants to restore the recently removed unprincipled exceptions. Men will no longer have an inherent universal human right to be women, nor vice versa. But he does not want the old unprincipled exceptions restored. Sodomy will remain, women will remain, provided they can make the physical, which of course they cannot, and he is going to make sure they cannot. Well, that is what he says, but he is namefag, and I can sense some stuff he is not saying — that namefags cannot say.
With Trump, you know you are getting the whole Trump. Trump really is Trump. Hegseth is holding something back, what he is holding back I do not quite know.
But he is dead serious about restoring the old faith of the Republic. The question that is unclear is which unprincipled exceptions to the faith of the Republic he wants back.
A faith that does not need unprincipled exceptions to meet reality is more viable. I want 1660, not 1770. But certainly 1770, which is what Pete Hegseth is selling, is a whole lot easier to sell in the army.
The inherent contradictions of the faith of 1770 got us to where we are today.
Well, is he a real adherent of the faith of 1770? His experience in Afghanistan and Iraq cured him of democratic universalism. The Afghans don’t want our #^##@& universal human rights, and will kill us if we try to shove them down their throats. And he is rather keen on the Bible. The founding fathers, being Deists rather than Christians, were not nearly so keen on the Bible.
He seems keen on on the faith of 1770, he is selling it, and it is an easy sell in the army. Maybe he really believes. Very likely he really believes. Or maybe he simultaneously believes in something a little bit older.
He is alarmingly keen on Israel, which seems a bit odd after his experiences in the Middle East. Still, we have to get Thermidor on side, if he wants to lead the Department of Defence, which he intends to restore to its old name, the Department of War. He seems a little too keen on war. Which all those Jewish Thermidorians really like about him.
But such points do not really matter much. What is important is that Trump is appointing someone who knows you have to bring a gun to gunfight and a faith to a holy war, and who understands we are in a holy war.
Pete’s position, like Trump’s, uneasily straddles rather too many factions. Albeit unlike Trump, all those factions are current year unthinkable. Well, he is a namefag. War comes, and will produce clarity.
Enforcing the physical is a good trick for now. roll everything back to ~1982 PT standards. remove the current exceptions for xx chromosomes, which are ridiculous.
Secondary effect will be of raising standards among young men, I would predict a renewed interest in fitness and strength among that cohort.
Another source for this may be that deep state bugs can only be reliably distracted from gay race communism if you scare them about ‘foreign adversaries.’ I’ve come to the conclusion a huge amount of what appears to be war hawk behavior is simply white men trying to push the tide back. Most of the time when you see people making a huge case about how undemocratic China is and all their mistreatment of wiggers, pretty clear they feel no real negative emotion towards China and no real care for the fate of the wiggers.
My biggest worry is the Eurasian axis is too incompetent to be enough of a threat to keep the Thermidor coalition together long enough for results.
Putler failing to take Ukraine in one swift blow and still struggling to do so keeps quite a bit of fuel in the gay race communism tank. Getting crushed in Syria also gives another big fuel dump in the gay race communism tank. If China falls off the horse as soon as it wallops out, that’s going to be another big med-resistant AIDS dump in the gay race communism stew.
But do external threats really work to illicit internal change? Rome got smashed in Persia and Germania, and they didn’t have a come to Jesus moment afterwards. Looks to me like irrespective of what happens on the outside world, they are going to smash the internal wokocracy regardless. It’s one thing to be weak when facing a peer-enemy, another thing when you can’t even rally the troops because they are all on maternity leave.
They are literally running out of Ukrainians. Also running out of weapons. The time to cut losses and accept whatever deal is on the table, no matter how bad, is long past. It was past when The Greatest Ukrainian Offensive died, taking most of their army with it.
If Putin had taken the Ukraine in one blow, he then would have been faced with a forever war, as Globohomo endlessly attempted to “liberate” Ukraine with low level warfare at a level that they could afford. That was a tar baby he tried to grab, and fortunately failed to grab. Prolonged high level warfare has been terrible for Russia, but it has been far worse for the Globohomo empire, because its weakness, and its cheerful willingness to expend its subjects without limit, has been exposed.
The Ukraine is not losing much territory yet, but its army and its government is fading away rapidly. Russia has the option of continuing the war till the disappearance is complete, and given how much it has cost already, might as well continue to that point. The remaining cost is rapidly diminishing.
This is the best Rejoinder to the series of Articles from Paul Craig Roberts at Unz. Thanks Jim. This relieves my fears of WW3. Even if WW3, I’m relieved knowing that the least bad option still led to WW3.
I’m suggesting that War External is another rallying point for many leftists in the middling halls of power. If so, an incompetent enemy makes this work even better, as they don’t have to be realistic at all in their war aims, and can get a lot more on board.
In this case, no War External doesn’t fix anything until the enemy replaces your leaders or you fight to the last man in Appalachia. War Internal has a chance of fixing things, but War External is another leftist grift while these people are in charge. Thermidor is canny leftists realizing that they are next on the chopping block (and set to profit from war external), so leveraging the Schelling point of Lets Make Everywhere as Gay as America to get a big enough coalition to actually attempt pushing the leftist tide back elsewhere.
You’re correct, but we already have a state faith (in direct violation of the first amendment). It’s called Global Warming Alarmism. It requires belief in things that cannot be proven by science. It persecutes those who do not believe. It has prophets (Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, etc). It even sells indulgences (climate credits).
Our nation’s founders were Christians. And that makes sense because at the end of all other things, only Christ can truly restore the nation. Jesus is the OG of MAGA.
Evidence that the Global Warming faith is still very much alive:
One more heresy that must be crushed WH40k style before America can re-industrialize.
You are out of date. Global Warming is half dead. Covidianism is almost dead. What is currently the dominant faith is Woke: Whitey bad, straights bad, males bad.
Out of date? ZeroHedge posted that article three days ago. No one told Kathy Hochul that global warming is half dead.
Just as every state has a state religion, every non-comatose brain has a memeplex, and the memeplex inside the brain of a Norse warrior with Christian tattoos, the father of 7 children, and the subject of bulls**t le grope accusations by some skank, is likely to be quite healthy and robust. That he became a namefag on television suggests priestly aspirations, hence warrior-priest, everything the orange merchant is not. He can claim the Mandate of Heaven, and I hope he will.
3 wives and a lifetime of abuse allegations by women… not exactly human rights violations but at least he’s passing shit tests.
One day this will be parallel rather than consecutive. Perhaps on Mars, where the sex ratio will be lopsided by design. After the initial settlement phase is over and it’s safe to show up, you can make yourself a planet where the problem of female sexual scarcity is entirely fixed. Only question is whether it’s a biological or a robotic fix; I favor biological, hence Jim’s female breeding farms suggestion.
To be safe we should cover all the bases, including artificial wombs. Female influence on reproduction needs to hit absolute zero.
It is likely that, in the long-run, sexual dimorphism will grow ever more pronounced, with the result being that egalitarianism will become practically unthinkable. The traits selected for on females will vastly differ from the traits selected for on males, in ways that our ancestral environment would have mitigated or prohibited, and the political dynamics will increasingly reflect that. The sexes will separate into two different “classes.” Between the two, males will be the dominant class, particularly once female sexual scarcity is fully corrected.
Artificial wombs are getting into transhumanist and Brave New World territory. Which Transhumanism including the Neuralink by Elon himself that is inspired by the Cyberpunk game “Deus Ex” is actually a knockoff version of the Resurrection Bodies of Christians after Jesus the Logos raises us from the dead.
Deus ex is a game that helped inspire my conversion to Christianity since I discovered I already had a longing for God there.
I smell sulfur and the demonic from this separation of human function from the human body. Like those Techies I find on twitter that talk about reproduction and improving fertility from a 3rd person perspective as if they are Disembodied Minds themselves.
Focusing on tech like they are Prosthetics rather than Tools and rather than maximizing Human Bodily Powers like the Chad Athletes. Who are far more in tune with their bodies and bodily functions including social interactions, seduction and sex with women in order to bring forth the next generation.
Covfefe Anon, if you’re lurking here, I suggest you read the book “Male Choice, Female Competition, and Female Ornaments in Sexual Selection” by Ingo Schlupp.
You’re welcome.
Hi, who is this person? Sound like Varg Vikernes, but he seems to have only one wife
I don’t think the libertarian doctrine of equal rights leads to conclusions like “men and women are equal” or “castrated faggot trannies are women”, etc. The equality only goes as far as stating that stealing from niggers or women is a crime, like stealing from white men is. Killing niggers or women is a crime like killing white men. Etc.
It is true that what is now called liberalism comes from the “classical” liberalism of the 18th and 19th centuries, but the modern version is a corrupted parody.
As to the divine right of kings, to what degree can it be defended against claims of monopoly? You are familiar with the argument : monpoly is bad for consumers. A monopolistic producer of security is going to take advantage of its subjects.
Honor killing & nigger patrol is based.
Killing white men of good character is equivalent of killing black men of good character or the wives of other men. It is not equivalent to killing men of bad character or husbands killing unfaithful wives and their lovers; the latter is praiseworthy.
I somewhat agree with you, except that I would go even further. You can say “all men are created equal” and then not give the privileges endowed to men to the africans and women. I don’t actually see this as an unprincipled exception, in fact it was a long fight by the leftists to get everyone to think this way, and up until past 1865 you cannot even claim a plurality of those in power thought so in America.
It looks to me like “Deism” and “all men are created equal” are not exactly incompatible with Kings or aristocracy, just as Christianity proper endures with all its contradictions. The ancient Israelites were “Deist” — I AM THAT I AM is as “Deist” a phrase as it gets — believed all of themselves descended from the same man with the same covenant, were “created equal” in this way, and their leftisms didn’t look like equalism, didn’t look like tearing down Kings for the sake of equalizing. Their leftisms looked like sexual deviancy, human sacrifice, and worship of sovereigns and strange gods as idols.
You don’t need to turn Jesus Christ from Son of God to jewish community organizer to push leftism, you can see this in the dead and dying churches today. None of the fake priests even bother denying the divinity of Christ, they just go straight to interpreting the Bible in strange and twisted ways, in much the same way they interpret reality itself in strange and twisted ways. Plenty of people who strongly believe both that it’s Good we emancipated women and slaves, and that Jesus Christ was and is God, and as God and as Man died so that we might be saved. These beliefs are hardly sprung from “Deism”.
My case here is that leftism can creep in just fine no matter what your state faith is, if you don’t actively work to combat and suppress it. The Republic divided power too much, and founded itself on leftist principals of “hey lets take the King’s apples”, so leftism became deeply embedded. Had George Washington made himself King, had he enforced a State Church, “Deist” or not, I suspect we would be in a very different world today.
The problem with said Deism is the fact that it contradicts that “I AM” actually does interact with existence and reacts to Demonic and Human Agency even with predestination it still assumes the prediction of Agency. You cannot Pray to a Deistic God and expect him to answer you. You cannot: “Ask and you will receive, knock and it will be open to you”
A Deist God cannot assume Humanity and die for our sins or judge Humanity and Angels for their evils.
Why? Deism, Panpsychism, does not presuppose Nature is dead. The opposite in fact, it presupposes that the Divine Will is the firmament of reality. It doesn’t as axiom exclude anything angelic or demonic, or state that such forces cannot interact with our percieved reality. This is second order assumption, not first order.
I ask again, why? Where does “God is the Divine Will animating all things” leave out room for that Divine Will to resonate with a limited and temporal manifestation of itself?
Not if we’re taking words at face value as literal interpretation. Hence Deist and not Christian, or Nicene Christian. If we take the Christ story as necessarily a Real Event in lower reality, as opposed to a Real Event in mythological reality. Tell me about the lifestyle of people who take Revelations exceptionally seriously. It looks to me like everyone who takes the written form of these stories as literal truth end up denying the reality in their face, and attempt to die as soon as possible.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Apologies, looks like I misinterpreted and ascribed beliefs that seem to have not been held by the people that called themselves Deists. They go out of their way to make a clockwork universe, inventing a bunch of irrational prepositions and ignoring the source of reason itself when crowning reason. In this case, no, Deism makes no sense, is as bad as fedora atheists, but more destructive as it ended up in the heads of powerful men.
Perhaps I am mistaken that a core tenant of Deism is that God never intervenes after he creates reality.
In that case. Why even accept any Divine Revelation? Are the Scriptures truly inspired by God and did the Prophecies actually come True?(I did some more reading on Deism and it is assumed that Deists reject all Divine Revelation like the Bible or I am still wrong on that as well in which case I would like to see evidence for that).
Many of the Old Testament were predictions of the Messiah the enfleshment of the Logos. And in particular the Book of Daniel was accurate predictions of the Succession of Empires in the Middle East and the Mediterranean:
If said “I AM” exists why would he not reveal that name to Moses when he appeared in the Burning Bush and did all the wonders when Israel was bought out of Egypt?
But if such a thing is true and Divine Revelation could be valid. Is that still Deism?
Also scratch that since I just saw your response.
Obviously. But if the right to use force, to produce bads as well as goods, is widely distributed, there has to be a clear and near universally agreed consensus on what is right use of force. Which means you have to have a state religion, even if no state, as for example Saga period Iceland and Judges period Israel, and that monopoly of faith enforced.
As a historical fact, it did.
If woman and blacks have equal rights, you have to make an unprincipled exception “Equal but different” — which was the generally accepted consensus following emancipation of blacks.
And if you are making an unprincipled exception, then you are in a conflict of faiths with people holier than you are. Bad position to be in.
An argument ensues. He calls you a hypocrite. I remember those debates. They were right. The old classical libertarians and conservatives were hypocrites. And so were weak before the people who called them hypocrites.
Women are not men and africans are not persons. Women became men when there were apples to steal for declaring them so, namely that you could humilate the royalty and take their status, and africans became persons in a similar fashion. At first the southern governors argued that africans were people so they could get more seats in the House, and later Harvard argued that africans were persons so that they could enslave the south.
It’s in fact rather easy to say “all men are created equal” and then append “when it comes to receiving God’s grace, obviously it doesn’t apply to things that are not regarding the soul”. It’s when you start adding things like “inaliable rights” that the applecart looks shakey; “I have the right to property, your property in fact, hand it over. Don’t you see, we have equal rights to your property.”
Liberalism has to go if it’s founded on “inaliable rights”, because rights are granted. They’re at the discretion of the King. Our leftism was born from coveting the power, status, and wealth of the King, and once we disempowered him, it continued down the heirarchy.
>Women are not men and africans are not persons.
This is just sneaking differentiation in through the back door, in the stead of accepting differentiation as a principle in of itself.
Cue 200 years of grammatological alchemy to subvert this lexical high ground for advantage; as we have seen.
“there has to be a clear and near universally agreed consensus on what is right use of force. Which means you have to have a state religion, even if no state”
A culture of self-reliance? Or at least being aware that delegating one’s right to self-defense is a bad idea. Taking a line from the cryptocurrency world : not your keys, not your coins.
A culture of self-reliance?
If no near universally accepted consensus on what is right use of force, conflicts will ensue. What if you are up against a bigger gang?. You then need to sign up with an even bigger gang. And we then get what we have got.
By this you mean the faith of England in 1660, Anglican protestantism.
Summarizing the history of Western Christianity: early Catholicism was fine, but went wrong when the popes started to envy what belonged to the emperor, went wrong ever since pope Gregroy VII or so. Grew more corrupted over the centuries, making the protestant split justified and inevitable. The Jesuits represent the most corrupted, most radical branch of the Catholics created in responce to the reformation. I was unsurprised to learn that they were publicly accused of having a hand in the murder of prince William I of Orange.
That the Protestants were right in their protesting was further proved by the fruits of their tree: the industrial revolution was overwhelmingly a protestant movement, and England notably went on to conquer the new world.
But not all Protestant movements were created equal. Notably we can separate three different strands. First the Lutherans, the original protestants. Even though Luther was a great and pious man, his doctrine boils down to ‘please don’t tread on me’. This runs against neoreactionary thought, which is of the opinion that one must rule or be ruled. And indeed, the German states kept having trouble uniting and fighting off the Catholics and Jesuits.
Much more successful were the Calvinists. Yes, they were more radical -Calvin wanted to ban dancing-, but because they were willing to fight for their beliefs, mounted successful resistance against the Catholics, notably in the Netherlands. But because more radical and more in favor of a theocracy than a monarchy, also prone to holiness spirals. We’ll come back to this later.
Final strand were the Anglicans, arguably the most successful. Doctrinally perhaps the vaguest of the three: how serious does the church really take Henry VIII’s theology? But Henry put the king in charge of the church, and that ‘officialisation’ of warriors over priests is very much in line with neoreactionary thought, and a very likely explanation of the success the English had in conquering the new world.
Circling back to the Calvinists. The last big Christian discussion was in the early 17th century on the subject of predestination. Predestination is of course a classic unfalsifiable topic. But what makes the subject interesting is that predestination seems to be all-together the last serious Western Christian debate, not just among Protestants, but also among Catholics, as evidenced by Jansenism in France. After predestination the intellectual class moved on to become Deists and eventually atheists.
Cominator has brought up this topic, has argued in favor of it. I find myself much more on the opposing side. I don’t like being wholly predestined, and in fact I have come to view it as a Calvinist holiness spiral; the Christian version of In’shallah.
I have choices in this life. I believe God wants me to have choices in this life. Obviously, I cannot choose the impossible and in fact am greatly restricted by the laws of nature. But within those confines, I believe I am free to sin or do good. I believe that is what makes humans interesting for God. What would be the use of creating a universe in which you know all the outcomes beforehand? It’s boring.
Alf, do you have any children? I’ve got 3, and I can predict what they’re going to do in most situations with a tremendous amount of accuracy. God’s got way more children than that, and He knows them way better than I know mine. Does me knowing that my son, for instance, is going to lose his temper at the person taunting him and knock his block off shortly with his TKD skills make either of them not free? The taunting child choose to poke the angry bear that is my eldest. The eldest could have chosen to forbear. But I knew exactly how it was going to play out. God has further advantage, He can see from a perspective outside Time.
I can somewhat generally predict how certain situations will pan out, although sometimes I will make a hilariously and horribly wrong estimation. But part of the joy is in where I can not predict what they’re going to do, when they surprise me in a pleasant way, which, lucky for me, happens often enough.
What a strange argument. Your kids have NEVER said anything unexpected to you? NEVER had any personality traits or quirks that surprised you?
>God is outside of time
So is the human soul. Hence, the destination after the body dies is an eternity in the next realm.
As an aside, even in temporal reality human brain seems to react to events that have not yet occured. The research is pushed under the rug because it makes the Elightened look silly, makes it clear that reason is downstream of something higher.
These experiments should have more replication attempts than they do. I very much would like to know if humans can precognize a stimuli, that would challenge much of how we interpret reality, physical and otherwise.
I wouldn’t say never, but their behavior, and in particular, misbehavior is pretty damned predictable to me. To God, even more so,. But to the point—does someone being able to predict how you’re going to choose make your choice not free? I don’t think it does.
There’s something to the principle of Free Will that defies determinism. However, arguing over what the perspective of God may be is ultimately fruitless, cannot really be answered in words. Perhaps experience, but not words.
The program almost certainly exploited the fact that most of the population, when asked to generate random bits, will generate strings of 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on consecutive identical bits way less often than random. It’s quite likely that the lone student did something like pick a big number and decompose it into binary. That’d give a sufficiently random looking sample that the simple program wouldn’t do better than 50/50.
He did not say “Never”. I too can predict the behavior of those very close to me with very great accuracy.
I was trying to emphasize the unknowable rather than put words in his mouth. Humans are not exactly simulatable, and the same people the most obsessed with simulating humans tend to have the same obsession about abolishing sex and gender. Much of the delight of interacting with humans is the unknown and unknowable, just as much of the displeasure, or rather lack of “magic” “sense of connection”, when dealing with chatbots and robots is their predictability.
The only disagreement between “traditional churches” and the secular world is that in traditional churches the preacher will tell men that they must voluntarily fulfill the male side of the traditional social contract.
A church that is truly against divorce for any reason except adultery does not exist.
A church that supports male authority in marriage does not exist.
A church that truly means that women should be respected and submissive does not exist.
A church where women can find well-behaved virgins because the church does not castrate young parishioners to convince the women to look for dicks elsewhere does not exist.
If Christians took their religion seriously, if Christians truly stood for family values, we would have a Christian Taliban, a Christian Boko Haram, and a Christian ISIS. And where are they?
This may be somewhat responsive to your post…
Good memes deserve to be stolen, rather than merely linked to.
The way to embed an image in a comment is.<img src=”https://assets.zerohedge.com/s3fs-public/styles/inline_image_mobile/public/inline-images/wokeclass1-1-768x768_1.jpg”>[*Edit*]
WordPress has a misfeature against people embedding images in comments, and this misfeature is integrated with a lot of other stuff, making it very hard to disable without breaking everything.
Good to know. Testing. Here’s one Voxday published the other day.
Looks like it didn’t work.
Looks like wordpress deletes them. A pity.
It appears that only the topmost admin can insert certain html in comments — and I cannot find the code that does this, nor why.
Arbitrary html can break wordpress, so it filters, I would guess. Googling around, no one seems to have found a fix for this misfeature, which is part of the core wordpress files.
I think you abolished the ability of normal commenters to post images for security reasons.
That guy looks exactly like Richard Spencer lol
“Christian ISIS”
That was the IRA, and before them, the Crusaders.
Well, the IRA got erased by the Blob and Protestants, among others, and now Ireland has been fully taken over by Islam.
And the Crusaders got erased from history lessons by the Prog Marx Commie Democrat Indoctrination Camps known as Public Schools, stripped as the original building and maintaining Christian Nations by the “Secular” Constitution ideologists, and rebranded as “Evil Colonizers” by the Woke incarnation… even though the Crusaders were the only ones throwing out the Muslims that had invaded and colonizing, enslaving, murdering, and raping the Christian Lands of Europe.
So now all of Europe and England have been taken over by the Muhammeden.
And the Christian Men of the USA got erased by Democrats and Soros JEWS and Lying Muslim Apologists like Ilhan Omar, so now places like Wisconsin, Dearborn, Hamtramck, and so on are all Muslim owned No-Go zones.
And somehow the world quietly sits by effectively endorsing Islam’s current murder-purge and expulsion from Syria, while JAILING anyone in the West who dares ask “Um, hello, what about the Muslims invading and slaughtering in our own lands?”. Fuck you Starmer and Trudeau types.
Deus Vult, indeed.
It’s worse than that. “The world” actively facilitates the Rising Tide of Color globally and the Red-Green Alliance in Europe. In addition to the Jews, you have Satanic Harvard in the Anglospere, the lavender-occupied Roman Catholic Church, and foreign governments (particularly Qatar) pouring no end of resources to promote that agenda.
The Left wants to destroy civilization. 1660 England (peak GNON-compliance thus far) is white and Christian and patriarchal and fertile, therefore the Left wants to eliminate the white, the Christian, the male, and the heterosexual. The Red-Green Alliance is Progressives’ Plan B, “If we can’t defeat Christianity with our own Progressivism, let’s at least defeat it with Islam.” The wicked elite uses Mohammedanism as a tool, though really it’s a win-win situation for the Alliance. Which is why I strongly advocate Regime Change in America – once the leftist priesthood falls in America, it will fall everywhere else too, and then you can remove kebab.
As Jim says, your priority should not be Muslims at the moment, but demon-worshippers in power in America. Islam, like the Infinigger (and the Infindian, for that matter), is but an arm of the octopus, is but one head of the hydra. Don’t play whack-a-mole. Go right to the source.
“Christian ISIS”
Irish Catholic Confederation
Catholic and Royal Armies
Catholic League
International Alliance of Catholic Knights
Les Identitaires
Identity Evropa
Crusades themselves started from 722 (Reconquista), and 1095 (Reconquerment), through 1718 (Holy League), and still didn’t finish the job. That’s how tough the problem is.
Nation building and keeping isn’t easy, especially once you stop keeping it.
Japan and China probably won’t have too much problem for a while, because they correctly refuse to let Muslims and just about everyone else in, they know Islam is orthagonal and dangerous to everything else.
The rest of the currently Muslim-free world (mostly Mexico through Argentina, but a few other Christian regions, Australia, etc) has been foolishly opening its doors to Islam (because Woke infection) and is beginning to fall fast. With the West already cooked.
Lots of places keep letting Jews in too… Media, Banking, Politics. USA being the latest shining example of that mess, even boiling over into the protest street, with opposing sides both flying their co-jewish flags.
Same as anything else, waters you down and washes you out, till you look around and say to yourself “These don’t look and act like me, they’re not inviting me to dinner, not offering their daughters to anyone else… where the hell are my people and land? Who did this to us?”
Hegseth is a known multiple-time adulterer, with one child out of wedlock while adultering, two time divorcee. He’s also a bit of a drunkard and irresponsibly spends quasi-public monies in less than fiduciary fashion.
He was accused of rape/assault, but women are evil liars and whores, and that crap has become a political fashion trend, so that can be ignored.
Now he does seem to have cleaned up and found a bit of Righteousness the last handful of years or so, so perhaps he will openly address those issues and his repentance and reformation on some podcast. Maybe he already did on Bongino’s or one of the other two, don’t know.
Young and doesn’t have any upper level military or management experience, but seems more than chomping to get the trash out of the Military, if not the entire Dept of Defense. Grunts know where the bullshit is and will get respect from all the lower rungs. Has a nice Bronze Star.
Point of all this is, will they be allowed to confirm him?
Trump also appointed a Jew as Deputy SecDef, probabably to run PMC ops.
This is about 2% fire and 98% smoke. Here’s a discussion of the “evidence” for it:
and here’s a link to an archived WaPo article about it, a classic example of a leftist hit piece:
Anyway, who gives a shit?
Nobody gives a shit about hanging with the guys.
Yet guys also know that real shit hits real too (PTSD whatever), and we know that private alcoholism happens to impact work, from confusion to aspie-raging.
Not suggesting anything exists. And even if there is a thing, our first job as men is to be for our fellow men and help get them out of any such rut.
A different path… God, fam, guys, and a fulfilling new job.
If that job is gutting and reforming the DoD, then godspeed ahead.
“Women in combat”… see a lot of Shaniqua types in the Mil prancing their obese asses around in MP costumes with their nails and hair done talking jive on their phones all day.
Don’t see a lot of G.I.Janes (whether Ridley Scott variety or any other type).
Fighting women do exist but are pretty rare.
And Men know a fighter when they see one, so have zero problem inviting such fighters on the team.
Problem is, ignoring the silly Shaniqua’s, the Politicians advertised and forcibly filled the combat-area Military with a bunch of non-rare bog-standard women… daters, moms, normies, and wanna-be and not-natural fighters who either didnt make cut, or wouldn’t be invited even if they did because they’re not natural fighters.
At least Joan of Arc rode around the front lines in armor with banner and sword rallying the men.
And trannies, lesbians, queers, gays, etc? Lol.
>Don’t see a lot of G.I.Janes (whether Ridley Scott variety or any other type).
>Fighting women do exist but are pretty rare.
You watched too much TV and read too many garbage books. Your sense of reality is entirely broken.
>>Fighting women do exist but are pretty rare.
>Your sense of reality is entirely broken.
If you don’t parrot the politically correct stance on women while in the military, you can expect an Article 15 in your future. As an Officer, potentially (likely) career ending, although some have survived it.
Rod has proven he is not a shill, but he irritatingly and repetitiously demonstrates he is well to our left, accepting all manner of obviously nuts left wing positions.
And then, like a shill, declines to debate them.
I’m always amused by American horror at “warm” and “stale” beer. Europe, and much of the rest of the world isn’t so picky. Different temperatures bring out different flavor profiles. On to the more serious subject.
Though I have never been in combat, yet I can relate. Had to perform first aid on a close family member nearly a decade ago. I was just beginning graduate studies when it happened. The adrenaline rush, the unforgettable complete sense of purpose and how everything just made sense, the absolute norepinephrine induced euphoria and hyper-surreal reality, the death, the clarity, the event seared into my brain to be on continuous replayed every day, the guilt, horror, and sorrow. Nothing in regular life has ever felt the same. Dull and repetitive can’t begin to describe it. I unenthusiastically slogged through my Masters degree, drinking the entire time, and found no further energy for PhD. I went into the military with the desire for war, combat, death. So far I haven’t found what I seek, and so I continue to drink waiting for glory and death.
I drink more than I should, my drunk posting here can attest to that, I’m more than a bit buzzed right now. The only time I’ve forgone drink has been in training, field exercises, and standing duty. Times where action actually felt worthwhile and purposeful. Much is true for many others in the military. We drink to pass the purposeless tedium. I have no doubt Secretary of Defense will have no tedium, and Hegseth will subsequently forego drinking if he hasn’t already. He has been the only one (high profile facefag) to say the quiet part aloud, he has he full faith and backing of the actual warriors, and thus if deployed to the position of SecDef will attempt to bring the reforms required.
There is no end of prattle about Hegseth’s multiple marriages which automatically assume it’s completely a flaw purely in his character. The number of high ranking Officers I know who are divorced, on their second or even third marriage, or even habitually failed to have a relationship in the first place is staggering. If even a full fucking bird or bmlg can’t keep a basic bitch around, what chance does some junior or company officer have? Fuck, what chance does the enlisted have at a stable relationship? This wasn’t a problem in the past, but it is now. Maybe the cause isn’t with the men who have served tirelessly and faithfully, maybe the cause is with the women who are given every incentive and legal protection to defect.
Some worry that Hegseth is overly pro-war/interventionist. I have no doubt he wants to give the warriors what they want. The type of purpose only found in a good fight. Fights that serve a good productive purpose. Back when fighters ran our foreign policy, we had many small profitable wars. Trump is echoing such sentiment with proposals to retake the Panama among other possibilities. A warrior like Hegseth isn’t going to try to drag us into a pointless forever war or a suicidal total war with Russia, and he’s said as much in his criticisms of GWOT. The Caribbean and Latin America has always been American, and so it will be again.
Godspeed Hegseth, and may you crush all threats to America both foreign and domestic.
This was originally meant to be a direct reply to Fidelis, but the same arguments continue to be brought up again and again both directly and indirectly. I myself have said similar to:
This phrase is formally and officially held in good standing standing within Christian Natural Law since late 500 AD. It originates from Saint Gregory the Great. Similar to Christianity, it can be found in Greek Stoicism and Roman Law. Saint Gregory is where the Founding Fathers took the phrase from for the Declaration of Independence, though they did so through Enlightenment intermediaries which distorted meaning. There is nothing inherently heretical or wrong or hypocritical with holding and promoting the position of “equality” when understood in the original Christian meaning; however, we are running into the problem of there being different forms of “equality” like how there are different forms of “love” in the Christian tradition.
Jefferson and Franklin used an appended translation of Saint Gregory’s “omnes homines natura aequales genuit” which in full becomes “all men are created equal by nature”, “nature” being used in the same way Nrx uses the term Gnon, and “equal” in the sense of “likeness” or “similar” and not in the mathematical material strictness of “1=1”. You can see “aequales” being used to mean “likeness” or “similar” in the Latin Bible in Luke 20:36
Which translated into KJV english becomes
Obviously the men are not materially equal to the angels, but an aspect the men are similar in spirit. This is what “equal” has long been understood to mean to Christians. Thus “all men created equal” is fundamentally an acknowledgement of the Logos and man’s position within Creation as “in the image of God” or imago Dei. Aequales/equality was historically a completely separate concept from God’s “dispensatio occulta” or what we today would call “merit” or biological reality.
Of course there has been significant linguistic and political drift, and if we’re less generous to the Founding Fathers, much of it can be attributed to heresy. It is odd, likely heresy, that they separated the part about Gnon into the independent clause “that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. It is more odd that not only do they additionally conflated equality (similarness) in creation with “unalienable rights”, they shy away from outright calling their Creator, their God.
Thus in today’s vernacular, what was “self evident” to Christians of 1776 would best be translated to: “all men are created by God, in God’s image, and blessed by God’s grace”. Of course such the original meaning today is now obscure and even forbidden thoughtcrime. After all, everyone ‘knows’ separation of Church and State is in the constitution just like everyone ‘knows’ the Declarations was talking about material equality (hint, it was not).
Compounding the issue, the Declaration of Independence was first and foremost a legal document in the tradition of English law, i.e. the magna carta and rex inutillis. It was lawyering the legality of separation from the crown. Priests are not lawyers, and lawyers are not priests, and they certainly are not supposed to be doing each other’s job. Jefferson and Franklin, if we’re generous, fucked up by mixing the spirit of theology with the material, and by bridging the two turned “equality” from meaning similar and likeness to “equality” of material. If we’re less generous, American elites were heretical from the get go (Puritans among others) and proceeded use creative wording to slowly twist what was “self evident”.
What I’m getting at, is that when Christians on the Right promote equality, we now do so in a progressive linguistic environment where the left controls the meaning of words. This has made signaling difficult, and we risk sounding like progressives and getting hijacked by entryists. We could accept having to change vernacular to retain meaning, but doing so cedes meaning to the Left. This may be necessary when faced with persecution, but having to forego customs and traditions still feels wrong and horribly like defeat.
Christian equality before the law means murder/theft/etc is a sin to be punished regardless of circumstances. Today’s “equality” before the law means murder/theft/etc can be less of a sin (or maybe not a sin at all) depending on the circumstances. Such a modern “equality” has become so obviously hypocritical and abusive, they now call it equity. The left has similarly twisted and distorted concepts of justice and fairness and beauty and just about everything else. Should we drop those terms as well?
I believe not, especially on an anonymous forum where there are enforced shill testing. Meaning has to be enforced. That said, friendly fire is pointless on in regards to actual equality. Like how Gnon was coined to limit friendly fire between the Christian right and the agnostic Tech right who for all intents and purposes agreed on the worldly project, some similar term in regards to the Christian use of equality would be of help. Yes, equality still means coverture.
No need to drop terms, but as language has shifted we have to use some more words to be understood. When we use word “equal” we simply have to specify in what respect.
Communication with someone who has a different cultural background often requires additional words that are not necessary when we talk to a member of our own community, but if we don’t use those additional words to make it abundantly clear what we mean we will be misunderstood. And that is just honest misunderstandings. Progressives will try to misunderstand anything we say – if we talk to them at all, we should make it as hard for them as possible to misunderstand what we say.
New Year old-school commie film list:
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1979) – Bossgirl single mom rediscovers her femininity due to confident courting by divorced blue collar dude. Epic film, 11 out of 10. First half is three provincial girls choosing their three different life paths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTWA_7-ld_U&t=8017s
Office Romance (1977) – Bossgirl head of statistics rediscovers her femininity due to inept courting by loser beta saddled with two kids after his first wife left him. Pretty good film, 8.5 out of 10.
Irony of Fate (1976). About 200 million people will watch this film this New Year’s as every New Year. Beta mama’s boy surgeon goes through a series of mishaps and ends up courting a single 30+ teacher. In the first quarter of the film, the group of friends getting drunk in a public bathhouse is an eternal classic of a scene, after that it’s take it or leave it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms5Ga6kNvHM pt1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luHarTc90QA&t=3782s pt2
Bonus film: White Sun of the Desert (1969): A soviet western, i.e. an “ostern”. Comrade Sukhov has to take care of a recently liberated harem of a local Central Asian warlord. 10 out of 10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Auj_u7wEyw8&t=2305s
At the Brezhnev peak Soviet cinema produced a dozen eternal classics, while the system beneath was slowly rotting away. A curious time-lag, during which pop culture reaches a peak while the system is already going down. The rot caught up from 1981 onward – movies became increasingly bad or good but depressing. By 1991 the USSR was no more.
I am gravely disappointed. There are those who have said Trump is the solution and Musk will put America first.
My prisoners tell me Musk is bringing in outsiders to shit on our streets and Trump supports war for his donors.
Support these? What a puny plan.
Look at what’s become of our once great nation.
You have DEFIED ME!!
When this nation falls, nobody… NOBODY will escape Humungus.
Inauguration is in 20 days by the way.
Sailer’s Most Important Graph aka the Infinigger Graph will probably not come true – by the end of 2025 the preference cascade will have shifted the nascent intelligentsia’s weltanschauung so dramatically rightwards that the notion that Africa might deserve anything other than old-fashioned “population control” (killing niggers by the billions) will seem silly, ridiculous.
Elon is still in denial, but Kardashev 7 / Omega Point is impossible if all our resources go to sustain a gazillion gorillion Bantus and Earth becomes a Malthusian Trap. Instead of obsessing over “escaping to Mars as soon as possible,” Elon should focus on fixing things down here on our planet by promoting the only “Effective” form of “Altruism” known to Mankind which is niggerdeath. And, God willing, soon he will, at least internally and by signaling that “he knows.”
The graph says that by 2100 there will be 4 billion Africans. Any bleeding-heart faggot who thinks that this is in any way, shape, or form sustainable needs to have his head examined (with a chainsaw). Either civilization drowns in a tsunami of cannibals or you drastically reduce the numbers of Ham’s accursed progeny.
Bioweapons or starvation or both. That’s it.
> by 2100 there will be 4 billion Africans
“We are the World” was just another bleeding-heart PsyOp.
The Globos/Left knew that feeding calories and vaccines to negro sperm would cause a population explosion and subsequent “migrant” invasion of the West.
You think Gates Soros Schwab Zuckerberg etc are all over there Preaching? No, they’re filling the boats trying to rig some Globo-Utopia that even their sick minds know they need to build Bunkers on Islands to protect themselves from, complete with webcams on orbit so they can watch the civilizations they forcibly intermixed clash and burn while smoking stogies on a floatie in their edge pools.
Here’s one of many components of forced Globo Homogenization and Control…
Stop sending bulkers full of wheat, rice, and soy to Africa, stop sending your Western UpgradeCiv2.0 Teams, stop giving your Tech away, stop propping up Politicians, and Africa will revert back to its natural population levels and lifestyles so they can Make Their Own Countries Great and be Kangz Again.
You think anyone’s going to thank you for 2.0’ing them after they then reach 9.0 Globo-Colonizing level on their own and invade you 100 years later?
You 2.0’d China, Islam, Jews, Blacks, and your own Politicians… well, look what that got you.
Just do you, and quit giving others a leg up on you.
Woke Virus removes survival-DNA from Sperm, a few decades later you get killed by those who didn’t get infected.
On the plus side, we are dealing with probably the most incompetent group of leftists to ever walk the earth. Ignorance compounds.
I don’t really have a lot of hope that Trump will duplicate the success of his first term, but his opposition is in even worse shape.
Both sides are handicapped by almost another decade (since his first term) of boys raised by their mothers, and boomers dying off or retiring.
I have the displeasure of knowing a rare leftist Officer serving in the military. He said he loves to watch various “diverse” groups of people move into previously homogeneous neighborhoods and cause conflict. He flies both communist and lgbt flags at his home along side the national and military branch flags. It straddles the line against political activity among DOD employees. Everyone knows he’s a fucking leftist and yet…
Although he’s married, “coincidentally” he has no children and he and his wife both agreed to have none. I can’t wait for these fuckers to DEI off.
“I have the displeasure of knowing a rare leftist Officer serving in the military. He said he loves to watch various “diverse” groups of people move into previously homogeneous neighborhoods and cause conflict.”
That’s rather stupid of him. How can he not realize that pushes people away from the left?
If he was capable of long term planning, he wouldn’t be a leftist.
They mistake public silence with approval. I don’t think I need to explain why almost everyone chooses to remain silent.
Long term planning is antithetical in modern society. Look at one aspect, savings. Your savings get inflated away every year, so its better off to be a degenerate gambler or just pumping everything into crypto because even if you lose it all, you make it all back much quicker than you did months ago.
Who got punished for all the PPP loan fraud? Nobody human in particular. The poor crabs got a mighty depletion in their stock in exchange for… Nothing really.
I remember at one of my workplaces, I was a naive idiot asking to the great annoyance of everyone why the business was not creating anything of value. I realized much later it was like walking into a bunch of copper thieves and asking them about their gross profit margins on cutting down utility poles. It’s all looting, all the time, at every place, every opportunity. The mindset of not looting is completely alien, and I suppose in a degenerated sense, this is just a mobile bandit taking what he can over spoils unguarded.
Africans actually do seem to get to an equilibrium where they don’t breed like rats… only jeets seem really to reproduce hive city style until the death rate catches up with the birth rate.
And this “equilibrium,” is it present with us here in the room right now?
Seriously, look at African TFR – by 2100, some 50% of children are projected to be African. Disease and starvation kept their demography in check, but then they were introduced to Modernity. Even if Africans can potentially reach this equilibrium, they still have a long, long way to go until they reach it – and civilization can’t afford to wait that long.
You shouldn’t underestimate the Infinigger+++ problem. Sailer is one of the smartest, and he rightly considers it to be one of the most attention-worthy matters. I expect a mega-holocaust in Africa this century.
Remove leftism and africans are a total non problem. Neither the Afrikaaner nor the Amerikaaner, nor the Portuguese in Angola had any management issues.
Here’s what you do for African population bomb after we remove the leftists. First, apartheid is re-established. Second, enforce the European Marriage Pattern, and I mean enforce. If he has no income, cannot support a family, no pussy. This will be tricky, but the south managed fine. This will choke the birthrate to the economic carrying capacity ceiling, accomplishes the goal with a minimum of cruelty, and provides for ‘natural selection’ to make the population more human-like.
Considering the alternatives — leave them be and watch as a mass famine and disease wave wipes them out? deliberately cull the population? keep feeding them like the biggest horde of stray cats imaginable? — this seems like the very best outcome. The Spanish did something like this in their colonies, kinda sorta, and the indio and negro of LatAm is extraordinarily tame when you compare to the wild type. Similarly the blacks in the south where the old culture stuck after the emancipation, they’re not even close to what you get out of Haiti.
That would be far more difficult, laborious, and uncertain in terms of achieving the desired results than just letting them die off on their own and occasionally assisting in the culling. Come on, enforcing the European marriage pattern on billions of Africans? Might as well wait for genetic engineering to turn them all into geniuses.
Yes and yes. The White Man’s Burden is a burden both for the white man and for his subjects, and the burden you are suggesting here is a veritable yoke. My prediction seems a bit more realistic, alas.
Consider the success of the Spanish and Portuguese in managing their colonies, the success of the EIC in starting the cleanup in India, and the success of the antebellum south. You are overestimating the difficulty, and we have far more operational management tools than our predecessors. There is a reason they were used as the preimdustrial workforce, and that’s in large part the compliancy of the race. Indios would wither and die when you enforced European civilization and industry, negros thrived.
Also consider that African tfr is likely fake and dropping fast, blacks in America are sub replacement now, and I believe quite close to the line if not below it in Brazil. Get whites back in control of agriculture, no food donations needed.
African land is very useful, they’re never going to be just left to their own devices. That leaves few options. Enforcing a strong control system is the least cruel and therefore most likely outcome, as whites when not under demonic faiths are the most compassionate towards life in general.
In addition this selection pressure will tend to select for an ever growing Middle Class which will provide the Wealth to finance the State and who as a Class will then eventually swamp the society and sweep away the rest of the more savage:
And which State will also enforce sanctions against anti-social behavior. Reducing psychopathy and sociopathy. And creating even therefore more space for said Industrious subsection of the African population to grow.
The Igbo is already one example of cognitive adaptation to Trade in West Africa:
Now imagine this pressure ramped up on the African and Indian continent(with the erosion of Caste hence allowing downward gene flow) as a whole. IQs would rise over time.
This strong but slow selection pressure will help iron out the kinks that could result from such adaptation. Avoiding the downsides of Tay-Sach disease for example:
Africa’s population has not gotten nearly close to India’s…
> Africa’s population has not gotten nearly close to India’s…
Both use their outdoors as toilets (at least that bit’s Natural), yet India may have more food supply (leading to density), and surely still has more immunity to the squalor brewing in their streets since they’ve been strolling around in it for centuries longer than the Middle Ages.
Interesting that Africa may have had one of the lowest death rates from COVID. I figure Gates et al were simply targeting White-types with that RNA, but maybe there’s a more rational explanation.
And mosquitos are still a bitch.
Considerably less jabbed, hence lower death rate. Golden purebloods, people who have never been jabbed, seldom get Covid twice.
Area Control is CRITICAL to the survival of the White Race.
For 2025 people should take a real hard look at the strategy.
Find a fairly White place with already White aligned people, and move there.
If a house or building comes up for sale in your neighborhood, buy it and keep it until you find a white family that needs a house, don’t leave the houses up to random chance because then you’ll be stuck with them till they move or you buy them out.
Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Blacks… everyone else has made their own type of no-go zone enclaves in your land, BUT YOU, the White Race of White Men.
Forget about religion/politic, get down to carnal base layer DNA shit….. Are you a Fellow White Man or not???, if so, move here among your brothers, and protect your family and nature and culture.
There are no laws preventing your free association land ownership, and almost no laws preventing keeping others out of business (except for maybe rentals, or baking cakes, but they have to have proof of conspiracy, not conjecture), so just do it.
From there you can start your churches, own your businesses, marry off your daughters, etc. Every time you work with a White Man be sure to thank them and tell them you chose their business because of that.
Give yourself access to International Waters, and eventually you can try self-rule and even seceding by default of having built something stronger.
But for so long as you (and your “democracy” vote) remain washed out by everyone else, you will have a much harder time.
You need to grow your Area Control until you own the political system of the area, and keep growing larger.
Whites are wolf to whites. Always have been, always will be.
You have to arrange for cohesion on the basis of faith, not race. Whites, being the race most capable at warfare, are just not inclined to cohesion on the basis of race. For most of our history, we fought wars over other races, not wars with them, and the other races just had to put up with the winner.
A species that doesn’t have the base-of-skull DNA to cohesive itself for its own species/race, first and foremost, probably also doesn’t have the higher level DNA necessary to contemplate a Faith.
A Faith can usefully span races, but if you’re already fighting wars over them based on base-of-skull and higher layer differences, that’s probably confirmative as to those diffs.
If Apes and Whites are both still clubbing themselves at the base of the skull, then God help us all, because a Faith probably won’t.
When a species develops basic base-of-skull respect for itself, then it can focus on higher Faith.
There is a Basic Underlying Faith exchanged and built in thanking appreciating respecting and choosing to live among your fellow man.
When Aryans conquered the world, we did so as a thousand lethally quarreling, wife stealing, and cattle raiding families. We have never cohered. We are not going to. That did not stop us.
And ever since then, have been looking, with varying degrees of success, for some solution. Throne and Altar worked fairly well. Pete Hegseth is planning the Altar part of the solution.
The King part of it is likely to be come one way or another way, sooner or later. Altar has worked. Race has not.
Pretty sure humans have never achieved large scale cohesion on racial grounds, and the places it occurs spontaneously are in artificial conditions. Prisons, schools, and small islands.
That said, a lot of early attempts at Altar are suspiciously racial. We are all sons of Big Man. Altar also happens to be suspiciously racial in practice even with ostensibly universal religions like Mohammedism. People invent theological differences and then self sort on, admittedly weak but extant, ethnic grounds when the Altar tent gets too big.
If you want a race, in our times where selection is mostly driven by ourselves and distances are short, need to pick a faith that attracts your ethnic group and repels the other, and this is quite possible in practice. Jews have high standards of admission but do admit, but most people don’t want to become jews. In time intermarriage and common folkways means your faith becomes your race, hence the P in WASP.
Indeed they are. But race by itself is insufficient glue.
Conversely, faith by itself is insufficient glue. Observe the spontaneous segregation of black churches and white churches. But a black church and a white church that theoretically subscribe to the same religion seem to get on better than two churches that subscribe to different religions. We have had a lot of holy wars. Race wars not so much. And even Haiti was more leftism versus Christianity than black versus white. Voodoo was a huge factor, and once whites left, under pressure from a white metropolis that was politically aligned with Haitian blacks more than it was racially aligned with Haitian whites, the blacks continued the war with each other. Race matters, it matters a great deal. But in practice, faith matters more.
That race does not matter at all is an absurd leftist position. But another absurd position is that faith does not matter at all, because the ever changing, and ever faster changing, faith of leftism is not a faith, it is just reality — which reality they get to make up as they go along and no one else is allowed any input, everyone else’s input being misinfo, disinfo, and “hatred”.
Woke is whiter than any other group, and as we saw during the recent events in Israel, not very Jewish.
Evangelical Christians are pro Jewish. Jews are anti evangelical Christian and pro Woke. Woke is anti Jewish and anti Evangelical Christian.
The coming civil war is going to be white on white, and everyone else is going to suck up to the winner.
Are you sure? I was under the impression many of the most hysterical supporters of the opressed browns in the levant were in fact ethnic jews. Definitely have seen jews complain about other jews for picking the wrong side in the conflict. Jews make great priests and so we do find lots of woke jewish priests trying to eliminate jews.
Blacks seem to be a special case. I think they are sufficiently different as a population that mixed congregations are just too uncomfortable. With mestizos, levantines, and east asians, when they wander off from whatever home church they inherited from family, or stumble in to a congregation from marriage or evangelism, tend to fit in well enough, but even individual blacks in a mostly white church are rare. Looks like as churches become decrepit self sorting is more powered by faith than ethne. Who knows what the future holds on this one, even if we restore coverture the selection effects are going to be quite strange.
Exactly so.
But who are these Jews sucking up to? They are sucking up to white liberals.
Jews hate evangelical Christians because they are afraid to hate white liberals.
You should never become so anti semitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.
Following 10.7, there has been developing a hardcore (not to put too fine a point on it: hardcore) split between the Zionists and the anti-Zionists. The Jews of the Left are literally and metaphorically amalgamating into a broader Gnostic Freakshow Tribe – the worldwide degenerate tribe of stupid, evil, and insane leftists, aka the woke tribe. Conversely, those young Jews who are anti-woke are also not particularly hostile to Christianity – the Trad Person is never particularly hostile to any successful religion. The Trad person is naturally hostile to woke, however, because woke is a full, total inversion of God’s Will.
But I’m only saying it in my capacity as Mossad plant, so feel free to discard this opinion.
The Jewish Problem fundamentally is that gene-culture co-evolution created a sub-race of people who are naturally predisposed to various types of evil and dysfunction, meaning those types of evil and dysfunction are present among them in higher rates than among others. What is currently happening, however, is that demon-worshippers worldwide undergo genetic-cultural co-evolutionary processes that both tie them together through interbreeding and weed them out of their original gene-pools, all while those types also tend to be the least fertile. Since Jew-specific evil and dysfunction still abound among the original population, the majority of Jews are demon-worshippers, some of whom might repent, and many of whom will have to be “physically removed,” while the healthier element is currently in the minority. Of course, even under the best of selective conditions, Jews will never select for traits as prosocial as Christianity selects for, which is why the healthiest anti-woke type of Jews convert to Christianity.
Ultimately, if Israel doesn’t become a Christian state, it will not survive, not so much due to external factors as due to internal factors – Orthodox Judaism is superior to Progressivism, but is still very unhealthy, because the theology itself is fundamentally flawed. Orthodox Judaism as a state religion might spell the death of Israel, in the long-run.
I am willing to be proven wrong on this – if the West doesn’t undergo a revival and Christendom is utterly destroyed, while the Zionist Entity actually becomes based (currently it is not based), then Gnon will bestow His favor on the Jews once again. But I want a revival of the West and Christendom, whether under 1660 Anglicanism or under something (at this point theoretical) even more Gnon-compatible than that, if indeed there is such a thing.
Peak civilization combines optimal (up until that point) genes and optimal (up until that point) memes. That, according to Jim, was 1660 England. But conditions today might be different both genetically and memetically, hence the NRx memeplex is rather fluid on these points, while recognizing what genes and what memes constituted the optimum in the past.
There are some Jews like that, but by in large it’s mostly upper middle class whites. The recent anti-Israel protests on US campuses has also been a wake up call for Jewish students. Hard to be attending anti Israel protests when they’re yammering for your blood.
Having grown up in and around the lower elite, I cannot stress enough just how much progressivism is a spiritual malaise of White (Anglo) Americans. Whenever I, increasingly rarely, check up on my graduating high-school class, it’s a shit show of feminism, body positivity, queerness, Ukrainian flags in bios, Free Palestine posting, etc… And far too many of them went to Harvard or similar and now work in the Cathedral.
I remember one of my K-12 school counselors, an obese White women giving a lecture on body acceptance. This was close to 2 decades before body positivity became mainstream. From the Puritans to Jonestown to even Obama (his communist white heritage and a descendant of Plymouth), the trend is clear. There are terrible Jews who do terrible things, but they are an easy target to scapegoat in order to avoid having to do some painful self reflection on problems that predominately come from within.
Jews did not ostracize me for pointing out gays were clearly dysfunctional. I remember the entire White classroom falling silent in shock when I said that out loud. Jews did not kick me out of the class and call me a Nazi for calling hemp oil green energy a clear scam, my White pot smoking hippy teacher did that. Even in the military, it was the Whitest of huWhite Whites who said faggot phrases like, “it’s 2024, you can’t say those things”. Jews did not… well the examples are endless and I think you get the point. 99% of the time, I ask you, who is going to screech and complain about your based opinions in day to day life? I’d bet it’s some Karen in HR. I’ll leave with this last example, I promise. I know a White female officer who has openly insulted all lower class Whites as uneducated racist and sexist idiots. Not a single White in the room (of course all of them had college degrees) called her out on that and she faced no legal ramifications. I’m sure her men are going to love her.
Lastly I ask you, what group was it that ultimately made the decision to allow a massive influx of Jews into America in the first place? And why? I think you already know the answer to that.
I’m not blaming jews for woke, though they definitely had a role in the color of some of it’s memes. I’m pointing out that when these protests were happening, you had two groups of jews accusing each other of genociding, while secretly hoping to genocide. One wanted the Israelites to die, the other wanted Palestinians gone. I thought the whole scene was quite darkly amusing.
I would bet that jews make up a significant portion of the more vocal and powerful left, if we’re counting numbers, as they like both priesting and cozying up to power, and early leftism promoted them for not being WASP. So woke is pretty jewish in that sense, but I don’t give them the honor of starting the whole process. I think Nick Land said it best
Groypers should read Chesterton, not instead of Kevin MacDonald, but in addition to KMac. The latter explains and critiques the Jewish nature of late 20th and early 21st century leftism, while the former explains and critiques the (White) Prog nature of late 19th and early 20th century leftism.
What is happening right now in Thermidor is partly the result of Jews themselves reading KMac and taking his critique rather seriously. It is interesting, too, that the Jews never truly persecuted KMac – by all means, the most critical anti-Jewish ideologue alive, yet the Jews seem to have left him alone pretty much unharmed. Maybe they appreciate his intellectualism or something.
Thoughtcrime: women are unevolved and make decisions based on primitive instincts that are incompatible with advanced society
Jim and Pax, thank you for these comments. I am getting so sick of jooferism it’s driving me nuts. Not only is it easily disproven with only a cursory investigation and knowledge of history, but on the face of it, is just not how the world works. It’s incredibly childish, the need for a simplistic bad guy scapegoat to pin everything on. I find it disheartening to see everyone else embrace this behavior.
t. not a Jew, but called one every time I try to speak sense to these people
“Indeed they are. But race by itself is insufficient glue.”
This is what Oswald Spengler had to say about it:
“Through the economic history of every Culture there runs a desperate conflict waged by the soil-rooted tradition of a race, by its soul, against the spirit of money.”
Yes, but the soil is useless without a soil rooted tradition. Which is to say a soil rooted faith. Which is easily lost. The people who say “white solidarity” are saying that the soil itself suffices. It does not.
“The standpoint from which to comprehend the economic history of great Cultures is not to be looked for on economic ground. […] Least of all is the secure standpoint to be had on the basis of the present-day world-economics, which for the last 150 years has been mounting fantastically, perilously, and in the end almost desperately an economics, moreover, that is exclusively Western-dynamic, anything but common-human. That which we call national economy to-day is built up on premisses that are openly and specifically English. The industry of machines, which is unknown to all other Cultures, stands in the centre as though it were a matter of course and, without men being conscious of the fact, completely dominates the formulation of ideas and the deduction of so-called laws. Credit-money, in the special form imparted to it by the relations of world-trade and export-industry in a peasantless England, serves as the foundation whereupon to define words like capital, value, price, property and the definitions are then transferred without more ado to other Culture-stages and life-cycles. […] The creators of this economic picture were David Hume and Adam Smith. Everything that has since been written about them or against them always presupposes the critical structure and methods of their systems. […] As for Smith’s greatest adversary, Marx, it matters little how loudly one protests against English capitalism when one is thoroughly imbued with its images; the protest is itself a recognition, and its only aim is, through a new kind of accounting, to confer upon objects the advantage of being subjects.”
What was Jim’s stance on Oswald Spengler? He didn’t like the natsocs all that much, but is he just a commie with more sophisticated language?
Convergent memetic evolution (or memetic carcinization in NRx-speak) produces similar social technologies in separate civilizations, for example coverture and its equivalents, which the holier-than-thou maniacs, whatever shape their worldviews might shifts to, are always attempting to disrupt. Second Temple Jews had developed a relatively decent Gnon-compliant memeplex before the Pharisees corrupted it, and Anglos had developed an even more robust Gnon-compliant memeplex before the Liberals turned it on its head. Thus the Anglos became a New Israel indeed, not in the blessed sense, but in the cursed sense – whence, e.g., Feminism, which is Anglos turning the inter-sexual cooperate-cooperate equilibrium (upheld by those social technologies selected by memetic evolution) into the defect-defect equilibrium of players, bitches, and incels. That is the meaning of a Chosen People becoming an Un-Chosen People, not so much in the genetic sense, as that would require long-term adaption to a corrupted social environment (as the Jews had undergone under Orthodox Judaism), but chiefly memetically. The higher you climb up, the harsher will be your fall.
But it’s exactly because the Anglos are corrupted memetically rather than genetically that they are still the undisputed master race, and they may yet recover and spring back to life if they commence anew pursuing a healthy memeplex. Virtually every ethnicity can produce both prosocial and antisocial priesthoods, and the task is to replace the satanic priesthood currently in power among the Anglos with a godly priesthood. A healthy priesthood would apply good memes to good genes to produce the kind of civilization Gnon expects His Chosen People to advance. Anglos may yet return to being the New Israel in the blessed sense.
If nothing else, German thinkers are thought-provoking. The thing about Jews is that when they dissented against the Liberal Anglos, it was usually an enocomics-centered sort of dissent: Communism from the Left, Libertarianism from the Right. The Germans, in contrast, are not by nature greedy, and therefore their critique is usually focused on more essential aspects of society. As Dugin might say, the Jews have joined themselves to the Anglos’ Atlanticist worldview, while the Germans have, for the most part, remained spiritually Eurasian. Indeed, Spengler is right about Marxism: this Anglo-Jewish chimera is fundamentally Atlanticist even while attempting to be anti-mercantile. It is the anti-mercantilism of merchants. The Jewish Libertarians, if we continue along this line of thought, were attempting to be even more spiritually Atlanticist than the Anglo archetype.
So what Marxism-friendly Dugin apperas to miss, and Spengler did not miss, is that Marxism is essentially an Atlanticist worldview, not a Eurasian one, hence we learn that Jews (be they Communists or Libertarians) are memetically pwned by Anglos. The Germans, at least, are to be praised for not being market-centric; for having some memetic sovereignty, independent of the mercantile Anglo.
Kant and the German idealists should have burned alive, on that Ayn Rand was absolutely right. Yes maybe consciousness creates reality I’m not a materialist either and I don’t really like dogmatic materialists but don’t try to go from the reasonable proposition that maybe your consciousness effects reality and perhaps even that the universe is in summation a dream in the fractured mind of God (who has fractured himself into individual units of consciousness) to then invert logic and causal reasoning down to postmodern nonsense down that road lies damnation.
Once a people have left a Faith, it’s almost impossible to get them back into that Faith.
Force doesn’t work as breeds even more resentment.
Bribery doesn’t work as one more fault to their list of issues.
They look around and see the same problems in all, so they end up joining none, or touristing them, or in a new/modified one.
You could grow a new mass of Faith adjacent to those former peoples, and see cultural affinity/pressure lead them back in.
Or remedy the issues they saw in the one they left.
Or remove the False Preachers that led them astray, and begin Preaching Correct.
Might take a while for larger swings.
Look for examples of where a whole people generally drifted/left a Faith and then voluntarily returned.
Nobody left the faith. People just swallowed what they were taught in school. When schools were Christian, they grew up Christian, now schools are woke, so they grow up woke.
Most people just follow power. When power changes, they change their beliefs. Observe tthe mass unwoking following Trump’s election. If after Trump, Pete Hegsweth, you will see a similar mass Christianisation.
The way Christianity spread is that pagan kings would fight each other and fight Christian Kings, but Christian Kings tended to fight Christian kings a good deal less. When a pagan King was defeated, Christian Kings were apt to swordpoint convert the pagan leader, figuring that the peace was more likely to hold that way, but they would not swordpoint convert everyone. However, a generation or two later, everyone was Christian.
Sam Hyde’s response to Elon Musk. It’s pretty long, but it’s a good video
Accidentally linked a reply instead of the video itself
Samuel Hydegger had the very best commentary on all of this, but I’m not sure how much sense it actually makes if you weren’t following the story on x. Hope Elon actually watches it.
Asmongold just boosted Hyde’s signal
Leftist immolates in Cybertruck Trump Hotel…
This will be used to put 24×7 realtime video trackers fed straight to the Govt cloud and kill switches, in every car… exactly what the Left wants.
Muslim M16 Toting ISIS-Drone Roadkills 10 at SugarBowl LA
Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, a US citizen and Army veteran from Texas and the suspected terrorist, did not act alone.
Musk’s Twitter caught censoring search results on the name.
Witnesses told CBS News reporter Kati Weis that a truck crashed into the crowd at “high speeds,” adding that the driver exited the vehicle and started discharging a weapon, prompting police officers to return fire.
Partial list of Islamist car-ramming attacks in the West:
2016 – Nice truck attack (86 killed)
2016 – Berlin truck attack (12K)
2017 – London (8K)
2017 – New York truck attack (8K)
2017 – London (5K)
2017 – Stockholm truck attack (5K)
2017 – Barcelona truck attack (13K)
Islamic Diversity Attacks in Brussels
Youth gangs attacking the Belgian police with fireworks in the no-go zone Molenbeek in Brussels
A video compilation shows emergency vehicles being pelted with fireworks and objects being dropped from a bridge by hooded youths in Molenbeek, while multiple vehicles were set on fire in Anderlecht, both heavily multicultural areas.
Molenbeek, where two people were also stabbed on Christmas day, is widely known as Europe’s ‘jihadi central’, and was where Paris massacre terrorist Salah Abdeslam was able to hide out for months before being caught.
In 2022, it was revealed that Islamic names make up 43 per cent of total registrations in Brussels, with the most popular name for newborn babies being Mohamed and its different spelling variations.
The country contains numerous ‘no-go zones’ where migrant enclaves exist almost outside of the law.
Bored now. Everyone here knows what Islam is. Not news.
Has he actually been responsive or posted anything interesting at any point? It all comes across as just spam. He posts 2001 talking points and BTC doomerism nonstop, and doesn’t really discuss anything, why do you think he isn’t a noise producing shill?
Doubt many know what any “faith/religion” is if they’re not evidencing that knowledge by quoting literal text from them… homework.
WordPress, people dodging off on all type of multi-topic tangents, disfocused, untagged, unsearchable, lacking read/unread/thread/notification/bump/DM’s, assaults, censors… no time, not conducive for people to even trying to hold even one discussion/debate point.
Try SimpleMachinesForum, or some list, or P2P.
Here’s one fully cited quotation from Muhammad’s Islam commanding the Muslims on how to think about and treat you…
“Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you, and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it. — Sahih Muslim / Book 26 / Hadith 5389”
Would you like some more actual quotes of knowledge?
Or only from the font of BTC Maxi’s.
This is excessively repetitious and not news to anyone here.
We have bigger problems.
If Muslims were killing a million Americans a year in random terror events, it would still be insignificant compared to the epidemics of inceldom, obesity, and involuntarily childless women.
You are boring. Everyone here already knows that Mohammedans are inherently apt to make war on other faiths, including slightly different versions of Mohammedanism, everyone knows the government is corrupt, evil, malicious, and incompetent, everyone knows that everything the legacy media says is a lie intended to harm the readers (and no one here cares, because no one here is paying attention.) There is no need to belabor the points with a thousand news items and links. We don’t care. We already know. Not news to us.
What we are interested in discussing is the why and how of it.
> What we are interested in discussing is the why and how of it.
Every Faith has its own version of End Times.
A not unnoticable number within every Faith have noticed what they believe to be signs.
Well Rod is noise producing but he is not trying to drown out thought crimes. A fair bit of his boring repetitious bullshit is thought crimes.
He is reporting what everyone, including normies, has known for years as if it was shocking and controversial news, as if he expected to be challenged on it and argument to ensue.
He is filling up the blog with news that is news to no one. Waste of space. He does sound very like a shill. I just don’t know what he is shilling. Could be a Thermidorean shill?
Thought crime test not working. What is he selling? Could be the war faction of Thermidor?
Doesn’t seem to want to drown out conversation, just energetic because being paid to post. Possibly zionist given his intense focus on Islam. Is there something the IDF wouldn’t want to read? Which test did he end up passing?
The incessant linking always sets off alarm bells.
Yeah, we want original commentary, not hyperlinked walls-of-slop that nobody will ever click.
CIA hangout Sarah Adams on border-crossing “terrorists”
Only real “preparation” is to remove all the Muslims and never let them in. Islam comes at you from wherever it lives and breeds for decades, not just from current “border crossings”.
Never trust any mouthpiece that refuses to speak the word “Islam”… they are at best ignorant, at middle confused and incapable, at worst hiding their agenda from you.
Citizens aren’t expected to know about Islam, Politicians are, and the GloboHomo Elites do. When Muslims start magdumping on the KidsLand at the Shopping Malls, just remember who it was that designed and let them in.
anyone know old books about the fabian society.
also at jim
Was the fabian branch of Harvard or a separate progs sect?
Separate prog sect. Commies focused on slow boiling the frog instead of revolution. Died with the Soviet Union.
2024: random summaries
Paramount Series ‘Landman’ Surprises With Conservative Anti-Climate Agenda Message
Something must be going on to greenlight a half-woke series.
Jews makeup 27% of Harvard students.
USA is 2% Jews.
Anyone notice a problem with that?
Ever Decreasing Circles – Why The Worldwide Banking Ponzi-Scheme Must Be Reset – LukeEastwood.com
Similar representation tilt among Politicians, Banks, Media.
And roughly tilted for Chinese Spies and soon Islam’s Conquerors too.
One focus for 2025 should be on identifying exactly who, and what groups, have been designers, and top level implementors, of the importation of the last 25+ years.
You can’t battle the flood yet, but you can battle its proprietors.
University Of Iowa To Cut Social Justice Classes As Student Interest Declines
The West’s Pols are still Apologizing for Islam while Islam spent 2024 outbreeding invading and slaughtering the West’s people.
Lots of various spies and hackers getting rolled up lately…
This means the problem is far more epically worse than it appears.
The FBI arrested a former deputy chief of staff to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Sept. 3 for spying on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Suspected Chinese Spy Is Fiancé Of California Councilwoman
The West has a serious problem maintaining its cultural relevance and identity against attack.
It either reasserts and begins the purge of all to be purged in 2025, or it dies forever, along with everything else…
Last part, 2025 should be interesting, if anything gets accomplished
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” – Frank Zappa
CIA Hangout on Havana Syndrome AHI’s
Electioneering Office
COVID II keeps being trialled
GloboFaggot, how do even canadians tolerate this fuck…
Justin Trudeau had a Liberal Party fundraiser in Vancouver with a number of Chinese Nationals that included individuals in United Front groups with official ties to Beijing, along with former Liberal multiculturalism minister and prominent party fundraiser Raymond Chan. Numerous donations into Trudeau’s personal Montreal election riding flowed after this Vancouver dinner.
The more you learn about the world at large, the more you observe the youth in foreign countries, the more you observe the politics and philosophy of foreign states, the more obvious it becomes that the world is not at all multipolar. There’s only one game in town, and the winner of the throne in the coming Crisis doesn’t just inherit some Atlantic empire, they inherit the future of all men.
The Russian youth define themselves almost entirely by the American “culture war”, even the ones that are anti-GAE are moreso anti-GAE from an Amerikaaner lens than a Russian nationalist lens. Russian nationalist because Russian and anti-GAE, attempting necromancy on Russian philosophy, a Russian faith, in order to have something to put in place of GAE mindworms. The other half are performatively shitlib leftist.
The Han have no ideology but shitlib leftism and biological instinct. The youth are divided between wanting GAE with Chinese characteristics, the non-faith of just wanting money and power, and a tiny fringe of radical nationalism that seems primarily motivated by having a chip on their shoulder about not inventing Modernity.
The smaller states usually reflect the Han. A mix of performative GAE progressivism contrasted against a desire for tribal sovereignty. There’s nothing there that constitutes a strong and unique national faith or ideology, it’s either prog memes or biological drive to money, power and tribal affiliation.
The whole world has inherited the “culture war”, and the whole world just imitates the west. Should the west cannibalize itself, no one is shedding the yoke and inheriting the future. China will choke all industry until nothing is left but peasants scratching in the dirt. Russia perhaps has a chance at preserving something of modernity, but it’s dicey and remains to be seen. If the GAE implodes, seems likely to collapse into petty politics fighting over local monopolies. Someone like Newton emerging and advancing human understanding will be killed when they sperg out about some minor thing that offends the local owner of the nickel processing plant.
Everywhere else has zero chance. It’s all low trust barely functioning industry that will decay and decay until we return to serfdom and petty tribal politics. There’s no one out there that understands why modernity requires property, that understands how we went from dirt farmers to putting men in space, that even cares about anything beyond their next bowl of slop and making sure their clan wins over its neighbor. The only people capable of winning the stars, is us. We’re it. There’s no other game in town.
Spandrell also said something to the effect that we’ve gotten all the easily available materials needed for the industrial revolution, and should the industrial part end this century, there is no coming back.
I thought to myself “why?” But it becomes obvious the reason being because no one will pick up the pieces of what was left and just cannibalize it for spare parts or doing some voodoo magic to make the rain fall.
That everyone in the world wears a suit, should tell you how anglicized we’ve all become. But you know, I’ve been thinking, isn’t it funny that most of this stuff is… ancient?
There’s billions of more white people in the world, and yet there has been nothing new for quite a while. The anime industry is something salvaged from the wreck of world war 2, originally just a propaganda machine for glorious nippon empire, now serves as a commodity that has gripped most of the youth in the world.
I watched ‘Astartes’ again, and then looked at what that guy made for amazon’s Secret Level space marine episode. There is just this one guy… out of 8 billion… that knows how to do 3D animations and effects. I keep thinking to myself. “There’s no way that can be right? There is just one dude who was responsible for a lot of the great works we have today?” Animation and 3D effects could not be easier now, and yet, all the factory-made men of the world, lack the vigor to just get *started* on it.
I have seen Mr. grinding chinese man make his 3D shows, and I am simply not impressed. Something fundamental is lacking in all of them, something his endless mass of meat cohorts cannot seem to grasp or build.
Despite all the billions of people in the world, you can count up to the thousands of who are responsible for all the great and demonic works today. Everyone else seems like they only think of food, sex, and sleep. Like an endless static noise in the void of space.
This is what I mean, except deeper, and worse. The politicians, the dictators, the generals, the oligarchs, none of them anywhere do anything interesting. Can you imagine Putin airlifting a promising but blocked out by academia physicist-philosopher to come tutor his children or grandchildren? This used to be a common thing among European aristocracy, going all the way back to the greeks. Now? Xi sends his daughter to Harvard for a degree in psychology.
Peasants will always be peasants, I don’t expect them to give rise to great culture, but the elite everywhere are spiritual peasants and they compete for western status and prestige.
If you’re smart, you love ideas, and the best place to discuss ideas is online. So now were in this position where the next elite, globally, has now grown up consuming internet media, which is secretly just american memes. There’s no other game in town. There’s no secret based university of counter philosophy in China or Russia, let alone in Brazil or Eastern Europe or Turkey.
If you look at the zoomers, globally they’ve adopted similar styles and attitudes. They all get the same haircuts, wear the same clothes, compete in the same status games. Even the girls are all getting the same shitty graffiti like tattoos, almost always in English! It’s just America, but everywhere.
The only memes I’ve ever seen, anywhere, capable of reversing the descent into dirt peasant low trust medieval globalism, are ours. We are it. No one else is in this game but us. Sure some might oppose GAE on ethnic terms, on account of instinctual revulsion, but not on ideological terms. No one is opposing GAE memes because it turns humans into something less than an animal, it stops us from breeding ourselves higher, it stops us from breaking the cycle of Malthusian subsistence.
If we lose, that’s it. Game over. No reruns. Enjoy the fruits of the Earth and your ugly cousin bride, repeated some 10,000 generations before the Sun expands and boils away the remains.
You are correct.
Brains are far more powerful than nukes – nukes allow you to possess memetic sovereignty, but without brainpower you’re not going to have that, you’ll just run a (slight) variation on the GAE’s monoculture. Russia and China are thoroughly memetically pwned by Anglo-Judea, have been for over a century, even though they need not be. They only object to the global monoculture (when indeed they do) using the monoculture’s own memeplex. The other poaster who linked the Rammstein video was right, “We’re all living in America.” Dugin wants to fix that, he wants Russian memetic sovereignty, but I doubt he can deiver what he is selling, not least because he is thoroughly memetically pwned himself. He literally supports BLM, etc.
Chuds and shitlords should not expect Redemption from the GAE’s hegemonic rivals – the Russians and the Chinese are also living in globomerica, although naturally they are averse to certain aspects of the Anglo’s (or Judeo-Anglo’s, but let’s not give the Jews too much credit) weltanschauung. Only the Cult of Gnon can memetically disrupt or ‘psyop’ Harvard’s monoculture; the NRx-sphere (and its adjacent meme-pools, e.g., the Manosphere now known as the Incelosphere) has been, since its very inception earlier this century, the only real game in town. Everything depends on the establishment of Throne-and-Altar in America, whatever the exact governmental configuration; for America is the brain of the monoculture.
Hail Hegseth.
Every so often I google various permutations of ‘tanks on Harvard Yard’. Slowly but surely it has crept into the wider internet. There are now hoodies being sold with a picture depicting such, although I have no idea if the website is a scam, honeypot, or sincere.
It’s just frustrating incompetence all around. Why doesn’t the Ummah have its own social media network? It’s not that hard to build one, especially with modern datacenters and programming. Do you not care? I don’t think they care! The Arab royalty competes in western status games.
The Russians have a real need for this, more than about anyone, and have the best excuse to do it while under sanction and general demonization from the west. Putin instead is playing Crusader Kings without the bloodlines. Where is your globally prestigious University, oh Tsar? Why don’t your rockets fly twice? I know there are plenty of smart Russians left, and many of them fled west post-USSR. You don’t want them back? What are you doing to bring them back?
Dubai is very wealthy, and uses the wealth to do… what, exactly? Why aren’t they pushing for nuclear sovereignty? They could probably get away with it before Iran. The leadership is young enough to be capable of change, they. just. don’t. care. Build nukes in the desert, take real sovereignty, establish dissident universities, keep your blood and soil praetorians to manage it all, enjoy undying fame.
China is at least trying to flex soft power muscle. It’s working a little bit. They don’t have self confidence when it comes to real innovative thought I feel like. Their M.O. seems to be catch up, productionize, repeat. When you investigate, they have national policy goals executed with great competence, but the national policy is just “be the GAE but with more and cheaper and maybe slighty better stuff.” There’s nothing there underneath. If whites are said to be inherently theological under the hood, despite pretending to be pragmatic rationalists, China seems to be the opposite. They pretend to be some theocracy of Chinese marxists, just a billion wannabe middle managers. Middle Kingdom of mediocrity.
I think we win, eventually, if only because the alternatives are boring. We already did the Malthusian subsistence drama, it’s time for Space Opera.
Tanks on Harvard yard is the demolition phase, which surely can’t come soon enough; to avoid a “cerebral vacuum,” however, need a new intelligentsia, or Priesthood as we prefer to call it. I see signs thereof on Twitter (“we are the media now”), shitpoasters are now more powerful than professors, but considering how bluepilled most people are on the WP, which is the most fundamental issue, there is still a long way to go. Moldbug is wrong in expecting no major violence during the Regime Change (lmao), but he is right about the need to know where you are going post-RC. The nascent priesthood doesn’t know yet where it is going.
I don’t think it’s realistic to expect Arabs, East-Asians, or even Slavs to competently counter the Harvard Hegemony. All countries are America now, except perhaps some ISIS enclaves in the middle of nowhere. That’s not a blackpill – switch the ruling class (and its faith) in America, the rest will follow.
Or maybe I’m underestimating Europe. Is Germany still alive?
Point of pedantry: at this time there is about one billion whites in the world, not several.
Terrorist attack at Trump-branded building passes almost unnoticed, not described as terrorist attack, as if it was just a random mechanical malfunction. Drifting towards civil war.
Looks more like political self immolation. Supposedly the suspect was former Special Forces, if anyone knew how to make a big explosion, it would be those guys. Rather, car was full of camping fuel and fireworks which will cook off pretty good, but won’t exactly go bang.