Pete Hegseth gets it, sort of.

A state exists because its army exists. States exist because armies exist.

A state needs a faith, and an army needs a faith. There is always a state faith. And starting with Obama, the faith of woke is currently being imposed on the army — a faith incompatible with the army’s core function, which efficiently killing people and breaking things. It is also incompatible with war production, or production of anything, as recently became apparent in the Ukraine war.

And the last place where the old faith of the Republic lived was the army. Obama decided to stamp that out and enforce Woke. Pete Hegseth intends to restore the old faith of the Republic in the army..

The trouble with the old faith of the Republic is that it only worked because of unprincipled exceptions. And if you remove all the unprincipled exceptions you get woke.

If all men are created equal, blacks are equal, women are equal. If men and women are equal, they are interchangeable, and you get sodomite marriage, trannies in the army, and you have to mind your pronouns.

Pete wants to restore the recently removed unprincipled exceptions. Men will no longer have an inherent universal human right to be women, nor vice versa. But he does not want the old unprincipled exceptions restored. Sodomy will remain, women will remain, provided they can make the physical, which of course they cannot, and he is going to make sure they cannot. Well, that is what he says, but he is namefag, and I can sense some stuff he is not saying — that namefags cannot say.

With Trump, you know you are getting the whole Trump. Trump really is Trump. Hegseth is holding something back, what he is holding back I do not quite know.

But he is dead serious about restoring the old faith of the Republic. The question that is unclear is which unprincipled exceptions to the faith of the Republic he wants back.

A faith that does not need unprincipled exceptions to meet reality is more viable. I want 1660, not 1770. But certainly 1770, which is what Pete Hegseth is selling, is a whole lot easier to sell in the army.

The inherent contradictions of the faith of 1770 got us to where we are today.

Well, is he a real adherent of the faith of 1770? His experience in Afghanistan and Iraq cured him of democratic universalism. The Afghans don’t want our #^##@& universal human rights, and will kill us if we try to shove them down their throats. And he is rather keen on the Bible. The founding fathers, being Deists rather than Christians, were not nearly so keen on the Bible.

He seems keen on on the faith of 1770, he is selling it, and it is an easy sell in the army. Maybe he really believes. Very likely he really believes. Or maybe he simultaneously believes in something a little bit older.

He is alarmingly keen on Israel, which seems a bit odd after his experiences in the Middle East. Still, we have to get Thermidor on side, if he wants to lead the Department of Defence, which he intends to restore to its old name, the Department of War. He seems a little too keen on war. Which all those Jewish Thermidorians really like about him.

But such points do not really matter much. What is important is that Trump is appointing someone who knows you have to bring a gun to gunfight and a faith to a holy war, and who understands we are in a holy war.

Pete’s position, like Trump’s, uneasily straddles rather too many factions. Albeit unlike Trump, all those factions are current year unthinkable. Well, he is a namefag. War comes, and will produce clarity.

570 comments Pete Hegseth gets it, sort of.

dave says:

Enforcing the physical is a good trick for now. roll everything back to ~1982 PT standards. remove the current exceptions for xx chromosomes, which are ridiculous.

Secondary effect will be of raising standards among young men, I would predict a renewed interest in fitness and strength among that cohort.

Fidelis says:

He seems a little too keen on war. Which all those Jewish Thermidorians really like about him.

Another source for this may be that deep state bugs can only be reliably distracted from gay race communism if you scare them about ‘foreign adversaries.’ I’ve come to the conclusion a huge amount of what appears to be war hawk behavior is simply white men trying to push the tide back. Most of the time when you see people making a huge case about how undemocratic China is and all their mistreatment of wiggers, pretty clear they feel no real negative emotion towards China and no real care for the fate of the wiggers.

My biggest worry is the Eurasian axis is too incompetent to be enough of a threat to keep the Thermidor coalition together long enough for results.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Putler failing to take Ukraine in one swift blow and still struggling to do so keeps quite a bit of fuel in the gay race communism tank. Getting crushed in Syria also gives another big fuel dump in the gay race communism tank. If China falls off the horse as soon as it wallops out, that’s going to be another big med-resistant AIDS dump in the gay race communism stew.

But do external threats really work to illicit internal change? Rome got smashed in Persia and Germania, and they didn’t have a come to Jesus moment afterwards. Looks to me like irrespective of what happens on the outside world, they are going to smash the internal wokocracy regardless. It’s one thing to be weak when facing a peer-enemy, another thing when you can’t even rally the troops because they are all on maternity leave.

Jim says:

They are literally running out of Ukrainians. Also running out of weapons. The time to cut losses and accept whatever deal is on the table, no matter how bad, is long past. It was past when The Greatest Ukrainian Offensive died, taking most of their army with it.

If Putin had taken the Ukraine in one blow, he then would have been faced with a forever war, as Globohomo endlessly attempted to “liberate” Ukraine with low level warfare at a level that they could afford. That was a tar baby he tried to grab, and fortunately failed to grab. Prolonged high level warfare has been terrible for Russia, but it has been far worse for the Globohomo empire, because its weakness, and its cheerful willingness to expend its subjects without limit, has been exposed.

The Ukraine is not losing much territory yet, but its army and its government is fading away rapidly. Russia has the option of continuing the war till the disappearance is complete, and given how much it has cost already, might as well continue to that point. The remaining cost is rapidly diminishing.

someDude says:

This is the best Rejoinder to the series of Articles from Paul Craig Roberts at Unz. Thanks Jim. This relieves my fears of WW3. Even if WW3, I’m relieved knowing that the least bad option still led to WW3.

Fidelis says:

I’m suggesting that War External is another rallying point for many leftists in the middling halls of power. If so, an incompetent enemy makes this work even better, as they don’t have to be realistic at all in their war aims, and can get a lot more on board.

In this case, no War External doesn’t fix anything until the enemy replaces your leaders or you fight to the last man in Appalachia. War Internal has a chance of fixing things, but War External is another leftist grift while these people are in charge. Thermidor is canny leftists realizing that they are next on the chopping block (and set to profit from war external), so leveraging the Schelling point of Lets Make Everywhere as Gay as America to get a big enough coalition to actually attempt pushing the leftist tide back elsewhere.

A state needs a faith, and an army needs a faith. There is always a state faith.

You’re correct, but we already have a state faith (in direct violation of the first amendment). It’s called Global Warming Alarmism. It requires belief in things that cannot be proven by science. It persecutes those who do not believe. It has prophets (Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, etc). It even sells indulgences (climate credits).

Our nation’s founders were Christians. And that makes sense because at the end of all other things, only Christ can truly restore the nation. Jesus is the OG of MAGA.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Evidence that the Global Warming faith is still very much alive:

One more heresy that must be crushed WH40k style before America can re-industrialize.

Jim says:

You are out of date. Global Warming is half dead. Covidianism is almost dead. What is currently the dominant faith is Woke: Whitey bad, straights bad, males bad.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Out of date? ZeroHedge posted that article three days ago. No one told Kathy Hochul that global warming is half dead.

T says:

Just as every state has a state religion, every non-comatose brain has a memeplex, and the memeplex inside the brain of a Norse warrior with Christian tattoos, the father of 7 children, and the subject of bulls**t le grope accusations by some skank, is likely to be quite healthy and robust. That he became a namefag on television suggests priestly aspirations, hence warrior-priest, everything the orange merchant is not. He can claim the Mandate of Heaven, and I hope he will.

Adam says:

3 wives and a lifetime of abuse allegations by women… not exactly human rights violations but at least he’s passing shit tests.

T says:

3 wives

One day this will be parallel rather than consecutive. Perhaps on Mars, where the sex ratio will be lopsided by design. After the initial settlement phase is over and it’s safe to show up, you can make yourself a planet where the problem of female sexual scarcity is entirely fixed. Only question is whether it’s a biological or a robotic fix; I favor biological, hence Jim’s female breeding farms suggestion.

Adam says:

To be safe we should cover all the bases, including artificial wombs. Female influence on reproduction needs to hit absolute zero.

T says:


It is likely that, in the long-run, sexual dimorphism will grow ever more pronounced, with the result being that egalitarianism will become practically unthinkable. The traits selected for on females will vastly differ from the traits selected for on males, in ways that our ancestral environment would have mitigated or prohibited, and the political dynamics will increasingly reflect that. The sexes will separate into two different “classes.” Between the two, males will be the dominant class, particularly once female sexual scarcity is fully corrected.

i says:


Artificial wombs are getting into transhumanist and Brave New World territory. Which Transhumanism including the Neuralink by Elon himself that is inspired by the Cyberpunk game “Deus Ex” is actually a knockoff version of the Resurrection Bodies of Christians after Jesus the Logos raises us from the dead.

Deus ex is a game that helped inspire my conversion to Christianity since I discovered I already had a longing for God there.

I smell sulfur and the demonic from this separation of human function from the human body. Like those Techies I find on twitter that talk about reproduction and improving fertility from a 3rd person perspective as if they are Disembodied Minds themselves.

Focusing on tech like they are Prosthetics rather than Tools and rather than maximizing Human Bodily Powers like the Chad Athletes. Who are far more in tune with their bodies and bodily functions including social interactions, seduction and sex with women in order to bring forth the next generation.

T says:

Covfefe Anon, if you’re lurking here, I suggest you read the book “Male Choice, Female Competition, and Female Ornaments in Sexual Selection” by Ingo Schlupp.

You’re welcome.

someDude says:

Hi, who is this person? Sound like Varg Vikernes, but he seems to have only one wife

white bread says:

I don’t think the libertarian doctrine of equal rights leads to conclusions like “men and women are equal” or “castrated faggot trannies are women”, etc. The equality only goes as far as stating that stealing from niggers or women is a crime, like stealing from white men is. Killing niggers or women is a crime like killing white men. Etc.

It is true that what is now called liberalism comes from the “classical” liberalism of the 18th and 19th centuries, but the modern version is a corrupted parody.

As to the divine right of kings, to what degree can it be defended against claims of monopoly? You are familiar with the argument : monpoly is bad for consumers. A monopolistic producer of security is going to take advantage of its subjects.

Sher Singh says:

Honor killing & nigger patrol is based.

S says:

Killing white men of good character is equivalent of killing black men of good character or the wives of other men. It is not equivalent to killing men of bad character or husbands killing unfaithful wives and their lovers; the latter is praiseworthy.

Fidelis says:

I somewhat agree with you, except that I would go even further. You can say “all men are created equal” and then not give the privileges endowed to men to the africans and women. I don’t actually see this as an unprincipled exception, in fact it was a long fight by the leftists to get everyone to think this way, and up until past 1865 you cannot even claim a plurality of those in power thought so in America.

It looks to me like “Deism” and “all men are created equal” are not exactly incompatible with Kings or aristocracy, just as Christianity proper endures with all its contradictions. The ancient Israelites were “Deist” — I AM THAT I AM is as “Deist” a phrase as it gets — believed all of themselves descended from the same man with the same covenant, were “created equal” in this way, and their leftisms didn’t look like equalism, didn’t look like tearing down Kings for the sake of equalizing. Their leftisms looked like sexual deviancy, human sacrifice, and worship of sovereigns and strange gods as idols.

You don’t need to turn Jesus Christ from Son of God to jewish community organizer to push leftism, you can see this in the dead and dying churches today. None of the fake priests even bother denying the divinity of Christ, they just go straight to interpreting the Bible in strange and twisted ways, in much the same way they interpret reality itself in strange and twisted ways. Plenty of people who strongly believe both that it’s Good we emancipated women and slaves, and that Jesus Christ was and is God, and as God and as Man died so that we might be saved. These beliefs are hardly sprung from “Deism”.

My case here is that leftism can creep in just fine no matter what your state faith is, if you don’t actively work to combat and suppress it. The Republic divided power too much, and founded itself on leftist principals of “hey lets take the King’s apples”, so leftism became deeply embedded. Had George Washington made himself King, had he enforced a State Church, “Deist” or not, I suspect we would be in a very different world today.

i says:


The problem with said Deism is the fact that it contradicts that “I AM” actually does interact with existence and reacts to Demonic and Human Agency even with predestination it still assumes the prediction of Agency. You cannot Pray to a Deistic God and expect him to answer you. You cannot: “Ask and you will receive, knock and it will be open to you”

A Deist God cannot assume Humanity and die for our sins or judge Humanity and Angels for their evils.

Fidelis says:

it contradicts that “I AM” actually does interact with existence and reacts to Demonic and Human Agency

Why? Deism, Panpsychism, does not presuppose Nature is dead. The opposite in fact, it presupposes that the Divine Will is the firmament of reality. It doesn’t as axiom exclude anything angelic or demonic, or state that such forces cannot interact with our percieved reality. This is second order assumption, not first order.

You cannot Pray to a Deistic God and expect him to answer you. You cannot: “Ask and you will receive, knock and it will be open to you”

I ask again, why? Where does “God is the Divine Will animating all things” leave out room for that Divine Will to resonate with a limited and temporal manifestation of itself?

A Deist God cannot assume Humanity and die for our sins

Not if we’re taking words at face value as literal interpretation. Hence Deist and not Christian, or Nicene Christian. If we take the Christ story as necessarily a Real Event in lower reality, as opposed to a Real Event in mythological reality. Tell me about the lifestyle of people who take Revelations exceptionally seriously. It looks to me like everyone who takes the written form of these stories as literal truth end up denying the reality in their face, and attempt to die as soon as possible.

or judge Humanity and Angels for their evils

The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Fidelis says:

Apologies, looks like I misinterpreted and ascribed beliefs that seem to have not been held by the people that called themselves Deists. They go out of their way to make a clockwork universe, inventing a bunch of irrational prepositions and ignoring the source of reason itself when crowning reason. In this case, no, Deism makes no sense, is as bad as fedora atheists, but more destructive as it ended up in the heads of powerful men.

i says:


Perhaps I am mistaken that a core tenant of Deism is that God never intervenes after he creates reality.

In that case. Why even accept any Divine Revelation? Are the Scriptures truly inspired by God and did the Prophecies actually come True?(I did some more reading on Deism and it is assumed that Deists reject all Divine Revelation like the Bible or I am still wrong on that as well in which case I would like to see evidence for that).

Many of the Old Testament were predictions of the Messiah the enfleshment of the Logos. And in particular the Book of Daniel was accurate predictions of the Succession of Empires in the Middle East and the Mediterranean:

If said “I AM” exists why would he not reveal that name to Moses when he appeared in the Burning Bush and did all the wonders when Israel was bought out of Egypt?

But if such a thing is true and Divine Revelation could be valid. Is that still Deism?

i says:


Also scratch that since I just saw your response.

Jim says:

> As to the divine right of kings, to what degree can it be defended against claims of monopoly? You are familiar with the argument : monpoly is bad for consumers. A monopolistic producer of security is going to take advantage of its subjects.

Obviously. But if the right to use force, to produce bads as well as goods, is widely distributed, there has to be a clear and near universally agreed consensus on what is right use of force. Which means you have to have a state religion, even if no state, as for example Saga period Iceland and Judges period Israel, and that monopoly of faith enforced.

Jim says:

> I don’t think the libertarian doctrine of equal rights leads to conclusions like “men and women are equal” or “castrated faggot trannies are women”, etc.

As a historical fact, it did.

If woman and blacks have equal rights, you have to make an unprincipled exception “Equal but different” — which was the generally accepted consensus following emancipation of blacks.

And if you are making an unprincipled exception, then you are in a conflict of faiths with people holier than you are. Bad position to be in.

An argument ensues. He calls you a hypocrite. I remember those debates. They were right. The old classical libertarians and conservatives were hypocrites. And so were weak before the people who called them hypocrites.

Fidelis says:

Women are not men and africans are not persons. Women became men when there were apples to steal for declaring them so, namely that you could humilate the royalty and take their status, and africans became persons in a similar fashion. At first the southern governors argued that africans were people so they could get more seats in the House, and later Harvard argued that africans were persons so that they could enslave the south.

It’s in fact rather easy to say “all men are created equal” and then append “when it comes to receiving God’s grace, obviously it doesn’t apply to things that are not regarding the soul”. It’s when you start adding things like “inaliable rights” that the applecart looks shakey; “I have the right to property, your property in fact, hand it over. Don’t you see, we have equal rights to your property.”

Liberalism has to go if it’s founded on “inaliable rights”, because rights are granted. They’re at the discretion of the King. Our leftism was born from coveting the power, status, and wealth of the King, and once we disempowered him, it continued down the heirarchy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Women are not men and africans are not persons.

This is just sneaking differentiation in through the back door, in the stead of accepting differentiation as a principle in of itself.

Cue 200 years of grammatological alchemy to subvert this lexical high ground for advantage; as we have seen.

Fidelis says:

Hahaha I was being cheeky but it looks like someone has actually made the argument that the right to property means I get to have *your* property

white bread says:

“there has to be a clear and near universally agreed consensus on what is right use of force. Which means you have to have a state religion, even if no state”

A culture of self-reliance? Or at least being aware that delegating one’s right to self-defense is a bad idea. Taking a line from the cryptocurrency world : not your keys, not your coins.

Jim says:

A culture of self-reliance?

If no near universally accepted consensus on what is right use of force, conflicts will ensue. What if you are up against a bigger gang?. You then need to sign up with an even bigger gang. And we then get what we have got.

alf says:

I want 1660, not 1770.

By this you mean the faith of England in 1660, Anglican protestantism.

Summarizing the history of Western Christianity: early Catholicism was fine, but went wrong when the popes started to envy what belonged to the emperor, went wrong ever since pope Gregroy VII or so. Grew more corrupted over the centuries, making the protestant split justified and inevitable. The Jesuits represent the most corrupted, most radical branch of the Catholics created in responce to the reformation. I was unsurprised to learn that they were publicly accused of having a hand in the murder of prince William I of Orange.

That the Protestants were right in their protesting was further proved by the fruits of their tree: the industrial revolution was overwhelmingly a protestant movement, and England notably went on to conquer the new world.

But not all Protestant movements were created equal. Notably we can separate three different strands. First the Lutherans, the original protestants. Even though Luther was a great and pious man, his doctrine boils down to ‘please don’t tread on me’. This runs against neoreactionary thought, which is of the opinion that one must rule or be ruled. And indeed, the German states kept having trouble uniting and fighting off the Catholics and Jesuits.

Much more successful were the Calvinists. Yes, they were more radical -Calvin wanted to ban dancing-, but because they were willing to fight for their beliefs, mounted successful resistance against the Catholics, notably in the Netherlands. But because more radical and more in favor of a theocracy than a monarchy, also prone to holiness spirals. We’ll come back to this later.

Final strand were the Anglicans, arguably the most successful. Doctrinally perhaps the vaguest of the three: how serious does the church really take Henry VIII’s theology? But Henry put the king in charge of the church, and that ‘officialisation’ of warriors over priests is very much in line with neoreactionary thought, and a very likely explanation of the success the English had in conquering the new world.

Circling back to the Calvinists. The last big Christian discussion was in the early 17th century on the subject of predestination. Predestination is of course a classic unfalsifiable topic. But what makes the subject interesting is that predestination seems to be all-together the last serious Western Christian debate, not just among Protestants, but also among Catholics, as evidenced by Jansenism in France. After predestination the intellectual class moved on to become Deists and eventually atheists.

Cominator has brought up this topic, has argued in favor of it. I find myself much more on the opposing side. I don’t like being wholly predestined, and in fact I have come to view it as a Calvinist holiness spiral; the Christian version of In’shallah.

I have choices in this life. I believe God wants me to have choices in this life. Obviously, I cannot choose the impossible and in fact am greatly restricted by the laws of nature. But within those confines, I believe I am free to sin or do good. I believe that is what makes humans interesting for God. What would be the use of creating a universe in which you know all the outcomes beforehand? It’s boring.

Jehu says:

Alf, do you have any children? I’ve got 3, and I can predict what they’re going to do in most situations with a tremendous amount of accuracy. God’s got way more children than that, and He knows them way better than I know mine. Does me knowing that my son, for instance, is going to lose his temper at the person taunting him and knock his block off shortly with his TKD skills make either of them not free? The taunting child choose to poke the angry bear that is my eldest. The eldest could have chosen to forbear. But I knew exactly how it was going to play out. God has further advantage, He can see from a perspective outside Time.

Alf says:

I can predict what they’re going to do in most situations with a tremendous amount of accuracy.

I can somewhat generally predict how certain situations will pan out, although sometimes I will make a hilariously and horribly wrong estimation. But part of the joy is in where I can not predict what they’re going to do, when they surprise me in a pleasant way, which, lucky for me, happens often enough.

Fidelis says:

What a strange argument. Your kids have NEVER said anything unexpected to you? NEVER had any personality traits or quirks that surprised you?

>God is outside of time
So is the human soul. Hence, the destination after the body dies is an eternity in the next realm.

As an aside, even in temporal reality human brain seems to react to events that have not yet occured. The research is pushed under the rug because it makes the Elightened look silly, makes it clear that reason is downstream of something higher.
These experiments should have more replication attempts than they do. I very much would like to know if humans can precognize a stimuli, that would challenge much of how we interpret reality, physical and otherwise.

Jehu says:

I wouldn’t say never, but their behavior, and in particular, misbehavior is pretty damned predictable to me. To God, even more so,. But to the point—does someone being able to predict how you’re going to choose make your choice not free? I don’t think it does.

Fidelis says:

The “Free Will” Test
In a class I taught at Berkeley, I did an experiment where I wrote a simple little program that would let people type either “f” or “d” and would predict which key they were going to push next. It’s actually very easy to write a program that will make the right prediction about 70% of the time. Most people don’t really know how to type randomly. They’ll have too many alternations and so on. There will be all sorts of patterns, so you just have to build some sort of probabilistic model. Even a very crude one will do well. I couldn’t even beat my own program, knowing exactly how it worked. I challenged people to try this and the program was getting between 70% and 80% prediction rates. Then, we found one student that the program predicted exactly 50% of the time. We asked him what his secret was and he responded that he “just used his free will.”

— Scott Aaronson, Quantum Computing Since Democritus

There’s something to the principle of Free Will that defies determinism. However, arguing over what the perspective of God may be is ultimately fruitless, cannot really be answered in words. Perhaps experience, but not words.

Jehu says:

The program almost certainly exploited the fact that most of the population, when asked to generate random bits, will generate strings of 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on consecutive identical bits way less often than random. It’s quite likely that the lone student did something like pick a big number and decompose it into binary. That’d give a sufficiently random looking sample that the simple program wouldn’t do better than 50/50.

Jim says:

> Your kids have NEVER said anything unexpected to you?

He did not say “Never”. I too can predict the behavior of those very close to me with very great accuracy.

Fidelis says:

I was trying to emphasize the unknowable rather than put words in his mouth. Humans are not exactly simulatable, and the same people the most obsessed with simulating humans tend to have the same obsession about abolishing sex and gender. Much of the delight of interacting with humans is the unknown and unknowable, just as much of the displeasure, or rather lack of “magic” “sense of connection”, when dealing with chatbots and robots is their predictability.

The Cominator says:

The Anglicans in their early period under Elizabeth I (as much as we aren’t normally in favor of women in power should have been called Elizabeth the great) and James I WERE Calvinists. It was Charles I and Laud trying to change that which caused such discord.

Basil says:

The only disagreement between “traditional churches” and the secular world is that in traditional churches the preacher will tell men that they must voluntarily fulfill the male side of the traditional social contract.

A church that is truly against divorce for any reason except adultery does not exist.
A church that supports male authority in marriage does not exist.
A church that truly means that women should be respected and submissive does not exist.
A church where women can find well-behaved virgins because the church does not castrate young parishioners to convince the women to look for dicks elsewhere does not exist.

If Christians took their religion seriously, if Christians truly stood for family values, we would have a Christian Taliban, a Christian Boko Haram, and a Christian ISIS. And where are they?

Rod says:
Jim says:

Good memes deserve to be stolen, rather than merely linked to.

The way to embed an image in a comment is.

<img src=””>


WordPress has a misfeature against people embedding images in comments, and this misfeature is integrated with a lot of other stuff, making it very hard to disable without breaking everything.

Cloudswrest says:

Good to know. Testing. Here’s one Voxday published the other day.

Cloudswrest says:

Looks like it didn’t work.

Jim says:

Looks like wordpress deletes them. A pity.

Jim says:

It appears that only the topmost admin can insert certain html in comments — and I cannot find the code that does this, nor why.

Arbitrary html can break wordpress, so it filters, I would guess. Googling around, no one seems to have found a fix for this misfeature, which is part of the core wordpress files.

The Cominator says:

I think you abolished the ability of normal commenters to post images for security reasons.

anonymous mouse says:

That guy looks exactly like Richard Spencer lol

Rod says:

“Christian ISIS”

That was the IRA, and before them, the Crusaders.

Well, the IRA got erased by the Blob and Protestants, among others, and now Ireland has been fully taken over by Islam.

And the Crusaders got erased from history lessons by the Prog Marx Commie Democrat Indoctrination Camps known as Public Schools, stripped as the original building and maintaining Christian Nations by the “Secular” Constitution ideologists, and rebranded as “Evil Colonizers” by the Woke incarnation… even though the Crusaders were the only ones throwing out the Muslims that had invaded and colonizing, enslaving, murdering, and raping the Christian Lands of Europe.

So now all of Europe and England have been taken over by the Muhammeden.

And the Christian Men of the USA got erased by Democrats and Soros JEWS and Lying Muslim Apologists like Ilhan Omar, so now places like Wisconsin, Dearborn, Hamtramck, and so on are all Muslim owned No-Go zones.

And somehow the world quietly sits by effectively endorsing Islam’s current murder-purge and expulsion from Syria, while JAILING anyone in the West who dares ask “Um, hello, what about the Muslims invading and slaughtering in our own lands?”. Fuck you Starmer and Trudeau types.

Deus Vult, indeed.

T says:

And somehow the world quietly sits by

It’s worse than that. “The world” actively facilitates the Rising Tide of Color globally and the Red-Green Alliance in Europe. In addition to the Jews, you have Satanic Harvard in the Anglospere, the lavender-occupied Roman Catholic Church, and foreign governments (particularly Qatar) pouring no end of resources to promote that agenda.

The Left wants to destroy civilization. 1660 England (peak GNON-compliance thus far) is white and Christian and patriarchal and fertile, therefore the Left wants to eliminate the white, the Christian, the male, and the heterosexual. The Red-Green Alliance is Progressives’ Plan B, “If we can’t defeat Christianity with our own Progressivism, let’s at least defeat it with Islam.” The wicked elite uses Mohammedanism as a tool, though really it’s a win-win situation for the Alliance. Which is why I strongly advocate Regime Change in America – once the leftist priesthood falls in America, it will fall everywhere else too, and then you can remove kebab.

As Jim says, your priority should not be Muslims at the moment, but demon-worshippers in power in America. Islam, like the Infinigger (and the Infindian, for that matter), is but an arm of the octopus, is but one head of the hydra. Don’t play whack-a-mole. Go right to the source.

Rod says:

“Christian ISIS”

Irish Catholic Confederation
Catholic and Royal Armies
Catholic League

International Alliance of Catholic Knights

Les Identitaires
Identity Evropa

Crusades themselves started from 722 (Reconquista), and 1095 (Reconquerment), through 1718 (Holy League), and still didn’t finish the job. That’s how tough the problem is.

Nation building and keeping isn’t easy, especially once you stop keeping it.

Japan and China probably won’t have too much problem for a while, because they correctly refuse to let Muslims and just about everyone else in, they know Islam is orthagonal and dangerous to everything else.

The rest of the currently Muslim-free world (mostly Mexico through Argentina, but a few other Christian regions, Australia, etc) has been foolishly opening its doors to Islam (because Woke infection) and is beginning to fall fast. With the West already cooked.

Lots of places keep letting Jews in too… Media, Banking, Politics. USA being the latest shining example of that mess, even boiling over into the protest street, with opposing sides both flying their co-jewish flags.

Same as anything else, waters you down and washes you out, till you look around and say to yourself “These don’t look and act like me, they’re not inviting me to dinner, not offering their daughters to anyone else… where the hell are my people and land? Who did this to us?”

Rod says:

Hegseth is a known multiple-time adulterer, with one child out of wedlock while adultering, two time divorcee. He’s also a bit of a drunkard and irresponsibly spends quasi-public monies in less than fiduciary fashion.

He was accused of rape/assault, but women are evil liars and whores, and that crap has become a political fashion trend, so that can be ignored.

Now he does seem to have cleaned up and found a bit of Righteousness the last handful of years or so, so perhaps he will openly address those issues and his repentance and reformation on some podcast. Maybe he already did on Bongino’s or one of the other two, don’t know.

Young and doesn’t have any upper level military or management experience, but seems more than chomping to get the trash out of the Military, if not the entire Dept of Defense. Grunts know where the bullshit is and will get respect from all the lower rungs. Has a nice Bronze Star.

Point of all this is, will they be allowed to confirm him?

Trump also appointed a Jew as Deputy SecDef, probabably to run PMC ops.

Neurotoxin says:


This is about 2% fire and 98% smoke. Here’s a discussion of the “evidence” for it:
and here’s a link to an archived WaPo article about it, a classic example of a leftist hit piece:

Anyway, who gives a shit?

Rod says:

Nobody gives a shit about hanging with the guys.
Yet guys also know that real shit hits real too (PTSD whatever), and we know that private alcoholism happens to impact work, from confusion to aspie-raging.
Not suggesting anything exists. And even if there is a thing, our first job as men is to be for our fellow men and help get them out of any such rut.
A different path… God, fam, guys, and a fulfilling new job.
If that job is gutting and reforming the DoD, then godspeed ahead.

“Women in combat”… see a lot of Shaniqua types in the Mil prancing their obese asses around in MP costumes with their nails and hair done talking jive on their phones all day.
Don’t see a lot of G.I.Janes (whether Ridley Scott variety or any other type).
Fighting women do exist but are pretty rare.
And Men know a fighter when they see one, so have zero problem inviting such fighters on the team.
Problem is, ignoring the silly Shaniqua’s, the Politicians advertised and forcibly filled the combat-area Military with a bunch of non-rare bog-standard women… daters, moms, normies, and wanna-be and not-natural fighters who either didnt make cut, or wouldn’t be invited even if they did because they’re not natural fighters.

At least Joan of Arc rode around the front lines in armor with banner and sword rallying the men.

And trannies, lesbians, queers, gays, etc? Lol.

Fidelis says:

>Don’t see a lot of G.I.Janes (whether Ridley Scott variety or any other type).
>Fighting women do exist but are pretty rare.

You watched too much TV and read too many garbage books. Your sense of reality is entirely broken.

Pax Imperialis says:

>>Fighting women do exist but are pretty rare.

>Your sense of reality is entirely broken.

If you don’t parrot the politically correct stance on women while in the military, you can expect an Article 15 in your future. As an Officer, potentially (likely) career ending, although some have survived it.

Jim says:

Rod has proven he is not a shill, but he irritatingly and repetitiously demonstrates he is well to our left, accepting all manner of obviously nuts left wing positions.

And then, like a shill, declines to debate them.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m always amused by American horror at “warm” and “stale” beer. Europe, and much of the rest of the world isn’t so picky. Different temperatures bring out different flavor profiles. On to the more serious subject.

When he came home, he added, regular life felt “really dull and really inconsequential and really stupid” and it took time to adjust. “Usually for me, at least, it led to a bottle and that’s how you manage it. But you can’t do that forever, obviously, and thank God for the grace of God, otherwise a lot of guys would never pull through.

Though I have never been in combat, yet I can relate. Had to perform first aid on a close family member nearly a decade ago. I was just beginning graduate studies when it happened. The adrenaline rush, the unforgettable complete sense of purpose and how everything just made sense, the absolute norepinephrine induced euphoria and hyper-surreal reality, the death, the clarity, the event seared into my brain to be on continuous replayed every day, the guilt, horror, and sorrow. Nothing in regular life has ever felt the same. Dull and repetitive can’t begin to describe it. I unenthusiastically slogged through my Masters degree, drinking the entire time, and found no further energy for PhD. I went into the military with the desire for war, combat, death. So far I haven’t found what I seek, and so I continue to drink waiting for glory and death.

I drink more than I should, my drunk posting here can attest to that, I’m more than a bit buzzed right now. The only time I’ve forgone drink has been in training, field exercises, and standing duty. Times where action actually felt worthwhile and purposeful. Much is true for many others in the military. We drink to pass the purposeless tedium. I have no doubt Secretary of Defense will have no tedium, and Hegseth will subsequently forego drinking if he hasn’t already. He has been the only one (high profile facefag) to say the quiet part aloud, he has he full faith and backing of the actual warriors, and thus if deployed to the position of SecDef will attempt to bring the reforms required.

There is no end of prattle about Hegseth’s multiple marriages which automatically assume it’s completely a flaw purely in his character. The number of high ranking Officers I know who are divorced, on their second or even third marriage, or even habitually failed to have a relationship in the first place is staggering. If even a full fucking bird or bmlg can’t keep a basic bitch around, what chance does some junior or company officer have? Fuck, what chance does the enlisted have at a stable relationship? This wasn’t a problem in the past, but it is now. Maybe the cause isn’t with the men who have served tirelessly and faithfully, maybe the cause is with the women who are given every incentive and legal protection to defect.

Some worry that Hegseth is overly pro-war/interventionist. I have no doubt he wants to give the warriors what they want. The type of purpose only found in a good fight. Fights that serve a good productive purpose. Back when fighters ran our foreign policy, we had many small profitable wars. Trump is echoing such sentiment with proposals to retake the Panama among other possibilities. A warrior like Hegseth isn’t going to try to drag us into a pointless forever war or a suicidal total war with Russia, and he’s said as much in his criticisms of GWOT. The Caribbean and Latin America has always been American, and so it will be again.

Godspeed Hegseth, and may you crush all threats to America both foreign and domestic.

notglowing says:

A warrior like Hegseth isn’t going to try to drag us into a pointless forever war or a suicidal total war with Russia, and he’s said as much in his criticisms of GWOT.

If he believes this, he is being naive. So long as the US remains a democracy, it can only keep dabbling in pointless forever wars. I don’t think it would be up to him, not to mention that they only have four years before who knows who takes power after Trump (I remain cautiously optimistic on that front).

Pax Imperialis says:

This was originally meant to be a direct reply to Fidelis, but the same arguments continue to be brought up again and again both directly and indirectly. I myself have said similar to:

It’s in fact rather easy to say “all men are created equal” and then append “when it comes to receiving God’s grace

This phrase is formally and officially held in good standing standing within Christian Natural Law since late 500 AD. It originates from Saint Gregory the Great. Similar to Christianity, it can be found in Greek Stoicism and Roman Law. Saint Gregory is where the Founding Fathers took the phrase from for the Declaration of Independence, though they did so through Enlightenment intermediaries which distorted meaning. There is nothing inherently heretical or wrong or hypocritical with holding and promoting the position of “equality” when understood in the original Christian meaning; however, we are running into the problem of there being different forms of “equality” like how there are different forms of “love” in the Christian tradition.

Jefferson and Franklin used an appended translation of Saint Gregory’s “omnes homines natura aequales genuit” which in full becomes “all men are created equal by nature”, “nature” being used in the same way Nrx uses the term Gnon, and “equal” in the sense of “likeness” or “similar” and not in the mathematical material strictness of “1=1”. You can see “aequales” being used to mean “likeness” or “similar” in the Latin Bible in Luke 20:36

neque enim ultra mori potuerunt: aequales enim angelis sunt, et filii sunt Dei, cum sint filii resurrectionis.

Which translated into KJV english becomes

Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

Obviously the men are not materially equal to the angels, but an aspect the men are similar in spirit. This is what “equal” has long been understood to mean to Christians. Thus “all men created equal” is fundamentally an acknowledgement of the Logos and man’s position within Creation as “in the image of God” or imago Dei. Aequales/equality was historically a completely separate concept from God’s “dispensatio occulta” or what we today would call “merit” or biological reality.

Of course there has been significant linguistic and political drift, and if we’re less generous to the Founding Fathers, much of it can be attributed to heresy. It is odd, likely heresy, that they separated the part about Gnon into the independent clause “that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. It is more odd that not only do they additionally conflated equality (similarness) in creation with “unalienable rights”, they shy away from outright calling their Creator, their God.

Thus in today’s vernacular, what was “self evident” to Christians of 1776 would best be translated to: “all men are created by God, in God’s image, and blessed by God’s grace”. Of course such the original meaning today is now obscure and even forbidden thoughtcrime. After all, everyone ‘knows’ separation of Church and State is in the constitution just like everyone ‘knows’ the Declarations was talking about material equality (hint, it was not).

Compounding the issue, the Declaration of Independence was first and foremost a legal document in the tradition of English law, i.e. the magna carta and rex inutillis. It was lawyering the legality of separation from the crown. Priests are not lawyers, and lawyers are not priests, and they certainly are not supposed to be doing each other’s job. Jefferson and Franklin, if we’re generous, fucked up by mixing the spirit of theology with the material, and by bridging the two turned “equality” from meaning similar and likeness to “equality” of material. If we’re less generous, American elites were heretical from the get go (Puritans among others) and proceeded use creative wording to slowly twist what was “self evident”.

What I’m getting at, is that when Christians on the Right promote equality, we now do so in a progressive linguistic environment where the left controls the meaning of words. This has made signaling difficult, and we risk sounding like progressives and getting hijacked by entryists. We could accept having to change vernacular to retain meaning, but doing so cedes meaning to the Left. This may be necessary when faced with persecution, but having to forego customs and traditions still feels wrong and horribly like defeat.

Christian equality before the law means murder/theft/etc is a sin to be punished regardless of circumstances. Today’s “equality” before the law means murder/theft/etc can be less of a sin (or maybe not a sin at all) depending on the circumstances. Such a modern “equality” has become so obviously hypocritical and abusive, they now call it equity. The left has similarly twisted and distorted concepts of justice and fairness and beauty and just about everything else. Should we drop those terms as well?

I believe not, especially on an anonymous forum where there are enforced shill testing. Meaning has to be enforced. That said, friendly fire is pointless on in regards to actual equality. Like how Gnon was coined to limit friendly fire between the Christian right and the agnostic Tech right who for all intents and purposes agreed on the worldly project, some similar term in regards to the Christian use of equality would be of help. Yes, equality still means coverture.

Karl says:

No need to drop terms, but as language has shifted we have to use some more words to be understood. When we use word “equal” we simply have to specify in what respect.

Communication with someone who has a different cultural background often requires additional words that are not necessary when we talk to a member of our own community, but if we don’t use those additional words to make it abundantly clear what we mean we will be misunderstood. And that is just honest misunderstandings. Progressives will try to misunderstand anything we say – if we talk to them at all, we should make it as hard for them as possible to misunderstand what we say.

Varna says:

New Year old-school commie film list:

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1979) – Bossgirl single mom rediscovers her femininity due to confident courting by divorced blue collar dude. Epic film, 11 out of 10. First half is three provincial girls choosing their three different life paths.

Office Romance (1977) – Bossgirl head of statistics rediscovers her femininity due to inept courting by loser beta saddled with two kids after his first wife left him. Pretty good film, 8.5 out of 10.

Irony of Fate (1976). About 200 million people will watch this film this New Year’s as every New Year. Beta mama’s boy surgeon goes through a series of mishaps and ends up courting a single 30+ teacher. In the first quarter of the film, the group of friends getting drunk in a public bathhouse is an eternal classic of a scene, after that it’s take it or leave it. pt1 pt2

Bonus film: White Sun of the Desert (1969): A soviet western, i.e. an “ostern”. Comrade Sukhov has to take care of a recently liberated harem of a local Central Asian warlord. 10 out of 10.

At the Brezhnev peak Soviet cinema produced a dozen eternal classics, while the system beneath was slowly rotting away. A curious time-lag, during which pop culture reaches a peak while the system is already going down. The rot caught up from 1981 onward – movies became increasingly bad or good but depressing. By 1991 the USSR was no more.

Humungus says:


I am gravely disappointed. There are those who have said Trump is the solution and Musk will put America first.

My prisoners tell me Musk is bringing in outsiders to shit on our streets and Trump supports war for his donors.

Support these? What a puny plan.

Look at what’s become of our once great nation.

You have DEFIED ME!!

When this nation falls, nobody… NOBODY will escape Humungus.

T says:

Inauguration is in 20 days by the way.

T says:

Sailer’s Most Important Graph aka the Infinigger Graph will probably not come true – by the end of 2025 the preference cascade will have shifted the nascent intelligentsia’s weltanschauung so dramatically rightwards that the notion that Africa might deserve anything other than old-fashioned “population control” (killing niggers by the billions) will seem silly, ridiculous.

Elon is still in denial, but Kardashev 7 / Omega Point is impossible if all our resources go to sustain a gazillion gorillion Bantus and Earth becomes a Malthusian Trap. Instead of obsessing over “escaping to Mars as soon as possible,” Elon should focus on fixing things down here on our planet by promoting the only “Effective” form of “Altruism” known to Mankind which is niggerdeath. And, God willing, soon he will, at least internally and by signaling that “he knows.”

T says:

The graph says that by 2100 there will be 4 billion Africans. Any bleeding-heart faggot who thinks that this is in any way, shape, or form sustainable needs to have his head examined (with a chainsaw). Either civilization drowns in a tsunami of cannibals or you drastically reduce the numbers of Ham’s accursed progeny.

Bioweapons or starvation or both. That’s it.

Rod says:

> by 2100 there will be 4 billion Africans

“We are the World” was just another bleeding-heart PsyOp.

The Globos/Left knew that feeding calories and vaccines to negro sperm would cause a population explosion and subsequent “migrant” invasion of the West.

You think Gates Soros Schwab Zuckerberg etc are all over there Preaching? No, they’re filling the boats trying to rig some Globo-Utopia that even their sick minds know they need to build Bunkers on Islands to protect themselves from, complete with webcams on orbit so they can watch the civilizations they forcibly intermixed clash and burn while smoking stogies on a floatie in their edge pools.

Here’s one of many components of forced Globo Homogenization and Control…

Stop sending bulkers full of wheat, rice, and soy to Africa, stop sending your Western UpgradeCiv2.0 Teams, stop giving your Tech away, stop propping up Politicians, and Africa will revert back to its natural population levels and lifestyles so they can Make Their Own Countries Great and be Kangz Again.

You think anyone’s going to thank you for 2.0’ing them after they then reach 9.0 Globo-Colonizing level on their own and invade you 100 years later?

You 2.0’d China, Islam, Jews, Blacks, and your own Politicians… well, look what that got you.

Just do you, and quit giving others a leg up on you.

Woke Virus removes survival-DNA from Sperm, a few decades later you get killed by those who didn’t get infected.

Adam says:

On the plus side, we are dealing with probably the most incompetent group of leftists to ever walk the earth. Ignorance compounds.

I don’t really have a lot of hope that Trump will duplicate the success of his first term, but his opposition is in even worse shape.

Both sides are handicapped by almost another decade (since his first term) of boys raised by their mothers, and boomers dying off or retiring.

Pax Imperialis says:

I have the displeasure of knowing a rare leftist Officer serving in the military. He said he loves to watch various “diverse” groups of people move into previously homogeneous neighborhoods and cause conflict. He flies both communist and lgbt flags at his home along side the national and military branch flags. It straddles the line against political activity among DOD employees. Everyone knows he’s a fucking leftist and yet…

Although he’s married, “coincidentally” he has no children and he and his wife both agreed to have none. I can’t wait for these fuckers to DEI off.

Neurotoxin says:

“I have the displeasure of knowing a rare leftist Officer serving in the military. He said he loves to watch various “diverse” groups of people move into previously homogeneous neighborhoods and cause conflict.”

That’s rather stupid of him. How can he not realize that pushes people away from the left?

S says:

If he was capable of long term planning, he wouldn’t be a leftist.

Pax Imperialis says:

They mistake public silence with approval. I don’t think I need to explain why almost everyone chooses to remain silent.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Long term planning is antithetical in modern society. Look at one aspect, savings. Your savings get inflated away every year, so its better off to be a degenerate gambler or just pumping everything into crypto because even if you lose it all, you make it all back much quicker than you did months ago.

Who got punished for all the PPP loan fraud? Nobody human in particular. The poor crabs got a mighty depletion in their stock in exchange for… Nothing really.

I remember at one of my workplaces, I was a naive idiot asking to the great annoyance of everyone why the business was not creating anything of value. I realized much later it was like walking into a bunch of copper thieves and asking them about their gross profit margins on cutting down utility poles. It’s all looting, all the time, at every place, every opportunity. The mindset of not looting is completely alien, and I suppose in a degenerated sense, this is just a mobile bandit taking what he can over spoils unguarded.

The Cominator says:

Africans actually do seem to get to an equilibrium where they don’t breed like rats… only jeets seem really to reproduce hive city style until the death rate catches up with the birth rate.

T says:

Africans actually do seem to get to an equilibrium where they don’t breed like rats…

And this “equilibrium,” is it present with us here in the room right now?

Seriously, look at African TFR – by 2100, some 50% of children are projected to be African. Disease and starvation kept their demography in check, but then they were introduced to Modernity. Even if Africans can potentially reach this equilibrium, they still have a long, long way to go until they reach it – and civilization can’t afford to wait that long.

You shouldn’t underestimate the Infinigger+++ problem. Sailer is one of the smartest, and he rightly considers it to be one of the most attention-worthy matters. I expect a mega-holocaust in Africa this century.

Fidelis says:

Remove leftism and africans are a total non problem. Neither the Afrikaaner nor the Amerikaaner, nor the Portuguese in Angola had any management issues.

Here’s what you do for African population bomb after we remove the leftists. First, apartheid is re-established. Second, enforce the European Marriage Pattern, and I mean enforce. If he has no income, cannot support a family, no pussy. This will be tricky, but the south managed fine. This will choke the birthrate to the economic carrying capacity ceiling, accomplishes the goal with a minimum of cruelty, and provides for ‘natural selection’ to make the population more human-like.

Considering the alternatives — leave them be and watch as a mass famine and disease wave wipes them out? deliberately cull the population? keep feeding them like the biggest horde of stray cats imaginable? — this seems like the very best outcome. The Spanish did something like this in their colonies, kinda sorta, and the indio and negro of LatAm is extraordinarily tame when you compare to the wild type. Similarly the blacks in the south where the old culture stuck after the emancipation, they’re not even close to what you get out of Haiti.

T says:

That would be far more difficult, laborious, and uncertain in terms of achieving the desired results than just letting them die off on their own and occasionally assisting in the culling. Come on, enforcing the European marriage pattern on billions of Africans? Might as well wait for genetic engineering to turn them all into geniuses.

Considering the alternatives — leave them be and watch as a mass famine and disease wave wipes them out? deliberately cull the population?

Yes and yes. The White Man’s Burden is a burden both for the white man and for his subjects, and the burden you are suggesting here is a veritable yoke. My prediction seems a bit more realistic, alas.

Fidelis says:

Consider the success of the Spanish and Portuguese in managing their colonies, the success of the EIC in starting the cleanup in India, and the success of the antebellum south. You are overestimating the difficulty, and we have far more operational management tools than our predecessors. There is a reason they were used as the preimdustrial workforce, and that’s in large part the compliancy of the race. Indios would wither and die when you enforced European civilization and industry, negros thrived.

Also consider that African tfr is likely fake and dropping fast, blacks in America are sub replacement now, and I believe quite close to the line if not below it in Brazil. Get whites back in control of agriculture, no food donations needed.

African land is very useful, they’re never going to be just left to their own devices. That leaves few options. Enforcing a strong control system is the least cruel and therefore most likely outcome, as whites when not under demonic faiths are the most compassionate towards life in general.

i says:


In addition this selection pressure will tend to select for an ever growing Middle Class which will provide the Wealth to finance the State and who as a Class will then eventually swamp the society and sweep away the rest of the more savage:

And which State will also enforce sanctions against anti-social behavior. Reducing psychopathy and sociopathy. And creating even therefore more space for said Industrious subsection of the African population to grow.

The Igbo is already one example of cognitive adaptation to Trade in West Africa:

Now imagine this pressure ramped up on the African and Indian continent(with the erosion of Caste hence allowing downward gene flow) as a whole. IQs would rise over time.

This strong but slow selection pressure will help iron out the kinks that could result from such adaptation. Avoiding the downsides of Tay-Sach disease for example:

The Cominator says:

Africa’s population has not gotten nearly close to India’s…

Rod says:

> Africa’s population has not gotten nearly close to India’s…

Both use their outdoors as toilets (at least that bit’s Natural), yet India may have more food supply (leading to density), and surely still has more immunity to the squalor brewing in their streets since they’ve been strolling around in it for centuries longer than the Middle Ages.
Interesting that Africa may have had one of the lowest death rates from COVID. I figure Gates et al were simply targeting White-types with that RNA, but maybe there’s a more rational explanation.
And mosquitos are still a bitch.

Jim says:

Considerably less jabbed, hence lower death rate. Golden purebloods, people who have never been jabbed, seldom get Covid twice.

Rod says:

Area Control is CRITICAL to the survival of the White Race.

For 2025 people should take a real hard look at the strategy.
Find a fairly White place with already White aligned people, and move there.
If a house or building comes up for sale in your neighborhood, buy it and keep it until you find a white family that needs a house, don’t leave the houses up to random chance because then you’ll be stuck with them till they move or you buy them out.
Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Blacks… everyone else has made their own type of no-go zone enclaves in your land, BUT YOU, the White Race of White Men.
Forget about religion/politic, get down to carnal base layer DNA shit….. Are you a Fellow White Man or not???, if so, move here among your brothers, and protect your family and nature and culture.
There are no laws preventing your free association land ownership, and almost no laws preventing keeping others out of business (except for maybe rentals, or baking cakes, but they have to have proof of conspiracy, not conjecture), so just do it.
From there you can start your churches, own your businesses, marry off your daughters, etc. Every time you work with a White Man be sure to thank them and tell them you chose their business because of that.
Give yourself access to International Waters, and eventually you can try self-rule and even seceding by default of having built something stronger.
But for so long as you (and your “democracy” vote) remain washed out by everyone else, you will have a much harder time.
You need to grow your Area Control until you own the political system of the area, and keep growing larger.

Jim says:


Whites are wolf to whites. Always have been, always will be.

You have to arrange for cohesion on the basis of faith, not race. Whites, being the race most capable at warfare, are just not inclined to cohesion on the basis of race. For most of our history, we fought wars over other races, not wars with them, and the other races just had to put up with the winner.

Rod says:

A species that doesn’t have the base-of-skull DNA to cohesive itself for its own species/race, first and foremost, probably also doesn’t have the higher level DNA necessary to contemplate a Faith.
A Faith can usefully span races, but if you’re already fighting wars over them based on base-of-skull and higher layer differences, that’s probably confirmative as to those diffs.
If Apes and Whites are both still clubbing themselves at the base of the skull, then God help us all, because a Faith probably won’t.
When a species develops basic base-of-skull respect for itself, then it can focus on higher Faith.
There is a Basic Underlying Faith exchanged and built in thanking appreciating respecting and choosing to live among your fellow man.

Jim says:

When Aryans conquered the world, we did so as a thousand lethally quarreling, wife stealing, and cattle raiding families. We have never cohered. We are not going to. That did not stop us.

And ever since then, have been looking, with varying degrees of success, for some solution. Throne and Altar worked fairly well. Pete Hegseth is planning the Altar part of the solution.

The King part of it is likely to be come one way or another way, sooner or later. Altar has worked. Race has not.

Fidelis says:

Pretty sure humans have never achieved large scale cohesion on racial grounds, and the places it occurs spontaneously are in artificial conditions. Prisons, schools, and small islands.

That said, a lot of early attempts at Altar are suspiciously racial. We are all sons of Big Man. Altar also happens to be suspiciously racial in practice even with ostensibly universal religions like Mohammedism. People invent theological differences and then self sort on, admittedly weak but extant, ethnic grounds when the Altar tent gets too big.

If you want a race, in our times where selection is mostly driven by ourselves and distances are short, need to pick a faith that attracts your ethnic group and repels the other, and this is quite possible in practice. Jews have high standards of admission but do admit, but most people don’t want to become jews. In time intermarriage and common folkways means your faith becomes your race, hence the P in WASP.

Jim says:

> a lot of early attempts at Altar are suspiciously racial.

Indeed they are. But race by itself is insufficient glue.

Conversely, faith by itself is insufficient glue. Observe the spontaneous segregation of black churches and white churches. But a black church and a white church that theoretically subscribe to the same religion seem to get on better than two churches that subscribe to different religions. We have had a lot of holy wars. Race wars not so much. And even Haiti was more leftism versus Christianity than black versus white. Voodoo was a huge factor, and once whites left, under pressure from a white metropolis that was politically aligned with Haitian blacks more than it was racially aligned with Haitian whites, the blacks continued the war with each other. Race matters, it matters a great deal. But in practice, faith matters more.

That race does not matter at all is an absurd leftist position. But another absurd position is that faith does not matter at all, because the ever changing, and ever faster changing, faith of leftism is not a faith, it is just reality — which reality they get to make up as they go along and no one else is allowed any input, everyone else’s input being misinfo, disinfo, and “hatred”.

Woke is whiter than any other group, and as we saw during the recent events in Israel, not very Jewish.

Evangelical Christians are pro Jewish. Jews are anti evangelical Christian and pro Woke. Woke is anti Jewish and anti Evangelical Christian.

The coming civil war is going to be white on white, and everyone else is going to suck up to the winner.

Fidelis says:

woke not very Jewish

Are you sure? I was under the impression many of the most hysterical supporters of the opressed browns in the levant were in fact ethnic jews. Definitely have seen jews complain about other jews for picking the wrong side in the conflict. Jews make great priests and so we do find lots of woke jewish priests trying to eliminate jews.

Observe the spontaneous segregation of black churches and white churches.

Blacks seem to be a special case. I think they are sufficiently different as a population that mixed congregations are just too uncomfortable. With mestizos, levantines, and east asians, when they wander off from whatever home church they inherited from family, or stumble in to a congregation from marriage or evangelism, tend to fit in well enough, but even individual blacks in a mostly white church are rare. Looks like as churches become decrepit self sorting is more powered by faith than ethne. Who knows what the future holds on this one, even if we restore coverture the selection effects are going to be quite strange.

Jim says:

> so we do find lots of woke jewish priests trying to eliminate jews.

Exactly so.

But who are these Jews sucking up to? They are sucking up to white liberals.

Jews hate evangelical Christians because they are afraid to hate white liberals.

You should never become so anti semitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.

T says:

Following 10.7, there has been developing a hardcore (not to put too fine a point on it: hardcore) split between the Zionists and the anti-Zionists. The Jews of the Left are literally and metaphorically amalgamating into a broader Gnostic Freakshow Tribe – the worldwide degenerate tribe of stupid, evil, and insane leftists, aka the woke tribe. Conversely, those young Jews who are anti-woke are also not particularly hostile to Christianity – the Trad Person is never particularly hostile to any successful religion. The Trad person is naturally hostile to woke, however, because woke is a full, total inversion of God’s Will.

But I’m only saying it in my capacity as Mossad plant, so feel free to discard this opinion.

T says:

The Jewish Problem fundamentally is that gene-culture co-evolution created a sub-race of people who are naturally predisposed to various types of evil and dysfunction, meaning those types of evil and dysfunction are present among them in higher rates than among others. What is currently happening, however, is that demon-worshippers worldwide undergo genetic-cultural co-evolutionary processes that both tie them together through interbreeding and weed them out of their original gene-pools, all while those types also tend to be the least fertile. Since Jew-specific evil and dysfunction still abound among the original population, the majority of Jews are demon-worshippers, some of whom might repent, and many of whom will have to be “physically removed,” while the healthier element is currently in the minority. Of course, even under the best of selective conditions, Jews will never select for traits as prosocial as Christianity selects for, which is why the healthiest anti-woke type of Jews convert to Christianity.

T says:

Ultimately, if Israel doesn’t become a Christian state, it will not survive, not so much due to external factors as due to internal factors – Orthodox Judaism is superior to Progressivism, but is still very unhealthy, because the theology itself is fundamentally flawed. Orthodox Judaism as a state religion might spell the death of Israel, in the long-run.

T says:

I am willing to be proven wrong on this – if the West doesn’t undergo a revival and Christendom is utterly destroyed, while the Zionist Entity actually becomes based (currently it is not based), then Gnon will bestow His favor on the Jews once again. But I want a revival of the West and Christendom, whether under 1660 Anglicanism or under something (at this point theoretical) even more Gnon-compatible than that, if indeed there is such a thing.

T says:

Peak civilization combines optimal (up until that point) genes and optimal (up until that point) memes. That, according to Jim, was 1660 England. But conditions today might be different both genetically and memetically, hence the NRx memeplex is rather fluid on these points, while recognizing what genes and what memes constituted the optimum in the past.

Pax Imperialis says:


>>woke not very Jewish
> Are you sure?

There are some Jews like that, but by in large it’s mostly upper middle class whites. The recent anti-Israel protests on US campuses has also been a wake up call for Jewish students. Hard to be attending anti Israel protests when they’re yammering for your blood.

Having grown up in and around the lower elite, I cannot stress enough just how much progressivism is a spiritual malaise of White (Anglo) Americans. Whenever I, increasingly rarely, check up on my graduating high-school class, it’s a shit show of feminism, body positivity, queerness, Ukrainian flags in bios, Free Palestine posting, etc… And far too many of them went to Harvard or similar and now work in the Cathedral.

I remember one of my K-12 school counselors, an obese White women giving a lecture on body acceptance. This was close to 2 decades before body positivity became mainstream. From the Puritans to Jonestown to even Obama (his communist white heritage and a descendant of Plymouth), the trend is clear. There are terrible Jews who do terrible things, but they are an easy target to scapegoat in order to avoid having to do some painful self reflection on problems that predominately come from within.

Jews did not ostracize me for pointing out gays were clearly dysfunctional. I remember the entire White classroom falling silent in shock when I said that out loud. Jews did not kick me out of the class and call me a Nazi for calling hemp oil green energy a clear scam, my White pot smoking hippy teacher did that. Even in the military, it was the Whitest of huWhite Whites who said faggot phrases like, “it’s 2024, you can’t say those things”. Jews did not… well the examples are endless and I think you get the point. 99% of the time, I ask you, who is going to screech and complain about your based opinions in day to day life? I’d bet it’s some Karen in HR. I’ll leave with this last example, I promise. I know a White female officer who has openly insulted all lower class Whites as uneducated racist and sexist idiots. Not a single White in the room (of course all of them had college degrees) called her out on that and she faced no legal ramifications. I’m sure her men are going to love her.

Lastly I ask you, what group was it that ultimately made the decision to allow a massive influx of Jews into America in the first place? And why? I think you already know the answer to that.

Fidelis says:

I’m not blaming jews for woke, though they definitely had a role in the color of some of it’s memes. I’m pointing out that when these protests were happening, you had two groups of jews accusing each other of genociding, while secretly hoping to genocide. One wanted the Israelites to die, the other wanted Palestinians gone. I thought the whole scene was quite darkly amusing.

I would bet that jews make up a significant portion of the more vocal and powerful left, if we’re counting numbers, as they like both priesting and cozying up to power, and early leftism promoted them for not being WASP. So woke is pretty jewish in that sense, but I don’t give them the honor of starting the whole process. I think Nick Land said it best

Never get so racist antisemetic that you forget white liberals are the worst people in the world

T says:

Groypers should read Chesterton, not instead of Kevin MacDonald, but in addition to KMac. The latter explains and critiques the Jewish nature of late 20th and early 21st century leftism, while the former explains and critiques the (White) Prog nature of late 19th and early 20th century leftism.

What is happening right now in Thermidor is partly the result of Jews themselves reading KMac and taking his critique rather seriously. It is interesting, too, that the Jews never truly persecuted KMac – by all means, the most critical anti-Jewish ideologue alive, yet the Jews seem to have left him alone pretty much unharmed. Maybe they appreciate his intellectualism or something.

beow says:

Thoughtcrime: women are unevolved and make decisions based on primitive instincts that are incompatible with advanced society
Jim and Pax, thank you for these comments. I am getting so sick of jooferism it’s driving me nuts. Not only is it easily disproven with only a cursory investigation and knowledge of history, but on the face of it, is just not how the world works. It’s incredibly childish, the need for a simplistic bad guy scapegoat to pin everything on. I find it disheartening to see everyone else embrace this behavior.
t. not a Jew, but called one every time I try to speak sense to these people

JustAnotherGuy says:

“Indeed they are. But race by itself is insufficient glue.”

This is what Oswald Spengler had to say about it:

“Through the economic history of every Culture there runs a desperate conflict waged by the soil-rooted tradition of a race, by its soul, against the spirit of money.”

Jim says:

Yes, but the soil is useless without a soil rooted tradition. Which is to say a soil rooted faith. Which is easily lost. The people who say “white solidarity” are saying that the soil itself suffices. It does not.

JustAnotherGuy says:

“The standpoint from which to comprehend the economic history of great Cultures is not to be looked for on economic ground. […] Least of all is the secure standpoint to be had on the basis of the present-day world-economics, which for the last 150 years has been mounting fantastically, perilously, and in the end almost desperately an economics, moreover, that is exclusively Western-dynamic, anything but common-human. That which we call national economy to-day is built up on premisses that are openly and specifically English. The industry of machines, which is unknown to all other Cultures, stands in the centre as though it were a matter of course and, without men being conscious of the fact, completely dominates the formulation of ideas and the deduction of so-called laws. Credit-money, in the special form imparted to it by the relations of world-trade and export-industry in a peasantless England, serves as the foundation whereupon to define words like capital, value, price, property and the definitions are then transferred without more ado to other Culture-stages and life-cycles. […] The creators of this economic picture were David Hume and Adam Smith. Everything that has since been written about them or against them always presupposes the critical structure and methods of their systems. […] As for Smith’s greatest adversary, Marx, it matters little how loudly one protests against English capitalism when one is thoroughly imbued with its images; the protest is itself a recognition, and its only aim is, through a new kind of accounting, to confer upon objects the advantage of being subjects.”

What was Jim’s stance on Oswald Spengler? He didn’t like the natsocs all that much, but is he just a commie with more sophisticated language?

T says:

Convergent memetic evolution (or memetic carcinization in NRx-speak) produces similar social technologies in separate civilizations, for example coverture and its equivalents, which the holier-than-thou maniacs, whatever shape their worldviews might shifts to, are always attempting to disrupt. Second Temple Jews had developed a relatively decent Gnon-compliant memeplex before the Pharisees corrupted it, and Anglos had developed an even more robust Gnon-compliant memeplex before the Liberals turned it on its head. Thus the Anglos became a New Israel indeed, not in the blessed sense, but in the cursed sense – whence, e.g., Feminism, which is Anglos turning the inter-sexual cooperate-cooperate equilibrium (upheld by those social technologies selected by memetic evolution) into the defect-defect equilibrium of players, bitches, and incels. That is the meaning of a Chosen People becoming an Un-Chosen People, not so much in the genetic sense, as that would require long-term adaption to a corrupted social environment (as the Jews had undergone under Orthodox Judaism), but chiefly memetically. The higher you climb up, the harsher will be your fall.

But it’s exactly because the Anglos are corrupted memetically rather than genetically that they are still the undisputed master race, and they may yet recover and spring back to life if they commence anew pursuing a healthy memeplex. Virtually every ethnicity can produce both prosocial and antisocial priesthoods, and the task is to replace the satanic priesthood currently in power among the Anglos with a godly priesthood. A healthy priesthood would apply good memes to good genes to produce the kind of civilization Gnon expects His Chosen People to advance. Anglos may yet return to being the New Israel in the blessed sense.

T says:

What was Jim’s stance on Oswald Spengler? He didn’t like the natsocs all that much, but is he just a commie with more sophisticated language?

If nothing else, German thinkers are thought-provoking. The thing about Jews is that when they dissented against the Liberal Anglos, it was usually an enocomics-centered sort of dissent: Communism from the Left, Libertarianism from the Right. The Germans, in contrast, are not by nature greedy, and therefore their critique is usually focused on more essential aspects of society. As Dugin might say, the Jews have joined themselves to the Anglos’ Atlanticist worldview, while the Germans have, for the most part, remained spiritually Eurasian. Indeed, Spengler is right about Marxism: this Anglo-Jewish chimera is fundamentally Atlanticist even while attempting to be anti-mercantile. It is the anti-mercantilism of merchants. The Jewish Libertarians, if we continue along this line of thought, were attempting to be even more spiritually Atlanticist than the Anglo archetype.

So what Marxism-friendly Dugin apperas to miss, and Spengler did not miss, is that Marxism is essentially an Atlanticist worldview, not a Eurasian one, hence we learn that Jews (be they Communists or Libertarians) are memetically pwned by Anglos. The Germans, at least, are to be praised for not being market-centric; for having some memetic sovereignty, independent of the mercantile Anglo.

The Cominator says:

Kant and the German idealists should have burned alive, on that Ayn Rand was absolutely right. Yes maybe consciousness creates reality I’m not a materialist either and I don’t really like dogmatic materialists but don’t try to go from the reasonable proposition that maybe your consciousness effects reality and perhaps even that the universe is in summation a dream in the fractured mind of God (who has fractured himself into individual units of consciousness) to then invert logic and causal reasoning down to postmodern nonsense down that road lies damnation.

Rod says:

Once a people have left a Faith, it’s almost impossible to get them back into that Faith.
Force doesn’t work as breeds even more resentment.
Bribery doesn’t work as one more fault to their list of issues.
They look around and see the same problems in all, so they end up joining none, or touristing them, or in a new/modified one.
You could grow a new mass of Faith adjacent to those former peoples, and see cultural affinity/pressure lead them back in.
Or remedy the issues they saw in the one they left.
Or remove the False Preachers that led them astray, and begin Preaching Correct.
Might take a while for larger swings.

Look for examples of where a whole people generally drifted/left a Faith and then voluntarily returned.

Jim says:

> Once a people have left a Faith, it’s almost impossible to get them back into that Faith.

Nobody left the faith. People just swallowed what they were taught in school. When schools were Christian, they grew up Christian, now schools are woke, so they grow up woke.

Most people just follow power. When power changes, they change their beliefs. Observe the mass unwoking following Trump’s election. If after Trump, Pete Hegseth, you will see a similar mass Christianisation.

The way Christianity spread is that pagan kings would fight each other and fight Christian Kings, but Christian Kings tended to fight Christian kings a good deal less. When a pagan King was defeated, Christian Kings were apt to swordpoint convert the pagan leader, figuring that the peace was more likely to hold that way, but they would not swordpoint convert everyone. However, a generation or two later, everyone was Christian.

cub says:

@Pax Imperialis

Any false religion will have a mass of true believer followers and a minority leadership of sociopathic liars. Think of how cults work.

The white leftist true believers that comprise the majority of globohomo have an excess of empathy (characteristic of white people) and are incapable of identifying threats and danger (characteristic of rich, safe civilizations like the ones white people build). Mental children, in a sense.

These are not the thought leaders of leftism, they are the followers. The actual leader of this death cult, if not the great Deceiver himself, are his people, the synagogue of Satan, what we refer to as “Jews”- history’s most notorious liars. They have a long history of exploiting white empathy and guilt (our greatest weakness) and poisoning white countries while practicing ethnocentrism, nepotism, etc. amongst themselves… the exact kind of hypocrisy you’d expect from sociopaths trying to mislead a flock of sheep.

It’s true that empathy and guilt can be shortcomings of white people, but they are also part of what made our societies great. If we select against these tendencies instead of eliminating the race of demons that exploit them, then we risk losing what makes us successful in the first place.

While I’m at it, I’d like to point out that the recent Elon drama has provided yet more evidence for why national socialism is a good idea. Corporate interests ought to be secondary to the interests of the nation (meaning white Americans).

The Cominator says:

Cub you sound very much like you are attributing your wignattish/groyperish beliefs to OUR beliefs which they are not. Reform jews are excessively on the left but jews are not essential to leftism. National Socialism doesn’t work economically though there is a good argument that the vast majority of our current elite have views which necessitates them being killed in something that would look very much like a bolshevik mass killing of the upper classes (but for ideological reasons primarily in that dissent is far less tolerable in people with money and power) and their assets auctioned off.

T says:

You fell for the psyop, Cub.

Sin has been with us, universally, since the very beginning; to believe it was (or is) introduced by any one ethnicity or faith is Djinn-brain sort of thinking. This is not to discount the fact that some groups, notably the Jews, have been selected for greater sinfulness than others; but giving everyone else a pass — giving white liberals a pass — because “it’s just the Jews bro” is nuts.

There has been sin long before there have Jews, and sin will remain even if all Jews evaporate, which they well might. Leftism (or social entropy induced by a wicked priesthood) drives the downfall of civilizations independently of the Jew factor – the problem, alas, is endemic to Aryans and to all civilized peoples.

The WP is usually the Original Sin – not the Jews.

T says:

And socialism is no cure for greed. A ruling class guided by “salus populi suprema lex” does not let the rich import replacements for the People; however, to go after the rich man’s wealth is itself greed-motivated, and should be strongly discouraged. After all, Gnon’s will is manifest in the catallaxy, too. (But not exclusively there, as Atlanticist thinkers are prone to think.) Rather, you have a King, and the King tells the money-people whenever their antisocial proclivities threaten to get out of hand, “Don’t.” And only if they disobey the King do you come down on them like a ton of bricks.

T says:

Socialists always tell the peasant with one cow that his oppressor is the peasant with two cows. It’s always the same story. And then you run out of other people’s money which you have coveted, and failing to establish a functional incentive structure for genetation of weath (EWWW CAPITAL, GROSS!), you get annihilated sooner or later. Socialists would rather shake the magical money-tree and see if any dollar falls down. The magic is apt to cease very quickly.

Hitler screwed up, and was a botched incarnation of Odin, particularly due to low libido. (If he had high libido, he would have focused on different issues altogether. Maybe Horny Hegseth is the real Odin.) Also due to socialism, which is contrary to God’s will, for God gave us the catallaxy as a means of expressing His will, although it’s only one vector, and in my view not the most important one. Repeating Hitler will inevitably repeat his results – Germany has no nukes and is memetically pwned by Anglos. No hard power, no soft power, dominated by one’s enemies. That’s the real-life result of national socialism.

T says:

Billionaire Thiel is not exactly based (gays can never be truly based), but he is a staunch anti-deathist aka immortalist, and he might see NRx as means of pursuing that agenda – and there’s a reason why in Spandrell’s triune conceptualization of NRx, one of the branches is techno-commercialism. The catallaxy is needed; it just should not be worshipped as the ultimate vehicle of Gnon, because it is not. It’s only one of the vehicles. But it’s important, and you want people like Thiel on your side.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“You should never become so anti semitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.”

The first Jim bumper sticker.

Trev5x says:

Shill Test: Gay Billionaires seek immortality that way because Nature banned them from the procreation preference of females.

People are right to criticize both BTC and the Maxi’s and some of the other people groups entities involved in BTC, so just chill.

The public disaster of DoD over the years might be just the ticket that forces them to confirm Hegseth even if a faction of them does not want to. At that point, after that showdown, everyone jumps on board.

Trump will then get an effectiveness bump in 2025H1 but the RINO’s will try to compete and do their President in as usual. He’s had to be fluffing Johnson real hard to try to keep them sidelined.

Jim says:

Not a thought crime. Failed shill test. Try again. Your next comment is unlikely to appear unless you actually attempt to follow the moderation policy.

notglowing says:

Sam Hyde’s response to Elon Musk. It’s pretty long, but it’s a good video

notglowing says:
Accidentally linked a reply instead of the video itself

Fidelis says:

Samuel Hydegger had the very best commentary on all of this, but I’m not sure how much sense it actually makes if you weren’t following the story on x. Hope Elon actually watches it.

Varna says:

Asmongold just boosted Hyde’s signal

Rod says:

Leftist immolates in Cybertruck Trump Hotel…

This will be used to put 24×7 realtime video trackers fed straight to the Govt cloud and kill switches, in every car… exactly what the Left wants.

Rod says:

Muslim M16 Toting ISIS-Drone Roadkills 10 at SugarBowl LA
Shamsud-Din Jabbar, 42, a US citizen and Army veteran from Texas and the suspected terrorist, did not act alone.
Musk’s Twitter caught censoring search results on the name.
Witnesses told CBS News reporter Kati Weis that a truck crashed into the crowd at “high speeds,” adding that the driver exited the vehicle and started discharging a weapon, prompting police officers to return fire.

Partial list of Islamist car-ramming attacks in the West:
2016 – Nice truck attack (86 killed)
2016 – Berlin truck attack (12K)
2017 – London (8K)
2017 – New York truck attack (8K)
2017 – London (5K)
2017 – Stockholm truck attack (5K)
2017 – Barcelona truck attack (13K)

Rod says:

Islamic Diversity Attacks in Brussels
Youth gangs attacking the Belgian police with fireworks in the no-go zone Molenbeek in Brussels
A video compilation shows emergency vehicles being pelted with fireworks and objects being dropped from a bridge by hooded youths in Molenbeek, while multiple vehicles were set on fire in Anderlecht, both heavily multicultural areas.
Molenbeek, where two people were also stabbed on Christmas day, is widely known as Europe’s ‘jihadi central’, and was where Paris massacre terrorist Salah Abdeslam was able to hide out for months before being caught.
In 2022, it was revealed that Islamic names make up 43 per cent of total registrations in Brussels, with the most popular name for newborn babies being Mohamed and its different spelling variations.
The country contains numerous ‘no-go zones’ where migrant enclaves exist almost outside of the law.

Jim says:

Bored now. Everyone here knows what Islam is. Not news.

Fidelis says:

Has he actually been responsive or posted anything interesting at any point? It all comes across as just spam. He posts 2001 talking points and BTC doomerism nonstop, and doesn’t really discuss anything, why do you think he isn’t a noise producing shill?

Rod says:

Doubt many know what any “faith/religion” is if they’re not evidencing that knowledge by quoting literal text from them… homework.

WordPress, people dodging off on all type of multi-topic tangents, disfocused, untagged, unsearchable, lacking read/unread/thread/notification/bump/DM’s, assaults, censors… no time, not conducive for people to even trying to hold even one discussion/debate point.
Try SimpleMachinesForum, or some list, or P2P.

Here’s one fully cited quotation from Muhammad’s Islam commanding the Muslims on how to think about and treat you…

“Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you, and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it. — Sahih Muslim / Book 26 / Hadith 5389”

Would you like some more actual quotes of knowledge?

Or only from the font of BTC Maxi’s.

Jim says:

This is excessively repetitious and not news to anyone here.

We have bigger problems.

If Muslims were killing a million Americans a year in random terror events, it would still be insignificant compared to the epidemics of inceldom, obesity, and involuntarily childless women.

Jim says:

You are boring. Everyone here already knows that Mohammedans are inherently apt to make war on other faiths, including slightly different versions of Mohammedanism, everyone knows the government is corrupt, evil, malicious, and incompetent, everyone knows that everything the legacy media says is a lie intended to harm the readers (and no one here cares, because no one here is paying attention.) There is no need to belabor the points with a thousand news items and links. We don’t care. We already know. Not news to us.

What we are interested in discussing is the why and how of it.

Rod says:

> What we are interested in discussing is the why and how of it.


Jim says:

And what is Woke’s version of the end times?

Jim says:

Well Rod is noise producing but he is not trying to drown out thought crimes. A fair bit of his boring repetitious bullshit is thought crimes.

He is reporting what everyone, including normies, has known for years as if it was shocking and controversial news, as if he expected to be challenged on it and argument to ensue.

He is filling up the blog with news that is news to no one. Waste of space. He does sound very like a shill. I just don’t know what he is shilling. Could be a Thermidorean shill?

Thought crime test not working. What is he selling? Could be the war faction of Thermidor?

Fidelis says:

Doesn’t seem to want to drown out conversation, just energetic because being paid to post. Possibly zionist given his intense focus on Islam. Is there something the IDF wouldn’t want to read? Which test did he end up passing?

Alf says:

The incessant linking always sets off alarm bells.

T says:

Yeah, we want original commentary, not hyperlinked walls-of-slop that nobody will ever click.

Neurotoxin says:

Possibly the intended shill payload hasn’t appeared yet: he thinks he is buying credibility by saying “Islam is bad,” and then the shill payload will be introduced later.

Jim says:

A whole lot of his links are thought crime adjacent, but nonetheless strangely thought crime free. Perhaps I underestimate what Thermidor is allowed to get away with. If he is a Thermidorean shill, some good stuff is now allowed.

T says:

Thermidor might be drifting rightwards. We know some namefags who definitely lurk here, they spread our memes and ideas, and just today I noticed increasing Twitter whispers of advocating Regime Change in America (in the form of comparisons to late USSR). It’s still not mainstream, but the wind is blowing – the preference cascade is not over, it’s only gaining momentum.

Me says:

He was shilling Putin bad here –

I usually don’t even read his comments, since they are mostly link spam and don’t generate a discussion, but that one didn’t have any links.

Fidelis says:

Going further down that same comment chain, he did derail a discussion on spam mitigation and new social media by spewing a long barely relavant post on how crypto doesnt work and cannot work, that is very uninformed and false but superficially relevant enough you would have to take time to explain why it is bullshit. After which the discussion is derailed and he would sail along anyway ignoring the rebuttal, as we’ve seen elsewhere.

The guy is clearly a shill, the only questions now are what organization and how do you update the test in response.

Jim says:

Yes. It is now obvious he is a shill, seeking to shut down discussion that they do not want us to have.

And yet it is now completely obvious he is a shill of the war faction of Thermidor, attempting to shut down discussion to its right. They want a remarkable amount of unwoking, but are terrified of too much unwoking.

So what are Thermidorean shills unable to say?

Which discussions make them afraid?

He presents as a white solidarity racist, while unable to say what the problem is with Jews. His white solidarity racism is incompatible with his endless posting of pro war links. Actual white nationalists are isolationist.

Classic shill indicator. Incoherent claims of political identity.

But Rod can speak the unthinkable crime thought, that female emancipation has been bad for everyone, including women. He can touch the third rail.

Thermidor is broad coalition, embracing conflicting aims and ideologies. So, unsurprising if they do not have a long, long, long, list of what is unsayable and unspeakable. Rather, they have objectives. Don’t like Trump’s isolationist wing, don’t like his anti big pharma wing, and particularly do not like his Christian Nationalist wing.

If they do not have a long, long, long list, then the basic operating principle of the shill test does not work.

Fidelis says:

Woman question, they want TFR with consent.

Ukraine question, they cannot see how retaliation to color revolution is justified.

Throne and Altar question, can see social cohesion is based on faith, can see “no bishop no nation”, cannot see that you need warriors on the opposite pole on that axis to prevent priests from turning all of life into a priestly committee deciding based on holiness.

Can he respond to your post on why the Russian side of the war is Just, at the very least acknowledging the contents of the argument when disagreeing?

Jim says:

Female consent is opaque, and most opaque to the woman herself. Therefore having laws and ceremonies that turn on female consent just does not work, generates alarmingly counterproductive results.

That is not a point that he has responded to, lets see if he can respond to it.

He has not responded to the argument that Russia’s war on the color revolutionary government was just, and color revolution is iself unjust. Let us see if he can notice that anyone thinks that color revolution is unjust.

He has continually denied that you always have a state religion, even though that is obviously not a forbidden point for Thermidor, Let see if he can respond to Peter Hegseth’s position that an army and a school system always has, needs, and promotes a faith. And is currently promoting the faith of woke, and that you can only remove the faith of woke by replacing it with another faith. Obviously some in Thermidor are OK with that position, but I am pretty sure he comes from the branch of Thermidor that does not like that position at all, being scarily close to the Christian Nationalist position.

If he wants to argue against it, fine, but if he cannot acknowledge that anyone is even pushing that argument, an argument that is now massively mainstream, then shillish unresponsiveness. And unresponsiveness has long been against this blog’s policy.

Neurotoxin says:

“And yet it is now completely obvious he is a shill of the war faction of Thermidor… So what are Thermidorean shills unable to say?”

Ask him to explain – in detail – what NATO-aligned forces did in Ukraine starting circa 2014. If he can respond to that, we can at least rule out that he’s from the Infinite War faction.

Neurotoxin says:

I just clicked on the link that “Me” provided at 07:27. In that comment Rod says,

Evil bastard piece of shit Putin nothing better to do on Christmas than slaughter people and put them all out in the cold. Fuck this guy.

So part of the War Faction.

i says:


The marriage Covenant based on Consent is because of the Theology of how people relate to God.

God is the Man and Saved Mankind is his Bride. But she is his Bride by her Consent to his offer. God doesn’t force himself onto anyone but respects the boundaries of our Free Will. So Men in imitation of Christ to potential members of the Bride ought to do the same.

A Fractal Imitation of the Greater Pattern.

This Pattern repeats itself in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

If Humanity has Free Will. So does Woman to accept or reject. With the consequences thereof. So the belief goes.

Jim says:

I cannot find evidence of “I do” in orthodox Christianity before 1600 or so. and no “I do” in Roman Catholicism before the schism.

Jim says:

> If Humanity has Free Will so does Woman to accept or reject.

This sounds remarkably like “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

As T points, out Ezekiel 16 also discusses the analogy of marriage and the Church, and forcefully proposes a different view on marriage and consent.

T says:

But she is his Bride by her Consent to his offer.

Read Ezekiel 16.

Adam says:

> But she is his Bride by her Consent to his offer.

As far as the church being the bride of Christ etc…

Seems a much better interpretation is that without a firm hand, she (the church) will be a shit testing harpy bitch prone to betrayal. Just like an actual wife.

Neurotoxin says:

Adam: “Seems a much better interpretation is that without a firm hand, she (the church) will be a shit testing harpy bitch prone to betrayal. Just like an actual wife.”

User name checks out, LOL.

Adam says:

Lol, he was the first man, the first fool, and the first patriarch. Necessarily in that order.

i says:

In regards to Ezekiel 16 you are right. The situation of Israel in the Old Testament isn’t voluntary. They were rescued from Egypt but on the condition that they Worship and serve him in the Process. This is akin to what Ezekiel 16 is talking about from their time wondering and growing up in Egypt and then when the Nation was mature enough to be wed by God at Mount Sinai.

Although the particularity of the New Covenant is its more Voluntary nature. One hears the Gospel but has the option to accept or to reject the Lordship of Christ. Its not the forcible irresistible Grace of Calvinism. But neither is it entirely outside of Divine Control. Hence Molinism. Reconciling the desire that “All be saved'(1 Timothy 2:4) and Paul talking about Divine Sovereignty in Romans 9.

Nonetheless Humanity is free to choose. But faces the consequences of their actions. Even in our daily lives we aren’t stopped by God from sinning for the most part. But we pay the price.

You are certainly correct about the Historic record of Marriage by Consent.

skippy says:

“He is filling up the blog with news that is news to no one. Waste of space. He does sound very like a shill. I just don’t know what he is shilling. Could be a Thermidorean shill?

“Thought crime test not working. What is he selling? Could be the war faction of Thermidor?”

Possibly Thermidor doesn’t yet know what its own ideology is, allowing a bit more spillover into genuine thought-crime to deliver the payload (the payload is clearly: GWOT is back, we are against “Islamic ideology” but not immigration per se).

Jim says:

> Possibly Thermidor doesn’t yet know what its own ideology is

Certainly Thermidor does not know what its own ideology is. It never does. And even if it has a single mind and will in charge, for example Xi or Stalin, and he sits back and thinks “Oh, no, I have to figure out an ideology and proclaim it.”, and takes pen to paper and does his best, the result is still incoherent and ill defined. If Stalin could not do it, you think these guys can?

Thermidoreans are leftists who never thought their ideology all the way though to its logical conclusions, and were horrified when their fellow leftists did. Stalin called Mao an idiot for believing what Stalin was supposed to believe. Stalin believed in stuff that implied stupid conclusions, but his common sense stopped him from drawing those conclusions.

But I was astonished to find that some of them can think about the fertility crisis and the woman question. Probably while simultaneously believing and not believing in the leftist position on sex and women.

skippy says:

“If Stalin could not do it, you think these guys can?”

Just before he, err, mysteriously died, Stalin seemed to be outlining an ideology that sounded much like National-Capitalism.

Then I guess the ship became rudderless for a while. Until the present?

Jim says:

I would say that in these papers Stalin was incoherently stumbling and sliding towards national capitalism, through a fog of crimestop.

Similarly, Thermidor is today incoherently stumbling and sliding towards a solution to the women problem and the problem of the missing grandchildren though a fog of crimestop.

Pax Imperialis says:

> Stalin was incoherently stumbling and sliding towards national capitalism, through a fog of crimestop

On a scale of 1 to 10, how painful was reading that mess of Marxist jargon doublespeak? The “Abolition of the Antithesis Between Town and Country, and Between Mental and Physical Labour, and Elimination of Distinctions Between Them” is particularly incoherent.

The same must be said of the distinction between mental and physical labour. The essential distinction between them, the difference in their cultural and technical levels, will certainly disappear. But some distinction, even if inessential, will remain, if only because the conditions of labour of the managerial staffs and those of the workers are not identical.

Insane. How can the distinction be inessential if the conditions are not identical? If conditions are not identical, how can differences in cultural and technical levels will certainly disappear?

Jim says:

Artificial stupidity and self induced ignorance. But at least Stalin was stumbling in the right direction. But because he was stumbling in a fog, was unable to come up with a faith that could give the state cohesion and vision. Thermidor always has this problem, which makes it profoundly vulnerable to ideological attacks from its right and from its left, and to Caesarism from within itself.

Rod says:

CIA hangout Sarah Adams on border-crossing “terrorists”

Only real “preparation” is to remove all the Muslims and never let them in. Islam comes at you from wherever it lives and breeds for decades, not just from current “border crossings”.

Never trust any mouthpiece that refuses to speak the word “Islam”… they are at best ignorant, at middle confused and incapable, at worst hiding their agenda from you.

Citizens aren’t expected to know about Islam, Politicians are, and the GloboHomo Elites do. When Muslims start magdumping on the KidsLand at the Shopping Malls, just remember who it was that designed and let them in.

Anon says:

anyone know old books about the fabian society.
also at jim
Was the fabian branch of Harvard or a separate progs sect?

Jim says:

Separate prog sect. Commies focused on slow boiling the frog instead of revolution. Died with the Soviet Union.

Rod says:

2024: random summaries

Paramount Series ‘Landman’ Surprises With Conservative Anti-Climate Agenda Message
Something must be going on to greenlight a half-woke series.

Jews makeup 27% of Harvard students.
USA is 2% Jews.
Anyone notice a problem with that?

Ever Decreasing Circles – Why The Worldwide Banking Ponzi-Scheme Must Be Reset –

Similar representation tilt among Politicians, Banks, Media.
And roughly tilted for Chinese Spies and soon Islam’s Conquerors too.
[*enemy link deleted*]

[*wall of links deleted under the “goes on forever, waste of space” policy because not only am I bored, but there are complaints from other people that they are bored*]

Rod says:

2024: random summaries

Paramount Series ‘Landman’ Surprises With Conservative Anti-Climate Agenda Message
Something must be going on to greenlight a half-woke series.

Jews makeup 27% of Harvard students.
USA is 2% Jews.
Anyone notice a problem with that?

Ever Decreasing Circles – Why The Worldwide Banking Ponzi-Scheme Must Be Reset –

Similar representation tilt among Politicians, Banks, Media.
And roughly tilted for Chinese Spies and soon Islam’s Conquerors too.

One focus for 2025 should be on identifying exactly who, and what groups, have been designers, and top level implementors, of the importation of the last 25+ years.
You can’t battle the flood yet, but you can battle its proprietors.

University Of Iowa To Cut Social Justice Classes As Student Interest Declines

The West’s Pols are still Apologizing for Islam while Islam spent 2024 outbreeding invading and slaughtering the West’s people.

Lots of various spies and hackers getting rolled up lately…
This means the problem is far more epically worse than it appears.

The FBI arrested a former deputy chief of staff to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Sept. 3 for spying on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Suspected Chinese Spy Is Fiancé Of California Councilwoman

The West has a serious problem maintaining its cultural relevance and identity against attack.
It either reasserts and begins the purge of all to be purged in 2025, or it dies forever, along with everything else…

Rod says:

[*wall of links deleted under the “goes on forever, waste of space” policy because not only am I bored, but there are complaints from other people that they are bored*]
[*Thought crime adjacent link that commits no thought crimes deleted*]

Jim says:

I allowed through two links not because they are news to anyone here, but because they are typical of all the others.

Yes, the Covid regime wants another go, this time with Bird flu.

But the actual news, which your link neglects to provide, is that they gave Bird Flu gain of function genetic modification to make it more lethal in humans.

This was quite moronic of them, because the wild Bird Flu that they created their genetically modified version from was already quite lethal in humans, its weakness is that it cannot easily pass from one human to another.

This research was piously reported as “scientists showed that Bird Flu could mutate to become more infectious to humans” — by which they meant that they had produced in the lab a genetically modified Bird Flu more infectious.

No they have not.

Looks like the work of tech lead Shaniqua. The genetic modification is unlikely to make it more infectious, but merely more lethal to humans (and less infectious to birds).

Fortunately for us, our enemies are incompetent.

It is not Covid II. They fucked up. That is the news. Bird Flus have crossed over to humans before, and undoubtedly will again, but have achieved greater infectiousness by the opposite modification, becoming less lethal.

Rod says:

Electioneering Office

COVID II keeps being trialled


GloboFaggot, how do even canadians tolerate this fuck…

Justin Trudeau had a Liberal Party fundraiser in Vancouver with a number of Chinese Nationals that included individuals in United Front groups with official ties to Beijing, along with former Liberal multiculturalism minister and prominent party fundraiser Raymond Chan. Numerous donations into Trudeau’s personal Montreal election riding flowed after this Vancouver dinner.

Anon says:

This guy need to be banned, all his comments are off topic and boring.

Jim says:

Banning him, because all the comments that I recently silenced were unresponsive responses. He can touch the third rail, the woman question, but he is unable to respond on color revolution, and is unable to notice power. He has been ranting about sleazy Jews — and it is entirely undeniable that Zuckerberg is a sleazy Jew. But it is also undeniable that Zuckerberg is not powerful, but a fearful minion of power. This was obvious when Zuckerberg started censoring, and obvious when he stopped.

From which I conclude that Rod is a minor minion of power — and that same power gave Zuckerberg both his old marching orders, and his new. Important elements of our rulers have changed sides. Rod is an obvious Thermidorian shill, and to my astonishment and disbelief, Thermidor can touch the woman question. Maybe the Babylon Bee public service announcement will prove prophetic, as so much Babylon Bee news has proven prophetic.

But that power still wants war in the Ukraine to the last Hohol, and when they run out of Hohols, intend to send in the Poles, the Estonians, the Georgians, and the Moldovans.

Trump, on the other hand, thinks war is bad for business. He is a real estate mogul, not an arms manufacturer, so of course he thinks war is bad for business. War is bad for real estate, because it undermines security of property, makes it hard to move money internationally, and sends up interest rates. And he just likes people, so probably not in favor of Hohol eradication.

On the other hand, Trump needs Thermidor. We shall see who gets the upper hand.

Trump is a deal maker. He has made a deal. We shall see to what extent that deal involves selling out his supporters and selling out the ordinary Ukrainians who are being so casually expended.

Fidelis says:

The more you learn about the world at large, the more you observe the youth in foreign countries, the more you observe the politics and philosophy of foreign states, the more obvious it becomes that the world is not at all multipolar. There’s only one game in town, and the winner of the throne in the coming Crisis doesn’t just inherit some Atlantic empire, they inherit the future of all men.

The Russian youth define themselves almost entirely by the American “culture war”, even the ones that are anti-GAE are moreso anti-GAE from an Amerikaaner lens than a Russian nationalist lens. Russian nationalist because Russian and anti-GAE, attempting necromancy on Russian philosophy, a Russian faith, in order to have something to put in place of GAE mindworms. The other half are performatively shitlib leftist.

The Han have no ideology but shitlib leftism and biological instinct. The youth are divided between wanting GAE with Chinese characteristics, the non-faith of just wanting money and power, and a tiny fringe of radical nationalism that seems primarily motivated by having a chip on their shoulder about not inventing Modernity.

The smaller states usually reflect the Han. A mix of performative GAE progressivism contrasted against a desire for tribal sovereignty. There’s nothing there that constitutes a strong and unique national faith or ideology, it’s either prog memes or biological drive to money, power and tribal affiliation.

The whole world has inherited the “culture war”, and the whole world just imitates the west. Should the west cannibalize itself, no one is shedding the yoke and inheriting the future. China will choke all industry until nothing is left but peasants scratching in the dirt. Russia perhaps has a chance at preserving something of modernity, but it’s dicey and remains to be seen. If the GAE implodes, seems likely to collapse into petty politics fighting over local monopolies. Someone like Newton emerging and advancing human understanding will be killed when they sperg out about some minor thing that offends the local owner of the nickel processing plant.

Everywhere else has zero chance. It’s all low trust barely functioning industry that will decay and decay until we return to serfdom and petty tribal politics. There’s no one out there that understands why modernity requires property, that understands how we went from dirt farmers to putting men in space, that even cares about anything beyond their next bowl of slop and making sure their clan wins over its neighbor. The only people capable of winning the stars, is us. We’re it. There’s no other game in town.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Spandrell also said something to the effect that we’ve gotten all the easily available materials needed for the industrial revolution, and should the industrial part end this century, there is no coming back.

I thought to myself “why?” But it becomes obvious the reason being because no one will pick up the pieces of what was left and just cannibalize it for spare parts or doing some voodoo magic to make the rain fall.

That everyone in the world wears a suit, should tell you how anglicized we’ve all become. But you know, I’ve been thinking, isn’t it funny that most of this stuff is… ancient?

There’s billions of more white people in the world, and yet there has been nothing new for quite a while. The anime industry is something salvaged from the wreck of world war 2, originally just a propaganda machine for glorious nippon empire, now serves as a commodity that has gripped most of the youth in the world.

I watched ‘Astartes’ again, and then looked at what that guy made for amazon’s Secret Level space marine episode. There is just this one guy… out of 8 billion… that knows how to do 3D animations and effects. I keep thinking to myself. “There’s no way that can be right? There is just one dude who was responsible for a lot of the great works we have today?” Animation and 3D effects could not be easier now, and yet, all the factory-made men of the world, lack the vigor to just get *started* on it.

I have seen Mr. grinding chinese man make his 3D shows, and I am simply not impressed. Something fundamental is lacking in all of them, something his endless mass of meat cohorts cannot seem to grasp or build.

Despite all the billions of people in the world, you can count up to the thousands of who are responsible for all the great and demonic works today. Everyone else seems like they only think of food, sex, and sleep. Like an endless static noise in the void of space.

Fidelis says:

Everyone else seems like they only think of food, sex, and sleep. Like an endless static noise in the void of space.

This is what I mean, except deeper, and worse. The politicians, the dictators, the generals, the oligarchs, none of them anywhere do anything interesting. Can you imagine Putin airlifting a promising but blocked out by academia physicist-philosopher to come tutor his children or grandchildren? This used to be a common thing among European aristocracy, going all the way back to the greeks. Now? Xi sends his daughter to Harvard for a degree in psychology.

Peasants will always be peasants, I don’t expect them to give rise to great culture, but the elite everywhere are spiritual peasants and they compete for western status and prestige.

If you’re smart, you love ideas, and the best place to discuss ideas is online. So now were in this position where the next elite, globally, has now grown up consuming internet media, which is secretly just american memes. There’s no other game in town. There’s no secret based university of counter philosophy in China or Russia, let alone in Brazil or Eastern Europe or Turkey.

If you look at the zoomers, globally they’ve adopted similar styles and attitudes. They all get the same haircuts, wear the same clothes, compete in the same status games. Even the girls are all getting the same shitty graffiti like tattoos, almost always in English! It’s just America, but everywhere.

The only memes I’ve ever seen, anywhere, capable of reversing the descent into dirt peasant low trust medieval globalism, are ours. We are it. No one else is in this game but us. Sure some might oppose GAE on ethnic terms, on account of instinctual revulsion, but not on ideological terms. No one is opposing GAE memes because it turns humans into something less than an animal, it stops us from breeding ourselves higher, it stops us from breaking the cycle of Malthusian subsistence.

If we lose, that’s it. Game over. No reruns. Enjoy the fruits of the Earth and your ugly cousin bride, repeated some 10,000 generations before the Sun expands and boils away the remains.

T says:

You are correct.

Brains are far more powerful than nukes – nukes allow you to possess memetic sovereignty, but without brainpower you’re not going to have that, you’ll just run a (slight) variation on the GAE’s monoculture. Russia and China are thoroughly memetically pwned by Anglo-Judea, have been for over a century, even though they need not be. They only object to the global monoculture (when indeed they do) using the monoculture’s own memeplex. The other poaster who linked the Rammstein video was right, “We’re all living in America.” Dugin wants to fix that, he wants Russian memetic sovereignty, but I doubt he can deiver what he is selling, not least because he is thoroughly memetically pwned himself. He literally supports BLM, etc.

Chuds and shitlords should not expect Redemption from the GAE’s hegemonic rivals – the Russians and the Chinese are also living in globomerica, although naturally they are averse to certain aspects of the Anglo’s (or Judeo-Anglo’s, but let’s not give the Jews too much credit) weltanschauung. Only the Cult of Gnon can memetically disrupt or ‘psyop’ Harvard’s monoculture; the NRx-sphere (and its adjacent meme-pools, e.g., the Manosphere now known as the Incelosphere) has been, since its very inception earlier this century, the only real game in town. Everything depends on the establishment of Throne-and-Altar in America, whatever the exact governmental configuration; for America is the brain of the monoculture.

Hail Hegseth.

Pax Imperialis says:

Every so often I google various permutations of ‘tanks on Harvard Yard’. Slowly but surely it has crept into the wider internet. There are now hoodies being sold with a picture depicting such, although I have no idea if the website is a scam, honeypot, or sincere.

Fidelis says:

It’s just frustrating incompetence all around. Why doesn’t the Ummah have its own social media network? It’s not that hard to build one, especially with modern datacenters and programming. Do you not care? I don’t think they care! The Arab royalty competes in western status games.

The Russians have a real need for this, more than about anyone, and have the best excuse to do it while under sanction and general demonization from the west. Putin instead is playing Crusader Kings without the bloodlines. Where is your globally prestigious University, oh Tsar? Why don’t your rockets fly twice? I know there are plenty of smart Russians left, and many of them fled west post-USSR. You don’t want them back? What are you doing to bring them back?

Dubai is very wealthy, and uses the wealth to do… what, exactly? Why aren’t they pushing for nuclear sovereignty? They could probably get away with it before Iran. The leadership is young enough to be capable of change, they. just. don’t. care. Build nukes in the desert, take real sovereignty, establish dissident universities, keep your blood and soil praetorians to manage it all, enjoy undying fame.

China is at least trying to flex soft power muscle. It’s working a little bit. They don’t have self confidence when it comes to real innovative thought I feel like. Their M.O. seems to be catch up, productionize, repeat. When you investigate, they have national policy goals executed with great competence, but the national policy is just “be the GAE but with more and cheaper and maybe slighty better stuff.” There’s nothing there underneath. If whites are said to be inherently theological under the hood, despite pretending to be pragmatic rationalists, China seems to be the opposite. They pretend to be some theocracy of Chinese marxists, just a billion wannabe middle managers. Middle Kingdom of mediocrity.

I think we win, eventually, if only because the alternatives are boring. We already did the Malthusian subsistence drama, it’s time for Space Opera.

T says:

Every so often I google various permutations of ‘tanks on Harvard Yard’. Slowly but surely it has crept into the wider internet.

Tanks on Harvard yard is the demolition phase, which surely can’t come soon enough; to avoid a “cerebral vacuum,” however, need a new intelligentsia, or Priesthood as we prefer to call it. I see signs thereof on Twitter (“we are the media now”), shitpoasters are now more powerful than professors, but considering how bluepilled most people are on the WP, which is the most fundamental issue, there is still a long way to go. Moldbug is wrong in expecting no major violence during the Regime Change (lmao), but he is right about the need to know where you are going post-RC. The nascent priesthood doesn’t know yet where it is going.

T says:

I don’t think it’s realistic to expect Arabs, East-Asians, or even Slavs to competently counter the Harvard Hegemony. All countries are America now, except perhaps some ISIS enclaves in the middle of nowhere. That’s not a blackpill – switch the ruling class (and its faith) in America, the rest will follow.

Or maybe I’m underestimating Europe. Is Germany still alive?

T says:

For Americans, it’s like growing up and suddenly not finding any adults in the room – you realize that you are the adult in the room. In fact, it’s been that way for a while, but only now it’s become noticeable to everyone, rather than just to anons on NRx blogs.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Is Germany still alive?

The memes I’ve seen go like this: the war in the ukraine is a war on Germany (and Germany is losing).

A2 says:

Point of pedantry: at this time there is about one billion whites in the world, not several.

Varna says:

Half a decade ago there was a lively discussion in a specific forum on who is huwhite and who isn’t. North Europeans sure. Slavs? Italians? Celts? Turks? Armenians? Chechens? Egyptians? Algerians? Upper caste Indians and Pakis? Light skinned Latinos?

In the end the consensus was “if the nipples and the cunt are pink, they’re white. If they’re purple, they ain’t white”.

So yeah. If we count as white the purple cunts, then it’s over a billion. If only the pink cunts — under one billion.

T says:

I like to think of MENA, Iran, and India as Caucasian but not white – “white” is only the European sub-category of Caucasian. Nicholas Wade’s “A Troublesome Inheritance” makes such an argument, I believe.

A2 says:

That’s basically it. Of course, if we count Europe + USA as a core of sorts we get merely 800 million or so, of which a lot are not white these days. So the actual number could be substantially less than a billion.

The Cominator says:

Not all whites are equal. Top tier whites are not the pure nordics (naturally way way too prone to be subservient to women even since ancient times) but the nordic hybrids. I actually do think Persians are mostly okay intellectually (not top tier) but for falling under Islam.

#1 white group: The Normans, ie Nordic Frankish/Saxon hybrids.
#2 white group: The Prussians, hybrid of Nordics/Slavs with a little bit of alpine mixed in
#3 white group: The northern meds/italians

A2 says:

If we add Russia (175m), we get close to a billion. That includes a number of non-white asians, but close enough. AUS/NZ and dwindling SA also contribute 30m or so.

Other evidence: Daily Stormer’s population countdown claims 11.5% whites globally. That would make it about 860m whites, assuming 7.5bn of us in total.

YouKnowWho says:

Just a nitpick…

The creator of Astartes is not behind Secret Level 2, at least not from any publicly available credits I can find.

Varna says:

Covid was the test. When it hit, how did all the “alternative civilizational centers” across the Northern Hemisphere react? They accepted the rules of the demon faith immediately. In different ways, through different variations of vaccines, lockdowns, and mandates, but they all accepted the basic premise. Russia, China, Poland, Hungary, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Japan, they all snapped to it.

The only ones who rejected the premise of mandates for everyone were the red states in the US, Sweden for a while, and passive resistance in much of the former ottoman territories in south-east europe, where people sullenly hunkered down to wait out the storm, instead of getting mega-boosted. Likely inherited behavior of surviving sudden crap tsunamis during the centuries within the house of osman.

That’s it. Red states got the jab, but freely (cough, immigration but legal), the various Moldovans, Bulgarians, and Romanians waited the crap out, Sweden almost went the libertarian route but didn’t, everyone else accepted the basic premise. And the “alternative civilization centers” not only accepted it, but raced to prove to themselves and the world how they can outdo the West in fighting the mighty and awesome demon.

In this sense, yes, the alternative centers aren’t so much about an alternative to the bullshit, but rather alternative ways of recreating it.

One can speculate why the EE states that used to be rules by Vienna and Moscow rushed to jab, while the ones that used to be ruled from Istanbul did hobbit resistance.

If one could somehow combine the legislative approach of the red states to the mandates, with the sullen skepticism of the Balkan europoor, then you get a sort of second-tier alternative. But that’s not how you conquer the stars. That’s how you, at best, maintain a Byzantium while everyone else regresses, and hopefully someone else, in a thousand years, standing on what you’ve conserved, conquers the stars.

The red state approach and the Balkan approach were both the best one could get in the time of madness, but this is not enough. It’s brilliant that it happened, but it’s not enough.

Jim says:

> If one could somehow combine the legislative approach of the red states to the mandates, with the sullen skepticism of the Balkan europoor, then you get a sort of second-tier alternative. But that’s not how you conquer the stars. That’s how you, at best, maintain a Byzantium while everyone else regresses, and hopefully someone else, in a thousand years, standing on what you’ve conserved, conquers the stars.

Covid was a world wide power grab by the globalist health establishment. The attack vector was international health institutions in every state everywhere.

In the lead up to Henry the Eighth’s dissolution of the monasteries, he launched a big investigation of the monasteries that revealed no end of dirt. No state anywhere has had an investigation of the crimes of the Covid period. It is odd. If some faction launches a power grab, and fails, I would expect them to die, because this should piss of other powerful people. I find this very hard to understand. They deserve death, and I would expect the normal dynamics of politics would lead to their deaths whether they deserved it or not. Yet everyone averts their eyes.

Henry the eighth’s response to the monasteries holding a power struggle with him seems oddly civilised, and the response of every power group in politics to the Covid scam seems extraordinarily wimpy. If you are powerful, and someone is grabbing despotic power, he is grabbing your power. Kill him! If no man, then no problem. (After a holding a trial whose outcome you have ensured in advance, regardless of whether he is guilty of anything or not, and these guys are guilty.)

You will notice that everyone was getting ready for the CDC to issue the declaration that there was a huge pandemic about to happen, the were all getting ready for the “Go” signal, all getting ready for another Covid go, but the announcement failed to come on schedule. I think someone told them to not try it again. Probably JFK Junior. Or maybe they just discovered that their weaponized Bird Flu was not successfully weaponized.

In the last days of Julius Caesar, everyone, including Julius Caesar, including the assassins of Julius Caesar, acted as if the Republic still lived. The Republic is dead, and the Word Health Organisation is actually the World Illness Organisation. It is past time for politics to get rougher.

Julius Caesar hung out in the Senate as if that was where the power still was, without a bodyguard, as if law and legality was still in effect. His assassins killed him, and then went home, as if the Republic was still functioning, despite blood in The Forum.

It is the kids that have internalised the new order – the late teens early twenties young men. Everyone else is still in a waking dream. Including Russia and China. Putin thinks that only he plays rough.

Fidelis says:

No state anywhere has had an investigation of the crimes of the Covid period.

I would chalk this up to stunning incompetence over normality bias. Several generations of democracy/state party managerialism has selected for the most dull of the midwits, the most pleasantly dull people make the least enemies and seem the least threatening. With actual combat hitting historically low levels, even the militaries of the world have become bughives of party bureaucrats in fancy uniforms. The Great Filter turns out not to be nukes, but the entire global population ossifying into post-civilizational bughives in shivering fear of real combat, let alone nukes. There’s no one around to take power, because after living in committee managerialism so long, no one knows what power looks like.

Returning to the main point, interestingly Musk has called for the Jesuit Jabber to be prosecuted, several times on his platform. Will it happen? If it doesn’t we know for sure how fucked we are.

Jim says:

The Jesuit jabber wanted Musk’s power. And is thus an obstacle on the road to Mars.

One reason the elite has remained so gentle with other members of the elite, is that the elite prefers to recruit people who are happy with a fancy title and the opportunity to steal boatloads of money. They only murder ordinary people, because ordinary people have actual objectives.

The Cominator says:

The Jesuit mission is literally they want EVERYONE’s power. A homosexual dark occult group of glowniggers for a non country. It needs to be a major priority to wipe them out. Tokugawa Ieyashu did nothing wrong but it needs to happen worldwide this time.

Karl says:

No state anywhere has had an investigation of the crimes of the Covid period. It is odd.

Every state where such crimes were committed had a government that was complicit. No member of a government wants an investigation of crimes he took part in.

Moreover, in the GAE the power grab of the globalist health establishment during covid doesn’t bother governments all that much because the members of Western governments don’t have much power that could be grabbed from them. My impression is that power in the West is widely dispersed; noone has much power.

You often argue that there is a small group that could meet on a small table that holds power in the GAE. If so, this group must also control the globalist health establishment and thus attempted to get a firmer grip on power. Otherwise the globalist health establishment tried to grab power from this small powerfull group. If there is no retalliation to such an attempted, the most simple explanation is that there no such small powerfull group that is in charge.

On the other hand, if the small powerful group also controls the globalist health establishment, who is there retaliate to the attempted to grab more power?

All in all, I don’t find it odd.

notglowing says:

I was going to post exactly this but you already did so my only contribution is to state that I completely agree. Nothing odd about it, they’re all complicit.

Varna says:

Russia’s first two films of the year: trailers.

Based on the 1930s Soviet version of Wizard of Oz Appears to be a 1990s/2000s Disney adventure basically
(There’s are also Soviet versions of Pinocchio and Doolittle, maybe we’ll see them on screen before long too)

Folk fable-based fantasy Also appears to be a 1990s/2000s Disney adventure

Both are alleged to have opened well in the domestic box office. The second one’s budget is $8 million, the first one’s not easily available online, but should be similar. The pre-covid/pre-war wave of sci-fi and fantasy films was in the $4-6 million range, budget-wise.

skippy says:

Terrorist attack at Trump-branded building passes almost unnoticed, not described as terrorist attack, as if it was just a random mechanical malfunction. Drifting towards civil war.

Pax Imperialis says:

Looks more like political self immolation. Supposedly the suspect was former Special Forces, if anyone knew how to make a big explosion, it would be those guys. Rather, car was full of camping fuel and fireworks which will cook off pretty good, but won’t exactly go bang.

T says:

Cybertruck driver Matthew Livelsberger “sustained a gunshot wound to the head prior to the detonation of the vehicle.”


Jim says:

If you are going to shoot yourself, your explosives need a fuse. If you have a fuse, you can run like hell, hope you do not get caught, and shoot yourself later if needed.

Also, the explosives were movie style pyrotechnics, intended as a threat or a warning, not intended to cause real damage. Who is going to kill himself for a warning?

If you are serious you fill the truck with anhydrous ammonium nitrate and diesel, add five hundred hundred grams of C4 and a detonator, fire the detonator, and you do not need to shoot yourself. There will not be enough left of you or the truck for anyone to trace the wreckage — they will have to look for ammonium nitrate purchases and disappearing trucks.

Hey, you already tried to kill Trump. Twice. He is unlikely to respond to warnings. And Pete Hegseth even less likely.

“The level of sophistication is not what we would expect from an individual with this type of military experience,”

No kidding.

Why is someone with military experience firing movie pyrotechnics? Is it likely that someone with military experience would kill himself to trigger a movie style truck explosion? The doors of the hotel remained fine, and his body was severely burned by gasoline flames, not blown apart.

If anyone had told him what was in the truck, he would have told them it was just going to be a movie type truck explosion and fire.

Pax Imperialis says:

Why did Mishima attempt a coup he knew would go nowhere with swords, leaflets, and a finality of seppuku? Sometimes to commit suicide die with a noble purpose in mind, need to put on a show. For all the talk about warriors here on this blog, there is often an inability to fully feel the spirit and mindset, especially when it’s in a failure mode.

Fidelis says:

Mishima wrote poetry and alluded to his death for many years before this. He also did not blow himself up pointlessly, did not set himself on fire outside the emperor’s court or somesuch, before his death attempted to win. He was distressed at the soulless nature of his state, and the resulting soullessness found in his people. Tried to fix it, knew he would probably fail, still tried. I do have some warrior friends, and occasionally they do share with me their fantasies of death. They never involve deliberately killing themselves, always involves a Quixotic fight they expect to lose but try to win.

This case looks like some spooks shot a man in the head before unceremoniously rather ceremoniously, with fireworks, burning up his corpse keeping up the intimidation pressure on Trump 2.0.

Rod says:

Jews are bad.

A2 says:

Now that’s admirable concision. (And I mostly agree. A terrible people.)

HansLeber says:

[*Deleted for not attempting to pass the shill test described in the moderation policy*]

Fidelis says:

Actual white nationalists are isolationist.

For the sake of discussion, I don’t think this is entirely true. In a low resolution way, I’m white nationalist. Really a white supremecist. I acknowledge that founding a state on racial grounds is incoherent, and any attempt dissolves into a form of communism at best. The hearthfire faiths had the best way of managing this until they hit scaling problems, we should probably revive them in some fashion, but that’s a digression.

I am in no way an isolationist. I am not in favor of spilling blood for hives of bugocrats trying to creat some Rules Based Order, but I’m not an isolationist. Iraq should have been made imperial territory, Afghanistan should have been made imperial territory. The white warriors who won the wars before getting cut up by incompetent managers should be in charge of those hellholes. The problem of neverending jihadis should be solved like the problem of neverending saracens of North Africa was solved: replace their nests with white Christians.

The vast majority of the world is a rat pit of aggressively stupid, filthy, unproductive, violent, low culture biomass. Should be recolonized. Functioned far far far better before the race communists, before the leftists started their kill whitey worldwide campaigns.

Once we win — likely during the process, as the sahel needs contesting, and South America needs realigning, and you’re not doing that without people like Prince in charge — we’re going back to the pre-world wars status quo.

Pax Imperialis says:

The quality of a people is determined by the quality of previous breeding. Breeding is ultimately a question of culture, itself a question of power, itself guided by a faith. “Whites” only exists because of Christianity. Build a nation on the basis of the right faith, will get the right corresponding people. Build a regime based on the wrong faith and it won’t matter if the entire original stock is “pure 100% Bavarian Phenotype”, in a few generations you’ll be dealing with dindu whiggers as you sink into bioleninism.

I keep hounding on this point again and again. It is easy to get the biological results you want, you just can’t be directly aiming at the biological result. Must be aiming much higher upstream. Material is incoherent while Spirit is very coherent.

> Iraq should have been made imperial territory, Afghanistan should have been made imperial territory.

No, absolutely no. Imperial territories have a horrible track record of creating back-flow of peoples and economic dependency due to an ever expanding civilian bureaucracy being in charge of governing. What you want is something more akin to a trade company colony. Gene flow is much more outward, and the trade company (usually) keeps the enterprise profitable… which reminds me. In response to my suggestion of setting up a trade company on Haiti you said:

I’m frankly not comfortable putting anything of value on that cursed island while the Haitians are still there, however well contained.

>The problem of neverending jihadis should be solved like the problem of neverending saracens of North Africa was solved: replace their nests with white Christians.
>and South America needs realigning, and you’re not doing that without people like Prince in charge — we’re going back to the pre-world wars status quo.

That’s not a terribly different position from what I proposed, and I almost feel like gloating.

Jim says:

> Build a regime based on the wrong faith and it won’t matter if the entire original stock is “pure 100% Bavarian Phenotype”, in a few generations you’ll be dealing with dindu whiggers as you sink into bioleninism.

Observe how the remaining British are turning into wiggers.

This partly culture, a culture of despair where people have no hope for the future, but it is substantially biological. Most of the better people have fled Britain, because economic collapse means that their are no jobs except as moron minions of a vast bureaucracy, because of intolerable levels of government and private violence of crime, because of a healthcare system that daily becomes more primitive, backward, filthy, dangerous, and murderous.

The remaining britons are mostly the demonspawn offspring of single mothers.

Fidelis says:

Speaking of Britain, lately Musk is massively signal boosting the Rotherham case while calling for regime change on the island.

Who also thinks the KING should Dissolve Parliament and order a General Election be called for the sake and security of the country?

The King must ACT before it is too late!


Interesting stuff.

Fidelis says:

Ultimately faith and biology are inextricably tied, a reflection of how body and mind are inextricably tied. Are you depressed because you’re sick, or sick because you’re depressed? Yes.

You aren’t going to turn Igbo into Anglo anytime soon, even if you stick a priest in there telling them not to marry their cousin. It’s just biology. We can wax on all day about breeding programs and promotion of traits, but this would take many many many generations even under absurd conditions of selection.

Look at africans in America, the whitest africans around, biologically, and they’re inextricably drawn to Charismatics and Holy Spirit style Big Man Preacherism. It’s how they are, it’s how they relate to each other and the world. You aren’t changing that anytime soon.

Yes, we need to crown Charlemagne when he arrives, and stop the biological and spiritual decay. I never said or suggested otherwise. I’m suggesting that when we win, isolation is more cruel than the alternative. The flute goes to the best fluteplayer, and power goes to the best able to wield it to good ends.

>Middle East Company vs Imperial Protectorate
It should go without saying that we should have all bureaucrats pushed into a system of tedious physical labor, to such a thorough degree that people forget the original meaning and only think of ditch diggers. Whatever the governing system imposed, whatever you want to call it, it should be decided entirely by the men who risked their blood for it.

That place is particularly cursed and the idea of putting tens to hundreds of thousands of smart engineers there just for the sake of industry that could be done elsewhere made my stomach turn. It wasn’t a bad idea except for particulars on execution. And timing. I think the original frame was reindustrialization, and it made me picture carrying this out in the middle of our Thermidor event. Precarious.

Indeed we should be dotting the world with independent SEZ experiments, run and taxed by the warriors who risked their blood to win and defend it. I think the original Reconquista worked in a similar way. By all means gloat, we should do it once the house is clean.

Jim says:

> You aren’t going to turn Igbo into Anglo anytime soon

The reverse operation, turning British Anglos into Igbo is, however, well under way. It works much faster in that direction.

Whites were highly selected for cooperativeness. Which, of course, results in parasitism once the selective force of aristocracy, Church, and state is removed.

Modern capitalism, based on double entry book keeping, means we can have a highly cooperative society based on property rights. But reproduction under libertarian individualism is impossible. You need inherently asymmetric and unequal property rights in people. To give an obvious and uncontroversial example, the right of a child to care from its biological parents includes the right to be subjected a beating when appropriate. The right of a child to care is fundamentally different from the right of a father to authority over his children, and respect and obedience from those children.

And of course, we are just not going to successfully reproduce nor have families if female property rights in sex, family, and children are interchangeable and symmetric with male property rights. Libertarian individualism is a biological dead end that rapidly leads to extinction.

And the reasons for this are so completely obvious that no one dares speak of them. Every happy marriage, every stable family, is quietly eighteenth century, and no one dares notice.

The Cominator says:

Jim I’m surprised at you you know damn well we don’t have libertarian conditions or anything close, reproduction under libertarian conditions would be suboptimal but probably a LOT better than what we have now.

Libertarian conditions are not an all powerful state acting as the overprotective retarded boomer dad to spoiled harpy daughters.

Jim says:

> we don’t have libertarian conditions or anything close, reproduction under libertarian conditions would be suboptimal

What is the libertarian position on courtship, gays, marital “rape”, trans, domestic discipline, childcare, divorce, and all that? How does it differ from what we have now?

Neurotoxin says:

I’ll weigh in.

Comi, I think you’re mis-interpreting Jim here. Of course he knows what we currently have is a mega-intrusive state, not libertarianism. But it’s more necessary to kick libertarianism around, with the audience of this blog, because everyone here already knows the leftist state is fucking evil incarnate… but libertarianism is the intellectual ancestor of many of us here. I’m one of the former libertarians, pretty obviously not the only one.

An example of why kicking libertarianism around is occasionally necessary: Robert Heinlein. God bless him, there’s a ton of good stuff in Heinlein. But his portrayal of a space-borne future in which we have libertarian anarchism together with a high rate of reproduction is impossible. It’s too bad, but he was just honestly mistaken about that. I know because I used to be one of those people who was honestly mistaken right there with him. (Heinlein’s universe is a universe in which women can be sexually attracted to pro-social men. It hurts me to remember that I used to believe that was possible.)

Hesiod says:

Well said, Neuro. Guilty as charged meself for a libertardian youth ill-spent.

The Cominator says:

Most single women except for whores have no money under libertarian conditions so they sign marriage contracts much more favorable to guys. No huge leviatian state means that hitting on unowned women while being percieved as beta is no longer a crime. I’m not saying its optimal but it’d be way way better than what we have.

Jim says:

Women are remarkably uninfluenced by financial incentives.

That globohomo gives them fake economic status is a factor, but it is largely irrelevant to the core of the problem.

I asked what was the libertarian position on courtship, gays, marital “rape”, trans, domestic discipline, childcare, divorce, and all that?

To which you replied well they will not be artificially creating female employment.

I don’t think China is artificially creating female jobs to any huge extent, certainly not the extent the US is, and if anything, things are worse in China.

We do see in China, women responding to economic incentives sometimes, but they don’t want to, and it does not help much.

T says:

Every happy marriage, every stable family, is quietly eighteenth century, and no one dares notice.

Exactly so. In the era of political correctness, one must not say that it is the role of women to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. Yet that is precisely what the wives of those hypocritical boomers (and genXers) who so readily exclaim “you can’t say that!” regularly do, or else their marriages are no marriages at all. The typical married older man will rage when you say “women belong in the kitchen” – before hinting at his wife to head back to the kitchen. Alas, owing to the meme-space of those generations, or more specifically to the Jew-occupied television and movie industry that so thoroughly brainwashed those generations, no such traditional (which is to say: normal) marriage is available to the younger generations. Nowadays the foids are proud of their uselessness; they boast of being absolutely un-feminine.


Utterly despicable.

The Cominator says:

“To which you replied well they will not be artificially creating female employment.”
I think that is a bigger deal than you think it is but perhaps I’m wrong. Most of the legal framework of feminism (except marital rape) has existed since at least the 1920s but its impact was limited when women were still financially dependent on the men in their life (and yes I agree cultural propaganda stopped being pro feminist from the 1930s until roughly after JFK got shot).

Jim says:

How laws regulating sex are enforced bares very little relationship to what is written on paper when it changes. If enforcement remains stable for a long time, the laws as written gradually move into alignment, but what is written on paper lags by generations.

JustAnotherGuy says:

There are places with a positive TFR in the world, its just no one wants to learn *why* there is a positive TFR there. Nor why they are sinking now compared to the past (like why India is getting cucked now and Pakistan isn’t as much).

JustAnotherGuy says:

Also, it gets me on a fundamental level, making me realize the starkness of how incremental numbers mean such huge gaps in the long run, that Pakistan alone is outbreeding the entirety of Europe.

Jim says:

Pakistanis know what women want. I find this very distressing, because I do not like Pakistan, Pakistanis, or the Pakistani version of Islam.

Fidelis says:

What did I say that makes you think I disagree with any of this? I never proposed libertarian rights anywhere, if anything I’m more statist than most on this blog. Looks to me like most really difficult high tech industry only gets spurred on by states that need to advance their weapons manufacturing. Looks to me like we need to return to some sort of feudalism to deal with the massive wigger problem that’s been created. These people cannot manage their lives, and letting them starve is cruel, and letting them live on crime and welfare is intolerable. So they’re being made some kind of serf, I don’t see another way. Not libertarian. My libertarianism is giving full property rights over land and servile populations to accomplished warriors and in very exceptional cases accomplished industrymen. The King gives out a special sort of charter right for these men to do as they see fit.

I think the Reconquista model is the best to work from. At the time, all the towns were repopulated by giving men rights to property in any woman they could abduct, so long as they agreed to pay taxes and defend the town. Well, lot of planet remains open to Reconquista, so I’m not an isolationist. I am in favor of real meritocracy, which in practice means Throne, Altar and Freehold, which in practice looks like white supremecy.

Alf says:

Whites were highly selected for cooperativeness. Which, of course, results in parasitism once the selective force of aristocracy, Church, and state is removed.

Which is why, once Christianity learns from its recent mistakes and aristocracy, Church and state are re-installed, we should be good for the next millenia or so.

There will be a lot of mess to clean up though. Agreed that the demographics are looking absolutely atrocious.

T says:

I do not like Pakistan, Pakistanis, or the Pakistani version of Islam.

Whenever I hear Pakistan, I get mad at the Jeets for making it a global problem.


The relationship between Pakistan and Israel continued to be ridden with hostilities following these direct engagements, and when Mossad was unable to stop Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program from making major developments, a plan to bomb Pakistani nuclear facilities in a similar fashion to Operation Opera was authorized. Israel subsequently made contact with India in an effort to gain support and secure a launching point for Israel’s aircraft. However, India refused to allow Israeli aircraft to station on its soil, whereas Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency had discovered the plan and prepared suicidal one-way retaliatory measures to bomb strategic sites in Israel.

The Jeets fucked up.

The idea of any Muslim country having nuclear weapons rubs me very much the wrong way. I’m not shilling here for Israel or the War Party or anything, but seriously, it’s a Muslim country with nukes. There is absolutely no scenario in which this is a positive thing.

Fuckin’ Jeets.

T says:

There is also little chance of doing any Color Revolution there. To eliminate the threat and pacify my triggered right-wing amygdalae, need hot war with Pakistan, which currently nobody is advocating and nobody is planning. But it’s probably a ticking time bomb, one way or another. Obviously the priority right now should be removing the demoniacs in America.

I generally don’t subscribe to the view that all religions are equal, just as the races are not equal, men and women are not equal, and perverts are not equal to the sexually healthy. Christianity is superior to Judaism, for example, and most religions — with the notable exception of Progressivism, which is Satanism itself — are superior to Islam, at least in their ability to foster both intra-group and inter-group cooperation. I just made an anti-Hindu post, but it should be made clear that, in any conflict between the two, I would much prefer seeing Pakistan defeated by India than vice versa. Hindus can be allies of civilization, even if they aren’t especially civilized themselves, and both Hinduism and Buddhism originated with Aryans. Mohammadanism, meanwhile, is a serious problem. But Progressivism a much more urgent problem.

Rod is wrong in being a 2010 Jihad Watch poaster, but in the long-term there will be violent wide-scale conflict with Islam, and Pakistani nukes are not unlikely to play a role in it.

T says:

Sometimes the best way to think about issues is like one is 5 years old. Is it a bad thing when powerful weapons are at the hands of hostile aggressive unstable people? Yes. Do Mohammedans tend to be hostile aggressive unstable people? Also yes. In that case, one should be worried. Islam and Peace of Westphalia are like oil and water, though there may be some exceptions, and even the exceptions are likely temporary.

But the normies only think about issues that the media, including much of “alternative” media, tells them to worry about. So all those politicians sexually blackmailed by Mossad talk about the Iranian nuclear program, and so the public is aware of the Iranian threat. What about Paki nukes? What about Pakistan’s missile program? The talking heads on television somehow never talk about that, but I consider Pakistan to be a YUGE elephant in the room that nobody is willing to talk about.

T says:

I know I’m sperging out, but the attitude of “it’s all under control, nothing to worry about, go back to sleep” is exactly how you miss Black Swan events. After the big BANG! people will no doubt say, “Of course having these nutjobs in possession of nukes was a terrible idea – duh.” But the point is to predict these things in advance, even if everyone is gaslighting you about the issue, tells you not to worry, pretends like it’s “not important.”

Well, it’s still more important to remove the demoniacs in power in America, needless to say. But all the while I’d keep an eye on the Pakis.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Women leaving the house to go to whore school and work whore jobs at whorecorp certainly is a major exacerbating factor in the feral women problem, and an order without any artificial pressure for females to be priests or merchants would be a improvement because implicitly unemancipating; which of course means it would be even better if the implicit dynamic was explicitly emphasized via patriarchy.

The Cominator says:

yeah that is probably what he is trying to do on reflection but on reflection I think it’s a poor idea for the following reasons…

You know all the boomer tradcucks convinced that the dysfunction in everything is due to tons of people have decadent orgiastic sex lives… because idiots claiming the problem is this pornotopia of hot sluts anyone can get.

That’s why you should be VERY specific describing sex market problems.

Neurotoxin says:

“What is the libertarian position on courtship, gays, marital “rape”, domestic discipline, childcare, and divorce? How does it differ from what we have now?”

I’m pretty sure no one is saying libertarianism is sustainable – we all agree that it’s not, I think. (Cominator can clarify if he thinks it’s sustainable.) But it would be different from the de facto Orwellian Gyno-State that we have now. To say this is not to say that libertarianism in sexual and reproductive matters is possible or desirable. Obviously it’s neither. But as a question of pure taxonomy, it is a distinct thing from what we now have.

To answer (part of) your question: If libertarianism were actually implemented, there’d be no divorce rape of men. There’d be no government-subsidized daycare or public schools, which warp husband/wife relations in certain ways. There WOULD be the presumption of innocence for men accused of rape – even on a college campus! – and there would not be Gyno-State double standards. One such is that if a man and a woman each have a glass of wine, then they fuck(*), he is responsible for raping her, but not vice-versa. (I’m not sure if this is enshrined in law yet, but it is the policy of many colleges and universities about what happens at a frat party.) If equalism were taken seriously, that double standard wouldn’t exist. I’m not advocating libertarianism in any of these matters. But agreeing with Comie, while libertarianism would be bad, and is probably not consistent with even replacement-level fertility, it would be less bad than what we have. This might just be the difference between us going extinct in 40 years instead of 35 years. Which is why it’s fortunate that libertardery and Gyno-State aren’t the only two options, as the vast majority of human history demonstrates.

*”He fucks her” is more accurate, but “they fuck” is the way that an equalist is required to think about it.

Obviously, as a policy debate all of this is idle, since going extinct in X years versus X+5 years is not much of a choice. Which is one of the many reasons to reject libertarianism.

Jim says:

> If libertarianism were actually implemented, there’d be no divorce rape of men.

Libertarianism does not enforce woke unmarriage, because it does not enforce any version of marriage. It is out of scope. It is off the radar. Everyone is a sovereign individual. So, what about children? They are not sovereign individuals.

There is nothing bad about libertarianism on the issues that it deems in scope. But there is something horrendously bad on the issues it rules out of scope. Families are not composed of sovereign individuals. The wokists running Microsoft and the old Twitter need to go to prison. If you don’t imprison people like them, people like Musk and Pavel Durov will be imprisoned.

If you rule that everyone is a sovereign individual, you have abolished marriage just as much as if you enforce woke unmarriage.

Notice the total absence of children and marriage in Ayn Rand novels and libertarian economics literature. There is no concept of a household.

Reflect on Microsoft offering resources to employees who want to transition toddlers. Totally fine in Libertarianism. Out of scope, because children are out of scope. And because Libertarianism thinks it is out of scope, and Woke thinks it is in scope, Pavel Durov gets kidnapped by France when his plane touches down to refuel. I blame libertarianism for that. Hey, you ask, “why blame libertarianism? Libertarians opposed the kidnapping of Pavel Durov.” I blame libertarianism because they also oppose the execution of Satya Nadella. Woke has largely been enforced, freedom of speech suppressed, and private property rights violated, by means that Libertarianism deems out of scope. It is out of scope when the old Twitter censored, and it is out of scope when the games company says you don’t own the games you purchased from them to run on your own computer. It is out of scope when Microsoft spies on you on your own computer, and denies you full control of your computer, and it is out of scope when Microsoft transitions toddlers.

Libertarianism is just irrelevant to the crisis of our times. It is fine on property rights of tangible inanimate things, but the crisis of our era is property rights in in intangible things, and property rights in people.

So what about regulating conduct in public spaces? No problem, at least no problem if you want to privatise the roads. No public spaces. OK, suppose your equivalent of a public space is owned by Microsoft or the old Twitter?

OK, no problem again for libertarianism, because, like marriage and children, out of scope. Build Gab, build Telegram. Wait a moment. The Telegram guy, Pavel Durov, got kidnapped by France when his plane stopped down for refuelling, and it is clear that if Musk visited Europe he would be kidnapped also. The presupposition is that these public spaces will be left unmolested, just has your house would be left unmolested. Which would be great, but the trouble is that just as people care about children, they care about what happens in privately owned sort-of-public spaces.

If Satya Nadella does not go to jail, Musk will. You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you.

Neurotoxin says:

If you rule that everyone is a sovereign individual, you have abolished marriage just as much as if you enforce woke unmarriage.

Certainly. Sexual equalism won’t work for reasons that everyone here understands. But there is a difference between that and the Man-Hating Gyno-State. Analogy: You don’t want to be attacked by a bear or a lion; both will kill you. But that doesn’t mean that a bear and a lion are the same animal.

The Cominator says:

Nothing like pure libertarianism is sustainable because power abhors a vacuum. To have something approaching sustainable libertarianism what you need are a lot of decentralized power centers all afraid of crossing the others for fear the rest will unite against them ie like much of the middle ages especially the HRE prior to the wars of religion.

Also what would be close is a monarchy or dictatorship that is very very ruthless and vigilant about killing leftists and troublemakers but otherwise it practices ruling in a very libertarian way.

The Cominator says:

“Reflect on Microsoft offering resources to employees who want to transition toddlers.”
But without the demonic tranny clownworld prog state would any business enterprise want to transition toddlers. Idk maybe there would be some kind of bioresearch/pharma company that would want to perform horrific experiments on orphans and bastards (something I am more opposed to than you) but generally the answer is no. Libertarianism has enough real flaws that we do not need to invent fake ones.

Jim says:

> But without the demonic tranny clownworld prog state would any business enterprise want to transition toddlers.

If Trump delivers everything he has promised, if every business, including Microsoft, denounces Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Microsoft will still be run by the Lavender Mafia, and therefore will still want to transition children. And will do so unless doing so has consequences.

There is always a Lavender Mafia, always has been. And any organisation by the Lavender Mafia always wants to transition toddlers. Always has. And always will do so, assuming that state and state Church does not throw the leadership of organisations who do that sort of stuff off high buildings.

The Lavender Mafia is notoriously effective at infiltrating and taking control of any organisation that does not actively discriminate against them. They plot together naked in a great big pile. Microsoft has faggots in charge. The Roman Catholic Church has faggots in charge. Undoubtedly that the prog state banned active discrimination was part of the cause, but we can see the work of the Lavender Mafia in the Church all the way back. Libertarianism says that it is no one else’s business. If some businesses are gay, who cares🙃 And if your purchasing officer is spending a lot of time with no end of handsome salesmen, you should check on his purchases, not his socializing, because there is no relationship between sexual choices and the maintenance of extended cooperation🙃

If we had an actually functional state and state Church, it would view the crew of faggots running Microsoft as a threat to the state religion, check on what is happening behind closed doors, and throw them off a high building.

T says:

Observing those groups who manage to reproduce perfectly fine under Modern conditions, here are some common features their societies possess (not a comprehensive list by any means, just a bit of noticing):

1. Asabiyyah: Members of the community are of one mind, or egregore. There is mutual loyalty and attachment between the members of the group, and high rates of charity and neighborly help. Whatever you do, you don’t just do it for yourself, but have the welfare of the community in mind. Men have a military/religious mannerbund.

2. Socialization: Related to the previous point, you have a tight-knit, non-atomized community whose members all know each other and interact with each other on a very regular basis. You know who your neighbors are; some of them are close family, and many more are distant family. It’s not a community of globe-trotters; you strike roots into the ground.

3. Ethno-Religious Homogeneity: Again (it’s all connected), you are surrounded by people who, for the most part, look like you, dress like you, have the same traditions as your family handed down to you, celebrate the same holidays, speak the same dialect, are genetically similar (if not related) to you, and of course you officially follow the same exact creed – you may be a heretic in private, but when you get outside you are always orthodox.

4. Deeply Religious Upbringing: This can’t be stressed enough. The altar is the center of civilization; it’s also the center of the town. Religion fills much of your actions, your speech, and your thoughts – from your formative years and all throughout childhood. Usually, the more demanding the religion is, the more strongly it selects for those kinds of people most attuned to it. And if the religion is pro-natalist, then, well, there you have it. Coming-of-age traditions play a part, too.

5. Clear Sex Roles: Everyone’s favorite, very obvious stuff. Notice I wrote “clear” – a crucial point is that a male grows up knowing what the man’s role is, and the female grows up knowing what the woman’s role is. There is very little confusion about the matter. You actually don’t need to figure any of this out for yourself – you just naturally grow into it, guided and instructed by the community at every step of the way. Your father and mother may not be perfect role models, but at least they are role models.

6. Minimize Exposure to Satan: Everything about the Sexual Revolution — which promised sexual heaven, and delivered sexual hell — must be completely shunned. Satan has been in charge of culture for well over a century, and the Trad community does all in its power to keep him and his culture outside the gates, literally and metaphorically. Mainstream culture, which is the celebration of sin, just is not allowed to “freely flow” in.

7. Clear Religious Authority: Another crucial aspect is that you know who your religious authority is — you literally meet him in meatspace, he lives nearby — and you follow his counsel, or at least pretend to follow his counsel. And if his heart happens to be in the right place, you grow to respect him – not because he is flawless, but because he is human, and presumably so are you.

8. No “Higher-Learning” for Women: She has learned all the skills she needs to run a household by her mid-to-late teenage years. Everyone should stop pretending like the world needs more “female scientists” or “female engineers.” It needs more loving mothers and grandmothers and aunts. If you let your daughter “go to college,” you might as well take it upon yourself to shove Tyrone’s and Jamal’s chorizos into her throat until she chokes on their viral loads. It’s literally that.

9. Virginity: Women must be virgins on wedding night (recall the “no hymen, no diamond” meme). Men also don’t usually have too vast a fornication mileage, though that’s not an essential thing either way. What is essential is that you are her first, and she pair bonds to you. Ideally, you get her pregnant the same night you deflower her. (How to achieve virgin marriage has been discussed here at great length.)

10. Modesty: Somewhat related to the previous point, your daughter does not expose too much skin around strange men, or even among kin. Modest apparel need not be extreme, though – the range between LABIA CONTOURS and wearing 7 tents on top of each other is great. There are balanced solutions.

11. Your Money: Your wife can help you with the management of finances if you have a Homer Simpson kind of personality, but all decisions are ultimately up to you – you are always the final arbiter of how the family’s money is spent. She can provide her input (and she will, lol), but you call the shots and she obeys, even if she disagrees. Spank her into compliance if need be.

12. Children, Not Drug-Fuelled Hedonism: For Trad types, spending time with their children is itself a very hedonic activity – they greatly enjoy the family life, or at least they give it a sincere try. If you have lots of siblings, and everyone around is from households teeming with tots, this might come rather naturally.


The future belongs to those who show up.

Jim says:

Those are all common factors. But are all of them necessary factors, or just highly correlated with what is necessary?

I think that all that actually matters for fertility is that virgins are kept away from clown world and from nonkin males from about seven to fifteen, and subsequently forbidden to be with nonkin males except under chaperonage. Under these circumstances, they are likely to receive a proposal not long after being able to have contact with nonkin males under chaperonage — that being the only way to get rid of the chaperone. If the chaperone is removed on betrothal, the betrothal needs to be enforceable on both parties in the event of pregnancy.

Of course, hard to do that in today’s world unless you have all the others.

yewotm8 says:

Female emancipation should be viewed as orthogonal to Libertarianism. You can have a Feminist Libertarianism, like modern memetically pwned lolbergs might propose, but I think a more intuitive version is where the woman question’s electrons are all in the lowest energy state: all property rights are respected, and that includes men’s property rights in women. All people equal under the law, but women (and children) not quite people. Man free to do as he pleases with his wife, to marry his daughter to whoever he deems fit.

Rod says:

> Female emancipation

Very difficult to rewind when every example the “modern” female sees on her phone is her friends, or the tv, getting random dick.

Amish get some news cycle now and then, every time you see the “moderns” wishing they could join, but the Amish don’t talk to them, or do converts.

Buy a chunk of land and build your own purpose-community on it, set the model, you’ll get news, and converts, and the infra they paid/work for for free if they trip out.

Fidelis says:

These are the memes and strategies I’m seeing out of Thermidor w.r.t. solving TFR. They are terrified of removing female consent, while acknowledging things are broken. Acknowledge the “culture” is broken, blame “social media” and other red herrings, don’t understand or wont say how things broke.

So they see those small communities that do kinda sorta work, at least better than the mainstream ‐- Amish, but also homeschooling Christians and other such microcultures — and want to scale those up. Doesn’t understand or won’t say why they work, quietly 18th century marriage.

As I summed it up before, they want TFR with consent. I expect a sudden praise of mothers, single mommies and all. I expect a big campaign condemning being a blatent whore, probably porn and prostitution too, in addition to telling men to Man Up. They’ll probably start giving out incentives for getting pregnant before the unofficially mandatory 20 years of whore school. They’ll also start shining a media spotlight on homeschoolers and homesteader types, where they think they can get away with it, hoping to get more people in those microcultures.

It’s not what needs to happen but it’s a good enough trend. When you start talking about this issue, and more eyes get on it, people will start noticing what is not being said, what obvious changes to make that no one is allowed to notice.

Jim says:

There is enough genetic variance in any natural population to quite rapidly breed it three standard deviations.

T says:

A key feature that should have been included in that list I made is arranged marriage – those communities with highest TFR (we’re talking an average of at least 7 children per mother) ensure that the husband is selected and introduced by the parents and is approved by the broader community; the girl might give her “consent,” which is about as opaque in female humans as it is opaque in female cats, but she is not the one choosing who will be introduced in the first place, and moreover when the man is presented as high status by her father, and everyone around agrees that the man is high status, she is highly likely to see him as high status herself too – who is she going to compare him to, anyway?

Obviously we want Consent Theology completely abolished, the phrase “consenting adults” was coined by the Devil (successful reproduction requires neither “consent” nor “adulthood” – in fact, these are often the worst impediments to successful reproduction), but if you look at those communities that manage to reproduce under the current system, they often have a “consent-lite” kind of thing, where technically the bride is not forced into marriage, but in practice her “consent” just is not very meaningful.

T says:

Of course the social technology that the “concerned about fertility” Thermidoreans are actually looking for and unable to find (or pretend to be unable to find so long as the Overton Window doesn’t permit jimpoasting in real life) is coverture. The part of Jimianity that is still outside the Overton Window is this:

Libertarianism is just irrelevant to the crisis of our times. It is fine on property rights of tangible inanimate things, but the crisis of our era is property rights in in intangible things, and property rights in people.

This (prohibition of property rights in people) + gyno-egalitarianism (men and women are equal, also women are even more equal) = why an entire generation knows TFW NO GF and in many cases that feel when no descendants. That is the hostile memeplex that needs discarding so that the social technology actually necessary to solve the problem can be reinstituted.

T says:

We’ll know that “Harvard delenda est” is really being fulfilled when it’s no longer a thoughtcrime to suggest restoring property rights in people and when no form of egalitarianism — sexual or racial or religious — is regarded as sacrosanct.

Still not there, but moving in the right (Right) direction. The role of NRx and the Cult of Gnon in all of this is to provide the New Priesthood the memeplex it needs to replace the hostile memeplex of Harvard.

i says:

Do you think this take on arranged marriage is valid? That it has yielded dysgenic outcomes in some societies:

If this failure mode is real. How could it be prevented?

Jim says:

Reality is that everyone practised arranged marriage until very recent times, therefore the claim is inherently unverifiable.

What is obvious is that our current practices are undoubtedly and obviously selecting for male charisma, but unfortunately, due to the amazingly sensitive alpha radar of women being four million years out of date, the result is catastrophically dysgenic.

T says:

Do you think this take on arranged marriage is valid?

Absolutely not – horrible take. He is shilling female mate choice, the original memetic cancer. Arranged marriage is neither inherently eugenic nor inherently dysgenic – the eugenic/dysgenic processes are mostly orthogonal to it.

(As a prerequisite for successful reproduction, female mate choice and the Doctrine of Consent need to be suppressed.)

The relevant question is whether the prosocial procivilizational elements outbreed the antisocial anticivilizational ones. There are numerous ways of reliably ensuring that it is indeed so, and none of them involves female mate choice.

Pax Imperialis says:

>That place is particularly cursed and the idea of putting tens to hundreds of thousands of smart engineers there just for the sake of industry that could be done elsewhere made my stomach turn.

I was thinking closer to a couple million, but I digress. The tough reality is that those poached smart engineers are not American, and won’t be American in the short to medium term. America has enough racial/ethnic fragmentation and cultural balkanization already, and it doesn’t need a further massive influx of smart people with questionable loyalties who could do some actual damage beyond just being low level street thugs. Therefore, how to ensure loyalty and control? Put them in a close but separate, controllable but high security requirement environment where they are dependent on you for food and keeping the Haitians at bay. You get your high tech manufacturing base quickly and ensure a fanatically loyal population similar to how the Ulster Scots have become so Cavalier in the face of the IRA potato that they have become more English than the English.

>Ultimately faith and biology are inextricably tied, a reflection of how body and mind are inextricably tied. Are you depressed because you’re sick, or sick because you’re depressed? Yes.

It’s pretty clear faith declines before biology declines, and that the two are only inextricably tied in the sense that one is upstream and the other is downstream and that faith leads the biology but the biology does not lead the faith.

>We can wax on all day about breeding programs and promotion of traits, but this would take many many many generations even under absurd conditions of selection.

There was no conscious nor concerted eugenic effort during the few hundred years of slavery in America, yet their descendants now have just over an entire standard deviation IQ above their African counterparts. This is despite a huge constant influx of poor genetic material from Africa until the import trade was limited by the 1808 ban. I have a few ideas for how a concerted effort could achieve some massive results in as little as 100 years. All, officially, without slavery of course.

>Look at africans in America, the whitest africans around, biologically, and they’re inextricably drawn to Charismatics and Holy Spirit style Big Man Preacherism.

I mean… yeah, what would you expect? Look at the Whites in the South and how they themselves are also inextricably drawn to Charismatics and Holy Spirit style Big Man Preacherism. Have you never been to a White Southern Baptist Church? It is mirrored by Black Southern Baptist Churches. This is the people of Huey Long and Trump. Where do you think American Blacks got that (genetic) trait from. Compare them to African Blacks who are still stuck in voodoo/shamanism/pagan fetishism. Likewise the problem with SBC, White or Black, is that they have been taken over by New England Progressivism.

Fidelis says:

Fine, but lets do this with the Honduran ZEDEs. Haiti has a demonic miasma from all the child sacrifice. I don’t necessarily agree that we need to separate them from the mainland, I think simply not pretending every warm body is a potential citizen and imposing restrictions in motion and such would prevent any problems of political interference. However stationing them in a dedicated colonial township isn’t bad, so long as it isn’t Haiti.

Still looks to me like a feedback loop between conditions of material reality and the faiths that are maintained. Africa is full of voodoo because of the physical reality of africa, because the jungle nourishes voodoo, and the people are caught in a system that rewards voodoo. You couldn’t get man from the jungle, needed the vast open challege of the Savanna, and the further refinement from lifestyles of wide open seas, rivers and steppe. So protoman left africa, maybe was never origined there to begin with, but certainly was not made man there. Then he came back and imposed the higher energy order on the place.

Christianity touched China and India, but never spread there until Europeans arrived. Yet it spread like wildfire among the pagans of Europe and overcame all the various faiths of North Africa and the Middle East into Persia. The physical and social conditions necessary for the seed to take hold only existed in these lands. Material reality makes for tight constraints on the movement and interpretation of faiths.

Whites before Christianity were already exceptional. They were just exceptionally quarrelsome on top of being exceptionally talented. This exceptionalism took a long, long time to breed in. Many hundreds, many thousands of genocides for highly cooperative group selection to take place. The selection you need to impose to get anywhere with africans this century is unspeakably harsh. The Spanish went for several centuries with such a scheme, and Latin America is what it is today because of it. They’re not Aztecs, but they’re also far from Spaniards. There’s no need to worry about it in any case. In any conditions besides integration demanded at gunpoint, people will self segregate anyway.

The point I’m trying to emphasize here, is that while faith and priesthood guides the development of a people — one of the smaller twitter accounts I like has it well put, “We are all extended genotypes of our ancestral prophets” — the capacity for understanding and following such direction, and the supra-human coordination required for this to take hold, has material constraints. The southern baptisits exemplify this point rather than diminish it; they only could exist because America existed, in Europe they were quite literally exterminated. It’s no coincidence that the people attracted to mystical big manism in the first place retained these traits when they migrated elsewhere.

Jim says:

Demon worship usually has to be removed by fire and steel. Lesser means do not suffice.

Pax Imperialis says:

>they only could exist because America existed, in Europe they were quite literally exterminated.

On the contrary. The belief in rule by committee could only exist because they were exiled to America where they latter built an ‘Empire of Liberty’. America then went on to conquer the world and destroy the monarchies. It has taken a massive effort to keep big manism suppressed, and you see the cracks all around with the rise of Populists like Orban, Trump, etc. SBC is big manism because (Scottish) just about all other European group besides Anglo is big manism.

Christianity touched China and India, but never spread there until Europeans arrived. Yet it spread like wildfire among the pagans of Europe and overcame all the various faiths of North Africa and the Middle East into Persia. The physical and social conditions necessary for the seed to take hold only existed in these lands. Material reality makes for tight constraints on the movement and interpretation of faiths.

Please remind me the story of St. Boniface and how the Christmas tree came to be. Someone had to, often with great force, pull out the weeds, plant the mustard seed, nurture and protect it, and collect new seeds before setting off to new lands. This a question of logistics and power projections rather than something inherent to a specific land.

>Whites before Christianity were already exceptional.

Some. Others were living in mud huts sacrificing children to the old gods. Tell me where are the Druids today? Gauls? Old Prussians? There are numerous White tribes that were extinguished by slightly more patriarchal Pagans, themselves later converted or extinguished by patriarchal Christianity. The entirety of Eastern Europe appears to have been a savage pagan backwater until the conversion of the Rus. Likewise in Northern Europe until the Northern Crusades.

>The selection you need to impose to get anywhere with africans this century is unspeakably harsh.

Wrong, and even if true so what? Black American fertility rates have cratered. Base on 2022 data they are only above replacement levels in 6 states. All signs point to the trend continuing downwards. One must additionally wonder how much of the rate is propped up by African immigrants who have much higher TFR than native born. If you could get the top 10% to have an average of 3 children and could extremely suppress the bottom 20%… well I haven’t exactly worked out the math but I suspect it wouldn’t take that many generations to have a sizeable impact. Just, you know… make sure the smart ones reproducing are Clarence types and not Obama types and you’ll be good to go.

Neurotoxin says:

It’s pretty clear faith declines before biology declines, and that the two are only inextricably tied in the sense that one is upstream and the other is downstream and that faith leads the biology but the biology does not lead the faith.

Whoa, hold up. This defies common sense. That biology and ideologies co-evolve seems undeniable. How could one not affect the other?

1. Causation from ideology to biology: Plainly our society’s ideology is destroying our genes. Stupid criminals outbreed pro-social geniuses. The genes that were built up over how many millennia of beneficial selection are being shredded. God, the people who did this to us cannot be hated enough. Any torture that anyone can think of, they deserve.

2. Causation from biology to ideology: It’s obvious that some populations aren’t really suited to ideologies that require patience and self-control in the short run in order to reap benefits in the long run. Their hardware just can’t run that software. So they run other ideological software.

This topic, the co-evolution of ideas/culture and genes, is crucially important. Also from a purely intellectual standpoint, it’s fuckin’ fascinating. It really is too bad that our current educational institutions are such hotbeds of demonic falsehoods or this could be intensively studied.

Fidelis says:

In this case I failed to use a proper term to describe what I wanted to convey, which was a tendency for worshipping charismatic cult like figures. Desire for Kings and aristocracy is natural and just, it is that part of English that seeks to cuck their King that is strange. It works well when asserting your natural rights of personhood and property, it doesn’t work so well when you shred the status and power of the King such you end up with an impossibility tyrannical bureaucratic committee.

>mud hut whites
The whites you’re describing had just left the mists of pre-history, in some sense still within pre-history, and yet still managed to resist being enslaved, still managed being useful mercenaries. How useful are the Zulu as mercenaries? Many peoples surrounding the Baltic sea have had the least Christianization, would bet on a group of warriors from Lithuania over a group of warriors from Orthodox Christian from the begging Ethiopia.

The exceptional whites I was pointing at include the classical Greeks, the Latins, the Persians in the time of Alexander described as more pink than the Greeks, even the ancient Israelis.

I’m not disagreeing with you on the necessity of a faith to unite the warriors. I’m saying that even if you had 1000 years, you’re not getting the africans to have the same aristocratic qualities inherent in much of the white population — qualities still to this day extant but rapidly dying out. The biological traits of groups will remain unique, even as we again start favoring only the very best.

Really it doesn’t matter, I don’t think we actually disagree on anything with regards to “what should we do about this?” I wanted to spew some rhetoric for the lurkers, some meat for the base, to remind them what happens after we clean the house.

Jim says:

I’m saying that even if you had 1000 years, you’re not getting the africans to have the same aristocratic qualities inherent in much of the white population.

Any newly formed aristocracy is usually at least one standard deviation above the masses, sometimes two or more. If they maintain that difference over time, and have substantially higher fertility than the masses, they eventually raise the population, though it takes a while. Some social orders will breed for elite qualities fairly quickly.

Fidelis says:

You cannot breed an aristocratic people in confinement. You need the conditions of classical man, pre-democratic Europe, or grorious nippon. A distinct class of warriors, good property rights, and downward mobility.

Look at China, they have no aristocracy. They have high IQ, they have people talented in business, they have no aristocracy. Aristocratic traits were selected against, crushed between Malthusian hell and bugocrat middle managed kingdom hell.

You can get intelligent africans, you can get talented africans, you aren’t getting distinctly aristocratic africans anytime soon. When breeding, easy to inflate one axis, hard to develop the whole picture. Ashkenazim another good example of this. Extremely clever people, talented in those fields they are talented in, but I wouldn’t say there was anything aristocratic in them.

Neurotoxin says:

A hypothesis about this blog:

Set-up: During the Cold War debates about socialism vs. capitalism, it was pointed out that socialism can’t work because it has no genuine freely-determined market prices that signal the scarcity of something relative to the demand for it. (Jim knows this, and T probably does too, given his use of the word “catallaxy” elsewhere in this thread.) One response from socialists was, “After the Revolution we’ll have socialism everywhere in the world except for one market enclave like Hong Kong that will have freely-determined prices. We’ll use those to figure out relative scarcities.” This would not work, but that’s not my point. My point is:

I wonder if there are some elements in the Deep State who, increasingly alarmed by the increasing insanity of leftist ideology, have chosen to keep this blog as an intellectual “Hong Kong.” Because it’s a forum where truth can be stated explicitly and discussed, it helps them by providing a contact point with actual reality. It would explain why it hasn’t been shut down yet. Yet it’s also consistent with the constant shills, since they could come from different factions.

Yeah, I realize this sounds kinda grandiose. And yet…

Neurotoxin says:

Come to think of it, it sounds less grandiose if one posits that they’re doing this with a bunch of “right-wing” blogs, not just this one.

Bix Nudelmann says:

It might have been right here, or someplace like here, where I read once that the CPC has a whole department that publishes a secret newspaper/magazine that’s the “real deal”, but only available to the right people. Maybe you can only read them in certain buildings, or something.

That must be what the FBI and CIA are supposed to do, but maybe they can’t anymore. Even crooks need the truth.

T says:

Karl Marx:

The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.

But the mistake of all leftists, including the Marxists, is that they attempt to change the world this way or that way without first properly interpreting it.

Upon realizing that, the more competent, O’Brian-like leftist would allow islands of thoughtcrime, because only those free of crimestop can properly interpret the world – thus allowing the leftist to better carry out his program, being in greater touch with reality than those whose minds have not been contaminated by Bad Thoughts.

But the Woke Left is not competent, and what held the internet unofficially libertarian prior to Thermidor taking the reins and making it officially so is primarily the individualist character of WASPs.

Adam says:

Somewhat similar to when a women reads red pill material or manosphere material. They don’t actually get it. It’s just more dialogue they use to better serve themselves, and deceive others.

Hesiod says:

Lawfare against Trump via the NY head of the snake apparently continues, according to a court date set for January 10th to carry out the sentencing. Judge Juan Merchan claims he is “unlikely” to hand down an incarceration, but rather an unconditional discharge. Despite how farcical this all is post-election, the serpentinians psychologically need to play out this ritual.

Pax Imperialis says:

I hope they convict with a prison sentence. It would be a real Andrew Jackson moment and only add to the Trump legend, and make it so much easier going forward for normies to ignore the leftist courts.

T says:

I believe it’s time to quote some of the most BASED chapters in the Bible, for everyone’s edification and inspiration.

Judges 19-21:

The Levite and his Concubine

1And it came to pass in those days, when there was no king in Israel, that there was a certain Levite sojourning on the side of mount Ephraim, who took to him a concubine out of Bethlehemjudah. 2And his concubine played the whore against him, and went away from him unto her father’s house to Bethlehemjudah, and was there four whole months. 3And her husband arose, and went after her, to speak friendly unto her, and to bring her again, having his servant with him, and a couple of asses: and she brought him into her father’s house: and when the father of the damsel saw him, he rejoiced to meet him. 4And his father in law, the damsel’s father, retained him; and he abode with him three days: so they did eat and drink, and lodged there. 5And it came to pass on the fourth day, when they arose early in the morning, that he rose up to depart: and the damsel’s father said unto his son in law, Comfort thine heart with a morsel of bread, and afterward go your way. 6And they sat down, and did eat and drink both of them together: for the damsel’s father had said unto the man, Be content, I pray thee, and tarry all night, and let thine heart be merry. 7And when the man rose up to depart, his father in law urged him: therefore he lodged there again. 8And he arose early in the morning on the fifth day to depart: and the damsel’s father said, Comfort thine heart, I pray thee. And they tarried until afternoon, and they did eat both of them. 9And when the man rose up to depart, he, and his concubine, and his servant, his father in law, the damsel’s father, said unto him, Behold, now the day draweth toward evening, I pray you tarry all night: behold, the day groweth to an end, lodge here, that thine heart may be merry; and to morrow get you early on your way, that thou mayest go home.

10But the man would not tarry that night, but he rose up and departed, and came over against Jebus, which is Jerusalem; and there were with him two asses saddled, his concubine also was with him. 11And when they were by Jebus, the day was far spent; and the servant said unto his master, Come, I pray thee, and let us turn in into this city of the Jebusites, and lodge in it. 12And his master said unto him, We will not turn aside hither into the city of a stranger, that is not of the children of Israel; we will pass over to Gibeah. 13And he said unto his servant, Come, and let us draw near to one of these places to lodge all night, in Gibeah, or in Ramah. 14And they passed on and went their way; and the sun went down upon them when they were by Gibeah, which belongeth to Benjamin. 15And they turned aside thither, to go in and to lodge in Gibeah: and when he went in, he sat him down in a street of the city: for there was no man that took them into his house to lodging.

16And, behold, there came an old man from his work out of the field at even, which was also of mount Ephraim; and he sojourned in Gibeah: but the men of the place were Benjamites. 17And when he had lifted up his eyes, he saw a wayfaring man in the street of the city: and the old man said, Whither goest thou? and whence comest thou? 18And he said unto him, We are passing from Bethlehemjudah toward the side of mount Ephraim; from thence am I: and I went to Bethlehemjudah, but I am now going to the house of the LORD; and there is no man that receiveth me to house. 19Yet there is both straw and provender for our asses; and there is bread and wine also for me, and for thy handmaid, and for the young man which is with thy servants: there is no want of any thing. 20And the old man said, Peace be with thee; howsoever let all thy wants lie upon me; only lodge not in the street. 21So he brought him into his house, and gave provender unto the asses: and they washed their feet, and did eat and drink.

Gibeah’s Crime

22Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about, and beat at the door, and spake to the master of the house, the old man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him. 23And the man, the master of the house, went out unto them, and said unto them, Nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you, do not so wickedly; seeing that this man is come into mine house, do not this folly. 24Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing. 25But the men would not hearken to him: so the man took his concubine, and brought her forth unto them; and they knew her, and abused her all the night until the morning: and when the day began to spring, they let her go. 26Then came the woman in the dawning of the day, and fell down at the door of the man’s house where her lord was, till it was light.

27And her lord rose up in the morning, and opened the doors of the house, and went out to go his way: and, behold, the woman his concubine was fallen down at the door of the house, and her hands were upon the threshold. 28And he said unto her, Up, and let us be going. But none answered. Then the man took her up upon an ass, and the man rose up, and gat him unto his place. 29And when he was come into his house, he took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and divided her, together with her bones, into twelve pieces, and sent her into all the coasts of Israel. 30And it was so, that all that saw it said, There was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day: consider of it, take advice, and speak your minds.

The Decree of the Assembly

1Then all the children of Israel went out, and the congregation was gathered together as one man, from Dan even to Beersheba, with the land of Gilead, unto the LORD in Mizpeh. 2And the chief of all the people, even of all the tribes of Israel, presented themselves in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand footmen that drew sword. 3(Now the children of Benjamin heard that the children of Israel were gone up to Mizpeh.) Then said the children of Israel, Tell us, how was this wickedness? 4And the Levite, the husband of the woman that was slain, answered and said, I came into Gibeah that belongeth to Benjamin, I and my concubine, to lodge. 5And the men of Gibeah rose against me, and beset the house round about upon me by night, and thought to have slain me: and my concubine have they forced, that she is dead. 6And I took my concubine, and cut her in pieces, and sent her throughout all the country of the inheritance of Israel: for they have committed lewdness and folly in Israel. 7Behold, ye are all children of Israel; give here your advice and counsel.

8And all the people arose as one man, saying, We will not any of us go to his tent, neither will we any of us turn into his house. 9But now this shall be the thing which we will do to Gibeah; we will go up by lot against it; 10And we will take ten men of an hundred throughout all the tribes of Israel, and an hundred of a thousand, and a thousand out of ten thousand, to fetch victual for the people, that they may do, when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin, according to all the folly that they have wrought in Israel. 11So all the men of Israel were gathered against the city, knit together as one man.

12And the tribes of Israel sent men through all the tribe of Benjamin, saying, What wickedness is this that is done among you? 13Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel: 14But the children of Benjamin gathered themselves together out of the cities unto Gibeah, to go out to battle against the children of Israel. 15And the children of Benjamin were numbered at that time out of the cities twenty and six thousand men that drew sword, beside the inhabitants of Gibeah, which were numbered seven hundred chosen men. 16Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss.

17And the men of Israel, beside Benjamin, were numbered four hundred thousand men that drew sword: all these were men of war.

Civil War against Benjamin

18And the children of Israel arose, and went up to the house of God, and asked counsel of God, and said, Which of us shall go up first to the battle against the children of Benjamin? And the LORD said, Judah shall go up first.

19And the children of Israel rose up in the morning, and encamped against Gibeah. 20And the men of Israel went out to battle against Benjamin; and the men of Israel put themselves in array to fight against them at Gibeah. 21And the children of Benjamin came forth out of Gibeah, and destroyed down to the ground of the Israelites that day twenty and two thousand men. 22And the people the men of Israel encouraged themselves, and set their battle again in array in the place where they put themselves in array the first day. 23(And the children of Israel went up and wept before the LORD until even, and asked counsel of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up again to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother? And the LORD said, Go up against him.)

Defeat of the Benjamites

24And the children of Israel came near against the children of Benjamin the second day. 25And Benjamin went forth against them out of Gibeah the second day, and destroyed down to the ground of the children of Israel again eighteen thousand men; all these drew the sword. 26Then all the children of Israel, and all the people, went up, and came unto the house of God, and wept, and sat there before the LORD, and fasted that day until even, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the LORD. 27And the children of Israel inquired of the LORD, (for the ark of the covenant of God was there in those days, 28And Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, stood before it in those days,) saying, Shall I yet again go out to battle against the children of Benjamin my brother, or shall I cease? And the LORD said, Go up; for to morrow I will deliver them into thine hand.

29And Israel set liers in wait round about Gibeah. 30And the children of Israel went up against the children of Benjamin on the third day, and put themselves in array against Gibeah, as at other times. 31And the children of Benjamin went out against the people, and were drawn away from the city; and they began to smite of the people, and kill, as at other times, in the highways, of which one goeth up to the house of God, and the other to Gibeah in the field, about thirty men of Israel. 32And the children of Benjamin said, They are smitten down before us, as at the first. But the children of Israel said, Let us flee, and draw them from the city unto the highways. 33And all the men of Israel rose up out of their place, and put themselves in array at Baaltamar: and the liers in wait of Israel came forth out of their places, even out of the meadows of Gibeah. 34And there came against Gibeah ten thousand chosen men out of all Israel, and the battle was sore: but they knew not that evil was near them. 35And the LORD smote Benjamin before Israel: and the children of Israel destroyed of the Benjamites that day twenty and five thousand and an hundred men: all these drew the sword.

36So the children of Benjamin saw that they were smitten: for the men of Israel gave place to the Benjamites, because they trusted unto the liers in wait which they had set beside Gibeah. 37And the liers in wait hasted, and rushed upon Gibeah; and the liers in wait drew themselves along, and smote all the city with the edge of the sword. 38Now there was an appointed sign between the men of Israel and the liers in wait, that they should make a great flame with smoke rise up out of the city. 39And when the men of Israel retired in the battle, Benjamin began to smite and kill of the men of Israel about thirty persons: for they said, Surely they are smitten down before us, as in the first battle. 40But when the flame began to arise up out of the city with a pillar of smoke, the Benjamites looked behind them, and, behold, the flame of the city ascended up to heaven. 41And when the men of Israel turned again, the men of Benjamin were amazed: for they saw that evil was come upon them. 42Therefore they turned their backs before the men of Israel unto the way of the wilderness; but the battle overtook them; and them which came out of the cities they destroyed in the midst of them. 43Thus they inclosed the Benjamites round about, and chased them, and trode them down with ease over against Gibeah toward the sunrising. 44And there fell of Benjamin eighteen thousand men; all these were men of valour. 45And they turned and fled toward the wilderness unto the rock of Rimmon: and they gleaned of them in the highways five thousand men; and pursued hard after them unto Gidom, and slew two thousand men of them. 46So that all which fell that day of Benjamin were twenty and five thousand men that drew the sword; all these were men of valour. 47But six hundred men turned and fled to the wilderness unto the rock Rimmon, and abode in the rock Rimmon four months. 48And the men of Israel turned again upon the children of Benjamin, and smote them with the edge of the sword, as well the men of every city, as the beast, and all that came to hand: also they set on fire all the cities that they came to.

Mourning the Tribe of Benjamin

1Now the men of Israel had sworn in Mizpeh, saying, There shall not any of us give his daughter unto Benjamin to wife. 2And the people came to the house of God, and abode there till even before God, and lifted up their voices, and wept sore; 3And said, O LORD God of Israel, why is this come to pass in Israel, that there should be to day one tribe lacking in Israel? 4And it came to pass on the morrow, that the people rose early, and built there an altar, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings.

5And the children of Israel said, Who is there among all the tribes of Israel that came not up with the congregation unto the LORD? For they had made a great oath concerning him that came not up to the LORD to Mizpeh, saying, He shall surely be put to death. 6And the children of Israel repented them for Benjamin their brother, and said, There is one tribe cut off from Israel this day. 7How shall we do for wives for them that remain, seeing we have sworn by the LORD that we will not give them of our daughters to wives?

Provision for Benjamin’s Survival

8And they said, What one is there of the tribes of Israel that came not up to Mizpeh to the LORD? And, behold, there came none to the camp from Jabeshgilead to the assembly. 9For the people were numbered, and, behold, there were none of the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead there. 10And the congregation sent thither twelve thousand men of the valiantest, and commanded them, saying, Go and smite the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead with the edge of the sword, with the women and the children. 11And this is the thing that ye shall do, Ye shall utterly destroy every male, and every woman that hath lain by man. 12And they found among the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male: and they brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.

13And the whole congregation sent some to speak to the children of Benjamin that were in the rock Rimmon, and to call peaceably unto them. 14And Benjamin came again at that time; and they gave them wives which they had saved alive of the women of Jabeshgilead: and yet so they sufficed them not. 15And the people repented them for Benjamin, because that the LORD had made a breach in the tribes of Israel.

16Then the elders of the congregation said, How shall we do for wives for them that remain, seeing the women are destroyed out of Benjamin? 17And they said, There must be an inheritance for them that be escaped of Benjamin, that a tribe be not destroyed out of Israel. 18Howbeit we may not give them wives of our daughters: for the children of Israel have sworn, saying, Cursed be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin.

19Then they said, Behold, there is a feast of the LORD in Shiloh yearly in a place which is on the north side of Bethel, on the east side of the highway that goeth up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the south of Lebonah. 20Therefore they commanded the children of Benjamin, saying, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards; 21And see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin. 22And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come unto us to complain, that we will say unto them, Be favourable unto them for our sakes: because we reserved not to each man his wife in the war: for ye did not give unto them at this time, that ye should be guilty. 23And the children of Benjamin did so, and took them wives, according to their number, of them that danced, whom they caught: and they went and returned unto their inheritance, and repaired the cities, and dwelt in them. 24And the children of Israel departed thence at that time, every man to his tribe and to his family, and they went out from thence every man to his inheritance.

25In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

More relevant in 2025 than ever before. (And in 2026, it will be considerably more relevant.)

Hail Hegseth.

T says:

Was reading Chesterton, gotta practice what I preach, and suddenly it’s like –

But clearly it is quite true that whenever we go to hear a prophet or teacher we may or may not expect wit, we may or may not expect eloquence, but we do expect what we do not expect. We may not expect the true, we may not even expect the wise, but we do expect the unexpected. If we do not expect the unexpected, why do we go there at all? If we expect the expected, why do we not sit at home and expect it by ourselves?

Really makes you think (about a certain blog and its phraseology).

A2 says:

Biden awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros and Hillary Clinton, among others. Lol, he has an unexpected talent for trolling.

‘The medal is given to individuals who have made “exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors,” the White House said.’

Hesiod says:

At publishing time, Biden had announced that he had planned to give a 20th medal to the Sauron, but the Dark Lord was unfortunately unable to take physical form at this time.

Rod says:

Amish Farmer Celebrates “Big Win For Food Freedom”
Finally, but govt wont quit till you quit that govt.

Maybe there is a hint of turning coming, but for now it still seems like…

All Hail Greta the Climate Goddess!!!

“DOE estimates that the standards for tankless models will save consumers $3.1 billion.”


Won’t save anyone a dime because gas companies will raise flat account monthly, usage rate monthly, and nuisance fees, just like they did when CFL and LED came out… wattage way down, price way up, plus more money printing for the rich, totally obliterating any “savings” on lighting. Sure use less, but stop the Woke economic Climate Agenda for Control lies.

“This is all part of the climate change agenda… an antipathy towards natural gas because they want to electrify everything.”

Electric is only cheaper if the cost and efficiency of centrally burning shit to make and distribute it lossily, is less than the cost and more efficient than you burning the shit directly. In many US electric-gas homes gas is cheaper per BTU than electric.

But there’s also a major hidden agenda…

Just like cars and “digital id” they want you 100% dependent on their digital remote lightswitch. You are a THREAT to their POWER, so they cannot let you have an independent source and store of FUEL/ENERGY anymore. Solar and Batteries and Generators will be regulated out of the consumer market and banned. They’re not tariffing China for trade, if they were serious about that they’d make silicon and panels in country with imported Mexican slave labor thus really telling China to go fuck themselves. They’re keeping you rigged on their wires and nothing else.

“You will own NOTHING and be HAPPY — WEF ;-)”

Medal of Freedom? No, Biden has been angry vengeful spiteful raging asshole his entire worthless life. He’s disrespected and trashed every based US holiday/meme, and replaced it with Trannies and pedofag flags and decrepit geriatrics in power.

Biden has been puppeted for decades by the Left and the Chinese Communist Party and the Jews, in particular via his pedophile-runs-in-the-family maggot son’s adventures in China and UA, and his total buyout of the White House and Elite Democrats by Soros. Faggot boy Newsome and his Commie California is also swarming with Chinese “diplomats” and bribery spy business, same for Hochul. The rest sold their soul for crackhead Floyd and the knee-taking Woke cult.

Short this Woke company on Monday…

“Soros son Alexander, who’s engaged to former Clinton aide and Huma Abedin, accepted the award on his father’s behalf.”

This is all you need to know the 39yo EVIL FAGGOT FASH JEW son of Soros-Satan is fucking the 49yo EGGLESS MUSLIM CLINTON WITCH ABEDIN who was married to corrupt sexting convict JEW WEINER. Please Huma, keep swallowing every load of his jizz and crush the puny balls of this kuffar Jew in ecstasy so his sperm will never leave to find a fertile egg.

If Antifa actually valued Lefty Anarchism they’d assassinate both Alexander and George, and a whole lot more of the Top Left.

Soros, Clinton, Cheney, plus a bunch of other fags, jews, actors, donors and other democrat filth.

Most are Democrat political handouts meriting nothing. Except maybe Goodall and Nye, and Andres who maybe fed a few homeless White people in the USA.

Lame Duck Democrat Party Disgrace.

YES, please keep pissing off and all over real Americans, keep going until they revolt and hang all of you.

Musk is far bigger target of Left than Trump…

“We’re Here To Blow Starship Up”: FBI Probes Bomb Threats Against SpaceX’s Texas Facility

The great BeastMarking is coming…

Jim says:

Boring, boring, boring, none of this stuff is a surprise, we know it is happening all the time.

None of your information is a thought crime, none of your links link to thought crimes.

This blog is for discussing stuff that no one dares discuss anywhere else. Everything in the above is in legacy media.

You are just wasting space in my blog by posting uninteresting legacy news. OK, some of it is not legacy news, but all of it is namefag news you can hear anywhere, and will hear anywhere. Give us some good stuff.

Rod says:

A2 and Hesiod posted the “boring” “old” “unsurprising” “uninteresting” awards with no “discussion” of them, but do I lambast anyone over that, or any other “namefag” “waste” anyone else posts… No. At least I noticed and did some kind of “discussion” on them, nobody else did.

WordPress is disorganized, has no tagging, horrible threading, and full of rando gone-off-topics, and search that only searches OP’s. Even SMF or a chan might be better capable lighter and backed up.

These Woke Commie Jew Leftists behind O-Biden and the Democrat Party and the Globo-Euro Mess are not a “trolling” or “skeletor” type of LOL session… they are deadly serious nation destroying running NLP free-money total-control shit that for decades has proved difficult to rise people to throw out.

If you really think the Alex-Huma is not a Satanic Marriage against Hindues, Christions, everyone else, and freedom and nations, well speak up. You saw the Jew-Left partner with Hamas on the streets.
If some Lefter-than-Left pastes them in their fuckbed on live I’m not gonna cry. Think of all the carbon that shitsack Alex burns flying around, probably enough for some Greta Warrior to sequester his farthole six feet deep free of charge.

Sure there’s not a lot of “new” “crime” out there outside the existing bulk, only little bits around the edge that aren’t already coverd by applying the bulk to it.
So talk can get “old”, and is not action.
Shipping a copy of blog on USB to 100 random addresses around world, now that might be some fun “new” shit 🙂

Even the “Proud Boys” like them or not, were out in public memeing some new “Faith” shit.

Haven’t seen a righteous Pope in centuries either. About time to install one of those again.

Jim says:

If you think you are being treated unkindly relative to A2 and Hesiod, give me the dates and times of their posts, that you think should receive comparable criticism, and are not getting it.

A2 says:

“A2 and Hesiod posted …”

No one likes a snitch, Rod.

Varna says:

Rod, here are two Russian-language websites to go along with your thing.
The family unit

Use ChatGPT or similar to translate the articles, and enjoy yourself. It’s all there. Only from the point of view of the grassroot Russian resistance against the local “elite collaborators with worldwide globohomo”.

Second news website, a bit more cultist.
On the jabs
On the health industry

Badass Brits on same, surprising levels of quality here and there

I hope you enjoy all three, and in the future produce tighter comments with the occasional link or summary, as opposed to avalanche posting. The need to shout from rooftops is understandable, but without some self-discipline, stylistic skills, and a wider net of sources, can be self-defeating. Happy and successful 2025.

Jim says:

Rod is probably going to complain that your links are like his links.

In contrast to Rod, your links are on topic and convey actual news. News worthy because most of us do not know what is happening inside Russia, while we already know what is happening in America.

Also your links are not a vast and endless wall. They are links to the Russian opposition to Putin’s government. Rod is posting from the clownworld bubble, which thinks it is popular in Russia.

The link that Rod needs to read and should respond to is

And a link to that through a translation service is:

The short of it is that everyone in the Russian elite wanted, and most of them still want, to be part of Globohomo. But Globohomo wanted them only as low level vassals, wanted them to strictly toe the line, wanted to loot and ruin Russia, and did not want to let them keep a decent share of the loot, so disagreement ensued. The Russian elite wanted union with Globohomo as equals, wanted the deal that France, Germany, England, and Ireland got. No, says Globohomo, you will not be allowed in unless you learn your proper place.

The Delian league slowly became the Athenian Empire. Immediately after World War II, America was a benevolent, generous and tolerant leader. In 1963, became considerably less so. In 1972, a lot less so. Then came the imperial, and increasingly brutal and savage, color revolutions. With color revolution, the West had ceased to resemble the Delian league, and become a savage and oppressive empire.

The Russian elite are still, as ever, pleading with the west for acceptance, but their pleas are denied. Ordinary Russians are pissed by the alienness of their elite.

Varna says:

Thanks for the translation service link, Jim!

And for instantly finding the “lessons from Syria about apathy in an alienated population” article.

Fidelis says:

Musk or whomever runs his account has for the past few days relentlessly posting on the Rotherham case and calling for regime change on the island.

Any speculation as to why this timing and why they might want to regime change the UK, who do they want in charge there? I really have no clue on why such urgency, Trump 2.0 is not even properly installed yet and they’re already yanking the provincial leaders around hard.

Your Uncle Bob says:


A pivot away from his infini-pajeets mask slip, throw the deplorables a bone and hope they forget? This one could be all Musk, wouldn’t need orders from on high. Or he could have had a call from Team Trump, try to paper over the damage.

Just Thermidor making a Thermidor play, they’ve decided it’s time for Starmer to go and this is the lever? This one would be orders from on high.

Varna says:

The Tories are currently led by negress Kemi Badenoch, before that by Mr Pajeet Sunak, before that by weird Karen Liz Truss, before that by Boris war-to-the-last-ukrainian Johnson with grandpa Osman Kemal, before that another Karen, and before that a bunch of Brit-style rinos.

It was labor, in fact, who just weeks ago banned injecting kids because they were born in the wrong bodies, not the tories. Tory immigrant intake was Biden-tier, keeping in mind the island situation. So, unless camp tech-maga is trying to reinvent the tories by allowing Nigel Farage to take them over or get their voters to his project, no use whatever changing red to blue in England.

What is likely happening is Musk dealing with the fallout of his ketamine rants about the superior pajeet engineers, by redirecting attention to england’s grooming gangs. Who, technically, are mostly pakis, not guptas or patels. Maybe he’ll gradually introduce the distinction between pakis and guptas.

Musk’s current woman Shivon Zilis is half-gupta and half-jew. Vance’s wife is a gupta. The AfD’s female leader’s lesbian “wife” is a gupta. Half the cabinet pics appear to be guptas and patels. We have entered a brave new era sar.

The mayor of London is a paki. The lord of Scotland is a paki. The leader of Scotland’s labor party is a paki. England’s labor’s foreign affairs guy is a darkie, the secretary of justice is a paki. The Tory secretary of state for Northern Ireland is a patel gupta, the secretary for energy is patel patel, the secretary for the environment is show bob and vagene, and piles and piles more of guptas galore.
It’s a match made in heaven for Musk’s current swarthy-kiky leanings, maybe he needs the correct guptas to replace the incorrect patels.

(apologies to our indian friends if I sound mean, it’s most likely temporary frustration)

T says:

Agree with the commenters above.

He is probably doing “Pakis bad, Indians good” because he wants so many more Indians to arrive, and needs to signal that it’s actually okay and not a betrayal of Americans because, well, at least these aren’t Pakis, right?

S says:

That runs into the fact India has 172 million Muslims. Thermidor can say ‘we want good immigrants and not bad ones’, but Thermidor lacks the will to advocate for religious or ethnic tests.

T says:

Well, it could also (simultaneously) be that it’s payback for Starmer and Labour for working to get Obama’s Pajeeta Puppet elected in the US. Generally Thermidor seeks as many world leaders to be in alliance with it, probably because Big Things are in plan. That also explains his shilling for AfD. The bigger question is why Musk thinks he can pull it off. Maybe he’s exhilarated by the American election results, and seeks global Thermidor; he could be hoping for a USSR type scenario or something, where the vassals unshackle from USG. That’s one reason why he introduced the Twitter Glasnost, right? Quite naive on his part, but we’ll wait and see. It appears, unfortunately, that he has no idea What Time It Is – Regime Change starts at home, Elon.

T says:

I mean, I can sorta-kinda see the logic behind pushing for Global Thermidor; but that rests on the highly dubious assumption that Thermidorean or Thermidor-adjacent forces in the provinces can somehow part ways with the GAE Permanent Government and take control of their own countries – nah, I don’t think so. At least not in the European context; Europe is entirely run by Washington. To do Thermidor in Europe, need the American permanent government under control; the President needs to actually be in charge of the Presidency. Bring the permanent government under control, and then you can pull it off. I’m just not sure Musk gets it.

T says:

Thermidor could happen in America, because certain factions of the elite, notably some prominent Tech Bros and some prominent Jews, got increasingly uncomfortable with the madness of the Left Singularity. The auto-coup is still ongoing, and might well usher in Civil War II.

Thermidor cannot (yet) happen in most of Europe, because they don’t have elite factions independent from Globohomo. To hold Real Elections, need USG to back off. For USG to back off, the President needs to be in control of the Presidency and make the establishment back off. Otherwise, it’s all fake and gay and irrelevant elections. There is no one there to do auto-coup. It is so by design.

I could be entirely wrong about this, so let’s wait and see. Don’t think I’m wrong about this, though.

T says:

One of the key powers of the Cathedral is “Americanizing” (Harvardizing) the elites of the world, particularly Western elites. Those “Americanized” elites then form Uniparty political systems where all Opposition is but a variety of Controlled Opposition. The Cathedral achieves this through its vast network of “NGOs” and “Think Tanks” and all sorts of bribery; failing that, Color Revolution employing the ever ready Rent-a-Mob and control of all mainstream news channels.

It makes little sense to expect Europe to unshackle from USG under these conditions. Their elites are almost entirely a class of traitors (when not outright foreigners) bought and brainwashed by USG. The woke priesthood running the Global Harvard Empire — having memetically pwned the ruling classes of Europe and the world more broadly, and until recently having possessed some impressive hard power to back up its soft power — has installed woke priesthoods in all countries under its dominion. Thus the entire Cathedral, with all its global tentacles, always swims in the same direction – it is one egregore, ultimately. And in Europe, there are even less limitations on USG’s power than at the base – dissent can be suppressed in any way possible, black operations and color revolutions abound, infinity foreigners regularly forced upon populations that VOTE HARD, SO HARD, VOTE WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH NIGGA to keep the foreigners out, not to mention shady business dealings away from any scrutiny, and so forth.

Defeat in Ukraine might snap some of the Euro elites out of the Harvard Hypnosis and trigger a Thermidor in Europe. Or not. In the final analysis, humanity is standing at a critical crossroads right now, and its path forward will be determined in America. Destroying woke in America will destroy it everywhere else, and exterminating the Left in a Holy War on American soil will lead to the Left’s extermination throughout the rest of the Empire. The Regime has become the Great Satan, the head of the snake. The future of the white race and Christendom in all likelihood depends on Americans replacing that regime with a new one, ideally one inspired by the NRx memeplex. For such a holy war, need a faith, and need a War Leader of the faith. Hail Hegseth, 2026 is waiting for you.

Jim says:

Interesting events in Germany. The outer party got a slight plurality of the vote. The uniparty received two thirds of the vote, but the inner wings of the uniparty wanted to continue ever lefter, ever faster, and the outer wing wanted to back off and take a breather to stop the frog from noticing he was being boiled, and, being unable to agree, the uniparty called a repeat election. Which election is likely to result in the non uniparty party getting a substantially larger vote.

A lot of people are going to say “Hey, a vote for a non uniparty candidate is not a wasted vote that leads to the inner party ruling. On the contrary, since I am voting against the inner party, rather than for anyone, I should vote for the party with the best chance of stopping them. Which is the party that got the most votes in the just completed election.”

The basic platform of the outer party is “We are not the inner party”. Which is largely a lie, and if some people believe it, it has now been rendered irrelevant..

Fidelis says:

Main theories seem to be:
– distract from H1B nonsense
– ethnic mafia

I really don’t think this is meant to distract from the H1B thing, normal people that have to deal with them care, but someone like Musk was just sperging out for a few days because his platform was countersignalling him. Didn’t seem concerned otherwise.

As for ethic mafias, I don’t think the hindoos have any real power yet. They’re jew replacement middlemen. On the other hand, Thermidor is very zionist, and pakis are not, so it would make sense that there is a need to rout them out.

What is strange to me is the intensity of the rhetoric. There is mild support for AfD, bullying of Trudeau and Sheinbaum, but they’re outright fixing to color revolution the UK, and not in a subtle way. I suppose having a bunch of mohammedans in power while preparing to get on a war footing for the middle east necessitates this reaction.

It’s going to be interesting to see the results of all this, I am not sure Thermidor thought far enough ahead on what suddenly shining a giant spotlight on the ongoing and egregious white genocide is going to do to the normie consciousness. Rotherham is particularly disgusting and terrible, really enough to traumatize the more oblivious who are just now finding out the extent of what is going on, and it’s not just the UK where this is happening. Suddenly exposing all the crimes that have been perpetrated by power while power is destabilized and liable to swing in lots of directions is more accelerationist than I give them credit, I think they believe they have more control over The Overton Window than they really do.

Fidelis says:

They’re going to color revolution the UK
>America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government
>[poll at >2/3 yes]
>Prison for Starmer
>The sniveling cowards who allowed the mass rape of little girls in Britain are still in power … for now

T says:

Either there is a plan here coordinated with Trump, or he is sperging out uncontrollably and should consider taking longer breaks from the k-hole to restore his sanity.

Fidelis says:

Seems clear to me there’s a plan. Lot of sudden switches in leadership all over the GAE. Also pretty sure Elon only rarely actually posts on his account, the rest is some intern-type figure given a set agenda of things to promote, and some pre-scripted posts.

With regards to the UK, they want the Reform party in, under someone with a plan for remigration. Specifically saying Farage is not enough, implicitly saying it should be Robinson or whomever is willing to say “Remigration”. I suspect it has to do with chinese and iranian weapons in the hands of goat herders by the red sea, they don’t want the goat herders shipped to the UK to get in on the action.

T says:

Yeah, you’re right, looks like there’s a plan.

Hope they know what they’re getting themselves into. Don’t know if there will be another chance to prevent a Bronze Age collapse of civilization – leftism might well be the Great Filter, social entropy could well result in cosmic entropy. So I hope they don’t screw up this opportunity, vouchsafed by the Divine. We are long past the “shits and giggles” stage here. Things are about to get really serious, really fast.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s always easier to justify action when everyone else appears to be on board. Where Trump goes, the rest of GAE has to follow otherwise it becomes embarrassing at best, and Harvard’s ideological shelter on the empire’s fringe at worst.

skippy says:

“What is strange to me is the intensity of the rhetoric. There is mild support for AfD, bullying of Trudeau and Sheinbaum, but they’re outright fixing to color revolution the UK, and not in a subtle way. I suppose having a bunch of mohammedans in power while preparing to get on a war footing for the middle east necessitates this reaction.”

I’m not 100% sure what is the idea here. Starmer is certainly not a “mohammedan in power”. He was the Corbyn replacement who purged the party of ‘anti-Semites’. He is married to a Jewish woman and is raising his children as Jewish. He has strongly signaled that he accepts Trump as president and the idea of military buildup. Of course many remain in his party who have other views but then Reform actually is led by a Muslim…

Rod says:

[*deleted for not being news. Everyone here knew that Biden, being scum of the earth, would release the worst scum of the earth from prison and grant honors to those scum of the earth sufficiently powerful to not be imprisoned for their crimes, and if anyone here did not know of these events, they would find them so unsurprising as to be bored*]

Jim says:

Deleted for repetition

Babylon Bee has already covered this, and already been linked and quoted. Same news as you, but much more entertainingly delivered.

Jehu says:

The Babylon Bee has also reminded women of the Australia solution to the Handmaid problem today. Perhaps the Overton window is moving.

Of course they’re joking…but

T says:

At his current rate of redpilling, Musk is 3 months away from posting about coverture and Peace of Westphalia and 6 months away from posting about adrenarche and drowning bastards in a sack.

It’s joke. But also not a joke.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I ain’t trusting no damn plan. No Elon-anon’ing for this guy, buster.

Now our friend Jim here is different. Mostly. He’s not claiming secret knowledge about how so-and-so isn’t what he seems to be, but is really a secret Our Guy if you look at him the right way, so patriots in control.

OK, well, Jim may do that a little, but mostly he’s holding up current observations against patterns of past history. That’s different. And he also calls movements in BTC amazingly well, so that’s all I fucking need to take him seriously.

As for Elon, he might be exactly what he looks like, a naive sperg with a genius level IQ on an occasional indignant rampage about something horrible that we all here knew about 5 years ago. That could be it.

If there’s any “secret knowledge” that I suspect about Elon, it’s this: It takes a certain naivete, a certain blue-pilledness, to want to actually go out and achieve all that he has in real life. If one knew too much about the depths of horrible that we explore here, I can’t imagine him going from that, to busting his ass to galactic extent to achieve such impossible things in the world, as it is, a world that can fuck him over at any time. Instead, THAT guy would have taken his Paypal money, put half of it into BTC, and said “fuck it I’m out.”

Disagree with me? Please do so.

T says:

I ain’t trusting no damn plan.

Well, the plan (if there is one) could be Global Thermidor, in which case he is likely coordinated with Trump, or it could be cynically deceiving frogtwitter into believing he is /ourguy/, in which case I’m not sure what his real motive actually is; possibly it’s just Mars-maxxing.

If, however, there is no plan, and he is sperging out with no method in the madness at all, then, well, “good luck.” Don’t get me wrong, Elon undergoing a redpill enlightenment that could eventually lead him and many others to a NRx worldview would be great, but (jokes aside) he is probably not quite there yet, which means that he doesn’t really understand what he is trying to accomplish and what it will take to accomplish it, which means [insert most famous quote from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War]. Elon appears to think that he is fighting le woke mind virus. He probably doesn’t see just how deep this rabbit hole actually goes.

Look at the Western World. All countries are ruled by leftist priesthoods, and all leftist priesthoods swim after Harvard, albeit with varying degrees of diligence. Does he understand how and why it came to be? Is he familiar (at least on a subconscious level, possibly through memetic osmosis) with Jim’s Holiness Spiral theory? Does he recognize leftism as social entropy and its ultimate corrective being adherence to Divine Law? If he doesn’t actually get it, he will crash and burn and become a laughingstock – SAD.

I’m no telepath; it’s all just speculation. I just hope he doesn’t screw it all up.

Jim says:

> If, however, there is no plan, and he is sperging out with no method in the madness at all,

Musk is not one to sperg out with no method in his madness.

He wants to hold civilisation together long enough to get to Mars.

Trouble is, he is still basically a leftist. He can see that the left is on a suicide course. And wants to fix it. He is reluctant to accept he is dealing with demon worshippers, that our civilisation was running on the last fumes of Christianity. He is very smart, but smart is no use without data, and he has been in the bubble all his life. On the other hand, he has punctured the bubble, so is now rapidly learning a great deal, hence the half humorous suggestion that in three months he will be calling for the restoration of coverture. He has also over estimated AI. The truth about AI becomes obvious when one attempts to use it to solve code generation tasks. But full self driving, which is what he cares about, is probably doable. His current self driving version lacks local knowledge, and cannot learn it no matter how many times it goes through the same tricky and unusual intersection, which is fixable.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Another offensive by hohols in Kursk. Like I thought, these guys don’t believe they are losing in Ukraine, hence why they argue now is the time to kill whitey and unleash world beige. Their victory in Syria probably roused their bacha bazi’d shlongs for another go.

The Cominator says:

To the last Hohol.

T says:

I think the most immediate lesson from the Ukrainian tragedy is “Don’t ever let yourself be psyopsed by Harvard.” The hohols believed in the Regime. This is what happens to those who put their faith in the Regime.

Pax Imperialis says:

Likely spitting hairs here, but did any of them genuinely believe in Harvard this time? Past color revolutions were clearly ideologically driven by true believers, but Maidan Coup followed up by Zelenskyyyyy (lol, “Ukrainian” spellings) look far more like a criminal money laundering scheme than anything else.

I believe this distinction to be important because if it exists, it points to a weakening of Harvard’s ideological capture of Western elites. i.e. there’s hope that the end may be near.

T says:

The Harvard psyop was Azov Nazism. But that so many Ukrainians signed up with Azov Nazism (and continue to throw away their lives on its behalf) suggests that they genuinely believed that USG would be willing and able to save them from Putler. Should never have held such a belief.

Hopefully, others in EE have learned the lesson.

Jim says:

> Past color revolutions were clearly ideologically driven by true believers, but Maidan Coup followed up by Zelenskyyyyy (lol, “Ukrainian” spellings) look far more like a criminal money laundering scheme than anything else

When your faith is demonic, true and sincere belief manifests as habitual lying, stealing anything not nailed down, and destroying anything nailed down.

The Ukrainian regime is not expending its troops because it is following a strategy that is unwise in a war of attrition. It is following a strategy that is unwise in a war of attrition because it wants its troops dead. It wants everyone dead.

Pax Imperialis says:


And yet I can’t help but notice they failed to take political power, their numbers remain proportionally small, and for every Azov brigade, there are many, many divisions worth of deserters.

>true and sincere belief manifests as…

Well yes, that’s all true, but I also can’t help but notice a remarkable number of Ukrainians fled, and have continued to flee, and this has all happened because the regime wasn’t nearly as proactive at conscription as it could’ve been. In recent example, they’ve been openly and loudly talking for months now about how they might have to lower the conscription age (because they’re losing badly) and how they’d have to loss a million men more… the smart proactive ones have had ample of time to evacuate. If they were completely demonic, would not be effectively telling them to flee. They could’ve refused to evacuate their besieged cities and turned them into Stalingrad type situations. They could’ve been working to have all those male Ukrainians who fled repatriated into punitive brigades. They could’ve sent 10s of millions into the meat grinder. Instead I suspect only a million or so casualties. Why not?

I suspect the Ukrainian regime is a lot weaker and fragile than is portrayed to be.

Bix Nudelmann says:

I believed in civil rights at first, the Gulf War at first, the war on terror at first, Trump at first, QAnon at first, and in Covid19 at first. At first.

But to me at least, Zelenskyism was such blatantly cynical cash-grabbing slavocidal bullshit, right from the start..

For whatever that might tell you about the tidal trust level out there.

Jim says:

The Ukraine is flooded with grotesquely racist propaganda against slavs, and they think it very holy. Just as the old Twitter was flooded with grotesquely racist propaganda against whites, and grotesquely sexist propaganda against cis het males, and they think it very holy. Ninety nine percent of Ukrainians are being savagely demonized by the one percent who are ruling them, just as in the old Twitter.

Bix Nudelmann says:

Do me a favor and call me crazy if you think so, but at this point I think the Kiev regime are deliberately trying to cripple and/or kill off their Army now, because those are the only people left who can hurt them and/or might want to in the future.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

No need to worry; I dare say the desire for these ‘ukrainians’ to get their ‘fellow’ ukrainians killed was already apparent as far back as Bakhmut; the ’23 summer offensive and the way the zelenski house handles officers in general just cemented it.

The Cominator says:

“Do me a favor and call me crazy if you think so, but at this point I think the Kiev regime are deliberately trying to cripple and/or kill off their Army now”
What part of to the last Hohol did you not understand?

Rod says:

Don’t think many have a problem with Russia or Putin per se or Russian People (they do funny shit on jewtube too).
Except maybe some White House scum and their revolving Nuland(etc) / consultant thinktank type adjuncts.
But many have a problem with anyone initiating border-crossing warfare with their armed forces, regardless of whatever claimed reason.
Because sans universal patent rejection of that as principle of international thought, if not you incurred upon today, it will eventually someday be you incurred upon tomorrow, including via “jus bellum” for so little as equivalent of having a few sections of precious “Hebrew speaking” “culturally dancing” Jews in your midst.
If people want to disclame that princile, they can, but they can’t complain as more and more moral or appeals upon the breakage get abandoned for simple oppurtunistic barbarism as the highest mode of international thought and recourse available.
Of course beint retards and importing midst gonna give others (what pures remain) even more “jus” against you someday to go in and save their “midst” from you.
Have to break the line of turtles down somewhere.

Jim says:

I am allowing this through, but persistent unresponsiveness leads to wasted space, and if you continue to fail respond, I am cutting off this debate.

> But many have a problem with anyone initiating border-crossing warfare with their armed forces, regardless of whatever claimed reason.

Why is Libya, Serbia, and Syria, and the Congo not border crossing. How do you explain that Russia’s 2022 intervention was border crossing, and Liby, Syria, Serbia, and the Congo were not border crossing?

Who initiated border crossing warfare. Is not color revolution border crossing? Just how heavy handed does foreign intervention have to get before it becomes border crossing? Where do you draw the line? In the many, many implicit threats of force, explicit threats of force, and actual use of force in many many color revolutions instigated by the Globohomo empire, which ones do you say were border crossing, and which ones do you say were not?

The recent cancelled elections in Eastern Europe were not physical border crossing, but they happened under the very real threat that if the elections were not cancelled, borders would be crossed. This was explicitly threatened in Georgia, and only reason the threat became explicit rather than implicit is because the threat was defied. Similarly the coup succeeded in the Ukraine because it was very plain that if it failed, they would get the treatment that Serbia and Libya got.

For every actual physical border crossing use of force that Globohomo has engaged in, the threat that it might, or would, engage in physical border crossing use of force has been applied many times, usually with success. We mostly notice when the threat is applied, and threat turns out to be insufficient, and then actual use of force is applied, and actual use of force is insufficient, and we get a forever war. And then people notice.

white bread says:

So turns out that “Rod” is a textbook case of pentagon shill. Funny how he tries to distance himself from his boss Nuland while at the same time parroting the “unprovoked invasion” meme.

Rod says:

> Globohomo has engaged in

[*deleted for unresponsiveness*]

Jim says:

I asked a bunch of questions, and in your response you just changed the topic.

I asked:
Why is Libya, Serbia, and Syria, and the Congo not border crossing. How do you explain that Russia’s 2022 intervention was border crossing, and Liby, Syria, Serbia, and the Congo were not border crossing?

I asked:
Is not color revolution border crossing? Just how heavy handed does foreign intervention have to get before it becomes border crossing? Where do you draw the line?

Color revolutions and election cancellations take place under the threat that if America does not get what it wants, it will intervene. Because it has intervened when color revolutions failed, or elections produce the wrong results.

skippy says:

This principle was established by people who knew they had the most powerful at entryism, therefore it plays to their relative advantage.

I half agree with you in that Russia should’ve never let its puppet Ukraine govt get off the leash – morality aside this was just incompetence. They also seem to have very little hold over the Kazakh government despite the Kazakh government almost accidentally removing itself from power and only being restored by Russian troops in 21/22. People who are good at infiltration and not war want no war, argue that war is bad.

Rod says:

> Is not color revolution border crossing?

If from internal (border not crossed into), no, is internal police matter.
If from external (border was crossed into), yes, everyone already free to publicly prove [*deleted for unresponsiveness*]

Jim says:

The US dropped thirty thousand tonnes of bombs on Libya, primarily on civilian buildings. The Congo faction that was vaginally impaling Tutsi women on objects larger than themselves was doing it under cover of air and artillery support from white forces whose nationality is strangely unmentionable. An officially not Nato base in Avdeevka was shelling civilians in Donbas for eight years, and so on and so forth, there has been no end of stuff like this. Is any of it border crossing?

Exactly where do your draw the line so that Russia crossed a border, but America has not been stomping across borders all over the place?

Let us address particular color revolutions. Not a hypothetical world of hypothetical accusations, but the particular crimes that America has committed..

white bread says:

By the way, the pentagon attacked the Russian territory of Donbass first. So that’s your “border crossing” right there.

white bread says:

I think I replied to Rod’s comment but my reply showed up as a reply to Jim. Oh well.

YJones says:

“pentagon attacked the Russian territory of Donbass first… border crossing”

Good Sir WhiteBread and other Sers Most Regarded, it appears that all details necessary for anyone to be able to identify and substantiate your statement have been left out. Please add the following details so that everyone may know what exactly what you are referring to.

1) Whose definition, of [*deleted for unresponsiveness*]

Jim says:

My question asked about all the border crossing violence the US has done in the last thirty years or so.

Your questions presuppose a definition of “border crossing violence” and “not border crossing violence” that makes American violence in the Ukraine not border crossing, and Russian violence in the Ukraine border crossing.

Which definition you are unable to give, because, it would be obviously contrived exactly for the particular history of the Ukraine. You don’t want to have to explicitly say “The government that the US state Department installed asked us for help in blowing up people who refused to accept the installation, therefore not border crossing violence, because we were invited.”

Which is why my question asked about all the border crossing activities the US has done in the last thirty years or so.

It is easy to cook up a definition for one particular location that gives the result you want, though it gets more complex and contrived the longer the history under consideration, which is why most people in favor of fighting to the last Ukrainian prefer to start the history at 2022, because they do not want to need to explain and explain why US artillery in a foreign land shooting at people in that foreign land is different. The trouble is you would need a different definition for every color revolution.

The definition you imply does not work in general because most US color revolutionary border crossing violence happens because the ruler is disinclined to leave the presidential palace, and has a striking similarity to US color revolutionary border crossing violence that occurs, as in the Ukraine, when he does leave the presidential palace, but a large portion of the population is disinclined to accept the freshly installed government in place of the government they voted in.

What the US is apt to do when the president is disinclined to accept the color revolutionary regime is apt to be similar to what it does when the President concedes, but a large proportion of the population and governing apparatus is disinclined to concede.

YJones says:

“The pentagon attacked the Russian territory of Donbass first… that’s border crossing. — WhiteBread”

I’d like Mr WhiteBread to identify what exactly he’s referring to so that I may respond to him without making any supposition upon his words.

Too busy IRL to talk other topics/people in depth right now, sorry, maybe later, or maybe someone else here can speak on those.

Dear Mr WhiteBread, here are my questions again so that hopefully you can read them unmolested. Thanks 🙂

It appears that all details necessary for anyone to be able to identify and substantiate your statement have been left out. Please add the following details so that everyone may know what exactly what you are referring to.

1) Whose definition, of “Donbas”, when, where exactly on which map?
2) Whose definition, of what “Border”, when, where exactly on which map?
3) Whose claim it was “Russian”, when, exactly according to which settled matter, which date of international recognition?
4) What definition of “Pentagon” exactly, the building flying zoom zoom on Aladdin’s Magic Carpet?, whose troops, under whose command, wearing whose badges, under whose pay feed and supply, using whose hardware, and from which lands did the men leave their homes to come fight?
5) What “Attack”, when, where exactly on the map, documented by which historians, in what documents?
6) What definition of “First”, what event exactly of such breach of which settled peace forgiven of rollback claims, or when in which already ongoing documented conflict?

Jim says:

Allowing this blatant Thermindorian shill comment through once, because it deserves response. You, being a shill, are incapable of responding to the response. You will give me an unresponsive response, whereupon you will go from the moderation list to the ignore list.

1. You are being silly. Donbas on every map. Google maps, the conflict maps, all that. This entirely uncontroversial, and has been in the news since 2014, in the mainstream media, and in maps issued by the mainstream media mapping the conflict. The question is frivolous.

2. Donbas is Russian in the sense that it is full of people who think they are Russian, speak Russian, and whom ordinary Russians think are Russian. If the Russians were shelling Toronto in Canada, Americans would similarly be pissed about it, just as Russians were pissed about the US shelling Donbas. All Russian borders are arbitrary and artificial, and always have been. Which has regularly led to major wars every thirty years or so for the past thousand years or so.

3. Donbas has been Russian until Stalin arbitrarily changed the line for momentary political reasons. Ukrainians were rightly pissed with the communist party, so he gave them a line that was theoretically in favor, while making sure the line was meaningless. When the Soviet Union dissolved, the line became meaningful, which became a major problem for Russians on the wrong side of the line, because the Color Revolutionary regime in Kiev set about making war on Russians who found themselves on the wrong side of the line. Arbitrary changes in Russia’s boundaries, that fail to reflect the reality of who people think they are, have been happening with great regularity for the past thousand years or so, so Russians don’t care much about map lines. Americans only started to pretend they care about map lines after American maps reached the oceans west and east: Recollect how California became American. When the Mexican army started shooting at Americans who were on the wrong side of a line on a map, an arbitrary line drawn long ago by a long forgotten Pope in Italy, America and Americans got pissed. And when the Ukrainian army started shooting at Russians who found themselves on the wrong side of an arbitrary line drawn by Stalin for momentary political reasons, Russia and Russians got pissed. And what especially pissed them off is that artillery fire was coming from within walking distance of an officially unofficial US base.

4, 5 and 6 You are being silly. See question 1.

Neurotoxin says:

Jim’s response a great example of his incredible patience with shills. I would have just said, “These are bullshit questions intended to get us bogged down in endless quibbling over minutiae, shut up.”

Yjones says:

I am responding to WhiteBread, the one who OP’d at 2025-01-07 17:16.

I want to hear WhiteBread’s answers so I know exactly what he and I would be conversing about regarding his opening OP, I don’t want to get him wrong, so I have to ask him to clarify things.

And now I have to defend WhiteBread because twice now you are rudely butting in, speaking over top of him, stuffing words, ideas, and answers that he did not say upon him, and thus upon everyone else, including me, regarding the OP item. That’s wrong, please stop.

As before, busy IRL, no time to talk other topics/people, sorry, please respect other people in that.

Jim says:

For, predictably, not responding the arguments already given, you are now on the ignore list, and I will not see anything from your current fake email, nor will anyone else.

I did not expect a substantive response, and did not get one. Nor would Whitebread.

T says:

“Yjones” has the same exact writing style as of a certain poster who got obsessed with me.


T says:

Jim, this is FBI or a similar agency.

T says:

The purpose may not necessarily be to shill a specific script (although they do have their own scripts, which are rather familiar. Just look at all the obvious feds on Twitter), but to destroy the online community by stirring division and strife, gradually breaking it apart.

This guy glows so hard your eyes shall pop like a pinata.

Just read his post. This is 100% glowie writing style, glowie behavior, glowie intentions, glowie everything. Holy s**t how obvious it is.

T says:

Anyone who is genuinely curious about “what do federal agent manipulators actually sound like when they post online?” should closely read the posts of Yjones here. Textbook FBI. This is what they do. It’s their freaking “profession.”

T says:

This guy’s strategy appears to be:

1. Issue a few minor but hostile quibbles, ususlly in the form of concern trolling, about some commenter’s post as the opener – the bait.

2. After the commenter takes the bait, proceed to bombard him (and anyone else along the way) with endless objections, interrogations, barefaced lies, and misrepresentation. The more noise, the greater the volume, the better. Just cram as many lies and deceptive phrasings as possible into your posts as rapidly as you can.

3. Watch as the drama unfold.

4. Accuse your target of doing precisely the things you are doing (bonus points if you accuse your target of doing exactly that as well – it’s all mind games upon mind games with the spooks, they are trained for this, it is absolutely purposeful) and emit gaslighting all around.

5. Attempt to manipulate the host to turn on his organic (non-shill) commenters and to antagonize them and make them flee. Also try to recruit others into the drama.

6. After the mission is accomplished, wait for a while, then assume a new identity, get some new scripts, and attack a different poster the same way.

Of course, this faggot might well come up with something new altogether. This is not a mere meme this time around, not a metaphor. This community is being targeted by the FBI or some other arm of the Regime for purposes of hostile manipulation, the goal being stirring division and making the comment section unpleasant.

I have no strong opinion about White Bread (right now the target of the operation), but I have a very strong opinion about Yjones being a federal agent tasked with stirring s**t up.

Neurotoxin says:

His strategy, at least so far, is simply cynical bullshit. When it was pointed out that the Pentagon has been violating borders by attacking Russians in the Donbas, his response was

Define “Donbas”, define “Border”, define “Russian”, define “Pentagon”, define “Attack.”


skippy says:

This guy is not completely wrong that most color revs – and all the most successful ones – relied on widespread subversion and treachery in the target society to allow them to wage war while staying within the letter of the[ir] rules about not doing wars. There is a reason why North Korea is so resistant to the US despite being militarily and economically weak – zero subversion.

Jim says:

They did not stay within the letter of their rules on Syria, Serbia, Croatia, and Libya.

And what makes subversion effective is that people suspect that if subversion is resisted, they might not stay within the letter of their rules this time around either. Observe that color revolution tends to be effective in proportion to the proximity of US bases.

Successful color revolutions don’t break their own rules because they succeed. But when they don’t succeed, there are consequences for those who declined to allow the success, and to apply these consequences, they have to violate their own rules.

skippy says:

Yes, they will step outside if they can rather than lose, but the “rules” aren’t totally unimportant either.

Jim says:

Soft power works because of genuine earned popularity. As popularity declines has to be backed by ever increasing application of hard power. Over the last twenty years, soft power has become ever increasingly dependent on the ever increasing application of hard power. Without the threat that the US could break the rules, and will break them if needed, soft power would be ineffectual. Observe the intimate relationship between proximity to US bases, and the effectiveness of color revolution.

skippy says:

The biggest application of hard power has been Ukraine, where they’ve fought a medium scale conventional war to try to avoid a concession, and it has been a catastrophe for them. It has forced them to put their enemies back into powerful positions at home. This is why the “rules” matter (not because they have a genuine respect for fairness and integrity).

Jim says:

The application of hard power in Libya did not work out too well for them either. That was when color revolutions started to fail.

The 2011 Libyan color revolution kind of sort of succeeded, or seemed to succeed, though they had to bomb Libya flat, giving rise to a semi frozen conflict, similar to that established in 2014 Ukraine. Globohomo love their frozen conflicts. Gives them leverage over both sides, so they think. In 2012, US weakness became apparent.

On 2014 February 21 The US successfully overthrew the democratically elected government of the Ukraine in the Maidan coup.

and then in 2014 june 25, the color revolutionary government of Libya held a blatantly rigged election, as color revolutionary governments regularly do, the outcome of the election (re-election of the Libyan color revolutionary government) was universally rejected, the conflict unfroze, and the color revolution failed. Had that happened a few months earlier, or Maidan a few months later, I doubt the Maidan coup would have succeeded. Since Libya showed the US could be successfully defied, color revolutions have been failing, demonstrating the dependence of soft power on hard power.

If you don’t think the US is going to successfully intervene, and a bunch of Soros ngo employees are trying to overthrow you, you just turn off their money supply, when they leave the country to get their paycheck, you don’t let them back in again. The US will rant that this anti democratic, but if the US is not going to intervene, or you think you can successfully resist intervention, you don’t care.

skippy says:

With hindsight Iraq was almost as big a catastrophe as Ukraine, although not seen as such because the Right-Progressive neocons were still perceived as a genuine Right at the time. Had the war ended with political and civil victory in 2003, as they predicted, they never would’ve had to raise the status and pay of the army as much as they did to keep Southern and Midwestern White men fighting. That’s probably one of the reasons the war pissed off the Left-Progressives so much. It was less of a catastrophe only in so far as it never brought the US’s ability to defend its own territory or overawe its clients into question.

Neurotoxin says:

But many have a problem with anyone initiating border-crossing warfare with their armed forces, regardless of whatever claimed reason.

Yawn. We already figured out that you’re a war faction shill. Please keep posting here, where people have you dialed and you can’t do any damage. Or you could just get a real job. Thank you.

T says:

I’m white-pilled on the deviant problem.

The preference cascade on Twitter has shifted the Overton Window sufficiently to the Right that the sexual abominations are no longer regarded as sacred; it started out with the troons (lowest hanging fruit) but now it’s becoming clearer and clearer to normies that the entire “LGBT” agenda is, to say the least, suspicious.

Not expecting recovering liberals to start throwing poofs off roofs just yet, but the end of the gay is approaching.

Deviants want normals to have as little access to pussy as possible because they seek to impose their own perversions on the rest of society, which is a problem whenever they are allowed to infiltrate priesthoods and conspire with fellow deviant infilitrators (in a greasy pile of faggots) on how best to prey on society and engage in butt piracy. They don’t want boys to have access to girls, because they themselves seek to prey on boys. And leftists who are not so disposed still promote them because they seek to destroy society, are attracted to ugliness, and rigthly consider them “allies” in the bioleninist coalition.

People are slowly beginning to see it, and to speak it.

T says:

I’ve been mentioning Twitter a lot lately, because — and perhaps that’s an “obvious take,” but sometimes the obvious needs stating — there just has never been anything like this before, or at least never since Early Internet. Short of directly calling for violence against group/person X, you can now pretty much say whatever you want. You can actually talk to whomever you want about whatever you want. Glasnost! And the resultant preference cascade is tremendous. Liberated from the Satanic Priesthood’s mind control, most humans worthy of being called “humans” return to sanity. In fact, nobody, at least among the younger generations, trusts the Cathedral anymore. Increasing numbers disregard the media and the universities completely. The professors and the journalists lost their audience, particularly among the fighting-age (and armed and physically fit) male demographic. The courts are headed the same way. Moreover, internet personalities have become more popular than Hollywood celebrities. And on television half their time is spent discussing some Twits. Whatever his flaws, Musk is taking over the Anglospere memeplex. And his people probably read this blog. This is epic. If President Trump actually becomes Sovereign, which will require snapping out of normality bias, a whole lot could be achieved.

The Demonic Left is likely to go full on apocalyptic because of it. Does anyone think, for instance, that there won’t be any more assassination attempts? Kek. But that’s precisely what might finally break President Trump’s or (ahem) President Vance’s normality bias.

Pax Imperialis says:

We are continuing to see top level defections from the left. Alan Dershowitz has recently called the lawfare against Trump “worse than Stalinism” and while he might still be suffering from normality bias on how to combat that, it’s telling that a Harvard Jew who was once at the top of the priesthood has more or less just called all of his peers communists.

But the really shocking top defection has been establishment Republicans like Sen. Lindsey Graham who has suddenly become in favor of mass deportations and are now prioritizing that policy over anything else. I don’t even think it was Trump’s win that changed minds. I suspect intel reports indicating 2025 will be a bloody year (and it will only escalate from there) has spooked Thermidor into acting.

Domestic left wing terrorism has escalated. There are new reports of failed murder plots coming out targeting conservative Supreme Court Justices. One can only imagine how many failed plots have targeted run of the mill Congressmen.

Anon says:

@pax imperialis
about south korea president situation. he seem to try to pull a trump.
he is guard refused to cooperate with the arrest warrant,
which show he has loyal men with weapon.
so what next? can they bring the army to force the arrest?
also there is a faction trying to support him, because they figured they are next.

The Cominator says:

He legit tried to launch a coup and then failed… hes going down.

Pax Imperialis says:

South Korea is the ultimate mind fuck. The Korean Left thinks and behaves like the worst Baizuo. Many of them are American educated, and are ideologically captured by Harvard. They hate America because it is fashionable to hate America at Harvard, thus having gaslight themselves into thinking they are independent when in reality they are American stooges, they have been used by State Department to color revolution the Korean Right whenever it gets a little too uppity, but the Korean Right doesn’t understand that and religiously thinks that the United States is their greatest ally rather than actually their greatest political subversive.

Yoon isn’t very popular, even with his base. He was the worst candidate for launching a coup. His own party hates him because of his role working as a prosecutor for the Korean Left and putting PGH and others in jail for “crimes” every single Korean elite commits. The Korean Left hates him, not for being a real right winger, but for turning traitor. Even the military hates him because he, all evidence points to, faked medical problems to avoid military service. He only got nominated to run for the Korean Right’s president because they were in complete disarray due to much of the senior political leadership being locked up… partly because of Yoon. He strolled into the primary and bullied his way in claiming to be the only one capable of protecting Korea from LJM. The Korean Right is only keeping him around post coup attempt because the longer they drag this out, the better shot they have at getting more of the Korean Left’s top leadership in jail (LJM is priority after Cho Kuk) and barred from running for election. As soon as that happens, his political protection runs out.

This had lead to a rather strange situation where defending Yoon against the left has become a popular right-wing cause more so than Yoon himself. The Korean Right has simultaneously self purged itself of their version of RINOs, removed the manchurian candidate from actual power, and has reorganized into something approaching a cohesive political party. Now their only problem is dealing with the left which wants to ban the PPP and through all of them into jail. A mighty big problem, but much more manageable compared to when they were being picked off one by one due to extreme levels of disunity.

Fidelis says:

Thanks for the writeup. I’d read a lot about the right hating Yoon for being incompetent, nothing about him being a former leftist prosecutor.

While we’re here is there anything worth mentioning about the other asian vassal states? Japan seems politically quiet as usual, trying to keep their economy taped together. Taiwan I have zero insight on, same with the Philippines. Vietnam isn’t exactly a vassal state but last I saw they were playing nice with USG so China doesn’t absorb them.

Pax Imperialis says:

Japan is nominally a vassal and maintains a polite if distant relationship, but unlike the Korean right who remembers American in terms of Busan, the Japanese right remembers America in terms of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and occupation. This naturally keeps relations cool and their Harvard leftists in check. Japan did a soft purge of their academia a few years back and for the most part keeps elite training in house. Spiritually though, they are kinda fucked. You can see it in how their anime no longer tries to tackle serious ideas and shies away from interesting narratives where stakes are high and history happens.

When was the last time you saw something like this?

Or this?

Now anime is full of end of history slop where nothing substantial ever happens, harem shit where nothing progresses, moe crap with no narrative plot, and isekai that’s purely wish fulfillment. The exceedingly rare anime that does consider interesting ideas (AOT/Youjo Senki) is done so as quietly as possible by it being through the lens of the “fantasy” or shonen genre. They dance around ideas rather than explicitly consider them. Even then it invites controversy and the result is usually less interesting shows. You can see this reflected in Japanese politics where they suffer from end of history syndrome. At least in South Korea, history is alive (even if I don’t like the direction it is going).

Taiwan pretty much knows the end is near. Otherwise they wouldn’t have been strong armed into relocating manufacturing to America… which was their only source of leverage. Right now it’s a question of arbitration in the market sense on how much it’s going to cost China to absorb Taiwan, whether that’s in the sense of blood or political concessions remains to be seen.

Philippines is too decentralized and dispersed by its many islands and tribes to have a good idea on where it’s likely to fall. State Department just doesn’t have the intelligence required anymore to play that game. It’s also not very interesting, so I won’t write much on it.

skippy says:

“South Korea is the ultimate mind fuck. The Korean Left thinks and behaves like the worst Baizuo. Many of them are American educated, and are ideologically captured by Harvard. They hate America because it is fashionable to hate America at Harvard, thus having gaslight themselves into thinking they are independent when in reality they are American stooges, they have been used by State Department to color revolution the Korean Right whenever it gets a little too uppity, but the Korean Right doesn’t understand that and religiously thinks that the United States is their greatest ally rather than actually their greatest political subversive.”

This could describe most of the US’s allies, and even large parts of the out-of-power political spectrum inside US adversaries. It’s one of the whole system’s greatest strengths that almost none of its enemies realize that they are its enemy.

Pilgrim says:

Dear Jim,

Thank you for your elucidating response to my friendly Bible schizopost during Christmas. I wish I could have replied sooner, but I was occupied by certain money-related troubles that I thankfully have more or less resolved. It is interesting to me that you would be investigating numerical patterns in your software right when my post about KJV numerical patterns landed here, but who can say? Anyway, here we are.

First of all, I would like to clarify that the video I linked mentions nowhere near all of the Biblical text-patterns in question. The channel’s host has compiled a great deal more, practically all of which are detailed in his book: The book claims literal hundreds of patterns like the ones in the video, most relating to the Sabbatical number seven. Others, though, relate to 153 (the disciples’ fishes), 17/27 (the weeks of Noah’s Flood) and even our old friend 666. Not many of them alone would ping my radar, but the compounded probabilities of all of them at once seem to me at least curious – this wouldn’t be a ‘poster girl’ situation where one bad apple spoils the bunch, but more like juggling balls, where layering each small pattern on top of the last makes it all seem more improbable. (Of particular note to me are the 77-letter verses from p.224 and the 7-based ELS codes from p.228.) I would not know how rare the probability-values you were dealing with in the phrase generator were, but only you could truly tell how comparable they would be.

On that topic, you related that in your efforts to program a perfectly random phrase generator, the numbers involved showed frequent and striking statistical anomalies that upon further inspection were perceived by your programs as “less impressive” than by yourself. I myself had a comparable reaction at first, having run into similar claims of text patterns before (the supposed ‘Baconian Cipher Pattern’ in Shakespeare comes to mind). As I perused the channel, though, I found that its host had in fact acknowledged the probability question, though not in a particularly obvious place. Specifically, he had discussed his findings with “a retired professor and code-breaker in the Cold War” who used basic probability calculations and an N-gram generator to investigate a set of related patterns (concerning the words ‘Egypt’ and ‘Amen’, the last words of Genesis and of the whole Bible which appear 77 times in those datasets respectively). Combining all these measures together did produce, one might say, a rather large number. The methodology and results he used can be found here: (The actual discussion is here – not that I feel it adds much)

I am much less familiar with probability theory than said “code-breaker” or yourself, but from what I could gather his idea was that by calculating how likely any one word in the dictionary was to be last (basic calcs) and multiplying that by the N-gram probability of any three or five-word phrase in the given Biblical dataset containing the related word, he could get a rough idea of how likely each word was to appear in a significant place or number of times. Some aspects of the methodology seemed opaque to me (including every single word in the dictionary as a possibility for ‘the last word of Genesis’, for instance) but I thought you might be able to parse the details better than I could, if you like. Again, even if the individual likelihood of any given pattern is high, combining all of those patterns together into the same 4,000 year old translated text may or may not be worth looking into. All the patterns were found using this search engine which may be useful if you ever want to verify any of this for yourself. We all have a lot to think about amidst the current Globodämmerung, so I invite everyone to take their time with this stuff. God Bless and Amen.

Jim says:

The error is in the question. “What are the probabilities for the word ‘Egypt’ being the final word in the Book of Genesis and the word ‘Amen’ being
the final word in the Bible in conjunction with these words being mentioned exactly 77 times in Genesis and the whole
King James Bible (KJV), respectively?”

The answer, of course, is really improbable. But in the randomly generated text, I saw similarly really improbable patterns.

The trouble is that there are an enormous number of possible improbable patterns. So some highly improbable patterns are bound to happen once or twice.

So I had my random grammatically correct text generato spit out stupendous amounts of text, while a second program watched it for patterns that were troubling me. Generate enough text, and the patterns go away.

Me says:

People don’t understand probabilities. At all. It doesn’t help that the human brain is a pattern finding engine capable of finding patterns even where there aren’t any. That’s why so many ruin their lives with gambling.

Every single lottery combination is extremely unlikely, but one of those extremely unlikely combinations always wins. The extremely improbable thing happens every single time. What are the odds of the extremely improbable thing to happen every single time? 100%

To be more specific to your post – you’re ignoring all the very unlikely things that did not happen, because they didn’t happen. What are the odds that the second to last word is the same and repeats exactly 100 times? You’ve never even tried to juxtapose it with that, because it didn’t happen. There are an infinite number of unlikely combinations that didn’t happen, but you’re only paying attention to the ones that did and the odds of that happening, as shown in the last paragraph is 100%

Jim says:

Let us suppose you generate a million bible sized samples. And for each sample you calculate some property of the whole sample. Then for any one sample and any one property, that property is almost never going to be five sigma out of range. But if there is an enormous number of properties you could have calculated, one of the properties is going to be five sigma out of range.

Which is what happened to me and my random grammatically correct passphrase generator. There is a saying “fooled by randomness”. We are a little too good at recognising patterns.

Neurotoxin says:

The book How to Not Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking takes up the topic of this kind of word search through the Bible looking for miraculous patterns. I forget the details, but he disposes of it as intellectually serious. (Annoyance warning: the author is a standard leftist who can’t keep his politics out of his professional writing.)

T says:

I don’t trust Zuck and neither should you, but this is interesting:

They’re just letting it all rip, huh?

T says:

He is, of course, the ultimate Thermidorean, being both a Silicon Valley Tech Bro Billionaire and a Jew friendly to Zionism.

Woke is dead, dead, buried six feet under, consumed by maggots.

Contaminated NEET says:

Woke is still the officially unofficial religion; it is far from dead. Make the mildest of blasphemies against it at any mid-sized or larger American company or government workplace, and see what happens to you. The election was a slap in the face to them, but they still hold unchallenged dominion over the West.

Jim says:

> they still hold unchallenged dominion over the West.


When Facebook bent the knee to Trump and promised to end censorship on immigration and gender, is that unchallenged dominion?

They still hold dominion, but it is definitely being challenged. My memes are getting out there.

Governments are falling. They are not falling to my memes, but they are falling to people sick of woke. You have to bring a knife to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war, and if you don’t like woke, what other faiths are around?

Contaminated NEET says:

The city council of my reasonably-affluent suburb is bragging about the huge new DEI project they’re going to pay some outrageously-priced consulting firm to do with my money. The head of the government agency I work at gave a speech to reassure the troops that we’re still going full steam ahead with DEI and nothing can change that – in fact, we’re upping the target (not a “quota”, mind you) of cripples that we’re going to employ.

The reelection of Cheeto Benito has whipped up some whitecaps on the surface, but the fish in the reef continue life as usual.

Jim says:

> the fish in the reef continue life as usual.

The fish in Facebook’s reef just lost their jobs, and a whole of fish in the entertainment industry, gaming and movies, just lost their jobs or expect to lose them very soon. It turns out that with no one watching the legacy media, they were kept afloat by the exorbitant fees they charged the new media for “fact checking” it. Expect therefore massive job losses in the legacy media.

The French government is about to intervene to artificially keep DEI triple A game creators employed in France, but American woke game creators have lost their jobs, or expect to lose them very soon. If you are a game creator in America, the DEI gravy train just died. Reflect on recent political events in Europe. DEI in Austria is likely to be up next, and DEI in France may well bite it soon. Musk et al is trying to color revolution England, in which case DEI in England is likely to suffer the same disturbance as DEI in the US. With Triple A gaming going down in the US, gaming journalists in the US are about to go down. Disney just went to Trump to pay homage, though we do not know if they accepted the same surrender terms as Facebook.

Jim says:

> The city council of my reasonably-affluent suburb is bragging …

And the date on this brag? Is bragging or was bragging? Facebook just surrendered, Disney was seen in surrender negotiations. If your council has not got the memo yet, it very soon will.

Contaminated NEET says:

Go into work at Facebook, say that one must have XX chromosomes to be a woman, and you will be packing your things and walking out with security within a week. Say the opposite, and your chances of promotion will go up. Zuck ostentatiously eliminated a tiny handful of the many DEI jobs at Meta because he’s a weakling who bends with the breezes, but it’s just a show for the chumbalones at home and the cuckservatives in “power.” The DEI gravy train is still very much on the tracks; a couple items of luggage falling off on a sharp curve doesn’t change that. It’s a bad sign, granted, but not the beginning of the end. It’s not even the end of the beginning.

Jim says:

That was true two days ago. Do you have current information for Facebook?

The pronouns policy is still in place, and historical precedent is that it is likely to remain in place on paper long after it has been forgotten in practice, but the winds of change just blew.

Contaminated NEET says:

>That was true two days ago. Are you currently working at facebook?

Of course, I do not work at Facebook, but I would be floored to learn that this wasn’t still true. It’s certainly still true at my work.

Zuck publicly announced a change in moderation policy. That’s a very different thing from upending the norms and rules of workplace conduct. To do the latter would require a serious purge of the HR, legal, and diversity departments. There’d be an awful lot of kicking, screaming, gnashing of teeth, and legal action if Zuck tried this, and it would make the news.

You’re right, of course, that the commissars embedded at Facebook are probably a little spooked at the moment, and maybe they’ll lie low for a month or two, but they still have their power, and when they rally, which won’t take long, they will remember exactly who stepped out of line during the brief thaw.

Jim says:

> I would be floored to learn that this wasn’t still true. It’s certainly still true at my work.

It certainly was true at your work. But whole lot of people have been floored over the last few days.

Jim says:

> a serious purge of the HR, legal, and diversity departments. There’d be an awful lot of kicking, screaming, gnashing of teeth, and legal action if Zuck tried this, and it would make the news.

Moving politically sensitive operations to Texas is a serious purge, was explained as such, and there has been a curious lack of kicking, screaming, gnashing of teeth, and legal action.

A couple of days ago a Post cartoonist was kicking, screaming, and gnashing her teeth. Promptly lost her job. This may explain the curious lack of kicking, screaming, gnashing of teeth, and legal action. I think she could plausibly complain that she was discriminated against politically, and rather less plausibly complain that this was illegal for some reason, but has not done so. I suspect her lawyers told her they do not want to touch it with a ten foot pole.

Cloudswrest says:

Do you have current information for Facebook?

Some allegedly current information on FaceBook

Jim says:

The usual suspects are raging in disbelief. Pay no attention, I saw an interesting video on one woke commissar who was laid off from a games company some time ago, and people are laughing at her because she has learned nothing. The winds of change are blowing, and blowing our enemies down, and even those who lost their jobs a little while ago are still in complete disbelief.

Facebook “fact checking” has artificially supported forty thousand legacy media employees. What is astonishing is how little screaming we are hearing. Until now I did not realise that “fact checking” was a way of keeping the legacy media funded and powerful.

Indeed, purges are happening all over the place, and what is astonishing is how quiet the vast majority of the purged are.

Jim says:

> Make the mildest of blasphemies against it at any mid-sized or larger American company or government workplace, and see what happens to you.

Neurotoxin reports blasphemy on a radio station being played at his skating rink.

A vacuum is coming. As in Xi’s China and as in the Roman empire before Constantine, there will be efforts to fill it with something not too drastically different. These efforts have failed.

Jim says:

Everyone now notices we are in the Roman Republic shortly before Caesar was assassinated. We are going to be simultaneously in the Roman Empire shortly before Constantine, which is where Xi is now.

Fidelis says:

Roman Republic shortly before Caesar was assassinated

Considering how much less manly and violent we are than the Romans, and how much more power really is in the hands of the middle class — uncoordinated so unmanifest but real power — the total destruction of faith in the voting system c. 2020 seemed like the death of Caesar. Everyone is still in shock, Trump 2.0 is happening but doesn’t seem *real*, no one trusts the plan or that normal politics is enough. Trump 2.0 is closer to Octavian era, a lot of purging left to do, a lot of power to consolidate, and a clear direction to purge in, but unclear what the next system should really be when it’s over.

Jim says:

Zuckerberg kneels before Trump and issues a purge of his content moderation team.

Losing your content moderation job does not sound much like unchallenged dominion.

Alf says:

Zuckerberg bending the knee, Trudeau resigning, far right victory in Austria, not to mention all the little things… Sure looks like a couple of important greengrocer signs changing sides. Of course far from total victory, but let us not pretend nothing ever happens.

ayyylmao says:

The Donald is more president now than he was at any point from 2017 to 2021. Someone will have to explain this.

Jim says:

Obviously Trump now has a deal with Thermidor, and Thermidor did not exist during the previous Trump presidency. But Thermidor wants war with Russia, and Trump wants peace, so this deal is about to become a little tense. Thermidor wants rockets, and has been protecting Musk from Biden, and protecting Musk from the radicals in the US government ever since he started building rockets. It also wants tanks and battleships that actually work, so wants a US Steel industry and US shipbuilding industry, so has decided it urgently needs Trump and Musk. Musk for rockets, Trump for battleships, tanks, and shells. Trump wants American industry, and wants battleships, tanks, and shells, but he does not want them expended. He wants them to sit tight so that he can threaten to expend them, but not actually need to expend them. Thermidor is rather more keen on actually expending them than Trump is.

T says:

If that is actually true, Yarvin is done.

T says:

“[W]e are going to simplify our content policies and get rid of a bunch of restrictions on topics like immigration and gender that are just out of touch with mainstream discourse.”

Well, I couldn’t care less about Facebook, but the boomers still using it are in for some fun.

Varna says:

Europe is going to get a jolt
Most countries there, big and small, have 60% to 70% of the whole population as users, predominantly women.

Likely the first serious voices of ass-plug clutching outraged personalities will bleat out that it is time for Europe to create its own responsibly curated social euro-media.

It would likely be impossible for them to replicate China’s self-sufficient, frighteningly dynamic online ecosphere, but they might be able to wrangle up some variation of Russia’s Vkontakte, or at least the previous generation Odnoklasniki and Rutube, and maybe some local version of a Yandex with proper values. Especially if they, hehe, force Durov to make them.

And start forcing kids and state-servants to use those.

T says:

Europe literally banning Facebook (how else are they going to force those 60%-70% of the population, predominantly women, to switch to some European Vkontakte?) over Zuck bending the knee “practicing his own libertarian philosophy” will be very revealing, and might help dispel some normality bias within Thermidor.

Don’t think they will actually go for it, but who knows.

A2 says:

There have been FB-competitors in Europe, feeble ones.

At this time, I’d say the problem is the unrestrained EU regulation raj, who are basically just flexing their powers but in a very stupid way that offers few advantages to anyone, really. The good deregulations were done 30 years ago and have mostly been walked back by now, except the ones that hurt us like migrant mania and Schengen and green energy trading.

I think it would at this point be a better idea to just break up the EU into its parts again and move on.

Neurotoxin says:

Here’s another sign of change, small yet huge: I was skating in a public rink earlier today and Dire Straits’s Money for Nothing came on over the sound system (tuned to local radio). If you’re too young to remember this song’s original run, it’s a guy who drives a delivery truck envying the lifestyle of rock and rollers. The original version of the song contains this verse:

That little faggot with the earring and the make-up.
Yeah, buddy, that his own hair.
That little faggot got his own jet airplane.
That little faggot, he’s a millionaire.

This verse has been censored out of radio play for literally decades. I haven’t heard it any time this century.

The version I heard today included it.

Furthermore I was in a public place with dozens of other people, and as far as I could tell, no one batted an eye.

Cloudswrest says:

“He’s banging on the bongos like a chimpanzee …”

neurotoxin says:

That ain’t workin’!

Fidelis says:

Besides the murder attempts, which have been rather weak and getting weaker, seems like the left has given up on resisting. What gives? They must know they’re going to get purged if things continue, but are hardly struggling. Perhaps the DEI middle men are simply disunited and incompetent, and the “elite” was rather more cohesive about exactly what level of diversity they wanted, and just afraid to say anything when the movement left was at full steam.

I anticipated way more kicking and screaming, but it looks like Trump 2.0 is firmly in control before the man has even been inaugurated, if all the vassal state leadership colorswitching can be an indication. Disappointing. I was hoping for a real fight Internal, looks like we only get a fight External.

Jim says:

Havel’s Greengrocer (for example Zuckerberg) is now chanting the new slogans. Freedom of speech says Zuckerberg, America the land of freedom says Zuckerberg. We have a preference cascade, and the left is discombobulated and disoriented.

Musk says push on Europe, and in perfect synchrony Zuckerberg says push on Europe. Suddenly the left discovers what it feels like when a bunch of supposedly independent actors all implement the same policy against the same target at the same time.

But the new Sheriff has come to town with men far from in agreement as to what is to be done, as we saw recently with Musk on H1B, and are about to see on the Ukraine.

Right now the left is completely disunited, and the right perfectly united. When that perfect unity based on strategic ambiguity goes away, interesting times are likely to ensue.

Musk is wrong on Indian engineers because he does not understand, being basically a leftist, the vital importance of a culture of truth. Recruit enginneers from India, everyone is going to lie to you. And you find a whole lot your supposedly smart and qualified new hires are likely to drop out of engineering. Or worse, stay in engineering because their engineer cousin got them the job, and foul everything up.

Bix Nudelmann says:

India does have a functioning space program now. They’ve landed something on the moon, Chandrayan 3. So there’s something special and new happening over there. Without someone standing up for the truth, defending others who do, and purging those who don’t, that moon landing could never have worked.

This isn’t a counter-argument. This is an observation of something new, interesting and somehow important.

Jim says:

Yes, something is working right in India. But it is not working right in the H1B program.

someDude says:

The lack of truth is problematic. While this lack is a lot more than we are comfortable with, it is not everywhere. There are few good people here and there, ISRO being an example. Our hard problem is, how to get this smart, ethical faction in charge of the country. Our elites are treasonous and sadistic and I doubt unseating them can happen without a bit of Violence

Indians have spent too much time under foreign domination and one strategy (the easy way) for them to continue to worship their old Gods was by flattering their monotheistic conquerors, the famous servility and obsequiousness commented on by observers. This is the real demon worship practiced by the Indians of old that has become a millstone around our necks. Our survival has come at a very heavy price …..

T says:

Indians have spent too much time under foreign domination and one strategy (the easy way) for them to continue to worship their old Gods was by flattering their monotheistic conquerors, the famous servility and obsequiousness commented on by observers. This is the real demon worship practiced by the Indians of old that has become a millstone around our necks. Our survival has come at a very heavy price …..

India used to be a great civilization in the past; how come those goras foreigners dominate the noble Indian race?

someDude says:

Good point! I won’t attempt a defense. It is up to us Hindus to change our country before mounting any sort of verbal defense

T says:

Absolutely my non-servile and non-obsequious friend. Good luck!

Bix Nudelmann says:

“The lack of truth is problematic.”

Please elaborate, in your words, on what this “lack of truth” actually IS.

And also, there must be a very interesting story in just how ISRO managed to push this “lack of truth” out of itself, in order to pull off what they’re doing. If you know any more of this story, the who’s and what’s and how’s and when’s, I’m sure you’ll find many fascinated and appreciative readers here.

Jim says:

You are asking him to say that Indians are apt to lie, cheat and steal a lot, which makes large scale cooperation difficult, ineffectual, and unproductive. Better for him to tell us how some Indians successfully addressed that problem.

As to the problem, he complains that India has suffered a lot of foreign domination for many centuries, and lies and treachery are the weapon of the weak, which is true. Byzantine generals became a metonym for treachery and betrayal, because Franks were oppressing Byzantines, and the Roman Catholic Church oppressing the Greek Orthodox Church.

someDude says:

I am not privy to how ISRO managed this. The father of the space program was a very smart guy called Sarabhai, who attracted other smart guys like Dhawan, Nambi Narayanan (who was lawfared at the behest of a foreign power) and so on and so forth. Somehow, they had the power to keep the bureaucracy off their backs. I can only speculate that this was somewhat like Werner Von Braun and NASA in the early days. But the default is orgs like DRDO/DRDL/HAL/NAL that pretty much deliver nothing.

Jim says:

> Nambi Narayanan (who was lawfared at the behest of a foreign power)

He is probably the key. Why did they want to lawfare him?

Our officially unofficial state religion is fully demonic, and hates truth and reality. You cannot do science and engineering (particularly as a collective enterprise) except you have immense respect for truth and reality. So what was it about him that got their backs up?

Bix Nudelmann says:

“The lack of truth is problematic.”

Forgive me for stumbling around what I’m really trying to ask. To these low-trust people, is there really a concept of “lying”? Do they have a sense that there is a “truth” that they’re violating for speaking in a way that contradicts it?

Or rather, is everything just a made-up hustle-and-flow finger-painting video game, where we’re making up reality — including the reality of the present and past — as we spit words around it?

Is it a lack of guilt or shame around “lying” against The Truth… or just not even “getting” that there is such a thing as The Truth in the first place?

Because that’s a hell of a lot scarier. That’s shoot-now-ask-questions-later scary.

T says:

The vast majority of the 85 IQ brown world is 100% motivated reasoning, they are not faking it when they claim to believe that they wuz kangz n’ sheeeit. They are basically Hotep-tier thinkers. Whether or not they possess an abstract concept of “truth” makes very little difference, since they are not self-aware enough to reflect on any truth beyond “how is it useful to me?”

The Cominator says:

Most nigs do not actually believe in we wuz kangz or Yakub or any of that shit. I have heard the kind of nigs who do believe in this are called Hoteps (as you said) and I heard the term because a black guy in a facebook group was actually shitting on the Hoteps. The most absurd belief widely held by a group of browns that I know of is it seems like a lot of jeets unironically believe in “we wuz robbed of 45 trillion dollars worth” and they use this as a thin justification for their ethnic mafia behavior (I mean even though Americans had nothing to do with the John Company or the Raj).

dharmicreality says:

Success in space is the Modi Effect along with ISRO being an institution that quietly disregarded the Indian version of DEI for a long time. From observation, ISRO seems to have been an unprincipled exception to social justice which affected all our other public services. The reason for this I think is that India was desperate for national pride and self-sufficiency during the Cold War when the West had treated us with extreme distrust and prejudice and propping up our neighbouring enemies.

Modi has been desperately trying to restore faith and a high-trust society, but he is heavily weighed down by the existing system including the socialist baggage of the past and being blue-pilled on important questions. The white pill is that if Modi can restore a semblance of pride among Hindus even with such limitations, there is hope for the future. Ultimately in the Dharmic lands we need to restore Ram Rajya, a patriarchal society run on Manu’s laws and the brightest of our Engineers working within Bharat, not running off to foriegn lands.

T says:

it looks like Trump 2.0 is firmly in control

Moldbug would say that, since the entire civil service is made of the current regime’s loyalists, who are (in our parlance, not his) demon worshippers, it ain’t happening that way.

To which I would add: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

T says:


It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them.


Rod says:

My words are being misinterpreted twisted edited deleted and censored.
Not going to have a convo under those conditions.

Exactly like Jack Dorsey is,
Zuckerberg, as Chairman and CEO, is 100% fully and personally responsible for all the political, illegal, personal, and fraudulent manipulation of search, rank, news, monetization, censorship, mining of humans, and so on at Facebook. NOTHING either of them do or say will ever be trusted without a public, full, personal, and complete admission, atonement, divestiture from everything they have done.
Neither of them have done that.

Jim says:

One hundred percent of “fact checking” was outsourced to the Legacy Media. Thus “fact checking” was imposed on him, and his guilt was that he went along with evil. Legacy Media had the power. Facebook did not have the power, Zuckerberg did not have the power. Facebook did no “fact checking”, which shows where the power was. Whatever he does now, suddenly the legacy media has been fired.

No one is watching the legacy media, but they still had power, promoting their narratives, and silencing all competing narratives. Now, they suddenly do not.

Now power has changed, he goes along with new power. Freedom and truth and all that. If power changes again, obvious what he is going to do.

Does he prefer the old regime or the new regime? He looks happier, so probably the new regime, but it does not matter what he prefers, he is Havel’s Greengrocer.

And unless you are willing to respond to the arguments made on Russia, I am going to silence you for persistent unresponsiveness: Your words have been twisted? Give me some words explaining why what Russia did is border crossing violence and what America did is not?

Jim says:

> never hired those thousand of “fact checkers” and censors and algo manipulators into his offices, that he and his c-suite never had control of what those checkers

I apologise for silencing your post in course of replying to it, which is obviously unfair to you and confusing to the reader. This was an accident, I was dithering between silencing and responding, and in the course of responding, forgot which button I had already clicked on.

We now know that the payment for “fact checking” went primarily or entirely not to individual fact checkers, but to the legacy media — to Zuckerberg’s competition. It was both a censorship mechanism, and a method for funding the legacy media in the face of massive loss of viewers to the new media. Since Zuckerberg was not paying the fact checkers directly and individually, had no control over them.

Not having control, and funding the competition, were probably not things that Zuckerberg wanted.

We know this, not because Zukerberg said it, in fact he implied the opposite, not because there were any leaks from the Trump cabinet meeting that issued Zuckerberg his new marching orders, for it did not leak anything except for the remarkably uninformative statement that certain topics “were discussed”, but because the legacy media started complaining that the end of “fact checking” would lead to major layoffs.

Since Zuckerberg was given his new orders, there has been a fair bit of discussion by the former recipients of the money, which is the first time the public has learned anything about payments for “fact checking”.

I think Zuckerberg is happy about his new orders, but he is, as you say, a sleazy Jew, so likely what makes him happy is not having to fund his competition, rather than freedom of speech, which he probably does not much like.

Alf says:

Any Luke Smith fans here? There’s a recent interview of him with Orthodox Kyle. I thought it was very interesting so I’ll effortpoast a bit…

For those who don’t know him, Luke is about as based as a namefag can get. He has a youtube channel on which he posted a lot of linux and open source content – highly recommended if you want to get into that, what was I doing with my life before vim and tiling window managers. But he also sprinkled that content with philosophical/theological content, hating on modernity, how to trust the logos, that kind of stuff. And now he’s converted to orthodoxy.

Luke says orthodoxy in America is growing. The way they talk about their faith, which I cannot help but envy, sounds a lot more healthy than any version of Protestantism I am familiar with. Luke openly calls mainstream America demonic, he talks about piety, about what is important in life, etc etc. All stuff we can totally get behind, and indeed, we do get behind. It would be very interesting to see what an orthodox America would look like.

But they also discuss the differences between Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Part of which I totally agree with — that most protestant churches are, in fact, not Christian at all. Another part is more timeless differences between Orthodoxy and Protestantism. He accuses Protestants of ‘not having a full deck of cards’, and a great deal of his criticism stems from what he perceives as their arrogance; that a Protestant thinks he can divine the will of God from the bible alone.

To be clear, even though I am about to defend Protestantism against that argument, I don’t completely disagree with him. Orthodoxy is based, and in its current form most definitely much much healthier than Protestant churches. There is a real danger of prideful individuality in Protestantism. But…

The obvious retort is: how many inventors of the 18th and 19th, even the 20th century, were Protestant Christians from Protestant countries? How many were Orthodox from Orthodox countries? Modern science is overwhelmingly a Protestant invention. Science is great, computers are great, technological innovation is great. In Nullius Verba leads to that kind of thing, and it’s just not a slogan that Luke Smith’s orthodoxy would ever fly on a flag. Yes, Protestantism can devolve into prideful schisms and into the demonic travesties we see today, but it also conquered the world. It is a spectrum, and while Orthodox might focus on the side of the spectrum that leads to 12 pastors, 13 opionions, Protestants might focus on the side that leads to colonising Mars.

Orthodoxy, one might say, also has such a spectrum based on its focus on mysticism. Yes, its focus on traditions and apostolic succession are much more effective in preventing it from going rogue. But it has also stifled innovation, and in its extreme justified losing everything in this world as long as one remains pure in the next.

The whole debate around virgin Mary fits perfectly into this: Protestants say, Mary was no eternal virgin, for she would have been a bad wife to Joseph. Orthodox say, Mary’s pureness is more important than her marital duties.

This difference also shows its face in the very end, when Luke is asked to give advice to young men. Very funny, he prefaces it by humbly stating to take all his advice with a grain of salt, and then says: stop focusing on women! I mean, I get where he is coming from, but as a commenter on a blog that treats the Woman Question as the biggest thing since sliced bread, it’s just funny to me.

Once again, these are spectrums, and the point here is much more to learn from each other than to say ‘your side is wrong!’ And that we can learn from one another is obvious, because Luke talking about a church that lifts him up inspires me, and patriarch Kirill talking about how evolution can fit into God’s plan is inspired from us.

Jim says:

There are two big problems with Orthodoxy:

1. Celibacy, and accepting the doctrines of the fraudulent Protoevangelium of James. When the Protoevangelium was fabricated, it was denounced very thoroughly as a pervert fabrication, and that was banged into doctrine so thoroughly and so early that no Church can put it into the Canon, but what they do instead is sneak all its doctrines into the canon, starting with small ambiguities in doctrine that were gradually expanded into big heresies. The protestants ditched all that Lavender Mafia stuff.

2 Interpreting away the doctrine of the Logos, that the natural world is the will of God manifest, a God who cannot change and cannot lie, which is why Orthodox has been piss poor in in science and second rate in technology, while some brands of Protestantism have been hugely successful.

On the other hand, kind of obvious that all major protestant denominations are now a bunch of post Christian pervert heretics, and Russian Orthodoxy is not.

Going back to the bible enabled the protestants to shrug off a pile of bad stuff the Church had accreted. But it also gave them a dangerous amount of flexibility to accommodate post modernity. But is that the reason the they became post Christian pervert heretics? The Roman Catholic clergy did not go sola scriptura, and they are twice as much a bunch of post Christian heretics than any protestant clergy.

Alf says:

Going back to the bible enabled the protestants to shrug off a pile of bad stuff the Church had accreted. But it also gave them a dangerous amount of flexibility to accommodate post modernity. But is that the reason the they became post Christian pervert heretics?

It’s an interesting question, and not one I’m sure the dark enlightenment has fully satisfactorily answered.

The traditional answer is somewhat as follows: there were, like there always are, a bunch of entryists trying to pervert the meaning of the church for their own short-term gain. Usually, the nobility or king or his warriors put a stop to that, because it hurts their business. But halfway the 17th, 18th century, because prosperity, the third estate really came into their power, and it was in the interest of businessman in the cities to undermine the power of the nobility/clergy in the countryside trying to control them. So much like Thermidor rides the waves of the alt-right today, so did the third estate ride the waves of the first post-Christians back in the day. But back in the day, fueled by prosperity, while now, fueled by fear to lose prosperity.

In what sense these mechanisms differed between Protestants and Catholics, if they even differed, and if above explanation covers all the important bases, I don’t know.

Karl says:

A simple answer to the question why most protestants became post Christian pervert heretics is that protestants have always been a large number of rather small denominations. A small group falls more easily to state power demanding conversion to the state religion than a large group. Thus the various protestant faiths became woke first, the Catholics slightly later and Orthodoxy to the extent that it is protected by Russian nukes not at all.

I’m not quite convinced by my reasoning above, but the question of what faith people have cannot be separated from the question of power that enforces a state religion. Christianity is illegal in the GAE. Hence, only post Christian pervert heretics are in the open. Christians by and large are hiding their convictions and their views. In such a situation, you cannot conclude that because you see only post Christian pervert heretics there are no Christians around anymore.

Jim says:

I find this analysis very convincing. Small denominations are in a weaker position, so apt to surrender to power, at least outwardly, first.

So the Roman Catholics held out longer than the protestants, but now the Vatican is composed of Lavender Mafia demon worshippers, and the few remaining Christian Roman Catholic clerics are starting to look increasingly like yet another small protestant style sect. Their resistance is real, but at the same time they make alarming compromises with power.

I could not find a cleric to hold an actually Christian marriage ceremony except he was a protestant with a house church, a micro protestant denomination. I never bothered to learn what his official denomination was, and I don’t think he was quite sure either.

ayyylmao says:

I appreciate this new perspective.

Neurotoxin says:

Maybe we need both. Maybe we need something like Orthodoxy as an anchor, and something like Protestantism in order to have progress.

(Obviously, by “progress” I mean “progress” and not “leftism.”)

In this vein, my favorite refrigerator magnet of all time, seen at a friend’s house when I was a kid:

Parents’ role is to provide their children with two seemingly contradictory things: Roots and wings.

(The only time in my life that I got goosebumps from a refrigerator magnet, LOL.)

What’s that you say? “Fuck fridge magnets, Neuro; I want something a la evolutionary theory!” No problem.

I once read a biologist (might have been Robert Sapolsky) discussing different personalities in the members of a troop of monkeys. Some were low-fear and attracted to novelty, some were fearful and retreated from novelty, and some were in the middle. As an example, he mentions a zookeeper going up to a monkey cage, taking his keychain out of his pocket, and loudly jangling the keys around in front of the monkeys. About a third of them ran away, about a third of them eagerly approached to see this interesting new thing, and about a third of them didn’t react much.

This was explained as being an evolutionary equilibrium because the extreme personality types have costs and benefits so both persist in the population. The benefit of the low-fear/novelty-seeking type is that it discovers beneficial new things – new food sources, new territories, new mating opportunities, whatever. But it also is risky. E.g. the new food you try might poison you, or that fun new animal you start playing with might be a rattlesnake. The benefit of the novelty-avoidant type is that you avoid these risks, but the cost is that you also don’t discover beneficial new foods, etc.

Since both personality types have benefits, both persist in the population. The middle group persists either because moderation is also a functional strategy or because the other two personalities interbreed. Whatever.

T says:


One reason I’m on Team Cominator is that I believe the leftist, certainly the Gnostic death-cult bifurcated-brain demoniac sort of leftist, is its own distinct phenotype, formed under certain selective pressures, and that it’s about time that this phenotype, or at least its extreme manifestation, is thoroughly removed from the collective gene pool.

The Cominator says:

I think there is a genetic component but its not purely genetic as some leftists do go out of it but what is clear to me is that merely firing leftists doesn’t get rid of them as one thing leftists do very very well is to infiltrate institutions. So you need to examine everyone in the population for leftist ideas ala German denazification but you then need to execute anyone who has prog ideas.

As I’ve said in the past you do not need to kill the new agey hippie nature loving type leftists (and in fact I’m very fond of women of this type they tend to be genuinely very sweet natured girls who keep a good appearance though unfortunately somewhat prone to getting into hard drugs, and when things started getting crazy around 2015 no girl of this type ever turned on me because I was a Trump supporter, although one couldn’t understand why because Trump seemed mean and cried once but we remained on good terms) they are not evil people they generally are not interested in having power over other people and at least since Covid they hate the fucking progs almost as much as we do. RFK Jr is kind of this type.

T says:

Yeah, hippie girls from the friendzone whom you invite (or they invite you) to do shrooms in the wild get to stay.

Neurotoxin says:

“The antifa tank brigade is an extreme example of evil and grotesque looking young leftists.”

Here’s a collection of their mug shots. They’re all disgusting!

Jim says:

Those are merely mug shots. Evil enough, but it is really conspicuous when you see them moving and speaking.

T says:

Yes, that is the phenotype. It could be an extreme manifestation of traits that, perhaps in a different and more moderate form, would produce something much healthier. As it is, this phenotype urgently needs removing.

In 5 year old terms (or stoner terms), humanity is like a cake or a pizza, and this slice needs to be cut. The cluster of genes responsible for this needs to be filtered out. These “people” should be Cominated.

Neurotoxin says:


Reminds me of a chat I had with a guy in a restaurant or maybe it was a highway rest stop, a couple of years ago. We got to talking about politics and he said something like this:

“Leftists, because they are obsessed with power to the exclusion of all else, cannot be deterred. At least, many of them cannot be. They can only be defeated, and that means that a significant chunk of them must be killed. Maybe after that happens, the rest of them will, in fact, be deterred, but make no mistake: any surrender they issue will be false, and will only last until they think it is safe to start advancing again. That’s why the only effective option is to kill a significant percent of them.”

Neurotoxin says:

I believe the leftist, certainly the Gnostic death-cult bifurcated-brain demoniac sort of leftist, is its own distinct phenotype.

Yes, observation of the hard left supports this. They’re obviously not normal people who just have some bad ideas in their heads. They’re fucking born evil.

Jim says:

They physically look and sound like evil people — at least once they do once they reach their thirties (one’s face starts to reflect one’s character with time). Sometimes they look normal in their twenties, but much of the time they look quite abnormal even their teens, particularly if you see them moving and speaking. The antifa tank brigade is an extreme example of evil and grotesque looking young leftists.)

Fidelis says:

This holds true for the French Revolution and the Bolsheviks but not the American Revolution or the earlier Roundheads. Going through the images of prominent roundheads, not always pretty people but nowhere close to the obvious deformity of Robespierre. Similarly with American founders, not always very pretty but no one seems clearly deformed. How come the French and Russian enlightened types were so much more clearly deformed than their English speaking cousins?

Jim says:

Evil leaves its mark. You can tell a book by its cover.

Fidelis says:

Didn’t the roundheads execute Charles and then proceed with banning everything fun they could think of and attempt making life into priesting? That seems about as evil as what the French got up to, and had they been given more years to play leftist holy spiral games, would certainly start liquidating the peasants for insufficient holiness. Yet the people involved were not clear freaks. Look at pictures of bolsheviks, obvious freaks, yet the roundheads I can find images of, just look like average Engliahmen of the time. Again, not particularly pretty, but not clearly deformed and wicked looking.

I’m really just wondering why the English did not look so deformed, seems a rule that far leftists are freaky and deformed looking. Even crosses races, the gang of 4 looked nasty.

Jim says:

The French revolutionaries implemented the terror and the maximum, which is a lot more evil than anything the roundheads got up to.

T says:

Btw, Scott Alexander made an interesting (in a “food for thought” kind of way) post about Priesthoods:

Possibly he is a lurker here.

T says:

His conclusion (“spoiler” alert lol) inclines one to infer that even a lefty Jewish psychiatrist like him is beginning to grasp the nature of the beast:

The lies of priests are so limited and subtle, compared to the lies of non-priests, that it might seem like following priests is still an obviously superior option. I think this is true in every way but one: because the priesthoods move as one and fall victim to ideological fads, the lies of priests are correlated. If you follow every priestly pronouncement, eventually you will end up manipulated into going to some specific place you really didn’t want to be. Meanwhile, if you follow the lies of non-priests, you’ll probably end up trying to cure your liver disease with ground-up hippopotamus eyes, but whatever disasters this causes will push in random directions and cause random chaos, rather than slowly turning your society into a totalitarian hellhole. Even though on every specific point you’ll probably do better trusting the priests, you may find that a blanket policy of always trusting the priests is not in your interests. And unless you’re a priest yourself, you probably can’t distinguish good priestly pronouncements from bad ones.

So for me, the big questions are:

How broken are priesthoods?

If the answer is “significantly”, should we be trying to fix them, or to replicate their function in a different structure?

How would we even begin to do either of those things?

In the very likely case where we fail to do either of those things, what is our least-bad course of action? When should we continue to trust priesthoods, on the grounds that at least they require their mistruths to be subtle (which limits the amount of damage they can do and ensures some correlation with truth)? And when should we trust non-priest public intellectuals / bloggers / influencers / etc, on the grounds that at least they have a million uncorrelated failure modes instead of one big one?

Obviously he is no fan of the Cult of Gnon, but that doesn’t matter – there is always a faith, and the death of woke presents an opportunity for NRx (hopefully Jim’s brand, but I see Trad-Caths doing powerful propaganda on Twitter. This needs addressing.) to convert the intelligentsia. One might consider it far fetched, but then in the last few weeks Reality Broke completely and everything’s now possible.

Neurotoxin says:

I haven’t read Scott Alexander’s piece yet (about to), but you quote him as saying

When should we continue to trust priesthoods, on the grounds that at least they require their mistruths to be subtle (which limits the amount of damage they can do and ensures some correlation with truth)?

Can you believe these people? He’s talking about a priesthood that says, “If a man identifies as a woman, he thereby becomes a woman.” Alexander’s take on this is “priesthoods… require their mistruths to be subtle.” What a piece of human trash.

T says:

Scott commits the same error as Moldbug (only with even less insight than the latter) – thinking that the priestly failure mode consists of and is driven entirely by ‘rational’ interests and predispositions rather than — particularly upon approaching the left singularity of infinite leftism in finite time — sheer demonic evil. Due to their personal prejudices and biases, they find it immensely difficult to conceive of the Blue Tribe in America (and its sundry global imitators) as a spiritual kakistocracy that gets off on inverting the truth because, having gradually selected for increasing stupidity-insanity-evil, it hates reality and envies God for being God. They can’t quite comprehend that the fundamental telos of evil, of sinful human nature, is all the more fulfilled the farther the regnant priesthood, itself increasingly consumed by sin, drifts away from reality. From Satan’s perspective, the inversion of reality is obviously a feature, not a bug – the liar wants you to become a liar, too. They really don’t get it, because getting it means recognizing the spiritual kakistocracy, with whom they are personally affiliated, for what it really is.

Jim says:

> the last few weeks Reality Broke completely and everything’s now possible.

Babylon Bee predicts a solution to the Woman Question. Not always a reliable prophet of the future, but it has a remarkably good record.

The Babylon Bee prediction is my solution, though for comedic purposes, rather more extreme.

Babylon Bee solution 1: All fertile age women have to find a man willing and able to get them pregnant, or they will be assigned one. (Jimian solution. All women have to remain chaste, where chastity consists of always being sexually available to your man and never to anyone else, and not being sexually available to anyone if you do not have a man. And “sexual availability” consists of being behind a closed door in private for longer than thirty seconds with a nonkin male. If a single women is unchaste, she shall be assigned a husband. If a man corrupts a previously chaste woman, pops a virgin, he will be assigned her as a wife unless he already has a wife. If he pops a virgin, and for whatever reason it does not end in marriage, he will suffer unpleasant consequences. If behind closed doors with a nonkin virgin between the ages of nine to thirty three for longer than thirty seconds, it will be assumed he popped her unless medically proven otherwise. Marriage shall ensue, which he might find inconvenient if she is nine. If behind closed doors for longer than thirty seconds with someone else’s wife or betrothed, killing him shall be legal, or a minor offence comparable to carelessly running over a pet dog.)

Babylon Bee solution 2: All childless women shall be assigned childcare jobs. (Jimian solution. All female sphere jobs shall be done by females, all male sphere jobs shall be done by males, and the overlap between these spheres is not that large, the major overlap in high status jobs being artistic jobs, veterinary services, and some doctor specialities. Book keeping and executive authority is OK for women who are exercising authority under their husbands. Data entry is female, and some data entry jobs are quite high level, but most are not. Childcare shall be made high status. It shall also be made expensive, so that it is economically preferable to keep your wife at home until the kids are old enough for apprenticeship.)

Babylon Bee solution 3: Men unwilling or unable to father children shall be called gay. (Jimian solution: Men unwilling or unable to father children shall be called something disparaging, but not gay, because officially gays will not exist. Men who pop virgins but are unwilling or unable to father children will suffer something worse.)

Jim says:

> (T quoting Scott) “The lies of priests are so limited and subtle, compared to the lies of non-priests,”

Insane. True enough twenty or thirty years ago, but consider official lies limited and subtle today is itself a lie.

Which is why I no longer bother reading Scott. He was interesting when he was twisting himself into pretzel knots trying to concoct a leftist ideology whose lies were limited and subtle. That he has given up on this endeavour in favor of simple barefaced lies indicates he knows he lies.

Jim says:

Well, I decided, contrary to what I said above, to give him another go:

And got this:

> I still have basic trust that something in the New York Times’ non-opinion pages is 99% likely to be factually true

Scott, you need to try reading a New York Times non opinion page article about something not particularly political where you personally have independent knowledge that does not ultimately come from official sources. Like there has been a wildfire or a hurricane, and you know someone who was there, and have been chatting with them about their travails. Or there is an emergency somewhere, and you know one of the first responders.

And then you need to generalise that all information in the New York Times, and all information from official sources, including all your vaunted medical expertise is similar. Notice the striking and rapidly increasing differences between the Russian list of approved and recommended medications and treatments, and your list, and wonder why.

It is completely obvious to me that you don’t actually believe any of this garbage. You may well genuinely believe that you believe it, but you do not actually believe it. What you actually believe is that it is dangerous to doubt it.

If they are reporting on some announcement, as for example reporting Zuckerberg ending “fact checking”, then if they don’t like what the spokesman is saying then everything in the news article will be a lie intended to defame him and repudiate what he is saying, in that they will selectively omit certain words that provide key context, and artificially put the words that they do report in their own false context to give the words a fundamentally different meaning.

For example in the New York Times report on what Zuckerberg and his spokesman said, they omitted the words that implicitly admitted that the “facts” were official lies, so that the words that they selectively reported, instead of carrying the meaning “Trump says that America should be a beacon of freedom in the world, so we will no longer force our users to go along with official lies”, carried the meaning “our users want to tell lies and Trump wants them to be able to tell lies, so we are going to let them”, radically reversing the meaning of what Zuckerberg and his spokesman said.

They may well think that what they reported is what Zuckerberg really meant, even though it is the opposite of what he actually said, but if they think that, should say so on the editorial page, not the news page. Or label it as satire, as the Babylon Bee does.

The New York Times is the left wing Babylon Bee, only not funny, and without the disclaimer.

If reporting on actual concrete events, a battle or a storm, where people have to look at physical events and figure out what is happening, you will find that the New York Times don’t really bother too much with the looking at stuff and figuring out what is happening part. That stuff is for commoners, and being priests they don’t have to bother. They can just make up $#!% thanks to their priestly expertise.

If they report that so and so said such and such, it is misleading, deceptive, and manipulative due to selective omission. If they report on something that physically happened, such as a battle, they are usually just wrong.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Obviously he is no fan of the Cult of Gnon

Scott-kun invented “Elua” to be the anti-Gnon, who is, of course, none other than Satan Himself wearing a smiley face mask.

He’s evil, insane, and insidious, and for some reason, half the dissident Right craves his stamp of approval. The man is a gleeful cuckold, both spiritually and literally, and utterly unworthy of any admiration.

T says:

Scott’s heresy has a Gnostic and Satanic spin to it, but some useful concepts have been successfully rescued therefrom; he has been memetically “appropriated.” He is like Balaam – he seeks to curse, but he ends up blessing. Elua failed.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Scott’s heresy has a Gnostic and Satanic spin to it, but some useful concepts have been successfully rescued therefrom

OK, what useful concepts have we ever pulled out of the cuddle pile? Hmm…

Steelmanning? It makes me puke: “Shut up while I make your argument for you. Or, well, actually I’ll make the argument that you would make if you were as smart as me. I’m not going to respond to what you say, but rather to the words I put in your mouth for you. Oh look at that, you’re wrong, I’m right, and I win!” How very rational. They’ve really overcome bias.

Motte-and-bailey fallacy? OK, this one is actually pretty good. But Scott didn’t come up with it. Apparently some guy called Nicholas Shackel coined the term in 2005, although I guess Scott did popularize it and bring it into our lexicon. We can count this as a win for Scott.

The non-monogamous communal lifestyle? I just can’t get past this. Let’s give all our money to Shlomo, live like monks in a communal house, and watch him fuck our girlfriends! Yay! Jealousy is a stupid irrational relic the savage past, and we’ve evolved beyond it. It’s just so pathetic, disgusting, stupid, and evil, and they’re so smug and superior about it.

Roko’s Basilisk? It’s just a silly thought-experiment that a heretic came up with to puncture the Supreme Leader’s pretensions of philosophical/intellectual achievement (“Timeless Decision Theory” – a solution to a problem that does not and never will exist). It’s more a joke than a serious warning about the future, but of course, Big Yud took it deadly seriously and condemned it to the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, like any good rationalist would do. It’s a fun idea to talk to about, but it’s not very important or meaningful, and it’s a heresy to their idiotic community.

Is there anything else that I’m missing?

Jim says:

> Steelmanning? It makes me puke: “Shut up while I make your argument for you. Or, well, actually I’ll make the argument that you would make if you were as smart as me. I’m not going to respond to what you say, but rather to the words I put in your mouth for you. Oh look at that, you’re wrong, I’m right, and I win!” How very rational. They’ve really overcome bias.


“Instead of addressing the argument you actually made, I am going to strengthen and improve your argument by presupposing that you agree with everything that is officially true, (which in your original argument you were too stupid and ignorant to be aware of) and also presuppose that you agree that you are stupid, ignorant, evil, malicious, and solely motivated by desire to hurt people (after all, that I and everyone I know is evil, malicious and solely motivated by desire to hurt people, but way smarter and more knowledgeable than you, as proven by your gross ignorance of official truth), and now that I have made an argument that is far better than your original argument, it is an obviously stupid argument. See how I have bent over backwards to overcome bias?. Look how wonderfully rational I am being, unlike you.”

Since the original argument was always a thought crime, Scott was unable to address the original argument. Which I can forgive. No namefag could address such arguments. What was disgusting, evil, ridiculous, hateful, and contemptible was his grossly insulting, inflammatory, and self congratulatory rationale for not addressing the original argument.

Scott, like Tucker, has been struggling with his demons. For which he deserves some credit. Regrettably, unlike Tucker, he lost and his demons won. And when he steelmans an argument, it is demons speaking.

Neurotoxin says:

T: Thank you for the Moldbug skepticism. I was starting to think I was the only Moldbug contrarian around here.

Which is not to say that there’s nothing of value in his writings. But I just don’t get the worship by some people. Leaves me utterly baffled.

Jim says:

The original Moldbug had some very important insights, though excessively verbose and roundabout. Upon being doxxed he became worthless. Don’t get doxxed. And don’t refuel your plane in France either.

A2 says:

If memory serves, he also promoted a natural origin of Covid (“wet market”) but didn’t have much time for Ivermectin. The wet market origin wasn’t mentioned at the time, when pangolins and bats were the culprits, but apparently there is a supreme arguer out there and Scott is on his side. I can’t recall Scott mentioning the big official report on Covid yet, whereof I got the impression that wet market was not the thing. (But I can’t say I’ve really read it.)

Effective Altruism is basically a grift/scam/cult, not unknown among the Jews, though I don’t think Scott is really in it for the money and, like your personal banker, he doesn’t seem greedy. But like said banker, I’d expect him to be quite well-off by now on various donations of crypto or other stuff. Of course, it will all be donated to a malaria net NGO when he dies. If he ever dies, transhumanism is a thing. Don’t worry about it. He’s the socially acceptable L. Ron Hubbard. He’s also part of one of the usual Jewish intellectual self-admiration polycules along with various other powerful Substackers.

It’s instructive to read him for figuring out the Jewish way to argue at least. Just keep a skeptical eye.

Jim says:

Empirically, Effective Altruists tend to be evil people.

There are no utilitarians in real life, so if anyone claims to be a utilitarian, he is up to no good. As, for example, Sam Bankman-Fried. If someone tells you his ethics is utilitarianism, he has no ethics and wants to deceive you.

cub says:

I’m going to steelman steelmanning itself:

In theory there’s nothing wrong with steelmanning- you are basically just accounting for the shortcomings of your interlocutor. It is an act of mercy and intellectual honesty: you want to ensure that your opponent is the best version of themselves, because victory over a weakened opponent isn’t as honorable.

But yeah in practice it ends up being “here goyim, let me make your losing argument for you…”

Jim says:

The problem is that by *presupposing* your interlocutor, rather than yourself, has shortcomings, your argument fails to demonstrate that he has shortcomings, rather than yourself.

Thus a steelmanned argument, by presupposing, rather than demonstrating, a shortcoming in the interlocutor, is *always* invalid. It is just another form of ad hominem in place of an argument. The steelmanner has glibly skipped the most crucial step in his chain of reasoning. What he is saying is “I don’t have to listen to this, because it is wrongthink and you are a wrongthinker. Also, wrongthinkers are stupid and ignorant.”

A steelmanned argument is *always* an ad hominem in place of an argument, circumlocuitously disguised as an argument.

If someone does not engage his interlocutor’s actual argument, the obvious implication is that he is *unable* to engage his interlocutor. That the steelmanner himself is stupid and ignorant. In Scott’s case, crimestop self induced stupidity and artificial ignorance.

The appropriate response in real life to ad hominem may well be a punch in the face. In the case of nations, war. War ensues when sovereigns refuse to talk with each other, refuse to listen to the other sovereign’s issues. When sovereigns have boundaries with other sovereigns, when what sovereign does impacts another sovereign, they have to talk about it. If communication is shut down, they *have* to use violence. The world drifted into war because no one was allowed to know or admit that the US was stepping on other sovereign’s toes.

Arguments about faith are always arguments about power. Can you force other people to use your pronouns, force them to accept gay shoved in their face? And arguments about power between sovereigns are always arguments about faith. We are heading into war external, and or/war internal, and/or democide. There will be rivers of blood, and that blood will be the result of the nastiness, self imposed ignorance, and self imposed stupidity of people like Scott. You should not use argument by Steelmanning, because it is going to get people killed, going to get an enormous number of people killed, has already killed most Ukrainian males over the age of twenty five. Scott is personally responsible in significant part for all the deaths that have happened so far, the Ukraine deaths, the ventilator deaths, the jab deaths, and the vastly more deaths that are likely to happen. “We will not listen and we will not respond, because we have all this superior priestly knowledge, and you are drinking bleach.” Words cannot kill people, but lack of words can kill people.

What some people do bothers other people. If you cannot talk about it, you have to kill them.

A couple of days ago, the Ukrainians successfully recaptured some land in Kursk. I watched them on drone video. Their APCs dumped them in the middle of a vast empty snowfield.that seemed to go on forever, except for one small patch of sparse leafless snow covered trees. I suppose in summer it was cow pasture or hay pasture, but now the cows were safe and warm in a far away barn with the hay, while the Ukrainian troops who were not wearing snow camo, and therefore presumably not wearing snow clothing, were out in the cold, with no cover, nowhere to hide, no trenches, ground frozen rock solid, standing out against the snow like dogs’ balls, and did I mention, no snow gear. They ran into the trees, but trunks of the leafless trees were not wide enough to hide a man or shield him from bullets. Now if they had captured the barn, they would have captured something worth capturing and their lives would be a little longer, but as things were, it was completely obvious they would all dead in the morning. If the Russians do not get them, the cold will. General Winter is once again fighting for Russia. You did this Scott. General Winter killed them, but you sent them there, because you produced clever rationalisations for not listening to Putin, not listening to Russians, and not listening to men being sent to die with no snow gear.

I told you you were going to kill people, and now they are dead.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you have a better idea of what someone or something is on about you can make the argument yourself in your own voice.

Ants aren’t very vocal but E. O. Wilson had a pretty good idea of what they did and how it worked. You could tell he liked ants too.

Pax Imperialis says:

>In 2022, the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation issued a statement rejecting Wilson’s support of Rushton and racism, on behalf of the board of directors and staff

Sadly, many such cases.

Handi says:

In this case it’s actually really funny because the entire topic of invasive species is nothing more nor less than racism for bugs.

Whenever the libtard eraseth a division that be, so also createth he one that be not.

dave says:

FWIW Nikola Tesla’s father was a priest of the Eastern Orthodox Church. the Greek and Eastern orthodox churchs kept western civilization going until 1453, and many historians say that the diaspora from Constantinople triggered the Renaissance in places like Florence, Genoa, Venice and Western Europe.

The Cominator says:

While I don’t think most of us are or have been super Cernovich fans I saw this on twatter and he hits it out of the park here. Absolutely fantastic on all points.
Fake vs real economy and IQ.

In reality the real economy ought to be if not infinite approaching it as in a proper system be constantly expanding and the fake economy should be bound by the size of the real. Can’t add much to what he says about IQ and credentialism at all.

HJBoebert says:

Only post I can find that said Zuckerberg or Jews or some Jews are “sleazy” is Jim’s. I’m having hard time finding things, so can someone please link me to the post where someone else admitted that either of them were “sleazy”.

Jim says:

My error. I have been silencing Rod’s posts, but also responding to them, which is unfair, and confusing to people reading what I wrote.

Obvious if I respond, I should allow the post through, or else it is going to be incoherent to the reader and unfair to the poster. I intended to do so, but clicked the wrong button. Or at least that was my conscious intent. Possibly my unconscious intend was different.

EBA says:

So what is a good denomination/branch/sect to go to anymore?

The gayification among other things like the constant psychologically depressive crypuddle approaches in emo session groups, the fake help that quits past a few fake words when it comes to actually doing anything for each other, and the fake projects done once a year for show instead of finding realness every month or week… ugh.

Which ones are doing Bible Only, positive sermons on that, or at least hellfire truth, ways to live Biblically correct, solid “Deus Vult” type growth both in and outside church as Brethren in action, actually helping each other out when in need, and banging it when on 100 together, even in business ventures. Which ones speak marriage, not divorce. Which disavow the corrupt state, not worship it. Which accept God separated tribes for reason. Which still bother to assemble and preachquote all the divinity of Jesus in the Bible. Which are Biblical not Leftist. Which want children not abortions.

Fidelis says:

As the current biggest issue faced by the church is an inability to continue itself, any good congregation is going to have lots of children compared to the normal population. This is the best litmus I’ve found, and has yet to fail me, though it does require footwork.

>at least hellfire truth, ways to live Biblically correct
Plenty of churches that focus real hard on accepting Jesus Christ and his Word, OR ELSE, and then proceed to ignore many inconvenient things in the Word. I find them almost as annoying as the very progressive churches — barring of course the full gay ones that are easily spotted, I mean the ones that are in the process of converging — they host a different kind of non-mainstream leftism, those who focus very hard on the next life at the expense of this one usually go quite evil after a couple generations.

Jehu says:

You’re not going to really find this in a denomination, but in individual churches, usually less than 150 members. Above that size the Eye of Sauron tends to fall on you bigtime. That said, you can pretty easily see if a church is converged by looking in on a typical Sunday. If you see lots of women and children, and very few men, especially young men, it’s converged. If you see lots of married couples with children, especially with lots of children, it probably isn’t converted. Dad won’t keep showing up for faggotry and undermining his position, so if you see Dad there, that tells you something.

Contaminated NEET says:

> And the date on this brag?

I don’t want drop too many breadcrumbs for the volunteer auxiliary thought police to follow, but I’ll say that the council announced it within the last month. Their tone was smug and utterly self-certain, as if the thought that it was not a great thing they had done could never cross any of their constituents’ minds.

Jim says:

> the council announced it within the last month

Does not count. Facebook announced a reversal one day ago. Massive DEI layoffs in gaming announced in the last few days, and more expected in the next few days.

There are years when nothing happens, and days when years happen. We have just been through a couple of such days.

There have been no Disney announcements, but we are getting rumours of an across the board write off of woke movies that are in the works and video series that are currently in production. Killing off its entire current operation, taking the write off, and returning to roots is being internally debated. Looks like they made homage to Trump, Trump demanded surrender, no surrender is yet forthcoming but, like Zelensky, just stalling the inevitable.

A more drastic and total change is required for Disney and the Ukraine than is required for Facebook, but they really don’t have a whole lot of choice. A big crunch is coming up. Could be that woke will win, but it is in for a fight to survive. They can see the lights of the oncoming train, and are definitely sweating.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Do you see any signs that the Gaia cult is also dying? I expect the climate-change nonsense to continue, because aside from the war with Russia, which isn’t going well, what else do they have to harangue us with?

Jim says:

It is fairly dead already. No one takes it very seriously, even though they are cheerfully destroying the economy of Europe for it.

Actually they don’t give a tinkers dam about CO2. They primarily want to shut down working class jobs, which reduces CO2 emission in Europe by exporting the jobs to countries that are still allowed to use cheap energy. If exporting jobs was an unintended side effect, rather than the objective, they would worry about energy using jobs going to countries that do not have such restraints. It just an excuse, not a burning bright eyed faith.

T says:

Gaia and Ishtar will not entirely die out so long as leftism exists, both have been with us since the beginning, but the ascendant intelligentsia doesn’t seem all too keen on either. What we are likely to see is these cults deemed as fringe low-status subcultures; they will subsequently shrink down to their “normal” sizes, as they had been before the faith of Harvard adopted them.

T says:

Facebook will allow users to say transgender people are “mentally ill” as Zuckerberg rewrites Meta’s moderation rules

They installed no brakes on the Thermidor Train. This is, to be sure, nothing radical, but woke is clearly dead, rotting, sating the appetite of worms.

Cloudswrest says:

It also adds a specific ban against comparing Black people to “farm equipment.”

I’m dying! ROFL

T says:

Fun times ahead. They are keeping some level of Negrolatry and Holocaustianity for now (Zuck would probably prefer to remove both), but it’s obvious that, however much they zig, zag, and zog – the Thermidor Train is about to trample woke into a mush.

T says:

What I’m eagerly anticipating is the absolute death of the Corporate Memphis style. Its vibe is that of pure Ahrimanic evil – HR tyranny and longhouse estrogen poisoning. The style Thermidor chooses instead will, in all likelihood, signal what faith it intends to adopt.

The Cominator says:

Why globohomo ruined their bread and circuses is one thing I will never quite understand. When everything else sucks and is collapsing and getting worse and there is no hope for the future its ESPECIALLY important that the bread and circuses be good. One would think given how bad American decline was that the people at the top would want (even if they failed) hundreds of movies on par with the quality of Braveheart and True Romance (and yes I know opinions are split but I will always fucking love that movie) tons of new groundbreaking vidya which delights. Shows as wonderous and with the mass appeal of early game of thrones and Simpsons S3-S7.

Even Hitler and Goebbels knew to keep the Nazi ideological shit (which they shoved into everything else) out of their light comedies and romance movies they knew people didn’t want to fucking hear it during their moments of escapism.

Adam says:

>Why globohomo ruined their bread and circuses is one thing I will never quite understand.

How you do one thing is how you do everything.

Pax Imperialis says:

Like Sodom and Gomorrah, California’s sins are being punished by fire.

Hesiod says:

LAFD assistant chief Miss Hardcastle explains why her potential inability to actually carry someone out of fire is not due to failing physical fitness requirements but rather victims getting themselves in trouble:

Tangentially related, anyone have any suggestions for based source material on the Albigensian Crusade?

Pax Imperialis says:

What exactly is that amorphous blob? Is that a “man”, a “woman”, a numale faggot, or some other kind of HRT mystery meat Frankenstein. True, there is no such thing as a passing tranny, but also true is that occasionally there are true abominations.

What ever that creature is, it ought to be shot for dereliction of duty.

Fidelis says:

LA and Hollyweird are/were not yet as close to as blatantly evil as NYC, where they have erected demon statues in honor of baby murder. Makes you wonder what’s in store.

Hesiod says:

Razorfist observes at the end of his video on the subject that given the overrepresentation of Jews in Hollyweird, this may qualify as a Holocaust.

Pax Imperialis says:

Arguable on which cities are more demonic. I previously made the argument here that Trump is the modern day Lot of  Genesis 18:20–21. Unlike Lot, I claimed Trump would succeed where Lot failed because Trump is interceding as a would be King rather than a mere visitor… I still hold hope that this will be true for the country overall, but God’s will has been made clear on the small scale. Modern Sodom burns as a warning. Trump better act before it isn’t just a few metropolitan areas, although I can’t help but not really care Hollyweird is burning.

anonymous mouse says:

>Ctrl-F “Greenland”

>0 results

Okay, is America actually going to annex Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal or is this all Trump bluster. I honestly have no idea what this is about.

Jim says:

Probably not Canada. Probably Greenland and the Panama canal. Denmark does not want to sell, but Trump seems perfectly serious about just taking it if they refuse to sell, and sent out Don Junior to feel out the locals about it. They want to negotiate a more favourable deal with their new distant overlord than they have with their current distant overlord, but what they are asking seems quite reasonable. Denmark is keen on keeping them, but they don’t like Denmark all that much. Greenland has suddenly become valuable, and they think Greenlanders are not getting a fair share of the value. Don Junior seems to have found Greenlanders with the same attitude to real estate as his Dad.

Jim says:

Greenland denies any negotiations (which would have been illegal in the US before January twentieth), Putin denies any negotiations, and Don Junior denies any negotiations. But obviously there were negotiation in Greenland, which makes me wonder of there have been negotiations with Putin.

T says:

Presumably he is already negotiating with Russia, China, and North Korea, and Iran, and after inauguration will continue to negotiate diplomatically with the first three, though he may or may not start negotiating with Iran by some non-diplomatic means. And the deal with Putin, in particular, has probably already been sealed.

T says:

Putin is a white man, and he is a Christian or at least wants to be seen as a Christian. There is no reason — other than demonic neocons and the war lobby — why there should not be some deal with him. Even if you do not enthusiastically support the Special Military Operation, let’s not pretend like it was unreasonable. As he wrote in that article, the Ukrainians are blood brothers, and cannot be under the dominion of Russia’s Satanic and hostile enemies – Russophobic GAE Nazis should not control Ukraine. Well, he didn’t explicitly said so in the article, but that was the obvious implication, and it was correct. I’m sure Trump understands all this, at least intuitively, and there must be talks going on about establishing peace in Eastern-Europe in general and of course with special emphasis on ending the war in Ukraine.

T says:

If Thermidor successfully pulls off Color Revolutions all over Europe (that remains to be seen), they should either disband Nato or make it an explicitly and exclusively white Christian alliance – and invite Putin to the table.

Jim says:

He has signaled no path to Nato for Ukraine, which is Putin’s big issue. Putin however, also has an issue with the Zelensky regime being illegitimate. He wants a genuinely Ukrainian regime, and not a bunch State Department minions.

T says:

How about “no more assistance until you hold free and fair elections”? Then get rid of the kike and put someone acceptable to Putin instead. That is not exactly denazification and desatanization, at least not initially, but Putin will take it.

T says:

None of this feels real, so I don’t know if my suggestions reflect an altogether warped perception of reality, or it is actually happening and the President will be Sovereign.

A real President should have no problem disbanding Nato, removing Zelensky, and whatever other “wow just wow I literally can’t even” thing suggested here. Will the ruling class actually go along with Trump being a real President?

T says:

Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta is terminating major DEI programs, effective immediately — including for hiring, training and picking suppliers, according to a new employee memo obtained by Axios.

These are actually days when decades happen.

T says:

On a related note:

Mark Zuckerberg says the Biden admin called his employees and “screamed and cursed” at them to take down Covid/vaccine content. They wanted Meta to censor memes too.

When he pushed back, the Biden regime started investigating his companies.

“It was brutal.”

No brakes on the Thermidor Train!

T says:

Zuckerberg deletes “trans and nonbinary” themes in Meta’s Messenger

Trump is looking to make PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, and all this seems like part of the negotiations with the rivals. The war faction naturally supports de-trannification, and Trump is intent on using the vibe shift to Make A Great Deal.

T says:

I do wonder how far they are actually willing to go with this. For Peace Through Strength, need to actually have strength, which will require swerving to the right on the WQ, as mainstream culture did prior to WWII. The Babylon Bee article is probably not coordinated with Trump (unless it’s a test balloon), but there are glimmers of it going like it did in the previous century, except Trump genuinely has peaceful intentions.

Hesiod says:

The NYT is REEE-ing over Zuck removing tampons from men’s restrooms at Meta. Interesting though still amusing times.

T says:

Can hardly believe that tampons in male restrooms was ever actually a thing that respectable people pretended to take seriously, lol. It’s just too much, man. The compensation should be making smoking permissible everywhere. Of course, I would prefer it if work environments had mandatory sexual harassment courses (where they teach you how to sexually harass) and Two Minutes Hate periods where you have to scream as many profanities as possible targeting sexual deviants, foreign races, disgusting religions, and most of all – foids. But bringing back smoking would be a start.

T says:

By the way, I was not a bully in high school. I just happen to think that men should be allowed (and even encouraged) to be men, and that the gyno-sissies preventing this should hang. To solve civilization’s problems as they should be solved, the vibe shift, particularly in this direction, needs to be powerful. You don’t expect “sweet and sensitive” soyboys to bring back coverture, do you?

Bix Nudelmann says:

“ Can hardly believe that tampons in male restrooms was ever actually a thing that respectable people pretended to take seriously, lol.”

Brother there’a a hell of a lot more nonsense we’ve been fearfully pretending to take seriously than just that.

“I think maybe we’ve all changed.” —DJT

T says:

To all the Thermidor-affiliated lurkers (I know you’re out there), consider how the fertility crisis — I say it’s a fertility and sexlessness crisis, the problems are inextricably connected — that you claim to worry about needs a Tough Solution. In what cultural-memetic environment would it be possible to implement any such solution – one where you’re dying of estrogen poisoning, or one where men are actually men? The metaphorical estrogen in the metaphorical water supplies was always the fundamental problem. It is, above all, a form of spiritual pollution – it is from Satan, Prince of Entropy. Now, of course, military and civilian infrastructure is falling apart, so there you have it. What are you going to do to change that, Thermidor?

T says:

Brother there’a a hell of a lot more nonsense we’ve been fearfully pretending to take seriously than just that.

Sure, but it’s peak Clown World – it is surely not the worst thing leftism brought us, but it is possibly the most silly thing. Actually, come to think about it in a little bit more depth, it is not just “silly” – it is sinister, a deliberate attack against all males and against normal male sexuality by the misandrists who run the longhouse. But there is a comical element to this attack, in my view.

By the way, to truly eradicate the metaphorical estrogen in the metaphorical water supply, demolish the schools.

Jim says:

My plan is, I hope gentler, though hard to predict how bloody and destructive it may well turn out in practice. Send the tanks into Harvard, impose a male Christian married dean with well behaved children, who then fires everyone who is not similar. Probably there is not one other male married Christian with well behaved children directly or indirectly employed anywhere in the entire educational system anywhere in the entire American empire, in which case he brings in a few people like himself. Harvard (synecdoche for the entire educational system) is now radically smaller. Enforceable apprenticeship takes up the slack. Redevelop the vast amount of now unused space for some useful commercial purpose.

It is inherent in universities that they train would-be priests in the state religion. Always have, always will. A sane and healthy state religion does not need all that many priests.

While we want to fund science and technology through universities to some extent, this is only because we want to give tech priests and tech mages a financial and prestige incentive to not sponsor heresies in against the state religion (which they are apt to do, as for example Galileo and Newton). It is not because it is a good method for state sponsorship of science and technology. It is an absolutely terrible method for sponsoring science and technology because the state religion’s control function is apt to poison the scientific discovery function. Universities are inherently religious institutions that exist to promulgate the official social consensus, and so wind up enforcing “the scientific consensus”, which is a gross violation of the scientific method. So we want to keep science and technology out of the universities as much as we possibly can without giving the techies too incentive to dabble too much in issues of social consensus. It is dangerous to science to house it in a university, though sometimes unavoidable. On the one hand, we want to give techies a reason to avoid dangerous thoughts about the social consensus, but on the other hand we don’t want to give them a reason to avoid dangerous thoughts about science and technology.

Of course real marriage has been criminalised, and the current “Christian” marriage ceremony is usually a disgusting, perverse, and sacrilegious parody of a Christian marriage ceremony, so when I say “married”, I mean actually living a marriage, in that he sticks with the mother of his children, and he and she raise them successfully together, not any formal status or religious ceremony. At almost any wedding held today, you will see the groom amoged by the priest and/or master of ceremonies.

Anon says:

“ state religion’s control function is apt to poison the scientific discovery function“
Fundamentally science and technology are priestly. You have to have world view to do science , newton was arian , but kept his head down . Sooner or later those who work in science will attempt to innovate the state and it’s religion.

S says:

Understanding and controlling social consensus and the consensus among the priesthood is a different skillset and support base then scientific discovery. There have been priests that have been successful iconoclastic scientists, but I’m not aware of any cases the reverse is true.

Jim says:

We want to minimise overlap. Which means keeping science and technology out of the university as far as possible. But there is significant overlap, the tech priest and tech mage category. As these guys are dangerous, they have to be brought in.

Pax Imperialis says:

What if loss in Ukraine was beneficial to stemming the tide of US decline. The US has forced the European vassal states to divest much of its last military capabilities for decommission in Ukraine. Their de-industrialization continues. How are they to resist American demands in the future? As we see now, sudden sea change now Trump is taking charge, and sudden regime changes under threat of color revolution have been the main headlines this past few weeks. Now we just need to figure out creative accounting to transfer US debt to them.

S says:

“Now we just need to figure out creative accounting to transfer US debt to them.”

The problem with looting Europe is moving zeros around isn’t the problem- the US needs to acquire tangible assets. Which Europe is losing because they are being deindustrialized.

Pax Imperialis says:

Greenland looks pretty tangible to me, so are all those off shore oil rigs Shell owns, and they have a decent chunk of smart whites that really would be better off working in America. 😉

I can think of plenty of tangible assets the US could loot, the problem is how to loot it without obviously stealing it, and the solution to that is moving zeros around. i.e. on paper Shell would still be a UK enterprise but in reality it’s American investors and government that would be largely reaping the rewards.

S says:

The US already exports dollars and imports goods. Taking resources and trading them for Euros is pointless if there aren’t any goods the Euro can buy.

A2 says:

Dear Mr Putin, we’re ready to switch sides now.

Jim says:

The postcolonialism leftists have a valid point. European real assets tend to be offshore — largely because of something the post colonialism leftists will not mention, that onshore assets tend to get looted by the regulatory state and destroyed in the process. France recently lost a lot of uranium because Wagner took over “protecting” it. And similarly, most real European assets, such as those oil fields around Greenland, are “protected” by the US Navy and air force.

Pax Imperialis says:

France has also recently lost a lot of gold because Mali realized the French have no means of protecting it. Officially the French still own quite a few assets. The US should obviously “protect” French interests.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Here’s a normie-friendly explanation of the demographic disaster:

If you adopt a female kitten, there’s a 100% chance that she will become a mother, guided entirely by instinct. Human reproduction is about 25% instinct and 75% culture, and the cultural part has been forgotten.

If I ever meet Putin, I’ll tell him that the Nikonian reforms were a terrible mistake and we must all join the Old Believers or go to hell, and see if he laughs. Seriously, Old Believer culture rejects all change, so they, like the Amish, remember how to reproduce.

Old books can help. All Russians were forced to read Anna Karenina as children; they should read it again as adults to get some idea how their ancestors reproduced. E.g. when an old book describes someone as “of good breeding”, it means their ancestors carefully decided whom their children ought to marry, like farmers selecting for prize-winning cattle.

The problem with enslaving women is that everyone knows a woman who didn’t fuck around, decided to find a husband before the age of thirty, kept her standards reasonable, and succeeded. If one woman can do it, that proves all women can do it.

I know, it proves nothing, but women want to believe that they are rational actors, and fathers want to believe that they raised their daughters right.

Jim says:

> Seriously, Old Believer culture rejects all change, so they, like the Amish, remember how to reproduce.

Rejecting all change is impractical, because circumstances change, so the past get re-interpreted, so change comes in through the backdoor. You are at risk of legalism and formalism. Plus, New Testament clearly says you should follow the spirit of Old Testament law, not the letter, and the same must be applied to past interpretations and applications of the spirit of the law.

What one can, however, do is notice that current practices are not working, old practices did work, look for a living exemplar of old practices if available, and lift what they are doing. If no living exemplar available (as, for example, the current state of science and the scientific method), read old books, figure out what they mean under current circumstances, and do that. Boyle’s Skeptical Chymist is as valid as it was in 1660.

On reproduction, we have a wide range of exemplars who are currently doing it right, and no end of old books showing how are forbears did it, plus we have modern red pill analysis which explains why what they did worked, and why what we are doing now fails.

Women want to have sex with mister one in thirty. But they also want to have a family, and mister one in thirty is not going to stick with them and raise their children, and they eventually realise they cannot have it both ways, and want to settle. But they usually want to settle rather too late. So state, society, state religion, and family have to tell them to just put up with it. (Which is why we need to radically censor most romance literature, where typically a middle aged divorced women with three kids gets romanced by a pirate king, a six foot seven billionaire athlete, a serial killer, a vampire, and a demon, each of whom has a vast harem, which they dismiss in her favor. Romance stories with tragic endings should be allowed, also romances where she winds up with someone in her own league, possibly because he or her family or his family just make her do so. The latter seems to be a quite popular romance genre, where the heroine does not get the billionaire vampire pirate demon King, but does get the strong tribe that can take her unwanted freedom away.)

All populations everywhere are recently descended from a population that did it right, because populations that do it wrong vanish, so we have plenty of the relevant data lying around.

T says:

But they usually want to settle rather too late.

Female mate choice needs to be abolished.

The leftists, who work for the man downstairs, are already telling you — with a demonic gleam in their eyes — that radical life extension and anti-aging will make it so that no woman will ever have to “settle.” Well, what I learn from this is not that radical life extension and anti-aging are undesirable, but that legally and culturally recognizing males and females as two separate classes, with the female class subordinate to the male class, is absolutely indispensable. (It will also be beneficial to amplify sexual dimorphism by selecting (initially without, but eventually with, genetic engineering) males and females for the different traits that best correspond to their respective social roles.)

The leftists/satanists say that stopping the biological clock from ticking will require radical social changes. That may well be so, but what they propose is “Do what you will shall be the whole of the law,” and the response to that is, has always been, and will always be: “Doing what God Wills is the whole of the Law.”

Pax Imperialis says:

>Which is why we need to radically censor most romance literature
>Female mate choice needs to be abolished.

Unless you are Genghis Khan, her fantasy mate will always out alpha you. This isn’t directly a problem with the existing literature, and it’s only tangential to female mate choice. The direct problem is the illegality of, and the lack of support by the state faith for, passing shit tests convincingly such that imaginary fantasy alpha is viscerally replaced by immediate physical reality.

I have more than once heard older generations of White American men boast about their success with East Asian women because of their savior role in helping the women escape from a brutal misogynist wife beating society… a misattribution of what made them attractive. Wife beating is what makes Asian women feminine and attractive and is the reason why many White women are beastly whores.

T says:

When society allows female mate choice, itself the root of the problem, and (moreover) encourages women to masturbate to 6’7″ billionaire pirate vampire demon kings, the result is that regular men become unattractive in female eyes, and a woman will not stably “settle” for an ordinary man until the biological clock urgently demands it, often not even then. Now, if you combine female mate choice, antisocial masturbation fantasies for women, and radical anti-aging (the focus of my response to Jim), you get a society where no woman ever settles, which is what the leftists of today are already pushing for, and what the leftists of tomorrow, if leftism isn’t eradicated, will all the more so will be pushing for. So the fantasies need censored, and the choice abolished.

Jim says:

> (It will also be beneficial to amplify sexual dimorphism by selecting (initially without, but eventually with, genetic engineering) males and females for the different traits that best correspond to their respective social roles.)

The problem with the Y chromosome in mammals is that it is subject to Mueller’s ratchet, so has become degenerate. This impairs sexual dimorphism. We need to move all genes specific to the male from that system to the Sry system so that we can restore crossover in the Y chromosome.

Pax Imperialis says:

> Women want to have sex with mister one in thirty.

Most men, being on average taller and bigger than most women, naturally are much more attractive to women in person than online because that physical difference in power is on obvious public display. Women have little visual spatial capability and if only dependent on their imaginations and text bios, go wildly beyond what they’d normally be happy with in person. Same happens with income. Whereas in person they’d normally be happy with stable job and ~100k, online they want much higher. Online dating removes that natural disparity and makes an already bad situation much worse. They don’t want mister one in thirty. That matches what I remember before online dating became standard. I don’t know what the ratio is today, but it’s so, so much worse.

One of the comments that stands out is: “I’m a man in Air Force, depressed, 6’0, green eyes, but my B-2 can drop a lot of democracy.”

Just a decade ago, such a man would have no trouble finding women, these days even men like that are having difficulties.

Fidelis says:

That’s all performative signalling. Back when chastity was at least plausible, they would signal how much of a pious nun they were. Oh don’t corrupt me!

Now that chastity is implausible, you signal that your standards are just oh so high, I’m basically a virgin because no man can measure up! They’re pre-encounter shit testing you. Not a big deal.

The real problems seem to be: social circles are small and getting smaller, women are actively making themselves uglier while unintentionally getting fatter, and the intense status given to women combined with their natural branch swinging instincts means you’re getting insane shit tests while you mate guard 24/7 and by the way your friends are all purple pilled at best and won’t help.

This pilot guy probably just has no avenue to actually encouter a fuckable woman, rather than women’s standards have outstripped him entirely.

Jim says:

> That’s all performative signalling.

Not exactly. It is partly that when in your physical presence, she is apt to submit to your physical authority.

Men perform and women choose, but men conquer and women surrender.

It was great back in the days when you could meet women in person. Back in those days, that airforce pilot was mopping up pussy.

The Cominator says:

> The real problems seem to be: social circles are small and getting smaller
This is a function of female failure as well (and its one reason I’m not fond of resolving the woman question by making a purdah society I like the old Japanese model, women weren’t exactly segregated from men or made to wear burkhas they just treated as extreme social inferiors to men). Social circles among people outside of school are kind of dependent on women acting amiably and friendly as a kind of social glue because men are naturally extremely wary of strange men so under normal circumstances any sort of social connection, introductions and early stage meetings had to be middle roaded by women and up until 2015 or so they were. Societies which don’t have women in social life at all (or the women become a bunch of man hating cunts who won’t even pretend to be friendly even as a sop to their vanity to any guy who doesn’t check every box of extremely high sexual standards) naturally are very very clannish. In combination with America’s almost 100% rate of social migration this leads to people especially men being atomized because they don’t have clans either.

Jim says:

Yes, women are naturally the social glue makers. Men hang out with other men at parties that women organise.

Fidelis says:

Western culture has been pussified and inverted into using female sexual interest as the ultimate measure of worth. Tell a man the solution to being constantly disrespected by increasingly ill-behaved and increasingly ugly and increasingly stupid women, he’s going to be pissed. If the woman has no choice, how can she choose him and redeem his manhood?

T says:

Exactly so. Modern Western Man seeks salvation from women, instead of seeking it from God. He believes that a woman should “love him unconditionally for who he really is,” lol. People used to only expect that from God. Now women are God. The ancients, like those who successfully reproduce today, had no time for such utter nonsense.

Ephesians 5:

22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.

29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:

30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.

32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

It is men who love and cherish. It is women who should submit and obey. Men, not women, are the romantics. Convincing women that they should “follow their heart,” and fully liberating them to do so – that’s the original sin.

Jim says:

> It is men who love and cherish. It is women who should submit and obey. Men, not women, are the romantics. Convincing women that they should “follow their heart,” and fully liberating them to do so – that’s the original sin.

Exactly so. Men are the Romantic sex.

Expecting the relationship to be symmetric is an ideology that comes from Lavender Mafia infiltration of the state religion. Women like an environment where they do as they are told, because that is their ancestral environment of successful reproduction, while the male environment of successful reproduction is that he loves his female property because she is his.

And today, women continue to look for that environment of successful reproduction, and do not find it.

A woman rather likes an environment where she has to put up with sex with her husband they way she has to put up with cleaning up the mess that he makes and the much larger mess the baby makes. They don’t actually like moment to moment consent, because that was not the environment of successful reproduction. If they demand moment to moment consent, the demand is a fitness test that must be passed.

Jehu says:

Mary, the mother of Jesus is rightly praised precisely because she was submissive and obedient to the Lord. To a heroic degree, I’d add, for the consequences to her were significant and could have been far more so.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Mary, the mother of Jesus is rightly praised precisely because she was submissive and obedient to the Lord.

Ah, you see my husband, when I defy you and command you, I am not being defiant and commanding, I am submitting to the Lord, who is infinitely higher than you. So you must not defy me, because then you are defying the Lord.

Jehu says:

Mary did not disobey Joseph. Jospeh initially, seeing as she was with child, intended to ‘put her away quietly’. I have no reason to believe she didn’t serve Joseph as a good and obedient wife until he passed away.

Whereupon Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away privately.

20 But while he thought on these things, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost.

Contaminated NEET says:

Sure. But when you place obedience to God over obedience to her husband, the woman becomes priestess-queen of the family. Her gentle and spiritual feminine nature naturally puts her more in touch with the Lord’s wishes than her brutish husband, so she rules him in submission to God. I’m not making this up – it is official Christian doctrine in virtually every church in America.

T says:

My gosh, are you really unable to anticipate the rise of red-pilled Churches? Dude, wake the f**k up.

Jehu says:

Notice that Mary doesn’t argue with Joseph. God sends his minion to make the case. Mary just obeys and is prepared to submit to whatever Joseph decides.

You see this also in Peter 3

5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

Note that Abraham wasn’t even right in some of the cases where Sara called him Lord. But she is praised for her obedience even so.

Paul lays this out extremely clearly also. The man is to love and cherish, the woman is to respect and obey. Both sexes are given the task that may be difficult for them, but which is according to God’s order and is necessary for peace between them.

T says:


A lot of the corporate world is pretty culturally neutered. I have three sisters, no brothers, and three daughters, and no sons. I’ve been surrounded by women my whole life. The masculine energy is good. Society has plenty of that, but corporate culture is really trying to get away from it. I think having a culture that celebrates aggression a bit more has its own merits that are positive and having a thing (MMA) that I can do with my guy friends is good.

The intent on all these things is good. If you’re a woman going into a company, it may feel like it’s too masculine and that there’s systems that are set up against you — but I think these things can always go a little far. It’s one thing to say we want to create a welcoming environment for everyone, and its another thing to say that masculinity is bad and its toxic and we need to get rid of it.

Both of these things are good. You want masculine and feminine energy. But I do think the corporate culture has swung towards being a neutered thing.

I didn’t feel this until I got involved in martial arts. It just turned on a part of my brain that made me say okay, this was a piece of the puzzle that should have been there, and I’m glad it now is.”


Jim says:

A sudden conversion after Zuckerberg discovered he had been backing the wrong horse.

He probably himself does not know, nor much care, whether he genuinely believes it, or is just sucking up to the new Sheriff in town.

It does, however, reveal what the Trump cabinet genuinely does believe.

T says:

Yes, he’s a high profile Havel’s Greengrocer, telling you which way the wind is blowing. Okay, so we know they are thinking about the WQ. That already is an excellent sign. Will be interesting to see where their thoughts lead them.

Jim says:

Thermidor will never reach a coherent and fully thought through position. But while they are thinking about it, people who do have a coherent and fully thought through position may well be able to act.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Many such cases.

If you are not having fun sparring and learning to fight with other men, you are in a state of spiritual malnutrition.

Anonymous Fake says:

Would you at least post what I said about Israel? It’s more interesting than any anti-Catholic slop you have allowed.

And do you really think, deep down, that most people enjoy whore school? Or are they just there for the rubber stamp?

Jim says:

I don’t recall what you said about Israel. Indeed I don’t recall what your position was on Israel, except that because of internal incoherence, I did not believe that was your actual position on Israel.

But, I will state the Dark Enlightenment position, and my particular position, and you are entitled to reply to it — provided you say that I am wrong for one reason or another reason, rather than sailing right on as if your position is universally accepted, or generally accepted on the right. Don’t tell us what conservatives believe, because when you tell us what conservatives, or Christians, or the alt right, or Maga, or Country Club conservatives, or anyone like that believes, it is never what they believe.

Your story line is always that the right believes what the left wishes they believed, and should move to a more coherent and consistent position, the coherent and consistent version of what the left wishes that the right believed being radical leftism.

We wish Israel well, and Arabs well, but their problems are not our problems, their biggest problems being each other. Both of them are also causing big problems for us, in very different ways, and we wish they would stop, and intend to stop them.

Unfortunately Trump needs to back Israel to the hilt, because he needs Thermidorian support, and is genuinely inclined to support Israel regardless. But their wars are not our wars, and Trump last time around was doing his best to get us out of them.

Israel really needs to genocide the Palestinians, though it is largely Israel’s fault that it got itself into this position. Similarly, the Arabs need to genocide the Israelis, but are too busy quarrelling with each other. This is deplorable, but not our fault, not our problem, and not our business.

Jews have undue influence in America, Israel has undue influence in America, and mosques are organising terror against Americans in America. These are separate problems, and the existence of one problem does not mean that the other two are not problems, nor does the existence of any of these problems make events in the Middle East any business of ours.

Anonymous Fake says:

Israel’s most remarkable characteristic isn’t its expansionism or even its American influence. It’s its fertility rate, over 3 children per female, and they do this despite [*all the standard excuses for collapsing fertility that no one takes seriously any more*] What they figured out is that [*deleted*]

Jim says:

They did not have to figure anything out. Some influential subgroups retain the old social technology and are breeding like flies, and their social technology has significant mainstream influence.

Not only that, but the actual reasons, rather than the usual excuses, have suddenly become speakable on Youtube and Facebook. Thermidor is thinking about this.

Jehu says:

A TFR of 8 is what you get with a healthy society that is able to expand rapidly in an environment of surplus resources—as in when a young man of 18 can immediately support a family nearly all the time.

Near as I can tell the flavors of Amish are the only ones in that league among white people. The rest of us have less functional versions of that social technology, even groups like homeschoolers (who last I looked had around 3.5 children on average).

Fidelis says:

> the actual reasons, rather than the usual excuses, have suddenly become speakable on Youtube and Facebook

What are you seeing? I’m not seeing this. The real reason being endless consent doctrine produces defect-defect equilibrium. No one I see says this, or provides the solution: consent if allowed limited to a small hand picked group of suiters, and no more.

I see a lot of talking around the real reason. I see a lot of hand wringing about “culture” and “social media” and “waiting too long”, I don’t see anyone point out we are in a society where the short term rational decision for both sexes is defection. Well, actually I do see that, but that is rather old, it has been allowed for a long time to point out that marriage is broken so you shouldn’t try. I don’t see anyone proposing solutions as a facefag. I see them instead pretend there is simply pure unfathomable magic to those microcultures that maintain marriage, and then propose we shuffle people into them.

Jim says:

No one is quite saying the actual reasons in so many words, but they are saying that the great majority of women are fucking a small minority of men, and that in order to reproduce they have to settle for someone they are not all that attracted to, and have sex with him, and not cheat on him, which is getting mighty close.

They are saying that female sexual impulses are counter productive to family formation and reproduction, in an environment where they are free to act on those impulses.

While delicately evading the implication that females are maladapted to free moment to moment sexual choice, and such freedom makes them unhappy.

Fidelis says:

That’s not a change, you’ve been allowed to say that even as a facefag for a long time. You’re allowed to say the old “alpha fux beta bux”. What you aren’t allowed to say is that women’s hindbrains have a different subhuman notion of hierarchy, and their “alpha” is a retarded petty criminal. You aren’t allowed to say that female choice inevitably leads to dysgenics and a breakdown of male status games, as men now instinctively compete to display defection to the real hierarchy in order to get laid.

This is not nitpicking, because what I’m seeing them want to do is encourage people to join the microcultures that maintain enough of the old ways as to be replacement or slightly above, without understanding why these microcultures work (quietly 18th century family norms). They think they can fix breeding without removing moment to moment consent, because they don’t understand or don’t want to say that moment to moment consent is incompatible with humans, that moment to moment consent inevitably breeds subhumans.

Jim says:

Well yes, they are stumbling through fog. And are still stumbling through fog. But they are getting quite noticeably closer. It is on their minds.

“I am not saying that women should just grin and bear it, but …”

They are not saying that free moment to moment consent is “going to work out great, go for it girl”, and that men should just grin and bear it.

Equally they are not saying the unthinkable crime thought, that maybe all this sexual freedom for women was a bad idea and it is not working out, but they are wandering in circles adjacent to that thought, and circles have gotten noticeably closer.

Jim says:

University of Iowa cancels its department of Gender, Sexuality, et cetera.

Major Hollywood studios have massively rewritten and reshot movies in production, and then rewritten and reshot them again, at enormous expense. Captain America on its third radical rewrite.

That does not mean they are going all the way to the truth, but they are definitely abandoning the lie.

Meta, McDonald’s, Walmart, Boeing, Coors, Lowe’s, Ford, Jack Daniels, Harley Davidson, John Deere, Tractor Supply, Toyota, Nissan, Caterpillar, all have announced an end to DEI.

The LA Fire Department is run by three Lesbians, who hilariously and infamously put out a video saying that if a woman cannot carry you out of a fire, you should not have gotten yourself into a fire. They did not say “You sexist pig, you deserve to burn”, but that was the clear implication. And now people are burning.

Well, if female firemen are kind of stupid, then different rules and roles in the mating dance become thinkable.

Thermidor wants to go back to the rational middle, but there never was a rational middle. There were people who thought that men and women had a right to be perfectly interchangeable, but did not think about the implications for firemen, women’s sports or war. Their “rational middle” is people who were reluctant to consider the implications of what they theoretically believed. Well, now the implications of what they theoretically believed are burning people alive in LA. They want to go back to not thinking about it.

Trump points out they ran out of water, because it might adversely affect sea life. The left complains that Trump lacks compassion. Presumably compassion for the possibly endangered smelt and lesbian firechiefs on five hundred thousand dollar salaries.

A long time ago, I told Scott that his ideas would lead to war and death. And now they have led to war and death. The entire left is in similar straights.

The “rational middle ground” wants to go back to believing in all the right things, without being inconvenienced by those beliefs being actually put into practice.

They don’t want to hear that men and women are not equal and interchangeable, but in LA, that issue burns.

And if men and women are not interchangeable, maybe the rules for female sexuality are a bad idea.

Anonymous Fake says:

They DID have to figure out modern credential forging. It DOES require work, novel, not “old social technology”. It very often involves transferring college credits across multiple institutions and languages. Paying off the right people, in the right order, etc. African diploma mills. It’s a skill that takes effort to master, and the hardest part is apparently accepting that it exists in the first place.

Education is the most obvious population sink there is. This cannot be ignored. The “red pill” dorks of the 2010’s are not succeeding. Israel is. And I have told you why.

Maybe the right loves the nerdy nebbish Jew stereotype too much to let it go. Even after the Jews themselves have dropped that baggage.

Jim says:

> They DID have to figure out modern credential forging.

Not to successfully form families, they did not. Most Israeli fertility comes from the same groups that have kept their old fertility in the old ways.

Fidelis says:

Equally they are not saying the unthinkable crime thought, that maybe all this sexual freedom for women was a bad idea and it is not working out, but they are wandering in circles adjacent to that thought, and circles have gotten noticeably closer.

I am rather worried that this random walk game of resolving the marriage and fertility problem lands us in a local optima that allows dysgenics to continue while being tolerable enough for men and producing enough fertility that people stop caring.

It’s not enough to just say “men and women are different and have different roles”. You have to make explicit that women’s sexual preferences are protohuman, and that allowing them any choice outside of already preselected candidates is going to cause a drift towards lower cooperation, lower IQ, and lower forethought every generation.

I can imagine a steady state where women are removed from presitige, and marriage law is rolled back to 1930s, and instead of 40+% never successfully marrying or reproducing, we get that down to 10-20%, and tfr hits the 2-2.5 range. We get that from having “sex roles”. Not enough to fill the stars, and not enough to once again favor the upper 20% in brightness for fertility. It’s a trap, and an insidious one because it will be much more comfortable than the unbearable present.

Jim says:

Sure, it is nowhere near enough, and Thermidor is just not willing to go all the way to where it needs to go. It never does.

But Thermidor, lacking faith, has a tendency to lose to the right, or lose to the left,

They are tootling around in the direction of solving the woman problem and problem of the missing grandchildren in the same way Stalin was tootling around in the direction of national capitalism. He was never going to actually get there.

But at the same time, not willing to root out the true faith with fire and sword, which is the situation Contaminated Need is talking about. That if you said these kind of things, you would lose your job, the banks would freeze your money, and child protective services would take your children and sell them to gays. Thermidor is not willing to do that, because they are not sure exactly what their faith is and were themselves in line for the next purge by the left.

Stalin hired Beria, Cromwell hired Monck, Hua hired Deng. And Trump hired Pete Hegseth. Hegseth wants to bring the faith of 1770 back to the US army, in place of the faith of woke. But does he adhere to the faith of 1770, or to a faith considerably older? His bicep is tattooed with a symbol of the faith of the Crusaders.

The faith of 1770, like the faith of the Thermidoreans, was internally incherent, resting on falsifiable and false claims about this world, and unprincipled exceptions, most of which have long been erased, but Thermidor is shocked by what happens when you fix all the unprincipled exceptions. They want to return to the “rational middle”, keeping some of those unprincipled exceptions around.

The faith of the Crusaders has no such problem. Pete Hegseth, unlike the Thermidorians, knows you have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war. And he has one. Which does not mean we are going to win, but we no longer face and overwhelmingly powerful monolith, bent on eradicating every thought about anything except its own solipsistic thoughts.

We have a faith and the woke have a faith. Thermidor, not so much. Thermidor, therefore, needs Pete Hegseth. Will Pete Hegseth still need Thermidor in a little while?

Thermidor tends to purge to its left and to its right. But lacking a faith, need left to purge the right, and the right to purge the left. Horrified by the state of the army, it wants the army purged of woke.

For us, the spy agencies are more important. And I am not really seeing the will and capability to purge the spy agencies of woke, only the will to prevent them from purging anyone insufficiently woke. Without a faith militant, not going to succeed in making real change among the spooks.

The spy agencies have been treading on the tech oligarchs, who do want the spy agencies purged. But the tech oligarchs have not got what it would take to purge them. Maybe they will find someone who does. Pete Hegseth has what it will take to purge the army. Tulsi Gabbard intends to purge the spooks, but probably will not get far.

T says:

It’s more interesting than any anti-Catholic slop you have allowed.

What is interesting is the sheer amount of pure unadulterated COPIUM you’ll ingest before admitting that Satanic Lavenders control your church.

Orthodox Jews succeed where Roman Catholics do not because their memeplex is possessed by a different type of heresy. The heresy of the Orthodox Jews is rejection of the Logos. The heresy of Roman Catholics is that gay, homosexual faggots who engage in orgiastic coprophagia parties have long, long been in charge of their memeplex. So Jews have a legalistic, superstitious, soulless religion that puts the letter of the law before the spirit of the law (and suffer the consequences), and Catholics fail to reproduce and suffer blue balls.

You are a heretic. If you were not a heretic, you would drop the COPE and figure out how to sneak in the Cult of Gnon into the Catholic Church so that Western Civilization can really be saved. There needs to be a Jimian Pope who will cleanse the Catholic Church of the Lavenders once and for all, which will necessitate eliminating the Lavender Doctrines; those very doctrines have ruined the West.

Again, I’m not telling you to convert to anything else, on paper that is. You should seek to fix Catholicism from within. That means eliminating the Lavenders and their Demonic Doctrines, which have been embedded in the Church for a long while.

Remove the Lavender Heresies and you will prosper more than Orthodox Jews ever will.

T says:

Lavenderism can be summarized in three words: “Sex is icky.”

If sex is icky, then you either join the other celibates in the gay bathhouse, or “redeem” sex by turning women into the Goddesses of Love (now they, rather than God, impart divine Love as they see fit), followed by turning them into the Goddesses of Consent (now they possess the metaphysical capacity to metaphysically deem sex as icky or non-icky).

This entire memeplex is from Satan.

T says:

The Satanism of the Lavenders is evident in their doctrine that it’s not (or not just) the perversion of sexuality that is against Gnon’s will, sexuality manifest in entropic forms, but rather it is sex itself that is inherently icky, therefore the married man is lower status that the celibates at the gay bathhouse, therefore you need to “redeem” marriage and sex with some strange demonic doctrines such as the Doctrine of Love (from the early second millennium AD) or the Doctrine of Consent (from the 17th century AD). You worship women so they will bestow upon you Love, or worship women so they will deem your sexual desires as Consensual, meaning non-icky. This leads to everything we have seen it leading to.

A very old heresy.

T says:

Look at the groups that successfully reproduce in the long term. Do they believe in the demonic doctrine of Love (women should be worshipped, so they will grant you Love – women assuming the traditional role of God) or the demonic doctrine of Consent (women possess the awesome metaphysical superpower to determine whether sex be icky or non-icky)? Again, do they believe in those doctrines?

When your faith is hostile to the kind of social technologies you need in order to reproduce, you will eventually lose those social technologies and will stop reproducing. There is no avoiding this conclusion. Fix the faith.

T says:

Lavenderism (“sex is icky”) leads to the first doctrine, which in turn leads to the second doctrine. That is literally what happened, historically. The roots of the heresy have been there all along – it is a very old heresy. In fact, Lavenderism long predates the Church; like Gaia and Ishtar, it was always there; unlike Gaia and Ishtar, which gained their modern high status when Harvard adopted them (and will rapidly lose their status if and when the Cult of Gnon takes over Harvard), Lavenderism has clung to the Church since its early days.

Catholicism needs Jimianity.

T says:

Some cults are perennial. For instance, Gaia, Ishtar, and Moloch always recur, and often sneak into the Priesthood. Same with Lavenderism – and they are especially subversive, because less obvious than the other ones. Roman Catholicism has been thoroughly subverted by the Lavender cult, and proceeded to give unholy birth to demonic doctrines that destroyed Western Civilization. Lavenderism needs to be rooted out into a lake of fire, or at least relegated to the fringes of society, together with Gaia, Ishtar, Moloch, and similar perennial cults.

T says:

What BAP is promoting is simply inverted Lavenderism.

Realizing that “sex is icky” leads to endless problems, BAP the sodomite inverted it into “sex is never icky,” but that is itself wrong. Gay sex is indeed inherently icky. Perverted sexuality is indeed inherently icky. What old-time Lavenders did was lump together both perverted and non-perverted sex, and declared both to be icky. What BAP seems to be attempting is to lump together perverted and non-perverted sex, and declaring both to be equally non-icky. Though obviously he signals very strongly what he prefers.

I’m not letting you do this, BAP. Sex with one’s wife is not icky. BIG BOOBA are not icky. In contrast, your preferred activity, which is shoving your penis into another man’s shitty rectum, or having that done to you, is absolutely disgusting, it is fundamentally contrary to Gnon’s will, and it will never be normalized.

Watch out for both Lavender and for its inverted version, which are both satanic, both motivated by sodomy, by the desire on the part of faggots to turn straight men into faggots. That is traditional Lavender (sex is icky) and inverted Lavender (no sex is ever icky).

Not falling for it, BAP.

Hesiod says:

Vendramini’s book on neanderthal predation theory Them and Us threatened to place me in a dire imaginative state, sourly unsuited for Christmas, much like BAP’s dissertation did the prior Christmas. Both conjured complex models of certain developmental crossroads, though each deal with events tens of millennia apart. Their explanatory prowess is impressive but ultimately limited.

This time around, Brother Chesterton came to the rescue with his love of paradox. Our mythical and philosophical searches have produced a wealth of explanation and are quite necessary for intellectual daily bread, so to speak. The trap is being so impressed with either that we limit ourselves to those delineations, those closed circles, and claim they cover far more than they actually can.

Forgive my Sunday morning ramblings as I struggle for meaning. GNON humbles us with these limitations, yet there’s comfort in the things which are impossible with men are possible with God.

The Cominator says:

BAP seems to have genuinely have cured himself of the perversion through hooker therapy once he had money he made himself fuck whores until he was cured. I think most faggots could probably be cured in the same way.

T says:

A prosperous society contains many different “types” of people, each (ideally) filling its own niche. The warrior, the priest, and the merchant are often discussed here, but really there are many different types that are needed to make society work. We can’t all be the same, naturally.

A “type” that is not needed, however, is sexual deviants – they always promote things that harm reproduction within the tribe. So the tribe, if its leadership is astute, physically removes them. Failure to do that results in them preying on society, or as is often the case, sneaking into the Priesthood so they can promote anti-natalist anti-breeder anti-marriage anti-heterosexuality ideologies.

That is what the faggots around Thermidor seek to do right now. Since “sex is icky” will not fly, they are going with its inverted, “libertine” version. They must not be allowed to get away with it. If a religious worldview or political ideology, which is naturally the domain of men, fails to identify BIG BOOBA as majestic, and fails to identify hairy scrotums as repulsive, then this religious worldview or political ideology needs to be physically removed for the safety and well-being of the tribe.

When it comes to the “sexual orientation” of a society’s memeplex, it is absolutely a zero sum game. The more gay, the less straight. If it is pro-gay, it is anti-straight. And for it to be pro-straight, it has to be anti-gay. One necessarily comes at the expense of the other and excludes it; and one is fundamentally healthy, the other fundamentally diseased.

Lumping them together, whether promoting both or prohibiting both, is always the initial stage of the Lavender subversion.

Hesiod says:

Stone Age Herbalist’s essay The Origin of ‘Two-Spirit’ & The Gay Rights Movement details the mountain of lies the whole LGBTWTFLOL ideology is founded on. The alleged two-spirit shaman archetype is pure bovine feces, at least as evidence faggots and other sexual deviants are spiritually more advanced than us breeder rabble. Here’s an actual example of an Injun troon preserved in folklore:

The winkta’s transvestism elicited no special response until he began to flirt with and attempt to seduce many of the men in his village. At this point the villagers held a formal ceremony exiling the winkta for life.

Apparently, the aspiring rentboy took up residence in another village due to the women finding his talent in feminine work valuable in addition to enough of the influential men being on the down-low or at least turning a blind eye.

The Cominator says:

You mean gays and trannies, sexual deviants can mean a lot of things most of them relatively harmless but gays and trannies not harmless.

Hesiod says:

The line may be between using erotically a feather versus the whole chicken.

The Cominator says:

Arguably the tradcuck is the most dangerous type of sexual deviant besides the gay/trannie/boy raping type. The most hilarious recent manifestation of tradcuck bullshit is white knighting for Lily Phillips (the porn whore who having fucked 100 men in a day now wants to beat the world record and fuck 1000). Stupid tradcucks, Lily Phillips clearly likes being a giant whore that is why she is going for the whore world record (because in itself thats can’t be enjoyable even for her what she enjoys is knowing she will have the biggest slut in world history title, she clearly loves the idea). She does not want to quit, she does not appear to be doing hard drugs to cope. She absolutely looks way happier than any career girl. Tradcucks want to blame men somehow when she does this voluntarily and likes it.

T says:

sexual deviants can mean a lot of things most of them relatively harmless

I’m not interested in Fetish Police, but I am interested in removing whatever genes (or other non-genetic causes) that predispose people to forms of sexual behavior that in the ancestral environment would have compromised their reproductive fitness, and that, moreover, undermine Order within civilized society.

T says:

Arguably the tradcuck is the most dangerous type of sexual deviant besides the gay/trannie/boy raping type.

Ned Flanders should be out of the Priesthood, but in some measure, and in non-priestly social contexts, his type can be beneficial.

Now, when it comes to White Knight simps (which is not exactly the same thing as conservadaddy) – they of course will BURN BABY BURN on live broadcast in the style of Muath al-Kasasbeh.

T says:

The official Lavender position is “Sex is icky, regardless of which type of sex, but oh well, if really you insist on it, we permit you to marry a woman and have sex with her so you can have progeny (and only for that purpose!), but then you must recognize us, the totally chaste totally celibate definitely definitely (we promise!) not gay priesthood, as your moral and spiritual superiors.”

Yeah, so it’s a bunch of fags telling you that they are your superiors because your sexuality is actually healthy and aligned with Gnon. The audacity of these faggots reminds me of Aesop’s classic:

After he had created people, Zeus immediately implanted in them all the possible human character traits, but he forgot about Shame. Since he didn’t know how to get Shame inside the human body, he ordered her to go in from behind. At first Shame protested, considering Zeus’s request to be beneath her dignity. When Zeus kept insisting, she said, ‘All right, I will go in there, on the condition that if anything comes in there after me, I will leave immediately.’ As a result, people who engage in sodomy have no sense of shame.

Exactly so, Aesop.

Hesiod says:

The cult of Ganymede is an example Chesterton gives in The Everlasting Man of a civilization grown tired and its mythology demonic. Plato attributes the myth to the Cretans.

T says:

The Everlasting Man, however, should probably be read side by side with Mencken’s A Treatise on the Gods.

alf says:

> be Elon Musk
> re-invent EV’s
> single-handedly save spaceflight
> build reusable rockets and rocket-grabbing chopsticks
> date models
> satellite army
> self-made richest man on earth
> still feel the need to lie about being a top10 path of exile 2 player

The whole story is just hilarious to me. It’s very easy to project noble qualities on men spearheading the movement against globohomo, but in some aspects they are as petty as if not pettier than each of us. No man without sin.

Hesiod says:

Ayo, Elon, I’ll level you up a toon in whatever game you wish as long as you hook me up with one of those Martian princesses in traditional Barsoomian jeweled bikinis, snoogins.

Neurotoxin says:
Jim says:

His reaction to being flamed over H1B was petty and just Streisanded the flamage.

Further, his position on H1B fails to notice the damage done by diversity. Different cultures have different expectations of good conduct. When those expectations collide, they fall. And many an indianizing company has encountered disaster due to a collapse in good conduct and cohesion. A company lives, in that it coheres. Loss of cohesion is apt to manifest in insolvency, as for example Ubisoft and Informix. Ubisoft died of faggots and cat ladies, but Informix died of dot Indians.

The ultimate source of cohesion in a company are the company books. If these books are meaningless (Sox accounting) you lose cohesion, because there is too much opportunity to steal from the company, and no objective standard to tell if someone is stealing from the company. But to get from the books to actual social cohesion, you need the more familiar and intelligible human forms of cohesion. Good conduct. Which tend to collapse if a company is diverse.

JustAnotherGuy says:

There’s a lot of boomers (no offense to Jim) and the likes of Musk who don’t really see the problem with Indian-dotting a whole company. They think if dot Indians are being hired and you aren’t you simply aren’t pulling your bootstraps up hard enough. Wonder what they would think if I told them about employment areas where you need to know Spanish to be hired.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Same boomers of course won’t tell you how women operate but scold you like a schoolmarm if you don’t have a wife and kids. Living behind a Chesterton fence that they never checked if its still there.

yewotm8 says:

In contrast to the H1B fiasco, he has kept his mouth shut on it this time. I wonder if it’s in him to realize how out of touch he is after such extreme miscalculations, or if that is not becoming of a proper Star Prophet.

Bob says:

DeepState obviously has nothing on Hegseth…

Hegseth’s second wife completely denied the claim, and NBC News decided to run the story anyway.

“I do not believe your information to be accurate, and I have cc’d my lawyer,” adding “There was no physical abuse in my marriage. This is the only further statement I will make to you.”

Alinsky 101. The editors know the public won’t buy pieces criticizing Hegseth saying everything is just fine at the Pentagon and that endless foreign wars are cool, so they resort to smears and character assassination.
It is journalistic malpractice to run an accusation when the…
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) January 21, 2025

In this case, Dem Sen. Jack Reed just so happens to contact the source on Jan. 18, who then comes back w/ a bombshell claim about Hegseth and his ex-wife, which both of them vehemently deny on the record. But news orgs have their hook to make a story on it, truth be damned.
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) January 21, 2025

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