
ESR moves ever leftwards

Esr has to move ever leftwards, or else suffer persecution, and to prove himself sufficiently left, has to enthusiastically support the ever greater persecution of his fellow leftists. Thus each leftist has to move further left, and has to support the persecution of his fellow leftists even more than he did last year.

This is the left singularity, which results in ever leftwards movement, ever faster.

It is always cut short internally by dictatorship, a Stalin or a Cromwell who, finding himself outflanked on the left, makes it as illegal to be to the left of him as it has long been illegal to be to the right of him, or else cut short by foreign conquest, the foreign conqueror is drawn in by weakness, and by the extermination of people he cares about.

If not cut short, the final outcome would be infinite leftism in finite time, where everyone tortures each other to death, and the last torturer commits suicide for his inability to inflict infinite torments.

The closest approach to an actual left singularity was Chang Hsien-chong, who reduced the population of Szechwan from three million to seven thousand, largely by torturing people to death.

Had his career not been cut short by imperial reconquest, would have doubtless reduced the population to zero, either outflanked on the left and killed by someone even lefter than himself, or killing himself after torturing to death the last of his generals. Recall how the political followers of Aristide continued in zombie like loyalty even after he personally gouged out the eyes of one of his loyal minions with his own thumbs. Recall generals in Siberia, surrounded by armed and loyal troops, going to Moscow when summoned for torture and death

As Trotsky said:

The party in the last analysis is always right … I know that one must not be right against the party. One can be right only with the party, and through the party …

Chang Hsien-chong distributed the wealth of the landlords to the poor, then ate the landlords for oppressing the poor, then exterminated the intellectuals for infecting the poor with insufficiently progressive ideas, then flayed the poor alive for being insufficiently grateful for having the wealth of their oppressors redistributed to them.

Of all those who write in English, the historian Donnithorde  was in the best position to know the truth about Chang Hsien-chong. Leftists, which is to say all modern historians, either rewrite Chang as a mild mannered agrarian reformer or else a horrible reactionary installed in power by the CIA. (I am just making up the part about the CIA) – modern historians, which is to say modern leftists, go completely incoherent and make no sense whatsoever when reporting these events. To get a report that is evidence based and intelligible, you have to go back to books and articles written in a safer time when the left was less terrified of itself.

47 comments ESR moves ever leftwards

zhai2nan2 says:

I usually don’t agree with Spandrell, but I like his comment here:


Donnithorde says that the stele didn’t say “kill x7?, but that was the folk transmitted saying about the original stele which was found in Hanzhou, which says “The spirits and gods are knowing, so reflect on this and examine yourselves.”

And Donnithorde says it was Chang’s armies who tortured and killed the populace when they rebelled against him. Hardly “tortured each other”.

[end quote]

I haven’t delved into Donnithorde yet, but I fear Jim is not unbiased in his interpretation.

jim says:

Then delve into Donnithorde

Who tells us that the words, though not the Stele, were Chang’s.

And who tells us that Chang contributed his own concubine’s feet to the pile of feet.

Don’t read modern historians paraphrasing Donnithorde. Read Donnithorde. I can only assume that Spandrell is reading some modern account of what Donnithorde supposedly said.

Donnithorde tells us:

No doubt the words on this tablet were often
heard from his lips, accompanied by the exhortation to his
followers, “ Kill, kill, k i l l !”

Most accounts of Chang Hsien-chong dwell with much particularity upon the many forms of torture in which he delighted. I am not going to harrass your feeling with such accounts. Suffice it to say that as torturer he excelled, and probably has never been surpassed in any country. Our chief authority for his actions is the “ Shuh Bi” , (which may perhaps be best translated, “ Bloody Szechwan” ) . This book, which makes its record in a curiously objective and detached style with a total absence of appeal to morbid sensationalism, describes in detail the various tortures he practiced.

giving out that he was going to institute a public examination of literati with a view to selection of officials he ordered all scholars and gentry to Chengtu; those who absented themselves to be punished with the death penalty. These ‘orders were transmitted to the country scholars through his military officers and the scholars were assembled at Chengtu. He caused them to be led in through the east gate and led out through the west gate, where every one of them was put to death. On another occasion he instituted an “ examination” of prospective officials at the “ Hall of Tribute” . On this occasion he stretched a rope four feet above the ground. All who were taller than this and could not pass under the rope were taken out to the Ch’ in Yang Kung and In this way 22,800 scholars were put to death, and their pens and ink-slabs were piled into a large mound.

According to the figures given by the Chinese chroniclers,
before he arrived on the scene the province contained a population
of three and three – quarter millions. At the time of his
death he had reduced this population to a total of a little
over seven thousand people, exclusive of troops sent in to
restore order.

Kim Hunter tells us

Zhang vowed that if he recovered from an illness he would offer two “heavenly candles” as a sacrifice … When he did recover he ordered the small bound feet of many women to be cut off and placed in two piles. The feet of one of his favorite concubines were unusually tiny, and he had them cut off and placed at the top of each pile.

Rummel tells us

The Chinese chronicles say that when the scholars rejected his imperial claim he immediately had them all massacred. Then he set about destroying all the merchants, then all the women and all the officials. Finally he ordered his own soldiers to kill each other. He ordered the feet of the officers’ wives to be cut off and made a mound of-them, and at the top of the mound he placed the feet of his favorite concubines.

Cavalier says:

Honestly, holy shit. Is this attributable to Oriental ant-like obedience? Or would we do the same things in the same circumstance? I mean, I don’t think we would, but I also don’t think that all men are created equal, that men can become women, and that it would be a good thing for the white race to disappear from the face of the Earth.

Have white people ever done anything comparable to Zhang?

jim says:

Zhang was the ultimate close approach to the left singularity, but on the whole, I think that the fact that Zhang and the Khmer Rouge were orientals was more just the luck of the draw.

White left singularities have not been nearly as bad, but it looks random. Not enough data to generalize when left singular outcomes have such a very broad distribution.

Cavalier says:

Well, here’s to hoping the Puritans don’t stick it to their descendants with the dying breath of their lunacy, and if we go down, may the Jews go down with us for so dramatically accelerating our implosion, and especially for inflicting us with Boas.

dataquerent says:

Of course the greatest mass-murderer of history was Wat Tyler, who single-handedly tortured the population of Smithfield to death, and cut off the feet of his pet rabbit.

Modern Freemasonic historians try to cover up his crimes and make him look like a defender of the common man. The history is disputed. Of course it is disputed because the history departments are controlled by Freemasons. Freemasons lie about everything.

However, I have determined exactly which historians are reliable. The historians that reach conclusions I agree with are reliable historians. The historians who disagree with me are in the pay of Freemasons. And thus I have assembled irrefutable evidence that Tyler was worse than Stalin.

There is clear and overwhelming evidence that the entire population of Smithfield was murdered, largely tortured to death, an extraordinary crime, without precedent in societies with written history. If not Tyler, who? Who else had the power or the motive? Someone committed this quite extraordinary act.

jim says:

It is easy to determine that modern historians are unreliable. They necessarily have to cite ancient sources (since otherwise how would they know what happened.) You immediately check the ancient source, and you will find it does not agree with the modern historian.

In this particular case, a modern historian claiming that Chang was not so bad will cite Donnithorde as evidence that Chang was not so bad. Upon looking up Donnithorde …

Robert Brockman says:

Wow, the interwebs have almost nothing on this Donnithorde fellow, save this PDF of some document from 1938 which refers to the massacre. Odd that there should be so little search engine results, yes?

James James says:

Looks like “VH Donnithorde” is a typo in the “West China Missionary News” PDF. All other sources refer to him as Rev VH Donnithorne.

James James says:

Though it is possible that “Donnithorde” is correct, and that someone else got it wrong later and everyone is repeating the mistake, like “Boadicea” instead of the correct “Boudica”.

Dr. Faust says:

So if I wanted to study history then where would I begin?

jim says:

You are interested in some fact or event.

1 Google the usual. They will cite historians nearer to these events, for how would they know of these events, except by reading earlier sources. Look up these historians in the internet archive.

2 Google books advanced search with the date settings to select older books. You may find that many of the old books are unavailable, despite being long, long, out of copyright, in which case, go to the internet archive.

3 In the course of your reading you will discover famous men wrote famous books, for example Munshi Adbdullah was at Raffles side, translating for his spy operations, while Raffles was making history. Go to the internet archive.

4 Go to the internet archive.

dataquerent says:

> a modern historian claiming that Chang was not so bad will cite Donnithorde as evidence that Chang was not so bad.

No, actually, modern historians write about these matters in Mandarin, like civilized people.

[…] By jim […]

fnn says:

News Flash: Mainstream academics still living in alternate universe:


Approximately a bazillion commentators have pointed out, rightly, that the right-wing of the conservative movement holds sway over the political right, in the US; whereas the left-wing of the left-wing party, the Democrats, is so wimpy, comparatively, that it sounds funny even calling the Democrats ‘left-wing’, per se.

Dr. Faust says:

It is the pretense of non-power. How else would they presume to be the great defenders of the poor and misfortuned of society? They must be the underdog or else accept the failure of another one of their social programs.

They actually believe republicans are right wing. The only right wing political movement is on the internet.

Zatsun says:

And more than that yet. They be the underdog so they can be justified in asking for more power, and also so they will not have power taken away.

hitlerdidnothingwrong says:

It is always cut short internally by dictatorship, a Stalin or a Cromwell who, finding himself outflanked on the left, makes it as illegal to be to the left of him as it has long been illegal to be to the right of him, or else cut short by foreign conquest

What about idealistic Puritan communities? The American ones seemed to survive for generations, without eating each other.

jim says:

I don’t think any idealistic Puritan community outlived its founder. What community do you have in mind?

hitlerdidnothingwrong says:

The example I know best is the Shakers. Not Puritan I realize, but they were Dissenters.

They were an feminist, anti-property, anti-family (but still raised orphaned children), charismatic cult. Yet they managed to remain industrious, and admired for their economic accomplishments. Also, they were still going strong over a century beyond the death of their central figure (Ann Lee, 1736 – 1784). From what I understand, their total number of members peaked around 1850-1860.

There were a bunch of different communities, so it’s not some local fluke. Their celibacy and (actual, not rhetorical) pacifism put them at odds with the rest of the left.

jim says:

(actual, not rhetorical) pacifism put them at odds with the rest of the left.

Madness is a privilege of the powerful. At odds with the rest of the left, and pacifist, meant that any sign of madness, the left would jump on them and waco them.

hitlerdidnothingwrong says:

Huh. There was occasional mob violence against them, especially in their earlier days. Similar to the violence against Mormons, except much less of it, and they didn’t fight back.

jim says:

Which restrained them from going crazy.

Alrenous says:

Looks like I’ve been banned from ESR! Woo!

My comment as it would have appeared:

First they came for the racists, and I did not speak out because I was not a racist.

Oppression is okay if it’s against someone I don’t like. Goody Hannah‘s a bitch anyway.

Let’s compare two things. Racism, and racism which leads to killing people.

Killing people is certainly kind of bad, but last I checked, murder is already a crime. (Modulo rule of law.) Regardless of justification.

Racism is classless and annoying.

Anyone know kith or kin of a murder victim who said, “Oh they weren’t racist about it? I feel much better,” I would check but I don’t know anybody who knows anybody who was murdered.

I gotta say, it’s funny when nerds and geeks think it’s okay to persecute someone for being annoying. I though you were supposed to be smart? Don’t you see where this leads?

jim says:

Heh, of course they see where this leads, and that is why esr bows down before power in the hope of being last to be thrown to the crocodile.

B says:

What I always wondered, when reading Russian Samizdat about the Purges, was as follows. The story typically went like this: first the guy’s doing OK in his Communist career, then there are some show trials where wreckers are exposed, and they all cheer. Then his friends start disappearing, sometimes after a Party meeting where all the members working at whatever enterprise they’re all working at vote to exclude them from the party. Then he and his wife stop sleeping at night, because his neighbors keep getting arrested, and the plaque with the tenants’ names in the vestibule turns black as their names are inked out, and eventually they just take the plaque down. Then they come for him, and he gets tortured into making a confession, followed by a sentence, followed by the camps.

My question is, why didn’t they drop out once their friends started disappearing? It’s not like it was impossible to leave your job, pack your shit and go work as a trapper or janitor in Siberia.

But even more so, why doesn’t ESR just drop out? He’s got enough money, he’s got the skills to make a living anywhere on the planet-why does he stay put and feed his friends to the crocs?

hitlerdidnothingwrong says:

why didn’t they drop out once their friends started disappearing?

A better question. If he’s reasonably well-educated, why doesn’t he try to sneak across a border, and go live in some nicer country? He can be much better than a janitor, if he can find his way to Western Europe, or the more civilized parts of the third world. And unless the escape is too risky, he’ll average a longer lifespan.

My guess is that it doesn’t quite hit home. He doesn’t actually see his friends get tortured and head to the camps. They just disappear. Maybe they did something to deserve it. Or maybe they authorities are just scaring people…

B says:

I’m afraid to have a conversation with me, you’d have to change your name to something else…

Steve Johnson says:

C’mon, clearly he’s just a fan of the Mountain Dew flavor.

hitlerdidsomethingswrong says:

Noted. Not that I request a continuation of this conversation.

jim says:

The policeman inside.

When Aristide personally gouged the eyes out of one of his loyal minions, murdered the minion, and dumped the body in the street as an example, many of his non political minions either vanished into the masses or in some cases joined the revolution against Aristide, but his political minions generally became twice as loyal.

Similarly, in the gulag, imprisoned communists would spontaneously organize secret party meetings where they expressed to each other their loyalty to the system that had sent them to the camps.

Stockholm syndrome. See also the closely related phenomena of Helsinki syndrome and Oslo syndrome (wishful thinking about dangerous and powerful enemies)

B says:

Yeah-but ESR is not political. He’s a programmer.

The real question is, what makes a man immune to the policeman inside, and how can you make more people immune?

jim says:

In my case, multiple passports.

Cavalier says:

I’d like another passport or two, have you any suggestions?

jim says:

Not an expert on accruing passports. I got mine a long time ago when the rules were different, and tended to favor affluent white people, de facto or de jure.

Cavalier says:


Though wouldn’t a city-state like Singapore still favor in that direction? Some area soon to come under the rapidly expanding aegis of China seems like the obvious choice, no?

B says:

Doubt it-lots of NKVD/GRU guys had multiple passports and identities and businesses, and still came home for their purgin’.

On the other hand, Moldbug lives pretty openly in SF and does his thing with no apparent fear.

What’s the difference between Moldbug and ESR?

Matthew says:

Moldbug’s a Jew.

bjiebfv says:

Did you just seriously say Aristide gouged out the eyes of someone with his own hands? I can only assume, Zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar, you’re referring to Buter Metayer? So Zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar supports the ZOG backed overthrow of the Haitian government?

Did the Zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar forget Buter Metayer was in prison for burning down his opponents houses? Maybe someone should burn down your house, Zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar “Jim.”

i leave for a few days and the level of judenhaÅ¿s drops precipitously :/ haven’t i hated enough bagel-dogs to teach people how to already?

guys, use the racial slur database ( http://www.rsdb.org/races#jews ) and use a different word for the beanie boys every time. they spent centuries jewing us, so that eventually we simply called them jews, so that word could perhaps be preferred for philolological reasons, but only once in a post

by the way someone tried to come up with insults for everyone here ( http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6nFXoAIKsDUJ:8ch.net/duck/res/2702.html+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us#3993 ) but jim was left out, so this is your time. come up with an epithet shorter and more specific than zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar ( つ◕ل͜◕)つ

Alex J. says:

The internal passport system meant that you could NOT just hike over to siberia amd become a janitor.

B says:

Yeah, you could. Moving from Siberia to Moscow was difficult (though lots of people did it-the ??????.) going the other way was quite doable.

Alrenous says:

And here I thought being thrown to the crocodile might be worth making some effort to avoid entirely…

[…] on infinite leftism. Related: The ever-faster movement leftward. Related: Liberal goal: destroy logic, destroy […]

[…] Esr has to move ever leftwards, or else suffer persecution, and to prove himself sufficiently left, has to enthusiastically support the ever greater persecution of his fellow leftists. Thus each leftist has to move further left, and has to support the persecution of his fellow leftists even more than he did last year. […]

bjiebfv says:

Did you just seriously say Aristide gouged out the eyes of someone with his own hands? I can only assume, Zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar, you’re referring to Buter Metayer? So Zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar supports the ZOG backed overthrow of the Haitian government?

Did the Zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar forget Buter Metayer was in prison for burning down his opponents houses? Maybe someone should burn down your house, Zio-kike-faggot-nigger-liar “Jim.”

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