party politics

Trump and Israel

On the one hand, Trump says, or implies, that he is going to pursue America’s interests, not Israel’s.  On the other hand, he says and implies that he does not care deeply for the poor long suffering victimized saintly Palestinians.

Thus the mainstream media contradicts itself on his AIPAC speech (his speech to a bunch of powerful Zionist Jews)  He got a subdued response, they laughed at him, and they cheered him wildly.

Then the Jews themselves are embarrassed that they cheered him wildly, and issue a shamefaced apology for cheering the horrid evil Trump, who is so uncaring about the sainted Palestinians, unlike our multiple peace prize winning president, who loves both Israel and Palestinians so deeply.

43 comments Trump and Israel

vxxc2014 says:

The Saintly Palestinians vanish when UN support in the form of UNWRA/UNHCR disappears and they have to accept defeat.

By UN we may read correctly The US State Department.

That’s long been the answer and he just offered the deal they’ve been waiting for…of course they cheered.

Minion says:

What makes you think Palestianians are considered “saintly” by the vast majority of the liberal elites? Hillary is a bigger ziocuck than Trump is (who himself is a kosher nationalist).

Israel makes it a propaganda policy to signal its commitment to gay rights and feminism by saying it is fighting against homophobic and misogynistic Muslims (this is known as pinkwashing). Israel is a liberal Jewish state in a sea of Muslim social conservatism (Lesbanon not withstanding). Not sure why Israel should be considered to good guys here.

jim says:

Do you imply that I attribute to the Zionists a coherent and sane position?

Of course I do not. They are owned by the Cathedral, and the Cathedral intends to destroy them.

vxxc2014 says:

Yes the Cathedral does intend to destroy Israel.

But why should they be different than our other “allies”?

Our American best course is to the Cathedral. That means of course the State Dept and it follows the UN.

Then Israel can go its own way as can the rest of the world. Said world I care naught about – just America. There’s no harm however in leaving the world to its own devices.

Irving says:

>Of course I do not. They are owned by the Cathedral, and the Cathedral intends to destroy them.

I used to think this to, but who knows? The Israeli gov’t seems to have its act together. What, possibly, can the Cathedral do to them? The worst that it could have done was to force a “peace treaty” with the Palestinians, but that ship seems to have sailed. The Palestinians are never going to have a state, nor is it clear that they necessarily want one. Arab countries are collapsing all over the place, and the Palestinians know very well that their state would collapse as well, under the pressure of their own fanatics and the Israeli enemy. At this point, Israel needs only to bid its time before they can impose a definitive solution to the conflict, and they know it.

jim says:

>Of course I do not. They are owned by the Cathedral, and the Cathedral intends to destroy them.

I used to think this to, but who knows? The Israeli gov’t seems to have its act together.

Gay parade, retreat from Gaza, failure to impeach and execute the Israeli Supreme court for high treason. Various recent incidents of poor performance by the Israeli military.

A society beset by enemies cannot afford the Gay Parade and women in the military.

Irving says:

>Gay parade, retreat from Gaza, failure to impeach and execute the Israeli Supreme court for high treason. Various recent incidents of poor performance by the Israeli military.

These are all issues, for sure. But, are you sure that they prove that Israel is owned by the Cathedral? We can make sense of the gay parades by ascribing it to the relatively higher rates of homosexuality among Jews. The retreat from Gaza was stupid, but it was carried out by Ariel Sharon, who was certainly no believer in Cathedral ideology, or a member of the Cathedral. The Israeli Supreme Court, though, clearly is owned — and, it goes without say that the best Israeli lawyers spend time studying at top American law schools.

jim says:

The retreat from Gaza was stupid, but it was carried out by Ariel Sharon, who was certainly no believer in Cathedral ideology, or a member of the Cathedral.

The Cathedral moves ever leftwards. The Overton Window grows ever smaller. And as the right hand edge of the Overton window moved, so moved Sharon.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Israeli will be fine, because it is being devoured from within by Jewish Orthodox, rather than from without by Muslims as Europe is or Amerinds as the US is. This will eventually kill the Cathedral in Israel without Israel ceasing to be an Israel.

Israel will also succeed in colonising the West Bank; the Jewish birth rate is much higher than the Arab. The Jewish birth rate also now exceeds the Arab inside Israel. Gaza withdrawal makes strategic sense, as Gaza is too densely populated to be colonised, and isn’t worth colonising anyway.

So what’s left? Conventional threat? Israel isn’t going to throw away its nukes, as the UK is discussing.

jim says:

Israeli will be fine, because it is being devoured from within by Jewish Orthodox,

Jewish orthodox are for the most part anti zionist, which is to say, anti Israel, and the Zionist Orthodox are not as Zionist as they think they are. Their religion is adapted to being a hostile subversive minority in a state with a state religion fundamentally hostile to their own, and they are not really serious about changing their religion back to being a state religion.

One of their scriptures has a sound, pragmatic, and practical prophesy that depicts how to reverse the changes in Judaism to make it once again a functional state religion when the time comes, and they creatively reinterpret it to say business as usual. They say this scripture has to interpreted in accordance with all the scriptures they have amending Judaism to operate as a hostile subversive minority with no temple in a state with a hostile state religion.

Irving says:

>The Cathedral moves ever leftwards. The Overton Window grows ever smaller. And as the right hand edge of the Overton window moved, so moved Sharon.

There’s a difference between doing something the Cathedral approves of because you are ‘owned’ by the Cathedral (i.e. you agree with the Cathedral) and doing something the Cathedral approves of in order to appease the Cathedral–which is, whatever else we might say about it, very powerful, and has the ability to wreak extraordinary destruction on its enemies–even though you aren’t ‘owned’ by it. Sharon MIGHT have ordered the retreat from Gaza for the latter reason, but he definitely didn’t do it for the former reason. For all I know, though, Sharon had reasons of his own for doing what he did, reasons which had nothing to do with the Cathedral.

jim says:

There’s a difference between doing something the Cathedral approves of because you are ‘owned’ by the Cathedral (i.e. you agree with the Cathedral) and doing something the Cathedral approves of in order to appease the Cathedral–

If Sharon was forced against his will to move ever leftwards, all Jews in Israel are forced to move ever leftwards. And there is not much room to go further leftwards except every Jew cuts his throat with a rusty razor blade.

» We can make sense of the gay parades by ascribing it to the relatively higher rates of homosexuality among Jews.

non sequitur

Irving says:

> We can make sense of the gay parades by ascribing it to the relatively higher rates of homosexuality among Jews.

>non sequitur


What I meant was that the mere existence of gay parades in Israel does not prove that Israel is owned by the Cathedral. It is more reasonable to make sense of them in the light of the relatively high rates of homosexuality among Jews, especially Ashkenazi Jews, especially powerful Ashkenazi Jews, and in fact it is the case that these gay parades are largely the work of homosexual Ashkenazi Jews who have backing from NGOs which are, from the looks of it, funded by powerful homosexual Ashkenazi Jews.

To the extent that there is Cathedral involvement behind the gay parades, it is due to the fact that there is a natural symbiosis between the Cathedral and secular Ashkenazi Jews, both straight and homosexual, but especially homosexual. But it would be wrong to say that because secular Ashkenazi Jews live in and are powerful in Israel, that Israel is owned by the Cathedral, because then we would be ethnicizing the Cathedral, and that would not to mention unfair to the Jews, not to mention the fact that it would be an inaccurate description of the Cathedral.

jim says:

What I meant was that the mere existence of gay parades in Israel does not prove that Israel is owned by the Cathedral.

What do they call “gay pride day” and “gay pride parade” in Hebrew?

It is immediately apparent that those organizing the parade speak American English as their mother’s tongue.

Irving says:

>Jewish orthodox are for the most part anti zionist, which is to say, anti Israel,

Though they may be opposed to Zionism, I don’t think that any of them would ever say that they would accept living under the rule of non-Jews within what they consider to be their holy land, and this is the main point.

>It is immediately apparent that those organizing the parade speak American English as their mother’s tongue.

Yes, but many Israelis, and most Ashkenazi Israelis, speak English.

jim says:

Though they may be opposed to Zionism, I don’t think that any of them would ever say that they would accept living under the rule of non-Jews within what they consider to be their holy land, and this is the main point.

But they are happy living under the rule of non Judaism – and that non Judaism ever more hostile. Not clear that rule by the supremes is going to remain an improvement over rule by Hamas.

this is the first time I’ve heard that powerful Jews support gay rights because they are a secret society of closet gays.

How do you know that gays are more common among Jews?

The sheeny on the street has been told that if he doesn’t support the queers, Hitler is going to throw him in a gas chamber. Meanwhile, when I see kike chicks and part-zhid yentas talking about gay rights and how they’re bisexual and totally do it with women, it’s because they want my Aryan cock and think that telling me they’re feeling the bern is the way to get it.

OTOH, maybe Jews are uncomfortable in a White country full of Whites being White and pursuing White interests, so they want to enrich the culture, not just with vibrant diversity, but with mindless hedonism. Being an alpha male Jew and constantly being reminded that you’re outnumbered by Whites is on the margin less fulfilling than being a faggot from 2016 which is the direction in which everything is going.

well its not like the prophesy says the rabbis are going to approve of the messiah before he does the messiah stuff anyway

Irving says:

>How do you know that gays are more common among Jews?

It seems pretty clear that there’s less sexual dimorphism among Ashkenazi Jews and, from this fact, we can deduce with some confidence that they have higher rates of homosexuality.

None the less, there’s also evidence. According to a study to which I will link to below,” it was found that, among Israeli Jews, 11.3% of men and 15.2% of women self-reported attraction to the same-gender, 10.2 and 8.7% reported lifetime same-gender encounters, while 8.2 and 4.8% self-identified as gay or bisexual men and lesbian or bisexual women, respectively”. I have no doubt that if the study focused on Ashkenazi Jews, the numbers would be higher.

Other surveys have been done that show higher rates of homosexuality among Jews as well

>The sheeny on the street has been told that if he doesn’t support the queers, Hitler is going to throw him in a gas chamber.

I definitely think that part of the reason why Jews support sodomy in the West is because they simply don’t like the people (i.e. Christians) that oppose it.

>OTOH, maybe Jews are uncomfortable in a White country full of Whites being White and pursuing White interests, so they want to enrich the culture, not just with vibrant diversity, but with mindless hedonism.

There’s this too. It was the same thing porn as well.

Irving says:

>But they are happy living under the rule of non Judaism – and that non Judaism ever more hostile. Not clear that rule by the supremes is going to remain an improvement over rule by Hamas.

But this assumes that Orthodox Jews would take it lying down. They may be anti-zionist, but that doesn’t mean that they accept their way of life being tampered with by a hostile non-Judaism. For them, anti-zionism is perfectly compatible with opposition to a leftist Israeli supreme court.

jim says:

But this assumes that Orthodox Jews would take it lying down.

They have taken everything so far lying down.

So long as they allowed to double down on keeping cheese crumbs separate from meat grease, will make no trouble all the way to the killing fields.

For them, anti-zionism is perfectly compatible with opposition to a leftist Israeli supreme court.

And how are they opposing the leftist, and ever lefter, Israeli Supreme court?

Mister Grumpus says:

> What do they call “gay pride day” and
> “gay pride parade” in Hebrew?
> It is immediately apparent that those
> organizing the parade speak American
> English as their mother’s tongue.

I love the way you notice these things.

Irving says:

>Israel is a liberal Jewish state in a sea of Muslim social conservatism (Lesbanon not withstanding). Not sure why Israel should be considered to good guys here.

Give me a break. The Middle East is not socially conservative. It is more accurate to say that they have a very small, although in some places a moderately large, number of vocal religious fanatics who attract a disproportionate amount of attention, with much of the rest of the population being just as degenerate, if not more so, than any Western or Westernized liberal (i.e. there are plenty of sodomites, but they’re all closeted, and the women are easy). Those who don’t fit in to either of these categories are largely illiterate peasants, and so they don’t count.

Y.Ilan says:

Kind of reminds of that time I was in the “Occupied Territories,” and we found the burnt and sodomized corpse of a “socially conservative” Palestinian. The Muslim world is filled with unhealthily closeted degenerates; combine that with tribal feuds and you end up with some… icky… situations.

Minion says:

No, some of those places are open liberal degenerates, not closeted degenerates. As a Muslim, I would be happy if America nuked major Middle Eastern metropolises and only left conservative villages and small towns left.

Irving says:

>we found the burnt and sodomized corpse of a “socially conservative” Palestinian

I’m sorry that you had to see this, and for what happened to the poor guy.

» a very small, although in some places a moderately large, number of vocal religious fanatics who attract a disproportionate amount of attention, with much of the rest of the population being just as degenerate, if not more so, than any Western or Westernized liberal (i.e. there are plenty of sodomites, but they’re all closeted, and the women are easy). Those who don’t fit in to either of these categories are largely illiterate peasants, and so they don’t count.

i.e. Bill Clinton’s USA

Minion says:

That is why I said “excluding Lesbanon”. If a few nukes fell on Beirut, I would celebrate. Big cities in general are havens of liberal degeneracy. However, the majority of those societies are still socially conservative.

The sluttiness of Middle Eastern women is directly proportional to their exposure to “Western culture”

This is an interesting point. Obviously, the United States would be much better off if the USSR had nuked the cities in the ’70s, in particular Hymietown and Boston.

For how long have cities been cesspits of degeneracy? Since the invention of welfare, or longer?

Irving says:

>That is why I said “excluding Lesbanon”. If a few nukes fell on Beirut, I would celebrate. Big cities in general are havens of liberal degeneracy.
However, the majority of those societies are still socially conservative.

Beirut is one of the last, relatively civilized places in that region, so no, it mustn’t be nuked and, if it is nuked, you really shouldn’t celebrate it.

Also, there’s nothing happening in Beirut that isn’t happening in, say, Mecca. Yes, Mecca. I know what’s happening there and, if you’ve been paying attention, you do too. If we’re going to bomb all of the “havens of liberal degeneracy”, recognize that the black cube is very likely not going to make it.

>The sluttiness of Middle Eastern women is directly proportional to their exposure to “Western culture”

If by ‘western culture’ you mean the absence of patriarchy, then yeah, you might have a point.

But, the level of sluttiness among Middle Eastern women is vastly disproportionate to the actual exposure to ‘Western culture’, in the sense that you mean it, that the Middle East has experienced. It follows that patriarchy in the Middle East is declining for reasons internal to the Middle East.

Minion says:

“Beirut is one of the last, relatively civilized places in that region, so no, it mustn’t be nuked and, if it is nuked, you really shouldn’t celebrate it. ”
Its too liberal. It needs an exterminatus

“Also, there’s nothing happening in Beirut that isn’t happening in, say, Mecca. Yes, Mecca”
Yes. I have heard of Saudi Arabia’s 5% atheism rate (many Muslims living there say it should be even higher- more like 50%- since they are utterly not practicing Muslims in anyway). They even had a thing on twitter where Saudi Mulhids (atheists) tore up the quran as a form of protest and posting it on their accounts.

One such woman, who lived in Mecca laughed as she tore up the Quran, saying that now that she has blasphemed, would God dare punish her with a disaster that will destroy the sacred city? I would love to answer her in the affirmative- to the tune of 50 megatons.

Nuking them would be wonderful. Imagine, the West they so admire and have apostated for is raining down nuclear fire on them. Imagine a Mecca without mulhids, munafiqs, or murtads. Imagine a Mecca as pure as the day the Prophet himself conquered it.

May the West never accept the Arabs no matter how westernized they may become.

As one Jordanian atheist said on 4chan’s /int/, no amount of atheism will wash the shit from our skins.

My only reservation would be the post-nuclear fallout making the hajj impossible due to radiation hazards. Perhaps we can give the haramain a saturated conventional bombing?

Although, to be fair, I don’t think we need to nuke Mecca just yet, as long as the government of Saudi Arabia is in conservative Muslim hands, we still have the upper hand against the native atheists there. The same cannot be said of Beirut or Tunis.

Dave says:

If you see Jews as the source of all evil, the world is a very confusing place. I remember someone trying to reason out which side of the Ukrainian civil war he should support based on which side was pro-Israel!

If you frame the world as a Darwinian ecosystem of genetic and memetic competition, both of which Jews are pretty good at, things tend to make sense.

He was doing it wrong.

You determine which side of the Ukrainian coup to support by seeing which side is preferred by international Jewry and run by rootless cosmopolitan Jews. Then you support the other side, regardless of what either side says about Israel.

Anders Breivik was pro-Israel, but Jews know that he wasn’t on their side.

Dave says:

And while some “right-sector” brigades in Ukraine openly carry Nazi flags, the Jew-ess State Department supports their side.

Evidently, in Eastern Europe, Nazi imagery means you hate the USSR, not that you hate Jews in general. Not just Ukraine, but also Lithuania

Toddy Cat says:

The biggest problem American leftist Jews have is that their stated positions are logically incompatible, and they know it, at some level. Their reaction to Trump just brings this out.

It’s only a problem if someone calls them out on it, which is currently and for the foreseeable future outside of the Overton window.

They fully expect for a peace to be imposed on Israel including recognition of Palestine, which preserves most of Israel’s gains.

They would love to have the conversation over whether Whites, being a numerical plurality instead of majority, lose oppressor status. The answer is that oppressor status only made sense to Whites, due to the cooperative nature of Whites. Whites not having a White country is a major win for the Jews, since they can hide better in a multi-ethnic place, and even get large numbers of cuckolds to identify with them, like how a woman will identify with a rapist.

Jack says:

Genetics is the only issue that ever mattered, and from the perspective of genetics, Israel is totally screwed. That is because the Mizrahi genotype has completely taken over the Israeli society, while the Ashkenazi genotype in Israel wasn’t top-notch in the first place, and is getting worse. The only conceivable way out of this mess is if economic collapse and anti-Semitism bring 6 million Ashkenazi Americans to make aliyah. Otherwise the Iranian prediction about the Zionist regime withering away will come to pass.

Jack says:

Off topic but heh –

Mencious Moldbug, the renowned historian, writes on reddit:

“Similarly, if I said that Greek Jews were more likely to survive in Auschwitz than Western European Jews (which is also true), this would strike me as a positive comment on the toughness of Greek Jews, not an opinion that they should be sent to the ovens first.”

Plausible, right? Sepharadim are “tougher” than Ashkenazim, so naturally would be likelier to survive the camps, right? WRONG.

“According to the Kehila Kadosha Ioannina Synagogue and Museum, out of all of the countries occupied by the Nazis, Greece lost the largest percentage of its Jewish population. A larger percentage of Greek Jews were selected to die at the death camps than that of any of the other Jewish communities. 87 percent of the Greek Jewish community, numbering between 60,000 and 70,000 souls, perished in the Holocaust. Most of them were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

There are many reasons why a larger percentage of Greek Jews perished in the Holocaust than the Jews in any other Nazi occupied country. For starters, Greek Jewish society was very family-centered. As a result, young Greek Jews who might have been able to survive by fleeing refused to do so because they did not want to abandon their families. Another one of the factors that lead to their death was that they had a longer journey to travel in the cattle-cars than the other Jews did. As a result, when the Greek Jews arrived in Poland, a greater percentage did not appear fit to work slave labor as far as the Nazis were concerned. Another factor leading to their deaths was the language gap. Since they didn’t speak any of the surrounding languages, their chances of successful escape attempts were virtually non-existent and they could be killed on site for not understanding German orders.

Furthermore, Greek Jews were used to drinking vast amounts of water and thus, even though the water in the camp was contaminated, they usually couldn’t resist drinking it, thus leading to all sorts of diseases leading towards death. Additionally, since the Greek Jews were used to a more temperate climate, they could not physically handle the cold of Poland. Another factor that one should take into consideration is that Greek Jewish men were more likely to be assigned to be Sonkercommando than other Jews, since they were usually strong and able-bodied because they worked in the ports in Greece. These Jews were executed every three to four months, to ensure that there would be no witnesses to the Nazis Final Solution. These are a few of the many reasons why Greek Jews died in greater numbers in Auschwitz than other Jewish communities. Thus, 85 percent of Greek Jews would not be able to survive the conditions in the Auschwitz camp, while the average was 70 percent for other Jewish communities.”

It’s worth remembering next time some Israeli Jewish supremacist, like B and others here, claims that Israel has survived “despite” the early Ashkenazi influence, etc. Also, Moldbug made a mistake, heheh.

Cloudswrest says:

Off topic but perhaps an example of the Empire of the bases in conflict with the Empire of the consulates.

CIA-armed militias are shooting at Pentagon-armed ones in Syria

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