Month: June 2016


Teaching boys to be beta

I was watching “Troy”. And for the first hour it was totally great. The mother of Achilles, who has the power of prophesy, and is believed to be a goddess or something similar, prophesies that if he goes to war with Troy, he will die in that war, but his name will live for a …


How to give effect to Brexit

Supposedly, if the British voted for exit, the government would immediately invoke article 50 – would give notice that Britain was resigning from the EU. That is what the prime Minister told them. Well, the British voted for exit, and surprise, surprise, the government is not invoking article 50. The prime minister lied. What a …


George Soros on Brexit

Mixed in amongst the usual lies, were some truths. The “Leave” campaign exploited the deteriorating refugee situation – symbolized by frightening images of thousands of asylum-seekers concentrating in Calais, desperate to enter Britain by any means necessary – to stoke fear of “uncontrolled” immigration from other EU member states. Why the quote marks around “uncontrolled” …


All slopes are slippery

The Guardian remarks: The deeper fear among Tory remainers now isn’t just of a recession. It’s about the rise of something new in British politics When Tony Abbott halted illegal immigration to Australia he took a total no exceptions policy – not one illegal would be allowed in or allowed to stay, however sad his …


Nationalism rises from the dead

White nationalities have been told, and have believed, that they don’t deserve to have nations, that they are too wicked to have nations, that their evil thoughts cause nonwhite nationalities to underperform. And if you look at the capitals of what used to be white nations, looks like most white nationalities no longer have nations. …


The feminized police force and army

1. In response to the Orlando terrorist massacre there were women in uniform among those police responding. This was absurd, outrageous, despicable, shocking, and immoral. We should not expose women to danger – and because you cannot treat women differently to men, no police were exposed to danger. 2. In response to the Orlando terrorist …

party politics

If you are a conservative

You believe that a wall for the US is immoral and racist, but a wall for Israel is not. You believe deporting anchor babies is unconstitutional. You believe that free trade consists of other nations accepting US copyrights, patents, and US investment, but not US goods. You believe that the US should be the world’s …