Month: June 2018



This is not a PUA blog. To learn PUA, read Heartiste, and then practice on actual women, not this blog. But some people have partially misinterpreted my observations on passing shit tests, so, clarifying. I depict shit tests as tough, deadly, scary, threatening, and vital to pass, because they are. But though a cat will …


Kathy Forth’s suicide

Kathy Forth offed herself, leaving a lengthy suicide note in which she accused numerous men of sexually harassing her, and the entire society of ignoring this terrible sexual harassment, thereby driving her to suicide. Fat, pushing forty, and supposedly suffers unbearable amounts of sexual assault. Back when she was hot, the amount of sexual assault …


And Tango does not make three

Singapore and Hong Kong resist “International Community” dominance, taking gay books off the library shelves. Now that Trump is disinclined to back Blue Empire soft power with Red Empire hard power, Blue Empire soft power is running into severe head winds. Recall Duterte threatening to give Soros a helicopter ride if he came to the …


English pay the Jizya

The Daily Mail Online tells us “Less than one in twenty street robberies and burglaries solved” Naturally I thought the unmentionable planet Jupiter must be in sight, and suspected that these mysteriously unsolvable crimes might correlate with that. “Rushcliffe in Nottinghamshire had the lowest rate of solved crime in 2017, while the most crimes were …

party politics

Can’t stump the Trump

Naturally the world press attempted to frame this as Trump taking a humiliating beating like an errant schoolboy. But … But the frame fell off with Trudeau’s eyebrows. Trump targeted Trudeau in particular, not because of anything he said, that was just an excuse, but because the Canadian economy is the most vulnerable to a …


Baking a gay marriage cake

The supreme court has rolled back the decision that forced a particular baker to bake a particular gay marriage cake. But has done nothing in general about the rules that pressure everyone else to piously give service to gay marriage, that require ever other baker to bake a gay wedding cake. The reason for undoing …