
Legacy Media report that failure to make sufficient human sacrifices is punished by the wrath of the Gods

The plan for Wu Flu bears a striking resemblance to the plan for a Green New Deal.

If sufficient human sacrifices are not made, dire natural disaster will ensue. Now that they have the Wu Flu disaster, seem to have lost interest in the Anthropogenic Catastrophic Climate Change of Doom disaster.

Some time ago Iran, noticing that Wu Flu is over, ended their lockdown. The media of course reports Doom. The wrath of the Gods has punished Iran for their impiety.

Has it?

Looks like the lockdown slowed the rise very slightly, and ending the lockdown slowed the decline very slightly.

Wu Flu deaths in Iran grew by a factor of ten every eleven days till March 21st, remained at steady constant death rate to April 10th, and since April 12th the death rate has been in slow exponential decline. Imposing lockdown had little effect in Iran, and ending lockdown had little effect in Iran.

The decline is painfully slow, but it is exponential. Death rate in Iran falls by a factor of two every twenty eight days, which means that most of the deaths are behind them now.

Don’t believe anything you read in the legacy media. They are evil, angry, hostile people who hate you, and tell you lies that will harm you. Everything you read in the papers is a lie by evil people who intend to harm you in any way that they can, who want you dead, want your children dead, do not want white people to have sex, and especially do not want white people to have marriage and children. The reason the news does not cover hate crimes against white people is that they give each other high fives whenever the hatred that they spread against white people results in white people being murdered or driven out of their homes. They celebrate every time one of our warriors is killed in pointless endless wars that they instigate against people far away, in lands of which they know nothing, and when the warriors come home prosecute our warriors for war crimes because the warriors had to defend themselves against enemies out of uniform hiding behind women and children.

They hate us, they hate you, and they hate themselves. Hatred and evil consumes them and drives them mad.

What appears in the legacy media are the ravings of evil angry dangerous madmen, and they only matter if the madman is dangerously powerful.

If any commenter uncritically presupposes that anything that appears in the mainstream media bears any connection to reality, other commenters are likely to get rightly angry at him. The legacy media only tells the truth when half the truth is useful in getting people to look away from the lie. When they tell the truth, it is packaged in frame that says “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”.

383 comments Legacy Media report that failure to make sufficient human sacrifices is punished by the wrath of the Gods

Dave says:

Question for any retired Sovietologists reading this blog: If a member of the ruling Politburo made an argument based on something he read in Pravda, would the other members burst into laughter?

Because Democrats of all ranks regard their own propaganda rags as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

Oliver Cromwell says:

If that ever stops being true, certainly only at very high levels.

You are talking about the late Soviets, though. The early Soviets as described in Slezkine’s “House of Government” took their ideology and Party Line very seriously. We are still in the pre-Stalin stage.

Jan Martense says:

If a member of the ruling Politburo made an argument based on something he read in Pravda, would the other members burst into laughter?

As Oliver Cromwell said, in the late USSR, the answer is probably yes. But this is because the late USSR had already been ideologically conquered by liberalism. Privately, Politburo members did not believe their own propaganda precisely because they DID believe American propaganda. And when they let Elton John ride around their country giving shows and started adopting enemy words as their explicit state policy (“glasnost” is one of the most stereotypically liberal words imaginable)… well, what did they expect to happen? Its no wonder the USSR fell, its leaders privately wanted it to fall.

Contrast that with today, there is no alternative power center that rulers can privately defect to, analogous to the USA in 1989. Russia is probably closest but we all know that it doesn’t have the cultural projection of 80s America.

Dave says:

They wanted to change Russia to be more like America, a reasonable goal at the time, but by turning to Harvard for advice, they imported the parasite without the host.

Jim’s Blog* provides an alternative truth center, and truth is a path to power, as generals win battles through superior understanding of people, weapons, and terrain. There could well be a tight-knit cabal within the Deep State that’s secretly reading this blog and quietly nodding in agreement.

*Brett Stevens is too abstract, Bruce Charlton, W.M. Briggs, and Ortho are too religious, Anglin is a clown (though quite funny at times), and Anonymous Conservative went insane chasing conspiracy theories. Vox is too religious, shares Anglin’s obsession with a singular villain (pedos and Jews respectively), and he’s edging toward conspiracy-nuttery. Z-man and Steve Sailer have some great commentary (and commenters) but seem to lack a positive vision of a just society.

Will Russell says:

I agree with your thoughts on other commentators in the dissident right.

Who else could write lines like:

> Don’t believe anything you read in the legacy media. They are evil, angry, hostile people who hate you, and tell you lies that will harm you. Everything you read in the papers is a lie by evil people who intend to harm you in any way that they can, who want you dead, want your children dead, do not want white people to have sex, and especially do not want white people to have marriage and children.

I will add that now Roosh has gone deep blue pill, which is tragic. I wonder why, after all those women, he was never able to lock one down?

The Cominator says:

Strange that Roosh has gone tradcuck and Roissy has gone wignat… WTF happened to them.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

There is literally nothing wrong with guys like roissy upmemeing things like whiteness and or nationalism and anyone who thinks there is is mentally cuckolded by lingering residues of their childhood stockholm syndrome growing up in a world of catherdral conditioning rooted deep in their amygdalas.

Atavistic Morality says:

I’ve never really read Roissy, so I don’t know exactly what we are talking about here. But there’s a world difference between upmemeing your own people and your nation and wignatism.

In this blog you might see Jim casually calling the diversity hires plain apes while talking about humanity conquering the stars. R7 will very happily explain the users how good our colony in Mars is going to be because niggers can’t survive space. There’s nothing wrong with this, no one bats an eye.

But then here he comes someone like jack boot, and starts to tell you all about the magic Jews in magic councils running the world from the shadows to destroy white people, and white people need socialism to fight the Jews, and we will all live in utopia when we live in white Venezuela. For no reason, he will also tell you how much he hates niggers when it has nothing to do with anything, but we reactionaries allegedly hate black people so why not, throw it in into the mix.

The first is a man capable of observing reality. The second is….

The Cominator says:

Wignatism is retarded controlled op and should not be upmemed.

Reactionary ethnic nationalism and HBD are different but that is NOT what Roisy is “upmemeing” on gab lately.

Roissy used to promote the right redpills but is now promoting the wrong ones.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

What is meant by this here is a semantic argument. But semantics matter.

Wig=white, nat=nationalist, wignat is white nationalist. That is the easy and simple and obvious lexical connection in the mind.

‘Wignat is bad’, being white and or nationalist is bad.

Were that not to be what is meant to be said, then different words need to be said. ‘Wignat’ implies white and or nationalist, therefore using wignat to mean something that is not white and or nationalist is rhetorically impoverished, a non-starter. One needs a better word to talk about what is really meant to be talked about.

If a christian is criticizing a heretical sect, he would not use a caricature of Jesus to represent them… because… that would be a caricature, of his own symbols. ‘Its okay because its not actually Jesus but a laughable corruption of his image’ cuckolded.

Atavistic Morality says:

It’s wigger nationalism, not white nationalism.

And white nationalist doesn’t stand for white and nationalist separately, it has its own definition. As in the belief that white ethnicities are all one and the same and should segregate from other races.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

A wigger is a white person.


>And white nationalist doesn’t stand for white and nationalist separately, it has its own definition. As in the belief that white ethnicities are all one and the same and should segregate from other races.

This kind of fussy tendentiousness does not prevail in a discourse. If ‘white nationalist’ is unbellyfeel, being white and or nationalist is unbellyfeel.

There are many people who call themselves christian who behave like cuckolds. A christian who might criticise such people would (should) not call them ‘christcucks’, because the term ‘christcuck’ is an inherent tarring of the term christian. Furthermore more, to call heretical groups possessed of so and so qualities with such and such terms, is to take *ownership* of those qualities. To say they are ‘christcucks’ is to say that they are *still christian*; and if what they are is christian, and they have so and so qualities, then it is to say *christianity* has so and so qualities, too.

All rhetoric has cardinality, certain directions that they might tend to push things; certain teleologies that they might serve more than others. You want to open up what is yours to the possibility of being better, and close off what what is yours to the possibility of being worse. You do not want to take ownership of that which you would want to divest. You do not imply necessary connections between yours and what is bad, for this would ideologically hamstring such divestment. You define your thedes in ways that are better, and not worse, so that the thede may be better, and not worse; that those of the thede may know what is better, and that those that are worse, may be made not of the thede.

Corvinus says:

What happened to them is that they hit the wall. They’re used up. They focused on a brand, got their coin, then went Alt Right when their well went try. They unfortunately biological dead-ends. What hottie would want to marry them knowing they can’t man up to marriage and fatherhood?

By jim
Source: Jim

simplyconnected says:

They hate us, they hate you, and they hate themselves. Hatred and evil consumes them and drives them mad.

Clarity, it’s a beautiful thing.

The Cominator says:

“If any commenter uncritically presupposes that anything that appears in the mainstream media bears any connection to reality, other commenters are likely to get rightly angry at him.”

Thank you for this Jim, I would say though they only sometimes outright lie about facts but anything they emphasize that is factually dubious especially when they want the public to buy into something political (IE Trump-Russia, Orange man bad, Global warming, the need for lockdowns) is a lie and based entirely on lies.

Fred says:

If you want to see absolutely unbelievably brazen gaslighting, you need to see this tweet if you haven’t already.

jim says:

The best lie is a truth told in a way that points away from the truth that you are hiding.

Whenever the media reports an actual truth, they are telling you “Don’t look at the man behind the curtain”

Atavistic Morality says:

It’s becoming more and more public knowledge.

Icon says:

The lockdown did nothing. You quarantine sick people not healthy ones.

Being locked in your house suppresses immunity. You need fresh air and sunshine and human contact to strengthen your immune system.

Also Jim, If you think one of your followers is a glow-jogger. Just ask them. They are required by law to self identify to avoid entrapment. Don’t believe me? Ask any lawyer. There’s no need for the odd questioning.

I’m not a cop and not against anyone here.

jim says:


There is every need for “odd questioning”

In fact even suggesting there is no need for “odd questioning” leads me to believe you are working for the FBI.

So, can you answer Starman’s “odd questions“, or even acknowledge the premise of the questions?

The Cominator says:

“Also Jim, If you think one of your followers is a glow-jogger. Just ask them. They are required by law to self identify to avoid entrapment. Don’t believe me? Ask any lawyer. There’s no need for the odd questioning.”


Even to the extent this does apply (and unless your lawyer is in with the judge it won’t) it only applies to kwaps trying to get a specific case here. Narrative shills who are not kwaps investigating a specific thing certainly don’t have to self identify.

furor kek tonicus says:


the ability of cops to lie ( even outrageously ) to citizens is well established in American courts and has been repeatedly ruled on.

and anyone with even a cursory knowledge of FBI and local police domestic spying knows that the Authoritays regularly engage in crimes all the way up to running drugs / weapons / prostitution and murder and that they have been doing so at least since J Edgar Hoover.

Whitey Bulger is only one of the more notorious situations. General Flynn’s case is working through the courts now, and they’d have already convicted him on entirely fraudulent and concocted “evidence” if the judge hadn’t gone rogue and threatened to sentence him for Treason.

you’re going to try to run a game this dumb, you’d better try infiltrating the Black Panthers or La Raza. you know, some group with an average IQ <90.

jim says:

> the ability of cops to lie ( even outrageously ) to citizens is well established in American courts and has been repeatedly ruled on.

Narks can lie all they want, but they cannot actually supply drugs, and politicals can lie all they want, but they cannot mention, or even acknowledge their target mentioning, a long and ever growing list of thought crimes and hate facts.

A political will say “hail fellow X”, as a nark says “hail fellow druggie” But the nark cannot actually share you a toke, and the political cannot actually share your thought crimes or acknowledge your hate facts. Check out all the politicals on the stormer platforms. They have ten times as many as we do. As the forbidden thought list grows ever longer, it becomes ever harder for them to pass.

furor kek tonicus says:

but they cannot actually supply drugs

nevertheless, they often do. just as Obama ran guns to the Mexican cartels even though THAT was “illegal”. and the CIA funds much of their off-book activities with drugs.

and how is an arrested “criminal” to “prove” this in court, which is the only place such allegations would do him any good?

if there’s anything cops are good at, it is suppressing and fabricating evidence.

where is the security camera footage for Epstein? oops, cameras weren’t working ….

where is the corroborating evidence for Muh Russian Collusion? eh, Christopher Steele’s fantasies sounded damning.

officer Chauvinist, why did you have to shoot that unarmed man 20 times? i thought he was reaching into his pocket to pull out a gun and i thought it was a threat to my life.

etc, ad nauseam.

jim says:

> > but they cannot actually supply drugs

> nevertheless, they often do. just as Obama ran guns to the Mexican cartels even though THAT was “illegal”.

FBI shills will supply the white male Christian terrorists that they want to find or create with explosives. But they will not speak, or even acknowledge, the thought crimes of their targets. The difference is that “don’t do anything legal” does not necessarily get enforced, but “don’t think anything unthinkable” does get enforced.

Icon says:

I read the question. Here is my answer. Porn should be avoided because it leads to self abuse and lowers testosterone. You already know how I feel about the group mentioned which I’ve agreed not to talk about.

jim says:

Your answer is not only purple pilled, but fails to acknowledge the question.

There are lots of genuinely purple pilled people who are not government shills, but they can give a purple pilled answer that acknowledges the question.

Your output is subject to scrutiny by Human Resources, for you not only will not give a red pilled answer, you cannot hear a red pilled question.

Coverage Wave says:

Also his most direct attempt at sounding red-pilled, saying “Rape never happens,” was said as ‘IC’.

Maybe that’s enough to fly under HR’s radar. Then he has to go back to posting as ‘Icon’ or else he wouldn’t get paid.

Icon says:

Here the question is acknowledged: Should we make pornography illegal?

The answer desired is no because it provides an outlet for sexual energy. The most “red pilled” answer involves the theory that all women are perverts and need a man to handle them and spank them.

I don’t agree. There are women who can control their animal instincts, plenty of them. Only an incel simpleton would think otherwise.

My answer is still that porn should be avoided. No change. That is not “purple pilled” it is the most “red pilled” answer. Because pornography lowers testosterone and sex drive and is a poor outlet for energy that should be used for reproduction.

jim says:


A totally blue pilled answer. Not everyone who is blue pilled is a shill, but all shills are blue pilled.

Women cannot control their animal instincts. Unfortunately for men, their animal instincts are different from those of men.

You hit on a chick, and she blows you off. This shows that women can control their animal instincts? Right?


More likely it shows she received a midnight booty call from Jeremy Meeks three months ago, and is keeping her schedule clear in case she gets another one.

yewotm8 says:

Women nowadays have no issue blowing off men at the last minute, even ignoring them altogether when the scheduled time has come. Scheduling issues are no longer a problem.

It would be more accurate to say that they are keeping their wombs free for him.

Cloudswrest says:

Ramzpaul video of police standing down and not enforcing N.J. governor’s executive order, plus his analysis. Police standing down video starts at 2:31. As Paul Ramsey says, once the governor looses the power of the gun, nobody gives a rat’s ass what he/she says.

Filthy Liar says:

They arrested people today, fined the owner today and yesterday. The cops aren’t going to back people who are attempting to break their monopoly on state sanctioned violence.

alf says:

Shills be feeling the heat

Pooch says:

Governor doubled down on enforcement. The cops aren’t going away.

info says:

Meanwhile releasing violent criminals to possibly use as shock troops. Yet if they really cared about their monopoly on violence. Street gangs/Prison gangs and drug cartels would have been wiped out.

And all their members dead or permanently left the lifestyle.

Filthy Liar says:

Street gangs don’t threaten their monopoly on violence. Militias do, vigilantes do. Street gangs are mobile bandits getting preyed on by stationary bandits.

Starman says:

@Filthy Liar

“Street gangs don’t threaten their monopoly on violence. Militias do, vigilantes do.”

I have to agree with you. Street gangs aren’t a real army. They exist solely because the FBI and the DOJ actively protects them from militias and vigilantes.

See how easily the Korean shopkeepers defeated the Bloods and Crips during the LA riots. See how the White homeowners wiped the floor with these subhuman gangs during Katrina. And note that these nig nog gangs didn’t exist prior to civil rights.

info says:


We will see. If Trump gets his way. You wanna bet they will be wiped out?

Same with Prison Gangs?

Starman says:


If President Trump puts down the FBI and DOJ, and abolishes civil rights enforcement, the gangs will be destroyed. Just like they were easily beaten by homeowners and shopkeepers in the 1950’s and before (and temporarily beaten by homeowners and shopkeepers when civil rights enforcement was absent during the LA riots in Korea town and Katrina).

After all, there were no Bloods and Crips in 1920 when vigilantes were allowed to hang stick up men from trees.

Sweden had no lockdown and their bell curve flattened anyway. The astounding thing is not that the news lies so ruthlessly – I’m use to that – it’s that nearly everyone I know in real life believes what they’re told by the legacy media.

Atavistic Morality says:

The serfs believe what their masters tell them, of course.

Fasces says:

What’s your recommendation for those of us who, due to lockdown, must work remotely, at home with wives and daughters? Spouse insists on flouncing through my work area, being tense, resists notion of setting up separate office, with a door I can shut. Best practices? Tips? Suggestions?

jim says:

You are physically stronger than she is. Tell her “we are going to do it my way”. She will push until physically overpowered and forcibly compelled, but then will be a much happier woman.

Cloudswrest says:

My wife only “invades” my work area to bring me coffee and lunch.

Cloudswrest says:

Although, in return, she does occasionally summon me to her work area to “fix her computer”. Said laptop supplied by her employer (a government agency) in need of a lot of driver updates (based on HP scan), but unable to do so because employer has locked the laptop from employees adding/updating software and drivers.

James says:

Yeah, my girlfriend moved in when quarantine started and for a couple of weeks there was intense drama. I called her out on it and after a drama spike, she calmed down dramatically.

She just needed to be told to knock that shit off, and see that her crying, pouting, and accusations of being unfair got her nowhere with me.

It’s just typical shit with women. Occasionally, they need to see that they’re with a strong man. Drama spikes are a tool many women use to evaluate men. That’s the price of having them around.

Will Russell says:

Clearly a man needs a woman who he owns, who is his only and gives him children. But if that’s not in the picture now, what’s the least bad option in the meantime?

– Random sporadic sluts
– Whores (such as seeking arrangement)
– Porn (showing only women)
– Asceticism

Dave says:

Any of the above plus gestational surrogacy, like Anthony Stralow and Ricky Martin. You need white children before age 50.

jim says:

Is in the picture if you do it right.

jim says:

He killed a theoretical pedophile, he was not reacting to sexual behavior between an adult male and a pre-fertile age female right in front of him – if society was blaming theoretical witches for famine, he would have killed a theoretical witch.

info says:

You familar with Texas Arcane which was wiped off the internet?

He thinks its bullshit:

But then a commentator said this:

No, Tex…that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that I’ve got more firsthand interaction and experience with this little group called ‘FLDS’ and SOME might say that puts me in a more qualified position of understanding than what little news tidbits trickle over to your side of the planet.

They are not a religion. They are a cult. They are nothing short of a coalition of pedophilic bigots who have banded together to practice ‘spiritually sanctioned’ rape of minors. I’ve been in their communities, I’ve lived in towns near their communities. I’ve seen some of the victims. I’ve known many of those families.

I’m a member of the REAL church that this small contingent of fanatics claims to trace their roots. And living in an area that is predominantly of my same religion, our local news is all over the streets watching this sensetive story and all it’s details.

To put it in more basic terms, you don’t have jack shit on my experience and what I know firsthand about these people. You’re defending a group of pedophiles and dysfunctional psychotics tho think God commands them to fuck their nieses at the first sign of puberty. Your defense? a few technicalities regarding arrest procedure.

Would you argue that Mussolini never got a fair trial? These people are EVIL. They are an abomination in every biblical sense of their behavior, ESPECIALLY regarding children. they are NOT a functional, ‘different than ours’ society. their social model is constantly breaking down, resulting in mass-excommunication of their surplus of adult-aged single males, and mentally emotionally destroyed young women.

Have you SEEN any of the female interviews on video? have you seen how hollow of a husk of a human psyche resides in their heads? The more you get the know them, the more pronounced it is.

Tex, I understand religious persecution. Being a member of the only religion in America to have an arbitrary extermination order issued against them in history, having our first leader assasinated by a mob of baptist krisshans, I get what you’re trying to say. But this is a pedophilic CULT hiding behind a thin veneer of ‘religion’.

Not currently in the limelight, these communities are also known as major drug manufacturers and trafficking points. Not currently in the limelight, several murders and ‘disappearances’ have been connected to at least the one community I lived near, in Colorado City. Not currently in the limelight, two state troopers were recently busted in So. Utah for being on the plig payroll to wink at any errant signs of illegal activity.

I know what I am talking about. Compared to my perspective, you obviously don’t. Relax, you can be right about a whole book of things that I’m wrong about. But this one is clearly in my ballcourt, not yours.

(A Thousand Good Intentions)

April 21, 2008 at 9:35 AM

The Cominator says:

The commenter is a shill.

Postpubescent women at least subconsciously want to have sex and having it is not going to inflict the kind of psychological trauma chaining them in a closet for years would cause.

Polygamy is bad because it creates a woman shortage for most men, not because bad for women.

He: “resulting in mass-excommunication of their surplus of adult-aged single males,”

You: “Polygamy is bad because it creates a woman shortage for most men, not because bad for women.”

info says:

Exactly why I want monogamy. Not Polygamy. Too much potential by men wasted because of this.

This is also why there is so much defection and disloyalty by such men.

Why would men be loyal if the leaders aren’t loyal to them. That is the best example of anti-leadership I have seen.

Anyway I did find out Warren Jeff’s is a sodomite. So he deserves his sentence. Even death.

Dave says:

The law should look the other way while the excommunicated men organize a raid, catch the polygamists alive or dead, burn them at the stake for heresy, throw their ashes in a manure pit, fairly apportion out their wives and daughters, and renounce polygamy forever.

Most of our social problems would be solved at once if men were allowed to take matters into their own hands, or just did so without being “allowed”.

What would happen if excommunicated men were sent out to raid the Amish and take THEIR daughters and wives?!

Dave says:

Warren Jeffs, an old man surrounded by nubile women, is a soft target. The Amish, who all bought guns after that school-house massacre, would be hard targets.

Monogamy means that for every female of fertile age there are two males ready to shoot you if you try to steal her.

Atavistic Morality says:


I’d like you to explain to me what exactly do you think a “polygamist” is and a “monogamist” is. This discussion seems really out there, as in, completely detached from history and reality.

You seem to forget that throughout history there’s generally been more women than men for several reasons, including the constant warfare Europe is known for. Depending how far back you go it’s a ratio of 1 man for 4 women or so according to genetic studies. And it’s always been the case, that aristocrats and kings have had mistresses, concubines, several wives, etc., this is like society 101. I can think of at least one king who regulated and sanctioned a form of polygamy because it was actually needed, this was after the Thirty Years War if I recall correctly.

To begin with, one might make the case that there’s a considerable percentage of men that we should never concern ourselves with, because going by the same IQ distribution graph that tells you why practically every genius is a man, you also get that practically every scumbag is a man as well.

The king fucking the nobles wives, monopolizing their daughters and fucking with the well being of the productive middle class is a no no, but outside that context, polygamy is YES YES if a man is high quality.

Dave says:

A non-negotiable necessary condition of civilization is that every man of sound mind and body gets a young virgin wife. Though it has occasionally been resorted to to repopulate after a major war, polygyny is easily abused to deprive men of wives. Nuns and spinsters are not socially disruptive the way incel males are, so it’s better to err in favor of the common man by mandating monogamy for all.

An extremely wealthy man could have *a* mistress, not a stable full of concubines, and he had to keep her out of sight, thereby granting her and her children none of his social status.

Atavistic Morality says:

Right, so we indeed are talking about “monogamy”, not actual literal monogamy.

Our ancestors built a civilization with “monogamy”, not literal monogamy.

That was a bugger, who got off easy because the left wants your young sons buggered.

info says:

That guy that was killed was a sodomite that did the evil with a 5 year old boy.

He deserved it.

jim says:

But no one dares call him a sodomite.

Ron says:

“Boy raper.”

Its true, direct, the boy rapers and the sodomites pretending not to be raping boys will both hate it but wont be able to protest.

Mister Grumpus says:

I honestly do believe that another “discovered” ad-hoc use for the blue state shutdowns, now at least, is to flush out as many voters into the interior as possible for 2024.

A dirty dirty hack of the electoral college.

What we can argue about, though, is just who is relocating and who is staying behind, politically speaking. But the already completed color-flip of Colorado after its California “invasion” is a worrisome example. Those were still people with jobs, right? No? Consuela and Shaniqua stayed behind, didn’t they? Food stamps and Section 8 work anywhere.

Mister Grumpus says:

Or shit, maybe for 2020. Six months left to go still.

With all these people on the move, we’ll just have to let them vote without ID or registration. Of course.

Goddamn. We’ll have to dip people’s fingers into purple ink like it’s post-invasion Iraq out here. Oh right, but someone lost the ink Because Racism somehow.

Last year Jim told us that things were going to keep on getting more unpredictable. Well well!

Pooch says:

The Cathedral mocking Trump that he can’t force leftist governments to open churches. Might be time to get the popcorn soon.

jim says:

We shall see. I predict the governors will quietly capitulate, which capitulation will cause silent horror and quiet consternation among the press. Wu Flu is not a root password to the constitution, and Trump has the job of defending the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.

There is a long tradition, millenia old, that rights can be set aside in epidemic emergencies, but the sovereign has to decide the exception. Trump has decided. We shall see who is the sovereign.

The civil war set the precedent that state violation of rights was a federal offense, and reconstruction and the civil rights period set the precedent that the president could intervene with bayonets. Now, suddenly, the press has become State Rights absolutists.

Pooch says:

Why would the governors quietly capitulate? Wouldn’t it be in their best interest to continue the hoax as long as possible?

jim says:

If push comes to shove, Trump can, according long established civil rights precedent, send in soldiers with bayonets. One side or the other is likely to capitulate before that happens. And I am pretty sure that Trump would just love to send in soldiers with bayonets.

Mr.P says:


Toward making Christianity Cool — and mightily sweet sounding.

Carrie Underwood singing, with Vince Gill on guitar, killin’ it.

“How Great Thou Art”

I don’t know — I’m sold, triggers memories on going to church twice on Sunday, morning service for instruction, evening service for tipping toe into the ecstacy of singing The Creation.

alf says:

Infinitely more wholesome than any pop song, but obviously not cool. Very boomerish vibes. Ask the kids.

Starman says:


“Infinitely more wholesome than any pop song, but obviously not cool. Very boomerish vibes. Ask the kids.”

Very few people have the ability to set fashion. The ability really is rare. People continue to fail to see this fact. Hence, you get cringe stuff like “Christian rap,” and Christian Rock Hard.

jim says:

Violence sets fashion, and power controls what violence is permitted. When gays were allowed to beat up people and burn down establishments that discriminated against gays, gay became instafashionable.

If the Puritans had been allowed to beat up meetings of the Royal Society, the scientific method would have been unfashionable. When the Kings men stopped them, then the status that the King had bestowed upon the invisible college by making it the Royal Society stuck.. When mobs were allowed to beat up Puritan preachers, puritanism became unfashionable.

To make Christianity unfashionable in Russia, Soros had pussy riot vandalize Orthodox Cathedrals and Christian war monuments. When they got a well deserved whipping, Orthodox Christianity became fashionable in Russia and feminism unfashionable.

Everyone wants to decorate themselves with the appearance of the people who can beat people up and break things. People who can be beaten and harassed with impunity are always unfashionable. Recall the international outrage when Pussy Riot was punished for vandalism and sacrilege.

This can be neutralized by conspicuous displays of indifference to threats, as when the Salem witch trials suddenly became unstuck. People suddenly stopped believing in witches when a suspected witch blew off the witch finders, whereupon suddenly everyone could see that they were capricious and cruel bullies. The brave are fashionable.

Karl says:

Indifference to threats is not sufficient. You also must not be beaten up. The victim of violence is not fashionable

Green Fields says:

Except the Civil Rights protestors, Gandhi, etc became cool in the West despite being beaten up. They were the victims of violence, but because they were on the side of Progressivism, they came out on top.

Perhaps if the American federal government, or the British in India, had been willing to actually drop the hammer, that would not be the case. But they weren’t, and their bluff was called, hence uncool in comparison to the protestors. So victims of violence can still be cool if the societal narrative backs them up.

jim says:

They were beaten up? Really?

Pull the other one.

Civil rights protesters did not become cool till evil people trying to protect their homes and families from them got beaten up.

What made civil rights protesters cool was fixed bayonets pointed by white soldiers at white schoolgirls.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Indifference to threats is not sufficient. You also must not be beaten up. The victim of violence is not fashionable.”

It depends. There are high-status ways to get beaten up, and low-status ways to get beaten up.

Seeing the the Zapruder film, as an extreme example, doesn’t leave me afraid to speak well of JFK in polite society.

But sadly I’m not smart enough to explain just what makes a beating-up high-status or low-status.

I hope Jim and the others can share a thought on this.

alf says:


Andre Rieu (Dutch pride!) is one of the very few who can pull of this sort of music and be cool. But still, not many young people in the crowd.

You’re competing with stuff like this and this. Christians are lightyears behind.

The Cominator says:

There is very good Christian music, modern christian rock is not it. The best thing to resemble so called Christian Rock is “Spirit in the Sky” which ironically was written by a jew… Elvis singing Amazing Grace isn’t bad but the best Christian music is folk/gospel not rock.

alf says:

Nice ones, but any music younger than fifty years?

The Cominator says:

Probably not but modern music is a dumpster fire anyway.

There has been very little good music made after the late 1980s anyway its there but its obscure. The last musical trend I really liked was the brief 1990s Swing Revival. The last song I liked that was actually popular was Sweet but Psycho.

alf says:

I like goa, trance and generally trippy music so I have nothing to complain.

The Cominator says:

Electronica music is generally bad, but the scenery at the shows (USED TO) be fantastic if you know what I mean.

Zach says:

Lots of good music. A bitch to find though.

jim says:

Any music younger than the Cathedral systematically deranking Christian music?

When Christian music gets upranked, every great musician and composer is going to do something in the genre, even if he was raised Jewish and worships satan.

polifugue says:

Back when Weev was creating content, he put up a song “Give Me Revolution” from an indie album written in the nineties. According to him, there used to be various cool indie Christian bands in the nineties but they were silently put down by the government, most forgot about them since.

The reason why Christian music is cringe is because the Cathedral wants Christian music cringe. Back when Christians had power, we got the B Minor Mass, the Mozart Requiem, and this:

The Cominator says:

The Cathedral wants prettymuch all pop music to be awful not just Christian music though for some reason. All things must be ugly and awful… ugliness and awfulness are holy. Anything that shows beauty talent laughter etc. is unholy. Hell even rap used to be a lot better than it is now.

All music must suck, all comedy must be unfunny. All action or similar series must have feminist heroes (and if you have a non feminist who originally wanted to be a model tradwife and didn’t think rape is a big deal like Danerys Targaryen end up massively popular can’t have that either).

I don’t know whether they think a depressed populace is more controllable or that its they think good art requires talent which implies inequality… but they hate quality art of any kind whether high spiritual music or even low comedy.

info says:

The transcendentals: Goodness, Truth and Beauty all make each other possible.

Only because of their inherent fulfillment in God is Beauty Good and True.

Beauty is objective because it is true and good.

yewotm8 says:

It is not even just that music must be worse, it must also be feminized. I remember lamenting around 10 years ago that only blacks were allowed to make masculine music, while whites only made whiny shit about nothing. Rap music was about selling drugs, killing off rivals/cops, and using the local status gained from those actions to monopolize pussy and have many illegitimate children from it. But now even rap music is whining about failing shit tests, and the “I’ma kill a nigga” parts have been made mindless and can’t stick the way they used to.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think music was overly masculine by the thug life standard in the mid 50s to early 60s (when American music was at its best) but it sure was great.

You may be onto something with music being more effeminate and man hating now but music should generally be positive catchy mood improving and beautiful with not so much concern about masculinity, movies and tv should be more masculine and heroic. With music its enough that it should not encouraging man hating and bad behaviour with women.

Atavistic Morality says:

Sure as hell I’d blast that riding with the Caravan of Death, concern with masculinity sounds good. If we have a lack of anything is a concern with masculinity overall.

The people most willing to do what it takes and most red pilled don’t listen to Carrie Underwood. The people that listen to Carrie Underwood are the men responsible for the degeneration and the rise of progressivism.

The Cominator says:

Not my kind of music…

My kind of music is more the Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction soundtracks…

Atavistic Morality says:

It’s not about the kind of music, you could go with this as well:

Civilizations and institutions that prosper are very very interested in masculinity, and the worse they get, the least they are.

The Romans that founded the Republic stabbed the king to death and took a lot of pride in being strong virile warriors, it was a requirement to participate in politics. The faggots that lost everything that was won where so weak and cowardly that they didn’t even participate or cared about the defense of their own society at all, and they got wiped out by men who cared a lot about masculinity.

The French that dominated Europe were very concerned with masculinity and masculine virtues all infused in a chivalry they very rabidly defended. The French that are getting wiped out are a bunch of faggots that simp for women and they are getting wiped out by a group of people that commit honor killings.

Do you see the pattern yet or what? We need to be concerned about masculinity, a lot. We want music about heroes being very heroic and very violent:

Men that consume soymedia are not going to restore anything.

info says:

@Atavistic Morality

The masculine chivalric French were morons who kept falling for feigned retreats:

Same thing when they assisted Hungary against Ottomans. Fell for nomads tactics again and again.

Get killed in Agincourt again England and so on.

Atavistic Morality says:


Say whatever you want, but in the English court, the language they spoke was French. Who won the Hundred Years War? That’s what I thought.

The fact that they did some things wrong doesn’t mean that they were wrong about everything else, that is the same argument progs use to tarnish our ancestors and their wisdom.

And after the French hegemony comes the hegemony of my people, with an infantry undefeated for almost two centuries. And I can speak all day long about the manliness of the Tercios and their obsession with this manliness. And the strong beliefs and masculinity of their founder, el Gran Capitán. And those people inspired the Conquistadores. And we can keep going on all day, because it’s always the same.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:
jim says:

It used to be that comedians had an exemption from censorship, provided that they clowned and arguably said the truth while playing the role of a silly person. Then only black comedians (Chris Rock’s famous rant about black dysfunction) And then no comedians. Same thing happened to rappers.

Silicon valley was silicon valley because of the famous silicon valley exception. We were allowed to practice meritocracy when the rest of the elite was overrun by idiots. Then we were allowed to practice meritocracy provided that we pretended otherwise.

And then we were not allowed to practice meritocracy.

simplyconnected says:

Presumably still many smart people there, and google was recently criticized for cutting its diversity programs, which it did to “prevent backlash from conservatives”. Yeah, nice one.

Can, say, someone like Geoff Hinton have his own insulated little fiefdom at google? Or it so bad by now that well-established people also have to have their teams affirmative auctioned to death?
Research projects have small teams that form organically, so incompetent people can be contained in their own silly projects without disturbing others. I can only imagine it being much harder to contain incompetent people when larger teams are needed, like in development.

jim says:

People have no end of workarounds to avoid getting affirmative action programmers injected into their team, and no end of methods for insulating the team from affirmative action programmers that have been injected anyway, but in the nature of things, it is very hard to tell what they are doing. Often they are in crimestop about what they are doing, so that their left hand does not know what their right hand is doing. They speak, and perhaps think, in blue pilled words while acting in red pilled ways, doubletalk and doublethink.

info says:

The Trinity of the Transcendentals that finds its unity in God:

Ultimate Beauty is True and Good.

Ultimate Good is Beautiful and True.

Ultimate Truth is Beautiful and Good.

Ultimately Beauty is Objective because it is True and Good.

Mr.P says:

Thank you.

That’s it.

All the rest is noise.

info says:

2 of my comments on transcendentals are in spam.

Atavistic Morality says:

The Cathedral benefits when Christians overdose on soy, but I hardly doubt it’s something they do on purpose. I’d bet good money that whoever made that song isn’t a Christian anymore, you only have to go to a Church and listen to this people. Any decent man will run the other way.

If your priest is Jim, your priest tells you to be productive, lift weights, fuck women and smash the commies. If your priest is your average faggot in your average Church, he demands you neuter yourself and be a slave.

Decent men don’t want or need to hear that shit and will soon leave, obviously.

Mr.P says:

Back when Christians had power, we got the B Minor Mass, the Mozart Requiem, and ….

Exactly right.

It doesn’t need to be Christian music per se, just not heretical and evil.

Theologically, I never had a problem with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon.

alf says:

Lol what… So that’s Christian emo music… In the nineties! Pretty impressive actually.

jim says:

That is the Jesus we need:

I see a vision of all that is written

Labeled superstition by blind leading blind.

The viper is hissing for all who will listen

But the Lion has risen and will take by surprise.

How can my cry for freedom

My quest for Eden be heard in the streets

Where the commoners dwell

I hear them screaming for hope to believe in

Something to dream in other than hell.

Plagued by demons, eating what they feed’m

hushed in their seeking for the true way

many to mislead them, toy with them, deceive’m

Who of you will lead them into the day?


I cry give me revolution or give me death

I long for solutions I won’t die like the rest.

This world of delusions I will protest.

Verse 2

Who wants to bow to a lifeless, cold Jesus

That all of the preachers have painted their way

They hold their revivals, yet worship their idols

Serve God in title but to mammon they slave.

They sit in their towers and clock countless hours

To unbeknownst powers of evil’s own way

When the Jesus that I know stood up to rival

And calls His disciples to come do the same

Repeat Chorus

Verse 3

Who wants to bow to a lifeless, cold Jesus

That all of the preachers have painted their way

They hold their revivals, yet worship their idols

Serve God in title but to mammon they slave.

But the Jesus that I know stood up to rival

And calls His disciples to come do the same.

The Man that I’m preaching never died and His teachings

Are all that you’re needing to find the true way.

I see a vision of all that is written

Labeled superstition by blind leading blind.

The viper is hissing for all who will listen

But the Lion has risen.

alf says:

Maybe we can get the buzzfeed mobster guy to sing it? Smash hit no doubt 😏

alf says:

The reason why Christian music is cringe is because the Cathedral wants Christian music cringe.

The reason Christian music is cringe is because it is milked to exhaustion.

Starman says:


” The reason Christian music is cringe is because it is milked to exhaustion.”

Hence, Christian Rock Hard. Note that people who set fashion, lead. Those who can’t, follow… badly.

The Cominator says:

The reason Christian music is cringe is because nearly all music now is cringe.

BC says:

Christian music has been cringe my entire life and I still find enjoyable modern music.

alf says:

I listen to plenty music now that I enjoy.

Making music is -relatively- easy. One can do it by oneself. The more cooperation something requires, the harder it is to do. So plenty of small teams of artists making good music.

But the more it scales, the harder it is to do — distribution of music requires much more cooperation, hence turn on the radio and you mostly hear prog-approved crap. Making and distributing a movie costs even more cooperation – same story.

I think you see it best with architecture: requires a lot of cooperation and investment to build beautiful buildings. Which is why we can’t do it anymore.

jim says:


Composers and musicians flee Christian music like the plague, because they know it is going to be deranked. Instead they write folk songs that valorize adultery and women screwing around, because they know it is going to be upranked.

Has not been milked since Johny Cash was a lad. It is virgin field that has been allowed to go fallow for a very long time.

And back when composers were milking the hell out of it because religion was funding music and assembling audiences, our ancestors produced great stuff.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>milked to exhaustion.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

People can milk a high order subject for hundreds and hundreds of years just fine; which is exactly what you see in history.

Anonymous 2 says:

I could probably subsist on Bach only — Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, after all — but my current favorite is Karl Richter’s extraordinary Der Messias.

jim says:

When the Christians get to smack the pagans, will be cool. Everyone is going to genuinely like the music enjoyed by the inquisition. When people dare call sodomites sodomites, suddenly all the rage at “pedophiles” will be transferred to sodomites.

Nobody expects the Fabulous Inquisition:

alf says:

Need to elicit shit-test in order to pass it. In order to elicit shit-test, need to be fashionable.

Atavistic Morality says:

The Christians get to smack pagans when they stop being immense faggots that listen to Carrie Underwood and drink tons of soy.

Anonymous says:

Once again, this completely undeserved and unwarranted aggression against people who are just minding their own business. Some native american tribe in Brazil or those nignogs in the Andamans just living the same way their people have lived for millennia, then all of a sudden some Christians come by to “smack” them.

Like, good grief, why?

It’s not about gaining resources, there’s nothing in those jungles that Western Christians could want. It’s not about banging their women, they’re quite ugly. It’s extermination merely for the sake of extermination. As ridiculous as someone saying they want to genocide all the chimps in Africa.

It’s even worse than blacks going polar bear hunting, in that this smacking is given religious sanction. At least the polar bear hunters don’t think they’re doing anything particularly righteous or upstanding.

Mr.P says:

… but obviously not cool. Very boomerish vibes. Ask the kids.


Sure. Can’t argue with logic and evidence. Can only say …

A white guy pickin’ a string instrument, in this case a guitar, with mastery and excellence — with a hot chick next to him singin’ her lungs out — is, to this boomer, timelessly cool, no matter the Western century.

Starman says:


“is, to this boomer, timelessly cool,”

I don’t think you’re in a position to know what “cool” is. You clearly demonstrated that you’re unqualified to set fashion.

This is what I imagine Mr.P looks like:

Zach says:
Atavistic Morality says:

Every time I see one of you good boy Christians post I realize why muslims are taking over France in 20 years and UK soon after. Go to the doctor and get your testosterone levels checked.

Starman says:

@Atavistic Morality

” Every time I see one of you good boy Christians post I realize why muslims are taking over France in 20 years and UK soon after. Go to the doctor and get your testosterone levels checked.”

Amen. Tradcucking cannot set fashion. Powerful and effective violence can set fashion and spread memes, but step one on that mission is to stop cucking.

The good boy Christians must stop emulating ¡Jeb! Bush and Rod Dreher. And they should stop being anti-space anti-natalists, that’s just cuckery.

Theshadowedknight says:

The good boy Christians are mostly leftists wearing the skinsuit or actual shills. Look how many fail the red pill test and cannot even acknowledge it. Actual Christians went and voted for Trump when the time came. Actual devout churchgoers are the farthest right among Christians. Good boy Christians are an attack on Christianity by the left; they are a leftist false-flag.

France went to war with God and Gnon and have paid the price. They went all in on progressivism and so they are getting fucked the hardest. Even the French in other places suck, see Quebec. Who cares about the French? If they get exterminated by Muslims, then that is more territory to populate once we are ready to kick off the Last Crusade. I am not interested in saving them from themselves. One of the most aggressively secular nations in Europe is suffering the effects of secular culture and this is God’s fault? Hardly.

Pooch says:

If I read this correctly, the good boy faux Christians are exactly who we should seek to convert to true Christianity first in the holy war. Then we keep moving left among the elite.

Theshadowedknight says:

No, they are the last people to whom we would appeal. They are the people in front of a computer posting demoralizing messaging on social media for pay. They are the, “Hello, fellow Christians!” They are the people who declare that when properly understood, Christianity is progressive. They are non-entities on the political power scale. They are CR style posters but purporting to represent Christ instead of Carlyle.

jim says:

Unlike Moldbug, I anticipate the self destruction of the blue state ruling elite, rather than their conversion. To save themselves, they need a Stalin or a Cromwell, which is what Moldbug has been urging them to get.

The blue state ruling elite is incohesive and detribalized. Incessant holiness spiraling has destroyed the capacity of their faith to hold them together.

Ibn Khaldun’s model predicts that they will lose power to a more cohesive ingroup that is a hostile outgroup to them.

My model (similar to Khaldun’s, but with synthetic, rather than natural, tribes) predicts that they will lose power to a cohesive military ingroup that is a hostile outgroup to them, likely to a red state redpilled military faction.

Moldbug wants them to give up the madness. They want to give up the madness, but giving up the madness requires the cohesive action that they are incapable of. Without a Cromwell or a Stalin to enable them to act in their collective rational self interest they are trapped in a holiness spiral that will destroy them. (And possibly us with them.)

Atavistic Morality says:

Actual devout churchgoers are the farthest right among Christians

Big doubt, and definitely not in the Northwestern Europe I know. Maybe you go to some rare and authentic Church where the priest will tell women to remain virgin until marriage or be burned at the stake, in some corner of America, like that one Church Jim went to get married.

In truth most churchgoers are faggots and probably got fiddled by the priest, the big gay.

I’d love to know exactly who those red pilled Christians are in America, not because I doubt you, but because it’d be a huge white pill for me. If you were talking Russia or something, granted, but in America? I can’t believe it.

And no one here is talking about God, we are talking about humans.

Pooch says:

Not many red pilled Christians in America, if any. The southern baptists seem to hate sodomy and like Trump. Trump even visited their service for Christmas last year, but I don’t know much about them beyond that. The true red pilled seem to be the irreligious whites who believe what they see when they see Blacks and women acting very unequal in front of their noses.

Theshadowedknight says:

Yeah, Pooch, I would guess that the number of red pulled Christians is fairly low, but they are more likely to identify with the right the more often they actually attend church services. The overall number of redpilled in general, however, is so low that no religion has a majority of its adherents red pilled, let alone even a significant fraction. As that is the best we can get, we have to go with identification with the right as the best we can expect. Complete red pill is a coup complete objective.

AM, show me on the doll where the priest touched you. The French people fought God and Gnon. They were among the first and most vehement of the secularists. Hard to blame Christianity for the fuckups of secular, atheist culture. The people, under the guidance of their leaders, abandoned God, and then let in the Muslims. If they die, then they deserved to die, and their women deserved to be raped, and they deserve to have their cities occupied by their enemies.

Atavistic Morality says:

Your second paragraph is an absolute tangent that makes no sense.

No one in this conversation is talking about the Bible, God or Christianity itself, we are talking about the people that populate these Churches, and my point stands.

Choir boys are the biggest faggots, and if you listen to a priest talk, somehow they are even worse. You’ll hear talk about neutering yourself for being a man, how you’re evil and you have to take in the born virgin again sluts, then a small reminder to bow down to progressivism, because love, tolerance, peace and saving niggers is what Jesus wanted.

Stop derailing and deflecting and admit the truth we all can see, which is that most Christians today are faggots and they need to stop drinking soy and listening to Carrie Underwood. And we see no end of good boy Christians in our circles proving my point every fucking day, even in this blog.

The French people fought God and Gnon you keep repeating, exactly my point about the soyboy Christians and we all can see it everywhere. In fact, have you ever heard anything from the Pope? Outstanding. Every time I speak IRL with a Christcuck I feel like splitting his head open, the only place you find crusaders is in places like this and there’s like 3. You, Jim and who else? Because I’m pretty sure most of us here aren’t practicing Christians, alf makes a point to remind us often.

jim says:

Not so.

Look at how they vote.

Christians are the only white group successfully reproducing. You cannot do that without a good dose of the red pill. Trump voting, reproducing. Not faggots, or at least considerably fewer faggots.

Theshadowedknight says:

Christians today are more to the right than non-Christians. They may be cucked, unmanly, and pathetic, but so is everyone else. Christians are less bad about it, which is the best we can get. Christians are the only ones fighting to make gains in the culture war. They consistently lose, but they keep trying, which is more than most of the rest of the right can say.

The biggest faggots are the media and the academy. They are notoriously hostile to Christianity. Are there leftist churches? Sure, but they are dying. Is Catholicism pozzed? Yes, but even there the healthiest churches are the ones that have rejected the modern changes to worship and consider the Pope a pretender to the throne of St. Peter. As Christianity is forced to become more faggy, Christians leave. Christianity is not the origin of the rot, at least not before it has succumbed to holiness spiraling.

There is no group of red pilled right-wing shitlords getting ready to be called to war. If you had a massive amount of irreligious or atheist neoreactionaries, I would concede the point. As you don’t, and as the more observant a Christian is, the more likely they are to be on the right, I don’t concede. You don’t get to go to war with the army you want, you go with the one you have. The religious right, as shit as they are, are the best we have.

Theshadowedknight says:

My point on the French was that the elite gave up God, and that is why they are a laughingstock being replaced with Muslims. Christian Charles Martel beat the Muslims. Atheist French elite are losing to them. Everyone here knows that mass violence is always organized by the elite. If you dropped Charles Martel in modern day France and put him in charge of the government, you would see Christians purging the Muslim ghettos and mosques in France with glee. The sad state of Christianity is due to its leaders being traitors, not the laity.

Mr.P says:

Christians are the only white group successfully reproducing. You cannot do that without a good dose of the red pill.

Jim, can confirm: My extended family — the kids of my cousins, the kids of my siblings — in the American Midwest are all Christian, Trump voters, Prog haters, and breeding above replacement. Plus, no divorce in this extended-family cohort. In my adult life, I have never seen a happier group of mothers/wives.

Atavistic Morality says:


Good boy Church goers and the general populace of Christians are two different things, and you are constantly conflating them.

You say, as Christianity becomes more pozzed Christians are forced to leave and you also acknowledge the pozzed Churches, but you insist that Church goers are red-pilled. You either have it one way or the other.

If you had a massive amount of irreligious or atheist neoreactionaries

I have a massive amount of non-practicing Christians that detest the Church and are neoreactionaries.

And I have a massive about of pozz in the Churches where you find the Church goers.

Btw, this is the third time you’ve done this, if you try to imply that I’m talking about God or Christianity as the religion again I’ll mark you as a bad faith actor and ignore you.


How many of those voters actually go to Church? I know for a fact that most people that vote Vox here don’t go to Church. The few real Christians I’ve met here don’t go to Church and don’t want to go to Church, for reasons already explained.

Theshadowedknight says:


I think we might be misunderstanding each other. I will try to be more clear here.

I’m not conflating Christians with Good Boy Christians, I’m saying the latter are just entryist trash and aren’t real Christians anymore than CR is a neoreactionary. They exist to make Christians appear unmanly in an attempt to drive manly men away from Christianity. They are an enemy plot, not a real Christian subset except for the idiots who didn’t get the joke.

Pozzed churches die, as they are abandoned. A church that has a strong congregation is going to have a congregation that is farther right and in all likelihood at least slightly red pilled. These churches are few and far between, and getting fewer and farther, but they still exist. The people there still exist.

Churchgoers are more likely to be on the right because as a church goes left the Christian right departs for something else. That is based on polling, not just my opinion, so I don’t really have much of a dog in the fight. Church attendance predicts right wing if you go, left wing if you don’t. From that, and the pathetic submissive behavior and inexplicable inability of the Good Boys to answer red pill questions I determine that they arent really Christians, and that they are my enemy.

I don’t attend, myself, but that has a lot to do with my social ineptitude rather than lack of belief. I am one of your non-practicing neoreactionary Christians, so I do believe they exist.

I think our disagreement is that you are saying Christians need to man up and I’m saying that they aren’t actually that unmanly. I dont disagree that Christian men should be manly men. I just dont think that the problem is as bad as you think.

Atavistic Morality says:


I’d like to see the “polling” you’re talking about, because if you’re talking about Trump voters, what does that poll look like? “If you do vote for Trump, do you go to Church”? And who made the poll? No credibility.

If we make two subsets of Church goers, and you talk about Church goers on red-pilled Churches of course, they’re going to be far more hardcore. But as you yourself admit, true Christian places are a small percentage of total amount of Churches, that as you point out, slowly disappear. But those Churches while they exist, they are full of Church goers, and those Church goers are not going to be right wing. You go to twitter and start to look for what “Christians” say and it’s truly deplorable. And it’s not like true Christian churches are popping out anywhere either. If you go to some form of Christian event, you want to cut your wrists right there. You meet the fellow “Christian youth” in those places, you want to cut your wrists. From time to time I’ve encountered the hidden Francoist and it warms my heart, but pffff….

If the problem wasn’t as bad as you think it is, the Western hemisphere wouldn’t be in the situation it is, we would be in the situation some Eastern European countries are. It’s precisely because it’s that bad that it’s not just France that is going to disappear, I don’t think you’ve been to the UK these days. And the South of Sweden? And Germany in places such as Berlin? Mmmhhh…

Not even you go to Church, so, I don’t understand where your viewpoint comes from.

And in my opinion, feeding the illusion that modern Christians are capable of restoring a patriarchy as they are right now is very dangerous, because it’s not true, and if we want to succeed, “the truth will set you free”. I see constant comparisons between Trump and Augustus in this blog, and the people making the comparison seem to forget what the Rome of Augustus was like, what his own granddaughter was like, and how soon Rome went to complete shit after he died. “Pax Romana” is just a very, very, very questionable term that is basically just propaganda at the Cathedral levels of what we see today, very “Pax”, but I’d rather live under Sulla and Caesar than Caligula and Nero.

So Trump being Augustus is not good enough and it’s not going to cut it, and some Christian in this blog telling me to listen to faggy Carrie Underwood is the same than telling me to just abandon any hope and live for myself, because there’s no hope for our people until total cataclysm and reset, as it happened 2000 years ago.

Come the restoration men that listen to Carrie Underwood must be laughed at on the streets, or no restoration, I guarantee it. Men and masculinity must be revitalized or fail.

Atavistic Morality says:


Also, have you ever read Dardoch? Good amount of evidence of what I’m talking about.

The Cominator says:


The hope for Trump to become Augustus is certainly not a hope for Trump to replace the current bad marriage laws of now with the bad marriage laws of Augustus.

Augustus is invoked (and I believe I was the 1st one to do it at least in recent years) as someone who became a monarch on the pretense of having restored a dysfunctional republic under at least a semi constitutional veneer.

As for jihad (as opposed to coup) complete problems… don’t be overly optimistic of seeing those solved even with a political restoration at least not in our life.

The Cominator says:

Errrr I meant to address Atavistic Morality.

Atavistic Morality says:

There will not be a political restoration of men that listen to Carrie Underwood.

If we ever get a political restoration, the men will listen to Sabaton and such.

There’s no real reason why Christians can form up enclaves, except soy. They don’t even need to be violent, they just need to stop being such faggots. Look at the Amish!

Starman says:

@Atavistic Morality
Mr. P is exactly the rot you rightfully describe on modern Christianity. Every single evangelical church I have been to, and every single televangelist on TV have all mysteriously failed to mention the evil and dysfunction of the family court system and the divorce industry. Not the one of them questions these evil institutions… yet Joe Rogan (a sports announcer) and Bill Fucking Maher (a snobby atheist) are able to do what these Good Boy Christians cannot do: mention the dysfunction of these institutions.

American churches today aren’t even on step one to the path of the RedPill on Women.

Starman says:

“No the one of them questions these evil institutions…”

It’s “Not one of them questions these evil institutions…”

Goddamn iPhone auto spellcheck.

Pooch says:

Churchgoers in America are simply those on the right side of the Overton window which is moving ever leftward. Their birth rates are higher that those on the left side of the Overton window (progs) but it is declining nonetheless as we move ever leftwards. Southern Baptists (the religion of the Confederate South) are probably on the absolute right edge of that window and maybe even barely outside it but they are being converged and pushed leftwards just the same as everyone else.

Theshadowedknight says:

Okay, I think I see where our disagreement is. Our understandings of right wing are different. I was not using red pill and right wing as interchangeable, I meant right wing as on the political right in America, because that is the country I care about. Europe can burn, and if we survive this, our descendants can reconquer it.

Pew polling shows that church attendance predicts voting Republican. I won’t even argue that Republicans are sufficiently right or even close, but they are the closest available. However, even if Christian men were the most absolute, consumate Chads, it would still not be enough without the elite. Christians went from being fed to lions to dictating imperial policy and the only thing that happened was God spoke to Constantine. One conversion was all it took, and then the rest fell in line.

Christians as they are cannot restore the patriarchy because they have drifted too far from Christianity; on this we are agreed. I also see the need for Christian men to become stronger, more masculine, and more aggressive. God gave us the command to conquer the world in his name. Christian men should make that their core guiding principle. You are also correct that Christian culture is too feminine and soft, and that our choices of art shape us.

Our main disagreement is that Christian men that act like women or weaklings are not Christian. They are progressives masquerading as Christians. This isn’t a No True Scottsman argument, it is that they respond to progressive blasphemies much stronger than they do to blasphemy of Christ. Say that Christ is a Jew on a stick weakling, and they will get pissed off that you insulted Jews. Say that Christ is a false zombie god and they get a little upset, but if you tell them that the Bible is right about sodomites and that they should be burned at the stake they will be horrified. That isn’t someone upset about Christian blasphemy, that is someone getting upset about progressive blasphemy. Those people might have a veneer of Christianity about them, but scratch the surface and you find a faggot progressive underneath.

Atavistic Morality says:


In a way we are also in agreement about that last part, as I said below in another comment to jim, these Churches are in truth progressive and extolling the virtues of progressivism.

It seems to me our disagreement is purely based on nomenclature and if we were being theoretical and looking at technicalities, you’d be right, because in truth they are not Christians. However, I prefer reality and practice, so let’s take a look at that perspective. This is what R7 has to say about what he sees:

Every single evangelical church I have been to, and every single televangelist on TV have all mysteriously failed to mention the evil and dysfunction of the family court system and the divorce industry.

I’m in complete agreement with him, the Churches I’ve seen myself are the same. You also acknowledge that this is indeed happening and there’s few truly Christian Churches.

So tell me, how can we not call them Christians when they are actually the majority? How shall we refer to them in a realistic context? When you’re talking to a normie that doesn’t visit thought crime blogs that get you in FBI lists and you have to talk about this issue, how are you supposed to do it?

We either talk about uncucking the Church, or we talk about purging the heretics. But how do you talk about purging heretics when they are the overwhelming majority? And if you’re purging them instead of uncucking them, then, I mean, that’s like throwing away the whole religious frame that Jim sets on play here, you’re getting rid of millions of people just like that. Just look in this blog, look at the “Christians”.

How do you go to the The_Donald, with its republican Church going base, and tell all these millions of purple pillers that they are not Christians, is that even the smart play? I’d do the opposite, I tell them they are indeed Christians and appeal to something very deep and meaningful in their lives and remind them of real scripture.

So I’d rather tell a Christian playing good boy to progressivism to stop being a fucking cuck and to crusade it up, and we’ve seen that partially work with cuckservatives. Because if I have to tell him that he is a faggot leftist, now we’ve done it, it’s like gifting numbers to the enemy.

jim says:


> How do you go to the The_Donald, with its republican Church going base, and tell all these millions of purple pillers that they are not Christians, is that even the smart play? I’d do the opposite, I tell them they are indeed Christians and appeal to something very deep and meaningful in their lives and remind them of real scripture.

> So I’d rather tell a Christian playing good boy to progressivism to stop being a fucking cuck and to crusade it up, and we’ve seen that partially work with cuckservatives. Because if I have to tell him that he is a faggot leftist, now we’ve done it, it’s like gifting numbers to the enemy.

As I said:
Marvel stops writing superhero comics, and the fans stop buying the stuff that Marvel calls superhero comics. The Pope worships pagan idols, and the congregation stops showing up. Nobody reads Nebula Award winning science fiction, not even the people who judge the award, and open source software issued by converged open source organizations stopped working.

The real Batman is a right wing vigilante, and the real priest has a wife who obeys him and children who respect him. The fans await real superhero comics, the congregation await real priests, and America awaits its true King.

The Cominator says:

The South seems to have a lot of sort of redpilled “christians” but they don’t believe in churches really.

They are often sort of like biker hippies but right wing.

jim says:

> I’d love to know exactly who those red pilled Christians are in America

If they were easy to find, them would be easy to beat them up and vandalize their churches.

Churches that remain Christian are so tiny as to pass unnoticed, or operate under deep cover. Babylon Bee is sticking its head up on the internet, but generally Christian Churches that remain Christian are so tiny as to pass unnoticed, or operate under very deep cover.

It is much like engineering. Every engineer knows that if you inject one affirmative action engineer into a team of ten real engineers, the team project will fail, but you cannot find too many engineers who will say that out loud. Engineers are not red pilled enough, but they are far more red pilled than they let on. Many doublethink, some just lie in public. For a long time we passed by dumping the engineerettes into the art harem, and the plains apes into QA, and quietly keeping them away from anything that they could break while having them officially in the team, but this workaround seems to have ceased to operate.

The heresy detection has escalated.

simplyconnected says:

If they were easy to find, them would be easy to beat them up and vandalize their churches.

… or burn their churches:

Atavistic Morality says:

I agree, and that’s exactly my point.

Most Church goers are not red pilled, they wouldn’t even qualify as right wing in our circles. If you ask your average Church goer, in private, even knowing him for 20 years, he’ll extoll the virtues of equality, tolerance and diversity. And how could it be otherwise? As you said, real Christianity is non-existent, meaning, most Churches are progressivism and extoll progressivism and men willing to go there are rabid neutered progressives. But TSK insists on selling me this imaginary bridge for some strange reason.

jim says:

This is true and untrue.

The pope, when taxed with priests having gay sex in a great big pile, replies “consenting adults” “Global Warming” “Obama”

But how does his congregation vote?

The Cominator says:

Catholic vote is pretty pozzed, southern baptists are the most redpilled christian group by voting.

jim says:

That is the Hispanic vote. White Catholic vote is OK.

Progressives practiced entryism against the State Church of England four centuries ago, and now they are doing to everything in the world, every institution, what they did to the Established Anglican Church. Blue pilled Christianity is no more Christian than Global Warming is scientific or Trotsky was a peasant, and the congregation knows it in their bones, for they stop turning up.

The congregation knows. They are waiting for authority to tell them what they know in their bones.

As Vox Day complains, progressives murdered the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, gutted its corpse, and are wearing the corpse as skin suit. As I complain, they did the same with science. They murder everything respected, wear its gutted corpse, and demand respect. The people who run the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association don’t write science fiction, Marvel does not write superhero comics, Nasa cannot build rockets, modern artists cannot draw a straight line by hand nor paint a nude woman, Doctor Fauci is neither a doctor nor a scientist, and the Pope worships pagan idols.

Marvel stops writing superhero comics, and the fans stop buying the stuff that Marvel calls superhero comics. The Pope worships pagan idols, and the congregation stops showing up. Nobody reads Nebula Award winning science fiction, not even the people who judge the award, and open source software issued by converged open source organizations stopped working.

The real Batman is a right wing vigilante, and the real priest has a wife who obeys him and children who respect him. The fans await real superhero comics, the congregation await real priests, and America awaits its true King.

The Cominator says:

I come from Massachusetts the Italian Catholic vote is okay but thats about it.

Mike says:

@Atavistic Morality Why don’t you and Alf go worship Nietzsche and bitch about Christianity’s “slave morality” somewhere else? Because I’m really getting tired of you shitting on our forefathers.

jim says:

Zero tits for unlimited tats is slave morality.

One tit for two tats is a rational response to imperfect information and difficulty in interpreting and applying the social technology of cooperation.

So, a true Christian will turn the other cheek, but when he flat out of cheeks, you will see that a true Christian is not a slave.

We will have recreate the institutions that progressivism has destroyed, but we also have to rectify names, which means we will call the revived institutions by their old names, and call the stolen names lies. Fauci is not a scientist, the Nebula award winners are not science fiction, and the Pope is not Catholic.

The Cominator says:

Mike calm down we have enough shills and locktards here already.

Atavistic morality is not really anti christian anyway, Alf will get over this phase.

The Cominator says:

Francis is good for the right wing. The catholic church is globalist and internationalist by nature and being priestly can’t help itself but be somewhat leftist on economics. Francis serves us by not hiding his politics and thus he cannot attack right wing politicians thus reducing the Vatican’s ability to meddle in politics.

Atavistic Morality says:


Find me the post where I shit on Christianity, let’s see it.

Your forefathers? I’m a Spaniard, my forefathers have bled for the faith 30 times more than yours, my country was founded on the faith and every time it has risen it has done so with the faith by its side.

It’s precisely because I’m a true blood Christian, descendant of Don Pelayo, Cid el Campeador and the Catholic Kings that I want these faggots burned at the stake.

If you care so much about your ancestors, I’d like to see you try to explain to dead relative that fought in WWII what your country has turned into and what it’s actively trying to do to white ethnicities and the faith.

alf says:


Why don’t you and Alf go worship Nietzsche and bitch about Christianity’s “slave morality” somewhere else? Because I’m really getting tired of you shitting on our forefathers.

You understand absolutely nothing about my position. Fuck you.


Alf will get over this phase.

I don’t think so.

I think it’s time for me to shaman out of here. It’s been a pleasure gentlemen.

jim says:

Mike was reprimanded for being impolite. Please don’t go off in a snit.

Debate on this blog should be civilized. Mike was not civilized. Disputes between red pilled Christians and red pilled atheists lead to bad feelings over things that do not matter.

The cult of Gnon was intended to end disputes between red pilled atheists and red pilled Christians. If you are a red pilled atheist, you acknowledge natural law. If a red pilled Christian, acknowledge natural law as the will of God. Therefore, debates about the nature of the incarnation, the nature of resurrection, and the Trinity have no practical application. They just lead to trouble, and for sixteen centuries the Christian answer to such questions has been “Shut up!”.

A question that does have application is “Is Christianity incurably pozzed?” Well, I am sure that the Christianity of John the Third, Charles the Second, Alfred the Great, and Charles the Hammer was not pozzed. So hardly incurable.

One might well ask “are today’s Churches pozzed?” Well, obviously, as pozzed as a gay bathhouse.

But their parishioners, to the extent that they reluctantly show up to be lectured that they are to blame for the sin of Global Warming, are insufficiently diverse, and that their wives should throw them out of their houses, are considerably less pozzed than their churches, and considerably less pozzed than the median American.

It is noticeable that Churches that are not in danger of being burned down by antifa, and likely to find the police curious unwilling to investigate, Churches outside the reach of the US hegemony, tend to be considerably less pozzed. We tend to overlook the role of state sponsored nominally private violence in bringing Churches into line.

It is not so much that they are afraid of damage and injury, though they are, but that being vulnerable to being damaged and hurt with impunity is low status.

Whether the resurrection is unconvincing is an irrelevant argument. Christianity did not win by being convincing, but by facilitating cooperate/cooperate equilibrium between men and women, and cooperate/cooperate equilibrium within the elite. Christianity won by love and war, not by being convincing. The core of Christianity is a God that is both big and small, big enough to create the universe, small enough to be flogged through the streets of Jerusalem. So what if that story is not very convincing?

alf says:

Whether the resurrection is unconvincing is an irrelevant argument. Christianity did not win by being convincing, but by facilitating cooperate/cooperate equilibrium between men and women, and cooperate/cooperate equilibrium within the elite.

No, it is the crucial argument, as entirely evident by all of my interactions with Christians, including on this blog. The resurrection is crucial.

Christianity won exactly by being convincing, thus facilitating cooperate/cooperate. Cause, consequence.

If the resurrection did not happen, Christian principles become unprincipled exceptions and slowly disappear, as is exactly what happened in the past two hundred years. The Christian way to counteract this is to shun any heretic who claims the resurrection did not happen, as Dave is entirely in his right to do.

Jim, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you go with Christians, you go with Christians.

jim says:

> > Whether the resurrection is unconvincing is an irrelevant argument. Christianity did not win by being convincing, but by facilitating cooperate/cooperate equilibrium between men and women, and cooperate/cooperate equilibrium within the elite.

> No, it is the crucial argument, as entirely evident by all of my interactions with Christians, including on this blog


> If the resurrection did not happen

And you can show the resurrection did not happen how?

People do not believe in Christianity because they believe a man rose from the dead. They believe in the Resurrection because they believe Jesus is Lord.

You are just trying to piss people off and then you get indignant when people are pissed off. Stop that. Stop trying to make trouble between red pilled atheists and red pilled Christians.

People do not believe in Christianity because they believe a man rose from the dead. They believe Christ rose because they believe Jesus is Lord.

Shut the %#$^ up.

God being both large and small is the central mystery of Christianity, the mystery of Christ being wholly man and wholly God. It did not make sense two thousand years ago, and does not make sense now. Nothing has changed. Christians have been catching flack over this for two thousand years. Stop shooting off more flack. There have been two thousand years of far too much flack.

That a man rose from the dead might be less convincing now than it was two thousand years ago, but that a man flogged through the streets of Jerusalem was the God who created the universe was never convincing in the first place. Christianity did not win because it was a back then a believable story to mere ignorant dolts, and is not now losing because we are now so wise and sophisticated. Christianity is now losing because it is out of power, and bunch of Gaia worshipers who often suspiciously resemble demon worshipers are in power.

If someone merely believes that a man rose from the dead, he merely believes that Jesus the community organizer rose from the dead. Nobody cares. The central story of Christianity is far more unbelievable than that, and always has been.

The morbidly obese lesbian pastor who congratulates Jesus on being almost as enlightened as her enlightened self probably does believe that Jesus the community organizer rose from the dead. That belief does not make her the slightest bit Christian. People are not ceasing to believe in Christianity because they cease to believe in the resurrection. They cease to believe in Christianity because they cease to believe in the Resurrection. The morbidly obese lesbian pastor believes in the resurrection, but not in the Resurrection.

Progressivism was originally Progressive Christianity. Progressive Christianity did not cease to be Christian by ceasing to believe in the resurrection. They ceased to believe in Christianity by ceasing to believe in the Resurrection. Nobody comes to believe in Christianity because he first comes to believe in the resurrection. He comes to believe in the Resurrection because he believes in Christianity.

Karl says:

Alf, there is a huge difference between CLAIMING the resurection did not happen and shutting the fuck up, if you have doubts on the matter or even expressing doubts.

I disagree that Christianity won by being convincing. Look at history. At first it spread very slowly (arguably by being convincing), then it become an official state religion and everybody converted. The first generation of convert’s by emperor’s decreee surely had a huge percentage of pretend believers, but that wasn’t much of a problem. Christianity worked and delivered cooperate/cooperate equilibrium.

Samuel Skinner says:

“If the resurrection did not happen, Christian principles become unprincipled exceptions and slowly disappear, as is exactly what happened in the past two hundred years. The Christian way to counteract this is to shun any heretic who claims the resurrection did not happen, as Dave is entirely in his right to do. ”

This point has been beaten to death. There is no such thing as ‘a government of laws, not men’ and there is no such thing as a religion that can survive without of people supporting it.

The resurrection is essential for Christianity, but most religions have essential keystones; which exist to mark you are a member of that religion and not another one.

Theshadowedknight says:

Alf, if you can see two thousand years in the past as clearly as you see today, or at least have perfect knowledge of the workings of the universe, why the hell are you here? Why haven’t you solved the Navier Stokes equations or found the magnetic monopole to make symmetric the Maxwell equations or expanded the understanding of gravity? At the very least you could be a famous archeologist or treasure hunter. With these amazing gifts of perfect temporal vision and complete understanding of the properties of the universe, what leads you here?

alf says:

You are just trying to piss people off and then you get indignant when people are pissed off. Stop that. Stop trying to make trouble between red pilled atheists and red pilled Christians.

Shut the %#$^ up.

I have always tried to bring people together, and have only kicked at something when I felt it needed kicking against.

Naturally, if the kicking has an adverse effect, time to head out. Ah well something something friends made along the way. Cheers !

The Cominator says:

Alf there is ample reason to hate progressive christianity and even say classic roman catholicism.

Not so much reason to hate Orthodox Christianity or the Southern Baptists.

Judge them by their fruits and not whether you unironically believe in the miracles. If you don’t believe in the miracles just don’t discuss them.

jim says:
Atavistic Morality says:


See, this is what I’d expect from someone in this blog to tell me to listen to on the subject of Christian music and making Christianity cool. I sound like a broken record, but fuck soy Underwood.

Atavistic Morality says:
Theshadowedknight says:

How has no one mentioned Winged Hussars for best Christian metal? That song gets me in the mood for a crusade every time.

Zach says:

Not a fan of Underwood personally. Her singing is obnoxious and lacking charm and poetry to say nothing of finesse. I hear some of her Christmas songs on the radio during that time of the year…

But hey, if you like it, more power to ya! Subjective.

BC says:

OT: Jim, how do you pop crime stop bubbles? I’m trying to explain to people about the Senicide Dem governors are committing but people are reluctant to think it true despite the evidence.

jim says:

I see people hallucinating about what is happening right in front of their faces, even when the hallucination causes them great damage. Some of it is doublethink, but sometimes the doublethink goes mighty deep. Therefore, popping crime stop bubbles about stuff they cannot directly see is likely to be flat out impossible.

On the other hand, much of the time it is just superficial doublethink. They talk the talk but refrain from walking the walk, when they would suffer damage from so doing.

Starman says:


“Jim, how do you pop crime stop bubbles? “

Even the FBI couldn’t pop its own bluepilled crimestop bubble when doing so would’ve aided them in ousting President Trump (Pee Pee Dossier).

Mister Grumpus says:

Could you elaborate?

Do you mean that they should have known that a proper alpha male would never need to pay women to pee on a bed? Or be into that sort of thing in the first place?

Starman says:

@Mister Grumpus

The Pee Pee Dossier read like a shitty fan fiction of Revenge of the Nerds that assumed women like nice guys and avoid charismatic alpha male billionaire assholes. It assumed charismatic asshole billionaire men are desperate to pay women to have sex (instead, in reality, Trump paid women to shut the hell up).

It certainly did not read like 50 Shades of Grey. 50 Shades of Trump would’ve been a better and more believable dossier, but I suspect that Trump would just brag about it and say he gets laid more than “Low Energy ¡Jeb!“

Mister Grumpus says:

Agreed 100. Pee Dossier = Chess Club Fan Fiction.

“X-ray Thoughtcrime Vision” helps you manipulate your enemies. Noted.

The Cominator says:

The pee dossier was worse than chess club fanfic.

It said Trump hired Russian prostitutes to piss on Obama’s hotel bed… that isn’t some degenerate piss kink… that was just retarded.

Mister Grumpus says:

Way way back some 4chan characters were claiming they “seeded” the pee dossier themselves.

Does that sound plausible to you? Asking for a friend. That some evil genius crafted the story to best “hook” his up-line customer at the socio-sexual fantasy level?

“Dude these Poindexters are sniffing around for Trump dirt on the dark web. Hold my beer and watch this.”

The Cominator says:

I thought the 4chan story was true initially because it was such obvious bullshit until all the crap about the FBI paying Christopher Steele with hardcore commie Brennan being the actual “mastermind” and Juan McCain being the go between came out.

Filthy Liar says:

Channers also vacillate between thinking Q is real and Q is a deep state psyop. Give them time they’ll tell you they faked the moon landing to fuck with the normies. They’re flotsam at best.

The Cominator says:

Real channers think Q is either fake and gay or an enemy pysop.

Q is based on a kernel of truth (the red Empire as represented by Flynn, Erik Prince and Mike Rogers) did back Trump… but the rest of its all bullshit.

jim says:

That is exactly what 4chan would do. It is also exactly what they would claim to have done, regardless of whether they did it or not.

It is certainly plausible, but now we know more.

Mister Grumpus says:

If there’s one thing that can avail someone to thoughtcrime bubble poppage, it’s fear for his damn life.

Who wants to live his last days getting beat up by Keyshawn and Shaniqua at the nursing home? This Kum Bay Yah shit isn’t cute anymore and we’re running out of safety spells.

Atavistic Morality says:

Considering the amount of parents that go to the media to remind everyone that diversity and tolerance will bring utopia and racism is evil when some diverse border jumper rapes and kill their children, I doubt it. Some people aren’t salvageable.

It doesn’t matter because we don’t need them, they’ll do what they’re told by whoever is in power.

Pooch says:

Correct. Christianity did not spread 2000 years ago because it converted iliterate proles (as some mistakenly claim). It spread because it converted the literate ruling elite. Religion is top down not bottom up.

jim says:

England is Christian because King Alfred created England. Why did King Alfred come out on top?

Because his Christian elite, adherents of his state religion, cooperated better than pagans. He dominated the Saxons classic Cathedral style – state religion backed by state power. Uniting the Saxons on the basis of state religion, defeated the pagans militarily.

The trailer for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla depicts a Viking with sword in hand, and Alfred with pen in hand. The pen worked, because men with swords cooperated.

The state needs a cooperative ruling tribe and a well behaved elite. Christianity is a synthetic tribe. Christianity won because elites found that signing up with a Christian elite was the way to get state and quasi statal jobs. The state required Christianity as a pre-condition for state and quasi statal jobs because it needed a tribe and a cooperative elite.

Originally Christianity reached about five percent in the Roman Empire, because marriage had collapsed, and Christianity provided women with husbands and family, and men with wives and children. Also Christians simply outbred pagans. And then Constantine started to recruit Christians to state and quasi statal jobs. Whereupon the entire empire converted.

Oliver Cromwell says:

“England is Christian because King Alfred created England. Why did King Alfred come out on top?

“Because his Christian elite, adherents of his state religion, cooperated better than pagans. He dominated the Saxons classic Cathedral style – state religion backed by state power. Uniting the Saxons on the basis of state religion, defeated the pagans militarily.”

I was sceptical of this for a long time. I still think Christianity is very dangerous. But perhaps it is the best we have. The Pagan morality of The Illiad is that of an army of squabbling chads. Christianity is exploitable, and often annoying, but it is Christianity that produces the British army of 1917 and 1918, able to coherent in dreadful circumstances with little glory to be found and triumph in the end, rather than the army of squabbling chads described in The Illiad.

Jehu says:

Unless you’re Japanese, and generalizing based on Japanese is a really bad idea, Christianity of the old school is the ONLY way to get a high trust society that scales well.
High trust societies wipe the floor militarily, economically, and technologically with any other kind of society, when the odds are even vaguely even, and often when they’re not.

Oliver Cromwell says:

I agree. I chose The Illiad because it is the most Aryan morality that has survived to us. The point being that “back to the roots” won’t work. The roots failed to preserve themselves for a reason.

jim says:

The pagans defeated and converted by Alfred, were also a bunch of quarreling chads.

Christian Kingdoms tend to have better cooperation within the elite.

Christianity commands forgiveness, generosity, and mercy – but it is a misreading and holiness spiraling to read this unlimited forgiveness and automatic mercy. Zero tits for unlimited tats does not lead to cooperate/cooperate equilibrium. Sometimes you have to go Old Testament.

Theshadowedknight says:

There was also something to do with Roman law on assault compared to mere physical disagreement and Jewish rules on status and violence that might also have been another layer. Basically, you put the attacker in the position of acknowledging you as an equal, or inviting the Roman punishment for assault. Either way, the second strike means either as an equal you can throw down with him without consequence or sic the Romans on him for assault.

Either way, it only really applies among Christians. Your brothers and sisters in Christ get the benefit of the doubt, the rest get it Old Testament. If a fellow in my church hits me, I’ll give him the chance to make it right. If some desert rat hits me I’ll rape his daughters after I kill him and his sons.

info says:

Roman failed hard because of abortion. Specifically in murder of their infant daughters. This perpetual shortage created a bottleneck and destroyed Ancient Pagan Rome.

jim says:

Rome failed hard because of female emancipation from their husbands.

info says:

I don’t see how female emancipation nullified my point? Even without it Rome was demographically doomed because of women shortage caused by abortion.

Female emancipation only made it worse.

jim says:

Rome did not have a woman shortage caused by abortion, because sex selective abortion is a quite recent technology.

What it had is below replacement fertility.

info says:


I source my argument from Rodney Stark’s Book “Triumph of Christianity”

Who in turn cites Archaelogical Digs. Writings by Tertullian the Church Father and so on.

It has been found that the Skeletons at least of the aborted infants are disproportionately female in Ancient Rome.

And the forms of Abortion practiced killed many women and induced sterility in the women.

This problem also occurred in Greece who was also demographically declining at the time:

“Everyone, even if he is poor, rears a son,
But exposes a daughter, even if he is rich”

Poseidippus of Cassandreia ( (316 BC – ca. 250 BCE)

Christians on the other hand rescued many children who were abandoned.

And hence their population is augmented by many women who married Pagan men and ensured that ultimate conversion to Christianity.

Those cultures had a dowry as does modern day India. So that men with daughters are more inclined to exposure or murder their infant daughters so as to get rid of the economic cost of raising her.

India’s excess of males are the result of those incentives.

jim says:

That was not abortion, but infanticide.

Call things by their names.

Augustus was worried and alarmed by the failure of the elite to reproduce. He did not talk, or even think, about infanticide. Rather, his concern was that people were not getting married.

So he did not think the problem was infanticide.

jim says:

> I source my argument from Rodney Stark’s Book “Triumph of Christianity”

Commie lies.

Female infanticide results from a system where the wife goes off to another family, while the son sticks around to look after his parents in their old age. It is a lesser problem than we have, where women spend their youth, their beauty, and their fertility, waiting for booty calls from Jeremy Meeks, and abort the results. Rome in the days of its greatness had more of a problem with fathers keeping their daughters around and not letting them get married, than a problem with selective female infanticide and they still had the fertility to dominate the world.

India did not have a fertility problem till they emancipated women. They still do not have a fertility problem because emancipation is less advanced there than here.

Rome’s problem was similar to ours, not India’s. The problem was upper class women fucking gladiators, not upper class men infanticiding their daughters. Upper class Roman men did not infanticide their daughters. Their problem was their daughters producing bastards to gladiators.

They had India’s old problem in the time of their greatness. In the time of their decline, they had our problem and India’s new problem, which problem (abortion and uncontrolled hypergamy) is far more wicked than infanticide, and far more socially destructive than infanticide. It tended to lower class females infanticided, while today it is the daughters of the elite who become cat ladies after aborting the numerous offspring of Jeremy Meeks.

It is the daughters of the elite, the women who go to high status universities, that are most grossly and disgustingly immoral, and, in consequence, the daughters of the elite fail to reproduce.

polifugue says:


Everyone on this blog knows that you, disinfo, is a shill, an entryist, a charlatan, but if you’re at least going to try to sound like a reactionary, use AD and BC, not progressive CE and BCE.

For everyone else, Rodney Stark is typical progressive academic scum; who believes, like all progressives believe, true Christianity is progressivism, and rose to power through being progressive. I didn’t want to link this article because it is a waste of reader bandwith, but for anyone who still doubts whether or not disinfo is a shill, this is what he reads:

Any real history of the time showed that by late Rome, women were getting married later, whoring around and not having children; it has been discussed on this blog countless times before. Even if there were a male/female population imbalance, patriarchy would make it so that fertility would not be affected, just as polygamy does not destroy the fertility of a nation, only limits female distribution among men. It’s interesting how progressives manage to rewrite history to make Christianity a progressive faith. Was Christianity feminist, or was it patriarchial and oppressive? In academia, you get to choose! Having failed two shill tests, most importantly the red pill on women test, we should now refer to disinfo as disinfo from now on.

Pooch says:

Rodney Stark is clearly wrong on women and the WP, but I think he has valid points on Christianity’s role in capitalism and science.

Starman says:

If Disinfo doesn’t like using AD (Anno Domini, Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ) and bc (before Christ)… he can use the StarProphet’s calendar: ATB (After Tranquility Base), where July 20, 1969AD is July 20, 1ATB. bt (before Tranquility) shall refer to years before Saint Armstrong and Saint Buzz Aldrin landing on the Moon.

But alas! Disinfo hates space travel and space colonization. And he hates StarProphet Elon Musk as much as he hates Jesus Christ!

So I guess Disinfo will have to stick with the Progressive “CE” (Common Era) and “BCE” (before Common Era).

Dave says:

Tranquility didn’t happen a year after it happened, so 1969 would be 0ATB. We have negative numbers now too, so e.g. 1960 becomes -9ATB.

I’m partial to the Holocene Epoch, which adds 10,000 to the AD year and puts 0HE around the time agriculture was invented.

How is it possible that the ancients could count up to ten thousand or more (positive numbers only) but did not keep a running count of years since a particular historical event widely agreed upon?

Starman says:


I think the ancient Egyptians had 10,000 year cycles for their calendar.

info says:

“BCE” is a quote I copied from some other website. Its not my writing per se.


This rise in female infanticide is more recent so I don’t think that applies per se in India:

Modernization made female infanticide more severe than it used to be. Making it a larger problem than the previous negligible impact.

Dowry System became much more prevalent with modernization.

“Rome in the days of its greatness had more of a problem with fathers keeping their daughters around and not letting them get married, than a problem with selective female infanticide and they still had the fertility to dominate the world.”

Perhaps Rome had less infanticide of this nature when they were younger. But as the Civilization grew up more wicked and decadent infanticide and abortion would have increased even despite the good health of the infant in question.

> I source my argument from Rodney Stark’s Book “Triumph of Christianity”

Is it commie lies that women are the limiting factor of reproduction?

Therefore any loss of their reproductive potential up to a certain point is detrimental despite above replacement fertility?

I don’t deny female emancipation only making it far worse. And having a huge impact on the loss of reproductive potential. The equivalent to greater female infanticide despite the women being alive.

jim says:

The argument presented in that paper does not lead to the conclusion that modernization increased female infanticide.

The problem it discusses is wealthy men of lower caste paying non wealthy men of higher caste an arm and a leg to marry their daughters. Since the beneficiary of this is the high caste adult son, not directly the high caste father, this does not give the father a direct and immediate incentive to selectively knock off his daughters, nor the low caste father any incentive to knock of his daughters, since he could simply marry them off to men of his own caste.

Suppose a daughter is a potential financial burden to a high caste man, because she will be competition with the daughters of wealthy low caste men for a husband. Well, if she becomes a cat lady, she will stick around to look after her parents. Instead of knocking her off, could simply tell her she is on her own in finding a husband. Does not seem likely to have large effect.

jim says:

Selective female infanticide is bad for men, but the question is, what caused Romans to disappear?

Romans were doing fine when they had the most absolute patriarchy ever, disappeared when they had family law that effectively gave the wife her own household. Husbands lost interest in marrying.

info says:


Lol at thinking that I am not Christian.

jim says:

It has become increasingly obvious that you are not a Christian, though that is not what I was attempting to probe.

Starman says:


“Lol at thinking that I am not Christian.”

You’re what Atavistic Morality refers to as, “a Good Boy Christian,” who whiteknights for the wahmen and mysteriously gets hung up on the RedPill on Women question.

Theshadowedknight says:

My contention, supported by his mysterious inability to see what we are saying, is that he isn’t a Christian at all. The good boy pretense is an act to make real Christians low status. Memetic false flagging, the equivalent for Christians of when feds go into a WN group and try to convince them to do stupid, illegal acts. Nearly all politically active WNs are feds, just like nearly all the good boys are. He will probably get the CR treatment once we are finished wringing his tactics out of him and shoring up our defenses.

Starman says:

I agree. That’s why I flat out said that Disinfo hates Christ.

Theshadowedknight says:

I take issue with calling them Christians to begin with, because it is accepting their framing. Thats like calling a sodomite a Man-Fucking Straight Man. The only adjective that should be appended to them is fake. They are fake Christians, liars, and deceivers, and acknowledging them as Christian, however qualified, is playing into their hands.

He is so Christian that he likely cannot speak the name Jesus Christ, say the Lord’s Prayer or the Nicean Creed, or hold a Holy Bible. If we splashed him with holy water he would probably start to smoke. We should recognize that when we identify him, so that our language properly reflects reality. Calling him a Christian violates the rectification of names we do here.

He isn’t even a heretic, to be honest. He is an infiltrator, sure, but he does not believe in God unless he is a Satanist. He is the Jew in Spain undermining the society that led to the Spanish Inquisition. a false converso that hides his true faith, which is either explicit or implicit Satanism and Diabolicism.

info says:


“He is so Christian that he likely cannot speak the name Jesus Christ, say the Lord’s Prayer or the Nicean Creed, or hold a Holy Bible. ”

Test me. You are mistaken.

info says:


“Since the beneficiary of this is the high caste adult son, not directly the high caste father, this does not give the father a direct and immediate incentive to selectively knock off his daughters, nor the low caste father any incentive to knock of his daughters, since he could simply marry them off to men of his own caste.”

What’s your own explanation in the screwed up Sex Ratio of India?

Why are people doing this?

jim says:

The ratio is not sufficiently screwed to have a substantial impact on fertility, and the primary cause of the ratio is the same as it has ever been – that sons stick around, help on the family farm, and all that, while girls disappear.

The ratio, due to selective infanticide, is nine girls for ten men. But four of those girls are waiting for Jeremy Meeks next booty call.

Icon says:


If you’re looking for Christianity here, you’ve come to the wrong corner of the internet.

Jim wants to use Christianity as a weapon against his enemies, which are many.

The other posters here have been seduced by his insanity and some are just Jim posting with another name.

This is not a Christian site, but an abomination to God. And Jim is a lier like his father Satan.

jim says:

I am allowing this one through, because you made a little bit of effort, rather than formulaic spam. You actually bothered to read what people were writing and select the relevant script rather than the generic all purpose script.

Nowhere near enough effort, and I will not allow the next one through unless there is more thought and effort, but I am trying to engage the enemy in discussion – entryists inadvertently reveal what our enemy is up to, and sometimes become double agents.

If you were an actual Christian, rather than fed shill, you would be keenly aware that Christianity is a disadvantage in war and violent political transitions. Christians in war and conflict have, compared to their enemies, strikingly observed the commands for generosity, forgiveness, and mercy, which has in the never ending war with Islam been a gigantic disadvantage. You are speaking out of a frame that excepts the progressive demonization of old type Christianity. Your frame betrays a non Christian background.

The advantage of Christians is cooperation and peace – King Alfred won, and created a Christian England, because he had peaceable relations with the other Saxon Kingdoms, leading eventually to unity through marriage and soft power, rather than hard power, while the pagans were a bunch of quarreling chads whose leaders were always killing each other. Constantine was able to have a self policing well behaved united elite. Christianity is profound military disadvantage, given unity and social cohesion, which is not a given, particularly in war. In war, the great disadvantage of Islam has been lack of social cohesion and lack of elite loyalty, its great advantage has been that Christians refrained from crushing them when they lost – Christianity is not a weapon to be wielded against enemies. Its earthly mission is cooperate/cooperate equilibrium, within the ruling elite, between King and peasant, and between men and women.

Old type Christianity was successful at maintaining cooperate/cooperate equilibrium between men and women, which is my main concern.

The reason I am rather keen on martial Christianity, as exemplified by Christian metal music, is to reduce the substantial disadvantage in conflict.

Starman says:


Why can’t most evangelical pastors, most Catholic priests, and all televangelists ever question the legitimacy of the family courts, why can’t they question modern American marriage the way Joe Rogan and Bill Maher can do ?

There’s a good reason why Atavistic Morality and I despise “Good Boy Christians,” and “fake Christians” like you. You lot can’t even do what fucking Joe Rogan can do. And even Bill Maher can do.


Encelad says:


Why, in your opinion, western countries’ fertility rate is so low?

info says:


Female emancipation, decline of Patriarchy. A culture of death that results in Abortion.


Where are you getting your sex ratio fertility stats from? Show me this sex ratio out of whack but with high fertility rate in India’s history.

From what year to what year with sex ratio and fertility rate side by side.

If I can check it out for myself I will believe you.

jim says:

You are the one making the extraordinary claim – that the Indian sex ratio is so far out of whack that it is likely to have significant effect on fertility and marriage.

Show me some extraordinary evidence.

info says:


jim says:

Not evidence of your claim. What your evidence is supposed to be evidence for I have no idea.

info says:


On 2nd thought I was wrong. When I checked the stats. It doesn’t seem to be enough of a problem.

info says:


jim says:

I asked for evidence, not double the assertions with double the confidence.

info says:

“Rome did not have a woman shortage caused by abortion, because sex selective abortion is a quite recent technology.”

I dispute this. I said earlier that abortion methods practiced even in the absence of sex-selective abortion is an often lethal risk to the mother.

As well as causing sterility in many cases.

Those are the direct quotes from Tertullian if you think its lies:

jim says:

Abortion is an ancient technology. Nothing has changed. Women are becoming cat ladies now for the same reasons as they became cat ladies then. Sex selective abortion is a new technology, but female infanticide a very old technology. Not much has changed. Female infanticide never made a big difference, and female abortion does not make a big difference now.

You are trying to put a blue pill spin on red pill facts. The decadence of late Rome is the same decadence as we suffer now.

info says:


“Not evidence of your claim. What your evidence is supposed to be evidence for I have no idea.”

Population growth percentage wise compared to sex ratio.

Which you deleted.

jim says:

Sex ratio has improved. Fertility continues to fall as sex ratio improves. This evidence against your claim, not evidence for your claim.

Further, the sex ratio difference is too small to make a substantial impact on marriage, family, and fertility.

info says:

I will post them again

And based on those stats. Sex ratio continued to get worse until 2010 after which it began to improve. But Population % growth rate declined from 1980 onwards.

Therefore at a certain point population growth rate was impacted probably due to a high enough sex ratio of males to females.

But perhaps something about female emancipation took hold in the 1980’s?

Earlier I modified my opinion because I realized that I miscalculated

jim says:

At its worst, the sex ration was 108 males to 100 females.

Not enough difference to make a difference.

The ratio is now 103 males to 100 females.

Not enough difference to make a difference.

This cannot have a significant influence on family and fertility

info says:


Apologies if I engaged in Ad hominem earlier in anyway.

info says:


How did you calculate that? And I do believe I acknowledged the role of female emancipation if you missed it earlier.

info says:


I ask again how you arrived at that conclusion mathematically. Because I cannot truly believe you otherwise.

I know you posted the fertility rate of Japan and the impact of female emancipation.

jim says:

This an inane question. The data that you link to contradicts your own claims.

You have made the extraordinary claim. You do the analysis. How am I supposed to contradict data that has not been presented, analysis and calculations that have not been made?

info says:


“At its worst, the sex ration was 108 males to 100 females.

Not enough difference to make a difference.”

Talking about this statement. What would make a difference?

“This an inane question. The data that you link to contradicts your own claims.”

Yes but up to 1980. From that point on population growth rate declined.

And sex ratio was rising.

Therefore it looks like it is having an impact barring female emancipation from 2000’s onward.

There is also the possibility of said sex ratio having delayed impact down the line from the initial once the men reach adulthood due to the missing potential wives.

jim says:

Pretty obvious that India has had escalating female emancipation from 1840 onward. How does a sex ratio that, at its worst, was 93 females for 100 males, have a significant impact on fertility? Fertility varies by a huge amount, vastly more than seven percent.

Fertility in India fell when the sex ratio was getting worse by an insignificant amount, continued to go right on falling when the sex ratio was getting better by an insignificant amount, no apparent correlation, and no reason to expect any correlation, for the variation in fertility is much larger than the variation in availability of females.

info says:


Thanks for the explanation. That makes sense.

info says:


What happened in 1840? What events can I check?

info says:

2nd reason is bad hygiene that comes with super density. Much more dense than our modern western cities. Coupled with the loss of Egypt which impact grain production.

Icon says:

Rome failed due to becoming multicultural. Once the founding members of a civilization are gone, that civilization will inevitably change. Society is a racial construct.

info says:

And why did the founding members of a civilization be gone?

Those reasons I stated. And sexual degeneracy. Multiculturalism couldn’t be had without aggressive expansionism or the abandonment of the obedience of Divine Law.

The Cominator says:

Shill on wignat script argues with shill on tradcuck script.

The reason the founding members disappeared is because of female empowerment.

Icon says:

You’re more in agreement with “Info” Coment than with me.

I wont back your opinions. You want to blame all the worlds troubles on women. It’s not that simple.

And yes the degradation of Rome’s customs led to their downfall. It is fact. You wont find any theory that blames women’s lib.

Write a paper, see if you can get it published and subject to any pier review.

I’m not a shill for anyone. My opinions are my own.

Comint is probably mad at women cause he doesn’t get any attention from them.

jim says:

I most certainly do blame female empowerment for the destruction of Rome.

See my numerous discussions, and other commenters’ discussions, of Emperor Augustus’ total fail at marriage law.

jim says:

Nothing that speaks the truth can pass peer review.

Sometimes some people get away with merely lying in the abstract and summary, and then telling the truth, radically contradicting the abstract and summary in the main body of the article, because peer reviewers seldom read beyond the abstract and summary, but this is a dangerous risk.

Icon says:

Also Comint, I’ve noticed how you’ve badgered “Alf” on previous threads on this blog.

He was a much better commenter than you are and was able to get his point across without childish attempts at ridicule, unlike you.

Grow the eff up.

The Cominator says:

I do not recall being overly hostile to Alf at any point. I said his anti-christianity is a phase he should grow out of. Others got a lot angrier at him about it I have not.

The only non-shills I’ve gotten genuinely angry at were people who sincerely believe in Covid locktardism, I suppose I have very little tolerance for locktardism because I recognized it as an enemy plot immediately (I suspected from the beginning but was 100% when the South Korean data came out) but for some reason very few did.

I also don’t even really blame women not really, women are mostly with very rare exceptions NPCs. I blame the elite for emancipating women because female nature outside of strict patriarchy favors barbarism not civilization thus do societies with emancipated women always decay and always conquered by patriarcharies.

Starman says:


Surprise, surprise! Commie academic shill is still unable to acknowledge a RedPill on Women question (the multiple choice answers are also part of the question).
And why do I call this filthy entryist, an “commie academic shill”?

“Write a paper, see if you can get it published and subject to any pier review.”

This jackass unironically accepts the corrupt peer review system.

Peer review has nothing to do with science.

Anonymous 2 says:

Here is a testimonial from Rodney Brooks, a normie heavyweight AI researcher.

(As a nitpick, I don’t think ArXiv is open for anybody to publish. I have read some complaints about papers being removed or recategorized into ‘kook categories’. So there is an ediorial/curatorial hand there too.)

jim says:

Not a normie.

He is running peer review.

Get a review from someone who is attempting to consume the output. We have a replication crisis, where nothing peer reviewed is true.

Anonymous 2 says:

Well, it’s peer review from the inside, as an author and as an editor. I believe Brooks is retired now. He doesn’t seem to be redpilled about the whole thing, hence ‘normie’.

You’re right that he doesn’t consider the readers explicitly, but the article shows some of the failure modes even for quite innocuous work.

Icon says:

I’ve written here before that ‘women are evil manipulators’ and Scripture has plenty of examples. So my thoughts are consistent with Biblical teaching.

As far as women being sexual deviants. Some certainly are, men as well. But I wouldn’t go as far to say the perversions of women brought down the Roman Empire. That would give female perversion too much power. And if all women are sexual deviants, they would all become prostitutes and porn stars and no civilization would ever form from the dust of women’s perversion. But, that is not the case.

That is what the low IQ blacks sing about in their rap isn’t it, that all women are bitches and whores. And I refuse to think like a low IQ black. That is not what being red pilled is, to think like a black man. You give them too much power over your mind so think for yourself.

Pier review does not have to be academia. When I say ‘pier review’, your first impulse is academia. Are they your piers, No. I’m aware who your piers are on the side of Jim’s Blog posted to the right. Try them, see if they agree with all women being perverts. Some may, others may not. It’s called feedback and consensus. Could your thinking be wrong? If so, wouldn’t you want some kindly person to help you along.

If you grow up in a single mother house as a young male, and your mother occasionally has a guest visitor overnight. Be he Jeremy Meeks or some other random, I could see where this sentiment comes from. Not all families are broken. There are decent women out there, try going to church. Maybe you’ll meet one.

But if you pursue low status females, you’ll support your own notion of women. It’s not good to be bitter against all women. Nowhere in Scripture is this supported.

I’m not a ‘commie’ either “Rocket”. I own a house and have a family. Commies don’t like private property or families. I also support the concept of free market capitalism. We’ve all been “jackasses” before, so that is fare. Sometimes it takes a jackass to speak out.

Starman says:


“My fellow capitalist! I own a house doncha know!”

Sorry faggot entryist, you can’t stomach the RedPill on Women questions because your HR supervisor can’t stomach it.

” When I say ‘pier review’, your first impulse is academia. Are they your piers, No.”

I was mistaken that you’re an academic shill, the constant misspelling (“pier review”) indicates that you’re an NGO dot Indian employee.

Atavistic Morality says:

You try really hard to camouflage as a reactionary and the harder you try the easier we see through.

You can’t even acknowledge the nature of women, so you defer to hyperbole strawmen of what faggot progressives like you think that we think.

We don’t think women are evil or sexual deviants, that’s what you think we think, because pointing out female behavior and it being distinct to male behavior is evil for your egalitarian dogma.

What we believe is evil is female empowerment, but you’ll never be able to put that on script because either your supervisor, your crimestop, or both, won’t allow it.

jim says:

Men are polgamous, women are hypergamous. The problem is not that they are whores and prostitutes, but that they get a midnight booty call from Jeremy Meeks and chastely wait six months in the hope that they will get a second booty call.

High status women, lawerettes from elite institutions, are worse than truck stop strippers. Female lawyers make house calls to their thug clients. Male lawyers do not make house calls.

The trouble is that university elevates their status, so that in their mind no man is good enough, unless he is a rock star or a murderer. For lawerettes, usually a murderer. The best girls are sales clerks or work on the family farm. The higher a man’s socioeconomic status, the more likely he is to reproduce. The higher a woman’s socioeconomic status, the less likely to reproduce, because they do not get married. Sending women to the same training as men is profoundly dysgenic.

Icon says:

A high status female to me is not a lawyer. Good looks, friendly personality, good with money, able to cook, adult under 25, never married. They are out there. But you have to be worthy.

You just go ahead Jim and write the forbidden sentence right here and I can just cut and paste it back to you provided it’s not criminal. Then we can settle this daaawt endiyun NGO HR cat and mouse nonsense.

jim says:

My comment was full of forbidden thoughts. You responded unresponsively as if I was talking about something entirely unrelated.

You not only failed to say anything red pilled. You also failed to respond to or acknowledge that I had said anything red pilled.

A tradcuck is likely blue pilled. But he can acknowledge and respond to red pill facts and arguments. You cannot.

When we talk about problems that occurr in our interactions with women, Jews and blacks, an FBI shill will enthusiastically “agree” that he hates women, Jews and blacks even more than we supposedly do, but will not acknowledge any of the problems we were talking about, or even that we were talking about those problems. Supposedly we hate women, Jews, and blacks for absolutely no reason, and he hates them twice as much for even less reason.

Icon says:

Okay here it is in script: Female empowerment is evil.

But, I’ve already said more than that: Women are evil manipulators.

What does this prove? Nothing.

Any cop or feebee could say this to you and it proves nothing.

You guys are getting paranoid.

jim says:

Well that’s exactly the problem. An FBI contractor can say exactly what you said, but he cannot say, or even acknowledge or respond to other people saying, the red pill on the woman question.

And you have not said anything red pilled about women and didn’t seem to notice or hear any of us saying anything red pilled about women

Which suggests your output is is subject to scrutiny from human resources.

Icon says:

Red pill me on women then Jim. Also tell me if you are working with law enforcement. Why so eager to get me to type something. That’s what cops do, Officer Jimbo.

The Cominator says:

“Men are polgamous, women are hypergamous. The problem is not that they are whores and prostitutes, but that they get a midnight booty call from Jeremy Meeks and chastely wait six months in the hope that they will get a second booty call.”


This is what I’ve been saying and its something seemingly EVERYONE gets wrong. If modern women were whores (as I’ve heard women in the 70s and some of the 80s) were the situation would be more tolerable. But they are this and its far far far worse.

yewotm8 says:

You write like somebody who is not a real person.

“That is what the low IQ blacks sing about in their rap isn’t it, that all women are bitches and whores. And I refuse to think like a low IQ black. That is not what being red pilled is, to think like a black man. You give them too much power over your mind so think for yourself.”

That sounds like “hail fellow racists!” to me. If you really think that way, you are not very smart.

jim says:

Icon continues to send a stream of messages, which I silently suppress as spam, because they all follow the formulaic and repetitious script that narks and politicals follow when spotted, not being customized in the slightest to the issues of the blog, the particular reasons for doubting his identity, or particular commenters.

I let some of this sort of stuff through when there is some effort put into customizing it, which he used to do, but now he has gone low effort generic all purpose script, like an npc in a video game when you give it the wrong trigger words.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Broadcast lugenpresse reporting bafflement over Georgians not dying in droves after governor rescinded orders to make operating business illegal.

‘There is still enough time to see them all dead’, some commentators observe, with lot a little worrying undertone.

jim says:

Meanwhile blue staters are dying in droves, in part due to Orange Man Bad Resistance to contact tracing and quarantine.

Seems it is constitutional to shut down churches, but unconstitutional to quarantine the sick, or even keep them out of aged care facilities and nursing homes.

A few weeks ago Twitter was enthusiastically gloating about Orange Man Bad causing mass die off in Georgia.

Currently Georgia has one fifth of the death rate per million per week that blue state New Jersey has.

Oliver Cromwell says:

On the recommendation of this blog I purchased “English Society 1660-1832” by JCD Clark. It is the 2nd edition. There is a blurb that states the book has significantly changed since the 1st edition, while being very cagey about what has changed. Does anyone know what are the differences between the two editions? If so, would you recommend one and not the other?

jim says:

I don’t know the difference, and it would be extremely interesting to learn.

Mr.P says:

Here’s what one Amazon reviewer said about the change.

The reviewer appears to be a great fan of the book.

The “Age of Reason” never happened

“In the first edition, Clark included detailed critiques of the existing literature. The new edition eliminates most of the polemical material and adds a lucid discussion of how the Anglican hegemony was rebuilt in 1660-1688. The new edition is clearer, but lacks some of the barracuda bite impact (at least by academic standards) of the first.”

jim says:

That review tells us that the first edition tells us how we lost:

The opposition to this Anglican state, Clark argues, was motivated not by secular outrage at poverty or electoral corruption, but by religiously based opposition to Anglican hegemony and/or Christian dogma. Opposition took three forms: the dwindling band of Commonwealthmen, hoping to make the Dissenters’ congregational church polity a model for republican government, the Irish Catholic constituencies brought into Parliament by the Union of 1803, and most importantly the covert network of anti-Trinitarian dissent: Arians, Socinians, and Deists who denied the divinity of Christ and hence the divine appointment of His church. As demographic changes weakened Anglicanism in the 1820s, Parliament voted out of existence the Anglican confessional state in 1828-1832. Even then, the confessional state might have survived, Clark implies, except for the unprincipled maneuverings of many of its supposed supporters.

It was not disbelief in the resurrection, but disbelief in the Resurrection.

“It’s also why Elon Musk can beg the authorities to arrest him, while the police in Texas jail hairdressers. Musk is a king in Feudal Murka, complete with his worker-serfs. Most of Murka’s rulers are household names: Cuomo, Bloomberg, Gates, Bezos, etc. They all have loyal subjects, castles, and their armies to protect them.”


Starman says:

@Oog en Hand

Musk is a mighty prophet complete with miracles, but he is still in Mecca and has not yet made Hijra to Mars.

The Cominator says:

You could argue that this is Trumpian natcap but i say its more confirmation of cold war 2 confirmed.

BC says:

I’m not sure why you don’t want the US and China to compete. Competition produces greatness.

The Cominator says:

That post did not make a value judgement about it exactly… I would have preferred to avoid cold war before this covid crap but I’m all for it now because politically Trump has no choice.

Pooch says:

If the economy comes back strong, with early signs indicating it will, no one will give a shit about China anymore.

Pooch says:

Except maybe the left calling for air support for the Hong Kong protesters.

Frederick Algernon says:

Any thoughts on Eric Weinstein’s The Portal, Jim?

Frederick Algernon says:

If anyone doesn’t care to watch the whole video, go to 50:25.
My reason for sharing this link is to soft-propose the idea that maybe, just maybe, this The Portal thing might be a platform to catapult Jimmian Restorationism into the next level of discussion. I’d love to hear this community’s thoughts on this idea.

jim says:

Cannot participate in that community, because YouTube tracks your google id, which google strives to connect to your true identity. Therefore, no one can speak the truth on YouTube, nor in YouTube comments.

If you are going to resist what he calls “Distributed Idea Suppression”, you are not going to be able to resist it on a platform that will give away your name and face to the IRS, the FBI, and antifa.

Frederick Algernon says:

Fair points, but who carries the message is, in some respects, negotiable. To me, it seems less important as the fidelity of the message sent. The question then becomes: how do we convey memetics when we are targets purely for having the message? In relative terms, I posit that this nascent community is maybe the best target, currently. Assuming sensitive information can be protected, what is there to lose by attempting to engage with people questioning what DISC is, how it works, where it comes from, and how it can be effectively countered.

jim says:

YouTube is owned by our enemies. These people are playing ball with our enemies on the the enemy’s playing field. And on that playing field, cannot speak the truth, and therefore cannot be trusted.

jim says:

That is the formulaic nark script. You are working in political now, no longer narcotics.

Wrong script.

In political, we feed you the answers with a teaspoon to pass as one of us, and you not only cannot give them, you cannot acknowledge what’s in the teaspoon.

The Cominator says:

Don’t know if this is true but it aligns with my theory…

jim says:

Normally Democratic Party primaries are mere theater and spectacle, to create the appearance of mass involvement without the reality. And the recent primaries were still mere theater and spectacle, except that the people who normally pull the strings were and are fighting each other.

Biden’s mind is deteriorating before our eyes. In the nature of things, he cannot help but be a place holder candidate, and the battle is on as who he is a place holder for.

The Cominator says:

My theory is Moochelle even though she neither especially wants to run or be President.

They payoff Moochelle she runs, she sticks to script has earpiece in the debates if she wins she resigns in favor of Brennan’s man mayor Buttpirate who is the man remaining white/jewish DNC elite gerontocracy wants to install as president.

I’m not certain of any of this but thats my theory…

Starman says:


“They payoff Moochelle she runs,”

I don’t think Michael Obama will be in the running.

BC says:

Your Moochelle “Big Mike” Obama is the candidate theories have about as much support for them as your Comey is a secret Trump ally theory.

A more likely combo would be Obama running as Biden’s VP. That satisfies 22nd Amendment and it would be clear who is actually in charge.

The Cominator says:

SCOTUS likely to throw out Barack Obama and that is not going to be a chance the DNC will want to take if they can run Moochelle.

We shall see about Moochelle. If Comey is not a double agent he might as well have been. Nothing he did against Trump is anything he could have prevented but hes screwed them in preventable ways many time.

When he testifies before congress again (despite Lindsay Grahamnesty likely intending a whitewash) bet he screws them over again.

BC says:

The Supreme Court didn’t rule on Obama’s eligibility when he ran for President and they’re sure the fuck not going to it if he runs for VP.

Michelle Obama is a monkey is a dress. She’s not going to run.

The Cominator says:

Well we’ll find out.

BC says:

Hillary’s likely to emerge victorious in that fight if there’s not a consensus candidate. Maybe just as VP so she doesn’t have to campaign but she’s still got the most power in DNC.

The Cominator says:

She failed already… if Hillary wanted it Moochelle would have committed suicide via two shots to the back of the head already.

BC says:

So? We’re talking about power here and Hillary has power.

Pooch says:

There already internal discussions on the Dem side for a Hillary-Barack ticket. I’d imagine there’s also a segment pushing for Cuomo as well.

The Cominator says:

We don’t have too much credible info on internal discussions I posted that as an example of something that SOUNDS credible on their internals. Cuomo’s murdering people is too well known there was a faction that wanted to install him but thats over now.

Not Barack, Hillary won’t come in while Moochelle is still alive.

Mister Grumpus says:

Maybe Barack and Hillary can both get divorced, and then marry each other before the convention. Why not. At this point what the hell.

BC says:

Cuomo’s biggest problem is the lack of a power base. The media’s been pushing for him, but he doesn’t own the media, Hillary, Obama, and the deep state do. When they get their marching orders Cuomo will be left without a paddle up shit creek.

Mister Grumpus says:

Heck yeah. If they’re smart and can work together, that just has to be the ticket.

I’ve already seen the white lady and black man team up to beat the White Man Bad 10,000 times on TV, pornos and movies for years now. Nothing is more natural now. To paraphrase Bob Marley, they’ve GOT to fulfill the book.

Mister Grumpus says:

Trump vs Hillary 2020 “This Time It’s Personal” is just so perfect as participative theater, like a Pantsuit Rocky comeback sequel, they just have to do it. It’ll give those smug Dem’s who neglected to vote in 2016 a chance to come out, win this time, and redeem themselves.

Oh wait, what’s that? There’s an even better idea? Pump it up a notch, you say? How? Here’s how:

Don-Pence vs Hillary-Obama, I mean holy shit now we’re talking. Every single movie, TV drama and even porno these days is about the black man and white lady teaming up to humiliate the bad bad white man, that’s even more perfect.

The Eschaton awaits!

The desperation and hatred coming from The Establishment is so abundantly clear now that they are applying the “conspiracy theory” label to ANYTHING that does not 100% obey the One Approved Narrative.

Jehu says:

Jim and Alf,
On the subject of resurrection. I’ll go small-r here.
Last fall I met a guy in person who was run over by a truck in the late 1980s. He was pronounced dead by several responder teams. No heartbeat no pulse no breath, no nothing. He stayed that way for 90 minutes. Then he got better. What’s that if not a lower case r resurrection?
The doctors said no way will this guy walk or regain normal brain function, or anything like that. But he did. He was walking around about as well as anyone else at the retreat on the Oregon coast I met him at, and he’s clearly mentally all there. What’s that if not a miracle?
Leave aside the question of whether this is a religious thing. Focus on what is known. He WAS dead. Several first responder teams with plenty of experience in such things (this was Texas, they had plenty of experience with cars being totally crushed by oncoming trucks) agreed to that. He stayed that way for 90 minutes. Then he got better.
If you accept that, why is the notion that the embodiment of the Divine Logos could be resurrected after 3 days in a rich man’s tomb so hard to swallow?
The man’s name was Don Piper, a little google fu can bring up the rest of the story if you’re genuinely curious.

jim says:

What is hard to swallow is not that he did not stay dead, but that the divine logos suffered all the pains that mortals suffer in the fallen world of natural selection, including abandonment by God. That is the central contradiction and central miracle of Christianity, a God that is both big and small, and Christian churches and individuals that embrace the contradiction full on, by for example enthusiastically celebrating the passion of Christ, behave strikingly better than Churches and individuals that do not, with the result that they are noticeably more successful at establishing cooperate/cooperate equilibrium internally and externally than Churches or faiths that cleverly rationalize it away, or glibly gloss over it and move on.

People do not believe he is the logos because he rose. They believe he rose because they believe he is the logos. The Pope and company do not believe he is the logos, so don’t actually care whether he rose or not. They are much more enlightened than Christ. Christ not only never mentioned slavery, but worse than that, never mentioned Global Warming!

Jehu says:

I get the impression that Alf is profoundly embarrassed by the Miracles.

Thing is, just this incident I’m reporting, that is very well attested to, should move any good Bayesian’s priors towards accepting that there’s at least a very small probability that a resurrection can happen. If Piper can get resurrected, and experience a recovery that physicians would term miraculous, the other miracle stuff should be way easier to swallow. We don’t understand a lot of stuff—frankly it’s probably true we don’t actually even understand Death, despite centuries of painful experience.

Personally i don’t grok the cosmic calculus that required the Logos to suffer like a man and endure the Passion of the Christ. I can see how God was trying to teach us some of that kind of ‘grammar’ for lack of a better word with the whole Temple animal sacrifice thing, and the Abraham and Isaac thing, but that’s not really understanding it, its just groping in the shadows.

jim says:

You are not supposed to grope in the shadows. It is not supposed to make sense. You will not find anything in the shadows. It never made sense.

One explanation is that observance of the letter of the law had to end, because people were getting too clever by half at violating the spirit by observing the letter. God could not just say “Hey, this law thing is not working out so I changed my mind”

And that explanation is true. And still does not make sense.

Another, bigger, explanation is that the world of the fall, the world of natural selection, is mighty harsh, and to allow room for human flourishing, to allow men to appreciate that the world is good, that men are motivated to pursue their right telos, God had to show that he can take it too. God is big, and we need a small God as well. And you cannot get smaller than being flogged through the streets of Jerusalem.

That explanation makes sense, but only in the sense that human nature is known to not make sense.

Theshadowedknight says:

The mind of God is unknowable, all we can see is His will manifest in the consequences of our actions.

BC says:

Any chance Trump can use the manufactured riots to roll up Soros and antifa? Most of the videos I’m watching has antifa people doing the arson.

Pooch says:

Seemed like blacks looting and burning shit to me.

Mister Grumpus says:

OT and predictable:

I look forward to your takes on the Minneapolis business. Take your time. It’s no problem. The outline looks like a basic BLM rerun, but you’ll be able to notice more. Some new twist or ingredient or scale or intention.

And just “for the record”, anyone who’s been reading my mind and taking notes will tell you that, since late-April maybe (I’m still in the slow class), I’ve been wondering with dread, and also a dark fascination, how the national “Covid-19 emergency”, which still involves an outer microbiological phenomenon that can be objectively detected with cotton swabs and treated with oxygen, zinc and malaria pills, might be somehow upgraded to a “racism emergency” that is entirely thoughtcrime from top to bottom, and therefore of infinite potential.

Mike says:

If you haven’t noticed on Twitter, Jack (Twitter CEO) actually half-censored one of the tweets Trump made about the looters needing to be put down with force. First time they’ve openly decided to start silencing him via rule, and not via conspiracy. Absolute shitshow.

Mister Grumpus says:

One “Jimmy” thing I’m noticing in the videos, this time around, is the college-age white women in the crowds. In short-shorts no less. With negroes running around, shooting guns in the air, and the burning buildings collapsing onto the street.

I wouldn’t call that “instinctively risk-avoidant” behavior.

But they just gotta get closer. Gotta get closer. Gotta do it. Gotta get closer to that conquering sperm. “It just happened.”

Sigh. It’s getting hard out here for a simp.

jim says:

Have not been watching it. Fill us in.

A suspect, who probably had some medical problem, was restrained by police with undue severity, and died. Pressure on the carotid artery can trigger general cardiac dysfunction, particularly if someone already has some problems. It is a good method for rendering a dangerous opponent incapacitated or dead, but not a sensible measure against a man in handcuffs, even if he is being difficult. Most people will quiet down after twenty seconds of severe pressure on their throat. Continuing it for three minutes was grossly inappropriate. Bad behavior or incompetence by cops. And blacks are happy with any excuse to break things, set stuff on fire, hurt people, and steal stuff. This is a plausible excuse, unlike some of their other excuses. Blacks being black. The left cannot make much hay out of it, but they will make as much hay as they can. It is hard to point a black mob in the direction of your enemies, because social decay has afflicted blacks worse than anyone. No families, no jobs, no religion. A weapon you cannot aim is useless, no matter how destructive.

A black mob can do a lot of damage, but have degenerated to the extent that the damage cannot usefully be turned into power.

I have been watching the Twitter business. It is apparent that Trump has be preparing this for some time. He needs to get it done well before the election. Time runs short. Censorship and propaganda continues to intensify, but with the Russia narrative unstuck, they no longer have an angle, no longer have a story. They no longer have a narrative for their propaganda, they shout louder, but have nothing to say.

Legally, Trump is on strong ground. Twitter’s conduct should have rendered it ineligible for the protection of Section 230. But the American permanent government has policy that laws do not apply to the left. If Trump succeeds in stripping Twitter of section 230 protection, it will be as big a game changer as the assassination of Sergei Kirov or the dissolution of Barebones Parliament.

This time around, the black mob has a strong case. Twenty seconds of severe pressure to both carotids is sufficient to render the most truculent person peaceable. Three minutes will kill even a healthy person. That looks like severe pressure to one carotid, which would not kill most people, but would kill quite a few.

Mister Grumpus says:

“My job, in the end, is to prove that he violated a criminal statute, and there is other evidence that does not support a criminal charge.” –Prosecutor SoAndSo

Mike says:

Here is some of the background on the suspect:

The crime he actually got arrested for this time around was using a counterfeit bill, plus possible public intoxication. I have heard rumors that he also resisted arrest briefly. Still, as Jim pointed out, the level of force used (7 minutes of neck clamping) was patently ridiculous. Not going to self-dox, but I live in Minnesota, so these riots have been surreal to see.

The Cominator says:

Kwaps don’t get in trouble when they kill white people either ussually. Remember the Simon says crawl towards me guy, many such cases.

I’m kinda okay with burning the precinct actually and would be okay with them burning down his house I think petty government officials should have some fear of angry mobs, but the looting ruins it. That is just pure 1352 thuggery.

Pooch says:

Yeah I lost a lot of respect for cops after they followed orders and continue to follow orders to shred the Constitution with such ease during the lockdowns.

The Cominator says:

Never had much respect for 95% of them at any point…

Non-urban areas shouldn’t even have standing police forces… and we will not need very many police anyway in our state because Tyrone and Ramirez will rarely be allowed to live near the rest of us.

Pooch says:

Agreed and we all have our own guns anyway.

Pooch says:

Honestly, its hard to feel much sympathy when a faceless globohomo corporate business like Target or Starbucks gets burnt down too.

The Cominator says:

They aren’t targetting them because of Target’s and Starbucks left wing politics (and we’ve been over politics and merchants too many times anyway) but because 1352s want to steal.

I hate Target too but the y00ts aren’t going after Target for the reason you hate Target.

Atavistic Morality says:

Good old 4chan said it best, eh? Niggers gonna nig.

Pooch says:

Oh I know. They are looting anything in sight, but I’m more sympathetic to the small business being looted rather than the corporates.

The Cominator says:

Absolutely in fact its not even target that takes it in the ass with this but their insurance company… and I don’t like insurance companies because they always try to make themselves mandatory and are the most parasitic forms of capitalists bar none.

I hated Covid from the beginning and still do but am loving the riots, people getting redpilled on kwaps and nigs at the same time. Insurance companies losing money… Overall a thing of beauty.

jim says:

Blue state decides to let blacks be black. Trump threatens to not let them be black. If he intervenes, going to be hugely popular.

Intervening against blacks being black is going to cheer up his base.

“ain’t nothing left here so when we start coming to the suburbs, when we come to the government center, then what y’all gonna do?” the mask-wearing African American asks.

When they start coming to the government center, police will stop them. When they start coming to the suburbs, because nothing left to steal in the city, police will allow them to loot, and not allow white snipers on the rooftops. If Trump then restores order in the suburbs …

Javier says:

I wish he would but the National Guard rolled in with a whole 20 guys and no ammo of course. The mob is treating them like they are invisible.

Gangs forming on the fringes of town and looting and pillaging while cops focus on the biggest targets. Definitely coming to the suburbs. Hit a town over from me last night and they only got a couple stores but they got away.

Everyone is afraid to shoot looters because one pawn shop owner shot one and has already been charged with murder.

One woman found dead in a car with ‘visible trauma’ which I assume is newspeak for horribly raped to death. I expect more will be found in the coming days.

Lots of race cucks saying “I don’t care if my store gets looted because the anger is justified.” They should be treated as accomplices. MN totally gutless and fucked.

Business putting up ‘minority owned’ signs. Which means of course ‘get whitey’ in passive-aggressive.

Mayor abandoned a police station so now rioters are armed with police gear. Videos of night time echoing with gunfire like a middle east warzone.

Some liberal weenies take pictures of themselves picking up debris on one street corner while 30 businesses around them burn down “See not all of us are bad!”

Black protest leader said the city was “no longer a white space” I hope people pay attention to him.

Roving bands in downtown breaking windows on skyscrapers, major financial companies, etc. Probably going to set more fires. Maybe huge buildings coming down, 9/11 type shit.

Anyway I see a lot of blame evasion and willful blindness by useful idiots who won’t condemn a hyena even while it devours them. It feels like we aren’t that far from people being flayed alive in the streets while the media refuses to notice.

jim says:

> Black protest leader said the city was “no longer a white space” I hope people pay attention to him.

Blacks chase whites out of a city. City goes to shit, depopulates. Blacks move to another city. Rinse and repeat.

Javier says:

Also, I heard the guy the cops killed was in and out of jail, including for armed robbery during a home invasion. So per usual the mob is rioting in defense of a scumbag, even if in this case the cops were out of line for killing him.

I can’t find hard info though so it could just be a rumor.

BC says:

Got a link to the woman dead in car? It’s not showing up when I search.

Javier says:

They instated a city-wide curfew tonight, two nights too late. There’s a concerted propaganda effort by local media to separate “peaceful protesters” and rioters into two completely unrelated groups. As if all the thugs burning down the police station weren’t chanting BLM slogans.

Also some fat coal-burning mystery meat welfare mom was seen waddling out of target carrying a lamp so they’re saying “White people are doing the looting.” If one Becky does it, all blacks are exonerated.

They’re also saying the first fire started was by an undercover cop. More like antifa, but never mind. I have so many friends who are desperate to latch onto any excuse to still think of themselves as the Good Guys. It’s pathetic.

The Cominator says:

Burning down the cop shop (democrat government employee thugs they are) im kind of okay with, not the looting.

Pooch says:

Spreading to other cities now.

The Cominator says:

Its beautiful… They are threatening to go to liberal suburbs outside of the cities meanwhile in Southern towns with redneck suburbs they don’t dare…

The left wiping each other out its beautiful this will likely restore Trump’s strength…

Pooch says:

Atlanta getting hit. They tried to breach and destroy the CNN building which is kind of hilarious.

Pooch says:

Some reports of white antifa types inciting some of the destruction.

Javier says:

Cominator – It’s funny, the cops are obviously shepherding and safeguarding the rioters while acting swiftly to punish anyone who interferes with the looting. Yet the thugs are chanting for their death and will almost certainly claim many of their lives before this is over.

What sort of person accepts that job and does it willingly? Not like police work pays very well. I’ll never understand them.

The Cominator says:

Kwaps are pretty mindless order followers in a way soldiers aren’t…

Starman says:

Looks like the Democrats are no longer hysterical about COVID19, now that they’re organizing and planning riots.

The Cominator says:

This isn’t planned the way overhyping Covid was planned if planned they wouldn’t have taken CNN and they wouldn’t be looting and burning down only blue areas.

This shit is on autopilot and if anything Soros Schumer Brennan etc whoever the Cathedral high command really is (a hard thing to figure out) is panicking about it.

This is beautiful.

Mister Grumpus says:

OK so Scott Adams was talking about Mr Paleface High Agency Secret Agent Man, with his perfect head-masking (hard to ID), bicycle (no license plate or walking gait), umbrella (for drones and overhead cameras) and HAMMER being the first guy to break windows at the Autozone store in Minneapolis.

Like chumming for sharks.

I also see amateur white boys throwing bricks. Antifa I guess, but what does that even mean anymore? We have bitcoin now, so who’s paying who’s paying who?

And what’s this about someone looking for the gas line at the police station? Do chimp-tier negroes even know what natural gas is?

So I just can’t see this as simply “negroes gonna neeg”, and I’m probably naive to have ever seen it as such. The Jimmly upshot would be that these are elites fighting each other by remote control.

Someone is trying to Ride the Tiger in the general direction of lockdown, economy-crashing, voter-flushing and mail-in voting By Other Means. Covid-19 just didn’t have the legs.

Or some kind of Kentucky Fried Reichstag fire. Somehow.

And it’s not even June.

(And why the CNN building, anyway? It has plenty of windows, but nothing to steal. Who brought those people there? And for what? An alibi?)

jim says:

> (And why the CNN building, anyway? It has plenty of windows, but nothing to steal. Who brought those people there? And for what? An alibi?)

Looks like left on left infighting. Plains apes are not going to target the CNN building by themselves.

The left on left struggle has gotten hotter since Trump was elected – the grafters and grifters have lost power, and those full of passionate conviction see power almost within their grasp, and the prospect of immanentizing the eschaton very soon.

The Cominator says:

“Someone is trying to Ride the Tiger in the general direction of lockdown, economy-crashing, voter-flushing and mail-in voting By Other Means. Covid-19 just didn’t have the legs.”

The Covid scam was a catastrophe for us and very well might have cost Trump the election… but for this.

Especially since its going to make white suburban centrist fags and Karens a lot less likely to vote for Moochelle Obama.

Theshadowedknight says:

If you watch, it isn’t just a bunch of rampaging blacks doing their thing. There seems to be a pretty strong antifa presence, and I would bet they are the ones doing a lot of the complicated destruction in the shadow of the largely black rioters. That is the problem with a holiness spiral, the more you believe the holier you are, and who is more holy than those helping oppressed black people strike against the hated forces of oppression? White antifa provide the knowledge for specialized destruction, while the black rioters provide the masses to wreck anything simple.

Based on how chaotic it is, and how long it took antifa to get in position and get involved, I do not think this was prepared ahead of time. However, they are milking it for all it is worth. Rioters are fighting the Secret Service members putting up barriers around the White House (echoes of he is weakening, he is falling) and running rampant all over the country. If Trump does not do anything about this, it almost looked to me like they were warming up to storm the White House. If that happens, it is all decided right there. If not, Trump can let the minority filled cities burn and save the white suburbs and probably coast into reelection, or the riots continue and hamper the return to normal.

Pooch says:

Yeah there’s really no incentive for Trump to do anything about it as long as it’s contained in blue areas. Seemed like the national guard was no where to be seen in Minneapolis. Dem mayor/governor really going out of their way to let the rioters go roughshod.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Yeah there’s really no incentive for Trump to do anything about it as long as it’s contained in blue areas.”

This is tricky business. I lack the acumen to know which one is the correct play:

Door #1:

“Trump is looking weak. He’s letting the negro-Antifa’s run around and burn stuff. If he shows some strength and (somehow) puts a stop to it, though, then good for him.”

Door #2:

“Boy these Democrat governors just won’t do anything to protect you guys. Too bad! So you gonna come out and vote for me and my people or what?”

Perhaps, in the normie’s view, its actually worse and “more racist” now to put down a negro-Antifa riot than it is to mail in platitudes and watch from a safe distance.

I also wonder how Oakland and LA are keeping things together. Some “unprincipled exceptions” going on I bet.

The Cominator says:

Yes there is a balancing act between letting the left wing mobs redpill people the only way they’ll learn and looking weak.

Best to get ready and let them rage in places for about 3 days is I think the balancing act, then crush them hard.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Especially since it’s going to make white suburban centrist fags and Karens a lot less likely to vote for Moochelle Obama.”


If they get forced into mail-in voting then they’ll lose the secret ballot and will “just know” that voting R will put them on a shit list somewhere.

During the Ray Moore special Senate election, some districts were junk-mailed threats about how The Good People will know if they supported “someone like Ray Moore”.

(Oops how would I know that.)

Icon says:

Wordy but not clever. I’ll break it down for you.

Antifa is a radical militant arm of our own government. Think of them as contractors. I’ll leave you to research the proof so you can get it through your thick skulls.

Here is the government plan:
-Sow distrust
-Create and allow chaos
-Wait for citizens to demand law and order
-Government steps in restores brutal order grabs more power

Here is Jim’s plan:
-Hide in house
-Post non sense about world dominance through women while larping as Christian.

jim says:

You are insincerely arguing for defending the Republic, because your employers know that is ineffectual. That ship sailed two centuries ago. The Republic is invoked to justify arbitrary elite lawlessness, for example to defend the persecution of General Flynn. General Flynn has to go to jail forever, or else we are undermining the Republic.

Because cooperation has broken down in the elite, it is time for the Sovereign to grab more power over the government. For millennia, the broadly accepted theory was that a Republic (meaning rule by an elite without a King, not democracy) required elite virtue. We don’t have elite virtue. It was also agreed by just about everyone that democracy was the final stage of elite decadence, the last gasp of a Republic, and thus inherently disastrous and short lived. What is happening now has happened before, many times.

The government grabbing more power is anarcho tyranny, a thousand Kings three miles away instead of one King three thousand miles away. A single man needs to grab more power over the government. Wu Flu and riots are occasions for an elite that is a corrupt mob to grab power. The problem is not the lawless mob in Minnesota, but the lawless mob in Washington. There will be no end of them of such occasions, and they do not matter all that much, for the permanent government is incapable of exercising or keeping power. It can break stuff, as it has broken science and the family, but it cannot control stuff.

Men need to rule women and children, Women need to be ruled. Women need, and endlessly search for, men who can rule them. The greatest tyranny of the government is not stuff like censorship and the lockdown, but denying children fathers, and denying fathers children. That is what matters.

I tell men to individually do what it takes to have sex, love, and family. For collective action, we watch the tide to monarchy, and ride that tide. The time for mass participation in politics is over. Some monarchies are better than others, and the best monarchy rules through a virtuous elite, thus creating a virtuous elite, which drives the cycle. Virtue leads to power, so virtue gets holiness spiraled, turning it into decadence and evil. We are now at the culmination of the decadence and evil tide, which leads to monarchy. The monarchy is successful if it summons and creates a virtuous elite, thus beginning the rising tide of social dynamism. The tide will turn eventually, it has turned many times before. Possibly only after centuries of darkness. Maybe it will turn a lot sooner than that with Holy American Emperor Trump.

In the software movement, I have been arguing that if we don’t purge the social justice warriors, they will purge the engineers. They have purged the engineers, because the engineers conceded the moral high ground to the social justice warriors. To beat that dynamic, to claim the moral high ground, you need to invoke God. Works for me as a husband, works for me as an engineer. It has worked for Kings in the past. It works for me today.

Pooch says:

Looks like Trump is thinking about Door 1. Hopefully it’s to protect the white suburbs. Let them burn their own neighborhood down. There’s no votes there anyway.

The Cominator says:

“Looks like Trump is thinking about Door 1. Hopefully it’s to protect the white suburbs. Let them burn their own neighborhood down. There’s no votes there anyway.”

White suburbs of blue cities more often than not filled with a lot of leftists cucks and Karens (though in Minnesotta this has been changing for the better so I here lately).

I hope before the rioters are stopped suburban Karen and her pathetic beta henpicked cucked husband has to experience some real fear. Maybe it will cure some of them.

I personally hate white leftists 1000x more than I hate Tyrone.

Atavistic Morality says:


No? Why not? I’d expect blacks to target everything they can get their hands on, they act like a plague of locusts. The only thing they are selective about is getting shot or not, otherwise it’s open bar. Let’s not forget they love to rob and kill each other almost as much or more than others.

jim says:

The plains apes are incapable of targeting anything. Their targets are selected by antifa, who assemble a “peaceful” protest, and then excite the plains apes by spilling blood in the water as the peaceful protest comes close to the selected target.

Dave says:

“I personally hate white leftists 1000x more than I hate Tyrone.”

Leftists chose their side. It’s not Tyrone’s fault he was born a nigger, it’s the fault of irresponsible leftists not spaying their pets.

Javier says:

I’ve had plenty of leftists tell me ALL the media is right-wing, including CNN. They usually point to one or two stories that appear to give a somewhat balanced take, or otherwise fail to take the full hard left line as forcefully as they like.

CNN building getting attacked is likely a sign of their propaganda working too well. If leftists believed they were fully in control of all institutions, there would be no need to riot. They always have to be the brave rebels fighting the evil empire.

Pooch says:

Have heard of no arrests except a CNN journalist. Blacks are more holy and worshipped now since Ferguson and thus cannot be arrested and disciplined for justly looting and destroying property for police injustice.

Karl says:

Trump’s executive order stripping Twitter’s section 230 protection is very interesting. Of course, it will be challenged in the courts, but unless I completely missunderstand the legal situation that won’t change all that much.

As I see it, only a higher court can rule in way that is legally binding for lower courts. So if Twitter goes to a hand-picked friendly court, that court will say that the executive order is void. Government appeals and eventually the Supreme Courts decides the matter (probably after the election).

If Twitter is sued in a different court, it doesn’t matter much what the Twitter friendly court said. Any judge can say that he disagrees with this decision and has a different opinion, namely that Trump’s executive order is valid. Thus Twitter can receive a conviction or even an injunction, no matter what they get from a friendly court.

yewotm8 says:

The point is that him winning would show that he has the courts on his side. It would be such a massive show of power that it would cause many to start thinking of jumping over to his team.

From wikipedia:

“Section 230 protections are not limitless, requiring providers to still remove criminal material such as copyright infringement; more recently, Section 230 was amended by the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (FOSTA-SESTA) in 2018 to require the removal of material violating federal and state sex trafficking laws. Protections from Section 230 has come under more recent scrutiny on issues related to hate speech and ideological biases in relation to the power technology companies can hold on political discussions.”

Twitter being allowed to continue to ban “hate speech” is essentially the state declaring it as illegal, or on the same level as illegal things. It would also be a huge blow to them by showing that their lies will not be legally protected, and that they are going to be punished for enforcing their beliefs.

The Cominator says:

Musk launch appears to have been successful.

Starman says:

Ad Astra!
Praise the Holy StarProphet!

BC says:

I had tears in my eyes when they hit the second stage. The last launch I watched live was challenger. I’m so happy we’re returning to the stars.

jim says:

Americans back in space on an American rocket under Trump.

polifugue says:

On the subject of restoring old-type Christianity, specifically how we should look at our current Christianity, abortion is important not to NRX, but to the undead faith. Overall, there is no genuine reactionary opposition to abortion in Christianity.

Christian views on abortion are sane when looking at a distance, insane when going into detail. Abortion is more of a cultural identity marker rather than an actual thought-out system. When discussing abortion with Christians, specifically that getting rid of abortion would require early marriage, preferably arranged, no exceptions, and that it would require getting rid of feminism entirely, Christians revert to the progressive script, falling back on “valuing women,” “equality,” and so forth.

They then resort to venerating single motherhood, proclaiming the woman who didn’t get an abortion as some kind of hero. I used to be part of a PCA church at college, and one service the church put on a video at the beginning about how they gave money to this whore so she wouldn’t kill her kid. Later, when I asked my friend about how we should handle abortion, he said that the church should take care of every bastard from coast to coast. It’s an elaborate form of messianic mass cuckoldry. I’ve been in churches where at coffee hour there are tip jars where people can send money to women to try to convince them not to have an abortion.

Not to mention places that do ban abortion, such as Brazil, where as many as half a million abortions are performed every year. Or Columbia, where five out of six children are born out of wedlock to single mothers. There is Poland, but as my grandmother used to say, when high school kids in the fifties got pregnant, their parents would fly them out to Sweden, and that was before we had mass air transit.

My question is how should we as reactionaries view the pro-life movement? I have heard not a single Christian mention abortion in relation to the problems with late non-virgin marriage, in the same way in which Christians are completely silent about no-fault divorce and the family courts, yet Joe Rogan and Bill Maher, a sports commentator and a comedian, discuss such topics in a straightforward manner.

With regard to most Christians, if I send my daughter Sally to whore school that’s totally fine, but if she gets an abortion that’s not fine, because it’s the doctor’s fault, but if she doesn’t, she’s a hero. How do we deal with this type of person?

The Cominator says:

Husband and father’s right to choose.

polifugue says:

Right; I don’t disagree. Shaman gave us the answer to the abortion question a while back when he was still here. It’s not about abortion as an issue, it’s that Christians are using this issue to signal Progressivism.

Starman says:


“I have heard not a single Christian mention abortion in relation to the problems with late non-virgin marriage, in the same way in which Christians are completely silent about no-fault divorce and the family courts, yet Joe Rogan and Bill Maher, a sports commentator and a comedian, discuss such topics in a straightforward manner.”

Indeed. I believe that American Christianity is very weak and it is in the same boat as Roman paganism was in the Late Roman Republic and the Early Empire. The Imperial Gens Cult was a stopgap measure that added another 200 years of stability in Greco-Roman civilization, but that’s about it. In the Third Century AD Crisis, average imperial reign was only eighteen months and the Imperial Cult was obviously failing by then. They attempted the “intelligent design” method of creating a new religion, Sol Invictis, but successful new religions are created by a Darwinian process, not intelligent design.

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