
The Republic died at 2020-11-04T04-05

It is a new world now, new rules.

The Democrats have been committing electoral fraud for years, but now it is grand scale, out in the open, and for the highest stakes of all.

If they win, Trump and his family dies. If Trump wins, they go to jail.

If the state agencies of violence and propaganda install their puppets, Biden and Kamala in the White House, they will soon be killing each other. No Republicans will win any election anywhere, because mass fraud will now be legal, and those conducting it will be backed by the state agencies of violence, while Republican election observers will be deemed far right, beaten up and imprisoned.

Why does treason never prosper? Because if it prospers, none dare call it treason.

If Trump wins, he will win in the name of the Old Republic, and will say, and probably honestly believe, he is restoring the Old Republic, and will likely do his best to do so.

But the tide of history has him its grasp. If he wins, he will be Caesar Augustus (who also said, and likely believed, he was restoring the old republic). Seemingly normal elections will continue, and will continue for centuries as they continued after Caesar Augustus, but they will matter as much as they mattered under Caesar Augustus.

If Trump loses, he and his family are going to die like the Romanovs and Louis XIV. They will not be killed immediately, but will be arrested like the Romanovs and the French aristocracy, and when the winners start figuring out who is in charge, their continued existence will be deemed too dangerous. If they flee to somewhere outside the American Hegemony, they may be ignored, though they may be assassinated.

Notice that the French aristocracy deserted royalty en-masse to join the winners, but got executed anyway. When civil war broke out, the revolutionaries decided that the continued survival of anyone who had been connected to the old regime, even Lavoisier, was far too dangerous.

If Trump wins, he will find, as Caesar Augustus found, that what is necessary to rule in the new regime tends to conflict with what would be necessary to perform necromancy on the corpse of the dead republic, in whose name he governs.

If Trump loses, all traces of the old republic will be swiftly erased, as they were in Venezuela, as contaminated by racism and sexism.

A republic can only exist with a virtuous elite. Our elite now selects for dishonor, because they require point deer, make horse, 指鹿为马, of all applicants.

To restore the Republic for real, we will need an emperor who, like Charles the Second and King Alfred, selects for honor and virtue. It will take centuries. The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, but in 1832, Eton changed.

1,864 comments The Republic died at 2020-11-04T04-05

Cloudswrest says:
Hesiod says:
Not Tom says:

At this point I’m feeling disinclined to countersignal actual violence.

Officially, I agree 100% that we should all wait for the official command. Violence without state backing is not legitimate. I don’t recommend that anyone here take up arms yet.

Unofficially, with regard to these random acts that have nothing to do with us, I am going to start adopting the standard progressive frame:

“I don’t condone their actions, but I understand their frustration, and I think the only way for the nation to heal is to have a national conversation about election fraud and big-city political machines..”

Hesiod says:

Given those nefarious rightwingers who plotted to kidnap and assassinate Gov. Whitmer wound up being loser anarchists in reality, who knows what actually motivated this hapless pair. But the Narrative needs its optics. I found it amusing my local NPCNews affiliate ran this story before I could readily find any national attention on it and we are not in PA.

The Cominator says:

Tend to agree… voting optics for peace loving normies is now less important since voting now will never ever matter ever again and showing the other side that we fucking mean it is now more important.

This doesn’t mean we should support idiots going off half cocked and killing random old jewish women or something but if they go after anyone connected to the Democrats in any way… I don’t approve… but I understand.

Jatt Arya says:

Violence without religious backing is illegitimate, the state is just the religion now।।

Some armies have a state
Some armies have a religion 😉

Robert Nares says:

Apologies if this is against comment etiquette, but I was wondering what your response to the points in this article would be. I found some of the premises pretty unconvincing, but am not well versed enough in statistics to know what to make of this:


jim says:

The 4AM shift was anomalous – did not happen where Trump scrutineers were allowed. Only happened when they were illegally excluded in contravention of state election law.

Which is what is relevant.

If every Biden vote counted was real, it would still be handy for us that they acted illegally, and vital to the preservation of the Republic that they do not get away with it.

Yul Bornhold says:

Speaking of shill tests, leftists can’t even conceive of their institutions as anything other than objective and impartial. If you say the education system is little more than liberal indoctrination, they hear you say you want people illiterate and innumerate. If you say the media engineers rather than informs public opinion, they hear only yapping, as from a dog, and dismiss you as mad. If you say ballot counters should be observed by their right-wing rivals, they will insist the ballot counters are entirely disinterested and that you intend for the observers to meddle somehow.

At the same time, they eagerly encourage each other to push the newest nonsense into schools, speak of the media’s responsibility to foster correct attitudes and manipulate voting procedures; all with no apparent sense of contradiction.

Jatt Arya says:

The only solution is an entirely different approach/worldview – that nullifies any leftist claims to rationality/impartiality as submissive to the sword।।

“It was the Khanda (Sword) which was first thing created by Akal Purakh and out of this the whole universe was created, says Guru Gobind Singh ji in Vaar Sri Bhagautee ji ki

ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾਬਿਸਨਮਹੇਸਸਾਜਿਕੁਦਰਤੀਦਾਖੇਲੁਰਚਾਇਬਣਾਇਆ॥ (ਸ੍ਰੀ ਦਸਮਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ)
Khanda prithame saaj ke jin sabh saisaar upaea
Brahama, Bisan, Mahes saaj kudrati da khel rachae banaea”


Violence is the prime reality,
Violence is Shakti or Divine Feminine whose physical form is Weaponry.
Therefore, having sword with you, have Goddess with you।।



info says:

Why would violence be considered feminine?

Green Fields says:

> The 4AM shift was anomalous – did not happen where Trump scrutineers were allowed. Only happened when they were illegally excluded in contravention of state election law.

Jim, do you, or anyone else here, have a link that proves this claim? If this is true, its the closest thing to a killshot I’ve come across. So far, the most damning evidence I’ve seen has been the Biden votes failing the Benford test (https://twitter.com/statsguyphd/status/1324352213595181059) — maybe this is the same thing you’re referring to?

jim says:

I was just doing an all night watch on the election. That is what I saw.

Javier says:

Read Larry Correia’s blog https://monsterhunternation.com/2020/11/05/the-2020-election-fuckery-is-afoot/

You’re not going to get a clear manifesto laying out all the fraud like Sideshow Bob on the Simpsons. This isn’t Columbo or Murder She Wrote. What we have is evidence, and hopefully enough evidence to persuade judges to allow more evidence to be investigated and collected:

-Delaying a count for absurdly long
-Witnesses reporting extra ballots with no chain of custody
-Bizarre vote swings with no down ballot votes
-Trump getting 5% or less of votes, where he had 30% or more in 2016
-Vote dumps 100% for Biden with zero errors or even third-party votes
-More people voting than live in the district
-Dead people voting
-USPS being told to back-date ballots (willing to give sworn testimony!)
-Poll workers illegally expelled from observing
-Physically boarding up a polling location
-Removing ballots to personal residences for indeterminate lengths of time

All of these and more are provable with the ample evidence pulled out by amateur internet sleuths, to say nothing of real investigators. With this they should be able to interrogate poll workers and SOMEONE will start to sing. Either way the election is irrevocably tainted and should be thrown out based on precedent alone, but by then it will probably be time for the contingent election anyway.

yewotm8 says:

My smart leftie friends have claimed that this 4AM shift was because they were counting the entire night up until then but it only suddenly updated at 4AM because that’s when they hit the send button. They have convenient excuses for everything I’ve shown them. “The Republican scrutineers were there the entire time, prove they weren’t”.

Some people simply do not want to be convinced, and are not arguing in good faith. Green Fields, if the person you want to show it to is convinced that fraud could not have occurred, that people just really wanted to vote for Biden because orange man is bad and in fact even more bad and unpopular than in 2016, then you are wasting your time. There is no way to prove which ballots individually are real and which ones aren’t (though Infowars people are claiming there are watermarks), so it will be impossible to break the spell on them. And even then, many would still call a deer a horse.

Not Tom says:

Correct: the dumber leftists simply repeat media claims, while the smarter ones will always play games with the burden of proof. When they make an extraordinary claim that is incumbent on them to prove, they will demand that you disprove it. When you provide ample proof of one of yours, they will demand ever greater proof.

Sometimes, good-faith arguments legitimately go off in this direction because passions are inflamed. But with a leftist, it’s always simply a tactic to exhaust your patience and resolve, there is no actual standard of proof that they are ever willing to accept. If you caught it on video, they’d say the video was deceptively edited. If you had sworn statements admitting to the fraud, they’d say it was coerced testimony or that it doesn’t prove anyone else committed fraud. If those same sworn statements provided a list of everyone who was in on the conspiracy, they’d say you can’t trust the words of a traitor criminal.

It’s escalation for the sake of escalation, winning at any cost.

Pooch says:

Yes they say the exact same thing to me with counter arguments literally word for word of what you posted.

It’s a Predetermination of reality. They are so deeply indoctrinated to hate Orange Man Bad that they will predetermine reality to meet their indoctrination and subconsciously ignore all evidence to the contrary, regardless how strong. It really is a mind virus. It’s quite astonishing.

The Cominator says:

Thats why my solution to them is what it is…

Javier says:

His mistake is arguing that fraud wouldn’t occur because the fraudsters would have no guarantee of evading punishment–they have exactly such a guarantee. That is the way all of these elections are run, and have been run, since forever.

When the feds actually took the trouble to investigate claims of voter fraud in the 80’s (on behalf of a liberal candidate) they found fraud every single place they looked… on the liberal side! The candidate Aldai Stevenson III was naïve and did not realize how much his own party cheated. What’s more, the feds found the cheating was *institutionalized,* meaning the people there had all been trained to run elections that way, and their predecessors had all done so as well. As long as the game works and everyone keeps getting elected, the chance of getting caught is zero because the people in charge of catching you are in on it. In the rare instance someone gets caught, they take all the blame, get off with a slap on the wrist, and are paroled early.

Democrats believe if Trump is re elected they will go to jail, or be executed, or the world will end. If they defeat him, the world is saved and they will be absolved of any crime. In this environment there was essentially no way for them NOT to cheat.

Fred says:

Blue regime propaganda from Karlin? No really?

The “Trumpist DoJ” comment… uh…

Anonymous Fake says:

“Our elite now selects for dishonor, because they require point deer, make horse, of all applicants.”

My model works better. Competitions start out separating talent from mediocrity, but taken too far (ie imperial scale) start to separate cheaters from talent. Conservatives who can’t figure this out always demand higher standards whenever an institution starts to fail, and always find out that ever higher standards and ever more cheaters only ever makes things worse.

It’s not a leftist holiness spiral in that case. It’s a single party problem, and the simplest explanation. Conservatives that think a big bank is just like a giant lemonade stand, or that electing an imperial czar is just like a giant mayor of a small town, are hopelessly oblivious to the 2 part meritocracy model, that explains perfectly the rise and fall of civilizations. Leftists actually get it sometimes, and they grasp at equality as a substitute for ending a rigged competition simply because it’s the path of least resistance, and a drowning man will grasp at straws.

Monarchy avoids competition by putting a random guy in charge. A king is just a random guy born to be king. The closest America got to this was its golden age from the 1880’s to the 1960’s, when the civil service was king but it reflected the population well, before it became the deep state in the wake of the subdivision and television revolution of the mid 20th century. Civil rights overshadowed what actually happened, which was a return to oligarchy rather than the quasi-sortition civil service democracy of the golden age. And like the 1789-1861 era oligarchy, it’s going to end in violence because all competitions (monarchy and sortitions avoid this) escalate and fall into that meritocracy trap of rewarding cheating. It ends violently.

I hope conservatives abandon voting someday, ignore the politicians, and implement policy by getting jobs for the government. That’s how America worked at its best, when it was most democratic. Its problem is that it is trying to be like the 17th century early republic, when voting worked because small towns and Presbyterian churches don’t have much room for taking meritocracy too far. That was never going to last, and it should have been obvious even then based on how things were going back in England.

jim says:

Even though you are a shill, letting this through because it seems to engage the case you are arguing against, which is not standard shill behavior.

But are you engaging the case you are arguing? My case declares and implies that mass murder is imminent, as everyone murders everyone else for insufficient leftism.

Are you allowed to say, “No, we are not going to murder the Republicans, including Republicans who sell out to us because …”

Unless you are allowed to acknowledge the disturbing implications of the argument presented, not going to allow you to continue this conversation.

Your claim is falsified by the fact that we are not getting cheating grinds like the Chinese, we are getting doofuses who never bothered to attend classes like Obama.

Conservatives are not calling for higher standards, and have never been calling for higher standards. Our elite has been getting dumber and dumber since 1875. Standards are dropping, and conservatives have been complaining. Conservatives are always quite explicit that they are calling for yesterday’s standards.

Also grinds tend to be smart, while our elite is dumb and getting dumber. Did Obama’s pet gorilla get through Princeton by being a clever cheater?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for sliding back to your usual shill script, without quite acknowledging that my worldview implies seven kill stele will come to America unless a Stalin or a Sulla stops it.]

Not Tom says:

I’m not entirely sure what Shilly McShillerton is trying to say here – that it’s bad for meritocratic institutions to suppress cheating? I feel as though there must be a “not” or “doesn’t” missing somewhere. The whole thing is a rambling mess, none of the sentences and paragraphs are actually really connected with each other, there’s no coherent narrative being told, it’s just a bunch of random stuff.

I can tell you how corporations fail because I’ve lived through it multiple times. Smart people, with the best of intentions, decide that it’s a good idea to have documentation and standards. In small doses, this does in fact help productivity, especially when hiring new people. However, it also creates an opening for leftists (i.e. pathological cheaters), who prove themselves extremely effective at mindlessly and soullessly enforcing these standards and not particularly competent at much else. Over time they push for more and more rules, which kill the productivity of normal employees, while at the same time making them look like superheroes for tirelessly working to enforce all the new rules. In the final, terminal stage, they maneuver themselves into direct rule-making positions or positions of extreme influence (often forming coalitions with others of their ilk), and the rules become overtly politicized, i.e. what we all recognize as the SJW cancer.

As most of us are probably aware, it’s called entryism. It can happen very quickly and brazenly, as when the entryists come through HR or Legal and immediately start setting policy, but can also happen much more slowly and subtly, as when “programmers” start to push for Codes of Conduct or insist on Inclusive Language in the source code itself. Although there are some exceptions (usually M2F trannies), generally if you look at their contributions on e.g. GitHub, you’ll see that they make their appearance and initially establish their value by doing the boring and tedious tasks that the real programmers don’t want to do, such as documentation and replying to stupid feature requests. The form changes, but the substance is always the same; show an affinity for the low-value tasks that productive employees hate doing but occasionally need doing, and gradually use those as levers to assert greater and greater control over those same productive employees.

The weak spot, in both the private and public sectors, is bureaucracy. Middle managers first implement it ostensibly as a way to “get buy-in” and “enhance visibility” and other such platitudes, but in reality as a way to limit their own liability in case of failure. Leftists and other parasites are naturally adept at navigating bureaucracies and exploiting the near-universal incentive to expand the bureaucracy, since anyone on salary will continue to lower their personal risk without lowering their compensation. And putting things to a vote is an easy way to establish bureaucracy in any formerly non-bureaucratic process.

Conservatives don’t demand higher standards; no one demands higher standards. They demand more standards as well as lower standards, and the “they” in this case is the parasitic left. There is no problem that can’t be solved by adding a few more rules and policies and workflow steps, and since more process solves all problems, it should be fine to use dumber and/or more inefficient personnel, including blacks and women, because after all they are really just following a script. The left loves its scripts. Diversity and Inclusion starts with hiring minorities to follow a script and ends with hiring minorities to hire more minorities.

Monarchy is the political mirror-image of the owner-operator; supreme executive power with skin in the game. Democracy is analogous to a co-op (generally not very successful, but it does sort of function), and the deep state is analogous to modern bureaucracies where the CEOs appear to have no real power. These are the monolithic companies that everybody loves to hate – banks, cable companies, big-box retailers. They are all bureaucracies with an official chain of command that is rarely followed and an unofficial chain of command that is at best incompetent and at worst pure evil.

US gov is exactly like that: a bureaucracy in a very late stage of decline. Democratic/Republican style voting isn’t a good form of government because democracy is bureaucracy and democracy is communism; but to “implement policy by getting jobs for the government” hardly describes America at its best, rather it describes entryism in the American government – describes the moment of and reason for its ultimate decline. We do not want democracy and we do not want open entry into either the church or state; that is how you get entrenched leftism.

> I can tell you how corporations fail because I’ve lived through it multiple times.

Me too — not just corporations, but voluntary organizations too. Your extremely well-written narrative here is cathartic (because it’s *so great* to know that other people see the things I see and have been through) and depressing (for the same reason). Thanks for writing that up.

The Ducking Man says:

As someone who have lived through corporate with severe case of entryism. I found it very disturbing that the only way to move up hierarchy is backstabbing coworkers, stealing their work credits, and when things go bad you blame anyone lower than you.

And even more disturbing is the very complex bureaucracy that only someone with very leftist mind can understand.

info says:

An organizational engineering problem. Because leftists always take over bureaucracy.

I think AF was reading Alasdair MacIntyre. In Whose Justice? Which Rationality? MacIntyre took a look at interpreting Socrates and Plato in the framework of their own age, in a Homeric framework. And basically he said the idea was that every society needs to reward people who have merits useful to the public, and the way to do that is some sort of a fair competition with rules, but people will eventually learn to game the rules. And thus the solution is to sort of teach people to pursue not rewards, but the merits themselves.

This is a valid point – you can see this in corporate life. If you reward the support department for the number of calls they take, they will dismiss callers quickly without solving their problems. If you reward them by customer satisfaction surveys, they spend way too much time on sucking up to customers instead of solving their problem and then hanging up. Ultimately you have no other recourse than to hire people who actually want to do a good job – or at least their supervisor has. It is Goodhart’s Law: good measures, when turned into targets, become bad targets.

It is a valid point – just has nothing to do with this kind gigantic political problem we are facing. This problem is way, way worse than anything within that sort of ballpark.

hcm says:

Normal people in my life who have for years considered my opinions, mostly in line with yours, absolutely crazy. They are now contacting me asking for explanations, context, and predictions.

This blantent fraud is humiliating to those who believed in the official myths. If Trump doesn’t back down, he will never want for support and loyalty. He just has to survive the opening moves.

BaboonTycoon says:

If China or Russia wanted to strike the United States, the optimal time for doing so is swiftly approaching. If Kamala Harris is installed as commander in chief, then it will at that point be apparent that the US armed forces are a joke. Even if Trump wins, the elites will be busy causing so much internal chaos and withholding as much money as possible that he won’t be able to mount an effective resistance. Not to mention that it is doubtful anyone still wishes to legitimately fight for the Republic; only foreign mercenaries remain to guard the gates of Rome from the barbarians.

Rhovanost says:

It will be interesting to see if China launches a strike on Taiwan in December.

jim says:

If I was the Chinese, I would strike Taiwan early if Trump is elected, because he is likely to make the navy military again, and likely to yank Shaniqua off maintenance and replacement of high tech weapon systems, replacing her with real engineers, as he yanked NASA off Musk’s back, but if Biden is installed, would sit back and watch the shit show for a while.

It is obvious the Chinese military is being organized and equipped around an armed takeover of Taiwan and an airsea confrontation with the US, but their weapon systems are advancing while ours are regressing. No need to hurry unless ours start advancing again.

Starman says:

“and likely to yank Shaniqua off maintenance and replacement of high tech weapon systems, replacing her with real engineers, as he yanked NASA off Musk’s back”

The hilarious part about this is that the Cathedral hired Shaniqua to carry out the election fraud… with predictably incompetent results.

awildgoose says:

120% agreement with jim.

Taiwan is done within 1 month to 5 years.

Even if the US goes tac nuke there is little hope of keeping Taiwain’s electronic and semiconductor industry in the West.

jim says:

No private companies owned by American shareholders are still capable of making the silicon for modern computers.

Intel went social justice, and has ceased to be able to make semiconductors. Their stuff is outsourced to overseas now.

The remaining silicon foundries in the US that are capable of making advanced semiconductors are wholly owned by the Emir of Abu Dhabi, who is probably more resistant to social justice than most.

But they will go social justice too if Biden is elected. The dark age is at our doors. If NASA gets on Musk’s back again, he is not going anywhere.

Kevin C. says:

“because he is likely to make the navy military again”

In that vein, have you seen this from the SECNAV last week (Wed. 4), ordering enforcement of Trump’s CRT ban:


jim says:

f. Diversity and Inclusion training for military personnel shall not
resume until certified by ASN (M&RA), PTDO UNSECNAV.


HoHum says:

[*deleted, Government shills out black pilling in force, not going to respond to them individually, waste of space, deleting most of them silently*]

Not Tom says:

We sure are getting a flood of shills these past few days, aren’t we?

If you’re taking flak…

Cloudswrest says:

As noted, the fraud was beyond plausible deniability, but here’s another statistical datapoint someone forwarded to me. I’m not familiar with this person, but Wikipedia claims she is a “climate change denialist”. Sounds good to me.


Not Tom says:

A couple of days old by now and IMO the weakest of all available evidence. Red Elephants did right by putting it way below the fold. The average person won’t even understand it, let alone care, and in accounting this isn’t actually considered evidence of fraud, just a red flag that would trigger a closer investigation.

Sure, let’s put every bit of evidence we have out there – but we should also put our best foot forward. It’s bad tactics to follow a very strong argument with a very weak one.

awildgoose says:

Benfords Law isn’t going to do it. Too much math, too opaque.

Most normies slept through all their HS math classes for a C+.

Heck, Benfords Law is complex enough it will put a fair number of STEM college grads to sleep.

Smoking guns absolutely must follow the KISS principle.

It needs to happen soon, because the MSM will paint Trump as a sore loser.

American normies absolutely hate, hate, hate sore losers.

The Cominator says:

Calm down American normies know this was fraudulent. You’re not going to meet anyone who wasn’t a huge partisan Democrat or TDS who claims otherwise. And I’ve even gotten some Trump haters and dems to back down and admit it looks fishy as hell they just ultimately say well it does look fishy but you have no proof.

Omar is another Trump card put forth the best argument, that Biden in all but a very few swing state notoriously corrupt shithole cities underperformed Hillary (Arizona might be the exception) including among black and minority voters but in these few areas he picked up more support than Obama due to ballot dumps in the middle of the night which contained ballots 80% or in some cases 100% for Biden.

Then remember Biden in a senior moment actually said this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGRnhBmHYN0

Mister Grumpus says:

They’ll “believe” it’s fraudulent when their brainstems smells what’s coming for them if it goes through, and when there’s a strong-looking protector saying it loudly in front of them.

The “election” was earlier this week and the “winners” are more angry and bloodthirsty than ever. (That “love and tolerance” I keep hearing about.)

“Law and order” really means “holy shit someone please save me from these people.”

Pooch says:

Just had a normie say “but they aren’t done counting yet” and tried to write that Hillary meme.

Pooch says:

write off

The Cominator says:

Dem supporters aren’t normies, normies are the types who say fuck politics whenever its brought up or say they wont’ vote for either side cause fuck em all.

Normies who take even a casual look all go yeah looks like fraud.

awildgoose says:

You are completely overestimate normietards.

jim says:

Some of my friends are normietards.

The difference, I suspect, is that I am in a safe area.

Michele says:

I’ll say that, with your one or two posts before this, I thought you were exaggerating, and unable to cope with the results.
Then I found some information on the question on sites I can’t doubt, by “insider” people — and now I have to say, it’s beyond what I could have expected.

I could have expected shenanigans, but not the mad shenanigans that have happened. And what this post of yours says is, sadly, correct.

Whitepill Aficionado says:

Welcome to Trump World.

We are living in Trump World now. Win, lose, or draw, all that exists exists relative to the Orange One.

The street protests must grow. Trump must start hosting mass rallies again. He needs to speak to the people at every opportunity about what the hell is going on.

The Orange One lives inside their heads. He is a meme that will never die. Lock him up, exile him, martyr him – he will live for 1000 years in the minds of friend and foe.

That’s why we can’t lose! We live in their brains!

Anonymous 2 says:

Spontaneous street protests are probably a good idea.

Rhovanost says:

While it’s way to be early to think about optimistic scenarios, what’s stopping the ‘Trump-as-Cincinnatus-scenario’, wherein he conducts mass investigations and arrests for Voter Fraud and Antifa organizers (all of the Republic’s deep state and academic enemies probably fall in one of those two circles) and then steps down at the end of his term for a MAGA-successor run for office in his place?

On to more immediate thoughts,

I’ve said in the past that Trump’s trigger pullers will only rally around him if they legitimately believe Biden stole the election.

I take it as a given that the media will portray election-skeptics/ transparency supporters as “conspiracy theorists”. If Trump is in it to win it, his court cases will float to the Supreme Court, where he will receive a favorable ruling. This is when the battle of dueling arrest warrants will begin.

Some normies (a significant minority at most), are already raising their eyebrows over the results. The outcome of the power struggle hinges on four questions:

1) What is the minimum level of evidence necessary to move that 35-40% of normies from “raised eyebrows” to “marching in the streets”?

2) What are the odds that Trump’s lawyers uncover and disseminate this minimum level of evidence between now the SC battle?

(Perhaps not really a question. Based on the number of weird number patterns and stories, the odds are good).

3) What are the odds that Trump quietly folds between now and the SC ruling?

(Once the SC gives their ruling, Trump is over the Rubicon. To survive, he needs the backing of military grunts, police officers, and normies. To get their backing, he needs findings that wake people out of their stupor. For now, he is betting his life on uncovering and explaining/selling these findings. Team Biden is likely sending back-channel messages to Trump, offering immunity and face-saving way out if he gracefully concedes [much as Trump did for Hilary]. Team Biden most likely genuinely believes they can make good on these promises.)

4) If Trump does not fold, what are the odds that Team Biden panics and kicks things off before the SC gives their ruling?

5) What are the odds of the SC stabbing Trump in the back?

Rhovanost says:

While it’s way to be early to think about optimistic scenarios, what’s stopping the ‘Trump-as-Cincinnatus-scenario’, wherein he conducts mass investigations and arrests for Voter Fraud and Antifa organizers (all of the Republic’s deep state and academic enemies probably fall in one of those two circles) and then steps down at the end of his term for a MAGA-successor run for office in his place?

On to more immediate thoughts, I’ve said in the past that Trump’s trigger pullers will only rally around him if they legitimately believe Biden stole the election. I take it as a given that the media will portray election-skeptics/ transparency supporters as “conspiracy theorists”. If Trump is in it to win it, his court cases will float to the Supreme Court, where he will receive a favorable ruling. This is when the battle of dueling arrest warrants will begin.

Some normies (a significant minority at most), are already raising their eyebrows over the results. The outcome of the power struggle hinges on four questions:

1) What is the minimum level of evidence necessary to move that 35-40% of normies from “raised eyebrows” to “marching in the streets”?

2) What are the odds that Trump’s lawyers uncover and disseminate this minimum level of evidence between now the SC battle? (Perhaps not really a question. Based on the number of weird number patterns and stories, the odds are good).

3) What are the odds that Trump quietly folds between now and the SC ruling?

(Once the SC gives their ruling, Trump has crossed *Women Question* [Italian geography references seem to trigger moderation bots]. To survive, he needs the backing of military grunts, police officers, and normies. To get their backing, he needs findings that wake people out of their stupor. For now, he is betting his life on uncovering and explaining/selling these findings. Team Biden is likely sending back-channel messages to Trump, offering immunity and face-saving way out if he gracefully concedes [much as Trump did for Hilary]. Team Biden most likely genuinely believes they can make good on these promises.)

4) If Trump does not fold, what are the odds that Team Biden panics and kicks things off before the SC gives their ruling? 5) What are the odds of the SC stabbing Trump in the back?

awildgoose says:

To #3, Trump needs a smoking gun, and fast. Normies are not deep thinkers, so they need to be hit with clear, simple to understand evidence. I’m not sure this exists.

For #5, I would not rely on the SC. We already know Roberts is a compromised squish.

ACB will squish on “muh principles” and “muh babiez”.

I guarantee that she doesn’t feel she owes Trump anything for successfully nominating her to the SC.

Not Tom says:

Enough with the “smoking gun” shit already, it’s been addressed more than five times by now.

Rhovanost says:

Election chicanery is beyond question, but it’s worth discussing how we make our case to normies.

Not Tom says:

The Red Elephants link posted in the other thread did a very good job of it, I felt: https://theredelephants.com/there-is-undeniable-mathematical-evidence-the-election-is-being-stolen/

They don’t quite sum up the Biden vs. Hillary/Obama in the same way Cis Scum did in the previous thread, but aside from that it’s the single best and most readable summary I’ve seen so far. They even put together a bunch of graphs to make the harder mathy stuff more digestible to the innumerate. It’s pretty easy to see a step function, or see a curve that doesn’t fit properly.

In casual day-to-day conversation, as opposed to online exchanges, I think the most compelling point is “Biden did worse than Hillary in every single county except the 4 or 5 that stopped counting for several hours, kicked out Republican poll watchers, restarted counting in the middle of the night, and miraculously and single-handedly flipped the state, and in those counties he pulled way more votes than Obama the Savior did.”

Anyone who tells you that isn’t a smoking gun, deserves to see the business end of a smoking gun. (Not saying that you should give it to them, just expressing my opinion of their value to society.)

jim says:

Meme this:

> “Biden did worse than Hillary in every single county except the 4 or 5 that stopped counting for several hours, kicked out Republican poll watchers, restarted counting in the middle of the night, and miraculously and single-handedly flipped the state, and in those counties he pulled way more votes than Obama the Savior did.”

What is the exact time that they restarted counting?

As I recall they announced the counters were tired and needed some sleep, and that is why they stopped the counting. And then at four in the morning, we were suddenly informed of a whole lot of counting.

Pooch says:

They stopped at 10:30 pm. The presumption is a few stayed back to count through the night after the observers left.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

In at least one of the 4 cities that was exactly what was reported by R observers late on the night of the election. They were kicked out of the building but the vote counters stayed inside and kept working unobserved.

The Democrats will try to exclude accounts of the fraud as “hearsay”. Not verified! So the dead people voting becomes more important as it is shown in the state’s own documents.

pyrrhus says:

Meanwhile, the “glitchy” software that switched Trump votes to Biden in 47 counties in MI may have been used in several swing states and most Dem ruled big cities….No good link for this yet, but could be the grandmother of all messes…

The Ducking Man says:

I’ve tried talking about it to some normies. It simply doesn’t work.

All normies I found bought the idea “these late votes are mail-in ballots who simply comply with COVID measures and expectedly favors Bidden”.

It’s not simple enough smoking gun for normies, we need wikileaks level of smoking gun.

jim says:

You seem to talking to some not very normie normies.

The Ducking Man says:

In my defense, those normies I met are productive member of society, don’t have social study degree, and never attended SJW rally.

jim says:

I am guessing that you spoke to them in an unsafe environment to wear a Maga hat, therefore an unsafe environment to notice election fraud.

Mike says:

Does this tweet summarize the sort of reaction you’re getting @Ducking Man?

Not Tom says:

Does this tweet summarize the sort of reaction you’re getting @Ducking Man?

The obvious reply to this foolishness is: “Then why did they stop counting, kick out the Republican poll watchers, and start counting again hours later? You’d think they’d have been thrilled to open all those ballots in front of the Republicans.”

Pooch says:

Yeah only the diehard Dems say that.

awildgoose says:

Yeah, normies will scroll through and scrutinize 10 or 20 pages.

Talk about someone who doesn’t get it.

yewotm8 says:

With the degree of fraud, it is not even necessary to prove he won the legitimate ballots. He obviously did, else why would there be fraud, but the fraud in itself is enough to make people hate Democrats and back Trump for trying to purge corruption.

Anonymous 2 says:

Team Biden is likely sending back-channel messages to Trump, offering immunity and face-saving way out if he gracefully concedes [much as Trump did for Hilary]. Team Biden most likely genuinely believes they can make good on these promises.

Team Biden is quite unlikely to be agreement-capable, so such promises will, in a short while, be dust in the wind.

awildgoose says:
The Ducking Man says:

Now this is some grade-A leftist death threat.

jim says:

The stakes are rising as we watch. The supremes are rapidly going to become irrelevant.

Atavistic Morality says:

That tweet has to spread to every Trump supporter for maximum strategic morale, they need to understand that they either win or they die, thus they’ll do their very best to win and refuse to concede anything.

awildgoose says:

Brother, believe me, I have been trying to spread the word as much as I can.

Mister Grumpus says:


March 2020 was a foreign country to January 2020.

Then July 2020 was a foreign country to April 2020.

So January 2021 will be a foreign country to November 2020, which is right now.

“You are here.”

awildgoose says:

Based AF.

Mister Grumpus says:

If the Supremes start looking irrelevant to people, then so, I presume, will “law” itself, and therefore next the assumption that one is in any way inherently protected from “illegal” things happening to him. Because those laws were “from before”. (Year Zero, bitchez.)

The BLM-Antifa lynching and crossburning videos have already shown us what that looks like IRL.

In which case, by that time, what will the midwest cuckservative state legislatures think they should do? What feels right then? What’s the best bet for keeping their grandkids alive in that timeline?

Grandparents interest me. They’re frail and vulnerable, sure, but they’ve also already reproduced, and can’t reproduce anymore. All of their players are already on the field, in a life and death game they won’t see the end of. That’s a whole different headspace for decision making.

Pooch says:

They are starting with the he is weak, weak, weaker, weaker disinfo campaign now.


Javier says:

Lol the replies are solid wall of bots.

European Mutt says:

Left-wing and state-run (also TV license etc. which is really state-run) media here going crazy with the color revolution narrative as well. Also they allege he is lying, lying, lying, curiously never able to tell what he is supposed to be lying about.

They are way overdoing it and pushing the normies to our side. I’ll let them dig their own grave.

The Cominator says:

The cathedral is already reeing about the fraud being overturned in the state legislatures.


Pooch says:

Can’t get into it. Does he threaten violence on the senators/electors?

Javier says:

Delete the google AMP link

The Cominator says:

I can’t delete or edit anything here but I copied this while phonepoasting so the google shit showed up for some reason.

jim says:

Fixed it.

Adjudicator says:

At least there are some media videos that are well thought out that are expressing serious suspicion on the vote results of the key swing states:

I will leave these there for reference. Hope they will help convince the fence-sitters:

Sky News Australia – Alan Jones: ‘There is ‘something odd about postal votes which magically materialised’ for Biden’


Sky News Australia – Prue MacSween: “Americans will ‘never have faith in’ Joe Biden as president”


Newsmax TV – Greg Kelly: Fake reporters, stop doing what you’re doing | Greg Kelly


The Ducking Man says:

It won’t impact normies in any way shape or form.

When media propaganda already starts 24 hours 7 days a week, those suspicion will be gone in a week.

jim says:

It has already impacted normies.

We have the normies now, or at least enough of them.

I was talking to a diehard Trump deranged normie, and he essentially said “Oh, of course the Democrats committed massive fraud, but it does not matter because Orange Man Bad.”

awildgoose says:

Your last paragraph proves we don’t have normies.

Oh, they recognize fraud but ORANGE MAN BAD.

May as well hit those normies in the head with an aluminum baseball bat.

jim says:

Well, if ORANGE MAN BAD, not exactly normies. If most normies thought ORANGE MAN BAD, the election would have been a blue wave.

Javier says:

When I was younger and disliked the president but the challenger was also a tool, I just didn’t vote.

Usually when I provoke political arguments online I get lively responses. Lately I get nothing. Democrats are EMBARRESSED to support Biden he is cheating so blatantly. They’re all finding something else to talk about.

I think it’s partly why the left seems so paralyzed. Clearly they have no real leader, were expecting Trump to fold by now, and are flailing around without a plan.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Everyone i’ve spoken too while out and about has spoken of how they smell a rat; what they don’t know is the details of how it is happening.

The main thing is they just don’t know where to find such info; and they’re not going to hear anything bout it from the news networks, obviously.

It would be very valuable if all the anecdotes, incongruities, and historical comparisons pertaining to the situation where collected together, so it can become much easier to project a clear picture, intensify the memeing of the message.

Articles like Michael Anton’s on the amthink site are a good example of this, pointing out classic machine politics tricks like, having city districts under dem control report last, so after Real Americans downstate have reported their votes, you know how many to stuff. Something which is paralleled by election boards in blue states setting up rules like having mail-in ballots counted last after walk-in votes, pushing back deadlines by days or weeks, and so on.

The canonical /pol/ method is to conjure a memorable hashtag as a touchstone for distributed actors, fire up a bunch disposable social media accounts, and start signal boosting.

[…] Source: Jim […]

Whitney says:

Weirdly, that is the most hopeful take I have seen on this whole situation. You’re right. Trump have to fight or he’s dead and so is his whole family. We all know he’s a fighter so there it is, he’s the champion we need at the right time. Wow. Doesn’t mean he’s going to win but Providence is an amazing thing

Atavistic Morality says:

It’s not only Trump and his family, you and your family are also going to get persecuted and killed:


Lock and load brother, you ARE going to win, or you are going to die.

The Ducking Man says:


This one is also interesting.

Guess more than 50% of american will be fucked over if Trump actually lost.

Not Tom says:

Why do you use past tense? “Lost”

Trump won the actual election, what he is now trying to win is the vote counting, and that is still in progress. If he loses the vote counting, that does not mean he retroactively lost the election, it means it was stolen.

Karl says:

What do you mean with “republic”?

A republic is usually understood to be a country without a monarch, but you write that an emperor is needed to restore the republic. As I understand it, an emperor is a monarch. What do mean with “emperor”?

I get it that you do not use the terms in the European sense where Spain is considered a monarchy (and thus no republic). Did Germany have an “Emperor” from 800 until 1918?

Vlad says:

An emperor must restore the ostensible republic. The actual republic is dead. As time goes on, even the appearance of a republic will wither out.

Not Tom says:

The technical term would be a principate, but no one ever calls it a principate while it’s a principate, only historians to do that. As far as everyone knows (often including the emperor himself), the Republic is being restored, but in reality society transitions to a monarchy.

The Cominator says:


The fraud is so bad even some Trump haters are jumping ship and calling this out. Biden apparently looked worse than normal and didn’t declare victory and the Republican establishment sensing their extinction if they don’t follow Trump even across the Rubicon if necessary (Romney of course being his usual faggot self being almost the sole exception) are rallying to the Imperial banner.

We’ve got this one way or another… there is no uniparty deal with Biden and they’ve lost the vast majority of the normies and even some dems who are starting to admit fraud.

We’ve got this.

Mister Grumpus says:

Don’t self-doxx please, but what makes you so sure? Can you elaborate a little?

Not Tom says:

Tariq Nasheed is an iSteve content generator, rabidly anti-Trump and anti-white to the point of self-parody. If he’s not convinced, then the election officials have some ‘splaining to do.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Hold up. I’m here for worship, gibs and pussy. This ain’t worship, gibs or pussy. You want me to… what?”

Theshadowedknight says:

You want to see something interesting? Go on Google Trends and search “election fraud punishment.” Quick, before they scrub it. Pretty fascinating and telling result.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:
The Cominator says:

Why does the moderation filter target certain references to Italian geography in Ancient Antiquity.

jim says:

My error.

I carelessly gave the filter an excessively indiscriminate line that is apt match all manner of unintended things.

Should be fixed now. See if you can name that river.

The Cominator says:


With even some Democrats and TDS sufferers admitting the fraud there is no way Biden can win this unless Trump surrenders as Trump can now use force if he has to. It has also discredited any remaining shed of credibility of the Cathedral media.

Trump can now cross the Rubicon… he doesn’t want to if he can avoid it but he can.

soso says:

Is Putin really stepping down due to Parkinson’s?

European Mutt says:

Doubt it. Given the timing, sounds like enemy propaganda.

The Cominator says:

Russia is denying this.

I don’t think Putin would want to step down now with the prospect of an insane President Kameltoe (it won’t happen) who would no doubt wish to resume the war with Russia policy.

Otoh Russian MPs are passing a law giving him lifetime immunity to prosecution after hes out of office.

Its quite possible Putin wanted to retire and was planning to but that recent events have caused him to delay.

European Mutt says:

My bet is he will retire in 2024.

I am sure he has had a successor lined up for years, and he can keep quiet who that is, so why shouldn’t he be able to keep quiet a plan to step down?

Strannik says:

No. Putin is 68 years old and in good health, and is quite capable of leading the country for a while longer. He no doubt though made provision for a successor (maybe Medvedyev but possibly someone else like Sergei Shoigu) a long time ago.

He will at the time appoint a President who will then run and win his election in turn, just as what happened with Yeltsin and Putin himself in 1999-2000.

Eventually there will be a Tsar. Putin’s successor will make Putin look like Yeltsin in comparison, making the West wish for the good old days of their hated enemy Vladimir Putin. The coming Tsar will have a will of iron, stout arm with sword in hand for the people, and the heart of an Orthodox saint.

The Cominator says:

Hard to do much better than Putin who is one of the best rulers Russia has ever had.

Not Tom says:

I’ve seen some new Cathedral narratives popping up and/or making a comeback, so here’s another round of “rhetorical defense for normies”, in which I first explain the ludicrousness of their argument and then try to condense it down to a digestible punchline. Note that these will never work on actual leftists, as they will simply move the goalposts; they’re for regular people who are struggling to see through the squid ink.

1. Reframing election fraud as voter fraud.

This is the typical strawman. “There is no evidence of voter fraud” and “no one voted illegally” are some common slogans. They are probably not literally true – there are always some people who vote illegally, e.g. people who aren’t citizens, vote in the wrong state, vote twice, etc. – but for the most part, this is directionally true. Most individual voters don’t break the law.

It’s also completely irrelevant, and not the accusation at all. We aren’t saying, and Trump is not saying, that millions of individual voters did anything illegal; we’re saying that a few hundred election officials and possibly auxiliary members of the conspiracy like postal officials committed various types of fraud by manufacturing, changing or destroying ballots, or by simply reporting a vote tally that has nothing to do with the ballots. The term may also include smaller-scale schemes like ballot-harvesting.

So when someone says “no one voted illegally”, my response would be: “that would be important if we were actually talking about the voters, but we’re talking about the election officials”.

2. Election fraud would be impossible.

They are now arguing that the sheer scale of the numbers makes the claim of fraud somehow incredible (via Steve Sailer). I prefer to use an analogy to expose the gaslighting here:

Imaging that five gamblers, at five casinos (all with the same owner), win the slot jackpot five times in a row, all on the same day, and then pool together all their winnings and invest them into some corporation or non-profit. A rational person would conclude that there is some type of money laundering or front operation going on, and that the owners, gamblers and some of the casino staff are all in on it. But the Cathedral narrative flips this on its head and says: “No, you see, it’s impossible for all five of them to have coordinated something like that! If it were one gambler, in one casino, winning two or three times, then you’d have something, but to imagine a scheme at that scale is just crazy!”

Of course we know that schemes like that can and do exist, which is why we have money laundering and RICO statutes. The way the numbers work is that small coincidences become increasingly likely as the number of “rolls” go up; if you flip a fair coin 1000 times, you are pretty likely to see heads five or ten times in a row, but not 1000 times in a row. Larger and larger “coincidences” point toward a non-coincidental explanation, not away from it.

My short rhetorical answer to this argument would be: “If it’s impossible to collude at that scale, then why do we have antitrust and organized crime laws?”

Mr.P says:

What is the hoped-for objective in persuading normie, especially Trump-voting normie, that massive voting and vote-counting fraud has occurred?

The Cominator says:

Trump voting normies don’t need persuading there was massive fraud 100% of them know it.

Pooch says:

I see a few of the cucks suspicious but not wanting themselves to believe the Republic is really dead and resounding themselves to a Biden Administration saying if he we hold the Senate it’s not so bad. It’s a war for the cucks to find their balls right now.

yewotm8 says:

Seeing this a lot from normies too. Call it out.

The Cominator says:

Yes we must signal zero tolerance of defeatist attitudes in public. If people PM you tell them to cheer up. The steal is too blatant to be tolerated.

Pooch says:

The war of public opinion must be decidedly on his side so when he finally does cross the Rubicon, it is too thunderous applause.

Pooch says:

It’s mostly the cucks we need to persuade. Democrats are a lost cause.

Ron says:

No your wrong

Cucks are about convenience over all. If you are holding the gun they will rationalize why you are right. If your enemy is holding the gun, they will rationalize why he is right

I am realizing this far too late. But to get anywhere in life one has to understand what people want, not what they “should” want or what I want them to want, but what they actually want

Cucks want to have an easy good life where everything works out, where they can cheat just a little to make themselves feel daring and then get a pat on the head at the end of the day for being a good boy

You are not a cuck, I am not a cuck. That doesnt work for either of us.

So if the murderous child raping communist traitor gets in office we will be near apoplectic, but the cuck will quietly giggle at us under his pretend grumbling. At least until they throw him up against the wall. Similarly if TGEOTUS retains his holy throne then the cuck will loudly proclaim his (rational and not overly excited) patriotism and go back to his secure and socially approved corrupt life

In the end there is only one argument the cuck actually cares about and that is this: who is holding the guns

European Mutt says:

This right here is what should be taught in schoolbooks to 8-year-olds as the first argument against democracy. At that age every kid understands this impulse and can’t yet rationalize it away.

Not Tom says:

What is the hoped-for objective in persuading normie, especially Trump-voting normie, that massive voting and vote-counting fraud has occurred?


Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

“You’re right. It’s as if there were a National Committee or something devoted to planning, coordinating and organizing the actions of the local partisans toward a larger goal for their collective benefit. But that’s impossible, it would require tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, perhaps a billion. And real-time communication across long distances, like a telephone, to give the orders. Sounds impossible.”

Javier says:

It’s another phase of ‘we are winning, we are winning, we have won.’ They want demoralization and concession.

Trump’s lawfare should stall any win long enough. What remains to be seen is if the SC will step in with some kind of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ judgement. I don’t think most Americans are prepared for this kind of brinksmanship, a lot of them are going to want to run away.

jim says:

The Dems will attempt to take power very soon, because Trump is preparing counter measures to address the fraud.

“President Elect Biden” will attempt to exercise power to shut down the Trump campaigns legal offense. It may well escalate to bullets before the judges get to hear the case.

The Cominator says:

I wonder if some leftists tries to kill a SCOTUS judge…

And Trump will invoke an argument of outrage similar to when Pompey’s mob attacked Tribune Marc Antony.

Starman says:
The Cominator says:


The Democratic fraud machine has declared that Donald John Trump is an enemy of America. They have declared that I am a criminal, they have declared in effect that all of you are criminals. Already they want to make list of Trump supporters. Election integrity was not respected. Our beloved Republic is in the hands of communists and I stand at a fork in the road.

I can cuck out and abandon my Presidency and allow America to descend into anarcho-tyranny and communism or I can stay in the white house with my gun and my hand and hang these faggots from the Lincoln Memorial.

Legionary Titus Pepe are you with me.

Starman says:

@The Cominator

Great post!

Going to post on my Gab account.

pyrrhus says:

AOC and her followers are clearly intending to murder any Trump supporters they can get their hands on, as of course will Antifa/BLM…The wackos will go full Cambodia if they get a chance

Karl says:

If Democrats do nothing, Trump’s counter measures to address the fraud will likely succeed. So it is reasonable to assume that the Dems will attempt to take power soon, but I do not see much they can do – besides to procede acording to the script of color revolution.

The messange “he is weak” might sound convincing to some normies now, but won’t make them consider to evict Trump from office the end of his term. January 20 is so soon that it would be a hard sell.

What else can the Dems do? Rioting, of course, but that won’t help much unless riots are a cover to kill key persons or courts that would prevent certification of fraudulent voting results.

jim says:

Riots in a color revolution are always cover for disloyal elements of the state apparatus of coercion to take power from loyal elements. The intent is always to avoid an actual shootout between loyalists in uniform and color revolutionaries in uniform, but the shootout is apt to happen.

Lafayette Park was intended to be cover for a coup, but suddenly a bunch of loyalist cops, backed by loyalist troops, appeared, and the color revolutionaries in uniform quietly stood down while the loyalists thumped the rioters.

Having tried it once, they will try it again. I hope and expect the courthouse where the case will be heard to be well guarded by loyalist cops, with loyalist troops not too far away.

We may soon see how many men the president commands, and how many men “the president elect” commands.

Karl says:

If I understand correctly the case will be heard in several courts (one per contested state). So the would have to successfully riot several times. Right?

Pooch says:

State courts are cucked. They will rise to the Supremes.

jim says:

My understanding is different. Federal court, alledging conspiracy – that similar actions taking place in the same way at the same time were the result of a single will and single command.

Mr.P says:

Thank you for this, by the way. (I should have said thanks along with my original question.) It’s excellent and very helpful.

pyrrhus says:

Trump needs to invoke the 14th Amendment and suppress this criminal interference in elections….http://voxday.blogspot.com/2020/11/14th-amendment-rubicon.html

The Cominator says:


Here is what Teddy Spaghetti linked too.

Trump is going to engage in a bit more lawfare and letting things boil over 1st but I think it will happen…

Pooch says:

Is that Insurrection Act?

jim says:

Insurrection act is not the Rubicon.

Fourteenth Amendment is the Rubicon.

Strannik says:

Yes, the 14th Amendment and Article four section four of the US Constitution, essentially President Trump is required by law to guarantee to the States a republican form of government from enemies foreign and/or domestic, which is the case if the election is illegally tampered with.

He may decide like Nixon did in 1960, not to contest the election for the greater good of the country, but I think President Trump will at least take this dispute all the way to the US Supreme Court, with evidence of election tampering.

I note that Biden last night, against expectations, did not declare himself the winner, just that he would win and be the President for all Americans. Past all the reassuring platitudes, he is actually backing down a little in my opinion. I still think he’s American and patriotic enough that he’d concede past a certain critical point, knowing that he didn’t actually win.

The Cominator says:

The fraud against Nixon was on a small scale in two states Texas and Illinois. Yes it was fraud but it was plausible.

This was not plausible. And Nixon did not think he and his family would be murdered if he conceded.

Strannik says:

Sure about that?

Javier says:

Nixon was told if he conceded gracefully he would get another shot, which he did. He also lacked the office of the president to exert power.

Trump will get no second chances. Its do or die for him.

pyrrhus says:

Not very plausible in TX, where some counties brought in twice the number of votes for Kennedy as the inhabitants of the county, and Kennedy was unpopular with Protestants…

Pooch says:

This ends with Biden as president or in a jail cell and likely executed for treason. There’s no other way.

Strannik says:

I can’t say for sure that all this will end in one of two binary choices at this point.

President Trump is something of a chaos magician, and I’m going to have to think hard on what follows in light of what I do know as solid fact.

INDY says:

“I still think he’s American and patriotic enough”

BC says:

Yes, the 14th Amendment and Article four section four of the US Constitution, essentially President Trump is required by law to guarantee to the States a republican form of government from enemies foreign and/or domestic, which is the case if the election is illegally tampered with.

Any state with mass mail in voting no longer has a republican form of goverment.

pyrrhus says:

A very cogent point…Voting machines should also be banned, and all votes tabulated by hand against a data base…

BC says:

They should be counted twice. Once by machine the moment the vote is cast, second by hand to verify the machine count. Voting machines should produce a paper copy of the vote that is handed in as the actual vote.

European Mutt says:

Shit just got real. They called PA with a ‘new batch of 30000 ballots’ and decalred Biden as winner.

Javier says:

Press calling it for Biden was always going to happen, but the press doesn’t decide elections. Hang tight.

European Mutt says:

Press does matter as far as the Democrats are concerned. Now we will see how tight their organization truly is.

Encelad says:

I have the feeling Twitter might suspend Trump’s account soon.
Side note, I am reading international leftists media praising US media for shutting down Trump’s speech, and advocating for the same treatment to local right wing politicians.

But yes, the media does not get to declare who wins, so don’t lose hope yet.

The Cominator says:

Taking Trump off twitter will just make Parler get a few million new followers who will screenshot his messages and relay them to normies.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Cutting Trump off from communications on social media and MSM — the press conference was a trial run — would just be the final LETS ROLL signal to Trump’s supporters.

When the leader can’t reliably contact his supporters is when they know to self-organize.

Pooch says:

I wonder what’s keeping them from doing it is the threat of US Marshals arresting Jack Dorsey for election interference.

Dave says:

The Left started a campaign of mass censorship and deplatforming in 2019, which did us a huge favor by forcing us to harden our infrastructure. No doubt Trump has done likewise and built a communication network that Silicon Valley CEOs cannot tamper with. His messages will get through to the men who need to receive them.

European Mutt says:

Watching the press conference in Philadelphia on youtube. 75% of live comments are pro trump even though google probably censors most of them.

calov says:

Maybe someone else has pointed this out already, but the point of the WaPo opinion piece below is that it’d be very bad for Republican legislatures in Michigan, PA, etc. to pick pro-Trump electors due to the massive fraud. Writer calls it unprecedented.

But it’s not, is it? California, Oregon, Illinois, New York, et al. are in a compact to cast all their electoral votes to whomever wins the popular vote. So they’re already doing it. Besides this it is a measure of those states’ certainty that Democrats will win the popular vote for a thousand years. Investigations of voter fraud/ election rigging should be going on in solid blue states too, since they are no doubt trying to inflate popular vote totals so they can use this as evidence that the electoral college should be abolished.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

As it stands though, these festivities make for very easy, obvious, and unambiguous targets for a day of the rope; anyone that aided and abetted the institutionalized profanity of truth may be recognized as malefic elements incompatible with civilized existence, and hence must be physically separated and removed from society.

Eli says:

If I’m reading him properly, Cochran seems to be hinting that it might be a repeat of the 1876 election. In other words, it might be that some of those Biden mail-in votes will be tossed out.

Also, just watched https://www.c-span.org/video/?477914-1/trump-campaign-pennsylvania-news-conference. The good stuff comes around 30 minutes into the video. The President’s lawyers have a strong case.

Dave says:

The 1876 election was resolved by the Compromise of 1877. That can’t happen this time because one side is not agreement-capable. Trump knows that if he steps down, he and his entire family will be executed despite all promises to the contrary.

Eli says:

Fair point.

BC says:

1876 had very low stakes. The country was on an economic tear, public graft and public massive infrastructure expansion was working hand in hand to build an industrial economy and no really cared beyond that he money and good times would keep on flowing.

pyrrhus says:

The 1876 election revolved around Tilden’s promise to end Reconstruction…The Army created its own slate of electors in 2 Southern States to stop Tilden, who otherwise was a clear winner..The Compromise gave the election to Hayes by 1 elector, but ended Reconstruction…

Vitis says:

Did something happen particularly at Eton in 1832? Or just the Reform Act?

jim says:

Change in the religion and beliefs taught at Eton. Socinian takeover of the Anglican Church.

Socinians are a non Christian heresy of Christianity, in that they deny the eternity of Christ. They hold that Christ did not exist until born in Bethlehem.

Their position is an evasive ambiguity between “Jesus Christ is Lord, wholly man and wholly God, mortal and eternal, God is three and God is one” and Jesus as a Jewish community organizer who pointed the way to our current much superior and continually improving understanding of right and wrong.

The Socinian Christology is typical entryist dodgy evasiveness. They issue a cloud of impenetrable fog and swerve to a different subject. With entryists in charge of Eton, dishonor code instead of honor code.

Thus the new elites were, by selection, lesser men.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Statistical analysis of Milwaukee magic votes after election day:

– concentrated in wards where they flipped a local race to Democrats
– post-election votes only affected Democrat vs all others, not Republican vs third-party


aggregated at https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1325120312455749634.html

What a coincidence if Philadelphia, Atlanta and Detroit were to show the same pattern.

jim says:

At the team Trump press conference, the lawyer alleged that it does show the same pattern, but that was not the meat of the case.

The meat of the case is that the law requires evidence that the votes were validly cast and validly counted, and there was no such evidence.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Great that they are talking about it.

Normies, military, police etc are not bound by the restrictions of “courtroom epistemology”. The longer the court process runs the more extrajudicial analysis (to coin a term) will be performed and disseminated. I suppose Spotted Toad et al are going to replicate the analysis for the other cities ASAP.

Jake says:

I have to disagree with you here Jim.

Trump is the single worst thing to happen to the dissident right.

Let’s be honest here. The former star of “The Apprentice” was never going to “cross the Rubicon” or lock up the pedos or even slow down the demographic catastrophe. It’s not that he wasn’t on our side. It’s that Trump, like all populist Republicans, basically believes the America of 2020 is the America of 1950. So he tries to act like a 1950 politician, and wonders why it doesn’t work. He knows that something is not quite right with our system, but he doesn’t know exactly what. He almost does, but not quite. Trump is not some sort of revolutionary leader or master strategist or even, really, a dissident; he belongs to the line of ineffectual but well-intentioned right-wing populists who spring up every once in a while and valiantly, touchingly try to take on the alliance of communist fanatics and grey bureaucrats that have ruled our country for a century, all by themselves. The “alt-right” is just the Tea Party of the 2010’s. Trump is not Caesar, he’s Sarah Palin. Our “revolution” was not a revolution. It was, in Moldbug’s phrase, folk activism.

Remember, when Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he was little more than the anti-establishment candidate, the chaos candidate, the “fuck the system” candidate, the “own the libs” candidate. The “deplorables” (traditional, working-class, Christian, family-values people) were not yet his base; they supported Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush or Ben Carson or really anybody but Trump. Most people who supported Trump in 2015 were disaffected nihilistic white millennial men (4channers!), who by and large knew that he would be ineffective but liked him anyways for the absolute butthurt he caused.

But elements of the “far right” has latched more and more onto Trump, and projected more and more of themselves onto him. The single most politically disenfranchised political group in the country, the far right, has embarrassingly allowed themselves to be pulled into caring about the nonsensical fake American democratic system. We need to remember that one of the central ideas of Moldbuggian (Yarvinian?) NrX was that *there is no political solution*. We need to stop hoping that everything will be done for us, that we will be saved without any involvement on our part except “supporting” the right people and giving them our “energy”. “Energy” is worthless, Kek doesn’t exist. There is no obvious and realistic political action possible for us right now. So the logical thing to do is to withdraw from politics, bide our time, and figure out where to go from here. We need to deepen our understanding of politics, history, ethics, and human nature, and convert as many people as possible to that understanding, so that when the time comes, reaction is actually possible. Curtis was right to preach detachment. “Read not the Times, read the Eternities.”

We know about Trump Derangement Syndrome, but what about Trump Adoration Syndrome? Look at our NrX friends on Twitter. Look at Bronze Age Pervert. These people are mentally stuck in 2016. Many right-wingers run the risk of becoming as emotionally fixated on 2016 as another generation may have been fixated on 1968.

By the way, they’re not going to kill Trump. He was an inconvenience in some senses, but overall he has been good for the democratic system, and especially for the left. The American system only works if people believe in elections and politicians and “change”. We now have record voter turnout, so it seems that people do indeed believe in it. Dissident activism is a trap, it’s a drug, it’s, as Moldbug always says, a form of political pornography. The dissident right *needs* to wean itself off of it. In the meantime, Trump will live out the rest of his life golfing and tweeting and doing leisurely billionaire things. At this point he probably feels, with relief, that an immense weight has been taken off his shoulders. I do too.

jim says:

> The “alt-right” is just the Tea Party of the 2010’s. Trump is not Caesar, he’s Sarah Palin. Our “revolution” was not a revolution. It was, in Moldbug’s phrase, folk activism.

Quite so, but the tide of history has him in its grasp. He will be Augustus Caesar, or the left will kill him and his family.

Yes, he ran as, and intended to be, and still hopes to be, a 1950s politician. But he now knows that that option no longer exists.

> By the way, they’re not going to kill Trump. He was an inconvenience in some senses, but overall he has been good for the democratic system, and especially for the left. The American system only works if people believe in elections and politicians and “change”

They were not going to kill the Romanovs, the King Louis XVI, or the French Aristocracy either. King Louis XVI and the Romanovs were also good for the left. The French Aristocracy, by and large was the left.

But when the left started struggling with the left, the continued existence of the Romanovs became a liability.

If the left take everything, if all the apple carts get knocked over, the struggle over the apples rolling around will not end, but will instead escalate ten thousand fold.

The Cominator says:

Jim this guy is a blackpiller a defeatist and a shill.

There was no strong dissident right before Trump. Nobody liked Marco Rubio after he tried to push amnesty… none of this stuff is true.

jim says:

I simply ignored the black pill stuff that was blatantly untrue, and did not bother to respond. I don’t respond to, or censor, every lie on this blog. I have a life to live and a business to run. I censor people who are a waste of space, and I censor people who keep pushing the same old scripts. This is a somewhat new script.

I responded to those parts of his post that had some plausibility. The new script contains an actual argument. Trump did not intend to be the revolutionary the alt right wants, and we knew he did not intend to be the revolutionary the alt right wants, but we knew he was a human molotov cocktail that would set the world on fire.

Now the world is on fire, and if Trump survives this, we will have won, we will have got what we wanted whether Trump wants it or not. We always knew that what he wants is somewhat different from what we want, we did not care, and we were right not to care.

We want democracy discredited, among other things. Trump did not want that, but, lo and behold, democracy is discredited.

The Cominator says:

We have to be VERY intolerant of defeatist talk right now as Bronze Age Pervert says this is above all a battle of will. Dont tolerate them IRL either.

Pooch says:

Is it me or are all the GOP state legislatures saying the right things right now? I see them unanimously saying “We want all legal votes to count and all illegal votes to not count.”

BC says:

They seem to be. It’s the GOP senate that is not. Which is stupid because they’ll all be replaced by 2022 and 2024 by the latest.

The Cominator says:

Only Romney is a traitor and that is expected.

The Cominator says:

Yes clearly people are rallying hence the media demoralization campaign.

As much as protesting is fake and gay normally if there are any stop the steal protests in front of the swing state legislatures make sure you are there if you live nearby… courthouses too.

And remember if antifa shows up the optics of strength are now more important than the optics of peacebulness. In all but Georgia remember the cops wont be on your side though…

Pooch says:
jim says:

Yes. GOP is falling into line.

They are starting to realize that Trump loses, they will all lose their jobs. Some of them may be realizing that if Trump loses, they will eventually be killed.

The Cominator says:

Hence why I say our main enemy at this point is defeatism… we have the assets political and military to crush the enemy.

They have institutional dominance but no one trusts the institutions, with one will and unity of command we can crush them but we need to not tolerate defeatism…

Jake says:

I want to clarify that I’m not a blackpiller or a defeatist. It’s clear that the “internal contradictions” of our system (as Marxists say) will doom it eventually. I just don’t think that time is today. The right needs to be wary of false starts and broken promises; it has already had too many of those over the years. As you always say, we need a complete reshuffling of the elite: everyone who works in government, universities, and the press should lose their jobs (preferably amicably and non-violently) and their places should be taken by a new elite. I don’t see that happening anytime soon. There’s no new elite poised to replace the old one. Politics prevents their formation, because no new elite can belong emotionally to the old regime. So when I say that no realistic political action is possible right now, I don’t mean that realistic political action will never be possible, or that it’s all over, just that we don’t have a clear path to victory right now. These things need time to incubate. It took a century for liberalism to become strong enough to defeat the ancien regime, and it took another century for socialism to defeat liberalism. As Curtis tells us, detachment doesn’t mean renouncing power forever, but learning to see clearly how power can be achieved. Reculer pour mieux sauter. The Cathedral (overoccupied as it is) can crack and open in unexpected places; I just hope that the right isn’t too focused on the front door to see it.

>Now the world is on fire, and if Trump survives this, we will have won, we will have got what we wanted whether Trump wants it or not. We always knew that what he wants is somewhat different from what we want, we did not care, and we were right not to care.

>We want democracy discredited, among other things. Trump did not want that, but, lo and behold, democracy is discredited.

That’s a good point. It may well be true. I still hold that large swathes of the far right has been damaged by Trump. It all depends, I guess, on whether Trump has had the effect of detaching people from democracy or pulling people towards it. As far as he has detached people from it, his influence is good. But I would argue that this is outweighed by the way that Trump has united and energized left-leaning people (both elite and normie) and pushed them towards politics. Though perhaps that is the price we have to pay to discredit democracy.

(replying to your other reply) I totally understand your contention that the left considers the continued existence of the Trumps a liability. There is a stage where the left could act like that; but I don’t think we’re there yet. I don’t see the American left being as high-energy as the Bolsheviks until well after Trump’s (natural) death. They’re mad, but they’re not that mad. The apple cart is falling, but it’s falling in slow motion.

jim says:

> Trump has united and energized left-leaning people (both elite and normie) and pushed them towards politics.


That is ridiculous. It is as absurd as claiming “no hard evidence of massive election fraud.

The left must move ever lefter, ever faster, or else it collapses, as happened when Cromwell and Stalin put a stop to ever leftwards motion.

You could argue that the left in France did not die, but it did die, and the anglo left then wore its skin. Revolutionary French leftism was descended from the false popes of Avignon, today’s French leftism from the Puritans via the whigs.

If not for Trump, the left would today be a hundred times as energetic, and if they win and imprison Trump, ten thousand times as energetic. Leftism always goes ever lefter, ever faster. If Biden is installed in power by color revolution any attempt to arrest or imprison BLM-antifa rioters will be shut down throughout America. All America will be Kenosha, Portland, Detroit, and Ferguson.

Remember those mighty fracking protests that happened before Trump was elected? They quietly vanished when the prospect of jobs interfering with other peoples lives evaporated.

Reflect on all the social justice warriors complaining how private sector jobs in social justice have been going away. “I spent six years studying social justice and spent a fortune on college, and now what about my high paid, high status job?”

Recall all the outrage about rape on campus that quietly went away when prizes for women claiming rape went away. One day we have a terrible terrible terrible rape crisis on campus, the next day we don’t. Fracking protests and rape on campus vanished in a puff of smoke.

Trumps cooling effect on the left has been obvious, and frequently spectacular – it was spectacular with rape and carbon fuels, and the impact on social justice warrior penetration of human resources and the open source movement has been significant and obvious.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

If you’re always waiting for the ‘perfect moment’ to appear, you’ll grow old and die (or just die) never finding it.

Any opportunity or anything that looks like an opportunity is a good opportunity. Luck comes to those who make it.

Nicodemus Rex says:

Eh, obviously most of this is blackpilling but the man still has a point — it’s disappointing that the the alt-right has, in following Trump, fell so much into the frame of “democracy”. What happened to elections being decided by the median voter (https://blog.reaction.la/politics/the-median-voter/)?

IMO, obviously there was isolated fraud (like in most elections — Democrats are more holy therefore cheat more, “correct” ballots, etc.), as well as ballot harvesting on a wider and more corrupt scale than ever before, but I think the jury’s still out on whether there was a coordinated conspiracy of fraud. There most likely will be no smoking gun. The Supremes may or may not do anything of importance.

It doesn’t matter, because the whole electoral system is clearly still illegitimate whether or not fraud happened. It’s illegitimate because of delusional priestly class polling lies that suppress voter turnout, because ballot harvesting makes a mockery of chain-of-custody, because 40% of the electorate in big cities that went Biden are functionally illiterate and don’t deserve a vote, and because the entire counting apparatus is made up of bureaucrats that would gleefully get you fired for voting Trump (and they make their contempt obvious).

Trump is right to cross the Rubicon whether or not the steal happened. He should and he very well might (any posting to the contrary is blackpilling or shilling). But can we not forget that the goal of NrX was to discredit and de-legitimize democracy, not to support it?

The Cominator says:

“but I think the jury’s still out on whether there was a coordinated conspiracy of fraud. There most likely will be no smoking gun. The Supremes may or may not do anything of importance.”

Shill says what.

Trump wins, multiple states stop count. Batches of 100% or near 100% Biden ballots found in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and for days and days afterwords Atlanta.

“Trump is right to cross the Rubicon whether or not the steal happened. He should and he very well might (any posting to the contrary is blackpilling or shilling). But can we not forget that the goal of NrX was to discredit and de-legitimize democracy, not to support it?”

Sure but don’t mix in shillposting. Trump has already forced the enemy to discredit Democracy.

Nicodemus Rex says:

Sure, plenty of election irregularities to find, although frankly I think a lot of them have been overstated on Twitter (or “corrected”, of course).

But the map, percent wise, doesn’t look that different than 2016. Obviously there was election fraud in 2016, too (dead people voting, etc.) but was there really far more fraud in 2020? Hillary won by the same margins in the same places in 2016, right?

Anyways, Trump “could have won” if red counties in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania went for him at the same rate they went in 2016. I don’t think there was any fraud there. And they didn’t because of what … polling lies? Corona lies? BLM agitprop?

My worry is that the message coming out of the alt-right will be “Support Trump because they stole the election from him”, and when proof that the election was stolen fails to materialize, everyone will slowly and silently melt away. Isn’t that what the logic of “democracy” dictates?

Instead, we should be emphasizing “Support Trump because the they are lying to you, censoring you, and working their way up to killing you and your children.”

The Cominator says:

You are obviously a shill I stayed up and watched the massive fraud as it happened in Wisconsin and Michigan and Jim says he did too.

Do not consensus crack about massive fraud. We are saying support Trump because he is the legitimately elected President who had at least four states due to massive and obvious fraud in four Democrat run shitholes.

Not Tom says:

Yes, there really is massively more fraud in 2020 than 2016.

Red counties in swing states did go to Trump, not in the same rate as 2016, but in fact at a much bigger rate. It was only a tiny number of Democrat-controlled counties that bridged those enormous gaps with 95-100% Democrat votes and 95-200% voter turnout in the wee hours of the morning after Republican scrutineers were denied access.

You are gaslighting and posting shill scripts.

The Cominator says:

Obviously the Democrats have been doing voter fraud via city machines since the days of Tammany Hall but they had some care in the past that the fraud be kept down to a plausible level. That is why Hillary could not close the gap in the upper Midwest in 2016 Trump beat her by way more votes then expected and there was no backup plan in the Dem machine cities.

This year he was again beating her by more than expected but they left nothing to chance (I guess a landslide so big that Trump flipped New England or something might have stopped them) so had an emergency plan for extra late at night fraud ballots and software rigging.

The only place where Biden might have LEGITIMATELY overperformed is Arizona. The GOP was running a very weak Senate candidate and dude weed was on the ballot.

BC says:

The only place where Biden might have LEGITIMATELY overperformed is Arizona. The GOP was running a very weak Senate candidate and dude weed was on the ballot.

I doubt it. McCain’s fraud machine was handed over to the Dems by his wife. It was a big mistake for the GOP not to legalize weed though.

Nah says:
Nicodemus Rex says:

I’m not a shill but I accept that I might be posting shill scripts (I live and work in a bubble where it would be unsafe to hint at views to the right of Bernie Sanders, thus get most of my information from sites where a lot of shilling probably occurs.)

It was my impression that a lot of the >100% turnout claims were incorrect, but I’ll look into it. Anyways, it seems like the GOP is at least starting to back Trump so it seems kind of meaningless to argue about how much fraud actually occurred.

jim says:

Lot of shill scripts around – some good people post shill scripts because they their exposure to NRx and the alt right is through shills posing as NRx and alt right

jim says:

The seven hundred thousand votes that showed up in the early hours of the morning from no one knows where, were, as Trump’s Lawyer says, unanimously or almost unanimously, for Joe Biden.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

>sites where a lot of shilling probably occurs.
>It was my impression that a lot of the >100% turnout claims were incorrect

Some wards had 500+ percent turnout and a large number had 90+ percent. I have not seen the latest analyses of these claims but it seems extraordinarily unlikely to get such numbers from populations that don’t usually vote much, and voted in smaller numbers for Obama.

The heuristic and the observed behavior are that every misdirection, misinterpretation and fallacy possible, and some beyond what might have previously seemed possible, will be applied to dispute data suggesting fraud. The numbers are merely unbelievably high but not provably above 100 percent of registered voters? Definitely Not Fraud, you arithmetically incompetent conspiracymongers.

There was a spike of 23227 votes, all of them for Biden, at one point in the counting in Philadelphia, which was not explained away the last I looked. The earlier jump of 139K all for Biden in another state has been officially rebutted as a typographic “error” adding a missing zero in a tabulation, an answer that only raises more questions.

jim says:

Anyone who denies that massive proof of clear fraud has already materialized is knowingly lying.

We saw obvious, blatant, in your face fraud happen as we watched. As Trump’s lawyer and Eric Trump said at the press conference, about four hundred thousand counterfeit ballots magically materialized in Philadelphia, which is roughly what I estimated.

At the press conference, they presented clear, compelling, and utterly undeniable proof of what everyone watching saw happen.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

The shillfest continues.

We all saw the fraud being prepared for months with weaponization of COVID to push mail-in voting and debauch election security. Postal voting was the very first item the Democrats began hyping from the moment their position shifted from “Trump the xenophobe” to “Covid is deadly”. The causation likely being in the other order, the interest in Covid coming of the opportunity to use it to leverage universal postal voting.

This wasn’t written on the wall or read between the lines, it was being shouted by the President of the United States and (the best proof it was obviously true) constantly discredited by MSM and BigTech. We all saw the color revolution narrative, election night blueshift, being pushed once the postal voting weapon was a reality.

To ignore that and just talk about election results as though they occurred in a vacuum, never mind the blatant late night shenanigans in the event, is defeatist shilling. Most likely a flood of paid ActBlue DNC shilling as part of the post-fraud social media cleanup strategy.

jim says:

> But can we not forget that the goal of NrX was to discredit and de-legitimize democracy, not to support it?

Augustus Caesar claimed, and probably believed, he was restoring the Republic.

If Trump wins, he will claim, and probably believe, the same thing.

This is exactly what we want. The Republic “restored”. Restored our way.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think Caesar Augustus really believed that, it was Sulla who believed that.

Sulla’s main domestic acts as dictator were to purge the Senators and the Equites of all he thought were traitors and to limit the power of the Plebian Tribunes (without undoing the Gracchan reforms in fact he expanded on them in some cases) and then he retired voluntarily.

Augustus Caesar purged the ruling class of all he thought were likely to cause trouble, and kept extraordinary power through uniting multiple offices under him all at once… its unlikely he thought he was doing anything but establishing a monarchy that avoided the title of king.

Not Tom says:

But can we not forget that the goal of NrX was to discredit and de-legitimize democracy, not to support it?

That’s almost correct, but not quite. NRx (and don’t think I didn’t notice your incorrect capitalization, Mr. “Hail fellow reactionary”) has, among its many goals, the goal of ending de jure democracy, on the basis that de facto democracy doesn’t exist and never existed. But “delegitimizing” it, i.e. among the proles, was never a goal, because elites control the rudder of the state, not proles.

Moldbug said that the way to end democracy was for the demos to put in one final vote for a dictator who promised to end democracy. Jim wants a Caesar Augustus who ends democracy in the name of preserving, or restoring, the Republic. These are at least similar ideas, and both could be said to be taking place right now. The country overwhelmingly voted for a president whom the elite and official information sources insist is a dictator, and said president will probably need to overturn and subsequently weaken the institutions making up “democracy” in order to preserve our Republican form of government. The electoral college is no longer functioning as intended if a handful of urban centers control the entire country, especially if they cheat at elections.

The essential paradox of NRx is that only democracy can legitimately end democracy, but we may be watching that paradox unfold right now, assuming Trump does not fold. While the elite screech louder and louder that Trump has lost, neither the demos nor the guns are playing along. This really is the NRx paradox, the only question is whether it will be resolved by a restoration or by total collapse.

jim says:

> The essential paradox of NRx is that only democracy can legitimately end democracy, but we may be watching that paradox unfold right now

Exactly so.

The Cominator says:

And of course Trump doesn’t want to cross the Rubicon, Julius Caesar didn’t WANT to cross the rubicon either but when it became clear his enemies in the Senate intended to declare him a public enemy the second his Imperium expired he had no choice.

Trump could flee to somewhere remote in the Russian sphere but I dont think he wants to go down in history as a coward.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>so that when the time comes

What is the time?

How will you know when you see it?

What are the signs of your times; what do you do in response to them?

Jake says:

I honestly don’t know for sure. That’s what we need to figure out.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Of course you would say that. No points for not at least trying to fake that you had any thoughts of substance.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

> There is no obvious and realistic political action possible for us right now.

The shill cup runneth over with defeatist spam. We must be over the target. It’s hard not to be over it when the most important election in modern history was openly stolen in front of the whole world. Nobody, but nobody, gonna believe that democracy stuff no more except a few true believers (who will get the guillotine anyway under a Kamala presidency).

The obvious and realistic political action is to support Trump, prove the fraud, and continue the discrediting of Biden, the DNC and the media should the Democrats prevail in the short term. If the Hunter Biden laptop was a nuclear weapon in our favor the election theft is a 25th century (or year 2025 in Jim terms) super-duper-hyper-atomic weapon. This is the opportunity to win the holy war and not only the mere Presidency.

Pooch says:

We have the unquestionable moral high ground. Trump says count all legal votes. The Democrats say count all votes and refuse to say the word legal.

Edit_XYZ says:

I notice that the media has not called Senate races in North Carolina, Georgia, and Alaska.
This is because they seek to steal enough votes to flip the Senate there., gaining complete central control of the USA.

What is happening is an attempted coup by the left. A literal coup, that is.
The utterly shameless and open stealing of votes is a dead giveaway.

It’s very unlikely the Supreme Court will validate such blatantly stolen elections. Trump’s case is airtight, for one. But more importantly, it’s obvious for everyone paying attention that the left couldn’t care less about the Constitution and the Supreme Court authority, that they want to pack the court, etc.

The left knows this too, which means it plans to up the game before the Supreme Court decision, and usurp power.
It has the media – a weapon already used, without much effect in my opinion -, and the antifa anarchists – which are weak and poorly controlled.
It also has a few generals they probably assume can countermand Trump’s orders now, with the announcement that he lost the elections.
The most worrisome are the three letter agencies – CIA, FBI, etc. Will these agencies stand with the left – with chinese asset Biden and the unhinged Kamala? It should be obvious even to these agencies that such people gaining power would be the end for USA.

Javier says:

Left is already defying court orders. Destruction of evidence certainly underway. They’re daring Trump to respond.

Edit_XYZ says:

In Pennsylvania, in this very election they ignored an order coming from a Supreme Court justice, Samuel Alito – to segregate late-arrival ballots. The justice was forced to repeat the order; I don’t know whether it’s being followed now.

In any case, for the left, Supreme Court decisions are not worth the paper they’re printed on, as should be clear for pretty much anyone.
As said, that’s why I think the Supreme Court – the justices not owned by the left, that is – will rule Trump’s way. Probable, but not certain, due to the large scale of what the left was allowed to get away with in this election.

What is important is anticipating the players and moves the left will use in order to win the coup.
To assume they think a media campaign or some riots will gain them the presidency is dangerously underestimating them.

jim says:

> In any case, for the left, Supreme Court decisions are not worth the paper they’re printed on, as should be clear for pretty much anyone.

A recount just is not going to happen unless the will and capability to send in soldiers with bayonets to make it happen is there, and courts will be reluctant to order something they know will not happen.

Edit_XYZ says:

The Supreme Court must only nullify the votes cast when no GOP observers were present.
If the left refuses to give such information, it can nullify the entire election in a state.

This would give Trump legitimacy. And Trump can order soldiers to break a few doors and teeth.

Essentially, the Supreme Court can bet that, with its help, Trump defeats the coup. Or can accept that it will become utterly irrelevant when the left assumes power, for starters; too many white men and women there.
Nobody likes to lose the kind of power the Supreme Court has, so they’ll bet on Trump – probably. If their decision will be ignored due to a successful coup – it will be merely the first of many.

Not Tom says:

If the left refuses to give such information, it can nullify the entire election in a state.

My guess is they’ve already begun destroying Republican ballots, “fixing” fraudulent Democratic ballots or just ensuring that they can’t be separated. They probably think this is a winning strategy.

But there is a very simple workaround: if all votes counted after locking out Republican scrutineers or under otherwise suspicious circumstances are declared invalid, then official election counts revert to those between midnight and 4 am, which throws the election to Trump in all of those states and probably flips some Senate and House races back.

This nuclear option should in theory be a strong incentive for Democrats to hold onto the evidence, as there might have been enough legitimate mail-in votes to flip a few down-ballot races. But I doubt they have that level of self-control or self-awareness. The evidence is almost certainly irrecoverably contaminated by now.

Of course, as everyone else is saying, the nuclear option does not happen without the threat of state violence. I don’t see any path to victory that avoids the use of force, because all diplomatic avenues are controlled by the enemy.

Edit_XYZ says:

The use of violence against the left, engaged in a coup, poses no moral problem.

The capability to use force does pose problems:
Does Trump control the police? DOJ? The military? How much of them?
AG Barr seems to have become invisible these days. Why? Is DOJ with Trump or not these days?

Trump pays golf at the White House. Why so passive at this time? The media works hard to make him look out of power.
Why are there no agents, breaking down doors and democrat operatives in order to obtain the election ballots, as we speak?

Where are Trump’s soldiers? Why do we see nothing on this front?

jim says:

This is truly worrying. I hope we will see some action after Monday, when the court case begins.

If we don’t, we may have already lost.

But the court case itself will be test of strength. We shall see if people act as if the guards are Trump loyalists, or if they act as if the guards are not.

We can start by securing a courthouse, before we secure the ballots. One thing I noticed at the Philadelphia press conference is that team Trump, right in the middle of enemy territory, acted as if they had some decent muscle around them, which gives me confidence.

BC says:

Barr’s silence is terrifying. He was talking about mass voter fraud from mail in votes a couple of months ago and now nothing silence. The DOJ was not prepped in any way to stop the steal.

jim says:

Trump’s lawyer is mighty loud. Maybe Trump wants one person at a time on point doing the talking.

Not Tom says:

Wasn’t it Barr who specifically authorized the posting of armed guards at the ballot counting stations? I’m not sure what else you want from him at this moment.

And random people keep bringing up the DoJ and saying it’s still not Trump’s. DoJ has been doing tons of things for Trump and Republicans lately and nothing against them.

Don’t mistake Barr for Durham, who actually has done fuck-all. Near as I can tell, Trump trusted Barr, and Barr trusted Durham, and that’s where the chain broke. Durham needs to get the boot but it’s not evident to me as yet that Barr is either weak or compromised.

Trump may look passive, and that may be a bad sign, but it may also simply reflect his confidence that all of the fraudulent votes are going to get thrown out. After all, why storm the ballot offices if SCOTUS is going to rule that “all votes counted after 3 am on Nov 4 counted at these offices are hereby illegal and must be removed from the state counts”. If that is the anticipated outcome, then Trump may as well golf and let the Democrats keep counting; they are just wasting their time.

Maybe it’s not the optics we’d like to see, but nevertheless, if Trump really believed he’d lost and didn’t intend to keep fighting, would he be golfing rather than fleeing the country? If the answer is yes then truly we’ve been wrong about literally everything, and he is feckless and stupid and somehow was just extremely lucky for 4 years. Somehow, I doubt that is the case.

Not Tom says:

The DOJ was not prepped in any way to stop the steal.

I don’t see that the DoJ had any ability to stop the steal. Elections are a state matter; constitutionally speaking, only the Supreme Court can overrule them.

Stay focused, fam.

jim says:

The supremes are creating grounds for reopening the case that Trump’s newest appointee wiffed on.

Looks to me that Trump is doing it by the book, making it a federal matter.

I am worried by the passivity of Trump’s cops, but maybe we will see a lot less passivity once he has dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s

He wants to preserve the Republic, which is pointless now, and he needs to be seen to be trying to preserve the Republic, which now matters a great deal.

Dave says:

You raise a good question: If you have a large number of loyal soldiers under your command, where do you send them? It’s a big country, and you mustn’t spread them out too thinly.

In a banana republic or oil sheikdom, seize the ports that export bananas or oil, because that’s where the money comes from. Where does our money come from? The Marriner Eccles building? If Trump seizes the Federal Reserve, George Soros will have to pay his minions with promises of money instead of actual money.

The Cominator says:

Seize congress and 3/4 of state legislatures, enough to amend the constitution at gunpoint…

BC says:

You raise a good question: If you have a large number of loyal soldiers under your command, where do you send them? It’s a big country, and you mustn’t spread them out too thinly.

We all knew where the fraud was going to be.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Very likely, Barr, and many others in the chain of command, want to believe they are still Living In A Society(tm).

Many of those of a more conservative bent fear victory; because they can instinctively sense that actually trying to win will banish the pretense of normalcy; thrust into a world with no precedents, no predefined social rituals of how things should play. A fear of boldly going where noone (they know) has gone before.

The abject existence of one-way-war – one player in a game elbow checking other players whenever it feels like it, daring them to do anything about it; and none of them daring – is atleast *familiar ground* to the stockholmed inmates.

Like the elephant that has from infancy grown up tied to a post, they almost cannot even imagine the thought of fighting to win, of escalating in response to escalation, even when it would be the easiest thing in the world for that giant grown elephant to simply rip up the post, were it but to try.

But it *is* the easiest thing in the world, to rip up that post.

jim says:

> But it *is* the easiest thing in the world, to rip up that post.

My read on Trump’s body language when he gave the latest press conference ever in early hours of the morning of November the fourth was that he thinks it might not be all that hard to rip up the post.

We shall see. He has until January 20 to cross the Rubicon, and would doubtless prefer the enemy to cross first.

Dave says:

I mean, where do you send them *now*?

Mister Grumpus says:

“A recount just is not going to happen unless the will and capability to send in soldiers with bayonets to make it happen is there…”

Even if the will were there, sending in bayonets would be some shit ass optics for sure.

But on the other hand, ordering a truly legit recount, with truly legit rules for fair monitoring and qualifying “legal” ballots, would simply never be performed. The Dem machine would not be capable of actually doing it. Not Fairness Capable. It just would keep on *not* happening, right through December.

Even if they’ve destroyed all the fakes and also enough R ballots to compensate, the ballot totals would be so low at the end that everyone would know that Theeze Niggas Be Crookid As Fuck and the Tariq Nasheeds would run away at full tilt, because C’Mon Son!

(The vulnerability to the above is that maybe they could send in their IQ-100 crack squad and reconstruct ballots to the same earlier totals but still winning for their side.)

Meanwhile, in parallel, we also have the screen-scraped records of what the voting totals were before the steal got going.

So the legislatures would be much harder pressed, by then, to not say “fuck it” and send in Trump electors.

Please criticize the above. I have no special information or smarts. I’m just looking for a way here, if only for my own sleep schedule.

The Cominator says:

A recount without an audit just legitimizes the fraud…

Mister Grumpus says:

@The Cominator:
“A recount without an audit just legitimizes the fraud.”

That’s what I meant but I lacked the vocabulary: an audit.

The D machine can recount, but it can’t audit, so if a proper audit is court ordered first then it will just not happen and run out the clock.

What do you see the consequences to be of that?

jim says:

The courts will be ignored. This will legitimize measures more likely to be effective.

Mr.P says:


Demanding a recount with audit or, worse, *accepting* a recount with audit — either one is a mistake, concedes frame.

Where fraud occurred, the entirety of the Biden votes in that precinct or jurisdiction or whatever it’s called must be subtracted from Biden’s total or, even better, to assert frame, be added, or *rewarded*, to Trump’s total (b/c an impossible-to-discern number of Trump ballots were destroyed by the fraudsters).

Mister Grumpus says:

“Demanding a recount with audit or, worse, *accepting* a recount with audit — either one is a mistake, concedes frame.”

It “concedes frame”. Solid, using a PUA word. Now we’re cooking with gas.

Meanwhile, a court ruling for a proper audit that would obviously throw out a Biden victory would be “agreeing and amplifying”.

jim says:

> to assume they think a media campaign or some riots will gain them the presidency is dangerously underestimating them.

They are following the color revolution election script, which we have seen before many times.

With divided leadership, and doubt that the US pilots will obey orders to bomb the crap out of US cops, seems likely to fail.

The coming court case which is supposed to start Monday will be a test. If the courtroom is guarded by loyalist cops with loyalist troops on call a short distance away, it will start on Monday, and end not long thereafter with a victory for Trump. If guarded by color revolutionary cops, will not start on Monday, if it ever does start. If it ever does start, will not finish.

Edit_XYZ says:

You may be right.
Of course, the trial starting and not finishing would be the safest bet in either case – the GOP will get to choose the electors, and the courts will be able to claim they did not go against the left.

If the coup will be decided by control of the military, the contest is between Trump with his loyalist chain of command and the generals working with the left. And this is where we’ll see the next serious moves, made by the generals.

Mister Grumpus says:

“To assume they think a media campaign or some riots will gain them the presidency is dangerously underestimating them.”

Still fair point. Trump’s special move is tricking his adversaries into thinking they’re smarter than he is. Let’s learn shall we?

These guys had nothing but Karens and Shaniquas for the first wave, but for the second wave of targeted operations, with their backs against the wall, who knows what kind of crack squad leftenwaffens they have suited up.

Anyone who assumes they’re all Shinaquas, all the way down, is just asking to lose.

Dave says:

“This is because they seek to steal enough votes to flip the Senate there, gaining complete central control of the USA.”

That’s on the back burner now because if they can’t steal the Presidency, they can’t steal the Senate either, and if they do manage to steal the Presidency, they can steal the Senate at their leisure.

Steve Johnson says:

If they steal the presidency they won’t need to steal the Senate because no one will ever vote for a backstabbing Republican senator again.

At minimum they’ll get a few cycles of completely depressed (R) turnout – enough to take the Senate for long enough to do whatever.

Yet another reason why the (R)s have to back Trump – even if they don’t all immediately realize it.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not on the back burner. In Georgia, 2 Senate seats are in imminent peril of being lost as we speak, due to the left stealing at least tens of thousands of votes. This was possible thanks to the crass incompetence of the GOP, as in the northern states.

The GOP seems to have finally understood that, if they lose this election, they’re done. Still, they’re reduced to fighting over scraps – perhaps hundreds of votes, at most in the low thousands. This, when the left stole many hundreds of thousands.

Pooch says:

18th Airborne Corps signaling support for Trump.


ERTZ says:


jim says:

That is a boring and repetive script that comes from a thousand megaphones all connected to one microphone.

Take the shill test.

ERTZ says:


jim says:

The whole point of the Starman’s shill test is that the options presuppose a red pilled account of female nature and human sexuality.

The ostensible test is “Do you agree or disagree that women are like that”. But the actual test is “Can you acknowledge that there is anyone who thinks women are like that”

So, if you don’t like the options, can you instead acknowledge our position on female nature in some other way?

ERTZ says:

>can you instead acknowledge our position on female nature

This I think I can, for this was one of the things that attracted me to your blog.
It greatly overlapped with what I had found out myself, and I learned a few new things, for which I am grateful.

I was in the process of writing a comment on what exactly game is – and this is based on female nature – I think I can systematize it a bit.

But to be sure, please state a few short key points of your position on female nature, so we’re sure we talk about the very same things, and I’ll probably agree.

jim says:

You posted three lengthy comments on “The three magic words”.

So why are those words magic?

ERTZ says:

I hope I get this right…

They are, because female psychology evolved to not only tolerate, but accept and adopt ideology/values of the stronger male/tribe, females cannot be loyal because those that were have been exterminated by conquering males.
For that reason women desire the strongest male they can find,
and then serve him – they seek security and certainty from being securely owned, not from being loved, for love is cheap, power (and the security for her and her children from it) is rare.
Women’s sexuality is based on idealizing the most powerful man, which comes down to craving the top killer.

jim says:

Close enough, you pass the shill test.

Someone says:

In terms of the information war, Big Tech and the MSM are formidable opponents. At some point these organisations have to be made to serve the people.

I am still to some degree surprised that Chinese owned reddit was allowed to fuck Donald Trump’s subreddit. Surely any american employee co-operating in this action is guilty of working for a foreign power against the american president. How is this not treason since a foreign power is involved?

Surely it would have been reasonable to have sorted out reddit in 2017 when they started to clamp down even further.

The minute the media stopped showing Donald Trump’s remarks should in my view mean they committed treason.

These organisations cannot be left in their current state.

Pooch says:

If Trump wins, the CEOs will all be arrested.

Fred says:

How do we know the Chinese were behind the purge of the T_D subreddit? Why would the Chinese care? It strikes me as far more likely that the Democrats were behind the purging of T_D, not the Chinese.

The Cominator says:

China certainly conspired with some people in the derp state and democratic party on Covid.

I’m not sure they wanted to get too involved in the details of everything else the Democratic party was involved in and finding out would likely be impossible.

Fred says:

China (albeit inter maxima alia) being behind the global coronavirus overreaction – that I can believe.

As far as the Chinese being behind social media censorship goes, I remember this debate being had somewhere some months ago and when I asked why the Chinese would be behind it and why wouldn’t the Democrats be a more obvious culprit, the answer I got was that the Democrats are owned by China and hence functionally the same thing.

I didn’t find that to be a compelling answer.

The Cominator says:

Most of the Democrats ideas are stupid and their social media censorship has not been very effective at slowing the growth of dissent so its likely a stupid idea by stupid native democrats…

Covid hysteria was their one idea that definitely worked and in a horrible way it was thus a good idea… and the Chinese were involved.

So its best to assume that if the Democrats have a good idea that works… even if in a horrible way probably China did work with them on it just so to make sure they don’t completely fuck it up.

So I suspect the Chinese gave the Democrats the electoral fraud plan this time around because it at least stopped Trump from having clear popular legitimacy (even though it probably will not ultimately keep him out of office) and gave them the chance of stopping Trump… but I cannot be as sure of this as I am 100% sure they conspired with the Democrats on Covid.

When Trump wins and purges the Derp state this time, the new foreign intelligence agency needs to make sure Xi slips on a banana peel if you know what I mean… 2020 is a horrible year because he broke Westphalian protocol in a way that is nothing short of war behind the scenes and Xi needs to go for this without us getting into open war with China.

BC says:

Covid hysteria was their one idea that definitely worked and in a horrible way it was thus a good idea… and the Chinese were involved.

This seems likely. The only reason I and a lot of people took it seriously was China’s reaction to it. When they kept replaying the videos of Italy for claiming they were Hospitals in America I should have sent off alarm bells but I kept recalling the videos of the Chinese government’s behavior in reaction to it.

Gedeon says:

[*deleted for saying “we”*]

jim says:

We all know you are an FBI shill, but I allow some of your stuff through because you do not stick boringly to script.

That stuff, however, seemed like a random pile of disinfo.

Gedeon says:


jim says:

It is impossible to hold a discussion with someone who is not allowed to acknowledge his interlocutor’s position, nor say what position his argument is disputing. Attempting to do so is a waste of space. Take the shill test.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

It’s always interesting seeing peoples reactions to cognitive thought-bombs being dropped on them, such as our very own NYT bemoaning the unreliability and fraudulence of mail-in voting… back in 2012, when it was something Rs did more than Ds, of course ( https://archive.vn/7a7VF ).

hopinforabetterfuture says:

Hand to Hand combat broke out in CA between Democrats and Trump supporters.


BC says:

Love the comments on tweets when they’re not being astroturfed:

Leftist Faggot: What can’t they cope with now?

Rightist Shitlord: Looked like someone was having a hard time coping with punches to the face.

Mister Grumpus says:

Hold Fast Lads. Remember the amazing power of the right fellow, taking the right stage, holding the right frame, and saying “NO.” (This really is PUA.)

And not the angry bitter kind of “no” either (“Well I’m not a crook!” —Nixon).

I mean the righteous, defiant and laughing kind of “no bitch, nigga please”, scaffolded by a lifetime of striving, effort, tribulation, success, pussy, love and family. “The science is settled” and we’ve all been shown how Dad-dancing and spray tan can part seas that barking little mustaches never could. Bitter angry guys get blackpill jobs at at News Corp. Happy warriors flip tables and win or die.

Of course I’ve been referring to the Mount Rushmore event.

Also remember how important it was for him to only do that in exactly the right way and at exactly the right time. You can’t rush or half ass this stuff.

It’s like a movie. The hero has to be really and truly fucked before he can come back, win and make us cheer. I told you guys years ago that Don would be chased up a burning tree festooned with dynamite by 2020. Somehow. And here we are. I didn’t “predict thith”, but I knew is was coming too. Didn’t you?

Harris-Biden is the most blatant “Mary Sue” ticket in history and even their own people aren’t buying it, but they have act otherwise and clap longer to dodge the gulag.

“All was lost” when they took that helicopter shot of DC with the fires burning all over. Remember? What happened next?

Your brainstem is screaming one thing, but your sense of logic is whispering something else. The Evolutionary Adaptive Era was a long time ago and we’re way past Dunbar’s number here, so which side of your mind will serve you best over a time scale longer than 72 hours?

Niiiidriveevof says:

Unfortunately, since Tuesday Trump has been tweeting a lot of “I’m not a crook” and not much showing strength. And his party is wavering.

The Cominator says:

No blackpilling or defeatism papist.

Pooch says:

Rallies are coming, black piller.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Calling what I see. Trump should be holding frame better in his tweets. I hadn’t heard what Graham said when I posted that, and it is encouraging. The rallies are exactly what we need, though it’d have been better if they came sooner.

Pooch says:

They are coming at exactly the right time, when the court cases start.

The Cominator says:

“Calling what I see.”

Project cheerfulness and optimism demoralizing people isn’t helpful.

Niiiidriveevof says:

this isn’t a pep rally and we’re adult men, capable of trying to look at facts straight on. if we were talking in front of a camera it’d be a different story.

jim says:

The time fast approaches where the choice is between winning or dying.

By February 2016, before Trump was elected, but after he came down the escalator, it had become obvious that the left was moving left faster than they could elect a new people.

The left must move ever leftwards, ever faster, as shark has to swim or die.

Thus, it had become obvious that some time between 2016 and 2026, the left was going to end democracy.

As things turned out The Republic died at 2020-11-04T04-05

Accurately assessing threats is necessary and advisable. Have I not been accurately assessing threats when everyone else was blithely assuming normality would continue?

But this black pill stuff is not realistic threat assessment. It assumes we are still in the Republic, and correctly concludes that playing by Republic rules when no one else is playing by Republic rules will result in our defeat and destruction.

Trump has been preparing for this since 2019. Does not mean he is guaranteed to win, but he knew what was coming.

Any accurate threat assessment must take into account the intimidation factor. They can intimidate us, but we are intimidating them. We have lots of guns and ammo, and they are screaming loudly about Trump’s loyalist cops and loyalist troops, complaining that he has been creating the basis of dictatorship.

No, they have been creating the basis for dictatorship, and Trump has been responding to the threat of color revolution.

Niiiidriveevof says:

There is one honest possible blackpill, and it’s the one Yarvin described in the recent article and you’ve been describing for years – that Trump may not have the character to go as far as he needs to go to save himself and his country, like Nicholas II or Louis XVI before him. If in fact he doesn’t, the demoralizing lies of the left will become self-fulfilling prophecies as they often do, will increasingly resemble reality.

I know I’m not the only one here looking at Trump’s tweets and trying to refine my estimate of his character. He was great in the late night press conference, and when he claimed the disputed states, then the momentum flagged for a couple days. Now, hopefully, it’s picked back up again. I agree that there are many other signs, especially long-term, that Trump is prepared for what this will take.

jim says:

Trump had massive desertions. He lost a lot of fair weather friends. That probably made him tired and weak. But now he knows who his friends are.

He has undoubtedly had to adjust his strategy to accommodate massive losses of personnel, and was subdued while making the necessary tactical retreats. But now he has looked at what he has left, and concluded he has enough to carry out his plan.

Not Tom says:

then the momentum flagged for a couple days

Yes – over the weekend, when nothing new was going to happen anyway. The gaystream media declared victory for Biden but that’s pretty ho-hum to me.

Today the court cases and rallies start. Now is when the momentum matters.

Eli says:

I think that the DoJ was complicit in what happened. Why didn’t they install federal observers, with guns to back them up in crucial states? Where was Trump’s Fred Flintstone? I remember clearly how he expressed concern about election tampering. And what did he actually do? Big fuck up.

Believing in democracy — and “employment for women” — is still what most Re-pubes believe in, the cucks that they are, and it’s now pay time.

Now Giuliani is trying to mop up the mess, but why did they even get there in the first place?!

BC says:

I think that the DoJ was complicit in what happened. Why didn’t they install federal observers, with guns to back them up in crucial states? Where was Trump’s Fred Flintstone? I remember clearly how he expressed concern about election tampering. And what did he actually do? Big fuck up.

I was looking into this when NotTom said the DOJ couldn’t do anything and it does appear without a court order they can’t send Federal observers at least my reading of the Voting Rights Act. Of course if the Dems were in charge of the DOJ they would send federal observers where ever they wanted but legally they may not able to under a GOP president.

Eli says:

That might be. But where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Also, they didn’t have to send troops across the whole country. Just the key places.

Theshadowedknight says:

You have to consider the optics. Trump preemptively dropping armed stormtroopers on swing state polling places to make sure they vote the right way looks exactly like he is working to steal the election. Trump responding to obvious and grotesque fraud with trustworthy law enforcement officials looks like saving democracy, yay!

At the point we are now nobody but stupid, brainless college girls and the terminally deranged are convinced. Everyone else thinks its a frame job and have no trust. This killed Fox fucking News as a credible source for the right. Now the God-Emperor has a mandate to crush the nasty little fuckers and their tricks, and everyone will cheer or sigh in relief.

BC says:

You have to consider the optics.

Best optics is not to appear to lose and when the fraud happens, be ready with video evidence of it right away.

Trump thrives in chaos and always finds a way to win but this very chaos leads to difficulties in signaling, command, and control. Trump supporters are demoralized and leaderless tonight.

Eli says:

I agree with BC. The optics RIGHT NOW is TERRIBLE for Trump and his team. If he made a show of force earlier and made sure that the law is followed (“LAW AND ORDER” my ass!), he would not be needing his lawyer(s) almost like he needs air, right now.

He has very smart people who can search for all kinds of hooks, to enable things to be done by the book or “by the book” — and we should not have gotten to this point.

There is still room for surprise, but it better be very, very forceful. There is no more time for BS.

Atavistic Morality says:

And both of you guys have even worse optics, why are you going full black pill doomer? When the ship is under attack, it’s not the time to criticize the Captain, it’s time for blind faith and absolute trust at the very least in appearance. If you want to make personal preparations to avoid any possible gulag, go ahead, but stop whining like a faggot.

If you are Americans you should be out there talking to friends and relatives and going to the demonstrations against the steal, it’s time to lock and load. And if you are not Americans like me, you cry to the heavens to everyone and everywhere that we have won and we are going to win, anything else is traitor behavior.

I have been saying to anybody who cares to listen in my family that the Democrats have committed blatant fraud. My father, who is not very politically savvy about the US, is convinced. Unfortunately most of my relatives and cousins in the US are fully indoctrinated Democrat supporters and a few are even full blown Sanders supporting commies so I’m not wasting my breath with them.

It’s sickening, though, to see congratulations pouring in for that dunderheaded Biden and evil b**** Harris, and calling Trump a sore loser, clearly ignoring the fact that Trump has a legal right of challenge.

The Cominator says:

“Unfortunately most of my relatives and cousins in the US are fully indoctrinated Democrat supporters”

They are typical Indians.

BC says:

All the Indians I know voted for Biden. They have to go back.

The Cominator says:

Trump isn’t perfect and I do have my criticisms of him but he understands how to play human emotion well much better than almost any of us… its best to let the rage and fear on our side build up and the euphoria on the left build up a little bit before striking.

To win a great battle of encirclement and annihilation you have to let the enemy think they have won by faking a retreat. But when you do have a feigned retreat THE MORALE AND DISCIPLINE OF YOUR OWN TROOPS MUST BE HIGH.

Unless there is a certain message that the WH needs to be flooded with (as it was during the early days of Rona when I told all and sundry that Trump needs to hear he is fucking up bad by not imposing the Sweden strategy) its best to avoid anything that can undermine morale at the current time.

We will win if we keep our heads.

Pooch says:
BC says:

Barr’s compromised. This isn’t going to go well.

jim says:

Is he?

Maybe. What reason do you have to believe he is compromised?

He was fine in Lafayette Park, and he has been preaching about the left singularity and the holiness spiral, though he phrases it less plainly than I do.

BC says:

His total lack of action since Lafayette Park and keeping obviously traitorous subordinates in place, IE the same behavior as Sessions. If Duham wasn’t going to deliver, Barr should have canned him. He did not.

Barr’s a old Washington DC. creature, I’m sure they’ve got the same sort of dirt on him as everyone else.

jim says:

The team of loyalist cops Barr put together have been busily doing no end of stuff, among them knocking off Michael Reinoehl

I would say that is quite large, and quite recent, something.

Also, Kellye Sorelle is alive, rather than dead, another very recent thing you have to thank Barr for.

BC says:

Why isn’t Hunter Biden in jail?

The Cominator says:

DOJ is compromised in general because its full of career bureaucrat lawyers but demoralizing talk at the current time isn’t helpful.

We need to have a blind and fanatical faith that we will win in the end at the current time, and its not so unreasonable as the US government if this is allowed to stand will have all the legitimacy of Eastern Bloc communist governments after the Soviet withdrawal.

A few system connected priestly faggots in urban centers who love it, some pet minorities (though vote totals in everywhere that wasn’t a major vote fraud center saw them defecting in droves) and brainwashed single women who are not militarily relevant.

If (and I do not think it will happen and we need to act and talk like it won’t happen) Biden and Harris get in they are going to end up like the CeauÈ™escus unless they get Chinese troops to prop them up.

jim says:

Never give an order you suspect will not be obeyed.

Not Tom says:

BC and Pooch, you’re looking at everything in black and white. It’s not a good model for the current crisis.

Of course the DoJ is compromised. It was “compromised” the second Trump stepped into office, although nothing actually changed when Trump stepped into office, but it became compromised from our point of view because Trump couldn’t control any of it.

Now, Trump and people loyal to Trump control some of it. A pretty decent amount of it. Not all of it, as the department is huge and it would take an eternity to vet all existing personnel individually, as opposed to firing them all and inviting them to reapply, which has not been an option but which his recent executive order (Schedule F) may make an option.

Anyway, the issue is not if some three-letter agency is “compromised”, but how “compromised” it is, i.e. to what extent it is still controlled by the enemy. The press and the FBI are examples of institutions being nearly 100% compromised. The DoJ is not 100% compromised. I’m loath to put numbers on these things because I just don”t know, but let’s say 50%. Or 75%.

The DoJ has been doing many things that work in Trump’s favor. They dropped the charges against Flynn and have been aggressively going after Judge Sullivan for refusing to let it go. They are helping with the antitrust suit against Google. There are obviously loyalists in the DoJ, but the DoJ is not 100% loyalists.

Would it have been nice to have loyalists in whatever bureau deals with elections? I’m sure. Is it Trump or Barr’s fault if they couldn’t replace those people in time, or does it mean the entire DoJ as a branch is compromised? Eh, not really seeing it.

Elections are a state matter, and federal election officials don’t really have any say. Supreme Court has a say, and police and military will have a say. I’d say Trump has so far focused his efforts in the right places. As others have mentioned, it’s better optics for him to have allowed the fraud to occur, found clear evidence of the fraud, and correct the outcome, than to have simply blocked the fraud in the first place, especially by using measures that the Cathedral can portray as authoritarian. It’s far more dangerous, obviously, there is a far higher risk of actually losing and not being able to correct the outcome, but if he does win, everyone who is not a hyper-partisan #resistance Democrat will know that he was fighting for fair elections and draining the swamp.

And, I would say, potentially the biggest prize of all, IF he wins, is getting the mandate and the ability to dismantle the Democratic political machines across the country.. A mandate he would not have had if the election had gone smoothly.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom

Trump did not allow the massive electoral fraud to happen in order to look good if he will dismantle the Democrat political machine. After he put so much effort into the campaign, no less.
No politician, indeed no sane man would risk so much for so little gain.

Trump was caught in offside by the massive electoral fraud. This much is certain.

And now, the real danger is that the FBI, the CIA or the other three letter agencies bend the knee to Biden because the media anointed him “president elect”.

The Cominator says:

The CIA is the media’s executive office at least part of it is.

European Mutt says:

@Edit_XYZ: I am very sure Trump has been informed about leaks such as these here: https://www.exposesunrise.com/ and about many other smaller ones months before. This is why he started tweeting months ago about possible election fraud. Twitter handed him on a silver platter additional warnings that mail voting is ‘safe and secure’, which anyone with half a brain interprets as the opposite.

His campaign and especially the Trump rallies were about showing he can drum up vastly more support among the population than Biden in the swing states, which he knew would serve as the perfect illustration of how the Democrats stole the election.


He maybe did not expect the Dems to steal as brazenly as they did, but he was prepared.

Edit_XYZ says:

European Mutt

Trump knew there will be electoral fraud. But was he prepared?

Jim put it very well in this very thread:
“It is clear that Trump anticipated the fraud.

It is clear he intended CISA to be a loyalist spook agency.

Whether CISA is a loyalist spook agency is far from clear.”

European Mutt says:

@Edit_XYZ: Not sure what your point is, are you asking why he didn’t call upon CISA right away? Your guess is as good as mine on that, but one obvious reason is that going through Supremes has precedent while CISA is a brand new agency (possible loyalist, possibly not, no idea myself) and so is more useful to be deployed as part of the enforcement after the Supremes have ruled.

Edit_XYZ says:

European Mutt

I’m saying everyone has a plan until he gets punched in the face.
Not every plan works. Not even close.

And Trump would never have allowed himself to be put in his current situation, if he had a choice. Especially not just for popularity points.
At present, Trump depends on:
Arizona going for him on the thinnest of razor thin margins; or
The Supreme Court giving him more than a state; or
The state legislatures naming republican electors, despite the vote totals.

None of the above can be controlled by him in the least. If this is a plan, it’s plan B, C, D. Plan A having failed.

Not Tom says:

…None of the above can be controlled by him in the least.

…as far as any of us know.

But I’m not sure it really works like that. For example, look at Congress when they want to pass a law or approve a judicial appointment. In theory, someone is supposed to propose it and then they vote on it. In practice, there is all kinds of behind-the-scenes horse trading and the vote does not even happen until either it is guaranteed to succeed or the party wants to make some kind of symbolic gesture over why it can’t succeed.

There’s a lot we don’t know and can’t know. Trump could easily have made a deal with judges or state legislators to handle electoral fraud, but “on the condition that you have to let the election play out normally first”. Or maybe he imposed that condition on them.

That’s just one of a dozen possibilities. Maybe your speculation is correct, but it’s also just one possibility, and right now I see no serious reason to prioritize it above other possibilities except for, as Jim calls it, normalcy bias.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom

If Trump can do what you propose – backroom deals with multiple state legislatures, or with the SC, with enough leverage to ensure the deals will be respected – he is, without doubt, the greatest political mind of at least recent history.

At present, Trump does not look good. According to all the media, foreign heads of state, etc, he’s lost the election. Badly.
Each day that passes, more of his voters are convinced that he no longer has legitimacy. Police and army personnel are thinking about how to survive a Biden administration.
He needs a big win. Fast.

And he plays golf.
This is a far better image than him raging at Biden and the media, which media can easily portray as the desperation of a defeated foe.
But it’s not winning.

One silver lining is that Barr and Pence have disappeared. What are they doing?

The Cominator says:

“Each day that passes, more of his voters are convinced that he no longer has legitimacy. Police and army personnel are thinking about how to survive a Biden administration.”


This is blackpilling and defeatism Jim censor comments like this.

Edit_XYZ says:

The Cominator


Not Tom says:

If Trump can do what you propose – backroom deals with multiple state legislatures, or with the SC, with enough leverage to ensure the deals will be respected – he is, without doubt, the greatest political mind of at least recent history.

I don’t actually think it takes such a brilliant mind, only very good interpersonal skills, time in office, confidence and perseverance. Nevertheless, we’ve seen ample evidence to date that Trump is, in fact, the greatest political mind of recent history, probably dating back to Lincoln or Jackson.

If there is someone whom you’d consider more savvy, who would it be? I guess we could put FDR up there; unfortunately he was also evil.

Pooch says:

Barr just forced the out traitorous holdover in charge of voter charge. Things are looking just too good to be true now.


The Cominator says:

4chan saying we have Georgia back.

BC says:

If true, and that’s a big if, it’s unlikely to stand unless the GOP shutdown down the ballot printing presses in Atlanta. They’re currently printing away to win the senate too.

bjorn says:

If Zionism and Conservative/Orthodox Judaism is fighting on the same side as reactionary Whites in CivilWar2/WorldWar3, why the hell did Netanyahu just congratulate Biden and Harris on winning the election?


BC says:

Who said they were our allies? Just because we don’t want a group of civilized people genocided by the Cathedral and thier Muslims pets doesn’t make them our allies.

Israel is an American vassal state and it’s rulers are going to kiss the Cathedral ring like all the rest.

bjorn says:

If they aren’t our allies, then their well-being becomes a totally orthogonal concern. If they aren’t our allies, why would we give a damn whether they get genocided or not?

“Kissing the ring” is a spectrum from sycophantic ass-kissing to reluctant bowing. To earn White concern for their well-being, right-wing Jews need to stick their neck out when it counts, not necessarily 100%, but at least somewhat. Their leader is not doing so, and when we are victorious that cannot be allowed to be memory-holed.

jim says:

We should care if people get genocided by our enemies, since that advances the power of our enemies.

But you don’t see me advocating for intervention in the middle east for the sake of Israel, and Trump has been withdrawing our troops from the middle east.

bjorn says:

Alliances (even of convenience) are symbiotic, not parasitic. If Israel chooses to not merely sit the conflict out, but lend legitimacy to our enemies at the eleventh hour, and then not suffer retribution after our victory, they have another thing coming.

According to your logic, right-wing Jews should care if reactionary Whites get genocided by the Cathedral, since that advances the power of the Cathedral.

Do you see them caring?

BC says:

>Alliances (even of convenience) are symbiotic, not parasitic.

As explained there’s no alliance. Your scripts are poorly written.

bjorn says:

“Enemy-of-my-enemy” relationships between neutral parties are alliances of conveniences. Don’t read meanings into my words that aren’t there.

As for the shill accusation, Hitler did nothing wrong, blacks are sufficiently low IQ and high-time-preference such that sharing a society with them on equal terms is untenable for their cohabitants, women need to be kept under lock-and-key because the alternative is them running off with the first scumbag drug dealer they see (not because they get corrupted by the man but because all women and girls are like that), yadda yadda yadda. Spare me.

jim says:

Now that is how to pass the shill test – and also convincingly say “hail fellow member of the Dark Enlightenment”.

Once the Christians were the state religion, people kept finding no end of ways of passing their tests for entryists, but as yet we do not have that problem.

BC says:

>Hitler did nothing wrong,

Hitler was a socialist who got more white people killed than anyone in History. He’s ground zero why men without children should not lead. Nazis are better than Communists, bust Socialism of all types destroys the nation.

>“Enemy-of-my-enemy” relationships between neutral parties are alliances of conveniences.

You’re missing the point, there isn’t a relationship. I worry when Jewish houses of worship are shutdown by Cuomo because I know Christian Churches are next.

>Women need to be kept under lock-and-key because the alternative is them running off with the first scumbag drug dealer they see (not because they get corrupted by the man but because all women and girls are like that)

Explain in better detail, or better take one of Starman’s shill tests.

bjorn says:

re: Hitler killed a fuckton of white people
I agree with that, and fair enough. I guess I’m just accustomed to Hitler did nothing wrong being used as a shill test in wignat circles.

re: churches and synagogues
You’re comparing apples and oranges. The reasons why Cuomo came down on the synagogues “harder” is because they were flouting Plandemic guidelines more egregiously. If churches had been having massive social gatherings the same way the the synagogues just were, churches would have already been shut down way back in March because Jews are pretty high on the progressive stack and Christians are basically at the bottom.

Should we make pornography illegal?

In a situation where banning porn was on the table but restoring patriarchy was not, I’d say that banning all porn would help more than it would harm because it would motivate basement-inhabiting men venture out and conquer women more than they do. Porn depicting rape and dominant men, though, is certainly less bad than anything else on the market. You could say that’s irrelevant because banning porn would probably be a coup-complete problem anyway, so once we’ve seized the levers of state we might as well just restore actual patriarchy with women formally owned as property by men, and I’d agree, except that restoring patriarchy is a jihad-complete problem, and there’s a long no-man’s-land between coup-complete and jihad-complete. In the medium term I would support banning all porn, but only as a temporary measure. The ultimate goal is fertile and stable family formation, and restoring patriarchy would be more than sufficient to bring those about. And the most critical part of maintaining patriarchy is widely disseminating the knowledge about WHY dismantling Chesterton’s Chastity Belt for women leads to devastating social consequences (otherwise you just wind up with a bunch of Boomercons who can tell you that men should be the leader of the household but they can’t tell you WHY, because in doing so they’d be committing maybe the most grave of all thoughtcrimes, so then their liberal kids figure there’s no rational reason not to dismantle patriarchy, and the rest is history). So yes, priests learning about the interest of little girls in being fucked by dogs seems like a good idea.

The correct answer to Should we make pornography illegal? is [A] No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels, i.e. porn for women. But heterosexual porn, especially if it depicts violent rape, will be allowed, and documentation of little prepubescent girls fucking their dogs will be required material for anyone who wants to be a member of the priesthood, not because it is nice to watch, but because it is incredibly red pilling.

bjorn says:

To clarify further: Jews are higher on the stack, therefore Jews being attacked is a lagging indicator of Christians being attacked, not a leading one. Therefore Christian Whites have no reason to care about Jews getting attacked, ESPECIALLY if Jews don’t care about Christian Whites getting attacked.

BC says:

Not a shill. Excellent answers.

Though Religious Jews are entirely off the progressive stack at this point and are hated by their progressive brethren the same way that progressive whites hate non progressives whites.

However, do recognize that Coumo is persecuting them over a desire to harm them, not because he cares about COVID? Blacks flout the regs with huge parties at a much higher rate.

bjorn says:

If you think Jews are off the stack you massively underestimate how much libtards hate Christians by now. Liberals can use sophistic tricks to somewhat circumvent holocaust guilt, but the programming is deep, so attacking Jews is more difficult. Again, comparing apples to apples is key. Any given Jew of piety level x is far safer from the Left than a given Christian of the same piety level x. I will agree that blacks are now higher than any Jew except possibly the secular Zuckerberg-types, though.

My original point: Trump has objectively done a lot to Make Israel Great Again, everything from moving the American embassy to Jerusalem to BTFO Soleimani to recognizing their sovereignty over the Golan Heights. He has earned goodwill from the right-wing Jewish leadership, and he is not getting it. If it looked like Trump was going to lose the SCOTUS case, I wouldn’t blame Israel for abandoning him. But it’s been just 5 days since the election, for crying out loud. The lawfare is nowhere near yet resolved, and Trump has a fighting chance.

Contra Gandhi-MLK pacifist propaganda, vengeance is /not/ an irrational instinct. Its purpose is to punish past defections (even to the point of inflicting damage on oneself, if necessary), in order to deter future defections. Israel has defected on Trump, therefore Trump must punish them the moment he is not otherwise preoccupied with waging war on the Cathedral.

If you disagree with the above, explain where and why.

bjorn says:

Again to clarify: yes, Cuomo wants to punish the bearded black-clothed Jews, just because of who they are. But he’d be going twice as hard against hyper-traditionalist Christians if there /were any left/ in NYC.

(Does this joint have an editing function somewhere?)

European Mutt says:

Bibi is anti-orthodox as is the Cathedral. If he was pro-orthodox, would they need to go ‘under the radar’?


Not Tom says:

To clarify further: Jews are higher on the stack

Progressive Jews are higher on the stack, not Orthodox or Nationalist Jews. Likewise, even blacks who break for Trump are off the stack. The stack only contains individuals and groups who support the stack. That’s literally what leftism is, the coalition of people willing to advance the coalition by any means necessary, including defecting against church and state and social order which normal people won’t do (much).

You’re playing an equivocation trick. Clearly you understand that there are different groups of Jews, but erase those categories whenever it’s convenient and reclassify them all as just “Jews”.

I really doubt that Bibi wants a Biden/Harris presidency. Show us a white male leader who’s done what you expect Netanyahu to do. Maybe you find one or two. How many from countries that are literally America’s allies on paper, like the UK? Never mind countries with whom America has no formal alliance.

American foreign policy shall be conducted in the interests of America and under the rules of the Peace of Westphalia, which Trump has been doing. However, he (and we) cannot control what every foreign leader does at every step of the way. I expect that Bibi will come out and congratulate Trump/Pence after the results are corrected, just as he congratulated Biden/Harris. And if he does not, I expect that Trump will retaliate in kind after the dust settles, not for being Jewish or for leading a nation of Jews, but for being an unreliable trade partner and interfering in the American election.


>Israel has defected on Trump, therefore Trump must punish them the moment he is not otherwise preoccupied with waging war on the Cathedral.

>If you disagree with the above, explain

Groups of people are not individuals. This is one of the very basic mistakes. Human beings have a natural inclination to tribal thinking, which worked well enough when considering a tribe a “them” and calling them enemies meant killing and enslaving all of them. And back then the other tribe wanted to do the same with you.

Now in ideological conflicts it still works. All Progs want to harm us. But as for ethnic or religious or national or etc. group not so. There is a range of people in e.g. Israel from totally opposing Trump to strongly supporting Trump. The clever thing is to find a way to punish the Trump-haters and not the Trump-supporters. Bibi himself can be considered a Trump supporter but a disloyal, tentative one. He might need to be replaced. Or you can see it as a head of a coalition with some people pulling him into a Trump-hater, others into a Trump-supporter direction. Maybe he did not want to be pulled by the Trump-haters, but they were stronger. Find a way to punish and weaken the Trump-haters. Or wanted to. Replace him, if necessary. But do it all in a way that you do not end up punishing the Trump-supporters there.

This is not a Westphalian logic. In Westphalian logic, a whole nation is with you or against you. But Westphalian logic requires monarchy. Only if Bibi was a monarch, then it these factions would not matter, because he could rule them and choose which one to support.

In Westphalian logic, if you have kings, you reward kings who support you and punish kings who defect on you.

But lacking kings, we cannot do Westphalian logic. It is all factions. Reward factions in foreign countries that support you and punish factions that oppose you.

bjorn says:

I have made no such equivocation, so you must require a re-investment in reading comprehension courses. I was very clear: Atheistic Jews are higher on the stack than progressive Whites, and religious Jews are higher on the stack than religious Whites. And then, if you subdivide the religious category, the super-religious Jews are higher on the stack than super-religious Whites. This is not just a Jewish dynamic, either. Black Trump haters are higher on the stack than White Trump haters, and Black Trump supporters are higher on the stack than White Trump supporters.

Leftism is the strategy of defection, yes, but those who are least competent and least worthy are those that can be counted on to defect most reliably. Thus, straight White male Churchian progressives are intrinsically less holy than nigger faggot tranny God-cursing progressives, and are treated accordingly – even if they hold to completely identical pieties. This is why SPLC’s political taxonomy considers White separatists “far-right” and black separatists “far-left”, /even/ in the cases where the two groups hold virtually identical beliefs – a taxonomy which is incoherent /only/ if you assume that ideology is the end-all be-all. Does phenomenon “x” help the normative, intrinsically strong, civilized, indigenous people of the relevant country in question? Then “x” is right-wing. Else, it is left-wing.

> Show us a white male leader who’s done what you expect Netanyahu to do.

To which I answer, show me a country that Trump has simped for as much as he has for Israel, /including Red-State America/. “From those who have been given much, much will be demanded.”

> How many from countries that are literally America’s allies on paper, like the UK?

The American Empire’s allies are not Trump’s allies. Trump was Netanyahu’s ally – looks like Netanyahu isn’t Trump’s.

> I expect that Trump will retaliate in kind after the dust settles, not for being Jewish or for leading a nation of Jews, but for being an unreliable trade partner and interfering in the American election.

Are you implying that’s what I think? Who was it that’s playing equivocation games, again? I have been abundantly clear – I don’t want Trump to punish Israel for being Jewish. I want Trump to punish Israel because he did them good and they did him ill – and not at the moment it became necessary for them, but the moment it became convenient. This is a question, not of anti-Semitic monomania, but of Trump’s credibility: will he be generous to his friends, and ruthless to his enemies, or /won’t/ he?

bjorn says:

Above post is @Not Tom.

@TheDividualist, I concur with your perspective – where our comments are in contradiction, I agree with you.

The Cominator says:

Netanyahu’s tweet will mean absolutely nothing to whether Trump wins this.

This is why I loathe wignats even if not shills because they are just so stupid… we’re in the fight now between becoming the monarchy we want or the Soviet socialist tranny republic of America and you want to rant about Israel because Netanyahu wants to cover his ass now.

Not Tom says:

To which I answer, show me a country that Trump has simped for as much as he has for Israel, /including Red-State America/. “From those who have been given much, much will be demanded.”

Changing the subject. Moving the goalposts. You may technically pass the shill test but you argue like any other shitlib, immediately launching into personal attacks without provocation before you’ve established any credibility for yourself.

I repeat, which other countries and leaders have done what you expect Israel and Bibi to do?

If your claim is that Trump has “simped” for Israel then you’re going to need to provide much better examples than acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital. His administration may have helped broker a few peace deals, but he worked no less hard on North Korea (vs. South). This has been universally his approach to foreign policy, not specific to Israel.

You state things as fact and accepted but we don’t consider them accepted facts. Prove that Trump has shown enough favoritism to Israel and therefore should expect some absurdly high bar of support in a contested election. And if your answer includes the words “Jared”, “Kushner” or “Ivanka” then I’m just going to dismiss you as a shill.

Not Tom says:

One other thing:

Are you implying that’s what I think? Who was it that’s playing equivocation games, again? I have been abundantly clear – I don’t want Trump to punish Israel for being Jewish.

Again, this is dishonest tactics. You go on at length about Jews being on “the stack”, subtly connect this to Israel and then when challenged about this go “Jews? Who said anything about Jews?”

You’re either a Mohameddan or a leftist.

Eli says:

This is simply idiotic. How does one classify the Jewish lawyer woman who was an election observer for the Republican party? She’s clearly secular but is on team Trump. (I’m talking about the woman who was speaking at Giuliani’s press conference a day ago).

As to Bibi doing what he was doing, this is the world of realpolitik, and all sane leaders who are not old-style kings — bounded by familial ties and honor — behave similarly. Bibi has been at this game for decades. He is extremely shrewd and has out-survived other, very shrewd politicians, which Israel is choke full of. He knows the rules of the game very well, and he’s playing to stay, not for some grand ideology or to LARP as king. He’s extremely good at telling people what they want to hear, but doing what he actually needs to do to stay in power and on the good side of the Israeli judicial system.

Meyer Lansky did a lot for the State of Israel. But when he actually needed Israel in his old age, was refused citizenship. If Israel was a vassal of the Cathedral back then, it is only truer now. If Meyer Lansky got treated like a criminal after all what he had done for Israel (without being a criminal in Israel), then there ought to be no surprise at current developments.

In order for the situation to be changed, Cathedral must be out of power, fundamentally.

Atavistic Morality says:


In the brink of war, in the line between total victory or ignominious death in gulags… and your first concern is Israel… who cares about Israel? Dogshit nation in the middle of dogshit land, stay focused in putting Biden in the dump. Revisit the subject during Trump’s secured second term.

lamar says:

The funny thing is that Bibi was criticized by left-wing Israelis for taking *too long* to recognize Biden, while right-wing Israelis couldn’t care less about it, and in fact would be totally fine if he said nothing at all. And Bibi doesn’t necessarily represent “all right-wing Jews everywhere.”

But within an hour of Bibi’s tweet, pro-Palestinian and pro-Iranian shills like “Bjorn” (Muhammad Abdul) have been out in force massively trying to incite folks on the internet against Israel.

You’re not fooling anyone, faggot. Rest assured.

Gay Ops says:

So lemme get it straight:

1. You equate a single (relatively belated compared to the rest of the world) tweet on Bibi’s twitter account (run by his media people) with all nationalist Israelis, all Orthodox Jews.

2. Bibi was vague – he did not even call Biden “President Elect.” Your first tweet is misleading here. He simply congratulated Biden, after having been criticized harshly by many people for not doing so.

3. Since then, Bibi has posted several different posts and videos passionately, vehemently thanking Trump for all he has done. Other people in Bibi’s government are outright openly supportive of Trump’s current efforts to secure his re-election, and 77% of Israelis openly prefer Trump (excluding Arab Israelis, it’s probably 90%).

4. Does e.g. Macron represent every single Frenchman? Does Johnson – every single Brit? Nah, right. Likewise with Bibi.

5. So, there’s more to add here, but when all is said and done, here’s the thing – you came here with one thing on your mind, and one thing only: How can I turn this moment into “Israel is bad, we need to take deadly revenge on the Jews because Bibi tweeted a vague tweet” kind of moment.

Such old tricks.

bjorn says:

@ Cominator and Atavistic Morality
You make a good point, consider me rebuked. Bibi just made the tweet so I figured I’d post it now, but you are indeed correct that this is a bad time. I do push back a little on the claim that it doesn’t move the needle whatsoever, though – if it truly doesn’t matter, then Bibi could just have easily have not made the tweet, or instead supported Trump on election fraud, no?

@ Not Tom
I have not moved the goalposts. In considering what Bibi ought to do for Trump, it is extremely relevant to first consider what Trump has done for Bibi and Bibi’s nation. That is how give-and-take, reciprocal relationships work.

I have already given three examples of Trump’s acts of service to the state of Israel which were big enough to make global news, and feel that I have made a sufficient case for my position. If you think that Trump has done greater service to at least one other nation on the planet that I am not aware of – the UK, for instance – then please enlighten me, I become Less Wrong every time my mistakes are corrected. I ask for merely a summarizing sentence or two, nothing more needed.

In the interest of full disclosure I freely admit that I despise Jews. But that is insufficient to warrant waging war on them. Indeed, considering the might of the enemy already arrayed against us, it might even be wise for my leaders to work together with these people I despise. But only if doing so serves our interest. All I’m saying is that in my eyes the “serves our interest” part is currently missing from the picture (though I freely admit, too, that my perspective may be biased by my feelings toward the Chosen).

When I am accused of foolishness, I pause, self-reflect, and if I judge that my words and deeds are found wanting I admit fault (as I have twice so far in this thread) and revert my errors if I am able, because that’s what I would want someone to do if I were correctly admonishing them.

When I am accused of dishonesty, I do none of the above. Therefore I try (and this time, somewhat failed) to not assume bad faith on the part of my interlocutors, for much the same reason.

In my defense I will say only that I interpreted the following sentence

“You’re playing an equivocation trick. Clearly you understand that there are different groups of Jews, but erase those categories whenever it’s convenient and reclassify them all as just ‘Jews’.”

as you judging me arguing badly, then considering but discarding the “foolish” explanation for it, and thereby implicitly endorsing the “bad faith” hypothesis, which caused me to feel justified in judging you badly in turn. If I misinterpreted the intent behind those words, then for that I apologize.

In the interest of de-escalation Not Tom I will sincerely say that I wish you no ill and I hope you and I (and everyone here) can have productive and amicable discussions on reactionary philosophy and the tumultuous current events of the day going into the future.

Since everyone here agrees there is little further worthy discussion on the subject of Bibi’s tweet, I will leave you the last word.

sarsur ben zonah says:

The most urgent thing at the moment is this: that the USA will drop hydrogen bombs on Israel (where Trump’s approval rating is the highest ever) because Netanyahu congratulated Biden 12 hours after the rest of the world had done so. Yep. That is the most vital issue. Death to Israel, fellow whites!

By the way, if I recall correctly, when Israel formed its unity government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and (center-left) Alternative Prime Minister Benny Gantz, Trump himself played kinda neutral – and is diplomatically proper.

But let no facts confuse thee: Israel must be destroyed, preferably with unconventional weapons, because Prime Minister Netanyahu of the center-right Likud Party told Biden “congratulations.” Sure, everyone who’s been paying attention can tell that Netanyahu would absolutely love to see Trump as God-Emperor of the American Hegemony, and constantly thanked him both before and after the elections, but because he posted that tweet – we must declare war on Israel and turn it into a pile of rubble with lizards.

Fellow Hitlerites, we must maintain our priorities.

bjorn says:

One final thing:

@ lamar and Gay Ops
After some rapidfire Google searches on my part you seem to be presenting accurate facts and figures. I am clearly less educated on this topic than I thought I was; mea culpa.

jim says:

You were unknowingly retailing claims you had heard from Soros shills.

Be more suspicious. I am mighty suspicious, and I always discover I have not been suspicious enough.

If Soros had his way, Israel would be turned to glass. Two Jews, three factions.

Not Tom says:

Consider it de-escalated, I will not make further accusations of bad faith, unless of course future evidence of bad faith surfaces – but for now, I’m persuaded.

That doesn’t mean I’m letting you off the hook, though. Considering this:

I have already given three examples of Trump’s acts of service to the state of Israel which were big enough to make global news

Your examples were:

[1] moving the American embassy to Jerusalem to [2] BTFO Soleimani to [3] recognizing their sovereignty over the Golan Heights

[1] is Peace of Westphalia. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It has always been an insult to Israel, and a concession to the Muslim states waging perpetual war on Israel, that the capital was in Tel Aviv. Predictable, this move also helped to draw out a lot of shills, who still obsess over this largely token gesture. Hardly any money was spent, no troops were expended, it is an almost entirely symbolic gesture, and yet some people (including progressive Jews!) find it infuriating and still refer to Tel Aviv. Yes, I will concede that this was an actual political favor Trump did for Israel, although in my opinion it is hardly of any greater significance than e.g. formally backing Brexit in the UK, or Modi’s nationalism in India.

[2] had nothing to do with Israel and only shills claim otherwise. Let’s assume you aren’t a shill, but then I believe you uncritically picked it up from shills. The fact is, Iran provoked America by attacking American troops in US-allied territory and offing Soleimani was retaliation. Cathedral spun many disinfo narratives around it, including the fed shill narrative that Israel planned the whole thing; no evidence.

[3] is also Peace of Westphalia. If Israel can take the Golan Heights, and hold the Golan Heights, then they are sovereign over the Golan Heights and it is none of Trump’s concern or any other world leader’s concern. Likewise, if Russia holds domain over Crimea, or China holds domain over Taiwan. Trump does not provoke any of these nations, he is simply following “classical international law”.

Of the three examples, only [1] really makes any sense to describe as a favor to Israel, and only a very mild one at that, more in the vein of righting past wrongs by the Cathedral than bestowing American largesse.

If anything, I would argue that the Israeli peace deals (IIRC there were two) with the more secular Arab nations are a better demonstration of “favoritism”, although it’s not entirely clear how much Trump was involved. Prior reports told us that this was Jared Kushner’s pet project, where Trump put him (in addition to building the wall) to keep him away from more contentious matters of domestic policy. Certainly looks like a good decision in hindsight; wall got built, and peace deals were gravy. I’d reconsider my position if there were evidence that Trump went very far out of his way or spent a lot of the public treasury to do them.

Remember, Trump has been pulling troops out of the middle east, refusing to fight what might be considered Israel’s wars, replacing them with token diplomatic gestures, and Bibi and Israelis are cheering him on for that. The reality does not square up with the shill narrative that Israel tricks or manipulates America into fighting wars; it looks much more like Israel would prefer to be left alone and treated with the same respect as any other sovereign nation, and the endless wars in the middle east are actually wars waged by the Cathedral in order to force Arab girls to learn how to put a condom on a banana.

So no, the Trump administration has shown no particular favoritism toward Israel, it only looks like that when one is laser-focused on Israel and Jews and ignores what Trump has been doing for other races/religions. All politicians and world leaders trade in foreign-policy favors, that is the currency of their trade.

jim says:

bjorn was arguing in good faith, but had been duped by shills, so was retailing shill claims.

Happens a lot to good people. Has happened to me.

Fortunately some of our allies, nationalist Israeli Jews, popped up and provided relevant evidence to refute the shill claims.

When the universalist religion and empire of progressivism is no more, nationalists of nation X will be in conflict with nationalists of nation Y, but for the moment, a common enemy unites nationalists of all nations, and a common adherence to the peace of Westphalia should keep future troubles down to tolerable levels. Jews should rule in Israel, Hindus in India, and Christians in America, and if we all agree on that, should manage to refrain from killing each other even when the common enemy is no more.

bjorn says:

@ Not Tom
I can’t really find anything to argue with in that post, it all sounds reasonable enough. Consider yourself to have #ChangedMyMind, Crowder-style, on the Israeli Question. Lesson learned not to clutter the blog with useless threads, I can only hope that I was an amusing-enough “shill” to debunk lmao

bjorn says:

I don’t intend to presume on the forbearance of anyone here (if I am, by all means disregard this post), but if anyone is gracious enough to indulge my curiosity I have a single question remaining that puzzles me, and then I’ll shut up about Israel on this blog forever, God as my witness.

Since Trump isn’t a simp for Israel, why has Israel received ~150 billion inflation-unadjusted dollars from America since the 80s, and got $3.8 billion just last year? Operating from the frame that Israel is a vassal state of the American Empire, what does the latter have to gain from paying the former to such a degree?

I am fully aware that foreign aid is a drop in the bucket compared to a $3.5 trillion US federal budget, and even if it WERE bad Biden-and-Gang are a thousand times more important, but the notion that the money just subsidizes Israel as a base to project American force in the Middle East seems like a stretch to me when foreign aid to Israeli dwarfs that which is allocated to any other country. That, combined with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars that had the apparent purpose of outflanking Iran, when Iran is a credible threat to Israel but not to America, makes me think that even if Trump isn’t an Israeli simp, Bush and other presidents were.

If this post does NOT constitute my final words on the subject, may the Lord himself smite me where I sit.

Not Tom says:

Since Trump isn’t a simp for Israel, why has Israel received ~150 billion inflation-unadjusted dollars from America since the 80s, and got $3.8 billion just last year? Operating from the frame that Israel is a vassal state of the American Empire, what does the latter have to gain from paying the former to such a degree?

We don’t deny that AIPAC exists, that anti-BDS lobbyists think the US constitution doesn’t apply to them, etc. Israel peddles influence like many countries, and receives foreign aid like many countries. We (or I, in any case) simply refute that any of this makes Israel unique.

Several of the countries that receive US foreign aid, some more than Israel, are actually Israel’s Arab neighbors that Israel is supposedly making proxy war on. Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and of course lots of money flowing to the Saudis. To me that has a simple explanation: pro-Israel factions lobby for aid to Israel, anti-Israel factions lobby for aid to Israel’s enemies, and both get what they want because both have sympathetic conduits in the US government, but the anti-Israel factions appear to get a lot more of what they want from the Cathedral.

Trump is choosing to give the anti-Israel factions less of what they want, without changing a whole lot about the pro-Israel factions, which in a certain light could be seen as favoritism, but the lion’s share still goes to anti-Israel factions, and this is easily verifiable by Moldbug’s thought experiment: If the US completely pulled out of the middle east and promised never to interfere again, would Israel become larger or smaller, more or less prosperous? It seems to me that they’d immediately crush all Palestinian resistance, absent international pressure not to, and vastly speed up settlement expansion. If you agree that Israel would like to do so and probably has the capability to do so, then only one nation is really capable of stopping them.

bjorn says:

[googles list of countries, sorted by US foreign aid granted]

…for fuck’s sake, there I go again shooting my damn-fool mouth off, citing supposed “facts” as facts. SAD! Many such cases.

Appreciate the response, thanks.

yewotm8 says:


Not Tom and many others here are rather unable to view criticism of jews or Israel as anything other than attempts by an enemy to sow division and make us forsake potential allies, and react accordingly. This makes sense for several reasons. Firstly, people who focus too hard on jews are usually missing the fact that the progressive movement is responsible for what’s going on, and jews are merely along for the ride (though they do love to take the driver’s seat whenever possible, and this is what many dissident right-wingers tend to notice). Secondly, if jews really weren’t on the progressive stack, they’d start to abandon progressivism in much greater numbers, as we have seen black/hispanic men do, so it is helpful to meme that they don’t get anything for being jews. It has certainly reached the point where they would be better off in a Christian Kingdom than in progressive 2020, regardless of holocaustian belief.

As for Netanyahu’s tweets, you are definitely overreacting. Don’t have much to add other than what has been said, but thought I’d contribute as another jew-hater who has come to realize we have bigger problems.

Bilge_Pump says:

“Porn depicting rape and dominant men, though, is certainly less bad than anything else on the market.”

Well I tend to disagree. I don’t watch porn, haven’t in years, but I’d rather look at softcore naked chicks than watch some dude slap a woman, throw her around, and choke her with his dick (maybe this would be enjoyable to do, but I don’t think I’d even be down for that most days). Ditto for tentacle porn, bestiality, gay porn, etc.

I think rape porn is more degenerate than normal fucking porn. It serves female fantasies more than male. You could argue about what rape is – does slapping count, what if she says no etc – but I really don’t want to watch some woman in tears while she’s beaten and forcibly fucked in the asshole, why would any sane man want to watch that?

jim says:

You are fantasizing the progressive story of what rape is like for women being depicted in porn.

Depictions of rape in porn tend to be considerably more realistic than that.

Progressive rape is seldom depicted, because no one wants to watch it.

Not Tom says:

…rather unable to view criticism of jews or Israel as anything other than attempts by an enemy to sow division and make us forsake potential allies

Not at all; I think his last question about foreign aid was a perfectly legitimate question to ask and deserves a thoughtful answer. Israeli influence does exist, and “well-meaning” but subversive movements like anti-BDS are a potentially serious problem, or would be a more serious problem during domestic peacetime.

We, or I, only take issue with the ones who don’t listen to the answers, or won’t notice that there are also anti-Israel factions (and pro-Russia/anti-Russia, pro-China/anti-China, etc.). It’s fair to say that Jews have outsize influence relative to the size of the tribe, but also fair to say that the actual size of Jewish influence (i.e. not per capita, and as opposed to Progressive influence that is falsely attributed to Jews by Soros/FBI shills) is not excessively high relative to other tribes or nations.

I think we need to deal with the Progressive problem first (probably through war), the Woman problem second (through limited franchise and coverture initially, and eventually full patriarchy), the China problem third (hopefully through diplomacy and trade), the immigrant and black problems fourth (through deportations and law-and-order governance, respectively), and then after all of those we can focus on the little problems like Jewish meddling, Indian tribalism, Ukrainian political graft, the bizarre relationship with Saudi Arabia, and so on.

There are issues with Jews, they just aren’t our biggest issues right now, and Jews are a heterogeneous group just like Hispanics are a heterogeneous group (e.g. Cubans being much more right-wing than Mexicans). And when there is a clear hierarchy of problems, we should deal with the highest-priority problems first and not become excessively distracted with low-priority problems, especially in times of crisis. It may turn out to be the case that dealing with the Leftist problem actually solves most of the Jewish problem; or, it may not, in which case we keep it on the list.

Secondly, if jews really weren’t on the progressive stack, they’d start to abandon progressivism in much greater numbers

I consider this to be evidence that Jews, and in particular Progressive Jews, believe that they are on the stack, and are always quite shocked to discover that they really aren’t. I’ve seen this happen more than once.

The smarter ones have indeed wised up to the truth, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they abandon Progressivism; the really committed ones will attempt to position themselves on the stack through other attributes, gender-bending being a popular one. There’s a surplus of Progressive Jewish men who haven’t actually cut off their dicks [well, not their whole dicks anyway] but wear dresses to work, claim to be “asexual” or “genderfluid”, and insist on “they/them” pronouns. Nationalist and Orthodox Jews don’t do this, instead they wear silly hats and vote for Trump.

@Not Tom

BTW foreign aid. I remember this story when Andrew Joyce wrote about Jews fucking Congo out of about $70M: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2015/08/01/paul-singer-and-universality-of-anti-semitism/

“Making the Panamanian, Argentinian, Congolese, Ecuadorian, Polish or Vietnamese government pay for the full value of the debt, plus interest and fees, even as the major creditors accepted a discounted payment, meant handing citizens’ money to a hedge fund rather than investing in, for example, roads, schools, hospitals, clean water projects or social welfare programs. In the aftermath of Elliot’s judgment against Congo, the Congolese were forced to abandon water purification programs leading to widespread dehydration.”

Meanwhile, Congo was receiving billions of foreign aid. But clearly it was Jews stealing this $70M that “forced” them to abandon water purification programs and not that the Congolese elites stole the foreign aid plus their citizens taxes and probably never even really meant those programs seriously, but mostly wanted to steal the aid for that?

I mean, once you break out of political correctness, and see things clearly, you are supposed to see people like the Congolese government stealing everything in their country that is not encased in ferroconcrete. Dalrymple even explained why. Even without empirical evidence, you would not assume Jews stealing $70M out of the billions the Congolese got as foreign aid would in any way force them to stop water purification programs.

So basically the issue I want to raise is that of horse blinders. Obviously it is the mainstream, liberal, normie horse blinder that is the most important. But even if you break out of it, it does not necessarily mean now you see things clearly. One easy horse blinder is to fall into is just to blame it all on the Jews. Which leads to ridiculous outcomes like assuming the Congolese government is honest.

It is not so one breaks out of one blinder and then there is truth. There are other blinders to fall into. Ultimately nothing can replace putting effort into figuring out how things actually work… and becoming redpilled in the sense of casting off the mainstream/lib horse blinders does not in itself guarantee seeing clearly. One has to work on it…

drake says:

Andrew Joyce, Ph.D (KMac’s protege) has under his sleeve a wide plethora of intellectual dishonesty regarding Jews. Sad, because if maintained a more balanced i.e. an order of magnitude less deranged attitude, he could potentially be really insightful about the JQ. But no; in typical lawyerly fashion, he throws around whatever argument might stick to his audience’s memory, regardless of its veracity.

Pooch says:

It may turn out to be the case that dealing with the Leftist problem actually solves most of the Jewish problem; or, it may not, in which case we keep it on the list.

I do wonder what their reaction would be if leftism is destroyed, because their fanaticism to the religion.

yewotm8 says:

@Not Tom

Perhaps I am biased from when I first started posting here and asked something to the tune of “what about the jews tho?” and was immediately labeled a shill. At that time I viewed things much more one-dimensionally and thought that jewish influence was much greater than I believe it to be now.

I also found this to be an inherently cucked viewpoint, as it implies that non-jews are utterly at the whim of another group of men. Getting hit over the head with the club of minorities/feminism/faggotry by other Anglo men instead of jews feels much better for some reason.

I have come to agree with what you think regarding jews, especially this:

>It may turn out to be the case that dealing with the Leftist problem actually solves most of the Jewish problem.

I’ll still think they’re fairly disgusting, though.

jim says:

Jews are merely the matador’s cape, not the matador’s sword. Don’t be distracted by the cape.

But Jews will always be a problem, until Israel truly becomes a Jewish state, and Judaism becomes the state religion of Israel.

They need to build that temple, to get the festering thorn of exile out of their systems. As long as they are psychologically refugees, they will continue to cause problems.

Solomon’s temple was in large part copied from Phoenician temples, and built by Phoenician experts. They should copy Putin’s great Cathedral.

Non Hindus should be excluded from high ranking state or quasi state office in India, non Jews should be excluded from high ranking state or quasi state office in Israel, and non Christians should be excluded from high ranking state or quasi state office in America.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

> Andrew Joyce, Ph.D (KMac’s protege)

If he and KM focused the autism on Jew stuff that matters, and not on grand unified theories that are strangely disunified in applying only to Jews, the result would have been useful, first and foremost to Jews. Blackpilling Jews about Jewish leftism, leftism in general, immigration, cultural subversion, etc would be in everyone’s interests. Joyce has a good eye for interesting topics, makes a good start and then beclowns himself by trying to prove too much. Kmac more of a bulldozer but the same problem, he thinks he is doing evopsych when he could just keep it a side gig as historian.

Luke says:

Will Trump win the Republican primaries again before the 2024 elections?

Javier says:

He’s too old to run again. Should send his son, or some other disciple. That’s assuming there is another primary. The left will likely try to export the california system to the primaries, so people can only choose between the two most popular democrats.

Pooch says:

Elections no longer matter. If Trump loses, him and his family will

Atavistic Morality says:

And Trump supporters will go to a gulag, not just Trump.

Lock and load, win or win.

Shelby says:

Wow! So lots of people have been wondering why Donald Trump tweeted that he was going to have a “Big press conference today in Philadelphia at Four Seasons Total Landscaping — 11:30am!”

Just look at this thread: https://twitter.com/anonpatriotq/status/1325228477449113601

I’m still not entirely sure WHAT THE FUCK is going on here, but the President and his crew were obviously sending a very big message!

[*disinfo deleted, but allowing most of this comment through*]

Shelby says:

Great twitter thread here: http://archive.is/https://twitter.com/APhilosophae/status/1325135291791839232

I love how the mathematical proofs that indicate cheating keep piling up. The most novel part of that thread is that he postulates Trump might declare a state of emergency due to Chinese election interference, as a move to run out the clock to force the House of Representatives to vote to decide the election

I’m going to check your Corbett posts.

The strategy indeed may be to delay the state electoral apparatus to kick it to the House.

jim says:

Because you are a shill, I usually do not let your stuff through, but this is a good link.

loclun-midwyt says:

There is a new article about the election by Yarvin:


Relevant is Covfefe Anon’s (I think he posts on here) recent Twitter thread regarding the difference between the Jim and Moldbug factions of NRx.

The Cominator says:

Moldbug’s problem (besides having been doxxed) is that generally he thinks the priests SHOULD rule just educated slightly better without stupid socialist and democratic idea…

The reality is most of the current US brahminate/priesthood 90% at least need a helicopter ride (even if getting rid of all the leftist is extreme the current progressive priesthood to a man has to go) and warriors/soldiers need to have the ultimate authority.

Karl says:

Soldiers cannot have the ultimate authority because a soldier by definition has a superior officer or (if the soldier is a full general) a head of state to obey.

One warrior might have ultimate authority. I don’t see how several warrios at the same time could have ultimate authority for long. Warriors are not inclined to try to rule by comitee. Historically, they quickly settled to one of them having ultimate authority.

The Cominator says:

Obviously the king should be considered top warrior/soldier.

BC says:

Soldiers cannot have the ultimate authority because a soldier by definition has a superior officer or (if the soldier is a full general) a head of state to obey.

That ultimate authority of the very top solder IE the King should be God.

Priestly rule always turns into a mess as seen as far back as the Sumerians. The Sumerians viewed Kingship as a blessing from the gods that ended this disorder.

Once he hinted at he prefered those past elites who had both priestly and warriorly capabilities (good at being “Athenian” and good at being “Spartan”).

The Cominator says:

I know he expressed disdain even before he was doxxed for “optimate-vaisya” regimes as the solution…

Shelby says:


jim says:
Shelby says:


Hell is eternal, hell is eternal, hell is eternal…

I don’t think such factions exist. Yes I see completely different predictions coming from very similar premises in this article to Jim’s. But the differences are not clear enough for people to form factions. I only vaguely see the outline of these difference:

I think the difference boils down to Moldbug saying

1) power is power, it rules, and peasants are peasants, and Jim saying the ruling class is increasingly incapable of ruling because they compete with each o ther too and because they are getting increasingly incompetent (but Moldbug hinted on agreeing with the later in this article), it seems Moldbug believes they are able to cooperate with each other because bureaucracy just does exactly that, makes people cooperate in a tedious way

2) and the peasants are armed fathers and armed soldiers who would be able to win if the shitstorm would break out, and it seems Moldbug is not even questioning that, he is just sayin the shitstorm will not break out, because the whole right from Trump down to any random Trumpist voter just does not believe they actually have a right to rule. He is not saying the Right could not win if there was a bogaloo, he is saying there will not be a bogaloo because the Right does not really believe they have a right to rule, they will do what they usually do, complain, bitch and give up. The Right is just too much used to being the beaten underdog, the constant opposition.

There is a good point in that – they are too much used to constantly behaving as opposition, basically complaining about what power does. Even Trump basically tweeting from the White House as an opposition, complaining about the dishonest media. People who believe they have a right to rule do not complain, do not behave like constant opposition. This is a good point. I am a complainer too, most of you are complainers, the Right has been constant opposition for centuries, of course it makes people into complainers. At this point I don’t even see what a non-complaining Right that truly believes they have a commission from God to truly rule would be like.

Anonymous 2 says:

Yes, there should be a bit more anger at the blatantly stolen election. Complaining leads nowhere. As an example, I liked those car caravans before the election as a low key way to show some street presence without going full antifa clash. So, for example, why not slowly drive past various places of interest and honk honk honk.

Anon1 says:

The article is a predictions thinly veiled with hope, pointing the way while assuming no one will follow .
the big difference from jim’s predictions is the total silence on the left holiness spiralling ; ridiculously assuming the left energy came fro trump ??? and under Biden admin “no gas in the pedal ” and ” no american gulag” .
considering he is “Moldbug” or was , he can’t say or will not say .
everyone move left until stopped , it halted or slowed down under trump. but will resume again a thousand fold.

The real WTF is he is predicting something entirely different under Biden that what happened under Obama. The left definitely did not go to sleep under Obama. Oh no. Trump’s election happened precisely because they stepped on white mens toes with steel-toed boots really a lot under Obama and they got sick of it. If they were asleep, it would have been an Establishment Republicuck elected. Or Hillary.

Pack Dickinson’s Tweet that got him sacked was actually making fun of Mel Gibson, making fun of his rightist traits, so to speak. Pax was not a harcore rightist yet. The sack made him a Trump supporter, sort of out of spite. Moldbug is thinking the leftist craziness we are seeing is a reaction to Trump, while actually Trump was a reaction to the leftist craziness that happened during Obama. WTF.

Shelby says:

Moldbug’s excellent analysis put into words the essence of my analysis of the situation at hand, and helped me clarify my thinking on this matter.

Conservative America is predominantly center-right not far right. White conservatives want to depend on the political process and legal system, not on violence. They correctly understand as Moldbug pointed out that if it resorts to violence, then we’ve lost the necessary force to win. Force (derivative of soft power) originates from priests (and thus the predominant culture and ideology) not from warriors.

Trump may complete Moldbug’s step 1 and tenuously hold onto the government for maybe two more years, but the Demonrats will form a shadow government and accumulate more power. Trump will not have a mandate to purge the left entirely because most white Americans are not warriors. I for example consider my mentality to be that of a warrior but I lack sufficient force (power) to make any rational impact as a warrior, so my warrior mentality is useless in this context.

The left will not lose momentum if Trump completes step 1. Yarvin thinks the left will lose momentum if they regain power but the leftist holiness spiral dictates that the power will be consolidated by escalating the memes. Patriarchal China is to be the next boogeyman perhaps. China appears to participated in the virus hoax to aid our Western elite in destroying the West, but China will have to face this enemy they’re empowering. Yarvin’s overarching model which concurs with Jim’s holiness spiral is correct that the left must continue aggregating power else it implodes. I predict the ultimate end will be the globalist new world order empire offering to restore order and guillotine the nation-state level leftists. This global new world order will for example employ Bitcoin as its reserve currency. My model is the penultimate globalists (Rothschild et al) are sowing the destruction of the nation-states to usher in their NWO — the Antichrist is the ultimate end.

Technology has evolved, so the next empire will have evolved from the nation-state to the NWO, analogous to how technology deprecated the tribe then the city-state and now deprecating the nation-state. And technology will be our only effective weapon for individual empowerment in this new world.

On a personal level, the leftist holiness spiral will presumably eventually lead to confrontation between white Americans and the leftist gestapo. At that point absent a collective force, the remaining warriors will have no other option than to take on suicide fire fights as the authorities swarm their homesteads. Most “conservative” Americans will instead capitulate.

Note there’s another possibility that Yarvin does not discuss which is that some southern states with sufficient force secede from the morass. This might be analogous to Constantine moving the Roman Empire towards the East away from the collapsing morass the Western Roman Empire had become. Such a confederation could possibly lurch more towards the right in some facets while actually continuing the slide into progressivism. Alabama wants to chemically castrate rapists for example. But I presume you all agree that demonizing rape is indicative of the faggot, progressive slide of America. I tend to think Yarvin is correct that Americans don’t have the balls (to emulate Constantine) but in the south they may find priests to form a new state subservient to the predominant empire which will no longer be the U.S.A..

In summary, I agree with Yarvin that the West is disintegrating and the only solace will be watching all the idiots reap what they sowed as they crater their economy into poverty and deprivation. I agree with Yarvin that I prefer to win than bark up the wrong tree and follow the weak horse.

jim says:

Section F is a massive power grab by the president for power over the presidency.

If Trump holds the presidency, everything else is in the bag. The power of the presidency is so overwhelming and intrusive that everything else will inevitably happen quietly, dressed in the forms of the Old Republic, without the blatant and intrusive measures recommended by Moldbug.

Shelby says:


Shelby says:


Shelby says:


jim says:

Not what Maga supporters think. What shills posing as Maga supporters think.

Shelby says:


jim says:

I have silently deleted more of your comments than I can recall, and you have told me more times than I can recall that you are going away.

If you want to stick around, going to have to engage your interlocutors.

I allowed many of your comments through because of the superficial appearance of participating in the conversation, but they lacked the substance – you ignored the positions that you were disputing. And I went to the trouble of checking other comments that you referenced on other blogs, which showed the same one way conversation – that you have your script, and are unwilling to acknowledge what the people you are supposedly responding to are actually saying. You decorate your scripts with the appearance of interaction, but this is just decoration to carry the script.

Shelby says:


Shelby says:


Pooch says:


What exactly happened at 2020-11-04T04-05? Someone announced something?

jim says:

I was watching a blatant vote fraud taking place in front of everyone, so massive and spectacular as to forever discredit the democratic process.

Karl says:

Your optimism is charming. I hope you are right, but fear you are not.

Seriously, the more the argument centers on fraud, the easier it will be for someone to argue “democratic process is great, we simply have to implement it correctly this time”.

The Cominator says:

I think all posts that express doubt in victory at this time should be censored…

Defeatism is the only thing that will keep us from winning in the end. We are not the axis powers post 1942 when defeat really was inevitable.

European Mutt says:

Don’t want to put words in Jim’s mouth, but I think the argument goes like this:

Trump will try to do exactly that. But because Democrats and cucks are not agreement capable (this is a literal translation from Russian недоговороспособный by the way, maybe we can find something catchier) he will find out (probably within a month if that) that the democratic process will not let him implement his policies.

I think it’s a given that he will arrest and try all Dem congress members so this is already a big step away from ‘democratic process’ as it is usually understood.

He will also start to overrule stuff like sanctuary cities etc. through loyalist cops or declare amnesty on ridiculous OSHA regulation fees, accounting rule violations* or Crimes Against Diversity(TM). He will govern around the official structure and fire any bureaucrats who will not let him do that. State governments and state senates will either fall in line or their members will be charged for insurrection just like with federal congress.

All of this is incompatible with democracy, and yet necessary for the rightfully elected president to govern as he promised the people. This is all Trump has been fighting for since he got elected the first time. Democracy or constitutionalism is not coming back to the US, no matter who wins.

* Off-topic, but GAAP is truly ridiculous as I found out a few years ago. Like Jim says this is not accounting it’s talmudic ritual. Real accounting is what the Germans do.

Not Tom says:

Trump will restore the Republic like Caesar August was restoring the Republic.

Jim has only explained this, like, 5000 times so far. Where have you been?

And come on. “I hope you are right, but fear you are not?” You couldn’t ask for a more textbook example of the blackpill whiny bitch script. Hey, everything is miserable but at least I’m right!

Karl says:

Trump becoming Augustus is different from democratic process discredited for all times.

Not Tom says:

If there is such a thing as a right-wing Eschaton, “democratic process [being] discredited for all times” is probably it. Its essence is the same as leftism being eliminated for all times, because democracy is always a power grab by the left.

You can’t permanently eliminate the left, because leftism is a strategy, and people will – and in some sense must inevitably – use that strategy when a social order is failing to guard its gates. Leftism is evil, is fundamentally Satanism, and yet if our systems are not occasionally checked by nearby evil and made more robust, they will eventually be obliterated by distant evil.

Cleverer people than us knew the evil of democracy and thought they had designed the perfect system to hold back the tide. They were wrong. You can’t kill democracy forever, eventually the memory fades and people no longer understand what’s wrong with democracy. You can make disdain for democracy part of the state religion, but as with all religions, at some point it tends to fade into the background and become lip service empty of substance. For people to keep believing, they need more visceral reminders of how democracy leads to catastrophe.

All we can realistically hope for in our time is for democracy to end locally, for it to be discredited over a long period of time (as it was with ancient Rome), and for it to be a good long while before it comes back on the scene. Eventually it will come back, though; the cycle always repeats.

The Cominator says:

There is a certain natural leftism that stems from the politics of envy and jealously, a poor guy who breaks his back all day and doesn’t have much is going to naturally kind of wonder why some rich kid who never worked in his life has everything. And of course people will try to use that natural kind of envy to get into power.

This is the leftism of the second brother Gracchus, of Catiline, of Cinna (the man who used Marius as a figurehead to take over Rome before Sulla won a civil war against him) of peasant rebels in the Middle Ages… and no you can never get rid of it and probably in limited amounts its a good thing. Otherwise societies would end up like Renaissance Poland.

Such natural leftism is relatively dormant in America now because the American working class has been so thoroughly fucked over by the left since the 1950s that their hearts are black with hatred and they will back Optimates like Trump with death squads if they get the chance.

The intersectional progressive modern left otoh is an unnatural fanatical religious movement that it is absolutely 100% possible to exterminate and exterminate forever. It may play off envy but its really well divorced at this point from natural leftism.

Not Tom says:

Yeah, but we’re talking about different things. You want to do away with the elite and their useful idiots; I’m simply saying you can’t kill an idea and can’t fundamentally change human nature (and that human nature here is, like everything else from Gnon, actually optimal when played out over millennia).

We can make such beliefs low status, but that merely requires power, not some kind of memetic miracle. And eventually our safeguards will fail, but hopefully not for a thousand years.

The Cominator says:

You cannot kill a natural idea like natural envy leftism and I never intended to try that. Even many of Trump’s natural working class supporters would be leftists if the left were (like the old Union left in the country up until LBJ) able to plausibly claim it was on their side.

But you can kill religious ideas the way the Norman French wiped out the Cathars or the British wiped out the Thugee and progressive leftists if we ever get the chance should be wiped out by us the way the Cathars were wiped out.

Believing in a fair shake for the working man should not be enough to get you on the helicopter as every working man probably believes in this in some way, believing that gender is a social construct or that capitalism should be abolished otoh…

Progressive leftism in victory (not natural leftism) should not be made low status, it should get the Cathar treatment.

jim says:

As the civil war approaches, I grow more sympathetic to the Cominator solution. Successful state religions went Old Testament on some heresies from time to time.

But it is easy to overdo it. The Turkish empire’s solution for non state religions worked great. Probably would not have worked on Cathars, and the reason it Turkish empire’s solution worked great is that they had no hesitation in going old testament when it did not work.

We must not punish Havel’s Greengrocer. The Spanish inquisition kept the door wide open for last minute convenient conversion. Spanish inquisition worked. Turkish empire limited low status tolerance worked.

The Christian Roman Empire’s repression of paganism gets exaggerated. For the most part it was similar to the Cathedral’s suppression of Christianity. Low status, and vandalism against pagan temples and pagan congregations tolerated, similar to the Crown Hills riots against Orthodox Jews and the various sodomite riots against old type Christians. State discrimination against pagan congregations, similar to Cuomo going after Orthodox Jews on various excuses.

The Cominator says:

I don’t wish to persecute most non state religions. If I were deciding Buddhists and Mormons (if not leftists) would have nothing to fear from me.

But universal religions are a different story, and progressive leftism is not only universal but it can mutate rapidly to escape detection if pushed underground…

So I think the litmus test for the greengrocers should be, the one that determines if they are beyond saving is to look at their records and see whether they argued this election was authentic (because even some shitlibs are balking on this one).

If they did there is no saving them…

That was a process taking days. What happened at T04-05?

Pooch says:

4am ballot dumps of 130k+ votes 90%-100% Biden in MI and WI that singly handily ended Trumps blowout victory.

Thank you.

100-200K votes being so decisive in a country of a population of 328M, WTF… of course in very strategic districts. But it sounds like Dems don’t even need to import that many immigrants now, they just need to rearrange where they settle, move 500K immigrants offering them gibs into this strategic districts away from less strategic ones and…

Pooch says:

It’s more than 100-200k. Those initially dumps simply put states back into play magically and suddenly overnight and the ballot presses did not printing until the states flipped for Biden days later. Who knows how many fake ballots were generated when it’s all said and done. There is no margin of fraud.

Not Tom says:

This is per state, and only the really obvious impossible-to-notice vote dumps (how are there people who still don’t know?). Probably a few million votes nationwide.

Trump exceeded Obama’s 2008 nationwide popular vote total by 500k votes, so in fact you are entirely incorrect about the demographic problem and using the same linear model that Vox has repeatedly explained is too simplistic to work in practice.

(Not that mass immigration isn’t a problem – but it’s not the problem here. Stay focused.)

Not Tom says:

I meant impossible not to notice.

TimothyS says:

Thomas Wictor suggests we are witnessing a fraud so well anticipated by Trump that it will forever discredit the democratic party.
In 2018 Trump created an agency called the Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Agency (CISA) under the DHS. The DHS determined that elections are a national security matter, and so comes under the brief of this agency.
Trump was clearly aware of the danger of voter fraud and said so repeatedly. He created an agency tasked specifically to grapple with the problem. So why did he allow it to happen? If the media, foreign governments, big tech and the democrat party go all in, they have paved the way for a decisive counter attack. The video is well worth watching. His argument is, I believe, very persuasive.

TimothyS says:

Sorry for the extra post, but this more recent video by Thomas Wictor is is also very useful in understand what Trump is doing and what he has with the CISA.

Critical infrastructure is under surveillance as a matter of fact. Elections are designated as critical infrastructure. The election was under close surveillance the entire time. Ergo, Trump has the goods. Let not your heart be troubled.

jim says:

Still no evidence that CISA is loyalist.

If they actually do something, let us know. Until then shut up about them and Thomas Wictor.

jim says:

Thomass Wictor is a Qtard.

It is clear that Trump anticipated the fraud.

It is clear he intended CISA to be a loyalist spook agency.

Whether CISA is a loyalist spook agency is far from clear.

The Cominator says:

Trump and team Trump might have underestimate the brazenness and the scale of the fraud.

You absolutely anticipated that there was an extremely high chance they would do this but most people even on our side and even redpilled about the left thought either fraud would be limited by traditional margins of plausible deniability.

Not Tom says:

Wictor is the epitome of an optimist, I suppose in a way he’s good for morale. But we have to take stock of the fact that his predictions are just plain awful. If Wictor predicts a specific outcome, it is a pretty reliable indicator that we will not see that outcome.

Humble Acolyte says:


CISA looks cucked to me. Youtube is linking to them like so:

“The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google.
Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more: “

Not Tom says:

YouTube is slapping that label on everything that might contradict the gay media narrative. It’s basically the same as Twitter’s “misleading” label.

Edit_XYZ says:

At present, time passing with no significant countermeasure is in Trump’s favor or not?

You could say that, for now, it passes in his favor.
The people are fighting for him – starting with demonstrations and performing statistical analysis, and ending with whistleblowers.
The left has not recoursed to muscle either – indeed, it has not proven it can do so in the least – beyond Antifa goons.

But why does it take longer and longer to count fewer and fewer ballots?
Does anyone know what’s the situation in the voting buildings of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc?
Are the doors still barred by democrat operatives? Or are there republicans and DOJ agents/other muscle inside?

Pooch says:

GA Sec of State seems to indicate he has Fulton Co under control.


No idea any where else.

The Cominator says:

GA sec of state sounds like a Trojan Horse and enemy agent a real Shit Romney type looking into him. The GOPe seems to (sensing that if they let Trump fall they are next) have reached the same conclusion. He is claiming any fraud is small and they are telling him to resign.

He apparently even prevented paper records of ballots to be able to match with the electronics. Its quite impossible Trump won Florida (my state) by 3 points (Republicans normally win it by 1% or so) and legitimately lost Georgia (which tends to be a 5 to 7% republican state). If he won Florida by 3 points (tracking with early data) should be ahead in Georgia by at least 5.

BuildYourOwnPrison says:

[*deleted as a debate that will distract us from more urgent matters*]

jim says:

For the duration of the emergency – which may well be a long emergency, I am suppressing discussion of “The Great Reset”

“The Great Reset” is a messianic good news this-worldly religion, whose sincere believers are useful to our enemy. At some other time, I will address the issue.

Many of the supposed believers in “The Great Reset” are government shills. Take the shill test.

Many are sincere, and some other time I will debate them.

European Mutt says:

“The Great Reset” is a messianic good news this-worldly religion, whose sincere believers are useful to our enemy. At some other time, I will address the issue.

By ‘sincere believers’ you mean the left-wing supporters of it, correct? You don’t have to go into detail of course.

Everything I have read so far about the ‘great reset’ (skimmed an ebook pdf too) seems like standard issue London School of Economics/IWF/whatever drivel. The book seems to be the go-to source for pro-lockdown talking points in the newspaper commentariat around here* but apart from those few points it’s all the standard talk they have been repeating for 20 years with a side of a little more socialism (naturally) and ‘global governance’.

By the way, occasionally I get put in moderation, probably because posting from different IPs. If there is any shill test I still have to pass, I will gladly do so.

* Like the assertion that if we don’t do lockdowns, the economy will suffer too because everyone will be scared of the killer virus 🙂 Proven by the fact that the streets in London are dead: https://twitter.com/Cityzenkane3/status/1325451837751914501

The Cominator says:

Not sure you suppress all talk of TGR, it sounds like the end phase killing field plan of Cathedral intentions to me, where everyone is tortured to death for insufficient leftism. And I think TGR should be used in our propaganda as one of the things that we are fighting against.

jim says:

“The Great Reset” is in part sincere believers who hope that the spooks will save them from insane leftism. And in part it is spooks and shills, who are promoting insane leftism. Come The Great Reset all the apple carts will be knocked over and there will be free apples for everyone.

We will hold that discussion when things are a bit quieter.

I would like to hold that discussion with a proponent of The Great Reset who is able to pass the test for not being a paid shill. Not seeing any showing up yet.

European Mutt says:

This explanation answered my question above satisfactorily. Thanks Jim. Fits my data.

Someone says:

Do you really believe that someone retarded enough to unironically support such a measure as the great reset is going to be capable of passing the test.

Because people that retarded are not going to be able to recognise the forbidden anyway.

Mister Grumpus says:

Perhaps Don can grab “Blue Mirage” to describe the fraud+media fait accompli psych-war gambit, and re-purpose “Great Reset” as a kind of Swamp Draining Year Zero Purge.

“Great Reset” moves one and two could include pardoning Assange and Snowden, and then declassifying the living fuck out of everything his guys can get their hands on. Just start wrecking their shit wholesale and throwing copies of declassified stuff from helicopters.

Oh yeah and calling “fuck it” on Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia and bringing all our guys back. Just go ham on all the things his viters always wanted him to do anyway.

Someone says:


I wonder if this article is a sign of good news.

If we can win in the supreme court that at lead adds legitimacy to Trump despite lefties not actually caring about that.

I think seeing that we have won legally is important for the side that believes in law and order.

So already the other side trying to attack the supreme court is a sign that at least some of them realise that we ought to win in the court.

loclun-midwyt says:

I thought so too, but that article is from September.

Still, it shows they probably always expected things to go to the supreme court, and that they would likely lose.

In other news, Pinochet claimed he never made an illegal coup, rather the legislative branch of his country asked the military to fix the unconstitutional illegal abuses of Allende’s executive. Well this is of course not the setup here. It would be the judicial branch supporting Trump. Just putting this as a general notion out. Dictatorship is generally understood as an executive branch expanding its powers illegally. But when you have either the legislative or the judicial on your side that makes it legal – indeed important for the law-and-order people…

Someone says:

This is a good take. Lefties wont care but ordinary folks will.

At the same time I think the stakes are fucking high.


When the world economic forum puts shit out like this, and in light of even the letter of Archbishop Vigano, I must admit that I am frustrated with the way things look at the minute.

I am at the stage where I do not consider it irrational that the reason why the response to the pandemic has been blown out of proportion has been simply to facilitate this election fraud from mail in ballots.

chris says:

A reminder, Amy Comey Barret and Kavanaugh were 2 of the 3 lawyers for the Bush team in Bush v Gore in 2000.

Karl says:

So what? Attorneys have to earm a living

Law and Order don’t mean shit to anyone but autistic libertarians. The average good person on our side likes “Law and Order” because it means dominance by his political friends; by other decent armed white men with wives and houses.

People believe, in their guts, in victory, and post-hoc rationalize why victory adhered to the principles they hold for signalling purposes.

Mister Grumpus says:

Nailed it.

Furthermore, “libertarianism” feels as ancient and irrelevant as Chippewas Turtle Worship, or whatever.

jon dough says:

The zeitgeist of this moment puts me in mind of this excerpt from CS Lewis’ Abolition of Man.

Substitute “Satan’s minions” for “Man” (including those relevant and related pronouns for “Man” there in), and “Trump” for “Nature” and its pronouns.

When the denouement arrives, Trump’s conquest will be glorious.

Stay faithful.

“Man’s conquest of nature turns out, in the moment of its consummation, to be nature’s conquest of Man. Every victory we seemed to win has led us, step by step, to this conclusion. All nature’s apparent reverses have been but tactical withdrawals. We thought we were beating her back when she was luring us on. What looked to us like hands held up in surrender was really the opening of arms to enfold us for ever.”

Icon says:

[*hail fellow Maga supporter shilling deleted*]

jim says:

You support Trump?

Don’t sound like it.

Dave says:

Eight months into a two-week Covid lockdown, let us ponder the possibility that our present schism might last a very long time. The Catholic Church had two popes for most of a century. How will American institutions deal with two competing Presidents?

Congress: Irrelevant since FDR.

Supreme Court: Failed to settle this matter, so also irrelevant.

The Military: Mostly pro-Trump, but killing millions of Bidenites would be bad optics, so they don’t.

Federal Reserve: Continues printing money for retirees, bureaucrats, and welfare parasites on both sides so as not to set loose a flood of starving refugees.

Trade: Interstate highways remain open because people need to eat. Trumpland includes the Gulf Coast, with easy access to both oceans via the expanded Panama Canal.

The Presidents: Rule by executive order, with Trump’s orders ignored in Bidenland and vice versa. Biden will ban fossil-fuel production, to no effect because all the wells are in Trumpland.

The States: Many also split, with a pro-Biden governor in the big cities and a pro-Trump governor in the rest of the state.

Antifa/BLM: Continue to burn and loot Bidenland cities. The few who try anything in Trumpland are quickly arrested and never seen again.

Pooch says:

No deal. No peace. This is a fight to the death. Rome burns or Carthage burns.

Atavistic Morality says:

Carthago delenda est

Dave says:

Unlike the Spanish Civil War, very few right-wingers have your level of testosterone, and very few left-wingers have any at all. Enjoy the Sitzkrieg.

Atavistic Morality says:

Funny, yesterday I described the situation to my brother as a soft civil war, it really is going to be a phony war. The worst we’ll see is something akin to the racial riots before the election, perhaps a little bit more, but it’s basically impossible for it to go further. The human capital just isn’t there.

Not Tom says:

Everybody forgets that most wars don’t involve most civilians except as collateral damage. My understanding is that there were about 2.5 million combatants in the War of Northern Aggression, out of a population of maybe 35 million. That’s fairly high – it’s a civil war, after all – but less than 10% of the population.

So the question should not be, does the average person have the T? But rather, can you imagine 1 in 10 people you know being willing and able to fight? Or 1 in 20, if you consider yourself one of them.

I read that the US has 1.4M active military personnel and 850K reserve, and that’s just the military. For everyone who actually enlists, there have got to be 10 more in law enforcement, private security, militia groups, paintballers and other recreational shooters, bodybuilders and other people who could put up a decent fight. I’m not saying that America is the healthiest country in terms of human capital, but I think there is enough capital to fight a war.

The left probably agrees with you, though, which is why they proceed as though they are unafraid of consequences.

The Cominator says:

The left is definitely operating under the theory that the right won’t do anything about it despite near 100% of Trump voters knowing this was massive fraud. Votes no longer matter. This is why we should not advocate any freelance right wing violence but we should no longer countersignal it if it’s against actual political hvts.

Atavistic Morality says:

read that the US has 1.4M active military personnel and 850K reserve, and that’s just the military. For everyone who actually enlists, there have got to be 10 more in law enforcement, private security, militia groups, paintballers and other recreational shooters, bodybuilders and other people who could put up a decent fight.

And all of them are evil right wingers with too much toxic masculinity. Who are they supposed to fight the war against? No human capital.

Pooch says:

Only special forces and elite units are hardcore right-wingers. There are some Trump haters and non-loyalist elements, especially the National Guard and Army Reserve types.

Not Tom says:

Ah, I see what you did there.

Pooch says:

They have already demonstrated they have insurrectionist cops who openly violated law and barred Republican poll watchers from entry likely because they only care about the paycheck. Doesn’t take much of a leap of faith to think they have those types in the military.

The Cominator says:

“who openly violated law and barred Republican poll watchers from entry likely because they only care about the paycheck”

Almost every cop is like this, I keep telling you guys…

The difference between whether they are pro or anti prog is how much they are going to half ass doing their job. But they’ll never explicitly go against orders on our behalf…

Now soldiers are generally not like this. And the actual warriors and equipment maintence Vaisyas in the military are on our side… the officer corps is generally on our side until you hit the very upper ranks.

Atavistic Morality says:

Barring some domesticated lardass (one of the poll watchers they brought to one of the conferences to tell his story must have been my height but 3 times my weight on pure fat) who supports Trump is not a big deal. I didn’t see any cop barring Republican poll watchers with physical force, only with words, and Trump supporters trying to keep it civilized and showing court papers.

It’s a long shot going from that to getting 9mm of lead inside your brain for a paycheck. How many of those according to you?

Pooch says:

They absolutely used force in Detroit. You must be looking at the wrong videos.

There’s an Iraq vet (national guard maintenance guy) I went to college with who is a Trump hater probably because he grew up in a blue city and got indoctrinated in college. He can’t even articulate why Trump is bad, it’s just orange man bad. Other than, he’s not even that much of a crazy leftist. Any solider from a blue city and state is likely like this.

Atavistic Morality says:

Iraq vet? As in what… motorpool? And this guy is going to kill and die for Biden and Harris?

Pooch says:

He was deployed in Iraq and repaired Hummers or something, but he absolutely hates Trump for god knows why. Probably because his family and friend circle is full of Democrats. I see his type blindly obeying orders from the leftist Generals.

Pooch says:

Their army is gong to resemble a bunch of guys who look like the news security guy in Denver who shot and killed the Trump supporter. Trained well enough to exert violence but easily defeated by elite units unless they get air support.

Atavistic Morality says:

I knew it haha

@TSK @R7

You scared yet?

jim says:

Hot war will come soon enough. Happens in every left singularity. Trump needs to avoid the blame for starting it. Fort Sumter was a gross error by the confederates.

Moldbug grossly overestimates the left’s capability to rule. The election of Trump was a reaction to the left rapidly getting woker. It has continued to become woker under Trump, and will be woke times a hundred if Biden is elected by the legacy media and installed by the three letter agencies. Expect the democides to begin, not immediately, but Detroit, Ferguson, and Portland will come to all America very quickly, and the democides will follow eventually.

For lack of a single will governing foreign policy, the ship of state was drifting rudderless into great power war under Obama, and Biden Kamala have considerably less capability to govern than Obama had, and will be in charge of a State Department even less cohesive than Obama suffered from.

When communism fell, Russia fell into the lap of the Cathedral, but they promptly lost it again because they could not stop their carryonbaggers from looting the place. Back then they were not capable of governing Russia, and more recently they were even less capable of governing Haiti. Haiti got ten thousand Hunter Bidens.

The incapacity of the Cathedral to govern was spectacularly demonstrated when they took over Haiti, and proceeded to demonstrate that a bunch of high IQ carryonbaggers with Harvard degrees and billions of dollars of aid money governed vastly worse than a bunch of piratical low IQ mulatto thugs.

Should Biden be elected by the legacy media and inaugurated by the three letter agencies, it would soon be demonstrated that they are no longer capable of governing America. Civil war will ensue, as in every left singularity, but under circumstances far less favorable for us than civil war now.

Atavistic Morality says:

Expect the democides to begin, not immediately, but Detroit, Ferguson, and Portland will come to all America very quickly, and the democides will follow eventually.

And who is going to kill the rural Southerners? The riots were limited to their own dogshit neighbors where they are all faggots drowning in soy for a reason.

I don’t deny the possibility of democide and as I said, you’ll get racial riots and niggers praying on the weak and the unholy. But there will be no war, just like there were no racial riots in Trump counties.

jim says:

> And who is going to kill the rural Southerners?

You are suffering from normalcy bias and recency bias.
During the Yugoslavian civil war, the countryside was the worst place to be. A large group of armed men would come through from time to time looking for food and equipment, and anything that they did not take they would burn, so that the next large group of armed men would have nothing to eat and no place to sleep.

The Cominator says:

I think the difference is probably the Serbian and Croatian peasant population probably had not been allowed to have weapons for a long time.

I can’t imagine they are as well armed as people around here are.

Atavistic Morality says:

Your comparison is an abstraction detached of all reality, you’re completely ignoring reality here. You are not in the Yugoslavian civil war and America is not in the Yugoslavian civil war.

What large group of armed men in today’s America is going to go through the countryside like locusts?

jim says:

> What large group of armed men in today’s America is going to go through the countryside like locusts?

It is not going to be today’s America. Today’s America is a foreign country to America of a few months ago, and tomorrows America will be a foreign country to today’s America.

If Biden is installed by the three letter agencies or if Trump’s presidency is still seriously disputed on January twentieth, food distribution in large cities is going to halt. The electricity is going to stop. The water is going to stop coming out of the tap. That is what happened in Yugoslavia, and that is what has happened and continues to happen right now in Venezuela.

You are suffering from normalcy bias. If Biden is installed its Venezuela. If Trump’s presidency continues to be disputed, but he is not killed or imprisoned preparatory to being killed, it is Yugoslavia.

suones says:

Thank you for enunciating the risks of a civil war. As an avid reader of history I’ve noticed that there is a consistent tendency for rightists to overestimate their own numbers, while simultaneously underestimating leftists’ (or Muslims’) fighting ability. This happened in my country in the First Battle of Tarain, the loss of Tripoli and Acre in the Crusades, the striking loss of the far more experienced and masculine White Army (mostly composed of Russian Imperial Army vets from WWI) against the Red Army (far more dependent on militias and partisan action).

I know it’s a meme in these circles that “old style” Commies or “Bolsheviks” were masculine or at least more honourable than their present day successors. This is hogwash. Bolsheviks were the worst collection of Jews, fags, degenerates, women and other assorted malcontents ever assembled on the face of the earth. That they appear to be “masculine” in hindsight is a consequence of Hollywood historiography and the general decline of masculinity overall. One of the reasons for White defeat was the extreme demoralisation due to the Tsar’s capitulation. Rightists, being individualists, seems to scatter into craziness without strong leadership. Witness the sad saga of Baron Roman von Ungern Sternberg.

Soldier for soldier, the Whites were far, far more capable than Reds, and their leadership, while fractious, was at least no more fractious than the snakepit of CPSU leadership. That didn’t prevent them from losing.

Soldier for soldier, Confederate volunteers were better fighters than Union conscripts, and their General was the best general in America, but that didn’t do jack shit against Sherman and later, Grant.

Soldier for soldier, the Wehrmacht was the best army ever fielded in the modern era. This is a historical fact acknowledged even by leftists till the 90s, yet they got buried under a deluge of American lead and Russian flesh.

The “right” is always more “masculine” and warrior-aligned in every era, mostly due to higher testosterone levels, but that isn’t a necessary or sufficient condition for total victory.

I have no idea why rightists keep underestimating leftist ability. Consider the present crisis — leftists have demonstrated extreme power over the electoral process, with co-ordination and resolve, to achieve a stated goal. Rightists a week ago were scoffing at the idea of mass electoral fraud, because leftists were too dumb to pull it off or something. Even Trump’s planners didn’t expect it to be at this massive scale and didn’t prepare for it. Would you trust an executive that can’t even stop an election from being stolen to stop a civil war?

I re-iterate: Trump only wins this if he doesn’t capitulate, and retains lawfulness. Unlike leftists, Rightists will only fight in a *just* war, under orders from the legitimate leader. If the situation devolves into anarchy/partisan action, it is a victory for chaos/the left.

jim says:

> Even Trump’s planners didn’t expect it to be at this massive scale and didn’t prepare for it.

Trump has been preparing for it since 2019. Rudi had the lawsuits prepared as far as was possible before the offenses were committed. It looks like everything was ready roll except for the witnesses and the events that they witnessed.

The Cominator says:

“I know it’s a meme in these circles that “old style” Commies or “Bolsheviks” were masculine or at least more honourable than their present day successors. This is hogwash. Bolsheviks were the worst collection of Jews, fags, degenerates, women and other assorted malcontents ever assembled on the face of the earth. That they appear to be “masculine” in hindsight is a consequence of Hollywood historiography and the general decline of masculinity overall. One of the reasons for White defeat was the extreme demoralisation due to the Tsar’s capitulation. Rightists, being individualists, seems to scatter into craziness without strong leadership. Witness the sad saga of Baron Roman von Ungern Sternberg.”

This is very true about the right (that we collapse without a strong leader because not a religion with spontaneous coordination) but I don’t look at the old Bolsheviks willing to storm barricades and fight in the streets of Germany like a street gang and Stalin willing to go around robbing banks and think… they are total pussies like antifa.

I never thought they were more honorable but they were willing to do masculine things without institutional support and even when the odds seemed stacked against them (I mean look at Weimar Germany, the old monarchist reactionaries actually had near total institutional dominance except of course for the trade unions). Antifa would never dare go into redneck territory in the US… the leftists of old absolutely would.

BC says:

Soldier for soldier, Confederate volunteers were better fighters than Union conscripts, and their General was the best general in America, but that didn’t do jack shit against Sherman and later, Grant.

Southern leadership was awful and Lee was among the worst of the lot. Stonewall Jackson won most of Lee’s early battles and Lee under preformed after his loss. The best thing that could have happened for the Confederacy was Lee joining the Union. Stonewall Jackson would have been in charge within 6 months and the war would have ended badly for the North.

Sherman on the other hand was just as brilliant as Jackson and it was his march through the South that caused half of Lee’s men desert to protect their homes that won the war. As you stated, good leadership is key to victory.

Pooch says:

Would have to look at fertility data and compare. That would settle The Who is more masculine argument.

BC says:

The leadership cast of the Soviet Union had very few children. Stalin is an exception to this rule by having 4 kids, though he frequently slept with his men’s wives which I’m sure resulted in rather low T production by those men.

neofugue says:


While Rightists tend to be individually stronger than Leftists, a group of committed ideological degenerates will defeat men of higher caliber disarrayed. The war between Left and Right is a religious war, and religion can only be fought with religion. The White Army lost because the central figure of Political Orthodoxy, Nicholas II, spent his entire reign dismantling Christianity in the Russian Government, and then abdicated when the traitors he placed in the government overthrew him while he was at the front.

The Left can organize collective voter fraud while believing it nonexistent because Leftists have a faith, as demonic as it is. The only faith that can counter Leftism in the West is Christianity, which is dormant if not completely dead. Without Trump, the Right is gone as the only thing that can unify a band of faithless men is a strong leader. Should the Left regain power it will not matter how many guns flyover country has, the thicker the hay the easier mowed.

As for the civil war, the South had terrible leaders with the exception of Stonewall Jackson, whose Shenandoah Valley campaign is as genius as Napoleon’s Six Days’ campaign. Had he been put in charge of the Confederate Army he would have taken Washington within six months. The other generals were incompetent (Shiloh, Gettysburg).

Mike says:

Sort of off-topic, but why the Lee hate? I don’t see why Southerners would have glorified Lee for 150 years if he actually sucked as a general.

suones says:


Trump has been preparing for it since 2019. Rudi had the lawsuits prepared as far as was possible before the offenses were committed. It looks like everything was ready roll except for the witnesses and the events that they witnessed.

I hope you’re right, and pray that Trump doesn’t capitulate. Godspeed!

I’ll briefly respond to the remaining comments, but first:


Back to inane priestly stuff:

I had typed up a response to everyone, but decided not to post it. This is not the time for discussion, but for action. See you all on the other side.

jim says:

The only thing we can do at this stage is signal opposition to the steal.

Actually opposing the steal, rather than mere signaling, comes later.

Atavistic Morality says:

What large group of armed men in today’s America is going to go through the countryside like locusts?

No one has answered the question yet, because you know there isn’t.

The only men with enough willpower to do such a thing are all Republican, so it’s not going to happen. Zombie waves of niggers and Nicaraguan MS-13 is something they could kinda use, but a couple of roofkoreans are capable of overcoming them thousands to one anyway.


f Biden is installed by the three letter agencies or if Trump’s presidency is still seriously disputed on January twentieth, food distribution in large cities is going to halt. The electricity is going to stop. The water is going to stop coming out of the tap.

So? What are they going to do? Become target practice? Good!

You are insisting too much in a narrative based on a theoretical model based on common characteristics brought to abstraction from other historical events, without paying any attention to the specific context.

If the left was capable of burning red states would have done so already as they’ve done in their own turf, they can’t.

jim says:

> > > What large group of armed men in today’s America is going to go through the countryside like locusts?

> No one has answered the question yet, because you know there isn’t.

I already answered the question. You are being unresponsive. There are no such groups of armed men in today’s America. There will be such large groups of men in tomorrow’s America. In a civil war there will be such large groups as there were in Yugoslavia, and in Biden’s America there would be such groups as there are in today’s Venezuela.

> > If Biden is installed by the three letter agencies or if Trump’s presidency is still seriously disputed on January twentieth, food distribution in large cities is going to halt. The electricity is going to stop. The water is going to stop coming out of the tap.

> So? What are they going to do? Become target practice? Good!

What they would do is become organized into large armed groups to scour the countryside for food, equipment, and supplies, as in today’s Venezuela, civil war Yugoslavia, revolutionary Russia, and revolutionary France.

You are suffering from recency bias and localism bias. Take a longer perspective. We have danced this dance many times before in many places. The rural people get a bullet in the back of the head.

Not Tom says:

Do you have examples other than Yugoslavia? I mean, America doesn’t even remotely resemble Yugoslavia. Several times I’ve mentioned the size difference alone and still haven’t heard a persuasive answer as to why everyone in the American countryside would be at risk, as opposed to a few very unlucky and unarmed bumpkins.

There is too much countryside and not enough human capital on the progressive left. Yugoslavia was tiny and the raiders were more competent.

jim says:

> Do you have examples other than Yugoslavia?

You are being unresponsive. I gave four examples, and could give many more.

> I’ve mentioned the size difference alone

Russia is vaster by far than America, and the same dynamic played out. Why should size make a difference? It just means the groups ravaging the countryside will be hungrier by the time they arrive.

Starman says:

In Biden’s America, I would guess that it would be Blue national guardsmen and Red national guardsmen, Blue and Red military units and police, veterans moving across the countryside.

MS-13 and niggers? Nah. They are easily destroyed by armed rednecks and roof Koreans if they’re not protected by a Blue military unit.

jim says:

They will be protected by a blue military unit.

Who is now (very reluctantly) protecting antifa and BLM?

The citizens of Kenosha were heavily armed and all that, but look what happened. The same could happen a thousand fold worse, and may well do so.

Not Tom says:

Oh, I agree that a Biden win or any Dem win these days would look like Venezuela. But as for the civil war case, referencing the Russian and French revolutions, weren’t the peasants completely disarmed and the revolutionaries quite a bit more capable than today’s soy progs?

That’s not normalcy bias, I predict that the soy will become even soyer as the left gets lefter.

jim says:

No, peasants in France were not disarmed.

When Paris sent out columns to get food and supplies, they were loaded for bear, which implies that bears there were.

The war in the Vendee started with peasants picking up arms, and they gave the revolutionaries a hard time. But in order to give them a hard time, they had to conscript the local elites to lead them, had to organize for large scale violence. Small scale violence was ineffectual. The initial organization for violence was based on Church congregations. Worship together, kill bad guys together. Then the congregations told the (mostly cucked) aristocrats to lead or die.

Some of the aristos remained cucked, and smiled sweetly at the revolutionaries when they came through. “We are on your side”. They got a big surprise.

Pooch says:

Antifa is plenty soy but the Revolutionary cops protecting them are considerably less soy.

Mike says:

@NotTom and Jim
>the revolutionaries quite a bit more capable than today’s soy progs?

Yes, but I don’t know if that matters. It is undeniably true that the Old Bolsheviks of 1870-1970 were much more talented than what the left has today. Problem is, leftism breaking down society can happen in more ways than just their loyal foot soldiers coming after regular people. I think we may be focusing too much on what went down in revolutionary Spain and Russia (not that they aren’t relevant at all mind you) and not enough on say, the fall of Rome.

The late Roman elite were famous for their infertility, their decadence, their faggotry, and their general uncare for their own nation’s legacy. They’re the closest example I can think of to the level of effeminacy existent within the left today. Point being, if you’re wondering how the effeminate fags of today could possibly harm people, the answer is, they themselves don’t have to. Through their sheer, preening queerness, leftists today, just like the ones during Rome, could let society fall apart through their insane applications of state power and law, and so let society devolve into chaos and outside invasion. What could end up happening is that normally good people end up killing each other just to survive:

The only X-factor in this for me is that I don’t know who the outside invader would be, this being the modern age and all. Where are our Goths? Where are our Huns?

Starman says:


I think America today is more like the Late Roman Republic rather than the Late Roman Empire.

While America has a shitty established elite, it has a strong natural elite.

The Western Roman Empire had almost no good quality elite material, except the Church.

Oscar C. says:

Well Jim, I have to hand it to you, I scoffed at your predictions but they are coming quite close…

Spanish right-wing Twitter is up on arms about the whole thing, a mutual of mine there sent me this paper in which a constitutional law professor outlined what could happen if this election was contested.

He wrote it in 2019 and it is a totally uncanny prediction.

I think you won’t be disappointed. Same for the usual readers here (Cominator, Not Tom, etc)


jim says:

Good stuff, but assumes a close election with 2016 levels of fraud, twenty thousand fraudulent votes in Philadelphia.

We had a Trumpslide and three hundred thousand fraudulent votes in Philadelphia, which makes the continuation of normality impossible – if they get away with this, it will be California all over, no Republican will win anywhere ever.

Also assumes 2016 legality and normality will continue all the way to January 2021, which is starting to rapidly become less likely.

Suffers from recency bias and normalcy bias – under estimates long tail risks. Apart from that, good stuff.

The stakes are, predictably, much higher than in his scenario, making the continuation of strict legality far less likely.

If the Dems win, Trump dies, likely lots of insufficient left wing people die, all Republicans everywhere are out of power. If Trump wins, lots of dems go to jail, many social justice warriors lose their jobs. So things are likely to get out of hand fast.

Encelad says:

Little Lenins, supported by leftist media, are already growing restless..


BC says:

AOC’s getting ready to be appointed speaker of the house and probably goes from Speaker to President at some point in the future, if she isn’t given a helicopter ride.

Pooch says:

She must be given a helicopter ride or we all get helicopter rides.

Edit_XYZ says:

She is threatening White House staffers with arrest, as well.
Which is actually good. It ensures the White House staff has no illusions about what awaits if they try to cut a deal with the democrats, and will stay by Trump to the bitter end.

BC says:

I’ve noticed that too. It’s really the wrong time for threats, but the left never stops swimming left.

BC says:

To add to this, Biden’s message of Unity and all is forgive is being broadcast far and wide and lefts reaction is: “Murder the republicans”. Reddit is hilarious, the only people calling for unity is the paid shills while everyone else wants murder and the Conservatives want to cuck out but they can’t without welcoming the left to murder them. Reddit banned pretty much anyone who objected to the steal, so the only people left are the cucks.

Anon 1 says:

what AOC and her ilk start to realize is old dem are gonna kick them out knowing they don’t need prog holiness to win elections, as of now, fraud is in play .
problem old dem are less holy than AOC in prog religion.

my bet is on left start killing each other before 20 jan.

Dave says:

The upside of vote-by-mail is that it transfers power from the Progressive-Socialist-Green wing of the Democratic Party to the Billionaire-Corporate-Oligarch wing. AOC’s thinking of quitting politics because if she doesn’t play nice with the oligarchs, Santa’s sleigh will visit her next primary bearing 100,000 votes for her opponent.

It’s bad for Hunter Biden too because no one needs him anymore; Xi can just hand old Joe a bag of cash at their next summit meeting, in front of all the cameras.

The Cominator says:


Okay this sounds like overly optimistic Qtard stuff but this time they might have actually found something.

The Watermark story was of course always bullshit as ballot printing is a state matter… but this just might be true.

If the number of mail in ballots cast in the four shitholes do not match the number photographed as part of Bush’s mail snooping program the Democrats have some explaining to do.

BC says:

Despite the post office being completely controlled by the left, this might be useful. It would be hard to create fake images and about the only thing they could do is delete the image databases and it’s backups and IT is something Dems regularly fuck up by hiring baboons in skirts.

The Cominator says:

They can create fake images but hard to fake the date on the computer files of the fake images.

BC says:

Every ballot is signed on the outside. Creating millions of fake unique signatures would be a difficult effort and I very much doubt they could do it.

The Cominator says:
BC says:

I think you just proved you don’t know much about software.

The Cominator says:

Never said I did.

jim says:

It appears to be seven hundred thousand fake ballots.

The Cominator says:

Jim I know you ARE a software expert and well informed… so is this bit of Qtard good news authentic.

Its not absurd on its face the way Qtard claims generally are… do they have something here?

jim says:

Yes and no. Mostly no. Not Qtard, but not far from it.

The technologies described are standard and widely used, but the way they supposedly fit together is incoherent, a tale told by someone like Shelby, who glibly uses words he does not understand in order to impress.

The data exists that someone could go over and say “Well, it sure does not look like these seven hundred thousand ballots were mailed in”, but just as it is not trivial to delete the data without it being obvious it has been deleted, it is even less trivial to conclude that there is a seven hundred thousand shortage of mail ins.

And then the Democrats are just going to say that missing mail is missing because it was all hand delivered by individual voters to the truck that then brought it to the counting station “Fraud has not been proven, debunked, debunked, debunked, conspiracy theory”.

The Cominator says:

Is there any good way for Trump to prove to a cuckservative justice who maybe is really reluctant to invalidate votes because muh institutions and muh states rights that there are 700k fake ballots. How did you get that number… judging by Biden’s totals I suspected there were probably 2 million fake ballots minimum in the four cities alone.

As far as the mail photographs being useless and I’m sorry to press you on this…

Could they pieced together to show inconsistencies between ballots photographed and ballots delivered to counting centers in any way even if it takes some work on the part of 1000 channers or someone writing a program to do it all…

I mean you said it doesn’t fit together, but with some work could it be made to fit together.

jim says:


It can be proven that mail records of stuff being mailed are inconsistent with the improbably large numbers of mail in ballots.

But it is messy, complicated, and will take a while, and I don’t think we have that long before the bullets start flying.

The Cominator says:

“And then the Democrats are just going to say that missing mail is missing because it was all hand delivered by individual voters to the truck that then brought it to the counting station “Fraud has not been proven”

Okay you edited your post since the 1st response to say that its somewhat more useful than you initially said it was… but still not quite as good as I thought.

Knowing that the postal service is a typical big government or big corporate system the whole database is probably backed upped to some remote server (which would be called muh cloud) every few days.

Lets say they doctored the time files on the main database as Not Tom said… but they couldn’t do that all till days later. And then they don’t even have access to edit the backup…

The best proof of fraud would be them editing the timestamp of the mail files or deleting mail files and claiming the mail in ballot was actually taken in by hand (which en masse is absurd anyway).

There has to be some merit here…

jim says:

Pretty sure the funny ballots were not mailed in late.

They were not mailed in at all. Hell, it was obvious at 2020-11-04T04-05 that they had not actually been mailed in. Mail does not do late night deliveries.

The Cominator says:

Jim thank you, this is good.

It actually is a good thing that an audit can take a long time… we don’t need to win all the stolen states just delay electoral certification until the election is kicked to the house.

The Cominator says:

Probably there were three phases to the fraud, there were phony mail ins mostly in these cities but probably all over the country but on a small enough scale not to be easily provable.

Second of all there was software fraud as has already been proven in one case in Michigan… the scale of this is very hard to determine.

Third (they were hoping not to have to use this one) there were the sheboons who filled in however many late night fell off the back of a truck “ballots” just for Biden to save time and MAYBE for the Senate race.

BC says:

This seems likely. I’m sure they were also trashing Trump votes at the same time. There are reports that spoiled ballots were not retained for inspection.

Not Tom says:

Just to explain the issue of file timestamps because there seems to still be a bit of confusion…

Every major OS (i.e.. Windows and Linux) use a file system with 3 file timestamps: creation time, modify time, and access time. Under normal operation, the timestamps in these fields are exactly what you’d expect them to be – time the file was first created, time of last edit, and time of last “access”, in practice the last read, i.e. when launching a program or opening a document.

But all of the major OSes also expose APIs that allow any program to change these fields. It is not a secret or suspicious API. For example, when you restore files with backup software, the restored files should have the same timestamps as the previously backed-up files, and there should be no trace of any changes having been made since the date it was backed up. This feature is intentional, by design, does not require any special knowledge or special privileges. You can download a program to change the times manually if you want, and they will not leave any evidence that this occurred.

(OK, technically there is forensic evidence on the physical disk, especially if it is a magnetic disk, but it is extremely difficult and expensive to use that, not to mention unreliable. It is why, if you accidentally erase your hard drive, and take it to a data recovery company, you are not guaranteed any chance of success.)

Now if some standard database engine like Oracle or MS SQL is involved, there is something called a transaction log, but it does not necessarily mean what you might think. While the transaction log might have a record of all the transactions, it depends on how the database is configured; it is possible to use a model where the “log” is only used for in-progress transactions, and does not contain any completed transactions. If full logging is used, it is still possible to delete (truncate) the log at any time; this happens automatically when you back up the database but can also be done manually if you know the right commands.

Similarly, most database products these days have some kind of auditing feature that can tell you if records were changed, but this feature must be turned on, and even then it can only tell you when they changed and by whom, not how they changed. In any case, it is extremely unlikely that anyone who plans to commit fraud would enable the feature, and if they had it enabled, they could simply delete the audit records with no trace of that deletion, so it would look like they had never used auditing at all.

It’s entirely possible that these people are so incompetent that they had auditing turned on and didn’t know it (recall Hillary’s people smashing phones with hammers for an idea of the usual standard of technical competence). But I wouldn’t hang my hopes on it. In any case, audit records showing tampering still do not exactly prove fraud for all the reasons Jim said.

The tl;dr here is that it is entirely possible for organizations to set up highly effective systems to detect data tampering, but this is done by programmers or IT people setting it up to detect tampering by low-level employees or hackers. In other words, this type of security is always “opt-in”. It is not something intrinsic to all computer systems that can be used against any operator; if the people responsible for security are the same people doing the tampering, or are answerable to those people, then no one is going to find out the easy way. Extracting a confession would probably be much simpler than extracting the tampered bits from the physical drive.

Shelby says:

So now we know you are the most despicable traitor scum. Slandering me while not allowing me to debate you.

Fuck you Jim.

jim says:

You can debate me if you are able to acknowledge what I am saying

If you cannot acknowledge what I am saying then

1. It is not a debate. Discussion with people who are forbidden to acknowledge what they are arguing against is a waste of time.

2. Your boss and human resources is looking over your shoulder. You are a paid shill.

Shelby says:


jim says:

It is impossible to hold a discussion with someone who is not allowed to acknowledge his interlocutors position, or say what position his argument is disputing. Attempting to do so is a waste of space. Take the shill test.

ten says:


It is now weeks since you were informed you must follow a very simple procedure to be allowed to “debate” anything here, but you insist on posting daily and getting deleted without following the very simple procedure, and you bitch and moan about it.

Fuck you, Shelby.

Not Tom says:

Qué? Changing the file timestamp is entirely trivial and takes less than a second.

If you’re talking about EXIF, maybe two seconds.

The Cominator says:

Doesn’t that get logged if you do that?

Not Tom says:

Logged to what? Even most databases don’t automatically audit every change, never mind most file systems. If they configured such a thing then sure, but why would they?

Cis Scum says:

Mail Covers exists and it does provide evidence of chain of custody:


The problem is the system only records ballots transiting the USPS while excluding mail in ballots returned by hand. One therefore cannot claim that mail in ballots lacking a USPS record are a priori fraudulent.

The vast majority of fraudulent ballots were fabricated ex nihilo within boarded up counting centers. They were not mailed in via the USPS. Barring whistkeblower evidence the only avenue for legal invalidation is the documented refusal to grant access to Republican observers as well as the failure to abide by the court order ordering same.

Mail Covers could be used to prove that certain ballots were falsely postmarked past the deadline. This could invalidate a lesser but significant number of them. In tight downballot races this could be decisive.

BC says:

There were also reports of destruction of the ballot covers in Philly and Detroit. This is why Trump is focusing on the destruction of the chain of custody which renders the votes illegal instead of proving fraud.

Cis Scum says:

Edit: Just read the other comments. Mail Covers is a USPS database and therefore as reliable and tamper proof as the USPS itself, ie not at all. If the issue is raised in litigation expect the relevant parts of the database to be accidentally deleted.

The Cominator says:

Cis if they are like the rest of the government and most big corporations they have off site external backups of their database which they can’t really alter…

jim says:

Here is an excellent summary of the good news: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/11/wait_just_a_minute_some_very_good_news_may_be_coming.html

Bottom line. Looks like before Amy, the supremes are four loyalists versus one cuck and three enemy.

If Amy does not cuck, we are fine in the supremes.

Trump has a bunch of loyalist cops, who can enforce supreme court orders.

If Amy does not cuck, and the air force pilots disobey orders to bomb loyalist cops and loyalist troops, we should be OK.

If some pilots obey treasonous orders, civil war is go, and with legitimate leadership, we win the civil war.

chris says:

Amy was a lawyer for the Republicans in Bush v Gore in 2000 along with Kavanaugh. She will not cuck.

Karl says:

I do not see the problem of enforcing supreme court orders because I expect the supreme to merely rule something like “the election in state … was not conducted according to law and is therefore void”.

Such a ruling is no order. There is nothing to enforce. Yet such a ruling would be enough, wouldn’t it?

jim says:

That does not in itself get Trump electors to the electoral college from a state that Trump won.

What Rudi is gunning for is a recount that includes legitimate ballots, and excludes illegitimate ballots, so that Trump can get electors to the electoral college from that state.

So, someone has to conduct that recount. And then we have a big problem. Current plan is that the recount probably will simply not take place, so Trump then has to go to the legislators. What we don’t want is that they conduct a recount, and just do a better job of committing fraud.

Karl says:

I do not see how it might be possible to extract legitimate ballots from a big pile that contains both legitimate and illegitimate ballots. If chain of custody of ballots is broken, there is no way to know what was taken or added to a pile of ballots.

I do not understand the strategy of gunning for a recount.

Karl says:

On second thought, recount would be easy if the election is declared void on the county level only. A county in which the election was not conducted according to law simply does not count. Then recount is simply adding up the results for the remaining counties for which the court found no violation of law.

jim says:

The blue shift in the early hours of the morning happened in, and only in, Democratic run states that were about to elect Trump electors to the electoral college when the count was stopped. At the county level, it happened in the big cities, which is where most of the Democrat ballots come from, ballot harvesting from people who live on welfare and petty crime. In this election, the normal ballot harvesting that happens in every election did not suffice, so they added to their normal ballot harvest a total of seven hundred thousand freshly printed ballots, in the same counties where in normal elections, there is massive ballot harvesting.

I presume they did it this way because they were doing the new fraud operation through their existing fraud operation.

So disallowing the blue shift counties not only takes out the freshly printed ballots, it also takes out the normal ballot harvest. In which case Trump wins in an even bigger landslide.

Dave says:

Just apply your “barrel of wine + cup of sewage” principle. When invalid ballots touch valid ballots, all are invalid.

You could then steal elections by sneaking fake ballots into enemy precincts, but their observers would have a powerful incentive to stop you. If some voters arouse suspicion, segregate their ballots until their validity is confirmed.

Anonymous 2 says:

As I recall, databases and backups are not infrequently lost when it comes to government trickery. For example, the Mueller affair (several incidents) or Lois Lehrner cavorting at the IRS. Covering your tracks is a human right, bigots!

Pooch says:

If Amy does not cuck, and the air force pilots disobey orders to bomb loyalist cops and loyalist troops, we should be OK.

If some pilots obey treasonous orders, civil war is go, and with legitimate leadership, we win the civil war.

I wonder if it’s more than just a coincidence that paratroopers were doing air field seizure exercises at Bragg.

Peter Whitaker says:

You walked back your prediction that Trump would win in a landslide. How are you going to walk back your prediction that Trump and his family are going to die? Maybe five years from now we will learn that you meant Trump was going to die of old age.

Not Tom says:

He did? I must have missed that.

Prediction was that Trump would win in a landslide and Democrats would commit massive fraud in an attempt to take the presidency.

Trump won in a landslide, and Democrats committed massive fraud in an attempt to take the presidency.

What’s your issue?

Pooch says:

Trump is planning more rallies.

Hopinforabetterfuture says:

“Trump plans to hold rallies to lead his followers in a “war” to stop Biden from taking office”


Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Progress on the statistical fraud analysis. Someone has access to the database used by media to report the vote counting.

1. Anomalous increases in Biden/Trump vote ratios over time for mail-in votes in the 4 contested states (and no other state except Virginia),

2. Also in just those states, miraculous jumps in the B/T ratio at 4am.


Contains link to the scraped data.

The point that needs to be hammered to normies is that this refutes the blueshift. Mail-in votes *redshifted* slightly all over the country except the fraud states and Virginia (which may have had fraud if internal polling was worrisome, just has not yet been suspected of it outside the Spanberger congressional victory). And there were no blueshift JUMPS outside the fraud states and VA.

The graphs would make good “magic votes” memes.

BC says:

Data has been removed.

Pooch says:

VA was absolutely stolen as well. Trump was leading when Fairfax county stopped counting and “went home” around the same time everyone else so they could see how much they needed to make up the difference. I think the reason no one is focusing on it is because it’s completely Dem controlled so it’s not worth focusing legal resources on.


The Cominator says:

Possible but its quite concievable that near 100% of fedgov parasites and dependents there actually did turnout and vote for Biden. I never expected Trump to be even close in Virginia for that reason…

But its possible.

Pooch says:

No not possible. I don’t want to dox myself but rural VA absolutely turned out in insane numbers because they are scared their guns are going to be taken away. Northern VA which is a tiny sliver of high population counties outside of DC usually carries the state blue was just not going to be able to contend with the red wave so, like all the other dem machines, they shut down counting to see how many they had to print. There are a few twitter accounts pursuing it but the Dems control the state legislature so it’s probably better for the Trump campaign to focus resources elsewhere.


The Cominator says:

Did they get 300% turnout.

Pooch says:

Not sure. Haven’t seen the data.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

they also “found” a flash drive that just happened to have enough votes to flip a state legislature race to the dems from a pro-gun GOP candidate.

Not Tom says:

Votes on flash drives? Explain please.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

A flash drive had “lost” ballots was found. computerized machines have printouts and drives containing vote tallies. its not a normal flash drive, atleast the ones in my state arent but it works the same.

BC says:

The drop off on the Dem house candidate compared to President is insane. The GOP candidate won by 17% no way that’s not fraud to puff up Biden’s numbers and apparently at the last minute too.

The Cominator says:

Michigan Wisconsin Georgia and Atlanta are our best cases though, other places can be looked into later when we’ve made our 100% case of fraud there.

In Virginia you can argue even with the gap that the swamp parasites in the beltway area only voted 100% against Trump but they were fine with GOPe types. That there were a large amount of Bush Republican Nevertrumpers… because it was the Beltway.

Not saying it wasn’t huge fraud but its possible that it isn’t.

In Michigan Wisconsin PA and Georgia this is not at all possible.

The Cominator says:

Er sorry Georgia and PA. Not Georgia and Atlanta…

Pooch says:

It’s not possible based on timing and the fact they only stole in certain select counties that are dramatically different then neighboring counties but yes it should be pursued afterwards. Trump legal team resources must be focused on states with GOP state legislatures.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

CIA chick Spanberger’s House seat was saved by a last-minute discovery of a flash drive of magic votes. Maybe they thought the state safe enough that only a few small fixes like that were needed, and kept the Philadelphia style vote printing as a backup plan that came into use when internal polling showed Biden in danger.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

The pinned thread at that account is an excellent summary of the other fraud indicators.


He also thinks delaying the certifications to move election into the House is a strategy that will elect Trump. If the Republicans unite then yes.

Javier says:

Need to spread more of these ‘revenge and punishment’ posts from the left. Make sure every conservative knows it’s join or die.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

“Just under 10K” dead voters who returned ballots identified in (a sample of) Michigan.

Votes by nonexistent voters are not protected from disclosure so this should be interesting to pursue and see if they all were for Biden.


jim says:

As Rudi Guiliani sarcastically observed: The right to a secret ballot is especially protected for dead voters.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

I saw some of the Philadelphia parking lot press conference, and Giuliani was in great form.

He seems to enjoy the return to crime-fighting.

Mister Grumpus says:

All I want to know now is how they’ll get in front of judges in the first place, before someone gets shot on the way over or said judges are just too scared to go to work that day.

Rallies probably. Big beautiful peaceful rallies. Happy funny rallies even better.

Hear the voice:

“Come with us if you want to live.”

Pooch says:

I think this is where Jim has said the loyalist cops come in.

Nicodemus Rex says:

Sorry, I was wrong. Evidence for fraud is a lot more compelling now

jim says:

Evidence for massive and spectacular fraud was compelling at 2020-11-04T04-05. I was watching the count.

The republican states just counted until they had counted them all. The Democrat run states where Trump was winning mysteriously stopped the counts for long periods, and then, as everyone expected, when the count equally mysteriously resumed a few hours before the dawn, suddenly all ballots were for Biden.

It was obvious that when they stopped the count, it was because it was giving the result they did not like, and when they resumed the count, it was going to give the result that they liked, and, lo and behold, that is what happened, to my total lack of surprise.

Which is why I put you on the moderation list as a suspected shill. Taking you off that list. No shill is ever going to say “I was wrong”

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

The statistical forensics are getting sharper on all fronts and that will continue. More punchlines for the normies.

The initial Benford analysis was crude but it looks like 2nd-order Benford (2BL) makes the same point. They can scream that the model doesn’t apply to the first digits because reasons, not necessarily truthful reasons, but that argument matters a lot less for the second digits. Benford in other bases than 10 may also be relevant, and customized “directional” versions of the Benford model where the vote cookers are trying to hit particular targets. So I think the initially meh Benford stuff will get more convincing over the next week.

There is also the heat map, “vote share correlation with turnout” test of whether fake ballots are being dumped in at particular sites. I have not seen this done yet but it is certain somebody will get to it.

Mister Grumpus says:

Fraud + Media = The Blue Mirage.

Starman says:

Hilarious! 😀
That’s what happens when you hire Shaniqua to do the ballot fraud.

President Trump plans to brandish obituaries of people who supposedly voted but are dead — plus hold campaign-style rallies

Fred says:

I guess Shaniqua didn’t help but the main problem here is that they underestimated the amount of ballot-stuffing necessary: they added a huge number of fake votes well in advance of election day (I would be shocked if it’s less than a few million nationwide – does anyone seriously believe the Democrats got swings toward them in Cali? Or any state for that matter?), I’m guessing the goal was to target the average of the opinion polls, so they could claim that Biden won by more or less the margin the opinion polls claimed.

The problem is that a lot more Trump voters turned out than they anticipated, so they lost, even with their industrial-scale ballot-stuffing, so they had to arrange a last-minute extra top-up of ballots – hence the suspicious coordinated shutdown early in the morning and the rushed and obviously fake nature of the extra ballots (eg. no downballot preferences, 100.00% for Biden, etc) – they just didn’t have the time to do it convincingly because they were working to such a tight schedule.

Pooch says:

And all their fraud machines were carried out by shaboons.

Someone says:

Hey Jim what do you think of this theory on the chans.


jim says:

You are circulating an obvious shill post from the chans. Don’t do that.

The reason for Biden is that the presidency does not want an actual president. If there is someone in charge, it cramps their style.

Someone says:

You are right.


Is a good supercut of various democrat frauds. Even some democrat frauds I hadnt seen and I had seen a lot.

One was this – Trump supporters mail in ballot request forms were found shredded in dumps.

Wahmens Respect0r says:

Will ACB prove Jim right about women?

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Maximum pressure campaign from Uniparty and media will ensure shortly for Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Barrett to recuse from election cases on the theory that they will take revenge for their confirmation hearings. Also B and K were lawyers for Bush in the 2000 election recount case.

I think they will not recuse and at least 2 will take revenge. Amy believes too much of what she sees in the media if her George Floyd comments were truthful, so let’s hope she is not too influenceable and backed by a based husband.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

ensue, not “ensure”

Pooch says:

If that were true, I would have expected them to already start that campaign. I still see the Cathedral acting like it’s a forgone conclusion Biden will take office and that Trump’s lawsuits couldn’t possibly have any effect on the results.

This leads me to believe they label any obstruction as part of a “Right-wing coup” with all Supreme Court Justices and Republicans being complicit. Unsure where they go from there. May try to have 3 letter agencies arrest Trump and all Republicans backed by traitorous elements of the military or color revolutionaries storm the White House backed by Air Force.

Mister Grumpus says:

@Wahmens Rescpec0r:
“Will ACB prove Jim right about women?”

ACB is female, obviously, but she has also reproduced, bigly, and is too old to reproduce any more.

A barren woman at any age has no one to save but herself, and would certainly cuck as surely as the sun rises. Mutti Merkel, etc.

But ACB has kids out there and knows that AOC’s people have their names, faces and home addresses all catalogued. You fucking know that will affect her decision making.

Change My Mind.

None of the Above says:

CNN’s Van Jones had a TED talk describing how Trump could win the election via the Constitution, no matter what.

This part could really set people off.

“”” 12th Amendment – On December 14th, if a President has not been selected by the Electoral College, the vote automatically goes to the House of Representatives. A House representative from each state gets one vote. Republicans have 26, Democrats have 23. Assuming partly line vote, this is a second term for Trump. “””


[…] came to mind because of commentator @bjorn over at Jim’s blog, regarding Netanyahu’s "congratulations" to Biden being tantamount to a betrayal of […]

Starman says:

It’s important to note that great powers outside the Cathedral (Russia and China) are refusing to acknowledge Joe Biden’s claim of being “President-Elect.”

Countries on the edge of the Cathedral (Mexico and Saudi Arabia) are also refusing to congratulate Biden’s claim too.

Pooch says:

Good for morale. Here’s the full list not acknowledging Biden:


Not Tom says:

Erdogan and AMLO being on the list is… interesting. I’m not sure what it means.

Perhaps AMLO is worried about making Trump angry in case he wins, and wants to hedge his bets. Erdogan, I’m not even going to speculate.

BC says:

>Erdogan, I’m not even going to speculate.

Might have something to do with the failed CIA coup against him.

Hopinforabetterfuture says:

AMLO had a election stolen from him in the 1980’s. he knows how it feels.

The Cominator says:

China did all it could to install Biden as President so that is rather surprising…

Pooch says:

I think elements of the CCP did maybe but Xi is smart and sees the race is too close to call at this point.

The Cominator says:

Xi may be hedging but Xi definitely okayed all the favors China did for the democrats not rogue elements.

You don’t enact a draconian lockdown of a large city EXCEPT ro let people fly out without consulting the leader of the country.

Javier says:

MSM hid that from normies. China congratulating Biden would look bad for him.

Strannik says:

Good for them. China not recognizing Biden as President Elect (just yet anyway) is very interesting.

I suspect China has been fucked over by the Cathedral enough, and recently too, that it won’t automatically rush to congratulate Biden.

Diaz says:

Hola a todos,

Seem like Trump fire the current secretsry of defense and replace him with someone named Christopher C. Miller. He said on twitter.

Does anyone know the meaning of it?

hcm says:

This isn’t something casually done during a disputed election.

Pooch says:

Esper is not a Trump loyalist so this was needed. Anybody have any intel Miller? Is he our guy?


Special Ops guy with combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. That seems like our guy.

Someone says:

And why is sky news australia telling the full story.


Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Trump/Miller just appointed Kash Patel chief of staff at DoD and Ezra Cohen-Watnick as undersecretary of intelligence, firing their predecessors.

Patel in addition to being Nunes right hand man in exposing Russiagate was in favor of using military to control unrest in US cities, contra Esper. Watnick was Michael Flynn’s protege, removed by McMaster from NSC then protected by Trump.

Let the purge begin!

Strannik says:

When you’re fighting a low level insurgency, get rid of those who won’t fight it and bring in those who will. But timing of bringing in these people and getting rid of the others is important.

Icon says:

[*Hail fellow white man deleted*]

jim says:

If you think Islam is wrong about women, tell us what Islam thinks about women.

Icon says:

Who cares what they think?

I think you are a big fat kike.

jim says:

Reality testing: Cannot mention my position on women even when vehemently condemning it, and lo and behold, cannot mention Islam’s position either

Letting this comment through to illustrate how the shill detector works.

Someone posting on their own computer under a pseudonym not known to his supervisor and human resources would have no problem depicting the position he is arguing against.

INDY says:

How come he can call you kike but can’t mention your position on women?

ten says:

If right wingers are too busy chasing kikes to fight democrats, then right wingers can’t defeat democrats and look loony, because while kikes cause trouble, they don’t cause all or most of the trouble, and plenty of kikes cause no trouble.

Feds push kikophobia and always did, which is why your average nazi organization is 1/3 loonies, 1/3 homosexuals and 1/3 feds.

The position on women would look suspect and off script when controlled by his handlers. He is not allowed to ad lib and engage in intellectual exchange, is not allowed to respond off script. If he did, his handlers would see him tainted with wrongthink – and someone able to accurately reproduce our talking points is no longer insulated against those talking points.

In fact, someone who can do that should probably be expected to defect to our side at first opportunity, and that is how the left treats such people – even if it is a deranged ketamine addled perverse trap who just barely understands basic bitch anno 2016 meme alt right, like contrapoints.

Not Tom says:

Yes – we may practice a lot of tough love, but the people who engage honestly inevitably tend to come over to our side.

Even the ones who vomit up the red pill and can’t fully face reality, still end up irrevocably changed. Can’t allow your paid shills to actually think about what we’re saying.

The Cominator says:

This is why the media bogeyman is always wignatism they dont even want to condemn any form of NRx. They don’t want to look into the for fear the abyss will look back at them.

> 1/3 homosexuals

A while ago 4chan got the hots on trannies too, LMAO, seems even “What is worse, incel or tranny ‘G’F? ” would work as screening heh. I am actually even half-serious about this…

jim says:

That was shill spam, and progressive takeover of 4Chan

Porn that depicts what women want, porn that depicts the male and female roles largely disappeared at the same time. You got censorship at the same time you got a pile of trannies.

4Chan switched from depicting rape, slavery, bondage, and women being submissive, to trannies and children.

4Chan got soft political censorship of porn, the equivalent of Twitter shadowbanning, at the same time it got a massive infestation of trannie porn.

It is the porn of equivalent of all those people ranting about Rothschilds, Israeli nationalists, and Jews who wear funny hats, but are strangely unable to notice the most powerful Jewish billionaire overthrowing nations and instigating riots, murder, and color revolution in the US. Or the misdeeds of any progressive Jew. Hell, they even seem to find difficulty mentioning Boaz, though the most persuasive evidence for Jews instigating the crisis of female misconduct that is crashing our fertility is primarily Boaz and Freud. Kind of like 911 Troofer shills are unable to mention the most persuasive evidence that 911 was an inside job – that Mueller ordered the FBI, or confirmed and repeated existing orders, to turn a blind eye to obvious Muslim terrorists, which supports the Troofer case that they were actors.

yewotm8 says:

This is their downfall. As somebody who used to think the jews were a much bigger problem than I do now, the behaviour of women and what I read here is what ultimately convinced me.

If you “almost” have sex with a woman, you are not getting another chance, with no exceptions. I have “almost” had sex with far too many women, expecting to have a slam dunk on next meeting, and was disappointed every time. This law of male-female interaction is never mentioned on the internet, I never even read about it in Heartiste’s blog or comments. Standard game explanation of “being too eager” falls flat on its face, as no amount of making it look like you don’t care can produce the desired result. Only the “resistance is a shit test” hypothesis can explain it. Internalizing that and acting on it is another matter entirely, but I see no other explanation. Only Jim’s model accurately fits the data. From this, everything else flows.

ten says:

Unless it’s a girl that really, really wants you, and you sort of don’t want her, and because of that “almost” have sex with her. She might be back, unless too hurt and confused or proud.

I first heard of jim as “the insane wannabe bronze age patriarch who violently rapes 8 year old girls”, and at the time i found the full extent of his red pill bitter. But it makes sense, and women love being treated like pets. Nick Land and Moldbug just want and identify functional social tech, they are not native patriots of that past tech.

European Mutt says:

Same thing for me. This hole in the theory what made me extremely skeptical of Game at first when I came across it (back when they still called it PUA). It seemed to me like they were advocating being an obnoxious douche or an aloof larger-than-life guy only to leave her hanging with her pussy still wet but rapidly drying up.

It is weird that this hole exists, but maybe they just weren’t completely redpilled after all.

I forgot about theory and stuck with my normal approach, learned more by trial and error and through alpha friends (who are all curiously rather left-wing but just act on instinct like I do), and then came across Jim’s explanation which made perfect sense. There is no such thing as seduction. Seduction is what you retroactively define the mating dance to be. Feminists where right: All sex is rape. According to their own definition at least.

jim says:

Consensual sex is a poor reproductive strategy for a woman, because it implies she his having sex within a defect/defect relationship, hence her children are unlikely to get care, and are likely to be infanticided.

It is less bad for an alpha male, because it implies he is unlikely to be looking after his numerous women and unknown offspring.

It is a worse strategy the further you get from those parts of the tropics that do not have a year round hot climate. Consensual sex is primarily a black reproductive strategy, and even for blacks, tribes that use it are still likely to disappear.

In a consensual sex relationship, the optimal strategy for a woman is to have sex with a beta who looks after her, and reproduce with an alpha that does not. (women have unconscious control of whether sex is likely to lead to pregnancy.

Of course the beta is likely to suspect this strategy, and hence is likely to minimize investment. Even if a woman is faithful, investment is likely to be low and unreliable, because evolution has planted the knowledge in our penis that fidelity is unlikely in this situation, and children are likely to be bastards.

All happy families are quietly and deniably eighteenth century. There are no exceptions. I read a study, whose link I have unfortunately lost, where a bunch of academics went looking, among their fellow academics, for families that equitably shared the housework, with hilarious results.

Pooch says:

Yes the early PUAs like Mystery were not Red-pilled. It was a goofy song and dance in an attempt to mimic what naturally red-pilled men were doing without actually understanding the underlying biological reasons for doing so. It was essentially just throwing a bunch of ridiculous shit against the wall. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, but it was a lot of effort for only moderate improvement.

The actual Red Pill developed by guys like Rollo and Heartsie actually gave us the underlying evopsych theory to allow us to understand female nature fully which obviously would improve success dramatically past the initial PUAs after full internalization of the red pill.

jim says:

I recommend the term “evolutionary game theory”, where evolutionary game theory is the science, and “game” the engineering and practical application of the evolutionary game theory on the most important and interesting application of evolutionary game theory: Reproduction.

“evopsych” is the branch of evolutionary game theory that we apply in game.

“game”: noun, knowledge of women, skill and art of interacting with women, and competence in applying this knowledge to women. Much of this knowledge is difficult to express in words, and hard to learn from words, but is a lot easier to consciously understand in the light of evolutionary game theory.

“game” verb. “to game” “gaming”: Applying this knowledge, skill, and art, to interactions with women.

simplyconnected says:

I read a study, whose link I have unfortunately lost, where a bunch of academics went looking, among their fellow academics, for families that equitably shared the housework, with hilarious results.

Is it the one where they only found 6 couples, and all but 2 divorced within two years, and the rest were sexless?
I may be able to dig it up.

jim says:

That is approximately what I recollect.

If you don’t act within marriage in manner that is officially illegal and subject to extreme hostile propaganda, you are not going to stay married, and if you do stay married, going to be hell. A ship can have only one captain, and if a woman senses two captains, she is going to resume cruising for alpha dick. A home has to have a man of the house.

You will be shit tested by direct disobedience, sometimes harshly. You have to pass your shit tests, and if you try aloof game to pass the shit test without compelling obedience, she will disobey on a matter where aloof game is implausible.

If you try to pass while evading your duty to compel obedience, she will hit you with a shit test that cannot be passed except by compelling obedience.

And, since I see obedience in all happy marriages, I conclude that in every happy marriage, the husband is willing to compel obedience, and from time to time does so.

Albeit Mohammed, not well known for being a blue haired feminist, recommended measures short of beating, if they suffice. But they do not always suffice.

simplyconnected says:

This is where I read it.

Even when “nontraditional” families turn up, they often do not stick around long enough to be studied. One group of researchers “found on follow-up, just two years later, that only one-quarter of [the families] were maintaining their nontraditional ways.”

The article is pretty good.
The reference given is for the book “Taking sex differences seriously” p.200.

European Mutt says:

Where I live the blacks (West Africans mostly afaik) tend to have the happiest families. Probably they all beat their wives and CPS doesn’t ever come visit them because racism. Hard to gauge the happiness of brown Muslims because they look so sullen all the time.

The concept of true consensual sex was always hard to grasp for me. I guess I am just an evil rapist 😉 When I first read the leftist definition of consent (and I was a leftist myself) I interpreted it as “When you go in for the kiss and she responds it’s ok” whereas they meant “Take a statement under oath that she is OK with kissing you at this precise moment”. I don’t think even African tribes go that far.

But it makes sense, the less you have to work for food and the more similar the sexes, the more it approaches the ‘consensual’ model.

simplyconnected says:

If you don’t act within marriage in manner that is officially illegal and subject to extreme hostile propaganda, you are not going to stay married, and if you do stay married, going to be hell.

It’s good that women love the traditional arrangement, though they don’t always like it mentioned too much.

jim says:

Soros shills routinely call for the murder of orthodox and nationalist Jews, but, of course, cannot mention Soros, or any progressive Jews.

Two Jews, three factions. You will recall the progressives, and progressive Jews, loved Cuomo for going after Orthodox Jews, similarly the Crown Heights riots.

Just about everyone who says “kike” is a Soros shill, and most of them are either Jewish, or have a Jewish supervisor. All their scripts are authored by Jews. Notice how bummed they are about moving America’s Israeli embassy to the Israeli capital. Only Jews care about where the $%^*& embassy is.

Outraged that Trump moved the embassy to the capital, totally fine with Soros burning down Kenosha.

million says:

nice reference to the 3AM vote dumps on November 4th in MI, GA, and WI.

Pooch says:

Trump dropping white pill after white pill on every state on twitter right now.


The Cominator says:

As well he should, make sure you reach out to any Trump supporters or anyone skeptical of Biden and try to banish any trace of defeatism… we need a fanatical and blind faith that we will win in the end.

BC says:

Ace of spades HQ this morning on the firing of Esper: “They kept promising me Trump would order a coup to stay in power. I hope like hell that they were right.”

The Cominator says:

Trump will wait till appeals in the courts and the legislature fail before ordering the Rubicon crossed because most normie conservatives want him to exhaust legal options before using force, but they are now open to him using force if other means of stopping the steal fail.

BC says:

That seems to be the forming consensus.

Pooch says:

It looks more and more that the steal will be prevented by legal means to me. Clearly the left is not even acknowledging that as a possibility. The reaction when they finally realize that Trump isn’t going anywhere is going to be nuclear riots. I guess that’s what they want.

jim says:

They like rioting, and expect their riots to be protected by the prosecutor, the judiciary, and the cops. They got a big surprise in Lafayette Park.

We cannot arrest and imprison them, but we can bop them.

Pooch says:

I anticipate the Cathedral will quickly switch it’s narrative to:

“The Right-Wing is staging a coup against the legitimate President-Elect of America, with Supreme Court and all Republicans complicit,” while they stage a left-wing coup against the legitmate President.

That will be their narrative and moral authority to fight with force. Truly bizarro world stuff.

Javier says:

I predicted a Trump court win followed by left capitulation.

….uhhhhhh wtf was I thinking? I see now any Trump court win will be broadcast as a coup by the MSM. They won’t say a single honest or factual thing about it.

Pooch says:

You almost have to pinch yourself and ask yourself if this is real life. It’s a mass brainwashing and distortion of reality on a level I didn’t think was possible

jim says:

As I said earlier: America today is a foreign country to America of three months ago. America three months ago was a foreign country to America a year ago.

And America in a few months time will be a foreign country to America today.

Now is not the time for normalcy bias.

The Cominator says:

Question jim what level of civil war will crash the dollar as reserve status.. what will be the consequences of that.

jim says:

It will take a lot to crash the US dollar, though all fiat currencies crash eventually. In a civil war, both sides are likely to attempt to demonetize the other.

Pooch says:

Yes what should our assets be in right now?

Pooch says:

Now is not the time for normalcy bias.

Yes we’ve known this was coming for some time now, but it’s still hard not to be shocked watching it unfold before our eyes.

The Cominator says:


Sounds like you are right about legal means being used… PA state legislature is now auditing the results and refusing to certify. When the audit finds massive massive fraud as of course it will likely to either name Trump electors or throw this to the house.

The Cominator says:

Georgia Wisconsin and Michigan to follow if necessary.

Shelby says:


Yul Bornhold says:
Pooch says:

Haha her mind is going to explode.

Someone says:

Probably already has.

The Cominator says:

I actually post this blog to my real facebook sometimes… she might not object as much as you think if very right wing already.

The one girl who liked or commented on the article (and expressed approval of the article) also expressed approval when I warned her that Jim’s position on women was borderline Islamic (I didn’t say more than that, I think she would balk at super young marriages and honor killings especially since she as part of a psuedo double date suggested I go to a strip club with her… and her in her friend decided to go amateur on the stage… it was a pretty good day). She responded she was fine with that, that she wished she was a 50s housewife and that Anne Coulter was right about women voting and that it was a huge mistake.

jim says:

Nah, my position is not borderline Islamic. It is that Islam is right about women – and so was old Christianity.

The only differences between the old Christian position on women and the conservative Islamic position on women, is that Muhammed said that women were not allowed to have a giggle in their talk and a wiggle in their walk, and allowed divorce on male whim.

The trouble with divorce at male whim is that it is not. Women expect that they can manipulate their husband into divorcing them, and Islam has no end of amusing tales telling us that they are right. On the whole, the Christian no divorce rule got better cooperation and less cuckolding within the elite than the Islamic no wiggle and giggle rule.

Apart from that, totally on board with the Islamic position on women, and conservative Islam’s account of female nature is dead on accurate.

Yul Bornhold says:

Far as I’ve seen, sexually secure women (perceives self as owned by alpha male) are fine with red pill. It’s unowned women who hate the red pill. They can’t help but feel it as a personal attack.

The Cominator says:

She’s never been married and is far from trad in how she acts… hates hates hates feminism though. We got along great but she lives far away and did most of the time I was in mass so unfortunately only met her a few times.

Not Tom says:

Quick, delete all the redpill comments!

(joking, obviously)

Mr.P says:

If Pres. Trump doesn’t already know about Jim, he will now.

Pooch says:

Jim in the Trump administration would be the biggest white pill of all, but I hope he’d still be allowed to blog.

S.J., Esquire says:


As I said before, Jim, remember your international readers who require alliance to clean their own houses.

Patriot says:

Jim is Trump’s consigliere.

Atavistic Morality says:

My god, that would be beyond white, that shit is white dwarf levels.

Not Tom says:

Some of the lefty spluttering in response to her tweet is amusing. I like their latest argument: “If Republicans actually picked up house seats, how could there possibly be fraud!”

I count at least three separate errors inherent in that argument; how about you?

Mainstream conservatives who are even a bit dissatisfied with the cucks have been reading us and following frogtwitter for years. The only intellectual activity on the right is happening underground, so they poke their heads down here for material. If I had to guess, they are not in ideological lockstep with us, they think there is some kind of synthesis possible between our characterization of the Enemy and fighting it legally, formally, with the Constitution

nils says:

I chuck most of the Official Republican Big Wigs TM in with lefties now, but I do wonder if the fact their institutions are apparently in servant mode with the left does not preclude them turning when the left finally decides to off country club conservatives, seems like they are making all the right signals now at the time when the left is ready to purge all repubs. Say what you will about the GOP but they sure know how to keep their seat at the table, and Trump despite his monumental task has an unbelievably retarded enemy. Aidan sounds right about them being on team lil satan and that’s enough to hang em, but if conservatives are like most bureaucrats and put self before institution is it possible they are picking the sane man and a career over the batty nutter gullags(even at the expense of official conservatism)? It would be a smart step for GOP to become the official face of the restored nu republic and unofficial bureau of the Emperor himself. it certainly looks like a dammed if you do, handsomely retired if you don’t, deal for rebubs, and they are cunning. I don’t know but I pray Trump is as good at dealing as his past suggests.

Starman says:

Looks like Senate Leader Mitch McConnel will not acknowledge Biden as “president-elect” and says President Trump has 100% the right to probe the fraudulent election.

Pooch says:

Yes all of the GOP is falling in line more than I thought, yet the Cathedral proceeds as if Biden will be elected with 100% certainty. That leads me to believe they will quickly switch the narrative to “The Right-Wing is staging a coup with the Supreme Court and all Republicans complicit”.

The Cominator says:

If the GOP let’s 6 gorillion fake votes stand they know they’ll never win another statewide election ever again.

Cis Scum says:

@Pooch Of course they will. They’re following the color revolution script:

Stage 1: Disputed election
— you are here —
Stage 2: Mass protests
Stage 3: False flag
Stage 4: Military action

Understand that we have four fights ahead of us. We’ll win stage one handily as we have the law, the courts and the relevant state legislatures on our side whereas the Left has what? The media, that’s it. Advantage Trump.

We’ll also win stage two because who cares about blue cities burning. Washibgton DC is a weak point but the fences are up. Advantage Trump.

Stage three is the tricky one. There’s no way to forecast what the false flag will be or how it plays out. Advantage the Left.

Stage four depends on the military threat being USA and the target state being not USA. Not the case here. Advantage Trump.

The perfume rank military would have moved with relish against a President defiantly shaking his fists at the courts, as per script. But against one operating under color of law? No chance.

Had they had Ginsburg they would have had the advantage in stage one, three and four. But she’s out, ACB is in and the script has come undone. Not that they won’t continue following it, desperate as they are.

Overall they have a weak hand and therefore low odds. Either way it looks like the year 2020 overture will close in forte crescendo.

European Mutt says:

Not even the false flag will work, no matter what it is. False flags work because the media reports them as real. But no one on our side trusts any of the legacy media, thank God Fox cucked early on the Arizona and Biden calls instead of late.

I wonder what it will be though. Maybe they will actually behead Fauci (:. But seriously, would need to be something big to have ANY effect, which they will have trouble organizing.

Pooch says:

They may skip the false flag and escalate to military action quicker than expected. Biden is moving to usurp power quickly.

European Mutt says:

So far they are successfully blocking him, aren’t they? What can he usurp in the military except for the generals who are already on his side anyway?

Pooch says:

Jim is the expert here but things seem to be trending to Biden calling for the arrest of anyone blocking the transition under media allegations of a “right wing coup”.

Cis Scum says:

Well Trump did just swap out Esper for a counterterrorism expert. That’s a message.

European Mutt says:

Certainly. And don’t forget Antifa is a designated terrorist organization since September 25.

Pooch says:

Things may escalate well past Antifa. He was Special forces commander and saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s who you want on your side in a shooting war.

Not Tom says:

I’m not sure if it’s good rhetoric, but I’m thinking about using the phrase “Associated President” in honor of the Associated Press who “called” the election and whom every other Cathedral organ is citing as the ultimate authority.

Also abbreviates as AP, or Asterisk President[-Elect].

But maybe that’s just too clever and it’s better to keep things simple and go with “Fake President” like Vox did. Fake news, fake ballots, fake tallies, fake president.

Pooch says:

This was so strikingly obvious in hindsight.

Pooch says:

Fake polls, fake rallies, fake debates, fake campaigning, fake ballots, fake tallies, fake president.

Strannik says:

This is how I think all this will resolve itself to a certain point;

President Trump will take this all the way to the Supreme Court, but at a time which runs down the clock past December 14th

He will through emergency but entirely constitutional means be re-elected President if this is the case.

Biden /Harris will concede the election, knowing exactly at a particular moment what side their bread is buttered on.

Then ”It” happens, with a Left that in America has a decapitated leadership and no strategy beyond uncoordinated and senseless rioting and looting and murder.

Sam says:

While optimism is helpful I don’t think “this is going to be a turkey shoot” is a realistic outcome. Taking out Harris won’t decapitate their leadership and the logic of leftism (as well as covering their asses from criminal charges) means they will keep the color revolution push and try to involve the military.

Strannik says:

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, but one of the things I can pretty well bet on is that Biden and Harris do not want a shooting war at all costs, or even anything close to a threat of one.

Biden and Harris could well want peace instead of a conflict in which they lose everything.

The ”Left” has transformed into a movement of cowards who are only bullies when they vastly outnumber their prey and/or their prey are unarmed. Their leaders would much rather use subterfuge and the usual tactics of the weak while proclaiming their great strength and popular support.

And their alleged military support is lacking as well. Top officers are more politicians than genuine Leftists, and when the wind blows from the other direction they’ll move towards that other direction with indecent haste.

Not Tom says:

What they want and what they’re capable of agreeing to and abiding by are two very different things.

Strannik says:

And the tension of dithering between those two poles of agreement capability and incapability can have a demoralizing effect and uncertainty in their backers and followers alike. I suspect Biden believes more in the Constitution than Harris does, and even with his debilities is still smarter than Harris, if perhaps less aggressive.

They’re also thinking; ”how can we neutralize or win over all those millions of Trump voters who just recently voted against us?” So it’s either major concessions on the level of the ”Great Compromise” or worse for them, after the Tilden versus Hayes election… Perhaps a whole Junta of GOP and even Conservatives in his cabinet and administration, a ”National Unity Government”? If they can’t even do that, it’ll be a rocky road for them and a very possible loss and even jail time.

Pooch says:

There’s probably a decent chance Biden doesn’t actually know what’s going on right now.

Strannik says:

That could be the case even if he isn’t really all that senile and addled. Reagan and many other Presidents weren’t told things by their underlings in order to give them ”plausible deniability” if a situation went sideways, to protect them out of loyalty.

In Russia there’s an old saying; ”If only the good Tsar knew what is going on, he would help us! But the Tsar is far away…”

Strannik says:

And little things like this mean a lot in the serious business of winning a Coup/Election/Color Revolution;


These people probably can’t run a government if they hire stupid, much less steal an election in time-honored American tradition. They aren’t at their ”A” game right now for sure. Feeling a little heat, perhaps?

Mister Grumpus says:

“Reagan and many other Presidents weren’t told things by their underlings in order to give them ”plausible deniability” if a situation went sideways, to protect them out of loyalty.”

Two ways to see this:

Birds of a feather don’t need to conspire because they’ve been selected by the same HR people. On the other side, COsweda, shadowy banned MAGA priest, P.B.U.H., said over and over that Trump used “standing orders” with his military people, so that they could act on opportunities without Caitlyn from Oberlin overhearing someone’s phone call about it right before go time.

On the other hand, if the ground-floor young jackals with “liberals get the bullet too” stickers on their MacBooks are running capers that the Bidens and Pelosis (and Clintons even?) would never green light, then that’s “Not Agreement Capable” and they’ll start eating their “bosses” eventually.

What I’d never considered, because I’m the forum dope here, is that their righteously mutinous jackaldom, a constant thorn in Trump’s side, could also undermine and usurp their own fuddy-duddy “leadership” if Trump wasn’t there, napping their knuckles with a cane from time to time.

ten says:

Half expecting the forum dope act to drop, revealing a shining true sith lord beneath. Grumpus asks good questions where clarity is needed, which requires clearsight in itself.

jim says:

> Biden and Harris could well want peace instead of a conflict in which they lose everything.

I am sure they do want that. But they are not in control. No one is in control.

In order to make peace, you need a leader with the capability to make war and the authority to make peace.

They are drifting rudderless into war with America in the same way that under Obama America was drifting rudderless into war with Russia.

Strannik says:

”No one is in control”. I don’t know whether to take comfort in that or not, humanly speaking. But God is in charge for sure. Probably bodes well for President Trump at this point.

Mister Grumpus says:

“They are drifting rudderless into war with America in the same way that under Obama America was drifting rudderless into war with Russia.”

Who says Russia isn’t on the board too? External and internal war simultaneously, remember?

Why wouldn’t they grab the keys to USMIL and suicide-attack Russia with it? Remote-control Ivy League jihadis using Cletus from Biloxi for their dirty work. Win-fucking-win for them.

In my sperg fantasy Putin loses his cool one day and blurts out to the BBC newstramp in perfect English: “Hell yes I helped Trump. Have you not noticed these psychos want to nuke me?”

Edit_XYZ says:

Check this out:

A lawsuit Trump’s team just launched in Michigan.
I particularly like how the election workers, when illegally filling in ballots, put the date of birth 1.1.1900 on hundreds of them.

Democratic operatives are obviously quite stupid. Simple mathematics is, obviously, beyond them.

Pooch says:

As expected by Jim, it would be easy to prove because carried out by low IQ Africans.


Edit_XYZ says:

Utter stupidity:

How someone who can’t conceptualize “tomorrow” behaves.

Correction says:
Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Not stupidity. 1/1/1900 is used in such databases as a “birthday unknown” code. Using it on the fraud votes provides deniability, after all missing data is one of a hundred administrative snafus and they had an election to run. It can also be used as a search filter to identity which records to clean up later to cover tracks, by inserting the true birthdays.

Edit_XYZ says:

And now Trump’s team knows whom to call in order to ask if they voted. For starters, that is.

The democrats did not make preparations to pass even the most basic of controls. They made no preparations to elude such a control, despite the fact that they have stolen, probably, more than a million votes.
That is stupid no matter how you look at it.

The Ducking Man says:

Jim said that the left has issue of stupid goons.

Just never knew they were this stupid.

Theshadowedknight says:

Vox Day has pointed out that African migrants in Italy have trouble following directions to another place, shit on the toilet lid, etc. Ours are slightly better, but reversion to the mean is strong.

Starman says:


”Vox Day has pointed out that African migrants in Italy have trouble following directions to another place, shit on the toilet lid, etc.”

That’s why Elon Musk succeeding in making Mankind a multiplanetary civilization permanently neutralizes the negroid demographic bioweapon.

Imagine these room temperature IQ savages trying to learn how to use a microgravity toilet or learning the concept of airlocks.

The black powder muzzleloading musket proved remarkably effective on room temp IQ savages, and even the pike square, as Cortez put to good use.

It’s not at all clear to me why we need to flee to a multiplanetary civilization to solve the problem of the infinite proliferation of the lower races.

Starman says:

It solves the problem of low IQ races permanently when Mankind is spread across the Solar System instead of being trapped on Earth. Only an anti-Natalist would have a problem with Mankind being fruitful and multiplying across the Universe.

Not Tom says:

I would expect that eventually, although it might take hundreds of years, space travel will become convenient enough that the low IQ savages can do it too. We have a tendency to want to increase convenience and ease of use until idiots can use it, usually with the stated goal of “so my grandmother could use it”.

Like everything else, the barrier to entry will eventually become low enough for them to follow. Or maybe we’ll do something totally retarded and try to bring them with as “domestic workers”, or enslave some stupid alien species.

Anyway, we should still colonize the entire universe, it just may not be a permanent solution to these problems.

Fred says:

The communists who prevent us from solving the nigger problem aren’t going to just let us leave for outer space or exoplanets or wherever.

Extraterrestrial settlement (a topic I have always found incredibly boring, although apparently there’s 300 million Earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone) is treating the symptom rather than treating the problem.

Starman says:

Another anti-Natalist.

Cloudswrest says:

I’ve anecdotally observed that non-Europeans (in the Eurosphere) appear to be rather antagonistic to space exploration, e.g. MLK. Here’s (fellow White) Tom Lehrer dripping sarcasm on the moon landing and Wernher von Braun. https://youtu.be/TjDEsGZLbio

Cloudswrest says:

“Extraterrestrial settlement is treating the symptom rather than treating the problem.”

When a body becomes old, senescent, and often polluted, life renews itself by giving birth to new generations, often in far away places to escape the pollution. The speed of light represents a formidable barrier to mass illegal immigration.

Fred says:

>Another anti-Natalist.
How do you come to this conclusion? I just find the topic boring (unlike astronomy in general, which is fascinating). It also consumes resources that would be more usefully spent solving more pressing problems, eg. cheap energy, underclass reproduction (I guess in that sense we’re all anti-natalists), communism, etc.

In MLK’s case, it’s because money spent on space exploration isn’t being spent on niggers, so there’s no philosophical digressions necessary; the incentives are obvious.

Pooch says:

The goal of reaction is to restore eugenic fertility that will allow us to conquer the stars, not kill niggers. If you think otherwise, you’re in the wrong place.

Fred says:

Sure, but you have to fix the eugenic fertility problem first (and of course, eugenic fertility creates its own problem of persistent downward mobility – hence necessitating foreign conquest to prevent domestic downward mobility and the social destabilisation it occasions) – trying to settle the stars before solving the NQ and WQ (and whatever else) is putting the cart before the horse.

Pooch says:

WQ clear and away the most important. This is why Jim stresses the need for a sane state religion. Everything likely falls into place more or less after that, although may take centuries.

Starman says:


”How do you come to this conclusion? I just find the topic [settling the Solar System] boring (unlike astronomy in general, which is fascinating).”

Anti-Natalist doubles down on his own anti-Natalism.

” It also consumes resources that would be more usefully spent solving more pressing problems, eg. cheap energy, underclass reproduction (I guess in that sense we’re all anti-natalists), communism, etc.”

Anti-Natalist proceeds to spout greenie bullshit about resources spent on orbital launch vehicles being wasteful.

Do you know the difference between the Senate Lunch System (SLS) and SpaceX Starship? If you don’t, you are not fit to be involved with any discussion about space travel.

Pooch says,

” The goal of reaction is to restore eugenic fertility that will allow us to conquer the stars, not kill niggers. If you think otherwise, you’re in the wrong place.”

It would be much more expensive to “kill off the niggers,” than it is to crank out SpaceX Starships every week made of commodity stainless steel.

Fred says:

As Not Tom pointed out: what happens when the undesirables follow you into space? Again, none of this Star Trek bullshit solves the problem of underclass fertility, it’s an attempt to flee from it, which will eventually fail.

jim says:

The undesirables are not going to follow us into space for the same reason they did not follow my Aryan ancestors to the northerly interior of Eurasia.

A low IQ slave race is pretty useless on earth, and is going to be far more useless in space.

They gave the slaves tools that were not easily broken, and kept them away from complicated or dangerous machinery. They only used the smarter ones as house slaves. In space, it is all complicated and dangerous machinery. You are going to have to keep Shaniqua in a pen to prevent her from jimmying the airlock.

When we developed the horse collar, slavery mostly went away in cooler areas. The only reason it was and is popular in warmer areas is disease, and that blacks are more capable of working in a hot environment. A white is going to fall apart doing hard physical work in the hot sun, as they complained when Cromwell tried to export Irish slaves.

The Cominator says:

Who says established colonies will have open immigration?

Fred says:

For the same reason countries down here have open borders: because we can’t police our bioleninists, and there’s no reason to imagine we can police them anywhere else, either.

Starman says:


I asked you a question on SLS and Starship to see if you belong in this conversation about space colonization.

You refused to answer.

And then you doubled down on your ignorance.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The point of space colonization is that it is a clarifying lens, the same way skyscrapers today being shorter than they were a couple decades ago is a clarifying lens.

Which is to say, the *demonstration* of such a feat, requires the ability to *accomplish* such a feat, which entails a whole host of downstream implications in the theo-socio-political architecture of a polity.

Starman says:


” For the same reason countries down here have open borders: because we can’t police our bioleninists, and there’s no reason to imagine we can police them anywhere else, either.”

You have no clue about what non-Earth environments are like. LOL 😂 And neither does Not Tom.

How, exactly are you going to bring room temperature IQ niggers to Mars… without them dying in route or at the destination?

The Cominator says:

As Jim says low IQ slave races in space will not be that useful… I think the most you will get along those lines is some kind of low (but not too low) race of sterile female race engineered for sexual use (and perhaps to be more honest and loyal than normal females… more like a puppy in character than a normal woman).

The danger in space is engineering an AI or bio slave race (the latter has less examples in science fiction but its also possible) that is too clever and that can subvert its own controls.

The Cominator says:

“How, exactly are you going to bring room temperature IQ niggers to Mars… without them dying in route or at the destination?”

Presumably way down the road you’d have sufficiently terraformed and tamed enviroments to allow a more earthlike existence in other planets and also in orbital living settlements that Shaniqua could survive in, but its not clear that too many settlements at once would allow mass immigration of undesirables…

jim says:

Even assuming a StarTreck environment with nothing breakable in reach, it is a long and inherently expensive trip, which inherently filters against undesirables.

Historically, the basic motivation for setting up a settlement in a distant place is elite conflict. The losing elite leaves, and the winning elite encourages them to go far away. So it always starts with elite emigration, and then the Irish follow, and then the Indios follow, and then the blacks follow.

So you have a long period of no one but elites, and if it becomes possible for slave races to follow (in cold sleep or in pens), it still a long and expensive trip.

They shipped the best Irish to Australia, because they shipped the trouble makers.

Not Tom says:

So you have a long period of no one but elites, and if it becomes possible for slave races to follow (in cold sleep or in pens), it still a long and expensive trip.

Does this not concur with what I said: “it may take hundreds of years”?

My only gripe was with the claim that it was a permanent solution. Technology can change a whole lot in 500 years, even without a virtuous elite. They won’t follow tomorrow, they won’t follow next year or next decade, but eventually they will follow, just as they followed into the coldest and most inhospitable parts of Earth after central heating, indoor plumbing and fast food became not only widely available but inexpensive.

R7’s argument is “space is exponentially more complicated and inhospitable than that”. And I agree. Technology improves exponentially as well, when it’s not stunted.

jim says:

A huge advantage of space is that if a habitat goes Detroit, they all die. The higher races have to be in charge of the hab.

Beyond Mars there is the Hills cloud. That is going to take us 1500 years to settle. Beyond the Hills cloud, the Oort cloud, which overlaps with the Oort cloud of other star systems. Space is big. Assuming elite fertility, we can spread faster than they can.

We are the descendants of the leading edge of pioneers out of Africa. The problem is that they ran out of planet.

The lower races are parasitic, like Detroiters living in the ruins of a city they did not build and cannot maintain. We just keep moving to parasite free zones.

There is an entertaining Retief story where a terraformed planet goes Detroit, due to the masses getting the vote. Shaniqua takes over management of the superscience stuff that keeps it terraformed. It reverts to its pre-terraformed state.

Not Tom says:

We just keep moving to parasite free zones.

Yes, this I agree with. Space offers vastly more of these, so we will pretty much never run out of parasite-free zones.

Still, there’s a lot of undeveloped land right here in America. I don’t think we truly ran out of planet, we just forgot how to be pioneers. Or maybe we’ve been demoralized with the knowledge that anywhere we manage to settle and make thrive will just be invaded by parasites anyway.

Space will take a lot longer to make thrive, but does give a whole lot more lead time on the parasites. I think we’ll nevertheless need to keep moving farther out, because we always try to make things more convenient for ourselves, and eventually that makes them attainable for the highest-functioning parasites, who then subvert it to bring in the lower-functioning parasites. Space may lengthen the cycle by a whole lot but the cycle will still continue.

As I said before: too early to play Inquisitor, R7. Argue against anti-natalism, don’t just point out and condemn it. Historically, most cases of eugenic thinking was about reducing the fertility of the lower, not about increasing the fertility of the higher. Now today it is blatantly obvious that we need to increase the fertility of the higher, but it is not at all obvious why not to decrease the fertility of the lower. Argue. Don’t just point and condemn.

Fred says:

Natalism is two separate problems: getting undesirables to reproduce less and getting desirables to reproduce more.

They are two completely separate problems, and solving the WQ (in essence, forcibly moving the female social status distribution to the left of the male status distribution, so all women have a large pool of higher-status men to marry up to) should solve the latter of those two problems.

It’s not obvious why it would do anything about the former, so that’ll require a different solution. I prefer just sterilisng stupid people, but Big Bioleninism isn’t going to let us sterilise their votebank. Inventing a long-acting reversible contraceptive (it’s reversible, so it can’t be genocide) for men would drastically reduce the problem, which is why the field of male contraception goes nowhere (look up “RISUG” and how the Parsemus Foundation has done a great job of suppressing it under the guise of developing it – fuck you Elaine Lissner).

So: we need to solve the WQ to solve the overclass underfertility problem, and we need a long-acting reversible contraceptive to (at least try to) solve the underclass overfertility problem.

jim says:

We already have a long acting male contraceptive: Testosterone. That is one of the reasons you need to take frequent long breaks from testosterone. If you supplement male testosterone enough that endogenous testosterone drops right down, sperm production stops. So you need to go off exogenous testosterone and raise your natural testosterone every twelve weeks.

The level of exogenous testosterone required to shut down sperm production is quite low. If someone naturally produces X amount of testosterone, and his testosterone level is Y, and you give X amount of exogenous testosterone, his natural testosterone will shut down, his sperm production will shut down, and his testosterone level, after being raised by a modest amount for a few months, will drop back to Y.

Steady testosterone supplementation, rather than cycling, is the equivalent of a (somewhat) reversible vasectromy.

Same principle as the estrogen in the female pill. Supplemental estrogen is far more dangerous, and has far worse side effects than supplemental testosterone, but they are pushing it onto schoolgirls.

If a woman is on the pill, her natural estrogen production is suppressed to quite low levels. So they are already doing this for all women. They don’t give them enough estrogen to entirely suppress endogenous estrogen production, but enough to reduce endogenous estrogen production to much lower levels. Female endogenous estrogen production on the pill is suppressed to levels well below puberty.

They are not actually researching for a male contraceptive. They already have one. They are researching a male contraceptive that will make males less masculine.

Jehu says:

Well, if you want to decrease the relative fertility of antisocial elements, you need to increase the status of prosocial elements. As in:
Mr Green, a married black man with no criminal record who lives in Atlanta and two kids is to be EXPECTED to have a gun, and is given all sorts of little perks by authority figures (as in, cops that stop him see that flag and treat him extra deferentially, and they cut him about the same amount of slack that they would, say, a fellow Mason. If he says he has no gun in the car, they ask him, why not?.
Joe Brown, on the other hand, with no legitimate kids or wife and a minor criminal record gets no such deference. He gets baseline treatment. Gary Black, with a long criminal record and plenty of antisocial behavior gets treated in a way calculated to humiliate. If he’s caught with a gun he gets the book thrown at him.
Do this and you’ll get more Mr. Greens and Joes and less Garys.

Starman says:

I have no intention of legitimizing the frame of any low testosterone anti-Natalist.

Anyone who opposes space colonization is an enemy of Mankind.

Fred says:

>We already have a long acting male contraceptive: Testosterone.

Can we have a non-hormonal solution? Some of us have enough T and/or don’t want to play around with hormones. I remember at /r/TRP there was/is a lot of feigned interest in T as a contraceptive, but in their case it was just a transparent attempt to make steroids easier to obtain.

RISUG/Vasalgel sounded great but Big Woman has shitcanned it. For a while there Contraline (Peter Thiel invested in this through Founders Fund) looked like it might have come through but they don’t update their news page anymore so I’m guessing Big Woman got them too.

Fred says:

Now I check it, Contraline seems to have updated their news page recently. Not sure if it represents any actual progress though.

Atavistic Morality says:

Anyone who opposes space colonization is an enemy of Mankind.

Anyone who opposes space colonization is an enemy of Mankind.

Anyone who opposes space colonization is an enemy of Mankind.

I should be allowed to copy paste this an infinity amount of times, and every single time it would be worthwhile use of bandwidth.

@R7 the question of natalism and the question of space colonialization are not obviously related. The matter of natalism is about overcrowding on this planet, mainly by low quality people. Suppose a scenario where both high quality and low quality people have much increased fertility, but the high quality more. Is that somehow more conducive to space colonialization than high fertility for high quality people and low fertility to low quality people? Can’t we have both – space colonialization, but also not fill this planet with 8Bn people, most of them dumb orcs, but get back to a comfortable 2Bn, most of them high quality?

European Mutt says:

Can’t we have both – space colonialization, but also not fill this planet with 8Bn people, most of them dumb orcs, but get back to a comfortable 2Bn, most of them high quality?

I first instinctively disagreed with this, but could not articulate why. This forced me to think step-by-step about it.

Here is my answer: Currently population growth in Africa* is the highest. This is under the conditions of post-colonialism, though under colonialism the dynamic was largely the same outside of Nigeria. Obviously if any more Africans flooded Europe or the US this would be a very bad thing, but if we have any say in this, we will just protect the borders, with deadly force if necessary. Like we saw with Australia this works.

If Africans stay in Africa and Mestizos stay in Latin America, no problem from our side. They can multiply like rabbits if they want, we should only care that they don’t attempt to enter our lands and that they fulfill the conditions for whatever contracts we have with them regarding mining and other natural resources. If they can’t, then colonize the parts where we have those strategic interests and put your own mercenaries and white settlers there. The colonies will most likely be where smart blacks and mestizos want to be as well, they will be the center of their segregated middle class. This will have a mostly eugenic effect. If they become too numerous, maybe contraceptives will become necessary (we can simply use testosterone in this case like Jim suggested), but this is far from clear to me. Probably will not be.

Outside of the colonies, again, they can multiply like rabbits and it will not hurt us in any way except by trying to attack, which will be answered by conquering their lands in return. Eventually whites and Chinese may colonize everything on Earth, or not, and the total number of people of each race will depend on how much was settled by whites or Chinese. But any outcome is fine. The main thing is geographical/spatial segregation (which is coincidentally even easier in space).

If I had a say (which of course I don’t), I’d give sub-saharan Africa 20 years to get their house in order even if it hurt our economy in the short term (I would have said South America too but it’s clear Bolsonaro has this in the bag if Trump prevails). They may surprise us with how quickly they can form an elite and have remarkably orderly societies without USG meddling. In which case they can be Westphalian equals (and will never go into space regardless).

Overpopulation in the global sense is a left-wing meme. In the local sense it is very real and denied by the left, which is obvious in their complaints against ‘suburban sprawl’.

* https://i.redd.it/bk0otmc9a1511.png

@European Mutt: clear, but where is the disagreement? Just what do you think I mean when I talk about high-quality and low-quality people?

European Mutt says:


Regarding high and low quality people, I suspect we are mostly on the same page. Maybe I misinterpreted your position, but I thought you were advocating something like colonizing high-population low-IQ countries just to sterilize the people there. (Or even just spray airborne contraceptives if they ever became viable) Which I think is a waste of resources that are much better spent on space colonization. If bushmen can survive and breed and there are no lucrative mines or whatever else in their territory, we should leave them the fuck alone and go to Mars instead.

Contraception should be used only as a quid-pro-quo measure in my book, i.e. you can live and work here but then you take the shot every two weeks. This is where libertarians are essentially right, though only few of them go far enough. But even that can easily turn into an IQ shredder so probably immigration controls should be the first line of defense.

Sam says:

This isn’t something that can be permanently solved; getting rid of stupid people just means future generations engineer a slave race to lord over. The problem of leftists using stupid races to murder us can only be solved by crucifying leftists, not any technological breakthrough.

Starman says:

Have you ever worked with Shaniqua?

A stupid slave race would be useless on Mars or any other non-Earth environment.

Sam says:

If they wanted work to get done, they’d be using automation, exactly the same as the present. It is about having people to feel superior to.

(Yes, large scale fusion means in the long run automation dies because organic materials are cheap and anything heavier then iron is relatively rare, but that is a whole different can of worms).

Starman says:


“If they wanted work to get done, they’d be using automation, exactly the same as the present. It is about having people to feel superior to.”

What the fuck are you talking about?

Warriors and Priests rule over Merchants and Producers, no stupid (and useless) nig nog slave race needed on Mars.

jim says:

Bringing in an underclass to be superior to is displacement activity – caused by an insecure elite.

Black slaves were actually useful, because in the hot sun a negro really can do more physical work than a white.

The current underclass is not useful. Despite the desire for people to lord it over they hire Mexicans to blow leaves back and forth over their gardens, and as maids in the less critical parts of the house, but they don’t want Mexicans to help take care of the kids.

Sam says:

What Jim said. You can have slaves to do work, but slaves to status compete (black slaves in Elizabethan England) or having slaves to have people you can boss around and feel superior to (aka now) doesn’t require slaves able to do useful work- in fact the less useful the slaves are the better a status signal and the larger the serotonin squirt for ‘I am superior to these people’ in the brain.

Dave says:

That was all well and good until the Soviets started giving those chimps AK-47s.

Edit_XYZ says:
Not Tom says:

Random thought: once the Supreme Court makes its decision, will Twitter remove all of its “disputed” warnings? Discuss.

Pooch says:

They’ll just keep double downing on the lies.

jim says:

I rather suspect that Twitter will not change its policy until some people go for dip in the Pacific.

Color revolution aims for a quick bloodless victory, but when victory is unavailable without blood, starts killing people. The winning side is the side that kills more people.

Biden wants people “arrested”. If ballots without legitimate provenance, arrests without legitimate authority likely to follow.

Today’s America is a foreign country. Tomorrow’s America is likely to be considerably more foreign. Disputes over sovereign authority inherently escalate until resolved. There are no limits. We are on the path to civil war, and for civil war to be averted, someone has to step off that path.

The enemy is not agreement capable, thus is incapable of stepping off the path to civil war, hence will have to be killed. The problem is to preserve the forms of the old Republic while killing them.

Pooch says:

Where did you see Biden wants people arrested?

jim says:

I retract that. It appears to be an insufficiently supported rumor.

Sparks will fly, but they are not flying yet. We are still on the “He has fallen” narrative.

Yul Bornhold says:


“Joe Biden won the presidency promising to bring Americans together. But now his administration is sure to come under pressure from some Democrats to risk exacerbating divisions by investigating and prosecuting Donald Trump.”

Followed by a lot of newspeak to the effect of ‘guillotine him.’


“President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team is considering legal action over a federal agency’s delay in recognizing the Democrat’s victory over President Donald Trump in last week’s election, a Biden official said on Monday.”

European Mutt says:

As of November 15 I rather think they may delete him soon (along with all right-wingers) because of ‘inciting violence’ or something.

They sure will if the left crosses the Rubicon first for simple fear of their lives (will not help, techies will be the first to be purged). The only reason they still allow right-wingers is because they bring in massive traffic and ad revenue and maybe some internal pressure from libertarians in their rank and file.

Not Tom says:

Maybe the reason he’s been starting to redirect people away from Fox News to NewsMax and OANN.

He should probably do the same for Twitter, but he must have some kind of plan. Who knows, maybe he’s even tried but Twitter systematically blocks or deletes any of his tweets mentioning Gab or Parler (not that I trust the latter even a little bit). If it were happening, how would we know?

European Mutt says:

Who knows, maybe he’s even tried but Twitter systematically blocks or deletes any of his tweets mentioning Gab or Parler (not that I trust the latter even a little bit). If it were happening, how would we know?

This I doubt. As long as they still air his press conferences he can get the word out about this on national TV. And definitely on Newsmax and OANN. I would expect further COVID and economy and whatever inane topic conferences where he can say stuff like this without the media tuning him out immediately. Something like that may happen in the future though.

I agree with your distrust of Parler. Everyone on the left seems to know about it while they are unable to mention Gab.

He can always put up a news feed on donaldjtrump.com if all else fails. Or a twitter clone like thedonald.win is a reddit clone, if the ‘bad optics’ of Gab still matter at that point.

Terraformer says:

The post “The Republic died at 2020-11-04T04-05” has been linked at revolver.news

Nicodemus Rex says:

This new suit in Detroit is interesting because it lays out exactly how it happened

I can’t imagine the Supremes dismissing something like this if it’s verified (i.e number of secrecy sleeves doesn’t match number of envelopes). But the courts can’t force a “recount” (and a recount wouldn’t help here) — can they at least force or provide legal cover for the legislature to refuse to certify the electoral votes? What are the next steps?

BC says:

Defendant election officials and workers allowed absentee ballots to be duplicated by hand without allowing poll challengers to check if the duplication was accurate. In fact, Defendant election officials and workers repeatedly obstructed poll
4 Great Lakes Justice Centerchallengers from observing. Thousands of ballots were filled out by hand on site without oversight from poll challengers (Exhibit A).

This is the sort of operation Trump shutdown in Florida in 2016. It’s impossible to tell who won once it’s underway because the original votes are destroyed.

BC says:

3 Great Lakes Justice Centera. Defendants systematically processed and counted ballots from voters whose name failed to appear in either the Qualified Voter File (QVF) or in the supplemental sheets. When a voter’s name could not be found, the election worker assigned the ballot to a random name already in the QVF to a person who had not voted.

Holy shit. This is great stuff.

BC says:

I think know why Trump waited until now to unleash Barr and fire Esper: Barr consulted with McConnell before he started the investigation and before Esper was fired. I think Trump was waiting for most of the GOP leadership to sign up for the next step so they could work together as a unified group. The GOP had to be convinced by AOC and the vote fruad that they were going to lose power and die if they didn’t side with Trump going forward.

If Trump had moved more quickly it would have engaged their cuck shields and they would have cucked out, so he had to wait until after Biden declared victory and AOC started her lists.

jim says:

Yes, Trump the deal maker.

Sign up now, or the other guys will kill you anyway.

Pooch says:

If we win this, AOC deserves a nice big thank you as she’s dropped into the ocean.

Atavistic Morality says:

I think Lincoln would have been beyond happy if he knew his memorial was used to become splash grounds for a disgusting invading anti-American commie. Ocean not showy enough.

The Cominator says:

I would give AOC a trial, its long been suggested she was a Republican trying to make the Democrats look bad… and she does. I’d give her some chance to make that argument before we helicoptered her.

You don’t want to executed loyal agents who infiltrated and sabotaged the enemy.

Atavistic Morality says:

That sounds like a whole load of bullshit and you know it, she is making the Democrats look bad because they are that bad, because holiness spiral, increasingly insane and psychotic. You can give her a trial though, for the sake of it I’d give trials to all of them actually, people will be very happy and feel very confident on the God Emperor if he executed the subhumans after the trial rather than before asking questions.

The Cominator says:

Its probably bullshit… but I’d want to find out… most of the Democrats I’d be fine with a short interrogation prior to their chopper ride in order that we got rid of them quickly and nobody freed them or something…

“cuck shield” should go into the rectification-of-names dictionary. 10/10 (The unrectified name would be something like “preserving their respectability”.)

Kevin C. says:

Jim earlier:

The coming court case which is supposed to start Monday will be a test. If the courtroom is guarded by loyalist cops with loyalist troops on call a short distance away, it will start on Monday, and end not long thereafter with a victory for Trump. If guarded by color revolutionary cops, will not start on Monday, if it ever does start. If it ever does start, will not finish.


This is truly worrying. I hope we will see some action after Monday, when the court case begins.

If we don’t, we may have already lost.

It’s late Monday evening here (may be Tuesday already in more eastern parts), and I can’t find anything on this online, either way. Did the case begin? If so, whose loyalists guarded to courtroom?

Also, what about the argument I’ve been seeing, mostly on the right, about lack of ability of courts to remedy this even if they find for Trump. Such as in Hank Oslo’s otherwise strongly pro-Trump piece:

There is currently the pretense that the system is in some sense working – sure, the counting itself is a disaster from a pure competency point of view, but the disputes can always be Taken To Court. The problem is that there is not necessarily much the courts can do about it. This is always the first question in these cases – what is the relief being sought? No court is going to unilaterally award the office, nor can they while maintaining the fig leaf of separation of powers. If ballots are segregated (as was ordered for, eg, ballots arriving after a potential deadline in Pennsylvania), they can be discarded after the fact.

But ballots are not going to be segregated, that’s the whole point of the fraud. Is a court going to unilaterally toss a 4AM bucket-o-ballots if they are physically valid and at least some of them theoretically correspond to a warm body somewhere? Some of them can be voided, potentially, based on signature matches, postmarks, double-votes on election day and absentee, and other minutiae. This is worth doing, and may be sufficient – or it may not.

Further, in local chatter in my state — Alaska — I’m hearing talk that the Dems may be trying to steal both the presidential and senatorial votes here, despite the patent absurdity of claiming this state went for Joe Biden and Al Gross.

Kevin C. says:

Failed to close first blockquote properly. Sorry about that.

jim says:

edited blockquotes in based on my guess of what you intended

Kevin C. says:

Thanks; you got it exactly.

neofugue says:

The republic is dead. Be patient; Trump will not back down and let his supporters die without a fight. Remember the commenters who worried about Barr’s silence? The same thing will happen with regards to the Supreme Court.

Your article and response demonstrates normalcy bias. Because the Democrats have violated any remaining pretense the Right had of them holding to the republican spirit of this country through this obscene and monumental voter fraud, the loyalists need time to absorb the shock and prepare their new moves.

One new rule is that the Right no longer holds for itself the burden of proof, a privilege reserved for the Left, as in the case of Russian interference. If Trump abdicates, he will be imprisoned and killed for a variety of offenses inferred by the holy. In 2018, voter fraud gave the Arizona Senate election to the enemy, but such behavior today is not acceptable. It is no longer our burden to prove what can never be proven, it is the burden of the Democrats to prove custody and provenance.

In relation to Trump’s activities, as someone who used to play rounds every week at his country club, most misunderstand golf as leisure. Golf is active meditation for the upper classes; the scenery calms the senses, the game requires total focus. It is in many ways outdoor chess. Trump is not being idle, he is recharging for his next move.

Not Tom says:

We expect them to refuse to honor any Supreme Court ruling. After all, they already violated two state court orders in Pennsylvania.

But the autocoup will go much more smoothly if it is certified officially legal, and not just morally justified.

Not Tom says:

…and, if this is done correctly, it should flip several house seats and maybe a senate seat or two. The evidence so far indicates that the fraud occurred most frequently where it swung local races. They just got greedy and added hundreds of thousands more Biden votes with no down-ballot.

Shelby says:


Shelby says:


Shelby says:


Shelby says:


jim says:

I conjecture you get credits for posts even when I edit them to deleted, so silently deleting your stuff from here on.

take the shill test.

Not Tom says:

“Fuck you Jim I’m done!”

*posts 57 more times*

Reminds me of Communist Revolutionary. Must be part of the same boiler room.

Adjudicator says:

There has got to be a clear cut method to discredit this:



Given the general conclusion of the mainstream media, and the readiness of these organisations to either blatantly ignore the election, or were successfully / willingly bamboozled by the Democrats, namely, the Organization of American States and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, is there any method that can be done to prove that their information is incorrect, discredit their “nothing wrong” findings or prove their complicity in ignoring the fraud?

European Mutt says:

To be expected. OSCE is 100% Blue Empire, OAS looks that way too. Complicity will be proven when State Department secrets are leaked or Trump arrests them, but this is not likely to happen before Trump’s power is secure.

Just ignore them and notice they are subtly shifting the frame talking about ‘voter fraud’, not election fraud.

Not Tom says:

Haha, they cried for four years about “foreign interference” but now we should trust the conclusion of a few dozen “international observers”? Why do we even have such a thing?

Pooch says:

There is video and tens and possibly hundreds of testimony of GOP watchers being barred entry or not put close enough to see anything. Nobody cares what International watchers say. This is an American election.

European Mutt says:

Sudden drastic reduction in shills in European newspaper comment sections (I use those to gauge the current mood of the left since the leftists there are as insane as the shills but always a few weeks ahead of official policy). Spooks reassigned to more ‘important’ things?

hcm says:

There is rampant demoralization among the left’s rank and file. They ran on a high for a few days with “president-elect”, but they are coming down hard. I thought their energy would last longer, but the panix is already setting in.

Mister Grumpus says:

Oh how I love to hear that, so I’m suspicious. Please elaborate.

All I’ve seen myself is that one single tweet clip in BAP somewhere of Mr Whoever Jewylooking saying that he “has a bad feeling about this”, so to speak.

Brad says:

Just going by what can be seen on the Chans, the shill presence has collapsed. Sure, they’re still there in force, but it’s no longer obviously 10 to 1, and closer to 2 to 1. Same with Instagram

hcm says:

This exactly. And anecdotally, the smug attitude has disappeared from IRL conversations and normie social media. If they were still confident, they would not have gone silent, and most have.

There aren’t mainstream articles talking about it obviously, but you can see the spark has left their eyes.

Demoralizer Spec-Ops says:

We won the psywar by the end of week one. This was pivotal in getting normie and boomer conservatives on board. Left operatives raided right comment sections across the net. We were in shock for a few hours but by the 48 hour mark we were on the ascendency. Using the Power of Positive Thinking – taught to us by the Orange One – the interwebs psywar was complete by Nov 9.

Now they have shifted from “cope” to “Trump is stealing the election.” They’re afraid!

Arqiduka says:

Hear! Hear!

It would help if you would at least mention which language, but I think I can confirm that for derstandard.at – which is a libpozcuck publication, but there aren’t really any more based ones people read and comment at, zurzeit.at is based but no comments.

European Mutt says:

Mostly the same thing across all French and German newspapers that have a relatively active comment section (Check out Le Monde and Welt for example and compare comment counts of today vs. yesterday). And yep, derstandard too they were very shill infested before especially on coronavirus, probably the most active German-speaking comment section and is now maybe 10 or 20% of yesterday (i.e. the vast majority of posts were shill posts).

The hilarious thing is that a lot of the remaining leftists on derstandard seem to have formed a concensus of “Let Trump go to the Supreme Court, they will rule in favor of Biden and then he will have more legitimacy”. Maybe the Austrian left is slightly more ‘principled’ or something I don’t know.

Zur Zeit I didn’t know, but looks much less cucked than Junge Freiheit at least and some of it is very funny. But sometimes they sound bitter and frustrated too, which I’ve noticed with many Austrian rightists and populists. This is really no way for us to live. Irrational optimism is the name of the game now.

Some links:

2020-11-08: https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/us-wahl/article219562414/Siegesrede-nach-US-Wahl-Nur-einmal-erwaehnt-Biden-den-Namen-Trumps.html#Comments

2020-11-09: https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/us-wahl/article219693100/Joe-Biden-Uns-steht-immer-noch-ein-sehr-dunkler-Winter-bevor.html#Comments

2020-11-09: https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/us-wahl/article219633566/US-Wahl-Joe-Biden-plant-Uebergangszeit-US-Behoerde-blockiert-Prozess.html#Comments

2020-11-10: https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article219812036/US-Wahl-Biden-bezeichnet-Trumps-Verhalten-als-Peinlichkeit.html

Compare the count and especially the content/quality of the comments.

European Mutt says:

Forgot to add this link I had in my bookmarks: https://apps.derstandard.at/userprofil/postings/636447

Most based user in the whole comment section. Was this one of us?

In the context of Elections and why they are increasingly irrelevant, here is an interesting piece from OpIndia, on how the “deep state” works in India. I am not sure of the author reads NRx stuff, but his writing seems to indicate that he understands to some extent the concepts (he calls the Cathedral as the unelected “Establishment”).

From the article:

Thus, it is an elaborate nexus between activists, the judiciary, the mainstream media and the bureaucracy that is dominated by liberal ideology. And they can continue to secure victories without having the necessity of winning elections. If things get desperate, they have the assured support of their foot-soldiers on the streets, as we saw in the aftermath of the CAA. We saw a violent mob attempting to hold the country hostage and liberals supporting them entirely because they wanted to blackmail the country into submission.


Eerily similar to the way the Deep State works in the US.

The Cominator says:

Hasn’t India always had a massive massive corrupt bureaucracy aka the permit Raj.

True, the corruption and nepotism has always been there. And we’ve had “affirmative action” codified in Law for decades in the name of Reservation Quotas, in education and public service. But those are part of the old-style Socialist model that India had since independence. Culturally India has been a lot more conservative despite the Leftist political influence for decades since Independence.

Since 1990, the cultural aspects of Progressivism have begun seeping into India, and it is a relatively new phenomenon and is slowly increasing its grip in India, whereas the West seems to be in an advanced stage of that cancer.

The article is a warning to the BJP government that what happened to Trump today might happen to Modi in 2024. He must become Caesar August of India soon and cut down the Establishment, otherwise we will probably head down the same path as the US is currently.

Lemme guess: that nexus consists mostly of people who went to college to the US or UK?

If you don’t know, find out, you might find such hilarious results as what Mark Y. found, that two politicians in Greece who were most responsible for their financial crash and ostensibly rivals, were roommates at a US college.

We have plenty of Harvard “educated” “academics” here. And yes, well trained too.

Modi is an old school politician who has worked his way from the ground up the hard way. And he believes in democratic process, much like Trump does, or maybe did, until recently.

I fear that our Prime Minister doesn’t understand the true power of this cabal.

The Cominator says:

Apparently Pompeo (a GOPe mil industria/red empire puppet that I think Trump likes too much) is saying outright he knows Biden lost and that there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration.

Pooch says:

Yes the GOP is almost completely unified now. The left ignores it and continues to proceed as if there is absolutely nothing that can stop them. They are saying there are other options on the table for them to pursue if the GSA admin continues to stonewall them. I wondering if she may need a security detail soon.

The Cominator says:

I’ve never liked Pompeo but him saying this (since he is the closest thing to a younger if fatter George HW Bush there is) is an extremely good sign.

The GOPe knows that if they let Trump go down they absolutely have to go down with them… and they also know that if they go the nuclear root to steal the election back from the left (ie state legislatures or throwing it to the house and such) that they have no choice but total commitment to destroy the left.

Pooch says:

Frogtwitter saying the Pompeo endorsement is big because he has significant pull with Praetorians in DC/NoVA.

The Cominator says:

Its big because Pompeo is the same sort of derp state faction politician George HW Bush has but as Jim says… this is not a time we can scoff at the aid.

Pooch says:

Trump is well positioned with loyal Sec of State and Defense and the entire GOP falling behind him, unless the Supreme Court cucks. Cathedral doesn’t seem like they are putting pressure on them to cuck. Maybe it’s just too soon. They are just ignoring the fact that Trump’s lawfare even has standing.

If the Supremes don’t cuck, the left will clearly ignore it and looks like their only play is to just run the Color Revolution script like Jim says when the courts reverse the race. I don’t see what other plays they have but they seem to be signaling they have other options before color revolution if the GSA admin doesn’t go along with their fake transition.

The Cominator says:

Trump only needs SCOTUS to say that the state legislatures are within their rights to deny certifying electors (since they are not going to vote to certify electors under the circumstances) or name their own if they are suspicious of fraud…

He doesn’t need them to throw out votes.

pyrrhus says:

It’s clear that the Legislature has that right from Bush v Gore, and that the Legislature could even choose themselves as the electors, though that won’t happen.

Edit_XYZ says:

The left doesn’t have muscle. They can’t escalate to violence – the rioting is a joke.

But it can definitely get legitimacy and muscle. If their fraud stands.
And they are pretty close to it.

jim says:

The military industrial complex largely belongs to the Republican faction that Moldbug called “optimates”, which is in Trump’s pocket.

They are bad guys, and if they get their way national capitalism will become national crony capitalism, but I will take any ally at this point. Obama’s Fabian socialism and the Social Justice Warrior infestation rightly gave them the willies.

They used to like regulation, but since regulation went social justice, less keen on it. They were none too keen on the Great Minority Mortgage Meltdown either.

Jehu says:

The ‘optimates’ need to understand that the American Vaisya class is the least painful coalition partner that they can possibly select. All the American Vaisya asks is that you do not humiliate him, replace him, or otherwise screw with him. Trump gets this, but I don’t think they do.

Edit_XYZ says:

I found this thread:

Cotto Gottfried seems trustworthy enough.
So – the situation is ugly. If they can’t uncover and prove enough of the fraud, the backup plan is to run out the time to 14.12.
They also know what is at stake – the very existence of the country.
The only negative part – he seemed hesitant to go the legislative route. They still underestimate what the left is capable of if it gains power.

At present, the GOP should focus on gaining time and legitimacy, by uncovering fraud and going to the courts.

As far as court cases go, they have solid cases in Michigan and Pennsylvania – republican observers thrown out and hundreds of thousands of ballots appearing.

This happened in Wisconsin too – I haven’t heard much about the case, or even whether there is one.

Also about Georgia, I haven’t heard about any such case. And there should be one:
And Georgia is critical. There will be a recount, but – what kind of recount? One that merely gives the same figures or close to it would be disatruos, legitimacy-wise.

On president Trump’s twitter, he seemed quite confident that Wisconsin is in the bag.
About Georgia he did say he’ll win – due to ballot counting abuse. I don’t think this is seen are a done deal.

Pooch says:

This is the status of the map: https://mobile.twitter.com/Raiklin/status/1326266802578534400/photo/1

He’s a lawyer and does a good job with daily updating.

Edit_XYZ says:

That map assumes Trump will get Georgia and Arizona.
That is far from certain.

With Georgia, the distance is about 12000 votes. The best hope is that some counting machines gave Biden votes, and this will be corrected in the recount.
I haven’t seen anything to indicate Trump’s team managed to invalidate a significant portion of ballots. That they have found and proven the fake ballots.

Arizona will be razor thin.

jim says:

There was not massive fraud in Arizona, but there was a substantial amount of the ordinary everyday retail fraud as in every election. We will get Arizona if we go after fraud there. Likely we will get Arizona even without purging some of the fraud.

The Cominator says:

I’ve told you to shut the fuck up if you want to blackpill.

In all Georgia, Wisconsin Michigan and PA the electors will be at worst thrown out.

Edit_XYZ says:

That’s not blackpilling. It’s discussing the situation – which is quite serious.
If we can’t discuss it, this site would simply be a feel-good conversation. Useless.

jim says:

You are playing down the scale of the fraud. Which is not realism but lunacy or shilling.

If major frauds are purged, Trump gets legitimacy, and then we win the civil war.

Chances are that there is never going to be an electoral college – at least not until one side or the other has won decisively by means that rapidly become increasingly irregular and unusual. Recounts may never take place.

The reason for trying to win by getting due process is not to win by getting due process, but to be legitimate when civil war begins for lack of due process.

Edit_XYZ says:

I find your response quite whitepilling.
It would be ideal for the situation to escalate quickly – before the electoral college – into hot civil war.
I an confident Trump and the forces he controls can crush whatever muscle can bring to bear.

But I think the left knows this, too. That’s why they are not escalating for now – just letting the media convince as many as possible that the fraud was small-scale, etc.
They’re trying to get legitimacy and muscle.

Edit_XYZ says:

Correction “I am confident Trump and the forces he controls can crush whatever muscle the left can bring to bear.”

jim says:

Under Obama, America was drifting rudderless into war with Russia.

Now the left is drifting rudderless into war with America. The objective is not to keep their ship from crashing, but to make sure it lands on the rocks rather than the beach.

Not Tom says:

At this point, the deciding factor is likely not the magnitude of the evidence, or even the size of the swing, just which party has the governorship and state legislature.

Edit_XYZ says:

If the GOP manages to delay until 14.12, it’s done. Unless a GOP legislature is treasonous.

We’ll soon see in how much hurry the courts are to resolve the cases brought by Trump’s team.

In any case, one thing the GOP must understand is that there are no longer rules. The democrats made that clear with their massive fraud.
Everything goes.

Encelad says:

The side which has more trust in the system, the rule of law and the democratic process is going to lose. Dems know it. I hope GOP understood this as well.

jim says:

It is a Trump landslide everywhere. The fraud in PA was massive and blatant. Roll PA back, and we have the legitimacy to take out fraud everywhere, even where less massive and less blatant. With even a modest reduction of fraud, the map will be almost solid red.

PA is a test case. If we can stop the grossest fraud, we can stop other frauds.

The Cominator says:

The most massive fraud by %s was in Wisconsin.

I think team Trump should roll over the obvious fraud in Milwaukee 1st.

pyrrhus says:

Since the discovery of a 20,000 vote “glitch” in WI, the margin there is only 1,500 votes….http://voxday.blogspot.com/2020/11/another-glitch-wi-edition.html, so Trump is very likely to win there too, so it’s possible that he can avoid the Rubicon…for now…

Not Tom says:

Note that this came from an anonymous source at Gateway Pundit, so it could be disinfo. GP has his heart in the right place but publishes a lot of total nonsense.

The fraud is huge and crystal clear in WI, but it might not be as easy as this. The claim is that the vote totals for Trump and Biden were literally swapped count for count, and I’m not sure what variety of election fraud can even cause that. So it might be either fake, or a reporting error at Fox rather than manipulation of the votes.

Not downplaying the fraud here – only saying we should focus on the evidence that we can independently verify, not someone’s second-hand account of what someone else claims to have seen on Fox News. But we’ll see, maybe they did do something incredibly silly like switch the totals; I wouldn’t put it past them to try, just don’t know how it could be done.

Edit_XYZ says:

We should focus on both.

As for swapping Trump and Biden’s votes – the fraud took place primarily as: adding hundreds of thousand of ballots; using ballot countng machines, running a software called Dominion (connected to Clinton, Pelosi, etc) to modify the votes.
This is what happened, probably, with that instance in Wisconsin.

Edit_XYZ says:

I don’t think uncovering the fraud should be the objective. But running the clock to december.

Uncovering the fraud in PA and MI seems simplest. There are affidavits, hundreds of obviously false ballots in MI. In PA there are also affidavits and the democrats are still counting in complete disregard for the legality of the ballots and a Supreme Court judge.

But simply uncovering the fraud there does nothing for Georgia, for example, if there recounting the ballots finds Biden as winner.

Uncovering the fraud is a high-minded adventure that can fail. What’s needed to win this is not principles, but to be ready to do whatever it takes.

It’s much safer to get to 14.12 before the decision is in. Far fewer variables: there is enough fraud to delay in courts and audits, and this is much simpler that setting things right – time enough for that after power is secured.

Pooch says:

If the fraud is exposed with legal Supreme Court backing, no GOP legislature will cuck. Then when the Democrats inevitably react with violence, Trump can put it down with stronger legitimate violence.

jim says:

> I don’t think uncovering the fraud should be the objective. But running the clock to december.

Civil war approaches. Uncovering the fraud is essential to legitimacy, and legitimacy is essential to winning the civil war.

Running out the clock is gaming due process, and due process is rapidly disappearing.

If we win without civil war, it will only be by positioning ourselves to win civil war decisively.

Strannik says:
The Cominator says:

I already brought this up.

jim says:

I think Pompeo suffers from normalcy bias.

He knows Trump has a winning legal case, but legality is rapidly ceasing to matter, except as positioning for the civil war.

A sufficiently strong position for the civil war will avert civil war, but smoothness is looking less and less likely.

The Cominator says:

Pompeo is a spook pol ala George HW Bush don’t think whatever it is he knows it isn’t about the legal case.

Strannik says:

I think we’re at the stage where the coup plotters can be intimidated into giving up, by a solid resolve by the GOP to back Trump.

Eric Schmidt just received Cypriote citizenship, I don’t think a tech titan like him (who was just brought on board in a new would-be Biden Administration) would do that unless he planned on fleeing when this farce goes tits up.

European Mutt says:

Good news if true. If they flee, they can be brought individually to justice. Trump the dealmaker can engineer some quid-pro-quos to get them back to the US and tried eventually.

And Trump is still spared the task of defunding the left in future, which is considerably harder than deplatforming it right now.

If they just folded and conceded, Trump would actually have to defund them piece by piece, though this is unlikely based on what we know about left singularities.

Edit_XYZ says:

I think the most important factor is for the GOP and Trump not to cuck under any circumstances.
The fact that the left obviously hates them will make the republican constituency stand behind them. As of now, 80% believe the election was fraudulent – despite the media.

Also, it’s probable the Supreme Court will side with the GOP, as long as they have a good chance of coming up on top. But probability does not equal certainty.

The worst outcome would be a court decision making Trump lose the election, and Trump accepting it and abdicating. This will leave the right atomized.
It will be as you said, Venezuela.
For starters, the left, through Biden, wants to institute lockdown, knock over all the apple carts Trump protected and many others, criminalize any opposition to its antifa troops, etc.

PS – I found a link with the cases:
It seems the one in Georgia was already dismissed. The fake votes were hidden, there, far better than in the northern states.
If the GOP can’t find them, it’s imperative to obtain at least an audit.

jim says:

> https://uncoverdc.com/2020/11/10/lawsuits-filed-in-swing-states-due-to-alleged-election-fraud/
> It seems the one in Georgia was already dismissed. The fake votes were hidden, there, far better than in the northern states

No they were not hidden, though less blatant. The dismissal was improper. It is also clear legal grounds for proclaiming the insurrection act, though it would be unwise for Trump to proclaim the insurrection act until he has all his ducks in a row.

The current Trump strategy seems to be to federalize the cases by making them civil rights cases.

The Cominator says:

The Georgia votes were only more plausible because they were dumped at a slower rate over four days but statistically they are just as implausible as what happened in PA.

Not Tom says:

I don’t have much faith in “recounts”, but FWIW Georgia is doing an automatic recount because of the tiny margin regardless of the court decision, and it is Republican-controlled. But all the caveats about recounts still apply.

Edit_XYZ says:


About the elections: the left used the electronic counting machines to cheat and add votes to Biden. But Trump was winning in such a landslide, that it wasn’t enough.
That’s why it added hundreds of thousands of fake ballots in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, maybe others. In Georgia, as Cominator said, it did this on a slower rate over four days. The ballots are obviously fake, in defiance of any law of probability. In the northern states with democrat governors, the entire operation was in broad daylight.
In North Carolina, the local GOP was well organized enough and the left couldn’t quite pull it off.

That’s why Trump is confident that Georgia and Wisconsin will go his way after the recount: the recount will be manual and will eliminate the bias introduced by the electronic counting machines.
In those states, the difference between him and Biden is 15-20000 votes; the left really underestimated the landslide there and didn’t add enough fake ballots to give Biden the victory after the counting machines bias is removed. Or, perhaps, it couldn’t produce enough ballots in time.

Trump knows that, if he abdicates, he will be imprisoned and ultimately killed. He knows the left well enough; not to mention, it’s being said directly – I read today an article indicating that Pelosi&co want to continue prosecuting Trump.

The GOP knows that, if they cuck to the left coup, they will never win an election again.
Many from the GOP don’t know, though, that if the left succeedes, they will be enemy of the people, lower even than white people. They suffer from normacy bias. The faster they realize what awaits them, the better Trump’s chances, and theirs.

I read the front page of breitbart, and there was quite a whitepill: CNN lists the GOP senators that didn’t acknowledge Biden. This is sure to help them along understanding.

The greatest vulnerability Trump has at present is that many from the GOP are apt to cuck – that normacy bias.
But already, the window of vulnerability is closing – as the GOP and his loyalists realize what would follow for them if they surrender or are defeated.

The left doesn’t seem to have a strategy – such as appease some of your enemies, negociate even in bad faith, etc.
It’s like an avatar lashing out in hunger, hatred and lies.
It’s truly demonic. No wonder any place where it gains power ends up hellish.

As for the rest – as long as the his constituency knows that the left has grossly stolen the elections (which is in the process of being proven or proved, at least in the northern states, proofs which Trump should popularize as much as possible), he only needs significant military force to remain loyal to him.

As for the succession of events, I can easily imagine trials, going up to the Supremes. If the proof is clear enough, he doesn’t even really need their favorable decision.
Trump can simply say their decision is wrong (which can be seen by anyone reasonably intelligent), then order the army to the location of the voting buildings, declaring and even believing that it is in order to secure these crime scenes, in order for the cops to do their job, reconstitute what happened in detail and demonstrate who is responsible. The results of the investigation will reveal that he won in a landslide (which is true), and he will be inaugurated in his second mandate.

Jim – I live in Eastern Europe, in the American sphere of influence. Do you have any advice about what to do/how to prepare in the event that things go poorly, and America ends in the Yugoslavia or Venezuela scenario?

jim says:

I don’t even have advice on how to deal with the American scenario.

Just realize that the game is now being played by new rules, for unlimited stakes, and the old rules will have zero effectiveness in protecting you. Dress yourself in the old rules, but don’t let them inhibit you from doing what needs to be done.

You need to signal willingness to escalate over the top, to persuade the other guy that he cannot escalate without you escalating, but you also need plausible legitimacy. An axe is more likely than a knife to settle things without actually being used. Bigger signal deters escalation better than a smaller signal.

If the old rules get in the way of signaling, pick up the axe and signal hard anyway. You have not seriously broken the old rules until you actually whack him with the axe. But you need to be perfectly serious about whacking him with the axe. They will test you to see if you are serious about using the axe.

If you look like you are bluffing about the axe, you will wind up being forced to use it regardless.

“Jim – I live in Eastern Europe, in the American sphere of influence. Do you have any advice about what to do/how to prepare in the event that things go poorly, and America ends in the Yugoslavia or Venezuela scenario?”

Learn Hungarian. Hungarian is a gateway language.

Gestahlt says:

Trump is entering the imperial phase with the backing of the Senate. We are on sand now.

Anonymous 2 says:

I see that John Brennan (in first group to take helicopter tour) now urges Pence to unseat the devil Trump, since otherwise too many things could be declassified by the ogre of Queens. Makes you want to declassify more, really.


If memory serves, John Brennan was the successor of David Petraeus, who as we recall was dismissed due to a leak of an affair of his. Well, who better to replace him as head of CIA than a former communist, eh?

INDY says:

What’s a former communist?

hopinforabetterfuture says:

a dead one, but even then they probably argue for collective control of hell.

BC says:


Sort of off-topic, but why the Lee hate? I don’t see why Southerners would have glorified Lee for 150 years if he actually sucked as a general.

For the same reason both sides played up Rommel after WW2 as being an all powerful solider: To hide the real reasons for the cluster fucks. Churchill & UK leadership screwed the pooch left and right.

Lee wasn’t a bad commander, but there were several generals on the South’s side that were better. The primary reason Lee won so many battles was Lincoln screwing his Generals by pulling half the troops back to defend DC whenever the Confederates sent armies no matter how small in the general direction of the capital during a major battle. Even after Lincoln got a good General in Grant(who realized the problem and left a huge army to defend the road to Washington DC) Lincoln order frontal attack after frontal attack in a war that saw a 4 to 1 advantage to the defender.

The North Ran out of manpower because of it. All Lee had to do was sit back on the defensive and let Grant waste his manpower. Without Sherman the North certainly would have lost the war due to Lincoln’s awful military leadership. Without Lee on the Southern side, Stonewall Jackson would have done to the industrial heart of the Union what Sherman did to the South during his march through Georgia, South and North Carolina.

The North praised Lee because it hid how awful Lincoln was by saying there were fighting a vastly superior General.

After the war the South was looking for a way to find common ground with the North and General Lee was it. Both sides could admire and like him and by all accounts Lee was a great leader of men, just not a great General. He would have done better as the leader of the Confederacy rather than the leader of it’s armies.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

Lee was a true Napoleonic general that was fighting one of the worlds first modern war. on the field in a pitched battle he was a fine general.

but that style of command was obsolete as the war progressed.

The Cominator says:

Review of civil war general.

Best General Overall: Stonewall Jackson, brilliant both strategically and tactically (despite being a semi insane religious fanatic who if he weren’t so successful probably would have been killed by his own men for being a crazy martinet in a way that Southerners in particular would really hate), believed that the way to win the war was a Sherman type campaign in the North and he was probably correct. If he survived Fredricksburg the war might have turned out differently.

Strategically: Sherman, best strategist and adequate tactically (but not great). Overall he was the man who most won the war for the union.

Tatically: Forrest (Confederate)… the only man Sherman feared. Sheridan (Union) was a good runner up along those lines.

Grant was adequate strategically and tactically he was brilliant with what in modern war would be called operations… ie the Vicksburg operation was his best campaign by far. In the east his main strategy seemed to be to try to outflank and overwhelm… though its not known what more could have been done since if he tried to wait too long and amass overwhelming force (a war of pure manuever in Virginia such as Sherman conducted probably would have been impossible) armies at that time we’re more prone to be destroyed by sickness than slaughter if camped in one place for a long time. So although launching a lot of attacks at great costs got him his butcher reputation not attacking so aggressively probably would have got him similar causalties due to sickness in short order but at no cost to the enemy.

Lee was a very good tactician (other than ordering the charge at Gettysburg) and very good as a trainer and organizer but his strategic thinking was poor. He should have been a subordinate to Stonewall Jackson not his superior.

On the Union side general Thomas was brilliant on the defensive but was relieved for being too cowardly to take the strategic offensive even when he had the forces to do it.

I don’t think Lincoln can be blamed entirely for the North having so many downright poor generals early in the war… I don’t think he ordered too many frontal attacks he did order McClellan to do it because McClellan did not want to fight at all.

BC says:

You probably know more about the war than I do as I’ve never been a big civil history buff but from what read Grant’s original plan he presented to Lincoln was to spread the Union armies out broadly while keeping a large enough force in Northern Virginia to pen Lee there. It would have been 4 or 5 Sherman’s rampaging across the South, something that would have quickly overwhelmed the confederates.

Lincoln vetoed it and insisted on attrition warfare against Lee’s army. Lincoln was a priest playing General and was confused why his Generals didn’t just grind down the South through attrition warfare. The reason the Generals were not obeying Lincoln’s commands was the fact that both sides were digging trenches, building log barricades that were basically raised trenches, and generally playing up the defensive power of the Minié rifle. This required 3 to 4 times as many men assaulting a defensive in order to guarantee taking it and the loses from attacking prepared potions were approaching WW1 levels of casualties. A good General generally won’t throw his men’s lives away needlessly and even a bad General is reluctant to attack knowing he would lose.

Grant obeyed these orders and obeyed them brilliantly but eventually the North ran out of manpower before the South did and eventually settled down into the Siege of Petersburg while Sherman was winning the war. Ultimately it was Grants plan that won the war but due to Lincolns interference that it cost many more men than it should have.

The Cominator says:

As far as I know Lincoln gave Grant free reign as General in Chief, the North had very few competent commanders who could have operated in an aggressive manner (Sheridan could have and he sort of was allowed to on a smaller scale like when he burned the Shenadoah valley) like Sherman and I believe Grant issued general instructions to each army commander who was spread out.

He almost ordered Sherman back east after he took Savannah but Sherman managed to convince him to let him march through the Carolinas instead.

BC says:

The GOP captured the House, the Senate, and the Governor’s office in New Hampshire, yet Trump lost to Biden? That’s bullshit.

Pooch says:

The fraud is everywhere.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

New Hampshire should be a right wing state by all acounts. Rural and one of the homes of American gun manufacturing (Ruger, SIG) but its not. tis strange.

Diaz says:

Part of it falls as Boston suburb – so many govt and brahmin jobs.

Mister Grumpus says:

New Guys:

Jim knows his shit. Behold here his piece from August 2017:

“Recap on the Left Singularity”


“The trend towards ever more thorough, ever more widespread, and ever more violent and coercive censorship, ever more obviously irrational, will not stop today.”

Nicodemus Rex says:

It’s amazing and a huge whitepill that Trump is appointing loyalists to the DoD and DoJ now … but now I’m wondering why he couldn’t before? I had always assumed that he kept traitors like Esper and Wray in the Whitehouse because he didn’t have people to replace them with, but apparently that’s not the case. Did he need the Repubs to fall in line first before appointing anyone loyal?

BC says:

He needed the backing of the GOP Senate. Barr went to visit Cocaine Mitch and all the wheels started turning after that meeting. Even the head of the CIA was recently seen in McConnell office, probably receiving marching orders. The GOP stands as one against the steal and the AOC deaths lists that will follow.

Mister Grumpus says:

I can only guess that Trump is re-purposing the other side as his own personal Bad Cop against his own party.

“Help me or I’ll fail.”

“Help me or they’ll unseat you, and then maybe kill you.”
“OK what do you need?”

The AOC gang is rallying the GOP like neither Trump nor the voters ever could.

BC says:

AOC’s likely about to be speaker of the house too. Nancy is short of the votes she needs.

Mister Grumpus says:

Speaker of the House. The Sephardo-Rican bartender with the guillotine. It’s only been a week.

We’re warping through universes faster and faster now. Like when Captain Picard was tested by that omnipotent Q guy ohgawd whattehfuck.

Ron says:

How about

“Help me or after I release all thsi evidence of the voter fraud and the people decide to hunt down and kill every fucking traitor in the county, I then hand them this large stack of evidenc couples with around 10 terrabytes of video of you laughing about how stupid they were to trust you while snorting line of coke off a giggling 18 year old hookers ass whole a naked 6 year old boy is huddled and sobbing in a corner with a pool of blood and semen, HIS blood and YOUR fucking semen flowing out of his rectuml

That’s probably more like it.

Ron says:

Sorry for the spelling errors

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Like clockwork, the media march past the event horizon.

New York Times front page banner headline for 11 November:


It is glorious.

jim says:

It is inherent in the left singularity that they have censor and eventually terrorize everyone harder and harder, or else disappear up their own arsehole.

They are now disappearing up their own arsehole.

Mister Grumpus says:

It’s only been a week!

BC says:

I don’t quite get it…

jim says:

The left consensus reality is rapidly getting not only further detached from actual reality, but further detached from normie reality.

BC says:
Dave says:

Whoever writes these headlines is generously volunteering to pay off the national debt, even if that means 18-hour days breaking rocks in a Chinese thorium mine.

Mister Grumpus says:

“They are now disappearing up their own arsehole.”


“NYT shuts down Trump with epic front page banner.”

“President Donald Trump will awake on Wednesday to a brutal banner headline in The New York Times.”

Not Tom says:

Amazing. I knew the NYT were pathological liars, of course, but I didn’t expect them to go full Baghdad Bob this soon.

Should I even check to see which “election officials” they’re talking about, or is it all anonymous sources and/or the same officials who committed the fraud in the first place?

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Democrats, and Republicans in undisputed states = nationwide bipartisan official verified uber slamdunk consensus Findings.

Goodbye, narrative. Hello, declarative.

It is utterly glorious that the (s)hill they chose to die on, their declared reality, is the one that requires an army of whistleblowers and evidence-bearers who have spoken on the record to refuse to speak on the record, and somehow be kept hidden.

Cementmixer says:


“top officials overseeing policy, intelligence and the defense secretary’s staff all had resigned by the end of the day Tuesday, replaced by political operatives who are fiercely loyal to Trump”

jim says:

My white pill shines.

“Resigned”, my ass. Trump is clearing the decks for a possible civil war.

Big Brutha says:

Precisely. Trump knows that for what comes next he needs to be able to have no fears of the DOD or DOJ stabbing him in the back. He’s ensuring that he has loyalists in position so that when he transitions to his second term and Leftist escalation occurs he can bring the necessary force to bear. This is not a fit of pique. This is methodical preparation. What I want to know is when this was war-gamed and with whom? How long ago did they decide on this course of action?

Mister Grumpus says:

For one, Saturday Nighting the DoD and DoJ is surely Trump doing everything he can to head off false flags.

There will be “protests” and riots like crazy, and surely some bad guys out there shooting the “peaceful protestors” so they can bleed to death on CNN to righteous minor-key sad music. Even better with the White House in the background. (Wow is this realpolitik or have I just gone psycho?)

Actually, come to think of it, they’ll be gunning for the *genuinely* peaceful protestors in particular. Slim pretty ones, tattoo-free, with nice legs and their natural hair color. That chain-smoking coal-burning Heather Heyer fatso was just too gross to really cut the mustard. (Imagine how different things would be now if HH had been attractive. Seriously.)

Anyway, preventing false-flag shootings in all this chaos will be a Herculean task. I wouldn’t know where to start, but Trump clearly does because BLM went remarkably well in this regard. You all remember me wetting the bed over it before the big DC event, and… nothing. Fact.

Big Brutha says:

Good point. That would be close to a worst case scenario. It’s going to take serious effort to prevent that sort of outcome. The MSM will make hay of that and try to win at the “moral level” of war.

Mister Grumpus says:

And if a FF happens then they’ll clobber judges and statehouses with it, obviously.

Will they take the side of Cheeto Hitler who does *this*? Do they want to be on that *list*?

European Mutt says:

Somehow I can’t see how it would matter. Sure it would be better without an FF, but nobody believes MSM now as they stick with the ‘no fraud’ narrative. Maybe they can persuade some Fox News watching grannies but grannies don’t fight.

I assume they are at least partly following the Ukraine playbook since that’s the most recent broadly comparable color revolution. In this scenario, Republicans are Donbass. Culturally and ideologically completely separate from the other parts of the country. I know from first hand account that normies in Donbass did not for one second believe protesters were killed by ‘government snipers’ on Maidan.

The US of course has based Trump in office and not cuck Yanukovich.

Big Brutha says:

The issue isn’t false flags getting anyone to fight. It is that false flags would be enormously helpful in getting normies and boomercons to bring pressure to bear on Trump to dial back the necessary measures that successfully surviving a color revolution requires. Ceausescu, for example, had all the hard power necessary to have maintained his position. But when enough of the people went the other way those that had been loyal up until that moment started doing the calculus and decided that they were going to be a lot better off personally without Ceausescu than they were if they stuck with him. If he hasn’t already, Trump needs to create a “Cortez burning his ships” sort of scenario for those that occupy important positions around him. They have to understand that cucking doesn’t end with them walking away and looking like a hero to those involved in the coup. It ends with them dead.

The Cominator says:

McConnell and most of the top ranks of the gop seem to understand this, it seems we have some lower level GOP state hacks (the Georgia secretary of state, the Arizona AG, Tokyo rove it seems) who seem to not realize this… but overall things look good now. But if legal means wont suffice Trump will cross the rubicon and win that way.

Pooch says:

The color revolution hasn’t started yet. When it does, the Senate won’t matter, it will be the commanders of loyalist troops around him. Esper walked across Lafetyette Park then immediately cucked after. We can’t have that this time.

Pooch says:

Esper and Milley both cucked after the Cathedral shrieked.

Mister Grumpus says:

Trump lit his ships on fire by simply holding frame and not conceding. Now the other side is howling for blood and the cucks around him have yellow R’s on all their clothing.

European Mutt says:

The fighting comment was probably misleading, but also not my main point.

I stand corrected on the main point though because Fox now “MAGA-turfing” is of course very troubling. If they had all kept the “no-fraud” narrative, no problem at all.

Note that once Trump took office, not a single muslim terrorist attack on the US during his presidency. Implies to me that Trump’s personnel changes in the FBI and CIA were remarkably effective at rooting out conspiracy and/or shut down the human mechanisms that coordinate false flags.

jim says:

The Muslim terrorist attacks were real – Muslims always engage in terrorism, have been doing so since Mohammed did so and told his followers to follow in his footsteps.

But they were facilitated by a policy of ignoring Muslim terrorists even if they got in the FBI’s faces, and finding straight white Christian male terrorists regardless of whether they existed or not.

The Cominator says:

They were also funded by MASSIVE subsidies from the Saudi elite, but Mohammed Bin Salman had the ones who were funding terrorism arrested.

jim says:

Yes, the major factor reducing Mohammedan terrorism against America was Trump the dealmaker getting a deal with Mohammedan Kings, plus, of course the Kings realizing that the terrorists were dangerously holy.

BC says:
pyrrhus says:

Meanwhile, Detroit whistleblower on Dominion fraud machines cancelled at last minute by Fox…..http://voxday.blogspot.com/2020/11/the-detroit-whistleblower.html
This election fraud has spiralled to unimagined levels….

Not Tom says:

One of the interesting tidbits in her actual interview (on Twitch) that’s gone largely unremarked upon is that she got noticed and promoted from one of the Stop the Steal protests.

You can really tell the difference between protests and “protests”. STS was no Proud Boys amateur hour bollocks, it was professional and focused. This is what effective activism looks like on the right, i.e. when it’s properly funded and organized. We probably won’t see very much of it again, because if Trump loses power it will become impossible (again), and if he takes power then it will become unnecessary.

Mister Grumpus says:

I’d like your and everyone’s take on this please:

I’m getting paranoid and sensing a lot of “MAGA-turfing” going on, like these weird Fox News stories that are all over small potatoes and designed to make the anti-fraud Stop the Steal cause look flakey, petty and stupid.

TV and print seem to be running down the clock on small potatoes, instead of going straight after the rental vans full of fake ballots and Hennessey bottles at 4am.

Pooch says:

Fox News is fully converged now except for maybe Hannity. Even Tucker is acting cucky.

jim says:

Yes, entryism.

Fallback story: Only normal levels of fraud, not enough to change the outcome.

But there was division within the left between whether to push the absurd story no-fraud, or the implausible story, only-normal-levels-of-fraud, and, of course, the holiest are winning the argument within the left.

Not Tom says:

Yep – NYT front-page headline is “NO FRAUD”, not “limited fraud”, not that either of them would be true.

The red pill is a metaphor for many things, but at the moment it could apply to the world beyond the legacy media. You take the blue pill, you watch CNN or Fox News, read the New York Times, believe that Biden was elected because orange man bad, and go back to Black Lives Matter and Drag Queen Story Hour. You take the red pill, you watch the primary sources on YouTube and interviews with poll workers and watchers, read the blogs and Gab, know that Trump won in a landslide, and learn just how deep the rabbit hole of election fraud really goes.

There are two worlds right now, and because the split has already happened, I believe that the entryism is too late to be effective. Not that they won’t try – they always try – but Trump’s legal team is not stupid, the Republican party is not passively standing by, they all already know who has the best evidence, and I’m almost positive that some of them read this blog or maybe other smarties on Gab or chans and aren’t going to fall for the stupid stuff.

That said, not all of these petty complaints are necessarily entryists. For example this latest #MaidenGate thing. I doubt that on its own it is sufficient to swing an entire local race, let alone the presidency. However, part of the truthful narrative here involves just how staggeringly huge and one-sided the fraud really is. This election is a game of feet, not inches, but while we’re at it, why not add all the inches and see where we end up? We’ve talked before about the folly of “mercy” and of laying down arms before the fight is well and truly over. Metaphorically speaking, you want to kill every last fighter in the enemy army, and here, we should set out to kill every last island of election fraud no matter how small or petty. Because we can; because all of a sudden we have the mandate.

I want to see, at the end of this, that Trump did not narrowly win Wisconsin, or Georgia, but that he won them by spreads nobody thought possible, like 10 or 20 points, once you discount the fraud. I want everybody to see just how red this country really is, how the progressive left is actually the tiniest of fringes (previously estimated at <15%) and how many of their formerly-useful idiots have checked out or abandoned them. We may have 10 feet already, but I've got nothing against adding up all the inches to get 11 or 12 feet. Maybe it turns out that Arizona isn't so blue after all, that Nevada and Virginia are turning red, that hardly any states are really very interested in becoming Venezuela 2.0. I want to see Trump with over 300 electoral college votes, all from simply exposing the truth, making sure every legal vote is counted (and illegal/fake votes are not).

Edit_XYZ says:

Whitepills incoming:
Georgia will audit the vote. Meaning Georgia is red, and it will show that more than 100000 votes were stolen from Trump.
This will enable the northern states’ legislatures to delay certification of the vote until they perform their own audit.

New trial in Michigan. Heavily supported by evidence:

And the newest information from whistleblowers/statistical analysis of votes at vox day (the last posts, all showing huge fraud):

Mister Grumpus says:

Please share with us where you saw the word “audit” w/r/t Georgia, or words to the effect. All I’m seeing is “recount”, which implies running the same counterfeit tokens through the Shaniqua Department again.

The Cominator says:

I’ve read audit and recanvass via Teddy Spaghetti.

Edit_XYZ says:


“Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has announced that they will be conducting a hand recount and full audit of every single ballot that was submitted.”

The Cominator says:

The question is (not that we won’t win in the end) is if there is any way of distinguishing the fraud ballots in Georgia vs the real.

This Georgia Secretary of State has done many things that would indicate to me that he is an entryist and enemy agent. He apparently got rid of the ability to check machines with paper ballots.

The Cominator says:

Lin Wood (the lawyer for Richard Jewell, Nick Sandmann and now Kyle Rittenhouse) is saying that in Georgia that they can prove fraud but probably can’t sort out the fraud from the non fraud and that the state should select electors.

Edit_XYZ says:


The 95801 ballots with only Biden are fake. Delivered from a van and filled by democratic operatives inside the voting building. The signatures can be checked; given that the operatives only bothered to put a Biden vote, I doubt very much they tried their hand at imitating signatures.


Swiched ballots from Trump to Biden: 17407. Meaning Trump has 17407*2 votes.

Lost votes: 33574. All Trump’s, if they can find the ballots, that is.

All of the above easily give Trump over 100000 votes over Biden.

Of course, many votes for Trump were disposed of in garbage bins (a few were even found) or were burned, etc. No effort must be spared in the criminal investigations to find the ones responsible.

The Cominator says:

Is there any way to tie particular signatures to particular ballots once they are mixed in or even batches of signatures to a particular batch of ballots?

You know how I feel about about blackpillers but the solution is probably going to be

1) Establish widespread fraud was commited and how it was done and that the fraud was almost certainly for Biden

2) Applying Jim’s barrel of wine to barrel of sewage principle have the legislators select electors for Trump or at least decline to certify electors and kick the election to the House (where Trump wins)

The reason is I suspect that once the bad ballots are mixed in its almost impossible to sort the good from the bad.

Now in Michigan where it appears there was much switching votes by machine this may not be the case.

Edit_XYZ says:

You should have the envelope and the ballot. If not, the ballot is illegal.

The Cominator says:

If that’s the case we’ve won big, Philadelphia threw out all their envelopes.

Not Tom says:

This is based on the low-quality NYT data that has now been falsely labeled by Edison data. It won’t stand up as evidence because it’s not raw data and NYT would have to explain how they processed the raw data (they won’t). Everything based on the methodology promoted the other day by Gateway Pundit should be ignored, he’s got an awful track record. Sorry, but it’s true; dude’s good for morale, terrible for strategy. Let the normies read him and cheer but don’t pollute our own ironclad evidence with “prole math”.

Cominator is right, they need to just throw out the whole precinct or, failing that, refuse to certify Dem electors and/or select their own.

In PA and WI we know which votes are fraudulent, it’s the ones counted after 4 am. In GA they slow-rolled it which means they were more careful, but since the state is completely Republican-controlled, doesn’t really matter, they just need to uncuck.

Edit_XYZ says:

Then let them ask for the original data. They have the authority – and means of coercion.
Moreover, they have the ballots. A manual recount would show that the “glitchy” machine recount is quite wrong.

And those 95801 ballots with only Biden can be verified – if the operatives at the voting center cannot certify their provenance, they’re illegal.

The Cominator says:

Yes it should be possible to obtain the raw data… but even then you need some means of seperating out bad ballots from good.

Masses of Biden only ballots are might suspicious and quite possible courts may toss them… will that be enough. I think in Georgia it is enough (I don’t know why they were so stupid to fill out any Biden only ballots in Georgia as clearly they were taking their time with the steal)…

In Wisconsin and Michigan I believe there are ways of establishing which ballots are bad. Trump should win those states with an audit (and by probably 8-10% in Wisconsin they had to cheat so much, the state supposedly had 90% turnout).

In PA I don’t think there is per se but they’ve been defying court orders to preserve a chain of custody and to seperate out late from early arrivals that might even piss Roberts off enough to vote to throw out the vote for Philidelphia entirely.

Edit_XYZ says:

There’s a big difference between the legislative choosing electors when ballots are in favor of Trump by 100000, because there may still be some fake Biden ballots, and choosing electors when ballots are in favor of Biden by 15000, because there are fake Biden ballots there.

Not Tom says:

You’re mixing up “them”s. The so-called evidence here is based on a NYT summary of the raw data. If Trump/Repubs want to make that particular case then they need to be the ones to get the raw data. Neither the precinct nor the NYT are on the hook for that analysis. NYT can claim they have no idea what happened, and precinct can claim that the NYT feed isn’t a reliable source.

I’m not worried. We will win back Georgia. Just not that way.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not with regards to the 95801 only Biden ballots:


Not Tom says:

Yeah, they can target the ones missing downballot for audits, probably won’t be hard to show that several hundred spot checks are fake and therefore likely that all are fake.

I’d rather see the whole precinct disqualified so the election doesn’t appear to be close (because it wasn’t close, this is frickin Georgia), but that does win back the state at least.

The Cominator says:

Anyone who talks defeatist should get the 4chan shill reply at this point, ie “you will never be a real woman”.

Someone says:

Or the better one,

You shall not pass!


Kevin C. says:

Watching how online lefties’ positions on the court cases has been shifting has been a bit whitepilling for me. First, the narrative was all ‘the courts will summarily dismiss all of this as sour grapes from loser Trump.’ Then I started encountering ‘the judges will, of course, graciously listen to Trump’s hack attorneys before concluding the lack of a legal leg to stand on’; then ‘Trump might have enough of a case for a few small wins here and there, but not enough to materially flip the outcome.’ Now I’m starting to see, in sometimes rather bluntly-stated terms, ‘well, we’re threatening enough violence if Biden doesn’t take the White House that judges will find for us despite the legal merits’ — I saw on Twitter (in reponse to a lefty threatening civil war) a claim that whatever judge is “going to look at that decision [on the 400k PA ballots] and say well I could do the legally correct thing, or I could keep the country together.”

Looks to me like they’re becoming less and less confident about the courts (at least outside the big media outlets, who are indeed starting to look a bit al-Sahhaf-esque).

Pooch says:

Good map of what to look forward to:

‘well, we’re threatening enough violence if Biden doesn’t take the White House that judges will find for us despite the legal merits’ — I saw on Twitter (in reponse to a lefty threatening civil war) a claim that whatever judge is “going to look at that decision [on the 400k PA ballots] and say well I could do the legally correct thing, or I could keep the country together.”

It’s no given that the Supremes obey the US Constitution. They are only human and may certainly see the way the wind is blowing and cuck out, so it’s imperative that Trump maintain a position of strength and that Trump-supporters continue to mass demonstrate, peacefully, on his behalf.

Kevin C. says:

“It’s no given that the Supremes obey the US Constitution. They are only human and may certainly see the way the wind is blowing and cuck out”

Yeah, that’s one of my remaining fears. Particularly that they might try to do a “middle ground” compromise of acknowledging the vote fraud but admitting no remedy — like when a crackhead who breaks into your house and steals your stuff might get prosecuted but you’re still not getting your stuff back, they could rule that indeed the election was stolen, that those who were caught partipating in the theft can be punished… but that it’s not possible for them to legally undo the theft, and so it must stand anyway.

Indeed it looks like which side can better signal strength will be rather important. Judging from the shrieking from the media, the news from the Pentagon is a good sign on that end.

The Cominator says:

“Yeah, that’s one of my remaining fears. Particularly that they might try to do a “middle ground” compromise of acknowledging the vote fraud but admitting no remedy — like when a crackhead who breaks into your house and steals your stuff might get prosecuted but you’re still not getting your stuff back, they could rule that indeed the election was stolen, that those who were caught partipating in the theft can be punished… but that it’s not possible for them to legally undo the theft, and so it must stand anyway.”

That would be the signal for the state legislatures to throw out the electors OR for Trump to just seize power.

Edit_XYZ says:

That would be ample proof, indeed, the very premise for applying the insurrection act.
And if the Supreme Cort judges actually take the side of a massive criminal organization that that just attempted a coup d’etat and is infiltrated widely in the upper echelons of american society, they can be ignored indefinitely.
Trump can seize power, and the army and population will side with him.

I don’t think the Supreme Court will make this decision, though.
The Constitution is very clear on the matter; and there are 5 conservative judges in the court, not marxist infiltrators who couldn’t care less about the law.

Evan more importantly, when this case is heard, Trump should have at least Georgia and Wisconsin (in his tweets he alluded that him gaining Wisconsin is pretty much certain).
Meaning Pennsylvania will gain him the presidency. Hence, the Supreme Court will bet he will be the one with power.

The Cominator says:


In terms of false flags looks like some wignat glowjogger is trying to take over the proud boys or at least create a narrative (I imagine that most of the proud boys know that wignats are either feds or dupes of feds) that the proud boys are a wignat organization…

If it happens wignat false flags on a bunch of jewish schoolchildren or some other sympathetic target is sure to follow.

BC says:

This would be the obvous move to make. They’re talking up the boogaloo boys again too.

Not Tom says:

Hahahaha, (((Kyle Chapman))) is standing up to Zionist oppression! Yeah, sounds legit.

Javier says:

BAM! Philly is burning evidence.


This is actually good news. Only makes them look more guilty, and supports the usage of force.

The Cominator says:

Yes Philly destroyed all the envelopes… the SCOTUS justices will absolutely not like this especially since they were under an injunction from Alito to preserve evidence.

This makes it likely that Philidelphia’s vote gets thrown out entirely and maybe Roberts even sides with us.

Javier says:

It’s quite stupid. Destroying evidence is only what guilty people do. I supposed they had no choice, one way or another they weren’t getting out of this.

Of course the MSM will ignore it.

Crazy now they are shutting down youtube, apparently themselves? Trying to squash the narrative from going out.

Karl says:

Destroying documents (enevelopes in this case) against a court order is a crime. Whoever did it assumes he won’t be punished for it. Maybe he is suffering from recency bias, maybe not.

Now there is an angle for prosecution of dems where there is no need to prove fraud, only dectruction of envelopes. We’ll see wether it is used to attack dems. It would be nice show of strenght.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Yes Philly destroyed all the envelopes.”

And now some statehouse people are saying they want a careful recount this time.

This is some Schroedinger’s Electors stuff.

Them calling for an audit-ish recount now, after those crooks burned up the evidence, is either A, them trying to lose (“Welp, can’t tell the fake votes from the real ones, so guess we gotta count ’em all oh well LoL.”) or B, finally a legitimate permission slip to throw it all out and survive (“OK fine, fuck them, we’re sending our guys to DC.”)

BC says:

Toss out the votes from the tainted polling places.

Not Tom says:

Precisely. I guess it must be some legal or “constitutional law” thing, but I cannot understand why this is not the strategy already being pursued most aggressively. It has a predictable outcome and is clearly the most technically correct when there is suspicion (or in this case confirmation) of irrevocable taint. Yet so many seem to shy away.

Yes, the left will scream “disenfranchisement” and “coup”, they will scream bloody murder, but they always scream that, and they are already screaming that when our side hasn’t even done anything yet, and disenfranchisement is what they do every election when they nullify the actual state popular vote by manufacturing just enough fake ballots to swing it their way. Cancelling their entire vote seems like the bare minimum we should be doing.

Let them move to California and try to secede if they’re unhappy with following the rules.

Mister Grumpus says:

Crying crying crying while threatening and terrorizing people.

There’s a great movie quote, near the end, where the aggrieved wife, after being cheated on yet again, says to the husband after he promises to go straight this time:

“I’m sorry honey. I just don’t believe you anymore.”

Not Tom says:

Guess they decided it was better to lose the state than get busted. A few guys take the fall for destroying evidence (I hope) but parts of the machine survive.

Unless we can make the evidence-destroyers sing…

notglowing says:

Not good. It’s not sufficient to prove that there was fraud, that was proven already. They need to prove how much fraud there was and have a way to cancel invalid votes, this way that’s impossible and they might end up proving there was something going on but still losing the state effectively.

The Cominator says:

SCOTUS will not look kindly on them defying a court order to preserve evidence. SCOTUS above all wants to preserve their authority.

Not Tom says:

Yeah, I obviously can’t be sure what SCOTUS will decide, but to me, no evidence = no election. They can’t destroy the ballots and/or chain of custody and still claim their votes were valid. Destroying them all might help evade prosecution for the more serious types of fraud, but it effectively means that no election ever occurred in that precinct. Sorry Philly, you missed the counting deadline, you get no seat at the table.

If you can count ballots, declare totals and then destroy ballots with no possibility of an audit or recount, then why bother with the ballots at all? They could simply make up totals out of thin air, dispense with the whole political machine, and end up with exactly the same outcome. I assume SCOTUS doesn’t want to set that precedent.

Pooch says:

Why didn’t they just backdate all the envelopes instead of destroying them?

BC says:

There is typically 3 pieces of verification information on the envelopes. Typically there is 2 envelopes the outside one is the normal mail envelope which gets stamped by the post office. The inner envelope has a signature and and a home address.

If they destroyed the envelopes it’s either because 1 or more of those items would have resulted in the ballot thrown out like the same hand writing was use for multiple sigs(how Patterson New Jersey Dems got caught cheating), no address or the same address over and over again due to one person filling out multiple ballots, or the PO date not being correct.

Mister Grumpus says:

My optimistic take is that there’s a silent meta-negotiation at work here. No one says the words but everyone hears them:

“Throw your steal now. We‘ll get PA, but we’ll also be too wimpy to hunt you down for it after you lose.”

Defectors defecting on defectors, etc.

The best weapon we have left is to trigger the other side’s shittiness, ideally to each other.

Not Tom says:

“Throw your steal now. We‘ll get PA, but we’ll also be too wimpy to hunt you down for it after you lose.”

And then we round them up anyway. It’s no less than what they’d do in the same position.

Mister Grumpus says:

I subtly and silently nod in agreement.

Every day more cucks are waking up to that chilling realization that either A, they’ll be running down evil-doers for the rest of their lives, or B, that their own kids will be run down instead.

Mercy from victors is White Supremacy.

Mister Grumpus says:

Classic double-down, and probably a smart move for them to make honestly. Will the Supremes or the PA Legislature really have the nerve now to say “fuck you”?

“How could they do this? Won’t someone think of the neeeeeeee-groes!?”

Rules iz rayciss.

Javier says:

When spoliation occurs, the courts are allowed to assume whatever evidence was destroyed must have been incriminating.

In the North Carolina voter fraud case, not a single ballot was found to be fraudulently cast, and zero were invalidated. Rather, the courts declared that any level of fraud at all invalidated the entire election.

INDY says:

You guys know anything about the John Birch Society these days? Are they legitimate or converged?

jim says:

The libertarians got converged, so naturally assumed the Birchers got converged.

But, since you asked, took a look at their web page. Freedom of association and the attempt to steal the election are mysteriously absent.

Seems like vanilla libertarianism, and vanilla libertarianism is feeding your children to Drag Queen Story hour preparatory to cutting the boys’ dicks off.

I was around when the libertarians got converged. Hostile entryists took over and are now wearing their skin. I assume that the story of the Birchers is similar.

The Cominator says:

The New American which is a JBS publication doesn’t show signs of being pozzed on the Trump coup at all. It calls it a coup.


jim says:

I stand corrected.

I was unimpressed by the jbs.com website, but the New American is not cucked.

INDY says:

They do have several articles about the election on the site for their publication. I also found many old articles from the last decade there arguing in support of freedom of association. https://thenewamerican.com/

I couldn’t find any info about the leadership or structure. Can’t reckon where members information goes when they sign up. As I recall, their local group put up the only organized campaign against the virus response.

BC says:

Here’s some data from Georgia I found:

Trump: 2,457,856

Perdue: 2,458,638

Biden: 2,471,945

Ossoff: 2,372,030

Looks like Ossoff got 100k less votes that Biden while Trump is pretty close to Predue(senate) numbers. This indicates that around 100k votes where Biden only, no down ticket at all. That smells like fraud.

Fanged Pneumonia says:

Whether Biden or Trump wins depends on the outcome of the impatient Jew vs gay neoliberal Jew in-fight which will play out in the courts and media over the next few months.

My only question is to what extent the impatient crowd facilitated the color revolution script as a false flag suicide manoeuvre against their gay neoliberal counterpart.

Not Tom says:

Shills are off to an early start this morning, I see.

You have to learn the shibboleths before you can use them properly. “Neoliberal” is a left-wing/cuckertarian slogan we don’t use at all, and if we did, it would never be paired with semites and/or the lavender mafia like that.

If you think Jews are driving this, tell us which Jews in particular are causing the most problems.

Fanged Pneumonia says:

It cries out in pedantic wordplay as it calls you, “shill”.

Starman says:

@Fanged Pneumonia

Prove that you’re not a shill by answering this multiple choice RedPill on women question:

Complete the following the sentence: Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal whites.
[B] The Jews make them misbehave, since the Jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck blacks and lowlifes. The Jews deliberately intend for dysgenesis to occur, as part of their long-term White Genocide plan.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from the time we were apes in the jungle (or Original Sin, if you prefer), which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a conspiracy by men against women.

Fanged Pneumonia says:

“Complete the following sentence: Women misbehave because”

To discuss women ‘misbehaving’ is to grant them autonomy, which is homosexual. I therefore refuse your question.

Therefore; Jim, ban me.

jim says:


I am always amazed at the effectiveness of the woman question.

You shills are now trying harder to pass in order to push the same old scripts.

I found another shill test in another place. Not only are shills unable to speak of the woman question, they are unable to speak of Trump’s platform and promises. (Which they supposedly support and voted for)

restitutor_orbis says:

“Why do women misbehave?” The answer is E, blind feral animality. The will of Gnon, original sin, evolution.

A and B make the situation worse, for sure, but if you accept A and B as the definitive answer, you’ve bought into the “blank slate” theory of human nature, which is a lie, and leads to “New Soviet Man” and other bullshit theories of how the environment can mold men like clay and leads to death camps when somehow once again it turns out people can’t just be transformed to be whatever the latest left-wing thinkers think we’re supposed to be..

I haven’t posted anything here but I just want to pass the shill test in advance so if I do post. Thanks for the great analysis Jim et al, you guys are a daily read.

Funny how the shill narrative portrays whites as helpless and without agency while jews are hypercompetent and nothing happens without their leave. And the only thing white Christians can do is to “awaken racial consciousness”, which means bitch and whine loudly on the internet, which just so happens to mark one as a target for deplatforming and investigation by authorities.

Atavistic Morality says:

That’s the reason why I stopped visiting the Daily Stormer, I had enough of this narrative. I kept trying to make this exact same argument and there were many who did see things properly, but half the userbase were subhumans. My massive hate for wignats comes from this experience, but looking back at it Jim is probably right that they are in fact shills when they use this angle, not actual users. Like the inbred Parrot or whatever that faggot from the Traditional Worker Party or whatever was called, literal fed, just like the bowlcutters.

Anglin and Weev are 100% our people, but their space in the dissident right is full of subhuman garbage like this.

jim says:

> but half the userbase were subhumans

Pretty sure that was not half the userbase, but half the comments, the half coming from shills.

If I did not censor the shills, more than half the comments on this blog would be shill comments.

I try to engage the shills in conversation, because they leak information to the extent that they customize their scripts for the site and the audience, but eventually I go to just deleting, then silencing their comments altogether, and then they go away.

Pretty sure not one of the supposed antisemites at the Daily Stormer, in their many rants about how whites were helplessly manipulated by evil smart Jews, mention the Jew who is most conspicuous in that manipulation, nor any of his many evil deeds, such as installing prosecutors who fail to prosecute left wing crimes.

Because they were on Soros’s payroll.

Listen carefully to what your enemy does not say. Because he is your enemy, you will hear more by listening to what he does not say than by listening to what he does say.

The Cominator says:

If wignats habitually can’t spot shills what difference does it make.

Strannik says:

They’re irrelevant, having neither power nor influence. But as Jim intimates, listening to what the shills cannot say is important enough that it merits a closer look.

They’re not there to have a Socratic dialogue with you, they’re there to demoralize, confuse, divide, and destroy.

Theshadowedknight says:

Wignats are proles. Peasants and burghers. They aren’t a ruling warrior or priestly class, so they don’t need to tell the difference. Look at how unique Jim is for his ability to detect shills. It is probably his most important contribution to the NRx corpus. Even more so than his insights on the Loli Question or the Woman Question. Its a problem that the greatest minds in the Christian Church had trouble answering and solving over time. Do you really expect a bunch of commoners to be able to detect that sort of thing?

The Cominator says:

Every dissident right group except for them spots them pretty easily not just Jim.

4chan is infested but they still get spotted easily and told that they will never be real women.

Theshadowedknight says:

Every other divine right blog with any traffic has a serious shill infestation. Even 4chan is lousy for them. Jim keeps his place clean because of his expertise at preventing entryism. If 4chan can’t keep itself clean, then no one can. The Church had this problem for centuries, and was not always successful in preventing it. Don’t punch the common folk for not being able to solve a problem the intellectual elite have had consistent issues with.

The Cominator says:

4chan can’t keep them OUT because 4chan is basically uncensored and the mods are converged, but people spot them right away.

Mainstream pro Trump groups (and they have lots of proles too though generally far more successful proles than wignats tend to be) spot them right away (the worst thing you get is the occasional unironic Qtard)…

Even groups that don’t always spot them right away generally don’t fall for the hail fellow right wing extremist we need to purity spiral and do dumb shit that will hurt us…

But wignats seem to have ZERO ability to keep from having shills in control.

Not Tom says:

I think it may be the case that some proles legitimately turn into shills. Some disabled PTSD vet maybe, or just any civilian with low income and low ambition, who’s having a hard time scraping by, is already kind of angry at the world, and a “recruiter” purporting to be “white nationalist” taps them one day and tells them “hey, we know you’re a victim, come work with us and be an authentic voice for $whatever”.

4 out of 5 probably roll their eyes, say “yeah, sounds legit” and block the spam. But there’s going to be that one who’s feeling particularly hungry that day and thinks, “well, what have I got to lose?”

I believe that may be why so many shills display lower-class markers. No doubt their supervisors are Brahmin class (or maybe Dalits, with Brahmins only way up the chain), but they themselves are of the same social class as those we consider to be natural allies. That’s why class markers alone aren’t a perfect indicator. We can’t just whitelist all proles, even if 90% or 98% of them are great.

We’ve seen how people can be duped by shills, some of whom here have even owned up to it. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that a small group are either incapable of owning up to it or actually starting their career as a shill.

The tl;dr is that I now consider there to be two types of shills, primarily differentiated by social class. Brahmin/Dalit shills are the most common species here, like Communist Revolutionary and Gedeon. But on social media and the chans, they prefer to deploy shills with Vaisya mannerisms in the hope of fitting in better. And lately they’re either running out of intellectual priestly shills to send here, or just thought they might have better luck with prole-like shills, because we’re seeing fewer CRs and more Shelbys and Lammeys.

jim says:

> I believe that may be why so many shills display lower-class markers

Not seeing it. They look like the typical midwit college grad to me.

Link me too a shill in the comments who displayed “lower class markers”

The Cominator says:

Viking seemed more a genuine prole (though its not clear he was a shill he may have been sincere) than a typical cathedral shill midwit.

But what exactly could Soros get out of paying shills to shill on The Daily Stormer? To discredit the place? In whose eyes? I mean, Stormer is a reference to Der Stu:rmer, which is in itself a message that they do not want to be inside “mainstream respectability”. Who is the kind of person, group, or demographic who 1) does matter to Soros, that is, has a certain quality or property and exists in a large enough quantity 2) does not already despise a publication with a name like that 3) shills can make him despise it?

I mean, obviously, what Atavistic Morality is saying that this is precisely what happened to him, but why would Soros care?

Not Tom says:

The default assumption here is that the Soros and the Cathedral have so much money that they simply spray shills on full-auto at anything that’s even semi right wing. If you see a whole lot of shills in one place then it might be an indicator of punching above one’s weight, but not necessarily.

You may as well ask why the feds bother to infiltrate – or, these days, own and operate – the KKK. It gives them plausible deniability and ample opportunities to roll up a tard.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

It’s all insecurities, all the way down.

The congenital solipsism and unregenerated narcicissm of tanzis makes them given to the most shameless lying possible about anything and everything; yet in it’s own way, also produces a distinctively recognizable regularity in them, in a way that goes beyond any contingent particulars of fork-toungedness.

The unchecked ego is a powerful force, and the desire for validation a consistent rosetta stone for sussing out true sentiment. In particular, where a shill may identify with something, they will *simply not be capable of describing that thing in a way that would really devalidate it*. This is often coupled with a concordant tendency for the entryist to speak of the ‘side’ he is ostensibly ‘on’, to speak of his ‘fellows’, in conspicuously unflattering, emasculating, devalidatory terms; to promulgate viewpoints whose conclusions rather curiously imply rather unflattering things about ‘themselves’, and rather flattering things about their ‘enemy’.

Para exemple, someone shilling for a jew like soros will simply not be capable of actually describing his bad behavior; indeed, from the way he talks, you would get the impression his whipholder is actually a nietzschian superman who has the mandate of heaven to rule over goyim.

That is the eternal tell of shills; they will say ‘hail fellow ABC, i also hate XYZ’, but can’t actually talk about the things that make them troublesome, the realities that would actually underlie such viewpoints. That is to say, they will be conspicuously incapable of actually describing XYZ in a way that makes them look uncool.

Pooch says:

Ok China is fucking with us now. No way they actually believe this Cathedral bullshit.


Bilge_Pump says:

Of course they don’t. All of the US’ enemies are willing to use this equality crap as a weapon, and why wouldn’t they? It’s the biggest flaw in the way the government is framed, and the one that will ultimately cause it’s destruction. Like the Chinese give a shit about “systemic racism”.

On a related note, here’s a fun video of an Asian business owner telling some black guy “this is a no nigger zone”:


Atavistic Morality says:

Thanks for the video, good man and great comments. We indeed need many NNZs.

European Mutt says:

They seem to have problems with prog entryism in their own country:


If you know even a little bit about the Chinese, you know this is absolutely normal language for them, as is the “no nigger zone”. Some Cathedral-aligned sub-factions in Xi’s China?

Bilge_Pump says:

I don’t know a whole lot about the Chinese. I do remember seeing ads saying bad things about niggers. Interesting take on that clothing store event, I remember seeing that but didn’t think much of it.

Idk, could just be some fat woman complaining about something, and it gained traction because certain people love to help women when they complain about shit. Maybe that’s how the Cathedral works in this era. Some stupid thing blows up on social media because some dumb pig shared it with her friends, and before you know it hordes of cucks and bitter fat women are threatening to boycott a business.

European Mutt says:

The Chinese have many faults in my experience, but white knighting is not one of them. The article mentions the state-run women’s federation was behind this which is why I found it so interesting. Some petty coffee clatch club full of harpies winning against successful entrepreneur Jack Ma, himself extremely well-connected politically?

Just think about it, would that be likely to happen in e.g. Russia? If it did then at least then we’d have Putin publically commenting on the ridiculousness of it all.

My interpretation is that China has been fucking in some ways or other with US internal politics since about 2014 or 2015 (Russia Russia Russia was projection). The height of it was of course the COVID crap. The trouble is, to infiltrate you need people over there, who they of course had, and two-way communication between the CCP and their agents in the US. I guess some American Chinese in the spy network were also feminists, and so they brought those ideas back to China.

I fully expect them to be able to deal with it; this stuff is memetically alien to them. It just serves them right to get a taste of their own medicine.

Social media I think exacerbates holiness spirals, but it does not cause them. Maybe thanks to social media the left is disappearing up its own asshole as Jim put it, i.e. becoming too crazy for normies, now instead of in 2024, which is on the whole a good thing.

The Cominator says:

Asians in general are very redpilled about women.

Islam is not totally right about women some features of it are just sort of prison homosexual, but Confucianism and Buddhism were right about women.

Not impossible, but everything important that happened so far is explainable as Western (white, jewish, and recently others) elites doing their holiness spirals. Chinfluence is possible, likely, but needs specific evidence to tell it from the rest.

Discrimination against Asian-Americans? He must be thinking of Indian IT recruiters 😀

The Cominator says:

By the way I know activism type activities are normally fake and gay but for what its worth email state senate and house leaders in the stolen states (except Nevada the only one with a Democrat legislature) and say that while you may not be a constituent you believe you speak for millions of Republicans who will never show up to vote again if the Republicans let the fraud stand, and that under no circumstances should they certify the electors for Biden.

Karl says:

It does sound fake and gay. If they let the fraud stand, it won’t matter if anyone shows up for voting in the future.

Activism is at present the only thing most of us can do and an email to a state senate and house leader might help the cause, but I’d use more drastic language. Perhaps say that if they let the fraud stand, voting will be pointless in the future, the dems have no reason to allow any Republican to win any election in the future, that he has a duty do god and country to act against the fraud.

The Cominator says:

If they grasp the 1st implication they will quickly move on to the second…

But leading with the second is more likely to trigger a cuck shield.

Pooch says:

Maybe write something we can mass copy and paste.

The Cominator says:

No absolutely not, you don’t want to trigger spam filters or have them get the idea they are being spammed by a pot or by a copypasta use your own words. You don’t need to be super eloquent just send the same message in a unique way.

Pooch says:

Yeah good point.

Diaz says:

Señor Jim,

I read news today and look like Trump fire CISA leader. What do you think will happen?


Adjudicator says:

Some good news.


However, do note that the media are trying to spin this as a non-issue.

“Though the Trump campaign did prevail in the proof of identification lawsuit, their legal challenges have more broadly been dismissed by legal experts as being largely meritless attempts to sow distrust in the election results, which experts believe have little chance of actually succeeding in court. “They all seem to have no merit whatsoever,” Joshua Douglas, an election law professor at the University of Kentucky, told the Guardian about Trump’s lawsuits Friday. “I think the goal is to sow discord and distrust and undermine the people and the integrity of the election.””

To me, the fact that there was wrongdoing means even more that a thorough and uncompromised investigation would be needed to ensure the integrity of this election and proper closure of this issue, not doing this would send the terrible message to the rest of the world that voter fraud is tolerated and encouraged.

Karl says:

State courts are deciciding Trump’s election cases, yet not rioting at courthouses.

Can anybody imagine why?

The Cominator says:

The left high command is holding back the rioters for now because they want to encourage RINOs and cucks to desert Trump and rioters tend to cause RINOs and cucks to find their backbone.

Trump won a case in PA, more to follow. I think a bunch of these upper midwest states used mail in voting rules without bothering to have the legislature ever approve it by law. Its best if PA gets to SCOTUS first where even Roberts might side with Trump because they defied a court order.

Thales says:

Yes, Roberts may be a squish on the issues, but with respect to the power and legitimacy of the court, he’s reliably selfish.

Ron says:

How reliable and selfish will he be if there are video of him sucking off a train of male prositutes?

My point is not that there is or isnt, but that we know of at least one blackmailer with high value clients who was suicided (Epstein) and so it is a critical mistake to rely on anything but confirmable facts

The republic has been openly attacked. Thats a fact

An attack on the republic is treason. Fact

The enemies of the republic infest the university system, government and the tech sector. Fact

They espouse marxist ideology, have employed street thugs, and their cronies in government and tech have given both approval and material support of those shock troops. Also fact

Therefore there can be only one conclusion: we are in the middle a communist takeover.

We know what communist takeovers look like, picture a field of corpses, starving hollow eyed people shuffling, and ruined cities

The President wants to preserve as much of the forms of law as he can, and good for him. But as for Roberts, of he knows whats good for him, he will rubber stamp whatever is put in front of him.

If a fence sitter wants to sit on the fence, then God bless. But they will stay on that fucking fence and keep out of our way or they will be impaled on it.

Ron says:

Also, fhat was not meant as a call to violence but rather as an excess of rhetoric and I don’t speak for anyone here. And please feel free to delete what i said if it isnt helpful. ::rueful expression::

Not Tom says:

Roberts is terrible, but Trump doesn’t technically need his vote anymore, and if the left wins this they will come after him as well.

Blackmail is only effective if they aren’t going to kill you anyway.

Mister Grumpus says:

I just figured it out:

In Post-Republic America, psyops, head-counting and civil war pre-positioning IS the campaign.

It went from “election campaign” to just “campaign.”

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

As go the elections, so go currency and the law. Virtual goes physical when trust no work.

2021 will be fun.

~loclun-midwyt says:


jim says:

Deleted because links to a shill source.

Be more watchful for shilling.

~loclun-midwyt says:

Sorry. I’m not a shill just a midwit.

On an unrelated note, Georgia recount starting Friday, due to end Wednesday. What happens when things start showing in Trumps favour? The betting markets have all of the contested states as well as Trump election victory at about 10 to 1, indicating that if he takes won he likely takes the whole election soon after.

How will the media spin a favourable Georgia recount? Or are we expecting things to go hot before then?

The Cominator says:

The Georgia recount and supposed audit as it is is fake and gay (Trump campaign already sent a letter to this effect), the Georgia secretary of state is a secret democrat and enemy agent ala Romney. We’ll get Georgia back but not with that.

The recent victory in PA and Rudy’s declaration (I don’t trust Bannon but I do trust Rudy) that they can prove that there were hundreds of thousands of phony votes at least in PA and Michigan are more promising for now.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

GA’s sec of state is also in hiding, supposedly with COVID. how convenient is that?

The Cominator says:

The one thing I find a little worrying about the current situation is that it seems like (from some remarks that Trump has made) Trump himself is under the impression that the Georgia recount is an actual true and full audit by good guys…

Now it seems like some people in his campaign know otherwise but is Trump not getting good information… I wonder why isn’t he tweeting and screaming bloody murder about how the Georgia recount by this enemy agent RINO secstate is just trying to legitimize the fraud for whatever reason, that its not a real audit that there aren’t real Republican observers overseeing it… etc etc.

This is not to blackpill… but maybe we all need to be writing the whitehouse and hope something gets through… I don’t know.

jim says:

Trump intends that it become a true and full audit by the good guys.

Standard Operating Procedure for Trump. He tells lies with the intention of making them become the truth at the last minute. Musk is similar.

Sometimes this comes unstuck – in which case he always has an escape hatch, albeit I worry that his escape hatch may be flight from the American Hegemony.

The Cominator says:

Trump’s best avenue to do this is to scream bloody murder about it…

But hes doing the opposite, Lin Wood is screaming bloody murder about it but Trump isn’t.

Edit_XYZ says:

Chances are a recount is enough to put Trump ahead in Georgia, without eliminating the fraudulent ballots. I think that’s why Trump is so chill with the Georgia recount

Consider this information:
The list of ballot numbers PedeInspector used has an imprecision which translates to 2-3000 votes at most.

According to this data , if the counting machine bias is removed, the total votes should be:
Trump 2453736 (2457959+6594+4004-3530-11291)
Biden 2389131 (2472061+3530+1926-6594-81792)

This may tie into this:
It’s possible most of those 95801 only Biden voters were not ballots added in the voting center by democrat operatives, but simply the result of an algorithm changing ballots from Trump/third party to Biden.

I should add also this:
From the beginning, the GOP didn’t ask to compare signatures, but to remove double voting, ineligible voters, and to count the votes manually.

As for ineligible voters:
17877 voters, most of which are almost certainly ineligible.
I expect that, if the manual recounting doesn’t give trump Georgia, they’ll request in court the removal of these voters.

Jim – any thoughts on the lack of escalation by the left? Should this be happening, were they confident of victory? What could make them hesitant, as they seem to be, moderating their threats and boasts?

jim says:

Georgia, somewhat belatedly, commits to a full audit


Win one, win them all. The dam is breaking.

The Democrats are just going to go right ahead regardless. They are operating in a parallel self enclosed reality.

Which is likely to be only resolved when and if the military break down their doors – as they crashed into Dominion’s parent company.

Georgia and Dominion suggest that Trump is going to win this.

The Cominator says:

Recounts alone almost never change anything… and they have one Republican observer for every 10 counters…

The situation as is in Georgia stinks to high heaven, looks better everywhere else but we should not give up Georgia because Trump likely won it by at least 5-7% minimum.

Edit_XYZ says:

This is not a standard election, for recounts not to matter.
The democrats used counting machines to steal hundreds of thousands of votes – in Georgia, too.
I trust this is not typical of american elections.

The Cominator says:

They’ve had 10 days with no one looking in Atlanta to stuff fake ballots in… the Atlanta operation seems like it was more smartly organized on the enemies part than the frantic rapid ballot stuffing and wholesale algorithms flipping done in the upper midwest…

No we really need a real audit in Georgia.

Pooch says:

Jim – any thoughts on the lack of escalation by the left? Should this be happening, were they confident of victory? What could make them hesitant, as they seem to be, moderating their threats and boasts?

They are threatening law firms associated with the Trump campaign in DC. I saw they made 1 DC firm quit. Other than that I haven’t seen many threats. I don’t think they have the means to threaten anyone outside of the cities, but maybe they are just holding them back.

Cloudswrest says:

As an aside, I’ve been meditating on what could make ballots more secure. A couple things occurred to me.

1. Serialized ballots that can only be used once (like movie tickets.) Perhaps not sequential and matched to a validity table. One time use would prevent simple copying, and nobody knows which are the good serial numbers.

2. Each ballot has a proof of work problem. Perhaps a simple random addition problem that is cryptographically hashed to the serial number (calculators and assistance allowed). This would slow down ballot stuffing (and serve, unaided as a literacy test to boot, which, while good, would probably be ruled unconstitutional. That’s why assistance is allowed).

Cloudswrest says:

Actually, a simple “retard” proof of work would be a random row of blank and filled circles on the tear off tab. Right below it on the ballot are a row of blank circles. The voter has to fill in the circles matching the row above it. Once the tear off tab is removed nobody knows how to fill out the proof of work.

Pooch says:

Voting no longer matters. Regardless of outcome, this was the final election.

Not Tom says:

As an aside, I’ve been meditating on what could make ballots more secure.

Why? We aren’t trying to create a more perfect democracy here.

jim says:

The tide of history is that it is a little late to create a more perfect democracy.

Democracy is the final stage of a republic before it all goes to hell in a handbasket.

Now if we were in a republic that was drifting towards democracy, then it would be time to worry about secure ballots. But right now we are in a republic in the final end stages of democracy. Tyranny or Kingship is around the corner. 2018 was the last democratic election, and I doubt there is going to be another.

BC says:


Georgia, somewhat belatedly, commits to a full audit

That article is from 3 days ago and we’ve since discovered they’re not checking signatures. The recount is fake and gay which is why Trump hitting the GA SoS on twitter.

Anonymous 2 says:

But right now we are in a republic in the final end stages of democracy. Tyranny or Kingship is around the corner. 2018 was the last democratic election, and I doubt there is going to be another.

Yes, that seems to be the sum of it.

Robert Nares says:
The Cominator says:

Yeah good news… I was worried because he was talking until now like he thought the audit was on the up and up.

The Cominator says:

Anyway try and call some Republican legislators in Georgia (can’t get through to Kemp and his contact doesn’t even list an email) I couldn’t get through to the House Speaker or Senate Majority leader but the Senate whip and House majority leader I got through to their office and told them a fake audit is no good and that millions of Republicans will never vote again (didn’t go into it too redpill I didn’t want to engage any cuck shills) if this blatant fraud is allowed to stand as there is no point.

Wimpy burger says:

Could the legislatures of Trump-won red states try to lead by example and pass a generically worded resolution like:

“Due to the nationwide concert about overwhelming fraud, this legislature is exercising its Constitutional authority to directly select a slate of electors.”

This would not change the electoral votes of a state that Trump already won, but if a cascade of identical resolutions like this could help motivate the legislatures of critical swing states to do the same.

The Cominator says:

Not a bad idea…

The Cominator says:


From the New American, they definitely are not cucked.

European Mutt says:


A ‘worldwide trend’ hashtag pushed by Twitter right now. Are they preparing for color revolution in the Philippines? No idea about the internal politics there but already have Leni Robredo, the acting vice president ready as a replacement: https://infogalactic.com/info/Leni_Robredo

Sounds like a cathedral candidate alright.

People Empowerment Bill to create a partnership between local governments and civil society through the establishment of a people’s council in every local government unit. This act also prescribes the powers and functions of the said council

Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination to prohibit discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, religion or belief, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions, language, disability, HIV status, and other status, and will provide penalties for it

How has Duterte survived politically with her as VP in the first place? Maybe someone who knows more about the Philippines can shed light on this for me.

The Blue Empire is behaving as if they had already won against Trump, which may also explain the sudden shortage of left-wing shills. Spreading themselves thin, totally oblivious. Are they believing their own kool-aid? Very white pilling for me if that is in fact what is happening.

neofugue says:

Looking ahead, Trump has a clear path to victory, although not obvious.

The Supreme Court will not rule on voter fraud. As reactionaries, we are not bound to society’s rules on moderation, frame and custom, but it is irrelevant in securing legitimacy. Augustus became Princeps, not King.

If the Supreme Court is to make a decision on voter fraud it needs decisive evidence, as though we know the murderer, we need the body, irrespective of the bloodied crime scene and motive. As Trump cannot have the FBI round up the Democrat ringleaders for interrogation [yet], confession is not an option. The loyalists need a complete audit, not possible within the next two months.

Therefore, Trump’s attacking voter fraud is a play to give Republicans in state government legitimacy in refusing to certify electors. If Trump can keep Biden’s electoral votes below 270, Trump can win in the Electoral College. If the Supreme Court makes a ruling during these next two months, it will be in upholding the rules of the Electoral College, not invalidating voter fraud.

Any future Supreme Court case on voter fraud would work similar to Brown v. Board, making future voter fraud illegal through procedure such as mandated Voter ID. Given the time frame, however, the Supreme Court cannot invalidate the 2020 election fraud until Trump seizes power through the Electoral College.

The Cominator says:

SCOTUS might invalidate the fraud in many of these states on the grounds

A) Many of the states changed the rules without changing the law

B) The first lawsuit likely to reach them is about Philidelphia and Pennsylvania in general where they have repeatedly and flagrantly defied Alito’s court orders… even Roberts is not going to like them defying court orders.

jim says:

I am worried that these cases will be stalled until after January 20th.

The Cominator says:

Running out the clock on certification benefits us…

BC says:

Without a supreme court ruling in our favor we’re on shakier ground when the shooting starts. Also, We don’t have that big of a lead in state delegations. The left is likely to use blackmail, bribery, and force to flip them.

Karl says:

If theses cases are stalled until after January 20th, it is because SCOTUS wants them stalled. Stalling would simply be a more diplomatic solution than ruling against Trump.

Courts can easily set extremely short deadlines and issue interim orders.

BC says:

That would be a mistake by the court. Biden’s going to make the courts the President’s tool by packing the courts. If they fail to rule in Trump’s power and Trump wins the civil war then he will certainly destroy the power of the institution as payback. The only way they keep some of their present power is by siding with Trump.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

I am not worried, as the likeliest options are whitepill and white supernova.

– Trump wins and spends a second term waging a limited war on Cathedral from within;

– or Trump loses, and (even if only to save his life) establishes an anti-Cathedral. He is the only one who can run a parallel information ecosystem to compete with Cathedral, has long been rumored to be interested in more limited profit-motivated versions of that, but the stakes and opportunity have grown exponentially. Ideologically it would at first be a return to 1950’s progressivism, but the logic of events and the logic of Gnon will force it to go ever further off the reservation until it can take power. At that point Trump or his progeny will be in power rather than mere Presidents.

Mister Grumpus says:

So much normalcy bias implicit in this stuff about courts and rulings and law and all that. As Jim has elucidated, the rulings are only for legitimacy anyway. None of them will be followed, most likely. It’s just “Fuck you you can’t make us” all the way down with these people.

So they’re shut-it-down’ing the courts now. Threatening lawyers and stuff. And if they can intimidate lawyers then they can intimidate legislators, obviously.

Not blackpilling exactly. Just trying to understand where we really are here, and what sport we’re really playing.

The challenge, I suppose, is conveying the facts and the stakes to people. To the right people, in a way and venue such that a mass of them is hearing the same thing, and knows that everyone else in that mass is hearing the same thing also. Rallies obviously. The Left perceived an extinction level event latent in Trump and in the fact that we’d vote for him anyway, and jumped into action. The rituals and outfits and pageants didn’t work. So now that our side’s outfits and pageants — laws, courts, the constitution and now voting and democracy — don’t work either, can we also be motivated to jump and act?

The Bio-Leninism model says “no”, because we don’t need The System to survive as much as Lori Lightfoot does. But with the right framing, and perception, emotions and camera angles…

The question, then, is how to get our side to perceive the same Extinction Level Event on the horizon, and crucially, know that their friends and neighbors are also perceiving the same?

In The Time Before, courts were the magic machine Schelling Point that took a box of facts and then refined and anointed them into capitol-L Legitimacy, in front of everybody, in the form of a fancy-cursive writ with Latin and stuff on it. And what “is” legitimacy exactly? My best guess is that, here, it’s a permission slip that says Americans are now allowed to act collectively to defend their rights, property and lives from these animals.

It’s a “permission slip” for the forebrain to wear around like a badge because most are still in denial about just how they’ve been used and played, and how they’re now individually helpless. Their hindbrains know fully well already, but without the Legitimacy, they’re afraid to speak and act upon what they know. Without the Schelling Point, they don’t trust that they won’t be ignored and abandoned to the mob by other people just as afraid as they are.

Whites are “fissiparous”. Disloyal. So before acting en masse, need to see and know for sure who the masse is, as opposed to Chinese or Thais or whoever who will jump for their group on simple instinct, and already know that their fellows will also, without anyone having to explain anything.

So what am I rambling about? I’m feeling around, even in theory, for a way that Trump’s people can take the box of facts of hyper-super-fraud, and now sure-as-shit impending persecution, and “anoint” their own Legimacy from it themselves, assuming that the courts and “law” are now unavailable. Ideally in a month.

One thing we know is that it’s Trump or nothing. There’s a few Trumps to choose from, but there’s no other Schelling Point left than the word “Trump”. The GOP is fuck all. Law is through. The Constitution is through. It’s Trump or Death. So maybe that’s it. Stop making this about the law, or the GOP, but (silently) about survival, so that we’ll Defend the Lion.

Karl says:

Trump has Legitimacy. His orders are our Schelling point. If he reads the riot act or whatever, his people will march and shoot.

Trump has the power to make war and peace. This implies that there is no alternative to waiting for Trumps orders.

Mister Grumpus says:

Yes of course, and I agree. That’s as close to fed-posting as I’ll ever get. If Trump’s the last Schelling Point then no one has any choice but to treat him as such.

They’re trying to get Based Stickman Kyle Chapman to goose some Proud Boys into screwing someone’s optics and going on, and I hope they’re kicking his ass for it behind closed doors.

The Cominator says:

If the unthinkable should happen and things go bad with this optics become less important because votes don’t matter…

But going after low value targets is never justified and anyone who does is an idiot or a dupe of the feds.

Not Tom says:

St. Brevik vs. Dylan Roof. The difference is obvious.

The Cominator says:

Exactly so… I will NEVER countersignal the glorious work of St. Brevik.

jim says:

Saint Brevick was hero Martyr of the reaction. Had substantial good effect. The time for such heroes is not here yet, but likely will be soon.

Mike says:

Pre-namefag Yarvin thought Anders Breivik was a whiny faggot so take that as you will. Then again, he’s more condemning him in the sense of not possessing proper political legitimacy (that presumably Trump’s men would have). Che Guevera and the Freikorps=Fine because forces of law and politics were on their side.

The Cominator says:

The most telling thing in the article is him asking “is there a 15 year old who isn’t a communist”… which may be true among Brahmin fedgov families which is why all the Brahmins except for dissident Trumpists have to go.

Atavistic Morality says:

I don’t think Yarvin was or will ever be qualified to call anyone a whiny faggot considering this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbpicjtBOwc

I don’t care about his priors in the movement, since that day I disavow.

Not Tom says:

Don’t lose frame on burden of proof. The people running elections are responsible for being able to prove that they followed the rules and that their ballots have chain of custody. We don’t need to “prove” anything beyond the fact that they flagrantly violated the rules, have no chain of custody, and therefore everything that comes out of their offices is inauthentic and inherently suspect.

Mister Grumpus says:

Every court case needs 139 seconds of closing argument, in WMV video form, for posting online if and when it gets denied its day in court.

That’s where I’m at presently. This whole set of cases needs to be made in public video, because the courts may never open, and the judges and lawyers may all stay home, from here on out.

Rudy may be dense to this, but Trump certainly isn’t.

Edit_XYZ says:


“Congressman Louie Ghomert has stated that The U.S. Army has seized servers for Dominion in Germany.”

Yet another pebble in the pond. Will we see the ripples?

jim says:

US Army.

The wind blows our way.

We will not see the ripples for some time.

Edit_XYZ says:


The interview with congressman Louie Ghomert.

Edit_XYZ says:


Also the interview – better version.

Edit_XYZ says:
jim says:

Not so positive.

Could well be the enemy seizing the servers so that we cannot.

But likely our guys, since the enemy is inside Dominion, and these guys came into Dominion’s parent company with guns drawn.

The Cominator says:


I know it’s the gateway pundit but I believe this one… the electronic cheating was just part of this but this definitely also happened in Milwaukee and Detroit and probably Philadelphia.

BC says:

Not to black pill, but I didn’t see anything about a signed affidavit from Shane Trejo. If his story is credible he needs to sign an affidavit for the Trump campaign right away. GP is on my check but verify list.

Pooch says:

And people wonder why Barr can’t do anything…


All DOJ prosecutors are homosexual.

BC says:

Obama fired every last lawyer in the DOJ. Why hasn’t Barr?

Not Tom says:

Maybe he will after this. It would be so easy. “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for this thoughtful resignation letter. I accept. Security will show you out.”

And then dawn raids on each one of them after the matter is settled.

Ah, well, we can dream.

BC says:

I frankly just want to understand what Barr is about. Sessions I understood, he was always a plant for the Dems. Barr’s done some very good things and he’s talked the right talk. However obvious things like being honest about what the DOJ did to General Flynn, continuing the prosecution of Roger Stone, and his total failure to purge his department from top to bottom drives me up the wall. And there’s the lack of a Durham report…. I just don’t get it.

jim says:

Trump cannot fire people, and Barr cannot fire people. Obama could purge with no problems. Section F is an attempt to remedy this.

Barr replaced the criminal Flynn prosecutors with honest prosecutors who fessed up what had been done to Flynn, but the judge ignored them and continues to ignore them.

BC says:

No time like the present. I hope to be surprised by Barr cleaning house shortly.

Not Tom says:

I know why Trump can’t fire them but I’m not sure why Barr can’t fire them. I think he can, he just doesn’t automatically know who they are and needs them to out themselves like this.

Edit_XYZ says:

DOJ prosecutors refuse a direct order, with the ridiculous claim that fraud doesn’t exist.
Armed forces from the USA take possession of the server used to fraud the elections.
States order Covid lockdown, in direct defiance of the president Trump:

Things are escalating – getting more and more visible.

Trump needs to have a kinetic option now – backed by the army, invoking the 14th amendment. He must trust that he will be followed.
By 14 december, this will be over, one way or another.

BC says:

Voter fraud ammo:


Judge overturned a federal election due to massive voter fraud in PA 16 years ago.

Strannik says:

Hopefully confirmation of earlier story. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, whatever is really going on.

Not Tom says:

Already posted here yesterday and we’re seeing way too many Gateway Pundit links. Can we please stick to reliable sources? There’s a vast mountain of quality evidence without his diarrhea.

clovis says:

Gateway Pundit semi-retracted the story anyway. Apparently the Spanish company announced that their servers weren’t raided. The story was fishy anyway; the US military raided a private company on German soil? Even if that were legal, which seems unlikely, surely that would have made headlines in foreign media, at least.

Not Tom says:

Too much disinfo going around. Need to prevent blackpilling, but still need appropriate skepticism and shill detection.

Gateway Pundit isn’t a shill, I don’t think. He seems like a good guy, but he’s like the pup who keeps chasing cars. He’ll jump at any ridiculous story thrown his way, no matter how implausible the purported facts or how unreliable the actual source, as long as it’s got partisan appeal. Breitbart is kind of tabloidish but does a much better job of fact checking; better place to go if the blogs are slow but you still can’t unplug.

Strannik says:

It’s all ”human intelligence”, and sifting through it even when it’s not entirely factual will tell you something, and possibly what the enemy is actually thinking.

Bilge_Pump says:

I didn’t read this before posting a gateway pundit link a few minutes ago. Admittedly I didn’t bother fact-checking the article, but these days I’m not sure how much fact-checking one man can do by himself.

The Cominator says:

So much disinformation now it’s hard to sort we are in the fog of war.

pyrrhus says:

Yuri Orlov on the fraud and imminent collapse of the USA, which he predicts will be worse than the collapse of the USSR….https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/11/14/watch-this/#more-228137

Not Tom says:

For anyone wondering why the legal case is moving so slowly, it’s partly due to harassment and threats against the lawyers (and probably judges): https://archive.vn/AzLD4

Seems like the majority of state judiciaries have remained intransigent. This only ends with either SCOTUS or praetorians.

I know that Trump wants to exhaust all legal avenues first, but I’m not sure how effective that is anymore. Nobody is really even hearing about these local cases where the Democrat judges are all ruling against Trump, so why bother? Weekends are always slow for news, but I hope this gets some serious rocket fuel on Sunday night or Monday morning, otherwise it’s going to be pretty bad for morale. Normalfags and cuckservatives seem to forget everything after 2-3 days, and it’s getting frustrating to have to keep reminding them of the same things over and over again. They all know Biden didn’t win but they’re reverting to their default state of alternating between moping and cracking insipid jokes, while Fauci salivates over a national lockdown, says federalism is just an obstacle and people need to start “doing what they’re told”.

Anyway, maybe Politico is just straight-up lying and the firm’s reasons for withdrawing have nothing to do with threats. But if they’re telling the truth about that detail, and it seems like an admission against interest to me, then what was Team Trump thinking not providing proper security for his entire legal team? I’m virtually positive that there would have been (and still would be) dozens of volunteers in every state, no need even to pay for it.

Karl says:

That is not slow if there are court decisions within 10 days. If this pace is maintained there will be appeal decisions by the end of November and SCOTUS can rule in the first week of December.

Of course, there are threats against judges, attorneys and anyone who might influence the outcome. There will be more than threats. That is how civil wars start.

Difficult to provide protection for the entire legal team, if the threat is not directed against the attorneys working on the case, but rather against anyone working for that law firm. I think I read it was Jones Day. It is impossible to provide security for everyone working for such a huge firm. Even if the partners working on the case want to continue, the other partners might well force them to stop.

Anyway, even if some law firms decline these cases others will take over.

What I found somewhat surprising is that Trump did hire outside legal help. Aren’t there enough attorneys in his administration or does he not trust them?

I guess the strategy is to file a huge number of cases that attack results even on the county level and not to rely on a just one case to be decided by SCOTUS. Sure that strategy involves a huge number of attorney hours which probably explains the need to hire several law firms.

Anyway, I do not think short-term moral matters. If the matter is decided by courts, moral does not matter. If Trump escalates by invoking the 14th amendment or reading the riot act, his followers wil follow him, even after a few uneventful (bad for moral) weeks.

jim says:

> Difficult to provide protection for the entire legal team, if the threat is not directed against the attorneys working on the case,

I know that at least one important witness has a security team to make sure she does not get disappeared.

pyrrhus says:

Raw data from server seizure shows Trump with 410 electoral votes,,,https://twitter.com/Will_Wattson/status/1327575368996417538

pyrrhus says:

How do you archive this?

The Cominator says:

Looks fake because of Red California…

NY would go red long before California ever would.

jim says:

That is only the voting machines. Maybe they did not use voting machine fraud in NY but other means.

But we don’t know what was on the servers, or even if they were seized by our guys or the enemy. How does this guy know what was on the voting machines?

The Cominator says:

All the cities in NY are very very very corrupt politicial machines which rig votes the old fashioned way on an industrial scale and have for over a century.

But the average New Yorker and even the average city dweller in New York is MUCH more likely to be right wing than people from California (the wops at this point REALLY hate the Democrats).

pyrrhus says:

If true, would have to be a leaker, probably authorized leaker…

pyrrhus says:

Judicial Watch and LA County consent decree admitted more than 1 million ineligible or nonexistent “voters” voted in the 2016 election…and that’s only 1 county.

jim says:

The server seizure only shows a small part of the fraud, the electronic voting machines.

Presumably Trump won every state, even California, as was obvious from the rallies and grass roots activity.

Looks like the Democrats had massive fraud prepared in advance, but it was not massive, and they had to go to blatant and incompetent last minute fraud.

European Mutt says:

Would be very interesting to find out (but of course hard to prove in the current environment). If Trump really won California, this means the big cities must be full of Havel’s Greengrocers who are just waiting until it’s safe to come out as a Trumpist.

Strannik says:

This would not surprise me at all. In fact, I’d even suggest that even before Trump, republicans regularly were cheated out of wins and always decided not to fight it.

The Cominator says:

The scale was never close to this and Romney and McCain were absolutely not worth fighting for, in fact I’ll even say that Obama had to beat McCain because McCain was mad and like Hillary would have started a nuclear war with Russia…

Strannik says:

Everything happens for a reason, I’ll admit. That’s why I don’t get either too optimistic or overly pessimistic.

The Liberal establishment will blink first, and try to come to a face-saving arrangement with Trump, watch.

The Cominator says:

The key is Georgia right now… he needs to stop the treason there then PA will be flipped by SCOTUS because SCOTUS wont appreciate them defying multiple court orders… then he just needs one more state of which Wisconsin will be almost certain because of the scale of the fraud by %…

If he stops this bullshit in Georgia people will start to jump… hence call Georgia pols etc…

Not Tom says:

Who is Will Wattson, what is his source, and what precisely does the data show? This looks like obvious bullshit to be, and I’d be saying that even it didn’t show Minnesota and California going to Trump.

That, plus as far as we currently know, the server seizure didn’t actually happen.

This shit makes us look desperate, not confident.

The Cominator says:

I don’t believe California would be red even if it was fraud free.

Between being 40% 3rd world tribes (and Californians don’t do a good job of redpilling 3rd worlders the way Floridians somehow do) and lots of suburban white shitlibs and government employees…
There is a reason authentic Texans think Californians are cancer.

I could absolutely believe NY would be red if it was fraud free upstaters are mostly Republicans and urban wops are increasingly downright reactionary… minorities don’t really vote at the levels the machines tell them to and many have defected to Trump.

Karl says:

Easy to protect one witness. Somewhat harder to protect a legal team, say 10 attorneys, 20 paralegals including spouses and children. That’s about 100 persons. Protecting them is doable, but hard. If you also have to protect all partners of the law firm, the number multiplies and protection becomes a real challenge.

Also consider that the witness has no way out, the attorneys can decide that they do not want that client and go about their usual business.

Not Tom says:

What I found somewhat surprising is that Trump did hire outside legal help.

This surprises me somewhat less. Trump spent decades in the private sector dealing with shitty corrupt judges and city councils and probably made several professional friends in the legal profession, none of whom he’s ever been able to hire for the DoJ, either because of cuckservative meddling or fear of leftist reprisals (as is happening right now).

I guess the strategy is to file a huge number of cases that attack results even on the county level and not to rely on a just one case to be decided by SCOTUS.

Which makes sense under the normal assumptions that the law matters, but normalcy is out the window this election and nearly every single one of those cases has been thrown out – for BS reasons, obviously, but thrown out nevertheless.

So I’m not sure what the “real” strategy is here, I hope that Trump is not suffering from his own normalcy bias. To be fair, though, a substantial number of these suits were not from Trump or his campaign, rather from putative allies and various Republican surrogates and voter advocacy groups. So, could be that the judges simply don’t fear them at all, though unclear if they fear Trump either.

Karl says:

Going through the courts is simply one way to attack the opponent. There are other ways that can be persued independently and I hope Trump does this and does not rely on the courts.

I can’t imagine that the outcome of lawsuits will decide the power struggle, but nor will it be irrelevant. Favorable court decisions will on the margin increase the number of people who declare for Trump when the shooting starts.

The Cominator says:

Trump wants to establish a fraud narrative before pressuring the state legislaures in states where the courts won’t help him…

The one thing hes done that is really questionable… why the fuck did he have a news conference to talk about the hoax virus yesterday. His followers know the virus is fake and gay.

Not Tom says:

Don’t really know or care what was said there, but the vaccines coming out look good for him among normies. Particularly Pfizer waiting until just after the election even though they had the results beforehand.

Most red states are not quite as skeptical as Florida. DeSantis has been really good for them. But many of his followers do care a little bit, just not very much. Mostly, they need to be periodically reminded that everything is under control, because the legacy media paranoia and lies occasionally trickles into their everyday lives.

The Cominator says:

Florida still had two months where you couldn’t go out to anything non-essential unless it was outdoors…

The only governor who distinguished (yeah its a woman) herself on the corona question was the governor of South Dakota who said fuckoff no lockdowns. Shes also been vocal apparently that the election was stolen.

Kemp in Georgia was the 2nd best governor in the country (DeSantis didn’t impress me on corona he for instance reopened the bars after way too long, then closed them again he only found his backbone really in September) but he seems to be AWOL as the Democrats steal the election there, and he apparently cucked to that obese jogger Hippopotamus Stacy Abrams on signing a law making the election easier to steal…

European Mutt says:

I really hope Trump is just setting up a trap for the left right now to have precedent for using the Insurrection Act or similar at a later point. Would not be unlike him. But something has to come out soon. And what about the rallies he announced? They would be great for morale as well.

Zach says:
Pooch says:

Just got back from the million MAGA March. Completely white pilling seeing the numbers we have. We are going to win this men.


yewotm8 says:

Can’t wait to hear from shills and legacy media how only a few thousand people showed up.

The Cominator says:

Stop the steal really needs to call a flood of people into Atlanta (and Trump needs to have McConnell flex muscles as well)… the local GOP leadership or at least the secretary of state seem to be traitors (disappointed with Kemp who I had thought was fairly solid when he strongly resisted the Corona bullshit)…

The legal challenges look set to succeed in the upper Midwest because they were very very blatant about their fraud and at least in PA’s case have been defying court orders but in case we don’t get all 3 we need either Georgia or Arizona and Georgia is the natural choice not to surrender because theoretically a Republican government should be the most suspecitible to maximum Republican pressure to overturn fraud.

Javier says:

I wonder which tack the media will try, condemning Trump for spreading covid, or claiming no one showed up?

Strannik says:

The media will report both. They will condemn Trump for a superspreader event, and also that few people bothered to show up.

clovis says:

Good news. Looking at reports of antifa violence. Did you see any of that? Wonder if Trump will call in troops.

Pooch says:

So no signs of Antifa/BLM personally while I was there. I left around 330. Seeing lots of reports of violence now though so it looks like the evil quickly emerged as darkness fell.

Pooch says:


Pooch says:

Proud Boys getting involved now and from the looks of it, beating some ass.


European Mutt says:

BLM and Antifa were always going to riot and attack innocent people, but the Proud Boys scared them off attacking the MAGA march during the day at least.

At least this way, they can arrest individual members of those terrorist orgs and looks like, thanks to Trump, they won’t be released back onto the street this time.

The problem with troops in DC is that this may cause the left to start civil war. Very different from Portland because this is their front lawn this time (and today’s America, as Jim put it, is not September’s America). I think Trump wants to explore every avenue to get an SC ruling before that.

Scaring the left into not crossing the Rubicon and then cross the Rubicon himself with legal backing is still Trump’s best bet. Second best is a disorganized and divided left crossing the Rubicon in a non-agreement-capable fashion and Trump hopefully crushing it. This always entails the risk of another Yugoslavia, needless to say, which I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

Looks like division is growing anyway, Biden/Harris not holy enough: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/nov/9/antifa-demonstrators-vandalize-democratic-office-p/

Atavistic Morality says:




Sic Semper Tyrannis says:


jim says:

I asked you, and Starman asked you, the Woman Question.

You failed to answer. Since you persistently failed to answer, I started silently deleting your numerous comments.

Now answer it or I will put you the kill file so that I no longer have see that you are still trying to post comments.

Take the shill test.

Sic Semper Tyrannis says:

Hello, Jim. I will now quote you:

Allowing this through, because you acknowledged my position, but it is too stupid and ridiculous to be worth a reply. Not an illegitimate method of argument, but nonetheless a waste of space.

And what is “this” that you let through?

“I say [women] are unowned”

You may say that, but the claim itself is logically incoherent.

Most men are not “unowned”, and yet you claim that women possess this quality.

I know who really owns the women. It is absolutely the most obvious thing that there has ever been. (Hint: where do these “unowned” women spend their days?)

So we have established that I am capable of imagining woman-ownership.

And I go beyond imagining woman-ownership: I imagine man-ownership.

And I go beyond imagining man- and woman-ownership: I state forthrightly that most men and women are, in fact, owned.

In other words, you have gone far, but I have gone much, much further.

Will you acknowledge this fact?

Pass the test. I know you can.

jim says:

Since you are so damned persistent, and I have silently deleted so many of your messages, I decided to allow this through. And then put you in the kill file for persistent refusal to take the shill test. Nothing further is going to get through under your current username or IP.

It is the nature of men to be unowned, because we are entirely descended from unowned men, because owned men fail to reproduce. So a man will reliably and predictably kill his owner if he gets half a chance.

It is the nature of women to be owned, because we are entirely descended from women who are owned by their husbands. Women who are free find themselves trapped in defect/defect equilibrium with players, and players and their bitches generally fail to reproduce, with the result that civilizations, tribes, cultures, states, peoples, and religions that emancipate their women vanish from history. Sparta died for lack of spartans, and the white race is fading away now.

Women who are unowned will screw up any team or organization of which they are part in an unconscious effort to smoke the alpha male out of hiding so that he will give them a good spanking, chain them to the bedpost, and make them give him babies and take care of his garden.

Which is why all startups that have female founders or a mixed team of male and female founders die. Big established corporations take a little longer to die, but they die soon enough if they have female leadership.

Most men are unowned, which is as it should be. Most women are unowned, hence the collapse of reproduction.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Kinda funny how dressed up equalism still sums up to equalism in the end, innit?

Simply no way the closet homo can prevent his homo soul leaking out.

Liberty or Death says:


jim says:

Unresponsive Marxist crap.

The reason Bezos cannot get laid is not because he is a proletarian.

The Cominator says:

Wait a minute Bezos is proletarian lol maybe we should subvert Marxism this way, anyone not part of the priest/brahmin class is a prole and the brahminate are class enemies… maybe it’ll work.

jim says:

The deleted comment was an attempt to pass the woman question test by force fitting it into the Marxist analysis in which sex does not matter, only one’s relationship to the means of production.

As I am fond of telling Marxists, Marxism can no longer be sold to the masses, because no one is short of bread, but everyone is short of prime virgin pussy.

“As I am fond of telling Marxists, Marxism can no longer be sold to the masses, because no one is short of bread, but everyone is short of prime virgin pussy.”

Yes, Jim. The way I tend to formulate it is that previous sexual revolutions were about creating a more and more free sexual marketplace, first for women then for gays etc. which generally resulted in people trying to make them attractive whichever way (often wrongly) they thought it will work. Because young people wanna have sex. They liked the idea of having theoretically more options to have it, although in practice they saw it mostly oligopolized by the alphas on top. So we look at photos from the 1960’s and people look awesome. They were really clearly working hard to be attractive, although for men good looks do not mean much (but then a lot of things from good looks to money are ways for men to basically *allow* themselves to have confidence which is the basis of Game).

But the current sexual revolution is in a very real way anti-sex. That is, some nonbinary fat blob or ugly tranny is not trying to sexually attractive to anyone, neither man or woman, neither straight or gay. I mean, normally gays have standards too, they want boys with washboard abs. This sexual revolution is about… identity I guess, it is about how a given person feels about himself. This sexual revolution is very much against the idea of trying to be sexually attractive. Good-looking girls are criticized by feminists, men who are masculine are criticized for being toxic. I mean Emma Watson was critized for having a “conventionally attractive” boyfriend and for herself being “conventionally attractive”.

This sexual revolution is not creating a generation of people who very much want to have sex and thus are trying to be attractive. It is creating a generation of self-absorbed people who mostly care about their identity getting validated and not even much working hard on that – not even working hard on “passing” – but mostly just demanding it.

This sounds very weird but less so if you put natural laziness into the picture. Working on being attractive is hard. If an unmasculine man or unfeminine woman can just call itself nonbinary and even get status points for it, that easily means that in the internal battle in the divided mind between laziness and sexual desire, laziness wins.

The result is that the modern campus is a terrible place to find a sex partner. There are still some good looking girls, but less and less so more and more oligopolized by top alphas and besides they had way too many dick in them. And young men are noticing it and not liking it. (Girls are not happy either, as they cannot get the alphas to commit.)

So the current version of the sexual revolution is very much an anti-sex revolution.

The point I forgot to add is that this is not an accident that this anti-sex revolution is taking place in the fattest time in history. Clearly obese men and obese women look more similar to each other than to normal men or women, hence “nonbinary”. And fat wreaks havoc on hormones, so fat men grow bitch tits and fat girls sometimes grow beards. And in working on being attractive it is getting rid of the fat is what many find the hardest, everything else is easier, so it is generally in the fat department where laziness can defeat desire. While not claiming fat entirely explains this anti-sex revolution – there certainly are thin trannies – , I think it explains a good part of it. From being a blob, it is not all that a big jump to go “nonbinary” or even tranny.

Anonymous says:
jim says:

Clearly not.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>My read on Trump’s body language when he gave the latest press conference ever in early hours of the morning of November the fourth was that he thinks it might not be all that hard to rip up the post.

>We shall see. He has until January 20 to cross the Rubicon, and would doubtless prefer the enemy to cross first.

Doubtlessly, he would like the solid veneer of legitimacy – as defined in terms of the civics class/polsci 101 version of how yesteryears society ostensibly worked – in place, before sending stormtroopers to work.

My only criticism of that tack is that our baizuos never waited on court decisions either when turning on the greenlight for stormtroopers to give a target a good canceling. Rather, the court decisions are almost always ex-post-facto reflections of the decisions that have already been made, in the ‘court of public opinion’ (ie, managerialist consensus).

The way i see it, one of the most valuable things that someone in Trump’s position right now can be doing is naming and shaming, so everyone knows who the bad guys are. “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” natch.

Legitimacy tends to be the easy part, after the fact of power has been demonstrated first. Nothing succeeds like success, and most history books on the 20th century demonstrate, victory forgives many sins.

The Cominator says:

Apparently proud boys are beating up antifa in DC in retaliation for attacking some MAGA marchers, we should absolutely not countersignal violence as long as they’re against legitimate targets at this point…

Pooch says:

Yeah I’m never talking shit on Proud boys again. Cleared the DC streets of communist scum.


The Cominator says:

Hence the glowjogger wignat attempted takeover.

Theshadowedknight says:

Stop using wignat. They aren’t wignats. They are shills.

Theshadowedknight says:

To continue that thought, calling them wignats is as accurate as calling Communist Revolutionary a, “weinNRx,” or attacking cuck/establishment Republicans by calling them, “magats.” It would be an insulting term that targets an allied group, and does not match up with the actual beliefs of the target.

White nationalists are on our side. Your “wignats” are not white nationalists, don’t believe in white nationalist ideas, and are not on our side. The word is a lie, it accedes to the framing of our enemies, and it allows them to hide among our ranks to sow dissention. Stop calling shills wignats and start calling them shills. Point out what they are, and stop helping the enemy hide among us because you want to earn some cheap and easy status points for punching down at proles. Big fucking deal, you are part of a priesthood. Welcome to Jim’s Blog where every-fucking-body else is a priest, too.

ten says:

Agree on your points, the Chapman shill guy however did use the specific term white nationalist, “we won’t pretend not to be white nationalists anymore”, so a glowjogger wignat sounds pretty accurate to describe him – emphasis on glowjogger.

(I assume, know nothing about the guy except his phosphorescence)

Theshadowedknight says:

Right, of course he did. “Hail, fellow right-winger, would you.like to go blow up a (insert building here) in the name of Trump?” Just because he says he’s a white nationalist doesn’t mean that he is. Remember that these people say that they are all sorts of things.

If I called myself a progressive and called for an attack that would probably be counterproductive for the left, they wouldn’t call me a leftist infiltrator. They would call me a rightist infiltrator, because that’s what I would be.

The saying is, “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” not, “a carnivorous sheep.” Sheep aren’t carnivorous, a wolf is not a sheep, and it is ridiculous to call a wolf a sheep just because it drapes itself in a sheepskin to sneak into the flock. The shepherd doesn’t need to kill sheep, he needs to kill a wolf. I fail to see how this is such a difficult concept that Jim and I keep having to reiterate these points over and over again.

ten says:

Glowjogger wignat means glowjogger faking being wignat, not an actual wignat that sidehustles with the fed

But i’m just a foreigner from the coldest most godforsaken corner of the empire, ignore my sense of english at will

jim says:

Adjective modifies noun. Noun is wignat. Implies that he actually is a wignat, or that glowjoggers qualify as wignats.

Theshadowedknight says:

The idea being given by that phrasing is glownigger being an adjective modifying wignat. Which presumes that wignat is an accurate assessment of them. Also, the sense that they are a white nationalist first, and a spook second. These types are fake wight nationalists, and their most important identity is glowing in the dark.

They are fake wignat glowniggers, not glownigger wignats. If you saw them, you would recognize them as spies, not as white nationalists. Its why they try so hard to disguise themselves and play a thousand different roles. Once they are identified and called out, their games stop working. That means we need to stop helping them sabotage us by calling them out for what they are: shills and spies.

clovis says:

Chapman, otherwise known as “Based Stickman”?

The Cominator says:

Yes but also clearly a federal asset of some kind.

Not Tom says:

What’s this “glowjogger” shit, since when are we afraid to say glownigger? “Jogger” was a one-time meme that lasted a few days.

BC says:

It’s a donald.win thing. It’s a milder version of 4chan with better shill control.

The Cominator says:

I can say glownigger I like saying glowjogger. Saying nigger too much is something niggers do, you get me my nigger.

jim says:

I like glowjogger, calling them glowniggers is fine also.

Niggers going to act like niggers, glowjoggers are midwits -often H1Bs, who are smart for Indian, but for a white, not so smart. Glowjogger emphasizes the false flag rather than the stupidity.

Yul Bornhold says:

Anything that induces the other side to hysterically denounce another word as racist is a good thing.

Pooch says:

Jogger is quite good. It’s from the Ahmad Abery shooting when the media labeled him a poor innocent jogger running through the neighborhood when in reality he was a IQ criminal nigger stealing property from the neighborhood.

Pooch says:
BC says:

Tweet is gone. What did it say?

Pooch says:

Looks like he deleted it maybe. It was:

“ Antifa SCUM ran for the hills today when they tried attacking the people at the Trump Rally, because those people aggressively fought back. Antifa waited until tonight, when 99% were gone, to attack innocent #MAGA People. DC Police, get going — do you job and don’t hold back!!!”

BC says:

What’s the point of supporting Trump when he allows his people to be attacked day after day? No one follows a leader who can’t protect him. Twitting at the cops to their job is bullshit because they’re not going to do their job.

The Cominator says:

Not the time for this crap…

BC says:

You are correct.

BC says:

I was way off, Trump’s having people arrested for attacking his supporters:


Theshadowedknight says:

It is a pretty dramatic escalation of rhetoric. He is laying out the battlespace and the actors. “Protect your women and children from the far left menace and their media enablers,” is about as red meat as it gets up until he directly calls us to war, and he all but did that celebrating the Proud Boys kicking ass. The media tweet is letting us know that they are fair game when all of this starts, too. All in all, it looks like this might come to a head before Thanksgiving.

Terraformer says:

Not only this, by all reports Antifa got the shit kicked out of them.

Not Tom says:

it’s a dramatic escalation of rhetoric and also demonstrates what you’ve seen saying all along: the left cannot fight effectively unless protected by a legitimate authority. DC is enemy territory, yet a handful of right-wing demonstrators made short work of them, only because (as far as I can tell) police did not really explicitly favor either side.

Sure, they can conspire to shoot one or two innocents wearing MAGA hats, but when faced with a large group, they need unis to stop the group from fighting back.

It’s also evidence to me – both his Twitter feed and the protest – that more people than I expected realize how high the stakes are. The time for debate [with the left] is over, was over 100 years ago but now everyone knows it.

Not Tom says:

Must have been deleted to correct a typo, this is still up with a different ID: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1327828007311073280

Atavistic Morality says:
Bilge_Pump says:

That dumb nigger sucker punching that guy, what a fucking faggot.

These days, while I’m working out, I’m thinking “I need to be able to slaughter my enemies”. Maybe a bit spergish but fuck I may need to kill someone someday.

Atavistic Morality says:

I was watching a bunch of videos about our great God Emperor and found this:

Here he is in 2015: https://youtu.be/305-erOr3jk?t=1167

Might as well have been a comment here… back then I didn’t even realize, but the funny thing is he has been saying this stuff since the 80s.

European Mutt says:

Great video.

Trump has been preparing for a very long time. Back in 2015 and 2016 I thought he was praising the military because he wanted to expand it. But that was not it. I think he foresaw the attempted color revolution against him.

Until about 2000 he was mostly criticizing from the economic angle, but then he figured out the rot is everywhere, not just in trade policy.

All of my life I heard that a truly successful person, a really, really successful person, and even modestly successful, cannot run for public office. Just can’t happen. And yet that’s the kind of mindset that you need to make this country great.

This is Trump in a nutshell. The swamp, the Brahmins, whatever we call them, they only accept ideologues. Success is only measured as far as it was achieved in Brahmin institutions.

I witnessed this personally as I come from a prole background (smart proles who through saving and investing achieved a comfortable middle-class life back when that was possible, but still proles) and I was the first in my family to receive a Brahmin ‘education’. I perplexed my teachers with questions just like these: ‘How do we know the nukes still work?’ which seemed to be very obvious and important at the time (as they did to the other two proles in my class), but the teachers and the other students steeped in their ideology could not even comprehend why someone would ask that and acted all offended. I never received good grades in these classes. It’s like I did not have the ‘right’ to ask that, even as they ostensibly celebrated ‘question everything’.

Trump is the one who dared to question what must not be questioned, loudly and publicly. That is why the pathetic priestly fags hate him.

To any shill or leftist reading this: Are you really ready to overthrow Trump just because he said the fucking truth and acted on it? The truth you did not want to hear and reflexively called a lie without comprehending it? Or will you accept there is such a thing as reality, nature, Gnon, and that it will reward those who live in accordance with it much more and much more lastingly than every kind of temporary social status ever could?

S.J., Esquire says:

****as I come from a prole background (smart proles who through saving and investing achieved a comfortable middle-class life back when that was possible, but still proles) and I was the first in my family to receive a Brahmin ‘education’.****

Same here – I have noticed over years of reading the dissident Right that many of its adherents and leaders have this same background. We “graduate” into polite society and find we don’t share its views.

I myself got immersed in the dissident right during grad school when I noticed that my peers were “nice” enough but they were weird to me; I had no common framework with them since they came mostly from UMC striver backgrounds.

suones says:

I have noticed over years of reading the dissident Right that many of its adherents and leaders have this same background. We “graduate” into polite society and find we don’t share its views.

I am also noticing this while reading (Western) dissident right-wing blogs. This is essentially Progressivism 0.2-beta1. The idea that “proles” can somehow “improve” themselves by doing something. Thus the Chinese-style Communists’ big emphasis on “education.” All it does is teach proles the currently fashionable shibboleths, while the Beautiful Ones see the upcoming Eternal September of the unwashed masses and change their shibboleths accordingly.

What’s next? Teaching cows to play flutes? /s

The fact that we can understand what’s going on eliminates the possibility of us being proles. The same applies to your (our?) parents. That they were trapped in an upside-down society that forced them to be workmen is not an indictment of them, but rather an indictment of society.

“Brahmin education” means education that is intended for Brahmins, requires a higher minimum level of competence to grok, not something you can feed a Shudra and make him a magical “Brahmin.”

A Brahmin may shovel shit for a living (it happens), but still remains a Brahmin. There is no such thing as a “smart prole” though.

In a just society, a child of Shudras who shows Brahminical aptitude will be taken from his anti-intellectual environment and raised in an ashram as a Brahmin. But after successful completion of his studies, crucially, he is no longer a Shudra, but a Brahmin, and must follow Brahmin-dharma from then on. Genetically speaking, there is a very small chance of this happening, but it does happen, and we make arrangements accordingly.

Not Tom says:

There is a path for “proles” (really Vaisyas with middling intellect and few financial assets), I’ve seen it in action, but it is not the path of education, it’s the path of entrepreneurship.

Start by getting good at one simple thing. Make the right friends and connections and then start a company doing that thing. Scale either horizontally (make more connections, do new things) or vertically (franchise).

I consider this a distinctly “prole” path because it actually works best for predictable kinds of work, especially the skilled trades – construction, carpentry, metalwork, that sort of thing. If you do “knowledge work” then it’s much more complicated to grow this way because you can’t really start a business doing the same thing – sure, you can “design circuits” or “write code” but the main ingredient for success is coming up with and executing on a product idea that people want. You have to go straight to design, rather than starting with conventional labor and easing into design over time.

This is not to say one is harder than the other, better than the other, etc., only that there is a path to independence for blue-collar workers, and while it shares many similarities with the white-collar path, there are many subtle and important differences.

IMO the education path is sort of fake, even for Brahmins. The Old Testament very strongly emphasized self-study and independent thinking. You weren’t supposed to get your ideas from a central authority (except the literal word of God), you were supposed to devote your spare time to personal spiritual endeavors and quiet contemplation.

suones says:

@Not Tom

> Regarding upward mobility

If you define “proles” as Vaisyas you’re absolutely correct, in a tautological sense. Vaisyas are born businessmen, and span the range from humble independent traders/tradesmen to mega corporates. So yes, vaisya path is best for vaisyas.

It is apparent to me that there is much confusion and misunderstanding of terms in these circles. Things were certainly not helped by the Jew Yarvin incorrectly adapting Hindu caste monikers to barbaric egalitarian (;-)) societies.

We need a refined rectification of names. I’ll have to re-read Moldbug to do it justice.

“Knowledge work” is pretty directly a contradiction in terms, as unlike real work, knowledge needs little to no effort to be spent in replicating it. As such, it is a calling for Brahmins, not Vaisyas. The concept of copyright was developed by priests to help fellow priests who devoted their life to seeking knowledge instead of seeking money. As the King is the patron of all priests and responsible for their welfare, he saw it just and awarded a limited licence.

However, this has been corrupted beyond recognition or sanity in America. Specifically, Vaisayas haven’t the first idea about “knowledge work,” and making tech priests subservient to Vaisyas leads to the “Elite crew, retard management” phenomenon. Think about it. Every tech-priest-frequented site from /. to Hacker News is replete with anecdotes along the lines of “ultra-competent engineers” and “dumb fuck management.” It’s Brahmin vs Vaisya.

The only sane view of tech priesthood is provided … by Warhammer 40K. The actual tech priests tend to be the Free Software guys, and following the “Hacker Ethic” is akin to Omnissiah-worship. Other tech priests sell their souls to Microsoft Chaos, but everybody, even Steve Ballmer, recognises that the Free Software tech priests are holier. This is why Stallman, of all people, was the target of a ridiculous, albeit partially successful, attack during #MeToo.

Agree completely w.r.t. “education.” That’s why I placed it in quotes. No idea about what the Old Testament practitioners do — I need to ask a practicing Jew about it, but second hand sources say that memorising Talmudic rituals is actually a much greater part of OT Jewry than “personal spiritual endeavours,” which sound suspiciously leftist/reform Judaic to me, but I repeat myself. My point was that memorising Sanskrit shlokas, while vital for a Brahmin, provides zero value to a Vaisya, and Prog insistence on a “universal” education is retarded. In these, corrected, terms, “learn to code” for ex-miners (vaisya/shudra) is exposed for the farce it is; and also why “learn to code” stings ex-journos (low-status brahmins) so hard!

ten says:

Moldbug shifted his caste transplant from, iirc, OV v BDH (optimate vaisya v brahmin dalit helot), mixing and matching the indian terms with roman and spartan, to basically considering only brahmin and vaisya relevant for the conflict at hand. In his current writings he says operators vs vandals or something.

Over here, the usual model is the Dumezile tripartite caste system of worker, warrior, priest, often named vaisya, khsatriya, brahmin (i am certain my understanding of indian caste system is way too superficial to argue whether these translations are anywhere close to fitting, i mean i vaguely remember something about there being some ancient partition that is only semi relevant to younger castes but thats about it. It sounds cool though. Man. Kshatriya. Fuck yeah.)

I think there is something to be said that for an actual caste to exist there needs to exist a discrete status feedback system corresponding to it. Among priests being a lowly research assistant is pretty cool, and while priests are higher status than workers, the worker will fold his forehead deeply and walk away in confusion as to why some basic broke bitch whipping boy is supposed to be somehow high status, while the priest will get nausea at the mere thought of running a small town business and having 4 big dogs, which the worker thinks is kick ass.

And such feedback systems can probably be divided in a great number of ways, but the crude, first level tripartite division recurs across most civilizations all over the place.

European Mutt says:

Priestly coders seem like a very American phenomenon to me. I was always confused why they took up so many fads in a very religious manner. Like extremely decoupled OOP to the point of making it confusing, or TDD. Or languages like F#. And hating C++.

German and Russian programmers are more pragmatic, like mechanical engineers. ‘Good enough’ kind of thinking. Looks more Vaisya to me. Vaisyas coding in America doesn’t work because of the culture clash.

‘Religion’ does seem to be needed to make tech startups work, which is probably why Americans are much more successful in that area.

European Mutt says:

This is essentially Progressivism 0.2-beta1. The idea that “proles” can somehow “improve” themselves by doing something.

True. They really shit the bed with that one. Dumb ‘proles’ stay dumb, smart ‘proles’ get the tools to question the elite.

The fact that we can understand what’s going on eliminates the possibility of us being proles. The same applies to your (our?) parents. That they were trapped in an upside-down society that forced them to be workmen is not an indictment of them, but rather an indictment of society.

My terminology might well be inaccurate. I use Brahmin in the Moldbug sense, because that ‘caste’ also exists in most European countries. Not so with American “Vaysyas” which is why I use the word ‘prole’. Perhaps ‘workman’ is more accurate. I certainly don’t mean to disrespect my own family.

Not all understand what’s going on. My workman father (who built up his net worth in a very capitalist manner) for example still clings to his social democratic ideology even as the left is moving fast to take away all his assets. Each time I see him I try to tell him, “by the rich they mean you”, to no avail. I can ask my father if the nukes still work and he won’t be offended, will reply “probably not”. But he is when I tell him that his favorite party wants to tax away everything he owns and built up for himself and for us and give it to muds. Does not compute for him. But I am pretty sure if we had a right-wing Caesar Augustus here he would change his tune immediately.

It could be that my whole family or at least most of it is genetically elite. Or not. Very hard to say. As my user name indicates, my family is mixed from different genetic origins (most non-Hajnal) who mostly are descendants of various displaced peoples including Sephardic jews.

Maybe thanks to the last one I got very good at the shibboleths and can pass as a leftist when I need to, tough I allow myself some heresies when the stakes aren’t high.

suones says:

> I can ask my father if the nukes still work …

Bonjour aux lui et vous ! Force de frappe ?

> It could be that my whole family or at least most of it is genetically elite. Or not. Very hard to say.

By their fruits ye shall know them. The mode in which the Hindu caste system fails is that everyone fixates on the trappings of caste while ignoring the useful characteristics that the system was made to preserve and enhance in the first place. Like breeding racehorses for the sheen of their coats rather than speed. By your description of your father, he lived as a vaisya, but has strong brahminical tendencies like reading literature too. May not be “1%” level elite, but far above the “average” prole/shudra.

As for his “cling(ing) to his social democratic ideology,” it is basic loyalty. He is loyal to the system that enabled him to reach where he is today, and will not tolerate affront to it. Such an individual is hopelessly outmatched in a defect-defect environment, but will never defect himself. My country is full of such people who will die before admitting to themselves that our current system is evil. There is no hope for such people until and unless we have a Caesar Augustus in power, as you have correctly surmised.

As “Honest Indian” reminds us[1],

Sometimes, even otherwise Dharmic people end up being forced to serve the side of adharma due to familial ties and vows of allegiance to the clan. Lord Krishna’s lesson is that, in a war against adharma, there will be Dharmic people on both sides and even they are going to get killed. It is inevitable.

> Sephardim

Are not exceptionally smart. They are the guys selling garments outside the Grand Mosque in Constantinopole. Don’t think Goldman Sachs, think local pawn-shop. The whole “Jewish super IQ” myth largely rests on Ashkenazim who have heavy Aryan admixture. Arab Jews are the dumbest, though still smarter than Arab, well, Arabs.

[1]: https://dharmicreality.wordpress.com/2020/11/12/the-problem-with-mere-ethical-leadership/

European Mutt says:

As for his “cling(ing) to his social democratic ideology,” it is basic loyalty. He is loyal to the system that enabled him to reach where he is today, and will not tolerate affront to it.

That is it. A very good trait to have in a sane cooperate-cooperate system, suicidal right now. On the other hand there is nothing much he can do right now anyway. Who is he supposed to vote for except the limp-wristed populists (they all congratulated Biden like pussies)? This is also why in most European countries a Caesar Augustus won’t be elected I don’t think. He will either take hold of the uniparty like Stalin did with the CPSU or it will be a military/cop coup. Maybe after the coup is done, people can vote for him, but not before.

Needless to say I don’t want anything bad to happen to my family or many of the “ethical people” Honest Indian describes. They are good people. Just may end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Any good links on Sephardim (from Spain) intelligence/traits? I haven’t found much of high quality. Often every non-Ashkenazi is lumped in with Sephardim.


A Honest Indian says:

@suones thanks for referencing my comments. It takes a lot to understand why Vibheeshana is superior in Dharma to Kumbhakarna. Both knew Dharma, but Kumbhakarna chose loyalty to his brother and clan. In modern ethics Vibheeshana is always the traitor. That is the problem. There are no dharmic dilemmas only ethical ones because ethics is forever confused.

The Cominator says:

Pro prole signalling in the United States for anti-progressives is sort of politically inevitable right now. Its not that the proles should be the elite but the proles have universally turned on the progs with fury and hatred and unfortunately the most bigoted and fanatical followers of the cathedral tend to be middle class midwits, these are the people who mindlessly believe CNN, Colbert and Fauci and that orange man is bad because hes bad.

This produces a certain affection for the proles and a contempt and disgust for (much of) whats left of the middle class.

suones says:

Getting prole support is a coup-complete problem. Trump is the last non-Cathedral leader to get it.

Trusting the proles to “rise up” in a low-status revolution is ludicrous. It was even mocked by Orwell. “If there is hope it lies in the proles.” Didn’t work for the Tsar, won’t work for us. Moldbug understands this. Proles respond to visible displays of power and influence. This is how GOP swamp creatures keep winning Senate seats, and Democratic swamp creatures kept winning through “workers'” support even as they dismantled all industry and shipped it to China. Even today many workers support the Democratic de-industrialisation of America.

Trump used his personal political capital, accumulated over a lifetime, to influence proles, and succeeded beyond all expectations. But that is at an end now.

Might as well expect the horses to rebel next.

You want proles? Convert, or replace, the local elite that channel them.

>I perplexed my teachers with questions just like these: ‘How do we know the nukes still work?’ which seemed to be very obvious and important at the time (as they did to the other two proles in my class), but the teachers and the other students steeped in their ideology could not even comprehend why someone would ask that and acted all offended.

Ahhahhahaha. I was 16, in Eastern Europe, in 1994, this was a fairly good time and place for free speech and independent thinking as the old Commie narrative was dead and the new one not yet firmly in place. So for example our history teachers stopped vilifying anti-communists and one could have something like a balanced discussion on say the Spanish Civil War.

So we were taught evolution and genetics and the biology teacher emphasized that have the same genetics as people at the beginning of history like 5K years ago had because natural selection is slow. So I raised my hand and started asking questions like “Sure, but there was a fairly radical and fast unnatural selection in history? What happened to the gene pool of North Africa when Carthago was offed? Pol Pot killed all people wearing eyeglasses in Cambodia, if myopia has any genetic component, we would see todays Cambodias having much lower rates of myopia? So what about fast unnatural, historical selection?” I swear there was no racis’ intention in me back then – race wasn’t really an issue around here – and I did not understand why does my teacher repeatedly shut this line of inquiry down and why she looked very nervous when doing so.

As for my background people IRL frequently say I sound like a typical first generation intellectual, I tend to reply well one and half, as my parents were well-read in literature and poetry but nothing on the essay side, no interest in philosophy or whatever, and not much schooled and not hanging out in intellectual circles. They were just the kind of proles who tought reading Balzac makes you a better person.

Dave says:

“…and I did not understand why does my teacher repeatedly shut this line of inquiry down and why she looked very nervous when doing so.”

Because Eastern Europeans still had living memories of seven-kill-stele events. Older Americans like my dad have more of an “it can’t happen here” attitude.

European Mutt says:

They were just the kind of proles who tought reading Balzac makes you a better person.

This looks to me like it’s very common in Eastern Europe. One socialist policy that was not a total failure. We need to unravel the class and caste muddle we are in and this helps a lot.

Starman says:

I’ve noticed that President Trump is still campaigning. But now, low information voters are no longer in the decision loop. Now, “The Electorate” are the GOP legislatures in the swing states (and their pro-Trump constituents), GOP justices, and the Prætorians.

Biden’s team isn’t campaigning because they think they’ve “won,” even though 270+ electors have not been seated for Biden. So no effort from Biden’s team to reign in Antifa and BLM last night despite promising swing state GOP legislatures and GOP justices that the Antifa crap would stop after Biden “winning.”

Publius says:

Let’s hope he’s counting heads for a coup. Reading the right wing memesphere the past few days, it seems to me like we’re all psychically ready for the armed conflict to begin. Both sides have accepted its inevitability. All peace overtures have stopped. Enemy lists are being drafted. It’s as if we’ve heated a glass of water past its boiling point and we’re now just waiting for that single bubble to upset the fragile equilibrium and begin the boil. A phase change is imminent. And honestly, I personally can’t wait. We’ve been building for a decade towards this moment. It’s go time.

BC says:

Scott Adams said violence was reasonable this morning. Looking like the victim is not.

notglowing says:

I haven’t followed that guy in years. I don’t love him.
But he usually has very mild views, what is he saying right now? If he’s very upset and thinks violence is justified, then that’s a good indication of what more normal people might be thinking.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Biden’s campaign was and continues to be the media and woke tech. It has escalated since Nov 3 and is currently at full saturation, which means it will keep drumming 24/7 until they feel the narrative has reached whatever level of acceptance it can reach, and then shut down all dissident channels.

Strannik says:

I’m reminded lately of Boris Yeltsin after the coup to overthrow him and Gorbachev went into motion. These people went as far as to carry out a coup, but were too feckless and stupid to ruthlessly deal with Gorbachev and Yeltsin. I knew it was over for them when I saw Yeltsin standing on that tank making a speech. I am thinking that the Biden/Harris team is similar in their abilities. They just won’t go too far without choking, and President Trump knows it. He would already have conceded otherwise if they were too strong and resolute.

Had I been against him, this would have already been over and done with, but they don’t select leaders very well, being what and who they are.

hopinforabetterfuture says:


He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!


this is a man who will win or go down fighting.

Atavistic Morality says:

His latest tweets are all quite good, but my favorite one is gonna have to be this:

John Bolton was one of the dumbest people in government that I’ve had the “pleasure” to work with. A sullen, dull and quiet guy, he added nothing to National Security except, “Gee, let’s go to war.” Also, illegally released much Classified Information. A real dope!

Send the message loud and clear, you RINOs are done, consider yourselves lucky if you’re not hanging from posts along antifa after all is said and done you scum.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Trump has been unusually quiet outside of Twitter, and seems personally detached from the legal and PR process.

He could of course be furiously marshalling a palace anti-coup behind the scenes (e.g., preparing to fire Barr or Haspel and do total declassification, issue radical executive orders and so forth), or waiting for some specific legal event or enemy provocation.

But Trump likes to set up his battles as games of arbitrage. Get what he wants now, or get something better if that fails. If Trump sees his alternative to winning as being head of an anti-Cathedral wrecking Biden’s presidency and the swamp while being de facto leader of Red America and hatching plans for a Trump family takeover in 2024, he might well not care too much what happens about the Presidency per se as long as it escalates the conflict.

BC says:

He’s likly to end up dead then. GOP will lose the Senate for sure if he throws the towel in.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Killing Trump, even using a “crazed gunman” or false flag, would be instant suicide for the left, including rapid physical annihilation of much of its leadership. Anything openly third-worldish like house-arresting him on obvious fabrications is a long way toward the suicide option. Things have to escalate considerably to get there and escalations empower Trump.

There is no possibility of a cover story for any such action, it would be the clearest signal imaginable to armed Red America that there is no hope but immediate total war.

BC says:

Dead as in they’ll arrest him and his family and most of the GOP leadership, and then execute him when the fighting starts. Secondly, who would lead Red America? If there’s one thing Jim’s hammered into us and my own reading reflects you need an elite leader to win a war. We’ll end up like the Whites in Russia.

Strannik says:

We had Admiral Kolchak in Russia as an elite leader;


A scene from a Russian movie where he accepts the role of de-facto Tsar, as ”Supreme Commander of Russia”;


Betrayed by his French allies and the Czech Legion.

suones says:

Not going to debate Russian history with a Slav, but my reading was that Admiral Kolchak did not have the legitimacy of a true Tsar, with Nicholas II still alive during the early Civil War. After His death, it may already have been too late for Russia. The crucial point was before the abdication, not the time of death.

Moreover, while the Reds were essentially backed by Prussian diplomacy, and the Menshevik “liberals” by British Fabians, both groups essentially served as “war-by-other-means” proxies to weaken (then Imperial) Russia, Prussia and Britain’s old rival. They must have celebrated (quietly) when Nicholas II got his deserts.

The ultimate defeat of Prussia would have left the Reds in a very vulnerable position if the Tsar had lived (and not abdicated in the first place), as they would bear the tag of foreign subversives (which they were, to a large extent). Kolchak’s “agreement” with the French and their Czech proxies would have seemed a good idea to him at the time, but it proved a godsend for the Reds to paint the Whites as foreign tools, while they themselves began singing paeans to Mother Russia. Of course, the French were wary of Russia becoming too powerful, under the Reds this time, and supported the Whites only as much as they kept the Reds in check. Once it became clear that the Reds were going to stay (and also doubtless under the influence of multitudinous Reds/Jewry in France), they had no more use for Kolchak.

I repeat: any attempt to rely on foreigners to “help” against a domestic foe, howsoever evil, is an extremely bad idea, whether the effort succeeds or not.

Imperial China met its end through much the same means. The Son of Heaven was convinced by traitors “Republicans” to abdicate (in his defence he was only six years old 🙂 who only served as temporary caretakers before the Reds rolled them over. The Reds were sponsored by the Soviet Union, of course, but no one remembers that the “Republicucks” were essentially British, and later American, patsies from the very beginning, with their intention being first to weaken China, and then act as containment against an ascendant Japan. Chinese Reds are Chinese, unlike cordycepted “Chinese” republicans.

It’s geopolitics all the way down.

Ron says:

As opposed to burning down cities in “peaceful protests” while simultaneously insisting a relgious gathering of more than 5 people is a threat to the universe?

As opposed to openly emptyong out the prisons of murderers and rapists while sending honest young men to five years in prison for defending their lives from those rapists and murderers?

As opposed to endlessly lying about a completely fraudulent conspiracy theory involving russia russia russia, and then branding anyone as insane who notices the actual, real, no kidding and right in your face conspiracy to steal an election?

Omar. Find your fucking balls and do it fast. You are in the middle of a communist takeover. This is real. It either ends with a bunch of bastards lined up against a wall after a long and brutal fight or piles of emaciated skeletons with shuffling gray skeletons wandering around those piles in the remains of your cities.

There is no dodging this, there is no appealing this, there is no middle ground.

Im sorry.

jim says:

Pretty sure that Trump knows he is going to Caesar Augustus or dead.

BC says:

Don Jr. does. But we worry because Trump is a merchant and a trader. He’s got a presupposition to towards trying for win/win when it’s a win or die situation.

I’m greatly heartened by his response to his supporters being attacked but I’m disheartened that he hasn’t put up the bail money to get Kyle out of jail and I’m really worried about Barr. Those 17 DOJ employees who defied him have not been removed.

BC says:

I meant predisposition, not presupposition.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

Kyle is held without bail

Javier says:

Trump needs to pardon him.

Not Tom says:

Doesn’t work that way, presidential pardons are only for federal crimes.

Not Tom says:

So I’m not saying that the rogue DoJ employees shouldn’t be fired, but according to the DoJ’s own stats, they have over 9200 attorneys. It may simply be the case that Barr feels he has bigger fish to fry at the moment than dealing with 17 bad eggs. And who knows, maybe they are being useful in some other capacity (like, maybe they’re monitored, or moles).

I won’t pretend to be able to mind-read Barr, but based solely on his actions, he seems to be a party man who knows which way the wind is blowing, somewhat in the vein of Ted Cruz. I think he’s loyal to the party, and not necessarily Trump, but has realized by now that Trump is the entire future of the party, otherwise the party has no future. Consequently, I’m pretty sure he’ll do the right thing, to the extent that he’s able, but may not be as quick to retaliate against other party men who are simply a bit dim or cucked.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Trump has no downside to escalating, it was already his modus operandi and escalating protects his life whether or not it results in a second term as President. No matter what the game now is to inflame, nuclear-redpill (and grow) Red America as insurance and leverage for whatever else he may do.

If the goal is to crush the Cathedral, Trump out of office until 2024 is more powerful than in office and a more feasible, less risky option than crossing another Rubicon every few days until he is in charge. He could have done that with a 65 percent landslide stolen and 80 percent in the military, but it’s harder at 55 and 60. Trump presidency 2.0 would be bad for them, but not fatal and they will simply wait for his passing and the magic of demographics to give them their permanent victory. Obviously both options are very welcome but I see God Emperor-in-waiting as the more powerful one and somehow also likely.

Green Fields says:

> If the goal is to crush the Cathedral, Trump out of office until 2024 is more powerful than in office

Trump out of office means he will never win an election again, and Republicans will never win an election again, except perhaps when they are allowed to for appearances sake.

If the Left can wholesale steal this election, and walk away unpunished, they will steal every election from here on out with impunity. There will be no more dark horse upsets à la 2016, because every election of import (and increasingly every election, no matter how trivial) will be decided ahead of time.

Why would you ever return to fair play (or even fair-ish play) after flagrant cheating is revealed to be risk-free?

BC says:

@Omar is just a Trump card now

I think you’re suffering from Normalcy Bisis. Reconsider things from the light that the Dems will cheat on a massive scale in every election and have already used the DoJ to prosecute innocent people like Flynn.

jim says:

Normalcy bias

Trump out of office is a dead man walking

Not Tom says:

If the goal is to crush the Cathedral, Trump out of office until 2024 is more powerful than in office

No, it isn’t. I see the cuckservative coping mechanism at play here: “losing isn’t so bad, we’ll get used to it, it might even be better this way because [unintelligible nonsense]”.

Crushing the Cathedral requires getting rid of the bureaucrats and severing the state’s connection to the academy and legacy media, and dismantling the Democrat political machine would go a long way toward the “restoration of the Republic” image. Those things can only be done while in office.

Communists can get points for #resisting because they have the force of the Cathedral behind them. Our side gets nothing for doing that because Trump and the duly elected government are really the only powerful “friends” we have.

Biden didn’t win.

The Cominator says:

Real victory over the enemy only occurs when progressives get treated as Cathars.

Dave says:

After some decades of one-party rule, the Dems will quietly abandon Critical Race Theory and recruit a more aristocratic/meritocratic elite. But to get there we’ll have to endure another Great Leap Forward. Hope you like eating acorns and pine bark. The good news is that approximately zero African-Americans and zero Antifa mutants will survive this event.

suones says:


After some decades of one-party rule, the Dems will quietly abandon Critical Race Theory and recruit a more aristocratic/meritocratic elite.

You are too optimistic!
They may do what you say. Or they may just kill everybody and be done with it.

Great Leap Forward and its aftermath is an example of the halting of the holiness spiral (by Deng Xiaoping). It is also possible to go all the way to the Killing Fields and total elite-icide, or even further to the seven kill stele and total democide.

Halting of a holiness spiral by Deng, Stalin, or Cromwell, while a possibility, is not a certainity. This is why accelerationism is retarded.

BC says:

Dems are stealing the house back, like they did in 2018:


Jim keeps saying the last real election was 2018, but I think the fraud was so bad in 2018 that the last real election was 2016.

BC says:
Mister Grumpus says:

This blatant rigging is just too damn much.

What are the persuasion/game/leadership factors and elements that decide whether our side’s collective reaction to this is either A) cowed humiliation or B) righteous pitchfork outrage?

Or for that matter C) silent cold and retribution-plotting revulsion and hatred?

Pooch says:

Shit. Is it possible they steal enough house seats to impact the House vote for the president in the case that no one gets to 270?

Not Tom says:

That vote goes by state delegation. Looks to me like almost all of those races are in deep blue states.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

No. there are more red states than blue states. the vote isnt by party line its by state. one for each.

notglowing says:

If the electoral college does not select a winner, Trump wins because the House votes, with one vote per state, and republicans have the majority

BC says:

They’re threatening, possibly bribing, and terrorizing law firms Trump has hired to work the legal cases. 2 Large firms have quit so far. Do you think they would do less with the house? I would not rely on the house to make that call. We need the supreme court for legitimacy and they are much harder to intimidate.

Pooch says:

I know that. I’m wondering if they can steal enough seats to flip the delegations i their favor. It’s pretty close last I checked…26-24 or something.

The Cominator says:

Trump needs to be willing to use force if he has to…

Not necessarily calling out the army but more holding them back and calling out his followers to occupy legislatures throughout the country… and then to pass what laws and amendments they are told to pass.

Encelad says:

Unbelievable. I mean… Of course it is totally believable, we knew for a long time, here, that it was going to happen. But still, seeing the scale and brazeness of this fraud with my own eyes, is astonishing.

Mister Grumpus says:

I want to take this opportunity to confess a belated moment of clarity:

The last couple weeks have shown for everyone just how delusional and mis-calibrated I’ve been in my not understanding why top leftists haven’t been making deals with Trump to save themselves. I’m so busted. Here I’ve been forced to confront just how (conventionally) powerful he sadly has not been, all this time, if the Cathedral has been able to plot and commit these kinds of horrors and even get this far with them.

I really was up my butt and dangerously underestimating their abilities. Horrific abilities, but abilities nonetheless. They really have attained independence from the President. Mostly. But without anyone actually being in direct charge of them either, beyond their shared membership in the Harvardism Mystery Religion. It’s scary as fuck.

I don’t even know what color pill this is. We can all see now why people criticizing Trump “for not doing X, Y and Z, since he was in charge” have all been completely full of shit. He couldn’t even get medical researchers to give a fair shake to the Zelenko protocol, and that was public fucking knowledge, right out in the open. Holy shit.

Now more than ever we can see that the Oval Office is NOT where the power is, because most of those fucks will just ignore you, do whatever they want, and there’s so little Trump can actually do about it. The handwriting was on the wall from 2016, and Jim’s been quite plain about it, but the truth just wasn’t penetrating. We really do have 1000 Kings, each 3 miles away. The fact that his own employees in Ukraine were able to impeach him for disagreeing with them… wow just wow. To the public org-chart that never made any sense, but it happened anyway. I think I might get it now.

It’s chilling because now we all know how Biden would NEVER be in charge of absolutely anything besides the toppings on his pizza, and it was surely that way with Obama also, and who knows how far back. Jim called this over and over, but I didn’t comprehend it to anywhere near the depth he did. The Presidency really is just the premier branch office of the Cathedral, and no one can tell those fucking people anything.

I apologize and repent for being so naive and thick headed.

Not even blackpilling or psyop’ing either, exactly. Trump’s first term has shown us that there are other levers of power that didn’t exist in 1990, but are quite powerful now, and that’s great news, but man this is some asymmetric underdog stuff.

Publius says:

> Now more than ever we can see that the Oval Office is NOT where the power is, because most of those fucks will just ignore you, do whatever they want, and there’s so little Trump can actually do about it.

So Yarwin was essentially correct in his recent “descriptive constitution of the modern regime” article, which attempts to depict the real sources and dynamics of power in the West?

ten says:

He always wrote to convert the elite, and always said they were the best among us, and he comes from their sphere. They are certainly not the best among us and never were, and are becoming increasingly monstrous in both madness and malevolence. While they could reasonably claim to be the smartest faction until a while ago, that is a weak point compared to all their gnon incompliance.

He has cranked up the ass kissing since being doxed, which is maybe wise.

I find no particular objection to his mapping of the organs of the state, seems as lucid as he ever was, but since he does not expect the left singularity, and thinks trump is a loser merchant fool drowning in the deep end of the pool, his mapping doesn’t provide any value for our current situation – unless, of course, you would use it to argue for giving up.

Not Tom says:

They are the most competent and talented among us, that’s the definition of elite. He never said they were the most virtuous, which is what you’re implying here.

Now, elite professions are being taken over by their clients, and their institutions are becoming ineffective as a result, but the elite are still the elite.

The Cominator says:

The elite are the elite because they exercise power and are above the normal mechanisms of law, that they are stupid insane despised by much of their population (in a way that is unusual except among conquering Herrenvolk elites like the Normans) and unworthy means that they’ll likely lose power soon… but they are still the elite until they do.

Not Tom says:

Power is the Marxist definition of elite. The Gnon-compliant definition is that their status comes from being the best in some capacity.

Our current elite “caste” is increasingly not Gnon-compliant, but at the time Moldbug was writing, Google (for example) really was insanely talented and everyone loved them.

So to say that progressives were “never” the true elite or that their elite status only ever came from exercising power is pretty ridiculous. Progressives captured the true elite, mass-converted them to their satanic religion, but those converts were and largely still are elite by intellect and ability, not raw power.

jim says:

> but those converts were and largely still are elite by intellect and ability, not raw power

All the remaining smart people in the elite are in their sixties or seventies. The elite has not been accepting smarties for forty years.

The elite has been dumb as a post at the recruitment level since 1973-1982

Anyone who got into the elite after 1980 should be fired to get a job more in line with his talents, such as Walmart greeter or Starbucks barista.

You can see it in their writing and entertainment level. They would not pass the old voter literacy test.

We need to recruit the elite from smart cooperative people, following in the footsteps of King Alfred.

Not Tom says:

I feel like we’re using different definitions of “elite”. Are you saying that everyone working in silicon valley, circa 2000, is dumb as a post? Or are you specifically talking about the media, government bureaucrats, liberal arts professors and other people we’d describe as Cathedral?

There’s elite in the sense of abilities, elite in the sense of wealth and income, and elite in the sense of political power, and they all mean different things and describe different groups (but with moderate overlap), but they’re all being used interchangeably.

If the direction this movement is heading is taking the side of working class and military “proles” against mostly middle class “elites”, then it sounds distinctly Marxist to me, and is probably time for me to peace out before I get eaten too, being from a mundane middle class family working mundane middle class jobs and living in mundane formerly-white suburbs.

If “elite” means “Cathedral” then we should say so. Rectification of names. Associating the word “elite” with evil and degeneracy is not something we want to do; our goal is supposed to be rule by a virtuous and fertile elite.

jim says:

> I feel like we’re using different definitions of “elite”. Are you saying that everyone working in silicon valley, circa 2000, is dumb as a post? Or are you specifically talking about the media, government bureaucrats, liberal arts professors and other people we’d describe as Cathedral?

Obviously it started with Harvard Liberal arts professors, but in the Challenger inquiry, it was revealed that the top rocket scientists were dumb as posts, and that was quite some time ago.

People in Google were, a decade ago, extraordinarily smart, but all the smarties at Google that I knew (which is not a statistically significant sample) are out of there.

Chances are there are still quite a lot of smarties at Google, but considerably fewer than there used to be.

Intel seems to be similar. As I expected, their last fab just stopped working. NSA, obviously hard to tell, again used to be full of very smart people, but the signs are not looking good for the NSA. The US base of high tech is in free fall because idiots are in charge.

Sam says:

“Are you saying that everyone working in silicon valley, circa 2000, is dumb as a post?”

All the woke and companies taken over by them are dumb as posts. That is the end stage of convergence- purging everyone with two brain cells to rub together.

“If the direction this movement is heading is taking the side of working class and military “proles” against mostly middle class “elites”, then it sounds distinctly Marxist to me, ”

You are being paranoid. We are on the side of the working class in the sense we believe it is wrong to torture and murder then for fun.

There is no opposition to the middle class. We oppose leftist priests and commissars- I’m not aware of anyone calling for a purge of white collar workers.

Pooch says:

Jim, where would recommend software engineers go to work in today’s climate?

jim says:

I have no good advice on that, and the world may shortly be radically different.

Starman says:

An example of how top rocket scientists at NASA were dumb as a post in the 1990’s was their decision to choose the failed X-33 spaceplane booster over the actual working DC-X VTVL prototype.



dee says:

Jim, where have these Google smarties gone? It must be better than Google at least.

jim says:

Odd jobs for small companies. The bigger companies have less and less use for smarties.

The gimmick is that you can do something other people cannot do, and then you shop it around.

pyrrhus says:

Charles Murray did conclude in Human Achievement that a number of fields had peaked long before the present day…And any analysis of SAT scores will find that, despite renorming in 1995 and dumbing down the questions, they peaked in the 1960s and have declined sharply since then…

suones says:

@Not Tom

If the direction this movement is heading is taking the side of working class and military “proles” against mostly middle class “elites”, then it sounds distinctly Marxist to me, and is probably time for me to peace out before I get eaten too, being from a mundane middle class family working mundane middle class jobs and living in mundane formerly-white suburbs.

It is Vaishya+Kshatriya against Brahmin, and #OlderThanMarx. Of course, a smart Brahmin would predict the way the wind will blow and act to make advance preparations. But Vaishya+Kshatriya don’t realise that.

This is also a very strong current in Indian “right-wing” politics, and also in Eastern Europe. One blogger dubbed it the “swine right,”[1] that professes all the “correct” shibboleths (gods and country and everything) but is aesthetically repugnant to priestly sensibilities, and also vehemently opposed to priesthood itself. The victory of these swine over true Kings resulted in the priesthood mostly dying out, and the recalcitrant survivors embracing destructive ideologies like Progressivism.

In today’s Kaliyuga, a Kshatriya is supposed to hide his weapons rather than proudly display them, a Vaishya supposed to hide his wealth rather than proudly display it, and a Brahmin is supposed to hide his intellect and pretend to be a moron in public. The catch is, there is a LOT of resistance to the first (only) in the USA, where weapons-rights are hotly fought for, largely dissipated acquiescence for the second (remember how 50s Cadillacs used to be super-flamboyant while today’s cars are all drab?), but the third, anti-Brahminism, or anti-intellectualism is still red hot.

Trump mostly made a spectacle of flouting the second code, and flamboyantly displayed wealth like a nineteenth century Captain of Industry (remember that term?) before they all got dubbed “robber barons.” This is what attracted me to him, even though I have no horse in the American race. Trump supporters apparently like the fact that he uses golden faucets. I know I like it! We also rather liked our Maharajas travelling in bejewelled Rolls Royces as fitting their station. I thought Trump was resisting anti-Kshatriya propaganda (fighting for weapons-rights), resisting anti-Vaishya propaganda (making being rich great again), so it was likely he would also resist anti-Brahmin propaganda (making gods and country cool again). Trump did deliver on the first two, but the jury’s still out on the third.

I’ll chew more on this line of thought, and may make a blogpost out of it.

[1]: https://sceptremag.com/2017/11/22/eastern-europe-and-the-swine-right/

European Mutt says:

Is that the literacy test?


Yeah no current elite is going to pass this. I know some people who work FOR the elite who might.

Oliver Cromwell says:

Google etc. were only ever smart because they were once small, unknown, and unintelligible to the political elite. Due to their rapid exponential growth, for a few years they were large, known, and still unintelligible to the political elite. But only for a few years. Now that the elite pays people to understand information technology, they have been forced to become generic corporations, and they are losing or have lost what made them special.

What’s less clear is whether Googles can still be founded, or whether controls now exist at the startup level. A lot of people are leaving the jurisdiction, but they’re yet to achieve anything great.

Anonymous 2 says:

Google today has 100k employees. It probably peaked at 5-10k. The Damore affair, as we recall, revealed that it’s a crazy place now. (Also Google X gives more than a whiff of being a big, useless sinecure for various impostors.)

Atavistic Morality says:

They are the most competent and talented among us

Yeah, the Shaniqua worshipers sure are competent and talented, so many achievements and proof of their capabilities to display! Caligula and Nero were also the greatest and brightest of Romans, no doubt.

There’s a reason why great men are often seen as outsiders by “the elites” of their time. The only true elite is the king and his men who rose leading their people, those who achieve success through their own merits, not the worthless faggots that inherit the silver platter. The FF were indeed an elite, the permanent government is not a true elite, just a bunch of hijackers with psychotic tendencies that makes them more willing to parasite and exploit the system.

It’s a common motif of the human experience that the father builds and the son destroys. Or the grandfather builds, the father maintains and the grandson destroys. Or even the father builds, the son destroys, the grandson rises from the ashes. Whether it’s in politics or business, it’s very common.

If it wasn’t because being against inheritance would remove incentive for men to work towards the future, I’d happily remove the concept from a society of my preference.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbpicjtBOwc elite btw

Not Tom says:

Yeah, the Shaniqua worshipers sure are competent and talented, so many achievements and proof of their capabilities to display! Caligula and Nero were also the greatest and brightest of Romans, no doubt.

Elites, rulers and managers are separate concepts with a little bit of overlay.

“Shaniqua worshipers” does not represent even close to the entire elite.

Jim talks a lot about normalcy bias but this is basically abnormalcy bias, taking the latest innovations and projecting them back into history as if they’ve always been there.

I reiterate, when Moldbug was writing his magnum opus, and certainly when he was growing up, there were few if any Shaniqua worshipers in the elite, and not all that many in the permanent government. At best you got the “tolerance” and “color blindness” crap back then.

We can’t project the past into the future and assume that things will continue as normal, but it also does us no good to get so swept up in current events that we forget even the very recent past.

The Cominator says:

I think at least until maybe shorty before Moldbug’s time the cathedral elites resembled people like Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes Minister.

High verbal iqs, and interested in bureaucratic institutional aggrandizement… but “conservative” (in the sense of being pro status quo) otherwise.

jim says:

The elderly people in the elite resembled Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes Minister.

But they have been dying off and retiring.

The younger people in the elite would fail the old voter literacy test.

The Cominator says:

One thing I never quite got…

Do you know exactly WHY they decided their replacements were going to be insane communist morons?

jim says:

They did not intentionally decide that.

They are evil people, and are frightened when other evil people who are too smart are close to them. They prefer those around them to be considerably dumber than they are, for safety’s sake.

They lack cohesion, so they select for the faith, and select the most holy. And in the struggle for power, the holiest have the most cohesion, so the holiest faction tends to win.

Starman says:

The elderly Cathedral ruling class named morons as their replacements for the same reason Sultan Qaboos refused to name a successor in his lifetime.


The Cominator says:

Sir Humphrey Appleby was downright cynical if he was typical why did they start selecting for holiness I can understand stupidity but why ideological fanaticism.

jim says:

The fanatics work together more effectively than the cynics, and the fanatics select for fanaticism. A cynic will not select for fanaticism, but he will allow himself to be manipulated by those who do, because he does not care.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Do you know exactly WHY they decided their replacements were going to be insane communist morons?

The center-left technocrats believed the communist morons were their moral superiors, that’s why. The communist morons believed everything the old elites believed, but with a stronger and purer faith. The old elites wanted to help the poor. Well, the communist morons REALLY wanted to help the poor. They wanted racial equality. The communist morons REALLY wanted racial equality. They wanted a one-world government. The communist morons REALLY wanted a one-world government.

The classic mid-20th Century center-left technocrats tolerated all kinds of what Larry Auster called “unprincipled exceptions” to smooth their insane faith’s coexistence with reality. But unprincipled exceptions are weak, and they don’t last. I’m sure they thought the communist morons were extreme and impractical, but they also thought they were righteous. More righteous than they themselves were.

Read Tom Wolfe’s classic, “Mau-mauing the Flack Catchers.” http://teageegeepea.tripod.com/maumau.html
It’s about groups of poor NAM youths insulting, shaming, and intimidating nice liberal government bureaucrats to demand more gibs. What you’re asking about is the same thing on a larger scale. Of course the “sensible” liberal bureaucrats let unhinged Leftists replace them; they had already conceded in their hearts that the unhinged Leftists were better people.

Atavistic Morality says:

“Shaniqua worshipers” does not represent even close to the entire elite.

Patently untrue today to everyone that isn’t deranged, sorry to say.

Even the businessman who is a real elite and is trying to save your country from the evil and false elite has a Platinum Plan, that’s how prominent and pervasive the sickness is, and he is in his 70s too. The “elite” have increasingly been Shaniqua worshipers since the 60s, let alone the 2000s that you talked about.

Not Tom says:

Patently untrue today to everyone that isn’t deranged, sorry to say.

You are deranged, caricaturizing an entire class of people this way, most of whom are merely terrified of the consequences of going against it.

The “elite” are not all the Cathedral, are definitely not all negro worshipers, and Marxist class analysis is putrid garbage.

suones says:

Yeah, the Shaniqua worshipers sure are competent and talented, so many achievements and proof of their capabilities to display! Caligula and Nero were also the greatest and brightest of Romans, no doubt.

There’s a reason why great men are often seen as outsiders by “the elites” of their time. The only true elite is the king and his men who rose leading their people, those who achieve success through their own merits, not the worthless faggots that inherit the silver platter. The FF were indeed an elite, the permanent government is not a true elite, just a bunch of hijackers with psychotic tendencies that makes them more willing to parasite and exploit the system.

It’s a common motif of the human experience that the father builds and the son destroys. Or the grandfather builds, the father maintains and the grandson destroys. Or even the father builds, the son destroys, the grandson rises from the ashes. Whether it’s in politics or business, it’s very common.

Just dropped by to say this is the worst crypto-Marxist drivel I’ve read in a long time, and certainly the worst I’ve read here. Much mental confusion is evident here.

If it wasn’t because being against inheritance would remove incentive for men to work towards the future, I’d happily remove the concept from a society of my preference.

Your helicopter awaits, dear sir!

Reproduction is the point of life.
Inheritance is the basis of life.
So much for the dear “founding fathers” and their concept of “posterity” for which they felt obliged to leave some blessings or whatever.

Atavistic Morality says:

I’d definitely expect a street shitter to be incapable of using or understanding meritocracy. This is one of the reasons your people have been worthless for a long time and the embarrassment of Asia considering how bad you are compared to places like China, Japan and South Korea.

ten says:

My view is coloured by the locals over here, but it looks like the most competent and talented also in america have increasingly been avoiding public power, while many public servants, just doing what they are told in their high competition service, have been and still are that elite.

And i’m pretty sure he both implied and explied their highest virtue as well, but won’t dig around for a reference.

Elite crew, retard management, in my estimation with the usual added caveats that i don’t actually experience america except for when i go for vacations and from various neofascist hateblogs, as Moldbug once called UR.

And since you raise the example of Googles talent, certainly tech companies are not the go-to example of of the progressive religion in power. You are talking about the people who have already proven themselves to be elite by competence, i am talking about the progressive machine, those have always diverged and are increasing in divergence.

ten says:

But on second thought i must take responsibility for the miscommunication because i used the word elite when i meant the cathedral, which was dumb.

Not Tom says:

Elite crew, retard management

Yeah, no objections there. Sometimes elite founders as well, but retard management wrecks everything and eventually the elite crew leaves, but nowhere near instantly, and the cycle is always repeating.

There are no end of problems with our current system of “elitehood” but I think they can be boiled down to a few categories:
– Elites not behaving virtuously, instead showing contempt for nonelites
– Elite status being bestowed (i.e. by committee or consensus) rather than earned through traditional means
– Overproduction of elites, i.e. Brahmins taking positions they aren’t suited for because all the actual Brahmin positions are taken
– Undesirables being installed in elite positions, which is destructive on its own but also exacerbates the previous issue.

So yes, this all leads to what we might call a garbage elite, but Moldbug wasn’t trying to reach the entire elite, he was trying to convert what was left of the good ones. Personally, I think it is our responsibility to prevent this dire situation from congealing into a society-wide outburst of generic anti-intellectualism – at least to the extent that it hasn’t already occurred. Trump knows this, it’s why he shits on institutions and truly evil individuals but never says anything to imply that everyone who works there or associates with them is evil or stupid. His comments on NASA are a great example of that.

Ex says:

> They are certainly not the best among us and never were, and are becoming increasingly monstrous in both madness and malevolence.

Indeed. Moldbug was writing back when California voted against gay marriage, and Obama said marriage was between a man and a woman. Since then things have gone past gay and well into tranny. The proglodytes are becoming increasingly monstrous with increasing speed and increasing acceleration.

Mister Grumpus says:

To summarize, 2020 has been the year that Jim is the only guy left making any damn sense.

There is no magical force of law, bringing things back to sane, sustainable or possible, or defined. There’s only a mob, running, trying to keep up with each other and not get run over.

There is a state church, yes, but no one is in charge of the state church either. They can’t say “OK everybody, we’re running to this place here, and then we stop.” No no no. They can only effervesce a running consensus that “OK guys, we’re seem to be running in this general direction now.”

But everyone still has to keep running.

The running is so fast now that even dummies can notice it happening. We can watch circus freaks attacking Saint Kyle with fists and a skateboard, while he’s holding a rifle, get shot for it, and the next day Kyle was the bad guy out attacking people. Logic and self-preservation is in such amazing conflict now with a person’s need to fit in and not be witch-hunted by the people around him. So I can make sense and get lynched, or recite 2+2=5, feed my children to alligators and “survive”.

All this fake ass history about communism and genocides being “tricked” into the world by an evil super-genius who figured out how to turn stones into wine. Bullshit. People are sinful, the mob runs, and some people ride it better than others.

(Jim is shaking his head in frustration with me, muttering “Hasn’t this dumbfuck been reading me for 10 years?”)

>It’s chilling because now we all know how Biden would NEVER be in charge of absolutely anything besides the toppings on his pizza, and it was surely that way with Obama also, and who knows how far back.

I think Kamala would. I sense a ruthless, mean, even sadistic streak in her that generally makes one a power player not to be ignored. Prediction: if President Trump wins at the Supreme Court, then Biden retires and Kamala Harris is the leader of the color revolution. And not only a figurehead.

suones says:

I think Kamala would. I sense a ruthless, mean, even sadistic streak in her that generally makes one a power player not to be ignored. Prediction: if President Trump wins at the Supreme Court, then Biden retires and Kamala Harris is the leader of the color revolution. And not only a figurehead.

I wonder, what exactly are the beliefs of “NRx” regarding women in positions of leadership? In my experience (which is, by definition, anecdotal for others), women are incapable of leadership. Most men are also incapable of leadership, so in that matter women are equivalent to most men. But among true leaders, women are conspicuously absent. And I don’t mean at the nation-state level only. Even mundane micro institutions, if led by women, tend to behave like a rag fluttering in the wind. Even a household led by a woman is conspicuously insolvent/degenerate, and becomes more so over time.

Given that, I don’t believe Kamala Harris is, or ever will be, anything more than a figurehead. I would like to know and understand the person(s)/institution(s) propping her up, though.

Karl says:

In my experience women are incaple of leadership that benefits those that are led. A woman in a leadership position may be competent enough to defend that position while betraying those she is leading – see e.g. Merkel.

I’d doubt that the left can have leadership before the holiness spiral is stopped. My expectations are that the left will have a leader as soon as a Stalin shows up. Until then any lefty might at best be a short-term figurehead that is constantly driven by fear of being replaced by someone to the left of him.

The next Stalin might identfy as a women and look somewhat female, but was born male.

suones says:

The next Stalin might identfy as a women and look somewhat female, but was born male.

XD 10/10

But seriously, you have substituted the Woman Question by the Tranner Question. Given their psychological instability, extreme sexual fetishes involving dreaming about uteruses and self-genital mutilation (SGMâ„¢), and high suicidal tendencies, I would not think a tranner likely to hold even a janitorial job down, let alone head a nation state. Can a tranner accomplish anything to stop the descent into madness, instead of accelerating it? What is NRx dogma?

Contaminated NEET says:

>I would not think a tranner likely to hold even a janitorial job down, let alone head a nation state.

If only. A lot of the autogynephiles are driven, successful, manly men. They’re the source of trannyism’s demonic energy. Look at “Jennifer” Pritzker (try not to vomit) and all those high-ranking military tranners.

European Mutt says:

I’m wondering if some of them just do it for status on the leftist totem pole. Especially with Pritzker that seems likely.

Autogynephilia I have to admit is something I still do not completely understand. For example I had assumed “Coraline” was just a fraud who maybe contributed some documentation or something and felt entitled to play SJW, but I take Jim’s word that he’s actually a competent programmer (Looks like he only wrote Ruby stuff and I don’t know Ruby at all).

Not Tom says:

Autogynephilia I have to admit is something I still do not completely understand.

I don’t think you want to.

Autogynephilia probably wouldn’t be that harmful if it weren’t for the tranny movement. It’s a bizarre and kind of disgusting idea, to be sure, but until it became medicalized, it only lived in those men’s imaginations, and all of the actual trannies were homos. The autos have been deluded into believing that a sex-change operation actually does what the name implies, which is why they go completely psycho after realizing what they’ve actually done to themselves. The homo trannies, by contrast, act pretty much like ordinary homos (as “ordinary” as they get, anyway).

It’s also why “deadnaming” and “you will never be a real woman” stings them so severely. The homos don’t really care, they’re only doing it to feed their promiscuity and general perversion, but the autos tend to be people who’ve genuinely bought into critical gender theory and are shocked and depressed to discover that they aren’t anything resembling female at all.

European Mutt says:

Thanks for the explanation. I looked up some further info and looks like a rare case of me being too cynical. I thought autos were perpetrators of critical gender theory, but they are probably its victims more so. Sad. Many such cases!

European Mutt says:

Sounds surreal, but you might be right. Although Islam would become even more attractive. If mass self-mutilation and renouncing reproduction becomes a tenet of the ideology then joining Islam will not sound so bad any more to a lot of people. Not to mention they will outbreed leftism anyway, if this tranner Stalin doesn’t reverse mass immigration (i.e. send Muslims packing, which is not lefter than trannyism and therefore would not be done, but is lefter than the alternative, artificial whites-only breeding).

The most stalinesque woman worldwide that I know of was Sarah Wagenknecht who you surely also know. She has advocated a slightly less insane version of leftism for about 20 years and has not much wavered in her positions. If any woman could conceivably pull a Stalin it’s someone like her. Her party moved left from under her, but she stayed firm. But probably she wouldn’t be so firm as chancellor. Merkel also ran as a conservative after all.

suones says:

> Sarah Wagenknecht

Sahra Wagenknecht

10/10 would bang. I dig those Persian looks. Female Leftism is a shit test.

European Mutt says:

Hottest 51 year old by far. Too bad she can’t have children any more, they would have been beautiful and smart. Another Cathedral victim.

Oh I’m sure if we talked to her like we talked on this blog she would be dripping through her pants, but still she is intellectually into leftism/marxism at a level that I have never seen in a woman and she is one of the few women who knows how to argue more or less logically. A really weird specimen.

Btw she is literally the only left-wing Persian I have ever seen. They tend to be huge shitlords, even the women. They don’t even half-heartedly recite Cathedral platitudes like Arabs do. One problem seems to be entryism into Christianity, they often pray in Catholic churches and such.

Not Tom says:

Men are better suited for leadership for obvious biological reasons like testosterone, physical strength and deep voices that project well, and men have much higher variability on all physical traits than women.

As with most bimodal distributions, this means that if you select for an extreme (“best leaders”), they will essentially all be from the wider distribution, especially if its mean is better. All great leaders are men, and virtually all good leaders are men.

Because of variability, some men might make truly terrible leaders and be even worse than any random woman you put in the same position, even when you take into account shit testing and other destructive behavior. But that’s no reason to ever choose a woman; it’s the same as eating Hot Pockets for every meal because they’re consistently bad but a steak might be overcooked or give you food poisoning. Women have consistently poor leadership ability. Just do some quality control on your male leaders and you’ll always have a better outcome.

Even if you do find that one unicorn female who can somehow lead, you’ll really want to get those genes passed down and the only way to do that is to not let her lead.

suones says:

Then we agree about Kamala Harris never being more than a figurehead?

Not Tom says:

In the sense that all Democratic presidential candidates are mere figureheads, there to stand aside and let the permanent government do government stuff without interference.

Women may be useless as leaders, but that doesn’t mean progs won’t put them in that position anyway. It’s busy trying to install whamen of color in every conceivable leadership position. And Kamala isn’t merely incompetent, she’s evil and would likely push the government lefter, faster, which they’re generally willing to do.

I think they are generally incapable of leadership, but exceptions like Thatcher exist. Thatcher was really no figurehead although perhaps her husband was guiding her, I have no idea. All exceptions gonna be post fertile age and I suspect husbands guiding them.

What I see in Kamala is not as much leadership, the whole game of the left is to be lefter than the next guy, you can’t lead that. I have read a very good description: the left has a direction, not a goal. Leaders set goals. So they are unleadable.

No, what I see in her is power player capability, Machiavellian ruthlessness bordering on sadism. Power playing is something women are better at than leadership, Catherine de Medici etc.

I just realized my previous comment twice above was wrongly worded, I called her both a power player and a leader initially. That’s because my thoughts are not clear about it anyway. Clearly she is a power player, and power players are more than figureheads, but they are nevertheless not leaders. I dunno how to clear this one up, other than pointing to non-leader but succesful power player women like Catherine de Medici.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Power-player in this sense could perhaps be also understood as a status hacker; it that it concerns only the *merely relative* sense of power. That is to say, a sort of existence that is solitary, non-constructive, and generally possessed of no overarching vision; each oft a consequence of each other.

Keeping your head up by cutting off all your neighbor’s; blowing up the astoria building so you can be king of the rubble pile; impotent in the face of high assabiyah conquerors; so on along those lines.

The Cominator says:

Women and power…

All except Thatcher have been disasters in Democracies that I can think of in recent history, I would certainly prefer Sarah Palin or Kristi Noem (the only governor to tell the Corona Karens to just fuckoff, which is what Trump should have done) to any Democrat but generally its to be considered a negative.

They can do well as queens in patriarchal societies (they don’t actually generally do all that bad) though and here is my theory… Women are under certain circumstances capable (and generally are better than men when it comes to understanding people and low cunning) of logical thought but normally they are IMMESELY influenced by female peers or if young also by whoever they regard as their alpha lover. Thinking is less important than fitting in with their peer group and pleasing their alpha lover (I mean when not shit testing him).

But a female queen in a patriarchal society has no real female peers, she has the power of life and death over all subjects male and female whereas most women in the society their husband or father has immense power over them (maybe including life and death). As such she just will not be able to regard any other woman as a peer. And her lover no matter how alpha he is can only be so alpha when she has absolute power… so a female queen being isolated at the top has no true herd and no true alpha lover. Those who survive and stay in power must develop their logical faculties.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

A woman in a position of authority will go crazy because she doesn’t feel secure, and will start fucking shit up in hopes of smoking out a alpha to come take control of her so she can feel secure again.

If she’s not secure, then what hope is there for any kids you might give her? No point in even trying, right? Anyone whose tried to use their girlfriend as their agony aunt will have found this out; she doesn’t want to be your rock, she want’s you to be her rock.

The Cominator says:

Historically this generally holds true for Democratic female leaders, not always true with autocratic female monarchs in otherwise patriarchal societies (who don’t generally do too bad).

jim says:

> All except Thatcher have been disasters in Democracies that I can think of in recent history.

Thatcher had a high status strong manly husband, and she washed his socks.

If a woman in power does not appropriately perform the female role for her husband who is appropriately performing the male role, then she is a disaster, because she drives the institution she presides over into the rocks in an effort to smoke out the alpha to give her a spanking, chain her to the bedposts, and make her pop out lots of children.

Pooch says:

The Cathedral is attacking Lindsey Graham and even want him arrested for trying to get the GA Sec of State to uncover fraud. This is a good development if people like Graham are wiling to do things that may end with them being arrested if Trump loses.

jim says:

Yes, I am seeing cucks stop cucking, which suggests Trump is likely to win.

The only path I see that keeps the Trump family out of prison, which is likely to lead to execution or Epsteining, as it did in revolutionary Russia and France, is civil war. Trump gets some good supreme court decisions, they are ignored, he reads the insurrection act proclamation.

notglowing says:

The situation in GA is really dire.
They are going through with their fake audit, and if we lose GA victory is basically impossible.
They will certify the votes Thursday.
I don’t know how Trump plans to prevent this within two days.
There’s going to be demonstrations there now but what difference will that make?

The Cominator says:

Lin Wood who is a very very good lawyer is in charge of the Georgia situation… I have made some calls to Georgia state representatives.

The Georgia secretary of state is a traitor.

Victory is not impossible if we lose Georgia, but given that we likely won it by 7 points except for fraud we should not surrender the state.

Also keep in mind that legal means are one way but Trump can also cross the Rubicon and seize power should legal means fail.

notglowing says:

>Also keep in mind that legal means are one way but Trump can also cross the Rubicon and seize power should legal means fail.

I really don’t think that will happen.
Trump has always followed the law and he has been stopped even from exercising his power to the extent that the law allows.
He believes in the system like all the boomers do.
The government is full of traitors who will stop him from rightfully claiming the election, and he can’t stop them, but he will rise against the law?

Even the people who are the most right wing in the government mostly believe in the “constitution” and would protect Trump in its name, and “american values”, or, worse, “democracy”.
And they are “right wing” to the extent that they believe in these things, Trump would make himself the enemy of the Republic as they understand it if he decided to break the law.
On the other hand he might just believe he can protect himself for four years and run again, and risk less than he would rising up. To be honest, I can’t say which is safer myself, but he might just believe in the system too much to take the Rubicon option.

We’ve seen conservatives lose for decades because their entire ideology is to follow the law and respect it, and progressives win because they ignore it.
It’s a trap that makes seizing power impossible.

Pooch says:

Trump and his family will die if he loses. There is no 2024.

notglowing says:

They probably would. But that doesn’t mean he’ll assume that is more dangerous than the alternative.

The Cominator says:

The fact that every Trump voter knows that this was obvious massive 3rd world and communist level election fraud makes crossing the Rubicon much easier for the rest of the right, AOC’s lists, the fact that they are not giving up this covid bullshit and the fact that they are talking about this gre@t reset (Pol Pot enomics) means that many also realize the stakes.

So yes Trump could cross the Rubicon and win, its a question of will he. I can’t say I know… but I’m sure Melania and Don Jr at least are fully behind him crossing the Rubicon.

notglowing says:

>The fact that every Trump voter knows that this was obvious massive 3rd world and communist level election fraud makes crossing the Rubicon much easier for the rest of the right,

The fact that most republicans know it is fraud despite media silence on the matter is definitely the most positive aspect of the current situation, at the very least democracy will be delegitimized.
However conservatives being discontent has never stopped them from still cucking for the kritarchy in the past, which is why I am pessimistic.
I still think Trump can win through entirely legal means, but if that doesn’t work I don’t know if we can expect him to cross the Rubicon.

Not Tom says:

Yeesh, if you’re gonna blackpill, at least make it original. This exact topic has been debated to death in this exact thread no fewer than five times. Forget a day late and a dollar short, you’re a week late and a gold nugget short.

Look, he’ll cross the Rubicon or he won’t. It does none of us any good whatsoever to speculate and whine about all the reasons why he won’t. If you’re so sure that he won’t, then you should be quietly preparing, stocking up on food and ammo and toilet paper, not kvetching here.

notglowing says:

>If you’re so sure that he won’t
I don’t know that he won’t but I don’t think he will.
I don’t want to blackpill, I think that he still has a good chance of taking back the presidency. But I am feeling more pessimistic now just based on the situation.

>then you should be quietly preparing
I am personally safe. But seeing such injustices happen upsets me.
If I can get reasons why things might go better than I expect, I’m happy about it. I guess that’s selfish, but then what good does it do us to discuss anything in the first place?
Regardless, I’ll stop blackpilling, that wasn’t my intention.

Pooch says:

Lin Wood seems extremely confident it’s getting overturned on twitter. Somewhat white pilling.

Pooch says:

Saw something on twitter that we should expect more rural Trump votes being “found” like the 800 votes yesterday due to Dominion fraud which could flip the state to Trump even with the fake audits going on in the Atlanta Dem machine. Not sure if that’s credible or not.

Another theory I saw flying around is that Kemp and the traitor Sec of State both have connections to Dominion so Trump will arrest them first as a message to all the cucks. Likely just a pipedream but who knows.

I still have hope and Graham getting involved with the Cathedral screeching about it is a good sign.

notglowing says:

“Saw something on twitter that we should expect more rural Trump votes being “found” like the 800 votes yesterday”

I think that’s our best hope at the moment.

Pooch says:

Here we go…

Looks like same bullshit in another GA county.


Pooch says:

They will certify the votes Thursday.

Just listened to John Fredricks on the Bannon War Room, who is pretty plugged into Georgia, and he doesn’t believe the GOP state senate would certify that quickly given all the questionable actions by the Sec of State. 16 or so have pushed for a special session but apparently it can’t be called without the Governor who apparently has gone into hiding.

notglowing says:

>it can’t be called without the Governor who apparently has gone into hiding.
Hilarious. They can’t get away with this bullshit, it’s too ridiculous.

I have just read an article that I agree with, but won’t link here because it would be branded as demoralizing and I don’t want to get into that sort of debate. Just sort of want to leave a “bookmark” here, that if that article I am thinking of proves to be prescient then as for further steps the best thing to do will be what that article recommends. If things turn out badly. If things turn out well, I will link it anyway, as it is important to learn from mispredictions. Specifically, to learn how not to be irrationally blackpilled. Around February. And please do not speculate.

Penrose says:

just stop being a fag and tell us.

jim says:

Not time for blackpilling yet, I have very bad feelings, but the data is looking good. I see cucks uncucking, and they would not uncuck unless they knew which way the wind blows.

Any site that says “Oh, Trump is going to lose, but then in the next election we will win”, or “then things will calm down because the left has overeached” is utterly deluded. Democracy has died, as it always does, the madness has been escalating endlessly as it always does, and is escalating faster and faster, as it always does until stopped by fear and violence, and now we are figuring out whether something like sanity will be restored by a Caesar Augustus, a Sulla, or by a Stalin.

I hope and pray for a Caesar Augustus.

Trump can only survive by civil war. What he appears to be planning is to get some good supreme court decisions, and when they are predictably ignored, read the Insurrection Act proclamation.

And then it is on, and in a civil war with clear legitimacy and a clear and legitimate commander in chief we will likely win easily with very little bloodshed.

The Cominator says:

We should not be blackpilling today, there is very good news in Nevada and Michigan and Pooch is reporting (I haven’t seen his information) that Georgia which seemed to me the darkest spot is looking up.

Pooch says:

I’m just going off of what John Fredricks is saying on Bannon’s show who seems credible. He’s also saying Kemp must also certify electors as well as the state senate and he is currently AWOL essentially playing neutral. If Kemp can swing towards Trump that would be huge.

The Cominator says:

Kemp is acting very strange… yeah you can’t even get through to a secretary at his office and he has no email listed. I’ve made some calls to state congresscritters in Georgia though.

He was a good guy when it came to lockdowns relatively speaking (only the woman governor of South Dakota was better) but he seems to be tied in with Dominion money… its clear the SecState is an outright traitor.

Pooch says:

Yes SecState is openly bashing Trump on CNN and MSNBC now. He’s a hardcore Democrat all of a sudde .

The Cominator says:

That the secretary of state was an enemy agent became obvious when he said no fraud in Atlanta…

Lin Wood had his number before the election though (I wasn’t even thinking they would steal Georgia before this), he apparently used a “consent agreement” to make it impossible to check for fraud…

Pooch says:

Plus Kemp has to know no way in hell he gets re-elected if he turns on Trump.

The Cominator says:

One good explanation is Kemp is an oldschool Southern governor… ie a PURE crook who doesn’t believe in anything. Hes fishing for bribes and such…

Pooch says:

Looking like a big MAGA rally will happen in ATL on Saturday. Maybe that moves the needle and let’s Kemp and the State Senate know the people aren’t going to stand for it.

The Cominator says:

Scott Adams is also hinting he has inside information too that is favorable to Trump and makes it almost certain Trump wins in the end…

And Scott Adams big unlikely predictions generally come true and hes certainly way above a midwit, he lost a bit of face with me in that he initially fell for the covid bullshit… I don’t understand how so many smart people otherwise were taken in by that…

I guess its that I have a much stronger paranoia filter when it comes to Democrat media narratives or anything I think even might be a Cathedral narrative… whereas some people try to think maybe the media is telling the truth this time I just assume if there is even one inconsistency the whole narrative is a lie.

suones says:

Maybe you are simply paranoid.

I thought the same about Jim’s predictions about the election.

Of course, later it turned out that “they” really were out to get us and your paranoia was completely justified. But you guys appeared paranoid at the time.

I updated my priors regarding the destructive ability and willingness of Leftism and Leftists after both events.

chirs says:

There shall be no blackpilling this day.
The Don is rising.


Mister Grumpus says:

Meanwhile, the establishment is really running wild and blabbing it’s intentions w/r/t Great Reset, Lockdown Forever, and No Vaccine for You. And sending belligerent Shaniquas and Rayshawns into the Million MAGA March.

Is it just me or does this type of thing hand Trump some “legitimacy” of a different type?

Bilge_Pump says:

Here’s an interesting article about Eric Coomer (great name btw), one of the higher-ups at Dominion, which as you guys may know is the company that developed software used for (fraudulent) vote counting in many states.


The Cominator says:


Good news in Nevada, not for the Presidential race yet but now the media and the left wing lawyer establishment can’t claim there is no fraud anywhere (this was over some local commisioner race nobody should really give a shit about and yet it was rigged… if they rigged that why not rig the Presidential race that actually matters) and Trump has good cause to ask the courts to throw out the Clark County vote entirely.

notglowing says:

Bannon seems 100% confident Trump will succeed

Pooch says:

Yeah I listen to every episode and he’s been 100% confident since the Election. He’s still plugged into Trump’s people and has great intel into what’s going on in every state. When he starts to worry then that’s a bad sign but he hasn’t come anywhere close yet.

The Cominator says:

To the extent Bannon gets inside info its likely to be selective, Bannon is known to have a big mouth and to do things for attention sometimes.

But most of the signs from states other than Georgia are looking good… that being said we absolutely 100% should not surrender Georgia.

Pooch says:

I don’t buy that for a second. Bannon was the sacrificial lamb for the Charlottesville fiasco. He’s still in Trump’s outer circle and regularly has Trump campaign people on his show. Trump had him in Rose Garden last week. He’s in the know.

As for Georgia, it’s looking more and more like the Senate is not going to agree to certify unless the signatures in Atlanta are resolved. The courts there are also in our favor and seem like they may force the signature verification to take place, probably why Lin Wood is so confident.

The Cominator says:

No Bannon got fired for running his mouth without authorization to a CNN reporter because he hates Jared Kushner and wanted to circulate damaging information about him.

If Lin Wood is confident (he wasn’t a few days ago) its a very good sign.

The Cominator says:
Pooch says:
jim says:

Feeling really bad.

Trump has to get this to the supremes in time, so that he can proclaim the insurrection act, and there is going to be an obstacle course against getting it to the supremes.

Pooch says:

Yes it seems their strategy is to just run out the clock with obstacles.

The Cominator says:

Don’t feel bad Trump needs to get off his ass and start rallying now though.

Anonymous 2 says:

Have we even bought a helicopter yet?

Pooch says:

Fuck the Wayne County Republicans caved…


jim says:

Not looking good – it was utterly obvious that the sudden late night Biden surge in Michigan ballots was physically impossible.

Pooch says:

If there is a white pill it looks like Rudy’s day in PA Court went well. He was there 6 hours apparently today. Maybe he will get us to the Supremes before it’s too late.


Adjudicator says:

About the Pennsylvania lawsuit, it seems that they are attempting to demolish the argument or take it apart.


Kevin C. says:

I mean, when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled 5-2 that Republican observers’ right to observe counting process was not violated because nowhere does the law explicitly require that observers be close enough to observe (or any other “distance requirement”) and therefore it “would be improper for this Court to judicially rewrite the statute by imposing distance requirements where the legislature has, in the exercise of its policy judgment, seen fit not to do so”…


Republican observers are obstructed, and prevented from identifying fraud; when they try to remedy this, it’s rejected on the thinnest, most pedantic of grounds; and, after being blocked from identifying the fraud, they are then criticized for lacking knowledge of which specific ballots to indict as fraudulent. It’s a spectaculary and transparently Kafkaesque scheme.

Not Tom says:

All I can say is that I hope these professional losers are severely punished for their treachery.

Michigan had the most concrete evidence out of any of the states. They not only knew that there was fraud, they had multiple whistleblowers explaining exactly how it happened (like tabulating the same batch of votes over and over again, and eyewitness reports of trucks showing up in the middle of the night).

Seems almost pointless to keep dicking around with state courts and legislatures at this point. Try the Supremes if you must, but otherwise, it’s time to cross the Rubicon.

The Cominator says:

Trump needs to rally in those states… to pressure the legislatures to grow some balls.

Not Tom says:

Evidently too late for another rally to make a difference in Michigan. Obviously these particular board members fear the left more than the right, and cannot accept the fact that the left will kill them anyway.

The Cominator says:

We’ll see.

Pooch says:

Yes they were doxed into submission.

Pooch says:

The Dem board members basically threatened their lives on the zoom call.

This man needs the helicopter regardless of outcome…


Not Tom says:

Link is already down, but I assume it’s the clip of the one chubby white faggot crying “racist” for three straight minutes.

When will we see just one of these supposed Republican

Pooch says:


Try this one. Threatens her children too.

Not Tom says:

Phone is being a bitch tonight, registering touches when there are no touches.

As I was saying: when will we see just one of these supposed Republicans interrupt them with a proper comeback?

Here’s a suggestion, for any cryptocucks who might be reading, directly or indirectly: “Listen up, you worthless communist piece of human garbage: when, not if, Trump starts his second term, we are going to parachute you right into the middle of this Detroit ghetto you are so concerned about disenfranchising, where you can bask in the appreciation of all those voters you are so very concerned about. You might want to get your will and life insurance squared away.”

Pooch says:

All they have to do is what Tucker did…fight fire with fire and put his full name and address on video/twitter. Shitlibs are under the impression MAGA people are terrorist nazis in secret just waiting to kill people. Use it to our advantage.

Karl says:

If someone cucks because his live or the lives of his children are threatened, a rally won’t make him reconsider.

The Cominator says:

Its to make the legislators etc reconsider not the county assessors.

Karl says:

Aren’t the legislators etc in precisely the same situation when they and their families are threatened to be killed?

Do you think there are no or won’t be such threats against legislators etc.?

BC says:

Yes. The time for rally’s have passed. The time for dangerous young men wearing Red Hats in the streets has come. The Proud Boys showed the way in DC.

Anonymous 2 says:

Trump could make a public statement that this is an exceptional situation and that threats made to, or attacks made on, election officials will be dealt with swiftly and severely. Who could be against that (except perhaps the confusing media)?

Find and jail those who make such threats at least until 20 Jan. Force Twitter to hand over phone details, SWAT them for real, federal prosecution, etc.

Something of a hair trigger temper and a willingness to act may be useful.

notglowing says:

Doesn’t that say they agreed to the audit?

The Cominator says:

Devil in the details…

Not Tom says:

They agreed to certify, and requested an audit from the Secretary of State.

Probably not a binding request, otherwise they would have said they’d only certify after the audit. And even if that were the case, I have no expectation that their Sec is any better than Georgia’s or would make any serious attempt to identify or correct the fake votes.

Pooch says:

That was only the county. State legislature still has final say on the state’s certification.

notglowing says:

Well if we have to go by the post above, the state legislature seems even worse.

The Cominator says:

They are political creatures hence the need for a rally…

Pooch says:

Yes the state senate majority leader is a traitor but the other GOP members may be still undecided or more loyal to Trump.


The Cominator says:

They may be more loyal to the idea that they 100% will lose reelection and may be killed.

Pooch says:

Threatened her kids too…

BAP likes my idea of deploying for state GOP protection…

Pooch says:

Deploying armed militia*

The Cominator says:

Also if you read the article hes open to going real slow… that’s all we need.

~loclun-midwyt says:
Not Tom says:

Amusing, but pretty much the final nail in the coffin for Thomas Wictor’s zany CISA theories.

Edit_XYZ says:

At this point, it is pretty certain that the DOJ betrayed Trump and allowed the election to be stolen.
Notice also how the DOJ and the FBI are utterly absent these days, not investigating the largest election fraud in history, nor blatant threats to officials – for example, left operatives just threatened the Wayne County Republicans and their children in order to certify the elections. With impunity, despite the threats being made on video.

Where is Trump’s base? Are there any retaliations? No. Trump’s followers are following law and order, despite dealing with a criminal organization that couldn’t care less about it. The truth is, they don’t really want to fight; they hope things will go their way without risking life and limb in war, and they keep their heads down. They’re suicidally wrong.

The left has the prosecutors, the muscle – DOJ, FBI.
Trump has some good lawyers and, perhaps, the army – if he can make its use legitimate. As for the GOP – many are outright traitors – see in Georgia.

Jim is right – the best chance Trump has of winning this thing is obtaining a SCOTUS decision that’s favorable to him, until january 20 at the latest. Then, invoking the insurrection act.

Could Trump invoke the insurrection act without a SCOTUS decision? Will enough of the army, or of his base follow him, based only on the smoking gun evidence hos lawyers gathered up?

~loclun-midwyt says:


Trump seems to be implying that they didn’t certify after all. Anyone have more info?

Not Tom says:

Breitbart, Newsmax and OANN have nothing to say about this, so either he has some unreleased inside information or he’s wrong.

The Democrat SoS is, as expected, saying “oh sure, we’ll look into irregularities, but we didn’t see anything wrong”, no doubt snickering off-camera. It really is third-world level shit.

The Cominator says:

Trump probably has more information than we do. Hes saying they agreed in principle but didn’t officially sign off… I like this.

Don’t get blackpilled…

Not Tom says:

I remain open-minded about outcomes, but I’m done with tweets and pretty much done following the kangaroo court cases. It’s pointless theater, always the same thing. Trump: “we have even more evidence of fraud”, Dems/Government/Judges: “haha don’t care fuck you”. It’s less depressing to just tune it all out.

The two remaining viable options are SCOTUS and Insurrection Act, possibly both. Everything else has become a fake and gay distraction, every new state court case is another insult to Deplorables and another notch under the Democrats’ belt. To maintain morale, this theater needs to end soon. Just admit that the pretense of an impartial judiciary is long gone and do what needs to be done, or admit that we can’t do what needs to be done.

The Cominator says:

There may be good reasons to build a maximum sense of desperation before acting but remember the 1st thing Trump did after the phony election was purge the military command… meaning the road to the Rubicon is an option when all things fail.

No defeatism until we’re actually defeated.

jim says:

Trump has been preparing to do what needs to be done for some time. But he may be reluctant to make the move if he cannot build sufficient legitimacy for it.

Wayne county demonstrates that it is now time to read the insurrection act proclamation. I would have done so immediately, but Trump is president and I am not, and he is a smart operator.

pyrrhus says:

According to A/C, Wayne County has not actually certified, pending the audit…But that could change I suppose…I would certainly be ecstatic if Trump declared martial law under the Insurrection Act and/or 14th Amendment…

The Cominator says:

What is A/C.

If they are refusing to sign the certification documents but are saying they WILL sign pending a REAL audit (not a Georgia audit) I commend the commisioners for fake cucking but not actual cucking… its about the best way they could have played this actually.

jim says:

Probably the only way to not actually cuck and stay alive.

They are consciously or subconsciously waiting to see if Trump can marshal sufficient counter violence sufficiently quickly to keep them alive. If he can, they will not cuck.

Pooch says:

Jim is right – the best chance Trump has of winning this thing is obtaining a SCOTUS decision that’s favorable to him, until january 20 at the latest. Then, invoking the insurrection act.

Bannon seems confident none of the disputed states will certify (except maybe Arizona) and we’ll win in the contingent election. Wouldn’t that give us legitimate backing in a civil war too. Why do we care so much about SCOTUS? If the cases fail to get to SCOTUS and the states fail to certify don’t we still win?

The Cominator says:

I think Bannon is right about Georgia and the Upper Midwest states ie that they won’t certify (Nevada will unless prevented in court).

In the end any state congresscritter who votes for certification… has to know that his days as a government hack are over soon after.

TammyFan says:

A/C is Anonymous Conservative:

INDY says:

What did they say that threatened their children?

Pooch says:
INDY says:

Thanks Pooch, I missed that part the first time I watched

BC says:

If Trump’s going for getting the legislatures of this swing states to vote for him, I don’t think it’s going to work. Even with the almost certain threat of death hanging over Republicans, they continue to Cuck because they have no cohesion and no one has their back. If Trump was a military commander who could send his Troops to back these people up or if he’d embraced the young men of the Red Hats in 2016 he’d be able to put steel into the GOP’s backbone by just by deploying his men.

The Supreme court and the Federalists on it have cohesion and can resist the pressure but Trump seems unable to get his cases before them. But even if gets those rulings, Trump will need to deploy solders to defend every important GOP official in order for this work. Trump needs to call up the Republican Guard or the Red Hats, or even the Proud Boys.

Rally’s won’t work right now. What we need is dangerous men in the streets and at every GOP officials office and home to defend them. These men need to feel secure in order to do what’s right.

Anonymous 2 says:

The judiciary is heavily defended enemy territory so it won’t be an easy path to victory. Then again, what is?

I think I’d recommend large numbers of unruly young men in the streets at a minimum until Jan 20, if nothing else to show their displeasure at having the election and their future so blatantly stolen. The trash mob in Portland kept going for at least 55 days, if memory serves.

Dan Jackson says:

Try 155 days.

Mister Grumpus says:

Dunk on me if you think I have it coming:

The state legislatures pick electors a whole month from now, roughly. A month ago I had wildly different ideas of “legal”, “proper”, “rightful” — and “possible” — than I do now. 5 minutes ago I was playing checkers after church, and now I’m in a strange ditch with bite marks and teeth missing.

Are we the normalcy-biasing ones?

Are we fuddy-duddies too, presuming that the conception of “legitimacy” will resemble in mid-December what we thought in October it would have to look like?

On the D side, nothing Trump touches is “legitimate” anyway, so neither will any kind of Supreme Court ruling in Literally Hitler’s favor make any damned difference. Meanwhile, on “our side”, “we” (and the $64 question is just how numerous “we” really are) already know this thing was crooked from election night and don’t need to see anything else anyway.

How many people are still left in between, and how many of them will speak up or matter? Just give me your takes, please.

So many cuckservatives are feigning “propriety”, and ceremonially bowing to Shaniqua in public, but how many of these very same cucks will say one first counter-signaling word if and when Trump just says “OK fuck this”?

You sure as hell can’t poll for that, and Trump has been calling bluffs for high stakes his whole life.

I can’t tell if I’m coping, being smart, or being dumb right now.

Karl says:

It would be nice to have some favorable decisions of courts, especially SCOTUS, because they would make it much easier for state legislatures to pick electors for Trump. As state legislatures can do that even without such court decisions, favorable courts decisions are not all that important.

Maybe Trump will win in the courts, if not he can still win by convincing state legislatures to choose his electors. If he fails to do that, he can still win by invoking the 14th amendment, reading the riot act or something really creative without much appearance of legaility.

How many people are undicided or willing to support Trump, depends how the courts decide, how the state legislatures decide, and how Trump decides to proceed. Most people are not yet so strongly committed that they will fight for Trump no matter what happens.

Not Tom says:

Regular people will always bet on the strong horse. That means, Trump’s perceived legitimacy will only decline with the more battles he loses, whatever the reason. (Yes, they threatened some Michigan officials; he should have been prepared, we thought he was prepared with his recent military reshuffles and tacit support of the Proud Boys).

Right now, the Trump “team” is losing many small battles. That perception can easily be flipped by winning one big one, such as SCOTUS. Maybe even flipping Pennsylvania would help. But Michigan is where there was the most evidence, the most witnesses, the most blatant and implausible and laughable fraud. Right now it looks like he’ll be lucky to squeak out a victory in Georgia, which was not even supposed to be in play.

I don’t think anyone other than bluechecks believes that Biden won legitimately. Everyone knows that Trump is the legitimate president. But that’s not what “legitimacy” means in the context of civil war. The great mass of normies will only fight for a winner. They have to see that, even if Trump doesn’t appear to be winning right now, he’s willing and able to do whatever it takes to win – and not just Trump but all of the important people on Trump’s side.

I rather like the suggestion of arresting Democrats who threaten Republican election officials. Throwing that disgusting shitbag in Michigan in a dark cell would go a long way to restoring confidence. Winners need to be prepared to use physical force when necessary, and it is way beyond necessary at this point. It seems to me that Trump, while he has occasionally been willing to deploy police, tends to revert to a default state of extreme reluctance to use force, and this just isn’t the time for blustery tweets and half-measures. That’s my take, anyway; if we don’t see willingness to use some violence now, state legislators and electors in a month will absolutely not believe he has the capability to deploy the massive levels of violence necessary to secure the electoral college and subsequent left-wing riots.

A week ago I was preaching patience, but now I am starting to get impatient myself. If Democrats are allowed to get away with blatant fraud and blatant intimidation and threats, then we’re in an even worse spot than before.

Pooch says:

The backing down to threats is incredibly blackpilling, but I will say playing the racist card is a sign of their desperation. They have no legit plays if Trump is able to get past their threats to GOP officials. Threatening Detroit Republican county officials surrounded by niggers on all sides is one thing. Threatening rural Republican state officials surrounded by white gun owners on all sides is another. Ultimately it is going to be the state officials to certify the official state electors.

The Cominator says:

The right really needs what Hillary had and on a massive scale…

They need to start finding certain Republican officials who failed us in an ah how shall I say deep sleep with some indication that the person who um knocked them out did it because they thought they were a coward or a traitor…

And that um being knocked out if they cross Democrats is a risk but its a certainty if they go the other way.

Pooch says:

The one theory I saw that made sense was that if Trump were to arrest people (if he even is able to) he should start with Republicans complicit with the fraud to send a message to the GOP.

The Cominator says:

Fuck arrests they need to turn up… asleep…

suones says:

The right really needs what Hillary had and on a massive scale…

The right cannot have that, by nature. You’re essentially asking for a co-operate-co-operate equilibrium to be enforced, mafia style — prospective defectors know that the mafia will certainly kill them, so they don’t defect. But the mafia are themselves defectors from society at large, so it’s a case of some honour among thieves.

The problem is that we are not mafiosi or thieves, and lack the criminal mindset needed to defect with a clear conscience. We need to believe that we are right for us to do any violence. In that case, enforceable co-operate-co-operate becomes, for us, a coup-complete problem. The best we can hope for is militias or Red Hat-type action, but even that requires the participants to believe in the legitimacy of their actions or nobody will show up.

The Cominator says:

“The right cannot have that, by nature. You’re essentially asking for a co-operate-co-operate equilibrium to be enforced, mafia style — prospective defectors know that the mafia will certainly kill them, so they don’t defect. But the mafia are themselves defectors from society at large, so it’s a case of some honour among thieves.”

The mafia lost their solidarity that they had partially because they lost their ethnic cohesion (Luciano actually wanted to abolish the requirement that “Made Men” be Italian it was Lansky who advised him this was actually a bad idea) as they became overly Americanized but more because with surveillance, the RICO act and the war on drugs (which the bosses tried somewhat to keep their men out of but in large degree failed) the members started getting more afraid of the government than of the consequences of betraying their crime family.

We have belief in legitimacy, that Trump is the legitimate president and that this is essentially a communist coup… I don’t know any Trump voters who think otherwise. But we need people who will make other people fear defecting from us more than the left. Yes the right (which is not so much a religion as a coalition of less cohesive more individualistic people who are tired of progressive madness and at this point absolutely terrified of it going further) are not that suited for this but we have a lot of angry young men on our side… some of them ex combat veterans and such. Something should be made out of that, if the other side can monopolize intimidation it makes things very hard for us.

The only thing we have going now is a lot of Republicans even cuck ones have gotten the idea that the left is going to kill them all anyway as soon as they amass sufficient power.

yewotm8 says:

>Something should be made out of that, if the other side can monopolize intimidation it makes things very hard for us.

Should be enough just to punish the enemy for intimidation. You reliably demonstrate that you are better at it than they are, and avoid doing bad things to good people. Should not need to indiscriminately intimidate dissenters.

The Cominator says:

I’d also like to point out, there have been a number of wars in history where the winning side lost every battle but the last one (and many more where the winning side lost every battle but the last two).

jim says:

The situation is unpredictable and unclear, but the enemies announcements that resistance is useless are getting a shriller tone.

I had a very bad feeling yesterday, today somewhat more optimistic. Things look grim, but not nearly so grim as the enemy is so loudly telling us.

The Cominator says:

Resistance is not useless… but I’m not sure what political calculation Trump has not for speaking or appearing in public before his followers…

There has to be some kind of thinking behind it but I don’t get what.

European Mutt says:

Looks to me like the 2 main reasons are:

– He truly has his hands full with the legal cases and preparing for the insurrection act proclamation.

– Simultaneously, he wants to bait the left into doing something stupid by making them feel somewhat secure in their power. As we all know they are already threatening his legal teams on the non-SC cases. He is probably compiling lists like AOC. And if they (for example) move on to threatening or even killing Republican office holders, or do something like unilaterally declare a federal lockdown and try to enforce it with loyalist agencies (FEMA?), it’s definitely time to read the insurrection act. Even better if such a scenario happens after the SC ruling of course.

I fully expect to be proven wrong about this, but this is what it looks like to me right now. It’s in line with what we know about Trump’s tactics. Pretend to go along, then swoop in and rapidly turn the situation in your favor.

jim says:

Trump’s Syria operation was classic 4D chess. He appeared to cuck, appeared to yield to a state department recklessly drifting into war with Russia, but when the dust settled, he had won. Syria had Syria, Russia had a reliable ally, we had an honorable peace, peace not only between us, Syria and Russia, but peace between Israel, Russia and Syria, we had their oil, and the Cathedral’s Syrian operatives had a bullet in the back of their heads.

I hope and pray he has a similar operation going now to deal with color revolution.

European Mutt says:

This is exactly what I was thinking about. I was not a big believer in Trump or 4D chess before that, I will admit. Would have voted for him but that was it. Syria made it obvious I had vastly underestimated him and that he was more than capable of outsmarting his opponents.

I hope and pray too.

jim says:

> He truly has his hands full with the legal cases and preparing for the insurrection act proclamation.

I believe Trump’s strategy relied on legal cases, but what happened in Wayne county makes legality irrelevant and useless, so he may have to change his strategy in a hurry.

Unfortunately, because no man rules alone, he still needs the appearance of legality for legitimacy

The Cominator says:

Litigation was plan A.

State legislatures and at least throwing the election to the house was plan B.

The Rubicon in some form or another is plan C.

The way most Republicans unfortunately are given the American right’s cucked Burkean intellectual tradition (you wanted to send William Wilberforce to the West Indies, I think Edmund Burke was more important to send there) they want him to try to do it legally before he resorts to C, but if Trump executed C successfully I think most people are just going to feel if not ecstatic then at least relieved…

Not Tom says:

I believe Trump’s strategy relied on legal cases, but what happened in Wayne county makes legality irrelevant and useless

Right. It is not for me to make predictions at this point, there is no “pill” here, but having seen what we have now seen, I wish to see less of the right’s time and energy spent on wasteful activities and more spent on preparing for civil war, which now appears inevitable. If there was a sliver of hope last week that the Cathedral might accept an unfavorable procedural outcome, or even allow an unfavorable outcome to occur, that hope died yesterday along with the Wayne County Republicans’ courage and dignity.

If we file suit, they reject it on absurd grounds. If they accept the suit, a higher court overturns the judgment. If the highest court reprimands them, they ignore the decision. If state officials attempt the constitutional override, they credibly threaten violence. All of these things, we have now already seen at the state level, and if it has already happened at the state level, there is no logical reason to assume that federal level efforts would end any differently. A SCOTUS decision could help a little with morale and legitimacy, but the state and lower court level efforts are largely futile and denoralizing. I’d drop all of those cases, publicly announcing them to be a waste of time as the judges are all in the pockets of Democrats, escalate immediately to the federal level, and read the riot act.

There are only two reasons to keep up the charade, either (a) he truly doesn’t get it or (b) he needs more time to prepare. But (b), despite being the more optimistic interpretation, is still worrying because he obviously knew this would happen and should have been prepared before the election even began. Somewhere along the line, he must have miscalculated. So I hope that these kangaroo court cases are just an excuse to stall for time.

Pooch says:

The Insurrection Act is crossing the Rubicon. After it is read, the die is cast and there is no turning back. Civil war begins with the activation of all branches of the military to the police down to possibly the militia. Fighting in the streets of every American city like ensues. All ducks must be in a row with no exceptions. I have no problem with him taking as long as possible to get it right. There’s no rush, yet.

Karl says:

Why would you drop those cases? Maybe they are a waste of time, but if so they are waste of lawyer time and not a waste of time of Trump or anyone who has anything more important to do.

Trump does not have a litigation budget problem. His attorneys can keep working on those cases. It costs money, but nothing else. He might gain something from these cases, but cannot lose anything. Therefore it is reasonable to continue with these cases, maybe even add more cases.

jim says:

> Are we the normalcy-biasing ones?

We are the slightly less normalcy biasing ones.

The Cominator says:


The cabal that runs Biden plans to kill your dog if this isn’t reversed.

Pooch says:

The Covid insanity is ramping up to Aztec levels quicker than I expected.

The Cominator says:

I see it as more Pol Pot…

Mister Grumpus says:

Great Reset

Build Back Better

Year Zero

European Mutt says:

Looks like just one crappy study, but the problem is that no study is too crappy if it agrees with the left’s conclusions. I had a similar feeling when they were culling the mink it Denmark, that soon they might find a pretext to kill dogs as well. Probably they will ‘liberate’ the cows and pigs first but then it won’t take long till they come for the dogs.

Cathedral elites hate dogs because they can smell good and evil in people.

Looks to me also more Aztec, if it was Pol Pot they’d kill the dog owners and eat the dogs which would frankly be the saner option.

The Cominator says:

If it appears in the press (unless the press is truly right wing or Russian) it indicates their plans, so yes this means 100% they plan to kill your dog.

pyrrhus says:

A/C refers to Anonymous Conservative who is an excellent source for political developments and a strong Trump supporter…

Not Tom says:

AC is a qtard and general nutbag. He used to be an okay source, but he got too far up his own asshole with his r/K tunnel vision and went insane trying to explain away all the inconsistencies.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

acting sec of defense shortens special forces chain of command by making them report directly to himself instead of the bureaucratic chain of command.


jim says:

The world changed radically in the early hours of the morning after the election.

It just changed radically again a few hours ago, when open threats of violence were used to force an obviously fraudulent certification of an obviously fraudulent election.

It is going to continue changing radically. Violence is on the table, and Trump is acting to prepare to deal with it. Whether he will succeed is uncertain, but I think he will succeed.

Contaminated NEET says:

>open threats of violence

It wasn’t an open threat, Jim. It was tacit, and deniable. Now, it’s obvious that the guy meant to imply a threat of violence, but the only thing he explicitly threatened anybody with was shame. The Left are masters at playing this game: they calibrate their violence to exactly the level the system allows and no further. Sure, it helps that all the authorities are sympathetic to them, but how did they gain control of the authorities, anyway?

Not Tom says:

Nah, it was an open threat. No one’s falling for their “shame” act anymore. The cuck right may use cutesy names like “cancel culture” but they know what’s in the velvet glove.

Contaminated NEET says:

Yes, everybody knows what it means. That’s why he said it. But it was not an open or explicit threat. If there’s any official attempt to punish him, the bureaucrats, judges, and lawyers are going to be strangely obtuse about its real meaning. If there is any unofficial attempt to punish him, well, that’s right-wing terrorism, motivated by insane paranoia.

Theshadowedknight says:

That’s when the God-Emperor sends in his stormtroopers to trash this guy’s house in a search, shoot him for resisting arrest, and then terrify his family. If all of the leftist bully boys wind up mysteriously dead for resisting arrest, then the judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and all the rest are useless. You can drop or dismiss charges but you can’t repeal a gunshot wound to the head.

Not Tom says:

If there is any unofficial attempt to punish him, well, that’s right-wing terrorism, motivated by insane paranoia.

They will, of course, call any right-wing violence “terrorism” regardless of the situation, evidence of which is clear in the bizarre and self-contradictory term “state terrorism” that they took to using 20 years ago for Israel, and IIRC even before that for Rhodesia, though that may have been something more polite like “neocolonialism”.

But what matters is their ability to use that label and make it stick, and the label tends to be extremely slippery for any acts clearly backed by the power of the State. Notice how, after a few hours of screeching, the entire media fell mysteriously silent about the Proud Boys bogeymen after Trump rather openly praised their work in DC, not unlike the radio silence on Lafayette Park.

Official agency or private militia, doesn’t really matter as long as there is state backing. Some leftists will always point and screech, but the establishment cannot come down on them like a ton of bricks unless their actions were unsanctioned – at least, not until the civil war escalates to troops and armies.

The Cominator says:

I hope Trump’s long silence is because he feels secure and is devoting the time to composing a very very very very long list of traitors to be executed.

Mister Grumpus says:

Remember how Trump laid low while the BLM Big Nasty was going on, and then turned it around at Mount Rushmore.

On one hand, appear weak when you’re strong, and on the other hand, if you’re weak, don’t let anyone see it. Take your pick.

It could even be a matter of simple Pavlovian association. Maybe he knows it’s bad just for his face and voice to be around, in the air, on the same day when bad crap is happening, especially if the bad crap is escalating. Because then people associate him with the bad crap getting worse, and therefore not-him with it getting better. We’re not that smart.

So instead he lies low while the other side runs absolutely wild, virtue signaling to each other with their kill-your-dog-for-negroes Great Reset Lockdown Forever YEAR ZERO propaganda. They’re burning crosses in Deep America’s yard and it’s still November.

Remember how he made moves against Antifa from the shadows — black-bagging crews and stuff, leaving no hero-tragic film behind — and then showed up at Mount Rushmore.

There’s a biological speed limit to how quickly people can change their perceptions and expectations.

It’s probably a winning strategy to set our big brains aside from time to time and instead ask ourselves how a golden retriever or Down Syndrome person would have been perceiving things for the past week. Surely everyone successful on TV knows to do this, and in movie school they watch movies with the sound off.

Pooch says:

You might be on to something. The insane Covid lockdown escalation and hysteria only strengthens his support at this point. Let them cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas. When he finally reads the Insurrection Act, he’ll have a line of militia volunteers 3000 miles long before he’s even finished speaking.

BC says:

Thank God.

restitutor_orbis says:

A long essay on Trump’s powers to invoke the Insurrection Act and call up the Militia: https://macris.substack.com/p/trump-at-the-rubicon

Pooch says:

Wow that fills in a lot of blanks. I recommend everyone commenting on this blog to read.

suones says:

Remember reading that author from way back. Nice to see him writing! I had the impression he was /ourguy/ through and through. Happy to see that it has borne out.

I like his philosophy articles, like the trilemma. If you remember some other such authors – how do you even discover them – please share.

I’ve just clicked on your name, got to https://homeoftheoldgods.wordpress.com/ and got all WTFed.

I guess we can be allies with Hindu nationalists but this was sort of a shock anyway, because you just sounded well not like a Hindu nationalist at all.

Not Tom says:

There’s no reason why either nationalism or reaction should be an American or European or Christian-only phenomenon. We even refer to the Indian caste system, more or less.

But, like ice cream, you don’t mix the flavors.

Genuinely curious about what you expected a Hindu Nationalist to be like.

Remember the Leftists in all countries are eager to portray their corresponding political adversaries in the worst light possible. I’m surprised that even mainstream right wing in the West buys into the propaganda of how Evil Hindu Nationalists are torturing the country’s “helpless and weak” minorities and how India has so little religious freedom

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>Could Trump invoke the insurrection act without a SCOTUS decision?

Sure he could.

>Will enough of the army, or of his base follow him, based only on the smoking gun evidence hos lawyers gathered up?

And they sure would.

To put a finer point on some of my earlier posts here; if a man says he is raising his fist for the sake of X, and other people see that there is muscle behind that fist, they will believe him.

The common tendency in perception is that the weak man will be lying about what he is doing, while the strong man will be telling the truth.

Our sundry flavors of solipsistic refuse, one may note, do this all the time. A progroid will confidently announce it engaging in a program for helping X, whose program is destroying X – just as their news organs declare themselves saviors of ‘democracy’ while demonstrating it’s irrelevancy now today, without a trace of shame – and people believe them; believe, that even if things ‘go wrong’, then at least ‘their hearts were in the right place’.

Many, if not most, may not actually believe the daemon-haunted when they say such things; but they dare not say so out loud, in fear of censure from an other for deviating from the official(ly unofficial) message; that even if that other *also does not believe*, he can still benefit from playing the part of thought-cop in the dynamic, lowering the outspeaker’s status while raising his own. That is legitimacy.

Recall how the gramscian ‘march through the institutions’ actually took place in the 60s; black panthers physically entering into university buildings and physically beating up physical professors not with the program. If the question is, ‘how does Trump get the legitimacy for making enemies of civilization fearful of acting like enemies of civilization?’, the answer is to do so, say that is why you are doing so, and you will be believed.

The point trying to be hammered home here is, he who dares, wins. A strong man loudly and confidently asserting the truth of his actions while he and his gang carry out those actions creates his legitimacy. And if what you are saying is indeed the truth, then that makes it just all the easier.


In the interwar period, one of the most valuable things the nsdap ever did on an operational level, was making sure every important person of interest had a posse following them around everywhere.

This is not just a signal to a larger public, swelling the pride of allies, while intimidating enemies, it is also a practical reassurance for the figures themselves, personally. Those of right mind will feel safer in doing the right thing (while those sitting on the fence in their hearts will wonder what might happen to them if they *don’t* to the right thing, and will then prefer to feel reassured by their posse’s presence instead).

Germany, like Spain, was afflicted by literal communist revolution during the weimar era; and Germany, like Spain, managed what few other countries around that time managed, which was to beat down their pinkos. And a major part of that was actually physically beating down physical pinkos in the physical streets, whenever any would come out to publicly signal communism (much like what was done in DC between red hats and antifa a few days ago). Friekorps, brownshirts, militias, and et cetera, were essential components to upholding law and order; which is to say, civilization.

You don’t even need to specifically give particular orders to your republican guards, the most important thing above all is just *being there*. To take a riff on his pal Rudy’s playbook, you put ‘cops on dots’. You see where trouble is, where you anticipate trouble to be, and you put your boys there. And when you put good guys around where bad things are happening, like a magic trick, you will find good things start happening instead.

“Yes ma’am, we are here for the protection of you and your fellow vote counters; we all want to this audit to be done smoothly and peacefully, after all.”

suones says:

And a major part of that was actually physically beating down physical pinkos in the physical streets, whenever any would come out to publicly signal communism (much like what was done in DC between red hats and antifa a few days ago). Friekorps, brownshirts, militias, and et cetera, were essential components to upholding law and order; which is to say, civilization.

(((Historians))) seem to wonder how the NSDAP gained so much middle class support so quickly in the interwar period. The reason was simple — Germany was undergoing the initial stages of a Communist insurrection, with the Kaiser gone and essentially Mensheviks in power. Reds were able to extort and harass citizens with impunity, and the police were either compromised or disinterested to protect. One could resist the Reds and refuse to tithe them, but then could find one’s shop mysteriously firebombed with the police suspiciously aloof.

The NSDAP changed all that. If you were being harassed by Reds, you simply paid the local brownshirt chapter a visit, hung a swastika in your shop window, and the next time the Reds came visiting, they would get a solid beatdown by a couple of brownshirts. If your shop ended up firebombed, the Red office then mysteriously burned to the ground. Ten years of successfully beating Reds in the streets is what made brownshirts, and NSDAP, high status, not the other way round.

This is similar to how the mafia develop loyalty, and was indeed pioneered by Benito Mussolini, whose reign marked the nadir of mafia power in Italy, with many of them fleeing to America (and resuming criminal activity among the Anglo sheep).

But the crucial factor is inaction or complacency of police. In a just state, it is the police that is supposed to be beating down troublemakers. If that is the case, there are no need for brownshirts, and the state receives overwhelming public support. Remember those videos of Chinese police beating down “protesters” and then stuffing them into vans? That actually increases public support for the CCP, a fact that Westerners “cannot” understand. Following the law should be cool, and “resistance” appropriately low-status. The majority of Chinese believe that the police and CCP are on their side, which they are, in a way.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

In the anglo-saxon tradition, the police is a royal marshal, and his deputies are all upstanding men in the community who bear arms.

It’s unnatural for boys to not be in a gang; and what else is formalism, but making the implicit contours of reality officially explicit, gaining power thereby.

I just want to say I find both of your comments excellent. This is how one correctly links those very visceral lessons learned from Jack Donovan and BAP into the more loftier topics.

Of course the fact that both of them are fags, of the rare, Yukio Mishima kind, makes me read them with a large pinch of salt. But I think the pattern is that in their case this mostly just means that they are sort of stuck in a perpetual adolescent mindset, they have a philosophy that is sufficient for boys but not for fathers.

But just as you correctly said, gangs are for boys, not fathers. And we get the same from other sources e.g. The Horse, The Wheel And Language: “The institution of the Männerbünde or korios, the warrior brotherhood of young men bound by oath to one another and to their ancestors during a ritually mandated raid, has been reconstructed as a central part of Proto–Indo–European initiation rituals.”

As for the Anglo-Saxon tradition, this is what was called a posse, right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_comitatus

Another thing. I think it is really not possible to understand Mussolini without something like this. Here was a guy, socialist before the war, nationalist after, and a real intellectual, 100% intellectual. And he starts a movement that has no ideology at all, no real historic predecessors, no foreign examples to imitate, not pointing at a book and saying we implement these ideas, even though he as an intellectual was absolutely the kind of guy who wants to do that if at all possible. The basic names for the movement come from “fasci” which just meant a group, band, league or indeed gang way back into the 19th century. All this points to a situation where there was something pragmatic, indeed, “physical” to do for groups of men and ideology had to wait. All that stuff about Giovanni Gentile’s murky Hegelianism as “active idealism” came much later.

And the timing very much suggests that the practical problem at hand was the Reds: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biennio_Rosso

Without this, it is impossible to understand how comes that an intellectual starts a movement without ideology, without predecessors or foreign examples to follow, i.e. something that is not based on ideas, something full of action and little in the way of predefined political direction.

The Cominator says:

Mussolini was a guy who for the most part turned on the left (after being a leftist originally) and decided it was wrong about almost everything (not really his fault he got forced into an alliance with Hitler he tried very hard to seek British backing)…

And thought of a creative way to seek “a crown from the gutter” and beat the reds. Fascism as it started in Italy was more about an aesthetic than an ideologiy… we’re anticommunist too but you also get to join this cool gang which beats up communists.

And it was kind of a winning strategy until Hitler (who was much more ideological) ruined it for the next 150 years probably…

Jehu says:

The Communist Left back in the 1920s was a serious terror. People were abjectly terrified by it for good reason. It left piles of corpses everywhere, and did it in an often OPENLY Satanic way. That movie about the Cristeros War in Mexico a few years back if anything seriously UNDERSELLS just how evil the regime was. Their soldiers would return ‘Hail Satan’ to the Cristeros battle cry of ‘Viva Cristos Rey’ (Hail Christ the King). People wanted someone, ANYONE who would fight that scourge.

Strannik says:

It’s on a supernatural level for sure, as well as in our realm that we sort of know and kind of understand. I remember a friend’s father’s Baba telling him one day about the Russian revolution and Civil War, how he saw a tree full of blackbirds speaking, saying; ”our time has come!” and then flying off, and when the man came home from his trip shortly thereafter, he learned the Tsar had been murdered…

Jehu says:

Best thing Stalin ever did was whacking Trotsky in Mexico.
Would that he have offed him sooner.

clovis says:

>A tree full of blackbirds speaking, saying “our time has come!”
Straight out of Gogol or Bulgakov.

jim says:

Posses are always led by an older priest/aristocrat, usually with numerous sons and sons in law. The problem is that a fatherless posse is unreliable and unpredictable. The leadership group of the posse is extended family of the priest patriarch. But the muscle is young unmarried men, who are looking to prove their manliness and value to potential fathers-in-law.

onyomi says:

Why are the police so inactive? Because they take orders from left-wing elected officials? Was this also the case in interwar Germany?

Weird that tough police are super popular yet people keep voting (we’re told) for mayors, etc. who tie their hands. But I suppose if voters were rational (and elections honest) Democrats would have stopped controlling Detroit decades ago… Of course there’s also a thing where I think jogger-preferred intensity of policing is less than white preference and falsifying jogger preferences is a badge for the woke white.

>Was this also the case in interwar Germany?

It cannot be compared because WWI was a huge transformative experience for Europeans. It made people either strongly nationalist or strongly anti-nationalist, no middle. Because the sacrifices made on all sides were enormous, so people had to feel strongly about them this way or that way.

It was so powerfully transformative, that it even affected Communists! Pre-WWI Stalin was like “the class war is the real deal, nationalism is a red herring, ethnic conflicts are a sideshow”. Post-WWI Stalin was like “well, there are bourgeois nations whose nationalism is oppressive and proletarian nations whose nationalism is liberating…”

This really cannot be compared to people who not only haven’t seen a world war, the Soviet collapse ~30 years ago made their nation the sole superpower, so not even the Cold War level of threats were in the air.

Not Tom says:

Weird that tough police are super popular yet people keep voting (we’re told) for mayors, etc. who tie their hands.

It’s more that the police do their jobs, but the DAs (almost all installed by Soros and his minions) overturn through selective prosecution. That’s in the red and purple states.

Berkeley, Portland, etc. are the outliers. There, they hate the police – right up until the moment they’re physically hurt or threatened in any way. No principles, no essence, don’t try to conceive of leftism as a rational belief system.

notglowing says:

They certify *NOTHING*!

notglowing says:

It’s great that they have signed and committed to this now.

The Cominator says:

Feigned retreat… when we win this I hope they get very rich off this somehow.

pyrrhus says:

The Republican legislature in MI had better not cuck in the face of this development…..Naturally, the commies did not live up to their agreement, they never do, but they have played right into our hands…..

Theshadowedknight says:

Trump needs to set those brave souls and their families up with armed guards, so they can be protected. It would also be useful to shoot while resisting arrest the creature that doxed the kids’ school. Let the left know that you bring kids into this you are going to end up feeding worms or fishes. Send a strong message.

The Cominator says:

Its REALLY magnificent how those two played it… I hope they have long happy rich lives and go on to the highest levels of paradise… the woman must be a real NAWALT god bless them.

It makes me think of Sharpe talking about Major Lennox here (3:00 about)… a whole army ready to run…


pyrrhus says:

It would also be ok if he was shot trying to escape, like the Antifa in Portland….

BC says:

This is amazing.

Not Tom says:

Very good to see this. I do think the outrage on the right after they initially folded was probably a motivating factor.

One thing I’m not sure about is exactly whom or what the affidavits are intended for. Are they for some state court case, or is this part of Michigan’s certification process?

Karl says:

The affidavits are a life insurance.

If they are murdered now, there is still the affidavit documenting that the certification was revoked. If there were no affidavits, murdering them now would ensure that the certification stands.

Not Tom says:

Eh, sounds a little far-fetched, the left tends not to let a piece of paper get in the way of Progress.

What I meant to suggest is that this makes competing delegations (one of the predicted outcomes) more likely to happen now. Dems will send their delegation, saying “they voted to certify!” and Republicans will send theirs, saying “that vote was under duress and immediately rescinded”.

Of course I’m aware that delegations are state and not county level, but since this one county effectively determines the outcome for the entire state, there’s not much daylight between the two.

Not Tom says:

Anyway, looks like Trump was right and I was wrong, although I will leave open the possibility that the rescinding affidavits came out because Trump was right, if you catch my drift.

pyrrhus says:

At any rate, this provides plenty of ammo for the Legislature to refuse to certify Democrat electors and in fact certify Trump electors…

Pooch says:

Trump spoke to them Tuesday night and guaranteed their safety it looks like.

“It’s hard for me to describe. There was a lot of adrenalin and stress going on. There were general comments about different states but we really didn’t discuss the details of the certification. … It was not pressure. It was genuine concern for my safety.”

Also, they are trying to continue with certification, predictably ignoring the rescinding.


Good. My first gut reaction was that “well the Proud Boys now gonna have to guard these brave people’s houses 24/7” but I didn’t write about it here because it is pointless, the people on the ground must be able to know and handle these stuff, there is no need for and no sense in some Internet guy across the ocean to hand out that “wisdom”, that would be ridiculously conceited. But to me it was obvious that something like this is needed, hopefully someone is organizing, coordinating that, and it is very good that I have no idea who that someone is, because if his name was all over the Internet then the Cheka (antifa) would target his house too.

jim says:

They are for the supreme court.

When certification goes through regardless, civil rights case.

Also insurrection act. That the federally guaranteed right to a Republican form of government was denied, requiring president to call out the army, the national guard, and the militia.

The Cominator says:

According to some random poster on freerepublic apparently the paid off traitor Secretary of State in Georgia has now gone so far as to run commercials saying he did a great job or something…

Motherfucker sounds like a real piece of work, running commercials before its certified as some functionary to try to convince people what you did was on the up and up is not something a truly innocent guy would do… its real cluster B personality disorder behaviour.

Pooch says:

Some GA GOP Senators not buying it. Unclear if they have the total numbers yet to block certification…


European Mutt says:

Off topic, but how much of current psychiatric classification is actually useful?

Psychopathy (and probably then sociopathy also) is an anticoncept according to Jim, which makes sense to me. I think empathy is a real phenomenon, but it tends to be defined as femininity in current practice, which makes “psychopath”, “sociopath” and “Asperger’s” mean bad-male.

Narcissism is also a real phenomenon, but usually described confusingly and applied to people it shouldn’t be applied to, like Trump. A succinct definition of narcissism might be ‘Can’t acknowledge reality and admit to being wrong when it’s pointed out’, which is of course a typically leftist pathology and therefore they attempt to obscure it. They made it sort of a ‘only Cathedralites are to gloat about their achievements’ kind of deal. Anti-merchant mainly.

Raffensperger looks like an actual narcissist I agree.

ADHD is completely made up I think. Pathologizes both boys and feminine girls. “Adult ADHD” pathologizes smart non-PC people.

BPD is fatherlessness extreme shit-testing syndrome.

Cluster A is probably real.

Cluster C is victims of Cathedral education (especially women) and cuckservatives.


Not Tom says:

Although I have zero regard for the psychiatric discipline, I think you’re taking a few things out of context here.

For example, narcissism really is just unusually high self-regard. It’s part of the dark triad, well-known and fairly well-understood. The problem we get into with “pop psychiatry” is that narcissism isn’t a disorder – it isn’t a problem. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is meant to describe the extreme right edge of the narcissism distribution, as most so-called psychiatric conditions including autism describe the extreme end of a distribution. Mental retardation is also the extreme end of a distribution – the left end, obviously.

Trump is narcissistic, or at least has learned how to act that way for personal gain, but he obviously doesn’t have NPD, because he is actually that successful, he doesn’t believe he’s more successful than he really is and doesn’t really appear to need constant admiration (enjoys it, yes, but doesn’t depend on it).

The response of some on the right is to say “well that extreme doesn’t even exist, it’s just an excuse to hate self-confident men”, but that’s not exactly true. I knew someone who fit the extreme definition precisely, constantly exaggerated his accomplishments, often lied, was absolutely single-mindedly obsessed with getting attention and praise and could not stand the slightest bit of criticism, even though he was really mediocre in every sense. They do exist, but they’re extremely rare, supposed to be extremely rare, like 1 in 1000 or even rarer, but because of the Cathedral’s love of medicalizing and pathologizing everything it doesn’t like, these categories get tortured to death until they’re essentially synonymous with the entire right side of the distribution.

But we should have words to describe the extremes, because the extremes are interesting. There’s a difference between being a retard and being dim, and there’s a difference between being a genius and being smart. If you’re short enough, you’re a dwarf; if you’re weak enough, you’re a soyboy or a cuck. You get the picture.

A lot of psychology/psychiatry was always total crap, but a lot is holiness spiraling of once-useful ideas.

The Cominator says:

I agree with Jim on most things but not everything, I believe psychopathy exists (in the 19th century they called it moral insanity)… I’ve met some people I consider psychopaths. Such people if detected even have their uses (in war they are known to feel fear more as a form of adrenaline than anything else for instance) but you don’t want such people as part of organizational hierarchies that are supposed to have cooperate-cooperate equilibrium because their nature is to scheme to betray.

As I’ve said about narcissism… the biggest lie about narcissism is that its more common among men. Whereas for at least American women in the modern age… its typical to them. The rule not the exception.

notglowing says:

Basically I agree with this.
Still, accusations of psychopathy are always political as with the entire field of psychiatry always having been a political tool first and a field of science not even second.

The Cominator says:

Any authority figures who can deem people insane… well the nature of such authority is going to be political. As you can remove people far above your rank even heads of state even normally autocratic heads of state if you can convince people they are insane.

The whole Jimian idea of NRx (as opposed to Moldbug’s idea of converting them) is to deem the cathedral not worthy to rule by reason of insanity (and to deem them unconvertible by reason of insanity)… we may have the truth on our side but its still very political.

There is a legitimate field of knowledge in examining the human mind, but deeming people insane… that is always going to be political and it will always mess with the “science”.

jim says:

> I believe psychopathy exists (in the 19th century they called it moral insanity.

Did they?

I looked up the nineteenth century definition of moral insanity: https://books.google.com.au/books?id=0PIRAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA36&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false

He gives four examples of the morally insane. None of resemble “psychopaths” in the slightest. (And none of them seem very wicked by twenty first century standards)

If there was such a thing as a “psychopath”, or such a thing as a “pedophile”, there would be a word for it in the bible and examples of it in old literature.

We cannot find any psychopaths at all in old literature, and the “pedophiles” are all gays. They like raping little boys and little girls alike, but they like being raped by manly men even more.

The Cominator says:

Not good examples IMHO but the concept was known and probably used with better exemplars. I’m surprised they didn’t use serious criminals as example. I’ve also known people personally who fit the psychopath profile.

Also if psychopath is an enemy anticoncept what is it used for. Pedophile is an anticoncept because it falsely promotes the idea that there are lots of heterosexuals who molest prepubescents when the truth is its almost always gays who do it… and thus its part of the war on male sexuality…

But what is psychopath used for by the enemy?

jim says:

> Not good examples IMHO but the concept was known and probably used with better exemplars

No, the concept of psychopath was not known. If it was known under another name, what was the name and who used it?

If they illustrated the concept with exemplars that fit the modern anticoncept “psychopath”, who illustrated it and where do I find the exemplars that they used?

“psychopath” is like “pedophile”. The word is new, and the thought is new. If such people existed, they would be all over pre twentieth century literature and depicted in the bible.

Hm. I just tried your poster girl method. Googled “most famous psychopath”. First result was serial killer Ed Gein, whose wiki says he was flat out insane, schizophrenia and all. Second result was King Leopold II, because Congo. So the way non-docs use the term is useless. I considered Charles Manson a potential example, but nope, schizophrenia diagnosis, not psychopathy.

Looking at actual diagnoses, I found that Ted Bundy scored the highest on the psychopathy checklist, 39/40. Wiki says the diagnosis was changed around a lot and then:

“Bundy displayed many personality traits typically found in ASPD patients (who are often identified as “sociopaths” or “psychopaths”[326]), such as outward charm and charisma with little true personality or genuine insight beneath the facade;[327] the ability to distinguish right from wrong, but with minimal effect on behavior;[328][329] and an absence of guilt or remorse.[327] “Guilt doesn’t solve anything, really”, Bundy said, in 1981. “It hurts you … I guess I am in the enviable position of not having to deal with guilt.”[330] There was also evidence of narcissism, poor judgment, and manipulative behavior. “Sociopaths”, prosecutor George Dekle wrote, “are egotistical manipulators who think they can con anybody.”[331] “Sometimes he manipulates even me”, admitted one psychiatrist.[332] In the end, Lewis agreed with the majority: “I always tell my graduate students that if they can find me a real, true psychopath, I’ll buy them dinner”, she told Nelson. “I never thought they existed … but I think Ted may have been one, a true psychopath, without any remorse or empathy at all.”

The psychiatrist diagnosing Bundy thinks psychopaths do not exist and Bundy, who scored highest on the checklist, “might” be one. Hm. How the heck did they come up with that checklist? Checklists should be made out of experiences with thousands of patients and apparently one of the experts of the field, “an authority on violent behavior”, does not think psychopaths even exist. Was the checklist pulled out of someone’s ass?

The Cominator says:

Serial killers are not the best examples as most psychopath types are not that crazy and you don’t actually have to be any kind of sadist to be one. There are psychopath poster boys though. Lets look at very high functioning ones.

I hate to bring up anyone from the 3rd Reich but Heydrich checks ALL the boxes for example and did even before he was the head of counterintelligence for the Reich.

Goering checks almost all the boxes (Himmler and Hitler by contrast don’t fit the profile, Himmler not even a little) but he did have some real loyalty to Hitler (and some other people like his brother). So psychopath but not as pure a psychopath as Heydrich was.

Lets look at Jordan Belfort (the Wolf of Wall Street guy) also checks all the boxes.

The checklist has 40 items. Too much. Let’s define what 3-5 characteristics matter the most. Heydrich was never considered to have much charisma. Goering was a bit into crazy Roman emperor category, playing all kinds of dress-up, throwing elaborate parties, the running joke was that he would wear an admiral’s uniform with rubber medals to take a bath. Neither sound like a central case to me.

I have no idea about Belfort. Why would he even be considered a “bad guy” ?

The Cominator says:

“Heydrich was never considered to have much charisma.”

He didn’t have oratorical charisma because of his voice (its high pitched and almost effeminate there are some surviving recordings) but he was charming enough in person when he wanted to be. He was a womanizer even back when he was low status and he charmed Himmler enough to convince him to make him his second in command almost immediately.

So yeah Heydrich was charismatic other than the sound of his voice.

jim says:

I don’t agree that Heydrich is a good fit to the alleged category “psychopath”, and rather than discussing real people, about whom information is apt to be massively falsified for obvious political reasons, it is better to discuss biblical and literary evidence for the existence of “psychopathy”

If the concept refers to a real category, if it is a real concept rather than an anticoncept, instances of that category are going to be all over the bible and all over literature written before the anticoncept was conjured up to demonize masculinity and courage.

The Cominator says:

While in the navy Heydrich rountinely fucked family members of superior naval officers until he got kicked out of the navy for doing it and decided that while he was head of Counterintelligence for the Third Reich that he should volunteer for combat fighter pilot missions until Hitler found out and angrily shut it down.

But the thrill seeking behaviour continued with Heydrich openly riding around Prague in an open top car and got killed for it.

Yes I think Heydrich fits the profile.

jim says:

Thrill seeking fits the profile. Calmness under danger fits the profile. But the whole point of the profile is demonize courage and manliness.

Heydrich was brave and manly. And a Nazi. So nazis are evil, right, therefore psychopathy profile fullfilled, right?

Nah, Nazis are not evil. The evil that Heydrich did was the evil of socialism, and Nazi socialism considerably less evil than most socialist countries. To fit the psychopath concept, he has to do evil in person. Which he was clearly disinclined to do. Heydrich bureaucratically mass produced boring bureaucratic evil, because that is what socialism does, but I see no indication he engaged in the personal and individual evil supposedly typical of psychopaths, for example “callous manipulator”

The Cominator says:

I’m not claiming all the Nazi leadership fits a psychopath profile, Hitler deviates from it in most respects and Himmler does not fit any aspect of it all for example.

But Heydrich is from central casting for the profile though. Goering also fits it with the exception that he was capable of true loyalty to a few people (unfortunately Hitler was one of them).

jim says:

Heydrich was a brave manly socialist. Any socialist who is brave and manly fits the psychopath profile about as well and usually better than Heydrich, for example Che.

But for psychopathy as defined, the alleged pyschopath only fits the profile if he is evil within the organization, not if he happens to be a brave and manly member of an organization doing evil, but nonetheless individually and personally doing the right thing for his boss and colleagues.

The Cominator says:

Was Heydrich a socialist himself… maybe not. There were factions within the 3rd Reich government.

I imagine Heydrich probably wasn’t that keen on the “socialism” part of National Socialism (Himmler certainly wasn’t). The SS and in particular the SD were the most right wing organs of the Nazi party. The SS leadership was actually originally one of the factions most opposed to wiping out all the jews. Heydrich as “Reichprotectkor” of Bohemia and Moravia tried to orient it to a more free enterprise policy then most areas in Germany or under occupation (despite the inhabitants officially being inferior Slavs).

The biggest leftists were Ley, Bormann and Goebbels. Hitler was somewhat in the middle but as time went on tended to side with insane and leftist ideas more and more.

jim says:

> The SS leadership was actually originally one of the factions most opposed to wiping out all the jews.

And then, when this policy was overruled, due to the famine socialism was creating, Heydrich dutifully carried out policy. Which is plenty evil, but does not fit the psychopath profile. People he had arrested were dumped in the concentration camps, overworked, and not fed, but the concentration camps were not really his fault. His category of people in the concentration camps had a special designation, which did not protect them from the same socialist mistreatment as everyone in concentration camps got, but that was not his personal and individual evil.

The Cominator says:

I’m not saying It was Heydrichs fault merely that Heydrich fits the psychopath checklist very well nothing to do with his personal views on wiping out the jews.

jim says:

I do not see that Heydrich fits the psychopath profile any better than “moral insanity” does. The organization of which he was an important part did evil, but the psychopath profile evades the concept of evil, instead using workarounds like “callous manipulator”. Which workarounds are inapplicable.

Inapplicable to him personally and individually, and inapplicable to the kind of evil that socialist bureaucracies always wind up doing.

Having chased the concept of good and evil out the front door, shrinks wanted to sneak it in by the back door so that they could stick it to manly men, but what they snuck in through the back door fails to correspond very well to evil that we observe in practice.

European Mutt says:

For example, narcissism really is just unusually high self-regard.

But we should have words to describe the extremes

But how is narcissism simply a spectrum from low to high self-regard? You yourself made the distinction:

but he obviously doesn’t have NPD, because he is actually that successful, he doesn’t believe he’s more successful than he really is and doesn’t really appear to need constant admiration (enjoys it, yes, but doesn’t depend on it).

So believing or not believing to be more successful then you are and needing or not needing constant admiration are not directly related to high self-regard as you yourself have pointed out. Maybe they are somewhat correlated, but in my experience this also doubtful (Teddy Spaghetti’s gammas are just low self-regard attention whores).

Therefore NPD can’t just be an extreme on the self-regard spectrum, but has to be a separate phenomenon and should have a different name. I propose to keep ‘narcissism’ for genuine NPD (which maybe has its own spectrum) and to depathologize high self-regard completely.

I personally have only ever known women who fit the bill for NPD, but some men who are public figures do as well of course. My estimate is 1 in 100 for women, 1 in 1000 for men or thereabouts. American women and Western women in general just have inflated egos, has nothing to with narcissism as I find it useful to define.

It’s part of the dark triad, well-known and fairly well-understood.

The ‘dark’ triad is based on the three concepts of narcissism, psychopathy and machiavellianism. If even one of those concept is dismantled we have to reevaluate it. The two concepts of ‘evil’ and ‘alpha’ while also maybe not perfect carve reality at the joints much better than a single ‘dark triad’ concept. The ‘dark’ triad is again an attempt to pathologize masculinity.

I bet if any regular commenter on this blog, excepting shills, were to go to a psychiatrist and answer him completely truthfully, he would walk out with at least one diagnosis. So the psychiatrist considers him, at least to a degree, insane. He may deny it, PC as he likely is, but that is what he means. We consider ourselves the sane ones. Either we are insane, he is insane, or both are. I still wonder sometimes.

Not Tom says:

Feels like we’re splitting hairs here.

For most people, our self-regard is commensurate with our actual abilities and achievements. Do better, feel better. Lift weights, feel more confident. Fuck hotter women, feel more alpha. And so on.

Narcissism is the extent to which self-image is detached from reality – thinking you’re really great while actually not being so great. Most people are actually a little bit narcissistic – literally, the average person believes they’re above average. But that’s normal and not unhealthy (IMO at least), because eventually they find out they’re not so great, and often compensate by trying to get better.

But when there’s a really extreme distance between self-image and reality, and the subconscious knows intuitively that it’s impossible to bridge that gap through self-improvement, then attention-seeking behaviors and “NPD” associated issues start popping up. The cognitive dissonance is just too much, they can’t handle it, so they compensate in other ways.

Women are almost certainly more narcissistic than men as a baseline, although how much of that is nature vs. nurture is hard to say – it was nowhere near this bad before social media. But anyway, that’s plain narcissism or perhaps “malignant narcissism”. Because men have greater variability on all traits, full-blown NPD cases are likely to be men, even if women are much more narcissistic overall.

Think of car insurance. Insurance is about extremes, not averages. Women are worse drivers than men because of deficiencies with spatial relationships, but because a very small number of men cause horrendous amounts of damage, the math resolves to men paying more. Men aren’t generally very narcissistic, but that’s not relevant for NPD because we’re talking several standard deviations out.

No, there is also the negative narcissism when one is constatly focusing on how shitty he or she is, when one is constantly worried about people judging his or her looks or actions and so on. So it is more like paying too much attention to one’s regard, rather than having it high.

And this is why narcissists make ideal recruiting ground for Progs, SJWs. The average normie is trying to not say something raycis, but will not care much if he accidentally does and gets away with it. The narcissist will obsess in guilt pangs for days if he or she said something accidentally raycis, so that is rather low self-regard, but the point is the obsessive focus on one’s regard, evaluation, value or status. So they become SJW witch-hunters, because they think they can alleviate that pain by proving other people are even worse.

Similarly, the way to fix social anxiety is not so much convincing yourself that you have nothing to be anxious about, but to realize you do not matter that much, people are not judging you all the time because they do not care, because in the movie of their own lives you are just a supporting actor.

Modern people have a lot of social anxiety because this society fosters narcissism in the sense of giving too much focus on one’s own regard or value, either high or low.

Because we lack a fixed status ladder.

European Mutt says:

OK now I get your viewpoint a little better. Yes, you could say almost everyone is a little narcissistic and overevaluates himself, and there is this thing about depressed people actually viewing situations realistically and non-depressed having an optimism bias. Apparently it’s called Depressive realism. I much prefer to not be depressed and do not care to find out the supposed ‘realism’.

The thought did occur to me that it might come down to the gap between expectations and reality, and cognitive dissonance. Still, there are large variations with the amount of cognitive dissonance people can handle and especially how they handle it. And in my experience it’s still women (also some leftist men, ‘TDR’ sufferers) who have the most problems handling cognitive dissonance in general which often (not always) manifests as NPD symptoms.

I think men are more likely to get out there and declare themselves the greatest guy in the world, like Raffensperger, in the face of the evidence, but women are more likely to go apeshit on their own family over someone not liking their food or even for some completely ‘invented’ reason and then never admit any fault. Might be her country instead of her family if she has any power. Not really less severe.

I like your car insurance analogy, but I do not think it works here. Also I suppose we can define Trump’s behavior as narcissistic, but only if we define almost every successful and confident male’s behavior as such. That’s where it loses its usefulness.

Not Tom says:

Ehh, I think you’re still struggling with the bimodal distribution. But most people do.

In many distributions, like upper body strength or spatial perception, men have both a higher mean and higher variance (standard deviation). In some, such as narcissism, men might have a lower mean but still a higher variance.

In any bimodal or multi-modal distribution, as long as the means aren’t hugely far apart, whichever group has the highest variance will be overrepresented very significantly in any filter that selects for extremes. Women on average tend to be better cooks than men, tend to have better aesthetic sense than men, etc., and yet all the top chefs and fashion designers are all men. Also, all of the worst-dressed losers and people who can’t boil water are men. Averages don’t really matter when you look at the extremes.

Because you’re trying to work with only a single variable – the mean – you’re trying to concoct categorical differences which I’ve previously labeled as splitting hairs. If you take both the variables, mean and standard deviation, it’s really not very complex or mysterious. Women tend to be quite self-centered and have inflated opinions of themselves, much more so than the average man, but if you select for the top 0.1% of people who consider themselves holler than Jesus, smarter than Newton and better-looking than a young Brad Pitt, and can’t go two hours without making sure everyone around them knows it, you’ll find that this group is almost entirely made up of men. Not because men are more narcissistic than women, but because they have a wider distribution of narcissism than women.

Trouble handling cognitive dissonance isn’t narcissism, it’s not anything really, everyone has trouble with it. Point is that extreme narcissism leads to unmanageable levels of cognitive dissonance. Some of what you’re talking about isn’t narcissism, it’s trait neuroticism (feeling negative emotions particularly strongly).

European Mutt says:

I am aware of the bimodal distribution of many traits between men and women. But I did not realize that indeed men have a lower mean but higher variance in narcissism (as defined by current clinical psychology), which does explain some of the phenomena you are talking about. Thanks for explaining.

So essentially, if you converted it into math, people apply a certain factor to their achievements, and maybe add a certain amount, and it becomes their self-regard.

Trump has achieved 100 AU (achievement units ;)), he multiplies it by 1.2 and adds 20, results in 140, 40 points over his objective achievements. Clinical psychologists see his 140 point self-regard, call him narcissistic.

Raffensperger has achieved 3 AU, but multiplies them by 5 and adds 80. So he gets a score of 95, but is 92 points over his actual achievements. Clinical psychologists still think Trump is more narcissistic, even though the gap is much smaller for Trump.

They would not consider Raffensperger starting to physically attack Republicans because they doubted His Greatness to be a symptom of narcissism per se.

Is that roughly right? The calculation is obviously stupid, but I just want to understand if I got this right.

Not Tom says:

Well, it’s as right as anything else in clinical psychology. The field has its uses but it’s not exactly very precise. I’m not using textbook definitions, and your math isn’t going to be taught in any class, But I can see that we’re talking about the same phenomenon now, and if the math helps to conceptualize, then I say go ahead and use it.

European Mutt says:

Whenever definitions are foggy I like to use analogies, or with smarter people, intuitive arithmetic, instead. Has served me well over the years.

Thanks for confirming. I still think narcissism as measured by clinical psychology is not a hugely useful indicator of pathology and the symptoms caused by cognitive dissonance + narcissism are the real issue and deserve to be pathologized, but you made a good case for keeping the terminology as is.

ten says:

I have a close friend who got diagnosed with NPD. He is very charismatic and gets people to listen to him easily, gets girls in bed with zero effort, and has a very aggressive, violent streak. A drunk gay groped his ass at a european truckstop, and he killed the gay and dumped the body in a forest ditch. No remorse or anxiety. A big biker neighbour told him disrespectfully to lower his music at his yard party, and he knocked the biker out without warning, woke him up by pouring a beer in his face and told him to go get his entire biker gang before talking tough again.

He dumped the mother of his daughter for no reason known to me, but i think she cheated, if it was something else he probably would have told me. When she and the daughter were going to meet him a few years later, she brought her new guy, and my friend kicked him down a flight of stairs for looking at him with a judgemental look (or maybe he was the guy she maybe cheated with.)

I reckon the diagnosis would have been psychopathy had they known about his violent tendencies.

He is however a very empathic man. He has feminine intuition about everyones state of mind, and is very interested in people, and very caring, very loyal, and very socially functional, when he doesn’t kill people. He is also a self absorbed mostly lazy artist type.

The end point being, this is what a real person is like, and i have rarely or never met a real person who is like the diagnostic criteria for any of the “dark triad disorders”.

Cold reading is the art of intimating someones thoughts from completely unrelated external factors, and diagnosis is the art of making people think you’re onto something by collecting enough completely unrelated descriptions of phenomena.

BC says:

I have a close friend who got diagnosed with NPD. He is very charismatic and gets people to listen to him easily, gets girls in bed with zero effort, and has a very aggressive, violent streak. A drunk gay groped his ass at a european truckstop, and he killed the gay and dumped the body in a forest ditch. No remorse or anxiety.

Some people need killing. I had a gay guy hit on me in bowling ally while drinking and hanging out with friends. This enraged me. If it hadn’t been a public value I would have beaten him into a pulp. Instead I stared at him like I was going to beat him to death with my bowling ball until he fucked off.

My natural instincts follow the same pattern as your friend’s not because they’re abnormal, but because they’re normal for men. We have to endlessly restrain and deny them because we live under tyrannical governments who don’t want us acting like men.

European Mutt says:

Some people need killing.

I’ve never killed a guy, so I am completely talking out of my ass, but I think if a normal man really believes someone needs killing, and then kills him, he won’t feel any remorse or anxiety either. Because that guy was evil and needed to be killed.

Never felt shame about beating up someone who deserved it.

I think PTSD may be related to soldiers not being allowed to win against the enemy, to conquer and rule his land. And also not allowed to lose decisively. This makes them doubt why they killed enemies in the first place.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Discussed one year ago re “cluster B”. Search for my comments in


where I explained the logic of what makes diagnoses more/less plausible. Frequency and evolutionary plausibility also are relevant.

The Cominator says:

I’ve read the Lucifer Principle too, great great book. Too bad Howard Bloom decided that for whatever reason Orange Man Bad despite stating the evo psych case for our worldview so well…

Anon says:

“Off topic, but how much of current psychiatric classification is “actually useful?”

Exactly none of it

Strangely, I am quite blue-pilled about psychiatry. A lot of people on the Dissident Right talk about ADHD or autism not being real or something, I think they are real, as long as *you* have noticed something is wrong with your kid at 2-3 years old. It is bullshit only you have a perfectly normal toddler and then at 7 years old the schoolteachers say he or she has ADHD or autism.

I was taken to a child neurologist when I was 3. My parents noticed something odd. Back then he could not do much. In my thirties, I found out that what my wife complains about like I keep forgetting things I promised or keep misplacing my stuff and then make her find them or I keep finishing other people’s sentences, are symptoms of adult ADHD, the introverted kind when you are distracted by your own thoughts, not external inputs. Got diagnosed, did not get amphetamines as they are not allowed for adults here, just a nonaddictive noradrenaline booster, now I do not forget things as much and much more able to have the patience to let other people finish their own sentences. I also got an autism diagnosis as a side bonus.

So in my experience, adult ADHD understood as impatience, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness is real.

Similarly, no one who saw my daughter at 3 year old would say she is entirely normal. But if you have a normal kid until 6 years old and the teachers have him or her diagnosed with ADHD or autism, it is bullshit. She got both, like me, diagnosed at 3 after we noticed something is off, not teachers. She will not get amphetamines either, I oppose that. I just try to tire her out with exercise before doing homework. That helps with concentration.

And help deal with autism. It is possible to learn yourself out of most of autism. I did. I learned not to take what people say literally, learned to not interpret everything overly precisely, read between the lines, get clues from body language, interpret most of what people say having a status-claim side to it and all that. So I became much less of a robot. It took long. Nobody taught me. I think I am able to teach an autistic kid to notice these early and then she will be okay.

BTW one thing you can notice with autistic kids really early is having very bad motoric movement, leading to being timid about stuff like climbing. The reason is the lack of feedback. When I learned boxing I had to practice in front of a mirror because otherwise I just did not know where my limbs are, the feedback was missing. There is a similar missing feedback behind the social issues of the autistic.

Depression is real, but massively overdiagnosed for women. Also massively underdiagnosed for men. I thought is normal to go through life as a duty driven robot, not desiring or enjoying things. Shut up an soldier kind of attitude. Turned out to be depression. Pills did nothing except making dreams really cool, like a movie.

So in short, I think the stuff shrinks talk about is real at its core, but in many cases massively overdiagnosed (school age ADHD and autism, female depression), and the pills are either bad (amphetamines) or do nothing.

But I am not going to say ADHD, autism or depression aren’t real. It is just that there are a massive amount of not real cases diagnosed, and this leads one to think there is no true core behind it, but I think there is one, in much much fewer cases.

I also tend to think that adult ADHD can be a positive adaptation. Some people say it is good for a hunter. I never tried hunting but in my job, my task is not as much to get every detail right but to be able to see the big picture of how various things connect, and a constantly wandering mind is really helpful in that. Most people get lost in details. Especially programmers who focus so much on how to implement something technically that they do not think out of the box and ask questions like does it even make sense to implement that? This is where adult ADHD is helpful, as the mind wanders around and stumbles upon such things.

Male depression is caused by lack of patriarchy. Depression, much observed in primates, is a way to survive being low status. The problem is that when a man cannot control his woman or has no woman to begin with, his brain feels like he is very low status. Female depression is also caused by lack of patriarchy but it is very often not depression as the suicide stats show.

European Mutt says:

Well I have not talked about autism or depression at all here because I am not as sure about them.

I do not have much experience with autistic people except for people who probably would be or are diagnosed as mild Asperger’s cases. I think autism is probably real but maybe overdiagnosed.

I disagree with you about depression in women. If you just take suicides into account then yes, women suffer much less from depression. But I have seen so many women in literal, genuine despair over their life. Were always either single or married to a beta. With men indeed it is soldiering on and eventually being fed up enough to attempt suicide. Women wait to be rescued by an alpha. Their depression is sometimes an unconscious shit test but they really do suffer.

But adult ADHD, misplacing things and finishing others’ sentences, is that truly a real disorder? Sounds just like a slightly increased level of impulsivity, and as you noted, it can have benefits as well. Also, it is only ever women who accuse me of me finishing their sentences for them, never men. Or accuse me of interrupting them when they interrupted me. Not gonna get diagnosed with ADHD because of that. Maybe it’s a different situation for you of course.

The reason I feel so strongly about childhood ADHD being bullshit is threefold: Firstly as you point out the majority of cases are diagnosed in school, secondly they claim that ADHD entails an inability to concentrate, and yet ADHD kids are supposedly capable of hyperfocus, meaning the real issue is them not finding interesting what the teacher wants them to, and thirdly being unable to sit still is considered a symptom. Have you ever seen a normal kid who is ABLE to sit still? Especially in non-western countries where childhood is not fucked up as much? We are descended from apes, we are supposed to explore.

This just sounds like straight-up ‘bad schoolkid syndrome’, written up by some schoolmarm who cares more about kids following the rules than actually learning something. You can probably tell my time at school was less than pleasant ;). Girls diagnosed with ADHD also tend to be those who grow up to be rather feminine women who often are day-dreamy. They are punished for being disinclined to follow the false feminist life plan.

I do not think psychiatry or clinical psychology can be dismissed wholesale, just to make that clear. Schizophrenia for example is a real thing and accurately described, I have seen a clear case with my own eyes. But there is so much bullshit in many other areas, especially in everything that was introduced after 1950 and a lot of it is directly to the benefit of the Cathedral.

WRT pills, the ones they prescribe in Europe probably indeed do not do much, but the American ones are a problem, and they are very cavalier about messing with their own brain chemistry. Fucking up your own libido is seen as just a price to pay by many. As a side-effect it’s sort of an indirect birth control for leftists though.

The Cominator says:

I’m what they used to call an aspie, it probably wasn’t so bad to be an aspbergers case in the good old reactionary days of less credentialism and arranged marriages but its truly a curse to be a sperg in progressive world.

European Mutt says:

I have read this same thing many many times and I am inclined to believe you of course. Conforming with the PC rules of the day consumes a lot of brainpower for us normies as well, believe me, but I cannot even imagine how hard it must be for people whose natural approach is to analyze it logically when it simply resists this analysis.

The strange thing is that the only aspies I know who are openly political are very left-wing and champion typical naive ‘save all people in the world at once’ causes. Most are not interested in politics at all. Then you enter a blog such at this and half the people have Asperger’s. Was a bit of a shock for me, truth be told. Did you come to the dissident right by considering their points in completely drily/logically or was it something else?

For me, it was pretty much viscerally realizing back in 2010 the left wants to kill me, when the white privilege crap first gained traction. Also had my first altercation with Antifa that year. Then, because hating the left but also hating the fake and gay right, fucking around with stupid libertarianism for many years, luckily picking some proto-reactionaries as well. Then I found Moldbug and Jim and things started to come together finally. Alt-right always seemed too loony (spergy?) with (to me) weird theories like “socio sexual hierarchy” and “r/k selection”.

Less credentialism I am fully in favor of (apprenticeships should start at 13 and end at 18 at the latest), arranged marriages I get why they are useful but to me they would be rather boring. Not sure what to do about that one.

BC says:

The strange thing is that the only aspies I know who are openly political are very left-wing and champion typical naive ‘save all people in the world at once’ causes. Most are not interested in politics at all. Then you enter a blog such at this and half the people have Asperger’s. Was a bit of a shock for me, truth be told. Did you come to the dissident right by considering their points in completely drily/logically or was it something else?

Aspie here too. I knew something was fucked with what I’d been told about women. I didn’t manage to get laid until I was 23 because I was fallowing all the advice I’d been fed over the years both from conservatives and liberals. I eventually overcame this by playing the role of a bad boy and being a complete asshole. It surprised me how effective it was.

I’d had similar red pilling experiences with the lies and bullshit about race after I spent some time living in both Hispanic and black areas.

From there it was over to the Men’s right’s movement, Roissy, and then Moldbug. Moldbug blew my mind. All the shit in history that didn’t add up to me, the daily delusions about the world I watched most people believe while I knew they were bullshit all finally added up. What Moldbug lacked was a realistic plan for a non shit future that worked and that’s how I found Jim’s blog.

I’d read more history than any 50 people I knew before I read Moldbug and only then did I realize how little knew. Jim’s been even more insight about history and how humans work than Moldbug was.

European Mutt says:

Thank you for your answer. I suppose if you are not so susceptible to blue-pill reality distortion you are more likely to seek out red pill info. ten below talked about cliques, and I think this may actually be what holds normies back the most. Not wanting to be the ‘weird one’ in their own clique. Leads to large preference cascades.

I have always had the attitude ‘if it doesn’t make sense to me, I don’t do it’. So the ‘rahspect wahmenz’ rhetoric never had a huge effect on me. That did not mean I was good at getting girls into bed immediately, but I never had many inhibitions to do what it takes. That’s why my favorite game blogger is actually Jim, not Roissy who to me always hammered the obvious home 5x more than necessary.

Maybe aspies tend to either buy the whole blue pill hook line and sinker or come to question it all at once. With normies it’s more like a semi-conscious calculation, how much can I afford to live in a way that is not suicidal and yet does not enrage the PC police? Which is becoming impossible fast.

Moldbug promised to blow my mind, and definitely did in some ways. But reading Moldbug and especially Jim was much like ‘Wow, this guy writes exactly what I’m thinking.’, minor differences of opinion or analysis notwithstanding. Learned a lot of history from Moldbug and Jim too, probably started out with much less than you.

>The strange thing is that the only aspies I know who are openly political are very left-wing and champion typical naive save all people in the world at once’ causes

>Then you enter a blog such at this and half the people have Asperger’s.

Remember Larry Austers “unprincipled exceptions”? That is what does not work for the autistic: if something is accepted in theory, in principle, then must be immediately fully 100% implemented in practice no matter what. Because otherwise there is an unbearable logical contradiction. I mean, I used to be liked that by learned my way out of that. But I still prefer to do things principled, if I can.

The problem is that the basic principles not only explicit leftists but even the mainstream have accepted long ago are quite radical. But there have been unprincipled exceptions in order to let society function somehow. Leftism can be interpreted as a process of closing them down one after the other. Conservatism as defending them – in an unprincipled way.

Consider the “theory” of mainstream conservatism. I mean, Edmund Burke. It is all “don’t think too much, don’t be intellectual”. Because they think they cannot form a principled theory of anti-leftism so the best thing is just to go on unconscious habit and deeply ingrained tradition without thinking. Well, it failed.

The appeal of NRx for me is open, clear, principled denial of the whole theory, basically a clear philosophy of anti-egalitarianism.

Other dissenter groups don’t do this. White Nats sound like they would be happy in 1960’s Scandinavia. In reality, socialism made it an incredibly dreary, low-energy place.

There are the Evola-Guenon-de Benoist types, who are principled, but whose view is overly spiritual, we do need religion as a social technology, but I still want to ground my views in Darwinism, not in a vague understanding of the “sacral”. And their “metaphysical tradition” is too murky, if you want to do religion, do religion, not his meta-religion. And some of them are really idiots. One told me the ideal sacral king would be Milarepa. Look the guy up on wiki. Did he look like someone who wanted to be sacral king or would have any skills in ruling?

European Mutt says:

Thank you for the explanation. I had suspected something similar, but of course I have a very different pattern of thinking myself. That is why I do believe that autism exists and has real consequences. But now I’m starting to think that ‘lack of empathy’ or even ‘lack of femininity’ is not really the core of it, but something else.

The problem is that the basic principles not only explicit leftists but even the mainstream have accepted long ago are quite radical.

Yes, and the typical approach is to twist them to suit your own agenda in the moment. I did that for a long time without realizing, just like most people think they are obeying all the laws when they just don’t understand them.

the best thing is just to go on unconscious habit and deeply ingrained tradition without thinking.

This is exactly what works in a sane society though. In Russia or China you can do this today. I think Burke just thought or hoped the liberal project would ‘settle down’ at some point if you don’t feed it, and the strategy would work long-term. Just like Yarvin now saying Trump was feeding the left. Obvious bullshit in hindsight or in Yarvin’s case, obvious lies.

Other dissenter groups don’t do this. White Nats sound like they would be happy in 1960’s Scandinavia. In reality, socialism made it an incredibly dreary, low-energy place.

I never liked this pro-socialist faction of white nats, but not because they were not principled. In fact I always thought them to be the most principled in a way: Have government policies that ostensibly help all whites. Their main problems are economic incompetence and naiveté wrt democracy. And thanks to their hateboner for the jews, optics too bad to be worth being seen with them.


Yes that is weird. I simply think theocracies (in the sense of religious rulers, not just having a state church) do not work in the west or with white people. And Darwinism is not going away, like genetic engineering or nukes, no matter how much some people may wish it away and no matter which religion we adopt. So we better use it to our advantage.

>This is exactly what works in a sane society though.

@European Mutt they are saner than us, but not entirely sane, they are like conservatives, dragged in the same direction but at a slower pace because they do not have a truly principled cultural universe these days. On China, check https://spandrell.com/2013/01/14/why-china-isnt-our-hope/ and on Russia, in the sexual world, in controlling women they are not good at all, just less bad than the West.

I am not going to say coherent and principled ideas are everything, as a real physical violent power matters more. But it helps to have your theory coherently support your practice.

European Mutt says:

Spandrell link on China

His argument is that China is not an ethnostate and that it allows fat lesbian singers. Fine. China is rather an empire than an ethnostate and always has been. According to Chinese I talked to, they are now actively encouraging Han Chinese to have kids. And they are making sure every ethnic group mostly stays in its territory. Does not look like such a bad omen to me.

Russia, in the sexual world, in controlling women they are not good at all, just less bad than the West.

I have visited Russia quite a few times in the last few years, and each time there were more young families in the parks with their kids and more young believers in the churches. The amount of bar sluts was always roughly the same, but also the high number of people marrying in their early 20s. They have a long way to go, but the trend points in the right direction. Therefore the average Russian can be lazy and let the trend play out.

Economically it is also looking better and better, from 2014 when the sanctions hit they repealed a lot of dumb regulations and quality of life has massively improved since then for the average guy. They may be under-reporting their economic numbers on purpose, but that is largely speculation on my part.

But it helps to have your theory coherently support your practice.

Practice comes before theory. Moldbug essentially says codify the actually existing system and go from there. I would say, remove the most obvious insane elements and then codify and go from there.

Does f o r m a l i s m trigger moderation?

jim says:

I don’t understand why my filter keeps stopping so many of your comments. Trying to figure it out.

I have been removing groups of moderation rules at random and storing them to one side trying to see what makes a difference. Nothing makes a difference so far.

jim says:

> Practice comes before theory. Moldbug essentially says codify the actually existing system and go from there. I would say, remove the most obvious insane elements and then codify and go from there.

I say revert the code to most the recent working version, reboot a working version of the operating system, and go from there.

When code reaches a certain level of brokenness, you cannot patch it, you have to revert it and then patch the working version, not the broken version. That is what Git is for.

Moldbug wants to clean up a pile of hideously broken spaghetti code. Not doable. Never works.

The state religion is going to have to Gitify its holy books.

You cannot lock down the whole state religion from change forever, attempting to do so leads to Talmudism, radical and rapid change happening behind people’s backs. But change is apt to be corruption or holiness spirals or both.

Formalism plus rectification of names is putting the state religion under Git source control.

Formalism and rectification of names means that your actual system and the official description of the actual system agree. Your build process works and is reproducible, so that what is actually running corresponds to what is in source control.

Attempting to formalize our existing system, as Moldbug proposes, would be like trying to put a mountain of disassembled core dumps under source control.

We always have a state religion, as Cromwell very rapidly discovered when he theoretically disestablished the state religion.

The war of Northern Aggression was the state religion of New England, whose headquarters are Harvard, conquering the state religions of the separate states.

The first step of formalization is to purge Harvard, or physically destroy it. If a purge works (the board and the top of the professoriat becomes male, married, Christian, and has well behaved children) then we gradually acknowledge that we have a state religion, as Russia is now gradually acknowledging Putenized Russian Orthodoxy, and China is officially and explicitly Deng Xiaoping Theory.

But incarnating your state religion as the thoughts of a particular individual as China is doing has an obvious and catastrophic failure mode. We white people do not do that. Emperor worship in Rome did not work. Constantine’s solution, and Putin’s solution, is clearly superior.

Rather, we fix Harvard, and then we, through rectification of names, commit the actual state religion to source control, as well as restoring the older version (Republic 1.0) from source control. Republic 1.0, however, is still known to be broken, so we are going to have to heavily patch it from England 1790. When we get something working (England 1790 dressed with Republic 1.0 chrome.) then we figure out what is actually running successfully, and commit the rough working code to Git.

Republic 1.0 had separate state religions for the separate states. England 1790 had one state religion. We now have one state religion, and reverting that back to separate state religions is unlikely to be practical, so we are going to have to modify Republic 1.0 with England 1790 before attempting to run it.

When we have a running more or less functional state religion, and the names are rectified, we commit it to git with a release version number. Formalization. When something is committed to git with a release version number, that is stuff in the holy books that you cannot change lightly.

Practice is first. Violence is first. Power is first. But it is also true that accepting a leftist theory, and just arguing that unprincipled exceptions are okay for practical reasons did not work either.

The practical men, the warriors, the fighters gonna lead the way.

But behind them, this time, we are going to clear up the principles. We are not going to theoretically accept egalitarianism and then in practice argue for a hundred unprincipled exceptions like conservatives did. We are going to refute egalitarianism in principle, in theory too.

jim says:

This is simply the warrior priest coalition.

As things get ever lefter, the warriors take power, as in Pride’s Purge. Some time after they take power, they purge the state religion, perhaps just the leftmost wing, as when Cromwell purged Barebone’s Parliament.

If you just purge the leftmost wing, this will still kill leftism, but it takes a generation to die.

Either way, warriors find themselves ruling without a state religion, or with a hostile state counter religion. But to rule effectively, you need a sane state religion.

If Trump proclaims the insurrection act (and he and his family will be killed by the left if he does not) then he is actually in power. But without a state religion, will still be facing a mighty bumpy ride.

But Trump will rule in the name of the Republic. So we are going to have re-interpret the Republic, for the poison was in it from the beginning. All men are created equal (except, of course, for blacks etcetera.)

European Mutt says:

Jim, thanks for your comprehensive answer.

I agree that simply formalizing stuff like social welfare into a corporation or whatever else Moldbug proposed is insanely impractical. But many parts of the system do need to go on. We cannot just shut them down for maintenance. If it is at all possible the stock market should not crash, the dollar should not crash, low-level government employees should keep their jobs temporarily at least (except anarcho-tyranny agents like parking ticket cops, CPS, OSHA etc., they need reeducation to make them fit for normal human society and in case of CPS, criminal trials), etc. Maybe some or all of this is impossible. If so, this would weaken or destroy my argument.

Putin was appointed by Yeltsin and he made many small incremental changes, and it took a while for Russia to look remarkably different. At first everyone in the west even thought he was essentially a cuck and would submit to the US. Trump’s next term will be much more revolutionary of course due to the circumstances, and he will have to restructure a lot of USG right away. Abolish half the agencies and departments probably, create new ones. Fire most permanent staff. But still the day-to-day of the republic must somehow continue as it did in Russia.

Trump, just like Putin, will probably have to LARP democracy and republicanism for a long time. Putin is now at a point where he can start his speeches at the Duma by thanking all parties for their support in implementing *his* policies, but that took a long time and a lot of institutional transformation. Putin had no choice, he had no existing code base to put under Git source control because the Russian constitution is a leftist document through and through, written by 1990 Harvard not 1776 Harvard, just a little better than the German constitution in that it does not explicitly mandate socialism (the latter contains a paragraph called “Eigentum verpflichtet” — “property imposes obligations”).

What Putin did was take old code bases like Stalin’s patriotism, German unprincipled-exception 1950s free market capitalism, and the old church under the Tsars, make them compatible with the running system, put them under source control and then hot patch them in. Additionally, he reformed things like criminal law to reflect the values of the new state religion. He is pretty far along with rectification of names, but still has a lot to do in the formalization department.

To this day, the build in Russia is not reproducible yet, that is, only partially reproducible. This is the best he could possibly have done under the circumstances. His goal is very likely a fully reproducible build, and he will eventually achieve it, but he had to make sure to consolidate his power, which was best done by providing stability.

Now the question is, should Trump follow the Putin strategy or yours. Unlike Putin he has either option. He will probably have less of a need to consolidate his power, because he as already done so to a degree, and because he is naturally charismatic and is loved by the people to the point he might well have won even California. So he can allow himself to make more sweeping changes and even to cause a short-term crisis if all turns out well in the end.

Returning to England 1790 dressed with Republic 1.0 chrome would on one hand entail moving most of what is now the federal government to the states which is a good opportunity to get rid of stubbornly evil agencies. On the other hand it also means the house vote would be restricted to just freeholders, at least in effect, and the senate vote eliminated. This would probably require the SC suddenly ‘discovering’ the correct interpretation of the constitution there and it would make quite a few people suspicious, who have all their life been marinated in pro-democracy propaganda. They associate Republic 1.0 with democracy, even the Trump voters.

Also you generally have to argue against democracy if you do it this way, even before you purge Harvard. ‘Democracy’ as a concept cannot be salvaged in this case, unlike ‘Republic’. So you have an uphill battle.

If you do it the Putin way, you still purge Harvard just like Putin expelled the NGOs. But you concentrate on the new religion (not yet a *state* religion) instead of the political system. You teach people that covetousness is low status and being a warrior is high-status and they will be ashamed to vote left–as voter or as office-holder. Eventually you end up with a senate and house that people can still vote for–but they all follow the state religion it has now become. You will eventually have a parliament full of Republicans, Libertarians, Constitution party etc. but they all will vote pro-Trump, just like Russia has UR, LDPR, CPRF etc.

Democracy is theoretically preserved but in effect neutered. You keep Lincoln in good standing which is important in the medium term, just like Putin keeps Lenin in relatively good standing. Then you reverse engineer the current working system, including all of the SC decisions that led up to it, remove democracy for good because nobody will care by then, formalize it, and call the result the MAGA Act or something. This is the release version, probably far from perfect. But then you develop the next release and upgrade smoothly to it.

The second plan sounds much more implementable to me, because of much better continuity, but perhaps I am suffering from normalcy bias here.

I did not intend this comment to be that long. I hope you all enjoy it at least 🙂

jim says:

> The second plan sounds much more implementable to me, because of much better continuity, but perhaps I am suffering from normalcy bias here.

Obviously we want to restore normality and preserve the appearance of continuity. And, because formalization and rectification of names, there has to be some substantial actual continuity, though key things that are now in place are going to have to go, and long forgotten things return.

We are not in the business of immanentizing the eschaton. Don’t screw with running code unless you absolutely have to. Trouble is, our existing running code is not running, but crashing.

The Cominator says:

Putin had a huge advantage that Trump has never had, the spook and national security state of Russia essentially the former KGB was 100% behind him. He was one of their own and they agreed with what he was trying to do. Putin also had the advantage of both communism and progressive leftism having been pretty discredited by the time he got in.

Trump has perhaps the DIA and part of the NSA with the rest of the spook apparatus being pozzed progressives who REALLY hate him. Progressivism SHOULD BE discredited but for some reason too many stubborn fanatics who just need helicopters…

jim says:

Putin came to power when communism was the a dead zombie state religion. Leftism must move ever leftwards, ever faster, or else it dies.

If Trump successfully proclaims the insurrection act, he comes to power on top of a live hostile state religion.

Leftism eats social order. Stalin, like Cromwell, stopped it eating, so it starved to death. “Leftwards” is not any particular direction, it is like women’s fashion – except that it generally moves towards whichever applecart has shiny apples. It is often difficult to predict which applecart is going to be knocked over next.

Is the next round of human sacrifices going to be to the climate change demon, the China Flu demon, or are they going further escalate on cutting off little boy’s dicks and Child Protective Services breaking up families?

If Biden is installed by the Deep State after being elected by the legacy media, one of the older Mexican demons is likely to join the pandemonium.

European Mutt says:


Trump has […] part of the NSA

I heard this meme somewhere before, is there any hard evidence for that? NSA looks to me from the outside like potentially the most pozzed, full of ‘principled’ nerds that were hand-picked to be the most leftist. But of course I might be completely off track there.


Yes he had a lot of ex-KGB contacts and a many survived in the FSB, but leftism was anything but discredited in 1999 Russia. Many were broadly against ‘liberalism’ in the economic sense because they thought it was what wrecked their country but they were still getting their ideas about how government was supposed to work from the west. Understandable, because their own had failed just a decade before. That’s why Putin at first partly role-played, partly honestly believed he could ally with the west.


We will see how crash-prone USG still is after the inevitable Trumpist reforms that are coming in his next term. If it is still crash-prone, something like your solution is definitely required.

I think the moderation issue may be fixed now. WordPress keeps trying to send comments via http instead of https though for me ( on an HTTPS page).


>Putin came to power when communism was the a dead zombie state religion.

And American Liberalism had a very primitive implementation in Russia, in the Yeltsin era, mostly meaning the Russian Jews sell state property to American Jews.

But you are being a bit unresponsive to EM. He is saying support by the KGB/CIA/”intelligence community” matters. That implies the idea that those guys are powerful and efficient in their doing, otherwise why would their support matter. Powerful, because the support of those without power does not matter and efficient, because their power must come from being able to do stuff like covert operations and spying or something similar against Americans, even when it is not theoretically allowed. Do you consider the US “intelligence community” not powerful, if yes, because they are not efficient?

jim says:

Obviously the spooks are powerful, and the stupidity has not gone as far with them as with most of the elite.

On the more personal side of politics, and also pinging @The Cominator here whether he agrees, the ideal status system for spergs is something like military ranks. You do your job well, you get a promotion, your sew on your new rank badge and this communicates clearly to everybody how much respect, prestige, status and power you have.

And way back then, in “reactionary times” it was actually much like that. The reason the military works like this is that officers used to be nobles and the military inherited the rank system of nobles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_precedence_in_the_United_Kingdom

This was wonderfully formal. Clear, unambigious. Very sperg-friendly.

But I think not just spergs but men in general prefer it this way, rather than this modern, contemporary thing that status is fluid and up for grabs, and based on the fickle changes of the opinion of others. This fluid kind of status is something women like. Even non-sperg men tend to like to have it a more clearly fixed set of ranks, because we want to focus on work and not on attention-whoring.

I forgot to add that it was not just nobles. Everybody had a clearly defined rank system. When I think of the past, I do not see myself as a noble, but more like being in a guild. Or married clergy, if allowed. Everybody had such a rank system.

European Mutt says:

A small example: In Russia*, generally, the department head in a company is respected and you do what he says (this is not absolute of course) and his supervisor will in turn stick up for him. In western companies when you don’t like what the department head is telling you, you just go to his supervisor and if you are office-politically aligned with him, you get your way, the supervisor gets his way and the department head is emasculated.

The west definitely needs more formalism and more strict ranking here.

But strict ranking can also be poison in a bureaucracy especially if they promote based on seniority. This barbaric practice needs to be rooted out.

* Probably China and India are the same in this respect

The Cominator says:

Status and even manliness mostly being a fake and gay larp is not something we like no.

The Cominator says:

“In western companies when you don’t like what the department head is telling you, you just go to his supervisor and if you are office-politically aligned with him, you get your way, the supervisor gets his way and the department head is emasculated.”

Eh sometimes you have to go over people’s heads because they are a moron or even if not a moron they may have a crazy idea in a specific case.

I don’t have to deal with that anymore since I’m just a stock market gambler now.

European Mutt says:

Of course it is very often the best option to go over his head (or for women and gays, to HR), because we live in a leftist society where they make morons bosses. If a boss is a moron his department will eventually fail, then at the latest either:

– his boss in turn needs to discipline, him, fire/demote him
– the boss’s boss needs to be fired by his superior if he fails to do so etc. etc.
– or the company eventually goes under.

Having to go over your boss’s head is like having to bake the gay wedding cake. You are enabling the broken system so you might live another day.

“Status and even manliness mostly being a fake and gay larp is not something we like no.”

I am gonna disagree about that. Manliness has a clear game-theory of deterrence. Status 1) feels good, keeps depression at bay 2) is a currency to get things you want to get.

Mike says:

>I disagree with you about depression in women. If you just take suicides into account then yes, women suffer much less from depression. But I have seen so many women in literal, genuine despair over their life. Were always either single or married to a beta.

@European Mutt: You answered your own question. The main reason women typically get depressed is due to not having a strong man/children around. The reason that depression is so high among women in the modern world then, is only due to the total lack of strong males and children in the modern world.

ten says:

personal question, ignore at will

Were you part of a clique as a kid/young teen? With a clear, functional interpersonal jargon, and also between your clique and other cliques. My working theory is that spergs just weren’t and never got the hang of how to do that, which would be expected, and in my opinion explain their (your) problems.

The Cominator says:

Horrible time in Middle School and much of Elementary School. In High School I was reasonably popular actually (but some girls liked me better in Middle School probably more than any other time in my life despite outcast status I suppose because I beat a lot of people up for provoking me and I didn’t really give a shit about getting in school trouble for that). I had a clique during the summers in Middle School though but one of the older members tended to pick on me a lot.

Group dynamics were always difficult for me though and High School group dynamics were better than times before or since, I’ve mentioned before that I was always kind of cynical and right wing politically…

High schoolers tend to default to this way of being. They are concerned with getting ahead having a good time and maybe getting laid. People who signal bullshit in highschool are not well liked. Even in Massachussetts there just weren’t many hardcore shitlibs in High School and unlike Middle School people you don’t have as many active malicious troublemakers.

I can function OKAY socially if I know some people already who at least somewhat like me, and I don’t have to pretend to be a prog.

ten says:

So partially normal healthy experience of group socialization, and partially normal healthy capacity of group socialization, fits my working theory.

Becoming smooth and secure in playing the social games requires practice in group and between groups, wherever there is some facet of the play you miss, you develop a hiccup which unless removed will hamper all future play, and that effect can snowball like hell.

Like if a toddler doesn’t learn to play cooperatively before 4 years, their life is probably a downhill crash course from there on with zero ways to correct path.

And if a kid doesn’t get enough experience of group banter and cooperation, will miss subtlety of social play, and play rigidly instead.

I think becoming a drunk fuckup in high school worked wonders for my social skills, man i was antisocial, harsh and hostile in middle school.

For me yes, and of the worst, spergiest types: the D&D (back then called AD&D) players. Those people were the archetype of everything wrong with nerds, some didn’t even shower daily. Other groups that match your description in the nineties would be Linux User Groups. Both cases had functional jargon. Whether with other cliques, dunno, D&D and computer gamers, linux nerds and programmers tended to overlap, with overlapping communication. So I think your theory does not work.

Maybe this way: the jargon was about their interests. Not about personal matters. Indeed it is weird how much it was not done. It never occured them to call an aggressive guy an orc, or an ugly fat girl an ogre. This is weird. There was just not much personal talking. Just about the interest. This is what is spergy IMHO.

ten says:

Seen as a bell curve between being at ease running around in a forest and maybe hunting something small that a child can do, and being at ease learning something horrifyingly arbitrary, massive and complex, such as chinese writing, i see children varying greatly individually and greatly racially. ADHD is being positioned farther towards the forest on that bell curve than what your milieu, school, works best for.

I’m inclined towards thinking there must be significant growth pain as people adapt towards a more information dense culture, and great parts of the white genome has been at it for less than a thousand years, great parts of the black genome has been at it for <=0 years, while vast swathes of the yellow genome has been at it for three thousand years. And that much of what is called ADHD and what americans call autism is this misadjustment (There just aren't similarly many autism diagnoses around here and the people who are diagnosed with autism are true freaks, not slightly dysfunctional people. I'm sure we will follow suit eventually, but apparently this process in the psychiatric disciplines have a multi decade delay between empire core and fringe.

European Mutt says:

Good point, no idea if Chinese diagnose ADHD in their schools but if they did almost every white kid would score as ADHD there.

I just go by the descriptions by my grandparents and great-grandparents and it sounds strongly like they used to run around and play on the street much like kids in Africa nowadays do. And they did physical work in the fields or collected acorns in the forest which sure helped with the ‘hyperactivity’.

Whites are not significantly more self-domesticated than blacks, just smarter.

Education is always somewhat opposed to human nature but it should go ‘with the grain’ of it at least.

It is important to make a clear distinction whether you mean real ADHD or that whatever the schools call ADHD.

@European Mutt you told me it is impulsivity. Well, that is the textbook definition of the real one! The idea is that the executive part of the brain that is supposed to boss your attention around is a bit weak. So the attention wanders. I forgot to mention this part: the strongest evidence that there is such a thing as real ADHD, that people who have it are calmed by amphetamines! This is how you test it, you snort some meth and if you are calmer, bingo. Because obviously people are not supposed to be calmed by stimulants. But as a stimulant boosts the whole brain, it also boosts the executive part of it so you end up calmer, more focused.

For “school ADHD”, not wanting to sit tight during boring lectures, big racial differences are something I would assume even though I have no data on them, but I would assume nogs have the most of it and East Asians the least. Remember the baby experiments, about not letting them breathe, whites and blacks fought it, East Asians were passive about it.

But I think in case of East Asians is more like submission to authority. When among equals, the Chinese do not seem so much extremely-not-ADHD to me, they can be impulsive. We had Chinese auditors at work and they were arguing with each other with sudden impulsives of very aggressive or passionate talking, something we in the Germanosphere would consider unprofessional. Same for Taiwanese programmers. Ok a tonal language is a tonal language, but facial expressions are not tonal, it was clear they were calling each other fucking idiots a lot. They are just very good at suppressing that in face of authority, like school.

European Mutt says:

the strongest evidence that there is such a thing as real ADHD, that people who have it are calmed by amphetamines!

This is a good argument, if true. However didn’t they test kids who were diagnosed *at school age* in one study (which I can’t find right now) and they became calmer because of amphetamines? This would mean that ‘school ADHD’ and ‘real ADHD’ are the same thing, or that school age diagnosis is very reliable, which you also do not believe.

About the diagnosis at 3 years, obviously I do not want to ask you personal questions about your daughter, but what would be an example of ‘not normal’ behavior at 3 years of age for you? Feel free to ignore the question, of course.

But as a stimulant boosts the whole brain, it also boosts the executive part of it so you end up calmer, more focused.

This sounds to me like an ad-hoc, scientific sounding explanation of why it’s supposed to work, similar to the serotonin ‘theory’ of depression. I mean I also heavily speculate here about psychiatry and psychology but I do not pretend to be scientific.

Real scientific research will only become possible once again when Harvard is defeated.

very aggressive or passionate talking, something we in the Germanosphere would consider unprofessional

It is very often just their language, I find. And a different attitude to work, more honesty allowed in conversations with colleagues. I bet they are much nicer to their boss.

jim says:

> > the strongest evidence that there is such a thing as real ADHD, that people who have it are calmed by amphetamines!

> This is a good argument, if true.

It is in a sense true, and it is a terribly bad argument.

I certainly do not have ADHD, but speed helps me concentrate, with the result that I am apt to spend long periods quietly thinking or absorbed in tightly focused attention. Has that effect on everyone, as far as I can tell. People on speed are often mighty quiet for a long time. They only get agitated when they go a couple of days without sleep.

The affect of amphetamines on kids with alleged ADHD is exactly the same as the effect of amphetamines on everyone else. Nothing the slightest bit paradoxical about it.

Speed is bad, unless you have something important coming up that is going to need your undivided and focused attention, and if you let it cut into your sleep for any lengthy period, you are going to go crazy, but responsible people can handle it fine. Irresponsible people are apt to go for three days without sleep, and wind up mad as hatters. Have to be locked up till they sleep it off. Dangerous for them and dangerous for everyone around them.

I have not used it for years, but I may well use it again. It is addictive, and should not be used if you have an addictive personality. If you cannot restrain yourself to take it in moderation and only on appropriate occasions, you are likely to find yourself wearing a straightjacket in a rubber room, but the better class of people should have it on hand.

Not Tom says:

In all fairness, there’s a pretty significant difference between adderall (dextroamphetamine) and methamphetamine. It’s like codeine vs. heroin.

You do find “nightclub dealer speed” cut with stuff like dextroamphetamine, but it is significantly meth, mostly impure meth. Sometimes other random stuff like MDA (not MDMA). Adderall really does just help you focus, and is addictive but less addictive than meth, which is almost a more coke-like high, not just focus and alertness but also very high energy and a sense of accomplishment (it hacks your dopamine system, after all).

Don’t ask me how I know.

Anyway, I wouldn’t recommend either to someone without a lot of self-control, but I also don’t see small doses of the “lower” amphetamines (not meth) being altogether different from smoking or vaping in order to relax. It’s silly that we call boredom a medical condition, but if someone does need to endure extreme boredom, I see no reason why we shouldn’t allow them to use a chemical aid.

jim says:

If you need to work very hard at something boring for any length of time, I recommend the stuff.

For recreational purposes, it is dangerous. It is easy to take too much for too long.

“ADHD” is inability to tolerate boredom. As a general rule, people should not tolerate boredom. It is usually a signal that what you are doing is a pointless waste of time. Chemical assistance is appropriate when the signal is incorrect, but so is thinking hard about whether the signal is in fact correct.

Not Tom says:

Marijuana is a much safer way to tolerate boredom than any amphetamine, but only deals with the emotional side – does not boost productivity. And doesn’t work for some people.

Anyway, we’re in agreement: boredom is not a medical problem, but despite not being a medical problem, there might be good reasons to chemically assist. For example, you’re in dire financial straits and being forced to work overtime; or you own the business and have to deal with a thousand customer complaints because of a supplier screwup; or you’re a pilot who has to run 28 simulations and then go straight to a midnight bombing run.

Maybe boredom isn’t precisely the right word – more like tedium, excessive demands on attention relative to the situation, which can either be real excess due to a huge and important problem or perceived excess due to forced attention on an unimportant problem. The amphetamines don’t care, they’ll supercharge your focus in either case, so it becomes a question of whether it’s morally defensible to – for example – force an adolescent to take amphetamines because he’s bored with school, which is literally designed to be as boring as humanly possible. Pretty barbaric. But an adult making a choice to take it is a different story, whether he thinks it’s medical or just wants a temporary edge.

I guess what I’m saying is that the head shrinks are giving people what they want anyway, the only part that’s dumb and fake and gay is all the medicalization and rituals around it. Would be much better if you could just type “trouble focusing” into a search engine, get a list of some brand names and reviews, and pick up a bottle over the counter, decorated with suitable warnings about dosages and the dangers of long-term use like all OTCs.

I’m arguing this from a formalist point of view, not a lolbertarian one. The system already exists and is legal, so we should remove all the stupid voodoo and credentialism. Either make the drugs legal and easy to obtain or illegal and difficult to obtain; the medical gatekeeping turns the whole affair into a complete farce.

jim says:

Marijuana makes people fat, lazy and useless, and seems to have a long term detrimental effect towards making people fat, lazy, and useless.

Once people take a toke, nothing gets done.

Alcohol is truth serum, so rightly builds trust. Amphetamines really do give you an edge in some important situations. Marijuana seems fairly harmless, but I don’t see any good come of it. I do see good coming from both alcohol and amphetamines, used rightly. Nicotine does not seem to have any harmful effects on personality and competence.

The Cominator says:

Weed culture is totally annoying…

I want it to be legal but made by propaganda to seem very uncool the way they currently do with nicotine.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Indica strains, which grow on the roadside and are cheap and common, zonk people out and give them the munchies. Are probably going to be what you get from the kid wearing baggy pants selling dime bags on the corner. Stoner movie stereotypes come from this and are pretty much all true. Sativa strains are psychedelic, ‘head high’ vs ‘body high’, excitatory vs sedating, and et cetera. As with many substances of such type, precise effects on a particular subject’s phenomenological experience can be variable, but general trends of expanded consciousness, refactoring of perception, creative drive, and et cetera, are common trends. Joe Roganesque ‘so i can up with this idea while high’ stereotypes come from this.

““ADHD” is inability to tolerate boredom. As a general rule, people should not tolerate boredom”

I generally agree that that is one way to describe it, but WTF, Jim. People should not tolerate boredom? But most work is boredom and has always been? What is farming? What is driving a truck? What is being a blacksmith, turning out identical hoe or horseshoe after the other? What is factory work? What is supporting software users with their identical idiotic problems? What is being a waiter or chef? Only way to not have a boring work is to keep researching and inventing new stuff, and not many can do that.

We force kids to deal with boring shit at school because at work they will have to deal with boring shit. Replace school with apprenticeship and this as aspect does not change one bit. Many other aspects do, but this not. A new apprentice, the lowest ranking member of the team is immediately assigned the most boring work the others do not want to do. In gastro school, apprenticing at a restaurant means peeling vegs all day.

Every productive society is excellent at tolerating boredom. 19th century England even turned it into a social virtue, to behave boringly on social occasions. There was this rule that you cannot talk about all those things you really care about. So you chat about the weather…

BC says:

I generally agree that that is one way to describe it, but WTF, Jim. People should not tolerate boredom? But most work is boredom and has always been? What is farming? What is driving a truck? What is being a blacksmith, turning out identical hoe or horseshoe after the other? What is factory work? What is supporting software users with their identical idiotic problems? What is being a waiter or chef? Only way to not have a boring work is to keep researching and inventing new stuff, and not many can do that.

Before the age of booze being the devil workers were generally pleasantly buzzed all day long while doing repetitive tasks.

I don’t mind personal questions because nobody knows who is the real person behind “TheDividualist” and besides I have been planning to recycle this nick for a while and come back under a new one. No one reads my blog anyway.

So ADHD at 3 years old, Jim’s model of being unusually bad at tolerating boredom is good. And I even add that it is our fault, because the correct environment for a 3 year old would be to run around in a big yard with siblings and neighbor kids and dogs and cats. Instead, sitting as an only kid in a third story apartment and only getting out when mom or dad has time to supervise her on the playground is terribly unstimulating. And we had no contact with neighbors. It is a prison, I felt it is like a prison for me too. Worst was for wife when the kid was a baby, having no contact with neighbors it really was like being imprisoned. This is an entirely abnormal social life and I have partly solved it by moving the family to a small village with normal contact with neighbors and their kids and big yard and all that.

But having said that “normal” kids can tolerate that. They can sit down and draw something for an hour. Or play building cubes for hours. Not ours. Change what she is playing every 10 minutes. Everything done in a hurry. And if we could get her sit down for ten minutes of drawing, she would keep making noises to entertain herself and of course wife was getting migraines from the constant noise.

And then realize the drawing does not match with her firm expectations of how it should look like and start crying. That is more of the autism part, overly fixed expectations, especially about her own abilities, and thus constant feelings of failure. This is familiar to me – it took me long to learn to “let go” and “whatever happens, happens”. To learn myself out of this thing that everything has to happen exactly how you imagined it to the last detail and if it does not, then you feel bad.

Just like I fixed it mostly by moving rural, although the other, also very important part to make some more kids did not happen (my aunt was 100% right: if you have 2+ kids, they entertain each other, if you have 1, you gotta entertain him/her) moving rural and decentralizing and increasing fertility will mostly fix these terribly unstimulating environment. In that proper environment, the ADHD kid is just a bit livelier than the rest, no problem at all. Any group of kids, some go for the “explore” strategy, some others for the “exploit” strategy, that is good.

But school and apprenticeship and work and housework for women just has to be boring, there is no fix for that and people who do not tolerating boredom easily will have a bad time.

jim says:

My experience is that women rather like housework, if the man of the house pays some attention to it being done and them doing it. A bit of noticing and appreciation goes a long way. But don’t distract them when they are concentrating on their task. It irritates them and it is the wrong dynamic.

simplyconnected says:

I was always curious about ritalin/amphetamines, but friends working on neuroscience always strongly advised against it.
If Paul Erdos used it frequently and had a hard time doing work without them, perhaps there is something to it..

Not Tom says:

Marijuana makes people fat, lazy and useless, and seems to have a long term detrimental effect towards making people fat, lazy, and useless.

Nah, that’s selection bias. “Weed culture”, as Cominator put it, is where this stereotype comes from. And not being against stereotyping, I concede that it is substantially true; probably more than half of chronic tokers are losers. But I’ve known quite a few high-functioning users. You’d be surprised who uses it, the smart ones don’t advertise.

I can’t use it at all because of adverse reactions, which is a shame, because it’s a godsend for chronic pain, which I refuse to take opiates or excessive NSAIDs to deal with.

We force kids to deal with boring shit at school because at work they will have to deal with boring shit.

No, in this case Jim is 100% right. Prussian schooling isn’t designed to teach people to focus or work, it’s to teach them to be obedient drones. That is why it’s always boys who supposedly have attention problems, never girls. Boys that age should be spending most of their time playing and learning a trade, with increasing emphasis on trade with adolescence. Trades are not boring; difficult, maybe, and somewhat tedious, but not boring like sitting in an uncomfortable chair for 6 hours day upon day and listening to some ignorant idiot lecture you about things that are half wrong and half unimportant.

When boys fail to pay attention in class, usually because the class is garbage. Sometimes because the boy is either too smart or too dumb. In all cases, both punishment and doping are barbaric matriarchal non-solutions.

BC says:

I hate weed. The complete loss of control and the length of time required to sober up doesn’t work for me. But I’ve been a scotch and cigar type of guy for 15 years now.

By most accounts weed is pretty decent for artists but the only friend of mine who who’s used it heavily ended up dumb and fat the last time he started using. Later he switched back to Booze and Tabbaco and started hitting the Gym again. I don’t recommend weed if you want to be productive.

I’ve heard that weed really turns women on and a I would guess a lot of guys use it as an easy way to get laid.

European Mutt says:

I never tried speed because I’m paranoid about the stuff it’s cut with. But I know someone who regularly uses coke for all-night coding sessions and he can pretty much stay glued to his computer and be completely absorbed in what he’s doing, and shows no signs of bad health. I have actually nor reason to believe it’s different with amphetamines as they are supposed to have very similar effects. So Jim, you are right, this is probably a terrible argument for the existence of ADHD. Might just try some coke or prescription amphetamines to test this out myself.

Funny how weed has so many different effects in people. I am one of those people who hardly notice anything with the ordinary street weed at least. Maybe something like the slight buzz after 2 beers, or a little more of a drunk feeling when also drinking at the same time. I recently tried some more high quality Sativa without alcohol and it had a few weird short-term physical effects like tingling, but nothing mental at all.

I think weed mainly calms anxiety and if you are not an anxious person by nature or nurture it doesn’t do a lot. I don’t see how it alleviates boredom if you don’t smoke it socially, and then it’s the socialization that does it.

I don’t know any regular weed smokers who are fat, but I do know many who become lazy after a while. But it’s a long-term thing, like alcoholism.

Nicotine helps people concentrate and it is by itself only slightly addictive. Cigarette addiction is almost purely a psychological thing, that’s why cold turkey works and nicotine patches don’t. When smoking starts being acceptable in polite society I will probably take it up again. Nothing tastes better than coffee/beer and a cig.

@European Mutt the few times I tried weed because when I lived in the UK our Cypriote Greek neighbors brought some was not at all calming, there was a feeling of a steel blade in my nose, too “deep” music giving pangs of paranoia, and the best way I can measure my current level of anxiety is whether my upper trapezius muscles are tight and crunchy or not, they were super tight. It might depend on the strain on ones own mindset. My mindset is that if I dream, it is more often a nightmare than not.

I will disagree with @Jim about meth, most people on meth do not seem calm at all but like jumping up and down at a rave or nervously pacing around at a hurried speed when not at a rave, one time I saw people standing in a queue for a rave and an ambulance car with sirens went by and they were dancing to the fucking sirens.

Not sure if the model of underfunctioning executive function of the brain stands, though, if people like Jim who do not have such underfunctioning still get focus from meth. But still the normies jumping and dancing and pacing hurried around on meth need an explanation.

Mike says:

>When smoking starts being acceptable in polite society I will probably take it up again. Nothing tastes better than coffee/beer and a cig.

@European Mutt: To be honest with you, if your name is accurate (ie, if you actually live in continental Europe) go ahead and take it up now. It’s only the Anglosphere that demonizes it, no one’s going to give a shit if you smoke in Germany or Spain. If you’re here in the United States though, then I completely understand. You can almost get fired from a white-collar job for smoking these days.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:


Real players use things like adrafinil, fonturacetam, bromantane, semax, omberacetam, nicergoline, intra-nasal insulin, and so on.

ten says:

I doubt there is any meth or MDA in street speed. Speed is a very simple and straight forward stimulant, meth and especially MDA (as euphoric as ecstasy but more hallucinogenic) are psychoactive in way more invasive ways, you just do not accidentally consume meth or MDA and think its speed.

Also meth is 5 times as potent per unit, and more expensive, it makes no sense at all to cut speed with meth, the other way around is the way to cut corners.

I can’t focus for shit on speed unless it is a mindless task, like cleaning or walking very quickly for many hours. Tried studying math and programming on it, can’t do it. My mind wanders. Just ended up reading ten different articles, one paragraph per article before swapping. I know others who tried it with the same effect, while many say it is like jim says it is.

Not Tom says:

I doubt there is any meth or MDA in street speed.

It really depends on the “street”.

Speed is a very simple and straight forward stimulant

No, speed is the colloquial name used for a wide variety of different drug cocktails, consumed for different purposes. The only real distinguishing characteristic is that some type of amphetamines are involved, generally stronger stuff than the ones in Ritalin or Adderall.

MDA (as euphoric as ecstasy but more hallucinogenic)

MDA is ecstasy – like speed, “ecstasy” is just an umbrella term for several different cocktails, many containing the same ingredients you’d find in speed. What you’re probably trying to say is that it’s as euphoric as MDMA, but it isn’t, not even close.

You really should stop, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

@Not Tom

>listening to some ignorant idiot lecture you about things that are half wrong and half unimportant

This very negative view on schools is very common around the Dissident Right. I find it a little weird. We like to read an discuss history and biology. So why was it so wrong to learn history and biology at school. Of course it depends on the quality. Mine was perhaps not so bad. I’ve always read the whole history textbook when we received them for the year because it was just so interesting. Learning poetry was boring, because it was mostly shitty gay poetry, not cool manly poetry like Kipling. Recently the most important thing I learned about nutrition is that the reason the best thing to eat is the meat and dairy of ruminants is that ruminants hydrogenize in their stomachs the vegetable oils they eat. This I would not have understood without learning about general ruminant physiology at school. This was very important, because it means that if beef is a tad expensive where you live, lamb, sheep is also okay – they do the same thing in their stomachs.

When I first explored climate skeptic blogs, they showed that measuring temperature in cities and at airports is wrong because of their albedo – albedo was a concept I learn at geography class.

Was it a waste of time? Perhaps half of it yes. We definitely could have used more male teachers. Our history dude was very cool. It was bad to have a woman to teach physics, especially that her primary specialty was chemistry, she just did not understand what she taught at the physics class.

ten says:

This is not an area where you can play knowledgeable. I have chemtested a thousand doses of ecstasy specifically for MDA traces and found it ONCE, in a small amount. Ecstasy is MDMA, not MDA. In the nineties there was sometimes MDA pills sold as ecstasy and often MDA traces, this is evidently no longer the case. Ecstasy pills aren’t even cut with speed anymore, they are chemically pure MDMA with some binder. Ecstasy is slang for MDMA, not an umbrella term. And MDA is exactly as euphoric as MDMA. Did you even try it before saying something blatantly false that everyone with a single experience of either knows is wrong?

Speed is C9H13N. It is the cheapest and easiest amphetamine to produce. Most of the other analogues are entirely similar in effect, meth is not and is not an analogue. What is called speed is always or as good as always C9H13N, commonly cut with caffeine pills, sometimes dirty, sometimes some analogue. Speed is slang for C9H13N, not an umbrella term.

You’re so full of shit you even try to randomly sound authoritative while getting bare basics dead wrong. I’m not averse to sometimes talking way out of my league, but less nonsensical puffing up would be suitable.

Not Tom says:

Yeah, so about that recount…


Totally legit. Just a tiny little innocent mistake that anyone could have made during a hand recount.

Pooch says:

Watching the Trump Campaign press conference right now and I know women should not be emancipated but if we win, Sidney Powell gets statues and accolades as one of the saviors of the Republic. She is a true patriot.

stan says:

That younger prosecutor was even better.

Pooch says:

Yeah she was great too.

Hesiod says:

Giuliani laughing in the face of the CNN whore was a heart-warming moment:


Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Giuliani has been looking 20 years younger and sharper since he got involved in the election litigation.

The Cominator says:

Since hes gotten involved in this his status among Trump supporters is certainly higher, maybe some young ladies have been very interested in buying Rudy’s cigars…

Pooch says:

Looks like Trump is starting to deploy loyalist police and US Marshals for protection…

The attorney, Linda Kerns, was “the subject of threats of harm, to the point at which the involvement of police and US Marshals has been necessary to provide for her safety,”



notglowing says:

Wondering what this will mean.

notglowing says:

The irony of this happening in *Georgia, Floyd* county is not lost on me

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:
Pooch says:

Well Tucker just turncoated and openly bashed Sidney Powell. He’s an enemy agent now. Don’t these people know that turning this late in the game simply guarantees their slaughter regardless who wins?

Hesiod says:

At the very least, Tucker’s handling of Powell tonight was very poor form and reeked of butthurt over “doesn’t she know how important my show is?” Fox News shot itself in the foot with its election coverage being nigh indistinguishable from the other NPC networks. I expect better from Tucker as he’s the only reason I turn on the TV these days, but it’s looking more and more like he’s playing some sort of game to gain greater control within the Fox hierarchy. He hinted as such last week about how his show will gain wider prominence on the channel. But it’s not much of an honor to be made captain of a ship already sinking.

Pooch says:

Yes looks like Hannity is the last one holding the line on Fox.

Javier says:

Tucker lost me when he threw his staffer under the bus for shitposting without any sort of a fight. You can’t pontificate about free speech if you cave under the slightest pressure.

Or worse, he was actually offended by what his staffer wrote. Boomer Civnat faggotry.

Mr.P says:

> He’s an enemy agent now.


I watched the entire press conference. Rudy waived and read from signed affidavits. Sidney Powell on the other hand made impassioned claims without a smidgen, not a hint, not a peak, of evidence in her possession.

Maybe she can’t reveal anything, but Tucker has a point: Don’t be Adam Schiff. Show us something, anything, just a hint of tangible evidence to support your claims. (“This is Venezuelan interference in our precious democratic election!” Not saying it’s not true, but for f-sake: Ugh.)

Pooch says:

Now is not the time to countersignal the President’s troops. Tucker may not enemy yet, but he cannot be trusted anymore and has proven he’s no loyalist to us.

Publius says:

He’s not trying to “countersignal the President’s troops”. He’s trying to protect his own reputation in the event that Powell’s allegations are bullshit. You can’t blame him for that, especially when it’s plausible that Powell really doesn’t have enough evidence to substantiate her specific allegations. If she has the evidence, where is it? Of course the left cheated, but we have to be specific and honest when explaining how they cheated.

Evidence Defender says:

The evidence will be presented in court. The woman who spoke after Powell said, “this is simply an opening statement. This press conference is not an episode of Law & Order.” The main evidence they have so far is affidavits. That’s witness testimony. Is there any penalty in America for being an anti-prog witness that you can think of? Listen to the entire press conference. It covers very specifically all the different ways the DNC cheated.

INDY says:

Wrong and gay. He did a video segment that any dipshit can rub in Joe Sixpack’s face and say “See what your Tucker thinks about your Orange Man?…no fraud!” Bad for Sixpack’s morale.

He could’ve kept his mouth shut and if she flops, his reputation is fine. Where else are his viewers gonna go? Instead he says “That’s not who we are.” Turncoat Tucker is a company man.

This the same Publius that posts at PA’s?

pyrrhus says:

Sidney has explained the reasons for keeping certain things undercover, but didn’t you and Tucker notice the 6,000 votes switched to Biden by the machine in MI? Sidney Powell is the epitome of an ethical lawyer and former prosecutor, and Tucker is a dirtbag for attacking her without a shred of evidence that she is wrong…You are sounding very like a shill, but just may be an ignoramus…

Not Tom says:

we have to be specific and honest when explaining how they cheated.

Yes and no. We shouldn’t raise bullshit allegations that lower our credibility, but it’s also absurd that we have to explain exactly how they did it. Not only will they not accept our explanation regardless, but the whole point of the constitution and federal election law is that states have to be able to prove that they ran fair elections. They have to explain how all the irregularities and improprieties are not fraud; we don’t have to prove where they actually came from. And yet, Trump’s team is doing exactly that anyway, probably to win in the court of public opinion.

But this constant burden of proof inversion is bullshit. Just because the courts are cucked or compromised doesn’t mean that the law requires irrefutable proof of fraud and fraudulent intent. And if your response to that is that the law doesn’t matter… well then just invoke the Insurrection Act already. As we’ve explained, these legal battles could be just a way to stall for time before doing exactly that, in which case Tucker’s “reputation defense” is totally moot.

The only outcome in which Tucker’s attacks actually benefit him is one in which Democrats win, Republicans concede, and deplorables go back to watching TV talking heads, working overtime to pay for Green New Deals and Building Back Better (whatever the hell that means) and quietly sulking or cracking insipid politically-correct jokes about muh liberals. So that is obviously the outcome he anticipates, regardless of what outcome he might want. A really extreme case of normalcy bias, far more than anyone here has been credibly accused of. Either that or he’s just a conman, though I prefer to believe the former, as that’s correctible.

The Cominator says:

People talk too much of what Sidney said, Giuliani’s claim of overvotes and law being violated via observers being kicked out in certain dem cities is on much much more solid ground.

To prove what Sidney said you need source code, observations with timestamps across multiple districts in the same state (since it was apparently used across the country) and insiders who can tell a pretty tale.

What Giuliani claimed about more old fashined fraud ramped up to a mass scale is much much much easier to prove.

Pooch says:

I believe she has a Dominion insider willing to come forward. There’s no cost in exposing all the fraud. Just means more people we can arrest when the shooting starts.

The Cominator says:

No its not bad to talk about it in general terms but there is good reason to not go into too much detail about this dominion stuff, source code and specific mathematics are too boring for the average Tucker fan.

The strongest proof of electoral fraud possible is overvotes and the dem cities completely ignoring election law followed by ballot dumps in the middle of the night (and he has witnesses everywhere) easier to win the case on that and go after Dominion later.

Pooch says:

The firehose approach of massive blatant fraud is the right approach. Uncover it all. Rudy spent an hour talking about old school machine fraud then Sidney followed it up with the Dominion fraud. To the court of public opinion and the men with guns, it’s the same case. No one actually believes Tucker that there’s no evidence of Dominion fraud. He’s spewing enemy lines and cannot be trusted anymore.

The Cominator says:

The best evidence of Dominion fraud is this Coomer’s guys social media account claiming Trump won’t win I made sure of that.

But without inside witnesses the evidence of Dominion fraud is not something you would want to talk about on tv because it would deal with source code and mathematical patterns.

Much of Tucker’s audience (at least before all this) were proles… most proles do not want to hear Sidney talk for an hour about source code and statistical pattern commonalities across the country. Statistics like more people voting than voters in Dem cities is something they can understand, but it gets harder when you talk about complex statistical analysis. Even if the proles in the audience believe it if they go out to talk to others about it they will do it in such a way that leftist midwits around the Thanksgiving table or in bars etc can poke holes in…

The Giuliani old fashioned fraud case is simple and easy to understand…

Yes Dominion has to be addressed and yes it was good to bring it up and who Dominion has ties too…but its not good to get into detail with the public. Tucker if he is not acting as a shill should fucking understand that… also he should understand why Sidney would not want people at Fox News (who are enemies now) to have details. If Tucker has not crossed over to the enemy, he has at least shown extremely poor judgement.

The Cominator says:
Pooch says:

Sidney also confirmed the Dominion servers in Germany were seized. She wouldn’t say if good guys or bad guys got them but it’s looking like good guys got them. Trump is attacking them on multiple fronts with the Dominion fraud and the machine fraud, which only strengthens his support with the people.

As for Tucker, he always had sort of a faggot face. Definitely not the face of a hardcore rightist. Trump never gave Tucker full-throated endorsement like he did with Hannity, again showing his good instincts.

Not Tom says:

Hannity has been hit or miss too. He folded after the election and then sort of cautiously unfolded.

When it comes to all of these media types, I’d rather not speculate as to whether or not they’re ourguys and instead just assume that they’re all selfish bastards sniffing the wind. That means a simple reward and punishment strategy, praise them for good work and tear them a new one when they screw up. But don’t imagine them as either loyal allies or sworn enemies.

Tucker fan club looks pretty silly right now, Hannity fan club may look very silly next week. To me these Fox Newsers all just whores with varying moods and standards.

Pooch says:

I don’t watch him every night but Hannity has been an attack dog on fraud and only fraud from what I’ve seen. He was drilling Ted Cruz for the need to send Trump electors 2 days after Election day while Tucker was talking about how wrong the polls were. Who gives a fuck about polls? Similarily, Laura read an eulogy for Trump, but now seems to have uncucked a bit.

But yes your point stands. Anyone still getting a paycheck from the media establishment may have varying levels of usefulness but cannot fully be trusted anymore.

Diaz says:

I think they are trying to distract the population with irrelevant news stories like thanksgiving covid rules and latinos voting for Trump. Laura Ingraham look like big traitor and she ask Trump to “gracefully concede” if election results are unfavorable.

The Cominator says:

Hannity is not the brightest bulb but he is a good loyal man. Post election despondency for a good loyal man is understandable I think most of us (Jim expected them to go beyond plausible fraud so wasn’t surprised) had a period where we were feeling bad.

Tucker is much smarter… but no he isn’t loyal. I think his hatred of the woke left is genuine but his image as a truthful arbiter is more important to him than Trump who he is not all that loyal too.

~loclun-midwyt says:

What do you mean not a hint of evidence? Links to Venezuelan government, Clinton foundation, Soros. Even CNN admits this is true. That already is enough to suspect something shady. At least its the kind of connections Tucker might normally point out.

Sidney did have an affidavit she read, and I’m fairly sure almost everything she claimed is easily verifiable, aside from actual instances of flipping votes. But that’s always going to be hard to have direct evidence of without having access to the raw data and logs.

Tucker cucked hard. Described Sidney’s stuff as the big bombshell, then quickly dismissed it as not credible, effectively implying that the whole press conference was not credible. He’s been acting weird since the Hunter stuff.

Mr.P says:

I stand corrected.

RedBible says:

Link showing CNN admitting those things? I’ve got some normie friends who would find such a link “helpful” so to speak.

Pooch says:

CNN is fake news.

RedBible says:

I know that, and everyone here knows that, but for some of my normie friends, harder for them to dismiss it when a “trusted” source says so.

Pooch says:

Yeah. If they suffer from TDS there’s probably not much you can do for them, but if they don’t and can actually think logically the way to go is to prove to them that the mainstream media blatantly lies to fit their Democrat narrative. They are absolutely not trusted sources.

Not Tom says:

The problem with CNN, of course, is that they kick up an enormous fog around the facts to confuse you. But the facts are there: https://archive.is/eH0R9

Smartmatic was founded in Florida by two Venezuelans, and did provide election technology to the Venezuelan government.

In 2005, Smartmatic acquired a company called Sequoia Voting Systems, but sold it in 2007 after questions from members of Congress over the acquisition by a company linked to Venezuela. Three years later, Dominion, which was founded as a Canadian company but is now majority owned by Americans, acquired Sequoia. In addition, Smartmatic licensed Dominion machines for use in the Philippines in 2009, but the contract ended in a lawsuit, Dominion said in its statement.

[…] Dominion did agree to donate its technology to “emerging democracies” as part of a program run by the Clinton Foundation in 2014 […] And while the chairman of the board of Smartmatic’s parent company is also on the board of a foundation run by Soros, Open Society Foundations, Soros himself is not involved in either company.

And all of this is surrounded by paragraph after paragraph of NO EVIDENCE NO EVIDENCE NO EVIDENCE. But you can see from the last paragraph, which I quoted in full context, what they do to confuse: “oh sure, they’re tied to Soros’s organization, but not Soros himself, so totally false!”

If your buddy knows how to read legacy media properly, filter out the fnords and unreliable sources and extract just the important verifiable facts, then he’ll get it. But generally only reactionaries understand how to do that. He’ll likely just read it casually, and come away with the impression: “see? I told you, no evidence!”

~loclun-midwyt says:

This is from 4chan, very normie friendly.

jim says:

I love it. Summarizing and paraphrasing: https://ibb.co/kyjVdLj The facts are that the organization that operates our voting machines have no corporate connections to the Clintons or Soros, except those mentioned in the fine print that show it entirely controlled by minions of the Clintons and Soros.

>Tucker cucked hard.

I really hoped to never see these three words in this order. Any other potential interpretations?

BC says:

Doesn’t look like it.

Fred says:

Carlson is a giant faggot so it’s no big deal. Remember, his big idea is to ban autonomous trucks.

Jehu says:

Hey Jim. Trump and his lawyers are now arguing that they can prove voter fraud in the 3-4 million vote range at a minimum. Probably more than that. Is there any sort of established process at all for voiding that many votes? Or is it a matter of some judge going ‘Green Lantern power ring’ on it, and just dictating that, you guys cheated, therefore you lose?

jim says:

Well, how many people supposedly voted in Detroit? (In every election they supposedly have very large turnout, but actually have absurdly small turnout. This year their turnout was well north a hundred percent in some districts)

Wayne County not certified, therefore Detroit not certified. I would guess that around four million votes.

The process is going to be “Not certified, Detroit does not count” versus “Was certified, and should be counted whether certified or not”

Supposing that at some point the supremes say “not certified, therefore does not count”, then things get interesting. At that point, Insurrection act and/or Article Four of the Constitution will likely come into play. Judges hide under their bench while soldiers put on the Green Lantern power ring, and things might get messy.

Pooch says:

Sets a mighty good precedent.

Not Tom says:

Crowder actually pored over all the election data in Michigan; looks like the fake absentee votes came out to about 173,000. The rest of the data actually shows between 10-20% turnout.

It’s pretty astounding to look at, not a single one of those vote dumps corresponds to a single registered voter, even in their publicly released election data. They admit that those “votes” are completely unverifiable. Nevertheless, doesn’t add up to 4 million.

But that’s just one county in one state.

jim says:

Almost all Detroit votes are fraudulent every election. This year, however, normal Detroit fraud proved insufficient, so they topped it up by adding an unreasonably large number of fake ballots. Detroit votes are a large chunk of four million votes.

Not Tom says:

Maybe if we’re willing to use a very loose definition of “large”? I’m telling you what the actual final numbers of votes were, post-fraud. Detroit has a theoretical population of 670,000 (actually much lower) and the total votes, regardless of candidate, with an actual paper trail, whether true or false, showed a turnout of between 10-20% per precinct.

There were about 100,000 “potentially real” votes from Detroit that actually corresponded to a registered voter, whether legitimate or not, and then another 173,000 with no voter data at all, just numbers on a piece of paper with no identity attached, at least according to their own published data. That tallies to under 300,000 votes, not a very significant chunk of 4 million.

Why would all the votes come from Detroit, anyway? We know there was massive fraud in all the machine cities – Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and probably several areas of Virginia and Nevada. Maybe there was more in California to capture house seats. There’s enough to go around that we don’t need implausible theories like 4 million votes all coming from Detroit when the entire city doesn’t even have 1/10th that many votes counted.

jim says:

I did not intend to say that Detroit was four million votes.

Just that almost every ballot in Detroit is fraudulent, and that is a good start on four million.

The blue shift was seven hundred thousand. But the blue shift is the hasty last minute addition to the election fraud.

The blue shift is a hasty top up on top of the planned fraud already committed. Which is likely around several million. Detroit, which did not have much of a blue shift, is still all fraud from top to bottom.

Not Tom says:

Okay, I see. Well, their system seems pretty simple: set up political machines in big cities with lots of blacks and/or third-world immigrants and absurdly low baseline voter turnout, so that the manufactured votes always have plausible deniability and any attempt to deal with it can be cast as racism.

Which means there is probably massive election fraud in every big city with lots of blacks and/or third-world immigrants. According to La Wik, about 130 million people live in urban agglomerations. We can take off about 30 million in Florida and red states (whose machines have probably been dismantled), and, as a first-other approximation, cut that number roughly in half to eliminate suburbs and assume 10% real turnout in the metros, in line with Detroit. That comes out to about 5 million true urban votes.

So if they all follow the same pattern as Detroit, of roughly doubling the vote count (1.3x fake), that’s 6.5 million fraudulent votes. Making a ton of assumptions, of course, but definitely in the right ballpark.

Pooch says:

Some of the deep blue suburbs also got in on the fun. Philadelphia for instance couldn’t make up the enormous Trump lead by itself so needed help from the surrounding blue counties to print ballots.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Just picking nits, but i’d say 1/10th of 4 million is a pretty significant chunk.

Jehu says:

There’s also the allegation that lots of votes all over the place were manufactured out of thin air and Trump votes were switched by Dominion’s cheat codes.
Thing is, it isn’t enough to just nullify enough of the fraud to make Trump win the requisite number of electoral votes. The punishment, assuming we’re not going full Civil War 2, has to be sufficient to deter a rational actor from trying anything like this ever again. Something like, the democratic party is henceforth outlawed and all who ran in this election are disqualified automatically, even if a reasonable person would agree they’d have won sans fraud. All existing democratic party officials nationwide are removed from office and have their civil rights revoked, Civil War I style. But I don’t see that being offered or accepted. I think we’re going full Civil War on or before 2021.

Not Tom says:

Outlawing the Democratic Party doesn’t sound politically feasible if Trump wants to do the “restoring the republic” act. But rounding up and Gitmo’ing everyone who was in on the fraud – including not just the fake votes/ballots but also the coverups, the “no evidence” lies in the media, the doxxing and threats, etc. – would be tantamount to the same thing, because Dems would not win another election for decades, but would be completely legitimate because it’s only punishing those with clear guilt.

jim says:

> The punishment, assuming we’re not going full Civil War 2

If Trump wins, the win will likely be a short Civil War 2 with little bloodshed. Possibly full Civil War 2.

At some point, he is likely to need the Insurrection Act and/or Article Four. He is trying to find a way through without using the Insurrection Act, but the enemy is not agreement capable.

Jehu says:

Just hope they don’t opt for a minimal solution that just makes Trump president without also looking at every other election under a microscope. It has to be sufficiently punitive, and Trump is more of a deal maker than a punisher by nature. Agreement capability, specifically, the lack thereof though makes this extremely likely to escalate, and it’s probably best for the country long term if it does. Just makes for a super unpleasant couple of quarters.

BC says:

There’s no chance of that. I’ve been talking to Democrats, all they’re interested in murdering Trump and anyone who voted for him. Civil war under Trump, or Civil war with months of Trump losing, it’s coming.

Mister Grumpus says:

There’s a whole lot of Coup Complete problems out there, but if Trump stays in, at least we know that “election integrity” is the iron that’s hottest, along with de-warring and de-lockdowning.

I know this is theater, but one can imagine all kinds of overhauls to voting systems —like Federal Voter ID, paper ballots, purple thumbs like in Iraq, militarizing polling places, fancy blockchain wizardry, who knows — that could perhaps be rammed through in the name of “voting rights”.

In fact, they should write this stuff up right now!

Calling bluffs. Troll politics. Making the other guy live up to his own professed principles.

Either they go through and Ds stop winning for some time, or — and this is what would actually happen — the Ds say Hell No and declare war instead, because a negro vote should be worth 5/3rd of a white one, don’t you agree?

There is hay to be made from this, with the right focus and salesmanship.

The Cominator says:

You cannot make the left live up to it’s own principles because it doesn’t have them.

Mister Grumpus says:

I know. My point (sloppily made) is that the Orange Throne can actually be scaffolded, for now, by making elections more fair.

Counter-intuitive yet true.

The “democracy” cause can be grabbed up by The Lion and actually used for the Augustinian cause, with a straight face.

I would never have guessed!

Don can now go on the attack that the left hates democracy and put them on the defensive. The gun is his to pick up, and he should, and pronto.

jim says:

> I know. My point (sloppily made) is that the Orange Throne can actually be scaffolded, for now, by making elections more fair.

Democracy is the final stage of Republics, and it always self destructs. 2016 was the last democratic election. There will not be another.

A Republic needs a virtuous elite. We don’t have one. A Republic becomes a democracy when the elite can no longer handle its internal conflicts, and brings them to the people. And pretty soon that stops working either.

And here we are.

While Trump would gain legitimacy by making elections more fair, nothing is actually going to work in getting election results that everyone is willing to accept.

An election is essentially a trial run for civil war. You play by rules, and agree to accept the outcome without the cost and inconvenience of actually running a civil war. Which requires willingness to play by rules and accept the outcome, without which it turns into real civil war.

Not seeing willingness to play by rules and accept outcomes.

Mister Grumpus says:

Making the Ds the bitter losers next time would help.

And yet the next “next time” is an inconceivable 100 weeks from now, and who can possibly imagine the state of play then?

But taking up the “fair elections” cause now, even for just the next month, would make the D’s freak out in the very short term, and that could help concretely.

BC says:

But taking up the “fair elections” cause now, even for just the next month, would make the D’s freak out in the very short term, and that could help concretely.

No one cares anymore. Once election officials children were threaten with violence the voting debate became moot. Now the only things that matter is the supreme court and men armed with guns.

Pooch says:

As Moldbug said, elections are just mock battles where both armies show up but don’t actually fight, and a truce is made so the bigger army wins. The Democrats reniged on the deal so now the armies aren’t going home.

stan says:

“Pooch: As Moldbug said, elections are just mock battles where both armies show up but don’t actually fight, and a truce is made so the bigger army wins. The Democrats reniged on the deal so now the armies aren’t going home.”

I am no Moldbug scholar but I understood his position differently. If you win the election with any amount of fraud and you can make the victory stand then you are the top dog and therefore you can legitimately govern. Like a king who won the decisive battle. You don’t get to scrutinize how he won it.

jim says:

> I am no Moldbug scholar but I understood his position differently. If you win the election with any amount of fraud and you can make the victory stand then you are the top dog and therefore you can legitimately govern.

This presumes that in fact you have the bigger army, you are well known to have the bigger army, and you are just pretending to hold a pretend election with people who do not matter, as with Roman elections after Augustus Caesar.

Well. Who does have the bigger army?

This is unclear. They have the generals, but we have the cop on the beat and the tip of the spear. The never ending election is likely to end with it being clarified, and the clarification may well go all the way to summoning the militia.

If we want to seriously restore the Republic, a project I think to be hopeless with the tide of history running the way it is now running, we will have to restrict the vote to people who do in fact matter if the election should become a real civil war (thereby ensuring that it does not): Men who use force in an organized fashion, and men who own property and pay taxes. Fighting soldiers (not logistics costumed in soldier uniforms – they have to be redefined as camp followers), cops on the beat, bouncers, security guards, mercs and so forth. Plus taxpayers who own property, and retired taxpayers who had sons and raised them.

Sam says:

That only works to a certain point. Once the level of fraud is large enough it stops being a reliable proxy for military support which means the ‘loser’ has a decent chance of winning military confrontation.

Not Tom says:

f you win the election with any amount of fraud and you can make the victory stand then you are the top dog and therefore you can legitimately govern.

Can they make it stand? That is the question.

More than 2/3 of Republican voters believe the election was stolen. Probably even higher percentages at a state level, in the actual states where it was stolen.

“Making it stand” implies that both sides are willing to accept the outcome. Since it looks like neither side is willing to accept an unfavorable outcome, no matter what process is used, democracy is officially ended.

onyomi says:

What is it called when one side could beat the other in a no-holds-barred fight (political or kinetic), but continually fails to do so because of lawful good sensibility, “just wanting to grill,” etc.? Because my only fear is not that we would get seriously kinetic and lose but rather that we will continue to lack the will to do so until too late. Of course, the power to keep us demoralized, divided, uninformed, etc. is itself a real power the enemy possesses to a greater degree.

That said, I suspect that, if any good has come from covid, lockdowns, etc. it may be bringing normie boomercons a lot, lot closer to the brink than he ever was a year or two ago, maybe finally close enough? https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1330038105521483778?s=20

I have to admit that, up till fairly recently, I thought Jim was being a bit hyperbolic claiming Trump out of office would end up like the Romanovs, but the enemy is, in a way, doing us a favor by telling us all the nasty things they’ve got planned before our leader’s even relinquished the reins of power.

Conversely, people suggesting Trump 2024 or, like Scott Adams, that Trump can just pivot to become a media mogul or something are, intentionally or unintentionally, doing harm by (incorrectly) suggesting now is less than a do-or-die moment.

Not Tom says:

What is it called when one side could beat the other in a no-holds-barred fight (political or kinetic), but continually fails to do so because of lawful good sensibility, “just wanting to grill,” etc.?

Cowardice, if you’re an incurable optimist. Entryism and grift, if you’re a cynic.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

That’s rather the point actually; makes for easy pretexts to do what always and already needed to be done.

notglowing says:

Are they starting to sound more upset?

Hesiod says:

“Do you guys need the Canadians to come down and remove the criminal from office?”

Will Geddy Lee lead the charge?

Pooch says:

Looks like Kemp is going to certify the fraudulent audit which Trump can then still get another recount since it’s below the 0.5% margin, but have no despair gents as long as we keep the enemy under 270 we will win. WI, MI, and PA all looking good.

The Cominator says:

The secretary of state is going to certify it probably, but its not clear what Kemp and the legislature will do.

Georgia outside Atlanta is fanatical Trump country (as are all non urban areas in the South) and the legislature there will be facing clear suicide if they do this, also the Republicans will lose the Senate.

Pooch says:

Early indications on twitter are that Kemp will certify (he has until tomorrow I believe). It’s unclear to me what the legislature can do without a special session according to state law, though. Obviously state legislature’s have finally say according to Article II but it seems they need a Supreme Court ruling to give them that power back. I’m not exactly sure.

The Cominator says:

Bush v Gore gives them that power.

Pooch says:

Yes absolutely, but the case must still be brought before them for the ruling but I could be wrong on that.

The Cominator says:

Its my understand the state legislature has to confirm…

Pooch says:

Each state has different rules, but you may be right. Either way, not hearing anything from the GOP state legislature which is not a good sign.

Pooch says:

The other consideration is if Trump somehow wins without Georgia, leaving the GA fraud machine intact, they’ll just steal the senate seats and impeach Trump immediately.

Pooch says:

Wait a second is Kemp finding his balls??


Not Tom says:

I don’t see Kemp doing anything heroic. What are we supposed to be looking at?

As far as stealing Senate seats, that’s an immediate riot act if the Trump presidency is official.

Pooch says:

I’m not exactly sure, but yeah Kemp sounds like he isn’t going to give us any help, that son a bitch.

Kevin C. says:

> The secretary of state is going to certify it probably, but its not clear what Kemp


“Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Gov. Brian Kemp certified the results of the general election Friday, making it official that President-elect Joe Biden won the state’s 16 electoral votes.”

jim says:

Georgia refused to hold an audit.

Had the power to do so, obviously needed to do so, failed to do so.

onyomi says:

I just struggle to comprehend why. Do they really expect Georgia Republicans to reward them at the ballot box for this next time around? Are they foolish enough to believe Dems and moderates will? Are they just afraid of the wrath of BLM et al.? Cucking’s just in their Republican DNA?

Not Tom says:

“Ballot box next time?” You do realize the topic of conversation is massive election fraud, right? The ballot box was irrelevant in this election and will be irrelevant in all future elections.

We can start asking traitors why they turned traitor after they’re in helicopters, lined up against the wall, etc. There’s little point in speculating about motivation between the crime and the arrest.

onyomi says:

“The ballot box was irrelevant in this election and will be irrelevant in all future elections.”

I realize that, but not entirely sure Kemp et al. realize that.

“It’s likely both the SOS and Kemp are connected to Dominion and very corrupt.”

Not improbable, but the whole GOP Georgia legislature? Maybe they’re in on the deal too? Possible, but if so, goes to show how deep the rot is.

Pooch says:

No many members of the GOP legislature are pissed but can’t do anything unless Kemp calls a special session. If he doesn’t call a special session, they can force a special session through the courts. It’s looking like that is going to happen.

Pooch says:

It’s likely both the SOS and Kemp are connected to Dominion and very corrupt.

Edit_XYZ says:

In Wisconsin, they almost certainly used indefinite confinement ballots for the ~150000 fake Biden ballots.
The number of voters with these indefinite confinement ballots is WAY UP in 2020 – at 169282:
These do not require ID. How will they be verified?

In Georgia – Cobb County:
Yesterday https://parler.com/profile/linwood/posts
see https://image-cdn.parler.com/w/O/wOhhcsqCfN.jpeg

Today https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1329885518386114560

And this result is certified https://mobile.twitter.com/anonpatriotq/status/1329892815980146688

Each time one of these recounts gives the same result as before, Trump loses a lot of legitimacy. A few more of those and Trump won’t be able to credibly make an insurrection act declaration.
What is he doing?

The Cominator says:

Calm down… news overall is good everywhere except Georgia.

Edit_XYZ says:

On a different note:
“Sidney Powell just now on Glenn Beck:
Servers from ScytI in Germany were in fact confiscated and “I AM HEARING THAT IS WAS OUR FORCES THAT GOT THE SERVERS.””

If Trump has the servers, he can prove how the votes were switched. It really is time to bring out the big guns.

Not Tom says:

No actual clip posted. Maybe she said it, I don’t know, but I’m not going to trust anything from “anonpatriotq”. Q is enemy propaganda.

Also, while I think Tucker went way too far, I’ve also been thinking since the beginning that we need to be very careful not to put SP on a pedestal. She certainly says the right words, but is she doing the right work? Maybe, and hopefully, but we don’t know yet. She hasn’t succeeded in the Flynn case yet either. She may be a true fighter and a woman of perfect integrity, but even if so, we don’t know if she can deliver the goods.

I’m not saying expect the worst, not advising pessimism. I continue to assert, “don’t panic, we’re going to win”. But also, don’t declare heroes before they’ve actually done any heroic deeds. That’s the degenerate state of democracy, getting all gushy and fired up just because someone told you what you wanted to hear. Let’s see what she actually comes up with and how she does in court before staining our underwear. We’re operating in a low trust environment, and trying to build high trust, but can’t go from point A to point B in two seconds flat. Keep your powder dry.

The Cominator says:

Also the circuit judge in Georgia is Thomas, the Trump campaign just needs to file for emergency injunctive relief. Thomas is the most reliable judge and personally deeply hates Biden.

BC says:
Starman says:

Notice that all the conservative and Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices are now heads of districts for the disputed states…

Clarence Thomas for GA. Alito for PA (where the Philly Democrats openly defied Alito’s court orders), ACB for WI, and Kavanaugh for MI.

Roberts gets DC, LOL.

The Cominator says:

Arizona and Nevada getting Kagan is not so good.

Gorsuch may be a moderate squish but should put him on the 9th circuit and move Kagan to where Gorsuch is now (which has no disputed states).

Not Tom says:

Gorsuch is not a moderate or a squish.

Jehu says:

Hey, here’s another question for you Jim.
Trump has tons of lawsuits working their way up the various court systems, and I assume he’s going to have more of the same. Think there’s any chance he’ll go for getting a case with the Supreme Court having original jurisdiction ?
Per the Constitution
In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.
So any reasonable way you could shoehorn a complaint into that framework? Maybe getting other States to sue the battleground States?

The reason I ask is that actual evidence and testimony etc gets done in the original jurisdiction, not so much in the appellate. Claims of actually being innocent, even if provable, for instance, are generally not appealable. And who hears it originally matters a lot.

jim says:

> In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party

That is a mighty clever idea, but I don’t see how to arrange it.

The Cominator says:

Trump could get DeSantis who is loyal to him to sue the fraud states saying that they’ve violated Florida’s right to have the President selected in a fair election or something…

jim says:

But suing the state governments is not a matter in which the supreme court has initial and primary jurisdiction. You have to sue the federal government, or its agents in their role as acting for the federal government.

Jehu says:

Maybe if a state was in a NPV compact or something similar it could be sued for popular vote fraud? But I think all the states in NPV are blue. I’m not sure if Ministers or Consuls is something that could be useful.
Thing is though, there’s serious green lanternism insofar as jurisdiction goes. If the SC claims it, who can dispute it?

Jehu says:

I believe if one state sues another, the SC has original jurisdiction.

Karl says:

Indeed. Now your brilliant idea has been implemented.

Mike says:

Ok, this is fucking hilarious. Amazing grift from the Dems, maybe they realize that Trump has a chance of stopping their plan?


Pooch says:

Politicians by definition are grifters. They’ll use any opportunity to ask for money. Republicans do the same thing.

notglowing says:

This is a completely new level of grifting that the world has never seen before

Pooch says:

The way the tea-leaves are reading is that Sidney has something explosive from the seized Dominion servers and basically everybody is implicated. If Trump wins, it’s going to be scorched earth for both parties.


BC says:

The other possibility is she’s trying to keep Trump’s base supportive while the case winds it’s way to the supreme court where it will be decided.

European Mutt says:

Any sources yet about what was on the seized servers besides QTards? From what I can gather US army in Germany is largely Trump loyalist so I think there is a high chance it was our guys who got it, but I don’t trust QTards at all.

I doubt Obama played a leading role in this (he did not play a leading role in the presidency either) but quite possibly he was in on it.

stan says:

I still doubt that any servers were seized by US army in Germany. Germany is not a 3rd world shithole where Americans with guns can operate at will. If something like this happened there would be a public outrage in Germany and a diplomatic war would be raging on and it would be all over the mainstream media. But it’s completele quiet.

jim says:

It is the American Empire. The USG can do much as it pleases. Germany is not a genuinely independent state.

ten says:

Germany is strangely quiet about the many american military bases in her territory and the thousands of troops, that operate under american jurisdiction and tells germany not a single word more than they want to, if germany as you say would cause a ruckus over american troops operating within her territory.

European Mutt says:

I know some specifics about this but I don’t know how to phrase them without putting myself at risk of getting doxxed. So I’ll just say you are absolutely right.

There was a big ruckus about the NSA spying back 2013 or so, especially when it turned out that Merkel’s cell phone was tapped too. The informal rules of the empire seem to be that you can make a ruckus when your own people are targeted, while if a foreign (Canadian) company then just try not to notice it. “No skin off my back” mentality.

Not Tom says:

Perhaps – unless they don’t want to admit that the servers or data exists, or they don’t want to admit that the troops exist, as others have noted.

Media creates a controversy when media wants a controversy, but if any of this is true (and I am not 100% convinced of that either) then I can see it as being the kind of thing they’d want to keep quiet.

EH says:

According to Unraveling the Deep State Coup by (ex-State, CIA and Sp. Ops) Larry Johnson, at his “Sic Semper Tyrannis” blog, the servers were CIA running under military cover.

I am reliably informed that a unit under the command of USEUCOM (i.e., United States European Command) did in fact conduct an operation to take control of computer servers. But these servers belong to the CIA, not Dominion or Sctyl. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.
Such an operation would have been carried out with U.S. law enforcement present to take custody of the evidence. That means that the evidence will be under the control of the Department of Justice through US Attorneys and can be used in court or other judicial proceedings.

jim says:

Sounds like the bad guys have the data.

But the bad guys already had the data, and yet it was seized, so that suggests that the good guys got the data while wearing bad guy ids.

We shall see.

Pooch says:

Sidney hinting it’s the good guys…


Arky Shrugger says:

I don’t know. The “Dominion servers in Germany” sounds to me like a CIA/Dem gay op designed to discredit the stolen election narrative.

Edit_XYZ says:

As I see the situation, Trump has no illusions about his and his family’s imprisonment and death in the event he loses the power struggle. His latest moves indicate he will not concede willingly.
What are his chess pieces? He has the means to legally declare martial law. Why didn’t he?

Worst case scenario – he cannot make enough of the military obey. The FBI and DOJ are obviously working for the enemy.
In this case, we’ve already lost.

Best case – he has another ace he wants to play. Perhaps revelations related to the server seized from Germany. Perhaps he is confident in a Supreme Court win. And then he wants to call upon the military.

The events of the last few days – his lawyers talk as if his victory is ensured. But talk is cheap, and so far there are few and unimportant court victories.

The GOP – too many cucks; the rest seem to be too polite, too steeped in normalcy bias to be effective against the mafia tactics of the democrats.

The situation is in flux in the disputed states. But no win for Trump. No disputed state turned red. And time grows short.
For example – Georgia certified the election – not even the recount; the first count. The secretary of state and governor’s behavior there is outright traitorous.
But the new circuit court judge there is Clarence Thomas. The legislature is very quiet. They may change the outcome. Or maybe not.

A question – if Biden is certified at december 14, what presidential powers does he gain until january 20?

jim says:

> As I see the situation, Trump has no illusions about his and his family’s imprisonment and death in the event he loses the power struggle. His latest moves indicate he will not concede willingly.

> What are his chess pieces? He has the means to legally declare martial law. Why didn’t he?

Proclaiming the Insurrection act and invoking Article Four of the constitution will go down more a lot more smoothly if he has some supreme court victories, and the supreme court goes on being ignored.

But, if the supremes cuck, he can still do it. Will he do it?

We shall see. But it would make life a whole lot easier if he had a few supreme court verdicts in his pocket when he proclaims the insurrection act.

He is unlikely to survive unless at some point he proclaims the insurrection act and invokes article four. If they win, they will arrest him. They will not at first intend to kill him, but the arrest will set in motion a chain of events that will eventually result in them needing to kill him and all of his family that they can get their hands on.

If, on the other hand, he proclaims the Insurrection act, and wins the ensuing civil war, they go to prison.

Anonymous 2 says:

Helicopter prison, one hopes.

Edit_XYZ says:

If Trump seriously suspects the supremes will cuck, he should invoke the insurrection act now, before the supremes have a chance to decide, and put them before the fait accompli.
A supremes decision against Trump will be a disaster for his legitimacy. Far better to make his move now, based on the vote fraud evidence.

The supremes can also chose to not decide before 14.12 or 20.01; the cases can easily be delayed. In this case also, trump must invoke the insurrection act at the latest in january.

Not Tom says:

Then by your own logic, he clearly expects the Supremes not to cuck.

Edit_XYZ says:

Either that, or he seriously miscalculates the situation, what the democrats are, and doesn’t consider declaring martial law an option.
I think the latter is unikely. If Trump were so naive, he would never have become president in the first place.

His greatest disadvantage, at present, is the fact that the DOJ/FBI/etc. doesn’t have his back. No arrests for vote fraud, not even official investigation, which means continued blatant disregard for the rules.
Trump will win exactly no state back if his enemies are allowed to continually break all the rules with impunity. Not until he is no longer chained by said rules, at least.

Pooch says:

He doesn’t have to win any state back. All he has to do is prevent Biden from getting to 270 and Trump would win. Right now Biden doesn’t have 270.

Edit_XYZ says:

Proving the vote counts are massively fraudulent is winning a state back.

Representatives from the Michigan legislature just visited Trump. They then said they’ll name electors in accordance with the vote. If the vote number is not proven wrong, they’ll chose democrat electors.

I don’t expect the other contested state legislatures have the spine to choose differently, or not to choose electors.
Maybe there will be an exception. I seriously doubt there will be more than one.

Diaz says:

What going happen if Supreme court does not agree with Trump? All news is saying he losing court cases.

jim says:

The news is Baghdad Bob levels of unreality.

But the authority to invoke the Insurrection Act rests with the president, not the court

Not Tom says:

More accurate to say that people who aren’t Trump or with the Trump administration or campaign, but are going to court more or less on behalf of Trump, are losing their cases in state kangaroo courts. Hardly surprising, knowing what we know about the judiciary.

SCOTUS is a different animal. Which is not to say I know he will win there; no one can truly know that. But I can say with confidence that the outcomes of all these rinky-dink cases will have no material impact on the SCOTUS case(s).

S.J., Esquire says:

“The secretary of state and governor’s behavior there is outright traitorous.”

Yeah, for the benefit of those of us (like myself) who are still on the short bus, let’s be clear that this doesn’t mean Georgia actually went blue. It means blatant rule-breaking by everyone, everywhere, is where things are at. The Georgia business will go down in the history texts as a footnote example of what was going on: in the prelude to civil war, Georgia leaders, for instance, simply decided and then announced the outcome of the election.

Edit_XYZ says:

If the democrats – and their Georgia puppets – get away with the fraud, they will do it again, as often as needed.
Georgia will never be red again, as long as elections will be held. Except for some GOP puppets the democrats may decide to name as leaders.

If Trump loses this power struggle, the remaining options for americans to resist the marxist takeover are far worse and far more uncertain.
Essentially, they must form a coherent large scale command structure when opposed by the presidential power – this time, with the full support of the deep state – three letter agencies, etc.
And they must do it fast, before the holiest marxist factions decide it’s time for some mass killing of the enemies of the state.

Mister Grumpus says:

I don’t know what’s real and what’s Fedsterpiece Theater anymore, but speaking of Georgia, here’s someone from there calling into the Rush Limbaugh (who has 10,000X as many followers Jim and BAP together) radio show:


A small sample set, but this is not someone overly concerned with “legitimacy” anymore. This is someone desperate for any alternative to going out like South Africa (slow grinding humiliation) or Turner Diaries (quick and painful).

And we’re only 3 weeks in now. Come January there will be a lot more fellows who will be more than happy to look the other way and lose their cell phones if and when Trump does some gray-zone stuff to hang onto power and punish his persecutors.

It will be particularly satisfying if he reserves 90% of his wrath for GOPe Republicans. The party grows stronger when it purges itself.

Edit_XYZ says:

Have you read about Biden/the left’s program?
Forced covid lockdown; forced buyback of arms; closing the oil industry; money for diversity commissars and climate change commissars; for the upper levels of the party, permission to sell whatever can be sold for bribes; etc
Trump is to be buried in criminal accusations for his ‘illegal acts which betrayed the Constitution’, for starters. Blacklists for his people, and criminal accusations, for starters.

And this is the left under severe self-control, with no murders, barely a few riots, barely a few death threats, etc. They are afraid Trump can call upon the army with martial law, and don’t want to give him excuses for doing just this.

But, after january 20, if Trump loses power, there will be no more restraint.
Soon, very soon, the program above will be the program of the moderates in the democratic party. So moderate, these leftists will be far right, literally Hitler.
The program of the main democratic party will be far more…ambitious.

The fundamental problem Trump has is that most of the population, of the army, of the cops and judges, of the GOP, etc. don’t realize this – normalcy bias. Perhaps Trump doesn’t fully realize it, either.

If the majority realize soon enough what’s coming after the left gains power, Trump will be Caesar. It would no longer matter what the fake vote counts say, that the DOJ/FBI/etc betrayed him, what the supremes decide, etc.
But that’s a big IF.

Pooch says:

Patience. Let Trump expose the fraud to the American people in its entirety. They’ve only made an opening statement. He has time. The final sentencing will be Trump proclaiming, “I hereby name all involved as enemy of state and are under immediate arrest.”

Mister Grumpus says:

Just wait. By January the casus belli may not even have anything to do with election fraud. By then it could be about preserving human rights, or preventing a Holocaust, or who knows what. By then, maybe we’ll have forgotten about the voting thing forever because we’re too scared of other stuff.

Mister Grumpus says:

Oh I’m totally with you. They’re going to unleash absolute hell. And then the absolute hell commissars will be overtaken and eaten by the even holier absolute super total hell commissars, etc.

This must be why Trump is staying home now, to let them get drunk on anticipated power and start showing off how cruel they’re going to be. He’s using them to bad cop themselves. If he came out front and said “watch out, these guys are going to do X, Y and Z” then they’d know to shut up and hold it for just a little longer. So instead, best to vacate the field and let them run out to out-plan and out-signal each other. That’s my guess.

That was his playbook for BLM. The question is, looking back, who was using the BLM Summer to practice against whom?

If you think Mount Rushmore was a powerful camera angle, just wait. This one is going to be some Lord of the Rings type shit.

pyrrhus says:

O/T NYT, Harvard says Covid-19 tests are so oversensitive that 90% of positives pose no risk to anyone….https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html
A crack in the Cabal?

European Mutt says:

They never kept this a real secret where I live, in fact if you research how PCR tests work it is obvious that you need to set a reasonable cycle threshold, not just for corona. Of course they don’t tell you this next to the ‘case numbers’.

Harvard does allow some heresies also on the topic of nutrition:



Mass testing with quick tests works, see Slovakia: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/slovakia/

They are doing better than any country doing lockdowns as measured by highly sensitive PCR tests. Because they are actually eliminating the contagious cases and hence the super-spreaders. This is also massively cheaper than lockdowns. Which is why Germany will never do it 😉

Gedeon says:

The FBI and CIA only have HRT and SAD, respectively, for competent trigger pullers and their power is truly limited to humint, psychological influence and wetops coercion.

The real MAGA flex is not to use the military, but to flex on the Pentagon and greater MIC by calling up a citizen militia. There is a historical precedent for the POTUS authorizing civilians to hunt enemies of the United States and one such precedent is none other than Abraham Lincoln.

I would be surprised if you all are familiar with the Sandcreek Massacre, but Mt. Evans in Colorado was named after the man who put the citizens to work against rebellious Indian tribes.


BC says:

Any signs the left is worried about the supreme court?

jim says:

I know they have a shill narrative prepared for expected loss in the supremes.

They plan to go right ahead continuing to ignore the supremes. Which would be a very propitious time to proclaim the insurrection act.

They have made plans that assume that they lose in the supremes, and then continue as normal.

But their current plan is to get enough states certified while stalling appeals to the supremes against certification. Might work. Both sides are trying to run out different clocks in different ways. The second worst case outcome is that Trump proclaims the insurrection act without a few supreme court cases in his pocket.

Worst case outcome is that he fails to proclaim the insurrection act, because the generals tell him he would die. And then he would likely be killed anyway, though initially he would only be arrested, and those arresting him would not, at first, intend to kill him and his family. But if he loses power, those arresting him would lose control of those to their left.

Best case outcome is he gets some good supreme court cases in his pocket, proclaims the insurrection act on the basis that the surpremes are being ignored, and the ensuing civil war is brief and relatively bloodless. (Apart from a bunch of generals being executed for mutiny)

BC says:

That make sense. I’ve seen them talk very little about the supreme court at all.

I wonder what those plans are. Typically they leak this sort of stuff all the time, but things are generally very quiet on that front.

Pooch says:

Yes they continue to say Trump has no legal basis to stand on and anyone saying otherwise is an insane conspiracy theorist.

jim says:

They are leaking. They are prepping for losing in the supremes. But their primary plan is to stall this by any means necessary – supposedly because it has no legal basis – so that this stuff does not reach the supremes.

Eli says:

Scott Adams believes that the conservative supreme court judges are put precisely to control the narrative, so that when Trump loses, Repubs will back down because “supreme court said so:” https://youtu.be/Zp4sI2gsgLQ?t=3702

onyomi says:

Who determines these regional assignments? The SCOTUS itself?

If so, I can imagine Scott’s theory is correct, though I feel like on some level the message sent would be even worse from the GOP perspective (though maybe normies won’t take it as badly as just liberal justices deciding against us): just goes to show you can have a Republican state legislature, you can elect a Republican president, and he can appoint Republican justices, but every time it really counts they decide against you anyway, so what’s the point?

Eli says:

Yes. Trump’s power, whatever he has remaining, does not rest with nominal Republicans. Neither does it rest with “conservatives.”

I have very little confidence that criers and “women hirers” like Kavanaugh will care more about truth and honor vs preserving — short-term — the Democracy facade/status quo. I don’t know about the rest of them, but I’m afraid that Scott raised a good point, even though it’s a rather depressing one.

BC says:

No need to black pill, there’s no evidence the SC is going to cuck on us.

BC says:

Scott Adams future predictions are not very good because of normalcy bias. He’s a good bellwether for determining what normies are thinking but he misses things like the FBI trying to overthrow the President until normalcy starts to publicly break down.

Pooch says:

Yeah he thinks Trump will run a news media company if he loses.

Not Tom says:

I keep telling people… Scott has admitted the game that he’s playing, he makes scattershot predictions and then points people to the ones that came out sort of correct.

If you enjoy him as entertainment, fine, but we shouldn’t take any of his analysis or predictions seriously. Dude’s a cartoonist.

notglowing says:

If the issue is he has normalcy bias then that doesn’t really make our chances in the Supreme Court look good.

BC says:

You’re assuming the Supreme Court is suffering from normalcy bias. I rather doubt it. They know that Biden will gut the court’s power by stacking the court. The evidence of the vote fraud is also very obvious and that’s likly what the court will will focus on.

To the SC they have a choice between letting the fraud ride and losing all their power to the Biden Presidency, or to claim even more power by making Trump President. I’d bet on the later outcome. People like power.

Now if they’re threatened hard enough they might cuck but I rather doubt it. Powerful people don’t get powerful by being cowardly.

The Cominator says:

“Conservatives” lack power traditionally because they are cowardly, I think Trump wins but it may come down to him calling people out into the streets and crossing the rubicon.

Mister Grumpus says:

Scott’s super smart and is great at finding new ways to look at things.

He’s also a face fag, and can’t just be honest like an anon can. So he needs to shape shift and stay slippery.

Has Scott even talked about normalcy bias before, his or anyone else’s? No I don’t think so, and not because he doesn’t know what it is.
Heck, even acknowledging normalcy bias — one’s own or other people’s — is practically a thoughtcrime now.

(As for Trump starting a TV channel and using it to humiliate the R’s and remoralize his loyalists, truth be told, that might actually be his best bet for staying alive if he can’t pull this off, to be honest.)

Kevin C. says:

> They are leaking. They are prepping for losing in the supremes.

Where are you seeing evidence of this?

pyrrhus says:

I’m now seeing reports that a 2d recount will be ordered in GA, after the Governor tried to play both sides, but said many votes were questionable…Anyone know anything about that?

Pooch says:

Yeah he seemed to say there should be an audit of signatures but then signed certification anyway. Unclear if the 2nd recount will check signatures. Lin Wood is also launching a lawsuit which he is confident reaches the 11th Circuit (Clarence Thomas) that the SOS unilaterally changed election law without approval of state legislature.

jim says:

Ideal outcome is that Clarence Thomas makes sure it gets punted to the full supremes.

Edit_XYZ says:

“Best case outcome is he gets some good supreme court cases in his pocket, proclaims the insurrection act on the basis that the surpremes are being ignored, and the ensuing civil war is brief and relatively bloodless. (Apart from a bunch of generals being executed for mutiny)”

There is no way Trump will get a supremes decision until december 14th. Which means the above scenario has almost no chance of succeeding.

At present, the best case scenario is that “Trump proclaims the insurrection act without a few supreme court cases in his pocket”, and and then the supremes ratify his actions.
This can lead to kinetic civil war, yes.
Well, the fundamental cause of the current situation is that Trump allowed himself to be massively outmaneuvered by the democrats/the three letter agencies with the election fraud. Normally, a political leader cannot make a comeback after such a massive failure; that Trump actually has a chance to recover, even with a civil war, is testament to the power of the presidency.

BC says:

There is no way Trump will get a supremes decision until december 14th. Which means the above scenario has almost no chance of succeeding.

I wouldn’t count Trump out yet. He always finds a way to surprise us.

Well, the fundamental cause of the current situation is that Trump allowed himself to be massively outmaneuvered by the democrats/the three letter agencies with the election fraud. Normally, a political leader cannot make a comeback after such a massive failure; that Trump actually has a chance to recover, even with a civil war, is testament to the power of the presidency.

I’m of the opinion Barr stabbed Trump in the back but I’d love to be proven wrong. Ruling without a state religion is very difficult.

Not Tom says:

And your evidence of any of the above is…?

Near as I can tell, you’ve just made a bunch of bald assertions, without even a hint of facts or logic to justify them. Worst kind of black pilling.

Edit_XYZ says:

No hint of facts and logic?
It’s known how easily a case can be delayed in reaching the supremes. FAR more than ~20 days

It’s obvious that Trump was disastrously outmaneuvered with the election fraud. Do you seriously still think his precarious actual position is part of some 4D chess sting operation?
The DOJ/FBI complicity with the democrats is obvious by now with the utter absense of any serious investigation of election fraud/any arrests in disputed states. This, despite massive evidence of election fraud – which Trump used lawyers to gather, because said agencies couldn’t be bothered to.
There are even very good arguments that the Frankfurt server was CIA:

Not Tom says:

Now you’re just repeating stupid stuff that was discussed and dropped weeks ago.

Supremes can move incredibly fast when they want to. It just depends on how important and urgent they consider the case, or how else they’re “motivated”.

You don’t know that Trump was outmaneuvered, that’s your opinion, not a fact and certainly not “obvious”. You are not allowed to attribute positions to us. If you want to state a position, state it as your own.

If Trump wants to dismantle or weaken the three-letter agencies, but needs to consolidate public and party support, then having them exposed as accomplices to election fraud is certainly a good way to go about it.

I don’t know if Trump will win in the end, as I keep saying, but this process sure has been phenomenally effective at smoking out the shills, entryists, grifters and traitors. Y’all keep pissing and moaning about his personnel problems, well he’s never had a better opportunity to clean house, and he’s already started doing it.

Edit_XYZ says:

You certainly have a far more optimistic nature than me.
Well, we won’t have to wait for long. In about 20 days we’ll see whether Trump really plays 4D chess sting operation or he is trying to recover from a devastating blow.

Edit_XYZ says:

Look here:

The Michigan Attorney General threatens the Republicans who oppose certification or even meet with President Donald Trump on the issue could be criminally investigated or charged?

Now the Michigan Attorney General is political police, threatening opponents with criminal charges for doing their job?
What more cause does one need for invoking the 14th amendment? The amendment exists in order to deal with this exact type of situation.

Pooch says:

Rudy’s PA case just got shot down by an Obama judge which is good because now he can appeal. He’s on track to reach the Supreme Court in time. Lin Wood is also confident he’ll get there too in Georgia and perhaps Sidney too. The Supremes know this is an emergency situation and should rule accordingly. No reason to panic yet.

European Mutt says:

If the Michigan AG attempts lawfare and wins, that is more grounds for the insurrection act, not just 14th amendment. Let’s hope Rudy gets to the SC soon and Trump gets the legitimacy to go through with it.

Not Tom says:

The Michigan Attorney General threatens the Republicans who oppose certification or even meet with President Donald Trump on the issue could be criminally investigated or charged?

Yes, and? Let her try to bring criminal charges. To me it sounds like an empty threat, wah wah wah you refused to certify. They already threatened their kids, this is actually a downgrade.

The threats are only credible if Democrats win. If the Republicans there aren’t caving, means they’re pretty confident in Trump.

jim says:

> Yes, and? Let her try to bring criminal charges. To me it sounds like an empty threat

Not empty at all.

Empty if Trump remains in power. If Trump loses, likely death in prison.

We cannot arrest people for attempting to murder Kyle on video, while they can arrest and imprison people for crimes invented out of thin air.

jim says:

> It’s obvious that Trump was disastrously outmaneuvered with the election fraud. Do you seriously still think his precarious actual position is part of some 4D chess sting operation?

He lawyered up well in advance, and some of the cases were obviously prepared well in advance of the actual crimes indicating he knew roughly what crimes would be committed.

The Cominator says:

To be a bit critical of Trump… he should have people set to physically storm the counting centers in Detroit, Milwaukee, Philidelphia, and Atlanta (ESPECIALLY Atlanta because Kemp would find it a bridge too far to have the GOP support dislodging counters).

I do believe in Broward county in 2000 when they were making up phony votes it was stopped by a bunch of Republican polo wearing types physically storming the vote center.

jim says:

Yes. It is time. And I am not seeing the events for which the time has come, which worries me.

Pooch says:

What events are you looking for? I see him getting ready to launch quit a bit of lawfare, likely with evidence seized by the US Army which quite possibly is CIA owned evidence implicating the entire deep state. Isn’t this what we want?

Edit_XYZ says:

Sidney Powell, the attorney, says she has enough evidence to turn Georgia in a week in the courts.
Perhaps Trump waits for this.

But the Pennsylvania case also had more than enough evidence to turn the state, and it was rejected. Now Rudy Giuliani says it’s all good, because they’ll reach the supremes.

Trump consistently shows normalcy bias in this situation – believing courts and recounts can rectify this.
As I’ve said, the biggest mistake he could make is playing by the old rules – which he does as of now. Worryingly.

He should invoke the insurrection act and roll the dice. If the army is not on his side now – which I think improbable – and he loses, he only shortened his life by a few days.

Nowadays, his twitter has commentary on some fake CNBC article nobody cares about. This is what he finds important now?

jim says:


Trump positioned four conservative supremes for the districts of the four states that matter. He had all this planned years in advance.

His plan is to get it to those district courts, then the full supremes, then whatever the supremes decide will be ignored. And then …

This is starting to look like it may unfold like Syria – when it looked like he had cucked, we were betrayed and defeated, then when the dust settled it turned out he had been playing 4D chess.

jim says:

> He should invoke the insurrection act and roll the dice. If the army is not on his side now – which I think improbable – and he loses, he only shortened his life by a few days.

Nah, he will live for quite a while even if he cucks out. Neither the Romanov family nor the Louis XVI family were executed immediately after they lost power. They were executed when the $%!# hit the fan, when they became too dangerous to live.

Edit_XYZ says:

It’s true, we’re not privy to his plans and intentions.

Trump may well have the lawfare, and the subseqent insurrection act declaration all planned out. This could be 4D chess brinkmanship, but if so, he is cutting it pretty close.

I am worried because time is running out – not much left until december 14th. After which date, his position will deteriorate significantly.
And so far, lawfare didn’t do anyting in courts. It did show to everyone rational that the election was fraudulent, with an abundance of evidence – which may become very important.
And I see that his opponents get to threaten his supporters with no retaliation. Credible threats.
And whatever plan he had for the election, it didn’t work out. There is no way he would have damaged his position to this extent just in order to smoke out some deep staters.

Not Tom says:

December 14 is 3 weeks away. A whole lot can happen in 3 weeks.

jim says:

> At present, the best case scenario is that “Trump proclaims the insurrection act without a few supreme court cases in his pocket”, and and then the supremes ratify his actions.

The supremes don’t get to ratify his actions. He just decides that the situation warrants his actions.The insurrection act makes the president dictator for the duration of the emergency, and the president gets to declare the emergency.

The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it-

so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

Loyalist cops, army, national guard, and or the unorganized militia.

“such measures as he sees fit”. Such as detaining people and questioning them, and then keeping them detained.

Maybe loyalist cops will suffice. I hope so. If he has to call out the militia, we are in for interesting times.

What little precedent there is for calling out the unorganized militia implies that the president summons a particular category of person to report to some other person or existing organization who is in his location to pursue some goal under supervision – the precedent is that the unorganized militia gets organized on the spot.

The Cominator says:

Teddy spaghetti is claiming he has secret information that puts us in far better position than the public picture… is he truthful, lying or believes he is truthful but is being a qtard.

Pooch says:

I think he’s a qtard but I still think we are in good shape. He’s right if you ignore the never ending demoralization campaign of the left there’s signs that good things are brewing on our side.

BC says:

The demoralization campaign is becoming more effective as they flood the nets with high quality shills with scripts. It’s also not helping that people have no idea what Trump is up to.

However, they’re now screaming about a coup rather than just Trump is getting weaker. That shows real fear on the left.

Pooch says:

Just heard a decent theory by Styx that the lawsuits by Sidney and Rudy exposing widespread massive fraud (causing mainstream media to freak out) are distraction for the Lawsuits attacking the unconstitutionally of mail ballots in general (Lin Wood has one in Georgia) which have a better chance of overturning multiple states. That would be a 4D chess move if true. Or Maybe all of the above has a good chance and something has to hit. We‘ll see.

Mister Grumpus says:

Trump knows the power of noise, bullshit and misdirection. Remember Stormy Daniels?

When I saw Powell I thought “Right. Lady lawyer. Some kind of bullshit.” But I had no idea what kind of bullshit, or whose. Still don’t.

But boomer-friendly lady lawyer Powell, and this Venezuelan Dominian thing, is definitely the shiny object of the moment. Scott Adams is (publicly) guessing that it’s enemy disinformation, their “truther” planted cause, making Trump’s “poster child” case something that’s either BS or just impossible to actually get jurisprudence on in a timely manner.

Or maybe that’s true and Trump is also using it as a shiny object to keep everyone off of his main ball, in the shadows, which is about either constitutionality at all, and/or civil rights (ejecting observers from counting, etc.)

Because really, this Dominion, how on earth can you do a court case about all that in any less than a year (which is surely why they corporate structured it the way they did)? But the constitutionality and civil rights angles are obvious and quick.

And this whole thing is going down in public perception anyway, not law. “Legitimacy”, remember? There are different factions and demographics on this game board, some matter more than others, and their felt standards for “legitimacy” are quite different.

Pooch says:

And yes the longer time goes without any hard Trump wins the more effective the demoralization.

jim says:

A hard Trump win is not getting an honest outcome through normal processes, because that is not going to happen.

It is discrediting the crooked outcome obtained through extraordinary processes, thereby justifying extraordinary remedies.

Edit_XYZ says:

I would say the massive vote fraud was already proven, redundantly.
The legacy media just willfully ignores the evidence. The courts also refused to acknowledge it, so far.

Mister Grumpus says:

The only “day in court” that Trump may ever get, or even want, is him and Rudy, in front of a rally crowd, tag-teaming through a jazzed up “PowerPoint presentation”, if you will.

Like that Inconvenient Truth movie, but outdoors, to a much bigger crowd, and with more music and dancing.

notglowing says:

>However, they’re now screaming about a coup
That’s what we want them to be saying. If they just dismiss Trump it means we are not winning.
I haven’t seen this yet though, but I have seen the narrative from MSM become ever so slightly more aggressive over time. It’s subtle, but in the beginning I was surprised that the MSM didn’t sound that hard on Trump at all and just said he was disputing election results, then things slowly tilted over the days.

Pooch says:

Here’s a tweet that seems to represent the left’s current talking point about the Supreme Court. Basically an unhinged rant that there is no possible way any of Trump’s cases could possibly get there…


European Mutt says:

This is the biggest whitepill so far for me. Narcissistic trigger symptom, this always means you did something very right.

notglowing says:

It should be noted that “SCOTUSBlog” might have a checkmark but isn’t in any way connected to the SC nevermind an official source as far as I can tell.

Pooch says:

Yes not an official source of anything but supposedly a non partisan SCOTUS news source with a fairly large following. Their demoralization rhetoric mirrors what I’ve been hearing from the MSM.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Quick mind hack: ‘non-partisan’ means ‘official power’.

European Mutt says:

… as do ‘independent media’ and ‘civil society’.

Edit_XYZ says:

I’ve read speculation that the script about Trump staging a coup is preparation for the left’s plan if the vote fraud doesn’t work.
Specifically, the script would go that they stopped the coup by assassinating trump – which assassination they will attempt.

This fits with the left’s mafia-like modus operandi. When they couldn’t win elections, they stole them.
If they can’t beat Trump and his followers, they’ll kill him, or try to. I think this is at least their plan if things get kinetic.

Not Tom says:

They’ve tried it a few times already, always failed.

Maybe this time they’ve got a better plan or someone on the inside. But I doubt it.

Edit_XYZ says:

A few times? Without making the news?

If Trump already survived a few attempts on his life, he knows what he’s dealing with, and what awaits were he to lose.

BC says:

Don Jr. has said several times that Trump’s entire family will be locked up if they lose. That’s about the most you can say in normie land. It’s pretty likly that Trump knows the score.

Not Tom says:

It did make the news each time, but they would portray it afterward as something else. Once or twice he was rushed on stage, another time someone tried to drive into his motorcade, etc. It’s the media, what do you expect? They didn’t just start lying this year, they’ve been lying for decades.

jim says:

Some qtard stuff may well be real, though only by accident. A stopped clock is right twice a day.

Not Tom says:

I know we can’t rely on the legacy media for authoritative information, but he’s started just linking to every rando making up random shit on their blog. There has to be some kind of baseline for reliable sources beyond “here’s someone you’ve never heard of and whom I’ve never talked about or linked to before who says he heard from his friend’s uncle’s urologist’s gardener that they got the German government’s permission to seize the servers”. I mean come on dude. Standards.

I really do hate to dunk on him at a time like this because he’s doing a lot of good. And I think it’s plausible that he does have at least some kind of inside track. But he references way too many people and blogs that make totally unsubstantiated claims and appear to have no direct connections, and that makes it harder for me to listen than if he just said “don’t worry, we’re fine”. Sometimes less is more; no references are better than absurd and untrustworthy references. This is what happens to everyone who gets involved in the Q melodrama, it addles their brains, which is why we say Q is enemy propaganda.

Theshadowedknight says:

This sort of thing is a bad joke. I see that and I roll my eyes so hard I risk whiplash from the inertia. However, if I had a super-secret inside line on some top-secret moves, I would be disguising it with so much obfuscation and absurdity it would make Alex Jones blush. Theodore Beale is only one part of Vox Day, as he has hinted in the past that he is not the only one to write on his blog. Whether or not that is misdirection is another question, but that is the nature of this sort of work. Whether or not Dominion is real, that is something he can sic his people on in his second term. He has to get there, though, and that almost certainly means force of arms coupled with a reasonable attempt to use the existing system to resolve the issue.

Not Tom says:

he has hinted in the past that he is not the only one to write on his blog

He has? I never saw that; do you remember the post or an approximate date?

It’s definitely possible that some of it is obfuscation and misdirection. I don’t know, though, seems like he just attracts the kind of readers who go in for that sort of thing and is throwing them red meat. At least I’m pretty sure he doesn’t take it seriously himself, because like Trump’s supposedly stupid decisions, it’s inconsistent with previously-demonstrated levels of intellect and personal judgment.

But that doesn’t make it any less cringe.

S.J., Esquire says:

Are you talking about Vox Day? Calling him “Teddy Spaghetti” is about the gayest thing imaginable, going in fact past gay towards verging on full tranny.

Vox can be a drama queen, but I’ll say this for him: in all the years I’ve been reading him, he is virtually always right, every time, even when I thought he sounded unhinged he turns out to be vindicated.

The Cominator says:

I fully approve of his stance towards blackpillers here but Vox has some laughable beliefs…

Believes in Q, believes in “gammas”, believes Jordan Peterson is somehow the worst guy in the media like beyond any Democrat shill… seems to endorse the expansive leftist definition of pedophile without naming the gay.

Hard to say he is right about everything based on that.

Pooch says:

He’s purple pilled on women and a bit too Alex Jonesy on the pedophile stuff but other than that he seems pretty good on everything else. He did not see the giant fraud coming like Jim did though.

ten says:

I tried reading his jordanetics but lost interest after a few minutes. Apparently he is certain Peterson made some sort of devil pact, knowingly, intentionally betraying the Lord for his own personal grift and narcissism.

And this in turn justifies VD’s own deceitful interpretation and retelling of every word of Petersons. For example, VD repeatedly states that Peterson has said he never ever read the old testament prior to preparing for his biblical series of youtube stage lectures, while the exact quote is available on film, where Peterson says his interpretation of some certain OT passage started coming into shape 20 years prior but didn’t click until while preparing for the series.

VD lies intentionally whenever he thinks it is justified, because he has been told by his magic scrying glass the person he lies about himself is a child of the father of lies. I can’t know when he lies, so i can’t trust him.

Pooch says:

Bizarre statement by Trump team distancing themselves from Sidney Powell? Not sure what to make of it.


Hesiod says:
Niiiidriveevof says:

Your immediate instinct with this stuff should be to distrust the media frame and assume questions are taken out of context. They will use any pretext to make it look like Trump is taking.

Not Tom says:

Wouldn’t exactly say it’s out of context. My first instinct was to check the campaign site to see if it was real, and it is: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/media/trump-campaign-statement-on-legal-team/

There’s no additional context there. But I agree that it’s not necessarily distancing, could be just responding to some media narrative (not sure which one).

BC says:

Everyone’s taking it as distancing. This isn’t good.

Pooch says:

Lin Wood is vouching for her (who also isn’t officially part of the Trump Campaign). I think we are ok.


The Cominator says:

Its wiser to base the case on the Giuliani old fashioned fraud because its easier to sell as fraud.

Especially the stuff about OVERVOTES, OVERVOTES are the best possible proof of vote fraud that you can have. Its much harder to prove the machines were skimming a % of votes, and its much harder still to prove that until you’ve established that fraud occurred at a large systemic scale.

So the 1st thing the Trump case should focus on is overvotes overvotes overvotes. Overvotes are 100% proof of fraud.

The 2nd is that even in areas where they did not quite overvote that Biden in these specific swing state areas and only in them he outperformed 2008 Obama, whereas he underperformed Hillary in most of the country.

Pooch says:

I think that’s essentially what their plan is. Giuliani’s case (who is the official lead attorney of the Trump campaign) is much more important in the short term for Trump to win the election.

Powell’s case is not necessary to win the election but it may be necessary if the Civil War goes all the way and we need Old Republic legality to jail what would essentially amount to the entire Democrat Party, the 3 letter agencies, a bunch of corrupt, traitorous Republicans, and even Soros. It’s essentially a criminal case and it’s no coincidence she’s launching it in Georgia.

Pooch says:

Ah ok. No reason to panic.

BC says:

Morale is flagging even over on the Donald.win
Shills are everywhere. Propaganda campaigns with mass shills and mass censorship tend to be effective given enough time.

Lockdown protests are going to be a bigger rallying cry shortly if they’re not already. Trump should harness this by declaring the lock downs illegal and use whatever loyal cops he has to arrest the people instituting them.

The Cominator says:

Remember in the end whatever happens with muh process Trump has the larger army.

jim says:

We are rapidly heading into a situation where the larger army matters more, and muh process matters considerably less.

The left is sawing off the branch on which it sits.

The Cominator says:


Bill Clinton (by far one of the smarter saner members of the Cathedral elite) seems to get this. I think luckily most of their increasingly retarded leadership doesn’t get this.

So the one thing I worry about, what happens if they take out Trump before he gives the order… I very much doubt Pence will do it.

Gedeon says:

[*deleted for insider politics when you are no insider*]

jim says:

This stuff was as bad as your stuff on rocket engines.

jim says:


Looks to me that more and more normies are awakening to the new reality, and less and less people are paying attention to the legacy media.

BC says:

People know the score, they just feel helpless about it, which is the point the demoralization campaign. Maybe I’m suffering from blinders since since I live in a blue state, but the lockdowns are a much bigger point of anger for people around here. Of course we’ve been living with rigged elections for a long time now.

jim says:

They are waiting for their commander in chief to give the command.

Will he?

The Cominator says:

Trump should definitely talk about what the left plans to do should he lose via killing the economy and all social life for the average person via lockdowns (but not for the leftist elite), and that the left plans to kill their dogs.

He should mention that the Great Reset will be a new Great Leap Forward.


Karl says:

And what would be the point of such talk?

People would still wait for Trump’s command. The need for Trump to give the order, won’t go away from talk.

The Cominator says:

So that the order to take over the state (and “helicopter” any Democrat holding office, and a good amount of Republicans who have failed us and committed treason) is met with applause and relief by normies.

Karl says:

My impression is that we are already at the stage where Trump’s order to take over the state will be met with applause and relief by most normies.

Anyway, those normies who would not welcome Trump’s order to take over the state, cannot be won over by anything Trump says.

The Cominator says:

Yes… I think he should just schedule rallies across the country in all state capitals at the same time and then read the insurrection act and announce he is taking over the government that Biden and Kamala Harris and all Democrats holding national or statewide offices are public enemies (and also any Republicans he should list) and are under a decree of outlawry. I think he should do this now… or at worst right after Thanksgiving.

Pooch says:

He’s waiting and timing the outpouring of support to be around December 14 or shortly before when certification happens. That is when we need the Trump support at a fever speech. That is the new Election Day now.

Pooch says:

Or at least until something reaches the Supremes.

European Mutt says:

The dog thing is not normie-compatible enough unfortunately. I told my wife (well, biblical wife, not crazy on gay-marrying her at the gov office) who normally trusts me on everything related to politics. She’s my weather vane on normies and she said she believes it might turn Soviet maybe but that they won’t kill our dog. She just couldn’t imagine it.

This might vary country by country but I do think many normies still have the ‘Elites are good but misguided and deceive us because they think it’s for our own good, Trump is good AND smart and honest’ frame. So Trump probably rather needs to show explicit, undeniable examples of evilness to get normies to accept that the other side is evil, full stop. Abductions by CPS (only those that can be framed politically, people are dumb they don’t understand Trump couldn’t just abolish that with a stroke of the pen), people beat up by Antifa, mobs looting and smashing stores, the threats to Rand Paul’s wife and kids etc.

Everyone knows what lockdowns are like, so no need to get overly descriptive. Trump has emphasized constantly that the Dems want lockdowns, he doesnt, and rightly so.

The Cominator says:

Every Trump supporter at least who I showed it too agreed with my interpretation that they planned to kill people’s dogs.

The Cominator says:

Are you in Europe or the US?

European Mutt says:

Europe. Were those open Trump supporters with MAGA hats who go to rallies or rather normie voters? Open and enthusiastic supporters are massively redpilled I know that, but normies too? If so, then this is great for the US! I rescind my criticism in that case.

The Cominator says:

Most Trump supporters who I know are open about it, how else would I meet them.

European Mutt says:

Fair enough.

European Mutt says:

Fair enough.

Obake158 says:

Kind of an odd point that most people are ignoring the media when they have succeeding in memefagging a fake second wave into existence and people are terrorized. More people than ever are tuning into the lying MSM and buying the narrative. We come to sites like this for a respite from the shilling. But forums like this and ZH and /pol/ also tend to be echo chambers and sounding boards for our own point of view. I have major Covid fatigue and to some extent Trump fatigue. I’m tired of fighting when 90% of the people I see on an everyday basis are demoralized and propagandized and believe in the MSM/Govt quackery. If Trump wants to win, for real, his team is only trickling out the info and it’s being ignored. He can end Covidiocy tomorrow by rescinding the emergency decree that all these Shitlib governor’s power grabs rest on. He can put this thing to the test with one strong press conference. But will he? I think Melania can’t wait to f’off from slumming in the White House, and get back to tanning in Mar a Lago with cocktails and shopping on Worth Avenue. The last thing she wants is another four years in that cesspool called DC. How much you want to bet that Trump feels the same?

Anonymous 2 says:

“I have major Covid fatigue and to some extent Trump fatigue. I’m tired of fighting when 90% of the people I see on an everyday basis are demoralized and propagandized”

Your problem is, the bullies won’t leave you alone even if you give up. If you see what I mean.

Not Tom says:

The last thing she wants is another four years in that cesspool called DC. How much you want to bet that Trump feels the same?

And yet, he fights, and she supports him. Do you learn anything from this?

You must live in a blue state, because virtually no one in red states is buying into the “second wave” nonsense and no one is “terrified”. If you choose to keep living in a blue state (or some urban shithole), then you have to find your own strength; no one on the internet can give it to you, it’s just not the right medium. If you don’t have that resolve of your own, move to a red state where you won’t be getting demoralized all the time.

Not Tom says:

Morale is flagging even over on the Donald.win

This happens literally every weekend, because not much of consequence happens on a weekend and people have a lot more spare time to bitch and complain. Haven’t you noticed the pattern already?

I guess not – seems very few of us are able to notice patterns while they are actually still happening around us.

Anyway, to me this says more about the mentality of the kind of people over there. Obviously morale will eventually sag if things look bad enough, but it’s not good when you need a constant stream of good news in order to stay positive. Even no news demoralizes them, which I think is why we have this cottage industry of Qtards and other fabricators who just flat-out make shit up.

This is why prole revolution is impossible. At some point it may look like they are ready to revolt, but that can change literally over a weekend. If the war is won, it will be won by men of courage and resolve, who do not flinch in the face of danger and do not lose hope even in the face of certain defeat. It’s still anything but certain, but even if it was, it’s our job to not flinch.

jim says:

Two years ago I said:

If Republicans must be punished, can they ever allow a mere election to return Democrats to power?

And if the Democrats do regain power, chances are that Republicans are going to be punished in a way that makes it impossible for them to ever return to power by democratic means.

In 2018, the stakes were too high for democracy to function.

Now the dysfunction has become more evident.

notglowing says:

Seems like Cenk is worried now
Have to preface that the owner of that twitter account is a furry and very likely homosexual.

The Cominator says:

I’d feel better if Chunk Yogurt wasn’t worried… his prediction track record isn’t very good.

Edit_XYZ says:

New rules for the runoff election in Georgia.
If Trump loses on december 14th and there’s no civil war, the senate and the supreme court will be gone by january.
Then the real interesting times start.

But I suspect both Trump and the democrats knows what’s coming for them if they lose.

Trump is obviously trying to gain legitimacy – reach the supremes in time. He obviously worries that, if he reads the insurrection act, the vote fraud evidence is not enough to ensure support from the GOP/the army/perhaps the presidential administration.

The democrats were and are brazen in their theft.
They have the FBI/CIA/three letter agencies.
They have the DOJ, too. Not investigating an attack on a senator these days; they’re in the open with their betrayal:
Well, perhaps Rand Paul and his GOP colleagues will learn from this what to expect if they abandon Trump.
But these are only enough to ensure their operatives are not inconvenienced while they are breaking laws. When things get kinetic, they can do little. So, why the confidence? What card do they have that they afford such openly criminal behavior?

The Cominator says:

It will take them a bit of time to get around to packing the court but obviously between massive fraud and despirited GOP voters (even if somehow fraud is suppressed for this) the Georgia Senate races will be lost and with them the Senate.

I am not worried though for the most part because in the end Trump has a larger army.

Javier says:

Last Wednesday the German government threw away their constitution in a Phantom Menace-style ’emergency powers’ act supposedly to deal with Covid.


They certainly intend the same thing here the way the left is talking about ‘executive ordering’ lockdowns and such. Fortunately I think that would spark the civil war anyway.

Neurotoxin is right. It’s either civil war with Trump + the courts, civil war without the courts, or civil war post-Trump.

The Cominator says:

What Merkel is the Fuhrer now… wow thats just pathetic. The Germans get a new Fuhrer and its an ugly old communist globalist woman.

Pooch says:

Not sure if we get a civil war without Trump because we will be leaderless.

Neurotoxin says:

“Not sure if we get a civil war without Trump because we will be leaderless.”

If, God forbid, Trump leaves the White House without calling up his warriors, then the left gets total control of the federal government. This is the hard left now, essentially 20th century Communists, so as soon as they have consolidated power they will do what they always do: start trying to genocide everyone they identify as an enemy.

When the left tries to kill them, at least some people – presumably most – will fight, thus civil war.

Pooch says:

War requires cooperation. Cooperation requires hierarchy. Hierarchy requires leadership.

Neurotoxin says:

You have some technical definition of the word “war” in mind. I am simply using it to mean two sides, each shooting at the other.

Pooch says:

If one side is cooperating and one side is not, that’s not a war, that’s a slaughter.

Neurotoxin says:

“If one side is cooperating and one side is not, that’s not a war, that’s a slaughter.”

1) Word games.
2) Blackpilling.

I’m exiting this, since I don’t want to get involved in a largely semantic debate.

jim says:


You lost the argument.

We don’t call the Holodomor war, but slaughter.

The Vendee we call war, but because those resisting conscripted the old martial aristocracy to lead them. We are short of an old martial aristocracy.

And most of France was also short of an old martial aristocracy. The Sun King sawed off the branch on which he sat.

Not Tom says:

I don’t think he’s playing word games here, I think you’re being a little spergy. He’s obviously not nitpicking over the definition of a war, he’s pointing out that the side shooting back is going to get slaughtered if it has no leaders and no organization.

Likewise, if you’re arguing that the anticommunist side would in fact have leaders and organization, you should explain why (or rather how) you think that is the case instead of arguing semantics. As far as I can tell, Trump is the only person resembling a leader on the right, and he has yet to show us that he’s got the stomach for a shooting war – which doesn’t mean that he hasn’t, just that we have to consider the possibility.

Javier says:

JFC, if goddamn Zimbabwe can find a warlord we sure as shit can.

If Trump is smart he’ll send his sons to the far corners of the empire. No better reactionary story than the triumphant prince restoring the throne.

European Mutt says:

The protests were fake and gay, I think their organizers were commissioned by German spooks. They all spread QTard narratives or weird theories like Germany actually being a corporation. Only thing that was real was the masses of people who joined the astroturf in Leipzig a few weeks ago, converting it into kinda, sorta a real thing:




Looks like cops ordered to stand down to me. A real right-wing protest they would have beat up.

The meme about the Enabling Act was spread by those same fake protest organizers. This law is bad (its main problem is actually that it allow arbitrary closures of factories, i.e. command economy), but it is a red herring, as is all legalism at this point. Like the German constitution was ever worth anything…

Merkel is going to do whatever she wants until she’s stopped, law or no law. She crossed the Rubicon by opening the borders in 2015. Trouble is, there is no real opposition anywhere in sight. Only controlled opposition crazies. I don’t live there any more but I’m fucking worried about my family at this point. This might actually end up as Pol Pot, exact situation that Jim describes here: https://reaction.la/killingfields.html.

Not Tom says:

I’ve given evidence dozens of times for the DoJ not being owned by “them”. Stop repeating the black-pilled lies. There are disloyal elements, as there are in every organization, but it’s obvious that a substantial part of it is either batting for Trump or simply doesn’t care who’s in charge.

Every day you come in here with a fresh batch of black pills. It’s fine to talk about bad news, but you need to do something about your emotional incontinence and constant catastrophization.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom, since the election, no faction from the DOJ seriously investigated the election fraud, arrested someone for it in the contested states, etc.
I didn’t even consider the news about the DOJ not investigating the attack on Rand Paul as much of a blackpill (given the effect it should have on the GOP senators). At this point, it is to be expected.

Ironically enough, I did read a blackpill today, and I didn’t put it in my post in order to avoid “catastrophization”.
Here it is. Read at your own peril: https://on.rt.com/avnk

The Cominator says:

I’ve NEVER been all that optimistic on the courts and certainly not the DOJ (almost all lawyers are both leftists and scum), I think in the end Republican legislatures probably will refuse to certify but if not Trump has the larger army.

The larger army is the most important thing in the end. Trump’s base doesn’t give a shit about cuckservative memes like rule of law, we just want to know that if we obey the order that there will be sufficient forces with us to ensure success.

Pooch says:

English-speaking Russian media are just shitlibs. No different than CNN.

jim says:

That is a massive blackpill.

Looks like Trump’s only prospect for him and his family surviving is to proclaim the Insurrection Act.

Pooch says:

I’m not sure this is credible. I am seeing different information about Rudy’s appeal…


Edit_XYZ says:

I think there are 2 different cases:

The one the Supreme Court didn’t put on the list concerns the PA Supreme Court modifying election law, despite the fact that only the PA legislature has this competency.

The one with the expedited review concerns Rudy Giuliani’s election fraud case in Pennsylvania.

The Cominator says:

I can’t find any confirmation of this. The Trump campaign lawsuit is supposed to go to the appeals court soon. It hasn’t gone to SCOTUS yet.

Pooch says:
Edit_XYZ says:

I think we stereotyped the Supreme Court justices – 3 to 4 progressives, 5 conservatives; so we’ll win. In retrospect, this is far too simplistic.
In fact, they’re all part of the ruling class – the corrupt so-called “elite” of a decaying civilization; the swamp.

I think the supremes – much like the rest of the “elites” – want DC to go back to business as usual, which means Trump must be gone.
They don’t want to lose their power, so after december 14th I assume they will take up Trump’s cases, and give decisions in accordance to the law, believing it will ensure fair elections, Georgia senators going GOP in january, and no court packing. But they will not apply their decisions retroactively, given that the electors have already chosen Biden.

This implies massive normalcy bias on the supremes part regarding what Biden’s handlers will do once in power.
If Trump loses, we’re sure to at least have a lot of shadenfreude moments.

I notice that Trump has not tweeted anything in almost a day.
Perhaps he realized the supremes are off the table, and is considering his chances of reading the insurrection act without their decisions.
We’ll see what happens next time the left threatens with criminal charges a republican for simply doing his job.

Pooch says:

Eh you’re still black pilling. Trump still has many lawfare cards to play before December 14th and the 3rd Circuit granting an expedited review is a good sign. You may eventually be right but December 14th might as well be an enternity right now. Things are happening fast.

The Cominator says:

The biggest blackpill is this transition shit. Trump should maintain the frame that Biden and Kamala will NEVER be allowed to be president.

Why is Trump tweeting anything that even might be interpreted as a concession… if he gives up hes a coward and deserves what he gets…

Pooch says:

Yeah I don’t like that. If she’s getting threatened where are the loyalist cops to protect her?

The Cominator says:

He should say maybe I allowed her to do it because her children were threatened or something but not to worry Biden will never be President and we aren’t giving him any information because he is a Chinese asset and national security risk.

Pooch says:

Yeah. It’s possible the fat bitch buckled under the pressure and he’s just doing damage control. I don’t know.

clovis says:

I can’t fathom why Trump would want to send the message that there is some possibility he would concede. Hopefully this is some chess I can’t understand.

The Cominator says:

Its not as if hes canceled his legal cases but the optics and the effect on morale is fucking horrible.

If this is a feigned retreat the thing with feigned retreats is morale needs to be high when they are done… and there are already morale problems and nothing will crack the morale of solid people more than the idea that Trump himself is cucking.

Pooch says:

I sure hope it’s a feigned retreat and they won’t be able to obstruct Trump in any way now that they have access.

I will say the left has no fucking clue that Insurrection Act is even on the table. They are completely oblivious of Trump’s ability to bring force, like the communists attacking Kyle were oblivious that their actions could result in 5.56 rounds lodged in their skulls.

Obama is on tv joking and laughing that the Navy Seals will escort Trump out of the WH with absolutely no understanding that Trump has 100% loyalty and chain of command of the US Special Forces.

Pooch says:

So perhaps that’s a good thing.

jim says:

There are mixed signs.

I predict that Trump will get nowhere through the courts, but he will get a bunch of court orders being ignored, which could provide ammo to proclaim the insurrection act.

Because of normalcy bias, the courts will issue some court orders, which will fail to take effect, for we are now rapidly moving past the courts having effect, but they still matter very much for legitimacy.

The Cominator says:

Never fealt so bad as I did before this transition shit… does he want to go down in history as a failure and a coward.

Pooch says:

Full letter….lays out threats to her family and even her pets…


Pooch says:

To her credit, she basically says he didn’t win, the true winner will be determined by the Constitution, and doesn’t even refer to him as President-elect.

The Cominator says:

I don’t care that she agreed, but Trump tweeted

“Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.”

This is the wrong frame, it sounds like he is semi conceding, it sounds cowardly. It also sounds like he is giving up if “legal” options are exhausted. His frame should always be that he may lose all legal options but his Ultima Ratio will not be legal…

neofugue says:

Calm down. Trump is not conceding the election, he is not sending a message that he might concede, he is holding back until the Supreme Court can make its case.

The Right does not have the ability to fight every battle like the Left because the Right cannot get away with violence, unlike the attackers of Rand Paul, Kyle Rittenhouse, and in this case, those who would have attacked Emily Murphy. Save your energy for the upcoming court case or court case obstruction, and then the proclamation of the Insurrection Act.

The Cominator says:

“Calm down. Trump is not conceding the election, he is not sending a message that he might concede, he is holding back until the Supreme Court can make its case.”

I don’t mind that he gave the girl permission to give the guy an office for his safety, I GREATLY mind the phrase

“Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, AND HAVE TOLD MY TEAM TO DO THE SAME.”

I’m not saying its a concession but damnit it looks bad.

neofugue says:

If Trump’s administration faces violence, he will look weak. If Trump fights desparate small skirmishes, the Praetorians may think his strategy of countering voter fraud is empty. Without a Supreme Court ruling, it will be difficult for army loyalists to justify disobeying generals in January. Giving money to Biden’s team will not affect the outcome of these next two months.

We must be patient as Trump has few friends in the swamp. The three-letter agencies are most likely planning on storming the White House in January. The rank and file may like Trump, but fighting the FBI requires proper legitimacy.

The Cominator says:

I’m not saying the plan should be to have anyone disobeying Biden’s orders by January 20th.

Trump should damn sure make sure Biden and Kamala have gone on to their infernal rewards before January 20th and so has Pelosi. This is coup 101. And then either force the House to make him Speaker OR make sure there is no speaker.

Not Tom says:

That doesn’t tell me anything at all. That’s a list of orders, not a docket, and the rest of the article is just hot air about cases from weeks ago or for which we already knew the outcome in advance (like the one before the Obama judge in PA).

I know nothing more at the moment about the SCOTUS position or likely outcome than I did 20 minutes ago.

Like I said, control your emotions.

Pooch says:

English-speaking RT is about as credible as CNN. BAP did a whole podcast about how Russian english-speaking media are just wannabe American shitlibs apparently.

Pooch says:

It is absolutely clear that Barr has very little control over the DOJ. Sidney Powell is working on the criminal case in lieu of the DOJ doing it.

The Cominator says:

Sidney Powell may or may not be a shiny object, she did a good job with Flynn no doubt but she seems to be a Qtard and Qtards are Qtards because they can’t always filter out harmful misinformation. Trump should have strongly in no uncertain terms denounced Q years ago.

The ballot dumps and overvotes, the stuff Rudy was describing are a much stronger simpler more concrete fraud case that normies can easily understand.

Pooch says:

She’s no Qtard. Don’t buy into the Cucker Carlson propaganda. Rudy is working on overturning the fraudulent election. Sidney is working on rolling up the deep state since Barr is powerless to do it.

Not Tom says:

Maybe. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

An insightful comment from Vox the other day:

I truly do not understand this apparent desire to constantly hare off after everyone and everything that happens to make what might possibly be a sympathetic noise.

I do understand it – but it is incredibly destructive and you have to fight the urge. Your goal is to maintain a consistent level of hope and optimism over time, don’t blow your entire load on one long shot and then have to spend two weeks recovering in a black-pilled funk. The emotional extremes are what keep burning people out.

I don’t really know anything about Sidney Powell, other than that she seems to have been working with the DoJ on getting the Flynn case dropped, and neither party has been able to cut through the judiciary itself. I also know that FBI and DoJ investigations can be open for months before any of us hear a peep about them; they only leak if someone wants them to leak.

Pooch says:

So the lockdowns are becoming more extreme now in PA, DC, etc. Stay at home orders being called. I wonder if they will use them as means to stall Trump’s court cases and obstruct his lawfare. That may be likely if he starts to get close to SCOTUS.

jim says:

We are not going to get a good look at the midnight printed ballots unless and until Trump proclaims the insurrection act.

Cloudswrest says:
clovis says:

Stuff like that makes me hopeful that Trump is well aware of the fact that he can’t concede.

Pooch says:

Follow up tweet by the god emperor:

What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history? We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & “Dominion”.


Don’t lose faith men. We will fight and win.

The Cominator says:

Good he did it but his frame should be that Biden will never be president.

Imhc says:

Look up “Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling” (preferably not by Google).

jim says:

It is not in the slightest bit puzzling. I and Trump predicted this well in advance.

The Cominator says:

I’m hearing mixed messages on this server thing but to the extent Trump anticipated this he seems like he was woefully unprepared.

Trump seems to trust a lot of people he shouldn’t.

jim says:

Trump does not have people.

He has some of the optimates, but the optimates, in so far as they deviate from 2020 progressivism, adhere to an older heresy of sixties progressivism. He is re-orienting to old type Christians (gun rights, God given rights) They are the people he is going to need for the civil war, but he is hesitant to go that way, because he surrounded by a community that things they are gap toothed trailer trash.

It is Caesar and Titus Labienus all over again. This always happens, the same causes producing the same effects.

The Cominator says:

Well Trump has Erik Prince.

Erik Prince thinks like US!

Erik Prince can give Trump loyal people who can do for him what people did for Hillary, but much quicker and more effectively.

The simplest and most risk free way Trump stays president is if the two alternatives and the house speaker take the plane ticket to Australia real soon…

BC says:

Tim Pool’s currently begging Trump to do anything within his power to stay in office. The GOP base is 100% convinced this election was stolen, and the left is just ramping up their arrests lists and retribution plans more and more everyday. We seem to be heading to a Rubicon moment with or without the Supreme Court to legitimize it.

Here’s a question, has any leader put in this position failed to cross? Failing to do so looks like suicide.

jim says:

Lots and lots of people failed to cross.

Pompey crossed, because the senate gave him a (clearly illegal) fig leaf of legitimacy, and then resigned the dictatorship after a short time, with catastrophic consequences.

Caesar would not have crossed, had the Senate been agreement capable.

[…] examples. – The Fall of the Republic –  Where We Are and Where We Are Going – The Republic Died at 20-11-04 His contention is that the forces of evil, of incivility have been let run loose and wild without […]

TBeholder says:

I doubt Trump believes “resuscitate the Old Republic” thing. In that if he thought it’s alive, could he expose its dead status as effectively as he did?
He clearly knows the difference between “is” and “ought”. It’s a figurehead position, but he knew it is, and used the way it could be used as it _is_, not as it _ought_ to be. Which is why he blatantly trolled them. And made them demonstratively obstruct him while he was in fact obstructing them (it’s the only thing he could do for real: delay).
So he made the entire Cathedral bark at non-existent trees until they missed everything else including breakfasts — while even slow people, on any continent, figured out that hey, this bunch are mad dogs.

Continuing with what he did? In the best case, he would have a successor doing the same the next term and give the real opposition more time to build up. In the worst case, he would adjust the board so that the “hot” stage of this civil war starts on more favorable terms.
I’m not sure he even had the plans for the next stage. But then, no one can know for sure.

[…] democracy in the US is still too strong to replace the current system with an Emperor. This despite some Trump supporters wanting him to declare himself the God-Emperor of the US and lead us on a great crusade to bring […]

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