
The Republic died at 2020-11-04T04-05

It is a new world now, new rules.

The Democrats have been committing electoral fraud for years, but now it is grand scale, out in the open, and for the highest stakes of all.

If they win, Trump and his family dies. If Trump wins, they go to jail.

If the state agencies of violence and propaganda install their puppets, Biden and Kamala in the White House, they will soon be killing each other. No Republicans will win any election anywhere, because mass fraud will now be legal, and those conducting it will be backed by the state agencies of violence, while Republican election observers will be deemed far right, beaten up and imprisoned.

Why does treason never prosper? Because if it prospers, none dare call it treason.

If Trump wins, he will win in the name of the Old Republic, and will say, and probably honestly believe, he is restoring the Old Republic, and will likely do his best to do so.

But the tide of history has him its grasp. If he wins, he will be Caesar Augustus (who also said, and likely believed, he was restoring the old republic). Seemingly normal elections will continue, and will continue for centuries as they continued after Caesar Augustus, but they will matter as much as they mattered under Caesar Augustus.

If Trump loses, he and his family are going to die like the Romanovs and Louis XIV. They will not be killed immediately, but will be arrested like the Romanovs and the French aristocracy, and when the winners start figuring out who is in charge, their continued existence will be deemed too dangerous. If they flee to somewhere outside the American Hegemony, they may be ignored, though they may be assassinated.

Notice that the French aristocracy deserted royalty en-masse to join the winners, but got executed anyway. When civil war broke out, the revolutionaries decided that the continued survival of anyone who had been connected to the old regime, even Lavoisier, was far too dangerous.

If Trump wins, he will find, as Caesar Augustus found, that what is necessary to rule in the new regime tends to conflict with what would be necessary to perform necromancy on the corpse of the dead republic, in whose name he governs.

If Trump loses, all traces of the old republic will be swiftly erased, as they were in Venezuela, as contaminated by racism and sexism.

A republic can only exist with a virtuous elite. Our elite now selects for dishonor, because they require point deer, make horse, 指鹿为马, of all applicants.

To restore the Republic for real, we will need an emperor who, like Charles the Second and King Alfred, selects for honor and virtue. It will take centuries. The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, but in 1832, Eton changed.

1,864 comments The Republic died at 2020-11-04T04-05

Cloudswrest says:
Hesiod says:
Not Tom says:

At this point I’m feeling disinclined to countersignal actual violence.

Officially, I agree 100% that we should all wait for the official command. Violence without state backing is not legitimate. I don’t recommend that anyone here take up arms yet.

Unofficially, with regard to these random acts that have nothing to do with us, I am going to start adopting the standard progressive frame:

“I don’t condone their actions, but I understand their frustration, and I think the only way for the nation to heal is to have a national conversation about election fraud and big-city political machines..”

Hesiod says:

Given those nefarious rightwingers who plotted to kidnap and assassinate Gov. Whitmer wound up being loser anarchists in reality, who knows what actually motivated this hapless pair. But the Narrative needs its optics. I found it amusing my local NPCNews affiliate ran this story before I could readily find any national attention on it and we are not in PA.

The Cominator says:

Tend to agree… voting optics for peace loving normies is now less important since voting now will never ever matter ever again and showing the other side that we fucking mean it is now more important.

This doesn’t mean we should support idiots going off half cocked and killing random old jewish women or something but if they go after anyone connected to the Democrats in any way… I don’t approve… but I understand.

Jatt Arya says:

Violence without religious backing is illegitimate, the state is just the religion now।।

Some armies have a state
Some armies have a religion 😉

Robert Nares says:

Apologies if this is against comment etiquette, but I was wondering what your response to the points in this article would be. I found some of the premises pretty unconvincing, but am not well versed enough in statistics to know what to make of this:


jim says:

The 4AM shift was anomalous – did not happen where Trump scrutineers were allowed. Only happened when they were illegally excluded in contravention of state election law.

Which is what is relevant.

If every Biden vote counted was real, it would still be handy for us that they acted illegally, and vital to the preservation of the Republic that they do not get away with it.

Yul Bornhold says:

Speaking of shill tests, leftists can’t even conceive of their institutions as anything other than objective and impartial. If you say the education system is little more than liberal indoctrination, they hear you say you want people illiterate and innumerate. If you say the media engineers rather than informs public opinion, they hear only yapping, as from a dog, and dismiss you as mad. If you say ballot counters should be observed by their right-wing rivals, they will insist the ballot counters are entirely disinterested and that you intend for the observers to meddle somehow.

At the same time, they eagerly encourage each other to push the newest nonsense into schools, speak of the media’s responsibility to foster correct attitudes and manipulate voting procedures; all with no apparent sense of contradiction.

Jatt Arya says:

The only solution is an entirely different approach/worldview – that nullifies any leftist claims to rationality/impartiality as submissive to the sword।।

“It was the Khanda (Sword) which was first thing created by Akal Purakh and out of this the whole universe was created, says Guru Gobind Singh ji in Vaar Sri Bhagautee ji ki

ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾਬਿਸਨਮਹੇਸਸਾਜਿਕੁਦਰਤੀਦਾਖੇਲੁਰਚਾਇਬਣਾਇਆ॥ (ਸ੍ਰੀ ਦਸਮਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ)
Khanda prithame saaj ke jin sabh saisaar upaea
Brahama, Bisan, Mahes saaj kudrati da khel rachae banaea”


Violence is the prime reality,
Violence is Shakti or Divine Feminine whose physical form is Weaponry.
Therefore, having sword with you, have Goddess with you।।



info says:

Why would violence be considered feminine?

Green Fields says:

> The 4AM shift was anomalous – did not happen where Trump scrutineers were allowed. Only happened when they were illegally excluded in contravention of state election law.

Jim, do you, or anyone else here, have a link that proves this claim? If this is true, its the closest thing to a killshot I’ve come across. So far, the most damning evidence I’ve seen has been the Biden votes failing the Benford test (https://twitter.com/statsguyphd/status/1324352213595181059) — maybe this is the same thing you’re referring to?

jim says:

I was just doing an all night watch on the election. That is what I saw.

Javier says:

Read Larry Correia’s blog https://monsterhunternation.com/2020/11/05/the-2020-election-fuckery-is-afoot/

You’re not going to get a clear manifesto laying out all the fraud like Sideshow Bob on the Simpsons. This isn’t Columbo or Murder She Wrote. What we have is evidence, and hopefully enough evidence to persuade judges to allow more evidence to be investigated and collected:

-Delaying a count for absurdly long
-Witnesses reporting extra ballots with no chain of custody
-Bizarre vote swings with no down ballot votes
-Trump getting 5% or less of votes, where he had 30% or more in 2016
-Vote dumps 100% for Biden with zero errors or even third-party votes
-More people voting than live in the district
-Dead people voting
-USPS being told to back-date ballots (willing to give sworn testimony!)
-Poll workers illegally expelled from observing
-Physically boarding up a polling location
-Removing ballots to personal residences for indeterminate lengths of time

All of these and more are provable with the ample evidence pulled out by amateur internet sleuths, to say nothing of real investigators. With this they should be able to interrogate poll workers and SOMEONE will start to sing. Either way the election is irrevocably tainted and should be thrown out based on precedent alone, but by then it will probably be time for the contingent election anyway.

yewotm8 says:

My smart leftie friends have claimed that this 4AM shift was because they were counting the entire night up until then but it only suddenly updated at 4AM because that’s when they hit the send button. They have convenient excuses for everything I’ve shown them. “The Republican scrutineers were there the entire time, prove they weren’t”.

Some people simply do not want to be convinced, and are not arguing in good faith. Green Fields, if the person you want to show it to is convinced that fraud could not have occurred, that people just really wanted to vote for Biden because orange man is bad and in fact even more bad and unpopular than in 2016, then you are wasting your time. There is no way to prove which ballots individually are real and which ones aren’t (though Infowars people are claiming there are watermarks), so it will be impossible to break the spell on them. And even then, many would still call a deer a horse.

Not Tom says:

Correct: the dumber leftists simply repeat media claims, while the smarter ones will always play games with the burden of proof. When they make an extraordinary claim that is incumbent on them to prove, they will demand that you disprove it. When you provide ample proof of one of yours, they will demand ever greater proof.

Sometimes, good-faith arguments legitimately go off in this direction because passions are inflamed. But with a leftist, it’s always simply a tactic to exhaust your patience and resolve, there is no actual standard of proof that they are ever willing to accept. If you caught it on video, they’d say the video was deceptively edited. If you had sworn statements admitting to the fraud, they’d say it was coerced testimony or that it doesn’t prove anyone else committed fraud. If those same sworn statements provided a list of everyone who was in on the conspiracy, they’d say you can’t trust the words of a traitor criminal.

It’s escalation for the sake of escalation, winning at any cost.

Pooch says:

Yes they say the exact same thing to me with counter arguments literally word for word of what you posted.

It’s a Predetermination of reality. They are so deeply indoctrinated to hate Orange Man Bad that they will predetermine reality to meet their indoctrination and subconsciously ignore all evidence to the contrary, regardless how strong. It really is a mind virus. It’s quite astonishing.

The Cominator says:

Thats why my solution to them is what it is…

Javier says:

His mistake is arguing that fraud wouldn’t occur because the fraudsters would have no guarantee of evading punishment–they have exactly such a guarantee. That is the way all of these elections are run, and have been run, since forever.

When the feds actually took the trouble to investigate claims of voter fraud in the 80’s (on behalf of a liberal candidate) they found fraud every single place they looked… on the liberal side! The candidate Aldai Stevenson III was naïve and did not realize how much his own party cheated. What’s more, the feds found the cheating was *institutionalized,* meaning the people there had all been trained to run elections that way, and their predecessors had all done so as well. As long as the game works and everyone keeps getting elected, the chance of getting caught is zero because the people in charge of catching you are in on it. In the rare instance someone gets caught, they take all the blame, get off with a slap on the wrist, and are paroled early.

Democrats believe if Trump is re elected they will go to jail, or be executed, or the world will end. If they defeat him, the world is saved and they will be absolved of any crime. In this environment there was essentially no way for them NOT to cheat.

Fred says:

Blue regime propaganda from Karlin? No really?

The “Trumpist DoJ” comment… uh…

Anonymous Fake says:

“Our elite now selects for dishonor, because they require point deer, make horse, of all applicants.”

My model works better. Competitions start out separating talent from mediocrity, but taken too far (ie imperial scale) start to separate cheaters from talent. Conservatives who can’t figure this out always demand higher standards whenever an institution starts to fail, and always find out that ever higher standards and ever more cheaters only ever makes things worse.

It’s not a leftist holiness spiral in that case. It’s a single party problem, and the simplest explanation. Conservatives that think a big bank is just like a giant lemonade stand, or that electing an imperial czar is just like a giant mayor of a small town, are hopelessly oblivious to the 2 part meritocracy model, that explains perfectly the rise and fall of civilizations. Leftists actually get it sometimes, and they grasp at equality as a substitute for ending a rigged competition simply because it’s the path of least resistance, and a drowning man will grasp at straws.

Monarchy avoids competition by putting a random guy in charge. A king is just a random guy born to be king. The closest America got to this was its golden age from the 1880’s to the 1960’s, when the civil service was king but it reflected the population well, before it became the deep state in the wake of the subdivision and television revolution of the mid 20th century. Civil rights overshadowed what actually happened, which was a return to oligarchy rather than the quasi-sortition civil service democracy of the golden age. And like the 1789-1861 era oligarchy, it’s going to end in violence because all competitions (monarchy and sortitions avoid this) escalate and fall into that meritocracy trap of rewarding cheating. It ends violently.

I hope conservatives abandon voting someday, ignore the politicians, and implement policy by getting jobs for the government. That’s how America worked at its best, when it was most democratic. Its problem is that it is trying to be like the 17th century early republic, when voting worked because small towns and Presbyterian churches don’t have much room for taking meritocracy too far. That was never going to last, and it should have been obvious even then based on how things were going back in England.

jim says:

Even though you are a shill, letting this through because it seems to engage the case you are arguing against, which is not standard shill behavior.

But are you engaging the case you are arguing? My case declares and implies that mass murder is imminent, as everyone murders everyone else for insufficient leftism.

Are you allowed to say, “No, we are not going to murder the Republicans, including Republicans who sell out to us because …”

Unless you are allowed to acknowledge the disturbing implications of the argument presented, not going to allow you to continue this conversation.

Your claim is falsified by the fact that we are not getting cheating grinds like the Chinese, we are getting doofuses who never bothered to attend classes like Obama.

Conservatives are not calling for higher standards, and have never been calling for higher standards. Our elite has been getting dumber and dumber since 1875. Standards are dropping, and conservatives have been complaining. Conservatives are always quite explicit that they are calling for yesterday’s standards.

Also grinds tend to be smart, while our elite is dumb and getting dumber. Did Obama’s pet gorilla get through Princeton by being a clever cheater?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for sliding back to your usual shill script, without quite acknowledging that my worldview implies seven kill stele will come to America unless a Stalin or a Sulla stops it.]

Not Tom says:

I’m not entirely sure what Shilly McShillerton is trying to say here – that it’s bad for meritocratic institutions to suppress cheating? I feel as though there must be a “not” or “doesn’t” missing somewhere. The whole thing is a rambling mess, none of the sentences and paragraphs are actually really connected with each other, there’s no coherent narrative being told, it’s just a bunch of random stuff.

I can tell you how corporations fail because I’ve lived through it multiple times. Smart people, with the best of intentions, decide that it’s a good idea to have documentation and standards. In small doses, this does in fact help productivity, especially when hiring new people. However, it also creates an opening for leftists (i.e. pathological cheaters), who prove themselves extremely effective at mindlessly and soullessly enforcing these standards and not particularly competent at much else. Over time they push for more and more rules, which kill the productivity of normal employees, while at the same time making them look like superheroes for tirelessly working to enforce all the new rules. In the final, terminal stage, they maneuver themselves into direct rule-making positions or positions of extreme influence (often forming coalitions with others of their ilk), and the rules become overtly politicized, i.e. what we all recognize as the SJW cancer.

As most of us are probably aware, it’s called entryism. It can happen very quickly and brazenly, as when the entryists come through HR or Legal and immediately start setting policy, but can also happen much more slowly and subtly, as when “programmers” start to push for Codes of Conduct or insist on Inclusive Language in the source code itself. Although there are some exceptions (usually M2F trannies), generally if you look at their contributions on e.g. GitHub, you’ll see that they make their appearance and initially establish their value by doing the boring and tedious tasks that the real programmers don’t want to do, such as documentation and replying to stupid feature requests. The form changes, but the substance is always the same; show an affinity for the low-value tasks that productive employees hate doing but occasionally need doing, and gradually use those as levers to assert greater and greater control over those same productive employees.

The weak spot, in both the private and public sectors, is bureaucracy. Middle managers first implement it ostensibly as a way to “get buy-in” and “enhance visibility” and other such platitudes, but in reality as a way to limit their own liability in case of failure. Leftists and other parasites are naturally adept at navigating bureaucracies and exploiting the near-universal incentive to expand the bureaucracy, since anyone on salary will continue to lower their personal risk without lowering their compensation. And putting things to a vote is an easy way to establish bureaucracy in any formerly non-bureaucratic process.

Conservatives don’t demand higher standards; no one demands higher standards. They demand more standards as well as lower standards, and the “they” in this case is the parasitic left. There is no problem that can’t be solved by adding a few more rules and policies and workflow steps, and since more process solves all problems, it should be fine to use dumber and/or more inefficient personnel, including blacks and women, because after all they are really just following a script. The left loves its scripts. Diversity and Inclusion starts with hiring minorities to follow a script and ends with hiring minorities to hire more minorities.

Monarchy is the political mirror-image of the owner-operator; supreme executive power with skin in the game. Democracy is analogous to a co-op (generally not very successful, but it does sort of function), and the deep state is analogous to modern bureaucracies where the CEOs appear to have no real power. These are the monolithic companies that everybody loves to hate – banks, cable companies, big-box retailers. They are all bureaucracies with an official chain of command that is rarely followed and an unofficial chain of command that is at best incompetent and at worst pure evil.

US gov is exactly like that: a bureaucracy in a very late stage of decline. Democratic/Republican style voting isn’t a good form of government because democracy is bureaucracy and democracy is communism; but to “implement policy by getting jobs for the government” hardly describes America at its best, rather it describes entryism in the American government – describes the moment of and reason for its ultimate decline. We do not want democracy and we do not want open entry into either the church or state; that is how you get entrenched leftism.

> I can tell you how corporations fail because I’ve lived through it multiple times.

Me too — not just corporations, but voluntary organizations too. Your extremely well-written narrative here is cathartic (because it’s *so great* to know that other people see the things I see and have been through) and depressing (for the same reason). Thanks for writing that up.

The Ducking Man says:

As someone who have lived through corporate with severe case of entryism. I found it very disturbing that the only way to move up hierarchy is backstabbing coworkers, stealing their work credits, and when things go bad you blame anyone lower than you.

And even more disturbing is the very complex bureaucracy that only someone with very leftist mind can understand.

info says:

An organizational engineering problem. Because leftists always take over bureaucracy.

I think AF was reading Alasdair MacIntyre. In Whose Justice? Which Rationality? MacIntyre took a look at interpreting Socrates and Plato in the framework of their own age, in a Homeric framework. And basically he said the idea was that every society needs to reward people who have merits useful to the public, and the way to do that is some sort of a fair competition with rules, but people will eventually learn to game the rules. And thus the solution is to sort of teach people to pursue not rewards, but the merits themselves.

This is a valid point – you can see this in corporate life. If you reward the support department for the number of calls they take, they will dismiss callers quickly without solving their problems. If you reward them by customer satisfaction surveys, they spend way too much time on sucking up to customers instead of solving their problem and then hanging up. Ultimately you have no other recourse than to hire people who actually want to do a good job – or at least their supervisor has. It is Goodhart’s Law: good measures, when turned into targets, become bad targets.

It is a valid point – just has nothing to do with this kind gigantic political problem we are facing. This problem is way, way worse than anything within that sort of ballpark.

hcm says:

Normal people in my life who have for years considered my opinions, mostly in line with yours, absolutely crazy. They are now contacting me asking for explanations, context, and predictions.

This blantent fraud is humiliating to those who believed in the official myths. If Trump doesn’t back down, he will never want for support and loyalty. He just has to survive the opening moves.

BaboonTycoon says:

If China or Russia wanted to strike the United States, the optimal time for doing so is swiftly approaching. If Kamala Harris is installed as commander in chief, then it will at that point be apparent that the US armed forces are a joke. Even if Trump wins, the elites will be busy causing so much internal chaos and withholding as much money as possible that he won’t be able to mount an effective resistance. Not to mention that it is doubtful anyone still wishes to legitimately fight for the Republic; only foreign mercenaries remain to guard the gates of Rome from the barbarians.

Rhovanost says:

It will be interesting to see if China launches a strike on Taiwan in December.

jim says:

If I was the Chinese, I would strike Taiwan early if Trump is elected, because he is likely to make the navy military again, and likely to yank Shaniqua off maintenance and replacement of high tech weapon systems, replacing her with real engineers, as he yanked NASA off Musk’s back, but if Biden is installed, would sit back and watch the shit show for a while.

It is obvious the Chinese military is being organized and equipped around an armed takeover of Taiwan and an airsea confrontation with the US, but their weapon systems are advancing while ours are regressing. No need to hurry unless ours start advancing again.

Starman says:

“and likely to yank Shaniqua off maintenance and replacement of high tech weapon systems, replacing her with real engineers, as he yanked NASA off Musk’s back”

The hilarious part about this is that the Cathedral hired Shaniqua to carry out the election fraud… with predictably incompetent results.

awildgoose says:

120% agreement with jim.

Taiwan is done within 1 month to 5 years.

Even if the US goes tac nuke there is little hope of keeping Taiwain’s electronic and semiconductor industry in the West.

jim says:

No private companies owned by American shareholders are still capable of making the silicon for modern computers.

Intel went social justice, and has ceased to be able to make semiconductors. Their stuff is outsourced to overseas now.

The remaining silicon foundries in the US that are capable of making advanced semiconductors are wholly owned by the Emir of Abu Dhabi, who is probably more resistant to social justice than most.

But they will go social justice too if Biden is elected. The dark age is at our doors. If NASA gets on Musk’s back again, he is not going anywhere.

Kevin C. says:

“because he is likely to make the navy military again”

In that vein, have you seen this from the SECNAV last week (Wed. 4), ordering enforcement of Trump’s CRT ban:


jim says:

f. Diversity and Inclusion training for military personnel shall not
resume until certified by ASN (M&RA), PTDO UNSECNAV.


HoHum says:

[*deleted, Government shills out black pilling in force, not going to respond to them individually, waste of space, deleting most of them silently*]

Not Tom says:

We sure are getting a flood of shills these past few days, aren’t we?

If you’re taking flak…

Cloudswrest says:

As noted, the fraud was beyond plausible deniability, but here’s another statistical datapoint someone forwarded to me. I’m not familiar with this person, but Wikipedia claims she is a “climate change denialist”. Sounds good to me.


Not Tom says:

A couple of days old by now and IMO the weakest of all available evidence. Red Elephants did right by putting it way below the fold. The average person won’t even understand it, let alone care, and in accounting this isn’t actually considered evidence of fraud, just a red flag that would trigger a closer investigation.

Sure, let’s put every bit of evidence we have out there – but we should also put our best foot forward. It’s bad tactics to follow a very strong argument with a very weak one.

awildgoose says:

Benfords Law isn’t going to do it. Too much math, too opaque.

Most normies slept through all their HS math classes for a C+.

Heck, Benfords Law is complex enough it will put a fair number of STEM college grads to sleep.

Smoking guns absolutely must follow the KISS principle.

It needs to happen soon, because the MSM will paint Trump as a sore loser.

American normies absolutely hate, hate, hate sore losers.

The Cominator says:

Calm down American normies know this was fraudulent. You’re not going to meet anyone who wasn’t a huge partisan Democrat or TDS who claims otherwise. And I’ve even gotten some Trump haters and dems to back down and admit it looks fishy as hell they just ultimately say well it does look fishy but you have no proof.

Omar is another Trump card put forth the best argument, that Biden in all but a very few swing state notoriously corrupt shithole cities underperformed Hillary (Arizona might be the exception) including among black and minority voters but in these few areas he picked up more support than Obama due to ballot dumps in the middle of the night which contained ballots 80% or in some cases 100% for Biden.

Then remember Biden in a senior moment actually said this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGRnhBmHYN0

Mister Grumpus says:

They’ll “believe” it’s fraudulent when their brainstems smells what’s coming for them if it goes through, and when there’s a strong-looking protector saying it loudly in front of them.

The “election” was earlier this week and the “winners” are more angry and bloodthirsty than ever. (That “love and tolerance” I keep hearing about.)

“Law and order” really means “holy shit someone please save me from these people.”

Pooch says:

Just had a normie say “but they aren’t done counting yet” and tried to write that Hillary meme.

Pooch says:

write off

The Cominator says:

Dem supporters aren’t normies, normies are the types who say fuck politics whenever its brought up or say they wont’ vote for either side cause fuck em all.

Normies who take even a casual look all go yeah looks like fraud.

awildgoose says:

You are completely overestimate normietards.

jim says:

Some of my friends are normietards.

The difference, I suspect, is that I am in a safe area.

Michele says:

I’ll say that, with your one or two posts before this, I thought you were exaggerating, and unable to cope with the results.
Then I found some information on the question on sites I can’t doubt, by “insider” people — and now I have to say, it’s beyond what I could have expected.

I could have expected shenanigans, but not the mad shenanigans that have happened. And what this post of yours says is, sadly, correct.

Whitepill Aficionado says:

Welcome to Trump World.

We are living in Trump World now. Win, lose, or draw, all that exists exists relative to the Orange One.

The street protests must grow. Trump must start hosting mass rallies again. He needs to speak to the people at every opportunity about what the hell is going on.

The Orange One lives inside their heads. He is a meme that will never die. Lock him up, exile him, martyr him – he will live for 1000 years in the minds of friend and foe.

That’s why we can’t lose! We live in their brains!

Anonymous 2 says:

Spontaneous street protests are probably a good idea.

Rhovanost says:

While it’s way to be early to think about optimistic scenarios, what’s stopping the ‘Trump-as-Cincinnatus-scenario’, wherein he conducts mass investigations and arrests for Voter Fraud and Antifa organizers (all of the Republic’s deep state and academic enemies probably fall in one of those two circles) and then steps down at the end of his term for a MAGA-successor run for office in his place?

On to more immediate thoughts,

I’ve said in the past that Trump’s trigger pullers will only rally around him if they legitimately believe Biden stole the election.

I take it as a given that the media will portray election-skeptics/ transparency supporters as “conspiracy theorists”. If Trump is in it to win it, his court cases will float to the Supreme Court, where he will receive a favorable ruling. This is when the battle of dueling arrest warrants will begin.

Some normies (a significant minority at most), are already raising their eyebrows over the results. The outcome of the power struggle hinges on four questions:

1) What is the minimum level of evidence necessary to move that 35-40% of normies from “raised eyebrows” to “marching in the streets”?

2) What are the odds that Trump’s lawyers uncover and disseminate this minimum level of evidence between now the SC battle?

(Perhaps not really a question. Based on the number of weird number patterns and stories, the odds are good).

3) What are the odds that Trump quietly folds between now and the SC ruling?

(Once the SC gives their ruling, Trump is over the Rubicon. To survive, he needs the backing of military grunts, police officers, and normies. To get their backing, he needs findings that wake people out of their stupor. For now, he is betting his life on uncovering and explaining/selling these findings. Team Biden is likely sending back-channel messages to Trump, offering immunity and face-saving way out if he gracefully concedes [much as Trump did for Hilary]. Team Biden most likely genuinely believes they can make good on these promises.)

4) If Trump does not fold, what are the odds that Team Biden panics and kicks things off before the SC gives their ruling?

5) What are the odds of the SC stabbing Trump in the back?

Rhovanost says:

While it’s way to be early to think about optimistic scenarios, what’s stopping the ‘Trump-as-Cincinnatus-scenario’, wherein he conducts mass investigations and arrests for Voter Fraud and Antifa organizers (all of the Republic’s deep state and academic enemies probably fall in one of those two circles) and then steps down at the end of his term for a MAGA-successor run for office in his place?

On to more immediate thoughts, I’ve said in the past that Trump’s trigger pullers will only rally around him if they legitimately believe Biden stole the election. I take it as a given that the media will portray election-skeptics/ transparency supporters as “conspiracy theorists”. If Trump is in it to win it, his court cases will float to the Supreme Court, where he will receive a favorable ruling. This is when the battle of dueling arrest warrants will begin.

Some normies (a significant minority at most), are already raising their eyebrows over the results. The outcome of the power struggle hinges on four questions:

1) What is the minimum level of evidence necessary to move that 35-40% of normies from “raised eyebrows” to “marching in the streets”?

2) What are the odds that Trump’s lawyers uncover and disseminate this minimum level of evidence between now the SC battle? (Perhaps not really a question. Based on the number of weird number patterns and stories, the odds are good).

3) What are the odds that Trump quietly folds between now and the SC ruling?

(Once the SC gives their ruling, Trump has crossed *Women Question* [Italian geography references seem to trigger moderation bots]. To survive, he needs the backing of military grunts, police officers, and normies. To get their backing, he needs findings that wake people out of their stupor. For now, he is betting his life on uncovering and explaining/selling these findings. Team Biden is likely sending back-channel messages to Trump, offering immunity and face-saving way out if he gracefully concedes [much as Trump did for Hilary]. Team Biden most likely genuinely believes they can make good on these promises.)

4) If Trump does not fold, what are the odds that Team Biden panics and kicks things off before the SC gives their ruling? 5) What are the odds of the SC stabbing Trump in the back?

awildgoose says:

To #3, Trump needs a smoking gun, and fast. Normies are not deep thinkers, so they need to be hit with clear, simple to understand evidence. I’m not sure this exists.

For #5, I would not rely on the SC. We already know Roberts is a compromised squish.

ACB will squish on “muh principles” and “muh babiez”.

I guarantee that she doesn’t feel she owes Trump anything for successfully nominating her to the SC.

Not Tom says:

Enough with the “smoking gun” shit already, it’s been addressed more than five times by now.

Rhovanost says:

Election chicanery is beyond question, but it’s worth discussing how we make our case to normies.

Not Tom says:

The Red Elephants link posted in the other thread did a very good job of it, I felt: https://theredelephants.com/there-is-undeniable-mathematical-evidence-the-election-is-being-stolen/

They don’t quite sum up the Biden vs. Hillary/Obama in the same way Cis Scum did in the previous thread, but aside from that it’s the single best and most readable summary I’ve seen so far. They even put together a bunch of graphs to make the harder mathy stuff more digestible to the innumerate. It’s pretty easy to see a step function, or see a curve that doesn’t fit properly.

In casual day-to-day conversation, as opposed to online exchanges, I think the most compelling point is “Biden did worse than Hillary in every single county except the 4 or 5 that stopped counting for several hours, kicked out Republican poll watchers, restarted counting in the middle of the night, and miraculously and single-handedly flipped the state, and in those counties he pulled way more votes than Obama the Savior did.”

Anyone who tells you that isn’t a smoking gun, deserves to see the business end of a smoking gun. (Not saying that you should give it to them, just expressing my opinion of their value to society.)

jim says:

Meme this:

> “Biden did worse than Hillary in every single county except the 4 or 5 that stopped counting for several hours, kicked out Republican poll watchers, restarted counting in the middle of the night, and miraculously and single-handedly flipped the state, and in those counties he pulled way more votes than Obama the Savior did.”

What is the exact time that they restarted counting?

As I recall they announced the counters were tired and needed some sleep, and that is why they stopped the counting. And then at four in the morning, we were suddenly informed of a whole lot of counting.

Pooch says:

They stopped at 10:30 pm. The presumption is a few stayed back to count through the night after the observers left.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

In at least one of the 4 cities that was exactly what was reported by R observers late on the night of the election. They were kicked out of the building but the vote counters stayed inside and kept working unobserved.

The Democrats will try to exclude accounts of the fraud as “hearsay”. Not verified! So the dead people voting becomes more important as it is shown in the state’s own documents.

pyrrhus says:

Meanwhile, the “glitchy” software that switched Trump votes to Biden in 47 counties in MI may have been used in several swing states and most Dem ruled big cities….No good link for this yet, but could be the grandmother of all messes…

The Ducking Man says:

I’ve tried talking about it to some normies. It simply doesn’t work.

All normies I found bought the idea “these late votes are mail-in ballots who simply comply with COVID measures and expectedly favors Bidden”.

It’s not simple enough smoking gun for normies, we need wikileaks level of smoking gun.

jim says:

You seem to talking to some not very normie normies.

The Ducking Man says:

In my defense, those normies I met are productive member of society, don’t have social study degree, and never attended SJW rally.

jim says:

I am guessing that you spoke to them in an unsafe environment to wear a Maga hat, therefore an unsafe environment to notice election fraud.

Mike says:

Does this tweet summarize the sort of reaction you’re getting @Ducking Man?

Not Tom says:

Does this tweet summarize the sort of reaction you’re getting @Ducking Man?

The obvious reply to this foolishness is: “Then why did they stop counting, kick out the Republican poll watchers, and start counting again hours later? You’d think they’d have been thrilled to open all those ballots in front of the Republicans.”

Pooch says:

Yeah only the diehard Dems say that.

awildgoose says:

Yeah, normies will scroll through and scrutinize 10 or 20 pages.

Talk about someone who doesn’t get it.

yewotm8 says:

With the degree of fraud, it is not even necessary to prove he won the legitimate ballots. He obviously did, else why would there be fraud, but the fraud in itself is enough to make people hate Democrats and back Trump for trying to purge corruption.

Anonymous 2 says:

Team Biden is likely sending back-channel messages to Trump, offering immunity and face-saving way out if he gracefully concedes [much as Trump did for Hilary]. Team Biden most likely genuinely believes they can make good on these promises.

Team Biden is quite unlikely to be agreement-capable, so such promises will, in a short while, be dust in the wind.

awildgoose says:
The Ducking Man says:

Now this is some grade-A leftist death threat.

jim says:

The stakes are rising as we watch. The supremes are rapidly going to become irrelevant.

Atavistic Morality says:

That tweet has to spread to every Trump supporter for maximum strategic morale, they need to understand that they either win or they die, thus they’ll do their very best to win and refuse to concede anything.

awildgoose says:

Brother, believe me, I have been trying to spread the word as much as I can.

Mister Grumpus says:


March 2020 was a foreign country to January 2020.

Then July 2020 was a foreign country to April 2020.

So January 2021 will be a foreign country to November 2020, which is right now.

“You are here.”

awildgoose says:

Based AF.

Mister Grumpus says:

If the Supremes start looking irrelevant to people, then so, I presume, will “law” itself, and therefore next the assumption that one is in any way inherently protected from “illegal” things happening to him. Because those laws were “from before”. (Year Zero, bitchez.)

The BLM-Antifa lynching and crossburning videos have already shown us what that looks like IRL.

In which case, by that time, what will the midwest cuckservative state legislatures think they should do? What feels right then? What’s the best bet for keeping their grandkids alive in that timeline?

Grandparents interest me. They’re frail and vulnerable, sure, but they’ve also already reproduced, and can’t reproduce anymore. All of their players are already on the field, in a life and death game they won’t see the end of. That’s a whole different headspace for decision making.

Pooch says:

They are starting with the he is weak, weak, weaker, weaker disinfo campaign now.


Javier says:

Lol the replies are solid wall of bots.

European Mutt says:

Left-wing and state-run (also TV license etc. which is really state-run) media here going crazy with the color revolution narrative as well. Also they allege he is lying, lying, lying, curiously never able to tell what he is supposed to be lying about.

They are way overdoing it and pushing the normies to our side. I’ll let them dig their own grave.

The Cominator says:

The cathedral is already reeing about the fraud being overturned in the state legislatures.


Pooch says:

Can’t get into it. Does he threaten violence on the senators/electors?

Javier says:

Delete the google AMP link

The Cominator says:

I can’t delete or edit anything here but I copied this while phonepoasting so the google shit showed up for some reason.

jim says:

Fixed it.

Adjudicator says:

At least there are some media videos that are well thought out that are expressing serious suspicion on the vote results of the key swing states:

I will leave these there for reference. Hope they will help convince the fence-sitters:

Sky News Australia – Alan Jones: ‘There is ‘something odd about postal votes which magically materialised’ for Biden’


Sky News Australia – Prue MacSween: “Americans will ‘never have faith in’ Joe Biden as president”


Newsmax TV – Greg Kelly: Fake reporters, stop doing what you’re doing | Greg Kelly


The Ducking Man says:

It won’t impact normies in any way shape or form.

When media propaganda already starts 24 hours 7 days a week, those suspicion will be gone in a week.

jim says:

It has already impacted normies.

We have the normies now, or at least enough of them.

I was talking to a diehard Trump deranged normie, and he essentially said “Oh, of course the Democrats committed massive fraud, but it does not matter because Orange Man Bad.”

awildgoose says:

Your last paragraph proves we don’t have normies.

Oh, they recognize fraud but ORANGE MAN BAD.

May as well hit those normies in the head with an aluminum baseball bat.

jim says:

Well, if ORANGE MAN BAD, not exactly normies. If most normies thought ORANGE MAN BAD, the election would have been a blue wave.

Javier says:

When I was younger and disliked the president but the challenger was also a tool, I just didn’t vote.

Usually when I provoke political arguments online I get lively responses. Lately I get nothing. Democrats are EMBARRESSED to support Biden he is cheating so blatantly. They’re all finding something else to talk about.

I think it’s partly why the left seems so paralyzed. Clearly they have no real leader, were expecting Trump to fold by now, and are flailing around without a plan.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Everyone i’ve spoken too while out and about has spoken of how they smell a rat; what they don’t know is the details of how it is happening.

The main thing is they just don’t know where to find such info; and they’re not going to hear anything bout it from the news networks, obviously.

It would be very valuable if all the anecdotes, incongruities, and historical comparisons pertaining to the situation where collected together, so it can become much easier to project a clear picture, intensify the memeing of the message.

Articles like Michael Anton’s on the amthink site are a good example of this, pointing out classic machine politics tricks like, having city districts under dem control report last, so after Real Americans downstate have reported their votes, you know how many to stuff. Something which is paralleled by election boards in blue states setting up rules like having mail-in ballots counted last after walk-in votes, pushing back deadlines by days or weeks, and so on.

The canonical /pol/ method is to conjure a memorable hashtag as a touchstone for distributed actors, fire up a bunch disposable social media accounts, and start signal boosting.

[…] Source: Jim […]

Whitney says:

Weirdly, that is the most hopeful take I have seen on this whole situation. You’re right. Trump have to fight or he’s dead and so is his whole family. We all know he’s a fighter so there it is, he’s the champion we need at the right time. Wow. Doesn’t mean he’s going to win but Providence is an amazing thing

Atavistic Morality says:

It’s not only Trump and his family, you and your family are also going to get persecuted and killed:


Lock and load brother, you ARE going to win, or you are going to die.

The Ducking Man says:


This one is also interesting.

Guess more than 50% of american will be fucked over if Trump actually lost.

Not Tom says:

Why do you use past tense? “Lost”

Trump won the actual election, what he is now trying to win is the vote counting, and that is still in progress. If he loses the vote counting, that does not mean he retroactively lost the election, it means it was stolen.

Karl says:

What do you mean with “republic”?

A republic is usually understood to be a country without a monarch, but you write that an emperor is needed to restore the republic. As I understand it, an emperor is a monarch. What do mean with “emperor”?

I get it that you do not use the terms in the European sense where Spain is considered a monarchy (and thus no republic). Did Germany have an “Emperor” from 800 until 1918?

Vlad says:

An emperor must restore the ostensible republic. The actual republic is dead. As time goes on, even the appearance of a republic will wither out.

Not Tom says:

The technical term would be a principate, but no one ever calls it a principate while it’s a principate, only historians to do that. As far as everyone knows (often including the emperor himself), the Republic is being restored, but in reality society transitions to a monarchy.

The Cominator says:


The fraud is so bad even some Trump haters are jumping ship and calling this out. Biden apparently looked worse than normal and didn’t declare victory and the Republican establishment sensing their extinction if they don’t follow Trump even across the Rubicon if necessary (Romney of course being his usual faggot self being almost the sole exception) are rallying to the Imperial banner.

We’ve got this one way or another… there is no uniparty deal with Biden and they’ve lost the vast majority of the normies and even some dems who are starting to admit fraud.

We’ve got this.

Mister Grumpus says:

Don’t self-doxx please, but what makes you so sure? Can you elaborate a little?

Not Tom says:

Tariq Nasheed is an iSteve content generator, rabidly anti-Trump and anti-white to the point of self-parody. If he’s not convinced, then the election officials have some ‘splaining to do.

Mister Grumpus says:

“Hold up. I’m here for worship, gibs and pussy. This ain’t worship, gibs or pussy. You want me to… what?”

Theshadowedknight says:

You want to see something interesting? Go on Google Trends and search “election fraud punishment.” Quick, before they scrub it. Pretty fascinating and telling result.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:
The Cominator says:

Why does the moderation filter target certain references to Italian geography in Ancient Antiquity.

jim says:

My error.

I carelessly gave the filter an excessively indiscriminate line that is apt match all manner of unintended things.

Should be fixed now. See if you can name that river.

The Cominator says:


With even some Democrats and TDS sufferers admitting the fraud there is no way Biden can win this unless Trump surrenders as Trump can now use force if he has to. It has also discredited any remaining shed of credibility of the Cathedral media.

Trump can now cross the Rubicon… he doesn’t want to if he can avoid it but he can.

soso says:

Is Putin really stepping down due to Parkinson’s?

European Mutt says:

Doubt it. Given the timing, sounds like enemy propaganda.

The Cominator says:

Russia is denying this.

I don’t think Putin would want to step down now with the prospect of an insane President Kameltoe (it won’t happen) who would no doubt wish to resume the war with Russia policy.

Otoh Russian MPs are passing a law giving him lifetime immunity to prosecution after hes out of office.

Its quite possible Putin wanted to retire and was planning to but that recent events have caused him to delay.

European Mutt says:

My bet is he will retire in 2024.

I am sure he has had a successor lined up for years, and he can keep quiet who that is, so why shouldn’t he be able to keep quiet a plan to step down?

Strannik says:

No. Putin is 68 years old and in good health, and is quite capable of leading the country for a while longer. He no doubt though made provision for a successor (maybe Medvedyev but possibly someone else like Sergei Shoigu) a long time ago.

He will at the time appoint a President who will then run and win his election in turn, just as what happened with Yeltsin and Putin himself in 1999-2000.

Eventually there will be a Tsar. Putin’s successor will make Putin look like Yeltsin in comparison, making the West wish for the good old days of their hated enemy Vladimir Putin. The coming Tsar will have a will of iron, stout arm with sword in hand for the people, and the heart of an Orthodox saint.

The Cominator says:

Hard to do much better than Putin who is one of the best rulers Russia has ever had.

Not Tom says:

I’ve seen some new Cathedral narratives popping up and/or making a comeback, so here’s another round of “rhetorical defense for normies”, in which I first explain the ludicrousness of their argument and then try to condense it down to a digestible punchline. Note that these will never work on actual leftists, as they will simply move the goalposts; they’re for regular people who are struggling to see through the squid ink.

1. Reframing election fraud as voter fraud.

This is the typical strawman. “There is no evidence of voter fraud” and “no one voted illegally” are some common slogans. They are probably not literally true – there are always some people who vote illegally, e.g. people who aren’t citizens, vote in the wrong state, vote twice, etc. – but for the most part, this is directionally true. Most individual voters don’t break the law.

It’s also completely irrelevant, and not the accusation at all. We aren’t saying, and Trump is not saying, that millions of individual voters did anything illegal; we’re saying that a few hundred election officials and possibly auxiliary members of the conspiracy like postal officials committed various types of fraud by manufacturing, changing or destroying ballots, or by simply reporting a vote tally that has nothing to do with the ballots. The term may also include smaller-scale schemes like ballot-harvesting.

So when someone says “no one voted illegally”, my response would be: “that would be important if we were actually talking about the voters, but we’re talking about the election officials”.

2. Election fraud would be impossible.

They are now arguing that the sheer scale of the numbers makes the claim of fraud somehow incredible (via Steve Sailer). I prefer to use an analogy to expose the gaslighting here:

Imaging that five gamblers, at five casinos (all with the same owner), win the slot jackpot five times in a row, all on the same day, and then pool together all their winnings and invest them into some corporation or non-profit. A rational person would conclude that there is some type of money laundering or front operation going on, and that the owners, gamblers and some of the casino staff are all in on it. But the Cathedral narrative flips this on its head and says: “No, you see, it’s impossible for all five of them to have coordinated something like that! If it were one gambler, in one casino, winning two or three times, then you’d have something, but to imagine a scheme at that scale is just crazy!”

Of course we know that schemes like that can and do exist, which is why we have money laundering and RICO statutes. The way the numbers work is that small coincidences become increasingly likely as the number of “rolls” go up; if you flip a fair coin 1000 times, you are pretty likely to see heads five or ten times in a row, but not 1000 times in a row. Larger and larger “coincidences” point toward a non-coincidental explanation, not away from it.

My short rhetorical answer to this argument would be: “If it’s impossible to collude at that scale, then why do we have antitrust and organized crime laws?”

Mr.P says:

What is the hoped-for objective in persuading normie, especially Trump-voting normie, that massive voting and vote-counting fraud has occurred?

The Cominator says:

Trump voting normies don’t need persuading there was massive fraud 100% of them know it.

Pooch says:

I see a few of the cucks suspicious but not wanting themselves to believe the Republic is really dead and resounding themselves to a Biden Administration saying if he we hold the Senate it’s not so bad. It’s a war for the cucks to find their balls right now.

yewotm8 says:

Seeing this a lot from normies too. Call it out.

The Cominator says:

Yes we must signal zero tolerance of defeatist attitudes in public. If people PM you tell them to cheer up. The steal is too blatant to be tolerated.

Pooch says:

The war of public opinion must be decidedly on his side so when he finally does cross the Rubicon, it is too thunderous applause.

Pooch says:

It’s mostly the cucks we need to persuade. Democrats are a lost cause.

Ron says:

No your wrong

Cucks are about convenience over all. If you are holding the gun they will rationalize why you are right. If your enemy is holding the gun, they will rationalize why he is right

I am realizing this far too late. But to get anywhere in life one has to understand what people want, not what they “should” want or what I want them to want, but what they actually want

Cucks want to have an easy good life where everything works out, where they can cheat just a little to make themselves feel daring and then get a pat on the head at the end of the day for being a good boy

You are not a cuck, I am not a cuck. That doesnt work for either of us.

So if the murderous child raping communist traitor gets in office we will be near apoplectic, but the cuck will quietly giggle at us under his pretend grumbling. At least until they throw him up against the wall. Similarly if TGEOTUS retains his holy throne then the cuck will loudly proclaim his (rational and not overly excited) patriotism and go back to his secure and socially approved corrupt life

In the end there is only one argument the cuck actually cares about and that is this: who is holding the guns

European Mutt says:

This right here is what should be taught in schoolbooks to 8-year-olds as the first argument against democracy. At that age every kid understands this impulse and can’t yet rationalize it away.

Not Tom says:

What is the hoped-for objective in persuading normie, especially Trump-voting normie, that massive voting and vote-counting fraud has occurred?


Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

“You’re right. It’s as if there were a National Committee or something devoted to planning, coordinating and organizing the actions of the local partisans toward a larger goal for their collective benefit. But that’s impossible, it would require tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, perhaps a billion. And real-time communication across long distances, like a telephone, to give the orders. Sounds impossible.”

Javier says:

It’s another phase of ‘we are winning, we are winning, we have won.’ They want demoralization and concession.

Trump’s lawfare should stall any win long enough. What remains to be seen is if the SC will step in with some kind of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ judgement. I don’t think most Americans are prepared for this kind of brinksmanship, a lot of them are going to want to run away.

jim says:

The Dems will attempt to take power very soon, because Trump is preparing counter measures to address the fraud.

“President Elect Biden” will attempt to exercise power to shut down the Trump campaigns legal offense. It may well escalate to bullets before the judges get to hear the case.

The Cominator says:

I wonder if some leftists tries to kill a SCOTUS judge…

And Trump will invoke an argument of outrage similar to when Pompey’s mob attacked Tribune Marc Antony.

Starman says:
The Cominator says:


The Democratic fraud machine has declared that Donald John Trump is an enemy of America. They have declared that I am a criminal, they have declared in effect that all of you are criminals. Already they want to make list of Trump supporters. Election integrity was not respected. Our beloved Republic is in the hands of communists and I stand at a fork in the road.

I can cuck out and abandon my Presidency and allow America to descend into anarcho-tyranny and communism or I can stay in the white house with my gun and my hand and hang these faggots from the Lincoln Memorial.

Legionary Titus Pepe are you with me.

Starman says:

@The Cominator

Great post!

Going to post on my Gab account.

pyrrhus says:

AOC and her followers are clearly intending to murder any Trump supporters they can get their hands on, as of course will Antifa/BLM…The wackos will go full Cambodia if they get a chance

Karl says:

If Democrats do nothing, Trump’s counter measures to address the fraud will likely succeed. So it is reasonable to assume that the Dems will attempt to take power soon, but I do not see much they can do – besides to procede acording to the script of color revolution.

The messange “he is weak” might sound convincing to some normies now, but won’t make them consider to evict Trump from office the end of his term. January 20 is so soon that it would be a hard sell.

What else can the Dems do? Rioting, of course, but that won’t help much unless riots are a cover to kill key persons or courts that would prevent certification of fraudulent voting results.

jim says:

Riots in a color revolution are always cover for disloyal elements of the state apparatus of coercion to take power from loyal elements. The intent is always to avoid an actual shootout between loyalists in uniform and color revolutionaries in uniform, but the shootout is apt to happen.

Lafayette Park was intended to be cover for a coup, but suddenly a bunch of loyalist cops, backed by loyalist troops, appeared, and the color revolutionaries in uniform quietly stood down while the loyalists thumped the rioters.

Having tried it once, they will try it again. I hope and expect the courthouse where the case will be heard to be well guarded by loyalist cops, with loyalist troops not too far away.

We may soon see how many men the president commands, and how many men “the president elect” commands.

Karl says:

If I understand correctly the case will be heard in several courts (one per contested state). So the would have to successfully riot several times. Right?

Pooch says:

State courts are cucked. They will rise to the Supremes.

jim says:

My understanding is different. Federal court, alledging conspiracy – that similar actions taking place in the same way at the same time were the result of a single will and single command.

Mr.P says:

Thank you for this, by the way. (I should have said thanks along with my original question.) It’s excellent and very helpful.

pyrrhus says:

Trump needs to invoke the 14th Amendment and suppress this criminal interference in elections….http://voxday.blogspot.com/2020/11/14th-amendment-rubicon.html

The Cominator says:


Here is what Teddy Spaghetti linked too.

Trump is going to engage in a bit more lawfare and letting things boil over 1st but I think it will happen…

Pooch says:

Is that Insurrection Act?

jim says:

Insurrection act is not the Rubicon.

Fourteenth Amendment is the Rubicon.

Strannik says:

Yes, the 14th Amendment and Article four section four of the US Constitution, essentially President Trump is required by law to guarantee to the States a republican form of government from enemies foreign and/or domestic, which is the case if the election is illegally tampered with.

He may decide like Nixon did in 1960, not to contest the election for the greater good of the country, but I think President Trump will at least take this dispute all the way to the US Supreme Court, with evidence of election tampering.

I note that Biden last night, against expectations, did not declare himself the winner, just that he would win and be the President for all Americans. Past all the reassuring platitudes, he is actually backing down a little in my opinion. I still think he’s American and patriotic enough that he’d concede past a certain critical point, knowing that he didn’t actually win.

The Cominator says:

The fraud against Nixon was on a small scale in two states Texas and Illinois. Yes it was fraud but it was plausible.

This was not plausible. And Nixon did not think he and his family would be murdered if he conceded.

Strannik says:

Sure about that?

Javier says:

Nixon was told if he conceded gracefully he would get another shot, which he did. He also lacked the office of the president to exert power.

Trump will get no second chances. Its do or die for him.

pyrrhus says:

Not very plausible in TX, where some counties brought in twice the number of votes for Kennedy as the inhabitants of the county, and Kennedy was unpopular with Protestants…

Pooch says:

This ends with Biden as president or in a jail cell and likely executed for treason. There’s no other way.

Strannik says:

I can’t say for sure that all this will end in one of two binary choices at this point.

President Trump is something of a chaos magician, and I’m going to have to think hard on what follows in light of what I do know as solid fact.

INDY says:

“I still think he’s American and patriotic enough”

BC says:

Yes, the 14th Amendment and Article four section four of the US Constitution, essentially President Trump is required by law to guarantee to the States a republican form of government from enemies foreign and/or domestic, which is the case if the election is illegally tampered with.

Any state with mass mail in voting no longer has a republican form of goverment.

pyrrhus says:

A very cogent point…Voting machines should also be banned, and all votes tabulated by hand against a data base…

BC says:

They should be counted twice. Once by machine the moment the vote is cast, second by hand to verify the machine count. Voting machines should produce a paper copy of the vote that is handed in as the actual vote.

European Mutt says:

Shit just got real. They called PA with a ‘new batch of 30000 ballots’ and decalred Biden as winner.

Javier says:

Press calling it for Biden was always going to happen, but the press doesn’t decide elections. Hang tight.

European Mutt says:

Press does matter as far as the Democrats are concerned. Now we will see how tight their organization truly is.

Encelad says:

I have the feeling Twitter might suspend Trump’s account soon.
Side note, I am reading international leftists media praising US media for shutting down Trump’s speech, and advocating for the same treatment to local right wing politicians.

But yes, the media does not get to declare who wins, so don’t lose hope yet.

The Cominator says:

Taking Trump off twitter will just make Parler get a few million new followers who will screenshot his messages and relay them to normies.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Cutting Trump off from communications on social media and MSM — the press conference was a trial run — would just be the final LETS ROLL signal to Trump’s supporters.

When the leader can’t reliably contact his supporters is when they know to self-organize.

Pooch says:

I wonder what’s keeping them from doing it is the threat of US Marshals arresting Jack Dorsey for election interference.

Dave says:

The Left started a campaign of mass censorship and deplatforming in 2019, which did us a huge favor by forcing us to harden our infrastructure. No doubt Trump has done likewise and built a communication network that Silicon Valley CEOs cannot tamper with. His messages will get through to the men who need to receive them.

European Mutt says:

Watching the press conference in Philadelphia on youtube. 75% of live comments are pro trump even though google probably censors most of them.

calov says:

Maybe someone else has pointed this out already, but the point of the WaPo opinion piece below is that it’d be very bad for Republican legislatures in Michigan, PA, etc. to pick pro-Trump electors due to the massive fraud. Writer calls it unprecedented.

But it’s not, is it? California, Oregon, Illinois, New York, et al. are in a compact to cast all their electoral votes to whomever wins the popular vote. So they’re already doing it. Besides this it is a measure of those states’ certainty that Democrats will win the popular vote for a thousand years. Investigations of voter fraud/ election rigging should be going on in solid blue states too, since they are no doubt trying to inflate popular vote totals so they can use this as evidence that the electoral college should be abolished.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

As it stands though, these festivities make for very easy, obvious, and unambiguous targets for a day of the rope; anyone that aided and abetted the institutionalized profanity of truth may be recognized as malefic elements incompatible with civilized existence, and hence must be physically separated and removed from society.

Eli says:

If I’m reading him properly, Cochran seems to be hinting that it might be a repeat of the 1876 election. In other words, it might be that some of those Biden mail-in votes will be tossed out.

Also, just watched https://www.c-span.org/video/?477914-1/trump-campaign-pennsylvania-news-conference. The good stuff comes around 30 minutes into the video. The President’s lawyers have a strong case.

Dave says:

The 1876 election was resolved by the Compromise of 1877. That can’t happen this time because one side is not agreement-capable. Trump knows that if he steps down, he and his entire family will be executed despite all promises to the contrary.

Eli says:

Fair point.

BC says:

1876 had very low stakes. The country was on an economic tear, public graft and public massive infrastructure expansion was working hand in hand to build an industrial economy and no really cared beyond that he money and good times would keep on flowing.

pyrrhus says:

The 1876 election revolved around Tilden’s promise to end Reconstruction…The Army created its own slate of electors in 2 Southern States to stop Tilden, who otherwise was a clear winner..The Compromise gave the election to Hayes by 1 elector, but ended Reconstruction…

Vitis says:

Did something happen particularly at Eton in 1832? Or just the Reform Act?

jim says:

Change in the religion and beliefs taught at Eton. Socinian takeover of the Anglican Church.

Socinians are a non Christian heresy of Christianity, in that they deny the eternity of Christ. They hold that Christ did not exist until born in Bethlehem.

Their position is an evasive ambiguity between “Jesus Christ is Lord, wholly man and wholly God, mortal and eternal, God is three and God is one” and Jesus as a Jewish community organizer who pointed the way to our current much superior and continually improving understanding of right and wrong.

The Socinian Christology is typical entryist dodgy evasiveness. They issue a cloud of impenetrable fog and swerve to a different subject. With entryists in charge of Eton, dishonor code instead of honor code.

Thus the new elites were, by selection, lesser men.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Statistical analysis of Milwaukee magic votes after election day:

– concentrated in wards where they flipped a local race to Democrats
– post-election votes only affected Democrat vs all others, not Republican vs third-party


aggregated at https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1325120312455749634.html

What a coincidence if Philadelphia, Atlanta and Detroit were to show the same pattern.

jim says:

At the team Trump press conference, the lawyer alleged that it does show the same pattern, but that was not the meat of the case.

The meat of the case is that the law requires evidence that the votes were validly cast and validly counted, and there was no such evidence.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Great that they are talking about it.

Normies, military, police etc are not bound by the restrictions of “courtroom epistemology”. The longer the court process runs the more extrajudicial analysis (to coin a term) will be performed and disseminated. I suppose Spotted Toad et al are going to replicate the analysis for the other cities ASAP.

Jake says:

I have to disagree with you here Jim.

Trump is the single worst thing to happen to the dissident right.

Let’s be honest here. The former star of “The Apprentice” was never going to “cross the Rubicon” or lock up the pedos or even slow down the demographic catastrophe. It’s not that he wasn’t on our side. It’s that Trump, like all populist Republicans, basically believes the America of 2020 is the America of 1950. So he tries to act like a 1950 politician, and wonders why it doesn’t work. He knows that something is not quite right with our system, but he doesn’t know exactly what. He almost does, but not quite. Trump is not some sort of revolutionary leader or master strategist or even, really, a dissident; he belongs to the line of ineffectual but well-intentioned right-wing populists who spring up every once in a while and valiantly, touchingly try to take on the alliance of communist fanatics and grey bureaucrats that have ruled our country for a century, all by themselves. The “alt-right” is just the Tea Party of the 2010’s. Trump is not Caesar, he’s Sarah Palin. Our “revolution” was not a revolution. It was, in Moldbug’s phrase, folk activism.

Remember, when Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he was little more than the anti-establishment candidate, the chaos candidate, the “fuck the system” candidate, the “own the libs” candidate. The “deplorables” (traditional, working-class, Christian, family-values people) were not yet his base; they supported Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush or Ben Carson or really anybody but Trump. Most people who supported Trump in 2015 were disaffected nihilistic white millennial men (4channers!), who by and large knew that he would be ineffective but liked him anyways for the absolute butthurt he caused.

But elements of the “far right” has latched more and more onto Trump, and projected more and more of themselves onto him. The single most politically disenfranchised political group in the country, the far right, has embarrassingly allowed themselves to be pulled into caring about the nonsensical fake American democratic system. We need to remember that one of the central ideas of Moldbuggian (Yarvinian?) NrX was that *there is no political solution*. We need to stop hoping that everything will be done for us, that we will be saved without any involvement on our part except “supporting” the right people and giving them our “energy”. “Energy” is worthless, Kek doesn’t exist. There is no obvious and realistic political action possible for us right now. So the logical thing to do is to withdraw from politics, bide our time, and figure out where to go from here. We need to deepen our understanding of politics, history, ethics, and human nature, and convert as many people as possible to that understanding, so that when the time comes, reaction is actually possible. Curtis was right to preach detachment. “Read not the Times, read the Eternities.”

We know about Trump Derangement Syndrome, but what about Trump Adoration Syndrome? Look at our NrX friends on Twitter. Look at Bronze Age Pervert. These people are mentally stuck in 2016. Many right-wingers run the risk of becoming as emotionally fixated on 2016 as another generation may have been fixated on 1968.

By the way, they’re not going to kill Trump. He was an inconvenience in some senses, but overall he has been good for the democratic system, and especially for the left. The American system only works if people believe in elections and politicians and “change”. We now have record voter turnout, so it seems that people do indeed believe in it. Dissident activism is a trap, it’s a drug, it’s, as Moldbug always says, a form of political pornography. The dissident right *needs* to wean itself off of it. In the meantime, Trump will live out the rest of his life golfing and tweeting and doing leisurely billionaire things. At this point he probably feels, with relief, that an immense weight has been taken off his shoulders. I do too.

jim says:

> The “alt-right” is just the Tea Party of the 2010’s. Trump is not Caesar, he’s Sarah Palin. Our “revolution” was not a revolution. It was, in Moldbug’s phrase, folk activism.

Quite so, but the tide of history has him in its grasp. He will be Augustus Caesar, or the left will kill him and his family.

Yes, he ran as, and intended to be, and still hopes to be, a 1950s politician. But he now knows that that option no longer exists.

> By the way, they’re not going to kill Trump. He was an inconvenience in some senses, but overall he has been good for the democratic system, and especially for the left. The American system only works if people believe in elections and politicians and “change”

They were not going to kill the Romanovs, the King Louis XVI, or the French Aristocracy either. King Louis XVI and the Romanovs were also good for the left. The French Aristocracy, by and large was the left.

But when the left started struggling with the left, the continued existence of the Romanovs became a liability.

If the left take everything, if all the apple carts get knocked over, the struggle over the apples rolling around will not end, but will instead escalate ten thousand fold.

The Cominator says:

Jim this guy is a blackpiller a defeatist and a shill.

There was no strong dissident right before Trump. Nobody liked Marco Rubio after he tried to push amnesty… none of this stuff is true.

jim says:

I simply ignored the black pill stuff that was blatantly untrue, and did not bother to respond. I don’t respond to, or censor, every lie on this blog. I have a life to live and a business to run. I censor people who are a waste of space, and I censor people who keep pushing the same old scripts. This is a somewhat new script.

I responded to those parts of his post that had some plausibility. The new script contains an actual argument. Trump did not intend to be the revolutionary the alt right wants, and we knew he did not intend to be the revolutionary the alt right wants, but we knew he was a human molotov cocktail that would set the world on fire.

Now the world is on fire, and if Trump survives this, we will have won, we will have got what we wanted whether Trump wants it or not. We always knew that what he wants is somewhat different from what we want, we did not care, and we were right not to care.

We want democracy discredited, among other things. Trump did not want that, but, lo and behold, democracy is discredited.

The Cominator says:

We have to be VERY intolerant of defeatist talk right now as Bronze Age Pervert says this is above all a battle of will. Dont tolerate them IRL either.

Pooch says:

Is it me or are all the GOP state legislatures saying the right things right now? I see them unanimously saying “We want all legal votes to count and all illegal votes to not count.”

BC says:

They seem to be. It’s the GOP senate that is not. Which is stupid because they’ll all be replaced by 2022 and 2024 by the latest.

The Cominator says:

Only Romney is a traitor and that is expected.

The Cominator says:

Yes clearly people are rallying hence the media demoralization campaign.

As much as protesting is fake and gay normally if there are any stop the steal protests in front of the swing state legislatures make sure you are there if you live nearby… courthouses too.

And remember if antifa shows up the optics of strength are now more important than the optics of peacebulness. In all but Georgia remember the cops wont be on your side though…

Pooch says:
jim says:

Yes. GOP is falling into line.

They are starting to realize that Trump loses, they will all lose their jobs. Some of them may be realizing that if Trump loses, they will eventually be killed.

The Cominator says:

Hence why I say our main enemy at this point is defeatism… we have the assets political and military to crush the enemy.

They have institutional dominance but no one trusts the institutions, with one will and unity of command we can crush them but we need to not tolerate defeatism…

Jake says:

I want to clarify that I’m not a blackpiller or a defeatist. It’s clear that the “internal contradictions” of our system (as Marxists say) will doom it eventually. I just don’t think that time is today. The right needs to be wary of false starts and broken promises; it has already had too many of those over the years. As you always say, we need a complete reshuffling of the elite: everyone who works in government, universities, and the press should lose their jobs (preferably amicably and non-violently) and their places should be taken by a new elite. I don’t see that happening anytime soon. There’s no new elite poised to replace the old one. Politics prevents their formation, because no new elite can belong emotionally to the old regime. So when I say that no realistic political action is possible right now, I don’t mean that realistic political action will never be possible, or that it’s all over, just that we don’t have a clear path to victory right now. These things need time to incubate. It took a century for liberalism to become strong enough to defeat the ancien regime, and it took another century for socialism to defeat liberalism. As Curtis tells us, detachment doesn’t mean renouncing power forever, but learning to see clearly how power can be achieved. Reculer pour mieux sauter. The Cathedral (overoccupied as it is) can crack and open in unexpected places; I just hope that the right isn’t too focused on the front door to see it.

>Now the world is on fire, and if Trump survives this, we will have won, we will have got what we wanted whether Trump wants it or not. We always knew that what he wants is somewhat different from what we want, we did not care, and we were right not to care.

>We want democracy discredited, among other things. Trump did not want that, but, lo and behold, democracy is discredited.

That’s a good point. It may well be true. I still hold that large swathes of the far right has been damaged by Trump. It all depends, I guess, on whether Trump has had the effect of detaching people from democracy or pulling people towards it. As far as he has detached people from it, his influence is good. But I would argue that this is outweighed by the way that Trump has united and energized left-leaning people (both elite and normie) and pushed them towards politics. Though perhaps that is the price we have to pay to discredit democracy.

(replying to your other reply) I totally understand your contention that the left considers the continued existence of the Trumps a liability. There is a stage where the left could act like that; but I don’t think we’re there yet. I don’t see the American left being as high-energy as the Bolsheviks until well after Trump’s (natural) death. They’re mad, but they’re not that mad. The apple cart is falling, but it’s falling in slow motion.

jim says:

> Trump has united and energized left-leaning people (both elite and normie) and pushed them towards politics.


That is ridiculous. It is as absurd as claiming “no hard evidence of massive election fraud.

The left must move ever lefter, ever faster, or else it collapses, as happened when Cromwell and Stalin put a stop to ever leftwards motion.

You could argue that the left in France did not die, but it did die, and the anglo left then wore its skin. Revolutionary French leftism was descended from the false popes of Avignon, today’s French leftism from the Puritans via the whigs.

If not for Trump, the left would today be a hundred times as energetic, and if they win and imprison Trump, ten thousand times as energetic. Leftism always goes ever lefter, ever faster. If Biden is installed in power by color revolution any attempt to arrest or imprison BLM-antifa rioters will be shut down throughout America. All America will be Kenosha, Portland, Detroit, and Ferguson.

Remember those mighty fracking protests that happened before Trump was elected? They quietly vanished when the prospect of jobs interfering with other peoples lives evaporated.

Reflect on all the social justice warriors complaining how private sector jobs in social justice have been going away. “I spent six years studying social justice and spent a fortune on college, and now what about my high paid, high status job?”

Recall all the outrage about rape on campus that quietly went away when prizes for women claiming rape went away. One day we have a terrible terrible terrible rape crisis on campus, the next day we don’t. Fracking protests and rape on campus vanished in a puff of smoke.

Trumps cooling effect on the left has been obvious, and frequently spectacular – it was spectacular with rape and carbon fuels, and the impact on social justice warrior penetration of human resources and the open source movement has been significant and obvious.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

If you’re always waiting for the ‘perfect moment’ to appear, you’ll grow old and die (or just die) never finding it.

Any opportunity or anything that looks like an opportunity is a good opportunity. Luck comes to those who make it.

Nicodemus Rex says:

Eh, obviously most of this is blackpilling but the man still has a point — it’s disappointing that the the alt-right has, in following Trump, fell so much into the frame of “democracy”. What happened to elections being decided by the median voter (https://blog.reaction.la/politics/the-median-voter/)?

IMO, obviously there was isolated fraud (like in most elections — Democrats are more holy therefore cheat more, “correct” ballots, etc.), as well as ballot harvesting on a wider and more corrupt scale than ever before, but I think the jury’s still out on whether there was a coordinated conspiracy of fraud. There most likely will be no smoking gun. The Supremes may or may not do anything of importance.

It doesn’t matter, because the whole electoral system is clearly still illegitimate whether or not fraud happened. It’s illegitimate because of delusional priestly class polling lies that suppress voter turnout, because ballot harvesting makes a mockery of chain-of-custody, because 40% of the electorate in big cities that went Biden are functionally illiterate and don’t deserve a vote, and because the entire counting apparatus is made up of bureaucrats that would gleefully get you fired for voting Trump (and they make their contempt obvious).

Trump is right to cross the Rubicon whether or not the steal happened. He should and he very well might (any posting to the contrary is blackpilling or shilling). But can we not forget that the goal of NrX was to discredit and de-legitimize democracy, not to support it?

The Cominator says:

“but I think the jury’s still out on whether there was a coordinated conspiracy of fraud. There most likely will be no smoking gun. The Supremes may or may not do anything of importance.”

Shill says what.

Trump wins, multiple states stop count. Batches of 100% or near 100% Biden ballots found in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and for days and days afterwords Atlanta.

“Trump is right to cross the Rubicon whether or not the steal happened. He should and he very well might (any posting to the contrary is blackpilling or shilling). But can we not forget that the goal of NrX was to discredit and de-legitimize democracy, not to support it?”

Sure but don’t mix in shillposting. Trump has already forced the enemy to discredit Democracy.

Nicodemus Rex says:

Sure, plenty of election irregularities to find, although frankly I think a lot of them have been overstated on Twitter (or “corrected”, of course).

But the map, percent wise, doesn’t look that different than 2016. Obviously there was election fraud in 2016, too (dead people voting, etc.) but was there really far more fraud in 2020? Hillary won by the same margins in the same places in 2016, right?

Anyways, Trump “could have won” if red counties in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania went for him at the same rate they went in 2016. I don’t think there was any fraud there. And they didn’t because of what … polling lies? Corona lies? BLM agitprop?

My worry is that the message coming out of the alt-right will be “Support Trump because they stole the election from him”, and when proof that the election was stolen fails to materialize, everyone will slowly and silently melt away. Isn’t that what the logic of “democracy” dictates?

Instead, we should be emphasizing “Support Trump because the they are lying to you, censoring you, and working their way up to killing you and your children.”

The Cominator says:

You are obviously a shill I stayed up and watched the massive fraud as it happened in Wisconsin and Michigan and Jim says he did too.

Do not consensus crack about massive fraud. We are saying support Trump because he is the legitimately elected President who had at least four states due to massive and obvious fraud in four Democrat run shitholes.

Not Tom says:

Yes, there really is massively more fraud in 2020 than 2016.

Red counties in swing states did go to Trump, not in the same rate as 2016, but in fact at a much bigger rate. It was only a tiny number of Democrat-controlled counties that bridged those enormous gaps with 95-100% Democrat votes and 95-200% voter turnout in the wee hours of the morning after Republican scrutineers were denied access.

You are gaslighting and posting shill scripts.

The Cominator says:

Obviously the Democrats have been doing voter fraud via city machines since the days of Tammany Hall but they had some care in the past that the fraud be kept down to a plausible level. That is why Hillary could not close the gap in the upper Midwest in 2016 Trump beat her by way more votes then expected and there was no backup plan in the Dem machine cities.

This year he was again beating her by more than expected but they left nothing to chance (I guess a landslide so big that Trump flipped New England or something might have stopped them) so had an emergency plan for extra late at night fraud ballots and software rigging.

The only place where Biden might have LEGITIMATELY overperformed is Arizona. The GOP was running a very weak Senate candidate and dude weed was on the ballot.

BC says:

The only place where Biden might have LEGITIMATELY overperformed is Arizona. The GOP was running a very weak Senate candidate and dude weed was on the ballot.

I doubt it. McCain’s fraud machine was handed over to the Dems by his wife. It was a big mistake for the GOP not to legalize weed though.

Nah says:
Nicodemus Rex says:

I’m not a shill but I accept that I might be posting shill scripts (I live and work in a bubble where it would be unsafe to hint at views to the right of Bernie Sanders, thus get most of my information from sites where a lot of shilling probably occurs.)

It was my impression that a lot of the >100% turnout claims were incorrect, but I’ll look into it. Anyways, it seems like the GOP is at least starting to back Trump so it seems kind of meaningless to argue about how much fraud actually occurred.

jim says:

Lot of shill scripts around – some good people post shill scripts because they their exposure to NRx and the alt right is through shills posing as NRx and alt right

jim says:

The seven hundred thousand votes that showed up in the early hours of the morning from no one knows where, were, as Trump’s Lawyer says, unanimously or almost unanimously, for Joe Biden.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

>sites where a lot of shilling probably occurs.
>It was my impression that a lot of the >100% turnout claims were incorrect

Some wards had 500+ percent turnout and a large number had 90+ percent. I have not seen the latest analyses of these claims but it seems extraordinarily unlikely to get such numbers from populations that don’t usually vote much, and voted in smaller numbers for Obama.

The heuristic and the observed behavior are that every misdirection, misinterpretation and fallacy possible, and some beyond what might have previously seemed possible, will be applied to dispute data suggesting fraud. The numbers are merely unbelievably high but not provably above 100 percent of registered voters? Definitely Not Fraud, you arithmetically incompetent conspiracymongers.

There was a spike of 23227 votes, all of them for Biden, at one point in the counting in Philadelphia, which was not explained away the last I looked. The earlier jump of 139K all for Biden in another state has been officially rebutted as a typographic “error” adding a missing zero in a tabulation, an answer that only raises more questions.

jim says:

Anyone who denies that massive proof of clear fraud has already materialized is knowingly lying.

We saw obvious, blatant, in your face fraud happen as we watched. As Trump’s lawyer and Eric Trump said at the press conference, about four hundred thousand counterfeit ballots magically materialized in Philadelphia, which is roughly what I estimated.

At the press conference, they presented clear, compelling, and utterly undeniable proof of what everyone watching saw happen.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

The shillfest continues.

We all saw the fraud being prepared for months with weaponization of COVID to push mail-in voting and debauch election security. Postal voting was the very first item the Democrats began hyping from the moment their position shifted from “Trump the xenophobe” to “Covid is deadly”. The causation likely being in the other order, the interest in Covid coming of the opportunity to use it to leverage universal postal voting.

This wasn’t written on the wall or read between the lines, it was being shouted by the President of the United States and (the best proof it was obviously true) constantly discredited by MSM and BigTech. We all saw the color revolution narrative, election night blueshift, being pushed once the postal voting weapon was a reality.

To ignore that and just talk about election results as though they occurred in a vacuum, never mind the blatant late night shenanigans in the event, is defeatist shilling. Most likely a flood of paid ActBlue DNC shilling as part of the post-fraud social media cleanup strategy.

jim says:

> But can we not forget that the goal of NrX was to discredit and de-legitimize democracy, not to support it?

Augustus Caesar claimed, and probably believed, he was restoring the Republic.

If Trump wins, he will claim, and probably believe, the same thing.

This is exactly what we want. The Republic “restored”. Restored our way.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think Caesar Augustus really believed that, it was Sulla who believed that.

Sulla’s main domestic acts as dictator were to purge the Senators and the Equites of all he thought were traitors and to limit the power of the Plebian Tribunes (without undoing the Gracchan reforms in fact he expanded on them in some cases) and then he retired voluntarily.

Augustus Caesar purged the ruling class of all he thought were likely to cause trouble, and kept extraordinary power through uniting multiple offices under him all at once… its unlikely he thought he was doing anything but establishing a monarchy that avoided the title of king.

Not Tom says:

But can we not forget that the goal of NrX was to discredit and de-legitimize democracy, not to support it?

That’s almost correct, but not quite. NRx (and don’t think I didn’t notice your incorrect capitalization, Mr. “Hail fellow reactionary”) has, among its many goals, the goal of ending de jure democracy, on the basis that de facto democracy doesn’t exist and never existed. But “delegitimizing” it, i.e. among the proles, was never a goal, because elites control the rudder of the state, not proles.

Moldbug said that the way to end democracy was for the demos to put in one final vote for a dictator who promised to end democracy. Jim wants a Caesar Augustus who ends democracy in the name of preserving, or restoring, the Republic. These are at least similar ideas, and both could be said to be taking place right now. The country overwhelmingly voted for a president whom the elite and official information sources insist is a dictator, and said president will probably need to overturn and subsequently weaken the institutions making up “democracy” in order to preserve our Republican form of government. The electoral college is no longer functioning as intended if a handful of urban centers control the entire country, especially if they cheat at elections.

The essential paradox of NRx is that only democracy can legitimately end democracy, but we may be watching that paradox unfold right now, assuming Trump does not fold. While the elite screech louder and louder that Trump has lost, neither the demos nor the guns are playing along. This really is the NRx paradox, the only question is whether it will be resolved by a restoration or by total collapse.

jim says:

> The essential paradox of NRx is that only democracy can legitimately end democracy, but we may be watching that paradox unfold right now

Exactly so.

The Cominator says:

And of course Trump doesn’t want to cross the Rubicon, Julius Caesar didn’t WANT to cross the rubicon either but when it became clear his enemies in the Senate intended to declare him a public enemy the second his Imperium expired he had no choice.

Trump could flee to somewhere remote in the Russian sphere but I dont think he wants to go down in history as a coward.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

>so that when the time comes

What is the time?

How will you know when you see it?

What are the signs of your times; what do you do in response to them?

Jake says:

I honestly don’t know for sure. That’s what we need to figure out.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Of course you would say that. No points for not at least trying to fake that you had any thoughts of substance.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

> There is no obvious and realistic political action possible for us right now.

The shill cup runneth over with defeatist spam. We must be over the target. It’s hard not to be over it when the most important election in modern history was openly stolen in front of the whole world. Nobody, but nobody, gonna believe that democracy stuff no more except a few true believers (who will get the guillotine anyway under a Kamala presidency).

The obvious and realistic political action is to support Trump, prove the fraud, and continue the discrediting of Biden, the DNC and the media should the Democrats prevail in the short term. If the Hunter Biden laptop was a nuclear weapon in our favor the election theft is a 25th century (or year 2025 in Jim terms) super-duper-hyper-atomic weapon. This is the opportunity to win the holy war and not only the mere Presidency.

Pooch says:

We have the unquestionable moral high ground. Trump says count all legal votes. The Democrats say count all votes and refuse to say the word legal.

Edit_XYZ says:

I notice that the media has not called Senate races in North Carolina, Georgia, and Alaska.
This is because they seek to steal enough votes to flip the Senate there., gaining complete central control of the USA.

What is happening is an attempted coup by the left. A literal coup, that is.
The utterly shameless and open stealing of votes is a dead giveaway.

It’s very unlikely the Supreme Court will validate such blatantly stolen elections. Trump’s case is airtight, for one. But more importantly, it’s obvious for everyone paying attention that the left couldn’t care less about the Constitution and the Supreme Court authority, that they want to pack the court, etc.

The left knows this too, which means it plans to up the game before the Supreme Court decision, and usurp power.
It has the media – a weapon already used, without much effect in my opinion -, and the antifa anarchists – which are weak and poorly controlled.
It also has a few generals they probably assume can countermand Trump’s orders now, with the announcement that he lost the elections.
The most worrisome are the three letter agencies – CIA, FBI, etc. Will these agencies stand with the left – with chinese asset Biden and the unhinged Kamala? It should be obvious even to these agencies that such people gaining power would be the end for USA.

Javier says:

Left is already defying court orders. Destruction of evidence certainly underway. They’re daring Trump to respond.

Edit_XYZ says:

In Pennsylvania, in this very election they ignored an order coming from a Supreme Court justice, Samuel Alito – to segregate late-arrival ballots. The justice was forced to repeat the order; I don’t know whether it’s being followed now.

In any case, for the left, Supreme Court decisions are not worth the paper they’re printed on, as should be clear for pretty much anyone.
As said, that’s why I think the Supreme Court – the justices not owned by the left, that is – will rule Trump’s way. Probable, but not certain, due to the large scale of what the left was allowed to get away with in this election.

What is important is anticipating the players and moves the left will use in order to win the coup.
To assume they think a media campaign or some riots will gain them the presidency is dangerously underestimating them.

jim says:

> In any case, for the left, Supreme Court decisions are not worth the paper they’re printed on, as should be clear for pretty much anyone.

A recount just is not going to happen unless the will and capability to send in soldiers with bayonets to make it happen is there, and courts will be reluctant to order something they know will not happen.

Edit_XYZ says:

The Supreme Court must only nullify the votes cast when no GOP observers were present.
If the left refuses to give such information, it can nullify the entire election in a state.

This would give Trump legitimacy. And Trump can order soldiers to break a few doors and teeth.

Essentially, the Supreme Court can bet that, with its help, Trump defeats the coup. Or can accept that it will become utterly irrelevant when the left assumes power, for starters; too many white men and women there.
Nobody likes to lose the kind of power the Supreme Court has, so they’ll bet on Trump – probably. If their decision will be ignored due to a successful coup – it will be merely the first of many.

Not Tom says:

If the left refuses to give such information, it can nullify the entire election in a state.

My guess is they’ve already begun destroying Republican ballots, “fixing” fraudulent Democratic ballots or just ensuring that they can’t be separated. They probably think this is a winning strategy.

But there is a very simple workaround: if all votes counted after locking out Republican scrutineers or under otherwise suspicious circumstances are declared invalid, then official election counts revert to those between midnight and 4 am, which throws the election to Trump in all of those states and probably flips some Senate and House races back.

This nuclear option should in theory be a strong incentive for Democrats to hold onto the evidence, as there might have been enough legitimate mail-in votes to flip a few down-ballot races. But I doubt they have that level of self-control or self-awareness. The evidence is almost certainly irrecoverably contaminated by now.

Of course, as everyone else is saying, the nuclear option does not happen without the threat of state violence. I don’t see any path to victory that avoids the use of force, because all diplomatic avenues are controlled by the enemy.

Edit_XYZ says:

The use of violence against the left, engaged in a coup, poses no moral problem.

The capability to use force does pose problems:
Does Trump control the police? DOJ? The military? How much of them?
AG Barr seems to have become invisible these days. Why? Is DOJ with Trump or not these days?

Trump pays golf at the White House. Why so passive at this time? The media works hard to make him look out of power.
Why are there no agents, breaking down doors and democrat operatives in order to obtain the election ballots, as we speak?

Where are Trump’s soldiers? Why do we see nothing on this front?

jim says:

This is truly worrying. I hope we will see some action after Monday, when the court case begins.

If we don’t, we may have already lost.

But the court case itself will be test of strength. We shall see if people act as if the guards are Trump loyalists, or if they act as if the guards are not.

We can start by securing a courthouse, before we secure the ballots. One thing I noticed at the Philadelphia press conference is that team Trump, right in the middle of enemy territory, acted as if they had some decent muscle around them, which gives me confidence.

BC says:

Barr’s silence is terrifying. He was talking about mass voter fraud from mail in votes a couple of months ago and now nothing silence. The DOJ was not prepped in any way to stop the steal.

jim says:

Trump’s lawyer is mighty loud. Maybe Trump wants one person at a time on point doing the talking.

Not Tom says:

Wasn’t it Barr who specifically authorized the posting of armed guards at the ballot counting stations? I’m not sure what else you want from him at this moment.

And random people keep bringing up the DoJ and saying it’s still not Trump’s. DoJ has been doing tons of things for Trump and Republicans lately and nothing against them.

Don’t mistake Barr for Durham, who actually has done fuck-all. Near as I can tell, Trump trusted Barr, and Barr trusted Durham, and that’s where the chain broke. Durham needs to get the boot but it’s not evident to me as yet that Barr is either weak or compromised.

Trump may look passive, and that may be a bad sign, but it may also simply reflect his confidence that all of the fraudulent votes are going to get thrown out. After all, why storm the ballot offices if SCOTUS is going to rule that “all votes counted after 3 am on Nov 4 counted at these offices are hereby illegal and must be removed from the state counts”. If that is the anticipated outcome, then Trump may as well golf and let the Democrats keep counting; they are just wasting their time.

Maybe it’s not the optics we’d like to see, but nevertheless, if Trump really believed he’d lost and didn’t intend to keep fighting, would he be golfing rather than fleeing the country? If the answer is yes then truly we’ve been wrong about literally everything, and he is feckless and stupid and somehow was just extremely lucky for 4 years. Somehow, I doubt that is the case.

Not Tom says:

The DOJ was not prepped in any way to stop the steal.

I don’t see that the DoJ had any ability to stop the steal. Elections are a state matter; constitutionally speaking, only the Supreme Court can overrule them.

Stay focused, fam.

jim says:

The supremes are creating grounds for reopening the case that Trump’s newest appointee wiffed on.

Looks to me that Trump is doing it by the book, making it a federal matter.

I am worried by the passivity of Trump’s cops, but maybe we will see a lot less passivity once he has dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s

He wants to preserve the Republic, which is pointless now, and he needs to be seen to be trying to preserve the Republic, which now matters a great deal.

Dave says:

You raise a good question: If you have a large number of loyal soldiers under your command, where do you send them? It’s a big country, and you mustn’t spread them out too thinly.

In a banana republic or oil sheikdom, seize the ports that export bananas or oil, because that’s where the money comes from. Where does our money come from? The Marriner Eccles building? If Trump seizes the Federal Reserve, George Soros will have to pay his minions with promises of money instead of actual money.

The Cominator says:

Seize congress and 3/4 of state legislatures, enough to amend the constitution at gunpoint…

BC says:

You raise a good question: If you have a large number of loyal soldiers under your command, where do you send them? It’s a big country, and you mustn’t spread them out too thinly.

We all knew where the fraud was going to be.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

Very likely, Barr, and many others in the chain of command, want to believe they are still Living In A Society(tm).

Many of those of a more conservative bent fear victory; because they can instinctively sense that actually trying to win will banish the pretense of normalcy; thrust into a world with no precedents, no predefined social rituals of how things should play. A fear of boldly going where noone (they know) has gone before.

The abject existence of one-way-war – one player in a game elbow checking other players whenever it feels like it, daring them to do anything about it; and none of them daring – is atleast *familiar ground* to the stockholmed inmates.

Like the elephant that has from infancy grown up tied to a post, they almost cannot even imagine the thought of fighting to win, of escalating in response to escalation, even when it would be the easiest thing in the world for that giant grown elephant to simply rip up the post, were it but to try.

But it *is* the easiest thing in the world, to rip up that post.

jim says:

> But it *is* the easiest thing in the world, to rip up that post.

My read on Trump’s body language when he gave the latest press conference ever in early hours of the morning of November the fourth was that he thinks it might not be all that hard to rip up the post.

We shall see. He has until January 20 to cross the Rubicon, and would doubtless prefer the enemy to cross first.

Dave says:

I mean, where do you send them *now*?

Mister Grumpus says:

“A recount just is not going to happen unless the will and capability to send in soldiers with bayonets to make it happen is there…”

Even if the will were there, sending in bayonets would be some shit ass optics for sure.

But on the other hand, ordering a truly legit recount, with truly legit rules for fair monitoring and qualifying “legal” ballots, would simply never be performed. The Dem machine would not be capable of actually doing it. Not Fairness Capable. It just would keep on *not* happening, right through December.

Even if they’ve destroyed all the fakes and also enough R ballots to compensate, the ballot totals would be so low at the end that everyone would know that Theeze Niggas Be Crookid As Fuck and the Tariq Nasheeds would run away at full tilt, because C’Mon Son!

(The vulnerability to the above is that maybe they could send in their IQ-100 crack squad and reconstruct ballots to the same earlier totals but still winning for their side.)

Meanwhile, in parallel, we also have the screen-scraped records of what the voting totals were before the steal got going.

So the legislatures would be much harder pressed, by then, to not say “fuck it” and send in Trump electors.

Please criticize the above. I have no special information or smarts. I’m just looking for a way here, if only for my own sleep schedule.

The Cominator says:

A recount without an audit just legitimizes the fraud…

Mister Grumpus says:

@The Cominator:
“A recount without an audit just legitimizes the fraud.”

That’s what I meant but I lacked the vocabulary: an audit.

The D machine can recount, but it can’t audit, so if a proper audit is court ordered first then it will just not happen and run out the clock.

What do you see the consequences to be of that?

jim says:

The courts will be ignored. This will legitimize measures more likely to be effective.

Mr.P says:


Demanding a recount with audit or, worse, *accepting* a recount with audit — either one is a mistake, concedes frame.

Where fraud occurred, the entirety of the Biden votes in that precinct or jurisdiction or whatever it’s called must be subtracted from Biden’s total or, even better, to assert frame, be added, or *rewarded*, to Trump’s total (b/c an impossible-to-discern number of Trump ballots were destroyed by the fraudsters).

Mister Grumpus says:

“Demanding a recount with audit or, worse, *accepting* a recount with audit — either one is a mistake, concedes frame.”

It “concedes frame”. Solid, using a PUA word. Now we’re cooking with gas.

Meanwhile, a court ruling for a proper audit that would obviously throw out a Biden victory would be “agreeing and amplifying”.

jim says:

> to assume they think a media campaign or some riots will gain them the presidency is dangerously underestimating them.

They are following the color revolution election script, which we have seen before many times.

With divided leadership, and doubt that the US pilots will obey orders to bomb the crap out of US cops, seems likely to fail.

The coming court case which is supposed to start Monday will be a test. If the courtroom is guarded by loyalist cops with loyalist troops on call a short distance away, it will start on Monday, and end not long thereafter with a victory for Trump. If guarded by color revolutionary cops, will not start on Monday, if it ever does start. If it ever does start, will not finish.

Edit_XYZ says:

You may be right.
Of course, the trial starting and not finishing would be the safest bet in either case – the GOP will get to choose the electors, and the courts will be able to claim they did not go against the left.

If the coup will be decided by control of the military, the contest is between Trump with his loyalist chain of command and the generals working with the left. And this is where we’ll see the next serious moves, made by the generals.

Mister Grumpus says:

“To assume they think a media campaign or some riots will gain them the presidency is dangerously underestimating them.”

Still fair point. Trump’s special move is tricking his adversaries into thinking they’re smarter than he is. Let’s learn shall we?

These guys had nothing but Karens and Shaniquas for the first wave, but for the second wave of targeted operations, with their backs against the wall, who knows what kind of crack squad leftenwaffens they have suited up.

Anyone who assumes they’re all Shinaquas, all the way down, is just asking to lose.

Dave says:

“This is because they seek to steal enough votes to flip the Senate there, gaining complete central control of the USA.”

That’s on the back burner now because if they can’t steal the Presidency, they can’t steal the Senate either, and if they do manage to steal the Presidency, they can steal the Senate at their leisure.

Steve Johnson says:

If they steal the presidency they won’t need to steal the Senate because no one will ever vote for a backstabbing Republican senator again.

At minimum they’ll get a few cycles of completely depressed (R) turnout – enough to take the Senate for long enough to do whatever.

Yet another reason why the (R)s have to back Trump – even if they don’t all immediately realize it.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not on the back burner. In Georgia, 2 Senate seats are in imminent peril of being lost as we speak, due to the left stealing at least tens of thousands of votes. This was possible thanks to the crass incompetence of the GOP, as in the northern states.

The GOP seems to have finally understood that, if they lose this election, they’re done. Still, they’re reduced to fighting over scraps – perhaps hundreds of votes, at most in the low thousands. This, when the left stole many hundreds of thousands.

Pooch says:

18th Airborne Corps signaling support for Trump.


ERTZ says:


jim says:

That is a boring and repetive script that comes from a thousand megaphones all connected to one microphone.

Take the shill test.

ERTZ says:


jim says:

The whole point of the Starman’s shill test is that the options presuppose a red pilled account of female nature and human sexuality.

The ostensible test is “Do you agree or disagree that women are like that”. But the actual test is “Can you acknowledge that there is anyone who thinks women are like that”

So, if you don’t like the options, can you instead acknowledge our position on female nature in some other way?

ERTZ says:

>can you instead acknowledge our position on female nature

This I think I can, for this was one of the things that attracted me to your blog.
It greatly overlapped with what I had found out myself, and I learned a few new things, for which I am grateful.

I was in the process of writing a comment on what exactly game is – and this is based on female nature – I think I can systematize it a bit.

But to be sure, please state a few short key points of your position on female nature, so we’re sure we talk about the very same things, and I’ll probably agree.

jim says:

You posted three lengthy comments on “The three magic words”.

So why are those words magic?

ERTZ says:

I hope I get this right…

They are, because female psychology evolved to not only tolerate, but accept and adopt ideology/values of the stronger male/tribe, females cannot be loyal because those that were have been exterminated by conquering males.
For that reason women desire the strongest male they can find,
and then serve him – they seek security and certainty from being securely owned, not from being loved, for love is cheap, power (and the security for her and her children from it) is rare.
Women’s sexuality is based on idealizing the most powerful man, which comes down to craving the top killer.

jim says:

Close enough, you pass the shill test.

Someone says:

In terms of the information war, Big Tech and the MSM are formidable opponents. At some point these organisations have to be made to serve the people.

I am still to some degree surprised that Chinese owned reddit was allowed to fuck Donald Trump’s subreddit. Surely any american employee co-operating in this action is guilty of working for a foreign power against the american president. How is this not treason since a foreign power is involved?

Surely it would have been reasonable to have sorted out reddit in 2017 when they started to clamp down even further.

The minute the media stopped showing Donald Trump’s remarks should in my view mean they committed treason.

These organisations cannot be left in their current state.

Pooch says:

If Trump wins, the CEOs will all be arrested.

Fred says:

How do we know the Chinese were behind the purge of the T_D subreddit? Why would the Chinese care? It strikes me as far more likely that the Democrats were behind the purging of T_D, not the Chinese.

The Cominator says:

China certainly conspired with some people in the derp state and democratic party on Covid.

I’m not sure they wanted to get too involved in the details of everything else the Democratic party was involved in and finding out would likely be impossible.

Fred says:

China (albeit inter maxima alia) being behind the global coronavirus overreaction – that I can believe.

As far as the Chinese being behind social media censorship goes, I remember this debate being had somewhere some months ago and when I asked why the Chinese would be behind it and why wouldn’t the Democrats be a more obvious culprit, the answer I got was that the Democrats are owned by China and hence functionally the same thing.

I didn’t find that to be a compelling answer.

The Cominator says:

Most of the Democrats ideas are stupid and their social media censorship has not been very effective at slowing the growth of dissent so its likely a stupid idea by stupid native democrats…

Covid hysteria was their one idea that definitely worked and in a horrible way it was thus a good idea… and the Chinese were involved.

So its best to assume that if the Democrats have a good idea that works… even if in a horrible way probably China did work with them on it just so to make sure they don’t completely fuck it up.

So I suspect the Chinese gave the Democrats the electoral fraud plan this time around because it at least stopped Trump from having clear popular legitimacy (even though it probably will not ultimately keep him out of office) and gave them the chance of stopping Trump… but I cannot be as sure of this as I am 100% sure they conspired with the Democrats on Covid.

When Trump wins and purges the Derp state this time, the new foreign intelligence agency needs to make sure Xi slips on a banana peel if you know what I mean… 2020 is a horrible year because he broke Westphalian protocol in a way that is nothing short of war behind the scenes and Xi needs to go for this without us getting into open war with China.

BC says:

Covid hysteria was their one idea that definitely worked and in a horrible way it was thus a good idea… and the Chinese were involved.

This seems likely. The only reason I and a lot of people took it seriously was China’s reaction to it. When they kept replaying the videos of Italy for claiming they were Hospitals in America I should have sent off alarm bells but I kept recalling the videos of the Chinese government’s behavior in reaction to it.

Gedeon says:

[*deleted for saying “we”*]

jim says:

We all know you are an FBI shill, but I allow some of your stuff through because you do not stick boringly to script.

That stuff, however, seemed like a random pile of disinfo.

Gedeon says:


jim says:

It is impossible to hold a discussion with someone who is not allowed to acknowledge his interlocutor’s position, nor say what position his argument is disputing. Attempting to do so is a waste of space. Take the shill test.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

It’s always interesting seeing peoples reactions to cognitive thought-bombs being dropped on them, such as our very own NYT bemoaning the unreliability and fraudulence of mail-in voting… back in 2012, when it was something Rs did more than Ds, of course ( https://archive.vn/7a7VF ).

hopinforabetterfuture says:

Hand to Hand combat broke out in CA between Democrats and Trump supporters.


BC says:

Love the comments on tweets when they’re not being astroturfed:

Leftist Faggot: What can’t they cope with now?

Rightist Shitlord: Looked like someone was having a hard time coping with punches to the face.

Mister Grumpus says:

Hold Fast Lads. Remember the amazing power of the right fellow, taking the right stage, holding the right frame, and saying “NO.” (This really is PUA.)

And not the angry bitter kind of “no” either (“Well I’m not a crook!” —Nixon).

I mean the righteous, defiant and laughing kind of “no bitch, nigga please”, scaffolded by a lifetime of striving, effort, tribulation, success, pussy, love and family. “The science is settled” and we’ve all been shown how Dad-dancing and spray tan can part seas that barking little mustaches never could. Bitter angry guys get blackpill jobs at at News Corp. Happy warriors flip tables and win or die.

Of course I’ve been referring to the Mount Rushmore event.

Also remember how important it was for him to only do that in exactly the right way and at exactly the right time. You can’t rush or half ass this stuff.

It’s like a movie. The hero has to be really and truly fucked before he can come back, win and make us cheer. I told you guys years ago that Don would be chased up a burning tree festooned with dynamite by 2020. Somehow. And here we are. I didn’t “predict thith”, but I knew is was coming too. Didn’t you?

Harris-Biden is the most blatant “Mary Sue” ticket in history and even their own people aren’t buying it, but they have act otherwise and clap longer to dodge the gulag.

“All was lost” when they took that helicopter shot of DC with the fires burning all over. Remember? What happened next?

Your brainstem is screaming one thing, but your sense of logic is whispering something else. The Evolutionary Adaptive Era was a long time ago and we’re way past Dunbar’s number here, so which side of your mind will serve you best over a time scale longer than 72 hours?

Niiiidriveevof says:

Unfortunately, since Tuesday Trump has been tweeting a lot of “I’m not a crook” and not much showing strength. And his party is wavering.

The Cominator says:

No blackpilling or defeatism papist.

Pooch says:

Rallies are coming, black piller.

Niiiidriveevof says:

Calling what I see. Trump should be holding frame better in his tweets. I hadn’t heard what Graham said when I posted that, and it is encouraging. The rallies are exactly what we need, though it’d have been better if they came sooner.

Pooch says:

They are coming at exactly the right time, when the court cases start.

The Cominator says:

“Calling what I see.”

Project cheerfulness and optimism demoralizing people isn’t helpful.

Niiiidriveevof says:

this isn’t a pep rally and we’re adult men, capable of trying to look at facts straight on. if we were talking in front of a camera it’d be a different story.

jim says:

The time fast approaches where the choice is between winning or dying.

By February 2016, before Trump was elected, but after he came down the escalator, it had become obvious that the left was moving left faster than they could elect a new people.

The left must move ever leftwards, ever faster, as shark has to swim or die.

Thus, it had become obvious that some time between 2016 and 2026, the left was going to end democracy.

As things turned out The Republic died at 2020-11-04T04-05

Accurately assessing threats is necessary and advisable. Have I not been accurately assessing threats when everyone else was blithely assuming normality would continue?

But this black pill stuff is not realistic threat assessment. It assumes we are still in the Republic, and correctly concludes that playing by Republic rules when no one else is playing by Republic rules will result in our defeat and destruction.

Trump has been preparing for this since 2019. Does not mean he is guaranteed to win, but he knew what was coming.

Any accurate threat assessment must take into account the intimidation factor. They can intimidate us, but we are intimidating them. We have lots of guns and ammo, and they are screaming loudly about Trump’s loyalist cops and loyalist troops, complaining that he has been creating the basis of dictatorship.

No, they have been creating the basis for dictatorship, and Trump has been responding to the threat of color revolution.

Niiiidriveevof says:

There is one honest possible blackpill, and it’s the one Yarvin described in the recent article and you’ve been describing for years – that Trump may not have the character to go as far as he needs to go to save himself and his country, like Nicholas II or Louis XVI before him. If in fact he doesn’t, the demoralizing lies of the left will become self-fulfilling prophecies as they often do, will increasingly resemble reality.

I know I’m not the only one here looking at Trump’s tweets and trying to refine my estimate of his character. He was great in the late night press conference, and when he claimed the disputed states, then the momentum flagged for a couple days. Now, hopefully, it’s picked back up again. I agree that there are many other signs, especially long-term, that Trump is prepared for what this will take.

jim says:

Trump had massive desertions. He lost a lot of fair weather friends. That probably made him tired and weak. But now he knows who his friends are.

He has undoubtedly had to adjust his strategy to accommodate massive losses of personnel, and was subdued while making the necessary tactical retreats. But now he has looked at what he has left, and concluded he has enough to carry out his plan.

Not Tom says:

then the momentum flagged for a couple days

Yes – over the weekend, when nothing new was going to happen anyway. The gaystream media declared victory for Biden but that’s pretty ho-hum to me.

Today the court cases and rallies start. Now is when the momentum matters.

Eli says:

I think that the DoJ was complicit in what happened. Why didn’t they install federal observers, with guns to back them up in crucial states? Where was Trump’s Fred Flintstone? I remember clearly how he expressed concern about election tampering. And what did he actually do? Big fuck up.

Believing in democracy — and “employment for women” — is still what most Re-pubes believe in, the cucks that they are, and it’s now pay time.

Now Giuliani is trying to mop up the mess, but why did they even get there in the first place?!

BC says:

I think that the DoJ was complicit in what happened. Why didn’t they install federal observers, with guns to back them up in crucial states? Where was Trump’s Fred Flintstone? I remember clearly how he expressed concern about election tampering. And what did he actually do? Big fuck up.

I was looking into this when NotTom said the DOJ couldn’t do anything and it does appear without a court order they can’t send Federal observers at least my reading of the Voting Rights Act. Of course if the Dems were in charge of the DOJ they would send federal observers where ever they wanted but legally they may not able to under a GOP president.

Eli says:

That might be. But where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Also, they didn’t have to send troops across the whole country. Just the key places.

Theshadowedknight says:

You have to consider the optics. Trump preemptively dropping armed stormtroopers on swing state polling places to make sure they vote the right way looks exactly like he is working to steal the election. Trump responding to obvious and grotesque fraud with trustworthy law enforcement officials looks like saving democracy, yay!

At the point we are now nobody but stupid, brainless college girls and the terminally deranged are convinced. Everyone else thinks its a frame job and have no trust. This killed Fox fucking News as a credible source for the right. Now the God-Emperor has a mandate to crush the nasty little fuckers and their tricks, and everyone will cheer or sigh in relief.

BC says:

You have to consider the optics.

Best optics is not to appear to lose and when the fraud happens, be ready with video evidence of it right away.

Trump thrives in chaos and always finds a way to win but this very chaos leads to difficulties in signaling, command, and control. Trump supporters are demoralized and leaderless tonight.

Eli says:

I agree with BC. The optics RIGHT NOW is TERRIBLE for Trump and his team. If he made a show of force earlier and made sure that the law is followed (“LAW AND ORDER” my ass!), he would not be needing his lawyer(s) almost like he needs air, right now.

He has very smart people who can search for all kinds of hooks, to enable things to be done by the book or “by the book” — and we should not have gotten to this point.

There is still room for surprise, but it better be very, very forceful. There is no more time for BS.

Atavistic Morality says:

And both of you guys have even worse optics, why are you going full black pill doomer? When the ship is under attack, it’s not the time to criticize the Captain, it’s time for blind faith and absolute trust at the very least in appearance. If you want to make personal preparations to avoid any possible gulag, go ahead, but stop whining like a faggot.

If you are Americans you should be out there talking to friends and relatives and going to the demonstrations against the steal, it’s time to lock and load. And if you are not Americans like me, you cry to the heavens to everyone and everywhere that we have won and we are going to win, anything else is traitor behavior.

I have been saying to anybody who cares to listen in my family that the Democrats have committed blatant fraud. My father, who is not very politically savvy about the US, is convinced. Unfortunately most of my relatives and cousins in the US are fully indoctrinated Democrat supporters and a few are even full blown Sanders supporting commies so I’m not wasting my breath with them.

It’s sickening, though, to see congratulations pouring in for that dunderheaded Biden and evil b**** Harris, and calling Trump a sore loser, clearly ignoring the fact that Trump has a legal right of challenge.

The Cominator says:

“Unfortunately most of my relatives and cousins in the US are fully indoctrinated Democrat supporters”

They are typical Indians.

BC says:

All the Indians I know voted for Biden. They have to go back.

The Cominator says:

Trump isn’t perfect and I do have my criticisms of him but he understands how to play human emotion well much better than almost any of us… its best to let the rage and fear on our side build up and the euphoria on the left build up a little bit before striking.

To win a great battle of encirclement and annihilation you have to let the enemy think they have won by faking a retreat. But when you do have a feigned retreat THE MORALE AND DISCIPLINE OF YOUR OWN TROOPS MUST BE HIGH.

Unless there is a certain message that the WH needs to be flooded with (as it was during the early days of Rona when I told all and sundry that Trump needs to hear he is fucking up bad by not imposing the Sweden strategy) its best to avoid anything that can undermine morale at the current time.

We will win if we keep our heads.

Pooch says:
BC says:

Barr’s compromised. This isn’t going to go well.

jim says:

Is he?

Maybe. What reason do you have to believe he is compromised?

He was fine in Lafayette Park, and he has been preaching about the left singularity and the holiness spiral, though he phrases it less plainly than I do.

BC says:

His total lack of action since Lafayette Park and keeping obviously traitorous subordinates in place, IE the same behavior as Sessions. If Duham wasn’t going to deliver, Barr should have canned him. He did not.

Barr’s a old Washington DC. creature, I’m sure they’ve got the same sort of dirt on him as everyone else.

jim says:

The team of loyalist cops Barr put together have been busily doing no end of stuff, among them knocking off Michael Reinoehl

I would say that is quite large, and quite recent, something.

Also, Kellye Sorelle is alive, rather than dead, another very recent thing you have to thank Barr for.

BC says:

Why isn’t Hunter Biden in jail?

The Cominator says:

DOJ is compromised in general because its full of career bureaucrat lawyers but demoralizing talk at the current time isn’t helpful.

We need to have a blind and fanatical faith that we will win in the end at the current time, and its not so unreasonable as the US government if this is allowed to stand will have all the legitimacy of Eastern Bloc communist governments after the Soviet withdrawal.

A few system connected priestly faggots in urban centers who love it, some pet minorities (though vote totals in everywhere that wasn’t a major vote fraud center saw them defecting in droves) and brainwashed single women who are not militarily relevant.

If (and I do not think it will happen and we need to act and talk like it won’t happen) Biden and Harris get in they are going to end up like the CeauÈ™escus unless they get Chinese troops to prop them up.

jim says:

Never give an order you suspect will not be obeyed.

Not Tom says:

BC and Pooch, you’re looking at everything in black and white. It’s not a good model for the current crisis.

Of course the DoJ is compromised. It was “compromised” the second Trump stepped into office, although nothing actually changed when Trump stepped into office, but it became compromised from our point of view because Trump couldn’t control any of it.

Now, Trump and people loyal to Trump control some of it. A pretty decent amount of it. Not all of it, as the department is huge and it would take an eternity to vet all existing personnel individually, as opposed to firing them all and inviting them to reapply, which has not been an option but which his recent executive order (Schedule F) may make an option.

Anyway, the issue is not if some three-letter agency is “compromised”, but how “compromised” it is, i.e. to what extent it is still controlled by the enemy. The press and the FBI are examples of institutions being nearly 100% compromised. The DoJ is not 100% compromised. I’m loath to put numbers on these things because I just don”t know, but let’s say 50%. Or 75%.

The DoJ has been doing many things that work in Trump’s favor. They dropped the charges against Flynn and have been aggressively going after Judge Sullivan for refusing to let it go. They are helping with the antitrust suit against Google. There are obviously loyalists in the DoJ, but the DoJ is not 100% loyalists.

Would it have been nice to have loyalists in whatever bureau deals with elections? I’m sure. Is it Trump or Barr’s fault if they couldn’t replace those people in time, or does it mean the entire DoJ as a branch is compromised? Eh, not really seeing it.

Elections are a state matter, and federal election officials don’t really have any say. Supreme Court has a say, and police and military will have a say. I’d say Trump has so far focused his efforts in the right places. As others have mentioned, it’s better optics for him to have allowed the fraud to occur, found clear evidence of the fraud, and correct the outcome, than to have simply blocked the fraud in the first place, especially by using measures that the Cathedral can portray as authoritarian. It’s far more dangerous, obviously, there is a far higher risk of actually losing and not being able to correct the outcome, but if he does win, everyone who is not a hyper-partisan #resistance Democrat will know that he was fighting for fair elections and draining the swamp.

And, I would say, potentially the biggest prize of all, IF he wins, is getting the mandate and the ability to dismantle the Democratic political machines across the country.. A mandate he would not have had if the election had gone smoothly.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom

Trump did not allow the massive electoral fraud to happen in order to look good if he will dismantle the Democrat political machine. After he put so much effort into the campaign, no less.
No politician, indeed no sane man would risk so much for so little gain.

Trump was caught in offside by the massive electoral fraud. This much is certain.

And now, the real danger is that the FBI, the CIA or the other three letter agencies bend the knee to Biden because the media anointed him “president elect”.

The Cominator says:

The CIA is the media’s executive office at least part of it is.

European Mutt says:

@Edit_XYZ: I am very sure Trump has been informed about leaks such as these here: https://www.exposesunrise.com/ and about many other smaller ones months before. This is why he started tweeting months ago about possible election fraud. Twitter handed him on a silver platter additional warnings that mail voting is ‘safe and secure’, which anyone with half a brain interprets as the opposite.

His campaign and especially the Trump rallies were about showing he can drum up vastly more support among the population than Biden in the swing states, which he knew would serve as the perfect illustration of how the Democrats stole the election.


He maybe did not expect the Dems to steal as brazenly as they did, but he was prepared.

Edit_XYZ says:

European Mutt

Trump knew there will be electoral fraud. But was he prepared?

Jim put it very well in this very thread:
“It is clear that Trump anticipated the fraud.

It is clear he intended CISA to be a loyalist spook agency.

Whether CISA is a loyalist spook agency is far from clear.”

European Mutt says:

@Edit_XYZ: Not sure what your point is, are you asking why he didn’t call upon CISA right away? Your guess is as good as mine on that, but one obvious reason is that going through Supremes has precedent while CISA is a brand new agency (possible loyalist, possibly not, no idea myself) and so is more useful to be deployed as part of the enforcement after the Supremes have ruled.

Edit_XYZ says:

European Mutt

I’m saying everyone has a plan until he gets punched in the face.
Not every plan works. Not even close.

And Trump would never have allowed himself to be put in his current situation, if he had a choice. Especially not just for popularity points.
At present, Trump depends on:
Arizona going for him on the thinnest of razor thin margins; or
The Supreme Court giving him more than a state; or
The state legislatures naming republican electors, despite the vote totals.

None of the above can be controlled by him in the least. If this is a plan, it’s plan B, C, D. Plan A having failed.

Not Tom says:

…None of the above can be controlled by him in the least.

…as far as any of us know.

But I’m not sure it really works like that. For example, look at Congress when they want to pass a law or approve a judicial appointment. In theory, someone is supposed to propose it and then they vote on it. In practice, there is all kinds of behind-the-scenes horse trading and the vote does not even happen until either it is guaranteed to succeed or the party wants to make some kind of symbolic gesture over why it can’t succeed.

There’s a lot we don’t know and can’t know. Trump could easily have made a deal with judges or state legislators to handle electoral fraud, but “on the condition that you have to let the election play out normally first”. Or maybe he imposed that condition on them.

That’s just one of a dozen possibilities. Maybe your speculation is correct, but it’s also just one possibility, and right now I see no serious reason to prioritize it above other possibilities except for, as Jim calls it, normalcy bias.

Edit_XYZ says:

Not Tom

If Trump can do what you propose – backroom deals with multiple state legislatures, or with the SC, with enough leverage to ensure the deals will be respected – he is, without doubt, the greatest political mind of at least recent history.

At present, Trump does not look good. According to all the media, foreign heads of state, etc, he’s lost the election. Badly.
Each day that passes, more of his voters are convinced that he no longer has legitimacy. Police and army personnel are thinking about how to survive a Biden administration.
He needs a big win. Fast.

And he plays golf.
This is a far better image than him raging at Biden and the media, which media can easily portray as the desperation of a defeated foe.
But it’s not winning.

One silver lining is that Barr and Pence have disappeared. What are they doing?

The Cominator says:

“Each day that passes, more of his voters are convinced that he no longer has legitimacy. Police and army personnel are thinking about how to survive a Biden administration.”


This is blackpilling and defeatism Jim censor comments like this.

Edit_XYZ says:

The Cominator


Not Tom says:

If Trump can do what you propose – backroom deals with multiple state legislatures, or with the SC, with enough leverage to ensure the deals will be respected – he is, without doubt, the greatest political mind of at least recent history.

I don’t actually think it takes such a brilliant mind, only very good interpersonal skills, time in office, confidence and perseverance. Nevertheless, we’ve seen ample evidence to date that Trump is, in fact, the greatest political mind of recent history, probably dating back to Lincoln or Jackson.

If there is someone whom you’d consider more savvy, who would it be? I guess we could put FDR up there; unfortunately he was also evil.

Pooch says:

Barr just forced the out traitorous holdover in charge of voter charge. Things are looking just too good to be true now.


The Cominator says:

4chan saying we have Georgia back.

BC says:

If true, and that’s a big if, it’s unlikely to stand unless the GOP shutdown down the ballot printing presses in Atlanta. They’re currently printing away to win the senate too.

bjorn says:

If Zionism and Conservative/Orthodox Judaism is fighting on the same side as reactionary Whites in CivilWar2/WorldWar3, why the hell did Netanyahu just congratulate Biden and Harris on winning the election?


BC says:

Who said they were our allies? Just because we don’t want a group of civilized people genocided by the Cathedral and thier Muslims pets doesn’t make them our allies.

Israel is an American vassal state and it’s rulers are going to kiss the Cathedral ring like all the rest.

bjorn says:

If they aren’t our allies, then their well-being becomes a totally orthogonal concern. If they aren’t our allies, why would we give a damn whether they get genocided or not?

“Kissing the ring” is a spectrum from sycophantic ass-kissing to reluctant bowing. To earn White concern for their well-being, right-wing Jews need to stick their neck out when it counts, not necessarily 100%, but at least somewhat. Their leader is not doing so, and when we are victorious that cannot be allowed to be memory-holed.

jim says:

We should care if people get genocided by our enemies, since that advances the power of our enemies.

But you don’t see me advocating for intervention in the middle east for the sake of Israel, and Trump has been withdrawing our troops from the middle east.

bjorn says:

Alliances (even of convenience) are symbiotic, not parasitic. If Israel chooses to not merely sit the conflict out, but lend legitimacy to our enemies at the eleventh hour, and then not suffer retribution after our victory, they have another thing coming.

According to your logic, right-wing Jews should care if reactionary Whites get genocided by the Cathedral, since that advances the power of the Cathedral.

Do you see them caring?

BC says:

>Alliances (even of convenience) are symbiotic, not parasitic.

As explained there’s no alliance. Your scripts are poorly written.

bjorn says:

“Enemy-of-my-enemy” relationships between neutral parties are alliances of conveniences. Don’t read meanings into my words that aren’t there.

As for the shill accusation, Hitler did nothing wrong, blacks are sufficiently low IQ and high-time-preference such that sharing a society with them on equal terms is untenable for their cohabitants, women need to be kept under lock-and-key because the alternative is them running off with the first scumbag drug dealer they see (not because they get corrupted by the man but because all women and girls are like that), yadda yadda yadda. Spare me.

jim says:

Now that is how to pass the shill test – and also convincingly say “hail fellow member of the Dark Enlightenment”.

Once the Christians were the state religion, people kept finding no end of ways of passing their tests for entryists, but as yet we do not have that problem.

BC says:

>Hitler did nothing wrong,

Hitler was a socialist who got more white people killed than anyone in History. He’s ground zero why men without children should not lead. Nazis are better than Communists, bust Socialism of all types destroys the nation.

>“Enemy-of-my-enemy” relationships between neutral parties are alliances of conveniences.

You’re missing the point, there isn’t a relationship. I worry when Jewish houses of worship are shutdown by Cuomo because I know Christian Churches are next.

>Women need to be kept under lock-and-key because the alternative is them running off with the first scumbag drug dealer they see (not because they get corrupted by the man but because all women and girls are like that)

Explain in better detail, or better take one of Starman’s shill tests.

bjorn says:

re: Hitler killed a fuckton of white people
I agree with that, and fair enough. I guess I’m just accustomed to Hitler did nothing wrong being used as a shill test in wignat circles.

re: churches and synagogues
You’re comparing apples and oranges. The reasons why Cuomo came down on the synagogues “harder” is because they were flouting Plandemic guidelines more egregiously. If churches had been having massive social gatherings the same way the the synagogues just were, churches would have already been shut down way back in March because Jews are pretty high on the progressive stack and Christians are basically at the bottom.

Should we make pornography illegal?

In a situation where banning porn was on the table but restoring patriarchy was not, I’d say that banning all porn would help more than it would harm because it would motivate basement-inhabiting men venture out and conquer women more than they do. Porn depicting rape and dominant men, though, is certainly less bad than anything else on the market. You could say that’s irrelevant because banning porn would probably be a coup-complete problem anyway, so once we’ve seized the levers of state we might as well just restore actual patriarchy with women formally owned as property by men, and I’d agree, except that restoring patriarchy is a jihad-complete problem, and there’s a long no-man’s-land between coup-complete and jihad-complete. In the medium term I would support banning all porn, but only as a temporary measure. The ultimate goal is fertile and stable family formation, and restoring patriarchy would be more than sufficient to bring those about. And the most critical part of maintaining patriarchy is widely disseminating the knowledge about WHY dismantling Chesterton’s Chastity Belt for women leads to devastating social consequences (otherwise you just wind up with a bunch of Boomercons who can tell you that men should be the leader of the household but they can’t tell you WHY, because in doing so they’d be committing maybe the most grave of all thoughtcrimes, so then their liberal kids figure there’s no rational reason not to dismantle patriarchy, and the rest is history). So yes, priests learning about the interest of little girls in being fucked by dogs seems like a good idea.

The correct answer to Should we make pornography illegal? is [A] No, because male desire for sexual gratification is not causing society any problems. Now, we should ban gay, tranny, and cuck porn. And we should ban romance novels, i.e. porn for women. But heterosexual porn, especially if it depicts violent rape, will be allowed, and documentation of little prepubescent girls fucking their dogs will be required material for anyone who wants to be a member of the priesthood, not because it is nice to watch, but because it is incredibly red pilling.

bjorn says:

To clarify further: Jews are higher on the stack, therefore Jews being attacked is a lagging indicator of Christians being attacked, not a leading one. Therefore Christian Whites have no reason to care about Jews getting attacked, ESPECIALLY if Jews don’t care about Christian Whites getting attacked.

BC says:

Not a shill. Excellent answers.

Though Religious Jews are entirely off the progressive stack at this point and are hated by their progressive brethren the same way that progressive whites hate non progressives whites.

However, do recognize that Coumo is persecuting them over a desire to harm them, not because he cares about COVID? Blacks flout the regs with huge parties at a much higher rate.

bjorn says:

If you think Jews are off the stack you massively underestimate how much libtards hate Christians by now. Liberals can use sophistic tricks to somewhat circumvent holocaust guilt, but the programming is deep, so attacking Jews is more difficult. Again, comparing apples to apples is key. Any given Jew of piety level x is far safer from the Left than a given Christian of the same piety level x. I will agree that blacks are now higher than any Jew except possibly the secular Zuckerberg-types, though.

My original point: Trump has objectively done a lot to Make Israel Great Again, everything from moving the American embassy to Jerusalem to BTFO Soleimani to recognizing their sovereignty over the Golan Heights. He has earned goodwill from the right-wing Jewish leadership, and he is not getting it. If it looked like Trump was going to lose the SCOTUS case, I wouldn’t blame Israel for abandoning him. But it’s been just 5 days since the election, for crying out loud. The lawfare is nowhere near yet resolved, and Trump has a fighting chance.

Contra Gandhi-MLK pacifist propaganda, vengeance is /not/ an irrational instinct. Its purpose is to punish past defections (even to the point of inflicting damage on oneself, if necessary), in order to deter future defections. Israel has defected on Trump, therefore Trump must punish them the moment he is not otherwise preoccupied with waging war on the Cathedral.

If you disagree with the above, explain where and why.

bjorn says:

Again to clarify: yes, Cuomo wants to punish the bearded black-clothed Jews, just because of who they are. But he’d be going twice as hard against hyper-traditionalist Christians if there /were any left/ in NYC.

(Does this joint have an editing function somewhere?)

European Mutt says:

Bibi is anti-orthodox as is the Cathedral. If he was pro-orthodox, would they need to go ‘under the radar’?


Not Tom says:

To clarify further: Jews are higher on the stack

Progressive Jews are higher on the stack, not Orthodox or Nationalist Jews. Likewise, even blacks who break for Trump are off the stack. The stack only contains individuals and groups who support the stack. That’s literally what leftism is, the coalition of people willing to advance the coalition by any means necessary, including defecting against church and state and social order which normal people won’t do (much).

You’re playing an equivocation trick. Clearly you understand that there are different groups of Jews, but erase those categories whenever it’s convenient and reclassify them all as just “Jews”.

I really doubt that Bibi wants a Biden/Harris presidency. Show us a white male leader who’s done what you expect Netanyahu to do. Maybe you find one or two. How many from countries that are literally America’s allies on paper, like the UK? Never mind countries with whom America has no formal alliance.

American foreign policy shall be conducted in the interests of America and under the rules of the Peace of Westphalia, which Trump has been doing. However, he (and we) cannot control what every foreign leader does at every step of the way. I expect that Bibi will come out and congratulate Trump/Pence after the results are corrected, just as he congratulated Biden/Harris. And if he does not, I expect that Trump will retaliate in kind after the dust settles, not for being Jewish or for leading a nation of Jews, but for being an unreliable trade partner and interfering in the American election.


>Israel has defected on Trump, therefore Trump must punish them the moment he is not otherwise preoccupied with waging war on the Cathedral.

>If you disagree with the above, explain

Groups of people are not individuals. This is one of the very basic mistakes. Human beings have a natural inclination to tribal thinking, which worked well enough when considering a tribe a “them” and calling them enemies meant killing and enslaving all of them. And back then the other tribe wanted to do the same with you.

Now in ideological conflicts it still works. All Progs want to harm us. But as for ethnic or religious or national or etc. group not so. There is a range of people in e.g. Israel from totally opposing Trump to strongly supporting Trump. The clever thing is to find a way to punish the Trump-haters and not the Trump-supporters. Bibi himself can be considered a Trump supporter but a disloyal, tentative one. He might need to be replaced. Or you can see it as a head of a coalition with some people pulling him into a Trump-hater, others into a Trump-supporter direction. Maybe he did not want to be pulled by the Trump-haters, but they were stronger. Find a way to punish and weaken the Trump-haters. Or wanted to. Replace him, if necessary. But do it all in a way that you do not end up punishing the Trump-supporters there.

This is not a Westphalian logic. In Westphalian logic, a whole nation is with you or against you. But Westphalian logic requires monarchy. Only if Bibi was a monarch, then it these factions would not matter, because he could rule them and choose which one to support.

In Westphalian logic, if you have kings, you reward kings who support you and punish kings who defect on you.

But lacking kings, we cannot do Westphalian logic. It is all factions. Reward factions in foreign countries that support you and punish factions that oppose you.

bjorn says:

I have made no such equivocation, so you must require a re-investment in reading comprehension courses. I was very clear: Atheistic Jews are higher on the stack than progressive Whites, and religious Jews are higher on the stack than religious Whites. And then, if you subdivide the religious category, the super-religious Jews are higher on the stack than super-religious Whites. This is not just a Jewish dynamic, either. Black Trump haters are higher on the stack than White Trump haters, and Black Trump supporters are higher on the stack than White Trump supporters.

Leftism is the strategy of defection, yes, but those who are least competent and least worthy are those that can be counted on to defect most reliably. Thus, straight White male Churchian progressives are intrinsically less holy than nigger faggot tranny God-cursing progressives, and are treated accordingly – even if they hold to completely identical pieties. This is why SPLC’s political taxonomy considers White separatists “far-right” and black separatists “far-left”, /even/ in the cases where the two groups hold virtually identical beliefs – a taxonomy which is incoherent /only/ if you assume that ideology is the end-all be-all. Does phenomenon “x” help the normative, intrinsically strong, civilized, indigenous people of the relevant country in question? Then “x” is right-wing. Else, it is left-wing.

> Show us a white male leader who’s done what you expect Netanyahu to do.

To which I answer, show me a country that Trump has simped for as much as he has for Israel, /including Red-State America/. “From those who have been given much, much will be demanded.”

> How many from countries that are literally America’s allies on paper, like the UK?

The American Empire’s allies are not Trump’s allies. Trump was Netanyahu’s ally – looks like Netanyahu isn’t Trump’s.

> I expect that Trump will retaliate in kind after the dust settles, not for being Jewish or for leading a nation of Jews, but for being an unreliable trade partner and interfering in the American election.

Are you implying that’s what I think? Who was it that’s playing equivocation games, again? I have been abundantly clear – I don’t want Trump to punish Israel for being Jewish. I want Trump to punish Israel because he did them good and they did him ill – and not at the moment it became necessary for them, but the moment it became convenient. This is a question, not of anti-Semitic monomania, but of Trump’s credibility: will he be generous to his friends, and ruthless to his enemies, or /won’t/ he?

bjorn says:

Above post is @Not Tom.

@TheDividualist, I concur with your perspective – where our comments are in contradiction, I agree with you.

The Cominator says:

Netanyahu’s tweet will mean absolutely nothing to whether Trump wins this.

This is why I loathe wignats even if not shills because they are just so stupid… we’re in the fight now between becoming the monarchy we want or the Soviet socialist tranny republic of America and you want to rant about Israel because Netanyahu wants to cover his ass now.

Not Tom says:

To which I answer, show me a country that Trump has simped for as much as he has for Israel, /including Red-State America/. “From those who have been given much, much will be demanded.”

Changing the subject. Moving the goalposts. You may technically pass the shill test but you argue like any other shitlib, immediately launching into personal attacks without provocation before you’ve established any credibility for yourself.

I repeat, which other countries and leaders have done what you expect Israel and Bibi to do?

If your claim is that Trump has “simped” for Israel then you’re going to need to provide much better examples than acknowledging Jerusalem as the capital. His administration may have helped broker a few peace deals, but he worked no less hard on North Korea (vs. South). This has been universally his approach to foreign policy, not specific to Israel.

You state things as fact and accepted but we don’t consider them accepted facts. Prove that Trump has shown enough favoritism to Israel and therefore should expect some absurdly high bar of support in a contested election. And if your answer includes the words “Jared”, “Kushner” or “Ivanka” then I’m just going to dismiss you as a shill.

Not Tom says:

One other thing:

Are you implying that’s what I think? Who was it that’s playing equivocation games, again? I have been abundantly clear – I don’t want Trump to punish Israel for being Jewish.

Again, this is dishonest tactics. You go on at length about Jews being on “the stack”, subtly connect this to Israel and then when challenged about this go “Jews? Who said anything about Jews?”

You’re either a Mohameddan or a leftist.

Eli says:

This is simply idiotic. How does one classify the Jewish lawyer woman who was an election observer for the Republican party? She’s clearly secular but is on team Trump. (I’m talking about the woman who was speaking at Giuliani’s press conference a day ago).

As to Bibi doing what he was doing, this is the world of realpolitik, and all sane leaders who are not old-style kings — bounded by familial ties and honor — behave similarly. Bibi has been at this game for decades. He is extremely shrewd and has out-survived other, very shrewd politicians, which Israel is choke full of. He knows the rules of the game very well, and he’s playing to stay, not for some grand ideology or to LARP as king. He’s extremely good at telling people what they want to hear, but doing what he actually needs to do to stay in power and on the good side of the Israeli judicial system.

Meyer Lansky did a lot for the State of Israel. But when he actually needed Israel in his old age, was refused citizenship. If Israel was a vassal of the Cathedral back then, it is only truer now. If Meyer Lansky got treated like a criminal after all what he had done for Israel (without being a criminal in Israel), then there ought to be no surprise at current developments.

In order for the situation to be changed, Cathedral must be out of power, fundamentally.

Atavistic Morality says:


In the brink of war, in the line between total victory or ignominious death in gulags… and your first concern is Israel… who cares about Israel? Dogshit nation in the middle of dogshit land, stay focused in putting Biden in the dump. Revisit the subject during Trump’s secured second term.

lamar says:

The funny thing is that Bibi was criticized by left-wing Israelis for taking *too long* to recognize Biden, while right-wing Israelis couldn’t care less about it, and in fact would be totally fine if he said nothing at all. And Bibi doesn’t necessarily represent “all right-wing Jews everywhere.”

But within an hour of Bibi’s tweet, pro-Palestinian and pro-Iranian shills like “Bjorn” (Muhammad Abdul) have been out in force massively trying to incite folks on the internet against Israel.

You’re not fooling anyone, faggot. Rest assured.

Gay Ops says:

So lemme get it straight:

1. You equate a single (relatively belated compared to the rest of the world) tweet on Bibi’s twitter account (run by his media people) with all nationalist Israelis, all Orthodox Jews.

2. Bibi was vague – he did not even call Biden “President Elect.” Your first tweet is misleading here. He simply congratulated Biden, after having been criticized harshly by many people for not doing so.

3. Since then, Bibi has posted several different posts and videos passionately, vehemently thanking Trump for all he has done. Other people in Bibi’s government are outright openly supportive of Trump’s current efforts to secure his re-election, and 77% of Israelis openly prefer Trump (excluding Arab Israelis, it’s probably 90%).

4. Does e.g. Macron represent every single Frenchman? Does Johnson – every single Brit? Nah, right. Likewise with Bibi.

5. So, there’s more to add here, but when all is said and done, here’s the thing – you came here with one thing on your mind, and one thing only: How can I turn this moment into “Israel is bad, we need to take deadly revenge on the Jews because Bibi tweeted a vague tweet” kind of moment.

Such old tricks.

bjorn says:

@ Cominator and Atavistic Morality
You make a good point, consider me rebuked. Bibi just made the tweet so I figured I’d post it now, but you are indeed correct that this is a bad time. I do push back a little on the claim that it doesn’t move the needle whatsoever, though – if it truly doesn’t matter, then Bibi could just have easily have not made the tweet, or instead supported Trump on election fraud, no?

@ Not Tom
I have not moved the goalposts. In considering what Bibi ought to do for Trump, it is extremely relevant to first consider what Trump has done for Bibi and Bibi’s nation. That is how give-and-take, reciprocal relationships work.

I have already given three examples of Trump’s acts of service to the state of Israel which were big enough to make global news, and feel that I have made a sufficient case for my position. If you think that Trump has done greater service to at least one other nation on the planet that I am not aware of – the UK, for instance – then please enlighten me, I become Less Wrong every time my mistakes are corrected. I ask for merely a summarizing sentence or two, nothing more needed.

In the interest of full disclosure I freely admit that I despise Jews. But that is insufficient to warrant waging war on them. Indeed, considering the might of the enemy already arrayed against us, it might even be wise for my leaders to work together with these people I despise. But only if doing so serves our interest. All I’m saying is that in my eyes the “serves our interest” part is currently missing from the picture (though I freely admit, too, that my perspective may be biased by my feelings toward the Chosen).

When I am accused of foolishness, I pause, self-reflect, and if I judge that my words and deeds are found wanting I admit fault (as I have twice so far in this thread) and revert my errors if I am able, because that’s what I would want someone to do if I were correctly admonishing them.

When I am accused of dishonesty, I do none of the above. Therefore I try (and this time, somewhat failed) to not assume bad faith on the part of my interlocutors, for much the same reason.

In my defense I will say only that I interpreted the following sentence

“You’re playing an equivocation trick. Clearly you understand that there are different groups of Jews, but erase those categories whenever it’s convenient and reclassify them all as just ‘Jews’.”

as you judging me arguing badly, then considering but discarding the “foolish” explanation for it, and thereby implicitly endorsing the “bad faith” hypothesis, which caused me to feel justified in judging you badly in turn. If I misinterpreted the intent behind those words, then for that I apologize.

In the interest of de-escalation Not Tom I will sincerely say that I wish you no ill and I hope you and I (and everyone here) can have productive and amicable discussions on reactionary philosophy and the tumultuous current events of the day going into the future.

Since everyone here agrees there is little further worthy discussion on the subject of Bibi’s tweet, I will leave you the last word.

sarsur ben zonah says:

The most urgent thing at the moment is this: that the USA will drop hydrogen bombs on Israel (where Trump’s approval rating is the highest ever) because Netanyahu congratulated Biden 12 hours after the rest of the world had done so. Yep. That is the most vital issue. Death to Israel, fellow whites!

By the way, if I recall correctly, when Israel formed its unity government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and (center-left) Alternative Prime Minister Benny Gantz, Trump himself played kinda neutral – and is diplomatically proper.

But let no facts confuse thee: Israel must be destroyed, preferably with unconventional weapons, because Prime Minister Netanyahu of the center-right Likud Party told Biden “congratulations.” Sure, everyone who’s been paying attention can tell that Netanyahu would absolutely love to see Trump as God-Emperor of the American Hegemony, and constantly thanked him both before and after the elections, but because he posted that tweet – we must declare war on Israel and turn it into a pile of rubble with lizards.

Fellow Hitlerites, we must maintain our priorities.

bjorn says:

One final thing:

@ lamar and Gay Ops
After some rapidfire Google searches on my part you seem to be presenting accurate facts and figures. I am clearly less educated on this topic than I thought I was; mea culpa.

jim says:

You were unknowingly retailing claims you had heard from Soros shills.

Be more suspicious. I am mighty suspicious, and I always discover I have not been suspicious enough.

If Soros had his way, Israel would be turned to glass. Two Jews, three factions.

Not Tom says:

Consider it de-escalated, I will not make further accusations of bad faith, unless of course future evidence of bad faith surfaces – but for now, I’m persuaded.

That doesn’t mean I’m letting you off the hook, though. Considering this:

I have already given three examples of Trump’s acts of service to the state of Israel which were big enough to make global news

Your examples were:

[1] moving the American embassy to Jerusalem to [2] BTFO Soleimani to [3] recognizing their sovereignty over the Golan Heights

[1] is Peace of Westphalia. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. It has always been an insult to Israel, and a concession to the Muslim states waging perpetual war on Israel, that the capital was in Tel Aviv. Predictable, this move also helped to draw out a lot of shills, who still obsess over this largely token gesture. Hardly any money was spent, no troops were expended, it is an almost entirely symbolic gesture, and yet some people (including progressive Jews!) find it infuriating and still refer to Tel Aviv. Yes, I will concede that this was an actual political favor Trump did for Israel, although in my opinion it is hardly of any greater significance than e.g. formally backing Brexit in the UK, or Modi’s nationalism in India.

[2] had nothing to do with Israel and only shills claim otherwise. Let’s assume you aren’t a shill, but then I believe you uncritically picked it up from shills. The fact is, Iran provoked America by attacking American troops in US-allied territory and offing Soleimani was retaliation. Cathedral spun many disinfo narratives around it, including the fed shill narrative that Israel planned the whole thing; no evidence.

[3] is also Peace of Westphalia. If Israel can take the Golan Heights, and hold the Golan Heights, then they are sovereign over the Golan Heights and it is none of Trump’s concern or any other world leader’s concern. Likewise, if Russia holds domain over Crimea, or China holds domain over Taiwan. Trump does not provoke any of these nations, he is simply following “classical international law”.

Of the three examples, only [1] really makes any sense to describe as a favor to Israel, and only a very mild one at that, more in the vein of righting past wrongs by the Cathedral than bestowing American largesse.

If anything, I would argue that the Israeli peace deals (IIRC there were two) with the more secular Arab nations are a better demonstration of “favoritism”, although it’s not entirely clear how much Trump was involved. Prior reports told us that this was Jared Kushner’s pet project, where Trump put him (in addition to building the wall) to keep him away from more contentious matters of domestic policy. Certainly looks like a good decision in hindsight; wall got built, and peace deals were gravy. I’d reconsider my position if there were evidence that Trump went very far out of his way or spent a lot of the public treasury to do them.

Remember, Trump has been pulling troops out of the middle east, refusing to fight what might be considered Israel’s wars, replacing them with token diplomatic gestures, and Bibi and Israelis are cheering him on for that. The reality does not square up with the shill narrative that Israel tricks or manipulates America into fighting wars; it looks much more like Israel would prefer to be left alone and treated with the same respect as any other sovereign nation, and the endless wars in the middle east are actually wars waged by the Cathedral in order to force Arab girls to learn how to put a condom on a banana.

So no, the Trump administration has shown no particular favoritism toward Israel, it only looks like that when one is laser-focused on Israel and Jews and ignores what Trump has been doing for other races/religions. All politicians and world leaders trade in foreign-policy favors, that is the currency of their trade.

jim says:

bjorn was arguing in good faith, but had been duped by shills, so was retailing shill claims.

Happens a lot to good people. Has happened to me.

Fortunately some of our allies, nationalist Israeli Jews, popped up and provided relevant evidence to refute the shill claims.

When the universalist religion and empire of progressivism is no more, nationalists of nation X will be in conflict with nationalists of nation Y, but for the moment, a common enemy unites nationalists of all nations, and a common adherence to the peace of Westphalia should keep future troubles down to tolerable levels. Jews should rule in Israel, Hindus in India, and Christians in America, and if we all agree on that, should manage to refrain from killing each other even when the common enemy is no more.

bjorn says:

@ Not Tom
I can’t really find anything to argue with in that post, it all sounds reasonable enough. Consider yourself to have #ChangedMyMind, Crowder-style, on the Israeli Question. Lesson learned not to clutter the blog with useless threads, I can only hope that I was an amusing-enough “shill” to debunk lmao

bjorn says:

I don’t intend to presume on the forbearance of anyone here (if I am, by all means disregard this post), but if anyone is gracious enough to indulge my curiosity I have a single question remaining that puzzles me, and then I’ll shut up about Israel on this blog forever, God as my witness.

Since Trump isn’t a simp for Israel, why has Israel received ~150 billion inflation-unadjusted dollars from America since the 80s, and got $3.8 billion just last year? Operating from the frame that Israel is a vassal state of the American Empire, what does the latter have to gain from paying the former to such a degree?

I am fully aware that foreign aid is a drop in the bucket compared to a $3.5 trillion US federal budget, and even if it WERE bad Biden-and-Gang are a thousand times more important, but the notion that the money just subsidizes Israel as a base to project American force in the Middle East seems like a stretch to me when foreign aid to Israeli dwarfs that which is allocated to any other country. That, combined with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars that had the apparent purpose of outflanking Iran, when Iran is a credible threat to Israel but not to America, makes me think that even if Trump isn’t an Israeli simp, Bush and other presidents were.

If this post does NOT constitute my final words on the subject, may the Lord himself smite me where I sit.

Not Tom says:

Since Trump isn’t a simp for Israel, why has Israel received ~150 billion inflation-unadjusted dollars from America since the 80s, and got $3.8 billion just last year? Operating from the frame that Israel is a vassal state of the American Empire, what does the latter have to gain from paying the former to such a degree?

We don’t deny that AIPAC exists, that anti-BDS lobbyists think the US constitution doesn’t apply to them, etc. Israel peddles influence like many countries, and receives foreign aid like many countries. We (or I, in any case) simply refute that any of this makes Israel unique.

Several of the countries that receive US foreign aid, some more than Israel, are actually Israel’s Arab neighbors that Israel is supposedly making proxy war on. Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, and of course lots of money flowing to the Saudis. To me that has a simple explanation: pro-Israel factions lobby for aid to Israel, anti-Israel factions lobby for aid to Israel’s enemies, and both get what they want because both have sympathetic conduits in the US government, but the anti-Israel factions appear to get a lot more of what they want from the Cathedral.

Trump is choosing to give the anti-Israel factions less of what they want, without changing a whole lot about the pro-Israel factions, which in a certain light could be seen as favoritism, but the lion’s share still goes to anti-Israel factions, and this is easily verifiable by Moldbug’s thought experiment: If the US completely pulled out of the middle east and promised never to interfere again, would Israel become larger or smaller, more or less prosperous? It seems to me that they’d immediately crush all Palestinian resistance, absent international pressure not to, and vastly speed up settlement expansion. If you agree that Israel would like to do so and probably has the capability to do so, then only one nation is really capable of stopping them.

bjorn says:

[googles list of countries, sorted by US foreign aid granted]

…for fuck’s sake, there I go again shooting my damn-fool mouth off, citing supposed “facts” as facts. SAD! Many such cases.

Appreciate the response, thanks.

yewotm8 says:


Not Tom and many others here are rather unable to view criticism of jews or Israel as anything other than attempts by an enemy to sow division and make us forsake potential allies, and react accordingly. This makes sense for several reasons. Firstly, people who focus too hard on jews are usually missing the fact that the progressive movement is responsible for what’s going on, and jews are merely along for the ride (though they do love to take the driver’s seat whenever possible, and this is what many dissident right-wingers tend to notice). Secondly, if jews really weren’t on the progressive stack, they’d start to abandon progressivism in much greater numbers, as we have seen black/hispanic men do, so it is helpful to meme that they don’t get anything for being jews. It has certainly reached the point where they would be better off in a Christian Kingdom than in progressive 2020, regardless of holocaustian belief.

As for Netanyahu’s tweets, you are definitely overreacting. Don’t have much to add other than what has been said, but thought I’d contribute as another jew-hater who has come to realize we have bigger problems.

Bilge_Pump says:

“Porn depicting rape and dominant men, though, is certainly less bad than anything else on the market.”

Well I tend to disagree. I don’t watch porn, haven’t in years, but I’d rather look at softcore naked chicks than watch some dude slap a woman, throw her around, and choke her with his dick (maybe this would be enjoyable to do, but I don’t think I’d even be down for that most days). Ditto for tentacle porn, bestiality, gay porn, etc.

I think rape porn is more degenerate than normal fucking porn. It serves female fantasies more than male. You could argue about what rape is – does slapping count, what if she says no etc – but I really don’t want to watch some woman in tears while she’s beaten and forcibly fucked in the asshole, why would any sane man want to watch that?

jim says:

You are fantasizing the progressive story of what rape is like for women being depicted in porn.

Depictions of rape in porn tend to be considerably more realistic than that.

Progressive rape is seldom depicted, because no one wants to watch it.

Not Tom says:

…rather unable to view criticism of jews or Israel as anything other than attempts by an enemy to sow division and make us forsake potential allies

Not at all; I think his last question about foreign aid was a perfectly legitimate question to ask and deserves a thoughtful answer. Israeli influence does exist, and “well-meaning” but subversive movements like anti-BDS are a potentially serious problem, or would be a more serious problem during domestic peacetime.

We, or I, only take issue with the ones who don’t listen to the answers, or won’t notice that there are also anti-Israel factions (and pro-Russia/anti-Russia, pro-China/anti-China, etc.). It’s fair to say that Jews have outsize influence relative to the size of the tribe, but also fair to say that the actual size of Jewish influence (i.e. not per capita, and as opposed to Progressive influence that is falsely attributed to Jews by Soros/FBI shills) is not excessively high relative to other tribes or nations.

I think we need to deal with the Progressive problem first (probably through war), the Woman problem second (through limited franchise and coverture initially, and eventually full patriarchy), the China problem third (hopefully through diplomacy and trade), the immigrant and black problems fourth (through deportations and law-and-order governance, respectively), and then after all of those we can focus on the little problems like Jewish meddling, Indian tribalism, Ukrainian political graft, the bizarre relationship with Saudi Arabia, and so on.

There are issues with Jews, they just aren’t our biggest issues right now, and Jews are a heterogeneous group just like Hispanics are a heterogeneous group (e.g. Cubans being much more right-wing than Mexicans). And when there is a clear hierarchy of problems, we should deal with the highest-priority problems first and not become excessively distracted with low-priority problems, especially in times of crisis. It may turn out to be the case that dealing with the Leftist problem actually solves most of the Jewish problem; or, it may not, in which case we keep it on the list.

Secondly, if jews really weren’t on the progressive stack, they’d start to abandon progressivism in much greater numbers

I consider this to be evidence that Jews, and in particular Progressive Jews, believe that they are on the stack, and are always quite shocked to discover that they really aren’t. I’ve seen this happen more than once.

The smarter ones have indeed wised up to the truth, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they abandon Progressivism; the really committed ones will attempt to position themselves on the stack through other attributes, gender-bending being a popular one. There’s a surplus of Progressive Jewish men who haven’t actually cut off their dicks [well, not their whole dicks anyway] but wear dresses to work, claim to be “asexual” or “genderfluid”, and insist on “they/them” pronouns. Nationalist and Orthodox Jews don’t do this, instead they wear silly hats and vote for Trump.

@Not Tom

BTW foreign aid. I remember this story when Andrew Joyce wrote about Jews fucking Congo out of about $70M: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2015/08/01/paul-singer-and-universality-of-anti-semitism/

“Making the Panamanian, Argentinian, Congolese, Ecuadorian, Polish or Vietnamese government pay for the full value of the debt, plus interest and fees, even as the major creditors accepted a discounted payment, meant handing citizens’ money to a hedge fund rather than investing in, for example, roads, schools, hospitals, clean water projects or social welfare programs. In the aftermath of Elliot’s judgment against Congo, the Congolese were forced to abandon water purification programs leading to widespread dehydration.”

Meanwhile, Congo was receiving billions of foreign aid. But clearly it was Jews stealing this $70M that “forced” them to abandon water purification programs and not that the Congolese elites stole the foreign aid plus their citizens taxes and probably never even really meant those programs seriously, but mostly wanted to steal the aid for that?

I mean, once you break out of political correctness, and see things clearly, you are supposed to see people like the Congolese government stealing everything in their country that is not encased in ferroconcrete. Dalrymple even explained why. Even without empirical evidence, you would not assume Jews stealing $70M out of the billions the Congolese got as foreign aid would in any way force them to stop water purification programs.

So basically the issue I want to raise is that of horse blinders. Obviously it is the mainstream, liberal, normie horse blinder that is the most important. But even if you break out of it, it does not necessarily mean now you see things clearly. One easy horse blinder is to fall into is just to blame it all on the Jews. Which leads to ridiculous outcomes like assuming the Congolese government is honest.

It is not so one breaks out of one blinder and then there is truth. There are other blinders to fall into. Ultimately nothing can replace putting effort into figuring out how things actually work… and becoming redpilled in the sense of casting off the mainstream/lib horse blinders does not in itself guarantee seeing clearly. One has to work on it…

drake says:

Andrew Joyce, Ph.D (KMac’s protege) has under his sleeve a wide plethora of intellectual dishonesty regarding Jews. Sad, because if maintained a more balanced i.e. an order of magnitude less deranged attitude, he could potentially be really insightful about the JQ. But no; in typical lawyerly fashion, he throws around whatever argument might stick to his audience’s memory, regardless of its veracity.

Pooch says:

It may turn out to be the case that dealing with the Leftist problem actually solves most of the Jewish problem; or, it may not, in which case we keep it on the list.

I do wonder what their reaction would be if leftism is destroyed, because their fanaticism to the religion.

yewotm8 says:

@Not Tom

Perhaps I am biased from when I first started posting here and asked something to the tune of “what about the jews tho?” and was immediately labeled a shill. At that time I viewed things much more one-dimensionally and thought that jewish influence was much greater than I believe it to be now.

I also found this to be an inherently cucked viewpoint, as it implies that non-jews are utterly at the whim of another group of men. Getting hit over the head with the club of minorities/feminism/faggotry by other Anglo men instead of jews feels much better for some reason.

I have come to agree with what you think regarding jews, especially this:

>It may turn out to be the case that dealing with the Leftist problem actually solves most of the Jewish problem.

I’ll still think they’re fairly disgusting, though.

jim says:

Jews are merely the matador’s cape, not the matador’s sword. Don’t be distracted by the cape.

But Jews will always be a problem, until Israel truly becomes a Jewish state, and Judaism becomes the state religion of Israel.

They need to build that temple, to get the festering thorn of exile out of their systems. As long as they are psychologically refugees, they will continue to cause problems.

Solomon’s temple was in large part copied from Phoenician temples, and built by Phoenician experts. They should copy Putin’s great Cathedral.

Non Hindus should be excluded from high ranking state or quasi state office in India, non Jews should be excluded from high ranking state or quasi state office in Israel, and non Christians should be excluded from high ranking state or quasi state office in America.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

> Andrew Joyce, Ph.D (KMac’s protege)

If he and KM focused the autism on Jew stuff that matters, and not on grand unified theories that are strangely disunified in applying only to Jews, the result would have been useful, first and foremost to Jews. Blackpilling Jews about Jewish leftism, leftism in general, immigration, cultural subversion, etc would be in everyone’s interests. Joyce has a good eye for interesting topics, makes a good start and then beclowns himself by trying to prove too much. Kmac more of a bulldozer but the same problem, he thinks he is doing evopsych when he could just keep it a side gig as historian.

Luke says:

Will Trump win the Republican primaries again before the 2024 elections?

Javier says:

He’s too old to run again. Should send his son, or some other disciple. That’s assuming there is another primary. The left will likely try to export the california system to the primaries, so people can only choose between the two most popular democrats.

Pooch says:

Elections no longer matter. If Trump loses, him and his family will

Atavistic Morality says:

And Trump supporters will go to a gulag, not just Trump.

Lock and load, win or win.

Shelby says:

Wow! So lots of people have been wondering why Donald Trump tweeted that he was going to have a “Big press conference today in Philadelphia at Four Seasons Total Landscaping — 11:30am!”

Just look at this thread: https://twitter.com/anonpatriotq/status/1325228477449113601

I’m still not entirely sure WHAT THE FUCK is going on here, but the President and his crew were obviously sending a very big message!

[*disinfo deleted, but allowing most of this comment through*]

Shelby says:

Great twitter thread here: http://archive.is/https://twitter.com/APhilosophae/status/1325135291791839232

I love how the mathematical proofs that indicate cheating keep piling up. The most novel part of that thread is that he postulates Trump might declare a state of emergency due to Chinese election interference, as a move to run out the clock to force the House of Representatives to vote to decide the election

I’m going to check your Corbett posts.

The strategy indeed may be to delay the state electoral apparatus to kick it to the House.

jim says:

Because you are a shill, I usually do not let your stuff through, but this is a good link.

loclun-midwyt says:

There is a new article about the election by Yarvin:


Relevant is Covfefe Anon’s (I think he posts on here) recent Twitter thread regarding the difference between the Jim and Moldbug factions of NRx.

The Cominator says:

Moldbug’s problem (besides having been doxxed) is that generally he thinks the priests SHOULD rule just educated slightly better without stupid socialist and democratic idea…

The reality is most of the current US brahminate/priesthood 90% at least need a helicopter ride (even if getting rid of all the leftist is extreme the current progressive priesthood to a man has to go) and warriors/soldiers need to have the ultimate authority.

Karl says:

Soldiers cannot have the ultimate authority because a soldier by definition has a superior officer or (if the soldier is a full general) a head of state to obey.

One warrior might have ultimate authority. I don’t see how several warrios at the same time could have ultimate authority for long. Warriors are not inclined to try to rule by comitee. Historically, they quickly settled to one of them having ultimate authority.

The Cominator says:

Obviously the king should be considered top warrior/soldier.

BC says:

Soldiers cannot have the ultimate authority because a soldier by definition has a superior officer or (if the soldier is a full general) a head of state to obey.

That ultimate authority of the very top solder IE the King should be God.

Priestly rule always turns into a mess as seen as far back as the Sumerians. The Sumerians viewed Kingship as a blessing from the gods that ended this disorder.

Once he hinted at he prefered those past elites who had both priestly and warriorly capabilities (good at being “Athenian” and good at being “Spartan”).

The Cominator says:

I know he expressed disdain even before he was doxxed for “optimate-vaisya” regimes as the solution…

Shelby says:


jim says:
Shelby says:


Hell is eternal, hell is eternal, hell is eternal…

I don’t think such factions exist. Yes I see completely different predictions coming from very similar premises in this article to Jim’s. But the differences are not clear enough for people to form factions. I only vaguely see the outline of these difference:

I think the difference boils down to Moldbug saying

1) power is power, it rules, and peasants are peasants, and Jim saying the ruling class is increasingly incapable of ruling because they compete with each o ther too and because they are getting increasingly incompetent (but Moldbug hinted on agreeing with the later in this article), it seems Moldbug believes they are able to cooperate with each other because bureaucracy just does exactly that, makes people cooperate in a tedious way

2) and the peasants are armed fathers and armed soldiers who would be able to win if the shitstorm would break out, and it seems Moldbug is not even questioning that, he is just sayin the shitstorm will not break out, because the whole right from Trump down to any random Trumpist voter just does not believe they actually have a right to rule. He is not saying the Right could not win if there was a bogaloo, he is saying there will not be a bogaloo because the Right does not really believe they have a right to rule, they will do what they usually do, complain, bitch and give up. The Right is just too much used to being the beaten underdog, the constant opposition.

There is a good point in that – they are too much used to constantly behaving as opposition, basically complaining about what power does. Even Trump basically tweeting from the White House as an opposition, complaining about the dishonest media. People who believe they have a right to rule do not complain, do not behave like constant opposition. This is a good point. I am a complainer too, most of you are complainers, the Right has been constant opposition for centuries, of course it makes people into complainers. At this point I don’t even see what a non-complaining Right that truly believes they have a commission from God to truly rule would be like.

Anonymous 2 says:

Yes, there should be a bit more anger at the blatantly stolen election. Complaining leads nowhere. As an example, I liked those car caravans before the election as a low key way to show some street presence without going full antifa clash. So, for example, why not slowly drive past various places of interest and honk honk honk.

Anon1 says:

The article is a predictions thinly veiled with hope, pointing the way while assuming no one will follow .
the big difference from jim’s predictions is the total silence on the left holiness spiralling ; ridiculously assuming the left energy came fro trump ??? and under Biden admin “no gas in the pedal ” and ” no american gulag” .
considering he is “Moldbug” or was , he can’t say or will not say .
everyone move left until stopped , it halted or slowed down under trump. but will resume again a thousand fold.

The real WTF is he is predicting something entirely different under Biden that what happened under Obama. The left definitely did not go to sleep under Obama. Oh no. Trump’s election happened precisely because they stepped on white mens toes with steel-toed boots really a lot under Obama and they got sick of it. If they were asleep, it would have been an Establishment Republicuck elected. Or Hillary.

Pack Dickinson’s Tweet that got him sacked was actually making fun of Mel Gibson, making fun of his rightist traits, so to speak. Pax was not a harcore rightist yet. The sack made him a Trump supporter, sort of out of spite. Moldbug is thinking the leftist craziness we are seeing is a reaction to Trump, while actually Trump was a reaction to the leftist craziness that happened during Obama. WTF.

Shelby says:

Moldbug’s excellent analysis put into words the essence of my analysis of the situation at hand, and helped me clarify my thinking on this matter.

Conservative America is predominantly center-right not far right. White conservatives want to depend on the political process and legal system, not on violence. They correctly understand as Moldbug pointed out that if it resorts to violence, then we’ve lost the necessary force to win. Force (derivative of soft power) originates from priests (and thus the predominant culture and ideology) not from warriors.

Trump may complete Moldbug’s step 1 and tenuously hold onto the government for maybe two more years, but the Demonrats will form a shadow government and accumulate more power. Trump will not have a mandate to purge the left entirely because most white Americans are not warriors. I for example consider my mentality to be that of a warrior but I lack sufficient force (power) to make any rational impact as a warrior, so my warrior mentality is useless in this context.

The left will not lose momentum if Trump completes step 1. Yarvin thinks the left will lose momentum if they regain power but the leftist holiness spiral dictates that the power will be consolidated by escalating the memes. Patriarchal China is to be the next boogeyman perhaps. China appears to participated in the virus hoax to aid our Western elite in destroying the West, but China will have to face this enemy they’re empowering. Yarvin’s overarching model which concurs with Jim’s holiness spiral is correct that the left must continue aggregating power else it implodes. I predict the ultimate end will be the globalist new world order empire offering to restore order and guillotine the nation-state level leftists. This global new world order will for example employ Bitcoin as its reserve currency. My model is the penultimate globalists (Rothschild et al) are sowing the destruction of the nation-states to usher in their NWO — the Antichrist is the ultimate end.

Technology has evolved, so the next empire will have evolved from the nation-state to the NWO, analogous to how technology deprecated the tribe then the city-state and now deprecating the nation-state. And technology will be our only effective weapon for individual empowerment in this new world.

On a personal level, the leftist holiness spiral will presumably eventually lead to confrontation between white Americans and the leftist gestapo. At that point absent a collective force, the remaining warriors will have no other option than to take on suicide fire fights as the authorities swarm their homesteads. Most “conservative” Americans will instead capitulate.

Note there’s another possibility that Yarvin does not discuss which is that some southern states with sufficient force secede from the morass. This might be analogous to Constantine moving the Roman Empire towards the East away from the collapsing morass the Western Roman Empire had become. Such a confederation could possibly lurch more towards the right in some facets while actually continuing the slide into progressivism. Alabama wants to chemically castrate rapists for example. But I presume you all agree that demonizing rape is indicative of the faggot, progressive slide of America. I tend to think Yarvin is correct that Americans don’t have the balls (to emulate Constantine) but in the south they may find priests to form a new state subservient to the predominant empire which will no longer be the U.S.A..

In summary, I agree with Yarvin that the West is disintegrating and the only solace will be watching all the idiots reap what they sowed as they crater their economy into poverty and deprivation. I agree with Yarvin that I prefer to win than bark up the wrong tree and follow the weak horse.

jim says:

Section F is a massive power grab by the president for power over the presidency.

If Trump holds the presidency, everything else is in the bag. The power of the presidency is so overwhelming and intrusive that everything else will inevitably happen quietly, dressed in the forms of the Old Republic, without the blatant and intrusive measures recommended by Moldbug.

Shelby says:


Shelby says:


Shelby says:


jim says:

Not what Maga supporters think. What shills posing as Maga supporters think.

Shelby says:


jim says:

I have silently deleted more of your comments than I can recall, and you have told me more times than I can recall that you are going away.

If you want to stick around, going to have to engage your interlocutors.

I allowed many of your comments through because of the superficial appearance of participating in the conversation, but they lacked the substance – you ignored the positions that you were disputing. And I went to the trouble of checking other comments that you referenced on other blogs, which showed the same one way conversation – that you have your script, and are unwilling to acknowledge what the people you are supposedly responding to are actually saying. You decorate your scripts with the appearance of interaction, but this is just decoration to carry the script.

Shelby says:


Shelby says:


Pooch says:


What exactly happened at 2020-11-04T04-05? Someone announced something?

jim says:

I was watching a blatant vote fraud taking place in front of everyone, so massive and spectacular as to forever discredit the democratic process.

Karl says:

Your optimism is charming. I hope you are right, but fear you are not.

Seriously, the more the argument centers on fraud, the easier it will be for someone to argue “democratic process is great, we simply have to implement it correctly this time”.

The Cominator says:

I think all posts that express doubt in victory at this time should be censored…

Defeatism is the only thing that will keep us from winning in the end. We are not the axis powers post 1942 when defeat really was inevitable.

European Mutt says:

Don’t want to put words in Jim’s mouth, but I think the argument goes like this:

Trump will try to do exactly that. But because Democrats and cucks are not agreement capable (this is a literal translation from Russian недоговороспособный by the way, maybe we can find something catchier) he will find out (probably within a month if that) that the democratic process will not let him implement his policies.

I think it’s a given that he will arrest and try all Dem congress members so this is already a big step away from ‘democratic process’ as it is usually understood.

He will also start to overrule stuff like sanctuary cities etc. through loyalist cops or declare amnesty on ridiculous OSHA regulation fees, accounting rule violations* or Crimes Against Diversity(TM). He will govern around the official structure and fire any bureaucrats who will not let him do that. State governments and state senates will either fall in line or their members will be charged for insurrection just like with federal congress.

All of this is incompatible with democracy, and yet necessary for the rightfully elected president to govern as he promised the people. This is all Trump has been fighting for since he got elected the first time. Democracy or constitutionalism is not coming back to the US, no matter who wins.

* Off-topic, but GAAP is truly ridiculous as I found out a few years ago. Like Jim says this is not accounting it’s talmudic ritual. Real accounting is what the Germans do.

Not Tom says:

Trump will restore the Republic like Caesar August was restoring the Republic.

Jim has only explained this, like, 5000 times so far. Where have you been?

And come on. “I hope you are right, but fear you are not?” You couldn’t ask for a more textbook example of the blackpill whiny bitch script. Hey, everything is miserable but at least I’m right!

Karl says:

Trump becoming Augustus is different from democratic process discredited for all times.

Not Tom says:

If there is such a thing as a right-wing Eschaton, “democratic process [being] discredited for all times” is probably it. Its essence is the same as leftism being eliminated for all times, because democracy is always a power grab by the left.

You can’t permanently eliminate the left, because leftism is a strategy, and people will – and in some sense must inevitably – use that strategy when a social order is failing to guard its gates. Leftism is evil, is fundamentally Satanism, and yet if our systems are not occasionally checked by nearby evil and made more robust, they will eventually be obliterated by distant evil.

Cleverer people than us knew the evil of democracy and thought they had designed the perfect system to hold back the tide. They were wrong. You can’t kill democracy forever, eventually the memory fades and people no longer understand what’s wrong with democracy. You can make disdain for democracy part of the state religion, but as with all religions, at some point it tends to fade into the background and become lip service empty of substance. For people to keep believing, they need more visceral reminders of how democracy leads to catastrophe.

All we can realistically hope for in our time is for democracy to end locally, for it to be discredited over a long period of time (as it was with ancient Rome), and for it to be a good long while before it comes back on the scene. Eventually it will come back, though; the cycle always repeats.

The Cominator says:

There is a certain natural leftism that stems from the politics of envy and jealously, a poor guy who breaks his back all day and doesn’t have much is going to naturally kind of wonder why some rich kid who never worked in his life has everything. And of course people will try to use that natural kind of envy to get into power.

This is the leftism of the second brother Gracchus, of Catiline, of Cinna (the man who used Marius as a figurehead to take over Rome before Sulla won a civil war against him) of peasant rebels in the Middle Ages… and no you can never get rid of it and probably in limited amounts its a good thing. Otherwise societies would end up like Renaissance Poland.

Such natural leftism is relatively dormant in America now because the American working class has been so thoroughly fucked over by the left since the 1950s that their hearts are black with hatred and they will back Optimates like Trump with death squads if they get the chance.

The intersectional progressive modern left otoh is an unnatural fanatical religious movement that it is absolutely 100% possible to exterminate and exterminate forever. It may play off envy but its really well divorced at this point from natural leftism.

Not Tom says:

Yeah, but we’re talking about different things. You want to do away with the elite and their useful idiots; I’m simply saying you can’t kill an idea and can’t fundamentally change human nature (and that human nature here is, like everything else from Gnon, actually optimal when played out over millennia).

We can make such beliefs low status, but that merely requires power, not some kind of memetic miracle. And eventually our safeguards will fail, but hopefully not for a thousand years.

The Cominator says:

You cannot kill a natural idea like natural envy leftism and I never intended to try that. Even many of Trump’s natural working class supporters would be leftists if the left were (like the old Union left in the country up until LBJ) able to plausibly claim it was on their side.

But you can kill religious ideas the way the Norman French wiped out the Cathars or the British wiped out the Thugee and progressive leftists if we ever get the chance should be wiped out by us the way the Cathars were wiped out.

Believing in a fair shake for the working man should not be enough to get you on the helicopter as every working man probably believes in this in some way, believing that gender is a social construct or that capitalism should be abolished otoh…

Progressive leftism in victory (not natural leftism) should not be made low status, it should get the Cathar treatment.

jim says:

As the civil war approaches, I grow more sympathetic to the Cominator solution. Successful state religions went Old Testament on some heresies from time to time.

But it is easy to overdo it. The Turkish empire’s solution for non state religions worked great. Probably would not have worked on Cathars, and the reason it Turkish empire’s solution worked great is that they had no hesitation in going old testament when it did not work.

We must not punish Havel’s Greengrocer. The Spanish inquisition kept the door wide open for last minute convenient conversion. Spanish inquisition worked. Turkish empire limited low status tolerance worked.

The Christian Roman Empire’s repression of paganism gets exaggerated. For the most part it was similar to the Cathedral’s suppression of Christianity. Low status, and vandalism against pagan temples and pagan congregations tolerated, similar to the Crown Hills riots against Orthodox Jews and the various sodomite riots against old type Christians. State discrimination against pagan congregations, similar to Cuomo going after Orthodox Jews on various excuses.

The Cominator says:

I don’t wish to persecute most non state religions. If I were deciding Buddhists and Mormons (if not leftists) would have nothing to fear from me.

But universal religions are a different story, and progressive leftism is not only universal but it can mutate rapidly to escape detection if pushed underground…

So I think the litmus test for the greengrocers should be, the one that determines if they are beyond saving is to look at their records and see whether they argued this election was authentic (because even some shitlibs are balking on this one).

If they did there is no saving them…

That was a process taking days. What happened at T04-05?

Pooch says:

4am ballot dumps of 130k+ votes 90%-100% Biden in MI and WI that singly handily ended Trumps blowout victory.

Thank you.

100-200K votes being so decisive in a country of a population of 328M, WTF… of course in very strategic districts. But it sounds like Dems don’t even need to import that many immigrants now, they just need to rearrange where they settle, move 500K immigrants offering them gibs into this strategic districts away from less strategic ones and…

Pooch says:

It’s more than 100-200k. Those initially dumps simply put states back into play magically and suddenly overnight and the ballot presses did not printing until the states flipped for Biden days later. Who knows how many fake ballots were generated when it’s all said and done. There is no margin of fraud.

Not Tom says:

This is per state, and only the really obvious impossible-to-notice vote dumps (how are there people who still don’t know?). Probably a few million votes nationwide.

Trump exceeded Obama’s 2008 nationwide popular vote total by 500k votes, so in fact you are entirely incorrect about the demographic problem and using the same linear model that Vox has repeatedly explained is too simplistic to work in practice.

(Not that mass immigration isn’t a problem – but it’s not the problem here. Stay focused.)

Not Tom says:

I meant impossible not to notice.

TimothyS says:

Thomas Wictor suggests we are witnessing a fraud so well anticipated by Trump that it will forever discredit the democratic party.
In 2018 Trump created an agency called the Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Agency (CISA) under the DHS. The DHS determined that elections are a national security matter, and so comes under the brief of this agency.
Trump was clearly aware of the danger of voter fraud and said so repeatedly. He created an agency tasked specifically to grapple with the problem. So why did he allow it to happen? If the media, foreign governments, big tech and the democrat party go all in, they have paved the way for a decisive counter attack. The video is well worth watching. His argument is, I believe, very persuasive.

TimothyS says:

Sorry for the extra post, but this more recent video by Thomas Wictor is is also very useful in understand what Trump is doing and what he has with the CISA.

Critical infrastructure is under surveillance as a matter of fact. Elections are designated as critical infrastructure. The election was under close surveillance the entire time. Ergo, Trump has the goods. Let not your heart be troubled.

jim says:

Still no evidence that CISA is loyalist.

If they actually do something, let us know. Until then shut up about them and Thomas Wictor.

jim says:

Thomass Wictor is a Qtard.

It is clear that Trump anticipated the fraud.

It is clear he intended CISA to be a loyalist spook agency.

Whether CISA is a loyalist spook agency is far from clear.

The Cominator says:

Trump and team Trump might have underestimate the brazenness and the scale of the fraud.

You absolutely anticipated that there was an extremely high chance they would do this but most people even on our side and even redpilled about the left thought either fraud would be limited by traditional margins of plausible deniability.

Not Tom says:

Wictor is the epitome of an optimist, I suppose in a way he’s good for morale. But we have to take stock of the fact that his predictions are just plain awful. If Wictor predicts a specific outcome, it is a pretty reliable indicator that we will not see that outcome.

Humble Acolyte says:


CISA looks cucked to me. Youtube is linking to them like so:

“The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google.
Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more: “

Not Tom says:

YouTube is slapping that label on everything that might contradict the gay media narrative. It’s basically the same as Twitter’s “misleading” label.

Edit_XYZ says:

At present, time passing with no significant countermeasure is in Trump’s favor or not?

You could say that, for now, it passes in his favor.
The people are fighting for him – starting with demonstrations and performing statistical analysis, and ending with whistleblowers.
The left has not recoursed to muscle either – indeed, it has not proven it can do so in the least – beyond Antifa goons.

But why does it take longer and longer to count fewer and fewer ballots?
Does anyone know what’s the situation in the voting buildings of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, etc?
Are the doors still barred by democrat operatives? Or are there republicans and DOJ agents/other muscle inside?

Pooch says:

GA Sec of State seems to indicate he has Fulton Co under control.


No idea any where else.

The Cominator says:

GA sec of state sounds like a Trojan Horse and enemy agent a real Shit Romney type looking into him. The GOPe seems to (sensing that if they let Trump fall they are next) have reached the same conclusion. He is claiming any fraud is small and they are telling him to resign.

He apparently even prevented paper records of ballots to be able to match with the electronics. Its quite impossible Trump won Florida (my state) by 3 points (Republicans normally win it by 1% or so) and legitimately lost Georgia (which tends to be a 5 to 7% republican state). If he won Florida by 3 points (tracking with early data) should be ahead in Georgia by at least 5.

BuildYourOwnPrison says:

[*deleted as a debate that will distract us from more urgent matters*]

jim says:

For the duration of the emergency – which may well be a long emergency, I am suppressing discussion of “The Great Reset”

“The Great Reset” is a messianic good news this-worldly religion, whose sincere believers are useful to our enemy. At some other time, I will address the issue.

Many of the supposed believers in “The Great Reset” are government shills. Take the shill test.

Many are sincere, and some other time I will debate them.

European Mutt says:

“The Great Reset” is a messianic good news this-worldly religion, whose sincere believers are useful to our enemy. At some other time, I will address the issue.

By ‘sincere believers’ you mean the left-wing supporters of it, correct? You don’t have to go into detail of course.

Everything I have read so far about the ‘great reset’ (skimmed an ebook pdf too) seems like standard issue London School of Economics/IWF/whatever drivel. The book seems to be the go-to source for pro-lockdown talking points in the newspaper commentariat around here* but apart from those few points it’s all the standard talk they have been repeating for 20 years with a side of a little more socialism (naturally) and ‘global governance’.

By the way, occasionally I get put in moderation, probably because posting from different IPs. If there is any shill test I still have to pass, I will gladly do so.

* Like the assertion that if we don’t do lockdowns, the economy will suffer too because everyone will be scared of the killer virus 🙂 Proven by the fact that the streets in London are dead: https://twitter.com/Cityzenkane3/status/1325451837751914501

The Cominator says:

Not sure you suppress all talk of TGR, it sounds like the end phase killing field plan of Cathedral intentions to me, where everyone is tortured to death for insufficient leftism. And I think TGR should be used in our propaganda as one of the things that we are fighting against.

jim says:

“The Great Reset” is in part sincere believers who hope that the spooks will save them from insane leftism. And in part it is spooks and shills, who are promoting insane leftism. Come The Great Reset all the apple carts will be knocked over and there will be free apples for everyone.

We will hold that discussion when things are a bit quieter.

I would like to hold that discussion with a proponent of The Great Reset who is able to pass the test for not being a paid shill. Not seeing any showing up yet.

European Mutt says:

This explanation answered my question above satisfactorily. Thanks Jim. Fits my data.

Someone says:

Do you really believe that someone retarded enough to unironically support such a measure as the great reset is going to be capable of passing the test.

Because people that retarded are not going to be able to recognise the forbidden anyway.

Mister Grumpus says:

Perhaps Don can grab “Blue Mirage” to describe the fraud+media fait accompli psych-war gambit, and re-purpose “Great Reset” as a kind of Swamp Draining Year Zero Purge.

“Great Reset” moves one and two could include pardoning Assange and Snowden, and then declassifying the living fuck out of everything his guys can get their hands on. Just start wrecking their shit wholesale and throwing copies of declassified stuff from helicopters.

Oh yeah and calling “fuck it” on Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia and bringing all our guys back. Just go ham on all the things his viters always wanted him to do anyway.

Someone says:


I wonder if this article is a sign of good news.

If we can win in the supreme court that at lead adds legitimacy to Trump despite lefties not actually caring about that.

I think seeing that we have won legally is important for the side that believes in law and order.

So already the other side trying to attack the supreme court is a sign that at least some of them realise that we ought to win in the court.

loclun-midwyt says:

I thought so too, but that article is from September.

Still, it shows they probably always expected things to go to the supreme court, and that they would likely lose.

In other news, Pinochet claimed he never made an illegal coup, rather the legislative branch of his country asked the military to fix the unconstitutional illegal abuses of Allende’s executive. Well this is of course not the setup here. It would be the judicial branch supporting Trump. Just putting this as a general notion out. Dictatorship is generally understood as an executive branch expanding its powers illegally. But when you have either the legislative or the judicial on your side that makes it legal – indeed important for the law-and-order people…

Someone says:

This is a good take. Lefties wont care but ordinary folks will.

At the same time I think the stakes are fucking high.


When the world economic forum puts shit out like this, and in light of even the letter of Archbishop Vigano, I must admit that I am frustrated with the way things look at the minute.

I am at the stage where I do not consider it irrational that the reason why the response to the pandemic has been blown out of proportion has been simply to facilitate this election fraud from mail in ballots.

chris says:

A reminder, Amy Comey Barret and Kavanaugh were 2 of the 3 lawyers for the Bush team in Bush v Gore in 2000.

Karl says:

So what? Attorneys have to earm a living

Law and Order don’t mean shit to anyone but autistic libertarians. The average good person on our side likes “Law and Order” because it means dominance by his political friends; by other decent armed white men with wives and houses.

People believe, in their guts, in victory, and post-hoc rationalize why victory adhered to the principles they hold for signalling purposes.

Mister Grumpus says:

Nailed it.

Furthermore, “libertarianism” feels as ancient and irrelevant as Chippewas Turtle Worship, or whatever.

jon dough says:

The zeitgeist of this moment puts me in mind of this excerpt from CS Lewis’ Abolition of Man.

Substitute “Satan’s minions” for “Man” (including those relevant and related pronouns for “Man” there in), and “Trump” for “Nature” and its pronouns.

When the denouement arrives, Trump’s conquest will be glorious.

Stay faithful.

“Man’s conquest of nature turns out, in the moment of its consummation, to be nature’s conquest of Man. Every victory we seemed to win has led us, step by step, to this conclusion. All nature’s apparent reverses have been but tactical withdrawals. We thought we were beating her back when she was luring us on. What looked to us like hands held up in surrender was really the opening of arms to enfold us for ever.”

Icon says:

[*hail fellow Maga supporter shilling deleted*]

jim says:

You support Trump?

Don’t sound like it.

Dave says:

Eight months into a two-week Covid lockdown, let us ponder the possibility that our present schism might last a very long time. The Catholic Church had two popes for most of a century. How will American institutions deal with two competing Presidents?

Congress: Irrelevant since FDR.

Supreme Court: Failed to settle this matter, so also irrelevant.

The Military: Mostly pro-Trump, but killing millions of Bidenites would be bad optics, so they don’t.

Federal Reserve: Continues printing money for retirees, bureaucrats, and welfare parasites on both sides so as not to set loose a flood of starving refugees.

Trade: Interstate highways remain open because people need to eat. Trumpland includes the Gulf Coast, with easy access to both oceans via the expanded Panama Canal.

The Presidents: Rule by executive order, with Trump’s orders ignored in Bidenland and vice versa. Biden will ban fossil-fuel production, to no effect because all the wells are in Trumpland.

The States: Many also split, with a pro-Biden governor in the big cities and a pro-Trump governor in the rest of the state.

Antifa/BLM: Continue to burn and loot Bidenland cities. The few who try anything in Trumpland are quickly arrested and never seen again.

Pooch says:

No deal. No peace. This is a fight to the death. Rome burns or Carthage burns.

Atavistic Morality says:

Carthago delenda est

Dave says:

Unlike the Spanish Civil War, very few right-wingers have your level of testosterone, and very few left-wingers have any at all. Enjoy the Sitzkrieg.

Atavistic Morality says:

Funny, yesterday I described the situation to my brother as a soft civil war, it really is going to be a phony war. The worst we’ll see is something akin to the racial riots before the election, perhaps a little bit more, but it’s basically impossible for it to go further. The human capital just isn’t there.

Not Tom says:

Everybody forgets that most wars don’t involve most civilians except as collateral damage. My understanding is that there were about 2.5 million combatants in the War of Northern Aggression, out of a population of maybe 35 million. That’s fairly high – it’s a civil war, after all – but less than 10% of the population.

So the question should not be, does the average person have the T? But rather, can you imagine 1 in 10 people you know being willing and able to fight? Or 1 in 20, if you consider yourself one of them.

I read that the US has 1.4M active military personnel and 850K reserve, and that’s just the military. For everyone who actually enlists, there have got to be 10 more in law enforcement, private security, militia groups, paintballers and other recreational shooters, bodybuilders and other people who could put up a decent fight. I’m not saying that America is the healthiest country in terms of human capital, but I think there is enough capital to fight a war.

The left probably agrees with you, though, which is why they proceed as though they are unafraid of consequences.

The Cominator says:

The left is definitely operating under the theory that the right won’t do anything about it despite near 100% of Trump voters knowing this was massive fraud. Votes no longer matter. This is why we should not advocate any freelance right wing violence but we should no longer countersignal it if it’s against actual political hvts.

Atavistic Morality says:

read that the US has 1.4M active military personnel and 850K reserve, and that’s just the military. For everyone who actually enlists, there have got to be 10 more in law enforcement, private security, militia groups, paintballers and other recreational shooters, bodybuilders and other people who could put up a decent fight.

And all of them are evil right wingers with too much toxic masculinity. Who are they supposed to fight the war against? No human capital.

Pooch says:

Only special forces and elite units are hardcore right-wingers. There are some Trump haters and non-loyalist elements, especially the National Guard and Army Reserve types.

Not Tom says:

Ah, I see what you did there.

Pooch says:

They have already demonstrated they have insurrectionist cops who openly violated law and barred Republican poll watchers from entry likely because they only care about the paycheck. Doesn’t take much of a leap of faith to think they have those types in the military.

The Cominator says:

“who openly violated law and barred Republican poll watchers from entry likely because they only care about the paycheck”

Almost every cop is like this, I keep telling you guys…

The difference between whether they are pro or anti prog is how much they are going to half ass doing their job. But they’ll never explicitly go against orders on our behalf…

Now soldiers are generally not like this. And the actual warriors and equipment maintence Vaisyas in the military are on our side… the officer corps is generally on our side until you hit the very upper ranks.

Atavistic Morality says:

Barring some domesticated lardass (one of the poll watchers they brought to one of the conferences to tell his story must have been my height but 3 times my weight on pure fat) who supports Trump is not a big deal. I didn’t see any cop barring Republican poll watchers with physical force, only with words, and Trump supporters trying to keep it civilized and showing court papers.

It’s a long shot going from that to getting 9mm of lead inside your brain for a paycheck. How many of those according to you?

Pooch says:

They absolutely used force in Detroit. You must be looking at the wrong videos.

There’s an Iraq vet (national guard maintenance guy) I went to college with who is a Trump hater probably because he grew up in a blue city and got indoctrinated in college. He can’t even articulate why Trump is bad, it’s just orange man bad. Other than, he’s not even that much of a crazy leftist. Any solider from a blue city and state is likely like this.

Atavistic Morality says:

Iraq vet? As in what… motorpool? And this guy is going to kill and die for Biden and Harris?

Pooch says:

He was deployed in Iraq and repaired Hummers or something, but he absolutely hates Trump for god knows why. Probably because his family and friend circle is full of Democrats. I see his type blindly obeying orders from the leftist Generals.

Pooch says:

Their army is gong to resemble a bunch of guys who look like the news security guy in Denver who shot and killed the Trump supporter. Trained well enough to exert violence but easily defeated by elite units unless they get air support.

Atavistic Morality says:

I knew it haha

@TSK @R7

You scared yet?

jim says:

Hot war will come soon enough. Happens in every left singularity. Trump needs to avoid the blame for starting it. Fort Sumter was a gross error by the confederates.

Moldbug grossly overestimates the left’s capability to rule. The election of Trump was a reaction to the left rapidly getting woker. It has continued to become woker under Trump, and will be woke times a hundred if Biden is elected by the legacy media and installed by the three letter agencies. Expect the democides to begin, not immediately, but Detroit, Ferguson, and Portland will come to all America very quickly, and the democides will follow eventually.

For lack of a single will governing foreign policy, the ship of state was drifting rudderless into great power war under Obama, and Biden Kamala have considerably less capability to govern than Obama had, and will be in charge of a State Department even less cohesive than Obama suffered from.

When communism fell, Russia fell into the lap of the Cathedral, but they promptly lost it again because they could not stop their carryonbaggers from looting the place. Back then they were not capable of governing Russia, and more recently they were even less capable of governing Haiti. Haiti got ten thousand Hunter Bidens.

The incapacity of the Cathedral to govern was spectacularly demonstrated when they took over Haiti, and proceeded to demonstrate that a bunch of high IQ carryonbaggers with Harvard degrees and billions of dollars of aid money governed vastly worse than a bunch of piratical low IQ mulatto thugs.

Should Biden be elected by the legacy media and inaugurated by the three letter agencies, it would soon be demonstrated that they are no longer capable of governing America. Civil war will ensue, as in every left singularity, but under circumstances far less favorable for us than civil war now.

Atavistic Morality says:

Expect the democides to begin, not immediately, but Detroit, Ferguson, and Portland will come to all America very quickly, and the democides will follow eventually.

And who is going to kill the rural Southerners? The riots were limited to their own dogshit neighbors where they are all faggots drowning in soy for a reason.

I don’t deny the possibility of democide and as I said, you’ll get racial riots and niggers praying on the weak and the unholy. But there will be no war, just like there were no racial riots in Trump counties.

jim says:

> And who is going to kill the rural Southerners?

You are suffering from normalcy bias and recency bias.
During the Yugoslavian civil war, the countryside was the worst place to be. A large group of armed men would come through from time to time looking for food and equipment, and anything that they did not take they would burn, so that the next large group of armed men would have nothing to eat and no place to sleep.

The Cominator says:

I think the difference is probably the Serbian and Croatian peasant population probably had not been allowed to have weapons for a long time.

I can’t imagine they are as well armed as people around here are.

Atavistic Morality says:

Your comparison is an abstraction detached of all reality, you’re completely ignoring reality here. You are not in the Yugoslavian civil war and America is not in the Yugoslavian civil war.

What large group of armed men in today’s America is going to go through the countryside like locusts?

jim says:

> What large group of armed men in today’s America is going to go through the countryside like locusts?

It is not going to be today’s America. Today’s America is a foreign country to America of a few months ago, and tomorrows America will be a foreign country to today’s America.

If Biden is installed by the three letter agencies or if Trump’s presidency is still seriously disputed on January twentieth, food distribution in large cities is going to halt. The electricity is going to stop. The water is going to stop coming out of the tap. That is what happened in Yugoslavia, and that is what has happened and continues to happen right now in Venezuela.

You are suffering from normalcy bias. If Biden is installed its Venezuela. If Trump’s presidency continues to be disputed, but he is not killed or imprisoned preparatory to being killed, it is Yugoslavia.

suones says:

Thank you for enunciating the risks of a civil war. As an avid reader of history I’ve noticed that there is a consistent tendency for rightists to overestimate their own numbers, while simultaneously underestimating leftists’ (or Muslims’) fighting ability. This happened in my country in the First Battle of Tarain, the loss of Tripoli and Acre in the Crusades, the striking loss of the far more experienced and masculine White Army (mostly composed of Russian Imperial Army vets from WWI) against the Red Army (far more dependent on militias and partisan action).

I know it’s a meme in these circles that “old style” Commies or “Bolsheviks” were masculine or at least more honourable than their present day successors. This is hogwash. Bolsheviks were the worst collection of Jews, fags, degenerates, women and other assorted malcontents ever assembled on the face of the earth. That they appear to be “masculine” in hindsight is a consequence of Hollywood historiography and the general decline of masculinity overall. One of the reasons for White defeat was the extreme demoralisation due to the Tsar’s capitulation. Rightists, being individualists, seems to scatter into craziness without strong leadership. Witness the sad saga of Baron Roman von Ungern Sternberg.

Soldier for soldier, the Whites were far, far more capable than Reds, and their leadership, while fractious, was at least no more fractious than the snakepit of CPSU leadership. That didn’t prevent them from losing.

Soldier for soldier, Confederate volunteers were better fighters than Union conscripts, and their General was the best general in America, but that didn’t do jack shit against Sherman and later, Grant.

Soldier for soldier, the Wehrmacht was the best army ever fielded in the modern era. This is a historical fact acknowledged even by leftists till the 90s, yet they got buried under a deluge of American lead and Russian flesh.

The “right” is always more “masculine” and warrior-aligned in every era, mostly due to higher testosterone levels, but that isn’t a necessary or sufficient condition for total victory.

I have no idea why rightists keep underestimating leftist ability. Consider the present crisis — leftists have demonstrated extreme power over the electoral process, with co-ordination and resolve, to achieve a stated goal. Rightists a week ago were scoffing at the idea of mass electoral fraud, because leftists were too dumb to pull it off or something. Even Trump’s planners didn’t expect it to be at this massive scale and didn’t prepare for it. Would you trust an executive that can’t even stop an election from being stolen to stop a civil war?

I re-iterate: Trump only wins this if he doesn’t capitulate, and retains lawfulness. Unlike leftists, Rightists will only fight in a *just* war, under orders from the legitimate leader. If the situation devolves into anarchy/partisan action, it is a victory for chaos/the left.

jim says:

> Even Trump’s planners didn’t expect it to be at this massive scale and didn’t prepare for it.

Trump has been preparing for it since 2019. Rudi had the lawsuits prepared as far as was possible before the offenses were committed. It looks like everything was ready roll except for the witnesses and the events that they witnessed.

The Cominator says:

“I know it’s a meme in these circles that “old style” Commies or “Bolsheviks” were masculine or at least more honourable than their present day successors. This is hogwash. Bolsheviks were the worst collection of Jews, fags, degenerates, women and other assorted malcontents ever assembled on the face of the earth. That they appear to be “masculine” in hindsight is a consequence of Hollywood historiography and the general decline of masculinity overall. One of the reasons for White defeat was the extreme demoralisation due to the Tsar’s capitulation. Rightists, being individualists, seems to scatter into craziness without strong leadership. Witness the sad saga of Baron Roman von Ungern Sternberg.”

This is very true about the right (that we collapse without a strong leader because not a religion with spontaneous coordination) but I don’t look at the old Bolsheviks willing to storm barricades and fight in the streets of Germany like a street gang and Stalin willing to go around robbing banks and think… they are total pussies like antifa.

I never thought they were more honorable but they were willing to do masculine things without institutional support and even when the odds seemed stacked against them (I mean look at Weimar Germany, the old monarchist reactionaries actually had near total institutional dominance except of course for the trade unions). Antifa would never dare go into redneck territory in the US… the leftists of old absolutely would.

BC says:

Soldier for soldier, Confederate volunteers were better fighters than Union conscripts, and their General was the best general in America, but that didn’t do jack shit against Sherman and later, Grant.

Southern leadership was awful and Lee was among the worst of the lot. Stonewall Jackson won most of Lee’s early battles and Lee under preformed after his loss. The best thing that could have happened for the Confederacy was Lee joining the Union. Stonewall Jackson would have been in charge within 6 months and the war would have ended badly for the North.

Sherman on the other hand was just as brilliant as Jackson and it was his march through the South that caused half of Lee’s men desert to protect their homes that won the war. As you stated, good leadership is key to victory.

Pooch says:

Would have to look at fertility data and compare. That would settle The Who is more masculine argument.

BC says:

The leadership cast of the Soviet Union had very few children. Stalin is an exception to this rule by having 4 kids, though he frequently slept with his men’s wives which I’m sure resulted in rather low T production by those men.

neofugue says:


While Rightists tend to be individually stronger than Leftists, a group of committed ideological degenerates will defeat men of higher caliber disarrayed. The war between Left and Right is a religious war, and religion can only be fought with religion. The White Army lost because the central figure of Political Orthodoxy, Nicholas II, spent his entire reign dismantling Christianity in the Russian Government, and then abdicated when the traitors he placed in the government overthrew him while he was at the front.

The Left can organize collective voter fraud while believing it nonexistent because Leftists have a faith, as demonic as it is. The only faith that can counter Leftism in the West is Christianity, which is dormant if not completely dead. Without Trump, the Right is gone as the only thing that can unify a band of faithless men is a strong leader. Should the Left regain power it will not matter how many guns flyover country has, the thicker the hay the easier mowed.

As for the civil war, the South had terrible leaders with the exception of Stonewall Jackson, whose Shenandoah Valley campaign is as genius as Napoleon’s Six Days’ campaign. Had he been put in charge of the Confederate Army he would have taken Washington within six months. The other generals were incompetent (Shiloh, Gettysburg).

Mike says:

Sort of off-topic, but why the Lee hate? I don’t see why Southerners would have glorified Lee for 150 years if he actually sucked as a general.

suones says:


Trump has been preparing for it since 2019. Rudi had the lawsuits prepared as far as was possible before the offenses were committed. It looks like everything was ready roll except for the witnesses and the events that they witnessed.

I hope you’re right, and pray that Trump doesn’t capitulate. Godspeed!

I’ll briefly respond to the remaining comments, but first:


Back to inane priestly stuff:

I had typed up a response to everyone, but decided not to post it. This is not the time for discussion, but for action. See you all on the other side.

jim says:

The only thing we can do at this stage is signal opposition to the steal.

Actually opposing the steal, rather than mere signaling, comes later.

Atavistic Morality says:

What large group of armed men in today’s America is going to go through the countryside like locusts?

No one has answered the question yet, because you know there isn’t.

The only men with enough willpower to do such a thing are all Republican, so it’s not going to happen. Zombie waves of niggers and Nicaraguan MS-13 is something they could kinda use, but a couple of roofkoreans are capable of overcoming them thousands to one anyway.


f Biden is installed by the three letter agencies or if Trump’s presidency is still seriously disputed on January twentieth, food distribution in large cities is going to halt. The electricity is going to stop. The water is going to stop coming out of the tap.

So? What are they going to do? Become target practice? Good!

You are insisting too much in a narrative based on a theoretical model based on common characteristics brought to abstraction from other historical events, without paying any attention to the specific context.

If the left was capable of burning red states would have done so already as they’ve done in their own turf, they can’t.

jim says:

> > > What large group of armed men in today’s America is going to go through the countryside like locusts?

> No one has answered the question yet, because you know there isn’t.

I already answered the question. You are being unresponsive. There are no such groups of armed men in today’s America. There will be such large groups of men in tomorrow’s America. In a civil war there will be such large groups as there were in Yugoslavia, and in Biden’s America there would be such groups as there are in today’s Venezuela.

> > If Biden is installed by the three letter agencies or if Trump’s presidency is still seriously disputed on January twentieth, food distribution in large cities is going to halt. The electricity is going to stop. The water is going to stop coming out of the tap.

> So? What are they going to do? Become target practice? Good!

What they would do is become organized into large armed groups to scour the countryside for food, equipment, and supplies, as in today’s Venezuela, civil war Yugoslavia, revolutionary Russia, and revolutionary France.

You are suffering from recency bias and localism bias. Take a longer perspective. We have danced this dance many times before in many places. The rural people get a bullet in the back of the head.

Not Tom says:

Do you have examples other than Yugoslavia? I mean, America doesn’t even remotely resemble Yugoslavia. Several times I’ve mentioned the size difference alone and still haven’t heard a persuasive answer as to why everyone in the American countryside would be at risk, as opposed to a few very unlucky and unarmed bumpkins.

There is too much countryside and not enough human capital on the progressive left. Yugoslavia was tiny and the raiders were more competent.

jim says:

> Do you have examples other than Yugoslavia?

You are being unresponsive. I gave four examples, and could give many more.

> I’ve mentioned the size difference alone

Russia is vaster by far than America, and the same dynamic played out. Why should size make a difference? It just means the groups ravaging the countryside will be hungrier by the time they arrive.

Starman says:

In Biden’s America, I would guess that it would be Blue national guardsmen and Red national guardsmen, Blue and Red military units and police, veterans moving across the countryside.

MS-13 and niggers? Nah. They are easily destroyed by armed rednecks and roof Koreans if they’re not protected by a Blue military unit.

jim says:

They will be protected by a blue military unit.

Who is now (very reluctantly) protecting antifa and BLM?

The citizens of Kenosha were heavily armed and all that, but look what happened. The same could happen a thousand fold worse, and may well do so.

Not Tom says:

Oh, I agree that a Biden win or any Dem win these days would look like Venezuela. But as for the civil war case, referencing the Russian and French revolutions, weren’t the peasants completely disarmed and the revolutionaries quite a bit more capable than today’s soy progs?

That’s not normalcy bias, I predict that the soy will become even soyer as the left gets lefter.

jim says:

No, peasants in France were not disarmed.

When Paris sent out columns to get food and supplies, they were loaded for bear, which implies that bears there were.

The war in the Vendee started with peasants picking up arms, and they gave the revolutionaries a hard time. But in order to give them a hard time, they had to conscript the local elites to lead them, had to organize for large scale violence. Small scale violence was ineffectual. The initial organization for violence was based on Church congregations. Worship together, kill bad guys together. Then the congregations told the (mostly cucked) aristocrats to lead or die.

Some of the aristos remained cucked, and smiled sweetly at the revolutionaries when they came through. “We are on your side”. They got a big surprise.

Pooch says:

Antifa is plenty soy but the Revolutionary cops protecting them are considerably less soy.

Mike says:

@NotTom and Jim
>the revolutionaries quite a bit more capable than today’s soy progs?

Yes, but I don’t know if that matters. It is undeniably true that the Old Bolsheviks of 1870-1970 were much more talented than what the left has today. Problem is, leftism breaking down society can happen in more ways than just their loyal foot soldiers coming after regular people. I think we may be focusing too much on what went down in revolutionary Spain and Russia (not that they aren’t relevant at all mind you) and not enough on say, the fall of Rome.

The late Roman elite were famous for their infertility, their decadence, their faggotry, and their general uncare for their own nation’s legacy. They’re the closest example I can think of to the level of effeminacy existent within the left today. Point being, if you’re wondering how the effeminate fags of today could possibly harm people, the answer is, they themselves don’t have to. Through their sheer, preening queerness, leftists today, just like the ones during Rome, could let society fall apart through their insane applications of state power and law, and so let society devolve into chaos and outside invasion. What could end up happening is that normally good people end up killing each other just to survive:

The only X-factor in this for me is that I don’t know who the outside invader would be, this being the modern age and all. Where are our Goths? Where are our Huns?

Starman says:


I think America today is more like the Late Roman Republic rather than the Late Roman Empire.

While America has a shitty established elite, it has a strong natural elite.

The Western Roman Empire had almost no good quality elite material, except the Church.

Oscar C. says:

Well Jim, I have to hand it to you, I scoffed at your predictions but they are coming quite close…

Spanish right-wing Twitter is up on arms about the whole thing, a mutual of mine there sent me this paper in which a constitutional law professor outlined what could happen if this election was contested.

He wrote it in 2019 and it is a totally uncanny prediction.

I think you won’t be disappointed. Same for the usual readers here (Cominator, Not Tom, etc)


jim says:

Good stuff, but assumes a close election with 2016 levels of fraud, twenty thousand fraudulent votes in Philadelphia.

We had a Trumpslide and three hundred thousand fraudulent votes in Philadelphia, which makes the continuation of normality impossible – if they get away with this, it will be California all over, no Republican will win anywhere ever.

Also assumes 2016 legality and normality will continue all the way to January 2021, which is starting to rapidly become less likely.

Suffers from recency bias and normalcy bias – under estimates long tail risks. Apart from that, good stuff.

The stakes are, predictably, much higher than in his scenario, making the continuation of strict legality far less likely.

If the Dems win, Trump dies, likely lots of insufficient left wing people die, all Republicans everywhere are out of power. If Trump wins, lots of dems go to jail, many social justice warriors lose their jobs. So things are likely to get out of hand fast.

Encelad says:

Little Lenins, supported by leftist media, are already growing restless..


BC says:

AOC’s getting ready to be appointed speaker of the house and probably goes from Speaker to President at some point in the future, if she isn’t given a helicopter ride.

Pooch says:

She must be given a helicopter ride or we all get helicopter rides.

Edit_XYZ says:

She is threatening White House staffers with arrest, as well.
Which is actually good. It ensures the White House staff has no illusions about what awaits if they try to cut a deal with the democrats, and will stay by Trump to the bitter end.

BC says:

I’ve noticed that too. It’s really the wrong time for threats, but the left never stops swimming left.

BC says:

To add to this, Biden’s message of Unity and all is forgive is being broadcast far and wide and lefts reaction is: “Murder the republicans”. Reddit is hilarious, the only people calling for unity is the paid shills while everyone else wants murder and the Conservatives want to cuck out but they can’t without welcoming the left to murder them. Reddit banned pretty much anyone who objected to the steal, so the only people left are the cucks.

Anon 1 says:

what AOC and her ilk start to realize is old dem are gonna kick them out knowing they don’t need prog holiness to win elections, as of now, fraud is in play .
problem old dem are less holy than AOC in prog religion.

my bet is on left start killing each other before 20 jan.

Dave says:

The upside of vote-by-mail is that it transfers power from the Progressive-Socialist-Green wing of the Democratic Party to the Billionaire-Corporate-Oligarch wing. AOC’s thinking of quitting politics because if she doesn’t play nice with the oligarchs, Santa’s sleigh will visit her next primary bearing 100,000 votes for her opponent.

It’s bad for Hunter Biden too because no one needs him anymore; Xi can just hand old Joe a bag of cash at their next summit meeting, in front of all the cameras.

The Cominator says:


Okay this sounds like overly optimistic Qtard stuff but this time they might have actually found something.

The Watermark story was of course always bullshit as ballot printing is a state matter… but this just might be true.

If the number of mail in ballots cast in the four shitholes do not match the number photographed as part of Bush’s mail snooping program the Democrats have some explaining to do.

BC says:

Despite the post office being completely controlled by the left, this might be useful. It would be hard to create fake images and about the only thing they could do is delete the image databases and it’s backups and IT is something Dems regularly fuck up by hiring baboons in skirts.

The Cominator says:

They can create fake images but hard to fake the date on the computer files of the fake images.

BC says:

Every ballot is signed on the outside. Creating millions of fake unique signatures would be a difficult effort and I very much doubt they could do it.

The Cominator says:
BC says:

I think you just proved you don’t know much about software.

The Cominator says:

Never said I did.

jim says:

It appears to be seven hundred thousand fake ballots.

The Cominator says:

Jim I know you ARE a software expert and well informed… so is this bit of Qtard good news authentic.

Its not absurd on its face the way Qtard claims generally are… do they have something here?

jim says:

Yes and no. Mostly no. Not Qtard, but not far from it.

The technologies described are standard and widely used, but the way they supposedly fit together is incoherent, a tale told by someone like Shelby, who glibly uses words he does not understand in order to impress.

The data exists that someone could go over and say “Well, it sure does not look like these seven hundred thousand ballots were mailed in”, but just as it is not trivial to delete the data without it being obvious it has been deleted, it is even less trivial to conclude that there is a seven hundred thousand shortage of mail ins.

And then the Democrats are just going to say that missing mail is missing because it was all hand delivered by individual voters to the truck that then brought it to the counting station “Fraud has not been proven, debunked, debunked, debunked, conspiracy theory”.

The Cominator says:

Is there any good way for Trump to prove to a cuckservative justice who maybe is really reluctant to invalidate votes because muh institutions and muh states rights that there are 700k fake ballots. How did you get that number… judging by Biden’s totals I suspected there were probably 2 million fake ballots minimum in the four cities alone.

As far as the mail photographs being useless and I’m sorry to press you on this…

Could they pieced together to show inconsistencies between ballots photographed and ballots delivered to counting centers in any way even if it takes some work on the part of 1000 channers or someone writing a program to do it all…

I mean you said it doesn’t fit together, but with some work could it be made to fit together.

jim says:


It can be proven that mail records of stuff being mailed are inconsistent with the improbably large numbers of mail in ballots.

But it is messy, complicated, and will take a while, and I don’t think we have that long before the bullets start flying.

The Cominator says:

“And then the Democrats are just going to say that missing mail is missing because it was all hand delivered by individual voters to the truck that then brought it to the counting station “Fraud has not been proven”

Okay you edited your post since the 1st response to say that its somewhat more useful than you initially said it was… but still not quite as good as I thought.

Knowing that the postal service is a typical big government or big corporate system the whole database is probably backed upped to some remote server (which would be called muh cloud) every few days.

Lets say they doctored the time files on the main database as Not Tom said… but they couldn’t do that all till days later. And then they don’t even have access to edit the backup…

The best proof of fraud would be them editing the timestamp of the mail files or deleting mail files and claiming the mail in ballot was actually taken in by hand (which en masse is absurd anyway).

There has to be some merit here…

jim says:

Pretty sure the funny ballots were not mailed in late.

They were not mailed in at all. Hell, it was obvious at 2020-11-04T04-05 that they had not actually been mailed in. Mail does not do late night deliveries.

The Cominator says:

Jim thank you, this is good.

It actually is a good thing that an audit can take a long time… we don’t need to win all the stolen states just delay electoral certification until the election is kicked to the house.

The Cominator says:

Probably there were three phases to the fraud, there were phony mail ins mostly in these cities but probably all over the country but on a small enough scale not to be easily provable.

Second of all there was software fraud as has already been proven in one case in Michigan… the scale of this is very hard to determine.

Third (they were hoping not to have to use this one) there were the sheboons who filled in however many late night fell off the back of a truck “ballots” just for Biden to save time and MAYBE for the Senate race.

BC says:

This seems likely. I’m sure they were also trashing Trump votes at the same time. There are reports that spoiled ballots were not retained for inspection.

Not Tom says:

Just to explain the issue of file timestamps because there seems to still be a bit of confusion…

Every major OS (i.e.. Windows and Linux) use a file system with 3 file timestamps: creation time, modify time, and access time. Under normal operation, the timestamps in these fields are exactly what you’d expect them to be – time the file was first created, time of last edit, and time of last “access”, in practice the last read, i.e. when launching a program or opening a document.

But all of the major OSes also expose APIs that allow any program to change these fields. It is not a secret or suspicious API. For example, when you restore files with backup software, the restored files should have the same timestamps as the previously backed-up files, and there should be no trace of any changes having been made since the date it was backed up. This feature is intentional, by design, does not require any special knowledge or special privileges. You can download a program to change the times manually if you want, and they will not leave any evidence that this occurred.

(OK, technically there is forensic evidence on the physical disk, especially if it is a magnetic disk, but it is extremely difficult and expensive to use that, not to mention unreliable. It is why, if you accidentally erase your hard drive, and take it to a data recovery company, you are not guaranteed any chance of success.)

Now if some standard database engine like Oracle or MS SQL is involved, there is something called a transaction log, but it does not necessarily mean what you might think. While the transaction log might have a record of all the transactions, it depends on how the database is configured; it is possible to use a model where the “log” is only used for in-progress transactions, and does not contain any completed transactions. If full logging is used, it is still possible to delete (truncate) the log at any time; this happens automatically when you back up the database but can also be done manually if you know the right commands.

Similarly, most database products these days have some kind of auditing feature that can tell you if records were changed, but this feature must be turned on, and even then it can only tell you when they changed and by whom, not how they changed. In any case, it is extremely unlikely that anyone who plans to commit fraud would enable the feature, and if they had it enabled, they could simply delete the audit records with no trace of that deletion, so it would look like they had never used auditing at all.

It’s entirely possible that these people are so incompetent that they had auditing turned on and didn’t know it (recall Hillary’s people smashing phones with hammers for an idea of the usual standard of technical competence). But I wouldn’t hang my hopes on it. In any case, audit records showing tampering still do not exactly prove fraud for all the reasons Jim said.

The tl;dr here is that it is entirely possible for organizations to set up highly effective systems to detect data tampering, but this is done by programmers or IT people setting it up to detect tampering by low-level employees or hackers. In other words, this type of security is always “opt-in”. It is not something intrinsic to all computer systems that can be used against any operator; if the people responsible for security are the same people doing the tampering, or are answerable to those people, then no one is going to find out the easy way. Extracting a confession would probably be much simpler than extracting the tampered bits from the physical drive.

Shelby says:

So now we know you are the most despicable traitor scum. Slandering me while not allowing me to debate you.

Fuck you Jim.

jim says:

You can debate me if you are able to acknowledge what I am saying

If you cannot acknowledge what I am saying then

1. It is not a debate. Discussion with people who are forbidden to acknowledge what they are arguing against is a waste of time.

2. Your boss and human resources is looking over your shoulder. You are a paid shill.

Shelby says:


jim says:

It is impossible to hold a discussion with someone who is not allowed to acknowledge his interlocutors position, or say what position his argument is disputing. Attempting to do so is a waste of space. Take the shill test.

ten says:


It is now weeks since you were informed you must follow a very simple procedure to be allowed to “debate” anything here, but you insist on posting daily and getting deleted without following the very simple procedure, and you bitch and moan about it.

Fuck you, Shelby.

Not Tom says:

Qué? Changing the file timestamp is entirely trivial and takes less than a second.

If you’re talking about EXIF, maybe two seconds.

The Cominator says:

Doesn’t that get logged if you do that?

Not Tom says:

Logged to what? Even most databases don’t automatically audit every change, never mind most file systems. If they configured such a thing then sure, but why would they?

Cis Scum says:

Mail Covers exists and it does provide evidence of chain of custody:


The problem is the system only records ballots transiting the USPS while excluding mail in ballots returned by hand. One therefore cannot claim that mail in ballots lacking a USPS record are a priori fraudulent.

The vast majority of fraudulent ballots were fabricated ex nihilo within boarded up counting centers. They were not mailed in via the USPS. Barring whistkeblower evidence the only avenue for legal invalidation is the documented refusal to grant access to Republican observers as well as the failure to abide by the court order ordering same.

Mail Covers could be used to prove that certain ballots were falsely postmarked past the deadline. This could invalidate a lesser but significant number of them. In tight downballot races this could be decisive.

BC says:

There were also reports of destruction of the ballot covers in Philly and Detroit. This is why Trump is focusing on the destruction of the chain of custody which renders the votes illegal instead of proving fraud.

Cis Scum says:

Edit: Just read the other comments. Mail Covers is a USPS database and therefore as reliable and tamper proof as the USPS itself, ie not at all. If the issue is raised in litigation expect the relevant parts of the database to be accidentally deleted.

The Cominator says:

Cis if they are like the rest of the government and most big corporations they have off site external backups of their database which they can’t really alter…

jim says:

Here is an excellent summary of the good news: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/11/wait_just_a_minute_some_very_good_news_may_be_coming.html

Bottom line. Looks like before Amy, the supremes are four loyalists versus one cuck and three enemy.

If Amy does not cuck, we are fine in the supremes.

Trump has a bunch of loyalist cops, who can enforce supreme court orders.

If Amy does not cuck, and the air force pilots disobey orders to bomb loyalist cops and loyalist troops, we should be OK.

If some pilots obey treasonous orders, civil war is go, and with legitimate leadership, we win the civil war.

chris says:

Amy was a lawyer for the Republicans in Bush v Gore in 2000 along with Kavanaugh. She will not cuck.

Karl says:

I do not see the problem of enforcing supreme court orders because I expect the supreme to merely rule something like “the election in state … was not conducted according to law and is therefore void”.

Such a ruling is no order. There is nothing to enforce. Yet such a ruling would be enough, wouldn’t it?

jim says:

That does not in itself get Trump electors to the electoral college from a state that Trump won.

What Rudi is gunning for is a recount that includes legitimate ballots, and excludes illegitimate ballots, so that Trump can get electors to the electoral college from that state.

So, someone has to conduct that recount. And then we have a big problem. Current plan is that the recount probably will simply not take place, so Trump then has to go to the legislators. What we don’t want is that they conduct a recount, and just do a better job of committing fraud.

Karl says:

I do not see how it might be possible to extract legitimate ballots from a big pile that contains both legitimate and illegitimate ballots. If chain of custody of ballots is broken, there is no way to know what was taken or added to a pile of ballots.

I do not understand the strategy of gunning for a recount.

Karl says:

On second thought, recount would be easy if the election is declared void on the county level only. A county in which the election was not conducted according to law simply does not count. Then recount is simply adding up the results for the remaining counties for which the court found no violation of law.

jim says:

The blue shift in the early hours of the morning happened in, and only in, Democratic run states that were about to elect Trump electors to the electoral college when the count was stopped. At the county level, it happened in the big cities, which is where most of the Democrat ballots come from, ballot harvesting from people who live on welfare and petty crime. In this election, the normal ballot harvesting that happens in every election did not suffice, so they added to their normal ballot harvest a total of seven hundred thousand freshly printed ballots, in the same counties where in normal elections, there is massive ballot harvesting.

I presume they did it this way because they were doing the new fraud operation through their existing fraud operation.

So disallowing the blue shift counties not only takes out the freshly printed ballots, it also takes out the normal ballot harvest. In which case Trump wins in an even bigger landslide.

Dave says:

Just apply your “barrel of wine + cup of sewage” principle. When invalid ballots touch valid ballots, all are invalid.

You could then steal elections by sneaking fake ballots into enemy precincts, but their observers would have a powerful incentive to stop you. If some voters arouse suspicion, segregate their ballots until their validity is confirmed.

Anonymous 2 says:

As I recall, databases and backups are not infrequently lost when it comes to government trickery. For example, the Mueller affair (several incidents) or Lois Lehrner cavorting at the IRS. Covering your tracks is a human right, bigots!

Pooch says:

If Amy does not cuck, and the air force pilots disobey orders to bomb loyalist cops and loyalist troops, we should be OK.

If some pilots obey treasonous orders, civil war is go, and with legitimate leadership, we win the civil war.

I wonder if it’s more than just a coincidence that paratroopers were doing air field seizure exercises at Bragg.

Peter Whitaker says:

You walked back your prediction that Trump would win in a landslide. How are you going to walk back your prediction that Trump and his family are going to die? Maybe five years from now we will learn that you meant Trump was going to die of old age.

Not Tom says:

He did? I must have missed that.

Prediction was that Trump would win in a landslide and Democrats would commit massive fraud in an attempt to take the presidency.

Trump won in a landslide, and Democrats committed massive fraud in an attempt to take the presidency.

What’s your issue?

Pooch says:

Trump is planning more rallies.

Hopinforabetterfuture says:

“Trump plans to hold rallies to lead his followers in a “war” to stop Biden from taking office”


Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Progress on the statistical fraud analysis. Someone has access to the database used by media to report the vote counting.

1. Anomalous increases in Biden/Trump vote ratios over time for mail-in votes in the 4 contested states (and no other state except Virginia),

2. Also in just those states, miraculous jumps in the B/T ratio at 4am.


Contains link to the scraped data.

The point that needs to be hammered to normies is that this refutes the blueshift. Mail-in votes *redshifted* slightly all over the country except the fraud states and Virginia (which may have had fraud if internal polling was worrisome, just has not yet been suspected of it outside the Spanberger congressional victory). And there were no blueshift JUMPS outside the fraud states and VA.

The graphs would make good “magic votes” memes.

BC says:

Data has been removed.

Pooch says:

VA was absolutely stolen as well. Trump was leading when Fairfax county stopped counting and “went home” around the same time everyone else so they could see how much they needed to make up the difference. I think the reason no one is focusing on it is because it’s completely Dem controlled so it’s not worth focusing legal resources on.


The Cominator says:

Possible but its quite concievable that near 100% of fedgov parasites and dependents there actually did turnout and vote for Biden. I never expected Trump to be even close in Virginia for that reason…

But its possible.

Pooch says:

No not possible. I don’t want to dox myself but rural VA absolutely turned out in insane numbers because they are scared their guns are going to be taken away. Northern VA which is a tiny sliver of high population counties outside of DC usually carries the state blue was just not going to be able to contend with the red wave so, like all the other dem machines, they shut down counting to see how many they had to print. There are a few twitter accounts pursuing it but the Dems control the state legislature so it’s probably better for the Trump campaign to focus resources elsewhere.


The Cominator says:

Did they get 300% turnout.

Pooch says:

Not sure. Haven’t seen the data.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

they also “found” a flash drive that just happened to have enough votes to flip a state legislature race to the dems from a pro-gun GOP candidate.

Not Tom says:

Votes on flash drives? Explain please.

hopinforabetterfuture says:

A flash drive had “lost” ballots was found. computerized machines have printouts and drives containing vote tallies. its not a normal flash drive, atleast the ones in my state arent but it works the same.

BC says:

The drop off on the Dem house candidate compared to President is insane. The GOP candidate won by 17% no way that’s not fraud to puff up Biden’s numbers and apparently at the last minute too.

The Cominator says:

Michigan Wisconsin Georgia and Atlanta are our best cases though, other places can be looked into later when we’ve made our 100% case of fraud there.

In Virginia you can argue even with the gap that the swamp parasites in the beltway area only voted 100% against Trump but they were fine with GOPe types. That there were a large amount of Bush Republican Nevertrumpers… because it was the Beltway.

Not saying it wasn’t huge fraud but its possible that it isn’t.

In Michigan Wisconsin PA and Georgia this is not at all possible.

The Cominator says:

Er sorry Georgia and PA. Not Georgia and Atlanta…

Pooch says:

It’s not possible based on timing and the fact they only stole in certain select counties that are dramatically different then neighboring counties but yes it should be pursued afterwards. Trump legal team resources must be focused on states with GOP state legislatures.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

CIA chick Spanberger’s House seat was saved by a last-minute discovery of a flash drive of magic votes. Maybe they thought the state safe enough that only a few small fixes like that were needed, and kept the Philadelphia style vote printing as a backup plan that came into use when internal polling showed Biden in danger.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

The pinned thread at that account is an excellent summary of the other fraud indicators.


He also thinks delaying the certifications to move election into the House is a strategy that will elect Trump. If the Republicans unite then yes.

Javier says:

Need to spread more of these ‘revenge and punishment’ posts from the left. Make sure every conservative knows it’s join or die.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

“Just under 10K” dead voters who returned ballots identified in (a sample of) Michigan.

Votes by nonexistent voters are not protected from disclosure so this should be interesting to pursue and see if they all were for Biden.


jim says:

As Rudi Guiliani sarcastically observed: The right to a secret ballot is especially protected for dead voters.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

I saw some of the Philadelphia parking lot press conference, and Giuliani was in great form.

He seems to enjoy the return to crime-fighting.

Mister Grumpus says:

All I want to know now is how they’ll get in front of judges in the first place, before someone gets shot on the way over or said judges are just too scared to go to work that day.

Rallies probably. Big beautiful peaceful rallies. Happy funny rallies even better.

Hear the voice:

“Come with us if you want to live.”

Pooch says:

I think this is where Jim has said the loyalist cops come in.

Nicodemus Rex says:

Sorry, I was wrong. Evidence for fraud is a lot more compelling now

jim says:

Evidence for massive and spectacular fraud was compelling at 2020-11-04T04-05. I was watching the count.

The republican states just counted until they had counted them all. The Democrat run states where Trump was winning mysteriously stopped the counts for long periods, and then, as everyone expected, when the count equally mysteriously resumed a few hours before the dawn, suddenly all ballots were for Biden.

It was obvious that when they stopped the count, it was because it was giving the result they did not like, and when they resumed the count, it was going to give the result that they liked, and, lo and behold, that is what happened, to my total lack of surprise.

Which is why I put you on the moderation list as a suspected shill. Taking you off that list. No shill is ever going to say “I was wrong”

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

The statistical forensics are getting sharper on all fronts and that will continue. More punchlines for the normies.

The initial Benford analysis was crude but it looks like 2nd-order Benford (2BL) makes the same point. They can scream that the model doesn’t apply to the first digits because reasons, not necessarily truthful reasons, but that argument matters a lot less for the second digits. Benford in other bases than 10 may also be relevant, and customized “directional” versions of the Benford model where the vote cookers are trying to hit particular targets. So I think the initially meh Benford stuff will get more convincing over the next week.

There is also the heat map, “vote share correlation with turnout” test of whether fake ballots are being dumped in at particular sites. I have not seen this done yet but it is certain somebody will get to it.

Mister Grumpus says:

Fraud + Media = The Blue Mirage.

Starman says:

Hilarious! 😀
That’s what happens when you hire Shaniqua to do the ballot fraud.

President Trump plans to brandish obituaries of people who supposedly voted but are dead — plus hold campaign-style rallies

Fred says:

I guess Shaniqua didn’t help but the main problem here is that they underestimated the amount of ballot-stuffing necessary: they added a huge number of fake votes well in advance of election day (I would be shocked if it’s less than a few million nationwide – does anyone seriously believe the Democrats got swings toward them in Cali? Or any state for that matter?), I’m guessing the goal was to target the average of the opinion polls, so they could claim that Biden won by more or less the margin the opinion polls claimed.

The problem is that a lot more Trump voters turned out than they anticipated, so they lost, even with their industrial-scale ballot-stuffing, so they had to arrange a last-minute extra top-up of ballots – hence the suspicious coordinated shutdown early in the morning and the rushed and obviously fake nature of the extra ballots (eg. no downballot preferences, 100.00% for Biden, etc) – they just didn’t have the time to do it convincingly because they were working to such a tight schedule.

Pooch says:

And all their fraud machines were carried out by shaboons.

Someone says:

Hey Jim what do you think of this theory on the chans.


jim says:

You are circulating an obvious shill post from the chans. Don’t do that.

The reason for Biden is that the presidency does not want an actual president. If there is someone in charge, it cramps their style.

Someone says:

You are right.


Is a good supercut of various democrat frauds. Even some democrat frauds I hadnt seen and I had seen a lot.

One was this – Trump supporters mail in ballot request forms were found shredded in dumps.

Wahmens Respect0r says:

Will ACB prove Jim right about women?

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Maximum pressure campaign from Uniparty and media will ensure shortly for Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Barrett to recuse from election cases on the theory that they will take revenge for their confirmation hearings. Also B and K were lawyers for Bush in the 2000 election recount case.

I think they will not recuse and at least 2 will take revenge. Amy believes too much of what she sees in the media if her George Floyd comments were truthful, so let’s hope she is not too influenceable and backed by a based husband.

Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

ensue, not “ensure”

Pooch says:

If that were true, I would have expected them to already start that campaign. I still see the Cathedral acting like it’s a forgone conclusion Biden will take office and that Trump’s lawsuits couldn’t possibly have any effect on the results.

This leads me to believe they label any obstruction as part of a “Right-wing coup” with all Supreme Court Justices and Republicans being complicit. Unsure where they go from there. May try to have 3 letter agencies arrest Trump and all Republicans backed by traitorous elements of the military or color revolutionaries storm the White House backed by Air Force.

Mister Grumpus says:

@Wahmens Rescpec0r:
“Will ACB prove Jim right about women?”

ACB is female, obviously, but she has also reproduced, bigly, and is too old to reproduce any more.

A barren woman at any age has no one to save but herself, and would certainly cuck as surely as the sun rises. Mutti Merkel, etc.

But ACB has kids out there and knows that AOC’s people have their names, faces and home addresses all catalogued. You fucking know that will affect her decision making.

Change My Mind.

None of the Above says:

CNN’s Van Jones had a TED talk describing how Trump could win the election via the Constitution, no matter what.

This part could really set people off.

“”” 12th Amendment – On December 14th, if a President has not been selected by the Electoral College, the vote automatically goes to the House of Representatives. A House representative from each state gets one vote. Republicans have 26, Democrats have 23. Assuming partly line vote, this is a second term for Trump. “””


[…] came to mind because of commentator @bjorn over at Jim’s blog, regarding Netanyahu’s "congratulations" to Biden being tantamount to a betrayal of […]

Starman says:

It’s important to note that great powers outside the Cathedral (Russia and China) are refusing to acknowledge Joe Biden’s claim of being “President-Elect.”

Countries on the edge of the Cathedral (Mexico and Saudi Arabia) are also refusing to congratulate Biden’s claim too.

Pooch says:

Good for morale. Here’s the full list not acknowledging Biden:


Not Tom says:

Erdogan and AMLO being on the list is… interesting. I’m not sure what it means.

Perhaps AMLO is worried about making Trump angry in case he wins, and wants to hedge his bets. Erdogan, I’m not even going to speculate.

BC says:

>Erdogan, I’m not even going to speculate.

Might have something to do with the failed CIA coup against him.

Hopinforabetterfuture says:

AMLO had a election stolen from him in the 1980’s. he knows how it feels.

The Cominator says:

China did all it could to install Biden as President so that is rather surprising…

Pooch says:

I think elements of the CCP did maybe but Xi is smart and sees the race is too close to call at this point.

The Cominator says:

Xi may be hedging but Xi definitely okayed all the favors China did for the democrats not rogue elements.

You don’t enact a draconian lockdown of a large city EXCEPT ro let people fly out without consulting the leader of the country.

Javier says:

MSM hid that from normies. China congratulating Biden would look bad for him.

Strannik says:

Good for them. China not recognizing Biden as President Elect (just yet anyway) is very interesting.

I suspect China has been fucked over by the Cathedral enough, and recently too, that it won’t automatically rush to congratulate Biden.

Diaz says:

Hola a todos,

Seem like Trump fire the current secretsry of defense and replace him with someone named Christopher C. Miller. He said on twitter.

Does anyone know the meaning of it?

hcm says:

This isn’t something casually done during a disputed election.

Pooch says:

Esper is not a Trump loyalist so this was needed. Anybody have any intel Miller? Is he our guy?


Special Ops guy with combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. That seems like our guy.

Someone says:

And why is sky news australia telling the full story.


Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Trump/Miller just appointed Kash Patel chief of staff at DoD and Ezra Cohen-Watnick as undersecretary of intelligence, firing their predecessors.

Patel in addition to being Nunes right hand man in exposing Russiagate was in favor of using military to control unrest in US cities, contra Esper. Watnick was Michael Flynn’s protege, removed by McMaster from NSC then protected by Trump.

Let the purge begin!

Strannik says:

When you’re fighting a low level insurgency, get rid of those who won’t fight it and bring in those who will. But timing of bringing in these people and getting rid of the others is important.

Icon says:

[*Hail fellow white man deleted*]

jim says:

If you think Islam is wrong about women, tell us what Islam thinks about women.

Icon says:

Who cares what they think?

I think you are a big fat kike.

jim says:

Reality testing: Cannot mention my position on women even when vehemently condemning it, and lo and behold, cannot mention Islam’s position either

Letting this comment through to illustrate how the shill detector works.

Someone posting on their own computer under a pseudonym not known to his supervisor and human resources would have no problem depicting the position he is arguing against.

INDY says:

How come he can call you kike but can’t mention your position on women?

ten says:

If right wingers are too busy chasing kikes to fight democrats, then right wingers can’t defeat democrats and look loony, because while kikes cause trouble, they don’t cause all or most of the trouble, and plenty of kikes cause no trouble.

Feds push kikophobia and always did, which is why your average nazi organization is 1/3 loonies, 1/3 homosexuals and 1/3 feds.

The position on women would look suspect and off script when controlled by his handlers. He is not allowed to ad lib and engage in intellectual exchange, is not allowed to respond off script. If he did, his handlers would see him tainted with wrongthink – and someone able to accurately reproduce our talking points is no longer insulated against those talking points.

In fact, someone who can do that should probably be expected to defect to our side at first opportunity, and that is how the left treats such people – even if it is a deranged ketamine addled perverse trap who just barely understands basic bitch anno 2016 meme alt right, like contrapoints.

Not Tom says:

Yes – we may practice a lot of tough love, but the people who engage honestly inevitably tend to come over to our side.

Even the ones who vomit up the red pill and can’t fully face reality, still end up irrevocably changed. Can’t allow your paid shills to actually think about what we’re saying.

The Cominator says:

This is why the media bogeyman is always wignatism they dont even want to condemn any form of NRx. They don’t want to look into the for fear the abyss will look back at them.

> 1/3 homosexuals

A while ago 4chan got the hots on trannies too, LMAO, seems even “What is worse, incel or tranny ‘G’F? ” would work as screening heh. I am actually even half-serious about this…

jim says:

That was shill spam, and progressive takeover of 4Chan

Porn that depicts what women want, porn that depicts the male and female roles largely disappeared at the same time. You got censorship at the same time you got a pile of trannies.

4Chan switched from depicting rape, slavery, bondage, and women being submissive, to trannies and children.

4Chan got soft political censorship of porn, the equivalent of Twitter shadowbanning, at the same time it got a massive infestation of trannie porn.

It is the porn of equivalent of all those people ranting about Rothschilds, Israeli nationalists, and Jews who wear funny hats, but are strangely unable to notice the most powerful Jewish billionaire overthrowing nations and instigating riots, murder, and color revolution in the US. Or the misdeeds of any progressive Jew. Hell, they even seem to find difficulty mentioning Boaz, though the most persuasive evidence for Jews instigating the crisis of female misconduct that is crashing our fertility is primarily Boaz and Freud. Kind of like 911 Troofer shills are unable to mention the most persuasive evidence that 911 was an inside job – that Mueller ordered the FBI, or confirmed and repeated existing orders, to turn a blind eye to obvious Muslim terrorists, which supports the Troofer case that they were actors.

yewotm8 says:

This is their downfall. As somebody who used to think the jews were a much bigger problem than I do now, the behaviour of women and what I read here is what ultimately convinced me.

If you “almost” have sex with a woman, you are not getting another chance, with no exceptions. I have “almost” had sex with far too many women, expecting to have a slam dunk on next meeting, and was disappointed every time. This law of male-female interaction is never mentioned on the internet, I never even read about it in Heartiste’s blog or comments. Standard game explanation of “being too eager” falls flat on its face, as no amount of making it look like you don’t care can produce the desired result. Only the “resistance is a shit test” hypothesis can explain it. Internalizing that and acting on it is another matter entirely, but I see no other explanation. Only Jim’s model accurately fits the data. From this, everything else flows.

ten says:

Unless it’s a girl that really, really wants you, and you sort of don’t want her, and because of that “almost” have sex with her. She might be back, unless too hurt and confused or proud.

I first heard of jim as “the insane wannabe bronze age patriarch who violently rapes 8 year old girls”, and at the time i found the full extent of his red pill bitter. But it makes sense, and women love being treated like pets. Nick Land and Moldbug just want and identify functional social tech, they are not native patriots of that past tech.

European Mutt says:

Same thing for me. This hole in the theory what made me extremely skeptical of Game at first when I came across it (back when they still called it PUA). It seemed to me like they were advocating being an obnoxious douche or an aloof larger-than-life guy only to leave her hanging with her pussy still wet but rapidly drying up.

It is weird that this hole exists, but maybe they just weren’t completely redpilled after all.

I forgot about theory and stuck with my normal approach, learned more by trial and error and through alpha friends (who are all curiously rather left-wing but just act on instinct like I do), and then came across Jim’s explanation which made perfect sense. There is no such thing as seduction. Seduction is what you retroactively define the mating dance to be. Feminists where right: All sex is rape. According to their own definition at least.

jim says:

Consensual sex is a poor reproductive strategy for a woman, because it implies she his having sex within a defect/defect relationship, hence her children are unlikely to get care, and are likely to be infanticided.

It is less bad for an alpha male, because it implies he is unlikely to be looking after his numerous women and unknown offspring.

It is a worse strategy the further you get from those parts of the tropics that do not have a year round hot climate. Consensual sex is primarily a black reproductive strategy, and even for blacks, tribes that use it are still likely to disappear.

In a consensual sex relationship, the optimal strategy for a woman is to have sex with a beta who looks after her, and reproduce with an alpha that does not. (women have unconscious control of whether sex is likely to lead to pregnancy.

Of course the beta is likely to suspect this strategy, and hence is likely to minimize investment. Even if a woman is faithful, investment is likely to be low and unreliable, because evolution has planted the knowledge in our penis that fidelity is unlikely in this situation, and children are likely to be bastards.

All happy families are quietly and deniably eighteenth century. There are no exceptions. I read a study, whose link I have unfortunately lost, where a bunch of academics went looking, among their fellow academics, for families that equitably shared the housework, with hilarious results.

Pooch says:

Yes the early PUAs like Mystery were not Red-pilled. It was a goofy song and dance in an attempt to mimic what naturally red-pilled men were doing without actually understanding the underlying biological reasons for doing so. It was essentially just throwing a bunch of ridiculous shit against the wall. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, but it was a lot of effort for only moderate improvement.

The actual Red Pill developed by guys like Rollo and Heartsie actually gave us the underlying evopsych theory to allow us to understand female nature fully which obviously would improve success dramatically past the initial PUAs after full internalization of the red pill.

jim says:

I recommend the term “evolutionary game theory”, where evolutionary game theory is the science, and “game” the engineering and practical application of the evolutionary game theory on the most important and interesting application of evolutionary game theory: Reproduction.

“evopsych” is the branch of evolutionary game theory that we apply in game.

“game”: noun, knowledge of women, skill and art of interacting with women, and competence in applying this knowledge to women. Much of this knowledge is difficult to express in words, and hard to learn from words, but is a lot easier to consciously understand in the light of evolutionary game theory.

“game” verb. “to game” “gaming”: Applying this knowledge, skill, and art, to interactions with women.

simplyconnected says:

I read a study, whose link I have unfortunately lost, where a bunch of academics went looking, among their fellow academics, for families that equitably shared the housework, with hilarious results.

Is it the one where they only found 6 couples, and all but 2 divorced within two years, and the rest were sexless?
I may be able to dig it up.

jim says:

That is approximately what I recollect.

If you don’t act within marriage in manner that is officially illegal and subject to extreme hostile propaganda, you are not going to stay married, and if you do stay married, going to be hell. A ship can have only one captain, and if a woman senses two captains, she is going to resume cruising for alpha dick. A home has to have a man of the house.

You will be shit tested by direct disobedience, sometimes harshly. You have to pass your shit tests, and if you try aloof game to pass the shit test without compelling obedience, she will disobey on a matter where aloof game is implausible.

If you try to pass while evading your duty to compel obedience, she will hit you with a shit test that cannot be passed except by compelling obedience.

And, since I see obedience in all happy marriages, I conclude that in every happy marriage, the husband is willing to compel obedience, and from time to time does so.

Albeit Mohammed, not well known for being a blue haired feminist, recommended measures short of beating, if they suffice. But they do not always suffice.

simplyconnected says:

This is where I read it.

Even when “nontraditional” families turn up, they often do not stick around long enough to be studied. One group of researchers “found on follow-up, just two years later, that only one-quarter of [the families] were maintaining their nontraditional ways.”

The article is pretty good.
The reference given is for the book “Taking sex differences seriously” p.200.

European Mutt says:

Where I live the blacks (West Africans mostly afaik) tend to have the happiest families. Probably they all beat their wives and CPS doesn’t ever come visit them because racism. Hard to gauge the happiness of brown Muslims because they look so sullen all the time.

The concept of true consensual sex was always hard to grasp for me. I guess I am just an evil rapist 😉 When I first read the leftist definition of consent (and I was a leftist myself) I interpreted it as “When you go in for the kiss and she responds it’s ok” whereas they meant “Take a statement under oath that she is OK with kissing you at this precise moment”. I don’t think even African tribes go that far.

But it makes sense, the less you have to work for food and the more similar the sexes, the more it approaches the ‘consensual’ model.

simplyconnected says:

If you don’t act within marriage in manner that is officially illegal and subject to extreme hostile propaganda, you are not going to stay married, and if you do stay married, going to be hell.

It’s good that women love the traditional arrangement, though they don’t always like it mentioned too much.

jim says:

Soros shills routinely call for the murder of orthodox and nationalist Jews, but, of course, cannot mention Soros, or any progressive Jews.

Two Jews, three factions. You will recall the progressives, and progressive Jews, loved Cuomo for going after Orthodox Jews, similarly the Crown Heights riots.

Just about everyone who says “kike” is a Soros shill, and most of them are either Jewish, or have a Jewish supervisor. All their scripts are authored by Jews. Notice how bummed they are about moving America’s Israeli embassy to the Israeli capital. Only Jews care about where the $%^*& embassy is.

Outraged that Trump moved the embassy to the capital, totally fine with Soros burning down Kenosha.

million says:

nice reference to the 3AM vote dumps on November 4th in MI, GA, and WI.

Pooch says:

Trump dropping white pill after white pill on every state on twitter right now.


The Cominator says:

As well he should, make sure you reach out to any Trump supporters or anyone skeptical of Biden and try to banish any trace of defeatism… we need a fanatical and blind faith that we will win in the end.

BC says:

Ace of spades HQ this morning on the firing of Esper: “They kept promising me Trump would order a coup to stay in power. I hope like hell that they were right.”

The Cominator says:

Trump will wait till appeals in the courts and the legislature fail before ordering the Rubicon crossed because most normie conservatives want him to exhaust legal options before using force, but they are now open to him using force if other means of stopping the steal fail.

BC says:

That seems to be the forming consensus.

Pooch says:

It looks more and more that the steal will be prevented by legal means to me. Clearly the left is not even acknowledging that as a possibility. The reaction when they finally realize that Trump isn’t going anywhere is going to be nuclear riots. I guess that’s what they want.

jim says:

They like rioting, and expect their riots to be protected by the prosecutor, the judiciary, and the cops. They got a big surprise in Lafayette Park.

We cannot arrest and imprison them, but we can bop them.

Pooch says:

I anticipate the Cathedral will quickly switch it’s narrative to:

“The Right-Wing is staging a coup against the legitimate President-Elect of America, with Supreme Court and all Republicans complicit,” while they stage a left-wing coup against the legitmate President.

That will be their narrative and moral authority to fight with force. Truly bizarro world stuff.

Javier says:

I predicted a Trump court win followed by left capitulation.

….uhhhhhh wtf was I thinking? I see now any Trump court win will be broadcast as a coup by the MSM. They won’t say a single honest or factual thing about it.

Pooch says:

You almost have to pinch yourself and ask yourself if this is real life. It’s a mass brainwashing and distortion of reality on a level I didn’t think was possible

jim says:

As I said earlier: America today is a foreign country to America of three months ago. America three months ago was a foreign country to America a year ago.

And America in a few months time will be a foreign country to America today.

Now is not the time for normalcy bias.

The Cominator says:

Question jim what level of civil war will crash the dollar as reserve status.. what will be the consequences of that.

jim says:

It will take a lot to crash the US dollar, though all fiat currencies crash eventually. In a civil war, both sides are likely to attempt to demonetize the other.

Pooch says:

Yes what should our assets be in right now?

Pooch says:

Now is not the time for normalcy bias.

Yes we’ve known this was coming for some time now, but it’s still hard not to be shocked watching it unfold before our eyes.

The Cominator says:


Sounds like you are right about legal means being used… PA state legislature is now auditing the results and refusing to certify. When the audit finds massive massive fraud as of course it will likely to either name Trump electors or throw this to the house.

The Cominator says:

Georgia Wisconsin and Michigan to follow if necessary.

Shelby says:


Yul Bornhold says:
Pooch says:

Haha her mind is going to explode.

Someone says:

Probably already has.

The Cominator says:

I actually post this blog to my real facebook sometimes… she might not object as much as you think if very right wing already.

The one girl who liked or commented on the article (and expressed approval of the article) also expressed approval when I warned her that Jim’s position on women was borderline Islamic (I didn’t say more than that, I think she would balk at super young marriages and honor killings especially since she as part of a psuedo double date suggested I go to a strip club with her… and her in her friend decided to go amateur on the stage… it was a pretty good day). She responded she was fine with that, that she wished she was a 50s housewife and that Anne Coulter was right about women voting and that it was a huge mistake.

jim says:

Nah, my position is not borderline Islamic. It is that Islam is right about women – and so was old Christianity.

The only differences between the old Christian position on women and the conservative Islamic position on women, is that Muhammed said that women were not allowed to have a giggle in their talk and a wiggle in their walk, and allowed divorce on male whim.

The trouble with divorce at male whim is that it is not. Women expect that they can manipulate their husband into divorcing them, and Islam has no end of amusing tales telling us that they are right. On the whole, the Christian no divorce rule got better cooperation and less cuckolding within the elite than the Islamic no wiggle and giggle rule.

Apart from that, totally on board with the Islamic position on women, and conservative Islam’s account of female nature is dead on accurate.

Yul Bornhold says:

Far as I’ve seen, sexually secure women (perceives self as owned by alpha male) are fine with red pill. It’s unowned women who hate the red pill. They can’t help but feel it as a personal attack.

The Cominator says:

She’s never been married and is far from trad in how she acts… hates hates hates feminism though. We got along great but she lives far away and did most of the time I was in mass so unfortunately only met her a few times.

Not Tom says:

Quick, delete all the redpill comments!

(joking, obviously)

Mr.P says:

If Pres. Trump doesn’t already know about Jim, he will now.

Pooch says:

Jim in the Trump administration would be the biggest white pill of all, but I hope he’d still be allowed to blog.

S.J., Esquire says:


As I said before, Jim, remember your international readers who require alliance to clean their own houses.

Patriot says:

Jim is Trump’s consigliere.

Atavistic Morality says:

My god, that would be beyond white, that shit is white dwarf levels.

Not Tom says:

Some of the lefty spluttering in response to her tweet is amusing. I like their latest argument: “If Republicans actually picked up house seats, how could there possibly be fraud!”

I count at least three separate errors inherent in that argument; how about you?

Mainstream conservatives who are even a bit dissatisfied with the cucks have been reading us and following frogtwitter for years. The only intellectual activity on the right is happening underground, so they poke their heads down here for material. If I had to guess, they are not in ideological lockstep with us, they think there is some kind of synthesis possible between our characterization of the Enemy and fighting it legally, formally, with the Constitution

nils says:

I chuck most of the Official Republican Big Wigs TM in with lefties now, but I do wonder if the fact their institutions are apparently in servant mode with the left does not preclude them turning when the left finally decides to off country club conservatives, seems like they are making all the right signals now at the time when the left is ready to purge all repubs. Say what you will about the GOP but they sure know how to keep their seat at the table, and Trump despite his monumental task has an unbelievably retarded enemy. Aidan sounds right about them being on team lil satan and that’s enough to hang em, but if conservatives are like most bureaucrats and put self before institution is it possible they are picking the sane man and a career over the batty nutter gullags(even at the expense of official conservatism)? It would be a smart step for GOP to become the official face of the restored nu republic and unofficial bureau of the Emperor himself. it certainly looks like a dammed if you do, handsomely retired if you don’t, deal for rebubs, and they are cunning. I don’t know but I pray Trump is as good at dealing as his past suggests.

Starman says:

Looks like Senate Leader Mitch McConnel will not acknowledge Biden as “president-elect” and says President Trump has 100% the right to probe the fraudulent election.

Pooch says:

Yes all of the GOP is falling in line more than I thought, yet the Cathedral proceeds as if Biden will be elected with 100% certainty. That leads me to believe they will quickly switch the narrative to “The Right-Wing is staging a coup with the Supreme Court and all Republicans complicit”.

The Cominator says:

If the GOP let’s 6 gorillion fake votes stand they know they’ll never win another statewide election ever again.

Cis Scum says:

@Pooch Of course they will. They’re following the color revolution script:

Stage 1: Disputed election
— you are here —
Stage 2: Mass protests
Stage 3: False flag
Stage 4: Military action

Understand that we have four fights ahead of us. We’ll win stage one handily as we have the law, the courts and the relevant state legislatures on our side whereas the Left has what? The media, that’s it. Advantage Trump.

We’ll also win stage two because who cares about blue cities burning. Washibgton DC is a weak point but the fences are up. Advantage Trump.

Stage three is the tricky one. There’s no way to forecast what the false flag will be or how it plays out. Advantage the Left.

Stage four depends on the military threat being USA and the target state being not USA. Not the case here. Advantage Trump.

The perfume rank military would have moved with relish against a President defiantly shaking his fists at the courts, as per script. But against one operating under color of law? No chance.

Had they had Ginsburg they would have had the advantage in stage one, three and four. But she’s out, ACB is in and the script has come undone. Not that they won’t continue following it, desperate as they are.

Overall they have a weak hand and therefore low odds. Either way it looks like the year 2020 overture will close in forte crescendo.

European Mutt says:

Not even the false flag will work, no matter what it is. False flags work because the media reports them as real. But no one on our side trusts any of the legacy media, thank God Fox cucked early on the Arizona and Biden calls instead of late.

I wonder what it will be though. Maybe they will actually behead Fauci (:. But seriously, would need to be something big to have ANY effect, which they will have trouble organizing.

Pooch says:

They may skip the false flag and escalate to military action quicker than expected. Biden is moving to usurp power quickly.

European Mutt says:

So far they are successfully blocking him, aren’t they? What can he usurp in the military except for the generals who are already on his side anyway?

Pooch says:

Jim is the expert here but things seem to be trending to Biden calling for the arrest of anyone blocking the transition under media allegations of a “right wing coup”.

Cis Scum says:

Well Trump did just swap out Esper for a counterterrorism expert. That’s a message.

European Mutt says:

Certainly. And don’t forget Antifa is a designated terrorist organization since September 25.

Pooch says:

Things may escalate well past Antifa. He was Special forces commander and saw combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s who you want on your side in a shooting war.

Not Tom says:

I’m not sure if it’s good rhetoric, but I’m thinking about using the phrase “Associated President” in honor of the Associated Press who “called” the election and whom every other Cathedral organ is citing as the ultimate authority.

Also abbreviates as AP, or Asterisk President[-Elect].

But maybe that’s just too clever and it’s better to keep things simple and go with “Fake President” like Vox did. Fake news, fake ballots, fake tallies, fake president.

Pooch says:

This was so strikingly obvious in hindsight.

Pooch says:

Fake polls, fake rallies, fake debates, fake campaigning, fake ballots, fake tallies, fake president.

Strannik says:

This is how I think all this will resolve itself to a certain point;

President Trump will take this all the way to the Supreme Court, but at a time which runs down the clock past December 14th

He will through emergency but entirely constitutional means be re-elected President if this is the case.

Biden /Harris will concede the election, knowing exactly at a particular moment what side their bread is buttered on.

Then ”It” happens, with a Left that in America has a decapitated leadership and no strategy beyond uncoordinated and senseless rioting and looting and murder.

Sam says:

While optimism is helpful I don’t think “this is going to be a turkey shoot” is a realistic outcome. Taking out Harris won’t decapitate their leadership and the logic of leftism (as well as covering their asses from criminal charges) means they will keep the color revolution push and try to involve the military.

Strannik says:

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, but one of the things I can pretty well bet on is that Biden and Harris do not want a shooting war at all costs, or even anything close to a threat of one.

Biden and Harris could well want peace instead of a conflict in which they lose everything.

The ”Left” has transformed into a movement of cowards who are only bullies when they vastly outnumber their prey and/or their prey are unarmed. Their leaders would much rather use subterfuge and the usual tactics of the weak while proclaiming their great strength and popular support.

And their alleged military support is lacking as well. Top officers are more politicians than genuine Leftists, and when the wind blows from the other direction they’ll move towards that other direction with indecent haste.

Not Tom says:

What they want and what they’re capable of agreeing to and abiding by are two very different things.

Strannik says:

And the tension of dithering between those two poles of agreement capability and incapability can have a demoralizing effect and uncertainty in their backers and followers alike. I suspect Biden believes more in the Constitution than Harris does, and even with his debilities is still smarter than Harris, if perhaps less aggressive.

They’re also thinking; ”how can we neutralize or win over all those millions of Trump voters who just recently voted against us?” So it’s either major concessions on the level of the ”Great Compromise” or worse for them, after the Tilden versus Hayes election… Perhaps a whole Junta of GOP and even Conservatives in his cabinet and administration, a ”National Unity Government”? If they can’t even do that, it’ll be a rocky road for them and a very possible loss and even jail time.

Pooch says:

There’s probably a decent chance Biden doesn’t actually know what’s going on right now.

Strannik says:

That could be the case even if he isn’t really all that senile and addled. Reagan and many other Presidents weren’t told things by their underlings in order to give them ”plausible deniability” if a situation went sideways, to protect them out of loyalty.

In Russia there’s an old saying; ”If only the good Tsar knew what is going on, he would help us! But the Tsar is far away…”

Strannik says:

And little things like this mean a lot in the serious business of winning a Coup/Election/Color Revolution;


These people probably can’t run a government if they hire stupid, much less steal an election in time-honored American tradition. They aren’t at their ”A” game right now for sure. Feeling a little heat, perhaps?

Mister Grumpus says:

“Reagan and many other Presidents weren’t told things by their underlings in order to give them ”plausible deniability” if a situation went sideways, to protect them out of loyalty.”

Two ways to see this:

Birds of a feather don’t need to conspire because they’ve been selected by the same HR people. On the other side, COsweda, shadowy banned MAGA priest, P.B.U.H., said over and over that Trump used “standing orders” with his military people, so that they could act on opportunities without Caitlyn from Oberlin overhearing someone’s phone call about it right before go time.

On the other hand, if the ground-floor young jackals with “liberals get the bullet too” stickers on their MacBooks are running capers that the Bidens and Pelosis (and Clintons even?) would never green light, then that’s “Not Agreement Capable” and they’ll start eating their “bosses” eventually.

What I’d never considered, because I’m the forum dope here, is that their righteously mutinous jackaldom, a constant thorn in Trump’s side, could also undermine and usurp their own fuddy-duddy “leadership” if Trump wasn’t there, napping their knuckles with a cane from time to time.

ten says:

Half expecting the forum dope act to drop, revealing a shining true sith lord beneath. Grumpus asks good questions where clarity is needed, which requires clearsight in itself.

jim says:

> Biden and Harris could well want peace instead of a conflict in which they lose everything.

I am sure they do want that. But they are not in control. No one is in control.

In order to make peace, you need a leader with the capability to make war and the authority to make peace.

They are drifting rudderless into war with America in the same way that under Obama America was drifting rudderless into war with Russia.

Strannik says:

”No one is in control”. I don’t know whether to take comfort in that or not, humanly speaking. But God is in charge for sure. Probably bodes well for President Trump at this point.

Mister Grumpus says:

“They are drifting rudderless into war with America in the same way that under Obama America was drifting rudderless into war with Russia.”

Who says Russia isn’t on the board too? External and internal war simultaneously, remember?

Why wouldn’t they grab the keys to USMIL and suicide-attack Russia with it? Remote-control Ivy League jihadis using Cletus from Biloxi for their dirty work. Win-fucking-win for them.

In my sperg fantasy Putin loses his cool one day and blurts out to the BBC newstramp in perfect English: “Hell yes I helped Trump. Have you not noticed these psychos want to nuke me?”

Edit_XYZ says:

Check this out:

A lawsuit Trump’s team just launched in Michigan.
I particularly like how the election workers, when illegally filling in ballots, put the date of birth 1.1.1900 on hundreds of them.

Democratic operatives are obviously quite stupid. Simple mathematics is, obviously, beyond them.

Pooch says:

As expected by Jim, it would be easy to prove because carried out by low IQ Africans.


Edit_XYZ says:

Utter stupidity:

How someone who can’t conceptualize “tomorrow” behaves.

Correction says:
Omar is just a Trump card now. says:

Not stupidity. 1/1/1900 is used in such databases as a “birthday unknown” code. Using it on the fraud votes provides deniability, after all missing data is one of a hundred administrative snafus and they had an election to run. It can also be used as a search filter to identity which records to clean up later to cover tracks, by inserting the true birthdays.

Edit_XYZ says:

And now Trump’s team knows whom to call in order to ask if they voted. For starters, that is.

The democrats did not make preparations to pass even the most basic of controls. They made no preparations to elude such a control, despite the fact that they have stolen, probably, more than a million votes.
That is stupid no matter how you look at it.

The Ducking Man says:

Jim said that the left has issue of stupid goons.

Just never knew they were this stupid.

Theshadowedknight says:

Vox Day has pointed out that African migrants in Italy have trouble following directions to another place, shit on the toilet lid, etc. Ours are slightly better, but reversion to the mean is strong.

Starman says:


”Vox Day has pointed out that African migrants in Italy have trouble following directions to another place, shit on the toilet lid, etc.”

That’s why Elon Musk succeeding in making Mankind a multiplanetary civilization permanently neutralizes the negroid demographic bioweapon.

Imagine these room temperature IQ savages trying to learn how to use a microgravity toilet or learning the concept of airlocks.

The black powder muzzleloading musket proved remarkably effective on room temp IQ savages, and even the pike square, as Cortez put to good use.

It’s not at all clear to me why we need to flee to a multiplanetary civilization to solve the problem of the infinite proliferation of the lower races.

Starman says:

It solves the problem of low IQ races permanently when Mankind is spread across the Solar System instead of being trapped on Earth. Only an anti-Natalist would have a problem with Mankind being fruitful and multiplying across the Universe.

Not Tom says:

I would expect that eventually, although it might take hundreds of years, space travel will become convenient enough that the low IQ savages can do it too. We have a tendency to want to increase convenience and ease of use until idiots can use it, usually with the stated goal of “so my grandmother could use it”.

Like everything else, the barrier to entry will eventually become low enough for them to follow. Or maybe we’ll do something totally retarded and try to bring them with as “domestic workers”, or enslave some stupid alien species.

Anyway, we should still colonize the entire universe, it just may not be a permanent solution to these problems.

Fred says:

The communists who prevent us from solving the nigger problem aren’t going to just let us leave for outer space or exoplanets or wherever.

Extraterrestrial settlement (a topic I have always found incredibly boring, although apparently there’s 300 million Earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone) is treating the symptom rather than treating the problem.

Starman says:

Another anti-Natalist.

Cloudswrest says:

I’ve anecdotally observed that non-Europeans (in the Eurosphere) appear to be rather antagonistic to space exploration, e.g. MLK. Here’s (fellow White) Tom Lehrer dripping sarcasm on the moon landing and Wernher von Braun. https://youtu.be/TjDEsGZLbio

Cloudswrest says:

“Extraterrestrial settlement is treating the symptom rather than treating the problem.”

When a body becomes old, senescent, and often polluted, life renews itself by giving birth to new generations, often in far away places to escape the pollution. The speed of light represents a formidable barrier to mass illegal immigration.

Fred says:

>Another anti-Natalist.
How do you come to this conclusion? I just find the topic boring (unlike astronomy in general, which is fascinating). It also consumes resources that would be more usefully spent solving more pressing problems, eg. cheap energy, underclass reproduction (I guess in that sense we’re all anti-natalists), communism, etc.

In MLK’s case, it’s because money spent on space exploration isn’t being spent on niggers, so there’s no philosophical digressions necessary; the incentives are obvious.

Pooch says:

The goal of reaction is to restore eugenic fertility that will allow us to conquer the stars, not kill niggers. If you think otherwise, you’re in the wrong place.

Fred says:

Sure, but you have to fix the eugenic fertility problem first (and of course, eugenic fertility creates its own problem of persistent downward mobility – hence necessitating foreign conquest to prevent domestic downward mobility and the social destabilisation it occasions) – trying to settle the stars before solving the NQ and WQ (and whatever else) is putting the cart before the horse.

Pooch says:

WQ clear and away the most important. This is why Jim stresses the need for a sane state religion. Everything likely falls into place more or less after that, although may take centuries.

Starman says:


”How do you come to this conclusion? I just find the topic [settling the Solar System] boring (unlike astronomy in general, which is fascinating).”

Anti-Natalist doubles down on his own anti-Natalism.

” It also consumes resources that would be more usefully spent solving more pressing problems, eg. cheap energy, underclass reproduction (I guess in that sense we’re all anti-natalists), communism, etc.”

Anti-Natalist proceeds to spout greenie bullshit about resources spent on orbital launch vehicles being wasteful.

Do you know the difference between the Senate Lunch System (SLS) and SpaceX Starship? If you don’t, you are not fit to be involved with any discussion about space travel.

Pooch says,

” The goal of reaction is to restore eugenic fertility that will allow us to conquer the stars, not kill niggers. If you think otherwise, you’re in the wrong place.”

It would be much more expensive to “kill off the niggers,” than it is to crank out SpaceX Starships every week made of commodity stainless steel.

Fred says:

As Not Tom pointed out: what happens when the undesirables follow you into space? Again, none of this Star Trek bullshit solves the problem of underclass fertility, it’s an attempt to flee from it, which will eventually fail.

jim says:

The undesirables are not going to follow us into space for the same reason they did not follow my Aryan ancestors to the northerly interior of Eurasia.

A low IQ slave race is pretty useless on earth, and is going to be far more useless in space.

They gave the slaves tools that were not easily broken, and kept them away from complicated or dangerous machinery. They only used the smarter ones as house slaves. In space, it is all complicated and dangerous machinery. You are going to have to keep Shaniqua in a pen to prevent her from jimmying the airlock.

When we developed the horse collar, slavery mostly went away in cooler areas. The only reason it was and is popular in warmer areas is disease, and that blacks are more capable of working in a hot environment. A white is going to fall apart doing hard physical work in the hot sun, as they complained when Cromwell tried to export Irish slaves.

The Cominator says:

Who says established colonies will have open immigration?

Fred says:

For the same reason countries down here have open borders: because we can’t police our bioleninists, and there’s no reason to imagine we can police them anywhere else, either.

Starman says:


I asked you a question on SLS and Starship to see if you belong in this conversation about space colonization.

You refused to answer.

And then you doubled down on your ignorance.

Pseudo-chrysostom says:

The point of space colonization is that it is a clarifying lens, the same way skyscrapers today being shorter than they were a couple decades ago is a clarifying lens.

Which is to say, the *demonstration* of such a feat, requires the ability to *accomplish* such a feat, which entails a whole host of downstream implications in the theo-socio-political architecture of a polity.

Starman says:


” For the same reason countries down here have open borders: because we can’t police our bioleninists, and there’s no reason to imagine we can police them anywhere else, either.”

You have no clue about what non-Earth environments are like. LOL 😂 And neither does Not Tom.

How, exactly are you going to bring room temperature IQ niggers to Mars… without them dying in route or at the destination?

The Cominator says:

As Jim says low IQ slave races in space will not be that useful… I think the most you will get along those lines is some kind of low (but not too low) race of sterile female race engineered for sexual use (and perhaps to be more honest and loyal than normal females… more like a puppy in character than a normal woman).

The danger in space is engineering an AI or bio slave race (the latter has less examples in science fiction but its also possible) that is too clever and that can subvert its own controls.

The Cominator says:

“How, exactly are you going to bring room temperature IQ niggers to Mars… without them dying in route or at the destination?”

Presumably way down the road you’d have sufficiently terraformed and tamed enviroments to allow a more earthlike existence in other planets and also in orbital living settlements that Shaniqua could survive in, but its not clear that too many settlements at once would allow mass immigration of undesirables…

jim says:

Even assuming a StarTreck environment with nothing breakable in reach, it is a long and inherently expensive trip, which inherently filters against undesirables.

Historically, the basic motivation for setting up a settlement in a distant place is elite conflict. The losing elite leaves, and the winning elite encourages them to go far away. So it always starts with elite emigration, and then the Irish follow, and then the Indios follow, and then the blacks follow.

So you have a long period of no one but elites, and if it becomes possible for slave races to follow (in cold sleep or in pens), it still a long and expensive trip.

They shipped the best Irish to Australia, because they shipped the trouble makers.

Not Tom says:

So you have a long period of no one but elites, and if it becomes possible for slave races to follow (in cold sleep or in pens), it still a long and expensive trip.

Does this not concur with what I said: “it may take hundreds of years”?

My only gripe was with the claim that it was a permanent solution. Technology can change a whole lot in 500 years, even without a virtuous elite. They won’t follow tomorrow, they won’t follow next year or next decade, but eventually they will follow, just as they followed into the coldest and most inhospitable parts of Earth after central heating, indoor plumbing and fast food became not only widely available but inexpensive.

R7’s argument is “space is exponentially more complicated and inhospitable than that”. And I agree. Technology improves exponentially as well, when it’s not stunted.

jim says:

A huge advantage of space is that if a habitat goes Detroit, they all die. The higher races have to be in charge of the hab.

Beyond Mars there is the Hills cloud. That is going to take us 1500 years to settle. Beyond the Hills cloud, the Oort cloud, which overlaps with the Oort cloud of other star systems. Space is big. Assuming elite fertility, we can spread faster than they can.

We are the descendants of the leading edge of pioneers out of Africa. The problem is that they ran out of planet.

The lower races are parasitic, like Detroiters living in the ruins of a city they did not build and cannot maintain. We just keep moving to parasite free zones.

There is an entertaining Retief story where a terraformed planet goes Detroit, due to the masses getting the vote. Shaniqua takes over management of the superscience stuff that keeps it terraformed. It reverts to its pre-terraformed state.

Not Tom says:

We just keep moving to parasite free zones.

Yes, this I agree with. Space offers vastly more of these, so we will pretty much never run out of parasite-free zones.

Still, there’s a lot of undeveloped land right here in America. I don’t think we truly ran out of planet, we just forgot how to be pioneers. Or maybe we’ve been demoralized with the knowledge that anywhere we manage to settle and make thrive will just be invaded by parasites anyway.

Space will take a lot longer to make thrive, but does give a whole lot more lead time on the parasites. I think we’ll nevertheless need to keep moving farther out, because we always try to make things more convenient for ourselves, and eventually that makes them attainable for the highest-functioning parasites, who then subvert it to bring in the lower-functioning parasites. Space may lengthen the cycle by a whole lot but the cycle will still continue.

As I said before: too early to play Inquisitor, R7. Argue against anti-natalism, don’t just point out and condemn it. Historically, most cases of eugenic thinking was about reducing the fertility of the lower, not about increasing the fertility of the higher. Now today it is blatantly obvious that we need to increase the fertility of the higher, but it is not at all obvious why not to decrease the fertility of the lower. Argue. Don’t just point and condemn.

Fred says:

Natalism is two separate problems: getting undesirables to reproduce less and getting desirables to reproduce more.

They are two completely separate problems, and solving the WQ (in essence, forcibly moving the female social status distribution to the left of the male status distribution, so all women have a large pool of higher-status men to marry up to) should solve the latter of those two problems.

It’s not obvious why it would do anything about the former, so that’ll require a different solution. I prefer just sterilisng stupid people, but Big Bioleninism isn’t going to let us sterilise their votebank. Inventing a long-acting reversible contraceptive (it’s reversible, so it can’t be genocide) for men would drastically reduce the problem, which is why the field of male contraception goes nowhere (look up “RISUG” and how the Parsemus Foundation has done a great job of suppressing it under the guise of developing it – fuck you Elaine Lissner).

So: we need to solve the WQ to solve the overclass underfertility problem, and we need a long-acting reversible contraceptive to (at least try to) solve the underclass overfertility problem.

jim says:

We already have a long acting male contraceptive: Testosterone. That is one of the reasons you need to take frequent long breaks from testosterone. If you supplement male testosterone enough that endogenous testosterone drops right down, sperm production stops. So you need to go off exogenous testosterone and raise your natural testosterone every twelve weeks.

The level of exogenous testosterone required to shut down sperm production is quite low. If someone naturally produces X amount of testosterone, and his testosterone level is Y, and you give X amount of exogenous testosterone, his natural testosterone will shut down, his sperm production will shut down, and his testosterone level, after being raised by a modest amount for a few months, will drop back to Y.

Steady testosterone supplementation, rather than cycling, is the equivalent of a (somewhat) reversible vasectromy.

Same principle as the estrogen in the female pill. Supplemental estrogen is far more dangerous, and has far worse side effects than supplemental testosterone, but they are pushing it onto schoolgirls.

If a woman is on the pill, her natural estrogen production is suppressed to quite low levels. So they are already doing this for all women. They don’t give them enough estrogen to entirely suppress endogenous estrogen production, but enough to reduce endogenous estrogen production to much lower levels. Female endogenous estrogen production on the pill is suppressed to levels well below puberty.

They are not actually researching for a male contraceptive. They already have one. They are researching a male contraceptive that will make males less masculine.

Jehu says:

Well, if you want to decrease the relative fertility of antisocial elements, you need to increase the status of prosocial elements. As in:
Mr Green, a married black man with no criminal record who lives in Atlanta and two kids is to be EXPECTED to have a gun, and is given all sorts of little perks by authority figures (as in, cops that stop him see that flag and treat him extra deferentially, and they cut him about the same amount of slack that they would, say, a fellow Mason. If he says he has no gun in the car, they ask him, why not?.
Joe Brown, on the other hand, with no legitimate kids or wife and a minor criminal record gets no such deference. He gets baseline treatment. Gary Black, with a long criminal record and plenty of antisocial behavior gets treated in a way calculated to humiliate. If he’s caught with a gun he gets the book thrown at him.
Do this and you’ll get more Mr. Greens and Joes and less Garys.

Starman says:

I have no intention of legitimizing the frame of any low testosterone anti-Natalist.

Anyone who opposes space colonization is an enemy of Mankind.

Fred says:

>We already have a long acting male contraceptive: Testosterone.

Can we have a non-hormonal solution? Some of us have enough T and/or don’t want to play around with hormones. I remember at /r/TRP there was/is a lot of feigned interest in T as a contraceptive, but in their case it was just a transparent attempt to make steroids easier to obtain.

RISUG/Vasalgel sounded great but Big Woman has shitcanned it. For a while there Contraline (Peter Thiel invested in this through Founders Fund) looked like it might have come through but they don’t update their news page anymore so I’m guessing Big Woman got them too.

Fred says:

Now I check it, Contraline seems to have updated their news page recently. Not sure if it represents any actual progress though.

Atavistic Morality says:

Anyone who opposes space colonization is an enemy of Mankind.

Anyone who opposes space colonization is an enemy of Mankind.

Anyone who opposes space colonization is an enemy of Mankind.

I should be allowed to copy paste this an infinity amount of times, and every single time it would be worthwhile use of bandwidth.

@R7 the question of natalism and the question of space colonialization are not obviously related. The matter of natalism is about overcrowding on this planet, mainly by low quality people. Suppose a scenario where both high quality and low quality people have much increased fertility, but the high quality more. Is that somehow more conducive to space colonialization than high fertility for high quality people and low fertility to low quality people? Can’t we have both – space colonialization, but also not fill this planet with 8Bn people, most of them dumb orcs, but get back to a comfortable 2Bn, most of them high quality?

European Mutt says:

Can’t we have both – space colonialization, but also not fill this planet with 8Bn people, most of them dumb orcs, but get back to a comfortable 2Bn, most of them high quality?

I first instinctively disagreed with this, but could not articulate why. This forced me to think step-by-step about it.

Here is my answer: Currently population growth in Africa* is the highest. This is under the conditions of post-colonialism, though under colonialism the dynamic was largely the same outside of Nigeria. Obviously if any more Africans flooded Europe or the US this would be a very bad thing, but if we have any say in this, we will just protect the borders, with deadly force if necessary. Like we saw with Australia this works.

If Africans stay in Africa and Mestizos stay in Latin America, no problem from our side. They can multiply like rabbits if they want, we should only care that they don’t attempt to enter our lands and that they fulfill the conditions for whatever contracts we have with them regarding mining and other natural resources. If they can’t, then colonize the parts where we have those strategic interests and put your own mercenaries and white settlers there. The colonies will most likely be where smart blacks and mestizos want to be as well, they will be the center of their segregated middle class. This will have a mostly eugenic effect. If they become too numerous, maybe contraceptives will become necessary (we can simply use testosterone in this case like Jim suggested), but this is far from clear to me. Probably will not be.

Outside of the colonies, again, they can multiply like rabbits and it will not hurt us in any way except by trying to attack, which will be answered by conquering their lands in return. Eventually whites and Chinese may colonize everything on Earth, or not, and the total number of people of each race will depend on how much was settled by whites or Chinese. But any outcome is fine. The main thing is geographical/spatial segregation (which is coincidentally even easier in space).

If I had a say (which of course I don’t), I’d give sub-saharan Africa 20 years to get their house in order even if it hurt our economy in the short term (I would have said South America too but it’s clear Bolsonaro has this in the bag if Trump prevails). They may surprise us with how quickly they can form an elite and have remarkably orderly societies without USG meddling. In which case they can be Westphalian equals (and will never go into space regardless).

Overpopulation in the global sense is a left-wing meme. In the local sense it is very real and denied by the left, which is obvious in their complaints against ‘suburban sprawl’.

* https://i.redd.it/bk0otmc9a1511.png

@European Mutt: clear, but where is the disagreement? Just what do you think I mean when I talk about high-quality and low-quality people?

European Mutt says:


Regarding high and low quality people, I suspect we are mostly on the same page. Maybe I misinterpreted your position, but I thought you were advocating something like colonizing high-population low-IQ countries just to sterilize the people there. (Or even just spray airborne contraceptives if they ever became viable) Which I think is a waste of resources that are much better spent on space colonization. If bushmen can survive and breed and there are no lucrative mines or whatever else in their territory, we should leave them the fuck alone and go to Mars instead.

Contraception should be used only as a quid-pro-quo measure in my book, i.e. you can live and work here but then you take the shot every two weeks. This is where libertarians are essentially right, though only few of them go far enough. But even that can easily turn into an IQ shredder so probably immigration controls should be the first line of defense.

Sam says:

This isn’t something that can be permanently solved; getting rid of stupid people just means future generations engineer a slave race to lord over. The problem of leftists using stupid races to murder us can only be solved by crucifying leftists, not any technological breakthrough.

Starman says:

Have you ever worked with Shaniqua?

A stupid slave race would be useless on Mars or any other non-Earth environment.

Sam says:

If they wanted work to get done, they’d be using automation, exactly the same as the present. It is about having people to feel superior to.

(Yes, large scale fusion means in the long run automation dies because organic materials are cheap and anything heavier then iron is relatively rare, but that is a whole different can of worms).

Starman says:


“If they wanted work to get done, they’d be using automation, exactly the same as the present. It is about having people to feel superior to.”

What the fuck are you talking about?

Warriors and Priests rule over Merchants and Producers, no stupid (and useless) nig nog slave race needed on Mars.

jim says:

Bringing in an underclass to be superior to is displacement activity – caused by an insecure elite.

Black slaves were actually useful, because in the hot sun a negro really can do more physical work than a white.

The current underclass is not useful. Despite the desire for people to lord it over they hire Mexicans to blow leaves back and forth over their gardens, and as maids in the less critical parts of the house, but they don’t want Mexicans to help take care of the kids.

Sam says:

What Jim said. You can have slaves to do work, but slaves to status compete (black slaves in Elizabethan England) or having slaves to have people you can boss around and feel superior to (aka now) doesn’t require slaves able to do useful work- in fact the less useful the slaves are the better a status signal and the larger the serotonin squirt for ‘I am superior to these people’ in the brain.

Dave says:

That was all well and good until the Soviets started giving those chimps AK-47s.

Edit_XYZ says:
Not Tom says:

Random thought: once the Supreme Court makes its decision, will Twitter remove all of its “disputed” warnings? Discuss.

Pooch says:

They’ll just keep double downing on the lies.

jim says:

I rather suspect that Twitter will not change its policy until some people go for dip in the Pacific.

Color revolution aims for a quick bloodless victory, but when victory is unavailable without blood, starts killing people. The winning side is the side that kills more people.

Biden wants people “arrested”. If ballots without legitimate provenance, arrests without legitimate authority likely to follow.

Today’s America is a foreign country. Tomorrow’s America is likely to be considerably more foreign. Disputes over sovereign authority inherently escalate until resolved. There are no limits. We are on the path to civil war, and for civil war to be averted, someone has to step off that path.

The enemy is not agreement capable, thus is incapable of stepping off the path to civil war, hence will have to be killed. The problem is to preserve the forms of the old Republic while killing them.

Pooch says:

Where did you see Biden wants people arrested?

jim says:

I retract that. It appears to be an insufficiently supported rumor.

Sparks will fly, but they are not flying yet. We are still on the “He has fallen” narrative.

Yul Bornhold says:


“Joe Biden won the presidency promising to bring Americans together. But now his administration is sure to come under pressure from some Democrats to risk exacerbating divisions by investigating and prosecuting Donald Trump.”

Followed by a lot of newspeak to the effect of ‘guillotine him.’


“President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team is considering legal action over a federal agency’s delay in recognizing the Democrat’s victory over President Donald Trump in last week’s election, a Biden official said on Monday.”

European Mutt says:

As of November 15 I rather think they may delete him soon (along with all right-wingers) because of ‘inciting violence’ or something.

They sure will if the left crosses the Rubicon first for simple fear of their lives (will not help, techies will be the first to be purged). The only reason they still allow right-wingers is because they bring in massive traffic and ad revenue and maybe some internal pressu