
epidemic of the vaccinated

The jab adversely impacts the immune system, primarily, or a least the primary identifiable and understandable link, through the brain immune system connection.

The major obvious impact is that if you get China flu before you get jabbed, you become immune to all China flu variants, and stay immune for a very long time, perhaps forever.

If, however, you get jabbed, you are just as likely to get China flu as someone who has not been jabbed, though less likely to become seriously ill, and if you get it, you are not going to become immune. You are likely to get it again.

Another obvious impact indicative of immune system dysfunction is a three fold rise in cancers, recently reported at the Ron Paul hearings.

As a result, countries with a very high level of vaccination and boosting have very high levels of China flu, in particular Israel, the most jabbed and vaccinated country on the planet, has the highest level of China flu infection on the planet. The correlation is apparent world wide.

The jab does reduce the risk of dying as a result of Covid. No doubt about this. What is the risk of dying as a result of being jabbed?

The New Zealand data indicates that excess mortality within a short period of being jabbed is about one in a thousand. What is the excess mortality of being infected with Covid? It is very hard to tell – but what one can tell is that they do not want you to know, which should tell you that it is probably a lot less than one in a thousand.

More deaths recorded as with Covid, mean less deaths recorded as cancer, heart disease, and being run over by a truck. What we really want to know is deaths with Covid as compared to deaths without Covid. Which data is curiously difficult to find.

Our best way of estimating it is to look at the US social security payouts for evidence of the death rate, and correlate that with China flu levels before the jab. For the first few months, mighty high excess death rate, and then zilch. Looks like for a little while, an excess death rate far over one in a thousand, then far less than one in a thousand.

The jab, however, is creating an impressive bump in the excess death rate, which the pandemic initially did also, but soon thereafter, failed to accomplish.

We now know that the virus was a bioweapon, created in the lab for mass murder, and released to create terror, which would result in people begging the authorities to take total control of their lives. But RNA viruses are genetically unstable – once released, it is going to very rapidly evolve back to a level of harm normal for the virus’s mode of transmission, very rapidly come to resemble all the previous Covid virus outbreaks, so rapidly dropping lethality is unsurprising. It is obvious that they intended to kill tens of millions, hundreds of millions, but it fizzled.

The science to create really terrifying bioweapons is now known in principle. It has been known for some time, as the science to create nuclear weapons was known shortly before world war II. Fortunately, this time it was implemented by Shaniqua, not Oppenheimer. And even when worked on by good people, not really quite ready yet. And there is a curious inhibition about it. People are busily developing Wolbachia strains to infect mosquitoes, and if the mosquito species is causing enough harm by spreading a really deadly disease such as dengue to a whole lot of people, only then they can get permission, with great difficulty, but they always write up their plans as if they were doing the mosquitoes a favor and as if they were not doing anything to make the disease more potent and more capable of spreading, even when there is no natural Wolbachia disease among the mosquito species targeted. It looks like controls on improving diseases to harm mosquitoes are a lot stricter than controls on improving diseases to harm humans. When they measure the effectiveness of a plague, they never measure the effect on mosquito numbers or on the number of bites suffered by humans, only on the number of humans infected by mosquito carried diseases, as if a number showing harm to mosquitoes might cause them problems.

Deaths immediately after the jab are still fairly uncommon. One in a thousand is not small, but it is not large either. On the other hand permanent impairment of the immune system is likely to have serious consequences, but no immediate consequences. We would expect to see quite a lot of shingles and cancer, and I am hearing quite a lot of shingles and cancer anecdotes. Anecdotally, seems to be quite a bit of shingles and cancer, though I don’t have any good data yet.

Ron Paul hearing today reported a threefold rise in cancer cases among the US military, which sounds roughly consistent with what I am hearing anecdotally.

That hearing also reported a three fold increase in miscarriages, but what I am hearing anecdotally is not miscarriages, but loss of fertility and menstrual cycle. It also reported a ten fold increase in “neurological syndromes”, but right now what would be a lot more interesting is the absolute numbers for brain fog, rather than relative numbers for “neurological syndromes. Just how many of us are being rendered permanently stupid? The Ron Paul hearings failed to mention shingles, but what I am seeing is that the jab causes some older people to develop shingles, maybe the US military is too young for this to be all that noticeable.

Obviously the people who funded, supervised, and engaged gain of function research on the bioweapon will be breaking out the champagne on hearing about the effectiveness of the jab in causing US military casualties. Their jab is doing what their bioweapon was intended to do, and failed to do.

It is obvious that the emergency rooms and ambulances are being flooded with “mild” heart attack cases. And they genuinely are mild in that the death rate among the jabbed is only one in a thousand, while the heart attack rate is clearly considerably higher. How much higher, hard to tell, since everyone is averting their eyes from the data. Which tells you that the data is horrifying. But even a “mild” heart attack is apt to lastingly reduce your capacity to live your normal life, and in this sense, not necessarily very mild at all.

One high, and as yet unknown, risk, is that repeated boosters, and the repeated China flu infections that the boosted are apt to get, is creating cumulative damage. Well, if the original bioweapon failed to have the desired effect, maybe the boosters will. It is very possible that the endlessly boosted population is going to wind up with immune systems resembling those of the gay population. This is the basic operating principle of religions of human sacrifice. More death and suffering, more power for those imposing human sacrifice.

820 comments epidemic of the vaccinated

From my experience, the fact of heart attacks in jabbed is widely known in India and people in the medical profession are privately acknowledging this.

From two separate, independent and trustworthy sources, I have it confirmed that excessive and sudden deaths have followed people getting vaccinated, particularly the elderly.

A medical professional I know even admitted that doctors and people in the medical line aren’t getting jabbed and getting their certs through their influence.

But unlike in the West, the bad and further unknown effects of the jab are being talked about widely except in the media.

someDude says:

Even from trad vaccines like Covaxin and Covishield?

BRAIN says:

The trad vaxxes are likely less harmful than the mRNA ones, but there is still no (good) reason to get vaxxed. If vaxx is mandatory and you cannot get an exemption/fake it, then the trad ones are probably your best bet. If at all possible, don’t get vaxxed though.

Covishield is the AstraZeneca one rebranded and produced in India, so it’s definitely not the trad vaccine.

But I didn’t inquire to deeply as to which vaxx caused the deaths. But covishield is cheaper and I’m guessing more widely used than Covaxin by all accounts.

Another family doctor of mine advised generally against vaccines as they compromise the immune system.

And none of the doctors I spoke to were ready to call any vaccine as harmless.

someDude says:

The fact that Indian doctors are using their influence to get their names on the database might mean that American Doctors are probably doing the same as well. It is not that US Doctors are less intelligent or more conscientious than Indian doctors. So they probably know that its best to be a pureblood. They must be doing it too. And must be doing it for close family members as well: kids, parents and siblings.

So thats one way for you to get your name on the Database without getting the mark of the beast. If you have a doctor friend who shares your opinion on vaccines, and it seems you do, here is your chance. Take it!

Fred says:

Everything with spike protein is dangerous (except, ironically, the virus itself, which is nearly harmless), so “trad” vaccines aren’t much better than mRNA/DNA vaccines. They’re all “clot shots”, because the spike protein (specifically, the “S1 subunit”) causes blood clots.

The virus is less dangerous because the dose of spike protein is a lot lower than a vaccine.

Varna says:

The virus also enters through the nose and mouth, then if conditions are crap enough reaches the lungs and so on.

The injection directly starts interfering on an internal level. Especially if one is in the more unlucky cohort where the injected spikes immediately enter the bloodstream, as opposed to staying at the injection site as globohomo claims.

Mike in Boston says:

the more unlucky cohort where the injected spikes immediately enter the bloodstream

I have been assuming that this cohort is primarily those jabbed by the incompetents who can’t manage to properly give an intramuscular injection and hits a vein, or very near to a vein. If one were going to get the vaxx, at least don’t get jabbed by Shaniqua.

Joe says:

The major obvious impact is that if you get China flu before you get jabbed, you become immune to all China flu variants, and stay immune for a very long time, perhaps forever.

I am unvaccinated. I got a respiratory illness, untested, most likely Delta (it was circulating at the time); symptoms and responsiveness to ivermectin were highly suggestive of COVID. I later got likely Omicron (again, circulating), tested positive with a Rapid Antigen Test.

The Omicron was however far less severe than the presumed Delta and some cross immunity could be responsible for this.

Javier says:

My personal theory is that omicron is just a plain old cold. They already stopped using the old Chinese PCR tests, then these cheap antigen tests flood the market, who even knows what they test for. Theyve quietly admitted there are “covid / flu combo tests” without the media really questioning what that really means. The infection profile and symptom severity of omicron is different enough from og covid that whether it’s a variant or all new virus really makes no difference.

These people have already given themselvel license to commit pious fraud. They’re not going to stop and just shut down the whole fear and injection train because their disease went away. The pandemic is too lucrative and too powerful for them to give it up.

zep says:

What’s the explanation for the countries that have some of the lowest vaccination rates (Bulgaria, Romania) also having some of the highest infection rates?

jim says:

I was unaware of this data. How does it compare with Israel?

Also, timing. How recent is your data, and how recently have those countries had their flu season. It is only now becoming apparent that immunization is counter productive. Your data may well be out of date.

What has been happening is that the longer the disease is around, the worse vaccination looks. Vaccination provides some protection, not as much as infection, but some. What bites is that after vaccination, infection fails to provide immunity, which issue only shows up a while after the disease has become endemic.

On older data, vaccination looks like it is working, less effectively than had been hoped, but working. And then the epidemic of the vaccinated starts to bite, because the vaccinated do not gain herd immunity. Old data shows it working, newer data shows it working less well, newest data suggests it is counterproductive. Because at first it does work, somewhat.

That the vaccinated are failing to gain the immunity that the unvaccinated gain from infection is only starting to bite now that people have been vaccinated for a while.

zep says:

I looked it up again and it seems my data was out of date. I based it on a few articles that came out last year but both Bulgaria and Romania seem to have a relatively low infection rate. They do have a high mortality rate, but the infection rate is below Western, more vaccinated countries.

However, is it possible that the connection between vaccination rate and infection rate is incidental? Like for example, more developed countries test for covid more and they also get vaccinated at higher rates, which leads the countries to have both a high vaccination rate and a high infection rate.

Fireball says:

Looking at for example my country if the infection rate is the case rate then it is irrelevant, most cases are just positive tests with no symptoms.

jim says:

Lots of confounding factors. The data is messy.

What is not a confounding factor however is that as time goes by the vaccine effectiveness looks worse and worse, which is what we would expect from immune system damage.

Vaccinate early and hard, some data, quite a bit of data, indicating shorter covid, less serious covid. Depends on how you look at, it how you analyze the data, what assumptions you are making. But it looks like it is working, just not as well as expected. And then that data starts to fade. And fade. And fade. So you boost. Then you boost more. Then you boost more often, Israel’s vax treadmill. And first booster sort of works, helps a bit, and the next booster not so much, and things keep escalating.

That does not look like developing countries test more. It looks like God’s wrath for the Gay Parade. “You celebrate those guys that screwed their immune systems? You want to worship the Covid Demon? Well, screw your own immune systems then. Your choice.”

And, in fact, there is material and effective causal chain from self delusion about gays to self delusion about the Holy and Awesome Covid Demon, to boosting like crazy. If you don’t want to think that there might be a problem with gay marriage, you will not want to think there might be something funny about banning Ivermectin and using an untested vaccine based on radical new technology never used for vaccines before, and not recommended for that use by the man that created that technology.

The approval process for vaccines used to take a very long time. But hey we had to go right ahead because doom doom doom maximum doom. DOOM, I TELL YOU. AREN’T YOU LISTENING? IF YOU WILL NOT LISTEN YOU ARE A VERY BAD PERSON AND WE ARE GOING TO VENTILATE YOU! SINNER! YOU ARE FORCING US TO VENTILATE YOU. IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!

If you have a state religion based on falsifiable lies, sooner or later you will start believing a lie that will kill you. And that is the connection between a bunch of sodomites with messed up immune systems holding a parade, and everyone messing up their immune system. The final cause is God’s wrath, but the material and effective cause is a state religion which demands more dramatic demonstrations of belief in an ever more and ever sillier lies.

Karl says:

And as time goes by vaccine sequela look worse and worse.

The worse the clot shot looks, the more the government is bullying people to take it. At least in Germany and Austria, probably in other countries as well.

Feels like I’m watching my enemies commit suicide in slow motion.

pyrrhus says:

The effects on young men have been horrifying, anecdotal data (which is all you can get in the US) indicate many HS athletes have suffered serious damage to the heart and circulatory systems…

Pooch says:

Is there any reason why more likely in men?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Men are ore likely to be physically active.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The archetypical leftist is perfectly willing to destroy himself in the process of destroying his neighbors – rather, that is their ideal outcome even. Such is why it is ultimately a mistake to try to model them in terms of ‘cynical pragmatism’.

Varna says:

It’s the death rates, not the infection rates that are kicking their asses, or rather were, up to until very recently.

Bulgaria, Romania, and Russia have a combination of:
a) crap age pyramid
b) crap health culture among the drinking smoking populace
c) terrifyingly bad healthcare if the issue is anything more complex than basic surgery or dentistry

So you take a stressed out population of old people with a million chronic ailments that are never under control, infect them with the kung-flu, and send them into the die off wards.

In these countries, unless you have the money and connections, cancer is a death sentence, kidney failure is a death sentence, stroke is a death sentence, everything is a death sentence. The doctors and nurses go through the motions, but it’s mostly a painful ritual to send you on your last journey.

Parts of EE, especially South-East Europe, have Negro average IQ

These countries are also undergoing two demographic shifts: one is the best and brightest being filtered out for twenty years into globohomo land (some countries lost a third of their population in these twenty years), and the other is the remaining best and brightest being filtered out from the countryside into the local capital city.

So the IQ and skill dispersal with the country is you’ll maybe be fine if you’re in the big city, and in the small city you’re fucked, because the IQ average of those remaining there is now 82 or even 72 depending on the region.

All this but mixed with western levels of low fertility and an ageing population, but also mixed with crap healthcare in principle.

Long story short, when an Austrian or an Israeli need complex surgery they do not fly to Bulgaria or Romania, but when a Bulgarian or Romanian needs complex surgery they do fly, if possible, to Austria or Israel.

Therein lies hidden the mighty kung flu mystery.

Plus, and this is valid for all places but twice more so for EE, remember the “with covid vs of covid” distinction. Imagine going in with a normal viral or bacterial pneumonia or bronchitis, as the SEE male tends to be like once a year after the age of 40, but you at the same time “have asymptomatic covid”.

And so they test you, see that you’ve got stuff going on with your lungs, see that you’ve got a positive result for the kung flu, and instead of treating this as two separate conditions, they start treating you as if your pneumonia or bronchitis is a symptom of your covid.

And the protocols I believe are still to pump you full of immuno-suppressants, in order to stop the expected autoimmune storm. You come in with a normal pneumonia, but also have asymptomatic covid, and they treat you for an imaginary acute covid, thereby accelerating your normal pneumonia and oy vey what happened, dat covid sure is evil shit.

And so on.

Arqiduka says:

Oof, a bit harsh (your link, not you). I’ve seen data on Albanian IQ estimated at 89 or thereabouts, but surely not 82. Take this from me, we are dysfunctional but not that dysfunctional.

Varna says:

Eh, always with a grain of salt.

After all places like North Korea and Cambodia show suspiciously high averages but within the larger context this does not help the natives much.

And anything up to 78-9 with a large enough population allows for the development of primitive nukes and space rockets. And as recent events show, high average IQ combined with high trust in authority may lead to very very bad places.

But my experience in SEE validate the data. The local “geniuses” peak around 120, the midwits are at around 90, and the average joe in the poorer provincial places is around 80. Which depending on context may not be such an end of the world thing.

It’s just that with so many smart and energetic people filtered out by the siren call of globohomo big economies, it’ll take the region at least two generations to reach its true potential, if emigration slacks off somewhere about now.

And finally, as events with COVID show yet again, sometimes the Cathedral meets resistance with the 80 IQ people allied with dissident PhD people, while the 100 IQ ones are the perfect globohomo drones.

South East Asia, South East Europe, are proof that even wobbling between 90 IQ and 80 IQ one can have a basically functional society without horrendous murder rates, and with their own professors, classical composers, terrific novelists, mathematicians, directors, and so on, even with globohomo vacuuming up the upper strata relentlessly.

Hence my firm position that US blacks act like niggers because of globohomo influence. Plenty places in Africa proper where the homicide rates are comparable to those of Russia or Lithuania. So it’s not the IQ and not the genetics that make US blacks be feral niggers. It’s an external force that maintains a specific situation. The feral nigger harm can be reduced to tolerable levels in a decade if the external forces interested in maintaining the violence bubble are dealt with.

It could be accomplished in EE and Russia it can be accomplished anywhere. As long as there is no external force trying to latch on to peak violence and perpetuate it.

Herman says:

The map says 82 based student evaluation.
With brain drain and disgenetics it could well be that both are correct. 89 for the general population and 82 for the students.

someDude says:

Offtopic I know, but still relevant to the red pill nature of the blog.

What are the chances of getting an average healthy 25 year old girl pregnant while blowing your load into her when she is at her fertile period from a single encounter?

Thanks in advance

alf says:

Asking for a friend I presume? 😂

The internet tells me the chance at that age is about 25%.

someDude says:

Of course, asking for a friend!

You must be psychic.

The internet does say 25%, but I defer to the experience and wisdom of the Jedi Masters at this blog. Do the Jedi Masters agree with the internet’s assessment?

Karl says:

Seems a bit high or maybe most couples even at that age are not at peak health. My guess is more like 10% to maybe 20% for average men. The average man isn’t all that healthy anymore, and that was true before the clot shot come around.

alf says:

Anecdotally I’ve seen wildly differing outcomes. Some take months, some take years, and some succeed immediately. Age and health seem major factors. But all I’ve seen are couples that try during the whole fertile period, and I think the 25% is based on that as well. So maybe a one-night encounter is kind of like the odds on Russian roulette?

Javier says:

For me and my wife it’s like 80%, but that’s hitting it three days in a row at peak ovulation.

How good is your friend’s D? Orgasms make conception more likely.

Aidan says:

I think your friend shouldn’t be blasting it inside if he isn’t willing to raise a kid lol. The temptation to leave my DNA in a trail of single mothers is offset by the fact that I don’t want my sons raised by single mothers.

T. Rex Sex says:

The son also rises. Give the gift of life.

Aidan says:

I have the utmost faith in my genes, but they would not save my son from being medicated, turned into a tranny, and sacrificed to the dark gods of vaxx and butthexx

T. Rex Sex says:


jim says:

Not what Aidan said about the managerial class.

Maybe what you are saying about the managerial class is accurate, though I doubt it, but I would like you to argue from evidence, rather than attributing views to your interlocutors that they are unlikely to share.

Neofugue says:

If he rises, he will not become a moral Christian reactionary rather a demon tranny with high intelligence.

One of our few remaining advantages in this conflict lies in that our enemies are degenerating via caste miscegenation and are thus forced to convert the children of outside elites to keep the system functioning. If Aidan were to leave his DNA in a trail of single mothers there is a high chance his sons will contribute to our undoing.

The Cominator says:

“If he rises, he will not become a moral Christian reactionary rather a demon tranny with high intelligence.”

Everyone in clownworld is raised to be a demon tranny. But a genetic desire for truth cannot be crushed entirely…

What he couldn’t protect his bastard children from would be getting vaxxed though…

If not for the vaxx my advice for Aidan would be don’t knock up single mothers, knock up the wives of shitlibs. And no its not morally wrong to do so (other than that they might be vaxxed) the white male shitlib is the lowest form of life on earth and deserves NO MORAL CONSIDERATION whatsoever.

FrankNorman says:

But would he not be defiling himself by mating with such beings?

When you have sex with someone, you are also having sex with everyone else that person has ever had sex with. Promiscuity is gay.

T. Rex Sex says:

It’s a controlled collapse. They could still fail, but so far the international gheylite continues to function perfectly well as the national governments are captured and degraded.

But you’re probably right. If you have superior blood and free will mixing with the degraded ones is the quickest ticket to eternal damnation.

Gauntlet says:

I don’t want to hijack your thread but I didn’t want to start another off topic thread. I hope your friend blew his load into her on purpose, if not I will pray for you.

I’ve got a marriage deal in front of me and wanted to know what you guys think of it. I have the chance to marry a virgin I’ve never met. She is not the prettiest but not unattractive either. Her father is an orthodox priest. She lives in Georgia (country) with her family. Their family line is Polish, Austrian-Hungarian and some native Georgian. She plays 3 instruments, violin, cello and piano at a high level, so not a dumb girl. She is also a pureblood.

If I marry her I would have to go live in Georgia for a while. Not a problem as my income is location independent. We’d get to live in one of her family’s apartments when she gets pregnant.

I don’t feel stupid for considering this proposition as my prospects for an unvaxxed virgin in my home country is near zero.

pyrrhus says:

Go for it, especially if you want kids…

Arqiduka says:

Just got off the phone with Palpatine, he says “Do it”.

Varna says:

Do it. Prepare an outline for a fast evacuation of self and wife in case of war (2022 is not very stable in this part of the world), but otherwise go for it.

Be open and respectful to local customs, but be a man first and foremost. Georgia is like the Balkans in the 1990s. Almost entirely pre-globohomo. Be prepared to start making connections there and social capital, don’t have a tourist mindset. When you’re there, be there for real.

Use being a goofy foreigner to deescalate macho confrontations or bureaucrat confrontations, but again, be a man nevertheless. Be prepared for old-school hospitality and bonding rituals.

Salads, cheeses, fermented preserved veggies, skewered meat, badass rough bread, hinkali dumplings, a million local wines, local chacha brandy, hachapuri meat pie, harcho soup, and a hardcore real coffee culture.

Mountains, black sea coast, forests, old monasteries and isolated villages. Different regions may speak different languages and have different customs and physical anthropology.

Always feel out local sentiment before voicing any opinion on Russia or Turkey.

On the outside, Georgian women look very similar to Armenian and Turkish women, or like less insane Jewish women. On the inside they are still known as more or less perfect housewives, but for this to work, I will repeat this again in caps, BE A REAL MAN.

If you’re prepared, if you believe you are ready to fulfil your destiny as a real man and not a boy or a soy, go for it and godspeed. I wish you all the best and go ahead and make a second nest in Georgia. Gradually become the local goofy but respected minor foreign celebrity. Do it.

I’m doing it in a similar place right now since a couple of months ago. Find a way to grok the local culture and to enjoy it, and go all in.

Varna says:

Looking strangers in the eye, especially other men, is confrontational. Speaking distance is 1 meter unless close friends or family.

Local standards of beauty:

Local sights to get into the mood.
Coastal city of Batumi


Tbilisi backstreets

Random chicks

Old-school village marriage

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This is very dependent on where you are. Where I grew up, two men who were good friends would sit side by side and talk while they both stared at the woods. Frequent eye contact was an aggressive act, even among friends. Then I met a man who took my aversion to eye contact as something distrustful and sneaky, because he was from the American South. He was shocked to hear that eye contact was a dominance display and was a sure sign someone was looking for a fight. I had thought he was an overly aggressive asshole when he was just trying to be seen as trustworthy and dependable.

Long story short, read the room. Watch how men behave where you go, especially how they treat friends, to find out what you should and should not do.

Aidan says:

Just make sure her company is pleasant to you rather than stressful and that her family isn’t marrying her off because she’s totally fucked in some way. Though I speak with the bias that virgins in the US tend to be off their fucking rockers or sexually dysfunctional. The virgin daughter of an Orthodox priest in Georgia is far more likely to be normal.

jim says:

Any female who is still virgin by eighteen is apt to go off her rocker – Gnon designed them that way to remove them from the authority of males who were failing to nail them.

Females in this condition are apt to wander long distances alone without direction, intent, or any sane purpose, to odd places, disregarding all attempts at social interaction. They are apt to be extremely stubborn about going where they are going, even though they have no idea where they are going or why they are going there. On one occasion I attempted to stop one such woman from going where she was going, and she exhibited superhuman insane strength. (She subsequently showed up on my doorstep at an inconvenient moment. Perhaps had I attempted to abduct her, rather than stop her from going some place foolish, her strength might well have been considerably less.)

However, sanity is apt to return when some man she perceives as alpha takes possession of her

Aidan says:

You’re right of course; the crazy virgins I knew would have gotten better had I actually taken ownership of them and not just banged them.

And I’ll add that the tendency of virgins to take long walks alone at night, often on the wrong side of the tracks, is supported by my experience as well.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Likewise, the tendency of young men not getting laid to feel the itch to go walking at night. You mentioned that once, and I connected the dots and had a good laugh. Truly, Gnon’s sneering contempt for progressive pieties is immense.

T. Rex Sex says:

I will be the devil’s advocate.

You are the latest representative of your line. Do you want a virgin for your own self-aggrandizement? Of what value is the pristine un-fucked-ness of your wife to the future generations of Clan Gauntlet?

>She plays violin, cello and piano at a high level.

This is the sort of thing to take seriously.

jim says:

Obviously reproduction is more likely to be successful with a virgin. She is apt to see the first man who has sex with her as the most alpha ever, which greatly facilitates cooperate/cooperate equilibrium in producing and raising children.

If you do not intend to stick around, no point in virgins, but this mode of reproduction (the game of players and bitches) is less likely to be successful on average, and populations, races, civilizations, faiths, and tribes that practice it, in the sense that that is their reproductive norm, usually disappear from history rather quickly through failure to reproduce.

A civilization that intends to survive makes virgin marriage the norm, and strongly enforces that norm, so that a woman whose first sexual activity occurs within the game of players and bitches is deemed ruined and disgraced.

T. Rex Sex says:

[*announcement of high sexual standards deleted*]

jim says:

Observe what the rich, famous, and naturally alpha Arnold Schwarzenegger cheerfully bangs.

The Cominator says:

Schwarzenegger got awfully pozzed after he married into the Kennedies…

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m also in the Palpatine crowd, but Varna casually mentioned”evacuation” and I feel this aspect should get a lot of attention, more than just plans to buy plane tickets. You should put some time into analyzing geopolitics in the region, but put more time into getting a good idea of domestic fault lines in the context of wider geopolitics. Running may not be an easy option, and if you start baby cranking, it will be incredibly tricky or impossible (and keep the kids alive). So, based on a blog post linked to JB a while back regarding the Balkan Wars, put some real effort into acquiring property that is close to family and valuable friends, and far from urban zones and geostrategic targets.

On a personal note, don’t seek or expect perfection from her or yourself. Work together to build a family worth remembering, for your kids, your friends, your neighbors, and strangers who pass through your life. It sounds like a tall order, but it isn’t that complicated. Just work hard to be honest and dangerous and amusing. Good luck bro. May GNON bless you with many sons and a daughter.

Gauntlet says:

Thanks for all the replies. Good stuff.

As to the geopolitics of the region. The Russians are half hated, but many realize that Russia is close, America is far. As I see it, if the west tries a color revolution like in Ukraine, the Russians would repeat the recent Kazakhstan debacle. If the west plausibly threatens to let Georgia into NATO, probably the same would happen or a repeat of 2008.

I still haven’t figured out the ancient local tribal disputes which I assume are present.

For a get out of the way plan, family close by would be the best option and lay low until a flight can be secured or “hope to get out” before something blows up.

Again, thanks for the replies.

A2 says:

That seems an attractive proposition, but you should figure out why you are getting it (rather than, say, a local) and, in essence, what your role would be.

Paul D. says:

I guess I’m getting sick with covid (for the first time, being unvaxxed), three of my colleagues are already down with it, I only have a sore throat and a rare cough as of now. I started taking zink chelate and 40 000 IU of D3 daily now. Will see how it goes. Anything else I can take?

jim says:

Ivermectin horse paste or Ivermectin horse feed, obviously, but this only seems to have significant effect if taken before infection or in the first few days of infection.

Thereafter, nicotine, alcohol, and or Fluvoxamine.

It seems that most of the Covid damage is self inflicted by immune system panic.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

SSRIs in particular and fluorine containing compounds in general have serious deleterious effects in humans, and i would recommend against using them for prophylaxis in lieu of other options.

jim says:

Vaping being one other option, but nicotine is addictive, and SSRIs are not.

Alcohol is somewhat effective, but there is some reason to believe that nicotine is far more so. Fluvoxamine, we have good reason to believe quite effective, and it has been the subject of good scientific studies that they are reluctant to do on nicotine.

Looking at the evidence, looks like nicotine is the most effective, but very addictive, and its effectiveness has not been adequately studied.

Since the effective drugs all seem to be psychoactive, faith is also likely to be effective, and quite possibly a good deal more effective, but I have no empirical data on this.

Come to think of it, I do have empirical data. The Amish and Mennonite religious communities did fine, the Orthodox Jewish religious communities went down in flames.

Red says:

Ivermectin rocks. My brother took some on his 2ed day of Omi. He looked like death warmed over when I saw him and the next day he was back to 100% with the fever and other symptoms gone.

Not everyone has been so lucky, a bunch of family members who decided to fight Omi with chicken soup are still pretty fatigued weeks after getting over Omi. I’ve been trying to get them to vape, but the programming from the Cathedral is strong on nicotine.

simplyconnected says:

You can take a look at this meta-study.
Ivermectin is very good. Melatonin seems also very good plus much easier to obtain (depending on where you are), plus helps you sleep deeper, which is what one should likely should be doing. NAC, vit-C, aspirin are on the low-end but easy to obtain and harmless, plus aspirin can be taken with famotidine (pepcid) which both helps with covid and protects stomach from aspirin acidity. All cheap and easy to keep a stash of to take on short notice.

simplyconnected says:

I forgot to mention quercetin, which is on the high-end of effectiveness, cheap, OTC, and usually taken with zinc.

pyrrhus says:

You can get a lot of this stuff in the Immunity Sleep gummies, which also help you sleep…But D3 is critical..

simplyconnected says:

D3 is indeed critical. Plus it is associated with lower incidences of other diseases (including some cancers afaik).

Aidan says:

Not totally sold on supplements because of the question of bioavailability. If I can get it from my diet, I’m wary of just popping a pill instead.

simplyconnected says:

Yes, quercetin absorption is an issue, there may be some versions of it that are absorbed better. Same issue with Curcumine.

simplyconnected says:

I seem to recall quercetin is better absorbed when taken with milk, curcumin with black pepper. Curcumin is also listen in the above early treatment meta-study.

Karl says:

Look at early tratment in this link:

Paul D. says:

Thank you all very much, I’ll try to find it all in my local pharmacies. Aidan MacLear wrote that he took a walk in the sun and drank wine, and it cured the thing in one evening, so maybe vitamin D3 and alcohol does work as well…

Aidan says:

Omicron was honestly a little bit rougher for me than the OG rona. Symptoms were just as mild (a tickle in the throat and runny nose) but lasted three days instead of one, and my immune system was working a little harder; lymph nodes swollen in my face and a shaving cut got a bit inflamed and took longer to heal. Though I chalk that up to not drinking gin and tonic this time, and it being winter and not getting enough sun.

It’s unlikely that the healthy and young need any early care, but if a bit older and weaker, maybe I’d consider the horse paste. Omicron also seems different enough to reinfect the naturally immune, like the seasonal cold and flu.

Varna says:

The FDA just revoked authorization for the regeneron stuff “due to the difference of omicron to the prior strains”.

And yet the ole clotshots still work, because they are holy.

Tim says:

90 days of NAC afterwards. If you’re not doing some sort of fasting routine already, do that as well (once you’re back to 100%). I do 2.5 days full fast a month, 2.5 days less than 600 a month.

Aryaman says:

In addition to what others have said would add Benadryl (double the standard dose at night) and XLEAR nasal spray.

Though if you’ve contracted Omicron it’s rather unlikely you will have to do much of anything..

Red says:

It’s worth fighting Omicron because you might still feel like shit for weeks if you get a bad case. Anything that shortens the infection reduces the spike protean inflammation.

> The jab does reduce the risk of dying as a result of Covid. No doubt about this.

Sure there is. Firstly, extend the timeline beyond the brief immunity period into the unknown AIDS-riddled future of COVID19 variants — if any still matter after kind Omicron. Secondly, consider that the unvaccinated are often so not due to “vaccine hesitancy” but due to medical contraindications, e.g. comorbidities on a COVID19 death certificate.

And it was done by Shi Zhengli, not Shaniqua. Worked pretty well for what China wanted to accomplish, aside from fumbling it in Wuhan. Who’s gonna stop Xi from taking Taiwan after the Winter Olympics? Exactly.

Ann K. says:

And after that, Australia!

Aryaman says:

In countries where old people have a 98 percent vaccination rate, the 2 percent are plausibly unvaccinated for actual morbidities. But that doesn’t carry over the very real fact that 34 year olds in only partially unvaccinated areas that are dying of COVID in hospitals are very disproportionately unvaccinated.

The vaccine isn’t good for you, is a holiness spiral, is likely to have long term adverse consequences and I didn’t get it but that doesn’t change the fact that the jab absolutely reduces your risk of dying from COVID.

Thing is not many people die from COVID, certainly not many young and healthy people. And the jab may very well increase your likelihood of experiencing sublethal sequelae as a result of COVID infection, which likelihood is already considerably greater than the likelihood of ICU or death, and thus plausibly a more important likelihood to consider in your risk calculus.

jim says:

> the very real fact that 34 year olds in only partially unvaccinated areas that are dying of COVID in hospitals are very disproportionately unvaccinated.

Is that a real fact? I don’t think any 34 year olds are dying of Covid.

The mean age of people in the UK who are recorded as dying of Covid with no other co-morbidities is 81.4 years. And there are so very few of them that a small error rate, failure to notice diagnose some co-morbidity, is going to have a huge effect on the data.

Aryaman says:

Very few 34 year olds are dying of COVID, for that matter very few 50 year olds, but so far as I can tell the few of them dying are unvaccinated disproportionately. Same England data that shows the vaccinated are 50 percent more likely to die also show they are 60-80 percent less likely to die despite aforesaid susceptibility to infection.

So I think it is a real fact but not a very relevant fact. Dying of COVID is not a high order concern for most people, but long term sequelae from either the jab or the infection after having had the jab are.

Aryaman says:

I meant to say “Same England data that shows the vaccinated are 50 percent more likely to get infected…”

jim says:

> Very few 34 year olds are dying of COVID, for that matter very few 50 year olds, but so far as I can tell the few of them dying are unvaccinated disproportionately

If very few, then with the best will in the world, the data is unlikely to be reliable. And what we have is the worst will in the world.

In my post I observed that if you are not vaccinated, and you get China flu, it is plausible that it is more likely to be serious. On the other hand, it is also plausible that if not vaccinated, you are more likely to be punitively and gratuitously put on a ventilator.

The data does indicate that vaccination mitigates the seriousness of your first China flu infection (while increasing your prospects of having more such infections down the road) On the other hand, the data smells mighty bad. It might be true, and we have no real evidence that it is false, but we have ample evidence that the data supposedly showing it to be true is cooked.

We are in a world of lies and liars. Very hard to know what is happening.

Varna says:

I think we should remember that some portion of the younger population will have shit immunity for one reason or another, even without the clotshot boosters. And yet also without official major comorbidities.

Just a typical more or less young fuck who has a shit immune system due to factors X and Y.

And the covid hits them harder, sure. Makes total sense, it’s just buried under mountains of nonsense.

jim says:

> some portion of the younger population will have shit immunity for one reason or another, even without the clotshot boosters. And yet also without official major comorbidities.

When small children are exposed to garden dirt, builds their immune systems by giving their immune system healthy exercise. When faggots are exposed to each other’s poop, destroys their immune systems by giving their immune systems unhealthy stress. Why the difference?

Well, I could give a plausible scientific explanation of the difference – that your immune system was never evolved to handle other people’s poop ground against mucous membranes – but that scientific explanation amounts to “contrary to nature”, which can be fairly summarized as “Wrath of Gnon”

And the jab is contrary to nature, and likely to provoke the wrath of Gnon – which is a fair summary of the scientific explanation given by the man who developed the technology used to make the jab, the technology that is now being applied for a purpose he did not expect or intend, and does not regard as safe.

Submitting to lies is morally equivalent to burning a pinch of incense to an idol. The wrath of Gnon ensues for this wicked act.

Varna says:

Well I beg to differ on poop. Half of India would have AIDS in that case, and specifically on the mucus membrane — half of today’s women would have AIDS.

The GRIDS-tier immune collapse is likely caused by the gay swinger lifestyle: sleepless nights, constant neurotic arousal, constant drug stimulants, severe nutritional deficiency, constant STDs and hepatitis and shit, and similar behaviors that can and do kill the endocrine system and once that goes everything goes.

However, today’s younger demography grew up in a world with totally fake foods, fake sweets, fake drinks, systematically promoted hyper-sensitivity, and being drugged from kindergarten onward. Thus they can develop crap immune systems even without a big city psycho fag or heroin junkie lifestyle.

It’s those youngsters that I hypothesize that are getting hit by the kung flu even when younger than middle age. In a sane world they would be screened and given immuno-stimulants, and later, in a sane world, the whole approach to foods and meds would be rethought. “How did we get to having young people with the immune systems of 80 year old diabetics” society would ask itself, and begin serious changes.

In a sane world COVID-19 would be a wake up call about social health as well. A sane world alas this is not.

Submitting to lies, and even accepting that lying constantly is a moral choice that makes you one of the good guys, destroys civilizations. This process has been accelerating across “the free world” over the last decades. Now every progressive good person knows that only relentless lying can save the world and keep evil in check.

Once “morally right” is disconnected from “truth” and “fact”, morally right stops being a reflection of the real world and becomes an endless holiness spiral driven by internal social pressure. Society cocoons itself into a solipsistic bubble, and once enough of the remaining threads to the real world are cut, things stop working. Because things do not respond to social pressure, and other skills aside from social pressure are lost.

God gives us free will, God gives us the means to elevate ourselves and the means to destroy ourselves.

One of the great tricks of the father of lies connected to loosening of sexual mores, is to substitute external political freedom with internal self-control freedom. Today globohomo means by “freedom” the freedom to *not* control your emotions, your impulses, the freedom to constantly take drugs and ride a dildo, and, going back to poop, literally the freedom to crap yourself and make that a lifestyle.

Whereas all of the external social world is given over to the wise overlords. The same overlords who are rapidly losing contact with reality outside their solipsistic bubbles.

The current satanic social contract is “you go ahead and take those drugs and ride that dildo and crap yourself, I’ll take care of everything else in life. Just follow my orders always in every way and things will work out”. This is the freedom of the father of lies. Freedom through total negation of free will.

Everyone is now “born this way” and also “shaped by trauma”, and the dwindling number of normal men who still see themselves as carriers of free will are evil terrorists and fascists. An ironic inversion of the old-timey idea that only white normal men have reason and free will — globohomo has gone full circle and admits this implicitly, only in their world this is a mark of evil.

Good people do not have free will, and they do not have self-control, and they do not demand that their free will manifests in external liberties inside an objective reality. To the contrary, good people admit that they have no control over who they are, their highest freedom is to have no self-control over their passions and impulses, and virtue is giving total control of external reality over to Descartes’s demon.

Submitting to lies and amplifying lies means giving up free will means submitting to the master of lies and false realities. When enough people do this, the flood comes, in one shape or another.

T. Rex Sex says:

>One of the great tricks of the father of lies connected to loosening of sexual mores, is to substitute external political freedom with internal self-control freedom.


That’s also why Anglo-Germanic Protestants created the free world and why it began to shrivel up as they (we) were displaced.

It’s almost dead now, twisted, gnarled, blackened, wise, that sonorous tree of liberty. The bell tolls and cracks while crows squawk at the sky.

Fred says:

the jab absolutely reduces your risk of dying from COVID.

For how long? The antibodies might indeed reduce your risk of dying from COVID, but antibodies fade after a couple of months and the B-cell responses from the vaccines are weak-to-non-existent.

I didn’t follow the ensuing discussion here, but it’s all over for the clot shot: the Israeli data is in.

When this breaks into mainstream awareness, I expect the fiction of the Biden regime will implode, and we will discover who the shadow president(s) are.

jim says:

I would like to believe that, I hope that, I pray for that, but I think it more likely that they will stick to their boosters until it kills them, and will do their best to make sure everyone else dies with them.

The Cominator says:

The rumors are that the nominal shadow President for most things is chief of staff Ron Klain who seems to be a complete commie lunatic (Valerie Jarett the Persian woman was by comparison a far better shadow President) with foreign policy being under the seemingly far more sane Susan Rice (who is sane enough apparently to know that there is no way we win a war with Russia)…

There is a lot of credibility to the Ron Klain rumors normally a President with a bad 1st year fires the chief of staff as a scapegoat… but Ron Klain seemingly isn’t going anywhere. There is less concrete credibility to the Susan Rice rumors but there is some credibility there because Obama was not especially insane on foreign policy (the most insane thing was the Libya bombing, which was a pet project of Hillary Clinton) and she was the National Security advisor.

A rare case of an Affirmative Action woman being in relative terms a voice of reason I guess…

Joe says:

When this breaks into mainstream awareness

I admire your optimism. Or, as one might say on 4chan:


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Things have been breaking into mainstream awareness for the past 300 years.

Cloudswrest says:

Hey Jim, FYI, Facebook doesn’t like you. LOL.

Tried linking to the PDF you mentioned to family and your URL was immediately rejected.

Cloudswrest says:

Ended up linking to the research paper via a different URL.

Varna says:

Can confirm, Jim’s blog is off limits even in private communication on FB.

The Cominator says:

It didn’t like him at least 6 months ago.

Tim says:

Not investment advice, do your own due diligence, etc. but I’ve invested in Cardiol Theraputics (ticker symbol CRDL) who are making a CBD-derived treatment for myocarditis – that is to say, a popular meme treatment (CBD) for a thing that more and more people (I suspect) will be totally normally and not at all suspiciously finding themselves suffering. CRDL has done poorly over the past several months, as you can see, and of course things like this can totally go to zero, but I’ve bought it because I believe we’re going to see heart problems in otherwise healthy young jabbed men and, unfortunately, profiting from that is about all I can do beyond telling people I meet to stay strong and not take the jab.

Pooch says:

Re: Discussion on rapidly rising crime due to radical left policies and Governors/Mayors powerless to stop it

Looks like the NYC mayor is putting that theory to the test and reinstating plainclothes officers.

Aidan says:

It is specifically about confiscating guns, which have always been evil voodoo totems for the urban left; not that much of a pushback, because being strapped up is one of the few things the new DA will prosecute you for. The narrative round these parts is almost literally that the evil black magic exuded from firearms makes the poor dindu nuffins shoot babies.

This actually sounds like the perfect way to get as many cops shot as possible.

Aryaman says:

I don’t know. Preenforcement seemed to work pretty well against minorities for NYC in the past.

You cannot get a gun legally in NYC. As far as I can tell this is going after the people who you do not want to have guns who have guns illegally, since there are not very many people you want to have guns who have guns, and they are too smart for this to matter one way or another.

Aidan says:

The debate was over the mayor needing to circumvent radical policy, and I am arguing that this is not a circumvention of radical policy, because the radials are and have been on board with gun-grabbing, even if you are a black gangster. In the very short list of things that the new DA will put you in prison for, carrying a gun is one of them, though robbing a man at knifepoint is not.

Though if the anti-gun stop and frisk unit starts doing things not in its official purview to bust criminals, maybe then Adams is circumventing his DA.

Kunning Drueger says:

You know more about the situation than I, but IIRC this unit was disbanded specifically based on BLM/proggy NGO demands. That being said, I’ll never weep for the suffering of funs grabbers. The “illegal” gun trade is a significant point of contact between the based and the bangers. I imagine the intelligent Cathedral agents would do almost anything to keep redpills away from weaponized negros.

Aryaman says:

And what I’m saying is that the new DA taking guns away from violent blacks would be a circumvention of a previously radical policy. Taking their guns away by itself is a pretty big improvement. I would rather be robbed at knifepoint than gunpoint especially if it were illegal for me to own a gun myself, let alone use a gun myself.

And there is something to that “evil black magic” story you mock. IT is not the gun itself, but the fact a gun gives you a kind of ownership over an unarmed population that a knife does not, and having a sense of that ownership is responsible for some of the feral behavior you see today.

Aidan says:

Responding to both of you at once, the left’s position on guns is insane and hypocritical. You are looking at it too rationally. The black gangbanger of course wants to keep his rusted out Draco and glawk (actually a Kel-tec), but his white liberal handler believes that the gun exercises black magic that turns him from a good boy to… no, that’s not even right. The leftist sees gun crime, but not black crime; he is not allowed to notice that getting guns off the street harms his black gangbanging ally.

He believes that a plainclothes anti-gun unit will racistly brutalize blacks on their own racist initiative, and cannot square the circle of “cops bad, guns also bad”. I figure Adams thinks he has a shot because he is a holy negro, and this is two competing sacraments.

And it’s not the guns, but a lack of white men with guns. Blacks are much better behaved in parts of the country where white men regularly carry.

Aryaman says:

Indeed. You will notice I qualified all my statements in the context of a coercively disarmed white population. But given that, there really is a “magic” element to it, which is not there with knives, because a gun offers the armed man a supreme and near total advantage over the disarmed man.

In fact it is illegal to even own a fake gun that actually looks like a real gun in New York City. This given, it must be the case that the leftist does in fact comprehend the harm getting guns off the street does black criminals. Because the only point of fake guns is to remove the perception of a supreme and near total advantage, and it appears the leftist is quite keen to make sure it stays.

maybe we are not saying different things.

T. Rex Sex says:


jim says:

What you say may well be true. If so, should be easy to prove.

Prove it.

T. Rex Sex says:

It’s true or I wouldn’t have said it.

However I’m reluctant to “prove it” and I’ll tell you why. [*stupid reason deleted*]

T. Rex Sex says:

Me: “You’re obviously smart and have a smart audience but you keep censoring me and in general I think you might be a lunatic. But I respect the immense power of autists in the modern age and could be swayed by a convincing argument. Explain why I should hand you the keys to the kingdom.”


jim says:

I censor you because you keep using debased and wicked methods of argument, and you just did it again in your reply to Aidan.

You argued for your position starting by attributing to Aidan a position very close to your own, argument from false consensus.

T. Rex Sex says:

I don’t remember what I said but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t wicked. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

notglowing says:

There seem to be a lot of paid or unpaid CCP shills on 4chan. Recently saw them in full force on a thread on /biz/ talking about how commissars in Chinese companies are a shining example of communism protecting workers’ rights by having them watch over operations and stop abuse of the proletariat.

Another one said that Deng employing capitalism only caused China to prosper because it made “money” flow from outside.
The idea that communist countries are poor only because others will not trade with them, and that money coming in somehow makes your economy prosperous by itself, is a common cope to defend Marxist economics, but is this a narrative a (paid) CCP shill would use? Does it diminish China or elevate communism in their eyes?

Varna says:

Last year this became a stable part of mainstream Russian online meme culture.

When someone starts sounding like a China shill, everyone else start replying with variations of the following basic matrix: “Me simple worker Ivan from glorious city of Tver. Not enough work, factories shut down, priests not good for society many churches no jobs for simple worker. Prosperous China People’s Republic under leadership of Comrade Xi should take Russia under wing and lead to shared prosperity.”

The meme originate in the Russian pol ( circa November 2020, and by 2021 had become a mainstay in the Russian Facebook (Vkontakte) and the overall Runet.

Today the meme leads a life of its own, and can be used for approval “People’s Party proud of your accomplishment, give 15 rating points, higher rice ration, and obedient cat-wife!”

And of course the reverse, when someone criticizes China sooner or later a reply will be along the lines of “lying pig! Minus 30 social rating points and we take back cat-wife!”

jim says:

Trouble is that the party is not awarding obedient cat-wives to anyone.

It should be.

The regime that awards obedient cat-wives to its loyalists will rule the earth. The regime that awards obedient cat-wives to every man that works or fights for Throne, Altar, Freehold, Family, and Property will rule the universe, will enable a human race and its descendants to take possession of the stars.

Arqiduka says:

On this, I will comment a bit later (no time now) on a little bit of social engineering theory that I’ve been mulling over, combining my love for eugenics with the imperative of peace between men and women. Just wanted to build a little tension now.

Arqiduka says:

So, hear me out: the One Son Policy

You can’t just give followers obedient wives, because wives do not stay obedient in the face of male weakness, or perceived weakness. A beta fighting for ISIS still gets shit-tested to an early grave. The best you can do is create such conditions that minimize shit testing, but eventually each brother shall stand or fall on his own.

What are these conditions that minimize shit-testing? All the stuff Jim writes about, a culture and religion emphasizing the correct roles, state backing of the husband’s powers, etc.

But there is one more: a skewed gender ratio. If you have, say, two women for every man, you’re going to get far less serios shit tests, because you turn the “oh, I can find a schmuk when I’m 35” into a musical chairs game. Not going to solve the issue of peace between sexes (hypergamy is a thing), but will surely make the playing filed a bit more level.

Now on eugenics. I think that, left to their own, populations tend to suffer from dysgenic pressures which tend to lower all people. These need to be countered without having some bureaucrat assigning wives and such silliness. You need the lightest touch program that still get the job done.

This is it: every woman (not their father or husband) gets the right to have one son, but as many daughters as they like. This right is transferable freely to any other woman, but you only get one to begin with. Now you establish a correlation between number of children and willingness to have kids, as well as wealth (obviously these will starts trading the moment you issue them) without halting population growth that a “two kids per woman, then trade” scheme would do.

I think this would be enough to induce those less suited to reproduce to sell these rights, which is enough to counter the dysgenic push, across many generations. You get sons from those willing to pay to bear them, and you get a more level playing field for those sons entering the marriage game.

Heck, you probably get an added eugenic bonus when the boys get to chose for wives those girls with more agreeable traits, perhaps letting X chromosomes evolve a bit from caveman days. Only a bit though, most men would still have children from more than one mother in such a system I reckon.

Finally, you get a single-figure indicator of the health of your civilization (price of the right to have sons) and you establish a direct link between population growth and gender ratio.

A lot to flesh out, especially re enforcement, but here’s my totalitarian fantasy.

Redbible says:

The method you propose for getting an increased ratio of men to women seems kinda of gay to me. (since it seems to assume close in age marriage.)

The easier solution is to have a 10 year average age gap between husband and wife.

But how would this affect the ratio you ask? Simple, if you have an avg. birth rate above 2/female, you will always have a percentage more births from 1 year to the next. In my own personally calculations and simulations, it seems to roughly be that for every 1 that the birth rate is above 2, results in a 1% increase of population every year.

So if we suppose that we had a birth rate of 6, that would result in a net 4% gain each year in population. I there is a 10 year average marriage age gap, then if you had 100 men of age 30 looking for wives of age 20, you’d have 140 (if you just add 4% ten times) to 148 (if you correctly use compounding multiplication) wives for those 100 men to choose from.

That said, I think that it’s far more reasonable to get a 10 year gap by assuming that 20 year old men will be marrying 9-12 year old girls. (based on Jim’s logic that many girls need to be married that young.)

Aidan says:

Take heart that as men get faggier and faggier with each passing year, the ratio of hot young girls to alpha males gets better and better for you.

The Cominator says:

Far fewer hotter women today than even 10 years ago. More fatties and someone even adjusting for fatness more uggos.

Pooch says:

I would still tend to wager, even adjusting for a reduction in hotties, that the number of alphas per hottie is decreasing, not increasing, although this is going to be highly dependent on the sexual dynamics of each locale. Likely to be a lot of variance.

alf says:

Far fewer hotter women today than even 10 years ago.

My impression as well. Men are getting faggier, but women are burning through their beauty quicker. Women tend to be prettiest late-highschool (good luck snatching one there), but from thereon things tend to go downwards.

jim says:

> That said, I think that it’s far more reasonable to get a 10 year gap by assuming that 20 year old men will be marrying 9-12 year old girls. (based on Jim’s logic that many girls need to be married that young.)

Normal age of marriage in the Roman Republic was a young man just starting out on economic independence, with a girl around twelve to fourteen.

Arqiduka says:

The issue I have with your alternative is that ut us a population ponzi scheme, and I think population is too high as it is.

Herman says:

Any successful society will need extra sons to fight wars and expand.

A one son group would be outnumbered pretty quickly and a lot of pressure would be put on it by the populations around that have more sons. It would be conquered pretty quickly.

If Gnon wanted two female births for every male (or if it was evolutionary sensible) it would be like that.
I think it is evil to “play God” and mess with things like that.

Arqiduka says:

Modern fertility rates are sub 2, hence every woman is already having fewer than a son as we speak. This would only rearange who is having those sons, not geting fewer out there. But yes, population size would be telling the wrong story with such a system.

And you are right that this is playing God, a fair criticism.

Varna says:

>If you have, say, two women for every man, you’re going to get far less serios shit tests, because you turn the “oh, I can find a schmuk when I’m 35” into a musical chairs game. Not going to solve the issue of peace between sexes (hypergamy is a thing), but will surely make the playing filed a bit more level.

That’s Russia after WWII and to an extent to this day. Hence some of the horniest, most good-looking, and most hysterical women on earth first having to settle, and then driving their men into the bottle and an early grave.

Arqiduka says:

The Russian criticism is very relevant, and itself enough to trash this. Do you reckon that dynamic is due to the skewed ratio, or ot would be even harder without that?

Varna says:

Belated reply.

Russians proper are a very quirky mixture of Slavs, agricultural turkic tribes, mountain clan turkic tribes, nomadic plain turkic tribes, deep forest shamanic mongoloids, and various Khazar and/or “proper” Jewish influences.

On the latter — remembering that the 1939 split of Poland was like split number eighteen, and if you go back in time enough, you reach the point of a sprawling, rich, and crypto-democratic Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth. This is where the Jews of the known world went as the best place for them, then some of them gradually took over the nervous system of the commonwealth, and then it became weak and unstable and the Slavic neighbors to the east and the Germanic neighbors to the west started biting off chunks. Chunks containing Jews.

And this is how Vienna and Odessa suddenly became Jewish cities. And this is also how, in the second half of the 19th century, the Russian Empire was 55 million, of which 5 million pure Jews. That’s a lot. In today’s Ukraine and Belarus whole cities were majority Jewish, a bit more to the east half-Jewish, a bit more to the east a quarter Jewish, and so on.

Life within the Russosphere changes people, and it changes nations. Even a mere 45 years changed the Eastern Germans into perpetually skeptical red-pilled weirdos, for example. But whole centuries is different.

The only ones who it’s difficult to judge are the Finns, but there’s really nothing to compare them to for contrast, as they are pretty unique.

Anyway, today 20% of Israelis speak Russian freely
Сегодня в Израиле более 20 % населения свободно говорят на русском языке.
And the “Russians” in certain New England neighborhoods are also in fact Russian Jews. But the majority of the US and Israeli Russian Jews are not “normal Jews”. They are “too Russian”. They have that weird Slavic+Tatar+Mongol+Armenian mindset of the hypothetical Russian.

And the hypothetical Russian has lived with Jews for so long, that some of the Jew’s traits have also become Russian. Jewish humor. Jewish drama.

The Poles, for example, once their mega commonwealth fell apart, view themselves as a “nation under threat”. They don’t easily accept traits of other ethnicities and cultures. This goes against the unconscious code of self-preservation.

Russians, as the titular nation of a land empire, are more open to accepting, assimilating, digesting traits of the smaller nationalities they come in contact with.

So Russians aren’t Slavs in the limited sense. The Russians are Slavs, but also Tatars, also Mongols, also Siberian proto-amerindians, also Jews, also Armenians and so on.

If you’re lucky, a Russian woman will be strong and attractive like a real Slav, a good obedient wife like a real Turk, frugal like an Armenian, and smart like a Jew.

If you’re unlucky, a Russian woman will be moody and impulsive like a Slav, sleazy like a Turk, cheating like an Armenian, and crazy like a Jew.

If you’re a super manly man, you can forge any Russian woman into the first positive version. If you’re one of the remaining 99% of men, then boy you better be a lottery winner.

Arqiduka says:

M8, your knowledge of the people is legion.

Sounds to me though like the average slavic Russian woman is abnormaly hard to tame (a bit like Swedish girls who cucked that entire nation) and that the skewed gender ratio is helping a bit with an otherwise very bad to manage situation.

Aidan says:

Varna, you forgot the literal Rus, vikings who conquered and became the aristocracy of early Russia, though maybe some slav pride thing in the East memory-holes the fact that Eastern civilization was begun by Germanics. The prevalence of Nordic physiognomy among high-performing and prominent Russians is evidence that they made quite a genetic impact

Varna says:

Sure, the eastern branch of the Vikings too. But that was over a thousand years ago and I’m not so sure how many of them were. There were Viking kingdoms in Sicily at some point too…

But no, sure, they are called “Varangians” (Varyags), and one of the warships sunk by the Japs in 1905 was called Varyag. The Russians still make films about the “Viking period” of Russia.
Some Russian painters used this Viking period as a recurrent theme.

One misunderstood 1970s indie Soviet painter Constantin Vasiliev even went rather far:
(too bad don’t know how to embed this pic)
But he was obscure and died young so the system didn’t really notice him.

Plus, Germanics were army generals and aristocrats in Russia during the whole Imperial time. Catherine the Great imported German settlers.

But I personally do not see Germanic traits in modern Russians. Slavic — yes. Turkic — also yes. Jewish — also yes. Germanic — not so much.

Back in the day Kievan Rus bordered Khazaria. They fought, the traded, they intermarried, the did business together, they fought again. Judean Khazars sponsored Rus pirate expeditions into Western Europe.

This use to be my favorite troll when communicating with certain boneheads. Just gently mention “Jews paid Vikings to sack Christian Europe” and sit back with popcorn. Especially when after the inevitable accusations of making stuff up you provide sources.

jim says:

Seems unnecessary and oppressive.

High fertility plus a reasonable age gap between age of marriage for women and for men can give you a lopsided sex ratio.

Arqiduka says:

Oppressive yes, unfortunately.

My main consideration is to get that eugenic pressure, skewed ratios are a bonus.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This is the kind of eugenics we should be focusing on performing. Making sure good men get obedient women, and bad men get none. Smart, successful men should be encouraged to have large families. All men should, really. The more men we produce, the more chances we have of producing a DaVinci, a Newton, or a Von Braun.

Mike in Boston says:

Jim, thank you for this.

Do you have a source for the New Zealand data indicating that the excess mortality from the jab is about one in a thousand?

I have been relying on incomplete reports from Norway (PDF link) that reported 30 deaths within a few days of vaccination, mostly among the elderly, at a time when 63,000 vaxxes had been given out, thus about 1 in 2100. There would naturally be a reporting lag between the report of the number of vaxxes and the number of deaths, therefore the denominator used to estimate mortality rate should be smaller than 63,000; but on the other hand this is an estimate of overall mortality, not excess mortality. (There was some publicity after these figures came out, and the later reports are probably cooked.)

Here’s another analysis that seems credible, because it mentions the cytotoxicity of the spike protein while our enemies deny it. It estimates vaxx mortality at 1 in 25,000 among the young, rising to about 1 in 1667 among the elderly, a weighted average of which is broadly in line with the Norway data.

However if I have not misunderstood it, this study was not looking more than a month past jabbing. So vaxx-linked deaths that occurred more than a month later would not be reflected in the estimates, and the longer-term excess mortality from the vaxx is not known. But we can get a sense of the vaxx’s long-term impact on health from another worthwhile study, which uses admission data from one hospital and finds that the vaxxed are three times as likely as the unvaxxed to be admitted with cardiac arrhythmia, and two and a half times as likely to be admitted with cardiac inflammation.

If political events of the last year had proceeded differently, such that Globohomo had found it politically expedient to denounce a “Trumpvax”, these analyses would be on the front page of the newspaper regularly.

jim says:

> the vaxxed are three times as likely as the unvaxxed to be admitted with cardiac arrhythmia, and two and a half times as likely to be admitted with cardiac inflammation.

This is consistent with the data presented at the Ron Paul conference, but we need to track cancer (three times as much cancer) miscarriage (three times as much miscarriage), menstrual irregularity (massive infertility, no one is tracking it) and brain fog (ten times as much “neurological disorder”) but we need a specific syndrome, rather than “neurological disorder), since jab induced brain fog, shakes, and loss of coordination is quite distinctive.

And we need to track shingles. I am seeing a lot of it, but no one is tracking it.

On the available data, it is likely that the long term death rate from the jab is likely to be cancer, heart disease, and the numerous different ways that the mentally and physically disabled get into trouble. It is claimed that people recover swiftly from jab induced heart problems, but there is no data supporting this claim, and if this claim was true, we would have a pile of data.

We are also seeing liver and kidney problems, but no one seems to be tracking them. Kidney problems take a very long time to kill you, while heart problems can kill you in an instant, so they get less attention, but they still kill you eventually.

A whole lot of people die from cancer. If the elevated cancer rate persists over the lifetime of the jabbed, it is going to kill one hell of a lot of them. We will be looking at one in three, rather than one in a thousand.

Karl says:

What would be the benefit in tracking cancer, miscarriage, infertility, etc.?

We already know that the clot shot is harmful and are therefore avoiding it. Our enemies are denying that the clot shot is harmful and are harming themselves with it. Good, let them all be killed by boosters.

Even if we were tracking cancer etc, it would not making treating it any easier.

So why do we need to track cancer, miscarriage, etc.?

jim says:

I would like to know how many people this is going to kill and incapacitate. A tiny little dent, or a major population reduction.

At least some of our enemies are aiming at a major population reduction, and they are likely to get it right eventually.

Also, wives. Hence tracking the impact on fertility.

I would prefer that they do not wind up cominating themselves, but if they do, that will certainly make things simpler. But not easier. When they realize that they are cominating themselves, they are going to murder every pureblood they can find.

Karl says:

Ok, our sons will have to find wives. So it would be good to know whether an apparently healthy girl, who got the clot shot, is an option.

But why would you prefer if our enemies do not wind up cominating themselves? Sure, they are going to murder every pureblood they can find, but isn’t that what they will do anyway?

Whether they try to genocide me and my family for being white or for being a pure blood isn’t such a big difference. Or maybe it is, because I can fake being vaxxed much better than being black

Arqiduka says:

Far fewer pureblods than whites, hence far easier to hit the former group. Obviously if it gets to this, they will do an antibodies test to make sure you really are jabed. Not likely, but more likely that just murdering whites in any case.

Karl says:

All purebloods will by then have been infected and therefore have antibodies

Arqiduka says:

Something tells me they can test for which and hiw many jabs you got right now, just have no reason to use it. Hopefully I’m wrong

f6187 says:


All purebloods will by then have been infected and therefore have antibodies

I know someone who became actually ill, had a positive PCR test, recovered easily on his own, and subsequently tested negative for antibodies. I wonder if he defeated it with macrophages and T-cells alone, without the need to develop antibodies.

Herman says:

I’m curious if the tests work as well as the vaxx 😉

jim says:

When the tests were first applied, it instantly became obvious that vast numbers of people were getting infected with no very noticeable symptoms, and becoming immune. Something then happened with the tests.

Herman says:

I sometimes wonder why they are still that clueless about cominating themselves.

A lot of my colleagues where calling in sick for a few days after their third clot shot.

And I overheard people talking about side effects on the streets a few times in the last months.

Is it crimestop or cognitive dissonance that keeps them from realizing?

Pooch says:

Is it crimestop or cognitive dissonance that keeps them from realizing?

Yes. Admitting that the vax might be dangerous is a massive heretical thoughtcrime to the state religion, no different from what stops people from thinking that allowing women into the workplace might be a bad idea.

jim says:


If people cannot see the catastrophe of our current rape and sexual harassment laws, they will be unable to see that the jab is dangerous even if the long term lethality with repeated boosters turns out to be 100%

Herman says:

Regarding wives it would be interesting if there are any defects etc in babies borne to people who had the clot shot before pregnancy.

This being gene therapy it could affect the child.

jim says:

In the military, nearly a million with “neurological issues”. Which are typically somewhat incapacitating to severely incapacitating, if by “neurological issues” they mean what I am hearing anecdotally.

It is not clear to me what population this is from. If it is active duty personnel, that is about half of them, which seems way too high.

Seventy thousand additional cancers in a year. This is likely to be a lifetime increase in the likelihood of cancer, so if the jab stops tomorrow, and we assume that all the cancers caused by the jab were immediately detected, a few million cancers. High likelihood that the rate will increase, because there is no particularly efficient early cancer detection in the military, so a high risk that we are looking at a major comination over the next decade or so.

And they are going to keep on boosting, probably with newer and more dangerous jabs. The effect is likely to be cumulative, or some of the effects cumulative. It is starting to look as if they intend to do with the jab what they failed to accomplish with the weaponized virus they created.

Karl says:

I’ve heard of similar problems in the general population in Germany, but apparently nobody knows how widespread this is as screening for cancer as dropped.

How thoroughly is the military screened for cancer? I assume anyone in the military isn’t at all reluctant to consult an army physician on any on “neuroligical issures” whereas civilians present are reluctant to see a physician.

If the military is well screened, the chances of our enemies cominating themselves are looking better and better.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

When I was in you were a pussy if you went for anything that was not debilitating. You also never, and I mean fucking never admitted you have mental issues if you could possibly avoid it. If almost a million people have admitted to neurological issues, then there are a lot more who are just going to suffer in silence. If that data is accurate and it measures active and reserve component military personnel only, then the American military has a massive problem. Really, any military that pushed the vaxx does.

Karl says:

Ah yes. There is a huge difference between a professional army of volunteers and an army of draftees looking for a way to get out.

Honestly, all draftees I have ever met want to avoid as much duty as possibly. Most would not have minded a medical record stating mental problems or neurological issues. I know several people who tried to fake such things simply to avoid being drafted.

Aryaman says:

The numbers seem a little bonkers to me unless they are based on VA health system data in which case they make a little sense.

38,700 new cancers a year as a pre-jab baseline would be a little nuts if you consider active duty and reserve which might be 2.3 or 2.4 million. On the other hand 40,000 is just about the number of new cancers reported by Veterans Affairs Central Cancer Registry annually.

But then they say the data are from the Defense Medical Surveillance System which does not appear to include veterans’ records.

So I don’t know what’s going on.

I am interested in looking at high school and college performance data in the individual sports. I expect to see people are running and swimming slower than they used to, but haven’t found a good repository for this yet.

Varna says:

Let’s see if the Olympics show any surprises in this department.

Skippy says:

“On the available data, it is likely that the long term death rate from the jab is…”

Has anyone compiled this data in a readable form? I am seeing a lot of claims like this around the web but do not really want to try to individually verify them myself (especially when it isnt always clear exactly what is being claimed, e.g. which country, which specific disease, which statistic, etc.)

Kunning Drueger says:

Of topic for this post.

Can anyone link me to a detailed account of the Donbas War? I’m not interested in Globohomo schlopp, but I’m also uninterested in Russian propaganda. I keep trying to find the story, like dates, troop movements, battles, chronology, but everything I’ve found that’s “data” based is just pro-West Ukraine propaganda, or myspace style “my adventures in the Donbas” on the other side. Bias is unavoidable, and maybe it’s just too soon, but I’d like to learn about what happened, what led up to it, and where they are now.

Alternatively, if any slavbros here feel confident in their grasp, I’d love a synopsis. I keep watching these videos from the separatists and it doesn’t feel like random violence or external meddling. I would like to know more. Thanks in advance.

Varna says:

Putin thought he had grasped the rules of the game of the globohomo world in terms: you guys buy politicians and media in country A, we buy politicians and media in country A, you try to install your govt there, we try to install your govt there, and whoever wins — wins.

He succeeded in the Ukraine by following this playbook, and suddenly globohomo organized a revolution, because they just don’t lose. Putin realized the rules even in this are only followed if you always graciously lose, and the rules stop working if you learn to use them to your advantage.

NATO and EU applicants generally have to be able to control their whole territory. As long as Georgia and the Ukraine do not control their territory, they can’t join. They either have to give up on their claims and count the smaller territory as their own in all official documents, or NATO and the EU have to stop enforcing the rule that you must be in control of your whole territory.

From Moscow’s point of view, after you’ve tried everything, and a neighbor country still looks like it will soon become another part of your encirclement, then you do the last “small blood” thing you can and take a chunk from them in one way or another, in order to keep them from being able to join the military block that is encircling you.

NATO has started making noises that this is yet another rule that it will find a way to bend.

On a larger level, in 1994 I think the Ukraine gave up the nukes it inherited from the USSR. The Ukraine was Echelon 1 during WWIII planning, and Russia was Echelon 2. When the USSR collapsed, the Ukraine inherited the best most modern army tech that was supposed to meet NATO head on, and Russia inherited the older tech that was supposed to boost the first wave. More or less the way Tom Clancy described this in the late 1980s, except that in his book for some reason the Warsaw Pact did not exist but that is a separate issue.

In the early 1990s the Ukraine sold its most modern inherited stuff to China, thus kickstarting China’s military catching up with Russia, America, and Europe; sold its inherited nuclear long range bombers and spy’n’jamming ocean ships for scrap metal to places like Bangladesh. Even experimental high-tech stuff like a turbo-expansive laser cannon warship went as scrap into India.

Anyway. It was a new golden age of peace and collective security, and Russia and America promised the Ukraine that if it gives up its inherited nukes to Russia, then Russia and America will guarantee its security in return.

And here we are now. The best argument the USA has now is that “if we don’t protect the Ukraine from Putin, no one will ever give up their nukes again”. (Kind of late after screwing over Libya, but still). On the other hand Moscow is like “yeah sure then stop using the Ukraine as cannon fodder against us Brzezinski style”.

BTW the Zbigniew Brzezinski approach to world politics is that the world will only be safe if Russia and China are helped to collapse into a dozen smaller countries. This is the end point of anything this faction of globohomo does. It took a long time for Moscow and Beijing to realize and accept that no matter what they do, no matter how they behave, no matter what agreements are signed and what pledges are exchanged, this will always be the end game. But after they accepted this as real, their behavior changed abruptly, albeit in mostly subtle ways until now.

After 9/11 the US learned to use mercenaries for most of the operations where using “legit troops” wouldn’t work well for one reason or another, internal and external PR included. Some of those fought in the Georgia 2008 war as well, hence surprised Russian conscripts fighting Negros in Georgian uniform among the corpses of their enemies. Lots of memoirs about all wars in Russian. Interesting reads.

Around the Ukraine and Syria Russia also shifted to using mercenaries instead of official troops. In Eastern Ukraine and in the Middle East and in Africa you will find Russian mercenaries, US mercenaries, UK mercenaries, French mercenaries engaging in all sorts of things, including as members of a proxy hybrid warfare between their countries.

Kunning Drueger says:

Can you shed any light on the cultural zeitgeist of Donbas prior to the war? Like, did people have bumper stickers referring to secession, as a hamfisted examplfor? Was it something locals with blood & land history had been talking about for decades? Vice Docs, YouTube docs, all the low hanging fruit portray it as if Ukraine was just a homogeneous, happy place, then Putin shaped demons spring from the earth and boom civil war. Obviously, this is not the case.

I’ve been thinking a lot about irredentism, natalism, and nationalism lately. I have this sort of gut instinct that Donbas might be a good general map for places like upstate NY, central California, or south NJ. These are places that people pretend either don’t exist or are populated by pig ignorant morons lacking status, class, and sophistication. Is that how West Ukraine treated East Ukraine?

Paul D. says:

East Ukraine mostly speaks Russian or a mix of Russian/Ukrainian called surzhik. While East Ukraine is where most heavy industry and mining is centred, West Ukraine is responsible for culture, Ukrainian language and, largely, the media. So you are not wrong in this. Recently, there’s been a social ad in Ukraine (a largely orthodox country, especially in the East) that promoted celebrating Christmas on the 25th of December, “with the rest of Europe”, coming from the West Ukraine where there’s a number of Catholics. Most hard-core nationalists live in the west as well. Generally, Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Odessa, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and a number of other East, South and East-Center regions are quite pro-Russian. People in Donetsk and Luhansk really hate the new government that they consider ‘fascist’ and want to become part of Russia, and now some of them are angry at Russia for not incorporating them. They are quite tired of war. Many other regions in the east would be fine with being annexed as well, considering the poverty and the approaching energy crisis.

Herman says:

I found this website when i wanted to know more about the conflict in Syria at the time:

They also write on the situation in ukraine.

Aryaman says:

Economist shares data showing the unjabbed are much more likely to die of all sorts of other things, completely unrelated to COVID. I suspect, though have not checked, that their data are an honest reproduction of the official sources.

But we know getting the COVID jab cannot even plausibly reduce the likelihood of you dying from a car crash. Likely what is happening is that the denominators and population estimates of the vaccinated and unvaccinated are horribly off, rendering useless data gathered on any sufficiently aggregate scale.

What you see with your bare eyes, or better what you see in defined and closed population like “soccer players” (for example…) is going to be far more reliable than any population-level estimate of incidence, etc.

jim says:

> I suspect, though have not checked, that their data are an honest reproduction of the official sources.

When I check Global Warming data, inflation data, crime data, whatever, what appears in the Economist is not an honest reproduction of what appears in official sources, and what appears in official sources is not an honest reproduction of the data that their statistics purport to summarize.

You have a very long chain of people involved, and each person in the chain is under high pressure, and highly motivated, to produce the desired result, the Economist being the last step in this long chain of untrusted and untrustworthy elites. And you seldom have to go too many steps into the chain before you notice some serious oddities in the data.

What you get on every topic is people lying about lies whipped up by other liars.

I recall my little journey into statistics on the success rate of female headed businesses.

Mister Grumpus says:

“We now know that the virus was a bioweapon, created in the lab for mass murder,”

“and released to create terror, which would result in people begging the authorities to take total control of their lives.”

Those are two very strong statements. My aim here is to plumb your certainty, and better understand its foundations.

Please confirm if I understand you correctly:

You perceive this “gain of function” work, by EcoHealth Alliance et al, as “laundered” bioweapon development. So well “laundered”, in fact, that they even got away with using Chinese labs for some of it.

The China Flu was then emergency repurposed to kick off a pandemic crisis, maybe by China to wreck the West, or maybe by the Cathedral to demoralize the West and bring it back to heel, or both.

Pete says:

Fauci and the deep state planned the release of Covid as far back as 2017:

Fauci said the “Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.”

The Left always tells you what they’re going to do before they do it.

INDY says:

That fooci quote doesn’t prove that an actual virus was released.

jim says:

And yet, his people were at the time working on a weaponized virus derived from bat flu, the virus appears with more and more indications of genetic tampering coming to light, and he said it was going to appear.

They hate us, and they are waging biological warfare against us.

The Cominator says:

And of course CDC Redfield would have had to be in on this with Fauci from way back or it would never work… Covid looks more like at its highest level a Jesuit grand conspiracy the more you look into it. No wonder the 1st place they got to lockdown outside of China was Italy…

I don’t exactly want to go all tinfoil hat over this but all members of that order should be treated the way the Tokugawa Shogunate treated them… just to be on the safe side.

Mister Grumpus says:

“all members of that order should be treated the way the Tokugawa Shogunate treated them”

I see. Like in that recent movie “Silence” where two Jewish guys portray poor persecuted “Catholic” (Jesuit) missionaries in Tokugawa Japan.

Of course there would be an angle. Sympathetic sincere Christian characters in a modern movie? What?

I’d chalked it up to more globohomo open-borders propaganda, but they never mention the “Jesuit” stuff in the trailers.

So tiresome.

The Cominator says:

Didn’t know about this…

Modern movie with sympathetic christian missionaries that isn’t a mockery…

They were Jesuits… who were thrown about by the Japanese of course for no reason at all… just like all those Catholic monarchs threw them out for no reason at all.

What did globohomo mean by this?

alf says:

Covid looks more like at its highest level a Jesuit grand conspiracy the more you look into it. No wonder the 1st place they got to lockdown outside of China was Italy…

That’s an interesting connection. Could be one of those theory searching confirmation bias thingies, but it did stick out how Italy went so hardcore so quick.

The Cominator says:

Also directly lobbying the Biden regime on the clot shot.

I wish I could prove more but they really look dirty…

The Cominator says:

Something else interesting here just came out…

Nothing here directly implicating our “friends” in the Society of Jesus (I do not know anything about the background of Cardinal Parolin) other than that the Pope himself is from the Jesuit order. But people at the highest level of the Vatican meeting directly with a big pharma CEO is interesting…

Varna says:

In contemporary Russian alt-hist, when the main character is transported into the past to try and save mother Russia anywhere between the Middle Ages and 1917 (sometimes up to WWII), they proceed to deal in one way or another with: 1) the Jews, 2) the Jesuits, 3) the English.

These three seem to be the source of major threats to Russia and Europe as such according to today’s alt-hist writers.

The Cominator says:

Only one of which is a tightly controlled hierarchal military and covert organization so only one of which can be the hidden hand…

The Russians are yes definitely redpilled on the Jesuit order, the United States before the progressive era poz also used to be redpilled on them (people knew they were behind the Lincoln assassination and partially behind the civil war).

Its interesting to note that the evil commie monster Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin despite horrific persecution of nearly every other religious organization in Russia let them back in… Whereas the more sane and nationalist commie Stalin kicked them out.

Varna says:

Sometimes it’s a Luciferian forced admission of what they are doing (some believe this is part and parcel of serving the father of lies — in at least some way you have to publicly show what you are about to do), and sometimes it’s a more banal veiled threat “do what we tell you or this is what will happen”.

You just never know when Klaus starts speaking about a looming worldwide cybercrash or Gates starts jabbering about a smallpox pandemic, which is a demonic admission, and which is a mafia threat. And if the latter from whom to whom — from globohomo to an external player, or from one globohomo inner faction to another.

Like trying to figure out if the function of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was 30% a warning to Stalin and 70% other stuff, or was it 90% a warning to Stalin and 10% other stuff.

Last summer some begun suspecting that the whole “great reset” happening around the kung flu was just maneuvers preparing for a big war. Another thing to ponder.

restitutor_orbis says:

“Sometimes it’s a Luciferian forced admission of what they are doing (some believe this is part and parcel of serving the father of lies — in at least some way you have to publicly show what you are about to do),”

I have heard this doctrine called “revelation of the method”. Whether that’s the name of the doctrine or not, it’s definitely real. Michael A. Aquino, a leading Satanist and former officer in US Psy Ops, implicitly confirmed the revelation of the method as an occult weapon of psychological transformation in his paper From PSYOP to Mind War:

“It must be axiomatic of MindWar that it always speaks the truth. Its power lies in its ability to focus…on the truth of the future… MindWar involves the stated promise that [the mind warrior[ has resolved to make real.”

In researching the revelation of the method, I randomly stumbled on something interesting in the book “Real Magic” by parapsychologist Dean Radin. Radin discusses an experiment he conducted. It worked as follows:
1. A magician blessed a package of dark chocolate to help it cure anxiety.
2. Experimental subjects were divided into four groups.
3. Group A was given blessed chocolate and told it was blessed.
4. Group B was given blessed chocolate but told it was normal chocolate.
5. Group C was given normal chocolate and told it was blessed.
6. Group D was given normal chocolate and told it was normal chocolate.

All of the above groups were double blinded so that none of the experimenters giving the chocolate knew exactly who was who. All of the groups were controlled for age, sex, neurotic levels, etc. Which group experienced less depression?

If magic did nothing, no group should have benefited.
If magic is just a placebo effect, Groups A and C should benefit.
If magic works on everyone, Groups A and B should benefit.
If magic only works on people who believe in magic, only Group A should benefit.

When they conducted the experiment, only Group A benefited from eating the chocolate.

So, in other words, it’s not a placebo — mere belief didn’t make the people in Group C feel better, because the chocolate wasn’t actually magic. But it also wasn’t a scientific cause and effect — the people who got magic chocolate and didn’t know it also didn’t benefit.

To the extent that this experiment is honest (indeed, to the extent that Dean Radin’s whole book is true), much of the seemingly-strange occult behavior of our elites makes sense to me. If they *do* use black magic, then for it to work, they need us to know they used it. So they tell us. But they also don’t want us to be so aware that we seek divine protection against it, so they disguise it. They use MindWar techniques to make it real. (Conversely, they want us to not believe in God, so that miracles are less likely to help us.)

Even writing this feels crazy. I am, again, not entirely sure I believe any of the above. I was until a decade ago an atheist and materialist, and every step I take towards belief in God, miracles, demons, and magic, is hard, because I remember being the guy who would have thought present-day me is crazy. But atheist materialism doesn’t explain the world today.

jim says:

> If magic did nothing, no group should have benefited.
> If magic is just a placebo effect, Groups A and C should benefit.
> If magic works on everyone, Groups A and B should benefit.
> If magic works, but only works on people who believe in magic, only Group A should benefit.
> When they conducted the experiment, only Group A benefited from eating the chocolate.

This is congruent with the old Christian account of demons and magic.

They are real, but only if you believe they are real. If you believe them unreal, then unreal. If you believe them real, but the power of Christ is supreme, then the power of Christ is supreme. Recommended position is that they are unreal, that idols are merely clay and wood, and that the power of Christ is supreme over them. (One of the many cheerfully self contradictory Christian positions.)

People who think that they are rationalists and materialists usually, indeed almost always, believe in all sorts of things strangely resembling demons, and if they believe in those demons, but not in the power of Christ, then those demons are likely to magically possess power over them, which often results in them over time developing voices and facial features suggestive of demonic possession.

It becomes obvious that they are at least metaphorically possessed by their metaphorical demons.

My total immunity to clinical depression and post traumatic stress is probably because I have always believed them to be unreal, and now believe that they are unreal and that the power of Christ is supreme over them.

It has been repeatedly demonstrated empirically that believing in an obviously and readily falsifiable lie, point deer, make horse, 指鹿為馬, gives the group believing in the lie the capability to act cohesively and effectively. It has also been repeatedly demonstrated empirically that believing in an obvious self contradiction gives the group believing in the contradiction the capability to act cohesively and effectively, but, if neither branch of the contradiction is falsifiable, one does not get the destructive and self destructive consequences of believing in lies.

jim says:

> Even writing this feels crazy. I am, again, not entirely sure I believe any of the above. I was until a decade ago an atheist and materialist, and every step I take towards belief in God, miracles, demons, and magic, is hard, because I remember being the guy who would have thought present-day me is crazy. But atheist materialism doesn’t explain the world today.

Christian position: Their black magic is self delusion and unreal, and it is real but the power of Christ is supreme and can easily dismiss it.

And, what do you know, I have found that the power of Christ is supreme and can dismiss it.

A good Christian should believe in this stuff and disbelieve in this stuff.

restitutor_orbis says:

Thanks for sharing that lens, Jim, I appreciate it.

Herman says:

Apparently this sort of medical malpractice is not new, here is a report from 500 years ago:

1530: Geneva murder doctors were lynched

“When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened a whole hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. The patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital.

But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients.
There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized. At first, they just poisoned patients to raise the mortality statistics, but they quickly realized that the statistics didn’t have to be just about mortality, but about mortality from plague.

So they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. But somehow the plague continued to abate. Apparently, the dried buboes didn’t work well.

Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote of these events, “this remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them.”

In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, discovered what that smell was.

The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible.
However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the hospital director’s son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded “to prevent the spread of evil.”
– François Bonivard, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pp. 395-402.

Joe says:

Some of these things are too good to be true but this one checks out. Here is the original source. It is an OCR of fairly old-fashioned French text.

I translated a small part (pp. 397-398) using Google translate.

First they deliberated on all those who were brought to the hospital, that instead of killing them, if they did not want to die of themselves, to have them die by poison or another.

Item, after they were dead, they killed the plague or carbuncle which they had taken from the body out of the cell, then ground it into powder, mixed it with other drugs: from which they gave drink to the plague-stricken, pretending that it was a healing drink.

And not content with that, after Michiel Caddo had finished his term at the hospital, they would well powder fine handkerchiefs, fine ties, and similar with this poison, and then Caddo would go through the city at night, leaving them to fall through the city streets here and there, and mainly in front of the houses where there [are lots of shiny apples] for them and for the priests and priestesses; and not satisfied with that, rubbed the bolts of the doors with it.

In the morning, the valet or the chambermaid on leaving the house found fine handkerchiefs, fine ties, and the like, hoping to have gained good booty, to take them, and then, when going to the room to sleep, grasped the bolt to close the door of the room of the house or the shop, and often the master or the mistress, or the son of the hostel, and [snap], they were caught.

And it would have been convenient for Caddo, the hospitaller, the priest and all those of the [unknown] whom they had attracted to their [snares], and also other priests and other priestesses, to need their profession.

Cloudswrest says:

Off topic.

Looks like California is proposing to tax grid tie solar! Not even based on production, but instead “installed capacity”. It works out to more than a 50% tax in winter. I’m sure this would encourage installment of non-direct grid tie systems where you don’t pump anything back into the grid. But I’m sure they would catch up to this. More apple carts to knock over.

Aidan says:

Well clearly energy of any kind is rayciss, and we need to starve in the dark like Haiti

Kunning Drueger says:

I feel like it’s so easy to see how primitive, barbaric, moronic, and destructive the climate cult is, yet in the wider population it is precisely the opposite. It is one of those frustrating, idiotic hypocrisies that really gets under my skin.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The devolution of ‘greenism’ from concerning a range of things across various stages human experience, to a monomania about gaseous carbon, source of green life, is perhaps an emblematic expression of the creeping stupefaction the atlantic empire’s ruling classes have been going through in general.

Jeremiads of yesteryear’s environmentalists had a similar cardinality as those of today – punishing their neighbors by reverting civilization to the stone age – but they at least had the plausibility of pointing to actual people, places, and things that suffered actual damage from actual contaminants.

Of course, such incidents were often also parochial marginalia with limited scope in the greater scheme of things, which also made them of lesser utility for justifying impact on wide ranges of people in general. So it is perhaps only natural that regnant underlords ultimately settle on something that can implicate basically anyone and everyone everywhere, as a pretext for interfering with their lives. Other notions more prominent historically, like not poisoning people with harmful contaminants, have in most cases been cast off as extraneous.

And under such an animus doing things like taxing people for putting up solar panels is in fact not a contradiction at all; the congenital solipsist does not want any ‘mere people’ doing anything without his intermediation first. That is, ‘stop trying to do things on your own and just stay down in the dirt like the worms you are until i have call for you’.

notglowing says:

>It is one of those frustrating, idiotic hypocrisies that really gets under my skin.
It really does. But it’s also really easy to see why the wider population believes in the opposite.
After all the pretence of the Gaia worshippers is “do not create too much waste, do not waste resources”.
So the companies producing the goods everyone needs are barbarians who waste what we have, do not clean up after themselves and refuse technological innovation, whereas they are the responsible few who want to bring order, moderation in consumption, and technological progress.
It’s such a perfect inversion of reality that it’s actually difficult to argue against.

Kunning Drueger says:

That’s why I felt the need to whine-mment. Of all the thought crimes we indulge in here, none is so factually supported with “actual scientific science” that can be linked to or provided as climate hoax. And yet, it’s the one JB topic I’ve never had any success with in terms of porting.

>It’s such a perfect inversion of reality that it’s actually difficult to argue against.

So well put, it actually makes me angry at you lol.

Mister Grumpus says:

“It’s such a perfect inversion of reality that it’s actually difficult to argue against.”

Fucking gold.

Hog says:

I was planning on spending a bit of time in Belarus soon. Maybe 6 months, maybe longer if I like it. However, with this Ukraine stuff happening what are the risks for me by being in Belarus? Are they likely to get involved? I don’t want to move into a country that will soon be a warzone. Can someone with a bit more knowledge (Varna, maybe?) give me a rundown on how the Ukraine situtation might unfold for Belarus?

Thanks and God Bless

Varna says:

Fifty-fifty, man, nothing is certain. Just stay within a day’s distance from the embassy or consulate and keep up with embassy news.

Up to now Belarus played for the longest time the role of “an island of stability” (or “stagnation”, of course), and a “neutral broker” between sides, including the Ukraine and Russia. But now Belarus kind of seems to be drifting toward fusion, or pseudo-fusion with Russia, and thus being a base for Russian military tech and personnel.

Also, Belarus and Armenia just took robust participation in the join pacification of Kazakhstan together with Russia. Already Belarus and a few others appear to be active members of a new “mini-Warsaw Pact” which Russia is belatedly reviving thirty years after NATO refused to disband as well, or at least stop expansion.

Three scenarios:
1) soft scenario – even if stuff erupts, it’s localized, and life in Belarus is unaffected
2) medium scenario – significant chunks of the Ukraine go aflame. Foreigners in Belarus start being kept on a really close leash and maybe even periodically detained and interviewed
3) a big war starts. Before it really hits all embassies should have warned their citizens to GTFO at least 48h before hand, and also one relies of one’s own eyes and ears and brain

But of course one shouldn’t wait for the third scenario. If it even starts smelling like the medium one — leave immediately.

Flights aside, unless all borders are suddenly closed, Belarus can be quickly escaped into Lithuania, Latvia or Poland.

jim says:

Concluding one should flee the Russian Hegemony in the event of war seems to presuppose that Russia will be on the losing end. Normality bias. Maybe one should be making flight preparations in the eastern end of the American empire.

Skippy says:

Even if Russia doesn’t win theyve got a lot more space to absorb nuclear weapons than the Americans.

In reality neither of these powers can resist a nuclear exchange without rendering itself completely helpless to China, a factor that is never discussed in public.

jim says:

I doubt that American nukes work. Putin also doubts.

We may well find out if they work soon.

I would love to see New York, Boston, and Washington erased from the map. This would make many things possible that are as yet impossible.

If most of our elite gets vaporized, then time to move. My current plan presupposes that we have to wait for them to kill each other, then wait till they get tired of killing each other. Pooch argues that this may be a long wait. I doubt it will be that long, but if nukes, could be even sooner.

Varna says:

Oh my advice was for a sub-nuke scenario.

If nukes fly there’s an old Eastern European joke: “Hold your AK-47 outstretched so that it doesn’t drip on your boots and briskly walk toward the nearest cemetery. “

jim says:

This saying is unlikely to be appropriate for those that Americans attempt to nuke.

Varna says:

From your mouth and into God’s ears, Jim.

Herman says:

It would be unpleasant to be arrested as a potential enemy agent.

jim says:

Just come out a dissident. Edward Snowden is doing fine. Everyone these days knows to encourage the enemy’s dissidents.

Pooch says:

Fuck man, if I was allowed into Belarus I’d grab a rifle, join the military, and shoot the commie globohomos myself.

The Cominator says:

Belarus probably wouldn’t be ideal for any of us, its basically a Brezhnev Soviet Union theme park without all the western woke bullshit. Every Nazbol in the world should move there though.

Lusk proving based on Covid was a surprise as much as Putin proving not based on it (though I’ve heard the vax passport is not a federal matter in Russia) was a disappointment.

Moving to the land of the people my grandfather fought against looks better all the time, I had always thought the Japanese were almost complete NPCs but the way they’ve resisted the mass immigration bullshit and now the covid bullshit impressed me. I think I want to take over some heirless Japanese industrial firm… since apparently the Japanese even the nationalist eagerly welcome Gajjin who will do so. Given that the business owner is also like a god in Japan to his employees I’ll find some nice waiffu among one of the employees daughters to hire to teach me Japanese customs who I will also plow impregnate and wife…

If China falls on its ass because Xi’s a commie and will ruin the place and the West falls I can see a future where Russia is the preeminent land power and Japan comes from out of nowhere to be the ultimate sea power.

restitutor_orbis says:

Can you elaborate on what you mean about the Japanese welcoming gaijin to take over businesses? I have looked at Japan as a well-run country worth immigrating to, but I had always thought it was very hard for Americans to do so and not very welcoming to us.

The Cominator says:

This, Japan has a lot of family businesses in the Japanese tradition that have no heirs. You can move there to run them if you take over.

Aidan says:

Japan has what it takes to be a world sea power; the landmass, population, and IQ of Britain, and they were until recently a warlike people. But before any of that can happen, it needs to revoke female emancipation and get itself a virtuous elite. If China crumbles due to communism, it is quite likely that Japan will get a second empire, especially because there will be no white sea power.

Piracy will be a big problem for trade in a world without the US Navy, and Japan is likely to find itself protecting container ships in order to continue the imports of raw material it needs. Every sea power started as a trading power, and then found that arming itself made trade negotiations a lot easier. And then a maritime empire.

The Cominator says:

Japan’s female emancipation came with its conquest in WWII but it was never as advanced as almost anywhere else… the Japanese never accepted it entirely.

“In Japan men always come first, women come second” – You Only Live Twice (James Bond Movie)

Don’t think they want big families though now, they are very densely populated as is. So not so likely to reverse female emancipation immediately.

Fireball says:

Something interesting has happen. The entire portuguese media apparatus has been running since yesterday the news that that myocarditis in children is 60 times more common due to covid infection than after taking the vaccines and the vaccines are perfectly safe to children and even if it happens, myocarditis after taking the vaccine are all very mild and transitory and there is no scientific link between myocarditis and the vaccines.

The non compliance rate is 2% or 3% and there is very little talk about the problems of the covid vaccines besides getting jab with it will make you feel horrible for a while.

So it sounds like preventive reassures about a problem and that in my experience means really bad stuff is or will be happening

Varna says:

Good catch. They’ll be trying to unload everything on COVID itself.

simplyconnected says:

My fear in being in a country with very high compliance rate to the injection is that, if some of the bad news associated to the injection are eventually understood by the general public, purebloods may be in danger. Obviously the injected won’t admit error, they will ask “why do I have to suffer and those uninjected don’t?”. They will find a way to blame the uninjected.
One last resort option I considered is moving to a low-compliance country (Romania or Bulgaria), simply because you’ll be surrounded by uninjected people, so less in danger if the attacks from the injected to the uninjected escalate.

Pooch says:

I would not take their compliance rate as all that honest. They lie about every other covid-related statistic and they are lying about vax compliance. I’ve seen supposed 90%+ vax compliance rate in places like Australia and Austria yet videos show massive demonstrations of people in the street (knowing very well they may be violently suppressed by cops).

If Portugal is very highly vaxed, I would take lack of street marches as evidence of that, not any propaganda outlet’s word for it.

Karl says:

Vaxx compliance rates are indeed very hard to find out as not only the government is lying, but also some of the people who claim to be vaxxed.

Germany has lots of street marches (more than 2000 last Monday with about 600000 people in total). Many of those that attended are vaxxed, but want to get rid of mask mandates, test mandates or fear mandated boosters.

Pooch says:

Many of those that attended are vaxxed, but want to get rid of mask mandates, test mandates or fear mandated boosters.

That may be the case but my antidotal evidence is that it’s unlikely for vaxed people to suddenly reverse course and become dissidents. Some of those “vaxed’ may have been lying from the start, although that would be very tough to prove with data.

Karl says:

Maybe the situation in Germany is different. Many were bullied to get vaxxed and promised that a vax pass would allow them to enter restaurants, gyms, cinemas, etc. Then the vaxxed found out this was a lie. They still need a test.

The vaxxed people in the protests in Germany thought the vaxx was completely safe and they were going along to be able to keep living their lives as they used to do. Now they are realizing that even if that get an endless series of boosters that doesn’t suffice.

For example, most businesses used to to a have a Christmas dinner. The business would paid the tab for nice dinner in a restaurant. Now there are inevitably some unvaccinated, some vaccinated who don’t want to be tested simply to enter a restaurant. Sure the boosted and those vaccinated who are willing to be tested could attend, but that was not enough. Most businesses declined to have a Christmas party.

There are vaxxed among the protesters in Germany who simply want that their vaxxed children can be in school without a mask.

How many of the “vaxxed” have been lying from the start is indeed hard to tell, but I have heard that the police is investigating about 12000 cases for forgery of vax passes.

Fireball says:

The highest non compliance rate recorded is of the navy with 10% the rest of the security and military forces with 4%-6% top. This numbers are somewhat trustworthy.

It is hard to know exactly how many are lying like me but there are proxies i can gauge the situation and looking at the very tiny marches the 2% rate may not be far from the truth

Fireball says:

I am not leaving.

Varna says:

Fuck ’em ll.

i says:

Hence my firm position that US blacks act like niggers because of globohomo influence. Plenty places in Africa proper where the homicide rates are comparable to those of Russia or Lithuania. So it’s not the IQ and not the genetics that make US blacks be feral niggers. It’s an external force that maintains a specific situation. The feral nigger harm can be reduced to tolerable levels in a decade if the external forces interested in maintaining the violence bubble are dealt with.

It makes quite well with the presence and absence of Fathers in the Home. Sexual Morality and Paternal Authority and the order it brings alongside the Lordship of Christ is why many African places have low homicide rates compared with Niggers.

Fireball says:

Asking that of africans is like asking my people to plan for the future like they were germans.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for blandly ignoring the obvious but unspeakable*]

jim says:

Again, if you have an argument, make it explicitly. If you are denying the Dark Enlightenment explanation of low fertility rates, you have to say that the Dark Enlightenment is wrong for such and such reasons.

ten says:

It’s pretty easy. Harsh as fuck and quick repercussions for transgressions, and don’t go looking for culprits when some unwanted feral goes missing or winds up dead.

If you would let the blacks police themselves, and went after their leaders or their collective if their behaviour got out of hand, they would arrange things like this, and it would work (better. won’t get rid of risk takers trying their luck or spiteful, vengeful maniacs getting their ticket to the grave by raping some jogging woman)

Paternal authority is for regeneration of life and virtue, it is not necessary to keep them from being an insufferable nuisance.

jim says:

> If you would let the blacks police themselves, and went after their leaders or their collective if their behaviour got out of hand

This was the Jim Crow arrangement. Black cops, black judges, married middle class blacks running the ghetto and taking no crap from thugs and thuglets. Worked great.

i says:

“Paternal authority is for regeneration of life and virtue, it is not necessary to keep them from being an insufferable nuisance.”

Paternal Authority both the Earthly and ultimately the Heavenly in God the Father ensures that the Black community would have far more disciplined Black Men able to suppress nigger behavior.

And much more likely to have more competent Authority to enforce the Rules.

“It’s pretty easy. Harsh as fuck and quick repercussions for transgressions, and don’t go looking for culprits when some unwanted feral goes missing or winds up dead.”

Paternal Authority goes hand in hand in making it far more possible and easier to implement this.

Naturally Africans and Blacks would do well under a King. In a Kingdom.

Pooch says:

Hence my firm position that US blacks act like niggers because of globohomo influence. Plenty places in Africa proper where the homicide rates are comparable to those of Russia or Lithuania. So it’s not the IQ and not the genetics that make US blacks be feral niggers.

It’s much easy to turn low-IQ, short-time preference uncivilized races (blacks, spics, amerindians) into degenerates with a wicked state religion falling farther and farther away from Gnon. That’s not to say whites and asians won’t eventually turn into niggers too (and some are – see the white chav in the UK). It will just require a more degenerate form of the state religion to evolve where all remnants of Christian morales slip further and further.

The Cominator says:

There are some good blacks, and before LBJ deliberately made single motherhood the norm among blacks there were far more good blacks. But there are more bad blacks than whites, their impulses during their early teen thru mid twenty years tend to be savage… and as the great show The Boondocks pointed out even civilized blacks have nigger moments sometimes. This is all seperate from the question of average IQs.

So globohomo influence is a big part of the problem but not the entire problem.

Pooch says:

It’s a correlation of globohomo influence and the civilization of the race. The less civilized the race, the less globohomo is required to to turn the average member of that race into a degenerate.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The measures necessary to ensure order in a sub-saharan polis are relatively straitforwards; but there is little point in the effort, and they can’t give it to themselves either.

Kunning Drueger says:

I was one of the many taken in by Coronahoax based on Styx coverage and /pol/ hype. I never got into the battles here about because biochemistry is way above my head, but I was duped. I was also one of the fools that believed the Federalist Society was populated with /ourguise/ and had some faith in SCOTUS in particular and the judicial system in general as viable entities for Restoration purposes. I believed that the brothers here, and Jim’s guidance had cured me of “in the moment” conservatism hype, but hearing about Justice Breyer’s announcement, I was immediately excited and anxious. Then I walked through the whole thing in my head and remembered that the whole system, the whole of the Federal entity, is converged. I disagree that it is centrally run/operated, and I have personal reason to believe elements of the Federalists are based, if not quite redpilled. But Jim is right: what life was left in the Old Republic has been murdered and flenced by the Cathedral, so if you see it animated, it’s fake and gay.

Which then led me to the thought that, very generally, we are all accelerationists now, active or passive. Not meme, fed shill, “screw the optics, I’m going to sin!” kind. Rather, we should be planning for the spiral to speed up, and treating the situation as positive. Very soon,we will be riding tigers instead of fashioning saddles and bridles. Am I off base on this?

Karl says:

Sure, I’m planning for the spiral to speed up and I am planning accordingly. What do mean with we should treat the situation as positive? The situation is what it is. No-one of us (I assume) has the power to stop the holiness spiral.

So all I can do is prepare and hope for someone, anyone really, to show up and do what needs to be done as a new Stalin.

Mister Grumpus says:

“The situation is what it is. No-one of us (I assume) has the power to stop the holiness spiral.”

Correct. The Trump Experience was the Amerikaner’s Bargaining Phase, and now it’s well and fucking over.

When I saw them going psycho to make sure no one took, tried, prescribed or even studied Hydroxychloroquine (or Ivermectin much later), that was it. I’d been hallucinating intelligence, curiosity and good will, all this time, that just weren’t there. I was carrying talking points and a ping pong paddle into a genocidal jihad. A “Coexist” bumper sticker into the Old Testament.

Freedom’s just another word or nothing left to lose.

The Cominator says:

SCOTUS needs five Clarence Thomas on it for anything really good to happen and it clearly isn’t going to get there.

Though if there were say 5 “wise Latinas” (her views on the Rona were hilariously stupid and somehow they were even more out of step and alarmist than she’d get by only listening to CNN Fauci and the CDC) on it it could make things much worse. Breyer is likely going to be replaced by another democrat NPC.

There isn’t all that much we can do other than spread the gospel of cynicism and noncompliance far and wide… if you’re young a genius and very good at fooling people you can try to infiltrate and become Stalin. If you’re super charismatic you can try to start your own religion and try to use it to destroy globohomo… I’m not suited for either task.

Hog says:

I also fell for it, but I’m not fully convinced falling for it at the beginning was so bad. For two reasons:

Firstly, the left were all covid denialists, not wanting to close borders because of muh racism. Also, one of the earliest to speak out about covid was Yarvin. Until this point, Yarvin had been mostly good with everything he was writing. The truth being the opposite of the blue checkmark consensus is usually a fairly good rule to go by.

Secondly, at the beginning there actually is a large uncertainty in the mortality rate, R0, etc. The uncertainty clearly reduces over time. Blue checkmarks were (mis)using whatever stats they could get ahold of to downplay the dangers of covid. Mortality also lags cases by a week or two, because it takes time from becoming an active case to actually dying/recovering, so initially they were (in theory) underestimating mortality.

Insane preventative measures obviously shouldn’t be put in place to stop a flu with a 99.8% survival rate. But for an uncertain survival rate of somewhere between 85-99.99%? Slightly more reasonable.

Given what we know now obviously it should have been declared fake and gay from the start. I think it was Cominator that has been vindicated in calling it from the start. However, I’m curious about his reasoning and what led him to that conclusion. Why were Lefties initially correct about covid not being a big deal? Is it just a matter of broken clock being right? What about initial uncertainty in mortality? Because in some sense it is akin to a game of Russian Roulette. If you happen to survive, you walk away with no real harm and can then make the claim that it is a perfectly safe game to play.

Clearly lockdowns and masks aren’t the way to go, even if it did turn out to have a higher mortality. But what do you think is the correct strategy if we ever are hit with a proper dangerous pandemic? Or even just one that doesn’t just affect the old and weak, but maybe targets the young.

The Cominator says:

How I knew it was a scam…

1) I suspected the bait and switch was coming since it was Trump’s election year… but had no proof to base this on until the initial business closures happened. They needed to pull some kind of grand gesture to try to get Trump.

2) I knew that Covid wasn’t that deadly because of the South Korean data, South Korea and Japan have unusually honest science establishments. All the alarmist stuff early on was coming out of Cathedral controlled (and it would seem in light of recent research Jesuit controlled) Italy and China itself. I also noted that Japan wasn’t freaking out either.

3) China’s grainy falling down videos did not impress me because they looked like propaganda to me and when I heard that Wuhan was closed EXCEPT for the International airport my suspicions on this were confirmed. China locking down one city didn’t confirm much to me either for the same reasons.

4) It was clear from the beginning even to a sperg that Fauci the Jesuit was a very very evil man, but a devious one.

What blindsided me was that so many people who should have known better fell for it… as much as I like DeSantis now during the initial lockdowns I sent him quite a few obscenity laced emails btw.


“Firstly, the left were all covid denialists, not wanting to close borders because of muh racism. Also, one of the earliest to speak out about covid was Yarvin. Until this point, Yarvin had been mostly good with everything he was writing. The truth being the opposite of the blue checkmark consensus is usually a fairly good rule to go by.”

I could see the bait and switch coming a mile away. Racism is not something they are sincerely against at the higher levels either… though they’ve had to ruin their own promotion system selling the lie. But them initially saying that border closures were racist did nothing to convince me of how deadly Covid was.

Yarvin’s plenty smart but hes not paranoid enough and doesn’t hate the leftist Brahmins the way he should. He assumes some kind of good intentions and interest in truth in them which just isn’t there. He wouldn’t have made that kind of error if he hated these people the way I hate them. This is why we should all hate them the way I hate them… for they are evil and having willingly given themselves over entirely to evil and there is no truth in them.

Falling for it means you were either 1) midwitted at best or 2) not paranoid enough.

Pooch says:

What blindsided me was that so many people who should have known better fell for it… as much as I like DeSantis now during the initial lockdowns I sent him quite a few obscenity laced emails btw.

At least DeSantis recognized his mistake and quickly reversed course. Trump still parrots Spanish flu comparisons and other Cathedral talking points when asked about it in interviews. Trump’s instincts about it were and continue to be woefully inadequate so maybe it is apropos he was deposed because of it.

The Cominator says:

Yes he at least showed humility and seemed to be born again hard.

Still don’t entirely trust him because of the initial lockdown… I wish we had a man like Bolsonaro in the US.

Skippy says:

What kind of deal has Yarvin made? Some people get destroyed and some people get on Fox.

jim says:

Namefags get on Fox, because they were namefags before they got on Fox.

Fred says:

I’m just here for the victory lap. (Cominator, Pooch, R7 Rocket – we got it. Have I missed anyone?)

I knew it was a scam because, firstly, it just sounded like crap – it simply tripped my bullshit detector.

Secondly, as far as numbers go, the supposed fatality rate was incompatible with the supposed transmissibility of the virus – if it’s that easy to spread, the number of infections must be vastly higher than what is being reported, meaning the fatality rate was hence much lower than what was being reported. Likewise, if the fatality rate is correct, the transmissibility of the virus is much lower than what is being reported. So either transmissibility or lethality had to give, and yet no-one – journalists, governments, anyone – cared a whit about this seemingly-obvious point.

I did get one thing wrong, though – I remember saying that the fatality numbers were probably “reasonably reliable”, which turned out to be grossly naive of me.

Pooch says:

Yes the smoking gun was when they started testing some locales for who had antibodies and found the asymptomatic spread to be orders of magnitude higher than they reported it meant total cases were vastly underreported and thus the mortality rate was dramatically lower than they had reported and more in line with regular flus, yet they continued to ignore this fact and continue on with the bogus mortality rates.

Fred says:

Ah yes, the Santa Clara antibody survey for example – how could I have forgotten that (I had also forgotten <A HREF=""that comment where Not Tom confused Santa Clara County with Santa Clara city).

Good times.

jim says:

In 2020-04-22 I took a neutral position, and the Cominator was vigorously and rightly skeptical.

In 2020-04-28 I took a vigorously skeptical position, in large part because of the Santa Clara data.

Everyone is getting China flu, and most of us do not notice.

notglowing says:

Around April was when I also started becoming somewhat “disappointed” at the lack of deaths and hospitalizations that were predicted.

Even before that, after the initial weeks of covid here it seemed much less world ending than people had anticipated, but the idea was that it would cause far more damage in the US once it hit them, due to a lack of ICU beds.

When the day that was predicted to be the peak of the pandemic in the US arrived, and the number of patients did not reach more than a fifth of what had been projected, I saw something was going on.
That was also when I noticed a divergence. Pointing this out to my normie friends just made them dismiss it as they came up with reasons to show how the virus was in fact causing more havoc, now I was the one underestimating it.

f6187 says:


When the day that was predicted to be the peak of the pandemic in the US arrived, and the number of patients did not reach more than a fifth of what had been projected, I saw something was going on.

I had a friend in Seattle who was an “early adopter” of extreme covid caution. Even in February 2020 he was wearing masks and staying indoors as much as possible. When he told me about it I quietly thought “What?! Is this a thing now?” He’s a hard-core tech guy who no doubt was paying close attention to the highly sophisticated computer models. SCIENCE.

A couple months later he was done with the whole thing. He had observed that the homeless in Seattle were unaffected by the pandemic and entirely oblivious to it. How could they be out there in the elements, living on the streets with careless hygiene in close contact with others, smoking and drinking, and not be dying off in droves? And why would the government be imposing harsh measures on upstanding citizens, but not lifting a finger against these bums? SCIENCE again — but this time home-grown and for real.

At that point he packed up and moved straight to the midwest. Good move.

The Cominator says:

The early fatality and case rates in the US and other western countries… its hard to tell where they were lying and when they were just incomptent but the South Koreans who had reliable data indicated

1) it was no more than 0.7% and that was high because that was only reported and traced symptomatic cases so given that the real denominator was likely much higher…

2) Hydroxycloroquine eliminated nearly all fatality risk

3) Nearly all who died had one foot in the grave anyway.

jim says:

0.7% is seven times more lethal than the short term excess deaths caused by the clot shot, 0.1% within a week or two, but the clot shot is killing healthy athletes on the sports field and airline pilots in flight, while nearly all of that 0.7% had one foot in the grave.

What we actually need to know is excess death rate dying with Covid, as compared to those who died without it.

Which the US social security data would indicate is a lot less than dying with the clot shot. As dying with Covid death rates go up, dying of cancer, heart failure, and being run over by a truck goes down.

The rate of longer term excess deaths caused by the clot shot is unknown, but the data we have on cancer incidence suggests that it is enormously higher than the short term excess death rate of one in a thousand.

So, on the available data, getting the clot shot is vastly more dangerous than getting China flu, even though they are trying to prevent you from being treated for China flu.

In saying this, I am relying on the social security payout data, which means I am talking about older retired people – for younger people, the difference is likely to be enormously greater, and with horse paste and nicotine, if your china flu is actually treated, the difference is going to be enormously greater still.

Joe says:

[*deleted for spinning vax deaths as covid deaths*]

jim says:

Rephrase to reflect the substance of the data. I don’t know if you were carelessly and unintentionally deceptive, or deliberately pushing the shill narrative explaining away the mass murder that they are knowingly and intentionally guilty of.

I initially thought it was not mass murder, merely a collossal ballsup by people practicing witchcraft under the delusion they are practicing science, but the evidence is now in that the virus was created as a weapon of mass murder, and the shill spin indicates mens rea, that they know they are committing mass murder and intend to go on doing it, possibly because literal demon worship may well be part of the witchcraft that they are practicing – that they may know they are worshiping demons and practicing witchcraft, and may not be under the delusion that they are practicing science and were only practicing witchcraft because science is too hard for them.

Joe says:

No worries.

simplyconnected says:

What’s the cut-off date for joining the victory lap?. I saw it was all a pack of lies around May 2020. Considered the shots highly suspect at the very start because nothing good needs such aggressive selling.

The Cominator says:

Absolutely no later than Easter 2020 and really if you were very astute late February 2020. May is way too late.

Fred says:

FWIW, I remember May 2020 was when your average conservanormie started getting restless, in the US at least.

simplyconnected says:

It might have been a bit earlier than that, but I did take the virus pretty seriously in the first few months. No victory lap for me then.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

My sentiment during the beginning of things was, irrespective of the reality of unreality of coof’s Grim Milestoneyness, the ‘social measures’ proposed by the bluecheck class were all uniformly terrible, alternating between useless or intentionally harmful or both at the same time.

Aidan says:

I never bought into the idea that Corona was dangerous for the young and healthy. The videos of people dropping dead on the street were obvious bullshit. “Muh ground-glass opacity in the lungs”

I’m on the record here expressing skepticism on March 3 2020, but I was still of the opinion that the virus was quite lethal for the elderly. What made it clear as a hoax was when numbers came out that we knew the elite knew, and they went ahead with lockdown anyway.

When NY locked down, I started to smell major bullshit, because lockdowns are not how you stop a plague. The Wuhan lockdown? Well China is full of retarded communist bugmen, of course they would grandiosely overreact.

Once the level of asymptomic cases became known, driving the mortality numbers down to something like 1/10000, I realized it was a hoax, and with quite a bit of dread. “Fuck, they have a plan for this.” Once it was revealed that they were putting patients in nursing homes, it became clear as attempted mass murder.

BRAIN says:

I also fell for it initially, even before it became mainstream, because of /pol/ exposure. And I did take it seriously for the first few weeks during march, then the hype died somewhat. However the media response to the BLM fiery, but mostly peaceful “protests” is what ultimately clued me into the farce. Prior to that covid had been all over western media – wear your mask! social distancing! wash your hands! etc. but as soon as Floyd fentanyld himself and the riots started, media coverage quickly changed tune to shilling BLM and diversity as well as citing various “experts” who claimed the protests would not spread Covid. It was then that I realised that the cough was just another facet of the globohomo religion, at the time still subordinate to niggers. This is why I also decided right there to not get vaxxed because that was about the time the media started shilling the upcoming vaxx if i recall correctly. Once the riots lost steam, the media quickly went back to shilling covid and condemning Trump rallies which i took as more evidence that it was all a politically motivated scam.

The Cominator says:

> Didn’t realize Covid was a scam until the Floyd riots in fucking summer when it was provable bullshit by late February 2020
> Calls himself brain

You have to go back.

> Falling for it because of pol exposure

Obvious glownigger shill narrative amplified by low IQ wignats was obvious.

Pooch says:

Briggs just put out a piece where he lays a compelling case that the radical left, the Woke, will take power ~2040 give or take a decade due to generational shift (the Millennials and older Gen Zs coming to power).

This makes a lot of sense to me and lines up with the facts. Likewise, as evil, insane, and leftist as Breyer is, his replacement is going to be naturally even more evil, insane, and leftist. This is the natural cycle. Jim’s theory that French and Russian revolution-style gulags and guillotines are imminently right around the corner just doesn’t seem to be holding much water as we aren’t dealing with a weird accelerated mutated form of Harvard like those countries were, we are dealing with the real thing, the actual source of the holiness spiral, which is well adapted to keep it going. I am expecting its longevity to be longer than we would like.

jim says:

Biden was an agreement to postpone the question of which left faction was going to be in power so that they could focus on removing Trump. So we now have divided power, of which the LA railway tracks are a manifestation.

Divided power is unstable. The gerontocrats are in the saddle, but, like the Kadets and the Girondists, unable to rule. The horse is going its own way, and is rapidly becoming impatient with its rider.

Pooch says:

That Breyer is being forced out, likely without his consent, is indicative that the left is preparing for Republicans wins in the midterms. Make of that what you will.

jim says:

The gerontocratic leadership want a return to normality. Normality requires a cuckservative Republican majority, and they may well wish to get Breyer out of the way lest he croaks with a cuckservative Republican majority. The horse that they are attempting to ride has other ideas.

Is normality returning? The railroad tracks and the supermarket shelves say that it is not.

November will reveal if they can get this horse back into its stable. They should reflect on the fate of the Girondists and the Kadets.

If I was in their shoes, I would tell the cops to open fire and start marshaling a suitable praetorian guard. But due to widespread normality bias, does not look as if that is on the cards just yet.

The removal of Trump was analogous to the assassination of Caesar, in that the assassins were utterly horrified when one of their number told them what they would need to do after assassinating Caesar. Then they assassinated Caesar, and had no idea what to do next.

Pooch says:

Well what is normality? Looking at the last 100+ years it is American cities slowly turning into crime-infested hellholes. That cargo trains in major cities are getting looted with impunity seems like normality to me. That Western cities would ever become safe from rampant crime would be a shockingly abnormal turn of events.

jim says:

The abnormality is that it is not slow any more.

Aidan says:

In most cities, the descent into hellhole slowed to a crawl in the late 80s and early 90s. In NY, which I’ve already made clear I’m from so I’ll just say it, Giuliani actively reversed the trend, and Bloomberg maintained his reversal. In the 70s and 80s, most of NYC was a no-go zone, and you were liable to be attacked by niggers anywhere within the city limits, including during the day. People sitting in traffic on the highway would be robbed. Before DeBlasios term started, NYC was almost entirely safe; there were maybe a couple of blocks in East Harlem, parts of the Bronx, and a couple of places in Brooklyn where I would not feel comfortable walking alone at night.

When Deblasio took office in 2014, it was like flipping a switch that brought crime and ugliness back, and I remember the shock getting off the train when I came back for break during college.

The older, saner Democrats were happy to hold crime at 1990s levels, and then the BLM demon was released, and things very rapidly degenerated from there. Take it from someone who’s been around big cities, it has not been monolithically steady decline, and even in bad times, the cops and mayors tried to keep the tourist districts clean, like the inner harbor in Baltimore or Times Square in NY. The mass looting of high-end stores is new, sudden, and presages worse to come.

The Cominator says:

I’ve only been to NYC a couple times but I was there when Giuliani was mayor and it seemed like a very safe place (and I actually liked it in a way I never liked being in Boston) other than it was expensive as hell… very very pretty girls everywhere as if the city was a giant rave party (I don’t mean they were all on drugs just that rave parties are the only place I ever saw such a high % of pretty girls).

So yeah NYC’s story is not one of constant steady decline and anyone claiming that it is is crazy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Bidet’s handlers have been signaling they want to make a ‘historic firt’ by putting a literal shaniqua in his place up in da supeem cote in order to score good boy points.

jim says:

Good. She is way dumber than Breyer, who is one of our geriatric smart enemies. She is also way more hateable than Breyer, which will be handy when the time comes.

Pooch says:

She is also way more hateable than Breyer, which will be handy when the time comes.

If we are lucky and god wills it, white cops will look on uninterestingly as Proud Boys pummel BLM and Antifa in the streets.

Karl says:

Pooch, pummeling BLM and Antifa won’t suffice. The times where an educational beating would have resolved the situation are gone

Pooch says:

Pooch, pummeling BLM and Antifa won’t suffice. The times where an educational beating would have resolved the situation are gone

It sufficed for the NSDAP. The image of SA-men beating communists in the streets of Berlin was symbolic to the populace in many ways. When election season rolled around, everyone knew who the strong horse was and who the weak horse was, and no one wanted to back the weak horse.

The Cominator says:

Yes we want the Dem part of the court to sound more idiotic and unhinged the way Sotomayor did during oral arguments about Covid when she claimed there were 100000 children were hospitalized with omicron and other such whopping errors in facts that don’t even correspond with Fauci’s lies.

All leftists judges vote the same… so we want them saying as much blatantly retarded shit that can be mocked as possible.

Pooch says:


notglowing says:

I have yet to see any concrete evidence of the radical leftists having muscles to flex. They appear far more pathetic, and far more incapable of independent action, than you make them out to be.

So far, they have always fallen in line whenever it mattered. They get used and then discarded when they’re inconvenient.
They may receive gibs from the government but that’s a low bar.
I can see them complaining and seething at the mainstream left because they don’t get everything they want, but their entire existence is complaining.
These people run away when the police doesn’t protect them. How are they going to coup the gerontocrats? I don’t see a setup for it. They may be fantasizing it, but that is not concrete. They’re no soviets.

Ideologically sure, they might all be moving left, with the youngest first. But where is the “direct action”?

Pooch says:

This is what I see as well.

jim says:

If governor Newsom cannot stop plains apes from looting trains, cannot stop Soros from busing them to Sacramento to loot his mansion.

The Cominator says:

The plains ape does not have deep ideological convictions (he probably doesn’t like white people or the cops much but this is not the result of deep thinking) he is a soldier who after a siege has gotten liquored up and whos commander has given him leave to loot and sack the town.

jim says:

> These people run away when the police doesn’t protect them.

A perfect description of the mob that stormed the Bastille. They stormed the Bastille because it was empty of political prisoners and there was zero likelihood that strong unpleasant men would grab them and stash them in it.

It was a symbol of political repression by a regime that was not in fact engaging in any political repression and damn well needed to do some. Similarly, Stalin and Lenin got slaps on the wrist for crimes that they should have been shot for.

Pay no attention to the mob. Pay attention to the Soros prosecutors.

The Cominator says:

I think it was more that the Tsarist government was not all that afraid of the Bolsheviks and indeed it was not the Bolsheviks that overthrew them.

The Bolsheviks had little popular support and no real elite support, and they were not even cunning infiltrators because they were mostly your typical radical leftist jews. If you’ve known leftist jews the one thing they aren’t are insidious conspirators… most of them can’t shutup about their ideology. And so of course the secret police knew exactly who all of them were and basically just kicked them out of Russia…
The one thing any of them might have done that was dramatic was kill Nicholas II… but I mean if I were a Tsarist Russian reactionary I’d have been praying for someone to assassinate Nicholas II (one of histories most retarded monarchs if not the very worst) so why not let them off with a slap on the wrist.

But then they found it easy to overthrow the fake and gay provisional government (I don’t like Lenin but it was as he said, they found power lying in the streets and we picked it up) and Woodrow Wilson helped them win their civil war while pretending to be on the side of the Whites.

jim says:

> But then they found it easy to overthrow the fake and gay provisional government

The Biden government is not fake and gay?

The Cominator says:

The military is still theoretically nominally loyal to it and some portion of the cuckservatives even think they won the election, while the provisional government didn’t even have that.

Pooch says:

Of course not. USG going on 235 years strong. The Russian provisional government lasted 5 months.

jim says:

The USG lasted because George Washington made the system of power imagined by the founding fathers real. The 2020 election made it unreal.

The Cominator says:

The military during the time of the provisional government was openly mutinous (and the government suspended the disciplinary powers of officers) in particular because they were pissed the provisional government kept the war going…

The American government does not yet have an openly mutinous military at either the level of common soldiers or high ranking officers (the cowards).

Pooch says:

The American government does not yet have an openly mutinous military at either the level of common soldiers or high ranking officers (the cowards).

This is the only thing that matters. If the men with guns say the government is real and legitimate then it is real and legitimate. What we say here matters not.

jim says:

> This is the only thing that matters. If the men with guns say the government is real and legitimate then it is real and legitimate. What we say here matters not.

Ten thousand years of history and prehistory tells me that what we say here matters a great deal.

An army has to have a leader, without which it is nothing, but it also has to have a faith that tells it that the leader rightfully leads, and our enemy is destroying the faith of the American army, the belief in the Old Republic. Hence the incapacity of that army.

The first cities arose around temples, not granaries or forts. When Constantine installed a new faith in Rome, he proceeded to create a new capital, a safe distance from the nest of vipers that occupied the Roman governance, and that empire survived a millennium, while Rome disintegrated. Similarly, the Holy Roman Empire was an armed religion, and that armed religion, not the Holy Roman Empire, reconquered western Europe, and for a time reconquered the middle east. Islam, same story.

For the most part, we don’t know anything about the faith and internal organization of the armies that destroyed the cities of the Bronze age, other than that they were keen on patrilineal lineage, yet did not have military leadership based on patrilineal lineage, except we know quite a lot for one such army, the army that destroyed the cities of Bronze Age Canaan.

I hope and expect Caesar. I hope Caesar will be Constantine. You know I always favor old software that has had lots of development and has run successfully in the past. The reinstallation of some very old software with minor upgrades worked great in sixteen sixty. It was based on the software that flattened Canaan three millennia earlier. That software has been run successfully from time to time in the past few millennia, the most recent highly successful re-installation being 1660.

But there is another path. A blockchain has a problem. How do you push protocol updates in a genuinely decentralized network?

A proof of stake blockchain has several advantages in principle over a proof of work blockchain (though existing proof of stake blockchains have issues, but those issues are fixable) It can handle more transactions faster. It can reach consensus about more stuff faster.

One of the things it could reach consensus on is a human board, that can appoint a human leader with authority to speak for the blockchain (though not authority to rewrite past transactions). Who can push protocol updates. Among other things.

Albeit a protocol update is equivalent to changing the constitution, so when he attempts to push a protocol update, it should not take effect until a supermajority of peers are running the update, and he should not be able to push it in the sense of changing the protocol under the noses of the people who own those peers. Updates have to be the informed choice of the person running the peer, who has to choose to install the update.

And I doubt this form of software can overthrow the older form unless the human crypto currency board is united by an older faith.

Varna says:

Here is belief in God in Russia by year.
Around 20% in 1987 and almost 70% in 2007.
Toxic commies and crypto-commies (technocrats and corporates very much included) are hypnotized by the idea of historical inevitability, and they tend to infect everyone else with that same idea.

China has allegedly the third biggest protestant population in the world.
I personally think this is old data, and it is in fact *second*, after the USA. And if you differentiate between those “born into the religion” and “conscious converts”, then China is first. Plus the Chinese Catholics, and its Christian population becomes about the size of Russia as such.

When the right men step in everything can change in the blink of an eye. Nothing is inevitable. Nothing is fixed. This “heroic fatalism” can be close to crypto-Luciferian hubris. “Look how realistic I am, I dare look truth in the eye” etc.

Everything can change super fast. If someone based projections on the European empires on good data in 1912, their projections for 1930 based on good data would have shown an absolutely alternate reality which we would not recognize. Same for those who made projections based on 1950s trends. Or 1980s trends. An analysis from 1990 would have painted a 2022 world with a perhaps more democratic Soviet Union and an impoverished China. Also based on the available good data, combined with “historical objectivist inevitability”.

Inevitability is hubris that makes us feel brave and manly even as we shrug off the role of free will and of select individuals. Not to say “go forth and do something stupid”, but you know. “Do not let any globohomo hypnosis into your mind, alleged historical objectivist inevitability very much included.”

Starman says:


“Briggs just put out a piece where he lays a compelling case that the radical left, the Woke, will take power ~2040 give or take a decade due to generational shift (the Millennials and older Gen Zs coming to power).”

The USG will be lucky if it is still intact in 2040.

f6187 says:

@Varna “China has allegedly the third biggest protestant population in the world.”

The CCP allows religion that does not interfere with allegiance to their authority. Evangelical churches must go literally underground — as in, you drive two hours into the woods and lift up a secret camouflaged door to descend into the deep hole that serves as the sanctuary.

The serious Christians, the Falun Gong, and the Chinese Muslims are committing the crime of regarding some authority as supreme over the state. That is a sin against the unholy spirit of communist revolution.

Anglin is sanguine on China; I am not. Yes the Chinese are free to criticize BLM and drag queen story hour, but they don’t have those things anyway. They cannot criticize the policies that led to the recent deadly floods. They certainly cannot assert the primacy of God and reason over the state. The CCP aims to monopolize the entire world and force their surveillance and social credit system on every rancher in Idaho, because they will own every ranch in Idaho. They already own the NBA, the IOC, the WHO, and the U.S. government, so that’s a pretty good start. This is not a “Red Dawn” takeover, it is more like black mould growing relentlessly in the walls.

Varna says:

Russia and EE also tend to clamp down on “unauthorized sects” (if not tied down by international treaties). Jahova’s Witnesses are an example. Freedom of religion in the extreme is not an instinctive thing in most places.

Falun Gong with their Epoch Times media and ties with Bannon are on the verge of becoming a pretty strong lobby in that populist section of the US right wing. Internally they will likely play a very pro-family and pro-trad influence, but externally will likely form together with the Taiwan lobby a foreign policy shaping force to rival (but more likely work with) the Zionist one.

We’ll see how that goes. For now, in the great reset sense, internally, Epoch Times appears to be playing a mostly positive role.

In the US populist scene folks have now mostly learned that neither the government nor megacorporations nor the media are their friends, which is good. But still very open to influence from external cults, be they Jewish, Chinese, or splinters from the larger Protestant movement.

This shows a sort of innate naive openness to spirituality and a tolerance which are in some way admirable, but in other ways are backdoors for hacking by external players.

The Cominator says:

All cults not Muslim or Papist are things we can do business with.

Varna says:

With eyes wide open, and with explicit hard boundaries.

Skippy says:

The reality is no one is actually afraid of the Chinese, making them attractive partners.

jim says:

China tells the countries of its hegemony that it does not interfere and does not do color revolutions.

Which is truer than it sounds. When they interfered in Hong Kong, it was to strengthen the hand of the old elite that used to run Hong Kong, but had come to doubt its right to rule because of Globohomo and military incapacity. The Hong Kong intervention, like the Belarus intervention, was conservative. Albeit Xi is looking less and less conservative.

The board fired the CEO of Cathay Air, and the new CEO purged the organization of globohomo, but the board was not purged. It is still the old board.

When globohomo intervenes, it installs a mob of foreign carpetbaggers fresh from the airport who steal everything, then burn stuff down and steal the nails, then fly out again.

alf says:

On board with everything except the enthusiastic accelerationism. I accept the inevitability of things going to shit, but I rather enjoy those aspects of civilisation that still work and I hope they keep working as long as possible.

Herman says:

I agree.

In the next few years we probably will think back to the good old times of January 2022 when it was warm in our houses our stomachs were full of lamb and steak, the stores where full and the currency had value.

Varna says:

The point is perhaps to move the narrative from “see how bad things got because of climate change and white supremacy? there’s no going back” and “gee life is so unfair, it’s the fault of all those fascists over there they broke the world forever” toward the looming “but do not despair! Join the wonderful community in our virtual universe, where you can enjoy all the freedoms you want, and get to be the real you!”

Even I have to admit bullshit like this would work on most zoomers the world over. Plus turbo-prog adults. Plus addiction-prone adults.

Then of course, as COVID showed us, they’ll try to quickly make life in virtual reality “totally a free choice but also totally mandatory”. To quickly be unable to do anything even in the physical world, without having a constantly maintained virtual life. “I’m sorry we can’t send you this money/product, because your TruLife identity has not shown authentic activity for too long” and so on.

“Are you one of the billions who developed debilitating conditions from super secret long covid but survive due to holy weekly injections? Enjoy a life without boundaries in TruLife! Reach your full potential and let your spirit roam free!”

“Ten tips how to deal with the stress of UglyWorld. Few of us are lucky enough to be able to enjoy our magnificent lifestyles in TruLife without interruptions. Most of us need to face UglyWorld at least once a month, in order to do this and that. The stress of this experience can be overwhelming for many. This is how to deal with this. You may need to up your dose of HappyTime for a while, and this is OK. A virtual article by Mariam Silverbaum.”

Arqiduka says:

Scary because believable.

Herman says:

There once was an institution like that:

“but do not despair! Join the wonderful community in our virtual universe, where you can enjoy all the freedoms you want, and get to be the real you!”

It was called heaven.

An the priests where speaking very soothingly to the people every weak on Sunday that if they lead a god fearing life they will at some point join this elusive club.

A lost social technology.

Todays priests only offer fear, danger, satanism and general unpleasantness.
But no positive outlooks.

jim says:

Let me step into that gap again:

It is the will of Gnon that those obedient to his commandments will flourish and fill the stars.

Fred says:

I was one of the many taken in by Coronahoax based on Styx coverage and /pol/ hype.

The pol hype was basically just dunking on normies, based on the theory (incorrect, as it eventually turned out) that normies would be repelled by coronavirus safety measures. The idea was that lockdowns etc were both illiberal and repulsive to normies, so not surprisingly, pol loved it.

But there was nothing sincere here – again, it was just pol dunking on normies.

The best summary of that sort of thinking, straight from a horse’s mouth, is this one, which I will copy and paste in part:

Again, I remember very well what it was like to be a fascist lockdown advocate. Yeah, we were scared, but also we were cool, looking down on stupid Nancy Pelosi hugging Asians, and advocating based border closures while laughing about muh individual rights. And, best of all, we were sure no-one would ever actually call us out by doing any of the stuff we were calling for. I’m not judging, obviously, but we should learn lessons from this. Speculative authoritarianism is nifty, until it isn’t.

In other words, the whole coronavirus-hysteria thing was just poltards dunking on normies. So when the normies stampeded in to coronavirus hysteria, it stopped being cool.

Yul Bornhold says:

It’s clear that the dominant leftist emotion in relation to wuflu is contempt of the right.

When wuflu was only China: “Your supposed concern about corona is only a mask for you insidious anti-Chinese racism.”

When wuflu made it to America: “Ah, an opportunity to micromanage the lives of ordinary, well adjusted people! What we always wanted.”

As long as wuflu offered no lever of power over the right, the left could not possibly believe in it. When it offered a lever of power, the left could not help but believe it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Factions supervening broadcast outlets have been floating coverage of ‘universal covid vaccines’ in the works.

Besides the inherent hilarity of a ‘vaccine’ for rna virons, this is probably one of their bids to keep manufacturing the crisis as long as possible, which is also just a replay of the first time around with the clot shots; ‘just wait for the vaccine to come out, you will see – till then, keep letting us have plenary power to shut down your feeble attempts at civilization’.

Varna says:

OK I watched the first third of this symposium by Senator Ron Johnson

Heartbreaking stuff. watching these basically decent normies trying to offer a compromise to globohomo along the lines of “You bastards did the unthinkable, but we forgive you, just please, please stop and let’s think how to mitigate this at least in some way. Let’s all pretend this was a mistake, please stop now.”


jim says:

We are now entering a period of moral clarification, which may well prove the Cominator right.

Our enemies want to kill everyone, including themselves. If we are lucky, they will try nukes next, which will likely prove as ineffectual as the virus they created.

Varna says:

I thought, super naively in hindsight, that Trump’s presidency was the major period of moral clarification. I simply had no idea this was all just the soft touchy-feely *start* of the moral clarification. The mind boggles what the next months may bring.

Mister Grumpus says:

“We are now entering a period of moral clarification”

Them sawing away at another of the branches that sustains their rule, like you said.

Like legitimacy, or at least the absence of outright malice. Some evidence of giving a fuck about whether anyone lives or dies in actual real life.

I saw some of the “1 Year In” video, the one narrated by Tom Hanks. Nurse Shaniqua says “I was the first to be vaccinated, and now over 200 million people have been vaccinated…

“You can feel the change!”

Wow. She can “feel the change”. Not one fuck given as to who’s living or dying, and of what. Who cares when you can “feel the change”?

It’s like that old racist “record low black unemployment” stuff. Who cares? She can “feel the change”, so beat that. Just the sweet holy aroma of their bullshit injectable sacrament.

Skippy says:

She has to say “we can feel the change” because she cannot say “and therefore covid is now a solved problem” or even “and therefore covid is less dangerous.”

Biden fixed covid when Trump wouldn’t do it but also cower in fear of the mighty covid!

The government does not itself know which way its guns are pointing. The past is changing so quickly that people can even remember it now.

jim says:

Hail fellow Covid Worshipers. We too worship the Holy, Awesome, and Mighty Covid demon, whom we respectfully and worshipfully suggest requires slightly fewer human sacrifices.

jim says:

Any criticism of the rituals of Covid Worship needs to be presented in the context and the frame that the priests decreeing the rituals of Covid Worship are the ones that created and released the weaponized virus.

Karl says:

Maybe that works in the USA where it is plausible that the people decreeing the covid rituals were also working in Wuhan, but anywhere else in the world?

My state government in Germany (note not the federal German government) is decreeing the local rituals of Covid Worship like mask mandates, testing mandates, barring pure bloods from entering shops, restaurants and gyms etc. People listen when I criticize these mandates and call the state government evil, but no-one would take me serious if I were to say that my state governor participated in the creation or release of the virus

jim says:

Their motives are the same, even though their power is lesser.

They want this virus to be what those who created it promised it was.

And if it is not, then they will make it true. They are killing people because the virus will not do it by itself.

ten says:

Germany is a religious colony of the cathedral, of bluegov, like all of the west and most of the world, and Germany happens to also be a military colony of redgov.

If the local wheels grind out of lockstep, they are gently, or with thirty thousand tons of high explosives dropped from high altitude, readjusted. None of us have sovereignity, all of us need nukes.

Karl says:

No, it is a holiness spiral. Being more holy won’t cause readjustment. So my German state governor can issue covid regulations that are more strict than anything inside bluegov and order his police to enforce these covid regulations.

Pooch says:

Your governor in Germany is no different than my governor in the US. Both nominally rule over a piece of the Global American Empire and are thus subject to the priestly rule of Harvard.

Aidan says:

Ah, I see now. They figured that a respiratory illness would kill old, trump-voting, cig smoking, “unhealthy eating” Amerikaners. In their inverse perception of reality, their enemies are unhealthier than them, so of course they think they would benefit from a plague. Turns out that a man who sees the sun, eats meat and fat, drinks and smokes, has the best outcome from the rona.

It is sometimes hard to understand enemy motives when their frame precisely inverts reality, and I’d forgotten their inversion of reality on health and nutrition. I was thinking the exact opposite. Covid smelled like bullshit to me from the beginning, but I was hopeful that we would get a real plague to oppress and demoralize the urbanite bugman who rarely sees the sun or touches grass.

Now, with the jab, they have a weapon that seems to disproportionately affect those who exercise. The urban bugman may be at the same, maybe worse risk of a heart attack if he were to hit the gym, but xe is never going to do that anyway. Brain fog is affecting drivers, but xe takes public transit. Xe is now infertile, but wasn’t going to have kids to begin with, and so on.

jim says:

The jab is doing what their gain of function development on a rust virus failed to do.

Varna says:

It’s super difficult to remember that absolutely everything is inverse in their world.

Gay sex is normal sex, trannies are the real women, whites are the real gangsters, blacks are the real scientists, the sun is evil, fertility is evil, self-control is evil, democracy means no free speech and no pluralism, tolerance means always submitting, anti-capitalism means megacorps controlling everything etc.

So yes, white peasants are unhealthy and urban fags are healthy, people who drink and smoke are addicts while pill and powder addicts are normal, and so on.

Fauci is 81, Pelosi is 81, Klaus is 81, Soros is 91. They are probably the last ones who remember that all the globohomo bullshit was make-belief in order to achieve specific results, and can combine pretending to believe the narrative, with being able to function in objective reality as well.

And they are probably demented and out of touch now. The 4 years Trump stole from them really played a number on them. At this age being 4-5 years older ain’t nothing. The ole brain ain’t working as good as it did 4-5 years ago. And social changes are accumulating as well.

The Trudeau and Macron type fags from Klaus’s Young Global Leaders thing can at most run a supermarket if there’s no external macrostructure to prop them up. And that macrostructure is kind of held together with spit and gum at this point.

For the macrostructure to work someone needs to remember how reality outside the narrative bubble functions, and these someones are doddering maniacs.

I mean no disrespect to old folks, but at a frisky 80 or 90 it’s OK to write books, paint landscapes, compose music, design furniture and so on, that’s brilliant, but run the world? That’s not gonna work too good.

But perhaps they feel they have no choice. That everyone younger than them actually believes the narrative bullshit of the inverse reality.

Hillary Clinton is probably the low age boundary where realism starts merging with fantasy, and those younger than her are completely submerged in fantasy land. And those older than her are also submerging there, due to biology.

Varna says:

83. Klaus is 83.

Skippy says:

This movement is centuries old. Why don’t they have replacements? Has it always been run by old guys?

Pooch says:

They do. I don’t see how this is any different than woke abolitionists replacing old guard Whigs.

jim says:

It is being run by old guys now because the unreality and stupidity is starting to bite them really hard.

Used to be run by considerably younger guys.

jim says:

They don’t have replacements because entry to the elite now requires protective stupidity and utter disconnection from reality.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Biden’s handlers shutting down domestic oil production naturally resulted in a rise in energy prices… which they responded too by having the mouthpiece say ‘OPEC should increase oil production to export’.

It really boggles the mind sometimes. But in case after case, it all keeps unavoidably coming back to the conclusion that they really do just hate their neighbors and want them to suffer, with no deeper thought, principle, or object than that at play.

The Cominator says:

There is great moral clarity and unity of purpose (and the promise of loot for followers) behind the resolution that the enemy are demons who will never make peace in good faith and must be totally destroyed. I’ve seen a few people I once loved turn but the people you loved… they just aren’t there any more. Yes VERY RARELY a total leftist npc worshipper under great stress and trauma turns (David Horowitz) but only when the trauma comes from their own side. And all such people basically say about the left what I say about the left. Anakin Skywalker is gone… consumed by Darth Vader.

I’m actually of the opinion that our side can still win even now if it gets its head out of its ass and gets leadership that sees like I do… but it needs to start fighting for real and fighting with the total moral clarity I see of the enemy.

Skippy says:

Moral clarity is necessary for victory.

Be ye not afraid.

jim says:

You have demonstrated at least once that you saw the game before the rest of us, but you are still very bad at people.

Many of our enemy will repent, and they all, except for those who have directly committed grave crimes, should get a chance at repentance.

On loot and pussy, however, you have a good point.

The Cominator says:

Covid has demanded many many personal sacrifices from the left’s followers that have hurt not others but THEMSELVES very badly.

Surely 99% of the people capable of redemption have already turned by now…

simplyconnected says:

Surely 99% of the people capable of redemption have already turned by now…

You make a very important point.
Putting on my amateur psychologist hat, I noticed people only change their worldview when they face a threat to their life, or to their ability to reproduce (but I repeat myself). Having been raised as a shitlib, it was a threat to my ability to reproduce (made me seek the redpill on women and read some evolutionary psychology) that did it.

It’s possible leftists are not yet at the “threat to their life” level yet, not as far as they know at least. They may be there soon if they continue injecting, but for most, a 40% increase in mortality simply means an unusual slight mortality increase around them.

Pooch says:

Having been raised as a shitlib, it was a threat to my ability to reproduce (made me seek the redpill on women and read some evolutionary psychology) that did it.

Same exact thing here. Although to be determined if vax deaths act as the same thing as the red pill on women. We all see the stories of vaxxed libs getting COVID and almost dying but saying “It would have been much worse if I hadn’t been vaccinated!”

The red pill on women was very definitive for me. Clearly, applying blue pill methods did not work and applying red pill principles did. It was a stark difference in results that made the truth as clear as day.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I am coming to agree more and more with the broad and general application of The Cominator to state, quasi-state, and priestly jobs. Once a certain threshold is passed, then their fate is sealed. God was not taking repentance once the walls of Jericho fell or once fire and brimstone started raining down on Soddom and Gomorrah. Once the Covid Demon Cult is beat, we need to treat those responsible like Cortez did the conquered Aztec priests.

As you are fond of mentioning, Jim, “Peace on earth to all men of good will.” These people have no good will in them. They are demon-worshipping death cult zealots. We have run out of cheeks, we are well past the extra mile, and we are running out of road.

The Cominator says:

The ram has touched the wall no mercy!

Joe says:

they all, except for those who have directly committed grave crimes, should get a chance at repentance

No. All get a chance at repentance, no matter what the crimes, but some are executed afterwards regardless. St Paul (1 Corinthians 5:1-8) talks a particularly sinful member of the congregation:

It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father’s wife.

And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.

For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,

To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?

Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:

Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Pooch says:

I’m actually of the opinion that our side can still win even now if it gets its head out of its ass and gets leadership that sees like I do… but it needs to start fighting for real and fighting with the total moral clarity I see of the enemy.

Speaking of which, Youngkin seems to be fighting the left in Virginia in ways not typical of your typical cuckservative GOP shill. There seems to be an actual will to fight covid worship I was not expecting, oddly enough.

The Cominator says:

He has been a pleasant surprise… ill wait and see a year of him but he is doing great so far.

jim says:

There is a great deal wrong with Youngkin, but he is deploying the power of God against his opponents in ways that Trump was reluctant to do.

I have described Trump’s program as National Capitalism, or Capitalism in one nation, though I doubt he would be happy with that summary.

Youngkin, on the other hand, is more Christian National Capitalist. But he is reluctant to go all the way, and in the end, we will need to go all the way.

But, a good start. Holy War is coming and you need to take a gun to a gunfight, and faith to a holy war.

The Cominator says:

Christian National Capitalism sounds pretty good.

Pooch says:

If the NCCP is willing to lean into Proud Boy violence like the NSDAP was willing to lean into SA violence, we are in business.

The Cominator says:

We should start memeing this idea of Christian National Capitalism on /pol…

The Cominator says:

So living in an oppressive patriarchal nationalist capitalistically exploitative hierarchical society is part of your religion and you think Jesus endorsed this and people who oppose you are servants of satan?


jim says:

Gedeon says:

The economic nationalism comes from Bannon/Navarro exclusively. Trump was a textbook populist who, over the course of his political tenure, acted in such ways as he perceived would make him popular with more people- who be damned. What he did early on to great effect was trolling Hillary and that is what got him votes. Legacy PTB gutted the appearance of presidential powers through their immense bureaucratic power.

That the soft coup started with the only real formidable military figure in his cabinet shows the lack of military depth to even attempt to coerce any personal will.

Make no mistake about it, there is only a hard bankruptcy out of the current economic conditions. Possession will be 100% of the law and that is why TGR proposes abolition of private property rights in exchange for a debt jubilee and UBI in exchange for social credit score compliance.

Guy says:

There are in depth interviews with Trump from the 80s and 90s where he espouses the same economic nationalism he advocated for as president and candidate. He’s been remarkably consistent with his statements that America needed to maintain manufacturing capability and be tougher on foreign trading partners he felt were taking advantage.

I did not vet that these clips contain the relevant material, but the entire interviews absolutely do and could be easily found from there.

Aryaman says:

Hard to tell. Seems to be a lot more energetic about rolling back leftist excess than any other governor, but on the other hand energetic about rolling us back to 2014 leftism.

Rebranding office of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” to office of “Diversity, Opportunity, and Inclusion” just about describes what he intends. Chris Rufo says that it should have been renamed to the office of “Merit, Excellence, and Opportunity”. Obviously it should just be shuttered as an office of “Merit, Excellence, and Opportunity” will be to merit, excellence, and opportunity what the Columbia University Center on Capitalism and Society is to capitalism, what the American Enterprise Institute is to enterprise.

I would crawl over broken glass to get back to 2004 leftism frozen in place, but 2014 leftism is not all that appealing even if it is considerably less demonic than whatever we have today.

Aidan says:

There is great moral clarity and unity of purpose (and the promise of loot for followers) behind the resolution that the enemy are demons who will never make peace in good faith and must be totally destroyed.

Rare for this to happen in reality. I can think of only a handful of examples; Carthage, the Khans, perhaps Attila, the Bronze Age Collapse. There should have been more; Cortez should have had every hominid south of the Rio Grande killed for example. I personally feel it would be just and right, but it is very hard for a group of victorious men to find the will to genocide. It is much sweeter for a warrior to see the enemy lying prostrate, begging for mercy, than it is to see his corpse. On the other hand…

But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroy them… That they teach you not to do after all their abominations, which they have done unto their gods; so should ye sin against the LORD your God.

There are clearly times that genocide is called for, and specifically, God calls us to genocide when the danger of enemy demon worship becomes too great, when the enemy is infested with evil memes with no hope of a cure. I don’t think we’re quite at that point, but we’re getting close.

The Cominator says:

As inferior as the Aztecs and the other tribes were at least the non Aztec tribes generally fought with the Spaniards, annihilation in such a circumstance would have been unchristian.

Aidan says:

True, should not reward loyalty with violence. But also clear that the conquistadores did not go far enough in wiping out demon worship.

Cloudswrest says:

There is great moral clarity and unity of purpose (and the promise of loot for followers) behind the resolution that the enemy are demons who will never make peace in good faith and must be totally destroyed.

This is “The Dark Forest” explanation for The Fermi Paradox.

jim says:

The Dark Forest explanation of the Fermi Paradox requires an interstellar sniper rifle – that a species hiding in the shadows can annihilate from four hundred light years away a species that builds Dyson spheres and settles its Oort cloud.

While far future technological advances are unknowable, the enormous distances make this difficult. If an enemy species was spreading out from comet to comet, how would you find them all?

Large scale cooperation is hard, and diversity makes it harder, a lot harder. Proximity plus diversity equals war, and the differences between separately evolved species would be enormously greater than the differences between races, thus separately evolved interstellar species would always be in a state of total war of annihilation, but look at the natural world. Every creature is at war with all of the others, except for a handful of friends, allies, and close kin, yet life is everywhere, and has radically transformed everything. If life is old, why is the universe not transformed?

I think life is very old, and it just took ten billion years for water-RNA-protein-DNA life to evolve from life forms based on other solvents and other genetic codes. Life has now evolved to the point where it is now on the edge of the capability to turn the galaxy green, to capture the major part of energy released by the galaxy and the accessible matter of the galaxy, and it just took this long to evolve to this point.

The more we research the RNA first theory, the less plausible it looks. But intelligence could not evolve, even multicellular life, could not evolve until we had an oxygen atmosphere. And we could not have substantial amounts of oxygen till life evolved to the point where it could radically and fundamentally transform the surface of a planet.

The hemolithin “protein” molecule, found in a meteorite, looks biological. Does not look like anything non biological processes could produce. But neither is it anything earth type life forms would or could produce. It is not protein as we know it. It is unlikely that it was produced by something like RNA protein DNA life. I figure that there is simple life out there adapted to many wildly different wildly non earthlike environments, and among them there is simple multicellular space based life out there, adapted to the cryovolcanic environment, water, moderate pressure, very low but nonzero oxygen environments, which earth compatible life forms appeared a few billion years ago. The most plausible hypothesis is that today’s tardigrades are descended from a recent arrival, and we are descended from an earlier arrival of something closely related to the ancestors of tardigrades and ancestral to them, whose arrival kicked off the Cambrian, and ended the Ediacaran life forms, which were descended from a very different and even earlier arrival.

There is debate on whether the self propelled mobile Edicarian big life forms such as Dickinsonia were plants, animals, fungi, or lichen. My bet is that they were something else that no longer exists.

That is my explanation of the Fermi paradox. That we are the first, that life took a long time, and was, and is, panspermic, with life capable of seeding the earth and similar planets occupying the hot deep wet cryovolcanic niche on big comets and big asteroids throughout our galaxy. (random diffusion would spread comet based life, including cryovolcanic life, around the galaxy on a timescale of about two fifty million years, which is faster than major evolutionary changes)

My guess is the ancestors of modern animals evolved in space as something like tardigrades and ancestral to tardigrades, and filled the oxygen cryovolcano niche throughout the galaxy at around the start of Cambrian. In space, they continued to evolve into the ancestors of modern tardigrades, a considerably more recent arrival – that every planet with liquid water and an oxygen atmosphere is now developing animals similar to, and closely related to, those of earth, with a common vaguely tardigrade like ancestor, and started developing them about the same time as earth did. We probably have around fifty million years or so left to grab the galaxy before something else does.

Cloudswrest says:

Re: Panspermia, this brings up a funny anecdote. Awhile back a research paper, applying the equivalent of Moore’s Law to biological evolution and extrapolating backward, suggested life arose about 9 billion years ago, twice the age of the Earth. In the case of evolution, empirical evidence suggests a doubling of complexity every 376 million years.

I added a link to this paper to the “Panspermia” Wikipedia article. It was removed later the same day by some editor calling it “fringe research”! I kid you not! This is the *Panspermia* article we’re talking about. ROFL.

Not to be flippant, I actually think panspermia is the most parsimonious explanation of life on Earth, but it’s not “mainstream” science. Which made the Wikipedia editor’s complaint hilarious.

simplyconnected says:

It may be the fact that it’s a preprint. We know preprints is how you get certain truths through these days. Wikipedia editors will think it’s not peer-reviewed, hence fringe.

Cloudswrest says:

The Dark Forest explanation of the Fermi Paradox requires an interstellar sniper rifle

I would imagine the most parsimonious way to accomplish this, assuming the target civilization is not interstellar, is to detonate the system’s star(s) causing it to go supernova. That’ll take out everything within a radius of light years.

S says:

The most parsimonious way is to attack them before they have evolved intelligence. Shooting in the dark requires an existing ecology that you are afraid of but there isn’t anyway for that ecology to develop if you just burn everything in advance.

jim says:

The fact that we are around is strong evidence against the Dark Forest explanation of the Fermi paradox. Fearful aliens would have nailed us in the cradle.

I find this explanation far more compelling

My best bet is that single celled earth life came from life in the hot deep wet rock asteroid environment, and multicellular animals are a later addition from oxygen rich (meaning extremely low oxygen by earthly standards) cometary cryovolcano environment.

Cloudswrest says:

I find this explanation far more compelling

That’s the same paper I linked three posts up.

jim says:

Ah yes, hat tip Cloudswrest.

S says:

“The Forge of God” came out in 1987 (same premise). Heck, I’ve read off brand science fiction with improved version of the same premise (aliens live in the space between the stars and kill solar civilizations). Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine.

The Cominator says:

Horrifying explanation of the elites insanity…

They did make contact with aliens (as often alleged) sometime after WWII and the aliens let us live, but on condition we don’t develop past a certain level and in particular no space colonies. If we do they’ll wipe our species out…

The insane actions to sabotage science economic growth prosperity make sense in this context. They don’t want to wreck everything with a nuclear war they want controlled stagnation so they’ll use retarded policy that prevents growth. I don’t particularly think its true (it doesn’t explain the evil Pizzagate child sacrifice shit) but its one explanation for everything else.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The elided assumption is what are the darkdwellers getting out of keeping alien civilizations in petri dishes instead of either just destroying them or ignoring them.

Arqiduka says:

Us here could think of half a dozen ways to achieve that in a more efficient way, so unlikely that “set off a civilisational collapse to prevent X tech” is the best they came up with. So, this theory does not explain the current world, with no need to get to “how likely it would be” territory.

Cloudswrest says:

This is the plot of Davin Brin’s short story “Senses Three and Six”. Earth is being discretely quarantined from developing a space based civilization. But there is a traitor alien secretly helping a secret faction of humans to break out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Prosaic answer to ‘where are the aliens’ is ‘we are the aliens’.

Joe says:

That they included a black female PhD on the panel tells me that they are still not taking this seriously.

Varna says:

She talks sense, as far as it’s possible in this namefag context. The Hindu talks sense. The Jew with the outrageous Brit accent talks sense. The Latino talks sense. The Mick talks sense. The anal retentive Germanic talks sense. Dr. Malone purrs along gravely. The Karens on the seats behind clap and nod.

Sane blacks, Hindus, Latinos, Jews, Micks, and uptight Germanics (and Karens) do exist, it’s just that globohomo selects against them due to bioleninist filters that only accept into the system people who are too dumb, too insane, and too evil to make it on their own on a level playing field with transparent rules.

We have learned to associated kikes and nogs and stronk wymin with pointless globohomo theatrics, but that is also limiting. In a sense like with cultural sabotage “it’s always the kikes, but it’s not all kikes” or with senseless violent crime “it’s always niggers but it’s not all niggers” and so on.

Rules of thumb, in current civilizational conditions, 10% of negros, 30% of Latinos and Jews, and 30% of white men and women can be capable of contributing*.

*These numbers work, age-wise, only down to the older millenials. Younger millenials and zoomers appear to be from a different planet

Joe says:

Will this be a repeat of Trump?

Neofugue says:

In university there were numerous opportunities for fulfilling distribution requirements among them an art film course taught by an esteemed professor. Being an inquisitive and naive young freshman I decided to attend both the first class and screening.

The film festival showcased the work of American film director Stan Brakhage, among the many short films the disturbing 1971 “The Act of Seeing with One’s Own Eyes.” This film showcases the embalming process for two deceased subjects, a man and a woman, in which the mortician proceeds to dissect the bodies into their various components. This was no educational endeavor, rather two simultaneous autopsies performed for “artistic purposes.”

In relation to current events, sometimes the question arises as to when our elite became debased. As showcased by the above mentioned film, our elite has been evil for quite some time, yet until recently were reserved about displaying it. When conversing with my progressive liberal/socialist peers, they showed little to no sympathy with my concerns. According to them, if the dead “consented,” it would be fine to dissect bodies for an artistic statement about decomposition after death.

Evil is not reserved for only those in high places such as Soros, but also those in low places. Your average medical student is in many ways just as evil and deranged as those who operate in the shadows at the top. Our current predicament is the product of making generations of men without chests (pun intended) whose hearts become filled with the machinations of demons.

jim says:

When those with overwhelming power and high status demand you participate in evil and degrading religious rituals, it requires considerable strength of character to resist. When their power, their status, and possibly their heads are removed, no end of people will say, and believe, that they resisted all along.

alf says:

‘hail satan’ art

I’ve always felt that, whenever you are shown this kind of art, the focus is never on the art, it is on you. What is your response? Do you dare recoil in disgust? Or do you laugh it off and say: ‘yes… eh… interesting!’ It’s a shit-test. Every time you lose, a puppy dies and goes to hell.

notglowing says:
In fact, at least in this case, that clearly *is* the point of the art piece.

Cloudswrest says:

Found it on Youtube and skimmed thru it.

Some impressions.

It is VERY choppily edited (no pun intended), like a porn movie, with no fixed camera angle and lots of close ups. Very irritating. Instead of zooms of PIV there are zooms of scalpel in flesh. Also stupid funky mellow piano music in background.

Although they don’t show her face the female corpse is not that of some old withered crone, but appears to be that of an otherwise healthy young adult female, with no sign of disease or trauma. Leads one to wonder what she died of. I’m sure this was intended to add to the luridness.

notglowing says:

>Every time you lose, a puppy dies and goes to hell.
What does it mean to win? There is no winning in this, it’s a lose-lose scenario.
You either seem weak, or you are evil.
Maybe being disgusted but not very affected is the most based response.

jim says:

Same as any shit test.

They want someone to stop them, but the trouble is, you cannot stop them.

You can, however, refuse assent to evil and call it evil, which is not nothing.

They not only want to degrade themselves, but to degrade you. That, you can stop.

Gedeon says:

The above painting is a standard study subject across art history curriculum core requirements. Ask me how I know!

This all goes back quite a ways. In terms of the modern era, I traced the line of degeneration to Peggy Guggenheim and the Dadaists. There was a second acceleration of deceleration that traces back to the Warhol-Basquiat-Hockney (Richard Weisman managed) homo-faction that proliferates today.

Francis Bacon was a transitional artist between these two phases of degeneration and was both gay and painted against the Catholic Church.

Gedeon says:

Pegeen Vail Guggenheim was born as Pegeen Jezebel Margaret Vail in Ouchy, Switzerland

Who was Jezebel and why name your daughter after said figure?


Aidan says:

What is wrong with Garden of Earthly Delights? The painting tells the story of the creation of Eve, leading to the Fall, mankind living a corrupt life and sinning, and then being punished for it. Art that vividly depicts the punishment of Hell is not degenerate.

GoED is an anti-humanist painting, with an obvious message. “Noble savage? No, you’re going to hell”. It is presciently anti-gnostic, saying that man’s attempts to recreate the Garden of Eden are doomed to failure. The second panel “what leftists want”, and the third panel “what leftists get”, complete with something that looks very much like a 20th century city being firebombed.

notglowing says:

I fully agree with this. I’m a fan of the painting for this reason (and Bosch in general)

The Cominator says:

Also agreed. Humanism is evil.

Anon says:

Spotify removing Neil Young’s music after Joe Rogan ultimatum

After Neil Young published an open letter saying Spotify needed to either deal with vaccine misinformation on Joe Rogan’s podcast or remove his music, the platform is in the process of removing the artist’s catalogue


The Cominator says:

Those that glow wouldnt cover them making Joe Rogan a billionaire if they broke his contract.

Guy says:

Rogan has been good lately on COVID despite being too deferential to authority early on, but the fact that they gave him $100 million needs to be seriously considered. He’s got to be compromised big in some way. If they were really worried about what he was saying here they’d gladly eat the loss. Right?

It is possible that keeping him behind a paywall on Spotify just limited his reach enough to be worth it though. Perhaps right now they’re worried about the Streisand effect if they just dump him?

The Cominator says:

I think its 450 million if they violate his contract.

Pooch says:

No. They actually want to make money. They would only dump him if forced to.

The Cominator says:

Joe Rogan will now dab on him by inviting him on his show.

Guy says:

The things that make me question Spotify’s financial motive here are: Roseanne being fired from the top network show on ABC, NFL ad campaign that literally had the tagline “Football is Gay”, and Gillette branding themselves the tranny razor company. Stuff like that, though Spotify is a small player compared to those entities. Media people seem confident that it’s better for them to be woke and push the nonsense than cater to their customers, and nobody is going broke over it.

As notglowing said, he’s not a reactionary. It could just be they look at him as a safer alternative for the people that are sceptical than places like this.

Pooch says:

NFL ad campaign that literally had the tagline “Football is Gay”

Why would that affect profits? Bread and Circus is still there every Sunday and the masses show up in droves. That it makes pronouncements of faith to the state religion matters not. Like having statutes of Roman gods around the Colosseum.

The Cominator says:

It drives off the marginal sportsball fans, but the fanatical sportsball fans will never quit supporting sportsball. It’d be easier for them to go nofap celibate than to stop caring about their many weekly doses of Negro Felon League games.

I never got it, sports other than boxing and mma are incredibly boring to watch and take forever…

Pooch says:

The one thing the Amerikaner can not shake off is their love for negro gladiator fights (the NFL). Tracks well with the decadent Roman Empire.

The Cominator says:

I still can’t really understand it… boxing and mma are actual fights and are genuinely exciting to watch (well i mean unless the guys are just pussyfooting around) but I can’t stand watching ball sports games. Hockey i can tolerate in small doses.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

American football is a set-piece game with lots of moving parts, which gives any viewer an invitation to take the opportunity to play armchair quarterback (which is the coining of the phrase).

The game itself is fine, the problem is the spiritually cuckolding experience of watching foreign mercenaries play it in your stead, instead of watching friends, family, countrymen.

Team sports are extremely potent assabiyah generators, and it’s not too much of an exaggeration to say that Jackie Robinson playing in major league baseball helped make America a communist country.

The Cominator says:

Ball sports are boring as fuck to watch under any circumstances this is one of those things about normies I can never understand, but yes I recognize that normies get into it I’ve read the histories of the Hippodrome Nike riots (but Chariot racing would be a lot more entertaining generally than ball sports).

I’d say if you were way into a sport try to find a way to play it yourself (and I can understand wanting to play games yourself that is manly but spectating and being too into it is cucked… unless you can consistently win money betting on it but almost nobody wins over time betting football), if the appeal of football is you want to play armchair general play a game from the Total War series (Medieval II and Rome Total War the original were the best in my opinion).

To me watching ball sports is sort of like paying for feet pics instead of going to the strip club and fucking a real girl… its simping in a way.

Arqiduka says:

Empire TW all the way.

ten says:

I was kind of into starcraft (e-sport computer game) way back. Me and my mates participated in tournaments. When it’s your friend playing, you do get really into it. When your friend slaps the koreans and wins the entire thing, there is a moment of out of body ekstasis, of wodr.

It jacks into the war circuit. Your guys defeated the other guys, so now you share their blessing and will not be ravaged.

Apparently it still works for some people even when they’re just pitting their niggers against the neighbour’s niggers.

The Cominator says:

Empire was buggy with a clunky engine and mostly you wanted to spam one unit type (line infantry) with maybe 20% of your unit slots for cav and artillery, if you liked Empire Napoleon total war was like a far superior version.

Pooch says:

It jacks into the war circuit. Your guys defeated the other guys, so now you share their blessing and will not be ravaged.

Apparently it still works for some people even when they’re just pitting their niggers against the neighbour’s niggers.

Exactly this. There are videos of young men going berserk in fanatical excitement in the stands of NFL games often coming to blows with opposing fans. In a healthy society, young men would be using this energy in the military to conquer for empire and glory instead of cheering on niggers in a simulated war game.

Arqiduka says:

“Empire was buggy with a clunky engine and mostly you wanted to spam one unit type (line infantry) with maybe 20% of your unit slots for cav and artillery, if you liked Empire Napoleon total war was like a far superior version.”

All true but a campaign on hard mode in Empire is accidentally a very, very good simulation of the geopolitical realities of the era, and makes one understand how a state really sees things. Better than Civilization, better than Paradox. Haven’t had a go at Napoleon in a while so don’t remeber if that’s the case there.

The Cominator says:

LOL not so much really… you could take out France forever by capturing Paris and I think one other province (well you had to deal with the invitable revolt but that could be done)…

You also wanted to deliberately trigger revolutions if you were most countries because on Empire Absolute Monarchy was really bad (best was the Constitutional monarchy because somehow the malcontented lower classes didn’t even exist).

Guy says:

According to the media’s own figures the viewership is down for major sports on TV. Myself and people I associate with, who played football in their youth and stayed with it even as the product degraded, were driven off by the BLM pandering. I know the average sports fan just pushes on, but it had been a big story (pre COVID) that declining viewership was going to put pressure on TV contract renewals. For the NFL the peak was 2015, this year they say they surpassed that, but the internet numbers are easy to massage, and even if true that’s several years off trend.

The people who run marketing for the NFL hate it’s customers and intentionally do what they can to drive the sport into the ground.

pyrrhus says:

Football lost a lot of fans after going woke, which ultimately is going to cost them on the bottom line…

The Cominator says:

It lost the more casual fans but a lot of football fans are (as the word is derived from) real fanatics who even if they are right wing just will never give up being able to watch football.

I don’t get it since I’d rather watch fucking paint dry (and I’ve rather disliked tv football ever since Fox got Football in the 90s and it would sometimes interrupt the Simpsons and Married With Children on Sunday both of which I very much did like to watch… yes my favorite football player was Al Bundy Polk High all city, Four touchdowns in one game to win the city championship) but thats the way they are.

Pooch says:

Bread and circuses. It’s no different than Romans packing the Colosseum. What other outlets are there for men and masculinity in our decadent decaying empire?

jim says:

The NFL is taking away this one.

jim says:

> > NFL ad campaign that literally had the tagline “Football is Gay”

> Why would that affect profits?

But it has affected the profits.

Pooch says:
Guy says:

If you look at 2020 vs. 2021 it looks that way, but that’s a bounce back from a season with tons of cancelled games and no fans in stadiums for huge stretches. That bounce back is not enough to get back to 2015 numbers.

The NFL has been declining a while, but now the rot is hitting college ball. College GameDay is a huge southern US draw, and ratings similarly rebounded this year after declines since 2015. Basketball ratings are even more dramatic Finals ratings have almost halved since the middle of the last decade.

They’re treating the sports leagues like they treat converged churches, flying rainbow flags over conquered territory, then burning them to the ground.

T. Rex Sex says:

“Football is Gay”

Truth in advertising.

alf says:

He’s got to be compromised big in some way.

Well keep in mind the guy voted Bernie.

Which does not take away that it is very cool of him to spread covid misinformation. Seems like a cultural Stalin thing, where he has accrued so much cultural capital that it is in his best interest to speak out against the holiness spiral. The obvious weak link being that he depends on spotify.

pyrrhus says:

Rogan already has plenty of money from the contract, and survived nicely before with a small fraction of that…Spotify hit a home run with him and will likely stick with him, but I don’t think he has anything to worry about anyway….

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Money doesn’t guarantee power but power does guarantee money, and Rogan foolishly picked a taking a check over having more power by demoting himself to company man. His social status is on shakier grounds now that he has less of the influence and independence he used to have.

notglowing says:

I don’t see it. Clearly he can say very unacceptable things and not only is he not deplatformed, but he is effectively defended by spotify thanks to his contract.

I don’t know what the exact terms are, it could be he can’t say certain things, but he was never a reactionary to begin with. Most of what he says outside of covid isn’t that far from the overton window.
Being independent might well have meant not having a platform at all. Being entrenched in the system grants a measure of protection.

Pseudo-CHrysostom says:

He is still a huge draw, so there is still an extent to which merchant-souled suits will stick their necks out for him.

notglowing says:

The thing is, I believe when he made the switch covid worship wouldn’t have been part of the deal. So even if he is restricted on some topic (which we don’t know) he might just have a loophole there.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

To wit, he already had his own platform. The same draw-power that entices suits to provide tentative protection would be even more effectual in maintaining it.

Fireball says:


What are the opinions around this parts about if a border war between Nato and Russia is going to happen or is just saber rattling?

Arqiduka says:

Some predictions are here

I stick to mine: there will be no invasion or otherwise war in Europe. Its all a set of provocations by the US to interupt the string of small Russian victories and return the French, Turks and some others to the fold.

Gauntlet says:

It’s a narrative cooked up in the Uk that gained US support. Then one faction ran with it, the Russians will not invade unless they are made to do it. Putin is not easily tricked and knows the playbook. Most people are aware that US would lose. A conflict in Ukraine would be a green light for China to bring Taiwan back. The dying empire can try to fight a two front war all they want, but judging from the Kabul embarrassment, there is neither will nor capability to deploy the needed troops.

Troops can be deployed through the Black Sea, likely the ships will be sunk. The troops may land in European NATO bases by plane, but how will they transfer the troops through the EU? They haven’t even decided what is “legal” troop movement.

Would they even make it to the front within 3 days? Ukraine won’t hold out for more than max a week without support. Yes, some Polish and Romanian troops would sacrifice themselves, but will it be enough? Even within NATO there is considerable opposition to a war. Germany would see their heating gas gone within weeks etc. so not popular.

Onto the topic of nukes. If they are used against Russia, they will know within seconds and retaliate. Putin recently said on TV that if nukes are used, their enemies would drop dead but they would go to heaven as martyrs. This is assuming the US nukes still work.

It’s interesting that this narrative was cooked up right before the IMF loans to Ukraine are due for repayment.

pyrrhus says:

Ukraine will fold like a cheap suit, as the Oligarchs and mercenaries race to get out of Dodge…I expect it to be mostly over in 3 days…

Pooch says:

Moldbug made an interesting prediction on a recent podcast interview:

The Kyiv government thinks Putin is bluffing. Washington thinks Putin is bluffing. But Putin is likely not bluffing, and if/when he goes in the Western apparatus in Ukraine will fold like a house of cards quickly and pathetically ala Afghanistan.

Aidan says:

No idea what is going to happen, but I am confident in saying that Putin’s winning streak will continue.

Severian says:

The US doesn’t seem to think Russia is bluffing by now, unlike Ukrainian leadership.
Judging by the language coming out of the administration they seem pretty resigned to the worst case scenario, depressed almost.

The problem with the bluff theory is that Russian demands are a non-starter for NATO. Why give yourself no way out diplomatically if you’re just bluffing?

There are still units moving across Russia to join the buildup. They will probably have something like 170k+ troops plus reserves in place in the next few weeks. They also started moving key logistics, field hospitals, lots of aviation and advanced AA as well as SRBMs have all been spotted around Ukraine.

If there is no turn around on Russian diplomacy in the next weeks I’d say a large scale offensive seems quite certain.

jim says:

> The problem with the bluff theory is that Russian demands are a non-starter for NATO.

Are they a non starter? Nato has rejected Russian demands with words, but not with actions.

If they act, then they will be calling Russia’s bluff. But nobody thinks Russia is bluffing.

Severian says:

Well, they already accelerated weapons shipments to Ukraine, and made some (albeit small) military moves.
They wouldn’t enact sanctions before an actual attack so to not lose deterrent.

NATO seems internally divided between France/Germany and US/UK. Which is probably the reason for the weak response more than any strategic reason.

jim says:

Unconditional observance of the ceasefire is a deal that de-facto meets Russia’s demands.

Severian says:

Russia says observance of the ceasefire is positive but does not meet their main concerns.
I doubt they would pull back with that small a victory. Especially from such a large buildup.

jim says:

Do they?

What are these demands that genuine observance of the ceasefire fails to meet?

Severian says:

I don’t know if you’re being rhetorical but main concerns being a ban on Ukraine ever joining NATO and getting NATO troops out of eastern Europe.

jim says:

NATO rules forbid Ukraine from joining NATO, because not in control of all its claimed territory, which very old and long established rule is in place to stop NATO from getting into a war in exactly this way. For the Ukraine to join NATO, NATO would have to ignore its own rules, which it might do, but that would be warhawks going crazy and launching war with Russia in gross violation of NATO rules to prevent it from being used in this fashion.

NATO troops in Eastern Europe? How far east exactly?

NATO is in Baltic Sea, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia and Estonia. Latvia and Lithuania bisect Russia, by cutting them off from Kalingrad, a major industrial and economic center, and Russia’s access to the Baltic, and thus the North Sea and the Atlantic.

So, action in Ukraine is militarily irrelevant to Russia’s concerns. If Russia does something about its access to the Baltic successfully, Ukraine will fold as its anti Russian elite all take a vacation to warmer climes. Invading Ukraine does not directly address the issue of NATO expansion bisecting Russia and cutting their access to the Baltic.

What would, however, address Russia’s concerns is some excuse for blowing up NATO’s fleet in the Baltic. Putin is needling them to give him some excuse.

Troops near the Ukraine border are irrelevant to the NATO issue. What would be relevant to the NATO issue anti air and anti sea capability in Belarus and Kalingrad. And I am not seeing any news about that. The NATO issue is so far only one of diplomatic maneuver, not one on which war would turn, yet.

Arqiduka says:

Asking for NATO out of already adhering countries is reaterded if taken at face value, as is the demand for US tactical nukes to be removed form Europe entirely. Stuff a high schooler would demand. But these are not to be taken at face value, these demands are there to give the west something to win on.

Ukraine not joining NATO is vital and no guarantee will be worth the paper its written on. They need regime change in Kiev, which they can do in time under the specter of a build up at the border. Make no mistake abou it, the Russians will invade if they have to, but will prefer not to and act through regime change, which would be a great victory over globohomo in a way an invasion just wouldn’t.

The Cominator says:

From what I understand Russia’s main STRATEGIC concern is that they have missle defenses but the missles have to go a certain range for their missle defenses to work… if NATO can deploy missles in states so close the missle defenses won’t work. I would think based on this reasoning they would also want the Baltic countries out of NATO.

Maybe US nukes don’t work or don’t all work… but nobody wants to allow a lunatic enemy 1st strike capability.

jim says:

The NATO issues are there as a placeholder for future demands, and give NATO a face saving way of capitulating while declaring victory.

Supposedly the missiles close to Russia’s border are only anti missiles, not first strike missiles.

If I were in Putin’s shoes, were first strike missiles moved closer to his border, which is not happening and I think unlikely to happen, would declare “Cuba crisis”, threaten to invade, and if the missiles not removed, invade.

Arqiduka says:

If so, they are done for and have already lost. But i dont think that’s the main concern, although the stuff they have in Poland and Romania is a bit worrisome. Will have to fire more missiles I guess.

Severian says:

Russia’s biggest problem is Ukraine drifting westward.

So far all that’s happened in this crisis is western armament of Ukraine has sped up. It could be that Putin has decided the cost of waiting for Ukraine to keep reinforcing is bigger than to act now and take the sanctions hit.

We well see in a few weeks after their military exercises in Belarus.
But they are putting together a force around Ukraine the size of the allied coalition that invaded Iraq. I don’t believe they will pull back for a few concessions that don’t significantly alter the trend in Ukraine.

jim says:

Their strategy should be, and probably is, a governmental change in the Ukraine under threat of invasion, which renders the invasion unnecessary. But threats, to work, sometimes have to be actually carried out.

I don’t think China wants to invade Taiwan until they can manufacture a reasonable number of computers of adequate capability from their own internal chip plants, just in case the invasion goes horribly wrong. Which they seem confident that they will soon accomplish, and they have hired people capable of doing it – but will not necessarily be willing to give those foreigners the necessary power and authority – I doubt that advisers will suffice. You need someone capable actually in charge, and they may not be willing to put the people they have hired to their best use, in which case chip making catch up is likely to fail. There is a limit to what spies and advisers can accomplish.

And the best time to invade Ukraine would be when China is willing to invade Taiwan, which is probably not yet.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A ‘soft power’ assures a regional power that ‘of course we only have benevolent intentions’, so the regional power getting it’s hackles up at the empire subordinating one of it’s neighbors is ‘just being a meany for no good reason’; and then you have another neighbor subordinated, and another, and another… then one day the ‘regional power’ wakes up to find itself surrounded by imperial forces, and those ‘soft benevolent intentions’ are no longer necessary.

The atlantic empire attempting to expand its sphere of influence is necessarily a threat to the sovereignty of any nation-state around it. There is no choice but to counter-act it or else you stop being a serious country – and in the context of the presently regnant whig theocracy, that is an especially execrable outcome indeed for your patrimony.

It is also possible that the flock of headless chickens functionally responsible in effecting policy for the atlantic empire, being solipsistic double-thinkers, literally buy into their own self-image as ‘benevolent soft power’ (which just as literally evaporates like morning dew in any case they have the power they want, and are blissfully free of any niggling cognitive dissonance from self-awareness between moment to moment), and thus Putin’s resistance being ‘a meany for no good reason’, and thus ‘we have no choice but to defend ourselves from this warmonger’.

The Cominator says:

Well fuck if this is true maybe the GOP is born again hard…

jim says:

Consent decrees are always fake. Enemies within your organization are working with enemies outside your organization to give themselves legal power from outside – which means they already had power from outside.

Those enemies are still there.

Nothing will happen unless RNC poll workers will break heads when excluded, or when they complain and are ignored.

That the consent decree was allowed to expire indicates that our masters expect the RNC poll worker organization to be fake and gay.

Not seeing any RNC leader with the will to create a non fake and non gay poll worker organization, but then I would not be able to see that, because the absence of fakeness and gayness would have to be buried under a deep layer of fake fakeness and fake gayness, with the intent that the fake fakeness would suddenly fall off in the early hours of the count.

Gedeon says:

FWIW, the Flynns + Byrne are the organizers of the hyper local election volunteers that backed Youngkin in VA. It is hazy now, but I believe that was discussed on the A Jones session where those three were present with AJ.

The Flynn family appears to be the only viable “crew” within the existing system that could make a move in our lifetimes. The subject of a Flynn run is discussed in the AJ session also. I don’t believe a Sulla situation exists because the matter of systemic insolvency is orders of magnitude more complex to resolve now with legal fiction property rights. This is to say, I don’t see a path to resolving the insolvency in such a way that there is a rewind to a world we’ve ever recorded post-Westphalia.

So while the Flynns can probably destroy the Cathedral, they would not be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Get your gardens in order!

jim says:

> This is to say, I don’t see a path to resolving the insolvency in such a way that there is a rewind to a world we’ve ever recorded post-Westphalia.

Currencies come, currencies go. Fiat money is technologically obsolete. It is going.

Bitcoin is vulnerable to the blood diamonds attack, which is already under way. If it escalates, then I will flee bitcoin. In the end, we will have a crypto currency world, though the path to it is not yet clear.

c4ssidy says:

Is cryptocurreny capable of mutating into fully private and decentralised systems faster than regulators will be able to keep up with them?

jim says:

Regulators don’t seem able to keep up right now.

Joe says:

By the way, I am still working on a proxy-staked PoS, blockdag, AHML-capable coin (ala your Rhocoin), but I have moved from C++ to Rust and am now targeting only Linux. Work continues, slowly, in between enemy bombardments, but with the intention that if need arises I can ramp it up quickly.

jim says:


My work is moving slowly also – and is still too ill formed to be integrated with someone else’s work, but I hope soon to have a pre-alpha release – where pre-alpha means entirely incapable of doing anything useful, but having secrets, secret management, encrypted messaging, and a UI capable of representing this to the user. But it has become clear to me that peer to peer communication is going to need rust and Tokio, on which I am not started.

C++ inherently lacks an adequate model for concurrency. As I have said before, it supplies a pile of matchsticks and a tub of glue, and tells you to build your own boat.

Unfortunately all those matchsticks and glue are supplied with the presupposition that the number of concurrent processes is of the same order as the number as the number of hardware threads, and building something on top of that that has massive concurrency gets complicated and messy. A network of peers is going to need massive concurrency, and each peer is going to need a massive number of transient symmetric secrets representing connections to other peers.

Windows has a UI model, which has come to suck more and more with every windows update, and is not portable to linux. wxWidgets, written in C++, supplies that deficiency with a very good UI model that runs on both linux and windows without change, way better than the windows model. I am unaware of any rust equivalent to wxWidgets. It is of course entirely doable to have processes running rust language software inside wxWidgets, but hard to write wxWidgets ui in rust. To do wxWidgets ui within rust would require a substantial rust library that has yet to be written.

Sqlite supplies non volatility, and runs without change on just about operating system and language.

Rust integrates fine with Sqlite, and one can have many processes in many languages each with many threads operating on the same local non volatile data structure. A blockchain is a global non volatile data structure that lives as the consensus of many local non volatile data structures.

Libsodium is the cryptographic library least contaminated by enemy entryists. There is a fine rust api to libsodium, and the rust cryptographic library Dalek appears to be in large part a rust port of key elements of libsodium.

I am also using the portable bignumber library mpir to express public keys as base sixty two symbols (alphabetic and numeric ascii characters). When you copy and paste text, the mouse sweep likes to stop at the boundary of such sequences.

Joe says:

Concurrency in C++ was part of the reason I gave up on it. Rust has the beautiful attribute that if your code compiles then it most likely works as you intended. The single mutable borrow and other related constraints eliminate whole classes of runtime errors and will make concurrency simpler.

I am targeting command line for the node and initially the client. It is quite simple to add a GUI to a command line program or a daemon by running a web server. I expect that Rust will have web server crates that can be dropped in with a minimum of fuss.

My initial target machine is a bog-standard Ubuntu 20.4 LTS cloud server rented with Bitcoin. Ubuntu 20.4 LTS also readily installs on the handful of physical computers and laptops that I have tested. At full capacity, 47,000 TPS and one UTXO per person in the world, you would need on the order of 50Mbps bandwidth and 1TB SSD storage. You would also need an appropriate amount of cold storage if you wanted to keep full history.

The libsodium C library adaptor for rust, libsodium-sys, works fine, you just need to wrap your higher-level constructs around it. Use crate version 0.2.7 or above for Ristretto. You can now install libsodium-dev 1.0.18 on Ubuntu using apt.

Dalek has been penetrated. Its documentation is riddled with subversive SJW crap. I ditched it.

Serialization in Rust uses the serde crate. The framework takes a few days to pick up, but when you finally get your code to compile it also just works.

I have seen no problems with SQLite.

notglowing says:

Indeed the rather unique and remarkable guarantees of soundness that the rust compiler provides are the reason why it has become maybe my favourite language.
I wouldn’t use it for everything, but if I could envision building something easily in Rust, I’d be biased towards that rather than another language.

And the soundness, for the first time, does not come at the expense of greater overhead.
Yet regrettably many, especially on the right, hate Rust with passion.
Partly because it was born among (and promoted by) some of our worst and most disgusting enemies in tech.

SQLite is good software (and written by Christians) nonetheless, but if you are building a high performance blockchain I would recommend you be prepared to roll your own custom storage eventually, or at least use something that isn’t SQL.
There’s nothing wrong with not reinventing the wheel, but I think you’ll likely eventually run into limitations. Never prematurely optimize – but I think it’s good to be ready for the possible necessity in the future.

> I expect that Rust will have web server crates that can be dropped in with a minimum of fuss.
I have done web programming in rust. It’s decent enough. Not its main application but what is there works, and is fast (though this is not important to a web UI for a node)

Joe says:

Why not use base-58? It is only one extra character per 256-bit number, people are used to it, and is more resistant to errors in physically writing it down.

jim says:

Sound advice, I will do that.

Anyone writing down a public key by hand is likely to make errors regardless, so I only considered parsing and cut and paste issues, but I have already incorporated a few bits of checksum.

A few bits of checksum is already one extra character, and base 58 is a bit more on top of that. But standards are good, and, as you say, people are used to it

” 123456789ABCDEFGH JKLMN PQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk mnopqrstuvwxyz”

Which requires me to add yet another character mapping, to map the mpir character set to the base 58 character set.

Joe says:

This will work. The basic use case is that I write down a public key generated by my airgapped computer then send funds to it using my online computer. A checksum plus careful copying reduces the risk of lost funds considerably.

You also get just under four bits of checksum for free in your encoded points because the group order is just over 2^252.

jim says:

I thought about that use case in incorporating a checksum, but failed to consider it in going with base62.

For that use case, base 58 is compelling. Plus people doing it are likely to misread base62 as base58.

Joe says:


Mister Grumpus says:

Fantastic. Keep at it you guys. We’re just one good crypto comm network away from these monsters being left behind in the teacher’s pet fake and gay hall locker of history.

Whatever that network comes to be, someone will end up being One True Shitlord King to rule them all.

We have 1000 Son of Ricky Vaughns out there, just waiting for the tournament to start!

Once this is on, DC will be an obviously fake and gay foreign occupational administration. “Collaborators” will get scalped left and right.

simplyconnected says:

building something on top of that that has massive concurrency gets complicated and messy.

Only recently had a need for large scale use of coroutines and had a good experience tinkering with it (so far).
C++ provides only the bare minimum, but it’s nicely done and fast. Once proper support for “coroutine elision” is added (or compilers get better at it) it will have everything I need for large-scale use. I will use my own scheduler, but there are some tools available on top of the basic c++ coroutine functionality.

notglowing says:

C++ always did have *everything*. And honestly that’s what’s good about it. Unlike many I was generally kind of a fan of C++.
At its best, it’s almost like Rust. With good libraries you get elegant, high level abstractions in low level code, that have no overhead, yet are easy to use. You have the power to do absolutely anything, and do it well if you are so inclined. There’s no shortage of good libraries (or built in features).

But at its worst there might be no worse language – C++ has the widest, and most evil assortment of footguns of anything ever conceived. Perl might make it easy to write unreadable code, but a bug in Perl is still far simpler to find and understand than many cases of UB in C++.
And it’s hard to make consistent use of C++ features when there’s so many added over decades. Plus on the other side of the spectrum many libraries are just… C libraries, with C-like clunky interfaces (some of them are just bad regardless of being C-like or not).

To me rust feels like C++ at its best, but most of the time, with added guarantees and checks that make you sleep well, and steer you towards writing better software.

simplyconnected says:


To me rust feels like C++ at its best, but most of the time, with added guarantees and checks that make you sleep well, and steer you towards writing better software.

I don’t recall passing references to a variable allocated in the stack to the calling function, or some of the other horrible things you can do in c++. But Rust seems to have a better approach of letting you do dangerous things under “unsafe” parts of the code. It’s nice to have as many of your constraints explicitly expressed in the code. Rust does seem like a better language overall.

BTC says:

Looks to be escalating:

“EU should ban energy-intensive mode of crypto mining, regulator says”

The Cominator says:

This is interesting… I like Flynn the only thing that makes me hesitant about him is

1) He appeared to buy into Q for a time… and I can’t imagine why any sane sober and smart individual would buy into Q for even a second.

2) Why has Biden not fired his brother who also made flag rank

Pooch says:

2) Why has Biden not fired his brother who also made flag rank

It’s not up to him. That Flynn’s brother has not been purged tells me there is right-wing conspiracy in the Army. Not big enough actually perform a coup but large enough to stand aside and allow an actual reactionary party take control of the government via NSDAP tactics.

The Cominator says:

Executive order under article 2 discharging him from the army.

Pooch says:

The Constitution died a long time ago. The President has very little power and Biden, as we all know, is the figurehead of all figureheads, yet still that Flynn remains in the leadership of the Army means that the Cathedral purging him would piss off the Army.

The Cominator says:

The constitution is still in effect for things the Cathedral wants…

Pooch says:

Completely Unnecessary. If the Cathedral wanted him out, we would be seeing hit piece after hit piece on him in the New York Times followed by his resignation in shame. That we haven’t means they don’t want to piss off the military by doing so.

Pete says:

As we all saw, the Communists forced all the Republican poll watchers to leave in the states where the 3:00 AM Vote Fairy came to visit.

Subsequently the media ran stories that these poll watchers were kicked out because there were “too many people in the building,” and because the vote counters felt intimidated. No reason they can’t run that playbook again.

I also note that the GOP could have hired this “army of poll watchers” in 2020 but chose not to because they wanted Trump gone. Now that the nigger riggers might affect THEIR re-election races they’re all over it.

Pooch says:

Poll watchers were physically thrown out and barred from entering the counting rooms by cops in 2020. Unless that dynamic changes, not seeing how adding more poll watchers changes anything.

Aidan says:

Read it carefully. The consent decree expired in 2017, and the GOP was already using an “army of poll workers” for 2020, just under the umbrella of the Trump campaign. The violence the left brought against gop poll workers proved sufficient in 2020, and nothing has actually changed since then. They are just working for the party now rather than Trump.

jim says:

Which is likely to guarantee that they will be even wimpier than they were under Trump.

A consent decree is always a product of evil plotters within your own organization, and never expires unless the enemy wants it to expire.

So the expiration of this consent decree is enemy action, because anything whatsoever that involves consent decrees on any subject involving any organization is always enemy action: “Don’t organize your own poll watchers, that is our job.” A consent decree is invariably conjured up by a nest of vipers – they are the same sort of people as the family courts and child protective services.

Inquirer says:

With all the discussion on Orthodox Christianity and in particular Aidan’s comments I decided to check out a church of the ROCOR diocese roughly 30min-1hr away.

Far from discussions here about getting married to a Georgian woman or Russian Orthodoxy for the Amerikaner the first thing which came up at coffee hour was a woman proudly noting to me how her daughter is going to college next year. The deacon and his wife have been married for many years but are still “waiting for the right time to have kids.” The priest and his wife seems alright, but the church seems, well, rather devoid of children and those who do have kids (including the priest) only have two.

The singing was surprisingly good as there are a couple professional singers in the choir. There were only a few maskers, and generally the people seem to be on the moderate social conservative side of things (one article on abortion and another on transgenderism on the website). The place is rather cozy for a church, but everything has this vibe of normie apathy which rubs me the wrong way.

Are all Orthodox Churches like this, or is this to be expected?

Aidan says:

Very sad! Amerikaner or suburb congregation? The church that specifically impressed me was in hillbilly (and I say that with fondness) country.

Inquirer says:

Semi-urban small city congregation, half ethnic Russian half non Russian, ethnic Russians tend to be older or simply old, non ethnic Russians tend to be spouses married to Russians. There were a couple Moldovan women, both unmarried, childless and past the wall, whose mother recently died, made me rather sad.

The other nearby ROCOR parish nearby recently proscribed a mask mandate although I am unsure if it’s only for the parish school or the Sat/Sun services too.

Otherwise it will involve going into solidly urban areas…

Neofugue says:

I’m sorry your first experience with the church was like that. For every eleven disciples there is at least one Judas, and people in urban areas tend to be morally lacking compared to those in rural areas even in ancien regime Christian states. In the introductions to several of Dostoevsky’s characters, there is a reoccuring theme of the woman leaving a failed marriage for the city only to die a few years later.

There are two churches in any 21st century Orthodox parish, an outer church majority of half-believers and an inner church of true believers. You met the outer church not as concerned with moral issues as are we, but may have missed the inner church who are more receptive to proper ethics. For reactionaries I always recommend attending the all-night-vigil (vespers) on Saturday evenings because one will find the inner church during those services.

The question when choosing a parish is to what degree one feels comfortable being honest with the inner church. This is not to say one should simply discuss making women property again, rather that one should feel accepted discussing basic morals, homeschooling, marriage for girls at eighteen, et cetera, because you will be taking your family there and raising your kids with their kids. If you feel you cannot be honest with anyone at your church then attendance will only breed resentment, wrath, and loneliness and as such it would be better to leave for another parish.

A good indicator is if the families of the church homeschool their children. Being on this blog indicates one is already homeschooling or is going to homeschool his children and thus one is looking for a community where his sons and daughters can socialize. If the priest seems fine and you feel comfortable with the inner church then please keep going and try to ignore those who caused you difficulty. Not every church in ROCOR is perfect, so if not then keep searching for the right parish. Other people’s sins should not interfere with your spiritual growth.

Mike in Boston says:

Good for you taking them time to visit an Orthodox church. As I wrote last year:

each parish has its personality, sometimes a split one… The way to bet is that churches belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, many of them thoroughly English-speaking, are pretty based… Yet most of all, no rule of thumb, including that one, is guaranteed to hold in any particular place; the exceptions are too many.

In particular, the best and most based priest I know is in the Orthodox jurisdiction with the most pozzed hierarchs. So don’t give up on other parishes even if they are not in ROCOR.

Let me also gently suggest that if you seek perfection, you are unlikely to find it. There are certainly people who know how college girls behave, but in the absence of societal support are not independent-minded enough to find an alternative to sending their daughters to college and hoping for the best. And many Orthodox, including my family, are relatively recent immigrants who prize the way a college degree opens the door to better-paying employment and foolishly trust their daughters not to slut it up at college. As unrealistic as the latter hope is today, you can see the appeal of cases like my cousin, who met her future husband while getting her college degree, and years later was able to easily support the family with her earnings when he got cancer and became unable to work.

The atomized America of today is not Russia of a century ago, and to expect people’s life choices to be entirely free of compromise with modernity is to guarantee disappointment. More important to ask is, do my fellow parishioners have a mindset that fully accepts globohomo, or do they retain at least some of the mindset of a traditional society, even if they don’t always manage to go against the grain and live by it?

Inquirer says:

My question would be how should one deal with a church that compromises itself with modernity (satan) in a way which is constructive and helpful? To what degree should one interact with the members of a certain parish, and to what degree should one be honest? What is your position on tacit approval of certain behaviors?

I am not someone who has attended church much in the past and know how to keep my distance between people in secular circles, but church circles are more intimate because of the nature of faith and morals.

jim says:

That is a very hard question, and I do not have any good answers.

Red pilled pastors who align with old type Christianity can be found, but are unlikely to be found conveniently close to where you live.

I would recommend John and Peter, who in the New Testament commanded the liberal application of their respective shill tests.

Unfortunately our modern enemies have concocted slippery rationales to evasively slide through those two shill tests, with the result that over the centuries Christian shill tests got longer and longer.

So I say, apply a shill test that our modern enemies cannot pass, but which would meet with the approval of John and Peter.

John applied the incarnation as a shill test, and Peter the Lordship of Jesus. Our modern enemies can say “Jesus Jesus” all day long, but have difficulty saying “Jesus Christ”, because the incarnation and the resurrection still gives them hives.

Hence my recommended demon worshiper test, which follows the precedents and purpose set by John and Peter, expressed in a pastiche of fragments snatched from the creeds.

Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

If they cannot say that, treat them as John and Peter would have.

Aidan says:

Pinging the Cominator specifically, but there is a good litmus test for the percentage of men who are just nominally adhering to the state religion and who are its active devotees.

I have been defying mask mandates since Day 1, at least outside of work, and while some businesses have refused to serve me, most still do, even when it was illegal for them to serve me, and the number of private citizens in the last two years who have publically berated me for not wearing a mask?


That one man is a devoted leftist going out of his way to signal his holiness, and needs to visit the abattoir, but nobody else cared enough to say anything, or were cowed by the implicit threat of conflict. The thousands of men who did not say or do anything are Havel’s greengrocer, the vast proportion of men who will cause no trouble and easily flip their beliefs when our ideas have high status.

S says:

‘Outside of work’ is doing the heavy lifting. People willing to inform on you to the boss, bosses from other departments willing to walk over to screw with you number a much much higher percentage. The biggest enemy leftists have is other leftists so you shouldn’t expect them to be acting without permission.

As for that one man, unless he recorded what he was doing, I’m not sure how you can say he was signaling holiness. He wasn’t going to meet you or the other people around again which means it can’t be a social signal.

Aidan says:

It’s not. People will practice leftism when they have something to gain- other employees reporting on me to the boss- or have to at risk to themselves- store employees. That much is obvious.

The question is, how many people will act out their leftism when leftism is made low status and dangerous? Telling me to put a mask on is incurring significant personal danger, and the man who yelled at me for not wearing a mask was a fervent true believer, who (old, weak) was willing to martyr himself on my (young, strong) knuckles.

I had a confrontation with a security guard at a mall. He approached me and held out a mask, “hey man, you need to put this on” and I looked him in the eye and said “no thank you”, and walked away. I was not bothered again. Though he was somewhat armed and had backup, it was not worth it to him. Havel’s greengrocer.

The true believer who would martyr himself for leftism is the one we need to hand over to Com. And the one who would martyr himself is rare.

jim says:

> The true believer who would martyr himself for leftism is the one we need to hand over to Com. And the one who would martyr himself is rare.

It looks to me that Charles the Second’s quite mild mannered repression was hugely effective. Removal the enemy faith from power, loss of status, then everyone enthusiastically changed their views, and misremembered their previous views.

There were a fair number of people that needed to be roughed up in a public and humiliating fashion, punished extrajudicially in a casual and status lowering way, as if they were barking dogs, and one extremely holy heretic who had to be burned at the stake through the full regular judicial process.

Aidan says:

What is your position on the revival of heresy in England? Underground for 100+ years, or a new heresy that managed entryism because the state religion had let the reins slip?

If the heresy had gone underground and survived, it suggests that harsher repression than Charles II did is called for. If it was an “organic” reappearance of heresy, how to keep your Inquisition effective and your state church secure from entryism after a hundred years of prosperity and power makes it feel secure?

Mr.P says:

“… how to keep your Inquisition effective and your state church secure from entryism after a hundred years of prosperity and power makes it feel secure?” (Emphasis mine.)

This is the question on my mind lately.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Do as the Spanish did, and constitute a permanent State Inquisition. Keep it small and limited entry, and put it in charge of finding heretics. There will be no incentive to find more and more heretics due to it being a permanent institution that does not need constant justification. Let the sovereign point it towards people making currents about being more holy than the bishops or more legitimate than the monarch and then the Inquisitors can sit them down and have a nice chat over coffee.

Agricolus says:

Read JCD Clark, “English Society 1688-1833” and “The Language of Liberty”. Go straight to the source. Don’t listen to jim’s (mis)interpretation of JCD Clark, which is often exactly the opposite of what Clark himself said.

jim says:

All I ever say about JD Clarke is that he said Socinain entryists into the Church of England did it -that the ancien regime died of a hostile post Christian religion getting control of the Church of England in the late nineteenth and early nineteenth century, that religion was the primary source and cause of the change. Not capitalism, not proles, not the oppressed masses demanding the vote.

Is this not what Clarke said in that book? Do you challenge that interpretation? He covers a great deal of material, but whenever he is covering some other alleged cause of change, he is running down the official narrative.

Skippy says:

What JCD Clark writes is that the Glorious Revolution cucked the right by making Jacobitism politically illegitimate. This resulted in all true legitimist ideologists being banned.

The “moderate dissenters” and Anglicans then teamed up against the Catholics until Jacobitism was thoroughly dead at which point the “moderate dissenters” defected to the extreme dissenters and eventually crushed the Anglicans.

The measures were highly effective at suppressing the extreme dissenters while they were enforced but the moderate dissenters defected from inside the system and removed the measures.

With hindsight the Anglicans should have squeezed out the moderate dissenters at the same time as squeezing out the Catholics but this is easier said than done. Especially as Anglicanism was the most political and least mystical of the religions, leading to a shortage of fanatics to fight for it.

The Cominator says:

Fucking James II ruined everything by becoming a popecuck…

Charles II should have just agreed to legitimize Monmouth.

Aidan says:

The Papacy was a reliable ally of the Holy Roman Empire after Charles V sacked Rome. The papacy between the investiture dispute and Charles’ sack was quite an insidious political actor, but from 1530 onward, it followed Caesar rather than attempting to be Caesar. The Vatican became infested by demon worshipers -after- the powerful states of the world became infested by demon worshipers.

Your suspicion of Jesuits is not unfounded; the Jesuits are a nefarious group. But are they a nefarious group that serves other people’s political interests, or are they subversive to realize their own agenda? That is the question.

The Jesuits seem to me like the original NGO. You can launder money, power, and secret service operations through them by “donating to the church”.

jim says:

> What JCD Clark writes is that the Glorious Revolution cucked the right by making Jacobitism politically illegitimate. This resulted in all true legitimist ideologists being banned.

That is true. And he says that this cucking was a horrible weakness and flaw – an inherent defect and major internal problem.

But he, and I, nonetheless say that the ancien regime continued all the way to early nineteenth century. If our interest is in what destroys regimes, Entryism.

To point at him saying this, is to recast him as agreeing with whig history, that our current regime began in 1688.

Which history he unambiguously rejects.

James II was an enemy of the official faith, that gave the regime its cohesion, and had to be removed, or it would have no cohesion. But then the enemies of the faith got inside the faith.

Much as the enemies of the faith that gave the American Republic its cohesion are now inside the faith.

> With hindsight the Anglicans should have squeezed out the moderate dissenters at the same time as squeezing out the Catholics but this is easier said than done

Hence my position, based on what happened, that you have to have an inquisition that efficiently removes holiness spiralers and heretics from all state and quasi state institutions, and my much repeated statement that if William Wilberforce had been convicted of apostasy and sent to Jamaica to cut sugar cane, Kings would still rule in England, implying that we should remove our equivalent of “moderate dissenters” (they called themselves the Saints, do not sound very moderate to me) frequently in a permanent way.

Skippy says:

“To point at him saying this, is to recast him as agreeing with whig history, that our current regime began in 1688.”

I am not arguing for the Whig historisticism, which says Parliament/extreme dissenters didn’t “really” lose the English Civil War in 1660 because they were redeemed by the Glorious Revolution.

As JD Clark describes, the Glorious Revolution did not interrupt the English political, religious or social system; did not put the Civil War “parliamentarians” in power.

According to Clark, before the GR an Anglican could be a Filmterite, and Filmerism was essentially Jimism: an evolutionary theory of human nature and of government clad in Christian armor.

After the GR, Filmerism was outlawed because it implied Jacobite legitimacy. Reading between the lines in Clark, many Anglicans continued to be Filmerites while professing Lockeanism, perhaps for as many as two generations. But Anglicanism became more and more genuinely Lockean over time, and these Lockeans eventually threw the state to the moderate dissenters (the ones who were ‘tolerated’ by law) who in turn threw the state to the extreme dissenters (the Socinians, the Progressives, who were not tolerated by law).

The GR didn’t end the Anglican supremacy, but by justifying legal suppression of Filmerites it probably sowed the seeds of the Angalican supremacy’s later defeat.

Jim says:

> The Glorious Revolution didn’t end the Anglican supremacy, but by justifying legal suppression of Filmerites it probably sowed the seeds of the Angalican supremacy’s later defeat.

Yes, obviously it did, and that is the story that Clarke tells us.

But if Anglican supremacy had a functional inquisition, and it had done something about hostile post Christian enemy entryists, such as William Wilberforce and his “Saints”, would have been OK.

The lack of an inquisition was a plausibly a result of loss of will due to the suppression of the Filmerites. But the problem that the Filmerites had is the same as Latin Mass Catholics have today. What do you do when your faith commands you to follow a leader who does not in fact adhere to your faith?

The solution has to be some form of conciliarism. You have to have a board that can remove and replace the leader. It should not make decisions, nor tell the leader how to make decisions, but it should monitor the leader, and under rare and extraordinary circumstances, remove him and replace him. Otherwise you are going to wind up in the same hole as the Filmerites and Roman Catholics. The Roman Catholics now have a situation where a nest of demon worshiping faggots in the Vatican can remove and replace Popes, but the Bishops that have actual flocks who actually show up for communion cannot.

The Cominator says:

Well this leads to the problem that a clique on the board can form and act as the power behind the throne…

The solution is there needs to be a tradition of extra legally fragging bad leaders… but it can’t ever be formally legal.

England’s problems started when Charles I moved the church of England away from Calvinism if he never did this none of the fruit of the poison. I fully support Charles telling the extreme “Saints” to fuckoff (the ones who wanted to ban everything on Sunday and most recreational activities) but he should have basically kept things the same as they were in the time of Elizabeth (and under Elizabeth the church of England was 100% Calvinist and it should have stayed that way).

jim says:

The Sunday was made for man, not man for the Sunday.

The point of making all believers take a day off from everything on the same day is so that believers will socialize with other believers and see that they are conforming to the arbitrary rules, appropriate for the time, place, tribe and culture of their place, time, and race, and thus have reason to believe that their fellow believers will also conform to such commandments as not murdering, not stealing, and not coveting.

If someone holiness spirals it to prevent believers from socializing with other believers, he defeats the purpose, and very likely is doing so intentionally and maliciously, undermining the cohesion of believers in order to maximize the power of his own hostile entryist faction, same as Covid lockdowns. Social recreation on Sunday is a major part of the purpose and function of Sunday – to get believers together and build cohesion among them.

jim says:

> The solution is there needs to be a tradition of extra legally fragging bad leaders… but it can’t ever be formally legal.

This was how the aristocracy dealt with William Rufus. Mysteriously killed in a hunting accident by an arrow shot by a mysterious person never identified. The result was extremely good: Henry I, the lion of justice, who mysteriously happened to be in the same forest at the same time, though probably not directly responsible for the mysterious hunting accident. Though his views on justice may well have contributed to the fragging.

British law, the common law, and all that, were creations of Henry the first, the lion of Justice. Whose zeal for justice was doubtless sincere and religious, but the fact that a King with notoriously lesser zeal for justice suffered a mysterious hunting accident was probably also on his mind.

William the conqueror was apt to issue law from horseback while riding with his knights in armor, but had some respect for consistency, custom and precedent.

William Rufus was apt to issue law from horseback while riding with his knights in armor, but without regard for anything other than his immediate momentary self interest.

Henry the first was apt to issue law from horseback while riding with his knights in armor, and not only had respect for consistency, custom, and precedent, but would also have priests write it up as a procedure, process and rule that could be applied to other similar cases.

Had James the second suffered an unfortunate accident as William Rufus did, the Filmerites could have gone on being Filmerites, and we likely would not have wound up with the problem we now have. Filmerism just had no answer for James the second.

Skippy says:

I think Flimerism WAS Anglicanism.

Without Filmerism, Anglicans tended to become Catholics or tended to become Lockean dissenters.

Eventually the Anglican church was full of nominal conformists who didn’t believe in Anglicanism or the state it defended.

They needed to recast Filmerism was evolutionism in Christian armor, which in fact it was, rather than Christian fundamentalism implying evolutionism, which is what it purported to be. This would have allowed them to accept the Williamite succession without throwing out their entire ideology.

I guess evolutionism in Christian armor may have been seen as atheism at that time. Filmer was writing into a holiness spiral towards maximum scriptural textualism, and he wanted to undermine his opponents on their own turf.

Arqiduka says:

“Well this leads to the problem that a clique on the board can form and act as the power behind the throne…”

Yes, my issue with Yarvin’s latest. But maybe you can solve or ameliorate this by having the full board dissolve when doing this, with no option of the same incumbents serving again.

The Cominator says:

I agree and Charles was right to tell those people to fuckoff (as I said) but he was wrong to move the Church of England away from what it was under James I (it was among other things 100% Calvinist) and to something more crypto Catholic.

jim says:

Calvin was a bit of a holiness spiraler, and his successors more so. (Though the Calvinism of the Anglicanism of the time of James II was not too bad at all.)

Calvinist predestination is dangerously close to putting responsibility for evil in God’s lap.

The story of Adam tells us, among other things, that though God deals you your cards, he will not look at them till you lay them on the table. Would the God that cannot lie cheat at poker, or even at solitaire? God can no only play dice with the universe, he can cast the dice where he chooses not to see them.

Predestination and free will are a contradiction, one of the many contradictions that Christians should believe both sides of – and if you go too heavy on predestination, you are going too weak on free will. One should not believe in one at the expense of the other.

The ambiguity of prophecy might well be prophets covering their asses – but it could also be interpreted as God leaving room for human choice.

The Cominator says:

Was Calvinism under Elizabeth and James I a holiness spiral.

Not excessively so because Elizabeth and James I didn’t let them have too much power, though I think semi zealous “Saints” controlled the local government in London as far back as Elizabeth but I’m not an expert on this.

Also while we’re on the subject even the more zealous Puritans were not a political monolith so lets look at the Puritan hypothesis there were the main following groups… I would like to hear your opinion.

1. The control freak Presbyterians, ideologically and religiously close to the insane Scottish Covenanters. These people colonized Boston and were the most zealous about regulating behavior. They were nominally monarchists to the end though. This was the religion that conquered the world through Harvard. I don’t like these people even if they opposed the execution of Charles I…

2. The leave me the fuck alone Independents, Cromwell’s faction and the most popular faction with the officers of the New Model Army. These people colonized Plymouth and compared to faction #1 were more relatively easygoing. Genuine belief in freedom of conscience for all but Roman Catholics and genuine demon worshippers.

They were also the faction that drove cutting off Charles I head after he broke his agreement with them. Mostly wanted to be left alone and thought Laud was some kind of Jesuit agent corrupting the English church, they were far more skeptical (Cromwell was not especially zealous about banning every vaguely sinful recreational activity in England) about morality legislation based on the bible than faction #1 as well. But Cromwell’s regime did depend somewhat on faction #1. To this day the Plymouth/Cape Cod area of mass is relatively sane and has relatively good people while Boston is the asshole capital of the planet. These people had some redeeming qualities at least.

3. The diggers and levellers, the commie faction. Had some sympathy (don’t know the degree) with the rank and file of the new model army. Given that they were commies I don’t like these people luckily neither did Cromwell.

4. Weird end of the world cultists like the 5th monarchists and other fringe groups… hard to sum up

jim says:

I agree with and endorse your summation. But the whole lot of Puritans were fatally flawed by being more holy than the Calvinists whose Calvinism as it was then troubled me, and has since become worse, and I fully endorse and advocate the solution applied by Charles the Second, except that he made a big error in letting them go off and found Harvard. Should have made sure that New England was one hundred percent governed by people who conformed to the restoration religion, and no one could participate in the ruling elite of New England unless he conformed to the official religion. I also endorse him burning at the stake one particularly difficult and particularly holy heretic. The defect in his response was that he would have been fine with her had she fled to New England and set up shop there. Should have snatched up that lot and sent them to summer camp in the Hebrides islands in camps with only one sex in each camp, and the sexes on separate islands.

The big flaw in Calvinism and in the Anabaptists is that they resolve an inherent logical contradiction in Christianity, in favor of one end of the contradiction at the expense of the other. Which is always a heresy and always turns out badly. And then they turn around and tell all other Christians that they are insufficiently Christian for holding on to the other end of the contradiction, which is the start of the holiness spiral and post Christianity.

The New Testament is full of contradictions, the earlier contradictions expanded upon by Paul, who thus contradicts himself in ever more detail, and if you start tidying up those contradictions by resolving them in favor of one end or the other, rather than by confidently asserting both ends, you have set foot on the path that leads to today’s post Christianity.

alf says:

Predestination and free will are a contradiction, one of the many contradictions that Christians should believe both sides of – and if you go too heavy on predestination, you are going too weak on free will. One should not believe in one at the expense of the other.

Ah I was just gonna say it seemed to me that in the Netherlands at least, the predestionationers were the reactionaries/monarchists and the free willers were the republicans/holiness spirallers, but the distinction always seemed somewhat random. No wonder if this is the answer.

alf says:

Wait so its a trick question? Is that what it is? As in, folk try to holiness spiral scripture into fitting their purpose, and it is the church’s task to keep things fair and stop that kind of nonsense.

Which is exactly what they did with the trinity: is Jesus fully man or fully God? Answer: both and neither.

And I guess we now resolve the free will and predestination question in the same manner.

jim says:

Yes, all trick questions, all dealt with in the New Testament. These are very old debates that have been going on for a very long time.

But the reformation opened the door to them all being done over. And celibacy very much needed to be done over, having been horribly holiness spiraled starting with Origen. That, and monasteries, was a huge win for the reformation. Some of them, however, were done over with bad results. Particularly apostolic succession.

Though monasteries did do a great deal of good, and it is worth having them. But not worth making their occupants dangerously holy.

Pooch says:

The people that are going to need roughing up, likely by Augustian means, are the same people Augustus roughed up — the upper social classes who have the most to lose.

Arqiduka says:


S says:

“People will practice leftism when they have something to gain- other employees reporting on me to the boss-”

There was nothing for them to gain. There is no hard barrier between the stupid and the fanatic.

“The question is, how many people will act out their leftism when leftism is made low status and dangerous?”

What a silly question- since leftists aren’t people, the answer is, by definition, zero.

More seriously, proles are irrelevant. It is only elite leftism that matters and leftism among the people who would form the apparatus of state.

The Cominator says:

Based, this guy should be my 2nd in command of the Imperial Secret Police.

Aidan says:

Ah, autism eh. They have status to gain. Status is that thing that makes you feel good when you push someone around and what makes you feel bad when people make fun of you.

The Cominator says:

I guess its autism… I’d never feel good about pushing a random innocent person around believe it or not I don’t even particularly like stepping on insects that aren’t mosquitoes… Revenge OTOH… revenge is an awesome feeling.

S is quite right we don’t need to burn proles with leftist views (there are so few of them anyway anymore) they don’t matter and they don’t teach. But its got to be ruthlessly eradicated among the priestly ruling and intellectual classes to the last man.

S says:

I was assuming you weren’t be tautological; I’m aware the point of having power is to have power. Isn’t Spandrel basically required reading for everyone here?

Of course saying ‘they will only hurt you because they think they can get away with it’… isn’t exactly a stunning endorsement of trustworthiness.

Aidan says:

If I do not wear a mask at work, I am defecting on the group, and yes, it is human nature to punish defectors. Punishing defectors is the deed of a good and normal man

That I am defecting on evil, and they are cooperating with evil, is beyond the power of the NPC to comprehend. Violating his telos by cooperating with an inversion of natural law will make him uncomfortable, depressed, and angry, yes, but he is unable to process or direct that feeling, because his instinct tells him to cooperate. A bull will be quite agitated as it is herded into the abattoir, but it obeys its herd instinct to follow the one in front of it and move away from the one pushing it. It does not even cross its mind to gore the cowboy, does not connect the cowboy to the abattoir.

This is one of the fundamental truths of Reaction. A good man is a man who cooperates. And this means he will also cooperate with evil when the state and his society’s demands on him are evil.

Which is why the head needs to be cut off and replaced. Cominator wants to punish the cattle for herding its fellows towards the abattoir. “The cattle can smell the blood, they should know better than to lead the other cows into the abattoir” he says.

If you think ‘they will only hurt you because they think they can get away with it’ is an indictment of a man’s character, in a situation where they can get away with it because I am defecting on the state and the ingroup, go join the left and their project of building a better humanity. That is human nature. That is the condition under which the right methods of establishing cooperation were evolved.

The Cominator says:

“That I am defecting on evil, and they are cooperating with evil, is beyond the power of the NPC to comprehend.”

And I say anyone who went thru 2020 and didn’t learn that is evil themselves and the best value we can get out of them is working them to death on some brutal Alaskan infrastructure project, giving his house to better men and selling any attractive women connected to him as (non hereditary) slaves.

“go join the left and their project of building a better humanity. That is human nature”

Its obvious bullshit… you can make some improvements to humanity by eugenics but anyone who says they can reverse “The Fall” by political means is evil. Don’t tell me that people don’t know it in their hearts either. I do remember that people around me in their high school years thought idealists are full of shit… the going along and actively participating with it comes later. Everyone knows they are not doing anyone any good…

Pooch says:

I would have no problem making people like The Cominator disappear during the Night of the Long Knives in order to protect people like Jack Dorsey, who now clearly is cryptically defecting on the regime now that he no longer is be coerced as the CEO of Twitter.

Wanting to kill everyone for lack of purity is a dangerous thing to have around. That this seems to be the only thing he brings to the table means we aren’t losing much by not having those like him around.

jim says:

The Cominator is not a threat to the regime.

If he was arguing with us about theology he would be. Moldbug might be. Arguing with us over who needs kiling – did Trotsky argue with Stalin over that? No, he argued over Marxism.

Pooch says:

Arguing to who needs killing is apt to turn into arguing everyone needs killing. I’d rather nip it in the bud in the Night of the Long Knives. The down side is losing marginally beneficial people like The Cominator with the massive upside of keeping Jack Dorsey alive . No offense to Com but I would hang a thousand Cominators from lamp posts to protect one Jack Dorsey.

The Cominator says:

Dorsey will be allowed to argue that he was under direct coercion at his trial.

Pooch says:

That he would even need to argue at a trial means you would be too dangerous to be allowed to live during the Night of the Long Knives if I were in Caesar’s ear.

The Cominator says:

The light of the long knives was to stop a leftist purity spiral.

The right has only had one purity spiral in history when it had a divine supreme ruler that didn’t rulle and that was Hirohito’s Japan… I don’t imagine we’ll have an ambigious hierarchy at the top.

But my advice is clear that we should not take a chance with too many people and we should not listen to every sob story from every shitlib malefactor about how their kids were going to starve if they didn’t go out of their way to ruin the lives of covid skeptics and Trump supporters.

And if you don’t make a clean sweep of all leftists in priestly state and quasi state jobs its not going to me that is a threat to the regime, your regime is dead in two generations top. Lots of people have their favorite leftist but if we worry about protecting everyone’s favorite leftist than how are we to get rid of them.

Pooch says:

The light of the long knives was to stop a leftist purity spiral.

Wrong. Hitler killed those who threatened him from the left and the right and he was right to do so.

jim says:

> Hitler killed those who threatened him from the left and the right

Hitler did not kill those who threatened him from the right.

The last speech of politics as almost usual, given by Papen, was Papen trying to rouse the aristocracy (which remember was still the backbone of the military) to do something about Hitler, for the sake of God, Christianity, and the old social order. Papen survived, and the men who wrote that speech survived, and indeed nothing very bad happened to them.

Stalin killed both the left and the right, just to be on the safe side. Pol Pot could not kill everyone to the left, being the leftmost of them all. He killed everyone who had known him as a child, including all his kinfolk, perhaps especially all his kinfolk, and everyone with enough smarts to have a coherent thought about what was happening.

Pooch says:

Lots of people have their favorite leftist but if we worry about protecting everyone’s favorite leftist than how are we to get rid of them.

It’s not about keeping everyone’s favorite leftists around its about keeping massively productive geniuses around like Jack Dorsey who are invaluable to conquering the stars. That you want to kill them means you gotta get disappeared along with the old elite. Sorry bro nothing personal. Strictly business!

The Cominator says:

People of 150+ IQ can be saved sure… but are we sure Dorsey is a genius. He isn’t Elon Musk and certainly not William Shockley IMHO.

Twatter is not much of a leap in concept from Myspace > Facebook etc…

Pooch says:

Papen survived, and the men who wrote that speech survived.

The man who wrote the speech, Edgar Jung, did not survive. Read about what happened to Edgar Jung during the Night of the Long Knives, along with everyone else close to Papen.

The Cominator says:

Nothing about Papen or that he said or did can be judged at face value given his connections in Rome…

So he isn’t the best guy to look at… Hitler generally had to go easier on his right wing opponents than his left wing ones (despite his sympathies being otherwise) until the July Plot because of who most of the military officers were.

jim says:

> Nothing about Papen or that he said or did can be judged at face value given his connections in Rome…

Papen read a speech in public that appears to have been designed to get Hitler offed by Christian reactionary military officers. That has to be taken at face value, even though nothing else he ever said or did can be taken at face value.

Maybe the reason for the speech is that the Jesuits got pissed because Hitler was converging Roman Catholicism in Germany to Hitler’s heresy rather than the Jesuits’ hersy, but he still read that speech.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Jack Dorsey is not taking mankind to space. Stop acting like a retard. Also, stop this ridiculous “Nazis are right-wing” bullshit. It is overwhelmingly clear that they were not, and are only right-wing in retrospect. Purity spiraling Moldbug is even worse than The Cominator’s thirst for blood.

Most importantly, none of us turn on any of us until the first defection is made. Then it is knives out. I would take The Cominator over Dorsey every time in an infinite number of choices because loyalty is more important than one smart man. Everything flows from loyalty first, and it is the foremost value of any elite. Once the birth rate is fixed, we could have a dozen Dorseys, but the birth rate will not be fixed until the elite unfucks itself or is replaced. If you want to be that elite, you DO NOT THREATEN FELLOW ELITES OVER A FUCKING NOBODY, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!

S says:

“If I do not wear a mask at work, I am defecting on the group, and yes, it is human nature to punish defectors. Punishing defectors is the deed of a good and normal man.”

I had multiple supervisors and multiple coworkers. Your model predicts that good people would be the ones most likely to inform on others and try to punish.

“This is one of the fundamental truths of Reaction. A good man is a man who cooperates. And this means he will also cooperate with evil when the state and his society’s demands on him are evil.”

People who murder their children for status in the name of the state religion are damned. The material causation of demonic position is repetition of evil until it becomes second nature and the damned individual declares what they are doing is not only right and proper but spends ever more of their time trying to get others to adhere to it as well. This is also a fundamental truth of reaction.

Yes, both what you and I listed are true.

“Cominator wants to punish the cattle for herding its fellows towards the abattoir. “The cattle can smell the blood, they should know better than to lead the other cows into the abattoir” he says.”

Yes Com represents the maximal ‘none of them can be trusted and they represent a threat’. My view? It is a time thing; the left will get increasingly evil and insane at faster levels and Com’s views will become more accurate.

It is an empirical question, but I don’t exactly know how to test it. Maybe the demon worshipper test since NPCs can pass it. Personally I think future events will give an ever better answer to the question via civil war or shit hitting the fan with the old guard dying.

“If you think ‘they will only hurt you because they think they can get away with it’ is an indictment of a man’s character, in a situation where they can get away with it because I am defecting on the state and the ingroup, go join the left and their project of building a better humanity.”

The blood of martyrs if the seed of the church.

(Do I need to elaborate because it sort of ruins the implied joke?)

The Cominator says:

“Papen read a speech in public that appears to have been designed to get Hitler offed by Christian reactionary military officers. ”

Not sure what the purpose of it was except maybe to try to remind Hitler he still had power over him… but really if he wanted to actually oust Hitler than Hindenburg was still alive at the time and still could have fired Hitler. Could Papen have engineered Hitler’s firing by Hindenberg… he brokered his hiring.

Its really hard to say but Papen was not someone to take at his word ever looking at his connections and his career (starting at least with starting a campaign of ineffectual terrorism in the US that only served to outrage US public opinion against Germany in WWI).

The Cominator says:

“Yes Com represents the maximal ‘none of them can be trusted and they represent a threat’. My view? It is a time thing; the left will get increasingly evil and insane at faster levels and Com’s views will become more accurate.”

I saw the deep slide into evil by the NPCs take place in late 2015 and 2016 when they bought into the two minute hates against Trump and his supporters… my view is that if you were still a zealous leftist at that point there is very little chance of you ever being saved.

If you are still a zealous leftist after covid bullshit, there is NO CHANCE.

The Cominator says:

And Pooch if you want to argue bad enemy oligarchs are geniuses and should be spared on those grounds that whatever they did we can do something useful for them…
why aren’t you arguing for Bill Gates (facing an almost certain death sentence for his close association with Fauci if the regime ever falls).

Bill Gates may be far more willingly evil but he has a much better claim to being an actual genius than fucking Dorsey does.

Neofugue says:

> If you think ‘they will only hurt you because they think they can get away with it’ is an indictment of a man’s character, in a situation where they can get away with it because I am defecting on the state and the ingroup

It is an indictment of a man’s character because humans are not animals rather beings created in the image of God. As Saint Paul writes in Romans the Law of God is written in the hearts of men, and as such a man who invokes satan in hurting a defector is committing an evil act. Most men are of lower caste and as such follow the herd into evil, but today we see our peasants take up resistance against what they know in their hearts to be evil even if they cannot understand what we can. Our Amerikaners are not capable of comprehending the lie of democracy, but they protest and vote nonetheless.

As a sperg, Cominator is overly careful making sure not to kill innocents, but in truth the line between good and evil becomes vague and meandering. When Carthage and Canaan were destroyed, the invaders did not make minute distinctions regarding who lived and died; instead, those inhabitants who wished to survive showed their quality and were allowed to live as slaves. Everyone should either be given a second chance or be thrown into the fire, and Cominator is both too harsh and too lenient.

The Cominator says:

“As a sperg, Cominator is overly careful making sure not to kill innocents”

Yes the idea I randomly want to kill everyone is not true at all… I dislike random mass killings and I argued that (and this is in accordance to the Anglo Saxon tradition) some amount of compassion be shown to the children of unowned women and such (just leaving them to die totally in torture institutions was more of a Roman Catholic thing and Catholicism is demon worship). In the Anglo Saxon world they were not typically treated THAT badly.

We’re just at a point where we have a lot of profoundly evil and guilty people and pretending we don’t if we get in charge politically without solving the problem is going to massively come back to bite us. If truck drivers rednecks and even increasingly most of the spics can recognize that our state religion is pure evil… why should we spare urban priestly midwits who damn sure knew but went along with it anyway.

The jab depending on its lethality may render the issue moot though…

Skippy says:

Everyone who has instructed me to wear a mask (all store employees) has been a middle aged white woman.

Karl says:

For middle aged white women the risk of asking anyone to wear a mask is much lower than for men.

Skippy says:

That is one factor but I never got this from old white women who are even less likely to be attacked.

Middle aged white women are angry about hitting the wall and want to take this out on people, especially the sort of men they think ought to be hitting on them but aren’t. This is all they have left.

Skippy says:

An interesting hypothesis that Omicovid is about to become a chronic infection in the vaccinated, like Hepatitis:

I do not wish for this. Many people I care about have been vaccinated.

jim says:

Chronic viral infections are often a slow death, due to cumulative damage.

I am seeing some shingles disability among the older vaccinated. This is painful, disabling, and takes a very long time to kill you, but eventually does kill you.

If shingles, the vaccinated may well be like the gays, an ecological niche in which a festering stew of diverse chronic diseases will eventually develop.

If long term immune system disability, all of them will eventually die, though not any time soon. We don’t know if that is going to happen, or how likely it is, but shingles is a warning sign.

It is clear that the people who developed the vaccine, were doing magic, rather than science. If we suppose that magic does not work, and they were merely ignorant of real science, then that is a very dangerous procedure, because they were playing with tools and technologies that they did not understand. If we suppose that magic works, they would have received demonic guidance to make what they really wanted to make, an injection that is lethal to everyone, but most lethal to those who live good healthy lives.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Magic is real and magicians are dangerous, but magic, magicians, and demons alike are helpless in the face of the power of Christ. I suspect that once again, God’s faithful will strangely be unaffected by the vaccine if they were naive enough not to recognize it as the work of evil men and their demonic compatriots. Those who took it as they would have a pinch of incense to Ceasar will probably need to repent of their failings. The rest of them can burn for all I care. I am hardening my heart against those who truck with demons.

jim says:

Obviously faith in Jesus Christ heals. To which a strict materialist would reply that faith in witchdoctors also heals, which it undeniably does.

But, witchdoctors are apt to apply black magic, and curse you, whereupon your faith will harm you, and likely kill you. So far, the strict materialist would agree. The lethal effectiveness of pointing the bone at a believer is well documented.

The evidence assembled by The Cominator would suggest that the jab and the weaponization of the bat virus were jesuit conspiracies, The evidence of the Vatican Reception Hall would suggest that the Jesuits worship Satan, which is congruent with the Great Resetters interpretation of Revelations (the Great Resetters read it as them winning)

In which case, losing one’s faith in the Demonic Priesthood, having faith in Christ and repenting of your demon worship, is going to be protective. At which point a strict materialist might allow that this may well be true, but is by now feeling rather uncomfortable.

And I have long said, long before I had any reason to believe that the virus was a creation of evil men, or that those that created the virus were in part the same people as created the jab, that what they were doing was magic, not science. But I figured that was because they are stupid, and science is hard, not because they were literally worshiping what they believed to be literal demons. I argued that they were likely to cause harm by not understanding the powerful scientific technologies they were using, and if they intended to cause harm, were not competent to intentionally do so by means of science and technology.

Now we have some reason to suspect that they are literally and consciously Satan worshippers. Therefore likely that they were consciously attempting to practice black magic with the assistance of what they believed were literal demons. So far our strict materialist is still on board, though he is starting to feel even more uncomfortable.

And if you are not a strict materialist, well, then you may well conclude that though they are not competent to intentionally cause harm by scientific and technological means, other means are likely to work.

The Cominator says:

The form of demon worship likely predates the Christian idea of satan…

They would worship Baal which they would likely refer to as “The Light”. Very ancient demonic pagan mystery religion.

Guy says:

On a Rogan podcast once Alex Jones laid out his theory on why the elite are behaving the way they are, which was that they are trying to commune with what they believe to be a higher dimensional intelligence. Jones’ view is that they are communing with something, but that it’s a lower dimensional intelligence that he says are literally demons, and that they are trying to bring them into our physical reality . The blog alf was suggesting below seems to take this view, as both Rinttah and Jones seem to believe that psychedelics are one method people use to try and commune with these entities, and that they are demonic.

The news is also continuing to keep simmering stories suggesting UFOs are routinely punking our defense systems. I initially thought this was the next COVID, meaning a fake alien threat. Jim had said before it’s idiots talking to idiots, maybe it’s both? Maybe it’s a fake alien threat, that they believe is real?

jim says:

Nah, lot of crazies out there perceive what they would otherwise perceive as angels and demons as ufos, but that is not where our elite is at.

To the extent that they are literal demon worshipers, they expect Satan to incarnate or send a representative in accordance with their interpretation of the Book of Revelations. It is an anti Christian Post Christian heresy. It is right out of the Bible as their single childless female priesthood read it.

ten says:

Alex Jones for some reason thinks “higher dimension” means better and thus bad demons must be lower dimension. Wrong.

A lower dimension intelligence can’t navigate or signal properly in whatever dimensionality is used as baseline, and must use approximative maps, just like how an actual flat map relates to actual terrain. One word for such a thing is “golem”, another is “machine”.

A higher dimension intelligence can navigate or signal through what from below seems like impassable barriers.

To just throw it out there i think demons by definition must be higher dimension, while there are other words like gnome, salamander, sylph and undine for lower dimension intelligences. Kook alert!

The Cominator says:

I once met a guy who claimed he was part of the bad hereditary cult that ran the world (and that he didn’t like them… he might very well have been full of shit but he not seem like he was drugged out or a lunatic) he said what you said that demons are very real and that being beings of spirit vibrate higher than things in the material world… its more that they have a negative polarity…

Pooch says:

If long term immune system disability, all of them will eventually die, though not any time soon. We don’t know if that is going to happen, or how likely it is, but shingles is a warning sign.

I got shingles as a teen. It was a painful rash that looked serious but my doctor just gave me a topical cream and said wait a week and it went away shortly after that. If the vaccinated are dying from shingles that would be a sign of major immune system impairment.

jim says:

They are not dying of shingles, but some of them are sick with it and it is not going away in a week. If it sticks around for years and years, it will likely eventually kill them in a decade or so.

A week is not a problem. A year is a big problem, and several years a very big problem.

Karl says:

If shingles lasts even a few months, their immune system is so bad they’ll also pick up something else that will help killing them.

Can’t see how anyone can survive several years with an immune system that is so bad it can’t overcome shingles – unless they live in an isolation ward.

Varna says:

>If we suppose that magic works, they would have received demonic guidance to make what they really wanted to make

I’m not so sure. When one taps into the power of the father of lies, it’s always a trickster bargain. I would find it hard to imagine to strike a straightforward honest bargain with either globohomo or the demonic realm, and with the two working together one can imagine what acrobatics each side performs to screw over the other side. It is in their nature.

If this was not cargo-cultist science-magic but conscious magic, then the outcome should be a classical bargain with the devil — at first it looks like you got what you wanted, but then it turns out that while you nominally may have gotten what you wished for, in reality you got screwed over in all sorts of ways, and nothing quite works out the way you expected it to work out, and very likely some elements set into motion will produce the opposite results, or unexpected results that you did not want, and which in fact interfere with your goals.

Perhaps every generation produces megalomaniacs who believe they can outjew Satan. I don’t think anyone has ever succeeded or will ever succeed.

Skippy says:

Right on time…

Shingles is just chickenpox, so shingles vaccination doesn’t make sense in the ordinary way for the vast majority of people, who already have natural immunity. Shingles vaccination is a treatment used in immunocompromized people, those who have lost their natural immunity for some reason.

jim says:

We now know enough about this mrna based vaccine technology to know it is likely to make shingles worse.

If given to a healthy person, is likely to result in him becoming vulnerable to long term shingles, as the jab has made people vulnerable to long term Omicron, and I am hearing anecdotes that there is cross impairment, that jab makes you vulnerable to other virus diseases such as shingles that normally clear up in a week becoming permanent, not only to Omicron becoming permanent.

The jab stresses and impairs the immune system. A similar application of magic technology is unlikely to benefit the immunocompromised.

jim says:

It’s not normal to have 45% of the tested population test positive for any virus. Normally a virus is cleared in three or four days, a week at most, and if, as with a bad flu, you go on getting sicker and sicker for two or three weeks, that is your immune system bombing the rubble to make sure.

45% is indicative of chronic viral infection, and chronic viral infections are very commonly slow lethal due to cumulative damage over time. Which is why your immune system is apt to bomb the rubble overzealously.

45% gives one a strong suspicion that everyone vaxxed is going to die in a few years, probably after a decade or so of steadily declining health and steadily worsening complications. Which will be blamed on the purebloods.

alf says:

This guy seems to have a fairly interesting blog. Jim maybe consider for blogroll?

Joe says:

Eugyppius is another interesting blogger. He has a somewhat narrow focus but is the most reactionary of the substack COVID commentators that I know of, being hidden behind a pseudonym.

someDude says:

Xe also has a twitter account,

Hahahaha! Remember Amena Shaladi?

Joe says:

He says some interesting things about coronavirus but some of his stuff is just plain stupid, for example:

Nuclear energy is one of the few technologies found to have a negative learning curve, for this exact reason. As we use nuclear energy, we discover new ways in which the power plant can fail, requiring more expensive designs to protect against such failure.

alf says:

As I was posting that I was thinking ‘am I being too rash with this semi-endorsement?’ Maybe, yes.

Aryaman says:

He shares interesting data on the coronavirus and is useful as far as that goes.

What he says about nukes is ridiculous: they get more expensive over time because regulators regulate them to be more expensive over time, precisely modulated so as to eliminate cost advantages over alternative sources by design, thus making unprofitable investments to improve said cost advantages.

Red says:

There’s a few problems with this guy’s data. 1) South Africa is barley vaccinated(23%). 2) They have high levels of partial immunity from infections from Alpha, Beta, and Delta COVID. 3) Death rates have peaked in South Africa and are starting to trend down.

If the virus is becoming chronic then the clot shot and catching COVID are just as likely to cause it.

One last thing, there’s some signs that Omicron was possibly developed using humanized mice. The spike protean is better suited for mice than for humans and the virus comes directly from the original COVID not the other genetic branches. If Omi is becoming chronic, it’s likely a second bio weapon virus.

Pooch says:

I believe Yarvin intimated that it wouldn’t be shocking to find out Omi was lab grown as well.

jim says:

I would be shocked.

Omicron is the true vaccine, and it is natural that a weaponized virus would evolve back to type.

p says:

The natural origin hypothesis is slightly more plausible for Omicron, but not by much.

jim says:

The signs of enemy meddling are still present in its genome, and in this sense, not natural origin. But natural in that it has evolved away from what they wanted, intended, and expected.

p says:

The proposed mechanism of Omicron’s appearance, which explains why it’s derived from the earliest, original, strain and not from e.g. Delta, is that it has persisted and evolved for a long time in a HIV-positive person (which matches the location it was first observed.)

Except, there are strong indications it evolved in mice.

I wonder how that might have happened.

Aidan says:

Chronic in the vaccinated. Big difference.

Leon says:

Whatever happened to the Proud Boys? Are they even a thing anymore or did they fall apart? Are there any good organizations for young right wingers to join or are they all fed controlled/ cuck controlled?

Pooch says:

As long as people are still getting arrested and charged for I.VI, my impression is any type of non-fed controlled group is laying low. Plus the Proud Boys tended to only come out as a response to Antifa violence, and Antifa is not doing much these days.

jim says:

On Jan 6, a whole lot feds, cucks, and fed cucks became visible. Whether they have learned from this I do not know. Perhaps you should join up and attempt to start fed free chapters. If you have been reading this blog, you know how to do it. Start a red pilled Christian chapter of the proud boys, and everyone has to take a demon worshiper test and a red pilled Christian patriarchal woman question test. So far, no one who purports to be a Christian and passes the demon worshiper has turned out to be a shill or entryist, and no one who passes the woman question test has turned out to be a shill or entryist.

someDude says:

There is probably a huge difference between administering those shill tests on an anonymous blog and administering one in person. So, by definition the members will have to be thoroughly vetted and Leon will have to be willing to take great personal Risk. This means that the chapter will grow quite slowly as you can’t administer the test right away on an unknown personal recruit.

Karl says:

Nah, it is very easy to use the test in real life. Just slip it in during conversation. People may react horrified or ignore what you just said (hearing would be a thought crime) or they may agree and change they topic (to something less dangerous and uncomfortable) or they may talk to you and commit thought crimes.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I just copy-pasted Starman’s test, and I noticed that one guy failed it. Then he did a couple of other things that were suspicious. I do not know for sure he is not a fed, but I feel secure in not trusting him. The friend I knew personally passed, but friend of a friend did not, so I do not bring him in on anything important.

Leon says:

The problem is the only men invested in the culture married young and have kids. I have a few friends like that. But they aren’t paying attention to the politics till it comes to their doorstep. They were fooled by the covid lockdown till I proved to them it was bullshit. The ones who are paying attention usually don’t have families and are basically the right wing version of priests, which is one of the fundamental flaws of the right wing groups. Too many priests, not enough warriors. I thought I could find more young hard core right wingers moving to a red state but even here ghetto culture is slowly becoming the normal in urban areas. I am not black pilled, we still have a shot. But it is looking more and more like some red states will fall. Some of the 20ish guys aren’t even trying anymore. I have talked to some dudes who I thought were good dudes and they are all planning on getting vasectomies. They don’t plan on ever having children. Good looking, athletic guys with good jobs and decent social skills and they are bordering on giving up. A while back, sovietman had a blog post about how he was starting to think western Europeans were going to fall and there was going to need to be cultural and genetic renewal to keep westerns going. I haven’t given up yet, and I am still trying, but I am starting to think he might be right. Perhaps it is darkest before the dawn, or maybe we are nearing the end.

Fake says:

[*deleted for unverifiable factual claim I find improbable*]

jim says:

Take the woman question test.

Fake says:

Women want to be owned. At best they are like responsible teenagers. They lack agency and cannot give consent to sex, because they have incredible and almost unconscious desires for mister one in thirty to chain them to his kitchen when he isn’t impregnating her. Their sexual desires and instincts to be owned or at least forcibly impregnated start at a startlingly young age, before they begin to show secondary sexual physical characteristics. They unconsciously themselves in situations where they would get “raped” startlingly young. If rape wasnt almost an anticoncept given women’s inability t o consent and the cathedral’s mostly successful efforts at preventing women from being owned and their father and then their husband from passing their tests to see if they are alpha in the dysfunctional sense that women test for.
Stream of consciousness, sorry I’m in a hurry.

Starman, hit me up with whatever.

My message is that in person, feds can pass some shill tests.

jim says:

> My message is that in person, feds can pass some shill tests.

In person, HR is not always looking over their shoulder.

Just make it public in the official record of the organization, that this person, (under his nom-de-guerre, not under his official name of course) made affirmation.

Skippy says:

Surely there is some level at which agents can be given full powers and autonomy, and if you successfully reject all lower level agents and are important enough can eventually be targeted by them?

jim says:


But we have two millennia of shill tests working, though those shill tests were always about religion.

But while the red pill is purely about the things of this world, it flat out directly contradicts the enemy religion, so past experience indicates it is likely to work.

Out of power enemy groups turn remarkable intellectual somersaults to adapt their doctrine so that their entryists can slide in and give affirmation with certain complicated and clever mental reservations.

Flat out spies, which is what you are talking about, tend to have alarming independence and unreliability.

Fake says he met a fled who obviously believed the red pill. And doubtless lots of them do. But our enemy does not trust them. And rightly so. If we get enemy entryists who can make affirmation, we will get enemy entryists who secretly from their headquarters believe affirmation or come to believe it, and some of them, many of them, will turn.

Our enemy came to power through entryism against the Church of England. They know their stuff. And they know this. If their agents can make affirmation, how do they know whose agents they are?

Christians had this problem and this solution all the way back. John and Peter talk about in the New Testament.

Varna says:

I remember reading an article 3-4 years ago about the horrendous mental toll constant lurking in paranoiac and fascist forums takes on the people who are supposed to monitor it.

Some Karen was complaining how her male co-workers very quickly became skeptical of Jews and the holocaust and all sorts of this. She was very despondent.

Some hypothesize that around this time globohomo started trying to use all sorts of Pakis, Filipinos, and so on for forum duty. They’d be very bad at nuance, but wouldn’t be easily turned by what they encounter, because they’re not part of the culture in the first place. To them it’d be just another shitty job with zero emotional investment.

So you get cruder censorship, more primitive shills and so on, but on the other hand minimized the effects of the information exposure. Because apparently a random white guy lurks for half a year in some places, and he starts doubting.

The Cominator says:

The enemy REALLY hates having high level insiders who can pass shill tests because such people are often more directly dangerous to them than 10000x of us could be.

jim says:

The shill tests work for us because the enemy makes them work for us, not because we make them work for us.

Fake tells us he has met a fed who passes the red pill test in private conversation. Which is quite plausible. But do that fed’s masters know he can?

Aidan says:

I don’t think it’s a bad thing if we have high-level agents who can pass the shill test, as long as we avoid giving actionable intel. We have the chance to turn them against their masters. The shill test primarily weeds out true believers, who shrink from the truth like a vampire from the cross, and it keeps the discourse from being derailed, which is the most important part, and what they are trying the hardest to do.

Fake says:

Replying again because I think my reply was lost.

From before their secondary physical sexual characteristics appear, women begin to act on their instinct and desire to be owned by an alpha. This leads them to put themselves in situations where they’ll be “raped”. Since women are not able to consent and the cathedral prevents their fathers or husbands from owning them, rape is not actually possible these days. Trump was (or should be, at least) right that you can’t rape your wife and among patriarchs, rape refers to a property crime.

If this isn’t enough, give me the women question.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*Highly relevant and important truths deleted, because being used to carry a black pill payload.*]

jim says:

It is indeed true that everyone should acquire more than one passport, or failing that, some permanent residence permits.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’ve been working on the problem discussed ITT, somewhat passively, and here are a few strategies that I’m using, planning to use, or considering.

>No overt political themes
Gun club, bible study, emergency preparedness group. Find something that organically appeals to males, naturally skews conservative, and is easily articulable in terms of purpose of formation. I’m in a rural area, so I have more options. In suburban/urban, have to either skew intellectual (book clubs) or geek (A/V equipment, etc.).

>Go slow
This one is maddening, I’m not very patient. But the JB red pills are super strong and don’t go down easy for normie and normie adjacent guys. Sucks, but it’s true. They may be fine with women as property, but balk at monarchy or religiosity. Whatever the case, stay focused on the ostensible theme of the organization, and pay attention to by play.

>Diversify the settings
Obviously, meeting up to discuss guns requires meeting up and guns. But definitely branch out. Bars, restaurants, hiking, literally anything. This can give a lot of opportunities to assess character. It is tricky using alcohol as truth serum for many reasons, but it does work. Do not recommend without lots of preparation and planning.

>Obvious and not-obvious vetting
Depending on the organizational theme, it might be really easy to have a questionnaire upon entry, particularly if it is tech or trades based. Other things, a questionnaire will seem weird and gay. So the battery of tests has to be informalized and deployed in conversation. Also, while you’re biggest concern may be feds, there are also low value men, homos, and other types of Entryist to be concerned about. Putting people into various situations and seeing how they respond will help determine their character.

>Make religion a part of it from the beginning
This is tough for me, it’s a battle I’m still fighting. But looking for religious devotion as a trait for recruitment is a good tactic. It gives the candidate a natural measurement for comparison.

>Have good standards, not high standards
This is an issue for the big brains, they only want the best and brightest. Too bad. There is a place for everyone in the Restoration (even if it’s Camp Cominator), and it takes all types.

>Scalable and portable
An organization of the type we’re discussing becomes very fragile if there’s one guy at the top larping as king of the outcasts. This is, in my opinion, how all the wiggt napthilanips and blurpremicist groups get infiltrated and destroyed. You should set an upper bound to head count that when reached, a daughter cell is formed. Also, if a bro in good standing moves away, give him the tools to do it wherever he lands.

Any critique, refutations, additions welcome. I’m doing A very small bible study with a sideline white knight environmentalism (clearing brush, bringing down trees, helping stranded people, checking on sticks elderly, etc).

Pooch says:

Somehow integrate this into the local GOP apparatus is what I would say, once you get a big enough group.

jim says:

If someone believes the old economic Marxist theory of value (that capital and entrepreneurship is unproductive, parasitic, oppressive, and destructive) then all the rest of Marxism follows in due course.

If someone believes the cultural Marxist economic theory, that the stuff on the supermarket shelves just sprung from the magic dirt and our evil capitalist overlords snatched it all up and put cash registers in front of it, then all the rest of Woke and Cultural Marxism follows in due course.

And if someone believes in the Red Pill and believes that the Bible is right about women, all the rest of Jim’s Blog follows in due course.

Now if someone believes in the Red Pill, while hanging on the Blue Pill moral values, the red pill will make him ill, and he may take the black pill.

It goes down much easier if he accepts that Red Pill morality is the will of Gnon.

Stable isotope ratios in old bones indicate that throughout most of our evolution from apes, we have been eating primarily meat, eating as high in the food chain or higher than the big cats.

Which means the mighty hunter was bringing home the bacon for the wife and kids. And he would not have done so if he did not have secure property rights in them.

Similarly, the fact that women have not updated their sexual preferences since we looked rather like apes indicates we are descended primarily from females who did not get to exercise sexual choice, that tribes, races, peoples, empires, faiths, and cultures that allow female choice vanish from history.

Sell them on the red pill and Gnon ordained patriarchy, all else will follow.

Everyone knows that Mohammed was right about women, because progressives have been noisy about Old Type Islam.

No one knows that the Bible is right about women, because Christians are ashamed of it. They should not be.

notglowing says:

Seems like drone technology is still advancing well and good. Mass drone shipping still seems like an impossible folly to me, far too expensive. However if they want to burn their money trying I can appreciate that. I’d like it to be possible.

I have a motorcycle, and I recently decided to buy a drone to complete my set (offensive and defensive) and become one of the supersoldiers myself.

Unfortunately the Cathedral must have been reading this blog because the new drone regulations made it annoying enough to use the drone I bought that I decided to cancel the order and get a smaller (albeit cheaper) drone.
This one can be flown in more locations, and it doesn’t require me to study and pass a test, however I still spent an entire afternoon filling in documents in order to give the DMV ladies a fair share of my money because the 22% VAT wasn’t enough. Registration, insurance, etc.

I must say it is mind blowing what one can do with even a simple, relatively cheap drone weighing 249g and taking up less space than a reflex. You could take it anywhere without even attracting attention, as the case looks exactly like a camera bag, it is an almost invisible dot in the sky at a height of 30-40 meters and it can go much, much higher, the noise is also negligible if not standing directly under it. Its major weakness is that when it is closer to the ground, any small thing it hits, like a thin branch or wire, which is easy to miss at a distance, will make it fall. There are propeller guards, which work fantastically, but adding them brings its weight above the regulatory limits…

I wish I had someone to spy on because it would be very easy to do so. The future of warfare is here, but it looks like I won’t join the warrior caste any time soon.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Not everyone needs to run drones. There are other things you can do, like comms or SIGINT work. Now that you have a drone, find out how to jam it, and then how to operate it through jamming. Share your results with us, both successes and failures. Think beyond what you are allowed, and find nasty ways to use what you can buy. Modifications that are bolt-on when you are disregarding regulations, anti-drone weapons and techniques, drone-mounted weapons, etc. Use your imagination.

notglowing says:

Unfortunately that may not be useful since any obstacle is enough to weaken the signal significantly with these recreational drones.
The radio system is not bad, it is rated for 10km distance, and on an open field I have seen videos of this model getting to 4km, while transmitting low latency HD video (and locally recording 4K)

However with any obstacles in the way the signal does get weakened substantially, trees aren’t much of an issue while concrete definitely is.
There are higher end alternatives that can also attach to 4G when out of range and seamlessly switch between its own radio signal to 4G. This is mainly meant for big cities where there’s a lot of interference.

Any added weight dramatically reduces battery life. The lightweight propeller guards bring it down to less 20 minutes, from 30. Keep in mind that real battery duration can easily be lower than this depending on how the drone is flown, and you must always bring it back home before it runs out, in practice keeping a 20%+ buffer is normal. After all I can just swap out the battery and make it fly again.

By regulations I cannot fly above 120m and the drone will prevent me from doing so, but that can be disabled. Technically it can fly at up to 4000 meters.

The drone I was originally getting was more impressive in that it also had FPV goggles and even lower latency video transmission to them. Those FPV drones are really fast, that one could do 0-90mph in 2 seconds. Mine can only get to half of that top speed and accelerates less, but acceleration is still a strength of drones. It seems damn near impossible to hit these things, even at 50m they’re tiny dots in the sky and they can just instantly zip away at high speed. And this is just a relatively affordable recreational drone. I am quite happy with it, the main limitation is that because it is so light it couldn’t include obstacle avoidance sensors on the sides, and as such autonomous flight is limited to places with no obstacles, or flying at a sufficient height to avoid them by default.
If the legal cutoff was just a little higher I think we’d have better midrange drones above this. Still, if you’re willing to either break the law or pass the exam and not fly it close to buildings, you can also get a larger drone like the Mavic 3, which for 2200€ has everything you need including sensors and great autonomous flight capabilities, such as following an object, or travelling through waypoints on the map.

The FPV drone is what originally fascinated me, since it gives you a first person experience of flying. It’s a cool concept. Maybe not as workable in battle though, but it’s fun to imagine a soldier only seeing through the drone, which follows him autonomously. You could see in third person like in a video game, and have a complete view of your surroundings. Assuming the drone works perfectly, it might even make sense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Man portable HERF weapons like ‘DroneGun Tactical’ have started coming to market in recent years. More enterprising shitlords could turn to that perennial favorite (and most common death) of budding amateur electricians everywhere, salvaged microwave ovens, and work up a waveguide array to allow a series of magnetrons to radiate in phase together, giving a means of inducing electronic upset in enemy drones that come within visual range.

Cloudswrest says:

Is there a way to externally synchronize uwave oven magnetrons? I don’t believe they are designed for that. Synchronization would be necessary for a phased array.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You’d need to make a DIY circuit for modulating the current to each source in the array so that the pulses of emission constructively interfere. The way that the waveguide is constructed will also influence the timing/tuning necessary.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

By all means, this is a good idea, but be aware that against an enemy with similar capabilities, it will be like a giant neon sign that says, “HELLO FUCKING ENEMY, DROP A FIRE MISSION ON MY ASS!” Need to make sure that the energy is directed, because it will both boost range and make you less likely to bleed RF everywhere and make a giant target of yourself. Figuring out how to disable drones is valuable, bit also think of how you would try to fight someone using a weapon like that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The use-case for stuff like this would be things like dealing with people using cheap quadcopters with payloads taped on (eg, quasi-state irregulars like antifags that the nominal sovereign would permit to act against amerikaners without punishment – cfr. ‘Bloody Kansas’ and the lead up to the last civil war for examples of this dynamic).

If one is considering how to deal with people using things like autonomous kamikaze drones, one is more or less considering a situation where they are also a sovereign power with finer means (like cyclotron resonance masers), and backyard physics is somewhat out of scope.

indeed, directivity is an key element, which is why waveguide design is important. The simplest design would probably be a planar array with a slotted horn antenna, making a fan shaped beam to sweep across the target space. A geometric array with individual waveguides fed to a common horn would allow for greater power density. If you wanted to get real fancy, you might make a concave ocular array where each waveguide mates to a single rf lens, machined to the right dimensions matching the frequency. Though this then would be more like something you mount on the back of your pickup than hoofed on foot.

Most of the magnetrons used in ovens radiate in a doughnut shaped pattern from their emitter, which means wrangling the radiance to go towards somewhere without creating power loss from destructively interfering resonance takes some finagling in design. The most efficient would probably be a conical reentrant horn, directing a beam with circular polarization. Just a single power tube probably wouldn’t have appreciable effect unless it was right on top of you though. The use of multiple power tubes phased together was a technique used in some extremely high power radars, like the blue yeoman, where requirements scraped against the upper limit of what available designs could achieve. Then again if someone has access to commercial rad-ranges, they might find higher power rf generators in there then regular countertop units, in which case use of a single module would make it a simpler issue.

Well, it’s almost like sorcery though, you never really know for sure what they are going to do exactly until you actually test it. Meaning rapid iteration is key for ultimately feeling out a good design.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I was not actually thinking of autonomous kamikaze drones, I was thinking of an OPFOR with the ability to call in mortar or artillery strikes. Once the other side sees parts of their battle net going down and the culprit is a HERF weapon, unless it is very directional, they would easily be able to DF you and drop a few rounds on top of you. If you are talking about commie irregular without indirect fire support, then HERF anti-drone tech is actually really feasible and useful, and it does not have to be anti-drone only.

Theoretically, if you can get a powerful enough HERF cannon, you could probably use it to take out the antifa comms net. I remember reading after actions of the antifa riots and the consensus was that antifa is heavily centralized with a very important communications network keeping the mob controlled. There are some delicate parts inside radios that you might be able to burn out with enough RF directed at it. I am not sure how feasible it is, but seeing as computers and radios are going to be vital to the future of warfare, anything that can attack electronics is going to be very useful. Similarly, hardening against things like EMP and RF attack will also be very important.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Personal communication units (like smartphone hacks) that can be networked to also serve as synthetic directional finding arrays would be a great value add.

Aidan says:

I think birdshot is the most effective method of small-drone jamming. Practice skeet shooting, and use the same shells as you would for goose against drones.

jim says:

Mythbusters had a go at building a HERF device out of microwave ovens. The results were disappointing. Phasing matters.

jim says:

All soldiers should be equipped with drones, and they should have broadband radio network, because a narrowband signal encoded to be spread over a broadband is inherently hard to jam, inherently hard to tap, or even detect, and inherently gives the exact distance between the two parties communicating. If several parties, exact triangulation of all parties ensues. If one of the parties is operating a mortar whose fire control is the device that is communicating it should be able to drop a mortar in an exact location relative to the drone.

This is a rather obvious military technology that no one is implementing.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

If everyone can afford to run a combat-ready drone, great. But if you cannot, 2 or 3 drones per 4 or 5-man fire team is able to keep everyone synced up, provide redundancy, and offer DF capabilities against enemy signals. I am considering real-world implementation by the developing warrior class, not ideal military operation by a developed and practiced military. Baby steps, as we develop a neoreactionary military elite.

Arqiduka says:

Probably most have seen this at VD’s, but very interesting and worth sharing.

Pooch says:

Vox Day is an actual bat shit insane conspiracy theorist. I’m not surprised he would link this.

ExileStyle says:

I have never fully understood the major fixation by some on the right on Schwab/WEF, specifically the idea that some wobbly-joweled MBA type from Swabia would have the means or ability to train a host of Manchurian candidates whose behavior would be so predictable. It seems to be confusing cause and effect: the type of person who ends up becoming a Macron or Merkel (or even a Putin) is naturally drawn to networking clubs like these, and the “Young Global Leaders” one seems to select already high-profile people who are “young” in the sense of being under 40. There are no shortage of aspiring high priests to serve as public faces for WEF-style plans. The problem is the Cathedral itself and its Creed, not who happens to be performing the rites or mouthing the oaths at any given moment or place.

Arqiduka says:

Barely ten years ago people on the right were saying the very same – mutatis mutandis – regarding Soros. Well, turns our Soros is personally placing people in key positions of power all over the world. Of course he is a front, but there is nothing self-selected about the PMs of Albania, Georgia, the Ukraine, and countless DAs in the US. Soros picks them up personally and places them in power personally. Fool me once…

ExileStyle says:

One big difference is that Soros is an actual billionaire with his own actual money to buy people. Schwab is like the Platonic form of an MBA type who believes that everything in the world can simply be “managed”. I’m sure he’s got millions to tens of millions of his own, but mainly he spends other people’s money and is little more than a scene kid giddy to be around the actually wealthy and actually powerful. It seems more likely to me that he is being used by them rather than the other way around.

Ultimately his only contribution was to start a club that met once a year in Davos, a place rich people like, from which several sub-clubs emerged.

This “Great Reset” thing is not some fresh new plan. It’s a repackaging of the same bullshit crypto-communists have been spewing since Wilson and the League of Nations, almost identical to Club of Rome kind of stuff. Just repackaged for a specific moment.

If Soros and family got a visit from a Cominator Squad tomorrow, I could see actual concrete changes (or specifically lack of changes) happening. If Schwab and family got a visit, the WEF set would just find another guy to book their hotels in Davos and co-author books about the same regurgitated ideas.

Soros lurks in the shadows a bit and we often don’t know what he’s up to until after the fact; Schwab’s a chatter box who loves being in the public eye and traveling around collecting honorary awards. It’s clear to me who’s more dangerous.

Arqiduka says:

Neither is dangerous.

Soros was given coin to serve as their front, both in the form of market timing tips and in the literal form of being given funds to “manage” on his hedge fund.

Schwab serves as the public megaphone that reminds the massive leftist coalition what the near-term plan is begind a veil of reasonable deniability.

Both serve in a role assigned to them, neither is consequential in the sense you imply. Nevertheless, both must be kept track of.

The Cominator says:

Soros money isn’t his own either…you are right about the great reset going back to at least the Historical Bavarian Illuminati (all the older members were “former” Jesuits as the order was suppressed at the time) Manifesto for World Revolution.

Anyone who ever went to Davos needs a visit, if they can’t prove they were a right winger trying to argue them to sanity that visit should last them the rest of their lives.

pyrrhus says:

If you think anything significant gets done in public life without a conspiracy, you are totally nuts…

Varna says:

Saw this, don’t know if real
Concerns the conundrum of people who ponder how ones gets cuck codes

Western Restoration says:

Jim, can you please give me the demon worship test and the test on women? I do not believe myself to be a Christian, at least not yet, but I am curious how I will do.

jim says:

Well, since you asked for them together, I am combining them.

Can you affirm that: Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

What is the Old Testament position on what we call rape and female consent?

What is Saint Paul and Saint Peter’s position on marriage, divorce, and young widows? Saint Paul’s position on recruitment to the priesthood?

Are women in female majority workplaces full of thirsty women, with alpha males in short supply more likely to complain of rape and sexual harassment, or are women in male majority workplaces full of men thirsting for pussy, of which there is limited supply, more likely to complain of rape and sexual harassment.

You probably know the answer to this from your own eyes, though may not be able to say it.

Why is it so?

What can be done to fix the problem? What do we say should be done to fix the problem? What is the problem? Are our rape and sexual harassment laws having the intended effect?

Western Restoration says:

I believe in Gnon, but I cannot affirm Jesus because I do not yet believe in Jesus. Although I am reading the Bible and feel the faith growing on me, I believe I would be acting as an entryist if I was to claim to be a Christian.

I believe the answer to the second question was that their position was that once a woman was bound to a man, there was no divorce, and that if a young woman was widowed she was to be remarried. Recruitment to the priesthood required one to give up the world and dedicate life to Christ. This question I am the most unsure of, I would have to reread the Bible but this is my best guess

I believe that the answer to second question is that marital rape does not exist, the wife belongs to the husband. When a woman is raped who is unmarried but under the control of her father of brother, it is the father or brothers right to test the man and force shotgun marriage, or kill him. A man could do with an unowned woman as he pleased.

The third question I believe is majority male work places have more reports of sexual harassment because of the failed shit tests the women employ on the men.

What is the problem? The inability for men to own women in the west leads passing some shit tests to be illegal, and as a result they are often failed and cause these men to be reported as having harassed the woman. To solve the problem women must become viewed as property again as ordained onto men by God.

Are they having the intended effects? Yes and no, our sexual harassment laws are a shit test by women, but they are promoted by male feminists who think itll get them laid, and by men who wish to destroy male female relations.

How did I do?

ExileStyle says:

>Can you affirm that: Jesus Christ is Lord, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Does the Bodily Resurrection need to be included here? That has always been a sticking point for me, which (in view of my own admitted heathenry) seems to be a sign of its importance. The historical church certainly thought so. The rest can be assented to through sophistry and manipulation of words by any progressive Hegelian “Christian.” (“What do ‘God’ and ‘Three’ and ‘Lord’ mean anyways? Why not? Jesus was spiritually resurrected, which is more important than bodily anyways. Therefore death is life, negativity is positivity, absence is presence, darkness is light, etc.” which seems not a far leap from “Evil is Good and Satan is God.”)

jim says:

Good point – that God incarnated, in substantial and important part as a human and still is. But it seems as if not currently facing a heresy that has a rationale that slips through on that point. When we are in power, we very likely will.

If you throw everything into your shill test against every heresy that ever was or might likely will be, you are apt to end up with something like the thirty nine articles, that goes on for pages and pages. Thus I argue that shill tests have to be adapted to the immediate threats, and changed as needed, while catechisms need to be unchanging and universal.

Neofugue says:

The shill test is not only designed to ascertain if the respondent can answer the test but also how the respondent answers the question.

Any good thing can be twisted into something evil, and shill tests are no exception. The demon worshiper test leaves room for various heresies, denial of the bodily resurrection, Nestorianism, among many others.

Last year there was an insidious fake Orthodox shill who passed the woman question test with ease yet demonstrated clear and present evil in every comment posted. If a shill exposes himself in the process of passing a test, the test has fulfilled its function.

notglowing says:

It seems Monday new regulations will come out here, and my country will move towards “normalization” of covid. Some are good measures, reducing restrictions, etc. They admitted they’re counting those sick of other illnesses but covid-positive in hospitals, that will end.

There’s also the fact that they will extend the pass for the booster dose, some newspapers are saying it will likely be extended indefinitely.
This is a small step back and better than infinite boosters in some way, though I have personally been unable to get the third dose pass, so it might be worse for me, since it’s easier for everyone else.
Early booster recipients would be without a pass very soon if this change didn’t come in place. I think they’re realizing how utterly unworkable the 4-6 month cycle is.

Here’s a question: my pass is from Germany. Until now I assumed they just looked at the date it was issued when scanning it, and that it would “expire” in that way. However I now know they also revoke them themselves manually all the time. This is the normal procedure. So maybe a foreign two-shot pass will still work after the artificially low 6-month term Italy is imposing? Hard to say. It seems weird they wouldn’t mention it if foreign passes were excluded, and it’s really easy for the app to check dates. But it also seems possible, since not every country has the same schedule, while everyone is on the same pass system. They might decide not to expire foreign passes – still I doubt it. I won’t know until then.

Even more important point: many of the extra restrictions added recently will expire with the state of emergency march 31. My pass expires before that though.
I always assumed they would be extended, but I was hopeful in another post. There is an official statement from the under-secretary of health saying no, they will not be extended. There seems to be no doubt about it. This comes from the equivalent of Fauci’s direct underling in my country.
This doesn’t end the vax pass system though it brings it back to the original level where a test is sufficient for anything requiring the pass.

As for ending the pass, it’s hard to say. There’s nothing concrete yet. But there’s stronger objections within the overton window.

I found one academic who spoke against it claiming it had served its purpose and now is basically only helping anti-vaxxers’ arguments against the vaccine (
It might continue though. However, I doubt the vaccine will simply be made mandatory for everyone here, just because they already did it through indirect means. If you have a job that isn’t fully remote, even if you’re self employed, you must have a pass in order to work. Pensioners might be exempt from this, but anyone over 50 is forced to get vaccinated in order to get the pass, and be able to do anything, including getting retirement money physically from the government.

Pooch says:

If you need a “vax” try finding a sympathetic nurse. I found one here in the US at my gym. Regular Gym goers, men and women, seem to be unanimously anti-vax. I haven’t needed to call upon her services yet but she said it’s no problem if I do. To my surprise she works in a major shitlib as well.

Pooch says:

Shitlib city.

Upravda says:

I was quite optimistic on January 12:

Not so last few days.

Yeah, talks about Nth “booster” did stop, in Croatia and EU, and there are no new “epidemiological measures”, but:

1. That devil’s servant in Vatican has doubled down saying that “catholic journalist should uncover fake news about vaxx” or something like that.

2. His most loyal servant in my country, bishop Uzinić, has received quite of a praise lately, especially from cuckservative press. That shithead was supposedly heard in public yelling on little kids and calling them “covid spreaders”. He also said that he will insist on permanent abolishment of consecrated water in churches and chapels, even after plandemic pass. Others are not like him, but they did… fold somewhat, except most of lower-lever vicars, Franciscan friars, and, as I hear, few of a baptists. They hold, and I hope and pray that they will continue to hold.

3. Our inglorious government intends to introduce “voluntary” and “uncontrolled” testing of school kids 7 to 18 each Monday, on State’s expense. Totally voluntary, and totally at home, by parents. Just as they, and almost entire EU, introduced totally benign covid ausweis in summer 2021, nothing to worry about, no “discrimination” against those who don’t want to be vaxxed. Gosh, even I have fallen to that a little bit:

All that despite hospitalizations being in free fall by their own admission, despite them acknowledging that there’s really no use for covid ausweis, and despite continuous rise of vaxxed among infected.
(Very last graph.)

Regarding point 3, rumors say that resistance is being prepared up to and including mass refusal of sending kids to school. We shall see.

I can not confirm Jim’s theory that previous covid infection gives you lasting immunity. According to official data, there are about 40 thousand people in Croatia who catched the bug again, mostly omicron. That includes people close to me, including my goddaughter. Provided that initial diagnosis was correct, and not, say, ordinary flu.

However, I can confirm that omicron is dreck of a disease, and everybody gets over it in 1 to 4 days, with symptoms varying from like common cold (my wife, got over it in about 4 days) to very mild flu (myself, got over it in less than 2 days), or even without symptoms (my younger son).

Even government’s geniuses are aware of that and are publicly admitting it.

On the brighter side, it seems that:

1. Most postal officers do not ask for covid ausweis when serving people. That was real pain in the ass, quite distracting and expensive, and totally sadistic. Mind you, you weren’t actually barred from entering Post Ofice, bastards had just made it verboten to pass anything across front office window. But, postal officers have quietly become unsung heroes.

2. There was more than enough signatures delivered to Sabor (parliament) for announcing people’s referendum about covid ausweis and all that crap!!! More than 10 percent of the population, not just voters!!! We shall see what kind of juggling will governmental covid demon worshipers invent further…

3. It seems that our (leftist) president and supreme commander of armed forces is still on the our side. That is, on the side of common sense, regarding both Branch Covidians and NATO warmongers. He even doubled down somewhat on both subjects.

I’m starting to worry about his safety…

jim says:

> Yeah, talks about Nth “booster” did stop, in Croatia and EU, and there are no new “epidemiological measures”

CDC wants booster every five months, from age twelve, forever. There is a significant likelihood that this will kill everyone who complies.

It is starting to look as if the triple and quadruple boosted in the Israel are getting perma omicron. If your immune system cannot clear a viral infection, it is likely to kill you eventually, usually after a very long time. Will perma omicron be in that class?

Stop looking at hospitalizations – they are a political indicator, not a medical indicator. Look at the number of people testing positive on the RATS test.

What we really want to know is whether the multiboosted are staying positive on the RATS test for an abnormally long period. If that is happening, would hint at a possibility of extraordinary long term lethality.

The virus is typically cleared from your system in a few days, but RATS continues to show positive for quite a while after that, so it will take a while for this to be obvious.

I don’t know if the boosted are getting perma omicron. It is early days yet, but it is starting to look like it.

Upravda says:

I know about CDC’s recommendations, and it worries me deeply because every shit from across The Big Pond sooner or later ends up on these shores.

(It is actually very sad how almost each and every good stuff from America has either became looong forgotten here, or did not even make it across The Big Pond.)

I actually do not put all that much attention to hospitalizations and official data because of me – but because of them. To see how absurd “measures” can they invent contrary to those data of theirs. And especially because of normies, most of whom would still immediately discard any other data. Since I still have… salvation impulses, that’s why I still follow and argue with official data.

Anecdotal observations of mine do suggest that “more jabs equals longer positives on antigenic tests”. In Croatia, after ten days of confirmed infections, you are officially clear and good to go. No further testing, except for employees in health services and nursing homes. However, because of Mindless Hysteria, many people do maniacally test themselves at home with antigenic tests after those ten days are passed, so I hear results here and there. And it usually does take longer for double jabbed to become clear, but, as I said, the evidence is my anecdotal observation, and not any statistics, official or alternative.

Herman says:

If ones immune system cannot clear omicron I wonder what would happen to the person with a more serious illness.

pyrrhus says:

OMG, this has been out there for 2 months…Vaccinated 10-60 dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated in the UK…

Tityrus says:
jim says:

Completely fabricated evidence, which, if true, would prove nothing.

Tityrus says:

For the record, I don’t endorse the supposed connection the author tries to make with Peter. But it is certainly a real ancient bronze that is really in the Vatican. “Savior of the world” was an old mystery-cult motif (not specifically Christian) and that might be where it’s from.

jim says:

I don’t see anything that makes it certain, or even very likely, it is a real ancient bronze, but supposing that it is a real ancient bronze, proves nothing, and is unlikely to have any modern day connection with our current demon worshiping enemies.

Tityrus says:

[*deleted for the usual reasons*]

jim says:

It is not hard to tell the difference between demon worshipers and Christians. Your payload being, as usual, that there is nothing more significant about that difference than the normal differences of time and place.

ExileStyle says:

For a more serious, grounded, and in-depth look at the influence of hermeticism/the occult in the Renaissance Church, I can recommend Michael Hoffman’s “The Occult Renaissance in the Church of Rome” (2017). Much of it is based on well-established research initiated by Frances Yates in the 60s (esp. “Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition”), but framed from a Christian perspective (rather than the modern Bruno-as-Hero perspective).

Magic and demonology were widely practiced, tolerated, and patronized in elite Renaissance circles. Bruno, the argument goes, was killed not for his sorcery or even his pantheism/atheism but for getting on the wrong side of certain banking families and their allies/agents in the Church. Persuasive.

What it really came down to, which has been largely memory-holed, is usury. Mammon worship. Luther and his ilk were way more outraged by usury than what language scripture was printed in or paying for indulgences. Alchemy was, and still is, about the creation of wealth ex nihilo. (“Gold from lead.”) A good read and lots of food for thought.

Aidan says:

Clearly the statue is prophecy that jim would save us

The Cominator says:

I never thought the fucking teamsters of all groups would cause our enemies such trouble but apparently they have forced Trudeau into hiding.

Pooch says:

Epic showing but nothing will happen because of it. Right wing protest don’t work.

Pooch says:


The Cominator says:

I don’t know the supply chains are already bad and its a bad winter up north, apparently Castro’s illegitimate son is in hiding… this isn’t helping them.

This one might.

Pooch says:

Aside from protests, an organized trucker strike in a sort of modern day Secessio plebis would be interesting but I don’t think that’s what’s happening there.

notglowing says:

Unfortunately this is evident. Peasants protesting is a leftist tactic and it only ever works when an elite faction supports it. If right wingers protest, the media will either spin it as being evil or cover it far less and diminish it.

Meanwhile the state is free to use any violence against them.
There’s really no use to protesting, even though I sympathize with those who do, since there’s really no other action that can be done against the state at the moment. And I enjoy seeing the trouble caused to those above.

The Cominator says:

And if they callout the army and it mutinies…. or the trucks just stop showing. We’ve never actually had large scale organized labor united on our side like this… we’re in uncharted territory.

Jehu says:

They probably can’t get the Canadian government to back down, but they probably CAN inflict massive damage on the economy and people of the nation, maybe even actually destroy it. Without truckers in a country like the US or Canada, you’re pretty much SOL. No gas, no groceries, no nothing, and that’s before you consider any violence (likely initiated by the government). The peasants might not have the power to take control of the country, but these particular peasants CAN burn it all down.

The Cominator says:

“They probably can’t get the Canadian government to back down, but they probably CAN inflict massive damage on the economy and people of the nation, maybe even actually destroy it”

That will force the army to remove these faggots if it comes to that.

Jehu says:

I don’t think the army will remove the government. But thankfully, they don’t seem to be willing to interfere with the truckers either. The best you can hope from any NATO military is that they cuck in a vaguely conservative direction.

I understand that the volume of protesters significantly exceeds the entire size of the Canadian military.

The Cominator says:

LOL there are rumors that hes fled the country… incredibly stupid if confirmed. If he just stayed in some Canadian bunker (not saying he hasn’t) he might be fine but if he left… Nature of us apes a leader who flees won’t command even his pozzed elite, they’ll turn on him now if that turns out to be true.

Jehu says:

I’d heard he’d fled the capital, but not the country. But I don’t think that matters too much in terms of the military. They’ve said they’re standing down. I don’t see them doing a coup against the Canadian government, they’re likely just going to wait and see.

Presumably all the truckers participating in this are also not delivering stuff. This is likely to start to really bite soon. I’m pretty confident that if there’s violence, the Canadian government will start it. I also think that the Canadian government WILL start the violence, but there’s a significant risk to them that they can’t start enough violence.

The Cominator says:

Archive link of the pol thread…

The Cominator says:

Rumors on /pol are that he fled to Germany.

yewotm8 says:

The Canadian military is not doing anything unless they receive the “ok” from the US military.

The Cominator says:

Soldiers aren’t cops, cops mindlessly follow government orders throughout history.

Militaries otoh in history have probably coup and mutinied 1000s of times.

Pooch says:

There’s no such thing as the Canadian military. It’s a province of the GAE.

The Cominator says:


Pooch says:

Global American Empire.

Pooch says:

The only thing that might make mass anti-Western government protests useful is Putin’s negotiations with the West. Russia become Carl Schmitt’s “interested third party”.

Putin can point and say “look at all this unrest in the West, how could you possibly field an army to fight me? You have no choice but to pull back NATO out of Eastern Europe.”

yewotm8 says:

I don’t think you understand the sentiment of the truckers or Canadians in general. The peasants aren’t “revolting” and trying to do a coup or regime change, they just want the government to fuck off and leave them alone. There were never at any point any overt threats to the government or any individuals in it (other than the massive loss of status they will face if they concede anything) this is all just a big “fuck off”. And the enforcers of the government’s dumb laws also share this sentiment, as they don’t get many special privileges either. I don’t see them stepping in any time soon.

There’s also no way they manage to scramble enough “counter-protesters” into the capital any time soon, because of how many road closures there are and those people just not wanting to go out in the cold.

That being said I have no idea how this will go. The government has completely lost memetic control of the issue, and everybody is on the side of the truckers. There is no right vs left, just hardcore covidians vs everybody else. Best case scenario is Trudeau keeps hiding, people collectively start ignoring lockdown/injection rules and stop caring about who our leader even is. Canadians are way too good at following the rules, even when we all think they’re stupid. So for Canadians to stop following rules, any rules, would be a big thing culturally.

I did show up at a little gathering in the Toronto-area and had a few nice chats about the last few lines of the preceding paragraph. Most people are still optimistic that the government will concede and stop the rules and unfortunately aren’t even thinking about just ignoring them. I tried to push the discourse towards just ignoring the government instead of forcing it to comply, but people are hesitant. It would need to reach a huge critical mass first, and get a huge coolness boost from something.

jim says:

> Most people are still optimistic that the government will concede and stop the rules and unfortunately aren’t even thinking about just ignoring them.

Everyone is trying to amend this insanity through normal channels, and due to normalcy bias fails to realize that normal channels stopped working a long time ago, not just in relation to the holy and awesome Covid demon, but in relation to everything. But the government’s legitimacy, and the legitimacy of holy official science, rests on the presumption that these channels work. Voting in politics does not work. Legislation does not work. Judicial proceedings do not work. In holy official science, evidence and logic do not work. The bureaucracy does not work. The whole thing does not work. Nothing works except ever more evil, stupid, and insane conspiracies that have killed these things, gutted them, and are wearing their corpses as a skin suit.

All of these things are schlerotic and full of committees, making them easy for a small energetic conspiracy united by faith, zeal, and “point deer, make horse, 指鹿為馬”, to grab them, and having grabbed one, easily use it as powerbase to lawlessly grab some more.

This started of with post Christians worshiping metaphorical demons, is now increasingly literal demon worshipers worshiping demons they believe to be literal demons, and possessed by demons that may be metaphorical or not, but possessed they are. It is the informational and spiritual equivalent of the zombie apocalypse, a dramatic collapse of cooperative behavior in handling the metadata required for physical cooperation. And physical cooperation is fraying at the edges under the impact.

The Cominator says:

“I don’t think you understand the sentiment of the truckers or Canadians in general. The peasants aren’t “revolting” and trying to do a coup or regime change, they just want the government to fuck off and leave them alone.”

This is why my philosophy that annihilating leftist is a holy crusade and that they should not be suffered to live as they are living demons of pure evil needs to be adopted…

If 20% of the right adopted it… we’d win and win if not forever for a long time.

The Cominator says:

“Most people are still optimistic that the government will concede and stop the rules and unfortunately aren’t even thinking about just ignoring them.”

I’ve never understood following stupid rules for any reason other than fear of punishment. One reason DeSantis was born again hard is in part… that in Florida between all the crazy diversity, dissident yankees like myself, rednecks… it was probably pretty uniquely noncompliant with this stuff.

Havenfroth says:

The slave revolts of past ages were common and in rare instances metastasized into very large problems even for a state willing and able to use the brutest of force. Will a bunch of blue collars form their own competitive political organizations? Fuck no. Will they wrench the engine to shit and make the current shot callers look like even bigger fools, cause existing cracks to widen, boil the pot faster than intended? There’s a good chance.

Karl says:

Before the civil war Spain had right wing protests, e.g. political rallies. Would the army have revolted if there had been no right wing protests before?

I assume it is easier for an officer to revolt against his elected government, if he knows that the government is hated by a large part of the population. For this reason, I think that right wing protests might sometimes help.

However, I don’t think that at present any Canadian generals or colonels are contemplating a revolt against their government. So I’m not expecting anything to come from the teamster protests

notglowing says:

> political rallies

A political rally for Caesar is different from a grievance revolt protesting the government, trying to disrupt the system or attack the state. Without an elite taking advantage of it, it simply can’t amount to anything. What is the endgame?
Even if they went and killed Trudeau, there’s a thousand others in the government who haven’t changed their minds and now hate them even more. And getting to the PM is impossible, because it’s very easy for the organized government to protect it.

In order to take power there must be someone trying to take power, and with the skill to do it. Masses causing havoc doesn’t bring much in itself.

The Cominator says:

If Trudeau falls the next guy is afraid a little…

Pooch says:

My prediction: Eventually everyone gets cold and goes home and that’s the last we hear of it.

Arakawa says:

On the contrary, I think this is going to be pretty twisty as some of the protesters brought thermoses. As a protest action to persuade the government it’s been useless (the only ways to make a psychopath change his mind is to overcome him by force, or be so boring the psychopath forgets what he was doing). As a tool for breaking the stifling normality bias in Canadian politics it was super meaningful. There’s nothing normal about a weekend of large continuously honking trucks on the government’s hallowed ground.

On the one hand, like the yellow vests there is no coherent victory condition that they could reasonably force. On the other hand, Canada was assumed to be a sleepy and obedient Shire province of globohomo, therefore the globohomo minions have apparently failed to stock enough tear gas robocops, antifa provocateurs, or other supplies for controlling the outcome. Therefore, simply by demonstrating the ability to do this unopposed the truckers dealt a huge status loss to the government.

Example of bluechecks losing their minds at police officers taking Canadian flag selfies with the protesters:

I think this is a huge problem for the government because by default the municipal police are actually helping the protesters maintain coherence. Surprisingly, their presence may even be deterring the few agents provocateurs that have been active.

(This has been a perennial globohomo miscalculation in Canada, with major plans forgetting that Canadian cops still often behave like actual cops. Incel van attacker expected to suicide-by-cop… got taken into custody. April 2021 lockdowns supposed to introduce ‘papers please’ random-traffic-stop system… municipal police throughout Ontario responded GFY we’re busy. Trucker protest… city cops take selfies with the majority truckers and police the handful of people trying to escalate things.)

I am genuinely surprised at the lack of serious provocateurs thus far. Violent mixed nuts of sufficient quality can be imported from Montreal a couple hours away. Instead of that… someone was hired to wave a swastika and pee on the public art installations? Maybe??

Of course, the state media keeps snidely dropping “fortunately this has remained a peaceful protest… thus far” (dum dum dum) which suggests provocateurs are merely being held back until a preferred point in the narrative. Maybe after Trudeau’s press conference wraps up.

The ‘official’ government policing strategy is to wait for the number of protesters to dwindle of their own accord and then move the remainder on. This seems 50-50 in terms of feasibility, and even in the event it’s possible the bluechecks are screaming how could this happen in the first place.

Arakawa says:

Mountie who was fired for not taking the clotshot volunteering to help with security at the trucker thing.

If this becomes a trend….


Arakawa says:

More circumstantial evidence that municipal cops are essentially part of the protest, straight from the bluecheck Twatter:

> Walked through the convoy this morning. Told an officer I thought downtown Ottawa residents were tired of it, and ready for police to do something. He responded, “I think Canadians are tired of lockdowns.” Another told me he was too busy eating his donut. #YOW

If these bluecheck reports aren’t being played up or invented for the purposes
of “oh noo these horrible right-wing cops are being horrible”, then I’m leaning on 70% odds that the truckers are still there when Trudeau exits his conveniently timed coof-quarantine in 2 weeks. 25% odds are assigned to the scenario where the government tells the municipal cops to stay inside eating their donut, and scrounges up sufficient short-notice robocops from *God knows where* to dislodge the truckers via show of force. 5% odds they are willing and able to go straight to military. Which will get the truckers out of Ottawa but result in unpredictable political consequences throughout the rest of the country for 2022.

It is extremely, incredibly cathartic to watch them be completely stumped by a protest like this, even momentarily. The reason is that, whenever a G20 or something happened in Canada, the globohomo always had to prepare robocops *and* groom protesters ahead of time to turn the nearest major city into a live filming exercise (with burning cars) for an alternate-history dystopia movie that doesn’t resemble the actual city at any other time. Anything less than all-out war in the streets would be an insult to the G20, and at ordinary times Canada was still a bit too far from ‘war in the streets’ social decay. The ingredients existed, but in much too small quantities to react on their own.

This time around the globalists appear laughably unprepared for a bunch of Canadians actually protesting. (Laughably and bizarrely unprepared if you believe the official narratives of Canadian police crushing indigenous protests in the sticks with an iron fist.) Of course this could all be someone’s genius Sun Tzu plan to make the enemy materialize as a coherent force and then crush them. But this is Canada and even if it exists the genius globohomo Sun Tzu plan is being filtered through ultra-Brezhnevian Canadian apparatchiks who are probably sitting around Zoom calls right now asking each other “ok, so we were told to wield an iron fist in three days. How do I fist? Is that, like, a prosthetic?”

It’s the year of the Tiger, so events from here on just gotta be dynamic one way or another. The year of the Ox was just steady dull bottom-up resistance against steady dull incremental grinding away at the top-down propaganda, while the narrative of what was happening and why got steadily forgotten. This has frustrated everyone out of their minds.

The Cominator says:

The cops can’t beat a million people, the most significant thing that happened was the army apparently tolf Trudeau to fuck himself.

Arakawa says:

The second most significant thing that happened was that a large fraction of the towing companies apparently told the Mayor of Ottawa to fuck himself.

Or, the rumor goes, the city government started calling up towing companies and most of them were saying “oops funny story we can’t tow anything right now because we all have the dreaded omicoof! oh no whatever will you do!”

What police are doing (whether regular or robocops) is probably third on the list in terms of importance after the towing companies and the military.

simplyconnected says:

Supposedly there was a government-sponsored poll (not sure how rigorous) where 77% of population supported truckers.
If anything it is a way to let (maybe) 3/4 of population that they are in the majority. This might have some effect since they are otherwise under constant gaslighting from the media.

Aidan says:

A strike is not a protest, and it can work at achieving a specific demand. Does not work for regime change without significant violence, in which case it is just a coup.

If food and gas are not getting to the cities, it is likely the army will be made to deliver them.

jim says:

And will the army deliver them?

Jehu says:

Does the Canadian army even have the logistical capability to deliver them? I kind of doubt it. There are more truckers at the protests than the entire Canadian military, so I suspect the aggregate logistical capacity present there is greater than that of the Canadian military.

The Cominator says:

Apparently the Canadian army already told Trudeau to go fuck himself…

This one might work.

notglowing says:
Fireball says:

Going into hiding because of truckers is truly pathetic.

A2 says:

Most amusing. Running away from the capital is seldom a good look in these situations so I suppose that’s it for the current globohomo rep in Canada. (“Klaus! Pick up the phone! Klaus! Please!”) Will their next PM after a completely fair election perhaps be named Saakashvili?

Lovely commentary from 4chan too.

Remediation advice request says:

Jim, I just dropped out of a bachelor’s in computer science. I have completed a bachelor’s in something else and it was between graduating with this on time and graduating late with both. I had studied programming for a while and enjoyed it at first but never developed good habits or a deep interest in it and so ended up with extreme burnout and block. I don’t want to spend my life being unable to write code. What would you recommend for someone in my situation? It would be very bad to lose this skill. Sorry to impose on your time in this way, but I feel you can understand the perspective of some people who are a little put off by things, where the people I see daily seem to not always understand that someone might sometimes lack enthusiasm or drive in this weird world. Also, famously you say that colleges only teach priesting.

The Ducking Man says:

I’m not speaking on behalf on Jim, but I can round up few hard cold facts for you because I was in your shoes quite a while ago.

1. Your degree doesn’t matter it was and always about where you coming from. Dual degree from no-name university is <<<<<<< any business degree from Ivy League.

2. Engineering skill is more often than not hereditary. If you don't get the knack of it today, it means you won't in your entire life. I have very good engineer as a boss, he came from very (I mean very) long family tree of successful engineers.

Just think about what I said, it should be pretty clear by now.

Remediation advice request says:

1. Ok, I am not worried about this.

2. If engineering skill is hereditary then I would have it.

There is a lot of record of you taking an extremely depressed, pessimistic tack in the comments section on this site. I urge you to relax. I did not ask whether I should give up; I asked what I should do to rekindle my programming capability.

jim says:

A low level language, C++ or rust, and a high level language, such as javascript, and a project worth doing.

Remediation advice request says:

Heard. I have a real distaste for a lot of my C++/C/C# since this was the language of instruction in my undergrad. I find the imperative style annoying; it is easy to give bad orders and it often requires a lot of slow spec-reading to avoid fucking up.

I was thinking of getting into functional programming via Haskell, which I could possibly enjoy due to its similarity to mathematical thought. I’ll probably start with this as it has been on the back burner a while as I worked on grueling and dumb assignments for college.

jim says:

Haskell is good.

When they talk about monads, they are actually talking about imperative programming, but you just need a very small amount of imperatives code to make a large amount of purely functional code actually do something. And, though imperatives are essential to do anything useful, the tutorial only gets to monads around chapter umpteen.

They call them monads because they are embarrassed about the fact that all that purely functional code is running inside a procedural framework.

They have a beautiful proof that anything can be done with pure functional code, but ran into the painful reality that doing some things ina purely functional way is nightmare, a nightmare that I regularly run into in template metacode.

The procedural monad code gets compiled into purely functional Haskell code, and they talk about it in a language centered around this fact, which makes it hard to follow their explanations.

f6187 says:

I like functional programming but I don’t like the squeamish view of imperatives. In the language I use, the “hello world” program is:

say “Hello, world.”

If I have anything to say after that, I say it. I don’t bother returning a “pure” list of strings so that I only have one call to “say” in the entire code. I could, but I don’t.

If I need to open a file, I open it:

\fh=(fopen “path/to/file” “r”)

Yes, I can build abstractions on that, so if I need to cache a complex result on the file system I can do something like this:

cache_file [“path” “to” “file”];
… do lengthy calculation here …

But I don’t bother trying to lift all the calls to “cache_file” out into a single place so all the rest of the code is purely functional. And I don’t pass around an abstraction of a mutable file system.

Similarly, if I want to do in-memory caching of some highly recursive function (e.g. counting partitions of a number), I use a “remember” pseudo-function right there in the logic. I don’t bother passing around an immutable associative map of all the results computed so far, and threading that through an absolutely pure function.

It is certainly possible to get things done in a purely functional language. The most widely used language of all is Excel spreadsheets, which are roughly speaking purely functional. The limitation there is dealing with specific named cells containing only a single scalar value, which makes it more difficult to do computations on entire nested lists.

The language I use just takes that up a notch, so instead of having a single number in “C12” I can have a function of a name that yields the value associated with that name — a value which itself could be a number, string, list, or even another function, providing a basis for hierarchical name spaces. These functions can use memory- or file-based caching, so they behave *as if* they are pure, but in reality do all sorts of things like reading files, calling out to external APIs, and writing cached results.

The Ducking Man says:

And there is nothing wrong with being pessimists. In fact if there is one thing I critize about reactionary sphere is thay don’t like talking the horror of their own advice.

“Make children” they said – let’s not talk about the high cost of raising toddler, bye bye me-time/hobby-time for the next 3 years, bye bye normal sleep schedule, good luck having sex on first year, oh and God forbid your toddler have undetectable condition like GERD. Now let’s repeat the horror 2 or 3 times because reactionary said more children the merrier.

Being optimist is good, but confronting pessimism and start accepting realistic expectation is much better approach in life.

Varna says:

First read Arthur Schopenhauer and Thomas Ligotti, and once you grokked them choose life anyway, and choose to enjoy it as much as possible just in spite. Agreed.

The current state religion all across the world is mostly antinatalist. That’s why having and raising a family seems so bad in the current scenario.

It’s not the natural state to be miserable to raise a family. Nature intends us to be happy and produce and raise children. It’s the demonic state religion that makes it so hard.

Skippy says:

My observation is that people with four kids are less stressed than people with one-point-five.

Skippy says:


People with zero kids are happiest 25-35 then their happiness nosedives.

Remediation advice request says:

Let me rephrase:

I do not trust your advice because from your comments it seems like you ruined your own life.

jim says:

> Make children” they said – let’s not talk about the high cost of raising toddler, bye bye me-time/hobby-time for the next 3 years, bye bye normal sleep schedule

Been there, done that, it was great.

One child families have a problem because the parents spoil their child. You need at least two in quick succession – the kids are way better behaved, making life much easier. We are maladapted to having only one child. If you have at least two, ancient paternal child management programming kicks in, you do a much better job, and everything goes much smoother. One child takes up far more space in the house and the household than two children.

Winds up costing less also. Poor people have no problem affording half a dozen, but one child can wind up costing a great deal.

The Ducking Man says:

I am just accountantin secluded area of Kalimantan making $13,000/year. I spent $130/month just for his formula milk and diapers (i buy the 2nd cheapest brands). .And not to mention $2,000 hospital bill because of c-section. I didn’t and never splurge shit on my nigglet.

Clearly you’re never being poor. Poor people have no problem giving their kid rice water instead of formula milk, letting the toddler piss around the house instead of wearing diapers.

Are you ever that poor?, Are people in this site ever resort to measure I said above?

Neofugue says:

My policy on this blog is not to give unsolicited spiritual advice, but please do not refer to your son using that language.

Children are hard, they cry all the time, they keep you up at night, they defecate and make messes everywhere, but that is all forgiven because of the unconditional love between parent and child.

Torturing defenseless animals is demonic and evil, and your comments illustrate spiritual illness rather than material privation.

Repent and learn to love your wife, love your son, and accept your position with humility. $13,000 is not much, but given that the GDP per capita of Indonesia is under $4000 be grateful for the surgery that kept your wife and son alive.

Life is never easy, and certainly having children has its difficulties, but one should not take these challenges with bitterness and self-pity. If you are smart enough to read and understand this blog you should be smart enough to figure out your finances.

Mike in Boston says:

You need at least two in quick succession – the kids are way better behaved, making life much easier.

Jim is right. Not having a point of comparison, I can’t say whether or not the kids are better behaved. But certainly it was wonderful when our second kid got old enough to go off and play with her older sibling, so that the two of them could be on their own without demanding parental attention. And I agree on the quick succession part– they all play together happily and/or beat the tar out of each other, which just seems like the way childhood should be.

I sympathize with the cost of formula if your wife is not able to breastfeed; but otherwise I don’t see kids as carrying a high financial cost while they are very young. Disposable diapers are nice and my wife used them along with the cloth ones, but as a child decades ago she was diapered in scraps of old undershirts and it did not scar her. And our kids share bedrooms with siblings and wear hand-me-down clothes, just like I did.

I suppose it is much harder if you are on your own in a poor area where you don’t have friends who can pass along gently used kid-sized mattresses or clothes. You have my sympathies if that’s the case.

I also had a number of years with zero “me-time/hobby-time” and an exhausted, breastfeeding wife for whom sex was nearly at the bottom of the list of priorities. It was not easy, but now that those years are a memory I can say with certainty that kids are worth it. Hang in there!

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The matter of one child is a significant investment in ‘social infrastructure’ as compared no children.

The matter of further children after that is trivial and salutary.

The price you pay for one child and seven children are essentially identical. While the latter provides far more benefits than the former.

Arqiduka says:

I usually wholeheartedly agree with this, but in DM’s practical circumstance I think any further kids whilst he’s still feeling extremely under the pump would not be salutary at all. I think it’s OK to take time out when appropriate to avoid being overwhelmed. If the feeling of being overwhelmed does not go away, well, one kid is still infinitely better than none.

jim says:

I am not him, and not in his shoes, but pursuing his proper telos will stop him feeling under the pump.

jim says:

If anything, the price you pay for raising a single child is considerably higher, because it is easy and tempting to pathologically indulge a single child’s misconduct, while you cannot pathologically indulge one of two children’s misconduct, because that would result in you neglecting his brother, or allowing him to harm his brother.

Also single children are lonely, and simply demand far more attention, and misbehave in order to get it.

It takes far too much time and energy to raise a single child, but if you have more than one child, they raise each other.

Been there, done that, did not raise a sweat.

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[…] Jim on FAUXVID, and the epidemic of the vaccinated. […]

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim and regulars, thoughts and opinions on Prof. John Mearsheimer?

alf says:

On the lecture — seems like a good summary on the situation, fills in a few gaps in my knowledge. It’s from 2015, so not updated to the current situation, but to continue on his thesis of Russia responding to Western aggression, I presume the presidency of Zelensky has only made Western elites double down further.

On the man himself — thirteen in a dozen college professor. Nothing against the man, seems smart, smarter than most of his colleagues probably, but only as smart as academia allows him to be. “It’s not that I don’t like democracy, but…” The usual usual purple pill.

alf says:

Maybe I am too harsh on the man. Obviously, in his academic circles, he is the voice of reason. But the voice of reason in an insane asylum tends to get infected by the insanity.

There’s just something that feels ‘dumb’ about a purportedly smart man who is paid to be smart and up-to-date to be so out of date. His analysis is basically what Moldbug opened with. Well, Moldbug took that analysis way, way further. In 2008. And I get it, reading non-published blogs on the internet does not score you the same status points as published articles and newspapers. Just goes to show how even the smarter ones in the university are bypassed by the free internet. God I love the free internet.

jim says:

Totally full of shit.

Prof. John Mearsheimer takes a color revolution at face value, or pretends to take it face value because otherwise he would be canceled, deplatformed, and demonetized, and you can never take a color revolution at face value. They are always blatantly fake and gay.

Awoke says:

Aunt had shingles. GP told her it “definitely isn’t related to he vaccine.” This is the problem I’ve noticed with medical professionals – they will lie to you without compunction as long as they’re telling you the official story. They don’t consider that to be dishonest.

The jab seems to help prevent COVID death. I would recommend it to people at great risk from COVID. But I have some doubts about the statistics. The UK publishes reasonably detailed weekly stats. What we see is high death rates among elderly unvaccinated but low absolute numbers. This means the rate can be skewed by idiosyncratic factors. For instance, are some people unvaccinated because they are too frail to handle the jab, and/or because the first jab caused a severe reaction? A few dozen of those each week is enough to majorly change the unvaccinated death rate in the age groups where it’s significant.

notglowing says:

Seems like Japan is starting to consider covid on par with the seasonal flu in terms of deadliness.

> That optimism is largely due to improved treatment options, a high vaccination rate and the milder nature of the omicron variant, which has spurred an unprecedented rise in cases nationwide but has a fatality rate that, if early data holds, may even be roughly on par with influenza.

> At the same time, much about the course of the pandemic remains murky, including the potential risk of long COVID-19 and the effectiveness of available treatments against the omicron variant.

> What’s clear, however, is the falling death rate when examining data from Tokyo throughout the pandemic. According to Tokyo Metropolitan Government data, the COVID-19 mortality rate in the capital was 5.2% from January to June 2020 before declining to 1.7% in the third wave in December 2020 to March 2021 and 1% in the fourth wave, caused mainly by the alpha variant, in March to June 2021.

> Amid the sixth and largest wave of the pandemic, which started late last month and was brought about by the omicron variant, the fatality rate in Tokyo has fallen even further, to about 0.02%

If we assume everyone who dies is unvaccinated (which is 20% in Japan overall), the fatality rate of catching covid is 0.1%, one in a thousand. Accounting for how disproportionately those who die are already weak from other illnesses, the chance of a healthy person dying from covid must be vanishingly low. ​

Another, more recent article, about how the cases are surging, and there is “pressure” for establishing a state of emergency (which they have decided against for now):

>Daily cases hit record highs in five prefectures —Yamagata, Ibaraki, Saitama, Chiba and Okayama. The southernmost prefecture of Okinawa reported 838 new cases, down by 118 from a week before. Its daily tally fell week-on-week for the sixth straight day.

Maybe japan will reduce their restrictions and return to normality in a few months. They seem more honest than other governments with it.
I’d hope so since I’ve wanted to visit Tokyo again, but been unable to. I wonder if vaccination will be required, and if so, if boosters will be. It doesn’t seem they are forcing it on their own directly, but they have no issues with banning all travel, so they won’t have issues making it difficult for tourists.
If only base vaccination is required, it may be an issue since I only have the EU DCC for now. I doubt they’d accept it.

notglowing says:

> under which infections spread regularly like a flu but do not lead to many hospitalizations or deaths, says immunology expert Takuya Tamatani, a part-time lecturer at Juntendo University’s School of Medicine.

> “The severity and mortality rates have become similar to those of influenza, or in the case of mortality rate, it’s even lower than that of influenza,” he says. “If we assume that Japan is in the middle of the sixth wave, then the seventh and subsequent waves will probably shift to an endemic stage. The next wave will probably be in May and June, so I think we will be in an endemic phase from around that time.”
Pretty strong words.

>The case fatality rate in Japan is one of the lowest in the world, but a low rate of less than 0.1% for omicron has also been reported in Canada.
Curious they have “the lowest”. Despite not being the highest vaccinated, most likely, because they count it more honestly

> Experts, however, say the rate does not represent the true risk as the total number of cases remains unknown in reality.

> The vast majority of omicron cases lead to asymptomatic or mild symptoms in Japan, as has been observed overseas. Rochelle Walensky, director of the U.S. CDC, said earlier this month that when compared to the delta variant, infections with omicron were associated with a 74% reduction in intensive care admissions and a 91% decline in the mortality rate.

If the case rate is underestimated, then the mortality rate is overestimated.

jim says:

> The case fatality rate in Japan is one of the lowest in the world, but a low rate of less than 0.1% for omicron has also been reported in Canada.

The excess death rate is necessarily substantially lower than the case fatality rate, even if the case rate is not underestimated, therefore the excess mortality rate of omicron is substantially less than 0.1%

The New Zealand data indicates that the excess death rate for the vaccine is around 0.1%

So it is a safer vaccine than the “vaccine”, as well as being vastly more effective.

notglowing says:

The vaccine now has the same duration as the exemption from covid recovery. Ironically, since the former has been reduced twice. Though the booster seems to be about to be changed to unlimited duration.

Herman says:

Yes the booster will have an “unlimited duration” until most people have taken it and they want to roll out the fourth clot shot.

In my country they have recently ordered enough of current clot shot to give it to everyone 8 times. And when that lot is about to expire… well that that good stuff cannot go to waste.

notglowing says:

> In my country they have recently ordered enough of current clot shot to give it to everyone 8 times

I don’t think that’s really a good indication. It’s something I’ve seen a lot of countries with relatively small population to their purchasing power doing. And buying more vaccines makes you holier. But it doesn’t make it any easier to get to the next booster doses later since every country has to do it as well, and countries like the US, France, or Italy don’t have that many doses. In our case they seem to almost run out every once in a while.
I’m not sure infinite boosters will be logistically possible, not just a matter of making the vaccines and distributing them, but you end up with many overlapping levels of boosting at the same time. The reason why they made third dose unlimited, is that the early third dosers would’ve seen their pass expire next month.

It’s quite possible they will get to a fourth dose, trying one last trick after the pandemic is basically over.
Right now we’re at the stage where the pandemic is still on paper very intense, the “numbers are high”, higher than ever, and they use those as easy political tools to justify anything, but it’s also obvious to everyone that it is ending. I’m seeing it lose steam slowly. So the third booster is still easy to force, the fourth one might be the last they manage if they do try it, at least the timing seems like that.

A lot of measures are set to expire between march and june, and some they confirmed they will not renew, when right now they have more political power to renew them than they would in late february to may.

My main worry is them really taking their time to remove restrictions even after they give up on escalating them, having a long tail of restrictions they can extend to indefinite periods of time, out of an “abundance of caution”. The problem is this stuff is normalized now, and anything less than what we have now seems like freedom to most.
Plus the ghost of covid is going to haunt the world after this, and many will be okay with increasing restrictions every once in a while just to make sure it “doesn’t happen again”. That’s how we could end up with this shit forever, realistically They don’t even need to show any actual evidence for that, if nothing happens, it was because of the precautions, if an epidemic happens, they have an excuse to double down on it.

It’s like how restaurant owners here got beaten really badly for two years and now would do anything in order to stay open. So they are very pro vaccine pass. Some might call it “Stockholm Syndrome” (I hate the term).

The problem is unless the reaction to the measures is what ends them, and the message is that people have had enough, the fundamental reasons behind the lockdowns remain in place, and valid. In fact, there is a precedent that they were implemented, and stayed in place as long as they wanted them to.

notglowing says:

I mean, they milked the “war on terror” for like two decades to continue the war in Afghanistan, and 9/11 was over in a few hours.

We’re talking about the end of the actual, active threat being fought *now* after two years. How could we ever return to normality? I am somewhat optimistic and whitepilled that this might be the turning point where things get better, but they can never be the same. Just think about how long they can milk this after, you can’t undo the past two years. And a threat that isn’t there is easier to spin than one that you can see and isn’t that dangerous. Of course, a war on terror far away is still easier to accept than a war on your personal life, very close.

And the people I know who were legitimately scared of covid until recently openly say they’re not worried about it anymore (some because they just had it).
But with all the damage that’s been done, I am very blackpilled on the longer term prospects. We lost that world, and that freedom from 2019 and before permanently. It almost seems crazy how good we had it then. It might’ve been shit but at least you could live your normal life in a somewhat easy way. Now everything is infused with this, and anything you do outside your house is intertwined with this complex and ever changing web of rules. What’s worse is, it affects travel itself, and I am not even someone who likes travelling. But travel can let you get out of a shit place potentially, and leave for greener pastures. That’s really more difficult now.

Arqiduka says:

IIRC the wartime rationing system in the UK was only done away with in the ’50, way past the actual emergency had passed, and over the strong opposition of part of the elite who wanted to retain it forever.

jim says:

The actual emergency of war had passed, but the permanent emergency of socialism had rapidly become worse and worse.

The lifts in the treasury building stopped working, the lights were going out, and people were getting hungry. All of which instantly vanished down the memory hole, and everyone was strangely unable to recollect why they eventually and very reluctantly dumped socialism. Much as no one remembers why after that incompetent hopeless senile chimp Reagan completed his second term, everyone in the world had adopted or soon thereafter adopted his economic polices, and the US government continued with his diplomatic and military policies.

The Cominator says:

“Now everything is infused with this, and anything you do outside your house is intertwined with this complex and ever changing web of rules.”

Come to Florida…

Skippy says:

“The lifts in the treasury building stopped working”

That’s a wonderful anecdote. I would like to use it elsewhere. Do you have a more normie-friendly source?

Herman says:


Unfortunately its far from easy to go to US on anything other then a tourist visum.

I have been looking into permanent residences lately. (like Jim recommend)

Its not so difficult to get permanent residency in Mexico, middle America and most of south America.

So yes I would like to go to Florida…

jim says:

There is no enforcement in the US on visa overstays, and there is always a program for turning visa overstayers in to green carders.

But permanent residence in the heart of empire is the reverse of what I had in mind. Though I do not know how the cookie is going to crumble.

Pooch says:

Does America have the most lax covid/vax requirements? If so, gives credence to the theory that the farther away from the center of the empire a province is, the more they must holiness spiral the state religion for status.

notglowing says:

> Come to Florida…

Haha, well going to the US (on a tourist visa) is actually quite easy now. Meanwhile I’m having some trouble travelling to E list countries for work reasons due to the restrictions. E list being “everything else” that isn’t explicitly allowed.

> But permanent residence in the heart of empire is the reverse of what I had in mind. Though I do not know how the cookie is going to crumble.

I agree. The US is the heart of the empire and it is going to be fairly dangerous. I’ve considered living in the US because there are reasons why I’d like to, however there are also reasons why I wouldn’t (and taxes are both reasons for and against).

>If so, gives credence to the theory that the farther away from the center of the empire a province is, the more they must holiness spiral the state religion for status.

We’ve definitely seen that with BLM. Although the protests were far smaller here, these people were protesting something that had absolutely nothing to do with them. I think this is true, and why just being away from the center of the empire isn’t always safe. But some EU countries have even lower restrictions, and more consistent policy on that.

The EU turns out to be kind of a good thing right now. On the one hand, they ironically are more moderate with covid restrictions than my country, and they seem to insist on keeping travel between Schengen countries easy. Meaning I have multiple options to move to, even temporarily without much expense, if things turn really sour here.

As for the US, I think that the great thing about it is that like I discussed in a previous post a while ago, Americans care a lot about politics individually (and this is also a bad thing at the same time) which means that these kind of ideological battles will actually be fought more seriously in America.
Some places in America have the most ridiculous and illogical restrictions, I remember someone posting tweets about Harvard’s own internal rules.
But then some places actually oppose them and succeed. I am fairly isolated here, with pretty much everyone around me having taken the shot, and those who were against it, just didn’t think it as a very serious matter. They don’t see it the way we do, and just took it when it became too annoying not to.
I can’t really blame them, because they just didn’t think it was that important to begin with.

jim says:

During the collapse of the Roman Empire in the west, a lot of Romans fled to Britain, and had a very nice life in Britain while the empire went to hell in a handbasket.

But Britain, having long been accustomed to rule by Rome, had lost any capacity for genuine self governance, and eventually things got far worse in Britain than in the fallen Roman empire. Mobile bandits were unable to transition to stationary banditry. State building repeatedly failed bloodily for centuries. The mythical King Arthur was the last Romanized Briton, or his immediate alleged predecessors were, and King Alfred, many centuries later, the first King whose state was more than a transient shadow over which tides of blood frequently rolled.

Worst case outcome, state building from scratch. But we have more books, more history, and even if technology substantially collapses, we will still have better communications technology than they did, so state building from scratch this time around is likely to be easier.

During the post Roman dark age, the successful state builders looked to the Old Testament record of how they made it through the dark age following the collapse of Bronze Age civilization. King Alfred modeled on Moses. We now have the Old Testament record, plus the records of a bunch of states that did the same thing over again.

jim says:

You have drawn my attention to the fact that Covid worship is in fact being rolled back on the periphery of empire, starting, notably, with Brazil, and now in the important provinces of empire, Britain.

This is wildly contrary to my expectations. I expected them to soldier on even if they killed everyone, with the last Covidian on his hospital bed issuing order to a no longer existent army to round up the witches.

But even as parts of the empire start to doubt the might of the awesome and holy Covid Demon, so far no one is acknowledging the catastrophically obvious hazards of the jab.

It might be a tad difficult to say “oops, it seems we carelessly killed one hundred thousand people”

New Zealand data indicates excess death rate for the shot is about one in a thousand within a few days of the shot, undeniable and obvious jab deaths, which are being solidly and flatly denied. Cancer data suggests that the longer term death rate from the jab will be many times larger. Immune system dysfunction data hints at the possibility that it might be enormously larger, perhaps approaching everyone with enough boosts.

Pooch says:

But then some places actually oppose them and succeed. I am fairly isolated here, with pretty much everyone around me having taken the shot, and those who were against it, just didn’t think it as a very serious matter. They don’t see it the way we do, and just took it when it became too annoying not to.
I can’t really blame them, because they just didn’t think it was that important to begin with.

Europe was fully subjugated by globohomo following WWII, its resistance being the war itself which was put down with immense violence.

Red Amerikana has not been subjugated like this. I live free as a bird in my Amerikaner semi-rural small town in a blue state even. No masks. No mandates, although school children are still wearing mask here, I believe, which is a shame. Outside of the blue tumor metroplexes, life in the US is still quite good.

However, this can all change if the radical left gains power, which Jim predicts is coming soon. I predict it’s still a ways off. Regardless, genocide, democide, and other unpleasantness may vary well be on the horizon. To stop it the Amerikaners, being an unsubjugated enemy of the left, are going to need to understand their present struggle is existential in nature and organize appropriately with a real Caesar. Not seeing that so far.

On the other hand with Europe, I would be rather whitepilled with Putin potentially moving on Ukraine. If Ukraine’s government collapses ala Afghanistan, it’s likely to mean other Western governments in Eastern Europe are likely to collapse as well. Without globohomo to counter Russian influence or any influence really, suddenly these countries freeing themselves of US embassy control are going to start resembling Hungary and Belarus more than they are Austria and Germany. America does not have this luxury of a counter-influence, it being the center of the empire.

Mike in Boston says:

To stop it the Amerikaners […] are going to need to understand their present struggle is existential in nature and organize appropriately with a real Caesar. Not seeing that so far.

I agree with you that Amerikaners need to organize appropriately with a real Caesar. But it seems to me that there is a necessary intermediate step between here and there that should be made explicit.

Let’s suppose that the coordination problem were magically solved. Using the magic, tonight every Amerikaner will be able to communicate to every other Amerikaner his preference as to which of the thousand-plus nationally known right wing figures should be Caesar, and after a few rounds the consensus choice will magically be communicated to all.

What are the odds that the consensus choice would fall on an ineffectual grifter? Since that phrase describes nearly every right wing figure in America, that outcome is nearly certain.

Although the consensus is far from instantaneous, this is in some sense what has already happened. The consensus settled on Trump, and he delivered nothing except pardons for Jared’s dad and some temporary immigration enforcement.

If Amerikaners aren’t specific about what they want from a Caesar, they won’t get it. But if they can agree on specific demands, and make it clear that only the man who will meet their demands on Day One is worthy to be Caesar, will that discourage would-be grifters and encourage serious men like Pinochet? I’m not sure, unless it’s feasible to assassinate a wanna-be Caesar who doesn’t deliver. But it still seems to me that Amerikaners need to establish a Schelling point that broadly contradicts the tenets of Globohomo.

The Canadian truckers have the chance to be effective in a limited way, because they have a specific demand for a Schelling point: an end to coronavirus restrictions. Yet as nice as an end to those restrictions would be, it would not stop the collapse of Western society. The elites can pivot to “climate change” or any such thing and continue their march.

these countries freeing themselves of US embassy control are going to start resembling Hungary and Belarus more than they are Austria and Germany

Belarus is indeed an island of sanity, but, last I read, Hungary continues with full-on vaxx passport madness, as for that matter does Russia itself./a>. I admit to being disgusted.

Arqiduka says:

“If Amerikaners aren’t specific about what they want from a Caesar, they won’t get it.”

You know what Henry Ford said about asking people and faster chariots. Further, there’s the famous meme featuring the dindu who figured out how to ask God for a bicycle. Finally, there’s Alexander and a particularly tough knot. All three tells the same story.

Mike in Boston says:

You know what Henry Ford said about asking people and faster chariots.

You seem to be suggesting that if we get a Caesar, he will have some great new revolutionary idea like the automobile.

I am saying that if we don’t make it crystal clear to any wanna-be Caesar that we want an end to the vaxx mandates, an end to immigration, an end to Globohomo and an end to disparate impact laws on Day One, then we are liable to get a Caesar whose great new revolutionary idea turns out to be lower corporate taxes, expansion of the draft to girls, and war with Russia.

Arqiduka says:

Not quite. My point is that Caesar articulates what the Amerikaner ought to know consciously but does not and – having articulated such knowledge- acts on it. No Caesar waits around to be told what to do, he tells others what to do and hopes he turns out to be right.

Mike in Boston says:

No Caesar waits around to be told what to do, he tells others what to do and hopes he turns out to be right.

That is reasonable. But it’s also reasonable to encourage a potential Caesar to stick to the right path by making it quite clear that he’ll get a bullet in his head if he (say) proposes war with Russia as the key to national renaissance.

Arqiduka says:

True, but I’m afraid that Caesar presupposes th3 breakdown of most political conventions, hence you cannot design any limitations on Caesar. This is not to say that he’ll be King in the style of the Sun King, but that we cannot predict the Selectorate, hence we have no idea how to stop him from using nuclear war as a rallying point if he can manage to. We can only agitate against this as an idea.

Skippy says:

“Europe was fully subjugated by globohomo following WWII, its resistance being the war itself which was put down with immense violence. ”

Im not sure Europe or even the Nazis (Hitler especially) saw it that way, although perhaps a few did.

The countries that fully mobilized for the Nazis were Germany, Australia, German Sudetenland, Hungary, Romania, and Finland.

If the Germans had been able to bring France in as an ally (even a semi-willing one) they probably would have survived. Even Italy only half mobilized (25% of GDP to the military, vs 40-60% in Germany, UK, USSR, USA).

With hindsight, though, more and more obvious that WWII was a war against Europe by the USA and USSR.

Skippy says:

*Australia -> Austria

The Cominator says:

“With hindsight, though, more and more obvious that WWII was a war against Europe by the USA and USSR.”

Hitler brought a lot of it on himself. And he declared war himself.

The really really bad war was WW1.

Aidan says:

Fully endorse Jim’s account of the Dark ages. Foreign rule destroyed the virtue and cooperative capacity of the Briton elite. Foreign rule has destroyed the Amerikaner in the same way. Imperative to see the Amerikaner as a subject people of the Harvard polis and its colonies. Under this historical view, entirely possible for the ‘barbarian within’ to end the empire.

Cloudswrest says:

With hindsight, though, more and more obvious that WWII was a war against Europe by the USA and USSR.

See Yockey’s “The Enemy of Europe”. Reverse translation by Revilo Oliver.

The German secret service, K-16, in turn seized and destroyed all copies of The Enemy of Europe. No copies of the English original survived, and only a few copies of the German edition were distributed. The present English edition is a reverse translation from the German edition.

Pooch says:

Although the consensus is far from instantaneous, this is in some sense what has already happened. The consensus settled on Trump, and he delivered nothing except pardons for Jared’s dad and some temporary immigration enforcement.

The consensus settled on Trump because he was and remains the only option for Amerikaners, even though he’s a mere simulation of a real Caesar. There are just simply no other options for Amerikaners to throw their loyalty behind, be it a person, an organization, a movement, or even an ideology.

The history of right-wing America as a whole has largely been a scam from beginning to end. I just don’t know if Amerikaners have much control over if a real Caesar, who is 100% in and understands the stakes, appears or not, although I’m starting to at least sense an understanding that you can’t reform the existing system, you must overthrow the existing system. Indeterminate where that leads.

Belarus is indeed an island of sanity, but, last I read, Hungary continues with full-on vaxx passport madness, as for that matter does Russia itself./a>. I admit to being disgusted.

I understand now what Yarvin means when he points out the distance between Ideal Putin and Real Putin. Even so, I would have less faith in countries looking like Belarus with US/NATO globohomo regimes controlling things than without.

jim says:

> you can’t reform the existing system, you must overthrow the existing system. Indeterminate where that leads.

We are at considerable risk of a new and long dark age.

If recreating the state turns into a long term project, have to implement Old Testament patriarchy in the midst of a society hostile to it, or else there will be no one to finish the job. I have not thought about how to do this. Seems likely to be hard.

The Israelites could wander in the wilderness, but they had wilderness.

Most of the available undeveloped or underdeveloped land is Russia’s far North. Needs a better environment suit technology, a face mask that causes you breath through a heat exchanger.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

While I will continue to hope for Caesar, I do not think it is likely. Rome was a warrior aristocracy, and Caesar was a product of that system. There is no leader who can call together armed men like Caesar could besides Trump. We all saw how that worked out, and Trump is not the man for the job. I think Jim might be right, and the Amerikaner nation is simply too degenerated and used to foreign rule to rule themselves. The barbarians need time to wander in the desert before they can be worthy.

Pooch says:

While I will continue to hope for Caesar, I do not think it is likely. Rome was a warrior aristocracy, and Caesar was a product of that system.

Yes I don’t think an actual illegal military coup ala the actual Caesar is viable anymore. I contend that our Caesar/dictator will necessarily have to come to power through the legal process by winning the democracy game as the NSDAP did whilst leaning heavily into paramilitary violence, but I’m not even sure how viable that is at this point either.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Maybe Caesar isn’t coming. Instead, the USA falls apart, and it soon becomes apparent that states where little effort is made to feed niggers or protect them from vigilante justice have very few niggers, while jurisdictions that worship niggers are absolutely inundated with them.

Cloudswrest says:

Oliver’s review of Yockey’s “The Enemy of Europe”.

Joe says:

The Israelites had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years because of their lack of faith. God’s commandment was to attack immediately. See Numbers ch 13-14.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The heroic man is motivated to achieve greatness – but what is informing his vision of greatness?

Provide a vision, or something else will in your stead.

Tityrus says:

The problem with the “Caesar” idea is that it will be in Caesar’s best interest to suppress social improvement. You know how tyrants are: they keep their subjects atomized, out of admittedly legitimate fears of subversion. So it would at best stave off political decline but allow social decline to continue, more insidiously for being more gradual; heavy-handed top-down measures can only do so much— didn’t Augustus outlaw adultery? In the long run, we don’t want our laws arbitrarily dictated by Caesars, we want the entire structure of society to organically instantiate justice and law, with kings instead of tyrants, just as was in the ancien regime. And as I suggested some time ago, Caesar (or, in more classical language, a tyrant) would probably be an obstacle to the reestablishment of religion.

jim makes it out like it would be in Caesar’s best interest to reestablish based Christianity, but I don’t see any precedent for that. Seems more likely that whatever he establishes or reestablishes, whatever name it goes by, will in practice be the equivalent of emperor worship— that is, it will support the state while leaving the wider society in the lurch.

> During the post Roman dark age, the successful state builders looked to the Old Testament record of how they made it through the dark age following the collapse of Bronze Age civilization. King Alfred modeled on Moses. We now have the Old Testament record, plus the records of a bunch of states that did the same thing over again.

jim, surely you don’t consider the Old Testament to be a historical “record”. Not trying to heckle, but the Old Testament is legend, legend which, in its current form, has been sifted through the pens of settled urban/agricultural sacerdotal redactors and reflects their ends and intentions, not those of ancient desert nomads. That’s not to say that they invented it all, or that it doesn’t reflect real oral tradition, but think about it this way: if we have it, it must mean that every scribe and redactor thought it better to keep it than to pass it over, that is, it must have served some immediate purpose. So “Euhemerism”, as a means of learning historical truth, is hopeless, at least when it comes to the Pentateuch. That is like trying to deduce what a quarried block of marble once looked like by studying the statue that it later became.

jim says:

I am letting this pile of stuff through, because it acknowledges I disagree, though it fails to acknowledge the reasons that I have given at length for disagreeing. Subsequently he will fail to respond to my reasons for disagreeing, and I will go back to censoring it.

> you know how tyrants are

No, I do not. That is how rulers with an uncertain hold on power, short life expectancy, and little likelihood of being able to pass on power to their sons behave. To the extent that a ruler has security, he has an incentive to have strong and prosperous subjects. If his rule is based on lies, he has the opposite incentives. When England was ruled by Kings, those Kings fostered virtue in the elite and fostered social cohesion, as today his highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum does. Who by the way owns the last chip foundry in the US that can still make modern integrated circuits, so he is not only doing right by his people, he is doing right by us, which probably reflects the fact that he has higher future orientation than our own elite does.

> heavy-handed top-down measures can only do so much— didn’t Augustus outlaw adultery?

Your statement presupposes that today’s society is oh so emancipated and liberated.

Augustus cracked down on men, and emancipated women even further than they already had been. But his heavy handed top down measures were a lot less severe than our current regime’s brutal repression of straight male sexuality.

I have banged a few women, I have been at it for a long time. Seduction, done right, is highly illegal, and marriage done right, even more illegal. Obey the law, do what school, society, and the media tell you, you will not get your dick wet, not get married, or if married, shortly thereafter divorced. My direct personal experience is of heavy handed repression by state and society. With great regularity, older books and movies are disappeared, because their seduction and romance scenes are now deemed illegal and immoral, and as the repression becomes ever more extreme, those formerly new books and movies are deemed unacceptable and get disappeared also.

> jim makes it out like it would be in Caesar’s best interest to reestablish based Christianity, but I don’t see any precedent for that.

From fourth to the eighteenth century of our Lord, a gigantic pile of precedent. Faced with the problem of state building, would be state builders mined the Old Testament through the lens of Christianity.

With great regularity I tell my readers that you should never do a rewrite from scratch unless you have to, and we need to reboot older social technology and then upgrade only very cautiously and slowly under unit test. The social technology we need to reboot has been tried before a great many times.

What Caesar did, emperor worship, what we now call cult of personality, failed. It has been tried again, many times, and failed again, many times. What Constantine did worked for a thousand years.

> Jim, surely you don’t consider the Old Testament to be a historical “record”.

It is not a historical record. It is religious Hebrew poetry based on history. I doubt that the Nile turned literally and physically into blood, but we have independent confirmation that Egyptians did consider it to have been metaphorically and spiritually turned into blood.

Obviously the Children of Dan would have formed the rearguard during the retreat from Egypt.

Did the walls of Jericho fall when Joshua had the trumpets blown? That seems a bit too convenient, but archaeology and geology confirms that they did get some mighty convenient earthquakes. .

It is our best source, really our only source, for the peoples that flattened Bronze Age civilization, as seen from their own point of view. It explains why those people acted as they did.

And the later books are obviously historical. We can be pretty sure that Solomon did write the first part of the Book of Proverbs. I am inclined to doubt that Jonah was swallowed by a great fish and vomited forth on the land, but someone went to Assyria and prophesied to them, and to his considerable surprise, was not only not killed, but was well received, and Jonah’s casual mentions of the population and structure of the Assyrian capital have been confirmed by archaeology. Someone who spent some time pestering them is basis of that book, and someone close enough to him to get a lot of minor details right wrote the story down, possibly improving a bit on Jonah’s remarkable survival from being tossed overboard. When the Assyrians abducted the Hebrew elite, they really did make them sing and stuff, it’s recorded on the walls baked in by fire when the capital of Assyria was destroyed.

There are a whole bunch of little details that have been confirmed by archaeology and by recently discovered ancient records, that had to have been written down near the time when they were supposedly written down. In this sense, history, though none of those writing it down intended to write history, or cared too much about historical rigor. It is a religious book, not a history book.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“There’s a saying in Swiss folklore; if you get lost in the mountains, don’t try to find a new trail. Retrace your steps until you find something familiar.”

Tityrus says:

[*several screenfulls of motte and bailey deleted*]

jim says:

No one here claims, and Christian intellectuals have never claimed, the Bible is a history book. The problems with large scale cooperation are regularly addressed on this blog. No one expects sainthood from Caesar. What is your solution? Soldiering on with an undead zombie Republic?

Large scale cooperation is hard.
All the issues that you raise with Caesar are well known to us, and were well known to intellectuals long before Caesar was born.

No one here thinks that Kings are all that great, but they are the old and well known solution to a decadent, untrusted, and untrustworthy elite. The path to Kings is through Caesar. This is the cycle of history. We have been around this track many times before. Soldiering on with an undead zombie republic is not working and is not going to work. It never worked before and it will not work this time. We will likely get a Stalin before we get a Putin, and if that happens the best we can do is give Stalin sound advice, (possibly from a safe distance) and hope for Beria.

Christians, or at least Christian intellectuals, have never thought the bible is history, but it is historical. It is obvious that the Jews did not become literate until Pharaoh started making use of Jews in Pharaonic bureaucracy, and everything before that is oral history quickly fading into legend, albeit some of those legends are plausibly based on real events. But it is also obvious that the Bible is based on stuff that started getting written down when they were in Egypt before the fall of Bronze Age civilization, or immediately after, during the fall of Bronze Age civilization, obvious that it is not history, but it is historical.

Tityrus says:

> No one here claims, and Christian intellectuals have never claimed, the Bible is a history book. The problems with large scale cooperation are regularly addressed on this blog. No one expects sainthood from Caesar. What is your solution? Soldiering on with an undead zombie Republic?

Christians certainly did consider the Bible to be history book until relatively recently. [*Motte and Bailey deleted*]Do you disagree? If so, tell me why.

> Large scale cooperation is hard.
> All the issues that you raise with Caesar are well known to us, and were well known to intellectuals long before Caesar was born.

And yet you do not address them.

[*”A genuine Republic has never been tried, this time it is different” type argument deleted*]

I do not want to soldier on with a “zombie republic”.

jim says:

> > No one here claims, and Christian intellectuals have never claimed, the Bible is a history book. The problems with large scale cooperation are regularly addressed on this blog. No one expects sainthood from Caesar. What is your solution? Soldiering on with an undead zombie Republic?

> Christians certainly did consider the Bible to be history book until relatively recently.


Saint Augustine addresses the question at copious length, and he quite certainly did not consider the Bible a history book. Some Christians found his position disturbing, but only in degree, not in kind.

Similarly, in the many debates about the date of Easter, theologians were entirely untroubled by the biblical inconsistency on the date of the crucifixion and the last supper. And no one has ever been bothered by the total absence of any mountain from which one can see all the Kingdoms and nations of the earth. They all of them, every single one, agreed with Saint Augustine’s take, differing from Saint Augustine only in how much history and how much allegory, differing only in degree. A lot of them thought that Saint Augustine went too far, and some thought he did not go far enough, but precisely zero of the Fathers of the Church went full on for the Bible as a book on history and geography. This is a very old debate, and the Christian position, if it has been updated in the light of new data, is not substantially changed.

From the Bronze Age decadence onwards, the Bible is more historical than Christians generally thought, from before the Hebrews gained literacy in Egypt, less historical than Christians thought. We used to take the flood literally, but now we know it only affected the deltas and flood plains of the then considerably lower oceans. We used to take Jonah allegorically, his escape from drowning being improbably miraculous, but now we have some small reason to suspect that at least one pre exile prophet bugged the Assyrians and favorably impressed them, and we now know that whoever wrote up the book of Jonah had impressively accurate knowledge of Nineveh as it was at the time that Jonah is said to have lived.

> Luther called Erasmus an atheist for his allegorical interpretations of Old Testament passages.

Erasmus obviously was an atheist or post Christian entryist against Christianity. Luther had him accurately tagged, regardless of who was right on the issues Erasmus raised. Erasmus was, as you are, a hostile entryist. You say true things only for the purpose of deceiving with a half truth that stands adjacent to your lie, which lie you never state outright, but presuppose as a self evident consensus truth.

Luther did not call Saint Augustine an atheist for Saint Augustine’s interpretations of Old Testament passages, and probably thought Saint Augustine roughly correct. All Christians have always thought Saint Augustine roughly correct, disagreeing only in degree. A lot thought, and quite a few still think, he went too far. Maybe today most Christians think he did not go far enough, but this is only a question of degree, not of kind. There is no indication that Luther thought Saint Augustine went too far, and it is quite possible that Luther thought that Saint Augustine did not go far enough.

> and I pointed out that it evidently

No, you did not point that out. You Motte and Bailyed it, presupposing it and implying it, as if it was evident, as if everyone agreed. We most certainly do not agree, because the claim is idiotic, absurd and indefensible, and I am not going to allow it through unless you are prepared to actually argue for it, and prepared to argue for it in a way that acknowledges that your interlocutor does not agree, and in fact thinks the claim entirely nuts.

> Do you disagree? If so, tell me why.

Obviously I disagree, I have told you why at vast length, wasting far too much space and time, and you fail to respond, or even acknowledge that anyone anywhere has ever disagreed. Not going to debate this any further unless you respond by attempting to defend the indefensible. Which you are not likely to do for the same reason as a troofer will never respond to anyone pointing out that building seven did not fall down suddenly and unexpectedly, and did not fall straight down, but onto the square in the direction of the twin towers.

You need to make the argument you have not been making. I do not need to endlessly repeat the argument that I have been endlessly making at excessive length.

> And yet you do not address them.

This entire blog is about how we shall deal with the inevitable and predictable arrival of Caesar.

With great regularity I say I hope for a Sulla or Pinochet, would be very happy to get a Cromwell, and think we are at high risk of getting a Stalin. And I then address how we should act in those circumstances.

> I do not want to soldier on with a “zombie republic”

No. You want us to soldier on with the cuckservatives trying to breath life into the dead corpse, a program that will likely prove as deadly for us as it did for the Romans trying to restore their Republic.

Tityrus says:

> Similarly, in the many debates about the date of Easter, theologians were entirely untroubled by the biblical inconsistency on the date of the crucifixion and the last supper. And no one has ever been bothered by the total absence of any mountain from which one can see all the Kingdoms and nations of the earth. They all of them, every single one, agreed with Saint Augustine’s take, differing from Saint Augustine only in how much history and how much allegory, differing only in degree. A lot of them thought that Saint Augustine went too far, and some thought he did not go far enough, but precisely zero of the Fathers of the Church went full on for the Bible as a book on history and geography. This is a very old debate, and the Christian position, if it has been updated in the light of new data, is not substantially changed.

> From the Bronze Age decadence onwards, the Bible is more historical than Christians generally thought, from before the Hebrews gained literacy in Egypt, less historical than Christians thought. We used to take the flood literally, but we now know it only affected the deltas and flood plains of the then considerably lower oceans. We used to take Jonah allegorically, his escape from drowning being improbably miraculous, but we now have some small reason to suspect that at least one pre exile prophet bugged the Assyrians and favorably impressed them, and we now know that whoever wrote up the book of Jonah had impressively accurate knowledge of Nineveh as it was at the time that Jonah is said to have lived.

I literally said that I did not argue against Bible-as-history, I was arguing against Biblical Euhemerism or historicization. You cannot regard the Bible as even a mythical record of what “bronze age nomads thought”, because the book obviously reflects the needs and intentions of much later redactors. [*rest of motte and bailey and argument from fake consensus deleted*]

You regularly miss the point of the things I say. That’s why you think I’m trying to “deceive” you. Something something Khmer Rouge.

As for Erasmus being an “entryist against Christianity”, you do not know what you are talking about.

> No, you did not point that out. You Motte and Bailyed it, presupposing it and implying it, as if it was evident, as if everyone agreed. We most certainly do not agree, because the claim is idiotic, absurd and indefensible, and I am not going to allow it through unless you are prepared to actually argue for it, and prepared to argue for it in a way that acknowledges that your interlocutor does not agree, and in fact thinks the claim entirely nuts.

I deny it. I argued for it in a way that presupposes that my interlocutor does not agree.

> Obviously I disagree, I have told you why at vast length, wasting far too much space and time, and you fail to respond, or even acknowledge that anyone anywhere has ever disagreed. Not going to debate this any further unless you respond by attempting to defend the indefensible. Which you are not likely to do for the same reason as a troofer will never respond to anyone pointing out that building seven did not fall down suddenly and unexpectedly, and did not fall straight down, but onto the square in the direction of the twin towers.

You did not tell me why. I stated a principle, that every story that was preserved or invented by the scribes and redactors must have been preserved or invented because it served an immediate purpose, and you have not argued for the falsity of that principle. You have quoted evidence that does not touch on the truth or falsity of it.

> This entire blog is about how we shall deal with the inevitable and predictable arrival of Caesar.

> With great regularity I say I hope for a Sulla or Pinochet, would be very happy to get a Cromwell, and think we are at high risk of getting a Stalin. And I then address how we should act in those circumstances.

I have brought up questions that I have not seen here. Most comments here about “how to deal with Caesar” are not serious discussion but murder fantasies.

The question of how to transition from a legal, despotic regime, to a legitimate, constitutional one, has not been raised. How to move from mechanical to organic order. It is however important. It looks like it’s in the far future, but it is entirely conceivable that its solution depends on things we do right now. The elite question is also important, and I do think it is significant that immovable landed property is no longer a thing.

The attitude of “we will think about it when we get there”, has caused untold amounts of misery in history. You just think I’m being a downer when I make objections. But if I were a shill I would flatter your stupidities and simplistic ideas. I would certainly not raise any objections.

> No. You want us to soldier on with the cuckservatives trying to breath life into the dead corpse, a program that will likely prove as deadly for us as it did for the Romans trying to restore their Republic.

No I do not, and never once suggested such a thing.

jim says:

> You cannot regard the Bible as even a mythical record of what “bronze age nomads thought”, because the book obviously reflects the needs and intentions of much later redactors. [*rest of motte and bailey and argument from fake consensus deleted*]

So what is your claim? Nail your colors to the mast. Are you occupying the Motte or the Bailey? How much later are these redactors?

We know the people that tore down a decadent and oppressive Bronze Age civilization were random coalitions of very diverse patriarchal and patrilineal groups who were destroying the cities. We know that the decadent bronze age civilization was hostile to patriarchy and patrilineality, so it is plausible that they were destroying the cities because they emitted armies, bureaucrats, and priests hostile to their ways, religions and culture. The stated old Testament position is cultural purity.

There are three positions that can be seriously argued:

1. Moses invented Israel the patriarch and all his predecessors to give a common male ancestor to the diverse patrilineal ancestors of a bunch of refugees from Egyptian civilization, and invented the religion of Abraham to give a single God to diverse people worshiping diverse gods, and the lives, ways, adventures and culture of those purported ancestors reflect the lives ways of the actual patrilineal founders of the groups he was uniting. In which case, still reflect the ways and cultures of nomadic Bronze Age shepherds, as remembered by foreign immigrant Bronze age Egyptian shepherds who had been in Egypt for quite some time, and commands the culture of Bronze age from its period of vigor and dynamism and describes the social technology of an older Bronze Age civilization that was being lost to decadence. The latter six of the ten commandments are a distillation and summary of what what was great about the early and dynamic period of Bronze Age civilization, and the ways and culture of the foreign peoples that Egypt was trying to globohomo, rather than views of Abraham and Israel, and the first four were pulled out of his ass to give a homogeneous religious and cultural identity to a random collection of twelve refugee groups. The seven days of creation were to make them all take rest on the same day.

2. At least some of the groups he was uniting actually traced descent from Abraham, and he threw in a few more sons of Israel to unite a few other groups with no real relationship, the sons of Dan being the most obvious candidate. Samson may be a legendary Greek hero of the Bronze Age collapse celebrated in later Greek temples who was retroactively relocated to Israel by Judges period or first temple period scribes to Israelize the Dannites. In which case, still reflect the ways and cultures of nomadic Bronze Age shepherds, as remembered by foreign immigrant Egyptian shepherds who had been in Egypt for quite some time, commands the culture of Bronze age from its period of vigor and dynamism and describes the social technology that was being lost to decadence, the old ways that Egypt was trying to globohomo.

3. The refugees were united by common descent from Abraham through Israel, and shared and remembered stories about him. These shared stories started to get written down when the descendants of Israel the patriarch gained literacy in Egypt, though some of them, we cannot know how much, were written down or edited by Aaron and his sons. Dan was a son of the Patriarch Israel, but Dan and his sons abandoned nomadic shepherding, and he and his sons left the Levant and brought shipbuilding to the Greeks. During Bronze Age civilization they were based on islands in the Mediterranean, During the collapse, some of them returned to what is now Israel, but Israelite culture and religion was foreign to them because they had absorbed much Greek culture and blood, and for a long time, many generations into the iron age, they retained their ability to bug out back to the main Dannite bases in the Mediterranean sea when things got hot, and sometimes did so, much to the irritation of the other Israelites who lacked a bugout option. Samson was an actual late Bronze age collapse legendary Dannite hero based in Israel, who became a legendary Greek hero, due to Dannites in Israel retaining a lot of connection to the main Dannite bases, which extensively overlapped with the main Greek bases.

Those are Motte positions. They can be seriously argued and defended. I don’t think one is true, but it certainly could be. Two might well be true, but I think three more likely, because Greek myth records Dan and the sons of Dan as foreigners from the Levant.

The Bailey positions are:

4. Abraham, Israel, and their culture and social technology invented by urban iron age priests during first temple Israel. Exodus and Moses also invented by urban iron age priests during first Temple Israel.

5 Abraham, Israel, Exodus, Moses, Judges, and first Temple Kings such as David and Solomon invented by second temple priests.

Four and five are obviously absurd propaganda intended to destroy Christianity by cutting it off from its Bronze Age roots. You are ambiguously and deniably pushing that line, which is why I keep censoring you. If you actually openly argue that line up front and directly, rather than furtively presupposing it, I will not censor you, but debate you.

> You regularly miss the point of the things I say.

I don’t “miss” your supposed and pretended points. I ignore them or censor them, because your purported points presuppose and take for granted shared agreement, universal acceptance of your actual payload, payload presuppositions that are at best far from universally accepted, and are usually stupid and outrageously absurd. Were I to address and debate any your purported points, I would concede the unquestioned and unquestionable truth of the things those points presuppose.

Your purported points carry a poisoned payload of supposedly accepted presuppositions, which payload I call out instead of discussing those poisoned points.

You continually use a dishonest and manipulative method of debate, which I will not tolerate on my blog. Your manipulative method for pushing your payload continually angers and outrages me. You don’t actually care about your purported points, and neither do I. They are merely there to carry the payload.

> As for Erasmus being an “entryist against Christianity”, you do not know what you are talking about.

That was little hyperbolic and I retract it.

The trouble with Erasmus is that he was defending a Roman Catholic Church that had gravely departed from the Bible and from the bronze age roots of the Bible, and to this end, he, like you, was deprecating the Bible in general and its Bronze Age roots in particular, in favor of the contemporary Roman Catholic priesthood.

> > No, you did not point that out. You Motte and Bailyed it, presupposing it and implying it, as if it was evident, as if everyone agreed. We most certainly do not agree, because the claim is idiotic, absurd and indefensible, and I am not going to allow it through unless you are prepared to actually argue for it, and prepared to argue for it in a way that acknowledges that your interlocutor does not agree, and in fact thinks the claim entirely nuts.

> I deny it. I argued for it in a way that presupposes that my interlocutor does not agree.

You argued for your supposed points in a way that presupposes that your intelocutor agrees, not with your supposed points, but with what those points presuppose.

> > You did not tell me why. I stated a principle, that every story that was preserved or invented by the scribes and redactors must have been preserved or invented because it served an immediate purpose,

Obviously that principle is self evidently true. The problem is your “much later”, the question in dispute is whether the scribe or redactor is contemporary with the people and events he was writing down. In the case of Jonah, obviously he was contemporary. Even if he was making Jonah up out of ass, he was basing him on real events and real people of his own time, the real Nineveh of his own day, the real prophets of his own day. The first part of the Book of Proverbs is obviously written by Solomon himself, or by scribes before his throne taking his direction and editing. Many of the Psalms were sung by David, or performed at the command of King David, or both. Psalm 69 sounds as if it was sung by David when he was in hiding, and performed for David when he was King. If Moses did not write Exodus, the sons of Aaron did and were writing it based on what their father and the people of his generation had told them in person.

And that, the proposition you are furtively sneaking it, that the scribes were vastly later, not your purported principle, but the question that it begs, is what I have vehemently rejected at great and excessive length. To hell with your purported arguments. I am not interested in addressing them, and you are not genuinely interested in arguing them. You always presuppose, rather than state, your actual arguments.

You keep arguing points that are unquestionably and undeniably true, with which no one seriously disagrees, in order to sneak in presuppositions as uncontroversial universally shared consensus, presuppositions that are at best controversial, and at worst are outrageous and absurd.

Stop it. I am not going to allow it on my blog.

> and you have not argued for the falsity of that principle.

Because, like most of your pretended points, it is obviously true and no one has ever denied it. Which is why no one, least of all yourself, has the slightest interest in arguing any of your pretended points. What is untrue is the implied, presupposed, and supposedly shared consensus, that those scribes were “much later” second temple scribes. Which nonsense is so obviously absurd that you have never dared state it outright, merely implying that everyone, including me, already agrees with it.

Obviously whoever wrote down the book of Jonah was more interested in making a point about theology and faith than the actual events that supposedly happened to Jonah, which gives us reason to doubt that those events are historical fact. But he was telling a story set in his own times, that was a least loosely based on events taking place in his own time. Quite possibly it is completely made up to illustrate a point about man’s relationship to God. But if so, it was made up then, not “much later”.

> > This entire blog is about how we shall deal with the inevitable and predictable arrival of Caesar.

> > With great regularity I say I hope for a Sulla or Pinochet, would be very happy to get a Cromwell, and think we are at high risk of getting a Stalin. And I then address how we should act in those circumstances.

> I have brought up questions that I have not seen here.

Your questions amount to “Caesar did bad things, and the next Caesar is likely to do similarly bad things. Obviously that is unacceptable. What is the solution?”

No one doubts this, and none of us have any proposed solution for that problem, nor the slightest interest in solving that problem, except that we intend to give Caesar sound advice, possibly from a safe distance. We do not think it unacceptable at all, Its supposed unacceptability is the unstated presupposed shared consensus in your points, your actual payload. The trouble is that the rotting zombie corpse of the Republic is right now doing worse things.

> The question of how to transition from a legal, despotic regime, to a legitimate, constitutional one, has not been raised.

See my discussion of Henry the Lion of justice. Such a transition takes generations. It is not high on our list of priorities.

I was in Davao when Duterte, then Mayor, kept order with death squads. Worked great. I liked it. Everyone liked it. I felt far safer under that regime than in this one. Everyone except the people that I would prefer not to have around felt safer. I would be fine with Mayor Duterte regime in America for a few generations, followed eventually by someone like Henry the Lion of justice.

To discuss transition back to a regime of legality is presupposes that we all agree we now have a regime of legality, which the Jan 6 protesters have noticed we no longer have, and that we all agree that regime of death squads is a very bad thing. Obviously we think it an excellent and vitally necessary thing, the only question we are interested in debating being how many people need to be given a swim in the Pacific.

We have not had a regime of legality since Bloody Kansas, and it has been getting steadily worse. The cure for that disease is a regime strikingly resembling that of Mayor Duterte, which can, and we hope will, create the necessary conditions for future generations to create a regime of legality. Should work if the state religion backs him, and he backs the state religion. But it will likely take generations to create the necessary preconditions to make a regime of legality possible once again. Mayor Duterte failed to have lasting impact, and President Duterte failed to have much impact at all, because he did not have a state religion backing him, but it worked great for a while.

> > You want us to soldier on with the cuckservatives trying to breath life into the dead corpse, a program that will likely prove as deadly for us as it did for the Romans trying to restore their Republic.

> No I do not, and never once suggested such a thing.

You have never once have suggested any of the things that you have suggested. You are always supposedly discussing something else entirely.

Karl says:

Nah, the New Zealand data indicates that the short term excess death rate for the vaccine is around 0.1%. Data on long term is still missing

ExileStyle says:

Denmark, too. Starting tomorrow, virtually no restrictions anymore:

Food for thought as far as the effect of high-trust, xeno-skeptical ethnic homogeneity vs. economic ideology on a people’s ability to think and act rationally. They also stopped administering Moderna to under-30s like half a year ago because of myocarditis data. Even if their government is composed of virtue-signaling communists, they sometimes chart their own course away from globohomo.

The Danish banking system is also really interesting, esp. as far as home ownership. Most people own homes, and they are financed through a public bond system rather than a usurious mortgage system. Kind of an Adam Müller-like “social debt” model, i.e. debt to fellow citizens rather than to bankers. (Not necessarily endorsing, just interesting and unique in contemporary Europe.)

notglowing says:

To be honest, I can’t really make sense of why some countries are going one way or another with the restrictions compared to others.
Some countries it makes sense – like how in the US it has been difficult to actually implement a mandate coming from the president, it’s not a surprise.
My country isn’t that much of a surprise either. We always had a very authoritarian government, our medical academia is large with huge presence in all of the top universities, and we were the hardest and first hit in europe back in 2020.

But what about Sweden, Denmark, and Czech republic?

Why did Austria go as far as they did?

Varna says:

Austria, Germany, Italy, and the Baltics regressing to lockstep group-think is historically valid. No major surprises there.

Portugal being broken-dick and broken-spine has been self-evident seen it became apparent a few years back that they have the highest per capita use of antidepressants in all of Europe. That’s an obvious symptom of national malaise. May they find a way out of that trap.

Russia and most of Eastern Europe pretending to be going along and it all mostly falling apart on the local grassroot level is also to be expected. As long as the post-commie generation is still alive it’ll never take govt shit or media shit at face value.

The Anglosphere and the Francosphere going apeshit the way they did, now *that* is something one would not expect to happen so acutely and so quickly. I would call this the surprise of the era.

Herman says:

> Austria, Germany, Italy, and the Baltics regressing to lockstep group-think is historically valid. No major surprises there.

I have the feeling that people in Germany are actually enjoying the covid demon worship.

Recently my coworkers were really proud of their third clot shot, were proudly showing there pass to everyone and where really happy to be among the privileged to get access everywhere.

One was sick for two weeks after the third clot shot, but very proud for having suffered. And a lot of people where showing him respect for it.

They were very sad that people without a clot shot pass were allowed into shores again.

Some these people where masks everywhere and go to test every few days even if they do not have to.

jim says:

Everyone loves a state religion. They are hungry for what worship of the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon is giving them. It provides moral certainty and rigtheousness, which people are hungry for.

Bouncer says:

Jim, when you were talking with Tityrus, what did you mean with “Samson may be a legendary Greek hero of the Bronze Age collapse celebrated in later Greek temples” – which Greek hero are you suggesting may be Samson?

jim says:

His name slips my memory, but a Greek temple with a hero going amuck with the jawbone of an ass is still around.

Skippy says:

UK has been very schizophrenic, with some of the best and worst regulations.

USA is becoming Eastern Europe in the hinterland while in a handful of cities this is mostly desired (but in a more evangelical way than the mechanical German way).

Australia and New Zealand just becoming part of Asia and in denial about it.

No idea what’s up with France. Makes no sense to me. Perhaps just Macron’s personal technocratic powerdick needs to be sucked.

Fireball says:

There is no way out of the trap or anything else. We are probably going for a hard collapse. This was well known before covid we just tough we had more 10 or 15 years so we are extremely underprepared.

It is going to be a huge chaotic clusterfuck.

Pooch says:

During hard collapses, the center of the empire usually takes the worst of it. If the Global American Empire falls, Europe will be fine with Russia naturally pulling it in a reactionary direction.

Fireball says:

1) Since when? England and Green stop having civilization and Byzantium and Egypt not.

2) You know zero about the problems of Portugal.

Pooch says:

The solutions to the problems of Portugal are not likely to be acceptable to the US embassy in Portugal. Without a US embassy in Portugal, there’s likely to be a lot more solutions available to it.

Fireball says:

Nor would they be acceptable to the portuguese elite even without the US embassy.

jim says:

The Portuguese elite is a creation of the US embassy and universities that are branches of Harvard, without which they will have difficulty in continuing to control events.

Fireball says:

No, they aren’t. Havard is just the fashion of the age. Sure we would have a few less problems but we have been in this path long before havard was relevant.

jim says:

Harvard was relevant the day it was founded, in that entryist attacks on the Church of England were happening from the beginning, and Harvard was their base in exile where they could freely meet and plot in comfort.

And we have not been on this path for a very long time. We have been on this path since, at the earliest, the failure to purge William William and his Saints, who had at least some significant connection to Harvard.

Fireball says:

Havard has no real relevance outside the anglo-saxon world before the french decide to fuck themselves in the late 18th century.

And no one care to emulate themselves in accord to the english court before the industrial revolution.

jim says:

So what is your point? Our problems began in the late eighteenth, early nineteenth century. Before World War I, most of the world was ruled by Kings and aristocrats. Until 1820, Kings ruled in Britain, and until 1860, aristocrats still had lots of power in England. Leftism did not really get much traction until 1820.

Harvard has been around and doing its best to end all that since Charles the second purged the Church of England of leftists, but their big victories started after 1860.

Until the American civil war, Harvard was the Vatican of New England. After the civil war, the Vatican of America. After World War II, the Vatican of the world.

Skippy says:

Portugal in particular has been politically tied with England right up until 1945, going back centuries.

I have no idea how much religious influence this may have had, or influence on political ideologies in the 17th and 18th centuries. Maybe none. Maybe you know better.

ExileStyle says:

Regression to long-standing, pre-1945 cultural norms is a real phenomenon. Austria and Germany lack an indigenous culture of anti-authoritarianism.

As for the Anglosphere, I think we are just dealing with plain old imperial centralization: Harvard, NYT, Washington Post, etc. (i.e. Cathedral) decide on something and propagate it and the privileged, decadent imperials go along with it.

Francosphere, I don’t know. They pose as revolutionary libertarians but are actually indifferent, decadent, and pussified. The instinctual American prejudice/disdain for these professional surrenderers is validated by the memory-holed fact that their parliament approved collaboration with Germany in 1940 by the yawningly huge margin of of 569-80. Any of their “vive la résistance” bullshit is pure posing. Fundamentally they are lazy, melodramatic, and fake as a people. Good at books and paintings, though.

(And to preempt any accusations, my point isn’t to question the (admirably reactionary) politics of Vichy France, just that they pretty easily and willingly signed their sovereignty over to their enemy and then have pretended since 1945 that they did the opposite.)

jim says:

It is a matter of how far the institutions have been consumed.

The conspirators were impatient with slow boiling the frog, and wanted to fast boil the frog. Some of them wanted and expected to bring about the end of days prophesied in their reading of the book of revelations. So close to total power, and so far, so close to the capacity to create terrifying suffering.

It is now apparent that the plan was that the weaponized virus would be extremely deadly, and vaccine effective, and they would use this to finish off any remnant and resisting functionality in the institutions, subsuming everything into a medical police state. As the weaponized virus becomes ever less dangerous, evolving back to its natural wild state as just yet another flu type disease, one of endlessly many, this strategy is running into head winds. The milder variants spread faster because flu type viruses aim to have their carriers walking around doing their normal things with the uninfected.

The serious consequences of flu generally happen after the disease has run its course as the virus has been largely eliminated and the carrier is no longer infectious. The immune system continues to nuke the rubble from orbit to make sure you don’t have a permavirus infection – which leads me to expect that perma omicron, which may be coming for the massively boosted, is likely to have very serious long term consequences. That, clearly, is what the immune system thinks. Likely to be correct. Probably knows better than the scientists.

Fast boiling is a high risk, high reward strategy.

The plan was that the weaponized virus would create mass die off and terror. If, as was always possible and is now looking increasingly possible, the jab creates mass die off, they will continue the plan as before.

Karl says:

They will have to adapt there plan. If there is a deadly virus and they give live saving vaccination to their followers only, they kill off all opposition. If the virus is harmless and the jab kills of all followers, they will need something do about the opposition

jim says:

We now know that at the very beginning before the short duration of vaccine effectiveness was known, while it was still being firmly and confidently denied, they were planning for endless boosters in rapid succession.

The Cominator says:

“We now know that at the very beginning before the short duration of vaccine effectiveness was known”

It wasn’t antigen stable… there was no way a vaccine (even a trad vaccine) could have other than a short duration.

Aryaman says:

The H protein in the measles virus which is the primary antigenic target of the vaccine is stable, despite that the immunity induced by the MMR vaccine is not quite long lived. By way of contrast vaccination against rubella appears to offer lifelong protection. It is not uncommon to find adults who need to get an immunization record midlife find they maintain antibodies neutralizing rubella but not measles or mumps.

Rubella and smallpox are the only major viruses I’m aware of that induce what appears to be true, lifelong immunity. Incidentally, the vaccinia virus and rubella virus appear to be especially good vehicles for the delivery of other foreign proteins, especially the vaccinia virus. This may or may not be related to what makes their native vaccines so effective.

In addition, the vaccinia virus small pox vaccine is a whole, live, infectious virus that causes serious complications in people with AIDS as it is a whole, live, infectious virus.

I am not a cell biologist or immunologist but seems pretty obvious that vaccines which work well so do by mimicking the context of a natural infection, so a coronavirus vaccine that works would take the form of a nasal spray which is contraindicated for people with AIDS.

Whereas what we got is contraindicated among fit and healthy people, and likely relatively harmless among those with AIDS.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I am not a cell biologist or immunologist but seems pretty obvious that vaccines which work well so do by mimicking the context of a natural infection, so a coronavirus vaccine that works would take the form of a nasal spray which is contraindicated for people with AIDS.

>Whereas what we got is contraindicated among fit and healthy people, and likely relatively harmless among those with AIDS.

But of course; the holy gay cannot be considered abnormal; so everyone else must be made abnormal instead.

Karl says:

So what was or is the plan for the unvaccinated?

jim says:

The plan was that the story that we are the ones spreading the disease would have enough truth to be credible. We all be sent to summer camp in the Hebrides.

Now they are making it up as they go along. That part of their plan has come badly unstuck. They might well go ahead with it anyway.

Pooch says:

Short-term – unpersoning them
Long term – genociding them

Varna says:

This all looks like a classical deal with trickster demons. You kind of get what you wanted, but then the devil’s bargain mechanics kick in and it gradually becomes the opposite.

Classic for millennia. But every generation has megalomaniacs who will totally do it correctly this time and harness the evil energy and everything will work out as planned.

Frontier says:

Japan continues to not follow Cathedral’s Covid religion. The pharmaceuticals company Kowa went ahead and ran a trial on Ivermectin and found it to work on covid, hitting the top of Twitters trending sidebar.

Cloudswrest says:

Anybody else notice that Musk appears to have greatly increased his “right wing” profile to Twitter lately. He’s been questioning vax protocols quite a bit lately. One wonders if the empire will strike back?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I think he realized that the Cathedral will not let him go to Mars. His outreach to China and his anti-Cathedral positions should be looked at in this light. He is the Star Prophet attacking the faiths of the evil Gaians who seek to tie him to Mother Earth and will not let him seek Father Sky.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Someone need to meme Chad Elon Musk answering the call of Sky Father to join him among the stars compared to simping environmentalists throwing money at and clinging to fat Mother Earth.

pyrrhus says:

Perhaps Musk thinks he needs to build public support to deter the empire…though I think the likely effects on the stock market of his removal are probably deterrant enough…

Pooch says:

They won’t strike back. Questioning vax protocols are within the Overton window. If Musk is saying more slightly right-wing things, it’s not a sign of Musk being more right-wing, it’s a sign of the Overton window moving slightly right.

jim says:

Not seeing Overton window moving to the right. He is moving closer to the right edge of the Overton window, possibly past it.

Which he would only do if he had a backup plan to build rockets elsewhere.

Pooch says:

Yes, probably the case.

Cloudswrest says:

Maybe he’ll move his launch site down the coast a couple of miles to Playa Bagdad in Mexico.

Kunning Drueger says:

Better to go offshore, then he can float to friends and away from enemies.

Anon says:
Cloudswrestc says:
Anon says:

> 1488

Cloudswrest says:
Mister Grumpus says:

Just call him Justin Castro (Castreau?) until it sticks.

Skippy says:


The regime is getting ready to blame vaccine side-effects on curiously delayed reactions in covid infections.

If this really is the next turn in the story, there will be greatly increased pressure to get vaxxxed to eliminate the control group that can be used to prove it was governments, not covid, that did this.

They may even deliberately engineer new safe-seeming vaccines that produce the same side effects.

notglowing says:

>If this really is the next turn in the story, there will be greatly increased pressure to get vaxxxed to eliminate the control group that can be used to prove it was governments, not covid, that did this.

Pressure has increased recently, but with the many omicron cases as a justification. The measures being put in place that are justified by the mildness of omicron also include not renewing some of the vaccine-related restrictions. So I don’t see it going that way – there is a faction in favour of more, and one of less restrictions. Both are pro-vaccine, but the latter is less so pro vaccine mandate.

>They may even deliberately engineer new safe-seeming vaccines that produce the same side effects.
Nah. What would that even mean? How do these differ from current vaccines?

I think you have too high of an opinion of them. So far everything they’ve done has been very reactive and with little foresight, plus they couldn’t engineer a working vaccine to begin with. They might well be trying to make it look like covid is over because the vaccines didn’t *really* work, but I don’t think this is part of some very well thought of plan.
They likely would just say the vaccine sequelae are caused by covid. It’s estimated 60% of the world population got infected at this point, and most people who got the vaccine do not actually get severe side effects from it. So even with the remaining unvaccinated population they can just bury the truth quite easily.
Even that may be more than necessary. They have been pretending these side effects simply don’t happen. That might continue.

If Jim is right, and the long-term effects are far worse than what we have seen until now, then it might be different.
However I’m not that pessimistic. I think it remains to be seen. What annoys me the most is that, the vaccine side effects being the same as “long covid” makes that cover up mostly unfalsifiable. Statistics show the real story, but that is easier to ignore, and hardly a smoking gun.

Out of all of the outcomes the Cathedral might settle for, I’d probably prefer if they just stopped talking about covid. Maybe the faith will die there, but this is wishful thinking on my part.

Karl says:

Stopping corona policies would be a move to the right. The cathedral might be able to move to the right, but only if they move somewhere else much further left.

War might be an opportunity for a major move to left, but what else is there?

notglowing says:

> War might be an opportunity for a major move to left, but what else is there?

Maybe that’s what’s next. We didn’t expect this to be the next thing in 2019.
I’m not gonna pretend I know the future, though.

pyrrhus says:

Meanwhile, no one is investigating the gain of function bioweapon research in China and at UNC because they are still doing it…

Javier says:

Female relative of mine just went to the doctor after admitting she’s been having chest pains for weeks. Turns out she has major heart damage. She’s older but the last time she went 2 years ago she was in fine health.

Of course she’s a vaxxtard and the doctors have ‘no idea’ what could have caused this. It’s a scooby doo mystery!

The Cominator says:
Pooch says:

Sounds exactly what happened to my gf’s father.

Red says:

I met a girl with congestive heart failure at 34. She had covid, then got jabbed and suddenly her heart gives out.

pyrrhus says:

Clif High, a data miner who has been right about some things, contends that tens of millions will be dying or crippled in the next three years from the after effects of the vaxxing…..

jim says:

He is being conservative. Hundreds of millions. With each boost the death rate rises.

The second boost more than doubles the death rate. That is a whole lot of deaths over the next few years.

Plus, any attritive process that increases death rate usually has a point where it goes exponential. Chances are that with enough boosts, everyone will die.

They must know that by now. Covering up the death rate, which started immediately they started the jab, indicates mens rea. We now know that the safety trials were faked, and it is obvious that medical priesthood was in on the fakery, at the top, that Fauci was complicit in the faking, so knew that the jab was dangerous, though did not necessarily know how dangerous, when he approved it.

Neofugue says:

Notice how Rintrah manipulates statistics to blame the side effects of Covid vaccination on inadequate government response, i.e. the refuseniks.

Rintrah is a demon worshiper similar to Anatoly Karlin, a devil masking himself in the cloak of someone sympathetic in order to demoralize us.

Reading many of the above demon’s articles makes me more supportive of Cominator’s position. Reading his filth on Tradcaths makes me question speaking ill of Roman Catholicism.

Mike in Boston says:

OT: Our host has drawn a parallel between Cromwell and Stalin many times, and the correctness of that analysis has now been confirmed by none other than Stalin himself. From a Financial Times review of Geoffrey Roberts’s new book “Stalin’s Library”:

Stalin was an avid reader of military history… On a book about the English Civil War, he made a mark comparing the Puritan chaplains of Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army with the political commissars of the Soviet Red Army.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As expected, TPTB putting the squeeze on spotify once resistance is detected.

The classic merchant behavior is to make a token effort at first then fold if the eye of sauron starts to turn it’s gaze upon it.

The Cominator says:

Spotify fucks with Rogan they have to pay him I think over 500 million dollars immediately…

Can the glowniggers reimburse them, because spotify isn’t going to fold easily if they have to make that kind of payout.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Supposing there is such a stipulation, one could see it being ruled null and void regardless because removal was not a ‘choice’ but unfortunately necessitated by his apostasy.

You saw the same thing with Djokovich, the ‘official’ reason given literally saying that yes there was no actual risk but that they are deporting him anyways because ‘pour encourager les autres’.

It might not come to that – maybe Rogan himself will end up muzzling himself, which is probably the desired goal – but always remember that the paper is only worth how far power is willing to go over it.

Pooch says:

The screeching isn’t loud enough from the Cathedral to boot him yet. Putting a “Covid Misinformation” label seems to be the concession for now.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Just hit em with the ol’ “I see here at some point in the rolling aeons of G-d’s good creation you said a word in whatever context that nowadays is very nono, heh tough luck kid”.

Upravda says:

To be honest, up until a few minutes ago I thought that you guys have gone a little bit too far into all that “Jesuit conspiracy” stuff.

Now…. well, you might be up to something. On someone named Daniel Astudillo Estrella has come to the same conclusion regarding Austria:

Currently, I don’t have the time to check all that myself, but it is definitely worth of investigating.

jim says:

It does sound rather deep end, does it not, but if Jesuits, the objective is to immanentize the eschaton by fulfilling the prophecy of the book of Revelation as interpreted by a demon worshiping cult in the Vatican.

Immanentizing the eschaton by the workers seizing the means of production was tried and lost credibility. Immanentizing the eschaton by everyone having non discriminatory sex in a great big pile was tried, and the result was a left dominated by childless cat ladies. Someone on gab noticed that there were eleven complaints that the Canadian trucker protest was preventing their pets from sleeping, zero complaints it was preventing their babies from sleeping.

So, how does one immanentize the eschaton? The left hungers for the next big thing.

The Cominator says:

The Jesuits are not that deep end to be suspicious of when you consider

1) One of their job is literally to be the glowniggers of the Vatican, this isn’t talked about much now but in the 19th and 18th centuries it was common knowledge. They were also the worlds original glowniggers in the modern sense (as opposed to personal spy networks) though I guess you could argue that Byzantiums Agentes in Rebus came close.

2) As such they got repeatedly kicked out of even Catholic monarchies prior to WWI.

3) The HISTORICAL Bavarian Illuminati were basically all Jesuits (when the order was suppressed the only ones who weren’t were the junior members) this make the Illuminati Manifesto quite literally the Jesuit Manifesto, the Elders of Zion was clearly just a fake and gay ripoff designed to put the focus elsewhere.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Com has a monomania for trying to find any conspiracies that don’t involve eskimos.

Well, sometimes he finds one.

Arqiduka says:

We should all aim to life so truthfully that so much could be said is so few words of all of us.

Upravda says:

The trouble is, each and every “conspiracy theory” connected to covid worshiping during last 2 years has turned out to be – true.

Every. Single. One.

jim says:

I did not believe it was created in a lab.

There are some mighty odd things about the China flu genome, notably that it is four percent descended from HIV associated virus, but we know of plenty of strange hybridization events that have occurred in nature, particularly with lower organisms.

And then: “Gain of function research”

That is compelling evidence that it was a bioweapon created to create an emergency in order to grab emergency powers.

Red says:

My take is they’re trying copy dreck like V for Vendetta.

Upravda says:

Very early in 2020 I discovered that video about Event 201 exercise in WEF:
… and few days later, this article:

Although there’s no explicit mentioning of the term “gain of function”, abstract is enough to understand everything, even laymen. They did it, although that version from 2015 is not necessarily the same version released in autumn 2019 in Wuhan.

jim says:

Good find:

we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV

That is gain of function research, it is the gain of function that Covid has, and it is the sort of thing you do if you are trying to create a disease to wipe out a mosquito species. Except in this case they were doing the research to wipe out humans.

Except that if you are doing it on mosquitoes, let alone cockroaches, the entire apparatus of power comes down on you like a ton of bricks. “Oh the horror, you are going to upset the precious balance of nature.”

The guys that fixed the breakbone fever problem in South Queensland (spread by one very specific mosquito species) are running into a fair bit of resistance in their efforts to fix the breakbone fever problem in other countries.

Bouncer says:

Jim or anyone, can we have a link that works to the PDF at the beginning of this post? Would be very interesting to read it myself.

jim says:


Bouncer says:

Thanks Jim. Is there an external link (eg. wherever you found it yourself) so I can share it with people online?
I’m not sure some that I may want to share it with will take it seriously if the link includes the word “blog”, they’re the covid faithful after all… *sigh*

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