
sudden swerve in the path to the left singularity

The Cathedral has abandoned the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon narrative, and the innocent peaceable dark skinned joggers capriciously attacked by white predators for no apparent reason narrative, in favor of the universal support for war against Russia narrative.

You think censorship has eased? The internet connections with Russia are being cut.

A precondition for war with Russia is getting enough people to be inside the war bubble. YouTube is busily purging outside the War-with-Russia bubble videos, and has lost interest in purging outside the Covid bubble and outside peaceful-jogger bubble videos.

Still seeing piles of pro Russian stuff on facebook, twitter, reddit and youtube, but I also see the screws tightening. I expect that they will continue to tighten.

Thus the left singularity proceeds, but in a new direction likely to end in war.

Recollect that the ever leftwards tendency suddenly took a new turn in 1933, throwing first wave feminism overboard in favor of preparation for war and the total war economy. Instead of universal support for women’s rights, there was universal support for a command economy. War ensued six years later, but the left singularity runs faster these days.

The Cathedral seems content to let Ukraine fall, but they are preparing for asymmetric warfare in the Ukraine against the Russians. One thing will lead to another, and the psychological preparation for one thing leading to another has begun.

431 comments sudden swerve in the path to the left singularity

Mister Grumpus says:

Let me point out that Russians shoot back and have nukes, while Amerikaners can’t and don’t, so the political cartoon at top of OP will need another swerve added.

After Ukraine wraps up — win or lose it doesn’t matter now — all that bloodlust will have to be refocused on (deep breath)

the deplorable, racist, Covid-denying, anti-science, anti-vaxx, anti-democracy, pro-gun, anti-climate, Putin-loving, domestic terrorist Amerikaners.

“Ukraine and Shaniqua would have won if it wasn’t for them! They stabbed us in the back!”

Jim please expound (again):

How do you evaluate how much of this “process” is natural and emergent leftward bird-flocking, versus hand rubbing evil genius master plan? Where’s the line? Do you believe there are people “at the top” who understand these historical flows like you do — perhaps even reading this on Tor right now — but are intentionally and consciously applying these same principles and models toward their opposite ends?

The Cominator says:

Tend to agree… Russia is not the lefts usual helpless victim.

S says:

The two are the same. In demon worshipping states (democracy) the way to have power is to demonstrate power- smashing and destroying stuff. So the elite are consciously plotting but it’s emergent since it becomes more and more controlled by what is immediately available.

Mister Grumpus says:

Tell me if I understand your position:

There are no evil genius master planners who map this shit out years and years in advance, but there are people who do consciously understand “Jim’s principles of leftward singularities”, and the “best” of them use said principles to evaluate and choose the “strongest branch” to grab and swing to next, or even the next two or three branches in sequence.

S says:

It’s more that once you get enough evil geniuses their plans start to conflict and as more and more gets taken over by the left competing over the spoils gets a larger and larger pay off.

Examples are probably best. Clovis was created in a lab as a bioweapon to give status to researchers who study viruses and to kill people. Trump happens, virus is unleashed and we get human sacrifice through vaccines and total medical tyranny. Then we learn racism is the real health crisis and the covid demon can be beaten by chanting black lives matter. Now we have a total sidelining of covid for ww3.

All of these were planned out to some degree in advance, but not by the same people. Each faction is competing with each other and so plans are being enacted with less and less coherence.

Look at right now. We have a war scare with Russia which appears to be totally ignoring the existence of China. The plan has all the elements to show and demonstrate power in the US without the any coherent parts for winning or even going to war.

Pooch says:

Don’t think it’s all that complicated. They hate white Christian men, be it at home, or abroad. I have been saying here for a while that external war with Russia is orders of magnitude more likely than war with China because there is real anti-white animosity there. Simple as. Looking like I may be proven right.

Mister Grumpus says:

You’re obviously right. War with China would be racist. Unthinkable.

The Cominator says:

China also massively payoffs DC insiders the way Saudi Arabia used to do (and that Mohammed Bin Salman does not, but they probably cannot go after Bin Salman because after his coup he likely took the payoff books when he arrested the other Saudi princes).

Putin ended these payoffs and kicked out the NGOs and of course I’m sure in victory they will also be expelled from the Ukraine, thus they hate him.

Zorost says:

There absolutely are evil genius’s (or at least reasonably intelligent) people at the top. The Left always tells us exactly what they are going to do decades in advance, then they do them. Then the Right acts shocked that the Left is doing stuff that doesn’t make sense to a nationalist, and declares the Left is stupid or insane. Pure projection. Then whatever the Left did ends up giving them an increase in their power.

The Left has said at least since the ’30s that the plan is to make things so bad that people beg for socialism, then give them socialism good and hard. Massive inflation along with skyrocketing food and energy costs, a fake war that costs money and justifies more tyranny. Those aren’t mistakes, those are preparations.

pyrrhus says:

Yes, yet another set of reasons why the idea is crazy…

Karl says:

Why do you think that a precondition for war with Russia is getting enough people to be inside the war bubble? If voting no longer matters, why does it matter what the people think about war with Russia?

Or did you mean that enough people of the ruling coalition have to be inside the war faction? But I doubt those people spend any time watching youtube videos. My impression is that censorship and propaganda are directed at the general population

The Cominator says:

The problem with the war with Russia faction has is that the military officers keep saying no and that they just can’t get anyone with even a modicum of military knowledge even affirmative action cases or even women who’ve studied the issue… to say yes. Its just not something they can get anyone sane to agree to do. Well I shouldn’t say, the idiot Wesley Clark was willing at the time of the Serb war…

Thomas777 wasn’t always my favorite poster back in the day but he was probably right about that, and he brought up (I think it was him) NATO Secretary Stoltenberg flying out to Poland and telling them you aren’t selling NATO planes to the Ukes you insane retards.

Pooch says:

This is a good point. It’s also the grunts too. You want them motivated for war. I have ex-military and current military friends on facebook and they seem to be brainwashed enough to be anti-Russia but not brainwashed enough to actually be gung-ho for war yet.

Cloudswrest says:

they seem to be brainwashed enough to be anti-Russia but not brainwashed enough to actually be gung-ho for war yet.

Neither was America before Dec 7, 1941. You need a Pearl Harbor for that. Remember Lindbergh and the first “America First” were for staying out of European wars.

Pooch says:

FDR/Harvard was planning intervention in Europe long before Pearl Harbor. Was sending boatloads of weapons to the UK.

The Cominator says:

Public opinion was against getting involved in the war, but it wasn’t so hostile as it is to war with Russia now.

Also Japan and Hitler saved FDR the trouble by attacking and declaring war (respectively) themselves.

clovis says:

I’m not seeing that public opinion is that hostile to war with Russia. Maybe folks don’t want to get involved in nuclear war, but everyone is waving the flag for poor Ukraine. Everyone seems to have forgotten how Russia was demonized for “election meddling” that never happened, and now believes Russia really is a demon.

jim says:

> I’m not seeing that public opinion is that hostile to war with Russia.

It is hard to see public opinion. What you see is the opinions the elite thinks the public should have.

Pooch says:

Public opinion was against getting involved in the war, but it wasn’t so hostile as it is to war with Russia now.

Public opinion was against putting US boots in Europe again when they had just been there in WWI. However, it was clear that public opinion was shaped in a way that Nazi Germany and Hitler were evil and the defiant British were the “good guys”. So it was just a matter of time before FDR entered on behalf of the “good” against “evil”. Pearl Harbor gave him that Casus belli.

Red says:

According to a few historical accounts I’ve read FDR immediately tried to get a declaration of war against Germany over Pearl Harbor and was shot down by Congress and the public. People were seeing red from the sneak attack and felt that war against Germany would be a distraction on getting vengeance against Japan. Hitler saved the day for FDR with his declaration of war.

FDR had intended the Japanese to attack the US at the Philippines to get us into the war and then use that to declare war on Germany but the attack had been far more successful than he expected when they hit Hawaii instead of the Philippines first. This pissed people off a lot more than intended and all of it was focused on Japan.

Pooch says:

Yes this is the correct take. Pearl Harbor hindered, not helped, FDR’s Europe war initiative, but then he got bailed out by Hitler’s declaration of war.

The Cominator says:

But if Hitler didn’t declare war not sure FDR would have been able to finagle direct American troop intervention…

FDR didn’t even bother trying after say the sinking of the USS Reuben James.


Pooch says:

I don’t believe Hitler declaring war would have mattered. The US was already in a semi-state of naval war with Germany at the time of Pearl Harbor. US destroyers were engaging Germany U-boats in the Atlantic. US intervention was inevitable. Ant-fascist propaganda in the US was getting increasingly loud before Pearl Harbor.

The Cominator says:

US would have been distracted for a couple years with Japan and perhaps the public would not have tolerated the distraction with Germany (even with supplies) if Hitler didn’t declare war.

Skippy says:

Without the declaration of war, Germany would have had enough time to finish off the USSR.

Maybe the whole of Germany’s success was an accident.

Red says:

FDR didn’t even bother trying after say the sinking of the USS Reuben James.

Oh he tried, but both congress and the public knew that FDR was setting up our ships to be attacked so that FDR could get an excuse to declare war. Congress told FDR to pound sand when he talked to them privately.

clovis says:

Almost every person I know who is otherwise “conservative” and even red pilled on some issues is anti-Russia right now. Everyone seems to have forgotten, or never knew, that the Ukrainian government was put in place by the CIA.

The Cominator says:

Slap them in their cunt mouths and remind them the media can’t be trusted and the Ukes are getting their shit pushed in, that they can’t find fucking Ukraine on a map, and that Ukraine is a place that DC assholes like Hunter Biden ripoff from and that anyone who says muh Russia is a shill.

clovis says:

unfortunately can’t easily do this without risking my job

Red says:

Show them a video of a Uki gay pride parade complete with little boys in drag. Then show them a video of a Russian Military Cathedral. Ask them which they want in America.

Don Cornelius sr. says:

[*Hail fellow reactionaries. Putin is invading the poor innocent Ukrainians on the command of Biden*]

jim says:

Normally I allow a new shill narrative through the first time I see it so that I can rebut it, but this one is too stupid to worth rebutting. Try another.

Red says:

They’re seeing it as a chance to regain unity with Globohomo. Most cuckservitives knew that they were on a path towards boxcars heading to the death camps as the left was refusing any sort of surrender. With war they see a chance to make themselves useful to their masters again and avoid the fate that was planned for them.

The Cominator says:

To expand on this further, military men are not typically like cops. There tends to be limits on the extent they’ll obey orders and a certain point where they go I’ll take the consequences of disobeying (at least since WWI). And the war with Russia faction has run into this problem a couple of times with the military officers even otherwise pozzed officers telling them no you’re insane go fuck yourselves.

Cops otoh are not like that…

ExileStyle says:

> There tends to be limits on the extent they’ll obey orders and a certain point where they go I’ll take the consequences of disobeying (at least since WWI).

Can you elaborate on this? What other limits have officers set since WWI?

Pooch says:

I know Hillary as head of the State Department fanatically wanted war with Russia in 2014. I don’t remember who exactly it was who shut her down.

Mister Grumpus says:

There was some Congressional testimony, like on camera, where some officer explained, in his out-loud real voice, that a doing no-fly zone in Syria would mean a state of war with Russia. I remember it distinctly.

The Cominator says:

That was Mattis actually. Turned out to be pozzed but no so pozzed he was that insane.

Red says:

Your definition of insane must be different from mine. Mattis was handled the most complete study on the effectiveness of women in combat by the Marines. Thousands of pages of documentation and combat tests results that came down to the fact that women are about as effective in combat as 12 year boys.

Mattis responded by firing everyone involved in the study and putting a sheboon in charge of the Marines.

The Cominator says:

But… still not insane to want war with Russia.

Jehu says:

I doubt that mixed units would be even as effective as a unit of 12 year old boys in practice. But look at the consequences. If Mattis didn’t fire them, he’d have gotten run out of the military himself. That’s more cowardice than insanity. It’s particularly pernicious cowardice, because I’m damned sure he knows better.

Whereas Hillary was pushing something that might get him killed. That concentrates the mind pretty well. I’m sure Putin should he get into a real war with the US will make damned sure to liquidate as much of the Cathedral as he’s able.

Red says:

If Mattis didn’t fire them, he’d have gotten run out of the military himself. That’s more cowardice than insanity. It’s particularly pernicious cowardice, because I’m damned sure he knows better.

He was secretary of Defense under Trump when this happened. Mattis is likely a faggot(he’s unmarried) who talks toughs while implimenting globohomo.

Whereas Hillary was pushing something that might get him killed. That concentrates the mind pretty well. I’m sure Putin should he get into a real war with the US will make damned sure to liquidate as much of the Cathedral as he’s able.

Allowing the marines to degrade into garbage is insanity that will take time to kill us. Hillary just wanted to speed up the process. Both are insane, but one is more immediately insane than the other.

i says:

I remember when the media was just gushing over the badass Kurdish women fighters of the YPJ/PKK in Syria against ISIS.

And in their so called daring rescue of the Yazidi persecuted group that they made the women of that group also into warriors or something.

I wonder how they are doing now.

clovis says:

Why did Hillary want war with Russia? It seems like most of the color revolutions that have happened or almost happened in the last twenty years were about money at least in part–Libya (oil), Syria (oil), Ukraine (Burisma), maybe Yemen, Egypt. Is that what is driving her and others like her, or is it also true faith that Russia is evil because it is insufficiently gay and feminist?

Red says:

Hillary wants power and war with Russia is way to gain that power.

Kunning Drueger says:

Syrian oil? War as a consequence of resources is a Cathedral meme. Of course, resources matter, but outside of socialist college girls, I’ve never really heard that assertion.

jim says:

True faith.

There has always been a war with Russia faction seething under the covers. They are now making a grab for power, and with the sudden shut down of the Covid and Jogger narratives, and their total replacement with the plucky Ukraine narrative, looks like they have succeeded, in so far as any left faction can succeed.

Plucky Ukraine narrative is not preparation for Nato intervention. It is preparation for asymmetric war against Russia, which will eventually escalate into conventional war.

pyrrhus says:

That faction being primarily composed of Russian Jews like Victoria Nuland and her neocon hubby…They’ve never gotten over the defeat of the Bolsheviks in ’91…

Pooch says:

Libya had absolutely nothing to do with oil. Gaddafi was bending over backward for the GAE and they off’d him anyway. Why? Because it can. It’s the story of the Scorpion and the frog.

Leon says:

Small problem with that theory. The police have been militarizing for decades and former military men have first dibs on cop jobs. There is basically a pipeline from various military branches straight into police departments.

The Cominator says:

Only certain types of military men become cops.

Kunning Drueger says:

He just hates cops, so they’re a monolithic entity in his world view. Military is way more pozzed, spiritually, than cops. Intimate contact with either over time demonstrates this. Good rule of thumb: police departments are like regular military; big organization lousy with bureaucrats and “just following orders” morons. Sheriff’s Departments are hierarchical gangs, with the sheriff as war lord and the officers as enforcers.

There are definitely non-pozzed military, just like there are count run sheriff’s departments. But in terms of generalities, police don’t have the same boot camp process that crushes the man into a lump of obedience.

Understand, both are a problem that must be dealt with judiciously. But don’t make the classic normiecon error of blind trust in military. 2020 is a lesson worth remembering.

Cloudswrest says:

To expand on this further, military men are not typically like cops. There tends to be limits on the extent they’ll obey orders

Couple of comments:

I would speculate that this is even more true of draftees.

Cops tend to be (combat) vastly superior to the people they come in contact with and are usually killed or injured only by surprise. Cops tend to be vastly less enthusiastic when the tables are turned. They rarely, if ever, go into armed ethnic no go zones.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Cops are bullies and cowards. They will pick on those weaker, but shy away from those who demonstrate the will and ability to fight back. I saw a video where a gang drive by happened in front of a squad car. The gang rolled up on this guy, shot him several times, and then pointed a rifle at the cops. Cops just drove away, and the gangbangers were only driving about 5mph. Clearly not scared of the cops at all.

Kunning Drueger says:

I saw that movie too, staring Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner lol.

There are lots of bitch coward PD. It’s symptomatic of blue governance.

Doom says:

Give some credit for peoples unconscious ability to react to situations rationally.

Some cops are bullies and cowards, but I would put to you bully cops are corrupt rather than a specific rule.

What are you protecting, as a cop, these days? I wouldn’t do it.
They dont pay enough to get spat on by junkies and NOT be allowed to smash them in the face with a baton for their efforts.

The law isn’t to be properly enforced, anyone with half a brain can see this, and therefore only get half-brained applicants.

Pooch says:

If voting no longer matters, why does it matter what the people think about war with Russia?

If total war comes, as Jim predicts, there wil bel conscription and a draft in all NATO countries.

Pooch says:

will be*

The Cominator says:

Nah, they aren’t going to need huge numbers of infantry grunts.

Pooch says:

That doesn’t fit historical precedents of previous total wars by Harvard.

Upravda says:

Yeah, sounds exactly like a logic was alive and well in recent times, especially last two years.

Aidan says:

That grunts with rifles and two months training are just cannon fodder in modern warfare makes the Cathedral all the more likely to send them in to get slaughtered.

jim says:

The Cathedral does not want to fight using twenty first century warfare, because that would be an aristocratic army, which is more likely to take over than a grunt army, and more capable of taking over.

Russia is still using twentieth century warfare, tanks, grunts, and mobile artillery. China is impressed by twenty first century warfare, and at least some substantial elements of their military want to adopt it.

i says:

Interesting that Centralization of State power also correlates with greater mobilization of the population into War.

As if those 2 are inextricably linked.

That to compete with Aristocratic Armies. Mass production of cheaper crossbows in China which doesn’t require as much training and expensive equipment to increase the mortality of expensive charioteers.

The effectiveness of Longbows against the Heavy cavalry of France in the 100 years War alongside the introduction of Gunpowder Muskets helped to set in motion the centralization of power in the French King.

And the eventual sunset of the French Warrior Aristocracy.

This is accelerated by the increasing developments of said weapons in Europe which took far less training and equipment than the Heavy Cavalry with its armor to be effective.

jim says:

If the sovereign’s army is aristocratic, excessive centralization may lead to him suffering an unfortunate accident.

Upravda says:

This – preparation for war.

Amount of hysteria created by mass media and politicians in first two days quickly surpassed that raised for covid demon.

See, unlike other former communist countries, no ex-Yu country held particular animosity towards Russians or Soviet Union. Everybody were mostly apathetic about all that Soviet stuff. After all, none of them had wronged us in any serious way…

…if you don’t count The Most Painful Sports Defeat Ever on Eurobasket ’86, but even then, the Lithuanian was the main culprit. 🙂

However, in these days I’ve seen such a tremendous propaganda campaign which can only be explained as preparation for mobilization. By the same mass media and politicians who were selling us covid fear porn in last two years, and unfortunately almost all of those who did not succumb to that back then, but did now beacuse of “Putler”. I doubt it will be mass mobilization á la WW1 or WW2, but something more like White Feather movement in WW1 Britain:
Total glorification of volunteers is strong pointer to that.

Well, since I’m still subject to conscription, and have even served Croatian Army many years ago (rare among my generation), I’m… somewhat… troubled. And since I have weapon permit, it is not even possible to appeal on “conscientious objection” or other gay reasons like that.

pyrrhus says:

I see a lot of problems with this proposed war…Fighting in Russia’s backyard is clearly ridiculously stupid, and we would end up fighting China and Iran too, who would probably mop up our bases while America was distracted in Europe…And then there’s the question of oil, which we don’t have enough of even for domestic consumption, and foreign imports can rather easily be blocked…And war takes a lot of oil…
Can’t see Biden signing on to this, and if he’s replaced, heels-up has no credibility…

jim says:

Biden’s handlers are completely opposed to war with the insufficiently woke world. But their narrative (covid and victimized dark skinned joggers) has suddenly fallen silent, being completely replaced by the plucky Ukraine narrative.

Thus indicates that the president is now suddenly out of power.

As we saw during the Trump presidency, the levers that the president controls are not actually connected to anything.

Aryaman says:

You’ve mentioned it several times now. Where do you see that it’s become possible to mention the race of joggers without being canceled?

In other news:
Sanctions For India Over S-400 Deal With Russia? US Diplomat Said This

Said to be about abstaining from a recent UN vote or some such.

Looks like they are spiraling.

Pooch says:

Where do you see that it’s become possible to mention the race of joggers without being canceled?

Biden didn’t mention “equity” once during his State of the Union speech.

Said to be about abstaining from a recent UN vote or some such.

Looks like they are spiraling.

They are starting pogroms again in Germany on Russian owned businesses. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that spiral to Indians in the West too.

Shitlib Indians in the Western elite are going to need to loudly condemn India or they are at risk of losing their privileged non-white status in the race hierarchy.

Aryaman says:

Or it could be this.
Govt may soon allow rupee-ruble trade; arrangement will bypass sanctions

The government may soon give the green light to bilateral trade between Russia and India in their national currencies to avoid any trade disruptions, multiple people aware of the matter said.

Indian shitlibs will probably condemn, maybe get more H1Bs for their trouble.

someDude says:

If ShitLib Indians think condemning India will get them H1Bs, hahahahahaha is my response.

All they will get is shat on. Indians are not very useful in a war situation, civil or otherwise. There is no incentive for the US Elite to move them to marginal electorates they way they move the third Abrahamists. They are useless in a fight. And they can’t terrorize dirt people whites the way the 3rd Abrahamists can.

Besides, of what use is an H1B to a third world country which the US is determined to become?

Kunning Drueger says:

America is a net exporter of oil. The fracklog of gas and oil is more than enough. CONUS doesn’t need petroleum from elsewhere, it is just Gaia Worship causing shortages. Under competent governance, CONUS could cut itself off from the global market and it would barely cause belt tightening.

This is the real prize for an American Caesar/Stalin/Cromwell. We could go fortress America, let the world burn for a few decades, then sail forth and conquer. To do this, the Elite would have to be purged, and Throne/Alter/Freehold introduced.

Upravda says:

I agree 100% with every word of your assessment. Nay, 200%.

Why do you think it matters to our rulers? At all?

Events and actions from not just last 2 years, but for considerably further in the past have shown us that logic doesn’t matter, economic interests don’t matter, nothing does matter except virtue signaling.

Don’t see any reason why would all that suddenly start to matter. After all, “war is good for business”especially for business of virtue signaling.

By the way, from today, The Spice does not flow anymore. So, our rulers have just nuked EU economy to be replaced with… what, exactly? Recently closed nuclear plants in Germany? Wind turbines in North Sea? Denmark and Germany already have the most expensive electric power in the world. It is all good and well with all those renewables (even I have some solar on my roof), but you can not run modern industrial economy purely on that, not even close.

So, you see, gone with the wind 🙂 are logic, reasoning, economic interests, and all that… Why not military skills also?

And all that because of poking a fiery bear who was happy with just selling us fruits of his forests.

Doom says:

I don’t necessarily see it as virtue signalling in its entirety.

The Russia/Ukraine narrative has sort of made me realise – they want to steal, they want to get maximum advantage, but they also know that it is obvious they’re defecting very hard against regular people for their own advantage.

This is why they talk about equity. Equity, Joe? Hand out Hunters money, wouldn’t that be equitable?

It’s projection. They talk loudly about virtue because they know they have none.

c4ssidy says:

If total war comes and I am called to draft, and I tell them that I am hesitant about Russia because I hate faggots and trannies like Putin does and that I also hate vaccines and that I am distrustful of niggers, what then? I don’t see a draft happening if PC in charge

Herman says:

I would be careful with that strategy. There is a good chance they will take you and put you in the most dangerous place they can find.

Upravda says:

I wouldn’t advise you to do so. You will probably end up in some kind of penal battalion. Survival rate in any penal battalion is… very low.

Herman says:

There is a very big difference in fighting effectiveness between fanatical believers and conscripts.

The fanatical believers will do things like suicide attacks or fight even if the odds of winning are very much against them.

Conscripts who don’t want to fight will do all kinds off passive resistance, loose critical things, get lost or drive vehicles into a ditch. Any kind of sabotage they can pass off as accidental.

jim says:

If the troops are not inside the bubble, they are going to mutiny when the going gets tough.

Pinochet was conscripted into the coup by the junior officers. If they simply impose war on a reluctant nation, they are going to wind up dead. An actual war gives us our best prospect for Caesar.

Karl says:

I see your point, but mutiny takes courage which is rather scare in an army comprising gays, trannies and women. Moreover, a successful mutiny needs leadership, which is hard to get.

I expect political comissars in the army just like in the Red army’s war against Finnland, which as far as I know wasn’t popular with the conscripts. Desertation was a bigger problem than mutiny.

Surrender seems to be a more likely startegy for any unit when the going gets tough.

ExileStyle says:

Total war as the culmination of the left singularity, as opposed to the Khmer Rouge/Seven Kill Stele self-annihilation option, might actually create the exact conditions needed for a Cromwell/Napoleon/Stalin-like figure, averting the worst possible outcome.

Thing is, Cromwells and Napoleons and Stalins tend to or maybe always come from within the ranks of the Cathedral itself to restore order after a bloody Reign of Terror with themselves as the new Sovereign who allegedly embodies the principles of the Reign of Terror. If this historical law applies in the present case, that would predict a serious war in the next couple of years through which a prominent or semi-prominent member of the Cathedral who was involved in the war, likely in early middle-age right now (late 30s to mid-50s, starting to get established in his career but still not fully shaped in mind or ambition), lays down the law in a way that frightens leftists and rightists equally.

Maybe the right rooting for Trump was like rooting for the Whites in the Russian Civil War – rooting for the just and moral side but a side which did not understand that the terms of the game had been changed completely.

In the present case, the hypothetical Sovereign needn’t necessarily be American – these types often come from imperial frontiers (Napoleon from Corsica, Stalin from Georgia, Hitler from Austria, etc.) but don’t have to (Caesar, Cromwell).

I do not think this Ukraine action is the Big One but it could be setting the stage for the Big One. Looking at events unfold over the next couple of years I will be paying attention to Cathedral guys playing the game from inside, probably even true believers (they think), but with that alpha I-would-eliminate-anyone-in-my-way energy combined with a level of sly and calculating intelligence and a loyal base of supporters.

This could range from someone like Sebastian Kurz or Rick DeSantis (best option for us) to guys like Cenk Uygur or Alexander Soros (Lord help us). Israel seems like it might have a number of these potential figures, and a US-Israel dual citizen could fit the bill particularly well, for a host of reasons I am sure everyone is familiar with.

Zelensky, fortunately for us and unfortunately for him, became leader of a poor, fundamentally meaningless country, but he might be a guy along those lines. Regardless of where he is now or what ends up happening to him, he played NATO like a fiddle for a while, and I for one was surprised at how well he handled the situation. Under different conditions, and leading another, less hopeless case of a nation, I could imagine him having become quite a powerful man indeed.

This conjectural Sovereign might also be a “Davos man” whose name is not yet generally well-known and who is liked and admired by his WEF peers and says all the right things at all the right panels but who is smarter, slyer, and more personally ambitious than his “stakeholders,” as they say in Davos.

Just some of my own speculations. Thoughts?

Kunning Drueger says:

I wrote it in a previous comment: need to find the roster of any given GAE core or periphery government’s leadership cadre, then go down the list until you hit a male, with military background, support from cadre, younger than 50 (your assertion seems good to me). In the US, wouldn’t be surprised if C suite of tech companies are also potentially on the list. If the war drums truly start, a leader will emerge.

…then again, the death of Globohom would be theatrically perfect if it happens under a committee lol.

billrla says:

interesting reading. You mention the White Russians against the Reds, in the Russian Civil War. I am currently reading “Always with Honor,” by Pyotr Wrengel, who rose to lead the White Russian Army (armies) against the Reds. I think you are correct about recognizing the reality that the nature of the enemy and the rules of engagement have changed. This is not the traditional battle of traditional “Whites” (ideological, not racial) versus “Reds” (as in Bolsheviks).

Today, the “Reds” are Globalist elites, and their “army” includes a mixed bag of progressive drones, corporate virtue signalers, social justice warriors, Karens, Antifa types and BLMers, all backed and egged on by a yapping media.

Drien says:

In the Ukraine it even includes neo nazis

The Cominator says:

Wignats always are on globohomos side…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Azov regiment is fake and gay – in a qualitative sense, not existentially speaking – the eastern european equivalent of fednats, play-acting provacateurs backed and funded by atlantic council and other GAE pseudopods.

c4ssidy says:

I have noticed azov types on social media responding in outrage when hearing jimian doctrine. They also take photos with female fighters. For natsocs they do not seem socially conservative. They do not seem to have a hard response against LGBT either

James says:

Natsocs are by nature redpilled on race, but not necessarily women or fags, where they tend to converge with the current zeitgeist.

The Cominator says:

Anyone who accepts the Cathedral propaganda on women but not on race is either a lying fed or retarded.

Kunning Drueger says:

…or someone who is progressing towards full redpilling. Some people change in stages, not all at once.

The Cominator says:

If you get the racevpill before women and its not because you grew up in Detroit or something its a bad sign…

Red says:

To be fair women are actually useful and nice to have around. No one ever said the same about niggers.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Women: not as useless and destructive as niggers!

The Cominator says:

Are American women nice to have around nowadays… arguably they are more destructive than niggers…

jim says:

All women in my life have served me and obeyed me, except when I neglected them.

The shit tests were sometimes rough going though.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Fuck, Com, that is the joke! It is damning by faint praise. Also, they are only unpleasant because you specced to hard into autism. I put more skill points in my social skills and so I am surrounded by reasonably friendly women. You need to respec so that you can get better. Whores and strippers are holding you back.

James says:

Well, that’s fully consistent with my point of view that wignats are all either retarded or fed agents, so you’ll get no objection from me.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Every prominent example of something that has sometimes been described as ‘a wignat’ heretofore, has either been a good right wing fascist like Anglin, or literal polygon plants like Spencer, or simple normies who just adopt whatever flavor the social milieu they by historical contingency find themselves embedded in has, regardless of what it is.

I’ve yet to see a genuine type-specimen of what a ‘real wignat’ is supposed to be; all the bad dudes that might have been so described to date are even better described as fednats.

James says:

The daily stormer is full of people who say white women have nothing to do with the actual problem and it’s all jews, and if they could just see it, the purity of their hearts would solve the women problem. The idea that women are by nature shifty, full of shit tests, and inherently need to be ruled over by men in order to successfully reproduce at scale or even be mentally well-adjusted does not land well there. That’s Anglin’s website. I can’t really speak to his specific views on women, but I know that he leads a group of people who are not womanpilled, ergo retarded.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Anglin is redpilled on women, and I would bet that if we applied the shill test to his comment section then those bluepilled “wignats” would desperately try to change the subject. Basically all men arguing that women are not like that on the internet are feds. If I can say shit like, “Women shouldn’t choose their husband, fathers should,” in person and have agreement, no way are there that many cucked men who will fight over it on a blog for nazis.

Shooter McGavin says:

Japan proves that being redpilled on race alone doesn’t cut it. They don’t yet have the race problems that we have but are anyway on the trail to extinction cuz women are in college and climbing the corporate ladder. The male half are jerkin to anime and playing computer games gradually sliding into hikikomori and grass eaters. This doesn’t mean that race isn’t important. It obviously is but Whig feminism inevitably leads to niggers looting San Francisco so trying to stop the latter while maintaining the former is an impossible quest. The redpill on race is necessary but by itself is not sufficient.

James says:

> Japan proves that being redpilled on race alone doesn’t cut it

I’m actually kind of skeptical of that idea. I think that Japan has shown you can maintain a high technology society with very limited resources as long as you exclude inferior races. Yes, Japan’s population is shrinking, but since they aren’t simultaneously shrinking and being replaced, the Japanese aren’t really at risk of extinction. 125 million people is a lot for a medium-sized island chain, and if Japan needs to spend a generation or two consolidating the population to 90-110 while figuring out how to navigate the world, so be it. Expansion and contraction of just about anything naturally comes in waves. Japan has had a hell of a run, with 44 million people in the year 1900, and nearly 3x that 120 years later.

Where it becomes a problem is when you import massive numbers of foreigners with 2-3x your native-born fertility and allow Mohammad to be the most common name of newborns, and your population doesn’t even shrink — thus taking no pressure off of the housing market, not pushing up prices for unskilled labor, not allowing serious economic transformation to happen.

jim says:

Not a problem in the short term, but in the long run there are not going to be enough Japanese in those islands to defend them.

The Cominator says:

The Japanese are pretty redpilled on women as well.

Most inceldom in Japan is because the men suffer from a rat paradise effect due to population density, not because the women are evil batshit fat feminist nutcases. Japan’s islands other than arguably Hokkaido are pretty full given urban density almost everywhere and most land being mountainous and not easy to build on.

jim says:

I have read plenty of anedotes of men’s lives being destroyed by feminist nutcases. Men in Japan are as terrified of sexual harassment charges as they are in America. I conjecture that as in America, such charges are flung around by women who are upset at failure to sexually harass them.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

While they might be redpilled on women, I doubt it. Their entertainment does not show it, nor does their behavior. That could be due to the GAE breathing down their necks, but it does not matter until after the GAE falls. Right now they have a feral women problem, and that needs to be solved. Hopefully they regain the social technologies to control them, but we will see.

The Cominator says:

I didn’t think sexual harassment laws existed in Japan, even in America like gay marriage sexual harassment was a policy that came from the fucking courts.

jim says:

I don’t think they have sexual harassment laws in Japan either. Nonetheless, men are very afraid, and the not laws get enforced.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The implication of the tsundere trope in nihonjin media is to say, “hey, you know that girl who’s hassling you? You should fuck her. She’ll love it.”

The Cominator says:

My alternative theory is that Japan is so dense its in effect a rat paradise where the men for reasons less due to malignant leftist and more to the unavoidable effects of cramping so many… many men just lose will.

Everything I’ve read about Japan is that they did the very bare minimum required by the allies in terms of feminism, never moved beyond it, and thus never even had 1960s feminism or any of the effects. I’ve also read that Japan has on average the most reactionary view of women of anywhere in the world outside of the Arabian peninsula. Japan still has the feminism of the 1950s which is not your idea but not the kind of nightmare life is for men in the US.

The men just seem to lack interest in anything to do with women and not because of rejection as they won’t take advantage of (to my understanding cheap and common) prostitutes either.

jim says:

> to the unavoidable effects of cramping so many… many men just lose will.

It was crowded before 1949, but they still reproduced at about four and a half children per woman.

Frontier says:

Sexual harassment may not be a crime in Japan, but indecent “assault” is, so any women can ruin a man by claiming inappropriate touch.

The police will usually let you go and keep the matter private if you pay a $500-$1000 fine to them, but if the woman takes the accusation public or you try to fight the charges rather than pay the fine you will likely be cancelled by your employer firing you and your wife divorcing you.

It’s especially a problem on the subways as they are packed like sardines and passengers easily jostle into each other. It’s a known scam, usually run by the Yakazu, to near a stop have a woman scream and falsely accuse the mark of groping her. Then she and her “boyfriend” or “husband” forcefully pull the victim off the train. The “boyfriend” threatens to report the crime to the police if the mark doesn’t pay several 10,000 yen notes (roughly $100 each).

Source: https://bit.ly/3tCE95r

The Cominator says:

Jim but don’t you think rat paradise is at least partially a factor?

RE: Extortion scam

Didn’t think there were many scams of that nature among the Japanese (who are many things but not generally dishonest) or that the Yakuza did that sort of thing, thought they mainly did nominally illegal vices like prostitution and gambling, loansharking, contraband (though not generally drugs) labor racketeering. But it was always my understanding that they by tradition did nothing “dishonest”, they did not commit thievery and all extortions were upfront and also came with a service unless you got a favor from them 1st…

Maybe globohomo is getting to them too…

jim says:

> Jim but don’t you think rat paradise is at least partially a factor?

Rat paradise was not that the rats were overcrowded, but that the rats suffered social collapse of the social order that enabled them to reproduce – of course, in a city, your social order is more fragile. With room enough, a patriarch can enforce his own social order.

jim says:

The azov natis are not only not red pilled on women, but are not red pilled on race either

They are the old anti imperial anti colonial national leftism that made a big deal out of identity by language and culture – but without nazism’s focus on biological descent.

So not one trace of the red pill in their version. They are commies and third positionists – the fascism that was originally sponsored by Stalin to subvert the then actually existent fascism of Mussolini, Franco, and Hitler, and is now sponsored by Soros.

Kunning Drueger says:

It is interesting to see both Antifa and NeoLolzis move through generations of useful idiocy in service of The Program, both so stupidly certain they are legitimately acting of their own volition. I wonder if Payroll
& Logistics has ever screwed up, and the Nazis got the bricks and Pantifa got the batons, and they had to do a clandestine swap meet because neither could operate with the other’s equipment.

Bear Claw Chris Lapp says:

The covid demon truth is starting to come out plus the elections coming up. Time will give us even more information. The tyrants aren’t just worried about elections they are starting to fear the people who will have nothing left to loose.

Richard W. Comerford says:

This is only a prelude. The next December 7 or September 11 event is currently being planned and will “galvanize” low-information voters of all political stripes to join the Big Government, Big Tech, Big AntifaBLM alliance or be considered traitors.

Mister Grumpus says:

Some kind of fake and gay, false flag reverse Tet Offensive, Super Charlottesville Reichstag event linking Putin, Trump and Deplorables, all at once, and cementing all three symbols in normies’ minds forever.

And I used to be such a nice guy.

James says:

Yep. There will be a false flag. It kind of looks like they’re teeing it up with this nuclear plant thing. We’ll see. It will be something appropriately heinous to justify NATO intervention.

jim says:

At the moment, they have not got their story organized. Every faction is throwing $#!% at the wall to see what sticks.

Chances are that in the end the sociopath faction (Hillary, Victoria Nuland, and company) that wants the Cathedral to rule Russia, steal all the wealth, and hold gay parades, are going to get eaten by the demon faction, that wants the world to end in fire.

Anonymous Fake says:


Forget the 2020 election. This shows that all elections are rigged except they let a few libertarian fruitcakes win for the lulz. Not one Christian white man standing up for Russia.

Just how does a civilization scale conspiracy like a shadow government last this long? And it makes COVID look eerier, too…

James says:

It isn’t a shadow government conspiracy per se. It has to do with status and keeping your job. The left has manipulated status to the point where saying you support Russia now means you are going to lose your job or at the very least have your life made hell if you work in government, tech, and most other professional fields. Ditto with criticizing covid news, etc.

It’s more of a mob zeitgeist at this point. There are many conspiracies involved, sure, all of them united by shared self-interest in gaining power and money by having a shared story that justifies them looting their host nations, but it’s so much bigger than a mere conspiracy.

Neurotoxin says:

White pill: Per an AP poll a few days ago, only 26% of Americans support military action against Russia.

Party breakdown: Dems support: 32%. Repub support: 22%.

And this is after all the one-sided propaganda, and with the usual leftist biasing of polls in their favor.

jim says:

Early days yet. During asymmetric warfare there will be no end of horrific incidents, just as there are no end of horrific incidents when people are dealing with black thugs. Which horrific incidents will be spun as evil Putin, when the reality is that asymmetric warfare is evil and long forbidden by international law, because it unavoidably leads to such incidents.

Pooch says:

How should Putin defeat it? They are going to use asymmetric warfare in Ukraine combined with unrest in Russia to regime change Putin.

Pooch says:

to *attempt* to regime change Putin.

jim says:

The methods for defeating asymmetric warfare have been known since the Bronze age, and probably long before.

Trouble is, these methods are unavoidably horrific, and the war will not stop as long as the irregulars are funded.

They are reliably effective. Asymmetric warfare does not actually work as a military tactic – it only works to provide a backdrop for political activity against the will and cohesion of the enemy. Only works as a backdrop for spiritual warfare.

A possibly necessary countermeasure is to apply pressure to NATO by threatening, or engaging in, warfare against NATO to stop funding the irregulars.

Asymmetric warfare is merely a backdrop for spiritual warfare. Putin has to respond to spiritual warfare against him by the Cathedral with spiritual warfare against the Cathedral.

Calling it an empire of lies is a very small start in the correct direction.

Funding and equipping people like us would be a considerably larger start. We and he are going to be accused of it anyway.

Putin is very much aware that the Cathedral is waging spiritual warfare, but his countermeasures have so far been purely defensive. The time approaches when he will have to escalate or lose.

Pooch says:

Funding and equipping people like us would be a considerably larger start. We and he are going to be accused of it anyway.

I was thinking along those lines as well. Fight an insurgency with an insurgency.

Kunning Drueger says:

To oppose an insurgency, need a crusade.

James says:

A crusade is exactly what we are seeing now. Entropy spreads everywhere at all times by nature. Order requires concentrated force.

chris says:

The Russian UN ambassador recently called Biden an illegitimately elected president. Given the trucker convoy in the way to Washington, if they recently information proving Biden stole the election. You could have your insurgence.

Megatherion says:

This is a Cathedral lie, albeit one that did not gain much traction. If you listen to the entire sentence it’s clear he was referring to the elected president of Ukraine being overthrown in 2014. If he had actually said that it would be all over the media.

chris says:

The Russian UN ambassador recently called Biden an illegitimately elected president. Given the trucker convoy on the way to Washington, if they released information proving Biden stole the election, you could have your insurgency.

jim says:

They don’t need to release it. Everyone already knows it, but is in denial.

They will continue to be in denial.

Mister Grumpus says:

Our war is a spiritual war. The Kraken… is our lives.

James says:

Nobody who hasn’t already been convinced is going to change their mind about whether Biden was legitimately elected due to more evidence. The massive number of final hour “glitches” giving Bide tens of thousands of votes in swing critical districts made it blatantly obvious to anyone who paid attention.

Normies will change what they publicly say about whether Biden was legitimately elected, though, based on whichever is higher status and safer to say.

Mister Grumpus says:

> the methods for defeating asymmetric warfare have been known since the Bronze age, and probably long before.
> Trouble is, these methods are unavoidably horrific, and the war will not stop as long as the irregulars are funded.

And the next trouble is that unavoidably horrific methods, plus cell phone cameras, plus frame-by-frame and pixel-by-pixel (let alone deepfake) digital video editing, plus complete and total final-edit “narrative control” for the funding population, will make for an incredibly tough slog for the Russians. I’d rather right a wild boar naked.

Putin is a KGB man, though, and knows what all this stuff is. However he tries to do this, we’re all going to learn something, something very important.

A2 says:

Once you control the country, you control the mobile network and the internet.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

> Finally, I wish to share one more defining pattern of Russian military behavior today that carries over from their operations in their Syrian campaign to destroy the US-backed terrorist groups in that country. In Syria, the Russian army established special units to sort out in field conditions the bad terrorists from the very bad terrorists. The former were allowed to lay down their arms and go home to their families. The latter were fought to the death and “neutralized.”

> This slow, painstaking effort to distinguish enemies who can be brought back into civil society from those who cannot is unique to the Russian way of war today, and it deserves much more attention than it receives in our media. It is surely enabled by advanced psychological training of officers in charge. And it is an entirely different mindset from the “counterinsurgency” techniques that David Petraeus popularized and rode to fame and advancement in the Iraq War.

Liquidating enemy gangers is good; real victory however, of course, depends on anointing your own gangs to push them out and fill the void themselves.

{seudo-Chrysostom says:
Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pwn telecom nodes in target space to redirect all phone and browser traffic to a message board/social app moderated by your commissars/chaplain corps.

Mister Grumpus says:

You bet. Every data center in Ukraine will be getting its locks changed. Who knows what’ll be going on in there.

James says:

A typical leftist tactic would be to manipulate the media and discourse to the point where nobody remembers not supporting war against Russia.

jim says:

The Cathedral, or the currently dominant faction, intends to let Ukraine fall, so as to build support for war during a period of asymmetric warfare.

Karl says:

That would be a compromise between the war faction and the no-war faction. “War later” is a plausible compromise between these factions.

Letting Ukraine fall, so as to build support for war during a period of asymetric warfare, is stalling tactics. Something the less insane faction uses when it faces demands of the more radical left.

Redbible says:

So I’ve heard some people saying that Russia has been bombing Kiev and some other places, and I haven’t been able to find any sources i can rely on that are saying anything about it yet.

If their are really bombing the whole of Kiev, that would seem to be a bad PR move, since that would result in a lot a civilian casualties, and also doesn’t make much strategic sense if they had already surrounded Kiev, since staring out civilians would still be effective, and less destructive. (Which leads me to believe that Russia is not bombing the whole of Kiev)

If on the other hand, they are just bombing strategic sites and military targets, that would make plenty of sense.

Kunning Drueger says:



Not advocating their positions, but so far these 2 handles have been ahead of the curve and accurate. As well, RWA follows up, deletes misinfo, and provides corrections and translations from Blyat to Burger.

jim says:

tagline “people on twitter are the first to know”

Not for long they will be.

Kunning Drueger says:

RWA lays it out pretty well…

“Okay to make it simple folks

Putin is antivaxer
Russian tanks are super-spreaders
Molotovs are masks
Zelensky is fauci
Sanctions are boosters
Kadyrov is delta
Lukashenko is omicron
Ghost of kviv is science”

notglowing says:

War has the potential of being overall far more devastating than the covid demon, but at least it is not personal and ubiquitous like the latter which spreads everywhere and is supposed to be above politics.

What I hate about covid worship is the absolute, personal demand for sacrifice and crippling oneself or possibly dying as a result.

War could lead to conscription but that is more easily avoidable, and it would require them to move quite rightwards in some ways for it to even be accepted. Plus, I think I’d prefer to die in an actual war than from some gay medical experiment. The latter really is the lowest of the low.

I’m not convinced Zelensky can be the “leader” of this for long though. Either Kiev falls or it does not.
And if it does his importance, if he survives, will be much lower, assuming the war spreads out of Ukraine (and if it doesn’t, no world war)

Karl says:

Why do you think that consciption is more easily avoidable?

Conscription is diffficult to avoid, especially in war times. The usal way to avoid consciption is to have friendly physician give you a document that states that you are unfit for military service. But then you might still be examined by a military physician who will check the diagnosis of your friendly physician, at least superficially.

If you have such a friendly physician, he will also give you a document stating you have been vaccinated against covid although the injection needle somehow never touched you.

notglowing says:

Conscription is more easily avoidable because many countries will not be at war, and in most cases I think it is limited to citizens. Covid restrictions were almost (but not completely) universal, and they made travel everywhere more difficult in order to escape them. War can do the same, but war doesn’t spread in the same way an invisible disease does – travel is not in itself what is banned but moving between certain countries for security reasons.

That said, I have a health condition that might exempt me from military service (I don’t know if it still does but it did historically speaking) and which does not have anything to do with vaccination.

In addition to that, if I really wanted to avoid conscription, I could take a job that is essential for the war effort.
But conscription is not yet a thing here, and I’m not sure it will be heavily used anywhere in the west. I’m not convinced they believe it would strengthen the army.

Karl says:

True, conscription can be avoided by emigration. Difficult to avoid covid restrictions unless you are willing to emigrate to Afghanistan.

Strengthening the army need not be the reason to introduce conscription. It might simply be done to get unpaid work from citizens.

I think Germany kept conscription long after the army needed the draftees (or could even use them), because all those conscientious objectors were working for free in social services, e.g. nursery homes

Pooch says:

To assume the Cathedral won’t resort to conscription in NATO countries during a time of holy war against Russia seems like normality bias.

notglowing says:

My point regarding that is in the last sentence,
“I’m not convinced they believe it would strengthen the army.”

Maybe they will do it, but I believe conscription was considered an overall “failure” in Vietnam.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Conscript Jews, feminists, niggers, Latinxes, and LGBTs. It’s their country now, let them fight for it.

Conscription may sometimes be necessary for homeland defense, but sending conscripts to distant imperial outposts like Vietnam is flat-out retarded. It’s not worth having an empire if you can’t extract enough revenue from it to hire professional soldiers.

Mister Grumpus says:

> tagline “people on twitter are the first to know”
> Not for long they will be.

After that, what’s left?

WordPress blogs like this one, self-hosted in the outer Chinese provinces?

Darkweb stuff?

Once again, the global need for a Jim-compliant One True Safe Social Networking (and Payments and Accounting) system is just excruciating. “Victory Critical”.

Kunning Drueger says:

In current habbening, front line collectors push text and imagery to Telegram. Aggregators then harvest data and push it to twitter or TikTok. The alternate path is Voiceâ„¢ approved channels disseminate The Message, so-called OSINT aggregators push The Message to Twitter and TikTok. YouTubers, bloggers, and journalists then create content from usually one but sometimes both streams. As we’ve come to expect of Clown World, the best sources of information are shills, because they’re getting nearly unadulterated information. The further you go from the source, good or bad, the more adulterated the information becomes.

Chris says:

Anecdote incoming – Had my first Twitter speedbump in about ten years of posting. All very ominous and spooky and of course not revealing what you did wrong just linking you to a set of rules. I don’t know what it means honestly, but the timing is suspicious. My first reaction was, “This is ‘Truth-as-the-First Casualty of War’ Mode.” The crackdown of The Sainted Felons and The Coof were mere pikers compared to what’s coming.

Cloudswrest says:

My ten year old account was permanently suspended a couple of months ago during one of their big purges. The stated reason was for “Evading a suspension” even though I have NEVER been banned or suspended before. I appealed and they just repeated the reason.

annonous says:

Problem with this theory: it would imply that in invading Ukraine when he did, Putin miscalculated big time. He does not want a world war any more than any other sane man.

jim says:


Takes two to make peace, only one to make war.

Putin has to deal with the enemy.

It is well known that failure to work for the Cathedral is dangerous to your health. Putin has no alternative but to demonstrate that working for the Cathedral is also dangerous to your health.

annonous says:

No, all Putin has to do is hold them off and wait for the Cathedral to fall due to internal forces, which according to you will take no more than a decade or two. Or four years, if you still stand by your 2026 date.

No reason to do anything now, unless he does not believe that one thing will lead to another.

Pete says:

The Cathedral could stand for decades more unless some stress is placed on it.

Stress reveals weak points and causes cracks, then breaks.

Mister Grumpus says:

> It is well known that failure to work for the Cathedral is dangerous to your health. Putin has no alternative but to demonstrate that working for the Cathedral is also dangerous to your health.

The Great GloboStalin. Why not? “It stops here”, and backing it up, is all it takes. How could a top KGB man not know this stuff?

yewotm8 says:

At the very least, he did it when the bulk of the Ukrainian troops were in the east, shelling the separatists. It was correctly timed in terms of military strategy, even if not politically.

James says:

There was never going to be a good time to start this war, but he got about as close as he could.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The best time in retrospect would have been 2014, back when Putin intervened in the Kiev regimes ethnic cleansing efforts in the Donbass region in the first place. Uke army really was a paper tiger back then (only surplus equipment that was never maintained and so nothing actually worked), and they really could have rolled up the whole house of cards in a matter of days.

They’re still on track to rolling things up now, but with a lot more heartburn involved.

Varna says:

Nah, I remember reading lots of Russian-language analysts back, then and keeping an eye on their economy adapting. It was a tough time and it took two years for them to reinvent themselves, and still the population felt a crunch, in the sense of purchasing power and overall comfort of life rolling back to 2002.

Back then Russia couldn’t have survived today’s sanctions. They analyzed shit, they begun gradually prepping, which included going heavy in gold
paying off all debt, Soviet and modern
becoming best buddies with China

Even today it’s going to be very tough, but they only have to last until like 2023. I think before that the combined whammy of the economy going down the crapper + clotshot truths becoming unavoidable, Europa at the very least will change as a presence in very many ways.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Back then Russia couldn’t have survived today’s sanctions.

That’s a good point; militarily the campaign would have been a lot easier, but in over-all terms the atlantic empire’s position is a lot weaken now than it was even just a few years ago.

Kunning Drueger says:

I know that we have moved on from Predictions, so I would like to make a projection, of sorts. Probably more of a theory.

China, based on their roll up of the DNC and control over the MSM as well as many other factors, believes the time is ripe to begin dismantling GAE. They have felt this since I.VI, or maybe the Electors, but Russia was not so sure. Kabul, Colonial Pipeline, and a few other “random” events have convinced them. So Russia engages in step 01: throw the gauntlet down in front of NATO, probably the “strongest” western martial institution. The Russian goal is to secure UKR and punish a few enemies of the state; the alliance goal is to goad the West into making mistakes in the area of global finance. The sanctions were not only expected, they were desired. SWIFT was not a concern, it was a goal. This is not to say that the UKR front is inconsequential, as it is a demonstration of near-peer conflict, soft touch v. Grasping The Nettle, a dry run of passive systems, and a false start to see what the West activates in terms of psyops, undercover assets, etc. (RUS not really engaging in the information war might be evidence of this). Having a much better holistic perspective of the Western memeplex and its bubble, the Alliance is waiting for signals that other players are ready to move away from Bretton Woods and into a new paradigm. The next goal, or indicator, is hyperinflation or an attempt to militarize in the West. They are waiting for the West to start burning through any real assets/capital they have and brrrr the money printers to cover the outlay.

I’m talking way above my own head, so I apologize if this is just stupid.

alf says:

Makes sense to me. My guess is the Russians must’ve known that once the trigger was pulled on Ukraine, all hands would be on deck and the West would move to ‘cancel Russia’. I wonder how long they’ve been preparing for this. Think they’ve been war-room-simulating this? Is that even the best way to prepare for such major events?

Pooch says:

Putin said sanctions were going to come down on Russia simply for existing. They would eventually find reasons to do it even with no war, so I think he has been planning for it.

Kunning Drueger says:

Wish i could post images/graphs. The Russians have been stockpiling huge amounts of gold, the Chinese have been stockpiling grain. China needs dedicated petroleum reserves (as in a petro-state that acts as their reserve), and they need to sell a lot of what they produce in agronomics to keep their system going. But if both countries shift to a war footing, societally, then belt tightening and forced requisition and distribution would probably keep them afloat, particularly if India and China (literally) mend the fence in Arunachal Pradesh and come to an agreement vis a vis Kashmir.

A red flag (lol) in this whole thing from my point of view is how quiet China has been. Indian populace that isn’t converged seems supportive of Russia. Goddammit i have so many maps and graphs i want to post!

alf says:

You can with

img src=”web address”

Open with a < and end with a >.

It even automatically scales the image 👌🏻

For example

Kunning Drueger says:

They are on my box, so i don’t have a src to href. I’d have to go find where they are originally hosted. That’s just html scripting, right? Going forward, I’ll try to save the sources as well as the images. Thanks for the heads up.

jim says:

send the images to jim@blog.reaction.la, and I will create links for you.

When the link is linked to from within the same site that it is on it looks like this

< img src=”/images/InThisSign_Conquer.jpg”/>

When linked to between sites, looks like this

<img src=”https://blog.reaction.la/images/InThisSign_Conquer.jpg”/>

Varna says:

Russia just banned Facebook

China has been stockpiling gold pretty aggressively as well,
(look at the 10 year snapshot)

starting more or less at the same time as Russia.

Almost as if they both realized something at the same time.

With the West now doing by itself 90% of the work needed to make “back to the USSR” dreams come true, including stopping globohomo media content, making foreign currency movements super difficult and costly, making Russian students, normies and fatcats feel unwelcome in the west, etc, we’re one sneeze away from a Sino-Soviet space appearing that reaches from North Korea all the way to the borders of Poland and Norway. If the latter behave, kek.

The eastern Slavs will be driving Chinese cars

Using Chinese laptops and smartphones and so on. China will be using their grain, fertilizers, ores, etc.

Fun fact — Russia’s most western part (the Kaliningrad enclave on the Baltic) is in fact Eastern Prussia. Should the Baltics and Finland try to mess around too much with Moscow’s ability to supply Kaliningrad, Putin will have to really go literally Hitler as in push for a land corridor to Eastern Prussia. Just a hilarious thought that I felt I had to share.

Kunning Drueger says:

Scandinavia, for all of its many faults, is historically good at sensing the wind and navigating through storms. If anyone in the West is going to sense the shift and attempt to adjust, I bet it’s them. So a red flag to be on watch for is quiet news of bilateral discussions between most likely Finland and Russia. Could be Norway, but they are likely to be occupied by GAE under the auspices of “protection from Bear attack,” which will actually be an attempt to stabilize oil supplies if/when Russian stocks get cut off.

James says:

It’s not hard for me to imagine Finland and Norway navigating the changing winds, but Denmark and especially Sweden have gone absolutely insane with hardcore feminist leftism and will require a regime change in a serious way to not go apoplectic with shit tests over the next few decades.

pyrrhus says:

It appears that Russia has enough gold to back every rouble in circulation…Wouldn’t that be a game changer?!

Mayflower Sperg says:

Governments are in HODL mode now; they’re not parting with a single gram until paper money is completely worthless and the men with guns demand to be paid in gold.

If there’s one gold bar left in Fort Knox, there will come a time when it’s worth more than all the dollars in existence.

Kunning Drueger says:

Russia has been preparing for UKR operation since 2015. To reiterate, I am starting to strongly believe that this is China’s strategy with Russian characteristics. I think GAE is waltzing into a well laid trap.

pyrrhus says:

Sounds reasonable…Armstrong thinks China may have their replacement for SWIFT up and running within a year or so, which will do great damage to the Cabal…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
David says:

Sorry for being severely out of topic, but i wanted to ask if (i have been reading some of your older posts that talk about the shotgun weddings) there are sources about the “shotgun weddings”and its effectiveness in decreasing teen pregnacies and sex between non married young people, i mean if they worked as a deterrent.

David says:

Also i wanted to propose an idea, for this 8th of march we should use the hashtag #makewomenpropertyagain, this goes for those who use instagram or twitter

Kunning Drueger says:

Ooo, even better, let’s do #trackthecommenters or #isolateyourself or #comegetmefed. Same result, better post-modern ironic reporting to do the heavy lifting for buzzfeed.

someDude says:


David says:


The Ducking Man says:

As someone who lives where shotgun wedding are practiced regularly. I can verily say that it does jack shit because teen pregnancy rate keep going up in my country.

I can tell from a feet away the kind of teens that are involved with teen sex (and sometimes drugs). It was more often than not uneducable. It takes special kind of trait of teen to be involved in early sex mainly being mature enough to be horny and but not mature enough to think about the consequences, the trait that more and younger teens have in common.

So you might be asking, “what is the problem?”. IMO the elephant is mature content and subliminal sexualization in children entertainment. Children and teens should keep watching PG13+ until they graduate high school, but media treat 50 shades of grey as wholesome family movie.

Red says:

Daughters need to be married off by 14. That’s been the time tested solution for hundreds of successful civilizations.

David says:

Nah, i guess it is good if they marry at their 18- 19 years (with a boy of their age or a bit older), nevertheless i guess that the min. age to marry should be 14 to 16 (with consent of the fathers of the girl and boy), how i say the age gap should be moderate to small.

i says:

If the Husband is to have the ability to be a good Father and to govern well. And to be able to provide. Then he is more likely to be a Man rather than a boy.

Unless he is particularly talented or wise enough at a young age its not going to be the rule.

jim says:

Marriage should happen shortly after completion of apprenticeship and getting one’s first job.

Back when we had real apprenticeship, this was usually what happened. And pussy should unavailable until one gets a job and gets married, not because males are forbidden to have sex, but because most females are locked away from men that are not in a position to marry them.

i says:

I think there should be a last test of character before marriage.

So that the Man’s true character is unmasked and may take a period of 6-12 months.

So as to determine whether he is competent enough at headship to head his own family.

And determine whether he may be hiding a pathological personality underneath the mask.

Red says:

Nah, i guess it is good if they marry at their 18- 19 years (with a boy of their age or a bit older), nevertheless i guess that the min. age to marry should be 14 to 16 (with consent of the fathers of the girl and boy), how i say the age gap should be moderate to small.

18 or 19 why? The goal is virgin marriages so women don’t stray. I’ve never met a woman who was a virgin past age 14 who wasn’t basically locked up by her father.

jim says:

If we look at the distant past, there was no minimum age of marriage, though having sex, or being plausibly suspected of having sex with a grossly under age wife was subject to social disapproval and ridicule. Very very young wives, married as infants, were stationed with the husband’s female relatives.

Normal age of marriage and first sex for a female in the days of the greatness of the Roman republic was around twelve or so. In greece in the age of its greatness fourteen or so.

Trouble is if marriage is delayed beyond fourteen, virgin marriage tends to be stressful for both father and daughter. Have to chain them to the wall.

Karl says:

Nothing wrong with teen pregnancy. Anyone who wants girls to marry while they are teenagers also wants them to become pregnant while they are teenagers.

The problem is bastards and single mothers, regardless of age.

Redbible says:


Teen Pregnancy is a fake and gay statistic that our enemies focus on.

Girl is married at 18 and is pregnant before 19? TOTAL EVIL!
Girl is unmarried and gets pregnant at 20? Totally fine.

Those are the beliefs that focusing on “Teen Pregnancy” gets you.

Case in point: Utah is roughly 50% Mormon. Mormons are known for valuing sex inside of marriage. Utah has the highest “Teen Pregnancy” of all 50 states. However, there is a refusal to look at what the static would look like if you removed all of the 18 year old girls getting married and having a kid before 20.

pyrrhus says:

Yep…15 or 16 are biologically best, but not if they’re single mothers…

The Cominator says:

> Women
> Thinking about consequences when horny

Lol. When women REALLY get horny they don’t care…

Redbible says:

>in b4 someone says “that’s only true about bad girls, a good girl would wait till marriage”.

There has been two different times in my life I was with a 19 year old girl, who I have quite good reason to believe was still a virgin. (This is based on fact that 50% of girls leaving High school are still virgins according to one study, and adding on the fact that each of these girls still lived with their father, and were raised in churches that really valued waiting till marriage.)

I was still early in my understanding of game at this time, and thought to myself I didn’t need to have a plan for where to have sex since SURELY there was no way that things would get to a level where that was needed, right?
Hind sight has revealed to me that in both cases these girls reached what I’m going to call a “Point of no return” where they (on at least an unconscious level) are needing sex to happen, and will go along with anything I (the man) say. The other things about this “Point of no return” is that it is a sort of “do-or-die” situation for the relationship. If you don’t have sex with her (in a “reasonable” amount of time form the point she reaches this state), then she will feel at least on an unconscious level that you have rejected her, and then reject you.

So the moral(s) of the story is to always have a plan on where to go to have sex, and that even the “best” women need sex rather immediately once the right switches are flipped.

(P.S. for those wondering, the other thing that hurt my ability to plan [before the date, as well as in the moment] was that I drove over to the girls’ home town, and thus didn’t know really anything about the area.)

alf says:

Around the time I met my woman (yes Com that’d be bigtitties95), I had enough experience to instinctively realize this, although I was a bit uncalibrated about it. As a result, she always remembers of our initial dating period, while being much fun, as me being a bit overly sexually agressive. With which, in retrospect, I agree.

But again, note that she did not dump me for it, once again proving the pua maxim that it s better to err on the side of agression than vice versa.

The Cominator says:

“yes Com that’d be bigtitties95”

That was you under another name and YWNBAW. Pics or it didn’t happen and tits or GTFO.

alf says:

ok you got me :–(

David says:

I see, yeah, the rates of premarital sex among girls, but also boys are worrying, theoretically there should not be premarital sex whether it is in girls or in boys.

jim says:

If boys were getting any, the free love paradise that men thought the left was promising them, we would not have the problems that we have.

The girls are getting some, often at a very young age. Only a few boys are getting some, and they tend to be considerably older.

Oog en Hand says:

“the trait that more and younger teens have in common.”

Of course, it results in babies. Evolution, you know.

The Ducking Man says:

Clearly you have not seen how bad it’s becoming. I’m talking children as young 12 involved in sex and pregnancy (I’ve even heard as young as 8).

Imagine your daughter jutr graduating primary school, she is calling her boyfriend daddy. Her day to day activities resolves around her drama with her “daddy”.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Are you implying vile men are ‘tricking’ these poor girls to act like this, who would be perfect angels otherwise?

Girls unconsciously engaging in behavior very likely to result in sex at distressingly young ages is a long known matter with long known ways of handling it; and those ways are not ‘age of consent’ laws or other measures intended to disempower the cooperation of fathers and husbands.

S says:

12 is after puberty. Women are acting as they are supposed to; it is society that is flawed.

pyrrhus says:

David Bowie had sex with 12 year olds, and later on married one when she was 17…Mothers apparently drop these girls off at the hotel, hoping they’ll hook up with someone famous…

Neofugue says:

> I’m talking children as young 12 involved in sex and pregnancy…Imagine your daughter jutr graduating primary school, she is calling her boyfriend daddy.

Just as men who complain about “child trafficking” are rather upset by the behavior of homosexuals, Ducking Man is disturbed about immature young boys fornicating with young girls, not on the supposed problem of teenage pregnancy. The tell is in his use of the word “boyfriend” instead of “husband.”

There is nothing wrong with a girl aged twelve or so getting married to an older man established within the community, but there is something terribly wrong with a boy aged fourteen with no certain career prospects fornicating with a young girl. Males should not be allowed the option to marry or seduce young girls until they are established, but there is nothing wrong with girls who are undergoing puberty getting married.

Neofugue says:

> Males should not be allowed the option to marry or seduce young girls until they are established

Just to be clear I am not saying that young males are at fault, rather that education and social life post-primary school should generally be single-sex with any mixed event chaperoned.

jim says:

When a girl has sex at any age, she should be stuck with a commitment to stick around. Shotgun marriage, or marriage by abduction.

Therefore females of any age need to restrained from the opportunity to have sex with men who may not be in a position to stick around.

And I see one hell of a lot of women in their thirties having sex with men who are not in a position to stick around. It is a bigger problem than nine year old girls, who tend to have sex with forty year old men with established positions in the male hierarchy, rather than with twelve year old boys.

Men who are willing to stick with an abduction, and throw a great big wedding party attended by their two hundred of their closest and best armed friends to prove it, should get only a reasonable fine at most. Men who are not willing to stick with an abduction, and reveal mens rea by leaving and hiding, should be hung.

The age of the female is irrelevant. And the extent to which she cooperated in the abduction is a matter only for her father or her husband. Female consent is opaque, and impractical for outside authorities such as the state to figure out. Hard for anyone to figure out. Hard for the woman herself to figure out.

David says:

Mate, a girl of 9 with a man of 40 sounds atrocious

Aidan says:

Confessed antinatalist hates shotgun marriage and teen pregnancy, color me surprised

The Ducking Man says:

Don’t get me wrong. Shotgun marriage works as mitigation damage control effort, but clearly not as prevention effort.

Me and my family position in this is very clear. Children who cannot bring food to the table don’t have the right to know about sex, period.

I give full respect self-independent 18 y.o. laborer being married and have baby. But I loath with disgust married teens that still leech off their parent.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Married teens leaning on their parents are what parents are for. There is husband and his wife, then the extended family, then the tribe, then the clan, then the nation. Multiple generations working and supporting each other is how we are meant to live. Rugged individualism is a leftist memetic weapon designed to weaken their natural enemies: the cohesive family.

The warband, the ur-social grouping, does not reward individualism. It rewards excellence and support for the squad, and it supports all members. A couple providing their family children is providing the family with a future, and deserve support while they establish themselves. Human individualism is the road to defeat and extinction.

That is exactly true and upto my grandparents’ generation we had child marriages in India with joint family system. My grandparents easily had 4-5 kids sometimes more.

Once the joint family headed by a patriarch was broken in India by abolition of child marriage and by other evil laws, fertility levels have fallen dramatically. My parents’ generation had usually 2 kids, sometimes 3 and our present generation has only 1 kid sometimes none.

Clearly patriarchy works. The ducking man is sadly blue pilled on this question.

Red says:

It’s bad for the parents too. My parents are at the age where they should be living with family and enjoying the grandkids but they stubbornly refuse to form joint households despite their declining ability to care for a home and do basic tasks.

Also in my grandparents’ generation they aged well p, natural beauty lasted longer and remained fit for a long time, mainly I believe because of having kids at teen age and partly their lifestyle.

My parents generation are clearly aging worse and having ailments like diabetes and hypertension. I think the current generation will age worse and suffer even worse ailments, living off medical support.

Varna says:

> I think the current generation will age worse and suffer even worse ailments, living off medical support.

And that’s before the clot boosters.

Kunning Drueger says:

100% confirm. Even if shitty kids foist child rearing on parents, or try to, the only way it can get corrected is through shame and example. Of course, shitty kids are a product of poor parenting. But western society has been literally reconstructed around atomization, what Wulfgar referred to as rugged individualism, with the explicit goal of undermining family/clan structure.

No one is perfect, and to expect perfection is to confirm disappointment. You can see this in how social programming for young females teaches them to abhor “settling,” keeping them available long past desirability or a chance to establish healthy submission to a single male provider.

It is good to marry and reproduce young. It is good to support offspring and their offspring. It is good to own, maintain, and develop land. All of these things terrify the humanist and please GNON. Settling is stability, stability is order, order is the ultimate goal.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Atomization and rugged individualism are the same thing. You cannot easily convey tone in text only format, especially as brief as we are, but I use rugged individualism in a mocking sense. It is a term phaggot cuckservatives use to defend progressive destruction of community and by leftists to channel the manly urge to improve into harmless outlets. “Better not work together, or cooperate, or even organize, because that wouldn’t be very rUgGeD iNdIvIdUaLiSm of you.”

Kunning Drueger says:

100% boss, just adding my 2¢. You’re dead on, and it unfortunately works very well on Conservatives, just like the anti-Russia memeplex.

clovis says:

>Human individualism is the road to defeat and extinction.

Completely agree with this. A couple of years ago we had a family reunion. Not all the clans from my grandpa’s five children were represented, only my father’s children and his younger brother’s, whose children live in other countries. Also my great uncle’s children and their families. It was fun, of course, but I also thought–imagine if all of us lived in the same area and pooled resources and coordinated and ran businesses. We would be wealthy and probably politically powerful in no time.

Of course you see immigrants doing this in the US all the time, like Indians who have the whole clan involved in running the gas station or cigarette stores or whatever. When did Western Europeans quit doing this?

Joe W. says:

What you described is still very common throughout Asia and Latin America, but it’s not clear it’s superior. Mostly, it’s seen in low-trust cultures where they don’t trust a stranger near the cash register or inventory. As in any company or organization, these types of businesses are only as strong as their weakest links, and nepotism tends to bring in a lot of weak links.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s obviously superior because europoids did the same thing too and when they did they rose to rule the world and when it stopped (was made to stop) is where we are now.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

‘Nepotism’ is a snarl word for the most natural and effective means of procuring talent. Noone gets career positions through the fake and gay rituals of resume peddling, everyone gets positions through social contacts of someone you know referring you to someone they know.

Joe W. says:

> It’s obviously superior

You’re confusing correlation and causation. If it was superior, Asia and Latin America would be seeing superior results, which they’re not. Very few businesses would be better if they only hired relatives.

> ‘Nepotism’ is a snarl word for the most natural and effective means of procuring talent.

Low-skilled talent, sure. But not high-skilled talent.

jim says:

All jobs that require real smarts and real talent are hired through friends and connections. Resume peddling, accreditation, and Human Resources is for interchangeable and replaceable midwits. Human Resources and all that never worked, and now it is working even worse.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Whose confusing factors now? The obvious confounding variable in latin america is the fact that they are indio mutts. And if you haven’t noticed yet, the middle kingdom is lapping the GAE now.

“Hail fellow reactionaries, leftist atomization tactics are Our Heritage, we need to conserve today every advance made by poz yesterday.”

Joe W. says:

> Whose confusing factors now?

You, again.

Obviously, IQ is the difference-maker, not nepotism.

Japan and Korea don’t look like they do because the highest-IQ kids are working at their family’s grocery store or laundry.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Japan and Korea don’t look like they do because the highest-IQ kids are working at their family’s grocery store or laundry.

Look at how stupid you are.

“Hail fellow reactionaries, the only way to save civilization is to conserve leftist efforts to abolish all forms of apprenticeship; only by dissolving the whole folk through a central accrediting instution can Talent be Apportioned to Where It Needs To Go.”

The Cominator says:

We do need to make meritocracy work somewhat again by legalizing iq tests…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

That’s a tangential matter, the problem here is he can’t keep his arguments strait. One moment social technology has matter when he doesn’t like it, then the next moment social technology doesn’t have any matter at all when it would contradict his payload.

I’ve noted that whenever we Hindus post on this blog at a higher frequency the likes of Joe W come out to prove the superiority of Western plumbing and how India is a literal shithole etc, how the Asian/Oriental way is inferior in every way, how advanced and modern the West is, and then proceed to turn the debate away from fundamental issues.

Mayflower Sperg says:

In business, water, sewage, etc., Western technology is superior as long as you have plenty of Western people around to maintain it.

I’m thinking of Egypt’s recent attempt to “modernize” its garbage disposal. They soon gave up and reverted to the old system, where Christians collect trash, let their pigs root out the food waste, then sort and recycle the rest by hand.

somedude says:

Boy, what a surprise.

Hail fellow reactionaries, india is a shithole, india has nepotism, hence india is shit hole because of nepotism. Hence Americans should not appoint family members to positions of Authority in their own businesses while foreigners can and do because india is a shit hole.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>”[Johann Gottlieb Fichte] was born in Rammenau, Upper Lusatia. The son of a ribbon weaver,[33] he came of peasant stock which had lived in the region for many generations. The family was noted in the neighborhood for its probity and piety. Christian Fichte, Johann Gottlieb’s father, married somewhat above his station. It has been suggested that a certain impatience which Fichte himself displayed throughout his life was an inheritance from his mother.[34]

>”He received a rudimentary education from his father. He showed remarkable ability from an early age, and it was owing to his reputation among the villagers that he gained the opportunity for a better education than he otherwise would have received. The story runs that the Freiherr von Militz, a country landowner, arrived too late to hear the local pastor preach. He was, however, informed that a lad in the neighborhood would be able to repeat the sermon almost verbatim. As a result, the baron took Fichte into his protection and paid for his tuition.[34] ”

Whereupon in latter days, one’s progroid interlocutor would then segue the story into exhortations to give every bantu in the sub-saharan the opportunity to live in Peorea and go to Peoria U. on Peorian taxpayer dime.

Of course, the thing is, for one, trying to bend over to find edge cases is a pointless endeavor that does not pay dividends; you can find talent where you would expect to find it from observation of macro trends.

For another thing though, is that even if you *did* hold digging up edge cases as a cardinal value for some god-forsaken reason, the ‘human resources’ paradigm in fact *makes it even less likely to happen, anyways*.

A prominent man like the good baron could not simply decide to sponsor a young man he found talented, they would have to go through ‘the proper channels’ first – which basically guarantee relegation to dead ends and a ton of loan debt for the trouble, unless he makes social contacts through the backdoor anyways.

‘Muh corenotausation’ is a classic dog whistle for someone infected by whig mind viruses that compel them towards nominalistic anti-pattern recognition.

It’s unfortunate that someone might have to find out this way, but they’ve simply been lied too their whole life about it. I too am greatly concerned about merit; and the most effective judge for how talented someone may be at something, is the person in charge of that something to begin with. The power to hire and fire how you see fit is, after all, an essential ingredient of a real executive.

Every effort by leftists over the course of recent history to undermine this phenomena in particular, and dissolve all organic social bonds between folk in general, is basically means of increasing their power as a faction of preachers; placing themselves as universal gatekeepers for who can or can’t become a member of ‘polite society’.

Kunning Drueger says:

Have we ever had a shill that doesn’t bring up correlation vs. causality? It’s like they are trained, consciously or subconsciously, to throw that out, like a little flag to their fellows; “Right side of history agent in need of assistance!”

I’m not saying there’s no merit to the concept, it just seems like people throw it out and expect it to settle the discussion.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The gnostic hides (from) inconvenient realities behind epistemological nihilisms.

He is also schizotypical, in that he applies it selectively against his targets, but never his own conceits.

David says:

There is an acceptable degree of “individualism”, it is obvious that the married boy has to sustain and protect his family independently, and if possible, he should not ask for hekp

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

No, it is not obvious, and is in fact fucking stupid to expect it at first. If you make men wait until 30 and fully established to marry, then you need a lot of whores. If you get them married early to young women, then he can improve himself while also raising a family.

If we did an experiment with this, in just a few of your generations I would have had several generations and would be able to zerg rush your experimental population with a bunch of higher-quality fighters from my experimantal population. Give a man a family and he will work much harder to support it. The social bonds will be stronger, and the social trust deeper. We are about 50 or 60 years into your way of doing things, and it is fucking killing us. Read about village life in Europe some time, and they did it my way.

Only in decadent, dying civilizations are the elders too selfish and conceited to sacrifice to ensure that their children and grandchildren are supported. My mother was one of a dozen children, my father one of six. I am one of 3, and only my brother has had children, and he and his wife get help from both his family and hers.

Both personal experience and historical events support my method. If you insist on yours, your descendants will be relegated to the footnotes of the latter. I hope, for your sake, that you abandon this leftist foolishness and support your children.

How true.

I still weep for the downfall of the joint family system in India, brought about in my grandfathers’ generation by the socialist inheritance laws of the 50s and 60s and other socialist laws like the land-ceiling laws, and the nail in the coffin was hammered by women empowerment.

My ancestor literally lived in a palatial house with garden that still stands to this day but abandoned and in dilapidated condition. My ancestors on both parents’ sides owned agricultural lands. They had 4 to 5 children minimum, sometimes more.

My parents’ generation and almost all my uncles and aunts spent their childhood in houses with gardens and all have fond memories.

People tell me I ought to belonged a hundred years ago. Sometimes I wish it were so.

David says:

I agree

Doom says:

Sorry for being severely off topic, but how much do you get paid to shill post on Jims blog? I could cross post and even argue with myself, and I’d probably do it real cheap. Tell your boss I’m keen!

The Cominator says:

Fuck that i want to get paid to shill for Russia on /pol.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

I want to get paid to shoot leftist for Russia.

Pooch says:

Maybe there is someway you can get to Russia to join Wagner.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

American leftists, not Ukranian leftists. I wish Russia well, but I am more interested in killing the GAE than in restoring the glory of the Russian Empire.

Pooch says:

Plenty of leftist American mercs are heading to Ukraine for the proxy war but I understand what you’re saying.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Though if shit gets bad enough there, I might head over for some experience and to catch myself a pretty Ukranian concubine.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

After all, make love and war. The old saying does not go, “consent, pillage, and burn.”

simplyconnected says:

Thought I’d leave a link to Yarvin’s chat with Ed Dutton. Don’t want to clutter the comments but Ed’s a proper evolutionary psychologist so it should be interesting.

Pooch says:

Interesting that Moldy thinks Hitler was gay. Makes a lot of sense actually.

Red says:

How so?

Pooch says:

Hitler’s interactions with all the young women in his life is extremely bizarre. It also explains his tunnel vision and focus on gaining power. A man with his position, a leader of many violent men, should have been swimming in pussy but that’s really now what he seemed all that interested in.

Moldbug provided more sources that I have not dug into like he has but I trust his judgement.


Red says:

Goebbels complained about Hitler poaching one of the movie starlets he was fucking in his diaries. Hitler also regularly fucked rich industrial men’s wives in order to get them to support the Nazi cause fiscally during the early years. Hitler was on of the first leaders to use sex appeal with women to garner a lot of votes.

Unless Yarvin has some good non cathedral sources who have every intensive to paint Hitler as a Homo, that’s not convincing. Also quoting wikipedia on Hitler is fake and gay.

BTW, why does Yarvin now look like a dirty long haired hippy? He’s not pulling any tail with that way. Every time I see him I have less and less respect for him.

Pooch says:

Goebbels complained about Hitler poaching one of the movie starlets he was fucking in his diaries.

Bullshit. Magda Goebbels would invite Hitler to parties to encourage him to meet girls and he never showed interest. Hitler turned down several German actresses and Unity Mitford, a hot British Socialite of the time. This is the equivalent of turning down perfect 10s on Instagram today. Only a homosexual could do that.

He also had slept in separate bedrooms with Eva Braun.

Hitler also regularly fucked rich industrial men’s wives in order to get them to support the Nazi cause fiscally during the early years.


Hitler was on of the first leaders to use sex appeal with women to garner a lot of votes.

Sex appeal? What the fuck? Why would you use gay blue pilled terminology. All powerful men have women throwing themselves at them and that Hitler had very limited associations with women on all accounts should immediately set off red flags.

Unless Yarvin has some good non cathedral sources who have every intensive to paint Hitler as a Homo, that’s not convincing.

His time in the men’s shelter in Vienna, his associations with August Kubizek, the Rome circle

Also quoting wikipedia on Hitler is fake and gay.

Not in this case. Wikipedia has every incentive to paint him as an evil white straight man.

All signs point to closeted homosexual.

Red says:

You clearly haven’t read Goebbels diary where Goebbels describe being pissed off at Hitler cucking him with an actress Goebbels had been fucking.

This is your argument, present some actual evidence and not your gay wikipedia speculation.

Pooch says:

You clearly haven’t read Goebbels diary where Goebbels describe being pissed off at Hitler cucking him with an actress Goebbels had been fucking.

Weak evidence. Obviously she would be more attracted to Hitler, being the leader. Goebbels simply being the number 2 man. This is common in powerful organizations. Women fuck their way to the top. What was the exact text? Does Goebbels confirm Hitler fucked her?

This is your argument, present some actual evidence and not your gay wikipedia speculation.

It’s all sourced. If your argument is one Goebbels diary entry, it’s incredibly weak.

Pooch says:

You clearly haven’t read Goebbels diary where Goebbels describe being pissed off at Hitler cucking him with an actress Goebbels had been fucking.

Provide a link. All my sources are provided in the wiki entry.

Red says:

Provide a link.

Read the book.

All my sources are provided in the fake and gay wiki entry.</blockquote


Again, you provided no evidence that Hitler was fucking guys.

Pooch says:

Again, you provided no evidence that Hitler was fucking guys.

My argument is not that he fucked guys. He was a closeted repressed homosexual that turned down fucking hot actresses and british socialites, which only a gay would do. Like I said, all his interactions with women were limited and weird.

Again, you provided no evidence

Gunther, John (1940). Inside Europe.

Read the book.

Red says:

He was a closeted repressed homosexual that turned down fucking hot actresses and british socialites, which only a gay would do. Like I said, all his interactions with women were limited and weird.

Next up Pooch tells us how Issac Newton and Jesus were gay too.

People have weird hang ups and it doesn’t surprise me that a a guy who age vegetarian food, didn’t drink and who spent his time trying to implement race socialism was a weirdo on sex.

Speculating that historical figures were gay without evidence that they were boning guys is fucking gay.

Pooch says:

weirdo on sex

Being a weirdo on sex is gay. Either you love to fuck beautiful women or you’re gay. There’s no middle ground.

I didn’t really intend to get in some long debate about it. I’m not trying to convince you. That you don’t find the evidence convincing is something I don’t particularly give a two shits about.

In my opinion, Hitler’s relationships with women is suspect, especially for someone with his power and status. A lot of them end up shooting themselves too, which is just weird.

Someone with his status should have had a laundry list of bitches he was fucking and had fucked. This is the norm for powerful men, but Hitler doesn’t.

I found it interesting that apparently Moldbug agrees.

The Cominator says:

Newton just seemed asexual… Hitler spent a lot of time with active homosexuals.

Neofugue says:

Propagandists accuse their opponents of deviancy of which the overwhelming majority of males are not beholden to.

Hitler avoided whores because he found them disgusting, which is a reflection of germophobia stemming from high levels of obsessiveness and neuroticism. Some men find whores innately disgusting, being sensitive to as Heartiste termed it the “thousand-**** stare.” Heartiste wrote an article on the subject at hand; Hitler came across all of the primary sources as a troubled beta male with oneitis.

Avoiding disgusting things is an evolutionary adaptation; before antibiotics diseases such as syphilis used to kill people or worse; for example, the composer Schumann having become afflicted lost his sanity and after attempting suicide suffered a slow death in a mental hospital.

The Cominator says:

The chad Napoleon fucked tons of bitches (no doubt some will fault him here for being forgiving of Josephine for too long) and repealed women’s rights… why didn’t Hitler. He wasn’t quite asexual but he was weird and spent a lot of time with homos…

Make of that what you will.

Kunning Drueger says:

I don’t know if Hitler was gay or not, but it is becoming very clear that we shouldn’t discuss Hitler and Yarvin around Pooch.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pooch has a slight tendency to jump from one extreme to another, where whichever he changes his opinion.

Vis-a-vis moldbug and Hitler, it’s a classic heeb tendency to pathologize people they disagree with and or find disagreeable (an ironic thing for me to note on just now).

That is to say, there is no such thing as ‘honest’ differences of interest in their mind; someone else must either already be sharing their inclinations, or else they have to be sick in the head deviants somehow (they of course by definition will never possibly see themselves as the real deviant in an equation; it’s a purely relative operation).

You can see similar modes of thought at work in whig apprehentions of war and sovereignty:

>After WWII traditional understanding of sovereignty as of legal right of sovereign rulers to wage offensive war died. As a result modern states never admit they’re waging wars. They’re waging “pacifications”, “counterterrorism”, etc
>Consider how all the War Departments and Ministries over the world were renamed into “Defence” in late 1940s. Everyone’s defending, nobody’s attacking. Why does the fighting happen then? Well, because of criminals – “bandits”, “terrorists”, “jihadees” or as now in Ukraine “Nazis”
>Modern world abolished the distinction between the enemy and the criminal, a key idea of the Roman Law. Powers do wage wars, but to do so they need to criminalise and dehumanise their enemies. Hence, all the “terrorist” discourse. In a sense Putin is going with the flow

Pooch says:

Vis-a-vis moldbug and Hitler, it’s a classic heeb tendency to pathologize people they disagree with and or find disagreeable (an ironic thing for me to note on just now).

How so? So I went from one extreme of being a Hitler respecter or now being a Hitler disrespecter because he was gay?

The Cominator says:

Hitler was probably a repressed homo not an active one, the women he was associated with there are some moderately creditable sources he wanted the women to pee on him and shit.

Pooch says:

I think the pee stuff was probably propaganda against him like it was with Trump, but yeah repressed closeted homo explains a lot, him being such a high achiever and not particularly interested in anything else.

The Cominator says:

He apparently never visited the military brothels during his time in the army apparently either.

Pooch says:

Hitler being gay has a striking resemblance to Fuentes being a closeted gay too.

Dharmicreality says:

Bear in mind that around the time a lot of propaganda was painting Hitler as an evil pervert and clearly at that time homosexuality was still perceived as perversion by Harvard. LGBTQWERY holiness is quite recent. Read William Shirer for example and how he unflatteringly depicted Roehm in his book Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

So a lot written by western scholars on Hitler’s sexuality at that time seems to be propaganda.

Red says:

He apparently never visited the military brothels during his time in the army apparently either.

Hitler was a Germophob, scared shitless about VD form hookers, a rather real problem at the time. A problem that was even worse faggots as we all know.

If you want a proven WW2 homo, check out Monty who spent his time with young boys and who married a divorcee with 2 little boys he liked to bathe with.

The Cominator says:

I think if you get shelled and shot at all day for a normal straight male… you’ll naturally be a bit less scared of VD. No one is arguing Monty was straight.

skippy says:

Hitler was probably impotent and channelled all his sexual energy into speaking.

If he was gay he had just as much opportunity to fuck men as he did to fuck women. He didnt even let top Nazis call him with the informal ‘you.’ The guy was living in his own universe.

Guy says:

I’ve heard plenty of men say they didn’t want to fuck a willing, hot girl because of STDs, they were all, 100% of the time, gay or pussies. Usually just pussies. No straight man is ever legitimately worried about that when considering whether to fuck or not. It’s an excuse not to try.

clovis says:

Hitler reportedly had one nut and otherwise deformed genitalia, so that might have factored in to him not being a chad.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I think if you get shelled and shot at all day for a normal straight male… you’ll naturally be a bit less scared of VD.

Not the same thing at all. Getting hit with a bullet or artillery shell is a quick and glorious death, not like being a raving syphilitic madman wasting away in a lunatic asylum, a disgrace to your family and country.

Kunning Drueger says:

Being a poonatic as a young man is perfectly normal, indeed desirable, but to command men, you must take into account all factors and not draw pointlessly bright lines. Some dudes have a lower sex drive. Unfortunate, but not necessarily a Fag Sentence. Further still, as I age, I still want pussy, but I am too busy to be attracted to dedicating my off hours to hunting it. Better to have a wife or, if you’re so inclined, a harem. Having to constantly hunt is not alpha, I believe that’s omega, or pack reject, in terms of wolves.

It could just come down to attention span, too. If I was attempting to take over Europe, slaying strange would not top my list of things to focus on. I’m also firmly in the family over all, no excuses. So I’m more inclined to say avoiding pregnancy is gayer than avoiding sluts.

Doom says:

This is an interesting discussion.
Two questions though :
What’s the propaganda value of Hitlers sexuality? ie, does it actually matter where he preferred to park his cock or not at all?

Second, and this isn’t a defence of Hitler, obviously, but he was extremely cleaniness/ orderliness obsessed. Someone like that has more pressing concerns screaming in their head than sex.

Arguably, yes. Having no children makes one functionally gay. But, not the same thing as the insult attempting to be leveraged, ie, “If Hitler had ONLY BEEN ALLOWED by German society to openly be with men sexually, we wouldn’t have had the Holocaust!!”

(Aw boo I showed you the propaganda value without you working it out)

(Bonus round, what’s Yarvins ethnicity again? Sorry Moldy, you know I love you but you’re playing to the stereotypes)

jdgalt1 says:

I’m surprised no one has yet mentioned the elephant in the room: the Great Reset.

Most of the leaders involved in this war, including Putin, Zelensky, and Biden, went to Davos. If we can assume that they support the WEF’s goals then what’s happening now makes a lot more sense.

The Great Reset requires a substantial part of the earth’s population to perish. This has already been attempted at least once with Covid, but it didn’t kill enough people to meet the goal. So some of the leaders involved want to try again by starting a nuclear war.

I hope I’m wrong. In the meantime I suggest everyone move out of major cities if you can.

Pooch says:

The WEF is just one of many NGOs, not unlike Soro’s Open Society, that is a front for the US State Department. Don’t focus on the cape, the WEF, focus on the man behind the cape, the US State Department.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*much repeated left narrative deleted yet again*]

jim says:

I would love to debate with you about these issues, but you just endlessly repeat yourself.

In your narrative, the evil capitalists are oppressing the priesthood. And to fix this problem you need to squeeze the kulaks in the red states for the benefit of the the people who in the blue megalopoli, who should all be given the priestly jobs that academia promised them, which will result in Republicans being able to move to the center of the blue megalopoli where all the power and wealth is and form families there.

No one can form families in the center of a megalopolis, and as long our elite is rooted in giant cities, they will fail to reproduce.

Anonymous Fake says:

Well at least you summarized my narrative mostly correctly, but I’m not trying to squeeze anyone. Setting a price of a good to the point of labor production is meant to create [*something other than famine, terror, mass use of slave labor, and mass murder*]

jim says:

I have responded to your claim repeatedly, and you continue to ignore all my responses.

The blue state economy is mostly the FIRE economy, of quasi state businesses run by people on the revolving door between Harvard, regulators, and regulated businesses. It is, for the most part, state enforced transfer of value from red state people who own real assets, land, cattle, factories, trucks, mines, oil wells, and such like, to blue state people in the big megalopoli who own a position in the revolving door.

All your proposals are the same proposal: People trained in priesting worked hard for the degrees, but not enough value is being transferred to them, so more violence needs to be applied so that they can live the red state lifestyle while residing in giant blue megalopoli. Because blue staters are getting rather less value than they expected from the work that they applied to get those degrees, the state needs to transfer value according to the work involved and the enormous status of that work, rather than the actual value created. And since you despise everyone who actually creates value, they should not get any of the value that they create.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for all the usual reasons*]

jim says:

You again presuppose and take for granted all sorts of things that I have vehemently denied at great and excessive length.

Not going to deny them all over again.

When you make a claim, make it, do not assume it.

I do not allow people to sneak their real argument in as supposedly shared presuppositions and widely accepted consensus. Particularly when it is very far from being widely shared consensus.

i says:

You know its really a shame that modern day Priesting isn’t like Old Testament Priesting.

Which involves animal sacrifice as well as handling the sacred objects and not screwing it up.

Otherwise God will kill them instantly. Like he did Nadab and Abihu:

“And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not.

2 And there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord.

3 Then Moses said unto Aaron, This is it that the Lord spake, saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace.”

Leviticus 10:1-3

Neofugue says:

Animal sacrifices were a form of signalling to God one’s willingness to undergo privation, continued in the church through fasting and prayer after the destruction of the Temple.

Your comment presupposes an absurd position while ignoring the spirit of the law continued in the church today. Nadab and Abihu attempted to out-holy Moses by perverting the services and were justly killed for it. Any priest or monk who corrupts the liturgy for status must be removed from office, wisdom which can apply to any age at any place.

Can you affirm the following?

Jesus Christ is Lord, became incarnate in Bethlehem, was buried at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world, fully God and fully man. I believe in one God, the Father almighty, in one Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit, God in three persons.

i says:

“Animal sacrifices were a form of signalling to God one’s willingness to undergo privation, continued in the church through fasting and prayer after the destruction of the Temple.”

Agreed. And also to symbolize the work of Christ. Who is the lamb of God. Who with his own Blood is now High Priest entering the Holy of Holies interceding for believers.

“Any priest or monk who corrupts the liturgy for status must be removed from office, wisdom which can apply to any age at any place.”

Agreed. But I don’t think the fake priests and pastors who blaspheme God didn’t get destroyed the same way nowadays except rarely supernaturally.

Even the secular Priests that Jim is talking about didn’t have to contend with the deadly holiness of God in the same immediate manner.

And I will affirm:

Jesus Christ is Lord, became incarnate in Bethlehem, was buried at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world, fully God and fully man. I believe in one God, the Father almighty, in one Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit, God in three persons.

The Cominator says:

WEF are a front but they may be a front for something more powerful than the state department. Not denying the state department has power (they govern certain 3rd world countries where the most powerful person living in the country tends to be the American ambassador, Ukraine was like this) but not sure they are at the top.

Covid was a worldwide scam but the worldwide scam does not as far as I can tell involve the state department in any way. Also Trump was able to purge the state department (he fired the guy who did it Tillerson) more than probably any other agency.

Fauci’s NIH and the connivance of the CDC were crucial for the covid scam locally… and both were run by men with an unusually Jesuit education. Fauci also got an award in Rome… and Fauci talks about his Jesuit links openly sometimes.

Which makes me think that the old 19th century conspiracy theory (that among others such men of gravitas as Samuel Morse Abraham Lincoln and Otto Von Bismarck believed) that the sinister global/international conspiracy has always been the Jesuits and the Vatican was the correct one.

Pooch says:

WEF are a front but they may be a front for something more powerful than the state department.

In Global American Empire provinces, there is nothing more powerful than the US State Department.

The Cominator says:

In 3rd world countries under American influence no, but in the core not all powerful and they had little that i can see to do with covid.

Varna says:

In this sense yes the goal is zero carbon emissions as outline on this time official thinktank table:

Covid added to this, now the sanctions and sheit. If they feel they need to, then additional sanctions against China will bring the lifestyle down even further to 1946 levels.

This was far from the only motivation behind the covid thing, and far from the only motivation behind the current war, but this specific strand of globohomo “Gaia saviors” is very much present in both, that’s for sure.

Kunning Drueger says:

Interesting video. All in Blyat, I do not speak or read it, but from my brilliant, no faults analysis, looks like a DPR unit moving towards contact. Take note of the tablet + controller. Possibly a consumer level drone for in the moment ISR.


The twitter account appears to be an actual DPR soldier live tweeting his part in the battle in the East.

Pooch says:

Really cool.

Pooch says:

Manually copy and pasting into Google Russian to English translator:

⚡️VIDEO 18+⚡️How Sparta entered Volnovakha⚡️ Project @wargonzoo publishes exclusive footage of the entry into Volnovakha of the legendary ORB “Sparta” and the combatant Vladimir Zhoga (Vokha), who, together with the advanced detachments, participated in the assault operation and personally led the battle.

Pooch says:

Looks like Chechans are no longer a privileged class, given that Putin is successfully using them in his invasion force.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It happens all the time, but even still, it’s always funny to see how quickly both ‘the careful bureaucratic process’ and ‘their principles’ can turn on a dime.

James says:

Proof that we are ruled by priests. We could bring the balance of power full circle by dictating that soldiers may kill corrupt judges.

Red says:

BTW, the Clinton’s are the leaders of the war faction. Hillary’s likely to end up as president in 2026.

The Ducking Man says:

The normalcy has clearly long gone when another psychopath with dementia being put for presidency run does not sound so far stretch.

Red says:

Watching Pelosi acting like a Demon possessed woman rubbing her hands together in glee at the mention of US troops breathing in toxic fumes… frightened me. I don’t believe in Demons, but God damn her to hell.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


“The US says it’s efforts to expand NATO were for the sake of peace: has peace been achieved?”

You can’t imagine simple real talk like this in clown world.

Red says:

Oddly Reddit hasn’t purged everyone who’s not pro-war yet. People are pointing out that NATO stopped being a defensive alliance when they bombed Serbia and Libya. There’s no shill response point being posted currently.

Cloudswrest says:

National Review hack thinks he’s criticizing Putin for being “Russia First” (my interpretation) and defending Holy Russia.


Red says:

That’s the second article on the religious nature of the war I’ve seen, though this is a much crappier clone. Typical NR trash. The other mentioned all the Cathedrals Putin’s built.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Everyone at National Review gets put against the wall come the Restoration. I despise thieves and traitors above all others, and they fall squarely into the latter camp. Might as well have titled it, “The Conservative Case for Holy War Against Russia.” Let us kick off WWIII because muh separation of church and state, in the name of the most holy faith of progressivism!

Yul Bornhold says:

I do not advocate for their execution. The punishment should fit the crime. So they should be parachuted into the heart of Zaire.

The Cominator says:

RE cuckservatives…

If they advocated directly for trannyism or war against Russia or the great Reset etc they get deleted in minecraft.

But generally the punishment for cuckservatives who committed lesser offenses falling short of demon worship should be forcing them to carry out the dirty horrible part of the leftist ah “resettlement” programme.

The Cominator says:

So Ben Shapiro lives if he is willing, but Ben Shapiro only lives if he is willing to adminster a happy fun leftist camp.

Joe W. says:

Shapiro was a Never Trumper and he’s a clot-shotter.

Please don’t go soft on us, TC.

Joe W. says:

… and he’s also about 4’11”, so he wouldn’t be much of a camp enforcer, anyway.

The Cominator says:

I’ve said repeatedly that the way to deal with cuckservatives is to make them do the worst part of our dirty work…

Red says:

That’s a good point. They’re quite good at optimizing whatever system they’re supporting.

Red says:

Off topic, anyone read Deep Nutrition? If so, what’s your take on it?

It’s written by a woman doctor, which makes the writing annoying but she keeps referencing her chef husband as the driving force behind what’s she writing. So far it’s the basics on of reactionary thought on food, IE eat shit that our ancestors ate, not the modern processed crap, sugar and vegetable/seed oil.

Pooch says:

Is it like Paleo?

ccubed says:

I read it, but skipped a lot due to what you pointed out. The chief thing I picked up was good fats (olive oil, butter,…) and bad fats (polyunsaturated fats: soybean oil, canola oil, …). Printed out a table with this list and pinned it to a cork board in the laundry room. Yes, similar to “paleo”.

Try getting a sandwhich spread or salad dressing without soybean oil on a traditional grocery shelf, though if your store has a “health food” aisle, you may find more expensive replacements that use the good fats.

Cloudswrest says:

Available at Safeway of all places. Created by Mark Sisson. Although I have to admit I’ve never found any mayonnaise that tastes as good as Hellman’s/Best. I must have imprinted on it as a child.


Red says:

Mark’s Primal Kitchen Mayo uses pure avocado oil, IE heated and bleached oil that removes it’s rancid smell.

Better than soy, but still not good for you.

Kunning Drueger says:

Got a question for the dharmaposters: why does it seem like India is so… schlubby? Disorganized? Can’t figure out the right term…

Watching a lot of disaster porn on a shit boring detail lately, and in most countries, the rescue and recovery effort documentation from most countries shows guys in uniforms, wearing PPE, and using equipment with LEO providing crowd control. This is excluding fake, State Department run shit holes.

But the Indian stuff is just crowds of people using mismatched equipment with people wearing street clothes and masses of people standing around. India is not a third world shit hole, but it often times looks like one. Is this just a product of densely populated area, or is there something else at play?

Not needling or mocking, just genuinely curious.

In which context?

In general, there is a lot of socialist sloth in India and what you call affirmative action (reservation quota system here) in Education and state employment over decades which has led to largely dysfunctional administration in most states. It actually works both ways since insane laws aren’t implemented effectively or at all. On the other hand you see a lot of disorganization, inefficiency and randomness but which is often worked around by individual ingenuity, judicious use of bribery and experience of the system (or lack of it).

In other words, we’ve learnt to work around disorder and dysfunction, mostly by bribery but also through improvisation.

Kunning Drueger says:

Interesting, and it’s come up here before. But I meant in a more granular sense. In the US, if a plane crashes, the area is cordoned off, equipment is brought in, and uniformed workers/investigators/etc go about recovery and clean up. Bystanders are kept away. In India, it seems like there’s no distinction between onlookers and workers, no one is uniformed, and the equipment is just a mishmash. There’ll be guys in uniform, but there’s also guys who look like standers-by that are actually working the site.

This may be sampling bias, it just seemed odd. To be fair, you see it in Chinese incident photos as well.

Dharmicreality says:

Oh, yes.

In India locals are often the first to a crash site, flight or train. And often local inhabitants form spontaneous rescue teams far ahead of official response. This is because rural and semi urban India is more tribal and clan oriented that people often band together in times of emergency. It’s surprising how quickly the word spreads and crowds form within minutes. Of course many people are also just curious onlookers.

In metropolitan cities this spontaneous organization of local populace happens far less often and when it does tend to happen around slum or lower class areas, which tends to consist of rural migrants. People in cities avoid accident sites fearing official harassment and tend to wait for the official response, and in that sense more like western countries.

Anonymous Fake says:

Volunteer culture is very rare in the West not because of official harassment, but because of fear of lawsuits. Lawsuit fear even suppresses natural sexual impulses in corporate and academic settings. It eventually becomes the culture.

Joe W. says:

> India is not a third world shit hole, but it often times looks like one.

India is a Third World shit hole in every sense.

Half of the people in India still prefer shitting in the street to shitting in a toilet. Seriously. The government has been trying to stop it for years.

And then there are the gang rapes on buses in broad daylight, etc. The country is full of dirty subhumans.

James says:

A rather fun/grim fact on that topic. In India, the government has goals and publishes statistics on toilet ownership rates by municipality, and regularly does toilet drives to increase those numbers.

That’s not the fun/grim fact. The fun/grim fact is that a huge number of these toilets are not in any way connected to plumbing. The government can say, “This village now has a toilet in any home” when none of the homes have a sewer connection.

What a shithole.

Dharmicreality says:

Assuming this is in earnest and not just trolling

Thing is, lots of rural areas don’t have plumbing or centralized sewage treatment systems, so toilets are connected to septic tanks which treat the waste and the decomposed and treated waste gets back into the soil.

Not ideal, but come far from open defecation.

James says:

That’s just the thing. Plenty of these toilets have literally nothing for processing sewage — no septic, no anything. They have a term for it when it’s done by design — “dry latrines”. They require manually bringing in water and hauling out sewage. There are over 2 million of these things.

And those are just the ones that exist by design. Plenty are functionally dry latrines due to grossly inadequate septic processing and poor septic design. These are much harder to get actual numbers on, but from what I understand the number is…”high”, especially post-pandemic.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m well aware of the situation, both meme and actual. I’m always down for ripping on other races and cultures, because it’s funny and informative. But I’ve been learning a lot about India of late and, just as People of Walmart jokes and memes are a progressive denigration of Amerikaners, so too is the Poo In Loo memeplex an attack on traditional Indian culture.

I only speak for myself, but I’ll take Rural Pajeet over Progressive Peter any day of the week.

Joe W. says:

What exactly impresses you about “traditional Indian culture”?

Kunning Drueger says:

Caste system is fucking based. Resilience in the face of overwhelming urge to Africanize. The dharmaposters here. Arranged marriage. Sutti. I’m not saying India is a utopia. I just think there’s more to the place than I previously thought. 0 desire to visit, and I want the Patels to leave the Mid-Atlantic. But those half niggers seem pretty based.

Varna says:

23% of Russians in 2021 did not have access to toilets connected to plumbing.

jim says:

I despise municipal sewer connections, and live in a very nice and far from cheap house with no sewer connection. This is illegal, but they have shown no inclination to enforce the law.

Municipal sewage is a priestly ritual imposed on the masses long ago.

It is a rational response to poor toilet training among the masses, but not sensible to impose it on the better sort of people.

I have a septic tank, which drains into a drainage field buried in my garden.

notglowing says:

I’d much rather have a sewer connection, where I don’t ever need to worry about where the shit goes and handle it, it’s just gone far away immediately.

I don’t like the idea of it accumulating in some tank below my house. It might make sense for a faraway house but it’s far from convenient.

Kunning Drueger says:

Septic tanks are easily managed. I don’t like how divisive this term is when or resident Sergeant-at-Arms uses it, most times, but… fucking email class to the maxx. Does the poopy scare you, or is it just the thought of full cycle rural living? One day, I’m going to implement full bio-solid cycling on my land, which is code for “use the poop” so suburbanites don’t fear compost.

Joe W. says:

> Septic tanks are easily managed.

Sure, when everyone lives in a single-family home on a big plot of land. Not so easy when we’re talking about 1,600,000,000 Indians.

Regardless, of all the weird things to rail against, sewer hook-ups might be the weirdest.

“If you don’t want to deal with your own shit, you’re part of the effeminate email class.”

Kunning Drueger says:

Part and parcel of the “food comes from stores” mentality. I’ve got no problem with soft hands that need farmers for their food, specialists for their waste, and warriors for their peace. So long as they remember that the land belongs to their betters, and they’re just renting space.

notglowing says:

The land belongs to who owns it. I own my land and they own theirs.
Farmers sell me their food and they get my money.

They also need technology in order to do their own job efficiently, unless you want to return to pre-industrial farming, and that technology is not made by other farmers – our living conditions exist thanks to a complex web of trade through specialization of labour.

The farmers do not need baristas and bankers, but they do need tractors, and people who design tractors, and their logistics need software and computers.
I don’t believe in glorifying manual labour above non-manual labour, which is different from glorifying priestly, useless work at the expense of productive work.

Ultimately, if you believe the land belongs only to those who do manual labour, and the intellectual work of organizing it is merely subordinate to that, and trivial to replace, you end up with marxist economics.

notglowing says:

> fucking email class to the maxx.
I can assure you that every blue collar worker here has a sewer connection and no intention of replacing it with a septic tank holding his shit. There’s no correlation between having an office job or not. That said, I do not ever use email as part of my work (but you might consider it an email class job regardless)
This is something that would only ever apply to farms, which are the only thing that seems remote enough to often not be connected. There are quite a few farms right next to my house though (which is on what used to be farmland owned by my ancestors) so maybe *I* am in the countryside? I would say it’s more accurate to say I’m in between.

> Does the poopy scare you
It does not scare me, I am just disgusted by it. I like cleanliness, and we value it highly where I live. That’s also why we have bidets, in order to wash ourselves every time we shit. I genuinely do not understand how people manage without it in other countries.
As for the septic tank, it might be fine to have it, but what I do not understand is preferring it, or thinking sewage systems are bad. I would always choose not to have it if given the option.

> full cycle rural living?
Rurals here have sewage for the most part. We do not have a countryside that is as far away from cities as in the US. We do have a countryside and quite a few people living in rural areas, but they are generally connected to these kinds of services.

Gas as well, though it’s far more common to have a gas tank, and that includes my home until ~10 years ago when it got connected (almost everyone uses gas for heating and cooking, since electricity is extremely expensive)

Joe W. says:

Well said. The idea that a coal miner or truck driver who doesn’t want to deal with his own shit is now part of the “email class” was one of the dumbest things I’ve seen posted here.

Dharmicreality says:

I’m not debating the benefits of a centralized sewer system vs septic tank, but along with electricity this is one of the most fundamental infrastructure for a living.

The problem with centralized control is that if the government decides that you’re a public enemy they can cause to snap your beautifully functional sewer connection at any time and you’ll be flooded in your own poop soon enough.

With What’s happening in western countries now to dissenting truckers and so on, I’m not sure that is a far fetched assumption. Also with shaniqua increasingly in charge of such amenities you’d better start praying as well.

Pooch says:

South Africa tends to run their raw sewage into rivers and such, rendering them unusable. Sewage systems are great when maintained by 1st worlders. Probably won’t be as great as the West Africanizes itself further.

Kunning Drueger says:

It’s the avoidance of a core life requirement that I find soft. Yes, it’s gross. Yes, I grew up soft and suburban. But, and this is going to be super gross to a lot of you, lately, I’ve been obsessively collecting urine. Ewwwz why?!?!?


Do you know what that means? Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium. These are critical to agronomy, particularly if your soil is suboptimal. You piss away plant food. Every single day. So I piss in jugs. My wife hates me right now. I’m a piss fetishist. But go look at the cost of those big 3 in raw, usable form. So much easier to just bite the bullet and collect GNON’s free gifts.

I’m no aristocrat. I guess I’m a pisstocrat. Every day, I get closer to never leaving home for a single, godsdamn thing. I love my land, and I’ll sacrifice every shred of poise and dignity for it with no hesitation. It doesn’t make me better than you, but I am harder than you. To each their own.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Do you know what that means? Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium. These are critical to agronomy, particularly if your soil is suboptimal.

And also, incidentally, high explosives and propellants.

The Cominator says:

Lol i think there was a time when England mandated collecting it because they used it for gunpowder.

Pseud-Chrysostom says:

Wars were legit started over securing sources of poop, an essential geo-strategic resource for nation states.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think St. John an TC are just joking haha. I am but a simple tomato farmer haha.

jim says:

Which reminds me. My gray water drain needs maintenance work. I had better get onto it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
James says:

Septic tanks in the countryside are independent and based, dry latrines with hired government workers to haul out poo for the sake of potty training adults are sad joke.

Cloudswrest says:

“Half of the people in India still prefer shitting in the street to shitting in a toilet. ”

Have you been to San Francisco lately?

Red says:

I stopped raging on 3ed world shitholes after I got first hand look modern LA and Seattle recently. The US is a collapsing nation.

James says:

I personally just added modern LA and Seattle to the list of 3rd world shitholes and started laughing at them, too. I grew up near a beautiful, white, medium-sized city that has been propelled to a top 10 city due to immigration. It has gone to absolute shit. Even the dirtier neighborhoods when I was a kid were due to a bit of carelessness with beer cans. Now it’s literal feces.

someDude says:

You will find that close to 85% of the gangrapes are committed by 15% of the population that subscribes to Abrahamism 3.0

Ofcourse, we are not allowed to notice this little demographic tidbit here in India. And if we notice it, we are told to damn well keep it to ourselves.

Varna says:

75% of rapes in Moscow are done by imported Central Asians of the Abrahamism 3.0. persuasion.

(A few months back I attempted to show that Christianity is not a prophet-based Abrahamic belief system, but an avatar-based one, but that’s a separate topic)

Neofugue says:

It is said that bathing in the Ganges will wash oneself of all sin, and in time, of all skin.

someDude says:

You’ll find that neither statements are true now. Visitors say that the place has been cleaned up

Neofugue says:

Different ethnicities have different standards of cleanliness, I suppose…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>”Russian oligarchs, we are coming for your ill-gotten gains.”

Of course they consider all ‘gains’ as ‘ill-gotten’ in their mind; unless they involve arrogation of stuff from the less holy to the more holy; and of course, what makes you unholy is having lots of stuff, and what makes you holy is expressing a strong desire to take it; see?

Kunning Drueger says:

If you look hard enough, close enough, long enough, you’ll come to find that there are applecarts everywhere.

Pooch says:

“U.S. and allies quietly prepare for a Ukrainian government-in-exile and a long insurgency“


The Global American Empire openly explains its plans after the fall of Kiev in detail. They aren’t even trying to hide it at this point.

The Cominator says:

Rather obvious when Russia achieved total air superiority in the 1st couple hours that Ukraine was not going to be Finland in 1940 or Israel in 1948.

Pooch says:

I thought a surrender was possible if the Ukrainian regime came to its senses as the walls closed in. Now that we know they are just killing any politicians who attempt to negotiate with the Russians, a surrender is impossible and they are planning to re-create the insurgency against the Soviets in Afghanistan all over again. The entire population of civilians will be used as human shields. Satanic.

The Cominator says:

They did not plan to let the puppets surrender… Ukraine is like Hungary in 1944 that way.

Proper Occupation says:

I propose Vitaly Gerassimov for governor of Odessa

Basil says:

At the very beginning, when Putin talked about how Lenin created Ukraine, some thought that it was some kind of “Russian reconquista”. However, everything fell into place: in the course of a new speech, Putin awarded the title of Hero of Russia to Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov. There must have been other candidates. However, a Dagestani was declared the first hero of the “Russian spring”. And this is a completely conscious propaganda move. Further there went praises to the multinational people, in which the Russians took an honorable place between the Ingush and the Tatars:

“I am a Russian person. And, as they say, I have Ivana and Marya in my family, but when I see examples of such heroism as the feat of a young guy Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov, a native of Dagestan, a Lak by nationality, and our other soldiers, I want to say: I Lak, I am Dagestan, I am Chechen, Ingush, Russian, Tatar, Jew, Mordvin, Ossetian”

In general, everything is like in the good Soviet times. The Russian people are, of course, the elder brother. However, it must certainly be “balanced” by other peoples. What for? And then that “divide and conquer.” This often happens in autocracies: the titular nation is the main supplier of resources, but due to the large number of its elite, it also poses the greatest threat to the supreme ruler. The Byzantine emperor was guarded by the Varangian squad – after all, “their own” will poison or slaughter for an hour. Egyptian caliphs and Turkish sultans relied on the Mamluks and Janissaries, warrior classes originally recruited from slaves and not associated with the main Arab or Turkish clans. In the Russian Empire, there was something similar: the Russian nobility was under suspicion – they would either come with a snuffbox, or go out to the Senate. The Baltic Germans are another matter – they are not numerous and unloved by the Russian nobility, and therefore they owe all their well-being to the royal throne.

Now we see the same thing: the majority of the Russian elite did not know about the impending “special operation”, they were simply not trusted. But on the other hand, Ramzan Akhmatovich obviously knew. Therefore, it is easy to guess which particular groups in Russian society will strengthen their position in the end this “Russian spring”. If in the 19th century Russian nobles joked about “sire, make me a German” (attributed to Yermolov), today it is “sire, make me a Chechen.”

The Cominator says:

If anything this shows that Putin is a smart imperialist, he turned a disloyal rebellious CIA and Saudi jihadi controlled region into fanatical supporters.

The kind of thing the British used to be good at before WWI.

The Cominator says:
simplyconnected says:

I hope one day we will get a non-4Dchess explanation for this and his support for the vaxxes. Equally Putin’s support of the vaxxpass.

Varna says:

Per the zero net carbon plan to save the planet from evil humans, between 2030 and 2050 a number of things need to happen across the planet:
1) people’s quality of life needs to go down back to 1960 USSR level
2) industrial production must plummet
3) energy use must plummet
4) people should stop driving cars and travel between continents
5) censorship is needed, with all elements of the system working “in lockstep”
6) people need to stop having kids
7) people need to start dying at 50 or 60
5) instead of beef and lamb people should eat mystery spam and sausages

and so on. With the West, the landing to this level of life takes more steps and needs more lies, with a new crisis every half year to justify what life is getting shittier and shittier.

In Russia, some elements are already in place by default (life expectancy, meat byproduct quality, overall consumption levels etc), and the rest are right now kicking in before our eyes in real time, as result of western sanctions.

If Putin plays his cards right, he only needed to poison a third of the population for real with the clot-shot, and managed to fulfill Russia’s part in “saving the planet” at the same time as achieving important strategic objectives.

And maybe all this gives him and Xi breathing space another 5-10 years to prepare for the next wave of hostile takeover and malthusian genocide attempts.

That’s what I’m seeing when I put on paranoid sci-fi goggles.

Oog en Hand says:

“7) people need to start dying at 50 or 60”

Better done with clean, Dutch style euthanasia than the debilitating clot shot.

Pooch says:

Ugh…last straw.

clovis says:

I said the same thing when I saw it. Well, I had decided never to vote again in 2012, and then started voting for 2 years again. It’s good to be free of it.

Red says:

Trump has gone full retard, not the man he was in 2015 and 2016.

Trump like most of the GOP is just saying what his leftist/neo-con advisors are telling him to say.

Trump used to use twitter to gauge what people really wanted so he could get in front of the populist movement but now that twitter is censored and has nothing nothing but shill posts and shill replies he doesn’t have a way to figure out what the public actually cares about. So he listens to his “advisors”.

[…] Jim notes the narrative hairpin turn from FAUXVID to war in Ukraine. […]

Red says:
notglowing says:

I think the US funded biolabs are real, though what it means remains to be seen.
We already know they fund biolabs outside the US for various reasons, including the one in Wuhan. That is officially publicly known info. It is what they are doing with them that is the real question.

Upravda says:

They are real. I’m just surprised that Russkies took so long to talk about that. If you can still see RT, there it is:

The Ducking Man says:

Hah, called it.

Kunning Drueger says:

We’re getting to that number of commenters/number of comments saturation level that people “realize” things multiple times. This was documented and discussed in the first wave of UKR war comments.

The Ducking Man says:

It’s kinda expected in strictly web page comment forum. People don’t read yesterday post’s comment and not willing to drop down low enough.

I use this name just to make Ctrl + F easier. My computer literacy is not good enough to setup functional RSS feed.

Fred says:

>falls for the WMD meme again

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>The following countries voted against condemning Russia for the invasion of Ukraine:

>Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Russia, Syria

>And these countries either abstained or didn’t vote, which I suppose amounts to the same thing:

>Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Cuba, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, India, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Namibia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zimbabwe

A shorthand illustration of the atlantic empire’s outskirts.

(sauce: https://sovietmen.wordpress.com/2022/03/05/word-from-the-dark-side-for-and-against-fickle-friends-fine-fortunetelling-and-some-fighting-apes/ )

Kunning Drueger says:

I find it interesting that there are many countries on the Abstention list that receive substantial FDI from State Department.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Appeasement breeds contempt. None of the polygon’s pets actually have any fellow feeling for it in general or it’s gladhanding SWPL exponents in particular, they are simply happy to take advantage of the treasonous grift.

The Cominator says:


1/3 of men now admitting to inceldom. Which means its higher than that.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

This country is a time bomb. Once we start capturing women and handing them out to our men, about half the country flips to us overnight. Putin, please sell us guns. For legal purposes, this whole comment is a joke.

The Cominator says:

The diet needs to be depoisoned and the women need to go to fat camps and feminist deprogramming schools 1st…

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

The best feminist deprogramming camp is the bedroom. Instruct them on what they are to think and say, and spank them firmly and unpleasantly when they misbehave. Women obey the strong tribe.

Kunning Drueger says:

100%. Almost overnight, assuming the Restoration forces start handing out spankings and leashes, you’d have an explosion of rape fantasy clit lit and selfies crying out for the evil white conquerors to come collect them and punish them.

yewotm8 says:

The non-white women are already practically doing that.

The Cominator says:

Women already write rape fantasties… sometimes its more ambigious than others but even in the softer romance stuff my understanding is that female sexual choice is conspiciously absent and the guy they end up with generally abducts them OR more rarely they get assigned to him.

The Cominator says:

And in the meantime they should take the stripperpill if they do okay financially though under Biden that is becoming increasingly rare.

SomeDude says:

More than half. And of thinking men of action, the proportion will be much much larger than merely more than half.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>”Viral stories like the Ghost of Kyiv — a Ukrainian pilot who supposedly single-handedly shot down several Russian fighter jets — are of questionable veracity. But they’re a key part of Ukraine’s war plan, experts say, as it tries to keep morale high.”

Code: “Our narrativizing is of questionable veracity. But it’s a key part of our Church’s theocracy, bishops say, as it tries to keep the faith high.”

( https://mobile.twitter.com/AlanRMacLeod/status/1500410074354921472 )

Varna says:

Off topics

The churches subverted by satan are like 30 seconds away from openly displaying upside down crosses with semen-covered transvestites on them.

Maybe that’s going to be a political loyalty signalling act. Prove you’re against Putin by displaying inverted crosses with glazed faggots, strike back against toxic patriarchy. Reclaim “democratic spirituality” and so on.


Varna says:

These people are carrying out their version of deep archetypal events.

I think we can count the covid-worship as horseman 1, Pestilence; current Ukrainian events as horseman 2 — War; and the economic repercussions later this year as horseman 3 — Famine.

jim says:

The famine will be greenies. It will start with blackouts as they greenify the grid. Get ready for off grid living. The time approaches for a solar power system that can be disconnected from the grid, plus a power generator.

Batteries still suck, last time I checked.

jim says:

Pestilence turned out to be seriously underwhelming.

Let us hope that war and famine turn out similarly, but war is easier than creating a dangerous disease.

We are going to be punished for globohomo until we repent. But I think repentance is in the cards.

The problem is that the sane are going to be shot – Globohomo is already slaughtering Ukrainian politicians who want peace and Ukrainian civilians who attempt to flee the cities.

But, if war, the GAE, Global American Empire, is going suffer a reveal of its incapacity, likely going all the way to nukes, which will make it hard to impose famine.

Yul Bornhold says:

Pestilence won’t be remotely underwhelming if the vax produces long term fatalities to go along with the short term ones we’ve all observed (anecdotally). If it kills 90% of triple dosed over 10 years, that’ll be 194 million dead Americans. I lack the expertise to judge whether 90% is a reasonable number. It sounds outrageous but even 10 million would make an enormous stack of corpses.

Then again, if they starve to death first, no one will know the difference.

As for war, if the vax deaths grow too numerous for the media to whisk away, someone will be blamed.

Varna says:

>Pestilence won’t be remotely underwhelming if the vax produces long term fatalities to go along with the short term ones we’ve all observed (anecdotally).

That’s the fourth horseman, Death.

1) Pestilence (kung flu 1st variant kicks off), 2020
2) War 2022
3) Famine 2022-23
4) Death (clot-shot and booster effects kick in for real) concurrently or slight lag after the “famine”.

Plus, the globohomo psychopaths will doubtlessly try to engineer mass starvation and wars in Africa and South Asia, while the Beijing-Moscow axis will try to counteract that, for political points but also because sane people don’t need a whole planet erupting.

ten says:

Just like a baby. Captain sweden to the rescue.


Local bluehair church put this interracial trans gay picture of eden as altarpiece.

There was some outrage, so it was changed. To this bondage dragqueen last supper:


Pooch says:

Anecdote so take it for what it’s worth, but I came across a Ukrainian woman in my travels the other day. Asked her what she thought about the War and she basically started excitingly, regurgitating Cathedral propaganda, that her family in Kiev would not flee from the invaders, and anything that deviates from the mainstream narrative is Russian propaganda.

If this is what normie Ukrainians think they are going to be horrifically slaughtered in biblical-like fashion. God is not happy with the Ukraine it seems.

Red says:

People in the Ukraine have converted to Globohomo. Every state has a religion.

Pooch says:

Of course, but in the case of the Ukraine globohomo is compelling them to rush machine guns with Molotov cocktails to which they appear to be unanimously consenting to without hesitancy. I predict many years of ruin, pain, and suffering on this land as they happily take up the insurgency and become willing human sacrificial lambs.

Very sad to witness this but then I remind myself that God punishes without error. He must be very very angry with what happened during the Maidan revolution.

Red says:

Also, the Russians are making a major mistake by being soft and nice. This is a holy war and to win a holy war you need a crusade. God’s on the side that flattens cities and crush their foes underfoot.

Pooch says:

I don’t believe it was a major mistake, they seem to have course corrected to blowing up shit and inflicting large casualties, but with the entire GAE egging on the Ukrainians on and giving them hope with blatant disinfo they are still being set up for a long insurgency and guerilla war.

Oog en Hand says:

Larpin MindSTD constantly complained about “New Covenant Cornholers”.

notglowing says:

Italy is still clearly moving in one direction, of removing restrictions, but doing so extremely slowly, in part because of the massive amounts they have, and the layers upon layers they can remove.

The most important milestone is April 1, when the state of emergency declared in early 2020 finally ends. This doesn’t result in many restrictions actually being lifted, but it dismantles the entire machine that created them.
The Technical-Scientific Committee that has been ruling the country with an iron and unfair fist for two years will disappear, and its functions will return to the ministry of health, same with the vaccine campaign, where it seems the military will no longer be involved (?).

Hence, I do not predict an easy return of covid restrictions, and the pivot to war is the final nail in the coffin. However there is still zero on when the pass system will be dismantled. Meanwhile, the vaccination mandate for over 50s is set to expire on June 15th, which is a long time from now, and they reversed course on inside masks, we are still forced to wear them, for a still to be defined period of time.
Just you will now be able to visit a restaurant with *just a test taken within 24h* but only if you stay inside.

As I failed to get a “booster” I am now again in the “unvaxxed” camp (with an asterisk).

There was a statement today talking about the topic of finally *abolishing* the pass system, and the answer was completely meaningless, saying that “all political forces” are still “debating” the issue, and that it will be decided based on “data” and consulting with “scientists”.

The last part of the speech was somewhat remarkable though, and it’s why I am making this post.

It was about Ukrainian refugees entering the country and how they’ll be offered vaccines and passes if they do get vaccinated.
However it ended by nothing that if the pass system is abolished the problem may be solved “at the root”.
I pray that the new mania actually supersedes covid hysteria. It currently looks like the country doesn’t have covid hysteria energy left, but all the measures are taking an eternity to remove due to inertia.
Still, at least it’s only getting better.
I hope it will be faster than it is currently planned.

notglowing says:

> but only if you stay inside.
Meant outside. Right now, no restaurants at all without a vaccine (and booster, after 6 months).

notglowing says:

The good thing about the lack of energy for fighting covid is that loudly complaining about the restrictions is now very much acceptable by most people, and enforcement has decreased. Unfortunately the latter is not something you can rely on at all.
But it has changed. A few months ago, when I went to the airport, the COVID pass was checked twice before I boarded, at different points. At the time, a simple test was enough for everything and lasted 48H.
I took many international flights in the past few weeks, and I don’t think they asked for it even once. They didn’t ask for it in this country for sure.

The Cominator says:

I mean how enforced is all this in Italy… once the hysteria had passed i figured the Italians would revert to form of not giving a shit about the law.

notglowing says:

As I said, last time I visited the airport, I was not checked, however I was also never checked in German airports to begin with, Italy’s enforcement has generally been stricter.
The airport thing was weird, to be honest, since the restaurant inside it did check and require vax.
But in order to fly internationally you only need a test certificate anyways, so I think they figured it made little difference to check, whereas the restaurants require vaccination.

But it’s not something you can rely on. And last time I went to a restaurant (outside the airport), they did check. It’s very easy for them since they just have to scan your QR code with an app, so they do it.
They are scared since they had to close for almost a year and a half with just a couple of months of reprieve in between.

Italians tend to follow formalities to the minimum extent they can get away with, so it’s not rare to see people with their masks below their nose, or take them off for a bit whenever no employee is looking at them inside places. People loudly complain to each other about the mask mandate not being lifted, even fully vaccinated. But you still see most wear the mask, and if you don’t you’ll get called out by store owners or kicked out. It’s less that they really believe in it, and more that they do not want to rock the boat, and at this point they’re used to it. At least, you would not see anyone snitch on someone else over this.

Keep in mind that at this point over 95% of the population is vaccinated according to statistics. Whether real or fake, it’s impossible for almost anyone to live without getting it.
Law enforcement and medical workers, as well as anyone over 50 need to take it to continue working, and everyone else is forced to take a test every single day if they want to keep their job otherwise. Even those who are self-employed.

A straight up vax mandate with a 3600 eur fine like in Austria is not only unneeded, but it arguably would be a lesser burden, since getting tested every day is both more expensive, and much more difficult.

Karl says:

How is the vaccination requirement enforced for anyone over 50 who is working? Are employer’s threatened with fines to check and -if no compliance is found- to fire their employees?

What is the punishment for non-compliance with the testing requirement? It must be pretty severe if you say that a 3600 EUR fine would be lesser burden.

Kunning Drueger says:

Farm work had me distracted, catching up on UKR twitter news, so sorry if this has been discussed already:


An S-400 got let off the chain, splashed some UKR combat pilot in a SU-27, apparently highly skilled and famous (Colonel Oleksandr Oksanchenko)… from a 150km away! That in and of itself is pretty interdasting. I wonder if they knew it was him, and were looking for the opportunity. Of course, could just be luck, but 150km kill shot sounds like a coordinated strike to me.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Everything in the air or on the ground was hit. The kiev occupation government pressganged everyone they could get their hands on, and since the colonel was still commissioned, he was probably no exception.

Kunning Drueger says:

It is probably too early, but I sincerely hope we get a write up of the RUS operation. I bet it’s fucking great reading, and I’m excited to see the American methodology of invasion get “fortified” by Slavic tactician gigachads.

TheFeebleClone says:

Telegram channels for RT and Sputnik news are blocked in Canada – even using a vpn since the account is associated with my phone. It says Russian media violates local laws. Which is not true. No law was past; these are edicts.

This stems from Justin Castro’s bosses. He himself regards us as children. He never got past the development phase during which sophomores come down with a bad case of Dunning-Kruger.

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