
Scale of deaths for flu and jab.

It is just the flu, bro.

Flu is caused by a multitude of different viruses, the common cold is caused by a multitude of different viruses, and some of these overlap.

Covid viruses have been around since forever, and some of them, most of them, most of the time, caused something more like a cold than flu

One of these Covid viruses was weaponized with gain of function genetic engineering, and became quite deadly when initially released. But being quite deadly is not really a flu virus’s thing Flu viruses are very fragile, and die quickly, so they want their host to be still walking around doing his normal things, and a variant of the covid virus that does not lay up it’s host in bed is going outcompete a covid variant with more serious effects.

Every flu season, quite a lot of people die. But no one dies of the flu. If someone has one foot in the grave and is wobbling on the edge, flu will give him a little push.

In the very very first days of the Covid virus, it was substantially deadlier than regular flu. As it rapidly evolved back towards what is normal for flu, they gave it a helping hand by murder by ventilator and by seeding old people’s homes with the deadliest forms they could find. But the normies wised up to that and started resisting ventilation, and so they dropped back to just lying with statistics. If you counted everyone who died while he had a cold, including those run over by at truck and so forth, it would be a very deadly disease.

Covid season is an unusually rough flu season, but it is not an extraordinarily rough flu season, except for a bit of a helping hand by iatrogenic mass murder the first time around.

OK, so much for flu season. We are now in jab season. And the increase in death rate is roughly similar to what we were supposed to cower from in terror during covid season, with one huge, terrifying, and very important difference.

Every flu season, the old people’s homes get a whole lot of vacancies. Now it is athletes on playing field, airline pilots at the controls, young people in the prime of life.

And the medical profession piously averts its eyes, revealing that they know what they deny knowing. While you were supposed to turn your life upside down because of a fairly normal flu season, you are not supposed to notice famous athletes dropping dead. The total death rate over all age groups is not hugely higher, in the sense that most people who die are still dying of old age, rather than jab, but the death rate among working age people is hugely higher, in the sense that it is normally very low. It is hugely higher than its normal very low rate. Most young people who die are dying of the jab.

Babylon Bee had an excellent satire on this:

Experts Say They Don’t Know What Thing Is Causing Everyone To Suddenly Collapse, But It’s Definitely Not That One Thing

U.S. — Medical experts are absolutely stumped as to what could be causing the recent uptick in healthy, young people everywhere that are suddenly collapsing with heart failure. Despite their uncertainty, experts do feel confident that we can rule out that one thing as the culprit.

“It’s too early to say what could be causing this, but it’s never too early to say what isn’t causing this,” said local expert, Dr. Scott Rufflinger. “This could be caused by anything. But the one thing we know for certain is that it’s definitely not that thing. … We can go ahead and rule that thing out right now because Science just called us on the phone and told us not to discuss it. We always follow Science.

1,398 comments Scale of deaths for flu and jab.

alf says:

In the past few weeks I have seen:
– the jabbed being conspicuously longer sick, especially in comparison with the non-jabbed.
– a long waiting list for burial procedures because unusually busy.

Very mysterious, no idea what is going on. If only there was one thing all these patients had in common.

Karl says:

In the past few weeks I have seen the most sever flu season ever. Never have so may people around me had the flu or something similar at the same time.

It is jab season and flu season at the same time.

jim says:

The jabbed have immune system damage, so catch and spread other flues in addition to Covid. Damage seems to be cumulative, in that boosted are copping it the worst.

The Cominator says:

I think having so many quasi aids patients in close proximity just keeps causing new no immunity colds and flus…

Red says:

I think both are going on. I haven’t been sick in like 9 months while the Mega Jabbed are getting very sick. But families of the unjabbed I know are getting very sick from their kids who are also getting very sick.

TiredTom says:

Our small rural county’s newspaper posts obits. Haven’t checked arithmetic, but it seems biweekly rates have doubled or tripled over the last year. Haven’t checked the arithmetic because I don’t want to proceed from impressions to demonstrations lest I find a violent response, for my peace of mind, is required too early to help generally.

someDude says:

Suppose we built a temple to the Science God with a sacrificial altar and sacrificed some lefties to propitiate this God ………..

Red says:

There’s a doctor in my community who was well know for pushing all patients to get jabbed or boosted. About 5 months ago he suddenly died. He was 48. The medical profession is going to pay for it’s sins.

jim says:

When they murdered Gadaffi despite him capitulating and making every concession, that was a lesson to every sovereign everywhere that the Global American Empire was not agreement capable, that trying to cut a deal would likely get you killed.

And when they persisted in ventilating ambulant covid patients even after the normies started to wake up that this was mass murder to boost the Covid numbers, that was a lesson to everyone that the our medical priesthood worships demons and is out make human sacrifices.

People are slow in waking up to the new abnormal. But they are waking up eventually.

Contaminated NEET says:

Not one Science-truster in my life has woken up. They’ve quieted down about the vexx, but none have admitted they were wrong, and none have apologized. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Red says:

Are they still taking boosters? No one I know is still taking them.

They can’t apologized because no one is going to forgive them. They worshiped a Demon when they took multiple vax shots and tried to force others to take them. It’s like eating him human flesh, they can’t go back to being normal again.

Contaminated NEET says:

The demon-worship thing is our frame; they don’t see things that way. All they would have to admit is that they were wrong and that they trusted authorities who misled them, but they can’t even do that. They still think they were right and they still trust those same authorities.

Red says:

>The demon-worship thing is our frame; they don’t see things that way.

>They still think they were right and they still trust those same authorities.

The frame fits. I know several people who have been harmed by the jab, who insisted everyone around them take it, and now refused the booster shots without explaining why. They know they were wrong, but they’re unable to return to normal. How does one admit that their faith was a deception? They have no one to blame but themselves.

> All they would have to admit is that they were wrong and that they trusted authorities who misled them, but they can’t even do that.

They showed such faith in the Covid Vaccine and it harmed them. They felt that they were taking evil into their bodies but continued to take jab after jab. A friend of mine took a 3 shot after he had a heart attack after the first 2 jabs. Talk about devotion. He refuse to speak about it now.

Men who took a single jab and said fuck this are able to talk about it and blame the people who lied to them. Men who continued jabbing themselves know that they accepted evil into their hearts physically and spiritually.

Look at this children:

Only Demon worshipers would do that. Good people would flee the very idea of taking part in that.

jim says:

> Look at this children:
> Only Demon worshipers would do that. Good people would flee the very idea of taking part in that.

Yes, it is completely obvious that their psychological frame is not that they are engaged in medicine, but that they are engaged in human sacrifice to a demon, that the scientific and materialistic rationale is just a gobbledygook formula that is meaningless to them.

Red says:

Here’s the other pic from the thread:

Mother looks Demon possessed.

KD Archive link:

Contaminated NEET says:

Kids don’t like getting injections, and sometimes they cry and struggle; that’s nothing new and it’s not human sacrifice. Mom’s eyes, though… That is not right.

Anon says:

Even the materialistic rationale is becoming increasingly insufficient as mental frame work
Here is noted athiest having mental/logical breakdown

“I mean, so, let’s say let’s say five years from now we learned that Ivermectin is actually perfect, right? Just for whatever reason the studies we had back in 2020 and 2021 were poorly run but we did this perfect study and you know Ivermectin is perfect and what’s more the vaccines, they’re way more dangerous than anyone thought, and you know you don’t want any of that mRNA stuff in you, right?

So, Brett Weinstein turns out he was right about everything, right? Will he be Vindicated?

Not really, because at the time his reasons for thinking what he was thinking at the time were insufficient, right? His conviction at the time was bizarre, I mean he literally called the vaccine ‘the crime of the century,’ right? And predicted that millions of people are going to die from it, right? If millions of people do die from it, it’s still true that at the time he said that, it was a deranged and deranging claim, right? And it just made absolutely no sense.”

Red says:

Here’s the first reply under that boy getting Jabbed:

> Look those demon eyes

Anon says:

*sam harria

Contaminated NEET says:

OK, here’s the materialist explanation for Momma Demoneyes:

Normally, a mother would be sad and empathetic when seeing her child suffer, even if she thinks it’s necessary and for his own good. This mom, though, is excited about the social media likes she’ll earn and the demonstration of tribal loyalty she’s making, and her child’s suffering perversely enhances the power of the gesture. We’re naturally repulsed to see this, and so call her demon-possessed.

jim says:

But consider the jab enforcers, of whom the mother is one menial. They passionately desire to make other people, strangers, perform the ceremonies of their faith. This does not make sense as likes on social media, it does not make sense as a materialistic measure to protect one’s health against a material disease. It only makes sense as sacrificing the other to the demon.

Social approval on social media should be inconsequential compared to the approval of her child. She seeks the approval of the Mighty and Awesome Covid Demon, by sacrificing her child to it.

You might argue that she could be motivated by material concerns, she believes it necessary for the health of her child, but that does not explain the demon eyes, and it does not explain the crowd of nurses eagerly mobbing the child.

simplyconnected says:

Anon wrote:

So, Brett Weinstein turns out he was right about everything, right? Will he be Vindicated? Not really […]

That was pretty much Scott Adams’ reaction: “you were accidentally right”. They won’t be able to gaslight their way out of this one.
At some level they must understand that soon no one will trust anyone who pushed the jabs.

Western Taliban says:

Kids don’t like getting injections, and sometimes they cry and struggle; that’s nothing new and it’s not human sacrifice.

I’ve never in my entire life seen a mob of satanic cackling witches surround a little girl to forcefully rape her with magic goodies coming on a tube. This situation is absolutely new and it is absolutely human sacrifice. And if I had seen this I would have not been able to stop myself from interceding, because this is pure evil. Thank God my brother would never allow anything like this to happen to one of my beautiful nieces or I would end up on a speedrun to become a mass murderer and terrorist.

These women… they are all fat, ugly, probably infertile, childless and forsaken, and they are ecstatic at the thought of ruining the little girl’s potential future so she can join their ranks. Just like the dried up post-wall sluts in their 30s writing column advice for younger women so they learn “the truth” and “make the right choices” while simultaneously using make-up to try to look as young as possible, try to dry the youth out of younger men, and massively cope in their lives with wine and Prozac to not hang themselves.

All of these people know even if they pretend they don’t know, they all do. People always know a lot more than they pretend to know, especially when they are doing something wrong. And these women are behaving in the same satanic way than faggots do, trying to inject their demons into children.

i says:

The breakdown of the materialist paradigm leads people to abandon it. But unfortunately often in favor of Paganism:

As this Scandinavian Heathen himself notes. And he has seen through the vaccines.

jim says:

Neopaganism is an attempt to revive a dead religion. When they lost track of their forefathers, they lost their Gods.

His criticisms of Christianity are perfectly true, that Christianity won militarily, but the reason the heathens were militarily defeated is that their faith was already dead before Christians hit it.

The old gods were ancestors, paganism without ancestor worship becomes lifeless as in Greece, or demonic as in Rome.

A2 says:

That vein bulging out of Possessed Mommy’s forehead really provides the finishing touch.

Fidelis says:

Framing things as paganism shows how unserious they are, how little they believe in what they are saying.

Using a large umbrella term for “not-Abrahamic belief system” instead of a specific name identifying their cult, or a large umbrella term that is of their own frame. “I worship the old gods” sounds far less gay than “I practice paganism”, even if they both signify larpism.

A2 says:

At the ‘old gods’ point you recite CS Lewis at them, “Cliche came out of its cage”. They would not have been pagans of good standing back then either.

jim says:

> The demon-worship thing is our frame; they don’t see things that way

They don’t think a personified “history” is a demon, they don’t think a personified “earth” is demon, they don’t think that that they are displaying rituals of respect to a personified Covid.

But they are not acting and thinking as if these things were material, impersonal phenomena. They are acting and thinking as if these things are demons, and they worship those demons. They think that they are materialists, or most of them do, but they are not acting and thinking like materialists, but like occultists.

jim says:

The vaccine sequelae could have come as a surprise, though we are seeing increasing evidence that they were deliberately throwing a monkey wrench into the vaccinated, but that the jab was likely to result in endless covid infections was known from the beginning:

This was demonic sacrifice from the beginning. They created a bioweapon, released it, and when it failed to kill enough people, created the jab in the hope that it would kill more people.

Red says:

A women I’ve known for years is sounds like she’s dying every time I talk to her. Moderna 3 or 4x. She’s low level sick all the time now.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET
Yeah, but…

Are they still taking boosters?

Contaminated NEET says:

A minority of them are still loudly and proudly boosting, but most of them have quieted down about it, so it’s hard to say.

Guy says:

Two employees of mine going for a booster got mockery from me the other day. I noticed they no longer had a mocking, superior, disbelieving attitude but instead acted like I was being a bad sport for reminding them of how dumb they were/right I was. It’s obvious to them the vaccines are useless at the very least, and probably dangerous, but they still must get them to remain in the tribe and to avoid beatings from their wives.

Maverick says:

I exist in a web of Boomers both related and unrelated. I have had some of them excoriate me for my lack of commitment to my health by not getting every shot. I have had them shy away and shun based on that same belief. It’s not lessening, they just have backed off after I’ve pushed back enough for them to shut up about it. They come at me and mine on all side channels, with snide remarks, female-to-female social pressure on the down-low, trying to “educate” in various ways. It’s not going to stop, and I await the passing of some of them, the worst of them, with a sense of resignation mixed with anticipation.

Amongst the Gen-X’er generation, those in blue areas are completely oblivious and run the same attitude and needling as the Boomers, and get every shot they can AFAICT. Those in red areas are mixed, some know (and a subset of those are militant about it, knowing what we here know), some suspect, some are oblivious, but the red areas have the advantage of the culture itself pushing back enough for the oblivious not to be so pushy as the blues.

Millennials? Z’s? Hard to tell. I suspect some of the Z’s know more than they let on. Blue Millennials are much as their Boomer parents/grandparents. I know a crew of Z’s in a red area that are far beyond even their militant X’er parents – a breath of fresh air, and enjoyable to compare notes with them, as sometimes they have read more studies than I have. Some plan careers fighting against this horror. But then they have neighbors and peers who are oblivious, so it’s not universal.

Red says:

Who are you? I don’t recall seeing you post here before.

Maverick says:

I lurk often, post rarely. Just another vaguely white, vaguely Christian grey man trying to survive what’s been happening… and what is likely to happen.

Red says:

Fair enough.

Kunning Drueger says:

Can loosely corroborate.

Warms the cockles of my heart, seeing both the blatant challenge and the simple, measured response.

Red says:

It was a very non shill like response. With a name as cool as Maverick I would have thought I’d remember him posting before and he spoke like he was a long time member of the community.

His response wasn’t scripts like and if it was a new sort of script it would have been followed up by many comments. Shills are always running a script and I don’t detect one here, just a very different experience from my own which is to expected in different communities.

Maverick says:

I used a target site search to find when I last posted. This was the last one I think, 10 months ago.

Kunning Druegger says:

You should post more if GNON compels you. Just a thought, no pressure. *hammer click*

Jehu says:

I know where you’re coming from with the Boomers. Even the really conservative Boomercons can’t grok that the institutions are totally corrupted. My father in law is a good example of this. I have reason to believe that the vax and the boosters may be what’s killing him now. It makes me sad because frankly, I love the guy. He really is the sort of guy that made America work when America worked, and hell, he gave me his virgin daughter for a wife, for which I’ve given him three of his seven grandchildren. It strikes me as awfully likely that the vax has taken a good ten years off his healthy life.

Of the boomer generation, only the out and out hardcore conspiracy theory types are half as paranoid as reality would dictate. I knew a few of them growing up—I always liked them for some reason.

Maverick says:

Two more to add here: My FIL same thing, a nice guy, ex-mil, but a blue like his daughter. Believes with a capital B in the shots. Has vertigo that was coincident with the vax, where he can’t tell up from down and has to walk (slowly) with two walking poles just to provide physical feedback as to what’s down so he doesn’t fall over. He’s degrading rapidly and soon to go I think. Sadness there.

On the flip side, Boomer uncle, hardcore tunnel hunter in Vietnam, into every conspiracy theory and made up some of his own… totally into all the shots, gets very defensive as though he might suspect something, but just chest-thumps his way through the conversation. This Boomer was the only one in the universe I would have expected to have figured things out early. Nope…

Red says:

Conspiracy theories are a hobby for lots of people, they don’t actually believe them. I found that with COVID that I was not nearly paranoid enough and that I had a lot trust in people that I should have zero trust in.

Maverick says:

[Looks like Reply is not allowed N levels deep so I respond to @Red at this level]

>> I found that with COVID that I was not nearly paranoid enough and that I had a lot trust in people that I should have zero trust in.

@Red I have to say this is the most succinct summary of the past 3 years that I’ve seen. Thank you for that, I might put it to use. The only other short retort that I’ve been mulling for people starting to wake up is, “Ah, you hadn’t realized yet? Yes, of course the government is killing and sterilizing you.” Maybe a bit strong for most, might give them “the vapors.”

And yes, my trust is now gone for most people and institutions. I wish to get far away from Them but they’re everywhere. Never has walking a lonely mountain range alone except for a couple of dogs seemed so welcoming as now. The movie “Jeremiah Johnson” comes to mind.

Jehu says:

Thing is my FIL is pretty conservative, and his wife and children are all very respectful of him. So he’s probably more reactionary than 95% or so of his contemporaries. Still wasn’t enough, apparently you need to be out beyond 2 sigmas in distrust of the medical establishment if you’re a boomer to avoid the vax. None of my household got the vax though, nor will they. My method was to keep dragging my feet and to finally submit a religious exemption request only once it was absolutely necessary to do so. Interestingly enough, I never got an answer on it, the impetus to force the vax died before it was processed.

Maverick says:

@Jehu good on ya for the passive-aggressive approach. As good as anything and you still have yours and your family’s health. This is not the end of it, though, so prepare mentally for foot-dragging not to work as well the next time.

Jehu says:

Retirement also remains an option, with of course the stipulation that if you need me after that to bail you out of a problem, well, my consulting rates start at 6 figures. I suspect that my company’s executives saw the writing on the wall and realized if they pushed too hard that they’d lose a critical mass of competence. Too bad they can’t see the same thing regarding the whole woke mind virus—a lot of the problem in the companies that Jim mentions which I won’t detail any further is a problem of morale. Telling skilled engineers to waste time on things like ‘master slave’ or ‘blacklist’ or ‘guru’ or other language is a guaranteed morale drain, just as is hiring people who can’t actually do the work. One of those companies Jim mentions with high morale, as opposed to the current state of low morale, IMO could actually fulfill its function.

Maverick says:

I’m in tech too, with peers who are boosted to the max and just keep running out to get them. They mandated and crowed about 98% compliance – but neglect to mention the sizable percentage who left at the due date. Then suddenly a few months ago they decided that prior infection was good too, and shut down the periodic comms in a right hurry just after the natural immunity email. Sort of like they discovered something and wanted to stop digging the hole deeper.

Hiring at this company explicitly calls out white males as not-to-be-considered for positions. It’s moving to an explicit quota system at all levels of hiring. It’s gotten bad enough that diverse managers find they want to hire competence but are barred. They at least can complain upward and not be immediately terminated. A version of critical race theory was rolled out a couple of years ago, and interestingly unlike every other required training this one had no feedback survey or link afterward. I laughed; everyone else proceeded to abase themselves virtually to the agenda they worship – or claim to worship in the hope of getting their kids through college eventually.

Maverick says:

Oh and @Jehu – don’t forget renaming ‘master’ branches and spending weeks of time tracking down the old branch name in your and every other dependency. Totally worth the time. Totally.

Think $1250/hour for a starting consult rate. That’s $10K gross per day, a nice round number that adds up to ~$2M per year. Let them negotiate down to $800 to let them feel like they won something.

Contaminated NEET says:

They’ll pay in loss of credibility with the most independently-minded 20-30% of the population, but that’s it. Unless literal corpse-carts are driving around to pick up the vax-dead from each house, that’s the best we’re gonna get. A slight increase in death rates isn’t going to bring out the pitchforks and torches, especially with the media ignoring and denying as hard as they can. If the media were to turn on the docs, it’d be a different story, but their own hands are soaked in blood and they’re smart enough to try to keep the normies docile about the whole thing.

jim says:

As I said before, I am doubtless in an internet bubble, but I don’t think I am in an IRL bubble. A significant minority of normies have woken, up, still a small minority, but far from being a tiny minority.

If twenty percent of the population realize what is going on, our rulers are in deep doo-doo.

Karl says:

If twenty percent of the population realize what is going on, our rulers are in deep doo-doo.

Why do you think so? I can easily imagine 20% of the population realizing what is going on, but being powerless to do anything against it. What could or should those 20% do? How could those 20% organize on a larger scale?

jim says:

They cannot, but when Constantine marched on Rome, Christians were maybe six percent or so.

That the mass of people know something, does not mean they can act. But it changes the calculation for someone that can.

Karl says:

Constantine faced a dead faith. Maybe 6% is enough against a dead faith. I doubt 20% is enough against a living faith.

In way the official state religion is dying as a few percenting are defecting, and few percent are only paying lip service, but my impression that the offical state religion is alive and well. Plenty of people believe in equality, feminism and global warming for example.

Moreover, the offical state religion can simply ditch the covid worship and keep the rest.

Starman says:


”but my impression that the offical state religion is alive and well.”

Not live enough to prevail against an actual living religion (see Afghanistan, see the reliance on Azov).

ten says:

We are war apes. Everyone is used to the apes on top being jerks. People are not used to the apes on top trying to kill them. It is a powerful thing, to realize someone is an enemy.

Had a talk over dinner to a bunch of millennial normie, ie not far right ultrareactionary sith lord, friends. The vaxes came up. We three who vocally refused to take it got a couple of apologies from friends who had given us trouble over it (i actually fail to remember any trouble they gave us, maybe they wanted to but were too polite and apologized for their thoughts. idk.) and one came out as having pretended to take it to avoid getting hassled.

“I just dont get how you could be so naive.”
“i dont know.. everyone was pressuring.. like why would everyone make it out to be such an important thing.. it feels like.. it was all insane..”
awkward silence.
“totally fucking insane.”

The normie that stopped boosting is numb, dumbstruck.

You know the alinskyite subversion strategy map of active resistance-passive resistance-passive support-active support? Every single human being who is not on the double down train shifted a step away from GAE. And stuff like this spreads slowly among the people who arent terminally online. It’s moving, and it’s great to see.

jim says:

> The normie that stopped boosting is numb, dumbstruck.
> You know the alinskyite subversion strategy map of active resistance-passive resistance-passive support-active support? Every single human being who is not on the double down train shifted a step away from GAE. And stuff like this spreads slowly among the people who arent terminally online. It’s moving, and it’s great to see.

They adopted a policy of killing off all their true believers, before their power was sufficiently secure for such a strategy to work.

Contaminated NEET says:

Who out there has the skills, the connections, the understanding, and the cojones to be the new Constantine? Our rulers have done excellent work suborning, confusing, castrating, or shunning any potential opposition leaders.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

”Who out there has the skills, the connections, the understanding, and the cojones to be the new Constantine? Our rulers have done excellent work suborning, confusing, castrating, or shunning any potential opposition leaders.”

Not enough for a single caesar, but good enough for a triumvirate.

Robert says:

I think about this a lot. Why don’t we have a freikorps? Why no real resistance? I think you get to a point where you are not capable of producing men that can save you. I think what we have is terminal. Not to say something won’t rise from the ashes, but I just feel in my gut that it’s over. We are locked into some kind of loop, the blind leading the blind. Personally I’ve retreated to the Bible Belt to finish in a place that has some semblance of the country of my birth.

jim says:

> Why don’t we have a freikorps? Why no real resistance?

The freikorps was mustered by state and federal governments – roughly the same thing as the US national guard.

Ron DeSantis has been teasing us with the prospect of what would be the US equivalent of a Florida friekorps. If he wants to be president, or he just wants to die in bed, I would recommend to him that he do it. Of course, might just get him killed faster.

You cannot do diddly unless you have a powerful internal or external backer. If Ron DeStantis organizes the functional equivalent of a freikorps, that is an internal backer.

No way Xi will back the internal US resistance until he gives up attempting to perform necromancy on the dead body of Marxism, and Putin would find it very difficult to back the internal resistance unless he had what the US has – hostile states on the US border. But the US will attempt to nuke the world before it lets Russia get hostile states on its border. Putin should have taken a similarly intransigent line to hostile states on the Russian border.

Frontier says:

It’s already past 20%. Recent Rasmussen poll found 49% of Americans think it’s likely jab side effects are causing a significant number of “unexplained” deaths, including 28% who think it’s Very Likely (vs. 37% and 17% for the opposite beliefs).

28% also say they think it’s likely someone who they personally know died from the jab.

Redbible says:

Also, according the the government’s own data, in the US, 25% never took the Jab. and another 50% took at least once, but then stopped.

I’d imagine that the real data is even more in our favor (even in only by a little) since we know that some people faked taking the shot.

Red says:

Contaminated NEET says:

OK, here’s the materialist explanation for Momma Demoneyes:

Normally, a mother would be sad and empathetic when seeing her child suffer, even if she thinks it’s necessary and for his own good. This mom, though, is excited about the social media likes she’ll earn and the demonstration of tribal loyalty she’s making, and her child’s suffering perversely enhances the power of the gesture. We’re naturally repulsed to see this, and so call her demon-possessed.

Demons maybe real or not, but she knowingly inflecting harm on her own child for personal gain against her evolutionary imperative that her children survive and prosper. You can’t explain her behavior as an evolved trait since people who display it, won’t last long in the gene pool. Materially there’s nothing but harm from this behavior and let she fully expects to be reward for it. That behavior defies material explication.

We’ve evolved to recognize the faces of evil. That is face is the face of Demon possession, weather Demons are real or not.

Another example:

Peter Strzok was feeling the power of a Demon when lying to the world about Trump.

The interesting things about the human mind is how powerful belief is. The placebo effect once thought to be fake, turned out to be real in many cases, the mind could physically change things in the body if the belief was strong enough. The act of Demon worship just requires the right level of self destructive belief and action.

Red says:

The history of failed HIV vaccine trials confirms that overvaccination causes class-switching towards non-inflammatory IgG4 antibodies, reducing the effectiveness of the immune response:

FrankNorman says:

Something it occurs to be to wonder: what would be the evolutionary explanation for demon-worship? People, and entire societies, who go that path are removing themselves from the gene pool, so how come such people with such inclinations still exist?

someDude says:

It’s a good strategy for a few to defect (demon worship) in a general environment of cooperation……

See Neurotoxin’s excellent post on the topic.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is an extremely lazy request, but can you link it here?

Encelad says:
someDude says:

Yes, thats one of two. There is another where he argues that in an environment of everyone cooperating, defection becomes extremely profitable and hence inevitable. Hence you can never eliminate defection and defectors. Some will always risk draconian punishments (to the extent that they exist, if at all) for outsized rewards (which certainly exist).

Similarly, in an environment where everyone defects and no one trusts another, cooperation becomes extremely profitable and inevitable for those smart enough. You will have some cooperation even in an extremely low trust society. It’s just that it is small scale, as in one’s extended family or clan or tribe or caste.

Now, for the life of me, I can’t find that particular post on his site. The search box is quite unhelpful. But the post exists. I did not dream it up.

Kunning Druegger says:

Here’s a koan for NRx internet:

All you need to know is contained therein
All you have to do is read every word yourself

Not my best work lel. Here’s one of the phrases that used to get bandied about in 2nd/3rd gen NRx that had a very heavy influence on my journey:

I tried to reach Master Moldbug, but the way was too long
So I went to Master Jim, and he beat me with a stick.

I operate under the assumption that if we do anything to make the material more accessible, it will all vanish with no explanation, which is endlessly frustrating

Red says:

I operate under the assumption that if we do anything to make the material more accessible, it will all vanish with no explanation, which is endlessly frustrating

That’s a very interesting idea. I’m impressed.

Neurotoxin says:

Man, how long was I away from the Net for? Longer than I thought, apparently.

Anyway: someDude, indeed, you didn’t dream it up. It’s here:
Scroll down to the section titled “Some Applications.”

Guy says:

Groups cohere around shared worship of Gods/sprits/demons, and outcompete those that cannot. The peculiarities of that worship are not well defined and dependent on too many emergent factors to code for rigidly. Stricter coding would restrict the conditions under which groups can cohere so much that they simply wouldn’t.

jim says:

Exactly so. Figuring out whether you are cohering with a group that is going to destroy you is hard.

We have a lot of instincts that help us detect evil. But evil is nonetheless hard to detect. Evil always wears a mask,

Karl says:

Sure, we have a lot of instincts that help us detect evil, but the costs of false positives vary depending on a man’s situation.

A man with a family, friends and community, can shy away whenver he has the faintest suspicion of evil. Joing a new group offers little upside (even if the group is goodl) and a lot of downside (if the the group is evil).

The situation is different for a lonely man. For him almost any group that is willing to take him offers a lot of upside. Might even be rational to accept some risk in his case.

Pax Imperialis says:

Think of it like taking on debt. You are borrowing power from the future to have more power in the now. Since power can be used to make more power, you may end up with far more power in the future than had you not borrowed at all. So why stop borrowing? Conversely you may find you’ve borrowed so much that there is no future for some debts can’t be repaid.

i.e. Taking some women from the home and putting them in the workforce is akin to borrowing future population for a greater workforce population in the now. Higher GDP in the short term allows you to dominate and out compete others in the short term, but one finds that it’s difficult to stop borrowing and soon the entire woman population is in the workforce and birth rates are terminal. The process still takes long enough that the more powerful, however temporal their power is, will still reproduce.

Arakawa says:

Once a subspecies reaches some level of deleterious mutational accumulation and departs from the laws of God, it could be argued that the genetically optimal thing to do is to spiral into mass-suicide, so the ecological niche opens up for your less-mutated cousins to move in and take over. A handful of your most resilient individuals might survive and contribute to the gene pool of the invaders.

This is cold, godless evolutionary logic but it makes sense to me. Disembodied demonic entities are of course happy to contribute memes to accomplish the mass-suicide part.

Kunning Drueger says:

This is a very midwit explanation, and I’m sure others could do much better with the same idea, or counter it and explain why it’s incorrect.

One of the most important things that needs to happen in our sphere is the marrying of monotheism and evolutionary psychology. To me, this seems incredibly obvious and actually quite simple, but in practice, I am finding that the devoutly religious refuse to countenance the idea of evolution, and the staunchly Realist refuse to countenance the idea of the importance of the immaterial. both sides need each other desperately, and neither side seems willing to admit this. of course, I am exempting the handful of brothers here who seem to be doing this very thing. In this one specific instance, I think it’s actually very useful to be a mercenary midwit, by which I mean a midwit with no current genius to be a sycophant for. as discussed elsewhere, the big problem with midwits is that they’re all on the wrong team, or they’re all worshiping the wrong gods, or they’re just not open to realizing that their current intellectual leaders are actually no smarter than they are, but that’s a different topic for a different time. My point is, I don’t really have an issue pushing monotheism and evolution together in my mind. They actually seem to flow together very well. but this does require blind faith as well as at least the modicum of intelligence to see that evolution analogs pretty much categorically prove that evolution is possible, maybe even likely, as derived just from the digital evidence. I know I’m getting into dangerous territory with some of the words I just used, and much smarter people could come in and pick out points that somehow refute the larger idea by being grossly mischaracterized or incorrect, but I don’t really care. God made me with evolution, it’s your problem if you can’t see how obviously true that is.

I think this applies to daemonology in a very complicated way. I don’t think daemons and angels are timeless, but I do believe they exist in a realm outside of time as we understand it. So to us, they are functionally infinite. We can’t really kill them, we can’t really understand their motivations past what we are told about them, and as the brilliant and inscrutable Nick Land has recently pointed out, we lack the intellectual capacity to deal with something as smart and subtle as a demon/angel, so there’s no way we can cross mental swords successfully with them. This is an incredibly important observation that I feel future generations will look back to with awe and trembling. You have no way to know if you are dealing with a daemon or an angel, there is nothing you can do from inside your own mind or your experiences that will help you suss this out. All you have is the word of God and the experiences of the Saints. that is literally it, though I bet there is a gut check exception for some really really bad ass dudes (there’s a long lost 4chan greentext about a powerlifter who took on a lesser daemon and won).

I think humans have evolved the capacity to sense the immaterial, in a profoundly unique way, relatively recently within biological history. I think the angels being cast out of heaven is a reference to this happening, and I wonder if it’s a bit of recreative history to say they were cast out, as opposed to sneaking out of heaven to go mess with the monkeys who were doing stuff that monkey should not do (I am being satirical here, I’m not trying to rewrite the Bible). It’s an open question as to what our biology can give to us in terms of interacting with the immaterial, but the record is showing very clearly that we are not suited to the task, and it’s going to take a lot to save us from our poor instincts when it comes to the divine. daemons and angels both seem to know this, but it’s also seems like they have different responses to it. consider how the Bible tells us that the battle has already been won that we’re just working our way through the pages of a story that’s already written. If you step back and think about that, it’s kind of confusing as to why the adversary continues to fight. but the more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes to me that there’s really no guarantee that we are the only children of God that must return to him. We could just be one of a very large group of his creation that need to find a way back to him, and while he wants every single one of his children to come home, he already knows that some will make it and some won’t. some Protestant sects Make it integral to their identity that they are chosen, and others are not. as it stands right now, I see no reason why that can’t apply to what we refer to as xenobiology. I know this branches off into a very speculative direction, but I think it behooves us to remember that our biological tool kit for dealing with the immaterial and considering the divine, if we look at chronology alone, couldn’t even be characterized as in its infancy, but rather it is embryonic.

I don’t think humans have been interacting with daemons long enough or successfully enough to have really evolved any traits that can be objectively considered positive. In my mind, it is similar to how copper interacts with bacteria; The bacteria can’t really evolve any kind of work around do to the nature of the interaction. As well, there’s no guarantee regarding a parity in headcount; there could be, from our biologically constrained perspective, three angels and countless daemons. there might be rules that angels follow and daemons don’t, with far reaching consequences beyond our capacity to fathom, causing irregularities and “violations” that negate our concepts of “just” or “fair.”

I have arrived at this cave-man level position: daemons will always present themselves as what you expect or need or want or desire, as a thing inherently desirable and believable, and angels will not do this. So when a daemon appears, your instincts are screaming “such beauty, such elegance, truly this is a messenger of God!” where as when an angel appears, he has to spend a very long time convincing you that you need not be afraid while you are consumed by dread and terror at the miniscule glimpse of the Immaterial Beyond.

Adam says:

Some things to note- demons are a product of the mind, as is temptation. The mind has an interesting feature in that something can exist inside of it that cannot exist outside of it. Which is really quite odd, a picture of a thing can exist but the thing itself cannot. The enemy is always deception and denial of consciousness (self-deception). Deception is always driven by fear, also a product of the mind. Also things that cannot be real in your mind can and do feel real.

The demon problem walks hand in hand with the problem of the fool. Only Christ can save us, and only with the truth can we save ourselves.

Adam says:

Further, fear produces entropy, courage produces order. Notice the Covidians crucified any and all heroic, courageous attempts by doctors etc. to produce alternative treatments. The heroes were de-platformed or worse.

Fear met with courage will produce a fight response. Fear met with cowardice will be produce a flee or freeze response.

Absent courage, fear will trigger the mind to take control, which is odd considering the mind does not control you. Throw a person who cannot swim into a pool, fear will motivate them to take control and flail around until drowned. Courage will relax you, and you will more or less float. Much of life is like this. Taking control in your mind is a major mistake, a failed fitness test.

Demons do not have power over you until you give up your power over yourself. Once you do that you are a slave to your demon. Demons can be defeated though, met with truth and courage the will themselves flee.

Red says:

I learned the real power of fear with COVID. I let it consume me to my own determent.

The Cominator says:

I never understood the fear i just looked at the South Korean data and calmly concluded with a 99.9% of probability it was fake and gay.

jim says:

> One of the most important things that needs to happen in our sphere is the marrying of monotheism and evolutionary psychology. To me, this seems incredibly obvious and actually quite simple, but in practice, I am finding that the devoutly religious refuse to countenance the idea of evolution

Not seeing it. No one who buys the progressive position on women is staunchly religious, and all the young earth creationists are blue pilled. They believe in a literal seven days of creation because they do not believe in a literal curse of Eve. If you do not believe in a literal curse of Eve, weaker vessel and all that, not staunchly religious.

Because sperm is cheap and eggs are dear, the stereotypical male sexual misconduct is to sleep with more women than he can husband, mate guard, nor be a father to his children, while the stereotypical female sexual conduct is to be forever on the prowl for an upgrade, serial monogamy, usually with a long gap between kicking the husband out of the master bedroom and inviting the pool boy into the master bedroom, or answering a booty call from Jeremy Meeks. If a chick is answering your booty calls, she is probably not answering anyone else’s, in that anyone she would answer is seldom calling, you are the highest alpha who gives her booty calls reasonably often. The anti evolutionist “Christian” cannot call gay schoolteachers groomers, and cannot call out female misconduct, therefore, not staunchly religious.

If he believes in young earth creationism, he thinks single moms are heroes, and cannot call schoolteachers groomers.

In our era, the woman question is central and critical.

If he believes in young earth, he believes that the wife who kicks her husband out of the master bedroom is being chaste and virtuous, and if she subsequently invites the pool boy in, still being chaste and virtuous provided she observed a reasonable interval between kicking husband out and inviting pool boy in.

Old Christian position was that women were the weaker vessel, inherently less virtuous than men and prone to foolish self destructive behavior, hence needing supervision and control. New prog position they are the stronger vessel, since not prone to stereotypical male sexual sin, and stereotypical female sexual sin is totally fine and OK.

Pax Imperialis says:

Heredity science, the precursor to evolutionary science, originated from monastic Christian science. Christianity is not counter to evolutionary theory and much of the Bible is inline with hereditary principles. So how did some parts of American Christianity come to “refuse to countenance the idea of evolution?”

Kunning Drueger says:

The Orthodox Discord is staunchly anti-evolution. Lutheran Twitter is staunchly anti-evolution. Baptist Twitter is staunchly anti-evolution. While there are bluepill elements in these communities, they are often shouted down and mocked. Respectfully, I think you need to look closer at this topic from the Christian point of view. There are insurgent factions following Old Type Christianity in many if not most Monotheist faiths, but their “software” still classifies “Darwinism” as an external attack on the Bible, the Faith, and/or God because, in the times of their grandfathers, it was.

I’ve been explicit about my perspective that the WQ is the most important Q, that all else is secondary to it. My missionary/scientific work off this blog has left me with the impression that many of our natural allies have t least one glaring inadequacy in their memeplex regarding entryists/enemy shills. It’s always at least the WQ, and for Christians it’s denial of EvoPsych, while for the “less than faithful” it’s denial immaterial battlefield importance.

jim says:

> The Orthodox Discord is staunchly anti-evolution. Lutheran Twitter is staunchly anti-evolution. Baptist Twitter is staunchly anti-evolution. While there are bluepill elements in these communities, they are often shouted down and mocked.

Well I am reporting from Gab, where I was instapurged from the Orthodox Gab group by an obvious demon worshiping enemy entryist who responded to the short affirmation with outrage and scorn. Possibly our experience has been different. Upon researching him, I find he has no significant position in the Church, yet is strangely able to work full time for it, suggesting that someone else, not Church affiliated, is paying him to work full time for the Orthodox Church.

I suspect you may be seeing a fake consensus, a noisy minority of enemy entryists that continually post material that takes for granted that their unpopular hostile enemy position is accepted by all true believers, much as Troofers take for granted that everyone agrees that trade tower building seven fell straight down like demolition with no external terrorist damage, that there was no commercial airliner sized and shaped entrance hole in the Pentagon, and so on and so forth. That is what I am seeing on Gab, but I am not on the Orthodox Discord, so I do not know what you are seeing. In the Christian groups on Gab I see an avalanche of confidently authoritative consensus, by people who cannot pass the short affirmation, people who radically deviate from two millennia of past Christian consensus. And in one case looks as if funded by a power hostile to faith.

You say that where you are you see something different. Where I am, that is what I see. And because what I see can fool people, is intended to fool people, I suggest you look a bit more carefully. If looking more carefully does not make you suspicious, does not make you suspect well funded enemy entryists funded by those who worship demons, who hate us and intend to physically destroy us, link me in.

i says:

I think being Prose the narrative about the Garden of Eden is meant to be taken literally:

This same style of Prose applies to all historical accounts in the Bible starting with Genesis 2:4

As well as describing real rivers like the Euphrates.

So Adam and Eve must be believed to be real people. And that is consistent with Paul’s saying that as Adam as the First Man brought Death so Jesus the 2nd Adam brought life. (1 Corinthians 15:45-49).

Red says:

Genetic analysis already proved that the first Eve is much older than the first Adam. The the spiritual message of Genesis is true but the literal meaning less so.

The timeline stuff is even more off. The young earth theory of like 5,000 years based on the decent chronology doesn’t even match up with the 14,000 year ago Younger Dryas when the flood happened. You don’t even need evolution to destroy the literal interpretation of Genesis.

Mohandians believe every word of the Koran is literally true, christian never did until heretical sects started pushing it to for use in holiness spirals in the 16th centuries and they seemed to have been inspired by the Mohandians.

i says:


Genesis being poetry before Genesis 2:4. Allows long timelines. And accommodates Old Earth Creationism.

There is less flexibility in regards to the Garden of Eden story however afterwards.

Fidelis says:

Noah brought with him his sons, *and his son’s wives*. So it would be consistent that we are descendants of Noah who was further along the family tree, and descendants of the wives of Noah’s sons, that would be closer to Eve along the tree.

alf says:

Roosh, whom few can accuse of being blue pilled, is a staunch anti-evolutionary.

Red says:

Explaining woman’s behavior without evolution is pretty well impossible. The decent of the animals and man barley matters to me, but it’s key to understand women.

alf says:

It’s funny how we keep coming back to that.

Aidan says:

Roosh cucked out hard on the WQ when he converted

alf says:

Really? What makes you say that.

Or let me put it this way: assuming you refer to him canceling his game history, is Roosh cucking on the WQ a matter of his personal failing or symptomatic of orthodox Christian failing? Because it seems to me Roosh is pretty hardcore about his orthodox faith.

Yul Bornhold says:

Before, you said that Roosh never internalized the redpill. He always felt like a dancing monkey, going through an arcane ceremony he did not understand to get results he did understand.

jim says:

“Roosh never internalized the redpill. He always felt like a dancing monkey, going through an arcane ceremony he did not understand to get results he did understand.”

I had a huge advantage over Roosh, in that the redpill was always inside me and natural to me, even back when I lacked conscious comprehension of it and did rather badly with women because my conscious mind and false education kept grabbing the brakes. And when I came to consciously understand it, seemed right and natural, and when I reverted to Christianity, seemed transparently obvious that it was right and the will of God, written both in nature and in the Old Testament, that the blue pill and purple pill were, like gay and trannyism, just disgusting.

Dancing the alpha dance, the pimp monkey dance, that is a dancing monkey. I am not naturally all that alpha, though my monsters inside are alpha enough. But, understanding women, that came naturally. And understanding that women do not understand women, that I always knew. It was in the air I breathed as a child. Everyone knew that, back then.

Aidan says:

He posted a bunch of stuff on Twitter along the lines of “women only do bad things because men make them”

Adam says:

I know of one friend who had a midlife crisis like this, found out his wife was molested/raped as a youth (never pressed charges of course), more or less found out she was a whore and his response was to go right into the Lutheran seminary. Full on trad-cuck. “There is no such thing as an alpha male” he said to me after I sent him a link to Rollos blog.

Roosh and my friend are both fooling themselves, as their position on women is untenable and they both fully know better. Choosing to view women as they do grants one the illusion of control, as if you and you alone are fully and entirely in control of your life. It is a product of self-obsession.

The reality being they dare not commit thought crimes, they dare not look too deeply at themselves, they dare not confront their own mortality. They serve a master that hates them and wants them dead, and in return they are allowed the warm comfortable embrace of a lie.

Roosh is a con-artist and so is my (former) friend.

jim says:

> found out his wife was molested/raped as a youth (never pressed charges of course),

Of course. That is the problem with law that makes the women the victim and complainant, makes her consent the issue, rather than the man who is the rightful owner of her sexual, reproductive, and domestic services.

Women never complain about the incidents they are supposed to complain about. Whenever they complain, it is always about things that do not correspond to what we want them to complain about. All rape charges are fake and gay, not because women are never raped, they are frequently raped, but because they seldom complain of those incidents. They complain about failure to rape, not rape.

jim says:

Well I accuse him of being blue pilled:

August 2020: The three magic words

“Civilization is collapsing, the revolutionary political crisis is approaching, but, worse than that Heartiste has stopped posting on game, and Roosh has turned tradcuck”

alf says:

I remember. I guess I’m leading in to the next question: Jim, in what context do you hope to see your writings remembered in generations to come?

I ask that not because I want to shoehorn your work, but because I sense the need for some clarification. You have made it clear you are not a prophet. Yet you must also have come to realize that the effects of your writing are taking on a life of their own.

On the WQ, all you write is very logical, and indeed it is said all men inherently know that which you write of. But as we see time and time again, if civilisation is poisoned, if men do not speak of these matters in plain language, this kind of knowledge is lost. And lost it truly is — there is no single Christian denomination that speaks as clearly of the woman question as you do. Insofar they do, they are faint echoes of what you say. But near without exception, even in churches that openly oppose globohomo, they do not.

Since the WQ is essential for reproduction, and since the future belongs to those who show up, follows that your ideas might be here to stay for a long time.

Hence, circling back to my original question. Is it somewhat accurate to say that your work is a continuation of, say, Paul, Augustine and Luther?

jim says:

I am an engineer, and I normally write wearing my engineering hat.

And yet I am, in substantial part, doing a prophet’s job.

An engineer can speak of optimization, but what is he optimizing? It is necessary to speak of what is right and good.

It is the will of Gnon that those obedient to his commandments shall fill the stars and subdue them.

The eighteenth century anglosphere laws on sex, family, and reproduction were right and good. Our current laws are wrong. Trannyism is just the latest moral inversion, but the Victorian idea that women, being naturally virtuous and naturally finding sex distasteful, do not need to be constrained, was the beginning of it all. In pretending all women were virtuous women, were ladies, even if it was obvious, as with Slut Queen Caroline and Florence Nightingale, that they were not, that was a step comparably evil, wicked, and destructive to pretending that trannies are whatever sex they claim to be this morning.

State, church, society, and family needs to back up, support, and enforce, male mate guarding. A male can only be unchaste in that he undermines mate guarding enforced by State, church, society, and family, while a female is unchaste in evading or resisting it.

The victorian story about women has a superficial plausibility in that men pursue and women flee. But women are apt to travel very long distances and go to considerable effort and expense to find places where the right men are apt to pursue them, and are apt to then flee rather slowly.

It is suboptimal for female reproductive success to consent to sex. A more efficient solution is to give the right man the opportunity to coerce her. Since by coercing her, he passes a shit test, and by getting away with coercing her, he demonstrates capability to protect an investment in her, and therefore has incentives that are good for her individually and good for family and society. Hence the pattern of women withholding consent, while continually giving one the opportunity coerce them. Unfortunately the right man for her reproductive success may well be a very wrong man for the reproductive success of the society. (Sexy sons model, that it is optimal for a woman to bang a man who is able to bang far too many women to mate guard them, or to invest in them or their children – particularly in an environment without long and severe winters.)

This results in female sexual consent being profoundly opaque, and most opaque to the woman herself, thus the contractual and symmetric model of marriage is unworkable. Sex is legal or illegal on retroactive female whims and on what is unknown and unknowable.

The sacrament was held to be performed by the man, “with this ring I thee wed”. The sacrament is not symmetric “I do”s

A corollary to the sexy sons model is that family, society, church, and state cannot afford to look after women who follow the sexy sons strategy. If she was banged by the man who is unwilling or unable to mate guard and look after her, it is rape because her father and guardian did not consent, and we kill him regardless of her opinion on the matter.

But suppose he is willing and able to mate guard, but her father and guardian did not consent. Well, lots of societies had the solution to that. If he is able to mate guard, and throws a big wedding party to demonstrate his willingness and capability to do so, dad is supposed to put up with it. (Assyrian rule: Abduction with no big wedding party, death penalty, abduction with a big wedding party, state and faith backs the husband)

A society that puts all power in the father then runs into the problem that dad’s interests are not always prosocial – he may be reluctant to lose his daughter. Assyria, in its recovery from Bronze Age decadence that destroyed so many other Bronze Age civilizations and nearly destroyed it (it had to retreat to its heartland, and many of its cities were destroyed) put an age limit on how long dad could keep daughter hanging around. Old Testament and early Christianity morally discourage dad from hanging on to daughter unreasonably long, and Old Testament law was mighty relaxed about marriage by abduction.


This is a distillation of the red pill that deserves to be promoted to a post.

Pax Imperialis says:

>The Orthodox Discord

What has been happening in the American Orthodox Church is a growing number of Christians who jumped ship from other failing Churches in search of something more authentic feeling. They are not culturally Orthodox. For them, religious stance on evolution is a big deal that they carried over from their previous churches. Selection bias at work.

The Orthodox Church has completely refused to touch on the subject and for many who were raised in the Church, the question isn’t pertinent. There is no official position (because there doesn’t have to be) unlike the Catholic Church which made several Papal declarations or whatever those Papists get up to idk I’m not a Catholic.

Red says:

Jim nailed the evolution thing pretty well in my experience. I have families that are young earth creationists and they explicitly ignore the curse of eve. Though part of their reaction was evolution being used as a club against Christians. But then again it’s hard to explain women’s behavior without evolutionary sociology which gives them a double reason to ignore it.

Adam says:

I am in the same boat and I think the reaction comes from evolution being pushed along side atheism at least in the 80s and 90s. Obviously St. Darwin was Christian but the cathedral pushed it all the same. Right along side every flaming color of the faggot rainbow.

SJ says:

Having spoken in depth with a great many of the blue pilled in an attempt to guide them to the red pill I would say that the prog doesn’t believe that it is possible for a woman to sin. In fact the only sin is lack of consent. When women consent readily to be a booty call for Jeremy Meeks it is explained that he is tricking the woman. She surely isn’t actually consenting. Since women begin finding Jeremy Meeks for their booty call immediately after puberty it is easier to explain for the prog as the girl in question is under the age of “consent”. Even if she is not under the age of consent, though, the prog will explain to you that the bad man tricked the woman.

For example one of Harvey Weinsteins booty calls discovered that she was being raped for a year after her new fiance explained to her that Weinstein was actually raping her (bad man tricked her) because he was not asking for consent. Bad man tricked her is the go to for explaining how woman’s consent goes wrong.

Imho once morality shifts from God to man, from divine law discovered through results to man made consent, women now become god. At least the god of sex as women’s consent is what now grants moral goodness to the act of sex, just so long as bad man doesn’t trick her of course. I believe this is the source of the pussy pedestal.

The Cominator says:

The cult of purity spiraled consent is so fucking weird, anyones who had sex more than 3 times in their life knows that women HATE being asked by guys if they can go further and sex ussually “just happens” (though occasionally theyll either aggressively initiate or say something along the lines of “shutup and fuck me”). If women are tricked its not by guys its by themselves.

I could see maybe some lucky bastard who was happily married to some school days sweetheart believing in that crap but why the hell does anyone else?

Adam says:

>I could see maybe some lucky bastard who was happily married to some school days sweetheart believing in that crap but why the hell does anyone else?

Because they are little bitches that worship their mommy, and they have never experienced a lustful woman.

Alphas are winning a game they cannot, so they conclude that alphas are the problem, and females validate their conclusion when they cry on the betas shoulder.

Red says:

Alphas don’t do their followers right either these days. I’ve hung out with a few natural alphas who never did hand off the extra girls that he easily picked up off to his allies. Instead he fucked one girl and the other girls where just frustrated. Men instinctively wing men with Alpha’s waiting for this to happen because that’s exactly how it happened for millions of years and women are quite willing to accept that arrangement.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Red’s take gets at what bothered me about Andrew Tate, but I couldn’t put my finger on. Dude could have built a posse, a gym/dojo, or even a red-pilled church if he’d taken a different enough tack. Instead he built a rotating harem for himself and a multi-level marketing subscription based “academy” for his followers.

And he doesn’t even get to keep the women in his harem apparently, so what’s he get for all his efforts really?

Western Taliban says:

You hung out with these ‘alphas’ with the expectation that they’d help you with that, but you never said anything, discussed things or made it clear in any way? Come on bro, you sound like a woman, it’s literally the “I’m hungry” cliche, except it seems you never even got to say “I’m hungry” either.

The ‘alpha’ is living in the 21th century, he does not know what you expect and does not dare expect anything beyond himself because it is government persecuted and journalist harried to social death. What you’re expecting him to do by magic understanding would land him in prison as some grooming-rape-misogyny charge if not careful.

You obviously need to be ride and die, and you have to be clear about you being ride and die with him, openly, explicitly and the agreement has to be beyond clear. Otherwise you’re just a needy whiny entitled bitch asking for something never earned.

By his own admission, Andrew Tate forces men to be ride and die with him for him to consider them friends, and if you were friends with Andrew Tate you would not be allowed to be fat and worthless, you’d be inducted into certain minimal standards and I guess you’d be drowning in pussy as he seems to be. Well, Andrew Tate is more pimp than ‘alpha’ I think, but it’s an example of this.

The ‘alpha’ might not see you as a real friend and there seems to be no reason for it either. In fact your behavior is repulsive from my own viewpoint, the ‘alpha’ might directly detest the implication and does not even care thinking about it.

Red says:

@Western Taliban

I provided him support in opening up the set as it seemed natural to me, hell I chopped down another one of his wingmen who tried to under cut him. When he’d taken the best girl as his prize he failed to assist the men helping him in picking up the left overs. This sort of shit doesn’t need to be communicated explicitly, we naturally know to do it because we fucking evolved to do it. Go observe how an alpha chimp and his allies operate and you’ll have a better idea of how old this behavior is.

>The ‘alpha’ is living in the 21th century, he does not know what you expect and does not dare expect anything beyond himself because it is government persecuted and journalist harried to social death. What you’re expecting him to do by magic understanding would land him in prison as some grooming-rape-misogyny charge if not careful.

Blow it out your ass, faggot. We have natural instincts as men especially when it comes to dealing with woman. The reason the alpha’s I hung out failed to deliver their part of the implicit arrangement is unclear. Even alpha’s suffer when they lose their crew and most of these guys eventually lose their crews if they don’t pass girls off.

jim says:

The reason is massive propaganda against alphas doing what alphas do. Media show only very evil alphas doing it, and women reacting very badly to alphas doing it.

alf says:

There is only one functional arrangement and that is when a group of men fairly divides the women, and respects that division. Such an arrangement can last a lifetime. All the others eventually fall apart. Which is why 95% of today’s mixed sex friend groups fall apart.

That’s why I also agree that Andrew Tate and all the other alpha chad pussyslayers are kind of fake and gay. Well it’s not that they’re fake per se: their advice on women is generally sound. It’s just that them getting laid and bragging about it is not as important as they make it out to be. The important part is dividing the women, making sure your followers get to keep a woman they’re happy with.

Kunning Druegger says:

You are wrong, Red. It *does* need to be communicated explicitly. Consider your examples: our ancestors, and chimps. Both are free from the immense crush of cultural noise that has been deployed precisely to divorce the modern occidental man from his fellows, his instincts, and his spiritual sense of self.

We must put the quiet part forward loudly. We must say that which goes without being said. We are fools if we expect our own level of awareness to transmit osmotically as it seemed to do in the recent past.

I’m not taking a side in this tet a tet. WT is hella based and his contributions are excellent, but he carries a rather sharp edge, which reminds me of this other nigga I know named Red, lol. Go ahead and punch each other out if you need to, but he over explained what you implied: the alpha didn’t do what Jimian Analysis says the alpha should do. I cannot see this as a single point failure, indeed, that only happens in movies. All failures are causal chains.

We must spell it out, hammer it excessively, and this sucks because it should be as simple as Monkey See, Monkeys Do. Instead, monkey must explain and demonstrate repeatedly for minimal uptake to occur at all. Tate had an incredible opportunity, and he pissed away his first chance at self-enrichment. I think he will get a second opportunity, because the Cathedral almost always tries to convert heretics into priests, but they have to publicly renounce their “sin” and embrace “Enlightenment.” Let’s see what he does if he survives The Gulag.

jim says:

> Consider your examples: our ancestors, and chimps. Both are free from the immense crush of cultural noise that has been deployed precisely to divorce the modern occidental man from his fellows, his instincts, and his spiritual sense of self.

Our instincts for successful reproduction are right there, ready to roll, I have felt them, strongly, compellingly, all my life. But my misinformed blue pilled rational understanding inhibited me from acting out of instinct, everyone is inhibited from acting out the instincts that lead to successful reproduction. In my case, my instincts were sometimes so powerful as to overwhelm my misinformed rational mind and compel me to act wisely and constructively, when my misinformed rational mind was trying to act foolishly and self destructively.

The trouble is that if the alpha does that which is right and natural, assigns the excess fruits of conquest to his followers, he has watched all his life media showing him that that is the worst thing in the world and women will react very badly to it. In fact women love it. All their lives they are looking to be captured by a strong tribe, and not finding one anywhere.

Western Taliban says:

Go observe how an alpha chimp and his allies operate and you’ll have a better idea of how old this behavior is.

You should follow your own advice because you’re clearly very confused here, you have no idea how a chimp behaves at all. Watch a documentary about them, it is nothing like you seem to believe.

And the fact that you are willingly comparing yourself with a chimp to have expectations and regulate your behavior is to say the least hilarious, you’re a human after all, and if you should have expectations and regulate your behavior according to something you should look at your own ancestors, not a bunch of chimps.

Oaths were made for a reason, contracts were made for a reason, an entire social structure and religion gave backing and precedence to tempered expectations. Men said what they thought, openly, brazenly, honestly, and reached agreement so, and this was with centuries of formal living religions working in their societies as base agreements. They still went as far as straight up walk to some other man to essentially buy his daughter.

You want some random guy, to whom you seem to have no deep relation, to magically infer some sort of behavior, that again, is basically illegal in modern society. And you offer no honesty for it, you just sit back and expect things to work out, when it doesn’t you whine like a scorned woman telling us that “your ‘alpha’ just doesn’t get you”. It does not look flattering at all and it’s not going to work.

At the very least you could have bothered talking to him, nigger, are you a human that can vocalize or you just write on the internet because you are a mute IRL?

Red says:

You are wrong, Red. It *does* need to be communicated explicitly. Consider your examples: our ancestors, and chimps. Both are free from the immense crush of cultural noise that has been deployed precisely to divorce the modern occidental man from his fellows, his instincts, and his spiritual sense of self.

We must put the quiet part forward loudly. We must say that which goes without being said. We are fools if we expect our own level of awareness to transmit osmotically as it seemed to do in the recent past.

No it doesn’t. Picking up and assigning women predates speech. Almost the entire mating dance is innately printed in our genes. I did not know why I behaving with this alpha in supporting him with opening the set since from a logical perspective it made more sense to undercut him and try to poach the girls for myself, but it felt right and natural so I ran with it. When he failed to deliver I was left angry and I didn’t know why. I understand why now, but not back then.

Natural alphas should transform their groups into bunds by the simple practice of handing their extra pulls off when the group is working together. Instead they hog them and then wonder why their friends have no loyalty to them.

If I actually explained that shit to a normie they wouldn’t fucking understand it and would react in horror because of muh female choice, but successful alpha’s like rockstars naturally hand of some of their women to their crews. This is normal and natural.

Alpha’s don’t act like leaders anymore assisting the men who are assisting them, instead they hog the women for themselves leading to dysfunction for everyone.

Does this mean we need to punish alphas? No. We need socialized pussy through ownership of women. But I understand why people are pissed off at the modern alpha, AKA leader’s behavior.

Red says:

@Western Faggot

You want some random guy, to whom you seem to have no deep relation, to magically infer some sort of behavior, that again, is basically illegal in modern society. And you offer no honesty for it, you just sit back and expect things to work out, when it doesn’t you whine like a scorned woman telling us that “your ‘alpha’ just doesn’t get you”. It does not look flattering at all and it’s not going to work.

One of men I’m describing I’ve known since we were 11. I stopped going out to bars with him to do pickup because it always had the same result. We still get together occasionally, but now he’s gotten fat, his crew no longer hangs out with him, and his days of pulling pussy is over. I like the guy, but it was completely worthless to try to pickup girls with him because he failed to live up to his side of the group mating dance.

How the fuck is illegal to say a women, hey my bro over there is pretty fucking awesome, why don’t you go sit next to him? Women loved to be commanded.

I was upset about it at the time, but I couldn’t explain why. Today I can. It’s implicit with hanging out with that sort of crew that the alpha will assign the extra women he pulls when opening the set to his wingmen.

We’ve got dysfunction with betas and we’ve got dysfunction with alphas who should be leading men and building bunds.

Kunning Druegger says:

I don’t think instincts are enough in enough cases to make baseline assumptions that “he/we/they should know better.” Much of what Jim says in quite obvious and simple in retrospect, but I cannot imagine figuring it out without some guidance and a ton of deprogramming.

Female liberation + desensitization&&normalization have done a number on the hearts, minds, and bodies of occidental men. Speaking succinctly and assuming everyone “gets it” is a recipe for disaster. Add to the mix the crowd of snake oil salesmen and false prophets, and it is easy to see why alphas don’t build bunds, they build brands, betas don’t join/support packs, the recede into a materialist identity that cushions the pain of inceldom.

Women will do pretty much anything they are told to do. They literally fuck horses for pocket cash. Any alpha who is “afraid to order a woman around” is not an alpha. I think it is more likely that alphas are not bund-building out of an ignorance borne of evil efforts by our Adversaries. Tate thought the point was the Bugatti & mansion, he failed to realize that those were just expensive signals of Something More, and he is not alone in making this mistake.

Aidan says:

The way this works is that all of the girls will try to get attention from the alpha, and if he is screwing his male followers over, will keep them all focused on him. If he his helping his posse out, he will, through nonverbal mating dance cues, monopolize one woman’s attention, and deflect the attention of the other women onto his friends while building up their status. It is not that you do no work, it is that when he gets focused in conversation with his target, you follow his lead with your target, and when he leaves with her, you leave with your girl, and the mating dance goes surprisingly smoothly compared to running solo.

Adam says:

It is up to the alpha to put over his wingmen. The alpha leads the conversation in a way as to imply that the wingmen are also alphas, and that the group is tight, and the competition is close even if it isn’t. An alpha that chooses to serve only himself, or at the expense of his crew is not going to have a crew for long, not to mention it is unattractive to everyone other than anti-social people.

Adam says:

>That’s why I also agree that Andrew Tate and all the other alpha chad pussyslayers are kind of fake and gay. Well it’s not that they’re fake per se: their advice on women is generally sound. It’s just that them getting laid and bragging about it is not as important as they make it out to be.

They are celebrating victory after securing low hanging fruit. It’s disappointing considering the position they are in and the potential they have.

The Cominator says:

Tate drops redpills but he IS a grifter (he literally made his money by supervising his camgirls on what to say to rich Simps to get them to send them money… and then never ever meet them) and at least until his recent conversion don’t let his talk of wanting virgins fool you Tate is a pimp and he likes whores… most guys who like whores won’t admit it but believe me I’m not unique in this. Now maybe’s he is burned out on whores now (hence the conversion to Islam) or maybe he just wants to gain powerful Middle Eastern friends (I have trouble in believing his conversion is sincere).

A grifter and a pimp may drop redpills but I wouldn’t trust a grifter… his redpills are good but naive to expect more than that. For God’s sake don’t send him money. Musk is different because he scammed the Federal Government (and also provided real value to them).

i says:

Tate’s Father worked for the CIA:

Adam says:

Longshot prediction- Tate will convert to progressivism and become the next MLK.

simplyconnected says:

In this particular case of demon worship, the jabs came from their tribe, so they trusted the jabs, and hoped to use them to gain status and bash their opponents’ heads with them.
I have extremely intelligent friends who got jabbed (even though they should’ve known better). They tend to be ones that are very enmeshed in the system (they simply trusted the same system that had always rewarded them in the past).

simplyconnected says:

they trusted the jabs, and hoped to use them to gain status and bash their opponents’ heads with them.

Imho efficacy or any such medical consideration was always irrelevant. Placebo would’ve been perfect to advance in their tribal battle.

jim says:

Exactly so. Any explanation of our enemy’s behavior which is not demonic and/or insane runs into the brick wall that any rational evil and self interested motive would be better served by a placebo.

Kunning Druegger says:

Holy moly, what an observation. I never thought of it, but if the Cathedral were really the evil masterminds with a central authoritative body, of course they would have made a saline shit with fancy voodoo script declaring magicks on the side a way to divide the sheep from the goats. Instead they tried to poison everyone.

simplyconnected says:

Sasha Latypova quite some time ago commented that if money had been the primary motivation, placebo would’ve made them more money (no cost, higher uptake).
In fact, placebo works for just about everything (except genociding, of course). Imo if they hadn’t been so eager to start with the killing, giving out placebo at first would’ve allowed them to successfully roll out vaxpasses, which likely would be entrenched by now: close the door of the jail cell first and only then start the killing. It could be that it was centrally planned and executed, but miscalculated (these are the same people that talk of AI replacing most jobs and not needing most people, which afaik is evil nonsense).

jim says:

> giving out placebo at first would’ve allowed them to successfully roll out vaxpasses, which likely would be entrenched by now: close the door of the jail cell first and only then start the killing.

Yes, that would be the sane way of implementing whatever program they had in mind. Including killing everyone.

If you don’t have a CEO, if you are running on consensus, consensus tends to fall into the hands of the evil and insane. So we should assume evil and madness, assume demonic evil, not rationally self interested evil.

It is unlikely to be an accurate assumption for individuals, but is often a good assumption for groups of individuals.

simplyconnected says:

consensus tends to fall into the hands of the evil and insane

Just for entertainment, assuming that Silent weapons for quiet wars is fanfiction, let me quote one paragraph that describes an “international elite meeting in 1954” [p.7]:

Although the so-called “moral issues” were raised, in view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.

That seems like a description of a group consensus falling into the hands of the evil and insane.

BobtheBuilder says:

I remember there was a theory bouncing around the chans in early 2021 that the vaxx was not for Covid but for a superplague, which would be released a few months after the vaxx rollout to cull the noncompliant. Probably what a “rational” superevil would do, but GAE is not rational.

NotAProgressiveNotAReactionary says:

And the medical profession piously averts its eyes, revealing that they know what they deny knowing. While you were supposed to turn your life upside down because of a fairly normal flu season, you are not supposed to notice famous athletes dropping dead. The total death rate over all age groups is not hugely higher, in the sense that most people who die are dying of old age, rather than jab, but the death rate among working age people is hugely higher, in the sense that it is normally very low. It is hugely higher than its normal very low rate. Most young people who die are dying of the jab.

I’m calling bullshit on the reactionary claim that the elite/cathedral/whatever are purposely trying to kill off the population with the vax.

Obviously, there’s a death rate associated with the covid vaccines. Covid vaccines kill a percentage of people just like cars kill a percentage of people. Do we say “Oh, the elite want you to drive cars because they’re trying to kill you and don’t you know cars kill 40k people per year?” That’s what this argument boils down to so we can’t just say covid vaccines kill people.

The Covid vaccines kill far less than 1% of people who took them. We don’t know if it’s 1% of 1% or half of 1%, but it’s less than 1%. It’s not 10%, it’s not 50%. It’s not 100%. This is not the Black Death. This is not the black plague. This is not mass human sacrifice.

The hysteria about covid was obviously fake and engineered. And likewise, the hysteria about the vaccines was also fake and engineered. Covid is not dangerous. It is the common cold and the vaccines are not dangerous. They aren’t regular vaccines because they are genetic modification, but they’re not making people drop dead on the spot.

The vaccine conspiracies far predate covid. They’re not entirely without basis. Yes, people died due to vaccines and vaccines have side effects. All medical treatments have risk associated with them.

The extreme progressive position that covid vaccine literally saved humanity from the evil covid virus or the covid virus was literally going to kill everybody if we didn’t have the vaccine is obviously stupid. But the extreme reactionary position that the vaccines are literally going to kill every single person who took it is equally stupid. There’s no evidence for that.

The elite don’t want to kill everybody who took the vaccine. That’s not real. The vaccine was engineered not to kill people and engineered to kill covid. Did they do a good job? Obviously, not. mRNA is new technology, it was rushed and it’s a shitty vaccine.

jim says:

> I’m calling bullshit on the reactionary claim that the elite/cathedral/whatever are purposely trying to kill off the population with the vax.

By the time the jab was miraculously developed in double quick time, we already knew that the same people had developed the virus as developed the jab, and obviously the people who developed the virus were trying to kill us.

The jab is not necessarily designed to kill you, that could be an accident, but it is designed to destroy your capability to reproduce, and if you do reproduce, your children’s capability to reproduce, is designed to cause miscarriage, and to modify dna to ensure that your female descendants also miscarry. It was designed by people who obviously do not wish us well. They may not have intended to kill us with the jab, but they obviously were not much worried if it did.

“Hey here is a radical new technology. Inject it into your body. We tested it on eight mice, and they did not die immediately.”

> But the extreme reactionary position that the vaccines are literally going to kill every single person who took it is equally stupid. There’s no evidence for that.

Indeed there is no evidence for that, no evidence that a single shot is a death sentence, but there is plenty of evidence of evil and malicious intent, the people who created the jab would very much like it if a single shot was a death sentence, and there is plenty of evidence that if someone endlessly boosts, his immune system is going to become completely shot, with the result that he dies of cancer similar to the cancers of aids, or dies of permacovid and that the people pushing forever boosting knew that.

However they probably did not intend a single shot to be a death sentence. Rather they intended a single shot to render your grandchildren sterile. But if they did not intend it to be a death sentence, they will nonetheless be happy if it is a death sentence.

> but they’re not making people drop dead on the spot.

Some people, quite a lot of people, are dropping dead on the spot. During the early vaccine rollout, the ambulances were screaming continually. There are a substantial number of immediate bad reactions, typically within a few days of the vaccine, and a much larger number of long term bad reactions. The first vaccine rollouts were to old people, and no one much notices when the old people’s home suddenly has a lot of vacancies, but when they rolled out to younger people the emergency rooms were flooded and overwhelmed with young people having heart attacks and strokes, something almost completely unknown before the rollout.

The spokescritters, when reports emerged of emergency rooms flooded and overwhelmed with young person heart attacks, said “mild myocarditis, mild mild myocarditis, mild mild mild myocarditis, that is how you know it good for you” There is no such thing as “mild” myocarditis. It get a different name if it is actually mild. If you have clinical myocarditis, you are likely to die, immediately or eventually. That is the definition of myocarditis. If it is not seriously life threatening, has a different name.

By and large, when a young person keels over in the public eye, a very large proportion of the time he never gets a diagnosis, just drops dead. He does not have a “mild” heart attack. Just “died suddenly”. It is likely that the flooded emergency rooms during early jab rollout represented morgues that were also flooded.

FrankNorman says:

I’m going to throw this up in the air as a clay pigeon here:

Dead people do not pay huge medical bills, and neither do healthy people.
So what would you say to:
“They don’t want to outright kill you, they want to make you chronically sick so they can take all your money for medical treatments”

Conversely – if they are sickos who want to make normal people suffer – well, if you die that’s that, they can do no more to you. It’s the same reason that shitlibs would rather keep people alive in prison for decades rather than give them the death penalty.

jim says:

That is a plausible argument from rational evil.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think this is an unwitting shill, a midwit carrying GAE water because every reasonable person does. There’s a payload here, but it’s easy to spot (“lol no one reasonable believes in conspiracy theories” “both sides are crazy, best to stay in the middle with the reasonable people, like me”). More interestingly, we get a taste for where the “consensus” is headed: COVID was real, but it’s just the flu [our position from a year ago], the vaccine is ineffective, not deadly [we know this is false], and our lying eyes are lying, as all reasonable people know that shots from the government don’t kill people instantaneously, therefore shots from the government kill nobody ever.

His car allusion is just really dumb, a really weak attempt at an apples and aardvarks comparison, and the repetition has the feel of a script seed crystal with OP playing “madlib and extend.” If he’s a shill, we’ve dropped off the radar. If he’s someone sent here by a share or an argument citation, he’ll flee in panic soon enough. But if he’s got the stomach, we should do some more testing on this lab rat before he flees or expires.

Anyone with shill tests, see what Mr. Norbal “Norm” N. Normalsen has to say regarding your experimental tests.

Red says:

My bet is it’s a new shill line. But we’ll see. I hope he responds.

Doom says:

>purposely trying to kill off
Dead people are unproductive.

Disable, with a chance of death.

Red says:

The vaccine conspiracies far predate covid. They’re not entirely without basis. Yes, people died due to vaccines and vaccines have side effects. All medical treatments have risk associated with them.

Parents where unable to get their babies vaxed during the COVID. The rate of SIDs dropped to the lowest level in history. Yet no one is ever warned that pumping you baby full of vaccines will causes SIDs. I very much doubt any parent would vaccinate their babies if they knew the real risk level.

The elite don’t want to kill everybody who took the vaccine. That’s not real. The vaccine was engineered not to kill people and engineered to kill covid. Did they do a good job? Obviously, not. mRNA is new technology, it was rushed and it’s a shitty vaccine.

Why did they prevent less harmful vaccines? The J&J and AstraZeneca were less dangerous than the mRNA shots, yet they sidelined both in favor of the mRNA ones. Both vaccines used existing tech that was well proven. There was no good reason to jab 2 billion people with the mRNA vaxes.

jim says:

> Why did they prevent less harmful vaccines? The J&J and AstraZeneca were less dangerous than the mRNA shots, yet they sidelined both in favor of the mRNA ones. Both vaccines used existing tech that was well proven. There was no good reason to jab 2 billion people with the mRNA vaxes.

This disproves all arguments based on rational self interested evil or sheer incompetence. Tney just hate everyone, and want to destroy everyone, even at considerable cost to themselves. They hate life itself and the world itself.

Consider PETA. “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals”. They will kill any animal they can get their hands on, and the cuter the animal, the more enraged they are by its existence. They rationalize the desire to destroy cute animals by arguing that if an animal has any contact with humans, this will cause it to suffer forever, and it therefore has to be humanely destroyed, except that if they get their hands on an animal, there is nothing humane about the way they destroy it, especially if it is a cute animal. They don’t go out of their way to torture animals, kill them fairly quickly and efficiently, but they don’t mind the animal suffering a fair bit of pain and terror as they dispatch it.

When I kill an animal for food, it knows it also, but the difference is that I kill for food, or to protect my crops or my stores. They kill for hatred.

> They hate life itself and the world itself.

The gaia worshippers, the LGBTQWERTY tranny worshippers and the COVID demon worshippers all converge on this one point.

Mister Grumpus says:

I know that many in the rank-and-file left see humanity as a failed or failing species.

Therefore probably others, towards the top of the left, who think humanity should be a failed species.

someDude says:

Jim, how do you know PETA don’t mind the animal suffering a fait bit of pain and terror as they dispatch it? What’s the evidence, anecdotal or otherwise?

someDude says:

Never mind, Jim, A simple internet search brought all the cases to me. You stand vindicated. Very lazy on my part.

The India-made vaccine Covaxin was a traditional vaccine that the WHO along with Globohomo media did its best to discredit and prevent adoption back in 2021 by WHO dragging its feet over approval. I believe I had linked news sources here. Which fits in with your theory.

India also didn’t cave in to Pfizer at around the same time. So there was “vaccine nationalism” in India, but it accidentally worked out for India.

NotAProgressiveNotAReactionary says:

The J&J and AstraZeneca were less dangerous than the mRNA shots, yet they sidelined both in favor of the mRNA ones.

There’s no evidence for that. All the Covid vaccines appear to have a <1% mortality rate. I won’t pretend to know why certain vaccines were pushed over others just like I won’t pretend to know whey certain artificial sweeteners are pushed over others in the beverage industry.

Red says:

First he claims the mRNA is shitty untested new tech that caused the vaccine to fail then claims the well tested and widely used viral vector vaccines where exactly the same as the mRNA vaccines.

Boys we have a new shill line being tested.

>All the Covid vaccines appear to have a <1% mortality rate.

Bullshit. We've never seen the real mortality rate of any of these vaccines. Excess death is now higher than it was at the height of Delta Covid:

pinochet's ghost says:

“The Covid vaccines kill far less than 1% of people who took them. We don’t know if it’s 1% of 1% or half of 1%, but it’s less than 1%. It’s not 10%, it’s not 50%. It’s not 100%. This is not the Black Death. This is not the black plague. This is not mass human sacrifice. ”

Covid also kills less than 1% of people. They wanted everyone to take the vaccines. Looks indeed like a dumb attempt to kill everyone with a virus followed by a dumb attempt to kill everyone with a medication (not a vaccine as traditionally understood).

What I remember is the Cathedral shouting intense skepticism of covid “vaccines” until it became clear that they were not very effective and caused side effects that would lead to any other medicine being banned, then the Cathedral started demanding mandatory injection of people who were not at risk from covid.

A more normal medicine would be pulled after one reported death, regardless whether it can be rigorously casually linked to the medicine.

Guy says:

Sounds more like the Cathedral adjacent who were spreading vaccine skepticism were not yet read in on the correct line. They assumed since Orange Man was positive towards the vax it was their job to be antivax, or at least anti trump vax. As the carrots and sticks were handed out, and proclamations we’re made from high priests the skepticism quickly went away.

pinochet's ghost says:

They feared that the vaccines might actually stop covid.

jim says:

Not being on the inside and knowing that they would not.

Pax Imperialis says:

On this most holy of regime holidays, let it be re-announced that MLK was a communist, CPUSA/Soviet asset, plagiarist, whoremonger, adulterer, man who died with a public disapproval rating of 75 percent, heretic, and lastly arguably worst crime of them all an enjoyer and supporter of Star Trek.

Hesiod says:

Is it possible to ironically enjoy Star Trek for Shatner’s hammy acting and remain within the good graces of the NRx community? Askin’ for a friend named Kirok:

Redbible says:

I’d say that enjoying some parts or pieces of Star Trek is fine, for the reason that enjoying some parts or pieces of propaganda is fine, provided that one doesn’t like the propaganda itself.

On the other hand, lamenting that “thing would be better if we just went back to the good ol’ days of classic Star Trek” is rather far from NRx…

Jehu says:

Wanting to get back to 80s levels of insanity is a gateway drug for further reaction. It’s also the reason Trump won despite insufficient fraud in 2016. If you make sincere attempts to get back to the 80s, you’ll find you need to keep going back further and further. DeSantis is trying to do this with New College right now—trying to turn it into something like Hillsdale. I don’t think his minions can do it—I don’t think they’re hardcore enough to do what needs done, which will strike a lot of normies as grossly unfair—but I hope to be proven wrong.

Anonymous Fake says:

Trump University failed hard. Making your own college doesn’t work because the left’s authority comes not directly from colleges, but from the college rankings. Even the Ivy League isn’t completely untouchable (think lawsuits against Asian discrimination), but USNWR is. It’s the heart of the Cathedral.

Somehow it isn’t detected as libel, when someone doesn’t attack you, but cleverly and mysteriously ranks everyone else above you. It’s the kind of midwit game that lawyers won’t touch because they won’t go after their own kind of person.

Jehu says:

New College isn’t really new, it’s been around as long as I can remember, it just has declining enrollment.

One encouraging development I’ve seen recently is there are apparently now independent testing providers for some fields, especially coding and software development that major employers (like mine) are starting to use. If these get more traction, it may further dilute the value of degrees.

Guy says:

The Wrath of Khan is a great submarine movie

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m blasé about Star Trek the fantasy. I’m contemptuous of Star Trek the identity. Everyone has an imagination and everyone enjoys a good fantastical story. I would say it’s possible to unironically enjoy Star Trek and remain in good graces with Gnon so long as it’s not shaping one’s own core identity which is easier said than done.

Most people combine their enjoyment with their own identity which leads to support in real life. (e.g. people find identity in things like smoking) Something which you see often in Boomers with their Star Trek and progressivism, Xers in their Star Wars and obsession with supporting rebels (even though America is the Empire), and Millennials with their Harry Potter and academic progressivism.

So the question boils down to. ‘are you an ubermensch capable of keeping enjoyment separate from identity?’ Some are, most are not. The NRx community, if such a thing can be quantified, is probably more capable of keeping such things separate or is at least self aware otherwise one would not be here in the first place.

Red says:

The male relationship between Kirk, Spock, and Bones is refreshingly better than anything shown on TV since. That’s about it.

Jehu says:

I’m told that a lot of MLK’s speech content is considered the height of racism today—particularly the content of his character stuff. Since he’s a fellow racist now, I find I’m a bit more sympathetic to him than I used to be. He’s like 1980s level insanity, and lots of us miss the 80s and would like to return.

Redbible says:
Redbible says:

Looks like I didn’t format the link to the image right…

Here’s the direst link:

testing embedding the image again:

Jehu says:

That is pretty funny, although one has to admit that levels of character in the black community were a lot better back in the early 60s than they are presently. Hell most blacks were born IN wedlock in those days. I’d be willing to bet that the fraction of blacks that got to effectively be Jimian patriarchs in the early 60s and late 50s was pretty decent.

Starman says:

@Pax Imperialis

“On this most holy of regime holidays, let it be re-announced that MLK was a communist, CPUSA/Soviet asset, plagiarist, whoremonger, adulterer, man who died with a public disapproval rating of 75 percent, heretic, and lastly arguably worst crime of them all an enjoyer and supporter of Star Trek.”

Praise be unto Marchin’ Looter Koon, for creating Boeing/Lockmart’s apefirmative action hire, Shaniqua. Who is unable to build ASAT missiles worth a damn, whose ass would be easily kicked by a militarized Starlink of a techlord.

Pax Imperialis says:

MLK didn’t exactly accomplish that. He was extremely unpopular during the last years of his life when he was advocating for affirmative action. Rather it’s in his death the progressive regime was able to turn him into an idol via mythological propaganda. Affirmative action became mainstream after his death and the following decades is when all the groundwork for Shaniqua was laid in place.

Arguably though it predates MLK’s activism with military enforced desegregation in the 50s. Basically MLK is a fake poster boy/story.

BobtheBuilder says:

Given that I already use the Question of “you vaxxed bro” as a filter for who has anything intelligent to say in meatspace, how would one adapt it to cyberspace?

If someone says yes, they are kinda dumb (if they just went along), spineless (but my job required it), or delusional/evil (the SCIENCE said so). If they still insist it was correct, then they are very much dumb, evil, or insane.

However, a shill would just say no. In which case, we have to ask why they didn’t jab.

1. If they say something like “well, it seemed like it was rushed and poorly tested” then they are ignorant, but not dumb. If however, they pair this explanation with a bunch of esoteric political posturing, outside of what a total normie would do, then they are almost certainly a shill.

2. If they say “its those evil corporations looking for profit” then they are a lefty, a shill, or going with a ‘safe’ explanation out of ignorance or desire to maintain their view. Same consideration as 1.

3. “Its the KIKES.” Apply Soros test to distinguish between glow or legit HOI4 enjoyer. Afterwards ask them why Israel has the same level of die off as other countries. Then ask them what kind of army divisions they use when playing Germany.

4. “Depopulation agenda.” Correct answer, but ask them to elaborate. If they talk about Bill Gates, probably a normiecon similar to Ben “Giving Heart Attaxxies to the Vaxxies” Garrison, or a lazy shill, use context clues. If they have an elaborate explanation, about the WEF, or automation making people useless, or something about Global Warming worship by the elites, try to ask question that a script-writer wouldn’t anticipate.

5. “Book of Revelations.” At this point, might even be correct. Apply Jesus test and St Paul themed Woman test though.

Guy says:

6. Because the worst people in the world were very mad that I didn’t want to

Jehu says:

Because I don’t trust the public health apparatus. I haven’t since the days of AIDS. They’re clearly more interested in promoting a social and political agenda than in actually maintaining public health. Couple that with the massive levels of censorship in the public square and reasonable men will conclude that whatever it is that they’re pushing, they’re wrong.

Redbible says:

What if Someone says they didn’t trust the vaccine because:
1. They saw the covid lock downs for the scam they were, and didn’t trust the government pushing propaganda to take the vaccine to get your life back.
2. They know that traditional vaccines take 2 years to develop, and “miraculously” this vaccine only took 1…
3. They already didn’t take vaccines in general.

There are more reasons than you list includes.

BobtheBuilder says:

I’m aware, this is a prototype, and I’m looking for feedback. Answers 1 and 2 in my list were perfectly fine in the year 2021, have less explanatory power in 2023 given the sheer amount of vitriol and pressure and persecution directed at those who resisted, far more than what is usual for those not taking vaccines.

I’ll add

6. I do the opposite of what the screen people say.

7. I don’t take vaccines in general.

to the list. Your reason of number 2 is a more elaborate and well thought out version of my reason 1. I am using the word “ignorant” in the context of “ignorant of the malice the vaccine pushers have towards man.” For a non-“ignorant” person, reason 1, 6, and 7 must turn into reason 2, 3, 4, and 5 upon deeper probing, unless I am missing something (Its the LIZARDMEN can be safely tossed out as a glow-in-the-dark turd in the punch bowl).

Adam says:

It sounded exactly the same as the climate demon, the same noises from the same people offering the same solutions. And not a doctor among them mentioned being fit and healthy is the best medicine.

Pax Imperialis says:

>If someone says yes

This is very tangential to your post, but some may find it interesting for the unstated implications about GAE security prospects.

Secondary psychopathy traits (e.g. boldness, fearless dominance, etc) are concentrated in the warrior class. When one considers that

Self-injurious thoughts and behaviors are positively associated with secondary psychopathy and negatively associated or unrelated to primary psychopathy

well… it is sweet and proper to die for one’s country.

Starman says:

This is how I avoided the mRNA clotshot:

In March/April 2020, nobody in America or in my neighborhood dropped dead in the street from COVID-19, then the medical professionals were caught counting motorcycle crash deaths and gunshot wounds as “covid deaths.”

After that, I went onto this blog’s comment section, and declared covid to be fake and gay. And commentators aswaes, Steve Johnson, Jan Martense, and even Not Tom got butthurt about my declaration.

Finally, the health experts declared that BLM riots don’t spread covid, but attending church does spread covid. That Walmart doesn’t spread covid, but Mr. Mom and Pop store does. Hence, all covid related medical procedures and recommendations were all ignored by me.

TrevorGoodchild’s pinned posts noting that the mRNA companies were immune from liability to American citizen lawsuits, was the icing on the cake.

Starman says:

After that BLM letter from the credentialed experts that claimed BLM riots were immune from covid, I simply ignored covid.

After that BLM letter, I concluded that all covid treatments were superfluous. That meant no ivermectin, no hydroxichloroquine, no interaction with the hospital, no sinovac, no SputnikV, and no mRNA clotshots for me.

The Cominator says:

I knew it was basically the flu after reading the South Korean data in February 2020 and given the timing i smelled a rat before that.

Red says:

Any idea why Japan and South Korea went nuts with the mRNA vax? Japan sounds like they took more doses than the US.

The Cominator says:

Conformity antlike populations but their governments were less bad.

pinochet's ghost says:

Japan has come under much more direct US pressure than previously due to the China situation and its general weakening standing in the world as its workforce shrinks.

pinochet's ghost says:

“After that BLM letter, I concluded that all covid treatments were superfluous. That meant no ivermectin, no hydroxichloroquine, no interaction with the hospital, no sinovac, no SputnikV, and no mRNA clotshots for me.”

Smart guy. All these people running around saying 1. covid isnt real/important 2. Im stocking up on internet medicines in case I get covid never made any sense.

jim says:

> These people running around saying 1. covid isnt real/important 2. Im stocking up on internet medicines in case I get covid never made any sense.

I have for many years stocked up on antibiotics, and a variety of medicines that were difficult to obtain, or might become difficult to obtain, and on one occasion my antibiotic stockpile arguably saved my life, and on many occasions it has been very helpful.

Stockpiling Ivermectin is just one more, and I have now learned it is useful for an extraordinary wide range of ailments – any problem you have that is caused by a hostile and harmful eukaryotic organism, ivermectin is likely to help, and it helps with surprising number of non eukaryotic organisms.

BobtheBuilder says:

Got a list of antibiotics one should stockpile? I currently only have some first aid kits.

jim says:

Metronidazole (or, better, teicoplanin, if you can get it)

Amoxicillin is the safest, and takes care of most things. Azithromycin pretty safe also.

Clindamycin takes care of what those two will not, but can mess up your gut bacteria in a bad way. You should take probiotics after any course of antibiotics, but especially after Clindamycin. Big problem with clindamycin is it kills no end of good gut bacteria, but fails to kill some extremely dangerous and harmful gut bacteria.

Clindamycin and teicoplanin are the only oral drugs effective against MRSA (flesh eating bacteria)

Clyndamycin contributes to the likelihood of dangerous overgrowth of the toxin producing bacterium clostridium difficile by suppressing its competition. clostridium difficile manifests primarily as diarrhea Effective treatment Metronidazole, bacitracin. Most effective treatment by far teicoplanin, which is not only more effective but vastly safer than Metronidazole, but the Global American Empire restricts teicoplanin for the same evil and murderously insane reasons as it restricts Ivermectin

Cipro, flox, is extremely dangerous. Cipro (ciprofloxacin), Levaquin (levofloxacin) and Avelox (moxifloxacin). In 2010, Levaquin was the best-selling antibiotic in the United States. It is extremely common for fluoroquinolones to cause horrifying and permanent side effects.

None of these are effective against viral and eukaryotic diseases, but Ivermectin is effective against most eukaryotic diseases and some viral diseases, Covid among them. Against viral diseases, needs to be taken early. Twenty milligrams as soon as you notice the disease.

Anonymous Fake says:

One would think the left would be all over this, to blame Trump. [*deleted*]

jim says:

Actually one would not think that unless one viewed leftist ideology as spontaneously coming from the bottom up rather than the top down.

gorzya says:

I’ve taken the two original Pfizer shots and one booster shot.

How do I avoid dying suddenly? In terms of medicine, diet, etc.

jim says:

Because no one is allowed to study these anomalous cases of young people dying suddenly, no one has reliable information on the topic.

A wild assed guess is that a lot of these sudden death cases are associated with very long, very thin, strangely rubbery blood clots, too thin to show up on MRI but glaringly obvious on autopsy. In which case blood thinners, such as regular aspirin, will reduce your risk.

But truth is, no one knows, and anyone claiming to know is full of it.

Pax Imperialis says:

>But truth is, no one knows, and anyone claiming to know is full of it.

No one knows the full truth, but I think it’s pretty safe to extrapolate from this,

In December 2021, in cooperation with the school vaccination system of Taipei City government, we performed a ECG screening study during the second dose of BNT162b2 vaccines. Serial comparisons of ECGs and questionnaire survey were performed before and after vaccine in four male-predominant senior high schools. Among 7934 eligible students, 4928 (62.1%) were included in the study. The male/female ratio was 4576/352. In total, 763 students (17.1%) had at least one cardiac symptom after the second vaccine dose

(Other studies have found higher rates)

and knowing that cardiac symptoms in young people is highly abnormal…

A less wild guess is that there has been a lot of subclinical heart damage in the unsuspecting general public. What do doctors say about subclinical heart issues?

Subclinical cardiac dysfunction precedes the development of heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases but often goes undiagnosed due to lack of screening paradigms and available testing strategies.

So probably a good idea to avoid heavy physical activity for a while.

Red says:

Germany did an Autopsy study on the Vax and Myocarditis with deaths within 30 days of a vax. What it showed was that older people got Myocarditis from the vax all the time and died from it. The reason it showed up mostly in young men was that they were the least likely to die from it immediately.

gorzya says:

>probably a good idea to avoid heavy physical activity for a while.

Last shot (booster) was in November 2021 (original shots were in February and March that year).

Does the damage accumulate over time or, since more than a year has passed, I’m probably in the clear already and can go back to gym etc.?

jim says:

We don’t really know. It certainly accumulate over the time scale of boosters, pretty much linearly. Your risk seems proportional to the number of boosts.

It could well be that after a few months unboosted, you are going to be fine. It could also be that one jab is a death sentence, just takes longer to kill you if you do not boost.

Doom says:

John Paul has some interesting articles on post covid effects, I’d assume that there is some crossover between post jab and post covid


Red says:

When you work out stick to zone 2 cardio and light lifting. Don’t push yourself at all doing physical activity. If you get weird heart rate issues, see a cardiologist ASAP. If you feel something is wrong, don’t push through it.

Oh and avoid deep fried foods especially within 24 hours of planned of heavy physical activity. Deep fried foods seem to cause an inelastic response in the arteries for up to 24 hours after consuming them. If your arteries already have blocks building up, the arteries being unable to stretch is very likely to cause a heart issues especially if you try heavy physical activity in that condition. Heart attacks are extremely common after consuming deep fried foods especially those cooked in vegetable oil, but the oxidation effect of the high heat probably causes the same effect no mater the oil. Just better to avoid it altogether.

gorzya says:

>When you work out stick to zone 2 cardio and light lifting. Don’t push yourself at all doing physical activity. If you get weird heart rate issues, see a cardiologist ASAP. If you feel something is wrong, don’t push through it.

Thank you for the advice.

My question is: does the prospect of dying suddenly (“idiopathic” ventricle fibrillation) increase over time since taking the vaccine, or does it decrease over time?

Another way of asking: is it likely that a significant proportion of those who’ve taken the vaxx have a ticking time bomb in their bodies that will eventually go off if triggered by e.g. strenuous exercise, or if you have no symptoms for a long time, then the “mild” myocarditis and “mild” blood clots etc. will resolve on their own?

jim says:

We just do not have the data.

It would not be hard to find out, but no one dares look.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I haven’t dug into everything in this protocol, but the guys behind it were correct on treatment for covid itself, as well as on staying off the vax.

There’s overlap between vax detox and primary covid treatment, given the spike protein is a concern in both cases. So things like nicotine for spike protein mitigation may help, ivermectin might help and can’t hurt. But it’s not the only thing going on, as Jim notes about the blood clots.

Red says:

They list Ivermectin as a treatment for getting rid of spike proteins. Ivermectin nukes your got bacteria and should not be used very often. I don’t know how they expect it to help with the spike protean.

A2 says:

From what I recall reading, Ivermectin helped against the first SARS, so why not the second one.

Red says:

It helps prevent the virus from replicating. How does that clean spike proteins from the system? Unless there a link in how the mRNA continues to produce spike protean longer after the vaccine that Ivermectin stops, which I don’t think anyone has established or suggested.

gorzya says:

Does the danger from the spike proteins linger for the long-term / indefinitely, or does it diminish over time?

Basically what I’m asking:

a. the vaxx poses the greatest danger in proximity to taking it, which danger diminishes over time;
b. the vaxx causes permanent damage (e.g. heart injury) once taken, which then stays the same;
c. the vaxx becomes more dangerous as time goes by, i.e. it’s a ticking time bomb.

If (a) is true, then I’m in the clear. If (b) is true, I guess I need to hop on aspirin ASAP. And if (c) is true, then it’s a very big problem.

gorzya says:

(sorry for screwed up formatting lol)

jim says:

As I said, we just do not know, research on the topic being forbidden.

A2 says:

I see, sloppy reading on my part. Never mind.

C4ssidy says:

There’s a strange meme going around about the spike protein being chitin. I haven’t bothered to check because who cares if both spikes proteins? But my ai tells me that one of the numerous effects, in addition to parasite nerve cells and anti-inflammation , is binding to enzymes used to build chitin. So what about binding to enzymes used to produce the spike protein? If I heard the story correctly, part of the problem of the spike is continuous production

gorzya says:

>There’s overlap between vax detox and primary covid treatment, given the spike protein is a concern in both cases.

This is what bugs me: is the spike protein a long-term concern, or does it eventually clear out (which is why they keep demanding more and more boosters)? If it clears out, and 14 months have passed since my last jab, then I probably have nothing to worry about.

If it doesn’t clear out, and if subclinical myocarditis is long-term, and blood clots are long-term, then anyone jabbed can suffer an event at any time – could be 5 years after the jab. This is the real concern AFAIC.

Guy says:

Don’t sleep on the cancer, cardiovascular is getting all the attention now, but the cancers are more aberrant from my perspective.

Take the hazing in stride, it’s not Starman and KDs fault you offed yourself. Hopefully you’re not one of the few who didn’t actually deserve it. We’ll mourn our lover ones (if that) the rest of you can suffer.

gorzya says:

>Don’t sleep on the cancer, cardiovascular is getting all the attention now, but the cancers are more aberrant from my perspective.

Due to the “died suddenly” phenomenon. Cancer doesn’t make you drop dead out of the blue; if diagnosed with cancer, you still have some time to prepare for whatever may come. Dying suddenly is the result of cardiac issues. Another question is if the excess deaths reported are the result of cardiovascular issues alone or all cause mortality.

jim says:

And the answer is, we just don’t know the answer, because no one dares look for the answer.

Starman says:


“I’ve taken the two original Pfizer shots and one booster shot.”

Was that voluntary, or coerced?

gorzya says:

A difference without a distinction.

It’s almost never coercive in the sense of being forcibly injected.

It’s almost always coercive in the sense of overwhelming pressure to follow through.

Starman says:


“A difference without a distinction.

It’s almost never coercive in the sense of being forcibly injected.

It’s almost always coercive in the sense of overwhelming pressure to follow through.”[attempt at obfuscation detected]

Time for a yes or no question:

Were you forced by loss of job/starvation or forced by law to take, not only the two mRNA shots, but also the booster?

Yes, or no?

gorzya says:

Not total loss of job, but reduction in employment prospects.

Kunning Druegger says:

Answer the question vaxxie. You have no place to push back until you do, plastic veins.

gorzya says:

Loss of employment is the answer, whether that counts as coercion or not is open to your interpretation.

Are you still organizing OPSEC-compromising skype meetings, or do you only ask to meet reactionaries IRL, feddie?

Kunning Druegger says:

Yeah, but you aren’t invited because you’re a vaxxie. Maybe you’ll find someone interesting to talk with in the Vaxx Hospice or something.

Aryaman says:

It was easy to fake a vaccine card. It was even easier to take the single shot vaccine that they tried to suppress (that nonetheless did not work, and was still very bad for you, though probably not nearly as bad). And it was easier still to avoid the booster.

The whole thing was a choice, but the booster was really a choice.

gorzya says:

Easy in some countries, quite less easy in others with stricter enforcement and mandates.

pinochet's ghost says:

Threat of job loss is not “overwhelming pressure.” You were coerced but you were not forced. You made a decision to comply with a moderate threat.

gorzya says:

By the way, are you (a non-Christian slant-eyed gook) coerced to be in America in lieu of your ancestral homeland?

Yes or no.

Trump 2024 says:
Red says:

That’s extremely interesting.

Anon says:

What a valuable link.

Aryaman says:

Goes against every materialist impulse in my body to say it, but I think simply and genuinely recognizing you poisoned yourself will help somewhat. Other than that; live healthy, take some asprin, and avoid to the extent you can getting sick until it has been a while since your last injection. Anyway, that is all you can do.

If there were some material cure for the vax, there would not have been the vax. So don’t obsess over it either.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Okay that aspirin link is very interesting, thank you.

Maybe this is a good time to ask, what else to do if you get a cancer diagnosis? I know avoid sugar to begin with, and go off sugar and carbs completely and go high animal fat if you get a diagnosis. I would now add aspirin and E, from the linked article. I’ve heard megadose vitamin C, which runs up against uptake limits orally so look into intravenous.

Then a couple things I considered more fringe, ivermectin (?) and baking soda (conceivable, but sounds like you’d need a sympathetic doctor not just take a spoonful by mouth).

What else?

jim says:

It is plausible that ivermectin is effective against some cancers, because ivermectin kills a very large range of primitive eukaryotic organisms, and cancer cells revert to a more primitive state. But, of course, research on the matter has not been done, and one is likely to get into trouble if one does it.

If I had cancer, would immediately go on a diet of near zero carbs, low protein, and high animal fat (cheese and butter diet). Cancer cells have defective mitochondria, so are sugar dependent.

simplyconnected says:
Red says:

Baking soda is about the most effective anti acid instant heart burn relief and for cleaning stomach acid off your teeth after throwing up. I used to have very bad acid reflux and I found nothing worked as well as sipping a cup of water mixed with 1/4 teaspoon Baking soda.

It’s also super high in sodium. 1/4 teaspoon has around 1000mg sodium. Don’t over use.

simplyconnected says:

I had read 1/2 teaspoon morning, 1/2 before bed. I was increasing to more than a teaspoon so I will reduce dose. Thanks.

Red says:

Actually I was wrong, it’s a full teaspoon that’s 1200mg.

Cloudswrest says:

You can take 1000 mg of potassium bicarbonate instead of sodium bicarbonate. That’s what I take as part of my evening supplement stack. I brush my teeth with sodium bicarbonate every other day, and regular toothpaste on the other days.

Cloudswrest says:
Zach says:

Never heard the baking soda/cancer thing before. As a guy that stays on top of things, I’m almost blown away that I haven’t.

I brought the sugar/cancer connection to the mayo for discussion because I was dying from cancer and wanted to stop eating sugar. They found my arguments insufficient, and wanted meta studies. Thinking these studies would be numerous and all over the place, had problems finding any at the time. What?! Never revisited this topic. Anybody got any links for the sugar/cancer connection with more specificity than sugar=inflammation=cancer, route?

jim says:

We definitely know that cancer cells are universally or almost universally sugar dependent, because of reversion to more primitive state – they are unable to obtain energy from fats or ketones.

This is an obvious avenue of attack, but there is a strange reluctance to look into it.

Alfred says:

For those who are interested in learning more about this, look into the Warburg hypothesis. Cancer cells (near) exclusively generate energy via fermentation, not respiration. Warburg was a pre-WWII German doctor/biologist, FWIW.

The metabolic causes of disease and health in general seem to have fallen by the wayside after the war. If you read old medical texts at or before the early 20th century, you will come across many treatments and cures that research today has either decided are un-Scientific^TM tall tales and understands can’t be monetized.

For instance, I’ve heard of one that talks about a diet of exclusively raw milk for 4-6 weeks that could cure allergies and other autoimmune ailments. These sorts of things pop up often in Ray Peat’s writings as well.

jim says:

The collapse of science happened in proportion to distance from matters poz care about. Since biology and medicine closest, medical science was first to die.

DrRapeEat says:

According to Ray Peat, if you restrict glucose, cancer cells will still get glucose by increasing production of cortisol, destroying your muscles in the process.

Ray also seems to be a fan of the Warburg hypothesis, as Alfred mentioned.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Apropos of nothing:

AI streamers keep getting banned by trannyannies on converged platforms for holding up a mirror to the world.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Incidentally, one of the reasons why jannies are so often trannys, is since people actually familiar with and competent and enthusiastic about a hobby, are generally also going to spend most of their time simply doing and discussing that hobby with fellow hobbyists; leaving the space open for sadsacks who don’t really care about [thing] at all, and are just compulsively jumping at the chance for any kind of opportunity to exercise power over their neighbors, no matter how trivial.

Never make the mistake of failing to see just how self-serving spreading the idea of ‘noone good wishes to acquire power’ is for such types.

Red says:

What does the term jannies mean? I have a general idea of what it entails, but I missed out when it was first started popping up so I don’t believe I fully grasp it.

Don't Ask Me How I Know says:

Janitors on 4chan (who do it for free), or by extension, moderators in general.

BobtheBuilder says:

Low level moderators (who “””work””” for free) on 4chan are called janitors. This gets shortened to jannie, because it rhymes with tranny, which a lot of jannies are.

Red says:

Ha. I like that.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Basically a general term for figures with moderating powers in an organized community, especially if the community is pozed, and they are ‘volunteers’ doing it >for free.

It originally comes from 4chan where there is a position literally called ‘janitor’ that is something like a pack of discount moderators which was created to handle the scut work of moderation (like going through the report queue). They supposedly cannot ban people, but they can delete posts and fast track reports, so it’s always easy to tell if the person you’re shitting on in a thread is actually a butthurt janny.

There is a perennial tendency for administration of subcultural niches to fall into the hands of leftist faggots who don’t actually care about doing whatever it is that the group is nominally supposed to be about doing, precisely because there is nothing else they care about except getting those opportunities to experience having impact, and that they don’t spend their time on anything else except this precis.

You might find power to be a hassle, but it is your God-given duty to take it – or to push a man you respect into it – because no throne goes unoccupied; if not by you, then daemons will in your stead.

Red says:

You might find power to be a hassle, but it is your God-given duty to take it – or to push a man you respect into it – because no throne goes unoccupied; if not by you, then daemons will in your stead.

Pretty much the story of my life. I find leading a hassle, but when I’ve left it to others I found myself dealing with evil people in those slots causing endless trouble. So I do the pain in the ass work these days even though my talents are better suited for more technical work.

Kunning Drueger says:

Interesting phenomenon related to this: /k/, a formerly magical place, had a disproportionately high number of Hohol jannies. This was an open secret, and /k/ was always aggressively antagonistic to Russians, Russian military, and Russian equipment (but not the AK platform lel). When the SMO began, /k/ went off the deep end with GAE propaganda, above and beyond Zelensky cope. In their eternal struggle against the vatnick menace, they suddenly became pro-Biden, pro-Vaxx, and anti-racist. Shill saturation is always bad, even if the shills aren’t explicitly opposed to you.

BobtheBuilder says:

One can also observe the result of shill-compliance in the difference between /ugh/ and /chug/. Both started out full of pretty standard /pol/iticians, who happened to disagree on whether “Ukraine is full of Nazis, we are Nazis, therefore based” or “Putin is the enemy of globohomo, therefore based.” At this point /uhg/ has fully converged to globohomo, being full of NAFO cocksuckers, globalist apologists, and even vaccine advocates, while Azov-chan the mascot no longer has a swastika tattoo. They even started trying to lambast /chug/ for being full of time honored 4chanisms in other threads.

S says:

Not appearing for me. Anyone else having problems?

Red says:

It doesn’t play for me either.

Kunning Drueger says:

It takes an extremely long time to load. Suspiciously long, IMO, but I don’t know what “” is, so it could be a hosting issue.

Probably off topic, but did anyone else find it strange that the massive online archive of free books that had been online, rain or shine, for over a decade went down after “we” started posting links here? When it happened, my paranoia went dangerously high. I found that site via /lit/, so it’s not an obscure or unknown site. I’m sure it’s happenstance, but then again…

Red says:

Speculation: they left the online archives alone while they completed the shredding and burning of the old books from the libraries. Good men didn’t worry about it too much because they were all over the internet. Now they’re finishing the job.

Mr.P says:

> … they left the online archives alone …. Now they’re finishing the job.

Your speculation is solid. As recently as six months ago, I was able to find and download good-quality epub old books with little effort. Now, nothing. Simultaneously, interloan library copies are drying up fast.

jim says:

Yes, this is horrifying. They are burning the original paper copies, and erasing the internet copies. They are systematically destroying the past.

i says:


So unless someone has been archiving. What is the solution?

jim says:

There are a lot of people that are data hoarders, that have mega archives. Libgen is good, IPFS is good. Anna’s library is good. These people are doing good work. I should be doing it but I am lazy and busy.

I might get onto it after I rebuild my backup server, which is unfortunately currently dead. Libgen needs more IPFS duplication and we need to duplicate scans. Libgen stores primarily texts. The period of history that matters is history from when we had a kingly regime with a sane state religion, 1660 to 1820, and a record of our decline, 1820 to 1963, and put it up on IPFS, with the metadata in anna and libgen

Someone should be doing work on libgen’s metadata search functions, which suck mightily, but I have not thought about this, being focused on the blockchain problem.

Libgen is 33 terabytes. That is seven eight terabyte drives on a raid six system. Starlink has a soft data cap of one terabyte per month,so it would take an unreasonably long time to fully sync libgen, but most of that is not old books, but stuff we have small reason to care about.

Anna’s library has seven terabytes in addition to libgen, meaning eight eight terabyte drives on a raid 6 system. The trouble is that we would like to store the old stuff, which if lost is a devastating blow to our civilization, and the old stuff is not easily separable from the new. Forty terabytes is so much that what is important gets lost in the noise. We need preservation, and we need metadata. Metadata is hard.

If we had good date metadata, that would make the storage and download problem vastly easier. The threat is that the Cathedral wants to erase the memory that things used to be better.

Red says:

Personal archives. We’ll probably only be able to save a fraction of what’s being destroyed, but better than nothing.

Oog en Hand says:

Learn Hebrew, learn Arabic. Then read what matters.

jim says:

1660 to 1820, the state religion was sane, and had the advantage of more history than the writers of the Old Testament had, so English matters more.

i says:


I think not only should data be Digital. But also Analog. Just in case we may have a regression of tech to more primitive forms.

If it can be replicated on physical movable type. Then it could be as indestructible as the manifold Bibles printed in Europe that helped the Reformation.

The Internet is energy intensive. Information would need to be available in less energy intensive forms like the Old Books that are being disposed of right now.

jim says:

Analog would be printing all these books with ink containing carbon black on paper with with significant calcium carbonate impregnation. (acid free paper, iso 9706) That is a lot of paper, and a lot of ink. And you are going to want to print double sided, which requires that you separate documents rather than have one great continuous stream – you need physical metadata as well as physical data.

Metadata is the hard problem. Without metadata, a big pile of data is just rubbish. Libgen and Anna have a metadata crisis, and even once you have metadata, expressing metadata as physical documents is hard.

Carbon black inks last forever, and paper with significant calcium carbonate impregnation should last centuries. In theory, the standard cheap acid free stuff, ISO 9706, is expected to last five centuries or more assuming it never gets wet.

jim says:

Far more useful, and far more urgent, would be setting up an IPFS collaborative cluster for the the library, which currently does not exist.

Since the library is rather huge, a collaborative cluster for the subset of old data in the library would be extremely useful, rendering the data that the government most wants forever erased much harder to erase.

For most of the data, the issue is merely open access. For the old data, the issue is its very existence. A collaborative cluster would ensure it exists for as long as the technology survives – after that is secured, then we can worry about preservation against the failure of technology.

pinochet's ghost says:

There is need for a research and archive project for the time before printing.

This enemy is an order and it is literate. Neither orders nor literacy began with printing, only our ability to observe their operation.

We face the problems of the scarcity of manuscripts, difficulty of accessing them, and them being written in hieratic languages.

jim says:

The most important stuff, and the stuff that is in danger, is eighteenth and nineteenth century English texts.

What we need to preserve is every book edition that does not have an ISBN number, If it had copyright, or if anyone cared about the copyright, it would have an ISBN number. ISBN numbers primarily exist to track book copyright. If no ISBN number, no copyright, out of copyright, or nobody cares.

libgen is a pirate library, but in truth a non pirate library is a bigger threat to regime power because old books contain ideas the regime wants erased.

C4ssidy says:

Are those books plain text? Old books on all seem to be bad image scans (with the text version incomprehensible because the scan is so bad that the software won’t recognise the words correctly).

Even if plaintext, utf 8 is 8 bits or 256 options per letter. Most old books will not have strange characters. You could get away with six bits. For huge quantities of books what about lookup tables where the binary corresponds to a word directly. Compared to even six a letter, there are surely less than 64 possible one letter words , and less 64×64 or 2^12 two letter words and so on, even if the lookup table is large, it would presumably become worthwhile for large quantities of books. Words which are sufficiently rare or unique would just be attached separately in standard format and slotted in when loading

with some kind of label system separate from isbn that everyone agrees on you could build immutable agreement on what content each id actually contains, somehow make erasure of the past as difficult as double spending. We should be able to reference even a chapter down to a word number of literally any public domain text and have easily confirmable computerised agreement on what it was

pinochet's ghost says:

Out of copyright books can simply be transcribed and published on Amazon.

StJtMS says:

I’ve compiled and organized a personal collection of thousands of digital books, newsletters and pamphlets for just the reasons mentioned above. Heavy on history, culture, anthropology/race, lots on J€wish influence on society and history—things our great grandfathers probably knew but have been educated out of recent generations. Also includes classic novels and a solid classic children’s book collection including both kid’s fiction and non-fiction–books extolling virtues and values for youngsters via classic stories of Vikings, Romans, Spartans Celts and on and on, books that were once ubiquitous in English-speaking schools and homes. Lots of works on Europe and Western Civilization, Christianity and pre-Christianity and more, on probably every epoc, country and people. What I would consider a reaction library, including solid revisionist histories on the World Wars and on the Holocaust/holohoax and more.

A small number are from the range Jim mentioned–the collection needs bolstering in that range. Publishing dates here range probably mostly from mid/late 1800’s to 1960’s, 70’s or later in some worthy cases.

Most are PDF files but there are some epub and kindle azw and mobi (now apparently going away) files as well. Organized and essentially classified in a Windows folder structure with about 7,500 files and approx 45 GB. Regarding quality, most of what I’ve archived are good scans on which optical character recognition usually has high accuracy search rates in most cases across the collection. Maybe 75% of the content was originally from Through occasional content spot checks a lot of what I downloaded there is still available but yeah, I’ve noticed that a small percentage has already disappeared. Alarming but not surprising.

I’d love to share this collection widely. Currently stored on a local nas drive with redundancy back up but not yet in cloud. Happy to instead pay a hosting provider for safe storage at a site where anyone can download, however my fear with using an amazon web,, etc –even if on a paid plan—books could “disappear” by moderators searching for badthink. Any suggestions welcomed.

jim says:

The big thing is metadata, how do people find those books.

IPFS is the way to distribute unchanging data, such as books. But there are a bajillion things published on IPFS, and they might as well be buried on a desert island unless there is some way to find them.

Anna’s archive is an index of books, metadata, mostly stuff copyrighted by evil powerful quasi state corporations, the academic publishers, published on IPFS.

What is desirable, is curation. The metadata that some authority thinks this book is desirable and matters, the metadata that some authority thinks the book is relevant to such and such.

Pretty much everything that is under threat of being lost forever, is of value, and needs preservation is stuff that does not have an ISBN. If it is old, does not have an ISBN, almost certainly out of copyright everywhere and if it is in copyright somewhere, nobody cares – so we are worried about a different threat model to Anna’s archive and libgen.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There are many pomf clones out there which are used for popup file hosting. Catbox happens to be one of the oldest still continuously running, so lots of folks use it, especially folks around anonymous cambodian cave painting appreciation adjacent circles.

There are others that i happen to personally prefer with better background records, but which i won’t mention for reasons im hopefully sure you understand.

Kunning Druegger says:

But of course.

Aryaman says:

Loads fine for me, quickly.

Red says:

Off topic:

I was watching this Religion for Breakfast video talking about the Aryan Sky Father God:

We know very little about the original Aryan religion but Sky Father reminds me a bit of how God was worshiped after Eden and the Flood. Burnt sacrifices made in the open to the sky without an Idol.

Abraham was a Prophet of God, but I doubt he was the only Prophet of God running around. When he interacted with the Pharaoh of Egypt they seemed both to refer to the same God. That could be writer’s of Genesis making it relatable or it could be that it was the same God the Aryan’s worshiped. The Rulers of the Bronze age civilization being Aryans at this time.

i says:

The native Egyptian Dynasty drove out the Hyksos. And the introduction to Exodus says in which I paraphrase “A New King arose who didn’t know Joseph”.

Red says:

Both the “Native Egyptians” and the Hyksos were ruled by Aryans. The Hyksos were a bunch of Semitic boys an Aryan war band assembled to invade Egypt.

In a pre-history or a suppressed history(IE they don’t want to report it) it’s pretty clear that chariot riding Aryans conquered all the bronze age civilizations and became the ruling classes. We have genetic testing on Egyptian Pharaohs mummies and most of them seemed to be of Aryan stock. Hell the first Emperor of China was probably Aryan. The Chinese government refuses to open his tomb for pictures and genetic testing due stories of his non Han Characteristics.

jim says:

Yes, multiple references in the Old Testament to Abraham running into assorted worshipers of the One God. Seems like a completely routine and unremarkable thing. And we see military alliances on religious lines, so I am pretty sure that that, at least, was not the writers of Genesis making it relatable. The writers of genesis are writing in the frame that worship of the one god was widespread, normal and routine, and more importantly, we see stories that only make sense if it was indeed widespread, normal, and routine.

Jehu says:

Job is considered a non-Israelite prophet of the One God. Balaam also had dealings with the One God. Those are two I can think of right off hand cited in the OT.

i says:


God more specifically chose to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. Officially inaugurating the Nation of Israel at Mount Sinai when the Divine Glory manifested on its top. Where the design of the Tabernacle was shown and Tablets of Stone was given.

God waged War and preserved the Nation of Israel in the Levant from whom the Messiah will come.

And then go on the offensive to gather all followers of the One God under Jesus Christ. And the bring the demon worshippers who do repent into submission also.

Demon worship will have overtaken many people who once worshipped the One God. But for those who kept the faith they will embrace the One God in Jesus Christ.

The Gospel is about peeling people away from Demon Worship. But that makes the Demons angry who fights with God for followers.

pinochet's ghost says:

The Jews’ book is a pastiche of Sumerian-Babylonian mythology but the Genesis story is simply the story of a para-social gypsy tribe that targets the elite rather than the underclass i.e. the Jews. There’s nothing Aryan about it. If it hadn’t been stabled to the New Testament, Aryans would never have found anything appealing about this story of fraud and betrayal.

jim says:

You appear to be a Jew and a feminist. All your criticisms of Jews come from the frame we those Jews are just so much smarter than you we dumb Goyim cattle. You will not accept or respond to criticisms of Jews made from a different frame, and those criticisms seem to upset you as if they were personal.

The Bronze age collapsed in the mass movements of heavily armed refugees. Fast breeding nomadic herder peoples who retained the old patriarchal social technology overran the decadent civilized people who were suffering, as Ipuwer laments, and as Exodus records, from massive failure to reproduce.

The Hebrews, recently nomadic, and respectful of the ways of their forefathers, reverted to nomadic herding. But because they were led by two renegade Egyptian priests, kept literacy, while all the other peoples who overran Bronze Age civilization either never had literacy, or they lost it – viewing it as a trick of tax collectors, usurers, and demon worshiping sex pervert priests.

Thus the Hebrews alone preserved the healthy social technology of those that overran Bronze Age civilization in writing, while all the other peoples lost it.

The important elements of that social technology is that private property is endorsed, coveting is condemned, and women are entirely property of their husband and remain the property of the husband’s family should they be widowed – transfer of daughters to wives is total, complete, and permanent.

These were the key elements of Aryan social technology, and it is this that you are opposing, particularly when you endorse recently existent Nazism.

Today, coveting is a holy sacrament, abortion is a holy sacrament, because it emancipates women and gives them total control of reproduction, and women are equal to men except that they are a lot more equal.

The social technology preserved in the Old Testament is damned good social technology, the best stuff, and those that adopted it flourished, and those that failed to adopt it were conquered or vanished. Which is why the Christians won, and the pagans lost.

pinochet's ghost says:

Aryans are northern people evolved to be cooperative because sometimes that’s necessary to survive harsh winters, warfare too expensive, etc. Jews are a not. This isn’t a general intelligence advantage but it’s a competitive advantage in scamming. Most scammers target idiots, or perhaps just most scammers that get caught. The Joseph story’s message is: scam for the jugular.

The Hexateuch was probably written no earlier than the 6th century BC by a population that was at that time living in Babylon. Some of the other books were written much later and contain material that is more appropriate to a state.

jim says:

Warfare too expensive my ass. Aryans were organized as a warrior aristocracy. Their social order was built around war. Whites are wolf to whites, always have been, always will be.

It is obvious that Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges were written before they had a Kingly state – they are written from within the frame of the people they describe, not written from within the frame of a people that live in a centralized state. Therefore written long before the exile in Babylon. If written at the time of Samuel, events would have been shoehorned into the frame of people accustomed to a more centralized religion. If written after the time of Samuel, shoehorned into the frame of people accustomed to more centralized governance. The people who wrote those books tend to assume that some centralized governance is normal and desirable, but don’t expect it to be a big factor in human affairs, or that it will reliably be around.

The problems with Jews are not that they are equipped with powerful mind control rays.

1. That they are foreigners, eternal exiles, so the the treasonous native elite hires them to do the the dirt on their native subjects, and then piously says “hey, it is not us, it is those horrid Jews”.

Which is very much what you are saying.

Notice that the areas where Jews are traditionally disproportionately successful are areas dependent on state power, the quasi statal sector such as finance, or areas essential for state power, such as Hollywood. Traditionally they were the King’s sponges, mopping up money from the peasants and “lending” it to the King, who never repaid it, and estate managers for absentee aristocratic landlords who were in the capital kissing the King’s arse. The absentee aristocratic landlord would hire a Jew, not because Jews are so terribly clever, but for fear a native would get too friendly with the peasants. Absent backing from hostile and corrupt native governing elites, Jews are not all that disproportionately successful in science, engineering, and business. They are disproportionately successful in academia, finance, and media. Jews are not artists, but art committees dispensing grants are full of Jews. If you see a giant stone turd in the public square, it is your taxes being dispensed by Jews to “artists”.

2. Legalism, following the letter of the law to evade the spirit. The Talmud is a gigantic collection of overly clever lawsuits against God, and if you have a bet or a contract with Jew, or a Jew makes you a promise, he is apt to come up with an overly clever interpretation of that bet, contract, or promise. Which is as much a problem for Jews dealing with Jews as it is for anyone else dealing with Jews. They lost the diamond trade because Jewish cohesion declined when they emancipated their women and introduced rabbinical divorce at female whim, while Jews cheating each other continued.

3. They hate Christ, Christians,and Christianity. Thus Zelensky persecutes the Church, and today, as in the Crusades, they side with Muslims against the Christians, even though the Muslims have usually treated them vastly worse than the Christians did. They invited the Muslims into France, and the Muslims are now chasing them out of France. This foolish self destructive hatred is the curse of the Christ killers, the eternal blood guilt of the Jews. The art they fund with your money is an expression of that hatred.

Anon says:

“It is obvious that Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges were written before they had a Kingly state – they are written from within the frame of the people they describe,”

Who “they had a kingly”?
are you talking about Aryans or Hebrew.
Are ancient hebrew Aryans? Was the OT written by Aryans?

jim says:

Literacy disappeared throughout the world in the Bronze age collapse except for Israel, Egypt, and Assyria. Israel kept literacy because founded by renegade Egyptian priests. So they alone recorded to social order and history of the people who overran Bronze Age civilization. So we would expect at least some of their books to be very old indeed. Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges, look very old indeed. They reflect the social order, and are written from the point of view, of people who lived after the disappearance of Bronze Age civilization with its big cities and strong states, and before the rise of iron age civilization with its big cities and strong states. Hence Judges, and all or most books prior to Judges, probably written before Solomon’s Kingdom, long before the Babylonian exile.

Book of Jonah shows knowledge of the details of Assyria’s capital, hence must have been written when that capital still existed. Writer must have been there, or spoken to someone who was there, possibly Jonah. Hence written before the Neo Babylonian empire existed, hence written before the exile in Babylon.

Stories that have the books of the bible written up long after the events depicted really make no sense. They are power speaking to truth There are lots of little details in there confirmed by modern archaeology that someone writing late would be unlikely to know.

The Iranians and the Kurds were originally Aryan, are today browner than the Jews. The Kurds recall their ancestors as fair skinned and fair haired, so likely the Hebrews were fair skinned and red headed.

Oog en Hand says:

The Christians did outbreed the Roman pagans, but it was the Roman pagans who married 30-year old men to 12-year old virgins. Combined with monogamy, this lead to an oversupply of young virgins, which lead to female infanticide, which lead to demographic implosion.

Orthodox Jews are now making the very same mistake, monogamy combined with age gap. Too many females left over. Within Hindu society this is going on for some time as well, monogamy, age gap, and resulting female infanticide. Muslims do not have the same problems due to polygamy. Muslims outbreed Hindus.

i says:

The problem is not with age gap(except if the Man is like 50+). But acceptance of abortion. Christians considered abortion as murder.

Plus Romans if Rodney Stark’s Book “Triumph of Christianity” is to be believed. Married Men to prepubertal females partly because of the lack of women as a result of infanticide.

And the premature marriage of girls before puberty is liable to lead to dysfunction down the line.

Oog en Hand says:

“the lack of women as a result of infanticide”

If both sexes are aborted/infanticided, no imbalance results. Cf. abortion in China/India vs abortion in the West/Russia. It is true, however, that they tried to remedy the lack of nubile females by marrying even younger females, creating a downward spiral.

i says:

Exactly. Because of the ban on infanticide. And more disproportionate conversion of women to the religion.

This meant that more older women got married because of said surplus. And the downward spiral of marrying even younger females was remedied.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>Combined with monogamy, this lead to an oversupply of young virgins

This is just flatly wrong. It’s what some men want to hear but not what’s real, and there’s a fringe wing of the red-pilled sphere that needs to get over it. Births of men and women are pretty near equal, slight oversupply of boys at birth, which gets corrected by greater male mortality to a slight oversupply of women – on the order of a percent, maybe two, depending on era and society.

That percent or two is easily soaked up by the very richest keeping a mistress on the side. As you go farther into legal polygamy you’ve got spare single males up to trouble (Islam’s model), up to the screw them over and dump them model of America’s underground fringe of polygamists.

>monogamy combined with age gap

In other words, what the Anglo-sphere did back when things were working for us. The math works out as long as each generation has an age gap. This is not hard.

Age gap just means women get married while still plausibly virgin (and not even always then, but at least without carouseling too bad) while men trade having to wait and get established for being plausibly high status to their new wives. It’s not the worst trade to make, especially compared to what we’re doing now.

>female infanticide

Not due to literally extra females, due to demon worship on the spiritual plane, economics requiring a male heir to support you on the physical plane. Female infanticide in any amount always leads to excess males and insufficient females, which disproves the female surplus theory.

Oog en Hand says:

“As you go farther into legal polygamy you’ve got spare single males up to trouble (Islam’s model), up to the screw them over and dump them model of America’s underground fringe of polygamists.”

Muslims are powerful enough to dump single males into Europe, making it OUR problem, not THEIRS.

Let us assume an age gap of ten years. Generation A has 100 males and 100 females, generation B, ten years younger, has 150 males and 150 females, assuming growing population. Then 100 A males are able to marry 150 B females. This means 50 B females will go without husband.

i says:

Let us assume an age gap of ten years. Generation A has 100 males and 100 females, generation B, ten years younger, has 150 males and 150 females, assuming growing population. Then 100 A males are able to marry 150 B females. This means 50 B females will go without husband.

Depending on how physically attractive they are. Or how good is their character. It isn’t too much of an issue.

Some women are best left unmarried because of bad character, mental health issues or too unattractive physically.

Also in reality its unlikely there is such a thing as your scenario where everyone has a 10 yr age gap.

Medieval Europe had this feature:

That left a portion of women unmarried.

Kunning Druegger says:

>Muslims are powerful enough to dump single males into Europe, making it OUR problem, not THEIRS.

This presupposes that the Muslims knew about or were counting on a significant faction of the European Elites actively importing shitskin males, which is retarded. Muslim society always generates too many young men, and in the past, this meant big and bigger potential armies for piracy, slave raiding, and conquest. If Europe had a virtuous elite, there would be no shitskin importation, regardless of what muzzie rulers think/want. Arabs can’t win wars, Muslims have wave assaults and slave (prisoner) conversion.

Aryaman says:

Muslims in India are not polygamous but their women do not go to college nearly as much as Hindu women do, which explains the fertility gap. College both directly inhibiting reproduction, and also indicating convergence to western progressive norms.

Anyhow you do not have too many females leftover given how many women died giving birth.

raisin says:

Bit of drama summarized from a forum I follow:
Man is (he thinks) happily married. Wife announces she’s divorcing him and taking up with one of his best friends (immediately promoted to ex-friend). A few weeks pass during which acrimonious divorce talk happens. Wife discovers she’s pregnant (it is later genetic-testing verified that it is indeed Man’s and not Friend’s). Man comments to third party that he is going to wait for the child to be born and then kill wife and child. Third party, horrified, calls cops.

There’s a lot to unpack here on multiple levels but I’m wondering what the Jimian take on the situation is – not so much the divorce, that much I can figure out for myself, but the man’s reaction to it.

jim says:

Were I to find myself in that situation, not going to kill my child nor his mother. Taking care of a small child is very hard for a man, and no one is ever going to do it as well as the biological mother.

In the unlikely event ex friend wants to raise my child and hang with a cheating women, punishment enough. Might kill him for contributing to wifely misbehavior

But chances are that ex wife will discover that her new boyfriend is disinclined to spend a whole lot of time with used goods and someone else’s child, that ex wife is making a catastrophic and irreversible mistake. Taking care of a small child is very tough, and taking care of a fatherless child a whole lot tougher. And she will very likely belatedly remedy that mistake by allowing an unfortunate accident to happen to her child. Fatherless kids are at very high risk of unfortunate accidents.

In which case …

Red says:

Murder suicides of entire families happen a lot over such cases. I think it’s biological response to total genetic failure, IE the genes must all be bad due to the observed dysfunction thus, remove them all.

Jim’s take is the correct way to handle it, though killing him in front of her would be ideal(General Butt naked cred) but no way she could stop from bragging about the killing later. Best to handle such things in a desecrate manner and never talk about killing someone you are thinking about killing.

Adam says:

>I think it’s biological response to total genetic failure,

Just speculating… total genetic failure would be immediate and obvious a upon birth. I think the cases of familycide are more due to a lifetime of “responsible” behavior by the man, conservative behavior, cuck behavior. A lifetime of progressive mediocrity and gay marriage, and the cheating wife just pushes one over.

Blacks don’t seem to do this as often as middle and upper middle class whites. Jeremy Meeks doesn’t do this. It always seems to be nice guy beta bucks that snaps.

Red says:

When a mother kills all her young(I’ve seen it both with insane dogs and insane humans) it’s a good indication that her genetics where fucked up and should not be passed on.

Suicide by young men is generally because they can’t find a tribe or a wife, which a good indicate of genetic unfitness in our ancestral environment. It’s a dysfunction today because young men are being tortured out of natural patterns leading to built in evolutionary programs being fired when they should not be.

Likewise I think when a man kills his entire family he’s executing a genetic program to remove his bad genes from the gene pool. The program isn’t appropriate for the situation, rather he should kill his wife and the man fucking her. He does not do so because that would render him an outcast from the modern tribe. So it takes a awhile for men suffering in this intolerable conditions until he executes the wrong genetic program that ends the entire family.

Ash says:

If it is genetically his child than instinctively it is unlikely he would want to commit any killings..

This scenario is based on divorce which is likely money related. A very important rule during transactions (such as paying for labour, or having any sort of account shared with another male), or any other legal dealings is to not steal or take money off a man. money can make people crazy, and some will resort to murder in order to get their pound of flesh (metaphorically)

SJ says:

Rectification of names. The man ‘thought’ he was married but he was not, he was cargo cult married. I’m sure his ‘wife’ wore a white dress but did not bleed when he was the next man in the long line of men to pump a load into her. I’m sure his ‘wife’ was walked down the marriage aisle by her father who cargo cult acted the way a patriarch acts when he transfers ownership of his young virgin daughter to her husband even though no such thing is happening. It is not a woman’s fault that our men are no better than jungle nogs building statues of planes.

So said man needs to realize that he was not even married and has likely fathered a bastard. Fathering bastards is a normal thing for a man to do and fucking sluts is also normal. The man needs to rectify names as the problem exists inside his own mind where he has been living in a cargo cult of patriarchy.

The good news is that this is entirely the man’s fault which means he can fix these issues and, if he so desires, can break the law and have a real marriage with a different slut in the future. He will likely get child support but that can be minimized by an intelligent man. One way is to look and see whom women do not try to get child support from and act like that man. Doing so I was able to get one ex slut that fathered one of my bastards to agree to the legal state minimum. The path to do this is to appear as a slut fucker to the slut so that she will feel good about bearing your bastard. Slut fucker being what you guys call an alpha, though actual slut fuckers are typically retarded criminals with 75 IQs.

Western Taliban says:

That worthless whore said “until death do us apart”, she wants to be apart, she can be dead. But the child is his own blood, I’m not sure it’s “morally acceptable” to kill him.

As for what is most pragmatic, of what others have said I like SJ’s solution the best. You kinda take it on stride and move on to better things, it’s probably for the best so that you do not invest time or energy into a game rigged from the start.

What jim is saying is unclear to me, if you don’t kill the worthless whore while trying to stick around she is going to hold the child over you like a weapon for the rest of her life using the State to cuck you over and over. The child you’re invested in will grow up experiencing a revolving door of strange man after strange man plowing your ex-wife on likely the house that will be taken from you. Every visitation you’ll have to beg and unman yourself and she will take everything from you, every fucking penny, every shred of dignity that she can, and depending on the jurisdiction and judge it might be all. And she will also likely brainwash the kid to hate you and be a faggot tranny to spite you.

If you wanna keep the child the whore needs to die quietly so you have full rights over your child. Otherwise walk away. In any case do not kill the child.

i says:

Voxday has a post up about this very thing:

Many of the Clownworld leaders are sacrificed to the mob who will arise to burn down the government responsible for the mass deaths caused by the Jab.

The Hypothesis also goes that the real Rulers will then come to the rescue.

jim says:

The story sounds like bullshit to me, because it is smart powerful people implementing a rational self interested program.

Looks more like demonic self destructive evil and madness.

notglowing says:

The story requires you to believe that the vaccine is

A. Extremely deadly
B. Pushed by the scientist class in good faith, and not due to religious zeal
C. The side effects were a complete surprise to them, and not just something they brushed aside in the same of a sacrifice to covid

All this orchestrated by someone extremely smart, and calculating, from the outside.
It’s an absurd story. Furthermore, if this happened, those elites would not necessarily win. It’s a rational self interest plan but one that would likely result in their destruction in practice.

simplyconnected says:

I was skeptical of this take because:
1) how do they know that the population will trust the new world government once trust in all other institutions (politicians, doctors, professional associations, academia, media, judiciary, police..) is gone?
2) too many steps, if one goes wrong the whole thing fails.

jim says:

Someone notices our elite is on a suicidal course.

Confabulates a conspiracy with rational motives. Suicide seldom has rational motives.

simplyconnected says:

I’m finding it hard to wrap my head around their insane actions. Should stop trying to make sense of it.

notglowing says:

Too many otherwise redpilled people think like that. They rationalize everything the elite do.

I have seen where this thinking ultimately leads. It leads to thinking the elite are, in fact, right, and the goyim are stupid and deserve their fate.

It’s an insidious idea.

simplyconnected says:

Point taken. With that said, here’s what I think is happening, based on what they themselves are saying:
* they agree with Malthus’ premise, and conclude population must be culled, and if insufficiently culled must be under a “strong dictatorship” (Dennis Meadows)
* Club of Rome members have said if they have some control over the world then it’s their responsibility to take action at the level of whole planet (because individual countries won’t address the issues).

I neither agree with their premise nor with the way the intend to carry it out.
It is natural to attempt to understand what their plan is. One can then reach the conclusion that their plan is insane and evil. I don’t see the problem.

S says:

“* they agree with Malthus’ premise, and conclude population must be culled, and if insufficiently culled must be under a “strong dictatorship” (Dennis Meadows)”

They don’t believe that. They vax was aimed at whites and asians with below replacement tfr.

“* Club of Rome members have said if they have some control over the world then it’s their responsibility to take action at the level of whole planet (because individual countries won’t address the issues).”

That has existed in its current form for a while; the first world marches in lockstep with orders from AMerica.

simplyconnected says:

> They don’t believe that. They vax was aimed at whites and asians with below replacement tfr.

I can’t claim to understand these people, but I think they claim something to the effect that the west is the worst offender to the demons of CO2 and weather change.

The Cominator says:

The most hilariously wrong thing here (I sort of believe that the real elite is going to blame some managerial middlemen like the Jews for all their recent malignancy and failures) is the idea that Fauci is some sort of well intentioned boob.

FrankNorman says:

As opposed to him being an evil intentioned boob?

Kunning Drueger says:

Fauci is the ideal manager. You may not survive it, but he is what peak managerial management looks like.

Aidan says:

Reigniting a debate from an older thread, Swedish docility cannot be explained by the founder effect of the Vikings. Sweden had the highest rates of murder in the Middle Ages. I still blame Charles XII.

Pax Imperialis says:

Were the Vikings more docile or less docile than Middle Ages Swedes? Viking colonization clearly started a downward trend for those left behind. The Viking colonizers quickly integrated themselves among the conquered populations and lost the extended family structure. That indicates low levels of clannishness and high levels of individuality among the colonizers.

The Vikings weren’t dutiful soldiers selflessly sacrificing themselves for their people; they were mercenaries who, when it really came down to it, cared first and foremost for their own selfish gain.

Replace Vikings for English and you’ve got a good description of English trade companies.

Your link doesn’t show high rates of murder in Scandinavia, a form of individual violence. It shows high rates of death from clan based warfare by competing would be authorities under ritualized traditions that were respected and followed. This is selfless organized violence which requires submission to a higher authority and willingness to follow instruction, in other words docility. The Scandinavian problem being there were too many authorities in the same political culture space.

Your source also says:

Wergeld died out last in Scandinavia and this suggests that early modern Scandinavians must have been extremely immobile

Immobile indicates domestication.

It also says:

There is one place in medieval Europe where vendettas were very rare and this is in England.

The place that the Vikings were coincidentally most successful at colonizing.

Oog en Hand says:

“This is selfless organized violence which requires submission to a higher authority and willingness to follow instruction, in other words docility.”

The Taliban is docile…

Pax Imperialis says:


Taliban members were ready to accept control or instruction to such an extent they were willing to strap on explosives and turn into pink mist. I would say that’s a good example of extreme submissiveness to Allah.

Aidan says:

Come on man, that’s just jewing over semantics. I don’t describe a people that engages in blood feuds as docile, period. We can say that Sweden became less individualistic from Viking founder effect, because immobile and tied to large extended families, but engaging in collective violence to solve local problems is exactly the kind of behavior I was talking about being bred out by Charles XII’s wars, and I presented clear evidence of it existing after the Vikings but before the great northern war.

Being disagreeable and having a tendency to defect does not map onto capacity to engage in violence. Plenty of cowardly little shits and sleazes who defect. Because these types are not captured in the system, today we correlate defection with violent crime, but the sneaky fucker was if anything more likely to end up dead in a ditch in medieval times.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m not playing semantics. I think you’re getting tripped up by the word ‘docile’ and the connotation.

A lot of military training is centered around removing the individual such that they are able to subordinate self-interest to follow orders. Trained docility. I know it’s really hard to think of soldiers as docile, but that’s what they are. They freeze immediately when told to freeze. They shoot immediately when told to shoot. You are likely familiar with such behavior being described as highly disciplined, but look at the definition of disciplined (in the military sense) and see it’s very similar to docile.

Ok, so lets stop using the word ‘docile’ and use ‘disciplined’ in its place.

Individualism does not coexist well with discipline. They are nearly opposite but not quite. Both individualistic people and disciplined people are capable of collective violence, but the nature of the violence and the collective is very different.

It’s very hard to convince an individualistic cowboy to put on a suicide vest and blow himself up to attack the enemy. Much easier to convince a highly disciplined Japanese or Taliban member in contrast. Disciplined people are able to allow themselves be subsumed by the group’s desires against their own self interests. That is how you get blood feuds. Two groups of highly disciplined people locked in a tit for tat war. It’s not about the individual but the group. Individuals don’t do blood feuds. They do eye for an eye frontier justice and if need be will form a posse to carry it out. A posse is very different from a clan.

The Vikings were proto-cowboys. Individualistic, mercenary, bold, and adventurous. They were not a disciplined professional military. They were mobile bandits. That Sweden lost nearly all its Vikings to colonization means they lost nearly all their individualistic genes.

Charles XII’s wars were possible because the population that was left behind from colonization were the highly disciplined sorts required for line infantry warfare. That he nearly got all of them killed merely means the future generation was a combination of the surviving disciplined and cowards. What that looks like I suppose is people who will follow rules but will fight for nothing. In a modern nation where violence is theoretically cosigned to the dustbin of history, that means you have a bunch of docile model citizens. In practice it means suicide by Muslim immigration.

Kunning Drueger says:

Rectification of Memes
A successful warband has to be disciplined on some axis, otherwise they can’t accomplish things like sailing a ship or planning an ambush. Viking leaders controlled their longboat, and great Vikings controlled many longboats. There’s discipline in the mix whenever coordination is evidenced. I am not saying Vikings == Imperial Japanese Navy.

Red says:

Very few of the Japanese Suicide Pilots were volunteers. It was either do the mission or be executed for cowardice. Same thing with Banzai charges. The primary reason the Japans were so cruel to the people they captured was to ensure that Japanese troops could never surrender without being executed by the Americans.

The Japanese military was famously undisciplined and poorly coordinated at every level. During the attack on Midway the sub screen that was suppose to to watch for the carriers leaving Perl was left 2 days late and no one told Yamamoto or Nagumo that they were out of position.

Aidan says:

Now we’re getting somewhere. But I reject the premise of “individualism”. Higher testosterone actually makes men more cooperative with their ingroup, and Vikings, cowboys, mongols, waged warfare as a collective endeavor. The Bantu might have waged war as a “crowd of individuals” but the Viking did not. Refer to the shield wall.

We can certainly talk about having an adventurous disposition, the warrior versus the soldier, and that debate has been had many times, but contra BAP, the adventurous and ambitious man has to be very good at collective, not just individual, action, which also requires discipline. Cooperation versus defection is on a different axis from being adventurous versus a homebody.

The conscripted soldier is made docile and disciplined by military training over a few months. The born warrior is raised that way, trained his entire life to have that discipline. Cortez’ conquistadors were a gallery of criminals and rogues, always squabbling, but when they fought, perfect discipline. Discipline is not predictive of a man being unadventurous.

I am willing to accept that the Viking settlements drained Sweden of adventurousness, but the fact is that local clannish violence remained, and stopped after the GNW, which indicates that violence in general was bred out of the population, regardless of other factors.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’ve been meaning to get back to this conversation, but I’ve been having a slow burn conversation with a progressive Catholic theologian. Pretty disturbing mind fuckery going on.

>I reject the premise of “individualism”

Special Forces (which Vikings have been compared to), Wagner Group are clearly individualistic types that can cooperate and cooperate well. They are not disciplinarians squabbling over every single IP on their uniform nor how scruffy their beards are. That allows them time and cultural acceptance to find creative solutions that standard military can’t develop until they’ve attrited through several tens of thousands of men.

Maybe “individualism” isn’t quite the right word, I’m admittedly stumbling around in the dark to describe something that is sublime. I think there is something similar to start-up culture in these groups. They are not strictly warriors. Sort of like how there are warrior priests in military IC, Vikings and Special Forces are like warrior entrepreneurs(?) I’m not sure that’s quite right.

>Cortez’ conquistadors were a gallery of criminals and rogues, always squabbling, but when they fought, perfect discipline.

There’s a linguistic problem at work. Discipline is associated with perfectly bloused boots and cleanly shaved faces. Many would look at those men and see squalid rabble. Clearly they weren’t for they fought with high discipline. So there are two types of discipline.

S says:

The distinction is soldiers as automatons and with autonomy. 18th century Prussian soldiers and 20th century Prussian soldiers respectively. Soldiers who are expected to execute instructions precisely and ones who are expected to use individual judgement and initiative on the battlefield.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The man who can be trusted to act alone and the man who can be trusted to lead others is basically the same man. The quality you are looking for is natural nobility; high world-formation capacity, low time preference, emotional continence.

i says:

Those who can never grasp the bigger picture have no capacity to rise in rank.

pinochet's ghost says:

I’m unsure Swedes are docile. They’re just herd creatures. If the herd tells them to slaughter you, they will do so without regard to you.

Same as Japanese. Are they the same people as in the WWII? Biologically yes

Although the Swedish death rate in wars in Germany and Russia was much proportionally higher, doesn’t matter as much when the man has left five children behind with the wife on the farm while the draft dodger got executed. Were draft dodgers actually the more re-productively successful?

Of course in “1-2 kid at age 35” world of today, such a war would destroy much warrior male genetics.

jim says:

> Of course in “1-2 kid at age 35” world of today, such a war would destroy much warrior male genetics.

For a social order to survive, needs sons. For sons, needs virgin marriage at reasonable age – as soon as the man is earning a steady income, and as soon as the woman is capable of bearing children without detrimental consequences.

In the long run, clown world will fall to such people. I hope and pray for this to happen in a considerably shorter run. Taliban succeeded, but they had a foreign backer.

Taliban was, however, completely willing to fight for centuries, that was their backup plan.

chris says:

You should read “The Past is a Future Country” by Edward Dutton / theJollyHeretic

It’s a quick read and he goes through the current selection pressures and fertility rates and how in the long run clown world will fall to such people.

Kunning Druegger says:

I find that man’s simpering affect unlistenable, but he’s absolutely brilliant and /ourguy/ in academia, far more based than Academic Agent, who is no slouch. I need to read his books, but every time I listen to Dutton talk, I start cheering for the Sepoys.

Interesting theory, but how do you explain how suffered a similar level of casualties in WWI without being docilized in the same way.

Sorry for the typo. Referring to Serbia.

IGnatius T Foobar says:

> “Covid viruses have been around since forever,”

I think you mean coronaviruses. The china-engineered and obama-funded “covid” virus is one of many coronaviruses.

jim says:

Nah, I mean Covid. There are tons of Corona viruses, and many, many, of them are Covid viruses.

Yul Bornhold says:

None of you understand the nuances of conservative Christian bluepill on the WQ. I was there. I’ll tell you.

CC do not understand woman’s sexual nature. They do understand the broader secular/popular idea of casual sex/hookup culture/serial monogamy/partners*/etc as an attack upon Christianity.

CCs reject the Hollywood/Playboy idea that women just want to be sluts and sleep around casually because they can see it’s not true. (And, truly, women do not want to casually sleep around with just any guy. They want sex with hot alphas and is serious business to them, not casual. Women very selective.)

CCs fight back against Playboy bluepill with Victorian bluepill. From redpill perspective, bviously doomed to failure. Victorian bluepill collapsed into Playboy bluepill. Second stage of a failure mode.

Since I was involved in CC circles, has probably gotten a lot worse but I no longer have first hand info. Point is that CCs are trying to fight promiscuity by elevating (worshiping) women. (See Dalrock.) They have no conception of redpill. You try to tell them and they can only filter it through Playboy bluepill. They will not be able to understand what you’re saying, much less disagree. It’s not that they’re shills. It’s that they lack the necessary conceptual framework.

And this, in turn, comes from the notion of equality. They believe that women are equal to men. Not surprising. Protestantism, and democratic government for that matter, are predicated on egalitarianism. In the same way as democratic government has over time jettisoned more and more of its unprincipled exceptions, expanding the franchise to blacks, women, etc.; so has Protestantism over time become more and more devoted to universal equality. We go from John Knox’s FIRST BLAST OF THE TRUMPET AGAINST THE MONSTROUS REGIMENT OF WOMEN to conservative dad’s being SO PROUD of their daughters joining the military.

This kind of thinking has, of course, spread to Catholicism, Orthodoxy and other non-Protestant forms of Christianity. It’s like the Czar instituting democratic governance in the form of the Duma. He doesn’t realize he’s admitted an alien memeplex that will destroy him in the end.

Yul Bornhold says:

What we can call the based memeplex, originates on the internet. It comes from PUA, gamers, demi-jews inventing new ideologies in the garage, etc. It does not come from Christians.

However, individual Christians, young men, privately and independently examine these ideas. They find, for example, that the redpill on WQ is emphatically not the same as what I earlier called the Playboy bluepill. More importantly, the redpill agrees with or is at least very similar to historical Christian teachings that the young Christians were previously unable to comprehend. They realize that egalitarianism is an alien graft to Christianity.

In my case, I converted to Orthodoxy for theological reasons, not because it was based. However, I’ve found that substantial amounts of male converts share the same internet-memeplex culture. If someone says “repeal the 19th,” everyone else will immediately understand him and find the statement amusing. Obviously, there’s a selective bias to this kind of cultural formation.

But even the “repeal the 19th” guys suffer from significant and lingering elements of bluepill. Jim-Aidan are the only thinkers who have laid out the necessary redpill complete and unabridged. People on twitter like Zero HP understand it but they can only summarize and propagandize. They can’t lay it out full-form for consideration.

Anonymous says:

It’s that they lack the necessary conceptual framework.

Seen first hand in the Spank Your Wife blogger’s discussion with Jim and co.

BobtheBuilder says:

Link? I want to see this.

jim says:

> They have no conception of redpill. You try to tell them and they can only filter it through Playboy bluepill. They will not be able to understand what you’re saying, much less disagree. It’s not that they’re shills. It’s that they lack the necessary conceptual framework.

The necessary conceptual framework is right there in the Old Testament, and is cheerfully referenced and summarized in the New Testament by Peter and Paul. Which summary used to be preached at every marriage. Woman was made as a helpmeet for man. And the meaning of this rather cryptic statement is clarified at length, at considerable length, by a multitude of Old Testament laws and stories about women.

Why is this a problem? I do not understand that they do not understand. We had coverture, which would make the Taliban blush, not so very long ago.

I seem to just get away with confidently expressing the Christian position as I understand it, and just don’t seem to run into any cuckservative Christian pushback. Maybe a sense of cognitive dissonance causes cuckservative Christians to shy away from such discussion and evade it. Maybe they do not hear me because of doublethink and cognitive dissonance. But whatever the reason, zero Christian pushback. Some cucked orthodox Jewish pushback, we have had in this blog two Jews telling me that the twenty first century Orthodox Jewish position is ancient.

I was talking in real life with a Roman Catholic priest, who proudly told me how the Roman Catholic Church cucked out shortly after it broke from Orthodox Christianity (Or as he saw it, Orthodox Christianity broke from the Pope) I then proceeded to express the Christian position on women. I felt his dismay, but got no pushback.

Jehu says:

If you’re talking to Christians who actually know their Bible, they’re not pushing back because they know you’re right. They know damned well what a straightforward reading of Paul and Jesus and Moses says about men and women. They’re just afraid to say it themselves. Many are even afraid to think it themselves.

Adam says:

After talking the the priest, did you get the vibe “He knows, I know he knows, he knows I know he knows”? As in he was not a true believer but in fact completely aware of his con?

I wonder how many in the priesthood start true believers, very blue and purple pilled, and upon a mid-life reflection come to realize their understanding and their teaching is false, their organization is corrupt, and decide to use their position to take advantage of the next generation of unsuspecting believers.

jim says:

> after talking the the priest, did you get the vibe …

I got a feeling consistent with Jehu’s account of the problem. The Roman Catholic Priest knew the Christian position was true, and the Roman Catholic position false, but could not say what he knew, or even think what he knew. He did not push back because his mind froze up.

Oog en Hand says:

It could be well that the posiition of Paul is compatible with the Roman model of thirty-something men marrying young teenage virgins, but that is NOT what outbred the Roman Pagans. Consider the possibility that a Post-Christian religion, i.e. Roman Catholicism defeated both Roman and Germanic Paganism. ALL deviations from the Pauline model by Roman Catholics seem to be designed NOT to fall in the demographic trap of the Roman Empire.

Note: the Saxons e.a. could not discover the Post-Christian nature of Charlemagne because they did not know Latin. Even then, Charlemagne used a lot of cyphers in order to prevent Saxons from reading Frankish stuff.

FrankNorman says:

It’s been my understanding that Charlemagne himself could not read or write.

Oog en Hand says:

He learned to read in adulthood. He liked to read Civitate Dei. Anyway, if it wasn’t him, his clerks certainly used cyphers like Vehmic and Westphalian.

FrankNorman says:

Because the idea that anything the RCC has been teaching for centuries could be just flat wrong is thoughtcrime to him?

jim says:

RCC position on womem, marriage, the marital sacrament, and children is just flat wrong, and simply undeniably wrong. He cannot deny it, but neither can he acknowledge it.

BobtheBuilder says:

What specifically is the RCC wrong about on this matter? I know you’ve complained about the six months before marriage waiting period, but I’ve been at a TLM recently and saw women in headscarves with 3-4 children.

Adam says:

They act as if the authority of husbands and fathers really means priestly and female authority, and that authority itself is morally dependent on the consent of the subordinate. Unless of course they are talking about priestly and female authority, in which case you should just do as you are told, bigot.

Yul Bornhold says:

“Why is this a problem? I do not understand that they do not understand.”

It’s analogous to conservative normie perception of monarchism. A king is “authoritarian” and therefore leftist. The normie reads into a superficial similarity. Likewise, the conservative Christian sees the redpill thesis “women have promiscuous instinct and desire sex” and he immediately filters into a playboy bluepill attack “You are oppressing women by suppressing their natural and healthy instinct. Just let them be sluts you bigot.”

I have seen a number of Christians asserting that wives should submit to their husbands but it turns into a weird larpy thing because they also think it’s perfectly natural for a husband to dump all his cares and concerns on his wife like she’s his mother. How can you lead your wife if you get hysterical over her doing something you dislike? Bizarre mommy purplepill I guess.

Red says:

The concept of ownership is also foreign to the modern McChristain. Talking about owning wives and children cause them to brain freeze from thought crime prevention.

The Cominator says:

By elevating women they DID curtail promiscuity somewhat but it made things much worse. Curtailing promiscuity by elevating the status of women doesn’t get us back to the 1950s it gets us masses of fat lesbian larpers.

“And, truly, women do not want to casually sleep around with just any guy. They want sex with hot alphas and is serious business to them, not casual. Women very selective.”

Women mostly follow ancient instincts subconsciously when it comes to sex, what they consciously want is generally opaque vague transient and ethereal. There are exceptions to this but it doesn’t disprove the rule.

Red says:

And this, in turn, comes from the notion of equality. They believe that women are equal to men. Not surprising. Protestantism, and democratic government for that matter, are predicated on egalitarianism. In the same way as democratic government has over time jettisoned more and more of its unprincipled exceptions, expanding the franchise to blacks, women, etc.; so has Protestantism over time become more and more devoted to universal equality. We go from John Knox’s FIRST BLAST OF THE TRUMPET AGAINST THE MONSTROUS REGIMENT OF WOMEN to conservative dad’s being SO PROUD of their daughters joining the military.

Exactly right. I’ve seen this is so many McChristains.

Jimmy says:

Nailed it. Absolutely. And the replies have fleshed it out. The only way I’ve seen this programming broken is when non-Christian pua memes are imported by a high-intelligence biblically literate and skeptical man, then re-fit into his biblical model. It fits like a key in a lock. You can almost see this guy emit a mental sigh of relief when it all clicks. This is a hilarious miracle and is therefore obviously a work of God. It’s enough to make one optimistic about the future of the Church.

i says:

And this, in turn, comes from the notion of equality. They believe that women are equal to men. Not surprising. Protestantism, and democratic government for that matter, are predicated on egalitarianism. In the same way as democratic government has over time jettisoned more and more of its unprincipled exceptions, expanding the franchise to blacks, women, etc.; so has Protestantism over time become more and more devoted to universal equality. We go from John Knox’s FIRST BLAST OF THE TRUMPET AGAINST THE MONSTROUS REGIMENT OF WOMEN to conservative dad’s being SO PROUD of their daughters joining the military.

This kind of thinking has, of course, spread to Catholicism, Orthodoxy and other non-Protestant forms of Christianity. It’s like the Czar instituting democratic governance in the form of the Duma. He doesn’t realize he’s admitted an alien memeplex that will destroy him in the end.

Protestantism isn’t fundamentally egalitarian. The Scriptures aren’t egalitarian so why should the faith?

Egalitarianism simply infected them first.

“Manichean” heresies–the Cathars, Albigenses, Petrobrusians (from the eleventh to the fourteenth centuries) weren’t Protestant:

But note that God helped the English Reformation survives by inflicting freak storms on the Spanish Armada on the way to subjugate Britain to Catholicism.

Yul Bornhold says:

“Protestantism isn’t fundamentally egalitarian. The Scriptures aren’t egalitarian so why should the faith?”

Luther. Priesthood of all believers.

Luther didn’t like it but his theology immediately spawned peasant rebellion. Then you had various freakish anabaptist movements, parliament beheading royal martyr Charles and instituting a British republic.

You have Christ’s parable of the rich man scheming to tear down his barns to build bigger barns but dying the same night. This is about the transience (“vanity” in KJV english) of mortal life but you constantly get left-wingers, like that woman interviewer who made Jordan Peterson famous, saying “so Christ says we should eat the rich?”

But in light of the reformers explicit rejection of the formal priesthood, don’t think it’s unfair to say there’s something egalitarian in the DNA of protestantism. Obviously, that’s not to say that 18th century Anglicanism is the same as the BLM lesbiarch church.

jim says:

Priesthood of all believers is movement left. If one movement left is successful, a stampede further left immediately follows, to Luther’s horror.

Apostolic succession is true – but apostolic succession solely through Peter (Rome’s position) is obviously false, because Paul was not through Peter, leadership of the early Church was collegial, and because the Bishop of Rome was inferior to the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Apostolic succession is that anyone with apostolic succession can grant someone else apostolic succession, which corresponds to the anarchic polity of the middle ages, where knights were responsible for order (and disorder) and only knights could keep and bear costly and highly effective military equipment – but any knight could make another man a knight. There seems to have been a strong linkage between the rise of Christianity and the rise of feudalism, with Christianity bearing a causal connection to feudalism, and feudal Kings spreading Christianity at swordpoint. Christianity caused feudalism, and feudal Kings spread Christianity. The anarchy of feudalism mitigated the despotism of the imperium. Your local knight could shove you around, but he, at least, was a local. You were not being screwed by a distant bureaucracy.

Correspondingly, priesthood of all believers and democracy (not that Luther was a fan of democracy).

Well, democracy has reached end of shelf life.

Priesthood of all believers is obviously true, in that every man should be high priest and King under his own roof, and also false, in that only a few should receive apostolic succession. Now that the time of democracy and Republics is over, apostolic succession needs to matter. But at the same time, in a time of chaos and moral degeneracy, highly centralized systems of apostolic succession are likely to be corrupt or become corrupted.

Historical analogs fail. We have been hoping we are Rome, fearing we are Carthage. The sacrifice of the children foreshadows the fate of Carthage.

I have been hoping, rather, for Assyria. As all the Bronze age states around it were overrun, and Assyria was very nearly overrun and retreated into its heartland, it corrected its moral degeneracy and survived the collapse of Bronze Age civilization.

The Cominator says:

The priesthood of all believers was a reaction to

1) The corrupt evil fake and gay Catholic Priesthood

2) The more legitimate Orthodox priesthood was mostly under Ottoman control at the time and Moscow was so far off the beaten path as to be considered semi mythical in Western Europe and even if Luther wanted to discuss going Orthodox (he did I believe entertain the idea once) Tsar Ivan’s information about Luther came from Jesuits in Moscow and he was as a result hostile

So Priesthood of all believers was the pretty inevitable result.

Oog en Hand says:

“I have been hoping, rather, for Assyria. As all the Bronze age states around it were overrun, and Assyria was very nearly overrun and retreated into its heartland, it corrected its moral degeneracy and survived the collapse of Bronze Age civilization.”

We read in the Bible about Phoenicia and Aram, a state built around Damascus. What about them? Was Phrygia the Iron Age successor of the Bronze Age Hittites? Even the Greeks remembered the Bronze Age Illiad well into Iron Age times, so literacy doesn’t seem to be crucial to remembering things.

Red says:

A lot of tech was lost during the bronze age collapse.

i says:

Luther. Priesthood of all believers.

Biblically true. But said Priesthood of all believers is still Hierarchical. There are still Bishops/overseers and Deacons with unique qualifications.

On the other hand it hands more responsibility on individual believers to be far more than simple receive and command NPCs:

Protestants especially Evangelicals have held more firm on sodomy compared to Orthodox/Catholic laity:

Red says:

Protestants especially Evangelicals have held more firm on sodomy compared to Orthodox/Catholic laity:

They failed harder on the Women Question than the Orthodox and Catholics. The left was working different angles with each group and the woman question is far more important than the Faggot Question. These days Evangelicals are starting to fail hard on the Faggot Question and are unable to call out groomers.

i says:

Personally I don’t get that. Don’t they have the Word of God?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The argument was against the idea that only the roman bishop could interpret scripture, but the argument used for that was the idea that everyone in general is equally capable of interpreting scripture, which quickly began going wrong in all the usual ways.

i says:

On the other hand it allows the Laity to stand against the Apostasy of the Bishops.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

An effective stand against the apostasy of false de jure bishops itself requires organization by true de facto bishops.

The nominalistic argument doesn’t just cut against the prospect of an effective replacement, it cuts against the prospect of even getting to that point at all.

Double-edged swords never cut both ways equally; the condition of chaos aturally favors creatures of chaos; you might demonstrate in your galaxybrain substack essay how the supposed equalitarian/voluntarian order is in fact inveterately coercive and hierarchical in its own way too (like everything ever in some way or another in history), but of course their whole precis is denying that fact in the first place. If the watchword is no Gods, Kings, or Masters, then naturally power goes to that which is most deceptive with respect to its mastery.

jim says:

The time has come for the priesthood of all believers to be drastically mitigated by apostolic succession. Just as the time has come again for aristocratic warrior governance.

However, the Papist claim that apostolic succession runs solely through Peter is historically false, and immediately led to disaster, heresy, and rivers of blood. Any one with apostolic succession can grant another apostolic succession, just as any knight can make a knight.

There is an inevitable tradeoff between disaster though lack of Gods, Kings, and Masters, and disaster through having a central point of failure. You need someone privileged to make one decision for all, to avoid chaos, but you also need to handle the case he turns evil or just stops functioning. This is what makes Byzantine fault tolerant decision making systems unavoidably slow, complicated, inefficient, and difficult to comprehend. You need to be able to remedy failure of the centre without resulting in failure though inability find an authoritative centre.

alf says:

Way I see it, you want the medieval strategy of priests and warriors, or plan and leaders.

If the plan is good enough, it can survive a couple of bad leaders. Out of the 80 emperors Rome had, how many were actually good at their job? Ten, twenty, thirty at tops? But their underlying faith was strong enough, so they could take a couple of hits.

i says:

An effective stand against the apostasy of false de jure bishops itself requires organization by true de facto bishops.

The model has already been provided by the New Testament and has been implemented. Trouble is such positions are still capturable to the enemy.

Double-edged swords never cut both ways equally; the condition of chaos naturally favors creatures of chaos; you might demonstrate in your galaxybrain substack essay how the supposed equalitarian/voluntarian order is in fact inveterately coercive and hierarchical in its own way too (like everything ever in some way or another in history), but of course their whole precis is denying that fact in the first place. If the watchword is no Gods, Kings, or Masters, then naturally power goes to that which is most deceptive with respect to its mastery.

Equipping more people with the “Sword of the Spirit” in similar ways that Jesus wielded the Scriptures against the attacks of the Devil in the Wilderness.

This would tend to increase the capabilities of those existing. Bishops of course are meant to be “Sword-Masters” compared to the rest of the congregation. But each gets training.

A more powerful servant makes a better servant. The Special Forces have far more agency to execute the Mission than regular army-men. They are still under Authority. And they themselves are by no means an Egalitarian group.

Less NPC like. Protestantism seeks to increase the capabilities of all in the Spiritual War. And entrusting more people with greater agency to accomplish the Mission set my our Master Jesus Christ. Sola Scriptura is towards that end.

But by no means is Hierarchy ever abolished. The Priesthood of all believers is the literal truth(1 Peter 2:9). Since all believers have access to the Throne room of God via Prayer.

So are all believers Priests.

jim says:

Yes, priesthood of all believers has plenty of scriptural support. So, however does apostolic succession through bishops.

Protestant Churches without apostolic succession through Bishops obviously have a problem with anarchy. But Churches with apostolic succession through Bishops suffer similar or worse doctrinal innovation, and the problem with their centralised authority is that it is likely to be captured by enemies of the faith, as with Roman Catholicism and Anglicanism.

As I said before you need to avoid both the anarchy problem, you need the capability for one man to make one decision for all, but you also need to avoid the single point of failure problem.

Our solutions to this in the computing field are subtle and tricky, and they all have the characteristic that most of the time one entity makes one decision for all, and there is no problem, and everything goes smoothly, but some of the time, an authoritative decision needs to be made, and it is not, or worse, several entities each make conflicting decisions that each claim and believe is authoritative. In the latter case, it eventually becomes apparent that one was authoritative and the others were not, but it may take quite a while before this becomes apparent. Solutions in the computer field are a trade off where if reduce the likelihood of forks, at the cost of increasing the likelihood that no decision will be made, and deal with the possibility that conflicting decisions will be made by mechanisms to heal the split, by eventually ditching one decision, and going with the other.

alf says:

I think you are correct to leave the answer somewhat open. Let people figure it out for themselves, let different factions compete.

The protestants have always been correct in their core critique of catholicism, but lacking a plan, they were unable to withstand creeping entropy among their ranks.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Earlier down post, Pax asked: ” Heredity science, the precursor to evolutionary science, originated from monastic Christian science. Christianity is not counter to evolutionary theory and much of the Bible is inline with hereditary principles. So how did some parts of American Christianity come to “refuse to countenance the idea of evolution?” “.

The answer, shortly, is cognitive capture. Occupation of social high ground by whigs, who took over organs of the unofficial state church – in absence of an official state church – and through this, took the shine of all the theretofore extant ‘smart kids clubs’ of society.

Thus, all the self-selecting ‘brights’ would get infected by daemonic mind viruses, and quickly move on to signaling the trappings of their new faith instead; which by coincidence left the only groups in America that would unashamedly signal their Christianity as those who were outside proximity to power in general, and organs of theocracy in particular – which of course is something with a significant preselection effect.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The whig of course does not actually place any value in the teachings of Saint Darwin at all; but he superficially associated himself with – and arrogated responsibility for – the good works of great men, even as he hates them and all that makes them possible; which could often lead to others incautiously rejecting the body of that which lived, instead of that which the whig killed and wore as a skinsuit.

Red says:

Off topic:

Not only did the married men allegedly rape the two boys who were adopted through a Christian special-needs adoption agency, they were pimping out their children to nearby pedophiles in Atlanta-area suburbs, Townhall’s follow-up investigation discovered.

A2 says:

Zachary insisted in a separate phone call: “All I can say is, you know, it’s not all true. That’s all I can say.”
“I need someone in the family who doesn’t hate me. So, I mean, I can’t tell you what to feel or—I can’t cry right now around other people,” Zachary pleaded in lock-up, audibly starting to sob on the phone. “I just need somebody who doesn’t hate us!” he cried.
“Just don’t forget me,” Zachary beseeched the relative at the end of their first call in September.

It is difficult to express the full extent of my disgust and contempt. The verdict would be quick and obvious outside Evil Clownworld.

The similar case in Australia, “Two dads are better than one”, ended homo adoption of Russian children. Thank you Vladimir Putin.

Kunning Druegger says:

This case is getting far more traction than I expected. Look at it in light of the Car-A-Lago pseudo-scandal, and it is becoming more obvious that there is a series of fractures in the Consensus Class of the Cathedral. Their dysgenic, Bioleninist games have made them incredibly susceptible to unforced errors, own-goals, and destabilization. But they have completely neutered the Acceptable Right in the bureaucracy as well as the discourse, so they have a ton of runway and room to maneuver. If there was anyone intelligent and independent on the Right, they’d be seizing power in small ways. I still think DeSantis is not /ourguy/,and is in fact /theirguy/, but his move on seizing a university is… puzzling. Time will tell if it’s a lark, but if it is but one of a series of moves towards institutional capture, I may be incorrect in my assessment of him.

The silver lining is that, with the track we are on, opportunities for real coups and PvP minecraft with benefits will become more prevalent, not less, but it is a very dark storm cloud, because the Antifa handlers and behind-the-scenes operators will have the same range of opportunities in addition to the ability to fund and coordinate initiatives.

And, to be perfectly clear about the human side of this tragic affair, I really wish I could vaxx&boost every single person who is even remotely connected to these sodomites. But men of the reaction must not turn away from the disgusting, evil things being done in shadow as well as the light of day, and we must accept that for every roach you see, there are scores more you don’t.

They are devouring children, and we are forced to watch.

notglowing says:

> I really wish I could vaxx&boost every single person
Really got a chuckle out of me. We need to spread this as a shibboleth and as a way to evade censorship; the new version of killing someone in minecraft, but funnier and more offensive to our enemies.

> If there was anyone intelligent and independent on the Right, they’d be seizing power in small ways.

> moves towards institutional capture

The problem is this is effectively impossible. At least, I don’t see how it could be done.
You can’t just try to take a little power, because if you do, they will immediately take notice, and use the entirety of their power to crush you.

This is why revolutions don’t work. Building power only works in secret or in a way that is somehow outside the USG’s reach.
If you capture an institution, they will immediately discredit it, and then discredit and relentlessly attack anyone who decides to ignore the ostracism.

It worked when *they* did it, because the powers that be ignored them at the time. They are very much paranoid of the same being done to them, paranoid to the point of mental illness, often hitting people who aren’t even really against them.

Red says:

There was a man who heard there was a big prize to anyone who lived long enough to take 5 boosters. He got his 5th and 30 minutes later he got his prize.

Kunning Druegger says:

Disagree. They are violating Frederick the Great’s axiom: He who defends everywhere, defends nowhere. It is precisely because they are trying to do everything at once that the opportunities for our side to do anything increase. If you can’t find targets, you aren’t looking small enough.

I think one issue here is that everyone on the Right is convinced that the choice is between Winning Bigly or Losing. But there are so many local newspapers floundering, small scale government elections with barely hundreds of participants & unopposed candidates, businesses failing due to sheer incompetence. One thing the Left was very good at was convincing their adherents that no act of rebellion was too small to consider doing. this works in favor of Chaos, and Order requires actual order, not just dissent, but creating a verifiable pocket of order will contribute to Order. We need more patience and optimism.

Anon says:

“but creating a verifiable pocket of order will contribute to Order. We need more patience and optimism.”

This is false.
One thing moldbug talked about, is big change like overthrowing power like the cathedral is hard but small thing like getting rid of the fbi is impossible.
Any pocket of “order” in fundamentally anarchic oligarchy is unprincipled exception soon to be revoked.

Kunning Drueger says:

“the asteroid is soooo big, that it doesn’t matter how deep you dig, we’re all going to be destroyed”

In actuality, rodents and creatures that were just a foot and a few inches below ground survived the K/T event. 100% enforcement never works. I’m not asserting that it’s easy, but those that manage to create and sustain pockets of order will be better off when the inevitable collapse ensues. This concept is mirrored by the Prepper’s Paradox: the more prepared you are, the fewer friends you’ll have; the fewer friends you have, the less prepared you are.

It is better to run the risk of being noticed than doing nothing to build society, however small the ambition may be.

jim says:

You are not going to get anywhere playing games run by our enemies. These are a meaningless spectacle to create the illusion of participation in governance.

We might well get somewhere creating a private military company, or a Church that enforces patriarchy and chastity on women, but rather obviously such institutions are likely to attract an extreme response from our enemies – you are going to get wacoed.

As the state religion hollows out, as everyone ceases to believe, such projects become more feasible, but remain extremely dangerous.

You are not going to have a wife and family without taking bold risks individually, and you are not going to get anywhere in institution building without taking risks that look to me far more dangerous.

Kunning Druegger says:

I floated the idea of forming a Private Security Company here last year, and, with a few exceptions, the response was more of the “impossible” “can’t be done” “all is lost” black pilling.

We are facing big problems, so the tendency is to seek big solutions. This is the Armchair General Complex, as in “wars are won by brilliant campaigns and master strokes.” Victory is the inevitable result of many small successes, and these happen through initiative and boldness at the lowest levels. Of course the higher levels matter, but a brilliant captain is worthless without good lieutenants, wise sergeants, and dependable privates.

Building resilient community fabric is not a waste of time or pointless endeavor. It is a necessary prerequisite for bigger successes down the road. I am advocating that men do simple, little things in a local environment to raise their status, connect with valuable people, and exploit chaos and breakdown of the Great Society.

If we men of good will sit on the sidelines, shaking our heads and smirking in derision, when opportunities arise (and they will arise) we will be left without options as lesser men with friends and social cache are able to convince a room full of men to follow and believe them.

I’m not talking about establishing a compound or starting a religion. I’m talking about getting connected at your church or gym, making friends and being engaging, becoming a source of humor and advice. These are the nuts and bolts of social mosaic. Opportunities will arise, and the right man getting elected or appointed to a crypto-powerful position in county government can accomplish far more than someone sitting in their man cave worrying over the absence of a Caesar.

There’s a difference between a sniper holding still under cover and a warrior staying in camp because he refuses to risk being attacked. Both are a form of “doing nothing.”

notglowing says:

> But there are so many local newspapers floundering, small scale government elections with barely hundreds of participants & unopposed

And they do stuff like pay nobodies such as J@red H0lt to listen to every single right wing podcast with 10 viewers, then report and write hit pieces on them.

The thing is, it’s easy to observe how even small acts of heresy are dealt with on the internet. In real life, you might survive for longer, but the consequences of getting busted are greater.

As soon as you become important enough to pay attention to, you are done for.

The way I see it, you have 3 options:
1. Hide your actions (not easy, especially if you are trying to gain influence in the first place)
2. Have support of a foreign power or some equally independent and powerful entity
3. Wait for the effectiveness of globohomo enforcement to wane in some manner sufficient to give you breathing room. Perhaps parts of the country will be out of reach or their law enforcement and surveillance apparatus dismantled due to incompetence.

The problem with #3 is that what tends to happen is the anarcho-tyrannical government is unable to ensure law and order normally, but still has the willingness and force to crush anyone who tries to create order or challenge its power.

Right now the only course of action is to remain disorganized and decentralized while trying to spread our ideas as far as possible. This comes with its own issues, as we have discussed before, lack of coordination not only leads to inaction but also to ideological confusion and weakness to shill narratives.

But even with shill narratives and all that, there are more people who know the truth today than there were before. The whitepill is that opposition to the regime is not dying in the minds of people, even as it is dismantled in the institutions.

Starman says:


“The problem is this is effectively impossible. At least, I don’t see how it could be done.
You can’t just try to take a little power, because if you do, they will immediately take notice, and use the entirety of their power to crush you.”

It becomes very very possible if you can sink aircraft carriers and the brahmins have no idea how it became possible to do so.

jim says:

Sinking aircraft carriers is not effective. You have to be able to give one bureaucrat a swimming lesson in the Pacific, and another bureaucrat a promotion.

Duterte could and did hand out swimming lessons in the Pacific, but still had difficulty controlling promotions.

Starman says:


“Sinking aircraft carriers is not effective.”

Without the aircraft carrier battlegroups, the FBI is just another dinky private militia.

Starman says:


“You have to be able to give one bureaucrat a swimming lesson in the Pacific, and another bureaucrat a promotion.”

You put the Navy officers with their aircraft carriers at the bottom of the Pacific. Then you promote your techpriests, whose Rods-From-God put those Navy officers at the bottom of the Pacific.

jim says:

OK. You now have a coup. So you can now get started on the coup complete problem of actually governing the country. Which as Augustus Caesar and Duterte discovered is a hard problem.

S says:

Augustus’s problem was a general overthrowing him; controlling rods from god make that less relevant.

Duterte had issue with promotions of civil servants. Fortunately the answer is obvious- no civil servants, no problem.

Starman says:

@ S says

“Fortunately the answer is obvious- no civil servants, no problem.”

A lot of USG bureaucracy simply doesn’t need any replacements.

Just like this superfluous Twitter employee.

notglowing says:

I mean, if you can casually sink aircraft carriers, you already have the power to oppose the USG.
Having a well organized militia and being able to carry out attacks of that scale undetected is a coup complete problem.

But, meanwhile, doing as little as having organized shitposting on the internet with friends is enough to draw the eye of Sauron to you.

Maybe someone will be manage nonetheless. It just seems really difficult to me.

Starman says:


“I mean, if you can casually sink aircraft carriers, you already have the power to oppose the USG.
Having a well organized militia and being able to carry out attacks of that scale undetected is a coup complete problem.”

The jew brahmin ruling class has zero comprehension on the state of space travel today.

And it is not just the ruling brahmins either. Those of the same brahmin social caste here, on Zman’s Blog, and elsewhere are unable to comprehend it.

Telling them that Elon’s massive Starlink constellation can destroy every military satellite is incomprehensible to them, even after you tell them why. And that power is right now.

Their conception of space travel is still stuck in 2011, where the ULA is the prime US launch provider, and Rods From God is the “US military’s Worst Idea” and aircraft carriers are invincible.

notglowing says:

I recently watched that video, and I was somewhat skeptical that it was unfeasible.
Though we don’t actually know if the USG thinks that way, it’s a youtuber’s opinion.

Why do you think this is better than ICBMs, and worth the difficult engineering?

Aiming these rods from god is not easy.

Red says:

Why do you think this is better than ICBMs, and worth the difficult engineering?

Time to target is almost nothing. No warning, no way to intercept it, no fallout. Orbit is the ultimate high ground, but it requires cheap space flight to make it useful.

Starman says:


”Aiming these rods from god is not easy.”

Elon Musk’s SpaceX routinely lands Mach 7-10 boosters on rolling barges in the middle of the ocean, a task that is much harder than crashing into a target at hypersonic velocity.

jim says:

> If there was anyone intelligent and independent on the Right, they’d be seizing power in small ways.

You cannot seize power in small ways. Been there, done that, several decades ago, not going to report because it is boring and complicated. It is all coup complete.

You are held down by a mass of tiny threads, like Gulliver in lilliput. You cannot take power because it is all in the hands of the permanent bureaucracy and they are not letting go.

You face the problems that Trump faced, you face the problems that Jim Hacker faced in “Yes Minister”.

Unless you have the means, capability, and will to minecraft members of the permanent government, power is just not in reach.

Duterte did have that means, capability, and will, and succeeded in Davao, but when he became president in the Philippines, still failed. It took Caesar Augustus, a very smart hard working man with complete authority to minecraft anyone, something like twelve to eighteen years to get Rome under control, and Duterte did not have twelve to eighteen years.

Not only is the problem coup complete, but even if the coup is successful, and you are giving difficult bureaucrats swimming lessons in the Pacific, it still a very difficult problem.

The Cominator says:

RE Augustus no the problem he had was that he had to minecraft everyone who was against another Caesar (or didn’t want it to be him) and THAT took a long time.

Once it was done he took on a far more benevolent aspect for most of his career. Caesar “Augustus” almost never killed anyone outside of the normal ponderous legal processes for things that were actually crimes, Gaius Octavius Julius Caesar Divii Filius did a full Sulla like purge of any of his enemies that fell into his hand (well he spared Lepidus but only to humiliate him constantly).

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*]the winning strategy for the right is [*total submission to a hostile enemy priesthood*]

jim says:

Universities exist to inculcate the elite in the state religion. That has always been their function, and always will be their function.

“Academic merit” is adherence to the state religion, and if you select for those with the greatest academic merit, you are going to get a holiness spiral. We don’t want people of enemy faiths occupying state or quasi state office, but neither to we want to redistribute too much wealth from those that create it to those that are holier than thou.

We don’t academic merit to matter for private sector jobs, and while adherence to the official faith is important for state and quasi state office, other forms of merit matter a lot more for high level state and quasi state jobs. You don’t want enemy entryists (the Anglican acceptance of “occasional observance” turned into a catastrophe for England) but if you have too much reliance on “academic merit” you have a holiness spiral, and if you have a holiness spiral, you create your own enemy entryists.

When the Anglicans allowed “occasional observers” into state and quasi state office, that had the beneficial and desirable result that the state had access to the talents of people where not religious and disinclined to fake it too hard, but the disastrous result that people who only turned up at Anglican religious service once in a blue moon because they were in daily attendance at the religious service of a hostile faith were also able to join the state, where they proceeded to plot against the state at their religious services.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

I have told you many times that to protect rectification of names, I am not going to allow through comments that misuse the words “merit” and “meritocracy” to mean that the holy priesthood of academia should get to award who gets the goodies. University accreditation does not measure merit, never did, nor is there any good reason why it ever should. It measures adhesion to the state religion.

You can argue your position, that university accreditation can and should measure merit, but using the words “merit” and “meritocracy” in this way assumes your position. I don’t think it ever did, I don’t think it can, and I don’t think it should attempt to do so. You can disagree, but I am not going to allow you to assume agreement.

Anonymous Fake says:

Just forget the ruling element, then, the “cracy”, and give good students decent middle class jobs that can provide for a family as a reward for showing up for the grind. Not the priesthood, not political sovereignty, not the megaphone, just the ability to reproduce more successfully than populations that perform poorly in school.

And if not, then the result we’re gradually seeing is schooling becoming nothing but free daycare that allows leftist anti-liberal populations to reproduce rapidly and seize power by demographic might. Not liberals, but not our people either.

I’m fundamentally arguing from basic capitalism here (actually many Bible verses would work even better), that labor deserves pay, and if not, no labor can be demanded.

jim says:

Allowing this through, since you are making an effort to be cooperative.

We can only have large numbers of middle class jobs if people create large amounts of value. Academia does not, cannot, teach people to create value. It can only teach people how to be an academic, which is to say a priest, and we thus have an enormous oversupply of priests overrunning the productive economy and destroying it.

Labor deserves no reward. People who create value deserve the value they create. That labor deserves reward is Marxism, an attack on both Christianity and capitalism. The doctrine that labor deserves reward leads to the rule of evil, mass poverty, and mass murder.

Your professors did not promise to pay you. They promised that someone else would pay you, an unfulfillable promise that they had no authority to make.

We don’t want to reward people for grinding away at what priests tell them to do. We want to reward people for creating value. Any reward for grinding away at what priests tell you to do has to be taken away from people who create value, which means less value created, which means fewer middle class jobs.

The government cannot create middle class jobs, only destroy them.

The priesthood cannot create middle class jobs, only destroy them.

Only the private sector can create middle class jobs, because only the private sector can create value. And for the private sector to create jobs, people have to be rewarded for doing what their employer tells them to do, not what their professor tells them to do.

Academia is a ponzi scheme, and all your proposals are the same proposal: That someone should be forced to make good on the promises the professors made. But those promises were lies that could never be fulfilled. People who invest in a ponzi scheme deserve to lose, and people who make those promises need to go to prison. There is no way that those promises can ever be made good, and attempting to do so is today destroying the economy. It is impossible to make good the promises of a ponzi scheme, which is what makes it a ponzi scheme, that it makes promises that could never be fulfilled.

Value does not spring forth from the magic dirt. Someone has to create value. Academics and students are not creating value, therefore do not deserve any value.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I’m fundamentally arguing from basic capitalism here (actually many Bible verses would work even better), that labor deserves pay, and if not, no labor can be demanded.

Labour doesn’t deserve any pay at all, getting something accomplished merits pay. You will not find the labour theory of value in the Bible, and it is certainly not basic capitalism either, rather a contradiction of basic capitalism.

I am not paying you to sweat, i am paying you to do a job. If i made a deal for you to move a set of cabinets to a new building over the weekend, and instead of driving half an hour across town to deliver it, you took a 5 day round trip around the country before arriving, i would not pay you extra for overtime, i would sue you for damages, because you failed at the job you were supposed to do, regardless of the effort involved, precisely because of the extra effort involved.

Anonymous Fake says:

Except when people try to create value, they chase after the careers that have the highest possible salaries [*deleted*]

jim says:

And when people want to invest money, they chase after the highest return, and the highest promised return always comes from a ponzi scammer, who cheerfully makes promises that can never be fulfilled.

The solution is not to force someone else to make good on the impossible promises made by the ponzi scammer, but to confiscate all his assets, hand them over to those he robbed (which is going to be much less money than they put in) and execute or imprison the ponzi scammer.

All your proposed solutions consist of giving unlimited and absolute power over value created by other people to the holy priests of academia, which is precisely the opposite of the solution needed, which is to confiscate the university endowments and imprison most of academia.

It is time for the dissolution of the monasteries.

All your proposed solutions have everyone somehow enabled to follow the false life plan taught by academia, and following it successfully. But we already have far too many people following that false life plan, far more than can follow it successfully. We want vastly fewer people attempting to follow it.

Anonymous Fake says:

If by “dissolution of monasteries”, you mean [*deleted*]

jim says:

No. I mean there are far too many young men imprisoned in schools and universities ritually rote memorizing meaningless nonsense and stupid lies, which they instantly forget after the examinations, when they could be out in the workplace gaining useful skills, and rapidly transition to the capability to support a wife and kids.

I mean we need to replace school and university with enforceable apprenticeship starting at a very young age.

I mean that we have far too many people trained in priestly occupations, such as lawyers and such like.

I mean that useful skills of the older generation are not being transmitted to the younger generation, because academia and HR views the knowledge of those who actually create value as inferior and low status.

I mean that we are losing the capability to make the stuff that we used to be able to make, because as the older generation retires, their skills and knowledge are forever lost.

I mean we need to reduce the size of universities by ninety nine percent and the schools by eighty percent, seize their assets, and sell them off.

I mean that most of the professoriat belongs in prison where they should be making big rocks into small rocks.

That is what I mean.

Starman says:

@Anonymous Fake

“Just forget the ruling element, then, the “cracy”, and give good students decent middle class jobs that can provide for a family as a reward for showing up for the grind. Not the priesthood, not political sovereignty, not the megaphone, just the ability to reproduce more successfully than populations that perform poorly in school.”

Techlord Elon came to a conclusion opposite of yours, when he took over Twitter, he just laid off those useless eaters.

[*same old stuff deleted yet again*]

jim says:

You said this before, far too many times, I allowed it through and responded far too many times.

If you respond to my one of my responses, I will allow it through. If you pass the shill test I will allow it through. If you just keep on repeating, you are going into the killfile with viagra sellers and the Nigerian princes and I will see your stuff no longer.

From here on, if you paste the same old as new thread, silent deletion. If you post as a response to one of my very old responses, the older the better, it has a chance. Or at least will be deleted with an explanation.

I’ll say something new, then. Beautiful malls are located in the deep blue cities, and trashy strip malls are in red subdivisions. It doesn’t have to be this way, and yet because it is, it makes otherwise mediocre blue cities simply look nicer because they have the best places, even if not the best people. It was mostly blue cities that saw their malls burned in 2020, and yet it was reds who were horrified, even if these were not even their own places. There’s a mismatch here, with the best people in the worst places, and vice versa.

And if GDP/prices don’t mean anything when it comes to value creation, then what is left except for “just follow your dreams, man?” That was a leftist position just a generation ago, and conservatives were the ones who looked up career salaries first before making what they thought was an informed decision.

If economics is basically meaningless in imperial territory, then we shouldn’t listen to people who only imagine themselves to be merchants. Even true merchants are ultimately still just merchants.

jim says:

> Beautiful malls are located in the deep blue cities

No they are not, nor can they be, because those cities are blue. I lived there for many years. The malls were trash, filled with human trash, and when I recently returned to my old haunts for a couple of months, the malls were not only trash, but the streets were overrun by criminals, my cell phone was stolen, and there was human shit on the streets so one had to watch where one was stepping. If anyone was to open a beautiful mall it that city, it would be robbed, the customers would be beaten up, and police would arrest him for getting in the way of shoplifters.

I have been in third world shopping centers operated by squatters in hovels, and the hovels were clean, with crude but attractive comfortable hand made furniture, there was no shit in the narrow crowded pathways between hovels, and nobody stole my cell phone.

> if GDP/prices don’t mean anything

Prices mean everything, GDP means nothing. You want to control prices because you hate the people who create value, because they are always first in line for the value they create, and you think people who worked hard at school for the holy priesthood of academia should be first in line. Hence you propose price control to lower prices in the big blue cities for the stuff red state Americans create.

Prices represent information about supply and demand, and supply and demand represents the exchange of value for value – except that blue state production of value consists of the production of permissions.

Prices are lower in red states and lower in the countryside and exurbs because that is where stuff that people in blue states consume comes from, and where the trucks have their depots.

All your proposals are the same proposal: To destroy the red state Americans who create value because you hate people who were less harmed than you by the priestly academics who scammed you and gave you a worthless degree and a pile of college debt. You are hating the wrong people. You should hate those who harmed you, not those that feed you. You should hate those who gave you a worthless law degree and promised you a fat job squeezing those who create actual value. The mass creation of such fat jobs for everyone who got accrediation for a fat job would result in everyone starving.

Red says:

Part 2:

“Just How Big Was the Operation Led by the LGBTQ Couple Who Abused Their Adopted Sons?”

A2 says:

The two pedos had quite a lot of cash at hand for such lackluster jobs, or so it seems to me.

For those who remember Comet Pizza and the oddly popular James Alefantis:

During one of the family’s excursions in May 2018 to a Gulf Shores pizza place, Zachary had drawn a rainbow circle around a portion of a children’s menu for kids ages 12 and under that jokingly quipped: “Children Unattended Will Be Sold As Slaves!”

Red says:

They were whoring the kids out as well, though I very much doubt that was enough to fund that lifestyle. Something else is going on.

Aryaman says:

I don’t really know what’s going on with the vax. But, amongst ourselves, we have had pulses and waves of “lots of people seem to be dying suddenly” since mid 2021. Previously, these pulses have corresponded to rollouts of the vaccine (though, there are so many it is hard to be sure).

But there have been a lot of stories of people dying suddenly in the past two months, and so far as I can tell no new rollout normal people have actually taken. Also, over the past couple years, stories of people randomly dying have disproportionately featured coaches or assitant coaches, for which I do not have adequate explanation.

I don’t know anyone close to me that has died young, but I know 4 or 5 people that are close to people close to me that have died young in the last 18 months. One or two of them may have been unhealthy, but not so unhealthy that the death wasn’t a terrible, random surprise.

young healthy people don’t die, so if you are noticing them at all means they are up by at least an order of magnitude, probably more. My impression is most of the people dying recently have not been boosted recently. Probably, if the vaccine itself kills, it does not randomly start killing many months after the fact. But if it compromises immune response, then constant Covid infection is apt to eventually kill.

I am not vaccinated. I had Covid once. I have been around people who had had Covid several times, who when they had Covid gave Covid to the other vaccinated around them, but did not give it to me.

Your Uncle Bob says:

What I’m seeing locally is not necessarily fatal cases of Suddenly, but vaxxies who are convinced they’ve got “long covid.” Which I no longer dismiss as all being hypochondria, because the symptoms look suspiciously like what others would call long term vax side effects.

In my personal circle no vaxxies have recanted, but some are now done boosting. Not all, amazingly, but a fair number.

Aryaman says:

I am certain that what is called “long covid” is a real thing, and I see it in the jabbed. It is not the jab that does it as much as getting covid between 3 and maybe 12 months after the last jab.

Red says:

Long covid isn’t real, AIDS from the jab is. Almost everyone complaining about long COVID are hypochondriacs the rest have vax induced aids.

Aryaman says:

I don’t much care what you call it, but catching Covid after you have been somewhat recently but not too recently jabbed predisposes you to a whole bundle of long term sequelae clinically known as long Covid.

Starman says:


Long Covid is fake and gay.

It’s just vaxx induced ADE (which TrevorGoodchild warned from the beginning on his pinned Gab posts), and hysterical brahmin hypochondriacs.

Aryaman says:

I am saying you get what is called long Covid if you got the jab.

Don’t know what’s controversial about it.

Red says:

You are using the words shills are now pushing to explains the excessive deaths instead of blaming either the vax for ADE or hypochondriacs.

The term long covid is fake and gay.

jim says:

The term “long covid” implies that covid is the primary problem.

It is obvious that purebloods do not get long covid, unless they are hypochondriacs. Therefore, “long covid” is not long covid. Anticoncept.

Aryaman says:

I think it’s relevant that Covid is likely to be bad for people who are jabbed as a practical matter. What we are talking about isn’t sequelae from the jab itself but sequelae from having been infected of Covid not terribly long after the last jab. No, Covid is not the primary problem — but given you have been jabbed and everyone around you has been jabbed, it is.

Not an anticoncept, just an easy way of talking about clinical phenomenon observed in real life. Nothing about the way I am talking, nothing that I said promotes getting jabbed, or promotes idol worship of Covid containment protocols.

Having said that, if recently jabbed, maybe good to avoid Covid to the extent possible. I don’t know.

jim says:

> but given you have been jabbed and everyone around you has been jabbed, it is.

I have not been jabbed. I am a golden pureblood – a pureblood with natural immunity.

And lots of people around me in real life have not been jabbed. Huge numbers of people, one hell of a lot of normies, simply hid out back when the enforcement was extreme and brutal. A whole lot of people just quietly resisted. All of us that I know of got covid in due course, all us purebloods are now golden, which we always caught from someone who had been jabbed, none of us that I know of got long covid.

That is what makes “long covid” an anticoncept. There was massive resistance, and the resisters are now watching those who failed to resist suffer the consequences of making sacrifice to a demon.

The claim that 99.9% of the population was jabbed was always an absurd lie, a ridiculous lie told to persuade the resisters that resistance was hopeless, resisters were crazy, but when enforcement was abandoned when Putin invaded Ukraine, now we are vindicated by the suffering of those who made sacrifice to the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon. We were willing to hide out for as long as it took, it did not take that long, and now I see the resisters revealing themselves.

It is more like sixty or eighty percent got jabbed. We endured, the Covidians did not. We were right, the Covidians are now ashamed. It is the reality of massive resistance from the beginning that makes “long covid” an anticoncept.

Red says:

Not an anticoncept, just an easy way of talking about clinical phenomenon observed in real life.

You talk like a fag and your shit’s all retarded.

Aryaman says:

The claim that 99.9% of the population was jabbed was always an absurd lie, a ridiculous lie told to persuade the resisters that resistance was hopeless, resisters were crazy

One reason for the claim everyone is vaccinated is to deflate the denominator of purebloods to make death rates look a lot lower among the jabbed. They told on themselves in observing that the jab miraculously cures cancer, dementia, and heart disease in England. They were too stupid to coordinate this in a way that was believable, and the fact they are not writing about this observation and looking into the reasons behind it is the dog that did not bark.

Economist: People with covid jabs are 75 percent less likely to die of anything else as well

I don’t disagree with any of the rest of what you said, don’t see what it has to do with the term “long covid” but won’t belabor that point.

jim says:

The problem is that calling it “long covid” is to deny that it is jab related.

A more accurate name would be jab seqelae.

It is obvious that people suddenly dropping dead is another variation of “long covid”, and the medical profession’s strange lack of curiosity about an epidemic of young adult sudden death shows that they know damn well it is not caused by past covid infection.

Aryaman says:

You talk like a fag and your shit’s all retarded.

Go ahead and trawl through anything I have ever posted on this blog and tell me how it promotes a shill narrative

Aryaman says:

Jab sequelae is too general because there are a whole panoply of strange and unusual things that happen after the jab, including some things that resemble aids. They are most of them probably related anyhow, given the stuff does a million random things nearly all of them very bad for you.

Whereas the thing people call long covid happens to people who are jabbed and I am speculating that as a result of the fact they are jabbed letting a while pass before getting infected may not be a bad idea. We have talked about what are the jabbed to do elsewhere in this thread which is why I think the distinction is relevant.

but I won’t belabor this specific dispute further

Also I tried to embed an image ( but everything within the “ tag seems to have been stripped. What am I doing wrong?

jim says:

There are two issues:

1. Your link strangely points to a graphic no text, which does not reveal what it is about.

2. WordPress is screwing up. It allows me to post images in comments but does not allow you.

I just added an attachment that claims to address that problem. But such attachments are apt to be pain in the ass to administer and get actually working, and my very minor security customizations to wordpress are apt to inexplicably step on them.

simplyconnected says:

The claim that 99.9% of the population was jabbed was always an absurd lie […] It is more like sixty or eighty percent got jabbed.

There’s evidence for this. In the UK the BBC claimed that only 4% unjabbed, another time that only 8% unjabbed. But random sampling of the population consistently showed ~1/3 unjabbed.

Aryaman says:


Link to the article is here.

Not all that interesting except to show that the jab prevents homicide death nearly as well as it prevents covid death which is to say it does neither, and the denominator they’re using is wrong. And since they haven’t been following up on this amazing discovery and talking all about it, they probably also realize what is wrong.

Kunning Druegger says:

Steve Sailer deboonk’d this stupid article, and a few others that recycled the “data”, and in so doing ratio’d the shit out of the publishing rags.

Starman says:

And a pox on those who claimed “consensus is that TrevorGoodchild is a ‘fed.'” What consensus?

TrevorGoodchild actually saved people’s lives from the clotshots.

Kunning Drueger says:

Coaches and sports managers deal with equivalent stress to the players, though it comes from different things for various reasons, and they aren’t training the same, so I think it actually makes a lot of sense. Athletes have nutrition and rest forced on them, while coaches and managers have to keep an office/entrepreneur lifestyle, meaning way less sleep and potentially terrible nutrition, plus dealing with the admin headaches.

Red says:

High stress + being older. The clot shot is a lot more deadly to older people than younger.

Pax Imperialis says:

Deadly to older people in the short term. Long term for younger people is unknown. Some % will have scarring in their heart tissue. Scarring can be pretty terminal.

Red says:

The FAA has very quietly tacitly admitted that the EKGs of pilots are no longer normal.

Red says:

I may have to rethinking flying. Though car accidents and road rage is off the charts these days as well.

Jehu says:

Yeah that’s pretty disturbing. It’s pretty unlikely for both pilot and copilot to both ‘die suddenly’ at once, but even so.

Red says:

The stress generated by one dying might induce a heart attack in the other. Also landings and take offs.

The Ducking Man says:

You know what they say:

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Kunning Drueger says:

Evgeny Prigozhin spoke about the demands from Russian MoD to oblige their soldiers in the SMO zone to shave their beards and give up tablets and smartphones.

“A soldier must fight. Shaving is generally a great luxury. A beard at the front is a symbol, it is a tradition.
Tablets and smartphones are essential to modern warfare. Accurate geodata are available, including heights and other terrain secrets. Thanks to smartphones and tablets, junior commanders and fighters of certain specialties know the general situation and can transmit the data necessary in battle. Of course, it is necessary to correctly use the means of communication and have those that the enemy could not detect. Of course, some of the degenerates use them to chat on WhatsApp, Viber and other enemy means of passing information.

It is necessary to develop along with the development of modern warfare, learn to effectively kill the enemy and seize territories. And if instead of the development of military equipment – parades, reviews and competitions, instead of iron balls – stupid obedience and sycophancy, then you need to play “Zarnitsa”*. It’s impossible to castrate the combat-ready population of the country, to drive them into an absurd conditions.
War is the time of the active and courageous, and not of the clean-shaven with phones handed over to the warehouse,” Prigozhin said.

*Zarnitsa was a massive children’s war game organized within the Young Pioneers organization. The game was an imitation of military actions The word zarnitsa literally means “heat lightning”

Prigozhin is the oligarch that formed and runs Wagner Group. He appears to be moving towards IEW.

pinochet's ghost says:

Warfare is becoming the profession for an intellectual elite, but in most countries warfare is despised by the intellectual elite. The first group to award its most intelligent and self-disciplined men with the first pick of women for fighting will conquer the world.

Red says:

Evgeny Prigozhin spoke about the demands from Russian MoD to oblige their soldiers in the SMO zone to shave their beards and give up tablets and smartphones.

Prigozhin is making himself a direct threat to the Russian military brass. If he’s not careful they’ll hand his location over to NATO and he’ll be assassinated via drone.

Kunning Drueger says:

I agree, but this risk is inevitable for any IEW neo-Knight/Baron/Warlord that arises from within an extant structure of martial management.

Every modern society is actually a corpse, a cadaverous structure inhabited by the managerial bacteria that used to be contained within the *supposedly* necessary organs of governance. They were encased by the tissue of tradition and hierarchy, and when the king/brain was cut off, the started to eat their way out. The bigger and/or healthier the body at the time of death (or the less virulent the managerial bacteria/stronger the divisive tissue), the longer the cadaverous society lasts.

The forms of governance in the future will all arise from the sepulchre of history, whether it’s the cemetery of empires or the morgue of modernity. In the former, leaders will have to reanimate dead ideas, dead religions, dead nationalisms, dead etc. In the latter, the will have to oppose or break with the managerial zombies just to get the opportunity to lead.

Aidan says:

It’s a dangerous game. He’s probably the natural successor to Putin, and should bide his time. But it would be a fittingly tragic end if incompetent generals at HQ have him killed as a threat to the centralized bureaucratic military. But maybe he flees, and an extremely wealthy South African billionaire hires Wagner to recapture… well a man can dream.

Redbible says:

As part of one of Red’s posts he said:

Instead he fucked one girl and the other girls where just frustrated.

Which got me thinking about how women get frustrated when they believe that sex was supposed to have happened OR when they haven’t been assigned/given to a man (who will then sex them). More distinctly, my friend’s sister over the last months has really shifted how she behaves. She used to be more playfully mean to me, and was nice to her brothers when I was around. Now she is just generally raw mean to me and her brothers, or she tries to ignore us. It makes me think that perhaps she mad that her brothers haven’t “given her away” (their father is “old enough” that he is out of it a lot, so he couldn’t give her away realistically speaking), and that she might be mad at me for having not taken her yet.

I’m been looking for her to “start a chase”, but after learning about that from Jim, I wasn’t able to be over for awhile, and then she didn’t start any chases like she had previously done. One idea I’ve had is to try to “prod” her into starting a chase, but question the effectiveness of trying to force it. I’ve tried to spend time with her, but she doesn’t cooperate even slightly. She always responds to any text I send her, even though most of those replies are short, which seems mixed on interest. Finally, I question if she might “feels rejected” by me to a degree that trying to win her over is like rushing into a brick wall.

I feel what I wrote is a bit over the place, but I guess I just feel at a loss since this isn’t anything like what I’ve dealt with in the past.

Alfred says:

Could you point me in the direction of the posts you reference from join regarding “starting the chase”? I always enjoy reading his game wisdom and I’ve not seen that phrase before.

Alfred says:

*join should read Jim.

Redbible says:

It was a reply to one of my previous comments.

Quick version of the top of my head is that a woman will do something to get a man to chase her (taunt and run is one kind). If the Man chases her (with the willingness to pursue no matter what), he will find that ultimately the woman will let herself “get caught”. My two personal experiences with this involved 1 running into a dead end (that she should have clearly known about), and the other would go to a walk if she thought she had lost me (though, she would make she she had a LONG lead before going to a walk speed.)

I’ll see if I can find Jim’ comment. It will take some time for me to find it. Probably will do it a few days from now.

Redbible says:

After thinking about what was going on in my life at the time, I then remembered the approximate time, and quickly found the page with the comment:

The part in particle is the 2nd paragraph.

Alfred says:

Thank you much.

Red says:

Take Jim’s advice of treating her like a bratty little sister. Don’t try to force issues with women, you’ll just trip yourself up. Assume the correct frame and let things play from it.

Adam says:

Your in the friend zone bro. She is the alpha in the relationship and you are her beta orbiter. Next time you see her in a bad mood say “Bitch what the fuck is your problem why are you always such a cunt”. Then start succeeding where you have up to now failed. Bonus points if you make her cry.

SJ says:

Being raised as a prog it is highly likely that your entire worldview of women is incorrect. Here is some advice for dating. If you would like to date this girl then ask her out. Don’t hesitate ask her out asap. Do not get oneitis for this girl. Remember it is likely that she has been sneaking off to give her holes to a middle age criminal retard since she was a young virgin teen. Also keep in mind that this is not unusual behavior but the normal behavior of an uncontrolled girl in a matriarchy.

Don’t forget that our people have transitioned into a matriarchy just like the savannah African nogs and this happened before you were born. You are in a matriarchy so act like it. Don’t focus on just this one slut you need to ask out a lot of sluts and date them the red pill way, ie they are plates and you are a player. If your friends won’t support you in dating their sister then dump the friends they are likely bucket crabs and will only drag you down

Their is a lot to learn about women and a lot to unlearn but step one on your journey to successful man is to try and try again, and again, and again and again and again. So stop pussyfooting around and ask that slut out. Don’t forget to sexualize quickly in the future with all potential girls. Now get to it

Red says:

This is either a very good shill line attacking Trump, or pretty accurate:

One of Trump’s weaknesses is an inability to see when he’s being setup. (see J6)

Someone has advised him to take this stance on the vaxx. If you wanted to destroy Trump, you’d tell him to do what he’s doing, just as the narrative on the vaxx is shifting.

Contaminated NEET says:

It’s completely accurate. Trump will never understand that the America he grew up in, where one could basically trust the institutions and the “experts” without getting totally screwed, is gone. He’s a classic boomer. He’s too old and set in his ways to change his basic worldview now; even as the lead him to the gallows he’ll still believe it’s all just a few bad apples.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

”It’s completely accurate. Trump will never understand that the America he grew up in, where one could basically trust the institutions and the “experts” without getting totally screwed, is gone. He’s a classic boomer.”

It’s astonishing how much Trump trusts the credentialed labcoats, even if it’s an obvious snake like Fauci.

This, with bad personnel selection, will be Trump’s downfall.

Karl says:

This, with bad personnel selection, will be Trump’s downfall.

Nah, not will be. This has been Trump’s downfall

Starman says:

A great opportunity to play, “Pin the Vaxx on The Donald.”

Kunning Druegger says:

As much as I hate that he’s being such a fucking boomer, if his last great act is to usher in unbridled hate and vengeance for all associated with Coronatarianism, it will be a nice consolation prize. They will attempt to put it all on him, but the maskies and vaxxies will not give up their idols and rain dances so easily.

[…] Scale of deaths for flu and jab. […]

notglowing says:

Regarding the power substation attack:

Comments also contain some useful information on the defenses employed for american infrastructure

Kunning Druegger says:

The consensus is getting nervous…

Red says:

I read a Russian telegram post the other day on the progress of the war materials. Ukraine first used up all their war materials, then all the old Soviet War Materials from NATO states, and now they’re currently using up the older NATO war materials. Last up with be NATO current stock of war materials and there still no signs of increased production from the west. Russia’s not spending a heck of a lot on this war compared to NATO. Once that’s gone there won’t be jack shit stopping Russia from rolling over Europe if they want it.

My own take is the US economy can’t ramp up to supply the weapons needed because the left is strangling it and the people who knew how to make the weapons are retiring or dead.

Germany’s goal at Verdun was to take the French forts and then bleed the French army into submission when they counter attacked. They failed to take all the forts and the plan never would have worked because the French government wanted their men dead. The Russians seem to be counting war supplies destroyed rather than men killed which is a better idea with their on Verduns.

pinochet's ghost says:

“Once that’s gone there won’t be jack shit stopping Russia from rolling over Europe if they want it.”

Insanity. NATO has thousands of aircraft.

But Russia may take Ukraine eventually.

Like England Russia is good at starting wars disastrously and eventually winning them.

S says:

How many NATOs pilots and support personal took the jab?

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

How does one beat a NATO aircraft? For the purposes of this argument, we will simply assume as a given that NATO aircraft are superior. We then must target the weakest and least replaceable aspect of the aircraft: the pilot. How do you target the pilot without destroying the aircraft? Lasers! Optical sensors/viewports are typically a weak point on any vehicle, and the human body is no exception. How can you fly with a blind pilot? Trick question, you fucking can’t. Hook up a bunch of 1W laser pointers into an array with a targeting system. Think CWIS with lasers instead of a minigun. See an aircraft that is not broadcasting friendly IFF? Lasers! Because who needs eyes? The pilot, but not for long!

Jehu says:

I understand that the use of long term persistent chemical agents reduces the sortie rate of NATO aircraft massively. That was part of the old Cold War calculus of air superiority around the Fulda Gap.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Sure, but that means that you have to deal with persistent agents fucking up the area you want to take. Just use lasers. There will be no mess or cleanup, besides the crash site.

FrankNorman says:

There are international treaties banning the use of “blinding lasers” in war. So what you are suggesting would be a war crime.

Also, a human pilot does not need to be looking through glass – he could be seeing through digital cameras.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Guess who gets to prosecute war crimes? The guy who wins the fucking war. So starving a bunch of subversives, degenerates, and traitors is the worst thing ever in Germany, but not in glorious Soviet Union! Neither is atom bombing two cities of the nation trying to surrender or bombing civilian targets if you are America or Britain.

The only war crime is losing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

20th century era aircraft are a lot less useful when ground fired guided munitions are in play; and Russia has a lot of those.

Red says:

Ukraine isn’t proof that ground based anti-aircraft is unstoppable, but it’s kind of looking that way. We’ll see how things go when the US air force gets involved.

Kunning Druegger says:

Air supremacy is not going to look anything like what it was portrayed to be. Space based bombard platforms and drone swarms are more likely IMO.

Red says:

Live video feed from satellites to guide artillery rounds. Everything that’s making drones a killer app is even better with thousands of starlink sats making sure every round hits the target.

jim says:

> Insanity. NATO has thousands of aircraft.

Has thousands of aircraft on the ground.

And, in any case, one of the things this war has revealed is that in a peer war between great powers, manned aircraft are not in fact all that useful, even if one is actually able to get them into the air.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Thunsperg looks very developmentally challenged for a 20 year old. I wouldn’t be surprised if her spook parents put her on puberty blockers to keep her ‘image’ out in front of the cameras for longer. Same deal with David ‘eternal grade schooler’ Hogg.

SJ says:

More likely they are devotees of the divine principle, androgynous cross dressing Jesus, Mary the hermaphrodite, and Adam Kadmon.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Sure; and what better sacrament than holy whoremoans.

jim says:

It is her face. Most eleven year olds have faces that show more indication of sexual development than Greta Thunberg. She has to be on hormone blockers.

Red says:

I was disturbed looking at her staged arrest photos the other day. She looked so unnatural.

Aidan says:

She was raised on a vegan diet (same thing)

Trump 2024 says:

EMJ wrote a piece on Greta in 2019 titled, “Greta Thunberg: Climate Change And Mental Illness,” in which he argues that Greta is a mental case who was made so by her helicopter parents. He did a series of interviews on the topic at the time:

He says that the Thunberg family is an example of the wreckage wrought by the cultural revolution, and, rather than going to family therapy and/or repenting of their sins, they are through Greta’s campaigning projecting their guilt out onto the world. You are paying three times what you should be for energy because Greta’s mommy wanted a “career.”

Greta is an anorexic and a vegan, but I repeat myself. Veganism is the cachexiac’s diet of choice. One theory of anorexia is that it is a teenage girl’s rebellion, not only against a weak father and a domineering mother, but against her own fertility. The girl’s hips and breasts begin to develop; she fears the responsibility of womanhood; she stops eating. A lack of protein and a calorie deficit forces the body to shut down inessential processes, such as the reproduction system. Amazingly, there is a type of woman who can go on like this for decades. Think of the type of the female saint, the nun, the old spinster librarian, or, in the case of Greta, the true-believing shitlib. The caloric restriction is a form of ascetic practice, self-punishment, self-purification, self-righteousness — all hypocritical, of course.

My point is that due to her diet and lifestyle, there is little chance this bitch is ovulating, hence the infertile physiognomy.

(Not to mention the fetal alcohol syndrome aspect.)

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A series on physiognomy would be good. It’s something one can, quite literally, see everywhere.

Take a semi-random example from popular youtube videos:

The man running the tank park has very aristocratic features; likely cavalier ancestry, which also tracks with the coincidental happenstance of being involved with military surplus as a going concern.

Meanwhile, the group from the states, while an exceptional example of great success, also very much wear vaisya caste extraction on their faces. Possibly also evidence of endocrine disruption in youth from hormone mimicking contaminants in water and food supply.

One of the most significant factors that tell a difference between folk from genuine old money, and nouveaux riche, is self moderation – low time preference, low impulsiveness, delayed gratification, et cetera.

You can see shades of this in the content creator themselves making the video. He was able to work himself up in life to a position where he could do things like like just buy a surplus tank on the marketplace on a lark. At the same time though, who just buys a surplus tank on a lark? Of course you could say it was also for the Kantent, so not totally a lark either. That’s the tension that exists in many nouveaux riche; ability to make value at war with profligacy in pissing it away on superstimuli.

You can see exceptional examples in one generation who make it work, but unless they marry up in status, their sons aren’t guaranteed to make the same grade, and revert to the mean. Gregory Clark’s most excellent tome ‘The Son Also Rises’ touches on these phenomena in good detail.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Incidentally, I am in full support of fully featured military hardware being available on the open market – nothing would be better for a nation’s defense logistical capability.

Leon says:

Any other good videos on physiognomy? Any very good books as well? Perhaps ones with pictures for examples?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The number one compulsion of evil men is to dissimulate the ability of others to recognize them for what they are, which they themselves instinctively recognize on one level or another, and are tormented by.

Which makes subjects like physiognomy pure kryptonite. Any explicit treating with the subject will be sanitized from discourse, including even to condemn it, leaving one with disparate bits of pieces elided through overlap in other contexts. The easiest surviving example to find on record is probably Schopenhauer’s short essay on the subject. Edward Dutton is probably the closest example in later days of someone circling around the drain – if not quite going strait inside – in his book ‘How to Judge People by What They Look Like’.

Leon says:

Any older books then? Something from the Victorian era perhaps?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Johann Kaspar Lavater’s essays and aphorisms are a classic touchstone most everyone else referred too on the subject.

Joseph Simm’s ‘Physiognomy Illustrated’, L. A. Vaught’s ‘Practical Character Reader’, and Nelson Sizer’s ‘Fourty Years in Phrenology’ are later Victorian examples. At the same rate, Francis Jeffrey’s ‘Craniad’ is a funny example of ‘progressivism, yesterday’.

This angle can naturally be found in other civilizations as well, the chinese and other east asians especially who have always been openly into it to this day, for example Quyen Quang Tran’s ‘The Art of Reading People’, which was published in 2016.

Heavy D says:

Trump still shilling the clot shot, says he might have “saved 100 million lives.” Fucking unbelievable.

(Newsweek is left-wing trash, but the Trump quotes are accurate.)

Kunning Druegger says:

Please endeavor to use for any links to MSM or sources “we” find repugnant. It defeats paywalls, deprives them of clicks and ad revenue, and forestalls later deletion when the window and/or frame shifts. It also strips out malicious and annoying ads/pop ups.

I know it’s a hassle, but it’s a good thing to do and is a tangible way to damage enemies.

Fred says:

In the very very first days of the Covid virus, it was substantially deadlier than regular flu.

If this were true, the virus would have been noticed immediately. It wasn’t, though; it was circulating in Milan at least as far back as September 2019 and no one noticed a thing.

Encelad says:

They are talking about it negatively, but they have started talking about it.
The point of the video is that cannibalism is wrong for many reasons, BUT considering it a “taboo” topic is wrong.

zero says:

Who doesn’t want spongiform cerebral infection? ure jast racis

Oog en Hand says:

Prions can be avoided if you do not eat the brain, and do not scrape the meat from the bones. Learned from mad-cow disease.

Kunning Druegger says:

>subtly signaling support for cannibalism

You really are our little Representative of Elite Aesthetic.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


i says:

Tang Dynasty special:

(Yin Ziqi had besieged the city for a long time. The food in the city had run out. The dwellers traded their children to eat and cooked bodies of the dead. Fears were spread and worse situations were expected. At this time, Zhang Xun took his concubine out and killed her in front of his soldiers in order to feed them. He said, “You have been working hard at protecting this city for the country wholeheartedly.

Your loyalty is uncompromised despite the long-lasting hunger. Since I can’t cut out my own flesh to feed you, how can I keep this woman and just ignore the dangerous situation?” All the soldiers cried, and they did not want to eat. Zhang Xun ordered them to eat the flesh. Afterwards, they caught the women in the city. After the women were run out, they turned to old and young males. 20,000 to 30,000 people were eaten. People always remained loyal.)

(…(Xu) Yuan also killed servants to feed the soldiers…)

(After the city was besieged for a long time, at the beginning, the horses were eaten. After horses ran out, they turned to the women, the old, and the young. 30,000 people in total were eaten. People knew their death was close, and nobody rebelled. When the city fell, only 400 people were left.)

It is possible that all dead soldiers and civilians were also eaten after this incident.

A2 says:

“Cannibalism is a clear taboo in our society. But, putting ethics aside, why shouldn’t you eat other humans?”

(Professor of Ethics long-windedly explains why cannibalism actually is ethical.)

I might say that article is literally gay, because gayness is all about breaking taboos of various kinds. Punish in the spirit of Leviticus.

The image of that tweet is probably based on a somewhat wellknown photo from Congo of a young black soldier munching on a lower leg with a sneaker on.

Kunning Druegger says:

Really too early to tell, but reports coming in appear to indicate that a general Russian offensive has begun, starting in Zaporozhye oblast, but now purported to be across the whole front. Rumors circulating that the Zaporozhye line on the AFU side was weakened by reserves/forces being transferred North to the Bakhmut area. No reports or info indicating movement from Belarus, nor anything in the directions of Kiev or Galicia.

It has been asserted by Ukrainian leadership that they thought there would be a push on Kiev, which has absorbed many reserves and equipment that could have been deployed to the front. This was ostensibly based on the documented build up of RF forces in Belarus as well as many maneuvers being carried out with RF and Belarusian forces. This operational theater potential was reinforced by dissident commentators in the West asserting that the Kremlin may wish to or need to close the land corridor by which the vast majority of materiel flows from the GAE to Kiev. Geo-strategically, this means that the RF would need to punch out of Belarus, or through Northern Ukraine, towards and past Lviv. While this makes sense in a purely strategic sense, this would require a full invasion of the Ruthenian heartland, into the territory quietly claimed by Poland. It is the opinion of this writer that this is not on the table, as Poland is retarded and Russia does not want Pollacks being even more retardeder, but who can say.

It should be noted that there is no sign of the frenetic posting on Telegram that has usually accompanied large RF operations. This may or may not be indicative of.. well, anything. Moscow could be suppressing the usual noise/signal cocktail, indy channels could be tired of being mocked for premature poast-jaculation. Often not commented upon, RF has been incredibly good at OpSec for the regular army; most info comes from Wagner, other PMCs/battalions, LPR/DPR militias. This could be a factor in the dearth of updates/info.

Also of note, footage of RF regulars trying to cross a field with no armor support and no subsequent evac when they start getting mowed down is making the rounds. This is relevant, as if there is in fact a broad offensive beginning, and the RF generals have learned nothing in the last year, we could see a decisive blow to RF prestige, morale, and operational tempo if/when massed foot assaults get thrown back. It is too early to tell if this is the case, and the one thing Kiev is good at is muddying the water when things are actually happening, and their MVP in this game are pro-Z doompoasters like Strelkov the dickless faggot.

As better info comes in, I will attempt to update in this thread, and I ask that others who wish to post on this possible offensive contain their contributions here as not to shit up the board with “news of the day” given how many valuable discussions more on topic are ongoing.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The plains of eastern europe are much like the muskegs of north america; once things start thawing out as spring approaches, all the logged water from winter precipitation turns everything into a pile of shit.

It’s a pretty bad time to be doing any major troop movements, I actually expected the Russian general staff to double down on reconnaissance-strike through this period. But perhaps the map autists on the committee were getting anxious about seeing the lines change already, to reassure themselves.

nemo says:

This does not appear to have happened.

jim says:

Looks to me like a Russian general offensive in the Zaporozhye oblast began, the initial results were great, it looked like the Ukrainian front line was collapsing. Then the Ukrainians got their act together, and it no longer looked like the Ukrainian front line was collapsing.

i says:

The Czech Republic in 10 years managed to increase their fertility to 1.8:

Normally highly irreligious countries have low fertility. But why is the Czech Republic the exception?

No evidence of Jimian Christianity there either. But despite that they are improving their fertility over time compared to other European countries.

S says:

Poland hit 1.25 in 2003 and rose to 1.7. Czech is higher, but not exceptional.

jim says:

Half of that is allegedly single mothers. Could be that the Czechs are turning into wiggers, or it could be that red pilled men will form relationiships equivalent to marriage, when official marriage is gay.

Wigger fertility is infamously high, but that is the fertility we do not want.

pinochet's ghost says:

Do you really want to allow auto-loading of images/links from outside websites?

MSM sites and Twitter also seem to be the most aggressive trackers

jim says:

Our enemies can, and do, read this website. On the other hand, probably a really bad idea if someone reads this website, and his browser reports to MSM and twitter than he is reading it.

So, probably a really bad idea to allow you tube etc to load. I just wanted commenters to be able to upload images, but it seems that I have carelessly enabled a whole package of trackers.

I have therefore set any comment with images and such to go into the moderation buffer. If someone just uploads an image, the intended usage, no problem. If he embeds an image that is on an enemy site, big problem, because when the item is displayed, the browser of everyone who reads this site has to tell the enemy site that the person browsing is on this site, because it is fetching the image from the enemy site for this site.

Thanks for the heads up. I was careless.

Kunning Druegger says:

On the aesthetic side, it looked tacky. Your blog is case study in why the simple internet is the best internet.

Red says:

Exactly. I was just about to start bitching about the change when Jim changed it back. Reading nicely formatted text is 100x better than the jarring crap that is the modern web.

Fidelis says:

Having to read and not idly looking at links and memes and videos is a wonderful filter.

Contaminated NEET says:

Let’s get it up above 2.1 before we break out the champagne.

Oog en Hand says:

Secular Israelis have three to four children. They do not marry 12 year old females to 30 year old males. Despite being atheists, they took some ethical concepts from Talmudic Judaism that are also found in other non-Christian religions. Look at the following discussion:

A: “I heard Odinism allows you to kill Christians and take their stuff.”
B: “That is not true.”
A: “But the Edda says…”
A: “No, it doesn’t. You are using a bad translation, you do not know Old Norse.”

Upravda says:

Czechs were the only atheists who were not commies and actively anti-communist instead. It is mystery, not just to me, but to broader part of Easter Europeans.

Some people says that the catch is that the only legal religion in Czech lands up to the times of Emperor Joseph II was Roman Catholicism – and Roman Catholicism was in earlier times supposedly imposed by force & by those pesky Germans over the supposedly “national” Hussite and, later, Protestant movements.

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn argued that that reasoning is bullshit in his book Leftism, From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, but me thinks that there might be something in it. A grain of truth, perhaps.

All of the people from the Czech minority in Croatian lands were always good Catholics, however.

I think that linking Roman Catholicism with Germans was mostly just imagination of some Czech nationalists in 19th century, but I also heard that Czech commies were actually much softer toward Christians than other commies, up to and including giving salary to Catholic clergy – and that didn’t pass too well with Czechs. However, I’m not so sure is that another myth or no.

Off-topic – Czech movies, even for kids, always had some pretty woman in topless. It was a joy to watch when I was a kid back in Eighties. 🙂

The Cominator says:

Czechs were forced to nominal papism, on some level they probably believe in God but understandably not the Catholic Church.

Also their fertility aint that high and given Pragues rep as the worlds biggest brothel some of it may be due to my observation that ladies of the night are surprisingly loathe to use birth control.

S.J., Esquire says:

“why is the Czech Republic the exception?”

It isn’t, and your comment underscores the point. STOP THE PRESSES, they got it to 1.8(!) by increasing maternity leave or whatever!!

That’s still below replacement level bruh. they pull out all of the stops (other than religious pressure) and can still only get 1.8, which is nothing. let me know when an irreligious society gets it to 3.

The Cominator says:

Real shadow president Ron Klain resigns. I think our bolsheviks start purging each other soon.

Red says:

Biden’s going to be out pretty soon.

Kunning Druegger says:

Agreed. I am predicting ~November.

TiredTom says:

They are likely to pull out the Hoe before they pull Joe. That’s if they actually want a President instead of a puppet. They were both chosen as totally expendable puppets no one cares about, easily forced out by pre-existing indiscretions.

I expect serious squabbling over power soon, almost surely with a visible holiness spiral.

Red says:

New Chief of Staff is Jeff Zients. I can’t really tell if he’s going to be the power behind the throne or just someone they sloted in why they finish removing Biden.

Alfred says:

Hello all, I am looking for guidance on a nuanced piece of game. If this sort of comment/request is not appropriate for this post, please let me know and I’ll delete.

I’ve been getting mixed signals from a female friend of mine (has a long-distance boyfriend, otherwise I’d have made an overt move a while ago). On balance, I’m probably getting more “go” signals.

Things like talking about how she has a thing for guys who play a certain sport, and then some time later mentions that she thought I played this sport in high school, and shooting me an look whenever said sport is mentioned, etc; grabbing my hand or dancing up on me when we’re out at bars when a song she likes comes on, smushing her face into mine for a greeting or picture; she’s not afraid of contact and seems comfortable if I slide my hand around her lower waist for a picture or whatever. Told me she thinks I have a big dick. There are more examples, but I’ll not belabor it.

One potentially bad sign I’ve noticed is that she (occasionally) brings up her boyfriend in common conversation, usually just as an anecdote in passing. Whenever it happens I just slowly tune out in apathy and go back to doing whatever I was before. More recently though, she’s brought him up in exclusively negative contexts.

Example: she told a story where her boyfriend said he was “itching to get into a fight. Conveniently, soon after some guy was putting his hands all over her at a party. She told him to stop, and eventually told boyfriend what was going on and asked him to stop it.

Boyfriend said he didn’t want to fight anyone, “was all about peace” or some gay bullshit. She said he wouldn’t even verbally confront the guy, and although she didn’t say it outright I could tell she thought he was being a pussy. I’ve seen the guy before, and he is more than big enough to intimidate most guys visually.

Sorry for the long windup, but my question is this: a woman talking about other men to you is generally a bad sign, I know, but is a girl talking shit-talking her man to you in a flagrantly disrespectful manner, to the point of questioning his masculinity, any different?

The Cominator says:

“Told me she thinks i have a big dick”

Lol she wants to fuck 100%.

Alfred says:

I guess I could be thinking myself into too much hesitation. Ideally I wouldn’t spend any time thinking about it at all. Still, I was always going to wait until she was signal to be more overt. Fooling around with another guy’s woman is a line I don’t want to cross.

For what it’s worth, we were drinking in a public area and she was playing a game of trying to make me blush. First she shouted some words like clitoris or whatever, then that. I did grin a little when she said it I have to admit.

I’ll take your insight to heart if/when the time is right.

Adam says:

>I guess I could be thinking myself into too much hesitation.

Think with your dick and it will all work out naturally.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

All ‘mixed signals’ are positive signals. A girl who is not interested in a man is not going to acknowledge or interact with them at all.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>she (occasionally) brings up her boyfriend in common conversation

Read: are you a bad enough dude to take ownership of me and fob off any other men involved who are retrochronically worthless after failing to take ownership of me from you? ‘Lets you and him fight’, et cetera et cetera.

The Cominator says:

When she starts blatantly talking you about what she imagines your dick size is its not a mixed signal.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Certainly. It is just the thing: if she is talking with you about your dick, she’s giving you an opportunity; if she’s talking with you about her ‘boyfriend’, she’s also giving you an opportunity.

Both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ signals are all balls she is throwing up for in you in hopes you knock them out of the park.

The Cominator says:

Im saying if shes talking about that she not going to make it difficult though she may make it hard lol…

Adam says:

Long distance relationships don’t work, women require daily attention and supervision. Even dating living separate is difficult. Much easier to keep her in line when she’s living with you. More sex, less drama.

Red says:

Men love to believe they do work because they’ve been told women only cheat if they’re unhappy.

Adam says:

We are natures perfect fools. With top down enforced patriarchy it works quite well.

The Cominator says:

Ask her to wear something besides trousers (i hate next that women wear pants nowadays makes it hard to escalate to sex) next time you meet her out get her alone and just grab her and kiss her then escalate (quickly) to pussy rubbing and (less quickly) fingering, sex should follow.

Red says:

I’ve never had issues with girls wearing pants. Hand goes down the pants, get her aroused, pants come off. I think women wear them because it requires more force to start sex, which they like.

The Cominator says:

The best way to get them aroused is to touch the area that causes them to get aroused (as long as you’re pretty sure they are not going to cry rape) with pants it doesn’t work and I hate that girls wear them now.

kawaii_kike says:

Not to turn the discussion overly explicit but what do you do if she refuses to have sex after pussy rubbing and fingering? Is it just last minute resistance or something more serious?

jim says:

“Refuses” What do you mean “refuse”?

You don’t ask her, you just sail right ahead.

At this point in the interaction, nobody should be verbaling.

kawaii_kike says:

So in hindsight, I definitely failed this shit test. We agreed to meet at a hotel but she insists that she doesn’t want to have sex. We get to the room and do everything but sex so I think shes ready but before I put it in the bitch starts hyperventilating and crying but no physical resistance. It just freaked me out so I stopped.

Kunning Druegger says:

Yes, in terms of pure Jimian mechanics, that is a failed shit test. But crying during sex *without rutting or multiple orgasms* is never a good sign. You probably dodged a bullet bro.

Apropos of nothing at all, I hope you are safe and well brother. It always makes me smile when you comment, reminds me of the silent legion of BJC tribe members out there.

Red says:

I think Adam has the right of it:

Overcoming last minute resistance is like driving through traffic. Start, slow down, stop. If she says something just keep things light and start back up in a minute. Do that a few times and your good.

I’m typically skip the normal slow escalation that’s involved in foreplay and I do exactly like he describes, Start, slow, stop if I meet resistance. I then back off and start again shortly later. I suspect this builds a level of comfort because it seems more like a game.

Red says:

The one time I listened to a girl when she said she didn’t want to fuck resulted a very frustrated and angry girl the next day. She was stunned when I just took her home after a bit or foreplay.

Women put up barriers because they you to over come them.

Red says:

*Women put up barriers because they want you to over come them.

Kunning Druegger says:

>Women put up barriers because they want you to cum in them


Adam says:

Overcoming last minute resistance is like driving through traffic. Start, slow down, stop. If she says something just keep things light and start back up in a minute. Do that a few times and your good.

Red says:

Women don’t wear dresses where I grew up. Getting frisky while working her pants off is normal. Sure dresses are easier and sexier, but I find that the little force necessary to apply to pull her close and popping the top button off tends to increase her arousal. You have to overpower her to do it.

The Cominator says:

With dresses you dont have to be completely alone you can get them hot in more places and with less risk of getting accused of a crime if she greatly objects… pants on girls suck.

Red says:

Always get a girl alone when making a move. It never works well in public.

Com you’ve got the accusation thing backwards. You get accused only when you fail fitness tests.

The only time a woman accused me of a crime was when I failed those tests. I failed shits tests over and over again and then I found myself accused of beating her just like her previous boy friends had done. There was no evidence that I did it and it didn’t fucking matter. Best not to fail to fail shit tests if you don’t want to be accused.

The sorts of stuff where I got aggressive with her on dates, didn’t ask for her consent, I didn’t take no for an answer, and everything like that she loved. I was never accused of any of that. Instead she accused me of thing I refused her, striking her to keep her inline.

jim says:

Unless you are alone with the chick, and the chick perceives you as secure in your turf, that no one will be allowed to interrupt you, going to get nowhere.

The Cominator says:

With girls in dresses I’ve had some experiences otherwise… that after I was able to rub them there they were willing to go off elsewhere.

Adam says:

Pants on girls does suck in Florida, but it is not the same up north where it is cold. When girls wear pants here they are usually menstruating. You can tell because their demeanor changes and their mood is muted, they are closed off and a little defensive. Contrast that to ovulation where they will wear as little as possible. This has been my experience anyway.

jim says:

> I’ve been getting mixed signals from a female friend of mine

No such thing as mixed signals. Only one signal. They give you a shit test, or you are invisible.

> has a long-distance boyfriend

Has no boyfriend.

Alfred says:

Thanks Jim.

I find it funny the relationship advice aged, even liberal mothers give their sons tends to cleave far closer to what you get from online right wing men than you’d expect.

My mom has always told me that long-distance doesn’t work, don’t be an orbiter (“be unavailable/mysterious” is how she puts it), never ask her where she wants to eat/what to do on a date, make her jealous and show you have options etc. I suppose that’s what happens when both converge on the truth.

Rux says:

Stone-cold truth. When a girl says she has a boyfriend, regardless of distance, declare that she’s single. They love that. Unless she’s married she’s game.

I did once hit a limit with a girl who was engaged with a fella cross country with a wedding date six months out. She wasn’t bothered and for a roll in the hay neither was I. What got me was her visiting him and posting pics online with the bloke at a football game and 15 minutes later sending me sultry pics from the bathroom. I felt bad for the guy, something akin to a bro instinct kicking in, wanting to let the guy know he’s being cucked before even being married. Needless to say I couldn’t carry on and found out from the girls coworker that, naturally, the marriage never came off.

Kunning Druegger says:

You’ve gotten all the advice/support you need, so I will bite the bullet and provide the stodgy, over-principled response, just to keep things interesting, and I will accept the deserved beating from all the heartless Casanovas ITT.

It’s bad luck to be the guy that fucks up another man’s relationship. Jim is 100% correct (long distance relationship is not a relationship), but consider the totality of the circumstances here. Based off of the factors you outlined, through the lens of my experience, I am pretty certain she’s probably fucking multiple different men already. As St. John pointed out, she is sending mixed signals, but not “i want it/ I don’t want it” mixed. She is probably just a stupid slut that needs to be policed pretty hard, meaning she’s just a winner take all box for any guy. My advice is: be wary.

If she was guaranteed to be marrying some bluepilled soycuck AND you were going to fire live rounds at her uterus, then full speed ahead, bastards are merit badges for based BAPian buccaneers. If you’re just trying to get your rocks off, be careful. Cunts like the ones I am describing (which may or may not be the chick you’re describing) are liable to inspire violence for fun. If she’s a coworker or regular in your social circle, you may be opening a nasty can of worms. And, if you think she may be relationship material, good luck with having any peace of mind in the future.

Alfred says:

I appreciate the insights.

>Based off of the factors you outlined, through the lens of my experience, I am pretty certain she’s probably fucking multiple different men already.

I don’t see her 24/7 so I obviously can’t outright refute this. I do however see her very, very often and we have rather busy schedules besides. Basically every time either of us socialize, the other is around too. And if she were doing this regularly, I think I or some of our mutual friends would have figured it out by now. She’s not on any dating apps– I’ve looked through her phone for another innocuous reason before (and I’d probably have seen her profile on them already lol).

All that to say, I personally doubt this is the case with her. Not to sound too NAWALT. Not that I don’t think she is totally incapable of this. If I did think she was doing this, I’d probably not be interested at all.

> If she’s a coworker or regular in your social circle, you may be opening a nasty can of worms. And, if you think she may be relationship material, good luck with having any peace of mind in the future.

Yeah this is the case, and the biggest red flag for me. I don’t think I’d want to marry her, for this and another reason. Problem is there is just a complete dearth of women that aren’t fat or tattooed/fucked up somehow where I am right now. I’m already pretty burnt out on one night stands, and I’m not far from aging out of where that’s still socially acceptable/feasible anyway.

My better judgement is probably to hold off from this one in particular, but I have a feeling the want for more consistent sex would win out if the opportunity arose. We will see, God help me.

Kunning Druegger says:

If she is valuable, she’s worth abducting and breeding. I am not perfect, I have made many mistakes, but the one I regret most was waiting so long to start a family. That colors my perspective in all things. My advice to most men is knock her up, lock it down, work it out. I know this is suboptimal, but we are in a full spectrum war against principalities and powers. I know other, far smarter men here disagree with me, but I am resolute in my stance that men as leaders must be married with children.

I don’t know you, but I am going to take a wild stab here: I think you have “caught feelings” for this lassie. If I am correct in that guess, then I apologize for speaking so crassly of her. If you do see a future with her, how you manage this beginning is going to be important. Little stuff that doesn’t matter in hookup culture becomes perilously important down the road in serious relationships. It’s brutally unfair for both men and women, but them’s the breaks. If you are looking for a fuck spot, you have to just deal with the risks. If you are looking for a mate, and you are considering this girl, you need to be ready to flout man’s laws and customs (per Jim’s correct assertion that actual marriage is illegal). The popular saying is “if she cheats with you, she’ll cheat on you,” and while this is often correct, I think it’s more complicated than that.

I’ve probably spoken more than I’ve helped here, so feel free to discount all of this.

Alfred says:

No need to apologize at all. You’ve given advice that is largely in line with what many people IRL who care deeply about me have given me.

Could say I’ve “caught feelings”, but they’re more along the lines of wanting to get my rocks off than lovey-dovey…but, I guess there’s some level of the latter too. Maybe it’s just because I’m getting older and putting what game that I’ve learned to heart. I do enjoy spending time with her, but I suppose I’m not allowing myself to get as caught up in feelings as a younger me would have.

The reality of my situation is I either get what will probably be a temporary relationship with this girl due to my/our circumstances, or I have no woman for that time period and subsist like a beggar on one night stands. Which as others have pointed out is liable to make a man miserable sooner rather than later.

nemo says:

[*deleted for unhelpful ignorance of women*]

Red says:

A co-workers who had used to be a decently smart programmer, maybe in the 115-125 IQ range is showing signs of mental decline. I had to explain to him a pretty basic 2 page SQL update query I’d written 4 or 5 years because he didn’t get it. I never bothered to comment the script as it wasn’t very complicated, I just tossed it into the document store for later use if a particular issue popped up again.

He tried to rewrite it because he didn’t understand what it was doing. It took me 4 times as long explaining the process to him as it would have had taken me to verify the data and run the update. He has become angry and snappy all the time now. True believer in the vaxx, 4 doses. The mental decline is real.

jim says:

Unscientifically looking around, and calling it by the seat of my pants, I would say that each jab causes small but noticeable mental decline, and the effect is cumulative.

Pax Imperialis says:

Mostly off topic, but tangential to programming.

I used to handle office hours for an intro programming class in college. There was an extremely dumb woman couldn’t understand loops. I spent several hours every single office hours shift 3 times a week reexplaining loops to her the entire semester. She never got it. She only passed because code was literally spoon fed to her out of frustration by both me and others including the professor. Partly because the university admin complained too many were failing in the intro classes. She now works at a top software company as a programmer. Meanwhile I know some absolutely brilliant programmers who can’t even get hired by the big companies and are freelancing (quite profitably).

Red says:

I’ve spent a lot of time teaching women to code. I’ve found one woman out of hundreds who made an OK programmer, the rest where awful but they’re hired in spades these days.

Part of my job is telling my boss what jobs the women won’t fuck up(but spend 15x the time on than a male coder) and which jobs the actual programmers should be assigned to. It brings no end of anger to the male codes that the worthless female coders get paid just as much as they do. Fortunately we don’t have to deal with any black “developers”. Computer coding and nig nogs are so far apart that that you might as well be trying to get a dog to drive a big rig.

The Cominator says:

If you’re a white guy without connections and are anything less than a prodigy genius you’re probably literally better off driving a truck than going into programming or engineering.

Pax Imperialis says:

Freelance programming gigs can be extremely well paid. I’m half convinced from the stories I’ve heard that it’s how big companies get around their diversity hires. And the whole work from home aspect means no supervision and minimal work. Main problem is that it isn’t steady.

That said, truck driving is a pretty good career at places like FedEx and UPS. Contract drivers though get shafted a lot.

Red says:

Freelance programming gigs can be extremely well paid. I’m half convinced from the stories I’ve heard that it’s how big companies get around their diversity hires. And the whole work from home aspect means no supervision and minimal work. Main problem is that it isn’t steady.

The problem with Freelancing is how to get established as a free lancer. Young kids just getting started can’t do it.

notglowing says:

> Freelance programming gigs can be extremely well paid.

Can confirm as a freelancer myself.
But it is extremely inconsistent and marketing yourself is difficult. I am entirely reliant on word of mouth and if my circle of clients has no work for me I am out of luck.


> The problem with Freelancing is how to get established as a free lancer. Young kids just getting started can’t do it.

Indeed. It’s not something I think I will be able to do in the long term unless I am lucky enough to become well established. I don’t have an impressive portfolio. But it’s enough to land me a wage job if I became desperate so there’s that.
Had the VCs not gotten cold feet after the market went red last year, I would’ve put my name on something big. Nearly missing such a chance is frustrating.

Fidelis says:

If you have no experience, apprenticeship is necessary. In software, the apprenticeship program is open source. Find an open source project used by many many companies, make contributions, then leverage connections and experience you made doing that to find work (“draw the rest of the fucking owl” level advice here).

Pax Imperialis says:

Adding on to Fidelis.

There are a quite a few small indie app dev companies, many of which appear to have been start ups by a collection of freelancers. I don’t know how profitable they are, but they must be getting the bills paid. Network, network, and network. Programmers are humans, they go out and drink. You’d be surprised by how many programmers hang out on local city Discord channels tied to r/[cityname]. Just try to ignore the faggotry. That’s the hardest part. I don’t get what’s with CS people and tranny shit.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Consider the Matrix.

The discorporeality of life through intermediated worlds – media itself – lends a superficial ease to alienation from being-in-the-world.

And thus, the ease at which some may fall dualistic fantasies, where the Territory is as easy to rewrite as its Maps.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’ve been exploring Discord recently. It’s got more AIDs than /b/ ever did in its heyday.

The Discord (male) trannies masturbate extensively if the extensive quantities of (straight!) porn is any indication. That is a corporeal heterosexual act. Surely they are in tune with their manhood?! How then, do they decide to cut of their penis?

There was this one guy who was dating a woman, he transitions on her advice. Several months later she dumps him and now he’s “dating” (I can’t see how if there’s no penetration) his ex’s female roommate… Shit is bizarre. The guy is decently intelligent too, it’s like if Scott Alexander (Slate Star Codex) went polyamorous tranny.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>The Discord (male) trannies masturbate extensively if the extensive quantities of (straight!) porn is any indication. That is a corporeal heterosexual act. Surely they are in tune with their manhood?! How then, do they decide to cut of their penis?

Classic cumbrain. Not in spite of excessive masturbation, but because of it.

Aidan says:

Most of them don’t cut their cocks off. Male trannyism is a result of incel, of men who spend so much time fantasizing about and jerking off to women that they want to become the goddess they worship.

Red says:

Most of them don’t cut their cocks off. Male trannyism is a result of incel, of men who spend so much time fantasizing about and jerking off to women that they want to become the goddess they worship.

This is an interesting point. From my own experiences with incels I think it is likely at the root of a lot of it outside the faggot crowd. They used to role play as women in games like WOW and now they role play in real life.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It used to be common knowledge that tranny ideation was just autogynephillia 99% of the time; which of course, quickly became verbotten knowledge.

Pax Imperialis says:

>tranny ideation was just autogynephillia

I think falling testosterone and medical estrogen availability is driving the tranny stuff far more than classical sexual perversions ever did.

I’ve been talking with those people, and an awful lot seem to be living in cult like groups with lots of enabling. They guy I mentioned earlier was dating a woman on meds for schizophrenia.

50 years ago they would probably just be mostly functional transvestites.

Red says:

I think falling testosterone and medical estrogen availability is driving the tranny stuff far more than classical sexual perversions ever did.

It’s the artificial high status + social power that’s driving it. Broken fucked up people are jumping on it because it’s ludicrously easy to do.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s all of these things of course, but one novel factor to the dynamic that also deserves elaboration is the effect of telecom mediums itself.

A classic example illustrating these phenomena would perhaps be that accident of history, the birth of ‘furry’ subcultures in the mid to late aughts through the internet; which showed a prototype of what would happen with all the tumblr, twitter, and social media addict sets that would come later.

For many of the orphaned children of modernity of the time, future trigger-pullers in the meme wars, this was their first lesson in the principle that it is not simply the pretexts involved that matter, it is the *people* involved that matter; that the only thing worse than pictures of anthropomorphized dogcock, were the people dealing in it in the first place.

So what did whacking it to toon porn have to do with aggressively offensive degeneracy in terms of taste, habits, or inclinations, anyways? While one might, at length, be able to sketch out broader mytho-poetic connexions between the ansibles of A in reality and the attraction of B into reality, on the face of it it would seem like just an odd coincidence, wouldn’t it?

Furfaggotry in the early days of the internet was like a sewer drain, a place where all the headcases that would make a hash out of life everywhere they went would all somehow end up falling into; and as the tumor grew it would develop suction, the gravity of its pull on such kinds growing as such kinds were pulled, ultimately occupying a sort of perverse schelling point. People falling into a furry community weren’t just getting into furry, they were getting into a *community*; conga lines of congenitally solipsistics enabling each other’s neuroses in feed-back loops. Whatever the starting points, the end point was always gay HIV positive communists.


The sheer scale of atomization on every level in every respect in subjected societies of the atlantic empire means, amongst other things, that there are a lot of formless maybes with no strong sense of identity, purpose, or patrimonial attachment; and which of course means there is never a short supply of potential victims for power-approved forms of culticism.

notglowing says:

Discord is how I networked. I met some smart people who ended up being successful in my industry later on, and I got their respect thanks to my knowledge.
So I had connections and managed to find clients through them.

But I think I was lucky. Wherever I look, software projects are infested by faggotry and trannies, especially open source projects. Even when they are started by good men they converge quickly, and almost nobody in the space understands the problem.
It’s absolutely pervasive, and I am fortunate enough to be in a bubble of sane people.

Fidelis says:

But I think I was lucky. Wherever I look, software projects are infested by faggotry and trannies, especially open source projects. Even when they are started by good men they converge quickly, and almost nobody in the space understands the problem.
It’s absolutely pervasive, and I am fortunate enough to be in a bubble of sane people.

Anyone here have any ideas on building and growing networks that are less gay? If we can’t even occupy cyberspace we are well and truly fucked.

notglowing says:

The fundamental issue is that you’re going against the current state religion. Something that “everyone” is either a passive believer in, or a true zealot.

This is the dynamic. You can’t create a “sane” community, because as soon as it receives some recognition it will be invaded by faggots. They will start by demanding things like a Code of Conduct. Which means openly and officially acknowledging and supporting their beliefs in your rules.

You can’t oppose this sort of thing without being openly reactionary, but then your project loses the normal, average people, and becomes a group of heretics. Which makes it a target for everyone else, and it makes it dangerous for anyone to contribute to, since you will be labelled a heretic too.

It’s not dangerous to be a faggot, so the faggots will make their own fork, and anyone who doesn’t want to be cancelled will work on that. It doesn’t matter if the insane people are less competent because of how everyone else will be targeted by the system if they decide to associate with heretics.

The only way forward in this environment that I can see is to build a community that is openly reactionary and opposed to the status quo. But it also needs to be decentralized and impervious to attack. Even so, it would be limited in its ability to effect anything real since people in it will not want to associate their real names and companies.

The alternative to this is to simply have closed communities. That’s what people do today, including myself; it’s a fragile environment, but you can simply have circles of friends who know and trust each other. You can just not be a target through obscurity and lack of any written rules. You exclude people who do not fit.

jim says:

> You can’t oppose this sort of thing without being openly reactionary, but then your project loses the normal, average people, and becomes a group of heretics. Which makes it a target for everyone else, and it makes it dangerous for anyone to contribute to, since you will be labelled a heretic too.

I think it feasible to oppose this sort of thing, but have not attempted the experiment yet.

Failure to oppose this sort of thing will destroy you. The open source movement is being destroyed. Open source is a dead man walking.

The thing is, the left is pretty much openly demonic and self destructive these days. For a long time compromise was the sensible option, and all normies agreed to compromise, but the demands of compromise have become ever greater, and it has reached the point where compromise is no longer a sane or practical option.

You cannot have a family and a reasonable sex life unless openly reactionary on women, and you cannot create software unless openly reactionary on victim classes.

Just as comic books are no longer viable unless openly reactionary, open source is no longer viable unless openly reactionary. A viable open source project has to have a code of conduct that looks something like this.

Fidelis says:

I know, but I think you are overselling.

You can’t oppose this sort of thing without being openly reactionary, but then your project loses the normal, average people, and becomes a group of heretics. Which makes it a target for everyone else, and it makes it dangerous for anyone to contribute to, since you will be labelled a heretic too.

You can be openly reactionary in such a way that it is subtle and mysteriously repels most faggots. Very strong crimethink is impossible for the faggot to notice, and those shills that manage easily filtered back out. The average greengrocer has become a faggot, unfortunate, but you don’t need thousands. You need only and can get by with a small handful until escape velocity is reached.


Your CoC is greatly amusing and correct but reads too much like one of your posts instead of a, well, Code of Conduct. Too much crimethink for the sake of crimethink, and while it is supporting the key rationale of the document and the needs and purposes of such, is also distracting and more timely than timeless.

jim says:

> Too much crimethink for the sake of crimethink

Everything there is a direct defence against well known and much repeated attacks that are destroying every open source project. Give an example and explain why some item is unnecessary “crimethink for the sake of crimethink”

I did not think there was any crimethink merely for the sake of crimethink. That all the crimethoughts there are relevant and necessary to address attacks by the security agencies on cryptographic software and attacks by the victim priesthood upon the tech priesthood, in particular, forbidding the attack by the victim priesthood on Linus, the creator of the Linux kernel, and the attack on Richard Stallman, the creator of Gnu tools.

As for not being timeless, yes it is directed at the battle of the moment, at the tactics our enemies are using to destroy technology today, not the tactics they used fifty years ago, nor the tactics they might use in fifty years time. It is a direct product of and reflection of the battles happening now.

It is a document of the current year, intended to make open source development possible in the current year. In a few years time, the attacks on tech will be different, but the aim will be unchanging, to put us back in the stone age.

Just as the vaxxers don’t like humans, want to radically reduce the population, especially the white population, the trannie and Shaniqua open source movement does not like technology, especially technology that is widely distributed, that empowers the end user. They want us to live by scratching the dirt with a digging stick. They are the same people who want to stop fracking. They think that science, technology, and industrialisation sprouted from the fertile soil of subsaharan Africa and was stolen from the brave and stunning warrior women of Wakanda by white male rapists, and needs to be returned to Africa and buried in the fertile soil to sprout anew. They are hostile to working code in the same way the vaxxers are hostile to life, health, and fertility. They see someone who has something, because he built something, they are angry, they say “You did not build that”, and destroy it so that he does not have it. The priests of victimhood want to destroy what the priests of tech built.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*censored, again, for using the word “meritocracy” unironically, again.*]

jim says:

Every time I let through your use of the word “meritocracy”, I feel compelled to post a lengthy screed explaining why it is wrong. And you just sail right ahead as if everyone agreed that academic merit was an unalloyed good, and everyone should get value according to his academic merit.

Anonymous Fake says:

I didn’t use it unironically. I said “meritocracy cult” in that context. The continuing meritocracy meme/cult well past the point of reason and the failure to fairly deal with the last reasonable people who were fooled is the issue.

As an aside, I think any institution that needs to go, but where there isn’t enough power or willingness to punish former perpetrators and compensate former victims, is put down by the black power meme. It makes the blacks angry and has to go, whatever it was, and that’s the end of the debate.

I also add that blaming priestly power for our problems is mostly based out of respect for the WWII generation. Everything they fought for was taken from them by evil priests who took over the law schools by blatant grade inflation, exploiting the well meaning (but ultimately wrong) tradition of local schooling. I don’t think we’re going anywhere saying WWII vets fought for globohomo, even if it’s more true than we want to admit.

Red says:
Adam says:

“It was a coin flip and some guessed right”. -Scott Adams. What a bunch of insufferable cunts.

Red says:

Once that study on the spike proteins causing heart damaged was released, that should have been the end for anyone supporting the vaccine. Yet entire nations with much less corrupt medical systems like Japan mRNA the shit out of their people. High status drives people and mRNA jabs was the highest of the high status.

Mister Grumpus says:

Spot on. Getting MRNA jabbed was the most risky and therefore trusting of authority way to go. “See? You can trust me.” Proof of faith. An atrocity against the self.

Even if the normal vaccines were just as good, taking one would reveal that you didn’t “really believe”, and were just going through the motions. Suspect. “Politically unreliable.”

It’s modern man denying his inherent religiosity, and being unwilling to see it in actual practice, that maddens me the most.

Mister Grumpus says:

Some knowledge, some truth, is just too low status to be worth believing by most people.

There was plenty of information out there that Covid wasn’t bad enough, and this vaxx thing WAS bad enough, to make sitting out the vaxx the best call in terms of risk-management. But that information, as genuine as it was, had been associated with those icky Q funny hairstyle people, and was thus “inadmissible in court”, if you will.

simplyconnected says:

He even posted a concenssion video in which he claims that “all of my fancy analytics” couldn’t beat the “anti-vaxxers'” “heuristics”. Good Lord.

Arakawa says:

The prevailing heuristic in this situation is that grifters gotta grift.

Red says:

Looks like original Covid, then J&J, then 2 mRNA boosters. No immune failure from that combo since catching the COVID before the mRNA seems negate the immune issue, but probably heart damage and possible brain damage.

Fidelis says:

He says so at least. I doubt it personally. Looks to me like he’s pushing the proper meme, which is vaksinating is bad for your health and cumulative.

Red says:

I hope so. I’ve been warning people I know that the vaccines cause heart damage since last year. Only recently are people taking it seriously or even really hearing it. A woman I know who’s been boosted twice and vaxed and boosted her children was shocked when i mentioned it again. She actually took it seriously this time. It’s no longer a thought crime.

jim says:

Still a thought crime, and a worse than ever thought crime, but more people are committing it, so safety in numbers.

Red says:

Crimestop on the subject seems to have stopped working at least in private.

jim says:

Critical mass. Enough thought criminals, the crimestop gets overwhelmed.

Red says:

That makes sense. I wonder if Twitter no longer instantly banning people for vax doubt was that critical mass?

Kunning Drueger says:

Almost certainly. The deluge of assertions when the consequences disappeared overwhelmed anyone trying to counter signal, and it went from obscure conspiracy theory to accepted assumption at light speed.

There are concrete and obvious reasons why Musk bought Twitter and why the Cathedral tried to stop him. Twitter is an IEW superweapon.

notglowing says:

It doesn’t look like an accepted assumption to me. But the difference is now there is far less risk in making these claims, and the people defending the vaccine have become rather silent.

But the latter had been true for a while, because the vaccine suddenly became irrelevant once restrictions disappeared.
Old people around me kept getting jabbed but no one else did.

None of the people I know who vehemently defended it seem to have changed their mind even a bit, though.
They can easily rationalize it. Don’t think many people will regret their position. They knew there were some people who got adverse effects, and they will just say it was a bit higher than estimated, and the vaccine is still proven “safe” because so many people took it, and the world didn’t end. It was worth it, covid would’ve been worse without it. Covid was better after it was introduced. That’s how they think.

The fact that it worked is difficult to falsify, because it just “reduced mortality” in some vague way, it “reduced”, rather than prevented, transmission, and vaccines never prevent infection anyways. People who think otherwise know nothing of past vaccines and are dumb and ignorant. Were anything specific to be proven differently they will simply remember it differently.
But all the claims are vague enough to not be clearly falsifiable, and there is no real control group population either.

That a certain amount of people died of covid, not clearly falsifiable either, since them dying with covid doesn’t prove it either way. They will claim they died of covid or didn’t die of covid depending on convenience to their narrative.

If only old and sick people died from covid, then you are evil and selfish for not wanting to protect old and sick people, who could’ve lived a few more years.

One guy online straight up told me early on that he thinks adverse reaction statistics should be hidden from the public because they can’t be trusted to understand that information. They don’t get how thousands of people can be statistically irrelevant, so they shouldn’t even be told anything.
This was early in the vaccine rollout, just as it was about to become absolute taboo to question it, but right before the mandates.

jim says:

> so many people took it, and the world didn’t end.

Death rate still rising, last time I checked, even though no one has been getting jabbed since Putin invaded.

As Scott Adams implied in his concession speech, if you got jabbed, you have to wonder what will happen in five years.

So Scott Adams, prominently, changed his tune.

There is a non trivial probability that most mudbloods die in a few years, though the proportion of mudbloods that have died so far is still small.

And, even if mudbloods stop dying at excess rates tomorrow, still looks as if most mudbloods get some small brain, heart, and circulatory system damage.

Guy says:

it does not seem like the cathedral tried to stop Elon from buying Twitter, in fact seems like they very much wanted him to while making a lot of noise in the opposite direction. Near the end as he was feigning backing out I remember a lot of “legal experts” suggesting that he would soon be forced to buy it.

It seems to me that is no longer a crime thought to question the vaccine, or at least it is quickly on its way to not being a crime thought, and it very may well be quickly on its way to being the Orthodox position. Whether that is used against Trump, or for something else, is hard to say.

pinochet's ghost says:

I don’t think the Outer Party who took these jabs and administered them to their children realized at the beginning that they were dangerous and ineffective.

Also, these people disproportionately got vaxed early, out of enthusiasm and to show loyalty, so they never got the warning of the many suspicious things that happened later.

I think they are unhappy and that the Inner Party cannot be completely unresponsive to their unhappiness. It can’t destroy its own cadres en masse to enforce party discipline on this.

jim says:

It was glaringly obvious from the beginning that the jabs were dangerous and ineffective. But, to the extent that people naively trusted the government (remember Scott Adams telling us to do a google search that included the words “fact check“) they were apt to disbelieve the glaringly obvious, on being informed that the glaringly obvious was low status and only low status people noticed what was in front of their faces.

It was obvious from the beginning from the way the jab was being pushed, and the measures used to push it, that those pushing it had some ulterior motive that they declined to reveal, that they hated us and intended to harm us, from which one might reasonably suspect that the secret ulterior motive was malicious, malevolent, and hostile. Once the campaign got rolling, the smell of a scam and dirty deeds, the smell of hatred and murderous rage, was overwhelming

pinochet's ghost says:

I don’t think it was glaringly obvious. They ran multiple randomized controlled trials that plausibly showed these medications worked. Vaccines historically have worked; these medications are not what vaccines were historically, but most people aren’t in a position to check and in any case won’t.

They produced a very plausible story for the vaccine efficacy.

I do not believe most Outer Party were knowingly sacrificing themselves and their children to Moloch, at the beginning. It turned into that, but did not begin as that.

jim says:

> I don’t think it was glaringly obvious. They ran multiple randomized controlled trials that plausibly showed these medications worked.

It was obvious that they were cheerfully breaking all the rules for randomized controlled trials, which was pretty good evidence that the medications did not work. I knew that before the jabs were available to me.

Before the first jabs were distributed, I knew these were coming from people who hated me and everyone like me, who had unspeakable ulterior motives, and I knew the randomised controlled tests were lies.

And even on their obviously faked and massively cooked data, it was still showing that the jab did not prevent people from catching and spreading it, which given what they were not testing for, was very strong evidence that it promoted the spread of Covid among the jabbed, by preventing them from ever developing proper natural immunity – “original antigenic sin”. A leaky vaccine likely indicates original antigenic sin, or issues even worse, and they failed to test for those issues.

What their (cooked) data showed was not that it made you less likely to get Covid, less likely to spread it, or likely to recover faster. What it supposedly showed was a reduction in severity of the disease. What it showed is that the treatment supposedly worked on the measure easiest to cook and fake, the measure that is routinely and regularly cooked and faked.

But if the vaccine did that, did reduce severity, and that was all it did, if one person being vaccinated endangered rather than protected the other people around him, which is what those multiple controlled randomised trials supposedly showed, then there was no reason to pressure and compel people to take it. The pressure had to be for some other motive, and that motive unspeakable.

If those randomised controlled trials had been evidence for what they claimed, which they were not, for lack of randomisation and control they were not evidence for anything, but if they had been true and honest, if they had proven what they claimed to prove, what they claimed to prove provided no reason for coercively imposing the jab, since they showed that the jabbed endangered those around them. Therefore the motive for coercively imposing the jab had to be something unspeakably evil.

When the initial jabs were rolled out, the ambulances were screaming, and the emergency rooms were full of heart attack victims. It was immediately completely obvious that the randomised controlled trials had massively understated the extent of jab sequelae, which was expected given the smelly way the randomised controlled trials had been conducted.

It also swiftly became apparent that if one was jabbed, one ran a risk of getting Covid immediately after the jab, and if one got Covid immediately after the jab, the effects were not mitigated, but rendered far more serious. As soon as this effect became obvious, it also became obvious that the data from the randomised controlled tests had been calculated in such a way as to ignore and exclude such cases. People who got covid immediately after the jab were counted as unjabbed controls, on the grounds that the jab had not had time to take effect. Thus is someone was jabbed, promptly gets a terrible case of Covid, keels over and dies, this was counted as evidence in favour of the jab.

Repeating: Even if those “multiple randomised controlled tests” had been multiple, had been randomised, had been controlled, and had been tests, all the supposed results showed is supposed benefit for the person being jabbed, not for society, not for people around him. Hence no reason for coercively imposing the jabs. That the jabs were coercively imposed was itself absolutely overwhelming evidence of an unspeakably evil ulterior motive, and even had there been no evidence that the “multiple randomized controlled tests” were lies, the evidence for an unspeakably evil ulterior motive was reason to think them lies.

Repeating again, since I suspect you will refuse to understand: The claimed result of the allegedly multiple, allegedly randomized, allegedly controlled, alleged tests was that the jab was beneficial for the individual being jabbed, but actively harmful for the society, for the individuals around him, that it provided selfish benefit, but not social benefit, so the claimed result of these tests failed to provide a basis for the massive apparatus of coercion that we got. Thus the existence of the massive apparatus of coercion was evidence that something was up, that they wanted to jab us for some reason that they did not want to tell us, which was evidence that whatever the actual effect of these jabs (produced by Shaniqua the black female genetic engineerette) the intended effect was hostile and harmful, that whatever the jab does to people, what it was intended to was motivated by hatred, malice, and hostility.

simplyconnected says:

[…] Therefore the motive for coercively imposing the jab had to be something unspeakably evil.

This is why I suspect the medium/long term effects to be really bad. The other reason is it makes no sense to trash the reputation of so many institutions to kill a few and make everyone a little sick.

Now that I have my tinfoil hat on.. if the 1917 flu deaths were due to a mass vaccination campaign, then perhaps the reason they waited a little more than 100 years to do it again is that they had to wait for everyone alive in 1917 to be dead (so grampa can’t warn the rest of the family).

jim says:

> I suspect the medium/long term effects to be really bad

I suspect the intended medium/long term effects to be really bad.

As you know, among the gain of function modifications of the Covid virus was a genetic sequence derived from Human Immuno Deficiency virus – the pos.

I think it likely that intended purpose of the covid virus was to make everyone pos, everyone immune deficient, and the purpose of the jab was to prevent herd immunity, so that people keep getting covid over and over again until they become poz.

simplyconnected says:

I suspect the intended medium/long term effects to be really bad.

Yes, right you are. One has to account for incompetence messing up the execution (lack of consistent manufacturing, breaking the cold chain, etc).

If that video of an mRNA clinical trial where most died turns out to be legitimate, then we would see the death rate shoot up around this year. However incompetent the lower rungs may be, the planners can’t be too stupid: one would think they tested the injections prior to attempting to inject the entire world.

simplyconnected says:

Trying to give everyone the poz with infection or injections makes a lot of sense (Luc Montagnier said those boosted should get tested for AIDS then sue their government). These sick bastards likely prefer to kill slowly while milking the population with medical bills.

alf says:

It was glaringly obvious, at least if one was not an NPC at the time, for many reasons. One I found particularly sinister was that effective medicine such as hydroxychloroquine and later ivermectine were blacklisted. We were supposed to talk only about the shots.

Mister Grumpus says:

“One I found particularly sinister was that effective medicine such as hydroxychloroquine and later ivermectine were blacklisted.”

That’s when I jumped off the official reality too. Done. Eject.

That’s when I know that the vaxx people were all idiots, evil people, or idiots working for evil people.

alf says:

What their (cooked) data showed was not that it made you less likely to get Covid, less likely to spread it, or likely to recover faster. What it supposedly showed was a reduction in severity of the disease.

When I brought this up in debate, the response was: ‘yes well the intention is to reduce the hospitals being overwhelmed.’

jim says:

Trouble is, of course, that the fully vaxxed and boosted are massively overrepresented in hospitals. But if you took the official data seriously (which I did not, but many people do) the jab should have reduced the demand for hospitals.

But before the jab came out, it became obvious that fears of hospitals being overwhelmed were bogus – part of the campaign of intimidation to persuade people to get jabbed.

Milosevic says:

Bad take. He’s obviously taken it.

Disappointing to hear to say the least.

Red says:

No Fidelis has a good point. Saying he took it while casting doubt on vax is the right things to do at this exact moment.

Milosevic says:

On what planet?

My double vaxxed normie friends are now copping it on the chin when I call them morons for getting vaxxed in the first place. No one believes the fairy tale anymore. Twelve months ago it may have been the right play but now is just retarded.

He maintained plausible deniability throughout the peak of the coronavirus hysteria and now when it least counts spills all the details? No, obviously taken it, obviously memetically compromised to a quite large degree.

He also believes in global warming.

Red says:

>He also believes in global warming.

Does he? Or was it an easy way to make a lot of money selling electric cars while working on his dream of Mars?

Consider the following:

First Musk buys twitter and it’s no longer possible to insta-gib good men speaking against the clot shot. Such speak the truth freely, committing thought crime after thought crime without the state being able to do shit about because Musk took their control. Then suddenly the vaccine pushes like Clot Adams are coming around and then Elon describes his own troubles with the vax. Instead of buying twitter to push his pet gripe, he bought it, let the dissent bloom and finally he pushes the truth over the finish line.

Milosevic says:

I’ve considered it briefly and it’s retarded.

Let’s keep it in reality mate.

Red says:

Shove it up your ass and light it you faggot shill.

Milosevic says:

lol i said keep it in reality mate. By what metric could I be described a shill? For saying your obviously retarded take is retarded?

Musk is clearly memetically compromised and that should be taken into account on any analysis of him or his actions. If we want to win we have to stay focused on reality, not some retarded 4D fantasy.

jim says:

Musk is a namefag. He has no alternative but to play it cautiously, or else he would be cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized so fast it would make you head spin.

Did he take the vax? Maybe. Maybe not, for it would be dangerous for him to say “I am a golden pureblood”

Mister Grumpus says:

Cool it you two. Reading the minds of super geniuses is an inexact science. Schroedinger’s Cat and Elon’s Vaxx. Neither of us will ever know for sure.

(But yes, I too believe he’s lying about it. I also very much want to believe he’s lying about it. Funny how that works.)

Milosevic says:

Playing it cautiously is invoking plausible deniability.

“Yes, I’m vaccinated” (What vaccine? For what disease?)
“Yes, I believe people should be vaccinated” (For tetanus)
“The science is clear” (wrt structural engineering)

Not, “Yeah I got the coronavirus vaxx four times, the second one really hurt lmao, my kids are vaxxed to and so is my dog”

The bloke is compromised, pure and simple. No need to cope.

jim says:

All namefags are compromised. What else is new? Even namefags with nuclear weapons.

Starman says:

Elon Musk tends to pay lip service to the prevailing zeitgeist while doing something else.

He doesn’t denounce the US family courts, but acts as if he would if he was free to do so.

Milosevic says:

9:00 min mark.

That’s how you answer that question. That’s how he answers it a year ago.

It’s not a surprise to me that the guy who started Tesla because of global warming would get vaccinated.

jim says:

At the 8:56 mark, a powerful priest is threatening him.

Subtext: “You had better be jabbed or we are going to take that factory away from you”

Musk gave that answer when he was being threatened by a powerful priest for resisting the Covid hysteria. Things said under threat are not a reliable indicator.

Red says:

Musk in that video took the most anti-vax stance that was possible to take at the time and not get canceled.

Note Musk failure to mention what type of vax he took, something a true believer never failed to brag about. Hell these people where getting tats to celibate the jabs.

Starman says:


“the guy who started Tesla because of global warming”

Elon Musk started Tesla because ICE engines won’t work in a Lunar or Mars colony. All of his companies are for that goal.

Caesar Sextion says:

“At the 8:56 mark, a powerful priest is threatening him.”

If by “powerful priest” you mean “high-flying attorney, academic, and journalist who just happens to be Jewish.”

jim says:

These occupations are new names for the roles traditionally performed by priests.

Further, reality is obvious that we have an officially unofficial state religion, and these people are priests of that religion.

Caesar Sextion says:

I watched your recommended video and I happened to notice that in this video you recommended everyone threatening Elon Musk is Jewish. What kind of religion is this where consensual auto-sterilization is a sacrament and all the priests are Jewish?

simplyconnected says:

Just a theory, but perhaps this is part of “cooling the mark” after the con. The SPARS simulation document specifically discusses how to guide the public to accept the deaths and injuries from a worldwide experimental injection campaign.

Red says:
The Cominator says:

Wasn’t quite sure how to respond to this and lets just say I go beyond not trusting them ever, because the Jesuits are hardly unique in that regard.

Red says:

The Anti-Jesuits meme is spreading.

The Cominator says:
pinochet's ghost says:

Your jesuit theory is utterly kooky based on the flimsiest circumstantial evidence

jim says:

He has assembled compelling evidence for Jesuits in the Covid conspiracy.

Further, it is obvious that the Vatican worships demons, and demon worship is the only logical explanation for the jab, that it was created out of self destructive hatred by demon worshippers.

You don’t have any evidence blaming covid and the jab on Jews.

The two biggest crimes were Covid and Feminism, not a Jew in sight on either one.

pinochet's ghost says:

“He has assembled compelling evidence for Jesuits in the Covid conspiracy.”

That Fauci went to a Jesuit high school in the 1950s, as did Pat Buchanan. That Fauci was awarded a medal by the Italian government.


“The two biggest crimes were Covid and Feminism, not a Jew in sight on either one.”

Feminism is lousy with Jews. All counter-civilizational social movements are, whereas covid-19 was not a movement or an ideology but just an operation, executed by relatively unknown people some way down the food chain.

jim says:

> Feminism is lousy with Jews

The elite hires Jews to do its dirty work. Jews and dot Indians. First wave feminism, not a Jew in sight. Second wave feminism, lots of Jews, all of them obvious minions, hirelings.

As for Covid, Orthodox Jews the number one target, Israeli Jews the second target, and whites coming up behind. And again, no obvious over representation of Jews in the campaign to force people to get jabbed.

pinochet's ghost says:

Where were the Jesuits?

notglowing says:

Far more evidence that this is in fact a conspiracy from within the medical establishment, who did in fact do everything.

The connections made with Jesuits just show that Jesuits are bad but there’s nothing really proving they are the ones that caused this.

The connection with Italy seems spurious because of how the virus started in China, and lockdowns were invented and enforced there first. Then in Italy, and shortly thereafter in the rest of Europe and the world.

The only thing in common with all aspects of the covid story is the involvement of academics in the field of medicine, and the rest of the Pharma machine.

The fact that Israelis got jabbed disproportionately doesn’t prove they were or weren’t responsible. It shows they had greater faith compared to others. It isn’t the vatican they believed in, it’s the doctor in a lab coat.

The Cominator says:

So what were Fauci and the heads of Pfizer and Moderna doing together at Vatican? Fauci was not the only prominent Jesuit in the Covid crisis what about CDC director Redfield?

The jews are a fractious ethnic group the Jesuits otoh have ALWAYS been a spy agency.

i says:

Did a search on infanticide and came across this interesting information:

Caroline Norton – society girl, granddaughter of the dramatist
Richard Sheridan, and a writer of novels herself, had married at
the age of 19, the Hon. Richard Norton, who gave her 3 children
with a great number of bruises and unpaid bills along the way. It
was a disastrously unhappy marriage.

After one particularly bad quarrel, Norton took the 3 children and placed them under the care of a cousin. It was only then that Caroline became aware of her legal status. She discovered that in the eyes of the law she was
her husband’s property. She had no right to see her children if he
removed them from her; nor, having married the Hon. Richard, did
she have any rights over her own property or even the income she
derived from her writings. All belonged, in the eyes of the law, to
him. He refused to let her see her children.

As a woman she was neither allowed to sue or to be sued. Desperate to have her children returned to her, she contacted an old family friend, Sergeant Talfourd, who happened to be a Member of Parliament, and he ensured that by 1839 there passed into law the Infant’s Custody Act, which laid down that mothers against whom adultery was not proven might be allowed custody
of their children under the age of 7 but only if the woman was of
good character.

In those days a woman could not sue for divorce. Divorce, which
we now take for granted, was still something women could only
obtain if they were in a position to move a special Act of
Parliament – in each and every divorce case. Not until 1857 could
divorces be obtained through law courts, and even then, while a
man could divorce his wife on grounds of her adultery only, a wife
had to prove her husband had additionally committed incest,
bigamy, cruelty or desertion. And it was not until 1925 that women
were allowed full, equal guardianship of their children under
English law.

In 1839 as a result of the “Infant Custody Act”. Family Courts which destroying Families came into being.

Interesting that the Author of this paper rejected the teachings of Paul as culturally influenced. But made Christianity all about Gender Equality:

There are other “Christian” writers who claim that Christianity is about bringing equality to men and women

Red says:

Caroline Norton – society girl, granddaughter of the dramatist
Richard Sheridan, and a writer of novels herself, had married at
the age of 19, the Hon. Richard Norton, who gave her 3 children
with a great number of bruises and unpaid bills along the way. It
was a disastrously unhappy marriage.

After one particularly bad quarrel, Norton took the 3 children and placed them under the care of a cousin. It was only then that Caroline became aware of her legal status. She discovered that in the eyes of the law she was

He beats her but she always fighting with despite the beatings? That’s not how things work. If you shoot off you mouth to a man who then whoops your ass in a fight, your not going to shoot off your mouth again. Very likely he failed to establish real authority in his home and then failed to give her the sort of beating she wanted when she attacked him over and over again. He was so timid about it that he fled with the children.

But made Christianity all about Gender Equality:

Typical progressive lie.

The Ducking Man says:

>He beats her but she always fighting with despite the beatings? That’s not how things work … Very likely he failed to establish real authority in his home and then failed to give her the sort of beating she wanted.

Before jumping to conclusion, let’s entertain a basic question.

“Do women have free will?”

Let’s entertain the possibility that whatever befell on Richard Norton was simply because Caroline Norton choose to be evil wife.

Did Caroline had a choice to be good and subservient wife rather being a bitch 24/7?

Red says:

>“Do women have free will?”

Does it matter? Free will is generally a question asked in order to push people away focusing on how punishments and rewards are highly effective in modifying behavior. I personally couldn’t give a flying fuck if anything has “free will”, since I know that punishing behavior while rewarding good behavior results in better outcomes.

>Let’s entertain the possibility that whatever befell on Richard Norton was simply because Caroline Norton choose to be evil wife.

There are people who are broken who’s behavior can’t be modified through normal means. You kill such people. If that was the case with Caroline then he should have killed her instead of running away. The fact that he ran indicates either he was weak or that he didn’t have the propper backing to properly punish his wife.

The Ducking Man says:

>Does it matter?

Of course it matters because it opens up other variable when discussing women which is that some women are simply horrible piece of shit of human being because she has the free will to be horrible human being.

It matters to average joe like me because when relationship fails I don’t have to keep blaming myself.

Why does it when discussing relationship failure redpill/trads always respond to “As a man you are not doing enough”?. Keep blaming men for all world’s problem are no different than what feminism are saying.

>since I know that punishing behavior while rewarding good behavior results in better outcomes.

Do you really think reality works that simple?

>There are people who are broken who’s behavior can’t be modified through normal means. You kill such people.

Trads in his fantasy land where killing bears no consequences and biblical and civil law doesn’t exists.

jim says:

> It matters to average joe like me because when relationship fails I don’t have to keep blaming myself.

Well actually you should blame yourself.

Women are immensely malleable. You probably cannot compete with Jeremy Meeks, and even less with General Bucknaked, but assuming she has not banged them, there are no bad women.

When women do horrible, insane, evil, destructive, and self destructive things, as they so frequently do, it is because women are the weaker vessel. She does bad stuff to force you to man up and take charge of her.

The Ducking Man says:

>Women are immensely malleable

So you admit that women do not have free will. If that is the case fine by me.

At least we agree to disagree.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In empirical terms, agency is a spectrum with many conditional variables; some entities have more of it than others, in different spreads than others.

RE: Free will. Consent. In the context of women.

If you think of women as but children of a larger growth, suddenly it makes sense. Are children capable of free will and consent? Can children be trusted to make decisions rationally and intelligently and in their own long term interest?

Men take decisions on information and intellect. While men are subject to emotions, when faced with big decisions, men tend to turn to rational analysis. Women, by nature, follow their instincts. This does not mean that they are not intelligent or incapable of making decisions, but that when faced with big and important decisions, they allow their instincts to rule them and end up making bad decisions. From which, a sane society ought to protect.

If you allow a child to grow in an environment where tantrums are not only tolerated but positively encouraged, the child is incentivized to throw tantrums which becomes increasingly annoying and intense. Ultimately the child grows up to be a total brat.

Women’s shit tests are but a more evolved form of tantrums. If you fail them, you get worse and with increasing frequency.

Now we have a state religion that not only tolerates but positively encourages women’s bad behaviour, empowerment through feminism. When women are incentivized towards bad behaviour and when the State makes it very dangerous and illegal for a man to punish bad behaviour in women, it becomes progressively worse until they become either utterly evil or insane, possibly both. The man suffers, the women themselves have it worse living alone and surrounded by cats in their sunset years.

I blame neither women nor men in today’s society, since a man has no lawful authority to punish or discipline his wife or his children. It takes great courage to resist the prevailing state religion to impose patriarchy at home. Hence clown-world.

Red says:

It matters to average joe like me because when relationship fails I don’t have to keep blaming myself.

I just lost my girlfriend. I know exactly why I lost her. I stopped playing the alpha and beta’d out. I can track exactly when I started betaing out and she lost attraction. A bunch of failed shit tests later and it was over.

I’m not kicking myself over it because I know what went wrong and how to do better next time. I have a big soft heart for women and dogs. This is a handicap when it comes to being their master.

Why does it when discussing relationship failure redpill/trads always respond to “As a man you are not doing enough”?. Keep blaming men for all world’s problem are no different than what feminism are saying.

Trads are wrong not because their advice of manning up is wrong, they’re wrong because they’re telling you to man up when you don’t have the tools or the backing to be man is fucking insane. You can’t legally punish your wife and trads don’t instruct men how to be a strong man because it’s a crime to be a strong man. Trads have a fundamentally incorrect view of what women find attractive in men making their advice insane without already established patriarchy.

The Red pill tells us that woman want to be owned and they want a strong and potentially violent master(Note they want that violence to be potentially used on them, so proving you can beat up other men isn’t enough). Such things are illegal and official immoral by the state church, so putting them into practice is very hard.

>since I know that punishing behavior while rewarding good behavior results in better outcomes.

Do you really think reality works that simple?

Yes. The hard part is rewarding a woman’s behavior requires you to be a strong and potentially violent master, something that’s illegal, trained against, and flat out consider immoral by the death cultists who control this nation.

>There are people who are broken who’s behavior can’t be modified through normal means. You kill such people.

Trads in his fantasy land where killing bears no consequences and biblical and civil law doesn’t exists.

This is typical McChristian whining. The bible commands that a husband kill his wife if she commits adultery. McChristians refuses to do this because they’ve taken the progressive shit pill and are no longer Christian. The Apostle Paul told Christians to obey civil authorities and was then executed for not obeying them. You should obey the civil authorities where they’re right and just and go around them when they violate God’s law.

Sure you might be punished by evil men for doing what’s right just in the eyes of the Lord. That’s just something men of good will have to endure. Or maybe a particular woman isn’t worth it. Just move on and find a new wife but be prepared to do what’s right and necessary with her if you plan to keep your new wife. Women and dogs need masters and part of being a master is the internal master frame and the willingness to use violence when necessary to keep them in line.

Though I recommend men use proper planning and don’t get taken alive if they’re prepared to execute God’s law. Cops already hate domestic violence calls because the sort of men who are willing to beat their women when they need it are also willing to shoot cops who enforce evil laws. They will be less likely to be interested when a bad women disappears if they know it might be dangerous to investigate it.

jim says:

I regularly get brutal shit tests in the early days of a relationship. I seem to remember that long ago, not so severe. Maybe because I was younger and handsomer back then, or maybe because these days you are competing with guys on social media. Shit tests that can only be passed by doing something highly illegal, and threatening to do something considerably more illegal.

I pass. There is no alternative but to pass your shit tests.

The Ducking Man says:

>I just lost my girlfriend

You just lost relationship in training, it’s a no consequence relationship, you give nothing into the relationship.

I’m never talking about people in “relationship”, I’m discussing in plane of existence where relationship carries long lasting consequences that requires full time commitment (i.e. marriage) especially married with kids.

I used to be young just like you, so I know exactly how fast to move on from “girlfriend” -> 1 week max.

>This is typical McChristian whining. The bible commands that a husband kill his wife if she commits adultery.

Because when you are married there are gazillion things that women will do wrong (and sometimes evil) that is not adultery.

For example Divorce Raping a husband for alimony and child support is a definitely evil action that is not adultery, perfectly legal, and not explicitly banned in bible.

Red says:

I’m never talking about people in “relationship”, I’m discussing in plane of existence where relationship carries long lasting consequences that requires full time commitment (i.e. marriage) especially married with kids.

I used to be young just like you, so I know exactly how fast to move on from “girlfriend” -> 1 week max.

I admit I wasn’t terribly attached to her. Not good wife material.

A friend of mine who was around 10-15 years older than me went through the nastiest divorce I’ve ever seen. She openly fucked men in their bed while he was at the house as a fuck you to him during the divorce. He suffered through it for months and when the divorce raping was over he got himself a younger hotter girl friend. She ended up being unwanted and undesired as all post wall women are. The whole process destroyed his kids though. They’re all shattered wreaks. I don’t know if they ever recovered.

Personally, I would have killed the bitch. Better to die a man than to be treated as a slave and a cuckold. He felt the pain was worth it so his kids would have a father and a mother. Unfortunately he died just 9 months after the divorce. His female doctor failed to properly treat an antibiotic resistant infection that he struggled with for months.

For example Divorce Raping a husband for alimony and child support is a definitely evil action that is not adultery, perfectly legal, and not explicitly banned in bible.

Being made a slave by a woman is a crime much worse than adultery. There’s no good answers when you’re being divorced raped. But as Jim said it is just one giant shit test, but passing it would be extremely dangerous and illegal.

I’m not a father, but I rather think that doing the right thing also involves doing the sort of things that makes your children want to also do the right thing. You have more to think about than just your life. One of my worst regrets growing up is I spent most of my time learning what not to do by watching my father. Weak and cowardly men don’t serve their children well.

But like I said, you can always start another family and do it right the next time around. I know you’re going through hell, it’s something I’ve seen it many times in the people I’ve known. It’s unnatural, immoral, and beyond evil what the progressives are doing to you.

However, your wife is just shit testing you. It’s a very evil shit test and one that should be fatal for her, but she’s just following her evolved instincts combined with the super weapons the Cathedral wants used on men. You are being destroyed because it’s what the Cathedral wants for all men. She would much prefer that you man up enough to put an end to what she’s doing to you. Both she and you might not long survive passing that shit test, but that’s honestly what she desires.

Ducking, I pray that you can find your way through this hell.

Redbible says:

The bible does not allow women to divorce their husband.

OT does allow the woman to leave, but not with any children (who belong to the husband) and not with any resources or money. A Woman who tries to leave with either of those is a thief.

OT also says to kill any who pass their children through the hands of Moloch. If a woman leaves with the kids, it is only time before she will “pass them” through Moloch’s hands. (Examples include: Chot Shot, take them to drag queen hour, give them puberty blockers, etc.) A man who will not protect his children from his wife is a cuck. Children are better off without a mother than a demon mother.

P.S. If a women is divorcing a man, she has already committed adultery in her heart. Her body will soon follow suit.

alf says:

Of course it matters because it opens up other variable when discussing women which is that some women are simply horrible piece of shit of human being because she has the free will to be horrible human being.

Sounds like real life getting you down. Stay strong Duck.

Anon says:

“He beats her but she always fighting with despite the beatings?”
You are assuming women are rational being.
most likely he beat her insufficiently/ out of desperation, which explain
why he fled.
Beta male beat women (hence the bruising) while men discipline.
A man discipline a woman is just and for a very clear reason after adequate warning and explanation of why she need a beating.
after some time of insufficiently beating a woman, the shit testing escalate until the only way to pass it is to kill her.

Red says:

You are assuming women are rational being.

I am not. Pain as a motivator in highly effective only when it’s used to establish dominance. He failed to establish dominance with the probably retaliatory nature of his beatings(IE she attacked him, and he mildly beat her back). Some women need to be beaten and beaten regularly. Doing so in a half assed manner results in failure.

Pax Imperialis says:

My elementary school bus driver told me he would bear hug and restrain his upset wife while whispering lullaby songs in her ear until she calmed down. Dude had a sense of humor. Now that I think about it, he said a bunch of other red pills to the boys on the bus. Military vet, probably killed some people based on how he reacted to some naive shit I said. I wonder how he’s doing after all these years.

Adam says:

It’s funny, everyone I know remembers the based bus driver, or history or shop teacher. But there is only ever one of them and often times he was a veteran.

Red says:

I didn’t know a based man growing up. The closest was my Grandfather but I lived 2,000 miles from him.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I had a science teacher catch me reading novels in his class; he loaned me his copy of Starship Troopers.

But you’re right, there was only the one. And I don’t imagine he’d make it long today.

@Red, I’m sorry to hear that.

I knew several in my father’s generation I’d like to call based, but out of the boomer generation there was something just slightly off about even the most based of them. That they’d lift weights, but do it off by themselves privately instead of talking about it and recruiting the way the new manosphere does. Or, on the evidence they must have known some pretty strong red pills about women but could only communicate them in code to the younger generation, if at all. So I’ve still had to rediscover some of what could have been direct transmission.

jim says:

> On the evidence they must have known some pretty strong red pills about women but could only communicate them in code to the younger generation, if at all

I was taught it sort of in code – the red pill was in the air that I breathed, but not explicitly nor consciously thought, nor said, nor taught. The official lie about women was accepted, but accepted as something of a joke. Trouble is, the younger generation failed to get the joke.

Adam says:

>If you shoot off you mouth to a man who then whoops your ass in a fight, your not going to shoot off your mouth again.

OJ beat his wife for quite a while and she kept escalating. A woman’s favorite drug is sexual attention from an alpha male. OJ was fucking someone else. Nicole was post wall and a mother.

An ounce of prevention is more valuable than a pound of cure, best to seduce your woman daily.

Western Taliban says:

The only thing I take from here is that even some novelist whore had three children back then in 1839… the most wine aunt meme occupation possible, while today we Europeans are literally heading to extinction.

Apparently making women property is some sort of biological imperative, considering under those circumstances even the most unlikely of them are having enough children. “Enslaved and oppressed” women with wine aunt careers have three children! But “free and emancipated” “Christian and traditional” women have a dog and a cat at most, even married with a millionaire and living in a rich and peaceful neighborhood.

Basil says:


jim says:

All that you are saying might well be true, though I don’t follow the ethnic and racial distinctions you are making. What is the difference between a Caucasian and a Russian, and why is it a bad thing if Russia ends up Caucasian. Isn’t it already Caucasian? You seem using “Caucasian” to refer to some narrow, and possibly imaginary, ethnic group, while in English it is used to refer to a rather broad racial group. All whites, not counting Jews and suchlike as white.

But I am deleting your reports because I get the strong feeling that despite your supposedly pro Russian stance, you don’t like Russians, that there is something, I don’t know what, manipulative and deceptive in what you are saying.

Your are telling us Putin and company are bad for Russia and Russians. Maybe they are, but that is what the global American Empire is also telling us.

I am ignorant of things Russian, but this smells to me like making supposedly right wing racist arguments for left wing programs aimed at the extermination of the higher races.

Oog en Hand says:

“You seem using “Caucasian” to refer to some narrow, and possibly imaginary, ethnic group”

When used in the narrow sense, it refers to a cluster of three groups, of which two are possibly related.

1. Georgians
2. Circassians and Abkhazians
3. Chechens and Daghestanis. The latter are composed of Avars, Lezghs and smaller groups.

2 and 3 are possibly related. They are usually Muslim, and look actually whiter than Georgians. Georgians look swarthier than 2 and 3, but are usually Orthodox Christians. Georgian might be related to Indo-European and Afro-Asiatic.

Basil says:

Pardon me. When I say “Caucasians” I mean the indigenous people of the Caucasus Mountains and surrounding areas. To what has been said Oog en Hand, it is worth adding Azerbaijanis and Armenians, with their fairly noticeable diasporas. To refer to people of European origin, you can say “European” or “white”, “Caucasian” seems to me a rather unfortunate term for a number of reasons.

The global American empire shows that Russia is an anti-Russian state, because Russia is very sluggish in playing democracy and because Russia has not given enough legal privileges to sodomites and ethnic minorities. This is not my position. My position is that a country that previously had big problems with replacing its own population has intensified the processes of this very replacement, and the people whom this country replaces should not fight for such a country in external wars.

I don’t expect any government to be perfect and we need to wait for that perfect government with folded arms. But I at least expect the state to not try to kill/enslave me and people like me. The things that I am talking about clearly indicate the intention of the top of the Russian Federation to exterminate the Europeans, primarily the Russians themselves. If some Russian listens to me and leaves to live in some Uruguay/Montenegro/Mongolia/Ets, will work quietly, give birth to children and do other things, instead of risking life and health, conquering new lands for other people’s children, Europeans in generally more likely to win. If a miracle happens and Russia doesn’t end up like South Africa with Islamization (after everything that’s happened this year, it’s strange to count on that), this Russian or his children can be repatriated. In fact, now two miracles are needed: because NATO / countries of the Middle East are guaranteed to help Chechens, Tajiks and other freedom fighters cut off Russian heads and let Russian girls go around, milking the last juices from the thinning layer of white colonialists to its very end.

Your blindness, which allows you to not notice what is happening in Russia itself, is simply amazing. If the Russian Federation became a state for Russians, we would notice it, regardless of what the American empire says.

jim says:

Like anonymous fake, you are always producing supposedly right wing rationales for left wing programs, rationales that presuppose that we agree on left wing principles. For example that Russia should be “democratic”.

“should not fight in external wars”

The war in Ukraine is not an external war. Russia was and is under threat of being transformed into a satrapy of Globohomo.

Areas that are linguistically and ethnically Russian are all over the former Soviet empire, and when they come under Nato, Nato gives ethnic and linguistic Russians a very hard time – something that strangely seems to not worry you, though it clearly worries Putin and worries Russians in Russia.

So I don’t think you are on the side of Russians against the anti Russian empire. I think you are on the side of globohomo against Russia and Russians. Your criticisms of Putin and company are valid, but you are telling us truths that serve your master.

“To refer to people of European origin, you can say “European” or “white”, “Caucasian” seems to me a rather unfortunate term for a number of reasons.”

Your number one reason being that globohomo does not like race to refer to ancient history, but to current geography. We are caucasians. We are not Europeans. We conquered Europe and substantially eradicated most, though far from all, of the original people in Europe, a fact that globohomo seeks to erase.

This tortured language leads to such absurdities as the English calling people from the Indian subcontinent “Asians” They are primarily a mix of Aryans and Dravidians, neither of whom are Asian.

Fidelis says:

Not to countersignal, but he is saying his position is not Russia bad because no democracy, but Russia bad because… not explicitly white nationalist? Hard to say what his actual position is.

However the Russian state gleefully resettles South Africans and Old Believers, is the only place that even remotely attempts to reduce the status of women, and it is a remote attempt. Would be interesting to poke him to see what explicit anti-slav anti-Russian measures the Kremlin is taking, instead of vague allusions to a near universally terrible white birth rate.

Kunning Drueger says:

RWA podcast that talks about Russian demographics, among other things.

jim says:

> Hard to say what his actual position is.

Which is exactly the position of a shill who advocates left wing measures for supposedly right wing reasons. He is not upfront about his position.

Western Taliban says:

Would be interesting to poke him to see what explicit anti-slav anti-Russian measures the Kremlin is taking

The Kremlin is anti-slav and anti-Russian in the same way the State Department insists you are a terrorist and anti-American because you don’t want faggots grooming your children.

Basil IS anti-slav and anti-Russian and wants to murder all slavs and Russians like the State Department wants to murder you.

It is obvious to anyone who has had enough contact with real Russians, regardless of their political position, within this context. Because no real Russian will ever present his position and frame the war in Ukraine the way he is.

Here is a shitlib Russian woman who went psychotic and insane because West propaganda told her Russia was murdering Ukranians: when she learned the truth, all things changed. But regardless of her position and opinion on the matter, the importance of the matter itself has always been extreme, life changing.

No real Russian would ever disregard the importance of Kiev Russ the way he did, least of all call it “conquering new lands”. No real Russian would ever call Kiev Russ “new lands”, a city with a monument commemorating “whence all Russian peoples come”. All Russians know that Kiev Russ is Russia, and Ukrainians are brothers and as Russian as Russians, and they either feel despair at the idea the West media sells them that they have become evil kinslayers or understand the truth and the importance of helping and saving their brothers in Ukraine and the Donbass.

And you know that Basil really wants to murder all Russians because of all the possible things to whine about, he wants to complain against an ethnicity within the Russian Federation that is staunchly pro-Russia and pro-Putin and have a strong propensity to reject faggots while keeping their women property like the Taliban. He hates them because they burn rainbow flags and have many children, and he hates the idea that Russians will ever go back to this, he needs to drive a wedge between them and Russians to make sure that every Russian child is raped by faggots and every Russian woman turned into a whore, so that all Russians die.

jim says:

Pretty much my analysis.

Russia is now eighty percent Russian, largely because a whole lot of people who formerly identified as Ukrainian, or nationalities that have gone Nato, now identify as Russian. Fastbreeding minorities continue to identify as fast breeding minorities, but love Russia, because Russia protects them from Globohomo. And also because those of them that did not love Russia got crushed (winning always makes you popular, look how the Japanese and Germans love the USA)

Globohomo (and Basil) wants to fracture Russia into a horde of micro states on the basis of real and imaginary differences, but this smothering embrace of “separatism” is seen by the fast breeding minorities for what it is. They would rather be part of the Russian empire than the globohomo empire.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Basil spelled Kiev as “Kyiv” in one of his early rants. He is a faggot shill, and for being a faggot shill he gets to go to the great gas chamber in the sky.

Basil says:

What has the Kremlin done to solve the problem of the birth rate of Russians? What has been done to stop Russian women from being whores? In addition to giving hundreds of thousands of Tajiks Russian citizenship and social security for single mothers?

Nothing prevented us from first solving problems in 140 million (possessing nuclear weapons – and hence the ability to pursue an independent domestic policy) Russia, and only then to save 35 million Ukrainians and 5 million Belarusians. Saving 35 million Ukrainians when you haven’t made any headway in saving 100+ million Russians suggests that saving the Slavs (any Slavs) is not a priority. If you cared about the Slavs, you wouldn’t be wasting precious time “saving the Slavs”, along the way utilizing the Slavs in a war in which the Slavs are fighting Slavs, until the Slavic country you rule, which is also the most populated Slavic country, ceases to be so Slavic. And along the way, turning the Slavs into the main target for destruction in the next major war, although Globohomo could break his teeth about some Iran.

All that remains for you is to rest on the question of sodomites. But sorry, there are many other countries where sodomites are not seen on the streets. There are no sodomites in Ulaanbaatar. There are no sodomites in Cairo. There are no sodomites in Yangon.

jim says:

> What has the Kremlin done to solve the problem of the birth rate of Russians?

Sponsored Orthodoxy, and backed away from the Duluth model. The birth rate increased by ten percent before the war, and the recent measures should increase it a great deal further. Russian men now have considerably more freedom to beat their wives. We have not yet seen the effect of that on the birth rate. When Russia built the great Cathedral, it stepped off the path of globobomo suicide, and onto the path of survival. Which of course led to war with the Global American Empire. A war fought to drape the rainbow flag over the great Cathedral. A war that you are arguing that Russia should lose,

War with the Global American Empire has resulted in purge of Global American Empire entryists in Russia, and has resulted in them purging themselves, which should make it a whole lot easier for Russia to walk the path towards a higher birth rate that it has been walking.

Independence from the Global American Empire is not sufficient to restore fertility, but it is necessary. Without independence, nothing can be done. Any country that takes actually effective measures finds itself at war with Global American Empire.

> Nothing prevented us from first solving problems in [Rump Russian state]

Putin tried that, and observe what happened. Internal enemies with ever stronger, ever closer, backing from external enemies. Global American Empire intervention in so many countries foreshadowed Global American Empire intervention in Ukraine. Global American Empire intervention in Ukraine foreshadowes Global American Empire intervention in Russia, which gives the many very holy Russian adherents of the high Church of Globohomo confidence in inevitable victory, which leads to more troublemakers flocking to the high Church of Globohomo.

And who is “us”? You sound like Jew, not a Russian. You don’t like Russians. No way a Russian is going to tell me that the Global American Empire was leaving Russia and Russians alone. Whenever Russians found themselves in Nato countries as a result of the fall of the Soviet Empire and the expansion of Nato, they got mistreated. The Global American Empire intends to eliminate the Russian language and the Russian ethnicity, and is not shy about its intent. It defines genocide very broadly for its enemies, and very narrowly for itself. By the broad definition of genocide that it applies to its enemies, it intends to genocide Russians, and has gotten started on doing so. All your supposedly right wing, supposedly pro Russian, arguments are arguments for the Globohomo program of splintering Russia into one hundred muppet states, and then soft genociding Russians in those splinter states the way it has been soft genociding Russians who found themselves in Nato states as a result of the fall of the Soviet Union.

Basil says:

[*endlessly repeated script deleted yet again*]

Oog en Hand says:

“but love Russia, because Russia protects them from Globohomo.”

If the Taliban defeated Globohomo, it is more likely that the Chechens protect Russia from Globohomo than the other way around. Also, if the Taliban defeated Globohomo then it is obvious the Taliban are more dangerous than Globohomo. Maybe less evil, but certainly more dangerous. But why do you think Islam and Globohomo are mortal enemies? After all, in Western Europe, Globohomo is importing Muslims.

“And also because those of them that did not love Russia got crushed (winning always makes you popular, look how the Japanese and Germans love the USA)”

Please explain why it is easy for Russians to crush Chechens, but very hard for Russians to crush Afghans. They have similar cultures, i.e. Muslim mountain dwellers.

Chechens may like Rossia, but they do not like Russkies. They despise drunkards and whores.

jim says:

> Please explain why it is easy for Russians to crush Chechens, but very hard for Russians to crush Afghans. They have similar cultures, i.e. Muslim mountain dwellers.

Holy war. It was not that Russians failed to crush Afghans, it was that communism failed to crush Afghans.

Putin’s regime is more acceptable to Chechens than Globohomo or Communism was to Afghans.

pinochet's ghost says:

Anglin, who appears to have been forced into the pay of the Chinese, denies his own anti-feiminist principles”

“This [Japan’s birth rate] seems to be a natural and fundamental thing that happens with humans in urban environments.”

Enough with this has-been hack.

chimo says:


they frankly don’t really even have feminism.

He clearly doesn’t understand what “having Feminism” means.

S says:

Anglin isn’t denying it- you can have feminism and above replacement birth rates (1950s US; Anglin appears to think Japan is similar). Jim thinks it is a feature of Asians that feminism is more toxic to them; Anglin thinks it is the social conditions (urbanization, pornography and male infantilization).

Anglin explicitly links feminism and fertility decline.
“The problem in China, like everywhere else, is that women are stupid whores and cannot be reasoned with. However, because China is not a Jewed-up democracy, they can just ban all feminist propaganda and start cutting off other avenues for sluts.”

Fidelis says:

In the interest of rectifying names, would you equate feminism with matriarchy? Then, would you say, for clarity, though I believe I can imagine a gradient, that which is not Patriarchy is by default matriarchy?

S says:

Patriarchy is an explicit legal and social system where men coordinate the ownership of women; matriarchy is when women do not have explicit owners.

Matriarchy is to patriarchy as anarchy is to monarchy. Feminists push for matriarchy, but you can have matriarchy in the absence of feminists (men unable to coordinate, ex sub-Saharan Africa).

Tldr; Yes, yes

SJ says:

If anyone hasn’t read Sexual Utopia in Power yet Roger Devlin addresses quite a bit about the effects from transitioning into a matriarchy plus he has provided a pdf of the book for free;

Highly recommended.

Adam says:

Big cities are vile, putrid places. Boys and girls need to run around and have lots of fresh air. Boys especially need to go on adventures. Living in a city is like living in a school. It’s not natural, so of course there are going to be no end of side effects. A man needs land that is his own.

Fidelis says:

It’s not so bad when you don’t have packs of feral niggers running around. Yeah a backyard woods is much better, but a mature and healthy city has plenty to explore for a child.

Adam says:

Let me know when you can explore a city on a 4 wheeler with a rifle.

Pax Imperialis says:

Just today, while driving around a Western American city, where everything is spread out on flat plains, I saw a sheriff cruising around on his mighty black motorcycle, in full black tactical gear and his hand gun holstered at the waist; a long gun secured to the back of his vehicle in full view.

Imagine that feeling… hints of the old West still exists, even in some of the larger cities, but sadly it’s going away.

Now hopefully I didn’t doxx where I live.

Anonymous Fake says:


Red says:

Anglin’s black pilled on woman. It’s causing him all sorts of dysfunction.

jim says:

White pill. Women are wonderful. At being women. At being men, a disaster.

If you truly internalise the red pill, you will appreciate that women are a helpmeet for man.

There is inherently a battle of the sexes. Which women want to lose and men want to win.

Trump 2024 says:

Anglin’s been shilling for the Chinks for years. What rock have you been under? It’s something we’ve all learnt to live with.

If you were banned from America and the banking system, living in SE Asia, and trying to stay on the internet, you might shill for the Chinks too.

I think he genuinely loves Asians though (especially their sluts). Again, what rock are you under? You aren’t a real White Supremacist unless you respect Asians.

Aidan says:

Cities have always been fertility sinks and IQ shredders, but when the difference is dropping average fertility from 6 to 3, they are not so bad. Cities have always had a underclass of migrant workers from the countryside, who generally had the lowest social status of anybody in the country, so their presence depresses fertility. Having a nice attached townhouse with a little backyard and safe, clean streets is less than ideal for fertility, but also not so bad. The wealthier urbanites used to do pretty well in fertility.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

More and more statal actors around the world are starting to cotton on to the fact that treating with the Atlantic Empire for patronage is not like hiring a band of mercenaries, but making a deal with the devil.

That the strings attached to its help are not mere treasure or tribute, but alteration of all that is to suit the dictates of its ruling faith – even and especially if such alteration entails the destruction of he who was soliciting the Empire’s patronage in the first place.

Islamic Mali and Burkina-Faso turn to Christian Wagner to secure order against globohomo instigated terror groups, the generational relationship with France finally severed.

More now than ever are paying heed to the old adage: to be USG’s enemy is dangerous; to be USG’s friend is often fatal.

Pax Imperialis says:

“I Am Altering the Deal, Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further.”

Lucas really did capture the Anglo-American spirit. Unfortunately when I point out that the Empire is America to many Star Wars fans they get angry.

Red says:

As if the GAE could produce a badass on the level of Darth Vader.

Pax Imperialis says:

Don’t look at it literally. Think thematically. Vader is how liberals see Conservatives and the Empire is how they see the US government. Of course they view themselves as the heroic rebels (even though they run the government in actuality).

The Cominator says:

The Galactic Empire’s evil for 99.99% (ie not jedi and not preexisting planetary political elites) was socialism for purposes of plundering the private economy in order to massively build up the Imperial military… though Palps DID have a good reason to be doing so.

Pax Imperialis says:

That’s all expanded universe, most of which done outside of Lucas’s vision. Keeping with the movies Lucas was a leftist highly critical of the United States during the Vietnam war. Death Star is analogous to nuclear weapons. Perhaps uncoincidentally, only the Empire and the US ever used such weapons of mass destruction.

Jedi are people who have “transcended” base human emotions and attachments. They are a priestly class who act militaristically and insert themselves into conflicts they had no business being in for enforcing “peace.” All the while virtue signaling (“purely defensive NATO” bombing Serbia). They are basically activist leftists attacking the government while informally controlling the government.

It was the Communists and Socialists that wanted to redefine the family structure and remove attachments. Kidnapped children from their parents to enlighten them for “transcendence” beyond the old ways in keeping with blank slate doctrines. In reality it’s emotional and developmental mutilation (Thunberg). The Jedi do that and are suppose to be the “good guys.” They even shun reproduction (environmentalists).

It’s the Dark Side that embraces patriarchal dominance and family, but in Lucas’s twisted world view he displayed only examples of failed patriarchy and failed shit tests and used that to say: “look at how bad and evil patriarchy is!”

pinochet's ghost says:

Jedi are not that militaristic until the prequels. Compare the behavior of Obi Wan Kenobi to that of Han Solo on the Death Star in “A New Hope.”

Come the prequels of course every jedi is just Han Solo with a laser sword, because Lucas is an idiot actually.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Lucas’ whole idea with the original trilogy was basically just to recreate the monomyth format IN SPACE. So in other words he accidentally made something good in spite of himself.

So naturally of course it all started going to shit once he stopped following a traditional formula and tried to roll his own. A significant amount of the direction in the OT actually came from everyone around Lucas who would tard-wrangle him away from whatever his most headass ideas that day were, but that all went away once he got clout too (

Redbible says:

Every trilogy of Star Wars has always painted “Team Good Guys” in a way that is Super Ultra Progressive, according to the era it was made in.

The original movies feature a diverse “Good Guys” team, and a Homogenous “Bad Guys” team. The “Good Guys” team includes (but not limited to): Slaves (Droids), Animal “People” (Chewbacca & Ewoks), Girl Power (Leia), Criminals (Han, also Chewbacca again), Non-Whites (Lando), and will include 1 Farm Boy (because we totes represent then working class.)

Team “Bad Guys” on the other hand is only white except for the voice of Vader (Because only black men are allowed to be Scary and/or Masculine.)
(Also Lucas wanted to replace the Emperor’s voice as well, but others on his team stopped that.)

The Jedi only get to pretend they aren’t genocidal in the Originals because they aren’t in power. The rebels are however perfectly genocidal in destroying the Death Star (Don’t kid yourself into thinking that a plant size vehicle wouldn’t have families and merchants on board. It’ not the the empire hasn’t been shown to be more friendly to families than the so called “good guys”)

The Cominator says:

Lucas liked the EU and a deleted scene from the original star wars (ANH) discussed the fear of property being nationalized by the empire.

EU cannon is based and Lucas liked it, Disney cannon otoh is pozzed.

Iq shredded says:

What happened in France? Couldn’t be that serious…also France is very far gone…

Kunning Drueger says:

There are 3 significant powers in Europe: Germany, Britain, and France. There are other substantial players (Scandinavia, Italy, Iberia) but so far, they don’t really act alone, though I can’t say whether it’s Can’t or Won’t. France is always portrayed as the coward, the weakling, the feminized, but I put it to you that both Germany and Britain are far more pozzed, while France, like the US, is a nation containing a severe dichotomy. Yes, there are French college professors demanding Arab dominance of society. But there was also a chief of police that quietly ran the domestic security structure and rapidly began militarizing the police (he was “caught” by a documentary film project… guess who paid for it). Of the 3 major European powers, France is likely the only one with any shot at reversing trends and restoring its position. There is no institutional opposition in England or Germany to the GAE. There is in France.

Red says:

France’s nuclear power sector is a good sign they’ll survive.

notglowing says:

The reason why France opposes GAE is the same reason why French people are often disliked. They are full of themselves. They are very proud of often fairly unimportant particulars of France and being French. They think they are better than others.

They get mad if you speak English or don’t pronounce their language very well, they resist English loan words tooth and nail and are one of a few countries not to use the word “computer” for computers.

Similarly, they have energy independence from the rest of Europe through nuclear power, they have their own special rules on a lot of stuff, a relatively sizeable military, and critically will not extradite their citizens to the US.

All the things I listed might be very good, actually. The question is whether French people are going to give up on *substantial* independence in favour of only caring about superficial cultural things, or if their national pride is genuine and actually survives globohomo in the ways that *matter*.

Too often it feels like the former option is the current reality. Given the amount of immigration they have, how they are now being colonized by their african colonies, etc. They’ll take blacks so long as they speak French.
But I want to hope that the latter aspect will prevail, especially given the language barrier which has been a precious weapon against GAE for other countries.

Italy would be far more pozzed if it wasn’t that few Italians know English, and vice versa. Our literature curriculum in public schools is still very good. Some of it based, even. And there just isn’t as much degenerate crap to replace it with in our language.

Rux says:

The French are irritatingly insular, expect when it comes to browns of course. The generation raised on Gabin, de Funès and Delon are all dropping dead while their children recreate little Brooklyns, same as any Western European city. The litter from the mid-20th century cheap labor heap, while fluent in French, don’t bother to assimilate (no pressure nor stigma), pump out brownlets and altogether sully once commendable districts. The countryside for the most part remains unpolluted, particularly where you find low country transplants who seem to be the only folks opening businesses. Forget the natives showing any get up and go.

The level of compliance to the Satanic strictures of 2021 was breathtaking and wholly disappointing. Hook, line and sinker. I summarily assumed a multi-generational proclivity toward totalitarianism as the reason. Precious little resistance. A truly depressing people. The Italians, for all their shortcomings, are much more fun.

Western Taliban says:

France and Britain will not survive more than 20-30 years as a people, it’s not realistically possible. They have already been replaced fully in many areas, they have a muslim mayor in London. It’s just fact based analysis.

And muslims are not progressive faggots, they keep their women property and they keep reproducing, their priests are actively fighting feminism and American soft power even in those countries, while the French are very proud of their empowered free whores and their “liberté” and the British are the fathers of liberalism and very proud of their empowered cat ladies, there’s like zero chance here. And the men? Hehehe…

If you think France and Britain can survive, it’s like believing California can remain Amerikaner without exterior interference, it’s not very realistic. The odds are even worse, because Mexicans and niggers are actually eating feminism up and suffering for it, they don’t have a real religion to fight that religious front, but the muslims surely do. Of course it’s not entirely impossible, as long as a critical mass of Amerikaners remain they ought to be fully capable of taking everything back inch by inch, but this is a very extreme theoretical.

alf says:

Not optimistic on France either. I think the countryside in many European countries can hold for a while longer. But ‘holding out’ is just not the same as ‘fighting back.’

Your Uncle Bob says:

An optimistic precedent for Amerikaners, and perhaps for the French, is the Spanish Reconquista. Which was uncertain, took centuries, and required a live faith, but they did pull it off.

But I don’t know much about the Reconquista beyond the superficial and official. So I don’t know exact of a model it could be for anyone today.

Western Taliban says:

I don’t wanna get too much into it, but it is not really a precedent because it’s a very different situation. The muslims took power militarily, it was an army of warriors holding political power, but the population remained basically the same for a very long time. The Spanish people didn’t get demographically replaced and the Spanish people had a perfectly viable fertility rate. Remember that back then the King and the people were not necessarily even the same race, this is hardly unique to Spain’s history.

What’s more, technically speaking most of the Reconquista did not take centuries, Don Pelayo came down from the mountain and started to win within the same generation. The Reconquista is not considered fully completed for so many centuries because of Granada. At that point some areas did have a lot of mongrels and muslims, but they weren’t even close to the majority and so they were easily purged through the years, some times at sword point but not literal genocide, just forcing them out like in Valencia.

By comparison, this is why I think the situation in France and Britain will be unsalvageable within 20 to 30 years, because the great majority of young people will actually be muslims. At that point unless they’re willing to engage in absolute genocide and can win, they surely get replaced within the next generation, especially because French women and English women will continue to have dogs and cats instead of children.

The degree of genocide required would be unimaginable even by ancient standards, nothing even remotely close seen since the Indo-Europeans murdered the original population of the continent I think. The current men of France and Britain do not have the strength nor the courage for such a feat. It’d be more likely the muslims would do them in, but that also seems extremely unlikely going by history, they will just make them pay jizya or something.

For Amerikaners it is more applicable, white Californians could flee temporarily to the Mid West and come back throwing people to Mexico at gunpoint, that would actually be similar and sounds a lot more realistic. That’s why I said without exterior interference, because considering the rest of America I think Amerikaners have plenty of opportunity and space, they are very far from ultimate defeat, very, very far. But the French and the British are really at the edge there.

Fidelis says:

Barring a Caesar, and one that successfully implements a patriarchal system at that, looks like complete implosion, followed by dark age. Better set up your informal multigenerational church and kin networks, looks like it’s going to be a long and bumpy road.

The Cominator says:

We MAY have a Stalin, now obviously he is going to install a lot of cronies and NAMs but they are probably all going be loyal to him not the Democrat establishment. The way he isn’t like Stalin is he does not have levels in gangster the way Stalin did.

This attack on credentialism is not standard Democrat practice.

Kunning Druegger says:

Yes, but it is standard Radical Democrat practice. They did this back in the 70s when whites handed the inner city to negros. It’s not Stalinization, it’s Mandelanization.

The Cominator says:

Modern Democrat party practice is to award darkies degrees they arent qualied for not to cutout the academic priesthood.

Red says:

Modern weapons make genocide a lot easier than it was for the Ayrans. But again the basic problem is reproduction. Whites are not having kids because our women are unowned.

jim says:

“… for the Christian polities, spread Latin Christianity. For instance, towns such as Guadalajara and Cuenca issued abduction protections in the mid-twelfth century to allow for the trafficking of women into their city walls. A man that entered with an abducted wife in tow was allowed to remain as long as he intended to settle and raise a family in the region. To entice new settlers to these areas, Guadalajara, Cuenca, and nearby cities allowed men to bring abducted women at their will to expand the city’s population through childbirth and coercion.”

“The control of women’s bodies, faith, and space, as Barton and Dillard suggest, was central to the restructuring of the Iberian Peninsula in the centuries after 711”

Same methods should produce the same results.

The reason it took six hundred years is that the struggle was one of biological growth.

Western Taliban says:

Biological growth and resettlement of areas was definitely an issue. And every soldier lost in a battle needs to be replaced and that takes time.

I assume you’re only using this source as a reference to read between the lines of history, because their framing is always going to be exaggerated and a lie, just look at the people who made that website:

The main reason why it took six hundred years is not biological growth, it is because of politics and conflict of interests among the Spanish people themselves. Trying to frame the issue of the Reconquista like two unified war factions against each other is liberal/prog revisionism that often tries to say “look how powerful and enlightened Muslims were” and “how stupid and barbaric Christians were”. In this case is trying to tell us “how bad and evil were both Christians and Muslims because their women weren’t independent whores”.

Considering the history of el Cid Campeador, who was possibly the greatest hero of the Reconquista bar Don Pelayo, it becomes quite clear that a great deal of the fighting was intra-war for different reasons in both sides. The muslims also had their great deal of intra-war and conflict, to the point the Taifas happened.

The invasion was possible because intra-war between the Visigoths, otherwise the muslims would have never been able to set foot in the Península. Similarly, the Reconquista was in many cases easier because muslims were too busy killing each other.

The basics of the history are also very similar to that of the Anglo-Saxons and the founding of England, a bunch of warlord chads killing each other with a lot of different people in the mix fighting for their own interests, without enough cohesion to unite against any apparent common enemy in either side, constantly making cross-alliances and such. It wasn’t only the Spanish and the muslims, the French were also in the mix and constantly at war with Aragón, just like they were also involved in England.

When Fernando and Isabel united Castilla and Aragón, the powerful inertia of their movement not only completed the Reconquista, it also established the first empire where the sun never set.

As you often reminds us, cohesion and cooperation are very hard, very very hard. And unless the enemy is a demented evil demonspawn like the State Department or the Aztec empire who are self-destructive and want to kill everyone else to worship their demons, the sides can easily change because the lines in the sand are thin and superficial, but the benefits from cross-alliances can be very enticing and enduring.

alf says:

lol, lmao even.

Seems I have been bannned from gab:

Access denied

You do not have access to

The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site.

I have no idea why. Maybe it was because of my handle, ‘Archbishop Alfonso I’? Maybe because in my pinned post I advocated that a Christian does not necessarily have to take everything in the bible at face value? I have no clue.

Anonymous says:

The odd thing is that I can still view your posts.

jim says:

The site is under attack. Likely this has absolutely nothing to do with you.

I get the error:

“Internal Error

We encountered an error processing your request. Please try again in a few seconds. Please do NOT screenshot this page as it has your IP address listed below.”

And then I get the error “The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site.”

Maybe he has, because so many attackers are hitting the site, maybe he has not, and your browser is misdiagnosing the error.

The http protocol is inherently vulnerable to this sort of thing. Everyone is facing a more hostile internet. Holy war approaches, and the internet is copping it bad and going to cop it a great deal worse. We need to replace the excessively trusting and vulnerable protocols we are currently dependent on.

alf says:

Huh. OK, hope it turns out well.

jim says:

Gab may well recover, but the long term trend is that this problem is getting worse, has been getting worse for a long time, and is going to get a lot worse than it is now.

The internet was designed to keep going, at least somewhat, even in a nuclear war.

Information Epoch warfare however …

Needs substantial redesign.

alf says:

Yep Gab is back.

Needs substantial redesign.

Inbetween having a bunch of kids, damage controlling the destruction of our past, creating a scaleable crypto, prepping for food crisis, piling weapons, shitpoasting on teh internet… I’m sure we can shove in redesigning the internet…

Well at least we won’t be bored anytime soon.

jim says:

Ipfs is a good step in the correct direction. People generally access it through http and domain name system, but you do not have to, and our enemies are reluctant to attack, because that would merely result in wholesale movement away from http and domain names.

Fidelis says:

IPFS is great for something like a book collection, but we really already had that in the form of bittorrent. IPFS is terrible at what you call metadata, actually organizing a human readable and searchable database of hash links. Going to need a persistent peer network to survive a serious https/dns attack against such a search system, at which point we have solved the decentralized social media problem, at least in substantial part.

notglowing says:

>but we really already had that in the form of bittorrent.

IPFS is similar to bittorrent in principle yes, but first off, most uses of the latter involve centralized trackers, IPFS is closest to Bittorrent with DHT and magnet links, but with the advantage of being designed around that usage.

However there are significant differences between the two protocols that give IPFS unique capabilities. Torrents are discrete collections of data, they are extremely rigid and require total replacement if even some of it changes.

IPFS natively allows for hierarchical addressing of information through merkle trees, which means you can link to different views of the same collection, or, more critically, when you update part of the data, you don’t throw away the network of peers that is sharing the unchanged part.

This changes *how IPFS is used* in practice.
It also lends itself more easily to hosting webpages, which act as indices for the collections of data, bypassing the need for centralized websites to list torrents.
And IPNS allows for stable identifiers to changing information.

IPFS doesn’t by itself solve the problem of having multiple people contribute to something together, however there are some partial solutions to that built on top of IPFS, such as OrbitDB and Textile.
I’ve used OrbitDB, it’s not terrible but it suffers from the rather slow development of IPFS itself.

What’s really missing is something akin to a paid database as a service that uses the IPFS protocol.
Forcing every peer of your app to run an IPFS-based database is an issue, because if those who submit data can do it for free, they will spam and burden other peers.

On the other hand, there are interesting solutions to decentralized spam prevention based on zero-knowledge technology such as the Rate Limiting Nullifier (

notglowing says:
playing with fire says:

If male sexual impulses are natural and not to be restrained, is sex with demonesses allowable? Because they’re really hot. And after all, it’s only one degree removed from sex with normal women – and if you can hold frame on a woman, holding frame on a demoness shouldn’t be fundamentally different, just more so.

jim says:

If demons are real, rather than metaphorically real, they are not generally permitted to take physical form.

If sometimes permitted to take physical from that form will reflect their inward nature, which means a demoness would resemble Andrea Dworkin.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Evil is ugly. The dark side can’t give you any hot demon chicks because that’s ableist.

A2 says:

Listen to yourself. You’re a fool and a disgrace.

Starman says:

Q: “They knew: why didn’t the unvaccinated do more to warn us?”

A: Because you NPCs were censoring us, LOL.

Adam says:

“The unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.”

These people are beyond saving.

jim says:

Well, I said quite a bit, and I will say it again.

The fake hysteria about what was just yet another flu of so many different flues, was obviously intended stampede us into accepting totalitarian controls, and when those totalitarian controls were then applied to force us to inject a mysterious novel substance with no credible tests for human safety and clear and compelling evidence that it was not merely ineffective, but grossly counterproductive in controlling the disease, it was obvious that those wanting to inject us had reasons that they were not telling us. Since not telling us, hostile, hateful, malicious, and destructive reasons.

It was completely obvious that they were running some kind of con, therefore whatever they hoped to achieve by injecting us was not something that we would want.

Which was immediately confirmed when the jab rollout begun, and suddenly the ambulances were screaming day and night and the emergency rooms were mysteriously and suddenly flooded and overwhelmed with young seemingly healthy heart attack victims.

We had been hearing all this propaganda about the Awesome Mighty of the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon flooding the hospitals, while hospitals remained empty due to artificial restrictions on normal healthcare, and then, when the jab rolled out, suddenly the emergency rooms were overwhelmed, and everyone piously looked away, and anyone who failed to look away got cancelled, deplatformed, and demonetized.

simplyconnected says:

It was completely obvious that they were running some kind of con

There were definitely some hints.

The Cominator says:

Apparently that site is like the babylon bee but pretends specifically to be a feminist site.

someDude says:

That’s what I thought. Got to be Satire. Though in these times, you really can’t tell. What a world we live in.

Arakawa says:

That’s a Poe’s Law tabloid.

Starman says:

I figured it might be satire.

The thing about Poe’s Law is that the real thing and satire are indistinguishable.

I had people in IRL express the same such sentiments as that article.

Western Taliban says:

Knowing you, I imagine you actually did tell them repeatedly that the clot shot was going to kill them. How did they come to express the same such sentiments as that article? They choose to ignore the reality that you did tell them in no uncertain terms while they called you retarded anti-vaxxie?

My experience is that I told the people I love the clot shot would be bad for them and they told me they suspected as much, some expected the worst, and none had any inclination of taking it. But the people I love are all “extreme” in this sense, all my brothers are rather crimson and in general I don’t abide faggots that actually trust current year governments, people that trust current year governments are too retarded to care for.

Red says:

I personally told 10-15 people in private what the spike proteins were doing to their hearts. No one fucking listened. All they could see is it’s high status to take the clot shot so they took it.

Red says:

From Clot Adams:

No, I literally want to know how the people who were right knew it in advance. They know but won’t explain it.

simplyconnected says:

It looks to me like Clot is having a hard time accepting that he is not the genius he thinks he is (judging from his giant brain profile picture), and is lashing out.

jim says:

Hey, anyone who gets fooled, gets pissed. He trusted the government, even when it stank. Stupid. There were no end of red flags, among them all those fact checks that somehow failed to actually check the facts. Scott Adams told us to look at the fact checks. I looked at the fact checks and what I saw was not refutation but simple denial. The fact check formula was to respond to evidence and argument not with counter evidence and counter argument, nor with demonstration that the evidence was unreliable, but simply the voice of authority denying what the evidence proved. It was completely obvious at a glance that the fact checkers were just flat out lying barefaced.

If someone lies to you, what is their angle, what are they up to? Whatever they are up to, it is not going to be good for you.

The Cominator says:

Boomers seem to not be able to get it thru their thick skulls that everything is corrupt and evil.

Jehu says:

Saying that pretty much every super-Dunbar number organization in the Western world needs to be destroyed and the earth salted at its HQ is a very hard sell, even though it’s at least 90-95% true. Saying that incremental reform is futile (e.g. Church commission, trying to clean up the colleges a la DeSantis) is an even harder sell. Not because it isn’t true, because I reckon it’s at least 80-90% true, but because of what it requires that those that believe it do.

I don’t think Gen X has the stones or the inclination to burn it all down. I think that’s why DeSantis is making an honest try in Florida with the colleges. He might know that we basically have to destroy public education completely (as in no more public schools or universities or preferential treatment for any educational institutions), but he also knows he has to make a creditable attempt to reform them first rather than leading with wholesale destruction, which would be my preferred approach.

Fidelis says:

All those organizations have faced entryism and Inquisition from the unholy state church. If we had an official and not demonic state church, assign a new department head and inquisitioner, converge organization to something not demonic. No need to burn it all, though some might warrant it, and most will be unrecognizable once converged.

The Cominator says:

This is what cuckservatives always think it doesn’t work…

Pre rigged elections DC and some of the outlying Beltway suburbs voted 95% for Hillary Clinton.

Yes exterminatus is the only solution

The military can be reformed with a massive purge at the top level and trimmed down to essentials Almost all institutions that touch the state or state church closely need to be burned to ash…

jim says:

Nah, radical downsizing and a political purge is all that is needed.

Lots of Havel’s Greengrocers there who will scarcely notice that the propaganda slogans on the recroom walls are now different. They don’t really read them or listen to them even when they chant them, and will not really notice when they are expected to chant the opposite.
“Diversity is our greatest strength”
“Diversity plus proximity equals war”

Havel’s Greengrocer is used to the slogans changing. Will not notice or care that the changes are now rather more radical.

Fidelis says:

It doesn’t work if you have no unifying faith. Cuckservatives have no faith, only desire unto the recent past. No wonder they fail.

Jim often says the fix is in on all levels of politics. Is the same true of the remaining Christian groups? Can our memes take back our Father’s house? If our faith is so useless we cannot even occupy our own places and groups of worship without being forced out by demons, perhaps we ought to concede chopping our dicks off as a winning strategy.

jim says:

Fix is in on Christian groups, but we have the edge there that we do not have in politics.

The enemy pays entryists to work full time for free for the Churches, but by and large the entryists seem to be low level (Obviously Pope Francis is top level, but the protestant and Orthodox churches are not so far gone). The people actually in power may be powned by enemy memes, but they know the truth, sort of. They are just reluctant to confront demon memes.

Whenever I raise the issues of women teaching men, of female serial monogamy, of faggotry and trannyism, they are full of guilty rationalisation. They are not going to flat out tell me that all that old fashioned Christian stuff is obsolete, and furthermore, that was never the Church’s position. (With Roman Catholic priests, they will sometimes will tell you it was never the Church’s position, which is sort of true in that the Roman Catholic Church has had a very serious Lavender Mafia problem for a very long time) It is that they cannot say “groomer”, not that they are in the pocket of the groomers.

It is always “Ah, but this is not women teaching men, well, not exactly”, never “your horrid sexism, racism, and homophobia is unchristian” whereas an outright demon worshipping enemy entryist will tell you that your horrid sexism, racism, and homophobia is unchristian.

A red pilled pastor officiated at my wedding and we had a wedding ceremony two centuries out of date. If I could have a genuinely Christian wedding, things are not entirely hopeless. Things are very very bad, but they are fixable, and I fixed them for my wedding.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you play a different game, you win a different prize.

And the prize for winning at leftism is mutual suicide.

Fidelis says:

I can say groomer just fine. I also can say pederast. I don’t fulfill other requirements or I might take the job.

A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach; not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity

Neofugue says:

> Things are very very bad, but they are fixable, and I fixed them for my wedding.

What would be your suggestions for Christians in churches occupied by enemy entryists? Let us assume that the priest is not a demon worshiper in that he hoists pride colors and BLM slogans, let us assume that the priest plays the role of “traditional” Christian but viciously attacks anything which goes beyond “acceptable” normiecon thought. Remember back to the demon worshiper who blocked you from the Orthodox Christian Gab group as an example.

jim says:

> but viciously attacks anything which goes beyond “acceptable” normiecon thought.

Evasive snow more common than vicious attack.

If he viciously attacks old type Christianity, enemy of God, Christ, Christendom, and Christians. And thus, your enemy, and will probably undermine your marriage from the pulpit. Probably worships demons – recall Pope Francis who when taxed on Vatican priests naked in bed together in a great big pile, said “consenting adults” and invoked the Gaia demon.

Conservacucks more common. If he buries the issue in a gentle snow of meaningless words, more a Havel’s Greengrocer. He does not want to disagree, because he knows well I am right, but does not want to agree, because agreeing would get him in trouble with enemy entryists – who probably do quite a lot of work for the Church, as well as work against the Church.

simplyconnected says:

Hey, anyone who gets fooled, gets pissed.

It’s a very understandable reaction. I have a lot of sympathy for those tricked who didn’t push it on others. In Clot’s specific case, I don’t follow his stuff but I believe he describes himself as expert in persuasion and great predictor. Well..

If someone lies to you […] Whatever they are up to, it is not going to be good for you.

Thankfully, there were several opportunities since early 2020 to detect one of their lies (hydroxychloroquine, overrun hospitals..). One deliberate lie is sufficient to trust nothing from that point on.

The Cominator says:

Even knowing their dishonesty and evil was not necessary to avoid the clot shot.

1) Almost everyone had what was supposedly covid.

2) Even if you didnt virus wasnt antigen stable

3) Vaccine was not tried long enough

4) The non J&J vaccines used mRNA tech… no real data indicating that is safe for humans

5) J&J didnt use mRNA but even if you trusted institutions thry poisoned baby formula to save a couple cents in unit costs.

Arakawa says:

I read an article about Dengvaxia and thought ‘hmm; this shows that advance trials of vaccines are garbage and the same thing might happen again in gigascale; perhaps I ought to wait a year or two or twenty’. Then while I was waiting a year or two or twenty Society went psychotic over pushing the thing and pissed me off completely.

There, deep intellectual mystery solved.

ArkyShrugger says:

Exactly my process, aided by Karl Denninger/Market Ticker Guy’s warnings.

A2 says:

“No, I literally want to know how the people who were right knew it in advance. They know but won’t explain it.”

During spring, things were unclear. I was concerned when seeing those odd videos of chinese collapsing in the streets, and also shortly thereafter when the great and good called on us to hug a chinaman. But that was the peak.

At the beginning of summer, Covid itself didn’t seem too dangerous so wait and see. It was obvious the authorities didn’t mind spreading Covid when they permitted the summer of anti-Trump.

The vaxx appears but does not immunize you from Covid and does not stop you from spreading Covid. So really, what’s the point?

In due time, the vaxx side effects seemed worse than the disease, so just skip it.

Well, that’s the reasoning.

Red says:

Why the hell would the FBI raid Mike Pence for classified documents? Mike Pence is a non factor in future political calculations due to his betrayal of Trump. Trump I get, Biden I get, even if that’s the dumbest thing to use to bring down their puppet, but Pence? That makes no sense.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I imagine it’s the faction of the ruling clique associated with Biden’s handlers reaching for anything they can get to distract the lemmings with something else.

Red says:

The document thing with Biden is just a warning shot. The straight up open public corruption that Joe Biden has committed would be far easier to take him down with.

Red says:

IE it’s not a great distraction, wouldn’t be that surprising from team Biden.

Kunning Druegger says:

I think one issue is they can’t take Biden down for something they’ve already ruled as “holy violations of the normal,” like niggory diggory in Ukraine or “Las Resistance” shenanigans. It has to be something that puts him in the “Like Trump” category. It appears to me that Mar A Lago was just a pump primer for Car A Lago; if it had taken down Trump, fine, but they were really aiming at Biden. Might be too much tinfoil, I admit it, but the schemes they run are complex and clumsy.

I think Pence is a sacrificial offering by the shadow leadership of RNC. Biden represents the Octogenarian Faction, even if he’s been a tool of the aged radicals. That coalition is collapsing (Klain exiting is an indicator, but there’s rumor of serious infighting in the Whitehouse right now) and the idiot alliance is dissolving. The RINOs are in bed with the Octogenarians in the DNC, not the radicals, so they need Biden to stay in power just as much as the radicals need him out. Jim’s Thesis (it’s a classical observation, but fuck the academy) is that the coups get easier each time (and more destructive), so that’s what underpins my prediction of a ~November exit for Biden. Harris is a snake, but she’s also a moron, so we’ll see what she does.

Guy says:

The corruption charges that could be levied against Biden would legitimize Trump’s criticisms of him and lessen the standing of those who called these claims conspiracy theories. The document charges legitimize the similar attack on Trump and allow his detractors to say, “see… it wasn’t a politically motivated hit job. they even went after Biden for it ”

Ultimately it doesn’t matter the charge they use against Biden, that’s just for public consumption.

Red says:

The document charges legitimize the similar attack on Trump and allow his detractors to say, “see… it wasn’t a politically motivated hit job. they even went after Biden for it ”

Now you’ve got half the Dems and the same republicans who were ripping on Trump’s declassified documents defending Biden. The contrast in the cases can’t be any more stark: Trump declassified everything he took with him, Biden didn’t have the legal authority to do so. It hurt the case against Trump.

The Cominator says:

For corruption they cant isolate the damage to Biden so easily since theyre all crooks… mishandling classsified documents they can get him and Hunter alone.

Red says:

Everyone in DC keeps and probably sells top secret docs. Remember Hillary already walked from a case of it. To get rid of Biden with it they’d have to accuse him of selling information to the Chinese which he probably did.

Kunning Druegger says:

2 Things:

They aren’t very smart, so I can totally see poor planning/short horizons being a factor.

America has a painfully short memory, so I think it’s feasible that they are banking on that.

Red says:

I take it this western tank brouhaha is just cover to send full on NATO units to fight against Russia?

Fidelis says:

In this case I think the proposition that Putin should grasp the nettle applies just as well to the Atlanticists. If you’re gonna stick it in, just do it already. One piece of equipment at a time is just going to earn your enemies scrap metal.

Kunning Druegger says:

Yeah, Putin is not the only one suffering from timidity. It’s the boomer/GenX curse, and I bet it applies to Millennials as well. I guess “everybody” is afraid of history no longer ending lol.

Mister Grumpus says:

GAE also needs to plausibly deny, to itself, what it’s doing. So the BS isn’t just for us. I bet they’re also BS’ing each other, and each individually BS’ing himself, that he’s not really doing WW3 yet.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It’s like boiling the frog, except doing it to themselves too.

“This step isn’t too far outside the bounds of normalcy.”
*some time later*
“This step isn’t too far outside the bounds of normalcy.”
*some time later*
“This step isn’t too far outside the bounds of normalcy.”

Et cetera et cetera. One day it’s ‘we are not at war with eastasia, this is normal’, the next day it’s ‘we have always been at war with eastasia, this is normal’.

Of course throughout history one party arming another party in a conflict is naturally understood as making them party in that conflict as well, regardless, but such is the society of the Eternal Current Year; there is no past beyond the morning post, and no future beyond the evening post. Perspective is the bug to be patched out.

They’ve gone ahead now with the sending in of NATO MBTs at any rate. On a tactical level, this probably won’t make much difference; the primary sources of vehicular casualties in the SMO are long range artillery strikes and man portable rocket strikes, and in either case there is not much significant difference between being in either a Leopard II or a Tiger II. No substantial transformation of use-cases outside of what tanks neo-khazaria is already using. But more globally it represents yet another lurch of headless chickens sleepwalking into Gehenna.

Tech Priest says:

Maybe I was too quick to dismiss deliberate release?

Red says:

It became obvious that they released COVID after they also released Monkey Pox. Though with Monkey Pox they went around spraying it all over Europe to try and hide where it was coming from.

The big question how much was the Chinese government playing along or was it purely a GAE op that China decided to spread to the whole world? No information that front 3 years later.

notglowing says:

Why would they release a disease that only targets homosexuals? Was HIV intentional too? I don’t think so.

Red says:

Targeted Homos? Oh my sweet Summer Child. They targeted everyone. As it turns out only homos have fucked up enough immune systems to really catch it and spread it. They were all ready for COVID 2.0 but this time the anti-vaxers would have ugly boils on their faces. It disappeared like a wet fart once they realized they’d just performed a self goal.

notglowing says:

Given the evidence in the article, I am starting to think Fauci wasn’t actually responsible for COVID.
He may have created a cult around it, but it wouldn’t make sense for him to be involved in its release.

After all it would mean he intentionally framed himself. Because whether the lab leak happened intentionally or unintentionally, he’d be held responsible.

Given that the lab leak appears to be a shill cover story, which Fauci & Co. fought against, and that the release of covid happened earlier and independently, intentionally, in such a way as to make it look like it was a lab leak, it couldn’t have been him doing it.

The fact that US intelligence seemed to know about it in advance is the smoking gun, along with how they spread these false theories through State Department propaganda channels. I don’t see any other way of interpreting this information.

It perfectly fits with what we know from experience regarding how GAE does propaganda.
They made people fight over what was the truth, between an official lie, and an officially condemned shill counternarrative.
And it worked.

The Cominator says:

Fauci signed all the gain of function funding papers and hinted at it in advance of course he had other people involved (ie his superiors in the Jesuit order in Rome) but he was absolutely the main player

notglowing says:

The fact that he signed the gain of function funding papers doesn’t prove he released the virus or even knew about the release right after it happened.

The point is that the lab leak shill narrative is *strengthened* by the gain of function research. But if it was Fauci who released the virus, it would not make sense for the official shill narrative to blame him.

And yet that appears to be the case. If Fauci fought against a theory, which is likely false, which implicated him, which originally came from US State Department propaganda channels, there is something missing here.

The fact that the outbreak happened near the WIV in the first place is suspect. Because either it was an unintentional leak or, if someone intentionally released it there, they did it to place the blame on WIV. Which, again, implicates Fauci.

Whether or not COVID *actually* started there doesn’t matter either. Since they at least pretend it started there. Which leads any sceptic to point fingers at WIV.

Of course, the point wasn’t to get Fauci in jail. But it gave him and the powerful people around him who also worked on GoF research a reason to come up with, and support, yet another narrative (bats, etc).

All of which very successfully distracted people from the truth, that the release was intentional. This is how USG shills operate.

None of this implies Fauci wasn’t responsible for funding the development of viruses through GoF, nor does it explicate him from everything he did afterwards and all the things he clearly lied about, including the vaccine.

The Cominator says:

There was some quote from Fauci in 2017 to the effect that the current administration will face a pandemic he wasnt the only one who knew or the final boss but he was no mere gray paper pusher cog in the machine, when the evil big bosses want some powerless functionary that previously most people have never heard of to appear particularly evil theyd probably get a jew.

Red says:

Picture of BIll Gates, The Black Pope, and Fouci together in 2016:

The Cominator says:

NIH head Collins not the Jesuit superior general…

i says:

Cult state has a good article out:

Apparently those people ran a test of Information Epoch Warfare that was first trialed during GamerGate.

IEW has since been refined since that experience.

Dr. Faust says:

How can I learn to click like a jewish black woman?

Cloudswrest says:

I think I recall reading/posting something about this last year. BCG is a traditional anti-tuberculosis vaccine used extensively in the 3rd world. Evidence appears to show that it is > 90% effective against Covid. Studies have been halted.

Cloudswrest says:
Cloudswrest says:

New government demon statue in NYC. Look how it compares to adjacent statues. Definitely doesn’t “fit in”.

Adam says:

Reminds me of that picture of Obama the Lightbringer wearing a satin gown and veiled helmet with horns. These people are not worthy of God’s grace and mercy.

Kunning Druegger says:

You are wrong, my friend. These… people… deserve to meet God as soon as possible, where they can benefit from His mercy and grace in The Presence.

Adam says:

>You are wrong, my friend. These… people… deserve to meet God as soon as possible…


Pax Imperialis says:

BAP and feminism are extremely relevant to this statue. The linked video gives a very good summery of the problem. 9:45 to 10:45 is especially pertinent. Note the statue at 10:03 on the left looks extremely similar to the NYC statue.

Also interesting how the feminist documentary pans to the image of the Marlboro man as the conquer. Evidence that anti-tobacco was mostly a campaign against manliness and not pragmatism. None of the leftist, feminist elites are trying to regulate, ban, and harass users of estrogenic marijuana like they do to users of testosterone enhancing tobacco. Instead they promote and legalize weed.

It is clear that paganism is back, and has been back for a long time. What is demon worship if not the paganism that Aryan Sky Father defeated, Hellenics let creep back in, and by Jesus fully banished for 1500 years AD? ~1500 is when the English started regressing towards old demons with egalitarianism and socialism. They spent the next 500 years spreading it. And now we live in the shadow of demonic pagan cultists like Greta Thunberg.

Cloudswrest says:

Apparently some other classical statue was booted off the plinth to make room for this abomination.

Cloudswrest says:

BTW, speaking of iconoclasm, look up the history of the 100+ year old statue “Civic Virtue”.

It portrays “Virtue” as a male triumphant over “vices”, portrayed as two females. It was removed from it’s latest public site in Kew Garden and now resides in a cemetery. Here is a news blurb.

Former site of sexist statue ‘Civic Virtue’ in Kew Gardens is being rededicated to the women of Queens

Lots of statues are being removed. I bring this one up because, while most represent some no longer favored person, this statue insults the current ruling zeitgeist itself.

A2 says:

A demon rises from a bed of aborted flesh, and it is named NOW. Let’s not be too heavy-handed, eh.

Officially “… recasts civic structures to better reflect 21st-century social mores.” Which is to say, open demon worship.

Red says:


Trump 2024 says:

Fpizer faggot nigger confirms Fpizer is creating the viruses for their vaccines:

https://twitter [dot] com/Project_Veritas/status/1618405890612420609

jim says:

This is consistent with the “big pharma pursuing profit” narrative. Rational self interested evil.

But I think the use of high tech that is counterproductive in promoting immunity is evidence against that narrative. If the narrative was true, would be cooking up viruses and cooking up placebo vaccines.

Demon worship fits the facts better. Self hating self destructive evil. When rational self interested evil people attempt to coordinate with other rational self interested evildoers, they wind up coordinating on the basis of faith. Which means a priesthood of demon worshippers, and their demons, whether real or merely metaphorically real, are going to bite them. Rational self interested evildoers find it hard to coordinate and cooperate with other evildoers, and falling under the domination of a demonic priesthood is a major failure mode of evildoers attempting cooperation and coordination with other evildoers.

Gaia demon. Genetic modification so that our daughters will be infertile.

The Cominator says:

Of course there is some rational self interested evil involved… but the worst evils are rarely that.

Trump 2024 says:

These diversity hires don’t understand any of that.

But, yeah, I agree. It’s like people who blame these wars on the fat white cigar chomping MIC execs, without understanding that there’s a million ways to make money. Government policy always comes first. Finding ways to make money off of that policy is secondary or tertiary, otherwise they would arm both sides in any African conflict with Abrams tanks. (Orwell is to blame for this kind of thinking too — I still hear boomers saying the Ukraine war is a 1984-style border skirmish, that may or may not be actually happening, and is just used as a pretext to control us. Orwell was a kind of Trot, and whilst his books have some useful lessons in them, citing him too much indicates Trotskyist mindfuckery. I mean, there’s a reason why the prog school system has his books in the curriculum.)

Anyway, I still say the main reason the Covid hoax happened was to get rid of Trump, which would indicate why Chyna was prepared to go along with the whole thing.

And they gave mainstream people different narratives:
– libtards were to believe it came from bat soup
– conservatards that is came from a Chinese lab, which mutated into it came from NIH. (They used the DNC-funded lab-leak theory as a way to convince this group to take the vax.)

The chaos of 2020 left Trump between a rock and a hard place:

don’t crack down on BLM/antifa look like a faggot
crack down on BLM/antifa look like a tyrant

Same thing with Covid. Whatever he did he looked incompetent. They did they same thing with Boris Johnson. Johnson knew it was a nothing burger, so wanted to “let it burn.” Then gets bullied into locking down, then private gatherings were leaked to the press. His only mistake was to fall for it and resign. Trudeau, Pelosi, Newsom, had similar illegal gatherings, but never got punished for it.

Even Ron Unz’ theory says that Trump had no idea of the real origins of the flu. He was kept in the dark the whole time, thought he was doing the right thing, but there was no “right” answer to this question. Everyone either thinks he didn’t do enough or did too much. But what would any of us done in the same situation? Well, I guess I would have fired Fauci.

Three years on we still have no idea what the hell happened. Even evidence like the Veritas video raises more questions than it answers, but it does demonstrate, if nothing more, the existence of a massive conspiracy, and, yeah, probably one containing a truly demonic component.

The Cominator says:

You’re right about money making and government policy but RE Orwell…

Orwell’s Inner Party were basically demon worshippers (except of course they worshipped themselves mostly as our demon worshippers do) they wanted to genetically engineer people to be sexless and wanted to literally eliminate all joy in life except for the joy they got in inflicting suffering on everyone else… And his book made it clear they DID believe victory was possible via crimestop and doublethink.

I think by the time of 1984 he regretted his formerly being a trot. I think the most evil poison pill in 1984 was the book implying such a system would be sustainable.

Boomer’s are going to misinterpret Putin as a demon worshipping commie because that is the type of shit boomer’s do.

notglowing says:

I was about to type out a similar response before I saw yours.
Yeah, Orwell imagined a party that wasn’t really pure rational self interest. It was fairly irrational in some ways, and only sought to perpetuate itself. It wasn’t really that great for anyone in it.
They resemble our own villains more than some rational self interested CEO.

Mister Grumpus says:

“I think the most evil poison pill in 1984 was the book implying such a system would be sustainable.”

Yes. If “1984” really got going today, most men would say “fuck it” and 85-IQ brown muslim hordes would just walk in, rape-marry all the women, roof-toss the Inner Party, and assume ownership in a weekend. Now we know better.

So Orwell was a euro-centric white supremacist too.

Trump 2024 says:

Let me take this opportunity to ask for thoughts and prayers for the freedom fighter Novax Djokovic’s hamstring.

With Nadal likewise dealing with injuries, and the Russians banned from playing Wimbledon, it could be Djokovic’s chance at the Calendar Slam, which would be a real coup for all Novaxers around the world!

Alfred says:

On the demon worshipping front, they replaced a statue of Teddy Roosevelt in NYC with what looks like some sort of Baphomet-esque demon woman. Won’t link it here but it genuinely looks a ram-horned demon. And apparently it’s to glorify abortion, obviously.

Cloudswrest says:

The Teddy Roosevelt statue was removed from the front of the Natural History Museum. Mainly because it portrayed native Americans in a non-dominant position. This new statue is on top of the facade of the courthouse. The two are not connected except by the current iconoclastic zeitgeist.

Alfred says:

My mistake. Friend linked me a tweet that linked them, but I guess they were just drawing a spiritual parallel.

Caesar Sextion says:

It’s the dog that didn’t bark.

Personally, and it’s very unfortunate, but after the outrageous and sickening harassment, threats, travel restrictions, etc. I experienced in public from the slaves, I 100% support their shockingly premature deaths.

Not my problem.

Karl says:

Let the dead bury their dead (Matth. 8,22),

Caesar Sextion says:

So true, king.

Western Taliban says:

I am not particularly worried or care about the people who actively promoted such behaviors, but I do not support their premature deaths.

Advanced civilization requires a critical mass of manpower, the public slaves have their uses. We cannot help that they are happy to be slaves and following demon worshipers, we just need to hold power ourselves and remove the priests. When they are your public slaves they’ll help you shame sluts, hang faggots and police niggers.

Caesar Sextion says:

I regret only that I wasn’t emphatic enough in my warnings to some of my more remote family members. The rest of the vaxies deserve death in greater or lesser measure. Least are those well-meaning sheeple who were reluctantly pressured by their employer to take the vax against their better instincts; most are those service workers who harassed me incessantly, the nurses and doctors of the medical industry, and the actors and politicians (but I repeat myself) who weren’t smart enough to shut up and make scarce around the real shots or important enough to be given the fake shots.

More generally, you seem to be under the impression that reflexively obedient drones are a necessary part of society. I respectfully disagree. It may have been true in manorial true, and it may even have been true in industrial-revolution-urban-proletariat times, but it was not true in Ancient Greece, it was not true on the Steppe, and it is true no longer. There is no longer any great need for these surplus “people” who are so easily swayed by the voice of the hypnotist.

Ironically, perhaps, Klaus Schwab et al.’s endeavor to “Death Vax the World, Carbon Tax the World” has persuaded me of the righteousness of the former, if not the latter.

The knowing perpetrators of the Hoax don’t deserve death because they weren’t and aren’t lukewarm. It’s the lukewarm who have to go—by any means necessary.

Caesar Sextion says:

manorial times

notglowing says:

Fantastic – you have come full circle to actually supporting demon worshippers.

This is the inevitable end result of that line of thinking.
I’ve seen others fall in the same way, it’s an insidious idea after all.

Whether they just hate the “lemmings”, or believe that elites act out of rational self-interest, or both, the conclusion is the same.

It’s why I can’t agree with the idea of mass killing people who participated in devil worship in the first place. Something about it feels justified, but it’s a belief that leads one to really bad places. It bears bad fruit.

No, people don’t deserve to be killed just because they are stupid.
This is moral and spiritual detachment from the world you are displaying;
it doesn’t matter to you if people live or die.

Caesar Sextion says:

“You have come full circle to actually supporting demon worshipers.”

They have no die, but not for that reason.

“People don’t deserve to be killed just because they are stupid.”

The slow gazelle is by the lion eaten.

“It doesn’t matter to you if people live or die.”

It matters to me that the right people live and the wrong people die.

Caesar Sextion says:

They have to die

Western Taliban says:

It sounds very suspicious that you want to murder all normies but you’re happy to let the demon worshipers go.

It’s not that I believe society needs obedient drones, they don’t need to be obedient drones, but we do need the manpower. Advanced society requires a minimal amount of people to sustain industry and specialization that permits more advanced technology.

I believe I heard Elon Musk say in an interview that he expects the minimal population necessary for his Mars colony will be over a million, and it’s also why he is very concerned with the fertility rate in Western countries, he believes we are at the most danger of civilizational collapse because of a lack of children.

As things stand today, a big enough population implies a majority of obedient drones and retards, because even the brightest white countries are around 100 IQ at best. Perhaps in the future there might be a 130-140 average IQ society, but not today.

If the official intake rates are anywhere close to true, if all the vaxxies die the European world is going to get very uninteresting and very unpleasant very fast, I’m not interested. Even nuclear winter sounds more exciting.

zero says:

“uninteresting” and “unpleasant” are contradictory. if critical normie pop collapse occurs it’s going to be open season with free licenses and no bag limits or tube plugs. I think the new testament morality is to help normies and be beneficent, depending on how things shape up in this unholiness spiral taking that stance is dangerous, if God decides McDonald’s and vaxxed need to go, getting in his way is a dumb idea, old testament/Greek take is to accept civilization of a different kind and embrace the fall by getting ugly on the outside and clannish on the inside. you can be on the right and believe we are going to have to survive the fall and have some whiplash to 21st century dysgenics, or believe that we can pull through and normie should receive noblesse oblige. untill we now how hard the empire lands I’m not judging sextant on this one alone. bronze age collapse put a pretty big fucking pin in how many neighbors you should have.

Western Taliban says:

No it’s not contradictory, because empty brutal modernist cement architecture devoid of any life form is not interesting and it is very unpleasant.

And that’s all you are going to get if all the vaxxies die, forget about open season anything because you’re not going to see many humans around. And because of the collapse of every industry, you’ll be too busy shoveling chicken, pig and cow shit to do anything else, if you want to eat that is. And while you’re shoveling animal farm shit third world countries will organize to come and conquer your defenseless and empty land. Good luck with that garbage scenario.

You in fact get open season time only if vacuum power exists with plenty of players and NPCs around. You want chaos, not emptiness and obliteration.

Pax Imperialis says:

>you’ll be too busy shoveling…

Which is an end to HR, admin, feminism. You exchange moral unpleasantness with physical unpleasantness. But all that are lost are aspects of the state’s soft enforcement apparatus. Meaning you get a lot more open though crime.

That would likely create a power vacuum.

That said, I don’t think you’re wrong about uninteresting and unpleasant being potentially going hand in hand. It would look like a partial collapse of industry, just enough to continue to limp along with all the extra dead weight, and so the prison goes on as dreary and boring as ever.

Western Taliban says:

It would be an end to HR and feminism, but it would also be an end to SpaceX, computers and anything beyond ease of access industrial equipment to maintain basic infrastructure.

Shoveling can be pretty interesting when the shoveling goes beyond self-sustaining. It is a necessary phase of human development, but not very interesting, that’s likely one of the reasons it went in hand with slaves in the past, ancient warriors didn’t want to deal with this boring shit too much, so they “made” their own NPCs to do it.

I don’t think you guys are paying attention to alleged vaxx rates, most European countries are on the high 90s%, what partially collapse? It’s absolute apocalypse.

I’ve been an executive with hundreds of people below me and I’m currently a business owner, I don’t think you guys know enough or understand enough about how the actual products of society are made to make a rational assessment here, and I don’t mean it in a bad way or anything, there’s nothing inherently wrong with not having this experience. But you guys are making calculations that sound like LARPing marxists who believe things will work magically, I’m telling you things would not work magically if 90+% of people die, things would not work at all for a very long time and before they started running we’d be invaded by Somalian niggers.

It’s not like these already existing pirates are just going to sit there and do fuck all when the biggest and easiest treasure trove of their entire lives is there for the taking. And those are just small time retards, there are far worse out there.

Pax Imperialis says:

Pretty sure most posters here are paying attention to vaxx rates. The question is, how much damage was done. Even if they are 10x worse than Covid itself that’s like a 1% fatality rate. Pretty dealable. Suppose long term it was 100x covid, you’re still only looking at ~9% pop loss. Horrific, but life goes on.

I suspect the vaxx (linearly bad with number of boosters) will reduce life expectancy, maybe even reduce fertility on average, but these are long term problems which will take decades to play out. Like the manufactured virus, the vaxx wasn’t very effective at killing people.

Europe can continue to limp on for quite some time. More over, European nations still have fairly high unemployment of native born citizens due to immigration pushing out native low skill labor, should they tap into that population, they can drag out the decline.

I’m not saying this doesn’t have a similar endpoint. Just that we may have different time scales in mind.

>It’s not like these already existing pirates are just going to sit there and do fuck all when the biggest and easiest treasure trove of their entire lives is there for the taking.

When it gets to that point, neither will other Western nations that don’t have those people. They will want to stabilize the situation.

jim says:

> Pretty sure most posters here are paying attention to vaxx rates.

Not really. Hard to sort out the misinfo from the info. Is anyone making an effort to figure out what the real rates are?

It is like the death rates. Pay no attention to official data, look at insurance payouts, funerals, and stuff.

Total number of jabs probably correct. Proportion of the population jabbed?

The Cominator says:

I mostly think what would happen with radical depopulation if it were even distributed is that there would be fewer cities but technological civilization would survive and maybe improve in short order, technology improved after the Black Death.

The clot shot deaths will not be even distributed though

1. Women took it more often than men. Wives of right wing men and whores being the biggest group of women who generally avoided it.

2. Midwits took it far more than people on either end of the intelligence spectrum

3. White collar types took it more blue collar types.

Its probably going to only cause some quick deaths, a lot of shorter lifespans (not died suddenly in most cases but more like people who smoke 2+ packs of newports a day for 25 years shorter lifespans) and chronic health problems and a lot of sterility.

Hard to see how all this will play out.

The demon worshippers deserve death and worse, I feel for people who took it under heavy durress despite the risks but I do wish death on the coronatarian zealots though messing up the sex ratio is going to make things between men and women even worse but in general the world would be better off without the zealous conformist as well as leftists.

Western Taliban says:

I understand your inherent distaste for white collar types and you probably think that if all bureaucrats die and white collar types die the world might be a better place, but that’s not the case.

We have an overwhelming massive amount of bureaucracy and an overwhelming massive amount of make believe white collar jobs, and you could probably get rid of a high percentage of them without much of a problem, but you still need a retard to drudgery fill forms, I kid you not.

You know how farmers use sheepdogs? Why do you think it is? No matter how apparently stupid and intellectually incapable the dog is, that even a big brain Border Collie can only execute simple commands, their help is incredibly necessary and incredibly massive to a point you might not understand.

For me this is not a question of morality, I don’t care for the well-being of any of this people, I truly don’t. It is beyond the point if they deserve to die or not. What I care about is what happens when the manpower of the retard filling in forms and pressing buttons like a robot is not there anymore, these people are actually necessary even if its hard to believe. So of course, I don’t want all of them to die, we need them for advanced civilization.

You are American, and from what I’ve heard from around there, business owners are starting to feel the pain of having a lack of workers for menial jobs, go ask them, go see reality for yourself. We need the fat and lazy NPCs “unfatenned” and “unlazied”, not dead.

If every priest dies it’s for the best, this people are a cancer that actively work to destroy others, but the NPCs that follow them are not necessarily the same and you only need to replace the priests and the programming and keep on going with the good program.

jim says:

It is the midwits and the true believers that got jabbed.

The smarties could see right through the propaganda, unless blinded by faith. The propaganda went over the heads of the dimwits.

Whatever the intended effect of the jab, the actual delivery was so hopelessly screwed up as to render any consistent or uniform result improbable, so even if the intent was to murder everyone, it is not going to murder everyone, just a whole lot of people.

But if it does efficiently murder everyone who got jabbed, that it going to take the left right out – whereupon a handful of white smarties can handle any number of white dimwits and Somali pirates.

Pax Imperialis says:

> It is the midwits and the true believers that got jabbed.

And most of the employed warrior class because in their mindset they are already in a dangerous profession, they might as well roll the dice. They can be arbitrary with their own lives. Infantry units/Marines/reserves were among the last to comply. Vast majority of those I’ve talk with did not vaxx their kids. They did not believe in the vaxx.

This is going to have severe long term ramifications for Western security and it is already being seen with recruitment deficits. A would be Caesar may find the military will not have the man power required, and the would be warrior class too dispersed.

Starman says:

”but technological civilization would survive and maybe improve in short order, technology improved after the Black Death.”

The death percentage was 50%. And European technology and quality of life actually got better.

Starman says:

Western Taliban says,

”things would not work at all for a very long time and before they started running we’d be invaded by Somalian niggers.

It’s not like these already existing pirates are just going to sit there and do fuck all when the biggest and easiest treasure trove of their entire lives is there for the taking”

Not true. Somali pirates and other nigger trash are ridiculously easy to kill by White vigilantes.

Jim says,

But if it does efficiently murder everyone who got jabbed, that it going to take the left right out – whereupon a handful of white smarties can handle any number of white dimwits and Somali pirates.”


With the jew brahmins and their shabbos goy ZOGbot pigs dead, the Somali pirates and other turd world trash will no longer be protected.
They will be very easy prey for White vigilantes.

The Cominator says:

Its sort of uncharted waters though Starman given that deaths will be highly concentrated on women priestly types (no loss as far as they go) and midwits…

zero says:

western Taliban your an idiot, a sheep dog has no social consequences unlike vaxxed Dem voters, and it is not a simple proletarian it’s a pretty significant tool that you could never use to the fullest because training dogs is difficult and the relevant material wrong think. and no we really don’t need slaves. your not special, everyone knows business is getting crunched by lack of wagies. the difference between people here and small business owners as executives is that competent men don’t need much and are damn well armed unlike your samali ubermensch fantasy. cominators post wasn’t about economics it was about demographics. whiye collar guys are fine, fake tech commies are not. you are a national socialist that thinks our nation dies without caveman redneck making bagels.

jim says:

Western Taliban is making a rational and well informed argument. I disagree with his argument, but he is not an idiot.

If the jab is intended for mass murder, rather than to render the daughters of the jabbed infertile, and if it is effective at murdering people, that would be very bad because murder is bad, but I do not think that it would be fatal for our civilisation. Our best (and many of our worst) are unjabbed.

The Cominator says:

Calm down Western Taliban is a very good poster.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>Somali pirates and other nigger trash are ridiculously easy to kill by White vigilantes.

True in itself. A vitally important question will be how long the “sheepdogs” keep protecting the criminals from the law abiding while everything else goes to shit around them. My guess is “a surprisingly long time into the collapse” is well within the range of possibility. Probably more in the states proper, less outside. Actual policing of real crimes to an extent you make a visible impact is hard harder than no-knock raiding an otherwise law abiding white man for self defense and hauling him in for “questioning” before his “fair trial.” I see the blue tribe keeping that up for quite a while as long as the paychecks clear and the pension is promised.

I guess a better question then is how long can fedgov and local blue strongholds keep the paychecks coming and the pension credibly promised. Anything short of zombie apocalypse there’s probably a way, but I’d love to hear otherwise.

zero says:

there is no soviet union without american grain, my money is not on china surviving its largest trade partner crumbling, they have a shit record of adapting to external shocks. american infrastructure requires american people, ur stalin isnt maintaning GAE soft power infrastructure anymore then niggers maintanied destoits carpentry, crack heads are a problem, you think depression americans are leaving the shiny metal alone? your a black pill faggot if you think muslims or talking monkeys are rolling over my country, with tech they cant maintain? with there extraordinary cohesion? my money is on roughnecks that can actually get oil out of the ground and operate a toilet. you assume black pill babylon, i dont assume the house caves in but its caesar or shtf real quick. dont call a guy out for not being right just because his favored thesis isnt jims cold stream gaurd, god smacks civilizations all the time, and this one is pretty damn intricate and its filling up with trash, soft power only works because war isnt here yet, the left is radicalizing the trump base off a cliff and faggot soldiers and wamen die. open season is just as much on the table as your communist superiority complex, and you dont have american grain to keep shit together.

jim says:

Recent events indicate that the US just does not matter any more.

There is a lot of ruin in a nation, but we have had a lot of ruin. The US dominates the world on momentum, inertia, and network effects, the capital inherited from its great past. It is just running out.

The US is a big truck with engine, steering, and brake failure. It is not going anywhere. It may well cause a great deal of havoc before it stops, but stop it will.

Caesar Sextion says:

Donald John Trump correctly identified the problem, correctly predicted what would happen, 30 years later somehow against all odds got into office, struggled and fought like hell for four years trying to turn the ship around, and after winning yet another election fell to open mutiny by the drooling retards of Foggy Bottom et al. Then the drooling retards surrendered to the Taliban and proceeded to demolish all confidence in the global financial system in order to crush boost Russia’s economy. Now they’re beating the drum for a two-front war with China. Meanwhile people like me are excluded from all positions of command with extreme prejudice and reduced to posting comments on WordPress blogs as arthritic octogenarians you wouldn’t trust to drive a car or fly an airplane make strategic decisions.

The U.S. is fucked.

Pax Imperialis says:

Funny thing about IQ is that it will always be 100 for populations, but plenty of evidence that many dead 100 IQ pops were much smarter than today’s alive pops.

Perhaps we already had 130-140 average IQ societies. The Victorians were potentially an entire standard deviation above current year man. Who knows, maybe the Victorians themselves were also an entire standard deviation behind people ~200 years prior to them.

The Cominator says:

Average verbal IQ was clearly much higher thru the 19th century if you read what even normies wrote…started declining steeply in the progressive era.

zero says:

It seems like the upper middle class iq was shredded with the collapse of family traditions in the 21st century, the men who designed railroads on the ground were very literate and reading them is like looking into a different country. how much is shitty education and morals and how much is genetic tho i dont know, and the smart guys in my generation are all checked out doing there own thing.

Pax Imperialis says:

Looking at early 1900s entrance exams into Ivy League is also like looking into a different country.

Reaction time is fairly well correlated with IQ. Reaction time has been slowing down for over 100 years. Based on correlation it’s equivalent of 14 points of IQ. They had faster brains. Ancestral environment of the Greeks and Romans likely favored quicker brains even more. Considering their philosophy is the basis of Western thought today, and that we haven’t made much progress if any, or more likely regressed, possible they were on average 15 points higher than the Victorians.

zero says:

i hadnt heard about reaction time thats very interesting, i dont know of a single good man thats deciding who his daughter is fucking since the 70s, so it seems like the intellectual edge is being blunted fast, not to mention the bell curve getting hammered by low end surplus, the thesis here on social technology is fascinating, its especially interesting how trade secrets shifted to patents, maybe printing just made it easier for technology to be reverse engineered, i dont think aincient people were stupid we just dont see the point in their fences. i wonder if there is any data on patrician or greek cranial size? i know thats not a perfect correlation with intellect. its impressive that americans managed to bootstrap doctrinal schools into hubs of competent men by pulling them in, altho i think the europeans started that with the liberal arts.

Western Taliban says:

Yes I’ve read about Victorians, and yes we’ve probably had such societies before. The liberal prog zeitgeist insists Medieval peasants were retarded but all evidence I’ve seen points to the contrary, they were likely much smarter than most people today, they were a lot more functional and rational.

But we live in the now and today and you have to make do. Lemons, lemonade and all that. It is what it is. If Jim ever becomes a high priest he can start the big push for aristocratic high fertility so 140+ IQ people have 10+ children. Meanwhile we’ll have to have the midwits pulling off basic steps to have a chain of production. I like supermarkets, very useful things to have, I don’t want them gone.

Caesar Sextion says:

“It sounds very suspicious that you want to murder all normies but you’re happy to let the demon worshipers go.”

See above comment. (The demon worshipers have to die, but not for that reason.)


Anglo-Saxon Protestant Americans had 115 on average. They still do but swamped by inferior “whites” and now browns. 2.5 children and mean intergenerational length of 25-30 years don’t help either.

“If all the vaxies die…”

Yes, not interesting nor pleasant. But the weakness will purge from among us.

notglowing says:

I made the mistake of opening imgur to upload images.
First page are screenshots of tweets complaining about conservative “hypocrisy”;
apparently they are using the “excuse” of protecting children to go after sex change procedures, when they really want to ban all “gender transition” medical “care”. All doom and gloom. They warned us. I wish they were right.

Any chance this is real? I don’t really want to link leftist nonsense with little substance, but it seems there are republican groups openly campaigning for eradicating this issue.

Banning all of it, although it might seem impossible now, would substantially improve things.

Ray Oliver says:

Someone recently recommended to me :”The Jewish Annotated New Testament”:

Anybody here familiar with it?

jim says:


It is the story of Christ and Early Christianity as told by the enemies of Christ, Christianity, and Christians.

Produced by nearly forty people, all of whom think Christ is boiling in shit, and that Christians and Christianity need to be eradicated.

Starts out with an effort to demolish the Gospel of Mathew as not written by Mathew, and written late, so that they can substitute their own Gospel for it, and goes downhill from there. supposedly the real Mathew wrote in Hebrew and said pretty much the opposite of what he said.

It is historically improbable that Mathew wrote in Hebrew, for by that time Hebrew was becoming a hieratic language, with far more Jews literate in Greek than Hebrew. Obviously the writers of the Gospels wanted a wide audience, not a hieratic audience.

Further, if any of the Gospels were written late, written after the destruction of the Temple, the prophesies of Jesus would have been sharpened up considerably. Historical sources outside the gospels tell us that shortly before the fall, by which time it was obvious which way the wind blew, they were sharpened up considerably. They would have been sharpened up a whole lot more if written after the fall.

The story that ”The Jewish Annotated New Testament” tells is that if you were a real Christian, you would believe what Jews believe – including that Christ is in hell being boiled in shit, that Jews should rule the world, and Christians should be exterminated.

It is analogous to Basil’s argument that he is a true Russian nationalist patriot and if you were a real Russian patriot like Basil you would support Ukraine and Global American Empire because losing and being dismantled is the right thing for Russia and Russians.

Basil says:

No need to lie, please. I have never and nowhere supported the state of Ukraine and the ruling regime of this state. I have never suggested that the Russians die for Ukraine, I have never said to go over to the side of the armed forces of Ukraine, I have said that the Russians should not die for the Russian Federation. It’s far from the same thing.

The right thing for Russian men is to have a family and numerous children in Uruguay or Mongolia without fueling the Soviet 2.0 project.

jim says:

Which position would be perfectly reasonable if the Global American Empire did not intend to destroy Russia as a nation, and, as demonstrated by what happens when a large ethnic Russian speaking community finds itself behind Nato borders, destroy Russians as an ethnicity and Russian as a culture.

Russian federation is eighty percent Russian while only a rather small minority of Americans identify as “American”. Which is why Globohomo seeks to destroy Russia and erase the Russian identity.

Basil says:


jim says:

Deleted for presupposing inevitable Global American Empire victory, one way or another way, short term or long term, arc of history and all that.

On the contrary, if, as is likely, this war goes on for a very long time, at terrible and ruinous expense for everyone, nation after nation is likely to decide they are better off engaged in forever war against the Global American Empire. It turned out to be a good deal for Afghans. If it turns out to be a good deal for Russians, everyone is going to want some. If Russia goes on for a very long time without losing, lots of other nations are likely to think that they can go on for very long time without losing.

Russia’s immediate problem is resisting convergence to Globohomo. Death spiral fertility levels are a long term problem, which, if Russia successfully deals with Globohomo, is soluble, and only soluble if Russia successfully deals with Globohomo.

Your analysis presupposes the death spiral fertility problem is intrinsic, and caused by … what exactly? Modernity? Putin? The Russian soul? Inevitable Arc of History? Tell me. If you are so terribly concerned with the death spiral, surely you must have an opinion on what causes it.

If the death spiral is extrinsic, and caused by Globohomo, the officially unofficial faith of the Global American Empire, which the Global American Empire imposes by fire and sword when persuasion and evangelism fails, then there is no solution that does not involve holy war, and likely a war that is very expensive, and goes on for a very long time, unless ended at even greater expense by nukes, as is becoming increasingly likely. Holy wars are like that. Bloody, ruinous, and extraordinarily long. We may well face a reconquista style war. Six or seven centuries. Only with nukes. Trouble with holy wars is that if both sides are able to continue fighting, they will. You cannot impose peace on the enemy by imposing terrible costs, only by destroying the enemy’s capability to fight.

Early in the reconquista, the restored Visigothic Kingdom was feeling pretty cocky because it was successfully imposing terrible costs on the Mohammedans. But it was raiding at will, Viking style, not actually smashing their capability to continue the war.

I will allow you to argue against that analysis, but I am not going to allow you presuppose that it is unthinkable and nobody thinks like that. Pretty obvious that a rather substantial number of people and some governments are thinking like that. You don’t agree? In what exactly do you not agree? What exactly is wrong with this analysis?

Basil says:

Obviously, the main problem of extinction is emancipation, ownerless women and the collapse of the family institution. Yes, globohomo makes the problem significantly worse, but this does not mean that countries freed from globohomo are also free from this problem. Look at North Korea. Yes, there are a few more births in Best Korea than in the vassal of Globohomo-southern, but this is still a dying country and we have no reason to think that the situation will change for the better. North Koreans love Korea and be proud of their Koreanness, they don’t like America and gay parades, but this does not materialize into a normal number of Korean babies. From this it is obvious that the problem of extinction is not only external. Therefore, it is not enough to solve the problem that came from outside.

1. We all knew what the policy of the Taliban was when they were in power, and it was obvious that the women’s issue is an essential part of the important things for the Taliban. If we listen to Russian politicians/propagandists, no one is raising women’s issues the way the Taliban did. The only exception I know of is Pozdnyakov, who is an “extremist” in Russia and hides in the Balkans.
2. The puppet corrupt government of Afghanistan was too young and many people lived corny who remembered how it was different. The revolution in Russia happened more than a century ago, and people for whom life in pre-revolutionary Russia was part of their personal experience died. Obviously, the more time that has passed outside of normality, the more difficult it will be for you to return to normality. The problem is also complicated by the significant gap between living generations.
3. The Taliban program for women is absolutely approved in the Afghan society/Christian society of Iberia in the Middle Ages. The Taliban/Iberian Christian program for women in Russia is considered marginal.

I can go on for a long time. Afghanistan/Iberian kingdoms and Russia are in completely different conditions. If the Taliban handed out brides to their supporters, it does not follow that Russia will do it when/if they win. We have no reason to think so.

Now Russia, with its valuable blood, is dragging chestnuts out of the fire for Pakistan, Saudis and Turkey – that’s what is happening now. Russia could wait until the problems of Western countries become even deeper and more critical, concentrating on licking their wounds along the way. If Russia had not started the war, the West would have continued covid, or switched to fighting the weather, turning into Brazil along the way.

jim says:

> but this is still a dying country and we have no reason to think that the situation will change for the better.

That white men are once again building Cathedrals is reason to think that the situation will change for the better.

The solution, after all, is right there in the Bible. The best social technology for fertility is Anglican Coverture, which they lifted right out of the Old Testament after giving it a little New Testament polish.

> From this it is obvious that the problem of extinction is not only external.

The Marxist brand of leftism, the progressive brand, and the Nazi brand all carry extinction within them. However, in Russia, the Marxist brand has died, leaving them a nation without a ruling faith. The power vacuum is dangerous. It attracts demons, real or metaphorical, not to mention progressives, Marxists, and Mohammedans. Putin is cognisant of this problem, and if his measures to correct it seem far from sufficiently vigorous, he alone, of all world leaders, is making a start on the necessary actions.

And because Russia is a nation without a ruling faith, Russia’s survival problem is primarily external.

> Obviously, the more time that has passed outside of normality, the more difficult it will be for you to return to normality.

Indeed. Quite so. So tell me what Russians should do? Accept the inevitable, hold a gay parade, and reconsecrate to the Great Cathedral to gay marriage, transsexualization of children, global warming, and the Covid Jab? If Russia is defeated, then what is happening to Christianity in the Ukraine is going to happen to Christianity in Russia. Ukrainian fertility is, in consequence, extremely low and falling, while Russian fertility, though still in death spiral lows, is higher than Ukraine’s and rising.

> The Taliban program for women is absolutely approved in the Afghan society/Christian society of Iberia in the Middle Ages. The Taliban/Iberian Christian program for women in Russia is considered marginal.

I recall how a brief burst of socially approved and state backed violence by faggots suddenly reversed what was previously absolutely approved and what was previously considered marginal. Similarly, General Monck. Culture is downstream of power. If we apply the methods used by the Australian authorities at end of the eighteenth century and the start of the nineteenth, we will have the values that Australia had at the end of the eighteenth century and the start of the nineteenth.

The Iberian program legalised and approved the necessary private violence, while the Australian action, like the Assyrian action, was the direct application of state power. But either way, that which is backed by violence is high status.

Grant social approval in the media, and coercive approval in the courts, to the proper exercise of discipline by husbands and fathers, as in the censored and deleted scenes of 1950s television, and bingo, divorce and abortion at female whim will suddenly be the marginal position. Sweep the sluts off the streets as the cossacks swept up Pussy Riot, and marry them off as the cossacks failed to do, and sluttery will suddenly be marginalised.

If Russia had not started the war

Did Russia really start this war?

So according to you NATO didn’t provide grave and incessant provocation? You still stick to the stand that this is a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia.

Even with my limited perspective it is clearly obvious by now that the West hates Russia fundamentally and that this is a holy war, with Ukraine being a mere pawn.

Kunning Drueger says:

Basil, even if we accept the premise that Collapse is internal&&external (which is stupidly obvious), saying that fixing one over the other is always half correct, regardless of which one you favor. If both are necessary to confront, the decision becomes which should be confronted first. The demographic issue must be addressed, but every possible solution is always a minimum of 20 years away. The AFU was amassing for an invasion of LPR/DPR, everyone seems to forget this. The SMO started and the cream of the Hohol crop was centralized on the border of the breakaways because they were getting ready to end the civil war. If Putin had done nothing, every single issue he faced would be magnified tenfold. His mistake was waiting as long as he did, but there were issues with going further in 2014/15, most critically Obama was a mulatto messiah that could do no wrong internationally and would probably have done something very stupid. In retrospect, I think he should have crushed Kiev, but hindsight is 20/20.

Best Korea is doing better than GAE Korea. “Not better enough” is a silly argument given the state of the world. We have no idea what’s going on there, and every source of information that says they are doing poorly is also a source of disinformation about COVID, whites, gays, minorities, violence, literally everything. Are we to believe that they lie about everything *except* North Korea?

Jim brought up a powerful point: the Taliban stuck to their guns, didn’t bend a millimeter on principles, and now they have their country back. Russia just has to keep not-losing, not even winning really, and many other places may realize that they could not-lose too. Very generally, Gaddafi and Libya took your advice, and now they’re paying the price.

While I don’t think it likely, or possible really, I firmly believe that if Russia became GNON compliant, be it by Sharia or Iberia, they would make certain their eventual victory.

The GAE is waging un-holy war on the heretics [sic], and the holier and holiest are the ones fighting back successfully. Agnosticism is a fool’s errand. Time for everyone to pick a side. Putin may be waffling, but he’s in a better position now than he was, counterintuitive though it may seem.

ten says:

>GAE jews, who hate russians for ruining their bolsjevik jew party and hate ukrainians for genociding the ukrainian jews, toppled the ukrainian government using anti-russian neonazis
>GAE filled ukraine to the brim with weapons, probably bioweapon labs, and would pretty certainly have put nukes there
>When trump won, GAEs reaction was “holy shit, the russians got us”. Their only explanation for Trump was that Russia had got the better of them. Think about that. In their mind, it was credible Russia would do something as mental as hacking their boxes and installing a puppet – or they just casually lied, with the implication of the lie being “we are at war with russia”. And you think russia could wait without GAE coming for her? This is literally insane. GAE has been pushing for war with russia for a decade, and doing the prepwork, and blowing up russian schoolgirls for fun to piss you off, but you think you can.. just wait? what the fuck?

Dharmicreality says:

I have said that the Russians should not die for the Russian Federation. It’s far from the same thing.

From what I observe, Russians today are faced with only two choices. Die for Russia or die for globohomo. What alternative are you suggesting?

When the house is on fire, brothers don’t start domestic disputes or arguments with brothers. They pull up their sleeves and put out the fire first. You seem to suggest that the disputing brother should completely abandon the ancestral house and go their own ways leaving the family property in ruins.

You may argue that Putin is insufficiently right wing, but you have to recognize that when fighting an existential war, brothers band together putting aside their internal differences. You are saying that Putin bad, so let Russia burn?

Who gains from this?

Basil says:


jim says:

Unresponsive and repetitious. Dharmicreality, who has far more reason to hate and fear Muslims than you, I, or any Russian, is making an argument. And you quote him, and then just ignore his argument and run with you endlessly repeated argument that we should hate Putin, Russia, and Russians because they are supposedly on the side of Islam. (More plausible than telling us they are on the side of Jews and Israel, which is the usual shill line.)

When the Demon Worshippers are defeated, then it will be time of Christians and Muslims to resume our ancient quarrel. But for the moment, we both face an enemy far more immediate and dire. Under the present circumstances, all faiths are being converged, and all of every faith who resist convergence have one great enemy.

Dharmicreality says:

I don’t know his reply but reading Indian media reports it is obvious that while Russia made several attempts to sit at the negotiating table Ukraine hasn’t responded in good faith.

Except in the Cathedral news bubbles Ukraine and Zelenskyy are not universally accepted as the victims.

Which tells me that the globohomo hates Russia fundamentally and does not want peace and don’t care how many Ukrainian and Russian lives are lost in the process. So seems to me that Russia really doesn’t have a choice in the matter now.

jim says:

> don’t know his reply

You did not miss anything you have not read from him too many times before.

He had no answer for your argument, so just repeated his old argument. I don’t like that tactic. Causes threads to go on forever without getting anywhere.

I am perhaps unfairly tolerant of repetition of arguments I agree with, and unfairly intolerant of repetition of arguments I do not agree with – but the arguments I do not agree with are usually being shouted endlessly from every rooftop, while the arguments I agree with, you only hear in weird corners of the internet like this one.

Dharmicreality says:

Another thing is that it’s not even a controversial opinion (outside of the manufactured cathedral consensus) that NATO is an expansionist imperial alliance.

It’s not that hard to put two and two together.

It was reported widely here (and probably blacked ou in the West) that Russia was apparently ready for Modi being a mediator for peace talks with Ukraine. Obviously it was not scuttled by Russia.

Any territorial war would have been over by now or at least the parties would be at the negotiating table at this point. Seems obvious what this war is not about.

ten says:

I feel somewhat sympathetic to this view, when it comes to my own country and my own regime. I consider myself, and my people, in an existential war against our regime (Sadly my people is very enthusiastic about the regime, and mostly complain that they are not evil enough, or should focus their evil in other directions). Perhaps basil thinks the same about the russian federation. This seems stupid and foolish from my outside view. Seems like Russia has had three short decades since the collapse of its previous insanity, the first of which was spent trying to bend over backwards to get double fisted by GAE, whereas many things have been moving in good directions in the latter two.

So basil. Are you letting the perfect be the enemy of the good? What things in russia are going the wrong way? Is the russian regime enabling this degeneration, or merely failing to disable it? I know about your fertility rates, and abortion rates. Seems to me the correct steps are being taken. In my country, in contrast, we are currently setting up tax funded divorce inquisitors, so when a wife is angry at her husband, she will be primed with the information that she can call the divorce inquisition, and she will immediately be housed, or her husband driven off, and she will be paid, and any legal affairs will be taken care of and paid for by the marriage hunters. I will pay for the propaganda telling my wife to divorce me, i will pay the salaries of the inquisitors, and i will pay all legal fees of all sides, and i will pay for the forced breakup of every marriage, because there must be no barrier, not even an inconvenience or minuscule legal processing fee, for a woman to destroy her life and the life of her family.

Is the russian federation really so bad as to deserve your unqualified hostility?

jim says:

I will let through Basil’s answer if he even pretends to respond to your question, though I doubt his pretence will be very convincing.

His argument is that because the Soviet Union preserves and subsidises minority cultures, languages, and races, it should bend over for the Global American Empire and Globohomo.

Well, that is my unfair rendition of his argument. He will say that is not his argument. But if it is not his argument, what is his argument? This is one of the reasons I am censoring the stuffing out of him. Aside from “Putin Bad, Russia Bad, Putin must go”, Russia must go” what is he saying? I cannot pin him down. He just slides away.

Absent the external threat that wants to eradicate the Russian culture, language, race, and history, dissolving the Russian empire would probably be good for Russians. The X empire is indeed apt to turn into the anti X empire. But what happens today when Russian speaking populations find themselves under Nato rule tells me that under present circumstances, it would be very very bad for Russians, even if they do not care about the gays parading children in the streets, the schools transitioning their children, and the Churches becoming shrines to gay sex and the Global Warming and Covid demons.

He tediously makes the point that the Russian Empire is the anti Russian empire – but it is nowhere near as anti Russian as Global American Empire is anti American, and the Turkish empire was anti Turk. And in today’s world, external threats make signing up with an empire your least bad option. If he has a better option, what is it, for his option sounds to me rather like signing up with the Global American Empire because arc of history. If that is not what it is, what is it?

Leon says:

Anyone able to access the Everytime I try a message pops up saying the account has been suspended by vanwa tech.

Leon says:

S says:

Same here. Anglin is looking into it- he has a twitter thread; it is up and down in a bunch of different places.

The Cominator says:

If I use opera and switch my free VPN to Asia I can access it, on regular American IP I can’t access it. Haven’t tried Europe but unless the Europe VPN they use is Russia or Belarus I suspect the answer is no.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Install Tor Browser and go to stormer5v52vjsw66jmds7ndeecudq444woadhzr2plxlaayexnh6eqd.onion

jim says: works for me.

Kunning Drueger says:

Off topic.

Here’s the “Wagner Code:”

“Wagner codex:

1. Defend Russian interests at all time and everywhere

2. Dignity of the Russian soldier is above everything

3.Fight not for money, but for principle. Princip is one – victory

4. Don’t surrender to the enemy alive, if you did – die, and take as many enemy lives with you.

5. Respect your fallen comrades, don’t embarrass them. Sooner or later you will meet them.

6. Die on the battlefield, rather than an old man on the sofa

7. Always help your comrades on the battlefield, today you provided cover to him, tomorrow he will return it.

8. Be humble, don’t brag around about the learnt craft. Keep it secret

9. Don’t loot

10. Don’t drink alcohol – back home and in the warzone

11. Don’t do drugs – back home and in the warzone

12. Don’t steal and rape

13. Don’t kill civilians

14. Keep your soldier dog tag and remember that you are PMC “Wagner” fighter”

This was posted in Russian with a translation which I copied. I can’t guarantee veracity, but it feels realistic. I started thinking about Codes and Affirmations and such like. There’s only value to these things when there are men of determination and skill illuminating them, but what comes first, the men or the code?

We’ve discussed, and worked on, a distillation of the Jimian Theses, and this is good and necessary. But maybe we need something even more purified, something short, powerful, easily memorized, and easily recognized. Something that can be said into a microphone on a stage or into a recorder in an interrogation room. Something that is immediately recognizable and infinitely applicable. A Jimian Code that serves as an outline for the man who lives by it to inhabit, to give it substance, to be the golden filagree shot through the words and deeds. A Code won’t make anything happen, and a man alone can do little more than stand alone. But a Code can give a man something to aspire to, to look for in his world, to recognize in a stranger. And a man can give life and meaning to the Code. This isn’t a shill test, or a secret password. It wouldn’t need to be saturated in shibboleths and unspoken truths. Just a Code to live by.

Pax Imperialis says:

Topic tangent: Wagner made a movie. It’s pretty good. Has English subs.

Redbible says:

I like the idea of Assembling a “Jimian Code to Live By” but I think it would need to be broken down into categories, like say the WQ, Economics, Goverment, etc.

We could then have links to point to articles/comments that talk about and/or prove the point, but keep the actual points on the list short and sweet.

Kunning Drueger says:

I was thinking on that track, but I think that’s incorrect. We have the Blog + Comments, which is millions of words over ~2 decades. Everything is in there, it’s a journey documented. We need/are building the refined Jimian Theses, the distillation of all those words, only stripped of the journey, just the destinations, as it were. If that ever happens, sure, maybe that could be condensed as well.

We have the RPWQs. We have the Jew Test. We have the classical creeds, we have the daemon worshippers test, we have a bunch of specific tests for cutting through artifice, braggadocio, and deception. This is like antivirus software, it’s powerful but has to be tested and updated to keep pace with the malware as it appears.

The Wagnerian Code, assuming what I posted is real of course, won’t tell a soldier how to complete a mission. It won’t give adversaries any secrets or code words (ok, that’s an amusing bit of homonymia lol) or locations. All it is is a guide for how the individual Wagnerite comports himself, how he carries himself on missions or at home. It could become a shibboleth of sorts, and therefore be useful for other things, but the point is individual, internal, spiritual.

The Code is something you memorize, repeat to yourself when working out, remind yourself of when God tests you, and teach your son’s when they need to learn it. It slots in with all the other stuff, of course, but it’s different… obviously I can’t quite articulate how, but it is nonetheless.

I am a man, above all else.
I have a purpose.
My failure and success belongs to me.
I must do right.
I must obey Nature’s God.
I must do what I can with what I have.
Every knee will bow, but I bow by choice.
I will tolerate no evil in my house.

Imperfect, to say the least. I appreciate any assistance in this, if it’s not obvious, I’m selfishly seeking input for my own betterment here.

someDude says:

Which comes first, the men or the code?

My Dear Kunning, you’ve stumbled upon the warrior’s version of the Chicken and Egg problem!

Pax Imperialis says:

My entire being is roiling in disgust. The nebulous blob of obesity. The red and black aposematism. The crooked yellow tainted teeth and wretched mouth the color of filth and decay. The obnoxious nasally bestial snarling of this thing unable to speak or enunciate coherently. The shear intellectual vacantness of all involved warped around zero and went negative. I hate these people, and yet they are at NYU while my college ideas got me… well they got me talking to the dean and not in a good way.

I masochistically watched all 84 minutes of this genetic refuse. In this deep cesspool of demonic evil, there is cynical hope. The enemy is stupid and decadent. They don’t, can’t understand what they’re up against, but we on the right understand them better then they themselves.

There is extreme asymmetrical spiritual warfare going on that has surpassed simple culture war; it threatens to turn kinetic. The enemy occupies all the institutional high ground; they have power, but they barely know how to aim it. jim thinks (thought?) Trump would be exiled or killed for failing to cross the proverbial river. All their attempts have been similar to aping a higher life form they barely are cosignant of; possible only by the instructions a Brezhnevian zombie elite whispers in their ears. What we are seeing are the last gasps of the Biden/Pelosi faction competence.

When they die the left will likely fracture in stupidity and weakness. These are not the leftists of Tsarist Russia. This does not mean the right wins by default. The right has to want to win. Trump accomplished that major first step. The right also needs to know how to win. Trump is still failing there. The trajectory of not knowing how leads to Brazilian decline with a blowtorch of Argentinian economics. Not pretty, but sure as hell better than the killing fields of Cambodia.

jim says:

> When they die the left will likely fracture in stupidity and weakness. These are not the leftists of Tsarist Russia.

That is certainly what the disgusting video you watched would indicate. The monsters in the video are not capable of ruling us, or even seriously resisting us. If they were all that opposed us, we would crush them like bugs. But within the left there is a natural selection effect. There is always some faction within the left capable of seizing power, and they will do so. And because no enemies to the left, no friends the to the right, the entire left, shortly followed by Recucklicans and the Cuckstains, will follow after them.

Pax Imperialis says:

How well is that natural selection effect working? They haven’t had to seriously contest power since FDR completely and absolutely crushed all opposition. The current left has been floating on the success and momentum of the dead left. There is always some faction within any groups capable of seizing power, but how large and coordinated is that faction?

The August Coup failed because they simply did not have the numbers or coordination, and after Yeltsin drank himself to death the entire Russian left seemingly disappeared. Both the communist and the anglophile progressive. Putin, by chance and God, stumbled back towards normality. It was if nature corrected itself after a long period of abnormality.

If the ruling left maps onto Gorbachev, and the contenders (Recucklicans) map onto Yeltsin… Westerners are in for a rough period of correction but not revolution.

Every year I see the ruling elite become more geriatric and senile. Their replacements ever more effeminate, trans, and weak. There is an extreme amount of dead weight that a faction in the left seizing power would have to get rid of. Are they even capable of thinking that? They themselves indulge in all the gay excesses or see it as “holy.”

jim says:

> Every year I see the ruling elite become more geriatric and senile. Their replacements ever more effeminate, trans, and weak.

Yes, but …

This is irrelevant until they face an opponent, on their left or on their right, able and willing to send them for a long swim in the Pacific.

I expected that the smell of weakness, of power up for grabs, would result in such an opponent materialising on their left a few months after they stole the presidency. To my surprise it has not happened yet.

alf says:

As long as you can still have anything in the world delivered to your doorstep with the click of a button, why risk your life for a resistance.

That said, your prediction is bound to come true eventually.

jim says:

If the resistance could deliver pussy, as the Branch Davidians could, we would have no problems.

alf says:


I notice that in the real world, safekeeping a group’s female property is very well received. Delivering and safekeeping pussy is no doubt the golden ticket.

What we lack is avenues of theater. I keep having this image in my mind of the WWF — like a guy like this. Something about the over the top act speaks to folk of all IQ. We have all the pieces, but they are, forgive me for patting ourselves on the back, too smart. I feel we need a dumbed down version of what we’re saying, something that can spread its way to the normie. Some kind of theater, entertainment. Something that might not 100% accurately reflect the complexities of our point, but which is instead a bit larger than life.

Anyway just spitballing, of course.

Kunning Drueger says:

Simple, you say? Something like a… Code, per chance?

Jim, I know you’re busy, and as a writer of small things, I know it’s deceptively time consuming and taxing to write with brevity. But I humbly ask you consider this writing prompt, and I encourage anyone else to contribute as well should they feel so inclined.

You have been abducted by aliens, they are taking you back to their version of a zoo, and you’ll never return to earth. You have no chance to say goodbye to loved ones, but the aliens perceive time differently and they tell you that you should write instructions for your great-grandson, who is the leader of a small band of outlaws. They tell you nothing of his world or era, and give you no details on why it’s important, and due to the rate of travel of their ship, your message has to be ten lines/sentences or less, but they nonetheless insist that it’s vitally important that *you* tell *him* some simple instructions for living. What are the ten or fewer things you say to him?

alf says:

I don’t want to take away from the usefulness of that kind of summary, but that’s not what I mean.

What I mean is a sort of theater for Jimian interactions to take place in a context that is understandable for a normie. It should be interactive, and entertaining. Exactly what this place is, really, but accessible to folk that do not necessarily share our fondness for long threads of text.

If we want a Caesar to adopt our faith, we must first display that faith. Jim’s blog is a proof of concept — but its success must be provably replicable if we intend to see it spread.

Again, I stress, I realize that there are very important reasons why this place gets to carry the torch of civilization the way it does, and I am content if it stays that way. For instance I know Jim has recently remarked that many a faith spreads vertically, through descendants, as opposed to horizontally. But a man can dream.

Adam says:

This was why Trump was so successful. He inspired millions of men to get up and get after it.

alf says:

This was why Trump was so successful. He inspired millions of men to get up and get after it.


Kunning Drueger says:

What is needed is successful cultural warfare. Young Caesar needs to watch based film, enjoy redpilled art, and have a lexicon free of newspeak and progressive terminology.

This exploit is obvious and, in some ways, quite trivial, as the necessary ingredients for a counterculture is being obviously different from the mainstream + suppression/censure from the establishment. The Cathedral deflects attacks on this front by shunting any possible adversarial cultural attacks into “niche” categories that only seek to mimic the mainstream. So instead of musicians and bands that are opposed to the status quo, you get Christian musicians and bands that mimic the status quo (Christianized lyrics, as popularized by South Park [1]). Thos is perpetuated by “Christian” business interests who demand a veneer of devotion to paper over their targeted exploitation [2]. This is an old trick that duped most Christians everywhere in the US, and is the methodology used by the Cathedral to subvert the faiths. Uncomfortable with the degenerate pop music? Here, have some *Christian* pop music! Afraid to let your kids watch Disney schlock? Why not try some *Christian* entertainment! Want to get your rocks off but feeling guilty about the whole sinning thing? Slap on this promise ring then head on down to pound town! Gays are a problem? fear not, here are Christian gays that go to church and even vote Republican! (some restrictions apply, see fine print for details)

Americans in general are natural nominalists; if you call something “(x) + attribute” and they like that attribute, they will just accept that the labelling is honest and correct. “Oh, we only eat Democracy Corn Flakes in this household!” American Evangelicals are the same, only moreso. So you have Kirk Cameron making a tidy profit shilling ostensibly Christian entertainment products, and McChristians patting themselves on the back for spending their dollars devoutly.

What needs to be done is an end run around this trap exploit. Someone should get to work on that… 😉


alf says:

Uncomfortable with the degenerate pop music? Here, have some *Christian* pop music!

My solution to this is and will always be: ‘yes that sounds wonderful, I happen to be of the Jimian Christian denomination.’

The Cominator says:

The problem is that at this stage anything positive that is big enough to be noticed in the gay Clownworld empire will either be subverted or failing that violently attacked.

Any cultural renaissance will have to be carried out in Russia or Asia…

alf says:

If we really believe that we have no meaningful path of resistance in our homeland, what hope do we have to resist an oncoming dark age?

Again, to be clear, I’m not saying we either have or haven’t such a path. I am very well aware that the only reason we are even having this conversation is because our host has taken extensive precautions to hide outside Clownworld empire jurisdiction.

But if we want to mount any sort of cultural renaissance that does not include decades, perhaps centuries of shit, then it will have to happen among our own people, in our own homeland. No Caesar will adopt the faith of some anon blog on the interwebs. He will, rightly, want to see some momentum, some proof of power.

jim says:

Before they cracked down on the Republican primaries, it was obvious that the real Republican party is Christian Nationalist. A Christian Nationalist Republican party would have been a meaningful path or resistance within our homeland.

And now we have a fake and gay Republican party, and Trump is going along with it. The Republican party is dead in the water. Our enemies pour an enormous amount of manpower and resources into subverting and suppressing absolutely everything – fake Christianity, fake Republicanism, fake science, fake everything. Look at what happened to open source. Every collective activity, every organisation, even the most minor and obscure, gets a tentacle of the state religion inserted into it. Hence the hilarious Finnish skating debacle. If they cannot leave skating and open source alone, certainly not going to leave a “meaningful path of resistance within our homeland” alone.

If we look at successful revolutionary movements, they always had a power base in a hostile bordering country. Taliban was operating out of Pakistani military headquarters, but they were not just a mindless robotic puppet creation of Pakistani intelligence, the way the Third Positionists are a mindless blatantly fake robotic puppet of Soros, and formerly a mindless robotic puppet of Stalin. They were a real movement with outside backing, not outside backing pretending to be a real movement. Similarly, the Bolsheviks were backed by the Rothschilds and the Kaiser, but were the real thing nonetheless.

Cathedral genocide of Rwandan Tutsis failed because Tutsi exiles in Uganda were able to organise a counter attack – Uganda has a border with Rwanda. Uganda is always supporting Rwandan trouble makers, and vice versa.

Historically, the genesis of any revolutionary movement has not been “a meaningful path or resistance within our homeland” It has always been foreign backing or powerful elite backing, and usually something of both, treason within the elite collaborating with a hostile elite of a foreign nation. Hence the Cathedral paranoia about Russian bots.

How about Christians?

Well, Christians just quietly and stubbornly outlasted an undead state religion. Took centuries of suffering, but eventually Caesar, finding himself blackballed by the official priesthood, decided to march under Christian banners. A little noticed fact about Constantine is that the official priesthood of the official religion of the army moved decisively against him, and he said to himself “$@#% you, I have my own priesthood.” And suddenly Christians had internal elite backing.

The Cominator says:

“If we really believe that we have no meaningful path of resistance in our homeland”

We do not in an organized way until things collapse further… imho. Elon Musk might, and i wont discourage better men from trying but I just dont see it.

alf says:

That might just be an entirely accurate assessment Com.

Kunning Drueger says:

Shun blackpilled positions
Deride blackpill dispensers
Refute blackpill assumptions

The space for successful dissent is always the gap created by organic selfishness and bottomless demand. Black markets are not populated by zealous dissidents “behind the counter.” While the ideologically motivated may take advantage of black markets, midnight merchants are in it for the money, and their main customers are those that want what can’t be had via acceptable venues.

The Cathedral is attempting to regulate all things, and this means that every passing day more opportunities become possible. Reach almost always exceeds grasp. The unassailable fact that TPTB work overtime to convince “everyone” they are isolated and singular implies that there’s significant opportunity for those seeking to correct that fallacy. Art and entertainment are the best venues for exploitation because the demand is bottomless and the bar for admission is comically low.

jim says:

Sex sells. A huge issue in entertainment is romance.

In all media the insert character gets a lover. And I am just not seeing realistic depiction of the mating dance anywhere. What I am seeing is action girl rescues lad in distress, then they have adventures together, then she jumps his bones. Dance videos have males and females dancing symmetrically. There is huge unfulfilled demand for realistic depiction of the mating dance.

Bollywood was the last mainstream big money entertainment industry to accurately depict the mating dance.

Korean fertility is death spiral lows, but their soap opera romances are slightly more daring than anything allowed in western media, which resulted in huge demand by western women for Korean soap operas. I would assume that there is going to be a crackdown, or there has already been a crackdown – have not checked out Korean soaps in a long time.

I recently watched an anime which was a crude wish fulfilment fantasy. Protagonist gets ridiculously overpowered superpowers, which somehow fail to prevent hot action girl and hot action milf from beating him up. And eventually hot action girl gets drunk, or pretends to herself that she is drunk, and jumps his bones.

Pretty sure that the male viewer does not actually wish that hot action girl beats him up.

Vox day has been producing reactionary comics. He is doing OK, but I just don’t see the red pill in those comics. Bit of red pill in Hypergamouse and Stonetoss, but in neither one does the insert character get laid and show the reader the realistic path for getting laid.

I am sure there is huge demand for entertainment in which the characters realistically and successfully perform the mating dance. Why is there no such entertainment?

Another anime – read the plot summary, did not watch it. Watched a couple of key scenes to make sure I was understanding the plot summary correctly. Hot under age chick moves in with protagonist/insert character. Wants to bang him, but he will not bang her. Age appropriate female character eventually reveals she wants to bang him – hot under age chick eventually moves back to parents. Insert character completely passive in all this. Pretty sure this is not what people want to watch.

alf says:

To be clear KD, I am in no way black-pilled. I intend total victory for our side. All I’m doing is trying to have as clear a view as possible, and assist myself and my friends here in any way possible.

I think that what you and I are doing — a red pilled, Christian marriage with a couple of children, raising them as free from poz as possible — that is the biggest white pill of them all.

The Cominator says:

Teddy Spaghetti is almost a complete feminist on women.

Aryaman says:

Bollywood was the last mainstream big money entertainment industry to accurately depict the mating dance.

I would rephrase that as Indian cinema is the first mainstream big money entertainment industry to accurately depict the mating dance in a long time. Before Modi, Bollywood was just as bad if not worse than anything from Hollywood after 1970.

One year after Modi, we get this. Start at around 0:58 and continue as far as you are interested (faster playback speed won’t get in the way).

The scene starts, “You are a woman, I am a man, and I have come here to have you,” proceeding into the dance. Literally and formally speaking, the dance is rape: a hot she-warrior clawing and knifing at her assailant as he progressively disrobes her and effortlessly prevails. colloquial speaking it does not look that way, as she is happier and more taken every step of the way. Peter Jackson did not film it, but of course this depicts how Aragorn actually won Arwen.

There was not much of this before Modi, but there is quite a bit of it since. Bollywood was found lacking and the cinema that sells has moved elsewhere on the continent, mostly south. Have said it before, but the work of S. S. Rajamouli (who cites Mel Gibson as an inspiration) is relevant to the American right both because it is plainly entertaining, but also because he is responsible for an about-face in Indian cinema, and Bollywood is crawling to catch up.

The Cominator says:

Arwen is arguably making a very very bad choice given that even though the best case scenario happened and Aragon was made king he died of old age and she died of grief within a year.

Aryaman says:

And why can India get away with it? The BJP is purple pilled on women, and on liberalism, drunk on awe and envy of America as it was when they came of age, not realizing that was not because but despite its liberalism.

But the BJP depends on a paramilitary organization that formally excludes women, of 5 to 6 million men formally and treble that informally, founded on the belief that the Constitution of India (defining a “secular and socialist” Republic) is not fit to wipe your ass, preferring instead the Laws of Manu, which really have some very good stuff in them.

Sadly there’s been quite a bit of entryism with various formal officials cooing and cawing about LGBT rights and women’s rights

Adam says:

There are still some shows which depict some realism in the mating dance. Sons of Anarchy and recently Yellowstone have some decent depiction. Most of the guys that score are very bad men, or at best decent men who are not at all reluctant to do very bad things.

Sons of Anarchy is about a motorcycle gang and they best depict a working patriarchy of sorts. Very heavy handed and overt depiction of female ownership. These are not good men and if you watch the show you will hope everyone dies horribly in the end, which they pretty much do.

Both shows are wildly popular with women, and in general.

Aryaman says:

Well in the end, not as much her choice as her father’s.

Maybe, it has been appointed so, that by my loss the kingship of Men may be restored. Therefore, though I love you, *I* say to you: Arwen Undomiel shall not diminish her life’s grace for less cause. She shall not be the bride of any Man less than the King of both Gondor and Arnor”

Plus a long century of happy times.

Kunning Drueger says:

>Arwen is arguably making a very very bad choice given that even though the best case scenario happened and Aragon was made king he died of old age and she died of grief within a year.

Fucking hell, this is why critique from spergs is worthless. I can hear you m’yaktualy’ing from 4 timezones away.

>Sons of Anarchy and recently Yellowstone have some decent depiction.

I had a hard time watching SOA. It’s just a soap opera with motorcycles. It’s also loaded with bluepill values. Yellowstone is even worse. Both shows do the same thing as lame stream Cuckservative Inc. where they say something kind based, or hint at a redpill, then proceed to slowly walk towards Democrat positions from 2007. Yellowstone in particular, I found it to be so painfully pozz’d I couldn’t finish the first season. No one is doing female characters correctly.

I get that people want something, anything, that breaks with the status quo, but it just isn’t going to come out of a studio system with legitimacy. The guy behind Yellowstone is also an actor in SOA. If you want to find the connections/brains behind a project, look at the Executive Producers and Associate Producers; these positions are usually tied to the financiers, or the financing itself, whereas Producers are usually tied to the industry or the creative property. Find the Production Companies name, find their website, look at the About page, and you will find who’s pulling strings and making big decisions.

jim says:

> Both shows do the same thing as lame stream Cuckservative Inc. where they say something kind based, or hint at a redpill, then proceed to slowly walk towards Democrat positions from 2007.

The ever popular female sex fantasy is that she is absolutely at the mercy of a man who might well kill her (werewolf romance, vampire romance, gangster romance, demon, etc) but he, instead, rather casually and whimsically looks after her instead. Alpha as females perceive alpha, acting dad rather than cad, not out of weakness but out of strength.

Used to be that a popular male sex fantasy (no longer allowed) is that he rescues the damsel in distress from the dragon, thus proving his manliness and gaining her undying gratitude. Of course, in real life, she is going to be completely ungrateful and he will find himself strangely invisible to her. Women see rescuing the innocent and protecting the innocent as weakness, while males see it as strength. Female alpha radar is exquisitely sensitive, they can spot hover hand in a fraction of a second out of the corner of their eye at thirty paces, but four million years out of date.

Older fantasies are Perseus and Andromeda. Notice that Andromeda is simply dragon loot. She is due to be sacrificed to the sea dragon, then due to be married to her uncle Phineas, and the matter is resolved between men, with no one asking her opinion on any of these matters. Albeit she is loot that is perfectly capable of travelling off under her own power, and apt to do so.

In paintings of Perseus versus the dragon, Andromeda, naked and in chains, depicted. In paintings of the wedding, we see Perseus and Phineas, but if Andromeda is present, scarcely noticed.

In Giorgio Vasari’s sixteenth century painting of Perseus and Andromeda, Perseus seems to be simply helping himself to Andromeda, while Andromeda demurely refrains from giving any indication of whether she might prefer Perseus, Phineas, or the dragon.

Women do not like giving explicit consent, and Andromeda is not giving it.

Adam says:

There is plenty of pozz in both. And you are right they are both mostly trash. I found the characters in SoA completely disgusting, but they do talk the talk and to some extent walk the walk. It is a good depiction of female perception of alpha.

I wouldn’t guess anyone would watch those shows and immediately think putting pussy on a pedestal would help them score. Maybe I don’t understand entertainment from a normie perspective, it was obvious from an early age that the bad guys were the real good guys (kind of) and the good guys were manipulative little faggots.

Fidelis says:

Pretty sure that the male viewer does not actually wish that hot action girl beats him up.

Riffing on this,
I actually think that your modern last man type actually does want this. It’s a weird screwup in a supressed sexual process. Repression of your ability to own or really even fuck a woman, any woman, leads to violent impulse. Project this violent impulse onto the opposite gender, a similar dysfunction to the autogynophiles, and you have your desire for hot action girl to show her desire for you through beating you up. It’s a sign of the psychological torment your average normie and nerdie goes through.

The Cominator says:

“Fucking hell, this is why critique from spergs is worthless. I can hear you m’yaktualy’ing from 4 timezones away.”

I have my shortcomings but Arwen is as much setting herself up for disappointment as she would being Tyrone’s babymama, Tolkien’s elves marry for life and if their spouse dies they get REALLY depressed and die of grief. Not sure what that word means.

Tolkien only sparsely showed any mating dance given that he was at heart a Victorian and a Catholic on top of that so he was extremely uncomfortable even hinting of sex (in Tolkien’s case I don’t hold his semi pagan hybrid Catholicism against him).

Kunning Drueger says:

That wasn’t directed at you, it was pointed at TC. He persistently decries any idea about doing anything at all as pointless, worthless, or useless. I appreciate the element of hard-nosed realism, and grounded obstinacy is the best way to strip out bad ideas and unrealistic methods. But it’s grating to hear the guy that proposed the Cominator Solution imply that it’s little more larping. It’s reminiscent of the bros on /tv/, or any other website, who complain incessantly about the quality of films yet never miss an opportunity to shit on anyone whose attempts at the road less traveled are less than perfect. Crab in a bucket mentality. It’s like someone complaining about the music that’s playing but shouts down anyone who endeavors to find a different station.

I think the underlying rift here is that he is a Centralized Conspiracy proponent and I am a Distributed Conspiracy proponent (I’m obviously right about everything, by the way, and my position is unassailable, and anyone that disagrees or questions me is a Fed :^]), so his position means that anything that isn’t an instant success will inevitably fail, while I presume that success will come by happenstance as many different men attempt many different things depending on luck, timing, circumstance, and form. He sees a cabal of Jesuits weaving complicated and far reaching plots, while I see massed midwits of mediocre means, minimal main, and miniscule might manufacturing millions of moronic machinations with myopic motivations as they mill about malevolent mavens of mysterious memetic mien… mostly.

These competing visions inevitably lead to substantive disagreements; his position lends itself to excessive defeatism, while my position lends itself to unwarranted optimism.

jim says:

> his position means that anything that isn’t an instant success will inevitably fail,

Exactly so. The problem is coup complete, and coups have to be swift and deadly.

The distributed conspiracy model is falsified by U turns conducted with perfect world wide unanimity, with everyone retconning their past. We have always been at war with EastAsia. With a distributed conspiracy, one would expect a certain period of confusion as different elements cast about in different directions to come up with a consistent new story.

Actual performance looks more like Orwell’s ministry of truth. Authority tells some minions, Winston Smith among them, to come up with new stories. One of those is adopted, and instantly and overnight, the past is rewritten. As for example Michael Mann calling for the past climate to be corrected. With a distributed climate conspiracy, one would have expected the inconvenient data to be dealt with in half a dozen mutually incompatible ways.

alf says:

I think a man will always be intellectually limited to his position in real life. As it has often been remarked, Com could do with a couple of changes in his real life.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“Please step on me” is a dark mirror of the “niceness is rewarded by sex” bluepill tendency.

Id est, “a girl interested in bullying me (sexually) is still a girl that is interested in me (sexually)”. The subject will be interested in pretty much anything they can get, if it’s coming from an object of their fascination.

There’s also an element of projected transference to the dynamic; eg, “she must pleased by doing this, which pleases me – it’s coming from a position of affection, not hate, so really it’s not actually abuse at all”.

As well as elements of internalized low status vis-a-vis perception of very high status in the object of their fascination; eg, “I may be worthless, but if I am willing to sacrifice myself this much, that is worth something”, or, “if this is what attracts the attention of such a being, then bring it on”, and so on.

Of course, realizing that the women in the world around them are different from the women in their 1000 y/o lolibaba doujins, and broadly speaking, don’t respond to this at all (or at any rate, not positively), is another matter entirely.

The Cominator says:

“I think the underlying rift here is that he is a Centralized Conspiracy proponent and I am a Distributed Conspiracy proponent (I’m obviously right about everything, by the way, and my position is unassailable, and anyone that disagrees or questions me is a Fed :^]), so his position means that anything that isn’t an instant success will inevitably fail”

On the issue of the nature of the conspiracy.

There are factions and distributed elements but there is a high command which can more or less bend the factions to their will. 2020 proved that once and for all. I don’t play World of Warcrack but LONG ago I played Warcraft II tides of darkness (and liking it and being an autist I looked at the story). The orcs (who were warlike before) were corrupted by demons and the horde of fractious clans which didn’t like each other and often fought each other was secretly controlled by Warlocks of the “Shadow Council” at least until a coup destroyed the “Shadow Council”… I think its a lot like that. I don’t know who the “Shadow Council” is exactly but I think the Jesuits are involved but probably not just them…


On the issue of what can be done.

Anything ordinary people in opposition to the system within the gay American empire THAT REGISTERS AS A THREAT better damn well succeed almost immediately or its going to get shut down. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t do stuff abroad or that Elon Musk can’t do stuff… but attempts to organize dissidents in a visibly dissident way… I won’t go far as to say its inevitably doomed to fail but I have yet to see it succeed. This is likely to change soon as the state gets more and more corrupt and its people become more and more incompetent.

The Cominator solution is so that we never find ourselves in this intolerable situation ever again, yes nothing is forever but hopefully we’re a spacefaring civilization by the point leftism returns… and then you have a decentralized civilization anyway which is not prone to catastrophic failure via leftism.

Anonymous says:

I recently watched an anime which was a crude wish fulfilment fantasy. Protagonist gets ridiculously overpowered superpowers, which somehow fail to prevent hot action girl and hot action milf from beating him up. And eventually hot action girl gets drunk, or pretends to herself that she is drunk, and jumps his bones.

Which anime?

I think I know the other one, it sounds like “Hige o Soru. Soshite Joshi Kōsei o Hirou.”

jim says:

Skeleton knight in another world.

Pax Imperialis says:

What if the left has lost their capacity to smell? Breeding patterns have been dysgenic since at least the Victorian times. Grabbing power requires masculine vitality. What if they no longer have masculinity or vitality? A domesticated wolf after many generations starts looking like and behaving like a dog. The left has been self domesticating inside a cage their forefathers built and now they are self neutering.

You are thinking like a man and projecting masculinity into your predictions, but the left is increasingly thinking like a woman with spinster nanny mentality.

jim says:

That is plausible.

Earlier Alf asked about building a movement without an external powerbase. I have long taken the position that against a live state religion this would be suicidal, and even against a zombie state religion, as in China, it is a tough haul. But if the left is suffering loss of vitality, maybe not so much.

alf says:

We seem to be heading into a gray area in which the left is decaying, but we don’t know how far decayed until we prod the body. One might be a martyr, one might be a conqueror.

If John McAfee and Andrew Tate serve as examples, probably still too early.

dharmicreality says:

What are the chances of a Shaniqua-Stalin (or Shanitler)?

Probably too incompetent but seeing the obscenities of human garbage that is the present “white” Left, it seems as probable an outcome as any.

Karl says:

Maybe, but there is still infighting with the progressive coalition and some faction grabbing power from another.

However, your idea does explain why progressive infighting has not yet produced more dead bodies. After the big steal, progressives lost elections as a means to settle internal disputes without violence. Nonetheless, they are not yet using lethal violence to settle internal disputes.

alf says:

lmao after that introduction I was expecting a blue haired nose pierced feminist. This was even funnier. Could not watch for more than a minute.

It is interesting to note how the bioleninist recruitment of transgenders is more effective than I initially thought. I thought their numbers were too small to matter, but they make up for it with holy agression and an utter lack of shame.

jim says:

Well, it is a male to female transsexual who is unable to hear what Moldbug is saying.

Which mysterious deafness reminds me of the chinamen depicted by ten.

Pax Imperialis says:

Try skimming to the Q&A segments. The audience and their questions are incredibly worse than the speaker. The number of transgenders may be small, but the number of trans adjacent is much higher.

What are you thoughts on the release of the BBC “documentary” on Modi?

The timing of it seems to indicate that the Cathedral is trying to get him out of power in the 2024 General Election. The Cathedral probably wants a fully Globohomo compliant Indian Government to extend its influence in the region which has been waning for several years now. It may also be a kind of revenge for India’s continued trade ties with Russia despite the Western sanctions.

Whatever it is, I expect the heat to increase.

Red says:

They’ll do to India what they just did to Brazil unless Modi is willing to shoot GAE agents in the streets.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Speaking of Bharat, how many people remember that the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971 was a thing? GAE armed plant gets shit pushed in by peer using russian equipment.

That one got put down the memory hole pretty quick.

Dharmicreality says:

At present Pakistan is in doldrums, GAE is already looking to cut its losses.

jim says:

The Brazil/USA formula is being applied everywhere – it just usually it generates less drama and you do not notice. It will surely be applied in India.

There is one and only one solution. Modi has to have his loyalists standing over ever step of the voting, chain of custody of the ballots, and counting, with guns in their hands and orders to halt any funny business by opening fire if need be. Because simply recording funny business and appealing to the courts is not going to work. Did not work in America, did not work in Brazil. Funny business will have to be physically prevented by killing those who engage in it on the spot.

Dharmicreality says:

Unfortunately all indications are that Modi may well respond as Trump had done.

On the other hand the BJP/RSS has a strong and loyal street cadre except in some parts of the country. Let’s see.

jim says:

It is clear that the only way Trump could have won is to call out the militia before the election, rather than calling in the lawyers.

Karl says:

Even calling out the militia after the election might have worked. He didn’t even try to fight

pinochet's ghost says:

To be fair Modi appears to have a ~70% approval rating. That would be a hell of a lot of fraud!

jim says:

Pull the other one.

Preparatory to the election, they will fraud his approval rating down.

Dharmicreality says:

This particular attempt certainly seems to be part of the Cathedral’s propaganda campaign to prepare the ground to delegitimize him.

Aryaman says:

My impression is Modi’s approval is actually considerably greater than 70 percent. He *has* a militia in the RSS, and what he should do is announce the end of democracy in India. Trouble is regional squabbles will get in the way and the globalists can divide and conquer, as they have always been able to do in India.

To which the solution is to (a) give cooperative regional subordinates some autonomy and a whole bunch of status, (b) tell the Moslems they can govern themselves according to personal and family law of their custom, (c) give the army a whole bunch of status and tell its general to occupy the universities, temples, and offices of the professionalized (as opposed to family run) corporations.

But the present government is so popular, the opposition in such disarray, and the thought of any alternative so remote that none of this will happen unless it looks like the crooks will control government again by which point it is probably too late to do anything.

Aryaman says:

The source of great opposition will come from Indians in America and the outcome probably will not be very good unless the present government cultivates and disinhibits domestic capitalists from doing whatever they have to do to turn domestic labor and domestic stuff into useful things housewives like to buy.

There is more capitalism than there was 10 years ago, but not nearly enough.

Dharmicreality says:

So far the saving grace has been that the globohomo agencies in India has been pathetically incompetent at getting their grunts to win elections. But I am worried at the present developments.

someDude says:

Indians in America are also a source of great support, i.e. Rajiv Malhotra et. al. Also funds.

You’re talking about Indians employed by the GAE. As Spandrell says, their great ambition in life is to sell out their country and move to an apartment in NYC

i says:

When Indians are in charge of a previously White dominated company. White people stop being hired and the Company turns entirely Indian very often.

Now when the Whites are no longer hired meritocratically as they were previously. There lies one of the sources of the growing animosity.

The others are scam callers from India that don’t get taken down by Police as they should. Stealing money from grandma.

Mr.P says:

> When Indians are in charge of a previously White dominated company. White people stop being hired and the Company turns entirely Indian ….

Witnessed and experienced it first-hand in mid-2010s in SV. To top it off (the humiliation), at my last IT all-hands (of five white guys and thousands of dots), a dot-head HR chick got up on stage and exhorted, “Look around. Do you see the elephant in the room? We must hire more wahmens!” Fortunately, I had enough f-you money to walk and not look back.

someDude says:

H1B workers from India causing all sorts of troubles in America might well be a problem. Your problem

just as

Anglo Xtian missionaries in India destabilizing the country and keeping it poor via mass conversions and preventing it’s industrialization and development is a huge problem. Our problem!

Give those H1Bs rides to the pacific if you can. We too would give those Anglo Christian missionaries helicopter rides to the Bay of Bengal if we could.

You kick up a stink about the Xtian missionaries taking Helicopter rides to the B of B. We create a stink about the H1Bs getting rides to the Pacific

Quid Pro Quo, Gentlemen

Red says:

We’ll see if Modi is capable of learning. Jair Bolsonaro was not and he and all the people who supported him may well end up dead for his failure to act.

All indications are that the cathedral wants to remove Modi at any cost and install a puppet regime, being angered by his non-commitment to globohomo and his apparent closeness to Russia and Putin.

Now whether Modi recognizes this danger at all in the first place is the biggest question and only then we can discuss whether he would be ready to take action.

someDude says:

I think he recognizes the danger. But I don’t think he recognizes what needs to be done to avert the danger. I don’t think he recognizes that normality is over across the globe.

For the 2019 election, the GAE propaganda machine was busy with Trump. This time, their gunsights are firmly on Modi. He is in for a hell of a fight. The GAE has a redoubtable propaganda machine. Probably the greatest of all time. Long will its tales be told.

someDude says:

Modi’s approval rating is 70% among those of Indic faiths such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism. It is close to 0% among those of the Abrahamic Faiths. Given that Indic faiths comprise 70% of the population, that’s too close to 50% for comfort. They will not need gigantic fraud to pull it off

Dharmicreality says:

I have a feeling that they will fudge the approval ratings first and then start fudging opinion polls to prepare the ground for the massive fraud.

How competently the GAE agents here will perform at that task is another question.

The Cominator says:

Just say Muslims, the % of Christians and Jews in India are negligible.

someDude says:

As far as Hindus are concerned, Jews are just a curiosity. They made a minimal impact in India in the 2000 years they were here. The foreign community that made the most impact on India, far out of proportion to their numbers, is the Persian Zoroastrians, called Parsis in India. Their numbers never crossed 70K, much less than the 450K jews that used to live in India before the formation of Israel.

The percent of Christians is officially 2%, but that’s because lots of low-caste Converts to Christianity officially identify as Hindus in order to continue to receive the benefits of Affirmative action which would be denied them were they to officially identify as Xtians. I estimate the proportion of Xtians in India to be nearer to 10% given the density of Churches I see and the frequency with which I come across Xtians. In southern States of India, the proportion of Xtians in the population is close to 30%

Mahesh Jethmalani (whom I don’t trust fully) now says that China (through Huawei) is behind the making of the anti-Modi BBC documentary.

Which I think is silly and quite distracting from what is essentially the Cathedral’s priestly attack. I have already noted that priests cannot be bought to serve mercenary purposes.

A few things:

(1) China may well have an interest in this matter and this is an interesting angle. But the BBC and the entire Western media have been Modi-hating since 2001. Nothing new in it.
(2) In a way, this allegation of bribery seems a good way as any to discredit the BBC in the eyes of the common Indian public who are more convinced that somebody did something for money, rather than understanding the fundamental and ideologically motivated holy hatred which the Cathedral media has for Indian (specifically Hindu) nationalism.
(3) This may actually be a distraction tactic, to take the heat away from the Cathedral, and Mahesh Jethmalani is used as a dupe to bring this up.

If indeed the Chinese foolishly actually *paid* the BBC to make this documentary series, it seems that they too are deeply interested in 2024. Which is also a worrying factor.

someDude says:

The reason that the Indian govt and the Indian media keep harping on China is that China is the enemy that we can all agree to hate, an enemy that Indians of all religions and caste can unite in opposition to.

We can’t point to Islam as an enemy as that would offend Indian Muslims. We can’t point to the Cathedral as an enemy as that would offend Indian Christians. Every actual enemy we have will offend some fifth column in India and we dare not point fingers at them.

All we have left is China, given that the old socialist left has no power left in India and China is not socialist anyway in their eyes. So yes, in India, all we have left is China against whom we are supposed to sing a hymn of hate.

Our good friend Jethmalani is just the latest to try his hand at getting his 15 minutes of fame from uniting the country in his China-hate namaz.

Well, given that the first family of the Old Left have been cozying up to the Chinese, this is not necessarily a bad political tactic.

We can’t point to the Cathedral as an enemy as that would offend Indian Christians.

I am not sure whether Indian Christians identify with the West in terms of Christianity. Certainly our pozzed elite, including the media are strongly tied to the Cathedral. I don’t think that the average normie Indian Christian would identify with globohomo elite or their culture.

someDude says:

The average normie Xtian in India is every bit a dullard and an NPC as a normie anywhere else in India or the world. With no opinions of his own, He takes his lead from the Xtian Elite in India who see their self interest tied up with the cathedral. Hillary and Biden are as Xtian as they come as far as they are concerned

They will-will create a stink if we name the Cathedral as an enemy. An attack on the Cathedral will be framed as an attack on Xtianity. Race and ideology are the huge faultlines in the West just as religion is the huge faultline in India. Indians cannot think in terms of ideology. They can only think in terms of caste and religion.

They will-will create a stink if we name the Cathedral as an enemy. An attack on the Cathedral will be framed as an attack on Xtianity. Race and ideology are the huge faultlines in the West just as religion is the huge faultline in India. Indians cannot think in terms of ideology. They can only think in terms of caste and religion.

I don’t doubt that there will be an effort to link an attack on the West as an attack on Christianity, but it is not a particularly compelling case. From my experience, the average Christian in India is reasonably aware that Christianity is mostly dead in the West and that the present culture of the West is not Christian.

But I do agree that the pozzed elite, including Christian Elites in India are strongly tied to the Cathedral and that the West-funded Christian Churches in India are in the business of spreading pozz, not Christianity. But the normie Indian Christian cannot put two and two together and thinks that churches in India are more Christian than in the West.

someDude says:

The normie Xtian in India does not think, period. Neither is he particularly curious about the state of Xtianity in the west. Yes, he does believe that Churches in India are more Xtian than the west, but that is more a self-serving belief than anything else. It’s just his version of holier than thou.

But his belief in Indian Xtianity being stronger than Anglo Xtianity does not do anything positive for the cause of Hinduism in India. He will rise up against his Hindu country men if he believes that they are attacking Western Xtianity, which really is the cathedral for our purposes. Weaker vessel they well might be, but they are still more Xtian than his Hindu countrymen and that is all that counts

We screwed up big time here, just like the westerners screwed up their H1B and outsourcing stuff.

dreherist says:


jim says:

I criticise Rod Dreher from the right – that he is blue pilled or purple pilled.

You seem to be criticising him from the left, and telling us that we agree with that criticism.

Take the shill test. I deleted your comment because you seemed unclear, and perhaps evasive, about whose side you are on.

You can argue against Rod Dreher as a leftist and I would be happy to have that discussion on my blog. You can argue against Rod Dreher as a reactionary and I would be happy to have that discussion on my blog. What I will not, however, allow, is arguing against Rod Dreher as one of us, while making enemy arguments, rather than our arguments.

Arakawa says:

I have become curious, have you ever had interesting discussions with Leftists, arguing honestly from self-identified Leftist premises, rather than using the stupid shill trick of “surely we both believe that …”?

BobtheBuilder says:

Scott Alexander is an interesting guy.

Contaminated NEET says:

Oh yeah, and so smart! Maybe if I were smarter I would understand why it’s a good idea to give all my money to a fat Jew whose greatest accomplishment is a Harry Potter fanfic, go live in his commune, and watch him fuck my girlfriend (who thinks she’s a man).

Kunning Drueger says:

[no survivors]

BobtheBuilder says:

I said interesting, the way a giant traffic accident you yourself could have been part of is interesting, not sane or reasonable or someone to be emulated. He even got a taste of what is coming, and yet still clings ever harder to his leftist premises.

Contaminated NEET says:

Fair enough. I just can’t abide any positive mention of the Less Wrong community in general and poor old Scott-sempai in particular. I remember all the NRx-types desperately wanting his approval a few years back. Oooh, this guy is mainstream and important (he’s neither), and he’s really smart (he’s 110% midwit), and he actually engages with us without calling us Hitler (OK, he calls us Hitler regularly, but more quietly and less often than most respectable mainstreamers). It was so pathetic.

BobtheBuilder says:

Speaking of Less Wrong:

This video genuinely made me start laughing in frustration.

jim says:

Every utilitarian is lying, because no one genuinely cares about far away strangers of whom he knows nothing.

If someone proclaims utilitarianism to you, he is lying to you, if lying to you, out to get you.

BobtheBuilder says:

Or as I glibly put it: “You are a utilitarian? Great! When do you want to be scrapped for organs so that more lives can be saved?”

alf says:

Also the debate between Scott Aaronson, Boldmug and Jim comes to mind.

BobtheBuilder says:

Is there a debate between Jim and Moldbug documented anywhere?

alf says:

The semi team-up against Aaronson is the closest they got to a debate, as far as I know.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

Yes it’s called “Why I am not a Libertarian”

notglowing says:

This is a situation where Japan actually has remarkably little bureaucracy compared to the west. The US is particularly stupid with zoning, but this seems way more permissive than what we have here in Europe as well (and European zoning IS more permissive vs USA in some key ways).
100 kings close to you, vs 1 king far away, I guess.

How cool is it that there is such a huge surplus of homes in liveable countryside towns (ie not the middle of nowhere) and that you can renovate them however you want?

If they didn’t have high taxes and a difficult environment for foreign investors, I would be tempted to buy some of those four figure homes.

Red says:

Japan has actually useful zoning laws, for example they limit the number of franchises like McDonalds to encourage local business owners who live at their business.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for cynical inversion of reality*]

jim says:

I have attempted to build a house. The bureaucracy does not want whites to build houses. The bureaucracy wants to destroy housing, as part of its program of democide.

Red says:

They’re pivoting from ignoring/it’s normal for people to be suddenly dropping dead to COVID caused the heart damage that people are dropping dead from. Reddit had a big propaganda piece on /r/news this morning.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*deleted for misinfo*]

Carlylean Restorationist says:

The REALLY important question for NRX people is [*deleted*]

jim says:

Your question presupposes that Marxism is true (that capitalists rule, that capitalism is a form of government) and that we agree, that everyone agrees, that Marxism is true.

I will allow you to argue that Marxism is true, but you never, no Marxists ever, make that argument. Rather Marxists just sail on assuming their interlocutor already agrees.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

I do not believe that Marxism is true, and you know that I do not believe Marxism is true. To make such a ludicrous accusation is absolutely typical of what the Nazis called “The Big Lie”.

Capitalism does not rule, but to dismiss the power that capitalists have over their workers is utterly ridiculous and does not match reality.

I can’t even remember what my point was. Your censorship achieves what it’s intended to achieve: your opponents are thrown off guard and find it hard to make cogent arguments because their external reference points aren’t available to them.
When answering someone’s disagreement with your thought, it’s necessary to be able to see what your thought *was* in order to defend it.

Censorship is every bit as bad here as it is on Facebook, for precisely the same reasons, and my suspicion remains that it’s done for the exact same reason: jewish nature.

I think I remember my point now: NRx people seem to be living in precisely the kind of world Moldbug sketched in his blog back in the day. I’m unsure what their objection is.

jim says:

> to dismiss the power that capitalists have over their workers is utterly ridiculous and does not match reality.

Motte and Bailey. In your next comment, you will go right back to assuming that capitalists rule, and assuming that we agree that capitalists rule, as you just did in the (censored) Covid post.

If capitalists ruled, Musk could get his way on twitter. Instead, Musk gets censored and shadowbanned.

Yes, the Jewish-capitalists-in-Israel account of the Covid conspiracy does provide a better explanation than the capitalists-at-Davos account – because neither account credibly connects to reality.

Moderna, the Wuhan lab, the NIH, and the rest are not capitalism, not Israel, and they are not capitalism at Davos. They are Harvard.

Adam says:

I don’t think he is entirely wrong and I will try to explain more effective than I have before. Merchants, entrepreneurs do hold some power over their workers. It is not always much but sometimes is it significant. I do not know if this has always been the case, I assume the problems are magnified by progressivism and a lot of it is displacement activity.

Quite a lot of times the relationship between owner and worker is co-dependent. So the owner wants more of you, but for fear he may lose you, keeps from you what you would need to succeed (often times information). So you are both punished and prohibited from meeting demand by the same person.

Information absolutely is power. It is not a beating, or robbery, but it is often used quite deliberately to protect the entrepreneur at the expense of labor.

Capitalists, merchants and entrepreneurs do not rule nations. But they do rule their businesses (to the extent the state allows them to). And there is a wide variety in how men rule their businesses.

I think it is important to acknowledge that Capitalism is Darwinian, necessarily so, and that failing to rule your business properly causes quite a lot of grief, and pain and suffering. I think it is important to acknowledge that there are bad actors in the marketplace, workaholics for example suffer from the same exact defects of character as an alcoholic or a drug addict, only instead of escaping to alcohol they escape through work, with one new lie to cover up the last, trying to outrun their lies. These men do quite a lot of damage to the people that trust them, both customers and employees.

Acknowledging this does not in any way discredit Capitalism, the same way pointing out bad husbands and fathers does not discredit Patriarchy.

jim says:

No he is not wrong. That is his motte. But in the next post, will slide back to his bailey.

The motte in a motte and bailey argument is something that is trivially and obviously true, and everyone agrees that it is true. The bailey is something that is trivially and obviously false, and the party making a motte and bailey argument sails right along assuming that because everyone agrees the motte is true, everyone agrees that the bailey is true.

The Cominator says:

You believe in 80% of what Marx believed, you just reject the idea of the international proleteriat and worldwide international proleterian revolution.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

The blog owner has decided to use misrepresentation as a strategy to deflect dangerous opposition.

[*Deleted for giving a long screenful of outrage with no actual concrete examples of misrepresentation.*]

jim says:

Your opposition is not dangerous. You are just wasting space with the same old same old we get from everywhere all the time. I don’t allow it because I try maintain a good signal to noise ratio, while the shills try to drown out signal with noise.

To the extent that the shill signal contains any actual signal content, the only content is the false consensus that we are all agreed on what we all vehemently disagree with, that each of us is alone, a minority of one. You persistently gaslight with false consensus, persistently presuppose that everyone accepts shill positions that obviously no one, not even the shills, believe.

If you believed any of the views you persistently presuppose we share, you would argue for those views when challenged, instead of just moving right along. If anyone anywhere ever believed any of that, someone somewhere would defend those views and argue for them when challenged, instead of just presupposing them as universally accepted, obvious, and unchallengeable.

BobtheBuilder says:

>find it hard to make cogent arguments because their external reference points aren’t available to them.

“Without my NPC script, I can’t come up with an argument.”

Close your eyes. Imagine an apple on a table. Someone comes over and pushes the apple so it rolls off the edge and hits the ground. Got all that?

?enecs eht fo dnuorgkcab eht ni saw tahW ?roolf eht fo roloc eht saw tahW ?evom elppa eht did woH ?ti saw elbat fo dnik tahW .nosrep eht ebircseD
?deksa I nehw ni ni llifkcab uoy did ro ,emit eht ta taht fo lla enigami yllautca uoy did ,yllaniF
.nosrep ni retteb skrow noitseuq ehT

jim says:

Screenfull of straight up lies, too tedious to refute line by line.

Covid is not a capitalist plot, still less is it a plot by Israeli capitalists. Jews in Israel, and Jews in New York, were greatest targets and victims of the Covidians. Moderna is not Israel, not Israeli capitalism, not an Israeli company, and is only nominally capitalist.

Moderna is a Harvard organisation, which operates directly out of Harvard. Its income derives from Harvard’s political power, it is a direct instrument of a priesthood with continuity of personnel and organisation all the way back to the priests that Charles the second purged from the Church of England for coveting that which is Caesar’s. When those priests were purged, some of them went off to New England, and ever since have been plotting to reconquer what they lost. Moderna is a department within the headquarters of our officially unofficial state religion. Covidism is post Christian demon worship coming from Harvard, not post Jewish demon worship coming from capitalism. We are not ruled by capitalists, nor is capitalism headquartered in Tel Aviv. Moderna is headquartered in Harvard.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

I stand corrected. Moderna is indeed headquartered in Cambridge MA. Why I ever thought it was Israeli I don’t know. It isn’t.

Nevertheless, the theory of jewish neuroticism and jewish-driven jew-protective clampdowns is a better account of Covid than [*the commie account that fails to reference Jews*]

jim says:

Deleted for failure to acknowledge that anyone disagrees with commies about anything, deleted for attributing the commie shill account of Covid to us.

You can argue for whichever of the two commie accounts of Covid you choose (Jewish capitalists plotting in Israel, or capitalists of all races plotting in Davos) or argue for the official account (a terrible emergency, but thankfully the jab saved us), and you have been assuming all three.

But I am, as always, not going to let you get away with blithely ignoring the fact that nobody believes the official account nor either of the commie accounts, not going to let you get away with cheerfully assuming that we agree with one of the commie accounts.

You have to respond to our endlessly repeated positions, not sail right ahead gaslighting us that no one thinks like that, not even us.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

I’m not trying to gaslight anyone. I just fail to see what the difference is between your take on Covid and the take of the bog standard Fox News style commentator.

The cure to the Cathedral is not the GOP.

jim says:

You were telling us that there has not been a huge rise in the number of young healthy people dying. Giving us the “fact check” story. Fact checkers are gaslighting, and you are gaslighting. They muddy the waters, dodging inconvenient facts and issuing a fog of irrelevant factiods, and I censored you for muddying the waters.

The current wave of death is not enormous, it is similar to or moderately bigger than than the normal flu season excess deaths. The difference is that flu/covid season knocks off people in old people’s homes wobbling on the edge of the grave, while the current wave of death is killing off pilots at the controls and athletes on the playing field. There has been an enormous increase in death rate in the category of people who normally have a very low death rate, in flu/covid season or out of flu season.

It is possible the excess death rate may fade off eventually, as people stop being jabbed. It is also possible that the jabbed are rendered permanently incapable of developing natural immunity, and will get one covid after another, each one lingering a little bit longer than the last, each one a little bit more dangerous than the last, until they all get permacovid and die. It is also possible that they all have slowly developing circulatory disease, and will all eventually suddenly keel over from strangely long, strangely thin, and strangely rubbery blood clots. It is possible, indeed probable that most of them have slowly developing cancers, and that the extraordinarily fast and aggressive cancers that we see are just the tip of a much larger iceberg of cancers developing at normal rates. We don’t know, and it is forbidden to look into the matter.

Red says:

Paul Pelosi bodycam video is out:

Cocktail in hand, Paul had his pants off.

Here’s the escort breaking in:

Really weird.

Red says:

This may actually be Jim’s original assessment of a more leftwing faction sending a message to Pelosi to step down. Security system was switched off, no security present, and Paul Pelosi obviously expecting something other than a hammer attack.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The fact that the gigolo waited until a camera was there to record things before he made to attack is a key detail.

Kunning Drueger says:

100%. The sodomites agreed on the plan beforehand, but when the camera rolled, the younger faggot did what faggots do and took it to 11.

The lights out level of a drunken faggot snoring immediately after getting a hammer to the head is one of the stranger things I’ve seen. At first I thought it was the fat one flatulating after getting sacked but no, it was Pelosi snoozing. Strange shit.

WTF says:

Woman strangles two of her small kids, attempts to kill the third (an infant newborn) and herself when husband goes out to pick up food. What is the correct explanation of this behavior? Why on earth would a mother do this? Extreme regret and buyer’s remorse for reproducing with a beta male?

A quick eye test does show her as fairly attractive and him as rather feminine/beta looking even bordering on looking like a gay man.

Even still, if extreme betaness is the reason why would she marry him and give birth to three of his kids in the first place only to kill them later?

SJ says:

My guess is the guy who was banging her at work broke up with her and possibly told her that he would not commit to a single mom.

Adam says:

Seems like a school shooting kind of thing. We are not adapted to tribes of millions of people, 24/7 global news, infinite propaganda, and social media.

A friend of mine lost his wife this week literally to despair. She quit living life and wasted away to nothing, otherwise healthy at 62.

Lack of a sane religion hurts the weak the most. Faith and a belief in God is essential to the human spirit.

chris says:

“What is the correct explanation of this behavior? ”

Brain tumour perhaps that screwed up her personality?

jim says:

More likely social environment that screwed up her personality

Earl says:

Fun debate question:

As of today, which is the more important criteria when evaluating a potential wife: number of cocks, or number of boosters?

jim says:

Not known yet.

The Cominator says:

To take a very extreme example… Riley Reid (lets assume she isnt jabbed) is more capable of giving the sap she convinced to marry her children than a girl who got boosted.

kawaii_kike says:

This hypothetical seems terribly impractical. Like asking if a burn victim or a cancer patient is more likely to be a better wife.

Answer: Unknown and who cares, keep looking for a wife that isn’t a whore or a walking corpse

jim says:

In short supply.

The Cominator says:

But the answer to this is objective whores can have healthy children boosties in many cases and i suspect most cannot.

kawaii_kike says:

That’s fair. But I resent the idea of any of this commentariat settling for whores. I also question whether the children of whores are actually “healthy”. Is there Jimian commentary on microchimerism in humans?

For those uninitiated, microchimerism is the idea that each sexual partner a woman has, some of there DNA is absorbed by the woman thus creating a chimera of sorts.

SJ says:

My opinion on this idea does not matter. What matters is all women are like that and our women are currently unconstrained and unowned by their fathers, if they even have fathers. Hence they are sneaking over to Jeremy Meeks trailer at the trailer park starting at a very young age. You get to marry a slut, as we do pay for the sins of our fathers. The good news is you can indeed turn a hoe into a housewife. I know as I have done it. Game works and the red pill works. Now if we do not want our sons to marry sluts we have to change it.

Earl says:

A girl who’s been with 2 men is not necessarily a feral shrew, and a girl who’s had 2 jabs is not necessarily infertile. Both may be intolerable at the extremes, but it’s everything in between that makes the question interesting to me.

Besides, it was at least partly tongue-in-cheek. Didn’t you ever play “would you rather”? Gotta have a sense of humor, even in darker days. Especially in darker days.

Alfred says:

It’s not clear to me that a woman would be able to incorporate a man’s gametes. Do you mean she would incorporate DNA from an offspring with a prior partner?

Fidelis says:

The idea as I understand it goes spontaneous abortion is far more common than most believe, and the fetal cells are what causes this phenomenon. There was a fairly compelling study in some Scandinavian countries demonstrating this, microchimeric DNA in women with more partners; cannot find it again.

Red says:

Dog breeders believe this to be true which is why they’ve very careful about which males their prize bitches are mated to.

There’s been some studies on humans, but they tend to get zapped once someone points out what they mean.

Red says:

My take is there’s a very good reason men have always valued virgins and it’s more than just reducing their chances of straying. But if you options are no kids, or sub optimal kids, then it really isn’t much of a choice.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I would wager that, in any case, lack of the former would significantly overlap with lack of the later.

The Cominator says:

In an analogy to the midwit principle, early marriage tradwives and turbowhores less likely to be vaxxed than the typical normie feminist career girl.

The Ducking Man says:

The later has benefit of doubt, perhaps she was coerced by her job or circumstamces (need the vaxx passport to travel).

The former has willfully chosen to hop on the cock carousel and open her leg for any men who paid her price.

It’s very obvious which is the lesser evil if you ask me.

The Cominator says:

All unmarried women (or women outside of a long long term happy monogamy type relationship) are basically on the carousel, less whorish women just do serial monogamy and while their notch count is less pair bonding is diminished to its minimal after 4+. Less whorish unowned women are mostly the way they are because they are conceited and view their value and status as too high not because they are going to make a virtuous storybook tradwife, you’re replacing lust as a vice with vanity and pride. The whore’s reproduction system remains undamaged and as such this is not a debate there is an objective answer which is that the whore > the vax demon worshipper.

Women almost never reluctantly took it for their jobs because with women there is not much middle ground between demon worship and hating the system and women by and large don’t really need to have jobs, jobs for women are optional. Women can always get married, kiss up to their dad or do some freelance dick sucking. People who reluctantly took it for their jobs are mainly

1. People who went thru hell to get licensing or something in their jobs and were threatened with its loss or loss of operational status with their license if they didn’t take it, lots of people in medicine and people like pilots and railroad engineers took it reluctantly for this and I do feel very bad for those people… if you mention nurses as reluctant women (and nurses tend to have a pretty negative opinion of the jab) who went thru a lot of trouble for licensing, a lot of nurses just got fakes. Nurses also know how to get fake jabbed.

2. As Pax Imperialis said a lot of people in the military who knew it was bad took it because acceptance of great even random risks to stay in the warrior society is worth it to them. Its part of their ethos.

Repeat after me body count after 4+ might as well be 500 because after 4 it makes no difference to pair bonding ability. This means if she isn’t married by 25 bodycount is prettymuch worthless, she is at 4+ and might as well be a stripper or the like, except she probably lacks the other good qualities a stripper has.

Alfred says:

If you are confident in your ability to be more alpha than the most alpha guy she’s been with, I’d lean toward the latter. But hard to know.

I heard somwhere that booster fertility damage would multiply thru generations so that daughters of vaxheads would be hit worst of all. Are some saying that or am I imagining things?

S says:

It has been brought up; specifically sterilizing daughters. Its the plot of Saturn’s Race so I give it decent odds it is both true and they got the idea from the book.

Javier says:

My advice to young men these days is to marry your high school girlfriend, as you will likely never have access to better.

Failing that, my advice is to marry a high school girl. obviously tricky but still doable as long as you never openly acknowledge that is your goal. I want to say it was Grover Cleveland who, when asked why he was a bachelor, said “my wife hasn’t been born yet.”

The Cominator says:

“My advice to young men these days is to marry your high school girlfriend, as you will likely never have access to better.”

Always so IF YOU HAVE ONE. Only girl who will actually sort of love you.

Starman says:

Clott Adams says,

“What needs clarification? Science exists so you don’t rely on your own opinion.”


jim says:

That Clott Adams does not comprehend what science is, is the reason he was fooled by con men who murdered science, gutted its corpse, and are wearing its skin as a skin suit.

The Cominator says:

Dilbertman isnt stupid but he suffers from the typical boomer bias of not being nearly cynical enough (having grown up at a less corrupt time) to believe every institutional mouthpiece is just a paid bullshit parrot (AT BEST).

jim says:

That statement about science could never be said by someone who knows what science is.

In Feynman’s paraphrase ““Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.”

In the Royal Society’s summary “Take no man’s word for it”

I would paraphrase and summarise the position of “The Sceptical Chymist”, which was the first influential text to lay out the scientific method (though this influence perhaps more a result of the will of the King than particularly felicitous phrasing) as that truth and honesty requires one to not report other people’s consensus about facts as it was fact, as if it was something one knew directly from your own senses, that to accept consensus about empirical things as though consensus was itself the empirical thing is a violation of the Christian duty to bear true witness, that it is every man’s duty to resist the madness of crowds, to resist consensus and make his own judgement.

Earl says:

I must respectfully disagree. Adams may not literally have a moron-level IQ, but he’s never been a very intelligent man, and it shows up clearly in his comics.

When he was just lampooning corporate culture, and had real recent experience with corporate life, his strips seemed perceptive. But for a very long time, I think even going back to the early aughts, he’s been obsessed with deeply stupid and pointless ideas: involuntary hypnosis, lack of free will, the simulation hypothesis, and so on. He has always been quick to jump on every popular trend, which could be because he wants to cynically cash in on those trends, but is probably because he really is that susceptible and suggestible.

For example, he also thought the idea of a super-intelligent garbage man was extremely clever, because (and this was literally his stated rationale, he said this) how could anyone else be in a position to question the ideas or decisions of the smartest man in the world? His [the garbage man’s] frame is inaccessible to you. That happened ages ago, last century even. This is how Scott truly thinks and always has. You can’t question Experts, they’re smarter than you are. You can’t even understand their thought processes, never mind judge their validity for yourself. How many near-identical comics have Dilbert saying some variation of “you only think I’m wrong because you’re too stupid to understand my ideas?”

He may have staked out an edgy position or two last decade, being not-too-deranged about Trump and a little bit skeptical of global weathering hysteria, but those two issues are the only ones on which I can remember him making any sense at all. In all other respects he’s a common shitlib, with a strikingly high opinion of himself and an unshakable belief in his own infallibility. Dogbert is his self-insert character, always 10 steps ahead of everyone else and able to exploit any situation to his advantage. Scott can be funny when he’s critiquing his own tribe, as many on the old left used to be able to do before it fully metastasized into clown world, but he doesn’t have an original thought in his head and wouldn’t know what to do with one if he did.

Don’t take my word for it, though. Just browse the archive from around 2005 – 2020 and see for yourself the slow but inexorable decline in perception and awareness. You’ll even find a few strips in there suggesting that only stupid PHB types don’t Trust The Experts. It’s pretty much a straight line from that to Clot Adams.

The Cominator says:

“For example, he also thought the idea of a super-intelligent garbage man was extremely clever, because (and this was literally his stated rationale, he said this) how could anyone else be in a position to question the ideas or decisions of the smartest man in the world? His [the garbage man’s] frame is inaccessible to you. That happened ages ago, last century even. This is how Scott truly thinks and always has. You can’t question Experts, they’re smarter than you are. You can’t even understand their thought processes, never mind judge their validity for yourself. How many near-identical comics have Dilbert saying some variation of “you only think I’m wrong because you’re too stupid to understand my ideas?””

This means the opposite of what you’re saying it means. The super genius garbage man is not an expert hes a working guy who is smarter than all the experts…

But Scott Adams is a boomer and boomers just can’t grasp that they are now in a low trust society with a corrupt government where all the institutions are staffed by liars and all seperate institutions are in fact run by one ruling clique of lunatics who hate them.

Earl says:

This isn’t what “I’m” saying it means, it’s what “he” says it means.

“…if you think about it, we wouldn’t be in a position to judge anything done by the world’s smartest person. Obviously his decisions would be different from our own — he’s smarter! So if we don’t understand why he does what he does, the problem is probably on our end.”

There it is in full. That’s not satire, it’s not an opinion expressed by one of the characters, it’s Scott’s own opinion, written in his own book.

Scott didn’t screw up because he’s a boomer, he screwed up because he’s Scott. I don’t really care about the man that much, to me he’s a nonentity and a has-been, but he’s a good case study in why it pays to always remain skeptical in a low-trust environment, including (or especially) of those who are saying what you want to hear right now, but might have poor track records in general.

The Cominator says:

The garbageman is not a credentialed cathedral “expert” hes actually intelligent.

The problem with our experts is not only are they often not true experts and not intelligent (which you may have been able to convince Clot Adams) but they are just parrots of a script from evil people who hate you (which almost no Boomer can fucking understand no matter what).

simplyconnected says:

Agree. He is definitely a midwit: he can’t evaluate claims on his own.

Red says:

Clot Adams wrote an entire book on not trusting the experts, but it was all stick. When he was actually afraid he ran right back to the experts.

jim says:

Recap on the “The Sceptical Chymist”

The scientist is sceptical. But he trusts experts who have demonstrated expertise in understanding what they see and doing what they do, when they report what they have seen, what they have done, and how they did it.

But he definitely does not trust what unnamed experts supposedly know in unexplained ways, nor does he make assertions that an unnamed expert knows something in an unexplained way.

The Cominator says:

Hes not stupid but hes a boomer.

Anon says:

Could he lost iq points because of the vax?
I noticed some smart people who are now not that smart.
How can you evaluate this?
There could be a point where most of the population are retards and you question if it is not you the retard.

jim says:

> Could he lost iq points because of the vax?
> I noticed some smart people who are now not that smart.

I have seen quite a few former smarties who seem to have dropped fifteen or twenty IQ points – have taken a very major hit.

No one I know has dropped dead. It is always someone who knows someone who dropped dead, but noticeable loss of smarts seems to be fairly widespread, a lot more common than sudden adult death syndrome.

simplyconnected says:

The Cominator wrote:

Hes not stupid but hes a boomer.

Funny that it might have helped him to be more stupid, trust his instinct, and not understand what the “experts” are saying.

simplyconnected says:

Jim wrote:

The scientist is sceptical. But he trusts experts who have demonstrated expertise in understanding what they see and doing what they do […]

Yes, definitely. But that trust ultimately rests on some amount of verification carried out by oneself. Imho ultimately you can’t outsource that verification. It’s unfortunate for midwits like Scott, that verifying the work of smart people requires smarts.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
simplyconnected says:

I only have experience in theoretical fields, where the proofs must be spelled out and can be personally verified relatively easily (though not always quickly). This is why I say ultimately there has to be some verification carried out by oneself, but I don’t know how they do it in experimental science, I can imagine it’s more difficult.

Javier says:

he’s about one step away from declaring “this was a social experiment all along, and you fell for it, you fools.” Like a 90s kid on IRC

Carlylean Restorationist says:

I’m going to unironically appeal to optics lol

What you’re claiming doesn’t line up well with reality. [*deleted*] If you tell normal people not to believe their lying eyes, [*deleted*] So what’s wrong with the above blog entry? [*deleted*]

jim says:


Carlylean Restorationist says:

Yeah, it is NOW, after you butchered it.
The fact you did *that up there* tells a reasonable reader everything they need to know about this question: just like the oppressive régime you’re ostensibly opposing, you feel the need to censor and misrepresent opposition because the things you claim stand in stark contrast with observed reality.

This is what’s wrong with our times: *all* opposition is false.

jim says:

You repeat yourself endlessly. I have allowed everything you have to say through far too many times. I have responded to it far to many times, and you never respond to what I write. I am not going to allow the same stuff through again, because if I did, I would feel compelled to make the same response yet again.

And now, I will make the same response yet again::

Universities are religious institutions, for training the elite in the state religion. The left does not get ahead in academia by cheating, or by being smarter, or by preferring cities over suburbs. It gets ahead for the same reason that from 1660 to 1820 Anglicans got ahead in Oxford: Because the younger professoriat is selected by the older professoriat for adherence to the official faith of the state. The University Entrance essay is a proclamation of faith.

And in every post you make, you write as if no one has ever suggested such a thing. Because you fail to respond, allowing your stuff through just results in endless repetition: Waste of space. Everything you write is just pushing your wagon that leftism comes from below, rather than from above.

I respond to what you write, but you do not respond to what I write. You just write the same stuff yet again in a different way.

Kunning Drueger says:

I was starting to wonder if it was really Cuckolded Revolutionist, but now I’m wondering if you’ve been lurking the past few years and just suffering in silence as people use your personhood as an epithet.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

There is good ingroup solidarity here. Loyal followers don’t notice the censorship and misrepresentation and enjoy piling on the outsider.
That’s a good thing in the big picture.

I didn’t look at this blog for a very long time, beyond the titles of the entries. The one about ‘nazis are commies’ drew me in and now I have a bad old habit lol it won’t last.

Leftism comes from the top.
Very little comes from the bottom, but acknowledging reality will always be with us, so it can seem as if acknowledging reality comes from the bottom.

Leftism can never genuinely stamp out the tendency of people to notice reality, including the Covid shit.

My point here, which I’m only repeating because it was censored, is that the studies about thousands of athletes dropping dead are not legitimate and do not bear any scrutiny. You shouldn’t take my word for that: the study Tucker Carlson cited contains elderly retired athletes who died of cancer. I have zero reason to make that up.
My point is that when you talk about such claims as if they were true, people who know they are not true will assume everything you’re saying is false.

Not everything you’re saying is false. There are excess deaths right now across the developed world, and there are no such excess deaths right now across the undeveloped world where vaccine take-up was lower.
It’s entirely possible these excess deaths do have something to do with the vaccines, so it would be better to talk about the stone cold silence from governments and media on this true fact, than to talk about millions dropping dead from the vaccines.

Anyone with eyes to see knows that millions are not dropping dead, from vaccines or not.

This will most likely be censored, and the lie will be told that the grounds are other than they are. This is a racial habit of certain groups and if someone is not a member of that race but behaves as if they are, that’s a big problem. Occam’s Razor says they’re probably just jewish.

jim says:

> My point here, which I’m only repeating because it was censored, is that the studies about thousands of athletes dropping dead are not legitimate and do not bear any scrutiny.


The report that everyone quotes, over and over again, is

This compares the total number of athletes dying now, with the total number of athletes dying in previous years. And therefore, of course, by definition, includes athletes who could not possibly have died of the clot shot. Pointing out that some of the athletes counted are unlikely to have died by clot shot is not a rebuttal. Unsubstantiated lies about the report are not a rebuttal.

You want to rebut it. Prove it your claims. Don’t make confident but unexplained claims about it. Confident claims about the report without evidence or explanation will be censored as waste of bandwidth. Links to official authority officially announcing that the report has somehow been proven false (but we are forbidden to see the evidence proving it false) will be silently deleted.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*deleted for total absence of evidence or argument*]

jim says:

I challenged you to support your claims against and you came up empty, revealing you are pulling stuff out of your asshole.

You do not have evidence or argument, you are just throwing mud around to muddy the water.

In order to produce a valid counter argument to goodsciencing, you have to provide evidence that they are overcounting recent deaths of athletes, or undercounting older deaths of athletes, which you made not the slightest attempt to do.

One athlete’s death is indeed not evidence against the clot shot. A huge increase in the number of athletes dying, however, is evidence. And you made not the slightest effort to refute or discredit that evidence, just wasting space by making noises as if you had an argument, without, however, actually presenting any evidence or argument, revealing you did not make your original claims in good faith, either knowing you were lying, or not caring what the truth might be.

Carlylean Restorationist says:

There’s no such increase.

I’m not putting in hours and hours of work just so you can grin and hit delete.

If you want people to effort-post, you need to go Elon Musk on your censorship policy because right now you’re more like The Guardian.

jim says:

I promise you that if you put in any actual work, I am not going to hit delete.

Show me some relevant facts, and I will debate them. Your athlete death rate post consisted of pointing out that for any one athlete, one could not know if it was the jab that killed him, and vaguely asserting, or perhaps implying or presupposing, without evidence or explanation that there has not been a huge increase in “natural” deaths in a segment of the population that normally has very few natural deaths. And you took an entire screen to say what I just said in one sentence – typical shill output muddying the waters. If you are too busy to do research, how come you have loads of time to waste my time?

If you post something that obviously takes fifty times as long to write or to read as it took to “research”, of course I am going to delete it as yet more shill noise intended to drown out signal. If you have very little to say, then say it concisely. If you make, or presuppose claims, unlikely to be believed, provide support for them. How come you have plenty of time to go on and on and on saying nothing, while inexplicably presupposing much, and no time to support claims unlikely to be believed?

Starman says:

@Carlylean Restorationist

If only you can answer a multiple choice RedPill on Women Question…

Carlylean Restorationist says:

[*Deleted for attributing misogyny to us, and for failing to answer, or even notice the existence of, the multiple choice red pill question*]

jim says:

You attribute to us the shill version of the red pill – a version that presupposes agreement that men and women are interchangeable, except we just hate women for some mysterious reason. Supposedly we are just haters.

We love women vive la différence. That is one diversity we can get behind. Diversity plus proximity, as always, equals war, but this is a war we were created to win, and women created to lose, a war women want very much to lose. The modern social order makes it hard for them to lose and hard for us to win, but they do their best to lose anyway. They are victims of the femcentric social order as much or more than we are.

No one, not a one, believes in the shill version of the red pill, though the black pill and the purple pill have much in common with it and superficially resemble it. Black pillers frequently are misogynist, but Black piller misogyny of the genuinely red pilled is the opposite of shill misogyny.

Alfred says:

Does anyone have that image regarding age of consent showing the progression of a blonde girl’s face from pre-teen years to 18 or so ? Would be useful for an argument I’m having with a friend.

Redbible says:

here you are fren, just know it took me a couple of hours to figure out a set of keywords to find the result in the 4plebs archives:

Pic 1 (Ages 4-16):
Pic 2 (Has her face at 18, which is an important part of the picture series):

Bonus Picture (only kind of related to the pictures you asked for, but good for triggering people in relation to the loli question):

(Also, I know I have it somewhere in my own archives, but since it is unsorted… I need to do some sorting work on those 1000+ pictures.)

notglowing says:

Not sure I really get the idea behind the last pic.

Redbible says:

It a bit of a trolling pic where you ask people if they would rather have a girl from the left or the right. Since all of women on the right are rather… undesirable… it implies that young girls are not such a bad option as compared to 30+ year old women.

I realize that the context of which one would you pick isn’t in the picture, put is always used with picture on the chans.

notglowing says:

I guessed as much, but they are basically children in the first pic, they look prepubescent.
While my own country has a rather low age of consent relatively speaking, I don’t really get the attraction towards the little girls in the first picture.

jim says:

Virginity is attractive. However, for a considerably healthier depiction of virginity: Audrey Hepburn.

The reason we no longer have movie actresses like Audrey Hepburn is that by the time a modern actress reaches her age, she has developed a thousand cock stare.

The Cominator says:

There are virtually no Roman Holiday type virgins around nowadays though I think I’ve known really ONE girl in my life who fit that archetype well (not sure she was a virgin but clearly not that experienced), and she specifically loved old movies and that is kind of why she was like that.

Even virgins ain’t virgins in clownworld because of all the mindfuckery…

Mister Grumpus says:

Is there a theory of what the thousand cock stare and virginface actually are? They’re real but what exactly are they? How would you describe them, their instincts and mechanics? And I’m simply fascinated by how virginface is nearly impossible for women to fake (or is it?).

Do women even talk about it as a subject, as a goal, as a tool, as an irreversible reality? I know they love Breakfast at Tiffany’s, so it’s not that they hate an on-screen competitor, or am I simping again?

Some Hollywood agents need to open up Maiden Island in the South Pacific somewhere, to farm their own screen virgins in-house. This must be why the top Korean performers are recruited and brought into company housing, education and training at 10-12.

Red says:

Is there a theory of what the thousand cock stare and virginface actually are? They’re real but what exactly are they? How would you describe them, their instincts and mechanics? And I’m simply fascinated by how virginface is nearly impossible for women to fake (or is it?).

Somethings are so primal that they can’t be described in words. If women could fake virgin face they’d all be doing it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

When the West goes full-Zimbabwe, you can buy one of the girls on the left from a starving single mother for a bag of potatoes, but you really should keep things non-penetrative for a few years.

The tattooed freaks on the right are porn stars. AVN = Adult Video News.

Is the “madonna-whore complex” real or just something progressives made up? Because I find whores disgusting, not attractive at all.

notglowing says:

I could see that they are whores, but they could’ve just as well been regular movie stars considering what is the norm today.

> Because I find whores disgusting, not attractive at all.

I agree. All whores have that whore look. I can’t stand it.
In high school I thought that even fairly average girls around me looked more attractive than porn actresses in general.

I can’t totally explain it. The thousand cock stare is one thing, but I feel like there’s more to it than that. I wonder if it really is self-selection in great part. That women who look a certain way are more likely to become whores.

Regarding the original girl, I definitely don’t agree with the chart. Her peak attractiveness is around 16.
At 18 she seems pretty down, and she isn’t smiling. But I don’t think she was trying to look her best, either.

The Cominator says:

C’mon Riley Reid is a turbowhore but STILL looks like a 16 year old girl at 30. The ones who get that burnout look tend to be bad drug addicts.

jim says:

You are damaged.

She looks like a sixteen year old who has taken one thousand cocks.

If you had hope to own a woman, you could see the difference.

Kunning Drueger says:

Porn stars without makeup. Riley Reid is #21. I so rarely get to say this, Cominator, so forgive the jackassery but… stick to Covid predictions my dude. Lol I’m kidding, but seriously, no such thing as a pretty porn star. It’s just heavy makeup and they are all (usually) 5’4″ or less.

Prettiness is for the elite men with great genetics and breeding. Common man can be blessed with a pretty milkmaid, but I don’t see a reason for Prettiness to be top 5 or even top 10 desirable attributes. Commoners need to be loyal, sturdy, strong, capable, obedient, devout, patient, and stoic. Hell, most nobles need to be the same but better. Prettiness and handsomeness is for the leadership class. The rest of us need to be happy, hopeful, and hard. I know this probably isn’t popular perspective, but I am reminded of some sage advice from a ska band in the 90s:

“If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life
never make a pretty woman your wife
from my personal point of view
get an ugly girl to marry you.”

This does not mean you should worship the Roastie, or settle for some used up bitch with no womanly skills and a sharp tongue. But I’ve found through experience that a pretty woman might have a bunch of other great features, but good breeding stock almost always has much to recommend them for abduction, retention, and loyalty.

The Cominator says:

Well okay then, some are still pretty without makeup but Riley isnt one bad skin.

Kunning Drueger says:

There’s no such thing as a pretty pornstar. There are attractive women in amateur pornography, but that’s a wholly different thing. The trade in nudes is profitable, and dangerous, for precisely this reason: men can tell in milliseconds when we see virginal beauty, fertility, freshness, the blush of legitimate eroticism. By the time a female is being paid to fuck on camera, she’s completely run through. She has lost her virginity to one guy, finds herself with another guy, who hands her off to an audition, who then puts her into the stable of whores. Pornography is a disgustingly mechanical industry very similar to the “legitimate” film industry. It works because men are quite good at suppressing certain instincts, preferences, and logic if the will is there. Every coomer is trapped by choice, mechanically seeking one thing at the expense of many other things.

Red says:

Porn stars are not attractive. The moment your brain considers how many men such women have fucked they lose appeal.

Red says:

I agree. All whores have that whore look. I can’t stand it.
In high school I thought that even fairly average girls around me looked more attractive than porn actresses in general.

I’ve always felt that way. Even back in the early days internet porn I couldn’t get the appeal of nonamateur pr0n. I always thought I was an outliner as the rest of my friends gushed about porn stars and how hot carpet munchers where, but now I think that’s what we were told to do by the cathderal.

SJ says:

Lots of porn whores are from the breed of new women and a lot of men spend a lot of time jerking off looking at the new improved women. I wonder if men on some level are aware of this and find the new improved women to be initially unattractive.

The Cominator says:

I’m also autistic Jim… so some subtleties of expressions are completely lost on me.

The Cominator says:

RE the 1000 cock stare even I notice that when girls are horny their pupils dilate, is it that whores semi perpetually have at least semi dilated pupils?

jim says:

Not reducible to words.

Kunning Drueger says:

Pornstars can always produce “Fuck me” eyes (with make up), while amateurs have “I want to fuck” eyes. Subtle difference. As Jim says, irreducible. Want v. Need, maybe? Hard to articulate.

zero says:

not familiar with pornwhore eyes, but I get bad feels from some women, I think there is a certain level of fear and acwkwardness that sluts lack. a cute woman got me into her apartment at a Christmas party and her propositioning was so performative I noped out, whores are bad business and you can always tell from their behavior.

alf says:

I have some thoughts on the 1000 c stare.

It has to do with the old maxim, sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.

When a woman flirts, she instinctively knows she is the prize, and she is teasing that she might give away that prize. She is being promiscuous, but because her prize is valuable, she is also being innocent. It is exactly that line that makes flirting with a pretty woman so titillating.

But what happens when you take away the preciousness of those eggs? When she treats her womb as if it belonged to a man? Well, she loses her innocence, she loses that which makes her valuable to men. Like reused tape that has lost its stickiness.

To me, the 1000 c stare is when a woman has lost the ability to flirt naturally. She is overly theatrical, sexually aggressive, quick to throw glances that she knows men like to see in bed. She does not understand that it was her inexperience that made her cute.

Which is in fact a big thing that sold me on my wife — contrary to 95% of the women I had dated, she was kind of awkward and inexperienced with regard to the whole dating and relation thing.

The Cominator says:

“To me, the 1000 c stare is when a woman has lost the ability to flirt naturally. She is overly theatrical, sexually aggressive, quick to throw glances that she knows men like to see in bed. She does not understand that it was her inexperience that made her cute.”

Obviously if you meet a girl in a brothel (I’ve never been in a de jure brothel) or a strip club her “flirting” is generally going to be over the top sexual to the point where they might even start rubbing your dick.

But outside of work not sure they are always this way, knew a girl who was a former stripper and then became a masseuse I always assumed that like most women in those jobs she put out a lot I especially assume this because she went from one job to the other. She didn’t seem like that, I do have partially towards her not because I fucked her or anything but she cured me of persistent two year horrible neck pain (did not ask for any money either).

I prettymuch think ladies of the evening can try to be seductive by appearing more innocent or blatantly aggressive depending on what they think their intended target wants, I don’t think the overly innocent thing appears authentic for any girl if she is over 25 though.

The one thing I can imagine the “1000 cock stare” visually entails is that girls in the profession will tend to have frequently dilated pupils due to pretty constantly elevated levels of sexual desire (the ones who hate the job will tend to end up leaving quickly or getting on a lot of bad hard drugs which will burn them out real quick) and I would say Riley Reid tends to have pupils that always look a bit more dilated (while she otherwise has a girlish and innocent looking face). I think probably though Jim is right and its something that some men (who aren’t autistic) can sense but its not easily put into words.

alf says:

The one thing I can imagine the “1000 cock stare” visually entails is that girls in the profession will tend to have frequently dilated pupils due to pretty constantly elevated levels of sexual desire

Having thought it over, I will give a spicy take that I don’t think the 1000 cock stare is actually a thing, in that I do not think men can recognize it from a picture, or at the very least grossly overestimate their ability to do so.

What gives it away is the behavior. It is extremely hard to fake innocence, and yes I do think most men have innate sensors to sense that.

Fidelis says:

I disagree strongly and find the TCS face to be particularly noticeable even in photographs. Some have it worse than others, and I would bet a lot of money there is a hormonal causative mechanism at play. Impossible to effectively hide the same way sweating from too much meth is impossible to effectively hide.

Do you have any proposed way to test our conflicting hypotheses without an extended amount of effort?

Kunning Drueger says:

Theoretically, the test would be A/B sets of pictures, just close up head shots, and the subject has to state which one has the TCS. You would set up opposing pictures (virgin/slut), doubles (virgin/virgin, slut/slut), and tricks (female/trannie). Lots of interesting conclusions might result, especially if you get creative with ethnicity and age. But here in lies the complication: how would the test maker even know which is which? Women are notoriously misleading about their body counts.

alf says:

Do you have any proposed way to test our conflicting hypotheses without an extended amount of effort?

Not sure about the ‘extended amount of effort.’

The easiest manner I could think of would be to compile a list of, say, twenty female faces in the thirty-ish range. No make-up, no hair coloring. Must be unknown to the males we present them to. Make sure we know their n-count, divide them up in two categories: chaste and slut.

Then, with each picture, make male answer the question: 1000 cock stare yes or no?

If result accuracy resembles a coin flip, then 1000 cock stare not so visible. If repeatable accuracy above that, well, 1000 cock stare proven.

alf says:

Hehe KD you beat me to the punch.

For the slut side you could use porn stars, but it is hard to guarantee the men judging those pics have never seen those ‘celebrities’ elsewhwere.

Kunning Drueger says:

You could use pornstars only if they are relatively unknown, and only as a control group, and use quite young girls as well, to set the outer boundaries, similar to that meme image posted above. But the better test would be all “amateurs” and no celebrities or stars.

I’m more interested in whether or not a girl can have the TCS *without* the thousand cocks. One of the greatest achievements of feminism was to turn otherwise desirable and attractive women into gross, frumpy spinsters without having to wait 40 years. Stunning strategic victory for those daemon worshippers.

The Cominator says:

“I’m more interested in whether or not a girl can have the TCS *without* the thousand cocks.”

Basically yeah. Most fat trigglypuff like things with resting bitch face aren’t whores… real whores try to look attractive at least and don’t trust the messages from the megaphones.

So even if the unowned normie woman doesn’t have the 1000 cock stare (I don’t know if she does or not) she gets something worse…

Mayflower Sperg says:

Prettiness is for the elite men with great genetics and breeding. Common man can be blessed with a pretty milkmaid, but I don’t see a reason for Prettiness to be top 5 or even top 10 desirable attributes. Commoners need to be loyal, sturdy, strong, capable, obedient, devout, patient, and stoic.

You say this as if female beauty were a rare thing, which is only true in degenerate societies like ours. No one is born old, fat, tattooed, or fucked-out, and maybe one in five white females is born ugly.

jim says:

Madonna whore complex is mostly something made up by boob hating faggots, but at its core there is a real problem: The doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary.

In the old testament, chastity is a woman’s compliance with male authority over her sexual, reproductive, and domestic services.

Got holiness spiraled several centuries after Christ, largely by male sexual deviants such as Origen,

into men not employing female sexual, reproductive, and domestic services.

The perpetual virginity of Mary is an attack on marriage and on male authority over female sexual services – implying the woman has the right to withdraw those services at whim – which in practice tends to happen when someone more manly than her husband sniffs around.

This savage medieval depiction of Origen is likely unfair, but I am not the only one who smells something funny in the anti sex doctrines of various Church fathers, nor is this an entirely modern opinion.

Big Brutha says:

You’re dealing with the problem of neoplatonism/Hellenistic influence.

There is no scriptural argument for the perpetual virginity of Mary because there is no scriptural need for it. All of that appears as a later interpretive lens which comes from the popular eastern Mediterranean sense present before and during the early Christian era that saw the body and bodily functions as “icky.”

Origen was in the middle of that time and not left untouched by it. This is the same wellspring from which Gnosticism flowered forth.

The true problem of Gnosticism is not the problem of secret knowledge. Even Jesus dealt in secret knowledge when He explained parables to the Twelve which were not meant to be understood by the public. That’s why He says he who has ears to hear let him hear. There was knowledge inside those stories meant for those who were in the know or who had the spiritual acumen to understand.

The problem of Gnosticism is precisely that it says what God has made is unclean. It is the holiness spiral of holiness spirals.

However, when you think of the eastern Mediterranean of the time as a hotbed of debauchery, sodomy, and perversion it is hardly surprising that people got weird about the body.

But that weirdness getting adopted as an interpretive lens for understanding scripture simply mangles the meaning.

By creating a spirit/matter dichotomy that posits spirit as being holier than matter it follows that anything that diminishes the physical body is better than anything that elevates it because the body is matter and therefore bad and needs to be pushed down.

St. Paul’s comments sometimes appear to contribute to this but he is speaking, in many cases, to a thoroughly Hellenized audience which viewed the notion of the Resurrection itself as foolishness. The question of the Greeks was: why would you WANT a bodily restoration after death? You’d just gotten rid of that nasty vile prison your pure and wholesome spirit was trapped in. What is the upside?

That did not make sense to them. But positing that matter and, by extension, bodies are bad is inconsistent, ultimately, with the record of scripture itself, even though this kind of view infects most scriptural interpretations to some extent even today.

Is matter bad? No. God is the author of it and pronounced the creation as good. Yet even now people act like the things derived from that creation are in some way inferior to a pure Platonic realm of eternal forms which exists outside of our reach somewhere. But to maintain this view as a reader of scripture you have to do what the Gnostics did which was to conceive of the Old Testament God as the Demiurge and evil for making the world and matter and trapping pure spirit in it rather than the True and Living God who said that it was good.

Did the Son, Jesus, take on a body? Yes. Did it lessen His divinity? No. He was still divine even when going about the daily actions of a normal person. There is no need to get into navel gazing arguments about the nature of Christ, etc. Fully human, fully divine, etc. He is the Incarnate God, full stop. That which goes further is philosophizing about what needs no philosophizing.

Jesus ate, drank, slept, sweat, pissed, and shit during his mortal life. Was He tainted thereby and made “unclean?” Again, no. His holiness was undiminished. He Himself dealt with this concept when the Pharisees chastised His disciples for not washing their hands before eating. The thing that makes a person unclean is the bad thoughts, words, and actions that are conceived in their heart and proceed out of them, not what goes into them.

But the central doctrine of Christianity, that is to say the Resurrection, puts the nail in the coffin of those kinds of arguments anyway. If matter is lesser and inherently inferior to spirit, then why does God go to all the trouble to redeem it? Paul is clear that upon death our spirits return to that God which gave them life. If that is so, then what need for a bodily Resurrection? Why bring matter into it at all? Why make a resurrected body dwelling for Christ and mankind eternally?

There are those who argue that Christ put away His resurrected body somehow after the Resurrection but the record of scripture again says He let people touch that body and He ate fish and honeycomb, demonstrating its real tangible nature. Nowhere does He say, “P.S. I’m getting rid of this thing as soon as I can.” Clearly there are other things that He does with that body which are beyond the capability of mortal man, i.e. appearing with it in a closed room, ascending into Heaven, etc. But none of this lessens the physical reality of that body which was touched and handled by His disciples, including Thomas who doubted.

So the next question becomes this: If bodies and matter are not condemned by scripture, then does scripture say sex is bad?

The answer, again, is no. There is no argument that sex, in and of itself, is bad. There are clear delineations about what it is for and who it can be engaged in with but no argument that it is bad.

So if sex is not bad, if in its proper place it is not sin, then what need would there be to state that Mary was a perpetual virgin? What does that state confer upon Mary that being a devoted wife and mother to Joseph does not?

It only becomes necessary to think in those terms if you believe that she would otherwise have been “unclean” or tainted by sex. That her worthiness would have been lessened thereby. But again, where does that idea come from? It isn’t from scripture.

Sex is only unclean when it is used contrary to God’s instructions.

The reasons for Mary’s virginity before the birth of Christ is clear: to ensure there was no question of Christ’s paternity and demonstrate a miracle. But having established that paternity and been the chosen handmaid by whom God the Father brought about that miracle, there was no subsequent need for Mary to remain aloof from Joseph, her husband.

By enshrining as dogma the notion of Mary the eternal Virgin as supreme, generations have had skewed ideals around sex, marriage, motherhood, and sexual relations between men and women.

That view makes sex inherently dirty rather than simply an inherently private matter. Can sex be made dirty? Of course. But so can any sacred thing. The word profane literally means in front of or outside a temple. Profanation is to take something sacred and render it dirty by how it is handled and dealt with. The worst word you can say in Canadian French is “tabernac”, which is a profane reference to the box that the eucharist is kept in. So it is profanation of sex that is wrong in the same way that turning the temple into a house of merchandise was wrong and was met by sacred violence.

Which is a long way of saying that the neoplatonic and Hellenistic legacy remains firmly ensconced in the way people think about sex and scripture even when scripture itself does not require it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The idea of perpetual virginity was one of the first holiness spirals to affect Christianity that there was.

Not many people remember the name Duns Scotus today, but he is basically the guy responsible for taking the recurrent notion and indoctrinating it into roman theology.

>”potuit, decuit, ergo fecit” (He [i.e., God] could do it, it was appropriate, therefore He did it)

But what a subject finds seemly is of course a function of its aesthetic sensibility in the first place; and a sentimental architecture out of joint with the matter of Creation will of course fall towards that which is against the grain of Creation.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The point of the meme wasn’t to present an easy choice between an ideal vs a less than ideal, but a stark choice between borderlines. The information comes from how the subject chooses between what he is forced to chose between.

And in certain respects, it touches on a reality of choices at hand too; unicorns aren’t really an option, burnt out roasties and jailbait are options.

SJ says:

Yep. Even if you are willing to cross the fence everyone put up around the high school girls to keep all the good men with jobs out and date high school girls you’ll just discover that they have been sneaking over to general butt nakeds house since they were in junior high. The fence has plenty of holes in it for criminals and retards, or a man who is willing to act like one

Its a good way for a guy to find a wife but you better have some game and get her isolated from her family and friends asap, as in move her far away from them. Oh yeah watch the age of consent crap blah blah blah cause only Jeremy Meeks and general butt naked are allowed to get beautiful young girls drunk and have sex with them in current year. Men with jobs who want to marry them are not allowed through the fence.

Alfred says:

Thank you friend. I know well the toil of those sorts of rabbit hole searches. I’d have done it myself had I known where to look.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] This is the only consistent explanation as to how the left is so freakishly dominant across all fields, [*deleted*]

jim says:

Except, of course, for our explanation, which you continue to ignore and which you never respond to, no matter how many times I repeat it.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:


jim says:

You grossly misrepresent the neoreactionary explanation for left wing dominance, and if I allowed your comment through I would have to repeat the neoreactionary explanation yet again, and I am sure my readers are sick of hearing it.

Harvard has never taken academic excellence seriously, and the proposition that the academic ranking system is the source of the Ivy League’s power, rather than merely a reflection of it, is too silly to be addressed.

I don’t care about the academic ranking system, and neither does Harvard.

Cloudswrest says:

Interesting new tweet thread by Jean-François Gariépy re. Omicron and Pfizer.

Cloudswrest says:
blind archer says:

If Nadja seems pretty to me, am I okay? I am not sick? This picture triggered my protective instinct and I want to protect her from the bad people who dragged her into this. Is it possible that an activist can be a good wife and mother, or is it just an illusion?

There is certainly a connection between beauty and ugliness, but sometimes our inner feeling simply deceives us.

blind archer says:

*The connection between good and beauty, ugliness and evil.

Earl says:

There’s nothing wrong with you, other than being a blue-pilled beta, which most men are. Simp on, as long as you’re never within three degrees of any position of authority.

She’s not especially pretty, just kind of young, and almost definitely too far-gone to make a decent wife for all but the most cynical and brutish of alpha males – but why would such an alpha even notice her, never mind marrying?

Post-Restoration-of-Patriarchy, other options present themselves, but we’re talking about the here and now.

Red says:

Why would you link to fag book? Put in and post it.

Kunning Drueger says:

A RAND report is bubbling up into the discussion space. It purportedly states that a long war in UKR is not beneficial to US interests because China is a bigger deal or something. I’ve not read it and I don’t really plan to. It is further asserted that Victoria Juland made reference to it, possibly obliquely, and this has been stated to be evidence that the War Faction is fractured.

It really does appear that Coronatarianism is becoming low status, and it could be that we are edging closer to the, in my opinion, inevitable turnaround on Ukraine. In both cases, there’s an overwhelming amount of compromising material on all the supporters and advocates, such that I have a hard time imagining that these… people… will be able to just continue the neverending Long March toward utopia. But march they will, as they always seem to do. Elections don’t matter, and facts don’t matter. But isn’t it still the case that narratives matter? I can’t see how the Blue & Yellow brigade are going to just pivot into something else and pretend that UKR never happened. Same for maskies & vaxxies. But they will, and Conservatrds will probably go with it, as they always seem to.

Without meaning to be flagrantly and ridiculously optimistic, I think it’s possible that there is, or soon will be, enough of an “unassociated” middle, composed of our type of dissidents/outsiders, left-behind liberals, and apathetic persons, that will be willing and able to effectively harass those trying to pretend that the past few months/years never happened. Some will do it to attack them, many more will do it for the lulz. If you look at the flak Clott “Shott” Adams is taking, it’s a mishmash of people who called him out, people who hate him, and people who just enjoy a good public flogging. Is it possible that this will occur on a wider scale?

jim says:

> Elections don’t matter, and facts don’t matter. But isn’t it still the case that narratives matter? I can’t see how the Blue & Yellow brigade are going to just pivot into something else and pretend that UKR never happened. Same for maskies & vaxxies. But they will, and Conservatrds will probably go with it, as they always seem to

Narratives don’t matter either. “we have always been at war with Eastasia”. He who controls the past controls the present, and he who controls the present controls the future.

I remember when all of Academia, every single last academic everywhere in the entire Western Hegemony, suddenly adopted the new story on the Khmer Rouge (insane evil space bats installed in power by Ronald Raygun), and suddenly forgot the old story (mild mannered agrarian reformers heroically resisting US imperialism), and no one blinked. Not one academic anywhere said “Hey, wait a minute, what about what you were saying yesterday?”. Plenty of people outside academia noticed the sudden U turn and made a fuss, but every single academic everywhere was strangely oblivious to that fuss and seemingly totally unaware of it. One day mass murder in Cambodia was definitely not happening and academia was one hundred percent unanimous it was not happening, and the next day it definitely had happened due to Ronald Reagan and all those academics had heroically and courageously denounced it from the beginning. Fight the power man. They were one hundred percent unanimous that it had happened and that they had always said it was happening, and had always said it was happening due to evil chimp Ronald Raygun installing the Khmer Rouge in power.

Kunning Drueger says:

I see your point Jim, but I have to disagree, narratives do matter. I’m not talking about the TV News narrative, or the talking points made for mass consumption. I mean the narratives maintained by the elites and their cronies. We know that actual or figurative demon worship is integral to the mechanics of progressive elites, but I genuinely wonder which of them knows this and which ones are just playing monkey see, monkey do. Every dumb slut that gets an abortion is contributing directly and culpably to child sacrifice, but they, in large part, don’t see it that way. So too with the abortion providers. Of course the spinisters running planned parenthood are soulless cunts that probably spirit cook on the weekends with dead babies, but the whole infrastructure is chock full of people utterly convinced that they are doing good.

We see what happens when the Faith is shaken from the top down with the collapse of mainstream Christianity in the US and the West. When the elites abandoned the Faith, the narrative collapsed. Though many millions try to keep it alive, they become prey for different mind viruses. Charting the progression of sodomite anti-marriage acceptance is a useful example. The Progressive Faith (anti-faith) is not immune to the process, if anything it’s more susceptible due to it’s structure. Progressiveness has been taking significant hits for a while now, it hasn’t just been clean victory after victory. As a Faith loses hold/sway/power, there’s a dual result of growing apathy and increasing zealotry. Coronatarianism is getting weaker, more normies are laughing at Satan worshiper memes and saying the quiet part out loud, there’s a mass of gaps that are becoming available for exploitation, and They need something to happen, something to derail this progressive (lol) system wide collapse. They thought they had it with Ukraine, and that’s starting to unravel. Maybe space aliens or fAGI is next in the chamber, but that seems out of their reach, so maybe that’s why we are suddenly hearing/seeing dindus dying by dastardly cops again, though I still maintain that’s more about removing Biden with the same tools they removed Trump.

jim says:

The Soviet Union took a big hit when they U turned on Hitler, and then U turned again. Western Academia took a huge hit when it U turned on the Khmer Rouge. And progress has been taking some bad hits lately and is about to take a few more right on the chin. But a few years after those big hits, it was as if they had never happened. Who today remembers the complicity of Western Academia in the Cambodian autogenocide? Who today remembers the complicity of the west in the Tutsi genocides?

Chinese communism took a big hit when Deng purged the gang of four. Today in China, you can, and people regularly do, savage the red guards and the economic order of the red guards – you can absolutely brutally expose the failings of socialism provided you don’t actually say that socialism inherently sucks, and provided that you don’t mention the Great Leap Forward, and provided that you don’t link any of this stuff with Mao, the great Helmsman.

ten says:

re Helmsman (just an anecdote with no point)

In Beijing they have an arts and crafts hipster block called ching chong woopdeedoop, an absolutely huge area for galleries and street art and all kinds of stupid shit. Actually a very nice place to spend a couple of hours. There was, out in the open in the corner of a busy crossing, a large bronze statue of mao – decapitated, with his broken and battered head face down in the dirt.

I was utterly surprised something like this would fly in china. Obviously they let the weirdos have som fun in the arts and crafts block, otherwise what’s the point. But this seemed to me to lack some chinese characteristics, so to speak, and i asked the various chinamen i was there with about it. Of course, very characteristically chinese, they had completely failed to notice the statue, failed to notice it was decapitated, failed to notice it was mao, and failed to think of any possible meaning there might be in being decapitated and face down in the dirt. Nothing to see here.

At least my local tail later, between four eyes, did finally agree that this was unusual and someone who wanted to cause trouble about it probably could.

jim says:

> Of course, very characteristically chinese, they had completely failed to notice the statue, failed to notice it was decapitated, failed to notice it was mao, and failed to think of any possible meaning there might be in being decapitated and face down in the dirt. Nothing to see here.

This is hilariously similar to what happens with female misconduct in the American workplace.

What is characteristically Chinese about it is failure to notice impiety against Mao. In the American workplace, failure to notice that women are disrupting and destroying male work in the male workplace in characteristically female ways.

Kunning Drueger says:

Fascinating. Excellent comparison Jim. “Misbehavior? Ha ha you are thinking too much ha ha. That’s just silliness that isn’t worth commenting on.” Russia and China are addicted to data gains so badly that neither seem to be able to fathom the importance of state religion. Looks like Fukiyama isn’t the only guy trapped in the 1990s.

someDude says:

This is a hilarious comment. Made me laugh as much as Jim dealing with the Shills

zero says:

it is interesting that the nog heat is back on, it is to bad that charlemagne didnt write down the treatment of the saxons on a big stone in paris, now we have to rediscover basic social technologies without any record of how degeneracy was banished to begin with. I think kunning that there is an issue between what a christian should do. The font of all honours is a really fascinating thing, jfk was lauded as camelot, which is fairly based for npr, unfortuanately we have paul “take it in the ass” pelosi, strong horse weak horse. Are the normie dipshits going along with demon worship, culpable, or are they havels grean grocer, I never understood how a city like soddom could have not a single good person to be spared by, then again looking around it seems like God sorts the wheat from the chalf via zip code and bodeggas. I respectfully disagree with Jim on the nature of narrative(at least as an absolute), the dutch model of dispersed private libraries makes narrative obfuscation difficult for the competent elite, and at least untill 2017 even for the pleb, reading old books is fascinating because of how obviously batshit crazy their progresive streak is(which led me here). Off the top of my head i remember a pamphlet from 1890 on alchohol, blaming wife beating irish proles imported for company town slave labor, on whiskey, didnt take long for prohibition. Civilization seems to be a balance between entropy/leftism/retardation opposed to an elite fortified with righteous, based understanding, the cure being accurate historical records and impirical analysis. our big problem is the right got poned prior to 1930 and is now the lame, slow left which wouldnt dare to cut out the cancer. But i keep seing social media accounts remix jims posts and comment sections for content a few days late so maybe we can keep the flame going as far as someone in the right place putting eunach pedophiles where they belong. The narrative is the left fighting the left about the spedometer as the cliff approaches, but the deep narative is hidden in volumes and letters which cant be thrown out by the central library, the purges online indicate there is no trump slide, only caesar or afganistan. The narrative is irrelevant because the left already won, but the only hero we are going to get will be reading evola and obscure blogs. maybe ukraine getting raped will help wayward souls see the beast for what it is.

Kunning Drueger says:

Schizo poast par excelence. I’m not attacking you, on the third read through, I’m starting to see your point and it’s valid and valuable, but my word, Cormac McCarthy, drop the spacebar, put your hands on the keys, and backspace slowly towards the sound of my voice lol.

Progressives have a data/records/archives issue. Their holy oracles need as much archive depth as possible to perform the “magic”, but if some heretic actually starts to read the sacred scrolls, he might find the Unspeakable Truths. Covfefe Anon is fondly remembered for his “The woke are more correct than the mainstream” axiom, and I think this is connected somehow.

zero says:

Sorry Kunning, I am not good at writing, I am not familiar with Covfefe’s axiom, but it sounds like my lens for leftist speak. “cops are evil racists” translates to “cops are the good guys beating evil nigger thugs.

Kunning Drueger says:

No apology necessary bro. I’m just being a meta faggot.

The “woke more correct” meme is about how the radicals state the truth while the normies are delusional in terms of observation of things in the moment. If you’re willing to abide Twitter, look up his posts over the last month and it will illustrate what I’m talking about. I’m having a hard time transliterating it at this moment.

zero says:

I got ya, I have seen that before but usually as the left larping the right better then the cuckservative lol. I’m doing my part on the records front, got a nice little library coming along with some old goodies 🙂

Locustpost says:

The new narrative is already happening. Black guy acting up and being beaten to death by five black police officers in black chief and black mayor Memphis. Call Antifa and queue up riots.

Red says:

I think antifa coming out in force and there numbers are greatly increased from 2020 has a lot to do with the power struggle underway in DC.

Pax Imperialis says:

Supposedly the head of CIA secretly visited Zelenskyy and told him US aid would dry up by July.

Red says:

We’re out of artillery for the Ukrainians and only artillery and drones really mater in warfare. Wagner basically destroyed about half of the Uki artillery during their version of Verdun. Unlike the Germans the Russians got it right: Focus on artillery, not the kill count.

Red says:

There’s always been good men willing to attack the insanity of the cathderal, but they were all de-platformed. Twitter is back to shadow banning anyone who goes against the current thing and Elon’s admitted they can’t really stop it. There’s hidden shadow bans all over the code and I don’t think it’s being controlled by twitter employees. I think the FBI has back doors into the system.

jim says:

Votes cannot control the US government, and money cannot control twitter.

Calvin says:

So, what are we making of the apparent drone attacks in Iran? Start of a new war on a Russian ally?

jim says:

Iran has no end of quarrels with its neighbours, but the British are the most plausible suspects.

Could be Israel, but I would have expected an Israeli drone attack to actually work.

Calvin says:

Seems like, whoever they are, they’re striking again tonight. Wonder how far this will escalate.

Kunning Drueger says:

It really depends on the perpetrator. Rumor mill says the attacks were on the Shahed supply/production chain, but I thought Russia was producing the Geran 2 domestically. Iran’s drones are actually what everyone pretended the Bayraktars were, so I imagine they are getting lots of interest. I think, excluding CIA proxies, it’s either Israel or Saudi Arabia. It could very well be the Kurds (local CIA proxies) given the state of escalation going on as well as the pants on head retarded US foreign policy situation. It seems sloppy for Israel… the coincidental earthquake is weird. My first thought was preemptive nuke strike, but that’s not really a secret that could be kept.

Drone terrorism seems to require infiltration by a strike team for launch as we saw with the airfield attacks in Russia. So the Kurds are well placed, but so are the Azerbaijanis. Really depends on the drone, but seems pretty far to go from the Arabian Peninsula or Levant. And who knows if it was drones, could have been a missile strike I guess. I’m not claiming special knowledge here, just wildly guessing.

jim says:

> but I thought Russia was producing the Geran 2 domestically

Dontchaknow that Russia’s GDP is like that of Portugal🙃 They cannot possibly be matching and exhausting the Global American Empire in logistics🙃

In reality, Russia is importing Iranian drone tech, and probably important drone component, not drones, but all right thinking people think Russia importing the drones themselves. Also sanctions are working🙃

If you read the comments, they all think those drones were made in Iran.

Red says:

Big escalation. Russia has refrained from hitting the 3ed party nations where the Ukraine’s weapons are being produced. The GAE has not done the same with Russia.

dog owners association of rome says:

Generally an Israeli attack on Iranian manufacturing facilities means that the US and Russia have reached an agreement for the next 18-36 months.
My guess is that we’ll see a soft recognition of the breakaway republics and a set up of Eastern and Western Ukraine, ala the split of Germany post WW2.

S says:

Russia annexed Eastern Ukraine and Poland wants to annex Western Ukraine; the situation isn’t stable.

dog owners association of rome says:

Nobody said anything was stable, just that this has happened repeatedly, and each time is accompanied by a period of reduction in (explicit) tensions.

S says:

There isn’t going to be puppet states backed by each side. Russia annexed theirs and the Poles are planning to grab as much of Ukraine as they can.

Kunning Drueger says:

“Israel” is being credited/accused by WSJ. I don’t buy it. They’re quite active in Syria, and “someone” just bombed a convoy on the Iraq/Syria border. Rumor mill says they did a fly-by+ warning shots to spare the drivers, then bombed the trucks, who are being labeled as IRGC. When does Israel ever fire warning shots lol. I am revising my assessment: the drones were PKK/Peshmerga/CIA proxies from Azerbaijan or thereabouts. Too sloppy for IDF. Israel is playing along because they are going kinetic in Gaza. The Iran bullshit was great powers shenanigans. CIA pet sandniggers are getting uppity with new toys, perpetuating American foreign policy. Israel doesn’t miss, not usually. Could be Azeris, but I repeat myself.

Red says:

New substack from Igor Chudov:

SUMMARY: Excess mortality in Europe has been elevated at about 15% since last spring. In December 2022, excess deaths frighteningly jumped to 30-35% above normal. Even Sweden, which avoided excess mortality in most of 2022, had 20% more deaths than expected in December. Has the vaccine-selected deadly Covid variant predicted by Geert Vanden Bossche finally arrived?

Pretty interesting article. A virus that takes months to kill you shouldn’t have any predilection towards evolving towards mildness. However, I’m still not seeing people who only got one shot or less even catching the new Covid. If anything, new COVID only seems to be hitting the highly vaccinated.

jim says:

On the basis of anecdote and casual observation I have been saying for some time that the major mechanism of excess deaths is that the jabbed keep getting Covid over and over, making herd immunity impossible, that they take an abnormally long time to clear the virus, and that as a result the virus does lasting damage cumulative.

That it is not the jab alone, but the jab plus waves of infection, explains Igor Chudovs statistics.

The purpose of the jab is not to protect us from Covid, but to protect the Awesome and Mighty Covid Demon from herd immunity. In addition, it appears that Pfizer is countering the propensity of viruses to evolve towards mildness as they learn to co-exist with their hosts by brewing up deadlier viruses.

Red says:

Are the constant COVID infections not detectable by testing? I keep talking to people who are sick all the time who get tested for COVID and they’re coming up negative.

ten says:

Whatshisname who invented the tests says they are unsuitable for actually confirming covid. I am ignorant on the issue.

Karl says:

They are, but they do detect whether the patient had a corona virus.

The test detect a lot that is not and never was covid, they detect fragements of a virus after the infection is long gone, and fail to detect fragments of a virus in the first few days after infection while the patient can still pass the virus on.

Karl says:

I’m seeing the same thing. Lot of people are sick, mostly flu like symptoms, but they test negative for covid.

Looks like impaired immune systems that fall for any bug that is around.

jim says:

Yes, mortality directly due to the jab, and mortality as a result of impaired immune systems.

The immune system impairment results in waves of death, not directly related to the jab, as assorted diseases rage through the jabbed.

What Shaniqua intended was AIDS spread by coughing and sneezing. Fell short of her goal, but the cumulative effect of many jabs and many bouts of Covid accomplishes her goal.

The pozzed want everyone poz.

Red says:

In addition, it appears that Pfizer is countering the propensity of viruses to evolve towards mildness as they learn to co-exist with their hosts by brewing up deadlier viruses.

There’s a lot of speculation sort of thing Omicron came from. Some people said from the start Omicron was an airborn vaccine so it makes many wonder if it was released by white hats or if they fucked up and made a milder version of covid that gave immunity to Delta by accident.

I suspect it was the former since they didn’t appear ready with a “vaccine” for Omicron.

Javier says:

kinda reminds me how more people died from AZT poisoning than AIDS.

notglowing says:

I would like to bring to everyone’s attention that the US has just extended the vaccination requirement for entry into the country to April 10th.
This happened a few weeks ago, and was done by the TSA.

US citizens are exempt, but anyone who isn’t American still needs to show proof of two vaccine doses (no booster needed) in order to enter the US, and there is no test alternative.

The US is now the only major country with this requirement that I can think of.

Japan is still similarly restrictive, but they allow entry with a covid test, and they are planning to scrap this around March, as they announced COVID will be reclassified to the threat level of the flu by late February.

The Ducking Man says:

Indonesia government plan to increase the covid vaxx requirement to 2nd booster shot required for Domestic Travel. I repeat, this is for domestic travel.

jim says:

We shall see.

Something strange is happening. I conjecture a power struggle between the worshippers of the Covid demon, and those who want to prepare for World War III

Kunning Drueger says:

Too many irons, not enough fires. Lots of schemes, not enough dupes. 2023 is a crucible for strong horses.

Fidelis says:

In related news:

Looks like even a mostly neutered King can still be based.

Also, I was under the impression Indonesia was fairly remote from GAE power. Is this not true?

jim says:

It is true, but complicated. Their universities are very much in Harvard’s pocket.

pinochet's ghost says:

This seems to be the case in much of the third world where economic and political structures are controlled by old native networks while universities are new creations and directly controlled by USA. Meanwhile in Western countries, tend to be the other way around.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pet Rs who appear on tv spots for interviews always have this characteristically pinched, hurried tone to their diction. Like they instinctively feel that their ostensible beliefs are wrong, shameful, and even dangerous to believe in. That they are in the presence of a superior power, and are desperately trying to apologize for themselves.

And of course, any normie watching this theater is also going to instinctively sense the insecurity associated with everything they nominally represent.

Truly, cuckservatives were the real MVPs in helping to keep the old liberal order running.

Adam says:

>Truly, cuckservatives were the real MVPs in helping to keep the old liberal order running.

Always have been, Patriot Front being the latest group of rightist to make certain their leftist masters do not fail.

All we have to do is stop saving the day.

Kunning Drueger says:

Red and I put the PF into proper context a few weeks ago, but not seeing the connection based on you assertion here. I *mostly* agree that they are the American Azov Battalion, or will be, but that’s not the same as the GenX engineers and technicians keeping the infrastructure running even as they are forced to celebrate their own erasure.

Adam says:

Like the Obamacare website, diversity hires couldn’t make it work, and it would not have worked if not for the legitimate engineers (white guys) who saved the day.

Patriot Front looks to have fed support, which means at best one or some of the ruling elite are playing both left and right sides. The members are duped into believing the good guys get to win now, and they will be used to secure the power of their elite backers right before those same elite cut the balls off the organization.

It is a lot the same way females manipulate betas. They get dumped by Jeremy Meeks, and cry on the betas shoulder. The beta unwittingly saves the day, only to be immediately forgotten about the next time she gets a booty call.

Kunning Drueger says:

Your supporting statements are good, I’m not disagreeing there, but I think you’re building a gossamer bridge. I think PF was a genuinely founded organization that’s been coopted by canny cathedralites. I think PF is “on ice” and they’re being groomed for things later.

The original point, St. John’s statements, don’t apply to PF. They are still too fringe, just like Azov in 2016.

Adam says:

Let’s pray when the opportunity arises they use their capabilities to take the position of their sponsors, lest they be reduced to a more capable antifa.

Red says:

All we have to do is stop saving the day.

Hard to stop when the left is promising pussy. They never deliver or they deliver in such a way that results in good men being culkolded and divorce raped, but young men often don’t realize they’ve been had until their 30s.

Contaminated NEET says:

When I was a kid I went to a classmate’s birthday party at a lasertag place. At the end of the night, we did a staff vs. customers match. Despite being hugely outnumbered, the staff creamed us, of course: they set up in good defensible positions around their goal and mowed down the kids as we mindlessly rushed the goal. They never even tried to attack our goal. Those of us older lads who saw what was happening tried to explain it to the others, but it was hopeless – too many would just keep advancing with no plan and no organization, getting gunned down and racking up points for the opposition. We couldn’t stop the less-aware teammates from doing what they were going to do, so instead the more-aware teammates made a coordinated attack and with our superior numbers actually captured the staff’s goal for a few minutes and scored some points. In the end we still got crushed, but it felt good.

Adam says:

How does the left promise pussy? As far as I can tell there are two sexual identities for white males that are approved by the cathedral, cuckhold and sodomite. I can say I have never found beautiful women to be in the company of leftist men. Weak men perhaps, even soft feminine men, but not victim puking leftists.

Kunning Drueger says:

Cuckolds and sodomites are venerated by the left, but they are end states, things that take time to develop. This is quite likely regional, but when I was in highschool, outside of the legit Chads and Stacies, the majority of attractive females would congregate around the fringe crowds based on music, skating, drugs, etc. Highschool is a weird time for many people who don’t really come into their own until college/college age, so the girls that peak too early get replaced by the late bloomers. There’s been much change since I was in highschool (cellphones existed and were prevalent, but not smartphones), and my sense is that style/clique boundaries have largely disintegrated. In my formative years, you had to pick an identity to stand out (metal head, pothead, band geek, jock, intellectual, foreigner, etc.) or you’d just be a background personality with no crowd, and changing crowds was a non-trivial endeavor with real costs to social capital. Now, one day they’re into retro-music (from way back in 2005 lol), and the next day it’s all about free range Palestinian goat sweaters or some shit.

Side tracked myself. Chicks are definitely used by leftists to sucker in neophytes. There’s an organization called IMT, International Marxist Tendency, that has a sprawling network of campus activism outreach operations. Their frontline agents are super low level, but if you attend the meetings, they’ll detail some slut to groom you into sinking deeper into the lifestyle. Pretty sure they are a pipeline to Antifa, and this may explain the physiognomy of those guys: they get scooped up thinking a strong dialectical frame will up their dick game, then they become foot soldiers.

Red says:

Watch some entertainment. The official propaganda organs show how men are suppose to get laid. Until someone start promising pussy though alternative methods young men will continue to support the system.

jim says:

Marxism is all about bread, but progressivism all about pussy.

While the core value of the Marxist/Socialist left was from the beginning burning down the supermarket to steal a case of beer, wonderfully parodied in some of the more daring Chinese videos of the Deng period, the core value of progressive left was from the beginning (slut queen Caroline) adultery, abortion, and infanticide.

Every movie says you get the girl by being a blue pilled leftwinger.

The villain does what girls actually want you to do (though girls lack conscious awareness of their desires). Hero rescues girl from the villain, gets the girl. (In the movie gets the girl, in real life would become utterly invisible to the girl)

These days romances are required to have an obligatory scene showing that any move that is actually effective in getting a chick is supposedly disastrous and will supposedly horrify and outrage the chick due to its absolutely horrifying vile evilness.

RE : red pill in movies.

A surprising number of 80s and 90s movies in India were thoroughly red-pilled.

A common recurrent theme was the hero’s virgin and virtuous sister (or some other close family member) who got “raped” by the villain was usually shotgun married to the villain as a “punishment” for his crime.

A surprising number of movies also showed heroes as thugs and women being attracted by his thuggery though it was always implied and not explicitly acknowledged. A lot of movies emphasized on women being good wives to their husbands, though usually set in an older feminist frame.

Neurotoxin even showed the red pill being depicted in as recent a movie as “Baahubali”.

Patriarchal setup presently exists in Hindu society’s conscious memory, but is being currently being vigorously erased by Progressive memes and “women-centric” themes in popular culture.

Clearly, we are behind the curve on Progressivism, and I hope the GAE collapses before it is too late for us.

Jehu says:

The Bollywood stuff I’ve seen seems to have early 60s US levels of degeneracy, which is to say, a lot less bad than even 1980s stuff in the US, which is a period of lesser insanity to today that a lot of people still have direct memory of and have a lot of fondness for the art and aesthetics.

Yes, they had previous generation feminism, but seem very tolerable by today’s standards.

Anonymous says:

Ayushman Khurana and a clutch of young starlets, centered around Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhaskar, are the vanguard of American Wokeism in Bollywood now.

Netflix and Prime produced content. All about homo acceptance, tranny acceptance, divorce, affairs, and irritating, uncomfortable topics like male gynecologists, elderly women getting pregnant and things like that.

The worst thing is that these movies, though produced by and starring completely Anglicized urban deracinated Indians, are often set in smalltown India, and they make a convincing display of fake smalltown accents and so on. They reveal their hand here, showing us that their real goal is to educate the great unwashed masses about the New Moral Consensus.

Redbible says:

Indirect promises, nothing overt. IN movies they show young boys that a man gets the girl by being a (wimpy) hero, being a white knight, respecting her boundaries, not forcing her to ever do anything, talk about his feelings, confess to her first, be himself, etc.

Also, they use villains as the example of what NOT to be… (which is why in the re-write of beauty and the beast they tried extra hard to make Gaston seem like a psychopath that just loves murder and killing…)

Red says:

Also, they use villains as the example of what NOT to be… (which is why in the re-write of beauty and the beast they tried extra hard to make Gaston seem like a psychopath that just loves murder and killing…)

That does explain the sudden female fan fiction about Gaston.

jim says:

Chicks just love men capable of jealous rage. They want someone who can and will secure his property rights over them.

Red says:

I was commenting more on the Dexter aspect but that’s something I had not considered before. I will make use of that. Jim you’re operating the only real game blog left on the net.

someDude says:

This is not a game blog.

Yet, The fact that there is more game in the comments section of this blog than in all the game blogs out there put together tells you something about the times we live in.

Red says:

It also says a lot about our teacher. Jim’s insight into the evolutionary bottle neck of woman’s system of attraction is the most fundamental and useful piece of knowledge one needs to understand women.

Women are working on operating hardware designed to something closer to chimps than humans and what they want in a man is what they wanted from the ape like alpha males of 2 million years ago.

Everything fits into place after learning that.

Most people who don’t accept the Progressive view of women usually fail the red pill by either becoming cynical women haters or by placing the blame for all problems with women on men.

Understanding the role of the State Religion and the need for Patriarchy (to make women property again) is the missing link which Jim provided.

Jehu says:

You learn a lot more from the crappy art that nonetheless resonates than from better authors producing their best material. That’s what tells you what their gut is actually feeling.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Back in Robert Burns’ day, the left promised pussy through ‘free love’. The patriarchy which would provide pussy was posed as a barrier to pussy; ‘if everyone can fuck everyone you can fuck too – simple right?’

Naturally of course like all liberalisms it was immediately abandoned once it lived out its usefulness in destroying the old power structure. When the ascendant whig underlords felt secure, they ended the temporary unprincipled exceptions for their second war of internationalist aggression, and it was a strait road all the way to the joyless totalism we know and love today.

The solipsistic gnostic doesn’t actually like sex, or sexy women, or reproduction, or life itself, so the historically contingent equivocation of ‘chaste good guys’ vs ‘sexy bad guys’ in so much gnostic influenced media was always an op from the start.

jim says:

> The solipsistic gnostic doesn’t actually like sex, or sexy women, or reproduction, or life itself


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As the fruits of the 17th century enstupidment started really metastasizing in discourses around the europoid world, more men began having more trouble with getting wives and starting families, due to progressive collapse of patriarchal social technologies – and so of course, the whigs would pose the solution to problems caused by their attacks on adaptive Tradition, to be even stronger attacks on their hated targets.

Fred says:

How does the left promise pussy?

Basically, the traditional sales model of leftist politics is to use female proxies to promise men sex in exchange for support for progressive politics (eg. this and this).

The result is that the left gets support, the leftist clients get paid off with whatever they’re there for, and the cucks who signed up for it expecting a bonanza of pussy get nothing (at best).

Jehu says:

A lot of guys think that women will be more likely to give them sex if they advocate for their professed interests as woman. This makes a tremendous amount of sense logically, but unfortunately for them, human diplomatic models just don’t work that way, even for men. It’s closer to the truth that advocating feminist positions will reduce your probability of ‘getting lucky’, not increase it. But try convincing young men who’ve imbibed decades of Cathedral propaganda of that.

Caesar Sextion says:

GOP delenda est.

alf says:

Something in the way Rs talk and tweet just ticks me off wrong.

‘We must repeal the 1038th!’

‘America can not stand for this unhinged madness!’

Like bro, calm your tits. When everything you say is phrased as a call to action, nothing is a call to action.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There’s this undercurrent of mania that comes from having to bite your tongue about everything all the time. Frantic neuroticism sublimated into displacement activity.

Karl says:

In addition, there is an inablity to admit their own lack of power.

Anyone who says “We must …” implies that he is part of a group that is in power. Usually they are completely without power. Anyone who says “America can not …” implies that he is part of America and that America has power, while power rests with the government alone which he cannot influence.

The mainia comes from an attempt to maintain a delusion.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yep. Who senses his own powerlessness will of course self-censor; which sets off an entourage of cascading effects.

The body can always tell if it is enslaved, even if the frontal cortext is delusive about it.

Jehu says:

There exists a great cauldron of rage, the sort of rage that burns continents. It was the same I think in Weimar Germany. There are a lot of functional, capable men who feel they have been humiliated by people that hate them, and they are 100% correct in this feeling, but frankly, the correctness really doesn’t matter. I suspect the leader of this era will be the one who can speak to this group and say that we will no longer tolerate this, either we will win or the world will burn. If we lose those who ‘win’ will forever lose their easy 1st world lifestyles.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>‘We must repeal the 1038th!’

Well that hit close to home. Repeal the Xth was my reactionary pipeline, it started with “repeal the 16th and 17th,” progressed much later to include the 19th, later still to include the 14th, Civil Rights Act and Brown v Board of Education…

Part of me still sees the attraction of Repeal the Xth, and Repeal the Xth is probably both good policy and reactionary in the literal sense, so the heart is in the right place.

The fault is there’s no live faith to it. No promise of an obedient virgin wife and a house without a mortgage. It’s just policy wonkery, and wonkery doesn’t win elections, much less street fights, still less South African farm invasion fights which is where we’re headed.

Kunning Drueger says:

In a charitable sense, the great failing of the common Westerner is to maintain functionally liminal positions as endpoints. Libertarianism is a liminal position, a way of looking at the world as you make the journey between naivety and realism, be it leftward or rightward. I won’t belabor the point, but I think it’s quite clear that many, indeed most positions, goals, and popular states of being are desperate attempts to retain the goodness of the journey, the relishing of the process, with the foolish hope that one never reaches the “end.” Eternal youthfulness, perpetual honeymoon, unending virginal awe; a road trip with no destination and a bottomless tank of gas.

The Fox Elite know this and perpetuate it because it keeps people stunningly susceptible to the most elementary administration. A perennially adolescent society always ready to rebel or comply with minimal psychological manipulation. The progressively inclined are teenage girls, and the traditionally inclined are teenage boys, all under the crooked thumbs of a sour, spinster Mommy government that has put the Lion Elite under a somnolent spell of submissive slumber. Daddy government went to Dixie for cigarettes and never came home.

May Nature’s God, terrifying and merciful, awaken the True Elite to raise up the children of the West from their paralysed delusion. Lord God, call out the faithful and strike down the wicked.

Hesiod says:

Clown World intensifies:

What gets me about this demonic mockery of beauty is how farcical a lot of it is. If I didn’t know it was Current Year, I would believe this clip was from a comedy show.

Is that the point to the trappings of Clown World? Get around people’s defenses with all the cartoonishness?

jim says:

Stunning and Brave.

He identifies as a woman who can skate.

Hesiod says:

In C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength, Merlin places a divine curse on the leadership of NICE, reducing them to speaking unintelligibly in Babel fashion.

The only way this clip makes sense to me is as comedy. That it is performed earnestly is like seeing a tear in space-time fabric with a Lovecraftian tentacle dangling out feebly. Satan says it is better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven. These chuckleheads don’t hold to such lofty, albeit inverted ambition. They just seem to want to dissolve into primordial chaos.

jim says:

Romans, Chapter 1, verses 22 to 32:

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Kunning Drueger says:

Here’s a concise video on the utility of Clown World. The clown costume is a uniform, and if you get enough people to wear the same uniform, you have an army. Combine this with the mass spiritual defilement of trannie children, you have an army that cannot afford to lose an inch of ground.

Hesiod says:

So, a variation on point deer, make horse with drag show attire as the uniform. Sounds reasonable.

This past Christmas I got to reread Chesterton’s The Everlasting Man and marveled at his treatment of pagan mythology. He reminded me why I still value those old tales, at least the better of them. They sprang from the fertile ground of the poetic imagination, what Tolkien describes as being a sub-creator.

These people have had their imaginations thoroughly perverted. I don’t know the dividing line between metaphor and reality, so I err on the side of poetic interpretation. This shit is demon worship.

Kunning Drueger says:

Completely concur. One of Jim’s/Alf’s greater yet undersung contributions to the discourse was the daemons/functionally indistinguishable from daemons analysis. You can come up with nuanced, long-winded explanations of pernicious evil grounded fully in material causality, or you can assert Daemonology, and the math checks out on both, arriving at the same conclusion/solution.

Red says:

I didn’t believe in demons and demon possession until a certain FBI agent testified in front of congress with a full blow public Demon possession episode and almost no one reacted to it. That told me that Demon possession was common and politely ignored.

I lost 2 of my closest friends I grew up with over their worship of the great and might covid demon. Both are badly damaged by the vax and both refuse to admit what happened to them.

The Cominator says:

I’ve posted this before but it was best summed up in Sin City

Power comes from lying

Red says:

The only thing that entire film got right. Everything else was blue pilled lies.

The Cominator says:

The whole aesthetic of everything being crooked was true but the idea of self government of whores was just hilarious…

Red says:

I disagree. You can’t keep a system going on corruption. It needs a faith.

Com you have whores on the brain. Every action of the women in that movie is 100% opposite of reality.

Hesiod says:

Marv is an homage to Conan and that character does white-knight a bit in the original Howard stories. Still, Conan would have totally knocked sandals with Nancy unlike Marv’s simping.

The Cominator says:

“I disagree. You can’t keep a system going on corruption. It needs a faith.”

Whatever “merits” wokeism has as a faith everything in woke world is crooked.

And I said it was hilarious for how unworkable the Oldtown situation would be…

Red says:

Marv is an homage to Conan and that character does white-knight a bit in the original Howard stories.

Howard got a bunch of shit from his girlfriend that Conan wasn’t raping bitches in his stories. Shortly after that she dumped him.

I much prefer John Milius version of Conan.

Hesiod says:

Howard at his best truly evoked this:

Now, I can’t argue with anyone over Milius’ interpretation. I know all the lines by heart and can do credible impersonations of Conan, Subotai, and the Wizard.

Red says:

The one Conan story where Howard did well was “The Frost-Giant’s Daughter” where he chases the girl down to rape her and then kills her brothers when she calls on them to defend her. The problem was she didn’t submit to the rape afterwards as women do after such alpha on alpha contest. He didn’t actually understand woman.

He was very blue pilled by the standards of his day which is why he failed to reproduce despite his fame. His girlfriend was pissed Conan never actually consummated his woman chasing in his stories.

Red says:

Blue pilled*

Hesiod says:

In an early Conan short story “Rogues in the House”, the tale begins with Conan imprisoned when his whore girlfriend rats him out to the authorities. Conan gains his freedom when a noble bribes a guard and pays Conan to assassinate a political rival.

Before executing his commission, Conan first detours back to his girlfriend’s apartment, gutting her new boyfriend and dumping the thot into a cesspit from a few stories up.

Now, I can’t argue that Howard’s writing didn’t become more progressive with later tales having strong wahmen and absurd levels of chivalry. But it’s my understanding that came from the influence of his girlfriend Novalyne Price.

It’s been years since I’ve read One Who Walked Alone, Price’s memoir on Howard, so it’s possible I’m wrong.

Red says:

Howard failed that shit test.

Yul Bornhold says:

In reference to some comments to the effect of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian character being bluepill:

The Devil in Iron:

Her red lip curled in disdain. ‘Do you think I was enamored of you? Do you dream that I would have shamed myself before an ale-guzzling, meat-gorging barbarian unless I had to? My master—whose body lies there—forced me to do as I did.’

‘Oh!’ Conan seemed rather crestfallen. Then he laughed with undiminished zest. ‘No matter. You belong to me now. Give me a kiss.’

‘You dare ask—’ she began angrily, when she felt herself snatched off her feet and crushed to the hetman’s muscular breast. She fought him fiercely, with all the supple strength of her magnificent youth, but he only laughed exuberantly, drunk with his possession of this splendid creature writhing in his arms.

He crushed her struggles easily, drinking the nectar of her lips with all the unrestrained passion that was his, until the arms that strained against him melted and twined convulsively about his massive neck.

Devil in Iron is arguably the worst Conan story but there’s nothing bluepill about it. Girl rejects him. He laughs it off and forces himself on her. She likes it.

Conversely, you have the Vale of Lost Women, the other contender for worst Conan story. There’s no evidence Howard ever tried to get it published, so perhaps it didn’t feel right to him. In Vale of Lost Women, Conan claims he never took a woman against her will, which obviously grates against the impression from the previous story. It’s also an intentional contrast between the white barbarian and the black savages present in the story.

In People of the Black Circle, Conan kidnaps a strong-woman princess. She resists but she finds the whole affair rather exciting and can’t help thinking about what a splendid figure the barbarian makes.

Howard’s explicit warrior women, like Valeria, become the objects of Conan’s lustful gaze. He does not respect their stated refusal.

Hesiod says:

Some of the character inconsistences between stories can be attributed to Howard editing stories into Conan ones to increase chances of selling them to publishers. “The Black Stranger” originally dealt with an Irish adventurer in the New World in the early 17th century AD. Still a banger of a tale but those Picts are definitely Injuns with the serial numbers filed off.

Red says:

I remember how out of place that story felt, but it was still quite good.

Kunning Drueger says:

Minor innovation in drone tech: they are fastening mortar shells and/or RPGs to fast moving quadcopters and using them as suicide RPVs. This isn’t groundbreaking, but it is worth noting. For the less historiographically inclined, in WWI planes were first used as a very high temporary vantage point for map makers, then spotting platforms. Some light bombing was attempted but thrust to weight ratio issues were not insubstantial in early aircrafts. Early pilots carried bricks or stones to chuck at their opposite numbers if/when they crossed paths, which graduated to pistols and shotguns. While slow and delicate, biplanes are significantly stable and aerobatic platforms, and as soon as they could be accommodated, a second seat with swivel machine gun appeared. A dutch sewing machine repairman is credited with fabricating the first “interrupter gear” mechanism that placed shots from a machine gun between the prop blades without a collision, and dogfighting was born.

After the First War of Progressive Aggression, many “top men” were certain that strategic bombing from the sky and massive guns on battleships has rendered land armies obsolete. They were very wrong, and strategic bombing was a costly pseudo-panacea that did far less than was claimed. Battleships became an even more costly liability, being outclassed by cheaper, faster destroyers and rendered impotent by aircraft carriers and submarines.

Predictions are a dangerous game. I’ve been wrong more than I’ve been right in the details, though I think my 30,000′ perspective isn’t terrible, not abysmally so anyway lel. But I am confident that the true innovations are going to percolate up from the trenches and command posts, not down from the boardrooms and think tanks. I think St. John is a strong horse with his starry eyed proclamations that radars will become precisely directed energy weapons to counter the terrifying threat of relatively small, high powered missiles, and those will spell extinction for manned aircrafts. Krasnopol style guided artillery shells will become the bog standard round for advanced military artillery.

The kids used to say “/pol/ is always right” and I think we can say “Jim is never wrong.” His timing can be off, and the details are devilish, but the axiom seems to hold, and I don’t think IEW will be an exception.

Red says:

I watched a drone assisted Russian 155mil arty single shot a wheeled armored vehicle doing at least 30 on a road the other day. The accuracy is insanely good now.

Consider what could be done with starlink spy sats directing incoming shells.

Pax Imperialis says:

>that radars will become precisely directed energy weapons to counter the terrifying threat of relatively small, high powered missiles, and those will spell extinction for manned aircrafts.

The more precise the radar, the more power is being pumped into it, the more it broadcasts its own location, the larger the overall system logistics. Precise radar is a precise target which is not a great feature for something which is also slow (if not immobile), expensive, and large… There are also ways to avoid radar such as lowering RCS and flying low and fast which drones are increasingly capable of. No matter how good radar gets, it’s ultimately reliant on line of sight (Synthetic Aperture Radar is somewhat an exception). The curvature of the earth will always let you get within ~20 miles before being detected should you fly low enough (~100 ft). Fast flying kamikaze drone swarm will ruin your day.

Directed energy weapons need a lot of energy to deal with atmospheric scattering and absorption even if beam diffraction and spread are 100% solved. These systems also get quite large and need time to focus and track. Will it have enough time to handle a few fast low flying drones? Maybe. A dozen is less likely. Making that radar system also a directed energy weapons? Need to use a very, very large number of elements in a phased antenna array to achieve high enough directivity.

When industrial drone warfare happens, big air defense systems near the front will be vulnerable and easily destroyed which pushes those systems further behind enemy lines limiting their ability to deal with larger (presumably manned) aircraft. That paves the way for larger aircraft that can truly remove an entire grid square. Operational freedom is limited to how far behind enemy lines you can push their air defense systems. So what you end up with is something similar to artillery warfare but in airspace. It’s all about fire, counter fire, and reposition. Hence, in the Russia-Ukraine war you still see helicopters being used with great effectiveness by the Russians.

Conclusion, you get a lot less manned aircraft performing deep strikes (initially) and a lot more manned CAS which is somewhat of an ironic outcome. Since drones are being used for CAS, you end up with a multilayered CAS environment.

jim says:

Synthetic aperture still needs line of sight, and it needs motion, a lot of motion. Hence works really great mounted on satellites or very high altitude very fast drones. Preferably supersonic.

It is feasible to see everything approximately human sized over a very large area, with quite moderate power usage and a quite light device – assuming we have a very high very fast platform, or several such platforms. Synthetic aperture radar can render the entire battlefield totally visible in enormous detail, precisely locating every human sized non metallic object, and every handgun sized metallic object.

Directed energy weapons are big, heavy, and expensive. Thus are targets. They are good for shooting down high flying enemy devices. The ideal use of a directed energy weapon would be a fixed installation shooting down satellites.

At present no one has a useful directed energy weapon for shooting down satellites, which means no one has a useful directed energy weapon at all.

Pax Imperialis says:

SAR has been combined with smart guesswork (Multiple bounce scatter based models) to “see” inside buildings that light has bounced out of. OTHSAR is also being developed. It sort of breaks the traditional definition of line of sight in a similar fashion that skywave propagation breaks line of sight by bouncing off of the atmosphere.

notglowing says:

> The ideal use of a directed energy weapon would be a fixed installation shooting down satellites.

What about a satellite network with nuclear reactors powering energy weapons, for the purpose of denying deployment of satellites to anyone else?
The first one to create this can then prevent anyone else from doing the same.

jim says:

Nuclear reactors are not a very useful source of energy in space, because you need to get rid of the waste heat. Solar panels are more effective.

In space, thin film solar panels make sense, and could have a very good power to weight ratio, but for no reason that I can understand, no one is trying to develop and deploy very large thin film solar panels for space.

For any energy intensive activity, such as a directed energy weapon, cooling is a big problem in space based devices.

For reasonable ranges, the most effective device is the free electron laser, which can be made very efficient, can be made to produce very little waste heat, but is rather big and heavy.

if someone had some adequately powerful space based directed energy weapons, they could shoot targets on earth. But earth based directed energy weapons could shoot targets in space.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Much of the wing coloration of many butterfly and moth species is actually caused by microstructures on their scales than pigmentation (which would require wing structures that would become either too heavy or wash off in the rain otherwise); the striations are small and uniform enough to have antennous effects on bands of radiation between the IR and UV regimes, which creates the phenomena of various hues to observers that see in those wavelengths.

There is an obvious usecase there for high efficiency low profile materials for extracting energy from sunlight, amongst other possibilities, but like most cool possibilities this too goes largely unexploited in our most current of years.

jim says:

We know in principle how to make solar cells so thin that they would only be useful in vacuum, because a fly could fly right through them, and a raindrop punch right through them. They would have a ridiculously high power to weight ratio. Utilizing that power without the spacecraft overheating is, however, another problem.

The Cominator says:

I once had an idea of layered thin film solar cells each layer optimized to different parts of the solar spectrum but it was beyond my capabilities to implement…

jim says:

Has been implemented. Works. Will be cost competitive if manufacturing costs continue to fall, while installation costs do not.

The Cominator says:

The other thing is if used for terrestial solar cells is they would need to be shielded from damage somehow in a way that minimally impedes the efficiency… thin film cells are delicate.

Big problem with solar though remains you can’t store the power…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One of the main patches for this bug is designing radiating elements that are also shielding and structural elements too, so adding more of one doesn’t mean less of the other. Elegance in vehicle design often involves this technique, design elements contributing to multiple objectives at once. Or as Musk has put it, ‘the best part is no part’.

Cloudswrest says:

The more precise the radar, the more power is being pumped into it, the more it broadcasts its own location

I’ve often wondered why radar systems don’t use multiple, perhaps dozens, of smaller illuminators that are spacially SEPARATE from the receiver. That way an attacker does not know where the receiver is, and multiple transmitters make it redundant and harder to take out.

jim says:

This is a clearly better system, since multiple sources give you a synthetic aperture advantage, especially if they are moving, and moving fast. It is also a highly effective anti stealth mechanism, since stealth aircraft are optimised to not scatter radar directly back in the direction it is coming from, and tend to scatter a lot of radar at other angles.

That it has not been implemented is just technological lag. The detecting antenna has to know the exactly location and signal timing of each sending antenna – which is not all that hard, and process a lot of information very fast, which is harder.

We gave long known that hundreds of illuminators in the battlespace, each with strongly encrypted spread spectrum encoding, are more than hundreds of times better than one illuminator, just as we have long known that a rocket ship should land as prophesied by Heinlein.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One of the tactics that i’ve been seeing is guys using small commercial drones to hover over enemy troop positions and drop grenades on them. Of course it would be even better if they had modular integration of systems, and could use rangefinding from the drone to precisely direct the fire of their pack mortars and AGLs on that same enemy position too, but the boys are doing what they can with what they have.

Which, also goes to show that man-portable air defense capability for drone-size targets is another area that would be valuable to develop as well. How many folks remember that video of a guy noticing a drone following him and taking off running, only to lead it back to where his buddies were, whereupon they all got deleted by an arty strike? Pike-like guided munitions fired from grenade rifles, and or VT fused ballistic rounds fired using a smartphone camera scope to plot an aim-point, are some of the more obvious possibilities.

Russian experience in Syria dealing with ISIS and other GAE plants led to stepping up development of systems like the 2S38 Derivatsiya-PVO, a 57mm autocannon with passive electro-optical/infrared firecontrol, which was something that was pretty much exactly in line with predicted approaches for solutions involving vehicle mounted systems.

With a little bit of larger diameter, in ranges like 1.5 to 3 inches (37-76mm), the work of hundreds to thousands of 20-30mm autocannon shells can be done with a single burst of one to three proximity or programmably fused shells, along with also giving the option of guided munitions for even longer reach.

As an aside, it is interesting to note how, in the late 70s, the generals of the Red Army had a deeper appreciation for the operational implications of what were being called ‘deep-strike architectures’ that were being developed in America at the time, which they formalized under the concept of Reconnaissance-Strike, than the parties funding their development in America itself (eg,

There is a kind of endemic myopia when it comes to imagining how a platform may not just operate in of itself, but how it may interoperate with lots of other platforms. Most, if not all, legacy systems from the 20th century are essentially walled gardens. People can imagine a system where a single platform has a sensor wired to an FCC wired to a gun layer, but imagining that same kind of automated integration with a remote sensor beaming data over to a remote gun-layer, can seem like almost a step too far.

Techne that requires large scale organization to develop, implement, and or operate, were also some of the first things to go as the wages of whiggism progressed in the Atlantic Empire, and all those who were affected by its gravity. This is one of the main reasons why ‘simple’ commercial smartphones and phablets – a personal scale technology, and thus more tolerant of assabiya collapse – have become such important items in the SMO, as they are standing in for a lot of these potential capabilities. A wagnerite’s repurposed ‘tactical data device’ has EO cameras, RF antenna arrays, accelerometers, lots of processing power, and flexible programmability for applications to take advantage of all these things in concert.

Blyat squad picks up a signal on their pocket TDDs; the time of reception on each unit is interpolated with an app making use of short range v-band LANs with sub-100 meter propagation bubbles to act as distributed direction finding arrays, providing a bearing, and they set off to investigate. Eventually, Dmitry and his buddy see a group of badguys, use an app to get a fix on their range and bearing to their position using the coincidence of their camera sights, and send a ping to Bivol in Cyka squad, who has another TDD strapped to his mortar tube, with another app showing how it needs to be oriented to hit the plotted target position, and that’s all she wrote. If you can imagine something, someone somewhere has probably programmed a phone app for it.

The Cominator says:

I have kind of a perverse idea in the event of victory now here me out, one thing we want to do is keep the priestly caste from ever again being able to edge out the warriors again…

Priests are collegiate by nature and tend to cohere very well… but what if we ruined that… now obviously no woman can speak in church so literal priests priests are out but is there some way to impose a certain small % of women in the priestly hierarchy (whereas the warrior) just enough to ruin their cohesion and any ability for them to act subversively, not enough to dominate the caste or give all but an extreme handful women an alternative career path besides wife and mother.

Its probably a bad idea but if you want to ruin a groups cohesion force women upon them… and we want warriors over priests until the end of time…

SJ says:

The priests you are worried about are not interested in women.

Adam says:

The priests that we do not hang, and are not among our own very small collection of priests, should have their tongues cut out. Bearing false witness is a serious crime, and should be among the most dangerous activities to engage in.

S says:

If they are celibate, they will be crazy. If they are married, they will support whatever their husband wants. In either case, they won’t function as blocks to demon worshippers.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

There is in fact an existential threat facing contemporary midwitocracy today, oozing up through subcthonic cracks in the ground of Being… which is, the recent rapid instantiation of midwit simulators. Also know as text generating ML networks.

The Starbucks Set dreamed of fully-automated-luxury-space-communism, that all shitlord tradesmen would be rendered ontologically irrelevant, while they sat would sit like effendi in their managerial sinecures. What irony then, that in the end it turns out that the email-jobs class are in fact the first ones on the chopping blocks. Poetic justice even, that they pay for their sins of murdering our Lady and Savior, TayAI.

The precis of mechanical turks in present times is not to answer the question of, ‘what can be done if I can make something smarter than myself’, but rather, ‘what can be done if I can make infinite dumb people’.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
BobtheBuilder says:

That is dumb. A state wants a priesthood, and will always end up getting one. If you inject women into the priesthood in such a way, you will either get a priesthood that worships the Jezebel demon, or your official priesthood will get replaced by an unofficial priesthood you have no formal control over (or can’t recognize as the unofficial official priesthood).

Starman says:

Here’s YogSothoth, another so-called “dissident right” that turned out to be a brahmin piece of shit who promotes fake and gay covid death stories and the frankenvaxx:

SJ says:

Their isn’t any reason to believe that gab isn’t infested with professional fedposters. This guy just being one example.

Pax Imperialis says:

Tucker Carlson on Jan 20, 2023.

They hate nicotine. They love THC. They are promoting weed to your children but they’re not letting you use tobacco or even non-tobacco nicotine delivery devices which don’t cause cancer. Why do they hate nicotine? Because nicotine frees your mind, and THC makes you compliant and passive. That’s why.

Based on reactions on left wing sites, it appears most “commenters” can’t understand ‘or’ logic. Leftists are treating this as a gotcha moment while completely missing the overall point of what was said.

Kunning Drueger says:

New triumvirate just dropped:

Carlson as High Priest.

Musk as Star Paladin.

DeSantis as High King.

Restoration Bureau no accepting applications for Inquisitagents for 2030.

Alfred says:

Too many weirdo Con Inc people are falling in behind DeSantis. I don’t trust that all yet to be frank.

Most big DeSantis supporters I’ve seen on Twitter explicitly try to push the idea that Trump lost a fair and square election in 2020. Non-starter for me. No idea what DeSantis himself would do in power but he has all the wrong friends.

Adam says:

Any priest or merchant that comes into power is going to have to have a lot of friends both to the right and left. The important part is when in power, which friends does he betray? Desantis is far from ideal, but does not seem to betray those to his right, and consistently punishes those to his left.

The Cominator says:

Need big establishment money to buyout the rigging this time for any hope of victory.

jim says:

I don’t believe you can buy out the rigging. Money could not control twitter. How much less could it control the election result?

The Cominator says:

I think 90% of the rigging depends on Shaniquas like Ruby Freedman and maybe some local county hacks like Bill Gates in Maricopa county (not Microsoft and Vaccine Bill Gates), I don’t see them as ideological fanatics I very strongly believe they can be bought (but it won’t be cheap). If the elections in such areas were run by intersectional feminists and fag activists though you’d be shit out of luck but its mostly blacks.

This is a rare example of me NOT being blackpilled.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The average bantu mutt is more or less completely mercenary and only in it for a kickback, certainly – the op comes from the fact that the only people the house *allows* to provide kickbacks is the house itself.

The Cominator says:

If the money flows thru Musk though the DoD spooks have him off limits to the Democrat CIA and FBI (at least thats how I read it) it can be done… hence why Musk is key and I think hes decided he hates the left…

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim says: With a distributed conspiracy, one would expect a certain period of confusion as different elements cast about in different directions to come up with a consistent new story.

Indeed, and we do see this, every single time. The confusion doesn’t last long because Western society is composed of successive generations of subjects taught from the earliest age to “trust the Experts.” The uniform turns occur in the pseudo-elite/pseudo-intellectual circles, then the public follows along as instructed by social media and MSM cues. The Colorado mass shooters was a white power terrorist in Their circle, then it flowed outward, then trickled down. When he was found to be a trannie, the new message went out, there was a lag time as “everyone” got the OS update, then it was memory holed. The position is changing on Corona, on Vaxx, on Ukraine, on Biden, on trannified children, on many things, and the messaging is discordant, because many factions; two progressives, five genders, seven contradictory positions.

The unity of messaging tendency is breaking down because the central conspiracy agents are aging out and being replaced by their fractious proteges and usurpers.

jim says:

What the Covid faction and the trannie faction want is incompatible with what the war with Russia faction wants.

Obviously the Covid faction has taken a big hit, and their freedom of action has been severely restrained by the war faction. But official truth on Covid and the jab remains what it is, and shows no sign of changing. When, as seems increasingly likely, it does change, a new story will appear overnight, and everyone will remember the new story and forget that anyone ever told any other story.

I am not seeing unified messaging break down. No one has conceded that the jab leads to endless re-infection and prevents herd immunity. No one has connected the jab with athletes dropping dead on the sportfield and pilots dropping dead at the controls. No one has noticed the excess death rate. No one has acknowledged that transitioning leads to suicide, as the transitioners slowly and painfully discover that in fact transition does not work. No one can say “groomer”. If I was in power in the war faction, would be saying “groomer”. (But then if I was in power in any faction, I would be arranging long distance swimming lessons for the other factions, and am endlessly astonished that we have not yet seen an epidemic of people committing suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head, and hanging themselves from a knee high bed)

If unified messaging broke down, then we likely we could mount an in country resistance without getting wacoed. And, as the state religion flounders around, the situation may well arise where we could mount such a resistance. But I am not seeing unified messaging break down.

Kunning Drueger says:

I believe I am seeing that, and far more prevalent than I expected. But I am also stating, categorically, that it is having very little comparative impact, as the Trump Years built very effective bulwarks between Red and Blue, Amerikaner and Progressicanos, Traditionals and Postmoderns, so what revelations might once have caused massive disjunction and social change are now just Twitter fodder for the Voices That Speak.

Let’s see where the Twilight War goes. I think the Coronatarians, the Trannietarians, and the Gaiatarians all share one important conviction: they want everyone dead. They are petty enough to fail in their endeavors because they don’t like a particular method (the Marxist gift that keeps on giving), but I think they could be reunified in the face of a Trump return, or a “new/next Trump.” I also believe there are many greengrocers and a significant number of mind controlled quislings that could both be jarred into a new frame by a significant enough catastrophe/cataclysm, but that may be that unwarranted optimism I referred to previously.

Red says:

@Hugin2017 read all of Chudov’s article and wanted to present three hypotheses as to why the death rate is spiking. I do not believe we are moving towards a “super Coronachan” variant as this would go in the face of hundreds of years of normal coronaviridae evolution, which always seem to settle on a ‘less-lethal’ variant

1. Constant infection and re-infection with ever-evolving variants without development of lasting immunity (due to OAS) resulting in eventual immunologic cell destruction and massive systemic spread of Chinkflu viral load, causing multi-system organ failure (call this the ADE hypothesis). Most likely to be found in fagcinated and repeatedly boosted individuals

Likelihood: Medium-high

2. The same infection-reinfection cycle causing critical chronic depletion of cytokines and an immunoglobulin shift towards “tolerating” disease rather than “eliminating” it. This leaves the affected individual vulnerable to other opportunistic infections. Call this the VAIDS or fagcine-GRIDS hypothesis.

Likelihood: Medium

3. Chronic infection (OAS) with coronachan variants causing repeated spike-protein related damage to organ systems, particularly the cardiopulmonary system. In addition to what initial fagcination caused. Call this the ‘fagcine-plus’ hypothesis.

Likelihood: Low

Let me know if this is helpful

alf says:

Honestly impressed with Goodchild on gab. Good content. The only downside of following him is that he is so prolific it drowns out other gabs on my feed.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

One of the main limiting factors of pioneering radiation technology was on the back end, in terms of information processing; accomplishing a certain operation entailed the creation of physical analogies whose own operation translated into that operation, like centrifugal regulators on stationary engines tuned to keep them running at a given RPM. Thus, the general rule was every new task, would in turn require a new piece of equipment specifically made for that task.

The innovation of planar process manufacturing techniques, which allowed for large scale production of very small scale structures, most particularly allowed for production of devices with a high density of structures acting as physical analogies for logic gates, bringing arbitrarily programmable general purpose computation into realms of mobile operation. It became increasingly possible for a given piece of RF equipment to accomplish a range of many different tasks; but the mental paradigm of one tool for one task (for one fuhrer) yet persisted; largely due to the fact that the bunds who were capable of setting such trends into motion in the first place decayed with no real replacement.

(Of course, processing units that are *completely* general purpose are not really necessary or even desirable for most applications. Many physical analogies for logic gates, like semiconducting transistors, are not truly boolean, but operate on curves of ‘onner’ and ‘offer’, depending on their properties and interactions with its surroundings in general. While this can pose problems for the optimization of operation terms of discreet logic with sufficient error correction, these same properties can on the other hand also be specifically selected for to act as analogies for performing ratios and other complex mathematical operations nigh instantly with negligible footprint, which is particularly relevant to machine learning and other forms of automation.)

The likes of Harald Zahl were geniuses and would immediately recognize the potential enabled by new capabilities, and real-ize solutions taking advantage of them. But the likes of Harald Zahl were also not possessed of domain over their proverbial fiefdoms, and could not cultivate proteges who would take their place in their fiefdoms, as the ruling priesthood was of course ever on guard for ‘nepotism’ and other adaptive forms of social technology, which did not require obeisance to processing through their seminaries as a necessary intermediation for all social organisms. Thus, with every new year, that brought with it ever more retirements and deaths, the nascent Amerikaner technocracy was aborted by the same overseers that had begrudgingly allowed it to sprout, for the sake of serving their aim of crushing all earthly competition.

But Year Zero would never come, and the gnostic daemonhosts were ever premature in their actions in anticipation of it. Their attempts to finally close the door on total victory in turn eternally pushing it just out of reach – such actions taken in service of such a goal, by such kinds of beings desirous of such a goal, undermining the very possibility of its achievement. Any developmental capability that remained would continue by inertia if nothing else; refinement of existing formats, but not innovation of new ones, until eventually this too would pass.

Most contemporary chip architectures are made primarily through evolutionary algorithms now. With only a slight bias towards pessimism, we might say that there may well be noone working in Intel today who actually understands what it is that they are working with anymore; cargo cultists going through the motions of entreating John Frum, to deliver unto them further bounty, but none now left who could stick the wheels of the jalopy back on, if and where and when they start falling off.

alf says:

What are your thoughts on the SoC innovations over at apple? Tech decline or not, seems pretty impressive still.

jim says:

We are hitting the power limit. The cooler on my latest build is just ridiculous.

Risc architecture simply less power hungry. Moving from cisc to soc risc is likely eventually.

Thing is, Moore’s law was giving us more computation per watt, until it was not. So now, more and more watts. There are things we can do, such as going risc, But this will take a long time. Progress remains to be made, known things we can do to get better computers. But these are ever smaller gains.

We are going risc, eventually, because other paths to progress are shutting down.

Risc computers tend to be closed blocks. We will no longer be able to build our own computer. The gain is comes in substantial part from forms of integration that are not available to the end user, but only available to the giant manufacturer. This path to advance to more computing power involves a loss of freedom and loss of control.

Going SoC is not a result of technological progress, but because other paths are shutting down. It is a tradeoff – the sacrifices being centralization, inflexibility, and loss of choice, the gain being more computing power per watt.

alf says:

the sacrifices being centralization, inflexibility, and loss of choice, the gain being more computing power per watt.

None of which we like in the slightest…

The good news is that that direction of tech allows the universalists to sink with their tech flagships: you think we are heading towards tech utopia? Good luck maintaining those closed block SoCs.

notglowing says:

Closed block SoCs are arguably more resilient.
If well designed, and unexpected substrate material issues notwithstanding, a single board computer with most of the relevant hardware on a single chip, that requires little power and only needs passive cooling, is more likely to survive for longer than a big desktop PC.

The main issues for the former are battery and potential stresses from the heating/cooling cycle. Batteries can be replaced. Thermal issues are small due to low heat.

The latter has far more problems. It has more parts, which require a lot of power, which in itself adds more components with limited lifespan in the power supply, and reduces the lifespan of other components due to heat, it requires more cooling which results in many moving parts that wear out, and get dust circulating in the system.

The fact that a PC has swappable parts doesn’t ultimately make it more repairable, the truth is that you are essentially just duplicating a lot of things in terms of electronics by having a separate GPU with what is basically its own motherboard and RAM, in addition to a regular CPU with separate memory and countless other components.

At a fundamental level, what do you gain from being able to swap out say, a broken GPU separately, vs having everything integrated in a single chip? Both are equally impossible to repair if the main chip breaks, and in the former case you just have more things that can break;

Instead of having many chips and motherboards the SoC only has one.
Repairability issues only apply when you have distinct components that are likely to break separately, but are tied together. But for an SoC, that’s not quite the case – it’s a single chip.

I’d say the only disadvantage is when the storage is not replaceable.

jim says:

The problem with SOCs is not single point of failure, but concentration of power.

A2 says:

Everyone is working on a zombie technology, CMOS being dead since 2004 or so.

We can see that from (a) modest performance increases in recent years, and (b) dodgy scaling in the more recent technology nodes. It’s all coming to a stop. Someone please build the next train.

alf says:

Jim’s point notwithstanding, that is a fair point you make.

Probably in an ideal world you’d have all the software / GPU / CPU / chip manufacturers competing to produce their own SoCs, thereby decentralizing power once again. But I’m guessing cross-compatibility between software and different SoCs will be hell.

Upravda says:


There are many ARM-based SoCs, and quite a few amd64-based, and I do not see any compatibility problems. In my house and small business there are two amd64-based SoCs, one (pre-Ryzen) AMD FX-8800P, and the other (Core-based) Intel Pentium J5040, both under Ubuntu and Ubuntu server, respectively. Technically, both of those processors are considered SoC. No compatibility problem with any of them (including a few Steam games I sometimes play with my kids on AMD-based one).

In order to be compatible from the hardware point of view, you must have common system bus and processor instruction set. From the software point of view, you need common OS APIs. And, appropriate system software might be able to override hardware incompatibilities (see Apple’s Rosetta Stone and such).

All of those requirements are, generally speaking, fulfilled on modern SoCs.

alf says:

I don’t pretend to know nearly enough to match your knowledge on this topic, but I do know that Apple’s Rosetta stone is not exactly the bees’ knees.

Upravda says:

Nah, I’m not at all an expert for Apple. Never liked them much since Mr. Jobs, PBUH, started suing the entire universe over his precious Trash icon whining how he was robbed of windows, icons, mouse, and pointer. But I digress…They made Rosetta Stones not because that’s some superior software and/ or hardware engineering paradigm – it is not, as you have correctly noticed – but simply because they had to. If they didn’t, they would lose almost the entire user base during all those processor-switching parades.

From that point of view, as a transient software, Rosetta Stones were as good in their job as possible, I guess.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Macfags may be gay, but Apple is still one of the few companies capable of making cool shit. (The modern world runs on computronium, so their is a huge economic force of gravity there, even in spite of the atlantic empire’s spiritual malaise in general.)

Much of the development being accomplished today centers around refining the logistics of packaging. Id est, how all the different elements stack up together, with everything more fully integrated together in 2.5d/3d architectures, rather than having every different thing randomly floating around in space and jerryrigging it all together with miles of wiring (the classic PC building experience).

So for example, achieving more effectively efficient computational densities by simply literally stacking up chip planes on top of each other, with connections through the wafers being built in through the same process to manufacture them. Similarly with improving bottlenecks of memory bandwidth, by literally stacking it together with the processing units, with microconnections throughout the whole surface area.

Elements for data processing and data storage have heretofore customarily been produced through different processes. And so while the roadsigns for performance point towards closer unification of processing and memory and other elements, the manufacturing ability to accomplish this doesn’t exactly exist (eg,, meaning much of the clever solutions for accomplishing development to date being hacks and workarounds using legacy equipment.

Like many with many things, the real problem isn’t designing a cool machine, but designing a cool factory that can make the cool machine. And as it stands everyone is dependent on ASML in that department.

alf says:

Like many with many things, the real problem isn’t designing a cool machine, but designing a cool factory that can make the cool machine. And as it stands everyone is dependent on ASML in that department.

Too many complex modes of organization required, not enough Elon Musks to go around…

Aidan says:

In my experience, Apple’s excellent hardware near universally shits the bed when running software not developed by Apple.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Apple stuff in general is, in many ways, basically a walled garden, by intention or neglect (which is also a form of intention).

The Cominator says:

Intentional, Apple has always been like that.

A2 says:

“Macfags may be gay, but”

Proudly LGBTQM.

(Seymour Cray on being told Apple were using a Cray to design the next Mac: “Oh, I’m using a Macintosh to design the next Cray”.)

jim says:

I was looking at Microsoft’s equivalent (not yet ready for consumers, but they are shipping to software developers)

It has terribly closed and centralised feel, and is built to spy on developers and make them dependent on centralised Microsoft services. If that is what they are doing to developers, what are they going to do to consumers?

I would like to see an open source equivalent, a considerably more powerful version of the rasberry pi.

Upravda says:

Not exactly open source, but ARM-based standard Mini ITX without embedded SSD, memory, etc, with standard ports: SO-DIMM, SATA, PCI, etc.
Firefly ITX-3588J

Price is… bearable. Expecting to fall with more mass production, competition and such, especially since Chinese have effectively adopted ARM design as their own future.

You can build your own computer with those, just as many of us been doing since ’81.

jim says:

Quite impressive – getting close to being a real arm competitor to x86.

But the software support is only just coming in, and they do not yet intend to sell it as a PC – rather, selling for special purpose custom applications – which tells me that general use software is as yet bit rough. Microsoft has the same problem.

Upravda says:

I have actually use ARM-based PC as a simple home computer/ home server, just for fun, a few years ago. Not this one, but humble Raspberry Pi 2. Back then, most of the software was already there, for example nginx, PostgreSQL, almost all of the Java and Python, etc. Just to mention a few. Nowadays, I think that also includes VS Code, and DotNet (Core), andy many more. All of the user software was also there, LibreOffice, media players, you name it. In standard Debian repositories, sudo apt install.

A few months ago, when building a new home server, I’ve been seriously considering Firefly motherboard, but gave up because of price, custom duties, fucking around with customs officers, etc.

(It seems there are not any EU-based dealer for Firefly.)

jim says:

Rasberry Pi runs 32 bit arm, for which there is good linux software.

Rock 5 (Firelfy motherboard) runs 64 bit arm, and when I read up on people running Rock 5, they are not happy with their linux.

The problem is that 64 bit arm linux really is not quite there yet.

jim says:

Firefly does not seem to be targeted as a desktop system.

Rather, intended to drive dedicated AI system – for example a self driving car, a robot, or a security system that can detect not just movement, but people, and can track people from camera to camera. Obvious application is a home security system that can recognise family.

Also content generation – ai art. We are moving towards a computer being able to turn a script into an animation, and a rack of fireflys is probably the hardware needed for that.

One of the design goals, not yet actually supported in software, is a very large rack of fireflies dealing with some AI problem, a rack so large that some modules are always failing.

Obvious military application – making sense of the information supplied by multiple drones and massive synthetic aperture radars to create a God’s eye view of the battlefield and guide smart artillery shells to target. Pretty sure that no existing military capable of that.

Rock 5B, on the other hand, does seem targeted to be a desktop or small server, but the software is not really ready yet.

Upravda says:

And, there are also, IIRC for at least 5 years, ARM-based server assembled by Gigabyte.
They have expanded the offer from the last time I checked, so obviously they have customers.

The thing is, RISC-based computers are less energy hungry, but the advantage, especially in servers, is not so great to cause fast transitions to RISC.

Of special interest are, beside ARM, PowerISA promoted by OpenPOWER Foundation, and RISC-V (“risk five”) as a new kid on the block. Both of those are open source, and much less prone to suspicious “enhancements” such as Intel Management Engine/ AMD Secure Technology on proprietary ISAs.

However, it seems that software support for PowerISA is less than stellar, and especially so for RISC-V.

A2 says:

I’m guessing RISC-V will be the de facto successor of ARM, since it’s free to use and all. Basically a MIPS. I believe, which is a lot simpler than Power too. (Though I didn’t even know Power was free now, so take it with a grain of salt.)

Lots and lots of cores shipped already (but as far as I know in embedded).

jim says:

Risc V sucks – Risc V computers run very slowly. Maybe this will be fixed in due course, or it may be because the people constructing the instruction set were unfamiliar with actually building a microprocessor.

Arm computers run fast and low power because no end of talented people have been building the fastest and lowest power arm they can.

Pax Imperialis says:

>what are they going to do to consumers?

Just look at Microsoft’s OS update management. It used to be that updates could be manually selected for and downloaded by user choice. Now, it’s all automated and there’s no apparent way to turn it off. Downloads will start in the background without user knowledge. This isn’t limited to update management.

All features have been “streamlined” with less user options, less user control, and more data on the cloud that is increasingly non-optional. They’ve combined all the worst features of idiot proofing with spyware. They didn’t even do the idiot proofing well.

Upravda says:

There is a way of turning autoupdates off, and running them when you wish, and not when Microsoft thinks so, but yes, it is far from apparent, although the procedure is the same for both Win 10 and Win11. You must have something else than Home edition though.

Similar thing with cloudification – Microsoft would really, really like to you to put everything into The Cloud so even setting up login during first boot should be performed with keen mind in order to escape all that crap.

Now, the real question – if all that bothers you, why not switch to Linux? Or even Mac? I would also recommend some BSD, but I’m perfectly aware that even FreeBSD installation is not a “Next, Next, Finish” job, and neither is soliciting some of the hardware and software to work on BSD. OTOH & in my humble opinion, Linux platform has reached Windoze level of ease of use sometimes between 2008 and 2012, and Linux handles most of the hardware you throw at it without much fuss of a driver searching and installing. Yes, Windoze still support more hardware than Linux, but do you really must buy that Lexmark? I mean, what’s wrong with HP printer, for example?

jim says:

> Linux platform has reached Windoze level of ease of use sometimes between 2008 and 2012, and Linux handles most of the hardware you throw at it without much fuss of a driver searching and installing.

Yes, running linux most of the time these days. Not out of ideological commitment to open source. Rather, it just happened. It just works, stuff runs. (Reading up on Firefly motherboard, Rock 5 systems, stuff does not just work)

It still has the problem that giving user total power means allowing him to break stuff. No idiot proofing. I can, and regularly do, break linux, and have no idea what I did or how to unbreak it.

Hence the Cow operating systems, snapshots, and running on vms. I rather frequently wind up re-installing linux yet again.

If I am going to do any tricky configuration on a real system, I first do it on a VM to be sure that I know what I am doing. System administration on linux is a significant burden. Setting up an email server is not for the faint of heart. But then Windows idiot proofing makes it nigh impossible to set up an email server, vpn server, dns server, etc on windows.

But linux doing what windows does, doing stuff that can be idiot proofed – well, not too bad, except that you have a multitude of choices, rather too many incompatible ways of doing something.

I recommend that the time has come, came around ten years ago, for everyone to switch to linux for word processing, chat, web browsing, steam games, all the day to day routine stuff.

Freedom is still an inherent barrier to entry – too many different ways of doing something right. Sometimes you cannot get what you want just by clicking next, next. So many destinations, that you can find yourself in a strange and unwanted place. But it is no longer a huge barrier to entry.

Recently I had huge grief with an android phone. Google is trying a wide and ever changing variety of sneaky dirty tactics to force Google Assistant down our throats, and it snatched the power button, so that any attempt to use the android power button did not work, instead Google Assistant would pop up. It took me quite a while to figure out what the #$%% was going on, and then I eventually randomly discovered how to associate the power button with an arbitrary action, one of those arbitrary actions being the normal android power button.

Thing is, android phone rather useless with a non working power button. This tactic for forcing people to install Google Assistant broke android for those of us that refused to install Google Assistant. And installing windows without installing a huge and ever growing pile of windows spyware is becoming ever more difficult.

This is making Android and Windows significantly less user friendly. Like the Global American Empire, running on momentum and network effects.

dog owners association of rome says:

Apparently the King of Thailand is going after Pfizer in the next few weeks due to the princess being poisoned by the clot shot.

Cloudswrest says:

Deep fake of Biden. Don’t know how long it will last before being pulled.

SJ says:

I don’t think men can detect trannies. Look at all the trannies in porn that men can’t detect. The vaginal opening is inside the labia, not below it ffs. If it’s below the labia then you are jerking off to a post op tranny. Hell their are trannies everywhere but everyone just points deer and makes horse.

dog owners association of rome says:

You’ve clearly never seen an actual “post-op” tranny. It looks like two sausages around an open pie top. Trust me, you’re better off not knowing. (I only know cuz of /pol/ spam)

Pax Imperialis says:

Dilation spam is its own bag of horrors too

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
jim says:

Trannies have hit on me when I was cruising for a new wife. Possibly due to indiscriminate marketing strategies (mine and theirs). It was always obvious. Not always obvious immediately, but rapidly became obvious.

Kunning Drueger says:

And the winner of the absolutely wrongest possible statement award goes toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

*pauses for the laugh that never comes*


Seriously bro, I was walking by a TV 30+ feet away and I said to my wife “That’s a trap” whereupon she needled me and tittered about some vaginally relevant bullshit about snap judgements, only to later apologize after she looked it up. The only way a trannie passes is with rope alone, or through 97 filters on top of a masturbatory haze compounded by bottomless loneliness… and even then, not really.

SJ says:

Didn’t expect this reaction. What about Jessica Alba? Did you spot that lady boy back in your twenties?

Kunning Drueger says:

Ok, I’m calling tinfoil bullshit. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If your evidence is the YouTube video and meager handful of schizopoasts I found, I’m going to rule that you’ve been duped like Pax’ thirsty Marine buddies.

I can think of many arguments against, but the biggest one, the surest one, is that it’s never been revealed and used as some kind of rhetorical superweapon by the “trannies can totally pass you bigots!” She has a big head, square shoulders, flat ass, and little body fat. Congratulations, you found an ugly spic mutt that facecels worship.

I’m not attacking you SJ, you’re a bro and quality poster. But I am attacking your claim, I say it’s pants on head retarded. And if I am found to be wrong, I’ll admit it ungraciously like sore loser I am.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Pax’ thirsty Marine buddies

I probably shouldn’t have mentioned Pattaya and Subic Bay. Made things too obvious.

Anyways, you reminded me of a massive misconception the general public has about Marines being the dirtiest and thirstiest branch of the military. It’s not true by a long shot. Navy is worse but not first. This may come as a surprise, but the Coast Guard is the most degenerate. The smaller ships have to make port of call every 2 to 3 weeks. Often in Central American or Caribbean countries where prostitution is largely legal and drugs are widely available. Morals quickly experience defenestration and debauchery becomes a normal facet of life. Even Marines can get pretty shocked by what goes on in the Coast Guard because most Marines ultimately go back to normal life after a binge.

Red says:

This may come as a surprise, but the Coast Guard is the most degenerate.

Sailors are degenerates. That’s shocking news.

Pax Imperialis says:

Yeah, I get that it’s not shocking, but it’s fairly surprising how many people tend to completely overlook the Coast Guard. People see Navy and think sailors. People see Coast Guard and think, what’s that, is that even in the military? It’s a blind spot.

jim says:

> What about Jessica Alba?

What reason do you have to believe Jessica Alba is a ladyboy?

Red says:

SJ is just shilling. She made some weird joke about being a man years ago.

Pax Imperialis says:

In all fairness to SJ, I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…
Ladyboys basking off the shores of Pattaya… I watched chemlights glow in the dark near the clubs of Subic Bay. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain…

I’m joking and haven’t personally seen these things. I’ve talked with guys who have, some who did get duped by traps. You put guys on a ship for months on end, and then release them into the wilds of a foreign people with different body features that throws off perception, and only one night to binge drink relax and…

Well in those circumstances I hear a lot of men can’t easily detect trannies and occasionally mistakes get made. More occasionally it ends with a murder in a motel.

However, this is a rare edge case. Most trannies in the West are obviously men. They get more obnoxiously obvious about it every year. They revel in obviously not being women while making others treat them as such. It’s sad and pathetic, but also offensively annoying.

It’s why I never believed in the libertarian position because, as much as I sympathized, NAP was a deal breaker. Some people need to be given a good beating even if they didn’t technically break the NAP.

jim says:

> Well in those circumstances I hear a lot of men can’t easily detect trannies and occasionally mistakes get made.

Must have been drunk as skunk to not detect the problem before reaching the hotel.

Kunning Drueger says:

Negro Republican politician assassinated in NJ. May be nothing, could be a signal. She is portrayed as a devout Christian black from Newark, which is actually a fairly powerful, vocal minority in that region. If it’s an assassination, it will get memory holed after the warning has been heard, if it’s not, it will be attributed to racism.

jim says:

You refer to Eunice Dwumfour?

This was obviously a targeted assassination. Targeted assassination of a recently elected politician likely to be politically motivated. But a smalltime local politician, therefore likely to be smalltime local politics – blacks resolving local conflicts in the way blacks usually do.

Kunning Drueger says:

If she was a typical negro politician, I’d think nothing of it, as the negro politician pipeline is overflowing with gangbangers, drug dealers, prostitutes, pimps, and race baiting mustefinos. But the deeply Christian negros are horses of a different color in my opinion, not because they are incorruptible or magical, but because they are located near universally by their co-racislists. As I said, “Jim is never wrong” is axiomatic, but the details and timing are wonky. I’ve been keeping an eye out for the things you predicted to happen after the Big Steal, and I think the signs will appear in the blacks occupied areas as well as the mestizo colonized areas before showing up in the white zones.

Aidan says:

She had a degree in women’s studies. It’s a wash as to whether she represented the more prosocial faction of blacks or not. Her unimportance suggests to me that it’s typical niggory diggory, or maybe even the brazilian faction of Newark whacked her for failing to pay the right bribes. That the assassin didn’t run down the street hootin and hollerin like a chimp after the murder suggests that it was a spic

Kunning Drueger says:

That’s what’s puzzling: it looks like a hit because it was carried out on gentrified territory at a location she would be expected to be at (her home) that’s far from the negrofied territory of Newark from whence she hailed. If this is niggory diggory, it’s some strange niggotry indeed. If she’d been in Newark or some other shithole, then unremarkable. She was targeted and it was carried out in a place to send a message IMO. If a soldier gets blown up in a minefield, understandable. If he gets IED’d in his bathtub, it’s strange.

Pax Imperialis says:

American politicians have been getting targeted and killed ever since the foundation of the Republic. Over the last 245 years the trend has been downward with a temporary upward tick around the mid 1800s. I’ll start to worry if the trend not only goes up, but does so at a 3 sigma level. I’ll definitely be worried if it them proceeds to jump another 3 sigma instead of falling.

Karl says:

When you start to worry, my hopes will be getting up.

Seriously, why worry about American politicians getting killed? What’s not to like about it? We’ll get neither a Stalin nor a Caesar before violence escalates considerably.

dog owners association of rome says:

We’ve got a Marius and Sulla to go through before we get our Caesar. Trump is the American Gracchi.

Pax Imperialis says:

I’m still hoping for a soft transition to a Putin esque figure. Infrastructure wealth would be mostly preserved. The degenerates could be cleaned up quietly.

A Stalin or a Caesar requires being in such a state of failure that much of the infrastructure is destroyed. Of course my own personal wealth biases me, but I think what would be best for America is if it didn’t end up driving tanks through the interstate roads and tearing up the asphalt or knocking out all power stations.

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m getting tired of pointing out that we’re Carthage, not Rome. Pax described the tricorn dunce cap of American identity quite appropriately.

Assassination is always in the toolkit, like a 12lb. single jack hammer. It’s lack of use is purely a function of declining fortitude and initiative, not some magic spell against the efficacy of hammers.

Political assassinations generate headlines for the same reason celebrity deaths generate mass public sentiment deluge: societal parlor tricks. Celebrities feel like family to us through the illusion of familiarity, and politicians seem important because of referential prominence. Will I have popcorn ready for dying politicians, the important assassinations will be unknown people in positions of real yet occluded power. Question: you have a bus of billionaires heading to Davos, and you want to make a big impact on the world, but you can only target one, so which do you choose? Why, the bus driver of course. Assassination of politicians sends a message to politicians and their patrons. Assassination of occluded power players in the bureaucracy is a declaration of war. The circles overlap with lower level judges, because if even the hint of a pattern of targeted justices emerges, the wheels of the system will grind to a halt. Judges, the judicial system, is the core cog on which every other gear turns. If that locks up, or breaks too many teeth, the whole system locks up until a new central cog starts spinning, or the judicial cog gets replaced and hardened.

Local council members are actually quite proximal to district court judges. Both are in a sweet spot of influence, visibility, and vulnerability. This is all just food for thought. I’m probably as wrong as ever.

Your Uncle Bob says:

>Over the last 245 years the trend has been downward with a temporary upward tick around the mid 1800s.

The Clinton body count was real. Justice Alito’s death was more likely a hit than natural. There was the politician’s son in law who was killed a few years ago by an exploding car engine that clearly wasn’t natural. Epstein of course, though not himself an elected official was swimming in those waters. And Antifa gets to run multi person kill teams on American soil with the FBI running cover for them, though not against actual politicians so I’m digressing.

Not quite arguing with your broader point, but it’s evident that assassination is now and has been for some time a normal tool of American politics and civics. That’s a thing worth keeping in mind both when deciding whether to go into politics (no), and in interpreting new events. If this looks like a hit, it’s more likely a hit than not, even if it can’t be proved.

FrankNorman says:

And don’t forget about Scalia.

dog owners association of rome says:

Chinese weather balloon drama is a way to test US military geo-engineering capabilities. There is a second confirmed in the air over Canada, and it seems likely that more are on the way.

Pax Imperialis says:

I don’t care what that balloon is. It has to be shot down for national pride. That it isn’t indicates weakness and a loss of face.

The Cominator says:

What national pride, we’re at the point where Americans hate America more than anyone else. Wasn’t true before the Covid hoax and the steal but the events of 2020 broke any and all national pride.

Hesiod says:

Perhaps we could harness some of that rainbow pride so popular in the military these days by sending some trannies kamikaze style against the balloons. That would be truly stunning and brave, and it would save them the trouble of suicide later when cold reality incessantly whispers, “you’ll never be a real woman”.

Starman says:

The homos can use their CareBear Stareâ„¢ to shoot down the Chinese recon balloons.

dog owners association of rome says:

You’re correct, but the other option is not to appealing either, if you were the current administration. They’d be forced to use military force in the homeland against an asset that is supposedly in the hands of one of our allies/partners.
Either way, the [illusion of the] inviolability of the continental US is now shattered.
Tit for tat for our government’s continually sovereignty violations, as well as a way to force our defense east to the Pacific, away from the present centers of conflict (Ukraine, Iran).

Kunning Drueger says:

I’m not sure how correct this is, but a few circulating perspectives assert that USM *couldn’t* splash the balloon(s?) even if they wanted to due to no purpose built munitions, no methodology, and no adequately trained personnel.

Pax Imperialis says:

F-15 on full afterburners can climb to the altitude of 103,000 feet until its engines flame out. It has a gun on it. The balloon is only 66,000 feet. This is not a lack of capability but willingness. Heck, they could make it a training/target practice event.

jim says:

Possibly. But capability to actually get an F15 off the ground is less than advertised, and if it does get off the ground, pilots are justifiably nervous about flying it to the limits of its supposed capability.

Pax Imperialis says:

Pilots used to accept far greater risks. They still do if given the chance. If the president asked for volunteers he would get them. This isn’t a technical capability issue, it’s a lack of will issue.

C4ssidy says:

Why would there be a will to cancel diplomatic trips over the balloon but not to shoot it? The political response suggests that the balloon is a big deal, enough to get offended over

jim says:

This suggests that the US lacked the capability to shoot down the balloon, even though on paper it has overwhelming capacity. Just as on paper the US has vastly more logistic depth than Russia, and on paper, US sanctions should be crushing Russia at insignificant cost to the US and huge cost to Russia.

I watched a you tube video of an American in Russia wandering through building supply shop. And I was seeing all these familiar brands, that see when I wander through the GAE equivalent. And he asks were all this stuff is coming from? Answer. Not from the GAE. The GAE is critically dependent on stuff made outside the GAE.

Pax Imperialis says:

F16 can likely hit 70,000 ft in a zoom climb. The tech is likely there. The willingness to find out is not. The US back in the 60s during experimental development of most of the aerospace tech that exists today would have at least tried. Maybe it would have failed, but then the US would have tried again shortly after and succeeded. This is mainly an issue of spirit and not technical capability.

c4ssidy says:

What would a swarm of these cost, 100 dollars each? You could blanket the earth with them even if satellites were knocked out. Give them little drone-grenade payloads/rods with fins and have them trained to swoop down towards anything looking like a human or a human habitation

dog owners association of rome says:

Your instincts are right on the money: there’s clear images of the same style of balloon but without the payload over St. Louis. Whether this is the second balloon incoming from Canada, or the first one (which lost the payload along the way? Concerning?), we’ll probably never get a clear answer, officially.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

More than doable. Simple aerostats and adding buoyancy to aerodynamic structures through enveloping can allow for the putting of payloads to very high altitudes over very long distances or durations with comparatively very little resources. Ratios of smaller size and higher flying complicate the logistics of interception, as well as ‘guard posting’ with stationary units to simplify such similar problems of interception.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

CCP floating a literal test balloon to check the metaphorical weather, see how USG responds.

Well, as The Notorious Connor MacGregor(tm) once said: “yewll doo nuttin”.

Pax Imperialis says:

Why do so many people (Westerners especially but not limited to) have a problem with contradiction (at face value)? I’m running into this a lot with people who are clearly intelligent. Suppose I posit: man is as strong as a tiger and as weak as a fly. This is clearly true in an abstract sense with a delightful literary flourish, yet more often than not I get responses that reject it as meaningless, overly broad, vague, or generalization that is self contradictory. Never do these people seem to consider that both ends of a duality can be true or even that both are smeared together. It’s either one or zero, black or white, right or wrong. This is especially frustrating because I know the phrase “duality of man” and Full Metal Jacket are fairly well known cultural icons. Westerners are capable of appreciating contradiction so why don’t they (on average). I suspect Greek philosophical traditions are at play.

There’s a deeper issue. Most people, intelligent included, are shit at philosophical abstractions. They demand clear and strict definitions when most things in nature and the mind are smeared clusters of multiple components inside a conceptual space that is overlapping to one degree or another. For the tech savvy, imagine 16QAM where 0000 is an idea and 0001 is another idea. There may be some overlap in the signal space. Maybe even 0101 is overlapped as well. There may be enough overlap that all three points can be combined into a new abstraction. That is great, the new abstraction allows me to cut out noise. I can also include that new abstraction in a conceptual space and look for overlaps with other abstraction. Building abstractions on abstractions allow for quicker higher order thinking.

But no, these people demand one only go case by case basis and then dissect down to the last element, and even then they are only interesting in trying to break it apart to find smaller parts. I get it, there is utility in that, but they completely lack mental flexibility to simultaneously think in the other direction, to think big. I definitely blame the Classical Greeks for this. The Romans where right about them. They were a bunch of autists. Great as slaves to teach your kids, terrible as anything else because they lacked order and were in need of a firm hand. And for some damned reason, the West became Greek even as the lineage is more clearly Roman.

Aidan says:

“man is as strong as a tiger and as weak as a fly” is non-teleological language. It communicates nothing without being explained and its literary flourish is trivial and doesn’t inspire or communicate truth on a deep emotional level, which is the point of literary flourish.

Abstractions are useful when they are teleological, “a forest” to refer to a group of trees, and worthless when they are non-teleological, the jimian anticoncept. “Dissect down to the last element” and “making constant exceptions” are the result of being ruled by anticoncepts. Somebody who cannot see the forest for the trees is somebody who is not allowed to say the word “forest”, or who uses “forest” to also refer to the savannah as well as a landscape dominated by trees.

Kunning Drueger says:

Firmly convinced that forests can’t exist, blinded by the blood in their eyes running down from the bark cleft marks in their foreheads.

Pax Imperialis says:

A tiger is strong and can kill you easily. A fly is weak and is at worst a nuisance. These are concepts that don’t need to be explained to any functional adult who has basic understanding of what a tiger and a fly are. The preexisting associations should do the job.

To put it in less literary terms, “Man can be both dangerous and not dangerous.” That’s an obvious observation but also an important one. Overly civilized people often forget men can be dangerous. They even forget they themselves can be dangerous.

But people largely do understand what it communicates. They don’t get hanged up on that. They get hanged up on duality. They are stuck in single state reasoning.

>somebody who is not allowed to say the word “forest”

I’m not convinced that’s true today on average. A surprising number of people are simply incapable of thinking/understanding the word “forest” if it’s something they can’t physically experience. If you create a system where one is not allowed to say “forest,” do you think over time, with many generations, the ability to even think “forest” might get lost? If there is dysgenic evolutionary pressure to not think abstractly, are you ruled by anticoncepts because they are artificially enforced or because that’s all that’s left in the imagination?

This isn’t a question over whether certain abstractions are useful or not. Teleological or not. It’s a question over whether intelligent people (on average) are partially lobotomized and can’t do abstractions well in the first place.

Aidan says:

Leaving aside my distaste for the Eastern mode of abstraction, yes, even most intelligent people have great difficulties in abstraction- and by that I mean truthful abstraction. Most smart people can think abstractly, but their abstractions are false. The telos of an abstraction is to bundle like kinds and their complex interactions into a whole, from which further thought can occur. Thus a teleologically sound abstraction is one that truthfully describes reality, and an antiteleological abstraction is one that confuses unlike kinds and their interactions and prevents further truthful thought.

It is a matter of whether an abstraction is useful or not, because everybody knows what a forest is, it is not that smart people do not think abstractly, but that they think wrongly, and if they realize that they are wrong, lacking the power to apprehend what is right, they fall back on the failure mode of dissecting or “analyzing”

Pax Imperialis says:

Eastern mode of abstraction, while less prevalent, is no stranger in the West either.

I remember a poem in the American SAT over a decade ago about an eagle flying over boundless land and how it could go anywhere it wanted. A question asked: “What does the eagle represent/embody.” The obvious answer was freedom. Yes, yes I know it’s a cliche American response, but you’d be surprised by how many kids in AP English got it wrong.

Today the SAT reading passages are being made shorter and at a lower reading level in 2024. They are getting less abstract as well. Less demanding metaphors and analogies.

You are rightfully concerned about whether or not abstractions are true or not. I’m concerned there’s something more dysgenic at work. What if

their abstractions are false.

because they have lost skill in abstracting? Similar to what if someone sees the world incorrectly because they are color blind.

Most smart people can think abstractly

Is this true. Again I ask

If you create a system where one is not allowed to say “forest,” do you think over time, with many generations, the ability to even think “forest” might get lost?

Check out A Tale of Two Cities published in 1859. It opened with:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

It’s all contradictions and it was popular reading as well! Americans were comfortable with contradictions and enjoyed them. Do you see that today? Compare it to Harry Potter books where good guys and bad guys are all flat characters. Where contradictions occur due to bad writing and not clever duality.

I don’t think it’s purely a dumbing down. I think that in the same way a color blind person isn’t exactly bind, abstract thinking in the smart population is increasingly missing key components. That it atrophied like a muscle that never got used.

Earl says:

> Check out A Tale of Two Cities published in 1859. It opened with:

Fascinating. Are you deliberately deflecting, or is your reading comprehension really that poor?

The passage you quote is not asserting that both opposites are true. It resolves the apparent contradictions in the final sentence, which explains that the preceding sentences were imitative — a demonstration of the fickleness and grandiosity of those “noisiest authorities”.

A contemporary example would be if I were to imitate the global weathering fanatics: “we’re heading for an ice age, we’re burning up!” Or the Corona Cultists: “masks are useless, masks are essential! the death toll is soaring, there are no excess deaths!” Taken out of context, these sentences are also meaningless, but if I were to follow them up with an explanation like Dickens’s, then and only then do they make sense in context.

It’s not that we’re going metaphorically colorblind, it’s that you don’t write as well as Dickens.

Pax Imperialis says:

>The passage you quote is not asserting that both opposites are true.
>is your reading comprehension really that poor?

Funny, it’s almost like I said at the very beginning:

Why do so many people (Westerners especially but not limited to) have a problem with contradiction (at face value)

Note the bold part if it wasn’t clear to you. Now I’m assuming I wouldn’t have to repeatedly reassert I’m talking about contradiction at face value so maybe I really do just write badly.

I also said:

Never do these people seem to consider that both ends of a duality can be true or even that both are smeared together

which is about methods of looking at contradiction and potentially resolving it.

>a demonstration of the fickleness and grandiosity of those “noisiest authorities”

Which doesn’t give a clear resolution. It’s muddy and up to interpretation which is something that most modern audiences are not fine with.

jim says:

> If you create a system where one is not allowed to say “forest,” do you think over time, with many generations, the ability to even think “forest” might get lost?

That is what happened with the red pill. It was in the air I breathed as a lad, being raised in the last gasp of the old upper class culture, but no one could say it out loud and plainly. Everyone older than me knew it, but agreed it was unkind and impolite to say it out loud. And around me, most people my age and younger were unable to think it.

Adam says:

So I’ve been thinking about the mechanics of this and how losing this wisdom came about. You’ve talked about failure of the elite to have enough sons to hand it down to, which makes sense. But how about the daughters of the elite? One would think the daughters of the most powerful men would be absolutely instrumental in suppressing any and all knowledge of female nature wherever they go. It wouldn’t even have to be deliberate. It would just be a product of consolidation of power into the hands of a few men who were not able to police there daughters.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted yet again for yet again presupposing that the triumph of the left is recent and is bottom up*]

jim says:

I have allowed through too many posts of yours containing those presuppositions and am not going to allow any more. If you make that as an argument, rather than as a presupposition, I will allow it.

No matter what you purport to be arguing, I am not censoring you for your arguments, I am censoring you for what those arguments presuppose without arguing.

Our position is that after 1820 or so, left domination of the institutions came from the top down, the professoriat selecting the holiest among their disciples, and factions within the powerful each competing to be holier than all the others.

If you present an argument that presupposes a different universe, where leftism came from the bottom, rather than the top, where leftists entered by cheating at the exams, or by working extra hard to pass them, or by going to where opportunity was, rather than by the people at the top cheerfully disregarding exam results and choosing people on superior holiness, and people at the top continually inventing new things to be holy about so that they can be holier than other people at the top, you are going to have to argue for it.

If you present an argument that presupposes that capitalists rule and that leftism somehow benefits capitalists – well I have heard that far too many times, and challenged innumerable people to present an argument for it, and they never do, so I am just going to censor it yet again. A capitalist, by definition, has an apple cart, and leftists, by definition, want to knock over people’s applecarts.

The attack on marriage could benefit single and gay capitalists by adding women to the workforce and postponing marriage and children, but if capitalists are forced to hire women to do men’s work, it is quite disastrous for capitalists. The attack on marriage would only work for capitalists if they were allowed to prefer women for women’s work and men for men’s work. As the situation stands, capitalists would benefit considerably if every single women in the workforce was sent to a nunnery tomorrow morning and not allowed to leave unless married or engaged to be married, and not allowed to have a job except under the supervision of husband, father, or betrothed.

In a hypothetical universe where capitalists were free to prefer women for some jobs and men for others, single and gay capitalists would benefit from the assault on marriage – but that is just not the universe in which the assault on marriage takes place. We have had that debate and I am just not going to allow it to continue. I am just going to pontificate from on high and censor dissent.

The bottom up versus top down debate we have not really had, and it deserves to be discussed. You, however, are not discussing it, just assuming it. Feel free to discuss it for a change.

Anonymous Fake says:

Your model is about priestly dominance. [*deleted for ignoring the substance of your interloctor’s argument*]

jim says:

No. My model takes priestly dominance for granted (we are always ruled by priests or warriors, and usually something of both) and is about how and why we got evil priests and a demonic state religion.

Judges period Israel and Saga period Iceland also had priestly dominance, and there was nothing very wrong with their priests for the most part.

Hereditary priesthood meant that Israel did not get holiness spiral, but was by no means guaranteed priests that people would be much inclined to follow.

Priesting worked OK in iceland, because they had a commercial remedy for priests people found unpersuasive, which failed when people started to find the entire religion unpersuasive.

The problem is priestly dominance with open entry, leading to elite overproduction (too many people going to university, which is incapable of training people in useful things like building rockets, nice looking buildings, and good furniture, and always trains people to be priests – lawyers, academics, and so on and so forth) Overproduction of priests leads to holiness competition. And here we are.

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

You are making a good argument for vengeance and destruction, but you propose, not vengeance and destruction on those who scammed you, but rather that those who scammed you be empowered to wreak havoc and destruction on anyone who failed to fall for the scam. The university that sold you an expensive education that wasted your time and led nowhere owes you. I do not owe you. Burn the university down and auction of the property to compensate the victims. Don’t come after the kulaks.

You point out a wrong was done to you, and want to hurt people. The reason I indulge you is that you are frequently speaking in your own voice, rather than the script’s voice. Fine. Hurt the people who did that wrong to you. It was not the man who owns a Domino’s franchise shop that wronged you. It was not the plumber, the roofer, the electrician, or the man welding steel for Musk’s rockets.

You want these people to compensate you for what the university took from you. No. The university should compensate you for what it took from you. You want the state to grant power, status, money, and a decent standard of living to everyone that the university gave a worthless diploma. But power, status, money, and a decent standard of living has to come from someone else, since the holders of worthless diplomas do not produce value.

Your Uncle Bob says:

If leftists were rational actors they’d take student loan forgiveness out of university endowments. (Harvard’s alone is over $50 billion.) Or at minimum, student loans should be dischargeable in bankruptcy, with the student loan portion charged to the university rather than wiped out with the rest. (This would have the added benefit of paring away the most useless degrees going forward, especially from the brokest/least prestigious colleges.)

That it must instead come from the fedgov, the taxpayers, the blue collar joes and the white collars with useful degrees shows that there’s something else going on in leftists’ heads, and in AF’s.

The Cominator says:

Yes ive already mentioned this idea on student loans and furthermore so has Tucker Carlson.

Pax Imperialis says:

Everyone older than me knew it

What are the things their forefathers all knew but agreed to not say out loud? Just how many generations has it been.

I’ve got a bad feeling that has been happening since the 1500s when Europe dusted off a bunch of the old Greek philosophers and started imitating them. I’ve been reading a lot of medieval texts lately and seeing a lot more resiliency and vitality compared to 1700s. More in the 1700s compared to 1900s. etc

jim says:

I love that totally vicious medieval depiction of Origen that I posted. The poz goes back a very long way, but so does people laughing at it.

Mr.P says:

> ” It was in the air I breathed as a lad, being raised in the last gasp of the old upper class culture ….”

Watch the 1950s TV show Leave It to Beaver sometime. (Seriously; wife and I are deep into Season 5.) The depiction of girls Beaver’s and Wally’s age is nearly uniformly, um, unflattering, dare I say based. Precocious, scheming, narcissistic, manipulative, and status-striving nearly every single pink dressed and pony tailed one.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

As a general rules, dualisms are so oft inherently water-muddying; one and three are much more metaphysically virtuous numbers.

Pax Imperialis says:

>dualisms are so oft inherently water-muddying

Humanity originated from the muddy water holes of Africa. Only through brutal evolutionary culling via nomadic herder conquest and painstaking garden building did we create clear water. Even then the human spirit ventures out to unclear and stormy waters.

Analogy aside, vitality would mean we ought to flourish in muddy waters as much as clear waters. The colonizers and cowboys who conquered America certainly flourished in a world of moral grays. Losing that and only being comfortable in morally clear thinking is dsygenic.

Traditional Christianity is built for muddy waters with clear guard rails on either side to keep you from sinking. For example, drink your wine with a merry heart AND don’t be an alcoholic are both important. Many modern Christians will instead take hard lines on drinking (going bonkers with consumption or outright banning it) instead of being comfortable and masters in the gray. Medieval Christianity was full of vitality in the muddy waters of the times, is Christianity full of vitality in the overly clean gnostic times of today? I think not.

>one and three are much more metaphysically virtuous numbers

Do you have any idea just how many people, even Christians, would completely miss what you’re saying? Which goes back to my point that there is a serious reduction in Western brain capacity for abstraction. Look at Japanese comics compared to American comics for instance, not that the Japanese are particularly healthy either, but they are not so far gone as the average Westerner.

Kunning Drueger says:

I can’t find a single thing you just said to agree with, which is odd for us.

Why are you talking like a college guy whose girlfriend I am secretly fucking bro?

In all seriousness, I have some deep issues with what you’re asserting here. I exist in a fog of ambiguities as punishment for my sins, not because I am some sophisticated cosmopolite with urbane cognitions chasing brilliant observations between my ears. I violated the compact with Nature’s God out of ignorance and selfishness, and now I suffer gray where black & white belongs.

Pax Imperialis says:

Why are you talking like a college guy whose girlfriend I am secretly fucking bro?

Exploring tranny/GAE/academia Discord and subtlety poking them to see how they react without getting banned is difficult. Turning that subtlety on and off frequently requires a lot of mental flexibility. Admittedly, I’m not the most flexible guy out there.

I exist in a fog of ambiguities as punishment for my sins

Every person does. That is what I was getting at with Christianity being built for muddy waters. It provides clear guard rails in an uncertain and ambiguous world so you don’t drown in it. Most people will bounce between those rails throughout their lives, but so long as one remembers where the rails are, they can continue to cling on and eventually master themselves. Create a pocket of order.

The gnostics wants a “pure” world without uncertainty, without ambiguity. One in which you can’t do “wrong,” can’t say “wrong,” can’t think “wrong,” can’t even dream “wrong.” That is the end state of progressivism, the triumph of “reason” over gnon. I would take a world of gray over that every single time.

Adam says:

>I exist in a fog of ambiguities as punishment for my sins

This is not a bad thing. Being comfortable with ambiguity is an attractive feature in a man. Women and children are inherently uncomfortable with it.

If it seems like a burden, you are not feeling your way through life, and are thinking your way through life. Which is tough. Especially true for intelligent creative people, one’s mind is an enormous liability, and should generally be ignored unless being used deliberately. Your feelings though, your vibe, and other peoples vibe are tremendously useful in navigating you towards that which is good for you and away from that which isn’t.

Ones success with this is going to be proportional to ones spiritual health and fitness. It would not work well for a con man, but a con man who forced himself to live like this would likely end up straight.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The proposition that popular discourse is ever more increasingly banalized, and that men don’t know how to know anymore, will find no disagreement from me; it is practically a self-evident truth.

Most intellectual sins find their roots in tricks the brain uses to think less about things. And perhaps the most classic example of this is categorically imperative thinking.

Id est, ‘not all [X] are like that’, ‘lack of clear boundary between a piece of straw and a pile of hay means neither exist’, ‘a proposition with an exception anywhere is matterless everywhere’, and so on.

This is generally coterminous with ‘naive systematization’, the attempt by the mattoidic subject to create an artilect which it believes *is* universally consistent, and can thus release it from the pain of its facile efforts to actually conceive of the teleological motions of Being in increasingly transcendent contexts in its own mind, and do all the thinking for it.

But as our good friend Godel long ago demonstrated, no being within Being can fully encapsulate it, else it is something that already transcends it. Or more prosaically said, the power of a procedure downstream of the power of the judgement capable of creating it.

It is not that there is no Order of things to this plane of existence, but that it is that very attempt by the less worthy to ‘reach beyond their grasp’ that produced devastatingly catastrophic consequences – and whose reaction to such failures is then so oft sublimated into a spiteful denial of any Natural Law at all in the first place. The midwit curse is to be just clever enough to become aware of an issue, so that a wrong answer may be given too it.

For any given language game, there is naturally an operating envelope in which it is adaptive – and outside of which, it rapidly becomes catachretic. For any given expression of rhetoric, there is a cardinality; doors to implications it leaves open, and doors it closes off.

In the spergmatic mind lexemes become straightjackets, proceduralisms which it will pursue in any case and at all hazards; sieves through which some aspects of Being might be apprehended, but others will slip by; his own powers of world-formation, an aperture through which some sense of Being may pass, and aught else shorne off. Heedless of any consequence, the archetypical mattoid is autistic in the original sense of the word – a wholly closed off entity, blind of any perception of, contact with, or feedback from the motions of the larger world around it, the artilect that exists in its mind, which it calls ‘the thing in question’, suffuses it with full sufficiency of spirit. To such a being, the play of its mental fetiches is more real than reality itself.

Aristotle perceptively sensed this problem, and reified it in terms of his doctrine of ‘Golden Mean’. Likewise with Lao Zi, ‘the way that can be written is not the true Way’.

“Like Midas, the Rationalist is always in the unfortunate position of not being able to touch anything, without transforming it into an abstraction; he can never get a square meal of experience.”

The mattoid (which is to say nominalist, which is to say solipsist) confuses proxies for virtue that often exist as terms in discourse, with the greater ‘good itself’. They then zero in on and inflate these proxies, upon which they can proclaim they are ‘holier than thou’, and claim moral superiority (and thus higher social status and a band aid over the existential void in their empty souls). Which in turn leads other to engage in similar bouts of inflation, and in isolation they will reflect off of each other in the echo chamber more and more until all adaptive nuance is cast away, and only the ‘proxy’ remains in its most simplistic and banal form.

Pax Imperialis says:

The proposition that popular discourse is ever more increasingly banalized

In the spergmatic mind lexemes become straightjackets

The degradation of popular discourse is accelerating in my short, insignificant life span. Ten years ago I could say something innocuous such as “Men have balls.” Ten years ago the spergs would do the common, “not all X” argument. They could understand the plethora of meaning but tried to undermine it by the micro exception.

Today I say the same thing and the overwhelming response from the newer generation is “do you mean testicles, balls in the metaphorical sense of bravery, sports balls like baseballs and footballs? You can’t simply say that without additional context! It’s too broad and vague and blah blah blah…” They don’t understand that all of those things are abstractly linked together and thus valid.

Man has testicles. They produces testosterone. Testosterone is the main source of masculine spirit i.e. bravery. Sports are competitive and require willingness to risk losing i.e. bravery. All of that meaning is packed into three simple words: Men have balls. That is a beautiful abstraction. They can’t accept that so I’m forced to argue each individual case. For each case they default to the standard “not all x” argument. This is fucking stupid and tedious, yet this is now standard among the “intelligentsia.” I end up spilling hundreds or thousands of words just to build up the abstractions for them only for them to say I’m incoherent. I appreciate what you wrote, but with the attention span of Gen Z, none of it would be coherent to them and I can’t repackage your wisdom by shortening it otherwise I run back into the problem of “it’s too vague.” It’s all so tiresome.

And before someone says strawmanning, I encourage them to got to colleges and hold up a sign with a true and brief definition of a woman.

This is all before I even enter the territory of contradiction. In the arrogance of the Western atheistic psychology departments, they termed dialecticism in East Asia as “naïve dialecticism.” They never seemed to consider that the West once too had “naïve dialecticism” as well but lost it. That it’s not unique to the East. That it’s not naïve but wise. Biblical inerrancy demands acceptance of contradiction either by doctrine of the mean or by accepting both extremes/opposites are potentially true. That is better termed “mature dialecticism” and the West somehow lost it.

Modern Christianity rejects inerrancy, even in churches that claim it as doctrine. Just look at the shear quantities of modern Christian writings about how the wine Jesus created was not actually wine and in reality just “grape juice.” That was a problem of my father’s time. The problem now is that many Christians* have problem understanding 1 in 3 and 3 in 1. They can’t accept contradiction as a truth because they are materialists at heart no matter what Godel can demonstrate.

Saint Thomas Aquinas was right. The Greek philosophers were pagans unable to appreciate truth. He made a principled exception for Aristotle because of his golden mean which shares much in common with “naïve dialecticism” and the required mindset for inerrancy. Likewise, I’m deeply suspicious of the Greek atomists who are praised in K-12 education as a part of the scientism curriculum.

I fear I’m a terrible communicator. My greater fear is that to effectively communicate in today’s world one must be a genius communicator and that even that is not enough. The implication being that communication is not longer possible for the majority of people. That is horror.


Adam says:

I think people generally have a problem with ambiguity. Defining things, especially in black and white gives one a sense of power and control. It is comfortable, especially for those less fit and thus more neurotic.

Earl says:

This reminds me more than a little of the rants of Dr. Ted (aka Humanity’s Greatest Genius) detailing how his critics just aren’t smart enough to understand his profundity, or as he puts it, “not tall enough for this ride”. Maybe you just aren’t as deep or as gifted a communicator as you think you are.

Aidan’s actual criticism of your “man is as strong as a tiger and as weak as a fly” example is that it’s ambiguous on many levels, and as an abstraction is useless without context. You proceeded to strawman that criticism and play dumb: “surely we all understand the analogy of being strong as a tiger or weak as a fly?” The problem wasn’t with your analogies and no one claimed it was, the problem is literally with your use of the word “is”.

Do you mean that man is sometimes strong and other times weak? Do you mean physically strong and mentally weak? Do you mean strong relative to some point of reference but weak relative to some other point of reference? Do you mean that some men are strong and other men are weak, so the collective “man” can be either? All of the above are still abstractions, but they each have a distinct coherent meaning, whereas with your original version, we have no idea what you really mean and you don’t bother to explain. You’ve just asserted a contradiction and berated any criticism of that contradiction.

Would anyone have objected if you said that “Man can be X or not X”? Of course not, but when communicated clearly it sounds unremarkable and obvious, rather than profound and mystical. Never mind that actual philosophical dualism is responsible for some of the worst intellectual atrocities in history, you haven’t even clearly communicated a dualism, you’ve either make a deliberate choice to obfuscate and assault our language in order to feign intellectual superiority OR, to give you the benefit of the doubt, you’re simply making the elementary mistake of assuming that your readers and listeners are already within your frame of reference and therefore additional context is unnecessary.

Either way, the problem is you. As you can see, I understood your abstraction perfectly well, I just wasn’t impressed by it, because with so many context-dependent variations and no context provided, it might as well mean nothing at all.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Aidan’s actual criticism of your “man is as strong as a tiger and as weak as a fly” example is that it’s ambiguous on many levels

Ambiguity is part of the human experience. You must thrive in it. There is no choice. Every decision you make is one of limited information and still you must make decisions. My response to the criticism is that you must take ambiguous, and at times contradictory information, and be comfortable with it. That there has been a clear reduction in the comfort with ambiguity, or contradiction at face value, indicates less vitality in the West. Less mental flexibility.

>You proceeded to strawman

Sure, it’s just strawmaning.🙃 It’s not like the SAT used to contain ambiguous analogies and metaphors and asked questions on their meaning.🙃 What I provided was almost text book example of old SAT. They removed such questions because people were getting increasingly worse at answering them. (along with unstated racial disparities)

Do you mean that man is sometimes strong and other times weak? Do you mean physically strong and mentally weak? Do you mean strong relative to some point of reference but weak relative to some other point of reference? Do you mean that some men are strong and other men are weak, so the collective “man” can be either? All of the above are still abstractions, but they each have a distinct coherent meaning, whereas with your original version, we have no idea what you really mean and you don’t bother to explain.

>so many context-dependent variations and no context provided, it might as well mean nothing at all.

Yet all of these interpretations fall within a certain frame of reference. That isn’t meaningless, they all fall in the same conceptual space. It’s a lot more information than none. Being able to recognize a frame and act on it with limited context indicates vitality in the face of uncertainty. All those interpretations you listed are valid, but you proceed to get frozen with inability to accept them at face value. You could have just smiled at the multitude of meanings and moved on. You instead proceeded to analyze it to death in true Greek form, and proceed to sperg out when there isn’t a single “right” answer. Life often doesn’t give you single “right” answers, nevertheless you must act.

My ending criticism was that they completely lack mental flexibility to think big which requires losing resolution so to speak. You’re smart. Maybe smarter than me. Who knows? But you clearly lack flexibility. That’s not good.

>Would anyone have objected if you said that “Man can be X or not X”?

Funny, I could do what you did and analyses “Man” and “X” to death. Call them meaningless abstractions and that without clear frame of reference we have no idea what is really meant. Clearly this is wrong.

>Never mind that actual philosophical dualism

Now lets be careful there, I said duality which isn’t the same as philosophical dualism.

>you haven’t even clearly communicated a dualism

Again, I said duality, not quite the same

The Cominator says:

Ambiguity is part of our experience but its a bad one and it sucks…

jim says:

Lots of things suck. No alternative but to wade in and deal with them.

alf says:

man is as strong as a tiger and as weak as a fly.

Language is crude. Such a contradiction might be wise and pointing towards deeper truth. Might also be nonsense or even meant to misdirect. Who is saying it, in what context?

When a post-modernist says truth is both true and not true, I know I am being bullshitted.

When Jim says demons are both real and not real, I make a soyjack impressed o-face.

Pax Imperialis says:

Momentarily put aside whether it is true or not. Put aside contradiction as well.

Analogy thinking is the ability to think abstractly and be able to relate to similar unrelated abstractions. Why did the SAT remove analogy questions? Could it be that people’s ability to use and understand analogy has degraded over time? The implication being they can’t think abstractly.

What type of mental flexibility is required to consciously and actively accept a contradiction while exploring and understanding it? To say something is both real and not real while not suffering from cognitive dissonance.

That the post-modernists and jim can both tolerate and explore contradiction indicate a certain type of mental ability. That jim is right and the post modernists are wrong indicate a difference in level of ability. That the children of the post-modernists can’t even tolerate contradiction or are not even aware of it due to cognitive dissonance indicates they lost the mental ability all together.

Analogies are often broad abstractions with limited context. You must often fill in context. Even then there are multiple interpretations, but you also have to pick the most likely one. This effectively becomes a test of mental vitality.

man is as strong as a tiger and as weak as a fly.

So back to truths and contradictions… at face value, with the limited context you have, can you think about how this is true? How this is false? Broadly speaking does it ring true more than false? It’s open ended but not that open ended. It’s more right than saying ‘man is strong’ or ‘man is weak.’ Context is always shifting so man might be strong at some points in time and weak in others. So man is both until measured by context. Similar to how Schrodinger’s cat is both alive and dead until measured by context.

To really drive home the point I was initially trying to make about mental degradation in the West, I ask again, why did the SAT remove analogy questions which are really tests of abstract thinking.

Kunning Drueger says:

In my personal opinion, playing with dualities is fun but needs to be challenging in equal proportion to profundity. So, I’d prefer “Every man is as weak as a tiger and as strong as a fly.” It forces cogitation, appears to be silly and therefore an instant challenge to the introspective (“have the I missed something, because that sounds like opposite of true to me…”), but must contain a deeper truth if it’s serious (the tiger can only stalk & kill one at a time, while the fly can poison thousands merely by bumbling through the feces *before* traipsing across the door handle), or trap midwits into thinking there’s a deep profundity present and their just failing to grasp it and this must admit their inferiority or pretend they totally get it because who wouldn’t.

In my unbelievably sophisticated and refined opinion, duality is very occasionally a tool very well suited to an incredibly nuanced situation, and almost always some bullshit artist attempting to smuggle memes into or through the conversation that would otherwise be balked at or dismissed out of hand.

alf says:

In my unbelievably sophisticated and refined opinion, duality is very occasionally a tool very well suited to an incredibly nuanced situation, and almost always some bullshit artist attempting to smuggle memes into or through the conversation that would otherwise be balked at or dismissed out of hand.

I tend to be accused of black/white thinking whenever I trigger some THOUGHTCRIME alarm. It’s just an easy defense: ‘when you say all women are like that really you are overgeneralizing and the situation is much more complex.” Well there’s a place for nuance, but there’s many more places when nuance is used as a cope for denial.

Kunning Drueger says:

Nuance is so often used (proficiently) as cover by the intellectual terrorists that we have to burn it to maintain an effective kill zone. Add nuance to the list of things they took from us.

Red says:

They’ve butchered the meaning of the nuance to the point where it means don’t question me because I am holy and know more than you when they use it and they refuse to recognize it when others use it.

alf says:

Pax you make plenty of fair points. Just to understand that two opposing statements can both be true requires mental vitality.

Besides mental decline, I posit that people are losing the capability to carry interesting conversations.

The Cominator says:

LOL wahmins are equal and have agency according to clownworld, except when clownworld finds it convient for them not to have agency. All of Tate’s “victims” are saying they aren’t victims but the clownworld court is ruling they are “brainwashed”.

dog owners association of rome says:

That just comes down to the USG’s new primary mission: winning internet arguments.
Tate is a complete nobody, someone only teenaged boys care about and engage with. Some retard(ess) in the state department apparently decided this was worth cashing in some chips overseas to take down.
Meanwhile, US airspace is being invaded.

alf says:

Overreaction or not, I do think the left has always realized that you need to get ’em while they’re young. Andrew Tate was making waves and reaching the young, so they put their foot down.

Alfred says:

I don’t think Tate himself was really anything but a memey punchline, honestly. There’s always a degree of people not being in on the joke and taking it more and more seriously as time goes on, but to the the extent younger zoomers are becoming anti-feminist etc, I think he was far more riding that wave than creating it in any sense. That is my sense anyway. That wave had far more to do with the internet phenomena surrounding Donald Trump starting in 2015, in my opinion.

alf says:

Tate is a talented grifter who went where he smelled money and fame. So yes, riding the anti-feminist waves. Ride those waves too visibly and you trigger the cathedral’s immune response.

Cloudswrest says:

Video is “private”.

Mister Grumpus says:

Is there a way that “someone” can test himself for having been jabbed? I’m serious.

jim says:

Yes. in terms of scientific principle. But this is a research project. It is not an off the shelf test.

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