
Russia’s draft Agreement on Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and NATO

Russian war aims are vastly broader than the Ukraine: In December of 2021, Russia proposed an agreement on “Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”

The American reaction was shock, indignation, and genuine surprise. Surprise that Russia had the outrageous effrontery to ask for security. The proposed agreement is on its face a completely reasonable deal, just the normal boring behavior of normal states to each other, that should normally go without saying. It was just asking for everyone to act from henceforth as normal neighbors at peace act to each other. But normal neighbors are not the relationship of a hegemon to its subject states, so from the point of view of the hegemon, this was a revolutionary proposal. Subjects of the hegemon get security conditional on doing what they are told, and Russia had failed to hold a gay parade, failed to allow its Churches to be vandalized with rainbow flags, failed to allow the statues of its honored dead to be torn down.

A peace proposal implies the threat of war: What goes unsaid is: “If we cannot have security, neither can you”. And shortly thereafter, Russia gave effect to that threat by invading Ukraine.

The Ukraine does not matter that much, Turkey does not matter that much, Syria does not matter that much. Attriting the population of the Ukraine is a terrible human tragedy, and even if Russia defeats the Ukraine, everyone in Russia and the Ukraine loses. But attriting the Global American Empire’s military capability is an enormous world shaking victory, and Russia has already accomplished it. Russia has already militarily won the big prize, the prize it had its eye on from the beginning. The Global American Empire is no longer militarily capable of doing the things that had so alarmed Russia. Russia has not yet defeated the Ukraine, but it already has already inflicted an enormous defeat on the Global American Empire.

I have repeatedly said that Ukrainian reserves are near exhausted, that the counter offensive is coming to an end. Putin, however, who probably knows better than anyone, and certainly knows better than me, recently stated that they are very far from exhausted, and the analysis coming from people who have been following the war much more closely than I have is that if Ukraine turtles up now, it would likely be years before Kiev is flattened the way Bakhmut was flattened. It does not matter. It is an enormous tragedy that may well go on very a long time. Nato, unable to create shells and tanks because of worship of the Awesome might of the Gaia demon, and because Shaniqua is in charge of the tech team in order to prove that all our tech was stolen from Wakanda, may well try conscripting enormous rivers of meat and hurling them into mouths of cannon, in which case it will matter rather more, but while not much changes in the Ukraine, there has been a quiet but vast change in the world.

The west has run out of shells, and is running out of artillery systems. The US Marines have no M777 howitzers, they have all been sent to Ukraine, where most of them have been destroyed. This means that if the Ukraine turtles up for a long, long war of attrition, a whole lot more shells are going to land on Ukrainian troops than American shells on Russian troops. But, more importantly, far more importantly, it also means the US has no capacity to threaten to destroy any other nation, the way it destroyed Libya. Russia can only intervene directly on its borders, but by winning the war of logistic attrition, it has indirectly intervened everywhere in the world. It might be a stalemate in the Ukraine, but in the world as a whole, an enormous victory. Which means that the Global American Empire is now slowly and quietly coming apart at the seams. If Israel, Thailand, and Hungary take care of their color revolutions, they need not fear any consequences for so doing.

The peace faction in Global American Empire has noticed this, and wants to return to something like the Minsk accords, to allow them to deal with insubordinate subject states elsewhere in empire, but after what happened with the Minsk accords, it is not likely that Russia would be interested. Probably Russia will ask for “Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”, plus the Russian speaking areas of the Ukraine, and, most importantly Crimea. The Global American Empire is likely to find this unacceptable, but will not necessarily go to full war with Russia, for a full war would not magically materialize shells and tanks. They might just kick the can down the road, as usual. But if the can gets kicked down the road, they will be facing a dire shortage of ammo along that road.

The genocide of the Tutsi in the Congo succeeded because black native government troops in the Congo carrying out the genocide were backed by white troops operating Global American Empire artillery. Today, no Global American Empire artillery. Makes a big difference to ordinary everyday politics in far off countries no one pays any attention to. Much that was impossible and suicidal when the Global American Empire could and would send artillery and air to ground support anywhere, suddenly becomes possible. If the marines have no howitzers, then ethnic group A quarreling with ethnic group B in some far off country no one notices, knows that the disfavor of the Global American Empire is not going to result in them being genocided.

American soft power in the world is similar to BLM and Antifa within America. One faction knows that its violence is off the table, and the other faction, with American government favor, knows that its violence is on the table. If you hold an actually peaceful, but “fascist” protest, you will get beaten up and imprisoned. If you burn down Kenosha, because black lives matter, fiery but mostly peaceful protest. Now governments know that if they repress “fiery but mostly peaceful protests”, the protesters are unlikely to get artillery and air to ground support. This does not help those that the government is oppressing, but does help the government to pursue its own policies without suffering fiery but mostly peaceful color revolutionary protests.

With the death of the legacy media, and the swift disintegration of SWIFT, the soft weapons of deplatforming, cancellation, and demonetization are ceasing to be effective. When the Tutsi tried to organize to resist genocide, their organizations were deplatformed and demonetized, so they used uncut diamonds as money for international arms transactions, because diamonds can be transported through airports, which led to uncut diamonds being demonetized in the blood diamonds attack. A reprise of this operation seems considerably less likely to succeed. If a genocide against some group similar to the Tutsi in the Congo were attempted today, they would not only have no reason to fear American artillery, but the crime would be all over the alt media. They could not be cancelled and deplatformed, and they would have no big problem doing international transactions. That it would not be likely to succeed today is a tremendous blow to American soft power.

The hegemon needs to make things nice for those that go along with its power (remember the scene in life of Brian “what have the Romans ever done for us”), and very unpleasant for those that do not go along with its power. Lately the Global American Empire has been rather less successful in making things nice for those that go along with its power, and its once enormous and terrifying capability to make things very unpleasant indeed for those that do not go along with its power has been exhausted in Ukraine. When color revolution threatens Viktor Orbán, he can tell Hungarians that there will be no consequences for suppressing it, but allowing it to succeed is likely to result in them being fed into the Ukrainian meat grinder. There will be no fiery but mostly peaceful protests in Hungary, because if there were, they would be instantly crushed. Turf in the Ukraine seldom changes hands, but turf in Hungary has quietly changed hands.

People are accustomed to violence blessed by the Global American Empire being safe and fun, and violence, or even peacefully assembling for the redress of grievances that the Global American Empire disapproves of, being terribly dangerous. They have internalized this, accepted it, and take for granted as normal, normative, and expected. And the overwhelming majority still think like that. But suddenly it is not necessarily true. The vast majority of people in the world have not noticed the change, and it will take quite a while to sink in. But it has changed. Nothing dramatic will ensue immediately. It will take a long time for the new reality to percolate down and sink in. But the new reality is here, at least for governments on the periphery of empire who no longer need fear color revolution. For peoples on the periphery of empire, will take a bit longer. For people at the heart of empire, in the belly of the beast, longer still. When the Soviet empire fell, it started with people making trouble far away, and getting away with it, which led to people not so far away making trouble and getting away with it, and eventually Moscow itself fell.

The current proxy war is not only taking place in Ukraine, but also on a much smaller and quieter scale, in Syria. Between the two theaters is Turkey, which is doing a balancing act between Russia and Nato. A major strategic objective of Nato is to recover the Crimea, so that it can isolate Turkey from Russia, and then bring Turkey to heel. Russia needs Turkey for warm water access. Turkey needs Russia, and needs Russian control of Crimea, to avoid Global American Empire attack and conquest. Russia is theoretically an enemy, America theoretically an ally, and they are theoretically a member of Nato, but they have more reason to fear America than Russia. Russian intervention in Syria depends on Turkey allowing it, and Nato is really pissed. Turkey has intervened for Nato in Syria, and yet allowed Russian intervention against Nato in Syria. It has also been attacking Nato proxies in Syria, which proxies are theoretically not American proxies, but the Global American Empire was really pissed. The Global American Empire did not want to own up to owning its proxies, since it was using them for attempted genocide of Alawites and ethnic cleaning of Christians, but neither did it want Turkey shooting at them. Turkey is theoretically at war with the Alawite aligned Syrian government, but there is a strange and suspicious lack of shooting at the Syrian government, and quite a lot of shooting at enemies of Alawites, which the Global American Empire is getting more and more enraged by. There are multiple layers of denial. Turkey is aligned with official Nato policy, and shooting at officially unofficial Global American Empire policy. We have liars lying about lying, and pretenders pretending to pretend. The big strategic goal of Nato in the Ukraine is not to rule the Ukraine, but to rule Turkey. Insofar as the current offensive in the Ukraine has any sane objectives, it is to get to the sea of Azov in order to get to Crimea in order to get to the Black Sea, so that they can safely have a war on Turkey, so that they can, among other things, genocide the Alawites.

A lot of people have noticed that the primary attack direction of the Ukrainian offensive is in the direction where the Russian defenses are strongest. The reason they are attacking in that direction is the same as the reason the Russians put the strongest defenses there – because what lies in that direction is Crimea, which what Globohomo most wants to take, and what Russia most wants to keep. They want to take it, and Russia wants to keep it, for that gives Russia access to the Black Sea, and Turkey permits access from the Black Sea through Turkey to the Mediterranean and Syria. The people who planned this offensive have their eye on their highly unreliable ally, Turkey, an unkind eye. Ukrainians are hoping to reach Melitopol, but Kagan, who probably planned this offensive, is hoping to reach Turkey.

If they cannot genocide peoples they do not like, people are not going to go along with Globohomo and soft power. The empire needs the carrot and the stick. The carrot is not very nice and has been getting worse, and the stick just broke. People have not yet internalized that the stick just broke, but they eventually will.

1,032 comments Russia’s draft Agreement on Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and NATO

Karl says:

The GAE is still able to produce shells and military hardware, although much lower quantities than Russia can and apparently also of lower quality.

For small governments of some small countries this does not mean that attempted color revoltions won’t be backed by US artillery and air support and that crushing them won’t result in genocide. The message for governments of small countires is that the can defy the GAE if they have a strong supporter like Russia.

Fidelis says:

A big open question is China. So far they successfully employ economic soft power, “work with us and we’ll trade you working infrastructure and finished goods for raw materials and diplomatic support”. Can they successfully back the counter-GAE forces in a color revolution?

Lets say Thailand attempts to rid itself of the recent installed harvard parasites, and a struggle kicks off. Would China back the monarchists? When was the last time the middle country deployed troops and materiel?

jim says:

Thailand is an interesting case. Like Turkey, theoretically US aligned, but the US does not like them being so palsy with China. Media dominated by globohomo, and they need to do something about a hostile foreign media. Theoretically a democracy, but with an elite painfully aware the masses are apt to vote for stupid stuff. Also monarchy, with a King who actually does rule, and a whole lot of people are ardent monarchists. (Yes, democracy and monarchy) The elite like monarchy, because it protects them from democracy. The people like monarchy, but elections matter. Color revolution being worked on, but it does not seem to be taking, because color revolutionaries need elite defectors, and the elite does not seem to be defecting.

I think China would intervene, in the event of excessively blatant US intervention, and concern about this possibility means that no one believes that soft power might be backed by hard power, so US soft power in Thailand actually is soft.

dave says:

if memory serves me, this scenario has played out and is playing out in Myanmar/Burma. Elections occurred with usual soft power hijinks. Military/Elite called bullshit on the election (probably fairly) against the GAE preferred faction.

Color revolution playbook is commencing, But Military+Elite are holding so far.


Cloudswrest says:
Skippy says:

In Myanmar the US threatened bombing, but did not have any aircraft carriers available, and there was no bombing. The Indian Ocean is now outside US reach, without depleting China and Europe-facing naval forces too much. Gulf of Thailand is a bit closer to their range, but unlike Myanmar Thailand has a large military and actually an aircraft carrier of its own.

Thailand can crush the election, and they seem to be positioning to do much the same to the GAE candidate as the GAE is doing to Trump, but they face a real internal legitimacy problem in that their king is absentee and their military lacks the loyal priests it needs to govern stably. The problem in Thailand is that the government is losing legitimacy anyway, and defecting to the GAE is one of the few ways to oppose it effectively. We know, as we are experts in the GAE, that swapping a government of corrupt generals for a government of Progressive fanatics is not a good trade, but this information is less available in Thailand.

Sher Singh says:

China has been backing insurgencies in Nepal & India’s NE for awhile.
Also Burma,

Chinese arms are cheap, plentiful & adequate quality.

Big Brutha says:

The last time the Chinese deployed troops abroad in any kind of numbers besides symbolic deployments was in 1979 in Vietnam. The results were a mixed bag at best. The Chinese did not succeed in their putative aim of pushing the Vietnamese out of Cambodia and ending Vietnamese efforts against the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge.

But those aims may not have been the Middle Kingdom’s real goal. It may have been to keep the PLA occupied while Deng Xiaoping consolidated power at home.

Alternatively, apropos of this blogpost, the real reason may have been to expose the limits of Soviet ability to influence events in Southeast Asia. If that were the case it was probably successful and may have induced the Soviets to commit to Afghanistan in 1980 to show that the USSR was not a paper tiger. We all know how that turned out.

It appears that the Kagan strategy for Russia was to mire it in a war with Ukraine that would expose Russia’s inability to project power far beyond its boarders. It has done that. But Russia has also exposed the limits of U.S./NATO as Jim points out in the process.

If the U.S. cannot reliably deliver on a conflict in Ukraine that it has thrown tremendous sums of money at and is shown to have run out of sufficient capacity to even keep proxies fighting in the field, then Russia, for all its losses on the battlefield, will have dealt a serious blow to the credibility of U.S. hard power.

Which opens the doors to all kinds of “low intensity conflicts” which the U.S. would have tamped down on in the past.

Of course, the U.S. might well repeat the Soviet mistake, and try to show that it isn’t a paper tiger by getting into some other conflict. Which would be suicidal considering that we more or less lost in Afghanistan after a 20 year effort and Iraq is not a beacon of Jeffersonian democracy with Mesopotamian characteristics either.

In my view, Ukraine WAS the doubling down after our botched withdrawal from Afghanistan to show that the U.S. still had power projection capability. It has not only not demonstrated that but is definitively demonstrating the opposite.

European vassals will increasingly begin to break ranks. France is already trying to with the Chinese. What happens after this coming winter when Germany realizes it has gutted its economy, its people cannot keep warm, and is insecure because it has U.S. bases on its soil that are not able to meaningfully push back against the Russians while still forming a reason for the Russians to think seriously about them as a threat and target. Will Germany begin to find its own way toward a renewed Ostpolitik? Will it go so far as to tell U.S. troops to go home?

If Germany were to do that due to the perception of U.S. weakness and the vulnerability hosting toothless U.S. troops actually exposes them to we’d have definitely shifted to a new paradigm.

What do South Korea or Japan do in that kind of world? Do they get out the hex keys and finish off their own nukes/delivery vehicles knowing that the U.S. cannot stop NK coming across the DMZ?

Do the Israelis decide to solve their issues with the Palestinians once and for all?

How about others?

Lots of questions with very interesting possible answers.

Mister Grumpus says:

Why should China send its army into Taiwan? What a strawman. (Not that that was your prediction. I’m just piling on.)

They can already fuck up infinity stuff in the USA as a racial minority, while in Taiwan they fit in, speak the language, and have surely been living there for years.

Trains, electricity, sea ports, sewers, diseases, forests, chemical factories, I mean Jesus. Just one “accident” after another until no one can stand it anymore, just make it stop!

The Taiwanese will be begging for liberation from GAE and DC will have to jump in and try to put down the protests. “WTF are James and Jamal doing here, and with walkie talkies no less?

Mister Grumpus says:

Islamic terror immediately halting in the US (and Europe?) upon Trump’s election was a huge pill for me. Huge.

Mayflower Sperg says:

What happened to that whole Islamic Terror thing? There’s a mosque in my neighborhood and I see Muslims around, but no terror. One of the first people I met in Russia was an Uzbek taxi driver with one son and one daughter, both in college. Not likely his grandchildren will ever be terrorists.

Vatican II, an unforced admission that Catholicism is not the eternal, unchanging word of God, caused a spectacular collapse of Catholic piety and fertility. Did something similar happen to Islam when I wasn’t looking?

Or did the waning of American influence in the Middle East give regimes there more latitude to crack down on terrorist preachers?

Big Brutha says:

Islamic terror collapsed because it was making the rest of the ummah odious in the eyes of their neighbors and more importantly it was making them odious in their own eyes.

Additionally, it was not providing real world benefits: it did not increase GDP, it did not increase respect globally, it wasn’t working to increase converts who were going to be positive contributions to the community as much as unhinged fanatics. It became the kind of thing that Muslims in general felt the need to distance themselves from or engage in lengthy and largely unconvincing apologetics to explain away.

It stopped being the brand of a kind of muscular response to GAE and became the calling card of unstable men unable to adapt to modernity. (At least that is how the narrative began to paint them: not as dangerous fighters but as sad sacks who couldn’t cope.)

Where it succeeded was in Afghanistan, but that was because it could plausibly position itself as continuing to fight GAE on Muslim territory, was generally measured and aimed at actual enemy combatants or supporters of GAE rather than shooting up women and children to create terror qua terror. (Not that it didn’t kill them too if they viewed them as in the way, but the goal wasn’t to make war on civilians to scare them) The Taliban were also a return to a system/status quo that everyone understood and they provided a concept of impartial stability. You didn’t have to like the Taliban but you could trust them to provide certain things which they delivered on. The Taliban were able to capitalize on weakness of GAE and more importantly the general dissatisfaction with the societal changes brought about by GAE.

ISIS, by contrast, made itself into a bloodthirsty beast that terrorized as many or more Muslims than it terrorized or killed GAE soldiers. The less extreme Muslims in the neighborhood were horrified by it and did not want to be tarred with the same reputational brush. ISIS made war on women and children and brutalized people’s neighbors. They were also not able to rule effectively once an area was under their control. They could not provide stability, security, or prosperity.

That was in contrast to Al-Qaeda and 9/11 which was seen by many in the Islamic world, if not entirely positively at least as having been a muscular response that GAE’s own actions had precipitated and which was largely deserved, even if individuals who died were not necessarily personally guilty of or culpable for GAE’s sins.

Finally, the media grew bored of it and the donors supporting it got tired of it too. In other words, there were diminishing returns for Islamic terror and an over supply of providers for a decreasing supply of possible clients. It was a bubble and popped.

Having seen the U.S. withdraw from the region has not spurred the Islamic world to push forward generally but to retire and lick their wounds and try to make sense of what happened and what next steps are.

The failure of the Muslim Brotherhood to manage Egypt once it was in their control also weakened the credibility of explicitly Islamic regimes and any reason for bleeding and killing to sweep them into power.

jim says:

The Taliban has been managing successfully, while the Muslim Brotherhood was a disastrous failure. I conjecture that this was partly because the taliban had a live tradition to return to, and partly because they had from the beginning assimilated western critiques of western modernity. They knew what needed fixing, while the Muslim Brotherhood had no coherent idea.

Isis had no live tradition, and no well informed critique of modernity. They were just lifting stuff directly out of the Koran. And the Koran is fairly weak on all the social technology you need to make a society go. It is a blue print for desert raiders to conduct raids. The Taliban had their own traditional working and functional social technology, plus western social technology, and the western critique of western social technology.

Yul Bornhold says:

What happened in Egypt? State Department had Mubarak deposed. Predictably, the Muslim Brotherhood took over in free elections. The State Department was not smart enough to predict this and didn’t like when it happened, so it allowed the Egyptian Military to resume control? That’s the best I can make of it but this explanation raises more questions.

Did State actually change its mind that military rule was superior to Islamic autism (duh)? Or did they simply forget about Egypt as their attention trailed off somewhere else? Can’t think of anything big that happened in 2013 to merit the dread eye of State.

It’s an important question if you’re a nation trying to work out how to avoid State’s notice.

jim says:

You will notice that today, Saudi Arabia is entirely unworried by State’s notice.

Yul Bornhold says:

I notice that Saudi Arabia has repealed the requirement for hijab and various other traditional restrictions on women. The Saudis are building an eco-friendly, sustainable, techno mega city. They seem to have internalized aspects of “modernity” (i.e. the GAE, though they’re not smart enough to tell the difference.)

The Cominator says:

I’m all for a patriarchal system but the Wahabbi patriarchal system was not so much patriarchal as totally gay. I want women to be lower status but there are times I do like actually seeing them around.

jim says:
Mayflower Sperg says:

The Taliban had their own traditional working and functional social technology

In a stable environment, generalists evolve into specialists to more efficiently exploit available resources. When that environment suddenly changes, specialists don’t evolve back into generalists; they go extinct and get replaced by those who never specialized.

The people who survive a return to the 18th century will be those who never left it, like the Amish, Old Believers, and Afghan tribesmen. You can’t re-create a lost society by reading books about it.

jim says:

You can revive the past from books. It is essentially the same as Japan and China modernizing. They figured out what was working for other people, and copied them.

My parents had and I have eighteenth century families. It is mighty hard in the current environment, and hostile forces are all around me, but it is doable. Hong Kong is a live model of nineteenth century capitalism, little changed from eighteenth century capitalism, and everyone across Asia has been importing from it. The Taliban are not reverting all the way back. They are cheerfully but carefully accepting western forms of organization, modified as necessary to accommodate their traditional ways and western critiques of the west.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Not from books alone; you need a living tradition to explain what the words in those books mean.

In my travels of twenty years ago I found that Poland and Hungary had fully recovered from communism, while Russia and Ukraine had not, most likely because nations that became communist in 1945 still had living memories of capitalism to rebuild from.

jim says:

But now, capitalism is functioning in Russia a whole lot better than capitalism in America. They learned. It took them longer without a live tradition. It is harder and takes longer. You make mistakes, and have to figure out what is happening. You are arguing it is impossible. Obviously, it is not.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Oh, definitely. Twenty years ago in a Siberian winter, my options for fruit were dried apricots and scabby yellow-green apples, and a common family meal was rice boiled in milk and eaten with jelly.

Today there are grocery stores everywhere stocked with fresh apples, pears, bananas, and oranges, and the bigger stores have a wide selection of ready-made foods — rotisserie chicken, pizza, sandwiches, salads, etc.

Anonymous Fake says:

Going by the fertility rates of Islamic countries, it looks like there’s organic poz spreading. The jihadist types are waging demographic war elsewhere due to open borders and the utility of terrorism is diminished when you already have a metastasized population base wherever you need it. Then you can play Nelson Mandela and just wait for demographic reality to set in, pretending not to be a terrorist psycho because you no longer have to do things that way.

jim says:

> Going by the fertility rates of Islamic countries, it looks like there’s organic poz spreading.

There is absolutely nothing organic about it in most of them, for example Indonesia, where external pressure, subversion, and intimidation is obvious. In some of them, notably Iran, yes, organic. But the war in Syria began with the Alawites failure to make the education system majority childless female. Nothing organic about that.

The Taliban spent twenty years fighting a war against an American Empire trying to force poz down Afghan throats. That was not organic. Whole lot of Islamic countries did not want to fight a war against genocidal lunatics in command of the most powerful military in the world. Nothing organic there either.

> Then you can play Nelson Mandela and just wait for demographic reality to set in

Nelson Mandela was not democrappic reality but the poster boy face on Global American Empire power.

dharmicreality says:

The only thing “organic” about poz spreading is when GAE has effective agents within those countries who are able to subvert without obvious foreign interference.

Judiciary and the media are good examples from which poz is imposed from within, “organically” of course.

India is a prime example of subversion from within. A lot of our elite are, as you point out, educated in the temples of Globohomo (Oxbridge and later Harvard) and returned home to spread the light, organically.

Mayflower Sperg says:

And who’s now telling the Afghans to send their daughters to school? I kid you not, Iran.


“The Iranian foreign minister … also strongly criticized the continued ban on female education in the country – which Iran has repeatedly listed as a condition for its recognition of the interim government.”

Does this make Iran a lackey of Globohomo, or just a country with too many Afghans shitting the place up, hoping to sterilize these pests?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for ignoring the elephant in the room, that the surrender of South Africa was due to glohomo supremacy over South Africa*]

Pax Imperialis says:

Does this make Iran a lackey of Globohomo, or just a country with too many Afghans shitting the place up, hoping to sterilize these pests?

There are no friendships in the middle east. All is at war with all.

Skippy says:

Did South Africa surrender purely due to GH threats, or also due to internal lack of will? (not that they’re fully incompatible, e.g. Verwoerd assassination)

jim says:

Lack of will. But why the lack of will?

because they accepted the Cathedral theology that they were the bad guys.

jim says:

Libya soaked up, from memory, thirty thousand tonnes of bombs. If you cannot do a big intervention, a small country may well decide to force a bigger intervention than you can do.

They intervened in Rwanda, but only in a small way, and were startled to encounter competent well organized black troops. They chose not to intervene in a big way, perhaps were embarrassed to do a big serious intervention, because if they took casualties, people would start getting unduly curious about what they were intervening in and why. Or perhaps they just did not think that anything bigger would be needed, and got caught with their pants down. And their small intervention found themselves in danger of being surrounded and cut off, which would have resulted in extreme embarrassment, so fled.

>Libya soaked up, from memory, thirty thousand tonnes of bombs.

Also, flattening Raqqa: https://www.businessinsider.com/marines-in-syria-fired-more-artillery-than-any-battalion-since-vietnam-2018-2

Raqqa was an interesting story BTW. The US, UK and French did not fight the ISIS, fight in the sense of exposing themselves to danger. They shelled them, bombed them from the air and then sent the Kurds in to finish them off.

This is how it did not get much public attention. No boys coming home in a body bag, no one cares. I gotta admit it sounds actually kind of smart.

TheDividualist says:

LOL I was kind of proven right. No one cares about the most shells expended since Vietnam here either because Western soldiers did not die.

We should care, in a mathematical way. Vietnam has 150-200 times the population of Raqqa, meaning the roughly same difference in the ability to house enemy soldiers.

Hence: killing enemy soldiers is at least 50-100 times more expensive in shells than back then.

This should matter.

TheDividualist says:

Jim, what do you think?

jim says:

You need boots on the ground, as well as planes and artillery. The empire’s modus operandi is to use their planes and artillery but proxy boots. Which if they are doing a genocide keeps their hands clean, and means that Americans pay no attention to what the war is in fact about. It also means they don’t face the risk of creating a Napoleon, a Stalin, a Cromwell, or a Deng.

Use of American boots sometimes, which does not attract attention to what the war is about in a short victorious war like desert storm. But proxy boots are preferred, and excessive American casualties avoided. But if using American boots, and taking casualties, cannot really crush the enemy, since this would expose the narrative. Cannot do a genocide if using American boots, cannot terrorize the civilian population. If they had been using proxies in Afghanistan, would have won by simply killing all Afghans who were insufficiently brown. But they could not find any proxies who were up for that.

YouTube is awash with videos confidently announcing that the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive is absolutely crushing the evil forces of Putler. They are trying to gaslight some fresh proxies. Youtube censorship on older issues has been reduced, but YouTube censorship of any real news whatsoever about the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive appears to be absolute, complete, and total. They are trying to gaslight their way to victory.

They have had defeats using proxies before – their proxies in Rwanda were useless in modern war, exposing their artillery to the risk of being overrun.

They can start feeding poles, latvians, and lithuanians into the meat grinder, but that will not get them far, and the gay trannie army of America is unlikely to be very useful. I don’t know what they are going to do, and they do not know either. They could accept defeat, they have done so many times before, but this defeat is considerably bigger and more important.

jim says:

> The GAE is still able to produce shells and military hardware, although much lower quantities than Russia can and apparently also of lower quality.

Yes, but they are all going to the Ukraine. Which is why they want to freeze the conflict – resume something like the Minsk accords, complete with not actually following them.

You don’t get to freeze the conflict to fit your weapons production schedule.

ivanislav says:

While I like to think Russia has finally realized what they’re dealing with, I wouldn’t put it past the Russian leadership to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Imagine maintaining 300 billion in western banks to be seized or spending decades trying to build ties with Europeans who despise you. If I were leading Russia, I would literally execute people for such incompetence.

Mister Grumpus says:

The Russians may have saved themselves from getting nuked, or Nationally Epsteined some other crazy way, by leaving that money behind.

“Surely they won’t invade this time. We still have $300B of their money!”

Sometimes the element of surprise is expensive.

someDude says:

It’s not like Russia attacked out of the blue. Globohomo did everything that it could to provoke Russia into the attack. So how was the attack a surprise to anyone of consequence?

Besides, it’s not like Russia achieved anything of the magnitude achieved by the Japanese in WW2 with that “surprise”

What do you think would have happened if Russia decided to sell off all dollars to buy Gold, get delivery and then attack the Ukraine? Get nuked? What’s your reasoning behind that?

someDude says:

In fact, the understanding is that Russia was forced to act by Ukrainian shelling of the Russian speaking areas. If Putin failed to act even after that, that would have been the end of him. I’d hardly call the invasion a surprise

Mister Grumpus says:

As you show, my logic is less than air tight, but I’m quite confident that taking back all of their money would have been one hell of a tip-off.

someDude says:

No, wait, you made some interesting points. I agree with you that it would have been one hell of a tip off. Your other arguments now convince me that Putin was hoping right till the last minute that war would be averted. Nothing else explains why he did not pull out the US $300B.

He was hoping to avoid war right until the Ukrainians forced his hand by shelling the Russian speaking areas. By the time he most reluctantly realized that war is inevitable, he had one option out of two

1. Convert the money to Gold and THEN invade
2. Invade now

Converting the USD to gold when Russian speaking territories are being shelled by the Ukrainians makes him look like a merchant and not a warrior. Terrible optics for a leader.

Damn! His error was in trying to avoid war right until the point that to continue would mean national suicide. So the invasion no longer looks like a clever move. It looks like he did it when it was the only feasible option left, the other being suicide

Rune Denmark says:

I think they did not pull out the $300 billion (they subsequently managed to get a lot, if not most, back) because they did not believe the USA would take the financial nuclear step of freezing their assets (& shutter SWIFT access). I remember at the time, I did not believe they’d do it. Because it was such an obvious suicidal thing to do. They destroyed the USD as world currency by this act. Which apparently was taken entirely by the Biden inner circle of Neocons, without consulting relevant financial authorities. It may take another 10-15 years to fully take effect, but the USD is a dead man walking.

The Cominator says:

I don’t think it will take nearly that long.

someDude says:

They subsequently managed to get a lot of the US$300B back how?

someDude says:

While the west might well have seized $300B of Russian money, Russia also seized Western corporate infrastructure within Russia, no? Western corporate infrastructure that was either sold to Chinese or Russian commercial entities. Didn’t the amounts roughly match up? Is that not the case?

ivanislav says:

My understanding is that the amounts seized by Russia are much much lower and only in very specific special cases. This is mainly because they still want to attract foreign investment and skills, which is hard to do if you obliterate prior investors. A lot of companies chose to leave Russia and so Russia appointed new management, but I personally see that as a very different thing than asset seizure.

someDude says:

Right, it is not asset seizure strictly speaking. But the foreign companies that left Russia left an equivalent amount of assets behind. It’s not like the Russian govt permitted them to sell those assets, right? They had to abandon all that. So, all those factories, all that equipment belongs to Russia now.

You say that the Dollar value of all those abandoned assets is much less than the US$300B Seized by the west?

ivanislav says:

Actually yes, companies were able to sell assets. I read that there is a new law (in the last month or so) that Russia will confiscate/tax 50% of the sale value, but that was not in force over the last year and a half when companies were leaving. Also, I think in most situations where the company simply abandoned operations, they have the option to return and take back operations at minimal cost, only having to pay the amount of any additional investments that are made while they are gone. If they sold to local buyers, that is a different story.

It seems to me that Russia doesn’t want the companies to go, especially in technical areas. That may have changed now after realizing things are going OK without western countries.

someDude says:

If the company simply abandoned operations without destroying assets, which is what seems to be the case with the majority of them, then those assets belong to Russia. Possession is 90% of the law. Russia has the luxury to decide what to do with said assets, whether to seize, sell or return.

Final question, does the value of those abandoned assets approach US$300 Billion?

Infact, seen from another perspective, Russia’s Ambivalence about what it would do with abandoned assets sounds like a masterstroke. By giving the companies hope that they could come back and reclaim the assets later, they prevented the company from gutting their assets before leaving.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

It is a different thing from asset seizure, but in certain respects has been a lot more beneficial for Russia than merely seizing loot has been for the GAE.

someDude says:

Would you say that the assets left behind come close to a cumulative of US$ 300B ?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I think replacing foreign management of evacuated corporate shells with russian management of corporate forms is priceless.

Pax Imperialis says:

In Russia, McDonald’s alone had 1.4 billion USD in assets. Officially, they put all their assets up for sale, but I have no idea if they managed to get any of that out. I’ve read that some Russians simply took over the stores and land without official ownership transfer.

I’m willing to bet that if a simple fast food restaurant can lose a billion in assets, the cumulative likely exceeds 300 million USD.

jim says:

Franchisors own their own stores. And suddenly they did not have a franchise. So they created their own franchise, which is now doing very well, and has lower prices for what is the same menu renamed, and expanding beyond Russia and sanctioned countries at McDonald’s expense.

Karl says:

Are those 300 billion$ assets of Russia or assets of Russian citizens?

If the latter, there isn’t much the Russian government could have done to prevent it.

ivanislav says:

300B is assets of Russia. An additional 20B from Russian private citizens. This is according to mainstream media from both Western and Russian sources, which report the same approximate numbers.

Mister Grumpus says:

Tanks and shells are expensive and unattainable, but unrestricted warfare is still cheap.

Coronaviruses, sick pigs, forest fires, XRP cold wallets under the bridge at midnight, derailed trains, collapsed bridges, E. coli in the Diet Pepsi, sketchy school shootings, I mean how does it ever end?

To me, Ukraine-Russia is the GAE deciding “OK fuck it. Enough of this uniformed stuff. From now on it’s just sneaking around and fucking up shit on the down low, forever.”

I can’t think of any way for a country to defend itself against this that isn’t a paranoid ethno state with tight border control.

Counter examples? Please proceed.

Sher Singh says:

[*provocations aimed at getting Sikhs and Hindus fighting, and Hindus fighting each other, deleted*]

Big Brutha says:

Why would anyone suppose that paranoid ethno state with tight border control would not become the norm? It would reduce the standard of living across the board for a lot of places but it beats having an endless parade of the kinds of things you are describing. A paranoid ethno police state that still valued competency would be leaps and bounds better than an “open society” that continued to allow low level warfare this way if only because of the damage the resultant loss of legitimacy for the people in charge would cause.

Ask yourself how much trust you retained in the U.S. government when they imposed controls on the population (TSA) following 9/11 and then did not actually apply those control to people coming from abroad or ethnic groups more likely to be the perpetrators of the kind of terrorism everyone was worried about?

Why grope little white grandmas from Kansas and engage in the charade of pretending they were just as likely to blow themselves up and 30 year old incels name Ahmed?

We all know how that felt and still feels. In contrast, if the U.S. had closed itself up to lots of international visits and had been overt about giving Muslims extra-scrutiny people would have been far less likely to conclude the government was incompetent or maybe just up to something else.

jim says:

> can’t think of any way for a country to defend itself against this that isn’t a paranoid ethno state with tight border control.

Paranoid ethno state with tight border control is what I want to see everywhere. India should be Hindu, Israel should be Jewish, and America should be Christian and American. How many times have I said that non Jews should not be allowed in state and quasi state office in Israel, and Jews should not be allowed in state or quasi state office in America?

Mister Grumpus says:

Maybe sneaking around and fucking shit up is too high-trust an activity for GAE to pull off anymore. No shared faith to do it under, no moral accountability for duties shirked when the chips were down.

Satan loses because all his people are bullshitting him and each other, and somehow fail to show up with The Chopper to get Alpha Team TF out of there. Again.

Proofs of faith. Coordination problems. The game theories of organized dirty tricks. This must be where it’s at.

Mister Grumpus says:


… no moral accountability for duties shirked when the chips were down AND NO ONE WAS WATCHING.

Because when you’re out dirty-tricking and fucking shit up, no one is watching, and it’s safer to just stay home on the big day, pocket my stipend, and make up a good story.

Whereas if I’m trapped inside Bakhmut with only my AFU clothes, with 12 other guys, I can’t do that. Who dares speak first?

This has to be it.

Mayflower Sperg says:

You forgot to mention the “unrestricted warfare” of seizing ships and aircraft belonging to enemy countries. Two hours before Canada closed its airspace to Russian aviation, an Antonov 124 landed in Toronto with a cargo of Covid test kits from China, which were now useless because Covid ceased to exist when Putin invaded Ukraine. With the plane still parked there a year and a half later, Trudeau announced that it will be donated to Ukraine.

Of course no one would buy such a vessel because the moment it enters a country that’s not a US vassal state, it will be seized again and returned to its rightful owners.

A2 says:

Strategic principles: 1) tit for tat, 2) no safe spaces.

Sher Singh says:

[*provocations aimed at getting Sikhs and Hindus fighting, and Hindus fighting each other, deleted*]

I’ll say the same thing about the people currently holding power in the US as they said during the gulf wars: we should put THEM and their children on the front lines of the war. That’ll change their minds fast.

Javier says:

Smedley butler said the same thing 100 years ago. what’s the point? it’s not going to happen. need helicopter rides soon.

Mayflower Sperg says:

An easy way to achieve this is by escalating to decapitation strikes against enemy heads of state, which leads not to world peace but to something even better: a world ruled by warriors, because priests are natural cowards.

someDude says:

Natural cowards? Look, we’re all priests here. Jim has said several times that he is himself a priest as has Alf.

A priest may well be cowardly in comparison to a warrior, but then who isn’t?

Red says:

The only group I can think of that rule though Assassination was the Persian Order of Assassins:


Warriors had to sleep with their armor on due to the danger from them. Not really sure that would create a cohesive civilization. It would be more rule of the spies than rule of the warrior.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What you should do is collate lists of enemy officers, journalists, academics, ‘civil servants’, and other members of the Nomenklatura; make personal profiles for all them, firstly with low hanging fruit such as demographic backgrounds, social media history, browsing habits from personal data auctions, and other records and expressions of behavior; and discriminate between subjects that are agreement capable, more perennially aligned in general, more politically compatible with your clade in particular, and those that are more gnostically inclined, agreement incapable, antipathic to your clade in particular. Make the latter priority targets for strikes, and the former low priority when convenient, and you will profoundly transform the battlespace, not just for the course of the conflict, but for the course of events for generations to come.

A man with the power to kill randomly is an animal. A man with the power to kill selectively is a king.

Random death, is no more meaningful than a hurricane or an earthquake; men may fear it, but they are also substantially unchanged by it. It has no real power over them.

Selective death, sends a message. Who are the men that live? Who are the men that die? The world changes in accordance.

Ron says:

The exact same moment in time that he or anyone else on this blog does that they become a claiment for the throne, not a priest. The same mistake Cathedral is currently making.

The actual power of a priest is that they do not overstep their lines. The Israelite Cohanim could not own land or wear the crown. Their duty was to the temple first and last. It was this that allowed them to have cultural and spiritual influence.

The Maccabean kingdom was a failure precisely because the High priest overstepped his rights and took the throne. In the end that entire family to the last baby was exterminated and replaced by their Edumean servants.

Priest by their nature do not belong on the throne. They do not have the correct temperment for it any more than royalty belongs in the clergy.

When royalty takes the clergymans robes than all policies coincidentally become the Divine Will of God Almighty. Once that happens you are utterly fucked.

Where the king is a lustful bastard who chases after other mens daughter’s and occasionally wives, you can eventually rein the maniac in, given that he is one man and has to convince his men to fight for him. Said men will be less than interested if their wives regularly give birth to children resembling the king.

But when it becomes a Holy Will of God, there is no reining him in short of demonstrating to him via the chopping block that while maybe God did want the king to take everyones property and bang all their women, now God wants the kings head to be parted from his majestic shoulders.

Basically, a disaster.

The same is true of other priesthoods in general. The king can listen to the priest because he knows the priest cannot take his crown. The common man can listen to the priest because he knows the priest cannot own his land.

Once the priest can start ordering deaths, he becomes the equivalent of the Hashemite order, that is, a king with a military order that is pretending to be a priestly order. This does not end well. The Hashemites were exterminated by the Mongols. They could do well as a subversive kingdom within another kingdom, but against an enemy that didnt give a shit, they were simply dragged out of their holes and gutted

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Hard to tell if this is a response to the previous post or you meant to put it somewhere else.

The whig theocracy is not terrible because Separation Of Powers is so amazing and they are not sufficient Separation Of Powers Respecters like The Founding Masonites Intended.

It converges towards plenary powers because that is inevitable. It assumes plenary powers even as it denies assuming plenary powers.

Happens every time. No exceptions in history. Differences are those that are open about it, those that are in denial about it, and those that are actively dissimulating about it.

These people do not do what they do because they respect power, they do what they do because they fear power. Fear other people having power. They fear the imperator having power. They fear the pontifex having power. They fear the kulak with two cows having power.

You fear it too.

No throne goes unoccupied. If a power-source is laying on the table, it will be picked up by something. If not by you or yours, daemons will in your stead.

All manner of starting conditions. All manner of pathways with respect to the starting conditions. Pathways to the same end. The waters of contingency flowing down the valleys and rivers of equilibrium, in accordance with the contours of Being. The sources will be united.

Power always finds an outlet to express itself. You can respect Nature or Nature’s God, and fashion your edifice in accordance with the contours of its flow. Or you can fear it. Feign to imagine you can divine it up into innumerable harmless tributaries. Feign to imagine you can dam its flow altogether, to merely bid Power to cease existing.

A potemkin dam. Its place is nowhere, and its stopping is nothing.

It can only be thus. To fashion out of accordance with the patterns of Divine Law is to fashion mirages. Paper-mache edifices, soap bubbles on the skein of reality. There is no substance in it, Power is occurring elsewhere.

When the obvious flow is stoppered, then it leaks out into unseen places. And unseen entities become swollen with growth. And in time the stopperers find themselves swallowed in an unseen stomach.

Everything you do is the Divine Will of God Almighty – isn’t it? If you cannot trust yourself, then you certainly cannot trust anyone else… is the road to perdition that you you rail against have themselves walked down.

Ron says:

I agree with you that power cant just be laying on the table. This is why on occasion there is a need for a Jihad. That is, a war waged by the priesthood. But such war must always take place with consent of the king, and failing a Paladin king, or even worse, rule by an infidel king, it is the job of the priesthood to replace or place a king on the throne whose thoughts are inline with the priesthood

This was the one failing of the Maccabite priesthood. Once they took the throne they were obliged to sit a non priest on that throe

What I am talking about is a clear division of roles.

The problem with what you are advocating is that assassination is another form of execution and execution is the province of and only of the king. To do what you are suggesting would have the priesthood play both priest and monarch and that has already been forbidden by God. Both in His revealed word and in His manifest will as in “what never fucking works”.

Sorry for the late reply.

Ron says:

Also, I absolutely do NOT trust myself. Its why a I trust others even less.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Insecurity is always a dark mirror of hubris. “If i can’t be good, then noone can be good”. Such is the fatal conceit of solipsism.

Obadiah says:

From a YouTube comment:

4 hours ago
This offensive gives me Aleppo summer/fall of 2016 vibes. The rebels launched massive offensives in Aleppo and at the same time launched a diversionary offensive in Hama. At first they made some gains but were heavily bombarded by the air and artillery. I do remember they made gains during times of bad weather since that nullified Russian/Syrian aerial support. But in the end they eventually had heavy losses and their combat capability was depleted. The offensive broke their back and they never again were able to launch offensives against the SAA/NDF forces. Same will likely happen here. As long Russia as the superiority in firepower in air,artillery,mines and drone Ukraine will suffer significant heavy losses. They’ll make some gains but if they are taking heavy losses before even reaching the first line of defense it’s not a good sign for them.”

^I think Ukraine does probably turtle up and park the bus after the offensive fails and they’re out of toys.

From there it seems likely that we get a “Korean peninsula” type situation though possibly with a landlocked Uke rump state which would be an overall Russian victory.

Mayflower Sperg says:

It would serve Russia well to let Ukraine gain ground, slowly and at great cost, so the Ukes think they’re winning and send in all their reserves. If, that is, Russian soldiers can calmly execute a planned retreat without panicking.

Obadiah says:

Best we might get is the small-scale, faster, more manageable version of that, which is what we’ve seen play out so far:

1. Ukrainian armored force attempts to storm Russian forward grey-zone positions.
2. Russia falls back to a slightly deeper position, taking note of the Uke force’s size and capabilities.
3. Emboldened Ukes attempt to advance further.
4. Russia counterattacks with horrific aerial and arty assault which Ukes cannot effectively defend against, having MANPADS as their only recourse
5. Shell-shocked Ukranians retreat to their original position with 5-10 pieces of equipment and several soldiers fewer than before

^This has been working wonders for Russia so far; getting Ukraine to actually pour in mass reserves might be too unmanageable and risky. Big ask

jim says:

So far, all news from Russian sources that I know of orderly retreats, planned and prepared long before these events with soldiers claiming they regretted the orders to retreat, rather than urgently awaiting them. Of course fog of war prevails, and if soldiers had to retreat in a hurry, would be to busy to text.

Some of these retreats have led to significant losses of important points. Some of them look bad. All of them, those of them where I have any idea what is happening, and fog of war prevails, have led the Ukrainians into killing fields.

The Ukrainians do reconnaisance in force. If things look good, they attack in force. So far, things that looked good have not been so good at all. They have gained some valuable strong places, quite a few strong places, on the periphery, but they have been destroyed every time they tried to go deep. The geolocation of those tank gardens is about midway between the front line and first fortified line, so it looks like they opened up on the Ukrainians when they were about half way. Lured them into a killing field.

The Russian strategy of orderly retreat to avoid costs to themselves, and of inflicting huge costs on the enemy is so far working as planned. You cannot win in the Ukraine by orderly retreat. But you can impose on Nato and the Global American Empire “Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation”

If at the end, they have lost some turf, but still hold the land bridge to the Crimea, then the Global American Empire is going to be thinking about cutting its losses. No one cares about Ukraine and the Ukrainians, and the people planning this offensive hate them and want them dead, but a stalemate in Ukraine is a world shattering defeat for Global American Empire, because everything else everywhere else in the world goes $#!% for them, effectively imposing the broader Russian objectives everywhere except in Ukraine. It is like the battle of the Coral Sea. The battle was a draw, but the Japanese had to win, did not win, and failure to win meant that they had lost the war everywhere. At that point, the writing was on the wall, and they should have agreed to any peace terms they could get. The Global American Empire cannot afford a stalemate in Ukraine, though they will probably kick the can down the road, and the war will go on and on and on, with stupendous human costs.

This foolishness, failure to read the writing on the wall, led to Japan getting nuked, and may well lead to us getting nuked. If they cannot reach the sea of Azov, cannot threaten anything vital to Russia. If they cannot threaten anything vital to Russia, the best they can hope for is a stalemate in the Ukraine, a stalemate likely to lead, after immense and tragic human costs, to defeat in the Ukraine. And a stalemate in Ukraine is defeat in the wider conflict, as the draw in the Coral Sea was defeat for the Japanese. Not a defeat, defeat.

Obadiah says:

> All of them, those of them where I have any idea what is happening, and fog of war prevails, have led the Ukrainians into killing fields.

Yep exactly. From what I can see the only time the “killing field” outcome didn’t occur is where Ukraine recently managed to make some progress south along the Mokri Yaly river by using mainly infantry rather than armor and sticking to the densely-connected, cover-rich village areas. This is fine to take few villages in the forward grey zone, and to force Rus to fight unit-to-unit and take more losses for a bit, but don’t see them getting past the actual deeper fortified Russian lines this way. They might divert some Russian manpower away from other areas of the line temporarily, but since most other areas are wide-open killing fields it doesn’t seem super urgent.

I just don’t see them cracking the Russian defensive nut without vast improvement in their air and artillery capabilities. Hence as you say, Russian Security Ensurement Measures are starting to feel more likely

Karl says:

What do you mean with “stale mate in the Ukraine”? How could that look like? Do mean an armstice or another treaty like Minsk?

Russia’s proposal on “Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization” was made in 2001. At that time, no Russian government official had called the GAE “not agreement capable”. Meanwhile they have, and they have heard GAE officials publicly state that they never intended to honor the Minsk treaty.

I assume the Russian government was serious when they said “not agreement capable”. Then -at least the present government- does not believe that it can enter into an agreement with GAE to end this war.

Without an agreement of some sort, no stalemate, but rather ongoing war until one side has won.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The endemic solipsism of the GAE apparat is evident in endemic unspoken presumption by many of its voices that if they wish to postpone festivities them moment it seems like it could end badly for them, everyone else will wish so too. The very fact that they think such a convenient postponement would be possible.

It practically does not register in their minds that Russia could simply decide to… have their own mind about the subject, and NOT let then off the hook when the tide is against them.

A phenomena which you can observe at work in pretty much every affair such sorts may involve themselves in.

jim says:

> What do you mean with “stale mate in the Ukraine”

I mean that enormous numbers of people keep tragically dying, but not much turf changes hands for a long time, until the Ukraine starts to seriously run out of Ukrainians.

> Russia’s proposal on “Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization” was made in 2001

My typo, I meant to say 2021

A2 says:

Getting self-nuked, even. Towards the end, traitors will be everywhere.

Mister Grumpus says:

The way you tell it, the German surrender to end WW1 was the most brilliant and compassionate geopolitical decision in modern history.

Simultaneously and by the same logic, I’m terrified for the Ukrainians now, because (((everyone in charge over there))) isn’t even Ukrainian, and already has cash and houses stashed away in other countries. Carryon-bagging, sovereign scale. They’re taking that place down to the last fucking brick.

And just for the toadies reading this, I fully acknowledge that (((they))) have plenty of actual and enthusiastic Ukrainian and American help, and fuck does that burn to know.

jim says:

When it is all over, I think a fair summary will be that (((not ukrainians))) stole the country, stole everything, wrecked everything, got a whole lot actual Ukrainians killed, and retired to mansions in the South of France.

Which is, however, likely to stiffen people’s spines against future color revolutions.

Pax Imperialis says:

The Orthodox Jews in Ukraine, who had nothing to do with this mess, are going to get the blame for it. Shit situation for them.

Red says:

From there it seems likely that we get a “Korean peninsula” type situation though possibly with a landlocked Uke rump state which would be an overall Russian victory.

There’s a huge demoralization factor from being so utterly outgunned by your foes. Assuming the Ukrainian offensive ends poorly, we’ll see a lot more fragging of Ukrainian Nazis and NATO officers and whole units surrendering to Russia. By the end of this process it’s more likely Ukraine will cease to exist with some western portions of the country being grabbed by NATO, probably Poland.

Mister Grumpus says:

How can the Ukes surrender to the Russians now? Just strip to their underwear and keep walking? Maybe artillery-targeting drone cam’s can make that work, since they’re obviously not soldiers anymore at that point, and it’s summer so they won’t freeze. But across minefields?

But they all have registered families back home in Kiev or Lviv somewhere. What will happen to them? Or is that paranoia too far on my part?

I hope this is a worthwhile topic of discussion and argument, no really, gaming out the logistics and game theory of all this. I’m the bleeding heart faggot here so this is where my mind goes.

If anyone can arrive at a procedure for Ukrainian surrender that actually works, then surely the Russians will spread it around online and we can get this horror over with sooner than later.

Red says:

How can the Ukes surrender to the Russians now? Just strip to their underwear and keep walking? Maybe artillery-targeting drone cam’s can make that work, since they’re obviously not soldiers anymore at that point, and it’s summer so they won’t freeze. But across minefields?

I watched a video of a Ukie company surrendering to the Russians the other day. Their commander got in touch with the Russians, and at night they drove their BMPs to the front lines with white flags, everyone got out and the Russians took them prisoner.

I’ve seen other reports of lower ranking officers shooting their commanders after they ordered one too many frontal charges into prepaid defenses against artillery. The Demoralizing effect of massed artillery is having the necessary effect, but it takes a while for that effect to cause a complete route. The bigger the disadvantage in shells on target the larger the effect is.

Mister Grumpus says:

Whether that surrender video was real or fake, it’s brilliant. Once these poor Ukrainians see that there’s a way out — and more crucially, once they know that others are seeing it — then collapse could come quickly, maybe even too quickly to get the nukes out.

S says:

Ukrainians have been surrendering before- the issue is the blocking detachments kill them


That’s from June 14, 2022.

Kunning Druegger says:

Fog of War + AFU/Zelensky Regime’s only real skill (mis/disinfo) have made this war, from the outside, a completely different situation from what it actually is. Jim, Big Serge, RWA, and a few others have done an ok job of coverage, but it’s nearly impossible to get anything substantial because the info stream is incredibly fractured.

We start with Reality (a thing that is happening converting into a thing that happened). Let’s just use a tactical assault on a small village of consequence to the dynamic front but not strategic enough to be a dot on most maps. [R]

Reality has 3 concrete perspectives: the attacker, the defender, and the observer . The attackers know what they had before and what they walk away with [A]. The defenders know what was in place and what is no longer in place or available [D]. The observer(s) have what they can glean from A and D as well as any OSINT from satellites or social media or correspondence [SSC].

So R = A+D+SSC.

That’s as simple as it could be, but we must add the first layer of confusion. How solid is A or D? Hard to count things when you’re running for your life or executing prisoners or doing the score of other things that just happen in war. How reliable is SSC? Sometimes A and D will be impossible to combine for wholly honest reasons; observers are just wrong or they don’t actually see what they swear they saw.

Now we add the next layer: Intelligence entities are perfectly aware of A, D, and SSC, and so they will not only collect info, they will seed the “battleground,” the hearts and minds of people, the organs of institutions, with mis/disinfo.

Now we add another layer: Intelligence entities have their own closely held principles, dogma, and cultures. Just as the war fighting observers make accidental mistakes, so too can the IE agents make mistakes, or be hampered by CrimeStop, or be forced to count deer as horses to keep their jobs, or be incapable of seeing a defeat where victory was prophesied.

I’m not a math guy, but I bet someone here could take the (R=A+D+SSC) equation and build it out to actually show something meaningful. But then you have, I believe but don’t quote me on it, an algorithm, and it’s “out in the wild” running constantly, and it’s being fed variables that change other variables, and it becomes a complete mess.

So… we only “know” the broad strokes, and we are forever molested by the constint manipulations of mis/disinfo. Thousand of Ukes could have surrendered, there could be bloody fist fights occurring between competing surrender parties, Russians moving towards NATO lines and Hohols moving towards SMO lines, and we’d never hear a thing because it is no one’s interest on any side to talk about it.

At some point, you just have to choose your sources and operate in the dark.

jim says:

GAE maps of who holds what are pretty much in agreement with Russian maps of who holds what.

The only way the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive can make a difference is on the Southern front, is by reaching the Azov sea, thus giving Global American Empire the potential to take Crimea, cutting off Russia from the Global American Empire’s highly unreliable and unhelpful ally, Turkey, thus denying Russia access to Syria and the Mediterranean and giving the Global American Empire the potential to color revolution Turkey. Which was Kagan’s plan. He wants victory in the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive to lead to direct American intervention in Turkey. It is not so much he wants to cut Russia off from warm waters, as that he wants to cut Russia off from warm waters so that the neocons can do something about Turkey. Which at the moment would be extremely inadvisable.

And last I looked, the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive had progressed in the Azov Sea direction by two and half kilometers, has one hundred kilometers and three Russian defense lines still to go, and has lost about a quarter of its tanks and armored personnel carriers without ever reaching Russian fortifications.

Similar situation in the attempt to outflank or surround Bakhmut on the eastern front. Progress, but small progress at enormous cost towards distant objectives.

Russia is preparing a counter offensive in the north east, with modest and uncertain objectives, but it probably will not go far unless the Ukrainian army breaks on the rocks in their current offensive. Which they may well do. If Zelensky turtles up, stalemate likely with continuing ruinous and terrible costs. But the Global American Empire cannot afford continuing ruinous and terrible costs. They like to adjust the level of war to keep the cost manageable, and have failed to do so. So is likely to attempt a “frozen conflict” – put the war on a back burner, and in twenty years time declare “we had good intentions, but mistakes were made”. It seems unlikely that the conflict will freeze on command.


I just discovered your blog and must say your articles on Russia/Ukraine have been great. My name is Michael Farris and I have a podcast called “Coffee and a Mike.” I was wondering if you would consider coming on my show to discuss your post from today? Any time allowed would be greatly appreciate.

Email- info@coffeeandamike.com
Twitter- @Coffeeandamike

jim says:

Let us discuss that on the bitmessage link on the landing page of this blog.

Bitmessage Jim

On checking out your channel, one of your regular guests made a just complaint about lawfare by the CPC. And you promptly and correctly brought up lawfare by the GAE. And she and you are quite correct, CPC and GAE are both oppressive. But she called the CPC the CCP, which is a GAE meme. Now you could say that both CCP and GAE are insults, so fair play. But calling the GAE by its official name “The Rules Based International Community” is wildly untruthful, and calling it the GAE the disturbing truth, while calling the CPC the CCP is just childish and silly. It really is the CPC. If it was calling itself the People Popular Government of China, then you could justly call it something more truthful, but calling it the CCP, when it quite truthfully calls itself the CPC, is a deliberate inaccuracy which implies that everything else said is also likely to be inaccurate.

We should not frivolously disrespect sovereigns. When sovereigns demand the affirmations of lies, and rituals of respect to their demons, as they so often do, then we should refuse to affirm their lies and refrain from bowing to their demons. But we should not call them silly names. No need to go looking for wars. War will find us soon enough.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I didn’t know that. A Google search for “CCP” says up top, “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), officially the Communist Party of China (CPC), is the founding and sole ruling party of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)”, while a search for “CPC” gives nothing relevant until page two.

jim says:

CCP is a nod to “true” communism, as in “true communism has never been tried”.

“True” communism somewhat overlaps with Trotskyism, but mostly it is of CIA manufacture – an effort to subvert communism, as third positionism was a KGB effort, now a CIA effort, to subvert Nazism.

In true communism, comrade, everything will be free, because store security only exists because evil capitalists want to give you a hard time. And no evil capitalists will make you spend time doing boring stuff. All the goodies were stolen from the stunning and brave warrior women of subaran Africa, and we just have to steal them from the capitalists, and then we can just help ourselves to free beer from the ever flowing supermarket shelves. When China modernized, they were selling out to the capitalist to enslave the proletariat in dreadful sweatshops. Factories and all that are unnecessary. Chinese modernization was horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, and the masses are crying out for liberation from cruel capitalist oppression. We shall destroy all those horrible sweatshops that enslave the mighty proletariat, and the beer will flow like water🙃

jim says:

The problem with searching for CPC is not a sinister CIA plot, but that the internet is full of advertisers advertising advertising, so everything that comes up is “Cost per Click”

A more informative trick is to search for China CPC, and compare the results with China CCP

China CPC gives you pages of links to the mandate of heaven, a party that has made China great and prosperous, “China CCP” gives you pages of links to evil tyrants who are doing horrible things to poor China.

A search for China CPC gives no reason for war. China CCP gives you a whole lot of reasons for war.

Great and thank you for the message. Being I am new and not familiar with bit message how do I message you? I tried to download bitmessage to my MAC and it is not letting me.

jim says:

Likely the problem is you are using a Mac without adequate effort to mitigate Apple spyware. Which will make conversations with anyone outside the bubble difficult, for we are all under threat from an increasingly totalitarian state. It is illegal in the great state of Texas to ridicule cornrow hair, but de facto illegal in Texas to notice that the Global American Empire has used utterly horrifying measures against rebellious provinces.

Some links you might find handy:

(The process for installing bitmessage on the mac is profoundly user hostile. It is not your fault. It was not easy for me either.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The process for installing bitmessage on the mac is profoundly user hostile. It is not your fault. It was not easy for me either.

What reason could you possibly have for using a mac? You trying to get doxxed?

Apple must be losing billions by locking itself out of the non-GAE market. Who wants to pay $1000+ for a device that’ll be bricked if your government does something the Jews don’t like? If Google Play won’t give me an app, I can just download the APK file from somewhere else and side-load it.

jim says:

> What reason could you possibly have for using a mac?

I wanted an innocuous identity to be spied on. You have to give the spies misinfo, a curious absence of info sticks out.

The bitmessage identity at the bottom of my blog is not running on a mac. That would be stupid.

The Cominator says:

Apparently in Ukraine’s counteroffensive am I hearing correctly (I’ve just seen a couple pics on 4chan) that they actually tried to do their counteroffensive along the entire front and not one or two points… they are worse retards than French and British WW1 generals.

jim says:

Nah, that was just reconnaissance in force all along the front. I thought that was happening, and that it had led to irreversible disaster, but they still have not committed to the big punch.

The Cominator says:

“Nah, that was just reconnaissance in force all along the front. ”

Losses seem high if they haven’t committed yet.

jim says:

I reasoned the same way, but Putin says that their losses are very high and they have not committed yet. Likely he is better informed than I am.

Red says:

Losses when out gunned 4-5 to 1 with drone assisted artillery is going to be extremely high.

Roger Williams says:

Probing for weakness.

dharmicreality says:

Uganda will be a test case for whether the GAE is still capable of regime change via colour revolution, threat of bombings and sanctions.

If GAE cannot enforce regime change in Uganda, then the GAE is incapable of regime change anywhere. And I suspect such failures will greatly encourage domestic opponents of the GAE further.


GAE’s very existence, I propose, is based on its ability to project its power globally, threaten and make entire nations comply to its will and projecting cultural hegemony. Once that power is gone, GAE ceases to exist de facto, though the de jure aspect may take a while to establish.

Biden, the official “face” of the GAE today looks like the weak horse. His croaking is taken less and less seriously by those on the fringes of GAE though diplomatic niceties are still observed. But once the threat of American bombers is gone, once the dollar’s might is gone, the diplomatic niceties will start sounding less and less nice and countries become more and more critical of the “imposition of Western culture and values.”

That GAE soft power is intrinsically and inextricably tied to its hard power becomes increasingly obvious by the day.

someDude says:

No country with a pride parade has won a war


Are we doomed already?

But look at our honorable enemies to the NorthWest here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsL-AUPvwyo

So some hope there. They are every bit as stupid and suicidal as are

Now let’s look at our honorable enemies to the North East, https://thechinaproject.com/2022/06/16/remembering-shanghai-pride-chinas-largest-lgbtq-festival/

Yikes, it’s a race to the Bottom!!!!

I was hoping to invite the King of Nepal to invade and occupy us, establish a dharmic monarchy and put us out of our misery. But look what I found, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pride_parades_in_Nepal

Are we to know no peace?

dharmicreality says:

A real fear of repercussions by GAE prevents the legitimately democratically elected government of countries from preventing such parades. There is also the fear that the Globohomo-controlled Judiciary will interfere in governmental action. If the fear of repercussions/judicial interference is removed, those organizing and attending such parades will be somewhat fearful and shame-faced, and the incentive to hold such parades will vanish quickly.

There will still be true Globohomo believers among us, but they will disappear into the shadows from which they emerged. Those still too vocal will be the lamb that bleats in front of the butcher sharpening his knife.

jim says:

“For the first few years, the working language was primarily English.”

Which is to say, this “Chinese” gay parade was totally a Global American Empire operation against China, which the Chinese, being idiots about memetic warfare conducted by priests, tolerated.

Then they finally, and very belatedly figured out what was going on, and shut it down.

Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, did you mean December *2021* in the opening paragraph?

Please be wary of doing the podcast. Not that I begrudge you getting exposure, as I think you should be the Minister of Interior and Culture of the Appalachistan Caliphate and it’s tributary provinces of Old New England, the Potomac Wastes, and the New Savannah Protectorate. And I know you know to take precautions. I’m just being a fussbudget.

One thing to consider: let’s say the Counteroffensive peters out and Ukraine turtles up. Look at the bombing campaign that began in November 2022 and has not really ceased. the Rump state of Ruthenia would be worthless at providing anything. So the RF continues its targeted campaign, but it also declares the SMO over, the Zelensky Regime illegitimate, and starts treating Ruthenia as a criminal enterprise. Chechens in AFG got no special treatment whatsoever, in fact they were targeted by GAE forces specifically. The RF could do the same, which is the opposite of the status quo (rumor has it there’s been stars added to the Saints Of Langley wall memorial, rest in piss) as they’ve really avoided targeting GAE contractors, operators, and personnel. If it terms into a law enforcement action + beautification operation (Mariupol is being rebuilt rapidly), *and* IEW continues to develop with Russian characteristics, o don’t think we’ll see a Korean Peninsula situation develop, maybe something more like Syria or Libya or Yemen or Mali or Nigeria or CAR or Columbia or San Francisco.

The carrot is rotten but many horses still strive for a nibble. If the stick is broken, then it’s in the GAE’s best interest to massively escalate on the next actor that gets uppity. I know I’m torturing the metaphor, but the stick is a representation of pain, it’s not actually that dangerous. It just gives the draft beast the recollection of pain. The stick makes it easier on everyone, but the utility is that you can use the stick and never pull out the blade. So whether the stick is broken, or the herd just believes it’s broken, the blade is coming out. But that might be “rational actor” foolishness.

jim says:

> Jim, did you mean December *2021* in the opening paragraph?

Yes, corrected.

> Please be wary of doing the podcast.

Don’t worry. I am up to something. What I expect is not a podcast, but an unsuccessful dox attempt.

> Not that I begrudge you getting exposure

I already have the exposure I want.

> So whether the stick is broken, or the herd just believes it’s broken, the blade is coming out.

The blade has already come out several times. The ammo shortage prevents it from coming out again.

Kunning Drueger says:

I disagree. The last time warriors had any day in US policy was 1940s. Even then, the warriors were held down by internal elements, paper pushers like Bradley and Eisenhower, and the real generals like MacArthur and Patton were isolated from each other and set at odds. Ridgeway’s cohort, the real generals, were sidelined ASAP for the same reasons, but Ridgeway was brought out to finish what MacArthur started after he had tipped his hand (no victory without commensurate power/status for warriors).

I think GAE is going to get desperate, and St. John’s Paper Magnification Cycle will fall apart, and an actual warrior will be needed, so they will dig one up and set him loose.

Pax Imperialis says:

The last time warriors had any day in US policy was 1940s.

Contemporary evidence:
-General Shinseki was right about Iraq and was shafted by paper pushers because of it.
-Pentagon wanted to bomb shit and be out of Afghanistan within a year.
-Marines didn’t want female infantry. DOD funded research showed it to be bad. It’s happening anyways.

>real generals like MacArthur and Patton

MacArthur was a decent wartime general that completely failed on troop readiness during peace time on multiple occasions. He turned Philippians deployment into a Hawaii vacation like deployment and the result was getting smashed by the Japanese. I believe this to be an understandable failing. Pearl Harbor disaster was also due to peace time mentality, so MacArthur fit right in. Patton on the other hand was always looking for a fight and didn’t fall into peace time mindset. Patton would’ve been a great devil dog.

MacArthur also had this horrid tendency to underestimate potential enemies (an extension of ignoring things not immediately threatening). You’d think he would learn from that mistake in WW2, but he repeated it in Korea. Operation Chromite was genius but gains where later jeopardized by his views (or lack of) on the Chinese being being a threat. The result being a ceasefire with basically zero gain (better than Vietnam, but that just shows the decline of military outcomes started in Korea). Patton on the other hand would have been suspicious of the Chinese as soon as he started driving past the 38th parallel. Patton’s views on the Soviets as he invaded Germany indicates good threat awareness MacArthur didn’t seem to have.

dave says:

MacArthur wanted the Chinese to invade the Korean peninsula so he could use it as a pretext for Chiang Kai-Shek to launch a US supported invasion of southern China from Taiwan to drive out the communists.

Of course Truman had no stomach for it and his administration was riddled with outright communists. So MacArthur got fired.

Red says:

MacArthur also had this horrid tendency to underestimate potential enemies (an extension of ignoring things not immediately threatening). You’d think he would learn from that mistake in WW2, but he repeated it in Korea. Operation Chromite was genius but gains where later jeopardized by his views (or lack of) on the Chinese being being a threat. The result being a ceasefire with basically zero gain (better than Vietnam, but that just shows the decline of military outcomes started in Korea). Patton on the other hand would have been suspicious of the Chinese as soon as he started driving past the 38th parallel. Patton’s views on the Soviets as he invaded Germany indicates good threat awareness MacArthur didn’t seem to have.

Whig History. The US government always undercut Mac at every turn just as they did to Patton.

Mac knew that the Chinese were a threat but Truman refused to allow the bombings of the North Korean bridges they were streaming over. All Mac could really do was race to the bridges as fast as possible to try and slow the number of chinks flowing in.

The defense of the Philippians had a lot of fuckups consistent with generals who’d never seen combat, but the largest mistake was everyone’s belief that the B17 was capable of taking out ships(pro tip, it wasn’t). With all the B17’s Mac had taking out the invasion fleet would have been easy if they’d actually worked. With that failure and the new rapid pace of movement that WW2 brought American forces where largely out of position.

Kind of the unsung hero of the Japanese war in the Pacific was their excellent light tanks that were quite easy to land in quantity, work very well in tropical conditions, and had a light logistics footprint. Weapons like that caused a big problems for American time tables.

dave says:

Whig History corrected: https://youtu.be/k9DO26O6dIg?t=104

dave says:

The official history is complete BS, far from starting WWIII, MacArthur would have ended the war in 10 days, with very little loss of life on the american side. https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/douglas-macarthur-atomic-bombs-will-win-the-korean-war/

Bomb all the airfields, setup a cordon with China nationalist forces, sow a belt of radioactive cobalt, and wait for the enemy to starve in place. done.

Willoughby knew what was going on, knew that he and MacArthur were up against a traitorous rats nest in the administration and Pentagon, and did their best. They underestimated how far Truman would go in order to guarantee defeat/prevent victory in China and Korea.


Willoughby later became an adviser to Franco, which in Whig history is the ultimate sin.

Aidan says:

MacArthur was old pals with FDR and played the heel for him. If you look at the Bonus Army situation, it smells filthy. Looks a lot to me like friends of FDR set it up to get Hoover out and discredit the military, because the military was a potential obstacle to FDR’s communist coup. MacArthur went out there personally with the troops to break up the homeless camp. He was playing the scary American military fascist against FDR’s kindly communism. Should not underestimate how much FDR’s crowd was scared that the military would intervene against FDR’s suspension of the constitution. FDR’s successors didn’t get the joke, and thought MacArthur actually was a brutal imperialist fascist.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Whig History.

Explain what happened in the 9 hours between being informed of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the Japanese attack on Philippians. Multiple accounts that MacArthur just disappeared and requests for a meeting by Major General Brereton denied by Brigadier General Sutherland. When American forces were finally ordered to man battle stations, they were also ordered to not to initiate offensive action against Japan. A major consequence was the near complete destruction of all aircraft on the ground.

There’s never been an official explanation or investigation. Not by MacArthur, his supporters, or even his enemies. Just silence. This is weird.

As for Korea, if we are to take the General’s own words at face value, he didn’t trust his intelligence reports, and wasn’t too keen on his own chief of intelligence. Maybe he was bullshitting, maybe he was being sincere. Dead men can’t speak for themselves, but at face value there were intelligence failures due to how MacArthur handled intelligence. Anything else at this point is conjecture unless some secret trove of documents get declassified.

My gut instinct is that MacArthur was a straight shooter and wouldn’t be lying about this type of thing.

Anonymous Fake says:


I’ll take things a step further. No general is real. The “real generals” who win wars are actually colonels with extreme autism who are kept out of public view for all kinds of reasons, all good ones. Official generals are more like politicians except with even less real power.

The Korean Peninsula is a human lab rat experiment and it proves monarchy produces healthier rats than capitalism. Globalists have embarrassed themselves with that setup.

The “whole theater of war was fake” is a smokescreen meant to deliberately limit credibility because a simple exposure of MacArthur would be cooking with too much hot sauce.

jim says:

To my surprise, this is not a heavily disguised Globohome meme. Pass. Keep going like this and I might stop deleting your comments at a glance.

Many of the claims in the article you link to are untrue. (And are from a globohomo op) But the basic claim that a whole lot of forgery of history is going on and that MacArthur was a huge faggot. (Evacuates without any of his men) are true.

Trouble is it links into multiple conspiracy theories, many of which are CIA black ops circulated by our enemies. And some of which are just people noticing holes in official history. Gives a nod to the enemy theory that the Rothschilds own everything and all these wars are just fake. The war in the pacific may have started out fake, but swiftly became very real indeed. The battle to take Australia happened, and cost an enormous number of lives and military equipment.

The actual plan not sinister Rothschilds making management changes. The actual plan was to just use the Japanese as an excuse for getting into war with Hitler, for which they had been preparing since he was elected, and just to hand over stuff to the Japanese to create cause for war with Hitler. But just handing over stuff to the Japanese rapidly got out of control, for the Japanese were playing for keepsies.

Because your link is fitting this actual real conspiracy into a multitude of fake Globohomo false flag conspiracies, it fails to notice the elephant. The elephant being the very real intent to defeat Germany.

That the war in the Pacific was intended to be a false flag operation, and started out as a false flag operation is true. But the Japanese declined to play the role in the operation that they had been assigned. That General MacArthur was a huge faggot is true.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Even before I got however red-pilled I am or am not right now, it had crossed my mind to wonder how history might have been different if FDR hadn’t been determined both to defeat Germany and to involve the US in a land war in Europe, against the desires of his own citizens.

Could have pulled the other ships out of Pearl Harbor alongside the carriers. Could have actually fought Japan first after they attacked. Could have leveraged material support to Britain to push Britain and Germany to a separate peace (which Hitler at one point was open to, and America being on the fence about entering would have been leverage with Germany). At the very least, having gone to war and won could have not starved German POWs and populace during the occupation.

Jim, and non-shill regulars, what do you think was the behind the scenes American plan in WWII? Beat Germany (and bleed Germans) for it’s own sake? Be the last man standing with an untouched industrial base (I know that happened, I don’t know how much it was forecast and specifically intended)? Was there already an element of our planners wanting Amerikaners dead as much as Germans, or am I back-casting too much?

My illusions have long ago crumbled, but I can’t be sure they’ve all crumbled. I feel like there should be some German compound word for that.

Red says:

The start of WW2 in a nutshell:

FDR tried to get a war going with Germany for months by attacking German uboats in the Atlantic and actually got a US destroyer attacked by a German sub after the destroyer attacked the sub first. Congress and the public declined to declare war on Germany over it since they knew what FDR was up to. No one in the US wanted war besides FDR and his Commie friends.

So FDR cooked up a plan to force Japan to attack the Philippines by very slowly fortifying it and cutting off oil to Japan. The build up was done very slowly and to give the Japanese plenty of time to attack. At the same time Russia signed a peace deal with Japan and urged them to attack the Philippines(FDR was working closely with the USSR). The Philippines is a perfect air base to easily destroy all the seaborne trade going to Japan.

The goal was to start a war with Japan to hopefully trigger Germany to join the war against the US. FDR moved the fleet to Pearl Harbor from San Diego so it could quickly respond to the invasion of the Philippines. This resulted in a very stupid plan by the Japanese high command of hitting the US fleet with aircraft carriers in shallow water where the ships could easily be recovered. They also failed to take out the fleet fuel bunkers at Pearl Harbor, whose destruction might have set the US back years on the war as it would have been impossible to support a large fleet in the Pacific without them.

After the attack and the sudden importance of aircraft carriers which Japan out gunned the US 8 to 4 at the start of the war defending the Philippines became impossible.

However, the attack worked too well. FDR tried to get Congress to declare war on Germany, which was always his primary goal but Congress and public wanted Japan dead for the sneak attack and wouldn’t hear of it. Hitler saved the day by declaring war on the US. Germans as always suck at understanding other peoples.

From then on FDR focused on destroying Germany which was always his primary goal and the pacific war became a side show. At the end FDR and the Commies won and most of the world became either a US vassal state or USSR vassal state.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

FDR wanted to achieve greatness like his uncle Teddy, but it is different kinds of people’s different ideas of greatness that is the sticking point, and his was aliken to that of the many other spiritual backbiters that constituted the old liberal order; a world where no other power except ‘America’ existed – where no other power except himself existed – and so all else must be destroyed by any means necessary; and so rationalizations for destroying all else are necessary; and the more profligate the better.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The likes of Churchil were willing patsies because their hatred of near (Germany) blinded them from appreciation of long terms consequences for their patrimony. As David Irving once opined, his legacy was success in destroying two empires – one of them his enemy’s.

alf says:

The likes of Churchil were willing patsies

This is also my takeaway, but regarding Churchill I’ll nuance as follows.

Churchill was that eternal conservative wanting to conserve that which no longer exists. In his case, his father’s vision of a British empire ruled by a tory democracy. It is probably no coincidence that Churchill simped for a father who never returned that love.

In his political career Churchill made plenty of contributions to the rise of the liberals and the welfare state. But at heart, he was a romantic aristocrat who didn’t understand that democratic politics is about dividing the cake behind closed doors. So, failed political career.

That is, until those dividing the cake were shocked to discover that Hitler wanted war. At that point they were happy to temporarily put Churchill in charge and do what they were incapable of doing. Once the war was over, he was shoved to the side once again.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Yes, a man with aristocratic sentiments at heart who never the less didn’t get the joke. It was ever thus. Essentially leftist modes of behavior flying under the banner of patriotism. A difficult thing for many to divine the teleology of in times where it has not yet run its course. Banding together to knock down the tallest pegs because they are the tallest pegs. It starts on a geopolitical scale, and ends with drag queen story hour.

The Cominator says:

I think its wrong to blame Churchill for the fall of the British empire.

1- World War One which you can’t really blame Churchill for (though I assume he was probably for it) did FAR more damage to them than WWII did. And Churchill for all his planning failures spoke out frequently against sending the mass of good British men to be killed in frontal charges on enemy trenches and in WW2 he thus did not yield to insane calls to try to open a second front in 1942 or 1943 (when they would have been slaughtered). WW2 damaged the British economy of course, but WW1 wiped out most of the best men of an entire British generation. It also permanently destroyed the trust between the Britain’s ruling class and the lower and middle classes (which was in fact very strong after the Napoleonic wars and thru the 19th century). This led to the rise of ever more radical left wing politics.

2- The mass immigration and the loss of all their colonies after WWII were policies that Churchill opposed. And if he had been reelected following the war he would have been able to influence American public opinion and perhaps elite opinion (a lot of the Northeastern elite were still Anglophiles) that dismantling the empire would be a poor reward for the country that almost two years stood against the Reich alone and that it would not benefit anyone but the Soviet Union.

3- Hitler though an anglophile was not really a trustworthy actor with almost anyone (he was a leftist after all) and it was not entirely irrational to believe that if he were just allowed to get his Lebensraum in the East he would go after England later on.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

You surmise I assign lone blame to Churchill?

I survey the mass of 20th century evil, and dissect it for taxidermy. Churchill was party to it. Facts which have explanations.

A2 says:

Well, losing the Empire might be viewed as a strategic error. Then again, one might argue that its time had come one way or the other.

The decline since then is unhalted.

jim says:

Tucker, and Musk, make the good point that these guys, all of them, have been personally enriched by leasing out imperial power to foreigners. Doubting that men are women and women are men is attack upon their faith, but undermining empire is an attack upon their wallets.

To hold power in America and the world they need to uphold the faith and push it to ever greater purity and holiness. But the faith is undermining the imperial capability to build shells and tanks.

Trump wants to restore the Westphalian order and the Republic. Putin wants to restore the Westphalian order. The abrupt zig from Worship of the Mighty and Awesome Covid Demon to War with Russia Russia Russia was not just the next direction of holiness, but because they felt the empire, and their wallets, are under threat. Israel and Saudi Arabia now have considerably less reason to lavish awesome gifts on legislators. Trump’s Abraham accords personally deprived them of very large amounts of money. And the Ukraine exhausting Nato logistic capability is also depriving them of very large amounts of money.

I have been focusing on nations not fearing color revolution, and genocide should they resist color revolution, and therefore not holding the gay parade and not subjecting their universities to rule by Harvard. But they are also less inclined to pay off people in Washington.

So, plan B, a frozen conflict in the Ukraine so that they can terrorize troublesome people in the rest of the world, and launch a few more forever wars, and then get back to conquering Russia. But what is in that for Putin? He wants to settle the conflict. And as long as the empire wants to rule the world, it wants to rule Russia.

They wanted to get rid of Trump so that empire could be continued. But now the empire is in deeper doo doo than ever. They want to restore the pre Trump normal, only even lefter and with even more trannies and no coal, nor oil, nor gas, nor plane travel nor private homes nor gardens for the plebs. They cannot see a way to do it. How can they destroy maleness, masculinity, and white America, and still rule the world? They cannot hold on and cannot let go. Shells manufactured by green energy.

In the course of plundering the world since 2001, the Global American Empire has killed about one million people and made about forty million homeless, which represents its military capacity running at a significant fraction of full long term capacity, and represents them managing the level of war to their capacity. But it is not so easy to manage the level of war. And that it is only a million, represents a substantial decline in the capability for war. And now they are being called on it. At this point, the rational thing to do is fold. But in order to do the rational thing, or to competently do the irrational thing with any prospect of success, have to vest all power over war and peace in one man. Which man?

The death of the Republic implies monarchy. War crisis implies a temporary grant of dictatorial power, as FDR obtained. But in an undead Republic, a temporary grant of dictatorial power is apt to become permanent. And a temporary dictator who walks away from dictatorial power in order to restore the Republic, as Sulla did, is attempting necromancy. When Sulla retired, there was the form of the Republic papering over a power vacuum.

Red says:

Explain what happened in the 9 hours between being informed of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the Japanese attack on Philippians. Multiple accounts that MacArthur just disappeared and requests for a meeting by Major General Brereton denied by Brigadier General Sutherland. When American forces were finally ordered to man battle stations, they were also ordered to not to initiate offensive action against Japan. A major consequence was the near complete destruction of all aircraft on the ground.

Mac froze up. The whole battle plan for the Philippines depended on the fleet coming from Pearl Harbor to save the Island. The US was fucked and he knew it. He regained confidence later believing that his B17s (most survived the initial attacks on the air fields) would sink the invasion ships. They couldn’t.

However the air stuff is largely bullshit. They sent the planes up right away to avoid having them hit on the ground but no air attacks came in. The next day they were ordered to hit Formosa with the B17s but it was overcast and they couldn’t take off right away. When the weather cleared the Japanese hit the airfields right when they were getting ready to take off. The fighter air patrols they had up utterly failed to intercept the Japanese bombers and the fighters were vastly inferior to the Japanese fighters. This is the sort of shit that happens to a military that hasn’t been in combat before. Can you blame Mac for that? Sure, he was in over all command. Was it his fault how that played out? Not really. Those air fields were going to get plastered either way and they were trying to get the bombers up at the time the attack happened.

As for Korea, if we are to take the General’s own words at face value, he didn’t trust his intelligence reports, and wasn’t too keen on his own chief of intelligence. Maybe he was bullshitting, maybe he was being sincere. Dead men can’t speak for themselves, but at face value there were intelligence failures due to how MacArthur handled intelligence. Anything else at this point is conjecture unless some secret trove of documents get declassified.

Truman refused to bomb the bridges bringing in the Chinese troops. MacArthur was fighting Truman who was trying to lose the war to the Communists while trying to rush to the border as quickly as possible to stop the Chinese form coming in. The retreated happened because Truman let millions of Chinese troops across the border. Even if Mac had halted he didn’t have nearly the numbers to defend against an army that large. Without A-Bombs retreat was going to happen.

Omar Bradly approved the Inchon landings while telling everyone that they were sure to fail. The pentagon was working against winning the war from the get go.

Finally the troops being used in Korea were woefully under equipped. Truman had scrapped most of the air force, armored, and artillery from WW2 under the justification that they were not needed due to A-Bombs and then Truman refused to use A-Bombs. They were pulling up Shermans that had been dumped in shallow seas at the end of the war and refitting in Japan because there wasn’t enough tanks left in the US to ship to Korea.

As I said the story you’ve been sold on Mac is Whig history. The people directly responsible for the disasters was the President and Pentagon. Could Mac have done better? Sure. Did he do better than political generals like Ike, Bradly, and Kike Clark? Hell yes.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Can you blame Mac for that?

Yes and not just him. My initial and core criticism of Mac was that he made for a terrible peace time General. For that matter, the entire military leadership in the Philippines were caught with their pants down. Maj. Gen. O’Donnell pointed out that no one in the far east was prepared for war and a key reason for the disaster. Mac was living in the Philippines with both his sister in law and his second wife. Much of the leadership was doing similar. It’s a possible reason why Mac, and the rest of the leadership, froze up. The ‘OH FUCK MY FAMILY IS IN THE WAR ZONE’ moment.

This is not what you do when preparing for war. This is what you do when expecting a good time. Mac knew what he was signing up for when accepting the governorship. Party time. Everyone who went to the Philippines knew what they were signing up for. Party time. It’s no different to military leadership today politicking to go to South Korea or Okinawa (and oh boy there’s politicking, these are not merit based assignments). Party time. Far east postings have always been peace time party vacations. It’s how my great grandfather recalled it, my grandfather recalled it, and my father recalled it. 120+ years of DOD service right there, and I’m sure you can find no end of DOD personnel who will say the same damn thing. The military allowed for complacency in, what was very clear during the 1930s, a very rough neighborhood, and still does today.

With the way things are shaping up right now it would be stupid to take dependas to far east posts, but alas the same mistakes are being made again and again. Meanwhile, Generals based inside America are warning service members to be prepared for war, some are saying in less than 2 years. State Department is saying nuclear umbrella will be extended to Taiwan. Madness. Did anyone in far east leadership postings take a hint? Nope, none at all. They are still taking dependas with them and many are still getting drunk and gorging on Asian BBQ on a daily basis. If a war breaks out they will get their asses handed to them. The warriors tracking are positioning themselves domestically as much as possible.

Patton on the other hand did not take vacations. He often took very austere domestic postings where he pushed hard on mechanized development, he was preparing for war. That is a hard warrior that didn’t let peace time mentality take over.

Maybe this isn’t a fair criticism of Mac. After all, he only did what everyone else who went to far east has done and still do, but somehow he ended up in the same damn type of position post WW2. Governor of Japan in a rough neighborhood during peace time with Japan shaping up to be party central. You’d think the trauma of having to flee the Philippines would have caused him to shake things up, or try to avoid a clearly poisoned well so to speak, but he walked right into a very similar situation.

None of this is Whig history. This is me being burnt out from multi generational deployment politics bullshit, and maybe I’m being unduly low in my criticism of Mac. American warriors have a tendency of staying domestic during peacetime. They just want to deploy to active combat zones, and if they can’t they see no point in leaving good ol’ USA. They often end up training hard and preparing for decades. The less serious military leadership love gallivanting the globe. That doesn’t mean they are bad during wartime, but they are not the type you want initially in command overseas when SHTF. And in recent years, all the worst types of military corruption have been from overseas components. So yeah, my dislike for Mac is personal, petty, and likely vindictive. I’ll deny none of that, but I absolutely stand behind my intense dislike for what his peacetime deployment represents. Party time.

Pax Imperialis says:

And speaking of using nukes, how do you think the Soviets and Chinese would have reacted to glassing and/or cobalt salting a significant chunk of land right where they meet? You’re talking about knocking on the door step of Soviet far east gateway at a time they are rapidly nuclearizing. That makes for extremely revanchist enemies that will work together to fuck you up. If you don’t go all the way to strangle them off with multi generational occupations like in Japan, they will devote their entire existence to getting even.

Therefore, you can’t just nuke a few parts of China and say jobs done. You’d have to go all the way to Beijing which would spook the Soviets meaning going all the way to Moscow as well. No one in 1950 was prepared for such an endeavor. Yes, Truman was partly to blame for demilitarization prior to Korean war, but so were every other major European ally… and arguably a large part of that had to do with fiscal situations after the war. If you wanted to clean up communism, the window of opportunity was 1945. Patton understood that, but mysteriously he ended up dead soon after talking about rearming Germany.

The domestic political support just wasn’t there for Mac to expand the war to all of Eurasia.

Red says:

@Pax, what would you have done in Korea differently? Remember Truman and the Joint Chiefs are doing everything possible to make sure you fail.

Red says:

And speaking of using nukes, how do you think the Soviets and Chinese would have reacted to glassing and/or cobalt salting a significant chunk of land right where they meet? You’re talking about knocking on the door step of Soviet far east gateway at a time they are rapidly nuclearizing. That makes for extremely revanchist enemies that will work together to fuck you up. If you don’t go all the way to strangle them off with multi generational occupations like in Japan, they will devote their entire existence to getting even.

God damn Pax you’re just full of Truman’s self serving BS. We know from records of statements by Mao that the Chinese were prepared to back the fuck off from even conventional bombings of Chinese factories if we attacked. All the major Chinese factories were right on the coast and easily destroyed by the US air force.

And the whole point of basically scrapping the US army was to use nukes. To suddenly take that option off the table as well conventional air power against China was Truman trying to make sure we lost in Korea.

How many American boys died in Korea and Vietnam because that commie piece of garbage Truman? Stop repeating his bullshit.

Red says:

Yes, Truman was partly to blame for demilitarization prior to Korean war, but so were every other major European ally… and arguably a large part of that had to do with fiscal situations after the war. If you wanted to clean up communism, the window of opportunity was 1945. Patton understood that, but mysteriously he ended up dead soon after talking about rearming Germany.

Truman is entirely to blame. There was absolutely no reason to scrap all our Sherman’s. Put them in a bone yard for minimal costs and easily ship them to Korea when the war starts. The primary reason the North Koreas did well was all the T34 tanks the Soviets gave them. We didn’t give the South Koreans shit to defend themselves against them.

It Truman who handed over China to the Communists in the first place by cutting of arms and ammo to the Nationalists during the Chinese civil war. The Nationalists were busy curb stomping the commies until the shipments suddenly dried up.

Kunning Druegger says:

The Commies in charge of the State Department wanted a massive expansion of Federal Government, but they had to have that with no Warrior strings attached, so the lull Truman et al into a sense of perfect reliance on the nuclear deterrent, then spin up the Korean Conflict to create a circumstance wherein hasty actions can be explained away by the necessity of the moment. Macarthur may have been an FDR patsy, but it was probably one of convenience, a relationship he felt he had some agency in. The world of the USA before WWII is hard for us to fathom on the other side of it; ~75% agricultural population massive wells of untapped resources, huge population but very culturally certain and ethnically stable, huge financial potential but none of it centrally organized. I think the Elite of the US was also drastically altered bu the war, similar to how Monarchism was mutilated by WWI.

I don’t think Macarthur was on board with FDR’s egregore like he was with the cripple himself. I think FDR centralized the USG and I think NSC 68 and other procedural golems consolidated it. Notice how McCarthy makes the same mistake as Macarthur, the same mistake Trump and many others in our era make, and completely fail to realize What Time It Is, who they are dealing with, and how high the stakes are for innocuous seeming things.

The Cathedral used “nukes” brilliantly. Whatever you’ve read, I have it straight from the horses mouth that they were poorly understood by the men designing and building them. That’s a big part of why the testing was carried out the way it was. Even at the pinnacle of “our” understanding, so much of it was a black box that could not easily be assessed or predicted. I believe that if Macarthur had nuked the chinks, they would have backed down very quickly. Stalin wanted to conquer Europe, as he was going senile after WWII, but they were still very far behind at the time. The great technological leap in the USSR was made by a structure built by Stalin but run under Kruschev. The Russians did not have the bombers to deliver the devices in any way that was truly threatening.

Macarthur should have nuked the fucking chinks, put Chiang Kai Shek on a throne, then deposed Truman and everyone of his slimy kike, faggot, and bureaucrat advisors & supporters. We can hem and haw over who was friends with who, or how much of a warrior Patton or Ridgeway or Macarthur were, but my point has nothing to do with that. It’s more about when was the last time we had a General who had the capacity to craft for himself a throne. I say it was Macarthur, and I think the Cathedral’s mutilation of his legacy bears that out. The Cathedral does that to everyone that made them scared or look foolish.

None of the current cohort of generals is remotely close to the category of Warrior King, and hasn’t been since at least Ridgeway, and Old Iron Tits was basically the same as Col. MacGregor now, a very competent senior field officer. When Mac got shit canned, they needed someone highly competent, battle tested, and politically inert. Ridgeway carried Cathedral water, and he still got the Whig History treatment.

This was all very fascinating reading, I appreciate the contribution Pax, but I think you are very reliant on a lot of Whig History as the fundament on which you’ve built more complex positions. I’m not attacking you, I did and do the same, and it bites me when a brother digs into my position and says “Hey, is that gaymo sexual communism stored in your basement?” and I have to be like “yeah, I’m just keeping it there because it was put there a long time ago.” I was raised to hate Macarthur, to love Eisenhower, to believe Easy Company was the greatest example of warrior spirit in history. Someone built those memeplexes for a reason.

Not a sermon, just a thought 😉

Pax Imperialis says:

You’ve completely ignored my core point that Mac was not the greatest peacetime general. Everyone in far east posts were not great peacetime leaders. That’s just a military reality even today. Mac was a damn good governor and likely would have been an even better president if he was actually in charge, but governors are not pure warriors, hence his peace time proclivities.

We know from records of statements by Mao that the Chinese were prepared to back the fuck off from even conventional bombings of Chinese factories if we attacked. All the major Chinese factories were right on the coast and easily destroyed by the US air force.

Records of Truman show he was talking to the Chinese about using nuclear weapons. Turns out he chickened out. Truman said all sorts of things, so did Mao. You have no idea how these people react, or the influential people around them, until they are put in the situation. Let’s suppose Mao would have backed out. How much conventional bombing would be required? Probably a lot more than just a few destroyed factories. You’re looking at a few destroyed cities. The Chinese were willing to lose many men in Korea, they probably would have been willing to lose a city or two.

What do you think happens to the political psychology when foreigners conduct a massive attack on your core territory and then just leave? The Americans, from the Japanese point of view, had a bad reaction to Pearl Harbor. Suppose America backed down anyways. Japan would be dealing with a massive multi-generational hostility that would likely cause all sorts of problems down the road.

My point, and this isn’t some Truman bullshit, is that attacking someone without the intent to kill them is generally a bad idea. That’s basic Machiavellian thinking. The Chinese went through a century of humiliation and you propose wounding further them but nowhere close to killing them? Which means you really ought to go straight to nukes and full invasion.

>And the whole point of basically scrapping the US army was to use nukes. To suddenly take that option off the table as well conventional air power against China was Truman trying to make sure we lost in Korea.

Sure, and another one of my points was that it wasn’t solely Truman’s fault. The entire allied front was undermining the effort. The French and British had their own agendas and exerted diplomatic pressure on Truman and his cohort. You’re seeing Truman as the man in charge when really he was just another cog in the newly born international cathedral. You might as well say losing in Afghanistan was all Bush’s fault, or Obama’s fault, but it completely misses the fact it was international Harvard’s fault. Decentralized. Harvard was running the war more than the president. Can you point to a single person for NATO failure in Ukraine? Nuland? Biden? Macron? You can’t. They all, and many more, had a hand in it. Likewise with Truman and others in the Korean war.

So really, did Truman have the authority to drop the bomb in the Korean war? I doubt it. He certainly had the authority during WW2, but that was a legacy of FDR America when it was still a fully sovereign nation. Shortly after WW2 international rules based world order was installed. You can lay some fault on Truman for that, but again, much of that was already set in motion by FDR.

>How many American boys died in Korea and Vietnam because that commie piece of garbage Truman? Stop repeating his bullshit.

I never was repeating his bullshit. You are under the highly mistaken belief Truman was in charge in 1950.

what would you have done in Korea differently?

In Mac’s shoes, I wouldn’t go much further than Pyongyang i.e Anju. Set up on defendable terrain between Pyongyang and Wonson. Attrite anything that tries moving south. US forces would have never been able to move quick enough to prevent Chinese troops from entering en mass and the attempt to do so ending in a near rout.

In theory certain commanders had the authority to use nukes. In practice they didn’t. In theory Truman had the authority to use nukes. In practice the French, British, and others dictated that would not happen. If put in the shoes of FDR and given 10 more years of life, likely would have glassed Moscow in 46 and rearmed the remaining Germans to do as much of the dying as possible with the promise of a unified Germany.

Red says:

You’ve completely ignored my core point that Mac was not the greatest peacetime general. Everyone in far east posts were not great peacetime leaders. That’s just a military reality even today. Mac was a damn good governor and likely would have been an even better president if he was actually in charge, but governors are not pure warriors, hence his peace time proclivities.

I never claimed he was. Patton was obviously vastly superior. But Patton was assassinated for opposing Communism because he wasn’t part of the political elite and didn’t really know the score. The Joint Chief’s plan for Inchon was to give up Korea after it failed. Truman tried to turn over half of Japan to the Soviets and was only stopped because MacArthur published it. Can you imagine the damage that would have done? Half of Japan Communist? Jesus Christ that would have been bad.

Douglas MacArthur is a God Damn American hero for stopping Truman from handing over both Korea and Japan to the Commies. You should respect him for that even if he wasn’t Patton Jr.

Records of Truman show he was talking to the Chinese about using nuclear weapons. Turns out he chickened out.

The President who handed China to the Reds and tried to hand Korea and Japan to the Reds chickened out? More like he was on their side the whole fucking time you knuckling dragging jarhead(I mean it with love). Truman sold out the US military and the Americans in general. He was piece of shit commie.

Truman said all sorts of things, so did Mao. You have no idea how these people react, or the influential people around them, until they are put in the situation. Let’s suppose Mao would have backed out. How much conventional bombing would be required? Probably a lot more than just a few destroyed factories. You’re looking at a few destroyed cities. The Chinese were willing to lose many men in Korea, they probably would have been willing to lose a city or two.

They invaded Korea and killed US troops and you think the appropriate response is not to bomb them to the stone age but rather just let them do it? Dude, seriously?

What do you think happens to the political psychology when foreigners conduct a massive attack on your core territory and then just leave? The Americans, from the Japanese point of view, had a bad reaction to Pearl Harbor. Suppose America backed down anyways. Japan would be dealing with a massive multi-generational hostility that would likely cause all sorts of problems down the road.

We fucked up China multiple times. Didn’t fucking matter. China’s really not interested in fighting beyond their borders. You’re talking like a Whig.

My point, and this isn’t some Truman bullshit, is that attacking someone without the intent to kill them is generally a bad idea. That’s basic Machiavellian thinking. The Chinese went through a century of humiliation and you propose wounding further them but nowhere close to killing them? Which means you really ought to go straight to nukes and full invasion.

Mac wanted to nuke them and then send the Nationalists. It was a good idea. A better one was hanging Truman, sending tanks to occupy Harvard and then invading China. Too bad that didn’t happen.

Sure, and another one of my points was that it wasn’t solely Truman’s fault.

The Cathedral was working together to give everything in east Asia to the commies. Truman as their front man should have hung for his crimes.

So really, did Truman have the authority to drop the bomb in the Korean war? I doubt it. He certainly had the authority during WW2, but that was a legacy of FDR America when it was still a fully sovereign nation. Shortly after WW2 international rules based world order was installed. You can lay some fault on Truman for that, but again, much of that was already set in motion by FDR.

There was nothing stopping Truman. In fact US doctrine at the time called for it and the idea was very popular with the US public who didn’t want to see US GIs die to save Gook rice farmers.

In Mac’s shoes, I wouldn’t go much further than Pyongyang i.e Anju. Set up on defendable terrain between Pyongyang and Wonson. Attrite anything that tries moving south. US forces would have never been able to move quick enough to prevent Chinese troops from entering en mass and the attempt to do so ending in a near rout.

You do realize that most of the casualties in the war occurred during the attrition phase right? You’re trading movement warfare for Korean version of WW1. Mac’s plan wasn’t the best, but with his hands tied by Truman it’s the best that could have done.

In theory Truman had the authority to use nukes. In practice the French, British, and others dictated that would not happen.

LOL, wut? How would they have stopped him? We didn’t even share our nuke program with the UK or French. They were powerless. Where did you get this silly idea? Was there like a secret committee where the losers of WW2 (UK/France) told the Winner of WW2 who they could and could not nuke?

Pax Imperialis says:


I grew up in a love/hate MacArthur environment and a disdain for Eisenhower. MacArthur, admittedly for petty reason i.e. his peacetime actions and allegedly messing with military intelligence. Much of my family’s legacy is in IC so unease is understandable, don’t you love military politics? Eisenhower for all the other actual crimes.

MacArthur should have nuked the fucking chinks, put Chiang Kai Shek on a throne, then deposed Truman and everyone of his slimy kike, faggot, and bureaucrat advisors & supporters.

I’m not even disagreeing with this, but it’s completely out of the realm of possibility in 1950. The window of opportunity for military coup was early 1930s which would have produced a very different world. By mid to late 30s all the old guard was either forcibly retired, exiled to obscure and powerless positions, or had shown obedience to the new order. FDR had consolidated his grip on power and completely centralized it. What happened shortly after FDR’s death was decentralization which we know as the Cathedral. He died in April 45, in 3 months Bretton Woods, 3 more months the UN is created. That’s how fast they moved. The institutional GAE was given foundation in under a year.

There was no center of power to direct a coup at by 1946. Attempting such would bear similar results to storming the capital.

I’m also highly doubtful a coup could have been successfully carried out in the early 1930s. The Business Plot allegedly sought to make Major General Smedley Butler the leader. A terrible idea considering his publicly know political affiliations. One must wonder if the Business Plot was spook activity and no coup ever planned. It may have been cooked up by FDR to soft purge the military.

Red says:


My father raised me to love Truman and hate MacArthur. It was only as I got older and started reading about the bullshit Truman was always pulling that I began to understand that everything “good” about Truman was propaganda.

He handed over China to the Reds by stabbing our allies the Nationalist Chinese in the back. He tried to hand over Korea and Japan to them. He lied about being poor after being President(he was living pretty well on book royalties) so they passed a huge presidential retirement fund for him. He tried to double down on socialism after the war, but was outvoted by congress who ended the New Deal. During the war he spent his time interfering with war production by trying to force the socialist war planning boards on companies who were already working directly with the military to pump out arms as quickly as possible.

The guy was literally garbage that a lot of people like because a bunch of leftists wrote nice propaganda about him later. It sounds like you’re still under their spell.

Leftist hated Mac and while I’m not his biggest fan(fuck the Japanese Constitution he created) the cold war world would have been much much more fucked up if he hadn’t stood in the way of the Cathedral in east Asia.

Pax Imperialis says:

Patton was obviously vastly superior.

I was always comparing MacArthur to Patton from the first post that set this whole argument off. Yes, I likely used rhetoric that overly dismissed MacArthur, but relative to Patton he’s a midget. That’s how much of a giant Patton was. Patton’s protege General Walker stabilized Pusan while making great innovation with mobile defense in depth during the fight. One can only imagine how much better the war would have gone if Patton were in charge of Korea. And Patton never pissed off military intelligence like MacArthur (yes, I know it’s petty, welcome to military politics).

I do not revere Truman. None of my ancestors did. They didn’t care about him. He was considered sort of like a placeholder president, the first of many. I’m not saying what Truman did was good.

I am pointing out that he fairly quickly lost control on power and American fairly quickly lost control of it’s own sovereignty. Much of which was set up by FDR. Most of his proposals to congress, dead on arrival.

Truman tried to turn over half of Japan to the Soviets and was only stopped because MacArthur published it.

You bring an argument that MacArthur, acting as a governor, used politics to beat Truman. MacArthur was not nearly as devious as under FDR even though FDR was of the same breed as Truman. This is evidence of Truman loosing control.

>Truman sold out the US military and the Americans in general.

FDR sold out America from beyond the grave. Truman was the face. All those international systems of governance were agreed upon under the command of FDR and without Truman’s input or presence. When you look at the advisors running day to day government, the bureaucrats in State Department, their friendly foreign government agents, it’s all FDR’s people. Thinking Truman was in power is like thinking Biden is currently in power.

>He was piece of shit commie.

I don’t care. It doesn’t matter because he is irrelevant. Biden is the same. He isn’t in power. Biden is irrelevant.

>They invaded Korea and killed US troops and you think the appropriate response is not to bomb them to the stone age but rather just let them do it? Dude, seriously?

Not what I said. I laid out the reason why half measure are even worse than no measures taken. You either bomb them back to stone age and occupy, or you don’t bomb at all. Because the political establishment made it impossible to take full measures, best bad option is to take no measure. We see this in the legal system. In self defense cases you’re fucked if you shoot to wound and not kill.

>You’re trading movement warfare for Korean version of WW1.

That’s a trade that was made for Mac whether he wanted it or not. If placed in 1950, the best I could do would be getting a better ratio in the attrition war. Potentially a good enough ratio that a better deal is gained and North Korea is so reduced it collapses with end of Soviet Union.

>Was there like a secret committee where the losers of WW2 (UK/France) told the Winner of WW2 who they could and could not nuke?

A series of public committees. The UN, Bretton Woods and IMF, NATO, etc etc. Did you know that after Truman said he was contemplating using nukes in Korea, British Prime Minister Clement Attlee rushed to Washington. Shortly after Truman reluctantly reassured him that the U.S. had “no intention” of using nukes unless to prevent “major military disaster.” Many such incidents that went beyond simply nuke or not nuke. Everything from trade policy to foreign policy to hiring decisions, etc etc. Then you look at his childhood and find a massive inferiority complex that never really got dealt with. He was the type of fool smarter leftists nominally place in positions of power such that they don’t lose real power.

Red says:

I was always comparing MacArthur to Patton from the first post that set this whole argument off. Yes, I likely used rhetoric that overly dismissed MacArthur, but relative to Patton he’s a midget. That’s how much of a giant Patton was. Patton’s protege General Walker stabilized Pusan while making great innovation with mobile defense in depth during the fight. One can only imagine how much better the war would have gone if Patton were in charge of Korea. And Patton never pissed off military intelligence like MacArthur (yes, I know it’s petty, welcome to military politics).

Patton did not have a good track record when it came attrition warfare as demonstrated by the battle Mentz. Again the issue was not being able to use air power properly to prevent the Chinese from coming over a border, a handicap Patton would have likely labored under as well. Also Truman gutted our armored core after the war. Not exactly the best match for Patton’s skills. Sure Patton would have advanced faster than Mac did, but it might not have mattered with Truman trying to throw the war.

You bring an argument that MacArthur, acting as a governor, used politics to beat Truman. MacArthur was not nearly as devious as under FDR even though FDR was of the same breed as Truman. This is evidence of Truman loosing control.

MacArthur supported FDR’s goals because he was a building an American empire. He didn’t support Truman’s goals of building a larger empire for the communists. Truman lost Mac because Mac was pro-American, not pro-commie.

Not what I said. I laid out the reason why half measure are even worse than no measures taken. You either bomb them back to stone age and occupy, or you don’t bomb at all. Because the political establishment made it impossible to take full measures, best bad option is to take no measure. We see this in the legal system. In self defense cases you’re fucked if you shoot to wound and not kill.

That’s retarded and historically counterfactual. One of the reason Nixon did so much better with his bombing campaign in Vietnam was giving the USAF permission to hit the MIG bases operating on the Chinese side of the border while JFK and LBJ refused to attack them. The Chinese didn’t do shit about those attacks.

A proper response to the Chinese massing on the Korean border was to bomb the shit out of them and the bridges. China can’t do shit about it and pulls their troops back. End of problem.

>You’re trading movement warfare for Korean version of WW1.

That’s a trade that was made for Mac whether he wanted it or not. If placed in 1950, the best I could do would be getting a better ratio in the attrition war. Potentially a good enough ratio that a better deal is gained and North Korea is so reduced it collapses with end of Soviet Union.

Very unlikely. Mac wiped out most of the North Korean army during the retreat. We killed a lot of Chinese troops during the attrition phase of the war but it’s not like the Chinese cared. The point of that phase of the war was wear the American public down into agreeing to let the commies keep the North. To win a war against a foe will much greater resources you need to fight a war of maneuver or you need to attrit their industrial base, both of which we refused to do.

A series of public committees. The UN, Bretton Woods and IMF, NATO, etc etc. Did you know that after Truman said he was contemplating using nukes in Korea, British Prime Minister Clement Attlee rushed to Washington. Shortly after Truman reluctantly reassured him that the U.S. had “no intention” of using nukes unless to prevent “major military disaster.” Many such incidents that went beyond simply nuke or not nuke. Everything from trade policy to foreign policy to hiring decisions, etc etc. Then you look at his childhood and find a massive inferiority complex that never really got dealt with. He was the type of fool smarter leftists nominally place in positions of power such that they don’t lose real power.

Do you know how the American empire works? It hides behind these sorts of “international” institutions when it doesn’t want to do what obviously makes sense to do because it has a different agenda from what the US public wants. Those international institutions do whatever the Cathedral tells them to do.

Kunning Drueger says:

> a coup in [year/season/era] was unthinkable

That is Whig History, but I mean that in a technical sense. One of their most effective tactics is to create the illusion, or delusion, the history is on some kind of inexorable arc. A strong case can be made for how vanishingly unlikely it was due to the arrayed circumstances, case. I feel you’ve made quite well actually. but when the Whigs control the history books, everyone that dissented from their program becomes the apogee of evil and everything that didn’t happen could never have possibly happened.

I think Harry Truman deserves a lot of hatred in the same way that thrall whites or blindly obedient whites in the military or police, or any conservative that takes the position of Violence Never An Option deserve to be hated: They are indispensable enablers. Truman was the perfect follow-up for FDRs master plan, because he truly was a deluded buffoon who had no capacity to counter, or even acknowledge, the pernicious influence of the American warhawks that refused to fight. My recollection may be sloppy, but it’s hard to find an elected official after World War II that didn’t fight, and this was true for both parties. but the men that stayed home to “run things” were the vanguard of the managerial Elite. this tendency exists to this day, you see it in journalists and policy analysts and think tank wonks. They are forever willing to send other bodies to be broken in war, and will come up with all manner of justification and rationalization, but they never pay the butchers bill, and always manage to come through bearing no responsibility for what’s been done.

Your contention that MacArthur was a bad peacetime general sticks in my craw because there’s no such thing as a good peacetime general who is also a good wartime general. there are good generals and bad generals. Good generals win wars while bad generals take power during peace. there’s a pretty good book that covers this phenomenon called Rules of the Game (by Gordon IIRC). the main point of discussion in the book is the naval Battle of Jutland, but to support the theses, It goes all the way back to Nelson’s Royal Navy and works forward, demonstrating in great detail how the type who make excellent wartime generals are completely intolerable for the civilian government when there is no war. these kinds of men are dirty fighters, elegant, cheaters, and the type to absolutely refuse to comply or compromise on anything. substantial. civilian leadership wants generals who color in the lines, follow all the rules, and put spit and polish at the top of the priority list. I think you’re acknowledgment that MacArthur was an excellent colonial administrator makes my point very succinctly. Of course he wasn’t perfect, and his character and strategic defects cost a lot of blood and territory and materiel. but there’s no such thing as a perfect general because there’s no such thing as a perfect man.

Red says:


I really have to take issue with this:

We see this in the legal system. In self defense cases you’re fucked if you shoot to wound and not kill.

Yes in our modern fucked up legal system that’s the case. But back before the Cathedral it was quite common to fire warning shots or shoot people in a manner not intended to kill. It was considered civilized. Killing man was a final resort when he refused to desist attacking your property or person.

In our insane system self defense is largely illegal unless your life is under immediate dire which was not the case for most of history. Violence in defense of property is why property exists and the less violence you need to use, the better unless someone needed killing.

The Cominator says:

If my grandfather had lived past when my father was 6 I could speak of him with inside knowledge because for a time my grandfather was a Lt. Colonel on his staff.

Just looking at the history I’m not impressed by MacArthur all that much in WWII (Nimitz and Spruance being the most impressive commanders of the Pacific by far) and Mac strikes me as far more of a politician than Patton ever was. Mac’s greatest military achievement by far was in the Korea war, the Inchon landings. He also did a very good job at ruling occupied Japan (which my grandfather was involved in)

Ron says:

“Potomac wastes” 😂

There was a game published a while back called “Car Wars”, the essential plot was due to massive bioengineered famine and oil collapse, the US split in two and now cars are armed with machine guns and flamethrowers.

Now Im thinking a better backstory is “after the US recovered from peak leftism following a massive purge, it was decided the best way to prevent that level of faggotry was to abolish all prisons and put hard limits on the number of police and judiciary. So if you want justice you better be ready to make it yourself. Welcome to 2027, where the right of way goes to he who has the biggest guns. Drive Offensively.”

Ghostrider says:

[*globohomo triumphalism deleted*]

jim says:

The faith of Globohomo lives, but is dying. Our memes are winning. And now the power of Globohomo is dying.

With defeat in the Ukraine, they can soldier on to nukes, and get annihilated in nuclear fire, or abandon the periphery of empire and concentrate on demon worship, abolishing reproduction, and abolishing the difference between male and female. But with empire and faith dying simultaneously, this is likely to get them into trouble one way or another way, for soft power depends on hard power.

The Soviet Union fell because the faith was long dead, they suffered a minor defeat, and suddenly everything unzippered. The faith of Globohomo is not dead, but about as healthy as Biden, and it has suffered a major defeat.

Red says:

I saw some leftist kike on youtube insisting that they edified the Apple Carts not tip them over so they could grab them. I never expected to hear Jim’s talk of apple carts hit the semi mainstream.

jim says:

Watched JFK’s nephew running for president. He will not mention our memes and does not accept them, but I read in his sudden flight from certain issues and certain facts that he is hearing them.

In part of his mind, he is not running as the left alternative to Biden, but the left alternative to us – he wants to make the faith of leftism great again, because we are the competition.

The Cominator says:

They will never let RFK Jr (despite being a different type of leftist) win it they would literally rather have Trump.

jim says:

Obviously. RFK Jr wants to win some primaries, as if the primaries were still real. Normality bias.

He is the near enemy, attacking them for departing from the true and pure faith of older leftism. On the right of them, because his leftism is out of date, on the left of them, because his faith really is truer and purer. They would rather have the far enemy, for more important to them than controlling the empire, more important to them than controlling America, is controlling the left.

The benefit of allowing Trump to win is that they can talk Russia Russia Russia all day long, but very conveniently do not have to actually fight Russia because that horrible traitor Trump is in charge. And then they can absorb him has they absorbed the Reagan Revolution. If they let RFK Jr win, they actually lose power (to a slightly different left faction that will go right along with abolishing men and suppressing Christianity).

If they do not allow Trump to win (which remains the most probable option), external defeat or nuclear fire awaits. They suddenly pivoted from extermination by lockdown and forever boosting, to war with Russia Russia Russia. If they accept external defeat, the pivot to Russia Russia Russia sinks like a stone, where to pivot to next? Double down on trannies, worship of the Awesome might of the Gaia demon, and browning America, I suppose. But doubling down while the empire falls is risky. If globohomo gets purged by fire here and there, purge by fire in America becomes thinkable.

If they fail to pivot from Russia Russia Russia in the face of defeat in conventional warfare, nuclear warfare awaits. If they do pivot, what do they do next?

In 1933 they decided that Hitler’s variant of leftism was the most dangerous enemy, and threw women overboard to clear the decks for war with Germany. Recently they decided that Putinism is the most dangerous enemy and threw Covid overboard. But sufficient deck clearance is radically unthinkable. Covid is barely a start on the necessary deck clearance.

We are at a branch point in history where all things are possible. Even a reversion to the faith of RFK Jr, though I do not like his chances. The Roman Republic went on for a very long time after it was already dead, but everyone suffering from normality bias was defeated, murdered, or whatever. He suffers from normality bias, therefore likely to be squashed like a bug. And yet normality bias, failure to accommodate the new normal, just went on and on and on in Rome after the Republic was already dead, but strangely not falling.

The good news for us is that no matter what strategy of retreat they wind up following (and I, and they, have absolutely no idea which one they will follow) it could get out of control.

The Cominator says:

The thing with deck clearance now is the heart of the Amerikaner is now black with anger hatred and the desire for revenge. It would take an utterly Stalin scale purge of DC to bring the Amerikaner back on board. Years ago when I said that leftist need a final solution followed by checks on people and them disappearing into the night if any future people became leftists people were horrified. Now everyone agrees with me.

Adam says:

The Amerikaners do not need to get on board anything we just need to be able to enforce coverture and also be free to associate with each other while prohibiting entryists.

All we need is the boot off our neck, and we will do the rest.

Red says:

It was that Troon murdering Christian children that really pushed people over the edge. It was obviously no longer possible just to get by with evil in our midst.

Kunning Drueger says:

If the GAE pulled a 180°, lynched Zelensky and his party faithful, and restored vacation privileges to the Russian Elite, Putin would sign whatever they offered in a flash.

If the DC Establishment dumped the trannies and fired a few FBI grrlbosses, the bulk of Amerikaners would race each other to jump back on the God Bless America bandwagon.

There’s a reason normalcy bias is so widespread, why it’s so alluring, is it maintains the illusion that the hurts and betrayals can be healed and corrected, and the idealistic misperception of the Good Ol’Days will return. Whenever a man takes back the cheating ho that broke his heart, his bros are astounded because he seems to have forgotten what she did to him. In truth, it is because he cannot help but remember a thing that never existed, a thing he wants “back” so badly.

The Amerikaner will always take back Lady Liberty so long as she can convince him that she’s draped in the flag, that true blue runs in her veins, that it was some malingering subversive that had illegally taken power and forced her to do all those unbelievably evil things. The only way the Amerikaner can get over that lying cheating slut is if he beats her face in, fucks her up the ass, and dumps her in the East River.

Red says:

@Kunning Drueger

They really have an awful lot to roll back right now. I’m really not sure they could do it.

The Cominator says:

Rollbacks alone without them shedding rivers of high level shitlib blood will not satisfy me. No guarantee they won’t do it again without a cautionary tale being imposed. Everyone connected to covid and the election steal must die and I’m still not supporting any fight with Russia just one over Taiwan.

Kunning Druegger says:

I genuinely hope I am wrong Red. But I think DeSantis will be the “peace offering” and I think it will sway a substantial amount of the so-called and actual Right. This is contingent on the relatively more reasonable and calculating factions wresting control away from the radicals, but we have too many living and influential boomers and their patronage networks around. The core of dissidence, those that either Know What Time It Is or have had everything ripped away is actually quite small.

“Boiling the frog” is a fairly common euphemism thrown around in our circles. It makes intuitive sense and illustrates many points elegantly. What gets left out is that the original experiment on which the turn of phrase is based used brain damaged frogs, as normal frogs jump out immediately regardless of the speed at which the water heats up because they are very sensitive to their environment.

If the heat gets reduced, the brain damaged frogs (that’s all of us in the aggregate until we conquer land in Africa lol) will stay put. The Amerikaner has learned to accept minor adversity, to keep quiet when there’s social pressure, to conform when there’s cultural pressure. The best thing that could happen for us is the radicals consolidate control and jam the accelerator pedal to the floor, as this makes the vast majority of people targets like us. They only need to roll back to ~2018 and they will get massed support, largely because everyone wants to avoid anything worse than minor adversity. This is why Trump was so great; he left no space for subtlety or patience. He forced them to take off both mask and gloves.

All is not lost if we somehow get back on track for Brezhnevian Malaise. I’d almost prefer it, as it gives us time to do much more than flee to the mountains. But, if you had to guess, what do you think Amerikaners would do with the allotted time if they were given a decade of reprieve from the FEMA Camps?

jim says:

> I genuinely hope I am wrong Red. But I think DeSantis will be the “peace offering” and I think it will sway a substantial amount of the so-called and actual Right

Obviously he is a peace offering, and the right is not buying it. If he wins in the primaries, only by outrageous and obvious rigging that will discredit the Republican party. But then, every institution is being burned down, so why not them?

> All is not lost if we somehow get back on track for Brezhnevian Malaise.

Quite possible. That would parallel Thermidor. Thermidor only lasted a year and three months. Brezhnevian Malaise was, however eighteen years. But what made it last eighteen years was Brezhnev. The regime was stable, because a stable Sovereign. We don’t have a sovereign. We have more conspiracies than you can shake a stick at, all at each other’s throads.

Those who appointed Biden wanted Brezhnevian Malaise. But with no Brezhnev, no Brezhnevian Malaise. To make peace, need a strong man, to make war need a strong man. Need a ruler that can say “Peace with X”, and all his subjects are at peace with X, a ruler that can say “war with X”, and all his subjects are at war with X. What Tucker judges to be the strongest conspiracy (I have no idea, and do not much care) has drifted us into war. It cannot drift us out of it.

Red says:

But, if you had to guess, what do you think Amerikaners would do with the allotted time if they were given a decade of reprieve from the FEMA Camps?

We’d probably waste it. Immediate danger tends to focus the will and forces coordination.

I know lots of solid white men are starting to get really worried about where things are headed. Last year they just wanted to grill, watch the NFL, and have fun with their kids. Soon they’ll be looking for someone to lead them in doing something about it.

As in all things elite leadership is needed. I’m hopeful that Jim’s right about the some elites getting ready to defect.

I saw a clip from that boy faced faggot Marco Rubio today:


That’s very unusual from him and I think is shows a real change in elite thought.

I’m less hopeful about Trump returning to power. This is turning quickly into a religious crusade and Trump isn’t a religious leader and has been quite comfortable with degeneracy. It’s unfortunate how cucked McChristianity is. We could really use a based high priest to go along military and political leadership.

It’s best to be irrationally optimistic but not suicidally so.

The Cominator says:

DeSantis is unfortunately not charismatic but I think the neocon wing massively underestimate him the way the Roman kleptocrats underestimated young Octatvian and the German cuckservatives underestimated Hitler and are wrong that he will be a puppet once in office. Administrative abilities are much better than Trump he is not subject to flattery the way Trump is. He has to win though.

Trump I am very very disenchanted following the covid cuckery and failure to cross the Rubicon I wish he would get a chance to succeed where Trump failed…

Fidelis says:

religious leader

Do you know any candidates that could be helicoptered in? Off the top of my head, I only know of Viganò, but I also haven’t been looking. Perhaps looking is a good idea. Perhaps opening lines of discussion with those who sense something wrong but don’t have the insights found here is a good idea, I’m sure there’s a remnant that exists in all denominations that understands or is willing to understand real Christianity. Christianity as it was understood by the Reconquistadores, or by those writing the 39 articles.

Red says:

You know Tucker’s a priest, but he’s a priest of the old and quite dead American civic religion.

Javier says:

Trump won’t win, 2024 steal will be insane. 70-80% of the vote for Biden, at least.

hopefully people’s belief in democracy will at least die too.

Mayflower Sperg says:

America’s societal collapse is accelerating. If some Democrats don’t want to die in a cannibal holocaust or nuclear war, they must find a way to get Trump back in office before more zealous Democrats suicide him in prison.

jim says:

Nah, they will elect Biden with 51% of the vote. If they elect biden. But the fraud require will indeed be off the charts. It was obvious that the real vote for Biden in 2020 election was something like twenty or thirty percent. This time it will be even lower, for people vote for peace and prosperity. Anyone of those few who actually voted for him is horrified by the results.

It is really interesting to see hardcore leftists defecting from The Narrative. RFK, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald etc. basically an alt-left is forming.

Anonymous Fake says:

Memes haven’t translated to a return to [*deleted yet again*]

jim says:

And memes will not, cannot, cannot possibly translate to those things, and no has one ever suggested for an instant that they possibly could while the enemies of man and life still control the instruments of state violence. Memes can translate to power and violence, to some people being safe from being beaten in the streets and to other people being beaten in the streets, to Cathedrals being built, and pagan temples where children were sacrificed on the altars of globohomo burning.

And that can translate to all the things you list.

All you and Ghost are telling us is that Globohomo is still in power. But its power is getting visibly shakier every day. When we can build Cathedrals instead of having our Churches desecrated and burned, then it becomes possible for memes to have all the concrete consequences for human life that you list. A cathedral is a victory parade of the Christian state religion. First victory, then we hold the victory parade, so that everyone knows it is now safe to do certain things, and now unsafe to do certain other things, and then those things get done or stop being doing done.

All you and ghost are telling us is that terror works. No one knows it works better than us.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted because every phrase is a flat out denial of what everyone sees in front of their eyes.*]

Ghostrider says:

Not what I said asshole.

[*and then you say the same thing again*]

jim says:

This conflict within America is being conducted by priestly methods. Meme versus meme. The legacy media is dead, and our memes are all over the alt media and alt right media.

Outside America, being conducted by military methods. And the defeat of the Ukrainian counter offensive is as shattering as the fall of legacy media.

It does not look like a good time to throw the towel in and accept your memes on the basis of how wonderfully successfully they are so wonderfully winning.

Have we won? Clearly not, as you repetitiously point out. Far from it, very far from it, as you repetitiously point out. But Globohomo is losing.

Ghostrider says:

Not something you can take credit for. People like David Duke, Alex Jones, Andrew Anglin, and Chris Langen have been carrying the fight to the enemy. [*rest of the nonsense deleted*]

jim says:

All the people you list are shills or controlled opposition, except for Andrew Anglin. And we got Andrew Anglin pumping our memes to the masses. He is ours.

I am not particularly interested in pumping memes to the masses. What the masses are thinking is merely a lagging indicator of what the elite is thinking. I am interested in pumping memes to the likes of Andrew Anglin. The masses are downstream of power.

And this lagging indicator is starting to move, long after far more important indicators have moved.

A fundamental element of our victory is, like the Taliban’s, sex and reproduction. The red pill. You guys are against it, we are for it. I tell men how to accomplish it, you tell them to cut their dicks off. Which message is likely to be more popular? And I tell men how to accomplish it, which is a subject in which men are very interested, while no one is listening to your rubbish. Your comedians are not funny, your ratings are down. How is Steve Colbert doing?

Ghostrider says:

What the fuck? Where do you get off associated me with Colbare, or cutting. When the fuck did I say that? You lying asshole.

You are the “former” liberal. I have never been for that.

You cut your own dick off by living in an echo chamber, faggot!

jim says:

> Where do you get off associated me with Colbare

You are giving us the same line as Colbare. The snear that assumes the left has won the argument, and therefore does not need to present an argument. Which is why I deleted it. We have heard it all before.

> living in an echo chamber, faggot!

Echo chamber? We are bombarded day and night by loudspeakers screaming your absurd nonsense. I just did a search on you tube for stuff related to the Ukraine. According to Youtube, Russia is about to collapse, and be subjected to final occupation by Globohomo, Putin is a tyrant, there is no freedom in Russia, the Ukraine is free, the offensive has been hugely successful, and Ukrainian troops are very shortly going to reach the Azov sea. And the same on gays, trannies, women doing men’s work, everything day and night. I turn on the television to watch an adventure movie, and see no end of action girls taking out six men with a kick, interrupted by gay marriage or two, and any sexual tension involves men performing the female part of the mating dance, and women the male part. If the movie shows people living normal lives, the women are career girls who are immensely competent at doing men’s work.

We have heard it all before, we hear it all the time, As I type this, my guests are watching netflix and I hear your rubbish being spammed in the background, and I am not going have it spammed over my blog the way you spam it over everything else everywhere all the time. I just glanced at the screen after typing the previous line, and there is a black man romancing a white woman except that he is emasculated by playing the female role in the mating dance.

someDude says:

But Anglin is not in power. Do you believe that some faction of the Elite might be listening to Anglin?

jim says:


The Cominator says:

Colbert hasn’t been a comedian for at least 15 years.

ivanislav says:

I read many many comments early in the war that the Nazi component of the Ukrainian armed forces must be fictitious because their president is a Jew.

What could be more delicious to Zelensky’s crowd than setting up Nazi sympathizers and descendants to be obliterated by the Russians while at the same time robbing them blind and getting obscenely rich?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

In an absolutely shocking turn of events, the prosecution’s most significant tranche of ‘evidence’ against Trump turns out to have come from Trump’s own defense lawyer.

Who could have expected this.

The Cominator says:

Its all political so really haven’t been paying attention but what happened.

Red says:

Tump’s defense attorney records him on his iPhone during a conversation about legal tactics. Then transcribes it to notes. Then hands it over to the DOJ and resigns as Trump’s lawyer.

DOJ had a grand jury investigate him to give him an ethical out to resign.

The transcript presented based on the recording was actually doctored on the documents submitted to court as covered by Sundance of Conservative Treehouse. Words were left out to change meanings.

Karl says:

Trump’s talent in hiring people shows again.

Red says:

Finding a lawyer who’s not going to work against you is like finding a virgin in a whorehouse.

Karl says:

Yet Rittenhouse managed what Trump failed to do.

Rittenhouse probably never had hired a lawyer before. Trump must have been hiring lawyers for 50 years or so. Trump has been betrayed before by people he had hired. There is something that Trump is doing wrong.

I assume Trumo is unable to see the world as it is. He is suffereing from some kind of normality bias. A shill test for his lawyers might have helped Trump.

Adam says:

Trump does not want to murder his enemies, he wants to make deals with them. Obviously Rittenhouse did not suffer from that problem.

Kunning Druegger says:

The disconnect here is the Cathedral perceives Trump as an existential threat, whereas Rittenhouse was perceived as a done deal. Remember how most people thought Kyle had shot blacks? This was because everyone knows they don’t here about white boys + murder unless they have committed murder against the protected classes of the state religion. I was really confused by that when it was happening, because anyone paying attention, even in passing, knew the basic details of the Rittenhouse Moment, we were just waiting to see how it would go down in court. The Cathedral checked the wind, found it to their liking, and moved on to more important matters (if you feel like doing the research, I have no doubt you’ll find plenty of “stuff” in the intervening time between incident and trial), meaning they left the locals in charge. This should be reminiscent of Election 2016, and it had the same outcome (just imagine the Vince McMann GIF right here).

If Rittenhouse had had to go through the appellate process, if that case had higher stakes or status quotients were at risk, Kyle would have had enormous issues with securing sound legal counsel. The situations are actually incomparable. To defend Trump is career suicide, because the System Quo is just not willing to treat assisting Trump as anything but treason, so the only options are cowboys and zealots, and Hollywood has greatly overinflated the efficacy of lone outsiders facing down the System. I bet the lawyer backstabbing Trump in this case was probably quite loyal, very aware of what’s going on, and a good man with a family and a whole bunch of things that could be burned down around him (I haven’t looked him up at all, so if it’s some gaymosexual faggot with niggeritis, AIDS, and floppy tit syndrome, shame on me for interjecting fiction tenets).

Regardless of the character of these lawyers, all lawyers, the issue is the externalities, not the players. Something Razorfist said in that video I linked: the Process is the Punishment. This is not some modern facet of our system, this is exactly what FDR intended, and he pulled it from Wilson’s playbook, which is derived from the pernicious evil that runs back through Appomattox, DC, Seneca Falls, Cambridge, and into deep history. They make you unapproachable, undesirable, untouchable, and they do it with a million small things, not one big thing.

Karl says:

Of course Trump’s lawyers had more incentive for betrayal than Rittenhouse’s lawyers and if Trump had no history of being betrayed by people he had hired that would be sufficient explanation, but Trump has been betrayed too often. He could have done better.

If assisting him is a carreer ending move, he might have tried to hire an old man who wanted to retire anyway or at last a lawyer who will be dragging his feet when ordered to betray Trump.

Any lawyer who provides evidence against his client commits treason of a kind he can’t be forced to commit. The lawyer doesn not need to take any documents into his file that could hurt his client. Anyone forcing the lawyer can hardly know what Trump told or showed his lawyer and even if so, the lawyer could forget to take notes or lose problematic documents. Protective stupidity should serve a lawyer very well who is ordered to betray a client, he doesn’t want to betray.

Red says:

> He could have done better.

>Any lawyer who provides evidence against his client commits treason of a kind he can’t be forced to commit.

@Karl you have not been keeping up with the times. Trump’s personal assistant was charged with lying to the FBI for saying “I don’t know”. A lawyer for Trump claiming the same will end up in jail if he doesn’t give states evidence against Trump.

There’s no legal protections for Trump or any of his supporters. We’re effectively dealing with Stalinist show trials here. The only Trump doesn’t end up dead in prison is a faction with power backs him.

Karl says:

Ah Ok. I stand corrected

Pax Imperialis says:

I have a hard time believing Truman to have been in control of the presidency. His own words describe himself as having an “inferiority complex,” being “mercifully ridiculed,” and being a “sissy” growing up. This never seemed to go away in adulthood as he was taking orders from the British, French, FDR’s advisors, State Department, and anyone else that could catch his ear. This involved things like promising not to use nukes in Korea to the British, firing some FDR advisors at the behest of other FDR advisors (firing Wallace as demanded by the Secretary of State), actually getting blocked by Supreme Court unlike FDR on steel production, failing to control his generals and firing out of hurt feelings, constantly explaining himself to FDR’s wife even though he barely knew the man.

The first 6 months of his presidency is on FDR autopilot creating all the international organizations that we know today as “rules based international order” or international cathedral or GEA. There’s little indication Truman was involved in the planning as FDR kept him away most of the time and rarely met each other. Combined with his personal proclivity for corruption, he strikes me as a Joe Biden like figure in American history. A pathetic idiot that was purposely selected for VP due to being nonthreatening.

How much control did Truman actually have?

Red says:

Does it really matter? If he was a puppet for the Cathedral he’s just a guilty for those crimes as the rest of the Cathedral is. It just makes him pathetic and evil instead just evil.

Skippy says:

The Anti-versity needs historians, who are willing to address questions like this in detail. We have a vague overarching theory of history, but very few workers willing to work on detail questions. Understandable when they don’t get paid, but even so.

Starman says:

The glowing federal agent accounts on Gab, @Nature_and_Race and @Wanderers_Choice, are pivoting from anti-Russia to anti-China DOD talking points.

Looks like NATO is getting its ass kicked in the Ukraine.

Red says:

Good. Hopefully Putin doesn’t puss out and goes for anything less than complete humiliation of NATO.

@Starman you have any idea about the rumors going around that the FAA trying to shut Elon down over the fully stacked Starship test flight? I’m seeing some hints about it, but I don’t know how serious it is.

Starman says:


”you have any idea about the rumors going around that the FAA trying to shut Elon down over the fully stacked Starship test flight? I’m seeing some hints about it, but I don’t know how serious it is.”

With the jews getting their asses kicked in Ukraine, NASA is telling the anti-Starship plotters to fuck off. The next Starship orbital flight test is in 6-8 weeks, pending OLM diverter upgrades/tests, and new tank installations.

And here’s Elon’s opinion on late republics.

TheDividualist says:

Reminder: we need a warrior leader like Franco, not a merchant like Elon or The Donald

jim says:

We don’t have any warrior leaders. They only allow people of their faith to be promoted beyond a certain level. They only allow PMCs of their faith.

Zelensky has a lot of warrior leaders under him, because he rests on the Nazi organization that was maintained by the CIA to overthrow communism. But they are no good to us and dangerous to the GAE. It has become obvious that the GAE wants them dead just as much as it wants the Russians dead.

War is coming. And they will have to find, as Putin is finding, warrior leaders. He complained that he had discovered no end of parquet generals, and in the military industrial complex, no end of bureaucrats who created paper, rather than weapons. I saw a video of him giving the military industrial complex a speech. The part of the speech that was released on video was not chewing them out, but looking at their faces, he had been chewing them out. They looked very sour when he said that every soldier needs kit that is comfortable, easy to use, and modern guns. When he said that, their faces said that they were in big trouble. Putin is facing a rebellion in the government similar to that which faced Trump, but he is a warrior while Trump was not and he has a faith which Trump did not.

The directorate of France, the Thermidoreans, discovered a warrior leader. You may recollect his name. But Stalin needed a Beria, Cromwell needed a Monck.

Starman says:


”Reminder: we need a warrior leader like Franco, not a merchant like Elon or The Donald”

Surprise, surprise, this clotshot brahmin can’t tell the difference between a brand merchant and a prophet that routinely does *peaceful* precision guided hypersonic entry on a routine basis.

TheDividualist says:

@Starman Musk looks less prophet-like past-Twitter than pre-Twitter, you gotta admit that? He was and is incredibly normie about it. He even made a chick the boss.

yeah yeah 5D chess

it worked so well for us before

notglowing says:

Putin is now claiming they lack sufficient stock of weapons and supplies, aircraft and munitions among them (https://www.interfax.ru/russia/906055)

I don’t know how much stock the US has, but I also have no idea how we’d know which side is actually suffering more from lack of materiel at this point.

On the one hand, GAE has to keep enough weapons to defend its entire empire, on the other hand Ukraine receives stuff from not just directly the US. Even if a lot of the stockpiles are defective, there has to be more than enough to continue the war for a while, given that they are still being produced.

Ukraine may be doing badly tactically, but I don’t understand the confidence of asserting the american side is actually lacking *stuff*. So long as the trains are coming in, they are coming in.

Skippy says:

Seems unlikely Putin is stating his army lacks materiel out of some fit of truth-telling. What he is saying is he now believes he has the political capital to ramp up materiel production. Because the war is now a success, he can escalate it. We don’t have enough stuff = you are going to give me more stuff, now.

ivanislav says:

It is reminiscent of Bakhmut, where Prigozhin made public statements about lack of ammunition a few days before it was fully taken. Perhaps the goal is to lift morale and motivate attacks by Ukraine that Russia is ready for and intends to squash.

Karl says:

Some of the equipment sent to Ukraine was not taken from storage, but from units that haven been using that equipment for training and were expected to use it when they are deployed. These units are now lacking stuff.

jim says:

> there has to be more than enough to continue the war for a while, given that they are still being produced.

The Ukraine has emptied Nato’s stocks. For many key items, shells and some artillery systems, Nato is flat out, they have all been shipped to the Ukraine, every last one, and the Ukraine is now burning through them at a huge rate. It is completely unsustainable, and it has not been sustained. The offensive just does not have enough shells and enough tanks, and now has appreciably fewer than it had when it started, and they are not going to be replaced for a long time.

> GAE has to keep enough weapons to defend its entire empire

Well that is the thing. It has not kept enough weapons to defend its entire empire. It is flat out of shells and flat out of M777s. The empire is naked, and the provinces, for example Turkey and Saudi Arabia, are giving them the finger. Saudi Arabia’s propensity to be rude to Biden, the State Department, and America has, possibly by coincidence, closely paralleled how much weapons the Global American Empire has left, similarly Sudan.

And, in the course of sending stuff to the Ukraine, it suddenly discovered it had far less stuff than it though it had. It thought it had a whole lot of tanks, and discovered that a whole lot of them were not in fact ready to roll. Ukraine has not only exhausted Imperial capability, it has revealed that imperial capability has for a long time been vastly less than advertised.

I have long known that anyone in the empire who produces anything real is hated, persecuted, distressed, and demoralized. I now discover that the same is true for people who build and maintain shells, artillery, and armored vehicles, has been true for quite a while.

Starman says:


”but I don’t understand the confidence of asserting the american side is actually lacking *stuff*.”

Ha ha.
You have way more confidence in the USG’s military ability than USG itself does.

Kunning Druegger says:

Lol, there’s a lot of that going around right now. Civilians with a rich history of armchair generalship are crowing about wunderwaffen and industrial capacity while actual military are quietly exiting stage right and actual industrialists are reviewing new properties in places more suitable for industry.

The congenital solipsists, their pet minorities, and the spinsters that underpin it all will be cheering on inevitable victory even as they get frog marched to the rooftop.

Red says:

Ukraine may be doing badly tactically, but I don’t understand the confidence of asserting the american side is actually lacking *stuff*. So long as the trains are coming in, they are coming in.

Ukraine is being out shelled by the Russians at a least 5 to 1 ratio. That indicates that we’re out of artillery and shells to supply them. The US managed to almost double our shell production from 14,000 a month to 24,000 a month after 1.5 years of war. Everyday the Russians fire well over 20,000 shells in Ukraine. Which means we’re producing enough shells in 12 months for about 15 days of combat. And I’m hearing stories that a lot of the shells produced by our expanded production lines are dangerous to the people firing them and shouldn’t be used.

The rest of NATO is even worse off than the US.

notglowing says:


(March 28th)

> The U.S. will double monthly production of 155mm artillery shells to 24,000 by year’s end and increase it sixfold within five years, Army Undersecretary Gabe Camarillo said today

> Army production of 155mm shells appeared to be slightly ahead of its past estimates. In April, Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said the U.S. was planning to manufacture 20,000 155mm rounds per month by spring, not the 24,000 that Camarillo said

It’s not completely clear given they say “by year’s end” but it sounds like they have not actually reached 24000 at this point.

> Still, it’s unclear whether the increase in U.S. production can meet Ukraine’s needs and its own.

> The U.S. has already sent 1,074,000 155mm rounds to Ukraine, which is burning though as many as 143,000 rounds a month, according to research by Mark Cancian, a senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Another source actually gives me a figure of 6000 to 8000 per day, almost twice
(AP, April 23, https://apnews.com/article/us-army-ukraine-russia-ammunition-war-75a9ca2e3be09578c65f1198ba5b72e5 )

> Together, the plants are under contract for 24,000 shells per month, with an additional $217 million Army task order to further boost production, although officials won’t say how many more 155 mm shells are sought by the task order.

> The Russians are firing 40,000 shells per day, said Ustinova, who serves on Ukraine’s wartime oversight committee.

> “So we’re doing five times less than they do and trying to keep it up. But if we don’t start the production lines, if you don’t warm it up, it is going to be a huge problem,” Ustinova said.

(March 20)

> EU ministers have reached a deal to supply Ukraine with a million rounds of shells to bolster its defences against Russia’s invasion.

> “The [Ukrainian armed forces] are utilising artillery rounds faster than Ukraine’s partners can produce and supply them. The proposed assistance measure will therefore make an important contribution to allow the UAF to counterbalance the combat power of Russian forces,” notes an internal document on the plans.

So as of March 20th, the EU had 1 million shells in stock to supply to Ukraine? Or, are these just “future” expected shipments?

Regarding Russian production:


(Jan 17, somewhat outdated)

> An unnamed source told RIA Novosti that Russia will never have a shortage of ammunition. The country produces multiple large-caliber artillery shells. “There is no shortage of projectiles in the Russian army and it is not expected, including taking into account the available ammunition. The Russian monthly volume of production of the entire range of large-caliber projectiles many times exceeds the same indicator for the production of 155-mm projectiles in the USA,” said the interlocutor of the agency.

Unnamed source, and no figures whatsoever.


(April 5)

>In January, CNN quoted U.S. officials saying the average rate of fire had dropped from a high of 20,000 rounds per day to an average of 5,000. They contrasted this with Ukrainian estimates of a fall from 60,000 per day to 20,000.

> In March, Spanish newspaper El Pais quoted EU insider sources as saying that Russia was firing 40-50,000 rounds per day, and alongside an estimate of 20-60,000 rounds per day from the Latvian government which has been a major supplier of ammunition to Ukraine.

> Also in March, in a letter to the EU asking for ammunition, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said that Russian forces were firing on average about 15,000 rounds per day.

> In March, Konrad Muzyka, a defense analyst at Rochan Consulting returned from the front line in Ukraine with the estimate that Russia is expending around 10,000 shells per day.

> Many commentators concur that the rate of fire is falling off, though whether this is from 60,000 a day to 20,000 or 20,000 to 5,000 is impossible to tell.

So, did Russian stock deplete/increase between the previous articles and this one? The numbers they are firing don’t seem consistent. The timeline doesn’t seem consistent.

> Once the stockpile is gone, the only source will be new deliveries. According to Ukrainian estimates, Russia has capacity to produce around 20,000 rounds a month or less than 700 rounds a day. One 152mm gun fires 7-8 rounds a minute, so a single battery of 6 guns will expend that 700 rounds in one 15-minute bombardment – leaving nothing for any other Russian forces anywhere in Ukraine. No wonder competition for shells between different units is becoming intense and Wagner units claim they are not being given any.

Not sure how accurate this is. Elsewhere the article claims Russia had a cold war stockpile of possibly up to 16 million rounds, prepared for a war against NATO, many of which are in bad condition now. That would explain why they’d be able to fire five times as much as Ukraine without producing any more rounds than the US.

While I don’t know if this article is correct, I don’t see other estimates of Russian production, and it’s true that Wagner has been complaining about not being given enough.

> But expending 40,000 rounds, or even 20,000 or 10,000 in one day will no longer be feasible.
> Ukraine’s General Staff believe that Russia will experience critical ammunition shortages in the next two months.

This was about two months ago, so going by Putin’s claim they are short of ammo, it does seem like the estimate was on point.
Whether or not they can increase production, and whether or not production is really 20000 or 30000 (which would be dramatically different) is a different question.

Overall it seems Russia has had the upper hand in terms of expending 155mm artillery. If I take these numbers as true, that has mostly been because of their stockpiles.
That said, if we believe western media, their artillery production is at least equivalent to the US, and that’s after a year and a half of the US ramping it up. Which doesn’t look good for america.

There’s been several times Russia was claimed to be about to run out of stockpiles, and it hasn’t happened until now.
I guess the next two months will show whether it’s true this time or not.

There’s the question of whether or not North Korea is really selling their stockpile to Russia, which has been denied. But apparently they have millions of those. And South Korea is selling half a million to the US.

Kunning Druegger says:

You should go back and read St. John’s various posts on Paperocracy. The GAE can produce one thing better and in more abundance than all others combined: paperwork. They generals call for more shells, and the bureaucracy generates papers, paperwork, and memos that say we’ve never had more shells, that shell making is more green, clean, and efficient than it’s ever been, that strong and independent gay black lesbian trannies are pioneering new ways to make shells, and all manner of steam called smoke to distract from the fact that there is no fire.

notglowing says:

For the artillery shells at least, the US government is not claiming that they’re making nearly enough.
Not enough for Ukraine to continue firing them at the same rate, never mind at Russia’s rate.
Even counting the planned expansion in production capacity for the next year, and the near future.

The question is whether Russians, who are firing five times the artillery shells that Ukraine has been firing, are doing so because they are able to produce two orders of magnitude more than NATO, or whether they are dipping into stockpiles.

40000 per day is 1.2 million produced per month, compared to ~20000 per month claimed by NATO.

However Russia isn’t firing 40k per day every day, so the necessary number of shells might be lower, let’s say half.

600000 is still a massive amount to be produced every month. Are they really making more than that? Are they really going to be able to multiply this? Because these numbers are kind of mind-boggling. Maybe I am missing something in my math.

jim says:

> The question is whether Russians, who are firing five times the artillery shells that Ukraine has been firing, are doing so because they are able to produce two orders of magnitude more than NATO, or whether they are dipping into stockpiles

When they report Putin complaining of shortages, the very cleverly amend what he said by leaving out “Russia is now producing 10x the number of drones as previously, as well as 3x in certain regular weapons and similarly 10x in specific types of much-needed systems like guided munitions.”

If ten times the number of guided munitions, and three times the regular weapons, presumably three times as many dumb shells and ten times as many smart shells, which is consistent with what we see happening in the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive. They are being whacked mighty hard by regular shells, and harder by guided munitions.

The Russians are not dipping onto stockpiles, but rather rely on just in time delivery, which is frequently not in time, for high rates of fire immediately lead to shortages. Brief shortages. Their stockpiles were exhausted not long after the beginning of the operation. They probably built up a fresh stockpile in expectation of The Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive. Their shellfire during this offensive has been economical, though still vastly greater than Ukrainian shellfire.

jim says:

Observed behavior is that Russia is firing four or five shells to every shell the Ukraine fires, that Nato is flat out of shells and desperately short of artillery, and that Russian shells are coming hot off the assembly line – that they are all new shells

Russian artillery is severely constrained for lack of shells. If they had more shells they would shoot more shells, and the amount of shellfire frequently falls short of what they need, for from time to time they bottom out and are flat out of shells. And they are rightly disturbed by this. But they still manage to fire about five shells for every Ukrainian shell.

It is obvious that Russian shells are coming from production, not from old stocks, that they are being fired off as fast as they make them, and it is obvious that they have been rapidly expanding production. Are Ukrainian shells coming from production? Or from flattening Nato stocks that were created back when white men were allowed to build stuff? We will know when the offensive is over, for it looks likely to end for lack of war material, rather than lack of cannon fodder.

> Many commentators concur that the rate of fire is falling off, though whether this is from 60,000 a day to 20,000 or 20,000 to 5,000 is impossible to tell.

Many commentators also concur that the Ukrainian Greatest Counter Offensive is gloriously victorious, that they will shortly reach the sea of Azov, and that Putin will fall, and Russia fragment into Cathedral muppet states. A massive gaslighting offensive is under way, in place of the military offensive that Nato is incapable of doing.

It is easy to tell. Russian sustained long term rate of fire, 20000 shells a day. Higher rates of fire, 60000 a day, briefly during emergencies, which if continued for any length of time swiftly results in critical and disruptive shortages. Ukrainian rate of fire, 5000 shells a day. The Ukrainians are critically short of artillery. Whether they are also critically short of shells is unclear. Is the rate of fire constrained by lack of shells as well as lack of artillery? Well, Nato is flat out of shells, and is not completely out artillery, which is a hint.

Every time Russian fire goes flat out, and then falls off for lack of shells, which happens pretty often, the commentators cackle that Russia is out of shells. Which obviously they were, briefly, after firing off an enormous number of shells. But then more shells start coming – presumably hot off the assembly line. Are Ukrainian shells coming hot off the assembly line? It is hard to tell, because the Ukrainians are also constrained by lack of artillery, while Russia seems to have plenty of artillery, and not enough shells for it.

Sher Singh says:

[*low effort stuff to promote conflict between opponents of the Cathedral deleted*]

Sher Singh says:

[*low effort stuff to promote conflict between opponents of the Cathedral deleted*]

Basil says:

Summing up, [*russian resistance to the Global American Empire in brownish countries near its vital interests is anti white*]

notglowing says:


The kids are rebelling right in Massachusetts

> Massachusetts middle schoolers tore down Pride decorations and chanted that their pronouns were ‘USA’ in a striking protest after they were asked to wear rainbow colors to school.

> Students at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, were asked to wear rainbow-colored shirts to celebrate Pride Month on June 2, but a preplanned protest broke out with students tearing up Pride flag stickers and chanting: ‘USA are my pronouns.’

> Decked out in red, white and blue, the students destroyed the decorations lining the hallway the student organization Spectrum Group distributed, including a quote from American playwright Tennessee Williams, signage saying the school was a ‘safe space’ and ‘equality for everyone’ decorations.

> ‘I was shocked and horrified,’ Nila Almstrom, a parent of an LGBT student, said at a town hall meeting about the protest.

It doesn’t seem to have been tolerated particularly well, though. They’re just using this to create another diversity panel and double down on the propaganda.

Red says:

It’s getting pretty cringe as the holiness spiral ramps up at warp 9.

Kunning Druegger says:

> It doesn’t seem to have been tolerated particularly well, though. They’re just using this to create another diversity panel and double down on the propaganda.

That’s good, that’s the response we want. If they responded with understanding, rapprochement, and an even hand, then it would quell the vigor of dissent. What we want is normies being reasonable and the Cathedralites responding forcefully, dramatically, and, God willing, violently.

You can burn your own ships, or have your ships burned, the outcome is the same. We want normies ready to mow down the diabolist perverts with a simple song on their lips:

“You left us no choice.”

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*] If the left can break a civilization with [*deleted*]

jim says:

That is not how they broke civilization. This has been explained before many times, perhaps not as often as it needs to be explained, but all the alt right seem to know it perfectly well, so I have never felt any need to keep resaying it.

I would have allowed what you said through, if I thought anyone still believed it and it therefore needed to be rebutted yet again.

Vendat Tunicam says:

The left broke our civilization by giving women legal power which combined with nature giving them pussy power makes men slaves and eunuchs. Is that simple enough for you?

Perhaps part of why the puritans were burning witches in Salem was because they were trying to get rid of the first feminists. Except they let women testify in court which means they had already caught the feminist cordyceps. The first two cases of people affected by witchcraft were two girls 9 and 11.

“The girls screamed, threw things about the room, uttered strange sounds, crawled under furniture, and contorted themselves into peculiar positions, according to the eyewitness account of Reverend Deodat Lawson, a former minister in Salem Village.”

Sounds like they hit adrenarche and menarche respectively.

Redbible says:

I currently am convinced that what the bible means by Witches is what we currently call feminism.

Considering that the puritans were some of the early progenitors of modern feminism, I imagine that their witch hunts were based on trying to keep anyone from pointing fingers at them for being witches, or being accused of promoting real witch craft.

Also I am quite sure that the puritans would have been horrified to have women/girls hitting adrenarche or menarche at early (or earlier) ages. (It offends their “marriage needs to wait until super late” sensibilities.)

Ron says:

No, it definitely means witches using sorcery to cause trouble. By total and complete coincidence, much of the upper level magic involves sex orgies and violence.

The solution to which is regular spankings by a strong dominant male owner, followed by nonconsensual impregnation, and “time outs” working on hands and knees in the garden.

In extreme cases, throwing off a cliff.

notglowing says:

Unfortunately some of the normies are apologizing after realizing how horrible their actions against homosexuals were – whenever pressured, they fold.

I have yet to see anyone not do that who isn’t some kind of political extremist.
Too many CEOs, influencers, school teachers, who took some kind of good principled stance, seemingly unaware of the wrath that the eye of sauron would unleash upon them. They are proud to take a stance one moment and then fear for their lives, and surrender, the next.

Pete says:

Someone has explained to those kids that they can be placed on a list that will exclude them from good colleges and jobs forever unless they grovel and submit.

Jehu says:

Hence why I’m leaning to the belief that it all has to be burned down, pretty much every major institution in the West. Sad thing is, the list probably exists for them even if they grovel and submit. It’s hard for me to imagine being a teenager today. Perhaps that’s what made ‘Fight Club’ so appealing.

Contaminated NEET says:

Of course the list exists, and those wrongthinking students are on it, permanently. Apologizing won’t get them a damned thing. There is no forgiveness and no redemption in the officially unofficial state religion. I can’t blame the kids for it, though. I don’t expect them to understand that; their parents are almost certainly deluding themselves and their children because they can’t face the fact that success within this system is no longer an option for them; their teachers, lawyers, and advisors are enemy agents. They never stood a chance.

Jehu says:

Being homeschooled, I’m sure all my kids are on said list.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

“success within this system is no longer an option for them; their teachers, lawyers, and advisors are enemy agents. They never stood a chance.”

Who cares about the system?

The kids can feel it deep down that the jewish system will be irrelevant.

Red says:

Young white men will be excluded from those things no matter what. They’ve got nothing to lose.

Kunning Drueger says:

And once they realize that, we’ll be playing on a whole different ball field with a very simple, and advantageous, set of rules. when I first encountered accelerationism, it seemed like pure crystallize black pill with red pill characteristics. I still think it’s very poorly thought out strategy, but as a tactic, there is some value to it in particular circumstances.

we should be in favor of anything that moves normies right, or moves people off the favored list en masse.

Red says:

We can’t really force the issue, but we should be talking to men of good will about their children prospects. They’re going be treated as human garbage if they don’t start working on a better future for their children.

TheDividualist says:

So you think change happens from below, a critical mass of peasants with pitchforks overthrowing the system?

NRx is elitist, not populist. The key is either converting elites or if they are demon-worshippers, building alt-elites.

Also the Jimian version of NRx elitism is focus on warrior elites

hence: redpill mil generals

Your Uncle Bob says:

Chiefs need Indians.

jim says:

But Indians needs chiefs. The Global American Empire operates by annihilating every potential leader, and if the target population as the social institutions to continually generate new leaders, annihilating the target population.

Kunning Drueger says:

“Hail fellow elite appreciator. I detect that your elite appreciation is not as appreciative as it should be. I must remind you to ignore soldiers and focus on generals, because generals win wars, and soldiers don’t matter.”

The gang that wins wins because it’s a gang. Faggot intellectuals wander in decades later and pontificate on meaningless nothings about the leaders. If you ever do anything grim, dangerous, and bloody in your life, you will be confronted with a fascinating conundrum: both soldier and general are necessary for victory. Sorites paradox.

Starman says:


Since nobody in this GRIDS infected commentariat still won’t call you out… I will.

Will you declare the coronahoax, the overhyped hoax that it is, and recant your previous endorsement of it?
Will you recant your support for the mRNA clotshot, and admit you were mistaken?

TheDividualist says:

@Starman seriously I do not understand what is in it for me to have opinions that match someone elses’ standards, this is a discussion board with zero power or consequences, but just for curiosity I will play along this once:

I believe covid the virus was originally bad in 2020 but by 2021 it mutated to something much less bad and the hoax was covering that up..Confidence 80% maybe 90% . reason: virii tend to mutate that wayand easier hoax to cover that up than to make it up from zero

Taking the jab seems like having been a mistake because there is a mysterious uptick of healthy young athletes suddenly dying since the jab. Also I feel weaker but there are confounding factors like my alcoholism up by 40% since. Probably was not a good idea but not high confidence, say 60% also I basically live on poison like cigs and booze it is a different risk for me than for people who actually care about living a long life, I mostly just took it to be let into bars again

but again I do not see what do I gain or lose by passing or failing such a test

I mean who made you a gatekeeper of what exactly?

jim says:

> I do not understand what is in it for me to have opinions that match someone elses’ standards,

The question is: Are you willing to acknowledge reality, or will you refrain from contradicting insultingly and degradingly absurd Globohomo delusions?

You did contradict Globohomo delusions, though you could have nailed them rather more thoroughly. Could have said: “It is a deer, look at the #&@!^% antlers”

alf says:

I mean who made you a gatekeeper of what exactly?

Starman is a natural guard dog. Sometimes he has trouble distinguishing what it is he is guarding, and from whom.

jim says:

Guard dogs are very handy.

Starman says:


A bugman like you really really needs to be shoved into a locker…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:
jim says:

The faith of globohomo has no provision for repentance and forgiveness. The left is unappeasable.

Kunning Druegger says:

A good video primer on what’s happening with the Trump Indictment:


Red says:

Tuckers well on his way to 100 million views with his 3ed video on twitter. His reach is much larger than it ever was on Fox. They made a serious mistake removing him and their editorial controls they had on him at Fox news.

Red says:

Pretty interesting twitter account with videos of Putin from broadcast events:


Fidelis says:

Hong Kong admin is strongarming banks to adopt crypto exchanges. Coming about at the same time as the US admin is cracking down.

Looks like the middle country smells blood in the water, wants to ally with the financial dissidents of the GAE, using HK as a special economic zone to do it.

I made the conjecture before that you need a sovereign in order to realize a meatspace economy with a digital currency backbone. Regardless of if that is true, it is looking like that patron exists.


Fidelis says:

Archive link: https://archive.md/f6U5Q

Mayflower Sperg says:

Spandrell (where did his blog go?) once said that if you think you understand something, try explaining it in Chinese to an average Chinese person. How would you guys describe Jim Donald to a layperson?

I’d say he’s the world’s most important intellectual, its second most important private citizen after Elon Musk, and a historical figure on par with Machiavelli, whose writings will be studied by aspiring kings and emperors for centuries to come.

Or maybe, in a patriarchal world where any nation that shows the slightest trace of feminism is immediately conquered and its women seized as booty, important men will skim over Jim’s writings and say, “well, duh!”

I’d avoid words like “priest” and “prophet” because the listener would assume a reference to various faiths that have drifted into outright heresy.

Vendat Tunicam says:

Spandrell set up a blog on urbit. Worth getting on urbit just for that IMHO.

alf says:

I’ve said it before that in a hundred years from now Jim will be up there with the likes of Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci.

SJ says:

I’d say there is no one alive I’ve learned more from.

Adam says:

Agree with all of the above. Our future will be built on the knowledge and wisdom of this blog.

Rux says:

Found this place a decade ago via Xenosystems and consider it a blessing. Jim and company are truly doing the Lord’s work. The insight found here is unparalleled and helps to keep my head straight. I’ll be happy to carry water for you guys.

The Cominator says:

According to twatter and /pol anyway the Russians have found child (by which I mean it includes young adult) organ harvesting labs in Ukraine. Our completely irrational support for Ukraine makese more (dark) sense if this is true.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The tranzi class basically turned Malorussia into a dumping ground for every manner of transnational skullduggery conceivable. Laundering all their bidenbucks is just a scratch of the surface.

The Cominator says:

300 billion in aid when the US economy has basically collapsed is a lot to give just for some no show jobs and some money laundering (which can be done elsewhere).

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


Dr. Faust says:

I’m seeing a lot of vides posted showing RU drones destroying UKR equipment with great success. Anyone else notice this? It’s so difficult to figure out what’s true.

jim says:

War porn gets eyeballs.

That we see a torrent of war porn on the alt media, and none on the censored media, tells you how the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive is going.

In the nature of things, the side attacking should have more and better war porn than the side defending, even if the battle is going badly for the attackers. That we see no Ukrainian war porn on the official media tells us that the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive is going very badly indeed.

YouTube is awash with videos announcing the triumphant victory of Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive, full of soldiers wandering around looking triumphant and soldierly, but not actually blowing anything up, videos of them shooting, but not showing what they are shooting at. The alt media shows tanks exploding, Bradleys abandoned with their engines still running, Russians looting dead Ukrainians for cigarettes and weapons.

Skippy says:

Very noticeable that videos from UKR drones destroying things are now very rare.

One can understand a ground offensive failing against defenses. But why don’t they have drones any more? Points to lack of production.

ten says:

On ukrainian war porn channels i see:
-tanks with bulldozer blades removing “dragons’ teeth”
-tanks with de-mining attachments clearing mines
-encircled russians being taken prisoner
-snipers with thermal shooting russian sentries
-the raising of ukrainian flags in empty villages
-a few burning artillery pieces
-infographs claiming lots of kinzhals and kalibrs were fired and intercepted without information about when or where

it paints an abysmally grim picture for ukraine. complete lack of combat victories.

Sweden just decided to give half of our IFV strf90 mk IV’s to ukraine. Pretty fucking late to the party. Slow titration leading to ukrainian annihilation theory confirmed.

Apparently there were 1400 of them built, afaik we have 100 in service. Dunno what the rest are doing. It’s a very nice vehicle, perfect for the terrain. Apparently 65 ton leo2s get stuck on soft ground. 22 ton Strf90 wont get stuck anywhere. Will be much better to run away in.

Your Uncle Bob says:

I remain convinced that Q and pizzagate, while clearly an enemy psy-op, were also a smokescreen and flat earth tier distraction for some real dark shit. Podesta artwork and e-mails are the easy mode example. Clinton and Clinton donor involvement in Haiti if you want to go down a rabbit hole.

jim says:

Yes, there is a real ring that procures pre pubertal children for the gay mafia, and evidence of this ring became visible. Q and Pizzagate was a flat earther tier smokescreen and distraction to bury the evidence and poison the well.

The Cominator says:

Q yes, pizzagate no.

Contaminated NEET says:

Pizzagate is legit, at least in its original, non-retarded form. Naturally the American Pravda combined the most questionable and out-there theories with a healthy dollop of their own pure invention, called the resulting nonsensical mess “Pizzagate,” and taught the normie masses and aspiring trannissaries to regard anyone talking about the real evidence with utter contempt.

The Podesta emails are damning. They’re talking about something in coded language, and it’s not Italian food. At very best it’s drugs, but kids to abuse are a real possibility.

jim says:

Evidence has been dug up of child trafficking rings who are not connected to power using pizza etc as code. So they are talking in standard faggot cant.

It is not drugs, it is children. That part is real – the rest is flat earther shills sent in to muddy the waters. Unfortunately, a whole lot of mud.

A2 says:

I wonder what happened to powerhouse James Alefantis after Comet Pizza? We haven’t heard from him in a few years. Wikipedia only tells us he is “openly gay” and “dated” the CEO of Media Matters for America (leftwing, in case you wonder).

Alefantis “a l’enfant” could it be that simple?

Contaminated NEET says:

James Alefantis
j’aime les enfants
I love children

Maybe. I dunno, did anyone ever find out if he was born with that name? If yes, it’s just good old paraeidolia. If he changed his name and picked that one…

A2 says:

That has a certain horrifying plausibility.

Contaminated NEET says:

I’m inclined to think he chose the name, because in a little cursory searching, I can’t find any mention either way from official “respected” sources. If his mom gave him that name, debunkers would be trumpeting it all over the place to pwn the schizos, and it wouldn’t be hard to confirm. If he changed his name, they’d avoid the issue entirely and pretend not hear the accusations, which is what I observe. This is far from proof, but I’d bet he picked the name because he’s a child-touching procurer with delusions of culture.

The Cominator says:

Good catch.

Nunya says:

Q certainly seems an Intelligence work product, and may have had a secondary goal of serving as a distraction from Intelligence-enabled crimes that could indict a large majority of all glowies.

However, I wonder whether one of the other goals (maybe the primary goal) was to “focus group” test popular receptivity to elite defection by some relatively sane elite subgroup.

Seems like elite defection couldn’t be seriously considered without verifying that a large enough mob of the right sort is available to be armed with pitchforks and torches.

That assessment task could’ve been assigned to some of the potentially defecting elite subgroup’s trusted glowies.

A2 says:

The primary goal of Q was to pacify the Trumpists and drain them of all energy. Just wait, behind the scenes big things are going on, don’t ruin it, wait for it, etc etc.

Well, as we know in the end nothing happened. There wasn’t even a goodbye message, lol.

ten says:

The q boards are still active, the q people are still active. I have no idea how “big” it was pre 2020 or how much smaller it is now, but it’s not gone. There was a long period of silence, then someone restarted it. End times/rapture stuff.

Adam says:

I know a guy who is still big into that stuff. Trump is still President of the shadow government. Two more weeks.

Red says:

The the intel agencies are great at weaponizing mental illness.

A2 says:

Interesting table courtesy of Steve Hsu re: munitions


SJ says:

My personalized Internet has been recommending these videos and articles of men making fun of women for awhile now. I watched a few but it feels bad. It’s like watching kids making fun of the down syndrome kid. They didn’t choose to be born with downs but here we are trying to put them in charge of themselves and then making fun of them while they fail. Though I’m trying to keep in mind that much like in communism in order for the men to be equalized with the women, or beneath them as they are on the pedestal, the men are lowering themselves mentally and spiritually. Post restoration men should be ashamed of themselves putting the down syndrome kid in charge just to make fun of them for their obvious failure.

The Cominator says:

The truly stupid ussually have humility about their failings and shortcomings, modern women typically do not. As God himself abhors pride especially pride based on lies it’s okay to mock such people including women when they fail.

Adam says:

I have seen these. They are pretty low class because men should not be talking to women about such things. It is pointless drama, which I suppose is the only reason it is allowed.

jim says:

Ridicule is the deadly poison against Globohomo, for its pretensions are so plainly false.

Calling a whore a whore is forbidden. Good reason to apply it. Good reason for low class men to apply it, because when you commit sacrilege against the sacred totems of the enemy, you steal their status.

Adam says:

The guys need to learn how to do it like the Taliban does it. In the videos I have seen it is still a tit for tat argument between equals. Which the men do win. But the men are still losing because it is still tit for tat, they are not standing on the word of God. They do not have a bigger alpha behind them the way the Taliban does.

notglowing says:

I mentioned this style of content not too long ago, talking about those guys that were being criticized for not believing in divorce and “abuse”, which then started the discussion around that.

I keep getting this content recommended as well. I’ve gotten pretty sick of it.
There are some based takes being given here and there but overall it’s midwit at best men making whores look dumb which is such a low bar.

I definitely just don’t feel bad for the women in it though. If anything I believe it makes our side look bad because it’s not very good content, and it is the current mainstream social media representation for “redpill”. This is what kids get to see and call “based”.

The men in it lack a full, reasoned understanding of things. Their arguments often boil down to pointing out that women are hypocritical, women are whores, divorce is biased against men but rarely make any good arguments against the fundamental ideas underlying the system they hate.

Their discussion is senseless to begin with because the issue is not women being bad. Imagine arguing with a whore telling her the problem is she’s a whore. The problem is she was able to make that choice to begin with. Anything else gets us nowhere.

Redbible says:

Publicly shaming badly behaved women is a tried and true method of punishing women for bad behavior. All of the women in those videos are full of pride, and need humbling. These men are doing God’s work. Deus vult.

Western Taliban says:

The only problem here is that the men doing the shaming, based on those videos that I’ve been willing to see, are pretty garbage themselves, especially the “sigma type” claim. They’re doing the shaming like women put other women down, dog talking down to cat, it’s just all around beta, effeminate, low energy powerless whining with no bite.

Newton telling Locke to go fuck himself and stop wasting his time with random whores because he has better things to do is just win-win. Fat, ugly, weak, cowardly, unsuccessful, unproductive random laughing at some dumb whore because he has a marginally better IQ while still being a massive loser at life is really really low energy, low tier, just lose-lose.

Men should kick women around because they are prone to get in the way. Men should be struggling to succeed at whatever they have their eyes set on, and in the process everything that gets in the way gets kicked, kicked, kicked and pushed the fuck out of the way. And that’s a consummate expert, a masculine man in a mission, a man that strives for victory, a man that is better not just because he is a man, but because he has earned it, because he makes himself so.

Claims on the tier of “I’m better than you because man, you woman, xd” are pathetic, claims of being better than a gut rat when you are a gut snake are pathetic, going out of your way, going down to the sewers, to laugh at gut rats and gut snakes is giga loser, no successful man has the time to waste like this.

The women that should be getting brutally kicked and raped are all the women in the workplace preventing the productive men from achieving their goals, because they are in the way. Calling a whore down to the sewer where you reside, doing fuck all in your life, to laugh at her because some random unimportant matter is so so so so so so effeminate. Lurking the entirety of twitter to find some woman saying some dumb shit and waste hours of your day making a response saying “I’m so much smarter” is so so so so so effeminate.

Kunning Drueger says:

I know you probably think I’m a wishy-washy, prosaic faggot, but I genuinely hope we get to drink Rye and shoot guns together someday. In a crowd of brilliant men, you stand out my nigger.

Red says:

That’s my problem with these guys. Low status losers who don’t know why they’re better than woman. Still stinks of a physop.

jim says:

A psyop that throws mud on the sacred totems of the Cathedral is unthinkable. For it to be a psyop, the women would have to come out triumphant. Do they?

On the other hand, could be an attempt to make the red pill look stupid, analogous to the people who say “Joo Joo Joo” all day, but suffer a strange inability to notice the activities of Soros, Nuland, and Blinken. “It’s the Jews. It’s the Jews. It’s the Jews. But not those Jews. It’s Jews in Israel and Jews that wear funny hats. Also the CIA is totally innocent of any wrongdoing. It is Mossad, Mossad.”

If the chicks do not come out of it covered in pride and glory, not a psyop.

Red says:

They do not. I’m probably wrong about it.

Adam says:

>For it to be a psyop, the women would have to come out triumphant. Do they?

Globohomo still comes out on top, they are still the biggest alpha in the room. The men are winning at equality, so I suppose it is a victory in a way. But it comes off kind of like controlled opposition.

notglowing says:

“Winning at equality” is the right way to put it. Not all, but a lot of it tends to trying to make women look hypocritical and criticizing double standards about men.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Women are sacred cows of our presently incumbent theocracy, and adolescent men mocking sacred cows for kicks is as old as civilization.

Yes, the pearl-clutching is all noted… but at the end of the day, it’s the right kind of blasphemy.

S.J., Esquire says:

Thanks to whomever recommended Anna’s Rocking Bosom in a previous thread.

Seems to me I tried it when I was younger but found it uninteresting. As a more mature adult, the Red Pill and Sociosexual Hierarchy drips off from page 1.

SJ says:

No problem other SJ. The novel was originally serialized in newspapers leading me to believe that the people back then had a much greater understanding of the SSH. Which begs the question, what is keeping men today from seeing women’s bad behavior that is often literally right in front of their faces?

Personally I have made many attempts to pass on red pill knowledge to other men in person and have had zero success. I’ve found it is actually dangerous as other men will begin to think you are a bad heretical bad man who is clearly tricking women, women who obviously aren’t like the way they are acting right in front of their faces. Example; I had to review a fatal accident with another man, mid forties white man, married and LDS, with five children. In this accident a fourteen year old girl had told her mom she was going out back to play, snuck off with a thirty five year old black guy, and he took her for a ride going seventy miles an hour in a residential area. He crashed, she died.

I say to him, can you imagine your fourteen year old daughter says she’s going out back, she sneaks off, and the next thing you know she’s dead? He repeats back, “yeah I can’t imagine my daughter going on a date and I get a call that she’s dead”. I press on and later say, I feel so bad for this family. Your eighth grader lies to you and sneaks off with a middle age convinced sex offender and he kills her. A look of sheer panic crosses his face, his eyes roll up into the back of his head and he zonks out, a moment later he comes to. He says, yeah if my daughter died with her boyfriend I don’t know how I’d recover.


Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Oh, you misunderstand, he knows damn well what you are saying. He would not be so evasive and so panicked if he had not understood you. He knows exactly what that girl was doing and why, and that is why he knows not to have any idea of what is going on. The wahmen and grils are sacred and pure, or else.

S.J., Esquire says:

“and have had zero success”

I have also been baffled to see men, especially young men, fluent with the internet, unaware of this stuff. After all the Gospel of Roissy has been available for nigh on fifteen years now for anyone who wants it.

Anyway, it’s interesting to consider that we view Anna’s Rocking Bosom as an historical novel, but it was more or less set in contemporary society when it was first published.

Adam says:

It is often hard to get myself to lift weights, and damn near impossible to get someone else to.

Patriarchy is easier for the prole, to some degree at least due to the command from on high “or else”.

A2 says:

I’m reading about how man of the people Barack Obama was taken care of after his presidency by lecturing at banks etc, and it makes me think: there is just one modern president who hasn’t been managed this way, isn’t there? Trump, the unbribed man.

Contaminated NEET says:

Ha! More like Trump, the man not worth bribing.

He’s not shy about selling his name to anyone willing to pay, he just doesn’t have any customers. Other former Preses were hooked into networks of powerful people and could deliver results, and they were being asynchronously paid off for results delivered while they were in office. Trump doesn’t have the former, and for the latter, his patrons can renege on him with impunity. Better than impunity, in fact, because the point of making good on your corrupt implicit commitments is to show the system and all future politicians that you can be trusted, and making good on implicit commitments to Trump demonstrates the opposite.

jim says:

> He’s not shy about selling his name to anyone willing to pay,


Trump cannot be bribed. As he says in every speech, he was wealthy and had a nice life, and knew that going into politics would give him a very rough life.

He can be manipulated by flattery, and the flatterers are now stabbing him – Pence is now shilling his arrest as normal law enforcement. But he cannot be bribed, and does not sell his name for money. Does whore it to flatterers.

Contaminated NEET says:

He has sold his name to plenty of shady operations and sellers of low quality psuedo-luxurious goods, but admittedly, those were all before he ran for pres. In any event, the point is that he’s not worth buying. Resisting a temptation that isn’t actually an option is easy.

Locust Post says:

Nuts. If they could buy him they would. It would be cheaper for them and they wouldn’t risk being exposed for the corrupt entities that they are.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Do not doubt that any amount of temptations were offered to Trump to ‘do the (dis)honorable thing’ outside the public discourse. At least at first.

Of course accepting such would have only ended in his destruction – daemons and those possessed by them never deliver the goods – it is too his credit in any case that he did not accept.

Contaminated NEET says:

At first, I’m sure he got some offers. Post-Presidency? I doubt it.

Kunning Drueger says:

I dub thee Millennial Eeyore, muncher and purveyor of black pills.

Contaminated NEET says:

Black pills all day,
Black pills for dinner,
The world decays,
And Leftists are winners.

Starman says:

@Contaminated NEET

Black pills all day,
Black pills for dinner,
The world decays,
And Leftists [jews] are winners.”

The jews are getting their asses kicked in Ukraine.
And before that, they got their asses kicked in Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires.

Neofugue says:

> Black pills all day,
Black pills for dinner,
The world decays,
And Leftists are winners.

Get a job.

Anonymous Fake says:

Politicians who are threatened often take (mostly) fake bribes as MacGuffins. Trump is absolutely playing in character when he pretends to grift, but it becomes a problem when the right doesn’t get the joke.

Someone’s going to have to get the stick by standing up for truth if the right can’t figure out what’s going on soon enough.

Sinecures are something entirely different though, as an instrument of high prestige and lifetime guaranteed income for a family. It’s a real bribe. A suitcase full of cash is just vulgar and (mostly) fake.

The Cominator says:

Oh as much as we’re not fans of Truman here he said one very very true thing. Anyone who gets rich in office is a crook.

Karl says:

That smacks of holyness spiraling. There is nothing wrong with competent men getting rich whatever career they choose.

I actually want men getting rich in office, but I do want them to be sane and have healthy natural tastes. They only way of preventing people getting rich in office is by making wealth a requirement for office.

King, governor, etc. are jobs that should not be held by saints. So there is no point expecting them to be saints.

jim says:

I want people getting rich in office because riches are part of the deal. These guys are getting rich selling out their country.

Jugurtha said of Rome: “A city for sale, and doomed to destruction if it should find a buyer”

Judges getting strangely rich is especially disgusting.

Mister Grumpus says:

What’s your angle on Singapore’s purported ethic of having the highest-paid government people anywhere, as a way to disincentivize taking bribes, maybe getting caught, and losing their day jobs?

jim says:

Works. And one of the good things about it working is that government officials in Singapore do not get nearly as rich as government officials elsewhere.

State and quasi state office should provide unreasonable and disproportionate reward, because it is so easy for office holders to enrich themselves in other ways.

Yes we should have a disgustingly wealthy elite. Because we always do, there is no way of avoiding it. But their wealth should come in ways visible and overt, rather than mysterious. I am particularly pissed by the mysterious wealth of the judiciary.

Those in state and quasi state office should be recruited from wealthy men who earned or inherited their money, should be richly rewarded, and should have profitable perks that are unfair, but above board. And if we do all that, they will nonetheless not be nearly as wealthy as the current American state and quasi state elite.

We could save quite a bit of money by recruiting from those who are already rich. They are more expensive to bribe, and have more to lose by accepting bribes.

We also need to recruit on personal virtue, which is hard to assess, so needs to be assessed from their everyday ordinary family and private lives – the Pauline criteria for recruiting priests.

Karl says:

Putin is an example of a man who got rich in office and never sold out his country.

He is no crook.

The Cominator says:

Putin did not get rich until he was head of state.

The Cominator says:

“They only way of preventing people getting rich in office is by making wealth a requirement for office.”

I’d be inclined to do this… anyone who gets rich in office is an embezzler or bribe taker and should be executed.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The first landed gentry were capitalists on top of being warriors, which is good and natural (but I repeat myself).

Not only are productive holdings not a disqualification for auctoricas, they are a sign of fitness for auctoritas.

The charge that nominal executors of power must be impecunious is, on one hand, the instinctual envy and spite of the invidious, and on the other hand, a consciously subversive tactic of the invidious, further means of clearing the field of better men than themselves, that they may occupy the vacuum.

Sources of power naturally tend towards alignment with each other; and it is vagarious attempts to ‘stopper up’ the obvious flows of power, throughout history, that inerrantly have lead to so much inobvious calamity, in the course of civilizations.

The Cominator says:

You’re saying people who hold high office generally should already be rich, and I’m inclined to agree. But someone who goes into office poor and comes out rich is an embezzler or bribe taker and needs to die.

jim says:

> Sources of power naturally tend towards alignment with each other; and it is vagarious attempts to ‘stopper up’ the obvious flows of power, throughout history, that inerrantly have lead to so much inobvious calamity, in the course of civilizations.

In our case, an elite in state and quasi state office that mysteriously grows vastly wealthier than the elite that they replaced on the indignant complaint that they were men of wealth and substance.

There are Cathedral indexes of corruption, which naturally show that the countries of the Global American Empire are the least corrupt of all. A more accurate index would be to measure the mysterious enrichment of those holding state and quasi state office, by which measure the Global American Empire is in or near the top.

They measure corruption by “transparency”, and transparency is adherence to the “rules based order”, which is utterly opaque. No one knows what the rules are except that males and white people are always in the wrong, and the Global American Empire is always fighting for freedom and democracy.

The Cominator says:

We want a monarchy and while normal people need to be tried before they are killed (monarch’s in the Western tradition had full executive and judicial power but not full legislative power nor could they technically condemn people without trial normally) anyone in government service has no right to trial and can be executed by the monarch for any reason at any time merely upon an order being given.

Someone grows rich in office others complain to monarch if they can’t immediately show an honest source for their newfound wealth immediately an order for their execution and confiscation of their estate goes out immediately. Thus our system is protected against embezzlers and bribe takers. I have little patience for these corruption is inevitable arguments, corruption can be stopped by frequently executing people for corruption. And the highest offices should generally have property requirements anyway.

Red says:

@com that’s one of those folksie sayings that’s just hilarious coming from Truman who got rich working for his local criminal political machine. Everyone that was part of the Pendergast Machine went to jail besides Truman.

JustAnotherGuy says:


The same USG that would shoot its own foot and other peoples feet to spite Russia doesn’t want to cut off supply of Russian Uranium. More proof to Jim’s theory about USG being nuclear deficient.

Red says:
Mike in Boston says:

In fairness to USG, it just takes a little longer and is a little more expensive to get set up to enrich uranium in a properly diverse way, sensitive to affirmative action and the genderqueer. Or something like that.

What possible excuse does the Russian government have for continuing to sell enriched uranium to USG? The West keeps crossing one of Russia’s red lines after another, and Russia keeps selling it war materiel. That’s criminally foolish. At the very least, it could demand that the West unfreeze the billions of dollars in Russian Central Bank holdings that are frozen abroad before shipping another gram of the stuff.

One guy in our Russian Orthodox community said it well: Russia is approaching this war like a bargain-hunting shopper saying “I can only spend this much, what could I get for that?”

Riley Waggaman writes in an excellent piece:

The fact that Russia … didn’t cut off gas shipments through Ukraine has not received the attention I think it deserves. This is not how you deter an openly hostile threat to your “historical future as a nation”, and if you’ve already decided to take military action to deter this threat, it’s completely nonsensical.

Our host calls it enemy propaganda, I think unfairly.

jim says:

> What possible excuse does the Russian government have for continuing to sell enriched uranium to USG

Russia wants money, and, more importantly, it wants peace with the west.

Cutting off the west’s supply of enriched uranium is not going to bother globohomo, they think it is a sin against Gaia anyway, and cutting of the supply would be another good excuse to cut power for flyover country. Blowing up the Global American Empire’s capability to destroy uppity provinces of empire is bothering the Global American Empire.

Which is precisely why Riley wants an end to the Global American Empire’s hardware getting blown up considerably faster than it can build it. He wants a carefully titrated war of attrition against Russia that does not interfere with American capability to make insubordinate provinces suffer.

Mike in Boston says:

Cutting off the west’s supply of enriched uranium is not going to bother globohomo

It is possible to argue the opposite in good faith. For example: it will have to bother them when they can’t power whatever new nuclear submarines they’re naming after homosexuals and obese women these days. And if the lights start going out in flyover country, maybe that speeds up secession.

And if Russia just wants money, why not use the uranium or oil as a bargaining chip to unfreeze the billions of Russian Central Bank funds that are frozen abroad?

Russia may want peace with the West; but Nuland and Blinken don’t want peace with Russia. As you yourself have pointed out, they want Russia conquered and gay parades in Moscow. If Russia loses this war and pro-globalists eject Putin, the world will be well on its way to that unhappy state of affairs.

Kunning Drueger says:

EU and NATO mouthpieces are saying the deployment of NATO forces to Ukraine is out of the question.

…so I expect “peacekeepers” in Ruthenia by year’s end. Also, the dam strike was a test balloon, a cataclysmic shit test in line with Nord Stream attack. The Kremlin failed it. Expect worse.

Red says:

I’m hearing stuff that team Biden is talking up NATO troops into Ukraine, but it’s insanity, we’re out of shells. We could send every M1 tank we have and the Russians would just blow them up using the weapons that actually matter. The only weapon system that might make a difference is the US air force and they’re likely to discover that American planes are easily shot down by Russian air defenses.

jim says:

> I’m hearing stuff that team Biden is talking up NATO troops into Ukraine, but it’s insanity

Globohomo is insane. The insane are unpredictable.

I am hearing quiet voices at third hand speaking sanity – put empire on the back burner, throw de-industrialization into the ditch, and re-industrialize the west. But they are quiet, because of the likelihood of dreadful consequences from the insane. In order for the sane to take control, would have to get together and act as one, which requires a leader, which I don’t think they have, and the re-industrialization policy would require many unthinkable retreats from long established holiness. “Diversity is our greatest strength”. If they were together under a leader, they could probably retreat with no problems and no fuss. But, having retreated, the officially unofficial state religion would quietly die unless they go right ahead immanentizing the eschaton in some other way. There have to be new applecarts to knock over, and whites and males are the last applecart. Also whites and males are required for war and re-industrialization.

A good potential outcome for us is that the sane take charge, quietly forget about the insanity – not rejecting it, not committing heresy, but sticking those doctrines behind the water heater in the basement, and suffering strange amnesia about all that stuff. Drag queen story hour theoretically continues, but strangely there is a strange lack of people bringing their children to be sacrificed to Moloch. The official state religion quietly dies, and becomes vulnerable to more vital faiths.

Another good potential outcome for us is that the sane outsource the retreat to Trump, as they outsourced their earlier retreat to Reagan, figuring that in the long run they can absorb and deflect Trumpism in the same way as they absorbed and deflected Reaganism. But that is a riskier maneuver for them with Trump than it was with Reagan. Could work, could fail. Might result in a Trump dynasty.

Another potential outcome is continued insanity eventually resulting in defeat in nuclear war, preceded and followed by unending war. Which would be very unpleasant, but war is inherently right wing.

Another potential outcome is continued insanity, but instead of Nato intervention and eventual nukes, they decide to “freeze” the conflict and focus on other fields of empire. With the intent of letting it stew for twenty years, and then in another decade after that, acknowledge that “mistakes were made” Only to discover that they cannot freeze it. Which is likely to lead to even more possible outcomes as yet unimaginable.

S says:

Russia gets a veto.


‘Sergey Karaganov: By using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe
A tough but necessary decision would likely force the West to back off, enabling an earlier end to the Ukraine crisis and preventing it from expanding to other states

But what if the present Western leaders refuse to back down? Perhaps they have lost all sense of self-preservation? Then we will have to hit a group of targets in a number of countries to bring those who have lost their senses back to their senses. ‘

The Cominator says:

The problem with this is that Biden and his handlers are indeed quite mad.

dave says:

do we still have the two-man rule for launch?

The Cominator says:

That was for submarine and missle commanders operating in the absence of central communications, I think that has never technically existed for the President.

notglowing says:

I wonder if that would really work.
Western leadership is quite decentralized in practice. Or rather not strictly organized. Killing a bunch of people in one place will just make others rise from somewhere else.

The chain of command is very long, but the network of influence extends from outside the chain of command itself.

The Cominator says:

Covid proved it’s pretty centralized, if DC, London, the Vatican and maybe certain places in Switzerland (I’m not as sure about this one I know there are a bunch of top guys among the mountain Jews but not exactly sure where they tend to live there) disappeared all at once that would cut the head off for good.

S says:

He isn’t talking about Biden:

‘I have often said and written that with the right strategy of deterrence and even use, the risk of a ‘retaliatory’ nuclear or other strike on our territory can be minimized. Only if there is a madman in the White House who also hates his own country will the US decide to strike in ‘defense’ of the Europeans and invite retaliation by sacrificing a hypothetical Boston for a notional Poznan. ‘

Normality bias. Or tacking to the wind because ‘full scale nuclear war is inevitable’ isn’t popular.

jim says:

Full scale nuclear war is inevitable, and all international politics should be conducted in the shadow of that fact, so that people manage to delay it for as long as possible.

War is the father of us all. We are going to wind up with societies that can fight and win nuclear wars. Such a society will be deurbanized, people will be spread out, the transport grid, the warehousing, and delivery system will have no large centers. Power will come primarily from many small, very small sodium cooled fast reactors, each with a fissionable inventory not much larger than a nuclear bomb, with fuel being rapidly reprocessed with a crude separation that separates the actinides from the fission products, rather than separating the actinides from each other, and each reprocessing facility with a fissionable inventory smaller than a nuclear bomb. The reprocessing facilities will be small, and rather close to the reactors. The fuel will be processed while still intensely radioactive, and the fission products stored directly underneath the waste reprocessing facility in deep concrete bunkers with external bentonite clay lining. Manufacturing will be decentralized.

Mayflower Sperg says:

The US is more ready for nuclear war than Russia because the radioactivity of inner-city welfare niggers, drug-addicted vagrants, and Satan-worshiping leftists has already driven most productive activity to the exurbs. Russians still live in cities because it’s safe, cheap, and convenient. I’m sure Moscow is well protected against incoming missiles, but other cities, probably not.

jim says:

You are assuming US nukes still work.

If US nukes are still fine, then the US can sustain a nuclear exchange far better than Russians can.

Blacks are more destructive than nukes. Compare Hiroshima today with Detroit today. The US can survive nukes better than Russia can survive nukes because it has been nuking itself. In Russia, the inner city is where all the rich and powerful live and meet in person. In America, nuking the center of a city can only improve matters.

Work from home is happening even after Putin cured Covid, because the areas surrounding the offices have been overrun by illegals. Long before Covid, the top people were not going into the office all that much. Now everyone is not going into the office – it was not really Covid, rather the top stopped going in, then those near the top stopped going in, then everyone stopped going in. If you read the real estate news about massive office emptiness due to work from home, by a strange coincidence, it is primarily blue state big cities affected.

Fireball says:

You are dreaming of yeoman tech farmers. It is not going to happen. Every technological advancement since industrialization has increased centralization of power and culture, there is not reason why nuclear is not the same.

jim says:

Nuclear weapons impose decentralization. When nuclear war is normal and expected, the surviving social orders will be decentralized.

Starman says:


” War is the father of us all. We are going to wind up with societies that can fight and win nuclear wars. Such a society will be deurbanized, people will be spread out, the transport grid, the warehousing, and delivery system will have no large centers. Power will come primarily from many small, very small sodium cooled fast reactors, each with a fissionable inventory not much larger than a nuclear bomb, with fuel being rapidly reprocessed with a crude separation…”

And these are the high quality comments from Jim himself, that I return here to read. Awesome out-of-the-box thinking.

Fidelis says:

How do you figure the ability to totally annihilate concentrated industrial parks is centralizing?

That aside, the printing press, not exactly industrial revolution tech but quite within the same spirit, was not exactly centralizing. The internet is another case like this. Almost all internet tech is decentralizing; strange tribes like this blog are a prominent example. Crypto tech is another. In fact the semiconductor and modern chips are quite decentralized. You can spend lots of money and end up with a product not too much better than what most people carry in their pocket. You can argue something about datacenters and supercomputer clusters, but the vast majority of compute is distributed.

Industrial society centralized heavily, I agree, but as tech is evolving it is becoming more and more decentralized. The next big unexploited tech tree after nuclear and rockets, is biotech. Hard to imagine a highly centralized biotech/biomanufacturing economy. I think you saw the trend of the 18th through 20th centuries and extrapolated too far.

Fireball says:

Like the printing press the internet is a centralization force. Without the internet and the technologies of the information age states of billions would never been possible.

Fireball says:


Remember the bombers of the interwar years?

Anonymous Fake says:

[*voice from inside the bubble deleted*]

jim says:

You got your take on the Russia Today article not from the article, but from a Cathedral source that referred to the article, that did not actually believe what they were saying about it, and you did not really believe it either, because everyone knows that every Cathedral paraphrase and interpretation of what Russians are saying is a lie. If you want to comment on our discussion of the Russia Today article read it first.

Kunning Drueger says:


If ever you make the mistake of feeling optimistic about boomercons, or any conservatives, or any boomers, or anything about this fucking country, give this video a watch.

conservatives not only play in a rigged game, they make sure their side is punished by the rigged rules when the rigged officials say that they’ve been violated. The same actors will sit idly by as negros murder (because poverty), women divorce rape (because misogyny), and feds destroy lives (because rule of law).

Genuinely apologize for the blackpill lads. It’s just gotten to the point where I think it can’t be any more tiresome, and then I discover it’s far more tiresome than I have the capacity to think it is.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The men of the renaissance did not really appreciate just how gay and feminist things got by late antiquity, and I think part of the reason is that the monks who preserved writing through the collapse of civilization understandably did not preserve the roman equivalents of NYT op-eds and other megaphone background noise. The closest is guys like Prudentius, who were basically like civnat normiecons transported back in time in state to A.D. 300, sleepwalking all the way to perdition, (willfully) blind deaf and dumb to any hint of trouble. ‘Our new barbarian friends will be made into perfect Romans by our melting pot and magic dirt, they do the jobs latins won’t do (like having babies), nothing is going wrong, nothing can possibly go wrong’.

Keeping archived snapshots of Gleichschaultung, Tempora and Mores, stuffed behind the water heater, is also salutary.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

We will keep a selection of the grossest excesses and most heinous evils committed, and it will be required viewing for anyone who wants to be a priest. We will store it underground in the ruins of Harvard, so that every priest has to walk through the rubble and the dead on his way to the archives, as a reminder of what excessive holiness leads to. There will be no excuse of ignorance next time around.

someDude says:

The blackpill comes quite easy to me too.

Jim, is there any evolutionary explanation for the blackpill or is it just a failure mode?

jim says:

Like depression, and despair, not inherently a failure mode.

If, for example, you are committed to blue pill and blue pill morality, going to despair about women. If committed to the republic, going to despair about America. These are rational responses, which require re-evaluation of options and commitment. As a crypto currency maximalist, obviously I am not going to despair about fiat currency, but if I thought there was no alternative to fiat except sitting on bag of gold, would be black pilled because committed to financial system that hates me.

Cuckstianity on women is likely to black pill you, but my interpretation of the Christian position on sex is that it is a command to respect and support other men’s property rights in women. If one adapts the old Christian position to make it sympathetic and supportive of a moral code that denies men’s property rights in women, going to be mighty black pilled.

Black pill, depression, and despair, is an adaptive response to bad situations. But it is not a constructive response. Getting off your ass and doing something to address the situation is better. Sins for the same reason gluttony is a sin, and in the ancestral environment, gluttony was an adaptive response to erratic food availability, and despair, black pill, and depression adaptive responses were adaptive responses.

Depression is appropriate to bad events, if it is rational depression, and you get over it due course. As with gluttony, it is the wallowing in it that is sinful and self destructive. Depression is an ailment akin to obesity, excessive indulgence in something that should be a brief response to exceptional situations.

dharmicreality says:

One way to preserve your sanity is to turn off clown world news for a while. In fact, I rarely watch the news these days. Too boring, too depressing and full of shit.

Today, the mainstream Cuckservative Right vs the Left is simply a fight over the symbols, not the underlying values of civilization. They hold on to the same destructive, blue pilled values as the Prog Left, but simply wish to replace the godless Secular Cult with traditional religious symbolism.

Redbible says:

Legit, I tend to find I can get almost all useful news from Jim’s comment section.
But yes, clown world news is pretty much not good for your mental health, so not tuning into it is a wise idea.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*globohomo triumphalism about its invincible soft power deleted*]

Adam says:

There are two boomers I work with, one man one woman (not related).

The man raised his daughter to be a man, she makes a lot of money and is a whore. Always praises her like you would a successful son.

The woman is a single mother, with her youngest boy still living at home (she had him very late in life). She is the typical narcissistic overbearing tyrant mother and he is more or less the typical defeated incel.

They both go on endlessly about how good times used to be, and how bad times are now. And in the next breath expose their own foolishness with discussion of their own life.

Everybody hates what we have, but at the same time fights tirelessly for more of it. That is the what I find the most black pilling about clown world.

The red and white pill of course being we are capable of conquering and subjugating them, and they will serve us as they serve their masters today.

Roger Williams says:

The amount of boomercons that have brought their daughters up as men and sent them into military is just pathetic and sad. Even if they rejected civil rights and the hippie movement of the 60s, they really swallowed feminism and “women can do anything men can do” hook line and sinker.

I anticipate I’m going to have to fight both my own father and my father in law with their feminist impulses with the raising of my own young daughter.

Red says:

The big problem was that Christianity gave into the lie that woman are better than men. Some boomers resisted the libs from the outside but they gave into the libs in the church. I know some christian boomer parents who retired and moved to be close to their cat collecting daughter who has a PHD and no possibility of getting married and having children. It’s like they’re expecting grandchildren to spring from her barren womb because she’s high status.

Everybody hates what we have, but at the same time fights tirelessly for more of it. That is the what I find the most black pilling about clown world.

In a sane civilization high status and money results in lots of healthy grandchildren. They’re going through the motions of what used to work unaware of why it no longer works because they either bought the lie or they didn’t get the joke as Jim likes to say.

Roger Williams says:

I’m sure that has something to do with it. My boomercon father in law grew up in a church. It landed him a wife and several children (that was the last generation where growing up in the church could reliably do such a thing) but in many ways he’s even more feminist than the libs of that era.

He’s really a nice guy but I swear if I hear him say he can’t wait to take my daughter hunting one more time I’m going to lose my shit.

Bwana Simba says:

I have noticed this as well. I am in a red state and it is filled with feminism. The young girls wear practically nothing and party hard. The old men protect those poor girls from the dastardly young boys as they go off and do whatever they want. The bar I go to has this old boomer man who chases off any young man who so much as flirts with the young girls. The girls go off and party, do drugs, hook up, dress however they want. The boys have standards, the girls do not.

Bwana Simba says:

Also, on that subject, the new Jennifer Lawrence film is all about that dichotomy. Stupid party hoe who has wasted all her money, which I have the sneaking suspicion is Jennifer Lawrence playing herself, is hired to bring a super introverted incel out of his shell. Hilarity ensues in this gender role reversal.

The media labels dissident right wingers as white supremacists, but it is hard to be an actual white supremacist when western whites (especially American whites) are quite possibly the worst parents on the fucking planet.

The Cominator says:

Is this globohomo finally reversing the woke propaganda. Rich family in desperation at despondent shut in son hires hooker as a long term therapy measure sounds… strangely realistic for clownworld.

question says:

What is the Jimian position on dance?

jim says:

Dance has been abolished, because dancing involves symbolic performance of male and female roles. Restoring real dancing will powerfully reshape society.

Fleischfresser says:

I have signed up for an intro course on Latin American dance and will start soon. I have no previous experience with dance. Any tips?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Advice becomes an influential factor when motor engrams are developed enough to actually put it into practice. Beforehand, it is largely immaterial, as the novitiate in a practice is not capable of modulating their actions even if they try.

Thus, the only real advice for beginners in anything is: trane moar.

Upravda says:

As one of my professors in high school said, some time back in the nineties, “dance is a vertical expression of horizontal desires in a socially acceptable way.” He meant specifically on so-called classical dances like Viennese and English waltz, but also on some modern dances like discofox.

In its core, that statement is about one hundred percent correct.

And, since dancing in pairs does also have social dimension, you are free to invite your mother in law to a dance, or ask your sister to teach you some steps.

So what’s your intent regarding all that ballroom dancing, be those classical dances or Latin American?

Sporty socializing? Hanging out with ladies, perhaps even finding girlfriend upgradeable to wife? Preparing to shine on your friend’s wedding? Active relaxation with your girlfriend or wife?

Please, bear in mind that I’m not an American, but nowadays we are all a province of the GAE, so I suspect that my comment should be at least somewhat applicable to you.

I went to ballroom dancing course first time when I was very young, on the end of high school. Obviously, with primary intent of hanging out with ladies, perhaps even finding one upgradeable to wife eventually.

It didn’t work because I was quite blue-pilled back then, years before the term appeared in the so-called manosphere, and my country’s society just began to be increasingly modernist and populated with modern feral females.

Many years later, I went back to ballroom with my then girlfriend whom I upgraded to the wife soon. And then, few years later, after kids were grown up enough to spent some time with grandpas and grandmas, we returned to ballroom. All that for socializing with friends, and active relaxation.

I have observed, both many years ago, and very recently, that on all those ballroom dancing classes there might be somewhat greater percentage of interesting ladies than in, say, bars and night clubs. And since you dance with her, face to face, and holding her hand in your, it is quite natural that there’s greater chance of pleasant conversation and socializing to begin.

However, while that observation holds, the overall attendance of such courses has fallen during years. It is now much lower than two and a half decades ago.

Beware, typical drama-test (I don’t like the term “shit test”) those two and a half decades ago was: “I have a boyfriend.” Who mysteriously does not attend the course, and has never been seen or heard of.

I don’t know what are drama test today, and what’s that fuss about salsa evenings that are somewhat popular lately.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*The usual Globohomo self delusion deleted*]

Anonymous Fake says:

[denial of reality deleted] no one got laid in high school, [*allowed this absurdity through so that people can see what kind of lunacy I am deleting*]

Anonymous Fake says:

Maybe the girls got laid from age 12 on to 40 year old plumbers, but that is not WHAT I MEANT. You of all people can take it for granted that females can get laid whenever they want and never suffer any consequences for some reason. I meant that none of the males in high school ever got near a female classmate, ever. They were disciplined for not even tucking in their shirts. Fooling around with a girl absolutely did not happen at all.

I do not lie to you when I say there was no organic dancing at all at my school, and the hardcore Baptists would have completely shut down any imitation of a prom if they could have gotten away with it.

jim says:

Chicks who had not grown boobs were banging boys who did not need to shave. That was how things were in my day, and I find it hard to believe that chastity had improved in your day. I did not observe them banging forty year old plumbers back then because I did not hang out with forty year old plumbers back then, but I have been teenager, and I have been forty.

Now I can readily believe that none of the guys you hung out with got within smelling distance of anything female, but a rather considerable number of females got laid.

No dancing at your school, I can believe, for real dancing has been abolished.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted*]The near asexuality of the good schools[*deleted*]

jim says:

They are teaching nine year old girls to put a condom on banana, teaching them anal sex, and asking them to choose their sex. That is not “near asexuality” That is aggressive faggot sexual grooming. This is why I keep censoring you. You are posting from a parallel universe.

Back when I was that age, a small minority of men were mopping up all that glorious pussy. Now the faggots want the kids. The reason for boob removal is that faggots hate boobs.

Neofugue says:

> I do not lie to you when I say there was no organic dancing at all at my school, and the hardcore Baptists would have completely shut down any imitation of a prom

When dealing with an enemy such as AF the question is not what he says rather who he targets.

AF asserts the standard Feminist pitch given to young men: help us destroy those oppressive and backwards “Conservatives” and you will get laid. According to the narrative, the reason why young men cannot get laid is not female emancipation rather those “hardcore Baptists” being all “Puritan.” AF cannot get laid because what remains of those “backwards” traditional social structures are preventing utopia, as true Feminism has not yet been achieved. It is a direct attack on the Red Pill.

There is a tendency to take shills like AF at face value, and AF is certainly narcissistic and evil, but he is not as stupid as he is insane. His narrative is on the level of the Khmer Rouge blaming the Cambodian genocide on all those Capitalist hoarders, that if only we killed a few thousand more, true Communism would have been achieved.

Anonymous Fake says:

Sexual liberation means only Chad gets laid.[*Payload deleted*]

community dances like square dancing are supposedly becoming more popular, because there is supposed to be a joy in dancing, but the male/female courtship pair dance is still off the table. Somewhat hilariously, weddings have men and women dance after the ceremony, and they have no idea what they’re doing, but it’s still fun.

SJ says:

Maybe you are confused because you are potentially a covert narcissist? Just because you did not get laid in high school does not mean no one did. This is similar to when men online claim women do not ask out men. Just because women are not asking you out does not mean women are not asking out men. Just because you did not get laid does not mean other young men are not fking young sluts. Women want to be in harems though so they will queue up and try to get to number one on the booty call list and since many young men are blue pilled the young women will find a middle age guy who is too stupid to care if he gets registered sex offender status.

Adam says:

Even in small towns in flyover country with liquor bans and a church on every corner, high school kids still fuck. This guy is a drooling retard.

Jehu says:

Sources I’ve seen set the average age of losing virginity in the US in the 2022 timeframe at around 17 to 17.3 years. Last I checked, that’s very much high school age. And that’s average, so from this we must infer that an awful lot of people are still getting laid in high school.

Adam says:

I mean, at least in the 80s and 90s you would even hear of middle school kids having sex. By the end of high school most attractive boys and girls were sexually active. Not all but it was absolutely normal and common.

My kids all drive now and I hear all the stories of their friends, nothing has changed.

jim says:

I find this number hard to believe. Based on asking girls whether they have done something disreputable, embarrassing, and illegal, so one would expect it to err grossly on the side of legality.

Jehu says:

If the average is around 17, that implies that plenty are having sex around 15 or so or even earlier, just like a thin slice of women are still virgins in their late 20s.

jim says:

I find this survey data hard to believe. My perception way back then was that the average was around twelve or thirteen, that most of them got laid as soon as they had just the smallest assets to wiggle around, but there is a quite substantial number that do not get started until around eighteen or so. Since girls are very selective about who gets inside them, they cannot get any action until they have at least some starter assets, but that does not stop them from trying.

Jehu says:

17 corresponds to a prom night for a lot of girls. That’s pretty traditional when you think about it—a girl losing her virginity to her high school boyfriend. Some girls waited till college, a few even beyond that—I married a girl who was a virgin on her wedding night in her upper 20s.

I’ve seen the behavior you’re talking about, but I think that’s about 20%ish of the female population. The age that a girl takes a serious interest in sex has a ton of variance, unlike for men.

Also consider, that’s CDC numbers from 2022, which is in the time of lockdowns. That probably pushed the number up a bit, and I understand in general that young people today get a lot less sex on average than when we were their age. Hell, when I was a teenager, even the math club had pretty girls who were height-weight proportionate.

A2 says:

The rule of thumb over here is girls get an intense interest in boys, boyfriends, who is dating who, etc at age 14 and then proceed on at age 15 or so. But the confidence interval is fairly broad, I’d say.

Me old mum once explained that girls usually didn’t go to highschool in the old county (or at least didn’t finish it), simply because they were busy getting pregnant and married at that time.

The foot draggers ran the risk of being left on the shelf, spinsterdom, and of course weren’t living a gay life full of jollity paid by daddy but instead of drudgery helping out at home. It was apparently not unreasonable to get married to get out of the parental household and get on with life.

I seem to recall that the Jane Austen books also assumed a standard age of marriage about that age, 15-18 or so. It stands to reason — as a woman, you’re grown up and it’s time to become an adult.

i says:


It seems that among White Europeans. The marriage age between men and women are closer than other civilizations. Statistically speaking.

I see teenage couples in my area.

But it is interesting that in regards to later marriage by men the women follow. In regards to official counts.

Despite the physical possibility of an greater age gap. With a Mans greater earning abilities and character demonstrated lets say at late 20s and 30s.

Matched with a young fertile aged woman as wife. Which should optimize both reproduction and Paternal investment.

Maybe Malthusian constraints in the past made that more adaptive.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Maybe you are confused because you are potentially a covert narcissist?

Solipsism is a basic precondition of possibility for the likes of AF.

Tangentially related anecdote. I was clicking through archives for an old radishmag link the other day (https://blog.reaction.la/culture/radish-on-anarcho-tyranny/). Back before the post-2015 internet iron curtain starting coming down in a big way, it was fairly common to see people with their own personal web logs commenting in the blogosphere. I followed up on a random name by whim – http://hertzlinger.blogspot.com/ – who was apparently still alive today. The reason for lack of attention from the Eye of Sauron soon became apparent when I was faced gems like this:

>Do Face Masks Obscure Faces?
>Of course not! Those masks are transparent!
>We keep hearing about how masks cannot stop viruses because the gaps in the mask are larger than viruses. Since those gaps are also larger than wavelengths of light, the masks also cannot stop light.

This is the intellectual horsepower the GAE is depending upon for it’s continued existence today.

These people aren’t simply mistaken about things, they are Not Even Wrong. They do not live in the same world as The World, on a phenomenological level. Just further illustration of how capacity for being a human dictionary is only tangentially related to capacity for world-formation.

Handi says:

Post-Restoration Universal Seminary admissions testing will have to include a portion on grokking and solving a real-life physical problem, like repairing a mechanical device that’s had a random part removed. Or maybe make physics/chemistry lab scores a graduation requirement for all degrees. Or even just doing a decent deadlift.

Whatever it is, there has to be something to weed out these duck-speaking gnostics who are constitutionally incapable of interfacing and submitting to the reality of God’s physical creation. Something where they can’t succeed by lying.

The Cominator says:

For high office you ought to have to physically hunt and kill a communist in the woods and he will have some means of defending himself.

Adam says:

Warriors and merchants are all naturally results oriented, where priests are consensus oriented, and rules/procedure oriented. Have to somehow hold priests accountable.

The Cominator says:

Dancing is also the most fun you can have with a girl besides actually fucking her, and it’s great for keeping them and you thin if it’s a regular social activity.

Adam says:

Does anyone have an opinion on Jewish girls?

I met one recently, mid 20s, pretty face average body. Very friendly and flirty, no thousand cock stare. I thought she was from South America or somewhere but one of the white parts. Turns out she lived in Israel for about 10 years, even did the national guard thing. But no college education and very feminine. I didn’t get her number but I certainly could.

The Cominator says:

Have you known any jewish families up close. Don’t marry one.

They become super domineering and nagging after they hit the wall. I had a very close friend who was a jew whos mother would call him every afternoon he’d have to talk for over and hour she tried to ignore her calls and she would literally call the cops and report him as a missing person. I told him if my mother was like that (and my mother pisses me off enough) I literally would have snapped and killed her.

I had another jewish friend who’s mother wasn’t much better… they can be cool when they are young but the wall in jewish women doesn’t just change their personality but their soul.

Javier says:

Plus they’re gonna circumcise your sons, eff that.

SJ says:

Only if they are in charge. You have to be in charge.

The Cominator says:

To put it another way remember the Jewish mother in Goodfellas (not Karen Hill but her mother), that’s what they are actually like its 100% realistic.

Adam says:

Ok. I have no real experiences with Jews just the memes and general pop culture stuff. She did not act like an alpha widow though and was more feminine than normal which is not easy to come by.

The Cominator says:

You see I’ve known far far too many jews than to buy into the most outlandish propaganda but the usybody domineering Jewish wife and mother stereotype is very very true and I’ve seen it up close.

Dave says:

Israeli girls in Israel are based. Marrying early 20s and starting families after doing their service.

Javier says:

Went out with a curly haired jewess and she was a rank whore. Dumped her when she fucked her neighbor. She was just fucking around before she randomly married another jewish boy from her hometown.

Carte Blanche says:

Jewish and Israeli aren’t exactly the same category. Significant overlap but not the same.

An American-born Jewess is probably either 100% Ashkenazi or a mix of Ashkenazi and Yankee/New-England white. I’m honestly not sure which is worse, they’re both kind of a nightmare.

Israel is close to half Mizrahi, which is sort of like their version of Mestizos. Slightly darker-skinned, more religious, not generally as intelligent but the admixture seems to take off a good chunk of the neurotic and domineering edge. On the other hand, the mandatory military service can lead to harsher shit tests despite the racial differences.

You don’t specify if she was born in Israel and emigrated in her early teens, or if she went to live there to Eat Pray Slut in her teens and then left in her 20s. Both are confusing to me: mandatory service doesn’t start until age 18 (at least according to la wik), so it doesn’t sound like she’s really Israeli, but if she’s not a citizen then why be in service at all? Unless she moved or was brought there in her early teens/tweens, actually got citizenship and then made a conscious choice to leave after 10 years, in which case, probably left to get closer to Globohomo. Whatever the case, the timing smells funny.

In any case, if you decide to escalate, be prepared to ghost at the first sign of crazy. They’re not all insane, but if you make the mistake of shacking up with one that is, then you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

Adam says:

She was born in New York if I recall and moved over there at a young age, moved back after the service. She is working retail at the mall so no crazy career ambition. The only red flag besides the obvious 25 and single was the Jewish part. She was a little bummed when I told her I had kids, but cheered up when I said they were all old enough to drive and live with their mother, and that I wanted more. She did hit me with the “I have a boyfriend” test but I did not get the impression she was serious. She was bummed when I left and didn’t ask for her number.

The Cominator says:

> Jewish spinster works low level retail job
I’ve also seen
> Jewish single male work low level restaraunt or retail jobs and this is despite them like most jews being above average intelligence
Many such cases. And even the successful ones rarely have large amounts of jewish children. And rather than being a united group they are quarrelsome and neurotic. This is why I could never buy into the Jewish conspiracy theories behind the left I’ve just growing up where I did in the Northeast known far too many Jews. I always knew it had to be something else.

jim says:

There are many Jewish conspiracies, at least one of them organizing the war in the Ukraine. But, two Jews,three factions. Jewish conspiracies are short lived and unstable.

SJ says:

My college girlfriend was Jewish. Massive whore but orally focused. Before we were dating she would get invited to every party because she would blow every guy there. She was loyal afaik, we cohabitated for a year, and later she broke up with me to move away after getting into a PhD program. She was pretty clear about it all rather than branch swinging. She’s an old bitter terf now and on ivf to try to have a test tube baby and be a single mom, married and divorced four times.

The other jew girls I’ve known have moms teaching them a specific script. Be a huge sloot, but focus on BJs and anal, abortions when necessary, then save up for a boob job (mom and dad pay for the nose job) and around 28 enroll in a high earning program or find a way to be around low SMV but well off guys and blow them like crazy until one commits. Then take over his life and run it. Though a lot of them seem to forget that they aren’t in law school to get a JD, they are there to get a husband. So they get the JD or become a surgeon or whatever and then do something really stupid like marry an aging illiterate slut fcker and support him.

ivanislav says:

I saw this comment on ZeroHedge and immediately thought of you gullible optimistic dumbasses. So, here it is:

I used to believe in Trump, but now realize that thump Trump is a chump.

Watch what they do, not what they say:

* Trump’s 1st wife was Tribesman, kids are Tribesmen
* Trump’s daughter married Tribesman
* Trump appoints Tribesman son-in-law to plum position
* Tribal son-in-law gets Steve Bannon removed
* Trump’s senior WH Advisers were Tribal: Hershman, Miller…
* “The Clintons are good people” – 2017 Inauguration lunch
* Trump helped Wall St, not Main St
* Trump helped MIC, kept raising DOD budgets
* Trump appointed Tribesmen to Fed & Treasury
* Trump supported everything Bibi & move of US embassy to Jerusalem
* Trump was in back pocket of mRNA pharma
* Trump wanted EU to spend more on NATO
* Trump did not pardon Snowden or Assange
* Trump did nothing to the Swamp
* Trump left the FBI untouched
* Trump made terrible decisions on Agency appointments

Shall I go on, dear Deluded ones?

Trump said one thing to his gullible base, but kept doing the opposite or different thing.

Watch the Deluded doubling down, that we weren’t fooled or betrayed by “thump Trump the chump”. Denial & Regression are typical emotional responses to facts that are contrary to one’s emotional investment.

The Cominator says:

Most people here generally lost faith in Trump following him fleeing the field on January 6th. People like to indulge in hopium sometimes but people here I think know that things are pretty bleak until the government collapses hopefully after the Russian victory parade thru the rubble that was once Kiev.

jim says:

He knows that. Was previously selling worship of the Awesome and Mighty Gaia demon.

Globohomo is an inevitable consequence of the might of Gaia, prostrate yourselves and worship, puny mortals🙃

jim says:

Hi Ivan. Aren’t you going to tell us that Russia is insufficiently white, Putin a Jooish nigger lover, a tool of the Rothschilds, and Russia should therefore be broken up into half a dozen tiny rump states, each a small bite sized fast food snack for the Global American Empire, and that solidarity between whites demands that Putin should pursue a frozen conflict in the Ukraine, so that the Global American Empire can afford to wage a lower level forever war of attrition against Russia, and still have enough resources left over to wage war on obstreperous provinces of the Global American Empire?

Trump was a terrible leader, appointing flatterers like Pence instead of loyalists, and fleeing the field of battle when he had no choice but to cross the Rubicon. But he is our leader, and we are stuck with him, and have no choice but loyalty to him, even though he is not loyal to us. The alternatives are all enemies or controlled opposition – or at least our enemies think DeSantis is controlled opposition, and they might be wrong, but are probably right.

The Cominator says:

I think it’s worth taking a chance on DeSantis but my opinion is too much of a minority it seems and doesn’t look to be an option.

jim says:

There are a lot of good arguments for taking a chance on DeSantis, but while there is a chance of him being uncontrolled opposition passing as controlled opposition, there is also a chance that Trump has wised up to treacherous flatterers this time around.

If DeSantis nominated in rigged primaries, Republican party is burned to the ground. Which creates favorable conditions for actual revolution provided that we also get a foreign sponsor and elite defection, which is possible if the Global American Empire loses in peer conflict.

In the Russian Revolution, the left took power by coup but was unable to govern because too many hostile conspiracies, no real leader, passionate internal disagreements on what the government should be doing. Lenin observed that power had fallen into the street, and, thanks to sponsorship by the Kaiser and the Rothschilds, was able to govern.

The Cominator says:

No there isn’t, Trumps too old and no chance he’s allowed to win.

jim says:

By similar reasoning, if DeSantis is allowed to win, no chance that he is not controlled opposition.

Belief in the Republic was always an enemy faith, doomed to fail in the long run. The long run has now arrived. Surely an obvious rigged election that we “lose” is better than a controlled opposition election that we “win”.

The Cominator says:

Yes there is the Roman cuckservatives were blindsided by Octavian and the German cuckservatives were blindsided by Hitler betraying and outmanuevering them… of course they had violent men following them.

jim says:

Hitler was a warrior, Octavian had no military rank and no formal military experience, though he probably learned a few things following Caesar around, but his first political action which marked him going into politics was going to the camp of his adoptive father’s veterans, and announcing the aristocratic doctrine that as the heir of Caesar, he had a duty to look after them, and they had a duty to obey him. Then he swerved to cuckservative Republicanism, but anyone not blinded by normality bias should have seen what coming. DeSantis is neither a merchant nor a warrior, but a bureaucrat. The strongest argument for him is that he is at home in the swamp. The strongest argument against him is that he is at home in the swamp.

Kunning Druegger says:

You are letting Covid Response taint your analysis/assessments. It is painfully obvious that DeSantis is in bed with the RNC. When people are in bed together, they are fucking. What is more likely: DeSantis, lawyer & politician who is politically relevant solely because of Trump Bump dynamics and his bad bitch wife, is fucking the RNC OR the RNC, the old and monied and powerful and protected institution on which the entire uniparty system relies to maintain the artifice of democracy, is using the promise of power, position, and fame to manipulate a sweaty, tubby, in-over-his-head politician?

I will gladly admit I am wrong if it turns out ol’ Sweaty Ron is actually a 4D chess mastermind with Augustonian blood in his veins and an army at his back. But as of now, every piece of evidence/information indicates he’s Jeb Bush with Ted Cruz characteristics.

The Cominator says:

Bureaucrats are priests. Desantis troubles with the electorate seem to derive from perhaps being on the spectrum the complaints about his wife seem to be that she is a batshit BPD case (the only type of women who actually genuinely deeply like us spergs, so I find it believable, and yes i personally rather like them). Both spergs and bpd cases tend to instinctively deeply hate globohomo (and it does nothing for us)…. I think he would betray them at the 1st opportunity but pre election is not the time.

KD he has to fucking make it look that way, you have to make globohomo turn its back and expose the weak spot before you put the knife in. It’s a gamble, there is zero chance of success with Trump.

Roger Williams says:

Trump is guaranteed the nomination regardless if he is convicted. There are too many candidates in the race splitting the non-Trump vote now. All Trump has to do is pull 20% and he will win, just like 2016. DeSantis’s only shot was if no one else jumped in but that’s over now.

The big question will be if DeSantis supports Trump on his nomination and if Trump chooses him as VP.

jim says:

> Trump is guaranteed the nomination regardless if he is convicted.

Normality bias.

He could be Epsteined, or the primaries rigged. The Democratic primaries are rigged and give hilariously improbable results, why not the Republican primaries?

If they rig the Republican primaries, then DeSantis is reliable controlled opposition, and will be allowed to be elected. But I now have no idea what they are going to do, and I suspect they do not either, for the failure of war of attrition against Russia has upset their plans

The Cominator says:

Desantis can’t be Trumps vp unless he moves out of Florida…

dharmicreality says:

Com, as a total outsider to American politics, here’s my take. Trump, whatever his boomer uncle weaknesses and biases, was kind of an inspirational figure to the Right. His Presidency really inspired us worldwide in a manner that Modi did, principally because he rolled back the American Empire geopolitics and his foreign policy was different from the same old American Empire politics of Bush, Clinton, Obama, etc.

Now I ask myself, who the hell is De Santis? He may be somewhat of a celebrity over there, but to me he seems to be just like any other American politician. Nothing that I’ve read about him strikes me as different or inspires in the way Trump did.

Trump was truly one of a kind and a golden opportunity wasted, for the kind of spontaneous mass support he drew. Not only in America, but he actually wanted to make friends worldwide, without the usual GAE strings attached. More than anything, you have to admit that he energized the Right spiritually during his years at the office merely by making the Left go crazy at his very presence.

To me that was something historical and could well have been game changing.

Now assume that I am completely ignorant. Does Ron De Santis represent something historical and different just like Trump brought to the table? Or is he just yet another American politician.

Mike in Boston says:

Does Ron De Santis represent something historical and different just like Trump brought to the table? Or is he just yet another American politician.

One way to answer this is network analysis.

DeSantis is backed by the remnants of the Bush dynasty, a central power structure in American politics for many decades. Trump was backed by Sheldon Adelman and maybe a few other figures who, though powerful, were rather more tangential.

By this analysis, DeSantis is less a departure from the norm than Trump was.

Of course, one may hope that a hypothetical President DeSantis would turn on his backers and implement his own agenda. I don’t think the odds are a hundred to one against that; but neither would I give you even money.

dharmicreality says:

Yes, a return to Bush-era politics may be a roll back from the current Left lunacy, and this may be what many on the Conservative side want, but still isn’t game changing and still allows return of far Left lunacy.

The Cominator says:

Obviously DeSantis is a sperg and not charismatic like Trump (who is old and a shadow of the man he was) his strength in office is that he’d potentially be a right wing Stalin.

Mike in Boston says:

still allows return of far Left lunacy.

In fact, each time a “conservative” is elected, that just lets the leftists consolidate their recent gains, keeping the frog at a constant temperature. With the exception of the “assault weapon” ban, I can’t think of any leftist innovation that’s ever been rolled back under a subsequent “conservative”. Even Reagan allowed the gigantic federal bureaucracy to metastasize.

The Cominator says:

Desantis spergish hatred for the coronatarians is genuine not political he wants them all dead, given that the neocons were involved like the Democrats and given that Musk and Thiel despise the neocons very strong chance he will betray them. He only needs to put loyalist in the Intel agencies and state apparatus 1st…

jim says:

Trump has unambiguously committed to making peace with Russia. And Putin has unambiguously committed to making peace with America. And Trump is the greatest deal maker we have ever seen in office. He loves making a deal, and always makes a pretty good deal.

What has Desantis said about empire?

Red says:

I like Com’s arguments about DeSantis and he would be a strong contender to be a Stalin, but he has zero ability to lead others. He just doesn’t have the charisma necessary to lead. He’s also shown very bad judgement politically with garbage campaign so far. He’s listening to the Bushies and it’s making him look like a fool.

I also have zero faith in Trump. The man’s a coward who lacks good judgement on how to deal with his foes. Merchants are going to Merchant.

The best combo would be Trump/DeSantis with Musk’s backing with a focus on out cheating the Democrats.

I wonder if the elites would adopt the idea that Trump would be safe with a Bushie like DeSantis controlling him like Pence controlled Trump?

The Cominator says:

Red Stalin had a lack of charisma as well, but your second argument is better that he in fact showed poor judgement a few times recently and poor judgement is not something you can have here this is not a realm (especially without charisma) that you can make mistakes and that is a better argument against him. Once he opened his mouth on Ukraine as a territorial dispute he needed to tell the neocons he’ll be flexible later behind the scenes but that he had to stand by it.

“I also have zero faith in Trump. The man’s a coward who lacks good judgement on how to deal with his foes. Merchants are going to Merchant.”

That is my main issue 2020 and Jan 6th (not because it was an uprising for lurkers but because it SHOULD HAVE BEEN) and him fleeing the field cost me all faith in him. Great diplomat, great at economics but he was a coward who listened to flatterers and cucked on covid. I have no doubt he would fail again especially since he’s a shadow of the man he once was.

Roger Williams says:

Politicians have no actual agency of their own today. They simply read lines from a script like a movie actor. Trump is obviously not a politician so he is writing his own script for better or worse.

DeSantis, being a professional politician, is no different than any other politician. The question would be in a theoretical DeSantis administration who is writing his script.

Is it the typical old money Walton/Koch/etc GOP elites or is it the Musk/Thiel/Sacks/Andresson etc new money tech elites?

The Cominator says:

Not quite fair to DeSantis. He reads from a script sometimes (one which he has some input in ussually when he does) but not all the time.

Aryaman says:

Not really. The guy’s fundamental accomplishments are restricting discussion of anal sex to fourth grade and above, and governing a warm state surrounded by beaches. Nothing about him indicates any conviction that there is good and evil, and that he is there to make the good guys win. Trump says he wants to make the good guys win. I try not to pay attention, but de Santis campaign is clearly a manicured and manufactured enterprise, he and his wife acting out carefully choreographed movements based on ideas some swamp creature had of masculinity.

I see the logic of returning us to 2006 leftism. I don’t agree with it, but I see the logic of it. I would crawl over broken glass for 2006. If I am to crawl over broken glass I would go a lot further, but I would still crawl over broken glass for 2006. I really don’t see the logic or sense of returning us to 2018 leftism, which is what de Santis is. Better to just ignore the topic entirely, mock it and laugh, than restrict discussion of advanced anal sex techniques to older students only.

Trump understood incentives, understood what would actually work, and was a very good CEO. Failed in the end, but was a very good CEO. What, exactly, is good about de Santis?

Aryaman says:

Personally, I am rather conspiracy minded and am not convinced all these people are normal in the sense of having real beliefs about the world and exercising their free will on it.

But, supposing I did, would say that hearing from people who have spent time around, so far as I understand he really is against all the very blatant tranny shit. And really cares about it. That’s not a ruse, he really is much more bothered by 10 year old trannies than Donald Trump. DeSantis thinks 10 year old trannies are wrong, Trump thinks they are not even wrong.

Ok so you could say, De Santis would be a very competent manager or something. But evidence seems to show otherwise. Florida has a scam of a property insurance industry, rife with fraud driving property insurance through the roof and he has no solution nor even any idea of how to arrive at a solution. too busy signing laws banning pamphleteering in Israel to actually solve property insurance woes.

Adam says:

The FIRE economy got a whole lot richer in Florida with Desantis, to the point that general contracting is now often a paperwork only business that serves only to navigate insurance, financing, permitting, inspection and safety. Construction is entirely dominated by the priesthood. The guys who understand what “just get it done” means are working for peanuts.

The Cominator says:

That’s the federal government way more than the states. You’re not allowed to build anything without going thru the permitting process states can set some of the code rules and such but they can’t abolish the whole process. Florida’s code rules (I used to work on architectural electrical drawings) have always been worse than most states and these are the kind of complicated rules set by bureaucrats that no politicians understand.

Florida actually often makes its rules on those kind of things bad and different from other states to keep outsiders from all moving to Florida… it has nothing to do with DeSantis.

Mike in Boston says:

Nothing about [DeSantis] indicates any conviction that there is good and evil

I’m not arguing in favor of DeSantis, but is Trump any better? Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner was at Mar-A-Lago while Don Junior was telling conservatives to back off the Bud Light boycott.

I want a candidate on the national stage who will come out and say that transgenderism is mental illness and will have no legal status whatsoever in America. And I think that, outside of my own deluded New England, that candidate will get a lot of popular support. Not that voting matters anymore; but probably mass psychology still does.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

What matters is having pathways for true believers to join your gang (and a Faith for filtering by true belief in, in the first place).

Trump send out emails asking people to donate money. What he should be doing is handing out contact details for recruiters and meeting places for the Republican Guard at his rallys.

Mike in Boston says:

You’re not wrong! But I would turn that around and say: the right candidate would have people clamoring to join his Republican Guard at his rallies. Maybe some few would join Trump’s Republican Guard; but I think most would hesitate, wondering if a man who poses on stage with the gay tranny flag stands for any Faith larger than himself, or would indeed know what to do with a Republican Guard.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>the right candidate would have people clamoring to join his Republican Guard at his rallies

They were. Trump was the most genuinely popular American political figure in the last 50 years, for all that mattered. The days moving up too, during, and after, the ‘fortification of democracy’, were drowned by the voices of supporters clamoring for a means to help, some way to get Involved – and not getting any.

All he needed to do was stretch out his hand, and legions would rise in response.

Someone who does that is someone who thinks like a King.

Your Uncle Bob says:

Arguments for DeSantis are he did the work to research the powers of Florida governor and use them; most importantly he was willing to fire officials for both malfeasance and obstruction of his agenda, he didn’t lean on collegiality and tradition. How different would Trump’s term have been if he did that, or delegated to someone who could? Also DeSantis’ opposition to both trannyism and corona mandates were genuine heresies against the orthodoxy. If less than our side wanted, still outside the bounds of normiecon protestations, so probably a principled stand rather than a polled campaign decision.

Arguments against DeSantis are his presidential campaign staff and backers are jews, chamber of commerce republicans and Bushites. That’s a bad sign. Also the kissing of the ring by signing an anti-1st amendment bill into law off American soil.

I rate DeSantis a bit higher on likelihood of being /ourguy/ than other, smarter, more informed commenters do, but the staffing decisions and backers give me pause.

If the game weren’t rigged my ideal outcome would be Trump on top of the ticket, DeSantis as VP, and delegated the role of Trump’s hatchetman dealing with federal employees. That’s the role Trump always needed filled and never did. Unlikely any possibility of that survives the primary (how do Trump and Cruz get along these days for instance?), and still a gamble DeSantis is actually on side.

And really this is all theoretical. If DeSantis doesn’t dig down and discover some charisma he’s going nowhere without, as Jim says, being the designated fixee. At that point his first staffing decisions in office would tell us everything.

notglowing says:

I have a very hard time believing someone like DeSantis could actually be /ourguy/, because of the type of person he is and because of what he’s done, including especially signing that law.

I’m a believer of actions over words.
Committing evil acts makes you evil, and complying with evil will make your thoughts evil eventually. You can pretend to be good, but you can’t do the opposite.

That said, DeSantis could be a useful man in the right circumstances. Trump as President with DeSantis backing him on the nitty gritty stuff as vice President would make for a great duo.

The Cominator says:

Pence showed that a disloyal VP is dangerous, DeSantis won’t be a loyal VP because he can’t be given that until he’s president he is dependent on others lacking either family connections in the government or independent wealth. But as President he almost will have to betray his backers unless he wants to be destroyed by them and Musk and Thiel hate the neocons anyway.

Don’t make too much out of muh Israel that is for stupid wignats to blow up that non issue.

Kunning Drueger says:


Why do you tranny kikes always take this line?

Carte Blanche says:

Typical low-effort shilling.

“Greetings fellow alt-rightists, I see that you’re discussing Trump-related grievances, but what you should really be focused on above all else is the number of Jews in his orbit.”

This script is more than five years old. It was in circulation while Trump was still in office. Stephen Miller was far more perceptive than Trump ever was. Kushner was obviously a dud, but not particularly worse than any other run-of-the-mill RNC chair-warmer.

The Republic is dead, and there’s a lot that I could say about Trump’s failings, but not before you and everyone else in your NGO office are fed into the woodchipper.

Sher Singh says:

Mughals claimed to be followers of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Sided with Khalsa against Banda Bahadur trying to destroy Sikhi


jim says:

That sounds like good reason for taking out Bairagi Banda Bahadur. But not a good reason for doing so when Mughals were up your ass.

Carte Blanche says:

I suppose you have your reasons, Jim, but why not permaban this schizo nuisance? Unlike the Anonymous Fake and Ghost sorts, it’s not even interesting to see it dissected or refuted because it’s all wildly off-topic, or bugfuck insane, or both.

ten says:

I too am sikh of the moron.

Apparently he feels very compelled to prove his people are absolutely fearsome warriors to strangers on the other side of the world who are entirely unconcerned about his people in any sense.

Weird, annoying, boring, constant noise.

Kunning Drueger says:

Worse still, he is merely Sikhing to sew dissention between Hindu Nationalists and Occidental Reactionaries. This is a very important synthesis, one that rarely occurs because ost of the contact westerners have with the subcontinent our via Pajeet,the street shitting immigrant *to* the West. Just as most Americans think “Mexicans” are universally short, fat, pig ignorant, and lazy because they only see/encounter the border jumpers, so too does the West have a dim view of India because we think it’s all Apoo and that dumb bitch from Twitter. So the dharmaBro/shitlord synthesis is important, what we’re building here is ahead of the curve, and Shit Sling is here to muck it up.

The deepest irony is that, if he’s actually Sikh(x doubt), he’s been mentally subdued by white pussy, or the promise thereof. I know a few Sikhs. They are not afraid of their own culture, but they are very aware that it’s been attacked and defeated, which is why they are part of a diaspora. The ones that refuse to kowtow to globohomo get suppressed, not elevated.

The Cominator says:

I don’t mind the convience store Apoos and no one really does it’s the parasites in tech and the professions who hire only each other despite complete incompetence and who despite their successful scamming of the West vote 95% Democrat who have made me fucking hate 95% of Indians.

Kunning Druegger says:

The Apoos take businesses away from founding stock and natives, import terrible products, get sinecures from government for being brown, and happily betray neighbors because they are here on a rent seeking expedition with not a single impulse to integrate or build. They are carrion baggers exploiting the Cathedral’s distributed crusade to destroy America as a sacrifice to their preferred daemons.

I cannot articulate how little the sentiments of suburban floridians about pet minorities means to me. You guys can be a multikulti melting pot if you want, but I don’t think the rest of us should have to tolerate the brown wave.

The pajeets in tech are directly connected to the Patels in small business. You’re basically making the “I had a based black friend once so I like niggers in general” argument.

Adam says:

I absolutely share your position but it is ironic that Texas and Florida are the last remaining somewhat sane states, and all the majority white states even in the midwest are suicidally progressive.

The Cominator says:

The apus (a small minority of mainly much earlier wave poos) are a very very minor problem. The institutional and professional poos are aids and cancer which justify a Hitlerian response. As Adam here says OTHER than the institutional poos it is white progressives who are the real problem. Other minorities are (other than the international poos who need to be gassed) just symptoms, Florida is somewhat sane because the local right identified the problem and picked the right battles.

The Cominator says:

“I cannot articulate how little the sentiments of suburban floridians about pet minorities means to me. You guys can be a multikulti melting pot if you want, but I don’t think the rest of us should have to tolerate the brown wave.”

In the off chance anyone like us gets power I mean how are you going to get rid of every brown infiltrator at this point we’re past the point of no return for quick solutions. The best thing that can be done by a reactionary regime is a pro natalism and pro white immigration policy. We already 60 million or so people who have to go who voted for Biden (plenty will be minorities, yes I know its not 81 million but I’m assuming at least 50-60 million legit votes) there is not going to be ANY appetite for more blood after that especially against the ones who sided with us.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Arranging the physical removal of elthedes is easy. Violence against euthedes is punished, while violence against elthedes is given a gee shucks. Observe Detroit.

jim says:

It is the most efficient and effective way, and we are just doing to them what they are doing to us.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

How will we get rid of the browns, Com? The same way the Anglo-Saxons did to the Britons and the same way the Aryans did to a fair few people. Kill some, let the rest know you are coming, and indicate that it is high time to get the fuck out of town.

The Cominator says:

I could countenance treating the ones who sided with us like that if it came to war… I’d whiten the country with a white America and a white reproduction policy. Tighter control over white women only so they reproduce more + subsidies + a “white America” immigration policy all until we are 90% white and then its maintained at almost exactly that level in the future. I’d also pay some of them to leave if affordable.

Pure white leads to horrible left wing communal mind viruses a very moderate amount of diversity is good just so people learn to not be like Swedes (yes I know they did well on Covid) or Vermonters…

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:


The Cominator says:

No I’m right and you’re being a purist. Whites who collectively feel too secure against the other go off the rails. Keep the other around just in a permanent state of being too weak and not able to expand their numbers.

Adam says:

Coverture solves 95% of mental illness among whites. Once no longer dominated by females, any remaining poor performing whites will simply be lower class.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Willingness to keep test subjects pinned in their petri dishes and pulling their wings off every time they regrow so they stay permanently disabled can come from a range of qualititive spreads, some which are rare in real humans, many of which are common in bluetribesmen.

The Cominator says:

Whites too comfy abolished coverture though… an optimized society is not stress or threat free its maintained at a safe level to keep it on the rails. The progressive era was only really possible die to a long era of really unparalleled peace and prosperity with no serious threat. We should make sure little reminders of danger are always there…

Encourage dueling, keep some diversity around in their own millets and trade cities, make priest who want to get promoted to high rank actually hunt and kill a leftist as the final prerequisite…

Red says:

>Keep the other around just in a permanent state of being too weak and not able to expand their numbers.

Not possible. Civilization is cyclical and blacks are optimized for reproduction, not intelligence. As soon as we go through a down-cycle blacks with their massive advantage in breeding will out breed everyone and we ended up with most of the population being dumb dumbs. Look at the Egyptians today. They are still same people who built the Pyramids but their black DNA went from 8% to 16% and they’re now fucking worthless. They couldn’t even keep the lights on without whites.

We either separate the higher races from the lower or we all end up as dumb mystery meats who will be stone age hunter/gathers until the sun goes out.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I mean you basically argued against your own point. The fact that obsolete two-legged farm equipment were around didn’t stop critical masses of folk from being unacquainted with or willingly disingenuous as to their particulars anyways.

Like any large society in history there will naturally be fractions of folk from farther fields coming and going; but not in any special formalized way.

I can understand the desire to have ‘themepark versions’ of evils to serve as toothing aids, but the impulse to keep beings trapped in earthly hells is something that can all too easily goes off the rails. The neuer anglelanders couldn’t just put people out of their misery, they had to invent the modern ‘prison system’ as we lamentably know it today (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_State_Penitentiary).

The Cominator says:

I’m not saying we keep them in hell at all… but their breeding rights would be limited.

Adam says:

>The neuer anglelanders couldn’t just put people out of their misery

Whites are currently hosting and fostering a very codependent form of self sabotage where on one hand they know how to achieve victory yet refuse to actually do what is necessary.

It is easy to see most of all among conservatives, where pro-lifers disagree that it is “her body her choice” (when the choice is abortion), yet absolutely refuse the simple and far reaching solution of male authority.

What is really at the root of that? Fear? Fear of what? Fear of victory? It is hard to imagine it is true but it is, most people are miserable failures and losers because they chose to be, because they reject victory, reject joy, happiness, meaning, gratitude, hope etc. For some reason everything just makes more sense if we are all doomed to fail.

Red says:

@Com we’ll just train people on videos like this:


Red says:

What is really at the root of that? Fear? Fear of what? Fear of victory?

They’ve internalized leftist propaganda that owning others is bad. Thus owning your wife is evil and can’t be the solution.

The Cominator says:

“Civilization is cyclical”

I believe that like any other engineering system entropy can be overcome with maintenance… and you can write down the rules of maintenence but without a reminder of threats which sometimes turn into the reality (ie every once in a while some coal burner with an absent father is killed in niggerville) and her family is more disgraced because the nightly new reader screams out TOLL PAID IN FULL TO THE WHORE DAUGHTER OF X people forget.

You need white people to have those little lessons that life outside of Chesterton’s fence is not comfortable of course the priesthood and the warriors (Imperial/Royal officers will be taught this in detail) but people need little reminders. Without the little reminders the lessons taught become despised dogma no one understands the reason behind… not in 10 years or in 50 years but in 100 or 200 years. Now its impossible to keep the dangers and failings of Democracies and Republics fresh in people’s minds but have the occasional ghetto around that occasional some degenerate or absent father coal burner (which shows the danger of female emancipation) gets killed in… its a very good thing long term if it happens occasionally.

Red says:

I believe that like any other engineering system entropy can be overcome with maintenance… and you can write down the rules of maintenence but without a reminder of threats which sometimes turn into the reality (ie every once in a while some coal burner with an absent father is killed in niggerville) and her family is more disgraced because the nightly new reader screams out TOLL PAID IN FULL TO THE WHORE DAUGHTER OF X people forget.

Why not just send them back to Africa? Blacks contribute nothing to a high tech civilization. We can have BasedVice run reports from the African nigger zone if people need updated video on why you don’t want to be around blacks.

Frankly I’d much prefer sending blacks back to Africa to give them a chance to develop higher brain functions if their elites have desire to continue in the project the Ashanti started.

The woman question couldn’t really be solved until Darwin. The Old Testament had Chesterton’s fence 20 feet high on the WQ, but they couldn’t explain why it was needed and it was easily torn down.

Jim answered the woman question in way where everything fits together and can be used to secure Chesterton’s fence for all eternity on the WQ. The problem is we have to rebuild the fence.

Adam says:

>You need white people to have those little lessons that life outside of Chesterton’s fence is not comfortable

That is what the gutter is for. There will always be a lower class composed of leftists and degenerates of every persuasion.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>I’m not saying we keep them in hell at all… but their breeding rights would be limited.

Not to belabour the point, but the process of one is the substance of the other. It doesn’t just happen, you need Ways and Means to make it happen. To beings that may not necessarily be enthusiastic about the fate you have in mind for them.

Oh, how the forms may mutate in praxis. Different ways… different means… different targets…

A2 says:

“I’m not saying we keep them in hell at all… but their breeding rights would be limited.”

No, no, no. What is this passive-aggressive boomer nonsense, and this from the helicopter man too?

There is absolutely no need to entrap the undesirables in some clever legal code — which btw will be nullified the moment it’s possible to do so — so that they can still hang around and complain, beg, steal, rape, murder while the lawyers argue about how unfair and inhumane it all is. Absolutely no need. Instead, just make a quick break of it.

PS. For Europeans, don’t forget to bulldoze every mosque while you’re at it. Sorry, halfbreeds, you will have to go too.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Every mechanism added to prevent or repair entropy is itself subject to entropy, so every civilization falls. In the ensuing “warring states period”, one side starts treating women as booty, then all sides treat women as booty, and the fertility problem is solved.

Likewise, one side starts treating niggers as vermin, then all sides treat niggers as vermin lest they be flooded with niggers, and the nigger problem is solved.

Chinese civilization has “survived” for 2500 years by going through many such reboots. White people are new at this game.

SJ says:

@Adam, I think they are afraid of responsibility. It’s the common factor in all of this, leftism, bureaucracy, turning girls out, failure to lead your family, and all things consent based. If consent no longer grants moral legitimacy then someone has to be responsible for that other party.

As to why they are afraid of responsibility? I guess when you first realize you are responsible for all in your life it can be painful as it is a form of repentance. But on the other side is immense power and I would think more men would desire to hold that power over their own life. They don’t though, rather staying irresponsible and just complaining to the figurative teacher their entire lives as if someone else holds that responsibility over them.

Carte Blanche says:

That is what the gutter is for. There will always be a lower class composed of leftists and degenerates of every persuasion.

Indeed. If anyone ever needs a reminder of this, just head on over to r/antiwork (or really any other reddit these days), where you’ll see tens of thousands of Anonymous Fakes all displaying their true colors. The credential level varies, but the essence is always the same: “life is too hard and it’s all everyone else’s fault”.

It can be an easy trap to fall into, even for our side — we just call it the black pill — but they take to it like flies to shit.

We don’t need uppity minorities to teach us about incivility, self-destructive behavior and sectarian violence; we’re quite capable of doing all of that all by ourselves.

alf says:

For Europeans, don’t forget to bulldoze every mosque while you’re at it.

Sounds like an excellent start.

Adam says:

>I think they are afraid of responsibility.

Yes there is a lot of this. A lot of false pride too. Demanding the sausage be made in such a way, but refusing to acknowledge that it is somehow made.

i says:

There is absolutely no need to entrap the undesirables in some clever legal code — which btw will be nullified the moment it’s possible to do so — so that they can still hang around and complain, beg, steal, rape, murder while the lawyers argue about how unfair and inhumane it all is. Absolutely no need. Instead, just make a quick break of it.

Ancient Israel lay at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, Africa and Arabia.

Undesirables will always come. The purpose of Law is to give them what they deserve. Death to the murderers, slavers.

Restitution for the thieves or slavery to pay off their debts. As well as other petty crimes.

Prison serves no purpose other than to be a Criminal school and where Criminals are worsened in their wickedness by Prison rape.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Most Indians in Russia, over ten thousand of them, are medical students paying $2500-$7500 a year. They stay here for six years without learning Russian, get their diplomas, and go home. They like me because I speak English, but I’m more interested in learning Russian, making Russian friends, and putting down roots.

Most immigrants are from the former Soviet ‘stans, where Russian is widely spoken. In 1990 they wanted to be independent of Russia because muh freedom; now they want to move to Russia because muh jobs.

TheDividualist says:

Today’s comedy gold. Swedish “scientists” worried by summer Arctic ice disappearing because of globohomo warming travel to the Arctic in “one of the best conventional icebreakers”, but have to turn back because there is too much summer ice in June and the ship cannot deal with it. They are also too often visited by icebears (a species globohomo warming is supposed to endanger)


notglowing says:

Surely, they have some kind of explanation for this. They wouldn’t report it that way otherwise.

There’s going to be some explanation where if you point it out they will call you stupid and claim that there is so much ice because it broke off from the north pole or something.

SJ says:

Follow up on the two young couples I know who successfully had children, got vaxxed, and have become strangely infertile. Both couples were successfully pregnant, one of them suffered a miscarriage over the weekend. The other is still pregnant so far. Speaking with the father whose wife miscarried, he said he thought they were infertile. They had been seeing a fertility clinic, who was strangely unable to give them any answers.

Adam says:

One of my family members is trying for a second child, the guy is not vaxxed but the wife is. It’s not happening.

The Cominator says:

Future generations are going to be descended mainly from redneck girls, nigs, yoga chick’s and whores…

notglowing says:

There’s nothing to celebrate about there. If a lot of women have suddenly become sterile, the pool of possible wives has decreased massively for every man who wants a family.

And our enemies don’t mind that at all.

Thankfully it doesn’t seem quite that dramatic. If the vaccine really does reduce fertility, it hasn’t happened for everyone who took it.

The Cominator says:

Not celebrating but it is what it is.

Guy says:

A couple women I work with who were Vaxxed and boosted were successful in having a child afterwards. Of course, I don’t know all the people who failed to, but I was waiting to see what happened there

Red says:

Life tends to find a way. My co-worker who was vaxxed 4x and had 2 awful cases of the WuFlu has stopped declining in health. IQ is permanently lower, but he’s no longer sick all the time after 12-16 month period where I expected him to drop dead because he was in such bad shape.

Calvin says:

I would expect a sterilization drug from a diverse lab to be about as effective as anything else coming out of one of those.

Radulescu says:

[*Link to shill deleted*]

The Cominator says:


FANTASTIC video from Tik. Most illuminating video on demon worshippers I’ve ever seen.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Everything I don’t like is Gnosticism.

jim says:

As a matter of fact, usually is gnosticism

The Cominator says:

I’m on record myself that I’m sympathetic to a soft form of gnosticism… but clearly there is a more typical demonic form of gnosticism behind almost all leftist ideologies…

jim says:

Remedy your sex life, and you will find yourself less sympathetic.

cub says:

Jesus himself seemed to think [*Gnostic Jesus deleted*],but do you have an actual refutation of gnosticism aside from this cunty feminist-sounding reply?

jim says:

SJ issued a very similar and more vehement refutation at greater length.

If you despair of acheiving your telos, you will be vulnerable to destructive and self destructive ideologies that create a rationale that achieving your telos is bad and no one should do it.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

A pretty remarkable expression of Carcinization, innit?

Contaminated NEET says:

If you squint, there are similarities, no question. Mostly though, it’s right-wing Catholics patting themselves on the back for a centuries-old win and trying to pretend their current enemy is the same as their ancient and defeated foe.

What’ve we got for similarities?
A great hidden truth
A sinister powerful enemy hiding this truth from the masses
An elite group of the enlightened that understands this truth

That’s all pretty general, and you can fit it to most belief systems without much effort.

Red says:

Child sacrificing, demon worshiping Trannies is a very old foe.

Contaminated NEET says:

Child sacrifice is pagan, not Gnostic.

Trannies can be Gnostic, but they can also be plain old pagan.

Demon worship is just a term for faiths we don’t like.

Contaminated NEET says:

Actually, scratch that last one. It wasn’t fair. Demon worship is any faith that does not promote the flourishing of its believers.

Red says:

My point is old religions seem to return with regularity not that they were Gnostic. Communism and Hilterism certainly where Gnostic. Trannyism goes back to the old Ishtar Cult in Babylon and probably father back than that since there were so many proscriptions against it by a lot civilizations. Being able to transform one self between sexes is a very odd belief, but I don’t know it’s exact origin or basis. It’s certainly religious in nature given the way it’s become a point of worship.

> Demon worship is any faith that does not promote the flourishing of its believers.

Though that leads to a kind of an interesting question, where the Aztec gods Demons? They Aztecs were growing like crazy because they only sacrificed their foes to their gods, while the rest of the tribes around them sacrificed their own children to their gods when they couldn’t capture foes to appease them.

jim says:

Aztecs sacrificed their own in considerably smaller numbers. But the basic thing that made it demonic is that all the tribes had the same religion, and the priests of each tribe were in the pockets of the priests of enemy tribes. Not national religions, but effectively a single religion with a single priesthood arranging for their congregations to kill and eat each other.

When the tribes joined Cortes against the Aztecs, their priesthood was not too happy, because Cortes was outside the system.

SJ says:

Gnostics are an old cult. They believe Adam Kadmon, Adam pre Eve, was a man-woman and that when Eve was removed from Adam that was the fall. Adam Kadmon was created in the image of God, so God is a man-woman. By becoming a tranny they become closer to God. Then for Christian gnostic butt pumpers they say look Jesus was a shape shifter just like allegedly Taylor Swift is. They couldn’t find him and had to have him betrayed by Judus because he was dressed up like a girl! Plus Mary had a virgin birth because zir was a hermaphrodite man-woman that impregnated zirself. Etc etc.

Hey look we’ve got this secret knowledge if you just lay down and let us pump your butt you can reach the magic of an orgasm from your butt and pierce the veil. We aren’t a bunch of gay fags, no it’s spiritual, so dress up like a girl pull your pants down dude. You’re becoming closer to God!

They do have some seriously good cooperation though. I’m still confused how they manage that. Demonic possession? They are all infected with a behavior altering parasite passed through the butt? They make their plans naked together in a great big pile? They sodomize children and have blackmail on each other? I dunno

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

If you want to make a point about rectification of names you’re undermining yourself by using the highly non-specific term ‘pagan’ in some apparently special private sense.

jim says:

Contaminated NEET is using the terms correctly. Gnostics are not pagans, and pagans are not necessarily Gnostics, though they often are.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Pagan is not a very well defined term. A common banal sense of the term is anything that is not precisely Christendom. Traditions of many peoples pagan in this sense, which, to the extent they are adaptive in their comportment with Divine Law, do not involve child sacrifice.

So what does CN mean by paganism then? Defining child sacrifice as implying paganism and not gnosticism, and defining paganism as involving child sacrifice, leaves us with a whole host of things that do get historically described as ‘pagan’ at times that do not get a fit this mould, most particularly traditions of folk descended from People of The Sky Father.

When you say the word ‘pagan’ the first thing that usually comes to most people’s minds is Greco-Roman or Norse religious forms, which don’t square with this putative sense. A definition that makes no distinction between Julius’ legions and the druids they stomped into the mud has some practical issues. Same problem with Dharma, Shinto, or Buddhism.

Seems to me like it was just casting about for rationalizations to justify continuing his argument, doubling down on the initial knee-jerk dismissal of describing the recurrence of characteristically antinomian antinatalist anticosmic flavors of dobadders as simply ‘gnostic’ after the fact.

jim says:

Pagans worship miscellaneous assorted gods. Some of them but far from all of them, demons. Even the Aztecs had a god that did not get classified by Christians as demon or evil spirit, and Christians classified most of the Irish gods as ancestral spirits.

Gnostics hold the world to be the creation of an evil God, and are therefore excused from right conduct in this world. So, sort of like monotheist. Except Christians give thanks for the things of this world while gnostics seek vengeance for them.

Gnostics are not exactly Satanists, but they are not exactly not Satanists either.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Certainly. My impression is that CN however would be keeping the definition of gnostic as a prosaic reference to a certain sub-culture of late antiquity syncretic cults; whereas, the way it is often used by others lately – such as myself – is in a more phenomenological sense as well, identifying a like nature between those peoples, and certain peoples after them, and certain peoples before them, using those peoples as typical examples; an extension of the essential logic to sketch out a natural kind.

A subject could have never heard of Valentinus or Marcion or Mani in his life, and yet we find him converging on the same modes of thought all the same. That is the remarkable thing.

Kunning Druegger says:

This is probably a rabbit trail better left until we control the world again, but I do wonder about the pantheon of lesser gods, daemons, and eldritch forces beyond the confines of the strictly human. To a primitive man, to an atheism addled modern, to an uncontrolled female, to the mud people, the bar for inspiring deific reverence is very low. Angels and daemons are indistinguishable from God (or satan) if there’s no possibility of nuance or preparation.

Is it more likely that satan is just a master of disguises and all manifestations of anti-God are just him playing with human consciousness like toys, or are there many powers, many entities populating the not-quite-void? Just as it is foolish for McChristians to act like the Bible was divinely inspired by a God that didn’t know Civil Rights was going to happen, it is folly to assume that God’s Word cannot account for the granularity with which man would be able to observe His world.

I personally believe that something is Out There, but I am undecided on what, precisely, that means. We are called to conquer the stars. Is it likewise true that we must march down the scale as well? He’s a buffoon, but Eric Weinstein’s Unified Geometry is an enticing thought. And if one delves into the various conspiracy theories, be they Inner Earth or the Gravitational Power cover up, one gets the sense that there may be forces at work who, when compared to mere mortals, seem god-like. They too must be in the game of souls, and there’s a particular eloquence to the idea that some rival for satan’s anti-throne might be mixing it up on earth, handing out poisonous gifts to work its fell deeds.

For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ His Son. This promise speaks of two constants: God’s gift to us, and our greatest desire. To the Hobbesian Man, one need not offer life eternal, as the promise of life at the end of the current trial is more than enough. We know that satan, daemons, lesser gods, what have you, cannot create, only manipulate and twist, so they too would only really have one thing to offer: immortality.

Oh bother, did someone drop a pair of green gloves?

Anonymous says:

@Kunning- since you wondered out loud, here is the Hindu tantric position on that very question about other realms and beings. Explained in very easy to follow English. The same host and same guest have several other podcasts on related topics, very authentic.


This is an aspect of Hinduism, perhaps THE central aspect of Hinduism, that our dharmabros here do not touch upon much. Which sometimes makes me wonder if they’re practicing Hindus or theoretical, cultural, “born into it” Hindus.

jim says:

Well I, a Christian, would say, that if that’s the central aspect of Hinduism, it shouldn’t be.

FrankNorman says:

Hinduism seems to be a very “big tent” concept.

A bit like as if someone took traditional Christianity, liberal McChristianity, the Mormons, the Secular Humanists, the Jews, the Marxists, the Intersectional Left, the people who believe crystals have healing energy, etc, etc and lumped them all together under a label of “Westernism”.

Anonymous says:

It is certainly a big tent, but that’s probably how all world religions before the advent of Zoroastrianism and Judaism were. The same diversity of thought could be seen in Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese religion. Zoroaster challenged the worship of the ancient Aryan Gods, much as Judaism challenged the worship of the ancient Semitic Gods.

The main unifying factors in Hinduism are the (sometimes begrudging) acceptance of the Aryan Brahmin-focal social order, and recognizing cultural descent from Sanskrit/Prakrit Aryan culture of India. This definition would include Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains within the broader Hindu fold.

Now the more specific definition of Hinduism, as we see it in practice today, would be the respect for ritualism and direct communion with the Gods, which is the point being made in that video I linked above. That would certainly cleave out Sikhs, though Buddhists and Jains have had the Gods bleed through into them over the centuries, though they started off atheist.

Anonymous Fake says:

Now that RFK Jr. is running and appeared on Joe Rogan the NPC left has been rapidly reprogrammed to be skeptical of vaccines, and even *autism* is mentioned openly on Twitter. Next year they’re all going to swear they never took the “Trump Shot” the way they claimed in 2019 before they got reprogrammed the first time. That they stuck to healing crystals and transcendental meditation or something.

[*Payload deleted*]

I think there’s been a change in the whole Matrix since the Ukraine offensive got iced. Something’s different.

notglowing says:

> Next year they’re all going to swear they never took the “Trump Shot”

Nah they won’t. I’m hearing many people saying this, I don’t believe it.

It will probably become more socially acceptable to mock covid measures, the vaccine, and call them bad or ineffective. That’s already happening. But it will remain a low status meme.
I just don’t believe they will reverse course on it, not openly, because they put too much social capital into the vaccine and they have nothing to gain from being honest.

It will gain the same status as saying “bush did 9/11” or “epstein didn’t kill himself”, regardless of what the truth is it will never be the official truth. They might walk it back a little and say the vaccine wasn’t very effective, but they’ll always keep enough of their “fact checking” around to dismiss anyone who actually disagrees with the covid stuff and treat them as low status. And it won’t change anything in practice.

The thing is, the more time passes, the less the average person cares about covid and covid era regulations. They can easily get away with pretending there was nothing wrong with it.

SJ says:

Sudden death syndrome will become just like sudden infant death syndrome and autism. It’s normal and always has been. Just like I expect them to at some point say that a fifty percent miscarriage rate is perfectly normal and of course it takes two years to get pregnant, always has.

Kunning Druegger says:

“We need to keep a few foreigners around for the sake of diversity and as a cautionary tale for future generations.”

This is incredibly stupid and risky. This is the kind of decision that haunts your progeny, the same way many of our ancestors’ choice to use what appeared by every measure to be a subhuman animal that would never in a thousand years be able to overwhelm them.

Someone else, St, John I believe but also Aidan, explained how having poors, muds, and single moms in groups are just an armory waiting to be unleashed by elites trying to upset the status quo.

If you want diversity, go be a missionary. If you want to relearn old lessons, go on a safari to the jungle. Or just watch a fucking NatGeo documentary. There is no good reason Indians should tolerate european enclaves on their clay, and if blacks ever level up, they have no healthy need of white minority populations. The chinks are fine swimming in a sea of yellow. There is no need to mix contaminants into the alabaster (“but it looks so interesting!” fucking gay JFC).

Ever race has more than enough diversity to stay healthy. Coverture is a much better plan than keeping a ghetto of niggers or spics or liberated women around as an object lesson.

This is so elementary I am having a hard time not interpreting as le ebbin troll or straight up enemy payload. Based minorities don’t exist.

Red says:

I have to wonder if Com’s fucking a black stripper.

The Cominator says:

Lol I’m not. I’m just not sure news reports from Africa will do it.

Red says:

Whites will flip 180 on blacks the moment the propaganda starts showing reality and any white who’s been around niggers knows the score even if they’re unwilling speak it. It’s really not a major issue.

Kunning Druegger says:

The Cathedral spent trillions building an apparatus that forced whites to ignore the evil staring them in the face and raise their children to do so, and the machine breaks constantly and is so ineffective that a substantial minority of white males always, Always, start noticing as teens. The only effective counter to this is white pussy, the number 1 reason white males go along with The Message. If the constant reinforcement stops, the Relaxing halts almost immediately. No white population anywhere in the CONUS has lost the term “nigger,” and it comes out so easily, whether it is an old hicklib, a SanFran yuppie, a true believer Karen, cuckwhites, or thrall whites.

Keeping a population of them around is a ridiculously bad decision, akin to the “send your daughters to college for the experience and wisdom” type arguments.

The Cominator says:

The ones who nootice have some contact with the joys of diversity. Perhaps its not necessary but northern whites living a comfy existence among themselves… they always fall pray to various kinds of retarded idealism of retarded idealism and eventually they will destroy the Chesterston’s fence we’ve built based on the various cynical grotesqueries of human nature. How do you stop that. That is the main post victory problem we are going to have.

I do not know the perfect answer but I do know its going to be a problem.

Mayflower Sperg says:

It’s the social equivalent of building a machine that never breaks down or wears out. E.g. Heinlein’s idea of “only veterans are allowed to vote” eventually succumbs to an extremely loose definition of “veteran”. The best you can ever hope for is to recruit a cadre of ultra-chads and found an empire that follows the ten-generation, 250-year story arc described by John Glubb.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I don’t think i’ve ever said this but my first impression of James Comey’s best friend was that he started out as a glowniggy plant but over time ended up ‘going off the reservation’. You can tell there are still some sentimental residues of that weltanschauung internalized here and there though.

Red says:

Funny, that fits the facts well. “Comey’s really on Trump’s side and will save they day” does sound like a Glowie Meme, though it’s a really stupid one, on par with the stuff @ivanislav is spewing.

TC struck me as a Sperg getting obsessed with the sort of weird shit Spergs get attracted to. I don’t see any reason to change that view.

The Cominator says:

Comey fucked them over BADLY a lot of times and he seemed at least to me to genuinely not want Hillary to win he also blew in his book that there really was zero evidence for Russiagate very very early (of course we know there wasn’t but he confirmed it in a very specific way long before Mueller Trump should have harped on this but did not), I think perhaps he did want to jump ship to Trump but Trump administratively was hopelessly incompetent (brilliant at economics and foreign diplomacy but there is no milder term to describe his administrative ability besides incompetent) and it was just impossible, its hard to tell. Perhaps Comey was just an incompetent leftist but he was a lifelong Republican going back to the era when Beltway Republicans at least tried to be different from the ruling part Democrats on some things. I’m a self admitted sperg. I’m not a glowie and I’ve never been unable to express no end of thoughtcrime.

Christopher Wray (who Trump has appointed) has never failed to be a good cog for the left and has made no such mistakes.

Kunning Druegger says:

Comey is a literal tool, his personal beliefs (assuming he has them, which I doubt) are in no way a factor. He bungled the situation because of the factional issues inherent in the Clinton/Obama coalition. He was probaly a Clinton operative that crossed over to Obama in the heady days of 2008 when racism was defeated and utopia was settling o’er the land. Lots of thrall whites, technocrats, and bureaucrats who had been beltway bandits for a long time jumped onto the Obama Bandwagon. When they came out of the post-orgasmic haze, they were confronted by the fact that Barry was a limpdick pederast that was functionally retarded and had to be closely managed by Big Mike and Valerie Jarrett [1]. This book [2] is a glimpse into what was actually going on. The jew author got to publish it because of the heeb exemption on hate facts, but it has since been marginalized and buried. Very worth the time to read it *if* one has a clean and well ground Jimian Lens, as the facts between the lines are more important than the words on the page. It is important to note that this book was rushed to print and came out *during the first term*, meaning someone up high wanted mud on Obama’s ivory pant suit. This was prior to the unholy union of Clinton (legacy faggots) and Obama (new, multikulti faggots) gangs.

I think it is safe to assume that anyone that jumped ship on Clinton was quietly worried about Hillary’s ascendancy, and would be looking to ingratiate themselves in time for the coronation, or flee to a non-extradition country. We sometimes forget just how bloody certain everyone in the establishment was of Hillary’s victory. If there was any doubt, the procedural assassination of Bernie’s campaign cleared that up ricky tic. They juiced Trump’s campaign because they believed he was the easiest to beat, and they threw absolutely everything and the kitchen twinks at him. Absent any hard evidence, I am no less confident asserting that Comey was not some rogue right winger, or crypto Trumpian, and he definitely was not an unbiased civil servant just trying to do the right thing. He was high enough up to have agency, and owned enough to have direct orders.

You know in movies or books when some lone assassin is sent out to kill a guy, but then events change and the guy becomes integral to the side trying to off him, and then they’re having a wedding or birthday party and the assassin strikes? He thinks he’s saving the day but in actuality he’s ruining everything; that’s what happened to Comey. Whether he was dispatched by Obama or Clinton, I have no idea. But that labradoodle in human form thought he was being a gudd boi when he tracked shit and mud into the house and literally ruined everything.

A quick note on “Trump administratively was hopelessly incompetent.” This may be a fair assessment, but I think the truth is closer to the fact that Trump is hopelessly Boomer. He stubbornly believes people can be bought, that titles and party affiliations mean something, and that Progressivism is a political position, as opposed to the state religion. This distinction only matters to people like us, because the outcome is precisely what we saw happen: he brought in traitors, trusted traitors, and spurned loyalists. Trump believed bureaucrats in government were the same as bureaucrats in business. Very stupid from our point of view, but so much has changed since 2016. I can’t forgive the cowardice, but I completely understand the ignorance. Everyone of us here knows at least one Boomer that believes the constitution matters, or that college prepares one for life, or that women have a concept of time.

[1] https://archive.ph/rje6J
[2] https://archive.org/details/amateurbarackoba0000klei

The Cominator says:

“A quick note on “Trump administratively was hopelessly incompetent.” This may be a fair assessment, but I think the truth is closer to the fact that Trump is hopelessly Boomer”

Is there a difference.

Adam says:

I will say blacks have a couple of things going for them, one is that black men are the funniest comedians, and listening to rap music (at least stuff in the 90s and 2000s) will help you score. Tupac was right about women.

Contaminated NEET says:

>black men are the funniest comedians

No way. The best Jews and the best Whites are way funnier than the best Blacks.

Vendat Tunicam says:

Back in the 90s and 2000s black comedians (and to a lesser extent Jewish comedians) were the only ones allowed to be funny, they were the only ones allowed to notice black and female misbehavior, you were allowed to comment on gays but not in a crass way (good luck calling them fags). Now not even black comedians are allowed to notice black and female misbehavior and commenting on gays is totally verboten. Comedy sucks now because it’s
eiither progressive priests telling white men to die or it’s sluts complaining about their unwashed pussy.

Pete says:

I may have gotten through to one Boomercon when he came up to me at work and started talking about going to see some black comedian that night.

I just shook my head and said black comedians are boring and not funny at all. They only have one joke: “White people are soooo stupid! Let me explain how stupid they are!”

He looked like he’d been shot, kind of sputtered for a second, then walked away.

The Cominator says:

In Living Color was a great show but probably because they were the only ones allowed to be funny and because the white comedians on it (which included early Jim Carrey) got the exemption too. They even made fun of black activism. My favorite skit was the self hating black guys.


The Cominator says:
Carte Blanche says:

listening to rap music (at least stuff in the 90s and 2000s) will help you score

Only because the iron fist of state power prohibits polite society from beating and lynching the scummy gangsta rappers. Being wildly disrespectful to one’s betters and getting away with it looks high status.

The original, much older variants of rap music weren’t as bad. I can’t listen to any of that either, personally, but relatively speaking it was the emergence of gangsta rap specifically in the 90s and 00s you’re referring to when it transformed from “quirky negro subculture that was probably a degeneration of jazz” to “ridiculous pompous trash that would get the shit kicked out of them in high school, except…”.

As for comedians, sure, they’ve put out some funny guys like Dave Chapelle and Eddy Murphy, but most of what they do could be described as a more authentic minstrel show, and the ones willing to satirize their own tribe like that are rare. They do exist, but they are few and far between, and even their best and brightest can hardly compare to the likes of Mike Judge, Monty Python, the Abrams/Zucker team, John Swartzwelder, Steve Purcell, Lesley Nielsen, Chris Farley, any of the old SNL writers, or even some of the annoying liberal shits like Seth Rogen.

Even if you’re strictly talking about stand-up comedians and want to rule out all scripted and sketch comedy, you’re still comparing to the likes of George Carlin, Bill Burr, Bob Newhart, Sam Kinison, Steve Martin, Jim Gaffigan, Lenny Bruce… it’s not much of a contest. The negros contributed something, but just like all those famous negro inventors we keep hearing about, American society would have hummed along just fine without them.

A2 says:

“Being wildly disrespectful to one’s betters and getting away with it looks high status.”

For a recent example, old man Biden’s belated pro-forma wheezing at the tranny WH disrespecter does look quite weak and foolish. Tranny wins (and WH threw the game).

f6187 says:

“… Jim Gaffigan …”

Yes, the instant I read “to the likes of” I anticipated seeing him on your list of greats.

Carte Blanche says:

I tried to pick a decent cross-section of old vs. new, highbrow vs. lowbrow, dry humor vs. dick jokes, etc. I certainly was not equating Gaffigan to Carlin; he’s on the list to show that whatever it is that one might find appealing about negro comedy, there is almost definitely a white guy with a better routine. Except maybe in the narrow genre of comedy about negros.

There are hundreds of possible names to choose, many worse than those on my spur-of-the-moment list, some better. Wasn’t meant to be a Who’s Who of comedy, only to make a point.

Adam says:

I wouldn’t argue necessarily that blacks are funnier than whites, but they are better at making fun of blacks and better at making fun of whites. Some of their best material is about blacks both men and women.

Black humor, like rap music, has other qualities about it that are amusing, it is more juvenile and more direct. Take any famous black rapper, and that is pretty much an uncensored look at any competitive 14 year old male psyche.

My musical taste is about 20% rap, and I usually listen to it on the way to see a girl, or anywhere fuckable girls will be. It gets my attention focused on pussy.

Pax Imperialis says:

>but they are better at making fun of blacks and better at making fun of whites

Try making fun of blacks as a White person. You’ll be lynched. Heck, try making fun of other White people as a White person… just make sure not to step on the toes of feminists, homosexuals, trannies, woke Whites, White urban managerial class, etc, etc.

Whites are not funny because they are not allowed to be funny. Growing up, when I was an American highschooler, I said in a completely serious tone: “homosexuals are genetically defective and will eventually remove themselves from the gene pool.” Being Asian, nothing (besides shocked staring) happened to me. One of my White friends in the same year jokingly said “no homo” and got detention and a stern phone call home.

Humor is a skill, and it takes practice to develop it. White kids are actively punished for most humor. Blacks get a complete pass no matter how disruptive. Asians are just to alien to be funny (at least 10+ years ago).

Red says:

Looks like Biden’s handlers just told China they can have Taiwan. Doubling down on Ukraine is seeming more likely. Poland might end up being the cause of both WW2 and WW3.

Contaminated NEET says:

>Looks like Biden’s handlers just told China they can have Taiwan.

What makes you say this?

dave says:

the war faction has a different opinion… https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/15/us-military-will-have-unimpeded-access-to-papua-new-guinea-bases-under-new-security-deal. We also secured basing rights in the philippines, are taking the shackles off the Koreans and Japanese, moving B-52s and nuclear subs to Australia, and have given Taiwan more weapons on the shopping list.

Kunning Drueger says:

That’s a strategic withdrawal, and not a good one. That’s basically ceding the First Island Chain. Anyone with a brain knows the US cannot old Taiwan. Of course, Kool Aid drinkers will tink THAAD and aircraft carriers and F-35s will reign supreme, but look at the hard facts:

– US ammunition, across the board excepting 5.56, is too expensive and complex to mass produce
– US weapon systems are too expensive and complex to mass produce
– US soldiers are to few, expensive, and spiritually compromised to mass produce (I mean actual soldiers, not camp followers in uniform)
– USG is an atheistic theocracy, a meta-factional bureaucracy that can only reliably produce paperwork and can only reliably defeat solo leaders every other endeavor s a crap shoot dependant upon untouched/unused legacy systems and isolated specialists/SMEs that have dodged the cultural revolution
– US allies are good for little more than stopgap supply/infrastructure/logistics/support, and only to the extent that they have a remnant of martial culture (Korea, Norway, Japan, Israel). Additionally, useful allies like France, Turkey, Vietnam are more likely to defect or declare neutrality than go to the mattresses. Further still, the thalassocracy model only works in a peaceful world with the current paradigm. Nowhere near enough ships, nonexistent martial culture/nobility, and a state religion that isn’t conducive to building consensus or armies past cancel mobs and focus groups.

My personal opinion is a split deci, one I haven’t figured out yet: is the US more like Tsarist Russia under Nicholas II, or Soviet Russia under Andropov/Gorbachev? Add to this elements of the UK in 1930s and South Africa in the 1990s.

The countries that matter the most are the ones that can be reasonably believed to stand without FDI (foreign direct investment) from the Great Powers (US, RF, PRC), which includes but isn’t limited to France, Turkey, and Argentina (though each of these has systemic issues and only one has nuclear options). There are a host of countries that have significant value, or good geographic positions, or other positive points, but are beholden to patronage of Great Powers or global institutions or Pax Americana dynamics.

Short, sharp wars are not on the menu unless they start with nuclear decapitations or fully realized IEW, so it’s just WWI dynamics with WWII casualties post Civil War/pre WWI strategy. A lot o balderdash to say the real players are the countries with natural resources, big populations, and a state religion that will enable using the former to weaponize the latter. Pursuing SDI may have defeated the USSR, but failing to achieve it may be the deciding factor in the downfall of the US thalassocracy. They just don’t have the coordination/cooperation capacity, and no amount of press statements or headlines will change that.

Calvin says:

“Anyone with a brain knows the US cannot old Taiwan. ”

Which would imply that the regime does not, in fact, know that. As to how true that is, though, I don’t know. I know all about how worthless the current US regime is but the Chinese haven’t actually done any warring since 1979 so I have no idea how they’d actually shake out and I suspect neither do they.

Kunning Drueger says:

can’t find the article, I saw it on Twitter thread, but if you poke around, the US can barely build 2 warships a year, and it can barely produce 5 tankers or cargo ships a year. It no longer has the port facilities, intelligent labor, or skilled logistical managers. In 1942, the US had to start from almost scratch building the civilian tonnage to get troops anywhere, and they had to over defend each ship. So they built everything all at once: skilled labor, port facilities, ships, and warships. While the US submarine fleet remains powerful and numerous, they are not built for protecting freight shipping from the full spectrum of threats. The surface fleet is degrading rapidly, n terms of both equipment and expertise, so it will be a question of priorities: build ports, build boats, or build weapons. We’re talking years, not months, and I don’t believe it’s doable given our 1990s South African culture + 1910s Russia OR 1980s Russia government. The USM could barely hold Kabul, it’s not going to hold Taipei.

Red says:

They’ve being told by the Pentagon that there’s no chance of beating China and with our utter failure in Ukraine, it’s sinking in even to the State department that the cupboard is bare.

They have only few choices now: make a temporary peace with Russia and China and then make American great again, double down with war with Russia(Poland may have offered to join the war with Russia apart form NATO) in order to cut off China from the natural resources it needs and try to win economically, or give up on both conflicts and pretend we’re still the Hegemon while they triple down on getting rid of white males and trannifying the GAE because clearly it’s all those evil white males that are making the GAE fail.

Kunning Druegger says:

Option 03 is what the radicals in the US want, and I think both Russia and China would prefer it as well. It solves their problems rather elegantly, as they are already very able to pay lip service and act humble around bombastic Americans, and they can feed any and all sides of an American Balkanization to keep that smoldering for years.

If it goes Route 03, we will find out how far the American Elite has actually fallen. If this were to happen “now (1-3 years), then you would see an “unexpected” coalescence around Trump and a rebirth of MAGA. I am of the opinion that there are far fewer True Believers in the pile than it seems, at lest in the upper levels of the elite. Not that they are all innocent, not by any measure, but I think a significant number retain enough brains, wealth, and foresight to hold their nose and go along with patriotism and nationalism. As we always get to in our discussions, it comes down to available leadership.

Route 01, Temporary Peace, gets the Occam’s Razor badge, as kicking the can, hedging, and waffling are the great American pastimes. If my above assertion is correct, this is the most likely. But if there really is a plurality of psychotic daemon worshipers (as opposed to a vocal and zealous minority) then they will never countenance a single voluntary step backward.

Route 02 would be in line with the track record for this regime. They seem to double down on pretty much everything, and only desist when they cannot pull it off. With a Trumpian Foil present, they can maintain enough cohesion between factions to coordinate.

As terrible as it would be for most of us, Yellowstone Eruption is probably the most optimistic potential outcome.

jim says:

Russia is unlikely to accept temporary peace.

The basic idea of the Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive is to force Russia to accept temporary peace by threatening to take Crimea, thus threatening access to Turkey and the Mediterranean. Chances not looking good so far.

Doubling down not good either. It is more cannon fodder, which is not very effective without more shells and tanks, and/or NATO air intervention. Looks to me that the only effective NATO air intervention would be to bomb civilians in the Russian hinterland who are outside the rather small area of Russia covered by Russian antiair. Libya style indiscriminate counter value bombardment. Russia’s only effective reply to that would be counterforce nuclear strikes on Nato bases.

Which is to say, the only effective doubling down option that I see is a mighty big step towards nukes.

Red says:

Putin might be weak enough to accept a “peace” offer. More than anything he wants a seat at the liberal world order.

I think option 2 is the most likely and nuclear war is the most likely outcome and much preferred to option 3.

jim says:

He should know by now he is never going to get it.

Those guys hate us all and intend to destroy us all, regardless of what it costs them. They have turned into full on demon worshippers, and anyone who is not a full on demon worshipper gets purged.

I hope the slightly less insane left will stage a coup against the frothing at the mouth batshit insane left.

It not looking like that is going to happen, but historically it was usually what did happen.

A2 says:

A seat at the table would certainly be the great booby prize at this point.

What would provide sufficient assurances for non-fake, non-gay peace? Permanently posting the whole UKRAINE WAR faction of the US to Alaska, as a show of good will. Long-term regime change in the US. (Disintegration of the GloboHomo empire.)

dave says:

No its a buildup from where recent situation in APAC. hear me out. post WWII we had bases all over APAC, the Pacific was American. we’ve been gradually withdrawing until all we have left is Guam, Okinawa and a few other places.

Your right we cant hold Taiwan. China has the numbers, and if they want to pay the butchers bill they can take Taiwan. but geography of Taiwan and the fact that its an Island will make the butchers bill extremely high. China and the PLAN need to be able to control the seas around Taiwan.

the main obstacle to that is American, Australian, Japanese, Korean Torpedoes and Tomahawks, assuming they work. but they are mostly old technology and proven in previous wars. Only question is a) whether we have enough and b) whether we can get them in theater. b) is where the basing gets in. we are clearly prepositioning equipment within standoff range of torpedo platforms and tomahawks for the USAF and USN.

Forget about THAAD, F-35s, and Aircraft Carriers…. this is going to be about B-52s and LA and Virginia class subs serving as weapons trucks to get Torpedoes and Tomahawks to the south china sea.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

China can enforce A2/AD around Taiwan fairly easily; this being exactly the sort of capabilities they have focused strategic development around. Any USG water asset trying to get to Taiwan can be sunk by China if the balloon goes up. Both China and Taiwan know this; so from China’s perspective, whether it is peace or war, time is on their side, and they can impose pressure to bring about the inevitable conclusion, without needing to escalate things themselves.

dave says:

by water assets do you mean surface assets? I suspect we can still get subs in the area, and subs can carry a lot of torpedoes and Tomahawks.

China threw a fit over this announcement: https://news.usni.org/2022/03/07/australia-to-build-new-sub-base-for-nuclear-attack-boat-fleet.

Shortens the reload time for each sub.

Kunning Druegger says:

In a short, sharp war, subs would be very capable. In a long and drawn out conflict, I don’t think they can really last. Subs are unparalleled First Strike assets, and they are very good clandestine platforms. But performing sustained missile barrages… if they can sink the whole PLAN in one or two salvos. But Ukraine is showing us that nothing goes as planned, and logistics & industrial capacity are everything.

Every sub lost would be permanently gone. The US does not have the capacity to replace them in any meaningful amount of time. Further still, China has near limitless options for sabotage and attacks in the US mainland, from physical attacks to bureaucratic tangles to labor disputes.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Can you feed people with torpedoes?

What i’m trying to impress is that all the GAE functionaries fixiating on the idea of an amphibious invasion of Taiwan have a poverty of strategic vision. Otherwise they’d grasp the fact that China is in a position where it barely has to lift a finger to get what it wants in time. They can’t quite seem to comprehend the idea that the whig empire is not in a position of strategic dominance, not the one with the initiative, not the one whom the onus is on an other party to shoot their shot or lose their opportunity.

All the wargaming about China throwing assets into an amphibious invasion, right now, as things stand, is to distract from the fact that this is the only scenario where the GAE *can* do something about Taiwan. Texas sharpshooter as a form of psychotherapy.

dave says:

you are not wrong. D-Day style invasion is extremely unlikely. A US carrier battle group or two taking on all comers in the south china sea would be extremely stupid. PLAN is coming along but not there yet and is likely no match for the torpedoes – China plays the long game, normally. Any overt dustup just ends up with a lot of dead sailors and sunk ships.

However… in the next 18 months, USA is in a position of extreme weakness. Military is depleted, ammunition stocks are low, and the US government is leaderless.

If China was going to make a move in the next five years, they should do it in the next 18 months. And the most likely move is an economic blockade of freight shipping to and from Taiwan on some pretext. Not going to call the odds, but if they wait longer, they risk the US beginning to re-industrialize, and to regain strong leadership (Trump or similar). Its a risk they may not want to take.

Calvin says:

Eh, I dunno. China’s a big importer of food and energy itself, which need to go through a bunch of narrow straights, and thanks to the absolute retardation that was the one-child policy, their future isn’t looking terribly rosy either.

Adam says:

>they risk the US beginning to re-industrialize

Yeah I don’t know about that. I just read a resume today, 20 year old male with a couple years experience in construction and he noted that he “tends to be reliable”.

The left always projects itself onto the right, and they have depleted and consumed the population the way they accuse capitalists of doing to natural resources.

We need a solid decade of bring your son to work to turn things around.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The capabilities exist to end shipping as an enterprise around the globe, and noone at present has more of that capability than China, who have devoted significant resources to the matter.

The whig empire’s own attempts to interdict shipping would certainly hurt them, much as the empire’s attempts to interdict Russia hurt Russia; but China has means of recovering and continuing to grow; whereas, saying the same thing about the GAE is, how shall we say, a much dicier proposition.

Chief amongst these reasons being the fact that its very identity, in the form of its state religion, is predicated on undermining what makes for growth.

jim says:

We have not had submarine warfare in a long time. Things have changed.

New anti submarine methods are now possible. Has anyone implemented them? We shall learn.

The Ukraine reveals that an invasion of Taiwan would likely destroy that which China wishes to capture. A blockade, however…

Suppose submarines are still effective? (No one knows.) China can still blockade from the air.

dave says:


China testing blue-green lasers over Hawaii, home base of US Pacific sub fleet… atmospheric testing as they say or the culmination of a Submarine unstealthing project?


the timeline matches up that china has progressed the technology enough to put in LEO for further testing…

jim says:

The ocean around Taiwan is shallow. With pulsed lasers you can use the timeing to disregard back scatter from higher levels, so see about 160 meters deep. Water around Taiwan fair shallow, everywhere less than 150 meters deep. Looks like the researchers building it were thinking “submarine warfare near Taiwan”

Ash says:

I think.. decent chance a few warships push to Taiwan straights.. if sunk, USA retreats and says they are “pro peace, love, freedom.”

but I think china really wants to wait until 2030 or so.. what do I know?

Kunning Drueger says:

I may have already shared this link:


Mearsheimer continues to be the brightest light in the American International Relations academy. As the Constructivist School continues down the path of being an explicit cargo cult (it was always bullshit, Fukiyama was always wrong), the Realist School will rise again in both status, influence, and numbers, particularly under the Russian and Chinese nuclear umbrellas. This is good for us in the long term as it opens the door and greases the skids for other forgotten or suppressed modes of thought and being.

Mearsheimer has been on a roll lately. Search his talks on YT and you’ll find plenty. His style s simple and methodical, so you can observe his positions developing over the last year.

Dharmicreality says:

I don’t know what to make of Modi’s state visit to the US. But lots of focus on China’s reaction in the Indian media.

Seems that the GAE is worried about China and wants India’s support in the Indian Ocean. Lots of talk in Indian news channels about the “strategic” implications of deepening ties with the US. Despite India’s continuing relationship with Russia.

Modi also seems to want to assistance to curb Chinese influence in India’s north east and the the US to back India in its border disputes with China.

Also seems that Modi wants to sit on the fence for as long as possible.

Is the sane faction of the GAE ready for deal making with Modi? Or will this turn out to be another diplomatic nothingburger?

someDude says:

The US Gov is divided on Modi as in other things. One faction wants him on their side against China. The other faction plans to fortify India for democracy or vaccinate Her against Fascism in 2024.

If globoHomo (I don’t like calling it GAE for some reason) is not agreement capable with Putin, why would they suddenly become agreement capable with Modi?

Karl says:

Does Modi know that they are not agreement capable?

Dharmicreality says:

Ideally he should be knowing that, but I doubt it. To be fair even President Trump didn’t know that the GAE is agreement incapable.

Modi also is a deal maker. He makes good deals and in that way similar to Trump and got on famously with Trump during Trump’s presidency. But somehow he will be disappointed if he expected the same rapport with Biden. But he is an inscrutable guy and hard to figure out what exactly he really is thinking.

What I know is that Modi is also scheduled to meet Elon Musk among other prominent folk. He is expecting growth of business investments and manufacturing in India.

Dharmicreality says:

I think the term GAE refers specifically to the Empire aspect while “globohomo” is used when talking about the religious doctrines and the cultural aspects of the Empire.

jim says:

Globohomo wants to destroy Modi for insufficient faggotry. Global American Empire for being too buddy with Russia.

Dharmicreality says:

Very aptly put.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Whigs belatedly realising they’ve fucked themselves by prodding China and Russia (and Saudis and Iranians) into each others arms, and casting about for a useful piece that will help them get back on track for Great Resetting all humanoid civilizations.

Aidan says:

On the flip side of regime sentiments towards India: https://time.com/6288505/indias-worsening-democracy-makes-it-an-unreliable-ally/

Not all of the holy on the US side are happy about an alliance with “the worlds most dangerous country for women”. Of course in their minds, they can color revolution India and make it even better and more effective. The sane faction cannot say “we want India patriarchal and nationalist to make it a more effective industrial and war ally” in response. So I expect the elections in India to be heavily fortified, and if Modi takes the necessary measures to clamp down on US interference, that will mean the end of that friendship. I don’t believe the mechanisms exist for the sane faction to conduct foreign politics and diplomacy.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, that is absolutely par for the course on how globohomo views India.

Modi probably naively believes in “diplomatic continuity” and thinks he can “build on” the rapport created in the past with Trump to improve ties with the US. The media in India is still talking of how US-India ties improved in the Bush era. But equally India has been a notorious fence sitter and had consistently and stubbornly refused to wholly endorse the West’s political and ideological stand. This frustrates the West no end.

Modi wants greater strategic and business ties with the US without the globohomo strings attached. But Globohomo will never accept Modi and wants him removed. Whether the saner faction of GAE can still strike a deal with Modi is the question, though seems highly unlikely.

Dharmicreality says:

Elon Musk looking to invest in India after meeting Modi

Adam says:

Recently I watched the newly released movie “Nefarious” based on the plot summary.

In short, a blue tribe priest interviews a serial killer to determine if he is fit to be put to death. The convict is claiming he is actually a demon, the psychologist is an atheist. The demon promises that by the end of the day the psychologist will commit three acts of murder.

About a half hour in it started to smell like a Christian bookstore movie so I looked it up and it is. I haven’t seen one of these in years but they are all pozzed. Glen Beck even makes an appearance. Of course the atheist has a crisis of conscience by the the end and is *almost* becomes a believer.

The thing that I noticed, and it runs so absolutely through the core of today’s mainstream Christianity, is this belief that if we just pray enough, and evangelize enough, maybe hopefully my enemy will finally validate me. And through my enemy’s validation I can finally have the certainty and the conviction that I so long for.

I have seen that sentiment among Christians since I was a child I just could never put a finger on it. It seems to walk hand in hand, maybe even necessarily with blue and purple pilled consent based morality.

It is entertaining and worth watching if only to know your enemy. All Christian bookstores (save for the Holy Bible) need to be burned to the ground.

The Cominator says:

I’ve only ever seen a clip but the blue tribe shrink is told by the prisoner (who is apparently a demon) that prog world is evil. I’m surprised it got made…

Adam says:

It was weirdly contradictory. The atheist was what you would expect. The demon was the more truthful. There was a priest (presumably catholic) in there for a minute who explained that they no longer believe in demons as their beliefs have been updated to the times.

I don’t even know what the message the film makers were trying to send. I suppose God is real, atheism is bad. The demon was the only interesting character and he did say some truths certainly as we explain them.

It was retarded the way everything conservative is retarded, in that it attempted to win the enemies game playing by the enemies rules.

someDude says:

Your namesake has a few interesting things to say on the topic, https://pushingrubberdownhill.com/2023/06/12/nefarious/

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Putting truth in the mouths of villains is a classic technique of bluetribe auteurs to salve their cognitive dissonance.

The Cominator says:

Or sometimes if they have heretical thoughts its their way of airing them while maintaining deniability.

Tarantino is the one I have respect for among them, he made a comically over the top racist unapologetic Confederate one of the few good guys in the hateful 8. I don’t know how they let him do that…

Pete says:

The Walton Goggins character wasn’t really racist, he was simply an average man of his time. He used the word nigger because he grew up in the South in the 1840s and that’s how things were.

Pete says:

But no, you should not have any respect for Tarantino. The scene involving an oral rape of a man dying of hypothermia was revolting, and the audience is supposed to be totally fine with it since the dying man was racist.

Let me remind you that libs see US the same way and would be fine with having US raped for our badthoughts about blacks.

The Cominator says:

I find it revolting because it was homosexual though the dying man had originally set out to kill the nig and the story may or may not have been true (I find it unlikely to have been as nobody wants to expose any unnecessary skin in that kind of weather) he was trying to provoke the other Confederate guy to draw so he could shot him legally in self defense (it worked).

zero says:

that might be the lib brain explanation but the notion that defiling a corpse with soddomy would not immediately result in execution and be accepted as completely lawful use of force in the given circumstance is stupid, idk. just seems like typical dem cult bullshit to excuse repulsive depictions for whatever weird inner demons posses them.

Red says:

It is entertaining and worth watching if only to know your enemy. All Christian bookstores (save for the Holy Bible) need to be burned to the ground.

I hated those stores as a kid. My mother blew so much money at such places and the fucking books were worthless. I think they became popular as Fathers gave up their leadership roles in the family so woman tried to fill them with the predictably stupid result.

BobtheBuilder says:

>The thing that I noticed, and it runs so absolutely through the core of today’s mainstream Christianity, is this belief that if we just pray enough, and evangelize enough, maybe hopefully my enemy will finally validate me. And through my enemy’s validation I can finally have the certainty and the conviction that I so long for.

You are commanded to love one’s enemies, and pray for those who persecute you. Love means willing the good. It is supremely good for the souls of your enemies that they come to Christ, repent, and cease their sinful behavior, which coincidentally means you stop being persecuted.
The big problem is that mainstream Christianity is effeminate and suffused with liberalism, so either the enemies don’t take Christ seriously, or they misunderstand what they are supposed to repent of.

Adam says:

The Bible also tells us not to cast pearls before swine, and as Jim puts it, never interrupt the devil while he is destroying someone. Am I really supposed to love a blue tribe intellectual that is hell bent on sodomizing my children? They are not going to stop on their own. Evil has already turned down the blessings of good, all it recognizes is the stick. We will stop being persecuted when we start killing heretics in broad daylight, until there is no more.

BobtheBuilder says:

> Am I really supposed to love a blue tribe intellectual that is hell bent on sodomizing my children?

Yes. Pray that he repents. If he won’t repent, Luke 17:2 is also a loving action after two cheeks.

>when we start killing heretics in broad daylight, until there is no more

Aquinas says: https://www.newadvent.org/summa/3011.htm#article3
TLDR: yes, but you should do so because you are concerned about the heretic and his victims, not because you like murder.

zero says:

The tradition of the executionars sword seems a little like a parrelel to turning the other cheek, if you have to kill an evil bastard, say a prayer acknowledging God’s ultimate judgement and put in a prayer that he really was a good boy and just a victim of circumstance and let the big guy sort it out. Done. If we had rifles with such a prayer for when some 9 year old burkete with a mortar shell just had to be iced, and chaplins that told soldiers their prayer was enough and their duty was to move on and stop being a pussy, we would have a lot less ptsd in vets. If you have to get old testament, the lord wants you to ponder a moment that the goal is the new covenent and you may have made a mistake, but its also not your judgement which is eternal so dont be an athiest with a god complex, touch grass and continue. No point flagelating yourself because some pedophile lost a bicep. Prayer is nice like that. Keeps you based and Cristos pilled when somalian ideas have somalian outcomes, just part of God’s mysterious plan.

Redbible says:

The bible tells us to love OUR enemies, but it also tell us to hate GOD’S enemies.

Those who want to kill you are God’s enemies, Those who want to steal from you are God’s enemies, Those who covet or envy what you have are God’s enemies, etc.

When Jesus was using the word enemy, it was within context that we are talking about a sane rational person with whom one has issue with. But as Jim tells us, after two cheeks, all of out cheeks, so if they want a third, go old testament on them.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Very amusing to me that guys like Zeihan will say to look at demographics to know who will be more successful in the future, pointing out that India’s demographic charts are much healthier than China’s who went all in on female emancipation. At the same time he completely neglects that many of the insane elites in the GAE think of India as a very sexist nation in need of Harvard-style democracy. I’m sure if India was converged you’d see the same demographic hell that China has.

These alphabet soup agencies speakers talk a whole lot about this kind of stuff like ‘unhealthy demographics’ or ‘industrial incapacity’ of say Russia, without batting an eye that the world they wish for is where this stuff is the most likely to happen (to everyone).

Pax Imperialis says:

China’s who went all in on female emancipation.

China is very similar to 1980s/1990s America… of course 1980s America would absolutely kill current day woke America, but we know where 1980s America ended up. If China continues on its current trajectory, it’s going to have many of the same problem America is currently having.

Jehu says:

The will of the people in the US is for a return to the 1980s. Unfortunately in this case, the will of the people doesn’t count for anything. The present elite freakout was all about being infuriated that the MARS might actually get representation and actual power. I wonder how often historically that ordinary people are less insane and have better judgment than their elites. I doubt it’s a historical norm.

The Cominator says:

Looks like the vax is effective as a sterility plague at least to some degree.

Red says:

Big drop but not as quite as big as we feared. We’ll see if the trend continues downward or stabilizes after a time.

Roger Williams says:

It’s not just the vax. The economic effects of inflation on single family housing (and rents) means couples need to wait longer to afford a house big enough to raise a family.

I know a few newly weds living in tiny box apartments because they can’t afford anything else. If you want to force people to not reproduce, that’s exactly where your want them living. Also couples were forced to marry a year later than they would have normally done with the lockdowns.

Red says:

Economics down times isn’t a major factor in making babies. My grandparents lived in tiny places when they started having kids, as did my parents. What is needed is a garden but you can do without that for a couple of years after having your first kid.

>Also couples were forced to marry a year later than they would have normally done with the lockdowns.

Why would that stop them from having babies?

Roger Williams says:

People don’t reproduce as much when they are packed into tight urban places. There is lots of data on this in many countries. More space = kids. This is why the WEF is pushing for people to live in tiny pods, no cars, highly urban, etc.

Western Taliban says:

No, people don’t reproduce as much when they become emasculated faggots and vulgar butches. The way you are presenting the data is like watching a bunch of niggers and claiming that their criminality is because of poverty like leftists do, when it is both, the criminality and the poverty caused by the stupidity of niggers.

How wrong your claim is can be seen further looking into your claim that more space equals more kids, it does not. Plenty of people with McMansions with zero children while plenty of Mexican types living in 10m2 with five children.

Men are not having children because they are gay and women are not having children because they are gay. People in my country had more children in the middle of a civil war than they do today, because we have all been turned into a bunch of faggots.

Also, cities do not degrade people, cities only reflect the decadence of its inhabitants. Old cities were completely different, if you are European with a smidge of story in your country you know what I mean because you can go see it with your eyes. We have the cities that we build. Bug cities built by elite bugmen, and the pleb bugmen play along.

People in rural places have more children because they are a lot less gay, all the less gay urbanites escape the hellish bug city and all the faggot rurals run off to join their fellow bugmen in bug city, it’s completely self-selected.

Fidelis says:

further looking into your claim that more space equals more kids, it does not

At the very least it’s correlated. Look at any fertility stats and rural areas are always out ahead, all over the world. I would bet both are true, the antilife faith and living in a box are not good for inspiring families.

jim says:

Obviously it is a lot easier and more comfortable to raise kids if you have land and a garden.

But nothing makes a substantial difference except the accomplishing cooperate/cooperate equilibrium between men and women.

Western Taliban says:

Yes, and poverty and criminality is also correlated because stupid people are poor and criminals, like niggers. Everything that poor people suffer is self-selected.

Fertility stats in rural areas are always out ahead because bugmen run to cities and non-bugmen run away from them. Bugmen are happy to live in boxes, less gay men are not (current rural men are still very gay compared to their own ancestors)

Even then, when less gay men from Latin America run to other places and have to live in 10m2 boxes because they can’t afford anything else currently they are still having several children anyways, they don’t care. Lack of space is not a problem, faggotry in your soul is.

I was watching Mel Gibson’s “We Were Soldiers” a couple of weeks ago and it was funny to see how family life was understood to be in the 60s and look at the complaints of modern bugmen, it’s just fucking hilarious. In the movie they have like five children and they just have them all in the same room with bunk beds, fuck it.

The Simpsons, that represent the 90s, already shows a separate room for each kid, even the baby, making then of course impossible for any middle class American to actually have children if you self-impose this humongous faggotry on yourself, you render yourself infertile.

Infertility is caused by faggotry and other soul problems, nothing else. Of course, being a faggot and having other soul problems will cause a whole of other symptoms. But the root of the problem is the sickness in the soul, not the other symptoms.

Western Taliban says:

I’m not inspired today and my English is coming off complete garbage, hopefully the arguments are being properly communicated…

Pax Imperialis says:

>poverty and criminality is also correlated because stupid people are poor

Not quite. That correlation exists mostly in the West (strongest in America) and is used to hide a truth. Niggers are extremely criminal (at all levels of IQ), and niggers are poor. There are plenty of poor White areas in America and Europe with very low crime rates, even lower than their White city dwelling counterparts. Moreover, those poor Whites are slightly above average as far as IQ goes. Remove niggers from the data, and poverty and criminality correlation nearly goes to zero.

Western Taliban says:


Roger Williams says:

There are a lot of factors contributing to the decline in fertility and packing people in tight spaces is one of the contributing factors. Look at China/Russia where there is less gay and we see the same urbanizing effect on fertility. Among other things, putting people in skyscrapers does not inspire families.

Western Taliban says:

Look at China/Russia where there is less gay and we see the same urbanizing effect on fertility.

China and Russia lack government enforced homosexuality, but they are also faggots to a high degree. There is no such thing as coverture in Russia, Putin himself is divorced, which means they are all faggots. Women in politics and such, giga gay. As far as I know, it’s the same in China. Additionally, they become even gayer through the cultural outreach of globohomo.

China and Russia have started to realize this fact. Putin is building churches and reviving Orthodox Christianity, Xi banned Kpop and Jpop faggots from its media and is set to promote masculine values.

Even so, Chinese and Russians living in cities are far more gay than their rural counterparts, all the GAE faggot shills in that part of the world are living in places like Moscow and Shanghai. It is not the urbanizing that made them gay, they are gay so they are happy to live like faggots in concrete boxes.

You also have the fact that China had the one child policy thing until recently, so there has in fact existed government enforced infertility among the Chinese.

Now go look at fertility before Putin and after Putin in Russia. If Putin and Xi were to recover their own cultural versions of coverture and execute faggots brutally on the streets the fertility rate would multiply several times.

There are a lot of factors contributing to the decline in fertility and packing people in tight spaces is one of the contributing factors.

There’s a lot of symptoms but only one sickness. Just like only faggots took the clot shot, only faggots pack themselves in tight spaces. Now the faggots that took the clot shot are bound to be infertile, just like the faggots who put themselves in concrete boxes are bound to be infertile.

Among other things, putting people in skyscrapers does not inspire families.

If your ancestors were the ones building those skyscrapers they would look completely different. In fact the skyscrapers pre 50s and post 50s are already insanely different. Skyscrapers don’t magically mind ray magic you into being gay, skyscrapers today are garbage because they are built by faggots, and they don’t inspire families because they are built and inhabited by faggots.

Many men today are completely unwilling to understand and recognize their own faults and shortcomings compared to their own ancestors, or are happy to be so lacking and ignore the fact. Your male ancestors four generations back would think you are a giga faggot. I’m not trying to be offensive, I’m just letting you know.

The Cominator says:

Population density is only the main factor in crashing fertility (at least pre vax) in only one country imho Japan. Japan resisted feminism pretty hardcore only going through the motions of the bare minimum imposed by the allies. Japanese never really accepted the idea of women having equal “careers” and exceptions where women actually got promoted were rare.

The other countries its mostly kept down by feminism.

The Cominator says:

Orthodoxy is better than Catholicism in 99% of ways but Orthodoxy has always allowed a man to divorce. I’m sure Putin initiated it to get a newer model…

jim says:

Yes Orthodoxy is better than Catholicism in 99% of ways, and Russian Orthodoxy is better than 99% of protestant sects, but one way it which it is very bad is that there is a large judaizing faction which interprets Christianity as not including the Stoic Logos, (“pagan addition, like the sacrament of marriage”) which is as insane as the Roman Catholic claim that the Bishop of Rome was always the Bishop of everything, and the Patriarch of the West was always the patriarch of everything. (The early Christologists were all discussing Stoic philosophy) And without the Logos, you get, like the Jews, an ever growing pile of scribbler droppings burying the Bible ever deeper.

On this issue Roman Catholicism was correct, though because the Pope coveted Kingdoms, while the Patriarch of the East merely coveted farms, Roman Catholic doctrine swerved this way and that according to the needs of war and politics, accumulating an ever growing pile of heretical and wicked doctrines.

Sola Scriptura is bad, but, as the Jews demonstrate, an ever growing pile of scribbler dropping burying the bible ever deeper is worse.

Without the Logos, the biblical position on women is just an arbitrary and inexplicable Chesterton’s fence, and down it comes. And when that fence comes down, Christians stop reproducing.

S says:

Counterpoint- Kowloon Walled city. People will have kids even with insane density levels.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Another counterpoint: 19th-century Eastern European Jews, who achieved high natural growth in an urban environment largely thanks to a mutation that protected them from tuberculosis.

Neofugue says:

> Orthodoxy is better than Catholicism in 99% of ways but Orthodoxy has always allowed a man to divorce.

Orthodoxy only allows divorce as an oikonomia or “economy,” which is only allowed for adultery or extreme cases. I made a mistake on this blog a while back where I said divorce was acceptable in case of infertility, but I misread the original Canon. Also, it is important to remember that Roman Catholics have the “annulment,” which is the same thing as divorce except with a different name.

So in Putin’s case, if he divorced his wife to get a younger model, that would not be acceptable.

(Other than it being true, of course), Orthodoxy is better than Catholicism because of its extreme rigidity, which prohibits any evolution of doctrine or interpretation. Thus, our shared enemies cannot destroy Orthodoxy in the same way they abolished Roman Catholicism in Vatican II.

jim says:

> Orthodoxy is better than Catholicism because of its extreme rigidity, which prohibits any evolution of doctrine or interpretation.


Interpretation keeps changing. New scribblers tell you what old scribblers thought. And old scribblers thought lots of things, so it is easy to expand and expand and expand on one offhand phrase by one old scribbler, while ignoring everything else.

Judaism illustrates this process, where they endlessly issue new laws while boring loopholes in old and new ones. They have repeatedly turned their position on the woman question upside down, and the ten commandments have been completely buried by endless expansions of the prohibition against an old pagan ritual meal kid boiled in its mother’s milk, and endless expansions of the ruling of a second temple high priests prohibiting the movement of carts of dried fish through Jerusalem city gates on the sabbath.

Orthodoxy is not as bad as Judaism by any stretch. But excluding the Stoic meaning of the Logos as pagan addition seems to be quite recent. And, of course, eighteenth century Orthodoxy was one hundred percent red pilled on the woman question. Today? It is Christcucked – Greek Orthodoxy is totally Christcucked, Russian Orthodoxy, almost equally so, but there is a bit of resistance. No one in the Russian hierarchy is red pilled – red pilled Russian orthodoxy is an outgroup like Latin Mass Roman Catholicism, and in Greek Orthodoxy, utterly eradicated. How is that not a radical change in doctrine and interpretation?

And it is Christcucked in part by dumping the stoics. That is a recent and radical in doctrine and interpretation. Without stoicism, you are apt to go other worldly, and that way lies gnosticism, dumping the inconvenient necessity for the ordinary this wordly virtues of right conduct with friends, kin, coworkers, and allies. Paul demanded this worldly virtue in candidates for priesthood. Not seeing any current Christian church adhere to this recruitment doctrine. How is that not evolution of doctrine and interpretation?

Rigity in doctrine and interpretation is always alarmingly flexible, because what the doctrines mean depends on what shoes you are wearing, and it is easy to put on some very strange shoes. To know what the other guy actually meant, you have to think yourself into his shoes. So you can be as rigid as you like with the words of the doctrine, while endless giving those words very strange meanings.

To know what the words mean you have to discern the spirit of the meaning. Rigid application of the words is apt to be a cover for radically changing the spirit. Exhibit A being Christcuckery versus the Red Pill. Albeit in all Christendom the only opposition to Christcuckery is coming from a Russian Orthodox faction – an out of power Russian Orthodox faction. Keeping the words does you no good if the meaning of the words gets turned upside down and inside out.

Neofugue says:

> Greek Orthodoxy is totally Christcucked, Russian Orthodoxy, almost equally so, but there is a bit of resistance. No one in the Russian hierarchy is red pilled – red pilled Russian orthodoxy is an outgroup like Latin Mass Roman Catholicism, and in Greek Orthodoxy, utterly eradicated. How is that not a radical change in doctrine and interpretation?

The difference between an Orthodox bishop being an heretic and the Roman Pope convening Vatican II is that an Orthodox Christian may reject what the heretical bishop says but a Roman Catholic cannot reject what the Pope says. Traditional Catholics are heretics according to their own dogmas.

An Orthodox Christian may quote St. Athanasius, “if the world is against the truth, then I am against the world,” and live accordingly. A Roman Catholic is bound to honor and obey whatever the Pope says otherwise be a heretic.

Handi says:

A woman hopes to hear “I love you” but she needs to hear “You must love Me with all your heart.” This is the greatest of all commandments: once given by God to man, and thence given by man to woman. And no other commandment can follow if this first one is not obeyed.

I and many men like me are struggling, because we do not know how to give this command in a language she can understand. Our signals are lost into outer space and never returned. We were lied to by those we trusted most about where to point the antenna, and what frequency band to broadcast on, and that it was even a radio signal in the first place. We should have been doing it with our hands and not our brains. And we are learning better but it is very slow and very hard.

Handi says:

And a man is not to love his wife with all his heart, but to love God with all his heart, the glory of whose bounty encompasses his wife, and so she will surely be cherished. A woman dimishes her man’s achievements when she burdens his mind with her insecure appetite for conflicts that test the boundaries of where the relationship between the two is able or unable to exist.

Handi says:

God made man in His image and woman in his image.

jim says:

I find this modification of the biblical wording suspicious.

Redbible says:

Let’s see what the Bible actually says, shall we.

Genesis 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them

So this verse neatly breaks down into 3 parts.

So God created man in his own image

Since man is sometimes used to mean mankind or all humans, this would put us at a good start for both men and women are in God’s image, but at teh same time, man could indeed mean just men.

in the image of God created he him

Uh oh, this sound like only Adam was created in God’s image, and not Eve. Unless something else shows up to contradict this, we’ll have to assume that only man (and not woman) is made in God’s image.

male and female created he them

Oh no! This line says that man wan women were created by God, but fails to mention anything about his image. This is a terrible day to be an feminist.


Also, when Paul talks about head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11 he says:

Verse 7: For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

Paul uses the fact that men are made in the image of God to declare they should NOT use head coverings while praying or prophesying. In that same charterer, he say women ARE to cover their heads while praying or prophesying, indicating that Paul thought that women were not made in the image of God.

In short, burn in hell you gender equalist faggot.

Handi says:

I said God made man in *His* image and woman in *his* image

Ash says:

Lilith is supposedly the first woman created.. a demon I guess

Ash says:

smart enough to capitalize the correct words so you show which one came from our Christian God

SJ says:

You can see the lie of equality causes the liar to debase himself, so as to lower himself to allow women to appear higher.

Exactly the same as the progs celebrating that they have finally taught the blacks in Mississippi to have a higher IQ cause they kept teaching phonics in Mississippi while everyone else was taught the mind destroying common core.

When you can’t teach the blacks higher IQ, and you can’t teach the women to stop being half beast, just make the white kids stupid and the men into weak servile faggots.

Ash says:

the gentleman refers to Lilith, briefly refered to in the bible but no elaboration

Handi says:

You’re a stupid illiterate nigger. Eve was created in Adam’s image from his rib. Man has the authority to command love from woman the same way God has the authority to command love from man. The way to do this is not verbally but physically. I wrote all of this in my original comment but it seems to be fucking opposite day around here. I wasn’t trying to be cryptic.

Ash says:

India, number 1 right ?

Triskele says:

There is nothing gender equalist in saying “Man was created in God’s image and woman in man’s,” which is what Handi’s capitalization indicates.

Woman has an indirect relationship with Divinity. What she intends for God must go through a man. She thus plays the role of the Church in relation to Christ symbolically. If she “complains to the manager” and skips over a man, much like Muslims or Arians skipping over the God-Man Christ, trying absurdly to love the Father and not the Son. That’s an unbridgeable gap.

Not theologically wrong to say woman must love her husband with all her heart, treating him as a stand-in for God:

>Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

jim says:

> There is nothing gender equalist in saying “Man was created in God’s image and woman in man’s,” which is what Handi’s capitalization indicates.

His words, however, say the other thing.

> Not theologically wrong to say woman must love her husband with all her heart.

A lot of things are not theologically wrong, but are nonetheless Christcuckery.

Husbands are told to cherish their wives like their own flesh, which makes total sense from the Darwinian standpoint, assuming you are stuck with her, and she with you. Love not mentioned.

Wives are told to fear and obey their husbands. Love not mentioned.

Christ told us to do the hard thing. Christcuckery is an excuse for doing the lazy, cowardly, and easy thing.

Triskele says:

You are right. Additionally, if a corrupted term like love is used, a risk of propagating that corruption is taken. So better to use uncorrupted terms. Since we have “love” so prominently in the Bible, best to indicate that it’s void without evidences, much as faith (a similarly nebulous and corruptible concept) without works is dead.

The love of a master for a servant is to cherish. This springs from ownership. The love of a subordinate for a superior is evidenced by fear, submission, obedience. This springs from being owned. Men called to first fear and obey God and second to love Him; parallel requirement for woman to man, “as the Church be subject in every thing.” First is to see if there is fear and obedience. Then draw conclusions.

If we can’t call a subordinate’s fear and obedience an evidence of love, how are men to evidence love of God?

jim says:

if a corrupted term like love is used, a risk of propagating that corruption is taken.

I addressed the diverse meanings of love in Lancelot, Guinevere, romance, and the red, blue, purple, black, and white pills.

Obviously husband and wife should love each other, but preaching that leads to cuckery.

Handi says:

>His words, however, say the other thing.

Bullshit. I said that men have authority to give the same command to women as God gives to men, which is true as delegated by God Himself. And I said that women owe men total devotion that men do not owe in return.

I accept your point about “love” being an overloaded word in modern fagworld times and “fear” does the point across better, but love is the word the Bible uses for man’s submission to God, so I was not symbolically nor substantively wrong to use the exact same phrasing to draw a parallel from woman to man.

I do not accept any of the accusations against me of cuckery and gender-equalist faggotry. They are utterly absurd and outrageous, based on hasty readings of what I wrote.

jim says:


Not what women want.

Not what the bible commands

Calvin says:

Women don’t know what they want, but if they did it would be to be owned by a man who does legitimately care about them and shows it, but who also periodically shows himself to be dangerous and domineering, with degrees ranging from “stern father” to “basically a serial killer”. We as men naturally prefer the former to the latter, but more than a few women lack the sense required to do even that.

Neurotoxin says:

Very well said.

Blue-pilled men should get the first sentence tattooed to the insides of their eyelids so they never forget it.

Javier says:

Florence nightingale said women desire to be loved, but have no capacity for loving others.

another way of seeing it is female love is acquisitive. they love what they want, not what they have, so make sure your woman never fully has you.

or it’s just biological; women love the dick that produces the most oxytocin in their brain via stimulation of the mucous membranes.

I met a girl who said “we cant” and I just went ahead and had my way with her, and now we’re married with three kids. the animal kingdom has no concept of “friendzoning”. You’re more likely to get a happy loving family following heartiste than this gay shit.

SJ says:

Wtf is up with unsuccessful guys trying to give advice? You should not be giving advice, your advice is wrong because it does not work. You know how I know my advice is good? Because I know it works. I realize that the gay faggot police have erased most of the red pill but you can still find it if you look. Hell I already gave you some advice, which you clearly didn’t take.

I just don’t get it. Your advice doesn’t work because it hasn’t worked. Your tree makes no fruit, it is a dead tree. My tree makes a lot of fruit and gets results. I have the results. Yet even other guys IRL who can see the results of my tree still think they need to blather on about their idiot ideas that make a dead tree. Your ideas suck and are obviously wrong so why do you have these ideas? Why share your idiot opinion rather than ask for advice and then follow it?

Handi says:

I’m surprised by the responses here and I don’t think I’m being understood. I said that the way to command a woman to love you is by actions, and not by trying to communicate verbally, which latter avenue I pursued when the only advice I had was the gay faggot police. If I’m not recapitulating your type of advice correctly then please put it into retard-clear language because I thought I was getting it.

The Cominator says:

Look what we’re saying is you’re fucked up, you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

You’re cleary not happily married or a chad. I’m not either and I don’t give advice on normie women… I can give advice on how to bang a stripper as cheaply as possible because despite my pretty severe autism and social awkwardness I know how to do that.

With normie women all I can say is that from observing others that Jim’s advice that a very very high % of them like guys who seem convincingly dangerous and violent (almost above everything else) is accurate. I personally would certainly end up dead or in jail if I tried to go this route. I used to have some success with the bipolar/bpd types (bpd types in particular actually like spergs and I actually like them) but they were always rare and in clownworld they just get put on these drug cocktails immediately that keep them at home and make them fat… so now rare as unicorns, I hate the antichrist.

jim says:

Your advice does not seem very good, and you are interpreting Christianity in ways that support your advice, which interpretation is a quite noticeable stretch.

Bad game, and bad Christianity.

Men are created in the image of god, which includes women, but includes women indirectly. Hence Adam raised from dust by God, but Eve created of Adam, which is backwards from normal biology, but which I interpret as spiritual truth, and not necessarily a biological fact. That the eucharist is “literally” the flesh of Christ does not mean it was not baked from dough in an oven. And chances are Adam was born from a female speaking plains ape.

A spiritual truth that your paraphrase evades. And your account of game similarly evades important truths about women, which lack of truth will result in one winding up watching anime porn in one’s single mother’s basement.

Pax Imperialis says:

because we do not know how to give this command in a language she can understand.

imao just call her “my female.” Also gently but firmly squeeze her knee cap while driving and she’s riding shotgun. If she doesn’t like it, even better.

Dr. Faust says:

Zelensky says things going badly which video evidence corroborates. Of course he’s angling for more money but that goes without saying. I expect his cries of a few dollars more will get diminishing returns. The western media needs a pivot away from the war but nothing is presenting itself.

Question for all: what, if anything, do you expect to be the next “current things?” for the official narrative.

jim says:

If I knew, they would know. If they knew, would already be on it. Leftism is like women’s fashions.

Calvin says:

My guess is either tone it down for war with China or else advocating for the state to openly take kids from parents with incorrect opinions en-mas, starting with a homeschool ban.

The Cominator says:

They have to kill Clarence Thomas or wait for him to die before they go full unhinged radical (more than they have in the US) in a way that everyone will notice right away.

Pax Imperialis says:

They are also going after Alito now.

Adam says:

If I were an up and coming communist I would go straight after the boomers. They have the money and land at this point. It would have to be done from the right of todays cultural Marxism and have to acknowledge a whole lot of unspeakable truths like “why good things happen” but it is a big apple cart and the boomers are vulnerable.

Or straight up start nationalizing industry for whatever reason.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>Or straight up start nationalizing industry for whatever reason.

The thing to understand about the whig state of mind is that they will never do this, in form.

And at the same time, they have already been doing this, in substance.

Their allergy is against anything that is ever done ‘directly’. Anything with straightforwards solutions. Anything with obvious chains of responsibility.

Adam says:

I have wondered why not a push for national healthcare like in Europe and Canada. But they have already done it in function like you said, and can still blame the red tribe for its woes.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Why not just pivot back to global warming?

For something fresh, leftists hate suburbs because they’re full of racist white people who kill the planet by driving everywhere. Maybe it’s time to bring BLM to suburban America.

And of course carry on with mass immigration, money-printing, and vote-rigging; that’s all working great!

jim says:

Our elite got stupendously wealthy leasing off the power of RomeWashington to powerful people in foreign countries. Zelensky got billions. How much of those billions stuck to the fingers of those who raised him from nothing and installed him in power? They seriously do not want to let go of the empire whose capability to terrorise insubordinate provinces the crazies have destroyed.

When they planned the Ukrainian offensive, they believed that while the US had a strange shortage of shells, rockets, and warships, it had a vast supply of wunderwaffe tanks and armored personnel carriers. Only to suddenly discover that the vast majority of these were permanently in need of just a few teensy wheeny minor repairs before they could actually roll.

It must be absolutely obvious to them that the US needs a hefty dose of Make America Great Again, and in the back of their thoughts, that Make America Great Again needs a hefty dose of racism, sexism, homophobia, and trannyphobia.

Repeating: To have an empire, you need the capability to make things reasonably nice for those who submit (Monty Python, “what have the Romans ever done for us” is historically accurate) and very very unpleasant for those who do not. Suddenly their capability to make things unpleasant is falling apart, at the same time as their ability to make things pleasant has long been in decline.

Mayflower Sperg says:

that MAGA needs a hefty dose of racism, sexism, homophobia, and trannyphobia.

Along with a hefty dose of cheap brown energy, mining permits, and neutering the EPA.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Mobs of basketballs can be used on anything in wandering distance of their spawning pools, but rapidly lose cohesion the further out you go.

During the Summer of Looting, Outrage, Violence, and Extortion, there were later efforts to expand the fallout of cluster nig munitions outside of blue urban centers and into suburbs, but this would also not infrequently result in homeowners pulling guns on dazed and glassy-eyed savanna transplants shuffling around cul-de-sacs (see le McCloskey affair for example), which provoked much screeching and hollering, and also quietly stopping any further such efforts.

Adam says:

> The thing to understand about the whig state of mind is that they will never do this, in form. And at the same time, they have already been doing this, in substance.

This comment stuck with me. In Cuba and Venezuela the industries were outright taken over by the state. Healthcare in the US has been too, but through the universities and quasi-state agencies like insurance. So why the difference?

More females in power in the US, and more feminized males. That was my conclusion anyway. So it may be relevant when predicting the direction of the holiness spiral is to ask what would a woman do? Assume females are in charge of the holiness spiral.

Just a thought.

JustAnotherGuy says:


Based Aidan, sending all the faggot, tranny, and women worshippers over the edge. Rock on dude.

Fidelis says:

Shoutout Com, I picked the former prostie as least evil. Something about the psychology of a woman willing to fuck any animal seems worse than the more natural instinct to sell pussy for simp bux.

Red says:

You’re a fool like Com then. A woman who’s fucked hundreds of guys is sure to cuck you unless you happen to be Odysseus or General Butt Naked. Also a whore sure to have fucked by and been raped by plenty of black men.

Com’s constant attempts to refine his vices into a virtues is just sick.

Fidelis says:

Any woman raised outside some fundie commune is sure to attempt to cuck me if I dont keep a close eye on her. You’re a fool to expect any level of loyalty out of a woman raised in the current standard, I dont care how long youve had her in line or how many times youve fucked her yourself. You literally cannot distinguish the modern cock carousel roastie from a street whore; they were the same clothes, have the same tattoos, have the same empty eyes. It’s nothing but an endless sea of whores out here.

>but the prostie also was raped by niggers/took money from niggers for pussy rentals
defeats the point of the question entirely, we’re presuming non-animal clients

Probably equally hard to keep in line as your average CC whore. If we’re pretending the dog and nigger fuckers are virgin otherwise, sure, but that was not made clear in the survey. I looked at it as ran through roastie + took money, or ran through roastie + fucked an animal willingly.

Red says:

Any woman raised outside some fundie commune is sure to attempt to cuck me if I dont keep a close eye on her. You’re a fool to expect any level of loyalty out of a woman raised in the current standard, I dont care how long youve had her in line or how many times youve fucked her yourself.

It’s the level of game and surveillance required to prevent her cucking. With a used up hooker you’re never going to excite her in bed the way that Butt Naked did and when she runs across an old client she’ll fuck him out boredom.

SJ says:

There really isn’t a difference between a literal whore, which I have dated, and a girl who has a few years “single”. The only difference is the whore got paid and is more interesting to talk to.

Aidan says:

The prostitute is the hardest to get to pair bond to you and the hardest to keep in line; need to be like general butt naked to reform a whore. The chances that I’m more alpha than some random nigger are quite high on the other hand

Women get hot for dogs when the dogs act alpha; they get demanding, boss her around, and take up her space. For a woman to actually fuck a dog usually requires that she be sick or depraved, yes, but women get attracted to dogs for the same reasons they get attracted to men.

Javier says:

I recall an old interview with a prostitute claiming she would make a loyal wife because she’s been around the block so many times she’s aware when men are approaching her and can shut it down before “one thing leads to another.” I had one friend who was quite good at this, he would come on to other friends GFs and engage them through classic PUA escalation techniques all the way to having sex. so a girl agrees to hang out for coffee and next thing she knows 2 hours later they’re in a hotel room smashing away.

one argument against this is female agency, i.e. no chick agrees to having lunch with their boyfriends friend unless they already want to fuck him, but I don’t think it’s quite that conscious. the woman agrees to go along with the offer because it’s fun and excites her vagina, and as long as she is supplied with enough plausible deniability she figures she can smooth it out later. the argument for the hooker is thus that she has the wherewithal to refuse surreptitious date offers, mainly because she’s already done it a million times and the novelty is gone.

said friend has never and will never meet my wife, simply because she’s the kind of person who treats asking as an obligation, and would be more likely to go along with such an offer purely to avoid the ‘conflict ‘ of turning it down. she can’t even hang up on telemarketers.

The Cominator says:

“I recall an old interview with a prostitute claiming she would make a loyal wife because she’s been around the block so many times she’s aware when men are approaching her and can shut it down before “one thing leads to another.”

Tend to think this is bullshit. My whole technique for cheap stripper banging involves filling their horny meters without them per se agreeing to sex ussually up until the point it happens. Women always know how to shut things down at least by 20 (teenage girls maybe not) but they don’t always like shutting it down.

The best character aspect of prosties is they generally learn humility and a good sense of their SMV in a way modern western women don’t have… and also they learn that the system is evil and not to be trusted. But sexual restraint is not their best virtue.

To sum it up a lot of whores like the idea of spending their life playing 50s housewife with kids and the whole 9 yards (and far more than modern women do), and they probably won’t deny sex ever even when they are fighting with the husband and they won’t really be planning on divorce raping you either in most cases… but they want to play 50s housewife while fucking Chad the milkman while your at work… or they’ll want to convince you eventually that you should join a wife swapping group or something. Jim definitely would end up killing such a girl if he married her.

SJ says:

A woman denying sex is a shit test. Just overpower her. But yes a whore is actually aware of the idea that men want a loyal wife while the slut is unaware. The whore may be aware that she can not allow herself to be alone with any man ever, the slut will not be aware of this and you will have to make her aware and aware of the consequences. Might as well wife up a whore, as the other women are all basically whores anyway.

SJ says:

Oh and it is good that your wife knows you will kill her if necessary. I have told my wife I will kill her if she tries to use the power of the progressive faggot state against me and she believes it. This is a turn on as well as helping keep her in line. What works better though is she has to keep chasing you and she has to make sure you don’t cheat on her so she does not have time to fantasize about cheating on you. I suggest you cheat on your wife early and make sure she finds out and then you make sure she was aware that other women want you and she better mate guard you, cause if she doesn’t you’re gonna fck these girls

notglowing says:

As he himself points out, it’s not a real option. Women who have had sex with dogs and zero men are not exactly common. Usually it comes as a package deal.

Red says:

He’s not 100% right about that. Some young girls first sexual experience came from riding a horse at 8-10 after which they became horse crazy until they’re old enough to attract men. Not that they’re not fucking the horses at 10. I’ve heard of stories of young girls who fuck the family dog for similar reasons. It’s extremely fucked up but better than a whore.

notglowing says:

> first sexual experience came from riding a horse at 8-10

They’re not literally fucking the horse unlike with dogs so I don’t see what you mean

The Cominator says:

Woah okay I somehow get brought into to weigh in on the questions as to whether a used whore is better than a girl who fucked her dog before anything.

I would say that while being a girl’s 1st human gives you a hold on her there is something very very degenerate innate to the soul of a girl who not only fucked a dog but who did it as her very 1st sexual experience. I mean normally I would think women would turn to such unnatural and blasphemous sexual acts (the equivalent of gay sex for men… as lesbian sex is probably not quite as bad though if they go hardcore lifestyle its as bad). It’s hard to say. A girl who breaks her hymen and cums horseback riding otoh no special degeneracy at all.

Fidelis high bodycount isn’t always a prostie, my reflections on prosties is mainly to point out the fact that most modern women are worse than the type of hedonistic and impulsive but somewhat traditional in mentality girls who gravitate to the oldest profession.

“The prostitute is the hardest to get to pair bond to you and the hardest to keep in line; need to be like general butt naked to reform a whore. The chances that I’m more alpha than some random nigger are quite high on the other hand”

Not sure this is always true unless you are trying to reform them in the 1st half of their “career” in the early 20s. Lou Pai’s (of Enron) former stripper wife (I’m sure almost everyone including his family assumed she was purely a gold digger and probably at times Lou Pai himself) is apparently still married to him. The guy was an asian autist math nerd who started going to strippers probably same as me. I remember in the Enron book he ended up taking them into the offices once because the strip club girls thought he was such an awkward nerd that he couldn’t possibly be a senior executive at Enron.

Red says:

A girl who breaks her hymen and cums horseback riding otoh no special degeneracy at all.

Absolutely degenerate. There’s a reason women were not allowed to ride anything other than side saddle.

Not sure this is always true unless you are trying to reform them in the 1st half of their “career” in the early 20s. Lou Pai’s (of Enron) former stripper wife (I’m sure almost everyone including his family assumed she was purely a gold digger and probably at times Lou Pai himself) is apparently still married to him. The guy was an asian autist math nerd who started going to strippers probably same as me. I remember in the Enron book he ended up taking them into the offices once because the strip club girls thought he was such an awkward nerd that he couldn’t possibly be a senior executive at Enron.

Com, if this is true where is you whore turned wife?

The Cominator says:

You think a woman getting surprise excitement from the feelings of the vibrations of a saddle on her lady parts as a side effect of riding is at the same level of degeneracy as her actually fucking a dog?

Can’t agree with this one even a little bit. Didn’t know about the side saddle custom before now at all.

Red says:

You think a woman getting surprise excitement from the feelings of the vibrations of a saddle on her lady parts as a side effect of riding is at the same level of degeneracy as her actually fucking a dog?

Side effect? Such girls spend all the time possible with their horses dry humping them and fantasize about them. They called it horse crazy, which oddly only effects girls. It’s just not physically possible for woman to fuck anything smaller than pony or they would be fucking them like they fuck dogs. It’s typically younger girls that behave this way and once they develop boobs they start fucking men instead of dry humping horses.

Lets put it this way, if you were dry humping a dog but not actually penetrating the dog, would you be anything less than a dog fucker? Degenerate behavior is degenerate behavior even if penetration doesn’t happen.

Can’t agree with this one even a little bit. Didn’t know about the side saddle custom before now at all.

You apparently don’t know anything about woman’s sexual desires either. Woman are much more depraved about sex than you can possibly imagine.

The Cominator says:

Red lets keep it civil neither of us are shills.

Women are depraved yeah… hence the dog fucking and hence why they like being choked hence why when a lot of them fuck they suggest doing it in public places where they might be caught. I do consider the lack of penetration important though. Only a few very rich girls and girls who work on horse farms get to go horseback riding regularly anymore. So only a very small minority of the general population of women actually gets to regularly masturbate via being in a saddle. For the overwhelming majority of them there are cheaper and more effective ways they can be depraved.

Red says:

I do consider the lack of penetration important though. Only a few very rich girls and girls who work on horse farms get to go horseback riding regularly anymore. So only a very small minority of the general population of women actually gets to regularly masturbate via being in a saddle. For the overwhelming majority of them there are cheaper and more effective ways they can be depraved.

It’s not masturbation, it’s dry humping a horse. Masturbation is where you get off thinking of sex with someone who isn’t there. Dry humping an animal is bestiality and I know from talking to women who were “horse crazy” that they were thinking about the horse not some guy they knew.

It’s stupidly commonly when girls are given access to horses and not forced to ride side saddle, which is why that was such a big thing to make sure women and young girls never road a horse normally for most of history.

Again the primary point when it comes to who women is the likelihood they’ll cheat on you. You can out alpha a dog or a horse, but not General Butt Naked. Whores are not good choice if you want your kids to be your own. All the cases in that poll are disgusting choices for a wife, but we’re talking about the least bad.

SJ says:

My ex wife grew up riding horses and trained in dressage. She fantasized about sex with horses and told me about it. I was blue pilled but likely she was hoping I would make her do it. Women often fantasize about degenerate shit but are too afraid to do anything unless someone else tells them to do it. So they will try to find the person who will tell them, at which point they will follow through

Red says:

Formatting error with the the other comment.

They’re not literally fucking the horse unlike with dogs so I don’t see what you mean

They would fuck the horse if they could. Studies on women’s sexual arousal shows that pretty much any large animal that they perceive to be strong turns them on. Woman are far more deprived about sex than men outside of faggots are.

notglowing says:

That does not surprise me that much. I knew there was something odd about horse girls, and the whole story about their hymen being torn horse riding. I didn’t realize they were basically getting off to dry humping it.

Red says:

They’re not literally fucking the horse unlike with dogs so I don’t see what you mean

They would fuck the horse if they could. Studies on women’s sexual arousal shows that pretty much any large animal that they perceive to be strong turns them on. Woman are far more deprived about sex than men outside of faggots are.

SJ says:

Just read through this and Aiden’s twitter. Figured I’d tell this shameful story since I’m anon. After the birth of our first son, after we were married (told her to spend fifteen dollars on Amazon for a ring and make an appointment at the court house), one night my drunk wife brags to me about losing her virginity at a disturbing young age in a threesome with another junior high girl and a middle aged nigger. Later I got the story. She had heard from other girls bragging about this guy fcking them and she wanted on the booty call list as well so she found an excuse to invite herself to his apartment. She moved up the ranks to number one on the booty call list, which she was very proud of, by becoming more available then the other girls. Eventually he was meeting her at the school during lunch to get extra fcks in and got caught. He was already a registered sex offender so her blue pilled McChristian parents had him sent back to prison, but did absolutely nothing with her. They did not even speak to her about it.

Anyway she tells me she fcked a nigger, no bragged about it, and I lost my mind. I beat the shit out of her, not a calm punishment, not a slap in the face, a full on beating from a large man to a tiny 95 pound girl. I broke her hand and busted her face up. Then distraught I chugged a bottle of liquor and passed out. In the morning she goes to hug me as I leave for work and I spit in her face and call her a race traitor. I finish work super hungover and don’t go home I go to a bar and figure I’ll just cheat and dump her but I’m not in a mentally good place to pick up anyone so I go home drunk. Her face is a mess and she’s just crying saying she’s sorry. Then she starts saying he was a blonde white guy and she just got confused for some reason, which is the story she still says today though she knows I know what she said.

Anyway I hate her right then and hate fck her by sodomizing her without lube, which is not fun but I’m drunk anyway, and spit on her and tell her she should kill herself. She just cries and says she’s sorry over and over. This goes on for two weeks while I refuse to talk to her and her keep saying he was a blonde guy and I’m sorry. Maybe two weeks later I don’t remember exactly her face has healed up so I get home from work and she had rigged a rube goldberg machine to rebreak her hand, as it was broken this entire time. She fcks her hand up badly and asks me to take her to the hospital because she just broke her hand in an accident. So I do.

As I’ve said the first few years married to a stupid whore were very rough. But things are very good now. Hilariously enough I was charged with domestic violence for being a beta by my ex wife, and that story above is true. So I guess I get to choose to wife up a nigger slut.

Red says:

That’s super rough. Might be the nastiest shit test I’ve seen outside of the woman who put a rattlesnake in her husband’s bed. He broke her jaw for that. This story was related to me by a close friend and I asked how she was after getting her jaw broken. He told me he’d never seen his mother happier than the next 9 months after his father passed that shit test.

SJ says:

I dunno how happy she was I spent a long time asking her why she hasn’t killed herself yet and telling her I should burn her face off with acid so she would be as ugly on the outside as she was on the inside. But it all worked out. I was surprised her idiot parents didn’t even talk with her about it. Didn’t get her on birth control, no pregnancy test, nothing at all. She said she was surprised cause she has to spend a lot of time talking with the police and she thought she was in big trouble. She was confused about why she wasn’t

notglowing says:

> Then she starts saying he was a blonde white guy and she just got confused for some reason

There’s something about this specific way of lying that I associate with women.
When I read that it somehow lit a lightbulb in my head. They very brazenly try to change the story when something in it rightfully upsets you. Impossible to believe, though. I have to laugh at her specifically saying he was blond to distance him as much as possible.

Breaking her hand was probably too much, it could cause complications and involve authorities, though I understand you did it while drunk and mad. Still, I think you got fairly lucky there.

Can’t really argue with the rest. You managed to wife her and make many children with her so maybe you can give yourself a pat on the back.

Western Taliban says:

She’s lucky she’s breathing, she should pray and give thanks to God every single day of her life for every single molecule of oxygen she gets to consume. Breaking her hand was a great mercy, she deserved a broken skull. I won’t say more because its his wife. Disgusting.

notglowing says:

> she deserved a broken skull
She deserved, maybe, but he didn’t deserve to end up in jail because of a woman.
Though I can understand the perspective of doing it anyways. Keeping your pride or keeping your life.

Red says:

Did you note that he didn’t end up in jail for it? The only time I’ve been accused of DV is when I didn’t hit my girl when she wanted me to hit her.

notglowing says:

Sure, she had to go the extra mile to defend him, though, coming up with an excuse and breaking her hand “again”.

Hitting doesn’t need to involve broken bones which get the attention of the hospital and authorities.
Better to hit women with an open hand rather than a closed fist. I’m not blaming him for it, just commenting really. I think his actions are justified and understandable.

I heard stories of men who didn’t hit their women, their women insisted they weren’t hit, and yet still they were judged as wifebeaters by people around them after word spread that the wife went to the hospital after “tripping on the stairs” and had their reputation stained. You could argue that this is the same as in your example, but my point is how your wife perceives it isn’t always the issue.

Not to mention, you could kill her by accident fairly easily, which is another problem altogether. Being a husband seems pretty tough.

Red says:

The very fact she’s still alive shows that he pulled his punches despite being in a drunken rage. Women die all the time from a single full force blow from a man. They are not built for combat. I’ve seen woman beating first hand, and I got hit harder in the 6th grade school yard fights than the blows I saw men tossing at their bitches.

Sure it’s better not to break bones or leave visible damage. No one disputes that.

I heard stories of men who didn’t hit their women, their women insisted they weren’t hit, and yet still they were judged as wifebeaters by people around them after word spread that the wife went to the hospital after “tripping on the stairs” and had their reputation stained.

Yes, if you deny it then you’re guilty, that’s how feminism works. If you say she she needed correcting in a laughing high status alpha manner… I would expect that crime think would cause their brains to seize up and they’d decide you’re innocent.

Aidan says:

Pretty brutal, but I won’t say you went too far. Takes a lot to come off as more of a man than an older guy who took her virginity when she was 13. I’ve never used that level of violence on a woman, but I’ve never been thrown a test that nasty either.

Pax Imperialis says:

She bragged about it and you got upset. Understandable, and no shame on you for reacting like any normal man. You hit her in rage. Also understandable and no shame on you. She lies and tries to gaslight you. You sodomized her. I don’t get that. Shit is so viscerally disgusting I don’t understand how someone could ever shove their dick into an anus.

Red says:

That’s the biggest downside of porn, degenerate sex has becoming common. It’s highly degrading and painful to women, which is why they often love it. It’s also high status now thanks to faggots being high status.

The worst bit about it how common it is with Christians. Waiting until marriage clap trap was translated into taking it up the poopshoot until marriage so the girls could still be virgins(TM). Those promise/purity rings might as well be “I do anal” advertisements.

Women know that non faggots find poop dick disgusting and most will douche themselves in prep for it.

notglowing says:

>It’s highly degrading and painful to women

Which is why he did it, I’m not gonna argue you should be having anal sex, but I didn’t see an issue with his story. Maybe I am just too desensitized to the idea myself.

> The worst bit about it how common it is with Christians. Waiting until marriage clap trap was translated into taking it up the poopshoot until marriage so the girls could still be virgins(TM).

This is pretty much them taking the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law, fairly jewish.
I don’t know how common it actually is, but it’s more of a rationalization from the woman herself rather than an actual thing their fathers/priests believe makes any sense.

I think the worst problem with it is that it almost makes vaginal sex sinful/abnormal. It’s quite the subversion.

> Women know that non faggots find poop dick disgusting and most will douche themselves in prep for it.

Faggots don’t? I didn’t realize the expression “poop dick” was meant to be completely literal, as opposed to just being a gross term for anal sex. There’s no turn off bigger than poop, except perhaps gore. You’d figure they would try to minimize it.

Aidan says:

The ass always has poop in it unless an enema is used beforehand. Fags fuck each other at total random in public, so logic suggests there is a lot of literal shitdick.

I did not grow up in an environment where girls were “saving themselves for Jesus”, but I have heard reliably that the Christian anal slut is very common. Muslim anal sluts (saving themselves for marriage, hijab is left on) are definitely common.

Red says:

I don’t know how common it actually is, but it’s more of a rationalization from the woman herself rather than an actual thing their fathers/priests believe makes any sense.

I think the worst problem with it is that it almost makes vaginal sex sinful/abnormal. It’s quite the subversion.

Christian Boomer parents couldn’t even conceive of the idea that their daughters would take it up the ass and because they were not popping out babies and becoming single mothers thus they must be pure as the wind driven snow. Part of what was going on was women wanting to have fewer children as their status increased to match men’s. Also Christian parents were not going to give their daughters birth control.

Finally, women wrongly think they won’t get STDs from anal sex since it’s the more holy version of sex. The media never reports on gays getting STDs, while all the STD propaganda is aimed at reducing reproductive sex because it’s unholy.

Aidan says:

The ass is a lot less enjoyable to fuck than the pussy, and a woman will want you to fuck her in the ass when she feels like she is not being properly dominated. If you are fucking them right, their desire for weird and kinky sex goes away. Women “have kinks” when they are not getting banged, or not getting banged by men they consider alpha.

Dharmicreality says:

Biden it seems won’t “lecture” India on democracy and human rights:


Seems that the sane faction is strongly pushing to make deals with Modi despite the shrill noises from the further left factions to condemn Modi’s “human rights” record.

Interesting times. I didn’t expect Biden to openly say so. Shows that they are more worried about China.

Dharmicreality says:

Jim, is the sane GAE faction winning this round? The shrill holiness screaming of Far Leftoids seem to have no effect so far. Or will the Biden admin back off from embracing Modi too much?

jim says:

If anyone knew the answer, it would already be accomplished fact. That Biden’s handlers are dithering indicates that they do not know the answer.

It is clear that at least some people are planning direct Nato invasion of Belarus, which is the insane GAE faction that believes that trannies make your army more powerful, and diversity is our greatest strength. And they think they are going to be able to go right ahead.

Zelensky has redeployed Belarus border forces, which would seem to suggest he expects, (or his handlers, being insane, expect) Belarus to fall fairly quickly. Or at least be mighty busy for a long time.

Ukraine successfully pushed in a broad front towards the Azov sea, to the first line of Russian fortifications. Where they stopped. They forced the Russians to fall back from the fortifications in a few places, and then tried to pour troops through the holes, but their troops got cut up badly, and fell back to the Ukrainian side of the fortifications. And with that, the Azov sea offensive seems to have been put on the back burner. And with the Azov sea (threatening Russian access to Turkey, Syria, and Mediterranean) off the table, need to come up with some other big thing. Belarus fits the bill.

To sustain an empire that suddenly looks very fragile, need to prove that lining up against empire is a very very bad idea. If they cannot make lining up with empire a good thing for the Ukraine, they might be able to make lining up against empire a bad thing for Belarus. So, dire punishment for Belarus is on the table. That way lies nukes. I expect the sane to knock over the table and do something about the insane, but the sane imperialists need a leader. Can they find one?

Karl says:

I expect the sane to knock over the table and do something about the insane, but the sane imperialists need a leader.

A leader is necessary whenever a group needs coordination to achieve a goal. Simply preventing another group from doing something, in that case punishing Belarus, needs far less coordination, if any.

I there are enough sane imperialists they can prevent the insane imperialists from acting against Belarus. Obstruction need not be constructive and is therefore possible wihtout coordination.

In the long run (which may not be all that long) the sane imperalists need a leader to prevent getting purged by the insane imperialists. But that has nothig to with Belarus. Without a leader they will be purged anyway.

The Cominator says:

The last sane Imperialist the American elite used to listen to while technically alive is literally 100 years old (Kissinger). There aren’t any besides him… not anymore. America’s foreign policy establishment has always been one of the more leftist and insane branches of DC.

Pax Imperialis says:

The ugly mug. Ostentatious gold jewellery. Incoherent rage. Unusual hand movements. Comedy.


Stanley says:

What means if girl brings up kids very very early, like before we’re even really dating?

Seems like should be good sign, but feels suspect.

Red says:

Personally I would take this is a good sign, but I’ve never had a girl say that.

Women tend to say the opposite like “I don’t want kids, so use a condom or pull out” and don’t seem upset when I ignore their demands.

Adam says:

It means they are healthy and want to bang, so get to it.

Ash says:

I am semi disgusted at how well you can read these things..

get married man

Ash says:

jealous how good you are at it

Stanley says:

You don’t think she wants to trap me in some child support arrangement?

What if I know she’s sleeping with other guys? (we’re not in a relationship)

jim says:

Women are always sleeping with other guys. Make her stop. If she plans to have kids, must stop. Permanently.

Red says:

You don’t think she wants to trap me in some child support arrangement?

I’ve long observed that men who are willing kill a bitch if she tries to enslave him with child support, don’t seem to pay child support.

I’ve also known men who are paying child support for a kid that’s not theirs despite DNA tests. The system is corrupt and evil and the only way to win is an open willingness to commit violence to protect your interests.

notglowing says:

Is remote work better or worse for a relationship?
On the one hand, it means being at home most of the time, which means far fewer opportunities for your woman to cheat on you, and the ability to give her more attention.

On the other hand, I’ve heard some in the manosphere argue in favour of making her believe you are capable of cheating on her, might be cheating on her, not just in terms of being desirable but in particular by leaving the house by yourself often enough and making her wonder about it. A man who is usually at home all day is one she can take for granted, and has less opportunity to find other women in general.

On the other side of the argument I’ve heard some purple pilled arguments regarding how the fact that men are disrespected in the family is due to industrial society forcing them work far away from their house, their job involves abandoning the family for most of the day and the actual effort they make is not as evident, whereas the mother would be at home all day with the children.
While there is logic in this latter reasoning it definitely isn’t the reason fathers are disrespected, however I think we can consider it a big issue with office/factory life in the cities compared to farm life.

Adam says:

If I could, I would raise my family on a remote property where I also work, save for the weekly trip to town for supplies and a bit of fun.

Remote work from an apartment would suck, and even in the suburbs with a little yard it would be uncomfortable, but if you live out in the country it would be pretty great.

Roger Williams says:

I remote work with a wife who is home as well. Sometimes it’s great when she has breakfast, lunch, and dinner waiting for me but other times she is coming in my office to pester me about something. During those days I wish I was in an office.

Working remotely allows me to make the most money with the lowest cost of living which is why I do it.

Pax Imperialis says:

being at home most of the time, which means far fewer opportunities for your woman to cheat on you

Historically that was the wife’s mother/father in law’s job when she moved into the multi generational home.

JustAnotherGuy says:


Looks like that submarine that sank to the bottom had the same problem as USN ships crashing into civilian vessels.

Red says:

LOL. Reminds me of that all female bridge engineering team that killed a bunch of people in Florida. I wonder how long it will be before they remove this tweet?

notglowing says:

They probably won’t, they media already have their enemy in the only white man, the CEO, who also proudly disregarded safety regulations and is easy for them to mock.

notglowing says:

*the media

Red says:

I read today that they only white male engineer they had warned them that the view port seal wouldn’t survive paste 2,300 meters while the titanic dive is around 4,000. He recommended testing it at that depth before taking people out. They fired him 10 minutes after he sent the email.

The Cominator says:

In a normal time some lawyer would be getting very rich off of that…

Fidelis says:

They settled out of court.

notglowing says:


A sad, disgusting vignette into the “married” life of prog degenerates (furries).
At least I will never be as pathetic as the husband who to his credit was not a willing cuck.

I’d say this is a good learning example but the people in this are a bit too far gone even by modern standards.

As a sidenote, the guy who cucks him has a girlfriend who he’s been dating apparently for a long time since she was 13 years old, leading to “grooming” accusations.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for denying what everyone can see*]

Anonymous Fake says:


jim says:

That spiel does not come from you looking at buildings. It comes from arty articles defending modern ugliness.

QRXP says:

The submarine thing is suspicious. It seems very far fetched that a bunch of billionaires would take such a risky trip to check out the titanic ruins. I mean surely they have more pressing things to do as billionaires… And now they’ve disappeared. Sounds like an escape plan.

Western Taliban says:

I don’t know if they were billionaires, but there are billionaires (Elon Musk) and “billionaires” (George Soros). “Billionaires” are giga retarded faggots that only have what they have and find themselves where they are by coincidence and willingness to be a retarded faggot slave to the system.

That is to say, the death of people like Elon Musk would be extremely destructive for civilization, if enough Elon Musks die you’ll find yourself starving, a handful of such men make the world go round. However, every single George Soros is in need of summary execution and it’d be of extreme benefit for society, because we would get rid of the extreme parasites living at the expense of the productive.

I fully believe a bunch of progressive faggots who have money because they are children of children of children of someone who actually did build something, but they themselves make their money by being progressive faggot parasites would get high on their own supply and end up dead in this manner.

This is literally how GAE has started its fall in the world stage, they truly thought that the magic of faggots and diversity made them powerful and Russia would just roll over easily because they don’t have faggots and diversity.

Adam says:

The visceral hate for these poor bastards on social media is astonishing. I don’t remember anything like it.

Pax Imperialis says:

It’s been a long time brewing. The idea of White privilege is inherently linked to class warfare. It was only a matter of time before the masses went from hating White people for being relatively wealthier to hating wealthier people for being relatively wealthier. In fact it even provides some much needed catharsis for racial guilt as now all those White progressives can now join the niggers guilt free in hating rich people together.

I must say though… all the times I’ve been banned for “bigotry” just for stating simple facts with no hate behind them, and to see social media moderators jeer at their deaths in exaggerated bigotry is painfully hilarious. What more, they have no self awareness.

Red says:

We’re reaching that state of chaos where order and goodness is actively hated. I’m seeing jury verdicts in areas that are not pozed shitholes that are letting murders walk now.

Kunning Drueger says:

welcome to Jim’s Blog. feel free to not post again for another year or so.

The submarine incident is a perfect illustration of what Jim has been discussing. vis-a-vis tech decline. You have an industry /technology that was pioneered by white men who had seen the stakes (thresher, scorpion, & hundreds of German, Nip, Brit, and US subs in WW02), applied the principles of their fathers, their race, and the culture bequeath to them by hard men of grit and determination, and built a methodology, a set of networked protocols, and managed, for approximately four decades, to not have a single incident. not one. then along comes some pseudo kike, some dumb nigger rich pretender, that thinks he can steal a march by cutting corners in fabrication, by hiring college whores, by pretending to use a few checklists from flying multi-engine airplanes to manage one of the most complex and comprehensive technological undertakings, and do it all using the religio-linguistics of the progressive faith. The only reason the story is still being covered is because it offers an opportunity for the bureaucratic oligarchy to expand into territory it didn’t think it would ever have a chance to do it in, And because stupid faggot niggers like yourself post stupid faggot nigger opinions about rich people, real technology, and actual progress. CNN will ring this story out for as long as mud people complain about it, and then they will drop it.

The discovery of the Titanic was a cover story for Bob Ballard using his innovation and technology to discover /recover the USS scorpion and the USS thresher. The fact that he actually found the Titanic was almost dumb luck, and you can look this up on YouTube all you’d like.

Pax Imperialis says:

The new coverage was suspicious. When things go wrong at those depths, they go deadly wrong with no survivors. The idea that they might have survived and it being a race against time due to oxygen reserves was fake. It is now being reported that the government detected the implosion and knew them to all be dead from the get go, but propagated the possible survival story anyways.

The submarine incident is also a perfect illustration of government control over the fake media. QRXP instinctually recognizes something to be off, but draws bizarre conclusions.

Red says:

The sub had a built in system of weight releases that detached based on a chemical process after 14 hours. If they were alive it would bobbing around on the surface and they’d be quickly found that way. There was never any chance they were sitting on the bottom.

Starman says:


”The submarine thing is suspicious. It seems very far fetched that a bunch of billionaires would take such a risky trip to check out the titanic ruins. I mean surely they have more pressing things to do as billionaires… And now they’ve disappeared. Sounds like an escape plan. [DENIES THAT APEFIRMATIVE ACTION AND WHORES COSPLAYING AS ENGINEERETTES LEAD TO THE DESTRUCTION OF THE OCEANGATE SUB]”

Time for you to answer a RedPill on Women Question. Type out the whole answer:

Complete the following sentence:
Women misbehave because –
[A] Capitalism makes them misbehave, by economically incentivizing reckless high time-reference behavior over long-term planning. The capitalist class benefits from one night stands and sterility, as it benefits from third world immigration of spendthrift cheap labor to replace frugal Whites. If it weren’t for capitali$m, women would totally be completely sinless angels.
[B] The (((jews))) make these totally innocent angels misbehave, since the jews own the media and the entire entertainment industry from Hollywood down to the tiniest pornography studio, and use them to direct propaganda at women, telling them to fuck Blacks and lowlifes. There’s no way that pure White women desire to be on OnlyFans to whore for money. The jews forced these angels on that website.
[C] Sorry, but this is a misleading question. Women don’t misbehave at all. All misbehavior is done by men, who are vile pigs.
[D] Lecherous men make them misbehave, since men are ultimately responsible for all female behavior (including misbehavior), and unlike women, men have self-control and moral agency. Thus it logically follows that any female misbehavior would merely reflect bad decisions taken by irresponsible and lustful men. It is men’s fault entirely, so men must be forced to pay for every bad decision done by any random women.
[E] They are feral, blindly following ancient instincts from prehistoric times, which instincts tell them to cruise for rape by alpha male Chads, and to resist kicking-and-screaming all attempts to restrain them from pursuing alpha male Chads. Stable monogamy has always been a way to allow each man to own a woman so each man can start a family and raise a future generation for civilization’s survival.

S says:

Off topic- crypto

I’ve been avoiding bitcoin (yeah, yeah, I know- overly paranoid. I expected the Chinese to make an e-Yuan and get all that economic surplus for themselves), but I’ve been tracking the price. It has had a recent spike; Black Rock is starting to invest.

Is that good (price goes up), bad (blackrock gains control of the network), really good (sign asset prices are going to crash because the US is going to back down) or really bad (assets are going to be vaporized in WW3).

My gut is telling me things are going to come to head extremely soon-thoughts?

Red says:

GAE is opening planning to blow up the largest nuke planet in Europe at Zaporizhzhia, which is under Russian control. It’s shutdown, but needs constant cooling even while shutdown. Jim thinks NATO is planning to invade Belarus which Putin had given nukes as a deterrent. They’ve convinced themselves that Russia will never use nukes and so far they’ve been right. These 2 events if they come to pass will almost certainly require a nuclear response. If Putin’s fails to respond in kind, he may be replace by someone with the balls to do so.

S says:

I know the destruction of the damn means there is now a way across and its been drying out, but no idea how likely it is Ukr can pull it off since every other attack against Russian Army positions has been hitting a brick wall.

I’m just trying to figure out how to keep from having my money evaporate with the dawning horror of realizing its probably not going to matter. I’m hoping for a course change, but I haven’t seen any breaks.

notglowing says:

I think the best time to buy Bitcoin was a while ago, and the second best time is probably now.

I’m holding a large amount of crypto and hoping for new all time highs sooner rather than later. I think this will be a short affair before a longer bear market in the next few years but I do think we’re going to all time highs and beyond.

If you want to buy, better now than when it’s higher, it would be far riskier then.
I can’t predict the future. So I’m not going to say I’m certain regarding what will happen.

But we just witnessed one of the largest exchanges collapsing in the same year as one of the largest cryptocurrencies, no end of bad news for an entire year, a coordinated attack from US regulators against all the major exchanges and all the major currencies, a higher interest rate environment and stock market crash, and crypto went as low as it could already.

At some point it kept going up even while under fire and with only bad news. The sellers have been exhausted. It’s a good situation for bitcoin to rise in value significantly. I would avoid altcoins until Bitcoin reaches all time high prices though.

Now, Blackrock seems interested in it and they think it might be part of the future.
Whether or not Blackrock was in bed with the government when it came to attacking crypto in order to buy it cheap, I think this is a good sign that it has a future, even if our enemies want to co-opt it.
If they’re trying to gain some control over it, it means it’s valuable.

More importantly, Hong Kong and Singapore are now very positive towards it, with the former lifting their ban and even forcing banks to accept cryptocurrency related companies as clients.

If both sides try to get in on Bitcoin, it might become a useful universal currency. And it might escape total control by one actor.

jim says:

> I’m holding a large amount of crypto and hoping for new all time highs sooner rather than later. I think this will be a short affair before a longer bear market in the next few years but I do think we’re going to all time highs and beyond

The dollar is going to cease to be useful. Crypto will replace the dollar. The only question is will it be bitcoin, or a currency based on recursive snarks.

notglowing says:

I work with zk related stuff, not going to say any more than that. But it is likely ETH will rely on it for its scaling (through L2) from here onwards. The technology has matured and is rapidly progressing even further.

Still, BTC and LN is currently the best system for pure payments. It works great. It’s private, less controllable than ETH. Instant, no hard limits on scale. It also works well for large institutions who can build channels with each other.
It’s possible to have an LN node in the cloud now while you hold the keys to authorize actual payments on your devices.

Fidelis says:

A constellation of pegged sidechains, at first using less technical means to meet scaling demands in shorter development timelines, eventually converging on a smaller constellation of highly specialized pegged sidechains, the payment chain in this constellation likely to be recursive stark.

jim says:

In order to talk about chains of recursive starks, we need a new terminology.

The huge advantage of recursive starks is that you can shard the “blockchain”, both into arbitrary shards that are no different from each other, and into specialized shards that serve particular markets and purposes. And I think this is what you are saying, but do not quite have the words to say it. Because a sharded blockchain is not exactly a blockchain.

I will shortly promote this comment into a post.

The bitcoin blockchain is both a merkle chain, and a reliable broadcast channel. When recursive snarks are being used, these are two different things.

A reliable broadcast channel means that everyone knows that he is seeing the same broadcast as everyone else, and that if something is broadcast on this channel, and intended recipient denies receiving it, it is the recipient’s fault, the sender was not $@%#&!^@ him over.

A merkle chain is a sequence of merkle trees, blocks, forming one big ever growing merkle tree, and for any data in that tree, you can prove that that data existed at the time of the block, and get a total order on that data. And for a merkle chain that contains appropriate recursive snarks, you can prove that that data satisfied certain conditions (that fungible tokens were not created or destroyed, just had control reassigned)

In a currency based on recursive snarks, very little, as little as possible, of that merkle tree is going to be on the broadcast channel, and nearly all items on the broadcast channel will expire, will cease to be accessible, after a certain time, or after certain conditions are met.

To achieve scaling, you have one gigantic merkle tree, but no one has all of it, and most of the data that it represents has been discarded forever. But parts of this gigantic merke chain are visible on many different reliable broadcast channels, different parts on different reliable broadcast channels.

Fidelis says:

I have perhaps words but not patience. To use proper technical vocabulary, which might end up needing new definitions in the process, would require a lot of effort, which would not necessarily be properly rewarded in this comments section. Would rather write under my real name and get some form of credit. So I very lazily stuffed a lot of meaning that doesnt belong into the word “sidechain”.

I am anticipating that these specialized zk based proof-of-execution like protocols take quite a while to actually come into use. They are a total disaster in eth land, centralized and brittle for what is actually quite a simple application of a complex technology. The first successful use case will be simple token allocations, just like the first use case of a ‘blockchain’ was just the same. Eventually they will specialize and become useful for all sorts of applications, but not soon. Right now we dont have scaled single-token payements properly implemented and proven.

In the meantime we have lots of other tools that are more polished to tackle the web3 problem with. Why use very expensive zk tech, expensive in both compute and developer talent, when you can use what the bitcoiners call pegged federated chains, with lightning channels between them, to shard out and specialize the safe ordering provided by bitcoin. These are proven, have less technical barriers, can utilize all the advancements made in improving the bandwidth and latency of other PoS chains, and can directly import the working use cases like simple lending pools and custom tokens and namespaces.

The near term is building out this ecosystem into its minimum viable state *now*, integrating it with the communications layer *now*, and then reaching for specialization, better privacy, higher bandwidth and lower latency, later.

jim says:

> In the meantime we have lots of other tools that are more polished to tackle the web3 problem with.

We have the federated lightning social network, which is getting a lot of use, though infested with our enemies, it was not designed by our enemies, who came in late. It was designed so that our enemies could not own it.

Attempts to use recursive snarks on the ether network are inherently failing, because Ether totally owned by our enemies, and they want to use recursive snarks only in a convoluted, artificial, and unnatural way that does not undermine their control. But the inherent nature of snarks and starks is to protect privacy, and the inherent nature of recursive snarks is distribute power. Ether does not want power distributed.

Fidelis says:

I completely agree w.r.t. pride chain zk protocols. That does leave the problem however that actual working protocols cannot be simply cloned and patched, but involve intense redesign. At most the fundamentals can be imported: the VM-like prover verifier systems are still rapidly improving, and fairly modular. We are not yet ready for prime time, but prime time is coming faster than we could collectively build using the latest and greatest practice. Instead the gap must be bridged with last/current generation solutions, which means a clunky heap of federated chains, lightning, and some other things glued on top.

The big problem with lightning is channel prices scale with chain usage, and in fact tend to need maintenance at the worst possible times. The stopgap solution is distribution of this cost and stabilizing channels using federations.

S says:

I know. I’m just paranoid, lazy and risk averse and saw Bitcoin lose 75% of its value during 50% inflation. I shouldn’t have trend watched; the short term drives the long term from your mind.

jim says:

I am finding bitcoin useful as money.

Which was the plan all along. It is becoming real.

But the limits of the network are in sight, it does not scale to the required size. It is handling near as many transactions as it can handle. Solutions to that problem have been discovered. Exciting times lie ahead.

The biggest security problem has always been that the transaction metadata goes outside the crypto currency network. This is now fixed. Merchants can now have a social media presence over which they can accept bitcoin fast. Zion, sphinx, and a horde more coming. Torba needs to get aboard.

But lightning network to the rescue. Lightning network has hand the capability for messages inside the network added. Name capability, unfortunately, rests on the domain name system.

Fidelis says:

Not just niggerstone, lots of big players are suddenly interested in offering “exposure to the bitcoin asset class”. Well, it looks to me like people know the dollar reserve is dead. The corpse is not yet smelling, but the heart has stopped. They may have some ideas of making BTC the new reserve asset, or at least one of many new reserve assets, and are having power centers suck up more now before moving forward. Or they see convergence already moving towards national banks stacking gold and RMB, would rather they stack gold and BTC if not USD, and so are trying to steer the ship a bit.

What is really interesting is the new GAE ‘chief economist’ berstein has made noises in the past about the damages a reserve asset currency does to domestic manufacturing. A sign someone in the swarm of locusts understands if the dollar system is not given up gracefully, it will be given up disgracefully.

Cloudswrest says:

Off topic, but not for the blog. I stumbled upon this 1960 soap opera depiction of female teen interaction with adult male (Larry Hagman) interesting.


The Cominator says:

If you want a movie about sexually aggressive behavior from a supposedly young teenage girl (of course in reality Alicia Silverstone was a lot older… wait I guess she was only 16) towards a male with preselection The Crush was made as recently as 1993. Of course Alicia Silverstone in the movie is supposed to be a touch psychotic but not to the serial killer level.

notglowing says:

What’s with this story that Wagner is waging a coup against Moscow I’m hearing from western media?


How real is this?

notglowing says:

I struggle to believe he is waging a coup against Moscow. I see no proof right now.

That said, aside from this, there has been some conflict brewing between Wagner and MoD.

Kunning Drueger says:

Known glowie telegram channels are megaphoning the “coup info.” Otherwise trustworthy, or at least restrained, TGram chnnls reporting same.

Glowies saying fighting has begun

Others saying a massive column of Wagner vehicles (50-70 km long) moving on some highway somewhere.

The Cominator says:

Wagner is tiny compared to the main Russian army, no coup would be possible unless lots of lower commanders were backing Wagner for a coup against Putin. I find this all very hard to believe…

notglowing says:

Is it even clearly a coup against Putin? Who knows what power dynamics are happening within the MoD.

Asher says:

Wagner is comprised of a great number of Tier 1 SMU operators (greater in number than the FSB’s Alpha Group) and have several elite recon battallions, those that did most of the fighting in Bakhmut (to say nothing of mechanized infantry, artillery, copters, close air support and so on). To discount this in favor of “muh raw numbers” is naive, and history bears this out. I don’t believe Prigozhin has any interest in upturning the apple cart in Russia based on his statements and goals (note that he still threatens Ukraine while cursing the Russian MoD), but if Wagner were to attempt to “march on Moscow” betting on them would be far from crazy

zero says:

Asher you are a strange guy, how is betting on a wagner coup anything but batshit insane, the russians are as legalist as the old tier 1 american guard. You need some links my guy because it seems like you are smoking crack. Putin/donbass is not going to be overthrown by some fag balkan miltia captain, know your place, fight for the federation or get chechnya’d, whatever is going on it is not russian, someone has soddomite blackmail on that merc and you should not be shilling against the federation, its blowing your cover as an ost agent. The russians suck at american psy ops, its very weird. But no one is dumb enough to say they are marching on the capital ruled by a guy who thinks stolypin is soft. In your world either the 90s russian naval oligarchs are eliminating the merc threat to their primacy in military matters or their is some strange combination between a lesser american faction and a shit russian psyops campaign to deligitimize wagner and the russian anti-nato war. my small money is on the same anti-blackwater play from the rus mil-oligarchs combined with nato fag-mail. Why are you referencing bachkmut, you dont post like any ukrainian I know but sound an awful lot like an expat drinking the coolaid. Everyone in the federation is terrified of the boss, they are not terrified of a little prince with an ugly face and compromat. I’ll call my big money on some morons trying to color rev with blackmail without realizing or caring that they have a card they cannot burn effectively and they are playing into one more flash in the pan. How many have a finger in the pie is a question of how many are playing the British game. Russia as always is at both ends of the spectrum. You are not at both ends but firmly in the pot of stupid. Betting on some black knights against a revanchist polis with more asabiyyah then you could shake a stick at is fucking retarded, and far from being crazy anyone that discounts some wagfag of dubious import out of hand from crippling the worlds 2nd greatest hegemony is perfectly sane. Russia will continue to bleed a purple shade of grean.

Asher says:

1) I don’t particularly care how this shakes out one way or another, so save the autistic agent crap.
2) The US and West in general are notoriously clumsy at subterfuge, and have demonstrated as such for the greater part of the last half-century. As someone whose country is undergoing a color revolution I can confirm this first hand
3) What manner of “compromat” would turn an entire militia inwards and begin shooting like they’re Al-Nusra in Syria fighting the government one day then their own spooks-in-arms, ISIS the next. If Russia with its thumbing of nose at Western hegemonic influence and supposed asabiyyah is somehow thrown for a loop by homo blackmail of some random merc as you describe him, then that should speak a million words on its own.

jim says:

This presupposes that there is a Wagner coup. Wagner says there is not and last I heard, were not acting as if there is one.

Wagners were scheduled for an offensive on northern front in the Ukraine, and pay for July was not forthcoming. This reaction is a pretty standard behavior in mercenary armies, and likely it can be resolved by pay and equipment being forthcoming. We shall see. People, lacking history, are not used to mercenary armies. Looks like business as usual to me. But hey, in a few days we will know better.
Perhaps I am whistling in the dark, or perhaps you lot are being stampeded by shills.

If you stop paying mercenaries at short notice, this happens. Don’t stop paying mercenaries at short notice. But very few Kings were overthrown because they stopped mercenary pay at short notice. Although often what happened was that mercenaries would help themselves.

Fidelis says:

Re-reading Anabasis and it is striking just how fickle mercenaries can be even if you pay them well.

Asher says:

I’m not sure how apt the comparison is, but this rings quite similarly to the situation of the Janissaries in Ottoman Turkey, who did, in fact unseat not one, but two separate sultans under very similar circumstances. The first being grievances over wages and the second being the threat of subordination to the national military

Kunning Drueger says:

For now, I’m with Asher on this one. Foolish to bet against Wagner. Imagine if Blackwater had been allowed to have artillery and tanks, then had been tasked with taking Fallujah, and allowed to expand to 100,000+ soldiers. Are you telling me you’d bet on the multikulti marine corps over a force like that? naw nigga

we (by which I mean Russia, but this directly impacts US in this tribe) are in a state of play. this is the most important thing happening across every front. we are on the bleeding edge of the paradigm change, as it pertains to IEW, as it pertains to GAE dominance, as it pertains to state religion transition, as it pertains to bureaucracy versus military aristocracy, as it pertains to the new face of modern nationalism, and most importantly as it retains to media and perspective.

Jim is right to wait till the dust clears, and I don’t think this is a traditional coup, but I want to be very clear here: the future of everything hinges on this moment. It could be that Prigozhin Is a deep cover asset, and they had him liquidate 80,000 Ukrainians as a cover story, but I think it is more likely that the felon cook is actually a warlord who happens to wear a tiny hat occasionally. I guess we talk about it. too much to take it seriously when we see it, but Russia is on the razor’s edge, and they could fall on either side, which is precisely what GAE has been praying to Ba’al for.

for Wagner speed is the key. If they hesitate, if they wait, if they do not grasp the nettle, if they try to control the narrative without controlling the high ground, then they are lost. Of all the entities and people operating in our world at this moment, I genuinely feel they have the best handle on reality.

Lord knows I’ve been wrong about a lot of things during this war, but I am depressingly certain that if Putin fails to see what this moment means, then all will be lost regardless of the outcome in the Ukraine War.

May Nature’s God bless good men and punish the wicked.

Asher says:

Further, it appears that based on his previous statements against Shoigu, his assumption is that he does in fact have the support of those “lower commanders”. Who knows if this is true or not though

Dr. Faust says:

This shit stinks to absurd degrees.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

On one hand, Prigozhin has been working for Putin for a long time, and you’d think that nothing he does is not on the level is some way.

On the other hand, given that Prigozhin is a skype himself, telling the difference between his ‘theatrical’ fractiousness and actual fractiousness is something of an academic exercise.

On the third tentacle, maybe it’s all a tempest in a teapot.

Contaminated NEET says:

My instinct, of course, is to throw up my hands and declare, “It’s over, God Himself is on GAE’s side! Here comes the last-minute deus ex machina to pull their bacon out of the fire and teach us all a lesson about democracy and the healing power of mulatto buttsex, just like a sub-moronic Marvel movie.” Every word I’ve read or heard about this stupid war has been a lie, though, so I’ll wait and see.

Dr. Faust says:

Judas always swings from a tree for his bag of silver.

jim says:

Not going to bother looking into this. Too much glowie disinfo to chase down every report.

The glowies have been flooding this blog with these reports, and I have been silently suppressing them, because if I was to let it through, would have to look into it, and I cannot be bothered.

Last I heard, Wagner and Ministry of Defense were preparing new offensive on the northern border with the Ukraine, which is where Wagner’s troops are now located. A long way from there to Moscow. Might be true, but far more likely the Global American Empire has been smoking too much crack. We shall see.

The glowie accounts have been industriously posting that everything is going to plan, and a Globohomo coup in Moscow was always the end point of the plan. So this probably just some more of the plan being announced. There have been no end of suppressed comments announcing the great success of the plan.

The Cominator says:

Coup’s almost never work unless you can very quickly kill the current head of state or he rapidly flees the country. One thing these glowies aren’t spamming is that Putler has been killed in a bomb attack or something. Even if the coup is real (which there is almost no chance of) it’s going to fail.

jim says:

Bored now.

If there is still excitement about this alleged coup attempt tomorrow, will take a look at it then, but all the news I am getting so far, and suppressing so far, comes from people who are always pumping disinformation.

Mayflower Sperg says:

For about a week, the YouTube homepage was flooded with videos boasting of Ukraine’s hugely successful counter-offensive. Then, just as suddenly as these videos appeared, they were gone.

Good liberals know not to talk or think about anything the media hasn’t mentioned in the last 48 hours. Jim knows not to talk or think about anything the media has mentioned in the last 48 hours.

Mister Grumpus says:

The timing of this, against the DOA “counter offensive” and the Hunter Biden stuff, it’s just too much to take without going a little schizo.

Why now?

The take about Prigozhin being (or having been acquired to become) a Jewish GAE agent, actually working for “them” to kill off Ukrainians, and then turn around and do a regime change in Moscow, I can’t hold it all in my head for long.

What’s Q-anon saying about this? Anyone?

But he is certainly a man of ego, so he can be flattered and tempted and manipulated. Why wouldn’t he have started talking to the other side a long time ago if he had the chance?

Parallels with Jan 6th and the Gulenist “coup” in Istanbul — which many people are quite certain Erdogan kicked off himself to draw out his haters — are hard to miss.

But the timing. The timing. It’s just so “on the nose”.

Mayflower Sperg says:

It’s not that complicated. When the offensive stopped, so did the pro-Ukrainian propaganda because it was obvious to everyone that Ukraine had lost the war. For this, Russia owes a huge debt to Yevgeny Prigozhin, and he decided it was time to pay up.

Soon I’ll get to see first-hand what I’ve long wondered: As the Wagner boys come home victorious, what effect will all their testosterone have on Russian society?

My guess is, a post-war baby boom as nubile women rush to marry these Wagnerites, and if they can’t get one, they’ll marry any man who isn’t a raging faggot.

And to anyone who’s considering a quick solution to the Wagner problem, first ask a history nerd how many of Caesar’s assassins died of natural causes.

simplyconnected says:

Maybe it’s a fake coup in order to round up dissidents.

Severian says:

This Wagner Coup is real. They are taking over the HQ in Rostov. Several videos with gunfire in the background.
Just not sure what this lunatic thinks he will accomplish.

jim says:

I will look at it tomorrow. Not interested. Too much stuff coming from sources that glow in the dark.

Roger Williams says:

Looks like the beginning of the end for Putin. He’s been incredibly incompetent anyway.


Red says:

Give it a rest. Something’s going on, but far too much propaganda from glowies to tell what.

alf says:

Anatoly Karlin has been shilling for I don’t know how long. On this blog too, it is the shills proclaiming a Prigozhin mutiny.

But it is also over every major news site. And they are claiming that the Kremlin has officially responded to Prigozhin’s mutiny. So either a very blatant psy-ops, or something going on.

It wouldn’t be out of character for how events have unfolded so far. But to really have the most effective Russian PMG mutiny like that… Gives off some serious late stage Roman collapse vibes.

But as always, best to wait a couple of days and see what about this story will stick.

Pax Imperialis says:

Prigozhin’s initial statement said; “Presidential authority, government, ministry of internal affairs, rosgvardia, and other departments will continue operating as before.” Summarizing the rest, after they get their justice they will return to the front.

Coups do not start with promises to preserve the regime. He was filmed in SMD chatting with Colonel General Yunus-Bek, Deputy Minister of Defense, and Lt. Gen. Vladimir Alekseyev, deputy chief of Russian military intelligence. Body language is friendly and he is armed. It doesn’t even look like a mutiny.

What I think is happening is that Shoigu pissed off a lot of people and they are professionally and politely asking for his removal.

jim says:

I will figure out what happened once the dust settles, because impossible to know what is happening or has happened when the shills and mainstream press is shouting noise.

jim says:

The Ministry of Defense ordered Wagner merged into the regular army, which was a really bad idea. Wagner, rightly, refused. Drama ensued, and is probably escalating. Boring. When the dust settles on this quarrel, we will know whether it mattered. Probably not. That is the small grain of truth on which the usual disinfo campaigns have announced a mountain. More likely a molehill, and we will not know how small the molehill for quite some time.

smurfissimus says:

“they are claiming that the Kremlin has officially responded”

Why is it so hard for pro-russian commentators to actually go and check what the Kremlin has and has not said?

The fact that the Kremlin has said something that requires a thing to be true that you don’t want to be trued is not the Kremlin’s problem. It is your problem. You need to drop the wishful thinking and face up to reality. You can’t impose words on reality and reshape reality to your will. Words are for describing reality, not shaping it. Attempting magic, as Jim has been doing, will get you nowhere.

alf says:

This is a dumb and unnecessarily antagonistic response.

Obviously a thing is true or false outside of whether an institution says it is true or false. But whether things one thousand miles outside of where I live are true or false, I can not smell. Thus, reliance on words of others.

Kunning Drueger says:

You should go watch Putin’s address. Pay attention to his mannerisms, and compare with his many other speeches. Now look at the words he’s using (I don’t speak Russian, only going off translation). This is not a cut and dried situation, and Putin is in a spot because Prigozhin has stated, explicitly, that he’s not interested in compromising the structure of the state, but he is going after the high command. because you seem like a smart guy, let me know of previous coups that have said, explicitly, that they aren’t interested in state power.

Shoigu is a corrupt mud blood fool. Putin needs to be punished for allowing that up jumped migrant laborer pretend to be a general. But Prigozhin is Putin’s creature, this is known to anyone that has even a cursory understanding of Russia.

I know you’re just going to shill nigger platitudes and CNN talking points, but The Column is, as of now, 4 hours away from Moscow. at every checkpoint they’ve hit thus far, they are allowed to pass, sometimes with the blessing of the regulars. recall how the narrative about Napoleon changed as he approached Paris.

A2 says:

“Anatoly Karlin has been shilling for I don’t know how long.”

He started out on Putin’s side and now seems to have swung over to the other, or at least some anti-Putin stance. Well, if he thought he bet on the wrong horse it would have been a lot smarter to just shut up. Literally nobody likes a turncoat.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

The gnostic lies even when telling the truth would serve his interests better.

Them saying that a coup is happening means that while *they* may be planning for a coup, Prigozhin himself does not consider whatever it is he is doing as involving coups.

Fidelis says:

Leaving a prediction now to test against later

Not just for show, prigo is there under graces of putler faction to remove shoigu. The why is rather opaque, maybe putler wants shoigu gone for incompetence but cannot simply fire him, maybe shoiboy has a faction of his own that has gained too much strength.

Your Uncle Bob says:

That’s plausible enough. Convoy on an open road to Moscow is easily solved via airpower. That it hasn’t been obliterated suggests someone high up is either dithering, orders being ignored, or more or less okay with it.

Simple mutiny is a plausible start though. Wagner is halfway to being a prisoner battalion already, them taking casualties while doing the heavy lifting is a win/win/win situation for Russia. Might be Prigozhin went native with his troops and got tired of that. Except mutiny only leaves the question of how he’s still standing. Is it all a worked shoot from the beginning, or is Putin scrambling behind the scenes to make use of an unpleasant surprise?

Really I have no idea what’s going on, too far outside my culture so I’ll wait and see.

Kunning Drueger says:

Here’s what’s been confirmed:

– Wagner column moved into Rostov On Don
– Moscow region (every region between Rostov & Moscow) has declared a Counter Terrorist regime
– Clashes between Wagner & MoD. The severity of which can’t be ascertained
– Attacks on AFU through the night as usual

it’s really hard to predict. part of me things that this is so foolish to do, it just gives the GAE the opportunity to say that the control of the nuclear arsenals and question, for the good of humanity blah blah blah, article 5. that would be a pretty bold move, and nothing that what we said about the GAE’s force capabilities is incorrect, they are in a shambles, so would it really change that much? The other part of me wonders if this is what someone else suggested, a move by Putin to mitigate the MoD and Shoigu. The rhetoric definitely doesn’t sound like a coup to replace Putin. not that I recommend anyone should watch MSM, but they always say the opposite of truth, so that might be a helpful indicator.

I have always thought that Prigozhin was on the level. Even if he himself is a Skype, he always made the choice to put the correct imagery, and to sacrifice his troops for victory instead of PR. I genuinely hope this is going to lead to better things, but we also need to prepare for the fact that Russia might be betrayed by Jews yet again.

jim says:

It is not a coup (yet) it is a mutiny. It is a big mutiny, and last I heard the mutineers were in possession of the military head quarters for the war in the Ukraine. And seem content to stay there.

smurfissimus says:

“And seem content to stay there.”

Doubtless that’s why/how they moved from Rostov to Voronezh overnight, by staying where they are.



“I’m bored!” screams Jim. “The sky’s not falling! Ow! Ow! It’s not! I’m bored! It’ll all go away if I stop thinking about it! I’m bored! Bored! Bored!”

I’ve never seen a man telegraph unreasoning fear quite as strongly as you do.

jim says:

They did not move. They are occupying military headquarters in both places. If the matter is not resolved shortly, next the banks. This has happened before times without number. Maybe things are different in the twenty first century, but history so far appears to be repeating itself.

embeveraged commuter says:

No way this is a ‘coup’, at least in the sense most people would use that word. Wagner is not as independent as they like to present, nor is Prigozhin all that powerful or important. Then there’s the matter of them lacking combined arms or access to supply beyond what they are issued. They would achieve nothing and all get executed dishonorably.

At most it’s a strike, like workers staying home strike not as in missile strike. My money’s on it being a psyop.
-It wouldn’t take 50D chess, just coordinated public statements, brief control of telegram bloggers on the front line, and troop movements they would have done anyway as Wagner is rotated out.
-There were remarks before that it was weird Prigozhin got away with his public complaints previously. It makes more sense that this is part of the plan, rather than Putin just ignoring these threats.
-If the GAE stops it’s big offensives and sticks to putting conscripts in civillian buildings, that will be much slower and more expensive for Russia.

The Cominator says:

This is the way I think too, let’s say Wagner has better infantry than the Russian army and some supporting artillery? Where is their air force?

There is something very fake about this… and I don’t think it’s against Putin but its either setting up for a purge of would be dissidents or it’s baiting Ukraine into another stupid offensive.

Mister Grumpus says:

Yes. Something’s not right. The timing is too perfect for GAE purposes, and no one’s trying to stop these guys or it’d be on Telegram somehow.

My understanding is that Putin goes further back with Prigozhin than he does with Shoigu.

I can see Erdogan and Putin in the sauna somewhere and Erdogan says “OK Vlad, here’s how I did it.”

But boy have I been wrong about stuff before.

The Cominator says:

I mean it seems like almost that can go wrong in the world in the past few years has gone wrong in a way that things never have in history except for the time around World War One… but this does seem all rather fantastic.

The Cominator says:

Just checked /pol chatter is now that the “coup” is over… supposedly Lukashenko acting as intermediary brokered peace between Wagner and the current Russian government. I wonder if the peace is that Putin gets to purge his defense ministry…

Basil says:

This is a mutiny attempt, which shows that even people who risked their lives for the sake of Russia’s victories in the war, and people who are directly connected with Russia’s successes in certain sectors of the front, took a huge risk, because they see in which direction they are being led their own military leadership. (which is more likely to squander)

Chechen cock suckers were sent to fight Wagner, which is a sufficient indicator that this is the rarest precedent for a Jew not being the worst case possible.

yewotm8 says:

I remember reading a long time ago that Putin already removed Shoigu years ago for incompetence and corruption allowing some oligarchs to get away with poorly supplying the Russian military. The new guy he put in took out the trash and came down on the suppliers which ate into their profits bigly. Putin was shortly coerced into removing that guy and re-installing Shoigu after their complaints.

Putin is probably in on it and is happy to leverage Wagner to remove the problem parties from his military permanently.

Kunning Drueger says:

Probably worth listening to (live now at 0700 PST):


Kunning Drueger says:

Jim, please tell me explicitly to stop if that’s what you desire.

Unless something new breaks in a related but different situation, I’m going to restrict my panicposting to this thread.

Kremlin foreign ministry just released a statement. pretty standard fare: it would be super unfortunate if anybody fucked with Russia right now. nothing special to mention, but they did the same thing Putin did in his message: they didn’t name anyone, not people nor organizations. Americans have verbal diarrhea, and don’t speak succinctly. Russians don’t, and do. This is a conscious choice, but what it means, I cannot say.

Kunning Drueger says:

Police specifically, not Rosvgardia, ordered to *NOT* engage Wagner.

Kunning Drueger says:

Column possibly halted.

Radio silence from all corners.

Axmat not posting to TikTok.

Quotes/comments coming from different RF forces, enlisted & officer, contacted & contract, that no one wants to shoot at each other.

This is a powder keg, a big lump of plastique. the question is, is it in a bombvest, a school bus, or under a bureaucrat’s desk chair?

Kunning Drueger says:

I am breaking my own rule here, cuz I’m just an anarchist like that.

rumor just dropped that lukashenko was briefed by Putin and is acting as an intermediary between the Kremlin and Wagner. initial assertions say they are working towards a compromise, and that this is why the column has stopped. additional assertions say the meetings have been ongoing, even during the initial advance, which might need some to speculate optimistically that they’ve reached some kind of agreement. we should be cautious to take this as definite, but it is not like lukashenko is some kind of dove, and he is on the board as being a survivor of multiple color revolution attempts. He’s also the guy, in case you haven’t been paying attention, who has been vaguely?hinting that he is going to nuke the shit out of Poland if they look at him wrong.

The Cominator says:

Obviously it was all fake… were any shots fired.

Lukashenko is in a weird position, his job in Russia is to be a haven for people who are nostalgic for the Soviet Union (they do exist over there) to go. He’s a leftist but of the technocratic Stalinist kind… strangely the rest of the left hates the Stalinist more than us because Stalin wiped them all out with extreme prejudice in Russia as most on this blog know.

Kunning Drueger says:

Not my read at all.

MoD shit tested Wagner with threat of dissolution. Wagner said ” hey baby, I’m driving over to your house, You’re going to get fucked harder than grandpa Stalin could even dream of.”

The Cominator says:

I don’t know how insider Russian politics goes enough to comment on that… but I don’t think the Wagner head (I can never remember how to spell his fucking name) did this on his initiative.

It was either an attempt to bait Ukraine into another offensive or setting up some kind of pretext to purge the military leadership and perhaps even the spook leadership. Some twatter chatter that Shoigu and Gerasimov are going to go.

jim says:

Because of a storm of shill reports, which I am silently suppressing, because this is not a latest news blog, and because the meaning of such events can only be known after time has passed, I finally got off my ass and started reading the Russian media. Who are all carrying the Wagner version of events:

The founder of the Wagner PMCs, Yevgeny Prigozhin, announced a strike on the PMCs camp by the Russian armed forces. He announced the beginning of a rebellion against the leadership of the Russian army. PMCs announces the seizure of military facilities in Rostov and Voronezh. Anti-terrorist measures have been announced in Moscow.
Uzbek Tilida O’zbek Tilida Today, 12:34 World
On the evening of June 23, the Telegram channel “Unloading Wagner” published a video with footage of the alleged consequences of a missile strike on the camp of the Wagner PMCs – an armed group led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, who stands for Russia in its war against Ukraine.

The video says that the strike was carried out from the rear, that is, by the military of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The Defense Ministry said that this is not true and is an information provocation.

Yevgeny Prigozhin said that a targeted strike led to the death of “a huge number of fighters” and announced the beginning of a rebellion against the leadership of the Russian army. He said: “There are 25 thousand of us, and we are going to figure out why lawlessness is happening in the country.” The PMCs decided to “stop the evil that the country’s military leadership is carrying,” Prigozhin said. About Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, he said: “This creature will be stopped.”

Основатель ЧВК Вагнера Евгений Пригожин заявил об ударе по лагерю ЧВК со стороны вооружённых сил России. Он объявил о начале мятежа против руководства российской армии. ЧВК заявляет о захвате военных объектов в Ростове и Воронеже. В Москве объявили о проведении антитеррористических мероприятий.
Ўзбек тилида O‘zbek tilidaСегодня, 12:34 Мир
Вечером 23 июня в Telegram-канале «Разгрузка Вагнера» было опубликовано видео с кадрами якобы последствий ракетного удара по лагерю ЧВК Вагнера — вооружённого формирования во главе с Евгением Пригожиным, выступающего за Россию в её войне против Украины.

В видео говорится, что удар был нанесён с тыловой стороны, то есть военными Министерства обороны России. В Минобороны заявили, что это не соответствуют действительности и являются информационной


Евгений Пригожин заявил, что целенаправленный удар привёл к гибели «огромного количества бойцов» и объявил о начале мятежа против руководства российской армии. Он сказал: «Нас 25 тысяч, и мы идём разбираться, почему в стране творится беспредел». ЧВК решила «остановить зло, которое несёт военное руководство страны», заявил Пригожин. О министре обороны РФ Сергее Шойгу он сказал: «Эта тварь будет остановлена».

Is this true? And if it is true what preceded the strike? The Ministry of Defense denies the strike, thus if it happened, was not authorized.

Don’t know. Will know by and by.

Not reading further, because though this is big and important news It will take a while to know what it means. But the Russian media are not reporting a coup. They are reporting a mutiny. And mercenary mutinies are pretty common. Big important event, but less important than these guys are making it. And more common, and less important, than a mutiny in the army itself.

Kunning Drueger says:

Wagner breaking up column and deploying to field camps.

I think the next thing to look for is what happens at MoD, what Putin says, and where the, for lack of a better term, BRICS Axis lands. Putin is going to look weak no matter what, but there are bad v. worse options for him here. Of course, I’d like to see most the brass lynched and a demonstration nuke chain detonated in Siberia, but I bet there are less aggressive options too.

World is watching. If Putin can come through with the perception of stability, continue winning in UKR, and maintain his internal favorability rating, a significant number of elites in the West might start scheduling golf trips for some friendly meetings.

This crisis is latent until someone comes out in top and/or Wagner is back on the line of contact.

Kunning Drueger says:

Footage of Wagnerites loading up and leaving Rostov. Crowds cheering, not jeering, taking pics with operators, waving flags.

A lot of sources saying it’s over.

a lot of egg on faces: USG suspended sanctions on Wagner, many Russia Libs declared for Prigozhin. All of NAFO declared him /theirguy/. MSM said Russia is finished, Putin lost. I don’t think it’s over, but we’ll have to see what comes of this event.

The Cominator says:

“many Russia Libs declared for Prigozhin.”

Yep looks staged as a pretext for a good ol purge.

Pax Imperialis says:

>many Russia Libs declared for Prigozhin

False, every single civilian faction within Russia declared for Putin. Even liberals and communists supported Putin. The military in SMD was silent only because they realized they were dealing with a business dispute and not a mutiny and were trying to softly renegotiate terms with Prigozhin. The only “Russians” that declared for Prigozhin was the GAE and fake Russian exiled government and various “expats” outside of Russia.

No one is getting purged in Russia because there is no one to purge… well except Prigozhin who is being “exiled” to the Belarus-Polish boarder. He’s not even being censored. If anything, it looks like a redeployment.

Pax Imperialis says:

The only people talking about a purge are CIA affiliates in the West trying to conjure up divisions in Russia where there are none.

Severian says:

I thought he was going to sit on Rostov and negotiate, but he’s rushing to Moscow with a few thousand men and is already north Of Voronejh. Like Caesar speeding to Rome with a single legion.
I wonder if the Russian Elite will also run like the Senators did.

Kunning Drueger says:

You’ve been a source of blackpill info before, I don’t want to contribute to psyop bullshit. Not trying to hurt your feels, just being upfront.

Rumors already circulating that Elites are quietly exiting the capital. But the ukrop propaganda army is in overdrive right now, and the CIA assets are all rallying to the side of Prigozhin… Online. This makes little sense, as if he did take over, they are the first going up against the wall.

This is going to be incredibly messy. I’ve decided to only go on updates with footage attached. one liners and blurbs aren’t trustworthy.

On that note, footage of Wagner column documented to be ~5 hours from Moscow. Footage of a strella missing a Ka-52 then (presumably) slamming into a refinery by accident. Footage of Wagnerites in control of Rostov, doing crowd control, planting mines, detaining/disarming Axmat scouts, moving in columns, and getting bombed at least once in transit.

Severian says:

The two presidential planes Putin had been using have left to St Petersburg. So not out of the realm they are indeed leaving.

Roger Williams says:

If he’s successful this is a good sign on the world stage for a return to actual warrior rule and end of suit rule. Faggot Putin fleeing with rest of his billionaire suits.

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, fellow right winger, anyway globohomo is way more preferable to all these not-right-enough faggots amirite?

Aidan says:

The shills are going to line up behind Wagner whether NATO caused this or not. Those in charge can’t think farther than “bad for putler means good for us”.

I don’t think they realize that Prigozhin would be a far more dangerous enemy of the GAE than Putin, though they might use this as an excuse to pre-emptively nuke Moscow to stop nukes from “falling into the hands of terrorists”.

Dharmicreality says:

I am not quite up to date on all this as we get little of independent news from Russia here. News about Russia Ukrainian war is sourced only from Western agencies. And the Indian media is anyway preoccupied with Modi’s US visit.

But I did notice the posting pattern here.

Dharmicreality says:

Yes, I got your point now once I figured out who Prigozhin is. The situation is unfortunate and any instability in Russia is beneficial only to the GAE, even if only short term.

notglowing says:

The fact that Prigozhin is jewish doesn’t bode well for Russia.

Pax Imperialis says:

The least jewish jew a jew can possibly jew.

Western Taliban says:

This explains why you were incapable of recognizing female emancipation as the source of infertility while you kept insisting that buildings magically make people stop having kids, your crimestop activated.

How much do you get paid for this shit?

Severian says:

Negotiations held with Lukashenko. Seems Wagner returning to base for now.

notglowing says:

Returning to base meaning what?

Kunning Drueger says:

I read that they’re actually breaking up into groups and setting up field encampments. there’s a distinct difference between turning around and heading home, and taking the next exit and getting a hotel.

notglowing says:

Which is why I asked. However I don’t understand how Wagner thinks they can survive a longer campaign within Russia.

Where do they get their supplies?
If they were serious they should’ve been in Moscow by now.

Kunning Drueger says:

So many clips of people cheering Wagner, hugging, waving their flag. I’m glad it hasn’t come to fighting, but if there wasn’t organic support for them, that column would have been annihilated. Either the order to bomb wasn’t given, or it was ignored.

jim says:


This presupposes it was a coup attempt. It was not a coup attempt. It was a mercenary mutiny, which are as common as mushrooms after rain.

notglowing says:

“If they were serious they should’ve been in Moscow by now.”
So, you’re saying they’re not. Which one has to conclude by their recent actions.

But I don’t think presupposing it was a coup attempt was absurd given what they were doing.

Now that they decided to negotiate and retreat somewhat, it’s become clear it can’t be an actual attempt at a coup because it wouldn’t work this way.

“he who draws his sword against his prince must throw away the scabbard”

jim says:

“coup” was a shill presupposition that I never thought plausible for an instant.

And I, and you, would have saved a great deal of time and thought by paying absolutely no attention till the dust settled. My instinct was to ignore the matter until its meaning became apparent, but first the army of shills showed up, and then you guys got agitated, so finally I took a look at the Russian language news, which had accurately reported the matter from the beginning. Yep, mercenary mutiny. How very unsurprising and unremarkable. And the shills are still posting “failed coup, failed coup, failed coup”, all of which I continue to silently suppress.

> I don’t think presupposing it was a coup attempt was absurd

Thinking that there was possibility that it was a coup attempt was reasonable. Presupposing it was a coup attempt was absurd. You were sucked in by shills. Ten sock puppets say a man is a woman ten times each, and it starts to sound reasonable.

Pax Imperialis says:

>mercenary mutiny

When they initially went to Rostov and then sat down to talk with military leadership, it looked more like a professional and polite protest rather than outright open rebellion. It was weirdly corporate businessman in style.

Calvin says:

Wagner literally is a business.

Pax Imperialis says:

Wagner is a business but it’s also a paramilitary by necessity. Paramilitaries operate differently due to being command & control and that affects the culture and more importantly the expectations.

Look, if you got a bunch of armed men talking about marching on you, you’d be worried about safety. This is what mutinies tend to imply. This is what SMD initially thought they were dealing with and why they release a video of a visibly upset Russian General chastising Prigozhin and telling them to stop.

If you got a bunch of upset business men talking about renegotiating a deal, you’d be worried about business disruption. When SMD realized this is what they were dealing with, they sat down and calmly talked with Prigozhin. It even looked friendly.

Militaries and paramilitaries generally do not promote a culture of renegotiation. This is why SMD was initially perturbed because Prigozhin acting like a businessman was a subversion of expectations… which ironically plays into your point that Wagner is literally a business.

Severian says:

Apparently Peskov is saying Prigozhin will have free passage to Belarus. Wagner units who refused to mutiny will sign contracts with MoD. The rest will not get prosecuted.
This sounds like the end of Wagner as it used to be. Remains to be seen if Gerasimov and Shoigu remain in charge.

Kunning Drueger says:

If you thought, Wagner under Putin was interesting, You’re going to have so much fun with Wagner under lukashenko.

Red says:

Considering the very real threat of NATO invading Belarus, they’re exactly where Putin needs them to be.

Kunning Drueger says:

That is actually a pretty good point. I think it’s going to take a while for them to ramp back up. I have no evidence of this, but my gut says that about 3/4 of Wagner is probably going to sign on with Russia. so it will take some time for them to get back where they were.

A lot of people see Russia and America as similar countries in different places on the globe. The reality is that Russia is a multi-ethnic society that requires a strong man to lead it because there are just so many factions. most the time it looks like a country, but it is a collection of countries that are united by choice or by force.

Red says:

Lukashenko is going to need a tight military force that can’t be bribed to protect him and advise his military. Any NATO invasion will probably start with an attempt to take him out.

Karl says:

The reality is that Russia is a multi-ethnic society that requires a strong man to lead it because there are just so many factions.

Agreed, but isn’t America multi-ethnic as well and doesn’t America also require a strong man to lead? In this respect, Russia has what America lacks.

Pax Imperialis says:

Harvard is a decentralized strongman. Everywhere and nowhere at once. Far more oppressive yet “tolerant” at the same time. A thousand minds and a thousand heresies, it wants to go in a thousand different directions at once.

Tom Thomason says:

[*sounds like Q*]

jim says:

Take the shill test.

Aidan says:

The Landsknechts mutiny after the emperor threatens to put an incompetent general in charge of them. They march towards the palace. A third party ally negotiates with them and promises that said incompetent general will be fired. The Landsknechts set up camp while they wait for that promise to be fulfilled.

Sounds like a totally normal happening that has occurred for as long as semi-private militaries have existed.

Kunning Drueger says:

this whole time, I could not stop thinking about your latest piece, among a few other things, If it had all gone pear-shaped 😉

zer says:

We’ve just witnessed the greatest nothingburger in all of modern history.

Dr. Faust says:

LMAO. I can’t agree more. If Putin did this to draw out the rats and moles it’s brilliant. If he didn’t then it’s still brilliantly lucky as the chance of any real color revolution in Russia is gone. No CIA garbage is going to be possible for years or decades. By then it won’t matter. How many CIA sleepers got made over this? How many dissidents got put on lists over their virtue signaling? It looks like the west got played as fools. Intentional or not or won’t matter.

Props to The Cominator for seeing this clearly before anyone else.

The Cominator says:

I’m not the smartest poster here im a mere high midwit but I always ask myself if something is definitely fake and look for ways it could be before I emotionally react… and this one had a lot of shit that looked fake just like with covid.

Red says:

Whatever happened, I think we can safely say that the CIA paid for a coup, got their shills to promote it and they got ripped off. Putin played the GAE again and probably all the remaining CIA assets are now burned and the bribe payments were probably transferred directly from the people “bribed” to the Russian government.

I had been wondering why the Russian government was trying to force Wagner to join the Russian military. Seemed like a nonsensical move and now we know why.

Kunning Drueger says:

The agency was more blindsided by this than they were the fall of the Berlin Wall. You could see in real time as they tried to exploit what they thought was a coup. Langley is nothing more than diversity hires and thrall whites.

this was not a Psyop. It was not 4D chess. this was a free company reminding the Lord that broken contracts have consequences.

Red says:

They’d been pushing the Wagner vs the Russian government stuff for a while now. Seems like the sort of thing they’d reach out with pallets of newly printed $100s to fund.

Pax Imperialis says:

>CIA paid for a coup
>Putin played the GAE again

I sort of doubt CIA is competent to even pull that off. No, what likely happened was that they tried to rhetoric magic Prigozhin’s MoD/Shoigu protest into a coup. There is real friction between the fighting men and Shoigu’s clique. Prigozhin never stated he was starting a coup and he never acted like he was starting a coup either. He even seemed caught off guard when Putin showed up very pissed off and mediation started almost immediately.

CIA found out that magic words have no power over Russia. They are still trying to magic dissent in Russia by claiming Putin looks weak, isolated, and afraid. It is so false it became parody.

Red says:

>CIA found out that magic words have no power over Russia. They are still trying to magic dissent in Russia by claiming Putin looks weak, isolated, and afraid. It is so false it became parody.

That’s so fucking stupid of them that it might be true. I was thinking of when the CIA paid a random Russia cop 600 million in $100s to fund a color Revolution and the Russian government picked up the money and added it their national budget for the year. Just assuming they could magic up a coup without a bribe money is completely delusional thinking on their part.

Pax Imperialis says:

>>CIA found out

I’ve got to walk back what I said. They didn’t find out. They’re delusional. Take a look at this twitter and the retweets: https://twitter.com/berlin_bridge

I got no idea who this woman is, but she stinks of CIA affiliation.

Born in Seattle, half German and half Korean-American, she was raised “between three cultures”. After a decade living and working abroad in Rwanda, China, Afghanistan, the UK, and Myanmar, she is now based in Berlin.


She retweeted Vindman who is trying to magic a Kadyrov coup. This is even dumber and more unrealistic.


Red says:

Thinking they could magic up a coup without funding is them drinking their own cool aid. The CIA’s always paid for coups and color revolutions.

Kunning Drueger says:

The CIA of history is long gone. Obama completed the purge Clint started. I think the whole IC is playing catch up trading on perceptions based on opinions from the ever more distant past. Girl Boss appointments have consequences.

Red says:

It was an excellent call. I can see why you’ve done well doing market speculation.

The Cominator says:

Not lately… Under Biden literally no one has except insider short sellers.

Red says:

I hear the same thing from my friends who do stock trading. They’re basically at break even or below hoping that things stop getting more fucked up. Inflation should be good for speculation, but Biden managed to fuck everything up.

The Cominator says:

I made two bad assumptions based on historical logic… one that they’d back off on interest rates because it wouldn’t work given debt levels, two that any decline in stocks prices due to inflation would be short lived as historically it ALWAYS has… but outside of megacaps its been 30s tier. My friend who also did it was only saved by buying deep puts.

Biden and his clique is literally a step above Pol Pot as leader and anyone who ever supported him should be crucified. I’m going to drive a truck for a while…

Red says:

>Biden and his clique is literally a step above Pol Pot as leader and anyone who ever supported him should be crucified. I’m going to drive a truck for a while…

I’m been reading that Biden will be replaced by Gavin Newsom and there’s signs that’s happening with the press actually started to mildly attack Biden over his open corruption with his Son to encourage him to not run again. Team B is trying to line up Newsom and DeSantis to be the candidates, part of railroading Trump is to get him to agree to drop out in exchange for dropping the charges. If not, they’ll just rig the primaries against him. Realistically Trump has no chance at winning without an army at his back.

Of course Newsom is the guy who destroyed California, so hard to tell if that’s an upgrade.

DeSantis has enough big money behind him now to buy the election, but when they rig the primaries against Trump he may lose just because no Republicans will show up to vote at all. We’ll see if DeSantis’s election stealing team is better than his campaign team, which so far has been hot garbage.

The Cominator says:

“DeSantis has enough big money behind him now to buy the election,”

Obama basically said Biden will be the nominee again. Obama is just an actor but he’s a mouthpiece for far more powerful people…

As far as the money this is why I think Trump’s old gang should switch to DeSantis, without the bribe money to buyout the vote counters Trump has no chance. DeSantis problem is he’s a sperg and too many other Republicans are running and Trump won’t debate.

Fidelis says:


what makes you think desantis is going to be of more use as president than FL governor? He’s done pretty good for the state but still has a ton of room for improvement. He has actual control over the place, why should he give that up to play swamp politics that he will likely lose? He’s not a caesar, and we need a caesar to play commander in chief, not a a bugocrat to lose legal games. He can take bites of imperial power, while the hive is infighting and uncoordinated, and expand the power of the florida state if he keeps picking winning fights.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Gavin Newsom? Yeah, let’s put America’s enemies on notice that the gay parades will continue at least through 2028, so any American territories, allies, vassal states, etc. that they can put boots on are theirs for the taking.

Except the Lower 48; the Mexican drug cartels have dibs on that!

The Cominator says:

I just don’t think Trump can win this time… his plan seems to be vote harder and some vague allusions to ballot harvesting but what the Democrats did was not limited to harvesting ballots from real people and that isn’t going to work.

We need to get Biden and the clique around him out ANYTHING would be an improvement and I don’t think DeSantis will be a neocon tool I expect them to get a knife in the back based on some of who his other allies are.

jim says:

Recent events show Washington, like Rome at the time of Sulla, is a city for sale. The big faction is the faction getting rich from empire. Likely Trump was removed for the same reason Kennedy was murdered: getting in the way of empire. Empire is now in big trouble. This will likely result in changes. What changes, no one knows, for if anyone knew, would have already happened.

The Cominator says:

The American empire has ALWAYS been run at an enormous loss (Trump wanted to change this a bit it was one of the best things about him) its mainly used as a pretext for our elite to fleece American taxpayers.

Pax Imperialis says:

>They’re basically at break even

Is that before or after taking inflation and capital gains into account.

The Cominator says:

Break even is only if they were doing iron condors or had deep puts against their stuff… most are probably afraid to say they are way down with this strange species of inflation accompanied with 80%+ declines in non megacaps.

The Cominator says:

I think they used their pet funds especially Blackrock to make the market decline YUGE because stock trading independents tended to be Trump type people.

Red says:

I’m sure they’re way down when factoring in inflation. No one wants to admit how fucked they are.

Red says:

Inflation been hell for me as well. I typically don’t budget, I just naturally spend far less than I earn and put the surplus in investments or savings. This last year I started eating through my savings without changing my habits at all and by the time I realized what was going on my savings where getting very low.

I missed that bitcoin buying opportunity because of it. I’m still kicking myself over that.

Pax Imperialis says:

I bought more than a few structured notes in 10k stacks a while ago. 100% down protection and 20-25% max upside after 3 years. Sounds good right? Well even if (an increasingly big if) I get max return it’s a loss when adjusted for inflation and that’s before taxes.

Inflation has been horrible for food. Costco was the hallmark of middle America and always managed to provide quality at affordable prices. Their quality control is slipping. Cheese, among other staples, is noticeably lower quality and increasingly flavorless. A mozzarella I bought recently had less flavor than 2% milk, wtf?! Costco stopped selling bags of whole walnuts and now sells bags of half walnuts with 20% walnut crumbs. Breaded meats are increasingly more oil and less actual meat. They recently had to do a recall of frozen berries due to sourcing from contaminated Mexican farms. Many more examples.

I’ve had to resorted to buying from whole foods just to have a normal dining experience.

Carte Blanche says:

Where are these 80% declines? I’ve been incredibly lazy about active management lately and just went to check my account for the first time in around 4 months, and it’s up about 20% for the year.

This is literally from doing nothing, so I don’t attribute it to any special skill or anything other than luck and circumstance. It’s not about me. It’s just that these reports of Great Depression style crashes seem more than a little exaggerated.

The Bidenreich definitely has been terrible for the stock market vs. Trump’s stint in the white house, but – and I don’t mean to offend – it sounds like you’re discovering what every over-exuberant trader discovers as he gets older, which is that it’s easy to win in the short run or in a bull market, but over a longer timeline you’ll get wrecked by unexpected (timing or magnitude) downturns and other black swan events. It’s gambling, and you might find yourself on a 5-year-long hot streak but eventually you will lose unless the game is rigged to let you win.

The whole stonk market is a giant credit bubble waiting to pop, maybe already starting to pop. Only thing I regret is not buying more crypto when it was half-price, but it’s such a pain to do on the P2P exchanges and either I don’t understand how the KYC-into-tumbler approach is supposed to protect me or I do understand and am just more risk-averse vis-a-vis the IRS than some of you.

The Cominator says:

Every non megacap that isn’t in oil basically the indexes are all heavily weighed to megacaps.
“The whole stonk market is a giant credit bubble waiting to pop, maybe already starting to pop.”
God I hate normies… there is very very little credit in the stock market now and its mostly on the short seller side. Real estate values are the ones propped up by subsidized credit. Even at the height of bull markets the amount of credit in the stock market since the 30s crash is limited.

Carte Blanche says:

there is very very little credit in the stock market now and its mostly on the short seller side

This is supposed to be a joke, right? Or maybe you’re misinterpreting “credit”, and you think I mean dimwits using actual credit cards or lines of credit or buying penny stocks on margin or something.

Most of the actual dollars going into the market are not individual investors paying cash. They’re from a combination of institutional investors, hedge funds, mutual funds, pensions, and even the individual investors are generally doing it under a 401k or some other tax incentive that works hand in glove with the above-mentioned actors. All of this is propped up by the massive credit economy and low to negative real interest rates. It cannot exist without those things, the entire FIRE economy has negative inflation-adjusted ROI and must be covered up through trade sequestration, national debt and money laundering in Ukraine.

I’m obviously not going to post my entire portfolio here, but one of the stocks in it is AMD. I just checked the chart and it appears to have nearly doubled since the start of the year. AMD is a “megacap”, I suppose? They’re a tenth of Google and a fifth of Facebook and certainly have nothing to do with oil, but ok, sure.

My biggest gainer (not going to say which) is an ETF aggregating a bunch of small cap stocks. I usually only keep it for selling covered calls, but like I said, this past half year I’ve been slacking and not doing the calls. Again, just luck.

Making excuses, lashing out against people with more experience and calling them “normies” doesn’t change the reality of the situation. I’ve watched dozens of people like you rail against everyone from BlackRock to the market-makers and even the fed, blaming them for all their losses, but attributing all their gains to their unparalleled skill. Ok, just supposing that’s all true — so what? That’s the risk you take when you bet against the house. How do you know that last quarter you weren’t just coasting off the same insties who screwed you this quarter? You don’t, can’t, unless you’re privy to a lot of confidential information and computer code that should either be making you a billionaire or an inmate in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, or both.

You’re talking nonsense, and accusing anyone who objects of talking nonsense.

The Cominator says:

“Most of the actual dollars going into the market are not individual investors paying cash. They’re from a combination of institutional investors, hedge funds, mutual funds, pensions, and even the individual investors are generally doing it under a 401k or some other tax incentive that works hand in glove with the above-mentioned actors. All of this is propped up by the massive credit economy and low to negative real interest rates.”

Yes I’ve said before in the thread I think the government is fucking with the market. All that “credit” is government funny money disguised as private money. That credit (public credit funny money) was imho mostly on the short side for the second half of 2021 thru 2022.

“I made money in American small caps under Biden” unless you had very good inside information no you didn’t you’re just lying. If you claimed you did it in global funds or something you’d be believable. You’re the one talking nonsense here. Big caps (and oil companies, maybe natural gas… i’d say defense stocks but they are all big cap) kept their value or a few like GE even went way up. Small caps were overwhelmingly massively down.

“Making excuses, lashing out against people with more experience and calling them “normies” doesn’t change the reality of the situation. I’ve watched dozens of people like you rail against everyone from BlackRock to the market-makers and even the fed, blaming them for all their losses, but attributing all their gains to their unparalleled skill. Ok, just supposing that’s all true — so what? That’s the risk you take when you bet against the house. How do you know that last quarter you weren’t just coasting off the same insties who screwed you this quarter? You don’t, can’t, unless you’re privy to a lot of confidential information and computer code that should either be making you a billionaire or an inmate in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison, or both.”

The experienced people ain’t making money either (I was one of them) unless they are in the club anymore and this was NOT the situation before Biden.

The Cominator says:

And the problem with you going hurr durr you lost playing a rigged game find a better way to make money… there aren’t that many good ways to make money anymore. The Biden administration extending the stealth command economy to stock prices (after their friends got taken for billions on the Gamestop fiasco) prettymuch makes getting ahead in America for a non-connected white guy impossible at least if you’re not willing to risk being a drug mule.

Aidan says:

The credit bubble is banks giving out an insane amount of credit to drive consumer spending and stave off economic collapse. I am a tax delinquent and have a bad credit score, and my bank is begging me to take out credit cards with ever more desperate offers when not all that long ago I had a lot of trouble getting a loan for a car despite solid income.

The banks unwisely giving out credit is ultimately the government giving out free money, the “maximize inflation to prevent depression” strategy, but the consumer is not quite biting. They are taking the free credit, and using it to pay their electric and grocery bills.

I know of some people making money by wisely short selling and day trading certain macros, but I do not have the time for that, and I don’t think they’re beating inflation by much if at all.

Fidelis says:

Most note trading games are not going to beat inflation because the inflation is not just money expansion but a giant contraction in actual goods. The physical economy is rotting away.

Carte Blanche says:

my bank is begging me to take out credit cards with ever more desperate offers

Indeed. I have good credit, so I’ve always had the standard Amex and Capital One credit card offers every other month trying to get me to sign up, but there’s been a huge ramp-up this past year in my own banks, that I already give money to, trying to get me to take on more credit traps. Credit raises, lines of credit, home loans, auto loans, student loans (I haven’t been a student for 25 years), none of which I could possibly need in my situation, but they’re not doing any research and they’re desperate.

Every month I also ignore another call from their investment branch trying to take over that part of my finances; my trading strategy may be totally half-assed but it’s a fair shake better than the pathetic returns they promise to their retail customers, and that’s before the money managers take their cut.

There is a tremendous amount of money, I want to say trillions but certainly many billions of dollars in the stock market that doesn’t want to be there. Gramma Blanche would rather put it into high-interest savings accounts, GICs and CDs, if they actually paid anywhere close to the inflation rate. Savvier traders used to play around with T-bills, T-bonds and Forex. The biggest wheels buy improbably expensive art, wine and commercial real estate, always have and probably always will. The idea that every construction worker and high school English teacher needs a professionally-managed stock portfolio is very novel, and totally ridiculous. I’m quite comfortable with options and other derivatives, but I’m a math nerd, and giving those tools to the average person is like giving them grenades — they’re just going to blow themselves up, and you have to wonder if the person giving it to them intends it.

Banking is supposed to be a boring, low-margin business, but it’s been infested by parasites going all the way back to Bank of England days, and their general strategy is use credit as an enticement for raising the “capital” needed for all their other silly-buggers games. Some of them don’t even seem to bother with the Chinese wall anymore, they’re just openly leveraging your home equity to fund their HFT adventures (amongst other bullshit).

I’m not going to waste any more time arguing the obvious: credit bubbles inflate asset values and by extension, credit crunches deflate them. FIRE is more than 20% of the US economy not because the service they offer is so valuable, but because the government gives them debt-fueled superpowers and boy, do they use ’em.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Inflation is fun when all the freshly-printed money goes to rich people, causing their stocks, real estate, wine, fine art, and yachts to appreciate in value. Not so much fun when you need a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread.

Which might never happen because John Deere, Fritz Haber, and Norman Borlaug made grain cultivation almost as easy as printing money. Instead of worrying that our children will starve, we worry that they’ll be murdered by the hordes of wild apes created by all that cheap food.

Thus we spend most of our money buying homes in ape-free neighborhoods. Or we emigrate and pay a fraction of the price for a much nicer home in an ape-free country.

Pax Imperialis says:

>greatest nothingburger
It was a pretty good bellweather test

Doesn’t matter if fake. It demonstrated how the rank and file reacted to a war hero marching in the “wrong” direction so to speak. They did not resist Prigozhin, most cheered, and some even joined. Of course, this was never a coup, but one must ask “what if?” Americans are far more discontent with their leadership than the Russians.

What this demonstrates is that America is far more coup possible.

>How many dissidents got put on lists over their virtue signaling?

None. As it turns out, there is no internal Russian opposition. Every single civilian government official and political figure rallied to Putin. He even got support from the communist party of all things.

Starman says:

@The Cominator

“I’m not the smartest poster here im a mere high midwit but I always ask myself if something is definitely fake and look for ways it could be before I emotionally react… and this one had a lot of shit that looked fake just like with covid.”

You seem to have a pretty good grug intuition on stuff like this.

Pax Imperialis says:

>grug intuition

Being able to detachedly look at information and draw conclusions is a rare trait. Talking to the masses of Discord demons one quickly finds it can’t be taught. Not grug intuition. TC has aristocratic traits, now if he would just stop fucking whores and makes a nice woman his own…

Dr. Faust says:

CNN has made itself look ridiculous. They were ready to report Putin being arrested and charged for crimes against Transkind. I woke up yesterday reading posts about “Russian Civil War II” on reddit and comparisons to the arab spring and other nonsense. BBC was more conservative in their posts which shows how detached CNN has become. I would love to say this woke people up to the nonsense they peddle but I doubt their viewers ability to reason at all. Too much vax brain fog, maybe. Or just dumb. I expect this all to be memory holed.

Hesiod says:

While the headline for the initial Fox News article on this was almost “Evil and crazy Putler fires on own troops because, well, what do you expect evil and crazy people to do?”, the content was pretty vague and half-hearted. Later on, though, it got sexed up for the neocohen circle jerk. Read the exact same verbiage from the shills haunting Unz, particularly Anglin’s articles. Alas, for GAE dreams, this “coup” is a doomed pup.

alf says:

Also to Jim, whom the news bored. lmao. Shill flurry went from 0 to 100 to 0 real quick.

Mister Grumpus says:

But seriously now. Is anyone telling me that actual GAE plants, still inside Moscow right now after all of this, would still run out, give their games away and publicly signal as pro Wagner coup after less than 24 hours of stalking horses on Facebook from far away Rostov on Don?

If they were still over 100 miles from Moscow and no one had shot at anyone yet, that does seem like a ridiculously wasteful and risky thing to do. Way more self-incriminating than putting a Coexist bumper sticker on his purple Prius.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I can imagine Prigozhin marching to Moscow, deposing the government with little bloodshed, declaring himself Tsar of all Russia, and restoring patriarchy. What I can’t fathom is why the CIA would support such a coup. The CIA wants to put Navalny in charge, triple Russia’s population with African immigrants, and turn Russia’s churches into gay nightclubs.

Carte Blanche says:

Anyone feel like posting a plot synopsis for those of us who didn’t bother following in real time? When all of the official press starts chanting in unison, that’s when I tune out, and it happened very early in this story.

From what I read: Prigozhin took a company back to Moscow, and they met with Putin and talked? Is that it? Was there some kind of grievance addressed or agreement reached?

Red says:

Wagner stages a bloodless mutiny/protest, negotiates a deal where no one involved goes to jail and the leader of Wagner is exiled to Belarus. Exactly who got what from the deal is unclear. Western media claimed it’s a coup that will overthrow Putin but it didn’t show any signs of being a coup. Why they claimed it was a coup when no one involved was claiming it as such is probably wishful thinking on the GAE’s part.

We still don’t know the details of what was going on, but Wagner is quite upset the Russia high command’s management of the war and a reshuffling may result due to the mutiny.

jim says:

Regular ground forces were strangely passive in response to the mutiny. Akhmat, not the regular army, was sent to oppose them. But somehow managed to not fight them. Some elements of the air force did fight them, but were defeated by ground to air. President of Belarus, Lukashenko, was talking for many hours to Prigozhin who was at the time rather close to Moscow with rather a lot of troops. And then the mutiny quietly evaporated.

Meanwhile an entirely real, and obviously Global American Empire sponsored, coup was being launched, and instacrushed with barely a murmer, in Belarus. Which has led to speculation that this was a faked up effort to draw out the Global American Empire operation in Belarus. I have no idea.

Carte Blanche says:

Sounds almost as opaque as it did before all the coverage started. I’ve re-read yours and Red’s replies and my only real takeaway is “gay ops”, or GAE ops.

I guess there was some sort of dust-up, more like a labor strike than anything resembling a coup, and the brain-addled, Monkeypox-infected faggots at Harvard/State believed that narrative magic could somehow amplify it into a real color revolution or provide plausible cover for a real one. That sound about right? Henry Kissinger must be laughing his ass off right now.

Red says:

Off topic:

Interesting data point on the covid vax front. A developer I work with who was jabbed 4X is no longer sick all the time after almost a year of endless low level covid infections. Several months after he stopped being sick and I’m starting to see improvements in his ability to write code. He was never the brightest coder around but after the the vaxes he consumed more resources in assistance from other developers than he produced in output. It got to the point where I urged my boss not have him work on almost anything because he was net drain on every project. He’s no longer a net drain on projects. I reviewed the code from his last project and it was much closer to what I expected from him pre-vax.

de Tatershall says:

Apparently Shoigu is out as Russian Minister of Defense as part of the Wagner deal. It will be interesting to see if a hardliner replaces him whose first order of business is a massive series of strikes on the Ukrainian power grid. If most of Kiev is without power, and this “grand counteroffensive” keeps bogging down I wonder if DOD types start thinking really hard about coming to the negotiating table.

jim says:

Probably. I hope so. I cannot see why he was not removed earlier. But we do not actually know.

Mister Grumpus says:

If anyone could give the Cliffs Notes on what the Prigozin-Shoigu beef has been about, I’d appreciate if he would.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Shoigu is a bureaucrat and tries to make everyone’s business his business. The Contractors don’t like that.

That’s the short version anyways. Getting into details can carry you down multiple rabbit holes of 30 Xanatos Pileups.

Kunning Drueger says:

I think it is important to remember that Shoigu was also pushed out and replaced by some guy whose name I cannot remember. That guy is responsible for building the military machine that executed the brilliant annexation of Crimea, as well as setting up the institutions that now form the foundation of the modern Russian military. for a bunch of reasons, that guy got sidelined and Shoigu was brought back in. I believe that guy had or has some pretty close ties to Wagner. Shoigu also has a PMC, but I don’t know the name, and I don’t think they are very special or notable.

Roger Smith says:

[*formulaic Global American talking points about the Russian peace deal deleted*] It is a FUNDAMENTAL principle of Anglo-Saxon law that no Anglo-Saxon lawmaking body is permitted to impose binding conditions on the future actions of that body. [*formulaic Global American talking points about the Russian peace deal deleted*]

jim says:

All your points are the same point in endless different variations.

Every peace deal that has ever been made is a violation of that principle. Which does not prevent future governments from changing their minds, but does cause them embarassment when they do so.

Similarly that it would be a violation of the Nato treaty if Nato gave up the right to engage in hostile warlike acts against Russia.

Your arguments do not just rule out the specific Russian proposal. Every argument you make is the same in that it rules out any peace with anyone who is not a loyal subject of the Global American Empire. They are all arguments for war without end till the entire world is conquered or destroyed. All your arguments are the rules based international order argument. If anyone is not subjugated and crushed, they are breaking the rules. Every rule you invoke is the same rule, that commands endless war till the world is conquered or utterly destroyed.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Many years ago I read a news editorial saying that it would be wrong for the Palestinian Authority to negotiate a lasting peace with Israel because every new generation of Palestinians deserves a fresh chance to realize their dream of destroying Israel.

notglowing says:

Muslims holiness spiral about destroying non-muslims. It’s why long term peace with muslim countries is difficult. If the sovereign is not willing to wage war, someone else who is more holy than him will, and will push him out under that pretext.

Mayflower Sperg says:

If that happens within or near an empire that’s not in terminal decline, your people get annihilated. See Jews in the Roman Empire or Uighurs in modern China.

Pete says:

Is this what happened to Trump?

jim says:

They killed Kennedy when he ordered withdrawal from Vietnam. Arguably they removed Trump because he would not make war with Russia and exterminate the Alawites.

Mister Grumpus says:

The Entryist with a Thousand Faces

The Cominator says:


MacGregor on the Wagner mutiny. Also he pretty openly thinks the elections are rigged.

alf says:

My takeaway from the whole incident is that big men used to communicate with their army. This is a lost art in the West, I think, certainly I was just not expecting that kind of communication. But that’s how it used to be done, and that’s the future we will inevitably return to.

Red says:

MacGregor has been consistently wrong about the war in the Ukraine. I stopped listening to him ages ago.

Yul Bornhold says:

He’s been consistently predicting big Russian advances, powerful punching attacks, which Russia has simply not attempted since the opening of the war, right? Or has he been wrong about more than that?

Red says:

There’s been 3 phases to this war:
1) Russia half ass the invasion without shock and awe, takes a lot of ground but without the manpower to hold it and fails to decapitate their foe because Putin is too soft.
2) Russia tries blitzkrieg and gets their asses kicked.
3) Russia turns to traditional attrition warfare and is slowly winning.

MacGregor continues to predict massive Russian advances every other week. These advances will eventually come but not until the attrition campaign is near completion. NATO continues to trickle high tech weapons systems in to keep this phase going forever.

Kunning Drueger says:

St. John explained it very well, and there’s no way I could do better, but I would like to comment on Macgregor specifically because I think it applies to a lot of other conservatives, Patriots, nationalists, and other potential /ourguys/.

I have noticed this trend in a lot of analysis. however smart the analyst may be, however eloquent or studied their perspective may be, they always seem to come to these wild conclusions that make no sense when the totality of the circumstances are brought into the picture. I have to imagine it is incredibly frustrating for them, like weather forecasters with great equipment looking at all the data and making reasonable predictions that never comport with reality. this is because they don’t read Jim’s blog. They keep operating from priors that are out of date. They see all the facts on the ground, but because they do not acknowledge that every state has a religion, no matter what, and because they cannot see that the constitutional republic with Democratic characteristics has been completely subverted by a permanent bureaucratic oligarchy, a PBO that has been fully owned and operationalized by a Gynocratic Bioleninist Mafia, all of their brilliant analysis and observations mean precisely dick.

It is actually quite similar to dealing with a group of people using LSD and trying to get a car started so they can go to McDonald’s or something. They have all the pieces they need, the car, the keys, the money, the desire to go to a place, and the correct knowledge that the place does in fact exist. but because they cannot fathom that the LSD is making everything unpredictable and strange, they will continue to build ever more complex plans and rationalizations for why those plans don’t seem to come to fruition. from my perspective, this comes down to acknowledgment and application of the WQ. If an analyst or observer or leader disregards the WQ, or pretends that it doesn’t exist, or refuses to acknowledge that there is even a Q, It does not matter how smart or capable or lucky they are.

I realize that this is an observation that doesn’t do much. It is also pretty obvious and everybody here already knows it. but if I can take the Liberty of giving guidance to a bunch of anonymous shitlords, I would encourage everyone here to find ways to demonstrate and reify simple truths of biology and culture to the people they interact with. Big things, big concepts, are very important, but the Cathedral worked very hard to demolish the foundation of society in the West, because they knew that if that foundation was gone, everything else was incredibly weak. so we need to rebuild that foundation. The only question that matters is the WQ.

Pax Imperialis says:

they always seem to come to these wild conclusions that make no sense when the totality of the circumstances are brought into the picture.

An old problem the Greeks took note of.

The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing


Today there’s good empirical evidence in a long running series of experiments by Philip E. Tetlock. Turns out experts perform worse than than monkeys. The more specialized the expert, the worse the outcomes. A shocking revelation for the time!

The Greeks, in contrast to us moderns, did not need such experiments to know the fox is better at prediction. Perhaps that’s why they relied on the Oracles of Daphne because even wild guessing gives better odds.

Carte Blanche says:

Jim has made some bad calls, and admitted it. What is notable with Jim, compared to abject retards like Humanity’s Greatest Genius, is that Jim exercises a modicum of self-control and doesn’t feel the need to get out in front of every single clickbait story with his too-clever-by-half hot take.

I think it is a disease brought on or accelerated by social media, or simply by being too plugged-in to the legacy news cycle. If you only have 24 hours to write your spiel and grab those sweet sweet upboats and retweets before the public loses interest, then you’re constantly compelled to blurt out the first thought that pops into your head, frenetically spamming opinions with either a shallow understanding or none at all.

There’s also the foolish desire for novelty, almost an informal publish-or-perish phenomenon. Severian – not the shill of that name here, but the blogger on Jim’s roll – demonstrates that failure mode very well. Obviously understands the disaster of female emancipation, and subsequent and incipient demographic disasters, but I guess that everything that needs to be said about those subjects has already been said, and so it feels slicker and smarter and more exciting to jibber-jabber about “information velocity” and the “bicameral mind”. His analysis is often good, but he’s reliably wrong with his predictions… and it doesn’t seem to faze him at all.

Prediction is surprisingly hard, not due to a lack of information (although information is often lacking) but because motivated reasoning sneaks in the back door so easily and never makes a sound. The only effective counter seems to be patience. On the related topic, Putin seems to be an extremely patient man and while that may frustrate some friends and well-wishers, it’s clearly been working to his advantage.

Yul Bornhold says:

When did Russia attempt option (2) blitzkrieg? I don’t remember that at all. I do remember a Ukrainian offensive in September. They took back Kherson iirc. Was that not a phase of the war because strategically insignificant?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Steel is cheap, blood is expensive, and dirt is worth less than both.

The NATO Occupied Government has been very cavalier about killing lots of Ukrainians to make colours on a map look a different colour, and kill lots of Ukrainians to prevent Russia from making colours on the map look different colours, and to date Russia has been willing to accept those trades.

jim says:

> When did Russia attempt option (2) blitzkrieg? I don’t remember that at all.

Good for you, means you are not paying attention to shill sources, because they have been talking about the failed Russian Blitzkrieg forever. Supposedly demonstrated Russian incompetence and technological backwardness, and therefore its failure was a good sign, not a bad sign, for the coming Greatest Ukrainian Counter Offensive.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

He is not wrong in the sense of his grasp of the balance of force dynamics being in line with reality, nor is he wrong in the sense of his recommended/predicted Russian actions being in line with a rational strategy of bringing events to conclusions that are conducive to the long term interests of a Russian state.

Where it goes wrong is that the Russian establishment as such has not been taking those actions, and the story of this war to date has been consistent refusal to fully grasp the nettle on the part of incumbent decision-makers in the Russian establishment.

Factors of the whig empire have an imperial mindset, in the sense that they see all places as belonging to them, and especially the highest. With such self-given sanction, no lengths are beyond the pale for the sake of their accrual, and likewise anyone standing between it and them is by definition invalid and in need of physical removal.

There are none who will prevail except those who have similar conviction, informed by the faith of carrying out Divine Law, expressing the Will of God through the Ways of God, through which comes the Power of God.

Dharmicreality says:

In other words, Russia is still not treating this as a holy war and bringing faith to the field of battle.

Makes sense why any sane regime would back off from a full fledged holy war at least initially. Taliban brought faith to the field of battle, but they were contending with a reluctant foe that was already preparing to leave their country and that made their job much easier. Also the desert cultists have been treating globohomo as a civilizational foe, which is fundamental to their worldview.

There are three possibilities why countries opposed to globohomo with notable exceptions refuse to indulge in holy war:
1. Normality bias.
2. Fear of the GAE’s perceived military and economic might.
3. The costs of waging a full fledged holy war is quite high.

But I believe the biggest weakness of all these leaders opposing globohomo is only normalcy bias, a belief that ultimately it is possible to make a deal with the Adharmic Empire.

The Cominator says:

Mac’s been wrong about total Uke collapse because

1) Russia has not been willing to advance out of the Donbass since the Ukrainians were actually stupid and crazy enough to fight (confirming my very very dim view of nigsocs) and I think until the mutiny Putin decided he in fact wanted to fight a war of economic attrition against NATO where he used cheap shells and some Chinese supplies against whats left of the American economy in a reverse Reagan. The mutiny will likely as he says force an offensive.

2) To touch an economic point NATO and the West started really draining everything to supply Ukraine and the Ukranians haven’t mutinied and rioted yet… any reasonable person would have thought before this either Western supplies or Ukranian morale would have been cut.

Neither has happened…

jim says:

> any reasonable person would have thought before this either Western supplies or Ukranian morale would have been cut.

Well, it is happening. The offensive began with far too few shells and not enough tanks and armored personnel carriers, and now has rather fewer, and as for morale, I recently watched a video where a Uke officer goes into a trench with a roof on top and orders the men to get out of the trench and attack. They refuse. He walks out, and throws a grenade in. Which confirms the video of a Bradley firing upon three Ukrainians in a trench looking after a wounded soldier in the trench.

When you are doing that kind of stuff, collapse is not far off.

The declaration of total mobilization in the middle of the offensive indicates a reversion to Bakhmut tactics of grabbing fresh meat off the streets and throwing them into the front line a few days later after they have had a training that consisted of firing five practice rounds. The idea of the offensive is that they have a large reserve of fresh troops long trained and well trained in wonderful Nato tactics with wondrous Nato wonder waffen. “Total mobilization” indicates that in the middle of the offensive, that reserve is running short.

Ukrainians are continuing to advance. And continuing to run out logistics and men willing to fight.

Red says:

When you are doing that kind of stuff, collapse is not far off.

I’m seeing the same thing and I’ve barely been paying attention to the war in the last month. How that collapse plays out, harder to say. But once it starts Russia will advance largely unopposed unless NATO forces are tossed into meat grinder. Russia’s winning this war and the tide of attrition will soon enough turn into a wave.

Jamesthe1st says:

When he describes the state of the battlefield and current strategic positions he is good. The predictions he makes are more unreliable.

notglowing says:

Now that the dust has settled, what the hell was going on with ISIS and muslim terrorism during the 2014-2016 period? I believe everything started when they beheaded those american journalists and put the video on the internet.

Attack after attack, with authorities officially condemning them, but really condemning the awful verbal violence against muslims in response, and jailing people for leaving bacon in front of a mosque or expressing any amount of dissatisfaction towards the most peaceful religion.

At the same time, ISIS, who were ostensibly inspiring (organizing?) the terrorism from far away, were gaining ground and basically created their own pseudo-country.

Some here pointed out that ISIS folded soon after Trump got elected, and the terror attacks stopped at the same time. I beg to differ.

I clearly remember how the latter stopped several months *before* the 2016 election. Not after.

I also clearly remember some (was it the official media?) speculating that muslims or ISIS had stopped their terrorism before the election because they didn’t want it to cause Trump to gain votes.
ISIS cares so much about Infidel’s opinions now? They stopped in order to stop Trump’s election? They can just stop these?
Nah. That’s an absurd idea.

ISIS did reveal itself to be a paper tiger as soon as Donald stepped in and had them destroyed, apparently.

But ISIS being a paper tiger is not the real issue here, at least it’s not the whole story.

Were governments complicit in intentionally letting terror attacks happen?
Because at the time, that would’ve seemed a little odd to me.
They were certainly complicit in the sense of wilfully not doing enough about muslims *in general*, but that is very different from actually wanting said attacks to happen.

Back then, every muslim terror attack seemed like a crack in the official narrative of liberal european governments, that muslims were nice and we could live with them. Politicians spent time even sometimes minimizing them. With Khan famously calling it “part and parcel” of living in a “modern” big city.

The attacks actually served to energize the right wing, and legitimized their concerns.

Some countries never experienced any. Was it just a matter of demographics? If this was planned from the top, why would that matter? Italy for example. Maybe you can prove me wrong and look this up, but there were no major incidents of terrorism that I remember. There was just one incident with a bus driver which was stopped and seemed very improvised.

Italy should be a prime target for muslim terrorism, however at the time the official explanation was that our secret services are just that good at stopping them, because we had decades of political terrorism, and then mafia related stuff.

If this was not just tolerated, but actively allowed by governments, why? I can come up with an explanation, which is basically the same as leftwing riots. Being punished for criticizing them, and being punished for defending yourself against them, results in lefties gaining power. So we could call these events just another humiliation ritual, where accepting them and moving on despite its objective horror is the whole point.

It does fit the general leftwing modus operandi, but it doesn’t really work because muslim terrorism itself was never openly glorified the way rioters were. And it didn’t really help their cause overall, in my estimation.

The most straightforward explanation would be that ISIS did in fact inspire these acts through its existence, by energizing radical muslims against the country they happened to live in.
For some reason the US government was unwilling to actually do something about ISIS so they decided to condemn anyone complaining about terrorism instead.
Trump stepped in, made them do their job, ISIS lost, and the energy dissipated.

It doesn’t explain why they stopped prior to the election. Maybe the truth is, the US was already dealing with ISIS just fine, and they just happened to deal the final blows around that time.
This is just my occam’s razor, simple explanation that assumes little foul play.

The final issue is how right after muslim terrorism was out, “white nationalist” terrorism was in. These pretty much didn’t happen at the same time. One stopped, and the other began afterwards.

It’s probably the most suspicious problem. I’ve always wondered how much “right wing terrorism” is legitimate, and how much was inspired by government agents, and how much of it is entirely a psyop.

People on our side like to claim all of it is fake, but only in some cases is there concrete proof. I do feel like the general public has stopped believing it, especially with recent events like the pajeet dropping a nazi flag or “nazis” supporting deSantis.

notglowing says:

I may have misspelled my email but it is definitely me.

Adam says:

I don’t know what kind of answer you are looking for, but there is Muslim terrorism in every city in the west every single day. They are conquering their enemy with demographics.

The Cominator says:

Muslims were on a rampage from a little before 9/11 until Bin Salman’s coup when he stopped funding it and also stopped letting other Saudis do so.

Bwana Simba says:

Wikipedia paints that guy as modernizing the Saudis’ empire, bringing feminism and other values to the land. Is that true? Does that mean the Saudis lost the fight with the west? Will Islam fall to progressivism?

jim says:

Islam has been falling to progressivism for some time.

Check out the proportion of females in whore school.

But I don’t think Bin Salman is in their pocket. My interpretation of his policy is that he has blown off Islamic legalism, not Islam, and they are interpreting this optimistically, much as they are reporting the war in the Ukraine optimistically.

The Cominator says:

He let women drive cars but I think you can still beat your wife in Saudi. I think a lot of the purdah rules were eased but purdah and the dress code were always the kind of gay elements of Islamic law on women… beatings being legal and arranged marriage are more important.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

ISIS like al-quaeda before it primarily derived animating impulse from the USIC. The chaos of the whig empire ‘fighting terrorism’ with one hand while creating it with the other is its typical mode of being throughout its existence.

jim says:

Isis was primarily armed and funded by the Global American Empire, but this was not for the most part a conscious act of cynical real politic, but rather self deception and self delusion. The money and arms they poured into various places to kill people and destroy stuff in areas controlled by governments that declined to submit to color revolution went astray. They seemed awfully relaxed about it going astray, and to this extent, cynical realpolitic. But they did not consciously think of it that way. They did it, they knew they were doing it, but they did not altogether admit to themselves that they were doing it.

embeveraged commuter says:

I kinda remember a fair share of the muslim terrorists were set up by glowies. Those glowies might have moved on to trying to create right wing terrorism instead. Would be interesting to compare timelines of muslim attacks slowing down, articles about ‘right wingers are the real terrrorists’ from journos and glowie agencies, and the Christchurch shooting.

Muslim terrorism helps because you take people’s rights away on the premise that you’re fighting against brown invaders. Switching to right-wing terrorism makes sense if you are too far down the purity spiral for a less than perfect narrative.

notglowing says:

Please let my far-too-long post asking questions about ISIS through, I seem to have misspelled my email and it got moderated. I don’t have a second copy of it, unfortunately.

Also I’m gonna take this chance to ask how do you properly quote on this blog?

alf says:


Comments follow HTML script. The way to quote is

[blockquote] quote here [/blockquote]

but replace [ and ] with < and >

then you get

quote here

jim says:

<blockquote>quote here</blockquote>

is displayed as

quote here

Standard html

alf says:


Red says:

Big Serge on the “The Wagner Uprising”:


KD link:


;TLDR Russian government was nationalizing Wagner, IE eliminating it. Wagner rebelled against it and lost. If this take is correct, Putin’s shooting himself in the foot in getting rid of Wagner.

Roger Williams says:

This guy is a midwit. Wagner didn’t lose. They got to the Rubicon unopposed and decided to head home for reasons unknown. My theory is Putin had Prgozhins family at knife point. I believe his daughter lives in Moscow.

Kunning Drueger says:

You are too dumb to be a shill. Shills have better scripts. So you are just an idiot that posts dumb things.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You could lurk moar for a few months and then start posting again, and I bet you might actually contribute. as it stands right now, you should probably head back to Reddit.

Red says:

I don’t know KD, we’ve been getting some really stupid shills of late. Had one pushing resource depletion the other day. I have to wonder if it’s the first generation of NiggerFaggotBot AI being tested here.

Roger Williams says:

What are both of your net worth? Remember, wealth tracks closely with IQ.

Western Taliban says:

wealth tracks closely with IQ

If you believe this you are quite stupid yourself. While Elon Musk’s wealth comes from his talents, Obama’s wealth comes from being a nigger that can vocalize like a human being and read from a teleprompter. Let’s not even get into all the rest of the gay swamp creatures, each more worthless and degraded than the previous.

But since you’re talking about it, what is your net worth? Common sense demands you start with yourself if you’re asking such questions, just like giving your name before asking someone else. And provide proof, I want to verify the information on that portfolio.

Pax Imperialis says:

There is a 70-90 IQ wealth cluster but outside of that dead zone correlation becomes very, very small. Practically zero.

>Obama’s wealth comes from being a nigger that can vocalize like a human being and read from a teleprompter.

A surprisingly hard task for the common folk. My first job was in the trucking industry. We had to read out loud the safety regulations. Most had trouble doing that and were very stilted in their recitation. They weren’t dumb, well most of them weren’t. They had very good intuition and fairly average reasoning with good hand eye coordination. They were just average joes, but vocalizing like a human from recitation requires a certain level of acting/grace which they just don’t have.

Dr. Faust says:

Make sure to stay up to date with all your vaccinations.

Aidan says:

Considering the open market prices for teenage virgins, I am a multimillionaire.

In reality, the correlation between wealth and IQ inverts, and higher IQ predicts less wealth, once you get past midwit.

Pax Imperialis says:

Correlation for wealth is r=0.16, or pretty damn small. The correlation also does not invert with higher IQ as it appears correlation goes to zero. I interpret this as high IQ individuals can choose how much wealth they wish to accumulate while low IQ are more dependent on “fate.”


Aidan says:

Sorry, I meant relative to the midwit- average income declines after 130iq

Pax Imperialis says:

meant relative to the midwit- average income declines after 130iq

The reason why is interesting. Partly due to breakdown in correlation, sample size issue, and market distortion.

The Genetic Studies of Genius found about 50% of high IQ kids became doctors, lawyers, and other high income earners. The other 50% ended up as pool cleaners, janitors, and similar. A coin flip on being high income or low income (ok, I might be exaggerating but it’s a simplification that’s true in spirit). Separating the data from <130 doesn't give a negative correlation. It finds a very flat correlation. Average income declines after 130 IQ partly because correlation between intelligence and IQ almost completely breaks down.

Sample sizes after 130 start getting really small really fast. Say you've got a million normies with about a .0001% chance of becoming a billionaire. You'd expect at least one to massively pull up the average. Top 1% of earners skew average income upwards. US median income is only $31,000. The average is more than double at $71,000. Suppose geniuses were 100 times more likely than normies to become billionaires. With a sample size of 1400, about the same as the study, you'd likely not even get one. Even at 1000 times more likely there's still something like 25% chance probability of not getting one.

Then there is the empire I mean government factor. WW2 minimum IQ requirement for Officers was 120. The 120 guys were the dumb ones. There were many well above that. Even with declines by 1980 the average for Marine Officers was 131 and if there was a standard distribution around that… that’s a lot of the nation’s geniuses (and above 130 generally) getting paid not much more on an hourly basis than a well off janitor. A quick estimate puts US military Officer population in 1980 at 330,000 (let’s assume half, or 165,000, are above 130) or so. US population in 1980 was 226 million. Faction above 130 is about 4.5 million… so about 3.65% of them got soaked up by the military Officer Corps at military pay scales (not great). SNCO. Special Operations, and other highly specialized technical enlisted MOS tend to be pretty smart too. Their pay is even worse. So let’s suppose ~8% of the nation’s brightest ended up in military. Then add in about a million DoD civilians who skewed towards technical jobs, 100,000 various types of engineers. Now we’re about ~10% of the smart faction in DoD alone not even counting contractors. Add in State, FBI, etc, etc. All those people being paid at below market rates for cognitive ability. So let’s pull some number out of our asses as say ~15% of >130 is serving the empire uh, I mean government in 1980. While the government on average has definitely gotten dumber, the empire cough government has only gotten much, much larger. The size has roughly doubled since 1980, so again let’s pull a number out of our asses and say ~20% of the smart faction is working at GS pay scale. That doesn’t do wonders for average income distribution for above 130…

Jehu says:

I know a reasonable number of folks in this category. Most of them haven’t really chosen to maximize income or even wealth. All of them are very comfortable though. Some are priests, quite a few are technical folks, a few were military officers (pretty sure they aren’t anymore), and one is even a homeschool mom.

Pax Imperialis says:

The Priesthood takes a few. A great theologian is going to be very smart, but the Priesthood doesn’t take that many men in general, nor that many 130+ men overall. Nothing like managing the imperium argh democratic free world.

Skippy says:

Smart people should be smart enough to understand the game, so they should optimize for reproductive potential rather than raw income.

May say more about the utility of income than the utility of IQ in achieving one’s goals.

Aidan says:

The reason why is quite simple. Imagine being in college and stating something in what you consider plain straightforward English to a professor, and their response is a nonsequitor that shows that they did not and could not understand the point. Makes you real disillusioned with sticking it out for a higher level degree. And pushes you toward doing a job in which, as long as you are creating value, you don’t have to explain yourself to somebody who is dumber but more powerful than you. Which rules out most fake email jobs.

Mayflower Sperg says:

Smart people should be smart enough to understand the game, so they should optimize for reproductive potential rather than raw income.

Exactly. A million dollars a year is worthless if it obligates you to live in a country controlled by homos.

My kids in the US got rainbowed by people I trusted, so I moved to Russia to start a new family. There’s no overt faggotry here but there are strong independent women and female judges. Feminism and homosex are two sides of the same coin because men can’t be husbands if women don’t want to be wives.

If I find a decent wife in the city, great, Russia gains a bunch of loyal nerdlings who’ll become missile engineers or some such. If not, I’ll give up computers, cellphones, and internet, and join the Old Believers. Reproduction is more important than electricity.

Skippy says:

On a less extreme level what’s the return of pumping iron 15-20 rather than studying? Reproductively, probably greater.

Of course there’s no reason you can’t do both. But yet the nerd stereotype of men who actively avoided making themselves sexually attractive, but were smart, is and was very real. These people didn’t understand the game. That they went all-in on working to serve an employment system that never even promised them pussy shows they are more domesticated than smart.

Carte Blanche says:

…high IQ individuals can choose how much wealth they wish to accumulate

Plausible. The slightly-above-average seem to have a way of getting mired in details and losing the big picture. An acquaintance of mine is obsessed with accumulating because of this reason or that reason, always looking for some new money-making scheme, always willing to try to shake down or backstab employers or peers to get ahead, and never seems to be satisfied with what he gets. Meanwhile, I set things up so that my cost of living is near zero (just food and utility bills, really) and work Dutch Hours on whatever projects tickle my fancy. Which of us do you suppose is happier and less stressed?

I’m sure I could earn more, but why should I – just to have more money to buy Globohomo’s gay plastic trash? Nah.

Skippy says:

“I interpret this as high IQ individuals can choose how much wealth they wish to accumulate while low IQ are more dependent on “fate.””

Basically this – they also get better at spending money. Most of the worst deals are aimed at the middle classes.

c4ssidy says:

chud will have marble fountain-palaces and virgin wives on mars in the 2080 dome city of Jim which will have laws generated by high priest AI interpreting this blog and its comments, which with its superior social tech will eventually envelop the solar system and then the vacuum pretty much at C until Christ re-arrives, until then it is no shame to be broke because we’re oppressed, is that not basic doctrine? Where would Werner von Braun be positioned if he was born in current year?

Red says:

If wealth tracked closely with IQ then Issac Newton and Richard Feynman must have been the richest men who ever lived. Wealth tracks closely with men who can organize other men into creating value. It takes intelligence but it’s a different skill set from what most really high IQ men have.

For instance: Woz was much smarter than Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs created far more value than Woz was able to create on his own and was much wealthier because of it despite not being all that smart. Woz never did anything useful with his life after he left Apple. He played Tetris and sent his scores to Nintendo Power instead of inventing better computer systems because he didn’t have a man like Jobs directing his talents.

Pax Imperialis says:

Richard Feynman (125 IQ) is a really interesting outlier in Nobel Prize winners (145 average). He had the highest score in the nation on the Putnam mathematics competition exam by a big margin and reportedly the highest scores on record for the math/physics graduate admission exams at Princeton, yet his notes contained misspellings and grammatical errors. Then when one listens to him speak, he’s kinda average and it’s clear that he has difficulty at times.

This indicates high Spatial IQ but Full Scale IQ getting tanked by much lower Verbal IQ (does someone want to work out the math on that?). This is unusual for Whites who tend to have similar Spatial and Verbal IQs. They are either both high, both normal, or both low. In that regard he is cognitively similar to East Asians who tend to have higher Spatial but lower Verbal, the opposite of Jews with low Spatial but high Verbal. Feynman becomes even more remarkable in light of this since both of his parents were Jewish.

Wealth tracks well with ability to social network which tracks well with Verbal IQ. If a person is the best Violinist in the world, do they really exist if no one else knows about it? If they don’t exist there won’t be concerts with paying audiences. Feynman, for all his fame, had a paltry $1-$5 million in wealth by the time he died. So roughly $13 million by today’s money when adjusted for inflation. Stephen Hawking in spite of his disability managed to monetize his fame much better than Feynman, the better Physicist. At death he was worth $20 million in 2018, or say $25ish million today (God Damn that’s a lot of inflation in just 5 years!). Had Hawking been able to speak freely without machine aid, he’d likely have made even more money.

What this demonstrates is that highly competent men who are bad at social networking really ought to hire good publicists… but they don’t because they’re generally too socially awkward to even do that. Or in the case of Woz, too damn lazy/addicted to Tetris.

Red says:

What this demonstrates is that highly competent men who are bad at social networking really ought to hire good publicists… but they don’t because they’re generally too socially awkward to even do that. Or in the case of Woz, too damn lazy/addicted to Tetris.

Pax you fail to grasp how flighty super intelligent people can be. Given a lack of something useful to focus on they’ll spend their time with crap like alchemy like Newton spent 1/3 of his life on. To get the most of out intelligent people they need to be focused and motivated, which is what people who are good at organizing men do, which is why they end up the wealthiest. Even with Newton it was his friends who were poking and prodding him to ground breaking mathematics and science, without which he didn’t produce much of anything.

Woz wasn’t given anything innovative to do at apple in the last 5-10 years he was there so he just got lazy and eventually left.

Pax Imperialis says:

>Pax you fail to grasp how flighty super intelligent people can be.

Stop acting like an overly legalistic pharisee. I was clearly talking about a subset of high IQ people who were not great at monetizing their cognitive value. Feynman is a clear example of an under monetized yet industrious and non flighty super intelligent people. On that topic so was John von Neumann (well sort of, he was in a class of his own).

Super intelligent people know they can just coast through life and at the same time be fairly comfortable. Therefore many end up perusing any number of their fancies. Even in that case my comment on having a good publicist still holds.

his friends who were poking and prodding him to ground breaking mathematics and science

A good publicist isn’t just outward focused, but also someone who pokes and prods the talent into success. Anyone in Hollywood will say the same. Steve Jobs was Wozniak’s greatest publicist. Without Jobs, no one would have known Wozniak even existed and he would never had been given interesting tasks to work on. People have to know you exist in order to utilize you.

The Cominator says:

The problem with highly intelligent people is they have trouble functioning in midwit hierarchies and real high IQ often has some kind of price where you’re a sperg or bipolar or something and actually sometimes are not particularly good at low level menial task.

The midwit hierarchy problem was not so bad before the civil rights movement when IQ tests were actually used and lots of high positions required high IQ (as it should be) but in clownworld its a crippling problem especially with women everywhere.

Red says:

Stop acting like an overly legalistic pharisee. I was clearly talking about a subset of high IQ people who were not great at monetizing their cognitive value.

We’re getting into another argument where we talk past each other points and getting no where besides pissing each other off.

ten says:

Looks like your media is reporting on your circle jerk speculations/disinfo.

“Only by being so very evil did those dastardly russians survive being so very weak. We were entirely right despite looking entirely wrong, we just could not envision such evil.”

Tell it to Darya.

Red says:

Lets your Wife’s boyfriend know his aids test came back positive.

Red says:

Off topic, pretty good DS article:


KD link:


They decided to downplay it for a while, but this is what homosexuality is, and the fact that some people who claim to be Christians have gone along with this is beyond the pale.
You have to either:

* Surrender your children
* Ban gay

There is no third option.
You either follow the Bible, or you are in league with the devil.
It’s not currently clear where these people pushing back actually stand. Maybe they’ve realized what is wrong. The “two consenting adults in their own bedroom” hoax was very popular among the boomers, and these Jewish “conservative” news outlets are still pushing that.
I don’t know if these people are canceling pride only because of the kids stuff. But there is something happening.

Red says:

I can’t vouch for the accuracy of this video on the Wagner Mutiny because it’s on youtube but I found it quite interesting:


This youtuber regally gets shit on by the NAFO fags on youtube, so he might be somewhat on the money.

The number of troops sent to Moscow was quite small, it was never coup from the looks of it.

alf says:

This is the obvious explanation no?

We live in an era of politicans and bureaucrats. As much as Russia has a more live warrior society than the west, its bureaucrats still wield more power than the warriors. Prigozhin was fighting an uphill battle from the start, and that he lost his Russian PMC privileges is in retrospect not the biggest of surprises. But through the mutiny he did give them a last middle finger and no doubt a minor heart attack.

Red says:

The ironic part is copying Wanger tactics while doing away with Wagner. I doubt that will work out well. The Wangerates will chafe under the rule of a of thousands of faceless Bureaucrats who are safe thousands of miles from the front. Warriors want leaders who share danger with them and Prigozhin did that.

In putting down one PMC and taking the best of it’s men into it’s army, they may find those men in the army now have ideas of their own.

Putin should have put Prigozhin in charge of the war after his repeated successes and told the Bureaucrats to obey or get fucked. Ukraine would quickly fall. Alas, being insecure an elected dictator, he’s more afraid of competent men than he is of losing a war.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

“The repairing of things is often the older work to which the newer work of making the same things is added. The Japanese used this method with great success when they began imitating Western Goods during the late nineteenth century. At that time, Japan’s economy was suffering severely from cheap Western imports with which her own manufacturers could not economically compete – or could not make at all. Among the imports were bicycles. They had become enormously popular in Japanese circles.

To replace these imports with locally made bicycles, the Japanese could have invited a big American or European bicycle manufacturer to establish a factory in Japan, much as the Soviet government has recently invited Renault and Fiat to establish automobile factories in the Soviet Union. In short, the work could have been transplanted into Japan from somewhere else. Or the Japanese could have built a factory that was a slavish imitation of a European or American bicycle factory. They would have had to import most or all of the factory’s machinery, as well as hiring foreign production managers or having Japanese production managers trained abroad in foreign factories. In short, theirs would have been an elaborate and costly enterprise, and one more likely than not to bog down in other, unanticipated difficulties.

What the Japanese did instead was to build up their own bicycle manufacturing industry by adding new work to older divisions of labor, just as if they had been innovating. It has become a classic example of successful “economic borrowing,” as imtation is called when it is encountered historically.
After bicycles had been imported into Japan, shops to repair them had sprung up in the big cities. In Tokyo, the repair work was done in great numbers of one-man and two-man shops. Imported spare parts were expensive and broken bicycles were too valuable to cannibalize for parts. Many repair shops thus found it worthwhile to make replacement parts themselves – not difficult if a man specialized in one kind of part, as many repairmen did. In this way, groups of bicycle repair shops were almost doing the work of manufacturing entire bicycles. That step was taken by bicycle assemblers who bought parts, on contract, from repairmen: the repairmen had become “light manufacturers.”

Far from being costly to develop, bicycle manufacturing in Japan paid its way right through its own development stages. Moreover, most of the work of making appropriate production was added to the Japanese economy too, gradually and in concert with the development of bicycle manufacturing.

The Japanese got much more than a bicycle industry. They had acquired a pattern for many of their other achievements in industrialization: a system of breaking complex manufacturing work into relatively simple fragments, in autonomous shops. The method was soon used to produce many other goods and is still much used in Japan. Parts making has become a standard foothold for adding new work. Sony, the enormous manufacturer of communications equipment, began, at the end of World War II, as a small-parts shop in Tokyo, making tubes on contract for radio assemblers, and was built up by adding to this the manufacturing of whole radios (for which some parts were bought from other suppliers) and then other types of communication and electronic goods.”

“In 1975, the Shah of Iran signed a contract to build an immense helicopter factory in Isfahan. The chief contractor was Textron, which set up a subsidiary in Euless, Texas, to handle development of the helicopter itself. The factory construction was subcontracted to Jones Construction Co. of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Jones delegated the electrical portion of the factory to Howard P. Foley Co. of Washington DC; Foley in turn employed six electrical wholesalers– e.g. S-Tran Products of Alexandria, Louisiana, which in turn subcontracted the switching gear to General Electric, involving plants in Texas, North Carolina, Illinois, and Iowa. Jones subcontracted the air conditioning and plumbing to Sam P. Wallace Co. of Dallas, Texas, whose net of sub-subcontractors embraced 150 companies.

The Shah thought he was buying development, making Iran into an advanced nation. But all he was buying was a factory, though an immense one. What he needed in order to actually be developed was what he couldn’t buy: the web of thousands of companies that together enabled to US to build that factory. ”

Trying to get Wagner results by copying Wagner ‘tactics’ is like trying to make Urban Youths into mathematicians by copying mathematician tricks. Cargo-cultism. You are never going to get the same results without the same generative principle.

The force structure/OrdBat of Wagner is famously opaque to outside analysis beyond the fact of ‘they’re all wagner’. This is mainly because it operates largely as a cell network where the commanders/local lords can dispose of his cell as he sees fit, with the CEO/king acting in like kind for the organization as a whole, having the choice to take on or get rid of anyone in their team for any reason or no reason at all, and the adaptiveness of disposition to a situation is downstream of this discretion.

Which, obviously, does not pattern-match with any particular configuration of a more stultifyingly proceduralized bureaucrat-army.

Fidelis says:

What a fantastic exerpt, what are you quoting from?

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Jane Jacobs, “The Economy of Cities” and “Cities And The Wealth of Nations” primarily. Many tasty nuggets like this couched in purple-pilled framing, the typical frailty of 20th century works even when relatively above average.

In this case the red-pill is the perennial observation that it is organization, not labour, that is the primary limiting factor in capital creation, which is then purpled with a blue-pilled equivocation of this dynamic with the magic dirt of the city itself. Recommended reading for a critical eye in any case.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

Bonus round:

“Workers could only build cars as good as the parts they were given. At NUMMI, many of the parts came from Japan, and were really good. At Van Nuys, it was totally different.

The team concept stressed continuous improvement. If the team got a shipment of parts that didn’t fit, they were supposed to alert their bosses, who would then go to suppliers and engineers to fix the problem. All the departments in the company worked together.

But Ernie’s suppliers had never operated in a system like that. If he asked for fixes, they blew him off. And if he called Detroit and asked them to redesign a part that wasn’t working, they’d ask him why he was so special–

they didn’t have to change it for any other plant, why should they change it for him?”

“There was no vocabulary, even, to explain it. So I remember, one of the GM managers was ordered, from a very senior level– came from vice president– to make a GM plant look like NUMMI. And he said, “I want you to go there with cameras and take a picture of every square inch. And whatever you take a picture of, I want it to look like that in our plant. There should be no excuse for why we’re different than NUMMI, why our quality is lower, why our productivity isn’t as high, because you’re going to copy everything you see.”

Immediately, this guy knew that was crazy. We can’t copy employee motivation, we can’t copy good relationships between the union and management. That’s not something you can copy, and you can’t even take a photograph of it.”

“You had asked the question earlier, what’s different when you walk into the NUMMI plant? Well, you can see a lot of things different. But the one thing you don’t see is the system that supports the NUMMI plant. I don’t think, at that time, anybody understood the large nature of this system.

General Motors was a kind of throw it over the wall organization. You know, each department– we were very compartmentalized, and you’d design that vehicle, and you’d throw it over the wall to the manufacturing guys.

And they had to deal with it. And, I mean, you’re in there. You’ve kind of put your heart and soul into making this whole team concept work. And now you’re the messenger that has to go out and say, look, guys, even though this is the way the system’s supposed to work, and these are my issues, I’m not going to be able to solve them, and you’re going to have to deal with it.

And it was destructive. It was detrimental. I mean, no question about it.

You know, they never prohibited us from walking through the plant, understanding, even asking questions of some of their key people. I’ve often puzzled over that– why they did that. And I think they recognized, we were asking all the wrong questions. We didn’t understand this bigger picture thing.

All of our questions were focused on the floor, the assembly plant, what’s happening on the line. That’s not the real issue.

The issue is, how do you support that system with all the other functions that have to take place in the organization?”

TheDividualist says:

100% this whole thing is really a throwback to the old Moldbuggian “insecure power is bad” – Wagner is not the only private army there. Kadirov has one, too. And others. Putin is not secure.

And this why I think the whole shit is fake. Prig does not need that much fuel to fight in Bakhmut. Why on Earth would Putin give him enough fuel to go from Bakhmut to Rostov?

alf says:

The fuel thing sounds silly to me. How hard is it to save and/or buy some extra fuel.

Wulfgar Thundercock III says:

Logistics is the most important part of war, and fuel is always at a premium. Having enough fuel to move a significant amount of men hundreds of miles A humvee gets about 8 miles per gallon. that means to move one 800 miles you need a hundred gallons of diesel. Scale that up so you are moving thousands of men in hundreds of similar vehicles and bringing tanks, which get their fuel efficiency measures in gallons per mile, and that is a significant logistic burden. Probably in the hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel.

zfnb says:

A bunch of armored vehicles carrying men with guns roll into your truck stop, fill tanks, and roll out without paying. Who’s going to argue with them?

Aidan says:

Presumably they stopped at the gas station to fill up. American gas stations on interstates handle daily traffic from hundreds of long-haul semis that get 5mpg. Should be able to accommodate a small army of 5-7000 men.

Red says:

That’s how the Germans did it during the invasion of France.

jim says:

Legalizing what has already been happening.

The use of digital currencies is limited in Russia due to restrictive legislation including President Vladimir Putin’s 2020 law on digital financial assets, which legalized cryptocurrencies but banned their use for goods and services.

However, Russia’s Finance Ministry has recently pointed to the benefits that digital currencies can offer, such as no correspondent accounts, instant transactions, and practically no compliance procedures, which should be taken into account in foreign trade.

“Russia’s Finance Ministry … benefits … no compliance procedures, … foreign trade.”

Yup. Been there, done that.

Countries cannot transact in fiat, because they cannot trust each other’s bankers. They cannot transact in gold, because moving it is difficult. So …

I am already finding bitcoin useful to purchase physical things internationally from countries outside or on the borders of the Global American Empire.

In the long run, the price of bitcoin is ultimately driven by its usefulness a medium of exchange in international transactions. The price of bitcoin is currently above that which is justified by its current use in international transactions, because I and many others expect that use to increase.

The current price of bitcoin reflects expectations of its future use a medium of exchange. The events that followed the events in the Ukraine has resulted in considerably more use as an international medium of exchange.

notglowing says:

The thought of Russia eventually legalizing Bitcoin worried me for a while, because sanctions and the war could have constituted the perfect premise to find the political capital and the coordination to crush crypto in the west.

It would be a problem if it was evil Russian currency used to kill homosexuals.

However it seems like China (at least through HK), Singapore, and the US are turning in favour of cryptocurrency at the same time as Russia.

And this is *after* we suffered the worst attacks yet from regulators, who appear to be relenting.

If BlackRock and Fidelity are filing for ETFs it must mean the Cathedral is turning in favour of it.

jim says:

The enemy’s plan now is co-option and entryism. As they did with Christianity and, with partial success, did with Islam. The embrace of the enemy is more deadly than suppression.

notglowing says:

If Bitcoin cannot survive attempts at controlling it, it was never going to work as a global currency.
Because there is no such thing as a fair and free market between countries.

What needs to happen is having multiple countries fight for control over it, reaching some sort of equilibrium, where, for example, China, Russia and the US have state sponsored miners trying to prevent the others from gaining 51% control allowing for censoring and reversal of transactions.

Miners in each country will approve transactions their sovereign approves.

If anything, I believe that if they try to control it, it will turn out to be a poison pill for the US financial system.

jim says:

This outcome has me worried. Mining is dangerously concentrated.

But, repeating. Cannot do transactions internationally in fiat when the bankers are untrustworthy and untrusted. Cannot do international transactions in gold, because difficult and dangerous to move long distances.

This foreshadows a huge upmove in bitcoin. Also a huge attack to get state control through the dangerously concentrated miners.

notglowing says:

I am worried. Worried, but optimistic.

Adam says:

I stumbled onto the wiki page for Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen President and a general in the Russian national guard.

On 10 March 2011, Human Rights Watch reported that since Chechenization, the government has pushed for enforced Islamic dress code.[96] The president Ramzan Kadyrov is quoted as saying “I have the right to criticize my wife. She doesn’t [have the right to criticize me]. With us [in Chechen society], a wife is a housewife. A woman should know her place. A woman should give her love to us [men]… She would be [man’s] property. And the man is the owner. Here, if a woman does not behave properly, her husband, father, and brother are responsible. According to our tradition, if a woman fools around, her family members kill her… That’s how it happens, a brother kills his sister or a husband kills his wife… As a president, I cannot allow for them to kill. So, let women not wear shorts…”.[97] He has also openly defended honor killings on several occasions.[98]

Jimian word for word. I wonder if those guys are looking for help.

TheDividualist says:

Thinking aloud. Is it really nothing vs. killing? How about just beating women? But beating without a real threat of killing might not suffice. In fact, women like to get beaten. (One firm slap in the face > 10 PUA crap about being ripped and talking all dominantishy. Slap and they *swoon*.) Only if the beating carries a threat of escalating to killing it works for changing their behaviour.

Of course true patriarchy would be legalising killing. Note that it would be actually done very rarely as just beating with a threat to escalating to killing should work.

It is really like if you want peace with women, prepare for war.

Given he admits he cannot do that even his regime is not 100% there.

Adam says:

Anything is better than nothing. Passing an easy shit test will hurt a woman’s feelings for a moment, and that is certainly better than failing one.

TheDividualist says:

Wagner Mutiny: what if the whole thing is fake? Russian troops driving 800 km a day on Russian roads, with Russian-maintained vehicles? With tanks, whose tracks would have to be replaced twice for such a distance? Not even with trucks. Why would the state even give them that much fuel? They claim they basically teleported from Bakhmut to Rostov.

Oh and Prig apparently forgot about $48M lying around in cash, in a location that is quickly found. Because when you are trying a real coup, cash to bribe people or reward loyalty is an option you don’t want to have?

SJ says:

Well I think the whole thing is fake and it’s just a big TV show but I think a lot of things everyone here would consider batshit crazy.

S says:

That was Cirno’s (twitter) theory- a massive psyop. Get people to declare loyalty, have Wagner be seen as independent, ramp up, and mess with Western intelligence.

I don’t have the background to evaluate any of the claims. It sounds plausible but they could have done that in other ways that don’t involve military units shooting at each other.

ten says:

Tanks were on their transport trucks unless deployed, like in rostov.

They probably have a lot of fuel and can get a lot more relatively easily, don’t see how that would be a problem unless they get cut off, which there was no time for.

They were not in bakhmut, and did not teleport. There are hours between prigozhins “missile strike aftermath” video and rostov.

Prigozhin has an office building in saint petersburg. Obviously his office building gets raided. And obviously he did not have time to make a detour twice as far away as moscow.

Bad points.

There just aren’t any realistic gains for russia to psyop this. But sure, it looks weird and dumb, so you wonder if there’s something more to it.

zfnb says:

[*deleted for unexplained claims*]

jim says:

If you have inside information, how do you know?

Kunning Druegger says:

The “Russia is a gas station with a nuclear arsenal” memeplex is so tired. It’s been demonstrated, very clearly, that Russia is not a backwards shithole full of dumb people. Of course they are a real country, meaning there are all manner of losers, layabouts, and lascivious harlots. But there is an honest to God move towards nationalism, natalism, and a reawakening of the elites. The idea that Russians are incompetent is pure projection on the part of negrolotrous GAE shills trying to obfuscate the decline in the West. One need not become a Russophile to acknowledge that they are actually fighting to survive, and that they are withdrawing from the GAE sphere.

Pax Imperialis says:

“Russia is a gas station with a nuclear arsenal” memeplex is true which is why GAE is having such trouble dealing with them. “Flyover states are just farmland and ranches” memplex is in spirit true. Blue coastal cities do not sustain life. GAE, in true Gnosticism, sees material production as evil, uneducated, backwards, and all other manor of inversion.

Jamesthe1st says:


The media has moved from saying that accusations of gays being pedophiles is homophbic to now saying it has always been this way and here’s why that’s good.

Cataclysm Reawake says:

*pederasts. “Pedophile”, like “racist”, is an ahistorical word invented in the 20th century.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for reporting from a parallel universe*]

jim says:

A universe where all dead white males were faggots and anyone who admires dead white males is a faggot. Also all indications of intelligence and wisdom are indicators of faggotry.

Neurotoxin says:

Those of you who bit down on the “net worth” question failed a shit test. The correct response was to ignore it. Treat people like that like women: The rule of thumb is not to be reactive when they try to get a rise out of you.

Jew Saudi Lovepuddle is Your Demise says:

[*deleted. Take the Mueller shill test*]

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