party politics

Days of Thunder

Trump’s inauguration was shock and awe.

In his speech he echoed Oliver Cromwell’s address to the Long Parliament, the first Thermidor in the history of English speaking people against the first left singularity. Did he know he was echoing it? Has he been at the history books? Probably at least some of those around him have.

But Oliver Cromwell’s coup against the long parliament was only the beginning. Cromwell had the upper hand, but the government just kept on getting lefter anyway, until he dissolved the Rump Parliament.

It has begun, but is far from over. People were stunned to see that the executive order rescuing the J6 hostages and the executive order stopping the invasion took effect immediately “Huh, you can just do that?”

Upcoming crises: Avoiding War with China, Russia, and the enemies of Israel, organising an orderly and dignified retreat of the Global American Empire from the Globe to its natural ocean borders. Making the decree that there are only two sexes, and these determined before birth, stick. Making the anchor baby executive order, constitutional amendment by executive order, stick. And of course, the unexpected. Things are going to happen that should have been foreseen, but were not.

It is normality bias to think that the upcoming Supreme court case on anchor babies matters. Whether these executive orders have actual effect is going to be resolved in a different way.

Augustus Caesar had military victory and death squads, and it still took him twelve years to get the Roman government in order. Trump has none of those, but he has made an impressive start.

We have long said that America’s problems are coup complete. When Trump was president, but not in power, and the presidency was in power, we often said that Trump should perform an autogolpe against the presidency. Trump has issued a pile of executive orders against the presidency, which look very like an autogolpe. That the border orders and the hostage rescue took effect makes it likely that the autogolpe will take effect. But, on the other hand, even after sending most of the long parliament home, Cromwell found it heavy going, and so did Augustus Caesar.

If Trump’s decrees subjecting the presidency to the president stick, all his decrees will stick, including constitutional amendment by presidential decree. If they do not, none of them will stick. I am still keeping my head down because I do not want to be J6ed.

I have long predicted that the resolution of this crisis will take place in a bloody and dreadful manner, and I still predict it will take place in a bloody and dreadful manner, but the very worst outcomes, hot genocide of legacy Americans and nuclear war, have just become considerably less likely.

15 comments Days of Thunder

Calvin says:

Cromwell’s opponents were considerably less gay and brown.

Epimetheus says:

All this talk about annexing territory is how Augustus and Trajan talked at their map tables.

Trump doesn’t want to be President anymore. He wants to be Emperor.

I hope he achieves his triumphs and renovates the White House into a gigantic White Palace, and that his sons and grandsons dissolve democracy. It’s so unnatural to be ruled by women, catamites, and orphans, all of them broken by their want of a monarchy (ie. a father).

Hesiod says:

Making the decree that there are only two sexes, and these determined before birth, stick.

Neither Trump nor Vance looked much pleased this morning during the national prayer service when dyke priestess of Moloch Mariann Edgar Budde rambled on about alleged gay children now fearing for their lives. Seems the novel Victoria offers a rather interesting way of dealing with unrepentant Episcopal harridans.

Bob says:

> Cromwell’s opponents were considerably less gay and brown.

Today’s DeepState is considerably far more numerous, dependent, and powerful than Cromwell’s.

Trump’s circle absolutely must forge ahead with the purging, fire and send at least 10k, thousands of them home this week…

A million of them by March.

The hammer must keep dropping, at least something big every week for at least two years.

And use every rationale and meme to make it stick, from budget debt, to pointless Communist Lifer-Party, to efficiency, to Constitutional Patriotism, whatever.

Bob says:

> dyke priestess of Moloch Mariann Edgar Budde

Wtf was Trump thinking going here? They new she’d be there and hard to defeat. They could have snubbed her and gone to any other church within range. Even a half-based Black church could have been better. Is proximity that critical.

Is he really baller enough to take on the gay Papacy too?

Was his failure to take oath on Bible a protest?

dave says:

Times have changed.

Vances reaction immediately went viral as a message to everyone the the heretic is low status, and worthy of nothing more than scorn.

Joey says:

> Vances reaction immediately went viral

Cant find it, if he said something, do you have a vid link?

Fidelis says:

The White Terror is game on. It’s time for a vicious putsch to consolidate as much real power into the hands of the Divine Right before the enablers find their spirits weakening.

Install into the highest positions you can, select for family men with many well behaved children. Bonus for God-fearing men, but as our oldest heresies justify infertility, many children is an outward sign of piety. Don’t worry too much about trials or revenge, it’s not time yet, the battle has only begun.

Bob says:

Leftist Soros ACLU has filed lawsuits against the Birthright decree, one of their citations being…

In under a minute one finds Common Law basis that Islam (being loyal to none other than itself, invasive, and against all others) is immediately disqualified from any notion of Birthright. Even residency.

Many similar “enemies” and “invasive” argument can be made, and that “freeloaders” burdening the country into debt, and those who refuse to integrate, learn the language, come to mutual aid, expect the right of the nation but give no shared right or invitation to their communities (inter-job inter-marriage inter-cookout), are ultimately enemies, and at least holding themselves as different clans in the same space as others, thus are a psychological drain on society.

9 II. The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance…
the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the king’s dominions, were not natural-born subjects, because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the king.

So even all those Afghan / Refugee plane flights that just got canceled, were very rightly canceled for reason.

NO one has obligation to accept incompatible and/or adverse migrants.
Further, look at policy of other countries, US has let in far more percentage than any other in history, and countless major countries (CN, JP, Islam, etc) admit citizenship and/or full rights to almost no one, yet they demand the US let in the migrants they export.

The entirety of Old Law, and Natural Law of DNA, is people are welcome under common Faith, and Good Will, and Self Supporting. This prevent destruction and downfall. Any Woke Hubris attempting to break that Natural Law will eventually suicide itself and its Nation.

tldr sauce;

Btw, how about canceling that multi-thousand dollar US renouncement fee, and giving renouncers back their “social-security” “retirement” balance they never used yet.

Jamesthe1st says:

Even the 1960s civil rights regime is on the chopping block, Trump just revoked Johnson’s order that Federal Contractors must use Affirmative action.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for presupposing that the 2022 elections bore any relationship to what most people voted for*], expect most private businesses to continue being anti-white by choice. [*deleted for grotesque detachment from reality and radically rewriting the history of the Biden years*]

Jim says:

> expect most private businesses to continue being anti-white by choice.

Expect businesses that make that choice to continue rapidly going bust even faster than they already are.

ayyylmao says:

Death to America.

Jim says:

This seems a very stupid comment when American patriots intend to pull empire back to its natural boundaries, the oceans.

KimDotcom says:

Pray for Kim Dotcom. He has some serious medical troubles, and is still under massive extradition duress by the USA. He has a nice big family that needs him, and a lot of people who love him.

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