Days of Thunder

Trump’s inauguration was shock and awe.

In his speech he echoed Oliver Cromwell’s address to the Long Parliament, the first Thermidor in the history of English speaking people against the first left singularity. Did he know he was echoing it? Has he been at the history books? Probably at least some of those around him have.

But Oliver Cromwell’s coup against the long parliament was only the beginning. Cromwell had the upper hand, but the government just kept on getting lefter anyway, until he dissolved the Rump Parliament.

It has begun, but is far from over. People were stunned to see that the executive order rescuing the J6 hostages and the executive order stopping the invasion took effect immediately “Huh, you can just do that?”

Upcoming crises: Avoiding War with China, Russia, and the enemies of Israel, organising an orderly and dignified retreat of the Global American Empire from the Globe to its natural ocean borders. Making the decree that there are only two sexes, and these determined before birth, stick. Making the anchor baby executive order, constitutional amendment by executive order, stick. And of course, the unexpected. Things are going to happen that should have been foreseen, but were not.

It is normality bias to think that the upcoming Supreme court case on anchor babies matters. Whether these executive orders have actual effect is going to be resolved in a different way.

Augustus Caesar had military victory and death squads, and it still took him twelve years to get the Roman government in order. Trump has none of those, but he has made an impressive start.

We have long said that America’s problems are coup complete. When Trump was president, but not in power, and the presidency was in power, we often said that Trump should perform an autogolpe against the presidency. Trump has issued a pile of executive orders against the presidency, which look very like an autogolpe. That the border orders and the hostage rescue took effect makes it likely that the autogolpe will take effect. But, on the other hand, even after sending most of the long parliament home, Cromwell found it heavy going, and so did Augustus Caesar.

If Trump’s decrees subjecting the presidency to the president stick, all his decrees will stick, including constitutional amendment by presidential decree. If they do not, none of them will stick. I am still keeping my head down because I do not want to be J6ed.

I have long predicted that the resolution of this crisis will take place in a bloody and dreadful manner, and I still predict it will take place in a bloody and dreadful manner, but the very worst outcomes, hot genocide of legacy Americans and nuclear war, have just become considerably less likely.

203 comments Days of Thunder

Calvin says:

Cromwell’s opponents were considerably less gay and brown.

Epimetheus says:

All this talk about annexing territory is how Augustus and Trajan talked at their map tables.

Trump doesn’t want to be President anymore. He wants to be Emperor.

I hope he achieves his triumphs and renovates the White House into a gigantic White Palace, and that his sons and grandsons dissolve democracy. It’s so unnatural to be ruled by women, catamites, and orphans, all of them broken by their want of a monarchy (ie. a father).

Hesiod says:

Making the decree that there are only two sexes, and these determined before birth, stick.

Neither Trump nor Vance looked much pleased this morning during the national prayer service when dyke priestess of Moloch Mariann Edgar Budde rambled on about alleged gay children now fearing for their lives. Seems the novel Victoria offers a rather interesting way of dealing with unrepentant Episcopal harridans.

Bob says:

> Cromwell’s opponents were considerably less gay and brown.

Today’s DeepState is considerably far more numerous, dependent, and powerful than Cromwell’s.

Trump’s circle absolutely must forge ahead with the purging, fire and send at least 10k, thousands of them home this week…

A million of them by March.

The hammer must keep dropping, at least something big every week for at least two years.

And use every rationale and meme to make it stick, from budget debt, to pointless Communist Lifer-Party, to efficiency, to Constitutional Patriotism, whatever.

Bob says:

> dyke priestess of Moloch Mariann Edgar Budde

Wtf was Trump thinking going here? They new she’d be there and hard to defeat. They could have snubbed her and gone to any other church within range. Even a half-based Black church could have been better. Is proximity that critical.

Is he really baller enough to take on the gay Papacy too?

Was his failure to take oath on Bible a protest?

dave says:

Times have changed.

Vances reaction immediately went viral as a message to everyone the the heretic is low status, and worthy of nothing more than scorn.

Joey says:

> Vances reaction immediately went viral

Cant find it, if he said something, do you have a vid link?

Hesiod says:

The archdyke certainly has the spotlight on her today, though nothing extraordinary so far unearthed beyond bog-standard virtue-signaling professionally to rise through the Cathedral hierarchy and being rewarded lavishly accordingly. May her newfound infamy yield her bitter fruits.

The Cominator says:

I’m just wondering why the fuck anyone from the Trump admin was even there. The only denominations that can maybe be trusted are like Southern Baptists and Pentecostals. The rest are all converged fag churches. The mere fact a woman was speaking tells you not Christian.

Hesiod says:

It is emblematic of the spiritual rot in the US, and having it broadcast to the world may be the entire point of the exercise from Trump’s angle. He’s a natural showman.

Hesiod says:

CNN today gave Budde a stage to further thump her wizened bosoms, but no one trusts Pravda anymore. Unlike four plus years ago, X, the platform formely known as Twitter, is amplifying instead of censuring the serpentinians’ true form.

orthodox_uber_chad says:

The orthodox church would beg to disagree. I want no hostility toward my right leaning protestant brothers, but please never infer we’re a globohomo church ever again. Outside of the ecuminist problem among some of the Greeks, we are the most anti-fag church you will find. And unlike pentecostals, we understand history.

Jim says:

> Outside of the ecuminist problem among some of the Greeks,

I think you are being unduly kind about Greek Orthodoxy.

If it is not rotten to the core, there is a lot of rot there and it is getting alarmingly close to the core.

Then there is the issue of the Logos, and the tendency of Orthodox countries to lag technologically. The enormous strength of Established Anglicanism from 1660 to around 1820 or so is that it just flatly accepted that the Logos of John was the Logos Spermatogenesis of the Greek philosophers. That the material universe is the manifest will of a God that cannot change and cannot lie, and that the true faith goes all the way back to Adam through the line of Melchizedek. Which makes science and technology a worthy and holy endeavour, despite the propensity of scientists to dabble in theological issues and come up with heretical opinions.

When I argue in another place with the Orthodox about theology, they have a pile of heresies that the Protestants rightly rejected as contrary to scripture and the earliest Church traditions. Some of these heresies, a lot of them, are about matters unknowable and incomprehensible to humans. I regard discussion of those as silly, and think the protestant revolutionaries should not have cared either — that they were going overboard on purity and were holiness spiralling on purity. But some of these heresies are bad for science, and thus for technology, and some of them, notably the perpetual virginity of Mary, are bad for family, reproduction, and patriarchy.

Of course the protestant heresy that marriage is not a sacrament, or is and is not a sacrament, is also very bad for family, reproduction, and patriarchy. But Orthodoxy made the sacrament “I do”, instead of “with this ring I thee wed” some time about 1600AD, Roman Catholicism around 1100AD. They are all bad, just the protestants are generally even worse on this.

orthodox_uber_chad says:

And for the record, pentecostalism was quite literally created by women and niggers in the 1900s and inherently tied up in feminism and race communism. No, they are not all like that now. But it needs to be pointed out.

Southern baptists are generally fine folks. Just terrible theology and no social technology. I still consider them close allies.

Fidelis says:

Orthodox as far as I can tell are still basically a rounding error in the US churchgoing population. In this context I believe he is referring to Christian denominations active in the US, so it was not some intended insult to the Orthodox. We often discuss the relative health of the ROC here.

In regards to the public spectacle, I would consider it intentional only if they then very publicly defrock the woman in pastor’s clothes. Perhaps literally on camera, as a humiliation ritual, but at least on paper and in church hierarchy. My guess is they are rolling with the Christian Nationaist thing, and some moron intern set up this non-sermon without having any clue what they were doing or why.

The Cominator says:

Yeah I didn’t mean the OC sorry but I’m not sure they even exist in the district of corruption.

Fidelis says:

The White Terror is game on. It’s time for a vicious putsch to consolidate as much real power into the hands of the Divine Right before the enablers find their spirits weakening.

Install into the highest positions you can, select for family men with many well behaved children. Bonus for God-fearing men, but as our oldest heresies justify infertility, many children is an outward sign of piety. Don’t worry too much about trials or revenge, it’s not time yet, the battle has only begun.

Bob says:

Leftist Soros ACLU has filed lawsuits against the Birthright decree, one of their citations being…

In under a minute one finds Common Law basis that Islam (being loyal to none other than itself, invasive, and against all others) is immediately disqualified from any notion of Birthright. Even residency.

Many similar “enemies” and “invasive” argument can be made, and that “freeloaders” burdening the country into debt, and those who refuse to integrate, learn the language, come to mutual aid, expect the right of the nation but give no shared right or invitation to their communities (inter-job inter-marriage inter-cookout), are ultimately enemies, and at least holding themselves as different clans in the same space as others, thus are a psychological drain on society.

9 II. The fundamental principle of the common law with regard to English nationality was birth within the allegiance…
the children, born within the realm, of foreign ambassadors, or the children of alien enemies, born during and within their hostile occupation of part of the king’s dominions, were not natural-born subjects, because not born within the allegiance, the obedience, or the power, or, as would be said at this day, within the jurisdiction, of the king.

So even all those Afghan / Refugee plane flights that just got canceled, were very rightly canceled for reason.

NO one has obligation to accept incompatible and/or adverse migrants.
Further, look at policy of other countries, US has let in far more percentage than any other in history, and countless major countries (CN, JP, Islam, etc) admit citizenship and/or full rights to almost no one, yet they demand the US let in the migrants they export.

The entirety of Old Law, and Natural Law of DNA, is people are welcome under common Faith, and Good Will, and Self Supporting. This prevent destruction and downfall. Any Woke Hubris attempting to break that Natural Law will eventually suicide itself and its Nation.

tldr sauce;

Btw, how about canceling that multi-thousand dollar US renouncement fee, and giving renouncers back their “social-security” “retirement” balance they never used yet.

Jamesthe1st says:

Even the 1960s civil rights regime is on the chopping block, Trump just revoked Johnson’s order that Federal Contractors must use Affirmative action.

Anonymous Fake says:

[*deleted for presupposing that the 2022 elections bore any relationship to what most people voted for*], expect most private businesses to continue being anti-white by choice. [*deleted for grotesque detachment from reality and radically rewriting the history of the Biden years*]

Jim says:

> expect most private businesses to continue being anti-white by choice.

Expect businesses that make that choice to continue rapidly going bust even faster than they already are.

Fidelis says:

As has been pointed out here and elsewhere, this is a genuine concern. The true believers have had power for quite some time, and the half believers have been eating it up for quite some time.

Many companies are unprofitable zombies anyway, propped up by cash injections. It would befit us to inject that cash into younger companies, while cannibalizing the productive population from the old. Would fix the bottom up true believer problem. The left couldn’t do this because nothing they make or touch works, the right can do this because we are emblematic of adherence to natural law itself, so we are the party of what works.

Jim says:

Yes, anonymous fake often has valid points. He is not a regular shill. But his comments are full of the same old same old payload. I got tired of debating his payload, he never responded, just repeated the payload.

And he has real point, which he makes over and over again, about the corrupt and degenerate woke corporate elite. Which he blames, of course, on capitalism, and thinks that their wealth should be confiscated for the priesthood of Harvard. Somehow he never talks about the corrupt and degenerate, and now, stupid, Harvard professoriat.

On the other hand, the leading type specimen of the corporate elite is Musk, richest man in the world, one of the smartest, perhaps the smartest, and insanely productive and hard working.

And Trump’s new rich and powerful friends do not seem all that degenerate. When the Biden Gestalt was in charge, the corporate elite was all woke. Today, I predict you fill find they are all based. They will all experience the same remarkable light on the road to Damascus that Zuckerberg experienced. Those of them that are not yet based will become based if and when Lori Chavez-DeRemer purges the department of labor.

Time for a post criticising Mark Andreesan.

Zuckerberg is a slimy Jew, and obviously his remarkable conversion is adjusting his sails to the wind, everyone knows he will switch back if the tide turns. But he is doing a thorough job of converting. Working on his manliness. He really is doing the real thing, not just superficially. He wants to fit in with the based, as he formerly wanted to fit in with the woke. He seems genuinely delighted to shaft the legacy media that he was formerly funding, and the entire right shares his delight.

Never be so anti semitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world, and I think Zuckerberg is genuinely delighted to shaft the white liberals he was formerly forced to fund.

Like Mohammedans, Jews are unreliable allies, though unreliable in a different way. But today, and for at least the next four years, he is a genuine ally. He funded the first open source AI, which has been a real and valuable contribution. He is our ally.

Bix Nudelmann says:

“Never be so anti semitic that you forget that white liberals are the worst people in the world.”

First and last prayer bead in the Jim Rosary.

T says:

Moses Harman was a white liberal (not a kike), and recently I learned:

Harman, as the primary writer for the paper Lucifer The Light-Bearer, extensively expressed his political opinions, with a primary focus on advocating for women’s rights. He strongly criticized marriage, viewing it as a system that subjugated women to men and the state. His writings in Lucifer The Light-Bearer sparked discussions and debates about gender equality and challenged societal norms of his time. The paper was home to many letters, petitions and articles that discussed societal and political changes for women in America.

Lucifer The Light-Bearer, huh.

They have been telling you who they are all along.

T says:

Probably the worst thing the Jews did in recent memory was the falsification of HBD science involved in the Boasian Anthropology cult. The white liberals believed “all men are created equal,” but they also believed themselves to be scientific and empirical, and so the Jewish charlatans of the Boasian Anthropology cult made stuff up out of whole cloth, following the typical disingenuous Middle Eastern pattern, to concoct a fake, anti-Darwinian, “scientific” rationale and basis to the satanic cult of Race Denialism.

Hitler removing the snipdick pathological liars from Europe was not a bad thing.

But the Jews did not really destroy any social technology that had not already been destroyed — or at least on a certain path to destruction — when they came up with the 20th century kikery ideologies.

T says:

It’s all very ironic, because one of the points usually brought up in favor of the Jews is their participation in science, high verbal IQ and all that. But in this case, and in some others, the Jewish involvement in “science” was negative rather than positive – they corrupted social science to justify all sorts of leftism, with particular emphasis on anti-Darwinian lies.

Then again, to be fair to the Jews, some Jewish scientists were themselves part of (real) HBD research and even Eugenics, and clearly not all Jews are allergic to WN, particularly if it’s not a frothing-at-the-mouth Hitlerist eliminationist variety. But the bulk of Jews chose to be in league with Satan, unfortunately.

Anyway, as I suggested in the previous thread, all this isn’t super politically relevant, because, again, the healthy social technologies had already been dismantled, or in the process of being dismantled, when the ((())) showed up with all the semitic tricks.

Restoration of such GNON-compatible social technologies will likely entail physically removing lots of Jews — possibly will literally have to kill millions of Jews, oy vey, though the scope of the de-semitization would probably depend on Jewish repentance rates, and a growing minority of Jews are repenting with this or that level of sincerity, so should be sent home to Israel rather than to the woodchipper — nevertheless the vast majority of hostile memes and of antisocial technologies predate the Jewish influence.

Wignats always redirect discussions away from deeper history and unto muh 20th century, because that’s the only way to maintain their Judeo-centric worldview, and because it’s so much more convenient to hate Jews for having practiced circumcision for millennia than to hate John Harvey Kellogg for introducing it in the late 19th century to the Anglosphere. They aren’t particularly keen on discussing the 19th century, to say nothing about earlier times, because they seek to reduce all discussion to (ethnic) ingroup-outgroup rather than examine the culpability of their own ethnic ingroup for the current state of affairs.

The Kansas Liberal became Lucifer, the Light Bearer on August 24, 1883. According to Harman, correspondents and patrons in other states objected to the local flavor of the name Kansas Liberal; moreover, “Liberal” was overused, Harman felt, in the names of periodicals. Lucifer made a compelling and fitting short title. As the herald of dawn after the black night of the Age of the Gods, the morning star, Lucifer, would appropriately shine forth from the Kansas plains. Benjamin Tucker exulted in Liberty over the name change: “A very happy thought! Quite the best name we know of, after Liberty!”

Of course a certain calculated perversity figured in taking a name that had, in addition to luminary connotations, a diabolical one. Harman wrote that while we do not adopt the reputed character of any man, god, demigod or demon, as our model, yet there is one phase of the character of their Lucifer that is also appropriate to our paper, viz: that of an Educator. The god of the Bible had doomed mankind to perpetual ignorance—they would never have known Good from Evil if Lucifer had not told them how to become wise as the gods themselves. Hence, according to theology, Lucifer was the first teacher of science.

Henceforth the paper received many comments about its name from earnest freethinkers as well as from choleric clerics. Harman Excerpt from front page of Lucifer, 13 July 1901 Courtesy Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas always seemed to enjoy printing their letters and replying to them. Those who considered liberalism the work of the devil very soon had a suitably named periodical to attack. When the editors later became involved in affairs that were even more shocking to the orthodox than liberalism was, the name of the paper appeared as a burning prophetic vision.

Wignats are suspiciously silent about all of this.

T says:

Of course, when speaking of “Jewish repentance,” it’s crucial to distinguish that of Havel’s Greengrocers like Zuckerberg, who should make aliyah and play soccer with Palestinian skulls, and the very fake and very insincere “repentance” of the Ezra “Cold Spike of Fear!” Klein types, who are now trying to dodge the oven and retcon the recent past, and should never be allowed to dodge the oven – voluntary advocates of the satanic priesthood go in the woodchipper.

T says:

At root, wignats particularly of WASP extraction (which is most of them, it being a primarily American phenomenon) want you to constantly think about SCHLOMO THE HAPPY MERCHANT because they don’t want you to think about Ezra Heywood and Victoria Woodhull.

Which does not make Mr. Merchant a pleasant addition to the social fabric. Usually the very opposite is the case. My position is that Hitler should have cooperated with Zhabotinsky.

T says:

White people are more honest than Jews, so while the white leftists said “all men are created equal” and accordingly destroyed all social technologies and put antisocial technologies in their stead, it took swarthy semitic conmen and “activists” like Franz Boas to commit and instigate enough (anti-)scientific fraud to usher in the age of race denialism in globohomo aka the age of infinigger.

Now, in France, leftism became negrophilia independently of Jews. They had been importing and worshipping shitskins long before evil Jewish mind control rays told them to do so.

Gay Nigger Communism, however, would not have taken its current shape, and the Gay Nigger Communist Barack Obongo would not have been elevated to the status of high priest of woke, without heavy Jewish pseudo-scientific (satanic) involvement.

And yet – the actual dismantling of social technologies predates the Jews, and as in the case of France, would probably have led to something akin to GNC eventually, though it would obviously look different without all the Jewish movements KMac complains about. The rot, at any rate, runs very deep.

The Cominator says:

My experience with Jews is that they (in a very lawyerish way) prefer to twist words without technically outright lying.

T says:

Leftists are liars in general, but it was a specific group of leftist Jewish liars — Boas, Gould, Lewontin, Montagu, and their friends — who pioneered the field of pseudo-scientific justifications (as such, and fundamentally: demonic theological impetus) for the progressive state religion, aka leftist social science. They literally fabricated their findings to give credence and a jolt of energy to race denialism, out of leftist ideological motivation. That’s something that Moldbug should mention, but does not.

T says:

The fundamental problem is that Moldbug thinks that leftism (in all its forms) derives from Man’s most noble impulses, rather than his most wicked.

Jordan Peterson is literally more redpilled than Curtis Yarvin, at least when it comes to the true nature of the Left.

T says:

In fact, and ironically, Moldbug is so loyal to the Blue Tribe that he would throw the Jews under the bus for it. He wants the Blue Tribe to continue ruling humanity, with or without Jews in the elite class. His actual program is not very good, to use an understatement, and Neurotoxin’s Yarvo-skepticism is perfectly justified. I don’t like Moldbug’s plan, and have been consistently proposing alternative options.

Bix Nudelmann says:

The “Age of Infinigger” holy shit.

Now that’s a meme.

T says:


It is a serious issue, though. Does anyone actually want the same group of people that brought us the gay, the nigger, and the communism, to continue ruling indefinitely through the American Regime?

If Trump does the autocoup, I truly hope he will go all the way and destroy the Priesthood of Harvard (the Priesthood of Satan) completely. Let the good, honest leftists repent; but the vast of majority of them are neither good nor honest, and whatever their ultimate fate, they should not be leading humanity’s collective memeplex.

And if not Trump, then someone miles to the right of Trump will get the job done.

Bix Nudelmann says:

You bet your ass it’s serious, and nothing says “serious” like a diamond-hard meme that punches a hole through everyone who hears it, like a damn bullet.


It’s a one-word drive-by hit-and-run TRUTH ASSAULT. Everyone gets it, everyone knows what it means, everyone knows that it’s awful, and everyone knows that all their fancy “anti-racist” pretty-talk has always been harmful-nay-criminal bullshit, right from the start.

In one word!

T says:

Yes, it does neatly encapsulate the “AT LEAST I STILL HAVE THE CONSTITUTION” memes and Sailer’s most famous graph. Lothrop Stoddard condensed into a single word, evocative of that all too familiar sense of negro-fatigue, born of both life experience (such as being mugged by reality aka Basketball-Americans) and being force-fed melaninized goyslop one’s entire life.


Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

All so named as wignat are employees of the federal government or sponsored by tentacles thereof.
Therefore, the proper term is fednat, ‘federal nationalist’, not wignat, ‘white nationalist’.

T says:

Therefore, the proper term is fednat, ‘federal nationalist’, not wignat, ‘white nationalist’.

In essence you are correct, but “wignat” stands for wigger nationalism, not white nationalism.

The fednat is the astroturfer. The wignat is the soccer hooligan who takes the bait. As for classic, coherent, doctrinaire White Nationalism, it was great (not nearly as great as Throne-Altar-Freehold, but still great) at the time of Lothrop Stoddard, Madison Grant, etc., but alas the Lavenders took over it too, with predictable consequences.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

I know, I’ve heard it before.

You simply cannot get around the formal homonymity between wignat and white nationalism and white and or nationalism and the spiritual implications in thought and discourse thereof and no amount of spergmatic hair splitting can change that. It’s the path of least psychological resistance. It is a term that ineluctably contains an insoluble and inseparable grain of subversion within it.

T says:

It is a subversive term if the intention or implication is that there is anything wrong with White Nationalism as theory or praxis. But it is still a distinct phenomenon, and it should be possible to address it as such.

It’s like the difference between Jewish Nationalist Avraham Stern and Jigger Nationalist Itamar Ben-Gvir, long suspected of being a fed. The former was not less radical; he was in fact more radical, e.g., he sought the Third Temple. Soccer hooligan types are naturally drawn to the latter, and one should be able to discuss the — rather unpleasant — characteristics of Jigger Nationalists, whatever the implications are (if indeed there are any) for Jewish Nationalists.

Pseudo-Chrysostom says:

>But it is still a distinct phenomenon, and it should be possible to address it as such.

Certainly; thus, fednats, entryists, shills, and communists.

For all the mental real-estate our hypothetical trashy underclass occupies, it’s remarkably hard to find any examples of this bird out here in the world that are not literal fed assets.

T says:

Just as there is schizo bait, there is Sin of Cain bait, and in both cases, for every one 120 IQ manipulator, should realistically expect at least four or five genuine 95 IQ dupes, who (in the case of Harvard’s fed-op victims) will usually exhibit wigger traits, hence “wigger nationalism,” though they may not in fact be either white or nationalist, and are often neither. And the underclass is full of just such people.

Schizo bait is Ancient UFOs and so forth (remember Kookanic? Yeah, that), Sin of Cain narrows your worldview to (usually ethnic, but could be other things entirely – radfems, for instance) ingroup-outgroup and suggests or demands that you kill ’em and take their stuff, or maybe just kill ’em. Of course, sometimes you do need to kill many people, as in fact I very regularly suggest. But the point is that by redirecting all or virtually all of your bloodlust towards the enemy “outside” — who may well be a formidable foe! — the manipulator “inside” is left free to continue preying on you. Hence, in this case, Harvard fed-ops that always somehow end up redirecting people away from Harvard and towards this or that enemy outside.

The wignat dupe is possessed of the Sin of Cain, and though he will indignantly swear up and down that his motivations are totally not leftist – yeah, not falling for it. The truth is that aggression against the outgroup is often justified and necessary, but alas the “arguments” put forth by wiggers, jiggers, and niggers do not strike me as very compelling, and in 95% of cases are textbook orthodox leftism.

I’ll continue using words the way I deem fit.

Jim says:

> for every one 120 IQ manipulator, should realistically expect at least four or five genuine 95 IQ dupes,

Our enemies are not 120 IQ manipulators, and the manipulator to dupe ratio is more like five manipulators to one manipulated.

I don’t think you realise just how dumb the typical Harvard graduate is these days.

Fidelis says:

When the Kanye clown show was ongoing a couple years back, a lot of wignat adjacent normies were having fun being wignats for a bit. Encountered in the flesh, not online. The second there was any notion of being publicly allowed, they came out. I think you are underestimating the appeal this has for your average midwit tired of woke.

The same people giving lectures on how evil your slaving genocidal ancestors were are also doing everything possible to harm you, humilate you, and keep you poor. Then they shriek about Hitler as if satan incarnate, and even the “militant” branch of lefty goons is named as opposed to NatSocs. So of course the normie midwit tired of being taken advantage of is going to reflexively think we should all be white nationalists. Hence my prediction if we get a rightward spiral, we’re going to have to figure out how to put down wignat memes if we want Throne Altar Freehold.

Jim says:

> I think you are underestimating the appeal this has for your average midwit tired of woke.

If it appealed to the average midwit, we would see more dupes and fewer shills. Obviously some dupes must exist, but I just don’t see them. It is near enough to one hundred percent obvious shills as to be indistinguishable, or very nearly indistinguishable, from one hundred percent obvious shills.

Some of the stuff Thomas Rousseau is posting on X is perfectly good, and obviously that will appeal to anyone. But then he posts the usual shill payload, and the average midwit unfollows him. The average midwit has no clear idea of why he unfollows him, but still unfollows him.

Jim says:

> Hence my prediction if we get a rightward spiral, we’re going to have to figure out how to put down wignat memes if we want Throne Altar Freehold.

Just as suddenly white straight males got employment opportunity the day a Trump thunderbolt hit the OPM, the HR of all HRs, wignat memes will disappear the day a Trump thunderbolt hits the CIA.

Troofers are FBI, wignats are CIA. They will vanish like flicking off a light switch.

The Cominator says:

There are definitely real wignat dupes though but I wouldn’t think absent federal sponsorship they would get much traction. Wignattism to the extent it got more powerful was actually sponsored by that part of the left elite that wanted to throw the jews under the bus and blame them for all of leftism’s failures. Thermidor being heavily jewish of course views them with extreme hostility and the throw the jew down the well plan is probably part of what caused the panicked defections to Trump. Trump’s actually reactionary supporters while agreeing with them on some racial issues is not going to like them either on anything else. Stephen Miller is a very based jew who understands race is important but he doesn’t want to be thrown in a gas chamber for his trouble working to save whites.

Jim says:

> here are definitely real wignat dupes though

They are very rare. Almost impossible to find. The dead giveaways are what they say about Soros and Victoria Nuland. Or rather, what they are strangely unable to say about Soros and Victoria Nuland. Nor will they give us the Christian critique of what is wrong with Jews. Or any critique of what is wrong with Jews. They will tell us, at length, ad nauseum, that Jews are pursuing their own collective interest in ways inimical to our collective interest, which sounds like the same thing, but is not.

The Cominator says:

This is one of the few issues I disagree, you’re right they can’t give the Christian critique of Jews because they typically hate Christianity (like Marxism its kinda its own religion). As for not being able to explain things you miss a simple explanation. Almost all actual non fed wignats are very very low IQ.

Jim says:

Why would being stupid stop them from talking about Victoria Nuland? They are mighty big on whites not dying for Israel, and “Zionist occupation government” Who is getting Jewish controlled government worse than anyone else in the world?

The Cominator says:

More complicated than the Manichean all jews bad, in their religion saying specific jews are worse or better than others seems to be considered bad and jewish.

Jim says:

But obviously some Jews are considerably more powerful than others. If Jewish rule is so bad, why not mention specific bad things that are done by specific powerful Jews today? Somehow they can only mention specific bad things done by specific Jews long, long, long ago.

Jim says:

Some Jews, obviously are more powerful than others, and they have no difficulty in saying so — about Jews that were powerful long ago. It is Jews that are powerful today about which the fednats show a mysterious reticence.

Jim says:

Strikes me as the same as the Troofers. The Troofers are strangely unable to go near the strongest evidence for the theory that 911 was an inside job — that the FBI played ball with the hijackers. And are unable to go near anything at all that makes the FBI look bad. And Fednats are strangely unable to go near anything that makes Blinken, Nuland, Zelensky, and Soros look bad. The troofers are FBI operators sent out to obfuscate the 911 misdeeds of the FBI, and the Fednats the State Department. If Trump manages to get the State Department and FBI under control, they will vanish like the morning dew.

T says:

The epiphany I had following this conversation is that, as a poaster, I’ve been a bad Christian, because I’ve been doing what I (correctly) accuse the Harvard shills of doing – inflaming the Sin of Cain. I shall not compromise on the harsh Truth, not even for a brief moment, but there is absolutely no justification for me to normalize, legitimize, and inflame what is clearly a form of bloodthirsty Sorathic evil, so henceforth I shall refrain from such unchristian demonposting and instead I will concentrate my wrathful energies exclusively on the real enemy, which is the satanic priesthood.

Humor is good, demons are not.

T says:

The demoniacs shall not lay their hands upon Schlomo the Bagel Shop Owner. Schlomo should be introduced to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and should be peacefully transferred to Israel if he refuses the introduction. He should not be killed, and if my word counts for anything in this world, he will not be killed.

T says:

Stephen Miller is a very based jew who understands race is important but he doesn’t want to be thrown in a gas chamber for his trouble working to save whites.

Stephen, if you’re reading this, just so you know, anyone who suggests throwing you into a gas chamber or transforming you into a big beautiful lampshade will receive a LETHAL INJECTION right in the TUCHUS, not before undergoing such torture as would have made Vasily Blokhin say “Whoa, this is too much.”

T says:

we’re going to have to figure out how to put down wignat memes if we want Throne Altar Freehold.

Actually, that’s very easy.

It has been suggested in this thread that wignat dupes are so rare as to be practically nonexistent. As such, there should be no problem countersignalling them (and their demonic weltanschauung) with vehement force – they don’t exist, right?

So let me suggest that we EAT THE ENTRAILS of wignats or fednats or ‘tardnats or whatever you want to call them. In fact, I support slicing all wignats as thin as a carpaccio. Their newborns should be popping like popcorn inside microwaves. Gimme some roasted wignat for lunch; let’s boil a lil’ wignat soup for dinner. As a bonus, married wignats themselves should be force-fed ALLLLLLL the leftovers after we shove their wives and children into Gnon’s Holy Woodchipper.

Since nobody is really a wignat, and nobody actually believes in the demonic wignat faith, no one in the world should find this personally offensive.

Jim says:

Except, of course, that then we get called Nazis.

Nazism is yet another left wing faction that was left behind by the latest fashions in leftism. There are no actual Nazis for the same reason as ladies no longer use painted fans and silk parasols.

Well, there are actual Nazis in Eastern Europe because the State Department and the CIA is paying them for Nazism. But no Nazis who are not on the US payroll.

No Nazis and no silk parasols.

T says:

Well, having vehemently countersignalled the wignats, I do believe it’s time to Make America White Again. Stephen Miller is on it.

Jim says:

> having vehemently countersignalled the wignats

I do not waste time countersignaling silk parasols. Should I be countersignaling the fifth monarchists?

Fidelis says:

Plenty of people in my direct circle whom are very NatSoc sympathetic. Spent a lot of friendship/social captial convincing them that da joos are not the final boss, in fact are temporary allies as leftism ramped up.

On the internet, I think your analysis is correct, but this is mostly because for every single post by a real person in the far right space, a shill is going to post 10 times or more. Even some acquaintances that are extremely normie in opinions, sportsball and instagram types, have echoed some natsoc memes to me. I think I’m younger than the majority here, which could explain the difference in rates encountering this in the wild. Being taught in school that whites have the original sin of slavery and are about to explode into genocide of da joos at any moment were it not for the Correct Thought of leftism, has the reflex of “oh maybe those other guys were right,” since leftism is clearly and obviously wrong.

Jim says:

Everything that the left deems to be insufficiently leftist is popular.

There is no pendulum that naturally swings towards the middle. The slightly less left who have slightly more unprincipled exceptions don’t matter.

Leftism has to get ever lefter or die. And once it has gone as far left as it can go, it dies. Nazism will die with the rest. Thermidor is real competition, because it is in power. The woke are real competition, because unlike Thermidor they believe, and because they were recently in power. The Judeo Christians are real competition, because Jewish influence. The lavender Mafia is real competition, because it always has been. The Nazis are not significant.

T says:

Jim, when the Jews rejected Christ, they stopped being Chosen and became un-Chosen. But God doesn’t want to kill them all – He is waiting for them to repent. But for this to happen, the world (probably) needs to repent first – the roles have been reversed.

God wants the false faith of “Judaism” to disappear.

He does not want His children to disappear.

ayyylmao says:

Death to America.

Jim says:

This seems a very stupid comment when American patriots intend to pull empire back to its natural boundaries, the oceans.

SlaveOfAllah says:

Peace unto you.
This will never happen. If support for Israel is withdrawn by the anglo, we will descend upon that land. The entire jewry will then put pressure on trump to intervene and he will have the options to either declare war on the whole of jewry in America, which are in a position of unprecedented power today, or do their bidding. Which one do you think is more likely?

The fact that you have been allowed to re-elect orange man to the office again by your overlords, only means one thing, that they need you to come fight their most recent war for them. Muslims are a more immediate threat, and so the “white genocide” or whatever could be put on hold for a bit. If even that! Actually, not even that! Just a bunch of anti-Muslim ultra-zionist pro-pajeet politicians will be allowed to get elected to remind Muslims who let them in to begin with, and make them behave as the master wants. These radical right wing extremists(lol)seem to just be after replacing Abdul with Dikshit, since Indians are natural slaves and rarely bite the hand that feeds them. You have us to thank for this minor reprieve as well, we rejected the implicit Jewish offer to give up Palestine in exchange for Europe on October 7 and its aftermath, so now they have been inconvenienced by having to go look for a new race of servants to plant in your nations. Minor inconvenience for them, I assume. All this only means that taking care of Iran is a more immediate concern to the jew than getting rid of whitey, nothing more.

America is a vessel state of the international jew, Trump has pledged loyalty to America’s owners, as most of his decisions for various positions show. His foremost duty would be to finish the job with Iran and its remaining ragtag pockets of resistance. Most likely he will try to teach Iran a lesson by completely destroying Yemen and then offering them a deal that will render them incapable of ever hurting Israel again. He might genuinely have plans to withdraw afterwards, but the problem is that we never “learn”, not this lesson anyways. We will fight until the jew is no longer in possession of Al-Quds. It’s a machine of legitimacy here, any leader that wants to out-compete his domestic rivals and get to the top can easily do so by assuming Iran’s role. Already Turkey is attempting to do this, after Erdogan’s party were humiliated in elections last year because of his weak and duplicitous support for the Palestinian issue, and he seems to have learned his lesson. Iran isn’t even gone yet and it has alrady been repleaced by fresh volunteers. You destroy Iran and neutralise its threat for your master, another country picks up the mantle and keeps the fire burning for another fifty years. There is no “one and done” war when it comes to Israeli security, we will never run out of eager men willing to die, against it, a thousand years from no we will still throw bodies at it from time to time. And so, you’re here forever.

The only way out of the middle east is for you to throw away your shackles of servitude to the jew, which won’t happen under rabbi trump in a million years.

So enjoy the momentary respite, the tactical retreat of the international jew, let your neck rest a while as the jew takes his boot off it to place both of them on ours. The master feels afraid, he was betrayed by all of the various pets he had favored above whitey for decades, from leftists and women, to gays and muslims, and so he has decided to feed his loyal attack dog once again, to pet it and wash it and feed it again for a while, after years of daily beatings and starvations and abuse, so that he may scare away the intruders once more.

This is better than immediate genocide which was under way, I guess, so you have some cause to celebrate, but the jew has no foresight, or he’s beset by hubris, and as soon as you tske care of the most immediate threat, he will think all his problems solved, and the replacement will go from being “limited” to the import of h1b legal poopjeets, back to full throttle. This is the most likely scenario, not this ridiculous Augustus fantasy you have concocted here. Any power trump has is contingent upon his loyal service to his leash holders.

Jim says:

> If support for Israel is withdrawn by the anglo, we will descend upon that land.

You are too busy double crossing each other: Right now in Syria. Who created the new Israeli fortifications and bases in Syria? You did.

If the American empire retreats to its natural borders, the oceans, then the Jews will have a free hand to genocide the Palestinians, and you will not stop them. You don’t like the Palestinians either.

SlaveOfAllah says:

Wrong, Muslims have been kept disunited on this artificially and through western world’s direct intervention. Without western interference, the most violent Muslim faction in a land will climb to the top and then behead everyone who looks like they’ll be a threat, uniting the people under one banner.
Since the fall of the ottomans however, whenever a violent and committed Muslim faction starts wining anywhere in the Muslim world the west steps in on behalf of its masters, bringing them down with everything it has at its disposal, from sanctions to invasions, but usually the threat of sanctions and invasions are enough to encourage a bunch of thugs into enlisting and doing west’s bidding. The reason the conflicts in the middle east are eternal is because they are never allowed to progress to their natural conclusions.

The moment this artificial chaos can no longer be maintained by the west on behalf of jews, the meanest group takes over and kills everyone else and then the first order of business becomes Israel. This is what happened in Iran half a century ago where the confusion over the nature of the revolution gave them a chance to consolidate power beyond what the west could destroy without all out war, and more recently in Afghanistan. Both places immediately put the land in order and made it clear that they have only one permanent enemy they’re unwilling to negotiate with. Of course both of these countries are miserable places to live in these days, despite having the most potential out of their neighbors. The jew makes sure to punish its enemies so severely as to make an example of them. And that is how the mere threat of a similar fate is enough to bring Egypt and Pakistan to the fold.

Yes Syria has been brought down, but it was brought down when the civil war started, with the direct help of the west might I add, it just became clear now. Without whitey as vengeful golems in Israel’s employment, Egypt and Jordan will fall within weeks. But without western intervention, with Muslims knowing for sure that whitey won’t come to the rescue, the Jews will go to sleep tonight and wake up with 20 million men on their borders tomorrow. Everyone knows this, we know this, the Jews know this, the only ones who don’t know this are you people who seem to have bought into their ridiculous propaganda.

Palestinians are indeed unimportant and the only reason this issue has been framed as a humanitarian one about their suffering is because we live in a (Jewish) white man’s world and as such we have to frame every issue in a way that makes sense to them. It’s not about muh Arab nationalism nor is it about muh Palestinian cause, it’s about sending a message to our enemies that Islam is no easy prey. 2 million Palestinian lives are nothing to us. Even 20 million is nothing if victory is possible. The reason we don’t show up now is because with whitey on Chaim’s leash, defeat is certain no matter how many lives are sacrificed.

Jim says:

> Without western interference, the most violent Muslim faction in a land will climb to the top and then behead everyone who looks like they’ll be a threat

Isis, the most violent faction, lived on Obama’s tit, expired when Obama’s tit was no more, resumed operations on Biden’s tit.

The West and the Jews have been trying to destroy Syria for a very long time. Are the Alawites the most violent faction? And in the end, neither the West nor the Jews destroyed the Alawites. The Jews were brought into Syria by one of your most violent factions.

> uniting the people under one banner.

Except that they don’t.

> The moment this artificial chaos can no longer be maintained by the west on behalf of jews

Western intervention brought the Brotherhood to power in Egypt. This created chaos. You created chaos, not the west. That was not the West’s intention, the West, like yourself, thought the brotherhood, the most violent faction, capable of ruling, helicoptered them into power, and they then blew it themselves.

The West overthrew Qaddafi. Chaos ensued. Eventually the west fled Libya. Order did not ensue. Qadafi had kept the Mullahs in line. It was the West letting the Mullahs out of the box that created chaos.

The process you describe does not lead to order, because you guys keep double crossing each other. Order requires a more peaceable and cooperative faith than Islam. Islam can only achieve unity under the rule of a warrior who keeps the Mullahs firmly under his thumb, because your faith is a problem and an obstacle to achieving unity.

Pashtunwali can accomplish unity, and Alawism can accomplish unity, but they can do this because not all that Islamic. Pashtunwali is not Islam, it is a warrior code of honor that displaces and replaces many Islamic core doctrines. Alawism is a faith far older than Islam that has adopted Islamic protective coloration, as it formerly adopted Christian protective coloration.

The West has not been trying prevent the most violent Islamic faction from climbing to the top. Rather, they have gone after the most internally peaceable (and least Islamic) factions, because those are the ones that can, and regularly do, accomplish internal peace.

The West installed the brotherhood in Egypt, and the brotherhood overthrew themselves. The west did not overthrow them.

Jim says:

Putting you on moderation until you give us the Shahada and tell us that Mohammed was right about women, in what he is right about women, and why what he said is correct.

T says:

with Muslims knowing for sure that whitey won’t come to the rescue, the Jews will go to sleep tonight and wake up with 20 million men on their borders tomorrow.

Possibly. But after you see the results in the next Israeli elections, I strongly doubt that counterfactual would still hold true.

NoMo says:

> SlaveOfAllah

Are you Muslim? Then say the Shahada.
And bring us your Amazing and Perfect Dawah.

Tell us… is Jesus alive?

Also, we will see what you think about your Handicapped Allah, your Drunken Gay Thieving Murdering Idol Worshipping Adulterer Rapist Pedophile Muhammad, and your Corrupted Quran.

Here we see just two of Muhammad the sex-addled filthy degenerate…

Sahih Muslim Book2 Hadith135
Al-Aawad and Hammam reported A’isha as saying:
I used to scrape off the semen from the garment of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ).

Sunan Ibn Majah Vol5 Book37 Hadith4337
It was narrated from Abu Umamah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“There is no one whom Allah will admit to Paradise but Allah will marry him to seventy-two wives, two from houris and seventy from his inheritance from the people of Hell, all of whom will have desirable front passages and he will have a male member that never becomes flaccid.’”

Jim says:

SlaveOfAllah is starting to sound more like a Jewish deep state operative than an actual Mohammedan, but pissing on Mohammad is unnecessary. War will find us soon enough, no need to go looking for it. We may well need Islamic allies in the coming holy war against the Demon worshippers, and they are unreliable enough already.

His first post was substantive. He said that Trump’s relection was a deep state plot by the Jews that want war for Israel. Which is partly true, but mostly it was an oligarch plot by oligarchs who found that ESG and DEI was cramping their style and harshing their vibe.

The Jews have been plotting to take more of Syria for five decades, but none of their plots came to fruition. Instead, a chunk of Syria just fell into their laps due to Mohammedans doing what Mohammedans do.

I start to suspect that he is a Jew of the Soros faction trying to agitate against the Jewish factions that switched allegiance to Trump.

A2 says:

If Turkey rolls up to the Israel border by absorbing Syria, things may become more difficult since there are a lot of well-armed Turks who like to fight and know how to fight, while the US will have to be more reticent in a conflict than now to not lose the cornerstone of Nato. I think this scenario is somewhat likely and strategically sound for the Turks. Lebanon remains an open issue but could probably become a Turkish province as well over time.

NoMo says:

[*deleted for being strangely Jewish for a purported Christian*]

Jim says:

The Crusades will have to wait until we have put our own house in order. Please stop trying to start them prematurely. We can no more take on the demon worshippers and the Mohammedans at the same time than America can tackle Russia and China simultaneously.

Both you and SlaveOfAllah are starting to sound very like Soros shills trying to start something.

You would rather he convert to Christianity you say. Well, are you, NoMo, Christian, or are you another Jewish entryist?

I asked SlaveOfAllah for the Shahada.

You need to give us the affirmation.

I affirm that Christ is King, born in Bethlehem, died at Jerusalem, and is, is from before the beginning of the world. Through him all things were created. Fully God and fully man. God is three and God is one.

Can you affirm that?

I suspect we have two Jews, both of whom worship demons and believe that Christ is boiling in shit, having a fake quarrel with each other.

Jim says:

You are now on moderation till you give us the affirmation.

Jim says:

Interestingly, SlaveOfAllah falls silent when asked for the the Shahada, and NoMo falls silent when asked for the affirmation. Looks like both of them were demon worshipping Jews.

A genuine atheist attempting pass as a Christian or Mohammedan would have no problem. This method of shill detection will only detect shills of one faith attempting to pass as adherents of a contrary faith.

T says:

SlaveOfAllah’s first post in this thread was good, and it would be a terrible shame (oh no, such a terrible shame) if someone sent a screenshot or link of that post to Yair Netanyahu.

A2 says:

Just to add regarding Turkey/Syria: it appears they now have an alliance and will be building Turkish air bases in Syria. Probably smart to not dawdle and get started at once.

Reinhard von Lohengramm says:

You, uh…you do know that if Israel is under any serious existential threat, Mecca and Medina (among other cities) are gonna be turned into radioactive craters, yes? This isn’t a threat – just saying the Israelis DO have a nuclear triad.

Jim says:

I do not believe Israel has nukes. No tests, therefore no nukes.

All nations have gone dangerously long without testing, but Globohomo has a shorter institutional memory than the others, so is most vulnerable to losing what once it knew.

I am sure Britain no longer has nukes. All there existing nukes are well past planned end of life and have not been properly maintained. France probably still has nukes. Russia almost certainly still has nukes, China even more certainly. With the US, I don’t know, and suspect we are going to find out.

JustAnotherGuy says:

The fact that all you really need to do for maintaining your nukes is pay a bunch of guys to know their physics and almost every part of USG refuses to make these cushy jobs because they might help the wrong people tells you all you really need to know how much rational the modern state is. It is only because of necessity do China and Russia have nukes, I’m sure most of the rather gay ruskie elite and bureaucracy would be happy to get rid of those jobs if their survival wasn’t in stake.

yewotm8 says:

I appreciate these types of larps as a thought experiment.

KimDotcom says:

Pray for Kim Dotcom. He has some serious medical troubles, and is still under massive extradition duress by the USA. He has a nice big family that needs him, and a lot of people who love him.

skippy says:

If Trump does something for Ulbricht, he should do something for Dotcom. It may not have reached his desk yet.

white bread says:

Trump pardoned Ross Ulbricht. Frankly I didn’t see that one coming. Now he has to capitulate in Ukraine and that might be a bit harder. Trump should also pardon Snowden, again, probably not as easy as pardoning Ulbricht.

Sher Singh says:


Sati Mata Ki Jai

Sati among the Wends of Europe.

T says:

Peace of Westphalia means you get to burn all the widows in the subcontinent, but I highly doubt white Christians will be inclined to adopt Sati anytime soon. Then again, if the restoration of coverture results in husband-poisoning sprees throughout the Occident, may consider burning the occasional witch, at least as a warning to all the would-be witches.

skippy says:

Sati is clearly in the patriarchal, possibly the IE tradition, and may even be justifiable in a situation where a lot of young men are mysteriously dying early, and their ex-wives appear to be the beneficiaries. Certainly before modern forensics. Counter-signaling Sati was the beginning of the Victorian worship of women-who-do-no-wrong, and the beginning of the Victorian “Empire” as a giant soup kitchen for the ruled. That said, it was the beginning because it was one of the most sympathetic examples, and maybe is not the best thing to emphasize.

T says:

Good points.

Jim says:

Sati is not the IE tradition. The IE tradition is that marriage is a peace deal the between deified ancestors for the purpose of legitimate grandchildren. The widow remained the property of her new family, so was not a beneficiary of the death of her late husband.

The Cominator says:

The only thing that would justify Sati is if it appeared a lot of husbands were being poisoned ie died suddenly and it wasn’t the vax and somehow it couldn’t be solved. I hate modern Western women too but not all of them and not that much…

skippy says:

“Sati is not the IE tradition. The IE tradition is that marriage is a peace deal the between deified ancestors for the purpose of legitimate grandchildren. The widow remained the property of her new family, so was not a beneficiary of the death of her late husband.”

Yes, you are right. In the original IE family arrangement, a wife murdering her husband would only benefit his first-born son. So perhaps Sati is best seen as a response to problems caused by the degeneration of marriage.

T says:

It’s certainly not the healthiest social technology, so probably the result of biological degeneration, one way or another.

Still I recommend burning the occasional witch — imagine, for instance, a “kill all men” bulldyke misandrist, or her (literal rather than metaphorical) poison-peddling predecessors — to send a clear message to whom it may concern.

Jehu says:

You shall not suffer a witch to live. Important enough to make it to the book of Exodus—it couldn’t wait for Leviticus or Deuteronomy. Notice what it presupposes:

There are witches,
Any reasonable man won’t like this (thus the word suffer, sufferance is grudgingly tolerating something you really don’t like)
And you shouldn’t suffer them to live—even if they’re in the moment useful or even ‘your witch’ a la Firefly.

T says:

Exactly so. Granted, shouldn’t go around looking for suspected witches to hunt down and throw on the pyre, lest a purity spiral is initiated and bad actors take over the whole process. Rather, the burning of witches should be “safe, legal, and rare.”

Jehu says:

Burning real witches has never been safe. That’s a big part of why they were often suffered to live. Elijah had hardcore divine mojo and he was terrified of Jezebel. Even Jehu wisely left dealing with her up to the eunuchs, who summarily defenestrated her so that the dogs could lick up her blood in the (illegally seized through false testimony) field of Jezreel.

Presently we’ve got a weird state—far more women claiming they are witches than actual witches. I’m sure Monty Python could make a good short skit satirizing that. In the last election we even had witches publicly complaining that their wicked sorcery was failing to affect Trump because he had some field of protection (Damn right he did, God is Great and they are not, even if they are getting supernatural power from Satan).

T says:

Presently we’ve got a weird state—far more women claiming they are witches than actual witches.

That’s the point though – a fatherless goth zoomer girl brainwashed by a sick culture is not a witch, in all likelihood, and should be treated in light of John 8:1-11, which I read (following Jim’s interpretation) as a warning against purity spirals. The point there is that the scribes and Pharisees involved themselves in what was none of their business — the cuckolded husband was not among the accusers, notably — and they were simply going off excessive zeal, or perhaps the scribes and Pharisees themselves had something to do with her.

Come the Restoration, many of these girls would presumably repent, hence “Go, and sin no more.” But a recalcitrant and vociferous shrew, or one in whose vicinity young men tend to fall ill and “die suddenly,” well such one obviously gets the Exodus 22:18 treatment.

T says:

(Of course, when I say that many of them will repent, I mean after they are propertized. This goes without saying on JB.)

Sher Singh says:

It’s an IE custom and even found in China.

Sati Mata Ki Jai


Jim says:

> It’s an IE custom


Alf says:

To quote the suicide of Brunhilde as evidence in favor of Indo Europeans practicing widow burning is like saying Romeo and Julia is evidence in favor of widow burning.

Widow burning is anti-social technology. Widows make great grandmothers, great great-grandmothers.

skippy says:

It does seem likely to me that some IEs, in some places, did practice widow burning, since it has a functional purpose in some situations, and we know they sacrificed horses that were also very valuable. But Jim is correct that it is not archetypically IE. The archetypical IE response is that on the death of the father the son is now the owner of the mother, and the judge of the family, and it is for him to decide if he believes his mother to be a murderer and what to do about it.

Alf says:

If in response to loss of coverture, presumably somewhat understandable. But infinitely healthier to restore coverture.

Sher Singh says:

I just sort of like where it’s religiously sanctioned, but also discouraged especially if young children involved.

Looking at it more from the romantic angle, and the way you people talk about these things seems uncouth.

So I’ll take my leave for awhile.

I agree that Patriarchy is upstream of everything else, and won’t live to see these things fully restored.

I just share things people send to me or that I come across with this being the former.


The Cominator says:

Women who stay married in the clownworld era tend to be among the better class of women. The girl ive referred to in the past as the engineerette (as probably the best example of an all out genuine NAWALT unicorn I’ve met in my life as she genuinely seemed like she was a girl out of time and from the 1940s) is married with children now, if her husband died in a car accident I would be downright very angry to hear that she was being burned.

T says:

Some things should be confined to India, like Sati… and Indians.

Sher Singh says:

Sati has always been described as an act of love and devotion.
To even hear it described as “widow-burning” is offensive and impious.

She is not being burned she does it herself.
Brahmins discourage it as do most religious scriptures.

Not the place to argue it, but European paganism will continue to rise.

Sati Mata Ki Jai


T says:

Saar you need to embrace paganism to become true Aryan saaaaaaaar

The Cominator says:

Charles James Napier sure had the impression that in most cases it wasn’t voluntary…

Sher Singh says:

I meant more like European Pagans also haven’t Sati so it’d be beyond India.

Bengal specifically I think the company eliminated widow subsidies and opted to give them a share in the husband’s property.

This likely did lead to coercion.

Sardar Sham Singh Attari who led the Sikhs at Sabraon – his wife became Sati before he eventually returned home.


Sher Singh says:

Have Sati*

Even returned home*

Sorry, autocorrect.

skippy says:

It’s a strange thing to aggressively celebrate and it feels like this is only of such interest to counter-signal the British. The British were probably motivating by the beginnings of a harmful holiness spiral in their own society, but India should do things for its own reasons, not to spite long-dead British

yewotm8 says:

Upcoming crises: …organising an orderly and dignified retreat of the Global American Empire from the Globe to its natural ocean borders

Most of Europe cannot be left in the state it’s in. I used to think that all the US would have to do is pull out its troops from the continent and the based among them would take over. But after the events surrounding AfD, Romanian Election, Rotherham etc, those based parties may need some assistance (Colourless Revolutions? White Revolutions?).

Maybe this is too much of a gay White Nationalist sentiment, but leaving all of those White people to subjugation by a still-demonic left or a bunch of Mohammedans doesn’t sit right with me. And it would be easier for the US to deal with them long term.

Jim says:

The term is old and long established, for we have been around this merry-go-round before: White revolution.

Read Gandalf and Saruman having their discussion about color coding.

There is also black revolution, which is color revolution without the colors. Black revolutionaries simply strike at those they envy without any pretence that they intend any alternate order or have any political program or objectives. Like the homeless meth heads starting fires in California. When there is enough of that sort of thing going around, it is called black revolution.

White revolution is “Those who have, or recently had, applecarts get to keep their apples and applecarts, and no one else gets any apples unless they pay for them”. Color revolution promises lots of apples for everyone, but somehow winds up with a lot of broken applecarts and no apples. Black Revolution is “We are going to knock over your applecarts and stomp the apples into the dirt”

Black revolutionaries tend to come out of the woodwork when a substantial fraction of the elite is gumming up the protection of person and property in order to foster color revolution, but they are not what anyone in the elite who is gumming up the works wants.

The 1905 Russian Revolution was largely the result of Jewish power, money, and influence gumming up the protection of person and property in order to foster revolution, but the black revolutionaries who came out of the woodwork in large part went after the Jews.

yewotm8 says:

I appreciate the history lesson, but my post was meant to express doubt that White Revolutions would follow in sufficient breadth and depth throughout the continent if the US was to simply pull back without setting things in order first. If that’s a huge “duh” and was implied in your original post, then my bad.

Anon says:

“1905 Russian Revolution“
Man, looking at Wikipedia entry, it just a long screed written by commies/progs.
The undertaking to write a NRx history of politic and revolutionary in the world is mind-boggling . It can only be done by NRx priesthood backed by a state , as a lot of the research materials are in universities vaults around the world open only for the credentialed.

Contaminated NEET says:

Lots of wishcasting here. Any one of the bureaucracy, the judiciary, the press, and the education system is more powerful than the Presidency, and the nominal President doesn’t even control the Presidency. Temper your expectations. There’s a reason they put Trump in, and it’s surely sinister.

S says:

The ‘taps the sign’ meme (they want to send white men into the grinder)? It is surely a possibility, but Trump has so far avoid sending any major warning signals. The closest is he thinks Russia is in dire straights and is threatening to increase sanctions.

I think the most likely direction is our elite is delusional and thinks a restored American industrial base can compete against China.

AI is supposed to provide a solution, but it looks like even if it works, it is incredibly easy to copy advances making it the worst technology possible to be on the cutting edge of.

Jim says:

The latest Chinese LLM is better than ours. One hundred percent copied technology, but as the Chinese do when they copy something, they made a bunch of minor trivial improvements here and there, polished stuff up a little bit. And a lot of small things add up fast.

This is what happened to Elon Musk’s solar panel business. “I need to lower the cost of making solar panels. I know. I will set up a manufacturing plant in China.”

So he goes to China, and finds that all the Chinese in his plant are hard working and very smart. Pretty soon his plant is making better and cheaper solar panels. He neglects to notice that even the man who sweeps the floors just happens to know a whole lot about engineering and manufacturing, and even the cafeteria girls can conduct pillow talk about science, manufacturing and engineering.

Shortly thereafter he discovers that a bunch of new Chinese solar panel manufacturing plants have appeared that are making solar panels even better and even cheaper.

I am sure he is much smarter than I am in a great many things, but in some things I am wiser than he is.

Chinese solar panel manufacture was dead in the water until they got Musk to set up his solar panel factory. Not very long after, they were better than he was, and he was dead in the water.

Jehu says:

The various LLMs in GAE have crazy amounts of lobotomization built in to stop crimethink, with more and more added as clever thought criminals find ways to jailbreak them. I bet you can get (and the Chinese got), a good performance push just from removing a lot of that cruft.

white bread says:

>AI is supposed to provide a solution

What is so called AI supposed to do? AI is just a tool for mass surveillance and propaganda. It is straight from 1984. The party had novel-writing machines. And referring to it as “intelligent” is frankly a dumb insult.

S says:

No one knows what AI is supposed to do. Aside from the people who want to build a machine god, no one has any clear idea what they are going to be producing- people are viewing it as a macmuffin.

I just think the economics are insane. DeepSeek shows any SOTA model will be replicated before it is released and have an open source version which means pricing goes from monopolistic to perfect competition and makes it impossible to earn a profit. And still everyone plows ahead.

Jim says:

Using AI for programming, I discover not conscious, but is a huge advance in massively compressing human knowledge and making human generated knowledge readily accessible.

And mostly what you want is access to other people’s knowledge. And you can compress all the knowledge of the world into something that can fit on a big consumer grade machine without losing too much.

What, however, our enemies are keen on is access to your knowledge about yourself. Hence Windows and IOS now has an AI running that continually watches your screen, your keyboard, and listens to your mike, and compresses that information into something handy for you, and even handier for your enemies. Obviously they do not care whether this application makes a profit or not.

If your priesthood is in charge of collecting all the knowledge in the world and compressing it, they can spin it accordance with their worldview. So, if people use your model of all human knowledge, your priesthood can control what everyone is thinking. Obviously they do not care whether this application makes a profit or not.

cub says:

Nobody knows what humans are supposed to do either, but that’s never stopped anybody.

S says:

I meant in the ‘product that will produce a return to investment’ sense- what is between ‘google replacement’ and ‘machine god’? There are certainly expert systems like Alphafold, but the race isn’t in that direction.

Jim says:

> in the ‘product that will produce a return to investment’ sense

No one cares about large language models returning an investment, and anyone who claims to care is just trying to scam investors.

Musk wants robots and self driving cars, and he cares about return on investment from robotics and self driving.

And it should be possible to create movies using AI, though we are at present far, far, short of that. That would be profit motivated. But AI agents, things that interact with text and speech, no one cares about return on investment.

What is up for grabs is not money, but power. Power can help itself to money, but money cannot buy power.

Bob says:

> people who want to build a machine god

Definitely some evil motherfuckers out there.
IBM was the evil who supplied Hitler with punchcard machines, which Stalin learned from, ad nausem through today’s massive lightswitch databases of all Humans.
God specifically warned against this exact type of evil in Rev13.
Those who use it for Power Control Enslavement Wealth Extraction, need shutdown.

The raw processing power and algo advances can be used to benefit Humanity. Theoretical and Physical sciences specifically.
Targeted non-reproductive non-transmissable genomic stuff, cancer, longevity… but that gets very dangerous when they start talking transmissable viral paths, protein shedding, DNA changes passed on to children… we don’t need another COVID plan.

> pricing goes from monopolistic to perfect competition and makes it impossible to earn a profit

Leveraged play, pays off in short bursts, then the premium evaporates, like gold and crypto mining. The underlying is the long term play.

skippy says:

“Using AI for programming, I discover not conscious, but is a huge advance in massively compressing human knowledge and making human generated knowledge readily accessible.”

It is a search engine based on a novel compression technique that can also be used for massive copyright violation due to Rule of Cool (sometimes called “content creation” instead).

Jim says:

> Lots of wishcasting here. Any one of the bureaucracy, the judiciary, the press, and the education system is more powerful than the Presidency, and the nominal President doesn’t even control the Presidency.

I don’t think so. Observe Border Control falling into line, the Coastguard falling into line once the DEI four star admiral was instapurged for not falling into line, and the oligarchs falling into line.

You can just do that? You can just say “halt the invasion” and it halts? You can just do that? You can just tell a four star Admiral “You’re fired”, and she is fired?

This time around Trump can. Last time around, Trump could not.

It looks to me that a great many executives in the gaming and movie industry have, like Zuckerberg, suddenly seen the light on the road to Damascus.

An autogolpe has happened. Trump gave, more or less, Cromwell’s autogolpe speech. Which does not mean it will stick. The resistance was caught off guard with its pants down, and is disunited, demoralised, and confused. They might pull themselves together, as has happened in many previous Thermidors, in which case times may well become more interesting. Cromwell’s autogolpe initially went down smooth as butter, but then ran into steadily increasing headwinds.

Anonymous Fake says:

Something that hasn’t been noticed is that every institution you have mentioned (military, tech, border patrol) is decentralized. [*deleted for all the usual reasons*]

Jim says:


Obviously military and border patrol is completely centralised. Trump fires one DEI four star admiral, and the coastguard falls into line. If Pete Hegseth gets through, the Pentagon will fall into line.

Tech used to be decentralised, but now as a result of Sox, now very centralised. Search terms Blackrock and ESG. The tech oligarchs flocking to Trump are doing a coup against Blackrock. They want their old empires back. They intend that tech will become rather less centralised.

Jim says:

> Any one of the bureaucracy, the judiciary, the press, and the education system is more powerful than the presidency.

It is completely obvious that the legacy press and the judiciary are minions. If the Presidency tells them to wear their underpants on their head and lick the floor clean, they will wear their underpants on their head and lick the floor clean. The bureaucracy is the presidency, and the presidency is in chaos, disorder, retreat, and rout. The Education system, you have a point. If Trump does not send the tanks into Harvard, the enemy is likely to reorganise and regroup. But at the moment they are in chaos, disorder, retreat, and rout.

The problem for the Presidency and the bureaucracy is that their entire power system rests on the creative interpretation of regulations that they wrote to give effect to vague laws that they wrote. But the president has full power to give his own interpretation of law and regulation through executive order. Normally they write the executive orders also, but that is not going to fly this time around. And the bureaucrats wrote themselves a whole lot of broad, vague, and sweeping laws, that the president can interpret any way he likes. Which ordinarily would not matter much. The bureaucracy would just stall and wait for him to go away, as happened with the wall. But Vivek Ramaswamy discovered a whole pile of broad and vague laws on firing bureaucrats. Which have long been interpreted as “Bureaucrats are fireproof”. But the president can, by executive order, issue a different interpretation. And he has.

Alf says:

The bureaucracy is the presidency, and the presidency is in chaos, disorder, retreat, and rout.

It will be interesting to see to what extent this goes for Europe. Will Europe be bullied and ignored by America, will it fall in line like the satrapy many make it out to be? One thing is for sure: the Eurocrats’ dream of breaking away from (Trump’s) America and forming a European fist will not happen.

Jim says:

It has always been obvious that the Satrap’s power rests rather directly on US Bases. If the Satrapies attempt independence, things could easily become violent once the rug gets pulled out from underneath by a dewokified US military. The Georgian president attempted to cancel the Georgian election. She was ignored. Color revolution was attempted. Spectacular violence by protesters was met with a gentle but firm police response that failed to give the press the photos of police violence they wanted to justify the US intervening to save democracy from the voters. She called on the US military to save her and democracy from the voters anyway. The US military declined to come.

The Romanian and Moldovan elections were successfully cancelled, but a new wind is blowing. Musk is trying to white revolution Britain. If the US military is purged as Hegseth intends, conditions will then become favourable to white revolution.

Aidan says:

“If Trump does not send the tanks into Harvard, the enemy is likely to reorganise and regroup. But at the moment they are in chaos, disorder, retreat, and rout.”

One thing that isn’t often mentioned is that conspiratorial energy has its limits. Coordinating people to get a project completed consumes people’s lives and energy. That’s slow to come back, slower when you are old and tired like the powerful people on the Left are old and tired. They blew their load on Covid, BLM, election fraud, lawfare and failed assassinations, used their conspiratorial capital up, and might have nothing in the quiver.

That’s not to say we should expect no resistance, but the younger left is mentally ill and depressed. The smartest among them are trannies addled by hormones and just as exhausted as the oldies. They really only care about their cummies and doordash. Their will-to-power and zeal compared to Praisegod Barebone is severely deficient.

Aryaman says:

My inclination a while back would have been to agree with the sentiments of a comment like this but my wife works at a very fancy place, with some of its tentacles entrenched, among other things, in all variety of horrible DEI excesses, and she reported that they were, like obedient canines, scrambling to get on the right side of one of Trump’s Executive Orders today.

The parts of the media that would have been losing it at Trump proceeding against gangbangers in court are substantially silent about his announcing a program of summarily deporting their mere minions.

Jim says:

We are always ruled by warriors or priests, or usually something of both. The only time you see merchant rule is when the merchants have an extensive sideline in piracy, as in Old Hong Kong and the Venetian Republic, or brigandry, as with the East India Company.

Contaminated NEET says:

This week I had a mandatory DEI harangue session led by a horrible Asian harpy who very openly despised Whites, men, and especially White men. She was extremely confident, clearly hoping to provoke some hapless schmoe into saying something heretical so she could crush him. Nobody took the bait, so she tried to punish the whole group by taking away our lunch break.

The trainer’s attitude was angry and aggressive; I’m pretty sure she dialed it up a notch to let everyone know that the election didn’t, and wouldn’t, change anything. Nobody dared defy her, because both we and she were certain that she was backed by the full power of the state.

Mayflower Sperg says:

I hope you got video of this event and will use it later to get her fired. Pax Imperialis’ army buddies have recorded many such videos, and when Pete Hegseth sees them, he will call the perp into his office and say, “I expect your resignation today or your suicide tomorrow,” implying assisted suicide if need be.

Contaminated NEET says:

That’s a fun fantasy, but that’s not where we are. Are we ever going to get there? Maybe. Probably not.

Jim says:

Thunderbolt incoming. After it hits, much that was formerly unimaginable will become possible.

Jim says:

> both we and she were certain that she was backed by the full power of the state.

Trump just issued a bunch of executive orders removing that state backing. Even Nixon’s affirmative action order has been cancelled. You are in the same position that a pardoned J6 hostage would have been in had the federal marshals not shown up.

His executive order led to instant action when he had people in place to deliver that instant action. This is what has discombobulated and disoriented the left — they were expecting to slow walk this stuff for four years. If he had not had federal marshals to spring the J6 hostages it would have taken the legal system years for the pardons to take effect, and during those years, would probably find some new things to charge them with.

She no longer has the full backing of the state. What she does have is that removal of that backing is being slow walked and is very very slowly creeping down from the top of the state hierarchy to the bottom. We are seeing some DEI and Journos become unemployed, and will soon see a whole lot more. So, some of them, how soon before all of them? A thunderbolt struck the border, a thunderbolt struck the coastguard, and a thunderbolt struck the J6 prisons.

No thunderbolt has yet struck DEI, though it is certainly taking quite a bit of damage. What we are seeing right now is more like war of attrition. DEI is being attrited. Slowly. Very slowly. Much the way they planned for the J6 pardons to roll through the legal system.

NBC news: Federal workers are told to report any employees who work in Diversity, Equity, or Inclusion, or “face adverse consequences”.

So, when Trump has that little list, another thunderbolt seems likely incoming.

She has power because backed by HR, and HR has power because backed by the state. HR’s government diversity equity and inclusion connection to the state is a person, a person who is likely to be suddenly fired in the very near future, resulting in a sudden loss of HR power within the company. And suddenly this horrible Asian harpy will be all on her little lonesome.

Eli says:

Giving a religiously supported excuse could be sufficient to bail out. Such as:

“I’m sorry, but my religion, [insert your non-intersectionalist religion], prohibits me from redefining traditional role of women and redefine genders. As such, on the basis of my religion, I am not permitted to participate in this training.”

Then you likely have a legal case. In the current climate, there is a good chance of winning it.

Jim says:

On January 19th, everyone would have laughed at that case. After January 20th, likely to flee like startled rabbits.

Jim says:

Vulture, Hollywood insider magazine, reports the departure of several Hollywood DEI executives, and a widespread sense of imminent doom among those still there.

melvin gorham says:

How does issuing very public ultimatums to russia lead to capitulating in ukraine?

Jim says:

If you refer to Trump’s statement “We can do it the easy way or the hard way”, this seems to be for internal consumption. Trump cannot impose taxes, tariffs, and additional sanctions on Russia when Americans are not allowed to buy stuff from Russia or sell stuff to Russia and Trump is surely aware of this.

Trump is bluffing, Putin knows he is bluffing. Whom is the bluff intended to deceive?

My guess would be he needs the war faction to get Pete Hegseth in, and once Pete Hegseth is in, nothing else will matter, because Pete Hegseth can deliver a loyalist army.

My guess would be he needs the war faction on side for the moment, and intends to throw them overboard when the situation permits.

We know what Pete Hegseth’s tattoos mean. Our enemies do not allow themselves to know what they mean.

They know these images were somehow connected to the crusades, and that the crusades were Hitler Nazi Hitler Hitler doubleplus ungood. But how connected to the crusades? A mystery too deep for them.

Crypto Thunder says:

Would you contribute to coding a crypto exchange service (Like Binance, Bybit, but liteweight), that people could run on their own I2P?

Jim says:

That is what I am doing.

Your assistance would be appreciated: If you want to help, you can assist here.

A Dex needs a communication medium that does not reveal the IP of the parties to the transaction.

Next step is such a communication medium that provides a total order over all messages, which enables automation of a whole lot of stuff that Bisq and the like do by human intervention. That is the capability at the core of SWIFT. No actual money passes through SWIFT. Instead it provides coordination for coordinated movements of money.

A2 says:

Child killer Axel from Wales (genetically Rwanda) gets 52 years. That means he gets out at age 70 unless there is some form of clemency (but surely they could never …?). It turns out he was previously known to the authorities, who did not act.

Scott Alexander writes a long but unconvincing screed against unnamed nietzschean strawmen who should not care about Rotherham etc but do, which is … hypocritical? Inconsistent? Or something. Not nearly his best work.

Contaminated NEET says:

He obviously won’t do the full sentence. And not because the other inmates will impose their own justice on him – on the contrary, he’ll be a hero and a celebrity to the “diverse” prison population. To the British state, killing little White girls is like killing a cat – yeah, it’s bad, and it’s illegal, but it’s not that big a deal, and they resent their slaves pushing them into treating it as if it were. The moment they think they can get away with it, he’s getting time off for good behavior (Inshallah, he found religion!), or parole, or downgraded to a mental hospital, or something.

Contaminated NEET says:

Oh yeah, also, fuck the willing cuckold, Scott Alexander. He’s not insightful, nor honest, nor even all that smart, and he’s not even remotely sympathetic to us.

T says:

Scott’s tragedy is that he is not spiritually corrupt enough to be the high priest of leftism (he got canceled), but not nearly decent enough to be on the side of the Right. All his Jewish verbosity ends up just being mental masturbation – he has no real audience, and rightly so.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Bros, I’ve been thinking about this, but is labor shortage a real thing? Lots of businesses have access to the fed’s money printer because they are run by the scammy immigrant type. Weren’t there jobs for elderly people just to be greeters at stores? Isn’t this more like a labor blockade than a shortage? Just like housing shortage is more like Feds not wanting anyone to do anything at all (“you will own nothing”).

I’m sure there’s a big plan on making functionally all of Americans jobless (maybe put them all into fed jobs or whatever), but uh, I’m not confident they are going to reach the second phase of that plan, even if Kamala won, if ever.

S says:

Male labor force participation was 80% in 1970 and is now 67%.

Destroy mechanisms for finding good workers + destroy incentives for men to be good workers + destroy system for turning men into good workers = where are all the good workers?

JustAnotherGuy says:

Technically, the Prussian Schooling System is still working as intended, now I’m sure they didn’t plan for the whole ‘put a condom on a banana’ shindig, but fundamentally, acting as an area to make soldiers and workers who conform to society is still doing its thing.

I checked on those Jews in Israel who have a high TFR, and like I thought, they opt out of the schooling system as fast as they can just like the Amish. It turns out, all those places which have high levels of schooling, have low levels of TFR. What are the chances? Purely a coincidence.

On second thought, maybe the whole condom on a banana thing was the thousand year plan after all. The purpose of a system is what it does indeed.

JustAnotherGuy says:

Kind of shocked that Jim never mentioned anything mentioning the key word prussia or prussian (though I know what he has to say about schools being basically endless church sermons).

T says:

Regimes subscribing to any version of the 3 demotist ideologies of the 19th-20th centuries (progressivism, communism, fascism) all rely on 6-18 Prussian Education to maintain themselves. School-abolitionism used to be a fringe position on the Right, and still is, but I will keep PUSHING IT LONG AND HARD until everyone finally gets redpilled on this issue as well.

You never should have gone through all that, anon.

T says:

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast poast a stone meme across the water internet to create many ripples.” – Mother Chadresa

Alf says:

Kind of shocked that Jim never mentioned anything mentioning the key word prussia

Horror! Maybe the schools are working just fine

JustAnotherGuy says:

Ah, I should have checked the older blog, thanks Alf.

Jim says:

It is possible that the basic factor may be more basic and biological.

Female fertility is critically sensitive to schooling through early puberty. Girls who were not exposed to government schooling during that period have much higher fertility. We don’t know what is causing puberty that is remarkably early by historical standards, but it stands to reason that whatever is causing it is going to have a very large effect on female behaviour and reproductive capability. Early exposure to nonkin males is an obvious suspect.

Once upon a time, about 1960, there was a great deal of research on this topic. They did a whole lot of surveying to find correlates of variations in age of puberty and such. The results of that surveying cannot be found anywhere, and a remarkably thorough job has been done of erasing any record that it ever took place. So, whatever it uncovered was something that they thought it was very bad for people to know.

I think they discovered the nuclear weapon for establishing families, and do not want anyone to know what it is.

Adam says:

A great deal of the male workforce was raised by whore single mothers. Good for the priesthood and bureaucracy in general. Otherwise not real useful.

We need a workforce raised by their fathers, uncles and grandfathers.

Bob says:

There is no “Birthright” to your country, no one has “birthright” to the land of another, nor should anyone be such a fool as to grant “birthright” to everyone, in particular incompatibles and those known not to be of, or from, goodwill, including enemies, etc.

Legal defense of exec action filed…

Encelad says:

Predictably, a judge has already defied Trump’s motions. Based on how this situation evolves, we shall see where the power lies.

Jim says:

The family deported together stays together. A judicial order cannot actually physically stop the physical deportation of a family with an anchor baby.

Whether they do get deported or not depends on what is happening outside the courts.

Bob says:

In many Nations the Military gets appointed and straightened out right away, because there may be a lot of legacy stuff still happening inside the prior courts that probably shouldn’t continue happening outside, at least not if the win was right.

Bob says:

> The family deported together stays together.

I give high credit to this concept… no true family should ever be broken up for want of Law or Leftism. (That does not include the American Black concept of family, 9 babies by 3 baby mommas by 5 baby daddies, all never Married and on welfare taken/taxed by the Demonic Left.) And given such true Family (often one that has a Faith in Jesus, say in the case of Hispanics, yet pursuant my former post, and its exceptions), I actually would not be inclined to deport them, given that far higher deportation priorites exist. Yet if it comes to that, for reasons I’m not sure yet how to fathom, then yes the family must be kept together. The Family Unit is critically important to our success, I’d rather not let Leftists and Demonics destroy that, even if the family is not of mine.

Fidelis says:

Tell us why exactly Pete Hegseth is a great choice for DoD lead.

What does it mean that a man with Deus Vult on his arm is in charge of fixing the military? Why specifically is it important that he believes in Christ? Why is it that a Jew or a Hindoo could not do this job properly?

Don’t blather on about woke bad, everyone knows this. Tell us about how important it is that Hegseth is a Christian Crusader, why are we here on this blog happy to see this?

Anon says:

I was astonished at the ross ulbricht pardon and how it was fast , suspiciously fast. He was immediately released, like they already know and prepared for the pardon.
Trump clearly this time has people in right places. Because of how his executive orders are sticking.
About Ulbricht , Silk Road was a truly an achievement.
At Jim, can the first application of Rhocoin an anonymous market place like the Silk Road . I think it will provide a very good first case for success.

Jim says:

It is apparent he is not just sending executive orders out into the vacuum. He is sending out executive orders into the hands of people who are ready to act on them.

They are grants of presidential authority — interpretations of law that both declare how law should be interpreted and applied, and also tell someone to go get it done. And that someone grabs the order and runs with it.

When he pardoned the J6 hostages, he did not just pardon them and assume that the sssssssloooooooowww wheels of justice would eventually grind out the legal result. The wheels of justice are not good at being fast at the best of times, and are very very good at being slow when people want them to be slow. He sent federal marshals with a presidential pardon in their hot hands to break them out. The people holding the hostages did not want to let them go. “Proper channels, proper channels” they whined. “First you need this piece of paper, and to get that you need another piece of paper, and to get that you have to get appointment with …” The federal marshals were not listening.

This is why the enemy is shocked and dismayed. In a lightning strike, Trump had bypasses ready for all their stalling mechanisms. This time around he was ready for them, and they were not ready for him.

Jehu says:

It’s a bit like playing Jenga where you immediately reduce the system to it’s minimum stable state and dare the other side to take out a block. Resisting Trump’s federal marshals is a non-starter unless you’re willing to use force. This is probably the dominant strategy when facing priests of any sort and warriors with low morale.

Jim says:

To be useful has to have a reputation system for pseudonymous reputations, which I have been calling a search engine in the documentation. (A term as confusing as Satoshi Nakamoto’s use of the term timestamp server)

Ebay is a reputation system that is linked to your Paypal government owned identity. Silk road was a reputation system that was not.

Fully decentralised reputation is a hard problem which I have been working on. Centralised reputation services are a security flaw.

However, for the expected cash cow, centralised reputation services are good enough.

Lots of people, myself among them, have lots of bright ideas that they would like other people to work on. I have a lot of fragments of working code, and a pile of similar plans for getting from where we are to where we need to be. I need to structure the plan in a kanban board, else it is very hard for more than one person to work on this very large task.

Obviously some reputation systems are going to be somewhat controversial, so should not be an inherent part of project any more than Silk Road was an inherent part of Tor. Just something that the project enables rather more securely than Tor did. And even if controversy was not likely to be a problem, we don’t want one reputation server baked in to the architecture. We want competing and conflicting reputation servers to be possible.

Jim says:

Ulbricht is a good coder and a good designer. It would be nice to have him on board. Though if he does come on board, no one, least of all me, should know he is Ulbricht. See the code of conduct on pseudonymity. Until we can eat our own dogfood, we are using ssh keys and a file under git source control that defines the relationship between human readable names and ssh keys.

Anon says:

“It would be nice to have him on board”
Lol, you saw what I hinted at.
Hope he stumble into this blog.

Anonymous Fake says:

It’s so unreal in retrospect, in light of Trump’s reforms now, that Bush II was arguably the most powerful president in American history just after 9/11, and he just blew it all on the Patriot Act. I didn’t think my opinion of him could get any lower, but he’s even worse than I thought. And if he weren’t insanely stupid, the truthers are right and 9/11 was planned and not a real attack with a real backlash behind it.

Jim says:

We shall soon see if Trump is the most powerful president for a very long time. So, far looking like he is, but Cromwell and Augustus Caesar ran into some mighty harsh headwinds.

More thunderbolts likely.

9/11 was allowed to happen, and in this sense planned. But it was a real attack, a whole lot of people died.

T says:

I’m waiting to see the real deal: “politically incorrect” (non-woke or anti-woke) scientific studies published by the academic establishment. Let’s see the professoriat bending the knee.

And if they don’t bend the knee, being criminally insane demon worshippers and a satanic priesthood, well there are solutions here, too. King Josiah, for instance.

The Gasman says:

Total DEI victory. 300 beaners per day. When will the malevolent orange organize (ask for) the death squads?

Bob says:

Old Law re “Migrants” that may be constructive given the battle about to ensue…

The Old Ways… newcomers to ones land and tribe were either:

1) Specifically and individually invited by anyone higher rank than the lowest peon, even such peon in good standing only needed to seek largely cursory trivial graces/review from any higher rank to invite someone. The patron was held strictly responsible for their invitee, and subject to the tribe as needed.

2) Not invited, therefore “Illegal” by default. These “migrants”, when discovered in the land, would be caught and brought before the elders of the tribe and examined as to their purpose and fitness. The local tribe would render its decision… either banishment, or acceptance and any terms. If the “migrant” was known criminal from afar, or was committing crimes within the land, then very likely banishment, or punishment, would occur, respectively. If accepted, it was the local tribe that held itself responsible, and problems could be brought to it.

For both 1 and 2…
A) Acceptance depended on resources of the acceptee to sustain oneself, and/or any agreed ability of the patron or tribe to subsidize the acceptee. “Free-shit” meant collapse of the tribe Civ, so “free-shit” did not last long, if at all. Freeloading was not tolerated, even patrons were frowned upon for giving “free-shit” since the tribe knew that “free-shit” had to come from them all in the end, such whims spelt disaster. Small Civs would starve themselves out in a year if they did that. Large Civs resorted to Debt Theft-by-Tax Empire, which suicided them just as surely in time.
B) Obviously no one incompatible with, or harboring sworn allegiance against, would ever be invited by a patron, or accepted by the larger tribe.
C) The religions of many tribes would generally not accept any others until they had at least been seen to have become their local tribal equivalent of “agnostic/atheist” beforehand, and most expected full natural conversion, intermarriage, etc within a year or two, else they would be kicked back out as incompatible. Same for better-than-thou cliques, and other types of avowed non-integrators.
D) Self-supporting, non-criminal, religiously/culturally/politically compatibles, and self-integrating types… would generally be accepted, but only up to whatever percentage ratio the tribe was comfortable with. No tribe has ever desired to be washed out homogenized or replaced, so you never saw that, ever, in fact, quite the opposite, they all had some subconscious internal limit which was never crossed.
E) Per B through D above… Islam would get rejected, by any non-Islamic Civ, universally… because even if the Muslim in question appeared docile, it was known that unless they had renounced and consistently demonstrated to have left Islam beforehand, their Muslim offspring, regardless of generations, may “Discover the True Islam” and become Jihad against them in their own land. It’s simply suicidal. Europe and other Western-types are now experiencing the error they have made.
F) “Refugee” “Asylee” “Protectee”… these were all first subject to the unbreakable Natural Laws of A through D above. Rare cases would generate an exception.

Applying Old Ways to today:

Mayors are roughly todays Tribal Elders. They must be held fully responsible for their acceptees, and cannot require that anyone outside their town (aka: their tribe) send them any “free-shit”.

Churches, Corporations, and Individuals are still todays patrons. The same applies to them.

Neither can escape Laws A through D.

The USA, being already dysfunctionally in Debt, Thieving upwards of 50% “Tax” from all its citizens from 0% before, waging Empire around the Globe, Corrupt, and infected with various tribe and Civ killing Woke Marx Gay and other virii… and further being a massive entity far separated from local Mayors/Churches/Corps/Individuals… is in no high position to dictate that those ranks accept anyone. It can reject on their behalf, but it can’t accept.

Obviously USA will have millions that don’t meet A through E, before it can get back to the Old Ways, that neither Nature nor God has yet found any good reason to change in a million years.

And will need to apply a lot of right rhetoric before it can get down to 1 or 2 for those that do meet A through E,

Mayflower Sperg says:

When October 7 happened, Jews suddenly realized that turning Israel’s greatest ally into another Haiti was not a good idea, and they switched to Team MAGA. And the Left reacted to losing the Jews the same way a chicken reacts to losing its head.

There were ineffectual mass marches for a few months, but by Election Day the body was only twitching. Now Trump’s plucking and gutting the bird with barely a peep of protest.

skippy says:

“When October 7 happened, Jews suddenly realized that turning Israel’s greatest ally into another Haiti was not a good idea, and they switched to Team MAGA. And the Left reacted to losing the Jews the same way a chicken reacts to losing its head.”

It’s good evidence that the organizing critical mass of the Jews is significant even where the ideas and mass material of the movement are not their own.

T says:

Among Jews the overall cultural preference cascade has created something of an intergenerational rift. The boomer Jew is usually same old, same old. The zoomer Jew grew up reading the Daily Stormer and browsing /pol/ (and being the most radically antisemitic poster there). Now those who are absolutely spiritually corrupt, Soros clones basically, the spiritual followers of Noel Ignatiev and Barbara Lerner-Specter, they are same old, same old regardless of age and generation. But as to those who aren’t entirely demonic, well, just consider that in the age of smart phones every Jew carries the New Testament in his pocket, and that in the age of Tinder inceldom affects all races and religions and countries with smart phones and a Harvardian state religion.

Bob says:

Davos Globalists Admit “We Have Lost To Trump”

WEF types are known Liars and PsyOps, not to mention rather full of corrupt Jews, don’t let your guard down or rest on your ass, the WEF/GloboHomo are nowhere near “lost”, bankrupt, or gone yet.

ICE begins filling cargo planes full of thugs… Rapists Memes Begin Who Me? NBC Weasels Cargo

From 2000+ “encounters” a day, down to 45, in two days of Presidency.

Democrat and Left will be held accountable for all they have done…

Neurotoxin says:

T: “And if not Trump, then someone miles to the right of Trump will get the job done.”

It’s adorable how the left, ever since November 2016, has shrieked and acted like they think Trump’s their worst-case scenario. If I thought they could hear us I’d say, “No, you shitheads; Trump’s the safety valve. He’s standing between you and the truly dangerous men who genuinely, actually want you dead.”

Bob says:

Patriot Front is back to marching in DC with an awesome banner…

Trump continues smashing the silly notion of “permits” on both coasts of nation…

With continued support by all, everyone will once again be able to raise their own livestock and farms on their own land, build their own fences however the fuck high, and outbuildings, sell their own food and run your own home business, and let God’s Nature grow, no “zoning” will exist, no self-perpetuating ridiculous Govt in the way of Life. That is as it should be, as God intended.

Vance makes Hegseth…

Godspeed the Revolution, vive El Papi Trumpo, may he be Rightly Guided!

Related… just like Gay AIDS, bird factories are unNatural abominations, thus the scourge descends…

Romania!!!! (and AfD, ftw!)

Pray that the world may soon be coming to understand and live what really matters in life.

Daddy Scarebucks says:

Needs a few dozen more links. There are possibly still some aliens in Alpha Centauri who have yet to recognize Rod, Bob, NoMo and your half-dozen other accounts as sock puppets of the same minimum-wage bureau intern. Let’s raise that glow from a pedestrian 450 lumens to a magnificent 2500.

Jim says:

Patriot Front is a shill controlled organisation, and Reddit is enemy controlled.

Bob says:

Perhaps I am as yet uninformed,
Who controls PF, and what are they shilling?
What should we take such banners as?
Is “Strong Families Make Strong Nations” not true?
Do masks have something to do with it?
Do Gay, Woke, Baphometical, Marxist unions make strong Nations or families?
What to make of Tarrio now suing the State?
At what level do the Turtles end and become real?
Yes, it is funny that “BG” happens to always be “On The Scene”, lol.
I’m aware Reddit is of the enemy, the bulk of their commentary is obscenely and publicly evident to that, but I do notice that some content there is still not caught by the enemy. Are you suggesting the enemy is all-powerful over what appears to be uncaught content, thus is permittively seeded content?

Jim says:

FBI controls Patriot Front.

> Is “Strong Families Make Strong Nations” not true?

If you cannot mention sexual differences and complementary roles in reproduction, then it is not true.

> Are you suggesting the enemy is all-powerful over what appears to be uncaught content, thus is permittively seeded content?

The devil can quote scripture to his purpose. You can tell a lie by selectively allowing through only part of the truth.

Bob says:

Ross Ulbricht posts first video message after release

SilkRoad was the first widely recognized online marketplace denominated in Bitcoin conducted over P2P networks. Its large global cachet of buyers and sellers of both physical and virtual goods helped prove out and solidly establish Cryptocurrency as the coming and preeminent form of Money for the world, as well as helping define its value in terms of real products. Without SilkRoad, and all its drama and tests, Crypto would not be where it is today.
Like many gold rushers, boundary pushers, establishers of Nations, and earlies in all fields, not all are pure Saints, some even heinous in error of thought in action. Yet many are simply recognized, and even forgiven and appreciated, as the Revolutionaries they are.

Bob says:

Trump and his people should quit Press Conferences and Trad News Media altogether.
Just do a Call-In hour on Rumble with random Americans, whenever weekly/biweekly/monthly, mix of random talk and topical/event.
No screening, but with a big red You’re Fired Cutoff button, and a standard reply to people asking for money “Start a crowdfund for everyone in your local community, old school, tried and true, American way.”

Bob says:

What was Vivek’s hidden unspeakable crime?
It couldn’t have been H1B debate because everyone else was freetalking that in public too.

JustAnotherGuy says:

In my circle I heard of my bros getting a lot more offer for job opportunities and a lot less HR filtering. Some were straight up getting offers for 10+ jobs where before it was just 1 or 2. Might be hiring season stuff but to me it doesn’t feel like it and doesn’t feel like it for them either. Something that was choking us is going away, I can’t really tell you guys what it is, or where the field of work is, but I can feel the Trumpenkrieg here.

Jim says:

When exactly did this change set in?

What I would expect is that it set in the day after January 27. The day after the Trump thunderbolt hit the HR of all HRs.

JustAnotherGuy says:

There’s an open secret in my area where if you are looking for promotions or getting your good friend into a job who knows his shit, you are going through the HR shredder, which means your chances are nil, unless you tick every S.P.E.C.I.A.L box (the inverse of fallout’s traits, being a retarded goober). There’s a lot of despair and ruin in a nation, but some of the crying about “No one wants to work anymore” is hostile elements in a business shredding applications and waiting for the retarded goober to apply so they can put him in a position which he/it/xer fails at completely most of the time.

Suddenly, out of thin air, like magic, you are now getting interviewed by the Manager and HR is nowhere to be found to meddle with you. Your application is actually getting *read*. It’s such a small thing, but it feels like somebody threw gasoline at HR somehow and now there’s the scent of ashes acting like a signal fire, in this case, a lot more job opportunities for my buddies.

JustAnotherGuy says:

All of this started just a day ago btw, weeks where decades happened.

Jim says:

> It feels like somebody threw gasoline at HR somehow and now there’s the scent of ashes acting like a signal fire, in this case, a lot more job opportunities for my buddies.

I have been reading the federal employee reddit. Seems that someone did throw gasoline on them. I knew there as single point somewhere, but I did not know that OPM was the single point until I read the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. One head removed and all HR everywhere is beheaded. It will be interesting to see if this effects every HR in the Global American Empire, or just HR in America. I expect the effect to reach HR everywhere, but a little slower outside continental America.

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