Author: Jim



Leftists have a word “entryism”, which they use when privately talking amongst themselves. They never plainly state what entryism is, but if you are part of the in group, it becomes obvious that they are talking in code. If the chans got hold of some emails about “entryism”, would probably interpret it as referring to …



This is not a PUA blog.  To learn PUA, read Heartiste and Rollo, But, I seem to have been conscripted by the Dark Enlightenment How to deal with woman, the pitch. Call +31 J-I-M-I-A-N-I-T-Y right now and order our #1 best-selling product, how to deal with women. to issue a post on how to deal with …


Thermodynamics of Social Entropy

Entropy is always increasing. A fully disordered society is illustrated by wild animals and primitive peoples such as the Tasmanian aboriginals, where all other creatures except for close kin are enemies, obstacles or sources of raw materials – Hobbes state of war.  So if you look back in history, you can always see entropic processes, bringing …


The axis of deplorables

Until recently, everyone in power everywhere in the world was culturally aligned with the Blue Empire, or at least reluctant to be openly unaligned.  Every government, every head of government, every government school, every university everywhere, every television station (including Fox), every newspaper (including the Murdoch newspapers).  The Cathedral would from time to time go …


Testosterone and weight loss

Exogenous testosterone can cause your testicles to shut down – and possibly shut down permanently. Hence the need to get off testosterone from time to time. I learned that my sperm production was down – not so low as to render me entirely infertile, but low enough to significantly impact my prospects of having another …


Technological decline

As societies enter a dark age, military technologies are apt to be the last to be lost, and in the recovery from a dark age, the first to advance. In dark ages, art declines, great buildings decline, ordinary people’s living standards decline, people harrow the ground with stones tied to bits of wood instead of …


When the west started losing wars

The Victorian theory that women were angels, therefore no coercion was needed against naturally saintly women, only against demonic males who make saintly women do bad things, led to an intolerable flood of bastards and women giving birth in the rain in dark alleys, which in turn led to “Oliver Twist” and “Les Miserables”, which …



This is not a PUA blog. To learn PUA, read Heartiste, and then practice on actual women, not this blog. But some people have partially misinterpreted my observations on passing shit tests, so, clarifying. I depict shit tests as tough, deadly, scary, threatening, and vital to pass, because they are. But though a cat will …


Kathy Forth’s suicide

Kathy Forth offed herself, leaving a lengthy suicide note in which she accused numerous men of sexually harassing her, and the entire society of ignoring this terrible sexual harassment, thereby driving her to suicide. Fat, pushing forty, and supposedly suffers unbearable amounts of sexual assault. Back when she was hot, the amount of sexual assault …