Author: Jim


Against sexual consent

Castalia house has produced an excellent booklet “Safe Space as Rape Room” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, I, II, III. Which documents how the fetishization of consent allowed gay science fiction authors to prey upon young boys attracted to science fiction fandom. In other words, a pedophile with the Delany mindset is given carte blanche …


Crowd sourcing the question: How recent are open borders?

Cathedral sources say that open borders, resettle them in green leafy suburbs on generous welfare, has been the law of the land since forever, and only recently have evil racists started to protest, but the way I recall it, worldwide, borders to white countries received some reasonable degree of enforcement until enforcement quietly but abruptly …


Ethnic cleansing in Ferguson

Not all houses in Ferguson have dropped to a small fraction of 2014 prices, some substantial areas are holding value, but houses in large parts of the Ferguson zip code have dropped far far below the cost of building, or even maintaining, the house. If the ad says “located close to shopping”, it usually means …


Trump and assabiyah

In the days of its greatness, the Roman Republic had assabiyah “Horatius,” quoth the Consul, “As thou sayest, so let it be.” And straight against that great array Forth went the dauntless Three. For Romans in Rome’s quarrel Spared neither land nor gold, Nor son nor wife, nor limb nor life, In the brave days …



In 1985, when cutting first appeared, girls cutting themselves was something astonishing, something no one had heard of, that psychiatric interns had never heard of. Now a significant minority of women cut themselves.  Hard to say how many, but probably a few percent. Not a substantial minority, but not a tiny minority either. Hot fertile …