Heartiste, minion of Satan, addresses the Jewish Question with his usual combination of insight and empirical data. His data and conclusions are consistent with mine: My conclusions being that Jews are priests by nature, and we suffer from a crisis of an ever escalating excess of priests, and an ever escalating dangerously great theocratic power, ever escalating persecution of ever more minor deviations from an ever more extreme official state …
Category: culture
Trump and social class
There is a bit of drama about a pressman being thrown to the ground at a Trump rally. There were fifteen thousand people at the rally. There were a few hundred black-lives-matter protestors who got thrown out. There were some illegal immigrant rights protestors who got thrown out. Did no one else get thrown to the ground? A horde of black-lives-matter protestors are being herded out by security. They are …
Trump and testosterone
Testosterone levels and sperm counts have been falling steadily. Young men commonly have levels that once would have been normal in seventy year olds, and “normal” testosterone keeps being redefined downwards, while “normal” estrogen gets redefined upwards. I have long suspected that this reflects metaphorical estrogen in the metaphorical water supply, rather than literal estrogen in the literal water supply, and the Trumpening hints that this theory is true. Trump’s …
Emancipation of women was a fitness test that we failed
Hence the collapsing birth rate. Fitness tests: A fitness test is usually applied by a woman to a particular man she is thinking she might like in her pussy. When applied in this manner, a fitness test is what pickup artists call a shit test. For example, suppose one schedules to meet a girl at ten in the morning. One is planning an all day first date with a variety …
Women like rapists
In the current Muslim invasion of Europe, the invaders continually commit acts that would get a white male a long time in jail and permanent registration as a sex offender, but for the invaders, minor consequences or no consequences.  And you are seeing few if any complaints from women,unlike the extreme hypervigilance against imperceptibly slight micro aggressions by nerds. A bunch of Swedish males protest about sexual assaults by the …
Trump is the man
Among the red pill community there is a debate as to whether Trump is an exemplar of manliness, and his latest move in blowing off the presidential debate is an example of manliness, or whether it is the opposite. Obviously, if someone treats you with disrespect, as Kelly disrespected Trump, the manly thing to do is to blow them off and ignore them. And critics of Trump say that by …
Observing Hillary’s performances, it is kind of obvious that she is a drunk or druggie who cannot be trusted to be sober for a public appearance, or else she is suffering from some premature brain disease, or very likely both. The email scandal is a storm in a tea cup. She committed umpteen felony offenses that could in theory send her to jail for zillions of years, but so does …
The goal is soft genocide. Unless stopped, the outcome will be hard genocide.
You saw that look of absolutely visceral disgust on Angela Merkel’s face when someone handed her the German flag. I am pretty sure that if an AIDS infested tranny projectile vomited all over her, she would lick it up and think it was chocolate. That look of visceral disgust tells me that she wants everything that flag stands for destroyed – the German people, the German race, classical music. In …
Believing in male supremacy will make you more attractive to women.
If you believe that you are entitled, that women should obey, submit, serve, that unless you are buying sex by the hour, women should be sacrificing their own good to serve you, then red pill behavior comes naturally. If, on the other hand, you believe that women are equals, then it seems obvious that you should treat them “fairly” – which is to say, as if buying sex by the …
Those were the good old days
When La Droit de Seigneur was in effect, an ordinary man could expect to marry a wife that had only slept with one alpha male. When the Spanish inquisition was operating, they shut down free lance witchfinders. In 1992, I visited Cuba and remarked how Cubans walked small, walked in little steps, took up little space. I could see the fear pressing them down, squeezing them, making them little. Today, …