Category: culture


Jordan Peterson, controlled opposition

Jordan Peterson is on our side of the Culture War: anti-political correctness anti-identity politics biological sex roles and traditional gender roles meritocracy and meritocratic hierarchy personal freedom and responsibility angers our enemies But this man is not an ally. The enemy of our enemy is not always our friend. It is good that my enemy’s enemy is successful against my enemy, but much though I wish my enemy’s enemy was …


Baking a gay marriage cake

The supreme court has rolled back the decision that forced a particular baker to bake a particular gay marriage cake. But has done nothing in general about the rules that pressure everyone else to piously give service to gay marriage, that require ever other baker to bake a gay wedding cake. The reason for undoing that particular decision is that the human rights commission was openly and enthusiastically delighting in …


Inclusivity codes of conduct

When an open source software project adopts a “code of conduct” it slowly dies. Bugs don’t get fixed, new features break stuff, and it is unable to accommodate updates and changes in the environment. Over time, it gradually suffers bitrot – unchanging and unchangeable assumptions in a changing world, combined with “fixes” that introduce new bugs, and confusing new misfeatures that irritate old users, never quite work as they were …


Who gets sex

The simplistic account is that eighty percent of women are having sex, and twenty percent of men are having sex – a hell of a lot of sex. It kind of feels as if it is true, it is emotionally true, but it is not literally true. The number of men and women getting sex is not hugely different. More woman are having sex than men, and substantially more women …


Fixing (or replacing) Christianity

High IQ species with lengthy childhood find it hard to reproduce without cooperation between males and females. Productivity is not an issue.  In a wealthy society, a man could easily buy enough food and shelter for taking care of umpteen children, but he cannot actually take care of umpteen children. Observing variations in total fertility rate over different regions and different times, we see that even in very poor societies, …


Women gone nuts

The Zman asks “Why Did Women Go Nuts?” Simple. When you repress bad sexual behavior by males, and do not repress bad sexual behavior by females, you get very little bad sexual behavior by males, and a whole lot of bad sexual behavior by females. I see women behaving as if raised by apes in the jungle. Things are going to hell because we fail to restrain bad behavior that …


Losing weight is a solved problem

One frequently reads despairing reports that major weight loss is impossible. If you attempt it, supposedly your metabolism slows right down, making you weak, tired, lethargic, slow, and very very hungry. I read in far right and manosphere sources anecdotes from people who claim to have lost a great deal of weight. I followed their advice and lost a great deal of weight: The short of it is weigh yourself …


There are no utilitarians.

Whosoever claims to be a utilitarian is lying. Whosoever lies, is lying because he is defecting on those he lies to, seeks to harm, or is harming, those he lies to. In the case of utilitarianism, the lie is the claim to care about far, in order to cover actions or intentions harmful to near. By nature, we don’t care about far people. We care about ourselves, then our close …


The ruling underclass

Hanson, once a neoconservative, finds himself a second class citizen in a California that is increasingly strange, alien, and dangerous. I and one of my sons have mostly fled Silicon valley. The other lives in a shrinking island of whiteness that is ever more dangerous and ever more expensive, in San Francisco near the Embarcadero, near where Kathryn Steinle was murdered for being white, and her murderer acquitted, because high …


School shot up because murdering white kids is OK

The Florida school shootings did not happen for lack of gun control.  They happened because of refusal to enforce law and maintain order when blacks and hispanics attack white children. Back in 2015 I said: > Difficult to say what will happen to Mestizos and Indios. In Mexico, the old gods walk again, but this has not happened in the US, Well now the Old Gods have walked from Mexico …