Category: party politics


All your skypes belong to Microsoft

All Your Skype Are Belong To Us Microsoft is reading everything you write Skype used to be the most secure instant messaging system and I have frequently recommended it on this basis. Microsoft, under Bill Gates, used to be the big company most willing to protect user’s privacy. Skype was recently purchased by Microsoft. Heise Security then reproduced the events by sending two test HTTPS URLs, one containing login information …


Guns, murder, and race

Stolen from the comment section of Steve Sailer’s excellent blog. Someone who wishes to remain anonymous has assembled data showing that American whites murder at about the same rate as whites in countries with strict gun control, American “Hispanics” murder at about the same rate as they do in their native countries, which generally have strict gun control, and that American blacks murder at about the same rate as blacks …


Moldbug’s mission completed

Moldbug has a new post of substance, but not a whole lot of substance. That a significant proportion of votes are fraudulent, disproportionately in the most critical states, such as Ohio, and everyone piously turns a blind eye to voter fraud on a scale that makes the difference between one presidential candidate winning, and another winning, is interesting in that everyone turns a blind eye. Democracy is now so dead …


Leftwards with John Corzine

Urban Future tells us: When the Right attains power, it is by becoming something other than itself, betraying its partisans not only incidentally and peripherally, through timidity or incompetence, but centrally and fundamentally, by practically advancing an agenda that almost perfectly negates its supposed ideological commitments. It builds that which it had promised to destroy, and further enthralls that which it had promised to liberate. Its victories mean ever less, …

party politics

The median voter

Heartiste’s usually wise, insightful, and excellent blog has a pile of silly advice: What A Future American Right Party Can Do To Win A future American right party cannot win.  You win by winning over the median voter, or, equivalently, the modal swinging voter. The median voter or modal swinging voter in this election was someone who is single, fatherless, partly on welfare, if female a slut, if male frequently a …


How to fire big bird

Romney has promised to defund the Public Broadcasting System. Reagan promised to defund the left, and did not seriously try it. If Reagan did not, what chance Romney? But if Romney is serious about it, which I doubt, here is how to do it: The Public Broadcasting System is, in large part, half a billion dollars paying media people to be left wing, which includes paying them to be nasty …

party politics

The Romney/Obama middle east policy

The major problem with Obama’s policy is that it is a progressive policy. By being nice to our enemies, and hateful to our friends, our enemies will supposedly come to love us. This policy has been tried from time to time over the last several thousand years, particularly by Christians towards Muslims over the last thousand years, with entirely predictable results. Though doubtless sincerely believed, it has in practice a …

party politics

The reaction to Clint Eastwood’s speech

Every television station, every radio station, every newspaper … Every mainstream blog that mentions the topic is being spammed with suspiciously repetitious comments. An abrupt and coordinated attack, endlessly repeating a single message, is like an army, its behavior showing it is thrown into action by a single command, issued by a single commander. And what is that single message?