People form political coalitions within a larger society in order to knock over apple carts to grab some apples. That is what politics is. That is why people use “political” as a negative word. Because it is a negative thing. The left is not the largest coalition. The left is whatever coalition is largest. Whatever happens to be the supposed coalition issues at any given time is unclear, arbitrary, and …
Category: party politics
Angry mob meme
The Democrats are an angry mob of crazy vicious moral degenerates. Trump: “You don’t hand matches to an arsonist, and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob. Democrats have become too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern. Republicans believe in the rule of law – not the rule of the mob.” Well, then, if the other party is an angry mob, democracy cannot really continue. Democracy relies on …
God Emperor beats Democrats at 4D chess
Time and time again Trump does supposedly stupid stuff, supposedly demonstrating what an ignorant stupid buffoon he is, and then, strangely and mysteriously, wins. The explanation for this strange mystery is that he is playing the game at a level his enemies do not understand, playing a different game by different rules to that which his enemies are aware of. Recent events need to be understood in terms of the …
Can’t stump the Trump
Naturally the world press attempted to frame this as Trump taking a humiliating beating like an errant schoolboy. But … But the frame fell off with Trudeau’s eyebrows. Trump targeted Trudeau in particular, not because of anything he said, that was just an excuse, but because the Canadian economy is the most vulnerable to a tariff war with the United States. The fake eyebrows were a visible manifestation of less …
The drift to civil war
Whichever outcome happens, Trump in prison or the swamp in prison, as leftism keeps getting lefter the stakes just keep getting higher, and the processes for seizing the stakes are losing legitimacy. When things are falling apart, the first guy to escalate tends to win, and the first guy to escalate to naked violence is likely to win. The deep state, the swamp, figured that they would illegally hound the …
We are all white supremacists now
Obama promised a post racial America. We elected Obama so that we could once and for all cleanse ourselves from the guilt for our racial sins. Obama running for election spoke of the “nation’s original sin of slavery,†in the celebrated “A More Perfect Union†speech on race.but promised redemption. Elect Obama, and your sins will be forgiven. Shortly after election, we discovered that our original sins were irredeemable, we …
Operation Sovereign Borders
American judges have been expanding the category asylumrefugee to open borders to the world, preparatory for rapid race replacement and white erasure in the US. Illegal immigration is now legal in the US, indeed a fundamental human right (unlike freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms) as it has been for some time in Germany and Sweden. In response to this, Trump has …
Republicans voters losing interest in voting.
Recently there was a big upset in formerly Republican safe seat, and Democrats told themselves it is because Trump is such an ultra extreme right winger who hates women. And now another close result in a formerly safe seat looms. Trump won Arizona by 21%, yet Republicans are in danger of losing in Arizona. Is this because Trump the president revealed himself to be far more racist, sexist and right …
Don’t vote
No matter whom you vote for, the uniparty gets elected. Electing Trump has made a big difference. But he has has not made a big enough difference to prevent the government from electing a new people. Trump’s rust belt program was undoing the great centralization. Lo and behold: Back in June 2009, in one of our earliest posts in the aftermath of the financial crisis, we took a “random walk …
What we know about the Reichstag fire.
This is unofficial knowledge, which I expect to become official in due course, in subsequent official events resembling #releasethememo. This post is copied wholesale from a certain neoreactionary of influence, except that I have spun it slightly towards my interpretation of events, rather than his. The Democrats applied the full suite of extremely powerful intelligence capabilities of USG to spy on Trump and everyone remotely connected to his campaign, in …