Category: party politics


Republican party funds the sale of baby meat

As you may have heard: Boehner’s announcement Friday that he will step down at the end of October came just after he persuaded conservatives not to threaten to shut down the government unless Congress cut off Planned Parenthood funding. “Threaten to shut down the government” means “pass a budget forcing taxpayers to fund every single thing on the left wing wish list except funding for a particular corporation that sells …

party politics

Trump and democracy

The Trump candidacy is great because: The voices of the Cathedral from time to time say he will not be allowed to win, revealing the managed nature of democracy. All the other candidates are ladyboys, revealing both the managed nature of democracy and the emasculating nature of progressivism. Also revealing that the Republican party is the outer party, a fake managed opposition. It makes “cuckservative” a devastatingly effective insult, linking …

party politics

Trump plan to stop (nonwhite) immigration

The Trump plan broadens the Overton Window by speaking the unspeakable. Ann Coulter says “I don’t care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper.” Of course ending immigration is enormously popular.   Everyone is unhappy with the program to turn all white nations majority nonwhite in the fairly near future, but no one dares say so.  The program  will turn whites into a …

party politics

How to really win the “Hispanic” vote.

If the Republican party seriously wanted the “Hispanic” vote, which of course it does not, because if it won the “Hispanic” vote it might win elections, and if it won elections, might have to implement its agenda, the way to go would be to split the “white Hispanics” from the indios and mestizos, and the indios and mestizos from the blacks. “Hispanics”, whether white, mestizo, and indio, really hate blacks, …


Sockpuppet Rapist

Email from Jackie Coakley’s supposed rapist to the man who friendzoned her. Ryan McDuffin friendzoned Jackie Coakley.  She then invented a sockpuppet imaginary boyfriend, Haven Monahan.  She talked to Ryan McDuffin about this boyfriend a lot, and sent numerous messages to Ryan from sockpuppet accounts, supposedly from her imaginary boyfriend.  Sockpuppet boyfriend then supposedly rapes her with five other men when she went on a date with him. (This was …

party politics

No enemies to the left, no friends to the right

Scott Alexander’s blog used to be good, but now he has been terrorized out of politics. Therefore boring. The problem was he purged all frequent commentors to the right of him out of the comments, which means that he had only enemies in his comments. And, being the rightmost, was persecuted. He has stopped posting on politics, I assume as a result of this persecution. Every so often I see …

party politics

Inner Party always wins

The tea party, upon being elected, deems it impossible to repeal obamacare, despite the fact that it is unpopular, about to become more unpopular with startling price rises, and that it was quite popular to run against obamacare. Meanwhile, in a move that has absolutely no connection to obamacare, we are seeing a movement to publicize sedative overdose as a peaceful happy death. It generally is not. The dying person …

party politics

Don’t vote. It only encourages them

You will undoubtedly hear that the election is nail bitingly close. That is a lie. To sustain the illusion of a two party state, large numbers of Democrats are elected as republicans. They reliably vote Democrat whenever it matters. Observe, for example, the “bipartisan” budget passed by the supposedly Republican controlled house. And what is the issue of the election? Once in a while Republicans point out that Obama is …

party politics

Very minor outbreak of democracy

Elections are about goodies. Even more obamaphones for all. No money down mortgages for minorities. One might hope that republican primaries might be conducted on a slightly higher level. In the recent primary, Eric Cantor campaigned that he was going to bribe the voters with their own stolen money, while David Brat campaigned on issues that have overwhelming support – campaigned against immigration, against crony capitalism, and against Obamacare. Just …

party politics

The American right is deader than God

In the last presidential election, nominated governor Romneycare In the election before that, nominated Senator McCain-Feingold The current huge increase in government expenditures and substantial increase in taxes reflects a bipartisan budget that your Tea Party congressman voted for – which means that your tea party congressman voted to fund Obamacare. And, very shortly after the 2014 election, the Republican party is about bring in thirty million Democrat voters.  (Each person …