Category: war


Cathedral imperialism revealed

We hear Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt discussing what role which people will play in the post coup Ukraine government, revealing that the Ukraine “opposition” are puppets, entryists, cogs in the Cathedral machine, loudspeakers for microphones held in Harvard. They discuss what orders they will give to which Ukraine politicians, and what jobs they will assign to which Ukraine politician, like the CEO …


Australia wins the right to remain white.

Since Europe has been flooded with non whites, Australia is close to being the whitest remaining country, possibly is the whitest remaining country.   This is of course illegal under international law – since the Cathedral writes international law. The Cathedral holds that international law requires that if a boatload of third worlders shows up, the first world country where they show up has to take care of them and put …


War with Syria

If crimes committed far away by bad people against other far away bad people are important enough for Americans to go to war over, they are important enough to call Congress back to work early from summer vacation to vote for war or peace. If they are not important enough to interrupt congresscritters summer vacation, they are not important enough to go to war over.


On Judaism

I have been arguing in the comments with B about Judaism, and in the course of this argument, my position shifted considerably. Judaism was a theocratic national religion, state religion, and ethnic religion, a nation state religion. Just what the doctor ordered, just the kind of thing reactionaries like, just the kind of thing that makes a people strong. Upon the Jews being exiled, the Sadducees lost their power base …


The cause of social decay

Prosperity is not the problem. Many great nations have declined before we did, showing much the same symptoms as we are showing, and none of them were as prosperous as eighteenth century America. I suggest the root of civilization is patriarchy. Firstly, patriarchy with monogamy gives men posterity, and civilization is what men build for posterity. In a society where most men do not have children or do not know …


I predict no riots in Seminole County

The press have been calling on blacks to riot in the event of a Zimmerman acquittal Assorted black leaders have been calling on blacks to riot in the event of a Zimmerman acquittal. We have a full Zimmerman acquittal, somewhat to my surprise, since I expected an all female jury to do whatever the judge signals she wants them to do, which in this case was to convict Zimmerman of …


Preparing for Civil War Two

Many reactionaries compare today’s America to the latter days of the Roman Republic, reflect on the excellence of the early Roman empire, and hope for a military coup that ends the corrupt and decadent American republic, replacing it with disciplined imperium. The reigns of the five good Roman emperors illustrate that the reign of stationary bandit, an absolute dictator secure in his power, fearing neither votes nor coups nor riot …


In favor of Obama’s drone strikes

Congress has declared war on Al Quaeda, its affiliates, its franchisees, its allies, and its sponsors, a vague and ill defined group, a nebulous category.  This gives the president the legal authority to assassinate lots of people in lots of places on the basis of vague and secret evidence, some of them American citizens. But it does not, however, give the president authority to assassinate abortion clinic bombers, or even …


Boots on the ground are insufficient

Joe Huffman estimates that in civil war, the right would have overwhelming military superiority. As, of course, it would. Obviously. But boots on the ground are insufficient. As Stalin said “Ideas are more powerful than guns”. The problem is not that the federal government has tanks and artillery. That is not doing it much good in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the rest. The problem is that progressives have intellectual dominance. The …